C Start-Sicarts. THE SPIRIT OF TILE CAMP • King Alcohol, cohol, King Alcohol, coho ! Stand forth and say, you ancient curse, Why fall you, thus, from bad to worse Ai 'through the camp you go Wo! As through the camp you go? Time was when brigadiers, adiers, Their mErry men could show That genial bumpers, at the feast, The pith of heart and hand increased, But that was long ago But that was long ago For nothing now-a-days, a-days, Doth wicked sutler stow -To aggravate the soldier's thirst But pyrotechnic brands accurst Such as are quaffed below Wo ! Such as are quaffed below. [ Vanity Fair. Mir HE 'into has discovered an original idea for a New-Year a Address may well shout. Eureka The Lebanon Courier, living in a Dutch-English atmosphere, started its carriers out on Now: Year's morning singing thus: As I go forth, Woch' ein, Woch sus, Die Zeitung trag to every house, I often feel gans matt and mued; Doch linelft es Nichts, I moat proceed But when I think welch' grosse Freud' The paper gives den guten Leut', I feel refreshed, and muetig geh' Through heat and dust, durch Frost and Schnee! Der Liebe Christdag comes at last— Das Yahr am end, its labors past ; Dan kehr Ich Mu with my Address, Gar sehcen gedruckt, fresh from the Press. " Welcome !" they say, "mein braver Held; Take this, ein VIERTEL silver geld I" I take the QUARTER, hceb mein Hut, And say : "Mein Herr, biet garzu gut I" This makes me feel erstaunlioh wohl; Ein neues Leben fills my soul; For Christmas now let mir ein Frond', I too have - CASH, wie andere Leut ! A "TIMBER HAT."—Somewhere about the year 1780, so rune the tale, a traveller mill wright—in those days the king of mechanics— footsore, and with the broadest northern Doric accent, stopped at Soho, a locality once indica tive of field sports, but then the engine factory of Boulton & Watt, and asked for work. Nis aspect was little better than one of "beggary and poor 10 . 0k5," and Mr. Bourbon bad bidden Lim god-speed to some other workshop, when, as Le was turning away sorrowfully, Mr. Buulton suddenly called him back: "What`kind of hat have you on your bead, my man ?" "It's just timmer, sir." "Timber, my man! Let's look at it. Where did you get it ?" "I just made it, sir, niy ainsel !" " How did you make it ?" "I just turned it, in the lathie." "But it is oval, man! and a lathe turns things round!" Aweal ! I just geared the lathie gang anither gait to please me. I'd a long journey afore me, and I thocht I'd have a bat to keep • out water ; and I hadna muckle Biller to spare, and I just, made tine." By his inborn mechanism, the man bad invented the oval lathe, and made his hat, and the hat made his fortune. He became a dis tinguished machinist_—Roads and Rails. A MODEL ARMY CONTRACTOR.—WaIter Savage Lander, in his correspondence, mentions "an excellent old friend" of his, named Parkhurst, *who was appointed by Lord North a commissary in the English army during the period of the American Revolution. On his return to London, Lord North met him one day, driving in Hyde Park : "What, Parkhurst you a commissary for several years, and still riding in the old, worn out family coach!" " Yes, my Lord, and thank Heaven, without a shilling of public money in my pocket." " Well that is something to be thankful for— truly," remarked the Minister, as he turned thoughtfully on his way to the meeting of the Privy Council. stir IN A STIRRING LYRIC, written and set to music by Mr. Richard S. Willis, he says :-- Twenty millions held at bay ! Why, Northmen, why ? Less than half maintain the day ! Why, Northmen, why ? With the sturdy iron will, With the pluck, the dash, the skill, With the blood of Bunker Hill,— Why, Northmen, why? A cotemporary states that the " why " of this is to be found in thejact that brains are want ing in Washington. 'Very likely. gar BURKE had once risen in the House of Commons, with some papers in his hand, on the subject of which he intended to make a motion, when a rough-hewn member started up and said :—' Mr. Speaker, I hope the honorable gen tleman does not mean to read that large bundle of paper's, and to bore u- with a long si.tech the bargain.' Mr. Burke was so swollen or rather so nearly suffocated with rage, as to be incapable of utterance, and absolutely ran out of the House. George gelcryn remarked that it was the only time he had seen the fable realized, ' a lion put to flight by the braying of an ass.' INFALLIBILITY OF THE FEMALE Sax. The ladies have a belief that Parisian corsets wear much longer than any other ones, and the dear creatures arc right, as they always are, for we beg leave to point to the occupation of Rome by Louis Napoleon's army as an incontestable proof of how exceedingly lasting French Stays are_ Punch. ser , A COTWIPORARY describes a neighboring editor as "aiding piquancy and flavor to his briefer paragraphs, by hinting at rose-bud beau ty and crinoline, of little gaiter boots and welt turned ankles, just brushing with his quill the limits of.' thus far shalt thou go and no farth er '—throwing lilies to the Vestals with one hand, and with the other beckoning the Satyrs." Kir IF every body raisec the price of every thing, we don't see who's going to be the gainers by it. It's 'MX of one, half a dozen of the other, and twice three of the rest. Mir To win woman's love be not all sweet ness; molasses catohes fewer flies than molasses and vinegar. air WOME,N are apt to make darlings of their ugliest thoughts as they do of their deformed children. ice" TINE waits for no man, but if we may believe what some, of our maiden friends say of their age, it waits for women. CONSTITUTION WATER. TUB GREAT 11.2111KIEEDT ONLY KNOWN REMEDY AND DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. Then., Dangeroun and Tro , thl ,,,, nne Dineanes,,nlach hare Mar:jar RONI.Sh-li tle bat dirertrd Trwthrlowt, can be (iota(' Net y Cont rot frti by tiro RE 41ED Yno to before US f IVo T. properties of the medicine direct themselves to the organs of secretion; and by 80 altering the condition of the stomach and liver that the starchy principle of the food is not con verted into sugar so long as the system is under the in fluence of the which gives those organs time to recover their healthy tone and vigor. We are able to state that the Constitetion Wa ter has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. - - STONE IX TLIE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, AND Mt/VOUS OR MILKY DISCHARGES AFTER E7R/N.4 271$'0'. Disease occurring from one and the same cause will be entirely cured by the Constitution Water, if taken for any length of time. The dose should vary with the severity of the disease. from twenty drops to a teaspoonful three times a day, in water. During the passage of the Calculus, the pain and urgent symptoms should be combated with the proper remedies, then followed up with the Constitution Water, as above direeted. DYSIIIENORRIDEA, OR PAINFUL :YENS TRV"ATION, _ AND IN ATENORRIIAGIA OR PROFUSE FLOWING, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion of the men strual fluid—in the one case being . too little, and accent. ponied by severe pain ; and the other a too profuse secre tion, which Will be speedily cured by the Constitution Water. _ _ The disssse known as PALLING OFTIIR WOMB, which is the relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp lacin ating or shooting pains through the parts, will, in all ca ses, he removed by the medicine. There is another class of symptoms arising from IRRI TATION OF THE WOMB, which physicians call Nervous ness, which word a op much iznoi‘nnne, and in nine cases out of ten the doctor does not really know whether the symptoms are the disease, or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here. I speak more partici); lariy of .Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heitit, unpaired Memory, Wakefulness, Fla , bes- of Heat, Latiguor, Lassi tude, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED 31ENSTRUATIDN, Which in the unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, and through negle..t the seeds of more grave and dangerous maladies are the result; and as month after month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the anppre,iieti becomes chronic, the patient gradually louses her appetite, the bowels are °anointed, night sweats come on, and enngleinpiion finally ends her career. CONSTITUTION IVATE4' To the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the class of diseases - for which it has been found no eminently successful in curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing F.O valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and phybician. 808 SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, PRICE $l. WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No. 46 Cliff Street, New-York. [Nov. 29, 1862-Iy. liTip THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. dna PaOliehed; Ea a Aleated Envelope. Price Six Cent& A LECTURE BY DR. CULVERWELL, ON A TUE CAUSE AND CURE of Spermatorrhrea, Con sumption, Mental cud Physical Debility, Nervousness. Epi lepsy; 11.plized Nutri , ion or ake. Body ; Lassitude; Wentz- Pe.% of the and the Rack: ludispohition. Hurl I ice. pacity for study stud LaM.ir; of Apprebemiirm; ho- , of Menlo. , " Aversion to Society; Love of SO:itIlliE; Ttiniilay Seitbbitrust; Dizzineest lleadaebe; Affections of the Eyes; Dimples on the race; Involuntary Emis.ions, cod Sexual incapacity; the Consequences of Youthful Itt- Aisciotiuu, &c Sr.e_ Itir This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above etaunoraded, often melf.anlicted evils, ma , be removed with out inodicine anti without daugerous surgical operations, and ebould be read by every south and every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, seated en velope, on receipt of six . cents, or two postage stamps., by addressing, _ _ KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. Tins ri:EPARATioN, MADE FIiDNI THE Jest .Toes Coffee., is recommended by physicians as a superior untyrious BIiVERAIIE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious tibi.irders. Thousands who have been eeter .t:i e d t,,,,h. en ,t eu the te, of soiree will nee thile witlnott injurious ellects One can ti [Ai 11 the strength Of two pounds of ordinary collate. Price 20 molts. - KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The parent and best BAKING POWDER knotrli, for mak ing light, sweetand nutritious Bread and cakes. Price Li cents. Dlanufittunred by M. U. ROLLOCR:, Chemist, THE TIMES DEMAND ECONOMY. war. c. KROUSE, IN ORDER TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF j_ the timer , now manufacturers .13orks County nye and Wheat Coffee, Which is warranted equal to the best article in the market. The is requested to give it a trial. 3fa..nufactury. South- West Corner of Fifth and Chest nut Streets, Reading, Pa. pan 11-0 70"..SLXXILIVJECDT_Tr•T`V COAL OIL WORKS, .1.4 - ANUFACT UWE TIIE BEST BURNING OIL 1:1 in the City ; warranted pure and sweet, non-explo I.e. m... 11 when burning, no cri.-ping the burns longer than any other Oil made in Philadelphia, to which 1,000,0i1; Certineates can be obtained. Ahoy, BENZINE always on hand. Office No. 233 North Third street, JACOI3 S. FRY. de0.13-3m] OEO. LERCH. & CO., Reading, Agents. GLASS! GLASS ! ! GLASS ! !!!—A LARGE assortment comprising in Dart Genuine Feetled Ver non Goblets, Champs, Wines, Egge, Beer Mugs. &c..&c. For sale cheap at pEoccws, deo 6 40 South oth street •mss FOR. TILE VCIPINIWAW X9CT.TWX GO:NT AND THE I EiM DIA3SZTES TILE CURATIVE CONSTITUTION WATER LEZWOR RHO,: A OR WHITES This disease depends upon an inflammation of MnCOne lining of the vagina and womb. It is in all cases nccom• ',staled by severe pain in the back, across the bowels and Through the hips. A Leaep•rouful of are medicine may he taken three times it day. with an injection of a. tablespoon fill °title medicine, mixed with a haifpint of soft water morning and evening. ERR] TA TION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, FLA 313fATION OP TIIK KIDNEYS AND CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. STRAN GURY AND BURNING OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For thew diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in ita praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that di.trmaning pain in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of Constitution CC ater will relieve you like magic. = It halt no equal in rolierini the moot diatressing amp. toms. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid Stomach. Vomit ing Food. &e. Take a tAasptaleful after dinner. The dose iu atl cases may be incieiti-ed if desired, but should be done gradually. 1'1! Y,5701.4 NS HAS, 1"121g since given np the use of burbn, eultebe and jnniper in the treatment of those diseases, and only use them for want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself equal to the tack that has devolved upon it. _ . DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon land to chronic degeneration nod confirmed disease. READ. READ. READ. nA SV I.T,E. Pa., June 2, 1862 Dr. W3t. H. GREeti—Dear Sir: Iu February, 1161, I was afflicted with the sneer diabetes, and for five months I panned more than two gallons of water in twentl-four hours. I was obliged to get tip as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in fire months I lost about fifty pone& In weight Daring the month of July, 1861, I pro cured two bottles of Constitution Water, and iu two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bot tles I was entirely cared, sodu after regainin.rny usual good health. Yours truly. t J. V. L. DE WITT. DosroN CORSlie, N. 1%, Dec. 27, 156/. WM. ri Gacttn & Co.: Gents:-1 freely give yon li\berty to niche use of the following Certificate of the value of CONriTITCT/ON WATER, which I can recommend in the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpita tion of the Mart, attended with Falling of the IVonito, Dyxnienereh,a. and Irritot ion of the Bladder_ 1 cal led a phyeivino , who atianded her about three menthe, when he left her worse than he found her. 1 then emploied one of the beet physicians I could find, who attended her for about nine months, and while 6he was under his care she did not suffer quite as much pain; be finally gave her on and said : "her case was btuttrable.' For, said he, "she hat such a conthieuttion, of cuotplointß. that medietne given for one operutfe against scone other of her rtiliculties." about ibis time, sbe commenced the use of Constitution Water. aa.d to our utter astonishment. almost the first dose seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on imptov ing rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends en tirely her domestic affairs. She has not taken any of the Constitution Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say it has produced a permanent cure. WM M. VAN DENSOHOTEN. 1111LNOP.D, CONK, Nov_ 19. 1881 Dr. Wm. A. GREGG Dear Sir :—I have for several years. been &minted with that troublesome and dangerous disease—Grarel—which resisted all remedies and doctors, until I took Constitution Water, and yon may be assured that I was exceedingly pleased with the result. It has entirely cured me. and son may snake any use of toy name you may sea fit in regard to - the medicine, as I have entire confidence in its ettcacy. Yours truly, YOeilt STRONG-. THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH. There is no class of diseases that prod oce such exhaust ing effects upon the human constitution as. Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Passages, and thrungh false modesty they are neglected until they are so ad vA head as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies, and we present the CHAS. J. 0 KLINE ift Oct-1!--fLno,] 197 liowery, New-York : O. 4f,56 Corner of Broad and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia &V" Sold by an Druggist! , and Grocer.. [March 1-ly RECRUITS .411 01 4 4441 t4.. • FOR THE 55TH PENNSYLVANIA ASK Ma: 411G61-11E MAE II -....1 , 11Krr 'JO-mg COL. R. WHITE, - NOW AT BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA, OR ANY PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT NOW IN SERVICE. BLE-BODIED YOUNG MEN ARE WANTED to fill op the livginieuts now in the anyvice of the United Ste.tre. The nuaereigued opeucei Recruiting Rendezvous At Fleury R. Matuterlutch's Mute', iu Use Borough of Womelmturf; Lieut. O. M. PARSONS, Of r,r,a, Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, /Logout 9.:1-101 kocruiiing NOTICE. A PREMIUM WILL BE PAID ON GOX.-s3 =l, oxaa ei.X-X-e - VT.IMEI-. -AND -113.41LMTMZ. I\TC=PIL"..IM AT THE EXCHANGE AND BANKING OFFICE -0 F- G. W. GOODRICH, READING, Pa_ August 10, I.B6l—tlJ FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF. PHILADELPHIA- OFFICE, Nos. 435 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital, - • - $400,000 . 00 Perpetual Premiums, - - $.024,94.5 11 Lese Five Per Cent. - 46,217 26 $878,127 85 Unexpired Temporary Premiums, 203,633 95 Less for the portion of time expir ed on policies over one year, 20,095 55 $183,548 40 Surplus, - - 858,329 50 IE2 • - Statemelat of the Assets of the Company, January 1, 1862. First Mortgages, amply secured, - $1,991,756 47 Real _Estate, (present vales $120,630 16) east 103,991 33 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral Securities 83,015 13 Stocks, (present value $58,1563 Mil cost. • 80,171 10 Notes and bills receivable, - . 1,905 60 Cash, - . . . 28,170 66 X 2,294,674 36 Advance in Value of Real Eatate over cost,- 21,638 83 Advance in Value of Stocks over cost, 3,692 36 Total, , $2,320,005 75 Aar The only Props from, Premiums which this Com pany can divide by law, are from Rieke which have been determined. Extract/rani the Charter of the Company " But the moneys received as Premiums upon Itiakewhich remain undetermined, and are outstanding at the time of declaring such Dividend, shall not be considered as part of the profits of said Corporation, or divided as such." PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES MADE ON EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, IN Town and Country, Poi Owners, Mortgagees, (ironed Landlords, &e. Sze. Hates as low as are consistent with security. LOSSES BY FIRE. Lessee paid during the year 1.561, By order of the Board. CHAS. DANCRER, Prosident Atteet-3.9 ..i. W. McALLISTER, Secretnry.pro tern. DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. BANCKER, DAVID S. BROWN TOBIAS WAGNER, ISAAC LEA, SAMUEL GRANT, EDWARD C. DALE, JACOB R. SMITH . , GEORGE FASES. OEORGE W. RICHARDS, ALPRaD FtTLSR. CHARLES N. BANCRER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. - JAS. W. Me A MASTER, Secretary pro [inn. . 'or- Applications for Insurance, made either pereonally or by letter, will be promptly attended to by - J. I. ANV RE'NCE GETZ, Agent for the Company, at Reading, Pa. feb IC-tfl INSURAFICE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND Li EXCHANGE BUILDING, North Side of Walnut St., Between Dock and Third Sta., PHILADELPHIA. INCO3I.IPOILATZTO IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL $0.00,000_ Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1861, $507,094 61. Marine, Fire and Inland Trans! ortalion Insurance T?TIiE(:I'OT.q HENRY IL SHERRERD, SIMEON TOBY, CHARLES MACALESTER, WILLIAM S. EbIITH, JOHN B. BUDD, HENRY G. FREEMAN, GEORGE C. CARSON, HENRY b. SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. • .414` Applications for Insurance may be made to WIL LIAM KEELY, at Howard & Co'a. Express Office. May 11, 1861—ly LIVERPOOL 12111 MID 43.11317a212 .....311C`CIICA ANL 31141 P JUST OPENED, At No. 50, - East Penn Street, Reading, livt - veep Sixth and Semthp (Formerly Otto's Dry Goods store,) A tARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT lA_ of French China, Parian Ware, Lava Ware, Terra Cotta Ware, French and American Glass Ware, Plated Goods and Cutlery, all of which will be aold at New-York Yricea tor ca,h. The Proprietor has facilities never before presented to the-citizens of Reading, fur selling them all - DESCRIPTIONS OF GOODS In his line, and as beintendsto givehisattention exclusively to the sale of these articles, he hopes the public will sus tain him in his efforts to establish a first-class China, Glass and Queensware Store in Reading. Aug. 2—lf] ANOTHER OPENING 4ca mr DRY GOODS. WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED A LARGE and handsome assortment of FALL and WINTER DRY COOLS, comprising: Heavy - Clunking Cloths, I Sacking Flannels, kicarfs, Coburga, - Velvet Trimmings, • 0 01 Delitines,Glovee and Hosiery, Saxony Plaids, I Calicoes, - I Giliyhanis, Moues de Laines, Ilalutoral Skirts. Men and Boys' Wear. BEAVER, 11LOT AND TRICOT CLOTHS FOR. 0 V El R AI'S. Cassimere Overeoatiuga,Sattinete, large assortment, Silk :kiixed lioatioga. I .1i..-taucky Jeans, Black Doeakln Cassimeres,' Tweeds, Cas2,iateresh.ew styles, Aleri no Shirts St Drawers, Yegi tigs, Army Flannels, .to., - All of which we otter al the lowect price. Our friends and the public respectfully DL KEFFER & SON, 11017 15-tf] N 0.724, Corner of rah and Spruce !Amos. HOUSE, SION, AND DECORIVIIVE PAINTI.NO GEORGE SELLING, OUTFI SIXTH STREET, I)IItECTLY OPPO SITE the Scbmitelter louse, is prepared to execute or ders for House and Sign Painting in all their branches, to gether with Painting and Graining in perfect imitation of all kinds of Wood and Marble, in a style that cannot Es surpassed, and at the lowest prices. Be also pay, particular attention to Fresco Painting, real and intik:dive, for Churches, Halls, Parlors, Drawing- Rooms, Public Buildiugs, etc., and can refer to numerous buildinge in this city, and other cities and towns in Penn sylvania; for specimens of his work. A practical expeti- Once of twenty-live years as a Painter, warrants him In saying that his work cannot be excelled in beauty of de sign, power or circa, and finished execution_ 1 Ile - will take orders for work in any part of this or adjoining States, and attend in them with puuetuaiity and despatch. All letters addressed to hint on business, will re ceive prompt etteption. fjnnelg-ly TO TELE PUXILXC. ekVIING TO THE WO'4DERFUL INCREASE J in our busluess, and the want of sufficient room to RC corn modete the same, we have found it necessary to extend the boundaries of our yard, and have accordingly leased the LTIMDER YARD, ettuated OD THIRD ~ T REET BELOW PINE STREET, which will be used exclusively for piling HEtI LOCK and Will rEPINtdoisT, somwrrANG, RAFTERS, and BILL TIMBER., of all sires and lengths. In our old yard, on the north side of Pine street, extruding from Third to Fourth street, will at 1.11 times be found to con tain a full assortment of 'seasoned BOARDS, PLAIk.:II, SHINGLES, die. our facilities for supplying Lumber hereafter. will he such that they cannot be surpassed in this or any other market In the State, and our prices will he found to be lower than at any other yard in this city. It is our pur pose to keep on baud every article that should be kept inn FllteT CLASS LT:IMBED. YARD, and any article that may not be on hand when called for, will be procured at short notice. Sir The public are invited to give as a called. June 7-tf) J. ii.BELY, Reading, Pa IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS A N T) COUNTRY DEALERS. CABINET _.- .-' - - ---- CREAT FURNITURE .:--,==- r ' - r --r *- INDUCEMENT AT :7 ::_ 1Y - -- -- 7 - -t. 4 , TO e4 y o,._ REDUCED - _-- - .Ez -,- : -.4. ,::. . CASH '-7_4 2 Aei i PRIG ES . if - -- C-6.' - BUYERS. North Fifth Street, 3rit Door above the Old slate tlouse • JOHN D. BERTOLETTE, -HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE AND extensive stock of Cabinet Furniture front B. Berto lone, he now offers to the public the largest and most com plete assortment of Furniture ever offered for sale to the citizens of Reading and vicinity. ma stock consists of PARLOR, HALL, LIBRARY, (MAME P,R, 3oINIEO ROOM and EITWIRN Furniture, alt of his own manufacture, and made in the most work manlike manner, and warranted to give entire sa tisfaction. Lmploying none but experienced workmen, Ito foul; confi dent of success. TO TXXV. TILADEL He has constantly on hand a large stork of Walnut, Ma hogany and Rosewood Veneers, which have been selected with much care. Coach 13orly, Flowing, Cabinet, Japan and Shellac Varnishes; Undertakers' anti Upholsterers' trimmings. UNDERTAKING. Ready-made Cofg ns always on hand, and Funerals at tended to in the city and country at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. * Don't forget the place. JOHN D. DRIITOLETTP., Fifth circlet. 3.1 door above the Old State Home. Reading. March 30, IS6l—tf. FANCY FURS! FANCY FURS! 343111 T FAREIRA. No. 718 AR Glf Street, below Eighth, ,Soulle, side, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTKi AND MANTIFAC ATUREit or, and Dealer in all kinds of i711:4:1- FANCY I' RS, ," FOR LADLES! and CHILDREN'S WEAR. I F.,0.4 .. desire to say to my friends of Reading \ .4"71.4 , 41., . and the surrounding Counties that I have 1, . now in store. one of the largest and most 7.tittl: _, _ beautiful assortments of all kinds and ~ . •,--- -=- -r- - qualities or FANCY FURS, for Ladles' __ ... g. /...7 and Children's Wear, that will be worn _ during this Fall and Winter . . My Fnrs were purchased in Europe, previous to• the rise in Starling Exchange, and the New Duty Imposed on all Furs Imported since the first of August. I would also state, that an long nu my stock lasts, I , All ear it at prim proportionate to what tha Goode coat me; but, it will be impossible for me to Import ed Manufacture any more Furs, and sell them at the same prices, owing to the unsettled elate of the affairs of the country. 14" .Reinsuiber the name, number and street— • JOHN FaREIRA, Sept. 20-smo] 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. - $2,320;005 75 $72,906 lits 'WILLIAM R. WRITE, GEORGE U.' STUART, SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., TOBIAS WAGNER, THOMAS B. WATTSON, CHARLES, 5.- LEWIS. W. S. HALL NEW DRY - GOOI)S -aosn. s. rEilaiSON dc CO., No. 1S WEST PENN STREEIT, HAVE. NOW ON . HAND A LAUGH ASSORT went of vary de,drahle WINTER DRY - . GOODS, to Which the intention of porehattere in reepoctlutly invited. The stook compriseg: Elegant 5i11..., - French Merl noes, Printed fderinoes, Repps, Shepherd Plaid Shawls, Fancy Plaid Shawls, Cloth Socques, Cloth Cireolasst, Cloths, Cassitneres and Vestings, Linens and White Goods, Embroideries, Gloves and Hosiery, Flannels, Salinetts, Jeii2lB, Clinghams, &c. [aov 8 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS We have opened a 'handsome stock of MP' 12C_T Sgii 5 Comprising EUDSON BAY SABLB, MINK SABLE, • SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, B.c. lee. ADZES ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED LA to .c.)l before puramAng elsewhar4, and examine our CFIARLES OAKI'ORD & SON, 834 & 836 Chestnut Street, novls-3mo] Continental Ilotel, Philmdelphia. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers, 114 - SOUTH TIIIILD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, November 1,1662. TIE UNDERSIUNED, HAVINU BEEN AP— pointed SiIIISr:RIPTION AGENT by tl - e Secretary of the Treasury, is cow prepared to furnish, at once, the New Twenty Year 6 per cent Bonds Of the United States, designated as " Five Tweottee," re deemable at the pleaeure of the Cloven:meat, after five Iheal, and authorized by Act of Congrms, approved Febru ary 25, 1E42. The COUPON BONDS ate imbued in cams of $5O, VON $5OO, and $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS in o snms of $5O, $lOO, $OOO, $lOOO and $3OOO. Interest at Six per rent. per annum will commence from date of purchase, and is PELYABLD IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present premium on K ohl, to about EllifiT PEE. 'ENT. PEI: ANNUM. Farmers. Merchants, Mechanics. Capitalists, and all who have auy money to invest, should know and remember that there Bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and the Immense products of all the Manufactures, &c., Ste., in the country; and that the full and ample provision made fur the payment of the interest and 'liquidation of principal, by Cuetom Exclue ghtettpa sod Internal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the Best, Most Available and Most Popular Investment in the Market Subeeriptions received at PAR in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and ebecke of banks at par in- Philadelphia. Snb nefliteee by ;nail will Fecal ye proutpt attention. and every fact iPy and explanation will be afforded on application at this office. A full -upply of Ronde will be kept on hand for imme diate delivery. note S—Eino] JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. PRINCE & World Renowned Melodeons and llarmoniumS, wrrii THE LATEST PATENTED •-• 60 - 9. -, improvements introducing the Basso tenuto LB it t h rn ih m e eLm elliset f o r . of Pedal t baszl so tt the cheapest EARNEST GABLER'S UNSURPASSED 3111 - .1111: AG._ :RS S 9 7 and 73 Octaves, full Iron frame, overetrung, smell and large sizes, plain and very richly finished, from 079 to $4OO. according to style. Also, Pianos by other makers. Every 1 ostrument Warranted. For sale at the low est wholesale prices. and a liberal deduction for Cash, or on email and convenient To..nithly instalments. JAMI:S itELLAR, Sole Agent, 279 and 251 South Fifth Street, above Spruce, Dec 6-61 no) Philadelphia. CASPER HEFT, TMPORTER AND DEALER IN WINES, LI (MORS and SEGA IIS, No. 161 North Third Street, Phil adelphia, would respectfully call the attention of hotel keepers and others, to his well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, and Imported Segare, in store and under Custom House lock. COGNAC BRA N IME.S.—Of various brands, consisting of Pole and Dark Martel & Co., nriet, Hennessy - , Magiory . , Otard, Balmy & Co., and Otard 's superior London Dock, and various brands or Cognac a ail other Brandies. WINES, &c.—Fine old Me.leira, Sherry, Teneritle, and Lisbon Wines—super old P0:1 Wine, Clarets of different kinds, on draught or in glass. CITA MPAGN P. A. Marian & Co., and Geis leen genniue Anchor Brands, in pints and quarts. Together with a general nsgurtnient of Scold: and Irish Malt Whiskeys, Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits,Peach Bran. dy, old Bourbon, Monongahela Whiskey, Wild Cherry, Blackberry Raspberry and Lavender Brandies. /IQ- Superior Wire and Stour-lob Bitters. Urine 4-tf TRUSSES. LT O T I• P TI ti I E ll lll T A GIIT N EI N I3 D 1:1 1 PROPERLY 1 1 . 1. 1 11 F FITTED AND L A T Di g:- 13 q DULY ATTENDED TO. This late been abundantly de monstrated in innumerable 'lameness by the use of the MULTI PEDAL DR. RIGGS, daring the last few years. This truss, beiug covered will, Dant Rubber, is perfectly waterproof, easy be erect in bathing, and is al ways cleanly as well as itidestrnetiblo by ordinary usage. If Oct satisfactory after a fair trial of sixty da_te. It may be returned. It ells lieu:2es comp/111,AM with any titles known. Dr. RIGGS' 011ie, no. 2 BARCLAY ST., New-York. nov. 15-ly All Wool De Lathes, Printed Caehmere.l, Crape Popline, plaid Va. Shepherd Plaids, Printed Cehnro, Cimino Leine Shawls, ltroche Shttw.e, DR. WM. 14. MOUTH WAS H, A BUILE ItE:LEPY YOIC A BAD BREATH, SORE MOUTHS, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH And the best specific now in use for any diseased condition of the mouth. It is par ticularly beneficial to persons wearing MITI FIG I'M TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the mouth, absorbing and removing impuri ties, A SWEET BREATH to all who make use of it. No YOUNG LADY or Yo LING GENTLEMAN who is afflict ed with a BAD BREATH, should delay applying this remedy, for it is a certain cure, and is approved and recom mended by every physician under whose no tice it has been brought. Many persons carry with them a bad breath, greatly to the annoyance and often to the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relieve yourself from all feara re garding this, USE DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH. Cleanliness of mouth is of gieat impor tance to the general health, which is often affected, and not unfrequently seriously im paired, through want of proper attention to this subject. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. DR. WM B. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER. This Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURI OUS PROPERTIES OF. CHARCOAL, and is free from all Acids or Alkalies that can in the least injure the Teeth. ITS ACTION BEING ENTIRELY MECHANI CAL—POLISHING WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. DR. wrii. B. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER - IS RECOMMENDED BY ALL EMINENT DEN TISTS. Price, 25 Cents per Box. DR. WM. B. MUD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS. FOR THE CURE OF TOOT FI A I-I.E produced by exposed nerves. it is particularly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with TOOTTIAC 11 E. Parents can relieve themselves from that distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by keeping a bottle of DR. W.M. B. ITUTID'S TOOTHACHE DROPS in the house. Price, only 12 Cents per Bottle. DR. WM. B. HURD'S NON-ADHESIVE NEURALGIA PLASTERS, FOR THE CURE OF NEUB.A.LGIA., or Toothache, produced by colds LOCAL NEURALGIA is immediately cured by their appliciork. They act like a charm, and are perfectly harmless in their nature; do not produce a blister, and leave no unpleasant results. DR. WM. B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS never fail to give oatisfaction to all wh o teat their virtue. These articles are prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, No. 77 Fourth Street,,..l3rook lyn, E. D. ?rice, only 15 Cents each. A liberal discount made to dealers.' Address Principal Office, Tribune Build ings, No. 1 Spruce st., N. Y. Sold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. & I. Coddington, 715 Broadway,; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway.— Sold in Philadelphia, by llyott & Co., 232 North Second street; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut street; Harvey Birch & Bros., Reading ; and by all Druggists. NOTICE.—We are daily receiving orders to send by mail some one or more of Dr.. Ilurd's Dental Remedies, which we cannot till. None are mail able except the .Neuralgia Plaster, which we send in an envelope on receipt of Price (15 cents) and one stamp. But to accommodate persons in places where the druggists and storekeepers are behind the age, we have put up packages irk white embossed boxes, seven inches by four, with compartments—each box containing a bottle of Dr. Ilurd's Mouth Wash, and Tooth Ache Drops, a box of Tooth Powder, the Neuralgia Plaster, and a valuable little Treatise on Teeth and their diseases, and the b est means of preserving them, and the proper treatment of Children's Teeth, worth of itself the entire cost to every young man or woman, or parents with young children; with sundry other necessary articles; price per pack age one dollar, or six packages for $5, sent by express as directed. As the Express charges are not much, it' any, more on a dozen tom). on one, it is far cheaper to order six or a dozen packages at one time. A large family will want all, or the surplus can be disposed of to neigh bors with public benefit, for no one can estimate how much pain, suffering, unhappiness, and dis figureinant, expense, loss of time end money would be saved to the country it every family to day bad one of these packages, which, in itself, is a complete set. of Dental Remedies. Address Wm. B. liu au & Co. Tribune Buildings, New York, and write name and address plainly, that re mittances may be made with confidence. W. B. H. & Co. refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn, G. W. GRIFFITH, President, of the Farmers and Citizen's Bank, Brooklyn; to the Editor of the American Manufacturers' Gazette ; to .Joy, Coe & Co., Pub lishers' Agent, New York ; to P. T. BARNUM, Esq., who knows a good thing when he sees it and who has already ordered a second supply, etc. - 1000 Agents Wanted To introduce Dr. Humes Dental Remedies into every County. Men or women who want to make money quickly can do better with these articles than anything in market. They are new, useful, low priced, and we are spending thousands in advertising them for the benefit of agents. Box es of samples, containing a dozen of the one dol lar packages above specified, with circulars will be sent., on receipt of seven dollars, about half price, to any person wishing to test his or her skill in selling with the view of becoming an agent. They can be sold in a day. air We -wouldralher pay salaries than Commissions to those who prove themselves Veleta salesmen. ser Now is the time to go into the bumbles& For address and ieferenoes sde above. Janeary_l3-17 liiiiiVEY BIRCH 44. BROS., GREAT XDITERAR:ir AGENCY, No- 63 WEST PENN STREET, ItEADING, PA. ESTABLISHED ST EHEBsy Amp pERsEyERANcE. received for all New-York mita Doily Vapors. Per Annum. ',Law Reporter, 4.3 11Iurt'ed News, 3 00 L. rlia's Family ;}Saga ' at o, • .3- 05 *London Quer, Review, 3 00 ‘• Lancet, 5 Oh " Art Journal, 000 Punch, 5 00 Lillell'n Living Age, 600 Little Pilgrim, 50 London. World of Penh ione 50 .North Britbill Review, S 00 AT,orth American & 00 - .Ilerry's Museum, 1 00 libloo a Work, 4 IPorier's Spirit of the 3 00 l'eterson'ti National Ma -2 00 ga.z.ne, IPetervon' , Wieder, 1 00 Phrenological Journal, 1 00 Ranking s Abstract, 2 00 spirit of the Times, NeW York, 500 ISeientitie American, 2 00 Saturday Evening Poet, 2 00 I•Sillituan's Journal, 6 00 iTeruple Dar, 4 49 I:tianity Fair, 3 00 II Water Cure Journal, 1 00 (Weekly Tribune: 2 00 , Wetaminoter Review, 3 00 I Weekly Herald, 3 00 Wilketer Spirit of the Timer, S 00 Working Farmer, 1 OU 00 Yankee Notions, 1 25 And many othere not enumerated. *Blackwood's Magazine and the four Reviews together, one year, slo,' Aoti- The Nsw-Your Himerm, TRIBITNB, TIRES WORLD and Sort, delivered daily o subscribers in all pule of the city, at publiebere' rates, 0ct.10.-tr] Per Annum. Albion, New-York, iliti 00 ! Atlantic Monthly, 3 001 All the Year R,ilitid, 3 001 American Agriculturist 1 00 ttillackWood a illa 6 artue, 0 00 , Bon Ton Magazine or Fashion, 5 00 , Banker's 3lagazine N. Y. 5 001 " 4 . Loudon , 7 00' Braithwaite's Rot ronpect, seini-anniia,l, 2 00 British end Foreign-Med -Mai hoviow, QinirterV, I fn;' CoruhillMasuritae, 4 (101 Cultivator, finally, LOi Country Gentle:non, 2 001' Chatubers' Edinburg Journal, 2130 ! Chess Magazine, 3 on; Deßaw'a Review, 0 on' Dollar Newspaper, 1 00. Eclectic Magazine, 5 001 *Edinburg Review, Quar terly, 3 001 Godey'a Lady' Book, 3 nol Hall's Journal o' Health, 1 001 Historical Magazine, 2 001 Harper's Magazine, 3 001 Harper's Weakly, 2 SDI Horticulturist. 2 001 " colored plates, 5 00 1 Hunt's Merchant's Maga- '• sloe 5 00 Home Journal, 2 00 Home Magazine, 2 00 Illuat'ed London Yews, 10 00 Knickerbocker Maga.- line, CANKER, HARDWARE STORE. Corner Penn and Third Streets, Opposite the Plough and Harrow Hotel, JOHN M'KNICHT, WHOLESALE & RETAIL HARDWARE, STEEL, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DRUGS. py - ei, - sOgs,::&. MERCHANT & BAR IRON, HOLLOW WARE, CEDAR WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, &o. January 18, 1862—1 y CURE THAT COUGH OF YOURS. Use the Best. Surest and Cheapestßemedy the World has ever Produced. Only 13 and 25 Cents Per Bottle Madame ZADOC PORTER'S GREAT COUCH REMEDY \. - N I.,__ _,,__ MOST IMPORTANT.— Madame ZADOC POR TER'S Curative Pah-arn is acid at a price which bringe it in the reach of every one to keep It convenient for nne. The timely nee of a single bottle will prove to be worth 100 times its cost. NOTICE...—Save your Money !—Do not be per suaded to purchase articles at 4e. to eil, which do not con tain the virtues of a Dime Bottle of Madame Porter's Cura tive Balsam, the cost of manufacturing which is as great as that of almost any other. medicine: and the very low price at which it is sold, makes the profit to the seller ap parently small, and unprinc+pled dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, unless the customers insist upon having :iladame Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Porter's cura tive Balsam, price 13 cents, and in large bottles at 2n cents, and take no other. If you can riot get it at one store yen Can at another. M' Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers at 13 cents, and in )arger bottles at 15 cents. HALL & HUCKEL, Proprietors,New-York. January IS, 1.62-Iyettur H. P. HUNTER &CO., Druggists, Penn, between 3d and 4th street, Reading, Pa. Arch Street Carpet Warehouse. OLDDED2 & a.xertralan, No. 832 ARCH Street, two doors below Ninth., South side, PIII LADE LPII lA. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR FALL Steck of English it'd American CARPETlNOS—cem prising ati the now atylon of Velvet Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Threorly, Ingrain and Venetians, with asplendid assortment of OIL CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, Md7'S, &c. Tbe attention of housekeepers and others fa called to Ha exattotuation of the above. A , - we buy and cell exclusively for cash, we are prepared to sell at email profits, and hold out strong inducements to CASH BtiYEft3. [oct 2.5-3 m FRESH CROCERIE6 -AT REDUCED PRICES. AT THE Corner of Fifth and Spruce Streets. Illwrch Ai. EFFER & WIN T 4 AYER, BUNCH AND SULTANA RAISINS, I Carranta, Citron, Just recatand and (or male at nov 15] riteat Cutters, Stuiters, &c. W E 2VSitutf2rl) A 6 . Clo„ L pe A re " ,„ B aro , ! l rt A m l e r n i : ef j 3 U irt. acc., of the latent hog OVtallttlltS,4 hid' we offer exceedingly low. --- now 1-tf] CEO . LERCH it CO. GIELAINS (MLAIM.) GRIANS CAN CONSTANTLY BE HAD AT LAUER 6 BREWERY, corner of Third and Chestnut streets. F. LAUSIL December 7, ISOI-0 HARVEY BIROII k !MOH WEST END READING, PA. DEALSM SN Madame ZADOC POR TER'S Curative Balsam i 8 warranted if used according to the cHrectiorte r to cure Itt Coughs, Colds, Whoop ing Cough, Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Made ZADOC PORTER'S Bah-ank ieprepared with all the rev:that° care and sklll, from a combination of the best remedies the vegetable king dom affords. Its remedial qualities ate based on its pow er to assist the healthy and vigorous circulation of the blond, through the lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but ernollient,—warroiug, nearch tog and effective: can be taken by the oldest person or young est child. lad's ZADOC PORTER'S Balsam has been used by the public for over lb years, and has acquired its preeent sale ,imply by being recommend ed by those who have used it, to their afflicted friends and EIEEI2 NEW PEOCOCK'S, 40 Sonth Fifth Street fittielphia tEiid ttraliiiig Lath litlttil. WINTER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSE:: I; EH T 11A MIZZ=I DOWN, TO PHILADELPDIA, at U. 30 and 11.10 A. 12 anon, •nd 4.20 P. 111. UP, TO POTTSVILLE, at 2.10 and 11.10 A. M. and P. WEST, TO LEBANON' AND HARRISTIDRO Western Express fr,rn New -York, at 12.07 midnight Mail Trains, at 11.10 A. M., and 0 tie P. M. On Sundays, the Down A. M. Train purlieu Neatlinv, at 9.2-1 A. ill , and Up Train, at .5.57 P. SI. Huth .11.10 A. M. 'Led *.iro M, np Trains connect at pa r t Cl7ntoufor'l'a:aaiuu,Willta,tepvrt, 11,tho u , hinata and Canada. The 11.10 A. M. Train only conuccfn at Port thinten or Wi'lrv...eh:inn, Scranton anti. Vitteton. The Weeteru Exprere Trains connect at Harrisburg with Hxprea, Trains on the l'enneylvania Railroad fur Phi. burgh, end ell points ; end the Mail Trains nonr, at ITA.rii. , thurg, for lAnna.,ter, Chamber l4 !‘lll{. 61] ['bury, Wil liamsport, Luck Hacen. El IN Ira and the canadas. Through First-Clio, Cuupuu Tickets, and Fdaigrant Tick ota reduced Farea, to aIL the principal poi LICH til the North and Wei,r, and the COMI4IIJTA_TION TICKETS, With 26 Conponn, at 25 p u n cent. dinnouut, beLween any pointa desired, = =1 Cloud for 2000 Yellen, between 1111 points, at Sid 35—f e r Families and 13nei nese Firm,,. Newton, Tickets, good for the holder only, for three the, iu any of the Paimenger Traitimto Philadelphia, at $4O each. School Season Tlcluite one-third lens. - • - - , . . Paasongere will take the EzpeeseTraltii Weal, at the :UPPER DEPOP, aid ail other Trellis, at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. . 110 PAL of baggage allowed each pageonger_ rpir Passengers are regneeted to purchase their Tickets before entering the care, ae higher Farce are charged if paid in cars. Up Trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Harrisburg and Pottsville at 5.15 A. M., and 3.90 P. M., and at 4.30 P M. for Reading only. WI - Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by 6.80 A, M, liccumnavdation Train co Philadelphia and mum at gig go each. G. A. NICOLLs, no , lb, 1862-tn EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Wiaitvir Arrangement. CO3l - 3/511`C/NO MOND4I; NOVEIIII3EIi 171 h, 1882, Direet to New-York Without Change of Cars. 4 4 0 - ON AND AFTER MONDAY, , Nov. 17th, 1862, Passenger Indus • 'trya will leave Reading daily, (6tui. dove excepted) for Allentown, blanch Chunk, Bella, laem, Beaton, New-York, ae., &e.,, at &la A. M., 11:13 A. M., and 4.20 P. M., from the UPPER DEPOT The 5.18 A. M. train is the Eastern Express. without change Qf cars from Pittsburgh, and arrives is New•Tork at 10.0 A. M. This train will stop only at Lyons, Allen town, Bethlehem, Baston'and the principal stations on the Jersey Central. The 11.15 A. M. Train will stop at all Stations between Reading and Allentown, and the 4.20 P. M. Train at all Stations ; except Merztown and Al Butte, The 1.1.15 A. M. Train arrives in New-York at 6.00 P. M., and the 4.20 P. M. Train at 10.15 P. M. Trains will leave New-York daily (except Sundays) at 6 A. M., 12 noon, and 7 P. M., at the foot of Courtlandt Street, and arrive in Reading at 11.10 A. M., 6P. M., and 22 07 Midoight. Paarantrara are reqneeted to parable° ttaketa before tak ing their seats, as higher fares will he charged cc theca., EDWARD M. CLYMER, President. nov. 15-tf] Excursions to Harrisburg & Back. EXCURSION TICKETS, 41Mingood for Three Daya, homed to Harrisburg and back, titan farther notice, at St to (half price), from Readlng; and at 'tannest) KATES brow all stations on the Lebanon Valley and Reading Railroads, during the continuance of the Volunteer Camp. HICOLLS, Gehei-A. Reading, deg. 16,1882] TO THE. LADIES. . 111E-11E __ 111117" GLASS AND aIIEENSWARE. WE HAVE NOW OPEN .A LARGE AND elegant aseortmeut of the following kinds of FANCY CELINA AILTICLES: French China Vases, 7 doz. pairs, all sizes, Card Baskets, Card tiecelvers, Jewel Boxes, Cologne Bottles, Motto Cof fees, Watch Holders, Inkstands, Cigar Stand s. and a variety of other fancy goods suitable for the What-Not. also Bohemian and French Glassware, Such as Wine Bottles, Decanters, Goblets and Winn G lasses, Liquor Setts, Cigar Stands, Card Baskets, Cologne Bottles, Cake and - Fruit Stands in great variety,. Castors, Salt Cel lars, Candlesticks, Tumblers, &c., ac., and Common 0111.41. wnre of ov a ry description ; together with an extensive stock of QUEENSWARE, Consisting in part, of White Granite Tea and Toilet setts, Toe and C,,ff.te Cups, Die Itreaktfilst sod Butter Dishes of all kinds, Pitchers, Mugs, Bowls, &c.. do., with a full line of common ware, all of which we offer at unu sually low prices. An inspection or our goods by our many patrons and the public, is respectfully asked. M. KEFFEH & SON, may 24 No. 124. Corner of Fifth and Spruce St. HATS, CAPS & FURS, POR rALL AND WINTER, AT THE OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND OF M*". 3Zr00..4%-tei, No. - G, West. Penn Street, next door to time Union Bank of Keadin g, W ll l , Pew l - B York CONSTANTLYanaPhiladelphia RECLINING tthe It FROM tyl..ot. HATS and CAPS Adapted to the Season. He hoe ales received a line assort ment. of LADIES' FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, TRUNKS, CARPETBAGS, VALISES and UMBRELLAS, which will be sold at the lowe't rash prices. As he pay Cash for all hie goods, be is enabled to sell them at the es , prices. A large lot of the beat quality of BED FEATHEEs recesvad, o which Else :dint:dims of llowdekeiever. kro,p.-ck fully Invited. Call and examine,--Zie trouble to show goods. [oat IS-tt HARDWARE & IRON STORE, WHOLESALE AND REiTAEL■ r liE SUBSCIIII3ISIO 4 HAT/ZiCi BOUGHT the old F,tablisbed Hardware and Iron - Store of the Irate Fricker, Stevenson St Co., and having added a large new Stock of goods ; would respectfully call the attention of the public to their large aceurtmect Of HARD W-4 RE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS. SADDLER COACH TRIMMINGS, &C., &e., Which they are determined to cell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retell. OEOROE LEECH & CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, next door to Horbun'i hialminn lion,e. (Kelm's Old Stand). GEORGE LERCH.] jan 18 [J. T. JACKSON. COAL, WOOD, SALT, lin ilk .1 =tom bl 9 SAMUEL BOONE, (voRmERLy) Sohn Hissinger, Sr., Corner of Penn and Pront Streets, Reading, T 3 AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SELLS L 1 at reasonslAA :l prices, all kinds of Broken, Egg end Stove Coal ; Nut, Chestnut and Bituminoue Coal, Salt, Lime and Sand. s Aflr.Pereona in want of , anything in my line, will And it to their advantage to give me a call before pnrchaeing elw where. I deliver free of extra charge to any part of the city [oct 6-tf LBW'S 33121N3111. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Carpet Chains, Cotton Yarns, Queensware, Glassware, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. E. E. Corner of Penn and Third Streets, Reading. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, INCLUD ING a fine assortment of Woollen Goods, at the low est market rates ; Groceries of all kinds; a beautiful as. sortmeut.,of Glass and Queensware, comprising a large variety of Tea Setts Dinner Ware, arc. 41Eir Superior quality Mince Meat, Cranberries, Raisins, Peaches, Apples, Sm. • LEWIS BRINER, Corner Penn and 3d Streete, Reading lEZI PREMIUM PHOTOGRAPHS. 11E31E CID 1117111.7 AIL lEK 1•7 TOOK THE PREMIUM FOR BEST PHOTOGRAPHS AT THE LAST SERE h COUNTY FAIR. EVERY PREMIUM YET AWARDED FOR Photographic Liget/arras in Berko county, ban been givnn to HOWARD. He hi thoeheapnatand beat in Reading. .41% - • REMEMBER THE PLACE—Enst Pen u Swag re, south side, next to the Schmucker Flange. [oct 6-tf £IVIOS suazaraes aumez WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLE AND HARNESS maNmpacTonv, --• s • _EAST PENN &MEET, BETWEEN ). SEVENTH AND EIGHTH, A . t • • South Side, nearly opponite Famig's 70 , Berke County Holum. The only . place East of the Hail Road, READING F., Junnary 14,16150-0 E. C. CIIESEBROUGH. liAAC C. PEARSON CHESEBROUGH $ PEAASON amoral Commission la or han Is, AND DEALERS IN FISH, CHEESE & PROVISIONS, No. 5 North Water Street, 3 doors above Marker PHILADELPHIA, whieAAVE oonatantly on band a large aßoortmen of 11511, CHEESE, HAMS, 811OULPERE, La., Li they will Bell at the loreet market prices. Mr All orders promptly attindoil to. [lOl, 0,186841 D 0 Q 8 MB El= General flu.perinteVient.