Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, January 10, 1863, Image 2

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    itassift sub Etsmattst.
Ham I brightest banner that floats on the, gale,
Flag eftha sentare of Washington. ball I
Red ere thy stripes with the blood of the brave,
Bright are thy stare as the Me on the wave;
Wrapt la thy folds are the hopes of the Free
Banner of Washington! blessings on thee!
Mr THE 'Pawn of single copies of the Gazette
will hereafter be 5 cents.
Tae GOVERNoTeS NESSAGE and important War News,
have crowded oat several Communications and other mat
ters that mare intended for insertion in this week's %vapor.
This is the last number of the Gazette that we
shall be able to Bend to subscribers in arrest s,
who have not made return to the bills forwarded
in their. papers. We shall regret to strike the
names of any of them from our list, but it has
become a stern business necessity that we dare
not disregard. So long as we are compelled to
pay, in cash, the present exorbitant price for pa
per, and the greatly enhanced prices for all
printing materials, it is impossible for ns to print
the Gazette and supply it on any other terms
than cash in advance. We do not cut off a single
subscriber, because we doubt his disposition or
ability to pay us, or because we are unwilling to
give him the customary credit. But, we are
driven to this course, simply because we cannot
continue the publication of our paper in Bey
other way than on the cash system. Delinquents
who may be disposed to complain against us, can
easily satisfy themselves that a business requir
ing a daily outlay in cash for all that is needed
to carry it on, cannot be kept up by giving out
what it produces on credit. This is just the long
and the short of it. While paper continues at
2fl cts. a pound, and must be bought for cash
exclusively, and while, at that rate, every sheet
we print is a loss to us, we are compelled to ask
cash for the Gazette.
All delinquent subscribers, who do not wish
to have their papers stopped, can avoid it by
remitting the amount of their bills between this
and next Friday. Those who then remain in
arrears, *ill positively be stricken off our list.
Tuesday next, is the time fixed by law for the
election of a United States Senator by the Legis
lature of Pennsylvania. The Democratic Sena
tore and Representatives held a preliminary
caucus on Wednesday evening, of which Senator
CLIMBS Was Chairman, and appointed. ikloodilt
evening next at half past 8 o'clock as the time
for holding a formal caucus, to place in nomina
tion a candidate for U. S. Senator on the Demo
cratic side. The attendance was full, and while
individual preferences were entertained as to a
choice among the several distinguished gentlemen
who are named as candidates, there was bat one
opinion as to the duty and necessity of casting
a united vote for the nominee of the caucus,
whoever be map be, and thus Meeting the
wishes of the people, as expressed at the late
State election, by the choice of a Democrat to
succeed David Wilmot, who now misrepresents
the sentiments of the people of Pennsylvania in
the Senate of the United States. From all that
we coal.' gatnrr, during a deft, visit to Harris
burg this week, no fear is felt that aay Demo
cratic member of the Legislature will be so base
as to betray his trust ; but, on the contrary, a
confident hope prevails that a Democratic Sena
tor will be elected_
To-day a large and influential delegation of
the Democracy of Berks will visit llarrisburg,
with the intention of remaining there until the
Senatorial contest is over, to testify, by their
presence, primarily to the deep interest they feel
in the election of a Democrat, and further, to
the warm desire they entertain for the norraina-,
Lion of the choice of Berks county, the Hon. J.
GLANCY Joss& Mr. Jones is presented as a
candidate for the Senate by the unanimous voice
of the Democrats of this county ; and while they
have done, and will do, nothing to disparage the
claims or qualifications of either of the gentle
men who have been prominently named for the
same position, they feel that his experience in
public life, and abilities as a statesman, pecu
liarly fit him for that responsible office, at this
time, perhaps, more than any other, when true
and tried public men, with broad national prin
ciples, are needed at Washington ; and they
would regard his nomination by the - Democratic
canons sea high compliment to their noble old
county, thaishas stood so well the brunt of many
a hard—contested political battle. We are able to
say, from personal observation, that the feeling
at Harrisburg is decidedly friendly to Berke
county, and should the Mends of the other Pro
minent candidates fail to unite, there is no
county in the State that they would sooner come
to for a candidate, than Berks.
We present to-day the official announcement
of the triumph of General Rosecrans in the cap—
ture of Murfreesboro, and the retreat of the
whole rebel army. It appears from the dispatches
that the whole of last week was one continu
ous battle, with brief intervals ftir rest and-re—
cuperation, and that, despite the numbers and
ferocity of the rebels, and the great ability of
their Generals, our brave army never relaxed
their efforts, but fought on, recovering all the
ground they lost, and finally achieving a signal
victory by the force of that indomitable courage
which peculiarly characterizes the soldiers of the
republic. This great struggle reflects imperish—
able lustre upon our arms, and will nerve the
hearts of our soldiers everywhere to new exer—
MOBTOOmERT COVairr.—The Democratic Con
vention of Montgomery county met on Thursday
and elected Dr. J. A. Martin, Charles Hurst,
Henry McMillen and J. S. Yost, delegates to the
State Convention. The delegates were instructed
to divide their votes between the two candidates
for Governor from that county—the Hon. Jacob
Fry, Jr., and William H. Witte, and if, at any
stage of the balloting, the four votes will nomi
nate Mr. Fry, the , will vote- for him, and eke
A report reached Harrisburg on Wednesday
night, -that the Hon. WILLLAR F. PACKER, ex-
Governor of Pennsylvania, died very suddenly
that morning at Williamsport. As we have not
heard any confirmation of the report, we are led
Jo hope that it was unfounded.
Governor etram's Message is a short, concise
business-like paper. It consists principally of
a statement of the financial and military opera
tions of the Commonwealth during the past year,
and upon both points makes a satisfactory ex
hibit. The credit of the State has been honor
ably maintained, without increasing our burden
of debt, or imposing additional taxes on the
people; and the alacrity with which they have
furnished their proportion of soldiers for the
military service of the Union, and the cheerful
ness with which they have assumed and borne
all the responsibilities of the war, prove the
strength of our military resources, and reflect
the highest credit upon the patriotism of our
beloved old Commonwealth.
The recommendations of the Message are few,
and relate exclusively to matters of a practical
nature, about which there can be little, if any,
difference of opinion. What the Governor says
against the charter of any new Banks, and the
practice that prevails in some of our manufac
turing districts of paying wages in store-orders,
is timely and true, and deserves - the early atten
tion of the Legislature. His recommendation,
also, in regard to the care of our sick and wound
ed soldiers, deserves prompt notice and action,
as a simple measure of juslioe and humanity to
those who have periled everything for the sake
of our common country.
The Governor's reference to national affairs is
very general and in few words. His silence on
the sul:ject of the radical measures into which
the Administration has drifted, in direct violation
of the President's repeated professions of a de
termination to confine his authority strictly with
in constitutional plaits, and which has at last
culminated in the issue of the Proclamation of
Abolition—the Governor's studied avoidance of
all allusion to these subjects, is significant, and
proves that if he is not bold enough to condemn,
he is at least unprepared to endorse them. He
knows full well that the sentiment of conserva
tive Pennsylvania, is decidedly opposed to the
radical course which the Administration has
lately inaugurated. This was shown in the result
of the last election, and Governor Commons too
shrewd a politician to turn his face directly
against an overwhelming popular opinion. We
can commend the Message for what it ilea net
say ; and have no particular fault to find with
what it does say.
The Legislature of Pennsylvania met on Tues
day last. The House organised at 12 o'clock,
M., by the election of Hon. Jour Cessna, Demo
crat, of Bedford, as Speaker, who received 54
votes, The Republicans (45) voted for Mr.
Joule P. Visec.irr, of Erie. The remainingolheers
of the House were elected on Wednesday, as
follows—all Democrats :
Chief Clerk—JACOß Ztcomut, of Butler.
Assistant ilfrLToN SpOES, of Ellin
Ser,qeant-at-Arms—BENJAMIN F. 'KELLY, of
Doorkeeper—SEßAerrAN LIBBER, of Berke.
Postmaster—A. J. GERRITSON, of Susquehanna.
Nessenger—JAMES R. TBAlrmx, of Nortbamp
The Senate met at 3 o'clock, P. ?.L, and or
ganized by electing the Hon. GEORGE V. LAW
RENCE, (Republican) of Washington, as Speaker,
who received 20 vette. The Democrats (13)
voted for Hon. limns MT; of Pike county.
The other officers of the Senate were then chosen,
all Republicans. The following are the princi
Chief Clerk—G goacm W. HAMEIISLY, of Ger
mantown Philada.
Assistant Clerk -Guano( S. BERRY, of Erie.
Sergeant-al-Arms—Jou:4 F. COCIIRAN, of Al
Doorkeeper—Joni.] G. MARTIN, of Lqncaster.
J/eA9M.yeI^—JOSSPH RIBLETT, of Philadelphia.
The venerable Capt. WILLIAM P. BRADY, was
RERBiErldllBl7 re-elected Librarian of the Senate
by resolution. For Sergeant-al-Arms, the
Democratic Senators voted for Mr. JAMES
OLSON, of Berks county.
The Governor's Message was received and
read iu both branches on Wednesday, at noon,
No business of any importance has yet been
transacted. In the Senate, on Wednesday, Mr.
CLYMER read in place a bill to authorize the
Reading Gas Company to increase its capital
On Thursday, general nominations for United
States Senator were made in both branches. The
following are the principal candidates:—J.
Glancy Jones, Charles R. Buckalew, James
Campbell, F. W. Hughes, David 11„ Porter, Hen
ry D. Poster, G. W. Woodward, George M. Dal
las, and J. S. Black, on the Democratic side; and
Simon Cameron, David Wilmot, Governor ear
tin, Thad. Stevens, Morton McMichael, and Joe.
R. Chandler, on the Republican side. Both
Houses adjourned ever until Monday aftornoon
at 3 o'clock.
Loss OF THR MONITOR.—An official dispatch
from Admiral Lee says that the Monitor found
ered at sea on Tuesday night, 20th ult., when a
short distance south of Cape Hatteras. The
weather was squally, and the vessel sprung a
leak and went down. The eLearner Rhode Island
saved a number of her crew, but several officers
and men are missing, and supposed to be drown•
As the pioneer of a revolution in naval archi
tecture, the Monitor had won for herself a place
on the deathless page of history, and will long
be remembered with pride by Americans as a
signal Instance of one enterprise and original in
genuity. Ent the Monitor was never a good
sea-going vessel, having been designed for use
in the rivers and bays of the coast. On her first
voyage from New York to the napes of the Ches•
apeake, she came near being Met from the sea
extinguishing her fires, and preventing the ven
tilation of the vessel. This is the principal de
fect in these peculiar craft, and although it is
said to have been remedied in the new ones, the
truth remains to be tested by the only sure
Tax Soon or ViCKsEVOO,—The report which
roached us a few days ego, from a rebel source,
of the capture of Vicksburg by General Sherman,
proves to have been incorrect. The latest and
most authentic news is unfavorable. After hard
fighting, during which the rebels were largely
re-inforeed, Gen. Sherman was obliged to fall
back, and if there is any truth io an ()facia dis—
patch to the rebel Secretary of War, which ap—
peared in the Richmond papers of Monday last,
b e b ee ebee4q4gd the attack on Vicksburg.
joir Hon. JAMES A. BAYARD was yesterday
re-elected by the Legislature of Delaware to the
United States Senate. The vote stood : for
Bayard 19 ; for E. U. Bradford 10.
Mr AMOUNT or COAL transported on the Phil
adelphia and Reading Railroad, during the week ending
Thtanday, January 8, 1888.
Prow Port Carbon,
Pottsvi /le,
Sebnylkill Haven,
Auburn, -
Port Clinton, -
" Harrisburg, - •
Total for Week 28,014 17
Pu/lonely this year, - - - 047,387 10, - -
To same Lino Lsetioar, . . /76,168 19
Rebel Loss from 12,000 t 015,000.
WASHINGTON, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1863.
The following dispatch has been received at
headquarters here
DERI..4ND, January 5, 1863.
To Major General HAWSER, General in Cal:
We have fought one of the greatest battles of
the war . , and are vietorioua.
Our'entire success on the filet ult. was pre
vented by a surprise of the right Rank, but we
have, nevertheless, beaten the enemy after a
three days fight.
They lied will great precipitation on Saturday
The last of their columns of cavalry left this
Their less has been very heavy.
Geos. Rains and Hansen are killed.
liens. Gladden, Adams, and Breekinridge are
wounled. W. S. ROSECRANS,
Major General Commanding.
The enemy evacuated in haste during Satur
day night It is reported that they were terri
bly demoralized from losers, but they left no
properly behind. Oen. Negley pursued them
with idfantry. A cavalry force also followed to
day. Spear's First Tennessee Brigade attacked
and dispersed their rear guard of cavalry. Their
loss in Wednesday battle was 5000; several
hundred on Thursday; over twelve hundred on
Friday, and 1.01) on Saturday night—including
wounded and captured. We have 1,500 of them
prisoners, two colonels and several Majors. The
bodies of Brig.-Gen. Rains and Hanson are
here.. Gen. Breckinridge was severely wounded,
and Gen. Adams bad an arm broken. Major
Clarence Prentice wr wounded in the thigh.
The famous Ist Louisiana Regiment was destroy
Our own losses in all the engagements were,
1,100 killed, about 6,000 wounded, and several
thoustuid prisoners. One-third of the wounded
will soon be able to resume duty. The army
was considerably depreciated by stragglers, in
cluding a number of officers, who will be dis
gracefully dismissed, several for desertion. Col.
Moody, 74th Ohio. is wounded. Col. Chas. An
derson, 93d Ohio, Col. Nick Anderson, 6th Ohio,
Col. John F. Miller, wounded, did not leave the
field. Col. Williams, 25th BIWA killed. Lieut.-
Col. 11, With Indiana, wounded, not danger
ously. We had about twenty live field offieers
killed, and as many wounded. Lieut.-Col. Tan
ner, 22d Indiana, reported killed, is wounded
and a prisoner. The Chicago Board of Trade
battery, which behaved gallantly, lost four killed
and eight wounded, including Lieut. Griffin,
wounded. Lootnis'a Michigan battery lost one
killed, twelve wounded, and thirteen horses kill
ed. A review of the field of battle since the
'evacuation shows that the enemy were much more
formidably posted than we had developed, even
by our terrific fighting.
All but 300 of the Anderson Onvalry refused
to go into the fight. Those engaged had a hand
to-hand fight with the 10th South Carolina and
two Georgia Regiments, and succeeded in rout
ing them. Major Rosengartenk was killed with
six shots in his body. Major Ward, Sergeants
Manning and Chase were also killed. The total
loss was eleven killed and fifty wounded.
Our whole loss at Murfreesboro, in killed,
wounded, and missing. was not over 7,000. The
Rebel loss was from 12,000 to 15,000.
The Rebel General - Raine woe buried to-day.
No demonstration was allowed,
A special, dispatch to The Commercial from
Murfreesboro oth, gives additional confirmation
of the demoralisstittO of the Rebel army. Breck
inridge's division was terribly punished on Fri
day. Gen. Breckinridge was wounded in the
ear, and his Adjutant General kilted. Wounded
Rebel officers estimate their loss at from 12,000
to 15,000, with a great slaughter of leading offs
The enemy's rearguard was encountered at 10
o'clock on Saturday night by Gen. Stanley's cav
alry. The Rebels retreated with a loss of 50.
Bard Fighting and Heavy Losses
HELENA, Jan. 2, via Cairo, Jan. 7.
The battle is still raging at Vicksburg with no
decisive results.
Our forces took the main battery and rifle pits
of the enemy on Monday, but were afterwards
Five cannon were taken and spiked, bat they
were afterwards lost.
Gen. Morgan and Col. T. B. Wyman were kil
led. Col. Morgan L. Smith and Capt. (Orin were
wounded, but not mortally.
Both armies rested on Monday night *ter a
hard-fought day.
CAIRO, 111., Tan. 7.—We bare one day's later
intelligence from Vicksburg of a highly iuter—
estimg and exciting character.
The rebels have concentrated all their forces
from Jackson and Grenada, and all along the
line of road, amounting to 05,000 men, at Vicks
This overwhelming force attacked General
Sherman on Monday, causing him to fall back to
his first line of defence,.
The rebel entrenchments and fortifications ex
tend back from the city six miles.
Gen. Sherman's force had fought itself to
within two miles of the city, when he was at—
tacked by the superior force of the rebels.
The fighting on Sunday is represented as
having been desperate in the extreme. Batteries
and fortifications were taken and retaken. Whole
regiments and even brigades fought hand to
hand over their guns for the possession of the
Thetatit accounts stated that the rebel General
Holmes was marching In the direction of Vicks
burg, and it was not improbable that be had
already arrived there.
There was some fighting on Tuesday morning
after Sherman bad fallen back, but it was thought
that he could maintain hie pooltion.
The report that Sherman was reinforced by
Grant, is incorrect. .
Gen. Sherman's loss is estimated at from 4,000
to 5,000.
den, Joseph E. JChnetnn commands the rebel
forces at Vicksburg.
The following official dispatch was received at
the rebel War Department on Words.) , morn—
ViCKSBURO, Jan. 2, 1.863.
lion. TAMES A. SEVDON. Secretary of War:—
The enemy, finding all his efforts unavailing
to make any inroad upon our position here, has
re-embarked, leaving a considerable quantity of
intrenching tools and other property, and, ap—
parently, has relinqUished his designs upon
Vicksburg. J. C. PEMBERTON,
Lieutenant General Commanding.
Sf . THE READINH ADLER " entered upon
Its Malis-aeventh yea? on Tuesday last. Though rapidly
nearing a "patriarchal age," it shows no signs of decrepi
tude, but displays as much vigor and enterprise in its edi
torial and bnsiness manatzetnent as it over did. 'Che fir
stands, without dispute, Ve. t of the German Newspaper
11 , 164,4 of Pennsylvania. and has obtained it circulation and
influence that make it one of the moot valuable weekly
mere In the United Slates. We are pleased to learn that
it commences the new-year with increased prosperity.
Shir /1168SE.S. HARVEY BIRCH . S: Baovirea have
the New York illustrated Papers for January 17, 1863,
captaining numerous large and striking battleomenee and
other pictures of the war, with a large amount of Intend
ing reading matter. The game enterprising firm also con
tinue their agency for the New• York and Philadelphia
Topa. Cwt
0,476 00
2119 OS
12,277 11
175 Ot
2419 19
3,457 00
.tugs S. Cox, E4q., formerly a resident
of Me city, hae been elected Preeldent of the Lehigh Coal ('
and Navigation Company, for the unexpired term of the
late rreeldeat, Jane Cox, saq, deceseed.
- 275 372 07
Muarnazonono, Monday, Jan. 6. 1
Via NABIIVILLE, Jan. 6, 1863. j
NASIWILLE,WedneBday, Tan. 7, 1868
CINCINNATI, Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1863
grey- Tam UNION PRAT au MaRTIN(I will be held
to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, in the Sint Preeloytetian
Church, South Fifth street, at 3 o'clock. The public ate
reepeetrolly invited to attend.
ildr Bar. AueL a Tilouns, of Philadelphia,
will preset le the ttokversatiso. C6orob of this aim twit
Sunday (to•morrow) morning and evening, at the usual
Stir SURPRISE VINT.—Oa Thursday evening
last, Jannary Stb, members of the Baptist Church and con
gregation of this city, paid a etirprice cleft to the Pastor's
replenishing wardrobe, pantry, and puree, With
their accustomed and praise-worthy thoughtfulness and
drc,—The GotilininsiOner of Internal Revenue, in a letter to
A. P. 'Aaiun, Nig., AS/Wain Or tide Dltartet, a..tae. that
Sherltl'a Thtede and bonds given by Guardian% and other'
for the performance of any duty, are subject to the stamp
By Act or Congress passed at the present session, Asses
sors and Assistant assessors are authorized to 4Ondolster
AMY' GREAT REJOICI2IO.—There was great re
joicing among our citizens on Tuesday, when the neWe
reached us continuing previous accounts of Gem Nose
crane's splendid victory over the rebel army at turfreee
bOro, Tenuennee. The bells Were rung, nausea Aged, and
liege dtepinyed from almost every house. None of the
cacceekles which the Union canoe has achieved since the
outbreak of the rebellion, excited greater joy, or more gen
eral congratulatioes. After our recent reverses, this great
and &delve victory manes as e. gleam of bright sunshine
to dispel gloomy fore hodinge, and inspire us with renew
ed hopes of a speedy teringiation of the war.
Reading Railroad Company on Wednesday announced
keels dividend of semi par 'Omit The stock is selling at
forty dollars per share. Whie s makes the dividend of $3 30
per share in stock equal to *2 80 per sbere lu Mb. The
Company Us been doing a monstrous' busies/le the past
year, and has realised a very large amount of money,
which has been appropriated to the purchase of the
Company'e bonds to the amount of between seven hundred
and eight hundred thousand dollars.
Babson&II Lieber, of this city, wbo received the unanimoue
cancan nomination of the Democratic members of the
House, for Doorkeeper, was elected to that office on Tues
day last. Mr, Lieber is an active and consistent Democrat,
and a trustworthy citizen. lie will make a faithful and
efficient legislative officer.
My James Nicholcon, aloe of this city, received the com•
Omani of a aominatiaa by the Democratic Senators, for
Sergeant-at-Arnie of toe Senate, and wag of course sup
ported by them at the Magee for officers of that body.
This is a good endorsement for the future, and In soother
year, when the Senate will certainty be Democratic, will
glee Kr. Nicholson the precedence, should be bake to
have the office.
is now open from Columbia to Manbeim, a distance of 14
miles, and trains commenced running regularly hetWeen
those two points on Monday last, the sth Inst. The time
table to as Wows:
Passenger Train
Leaves Manheim.
Arrives at Columbia,
Lea ,es Columbia,
Arrives at Manbeim,
Accommodation Train
Leaves Columbia, - -
Araves at Manaelia,
Leaves Manttelm, - -
An {VOA at Columbia, - -
Robert Crane, Esq., is Superintendent, and Mr. E. Her
shey, Conductor. The road will shortly be ready for
travel to Lair, when a formal opening and excursion will
take place, The whole reed Will he completed, to its
junction with the Lebanon Valley Railroad, at Sinking
Spring, on or about the tat of august next.
ler DEMOCRATIC CITY CLllll.—At. a special
meeting of the Democratic City Club. held last Saturday
seas's., Wm. Rosenthal, offered a preamble and re.
solutions, expressive of the deep nolicitude felt by the De
mocracy throughout the Country, is the approaching else
tion for United States Senator in Pennsylvania, and earn
estly recommending the Democrats of this city and county
to be present at liarrieburg during the Senatorial election,
to .givo countenance la the elrorka of the Damearale in the
Legislature, and to frew down, prevent or ptiniaL any
*attempt at corruption or other base influence that may be
dared to defeat the will of the people of this Common
wealth to the choice of a Democratic Senator." The rpm-
I atiOne also declare that the Deutocracy of Berke "would
feel highly gratified and honored by the election of one of
Let aLlo.t cone, the Ilan. J. GLANCY JONES as united Slain
Senator," and "that we will employ all honorable mem o
in our power to secure his nomination and election." The
resolutions were unenimouely adopted.
On motion of J. Lawrence Oet; it wee resolved that a
Committee be appoluted to make the necemary arrange
meuCs for an eifddrelott to Ettirtieberg, and to invite the
Democracy of the county to join in the excursion. On
motion of Mr, Rottenthal, the powers of the Committee
were extended so as to constitute them an Executive Roard
of the delegation to Ilarriaburg, to attain; to the beet of
their ability, in executing the objects of the resolutions.
The (*mimeo, Col. L. P. Kuerr,appoloted the following
an the Committee above mentioned, to wit: J. Lawience
Oetz, Michael K. Boyer, Tobias Barto, James B. Bechtel ,
Dr, C. IL limiter. David Katz, David L. Wearich, William
Kuabh, Frederick Lauer, Wm. Rosenthal, E. Penn Smith,
William B. Albright, and David Flitter.
giment has buffered eeveiely In Ile loss of officers during
the engagements through which it has passed. .Not one of
the lield.officers under which ithetered theservice remain.;
and we now learn that Major D. A. Griffith, originally
Captain of Company H, w.s honorably discharged from
the military service of the United States on the let of Jan.
nary, 1553, for disability. At the lame date, and fur the same
cause, al Lieutenant James C. Pettit, of Company H, wee
La., honorably discharged. The Regiment is now in tem
potury command of Captain J. Parker Martin, of Phila
delphia, and the three Reading Companies are officered as
Co, A.-11enetet P. Postai, of Philadelphia, Captain.
Hoary Whiteside, do let Lieutenant.
Ca B.—Edmand A. Mass, Captain.
Geo. B. Rhoads, lia Lieutenant.
Co. 11.—Frank B. Shatters. Jr., Captain.
Henry Quimby, Ist Lieutenant. &
kir THE 104ru PENNA. REGIMENT.— This
Regiment, to which ono Berke county company le attached,
embarked on the 11. S. Transport ship .Wm. Woodside at
Gloucester Point, on the 29th of December, provided With
ten days' rations, to proceed to Ilea. Gen. Naglee had seal
ed orders and wan not to open them until he had gone 20
miles beyond Cape Henry, and of course their destination
was entirely n known to them. The Wm. Woodside
Railed from Fortress Monroe on Tuesday the Stet. CA
Davis, (who was at home on furlough) arrived at Fortress
Monroe on Wednesday morning, in time tojoin Col. Dodge,
of the 52d P. V., who was embarked on a steamer and
would easily overtake the Wm. Woodside, It to supposed
they have goon to Woldeti, N. C., but title to mere con
The whole division. under General Naglee, cousiethig of
twelve Regiments, were Included In the expedition. The
William Woodside, upon which the 1114th 1e Reimported,
in a very large eailina vemet, and In addition to the anal.
core and oleo of the 104th, curb. the '• Lost Children" of
New-York, numbering about *di Nearly all the baggage
of the 104th wan left at Cilootmder Point, and many Christ
-11.113 end New Year's boxes for the men, which were on
the route, had to be abandoned. it was thought by the
Express agents, however, that the boxes could be forward.
ed to the destination of the Regiment. The old camp at
Gloucester Point, is Melt was do comfortably arra.•xed, woe
assigned to the 109th Regiment, Penna. militia, who at
oboe took potteession. Although many entertained the be'
Het that they would coon return to the old camping ground,
we have serious double whether the 104th wilt ever again
sea Gloucester Point during its term of service. Farther
advice* from the Regiment will be awaited with much In
terest, but none can be expected for perhaps two or three
Ja' SoLimns Ds Alt,—David We, a Penn—
eylvamia Volunteer, of Bari township, Berke county, died
on Christmas (ley, la one of the hospitals at Washington,
aged about 4U years
faidiael Liveogotod, late of Boyerntown, a ooldier of
Contpcny Ad, &It Penna. Cavalry, died recently, of dl.
arthcoa, in one of Oa Baltimore Hueyßala, aged 2,1 years,
Jelin Laufinuwellur, anti of the drafted Militia of Berke
county, died of typhoid fever, at the residenre of bin par ,
ante in aim city, on the ilUth ult. He wont an a mulnititute
for him fattier, and after having been deo weeks In camp,
won taken nick with the dimoinienf whale bodied. He was
VOL wine id yearn of ago,
hotel property in Kulztown, owned by Mr. John Bask,
formerly "Fidter's Tavern," which him been kept fur the
bun eight years by :qr. Charlet, Hate, Watt .114 00 the let
'met., to Mr. Heart' gander, propriAlAt of the "gegdere
IMMO." The price paid for the property, including the
hotel, staidleg, and a lot of ground and barn oppodlte, wee
gar PROF. FRANK STOUCII will commence the
second quarter or hie Dancing Academy, thle afternoon
and Monday next, at Honsuni's Hotel. Hours; 3 o'clock,
P. M., for Indies and children, and 8 o'clock, P. M. for
Lieut. Colonel porno B. HOUStql. of the 77th Penney! ra
tite Volunteer., and Captain .1. BOWMAN bum., of Company
D, lab U. a Infantry, both natives of Becks county, were
among the killed In the late bottle of Murfreesboro. They
wore brava aim., In the very prim of life, and their lose
will be deeply deplored.
Lieut. Col. }Juneau was a eon of Mr. George L. B . OIMUM,
formerly of Alsace township, but now a resident of this
city. On the breaking oat of the war, he wee living at
Chamberetiorg, Pa., and entered the three months' service
as Germain of the Chamhantbarg Artillery. On the expira
tion of that campaign; he recruited a Company for three
yearn, which reudezvoured at Pittsburgh, and was attach
ed to the 77th Pennsylvania Regiment. On the organiza
tion of the Regiment, he was elected and commissioned its
Lieutenant Colonel, and in that position had been in active
service ever since. lie was acting ColonerOf his Regiment
in the battle oLliltitfreesburo, where he fell. Be was in
the 37th year of his age, and leaves numerous relatives
and friends in Serfs county to mourn his death.
Captain Bum. was a son of the Wm. Samuel Bell, until
lately a resident of Reading, but now of Philadelphia.
Shortly after the war broke out, he was ?pointed a Cap
tain in the 161.6 U. A. Wintry, one of the new Regintente
authorised by act of Congress. He spent some time on re
cruiting service, and was also on duty at Erie, Pa., as mus
tering officer. For a year past, he wash' active service in
the Army of the Senth-West. He took part la the battles
near Corinth and other engagements *birth were fought by
that Army, and all etweeete we have heard of him may
that he behaied imicommoadabli bravery. Ells body,
we understand, will be brought for bullet to the city of
Lancaster, Pa., where his widow and children at present
!Sr nu:sox Orrionna.—The Board of In—
spectors of the Berke Comity Britian, at their muting on
the 20th of December, 1802, re-elected all the old cancers
for the ensuing: year, to wit: Harper, 11r. Henry Tyson ;
'Under-Keeper, George K. Cleaver; Matron, Gertrude Ty
non; Physician, John B. Brooke, DI. D.
The Board of Inspectors consist.. of Hewn. Daniel
Yuen, President; Lewin Driaer, Secretary; leech Young
and Samuel Siimmons, of Reading; David Kula, of Bianca
tawny; James Lee, of Exeter; and Abraham D. Hill, of
ington dispatch in Forutry's Press of yesterday saya:- 4. It
14 stated that James W. Roberts, of Berke county, ha, I.Cln
arrested on the charge of following the army and taking
the hides from dead animals, by which he has made from
thirty to forty thousand dollars. Before the annulling of
the contract by Gen. Burnside, this business belonged to
Contractor Weeks, of Plitladelpitia. Roberta Is said to have
behaved bravely at the battle of Drainalville."
SINEING SM.:la.—Reading, January 6th,..1663, the Mana
gers elect of said Company met, and organized by re-ap
pointing the old officers, for the ensuing year, to Wit:
President—Solomon Kerbs, Maidencreek.
Treasurer—Willitttn Peocock,
Neeirdary—Aaron Malt, Slaking Spring.
ler" SELltel. PARTY. —We are indebted to the
Committee of the Waverley Asdembly" for a complimen•
Lary card of incitation to their first Soiree, to be given in
Q 44 Mows' ea Thereby tereutag eat, the 10th
inst. Prof. Frank &ouch will act as Mainar of Ceramonlas,
so that all who attend may be care of eajoylag a pleasant
Set" Tan Punta° Scup°Ls of Kutztown were,
on Monday last, removed into the new 'school-house, a
neat building, containing four large nano, recently erected
in White Oak street. The following are the teachers: let
Claes, John Humbert; 2d Class, Robert Jackson; Sod Claw,
Daniel Schutd:er.
- 7.50
b. 40 P. M
- 7.60
The following &radio, have been received by the Ladles
Aid Society, dace their licit acknowledgment:
Mies Sarah Critic= and Friends, $10; Misa Anna C. Ad
dams, 1 pair woolen socks.
800 A. DI
9.40 •-
4.20 P. M
600 "
List ofJu rors forJanuaryCourt,lB63
I Ellwood Addarns, moulder. second Ward. Reading.
2 Themes L. Addison machinist, Second Ward,Reading.
3 A s usurclxa..E., Uuton.
4 Jacob A. Blatt, farmer, Centre.
Ii Goo Cutler. moulder. Fourth-Ward, Reading.
6 Charlet, J. Commons, sarveyor, Bethel.
7 Charles Oran( innkeeper. Rockland.
S Henry Hobs, yeoman, Fifth-Ward, Reading.
9 Jacob Jones. yeoman,•Marion.
10 William iflopp, tailor, Malian.
i John 1.1,d,v1g, farmer, Ramer.
13 William Levan. tailor. Third-Ward, Reading.
13 Frank B. illa.ser, Innkeeper, Siorlng.
14 Daniel McLane, farmer Amity.
15 Hartley Potts, farmer, Cternarvon.
16 Ezra Reed, yeoman, Nontelsdurt. •
17 Henry P. Rhoads, farmer, Colsbroolcdale.
it David Reichurt, miller, Rockland.
19 John Samoan, blacksmith. Henkel
711 S. S. Steven:.'druggist, Third. Ward, Reading,
.2l ickao hietler, merchant, Amity.
22 David Bleach. Juctiee of the Peace, WoMelsdorf.
'23 John Smith lumbar-merchant. WouielCdorf.
24 Philip Weluer, labuter, District.
1 Joseph Boltz, farmer Upper Tnlpeboccon.
2 Joseph Breisford, Pifth-Ward, Reading.
3 Berman Beard , yeoman, Filth-Ward, Reading.
4 Michael K. Royer, surveyor, Fourth-Ward, Reading.
S William H. Bechtel, miller, Washington.
William H. Clymer, ironnooder, Muktenberg.
7 John Eller, shoemaker, First-Ward, Reading,
John V. ft. Even, farmer. Spring.
fl Jacob Gerhart, miller. Jefferson.
10 Sonolet (knot, bqloher, Thild- Ward, Readings
11 Samuel Grieremer, miller, Amity.
12 Daniel Gracif, batter, Third-Ward. Reading
13 David Gross, carpenter, Fourth-Ward, Reading.
14 Peter Goodman, yeomen, Fifth-Ward, Reading.
15 Joe. Henry, limilam-Inercennt, Fourth-Ward, Reading.
18 Jacob Herbein, farmer, Oiey.
17 George S. Herbst, Innkeeper, Oley.
1$ William Keeler. cooper, First-Ward, Reading.
19 Washington F. Kissinger, farmer. Exeter.
93 Samuel Lewis, boatman, First-Ward, Reading.
21 Franklin 0. Ludwig, merchant. Lower Heidelberg.
22 William Miller. farmer, Windsor.
22 Jacob Minuich, farmer, North Heidelberg,
24 Daniel Moyer, miller, Greenwich.
25 Peter McLaughlin, clerk, Firet,Ward, Reading.
26 Alicimel Miller. farmer. Jefferaou.
27 Joseph Manhook, yeoman. Jefferson. •
21 4011 I'llo, dtlittiee or the POO% Batter, t•
' 29 Thomas Rambo, blacksmith, Secondt•Ward, Reading.
50 Wilson Schweitzer, innkeeper,Robeson.
SI Henry Sailor, farmer, Mnbielberg.
3' Daniel 11. Schneider, fanner, Tnigebocoon.
Wilieaghbr Saseamao, miller, Washington.
34 Levi Temptin, yeoman, Fifth-Ward, Reading.
35 David Trout, farmer. Maidencreek.
30 Daniel Wearich, farmer, Lower Heidelberg.
1 John N. Berkey, farmer. Bethel.
2 DaulelfDitler, Justice of the Peace, Robeson.
3 Christian Bechtel, farmer, Voltam
4 George Bechtel, miller, Pike. •
Jeremiah Bechtel, farmer, Union.
6 Benjamin Detnrk, farmer, Imceter.
7 David Fleler, yeoman, KLtitTfil.
8 Daniel Francis, litneburLer, Earl.
9 William Freyer, brickmaker, Amity.
10 Adam W. Mime, merchant. Washington.
11 William K. Grim, farmer, Colobrookdale.
12 William Henry, innkeeper. First-Ward, Reading.
IS Lebbaus Homan, laborer, Third-Ward, Reading.
14 Levi Homan, taller, Third-Ward, Rending.
15 Isaiah Jennings, moulder, Third Ward, Reading.
Hi Charles Kula, innkeeper, Kutztown.
17 David Kula. farmer, Mairatawny.
Ig William Knauer, teacher. Brecknook.
19 Jonathan Lein, farmer, Heidelberg.
2 0 Jacob Miller, farmer, Jefferson.
21 Levi Moyer, cabinetmaker, Second-Ward, Reading.
22 Henry McCoy, cooper, First-Ward, Reading.
23 John B. Misaimar, tinsmith, Alsace.
9.1 Daniel Rotheaborger, farmer. Alniiitinherg.
25 Christian Saasarnark farmer, Douglass.
28 Adam farmer, linhienberg.
27 Joke 8. Seholtl, farmer, Washington.
24 Jonas Fchaller, merchant, Mnblenberg. •
29 Peter Umbenbaner, farmer, Penn.
30 ridword Uinhenniner, shoemaker, Ran:Mlle.
31 Joseph Whose, shark, FlililWard, Reading.
32 Jacob Wilhelm, farmer, Tillpeheeeen.
53 David L. Wenrlch, farmer, Lower Heidelberg.
94 Jonathan Wilma% laborer, Caernarvon.
05 Samuel Yocum, laborer, Amity.
56 Isaac Yost, Justice of the Peace, Jenrette.
FROM $5 000 TO $6,000. WELL SECURED
A' by a Bret Mortgage on a SPLENDID FARM. Apply at
Berko County Agricultural Society.
I County Agricultural and Horticultural Buolety will be
held at the Court NOlble, in Reading, on Tueeday after.
noon. January 27th, 1603, at 1 o'clock—au election for ofil
cern will be held.
Th.. Exec:olive Committee will meet at Honeme's Hotel,
at it o'clock In the forenoon of the earns day. PIMIMS/
talon:tat/aide la iwilii+Add.
by order of the President.
Jan 10-31) 'LEWIS SHINER, Recording Secretary.
Pr, Charles E. Hoffman, for profmsionel services, or
otherWitith are replanted to call usi tho anderniantat arm
settle their accounts at their earliest couveuleace. As the
Executor is required to file an account Boole It IN import
out that the accounts he closed as noon as possible. All
persons haying legal claims will preheat them Immediately,
duly authenticated. for settlement.
1 130 by the Orphans' Court of Berko county, to audit
aid restate the account of Benjamin Troutman, Adminis
trator of the estate of Susannah Trontinan, late of Taiga
bore.) tuvrEmbip, said county, deceased, and make distri
bution of the In Vance iu bands of said accountant. Wilt
insot the nestles intarastoit, at hie office in Mink Shah
street, in the city of Beading, on Priday, the Slith day of
January, ,18(13, at 1 o'clock, P. it.
jon. 10-311 AMOS H. WOMB, Andltor.
C. C: DRIES, Secretary
WI Lit IA M F. 110 FEHA It, Executor,
N&,. 11.2 Smith Firth Street, Reading.
Democratic Excursion
3E3E AEI. Ft. i:L I 75 Z 3 TT Mlk. Cii- .
Vl' .that fixottrslon Tickets to trey Whore sod hock,
good until the Mk test., will be sold at the &idioms
mimed. viz:
From Reading.
braking Spring,
" W61%6,40110,
Ariy- TICKETS AT HALT , PRICE (11.05) may be had this
day at the "Adler Office," and In the evening at the Demo
cratic Club Room.
Estate of Benjamin Strasser, late of Wind.
sor township, Burks county, deed.
; ed by the Orphans' (lona of Berke county, to audit,
re-state and make diatrihntion on the account of Jacob
Nagle, Administrator of Benjamin Strasser deceased,
hereby given notice that be loin attend to the d uties of his
appointment, at his 91ke I u SiNth street, Rending,
on Thursday, February 12th, Min, when and where par
ties interested may attend if they tee proper.
Jan /0-3thj JOHN TIALoTON, Auditor.
Valuable Farm at Public Sale.
1 Pale, on Thbreday, January 22d., 1863, at the public.
bones of. Joseph (Unser. (Keystone) in the City or Bead
ing: All that valuable FARM, In Union township, Barka
county, adjoining the village of Mount Airy, bounded by
lands of bliss Kerlin, Berman Umatead. and B. & G.
Brooke, and containing 100 acres. Paid Farm consists of
Arable. Meadow and about 8 suit of fine SPROUT LAND.
the arable land being in a high state of cultivation, laid
out in convenient fields, with good fences. The buildings
are a large now two.story STONE DWELLING BOUsli
awith all the convenient out Indianan ; a Legs dabble
decker Stone Swiss Barn, with Wagon Shed, Hey
House and other out buildings and a fountain of run
ning water in the barn yard. On the samdltartu is a good
Tenant House and Baru, with stream of running water
The Farm is in a thickly aettled and inteiligent neighbor-
WA, With Schncienad Churches of various denominatihni
convenient. The Schuylkill - Canal rues through the farm,
and lime and coal are unleaded from boabs ou the premt.
ses The Reading Railroad TOMS within a qnarter of a
MilP of the premises. This farm is within a mile and a
half of 131rdsboro', an extensive manufacturing town, and
the advantages of the location, with regard to markets and
for doing ail extensive business, are unsurpassed.
Persons desiring to view the property, can call on Wm.
Litiaertuavresidiug on the premises, or on the subscriber,
residing near Utrdsnore.
A Deed free of Incumbrance will' be made, and posses
don delivered en the let day of April next. Sale to coat
mance at 1 o'clock, P. DL
Jan 10-21]
Public Sale of Real Estate.
Saturday, the Met of January. Med, on the promi
see. In Amity townahip. Berke county, all that certain
Mennonite, teoement cod tract of taint, continuing 25 acres,
more or less, 2 acres of which are meadow laud with TAN
aI7A EV and Tan-hence and , hop, a twoosory STONE
DWELLING HOUsE, with two tenant Nonage, one a
two story brick, nearly new, a good barn, two Apple
Orchards, with all kind of Fruit, Springs and a never
failing stream running through the came. This property
is beautifully located on the Reading and Perkiomen Turn
pike, about I mile weld of Bouglaieville, to a healthy
country, and within a few hundred yards of the Railroad,
convenient to School, Mill. and pillor, of public worship.
Persons wishing to purchase a desirable property, would
do well to nail and view this propery, as it affords a rare
opportunity to make a prontablednveettneat
bale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, When
due *Radian will be given, and eandltionemaile known.
by MARLYS 0 SlSeldliSß.
Douglasvville, January 10, 1.983-2t*
Vendue of Personal Property.
12 o'clock 151., pill be eo!d at. public 'range. at the
late residence of George Dankle, deceased, In Ontolannee
towuthlti. Berke county, the following personal property
belongingjm the estate of wild
deceseed, viz 6 HORSES and o
trru t tel( Oeare, S Milk - GOWS. 9 young fol.,
Built, 1 Heifer. 1 fat Ox, 2 —,--
11,1111‘ broad-wheeled wagone,l two-bore wagon,
2 one-home spring wagons, Icart.lthresh
lug machine and horse-power, 1 harvester, 1 gratuedrill, 1
patent hay-ralte, I !talent cern. plough, 1 nurn.planter, 1
land roller , plonghe, harrows and hoe harrows, 1 large
boe-barrow, 2 pair of bay-ladders, 1 lot of stone quarry
ing tools, windmill, 1 corn-shelter, 1 Sleigh and 1 wood
sled, 1 Smlth'e bellows end anvil, t wagon-body, grain
cradles, log and cow chains, 1 fifth-chain, Also—l beds
and bedsteads, cupboards, clock, and a variety of other
articles, too numerous to mention.
Conditions made known at the time and place, by
PHANS' COURT of Berke con-ty, will be cold at
pablie osodne,ou Sctiirdag, the Stet day of Jemmy, 11_,
teal, on the promisee of the late Rock Yoh, deceased. the
following desetibed Real Notate, to wit: The undivided
moiety or ball-part of all that certain monsnage, tenement
and tract of land, Rituals in Lower Heidelberg towochip,
Berke county, adioluing tan& of John W. Gaul, Peter
Hain, George Reuther, John Dander° and others, and eon
ataining Bores, more Or lees. Tne improvements
'LI are a two story PRAMS 111111.Sil, a large Gareltzer
Ram, Wagon Shed a Well of Water near the bunco.
Late the property of Sarah Yoh, &cooed
' vats to commence at I o'clock So the afternoon, when
dnu attendance will be given, and the terms of sale made
known by • •
ADAM f3RRHART, Admlalotrator.
By order of the (Mkt L.—DANIEL Hann, Clerk.
January 3, 1:63-3i
ortparois , COURT SALE.
E FRANS' COURT of Berke county, will be sold at pub-.
lie vendee, on Friday, the Bib day of February. A. D.,
1663, at the public house of &It 8. Fox, In the Cityttfitead
leg, Berke wolory, the followies Real Estate; t; wit:
No. 2—A three-story BRICK 110 USE and lot sir .
, plookinf
in ground,situate
neve n awl o tr i f g ;;;2Wth os k=n ic et_
kaing, bounded up,therEant ty lare of
Adam frasig, decteased, North by Liberty
elley, on the Winn. b raget.yeef cold deceased, (No.
3,) and on the ' 'Petfrr street ; containing in front
on Penn street, 2 dpches. and in depth 27u feet.
No. 3—A three-story 13810 K 1301738 end tut or piece of
. aground, slkkiodo on the north olde of Peon ..treat,
twaen f 4 el, out'. and BiAth treat*, in the City of Read
leg, hounded on the Rent by other property of said
deceased, (No. 2,) on the North by Liberty alley, on the
West by other purply of sald deceased, (No. 4) and .on
the Smith by Penn etreet; containing in front on Penn
street, 211 feet 6 inches, and in depth 270 feet.
No. 23—One undivided moiety or half-part of a Lot of
Ground, on which to erected a threw-elory HAMM H0.E1.,
asituate andthe mouth nide of Penn meet betwoon
tigoth Ninth stream, In the city of Reading,
bounded on the Haw by property of A breham Spitler,
on the South by Cherry alley, on the West by property or
James 3105 -.lght, and on the North by said Fenn grert
containing it, (tont nu Neon street. 40 feet, and lit depth 2741
;set. The other undivided moiety being owned by Joseph
Nu 30-oan undivided moiety or balf.part of a twe
et... 7 it ItIOK .110U8N and lot or piece of ground, situate on
the south aide of Meantime street, between Fourth and
Fifth streets, in the city of Reeding, bounded on the East
by property of Philip Albilght. on the south by property
of Daniel 11. Bows deceased, on the Went by other !mope
ty of said deceased and Joseph Henry, (No. 31,) and un the
North by said Dingman etrett ; containing la front on
itinatatnan streeto.2l feet It Inches, and in depth 270 feet.
Toe othsr moiety being owned by Jok.lletrp.
No. 32—One uudivided "Loamy ur balf-part of a two•stOry
BRICK [IOUS end lot or piece of grout.d, entente on the
amieth ride of Elegem/Au street, between Fourth and
Fifth street, in the city of Beading, bounded on tbe
East by other property of maid decea.ed and Joseph
Henry, (No. St.) un the South by it ten feet alley, ou the
Wrest by other propeity of cold deceased wad Joseph [leery,
(No. 33,) end on rho Noah by said Megawatt street con
taining in front on Hindman Went IS feet, and in depth
120 feet. The other undivided moiety being owned by
Jumith Henry. .
No. 33—One undivided moiety or half-part of a two
story Bit ICH HOUSE cod lot or piece of ground, situate on
nthe Routh side of Biugarnau street, between Fourth
aod Fifth etreetA, In the city of Reading. bounded on
the East by other property of said deceased and Jos,
Henry, (No. 32,) on the South by a to ft. alleyten the Wad
by other property of said deceased end loseph Haery (No.
31,) and on the North by said liiewatoon street; winfaining
In front on Megawatt sti net 13 feet, and in depth 120 feet.
The other undivided moiety being owned by Joe. Beery.
No. 34—One undivided moiety or ball-part of a two
story if DICK 11011,1, and lot or piece of ground, situate on
Bthe south aide of Bingautan Greet, be wean Fourth
end Fifth streets, to the city Deeding, bounded on the
S ca t b y e the r propeiay of sold &nested and Joseph
Henry. (No. 33,) ua rte douth by a ten Met alley, on the
Wert by other property of said deceased and Jos. Beery,
(No. 33,) and oa the North by sold Bleganien street; non
talolog In front on glegattiao street In feet, and In depth
120 feet. The other undivided. moiety being Owned by
Joseph theory.
No. 3i—.One nudialtled moiety ar half part of a owe.
story BUCK ROUSE and lot or piece of ground , skeet° eh
tom b stile of L ini.
ingu u street, between Fourth
a ntiod Fifth streets, in the city of Ileadieg, hounded on
the Emit by other property of raid deuereed and Jos
Henry, (No. al,) on the Smith by a 10 feet alley, on the
West by property late of Daniel H. Boas, deceased, and on
the North by said Megawatt street; cootalhing io front on
Blogetnan street, 19 feet, and In depth 120 foot,
u"aivid.a mommy being owned by „Neept, Henry,
No. SS—One undivided moiety or half-pert of a lot or
piece of wound, biLl../0 on the ...nth tilde of Spruce street,
in the city of Iteadiog, hounded on the East by Canal
street, on the Smith by property of the 1 4 clutylkill Naviga
tion Company, on the West by the Schuylkill Canal. and
on the North by bald Spruce street: containing ou Spruce
t 20 0 .001107 feet 1 Mob, and on Contik stirrer. 201 feet, on
i which are (heeled a twouttory PTS)2I IS WA 11BHDI1M,
1 FRAME WAIIEHOUSK, and a two.story FRAME
DWELLING HOUSE. The tuber undivided moiety being
owned by Joseph Henry.
No. 99—One undivided moiety or halrpart of a lot er
piece of ground, situate on the went aide of Black alloy,
betweeu Elm And Bettonweed slmete, In the cl•y of Hood
ing, boon ied en the North by property of Henry
on the Weld by a 10 feet alley, ma lhn Eiouin by properly of
lietthiaa Hiller, anti ou the FAA by wild Meek alley; Coll
tilitliLlfr in trout on black Riley 2o feet, and to depth 112
fret. The other undivided moiety being °word by Juteph
'Henry. Late the property of 4,1v..14 Fueg, deceased.
Sale to curnmeuce at I o'ideqk to the afteruoon, when
doe will be given. and the terms of sale made
known by
jOilErtlLti AtimlnlsCnstor.
lly order of tlio C.llll t.—LANist, Ile Work . ,
Jtum.ry 3, 1843-Ic
Wanted Immediately,
."htrY, to leant the St I Oh:MAKING. N..° ate.' ap
ply that bailout some knowledge of the holetnnk Apply
to • .1 1.050,. Third Street,
Jan 3-31*] Firth door below Peon, But nide.
a Ant Mortgage. apply
dee 27-1.0
2000 4-81' atios FLOWER POTS, AT TEE ou
pa t Sr. JAIL.
llrt Facia*, Venditioni F:xponaar sad /Vert fa too,
issacil out of the Nereid' Coin:non Piens of Barks county,
and to toe directed, will be sold at public vendee or tott
ery, to wit:
On Thursday, the 22d day of January, A. D.,
1563, at 1 o'clock, P. M., et the public bonne of Joseph
Ganser, (Keystone) In the City of Beading. Berko county,
to wit: A certain two etury BRICK HOUSE and lot of
ground, miteere on the tweet Aide of South Seventh wt..,
between Pine anal Laurel tareetnn, 111 the CRY or &mho&
hounded on the North by property of Frederick Fox, on
the East by said Seventh street. on the South by property
of John Strunk, and on the Weet by a 10 feet Alley;
tslning in front 19 feet 2 locket, and In depth 115 feet,
Also—t MOUSE and lot of grimed, eitnate in Minor
street. in the said City of Ileadinv, bounded on the North
byitroperty of John Tritt. on the West by properly of
tianinet Mellinger. .111 the South by Other proper', of .aid
David Idopliab, and on the Suet be Minor Weal: contain_
low along said Minor street about 50 feet cud in depth 19
feet n inches. Sold as the property of DAVID STEPILLY.
2 01)
1 89
- - - - .
At. the some time and place: A certain tWo.
story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Brick Kitchen at. and lot or piece of ground, situate on the eitat aide
or Eleventh street, north 14 Walnut. in the City of Read
ing, Barks county, bounded on the North by property of
Itesh Lett, South by 14411090110 Shaffer and William N.
Colenrtn, Knot by Charles Kruck, and en the Wad by
North Eleventh street: containing in front 96 teat, and in
depth 40 feet, more or lova. Bolden the prowl, Of SUSAN
At the same time and place: that certain
Lot or piece of Grdand, (part of Commons Onblot, No 89,)
situate an the north elde of Buttonwood street, in tbit sail
City of Beading. Berke county, !mended and demential es
follow.. to wit: Oa the West by a pert of slid Ont•lot No.
89, the property of John Goodman, on the North by other
part of the same Out•lot. No 89, the property of Left.
Kick, on the Bait by it 10 feet wide alley, and on the South
by. aald Buttonwood street; containing to breadth Bast and
West 60 feet, and in length from North to South 110 feet.
Sold ne the property of LEWIS KIRK and PRASE N.
neired and taken Into ezeontlon mad to be meld by
SherilN Of 800, Reading, January 3,18413-3 t,
4or All poreons employed by the Raid David frepban,
and all other defendeute named. or any or either of them,
are hereby required to make known to the maid Sheriff at
leant Ore days before the reepecttve days of kale of the
above named property, the kind and among of their rm
syncline claims for wagon, &c , against the said defendants,
ELS above named.
V. s.—lty order of said Court, all persona interested In
the dietribution of the proceeds of sale, are hereby notified
that the distribution of the money arising from the vale of
the real estate aforesaid, will be made by the. Court, on
Monday, February ihrh, 1803. .
P. S.—On all ealee from $25,03 sad aporarde ertll be r•-
qUired to be Todd down,
°AMAZES' co - crair MALE.
DURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE OR. PC ANS' COURT or Berke county, will be sold at pith.
Ile vendee on'THURSDAY, the 13th day or JANUARY,
150:3, at the late residence or Jewish Deysber, deceased, in
Otey township. Berke county, and on the premises, the fol.
lowing Real Rotate:
No, 1. A mesvnage ' tenement and tract of land, situate
to tHey townebiy, Berke county, bounded by tend. of
Daniel Q. Levan, Tract No. 2, Simnel Miller, Thome, P.
Lee, and David Fleming; containing AS ACRES and ISt
Pt:MODES, more or less. The Improvements are a doable
two.utory BKICK UvrEL LINO 11011 SS, with a double
Kitchen attached, anitabie for two families, a Wash
simile., Smoke H.une, blacksmith Shop, and all other
neassaary ont-belldienn. a Inrne Stone Swelter learn, Wa-
KIM Shod, with C4rritthe frog's); Cora Cribs and Gra nary;
rig Sly, do. The noose cad Barn are covered with cedar
;dilutes. There Is running water on the premises sod a
good well and pump near the bowie. Also several Spring.,
the water from which can be forced to the house sad barn
by a Hydraulic Ham. There is water in .11 the fields on
the farm, with the exception of one. Than le a goad
thriving Orebord, Lime kite and Limestone Quarry
tofatfiga Uneohrth of all the feaciag as the Am it *h
et fence,
Nu. 2. A mesenage, tenement And Irsitt orient. Mut*
In the township aforesaid, bounded by land. of Dead
Dranibach, John Weidner, Samuel Miller, and Tract No.
1 ; containing 45 acre. and flu Perchel, more or less. The
mproyementa are a two-story STONE DWISIA.II9I3
.IoUaS, a. PrameStable, An. There MAW) running
water on the premises, a Well of good water Near the
house, good Orchard, a Lima«iona 4:Marry, 4 *erase/Timber,
All the above land is in a high slabs of cultivation.
Si . .. 3. A Tract of Sprout Land, Mamie la Pike township,
Bert, county, bounded by land, of Frau is Heide, Angus
'no /tokamak and Benjamin itohrbaeb ; eentainiug 14
u0.',34 and 94 perches, more or lea..
No. 4. A Tract of Woodland, /denote to said Pits town.
ship, Hears county, bounded by lands of George Itokirbach,
Juan Hammen and Benjamin Moyer; containing 3 acres
and 2 perchers more or less.
Now t Hod 2 will be sold together or separately, to salt.
Lr e ai e property or Jacob Deysher, deceased.
Sate to commence at I o'eleuk In the afternoon, when doe
attendance will be given, and the terms agate made known
Jon 3-21] MARIA DMUS% Admhaleiratrix,
Kill( the above property le sot Geld on the day named,
Noe. I and 2 will be offered for Rent, at Ma same time and
place. Possession given on the drat of April next.
ZV1:M=02.43 NOTICE.
Estate of Daniel Ruppert, late of Rook
land township, Barks county, deceased.
' ED by the Orphans' Coortpf Berke county, to audit,
re-nettle and reedate the ;wood of Samuel F. Ruppert,
one of the !Octago' of the last Will and Testament of
Daniel Reopen, deceased, and make dietributioo of the
balance in the hands of said Executer, will meet the par
tin interested, at hie In Coon street. to the city of
Komi - lug, on Saturday, she 141.13 of January, ma, at
o'clock, l'. M.
Sart .-3tl EDWARD It. SHEARER, Auditor.
Dark Brom
Snuff Bro 9
Light B:ss6im
ki_Ol Mae,
fht Green,
Goode, Shawle, Smirk Braque., Ribbon.. Moves, BOO
net., lints, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Childree'e Clothing, and
alt kinds of Wearing Apparel, with perfect Net colors.
• A Saving of 80 per moot
These Dyes are mixed in !he form of powders nonce*.
traced, are thoroughly tooled. amid put up in neat packaging.
twenty-rive orate you on, color NA cony goods.. Wunid
otherwise wet Ore time. that num, The preens Maniple.
end any ono ran uee the ilea with permit enema Dire..
Mtn thelde, nienureclused by HOWE At STEVYINzi, 268
Broadway, Bodo..
far For emit, by Dra..4gbVs and Dealers lo every City and
'roam. Ulan 3-3m4
011110417AT3212. GAL
Patented by Prof. L L. Hill, June 17,1862.
ed by men of Science, end tie merits have stood th•
greatest acrntiny. IL can be manufactured for
50 Cents per 1000 Coble Feet.
11. Is perfectly free front offensive emell, not liable to ax.
plosion. and will not condense in any temperature or
oilmatc 2 ,
It has a body superior to the beat Coal floe, and Wee a
much more brilliant light.
We are now prepared to offer the petroleum Gag appa
ratus to the public, which meet eventually take the place
of all other Gases, owing to the cheaposem with which It
can be made, Its brilliancy of light, lie pease; simplicity
and Its adaptability to all cases where good light le re.
For oil rate d wetness In city or et. an try, Stores, Churches,
Ilotela, Theatres, Factories, Public Gardens, .km, de., and
can easily be adapted to Gas Works now In operation, at
very little expense.
We will dlopoee of BIG HTS for cltlee, towns, &ninths
or State., at moderato prLees. Fur farther partleolare, ap
ply to T, TIITTIA fisondary,
Jan s-Itno] SIS Walnut Street. Philadelphia, Pe.
In the Orphans' Court of Berko county,
and State of Pennsylvania.
In the Matter of the Writ qf Partition or italastinff of the
Real lertate r‘f Henry Ocruely, We derriont togew
elap. Ai 6he Uuun(y Qf Borkr, *mad, Aw now to 19gi
Iteceihber 13th , 11012,
-13,.. INC, to and for the County of Burka present all the
J winos of amid Court, on mutton of Daniel Ermeotront,
Eng, the Court Kraut a rule on .1.11 the heir* and legal rep
reseutatlyun of Henry Cuvoly. lota of Hereford lownehiPt
Bona county, &mimed, to he and appear at the next OP
phelne Court, to be held at Halidirlif, in and for said County
on the stb day of Karolt, A. 0 IdOd, at JO o'clock, A. N.,
to accept or rare.° to accept the Real Estate, to bid more
or slam came why the same shed not be sold according to
law. By order of the Conn,
d.o 27-6tl DA kIEL HAHN. Clerk 0. C.
MONEY.—MaIe and female Ageniit wanted in
every town in the State of Penney/vanla, to carman
far Alm ktenbetta' great work the PICTORIAL HIS
TORY of the WAR FOE TEE UNION. It le mast the
work for the people, and will wooer or later Bud lie
way into every family. Two Unyal Octavo Volamen 400
page. each. ambeillehed with over SOO Brat Mass Murray.
Ipge, Price 1 112,60 Per volition fl <ST VOLUME NOW
READY. Agents are meeting with extraordinary carom.
Sold only by eubsoripnon by reaular y appointed
Agorae, who bare the exult:Plait We in the territory
neatened them. for tonne. At. , address J. U. WELLS,
165 William alrear, Now York. Putillither of Snbacrtp•
Ova Books. Manufacturing Ponca fur Goode
alined to the theen, and the admit of Anent.
East Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Sbieliboldeni of thin Company, Om the tonne] meet
ing and election for Preetdeat and ultilt !Ailment ' will be
held at the olllce tbo Company, in Mtn City of Redding,
on Meade', the 12th of Jeonary,l322, between 12 M. end
dec 2;'-3t]
West Reading Railroad Company,
Reaeme, Dee. 26111, 1862
/1 Stockholders of this Com mop, that the auonal met
leg nod ma alecilon rot Pea Adam and Alt 1 1 1feet.tes, wilt
take place on the mecoml Slooday, 12th of January neat.
al 7 o'clock to the evening, at Hi:Mennen Hotel.
deo 27-Sc*j P. 8. tIOA4. Searatary.
40 ;loath 6th •erec t.
milt at PEOI
dee OJ 40 &path oth wed.
Dark Drab,
Light D 966,
Light Yellow,
French Blue.
Royal Purple '
WILLI"O4 M. BIN:STE; F•ctetary