Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, May 24, 1862, Image 2

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gazelle aub Bo:soot
SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1862.
Hatt blighted basest that floats on the gels,
Flag ofthe COUlltry of Washington, hail!
Basso thy stripee with the blood of the bravo,
Bright are thy stars as the sun on the wave;
Wrapt is thy folds are the hopes of the Free,
Vassar of Weibington I blessings on thee
Democratic State Convention.
In accordance with a resolution of the Democratic State
will meei is STATi CQIiYBIOTIQN, ai HABBISINE I I, cc
YOU!, the 4th day of July, 1862„, at 10 o'cloek, A. M., to
oominatecandidstee for AIIDITOE OSSZRAI. end 811EVEVoR
Gilliam, and to adopt nth measures as may be deemed
netteseary for the welfare of the Democratic party and thT
Chairman of the Democratic State EX. Com mi :Mr
The report of the serious illness of Genera:
Wit.r.tatt H. REM, which came to us last week.
wis swiftly followed by the sad and totally un.
expected intelligence of his death. He died on
Sunday afternoon last, May 18th, 1862, at I
o'clock, at the Brady House in Harrisburg, of ty
phoid fever and dysentery, contracted by the es-
Owe of camp life, while in the service of his
Hmit Kane was the oldest son of Den
neville Seim, Esq., late Mayor of Rending. Ho
was born in this city, Jane 238, 1813, and at the
time of his death was aged 48 years, 10 months
and 24 days. He was educated at the Military!
Modesty at Mount Airy, near Philadelphia;
which in its day was justly celebrated as one of
the foremost educational institutions in the
United States. After graduating with honor, he
entered the eonnting•house of his father, then
at-the head of one of the largest mercantile
houses in Reading, and applied himself to the
business to which be afterwards succeeded as
partner with two junior brothers. His early
military training gave him a taste for military
pursuit*, and he found a field for its gratification
in the Volunteer service of the State. From the
position of a Lieutenant in the corps of Wash.
ington Grays, he rose in rank, step by step, and
held successively the commissions of Captain,
Illeeor, Brigadier General, and Major General of
the Fifth Division Pennsylvania Volunteers, in
all which amen he won and maintained an hen-
orable reputation. His services in organising
our local Militia, and bringing them under prop
er system and discipline, were indefatigable and
valuable, and placed them in the very front rank
of our Volunteer Soldiery. He held the office of
Major General at the breaking out of the Re
bellion, and in that capacity was appointed by
Governor Ctutin to a command of State Troops
under the first requisition of the President of the
VaitedStatee, and served with General Patter
son during the three months' term, in the "cam
paign on the Upper Poicuutich last fall, be was
appointed by the President, and confirmed, a
Brigadier General of Volunteers in the'U. S.
Army, and was assigned to the command of a
Brigade, consisting principally of Pennsylvania
r. •a ' t f" %, , ,f the Potomac. He served
in I
:. , division at the siege of
Tor .
at the time
wit , -einated- his
arose from his eick•couct iv a prestin itt
battle of Williamsburg. The excitement of
engagement aggravated his illness, and he
'obliged to ask a furlough. Ile married to
"eburg, where his family are temporarily
ding, on Wednesday, the 14th inst., and it
hoped that rest and careful nursing would
restop-I.!et 1,0 ht. but on Saturtlaylia
type, and he cam
. hat his case was at
a, and his relatives
- only to reach Her
. w.dcivil offices of hon.
trust, in addition to his military commis
In 1848 he was elected Mayor of the City
ding, and fumed for the term of Ofid, year.
epresented the Berks District during the
d session of the 85th Congress, having been
on the 80th of November, 1853, for the
ired term of the lion. J. Glancy Jones, who
ed on accepting the ?Lesion to Austria,
otober, 1869, he was elected Surveyor Gen.
of this Commonwealth for the term of three
„e ~ which office he resigned on receiving the
rp • latroeut of Brigadier General in the Army.
Mis public career, as well as in the relations
71„irivate and social life, Gen. Seas bore an
I t,
reachable character. Affable in manner,
Is in disposition, generous in feeling, and
WO” ttit his dealings, be was respected
is fellow-citizens of all parties,
lived, without a personal
Our whole community la
' d untimely decease. Ile
veral sons and daughters,
-an indulgent husband, a
donate friend_
;al Kam were brought to
irg, on Wednesday morn—
the male members of hie
;Mt, Maj. Brady, of the
committee of the Masonic
and Adjutant General Rua
;wend Hale, and Commis-
They were
ea of eitizeim/
iY th
and escorteli
to he resideneetif the late Gen. George 31. Heim,
in oath Fifth street, whence the funeral took
place. The body, attired in the uniform of a
Brigadier General, was enclosed In a plain coffin,
covered with black cloth, and with silver mount.
ingtb A eilyer obieVA en the 114 recorded the
name, age and date of death.
At 2 o'clock, P. DI., the military, citizens, and
varicus associations to which the deceased be
lord, began to assemble, to pay the last sad
tante of respect to the memory of their depart
ed co mrade , brother, and friend. At about 3
o'clotk, the procession commenced moving to
wn the Charles Evans Cemetery, in the Ra
r order:
The lire Department.
Select and Common Connell".
Reading Artillery.
Ringrold Ligla ArtitlerY.
&darned Area BlonLhe Volunteers.
Vetted Slaty. Recruits.
Mors of P. 8. Army and Volunteers:
Capt. owe, lath Unitary, Capt. Atubleaberg, 13th lo'y,
Capt. iltimore, 2d P. Ms's, Lieut. WllUame,Stb Artill'y,
Ideet. ter, Infantry. Lieut. Paull. 2d P. Rewrite.
Brigadier General Bares and Staff.
B. 1... Toon. Capt. J. C. A. Hofredill.
Independent Order of Odd Follows.
Meeorde Order,
. ,
mudslides Rev. Mr. Leecoett and Maj. Drub..
with Committee of Masonic Order from Harris.
- berg.
Pell Rovers:
General Baeeeii, Quartermaster General Hite,
General Irwin, Col Wynkoop,lth-Pe.Cee'T.
• Carotene:
David McKnight.
Blower. Quirks H. Bunter.
Beam, with the Corpse,
four b!aelt borers, 1,4 by groosee,
Ow, Salem 7061P1111% all a Guard
. - or nom.
-st '0" the relatives and Mende of the
the moniiihraa Gen. 13. A. atelier,
°, , who wee of _Gen. Keim's Aids
tithe' campaign.
d military procession was under
. OfC ol. 0. B. McKnight and
, r 4
H. t adman, Geo. Newkirk,
o r
10 7 3 arriving at the Cemetery, the solemn service
far tae burial of the dead, according to the ritual
of tte Protestant. Episcopal Church, was read
by Ihe Rev. Mr. Leacock, rector of St. Stephen's
Churoh, Harrisburg ; after which, the funeral
ceremonies of the Masonic and Odd Fellows'
Orders were performed at the grave.
Pariag the day of the funeral, the gags over
the public buildings and private residences were
Placed at half-mast, an d muffled in crape, and
while the procession was moving through the
c ity, the bells of the Churches and the Court
House were tolled, and all the houses along the
route were closed. Minnie guns were also fired
from an eminence near the Cemetery, while the
funeral was in progress.
The Harrisburg Patriot mentions an incident
connected with the last hours of Gen. Knit,
which may be added here, without impropriety :
"While laboring under the delirium of fever, he
still fancied himself upon the field, and gave the
necessary orders to his division, while in his
lucid moments he was anxious to know all the
movements of the Army."
The House of Representatives, on Wednesday,
t yid on the table, by a large majority, Senator
,iumner's bill to allow negroes to carry the
mails of the United States, which passed the
senate about a month ago. This was done in
pursuance of the recommendation of the House
Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. Mr.
Colfax, (Republican) of Indiana, gave the rea
sons of the Committee for their action, and these
were briefly as follows
"Not a single person of any color, froni any
State, had ever petitioned for this repeal. No
Postmaster. General had ever recommended it--
no public opinion demanded it. It would not
only allow negroes to be mail contractors, and
therefore officers of the Government, but Indi
ans and Chinese also. It would impair the se
curity of the mails, for, in some States, blacks,
Indians and Chinese are not allowed to testify
against whites. and, If robbed while in their
hands, we could not procure legal testimony, as
now, of the mail carriers, against the robbers.
It would also allow slaveholding contractors to
use their slaves as mail-carriers for them, instead
of free whites, wham they are now compelled to
employ, and money would thus be paid out of
our Post Office treasury for the labor of slaves,
which is now impossible ; and, as this bill could
not, even indirectly, aid in crushing out this Re-
bellion, which he thought the main duty of Cott
grese, ar crippling the power which sustains this
treason, a large majority of the Post Office Com
mittee concurred with him in recommending that
it do not pass."
This pregnant paragraph is not only a forci
ble vindication of the action of the Committee
and the house, but it exemplifies in a signal
manner the crude and visionary nature of nearly
all the legislation devised by the Senator from
Massachusetts, in his effort to make the negro
question the paramount object of Congressional
, Judge Woodward, of the Supreme Court, ren
dered en important decision this morning, in de
claring the entire Army Vote, cast at the last
election, unconstitutional. The following cases
were before the Court, on which decisions were
rendered, via t
The Commonwealth vs. Joseph Sunman.—Error
to Philadelphia. Opinion by Woodward, concur
ring opinion by Reed. Judgment affirmed.
in re contested election of District Attorney for
Luzerne county. Certiorari to Quarter Sessions
of said county. Opinion by Woodward, Thomp
son dissenting.
In the first case, a person was prosecuted in
Philadelphia dill for illegal voting at the late
election, while he was in the service of the coun
try as a private soldier. The defendant's coun
sel argued before the trial was bad, that the
indictment should be quashed far roma that the
whole army vote was unconstitutional. This
view of the case was sustained by the Judges of
the Court, and the indictment quashed. The
Supreme Court sustains this decision.
The second case came before them from Lu
zerne county, in which county, the candidate for
District Attorney, Mr. Chase, who bad a majority
in the county, but was defeated by the army
vote, took an appeal. His opponent was declared
elected by the return judges, and the Court of
Luzerne county suatained that decison. The
Supreme Court, however, decides the army 1 , 449
unconstitutional, and declares Mr. Chase elected.
This decision will make some important
changes in several officers elected at the last
election.—Harrisburg Telegraph, May 22.
not be personal, but. an Abolitionist. is as much
a. Secessionist. as any to be found in South Caro
lina. Now, as much as these Disunionists of
both classes abuse each other, they neverthe
less both unite in laying violent hands upon the
Government that never harmed either. If I
*ere an Abolitionist, I would break up the Uni
ion ; for the disruption of the Union must, inevi
tably destroy and obliterate slavery. Hence we
are for the prosecution of this war to save the
Government as founded by our fathers for re
storing the Constitution as we received it with
out regard to the peculiar institutions of any
State. That a Secessionist and an Abolitionist
are orka par, I can prove by a wimple syllogism
—an. abolitionist is a disunionist ; a disunionist,
is a secessionist ; therefore a secessionist is an
abolitionist."—[Eton. Andy Johnston's Speech, at
Columbus, Oct. 1861.]
TEsTrito# 01" RONBST " JOB BOLT."—" We
make no apology for this wicked effort in the
South to destroy the Government. We grant the
necersitir,of suppreseing it. But Abolitionism,
that how produced it, must. also be suppressed.—
Abolitiwaism and Secessionism must be buried in
the same political grave."
Roen 14,w.—A road case was tried in the
Court of Chester county, which, being of gene
ral interest, we copy. The supervisors of New
London township ordered the land owners to re
move their fences, and widen the road. One of
hem having refused, the supervisors proceeded
to throw down his fences. The owner of the
land protested against it, had the fence put up
again In the old place, and was prosecuted for
obstructing the highway. The Court charged
the Jury that if the supervisors were authorized
to open the road the width of 33 feet, and if the
owner of the lend had placed any obstructions
thereon, he was accountable to the law. Ver
dict guilty. The defence offered evidence to
show that the road was only &local road ; that it,
was a n w id e an was necessary, that the public
opinion in the .towaship sympathized with the
defendant; and other mitigating circumstances;
but the Court refused to entertain these pleas,
and said the solo subject far the Jury was, wheth
er the highway of 33 feet width had been ob
structed. .
TAT ECLECTIC MAGAZI:iIi.—We are indebt
ed to Messrs: Strickland & Brother, No. 28
East Penn square, for the June number of the
Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature. It is
embellished with a very fine portrait of the late
Prince Albert, ot
England, and contains eigh
teen of the best articles from the late Foreign
Magazines awl Befielfll. The Eclectic is a very
valuable pub.loation. Each monthly number
contains 144 large gots" pages, with one or
more fine R e el portraits of distinguished per
sons. p r i ce
. 0 a year, or 42 eta. a number.
Strickland & Brother receive subscribers, and
serve the wur k o gniaely, postage free.
Curt. joilerff ViraiOUT, of -Rush's Lan—
cers, Ben of lion. Hendrick B. Wright, of Lu
cerne county, died in Germantown, Pa., last Sun
day !bored % o f typhoid fever.
NEW PRASE or Asoranoraex.—A German pa
per eanonneet the formation, in Berlin, of a au:l
- •• for tIN abolition of Qhrietiartity !"
We published, last week, an extraordinary Or
der, purporting to have been issued by General
Hunter, commanding the Military Department
of the South, declaring martial law over the
States of Georgia, Florida, and South Caroli
na, and pronouncing the slaves in those States
" forever free." It came too late for us to Make
any comments upon it, but its presumptuousness
was so great that we were almost persuaded to
doubt its genuineness. Indeed, it was so flagrant
an assumption of arbitrary and unauthorized
power, that the newspapers generally, with the
exception of the New York Tribune and others of
the ultra abolition stamp, denounced it. The
President's Proclamation, therefore, repudiating
this Order, and declaring it " altogether void,"
was a great relief to the conservative people of
all parties, who saw in it another, and by far
the most dangerous advance that has yet been
made toward the accomplishment of the revolu
tionary designs of the abolitionists—the prose
cution of the war for the extermination of slave
ry, in violation and at the saoriflce of the Con
stitution and laws. The prompt and decisive
manner in which the President has condemned
the act of General Hunter, has gratified and at
the same time surprised us ; for, in view of the
recent course of the Administration, which seem
ed to indicate that it was drifting rapidly into
the extreme of abolitionism, we were led to fear
that General Hunter, in his sweeping pronunola
mento against the local institutions of three
States of the Union, was only obeying instruc
tions from Washington. But, we are glad to con
fees one mistake; and as we have been free to
censure the President for his several late propi
tiatory offerings to the foul abolition spirit, we
now just as freely accord to him all the praise
that hie repudiation of an Unauthorized and un
constitutional out deserves. It is to lie regretted,
however, that he aid not at once remove all
the doubts as to the designs of the Administra
tion with respect to slavery in the States, which
have been the cause of so much uneasiness in
the minds of all true friends of the Union, by a
bold and unequivocal declaration that he pos
sesses no power, either as President, or as
Commander-in-Chief, to free the slaves of any
State, and that, in no event, will he attempt to
exercise it. This would have been nothing more
than the utterance of a plain truth, and a pledge
et fidelity to Blom duty. The President, when
acting as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and
Navy, does not become a Dictator, nor is he cloth
ed with any extraordinary power. He can do no
more, in hie military capacity, than he can se a
civil ruler. All his powers are derived from the
Constitution, which he hoe sworn to obey, and
he cannot transcend them without becoming a
perjurer and an usurper. We need not say—for
every man of ordinary intelligence knows it—
that there is not a line or syllable in the Consti
tution that, either directly, or by the most re
mote implication, gives the President or any of
ficer or department of the Federal Government
the power to abolish Slavery in the States, or in
any wise to interfere with it. Ent, in the face
of this positive restriction of the fundamental
law, the President, while declaring ea, Bunter's
abolition edict null and void, reserves to himself
the decision of the question whether it be com
petent for him to do what he says his subordinate
has n 9 authority for doing; and thus he levee
the public—and especially the loyal people of the
slave-holding States, in painful doubt and anxi
ety as to what he may undertake to do himself,
at a future time. Is not this reservation an in
timation that he may possibly attempt the exer
cise of a power the Constitution does not give to
him? The assumption that a necessity may
arise, making the exercise of this power WM*
penettble to the maintenance of the Government,
is altogether an imaginary thing. No necessity
can arise which would justify Executive usurpa
tion ; for when a Constitutional Government
transcends its authority, it destroys itself by
that very act. The usurper is even more guilty
than the rebel. The latter merely resists lawful
authority, and may be compelled to obey it; but
the former deliberately abrogates it, and makes
his irresponsible will supreme.
The President repudiated the ides of emanci
pation as "a military necessity," when it was
advanced In Pretnont's Proclamation, and Cam
eron's War Report. Why did he hesitate to go
the same length in the present case ? Must the
country yet remain in uncertainty as to whether
the War is to be prosecuted for Its only lawful
objeot—the maintenance of the Union—or for
the revolutionary and destructive purpose of
abolishing slavery ?
Mr HARPER'S MAGAZINE for June, commen
cing the 25th volume, is one of the best of the
one hundred and forty-five issues of this month
ly. In the character of the articles, the beauty
of the illustrations and the reputation of the
contributors, it is admirable. A paper on the
Catawissa Railroad and the romantic region
through which it passes, mill be found especial
ly interesting to Pennsylvanians, accompanied
as it is by beautiful illustrations of scenery about
Port Clinton, Quaquake Junction, the Little
Schuylkill, Catawisea and Williamsport.—
" Broadway," a poem, " A Dangerous Journey,"
and Rough Riding Down South," are the other
illustrated articles, which are followed by the
usual clever stories. Miss Prescott begins anew
story entitled " bladelaine Schaeffer." "Burr's
Conspiracy" and "The Adoption of the Consti
tution" are two able political articles, while the
editor's table, drawer and easy chair are pleasant
ly filled. The continued tales by Thackers.y,
Trollops and Miss Multi& still keep up their in
VAR road is now almost completed in all its parts
and appertenances, and next month coal ship
ments over it will begin; the machinery of the
inclined plane on the north slope of the Broad .
Mountain is in place, and the engines built at
the Beading shops for operating the high grade
on the south slope of the Broad Mountain are
ready for service. This road, we believe, con—
nects with breakers of all the existing collieries
in the Mahanoy region, and by branch roads
projected and in progress, will open an outlet
from many coal tracts hitherto unavailable, be—
cause without the means of communication with
a market.
TERRI/10 HAIL STORM.—A very destructive
hail storm passed over McConnelsburg, Fulton
county, Pa., about 5 o'clock on Wednetiday eve
ning. Nearly all the windows facing the storm
were shivered. The young leaves and shoots
were 41 out from the trees, and the ground cov
ered several inches deep with . hailstenes, some
of which were at least three inches in diameter,
and weighed 7 ounces. Grain fields and fruit
trees is the path of the storm were utterly ruin—
kir JOHN DREW, the celebrated comedian,
died in Philadelphia, on Wednesday afternoon,
of congestion of the brain. He was a native of
Ireland, and came to title Country before he had
attained manhood. He married, about fourteen
years ago, Mrs. H. Hunt, a talented actress, and
leaves three children. He bad just completed a
highly successful engagement of one hundred
nights at the Arch-street Theatre, and was about
starting on a second tour to Europe.
distinguished clergyman of the Reformed Dutch
Church, and also eminent as an author and belles
Wires scholar, died at. Florence, in Twomey,
April 28, in the Nth year of hie age. He was a
native of the city of New• York.
Foote arrived at Cleveland on Tuesday. He is
quite feeble from the effects of hie wounds and
NLW COUNTSUYSITII.••••IOI3 on the Bank of
Phreuixville—altered from l's. They are just
issued. 10's of Oorn Exchange Bank, Philadel
phia, and of Allegheny Bank altered front 4'e.
The following is a correct copy of the Home
stead bill, as passed by both Houses of Congress,
and signed by the President:
.tiV ACT to Sentare Homesteads to, Actual Battlers (mail
Public Domain, and In Provide a Bounty for ,Soldiere
in lien of Grants of the Public Londe.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Representatives
of the United Staten; of AlllVrilia in gongreka Awainiblad
That any pereon who is She bead of a family, or who has
arrived at the age of twenty-one years, Rod is 11. citizen of
the United Stales, or who shall have filed his declaration
of intention to become such, as required by the xidurallsa•
Ron laws of the United States, and who bag never borne
Arum agates; the United Mates Government, or given aid
and comfort to Its enemies, shall, from and after the lot
of January, 1563, be entitled to enter one quarter eeetleu,
ors lees quantity, of unappropriated public lands, upon
which said person may have filed a preemption dam, or
which may, at the time the application Is made, be subject
to pre-emption at Si 25, or less, per sere; or eighty acres
or loss of such unappropriated lands ' at $2 50 per acre, to
be located is a body, In conformity to the legal subdivis
lone of the public lands, and after the same shall have
been surveyed : Provided, That any person owning
and re
eliding on land may, under the provisions of this act, enter
other land lying adjoining to his or her said land, which
shall not, with the land se already owned and occupied,
exceed In the aggregate 100 acres.
SECTION % And Sc ft farther enacted, T he. the peewit
applying for the benefit of this act shall, upon application
to the Register of the Land-0 thee in which he or she le
about to make such entry, make affidavit before the sald
Register or Receiver that he or she is the head of a family,
or Is twenty-one years or more of age, or shall have per
formed service in the army of the United • Stabs., and that
he has never borne arms against the Government of the
United States, or given aid and comfort to its enemies, and
that such application In made for his or her exclusive nee
and benefit, and that said entry is made fur the purpose of
actual settlement and cultivation, and not either directly
or indirectly for the use or benefit of any person or persona
whomsoever; and upon filing the said affidavit with the
Register or otelver, andopon payment of elo, he or she
shall thereupon be permitted to enter the quantity of land
specified: Provided, however, That no certificate shall be
given or patent lamed therefor until the expiration of live
years from the date of such entryand if, at the expiration
of such time, or at any time within two years thereafter,
019 POMO waling ouch outry—or 11069 dea4,ll4lVidolTo
or in case of her death, hie heirs or devisee ; orbs case of a
widow making such entry, her heirs or devisee, In case of
her death—shall prove by two crediblewitnwee that he,
she, or they have resided upon or cultivated the same for
the term of five years immefttely succeeding the time of
filing the affidavit aforesaidaEnd shalt make affidavit that
no part of mid fund has been alienated, and that he has
borne true allegiance to the 64ivernment of the Untied
States ; then, in such case, he, sloe, or they, Rat dud time
a citizen of the United Staten, shall be entitled to a patent,
as in other cases provided for by law: And provided,
further, That In case of the death of both father and moth
er, leaving au infant child, or children render twenty-one
years of age, the right and fee shall enure to the benefit of
said leant child or children and the executor, adminis
trator, or guardian may, at any time within two years
after the death of the surviving parent, and in accordance
with the laws of the State in which such children for the
time being have their domicil, sell said land for the benefit
of said infante, but for no other purpose; and the window
er shall acquire the absolute title by the parehase, and be
entitled to a patent from the United States, ott impeded Of
the office fees and sum of money herein specified.
Sac. S. And be it further enacted, That the Register of
the Land-Office shall note all such applicationson the tract
books and plats of his office, and keep eiregister of all such
entries, and snake return* thereof to the General Land-
Office, together with the proof upon which they have bun
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That no lands ac
quired under the,provlsions of this act shall in any event
become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or debts con
tracted prior to the issuing of the patent therefor.
Sac. 5. And bed further enacted, That if, at any time
atter the filing of the affidavit, as required in the *section
of thin eel. and before the ealpirstlon of the Iva years afore.
said, it shall be proven, after due =aloe to the tattler, to
the satisfaction of the register of the land office, that the
person having filed inch• affidavit shall have actually
changed his or her residence, or abandoned the said land,
or shall have ceased to occupy said landfor more than six
months at any time, then and in that event the land no
entered Atilt mart to tha Government-
. . . .
sae e. And be it further • enacted, That no individual
shall be permitted to acquire title to more than one quarter
section under the provisions of this act; audthat the Com
miesioner of the General Land Office is hereby required to
prepare and to issue such rulee and regulations, consistent
with this act, fie shall be necessary and proper to carry its
provisions into offal; and the registers and minivan of the
several land offices shall he entitled to receive the same
compensation for any Muds entered under the provisions
. of this act that they are now entitled to receive when the
name quality of land is entered with money, one-half to
be paid by the person malting the application at the time
of so doing, and the other half on the issue of the certificate
by the person to whom it may be issued; but this shall not
be Construed to enlarge the maximum of compensation
now prescribed by law for any register or receiver: Pro.
bided, That nothing contained in this act shall be so con
strued' as to'impair or interfere in any manner whatever
with existing preemption rights; And presidedjuither,
That all yenning who may have filed their applications for
a preemption right prior to the passage of this act shall be
entitled to alt privileges of this act.. Provided. further,
That no person who has served or may 'hereafter nerve,
for a period of not less than 14 days in the army or navy
of the United States, either regular or volunteer, under the
laws thereof, during the existence of an actual war,
mmeic or foreign shall be deprived of the benefits of this
act on account o r haring attained the ege or 21 yearn.
Sac. 7. And be ft further enacted, That the fifth section
of the act entitled 6, an act In addition to an act more ef
fectually to provide for the punishment of certain crimes
against the United States, and for other parposes,'l ap
proved the Sd day of March, in the year 1857, shall extend
to all oaths, affirmations end aidtbsVite, vin fir 59 -
thorired by this act.
bac. S. And be trjurther enacted, That nothing in this
act shall be so construed on to prevent any person who has
availed him or herself of the benefit of the first section of
this act from paying the maximum price, or the price to
which the same may have graduated, for the guantttyiof
lend Ile entered at any thnebefore ibeeiptretton of the dire
years, and obtaining a patent therefor from the Govern.
meet, as in other cases provided by law, on making proof
of settlement and cultivation as provided by existing laws
granting pre-emption rights.
For the Reading Gazette and Democrat
The "Journal" vs. Lehigh County.
Air. Editor:
Allow me a small space in the columns of your
paper, not to display my ingenuity in writing,
[or such claim none, as these imperfect lines
will show, but rather to vindicate the truth.
The editor'of the Reading Journal, in the issue
of the 17th inst.,informs his readers that " It is
a crime in . Lehih county for a Democratic can
didate to be too much of a Union man.' He co
sympathize with the traitors as much as he
pleases, and do all in his power to make the
government unpopular with the people, but he
mustn't be too strong for the Union. Mr. Wm. S.
Mara, of Allentown, a Douglas man, was_thrown
over-board by the Democrats of that county last
Saturday, because be was ' too much of a Union
man.' Stiles, a Breekinridger, was nominated, be
cause he is not particular on that subject,"
NOW, 01ty lnan of common sense knowe this to
be false. The Democratic party of Lehigh-boun
ty, in connection with the Democratic party
throughout the loyal States,:has always been for
tlui maintenance of the Union. These very men
who now accuse the Democratic party of sympa
thizing with the traitors, were not always so
much in lore with the Union and the Govern.
anent. They used to speaklightly of the Union,
and talked of "letting it slide" in certain con,
tingencies,. and denominated all men who were
solioiteuS far the future of the country, as "Union
savere,"—a phrase to *Melt they attached
collar degree of odium.
" Mr. Marx was thrown over-board because
be was too rnueh of a Union man. Stiles, a Break
inridger, nominated because he is not particultir
on that subject !" This is nothing new. In 1860;
when *Dr. Cooper was nominated at. Orefield,
scarcely was the nomination announced, .whan
some of the opposition went to Allentown and
telegraphed to the New York Tr/Wits and other
papers who were willing to let one hundred'
Unions perish, rather' than give °ostrich of the
Chicago platform, that Dr. Cooper-was a support
er of 13reckinridge. was then current
that he WM" nominated because his opponent at
the Convention, Mr. Stiles, was a Douglas man.
Now, Mr- Stiles is nominated, • and in turn is a
Dreckinridgerl Their only object then was to
divide the party, and such is their object again.
Theylailedlo do it in 1860, and they will fail
again in 1862. •
I know both Win. B. Marx:and JohnD. Stiles
personally. „In 1860, I heardthem address more
than one .meeting, I remember yet that at one
time they 'both spoke at ; Guthsville from the
same stand, and declared hemselves as Douglas'
man. Even admitting that Stiles was a supporter
of Breekiaridge, that does not prove that "he is
not particular on that subject," as the Journal
• The editor of the Journal has got in the habit
of calling 'every. Democratic candidate a Breck
inridger, and thereby thinks to infuse a ;pertain
degree of hatred. in the people.. Breckinridge is
"not the only man that has diadardecl 'Democratic
principles, We have such men in our own State.
We have only to examine the record of. Forney
and Rickman, and others who are noir the , lead
ers of that sectional party who have caused the
Union to be "rent by civil feuds and drenched
in fraternal' biota."
For my part, I: should be willing to let the
journal proceed in its usual way, for so far it
has caused not much harm and I have since ob
served that the sun still rises in the East and
sets in the WOO, and if we live 'fill next week we
shall hear of a glorious Democratic victory—the
Journal to the contrary notwithstanding—in old
WERNORBVILLO, May 20th, 1862.
air WE QUITE AGREE with the Chicago Times
that when the time comes to make peace, the
work of harmonizing discordant elements will
not be done by those who have made the trouble.
The demagogues and fanatics—North and South
—whose follies and wickedness have embroiled
the nation, will have to stand back, while pa
triots endeavor to bring the country as near as
possible to the status quo ante beldam.
SS P' THE PAPCIt9 say that General AleGlellan,
though struck by a piece of shell at Williams
burg, escaped uninjured. We are not surprised
at it. An officer, who could stand as many at
tacks from politicians as he has done, must be
hall, who was sentenced in the Lehigh County
COOtte in 1862 for burni ng a barn, to ten years
in the Eastern Penitentiary, was released on the
Bth inst., his term of imprisonment having ex—
TUN LATH Flan is THOL—It, is estimated that
the aggregate loss of insurance companies, by
the fire in Troy, will be $1,886,000, a little more
thau one-third the amount of property destroy
filv &Visits.
Mit pig Uu'ou Pass's Marrpro will be held
to-moninillnianyYlittarnoon, In tin Ivangelcal
did Church, Forth "Eighth street, at 9 e'19.19t.
The weebditY Parte muffing& wtil hi hold at the mune
place deztair the week, 9a Thursday and Saturday mi.
Ins, at Neleolc. Au pursues are Invited to attend.
lir THE LEBANON CLASSU of the airman
Reformed Church In fluasylvaabh will hold lie next ice
don in Emanuel Church, Hamburg,-from 'friday, the 30th
inst., to Tuesday, the 3d of June. The opening sermon
wilt be preached on Friday evening by the Rev. Mr.
Kramer, President of Olitsals. On the following days,
Oldie raneeal services will be held, morning and even
ing. be proceedings of the Mambo will be aublbb ead
all persons are invited to attend.
B. D. Zweiglg will celebrate the, Holy Communion In
Emanuel Church, Hamburg, on Whit• Sunday, the Bth of
June. The cervices will commence at 10 o'clock. A.
and will becondacted t, the English Sad German langu
age. On Saturday previous, at I Wilock, P. H., the usual
preparatory movies will be bald, and the rite of Confirma
tion administered.
pier CONFIAXATIONS.—On the 3d inst., Roc'.
B. S. Sifts/burger admitted, by the rite of eonfirtnation,.
rortpthrse masons to fell membership in the German Re
formed Church, at Newaiarevillo, Orally katrauhip.
On the same day, be admitted Ulm persons es members
of the German Reformed Cowell, It Boomtown, 'meter
On the 17th inst., be admitted forty-Ive persons as mem
bers of the Carman Reformed Church (English) al Fells.
town. Total, 103.
Mar THE MONTH OF MARL—The month of
May, says the Syracuse Standard, is devoted b 7 the faith
fal (Cho Roman Catholic Church to the mpeelal honor sad
veneration of Mary, the mother of Chrba, Bach day an
office dedicated to her, Is said In the Churches, and olferinp
of lowire are made at her phriae. ,
: JuDoo WOODWASD eiU not be preaent at
the Argument Ooart to he held tweet, bevber been called
to Wilkes-Barre to attend the funeral of Ids mother-in-law.
Judges Schell and StMel will hold Court to-day. Judge
Woodward expects to return on Monday next.
kle, Esq., Is appointed Postmaster at Laabertinrille, Berke
county, in place of Seth Ziegler, leg., resigned; and the
Post Office bee been removed to Merkle's Stets.
J ADMITTED TO Tigs Supazmia
Monday, May 10, 1862, Oa motion of the Hot. John Barim,
Wm. R. Livingood, Waq., was admitted to practice law in
the Supreme Court of Penneylvaala. _ •
Ser- WitttAM 1 1 . kiginidta
Lodge, N 0.147, hem been appointed Deputy District Grand
Master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for Berke
NW Tam Ana ielD GRUM MIR
readers will obverse, by »rereads to our weekly report of
the Reading Market, that the prices of wheat have fallen
cts. per bushel, and of the serial qualities of Flour, 60
eta, per barrel. We make thane corrections according to
the present rites as quoted lir igomp, ltlil & Webster,
of the Fackerack Steam MN.
There ie also a Consideritile change in the price! paid
for Crain bJ Meairi. Y. Baehosig di lion; as ielll be sae
referring to their Wale, published under oar Markethead.
oP 'UNIveneALISTS held its annual session in the Eighth
*Street Touch, lPhiladelpida, on.Wedneeday, the 14th last.
Nearly ail the weletien within the bowels of the 'itssoda
tiOn Were represented. WAssuneworr HAthemerwEsti., wen
altimea modwatee, isa 241/. lie. IliefeddeAlifie.
The Rev. Mr. GOODIIOII, of New York, delivered an elo
quent and IDAtelletlee semen in the evening.
The Missionary Society. eonneoted with the Mooted=
elected the following.eacem—
Porsidrat—Oldned 2. Teat..
Vice President—Joan Cnitaow.
Trareuren—lnannz Pezwerr.
Secretary—lawn Baum.
The association adjooxned to meet hilt...ding in May, 'O.
slsr• FATAL ACCIDENTS. —0 n Thursday after
no on, at the Hall-Way Eons% in lialdenereek township,
W awn Taylor, a lad between s and 7 yew of age, son of
Pearson Taylor, *idle sitting on a baranyowarsehlok was
hi motion with one home, for the plume of driving a loon.
similar, was co tight in the wheels, and almost Instaatly
killed. His neck was indented, and hie 'shoulders and
arms crushed. •
A man in soldier's uniform, with knapsack, hilt
whose name we coniff not learn, fell off. the cars at Lees
port on Thursday 10min/on, and hnd both lap out He
died almost se soon as he wits taken up.
of shin and wounded Pennsylvania soldiers, were brought
to New-York on that:day' orening, in the steamer Daniel
Webster, from White Bosse, Va. Among them, wan two
from Col. MeCarter's (ed) Regimeot, to wit: Jared Boyer,
of Company C, and Jeremiah Bell (or Bell), of Company
0, Capt. Maitland. The last named -was a resident . of
Beading at the time of his enlistment.
James Ort, of Kutitowa, behinging to one of the Caved')
Regiments, was wounded- is the leg at the battle of Wil
liamsburg, and is now at one of the Hospitals in Phila.
le- VAN ANSI: Wan) MINAGICSII.—The imam
month Menagerie of Van Anil:mgt. & Co. will exhibit in
this city on Thursday next, the 2.9th . inst. It is the only
collection of liringnnimels nor in the UAW slatge, The
enterprising proprietors bays made large. additions to it
within the test two years, at ''great eipense, and it now
fonds ode of the meet_ magnificent exhilAtiolutof the kind
in theeroild. It is saidle - Minpebferith the firenaliiire
went Zoological. collirtlona of Pads and London, and Is a
remarkable isimililor tndlalddkt image, entarpthi sad
liteVallii. Vlearettla ell Its aspeets,Ads exhibition com
mends Mealy to favorable appriciansa t In amoral point of :
lenibriaptioniblihene betimitOCireastperform
ante of any kind connected withit. - - Ithaproves the mind,
Instructs and enlarges the common bind of human know.
ledge, and may be looked npur gr a Imre and correct
echool, In which *bath and age can enccesefolli unlock,
study and define the great book of natural history. All
thooldese this lege collection of animals, and septedadly,
ehenlgtbe uiue folk. be treated to a sight of it. .
month% as Peter Wand, with his son, was driving a
horse and baggy down Fifth street, thahbree took Hight,
ran lie Toss Contra Nome, sad osertampea. tke yeirlelega
the aaikaSeni aide the talon Bank. Mr. Stein* 454 Ida
bin were thrown out, and badly littered, flie buggy irus
brolcon,'and the hone ran dovia the narrow alley Wel*
bag the Hank. Mr. dirdnel was, at the time, in march et a
horse that had. strayed or been stoles from him oa Babn
day night
A young lad, named Alter, tell off the precipice at Lain:
bash's Hill, on Sunday atterneOn, and seriously injured
himself. He was brought to the city la the evmhog. • -
INFOILNATIOit WARTDD.--1 . 110 body of s
plug bay. darted Ann, or Anna, C. Williams, was totted
recently posting in the korib River. New York. Mks
Williams. wasp isamstremi aged 'Omit 54 or 28 yearn -
She oniroomted herself to permits in winos employ shit
nig been, as a nativi. or Beading, Pa., and. maid hornier,
AiAlaed 'oolgibialcod, A bnic-booi - and
wow money were found on ltn person, main now ID flat
Poteendon of Mr. 8. P: Nuwitl, Public Administrator, New
York City.
' ^ Tas ITerrinsttrkits HOMIL, West Macke,
!Priam under Ito new patidietor, Mr. Grove, is dotes a Sue
business, Alto suudstailte—JosWilsoia, presiding atter Bar'
up !hairs, and MaJ. Salado, charge Oahe Boaganzana
and Bar in the bailment—are clover fellows, and know
tow to do the VII Atairl9( /NAM 1914 sad guile get.
S 8i01..= Haan Rzeowur.D.— Ala John L.
lieekman; of Shoemaltareville, ha. mmeneded. In recovering.
the hone that wee stolen from him meek before latt.
calked Min,- in . 41. Probibiliii the thief, had "sold' the
horse to a boatman in Philadelphia, who placed him at'
workion the Schayikillmnial, and In whose poseeedon
- Mr. Heckman found him.. .
A'Sotpiza DEAD.—Blias Strutter, of
Windsor township, died of amall•pox on the 9th lust, aged
SO yoara,l month and 93 days. He was &Volunteer In the
Union Army, and had obtalued a short furlough to Thin
his family, when he wan tdkihkitia by the &some which
proved fatal.
. SURGICAL OPRRATION..-7Coat Thursday,
Dr. Thomas J. B. Rhoads. of 011berlsylUe, successfully per
formed the operation of removing four tumors from the,
head of ito - wilo of &guano Tfaiwasuu. or DOllglhoo
township, Montgomery county.
TURNP/Hll MIHTINI).—The annual meet
ing of U. Iteadlag awl Pettiotoett Thrall/XI GomPanYi
will he held on Monday, the 3.1. of Joao, at Ocildles Hotel,
in Pottstown. An election will then be held for officers of
the Company for the tanning year.
Mir D r z . — Charles Wll5 badly
injured la a etona•qaaery about three weeks ago, by the
premature exploeton of a blast, died of bit Injuries hut
Ibiturday morntui.
... .
. .. .
tar. iliktorrwr or door. transported on Phil
adolplda and Reading Railroad. dads/ tho w...k. .alias
Tioroday, May 22,1882 e .
Tows. Owt.
ProalPort Carlon, • • • • . 11.0116 18
.• . P01161411*, . • - - - - 1,402 14
" 'rho/4 81 4;1*volt.- • - - - 22,01n1 10
.. nbura - - - - - • 3,299 02
.. Port Clinton. - . - - - 3,080 04
if4Tll4bOrg. . . • • • %all 00
To l d for week . 4,767 17
Prarionaly this year, - - - 780,008 02
1 1 0264 r 823,384 03
Dame usitiaityuko • . • Mpg al {
-• a
M a Meeling of the 2'111147 *id eitlzona of goading,
bald on Tuesday evening. May ID, MY, at Capt. Bark.
hart's Hotel—Gen. Tanta. DARIO yreeddlng—to mate
arrangementa fur attending the towel of Gan. Witmax
N. Nam the following reselationa, molded by a Commit.
tee, eorgsting of the Hon. J. Pringle Jame, Daeld Me'
Haight, J. nt. Bella% W. L Paoli sad Levi Msainorger,
were adopted, and *Mend to be paddled
The death of Wasfax HMI HEM, whose life hu been
Identified with some of the higher interests of Berke
county; calls upon us, who were happy to bare been kb
neighbor. and mends, among whom he lived and who
knew him beet, to give a lard utterance to our regards and
to our regrets in his behalf. ,
Pot long years a prosperous merchant, we knew Min us
one whose praises were upon all men's tongues, en well
for enterprise in bomb... and liberality in promoting the
good of the community, as for indulgent to thine wile
were his debtors, and fur the exercise of a wide charity to
the poor. We knew him, too, when misfortune overtook
him, and we know with what honor end honesty, and
with what fortitude, he pascal through the dark days of
The political honors to which be attained, through the
favor of the people, were sustained by him matisestorfly
to bit aonelltnentsomrith credit to himself, Hie habit' of
order and preelmaess, bear spas the sesulanlat
ted derangements of the Laad-oliee over sided ke
Lave introduced Into the ales of that, department, from
which we derive all our land titles, ouch completenus of
system, ease of reference, certainty of obtilithe Informa•
non, as have never, at say time before, bean known to exist
Nis connection with the military of Berko county and of
the Nate covered his whole active life. • 'badness for
' military Mathes and associations led him from early
manhood to take a leading part In argent/int and mak
lathing an Menem citizen soldiery. How much his labors.
tad energies, directed in this way, oostribiltad to. that a td
is this end other auntie; was well understood zed apps
elated in the volunteer ranks.
At the outbreak of the rebellion the Governor ordered
him, junior only to General Patterson, into .settee, with
the contingent of the State, when he had much to do with
organizing and sending forward "the three months' mm,"
and was afterwards la the laid with them is Virginia
they worunastered out of sorvioe. Hewes then appointed
by the Praident a Brigadier General of Volunteer; and
was in the exorable of that command before Yorktown and
in the advance upon Williamsburg. At the salon before
the latter place, he rose from his Mak bed and ulisrahed with
hie brigade, whereby, the fever, under width' he was ad
fering,WlA so aggravated that hie recovery ecame kepis*.
Is needless to aty anything of him I n the varied re
'Woes of private life. In all of them, as we 021 well
know, he was greatirbeleved.
In view of his whale same, Whilibaria inn before our
eyes, your commit'ee would offer the knowing resolutions,
as some feeble szprusion of what is felt lathe community
upon this occasion ;
Revolved. Thai is the death of Wadden Bleu Blue our
city and county busiest a citizen whom modest deport
ment, exemplary conduct, publie spirit, and sterlingiateg
rity endeared him most deservedly to the - people.
Ranked, Thst we Mader the sympathies of the people
to his grief-strieken family in this hour of sanction.
POMMY MOULDS, May 21.-0•11 upon th e tamers of
the North for ouppltes of batter and eggs to be moot hors, to
the " care of Dm Hunt and NeGeg, of the Cbsopealce lad
Mill 'Creek Hospitals."
Sponges, oiled silk, raga, baaterea, Hat and dried fr uit
are shot cuiently needed.
Ia the onus of our snirering soldiers, I slakothis appeal.
Nu. Joao ILMlLlgillearetary.
Tlie Ladies' Aid emaciation would call cermet attention .
to th? 1014110111? ?DPW' ?Wig SI trh? thal l!
power, to' Wintelbale any article namtionert ilk the ais-
Cestriltatlone may be cent to Ma. Annie illuttlea ,
berg, daring the nett week, an a box, If possible, will be
forwarded by the emaciation the latter part of the-wwii.
MalA If. Nome *Wm',
The following contributions haws been resented by the
Ladles' Aid Anoolation deo, their last selthowlodgmesh
Hagenman, 4 bottles. aortae; Km realm lloheltc'
6 With, sheet% 1 pair pldolf •sasssil p&p/Amdahl., /
wrapper ; Min Gordon, sheets.
Prom Union Club, through Mr. W. S. Pox, Trombrer,
55 00, being proceeds of s Ball gleen In old of the sick and
wounded in our Army. This is the mood contribution
received from this source within a abbot time, by the All
Association, and deserves not only general prase, Imtsm
Wad haltalloti.
MARIA W. BROOKE, Seeritary.
and Freak Lulu—for next week, of the enter
prising News Agents, Haney Biroh & Brothers.
They are filled With splendid pictures . of War
Scenes, and Frank Ler& issues another Mar
Supplement, containing among other things, a
mammoth plottoe of the BolOardnio4t of F9lll
Jackson and St. Philip, near New Orleans.
Colonel McCarter, of•the 98d Regiment, P. V.,
has written a very. interesting letter ~,te his BM,
describing the fight at Williamsburg, in which.
his regiment participated, whioh we have read.'
It appears that the marching to Williamiburg
was, to use the Colonel's =premien driadful"
nearly ono-hall of ilia regicteat ithigglleg be
hind, .being without strength to move faster,
owing to the horrible condition of the roads, in
the mnd of which the artillery and baggage
wagons were inclined to stink fast. The rise"
pleat matte their march of Peres or. eight MUM
from Lee's Mills to the battle gild; °Ohs day,of
the light, (fithinst.,) over such roads, and all the
way heard the roar of the cannon, and, on near
er approach, the rattle of musketry, giving the
stimulus of excitementto aid them in surmount
lug swollen streams of water and mud—the lat
ter especially. They arrived at length, and were
moved up to support part of Hooker's division,
whioh had been fighting all morning, and the
93d met the enemy about np. They, wore
three Pennsylvania regiments in their brigade—.
the 98d, 98th, and 1028. Col. Mccartersays all
three were a little unsteady when they first came
under the fierce fire of the enemy's fern!, artille
ry and musketry, but came nimbly to the work,
whichlasted three hours,• and in which the 98d
lost one captain (Shearer) and six privates kill
ed. The colonel had been ill, and was hardly.
able to mount his horse, but fought it through
nevertheless, ice epeab bighly of the conduct
of the Pennsylvania troops, and also the others
engaged in the battle. He says that the rebels
employ Indians and half-breeda against - vs, as
several of them were found ihe next 'day among
he dead, in front of where the 98d had forret!.
About 1,000 liniOnjeoldiers fell dead that day,
he says, and three time, that number wounded.
His whole account of the fight is very interest
ing.—banceiner Barra&
ADvaltrialltO Aosfams...The business of sn
advertising agency, henestly -and energetically
conducted, in commercial aides, is` an ha
portaat adjunct to the fieWspaper publisher.
Bet; conducted-es the majority'( theseagmadmi
hate been, both in Philadelphia Ind New York
(and perhaps other cities), they are hut a leedh,
a moth upon the country press—oatiag rof -ite
unbalance and rendering so' equivalent for the absorption of the labors of the fats
' They are Iffolkose ia wadies, .but amity ,
in performance. They pocket the money mar
t:haat!' paythem for advertising, sod leave pa&
fshers (who . earn it) to whistle for j tbett ply,
This has - been the rule to so general an extent
that all good publishers in the country bads dis
carded them altogether. Thera 12, however, one
honorable exception ter-thit mle, and'ihit is
its: the case of Psi-ramie & CO:0169M; isiMes we
to-day print as authorized to trsumaot ontibuig-
Bess for lathe; alum OE, New Torii arid Boston
A business experienced i 1 yeaif lies se&
ne that this - Arm are...honOrable, 'rediable
men. They treat publishers honestly, and coal
iequentiy can make better terms with good ad-
TertiseiLthifi any'lltNer agency in those °Wee.
—Luzcrnc Unionc •
J GODEY'S lalreiliClUK for JULIO SON&
end charming u the "leafy month" Whose (*M
ing it heralds. "Sitting for' a Portrait" is a
beautiful Bummer rural picture; the double eel.
ore& Fashion Plate is a splendid affair, and the
whole 1 . make up" is nob se will be, mire to
please. In the language of a utempoiary “it
is pure in if& pages, and peerless in !Lis embel
The Confessions and Zxpeiienee .of a
Palpitated far the %nett sad u a warning and a eaution
to ?alba hien who war from Nervous Delsility.Psenisince
Decay, &a.; supplying at the Dam lime the memo of Self-
Care. By one who has oared Minoan' after betas pat to
great expense through medical inipochlon and guaekay.
By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, sum opw
pine may tio had of the author,
Bedford, Meg. co., N. ,
mart& 22-Iy]
ILAIECrarrWIII4II3i. ii AL.".
I. the -am and mrsemerr and xoor amtraroc Mall sewing
liaabines. This Machias PIC eow alythiag, from the run
ning of a took In Tarlatan to the making of an Overcoat—
anything from Pilot or Roarer Cloth down to the wlteet
Gauss or Closiamer Tisane, and la ever ready to do its work
to perfection. It can fell, hem, bind, !Alm, suck, quilt,
and has capatity for a great Twisty or ornamental work.
This L not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and
so forth, but It do no better than any other Machine.
The Letter " A " Family dewing Machine may be bad in a
great vO2/417 or, Tabin. Tale mama, axe, widen
is now becoming no popular, In„ an Its namesweilea, one
that can be folded Into a box at case, which, when opened,'
makes a beautiful. subdantial, and epode= table for the
work to rot noon. The cases are of every Imaginable de
sign—plain as the wood grew In ile native forest, or as
elaborately finished as art can make them.
Send fora copy of "Scum & Co.'s CIALITrA"
4 58Browlwa7, N. Y.
Miff 17-U1
Er. pattegelptits 01Ice, 610 °Want String.
W. L CLODS, Agent la Rs&4lir.
larillachine WM, Tiigiad, mom., Oi &e., at
To Consumptives
The Advertiser. having been Toetonel to Stealth In a few
weeks, bye very simple remedy. WSW Wing salmi
weal years with a severe lung athatioa, and that bead
disuse, Clommmiltle•--11 1111401111 to milMlisown to hi.
fellow-anffetall Miasmal of wire.
To all who issue it. k• will seed a copy of the prowl*
Noe and Rot of our), ti°3I4M. P . PF IS I r
and sang es , AIM, Willa lOW will lea a Baas Casa for
Cosawaries;lleralth, Bsollibeuris. Thi Daly object
of the advertiser in !wading (he trentiption is Sok Wadi
the emitted, aria spread taformatioa which he eoneelyeeto
hlOgallialible, Sad be hors
„poem stdawer, wll.t ter . hit
Tandy, al it will seat them netklisk esii ploy preys a
.I t attloi wielatitg the prescription Will plwie• iddt ii
Re.. - RDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh,
sow 11-9t03 Zings County. New•Yetk„
neat, as eleetloa wlll be held at the ales of tbe Com
pany, No. 20 Noe& 2llth street. Huang, betook the
heart of 10 mid s o'olook 4 1, 4 401 1 41.. 1 40 : 4 1 13 1 p 1d „,_
tad elz litneesete of the =WW2/ ve ,
,eonduet the basiesseet eeldlloomeatlbrtimiarmilveymksb
easy 244 f, g. AMA 1100r0017 and Tress. .1
AMERICAN iNing‘iir
Athena's lleskantal will take idiot at Meet on
Monday. the 9th of Jane, 1869. All ambers of the
Order are reepeettally invited 6:tenant: It iteneeted that
an areandon Train will lean Reading onsaid Oy. bf
Biot Foam Itailma.
gar Mamma will be delivered to end Chlrlitillt
by moral friends or Order.
By order o E. f the Committee or Arraggemeate.
0. E..
scgittru VANN BRIM ,
BEEMBAY I I4.II Dzwraas, two, si-u
If V to attend the adebration of the one-htnalted Mrs'
dedication of the Organ in St. Pant's Ohara,
.1/Mar Lo
bachedite, Barks arnstly, on Saturday and Nnltsidddar.
the 7th and Sib of Jane 1802: Vila MOM* oVer
al Clergymen from .164.4 win ti in die idiiitatit nut
afternoon. The. peemd re
freshmente for tirgn i Fr ui ill.: "En*"
are forbidden to mist , a ova' Predi 1,1 "
Is death& Whim) tbeistreita Of Oat trim .B?
order ef titrlTonstrogation. . .
61105 - 0. WAG • , IWILLIAII L (1/04 . %
ogonor, GAEA.A . 'VELEM BEL B L. _ , , •
.dßlißildOwy ' . lIONJAMIS auk
may 24-St - ' • atimnlnee.
14111, their *nu, &nabs la Robeson t•wsskip. Sulu
coma, about 9 miles south of boding. 511 a Mos Walt
of Birdsboro' containing about 100 awes, of which about,
74 sores le fa rm land, under good sultivados and good
fences, about a scam of meadow. Use W° 94 004
sprout land, The Improvements se• d IBM nail 111911911/
tiTONE DWELLING SQUIB, ocotalatog I roodui sat
=ohm, Mu. barn, with eider ran sad
house atbsolud, • now Waster, stone Waloladons•
sad sera cab, lam NON, Its.. bog Maids t all **WM.
logo under roodtissatly usu.A lad daft 011011ARD of
choice fruit, it pump near the door and aro epilogs stotiltr
distant, boa of tutoolloat sad arroaddillig WOW. drib.
AD road gams Omagh the middle Of sold du*, It beg
ttOrttaddsd to Mills, Much's, Schools, As.
A good litho willAs given and awns ands slap
Per further particulars, se* attar of the atibiortbirs cF
gain la the city of Boadiag. Pasoan wislitag to ens this
farm will all on lota* S. Royer, thing thereon.
JOS. S. 1/0111E, •
way .24-11 38111.1111STRIL
eooy WOW to Otto tststomort tuktiho summit lisosS
AIM Par otberponam, or is liisberlimo
,manner or kind; and all assertions made hy MAL Mass
that tax yard aadahat of I, Yee/ ass too italLibs.asto
thing, ore Malicious falsehoods. MOW dahlias to deal
with him Mamas* Sall Own/ atill!•* 11 e WRY
Wiener, taiott mho% Smaitsg, Ps.' • •
may at-St] D . DYYBHSB.
mcnria supprium ~..
A. 41 & BON, BO OP POR , , 4.:
: AdiOltirsaparlills:'/* Walor. 000 ''' '
oarmooa t lookip& ,.. dlot sand, No, 113, Wick. ,
atrer it rr z eat PIMA 11114,11 UltilW
end larafis - &?Talroti I.4lpm p tleadtil Ida.
IteaSali d ildE damn. goo‘tollt MA. ilifo boa van.
ti of Pato; Alt, ihoisplitills sad Wand Water, at tho
lowest Flom, Tankful for sost Mora Car jianseehilly
set a continuance of the saws as *Soy ammo" totter pre.
pared *up. over to supply old oadrW
may 20 -oio
David Neliidgid, Treasurer of the
Soldiers' Union Fund.
To amount received from
- - .
DaYid Plant, Cowry TINGIUMINIF, ' 10.000 00
Naar Illotkainlii, City Triataior, , 000 00
Dr. 8. S. Stereav i oallibution, ' ~. 16 00,
burs 1041 Jr . ly, coatribistiqa, - 'N. 00
lamb Dirooldo; roasuror Railroad Depot Cola 8 08
'Rom "Earimaa. Treasurer or Cora on iliiiial, 111 00
Dowtil i l i klaer, N. 8, WiirilSo 8 Pi
Joh. A.40,2 b . o9ppile ii, 3Vi ordon
ea loot t liasi, dry , DR 00
Oa* order on Rod. liaglor, boots sa g = DS 00
Ono order vat A. woke k Co, , boots and dm., 18 co
• com i rßA, ca,
kmarikt. of Mon 'Pan from
.Coanto C 0.0110,10004 •
SioithaailiWara eommitbei,
NorthWyd:Word 11%.
South-Erik and do. .
South-Wed Ward do.
Spruce Ward do. '
Union Fund Ooettatibte, thieeelleteelie Muni
at Riadingi Hanimberiraid LgusMsr, _ 10
Paid Micro's of thereof, amoeba OTBeVOildif
Sneer's dee bill, 26 SS
Baum of cash paid Wm. lietbet, coact, Weed. 6 44
irethc'a appetntsale audit the aecoaared
David McKnight. Treasurer of the Soldiers' Delon Pond.
do hereby certify that we ICING exatahted the said seethat
and fled the thaw stated above.
Wither oar beads. Me 200 day of Slay
A. Q. . • A
tJ AMBURO'B Great Artritl BBolf, Will bi Whiled at
'Reading. in the afternoon and ereniny. and Emitter
Ticket. will be sold by the saktiiirs“, Roil Road Co. at
au the Stations at Witte MU/4 Ali% Rimlla to Mum 0,1
the earns and Dent day.
1 special stick trete *?
will have it es MO
Randal:4C A. elopying sa Cheiketietiannastrive
at ilea et 9 o ' clock . Co. semi We will leave Reeding
at 6 o'cluc in the evening, and arrive at tlihnittlern et,ll
The excuntion tickets wiltettelsti 041 for the Regular
Trains. Tkeesshkwilll-• -
A4Setett iftwor; 11,07,4 1: a.
4~N4:' 14
Ipf si - ess 131 •
Jon,tlenriniVao ' Si 112
-Nighties 1:40 ' ..„
AllitaptoNc• 1.40 Teiapla 1 4 . •
Iltertmlogra 4.04 " Ate•SiwiglAsti SAW ""-
Topton 7.611 SWAM IL OVISIES,
1 , 7 2-Itl President.
'AMP 1110111 fit *i
...Or No4itidiak iMsoalt
and the Coot MuMPT, mAramilit Ma* Mr• of
MAW. It ditto id Mut and MA iraltuarls bats
emmaraing an - um niainn6s. ibis theNrait DepositsosossUp
medktely alhoilud itrpiturmftel, and dimeintil on
THOUSAND COPIES amen; the UmeraUi AAA - oMomeUar
the Army.
As it Is THY ONLY ISAVAIutt Is autb6rlsad as OPIPICIAL,
ft - 16 the melt HADable MA. Atth.atle, sad from it. largo
ntse,4-3.1 by ALlnshim,4o at a. &am 604, ?Mitt
-acYM AF
mar. all Me Point.. Desn Altsranissai
Wiearml. 11eMtifyo101 tO mOtemiltti.
LOKOD. 1 0 11108 . OILY 081
-I=conipio Otiith tillerlormos. ha Clock cuumoi sa,
Am* Monnied on Most% SI 114., Minuted qp
'XimMa..TXX /BMWs. Ard VarAMMA; Si 60. YaaMFraeby
Malt on4o6oipi oritios. •
Ma. od4 CUM MI PAlN4Apiam
4Hr As eitete. Inteillesiet man mama TUX MT and
ONLY 01/16LKgs, ArpOis mks ; maks stow rooltis
40-11 BPAPERB lasseting tMa flues limo. 4611 :s
-eek* scups by MAIL fumy 96.111
-, 4GII 313 t ME IWir JAL 9
If V . elegant astortment Oaths folloThigjanda of
zeuiray ;Mama aides grallst
'mat Cllai Vaasa, I dat lialth, dtr silrolk.
Card Weadsetty Anallones t 'Cologoe Wattlesl
tele ..
he., wool, iwowsialtstaada. Cigar Maude, and OW!
of other hues goods suitable kat Cm What-Wet. • ,.,
'WNW= and ;Wei& ifivOggrai4, - .
kali la Wise Battles. Damao% aam.6.41 . abi.
' .1 i i
Liquor Setts, Cigar Muds, wire Baskets, Coigns BMW,
Cane and Frail Studs In great variety. Caatdra. Malt W.
lam, Candleettoke, Tumbler; das, ha., and ContmentWalo.
ware hr away , doloriplion ; together with an saltaiive
dock of
Congaing in intik of White Camille Tea and Tolima setts,
Tegnad ,Coffee Clips,Dlaaer, Brealtdiat *ad gator JUN.
Mahe" Of all kinds, Mahan, Wiwi, low* he., be., wilh
a fall lie . of common ware, all of which we offer at unto
easily low prim. 4* Inspection aaaaaa goods by our malty
Patrons and the public, te reepeotfuliy asked.
ii, KUM *AM
may dd Wo. lit, COMM of rifth and Sprawl W.
xhir zr. mo xa .lEs 2o MI 3ray
ms 7 2 , 17 Corner of Pooh and Thlfa Stmt.
. Fxeeldor Hams. torsuttlag or boillm lust received
aa 1191,014 ?UM Om%
TIM for sale at
iu.l - AU liskirs, kr sots al
the advises notwithatanaliai the ad , vaii
IV $ 4
wr . tesa autu and.
suat Pfitinto
AwD •
wE NOW op& A
ansiviNtilb Loma2Blvlitv
Comprising all the latest stylea l and mad,
in the very but manner.
Aujo, sou grater *pips is BLACK
Mooning and /lewd Mourning 0, 00 4,
of every kind the nuaket Words,
WO or
0175 VgDil3l•74o ZARLIKILI
Aisto, just oponsditinterai oases of
One of the but Inas wet offered Vhe
At 12 000111 Per Yard.
. .
All these.goodi bens bout selected with
Brest Ws in the prineipal marker of o w
country, stud will be told et prices
woraltorsOLD wow
may st .
we iarrfastraula t&44-m.r.j
,tep..._______int ___ of,
We Konagerie, motto or hit
1 Aso#4,,,tpOtrouisted. ult.
taganININK irfiLL LIM ,
I i 44 MgAnnerliouldibe
mour this delsidedeadaid(
1 ,..., - ., /tziorm•ahrigu it v ..
only odd • ~,,,, , r - 1 ,
. ' • ear I
, 4. , ir ,_„ • • = Wood t .
',. ikilsee giiro au P i's
~, 4,
'L: i r e o4lo444l l baliVa",
i .
, li t "8 4 11 0014411 11 1 .. ..
• . . e et parallon and 1110 n:
i asizrz.v., wathotz
"P.% fetetttuttern. I. terithaet pm..
_ , dental:the Menagerie to the
*Meta. dbettllSA.N.„ alit farm
i T AL flovialloanorama b
rte' s e.
. 7 ipOrientai Oa th ., !wavy,
• -Niir molri1:4•
. ' •
I.,, l rksi POO*. will
( iwofimmatrudt• - it ii i i ita r *op...
•4010 25
MI 14
121 E
t "
,Nt0ir m i.0....., _.-4,' ; 7- , irrame
2thlfAso iviltAirt Mr am ~ 4 i
, th ini, l i mm a i .
• the tiring
-.., k, i
Kor I
Kir 1 1 04504'
„ i
---.• be Gene dared C — i
47 - Cbcciaorlirsc au imegrAtiOr ' - i
L 'q''.' , fi.. '' .. r . . 4 ..r" 4 , 1 •
i : • , .
trek ewe Is MI A h.
iili , " - 3
' l Z4l = rai eee . '
Afterieme had*
: I. l htemt a.... „ . Um Arndt ttimike
idgKin '. Bride '
Orcy Wic iai l kcagesial , . •
arr. -Mt hp the ZIA, • t
PZLtere u rr i e il * ~...j,"
1. t .....
rows 7
daholowird 1114 :7 - 7,; ,
row ) Om* if IN A v ,1 ,
. ,
v * e. Ave .„ , Paws, es . asms
-*" • , , ibmiab aillwriels , N ;_, '
= latta ? - 14 • i:a ' • ) ' i
• MOM, ,
aitilt C
Blialtraft Oka 4
, I r/s , Th ,
dirdZ owi b "
E a
v . . , _ 1
MO thilVtefr PIIIC:' 'l4
' r 4
ask, Arae Mar rirtareatr, parr
Aoheisisapeir An=
- k
Plasutere, Maus PIMP_
Agawam P ikti l ivia4
Macau% par oft.
~Ilkie roma mpg' rep
itter . Dew, pair Jiaaprira o ta •ry, ~ .
Onsaisait igama, pair or •• (Ova
tr it to,_petr TRW VoteverT t —,ll. ( .1 :4
f n me Austral, tros
I= l ,roF
„froesil a... wstratA . 2
"twovuer, AL ... eh a P .- atiriio74 ~ '”, . 4'
krys, Oak, i '
"moo, Sam - Kg . e74 VMS:, , , • n
&Oh feirvif, ii#l . n . pviNA.,5
stZr7tile v irlt II"
141 . j, .11
Will enter eUte ot !Woe
Au° arm he Ins=tte
t i trgaA ir j tte_r
ALP/ 1 W =PP.. dalk + t tr il t='
410 f. Nma, Pongee, Monkeys, , -
o, Ike. Don't tail to see • ~,. •
rCIO 0f..31,,, preceded br thip
lOLDEN CHARIOT' 1 .& 4'.
• Containing •
Ottoltorses Comm Mad .
ilirlt' Irk
-11 - 4 ,
WILL prim, •AT 131ADINO,
io sontiZOZlkil,
akar 214 t
40 flotalk Pit* Wed.
BtiaT 001. oP • Alit.—Ages -strivan ton
1110 V4 0 .4 Igo kr eh si
; P 1 1 7 157 - taut itrib
Doni 'ups Mill, Min COM