The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 14, 1865, Image 4
Z4t th7rs,',l SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1861 GRAND' " PARADE OF TEX FIRE DEPARTMENT Monday, October 16, 1865. CREEP MARSHAL, HENRY B. BOBS, Washington Fire CO. CH/EP MARSHAL'S STAFF. Special Aids, Robert T. Gill, Hope Hose Company. Diehard Ellis, Northern Liberty Engine Co eamuel Henderson, Western Hose Company E. Kietehmer, COlumbia Hose Company Win. Van Osten, Good Will Engine Co. Alfred Buhl, Fairmount Engine Company. Lewis Sweeny, Pennsylvania Hose Co. District Aids. 1. Frank Devitt, neyamensing Hose Co. 2. Charles A. Porter„Sebnylkiii. Hose Co. 3. JamesliteCalley, Fairmount Hose CO. 4. Charles L. Austin, N. Liberty Hose Co. 5. Rudolph Jimeltins, Rescue Hook and Lad der Co. 0, Bolton Winpenny, Mimay - ank Engine Co 7. Danl. Kelly, Msntila look and lAcider Co. DIVISION MARSHALS FIRST DISTRICT. Marshol—Henry Bunker, Weeemeoe Engine. Aida—Geo. 13tzekman, Franklin Engine, Hen ry - York, Niagara hose. Marshni---,Tas. Beattie, Hope Hose. Aidg—Wiiiium B. Turner, Southwark Engine; Chas. - isteni.l3-,Ronthware Hose, lifarehat—Jos. miles, Shinier Hose. Aids—Jas. P. Dole Hope Engine ; atones S. 4lDalrymple. Marion hose. Mar,qhfli—Wm. Western hose. Aids—Chas. B. Good, Good Intent nose ; John Patterson, Delaware Engine. EECOND DISTRICT Marshal William A. Thorp, Perseverance Hose. li. Warner,America Hose ; James Boborts, ColmnbiaEngine. - illardud-11. J. Mclntyre, Philadelphia ; - 1- gine. Aids—H. Allman, Washington Hose;Wm. H. Woodward, Philadelphia Hose. Marshal—A. J. Bair, Warren nose. Aids—Albert Garin, 600 d Will Engine; H. Jacobs, Fame Hose. Marsha/—John H. Mogen, Empire Hook am/ Ladder. Aids-41 elm Donohue, Independence Engine; J. Sidney Thorn, United States Engine. Marshnt—Wm. Pruitt, Western Engine. Aids—Robert M. Evans, Tivoli libso ; A. H. Randall, Diligent Engine, .3liirshal—A. H. Ladner, 111111 e() States Hose. Aids—Robert Glenn, ! assistance Engine; Col. Thomas F. B. Tapper, Good Will Hose. littirslial--Edward P. Drinnoll, Diligent Hose. Aids—Benjamin Champion, Northern Liberty Engine; Thomas Gilligan, Spring Garden En gine. .Marshal—Samuel T. Greer, :Neptune Hose. Aids—Joseph Hazzard, Vigilant Engine; - B. L. Heppard, 1-irrmane Hose. FOURTH DIET RIOT Marshal—Joseph Hacker, Jr., William Penn Hose. Aids—William Elliott, Good Intent Engine ; James .tenners, Spring Garden Hose. .211iirshel—John F. Currie, Lafayette Hose. Aids—George Irensler, Mechanic Engine ; Martin Dan, liensington Hose. Morava—Edward .Jones, Globe Engine. Aids--.J. Frank 'Atelloy, ituuntne Engine ; J. Howard. Striniek, Oohoc sink hose. marmat—James smith, Iniletiemienee nose. Aids--John Elirman, South Penn Hose; baml. Miller, Taylor "lose. FIFTH DISTRICT MoosLtd—Amos El/is .: /I' asniogtou Engine, of Frankford. AUl4—James L. Helmboßl, Robert Morris liOse; 'Henry - M. Taylor Excelsior Hose. Marshal—Trai:is F. kerbaugh, ITAIOiI En gine, of Rising Sun. Aids—Captain Isaac J. Neal], Phoenix Hose ; J. D. CabSell)erry, Lincoln "lose. =II Illarsha/--Tarnes Mullen, Washington En gine, of Germantown. - M. 811511, Friendship Engine; P. H. Rlose, Reliance Engine. Marshal—Reuben Sands, Fellowship Engine. Aids—Wm. C. Freese, Germantown Hose; Geo. W. FON, Columbia Engine, Germantown. I=ll2 Marshal—Frederiek Osterneldt, West Phila.- daintily, Engine. Aids—George W. Prenge, West Hose; Samuel Taylor, America engine. Marshal—Captain Thomas T. seal, Monroe Engine. Aids—George W. Bewley, Union Hose; Geo. a. Roe, KinggesMng Engine, ROUTE, OF THE PARADE. Countermarch down Broad to Christian and up Broad to tiellerseo, down Jefferson to Ger• mantown roan, sown Germantown road to Thompson, down Thompson to Shackamaxon, down Shaeltamazon to Beach, down Beach to Brown, up Brown to Fourth; down Fourth to Wharton, tip Wharton to 141ntlt, Up Ninth tO Pine s up Pine to Eighteenth, up Binitteenth to Arch, up Arch to Twenty-first, up T wenty-first to Green, down Green to Twelfth, down Twelfth to chestnut, down Chestnut to Third, and there dismiss. FORMATION VF DIVISIONS THE DIVISIONS WILL FORM I , t/Ta .11..A.5 ON DIVI SIONS RESTING ON BROAD STEEET, EXTENDING WESTWARDLY. . . Ist Division will form on Maranon street 2d do, on Batt onwood street. 3d do. on south side of S. Go.fdea SG 4th do. on north side of S. Garden st sth & 6th do. on Mount Vernon street. 7th do. on. Wallace street. Sth do. on south side of costes st, 9th do. on north side of Coates st. 10th do. on Brown street. 11th do. on Parrish street. nth &nth do. on Poplar street. 141. h do. on south side of Girard av, 15th do. on north side of Girard ay. 16th do on Stiles street. Eth de. on Thompson street. .18th do. on Master street. 19th do. on Oxford street. . 20th do. on south side of Columbia ay. 21st do. on north side of Columbia ay. 22d do. on east side of Itroad st., the right resting on Jefferson, extending north wardly. CHIEF DfAILSHAVS SPECIAL DIRECTIONS. Companies are requested not to raise steam in the boilers of steamers, nor to ring the bells of extra carriages at intersections. When the head of the line arrives at Fourth and Wharton streets a halt will take place for thirty minutes. Marshals of divisions will preserve a space of fifty feet from the rear of preceding divi sion. Marshals of companies will take a distance of twenty-five feet from preceding companies. The extunary salute Uy tipping hats will be dispensed with in the countermarch. o persons will he permitted to appear mounted in the line unless properly equipped as firemen. • In case of a break-down of any carriage or apparatus in the line, the marshal of the divi- Aionwjj) camp the earne to be removed to one side to prevent detention of the parade. in case of fire dm - mg the parade, the Chief Mar shal, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer, will desiongie the companies to leave the tine. ORDER. OF THE PARADE. CHIEF MARSHAL AND STAFF CILIEV - PAyrr.. M. LYLE. First Division.. Second Division Third Division. Fourth Division.. Fifth Division.. _. The advance will consist of two cavalrymen with bugles, as trumpeters of Pima, followed by a handsomely-upholstered chariot and bell drawn by Six solcuoirt black horses, itirdiSbed by Messrs, Wanamaker Brown, the Cele , . Wel ed tailors of Oak Hall. The chariot and the trappings of the horses have been arranged regardless of cost. Six pretty young ladles, dressed in neat and appropriate costume, will distribute fix:en the chariot a poem written for the occasion, dedicated titi r lia Fire Depart ment. FIRST DIVISIO'. Marahad—capt. Tao=_ T. Sgkt Aids—Geo. W. Bewley, Geo. S, Roe, E. F. Caney. Hibernia Ffre Co., No. 1, Feb. 20th, 1752. .Aineriens Fire CO., No. 6, N. Y. Firemen's Association, f•Tewrk, N. J, Good Will Fire Co., Trenton, N. J. PRiladelphia Hose Co., No. 1, Dee. 15tb, 1803. Empire nook and Ladder CO, , No,l l Feb.6th i 1551. Alert Hose Co., No. 41, N. Y. SECOND DIVISION. Marshal-IDmay Bunimn. Aida—George Buckman, floury York, Charles Northern Liberties Fire Co., May 1at,1150. Barniaoat Fire Co. No. 4, Boston, Mass. Good Intent Dose Lb., NO. 2, March 86h, 1804, Firemenls.A.ssoelation, New York. Rescue Hook and Ladder Co., Jan. 47th, 18,53. THIRD DIVISION. .Mardta/-- , Youn H. Msons. Aids—John Donahue, J. Steiney Thorn Vigilant Fire Company, No. 3, Jan. 2rl, 1760. Thaaa - ne now Company, No. 4, April 10, 1605. Independence Fir.. Company, Camden, N. J. Mantua Hook and Ladder Co., March 14, 16J5i FOURTH DIVD3IO Atm-dad—Wm. A. THORP. Aids—William H. Warner, James M. Eoberte. Delaware Fire Co. No. 4, March 21st, 1761. rerseyeranee Hose Co., No. 5, May 27th, 1805. Albany Steam Five Assuebaion, Aibany,N,Y. Liberty Steam Fire Co., Jersey City, N. J. Delegation Eagle Hose Co., No. 2, Buffalo, New York. Wasllinitiee. Fire Co., GerWautown, Febru ary 28th, 170 i. Neptune Hose Co., August oth, 1.80.1. Weeeaeoe Fire Co., Camden, N. J. • Firm . DIVISION. Marshal—J . 4mo BEATTfIZ Aids—Wm. B. Turner, Charles McKinley. Ite'lame Fire Co., No. 7, May 10, 1786. Hope Hone Co., August 17, 1901. rianhattan Fire Co., No. 8, New York. Perseverance Hose Co., Lebanon, Assistance Fire Co,, No. 8, December 28,1789. BUM DIVIBION. Marshal—WlLLlAM PRUITT. Aids—Robert M. Evans, A. H. Randall. Columbia Hose Co.. No. 8, May 1, 1896. America Fire Co., No. 9, April 10, 1120. Cood.Will Fire Co., No. 1, Allentown, Pa. Southwark 1 - 100 e CO., No. 9, bl uY "0 866- Diligent Fire co., No. iO, July 1,1,91. SICV&TITEI p 1 vision. Xarsitca—E DWARD F. DaI:MELT.. Aids.-13,en3.min champion, Thos. Gilligan. Washington Hose Co., O. 10, Feb. 21, ital. Franklin Fire Co., No. 12, Jan. 17, 1792. riKerd.A. Hose Co., No. 11, Aug. 25 . , 1017. Washington Fire. CO., F vankfora 'Tau, 1, 1703. Fame Hose Co., No. 12, Jan. 1.1810: EIGHTH DIVISION. Marshat—A, H. LADNER. Aids—Col. Thos. F. li. Tapper Hobert Glens Humane Fire CO., No. 1:1, March 1, 1701. Diligent Hose CO., No. 13, June 3. 1S•20. Wasnington Fire Co., No. 14, Jan. 3, 1796. United states EON Co., No. 11, July 4, 1826. United States Fire Co.. Camden, N. J. Friendship Fire Co.. No. 15, A tiL.r. 18. 1796. THE ~PERFECTIO±S late 7 , 2 d. Regiment P. Y., escorted by Guard of Honor, consisting of one member of each emu riftny in the department, Moyamensing Hose Co., No. 27, July *2l, 1&37. Live Oak Fire Co., N 0.44, New York. - Fairmount Fire Co., No. 33, Feb. 224, 1823. Northern Liberties Association, Washing. ton, D. C. Liberty Fire Co" Reading, Pa. Aide—James P. Dole, James S. Dalrymple. Mechanic Fire Co., No. 37, Aug. 14, 1.539. Friendship Fire Co., Readinc , ' , Pa. South Penn Hose Co., No. 37, March 27,1545. Western Fire co., April 7i 1.810. Hope Fire Co., No. 1., Harrisburg, Pa. TAVT:ISTIETH AramTud—WILLIAM DEvIN.E. Aids—Jo - nun - Merl:ion, Charles H. Good. Independence Fire CO., No. 33, Feb. 1,1817. George P. McClellan Hose, No. 30, New York Fairmount Hose Co., Feb. 10, lan'. Spring Garden Fire Co., No. 43, July - 12, 1851. Pliu.Oor Hoge Co., May Ist, /547. Kinvessing Fire Co., Octotier 2.5113, 1857 Germantown Hose Co., May hitti, 1548. E:kGplsior Hese Co., January 2501,1553. Tivbli Hose Co., June Ist, 1855. TWENTY-SECOND DWI Biol.:, .211i , rshal—F. F. KERBAUGH. „diaB-0 - , D. Casselberry, Capt. Isaac J. Neal. Lincoln Ewe Co., Juno 5tix,1055. Perry Hose Co., No. H, New York. Union Hose Co., January 10th, 1.9.50. Wog rhiladelphia Hose Co., May 10th, 1S:16. Cohockeiok. nose Co., No. V, Sept. 6th, liii. The Committee of Arrangements mct last evening at the Washington Hose House, John G. Butler, Esq., in the chair, A guard of honor was arranged for the flaw; of the Va Regiment to be carried us line, and the senior °Meer was directed to act as marshal. The marshals Will meet Chief Marshal Robb, at S% o'clock, at Broad and Hamilton streets. Divisions must be in line at 934 o'clock, as the column will move at 10 o'clock precisely, without regard to those divisions that are notilhaay. OrtiTRAI EIGHT-HOUR LEAGUE. A Meeting of the esuttal Eight , hour League was held last eveninn,, at the hall southeast corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. Thomaa vk i. Choate moved that the ward organizations, vzhieh had been proposed at a previous meeting, be postponed until after the effect of the resolutions passed at National Guards' Hall slioniti have passed. Mr. Marsnaii Roberts said: The last meeting at the National Guards' nail was an unmiti gated failure in every respect. It had been turned into a political concern. The League should have for its object the organization of all trades into one association, so that they could all work together for the benefit of each. Then they could make their power felt. They could thenhave a political influence. He pro tested against turning the League into g po litical organization, and contended that the resolutions spoken of had not passed. They were put by aperson not authorized to do so, and no opportunity was given for those op posed to the resolutiOns to contend against their passage. Mr. Cornelius Keefe responded to the re. Marks of the preceding speaker, and said that' the had passed almost unanimone ly, and that it was only by bringing the politi cal influence of the workingmen to bear upon candidates for office that the power of the League could be felt. The debate was con tinued at some length, and it was finally agreed to leave the Organizing into wards over for one month. DRAWL OF A MKTowilth ARMY OFFICER.— We regret to learn tha Dr. Henry W. Duca chet, J r., surgeon Of volunteers, Mediu George town, D. C., a day or two since, after a brief iliness,:of typhoid-pneumonia. The deceased Was appointed at an early period of the war. A surgeon in the army, and for a long_ period M O the medical ° eer in charge of the fficers; Hospital in Georgetown—a post he filled with great ability, and from which he was removed to occupy the more laborious and responsible station of Burg eon-in•chief of thearrison Of Washington. The body reached this city on Thursday evening, and will be buried from the residence of his father, the Rev. Dr. Duca chet, who will receive in the bereavement which has made him childless, the sympathy of the community. INTERESTING LECTURES.—OR Wednes day evening the first of a course of eight lec ture§ was delivered at the South-street Pres byterian church, by Stec. Daniel Malery, of Beverly, New Jersey. The lecturer is a brother to the pastor of this church, and is an able and eloquent speaker. His subject was "Prophe cy, as laid ..Winn in the Seriptilrea," Thu lec tures will be delivered on every Wednesday evening, and are free to all who wish to attend. On Sunday the 'members of the Refuge Band; of Baltimore, who are in this city to partici pate in the Bremews parade, will be present at the church by special invitation. They will take part in the singing, .Terrenee MeCusker .Joseph S. Robinson James Adams iitt'm j b ia G e.lisajoej AMERICAN Cm:men MISSIONARY SO OINTY.6--An adjourned meeting of this society was Mid in the lecture room of the Church of the Holy Triiiity on Thursday evening. It was attended by a large number of its members, and its work throughout our land, and espe cially its labors in the newly opened and most inviting nod of mission work in Hayti, were held under consideration. The society decided to transfer the money in its hands, contributed for the Ilaytien Mission, over to the Foreign Xiscionary Committee of the Board of Hisi , slims, provided the said committee will 11111 dertake the work in that important and in viting field. FUNERAL C.P. MAJOR TRIIEFITT.—The funeral services of Major Henry P. Truetin, of the 119th P. V., who was killed in the battle at gpottsylvania, and Wheose remains were brought to this city a few days ago, were held in St. Paul's P. E. Church yesterday afternoon. 'The funeral was attended by two companies of the Gray Reserves, and a large number of the male friends of the deceased. The impres sive services of the Episcopal Church for the burial of the dead were read by Rev. Dr. God dard, and the remains were deposited in the family vault in the yard of the church. THE CONTEST FOR THE FIRE-HORN.— The vote on the fire-horn, at the fair at the Assembly Buildings, for the bone= of the Sabbath-school of the North Baptist Church, last might stood: South Penn nosh, `J1 , 2,; hooks - ink Hose 101; Pennsylvania licwc, /25 United States Engine, 0; Fairmount Engine, 4; ILIHITO llook and Ladder, i 3; Spring - txar- Con E Hose, 05 Lincoln Hue, ; GoOd.Will gine, 1; Assistance Engine, 1. The - fair will close to-night. The ballot will kept open until 10 olelock. The horn will be awarded to the winning company on archway mornln4. A IVIARvEL OF MECHANICAL SHILL.— Messrs. Evans Watson, the well-known manufacturers of safes -have Just completed monster lire-proof for the Bank of North Ame rica. The safe is of the best anti most sub stantial Workmanship is eight feet six inches high, seven feet giltinches wide, throe feet deep, and weighs twenty tons. It is constructed of wrought iron, chilled. iron and steel. Eleven horses were required to convey it to the bank building from the manufactory. A similar safe is also being constructed, by the same firm, for the new banking-house of Jay Cooke jr, Co. NEW PAlTroh.—The French Evangelical Church, vataUlik•tied in this city in ISM having been for some time Without a regular pastor, has recently obtaintil the services of Itev. Coussirat, from France, who will- eater Ul3Oll his dunes tomorrow morning, at their place of worship, northeast corner of Spruce and Seventh streets. This church of the French Protestants has accomplished much good among French people in this (qty. CnAnrrAmtn BnQUESTS.--Ilargaret AI Its berger, lately deeented, made the following bequests in lwr will: To the Dorcas Society of St. Augustthe' Church, for the poor of that church, sl,o‘x); to At. o9AI his ospir . al, Po36D; to Male Orphan Amyl= of St. JolnVs Church,. WO. TrIE LATE BEY. LOTT JONES.—The pro ceeclinge in reference to the unexpected death of thy Rev. Lott,Tonca of New York, a delegate from. that State to the EDiSCODfiI GOYlVUntion, will be found incorirrated in the report of that body, published in this day's Press. F.ElliAliB.—The Congress of Fenian will assemble in mottaeiphia on Atonklar,l6th inst. NINTH DIVISION. Marshal—Joel:Pa 11/..OICER, jII. SanicA J41111.51g. N'legara Hoge Co., No. la, March 2e, 1e27. 'rim Jersey Fire Co.. Camden, N.J. Columbia tire. Co., No. IC, gent. 16. 1793. Northern Liberty nose Co., May 7, 1828. Minot Fire Co., No. 7, Jersey City, N. J. TENTH DIVISION. Marslial--,Joni P. CERAM. Aids—Geotgc Hensler, Martin Han Hope Fire Co., No. 17, NON - . 11, 1796. America Hose CO., No. 17, Sept. 28,1828. Philadelphia Fire Co., No. 18, Jan: 25, 1799. William Peun Hose Co., No. 18, Feb. 3, 180. William Peillin Hose Co., Salem, Mass. sr i.rzn ; ra ntvielow. .s.fardm2-11.. J. lifelwrvan. A;(18-11. Allen, William H. Woodward, Wveeeeoe Fire Co,, NO. 11 1 , play 1 1800 . Robert Morris Hose Co., No. la. March 14,101 Weeeneoe Hose Co., Camden, Now Jersey. Good Will Fire Co., No. 20, March 27, 1802. Vigilant Fire Co., Pittsburg, Pa. COLORS OF Tits FIRE ZOVAVER, TWELFTH .afarshal—JA.NDS MuLLeN. Aids—William' M. Rush, E. 11, Klose Independence Hose Co., No. 20, July 4,1831. Junior Fire Co., lteading, Pa. Celina;la Fire Co., Germantown, March 0,'09. Pennsylvania Hose Co., No. 21, Aug. 4, 1831. THIRTEENTH DIVISION. Marshal-1 , REDERICK Oemuromecev. Aids--George W. Freas, Samuel Taylor. United States Fire Co., No. 21, Oct. 29th,1811. La Fayette Huse Go",lsio, iB, Oct. 31st, 1831. West, Philadelphia 1 , ire Co., Nov. loth, 1010. Marion Hose Company, No. 23, Aug,l9th, 1833. Marion nose Co., New York. FOURTEMYTTI DIVISION. Marshal.•-11:SUBEN SAnne. Aids—William C. Frees, George W. Fox. Fellowship Fire Go" - March 3d,1819. Schuylkill Hose Co., No. 24, Dee. ihh, lklg. Union Fire Co., March 19th, 1810. Good Will Hose Co., No. 25, March lit, 1831. FIFTEENTH DIVISION. Maivhat—Euw.i J 0501.9, Aids—J. Frank Molloy, J. lloward Strunck, Good Intent Fire Co., April 28th, 1819. 11aluhow Fire Co., Reading, Pa. Western Hose Co., No. 98, Fob. I.lth, 13;30, Globe Fire Co., May 2911,_18.20. Water Witch Fire Co., Wilmington, Del. KIKT RIEATEL 41kArd4a/—SAMIT NIL Y. GREER. Aids—Joseph Hazard, E. S. floppard. SEVENTEENTH DIVISION. Marshal—A. J. BAIR. Aids—filbert Gavitt, H. Jacobs. Franklin Hose Co., No. 28, Feb. 12tb,1838. Franklin Fire Co., No. Washington, D. C Monroe Fire Co., No. 33, Isl '2, arch Bth, 1823. Warren Hose. co : , No. 29 March sth, 1338. Hanti-in-liami Fire Co., May 15t11, 1823. Kensington. Hose co., Ilk,. 20, Jan. Mb, 1812. EIGHTEENTH DIVISION. Niirshal—Amos F. Aids—J. S. Lleininold, henry M. Taylor. Southwark Fire Co., Feb. stb, 1827yilik Spring Garden hose CO., May1.:11119111n, 31anaS - unkFire Co„ Jan. let, 1838. ShilllerDOSO Co., A n. 32., Jan. Bth, 1346. Winer Hose Co., Camden, N. J. NINETI3II;NTIi DIVISION. Mardug--JOsldril DALLAS. • wYxarp_Ylß6T DIVISION Marshal—JAlitli SMITH. Aids—John Elirroan, Samuel Miller .1 -4 71-TM CITY-. MECIIAN/EIM." TER LEADING FIRRDERN.—At a ball given in Reeding, Wednesday evening, a large and IllagnMeent silk flag was presented by the ladles or Read Mg to bo Marto MO 00111parlY of that city. The flag ig of the most perfect .finish and finest material, and cost Wan, it bears, hi the stripeS the following, in beau tiful gilt letters! " Presented by the Ladies , Sociable of the city of Reading to the Liberty Tire Company of Reading." A painted eagle aPpears fn the centre of the field•pieee. It was formally presented on behalf of the ladies by E. IL Rauch, and received on behalf of the company by Dir. William Geiger. The ladies have also presented the Mlle company with a beautiful fire-horn. It is solid silver, with solid gold mouth-piece. The hose carriage of this company, which has just been rebuilt, presents a line appearance. The Liberty will have about one hundred men in line On Mon. day. The Rainbow, another Reading coin pany, will turn out about one hundred and thirty strong, and bring with thorn both steamer and hose-carriage, Which have been handsomely - titled up for the occasion: The Junior and Friendship, of the same city, start for Philadelphia to-day, with band. The Junior will take about one hundred and forty men, and the Friendship eighty. A committee of the Mechanic Engine of escort ratrlheed F ie r i t u t i czt— yesterday, and. n th .il is l whose guests they are, to this place. A CoMmitit,d of the Independence Rose of Philadelphia will meet the Junior of Reading. ' KaIiIHATTAN ENO= COMPANY, No. 8, .4516 NSW YORK GPM—This Company will ST rive at Walnut-street wharf this evening, and will be the guests of the Hope Hose and Steam Fire Engine COMpany, No: 2, in whose splendid house on Pine street, above, second, the !Vs will have their engine housed. The Hope members will receive them fully equipped, under the superintendence of com mittees of atrangements, consisting fd Messrs. Thomas R. Peto, Robert T. Gill James Beat tin, Jim. J. Franklin, William J. Gilbert, Ed ward Higgins, E. H. Reed, A. Calvin Kennedy. They bring with them the two splendid pictures and frames, valued at one thousand dollars, which they will present to the Hope. On Monday . the Hope will parade with their spiced id engine, hose Carriage and ambulance, they have about one hundred and arty men in line, under the marshalship,of Mr. Tho mas H. Peto. This Company is comiliftlered one of the most respectable and efficient in the departmout. The r erseveranee, of Lelkinciii, will also be housed by the Hope. prflp NR.W YORK. FIREMNIV6 1/080mATIW — A meeting of this body was held on Thursday evening, and resolved to start at eleven o'clock this morning for Philadelphia. They number about three hundred men. They have with them the banner of the Fire Department of New York. Henry Wilson, Judge Philips, and other old firemen of that city are among the number. The association will be assigned a 'prominent position in the parade on Monday. ENGINE COMPANY No. 4, of BOSTON.— the city , Covernnlent of Buxton, Mass., not permitting Engine Company No. 1 to take their steamer to Philadelphia, the company have procured a handsome NOW York hose carriage from the Clinton Rose Company to bring with them on their visit to Philadelphia. Chief Engineer Bird and Assistant Engineerg Damrell and Regan will go with the company. CoNvinMIONT OF SPIRITUALISTS. —The National' Convention of Spiritualists will be held on the 17th of the present month in Phila delphia, and will continue five days. SEwEnkrn.—A_ serenade will be given this evening - by the National Unionltl) to Ron. John Cessna, in recognition of his ser vices as chairman of the rititionatUnion State Collllirittee inning the late canvass. LOCAL BUSINESS WE understand that the Second. National. Convention will meet at Concert Hall, on Tuesday next, at 10 A. M. Delegates will be in attendance from all parts of the Union. MARTIN it; S3LlTii have removed their count. ing-room to the office of Messrs. Laughlin Runt, No.lB south Fourth street. (?el4-3t, STATEMENT OF REV. 11. A. Rem, OF BEAVER DAN, WISOONSIN.—.T. have long been an imam siast, if not an expert, among the sewing ma chines. My wife is also practically familiar and e.periented with the loading machines. I have made critical examinations and severe tests, particularly investigating . all mech.:mi. cal points, principle, character of addl., andgene raipradlsslAiikh of twelve (afferent machines claiming to be I , nisi-clam," and I am entirely satisfied that the " WiUcor, ce Gibbs" is so far above all others in practicat .worth, that it is without a rival. The complication of delicate machinery, so common in other machinery, seems to be wholly eliminated in the Willcox Gibbs, and it will live to see other "first-class , } machines forgotten, Mrs. Reid says it is eer lainlv the best beyond compar The rotating book, as applied to the Willcox 85 Gibbs Mar chine, is the beauty and perfection of simpli city itself, and I have nothing more to expect or ash-, -- - SHAWNEE MUTUAL COAL CogrArcr.—Reacl tl announcement of the "Shawnee Mutual Coal Company." Its plan for Cheapening coal meets a great public want. The character of the gentlemen at the head of this Company is the beat guarantee that its plans will be honor ably carried out to the , letter. . CHARLES H. Owns's, 163 North Third Street, southeast corner of Race, manufacturer of hand-made calf boots, sewed and pegged. Country merchants and others in want of prime goods would find it to their advantage to give him a calL Tar: Isxsss iit THE EIWITEENTS WAADr--Hen ry J. Ilabliston, No. 14:31 Frauhrord avenue, is now prepared to receive subscriptions to The Praia copies for sale at his counter at an early hour every iitOPillfl THE POLICE. (Before Mr. Mclennan nemer.3 DISPLAY Or BURGLARS AND TH/BYRS Henry Phillips, Charles Stevens, William Min- ICk, Eugene Rurta, William Lockhart, William Bedford, James Harris John M. Douglass, dames Smith, David Rodgers, Brastus Wood, Morris Dun gan, Charles Seymour, alias Greenback Charley and John Bussed were arraigned yesterday afternoon, at the central station for a further hearing. With the exception of Russell, all the prisoners were captured last week in a saloon kept by Phillips, on Sixth street, above Market. An account of the ar rest and a description of the burglars , implement.s, Sm.,. found In the place has already been published In The Trees. NUSSCII, who was ,orestod tor horse. stealing, turned State's evidence. The testimony elicited - yesterday afternoon, showed several cases of robbery against the defendants. It seems that Corporal - Weisner, of Company E, 14th Indiana Re giment, W 99 robbed in Phillips , place. He hail his watch, money, discharge papers and an application for pension stolen from him. The papers were found iu one of the drawers when the police made the de scent upon the saloon. The watch was valued at twenty. live dollars. It was pawned for two dollars and flay cents, and the weeny& shared among the party present, each man receiving about twenty live cents. Three of the defendants were pointed out as having been concerned in the robbery. RuSsell, Hartz, idinick, Smith, and Bedford were arraigned for a little horse. stealing excursion about the let inst. They went to Lancaster and put up at the City Hotel representing themselves as belong ing to New York and Baltimore. Russell and liffniek were to get a horse and buggy, and the other three were to secure a double temp. The first two were successful. They hired the horse and wagon from John Murphy, a livery-stable keeper on Queen street, Lancaster, and drove to this city. The team was valued at *325, and was offered for sale for a small amount to Solomon Dubois, a co lored man, residing in Toy street, pear 1411111, street and Ridge avenue. The Other three men were lin able to hire the double team, and returned to the citT he next Item of testimony was against Lockhart and Douglass, It is alleged that they broke into the house of sirs. Louisa Lynd, No. 1406 Pine street, on the 2d, and stole a gold watch valued at *3OO, and a number of other articles. The watch was pawned for $45, and was recovered upon a ticket found on the accused. It Was Identified by Mrs. Lynd. Rodgers,it Is eliarged,planneo the robbery of a fur store on Arch street, below Fifth. Russell and Rodgers vent into the store one afternoon to re connoitre, and a night or two afterwards Russell went to Rodgelog 110u55; there they got a lot of burglars' tools, which were put in a bag, then wrapped in paper and brought to the grave yard at Fifth and Arch streets, about twelve o'clock at .over a wall. What became of night, URI tilrown them was not shown. Another lot Was taken there and burled. The robbery, however, was not com mitted. After the hearing Loekhardt. Seymour, and Douglass were CORMllttee in` default of 945,000 bail for burglary. Russell was eemn,ilied for Wing 11011. eernea In the robbery of Aim LyniPil house. The other four men who were with him at Lancaster were sent to that plate: Harris, Wood, Stephens, Dungan, and Rodgers were committed in default of $2,000 bail fora farther hearing On Tuesday next, and Phillips was held in $2,51.* for keeping a disor derly 1110115 e. • • • [Before Dlr. alderman 0-Offline] co..ze;NALED WEAPONS. Patrick Kearney was charged with cat rying con cealed weapons. He was arrested at Fourth and Arch streets for drunkenness. Un his person was found a revolver heavily loaded. The accused was held in *l,OOO ban to answer. A. POLICEMAN SHOOTS AT A HORSE,TIIIEE About two o'clock yesterday morning a man bay ing a horse Cu hie ponessiOn was overhapled at Forti eth and Market streetaby a sixteenth-alstrici po lleeilliftll. It was supposed that the horse had been stolen and the fact war confirmed by the man at tempting to ride on; The policeman fired at him, whereupon the fellow jumpa Item the none and escaped, It was then ascertained that the animal had been stolen from a stable in the neighborhood. A TAILOR STORE ROBBED • A. suspicious individual was observed at Sixth street and Pa&syunk road early yesterday morning. Me bad a bundle under ids arm, and when hailed by a policeman dropped it and ran. The package was Pound to contain some rovb Stolen from a tailor store on Sixth street, below Carpenter, which had been broken into and robbed a short time previously. THE COURTS_ Court of quarter Sessions—Hon. O. wzald Thompson, President Judge. [Wlffinrol3. Mann, geq,, Dieted Attorney.] A SAD CASE. John A. Owens, 'Esq., called the attention of the court to the case of a boy, eleven years of nge, who has Leen hi prison for two months, confined in the swine cell with a burglar. Mr. Owens stated that the parents of the thud were taken with the typhoid fever, and were removed to the Almshouse. SUOrtly after which the boy was arrested on the charge of stealing twO dollars. A brother of the Ivy, who is a year Older, boo obbahOd S. room and supports his Oster by selling mdtehOg. Jinbre Thompson said he would investigate the Can immediately. rx.r..kLszll GUILTY John Durham pleaded guilty to the larceny of a bridle. Sentenced to six months. After the son teem the prisoner told he had made a mistake, and the court let him Withdraw his plea, and he wdt be tried. Alicia Cullen, an old - woman, was charged with the larCeney of a towel, valued at fifty cents, and with assault and battery on itmily Peterson, The parties lire in the game house, and jeato.:si and religious WINN:Imes seem to be at the bottom of the case. Connell for defendant produced a transcript from the prison docket showing mat alit: had been put in prison every month for two ytnr:l9 In winter her husband puts tier in the 2lmshoase and when she comes out in the spring she Is put in prlSon 011 the ehatge of stealing a plate or a fork. The tray con victed but TeCOMMentted her to mercy. The court suspended sentence. Sarah Elm re Wlll3 charged with stealing five dol lars frein Sailit Barn& the ii,Ater testified that she was in a saloon anti the accused took the. pires , 4 from her pockei. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to one year. James Wilson pleaded guilty to the charge of et tm ranting an assault and battery on Frederiek Fisher. lle went to the tavern Of the prom ecator drunk, and on being refused liquor struck him with a piteher. When arrested he also beat the prosecutor in the alderman's °Mee. stnteneed to four months. ACM:ITT/00, John Snyder a retsncotable-looking young was charged with the larceny of twenty-dve yard,; of cloth. The evidence Waa that the accused entmwd a dire and priced it or ar , iolos. Anotimr young inan wad on the Ott t.i(14.: Will. dow, but no colluoion was nee. betWeell thorn, anti the jury acquitted. AN ANCIENT CASE Wm:l:lagers erns ebttrged with stettlillgf ft coat and shirt. Tin: offence occurred In 1863, :tint cnts , barred by the statute. so Bogen: was acquitted. BURGLAIi6 VONVI UTND John O'Brian and James Oanittaa were eltarged with burglary. The evidence Wad that they were found In a house, the ocenpants of which were out of the city. When arrestedat chisel was found and a black Jack. Callihan violently assaulted otneer WILLCOX THE PRESS.-PHILADELPRIA.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, Dlitlwoll Wlten arrested httu. The 4 et b`i i ' ea ' was that the prisottere weep drunk, mid 1( third man len them into the hougo. Verdict tented 'evenyears in the Eastern tt,n onsi 7 vry. In Odd ettbe all that Was Oblai? . +ed v"" t blankets. - - , liOnliliD A Balila- '' :- . George smith wag ehargrd with . t. atin, , a car t jail.. ruined 81401. from a rebel ,ald,., Ito " at.- ehaSed it to go to Alabama. A witnessi,. , Smith gait: Jima liebol to SOIL itilinglamStiloedulcheapt boll the money. Ile said lie rai , :rd the, Mica. in a ear. The rebel said, at the aiderini, t , that the Ckillhitillt acted 35 conductor. aad tpAz the ticket. - Verdict guilty. Sentenced tO One yen., . it nzs,:nosl3lST WON MC. • ) 1 , Mary 111eGovern was charged with :lewd , 1 , 34/ in if gold and a silk dress. Anna Maloney t en e a that ._ wouldsank dress teli t i t , y e a B p r f o o s u e n e d . - to o t. ; xs t iw il e e lo p i r r sg t t si, o ; ri , r eitts;aaiagins: that lit lees she got half of what iy ag wen she Nary was found guilt} - of let cell to one yea r. tIVEII. THU:Ws Weald Edward .11lay and William IL. risl guilty to stripping a. vessel of rigPit , V, sa a ar liar or Police testified to arresting ili, accused and 111341 MR: rigging tv the:value of IMO or.sso,3 4 g eh la i r e a tO two Sears and ata,aoatha. 11 LEAD PIPE CASF, Td• yl Daniel A. Boyle and Barney Clark Aire charged With the larceny ' of some lead pip e . . gh testified to arreatlnF Om accuso t Meer Dar ni th t h e pi,. The prisoners said they Sound the pip e , . )0 ,. u... _ jury gave them the benotit of the dun, ; ,.,,,,i itc . qui r . tell them , ylotaiisr AggAULL '•: Orlando b'ayres pleaded guilty i,,, , mull 6.,:ii. assault and battery ou Will. 111.(Pga I Th , L au i and a testified that the accused rode by ill horat, colored boy an ew his hands Mt. an the accused threatened to cat th e boy, wOOl all all. SayreS Goo Wont 011 alai CitaßC with t W r , o f era, and beat Morgan and. his wife. SentettaVd t o e , iamitha. A VALUABLE. ir Alen. A man named Gillen was charged watch rained itt 44.50. A. German ti accused value So his tavern. and at) tile Watch Was llliSSed: 110 One e l room but the prisoner. The prisonej orpersons were in the house. Na n - Edward lintel 1 I.IISOII and aeOrge with entering a *tare with ail aperoj Convicted, the Jury bringing in a? Bent to the House of Refuge MEDICAL ELEC For the Treatment et Inseam Electrical investigation ht man body acts on the print tery. The brain. mucous the skin, tissues, and fluid, and positive forces. Every, or physical, is the result ofi Digestion, respiration, CS excretion are due solely There is a polar action fil nervous system which coal the body, establishing s balance of the electrical tl health, and a disturhanei There are strictly but nyj one of inflammation, debilitated, negative; these two conditions anti negative currents. tralizu the disease and We do not wish to cc cure all diseases In ai eoi;supiption after we do assert, and are? strate, that hundred. of chronic diseases. beat Medieal practi tiJ radically Cunuo, .71 short time, by our superiority over ot ease is also attest 6 five years, over ,ti been treated at 11 every form and C humanity, and In fact cure has been ness, rheumatism: 4 Old knotty direas4 It proves its juse ti C roothoO cora l of tumors of lar; Niectrieity alone the knife, ligati sea at our oflle with these PAC meat of discus. the following (11:: pect of success, enumerated: 1. Diseases of , Brain and Nervous System.— Eoikpsy, Chow, or Si. Vitas' Dance; Faralysis alemplegia), hi ulgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpitation of the H eart, Lockjaw, etc. 2. Organs and ssues connected with the Diges tive Systort. — .: r Throat, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, ob I .tc Constipation, HtemOrriloideS, or Piles, litho 11 : tulent, and Painter's Colic, and all affections tils., Liver and Spleen. a. Respfraen /Oronna.—Ciitarrh, Cou g h, Iffilli. ones, ken -nob aensed , bY venn. . - '''.-c of the heart).ll3 mchitis, Pleurisy, ieurodytda, 65 Rheumatism film Chest, Consumption in the early stages. 4. Pibrous d Muscular System.—lthemnatism, Gout, Loom gOkStiff Neck, Spinal Curvature, Hip Diseases, (1 !WPM Tumors. 5, Urinary and Genital Organs. -0 - ravel, Diabetes, and - Kidney Cesfplaints, Impotence, anti Seminal Weakness. Tile tatter complaints neverfail to yield rapidly to tills trt neut. \ 0. Diseases fee ter to remed4.9.--17terus Com plaints, involving- mal-position, as Prolapsus, An troversioo, Retro. rsion. Inflammation. Ulcera tion, and various et er affections Of the Womb and Ovaries, Painful, St pressed, Scanty, pi' Profuse Menstruation, Leuc trines. 'TO LADIES we et recomend this treatment as one of UNVARIED ACCESS. Almost Inniune fable cases have conic nder treatment at our office who can testify to this act. Mrs. BECKWITft 1144 entire charge of the dies , Department, and all delicacy will be used wards those who entrust themselves to her care. kin female diseases as men tioned in the abOOe list, with others not Mentioned, she has had a large experience, and Can confidently promise the most gratllyhig results. H TO TE AFFL - ICTI.I ~-The treatment Is mild and gentle, producing no tick or unpleasant sen- SatiOn whatever. Our prorfffffgBBBBBssional intercourse with the afflicted will ever be araeterized by perfsot candor and honesty, and ose whose complaints are incurable, or do not dmit of amelioration, will be frankly told so and skot accepted for treat ment, It matters not what may be your complaint, or how long you may have a 'Worm, or how much, or what course of treatment you may have been subjected to, or what disa ',ointments you may have experienced, if the cyst, is not worn out—lf sufficient vitality remains for action—there is a fairjarospeet of feeOverr. REFERENCES. — The . disease sod all Interested are - referred to the following- arced gentlemen, who have been treated and witims ed our treatment On others, at No. 1220 WALNI: Street: A. .r. Picasonton, Brigadier (i oral, Pirlisdel onia; A. Pleasonton, Major Gene'. I, St. Louis; W. B. Smith,No. 1022 Hanover etre. , Philadelphia* Geo. Douglass, NO. 23 S. Fifth str .t; William H.: Shriver, Haines street, Germantow ; L. O. Stock ton, No. 205 Market street, Philade ilia; Charles H. Grigg, Nos. 215 and 221 Chureli Ley; Emanuel Rey, No. 707 Sansom street, Attorne at Law; H. Craig, No. 1725 Arch street, No. 110 road street; Robert D. Work, No, 51 N. Third street; A. G. Croll,nort heast corner of Tenth and :Market streets; George Grant. No. slo ,Cliestnut streetz H. T. De silver, No. 1726 Chestnut street; Edward McMahon, No. 1227 Front street. Physicians or students desiring to have instruc tion in the correct application of Electricity for the cure of diseases can apply at the Office. Consultation free. Descriptive circulars of cures effected. with numerous references, can be had by application at the Office. A.llletters addressed to DR. S. W. BECKWITH, No. 1220 WALNUT Street, seso-stutidim Philadelphia. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP.—The Copartnerthin heretofore existing under the style and title or BOYD do BARRON Is this flay dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons indebted to aald firm will please make pay.. went, and all elaims against said firm will once presented for settlement. 1 - IBNItY M. BOYD JAMBS L. Bainto, ocl4-Bt . 120 South FOUILTH street, DISSOLUTION OP COPAR TNER copartnerOdp heretofore existing luetneen the subseri hag, under the firm of EMOrli SUTTER & MILLER, is this day dissolved or mu tual consent—W. I). EDSON retiring. DANIEL SUTTER & ARTHUR MILLER will continue the Boot, Shoe and Rubber Business under rue name of SUTTEE & MILLER, and are authorized to settle the affairs of the late tirm, and use the name in WM. D. EDSON, MARIEf. SUTTER, &BUPA , MILLE. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 9th, MO. nell-it DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The copartnership heretofore existing under the style and title of GEORGE N. TOWNSEND & co. is this clay cliesoived by mutual consent. The business will be continued by_ GEO. N. TOWN SEND,- at 1233¢ South FOURTH Street. GEO. N. TOWNSEND, GEO, W. GRIER. All persons having Claims against the ilrel present them to either of the above, and all persons indebted to the - firm will please settle the same. 1101,4pgLritia, September ts, 1885. sell-sat DISSOLUTION OF COPAETZIVIt sum—The copartnershe heretofore existing between BRYANT, STRATTON & BANNISTER WAS this day dissolved, by mutual consent; Mr. BANNISTER retiring from the firm. The business in future will be conducted under the name and style of BRYANT, STRATTON & BKY, nuLADLFIriA, Oct. 2, 1.225. ocl2.Bt* L A N G H A M HOTEL, PORTLAND - 1 - 4 PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel, "the largest in London," Is now open; it is situ ated on the most open and healthy site in the West end,wlth allmodern Improvements, Suites of Apart ment, SllllO. a Manger MO by 40 heti Cleliant L adie s' Rodin, a spacious - et entlernewe SITTING AND WRITING ROOM, ETC. Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodation, ad &en— The Manager, O. f3OIIIIMANN. anglZ-am MESSRS. J. A. GANDARA & 00., HAVANA, CUBA, Wier tbetr sors-loos to those desig to parcha99 any or the products of the Island, and solicits Con signments of Vessels. Provisions, and Approved Ugods upon which they offer liberal cash advances, through 'Messrs_ S. IeUGUET & runadei phis., to whom they refer. eeziam CROQUET, ARCHERY, CRICKET, and EASE-BALL- IMPLEMENTS, Just re ceived and for sale by PHILIP WILSON & CO., se3o-1m 409 CHESTNUT Street. HAVANA, CIGARS.-A GOOD VA RIETY constantly la aim's and bond, at IMP Cat cash rates. S. FUEFUET & SONd, my2A-elr• No. SIE6 &nth FRONT Street. ARCH STREET. 600 SOUSEirtatI CUT nstitsm GOODS, boo LERY. oc9 GRIFFITH et PAGE. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAXPION, MOI. SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline in the market is the price orthe r Furniture. Puckalen witiresse Avalitilla. our stook. AN M ° U r NE Blher i gh,to o n o Ann B d T er ß s, A and EGene ralN- Machinists and Boller Matees, No. 1919 CA,- LOWFMA. Street_ Fu(, vsT & SONS, k. • COmamaiol4 MARCHANT& AND Importer. of HAVANA CIGARS and TOBACCO, seza-na 216 South FRONT Street. MT OPENED—A CHOICE ASSORT MENT of t , tentiornoll'g Scarfs, Ties, and Hand kerchiefs from Parts, imported and selected by JOHN C. ARRISON, No. 1 and 3 North SIXTH. Street. oc7 $2O -G. & CRYSTAL, D. P.-$2O. • $l,OOO a year eau be realized gliding and - putting up the Crystal DOT Plate. ?eats wanted. Stock, Tools, and Instruction . cost L. L. T & CO., 30 NASSAU Street, New York. Rend felt . SL ft r. Pfa9-IM. & GIB.ItS7 MEDICAL. WONDER - MIL SCIENTIFIC!! DR. S. W. EEC (Folonsimy riw , C. ELECTRICAL I No. 1220 WAL to and Chronic proved that the ho of the galvanic bat- Id serous eseriibtsngs, nstitute the negative Mu, whether mental lee antagenistieforees. dation, secretion and Electrical innuence. iblished throughout the ?eta with every part of [ preserving a proper cent, which constitutes >i • which causes disease. :conditions of disease— mitive; the other weak, as Electricity contains ,e action of the positive iwe have to do is to nen ;ore proper healthy action, Ley the impression that we ditions. We cannot cure mgs are alt destroyed; yet . , ;pareo to praeticAlly demon_ ' cases of almost every form •onounced incurable by the re of the country, have been of them in an incredibly Irical treatment. Its great practice in the cure of dis , the fact that, within the past Seen thousand patluntS have office, suffering from almost idition of disease common to :arty all cases a beneiltror per keetcd. Palsy, deafness, blind dyspenita, cancer, and all the that ar‘a physician's curse, as ty to eradicate, are by our SCiell ativel-y easy of ciike. Specimens growth extracted by means of ithout pain, without the use of . a, or any other means, may be ,y those interested. Therefore, to prove our theory and treat are willing to undertake any of cost, with every hope and pros itli very many others not here row 4:1 tai kia,D)lTl it.4lli HOTELS. SEWING MACHINES. PERRY & Co.. No. 609 Chestnut btressk obirre atalh. ON BAND AND CONSTANTLY MAKING 171. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND GOODS FOR CUSTOM WORIC No. 609 Chestnut Street, Above Sian *49.8-Im4thp EDWARD P. KELLY, T,A.X1,011, 612 IMMERTMOT STMMEL A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND STYLE. MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFICERS Attended to by J. S. TAYLOR, the best Military and Naval Tailor in the country—last four years the Cutter at OWENS', Washington. se2o-tf @• Rh stealing a tided that the r lie wontiout e was in the said a number t not guilty. ; aLer, charged to steal, were ealed verdict. F . A. HOYT & BROTHER . Have nOw on hand A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOYS' -Cl-.02 1 1-IING., to, which they invite the attention of their mu t-orders and the 'public in general. A fine line of goods for MEN% and 1101 7 g 1 WEAR —to Wake to order. F. A. 110 YT & BRO., ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH - AND CRIESTRET STREETS. sak-wfmnt RICITT. ISCO VERY. WITH'S BOLX•ES )n TITUTE, T Street, PRE LEHIGH COAL.-HOUSE KEEPERS can rely on getting a pure article at S. E. corner FRONT alla rOPL4,It Streets. ocl4-lne JOHN W. HAMPTON. COAL. THEUNDERSIGNED HAVE on hand and for sale_ at low prices, a large ', supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, Persons - wanting a large quantity of Chestnut' Goa/ Can have their orders filled at very low prices. Please call before buying elsewhere. CHAMPION & AUSTIN. gOB North BROAD Street. Having been disabled (oiler three years) se.rvirb in the army) by wounds received at the battle Of ipottsylvania Court-House, I respectfully ask the patronage of all Union men. at. S. AUSTIN, Ocia-lm Late - Lieut. and Act , g Adjt. sth N. J. V. UNSURPASSED PLAN - UNSUR PASSED COAL. UNSURPASSED LIBERALITY OF PREMIUMS. Privileges for Len years Only Vi; once paid—half On Subscribing and half one month thereafter—Sem cure every year each Ona Drags ton Of the unsur passed hard White Ash Coat of the BROAD MOUN TAIN MAMMOTH-VEIN COAL COMPANY, at the lowest first cost, with 50 cents per ton added for the Company, sent directly from the mine, avoiding all charges, expenses and profits of middle dealers. The Coal is of the best and purest quality to be found in the country-, and worth from $,l to more than the average Coal in the market, which, to gether with the saving; effected by the moot perfect mining works, on a grand scale, nearly completed, and the direct distribution from the mines to the privilege-holders, without middle dealers, secures a Stibutantial saving every year about equal to the whole cost or the privilege for ten- years, beSitles the satisfaction of enjoying for ton years the very best Coal of the country, which, to most families, is worth the small cost of the privilege, without regard to the great profits secured._ Air To secure the quicket sale of privileges, and thereby our ability to mine Coal on the largest scale from our inexhaustible Mammoth Mine, tahfah• cheapens the coat for all Interested. we offer 3,048 VALUABLE pit cAnoms, WORTH $1,50;t100., consisting' of 15 three-story brick bwellhig Houses new and handsome to be built a round a beautiful private Park, on Premium Square, in Philadel phia,-and 6,000 shares in •the Bear Mountain Frank lin Coal Company', in full operation, to be distribu ted among members of committees, impartially drawn from the first 5,000 subscribers of four privi leges each, and the next following , four series of subscribers, the names of the first, five thousand being preferred above all others, and twlee drawn for in each serles, Or tell times in oil. . See Plan and Description, to be had at the Office of the Company 121 South THIRD street. oppo site Girard Bank, or at their Yard, southwest Verner or Brood ...I Wood greets, where `` Mam moth-vein Coal 99 may be examined. IiENRIP.94SII9.W'r. COAL!_ cx v,..w'iL COAL!!! ..,eml.irated Tunnel Ridge COM. Best in the market. Large . Nut, slo.2syer ton. Broken rgg and Steve , ehean, At the MANTUA COAL YARD. Mikes—Fortieth street aua Lancaster avenue. Thirty-fifth street and Penna. Railroad oel2-12t. WM. L. MENTOR. GEM:III4E EAOIJE VEIN 00AL i equal, it not superior, to Lehigh, Egg and Stove sizes, SIZ• Large Nut, Sri. Try it. You will be sure t 4 be pleased. Office, lfdlSouth FOURTH Street, below Chednut. Depot, 1419 GALOVP IIILL Street, above Broad. iy27-am ELLIS BRANSON. K NO WLE B' HICKORY, and FIBS COAL, at reduces Nice and Yard, 3113711 arta WILLOW Stn. 3y20-Sins (1 0A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER kJ MEADOW, luta Apring . Monninin Lehigh 009.4 and best Locust Mountain, from Schunkill,repared f ind. (rf tr j e2 o . t 'Olcceng. " ll. e il B. SECOND dtreet. Cape-4fl J. WALTOpi it CO. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TIiTJBT COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORAVATENIA,D B 3D M TH O., 2,2 D, 1865. E STATE OF SYLPENN -Insures LiveB, AnaEDB Interest On Depoof 4.. and QrantB AnirtatiGe, CAPITAL, $150,000. 6AMITEL R. SHIPLEY. RICHARD CADBURY, ,TEREDUATI HACKER, HENRY HAINES, josiniA H. MORRIS, T. WISTAR BROWN, RICHARD WOOD_, WM. C. LONOSTRETIL .CEL&S. F. COFFIN. SAMUEL D. SHIPLEY, PRESIDENT. ROWLAND PARRY, ACTUARY. TEMPORARY OFFICE No. 247 SOUTH THIRD STREET BASEMENT. jr/b-tuthelY NEW RAISINS. 250 boxes new M. R. Raisins. 250 boxes new Layer Raisins. 75 boxes new Turkish Prunes. 100 boxets Valencia Raisins. 25 barrels new Emote Currants. 50 routs new Seedless Ratable. 6 cases new Citron. For sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, 0011 107 South WATER Street A CARD.—HAVING RESUMED TEEE PRACTICE OF LAW, I will give careful at tention to ail business which may be entrusted to naxhands. OFFIcE, No. I, FLOOR BIBLE BUILDIN G, FAYETTE Street, near Charles street, Baltimore. se29-Int JOHN R. KENI.Y. PERSONS SEEKING MEDICAL AID would do well to consult Dr. C. A. DUMAS, N 0.1037 WALNUT Street, for prompt and effi cient treatment. Distant patients consulted by letter, anti reme dies forwarded to any address. E . D. F. 7AORGAIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTING AGENT, The Civil Courts of this District are now in brae- Heal operation. Having practiced at the Meuiphls bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with tAlt business community greatly facilitates in the speed] collection of claims. J31.2-8m R. D. F. MORGAN. A FINE STOCK OF CUTLERY.- A INDIA RUBBER. TEA if,nd TABLE KNIVES. IVORY lIDNUT,B do. do. do. HORN do. do. do. do. KITCHEN WARES COMPLETE. se29-t[ gRIIPIPITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. 1 000 NESTS FANCY BASKETS, ,just received, Alen, tan atir.k of plain and fancy WILLOW AND WOOD WARE. For sale low to the trade. ROWS, EUSTON & CO., ee3o 157 and North TRIED Street. FIREMEN'S PARADE. FIREMEN, the Priest Flags at exceedingly low rates, of all sizes, eee be used It the ELLIPTIC *EWINIa MACHINE OFFICE, 701 OlitibrkTur street, northwest corner SEVENTH, up Stairs. xl3-MX HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 dos. Sausage Neat. 600 " Reast - Beet. 600 " do Veal. 500 " do hillttoll, 1,000 " do Turkey. 1,000 " do Woken. 8,000 " assorted Soups, ra 1,2, 2,4 fa. mint, For sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS. fee-tf 107 South WATER Street. JOHN C. BASER & CO.'S COD LIVER OIL.—TRE TRUE AND GENULNE—Unsur. passed in quality and effects, being the SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. In Coughe, Coldi, DlVOchitis, Asthma, Gout In cipient COnstlieption,and all Scrofultdiscompildnla4 it oftentimes produces immediate andeertain effects when other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit. Sold by all Druggists in the city, and by the pro prietor, Re. MARKET Street. jell -sin tin -•-- - ELECTROPATHIC ESTABLIBIL MENT.—DR. A. H. STEVENS, one or the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new 4ystem of treat ing disease byDiQDIPI D ELECTRICAL APPLP enprows,Aed who has been so very enecesellli at PENN S WARE for the last three years basre moved hie Oillee and Residence to 1.638 VENN Street, oue door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or anyparticulars with regard to his special mode of treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet. Gensultation or advice gratuitous. PHILADELPHIA 43 ALE WORKS.—BANKS, DINIVORE, & CO., Successors to A. B. Dallis Zit Co., .N . W. cot. uer FIFTEENTH Street and PENNSYL. VANIA. Avenue, manufacturers of Patent . Scales, suitable for Weigh Locks, Railroad Tracks, Depots, Coal, Hay, and I.lve Stock; also, all the varmint descriptions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, Counter Scales; and Patent Beams; Patent Stock House Scale, for Blast Furnaces; Patens Parallel Crane Beam, for weighing_boilem cast. loge, and other heavy machinery,' Hopper Dealer', for weighing grain. indicating bushels and pounds; Banks' Improved Rolling-Mill and Union Scale. Every Scale warranted. Prompt attention giver to repairing. Send for a Circular. C. M. BANKS I R. R. DIN MORE, I.EWIS L. HOUP ,_ T, 1 F. A. ItIZIILE. sua-am EFAIRBANKS/ STANDARD SCALES, Adapt durabley branch of business where a correct andSeale ia required. A uniform standard of weights, and a correei system of weighing, are subjects claiming the at. 'Mutton of everyAndividual In the community. A Wom) OF CAUTION. OrELL-BARNUD UPI:MAII4W OP TEEM SCAbne has induced the manufacturers and ven ders of imperfect and cheap made balances to offer them as FAIRBANKS' Seamus, and purchasers have therefore been 6 , 1 1 .1e4t0d to fraud and inlVeliffmj and further, other manufacturers have roisottr as serted that they have Secured the services of valued superintendents and foremen from our establish ment. The subscribers have no centred:POW with honor. able competitors, but regarding the perpetrators 01 the above frauds as pursuing a course alike unjuse and dfahonorubk, they take this method to caution the public against their iiiipdaitlOnth FAIRBANKS & EWurci MASONIC RAU., Philadelphia. Pa THEY ARE CLOTHING. PHILWELPECLA, COAL. INSURANCES. DIRECTORS MEMPHIS, TENN. NOISELESS. A S S ISTAN . 4 1 - 0F.1 1 10.E . , 1130 o PROPOSALS FOR Prorteanie are inVitee delivery or good, mown, Straw, on board or Ness,. Port of Philadelphia as mt The nay and Straw remit weigh (2,C01d two thonaaad Sive of wood. Proposals must state plAlnli and time of delivery. The Hay and Straw will be ernment Inspector, and. weigheh P Proposals will also he received tc Straw at Washington. D. C., Rich 'Hilton Head, S. Cr., subject to the mente. Bids will be accePted from time to the requirements of the Government. Payment/3 to be Dade on delivery, ,thereafter as funds for that purpose , elved. Bids shall he subject to the decision of termaeter General. All propos a ls to be mivie out in du printed forms, which may he had on apple this office, the price to be slated both in V. figures. Each bid must be guaranteed by two resprn. persons, whose Signntures must be appended to guarantee, and certified to as being Rood end sn, (*lent securities for the amount Involved by tt 'United States District Judge, Attorney or Col lector, or other public officer. Ravtilopthg to he endorsed, "Proposals for For age." All proposals to conform strictly to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which must =Com pany each pro]. °sal. By order of Col. WM. W. McKIM, U. S. A., Chief Quartermiseter Depot. DO. R. ORME, Capt. and Assn Quartermaster. FFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF U atIISISTENCE, WASHINGTON, D. U,, October 6,1860. SALE OF HARD BREA.D. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 12 M., on THURSDAY, the 26th hitt., for the surplus • HARD BREAD this and the Alexandria depot. The Bread is packed in boxes of fifty (50) pounds each, and can tie examined at Sixth street wharf, in this city, or at the Subsistence Storehouse,. in Alexandria, Va. No bids will be received for less than twenty (2o) boxes, one thousand (1,000) pounds. The price per pound and quantity desired will be stated In each proposal, It Will be placed on transports at Alexandria, 'Va., or at the sixth-street wharf,. free of expense to the purchaser. Twenty thousand boxes (50 pounds each), more or less, can be pur chased. The attention of shippers, and others using Pilot Bread, is called to the Odvantmes now offered for obtaining their supplies of this article. The Illovernreent reserves the right to reject bids. Bidders not present will be notified by letter of the result of their proposals- All purchases will be re moved Within twenty days from tug date of accep tance. Blank Proposals, If desired, can be obtained from the undersigned. Terms cash, in Government funds, before the de livery commences. G. BELL, • oc9-mwfat Maj. and e. C., U. S. A. PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER a, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS In duplicate will be re elivett,_from first hands only, by tile undersigned, at the United States Commissary Warehouse, near corner CALLOWIIILL and SIXTEENTH Streets, or directed to Post Olnee Box 1138 in this city. until 10 o'clock A. M. OCTOBER, 14t1/ 4 BA for furnlyh tug, and delivering free of cost to the Camps, Bar racks, Hospitals and °Lacers in the vicinity or this city, all the FRESH BE EF tresured by them for six months, commencing on the first day of November next, or such less time as the Commissary General shall direct, and imblent to his approval. The Beef to be of steers four years old and over, and weighing gross not less than twelve hundred pounds, n alternate four and hind quarters, and trimmed according to regulations. Bids from clisiolgil parties will not be considered. Each bid must be accompanied by an oath or allegi ance to the Government. bond of live thousand dollars to accompany the contract will be required. Pro posals to be endorsed "Proposals for Fresh eef. 3, The names of all parties participating in the pro posal must he elven, and no trausfer of the contract 1011 be anowerY. C. L. KILBURN, oc7-7t Braver Brigadier General, A. c, G. o. SHIPPING. -y rr e U. S. MAIL LINE FROM RA.L TISIORE for FORT MONROB, NOR. FOLK, CITY POINT, and RICHATOND, by first class steamers and experienced captains. The old established Bay Line, daily. Passengers laity:42lg Italtimore at a r. M. arrive /.4 Richmond the next afternoon at 9 P. M. The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Georgians will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord street daily, at 6 o'clock P. N. for Fort Monroe and Norfolk, Va., connecting at Fort Monroe with the well-known, new, fast and • splendid Steamers Thomas Collycr and Milton Martin, built for the Hudson River, and finished without regard to ex pense, for City Point and Richmond, Va. Reibrning, will leave Richmond at 6 A. M. daily, atoopieg bit Point, and connecting at Norfolh wit the Bayy Line steamers that leave - Norfolk at 8i P. N., and arriving in Baltimore in time for the Eastern and Western trains, and for Washing ton City { D. CI The Steamers of this line navigate ale Jillitfig river, going and returning entirely In day time, giving passengers ample time to see the fortifications, and all other objects of interest. Fare i crota Philadelphia to Richmond $l3. 76 Ci Point 11 Z 5 66 Norfolk.. ... Ss Fortress , aire,.. , •ye.. a 76 Through tickets can he obtained at all the depots . E n a . st e e . rn, and Western e o i f ti t e lf s e , a ti d lif w el a p s a h l i li n ar o teg y f - anu Meals extra. tpißisehepdailicyntrm_et.o procure finkete 1, 1 tee old-esta -Wg kite-rpm accommodations are unsurpassed, and the table - well supplied. Passengers taking the 1.15 train from ritiladol phis will make connection with this line. Passengers taking the 8 A. M. train from New York have ample time to dine in Baltimore. Passengers taking the s F. M. train from Wash. Ington make connection with this line. Passengere and their baggage transported free between Itailronct depots an d steamers. M. PiLLg. President. R. D. JAMAR, General Passenger Agent. iyi3.ll ti v 3, BOSTON - AND .PHILADEL - - PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, Hailing from eadh_port on SATURDAYS, from first wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Bog. ton. The SteaMer -15.9/01AZT. Captain Baker, will sail from rnuisauipnia for Boston on Saturday; October 14, at 10 A. M. and steamer SAXON, captain ktat thews, from Boston for Philadelphia, same Min 14 r• ht• Theme maraud substantial mammal.. forma ',Qa tar line, sailing from each port punctually on Satur days. /um:trances effected At Uneaten' the Pruelnle charged on the venial+. rivights taken at fair rates. • Shippers are requested to send ally receipts and Bills of Lading with their goods. For Freight or rassAge (haviki/ accomraoda tiOns), apply to HENRY MOB. & CO., mhn-tf BM South DELAWARE AYOnile• 4,Tr, tY STEAM -TO LIVERPOOL - Calling at Queenstown-The Inman Line, eniiiag- &AM-Weekly. carrying the 13 , 5. Mans. CITY OF LURERIoIi Oet.ll EDINBURG- SATURDAY. Oct. 14. CITY OF MANCHESTER. WEDNESDAY. Oct. 18 CITY OF WASIIINGTON-SATURDAY, Oct. 21. At Moon, from Pier 44 North River. BATES OF FASSAO.E. Payable in,64a; First Cabin $5O 00 Steerage ....... —....580 00 to London.. 95 001 " to London.. 34 00 ti to Paris DP 091. to Paris 40 131) Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Handuirg, Bremen, &c., &c. at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday steamers, cabin, $9O; steerage, $B5; payable in U. S. currency.. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, S.EI gold, Or Ito equivalent. Tickets can be 'bought here by persons sending for their friends. For further information, apply ly at the Company's Offices. JOHN AE Agent, )pit 1111 WALNUT Street, Phila. iregMit NEW EXPRESS LINE—TO ALEXANDRIA, ar.oRGETOWN, ana WASHINGTON—Via Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal. . . . . . . Steamers leave first wharf above MARKET Street every SATURDAY and WEDNRSPAX at 12 M. .For freight away to the agenu, Wld. CLYDE. & 14 NORTH) B. SO tAVIDS UTH WHARVES, Phila. E.O, Georgetown, D. C. M. RLDR.IDGE & CO., Alexandria, 'Pa. lc. B.—Goods forwarded to Lynchburg, and all points on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. oen-tfai „ FOR RICHMOND, NORFOLK, AND CITY POINT. ..FMILADELPLUA.AND RICHMOND STEAM FAcKET COMPANY. The line steamship CLAYMONT' , will sail from the First Wharf above MARKET St., On SATURDAY, 0140 ex 7, lets, at 12 M. These steamers insure a,. lowe.t rates Anti nail re• gularly every Wednesday and Saturday. For freight or passage, with excellent accommo dailons, apply to WM, P. CLYDE sel4.2m • No. 14- NORTH WHARFER. A dr oi t NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA., GEORGETOWN, AND wAsDIEGTON, via Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal. . . Steamers leave nrst Wharf above MARKET Street every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at idM. For Freight apply to Agents, Wk. P. CLYDE & CO" 14 Nortb and t3ontfi 'Wl3.arve, Philadelphia; J. B. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, D. 0.• PLoW ERa BOWEN. Alexandria. Va. .mhl4-9m B.—Goods forwarded to Lynetibnyg and all points on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. ail aMt NOTIO E.-FOR NEW YORK.--Tbe PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK EXPRRW STEAMBOAT COMPA NY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal_ Steamersleave DAILY, first wharf' below NAM, NET Street, at 1.2 o'clock M. WM ‘ p. CLYDE WHARVES., Phila. JAMES R AND, Ur WALL Street, mhl6 9m NB,. leVar. x id gE i t NEW TOW-BOAT LINA, —DELAWARE AND CHEZAPEAKB STEAK TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Barges Sewed to and from Philadelphia, Havre de arose, Balti more, Washington, and intermediate points. WM. CLYDD ifo CO., Agents. No. 14 BOUTE WHAR - vme. rnitadelohla. JO/44de/ .HENRY BALDWIN, JE. No. 36 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET, PITILADELPIIIA ATTORNEY-AT.LAW,SQLICITbR OF PATENTS AND COUNSELLOR IN PATENT CASES. CORN EXCIIANOZ. „ BAH DIANUFACTvnx. 10,000 Cotton Seamless sags. 10,000 Linen do. do. 20,000 Jute do- do. In store and for sale by JOHN T. NAILEY & CO., • sel43m* 113 North FROVT Street. EDICAL AID.- STRANGERS IN M 6Carchof Medical Ald would (le Well to con-. Butt Dr. C. A. DUMAS, No, 1037 st., Tor prompt and &Relent treatment of seldom over three days. Distant patients consulted by lett,r,and remedies forwarded to any address. oelo-50 THOMSON'S LONDON KITCH. ENER, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for &mi. p lies, hotels, orpublic institutions, In TWEN. -TY DIFFERENT SIZES. ,Alse, Philadel phia Ranges, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters Lowdown Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boiler. Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. CHASE, IsHARP, THOMSON, ap2s-tuthsem No. 509 North sEcONH street itnDR. C. L. MUNNS, 731 SPRUCE Street, EXTRACTS TEETH without the least pain, by administering nitrous oxide gas. This gas is without taste or amen, and had not the unpleasant effect Of ether or chloroform. It is per• fecily harmless and delightful to inhale, se29-1m rintADELPHI.A BIIR. ---- GEON'S BANDAGE _ INSTITUTE. NO. 14 North NINTH Street, above malt k e t . _,R . riEgypr, after thirty years' praett, sal experience, guarantee. the skilful adiustMen, of his Premature. Patent Ormittatitti Pressure Truss, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Shoulder Braces- Crutches, /he. Ladles' apartments condosted by a Lady. • apl2-17 _ _ ni OSAGE ORANGE, ARBOR VITA, - ...AL—and other hedge _plants; Fruit, Ornaments Tre e s. &c,, DIEZtLAN'b G ERMAN TOWN NUR EERIE& ae2l.4lre EVANS & WATSON'S 61,8BAAMANDEE IMPS El 2, JO 13017TT1 POURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, A large variety of FIRE-PILOOP BAPEB always on hand. ow n WILLIAM H. MO RE, GE NERAL FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. 14 o. Ens rues, street,. (late of Arch wirciA.) Kir Porennal attention at aneonve. THEY ARE JOHN B. MYERS it 00, AUCTION ,JSZIW, Noe, a3a and 234 MAIMItte Sttnat. STER 5 .r 18Bri. Li MY .• e Hay rot NI fit he led, and eselu- LANtir, PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH AND °TARR. EUROPEAN DRY li DODS, &C. ON MONDAY InAnrsititi,, October IC, title o'clocitoriu be sold by oßtalogno. On four months' credit. about 675 lots Of Frenon, Joon., Gorman, and Britibb dry 4oads, embracill run assortment of fancy and ota.p.e articles , In silk ., worsteds woollens , and cottons. N. ll.— foods arranged for examination ana. Nita- Logue. ready early on morn lag Of Bale. :PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. DRESS 0001)6. SHAWLS, BILE'S, &C., ON MOND AY.October 16th. 001)6. pieces 1-4 black and colored Paris merinos. pieces black and colored Paris moue. de lailll6. pieces silk o add grog genius and roubaix.. pieces silk stripe and plaid poplin inix tures. pleCeit Epinglitie pointei le, taffetas. veil barcge. oboes silk strltiO Donn it sole, French Otinitel9. FOIL OHEVRES, NUELANUES, 'BROCADES, &c. 110 pieces ilex,' stiles poll de eliev res. NO Mecca colored and black brocade inoltalrs and tee's plaid and Striped Saxony dress kotldg. dcces I'a its Striped:lnd plaid sin. and doublepoplins. leees melange lustres and stripe feces torl:iit plaid mantra and French , !ces black tabby velvets. ~ es colored and black and fancy plaid al- Thorg ,ye goods are of the most celebrated Ira ,. le.t landed, and are confidently recom the trade. A ft. A fr. A ful A (ull Wc. a. fallorit( Also, b 6111Yyb, Also, elb. —Pieces re pieces (xj,OVES, cartons IP: ribbons. •=fll Gents' and ladle; gloves: embreide brie handkerchiefs, French fancy goode, LARGE PEREMTOW BROGANS, TRA UN TUESDA. October 17th, will be sot lOgns, on four months' erk boots, shoes, brogans, dal and Eastern manillattlilli. with catalogue on morning_ol LARGE POSITIVE SALE t BALMORALS, NOTICE. Included in our sale Of tots and shoes, ON TUESDAY MORNINt - OCt. 17, will be found, in part, the_fohatlng fresh and desirable itAsortment; ' —cases men's, boys', and youthe!co - double sole, and half-welt dress boots. - -cases men's, boys', and youths' kip and burr leather Wets - cases men's - fine Vain, lons g nifty And Napolkon thick boots. • —Cases men's and boys' calf, buff nether ,buckle anti plain) Congress boots and balm. als. —cases men's, boys', and youths' . Ip, buff, arid polished grain, lialf-weli, and hcav double-sole brogans. —Cases ladies' line kid,goat, Inoroc and ena melled patent sewed, buckle, and plat halroorala and Congress gaiters. -- - eases women's, misses, and children's calf anti burr Ivittber bahraomis and Ute.(4. cases children's fine kid, sewed, City - made lace boots, fancy-sewed bainiorals, and ankle ties. —cases ladles' line black and colored lasting Con gress and side-lace gaiters. cases women's, misses' and children's goat and morocco eopner-nailed Iftee eases ladies' fine kid slippers, metallic over shoes, and sandals,earpet-slippers, travelling bags. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITIIIII,FNNN . CHs GERMAN, AND DONEnTIC DRY' GOODg. We will hold a large sale of foreign and domeStie dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, - October 19th, at 10 o'clock, enibracing cheat 710 packages and lots of staple and fancy articles, In woollens, worsteds, linens, silks, and cottons, to which we invite the attention of dealers. N. 13.—Catalogues ready and goods arranged for exhibition early on Icor/lir-got sill. POSITIVE SALE OP CROSSLEY'S BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETINGS, tte. ON FRIDAY ,MORNING, October:Mb, at 11 &clock, will be sold, by cata logue, on four months' credit, about two hun dred and fifty pieces Crossley's tapestry Bruswis, superfine and flne ingrain. royal damask Vene tian, list. Datcli hemp. cottage, and rag carpotings, &e., embracing a elioice assortment of superior goose, TV 11113 k /uay be examined oArls , On the morn ing of sale. Air, THOMAS & SONS, xta- 2foa. 166 and .1.4.1 South FOUrirli 0090 REAL EBTATE A.N.I) tiq"Cini 3, clocks, at the EL.i. .Public sale of Ratiß9,M - a 'n 2 o,loeg a Vr ( 7l& T orture at the Auction Ok•re ov4a., TIL CLIWDA:I". - . . s ALT! nr• xtrAAL ESTATE, STOCKS, ,-allitnilet catalogues of twenty parleß now ready, Containing fun tl,:solptions of all Um property to be sold on Ttim - DAV next, 17th instant ; with a of sales, lath, Nth. 80th and 81st October, comprising a very large amount and great variety of valuable residences, dwellings, stores, lots, &C., to be sold pareMTIOCHJA L by Order of Orphans' Court, Execu tors, Truateeraria others. SUPERIOR FURNITURE LARGE MANTEL AND I'lRn MIRRORS, PIANO, VELYZW PAR' PETS, lte. ON SATURDAY MORNING, Oct. Itth, at 10 o'clock, at No. lAD Walnut street, catalogue, the superior furiiiiiro, one mirrors, &e. The elegant residence will be sold preViOtte to the sale of furniture. . - iffir Full particulars in catalogues. A dmin eale — HO.lBo9 Wallace street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, iit./SE WOOD PIANO, MELODEON, HORSES, CARRIAGES, HAR NESS, FINE TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ae. O WgDNESDAY MORNING, Bib inst., at mo.eAock,.at No. IRO wstlaee street, by catalogue, by order of administrators Of Wm, It, Faun, deceased, the elegant furniture, rosewood .Piano forte, melodeon, horses, carriages, sleigh, uoabie ...a stogie harilesikfille tenthstry cs.rputsi&e. Also, the kitchen furniture. .612P' May be examined on the morning of salt, at 8 /filet*. • - • - The elegant residence will be sold pm - atone to the gale of furniture. Sale No. 1719 ruce street. E WEDNESDAYITURE. ON lww.v.Ncf, October 25th, at 10 o'clock, at 1719 dpruce Atteat, by catalogue, the Wire furniture, including ele gant green plush Ifrawlng-room furniture, hand some oak dining-rook and elegant chamber furni ture, fine curtains, elegant dinner and tea-china, bronzes chandellecil, &e The furniture was made to order, is of suliell6l , quality, and in excellent condition. Full particulars In catalogues. CJ, WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER, NO, • 10 South SIXTH Street. OP PURE OLD BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES, RUM, *IN, OR TUESDAY MORNING NNIVP, The 17th inst., at 31 o'clock, at No. 16 Smith Sixth street,. in cases, demijohns, and .14 casks, MartelPs pure Old 1114011yonadeira, Sherry, port, and Muscat wines rum, Holland gin : , liteliongalielti and itfoten whiskies, highest cost and finest quality champagnes and clarets, Cc., and 10,000 cigars. Catalogues now ready. pANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONERES. No. xto IWEILICT Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, LINEN AND HO SIERY 600DS, EMBROIDERIES AND MILLI NERY GOOM g ON WEDNESDAY, October lath, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising about 750 lots new and seasonable goods worthy the attention of buyers. PHILIP FORD 00. , AUCTIONEERS, 528 MARIIBT and 52121 COMMERCE Strand. SALE OF 1,200 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING', October 16th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely will be sold by catalogue, 1,200 eases prime boots shoes, brogans, ballnurals, Congress gaiters, sup pers, &e., from first ehliSii Mallpfacturers. SALE OF 1,500 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON TRU:MOAT' MORNING, OCtol?ei 19th, commencing at 10 o'clock, we wil WI by eataiegue, for cash, 1000 eases UISR:s. boys and youths' boots, shoes, brogans, inthnorate, con gress, prairie, gum sole ;Ind 'eluting boots, &c. &c., with a large and desirable assoi talent of wo tuenat i misses' plui eliildreus , wear. DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS (Late with M. Thomas & Sono) §TORE NO. 333 CHESTNUT STREET. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, so. NOTICE.—SaIes of Beat Estate, Stocks, he., will 'he held at the Philadelphia Exchange. Due notice Of Firot Sale will be given. FlittrriTlSßE SALES at the Store every Tues day. SALES AT RESIDENCES will receive particu lar attention. LARGE AND P.E.Frcomi - Toiiit gA.LE AT THE MONTGOMERY HOTEL, Northeast corner of Sixth and Willow streets. TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. nth, at ten o'clock, without reserve, the en tire furniture of about 70 room o, including fine toned grand action plan piano, mirror, 50 fine feather beds, 2 high-ease clocks, large lire-proof, platform scales, clothes mangle. carpets, oil cloths, &e. ilcgta's. COWS, PIGS, SHEEP, &c. Also, a xtun.Li...r 114Vgait, COWL pigs, sheep ? ponl try, &c. Also, wagons, harness, straw cutter, ,t.e. Sale No, 'Xi.3 Chestnut stroet. bUrfatlOß ruirraTlMß, In.A.NO. OFFICE DB:4ICg. RINE UARPETIS 4 ttce ON THURSDAY MORNINU, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction alum, a large assort- Melit Of CM:client furniture, piano -forte, superior office desks, tine velvet, brussels and liupuritii Car pets, Slat cott age furniture, &c. CHAMPAGNE WINES. Alto, ag invoice of champagne wines, choice brands. !S:tle No. 1121 Vine street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. OIL PAINTINGS, FINE, TAPESTRY AND INIPERIAL CARPETS, ,Sct ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Oct. 25th, at la o'clock, by catalogue, the superior walnut parlor furniture, 4 halt Isom', Venetian ell paintings, elegant oak buffet, superior library table, cottage suit, line tapestry and impe rial carjtßtt, &a. Al 60 4 the kitch e n utensits. May he examined at s• o'clock on the et4eithig of sale. BSCOTT, TR., AUCTIONEER, 1020 . CHESTNUT STREET. BY JACOB R. SMITH dk CO., AUC TIONEERI3. Oft baTyII.DAY 3101tNIND, October Mil, et to n clock, at 211 SCUTT( SEC OND Street, below Do!k. ENteuslye sale of the entire stook of superior fur niture, bilYtr - plated Ware. mirrors, piano forte, French clocks, goo.mid unmixed term Of lease of the old eatebllmlied store of tiIISLON JVC TINGN. oe,lo-50. BT C, W. BOTgLER, Jl...l,sarioNmum LA-IMF AND EXTENSIVE RALE OF CON DEAINED MEDICAL AND lioaezrAL PRO RE12117. • • . MEDICAL rtiII•YETOR'S 01 , 1'16/1, W.l SillNaruN, D. C., October U. lag. Will he sold, at Public Auction, in this city, On FRIDAY, the 201 - 1, day of October, ut 10 o'clock A. ' M. at the Warchense, EIGHTEENTH and F Streets, a large quantity of Contionited Hothead and Hospital - Property, consisting of Lanterns, Busies and Weights (prescription), Tin Plates, As sorted Trusses , Hanging Lamps , Dolt Pitchers, Onttapereha lied Covers, Amor/oil liolinte, Fru tore Boxes, Knives and Forks, lipatitats, Table spoons, Water.fbolers, Tin Cups, and a ,great va riety or other art ieles At Oils talc will also be 80111 o,syo Hiktikets, 1,704 Bed-etteks, 1,100 Sheets, 0,020 Soesa, t,sts 1 1 ratk4i 00 , 516 Towels, 1,1(01 shirts,7•29 Gowns, Conitter• panes, 100 Medicine Chests. 74 Hospital Knapsacks, gi4 Panniers, 100 Field Corupaniout„ 10 Caldrons, 400 Rabbet ButtketS, 11,000 Bottled, 04 Wo°'''''n and 0,000 Hon Bedsteads, 100 Mess Ghee*, :tad a small lot of Medicines. Terms cash. Goods to be removed within live (5) flays. CatalogueS Can lie 0)000100 8 at this otlee. Sale will be continued if ntet%sary ft;6111 day to day until all the articles are sold. O. SUTHERLAND, Oen , et kin rocon u. S. A. and Medical Purveyor. FAKER'S POPULAR HAIR ESTAB LISHMENT—The issortment of Braids, Wbge, TOnlinen, Banboaux, riwinons, reouleaux, 'Fon dues, Frizzes, Crimpaec. (mot., lita,,l•od Beatles f Ladies. cannot be equalled by any other home le the United Metes. at prices lower than elsewhere. NA. WM CHYsTNITT Street. . SIMPLE. .MPMIg7 SILI S. .cons black taffetas and grosde Mane. . did colors and fancy poult do solo. ros grain,. moire antique, emarille6. brilliant black and colored sattti. SIiAIYLS. ,nna broelm long shawls. ma chainelainc long shawls. 6luineleino a nil vim shawls. nd square Merlin wool attention to these shawls, Of a •acing some extra high cost. !re, mons. de lalne, and merino and beaver elatika, &Ca `ack silk mantilla velvet. id colored bonnet velvet. EDIBRUMELtivs , grain nnd poult de sole bonnet and trimming ver, silk, and ricrll, 00a9 Ms, linen emu lace and tissue veils, notions &c. IRO IG OTS, 5110 - a . , 11i . , &C. TING, o'clock, I.y c.,,Aft. , ut 1,300 packagag of city •ir examiromou Executor's Sale, No. 1702 Walnut street CLOSING SALE THEY ARE COMPLETE. VURNESS, BRINLEY, fc (1 1 j., A. k 406. 015 CHESTNUT and El t* ,141.3 - 710 , t>ttlulk , 1 --- LAR.GE SAME. OS' -- .•iitTosli AND DO.M . PifirWO lot a Oty 11)g,_ ON'MT tssiNay atOitariNfi. Oct, Mil; at 10 o`ttivall. an four moot cro.lit, at parloscr..nd lots ei Rey and fivolv WI good , . ALso, VO/I UAW). 100Iots domestic woods. JAXONY WOVEN OItE.SS GOODS. 500 pieces Saletly-woven Orece wooas• WHITE Goorsa. goo piecs Nsinsok kr,stcasatin-at rims( caaes e British o dreaB goods, just landed fro Steamer Persia. Partimlars licrearter. SPECIAL SALE OF 000 CARTONS RIBBONS, OF TIIE IMPOWutaioN Ol MESSRS. 501.M1.1-- A.O PRI:RES. ON TUESDAY, October 17th, at 10 O'clock - cartons 'Nos. 4, 6 und 6 black, white and choice ot.loretl yalidt de sole ribbOns. cam.. Nos. 10 tO 80 Dinh, wbtte and chOtee• colored superior punit de sole ribbons —cartons Nos. i 0 to 60 plaid and broche figured prult de sole si citypop; Nag. Ito 100 heavy black gros grain rib bons. SILK VELVET itIDDOIN. Nos. IM to 20 black silk velvrt ribbons. Nos. 11 , 4 to 20 colored silk Vl•i Vitt ribbons, Nos, 11f, to 110 black and white-edged silk velcct ribbons. JAS A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONED 422 WALIv OT Street. BloirrnVALL SA.L In E OF ESTATE,ESTAT E, Octo ber k, leos, STOLIES. See catalogues. VALUA ItLit LOT with 4 brick, a frame, and n stoe lioubt,g, S. E. curlier Forty-llrht and D,Larket. Almo)iit FRANE HOUSE, lot anti OttOiltildings, Merrion s.lunt BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, No. 1537 South Seotottl street. ruornwrst, FRANKFORD ROAD, below 114 n o etrcct. *MALL DWELLING, FOORTO, 'AMU MOITN, Arm, FRAME HOUSE AND LOT, HANCOCK, below 02c19rd street. EEstitENCE No. MO Arch 6trect• BUSINESS STAND, No. e 23 A. - Sit AWL VAIATA.BLE FACTORY, Aftutyunk. SEVEN BUILLONO LOTS, Munayunk. For full descriptions ace etattlognes, which be issue!! on Saturday, . GOVERNMENT SALES. DEPO RV ART RR AF; TR'5 OFFICE, PHILADELMITA. Oet, 14, 1805. PUPLIC SALE OF GOVERNMENT VESSELS. The following-named Government Vessels wilt he sold at Auction, at 12 o'clock M., on TORSO AN, the 17111 inst., at the. Bing: 10081 N. South Brunk, Lyn, New tauter the diroction of the Cilia Quartennemer, New York y re:IDE-WHEEL STEAMERS. II 2,123 tom, " WO.B Lumci ova "001:18,''131 s'CuSSttek," 650 tong. "Bell Decoy]." 1,600 ton. , ,'„ - "", Spaulding, '• 1,100 OHS. I'ROPEI,I. - VAI3. "'Ranger," 44.0 "tiovernor 1:1);u4,,t," 710 VMS. "Ueneral 111e1F+," -000 "Charles 9'holeoA, , " 1,1)10 ton it " littrimk,t , llso (tins. " Ashland," F. 43 UAW. 601IDON ER. 1 TS, SHOES "Reerni Buyers int 'out,: ,oteetthU. ht Ulla °MCC, Which have been approved, Call Offer tneni in pay ment, provided they do not exceed the amonnt pall for the vessel. In all other cases payment inu4 be made In Clu vernment funds; ten per rent. down and the Milano, twenty-four bone By order of Colonel W. W. McKim, miter QUAY termaster Philadelphia Depot: r);,N ICY BOWMAN, Opt, and Assist. Quarterallater. ,I,ALE OF GOVEliDiMkikiT 1, -. 7 STEAMERS. DEPOT QuAtert:tr.msvart l 6 Orniee, DAl,Tistottll, October nth, 11% Will be 001 d at liattltouve. thin., under the dirt' ,, , tion of Cantaln C. E. lliaeit,A, tit Ht,oll T/11110- DAY, October lab, 10115, at 10 n'eldtk A. M.. at on,. GovernMent wharf ; *enin :Ado of e:;An. the lb. N - e .l.l:erelearter Muted and drfirdleml, Ternmene -viz: The EAGLE No. 1, side-wheel, doable-end few) boat of 342 tons, woollen hull, Iron fasten/O. and metalled in 1663. Length on tieel, over all 161 inches, beam 52 feet, neer nil al feet; duo H 6 feet 11 inches. ue one low-pressure beats Tine; diameter of cylinder 32. inches, stroke or pi,. on it feet, draft 8 feet. hull In good order, and n.e: roend In chains, anchors, Mats, tte., engine 4t.1 boiler in good 66151141 1 . The CURLEW, side-wheei,donide-ond ?err* of 312 tons, wooden hull; length on deck Ik, te beam 32 feet, depth of hold 9 feet 0 inches, V 22 inches,lies one beam engine; diameter of eyl6:-: V 2 atroke of piston 11 feet, This bdoniner wi: inorootddy repaired and s. ppli,,d .1:1: et 0,\.0„ , ..! in 1864, and is a staunch ven,el, being Well stMe:,.: with anchors, duties, Sec., &c. The PATUXENT. side-wheel e teenier of 1149 wouclep Pun; length on deck Octe, bean 23 over alt 43 Peet - depth of 1ie,1.4T rPe,t, Mlle?. .111fi a fe u e r t e l b i e l l i t ' itt 'lle tra j etru 'rl otl ' e . Te w r ' o ‘ f . 4 ,-. 447lXe ' t ' aTTI - d11:7 arum. ~e piston 8 feet inebes. In good order, ITT -wen, sound in general oath ts. ttattirtirliATEß. fthlomiteel Humor rif tons, wooden Inlili length on [leen ';;P - fcut, feet, over all 48 feet, depth of hold it leet dlerl, te.4-.v.p..m..deelte 6 feet, draft 6 feet. Ms lm, pressure superior beans cunt.' t t alma. r cviin der 00 inches, stroke of piston it f ens, 11 - v6oed,:r. ning •o rder, bliVint/ tam, ..eoeu t oy caulked tt,l Metalled; is well found in her outfits, and well oat• able for sea service. Tim JAMES AILI.RAY, screw tugboat, aholn ii tons, -wooden hulls lingth On deck 6i (Oct II beam 15 feet, depth Of hold 6 feet 6 inches, arsn feet 6 inches. liens one direct acting hih-ow —cis engine: diameter of cylinder 18 inches. si!.4 a; piStoll ZOiliVilee. one tubular bolltr two years 11% The yiDETTte....-ew whim ller of 2i9 1.18)1' , 88)G1 bull. iron fastened wed metalled; length op Orzh feet Similes, beam 27 feet 7 inches, 'Math oflower bold 7 feet 5 inches. between decks 7 feet II lade., draft 8 feet 9 MOMS, Das one direct acting ;wt. pressure engine; 4Jameter oP eldilider !is stroke of piston 00 Inches hull and holler IC got order, and well found in anebors, sludos, &e.; bag two masts with fore and aft sail,: Thu COMMERCV.,se:raW isratinller of 151,8245 to% wooden hull. iron fastened,' length oil deck 11l 1\ 1 "3, beam 22 sect 9 inches, depth of hold 7 Not 9 Wm.., draft 6 feet 6 inches. 1100 one direct acting Mile pressure engine; diameter of cylinder 24 inciwi, stroke niotßn 24 inches; hull and engine in goal order, and the ship di tad with It new patent Hem pump, anchors, chains, The DETPOIT, sere w propeller of 398 tons,weedeu Mal i Iron fastened. Length on deck 130 feet, 'worn an feel slnches, depth of Muter hold 11 f6O/t.letwa' a decks 1 feet 3 Inches, draft 9 feet 6 Mow*. D.s one direct acting high pressure engine; diameter Of 0! , linder 20 inches, stroke of piston a feet. Ras My. meets, with fore an% f sails; hull eV" , " 11 boiler in good order, an -Wad Pound in al lief 0011 fits. Capacity of cargo .I,uee barrels. The gunboat SCEIItAPIs EL, slde.wlieel steamer. about 11l tons wooden hull, bottom metalled. Ltigth on deck 116 Feet, licnna 74 feet, over all tS feet, depth of hold 0 feet, drafta feel. MS two high-pressure engines; diameter Of cylinder 11 inches, stroke of piston 3 feet. This vessel is andel with holler iron 11DOTtl the pain deck, including the Silothouse; hull, engines and belles lti good condi. ion, and is well found in anchor, chains, ate., Ito, The Gunboat GENERAL JESSOP, screw propel ler,about 150 tons, wooden he I Ibuilt. in 1581. Length on deck 111 feet,beam 17 feet 10 incites, depth of hold a feet, draft 6 feet 8 ladies, Engine and pilot-now iron-plated. kiss one bow-pressure direct itettuK engine; diameter of cylinder .22 inches, stroke 01 pititon 24 inches. Hull, engine and holler in good order. The Gunboat RENO, shlO - WiIVII steamer, shoot 202 tom, wooden hull, iron fastened, built lit 13111. Length on deck hit feet 8 incites, beam 21 feet 5 inches, over all 33 feet, depth of hold 6 feet, draft 3 feet. She is boiler iron-clad at each end, with two rudders and two masts, having derricks and tackles attached to eadit. Also. saloon and state-roomg 011 the promenade deck. Has two high-pressure en gines: diameter of cylinder 14 inches, stroke of ple. , ton 2 feet, and has anchor, cables, and two boats. The Gunboats Fl)§7.gyt and PARKE are of the same dimensions and deseriptiOn as the Hunch baying been built at the same time, and are Ili about the same general condition. The gunboat BURNSIDE is of about the same di. mensions as the Reno, with /ow-pressure englue, and in good order. Terms cash iu u oveiomont funds, on day of sole, R. M. NEW POn.T, Col. and Chief Quartermaster, Baltimore Depot. 131.0 SING SALES OF GOVEFNMENT A MORbES AND MULES. QUARTERMASTRR ONNICIIAL'S OsTic_ t _n o wAsrmwro2v, D. 0., Sept. 25, Will W. sold at public auction. during the month of OCTOBV,R, to 1115 biddert at the time and places muted 'below viz.: YORK, New York City, TUESDAY of each week-100 Horses each day" L` NIA. PENNS Philadelphia, THURSDAY of each troek. , loo Horses each day. Philadelphia, SATURDAY of each week—loo Itlnieo Pa t ch day. Harrisburg, ;TUESDAY of each wech - 199 Mule' each day. HarrisbUrS, THURSDAY of each week-100 Horses each day. Ht RIMS, TUESDAY, October 5-150 Horses. Greensburg: Pllll3 October 13 - 150 HOMO. Lancaster, THURSDAY, October 1.9-150 Horsed. Pittsburg, THURSDAY, October 24-150 Horses. Allentown, TIJESDA.Y, October 31-150 Horses. pELAIV.attE. Wilmington, Tur.SDAY otimeh week..l.oo flor2r 4 each day. Wilmington, FRIDAY at each week-100 Wet each day. IifI§SQURT. St. Louis, Octobers, 4, WA, 7, 0 mid 10.450 Nalel each day. St. Louis, October 11, 12, 13 and 14-150 Horses each day. St. LOW& October 24, 25, 24, 27, 28, 35 and 31-150 Mules each day. DIESIWRO, P. C. HoTUESDAY andayd THURSDAY of each week-100 xtc rses escli sides et Thilem will take Vacs at WASHINGTON, D. O. The animals to be sold in October are aliperlor to any heretofore offered to the public. The majority of them are sound and serviceable. It is susvteflthat at this series of sates alt the sttr. plus aoeernme,xt wilotttls , wilt be dispOsesl of, Buy ers should therefore avail themselves ofthis. tad op. portunity in purchase. Animals will be sold singly. Sales to commence at 50 A. M. TEIIIIII3 - 1:01) :1.11,4 Sl,,teS OnerenaT , JAMES A. Dreret Brigadier General, In charge Vint Division o. O. seagtocal OFFICE 4 DEPOT 001IMISSARY OF SUBSIST - EP, CE, WASHINGTON, I). C., October 1, 18111, SHEET AND WROUGITT-iRON OVENS AT A UOTWN ! win be offered at rublie Anetinn, lit rand Nat Va., on TUB6DAY, the 17th day of October, at A" I'. M., at the Subsistence Store 'Bongo,: One hundred ling vtiVralne (181 ) / t on -Fiala Ovens (new), or wrengl‘ and neat iron, uVoraging about two hundred mod thirty-seven pounds. Terms—Cash, at the Hine of sale, in Governent funds. BELL. m oca-tlistutbs-St Major and C. S., U. S. A. SALE OF GOVER URES AND STEAM MOISTER, ATMENT ALEXANDRGIA, VIRGINIA. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON, WASOTEWtoSt, 1). 0.. Octafter 18 31 . Will be sold, at 1)111111e auction, under the (area:lda of Brevet Colonel J. G. C. Let, A. Q. 31,, at A.LkIX.• .ANDIII A. Va., on THURSDAY October 24, 1865 at 11 o'clock A.M., one STEAM ROISTER and nine. single , deek BCIII7Y/ 4),14 , BARGES, as follows: Barge Florence. Barge N. li. Cole. Barge James Wileok. Barge Jura. Barge Bunter Colathan. Barge Oapinlit Charles L. Mob Barge Wauponsa. Bargc D. alegan. Barge Henry Planttery, Terms cash, its U overtunent fOrabt V. H. }women, Brevet Maj. Gen. and Chloe Quartermasters ocs-191 Depot of Washington• AUCTION SAT. OF HOSPITAL PRO PERTY.—E. W. BOTELER, Jn.. Auctioneer. PURVEYOU'S OFFICE, WASUISTGTON t D. C., Oct. 2. 1961. win be e x.,,&led at Pliblis Alleil9ol on THURS. DAY, October win, 1868, at tile wars:hon.:ld. Jieliele ary Square, FIFTH and E Streets, under the direr tion of Capt. H. Johnson, bltd. S. 11., U. S. Anal , a large lot of serviceable property, consisting of: Iron Ihnlstellthl I Maitreele@, hair ftllul shock i /-161' PSlSuWtlBhirts, linen mid cotton! Mugs, PituherPt - Knives nod Forks, Spoons, Tumblers, /Sown, Shirts, Drawers, Snobs; &e. The attention orneusekeepers anti erovieters hotels :nal stemboats, dealers Betnnin - n.41 1,110 * terlal, and otliers, is rilipeelfiffly Called to sales, as articles are offered In quantities to suit 1)(41J Mize and small purchasers, Tern - IF-4.6A. L@ (3ollern)ilailt Pings. i;ili, Pureimseiw are reQuenteil pax 1" the goods 'merit from WILCO Stile. :it These sales will be Continued every Thursday. the same - pi:me, until further iniltief, V. *v•rtinitt.AND. oc2-tf BIirIICOUTI. S. A,, Medical I'lltaiSySiti • RAILROAD (S AT AUCTION. — W UNITED 8 rATEs mmivAttv OFFIDE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER:MA*II%H -WASllltitiTott, D. C., Del, istb, I aell at Pliblia /relic' Ott ‘VBl)l4lrlt)tr.' NoveMber 81h, irt one. i 5 V. M. steer ine' '• 1 1`. 0- the New York Central Mimed', in N. 1., ten inn n es, eight-wheeled BOX OARS, live (0) foot gauge. Terms cash IaGOVOITIIIeIa Nos. It , L ROBINSON mi. and A, OFFICE, No. 1 720 4 ' l ' CHESTNUT STREET.