The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 14, 1865, Image 1

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    THE N011.E.4304.
f. 1.41 11 11) DAILY (-ivNT)Prs mx - c , nr , ritt.).
B 1( JOHN W. ronNur.
City Subscribers, Is EIGHT DOLLARS PER A.E
-41.0., In advance; or FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEEK,
o :caplet° the Carrier. Malted GO Subscribers out
yearn MONTHS, invariably In advance for the time
ow- Advertisements Inserted at the usual rates.
nlelied to I:Subscriber°, POUR DOLLARS PER AN.
v o.l, In advance.
In this morning's PnEss we give the otil
returns of the State election received
pto the hour of going to press. In twon-
iv_Aight COUlttle3, including Philadelphia,
there is a Union gain of over seventeen
:1101Thand, only one county showing a gain
the Democratic party, and that of less
than half a hundred votes. In the Adams
and Franklin district, Mr. MCCONAtielillY,
the Union candidate for Senator, is
eaten by thirty-four votes, but it is be
lt,ved the soldiers' vote will more than
snake up that deficiency. In Luzerne
~ainty the Democratic candidate for Sena
:or, STAN - LEY WooDwAno, is beaten by 235
votes. In the Franklin and Ferry Wpm
t..ittative district the Union party gain one
taemberin, Adams one, and ono in Aral
As the other returns come in, the more
g;orious will appear the victory' of Tuesday,
and none will exult more in the success
than the gallant standard bearers who,
after whipping the foes of their country
Ipon the field of battle, have compelled
he sympathizers with their old enemy to
-urrender at the ballot-box.
Pnblle Alormsemenits.
The second per formance of the Beans came
at' last night at the Academy of Music. The
icuße WAS nearly as full as on Thursday. The
2.:L9t of the " Merchant of Venice" included the
following characters; Sig/rock, Mr. Kean; Par
ma, Mrs. Kenn; iVerissa, Miss Chapman; Bas-
VIM!), Mr. J. F. Cathcart ; Gratiano, Mr. George
Everett; Antonio, Mr. W. 11 - . Collings; Launce
(yobbo, 11Ir. T, Owens ; Jessica, Miss Ander
son, and Lorenzo, Mr. D. B. Wylie—the last
named actor sang a solo, as serenade to Jessica,
and executed it so well that he was encored.
The play was generally well acted, and Was
Insalsomely put upon the stage. Mr. 11. C.
Jarrett, lessee and manager during this
brief season, has displayed judgment and
liberality in getting up the pieces. The
srchestra, though almost improvised, is very
effective, with that able mealelna and. com
poser, Dr. W. P. Cnnnington, as leader.
Place aux dames is a gallant maxim, and
therefore we first notice Mrs. Mean's Portia.
in the cachet Vlalln with Bassoaio, sue played
very much the Ellen Tree Of Other days—
gentle, hopeful, tender—and was handsomely
attired, though the cfrpangiVe crinoline surely
17[1.5 not Venetian, and looked very handsome,
too. In part of the trial scene, she played with
singular effect—that is, in the early part,
where she enunciated the judgment that the
Jew should have the fun and cruel penalty of
his bond. But when it came to turning the to
ales, to nullify ing that j migment, it NOM to tls
that she exhibited. miller the vehement part'•
sanship of a mere advocate, the unmoved
bat earnest decision of a judicial
Instead of being dignified and undemonStram
live, aS a judge should be, she was almost vio
lent in her triumph over miserable and
„Vhnlask. It is Surprising that by
Luis vehemence Bakanio did not detect her
- personality before he sent her the ring by
Mr. KaanTS Sity/ocit is a man In mldale age--
active, nervous, and intelligent. Ms bye-play
«•as admirable at times. This character is one
Of his best. Its key-note in his hands is hate.
Any one who witnessed the fearful intensity
IA hate exhibited by Mr. Kean as S hylock
might have hastily thought that this was
k little rellectioll irollid Coa
-1 ince him that he was true to the spirit
of the character—that is, trim to Shaks
lleare—aricl WU not at all overcharge the
In the trial scene Kr. Kean showed great
power, and had reserved himself as much as
he could for that closing exhibition. He sat
isfied us, who are professional, critical—per
haps oeeasloually captious—and we Could see
and hear that he fully satisfied the audience.
He has a clear and definite idea of Shyloek , s
idiosyncrasy, and embodied it in his very in
telligent and effective acting.
This evening, the play , of " Louis
be performed. The part of Louis is said to be
Keants chif d'wurre. We cannot say, never
having seen him play it. The play itself was
performed at the Walnut-street Theatre souse
years ago.
eilrel.WNITI, °Ct. 13.—The Gazette publightla a
speech made by Secretary IdeCulloeh, at Port
Wayne, Indiana, on Wednesday night, in
which he gives his views on the national
finances. He said he wag not one of those who
seem to repudiate coin as a measure of value,
mid to make a sound nailer ourrenoy the
standard ; on the contrary, he belonged to that
class of persons who, regarding an exclusive
metallic currency as an impracticable thing
among enterprising and commercial people,
nevertheless look upon an irredeemable cur
rency as an evil which circumstances may for
a time render necessary, but which is never to
be sustained as a policy. 1.5 y the common. con
sent of nations gold and silver are thebnly
two measures of value ; they are the necessary
regulators of trade.
He favored a well-secured convertible paper
currency. No other can to any extent be a
Proper substitute for coin. It is not expeeted
that there shall be a dollar iu ep4n . in reserve
for every dollar of paper in ei&ulation; this
not necessary. For all ordinary hOille trans
actions paper currency is sufficient; but there
are constantly occurring periods when the
balances between countries, and in the United
States between the different sections, must be
settled in coin. These balances are insignitl-
Cant, and, in comparison with the trans.
actions out or which they arise, and when a
vicious system of credit does not too long
postpone settlements, they are arranged with
nut disturbing the movements of coin. When.
ever specie is needed for this purpose, Or fOr
any other purpose, the paper currency of the
country should be convertible Into it ) and a
circulation not so convertible will not be, and
ought not to be, tolerated by the people.
The present unconvertible currency of the
- United States 1 , 013.8 a neeessity of war; but now
that the war has closed, and the Government
ought not to be a borrower, the currency
should be brought up to a specie standard;
and he saw no way of doing it but by with
drawing a portion of it from circulation. He
had no faith in a prosperity which was the
effect of a depreciated currency ; not could he
see any safe path to tread but that which leads
iv specie piviiients. The extreme high prices
now prevailing indicate that the business. Of
the edentry is in an unhealthy condition. We
are measuring * allies by a false standard. We
have a circulating mediate altogether largar
than is needed for legitimate business, and the
exceB6 if) used in speculations.
_The tinned State is to-day the beat market
In the world for foreigners to welt in, Ma ocun
pequince is that Europe is selling us more
Than she buys of mg, including 011 r Securities,
which ought not to go abroad, and there Is a
debt rolling up against us that must be settled
in part at least in coin. The Ipnger the infla
tion continues the more difficult, it will be for
tis to get back to specie payments, to which
we must return sooner or later. If Congress
shall, early in the approaching senion, author ,
ize the funding Of the legal tenders, and the
work of reduction is commenced, and chee . r-
Adly and prudently carried on, We shall reach
it probably -without injury and eminvrras
meet to legal business. If not we shall have a
brief period of seductive prosperity, reSulting
In wide-sprcan naakraptey awl disaster. He
spoke of the evil tendency of the present in_
illation on the public morals, converting the
business of the country into gambling and se
riously diminishing the labor of the country.
We are apparently getting richer when mo
rality languishes and the productive industry
of the country is being diminished. He was
hopeful that by wise legislation we will escape
a financial collapse, and thattlte currency may
be brought to the specie stamia‘d without
-these financial troubles which have in all
'countries followed protracted and extensive
Execution or Champ Ferguson
The exeention of this netted guerilla takes
place on the 20th of this month, under the
direction of Colonel Shufter, post command
ant of Nashville. At the reading of the sen
tence to the prisoner, he exhibited the most
:Perfect sang froid,and not a muscle of his face
Juoved. He said he supposed he must get
- ready but he airlift, want to die.
Mrutttl Murder ors Clergyman in North
4. 1 Carolina.
PerEasnuuct, Va., Het. 13.—The iteV. Hobert
, Castleman, a well-known member of the Pro
tenant tpiseopil Church, was brutally mur
dered near Gaston, N. C., on Wednesday night
last. He was returning alone from a visit to n
neighbor. The perpetrators have not been
identified. The deceased was widely known
and much beloired in Virginia.
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VOL 9.-NO. 65.
Thcy Make an Appeal in Behalf of Davis,
Stephens, and Others,
The Government nhould Fleet be Yin.
titented then Elomes the Exer•
else of Clerneney.
[Special Despatches to The Prom]
WASHINGTON, Oet. 12, 1865
Official Reports of the Cholera.
The Department of State has just received
advices from Constantinople, Port Mahon,
Florence, and Genoa, in reference to ravages
Of Cholera in those places. The cholera has
almost entirely disappeared from Constanti•
nople and vicinity. The United States Consul
at Port Mahon represents that the usual popu
lation of Paleno ' one of the provinces, is esti
mated at about fifty thousand souls. On the
17th of September the population did not ex.
eeed fifteen thousand, thirty-five thousand
having either ilea the city or perished from
this terrible scourge. On that day onehundred
and. thirty-seven deaths occurred from it ;
since then the deaths are - reported at from
one hundred and fifty to one hundred and
sixty per day. The infection appears in a very
aggravated form, and seems to baffle human
skill. Reports reached Port. Mahon that the
disease is spreading into the interior bf Spain.
In closing the despatch, the consul says:
Should this disease cross the Atlantic and.
visit our shores, much may be done to miti
gate its . rtwagee, if the people will prepare
themselves to meet it u-a.'th their allures on. The
United States consul general in Italy, under
date of Sept. Si, says The history of the pro
grasis of this terrible disease during the pre
sent season proves beyond question that it is,
according to the usual acceptation of the term,
_contagious, and need not become an epi
demic where quarantine measures, combined
with judicious sanitary regulations, are
strictly enforced. Statistics upon this subject
from this kingdom so strongly support this
theory that it is ardently to be hoped that the
experience of Italy will serve as a guide to
othtr nations as yet exempt from its visita
tion, although the French sanitary au
thorities seem somewhat disposed to ignore
the efficacy Of strict isolation waliquarantine.
The etates consul at Gen oa,reforring tO
the cholera, says teat. e as soon as the cholera
up-poured. Ancona a sanitary committee
Was appointed by the t overnment in Ghent,
as indeed in all the cities o 5 tim Kingdont.
This committee labored incessantly to eleane."
the city, to remove the poorest people from
crowded and unhealthy tenements' and to
induce the population to avoid such food and
excitement us are believed to prepare the way
for disease. At this moment Genoa is one of
the cleanest cities in Europe, and we owe it
to the faithful labors of the sanitary Commis
sion, Certain religiOnS festivals which have
usually been devoted to over-eating and
drinking, haVe been suspended for tails year,
and some articles Of foOd—as for -exaMple,
mushrooms—have been excluded from the
city. The wenther,which in August was Singu
larly cool, has been very hot during the last
two weeks, and it is, therefore, perhaps too
soon to say we have escaped the cholera for
the present year, but should the disease visit
us, I think there will be few victims."
Sorg-eons Or.lered tO Report for Duty,
Surgeon General BARNES has ordered the
following officers to report for duty as indi
cated below
Assistant Surgeon 3.11. lionann, U. S. A.., re
lieved from duty in the Department of Ohio,
and ordered to charge of Jefferson General
llospital, a r efitfsOtiville, Indiana.
ASsiiltqt Surgeon T, /I, xtinotz-,-, U. S. A., to
report for duty to commanding onleer of loth
U, S. Difantry, at Nashville.
Surgeon Jona atoonn, U. S. A., relieved from
duty in Military Division of Mississippi, and
ordered to Fort Independence, Boaton Harbor,
to relieve Surgeon EDWARD COWLRR, U. S. A.,
who will relieve Surgeon J. SEvreNs, U. S. V.,
mustered out.
)o:entraining Surgeons Appointed.
The following examining surgeons have
been appointed by the Commissioner of Pen
siOns : Dr. W. M. WRIGHT, Baltimore, Mary
land; Dr. WILLIAM Cr lILIZII. WA.T xixs, New
York; Dr. HENRY McKENNAN, Sauk City, Wis
consin; Dr. Jr H. Moen, Wauken, Iowa; Dr.
W.Ann, EtranstOWn, lowa,
I4ud Operistliina...-
There has „just been submitted by the C.-ene
ma]. Land Office to the Secretary of the Inte
rior for approval a schedule or list, embracing
47,420,303 acres of public lauds selected and to
be certified and Conveyed to the State of Mis
souri as swamp and overflOwed lands inuring
to that State under the swamp grant of 1850.
The lands are situated in the Ironton land dis
trict. The General Land Office has just ad
justed an account between the United - States
and the State of Minnesota for a five per cent.
fund on net proceeds of sales of public lands
within tracts of that State, and has certified
the amount due to the treasury for payment.
Five thousand five hundred and ninety-seven
and seventy-sixth acres are located at Browns•
ville. The land odic° in Nebraska in Septem
ber, with agricultural college land scrip,
besides a number of land warrants, locations,
and cash sales, amounting to si,sic.ce, with
same kind of scrip, 12,120 acres, were taken up
at the Topeka land office in Kansas during
last month, whilst 2,200 acres additional werO
entered at the same office in that month for
actual settlement under the homestead act.
At the Winnebago city land office 19,095 acres
were entered in September for actual settle
went under the homestead act.
The rreednikenlii
The freedmen's bureau is in 'receipt of an
application from theithief medical officer of
the bureau for AMiiirma for additional Medi.
cal aessistsnee for the freedmen ,of that State.
ric represents that a number of Alabama
physicians have notified him that they Will
give their assistance for the moderate Salary
Of one thousand dollars per montlL
The Frepainen in Maryland.
Information has reached. the Bureau of
Freedmen Affairs, that parties in St. Charles
county, Maryland, have eireulated reports
among the freedmen in that locality to the ef
fect that they must he bound seven years to
former alaveholdere, and receive but a dollar
per yeareempensation for their labor during
said apprenticeship. This report naturally
creates great excitement among the freedmen.
biltYlVapPpers- -
The Virginia Sentifelia the name of a weekly
paper to be published shortly at Warrenton;
F.equier county, Virginia, It will be of the
Copperhead stripe. The publication of the
Fredericksburg Herald is about to be renamed.
Internal Revenue Receipts.
Tim reeeipc., 4..‘.211111 ivitvenue tOdity)
_ .
amounted to $724,-569.39.
[By Associracil Press.)
Memorials from South Caroline in Be•
half of Jeff Davis.
Judge WKRDLAW, AL - exceo nitaltP., and COl,
DAWKINS, of South Carolina, this afternooti,
had an interview, by appointment, with Pre
sident Jouwsoi, They were accompanied by
W. IL TKEECOTT, ESCi., who is here On business
as executive agent of that State. The Presi
dent, after the customary preliminaries of the
- reception, invited them to be seated, when at
once the conversation commenced by Judge
WARDLAW informing him that they were a
delegation from the State Convention of Smith
Carolina sent hither to present certain Me
morials of that body. These memorials had
been very carefully cOnsidered in the con
vention, and he believed that they told exactly
the truth. The President inquired the object
of the memorials,
Judge Wardlaw informed him that one of
them was in behalf of Jetferson Davis, A.
btepliens, George A. Trenholm and Governor
NeGratb. lL said they had untlerstood that,
by the kind interference of the President,
fiiessrs. Stephens and Trenholm had already
keen released from confinement, and per
mitted to faun to their homes. Ito would
ask let Governor AlcCiratli either a pardon, Or
that he might be released on 'parole. They
could assure the President that no harm
worth' arise from each all act Of clemency.
The President replied that all crime not be
pardoned at once. The business would be
proceeded with gradually, and an effort would
he Made to execute the law; a discrimination
was necessary, as we g 0 along,. /t was a too
common expression, by way or argument for
clemency, that,snoh a one had been pardoned,
mid that he way just as bad as another who had
riot. .lodge Wardlaw replied that the dele
gation present tal no such argument as that.
The President said sometimes the peculiar
Thenlity bad much td do with pardons. Like
teeny other things in num..nifaira, eau•
not have a nxed rule. Much depends on dIS•
eretton and Circumstances. If we know our
selves, we Milt to do What IS best and just,
and to show a proper degree of humanity on
the part orthe Government.
Judge Wardlaw remarked that they had not
to express their own hopes and
desires, but as delegates from the South. Crake
ling Convention to present the memorials of
that body in a general manner.
The rreffhlellt, We will extend, gentlemen,
all the facilities and civilitiesk.Viiielt the Will .
tions require. We would prefer to pardon
twenty men than refuse one.
eJltdgo Wardlaw replied that they did not de
sign to say anything with reference to Gover
nor McGrath further than that they behoved
much good would result by the exercise of the
Executive Clemency toward him.
Colonel Dawkins said if we can get Governor
McGrath paroled it would be a great relief to
him at the present time.
Judge Wardlaw thanked the President for
baying released Messrs. Stephens and Trim
The President. We have that far anticipated
your memorial.
Air. linger said Mr. 'NTOnholla was o ° o of
most useful men, ana there was no
he would exert all his power with a view to
entire harmony between the State and the
The President replied, he understood that
was so, adding that if treason has been com
mitted, there ought to be somo test to deter
mine the power of the Government to riunish
the crime. lie was free to say that it was not
a mere contest betweenpolitical parties,
or a question as to de facto govern
ments. Looking at the Government as WO
do, the laws violated and an attempt
made at the life of a nation, there should
be a vindication of the Government and the
Constitution, even if the pardoning power
were exorcised thereafter. If treason has been
committed, it ought to be determined by the
highest tribunal, and the fact doclarod,oven
if clemency should come afterward. There
Was no malice or prejudice in wishing to carry
out that duty.
Judge warmly remarked that they were
well aware of that,
The PreSideut, resuming, said there may be
SOll/0 unkind feelings on this subject, but it
did not Mast to any great extent.
mige. Ward iaw said, although not instruct
ed by the convention, he wag induced to ask
whether Mrs. Jefferson Davis, who was now
eonEned in Georgia, could noteross into South
Carolina to see her friends
_ . .
The president replied that he had received
letters from Mrs. Davis, but they were not
very commendable. • The tone of one of them,
however, - was considerably improved, but the
others were not of the character becoming one
asking leniency.
Judge Wardlaw interposed by saying she
cras a woman of strong feeling,
The president replied; Yes, / SUppose sha id
a woman of strong feeling and temper, but
there is no intention to persecute her. There
is as much magnanimity, and independence,
and nobleness Of Spirit ih submitting, as in
trying to put the Government at defiance.
True magnanimity takes things as they are,
and when taken in the proper way disconnect
them from humiliation. Manifestations of
temper and defiance do no good.
Der. linger remarked that they had a deep
eollBClOilfiriebS of the truth of all the President
The President, resuming, Observed that the.
character of tin individual may Characterize
a nation, which is nothing but an aggregate
of individuals. and when a proper ,spirit is
manifested all can act harmoniously. The
man who secs to the stake is almost dignified
by llis bearing. It lifts him above humiliation.
In these cases, gentlemen, we will do the best
we can. While there was sympathy, there was
a public judgment, which must be met. But
I assure you, gentlemen, no disposition exists
for perScentlilri or a thirst for Med,
Judge Wardlaw re - Marked that the tone Of
the newspapers *as More favorable, and dif
ferent from what it was. lie then asked if the
President had seen a copy of the amended
constitution of South Carolina. Of course, he
said, we accept emancipation. Ile felt perfect
ly satisfied that the person and property of
the negro will he protected, and spoke of the
great difficuities of regulating labor and Of
restraining vagrancy, etc.
The President thought many of the difficul
ties would disappear if they inaugurated the
right system. Pass laws protecting'the colored
man, his person and property, and he can col
lect his debts. He knew now it was in the
South. The (location, when first presented, of
putting a altered Ulan on the witness stand,
made them shrug their shoulders- hat the
colored man's testimony was to be taken
for what it was worth by those who ex
amine him and the jury who hear it. After
all, there was not so inuCh danger as was sup•
posed. Those coming out of slavery cannot
do without work. They cannot lie down• in
dissipation—they must work. They ought to
understand that liberty means simply the right
so work and to enjoy the products of labor, and
thastncArbwu willorotect them. That done, and -
When we come to the foe , that
men must work or starve the country. wilt he
prepared. to receive a Sfaterd appllCade to
both white and black—preparCilito receive a
system necessary to the ease. A short time
back you could not enforce the vagrant law on
the black, but could on the white man. Bat
bet the public mind right and you can treat
oth alike. Let us get the general details and
the collaterais will follow.
. _
A conversation Of some length ensued bc-
Etc e.e,n the President mill Judge TraralawaVA
Mr_ Treseot as to the leKleirtte.. toftthe ,
BCCCSSillyill MN - Lei= tut, ‘.2,41.tt0w of the
freedmen and the scope and 4bnsequeriCOS Of
the elreallar N 0.1.5 and general °Mara NO. 145
of the A - De - met Generalts Department rein,.
tin.g to abandoned Janda in SOMh. Carolina
and other subjects. It is - understood the con
versation is to be eOntinnecl at another inter
The President said we must be practical and
come up to surrounding circumstances.
Judge Wardlaw, COlOile) Dawkins and Air.
Huger all expressed to the President their eon
victiOn that the State had accepted in good
faith the result of the issue which had been
made ; that the people felt that the President
had steed between them and a harsh use of the
power of the Government; that they felt en
tire•conlicienee in his purposes and action, and
hoped, in return, to entitle themselves/t0 his
COMldenee as to their feeling and action.
The President replied that he was glad to
hear; that whenever such mutual Confidence
existed there would, he thought , be au -open
road to the restoration of goodfeeling and a
prosperous condition, and if he knew IlialSelf d
and he thought he did, he would recommend
nothing hut what would advance their in
terests, So far from pandering for or looking
to future elevation, he must be believed when
he said he had no eye single to such prefer
merit. "If, " he continued' I could be Instru
mental in restoring the Government io its
former relations, and see the people once
more united and happy, I should feel that I
haditnore than filled the measure of my ambi
tion. If I would feel that I hadvontributed to
this in any degree, my heart would be more
than gratified and royamhition full."
Judge Wardlaw. Every man in South Caro
lina would respond to that.
Mr. Huger. I am sure there is on their part
no rum. faith. They deserve your conildeneof
and I am sure they will earn it,
The President expressed himself gratified
with what had been said by these gentlemen.
Mr. Dawkins remarked that all South Caro
lina reposed confidence in the President, and
that the memorials presented by the chairman
of the delegation represented the true senti
ments of the people of that State, both in re
gard to those whom they Wish pardoned, and
pie feeling and position of South Carolina.
The Wire. TriaL
The testimony in the Wing case On both
sides will probably be concluded to-morrow,
so far as it immediately affects the prisoner,
hilt the Government will, in addition, intro
duce testimony of a general character bearing
en the general charge of conspiracy.
Eruption of Mount Hood—The Plans of
the VIM Railroad. Company,
gon, has been in a state of eruption since Sep
tember 23, which
it is supposed had some con
nection with the recent earthquake in Cali
fornia, although the central part. of the State
only felt the shock.
The Sacramento Union says that the Central
Pacific Railroad Company has laid its plans
for the next year>s survey. They have deve
loped a better line over the mountains than
was anticipated. The directors, after a full
consideration of the work before them, have
concluded that they can and win lay a treat
to Tracker river or the eastern slope - of the
Werra - Nevada, one hundred and eighteen
miles from Sacramento, before next year.
They have given the necessary orders to effect
the object.
Pews from Japan—Leavy Floods in
that Country—San Francisco Mar-
SAti FaAiicrPoo, Oct. 10.—Adviees from Kan
agawi. Japan, to the last or August, have been
received. A private letter from Nagasaki
says that heavier floods have recently occur
red between .‘%naea and Mims, than are re
corded during the last 130 years. gerionniOneg
have been sustained.
AdVieeß to July ahet, report .the moveTnents
of the Tycoon against the rebellious Prince,
Chosia. The expedition was rapidly organiz
ing. It was the general opinion that it would
sann 'nava tow - OXUS tho SODA of operations.
Business at Kanagawi was - 4-uun.: -
SAN lrumielseo, Oct. 13.—Sailed for Nicara
gun, the steatner Moses Tay/or, with 650 pas, and $lll,OOO in treasure for France.
Arrived, steamer Golden City, from Panama.
From Vermont.
MONTPELIER, Vt., Oct. 13.-1 n consequence of
the illness of Lieutenant Governor Gardner,
he is nut able to -Lake his imbit as President Of
the Senate. The Hon. Worthington C. Smith,
Senator from Franklin county, was elected
President pro tem. Governor toillingliata , s
majority was offielally reported at 16,710,
will take the oath of Amen, and communicate
his inaugural address this:afternoon.
ldr, Herbert, of Chelsea, a prominent mem
ber of the House, introduced a bill repealing
the act exempting United States securities
from taxation..
The Virginia Election.
./LICHMOZTD, Oct. 13.—The returns are favor
able to the election of Charles L. Mosby,
the elegible candidate in the Fifth Cong,res-
Joual,ei Lynehburg, district, Judge 11.1logue
is probably e!oOtad in Eighth district.
The constitutional amendment wag aflOpted
by an almost unanimous Vote. It removes the
disability nom holding °Moe, as applicable to
those who prominently participated in the
The Next Legislature.
PITTOIsUico, Oct. 13.—The Pittsburg Gazette
says that the new Muse of Representatives
will consist of ea Republicans and. 01 Demo
crats. It may possibly vary one or two from
ibis, but not more. Of 0011 Senators elected
8 are Republicans and 3 Democrats. The. Le
gislature will stand : Senate, 20 Republicans,
is Den,ocrats flouse,63 Rep lltaiNtllB,3l Demo
orate, On joint ballet, 80 Republieans,l7 Demo.
Trig Nines. of Columbus, Georgia, has been
merged with the Sun, and they are uow pub.
lished as One paper.
41 U r UP I
Union Majority Estimated at Nearly 25,000.
.Af,roah - A, Oct. 13.—The following is tliß
Cial vote of Blair county llaltrallfti; 9,497;
Davis, 1,173; Campbell. 2,467; LintOn,l 1,794.
Assembly—A(llnm (U.), 2,397; Morrow', (D.),
1,842. 11. B.
following is the Delaware county official vote
Union State ticket, 2,636 ; Democratic State
ticket, 1,334 Union mojOrity, 1,3311
Enni, PA., Oat, 13.—Tii9 Union majority in
Erie county is 1,794. a. B. Ger.A.
limennenon, Oct. following is the
official vote in this couray Mirtranft, 2031)
Davis, 1,587. Campbell, 2,5411; Linton, 1,587. The
following is the vote for Legislative candi
dates Baker (tr.), 2.,530; Brown (U.), 2,525;
Porter (D.), 1,653 Banks (D.),1,588.
rovrevit.LE, Oct. 13.—The following in the
official vote of this county: Davis, 6,831; Har
tranft, 5,997. Linton, 6,845; Campbell, 5,981.
TROT, Pa., Oct. 13.—Tioga gains upwards
of 500 on the majority for Cochrtm . in 1932.
tOrttr, COUNTY
"roux, Oot. 13.—The York county official vote
13 ail follows Davis, 6,914 ; Hartranft, 4,541, t
HonAhe Bo 15.X.1
Yesterday morning, at 10 o'clock-, the Modal
of Return Judges met, in the room of the Sn
promo Court, for the purpose of rendering the
olUeial returns of the vote as polled on lasi
Tuesday. The roll was called, and the follow
ing members answered to their names
Wards. Wards. _
2. W. 11. Black. 15. Thos. F. Tapper.
3. Michael Fagan, 12, Thos. G. 0 7 1Is.ra.
4. John Loughran, 17. M. S. Dougherty.
5. S. C. Thompson. is. Samuel P. (I , Arinner.
6. Robert Palothorp. 19. P.mmanuel Hooper.
7. Richard Campbell. 20. Wm. W. Fry.
8. Thos. 0. Harper. 21. William Rose.
9. Sherman Horne. 22. Paschall Coulter.
10. Samuel P. Hancock. 28. W. T Pmssan.
11. Lewis C. norm 24. 1. Alex. Simpson.
12. Peter novonat. 25. E. 11. Flood.
177. John B. Green. 22. Joseph R. COM
The Board then organized as follows;
President—Samuel P. Hancock.
Clerks—lsaac Mcßride and Wm. C. Zane.
M _
csksengers—Daniel Lutz and Henry Bunker.
Alderman Beitler administered the euuto. ,
teary oath to the oilleers, after which the re.
turns were Called off.
The following are the returns, as corrected :
Pilate Officers.
..-. :.
.., ..... ..":"
WA TS. • 0 ^ ii
ni 0
.74 - a 2
, p. 04 0
El a
. a 4 4
A t 5 a
tiecond 4, _ , 2007 1200 20121 1190
Third L - ‘ O 7; 2333 24371 2333
1273 Roo 10421 1618
Fourth 952 2213 929 3w.
Fifth 1106 1442 1105 1 4 1 4
y4liSeventh 1 2214 1349‘ 2233 1360
-rowes.-_______ •• - - 1526 1061 1520 1991
3417 1029 1417 -Han
Torah_ ~... 2138 1074 7.339 1074
ElCTentll 1637 1209 1064 13 1 17
Telelf<ll 1.324 1320 1324 1329
Thirteenth 1931 1301 1526 13412
Fourteenth 2335 1334 2337 1322
Fifteenth nal 2125 3300 2123
Sixteen Al 1166 1t53 17021 1555
Seventeenth 1210 2060 1203 2000
Eighteenth • - 2057 1482 '2658 1481.
Nineteenth 2419 2024 2420 2024
Twentieth 240 2543 331111 2541
Twenty-first 1882 1301 18111 1303
Twenty -second2ol6 1152 2018 1160
Twenty-fourth co 1842 2229 1,%13.
Twenty-5M 814 3230 9151 MT
Twenty-sixth 2133 11801 21321 1162
*Fourth division omitted
tNo returns.
Eighteenth, (two division ;
311 M M -in urn runt rtt
Twenty-tldrd (no returns
Glieegan, U 3 461
Star; D 2,077
Gheegan's rnaj „ 364
RndlimaD, U 2,559
Gregory, D 2,319
Buddiman , s mai. 2401
Josephs, D 4 244
McCaw, U 0,199
West, V— 2,873
Neuhauser, I) 1,1i39
maj 1,134
Thomas, U..... .. . 2,3331
D 2,0721
Thomas , Maj.— 294
SIXTH Ditrino , r.
Freeborn, II 2,000
Ilutoninn; I) 1,561
FreeborWts imaj,, 430 :
Sube .s,U
hay D...
• 2 804
SubeyS' maj,„
ROVIIS4 U 4143'
Kensil, D ;SU
Kerns' msj
snsmrt maTnier
Quigley, D •
Quigley's m
aj.... Fa
DM. lag.
11 n
1' g IQ, ...° --- A .
WARD& A o. •• fo so •
.-.. 0 .
Ert . ..... ~. lOlOl 1268., 1979 1214 ii 1943' 17.izi
,-,„”,,,f.. . ~. . . mat 2118 2416) Tal4l 2919 2.201
11di,. - . 1 1 ......... 722z1 3664 12491 160.31 1201 197,t
uro, . . ...... . ! uso 2 2 08 131 18111 1 1018 2230,
Plft,lk .... .. . ... 1067 1482 1187 1332 1061 147 6
Sixth an 12471 100 0 1221 991 1252
14,v8.111,11.. .. ... 1 2 884; 11761 r.,03 1361 2233 1376
Rl3lllll 1 , 189 1 1114,1 1601 102 1-184 1129
.13113114 1360, 10701 1356 1030 1376 1043
Tenth ... .... ..! 23131 1155 , 2274 1139 3314 1116
Eleventh ..... i 3303 ! 1424 1 1123 1325 ' 1069 1397
l' ''' eleil. -,-,- -- I 1 ' 235) 1393/ 330,5 /249 1312 1331
Thirteenth 18301 1775, 485 /314 1498 124,3
Fourteenth, .. T 2331 1420' 223 1385 ..249 1372
Flttcentit 1 3221 ) T 229 ,4 3253 2181 I 4313 2164
4j13 106111 h .. ..1. 1018 1 111191, 1703 1522 i. 1692 15 4 6
73,venteeni. i 1173! 2033 1270 1181) ' 176 6 1966
Eighteenth...; 25811' 1556 1 3639 14931' 21p1, 120)1
N ineteentit. .. =4l; MI, 2188 2034 2909 2046
32281 2629 1 3276, 2474 3299, 2588
Twenty-first - - 16541 1323 18.56 1311 , 1851 132.2
Twenty-sera) 19891 1177, 2000 1145, 20001 1165
+Twenty 11119 d: 11,zsid .. .. .. ttrrfoll • • '
1' Nv euty -f0 'till 21311 1803',1 3/79 1866,1 .3 4 V 1618
Twenty-filtla . 791 1265, 799 ) 1227; ! 8171 1233
Tw,•ltty-0414th 1 2082 1213' 21031 119411 41 11 7191
.1.4 0 ro,urns fro...tour allgirlons.
1280 returns.
City Ofileera.
SDl,l'lt 11C01 , 1T• It 1 ITREA. II 101 3 , 7 3 .
I ~.1
P— ^ ^ ' —.•—
- 4 ~..- 1 * E A
;.. p ~... : ;a ---
WARDS. ll ).71 . m — f Ff
oi&, -
(1.3 P. P I°
co ca la p. pR § . ..,-.-
First...—. ..... 12000: r2DS 204) 1184 '1992'1 3 1810)17314
9eetld 1 291712335 2970 2182 24131' 'I 2224 1 2445
Third =..........212651162'3 1311 1504 124511 1111,1684
Y , otirth.... ...... I 1104 1 2210 991 2165 699 9.581284
211111 1099 1446 1104 1439 1086 8 1 043115 18 1
11 1 1311, 100111244 10116 12311 993 1892 1 1319
1 1 81/0111.11 .. 2235 1355 2228 135/ 12219 3 173311709
Eighth ~., .... 1501 f 1098 /515 1003 'l4OB 14 12413,1225
Ninth ...... .... 1387,1033 1104 tam 1370 1216'1132
Tenth .... 2260 10931 237711109, 2342! rz 1937 1:f35
Elev./41+ 1061 13911 1060113981 1068 1 2 (193 1440
Twelfth 1306 13311 1 11320113201 1306 • 2 11:T1 1 437
Thlrteruilt-..... 1909 1314 11899113181 1808 13 14516 1544
1013r1e.911111 .... 7460 11413 (2317'1237 2 / 4 2 - 2 .1116 1513
Fifteenth 3347 2144 13343 2140 211292144 2494 2873
3.lxteenth 1035 1354 11671 1561 142 a 1550 1580;18/2
Pe,eitteelith ... 1201 2007 /201 2 01 0 64.. 105 ',,, 11 _ 4612(31 ,„... 3
F , lttine entli 6050 14901 28+1 5491 .134 1 4 0 3 12. tis two
1 1 1111uteeuth .... 2401 2029 2403 2 0 291 113 . 2030 ;284 5;2070
Twentieth ..... 3333 2359 jaw 25031 1, 9 ,2578 4979 ) 2744
ir wanty.4r9o,„ I ff s 4 1394 1880 1303 1 111311 1739 1390
Twenty-tict;ona 2 ' l = s lief; 21,15 1159 . 1165 1742i1312
' , Twenty- third .... .... .... ....Ai 111 II" "If ••••
Twenty-fourth 6617 1%5 i T. 116 784 10 1697 1683.04R2
Twenty-pfth ... 814,1%71 8141121 81 17 1T.30 77311257
TWenti-olxill- 2i10:1188. ,2129 , 11 111311/0 19'4 4 1/ 232
'. No returns.
Total for Hartranft, 46,803;' 11 '
' 88,3%;
W. Litsvtg
14: 7 4Vii). C. 9,aghorn.
Davis, 55.9 majority.
EASTON, Oct 13.—1 n Luzern emu "k , the Ite
publicans elect the State sqnator : b ;, ilo rest
of the county ticket isDemocratic. The Union
calla Mate for Senator was Mr. Shoemaker,
who, by a innjority of 235, defeLa Stanley
Woodward, a son of Judge Wo ward, the
Democratic candidate, .
-ijaVl fr;jorrEMtb'ifr'l,(Q. - klkajority.
NommarOwN, Oct. 13.—The majoritroF Davis
(po i ;or Auditor General, is 1,020.
7; R
_. • 6
Zi . ;
1 'A
Si 4
9901 974
30571 1039
11.5 125,
1659 1268
2542 2086
Riley, D....
Slemer, U..
Boileem, D.
Slemera maJ
Adair, U..,. .. . .... 3,059
Fordliam, D 2 037
Adai ma) 9232
SchOlenberger, U.. 1,699
illOnnelly, D ~,,, —1,703
&berry, l 771
F. Hood, U 2,891
W. P. Hood, P...9 2 ) 194
IFTEENTa Diszaircrr.
G. Do tiaven,
scholield, D 0 215
Delfaxen's 805
1 VI
Wallace , et maj... 1,177
TJ0C..... • 880
Worrall 'DB
Twenty-third ward
gave no returns.
Marks, TI 2,659,
Marks , maj..,.... 334
The lire WaS Canted by an incendiary. A
strong wind, which fanned the names, threat..
ened destruction to the whole city.
COMina/Aer Wm. D. Whitney, of the United
States Steamer Tioga, with his offiDANI and
crew, were most effectual in subduing the eon
Oct.Thn.r&sT, l3.—One hundred and
twenty-five buildings were burned. The aoss
amounted to nearly half a million, about one
quarter of which was insUred.
The injured parties are not dospondent l
Contracts for rebuilding aportion of the burnt
district was made during the progress of the
BOSTON, Oct, 13,—The extensive machine shop
of Walter Aiken, at Fre/Anon, 14. wag en
tirely destroyed by fire last night. The build
ing was owned by bba brother, Jonas Aiken.
The shop was used for the xnanufaainre of
stocking machinery and knitting needlee, The
leas is estimated &tMow, which Is well co•
vaned by insturanee.
OBELI 14, 1865.
Ilartronft'sAi °
4(1,719! for
1 t .rs'mtT
. T
8,15 1I
1 ,
OR. Total for earoplallt,
majority for Ditinittivili
Albertson, ~,,,, ii,i3ol
French, D
.ntititon, L
Daly, D
Daly's muj...
Close, U..
..• ..... ~
Young, 313
eles4l 7 stUEd..6.. q]
Shedaker, U....,.1
Rogerson, D. ..... . D
A lbertson'e SW
revi l ito S y J l G :l 7 6. ll;
v P 1 B.T.
11l Levering's maj„
67 Ugh Groot, U 2,090
99 No opposition..
Shaloross,U 615
Leaver, D 500
The wority-third
ward to be heard
101Frailey, 608
2til4er's mai.— 2%
Shedalteve mei. /b;
Robert=, U. u'11e.111. ,,,
violably elected;
AO opposition.
Fil , rn ooritlep.
Reed, LT
Wolff, D ....
DAVIS, Ii ;o,
Durk, D.
Davis , ma.'
The board then at
27th instant.
fined until Friday, this
[By Associatek . l Treas.!
READING, 0Ct.13.--T.!
as follows ± Davis (1).
6,152; Linton (D.), for
The vote was Hart,rail
Davie, 944 14nton, ft,:)
a Democratic loos upon
for Auditor General an
762 and 729.
ollicial,majorities are
for Auditor General,
urvoyor eeneral,
; Campbell, 4,810 ;
These figures show
he majorities in 108
Survoyor General of
ELMIRA, Oct. 13.—Brai
3,000 Union majority on II
' . lll/134
Davis, 371 majority ; Lii
Davi% DO majority; Lir
Cirmr.Eß, Oct. 13.—The
ter is us follows ; ilart ti
Union majority, 9,11 a.
the °liana YOte of Centre
2,744; Davis, 2,933. Ataiot
CalTipDell, 2,742 5 Linton,
Linton, 195. For Assembl
Deaver, (U.)112.
Oct. 13,—The, oil
berlami county shows that thl
elected their county ticket b•
jority of 375. For Auditor 1.4:
(U.) received 3,289, and Davis
HArmis - BITAG, Oct. 12.—The
are as follows ;
For Auditor General—Genera
4,0,11 Davis, (Dem.); 34251.
For Surveyor Goneral—Camp' :
Linton (Dem.), 3,269.
General Iliirtranft's majority a ,
The two Union candidatE9
Lure were also elected.
For !District Attorney the Ve
Menton (U ),4,5411, 5 Awl (Derr.), 3:' , ,
GEVAMBMUSIIITII.G, Oct. 13.—The - oit L
give General Hartranft 117 and (:
majority. {
The Itepublicen county ticket: al.
liepubilean members of the Legli
elected. .
Duncan, the Democratic candid:.
State Senate, has 33 majority on the
—the soldiers' vote may change the
Davis (D.), /a majority, Union t:
M 11) 1,957
majority. /
lAoorws . 1
. Counties. Union.; i Dem.
dams 16
Armstrong gag a
Berke ' 5; 152
Blair W,4 . .... •
Bradford , • .3,000
linekti - 1171
Carbon 196
Clarion . .... / . 790
• •:. '
Chester.,, - .. 2,1 k
Cumberland , .iii
Dauphin F' ••••
Delaware 7' i I •••• .
Erie 1 94 _ ;..•
Iranniin • 117 •r e• •
ninon a Wl-
HUntingdon - 952 -- ....
Jefferson . 79 ...
Lehigh • . lit. /PM
Mifflin .. 49 •• • •
Monroe ..... .... 1,509
- Montgomery 1,020
Northampton.... .... . .... ,
2 1 , ,9 3 49 73
Schuylkill ....... .... - 834
Somerset.— 1,167
IlTestmoreland ' .... - - 1,007
Pivrntrita, 0 • 13. The majority in Alle
gheny county • ill probably be 4,500 for the
Union ticket.
The followii • are the probable majorities in
this motion 0 the State;
Union Democratic
Allegheny 4
Washington: - 400 ....
Indiana 2,000
Armstrong tso ....
Somerset 1000
- Mercer ..... . 700 ...II
Crawford 1700, ' .•••
Erie 5,500 ..,.
Beaver 750 ....
Blair 700 .•••
Butler 250
Warren 500
Venango 500
Fayette • •• 760
Westmoreland ... 1,100
Cambria ... 900
union maj. in 10 countie9.l2,9oo
The Election—The Firemon—The North
ern Central Railroad.
HARRISBURG, Oct 13.—Tito official returns of
the State and legislative ticket were made up
by the return judges to-day. Leading poll
ticiane of the city, who have been carefully
noting the vote of last Tuesday, put down
Oeneral liartranft's majority at not less than
ZOO, General it. will lead his Colleagtle
(Campbell) on the 'Union ticket several thou•
sand votes. There are twenty clerkships in
tee Auditor Geiriel.a.l l s offlee, and the laid de
partment, the occupants of which may expect
to be ousted by the recently-elected chiefs of
these Department% It its stated that there are
at least ten Union applicants for every desk
now occupied by a Democrat in these offices.
As these two Chiefs Owe their election largely
to their railitary reputationl it is predicted
that they will surround themselves in civil offi
cial life with men who stood faithfully by
their side during the war that crushed the Re
Ifenntsnnuo, Oct. fire company from
Pittsburg, one from Huntingdon, and one from
Lancaster, wilt proceed to Philadelphia on
Sunday morning, to participate in the mon
ster firemen's parade tolahe place in that city
on Itonday. At least four bandred citizens
will , meompany the one hundred equipped
firemen from rbla city. The Rope Fire Com
pany of Harrislifirg will be accompanied by
their atearn.engiae, One of the mast splendid
and effective machines in ti'weountry.
The president and directors of Vf. , ? Northern
Central Railroad, neeollipanled by a number
of invited guests, started yesterday evening
on a grand tour of observation and inspection,
intending to pasgi over the main lbw and the
lateral branches of their extensive road. ,The
forthcoming report' Of J. D. Cameron, presi
dent of the company, will exhibit a vast iM
proventent of that road, with mi increase of
permanent business scarcely equalled, and
certainly not excelled, la nny company in the
Conflagration at Belfast, Me
BISTFAST. Me.,Oet, ia.—A disastrous fire took
place last night, eanatiming nearly the entire
business portion of this city below Washing ,
ton and Crossatreets.
Over and bylittreJ buildinam *ere destroyed,
and the less amounted to at least C 00,600.
The principal losers are S. S. Lewis, Edward
Johnson St Co.; heirs of A, J, Morrison, Ste
vens & Co., F. M. & D. Lancaster, ii, J. llarri
man A Co., and 8, S. Sm3th.
Fire at Franklin, N. H.
Death of Rev, Lott zones, of New York.
Tim House of Clerical and Lay Deputies te•
assembled yesterday morning, at 10] o'clock,
in St. Andrew's Church.
ThL ibtrodildtOrY TOIIgiOUI3 DrgYiees were
read by Rev. Andrew B. Patterson l D, D., of
Minnesota, and Rev. Jacob L. Clark, D. D., of
Previous to entering upon the routine busi
ness, the President announced the desire of
the Bishop of New York for the clergy of that
diocese to assemble in the VeStry-room of the
church, to take action in regard to tile sudden
and singular death of Rev. Lott Jones, rector
of the Church of the Epiphany, New York,
which occurred on the previous evening.
It appears that the deceased, in descending
the, steps of St. Luke's Church, Thirteenth
street, above Pine, missed his footing and fell.
When picked up he was insensible, and was
immediately removed to No.loo2Loeust street,
where he died in about two hours. A medical
examination established the fact that the de
ecascd had sustained a fracture Of the skull.
Dr. Jones was about sixty years of age, and re
sided at No. 77 Second street, New York. He
occupied a prominent social position, and was
well-known in religious circles.
In aceordidiee with the request of the
Bishop of New York, announced by the presi
dent, as stated above, the clergy of that
diocese , assembled in the vestry room. The
bishop of the diocese of New York announced
the'death of the deceased and the particulars
Connected therewith, characterizing him as a
most earnest, devout and indefatigable labor
er in the cause of Christ, whOpfor more than
thirty years, had efficiently labored in a part
of hew York city which , most demanded
the labors of just such a man, and where his
influence was very great and very blessed.
The Rev. Wm. IL Moore, D. D., of the diocese
of New York; was appointed secretary. Bishops
Talbot, of Indiand,llastMail l Of MaSsachusetts,
Bedell, of Ohio, Stevens, of Pennsylvania,
Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, and 11ev. Mr. Browne
delivered short addresses commemorative of
the virtues, labors, and character of tile de
ceased brother. Among others present were
Bishops Whitehouse, of Illinois ; Lee, of lowa ;
S la rff S e of C y a , l L i f o o r r a n ns ia; gopuintofard,
p u i o n i t o ° l fit T u
l e 11 l
i n c e s s i s d e e e s ,
the clergy from the diocese of New York,
there were present representatives from the
dioceses of Western New York, Pennsylvania,
Connecticut, and other States.
On motion, the following resolutions were
adopted unanimously
rd county, Pa., gives
e State ticket.
on, 309 majority,
, n, 105 majority
cialvote of Ches.
The following is
.nip: Ilartranft,
• for Davis, la
1 . Majority for
I a hurts (D.) over
1 yote Of Cum
. emocrats have
n average ma,
e • rnl, Itartranft
) 3,714.
dal returns
Resolved., Thin , we have beard with pain and sor
row of the sudden and violent death of our beloved
brother, the Rev. Lott Jones, 1). 1)., Rector Of the
Church of the Epiphany, Ne w York.
ReAolved, That in Ills beautiful Christian charac
ter his purity, gentleness, meekness and singular
s c it.a cTo th,, , to is -Work, arid 111 lilt long and faith ,
no labors, we recognize the highest titles to our re
verence and love, as well as cause for deep thank
fulness to Almighty God that He bath been pleased
to bestow such a blessing upon his Church.
That it he recommended to the clergy of
the city of New York to wear the usual badge of
tuOlirning for thirty dace.
Resolved, That we tender our most affectionate
brother, " p 1'
3' a
e t : to tl 1 e
his aLi e l o ie n t g e r d egT‘i l a Y , : O S,i o m "r ak 'l e eP l a t r tt e t4
earnest prayer to our Heavenly Father that Re
'would he pleased to sustain them under their sore
trial, and sanctify to them this impressive visits
lion of Ills providence,
Resolved, T hat a copy of these regointiOnli be
t m o n t itt e ed a family s t t h a. e nt o
ministerf o u t f • deceased the c u c li h ro o t f h t e b r e ,
Rpiphany, to he communicated I o the congregation
arid to the several periodicals of the Church.
The minutes of yesterday's session wet%
then read. Dr. Goodwin called attention to
the fact that the case of Bishop Wilmer was
not decided "unanimously ' , but that he was
willing to have it recorded I ( item eon." and
would withdraw his dissenting vote with that
understanding: The minutes, as thus amend
cd, were approved-
Rev. Dr. it. M. Simon, from the Committee
On the Prayer Reek to whom were referred
the several propositions to correct the pane
, tuation and reading of the Prayer Book, re
ported that they have diligently c9ps l
the points 'Whiell hay , n orml&y in the
punctuation of the various editions of the
Prayer Rook for a long series of years, and
such question with reference to the reading,
that they oak to be excused from any recom
mendation on these points, and nnanimedisly
beg to offer the following resolution:
(II.) 1 4,551 i
he Legiaht-
stood ! Si•
al returns
~ !pen 108
both the
:tore are
- for the
onto vote
Reootred, That, the Itonse of Illshope concurring,
ejohat 65rtimittee On a blandard Prayer }look, be
created tO illinng the r
et the ljelietqll clan•
ventlon, and report to the ext General GOLIVOLP
Tiles also report that the uniform paging of
the 'Prayer 33001. is Attended with great prac
tical di - bleulties, and it is understood that the
New York Bible . and Prayer Book Society i are
now endeavoringt O p
o o n v c h
t i
c e
t s e
scornsd e ul
your committee inexpedient.
They also report, in regard to a certain me
morial on the words in the creed, "and the
Son,” unanimously called" the Pilleerto,” that
although the words " and the Son,” in regard
to the procession of the Holy Ghost, were not
in the Catholic creed, es avouched by the Enc.-
Medical Council of Constantinople, yet be
cause the Western Chunk notwithstanding
the reclamation of the Eastern Church, has so
long used them, the prayer of the memorialist
to omit them may not be granted, the omis
sion of them belonging rather to the Mined
voice of those churches of the West, who are
in full communion with each Other, and the
Catholic Church, whenever the good provi
dence of God shall enable them to Waite the
change in the United Council. The commit
tee, therefore, beg leave to be discharged from
the consideration of the subject, to explain
the Controversy upon the ".Fittoque" of the
Nicene creed, tracing its history throughout
the various councils of the Church.
On motion, the committee was discharged
from the eonslderatiOn of the sub)ect.
Rev. Dr. Howe reported from the Joint 0013 i.
mittec on Metrical Hymns and Psalmody, as
The. Joint Committee on Metrical Psalms and
Hymnody, who were instructed by the last Eleneral
Convention to prepare and report to oils conven
tiOn a body of metrical brims, and to revise the
psalms and hymns now bound-up with the prayer
libeic, and report on the whole subject, submit the
following report;
Additional hymns to the number Of 0110 hundred
and forty-eight are herewith presented, and having
been printed by the Rouse of Clerical and Lay
Deputies, are 119 w on the table °teach liouse,the
following resolution. is respectfully submitted for
Resolved, That the additional hymns reported by
the Joint ClUniaittee on Metrical Psalmody, to the
number or one hundred and forty.eight, 11C01001
for use In public worship Until otherwise ordered
by the convention.
The committee, as instructed by the vote of the
last convention, have also revised the existing col
lection of hymns, and finding that a considerable
number are almost never sung, and occupy a space
which as tile committee believe, may he. More ap
propriately and acceptably filled, they recommend
the following resolution:
BeBolyed, That in future editions of the hyralla
the following hymns, forty-two in number, be omit
ted-natnely: hymns 1,3, 4., 5,6, 19, 31, 48, 99, 63,
68, 71, SO. ii, 05, 106, IC9, MO, 114, 115, 115, 121, 122, 123,
125, tu, Hp, He, 148, 158, 158, 166, 187, 178, 181, 188,
190. 151, me, zos , 381.,
The committee have adopted the arrangement or
the new hymns under the same divisions with the
old. The lneollVenlence of the slew enumeration
cannot Well be ilVOlded, but experience in the case
Of the fermernymns, and or the seleetions of Psalm,
proves that it is not very serious or protracted.
In regard to a revision of the metrical psalms, it
was found that several courses had their advocates.
1. wbe old and complete psaltry. of Tate , t; Brady
still permitted to be used, though almost oat Or
print, might be retained, or rather revised.
2. The selections might remain as they are.
3. Tile attempt might be made to receive a com
plete metrical Psalter from other sources as well as
trom Tate and Brady.
4. New selections might be made from all sources,
including the present selections, so far as desirable.
5, metrical psalms, as a separate collection,
might, be relimpifslica, and RUM bet he
might be most approved, might ncorporated
with the hymns.
The committee did not feel themselves to be out&
clootly acquainted with the sentiment of our coin.
munitill to recommend either of these eoui'Mg, and
will leave It to the CODNCILitiOss to indicate, if they
Judge it expedient, that course which may be deem
edirtUratne, with respect to the metrical psalms,
andto appoint, ir neeessary, a committee to Whom
the execution of the design maA , he entrusted.
George Burgess, Francis Wharton,
J. C. Talbot, I Samuel slot,
W. B. Stevens, Henry Coppee.
M. A. D. Howe,
On motion, the subject was made the special
order for Mandan. at 12 o'clock.
Who 8p4313111d COMP ll .trt..
Errors reported Its follows;
15,650 2,750
The committee of this 'Sense, appointed at the
general convention of 160 , milder the resolution of
Rev, mr, rerry t having reference to certain alleged
typOgrapirical errors in the Table of Proper nellllo
on certain days, in the Book of Common Prayer,
and directed to report to this Convention whether
such errors existOr not, reSpeetfullreportthat they
has , a kiren the subject coinMitted to their Investi
gation their canto/ novntiou, 50d have Veriehed the
following result
in the 'first place the existence of certain dis
crepancies between the Table of Proper Psalms, on
certain dap, as contained In the English Scaled
Bunks of (Ammon I'ruyeithiii that act forth Ip the
standard book of our oWnfillltßal.
That these discrepances were, intentional may be
willow from the fact that in the various ed‘tions of
the American Book of Qutnmoti Prayer, sot fctnil
by the convention that framed and ratified the same,
lAented as the standard books of this Church, the'
tte It in our present Prayer Book, is
faind WKt an , a uniformity.
Further, that in the
aides of e'rata In
these standard books wept...a by the venerable
Bishop White, and appended to tic.a..n nala 51113..
eessive conveittions, and so minute as to etm.,,,,e
errors, of punctuate!! Or orthography, no inentiOtt'
is made or any error in the fade under preSea
Further. that in the preparation of the present
standard Book of Common Prayer the committee
to Whom VintaifollllllllteCi its preparation, and Whose
labors were most painstaking nna eitIiCURIVO. no.
Wig among other Chings every supposed or possible
typographical error, the correctness of the "Ta
blet' as we have it in our present Prayer Book was
confirmed antkatteeted ail being the •• Table, ^, as
IL is Clittreli Ilea received Om same.
Further than to iait is nor. n..eessary rap WitifOOlfis
to ()Wiles the question committed to teem.
They may, however, direct the attention of those
who allege that the change referred to arose from
aerial:lit or a typographi ca l Wilder to tile recorded
opinions orate veneraido compilers of our JAW/var.
en this very point. We append the language or
Bishop White:
"As ye Psalms are aeOnsiderable part of ye it, and
17. Prayer, it may he proper to mention in this
Place ye Beason of their being so considerably
short emelt '41.11 Scripture is given for doctrine
and Instruction.' Yet It is supposed that all parts
thereof were not invited for Christian worship, and
that ye Church bath a latitude to select such parts
as site shall judge best suited thereto. Therefore,
such portions only of ye Psalms are retainedjas
wore though t ye most beautiful and affecting. Itt
order to add to .ve propriet* and sublimity of Ye
Psalter, ye translation In ye Bible has been pre
ferred, where it was thought to have a stronger
tendency than ye other to raise devotion. A new
division became necessary in consequence of ye
preceding cltoncs."
This language, together with the runner expres
-81011 of the same venerable man, desiring his col
league in the work of amending the EngliSh Prayer
limb, to give particUil, attention to i i the reading
Psalms of the greater Festivals" induces your com
mittee to believe that it was not without due de
liberation that so marked and decided a change wee
introduced into our Service Book; though the reason
leading the COMBlierfl of our American Book of
Common Prayer to allow seteetioila of Ptatlins to
take the place of those in regular course, at the
option of the clergyman, and to change particular
"Psalms tor certain days" for others more suitable
In thcir opinion. may" riot obtain at the present
time, there cannot be any doubt, but that at that
period of our ecclesiastical history, there was a
strong tendency to change, abbreviate or Omit pop.
violas of ii+o Psalter from an opinion alluded t 4 Ay
Bishop White, in the language quoted above.
The action of a portion of the American Church
in setting forth the " Proposed Book," in which
these eliange and =Woo wen goni.o !put rad
liv:133:001 , 30
cal, and the previous or subsequent preparation of
amended Psalters by the clergy of Massaclittnettli
and the Bishop of Contiectietil attests this feeling,
and the mere mention of ft Is sufficient to cowlirm
the supposition, were it not supported by Libre
direct testimony, that the change under discussion
was intentional, and as such made an Integral part
of our American Book of Common Prayer. "I`be
e„oblmilliu, mury venture to Imo the reasons for'
tots change, supposed to exist at tile it was
made, no longer obtain, and that in the event for
further review of our Service Book a return to the
foi met usage would, in their opinion, be desirable.
Such being the mum, your committee respectfully ,
report that to the best of their hoowledoe, afterer dui:
and investigation, they do not consider that
the alleged typographical errors In "Table of
Psalms for Certain Nytl" exist, and inferentially
they allirm the correetnese of the said table as It
new stands.
. .
They would, however. aecoMpany their report
with the following resolution, naturally growing
0111 of their OW II appointment:
Whcreas Numerous minor variations apparently
typographical or rteeldental, from the English
Scaled Book of Common Prayer, other than those
cemented for and noticed by Bishop White in his
list of the NUM c iL , li told
Whereon, These diserenancles annarent an a ml.
tom: comparison of the English Standard with our
own. seem to require notlee at the hand Of the Gene
ral Convention, and an examination as to theirort
occasion, and the reasons by which they are
BIM retained: therefore
itesohml , That a special committee Of tiTC he ap
pointed by the ehalr, to whom shall be assigned the
duty of examining Into, and reporting to the next
c onven ti on , than ajgcropipacies and the reasons of
the same, in order that the said May be woad
upon the records of this hot ,so that In the event
of any subsequent review of the Rook of Common
Prayer of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
United States of America these discrepancies may
reeelye the due attention and direct action of those
to whom such re.vleS: may beeommittcd•
Dr.Vinton moved that the reportbe adopted.
A discussion ensued in regard to the dis
position of the resolutions offered by the two
committees, in which Dr. 'Vinton and Dr.
Gardiner participated.
The subject was then indefinitely postponed.
Judge Battle moved that the "military
Canon ?, be Blade the . order of the day for
today at 12 o'clock. Carried.
Rev, Dr. Burr, by consent of Dr. Vinton, who
had the floor, offered the following resolution;
RelKived, That it he referred to the Committee on
the Book .r Com.oe. Prayer, to consider and report
upon the expedienc of inserting in. the prayer ror
Congress a petition in behalf of State Legislatures
when in session.
Referred to the Committee on the Prayer
On motion, leave of abseece wtia granted to
Mr. Warren Brown.
Bon. Ezekiel F. Chambers, of 'Maryland, of
fered the following, which was passed:
Resolved, That the House of Clerical and Lay
Deputies respectfully request the House of Bishops
to return to Ws House
the message of yesterday,
sent to tbem. [No. O.
The object of this retittegt IS to amend
the 'message by striking out the words "em
powered and," leaving only "respectfully re
questing" the seilior bishops in the contin
gency therein named.
Rev. Mr. Cornwall offered the following
197sereaft, -, in the preface to the Book of Common
Brayer, it' Ii A 9.111! The attention Qf this Church
was hi the first place drawn to these alterations iii
the Liturgy -which became necessary lir he prayers
for our civil rulers, in consequence of the revolution
—and the principal sate herein was to make them
enter/name to lyjnts ought to be the Draper end of
all such prayers, nafmly, that rulers may] nave
wisdom andi understanding to execute j ustice
and to maintain the troth, and that the people may
lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and
And whereas, No such prayer waS set forth In the
daily morning and evening prayers; therefore,
Beselyed, That the Rouse °dilations he requested
to prepare the prh;:rt‘ dontimplitted lit the prenica
to the Book of Common Prayer, and to maim it in
as full and exact conformity as TeaV be, wtth the
Apostolic exhortation "that suppileations, pray
en, intercessions and . g:.iving of thanks, he snub for
all men. VorMid for all that are 111 delay, -
city: that we nuty lead a quiet and peaceablelife
all godliness and honesty."
Resolved, That this prayer, when approved by
both Rouses of the Oeneral'Convention, shall be
tent to the dioeeses, and When ratified as provided
in article of the cvnatitattoa, shalt he substituted
hi the book of Common krayer for the prayer now
in use, for tim President of the United *taus, and
all in civil authority,
Rev. Dr, Kerfoot expressed himself emsosed
to the reference, it it involved any sanction of
the subject by the House.
Rev. Dr. Hare hoped that to this most int
p9rtaat matter the House would not act IPlttd
'mealy. The subject should not even he re
ferred without discussion.
On motion of Rev. Dr. Cummins it was laid
on the table.
The order of the day was taken up.
Dr. Vinton called for the readine of the con
stitution of the Theological Seminary. The
reading being objected to, Dr. - Vinton said that
the only change which had been made WaS to
provide for a statement of the assessed value
of the seminary lot.
Don, .1)4, Ruggles stated that he had some
amendments to offer to the constitution of tli
The resviivi• • ; ,
" • t Pr, ornately.
,50yeal osed an,
some debate ensued. In thecourse or - ppo . de
bate it was announced that the Lord Bishop of
nonolulu had entered the louse; whereupon
the reverend gentleman was introduced to the
member; by the 'Negating' Dr. Craik, in the
following language;
The God of peace and love seems to have been
graciously pleased to illustrate this convection by
Immolating upon the record of our proceedings
the most gran - we e ...l ovioxpestell Poi& nees of tile
blessed unityofthe Chuieli s tildef Ills d eatre Um PA.
unity should be perfected and perpetuated. We
have welcomed with warm gratulation the Metrefet ,
Wail of Canada; and tile Ypnerable representative
of the Provincial Synod or the associated Dioeeses
of that Province. Novy, the Providence of God
sends to us a Right Rev. Inther in Gott from the far
(Minot Sandwich Isles, I have the honor to intro
duce to you, the Right Reverend the Bishop of Ho
His lordthip, in reply, expressed his appre
ciation of the ,big privilege Recorded him in
being able to be present as this °MAIM. He
came from the nitinia ante of the far West, and
desired to bring the wants of his diocese under
the eyes of the heads of the Church. He' ex
pressed a desire to become more personally
acquainted with the members of the House
during his short stay among them.
The debate on the General Theological Semi
nary was then resumed by Hoy. Drs. Armi
tage, Adams, and others,
During the discussion the Mewinmessage
NO. 10) was
received from the House Of
II shops :
The house of P.lihops Informs the 'BMW of Mori'
e.t.a Lay Deputies that It has adopted the foiloW-
Inn resolution:
Resolved, That the House of Bishops, In conside
ration of the return of peace to the country and
unity to the Mach, propose to devote Tuesday,
the Nth must . as a day of thanksgiving and prayer
to Almighty God for these, His inestimable bene
fits, anti that an appropriate service be prepared,
under thQ direction of the live senior bishops, to be
held in St. Luke's Chufeh.
Resolved, That the bishops affectionately request
the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies to join with
them in the observance and service of the proposed
The consideration of the amendments to the
constitution was then resumed and consider.
ed until the hour of adjournment, the various
g_uestions Doing debated b 7 Bev. Drs. Vinton,
id OWe i Adarno, and Messrs. Horatio SerMOllri
Wm. Welsh and others.
Hon. Washington Hunt, of New York, Offer•
ed the following resolution
Resolved, Th.+. the House of Clerical altd Lay
recognizing with profound gratitude t 1
goodness of Almighty God manifested - 1n the redo.
ration of national peace and union, will cordially
-unite in the thanksgiving services liplipPfled by the
House of Bishops, on Tuesday next.
Unanimously adopted.
The hour of three having arrived, the House
adjourn ed tomeet at ten Welock this morning.
To-morrow, Bishops Bedell and Easthura
will preach at St. Andrew's in the morning
and afternoon, respectively.
The market for Government securities continues
quite buoyant, tliaugh prices generally rile teas
The iiirds sold up to 10814 yesterday, Pitt the
10-405 showed a declining tendency. A lot of third
tercet (to arrive) of 5.20 s brought 10111. We observe
that a purchase was made ill New York on Thu ri
day of $50,000 worth of the le-40 five per cents at 91,
for shipment by to-day's steamers, as an experi
ment. It is believed that the lOW price at which
these bonds call be placed abroad will recommend
them to popular favor. The 7-30 s are in fair re
gnat for Investment. Compound-interest notes
were in lively demand, and decidedly firmer,
in view of the convertible privilege now avail
able, which the recent advance in the earlier
lesiler Or the 5190 renders very attractive. State
and city loans continue very dull. State coup
pon 5s were disposed of at 53. changea Occurred
in the quotations for any kind of city sixes. The
wpole share list Wet Weak. and prices Is 3 l)*Pr- Read
ing closed at in—a decline of lel Philadelphia and
Brie at 2034—a decline of R, and North rennayi
vanta itanmo at 304—a decline of X. Pennsylvania
Hanroad was als4 a fraction loWel. The only stock
that resisted the downward tendeite,y was Cate.
Whoa preferred, sales of which were effected at 30%
—a alight advance. The common stook declined
sales being made at 1. An active demand is noted
for railroad and canal bonds, the sales including
.!itt at 90: Reading 6s of '7O
at 92; Lehigh ds of ntt linesapeaae arm
Delawpre Os '7O at 08; Pennsylvania Railroad Oral
mortgage bonds at 10334; Philadelphia and Sun
bury Is at 93, and Reading mortgage 60 of '44
at DIM. In City Passenger liallVondn the only
sales were Thirteenth and Fifteenth at 24, and
Hestonville at 22,40 82 was bid for Second and Third:
53 for tenth and Einnelith i 52 for Ckcgicaut and Wal
nut; es for West panadelpillai 23 for Girard Col
lege, and 1236 for Lombard and South. Dank shares
were in better demand at an advance. Partners'
and lieditatiCg , sold at 124,and Philadelphia at 13834.
in was bid for North America; ia for dommerdlitli
29 for Mechanics: 48 for Penn Township; STU for
Girard! 28.34 for ±lll{Waraeturcrs' and Mechanics'; 80
for City, and 64 for Union. ennol slineett continue
dull: Mb WAS bill for Schuylkill Navtgaildil COM.
mon; 35 for preferred do; 122 for Morris Canal pre
ferred; 0)4 ior Susquehanna , canal; 32L4 for Dela
ware Division; and 68% for Wyoming Valley Canal.
A sale of Lehigh Navigation at 573 i. The first pa b-
PC sale UT . r." 0 1. 10 ' Gold and Mining Co., of Nevada,
wits wade yestekiity; at $lO
Ciotti ruled steady throughout the day at 144 - 04.
The following is the report of the Schuylkill Navi
gallop ow trade for the week ending Thursday,
October 11, 160
From Port Carbon
•• Pottsville
Sehnpll ill Haven
, t Port Clinton ....... "TM!,
Total for week
Previously this year
To same time last year I • MIMI 90
The (Man Oil Company announces a dividend of
four per cent., payanie on awI:MON October iO,
As an evidence of the rapidity with which coin
met es in the South is reconstructing itself, we 50P. it
stated that the gt. Louis and NeW Orleans tonnage,
now over 40,000 tong, Is 33 per cent. in excess of the
tonnage Of 3809. The Ohio-river tonnage has in-
Creased 60 per cPit., and the Missoui 1 river 60 per
cent, since tbot time,
The yield of Our dementia Lobate. crops Will DO
unprecedented this year in the history of that weed
in New England. Übe fanner in Connecticut has
eleven acres planted with 'la. , wee4L and others in
proportion. The plants are healthy and fm6 from
worms, and jobbers are running oven the State buy
lug the weed In the stalk•
The holders of Tennessee Plate stooks will be in.
terested In the following extract from the message
of the Governor to the Legislature, delivered last
•• The Angina& condition of the mate domande. the
early and Prompt attention of the General Assem
bly, While I have every confidence in the ability of
the great State of Tennesfito CO. Meet her liabilities
and of the disposition of her people to have
met, action on Your part—prompt Mid intelligent
action—is called for. The condition of our finances
a.lll appear from the 1TP911 6 or the ColnOt roller mid
Treasurer, wmen give tue details. The State debt
now due and to be providOd fee at once.. as reported
by the Comptroller, la $1,215,719.68. Tidy amount of
THE WAX& PilEfillS.
(rumaksina) wr.miLy.)
Tula WAR i.noos will bo gent to oubeortbireihr
tnoll (per annum In advance, 1 at $24 q 0
CCONCPt 10 1100
Tt'n copll. ". 00
Carper claim tltikn Ten will be charged at the mune
rat t, tz.oo par cop?.
The money mute always accompany the °miss, mut
to no instance can theßa term* be &Waded /Mat, Elb
thq , efor t it Very Chile merethan the cost tlf Perm%
41 1 2Pronmotatere are reeneeted W eel Fe Men"
for TES Wen PBSBO.
Sill To the getter•un of the Clab Often or tirent7 as
extra copy of the patter will De Won,
ili anev milAt be vine(' and the credit of the State
o t inidoed. now thIA Aim IA to be raluirl I leave it,
to your wisdom to determine.
"The Coimpirolier'n report will further diadem to
you orgy there Is now due on lit railroad bond*
leaned to filo dine/Int rhilfilitti COMpitnitia in nir
Slater 0,16,600. Title le the linereid now due upon
the blond 4 endorsed by the elate for the railroad
companita. amounting to 4d0,21.,000., Nor tide debt
the aItILW l wiplipatel7 liable upon the failure of the
eonmeniee, set ileac Aaillflellloll arP ablo it/ pay
their hitt:rent del)ta, and thouid he required tp tter
aont onoo. They can tut welt' wand their credit to ,
alert their preaning Dahill tiee aa for tire State to do
AD' for their herloill, With her already heavy obllgi.
liens Wnighinit Upop bo"
The aggregate Abao§ament Mate and pe
tonal property hr Chicago by the United Staten ail
aessope tu Vid,104,130} Inereaso Of sl2,o3lltia; over
the neaten:pent for 1884. Tito entire municipal Wm
atnounfl to two cent; on the &Mar t or an aggre
gate of ti,294,072 fur Inuoletpat expetaes. Twenty
years ago the iota! city taxes flea all toutirntin
amounted to as,art; ilfteart piers 'teethe) , amount
ed to dra,zio ; and tire yearn ago 'they were
only smog, probably Wore id not another City IA
the world whoop taXCP have ioereoaOil at sunk Mara
venous rates.
The following _ table shows ttie receipts and ship
menth of flour And grain at Chicago, from' January
I to October 7, for four years:
F 1
, 213 IRBMII 1' -
W olB t ,ii.sii.. 1.
21 1049 1 / heat 0607
1 "
4. A61,221 , X,.203,028 6.611,7114
Corn '5 . 624,642 24.548.131 12,102,881 21,931,068
()ate 2,870,096 5,8890127 9.700,448 8,878,021
Pyo 800,104 621,822 802,063 821,051
Barley 203,314 851,030 076,220 764,998
Flour 1,227,048 1,012,1b0 910,984 722,3(4
Wheat 10,178,483 9,048,391 8,966,046 4,85440711
Corn 23,083,766 22,444,063 10,312,735 21,8331.2216
Oats 2,438,714 4,330,831 10,143,020 7,294,7811
Rye - 069•10 3 374,012 564729 337,0111
Barley - 3.67,564 254,009 153,080 NUN
According to the quarterly etatettentB of tie
Pittsburg national banks, the following la a cowe
parialve cxbilnlisni of their condition for air
- .
months past;
an I. Oct9her 1.
Capital so,4c , ,762 $0,629,404 rte. 03,471 f
Old circulation 5,291,070 9,621,139 I)ec.' .007,16
Loans and die-
aountm,:,,,,‘, 14,002 4 842 93,610,022 Dec. 446,270
Cotrh legal ten
der and bank
notes .. .., . , .4,14.3,e3 7,153,884 Ino , 410.411
Due fronClak , s 21162,893 2,649,288 Dee. 313.505
U.S. seenyltlee 12,127,991 99,2711 053 Dec. 8.55,442
Drexel t CO. quote:
New U. S. Bonds, 1881 tog 1084
U. S. Certif. of Indebtedness (new) 983.4 934
U. 8. S e v en Three-Ten Notes 9816 Oa,*
(inarter 'Waiters' Volleit6o 07 90
Orders for Certif. of Indelitedneos 9474 . 04,
Gold 1 44`1 1 . 45
Bterling Exchange 188 MO
Five-twenty Bonds (old) 10414 let.
FlvoLtwenty iiollllo OloW9 . 102 X 103
Tenpforty iniont/em 02J4. 04
Sacs of Stockist, October 8.3.
lOC Maple Shade-410 89(
100 Atlas 10
/00 4 Rendl»g b 5.581-6
500 Walnut lal flat s2O PC
1110 tlo ... .-, ~I k 1180 80
lal Fljeflei .... 1,011 0 - 11 1
10057. Nlcholas. m e 90
200 Adams 3.66
200 3lingo ~,,,, . 2.4
100 balzell h51.00',
SOO Dim kart] So
100 Atlafi ~,,, 1 0
100 If 00 , 1#»8' b 5 '
2vo 811ade..40 6§4
10081. Nicholas.— D 5 '
200 do 97'4
100 Walnut Island.„4
r,oowninut Islan a No So
100llalxef 1.142
100 Alifigq, ~,.2 days 2X
100 (1(
.11...porhd Mi ROM, Emig
1.450 UB7-908.101aAlig. 9834
1090 do July. 98
25000 do June. !MN' CIotIDOTI Os. 93
500 Clt7 09 Mllll lo,rn 55
WOO d0,./fley 91day 91 I
MOO Alle Co Op go Its. 7234
2000 Purina It Ist Mr0109)9
25 Far 3c bibs' IS Its .124
500 Reading R... 909. 59
100 do ...... ........ Mid
200 Mingo 2iBl
100 do
1800 do ...... 2.11
ow ... bs 41
ISOOO US 1-30 T ,„, .
Jor 9 2,4 8
0000 Ug 5 9.0g,3d a,to ar 1011;
300 Catawissn 11 15
leo Oatilw prf.,sGwn 304'
100 liestonville R. s3O 22%
100 do. 22%
10014111 & Erie R 2dpa 2,6 X
100 Curtin 011 2 .>8
1000 City Gs new 01
1000. 110 g $l, 34 1 t
1 . 99.9 Philad & Sun 78.93
scoo Clam & Del 8s 98
81 Patna, R. 14. 0/
100 ISM &lath St it 009 PI
1000 City as old srk
100 N ottli Puma R.. 101(
200 Cataw Pref...b3o NM,
460 rulton Mid ..:2d e 74
200 do , WO 7,b
24 Mine Bin 56
100 Feeder Mon iyi
Weekly Review Of 1 , 4 s ridUmleirtatirk
OCTOBER la — Evening,
There had Mull bit activity in the PrOdin MU
kets during the haat week, owing in some AIeaRAPII
to the State election, but prices generally are arty
with a further advance to Age In some of the lead
ing articles. Breadatuffs are firmly had, but the
transactions are limited. Bark is wltitout change.
Mee has been tiara Wive, and prices have ad
vaneca. coal is dull, Fiala are Inn native, Fruit
continues very quiet. Pig Iron Is scarce and in de
mand at full prices. Coal Olt is less active, and
prices are less firm. Provisions are rather dull at
the lithium, Sugar is in good demand, and price&
ere rather higher. Cloverseed is sestet and hi des
mend at full prices. Timothy; and Flaxseuil eon
italic dull. In Whisky titerip very little doing.
Wool it in butter demand, an dlees afire firmer,
There is eery little export d mid for riour, uut
the maraet continues very firm at the late BM/UM t
sales comprise about 12,000 bbls at 11e010.50 for
Northwesters; extra tamity, the latter rate for
choice, and extra at, including 4,000 hhhi
City Mills extra and extra family on private terms..
The retailers and bakers are buying at from ss.6as
8,75 for superfine, $9.50 110 for extra, for
extra family, and $12.5001a.50 la bbl for fancy'
brands, as to quality. Rye 'Flour Is selling in a
email Wily at 4:11.2550.501il Ind, Corn 31eal hi 'Without
GRAIN —There is very little demand for Wheat,
and prices are unsettled and rather lower; she'd:
25,000 tallitMld at t4 , 30240e for new reds, 21002600 for
Old do, the latter rate for amber, slid white at from
26f@lieee 93 has. as to quality. Rye is selling at 1060
two ttp bus for Delaware and Pennsylvania. Corn is,
rather lower; 20,000 bus sold at 90 lala2c * bus for
pribie afloat and in the ears , Oats are also
tower: SO,Onl bus sold at 0111061 c bus; ;,ad bas Rap_
lev sold at frtnn 1250135 c l bus.
The following are the receipts of flour and grain
at this port during the past week:
Flour 12,800 bbls.
Wheat 27,709 huh
Corn 22,600 Misr
Oats 47.900 bus.
PROVIBION6,--71c market Is less active, and,
pricespre Mlle, lower. Ahola, 1.. m) hht4 Mass Park
sold at stef.so4lB 11 CAL elfultillf alai, Mess Beef ie
selling at ti115(444 * bbl. Bacon continues very
scarce; sales of Slams are making at 2itir2Sc, Sides at
me. and Shoulders at Mc 93 ih, cash. them Meats
are also searea attics ofShOtildurs are Making at 1908,
1935 c IS Ih. Lard comes in very slowly' 150 lahls and
tierces sold at 300:3039e. and kegs at Ple'* lb. Witter.
Is in fair demand, but prices are unsettled; SAWS of
solid Illiebeerc at wow, and glades at 90
@Mc* lb. New YorkWenn Is selling at I'o 170,
Eggs sell at 310,32e* dozen.
METALS.—Pig Iron is scarce, but prices are very
firm. Sales of No. I are making at 06652. andWo. 2
at *44. Ocutch rig / 5 held at ifss* toil. Miamian
tared Troy, 1,, good deruanil Mil DHABI
LEAD is verreeBred, &MI we hear of no &ilea.
BARK.—In OilereltrOn there Is no change to no
tice; small sales of brat No. I are reported'at
CANDLE~,—Adamantine are AMR 11111188 e actives
city-made 6s sell at tSe, and 128 at 01%0* lb, Tenor
Candles are without change.
COAL.—The market has - been less active, the high
view: , of minelis checking the demand, Cargo 61068
are making at Port Richmond at ton ,
delivered on hoard,
COTTON.—The market has been excited and
prices advanced. owing to the favorable ittivices
front abroad S 1,000 bales of Miihilings sold in lota at,
from 54 mite NW `ft lb. closing a rm ilk lb.
COFFEE. —There 15 no material chatign to notice,
in price or demand, and very little stock to pperate,
in, LW bags of /04 0 sold at 21 r 1 54 0 ,19 01 4.1M0b 0 11 0
Latoutyrn ?Apse., Fold, and begs et. Lot:Ming*
a Yab i r l AiiD DTEs,—There ts very little doing'
la chemicals, and prices are without change. Indigo
is tood go
VlM , ..—Meekerel are firmly held, but tho stiles are
limited. The wharf rates arc 10M017 for snore 1.165.
land 2; $lBOl6 for Bay do, and large No. Ss at IS
small 5.9106 from erre are making at 0026.60 for
No. 1, and liro bb tor No. 29;1,900 qtly cough eola
at sB*titi.
FEATHERS are scarce and in demand at 8101.00
loinFt.—Lemotiii ars MAW! Mali Wee are malt
big .tr we, bdt. Dried Apples sell iota Ist NI
93 lb. Cranberries range at from 811013* MA.
4 / 0. 'Rig' t r .!' v e Yitnti, i g n Ell4 l
goods. w rams warn taken with unai 9,11
eontilletitill ports at 6 © 75 ton. West mum►
freights are dull.
OBIANO.—AII kinds are scarce and prices and
1301'8.-50os of old Ritdarn and 'Western are
Making of 2(' 55e, and new at 44600 *11).
HAY; —Haled 18 selling at $llO2O lit tun.
AIDES.—Tiot demand continues good, 11411
flitted Edna UMW the niArrt, Prices remain the.
stone as last week, •Khe taloaation II &Ps busily
en/ph/ye:l In fillin orders.
LEATHER.—TiIe demand continues good, and.
the AI ck of prime heavy-welghts is light. Tim sup- ,
ply of Ole COmmoncr grades Is still ample.
gj,mtoome. 50..e.--ieltent.ittire has Hon actirg,
rthno mock eolll.lllilBB to be sought for, and prices
are firm.
tipm;isit SOL.E.—The demand basl, been about the
same as last Wank, with a ntoderatu stOidi ;typo thr
iIIaILOCK BOLL—The inquiry cantina.; good., and .
prime and heavy-tveiglita remain Seated. Prices
contlnua drip, ,
Cntrsulish;.—The doulud hag boon about tap
same as last weal . Rotigit stock of henry rtumitg
eontinues scam. For both foreign arid domestic- .
finished there is still a atently demand, at lust Weeles...
1,11.111 MER.--The stocks are Vert. thurli rothieed 4
:flld the receipts prices of all kinds aro wet •
lIIOLASSI9.—The market is firm at al ;ouc former
rillool. LOCO 1111116 tart Con} Bow m. 488.8.3e6 lots,
on Moo,
NAVAL STORES are Firmly held t small 041011 of
Hoein are making et VOIL 13 P 11 1,11.1 W lipirlts of Tar
palatine At 401,1C02..1.211ga1i0n,
iIIOILS. —Fish 011 s are ;lenity lath d, Mit there IR very
Ho 110 lag, Lord pg 02..202 gallon •
f or No, I, maned Oil I. to &IP dollnlinl. IMPIOUS '
at $1.53gi1.5.5 ¶i gallon. Petralnlmt IN rather dull,
and wives have declined; 4,700 tints sold at;3(9 1100
for emit, ti/@g: I'pr relined In bond, and 510N34 1.11
gallon for fee., a. to voter. The ftil Io ntlt>< lire the
rrnimp urcr.le and outlined lit thlif port iiinin" Flip work' Crude, 8,074 tann e d, 9,1p0 toWs#,
PLASTER Is without elittage; a canto at soft sold, r
to &solve, at 4f1.1014 tun.
1110E.—;Nitro are making :It 0.LA1 1 3.2 for Itatigoott. .
12@i2,14e t it, for Carolina.
SA small involve has arrived to a dealer. :
and 5,943 sacks ground and 3,11110 sacks Liverpool line -
so) nrri.t.t. alt tErtlnt kept private,
S .1.11.18.--Clorersued Is rather scarce .Iy.nd de
hmhd Maims sold at 97.607.50 r 144 lbs,'Thoothe
dult: 400 bus so 61;1.5t la.xseed is less tte-
Hen. Wall 5111141 4 ,3 •Pq' 3 .; ) V
tiff tiAti Frio I‘,,,,.dvaitopd., awl the merket t
continues lastly' t COCO blids Cube sold at from Met
io.6e lb, In gold; 3110 boxes lit In gold, nail
th in en 'Taney.
irrti,—in foretio there Is no change to niltiee.
Now England ;lam fa , miltag at 241 0.9 , 15 e IA Malan ,
Whisky has been mote I,OttVel 900 bats sold at WO
zde 11 pollen for prima rennbylronia oPtl Western,
TAL LOW, —Nino) solos of city-rendered are Mak-
Fr i wisc....l ‘,OO tail et 104 e %I th,
ton MX:O.—Loot eontinucg very Mill/ and we
bear of no sales Manufactured la rather SCAM and •
fu good demand at full prices,
wow., —Prices aro well maintained, and the de.
Mind Is goad salts of low and medium Ocoee are
making at OV(pyroc; Toevic, tub at from 70
i 5751.11 lb, according to quality.
110038 AND MI otti, —The trade of the past week ,
ling been moth at ti e preceding. There are good
nuinner or Stealers f rom the waft and Elonth yet Is
rho market, and the ttear-by trade Is On the luimeafet
Most of the manufacturers are very built Onft-
Winedgyprrhetandlng which they are able Co get
hut ipAescock 'rho JObbefS continue
actively emplorod and prine repapia vvril4Ple,
. 10,768 10
2,231 00
. 21 , 866 05
7.608 00
M. 874 16
699 445 13
735.820 03
5.010,1017 - - - -2.1*-h55
13,905457 12,113,41 Dec. 1,1/18,49,1
1000 Walnut 151...2 de 77%
Ro !.-t. Nicholas.
25 Eagle Al Duvall-40.9P
290 Curtin 09 Z.l
bW Dulzell
)1000 Jur Well-530*M I.=
Ms Plot 69 fit Pon;
5110 t)atawissaß is
100 BesionAlle tig
100 9" 2 21
leo 0 EE
lob 1 hilu &1001010 .. . 2diti
100 do,lll/4 0000 Da% irlti
FlIn01) Cool
400 Big lots
200 Mingo 014
100 Sugar Creek 41-i6
Ng 81 op load .cash 63;
5 A ~,•4-43tualo, 05.51 i 81
1000 Lehigh Os. 1 84., 011 ,
11.000 Heading tn 68,'44. 81 ,
80 R. ~2070 1 55.
948 R4ip,l 011...... ..•
2kio Rea d ding B ..••• .... .R.
100 d 0.... 58
100 d 0.... 1)11) 58
JQQ do,
72 Leh NAV Ste& ..• 6134
200 do, , , ',Arne
100 Noble do velumst
loonloxes 1010... 71
NM aim & /vines au DO
100 Noble & Delamat
3000 rhlla4 91
NO 0 Rtawtssa. p 0 L.. 903 g
100 Sugar Valley