The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 11, 1865, Image 1
. . .. .. - - . . . • . - *V ,42 • . - • , . vt'CLISEED DAIL'S! (attlIDAVe .EXCEPTED). . • , , _. T . .it i , ,•/ . , •tt , ~. „.,,; .N '` t '* W' _....--' ‘.;" '('-. '''. ' . ‘214 . . . - C 1111 JOHN W. FORNEY. ...... - - --- , . • • •_teriCE No. ELI SOUTH' FOURTH STREET.. • t;• ; ' ;VII 1 ............ ~, • II: .---_..s_i•W4l/ ',";:•-••,-lii" Irk * •--''`-- - - .1 . . ----- ^ -•'-"'- ----="' -12- 11' .-,: ; /-- • • '• *- . , . 7 . _ •. • ~ , . . .0 .000/ 1 . 17 1_ , : - .. _lOOO4 THY. DAILY PRESS, - • . ~.. ..•. ..: . __, ~ y o City Subscribers, is EIGHT DOLLARS Mt AN. Ines, in advance; or FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEEK, -- - 4 , ;:". , ''', :4' o i, ryl .:. 4 "fr 1 • iy „b le t o the.parrier. ] Sailed to Subscribers out =. t ---. -- , ,7 - -- - 2 • ,; , ....., `•\ • t .1, •• t y ...,.- _ ~.. c f , 4 ... . ,;i . lir 1 1 •• ' l - - '-'" - -- - ro‘, --... . ----.. , d int City, WEN DM:LA*B ran. An .0 nt; lumen za,,,: .- '. 4 0"-"--..41... 'i - X..P.Fik‘ , ... j 111: 55 7 111 " . .. rt . . . ' . 111 '6O --- mitL_ •-t• -- :... .:. ' . - _,4, .14.,,,,„;......---tai..."'""-- - _ - --:-;-- ~,,,... ~ - -7 ----1 1 6,.... r DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS FOR Etur alowni6; . . o"a DOLLAR AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Foe ••...._ _ •-V-;, , - '---- -- - ;_.--...0;; --"......-..._ _4_ll . • ISMER MONTHS, invariably in advance for the time • - • o rdered. ' . ' par Advertisements inserted at the usual rates._ Mosmerememmeamesemem . . - THE TRI-WEEKLY PRESS, " • . Sistied to Subscribers, FOUR DOLLARS 888 AN , - • * VOL 9 -NO 62. . . • . . . RI ~, in advance.f PHILADELPHIA WEDNERDAir, OCTOBER 11, 1865. • low, ~ , , . #4olionosommoonommmin - _ ... WASHrNGTON.- he done, there is another problem before us. If wet have become an distinct people-although . Elisabeth tot rdShip.--liartrauft, 274; Davis, 186. Thi s b ossugs di gives Ilartranf t 26 majority. VENANCIO. Pernmac, Oct. 15.-This town and township 1 NTH )00 I 3 trust that the system can be made to work • Later incomplet ' 0 returns from the county give Hartranft 109; Davis, 90; Campbell, 109; ism; districts indicate gheny county in Mt,' harmoniously, and that the great problem will that the majority in Atte- Linton, 90. 044 z 4 ., i t) ~,, t. , . ...,,. . he settled without going any further; fe' it ■ , , county is claimed to , 73ialvlebe sustained. Fayette OIL CITY, Oct. 10.-Union majority; 58. ADMEN .BY TRH - should be so that the two races cannot agree PRESIDENT TO and live in peace and propriety ; and the laws - . MUM Indicate thaagives 18 Democratic majority; t thgionnefor countythe Union PEADELIN, Oct. 10. a uf o a r r i t y c r ; e c e h k e Township rry Town. 18l 474 • _ of Providence require that they should be - State and county tiara t. will in• Ship, 75 Union majority, - FO' COLORED TROOPS. separated-in that event, looking to the far- ... crease its majority of IBe. 50 WEDITESbAY, OCTOBER 11, 1865. . distant future, and trusting in God that it may . juir. PITTSBURG, October 10. , ' --The returns come Sformr Pr. W ea r eA S Tr iff , 8 0 1ft et.! 1. 1 " 0.- 1) Th . is _borough ' never come-if it shorted come Providence, „ num! AGAIN INEGuirik - ~....... - that works mysteriously but' unceasingly : y and certainlin slowly, 'only 16 distrie is being yet heard gives 30 Union majority-Union gaim7. ' y THE ELECTION. He Gives Them Some Good Advice , the mode a willoint out the wayd the point by which and the from. ,There is a great ~ falling off in the Mount Pleasant township, Democratic mit a decided Union jority, 7--• Union gain, 2/, people are to be separated and to be taken to ' vote o r n roni the la v a o t te ye o a f r, lB b 627 6 '. The Union ma- WEST NEWTON, Oct. 10.-llnion majority on The election of yesterday was made im- • . their land of inheritance and promise; for such a one is before them. Hence we are to . 7Avtant by the attitude of the - so-called WABHINGEoN, Oct. 10, 1885. make the experiment. Hence' let me impress foray in the ' county will b 0 about 5,000. State ticket, 47. Union majority for State upon you the importance of controlling your A Second Fort Steadman . Defeat. Partial returns from adjoinfuE ! counties ins offices, 117 ; for county oilices, 110. ;limocratic party on the question of re- [Special Despatches to The Press,] passions;- developing your intellect, and of falling an o a ff s ill in D al e l ln v oc ot r e a , tic vote, am , Address of President:Johnson to the applying your physical powers to the twins- LE ists are confident of having carafe, but a e i . vrresponclitig 1 the Union- .• TORR. construction, - and by their ostentatione ef- ' - Fleet Ibistriee of cobimbia Rest ■ try and interest of the country; and that is lasepreceee by which this question can d the State. Democratic majority in this borough 227. cutlery in proffering thdir support to Presi- wient. - be settld. Be patient, persevermg Ana for- Allthe townships yet heard from give Union Franciscus (U.). 0 1. - Ti Jonxiser; after years of unexampled The return of the Ist Regiment .of Colored bearing, and you will help to solve this pro- , T HE IN BLUE AS MANED imting . gains, , jo ß ri s ty Anze, tr o n e i t o . n ta l .7 os F s o ur ur . th ri w ft a h rd wsarrA m lion ma- GLEN Roe% Oct, 10,-Stuart (17,) it majority S. R. E Volunteers of the District of 'Columbia, was blem, and make for yourselves a reputation WITH THE BALLOT AS WITH Union for State Senator. , in this cause as you have won for yourselves a itiliAlltS to his patriotism and unparalleled appropriately celebrated to-day. The rem- rem t il. for the e for which you have ' THE BULLET. merit was organized in the spridg and stammer been ' engaged. an Mug majority 19; loss of 52. Eighth ward, 78 . Demo' esvemnies upon his character. Their • Win. 7 of; /Mi. Colonel JOHN 11. HOLMAN, being as- In speaking to the members of this regi- crane majority ; Union loss of 13 on ve, `i° of SOLDIERS' VOTE. esders, covered with the odium of note- signed to its command. They left Washing., 'went, I want them to understand that so far 1864„ The vote in this county is very smal 1 . WAsmsamox, Oct. 10.--Vote of 214 Pennsyl- ll - c as I am concerned, I de net, of course, assume - r;ous and unrecanted sympathy with the ton for the field en the 29th of July, in that or pretend that lam stronger tharithe laws Rnsonne, Oct. 10-This city gives 141 Diet mo - Tanis volunteers -Un10n0.49; Democrat, 65. J, Ma year, with one thousand men, and fought of nature, or that lam wiser than Providence. PENNSYLVANIA SHOWS THAT SHE matte majority on the butte ticket. Reitaff 1111 • ---4.50............. ;Nbellion, and with cruel indifference to the bravely, for, the first time, in the battle -of It is our duty to try and discern what these from four townships of this county, show a Chas, great laws are which are at the foundation of STILL STANDS TRUE. -.PHILADELPHIA. Wilson's Lending The has been D emocratic loss of 119 on the vote of 1862. sufferings of and ingratitude for the gallantry -. regiment all things; and having discovered what they favorably mentioned in general orders by are, conform our action and • • BEDFORD. E. C. of the soldiers of the republic, boldly at- Major Generals Wis. H. Smell and BENJAMIN them, and to the God, o u r conduct :A' ' BEDFORD, Oct. 10.-Five districts- give Hart- THE ELECTION IN THIS CITY. e F. BUTLER. • things. , He holds the destinies 'of nations in ranft a gain of 89. • The election in this city yesterday passed Stdelthatn, (U.) ;Cm fed to swindle a. ulcer majority for In the attack on Fort Fisher the Ist District the` palm of his band, and be will solve • COPPERHEADISEI RECEIVES' ITS • BLAIR. majoritiesr- thewhorlaengUinnigonalmtiocsktotasbheinighs the question, and rescue those people ALTOONA., 0ct.10.-Union gain ill this bc.- their candidates, and to force forgetfulness Regiment px.fermedneenspienouspart, They from the difficulties that have so long FINAL OVERTHROW; ' ~.Tost ie nu ib e y t l • lin thecapture of Raleigh and Golds- surrounded them. Then let us be patient, ' . • rough, 135.. of their inexpiable record. Desperate assisted . • BECKS: as eight thousand. The returns we give be boro, and were in the last battle fought by industrious, and persevering. Let us develops - , 1,,„„ f will be altered but little by the 'official ro under the consciousness of their guilt, they Sherman's army-one of the two colored regi- our intellectual and moral worth. I trust • , t ' Ten districts in this county give' a Union what I have said may be understood and ap- pur ., in. They era all complete with the excep. v i m of those from the Eighth ward and two manta engaged in it, Since the 7th of June gain of 111. The Democratic majority will not dhigy ens of the Eighteenth ward, which we fled for refuge to the very policy they predated. Go to your homes and lead peaceful, ' LARGE UNION GAINS FROM ALL PARTS exceed 500 in the county. • • last the regiment has been performing garri- proaperous,happy livee-bi nettOg4.lritll all men. '- had so opposed under LINCOLN, and son duty in the northeastern portion of North Give utterance to no word that would cause Bristol borough-Union Majority 28; gaireof 2. did in at receive op to the hour of going to ; _________ dissensions, but do that which will be eredita- Bristol township-Union , majority mo ; ioaa also under . Joan - sox until he be- Carolina. Four hundred and eighty men have ble to yourselves and to your coun t ry t o • OF THE STATE. - press , k it half five this A. M. of 2. been recruited into the rank sof the regiment the ppeers who have t and so nobly corn- . came President ; forgetting that the since it left here ; seven hundred men now mantled you In the Held. T. also return my . Richland township -Democratic Democratic majority ___ITATE OFFICERS . ._-__. people had not lost their memories, comprise the total. Only two hundred and thanks for the compliment you have conferred Heavy Copperhead Losses in their BS i Dernoointio gain 3. ..-........... I i' twenty of the original members are left. This upon me. Doylestown township -Democratic majority . AUDITOR I I SITRYNTOR and that however ready to forgive the re- fearful defamation of their ranks is the best At the conclusion of the speech, the Presi- Principal Strongholds, 9; Union gain 18. • GENERAL. GENERAL. . . pentant rebel, they•had no such feeling for tributeto their bravery and fitness for mili- dent as I dly applauded. The band played w ou BRISTOL, Oct. 10.-Hartranft, U., 28 majority --- , tart' duty. several tunes and the regiment marched down in this borough for Auditor General. . the leaders .in the free States, who, after The regiment reached here on Sunday after- Pennsylvania avenue to Ninth, and out Ninth - / , DOYLESTOWN, Oct. 10.-Davis , (D.) Own home... . helping treason with their safe and cheap noon, anti were escorted to Campbell Hos. to the Hospital. They reached there at - a quarter to one o'clock, where a substantial A. Clean Sweep through gives him 49 majoritya Democratic gain of 7 - T o WARI ... plial barracks. Arrangements were made Ito votes-for Auditor General. , - . professions, refused to accept the fate so give them a handsome collation, which came banquet was prepared for them. Mr. GEORGE the State. NewHoris, Oct. 10.-The Union gain Over vote F. T. Cook welcomed them home after which of 1802 is 17. Solebury township gives 37 Union gladly obeyed by the conquered insurgents• off to-day, under the superintendence of JAS. they sat down and did ample justice' to what s .woresfixty the celebrated caterer, who has . majority ; Union gain of 24 over vote of 1864, First Encouraged by the. hope that by apeculating ' . was prepared for them. The banquet coat nine fro m the first manifested a great deal of M.. . . . ; BUTLER. - Rs.rtnn, 0ct.10.-Borough election, Davis' ' a s,e a r r r a t n li d hundred dollars, subscribed by the friends of upon the prejudices of some of the voters in the regiment. At an early hour , the regiment. Everything passed off bar. this -morning the regiment marched to the against the colored race, they deelaimed loud- , , ._ raoniously. .Majority 66 ; Linton, 62. Sixth White House. It was and eleven oleioex . . Mehlieinters Majority over Five Thousand. county. . Property Restored. ' CARBON . Seventh ly againstnegro suffrage; and when Connec. whet 'the regiment and a large number, o fEighth Within the past few days the Freedmen's . Mauch Chunk borough correctedi-Unionmo• /Slam , their Mends and relatives reached the Execu- -- . tient decided against that reform, they COn- Bureau has restored to elevenpartiesinLou-Tenth tide manalon. They were accompanied by an I a li- • ' DARTRAIET'S PROBABLYI2,OOO. Jority 108; Union gain 109: , Eleventh. don enmity, Va., property vii.utis. at over two Mauch Chunk borough, Union majority 100; Twelfth fidently believed that Pennsylvania would excellent band of colored musicians. The hundred thousand dollars, heretofore held by . Union gain, 101: Thirteenth men 'were dressed neatly, and their bayonets the • . Mirka= - swing from•her moorings and grve joy tO Government as abandoned. Orders for ' East Mauch Chunk borough, Union majority Fifteenth glistened in the sunlight. When they arrived . the desperate partisans who had labored at the portico three cheers were given for the the restoration of other property situated in Sixteenth Seventeenth e..... ,or • ' their country's ruin. But both aspi- President of the United States, who shortly Alexandria and Y..oudon counties have been SPECIAL DESPATCHES TO -THE PRESS - . 20 i Union gain, 31 , Franklintownship, MUM. majoritylo; Union . Eighteenth afterwards made his appearance, and spoke issued, and the Freedmen's Bureau is pro- -....................-., . . gain, 11, , Nineteenth ••••....••••..•.•• :81i0118 have Wed. The great deeds from the portico as follows: , paring to make the necessary transfers.- It ADAMS. , InzfoltlßM. TlTeßilesll Twenty-lb .......... . is stated that the President has ordered the of the last year -are not forgotten. Our - it Mr Irina= .My object in presenting my. . GRTTYSIIIIRG, ciet.lo.-Gettysburg gives Ham- - This county, gives in thirteen districts a - Twenty-second T tl ird Well y- 1 ... .. ........ self before you, on this occasion, is simply to restoration to Mrs. 0.51- Jens H. SOTIha sm a rt 95 majority; Felon gain of 35. slc- Union gain of 386 over last year. Twenty-fourth • eople remember how much it cost thank you, members of one of the colored regi- Roe of the valuable 'property, in St. Ma.E. lifols. Mitturesere, Oct. 10.-Union majority In this - Twenty-fifth count) which has been in the service antine , 0,, county,Maryland, upon which one of ra Conaghy, for Senator, has 91. ....-ETTTSBURO, Oct. 10.-I think there will be a borough 57. Twenty-stith to save the Government from the hands Of yto sustain and carry its banner its '-'-' - laws triumphantly in every part of this broad the Government farms for the use of the freed- fullimote in the county', with Union gain of at CH ESTER. _ Total the rebels, and are resolved to keep it in land. I repeat that I appear before y o u o n the men is located. Thii estate comprises fifteen least 200 ov'er vote of 1862. , E. Mo. WEST CHRSTER, Oct. 10.-The returns from present occasion me i r m e e ly nt t 3 o ,ou re h n a tr y a v id u m m e y hundred acres of land, eight hundred and GETTYSBURG., Oct. 10.-In nine districts North and South Preclude and East Goshen majority. the Care and custody of the men who have thanks for the comet • - on your return once again to assocrate wital twenty-seven of which is under. _cultivation, there is a Union gain of two hundred and show a Union gain of 123 over the vote 011662, Peen tried in the fires of civil war, and have your friends and your relations, and those you - and has been greatly Unproved since it has thirteen. E. MoP. Slenker, the Democratic candidate for Audi- -___________AMAlMAL . hold most and dear been in the possession of the Government, ,---166 Z.-. .- -/865.- rot been found wanting. The property belonged to Colonel Jolts H. _ ALLEGHENY:. for R Es e r nh u r ti al, s w Th a s s , e o le c e t t . e lo d ._ by ro e n ,S r 2 t 4 e m en aj t o o r ity .. . hips . - 71' ? 0 ,.. d The result of the election in the Somehow., who murdered Lieut. WHITE, an in this county show a loss of 130 on the Union " 4 . ~ PITTSBURG, Oct. 10.-Rettrrns indicate that Allegheny county will increase her majority city is gratifying beyond the most officer of the colored troops, and was taken pos- majority of 1862. WARDS. •4, e 2:g 0 session of for the use of the Freednientanureati of 062, ''a • M A!'2 s F:.nguine expectations. Mr. IduldienAFlL as abandoned property, SOTHORON, atter the lo.-Vote at 1P M la the PITTSBURG, Oct,OCt. P. • WEST CHESTER, Oct.OCt. 10.-One half the county 4P, i 2. ke. 4 chosen Mayor by a majority that murder of Lieut. WHITE, having left the coon- two cities and four boroughs: Hartranft, 631; in ; majority for Hartratift one hundred and • First -..... Ali6m.m.ll earaloololl 2,538 1,817 20•21 1339 try and taken up his abode in Canada; wheretwenty-two less than fen. Lincoln. KINNARD WEST CfrEsTER., Oct. 10.-T wo-ths of the Second 1,823 1,798 2214 2381 liny reach six thousand-a noble tri. he in reported to be at the present time. Davis, 1,169. Very quiet falling .off in vote ot both sides. • P. D. 1,102 1,191 1229 1653 .',!ite to his dauntless patriotism, fine tral....teer Surgeons Itlflaniered Ont. Firm:rune, Oct. 1.0.-Small vote. The Demo. 'eonsen t y ar b e a that te the n h ea Unionr d from, majority a n d the ivil l ladies- range Third 1 : 11111 th -, .793 1,832 8.82 • 2278 980 1,110 1069 1485 The Secretary of War has ordered the mug . erats are not Specially active.-Ed. Commercial. .- Sixth 840 DM 978 . 7287 l•,lents, and long and honorable public ter out of United Steles service of the follow- Seventh 1,919 1,117 2203 1398 BERKS. Eighth -_..•..•. 1,312 Wa nue 391 frOM 1,900 to 2, 4 r u . m l la n z l96 B 2 L i A t N 5t p 00,2,354. career and private conduct. How abashed. ins-named surgeons of volunteers and lieu- Exannto, Oct. 10,-In the City of Reading ,814 965 1213 997 tenant colonels by brevet : Horace Wardner, - " P " . CARLISLE, Oct. 10.-This couety gives DavisDaads Tenth 1,918 882 2150 1091 the Fourth ward gives 67 RePublican malori- about 550 majorit a Demeeratie loss since 1862 Kw 857 1,177 1055 1422 la: poor partisans must feel as they see the N. F. Marsh, Thomas Antizel, George L. Pan- tY, being a loss of 50 ; Fifth ward, 19 RepubleTwelfthe Soisit tsel mos ma loeks of their unworthy Ilanders upon eoaet, or, W. Hogenboem, 0. M. Bryon, H. Pt can majority-less of 52; Eighth ward, 76 Matthewson, Samuel B. Davis, Augustus C. De l aocra ti o raajority......n. t .untican loss of 1 ofabon . t 3OO. T h y e , whole Democratic count y Thirteenth ticket is elected. Fourteenth . 1,745 1,060 1651 1173 1,880 1,076 2205 ! 1421 l'iiis worthy and exemplary gentleman ! Vandyne, E. N. Pamers, 3. H. Ledlie, Sylvanus All on the Presidential election or I=s. 3 . ,CAntntn, Oct. 10.-This county Sixteenth 2,469 1,753 .2229 2228 1,279 1437 18-8 1806 Union gain of 150 to 200. Carlisle borough gives seventeenth 878 i,046 1111 2021 Defeat has left no solace behind it of a can. Freeman, Francis Green, J. R. Ludlow, William Reports from the country are that the vote- -- a , i ,, ~,,,,,i , ,, • . gain .....j u x.f.t x , eras, Democratic Eighteenth 1,813 1,087 2558 1556 Will give a Fifteenth Watson, J. D. Knight, W. H. Gobrect, J. H. was very small, which reduces theDemocraticNineteenth 1,669 1,818 2334 2060 1 - fe.s fairly and even decently conducted or 11. South Middleton, Democratic majority - T e tiet gain of 57. FCIIT other townships Tw w en n t h 2,316 2,016 2305 1964 Phillips, Joel Leaverns, J. B. Lewis, S. M.y.first 1,244 1,260 1703 1312 :',ll their part. When will the workingmen Sherman, L. R. Stone, R. W. Peas, George 10. majority considerably. 5,00018 now the betting ga , IT „ tou figure. show Union gains over 1864. Twenty-second 1,661 926 2287 1511. Weeks, Howard Culweitzn, Wm. S. Ely, J. V. MREAnosa, October 10.-The city of Reading 'Twenty-third...... ~. 3,405 1,145 1857 1528 :.ud Trades' "Union learn to avoid 'the- Blaney, Lewis J. Rice, Wm. H. Thorne, Chas. gives 177 Democratic majority, being a Union CLINTON . Twenty-fifth 674 1,885 1,458 2196 1896 674 981 866 1211. i-retched arts of these small tricksters, and MoMilan, G. 11. Hubbard, George L. Sutton, A. Loos HAVEN, Oct. 10.-Democratic raajori- Twenty-sixth Not or ganizd 2613 1201 oss of 262. In Alsace township there is a M. Speer, Henry Palmer,J. IL Curry, John Union gain of so, Exeter same as last year. t Y' 80 ' (4 . their tools the men who joined worthy CRAWFORD COUNTY.. Total 37,249 4,181 44,255 39,537 Bradley, John L. Feed, 3.31. F ore, A. R. k g.o t dist 1 1 d ' associations only to plunder and to use Bert, C. S. Wood, W. Clymer, S.J. Radcliffe, H. .! All compared with the-Presidential election of 1864. mmeevieras, c .10.-Fiye r as, ine u ing McMichael , s ma j ority 1,109. B. H. It• this borough, gives a Union majority of 362-a 7 S, Hewitt. C. N. Chamberlain. SENATOß. . BEADING, O c t . Ot 10.-Vote here very small. We Union gain of 76 over the vote of 1862. • - them 1 1 The great body of these classes, Examining Surgeons Appointed. . suffer severely on account of assessorship. - Crawford county is likely to. give from 1,500 SECOND DISTRICT. H. ;; : ewever, showed their contempt of those The Commissions rof Pensions, to-day design Cityprobably several hundred against us. to 1,700 majority. , , ,; I . I 4 nated the following-named persons as examin. - E. ing surgeons of pensions: -_ -__ __._ __- ComENEBTA. I 5 o I repeat, I have but little to say. It being unusual in this Government, and in most of the other governments, to have coloreatroope engaged in their eause. You have gone forth, and, as events have shown, served with pa tience and endurance in the cause of your onntry. This is your country as well as any bouy...awea eountry. [Cheers.] This is the country in - whim tea eamet to live, and in which you alumni expect to • ao A....thing by your example in civil life as you have done in the field. This country is founded upon the principles of equality ; and, at the same Mee the standard by which persons are to be estimated is according to their merit and their worth ; and you have obserVed,. no douht, that for him who does his duty faithfully and honestly there is always a just public judgment that will ap preciate and measure out to him his proper reward. I know that there is much well cal culated in this Government, and since the late rebellion commenced, to excite the white against the black and the black against the white man. These are things that you should all understand, and at the same time prepare yourselves for what is before you. Upon the return of peace and the surrender of the ene mies of the country it should be the duty of every patriot and every one who calls himself a Christian to remember that with a terrains,. tion of the war his resentment should cease, that angry feelieg should subside, and that every man should become calm and tranquil and be prePared for what is before him. This la another part of your anualas.....- -Ara-. be been - e=,•-aged in the effort to sustain your, country in the past, but the future is more important to you than the period in ; : F l d 4,7 - :Speritnents upon their credulity by voting which you have just been engaged. One great - -------- • READING, Oct 10-Midnight. -The Democratic CATAWISSA Oct. 10 .- Union _majority in this WARDS. 0-1 ~ in great numbers for Mr. MCMIOUARL . and has been settled in this Government, - that is the question of slavery. The inati- DT, A. Testrkirts, Randolph, New York. majority in Perks county will probably not borotige, 36. ' Union gain 7. , . , .... 04 a - • ix 1:0 Ai Mr. Fox, who ran as his opponent, tution of slavery _ made war upon the United Dr. OLIVER G. DYER, Brandon, Vermont. exceed 5,000. DAUPHIN. States, antthe United States lifred its strong Dr. P. B. Rice, Newbern, North Carolina. -- Ninth 992 579 983 /138 found the grapes hanging very arm in yinaightion of the Government and of Dr. R. E. VAN GESNER, Washington, D. C. BEDFORD. HARRISBURG, Oct. 10.-Second and Third Tenth • ' """ '" 1410 654 ism free government; and in lifting ths.t, Men and wards of Harrieburg,s7Unionmajority. Union Thirteenth 1050 603 1153 The commissioners aPPOilit 4 t/ by the Pregi , 8E1M071.11 PA 4On le, 4 o'clock P. M.-Two Fourteenth 1656 6110 1259 high and sour. His has been a sorry appealing to the God 3f battles, it has been Fifteenth 2604 885 2085 decided' that the institution of slavery must dent for the purpose of making treaties of hundred and thirty-three have been polled in gait of hi. venture. We would advise him hereafter g 0 d ow n. [Ch e ers.] This has been done, and peace and amity with the Southwestern In- this borough, an increase of 7 over the last HARRISBURG, Oct. 10.-Every township in Total _ 7,651 3,606 0,488 the Goddess of Liberty, in bearing witness, on 6.488 le avoid treating the people as if they were many of our battle-1101de since the Struggle dians having concluded their labors, and ad- Presidential elation. Bedford township has Dauphin county yet heard. from gives large - . loftiest flight and. Jested all difficulties existing between the red polled 373, an increase of 15 oiler -last election. Union gains. The Union majority in Dauphin • Ridgway's majority over Davis. 1193. children or idiots. How ineffably beneath proclaimed has made her eethat true liberty has been esti, men and the Government, have submitted The election this year has been the most hotly_ county will be 1,200. manl imitation are his small tricks in the Unshed upon a more permanent and enduring their report of their proceedings to the Seers- contested that we have ever known. Both Harrisburg, complete-First ward, Demo. • FOURTH D/STRIOrt . • y basis than heretofore. t tpplause.l. - tary of the Interior. The report would fill parties are confident that the deserters were c . raiic majority 53; Second ward, Union 'Ma, _ Gut this is not all, and as you have paid me four of . - . _ jority 54 , Third ward, Union majority 8; . likt of yerterday's majority ! His tame, the compliment to call upon me I shall take pages a common sized paper. allowed to vote. .1, H. R. - • Fourth ward, Democratic majority 68; Fifth 4 and timorous, and tardy love Of the 901- the privilege of saying one or . two words, as I Carriage Manufactures. nanvor,D, Oct. la.-Cumberland Valley town- . - ward, Union majority 28.; Sigh ward , Union weans. ITI et am before you. I repeat that it is not all, now The census returns from manufactures, in ship gives a Union gain of 61. Biers I His affidavits to establish his loyal- when the sword is returned to its scabbard, 1860, are _being prepared in book form at the - majority 88. Union gain in the city 158; the 6 ° I ri 13 - ! His mighty rage over the direful at- Olive your arms are reversed, , and when the Me branch of peace is extended. As I re. Interior Department. They show that, in that CHESTER. vote being wale. FAYETTE. eighteenth, (two divisions) -- marked before,resentment andrevenge should year, there were 3,917 establishments ' in the WEST CHEISTER, Oct. 10.-In twelve districts Nineteenth 2419 2034 haept to allow the our colored men the subside. Then what Is to follow; You do United States for the manufacture of car- Union loss on Presidential vote 50 votes. CONNaLLBviLLE4 Oct. 10, - Dayis and 149tonir Twentieth ' 2473 1905 understand, no doubt, and if you do not . WEST CHESTER, Oct. 10.-Half the Comity has 14 majority in this borough, and 10 in the Twenty-first ... 1758 . 1204 es - with an invested capital amounting lila Of travelling e in . the City ears ! All yon Cannot understand too soon that aim- na g 1 Twenty-second 2301 1438 .'44.,A1S 11140117 been returned, showing a Union loss of 245 on township, a Union gain of Won the vote of last • Twenty - third ' 1870 1510 Us trumpery bears a dismal similarity to p a liberty does not mean the privilege of to going into . the battleallehl or into the ' ser- Cost of raw material Agway Union majority of 1862. A Union majority of y ear- Twenty-fourth 2292 1913 of the corm:try as a soldier. It means 27,304 1,900 in the county is indicated. urootreowle, Oet. 10-The State ticket has 100 Twenty - 11M,, . . 871 1328 lie extinguished gas, the paste-board forts, vice _ . Male hands employed Democratic majority ; , a, gain over last Con- eallel• limi other things as well ; and now, when you Female 1" . 157 PHCENIXVILLE, Oct. 10.-Davis has a Majority Total ' 13,816 11,174 Con- Intl the painted scenery of a third - rate have laid down your arms, there are ot_her V 0,001,891 in both wards of 21-a Union gain of 60 over gressional election of 49. . - 11,474 objects of equal importance before you. Now Paid for labor play-house, when the farce is over. that the Governmenthas triumphantlypassed Annual value of products (1880) 826,848,905 the vote of 1864.. FRANKLIN. Connell's majority 247 through this mighty rebellion after the most ~ E a (1850) $11,093,630 CRAWFORD. - Chambersburg given 148 Union majority; a Apart from the lessons taught by saving gigantie battle the world ever saw, the pria. Showing an increase of 142 per cent. , MEADVILLE, Octao.-Union.majorityin Craw- loss of 7on the vote of 1864. - CITY OFFICERS. Diem is -before you, and it is best you shouId HUNTINGDON. • CITY SOLI- ,ICITY CON cur great State and 'city from the hands of . understand it; and I therefore, speak simply Land Operations. ford county will be from 1,060 to 1,800. I CITOIt. .if TROLL BR. and plainly. , Will you now, When you have From the returns just received at the Gene- - .. lIIINTINGDON, get. 10.-Union majority, 'W.. - ilie spoilers, are one or two of chief signifi- returned from the army of the United States, , - rat Land Onlee in reference to the laud opera- . CUMBERLAND. Union gain, 9. . . ~- - and taken the position of the citizen-when e - - tame. Let us hope that our public men, you have returned to the avocations of pesos 110118 last month at La Cross, Wisconsin, we CARLISLE, Oct. 10.-Democrats not gaining HUNTINGDON. 4 ° ,-, - ..... -wilt you give evidence to thew g e o r v ld er t n ha y t o y a o r n . deduce the following facts: 3,333 acres of the any here on last year . E. T. B, ConeMagh borough and township, ten dia. WARDS. of all former • organizations, will accept thetrims, gives Davis U majority ; Union gain of are capable and competent to public domain were taken up for actual settle- 4 :21 a 4' admonition. From this day let the great selves/ That is what you will have to , do. Le berty 1s not a mere idea , a mere vagary. It is went under the provisions of the homestead CHESTER, Oct. l DELAWARE.O. -Cheater borough and 236 over vote of 1862. OtAt..IIICASTER. ' t :g a te Fl ... 1 , -. 0 parties ascend - to the highest planes of rol examine orls ; a when you come haw. During the same period 5013 acres were miie n this a r q e u a e l s i tion a o n f liberty , - you will entered under the same act for actual settle- township. Union gam eyer October last of 43. 10.-Davis , "(Dem.) majority First ' N 1 1 1 0 a 2020 1340 2019 12.14 iilinelple, .Above all, let not the Union not mistake a mere idea for the reality. It meat. DAUPHIN. LAMA/axes in this city is 200, a Union gain of 105. Union Second ~ 454 2192 ' 2281 D. 56 does net consist in idleness. Liberty does not . Third • ms 6 iraa 1923 1961 Presidential Pardons. in three townships, 88. party be afraid to " take the responsibility." eollBlBt , in being worthless. Liberty does not . Haniummuch, Oct. 10.-The vote in this city is gain Fourth 844 MI6 891 2165 a tie - vote on the State ticket, Making a Union The Union gain in six districts bud this Fifth 1099 1447 1103 1433 consist in doing in all things as we please, and The President granted amnesty pardons to. Sixth 1001 1249 - 1006 4244 za, /355 =8 1164 We counsel no impracticable, and no ex- there can be no liberty wit oat law. In a Go- day to one hundred and seventy-five persons, gainOf 158. Union gains in Dauphin county . Seventh .. went of freedom and of liberty there residents of North Carolina. city L a ° N T ° el 2 .. t e h it ° . vote Oct. la-Eleven districts of this of 18112 is 147. Eighth ''':" --- - - treine courses. All should be deliberate and must be law, and there must he obedience and are large. W. F. county and the city give a Union gain on vote Ninth 1276 1038 1379 WM in order. 'But we must not fear or forget to submission to the law, without regard to co- . The Kentucky D n i w ila v c e u d l . ty said to be Re. HARRISBURG, Oct. 10-P. M.--The Union State of 1862 of 170. . Tenth - 2224 923 =lB 927 1055 1396 10.35 1898 tor. [Cheers.] - ticket is polling a full party vote in this City . I,,,,po A erea, Oct. - 10.-Twenty-two districts Pe l w e ge i g i h 1300 1331 1320 1326 march up to our work. On the question of Liberty, (and may I not . call you my country- It is said President Jonesow has directed and there is no doubt of the - election of the and this city give a gain on Cochran of 222 Thirteenth' 1154 1667 nu men?) -Liberty consists in the glorious privi- the withdrawal of the colored troops from 2320 1352 23.38 1358 reconstruction we have the wise counsel of. lege of freedom-in the glorious privilege Kentucky and the suspension of martial law full Republican county ticket. W . F. - votes. . IP Fourteenth Fifteenth sass 2141 .9202 2140 of work, in pursuing the ordinary avoca- - LANCASTER, October 10.-28 districts, MOM& Sixteenth - 1680 1551 1670 1550 lie President to reflect upon, and with him - Lions- of peace with energy, with induStrY? in that State. HUNTINGDON. se • 1203 2107. 12011 20/6 , and with economy, and that being done, al Appishattiteht. HUNTINGDON, Oct, 10 ,- The county can be lag this city, give 5,232 Union majority, with seventeenth Eighteenth 2650 1490 2644 1491 ti" should not make issues that may work those who have been industrious and economy- The Governor of Virginia has• appointed safely put down at 550 Union majority. Both 2103 2025 2402 2015 2474 1906 2474 1901 cal are permitted to appropriate and enjoy 1:2, countyathisetilcts to hwenalr be near r The Union majority Nineteenth /750 4295 PM 1204 Joan Wmrrts, Jr., CommissiOnerfor Virginia members are elected in this district. Twenty-first - mischief to white and black alike, and we the products of their labor. [Cheers.;This is W. LEWIS, LEHIGH. . Twenty-second 1498 2301 1491 illould aa, a. part of his policy and mt. , Oven henceollll of the great blessings ef . free . om, and in New York. - 1870, 1510 1370 1610 we might ask the question and ansWer Another Base.ball Match. LANCASTER, Allentown borough-Democratic majority y -fourth Twent Me 1855 2252 ' 1780 t:uty, bear forever in mind that we dare it by stating that liberty means freedom The National Base Ball Club of this _City,' LANCASTER, Oct. 10. Davis' Majlarity ill this ' , . Twenty fourth Union gain 29, Entaus borough-Union Twenty-fifth 1 im 01 1. 2 1 to work and enjoy the products of your majority 1; Union gain 8. North White Stall Twentresixth ______ -------- MIMI 2 05 -.--- -.. 1 - ..-.,,-a• 110 t give •. up the covenant we have made owo labor. You will soon be mustered out of who beat the Excelsior, of Brooklyn, yesters eity is 200. Gain for Ifartranft, 105. Three the ranks. It is for yeti ttl establish the great tiny, today achieved a victory Oyer the Enter- 'townships gain 88. township - Democratic majority 18; Union Total 45,04'38,572. 95,655 38,280 not to allow , the Union men of the South fact that you are fit and qualified to be free. • LATTCASTert,Oct.III.-Union vote not an heavy gain SI South White Hall township-Demo- 38,5721 ISt 280 I Bence freedom is not a mere idea, but is some- prise, of Baltimore. The score was art as in 1862. Majority probably not over 4,000. a r m 7,375 tri relapse into a moral slavery even thing that exists infact. Freedom'is not BIM. to nineteen. The game lasted three hours and cratie majority 131; Union 'gain 129. LOwer Majority - iv the privilege to live in idleness. Liberty a half. 'Opposition working quietly. mecum gie township-Democratic majority 128; -- ' , verse than the physical serfdomClTY I CITY COJI- Union gain 81. Millerstown borough-Deincs. from Lee not mean simply to resort to the low sa- Bose-ball in Baltimore. - TERAStr R. I I MISSIO , R. Which the war has delivered them. Nor loons and other ',Mee of disreputable charac ter. Freedom and liberty do not mean that BALT/MOHP, Oet 10.-The base ball match be- - LEBANON. antic majority 1; Union gain 8. , tween the Excelsior, of_ Brooklyn, and the LEBANON, Oct. 10.-The Union majority in. LYCOMING. .... ,--. )t , . can the traitors be allowed to return to the people ought to live in licentiousness ; but Pasiimea Of Baltimore, resulted in a this county is about 1,000. -.- la .... gi liberty means simply to be industrious, to be to-day, WILLIAMSPORT, Oa. 10.-This borough gives virtuous,. to be upright in all our dealings victory for ' the Excelsior. The score stood 2-2 Mi - ERSTOWN, 0ct.10.-Jacksontownship gives 200 'Union gain. t 6 0 tit. ?de and tilin the future as they spoiled andWARTni• and relations , with men ; and to thong to 59. The Excelsior played splendidly, a Union gain of 86 over the vote of 1862. : 2 -• hiuxoy, Oct. 10.-Creek township, Demo- haughtered the past. Let us invite and now before me, members of the 1s ite- . .- , ' es eratio majority 00, - e '...1 •R. 11 • District of Colored Volunteers from' the making 27 in one inning. . LEHIGH, • a z., • -, y„ 'welcome the States to the old hearth- District of Columbia and the capital of the JERSEY SHORE, Oct. 10,-Thls borough gives ' 01 to 0 r • -• United States, I have to say that a. great deal EASTON, Oct. 10.-HOgliend . aqua bormigh :sibne. If-the y were only " abroad, " we depends upon yourselves. You must give evi- NASHVILLE. gives 58 Union majority ; Union gain of 78. • 54 Union majority. Union gain 38. First 2010 1312 1089 1317 2233 2279 2119 2380 re competent for the rights Williamsport *Union majority 250, a large S.con d amid be glad to see them "at home." PPP9 Il Hence ie j toi r ß o r u nm a e has guaranteed to you. An Outrage by Colored Troops - Two Returns from Lehigh and Carbon-counties Union gain. Sec 1244 1619 1114 1694 Fourth 885 2252 856 2264 ;11l none who cannot take the oath of COB- each anft all of . you must be measured . Murderers Set Free by Them. show Union gains, - - LEBANON COUNTY. Sixth h , Sixth 1083 1418 943 15T3 - 995 - 1240 890 1319 according to hiB merit, If one man is more LICOMING. LEBANON, Oct. 10.-North Lebanon 21 Union Seventh =l9 1308' 1939 /503 Ii:SS, and none who lau g h at it when tak - meritorious than the Other they cannot be Nainivirra, Oct. 9.-At Bowling Green, liv,. equal ; and he is the most ex - alted that . yesterday, the sheriff of the county had in his War_Lasiarover, 0et.10.-Union gain tWO lien- majority, West ward Lebanon borough 126 Dr iiit's . iClia iii 6 iiii. Lg it, should be allowed a hearing, or an is the most meritorious, without regard charge two negroes, convicted in the county Bred , as far as heard from. Th e county will Union majority. East ward 138 Union raajerity. Tenth eo 2117 90 WTI 10)0 to color; and the idea of having a law court of the murder of another negro, and be close. CUESTEII, lact.lo.-Union gain in thisborough Eleventh lOC 1335 995 1437 • Pla'al for the revocation of that high eon- passed in the morning that wail make Witmensrowr, Oct. 10.-Vote light ; will re- 47; Nether Providence, Union gain of 30; Up Rl.Vtitrentn 1306 13.22 its 1422 a white man a black man before night Asho were then taken in custody, and on their 1667 1153 1570 1251 - I :lien precedent. It is now, we take it, an and a black man a white man before - way to the Nashville penitentiary. Upon his duce the majotity of last year at least one-half; per Providence, Democratic gain of 18. Fourteenth • 2291 1350 2016 1513 day, is absurd, That is not the standard. - .• Fifteenth 3324 2161 2403 3610 9 1)lished :fact that nothing but wilful it is your Own conduct. It is your own arrival at Bowling Green, Hy., and when in think Wingard will Carey the county for As- JLUZERNE. Sixteenth - 1889 1551 1689 IRE • .caousness, or stubborn adherence to in- merit. It is the development of your own the act of changing cars, the sheriff was sun talents, and of your own intellectual and mu- ae - oundcd by a detachment Of colored guards , sembly. WILLIAMSPORT,cranton-North ward, Union majority 313 • Seventeenth 1182 1957 1146 4024 1 Eighteenth -- 2016 1503 2493 1606 m x i i ih ri d i h k e e ' w o j a a r r d r , eD, Union majority tl majority, lw 240. Nineteenth 2400 2034 2328 2073 -%idual crotchets , . ~o f the otehets, or a suspicion ral qualities. Let this, then, be your course : who demanded the release of the prisoners, port borough and ° t w . o "- ad b jeo r inin M g - t W o 3 w .11B n l e a h Mni lp .s s - . Twentieth 2474 1905 2400 1980 Adopt systems of morality ; abstain from all which being refused they took them by fordo.) show a 'Union gain of two hundred and sixty- MIFFLIN. , I , ...enty-firtt .... 1791 1290 16% 1381 licentiousness. And let me Say one thing removed their handcuffs and set them at 'Twenty-second MOO 1497 E 256 1571 'Alves of our pallid teachers and ser. here, for lam going to talk plain i I have live n one on the vote of 1882. Large gains from Er- • Union majority, 40; Union loss 48. Twenty-third 1871 1509 1770 1612 ' 4 1113, can throw the great Union train in a . Southern State all MY life, and know liberty. With fixed bayonets they defied the ving township. J. B. M. - MONTGOMERY. Twenty.fourth 2221 1946 1744 2111 what Bus too often been the case. There is i.heriff and his party, and threatened death to Twenty-EMI 870 IVI 841 1373 - LUZERNE. Nonaisrown, Octalo.-Fourteen districts in Twenty-sixth gm Mg 2010 1202 461 1 the - track, at least for a generation one thing yuu should esteem higher and more - . ' - ..- - - supreme than almost all others, and that is all who WILHESBARRE, Oct. 10.-The Union ticket in this county show a Democratic loss of 8 over Total L. .... 41,359 41,372 lime, or' until it has so secured and the solemn contract. with all the penalties, -- - Wilkesbarre is gaining. Democratic majority 1862, when Moniker had 1,645 majority. •••• 91,359 in the association ofanarrled life. Men and CAIRO. 5 , y , NORRISTOWN, Oct. 10.-Thiseborough gives MaJority ~-e giliened the Republic than it would - women Should abstain from those qualities v.TRA743IOAT BURNED-TRE TEX./.14-COTTON CROP. Will not ex6"d 1,g11). uartranft 46 majority , a Union gain of 30 over -..... _ .... 13 and habits that too frequently follow a War. - . '' lll ire a dollble revolution even to arrest inculcate among your children and anion ' calico, Oct. 10.-The steamer Tycoon, from Memphis for Louisville, with fifteen hundred NORTHAMPTON. 1862. iIJOVIVA • if OFFICF.RS. lute notwithstanding yoti a:raja: 4 7. 1r asboc, .s.,EASTON, Oct. 10, P. 8.-Election passin,r very NORTHBMBEBLAND. • bales of cotton, was burned last night at Little quietly. Vote in the county Will be Slim, Denman, Oct. 10.-This borough gives 66 : - - YHOTI1o•Y ' 9nlYard career . And this is a text full ): os o te l k from the army of the United States, that DISTILTeT COMMON truth and worthy .of the profoundest virtue, that merit, that intelligence, arc the Prairie Bend. No lives Were lost. - ATTORNEY FLEAS. 1805, ROA standards to be observed, and those which you Union - ticket doing well for vote. 11. D. M. Union majority ; Democratic gain of 19 triter The Texas papers estimate that there Will Efrreas, Oct. 10.-The Democrati • c majority Presidential vote. sett. are determined to maintain during your fu ture lives. This is the way to Make white Lot be more than half a crop of cotton in that in this county ia about 3,000. Sunbury borough, Union majority 126. ,_ • • ---- - men black and black men white. [Cheers.] lie State. That raised by the Germans is said. to , Northumberland borough, Democratic mar ^ - iee NEvoRTED FLIGHT op JUAREZ PROM that is meritorious and virtuous, intellectual be cleaner and of liner quality than that SCIIUYLKILL, • jority 18; Pai N nt o tay n nsh Ak i m p, p a r ti o e N vo . te. - A - • and well informed,trinst stamihighestwitliout grown by slaves. 4 25 r, 0 0 .1 0 o b n a g l e t s h o e f cotton llne of Wihil! POTTSVILLE, Oct. 10.-11 . 1111811 ally quiet. Vote - Cl ico,-The Mexican Consul at Washington WARDS. '4 B t o color.. It is _the . ve . ryamsls upon which arnall, and we think favorable. B. B. - e• e "" ''des the statement of the correspondent of o e is L., • heaven rests itself. Each indieidllo.l tam biareemansburgborough-Democratie majori- o _ 'ZI = ''' Press at Mexico that Juarez had fled to degree in the sublimer and more exalted re- l ie lt p i r s o e a s u ti c h e nne h d i t . h y at e . Pear Cznerox, Oct. Oct 10.-Upper Berne Town ty 8; Democratic loss 5. . - . .A 4 :.-- A' side of the MO Grande. The Consul says gions in Proportion to his merita and his vir- Illinois Central Railroad, against 3,000 bales ship gives 140 Democratic majority. Batton borough-three wards-Union Ina - ias dye day's later information than that tue. Then, I say to you, on this occasion, in ;fan year, . - WARREN. jority 31; Union gain 185. First 21r2•i. ia34 - 2120 hial lied by our etstresomulent, and at that r riming to your homes and fireeides, after--- Second mai szxi i 1860 riss fe e :ling conscious and proud of buying faith- WARREN , Oct. 10.-The Union majority in Fork's township -Democratic majority 87; Third 1228( 16a/ 1205 1673 •r 3.! .TeareZ was still at El Paso, and had no Mly discharged your duty, return with the The North Carolina Convention. Warren county will be 550, Union gain 33. • Fourth 1811 ins 923 TM •a of leaving Mexican territory. determination that you will perform your duty RALEIGH, Oct. 9.-'-The State Convention has G. W. BOROBIELD. - Filth south Easton - Union majority 441 no change, Sixth 1069 1485 • 1 991 '1936 101 G 1 an MO in the future as you have performed it in the reconsidered, and, after inserting a few intim- • 22021 1381 I Tas 1376 alt., Abstain from all those bickerings and portent amendments, again passed the ordi- - . YOlt i g n , .0 e C t. 0 1 0 . - e r te e Y t a i n r n m i C s : j from ority York countyconsiderably South Bethlehem borough-Democratie ma' E Se l v g e ll n th th ,7:r editors of the Richmond Csannteretca Pab us ie s and revengeful feelings which tooamity, 167. Ninth 13631 EMI ; 1270 MO -1, /ia are in Washington for the purpose of ranee fiting the day of election of Governor, PEßßY. Tenth 2223 1 923 ' 2T25 926 jealousies up between different States. ' , :aring front President Johnson a revocw. There is a great problem before us, and I members of Congress and of the Legislature, cheer g pp ISBWrOltr, Oct. 10.-Eight districts in Perry F4ev . eiAt i ti . 111731 1221 j 1069 1387 •q: of ate order of General Terry suppress- may as well allude to it here in this emote°. for the first Thursday of November. No other reduced - probably to two thousand. H. E. county give Hartranft 218 majority-a Union . .............. 1373( 1257 •MU 1331 1868 i 1153 , 3870 1151 • lion, and that is whether this race can be in 'll4l. paper. . , business of importance was transacted. gain of 142 over the vote of 1862. , Fourteenth ' •=ll, 1372 2290 1379 eorporated and mixed with the people of the ßirteentit . .. - • - 33M. 2161 T. 400 2144 United states, to be made a harmonious and [SECOND DESPATCH.] (By Associated Press.] IaIwISTOWN, Oct. 10.-This county gives about sixteenth ' 1705, 1 1521 1895 1553 l 'Areinßo GAS.-Dr. Colton, whose exhibt - p.ermanent ingredient of the population. Mumma, Oct . 10.-The Convention spent to- PHILADELPHIA - 40 majority for Hartranft. Seveenteenth 1 maw 1909 1215 1988 1 1.1. Concert Gall two years ago were wit, This is a problem not settled; hut we are to a flay in discussing the debts of the State. It is suaIuTLIEILL COUNTY. Eighteenth • 2417 1493 2627 isoz TWENTY-SECOND WARD-(GetillailtOWll.) . , MI 2030 219 h 2040 . .." 1 by thousands of our best citizens, its right line to do so. Government,Sisairmerdytreiztodviets reandt. Thought the Convention will not assume the behind his ticket, TAMAQUA, 0ct.10.-This borough gives 75 Maa T N w ln e e n t t e l e e n tl t I h McMichael majority . much• ' 2.474 1206 2474 1909 -,11 In our city, and will this - evening give raisedat thei b roug arm and etrnek. it to rebel State debt, though some of the delegates running muchjority for Davis-Union gain of 22 over Presa Twenty-first 1750 1291 17101 12.44 • fir , / exhibition of laughing gap at the the gren. Hence that part Of the pro• and outsiders favor the measure. The Con- York borough gives 227 Democratic majority. ;Untie]. vote. Twenty-second Twenty-third 280 i 1496 2202 1498 1859 1511 1870 /ILO ve hall. bleM is settled, The institution of slits ventiOn will not adjourn this week. PORT CLINTON, Oct, 10,-Union township, Twenty - fourth 71717 1085 WA 1958 ------.- ....----.--.-- very is overthrown. But another part ____......„,..._ Spring Garden 204 Democratic majority. Twentiailfth _eas lais. 870 lan Democratic majority 210. remains to be solved and that is, can Twenty-sixtb ma 1178 5802 1200 The Richmond Press. " ADAMS. SOMERSET. • - . 47 - i , OO 38, - U9 1 .. 4. - 5,E1ge069. A I NeW Planet Discovered. four millions of people, reared as they IttentrOND, Va., Oct. 10.-The Cbmmerciai Bill- GRTTYSIMIRG, Oct. fO.-This town gives Her. Somatterr, Pa.,Oct. 10.-.Hartranft, 109 ; Davis, Total , " - latvATee.l7, Ann HARBOR, NICE, Oct, 9-17. nave been, with all the prejadiees of the 88,115 1, P. M.-To the Associated Press: I have whites-can they take a place in the commas fedi establishment was restored. to its prowls,. traeft 95 msJOrity, a Union gain of 85, lie- 71 i Campbell, 108 ; Linton, 72; Armstrong, 102 ; Conaghy (Union), for Senator, has 91 majority . Ross, 99; Colborn, 88; Smith, eat , .. - '''''''' 4. 4, :asure to announce that I discovered a I .' 1 Area at about half-peat ten &cloak this '' i he. It shines liko a eter of the ,- 1 it to ity, and be made to work harmoniously and eongiuous in our system? This is a problem he considered. . Are the digestive peWergi nine and of the American Government sufficient to re- i 'sent tors to-day, and the publication of the paper will be resumed on Tuesday, but for the pre- • e urn willnotbe allowed to resume Widd b - f magnitude, and is situated in the ( - wive this element in a. new ;Ammo, and digest ' editorial control. The publication of the Eit el. ascension fourteen degrees and forty. minutes, and in declination six degrees tion to be determined. Let dtkmake the expert. : - - '-3, C. Wiersoe. merit, and make it in goodfaith. If thotofinztOt Elves Pollard, late edit% of the 21740.7. GETTYSBURG, Oct. 10.--Nine districts show a Union pin of 213. • ALLEGHENT.- Majority SUSQUEHANNA. _ SITSQUISHATOTA DEroN, Oct. 10.-Union IMO rity, O. Lincoln's majority In 1664 was 11. . I quirer will be recommenced next week. The East Bingham-Union majority 29; Union Union majority for Represent &ambler Will soon be reopened by Henry loss 59 on vote of 1862. Birminghani-UlllOll. •• Majority 85; UniOn lees 40 911 Veto 9f on. UNION. , Bolt gives 210 Union inajKity. atisee, 117. . , 7,681 . 6.9381 , WARD TICKETS. Kelly (U.) ' Heed (U.) SELECT COUNCIL. T 1370 WARM - 1 370 i Campbell (D.) 1,455 a i Fern WARD. I,oxol Page (D.)..,.• , ~, .1,165 ~.. 4ci v. 9, g's ' a , s sz 0 ed 1:0 6 ea U i. 4. 1 2921 1314 2019 1342 2259 2290 22771 2286 ... 1190 1819 1161 1622 934 2193 934 2193 tioa 1492 1105 1999 .. ...... 1013 1220 10151 1221 .......... 2234 /357 2233 1666 1417 1030 1417 1029 • VD 626 2246 888 ... 1067 1399 968 /667 I _. .. 1324 1820 1324 1320 —::...,-.... 1089 1153 1689 1153 . 2327 1224 2238 1320 9290 2125 9381 2182 -- ... .1 . . 1703 1558 1701 1553 . 1213 2002 1210 2000 .... 2657 1487 2655 1481 ... ... " 2418 2113 2420 2037 ;1474 1906 2474 /906 I'.Bo 1295 1750 1195 2901 1498 2101 1498 .... 187 1510 1870 1510 2273 1889 2271 1829 .... ... 6701 1321 870 1921 20.514 1164 2060 1154 ...--- • ------ 45,751 35,350 45,668 39,009 38, mo 39,0091 ____ ------! 7,401 6,659 1 THREE CENTS. Shermer (114 mg Brgd ford (D.)......1,410 EIGHTIONTH WARD. • WM. Bumm (U.)...2,644. I Drum (D.) 1,493 TWRNTIETR WARD. Jos, Manuol (U,),,,2,474 I Lox (D.).... TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. S. W. eaten. (U.)..2250 I Cnnningham (D.).2,058 vomsfox inicsT WARD. Wm. Calhoun (11.)..2,021 I Wiler (D.) 1,389 BBOOND WAIiD JAL M. Gibson (D.).2,257 I Johns= (D) 21241 SEVIENTIf WARD J. Barth,ley (U.)...2,115 Itedner (D.) 1,418 NINTH WARD Walt. Allisaa. (U 1.1,376 I Cassidy (D.). a isi ,LOG ==! 2,225 I Lee (D.) 924 WARD S. K. Edwarae (II.),1,078 I QIU (Po „„,i,aso I=ll Wm. Palmer (U.)..1,668 I Walter (D.)........1,161 /011 - WHIM= WAAPI 11. C. OraM (1L)....2,319 I Lewis (D.) 1,293 J. Mac Nichol (U... 2,300 Shillingtord (D.)..1,303 Chas, Eager (C)...1,70z j weealer (D.) 1,881 SEVENTEENTH WARD. E. C. Renner (U.)..1,182 I Mullen (D.)... 1,957 ZIGHTBIENTH WARD 2,644 i Comdon t (D.) 1433 J.ll.l3lllington (U.)2,474 Martin (17.) 1,1106 33. C. Harrison (U.) 2,474 I Lambeth (D.) 1 906 TWIDITY-FOIIRTEE WARD. Wm. StolM6 (U.)..2,26.4 Ktrugaine (A): i 111340 TWENTY-BIRTH WARD John Rater (U.)....1,826 I Leisonring SENATE AND ASNEMBLY• The following candidates for the Senate and Assembly in this city were successful: SENAT.N, District. Second—Jacob E. Ridgway (U.) Fourth—George Connell, 1.) ASSEMBLY. Districts. First—George W. Dhogan. Second—Wm. H. Ruddiman. Third—Samuel Josephs (D). Fourth—Wm. W. Watt (M. Fifth—Joseph T, Thome!) (IT). Sixth—James Freeborn (U). Seventh—James Subers (U). Eighth—James N. Kerns (U). Ninth—George A. Quigley (D). Tenth—Elisha W. Davis (U. Eleventh—Franklin D. Sterner (U). Twelfth—Alex. Adaire (U). Thirteenth—James Donnelly (I)). Fourteenth—Franc:la Hood (U). Fifteenth—Gm Dtayen, Jr. IT). sixteenth—David A. Wallace U). Seventeenth—Edward G. LeeU). Eighteenth—James N. Marks U.) 01110 ELECTION. THE BUCKEYE STATE SIDE BY SIDE WITH THE KEYSTONE COPPERMONM ALSO ROUTED THERE Union Majority 20,000 broorwo.vrt, .Oct. 10-11 ofoloole P. IL—The election in this State, as far as known, passed off quietly. The returns thus far indicate a reduced vote, and considerable gains for the Democrati6 Cincinnati and Hamilton eatiiity give Co.s. (Ireton) for Governor about 3,600 majority—a Democratic gain of about 2,500. CINCINNATI. Oct, 10.42430 A. Mr-J. I, 5793 i (Union) majority in this State is about 25,000 for Governor. Otarcumart, Oct. 10.—The election in the State, as far as known, passed od' quiotlY. ThB returns thus far' indicate a reduced vote, and considerable gains for the Democratic candi date, and Hamilton county gives Cox, XL, for Governor, about 3,500 majority—A DOmParatie gain of about 2,500. CINCINNATI, Oct. P. 111.—Obio has. gone Union by 20,000 majority. The Legislature is Union; and the Union ticket is elected in Ha miltpn county by 3,000 majority. GOOD NEWS FROM NEWARK NEW JERSEY. A LARGE UNION GAIN AT THE ELEC. TION YESTERDAY. Nstvemr, Oct. 10.—At the charter election today the Unionists carried this city by from 500 to 800 majority, a Union gain of 1,800 over last October election, and 1,200 ovei election of November last. The Unionists also gain three or four aldermen. CANADA. IMPORTANT ARREST OF COUNTERFEITER OF AMERICAN COIN. THE JURY IN THE SANDERS KIDNAPPING CASE FAIL TO AGM. TORONTO, C. W., Oct 10.—The eovernment has had a detective employed for two weeks in hunting a gang of counterfeiters of Amer!. can silver. He has arreste4 Ave Wealthy farmers, who, it is represented, have for forty years been manufacturing bogus silver near Sterling. He also captured all the dies and money in poSSesSiOn of the prigionwe, They belong to a very extensive gang, of which many of the first merchants of the country are =WIPP. The Jury in the Sanders kidnapping 6448 have disagreed and were discharged, after being locked up for two days. The Assizes opened here yesterday. The oases of the St. Albans raiders, the Lake Erie road and the yellow-fever plot are to be tried. CIUNF FERGUSON. HE IS SENTENCED TO BE HUNG The Day of Execution FiXed fOr the 10th Last NASHVILLE, Oct. 9.—The papers in the ease of Champ Ferguson, which were fOrWardefi, 't4 Washington for the President's approval, returned to-day. The sentence was read to Ferguson in his cell by Colonel Shafter, the commandant of the post, which was that lie be hanged bythe neck until ho be dead on the 20th of October between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. Ferguson received the an nouncement of this execution with • apparent unconcern. Nott i rraiSale of his face moved. He was taken out riding this afternoon by his guards. He is in apparent good health, and is, to an outward appetitMiekg, regardless of his fate. ST. LOUIS. ST. Loris, Oct. 10.—The steamer Hattie May, from Fort 'Union September 19th,reports meet. lag the Indian commissioners near Fort Ber thold. They were proceeding slowly on ac count of the low water. A portion of Gen. Sibley's army, 'en route for Sioux city, were passed below Fort nice. The i'etliftillilar had been left at the different forts along the Slyer. All the Indians along the Missouri river are reported as friendly. Slaty returned miners from Montalto bring *lOO,OOO in gold. Totaeee higher. Cotton more excited— more buyers than sellers. Low middling, SO@ TA% and oriet do, 56e. Flour dull and lower at $8.21413.76 for single extra, and 0.100.144 for double extra. Wheat dull and lower at 411.5061.75. Lard, Sac for new. Other articles unchanged, NEW YORK CITY. • NEW YOBS, Oct. 10, 1 so, ARRIVAL OF TUN STEAMER CITY OF WASEliNciitoM The steamer City of Washington, from Li verpool on the 27th uit., arrived at this port, this morning. Her advices have been sotto'. pated. HILTON IIHAD The steamer McClellan has arrived from Hilton Head with troops. General Wild, Colonels Branton, McLaughlin, and Galltia, are among the passengers. The steamer Nevada, from Savannah, and the Tarllght, from Wilmington, have arrived here. TROTTING 'CATCH In the trot on the Fashion coarse to-day, gelding Dexter was matched to beat 9.19, and accomplished the feat, making a mile in 2.18 1 %. The first half mile was made in 1.041. ir .NEWS Below—Ship C. T. SOutute, Singapore 1 bark Milton. General Banks Nominated for Con- Borron, Oct.lo.—The Republican Convention in the Sixth Congressional District, to•dty nominateallaJor flenorig N 1 r, Pinks for Con. greats. The vote stood For Banks, 79 ; Stone ; Griffin, 25. - . THE WAR — PRESS. ' (rumusuirm wgrau.r.) TIM WAR PRXSB will be sent to subscribers 07 wall (per annum in aclvance,) at 00 Five copies 10 00 Ten conies 00 Larger clubs than Ten will be charged at the eaMata rate, $21.00 per copy. in money c a n k rieht4iffifitf)olll Ord.!. Una in no infante Mega term!) btl dettotat from, of they %f rd very titt/e more than the coot Of ria Per* JllPPontoaltm AMA to/modal to lat uGI' for TM Wen plum. getter-up of the Club of ten or twenty nit ex a rra T co o he p t yof the paper solli be given. HAPPY CLOSING OF A VIC TORIOUS DAY. SERENADE TO RON. NORTON IieIIICHAR4 MAYOR ELECT OF PHILADELPHIA. As soon as it was known that Morton /dela chael was the Mayor elect, the different clubi &ad ward delegations for Med themselves late a procession, and proceeded towards the real donee of that gentleman, at Nineteenth and Spruce streets. Here was gathered a large #l - of some of the most prominent men of the city and neighborhood, including Hon Charles O'Neill, Hon. John P. Veree, Hon. Wm. D, Relloyi ion, OniTIN crnpinp Pon. James Pollock,' Daniel Dougherty, Esq., Voorgo tar Doke; Esq., Colonel J. W. Forney, and a num• ber of others. • The ward dolegation4 l , 'Weeded by the Don. glass Band, arrived shortly before Midnight, and formed on Nineteenth.. street. After a number of popular atirtmcv dihbourseil l Ron. Mr. Gilpin stepped forward, engin a few well-timed words congratulated the assem blage on the important victory that they had gained. The mutts had surpassed the moat sanguine expectations of the friends of the Union ticket. It shows that Philadelphia will be true in the future, as she has been in the past, to the great interests of the State and the country, Re then introduced lion. Mr Meillichael, who said; Well at last I am Mayor of Philadelphia, as I predicted. No one doubts it now, at least Mr. Fox does not. [Laughter and applause.] I know rhiliglolphia , col pi not be false to her best interests, after baying gained the pl'Oaii nenee she has attained by her devotion to the cause of the country, and by her steadfast loyalty la maintaining the National Adminis. tration, [cheers.) Wltei , sneli a gloritille record as this, how could our fair city surrender herself into the hands of those . . . . . who were the opponents of the National Government in all its efforts to put down treakeli, This triumph, however is not mine ; the victory we have achieved. to-day is not my victory—it is the via tory of the great Union party. The organi zation which has sustained the army, the navy, and Government through their darkest hours and trials. Let us hail this result as the precursor to other and grander triumphs, Our friends in New York will take heart at this, and will follow the example we have thisday set for them, They wia shell' them selves true to their colors; and We may eyes hope for New Jersey. [Cheers,) destre to thank my friends of the working classes for the efficient aid they have rendered me fo•day. I thank them I for the vote to-day shows that they have been true to me, as 1 have always been true to them. [Cheers.) They know that I am entirely identified with theft iiitereatit and the patriotic party which has been their supporters, and with which they themselves have labored. For this mark of your confidence I will endeavor to administer affairs in this great city is such a way as will eyadare to the silvan. tags of an classes. I will try toso maznittigki , that high office as to deserve the praise which already belongs to the eminent Matt I am about to succeed. [Cheers.] I will try to make our eat: deserve , during the next three years, the high reputation she has enjoyed during the past swffln years. I will try to so direct affairs as to make it grow and expand until its property shall be far beyond that of any other city...until It shall become so greet that we ourselves shall wonder at our own In crease. I now renew the promises I made to you the first night I &Wrestled yen—that , T 49 person who is not a good, - true, reliable working Union man shall hold office under me t and. further that any one now in office opposed to the Union party shall be at once dismissed. [Cheers.] Permit nie +6 Blink of higher and more portant matters. Let me say that I endorse, in the.highest manner, the reconstruction polies , of President Johnson. [Cheers.] The so-called Democratic party have be en endeavoring to ride into power by professing that they only were his supporters and friends. Have they forgotten how they ro• viler) him in the early days of the rebellion, and what obloquy they heaped upon his head until be was President? And yet, /19T tlley have the impudence to say that they only are his friends I Let us hope and trust, then, that before long all the power of the opposition will disappear as snow before the sun. I thank you for your attendaii66, tM telith you a good evening. Daniel M. Dougherty followed in an eloquent address, recounting the great advantage of the gjerious campaign put olosed, which , had once more reaffirmed the loyalty of the city of Philadelphia, and proved her devotion to the great principles of universal freedom. The victory was due to the intelligent work ingmcn of the city, whet supported the candi date they believed to beright. Like goblin the fire the new Mayor bas come out of the trial pure and unstained, as he would ever be, as be has ever been, in public and private life. No man in Philadelphia is more deoerTing,thAlt Mr. McMichael. That every pledge would be faithfully kept he felt well assured ; and in the greater contest to Come, a still greater majority would he *oiled tiro far justice and right. A number of other gentlemen followed, but the lateness of the hour precludes any ex. tended report of their remarks. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, The chief feature of the stock market yesterday was the advance in Government securities. Fire twenties, which sold on Monday at 101;96101k, rose yesterday to 302?!{.. The news from Ebropo by the China, published in the Morning, was of a -highly favorable character in respect to the business and financial interests of this country. A. large rise in the Meg of American cotton was reported, and an appreciation of two per cent. on the market rate 0 flve•twentles. Holders on this side consequently feel less disposition .to part with their securities unleta at afuriher rise. State and city securities were dull, mot or War imau ds said at psi. City 6s sold in a small way at previous figures. The sated of company bonds were very light, including Lehigh Si at OM North Penna. es at 87, Union Canal bonds at 22,. and Chesapeake and Delaware Os at M.- The speculation in the share list was very tame. Read ing was off a shade; Camden and Amboy was higher; Pennsylvania Railroad was steady. at 604; Catawissa Railroad commoti at BR—the preferred was A better; North Pennsylvania sold at Sian advance of ;4, and Northern Central at 451 80 was bid for Little Schuylkill; 54 for Norristown; S( for Mlnehill l 63M for Lehigh Valley; 29 Of glailra Wil mot.; 90 for preferred do.; 61 for Philadelphia and Baltimore, and 2016 for Philadelphia anti Brie, In city passenger railroad shares there was no material change to notice. Hestonville sold ataßS; 81 was bid for Second and Third; O3k fa Tenth and Eleventh: 25 for Spruce and Pine; 53 for Chestnut and walnut: 69 for West Philadelphia, and 10 for Ridge-avenue. ouu oharea are firmly held. Philadelphia sold at. 137; 182 was bid for North America; ititti for Pia mere" and Mechanics'; 29,56 for Mechanics'; 4.3 for Commerafalt 48 for Penn Township; 53 for Girard; 29 for Manufacturers' and Mechanics', and 84 for City. Canal shares were again very active; Schuyl kill Navigation preferred sold at 30J and the coma mon at 28X; Wyoming Valley at fliN; Union. Canal preferred at 296, and Morris Canal preferred at 121. The coal stocks are very dull, ditto the oil stocks. 00ld IYnB Wetly et pout 145 N. The Doneybroolt Coal Company announce a awl dead of three per cent. on the capital stock of the company, payable on and after the lath inst. The feElheny 011 Company yesterday declared fa dividend of one per. Mitt cleat of state tax. The Upper Island 00 Company yesterday de clared a dividend of three per cent, on the capital stock of the company, clear of State tax, payable en and after the 17111 Mg, Dl exel & Co (motet New United States bonds, 1881 107 108 New United States certificates of indent. 9Syt,' 0 8 1 ti New United States 7 8-10 notes . . .'.. 98 98 Orders for certificates of ludebtedness..., 98A 910 Gold .3114111141 .. 1 tttttttt 116 1481] Sterling !exchange ie& 180 Five-twent, bonds, old 1085 i 1082( Five-twenty bonds, new 102 182,4 i Tcu-fortles MX Ng wave 91' Stocks, October 10. THE YUBL 1000 Dalzell 660. 2941 200 Walnut Wand... .801 100 Mango cash . PNVSN'i IC BOARD. I 800 Feeder Dam. b 10• I)4' 600 do b3O .1.2? 100 Mingo, a !4 2,00 220 St 200 St N FPI icholas .00 o "fi 400 do. 1000 / 106 00,,,,, r 100 Palzell...b26fiat. Vas, 300 kltNicholas BEFORE 201McGaiatock tril FIRST • . • 50 U S soup 103 1000 coup 105ia SOU S 10-40 s. coup 90 1000 dp lob coup G 34, 800 ti 7.80 Tl 6 .June 98, boo City Gs, new.lots 91 0100 d 0... u ts Olio 600 Cher is. Del G 5. ... 93 260) laitsqu Canal bis 21 3000 r Pe.66 t5..1019 09 01,0 lie stung ,b3O 200 d .........h6O 004 100 do .58,4, 200 do 1,5 5911. /90 do.— 111 200 do ... .104. 99 1 4 100 do sawn SSA 100 d0...... .... 1 1 10 0104 100 CaLswlss.rt 630 31 NO 1 , 99 X o llgo/05, • • ,n• d . 00. 000 d 0...... 109._ 9t t Itt .? .t. 411. sow 7 a-lo Julie 7.30 .. 100 Maple Shade 98 6 BOARD. llii 100 (hada , prr.b3oora 81 100 do.. . . b3O 31. 100 Ilestotivlt..lB3o 1 200 do lots WO Zd 10 do 22 60 Northern Coat... 43 `lid 4N Poulin 11 31 1000 State war.) ono 6gloo 10 Philadelphia 138.137 50 Sob Nay prf, , 1111 NM 200 d 0.,....,,, ~,100 314 216 1 11a1t01l (tit ...030 200 Ma le Sllado.lota 7 too do °mill 7 100 do 7 100 001,,," sssss Oil 7 100 Itoyal runt lump _ 50 UnlOa Canal w.f. 2 BOARDS. 100 08.11W1861111.2dy9 1714 200 do 1731 300 do 630 18 200 'IT S 7-300 .. . . Jody 98 'lOO3O do..cosli.J one 98 1000 119,,,, • .„. B,IIN 98 1000 i 7 S 6-zoo . 102 600 llopor Isfad.... 1 8600 Itead mrt Os , 44as 91 300 Hestouvilla 8.1130 Zig KO do 400 Lehigh tin 'Sir 'AV Vorvi b3O d 24(.. iOO uu FdyS 300 do sAg, 2 60'1111ton (anal prof 2 HOARD, iIk:TWEE 1011 Don sioor , 011 •••• I 30tt Felton Coal KV 11i:titling ..... no% 100 d 0 elOwn btt 10 Cant at And, R... 020% -100 City Os municipal B 1 1600 do - new.... in eortiplanter 1 200 Creeeent City..., 31 40 MorrisCatini 1n1.122 KO N Y & b3O ((B lib do Ole 200 do 1)6 ON 200 do 060 Oh 300 do ha 13% 5000 U N 10-108 b 5 0374 1000 SECOND 200 Seinty Nov pre— 38% 100 Catawlesa 17, 100 do. ..... 1910 18 100 City es new 91 1•00 Valdwoll 011 lots 124 6 Wyonda9 Valley 86' 300 111 oelintoek 011.. 1.81 500 Feeder Dani..wt. I 100 NY & Middle.... 6 200 Big Nountatn... 5 400 Corn rlanterloP, 14000 00 Leh do igh 55 05,..,. 9a OS 100 Schuylkillligy... 28 . °ARDS. ' 100 Banal NitV pref. KV 100 Wit nolint ... ex N rchno $t 100 Schur NU.T.,..b30 29 800 Leblgli 6 994 4 PCIIII.O. vvvvv my ! 2000 U tS 7-30$ 00,11, 13ALEB AT 000 Plata Be new 2 , lye 91 300 Mingo Olt 2.31 200 Jersey Well ..b:3O 114 HE CLOSE. 200 Jersey Well . 13-1 R 1000 'Chalon Oftwal bda 22 Paterson, Kamm PATERBOW, N. J., Oct. 10.—The races for the three•year•olds, for the St. Leger stakos t t,o• day. WU Won by iteyenue, of Baltimore. Ju. lius was second, and Oleata a good third. Time, 4 minutes 154 seconds. The race of one. mile heats was won by Arcola in two straight heats. Time, I mitiiite.. 47 mot" and l mi. auto 4v4 seconds, ..UBO 1Y