The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 25, 1865, Image 3
rNION TICKET. • r MAYOR, MORTON BIeMICHAEL. CITY SOLICITOR, r. CARROLL BREWSTER. CITY TREASURER, HENRY 811.111111. CITY CONTROLLER, JOSEPH H. LYNDALL. CITY COIII3IISSIONER, JOHN GIVEN. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM B. MANN. 110THONOTARY OF THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS, FR EDERICA, s , WOLBERT. SENATE. SECOND DISTRICT ,JACOB E. RIDGWAY. FOURTH DISTRICT. GEORGE @ONNELL REPRESENTATIVES. VA District—GEOßGE W. GHEGA.N. District—WlLLlAm H. RUDDIATA Vain! District — JOHN MetIAW. path District—WlLLlAll W. WATT. Fifth District—JOSEPH T. THOMAS. District—JAMES FREEBORN. N renth District—JAMES SHEERS. Eighth District—JAMES N. KERNS. Sirth District—FREDERICK DITTMAN. Tenth District—EL - OSHA W. DAVIS. Ehtycitth Diariet—FRANKLIN D. STERNER. Twelfth District—ALEXANDER ADAIR. nirtecuth District—WlLLlAM SCHOLLEN BERGER. Therteentit District—FßANClS HOOD. Fifteenth District—GEOßGE Ds HAVEN, JII. itstecuth District—DAVlD A. WALLACE. ecrentccuth District EDWARD G. LEE. Eighteenth District—JAMES N. MARKS. !ia.16.19.?.3rdtf vSY- TOIYNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS. bOCIATION. MO CHESTNUT Street. j;,,l.isr Monthly. Meeting TO-NIGHT (Monday), .. mil. Address by -- ftev. JONATHAN ED- Ituestion for Debate—"ls Christianity •v:iiita - ti Abstaining from Ordinary Moral : .):zeinenta , " All are invited. Free Reading open daily from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. it. R-UNITED STATES TREASURY, CIiSTOII-ItOUSE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, 1865.--Coupons of tile United States Loan. due Ist November next, will ue paid oil lion at tills office. 4v order of the Seeretary of the Treasury. ATLC IDALD McIITTYRE, sistant Treasurer United States. OFFICE BIG•SANDY OIL COIL 1.19 PANT, 404 WALNUT Street.—A special of the Stoekolders of tile company 11 , 111 be taibIONDAY, at 8 o'clock P. M., at the office .:1:t Company. I.:awl cal attendance particularly requested. WM. W. ALLEN, Secretary. MASONIC NO LODGE N 0.1.30, members ':l2 , Lodge, and the Order in general, arefr 411 - invited to meet at the MASONICII..LL •F.E.'3I'NUT Street, •on. MONDAY nest, the 25thti . a l 2 o'clock P. M.,_to_attend the funeral of our :::brother. JOHN JOYCE. 'ry order of the W. it2-3t E. P. LESCERE. Secretary. v"S~' OFFICE OF THE FRENCH CREEK L. OIL COMPANY 247 South SIXTH Street. An Adjourned Meeting of Stockholders will be r. cu WEDNESDAY, 27th lust, at 5 o'clock P. y... for the purpose of providing a further Working SAMUEL WAttNER, Secretary. LENN VILLE COAL COMPANY. 91 —The annual meeting of the stockholders of 01,1mville Coal Company win be held at the ro. , aF of the Philadelphia G'oal. Exchange., No. 4W: : WALNUT Street, on THURSDAY, Oct. 5, ~:.?:,e'elock. CHAS. H. H. COOK, Secretary. ie.:l-121* CLECOLIZLAND COAL AND LK. Jas PROVFMENT COMPANY. $1,000,000 S, AT $5 EACH. th FOURTH Street. TORS: tirITAL STOOL 200 000 SHARE °Mee AO. 225 Sou ZIREC lleph Lesley, 'atiert H. Beatty, iiitt D. Boileau, ihtard H. Faulkner, A. Buge_ President, SYLVESTEI :ieeretary and Treasur. YIELD. W. SURGEON GENERAus OFFICE, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. August 17, 145. AN ARMY MEDICAL BOARD, to consist of Bract Colonel C. S. Tripler, Surgeon U. S. A.., ntiliffliti Brevet Lieutenant Colonel H. R. Wirtz, icrgeon L. 5. A.; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel An- JA , ar Heger Surgeon U. S. A. and Brevet Major C. C. Lee, Assistant Surgeon 11. S. A., Recorder, - ..i1l meet. in New York City, on the 20th of Septem ,..r tam, for the examination of candidates for ad into the Medical Staff of the United States Army, cud of tkesistaut Surgeons for promotion. liipiicants must be between 21 aniLiS years of age, aro, physically sound. Applications must be addressed to the Surgeon (idlers! of the army, stating the residence of the al piicaut, and the date and pCace of his birth; they be accompanied by respectable testimonials of :Loral Character. _ _ 1 - • - . Sylvester J. Megargee, rratlow Jackson, Price I. Patton, Thomas IL Rickert. . e Smith. I: J. MECIARGZE. er, ALBERT R. SOHO aum-tf it The applicant has been in the service, he will Send the testimonial lof the chief medical officer under whom he has served, and if in service at the ,nsini time, the application must be sent through Director of the respective Department. So allowance is made for the expenses of persons ndt,rgoing the examination, as it is an indigpells pre-requisite to appointment. There are now twelve vacancies in the Medical J. K. BAIibIES, Surgeon General U. B. Army. u2l rawflBt r3.r OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE 12 , 1b1JRANCE COMPANY. Euminar.rlin. , .., September 2.0, IS6. An ELECTION for TEN DIRECTORS, for the cuingyear, will be held, agreeably to charter, at •.olicral meeting of the StOekboßiers for tbat at the OFFICE of tine Company, on NON va 1, October 2, ram, at 10 o'clock A. J. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary pro tem. 22F° OFFICE OF THE MILLER OIL COMPANY 133 South FOURTH Street. At a meeting of the Stockholders. held THIS DAY, assessment of FIFTEEN CENTS per share Was '.ivied to increase the Working Calltaf, pnable Jpall the 20th to the 30th Inst. WOoks will be open transfer until the 19th inst., after which no :master can be made until the assessment is paid. C , rder of the Stockholders. 201-181. JOHN H. MrYLE, Treasurer. OFFICE OF, Tilt COSTTINEN. TAL OIL COMPANY No. 133 SOUTH F ( JURTH STREET—TO DELINQUENT STOCK- HuL DERS.-I.u. accordance with sections 16, 17, and of the act of July 18th, 1863, notice is hereby 411 that unless the assessment called for at a Lketihg or the Directors, held July 10th, 1865, MI oh or before the 30th day of September, 1885, a . :.ineleitt number of4shares will be sold at public cn that day at 10 o'clock, at the office of the : f AN):111V. to pay said assessment, with necessary amt incidental expenses. By order of the Board. JOHN H. WYLE. Treasurer. NoTECE—BANII. OF PENNSYL -Notice is hereby given that the rtes of the Bank of Pennsylvania will be paid in upon presentation and proof, at the Office of :. ,. Asbignees, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, in the C:F' Cl Philadelphia. Parties holding notes of the 'ehlhank not pct presented are notnied that un bs same are presented and proved at the An- Office on or before the FIRST DAY OF ' e rtrßEß, ISM, they will be debarred from all Win thereon. W• C. PATTERSON, W. L. SA VAOI I I, Assignees, D. TATIARti all-ratoci NO. 407-LIBRARY Street, I,idiada. PENNSYLVANIA NITRE COM --; PANY.—A Special Meeting of the STOCK IMLDERS will be held at No. 4214 WALNUT St., I , Alin, on...the 12th day of October next, at lock P. N., to attend to the business of the An ;9lMeeting; and, if thought best, to authorize the :pectors to close up the affairs of the Company. Also, to transact any other business which may Ane before the meeti n <3 OM GULL' v tat, Secretors. Mr. BURNING SPRING OUL COM PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA.—The Annual of the Stockholders of the BURNEs.iG , :11:ING OIL COMB ',NI . OF PENNSYLVANIA. m:iti he held on SATURDAY. October 7th at 4 kelpek m ., at goo WALNUT Street. An Alec- NI for Directors will be held, and business of tin. Tertance will he brought before the meeting. JOHN CLADDING, Secretary. PitIIADELPHIA, Sept. 16, 1865. selB-mtlitoc7 TO TAM LADIES.—CONTRIRV- T102 , :,'S for the gmilibifien of the r4NN •.I.I.VANJAHOBTICULT URAL SOCIETY, to open fm the 27th of September, of wax fruits and flowers, P . E.serred fruits, dried flowers and grasses, skele 9eized or phantom bouquets, rustic works, fern if : es, and aquariums, are respectfully solicited by 16 e Uhatrman of the Ladies Committee. sett-at Mr• NOTYCE.—TVLE ANNUAL MEET. U of the Stockholders of the NORTH. 31 0UNTAIN COAL COMPANY for the election of ihrectors and the transaction of such other business ma y be legally brought before the meeting, will held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Phliadel ma, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th day of October, 'Si. at 1 o'clock P. M. Attica will be had upon a proposition to sell the . reperty of the Company. Wbl. B. F.OITLE, e2O-13t Secretary. ENIFIRE COPPER COMPANY OF MICHIGAN - . siNotiee is hereby given that all stock in this compa i!Y on which the instalmentof ohe dollar per share, < hiletl April 28th 1865, and due May 20th, 1865, is not I ,' ll o. is forfeited' by said defaulp and that according 1/4e charter and by•lnvre of compaig it will sold at public auction on FRIDAY, 20th atelier, ' r. ^ .. k at 12 M., at the oiliee of the Secretary of the ,flnhauy, No. 423 WALNIJT Street, 21111ade1,,,,t.5. ,, , , t.s. unless paid on or before that day. nr order of tile Board of Directors. J. S. MaitTLLIN. Secretary. Phila., Sept. 19, 181.5. ac2o-wfm-tocco nrOFFICE OF MONTGOMERY OIL COMPANY, 226 WALNUT Street. SEPTEMBER 16, 1865. The Directors of the Montgomery Oil Company, alrello- held this day, ordered au assessment FIVE CINTS FEE SHAKE on each Share of Stock, to be paid in to the Treasurer on lid! 2d to the 16th day of October next, at this otaee. „Thia assessment is made in conformity with au given to Directors by the Stockholders, at alumni meet lug held September Bth lust. „ i, Tile Transfer Books of this Company will be the 30th day of Septembers 1865, and no on be transferred after that date, unless the ' 4 rne assessment has been paid A .. FEW SMITH, Secretary. sila-rtm 16t SW - DIVIDEND NOTICE.--OFFICE ,O A ND H O R P R H S LA W D NRAI A R G A E D RM O A M PANy N ,be Board of Managers have this day declared a "hblend of FOCH Phat CENT., clear of all taxes, coqable on and after tits 2ti of October next. fbe stock transfer book will be close the 20th 41, 1 , .. sod remain closed until the 2d of October. stia 102 A. E. DOIJOHERTY, Treasurer. tite"" THE AUTUMNAL EXHIBITION of the PENNSYLVANIA LIORTICULTII -1.. SOCIETY will open on wEDNESDAY EVE '4/x(3, Set. 27th, at 7 o'clock, and continue Thurs. ' , l' and riday, day and evening, in a GRAND P AVILION, on the lot on BROAD Street, next to the Academy of Music. A BAND OF MUSIC will r 'f' hi attendance every evening. Contributions of Vitawdl'El, and VeggAtibleo Will be re, Tired by the Committee on Tuesday, 2.411, and It 27th of September, up to 12 al the place of exhibition. Single Tickets So cents; children half price; sea, r,,11 tickets $1; tickets to actmit one gentien s mard I7M 'nal/n*l_ '`" LAW DEPARTMENT, lINIVER• bt NIT OF PlaitistSYLV:KIA.—A. Term will L rehure 7t er rtfes T e l ,g• k i L r 6 l ,n o la •, 11 1 , 1, - Eli t at tl e o'clOok P: 01.. 7 at the lectOroFroom of uoirerbity. nolg-tot Ititir OFFICE OF THE STAR OIL treet. COMPANY, No. na booth SEVENTH PIIILADELPIDA, Sept. 15, 1855. The first Annual meeting or the Stockholder. of 001 unany "will be held at their office, on WED NESDAY, September 27tb, at 3 o'clock P. M. • An election for Directors will be held. SAMUEL ALLEN, Secretary. RETAIL DRY GOODS. FALL IMPORTA.TION. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., HAVE NOW OPEN ARE DAILY RECEIVING NEW AND CHOICE STYLER DRESS Croons, SILKS, &,c., To which they respectfully invite attention. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. se2s-fd, EDWIN HALL & CO SOCTH SECOND STREET, Will open THIS MORNING the balance of their IMPOATATION of “Poins " Irish Popitne" re ceived direct from DUBLIN. In the DOUBLE QUALITY are the following shades of colors: PEARL AND WINE, GREENS AND MODES, PURPLE AND GARNET, BLACKS AND BROWNS, BLUES AND LAVENDERS In the :ANGLE QUALITY shades of the same, including WHITE. In the PL.A.IDS are the following named styles: THE ALBERT, THE VICTORIA, THE STEWART, THE DRESS STEWART, THE ROB ROY, THE COLQUHAHN. • Wel/aVe also a good stock of the lower grades of POPLINS in the FILENOI.I and GERMAN makes. se2s-2t 1865. NEW GOODS FOR 1865. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. IMPORTERS. JOBBERs, RETAILERS, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods WHOLESALE—BECOND FLOOR. • sezg-tr GREAT STOCK or JOB LOTS OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOBBY COATINGS, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, of the latent and most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or public generally. Officers of the army and navy may feel assured of special attention. We Mso have a complete stock of FRIENDS' WEAR, COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, and BAGATEEtES. Our motto is " Good Goods at Fair Prices," at W. T. SNODGRASS' CLOTH HOUSE, 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET AND 23 STRA.WEERRY STREET. seB-1m REAL VALENCIENNEB LACES. 20, 30, 33, 40 and SO cents. Just received a large lot at the above reduced prices. CURWEN, STODDART BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, gt atiOPO Wi low. CHEAP TABLE LINENS.- .., 7-4 Brown Table Linen, 75c. 8-4 Brown Table Linen, 870. 7-4 Loom Damask Table Linen, With a full line of superior Damasks, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towelling. &e., &e. CLITEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, se72-3t above Willow. A . TTRA.CTI,VE NOTICE TO LADIES. A full line of French Merinoes, 4. full line of Poplins, A full line of Silks and Shawls, A full line of Blankets, A full line of Muslins, A full line of Tulle Linens, A full line of Cloths and Caseimeres t JOHN - H. STOIIS, sellt 702 ARCH Street. J CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. • NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. Thread Yells, new designs. B Thread Lace ashes. Cambria Lace Yells, from sl. Thread Lace Collars, from 50 cts. Empress Collars In pointe de gaze, point ap plique, and valepciennes. WHITE GOODS. French Napitn, 9. yards wide for dresses. Soft finish Cambric, niiiisaok, Plaid and Etript Muslins very cheap. Rich Cambric Edgings and Insertions, French Embroidered Bands, Flouncings, &c. &. Hemstitched Haat., extra fine, 25 cts. eel2-12t TAGG & BRO., CORNER TEN VI AND PINE, OPEN BARGAINS - FROM Apo- TION. _ • . 1 lot French colored Working Cotton, 10 cents per dozen skeins. . . . 110 t black - Sewing Silk, 35 cents pCr dozen skeins. C lots black Alpaca Braid, $1.50 and 2.35 per t piece of 28 yards. 1 lot figured mode colors W orsted Braid, $1.25 per piece. 2 lots white silk Corset Laces, round and flat, 60 and 75 cents per dozen. 1 lot Mohair Waterfall Nets, black, 13 cents. 1 lot Hair Waterfall rads, 35 cents. 11ot Horsehair Plaited Hair Rolls, 25 tents. 1 lot Patent-leather Belts, steel buckles, 10 cents. 1 lot gents'hemstitch linen Handkerchiefs 35 to 75c. 1 lot gents' corded border linen Handkerchiefs, 25 cents. I lot 9 cases ladies' corded border linen Handker elliefg, 2010 Be. llot ladies' two-inch hemstitch linen Handker• Chiefs, 31 to 50 cents. Hot very heavy, No. 50, black Bonnet Ribbon, 75 cents. 1 10l Fall colors, small patterns, English Prints, 25 emits, 1 lot small plaid English liaxitheilter GingliaMsi 44 cents. 1 lot very fine and wide Scotch Nursery Diapers, $5 per piece. lot snow-drop pattern 1% . Danlask Table Cloths, Also, several lots dross goOds, very cheap, just received. Also, Balmoral Skirts. semi-ZL FALL GOODS. Just received a large assortment of goods suitable for the fan Season, consisting of Lupin's all wool delaincs. Lupin's mestizoes. Lupin's cashmere D'Eeosse• Lupin's Empress cloth, Lupin's rarisienne. Lupliris Tamlse 1;4 yards wide. Lavinia Velour Russ. Lupin , s poplins. Lupin's poplin Pekin. Lupin's Biarritz. Litpin , s bombazines. Alpacas, crown inolotirs, Queen's cloth, &e. Also.s. tine assortment of second mournznggoods. Black silks, taffeta, gros de Rhlues,_ . ponit sot, &c., &c., in different qualities . PERKINS, se23-3t No. 9 South NINTH street. BLUE DOUBLE WIDTH. Lupin's WOO Delaines, of good quality, at $1.1236. Also, Greens, Browns. Modes, &c. e 1.37 Lupin's plain Poplins, Greens, Browns, Blues, Purples. 31.23 Lupin's Black Poplins. el.lO L upin's 7-4 Black Delaines. Colored Ainaeas, Paralnattas, &e. Delaines, Prints. Plaids, &c. MARSEILLES QUILTS. lo Nx . y r l r r i umig in giv r d t { i c . t e eaaud large sizes, at Also, Honeycomb Quilts. years. FM' Stack of Bed - , Crib, Cradle, and Colored BLANKETS. COOPER & COWARD, se2o-tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. S HAWLS ! SHAWLS I Bound Blanket Shawls. Plain Long Shawls ' for Mends. Extra-size Square Shawls. Fine Plaid Shawls, newest patterns. Misses' and Children's Shawls. Black and Mode Thibet Shawls. Berlin Jacquard Shawls. se2B At JOHN H. STONES', 702 ARCH St 80 MARSEILLES QUILTS- Of good quality and large sizes. Also, finest qualities, extra size. Honey-comb Quilts, two grades. COOPER 85 CUNARD, se23-2t S. E. Cor. NINTH and MARKET Sts. 43- CENT GRAY TWILLED FLAN• NEL—Good finality, worth to. Red and Blue Twills. $1 for very best 37-inch unshrinkable Shaker Flannel. COOPER Je CANARD, 5e2.3-2t S. E. Cor. NIN I H and MARKET Ste. lETS $lO A B re r in Al'i rg $l2 Blankets; extra cheap. Three cases odO and $7. Good size Crib Blanxets, $3 to $7. Blankets $ COOPER Fc CONARD, g023.2t B. E. Cor. NINTH and DIARRET Sta. $ l . 10 l IEFE WlDE ititeov ß er li ti t ;o °K old D go E l - price. Finer grades, in single and double width. $1.25 for Lupins good quality Black Poplins. COOPER & CONARD, BM 2t 8. E. Coy. NINTH and MAKKETStd. OPEN CENTRE BROCHE LONG SHAWLS—FIoe qualities. at *33, *4O, and *55. Black Tbinet and Wool Plaid Long Shawls. Misses' Plaid ShaWlB.l COOPER &; cori - AnD, se23 2t B. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Sta. IVATER-PROOF CLOAKS._ T T Fall and Winter Cloaks, for the wholesale and, ilrst-class retail trade. COOPER & CONARD, aeLl-at 5. E. Cor. NINTH and DIARKETIRts. LADIES' oLoAKTNGs— Black Beavers, Tricots, Chinchillas, velours, Water-proofs, Sackings, • &c. Fresh stock, low prices, large assartment, just the right kinds. COOPER 6r, CON ARD, se23-2t S. E. c9r...NINTII and MARKET Rcs. CABBESIERES--. All the fine and medium makes fancy and black, for Boys , wear. first-class lousiness suits, clergymen plain peat. COOrgR & CONARD, 5e23.2t S. . Cor. 2ESTIE and MARKET Stso SILK EMPRESS POPLINS, CHOICE SHADES. BILK REP POPLINS. CHOICE SHADES. IRISH rormics, owner. NEV RI-ann. OF ALL THE AND DESIRABLE COLORS. H. STEEL & SON. sat-that Noa. 713 and 715 N. TEL Street. THE PRESS.-PITITADET2.IO4, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1865: RETAIL DRY GOODS. ---- - - - • AT RETAp. • . . . JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CIIEST.NIL7I' STIEMPAT, OFFER AT POPULAR PRICES: BLACK SILKS, • - In great variety, including the best goods im ported, Royal Armares Gros Grains, Lyons Taf feta, Parisiennes, Drap de France, Drap de Lyon, Gros de Rhine, - Gros d'Afrique, &c., &a COLOB,BD SILRS • In desirable shades, embracing newest colorings in Moire Antiques and Real LyanS Taffetas, in cluding ail the desirable evening shades."' DRESS GOODS. Lupin's choicest Fabrics—Merinoes, Poplins, Velour Ruste, Silk Chain Epinglines, Crepe Eugenie, Clan Plaids, ac., &c. VELVETS. trins Cloaking Velvets, all widths, of superior fabric. SHAWLS in great variety, including latest novelties in Long and Square Cashmere Brodie; in original designs. Mourning Goods, Linen • and Cotton Goods • Flannels, Blankets, fix, Go, WHOLESALE ROOMS UP-STAIRS. • se2:6-et MADDER PRINTS REDUCED TO 25c. CIIEWEN STODDART A. BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, se2Z-St Above. Willow, 12-4 FINE HEAVY BARNSLAY SHEETINR., sl.7s.—Just from auction, at the above low price. IDURWEN STODDART Jo BROTHER, • A - 05. ID% 152 and 454 North .SECOND , Meet, Above Willow. MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES, of all_grades and sizes. CIJIMEN STODDART et BROTHER, Noe. 450, 452 and 45.1 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. SUPERB QUALITY BLANKETS.- A full line of Blankets, comprising all sizes and grades. CITRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450,452 and 454 North SECOND Street, above Willow. TTEAVY GRAY BLANKETS, at low prices. ounwEN STODDAILT & BROTHER, Kos. 450, 4521 and 454 North SECOND Street, ReM-St Above. Willow. EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Have now open a full stock of "Lupin's" French Merinoes. it Lupin's) , Mouslin de Lotus, Silk-faced Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplins. All-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styles. Meh-figured all-wool Cashmeres. Rich styles of Wool De Laines. Polka Rot De Lahms and Reps. Dress Goods, in great variety, of our own Im portation. sell 628 Itawn, SKIRTS.-NEW 628 628 at Ilopkins , Manufactory, No. 628 ARCH Street. Our assortment is complete containing full lines of Ladies',Misses', and Children's Skirts, of every style, lngth, and size, which, for finish, durability, and cheapness, are unequalled by any other hoop skirts made, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Skirts made to order, altered., and repaired. Also, good Eastern-made skirts, from fifteen . to forty springs, at very low prices. 'Wholesale and,re tall. seS-1m! SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS SHEPHERD PLAIDS, LW GREAT VARIETY, IN ALL-WOOL IiA.XONY, VOTJI.A.III) DE I.AINE, TOILE DU NORD, pafoosiDibb).4Satui7,--4D4 FOR SALE BY PIECE OR PACKAGE, BY HALLOWELL, GARDNER 8c CO., 613 CHESTNUT Street FINANCIAL. OFFICE FOR THE BALE OF GOVERNMENT LOANS JAY COOKIE Sr, CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS' Having Removed tempoMrily to NO. 305 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for sale, at lowest market rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AS rouows u.s. 7.30 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 16,1864. Do. do. do. June 15,1866. Do. do. do. July 15,186.5. BONDS OF 1881. 5-20 LOAN OF 1862. 57510 LOAN OF 1864. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Information given concerning all kinds of Secu rities. Collections on all points made at lowest rates. an24-tjal CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, tOO SOUTH FOURTH STREET. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CAPITAL 8750,000. Tills Bank will issue Certificates of Deposit bear ing interest, on favorable terms. ALEX. ERVIN, Jr., CASHIER. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 22, 1885. se23-5t NEW PUBLICATIONS§ pUBLISHED THIS DAY. MATCH-MAKING; OR. FAMILY MANO=EUVRES. BY 711 E AUTHOR. Or " THE ITEI , TPECKED HUSBAND,""THE OLD LOVE AND TnENEw, , " Tun MARIO/LNG MAN," &C., &C. A perfect picture of manners and morals in that forced state of society in which we live. Marriage able daughters and match-making mothers, with all the subtle diplomacy of female ingenuity for ob taining a settlement, are admirably daguerreotyped. Tee work is brilliant and full of interest."—London Qtcartdrly. There is much tact and knowledge of the world— and especially of female character—ln this work; while its narrative is deeply interesting and its scenes so true to life, as to seem familiar to OUrtmil experienee." — BilVe Weekly. Dießsenger. PRICE FIFT - 1 CENTS. Mailed - free of postage A. t y o , f F o r blo t 5 . 11 er 22 ANN Street, N. Y. MACKENZIE IN THE LARYNGO SCOPE, With numerous Illustrations. Published THIS DAY: THE USE OF THE LARYNGOSCOPE, in Dies eases of the Throat. with-an Appendix on Rhino scony. By Monxu, Maciaszin, M. D. Loud. M. R. C. P., Physician to the Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat; Corresponding Member of the Impe rial Royal boetel of ehysieians of Vienna, &c., &c., &c., with IL USTBATION, ALSO, A complete Classified and Priced Catalogue of MEDICAL BOOKS, which wilt be furnished gratis, upon application. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, se22 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. NEW AND SUPERIOR BOOKS. LESSONS FOR SCHOOLS, taken from the Holy Scriptures, in the words of the Text. 300 pp. 12m0.0 per 100 copies. Single copies, by mall, 57 V scuts. tis adlultaltly adapted for school purposes. RHYMES FOR THE .NURSEItY. By the author of "Oriminal Poems." A new and beautifully il lustrated edition. Extra cloth, 75 cts. THE ROUND PICTURE STORIES. A nice little book, made on purpose for children. 18mo. 30 ets. NIU AT THE TAVERN; Or, Nobody's Boy. By the author of "Natio Lee, 15 "Little Light," &e. 18mo., cloth. 40 cents. H THREE UNDRED YEARS AGO; or the Story of Lelian. Unto., cloth. 60 cents. WAY TO TILE HEART OF CHILDHOOD; Or, Seed Sown in Spring-time. 18010., cloth. 40 cents. Just published and for sale by THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL. - UNION, No. 1122 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia, and 599 BROADWAY, New York. SeV.-3t LATE PUBLICATIONS.-AN EXAM INATION OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON'S PHILOSOPHY, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in hie Writing.. By John Stuart MIII, in two volumes Nano. HONOR • OR THE SLAVE-DEALEWS DAUGH TER. By Stetien G. Buiench. THE BRAD AND THE EAR.—Thoughts for a young Man. By A. B. Muzzey. LISSERTATIohiS AND DiSCUSSIONS.—PoUII- Cal. Philosophical and Historical. By John Stuart Mill 1 volumes mo. All the new books received as soon as published, and for Bale JANES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Martien,) se2o 606 CHESTNUT Street. MILITARY. — UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid Induce. ments held out to all entering , the Marine Corps', glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street. Philadelphia, between 9 A. N. and a P. M. even , day except Sunday. CHARLES HEY - WOOD, lyi Cantata and Recruiting (Meer. rIOWOOLLEN MA.NUFACTURERS.- 0 ;I.l,!.rili?girinrmorn7otrilrlitellgulLti2tal IttT4 pliable, and - take less alkali to cleanse it. For sate by G. A. & E. A. LANDELL, se2s-6t* No. 110 North DELAWARE Avenue. HEATING AND STEAM PIPES-ON hand and for sale In quantities to suit pur chasers. 4•lneb,sV-inch and 7-inelt FLANGED DEXTIriG AND STEAM PIPES. face. and drilled, SERVIINT k 00., se23-3t . No. 44 South SEVENTH ktreet. SVIIGITET •ft SONS. , COMMISSION MERCIFIANTS, AND Importers or HAVANA CIGARS and TOBACCO, st2l-un Rll6 South FRONT Wool. WALL, PAPERS. NEW 'PALI; B.TYLEI3 PHILADELPHIA WALL PAPERS: HOWELL & BOURKE, Foetidll and Marlief. Streets, MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER 1-IA-DrerlNG-S WINDOW SHADES. atill-fmw2m MILLINERY. P. GILL & CO. HAVE NOW OPEN A. FULL LINE OF HANDSOME FALL BONNETS, HATS, AND MILLINERY GOODS, • AIso,CHOICE FLOWERS, RIBBONS, and OR NAMNTS for the Bair. E. P. GILL •Sc CO., sel2 - 120 120 ARCH Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21, 1885. The undersigned hare this day entered into part nership, under the firm-name of RALSTON & RID DLE, to transact the business of importing and selling DRUGS and DYESTUFFS. F. W. RALSTON, (Late of LoJASwber Ralston), . C. B & IDDLE, se2l-12t 122 WALNUT street, DISSOLUTION.- TH E PARTNER SHIP heretofore existing between the under signed, under the style of BROWN & CALVERT, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. GEORGE R. BROWN, CHARLES W. F. CALVERT) lieneral r &Aitken. GEORGE M. ROBES() , Special Partner. AUGUST 80, 1865. seB.6t&mat COPARTNERSHIP- NOTICE.--T H B Undersigned have thin day entered into a ea partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, WANN_ __& CO., for the transaction o MARKETE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1908 St. A. BRUNER, SE.. D. C. WANI • A. BRUNICB,'JR. PHILADELTHIAs July 8,1166. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad vantages. REMOVALS. REMOVAL.-- P. Sr, CO., WHOLESASE HAT MANUFACTURERS, Have this day removed their Factory and Sales room to No. 308 CI - IEIIIIV STREET, • BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH. se2s-3t REMOVAL. • OFFICE FOB THE SALE. OF GOVERN MENT LOANS. JAY COOKE Sc during the alterations necessary in the enlargement of their old office, have taken the commodious Rooms, No. 305 CHESTNUT Street, next door to the Bank of North America, where they W Ibe pleased to see their oht friends. ser.3-lm REMOVAL -NOTICE.-THE OFFICE of the Excelsior Oil Company is removed to Room No. 24 Merchants , Exchange. sel6-30t R EMOVAL.-BENEDICT MILLER , - 3 - 11) UMBRELLA and PARASOL Manufacturer, has removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. ses4m* if INSURANCES. INSURANCE. FORNAN P. HOLLINSIIEAD. WIC CtRAVES. HOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 230 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Fire, Life, Marine and Inland Insurances effected In the best companies, at the lowest rates. sel2-bn LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE eiTY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. Assigned Estate of GILBERT M. BASTABLE. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and ad4ust the account of ROBERT .S. raONALL, Trustee of the Assigned Estate of GILBERT M. RARTARLE (for the State of rcnik sylvania), of Baltimore, D., under deed of as signment dated March 2d,1861 recorded at Philadel phia, in Deed Book A. C. B'., No. 7, page 342, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands or the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on FRIDAY, Se_ptenaber 29th, BM, at 3 o'clock P. M., at the Office of Henry C. Townsend, Esq., No. 811 ARCH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. GEORGE T. REISS, 5e18,20,22,25 . ,27-5t 5 Auditor. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON the Estate of TFIOIIIAb'MILLS, late of the city of Philadelphia, Clerk decease, having. been granted to the undersigned, all persons - having claims or demands against the estate of the said de ceasant.are requested to present them for payment, and those indebted to said estate , to make payment to AGNES MILLS, sep4-m6w* No. 2222 LOMBARD Street. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -1 1 - CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIIIJADELPEEIA. - - Estate of FRANCIS S. LEWIS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the CI part to audit, settle, and adjust the second and linal account of SAUNDERS LEWIS, Esq., Administrator of FRANCIS S. LEWIS, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, - will meet the parties interested, for the pur poses of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 3d day of October, at 4 o'clock P. M. at his °dice, No. 4-29 WALNUT Street, in the citi• or Philadelphia. JOSEPH P. MARCER, se2o-wfma, Auditor. F A. HOYT' & BROTHER • Have now on hand A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP 3130Y&3' to which they invite the attention of their ens toilers and the public In general. A fine line of goods for DIEN'S and BOYS' WEAR -to make to order, F. A. HOYT & BRO., ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. se2o-wrtnl2t SPECIAL NOTICE. I have made arrangements to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY,' In my present store, and will continue to sell first class FURNITURE at very low prices, until further notice. GEO. J. HENKELS, seldm SOO and 811 CHESTNUT Street. TO DRUGGISTS, GLASSWARE DEALERS, AND OTHERS IN THE TRADE. —The report circulated by the manufacturers en daged in the above business, that the Blowers were emanding an advance of 25 per cent. ou last year's prices being incorrect, it is deemed of sufficient im portance to notify the Trade that, on the contrary, the Blowers are resisting an attempted reduction of 2o _per cent. By order of the Convention of Blowers held in Camden, September 21st, 1865. For further particulars, see Pinchers , Trade Re view. • se22-2t* PERSONS SEEKING MEDICAL AID would do well to consult Dr. C. A. DUMAS, N 0.1037 WALNUT street, for prompt and effi cient treatment. Distant patients consulted by letter, and reme dies forwarded to any address. sel4-1m• PREFERENCE IS " -DUE TO AMMI CAN MANUFACTITTIES. --HODGSON'S Che mical WRITING PLUM COPYING INK, AND CARMINE INK For sale hp StationerS and Druggists, and by the manufacturer, WM. HODGSON, Office, No. 103 North TENTH Street sel3.wfunm Philadelphia. COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DIJON AND OANVAIi. of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Dna. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to five feet wide; Paulins Bolane Sell Twine, Sce. • JOHN No Evraamw & CO., noa-tf No. 103 JONAS , Snell'. BAKER'S POPULAR HAIR ESTAB LISHMENT—The assortment of Braids, wigs, Toupees, Banbeaux, Popillons, Bouleaux, Ton dues, Frizzes, Crimpaes, Curls, Illusive Seams for Ladies, cannot be equalled by any other house in the United States at prices lower than elsewhere. No. 909 CHEST/401 r Street. se2t-Im* BENJAMIN F. BLOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having been recently discharged from the army, has resumed the practice of the law• and having been appointed a Commissioner of 13eeds for the most of the States, by the Governors thereof, is au thorized to take depositions;' acknowledgment of deeds, itc., to be used or recorded therein. Oilice, No. 614 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. ' au2s-1m SPE C I A L NOTICE,-ALL NEGA TIVES in my possession, of two years stand ing and upwards, will be destroyed within one month, unless secured by purchase or special re quest. F. GUTEKUNST, Photographer, 704. ARCH Street. sell-wfmet* THE CHEAPEST AND BEST.-THE PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY CLEAN CARPETS On their "Boston Carpet Cleaner," in the but wanner. Carpets taken up and net down when de ired, without trouble to housekee re. Send or ders to PRESTON NINTH LWNDRY. 1520 South NINTH St. P. O. Box 2OM. seft-wfmlat HAVANA' CIGARS AND GUAVA JELLY.—Frcali invoices, assorted, just in store, per steamer Columbia, and offered low to dealers. Cars t comprising . trigaro,_ Espanola, Filantropa, &c. S. FUGTJET & SONS ,Importers, se2l-12t 216 South FRONT Street. MESSDS. J. A. GANDARA & CO., HAVANA, CUBA, oiler their services to those desiring to purchase any of the products of the Island, and solicit Con signments of Vessels. Provisions, and Approved Hoods, upon which they liberal cash advances, through Messrs. S. FIARTET & bows, Phiiadel phia, to whoa, they refer. fle2l-/ni 'WINDOW SHADES-ONLY MAND- Y If FACTORY OF FINE SHADES IN THE CITY —CLARK N. WEST. corner of SIXTH and CHEST NUT Sts.—Store Shades made and lettered; orders made cheaper, better and quicker than InNew York. Dealers call; exandce stock ready made. se2l.-4t5 CORN EXCHANGE BA.G MANUFACTORY. 10,000 Cotton Seamless Bags. meta Linen ilth do, 20,000 Jute 410- no. In store and for sale by JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., 0e14.201. 113 North FRONT Street 'HAVING PURCHASED VIE ENTIRE Steck and Interest of the late SAMUEL fiTh- GAIMEE, Esti , I will continue the business at the old stand, DELAWARE Avenue, above Poplar street. • JOHN A. BRUNER. PHILADRLPHIA, Sept. 15, 1815, gel9-12t. B ASER BALL CLUBS WILL FIDID A full stock of Bases, Balls, Score-134Np, Spikes, Shoes, Belts, and Boles of Game at ..PHILIP withox & eO. , S, aq 4401 409 cIigSTMIT Street. EDIICATIONAL. RETURNED AND DISABLED SOL 'DIEM will find the readiest means of hollol-il.. ble and lucrative employment in a good Comae al Education. A full preparation for business can be acquired at little expense, and in a short period of time, at BRYANT. STRATTON & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College AMEMBLY MTILDINo, S. W. corner Of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. A liberal deduction will tic made in all cases worthy of such consideration. ser.s-2t E PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL JL. INSTITUTION for • YOUNG- MEN. BRYANT, ST COMMERCIALNNISTER' NA TIONALCOLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BUILDING, • S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTM Streets. InstruCtion in Bookkeeping lu an itedepartments and applications, Commercial Arithmetic, Com mercial LitW, penmanship, Business CorrespOad emu Forms, Telegraphing, Ac. This is the only Institution in the State where a full knowledge of all the details of business can be acquired, through the aid of a perfected SYSTEM OF BUSINESS TRAINING, representing the actual operations of the principal branches of trade and commerce. THE PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT Is in Operation both day and evening, affording to young men who are engaged during the day an Op nortunity to obtain a thorough knowledge of Book, keeping and business by attending evenings only. Can or send fora circular. , sers-2t - - MADAME EGERIE JULES MAR TIN. MODERN CALISTHISNICS; • Or, course of PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Approved by the Clergy, Surgeons and PhysiclMO of Philadelphia. as well as by the principals of the best Schools, whose names are appended, by antho rit exercises have been approved of and au thorized at St. Mary's Hall School, Burlington, New Jersey, on the 4th of August, /t15(4 by the late Rt. Rev. U. W. Doans, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of New Jersey, and have been continued since that time with marked success and the happiest results. Classes will be attended to at Boarding Schools, provided that each class consists of not less than twelve pupils. REFERENCES! Late Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., (Bishop of Pennsylvania); Rt. Rev. W. B. Stevens, D. D., Bishop of Pennsylvania); Rev. John A. Vaughan, Rev. John B. Clemson D. D. Rev. Charles Wheeler', D. D., Rev. Wm. 11. Furness, Rev. Wm. CrAsswell Doane, Prof. Samuel Jackson, M. D. H. Lennox Hodge, M. D. , Paul B. Goddard, M. ' D., Joseph Pancoast . M. V., George W. Norris, M. D., S. D. Gross, H. D., Franklin Gauutt, M. D., (Bur lington, New Jersey), Rt. Rev. James Wood, D. D., (Bishop of Philadelphia); Very Rev. Charles J. Carter, Convent of the Sacred Heart, (Eden Hai. Pa.); Aeadony of the Sisters of Dlercv, Alfred St)lle, M. D., John Neill, M. D. R. La Roche, M. D., Caspar Morns, M. D., John Bell, M. D. George Moehrlng, M. D.,-William V. Heating, M. D. J. V. Patterson ., H. D., Francis West, H. D. Rt. Rev. W. IL Odenheimer, D. D. (Bishop of 'New Jerses)tßer. Elvin K,.blulth, T C. _rineipal Si. Ma gesg Hall, ry a" '& 13 1/1=1 ) Y,Tts =TAIT bIe, Misses Burk, Miss Mary E. Thropp, Miss Brooks and Sirs. Hall, Madame, lement, (German mantown, Pa.); Miss Carr, (Linwood Hall, Va.), Miss Carpentler. se2s-msm at PRIVATE DANCING SCHOOL (WHERE VISITORS ARE NOT ADMITTED.) MADAME EGERIE JULES MARTIN, aware that many parents object to their children attending public Dancing Academies, will open private classes at her residence, on MONDAYS. from until 5i o'clock and on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS at the NATATORIUM, BROAD and WALNUT, from 3% until 6 o'clock. She will give every attention to dancing and deportment. Should ladles, with parents or friends, like to learn any new Dances separately, Mrs. Martin will make arrangements for them. For circulars, apply at Mrs. Martin's residence, MO SPRUCE Street. se2s-memZG PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER.—The duties of this Institusionwill be resumed on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7Th. The following gentlemen compose the Board of Trustees: Hon. James Pollock, LL. D. President; Capt. William Apple, Vice President,• 'W. F,. Bar ber, Esq., Secretary; James H. Orne, Esq., Treasu rer; Rev. Richard Newton, D. D. Rev. Thomas Brainerd,l3..D.• Hon. Oswald Thomson, Hon. Charles O'Neill, Hon...W. E. I d einau, Major Gen. 0. W, Crawford, Col. Win. Bell Waddell, Major Wayne MeVeagh; Messrs. Joseph B. Townsend, James L. Claghorn, Charles B. Dungan, George I. Russell, Wm. 7... Springs, Addison May, and T. B. Peterson. Cadets may pursue an English,, or Sci entific course of studies, at the option of parents. The Academic Staff is composed of twelve profes sors and instructors,who have been educated in our best institutions, apd have had an extensive and successful experience in the trainlft of youth. A graduate of the United States Military Academy of experience and ability, conducts the Military be thet.The moral and religious instruction of Cadets is carefully attended - to For circulars, apply to James H. Arne, Egg,: NO. 636 Chestnut street T. B. Peterson,Esq.,No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, or to Col. THEO. HYATT, President Penna. Military Academy. I --A. NSTRUCTION IN FRENCH. - 11 - Young Lady, born and educated in Paris, will give Lessons in French in private families,or at her own dwelling. The successful experience in teaching during the last few years, by a new and improved method, enables her to promise to her pupils a perfect knowledge. of the French Language in a short time. For terms and references, apply from s to 12 and from 2 to 5, at No. 827 North SIXTH Street. se9-smth24t*lf A T4ACHER WHO HAS HAD SOME years experience in Lis profession public and private schools and in families, desires a situation. Refers to prominent men of Philadelphia and vici nity, by whom he has been employed. Address "P.," Press °ince. sel9-6t5 PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, northwest corner of CHEbTNUT and EIGHTHEENTH Sts. Rev. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D., Principal. se2A-Be THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL of the subscriber, S. Ea corner Of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 11. rau2B-Im.) B. KENDALL. SIGNOR P. RONDINELLA—ITALIAN and English.SinginK_Lessons.. Residence, S.W, cornet litlttiAD and FMB, se2l-In:i. CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE MINARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD- Mt AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dillaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Sesalon wlllosn WEDNESDAY, September lath, at 1615 Qua:WMUT Street, Particulars from Circulars. al/la-tool THOMAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH mathematical.,snd Classical School for Boys, N. B. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep ta:Ms! 4. au2.5-ine ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND MA THEMATICAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 Southwest PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. 11th. pu29-2m. JOBEITE DAVISON, Principal. WILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL reopen Lis CLASSICAL and t NGL IS H SCHOOL at No. 1112 MARKET Street, on MON ISAY, September 4. au29.4ln* fIATELLRINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE ..., OPEN her School, at No. 4 SOUTHWEST PENN Square, on the 11th of Ninth Month, (Sep tember,) 1885. MISS LYMAN'S SCHOOL FOR TOVNG LADIES, No. 256 South BROAD Street, will reopen. WEDNESDAY, September Mtb, eu.29-dtseMmwBtoot TWO -YOUNG LADIES, GRADUATES of one of the best New England Colleges, are about opening a private school, and desire a few more pupils. Kerman, French, and Latin thorough ly taught. EMMA FISKE, Se232t* 1213 North FOURTH Street. THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL sCROOL of A. B. SHEARER, A.M. Nortb, 'lost corner Of CHESTNUT and TW , Sts., (second will reopen. on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms, references, (wc., see Circulars; to beob tained at Mr. Hassard's Drug Store, or from the Principal, at the School Rooms, every morning, be tween le and 123‘ o'clock. au.25-Ims VIBITING GOVERNESS.-A LArit, r who has just completed an engagement or seye ral years, wishes to grveINSTRUC'FION, in private families or schools, in the different branches of a good English education, French, German, and Music. Best references given. Address C. N., Ep, Bookstore, Mt CHESTNUT atreet.Sela-wfinSt* A GRADUATE OF A. NEW ENGLAND College, who has had experience in teaching, desires to impart instruction a few hours each day in a private family in this city or suburban town. satilifactoryreferences given. Address "AL PH A " Press office. 5e25-st* JAMES M. CHASE, A. M. OF HAR YARD COLLEGE, Private Tutor in the Clas sics and .1.0 the higher English branches. Rooms at No. 221 South NINTH Street. set3.wflu6V A-,-•• McMULLIN WILL RESUME THE duties of her SEMINARY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN on MONDAY, September 11th, 1865, at No. 411 South. EIGHTEENTH Street, below Pine. sea-mwtl3t* - - THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL At INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER 4tll. This is the be a s t t i z i o n v . lded b 'hoot.. for boys LnNANmeIS, a . irrinelpal. S PRING -GARDEN ACADEMY- A Classical, Mathematical, an_d,Euglish School for Boys and Young Men, _corner EIGHTH. and BUT TONWOODer4. Streets, will reopenP. B MONIRCH DAY, h'eptem b, A. - 41., ou2S-ini Principal. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES A SITU ATION as Visiting or Resident GOVERNESS, to teach the English branches and French. Address “.M. 15.," at this Office. se2o-6t. "FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI -a- TUTE for Young Ladles, Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. Ti!. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. No. 2953 VRANIIFORD Road, Philadelphia. Circulars can be bad, on apPlication at the Institute,_and at Medsrs. JOHYPENNIAION & SONS, No. IST South SEVENTH Street. . WILLIAM PEWS - MTH'S CLASSI CAL and English School, No. 1008 CHEST NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY, September 4. au2B-I.m. CADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF . 4 - 11 - , No. 41 North ELEVENTH Street, reopens Ninth Month (Sept.) 4th. W. WH/TAL L. au26-Im* THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, A. DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMBER 4th. au26-2m . J. W. FAMES, D. D., Principal. MISS BROOKS AND -MRS. J. E. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at lAIS WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst. au26-2m* MISS V. P. BROWN, No. 1907 PINE reet, will (on MONDAY, Sept. 4th.) resume the duties of her School for Children, between the ages . 4 and 15. au29-1m• A BACHMANN MeIodeon, TEACHER OF TH ST R ING GARDE Organ, Violin, 922 N Street. ADVANCED PUPILS FINTSI2Itn• Classes formed 11l Harmony. APpli callous, 12 to 1 A. M.: 6 to 7 P. M. au3D-im' MARY P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will be Reopened at 1613 FILBERT St., 9th month (Sept. 11th). au9o4m* SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, PARRESBURG, Chester comity,Peunsylvanta, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School will be resumed OCTO BER ist, 1855. Terms—.l2s per session. For Circulars, apply to Misses JOYINBTON and BELLY, Principals. aUZ6-Im THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September Mb. In this Institution instruction IS thorough In every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation. French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the Institute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particulars, ad dress 1343 8 UCI St., Plillada., - Pm aulb4ra (I,HEGARA.Y INSTITUTB.-, ENGLISH and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1527 and 1529 SPRUCIt Street,-Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 'Mb. French, is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and particulars apply to au9-8m Madame DIIBEIULLY, Principal. ;MISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladies, Noi ltwo arnimin gtEts4t, -will be reopened on MONDAY, September 11: The course embraces a thorough English Education,with La dm tin, French, German, Music, Drawing, Painting,. . P sea4m* , SUSAN IIATEWItST WILL OPEN her School in the commodious rooms Southeast (entrance NINTH and SPRING- GARDEN Streets on Ninth). September 18th. Facilities ;.trill be afforded tai Young Ladies for receiving a ithoroegl, adimittioll, A Deputglent for Children, ,under a competent teacher, will be conducted upon ;the Klndergarten. or object System. Reference, fernier patrons. For further information, apply to Dr. C. N. PEIRCE, 501 N. SEYEMagSt. sett-12t" EDUCATIONAL. DIES AT THE FRENCH STUDY. . rA -a-. —The Forenoon practice commences, as Us dal, in th e first week of October. The course requ;res Ito committing. to memory—no home studies; all must be learned with the Teacher. Learner,: of French, who have been disappointed in the effect, of the memorizing methods, wit fi nd Mr. DELACROIX'S thorough course of EXplatta togs? Ornmunitr the mot rational practice for acquit , leg to spent 'and write the language in a rox,oll. able time. The French Study, No. 907 FILBERT Street. 5e2.5-if ATIL LAGE GREEN SEMINARY...". Y MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate, Thorough course of study in MathematieS, English Classics, &a. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying , and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Begins Septem ber 4tb. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP A SON, 213 South THIRD Street; THOS,J.A.YTON,_Esn., FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE P. KNOTT, RS HUDSON Street, Number limitesl, Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Tillage amen, Pennsylvania. au4-3m RIG. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Vocal Music, at his residence,l No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October 1, He may be addressed meantime through the City 'P. 0.. as above. au29-tf C ENT RAL INSTITUTE, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen BeptemPer 4th. Boys prepared for any division of 'the Public Grammar sancta, for floilefet Or for business. Special attention given to small boys. Residence, 534 North TENTH Street. au2l-6w H. G. bIeGUIRE, A. M., Principal. PRIVATE SCI3OOL, FOR BOYS—IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. E. corner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Reopens SEPT. 9, 1865. Entrance on Eighteenth street. L. BARROW_ ,8 au29-Im* JOHN .B. ,ELROY, Principals. T ND HE MISSES CASEY A MRS. -a. BEEBE will reopen their Boardinglnti bay School for Young L - adlee, No. 1103 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th ofSept. au2-2m5 WANT. WANTED-BY A SMART YOUNG T business man, who is an excellent and rapid penman, a position in some active situation. Having, during a four years' service in the field, filled the post of captain, quartermaster, and com missary, lie feels confident of Vying satisfaction where energy and ability are required. Can fur- Ws)] the most unexceptionable city references. Ad dress "J. F. M.," Box 1184 Phila. Post Office. it. WANTED —A POSITION • BY A young man as Assistant Book-keeper in a Dry Goods Commission or JobOing House.. Can furnish No. 1 reference. Adaress "kV. H." at this office. ' se2i-2t. WANTED. -AN INTELLIGENT and induatrlous young Man, haying some knowledge of the Book busluesg. Componaation fifty dollars per month. Apply, in handwriting of the applicant, addressed to - Box 207, Philadelphia Post Mee. se23-3t. WANTE D-AUENTS, MALE AND town Female . In every nettfiliorhOOd to take orders for " THE GREAT LABOR SAVER a patented article that every family wants. Will save ten times its cost yearly. Agents are making 40 to *2l per day. Only 413 to $lO capital required. Full particulars of the business sent to any ad dress on receipt of 6 cents for circulars and return postage,. Address Box 4731 WANTED—SITUATION &S TRA VELLING SALESMAN in a responsible Wholesale House: can gel any kind of gouda; be a large acquaintance in the,eountry, Speaks German and English language. Atldress STATES 'UNION HOTEL, MARKET St., " B. F. G. se23•6t* WANTED.-A DRY GOODS COMMIS• SION HOUSE will take a LAD to learn the ha shwas. Address, with age and reference, Box 237 e, Post Office. ee22-3t* WANTEWANTED -AN EXPERIENCED D-AN SALESMAN in a Wholesale and Retail Car pet House. Address "Mt:DOWELL, ROBINSON Baltimore, giving references. sel6-tf AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE AMERICAN CONFLICT, BY HORACE GREELEY. This work has no rival as a candid, lucid complete and authentic history of the Great Civil War. Its popularity is sufficiently indicated by the fact that the weekly sales of Vol. I. arc greater than those of all similar histories united. Vol. 11. will be completed at the earliest day con sistent with thoroughness and accuracy. The au thor having availed himself of the full Metal Re ports of the Confe4erate, as well as the Union au thorities, will present both sides of the great strug. gle with equal fairness. This volume will abund antly sustain the high reputation of Vol. I. [From the Aibaii Evening Journal.] No man in America is more conversant with the subject than Mr. Greeley, and none more competent to do it justice. a * a • * * * * * We con fess that in this work we are agreeably disappoint ed. It is pervaded by a spirit of catholicity and a freedom from partisan leaning that some of his best friends did not expect. [From the New York Herald.] ' "The American Conflict," by Horace Greeley, may prove to the progressive 4liiiikerg of na tions a work of miner interest with Napoleon's "Life of (briar." a a The Emperor, with his mighty legions at his back, has been the leader of the nations during the past Gib ty centuries; the Editor, with his burning thoughts printed in front, will be the leader of the nations in the fifty centu ries to come. [From the New York Leader.] No public man, whatever his polities and preju dices may be should refuse to it a prominent place in his library. [From the Cincinnati Enquirer.] It is, of course a history from a stand - point of observation far distant from our own, and from the Democracy generally, but it is marked by much less prejudice, and is disfigured by far less partisan feeling than most of our friends would imagine. It contains a vast amount of information, and is alto gether ruperlor for reference to any yonnue on the subject that has yet Rumored. [From the London Daily News.) We earnestly recommend this history as a work of smirked ability and perfect good faith. No per son of candor, whatever may be his opinions, could read it without feeling indebted to the author. [Front the London Saturday Bellew.) Mr. 'Greeley is qualified above all his contempo raries for the task which he has undertaken. * * * No writer has shown more fully how the leaders of the South were gradually tempted and encouraged into a fatal and almost inexplicable mistake. ' Address 0. D. CASE & Co. Publishers at Hart ford, Conn.; Becton, Mass:: Cleveland, ObloiGin cinnati, Ohio; and Detroit, SUM. ; C. DERny, General Agent, No. 5 Spruce street, New York; GEO, & C. W. SHERWOOD, Cl,kieago, 111, ltd&lLW • AGENTS WANTED TO SELL IN phu n d e i l thi n , • INlaware. Montgomery and Bucks cOnnties, Me great .§cene op Time and Eterni• fib with the'rriend of the Bible; picture of extraordi nary interest and value. Fine chance for agents. Address JAMES BULLAMORh, Nnrth FI F THoo o. 30, Street, Re22-I.M. Phlladelphla. • A G T S WANTED FOR THE xx- STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR, com plete in one large royal octavo volume of over 1,000 papa, Splendidly illustrated with 127 tine portsits of Brenerals and battle scenes. This le just the book the people want. It 'presents a rare chance for agents. Teachers, ladies_, energetic Mem and espe- Many returned and disabled Officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, wilt find it pe culiarly adapted to their condition. blend for circu lars, Address 'JOBB& BROS. & CO., auM-lraWit* "rlllladelphiii, Pa." AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York _Tribune Correa- The nut, most interesting o and de exciting book ever pub lished embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the South in the steret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both Bad and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his capture; hie Cinlfille fftent for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and. almost miraculous Jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact., incident, and romance of the war than any other work published: Horace Greeley says: " A greatmany boots will yet be written concern ing this war, in addition to the many already in print; but not one of them will give within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation,of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies, andinstrumentall ties of the siavehoiders , Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Richardson." Teachers. ladies. energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing SUP per month, which we will prove to any doubtin applicant. bend for circulars. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO.. N. E. corner SLIIITH and Streets, attl7-2m. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work, the most complete, only aa thenlic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, A CO., Philadel phia, Pa. aula-lm" AGEXTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OP THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 NorthMEIMICK Street. northwest of Penn Sauare. Philada., Pa. au2B-13n. NOTICE 'TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING BUSINESS IN TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience, and acquainted with the coun try and people Of Texas, is soon to return there on private business. Colleetions and other IllnilllC66 will be promptly and properly attended to while there, if entrusted to his bands. Address "Loyal at this office. STORE WANTED ON MARKET btrvet, hetat'aen Second and Foullh, by first of January. A liberal rent Will be paid. Address " .1. BARTLESON, , ' this of se2.o-wfm 3t* TO CAPITALISTS:-A THOROUGH. ..a.LI wiIIOTIVACed Party having made prelimina ry arrangements for egtaliltalling 11WHULBOALE OLOTBfI ti HOUSE in this city on a firm and libe ral basis, desire to admit an additional PARTNER, either active or silent, with capital of from $20,1E0 to loom. All correspondence strictly confidential, and most Rive real name, and address "AMERI CAN ENTERPRISE," Pl'eBB 011ie. ae23-3t. TO, OIL COMPANIES.—AN EXPE RIENCED Secretary and Treasurer offers Ills OFFICE and SERVICES to such Companies as would wish to reduce this item of their expense. Best references given. For further particulars ad dress, for two 'weeks, "AIibTERDMiI" F M " Office. sell-Sts q 4 000 TO LOAN (TRUST) FUND on mortgage ofetty.propert.Y. E. CAMPENTEIt Se SON, - se22-Ct*' Rag South THIRD Street.. ft WANTED—FOR SIX MONTHS Arat from let Nov., by a family 'without children, a Furnished 'Residence, pleasantly situated, worth from *75 to $lOO per month. Apply to I. MAO GREGOR. - se?a-mwfat 419 WALNUT Street. I! WANTED TO RENT FOR THE agnWINTER—A Furniehed DWELLING In Ger mantown. Address I'. 0. Box 2317. se 2-3t* BOARDING. COUNTRY BOARDING.-MRS. BROOKE purposeS keeping her house, ut Mt. airey (near the Stutton)_open December. Apply t. the I...age, or MN WALNUT St. seZ2-3t. THOTOGRAPHS OF ENGINES, CAR RIAGES, and Machinery, taken at foundries and machine works. Apply to B. F. REIMER, Photographer, 624 ARCH Street. Pictures care fully executed, and of satisfactory character. it* LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL Colors; superior style likenesses, admired by all for their striking resemblance to the originals. la ud° ht B. F. EIMER'S Gallery, GRA Allen Street. le --- COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS F 0 R *1.50. Come MIC and all, and secure yourselves all litvantable,inteness, colored artistically, accu rate, durable and cheap, REIMER'S, VE.002113 Street, above tareett. See specimeuil. 11. HAVANA CIGARB.-A GOOD VA. RIETY constantly In store and bond, at lON eat east. rates. n. YUGUET 'it SONS, MII4-61:0 No. 416 South FRONT Street. 44T NEVER HAD A. GOOD PICTURE 1 BEFORE V' exclaimed one of Philadelphia's fairest daughters, as she gazed with delight on her Photo-Miniature, made at CREMER & MLLON , S, ISSouth EIGHTH Street. N. IL o —Albums and BtercMes great sel6-Imif variety. i_ton —G. Ez S. CRYSTAL, D. P.—s2o. KwAdm• *l,OOO a year can be realized gilding and Va n , qX t o tp ol t a ti , ‘' aatl Y tr i Nr i gt c l i oT llet:e.t. Agents wanted. L. let T URD gc CO., 39 NAbSii.l3 Street,New York. Send for a Circular. se23-110 - PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA with fait °I" char ac ter' gtveul Ai J. ota.E._q, oc/ 2- yrrugr No. 45 South TENTH 'Areet. , FOR SALE-A HANDSOME Brown Stone Residence on WALNUT Street. above Twentieth. WM. ROSSELL ALLEN se2s-31' S. E. cor. FOURTH and WALA • ea FOR SALE—A FARM OF 250 meAcres, near Goshen, New Jersey. Also, 01le of 22 acres. WM. ROSSELL ALLEN._ 8c25.3t* cor. FOURTH and WALNUT. k&k&FOE SALE-A NEAT EIGHT ROOM HOUSE with back buildings, near Balti more Depot; only $3,200. Immediate pogeeesion. se2s-3t. • V. u. STITES, 332 WALNUT St. FOR SALE,-AN ELEGANT AND limalarge double Dwelling* House, on WALNUT Street below Broad street, with Coach House and Stable attached. liame.llate possession. Apply to CHARLES RHOADS, Converancer, No. 36 S. SEVENTH Street, V.025-2t Aboyo chesaut street tSPLENDID INVESTMENT.-FOR sale, a line Store Property, situated on CHEST NUT Street, near Eighth. paying nine per cent. net income on price. Apply to E. R. JONES, .Di'fa POI WALNUT Street. IIIaFOR SALE—No. 2312 GREEN Street—A Three•story HOUSE, with all the modern hppj•oyemeuts; now being repaired. Apply at 1716 GREEN Street. aeZi-at* do FOR SALE-2111 BRANDYWINE mai Street, with immediate possession; in good or der. Price. $3,400. Northeast corner Twenty-third and Spring Gar den streets: possession soon; $6,500. 2028 and 2030 Master street. 968 Poplar street; possession soon: 4< 2 , 70 0. 1002 Mount Vernon street; posseskinti soon. 250 South Tenth street; vacant; 0,000. 905 Filbert street; 61,500. Warnock street,sixth house south of Montgomery avenue; $2,800. - Fortptint otreCt , and Poplar: lot 6ox150: 1.2 500. R. P. 0 GEN 44 123 South FOURTH Street, sea and S. W. cor. Seventeenth and Green. LFOR SALE--NO. 1009 WALNUT FOR vacant, Neat Four-story Brown stone Front DWELLING. Lot 20 by 130 to a Street. WEST PHILADELPHIA. . — NEAT COTTAAg DWELLING, Southwest corner FORTY-SECOND and PINE Streets. Immediate possession. $7,000. DARBY ROAD, FOUR MILES FROM THE CITY.—Two very Elegant Cottage-style MAN SIONS 4 all In goo 4 order. Large Lots, Stable, &c. Grounds beautifully - laid out anti eitiliollhilted with Shade and Fruit Trees. Prices $B,OOO and $6,500. Immediate possession. MILLER, se23-sinw3tll SIXTH and WALNU f. drg AR CH STREET BUSINESS RA Place, No. 908, Immediate P 0.5808151141. fPr Pale by A. P. MORRIS, 016 AROR Street. dre FOR SALE—WITH IMMEDIATE minlpossesslon. dwelling No. 1504 PINE Street. Use of furniture may be had for six months. Address fox No. 1219 Post Office. ocN--4* TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE.— ..A...About 2,000 acres of White Pine White Oak and Hemlock Thnher Lands, in CLIN'f'ON COUNTY, Pennsylvania, near station on the Philadelphia and. Eric Railroad. Several convenient. Will be sold cheap, and on_ good terms. Aptly to GEO. W. GRIFFIN, Real Estate Broker, se-6t 134 South FOURTH Street. 0,4 FOR SALE—THE DESIRABLE asaIDWELLING.with side yard_ M . No. 711 GREEN Street. Can be seen Otter 9 M. Possession No vember Ist. Apply to BACON & WARDER, WALNUT Street. se2l-6t. R. WAYVELL, Chicago, IRMO'. se23-160 et FOR SALE-VACANT-A NEAT JIM ten-roomed house, central, in gcod repair; suitable for Physician or Dentist t ternetensy. sep2o-Bt* WARE, 40a LIBRARY Street. fa FOR SAL E—A NEAT TWO- Wilistory Brick House, No. 724 GREEN Street. Possession given at once. Apply to ELI DILLIN, 1218 GREEN Street; Dry Goods Store. sel9-6t. f REAL ESTATZ.--HUNDREDS OF applications daily for property. Executors administrators, assignees, and others wishing to dispose of Real Estate, would do well to call on me at once. No charge unless a sale is ef fected. New Monthly Catalogue Js now being compiled, and will he issued shortly, GEORGE C. MILLER , Real 'Estate Broker,_ sel9-5t SIXTH and 'WALNUT. • IFOR SALE.-THE KENSINGTON .2-STEAM SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORY Will be offered at Public Sale, WEDNESDAY AF TERNOON, Sept. 27, at 3 OMIOok, on the preplises, GERMANTORW Road and SKOOND Street. The above well-known property, situated on lot 40 feet front on Germantown road, and extending In depth 190 feet to Sophia street. Fronting on Germantown road are two two three•story brick STORES and DWELLINGS. with back buildings and all the modern iniprovemenbit also, a brick Stable and Carriage-house. Near the centre of the lot it A three-story brick Factory', 40x3'1 feet, containing one large steam-boiler. box for condensed steam, soap pans, soda tubs and receivers, rendering and melting pans, coolers., copper-lined tallow tubs, pumps, coils, plpes. &e. with all the necessary apparatus for manufacturing Soap and Candles in the most approved manner. The above property is one of the most desirably located for business in the city, and will be sold clear of incumgrances. If desi4ed, the Dwelling houses and Stores will be sold separate from the factory. Terms at sale. For plan and further Information, apply to JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, sel3-12t 4-22 WALNUT Street. cm — OR SALE-HANDSOME VIL-in LA count? SRAM, With about twentv acreci of Land, beautifully fully situated, ten miles from Phila delphia, and a mile and a half from a station, with frequent communication. The louse has water throughout, permanent wash-stands and tubs, ben mile gas and other modern conveniences; was built by the owner,A who has now left the country. Loca tion eminently healthy. Address it Box 2075 " post oftice. selS•fmwat. FOR SALE-CHESTER COUN-Mi ARANY FARM-100 acres excellent 5011.,2,50111e5,..16. southeast °Med Grove Station, OIL tIIV P.4ittinare Central Railroad. Good buildings, lirst-rate or chard, &c., B. F. GLENN, se23 123 South FOURTH Street. 4" FOR SAL E-EIGHTY-ACREAS FARM, In Delaware county, two nailer be low Darby; excellent coil, well watered: large buildings, in good order, and large orchard of choice fruit. B. F. GLENN, 8e23 123 South FOURTH Street. iff FOR SAL E-FARM OF 4511 n .121tACRES. at Cambridge Station, 91 1 Camden...L. and Amboy Railroad, ten miles above (Inman - a; inia deride buildings; good soil for early vegetables, and fronting on the Delaware river. B. F. GLENN. sew 123 South FOURTH Street. ett REAL ESTATE—REAL ESTATB, $5,000 1 000 . WORTH FOR BALL New Catalogue just out for Gratuitous Distribution. GEO. C. MILLER ,Real Estate Broker, 6C23-51/1W RH SIXTH anti WALNUT. et FOR SALE—No. 4314 WALNUT MK Street. Immediate possession. Large build• ing: now occupied as offices. Lot 25 feet front by 14Ofeet deep. MILLER, Se23.4til SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. fit FOR SALE-IMMEDIATE PO9- JOAUSESSION.—PINE Street, west of Fifteenth, Elefaut Four-story Brown-stone Front DWELL ING-. Lot 2.0 by 140 to a street. MILLER tie23-sum3tif . SIXTH and WALNUT. 112 TO CAPITALISTS. FOR BALE. A TRACT OF LAND fronting , Lemon Hill Park, containing FORTY ACRES. The whole will be sold together, or in squares. The following streets run through it: East and West—Parrish. Lemon, Pop lar, Park, Girard avenue, Pleasant, Thompson, and Sheldon streets: north and SOUtII, Twenty-eighth, Twenty-ninth (or Lauding avenue,) Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets. This property lies between Girard College and Pennsylvania avenue. It is one of the lineal loca tions for elegant building lots in the city, the gromid very high: it overlooks Inc city, and has eighteen liunaPail and tifty.eight feet &vat 911 In Lemon Hill Park.lnquire of - MATTHEW NEWKIRK, sell-9t Office No. 320 WALNUT Street. MR SALE ? A BUSINESS STAND- Four-utory Brovrii Nouse, No. 824 Wal nu t Crect Valuable property. Apply to R. A. J. PANCOAS, No. 3404 BRIDGE Street, Mantuarllle, between 3 and 6 o'clock. au29-Im* FOR SALE—STOCK, GOOD WILL and Fixtures of an cstabliabed Merchant Tailor. One of the best business stands on Arch street. Store and dwelling to rent. Apply at ran ARCH Street. se2s-3t* TO RENT-DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR Offices, tint floor or back building, 237 South Third street; also, large bast meat, suitable for a wholesale liquor store. Apply to R. MAC GREGOR, It 419 WALNUT Street. WOE SALE AND EXCHANGE-PIT HOLEA. Property, Ortglual Interests and stock. A rare chance. Box 210 d Po.t. 01116 A. 9023.2t* IRON STAIRS AND IRON DOORS -a- FOR SALE. at Depot, SEVENTH Street, above Thompson. USe2B-6tl NATHAN W. ELLIS. B ENCHES WITH - BACKS, FOR SALE, at Depot, OEVENTH above Thom soh street. 5e23.6t. NATHAN. W. ELLIS. TO RENT-A PART OF TWO COM- A. muideating 01Hees, furnished, in the rtchttty Of Fourth awl Walitut streets. Address " O. 'at this Odice. se23-3t* TO LET.—ROOMS IN.THE GRANITE RUMDING, (formerly Post Office,) Dock street below with steam Power. THIRD STORY of the Commonwealth Bonding, Nos. 811 and 813 Chestnut. street. THOS. 11. CON NELL,_Connting-house of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, 242 CHESTNIIT Street. seTO-6t. RIGHTS OF A VALUABLE PATENT FOR SALE. Address "FATEi4TER,q' this office. se2i-2t• F OR SALE. titATTANOUGA HOLLINUr WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF DIRECTOR AND GENERAL MANAGER OF MILITARY RAILROADS U. S., WASHINGTON, D. C., July 81, 1865. PROI'OSAIS )yill be received at tills office until 12 o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, September 13, 1865, to purchase the United States Military Rail road ROLLING- MILL at CHAWANOOGA, Ten nessee, with the machinery, tools, buildings, fix tures, and track connecting the Roiling BIM with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. The mill and 'machinery constructed to re-roll railroad iron are entirely new, and Of the most ilia. proved character. For full description and details of operation, ca pacity. &c., apply in person or by letter to T. W. YARDLEY, Superintendent, Chattanooga, 'l'eu nessco. Ail bids Should be endorsed, "rr4P9Pala to pur chase Chattanooga Rolling Mill.'' D. C. MeCALLITM, Brevet Brigadier General, Director anc General Manager Military Railroads. U.S. No satisfactory bid having been retelved under the recent advertisement for the sale of the Chatta nooga Rolling Mill. the time for receiving bids Is extended to the FIFTH OF OCTOBER, 1565, same hour. D. C. IifoCALLUM, Brevet Brigadier General, Director and General Manager 8e19.15t Military Railroads. V, S. F A , A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies', Misses", and Chlidren's Straw, Felt, and. Silk-plush HATS. Also, Flowers, Feathers, Velvets,and Ribbons, which will be sold at the low est eashprletl, or short time. T. E. HARRIS, se9-lm SO North SECOND Street, 6 1. 1 PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS.—BANKS, DINMORE Successors to A. B. Davis & Co. , _W, cop • ner FIFTEENTH Street and PENNSYL VANUA. Manufacturers Of Patent Scales, Suitable for Weitt Locks, Railroad Tracks, DepOtl, Coal, Ray, and ive Steak; also, all the various descriptions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, Counter Scales; and Patent Beams; Patent Stock Rouse Scale, for Blast Furnaces; Patent Parallel Crane Beam, for Weighing_ boilers, cast ings, and other heavy Machinery-I H opper for weighing grain. indicating bushels and pounds: Banke[improved Rolling-1M and Union Scale. Every Scale warranted. Prompt attention given to repairing. Send for o:circular. BANKS, I R. H. DIMMER, LEWIS L. HOUPT. I C. R. GERING. .1. H. SPRINGER. auZ-ssm FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, Adapted to every branch of business where s Correct and durable Scale is required. • A unlorm standard or weights and a eorreci system of weighing, are subjects claiming the at tention of every Individual in the community. A WORD OF CAUTION. TUB WELL-EARNED REPUTATION OF THR6I scubas has induced the Manufacturers and vett ders of Impoffoct and cheap Made balances to oat them as FAIRBANKS' MILUs, and nuechfaerA !UM therefore been subjected to /rand and iinpagNoni and 'further, other manufacturers have falsely as. serted that they. Lave secured the services of valued Superintendents and foremen from our establish- • anent- , The subseribers nave no coatemperay with iwtrn able competitors, but regarding the perpetrators of the above frauds as pursuing a course alike unjust and dishonorable they take this method to caution the public agalat their imp oeitions. roRRANKS & UMW. hiAßOßilk BALL, PhttadelPhia, rat FOR SALE AND TO LET. AUCTION IiALES. AUCTION BALE OF HOSPITATi. ritorEßTy. BOTELEB, AUCTiONEBB. Mknicm, PURVEYOR'S Orricm. WASIIIWros. 1)., September 26, lilM. Will he exposed at' Publ'e • Atuition, on THUBIi. DAY, September 28, 181,4. at the Warehouse. Jut.. dietary BOeure Fifth and N. streets, under the' direaw Mon DI Captain if, Johnson. Med. 5. S. Army. a large tat of serviceable property, cousist• idg of— iron Bedsteads. inuekets, Mattresses, hair and shuck; Ha Ir Sheetc, Mien and cot Ion; Mugs,Pitchers, Knives and Forks, Hpoons, 'nut. Mars Bowls, Shirts Drawers. Seeks, &C. hotels and steamboats, dealers in second-band , The attention of housekeepers and proprietors of ma teriaL and others, is respeetfuny ettpeq to th i .s c , sales. as articles are offered 111 quantities to suet both large and small purchasers. Terms: Cash, hi (lovernMent funds, Purchasers are. required to pay roe allll coulees: their goods within Fortyseight hears From date of Sale. BUTHERT42TJ), Burgeon ii. A., Meditaii Purveyor. TO STERWS CITY BAZAAR AND TATT ERIM FlLBERTStreet,betweeo gir'. I .'ENTIE and EIGHTH Streets. THE OLD CITY AUCTION MART REVIVED. The subscriber Intends to reopen this old esta blished place ofbastness,on T URSDAY MORNING-. October the sd, at tO o'clock. THIS .Establishment has been rebuilt and much Im proved aid enlarged eNto and 511.54 and sa l eSIII! one of the most complete places for the or Horses. Carriages, Harness, &c. In this city, it be ing so very centrally situated right' In the business part of the city. The buildings will be sufficiently 0120510 C by the latter part of this weLlt to receive Vehicles, nalltess, &c., or all descriptions, - N. D.—Due notice Will he given With the desorlp. tions of Horses, Carriages, &e.. Intended for sale. N. B.—Consigners will please hand in the deserlp- Hon of all articles Intended to be offered at the first sate to time to he regularly catalogued. N, soles will he held regularly until. further notice, c%:611 0 1 11JEMDAY anti FRIDAY MORNING. N. B.—Advances made on all articles Intended for sale. N. B.—No postpouement on account or tins weather. WM. H. STE BR, g02541t Atterlouver. AM USEABLY TS NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA'-, THE—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. GROVER & Slh Lett at and. MenaKera4 CONTINUED POPULARITY OF THIC YOUNG. BL, AND GIFTED MISS HELENWESTERN MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, Sept. 25th and 26th. will be Breselthal the et4n4 romantic spectacular drama, THE SEA OF ICE: Oy, A THIRST FOR GOLD. (with new Scenery, Original Music, correct Ap -oointicents, &e.) Lnunieittejltsconrs/Mica 11.-Icia oga t im t , th e Wild Vloteer of Mode°, ( Western. SUPPORTED by a CAST OF GREAT STRENGTH. Friday evening . , benefit of HELEN WESTERN. SATURDAY AFVERNDON, Scot. CO. FIFTY-NINTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE, when the SEA OF ICE will be performed. In active prop ration, THE ANOEL OF MIHNIOHT: WAL NUT - STREET THEATRE, 11 , Acting and Stage Manager..W. S. Fredericka Business Manager and Treasurer....T. J. Hemphill (41MAT BILL. THIS WATUEDAY) EVEN - DIG. Bent. 2%1865. MB& D. P. BOWEItS FOR ,THE LAAy TINE BUT ONE, in her great character of LADYAUDLEY.', The performance will commence with LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET. • Lady Audley Mrs. D. P. Bowers. 'When Audley Mr. Barton To couaud BLACK-EYED ete Nautical Druma SUSAN. W. Barton MEM illach-exed Susan Miss Annie W--..itha __m_ . Faultily Circle, 25 cents: Chairs in Orchestra and Dress Circle, 50 cents; secured chairs in Orchestra and Dress Circles% 76 statsl Orchestra Matra, in; Orchestra Boxes, $6l Private Boxes, Of° 111.9. MRS. JOHN DREVP'S NEW ARCA. BPThEET THEATRE. N 3 M MONDAY', TUBL 4 DAY, WEDNESDAY, AND TDIfItSDAY, THE SERF, The bcrf gttnin Adaft Cormhutitig each evening with a FAVORITE CODIEDIETTA, Embracing the entire strength of. the ( 'oittoany„ se23.43ERIDAY—BENEFIT OF EDWIN ADAMS. IV W A3l BRICAN THEATRE, IV4tu. strbi,t,abar a Eighth. Ml' b KATE FIiHER In eight original ebarautert. • First appearance of MILLE AUGUSTA, The beautiful atilt accomplished DanSetiae, from kabl.9's Garden, E. Y. THIS EVENING - - The performance will commence with the powerfni Drama, in 3 acts, entitled the FEIitALE AMERICAN SPY. The Spy Miss Kate Fisher. supported by the entire Company. and THE SEAUTITUL HORSE WONDER. GRAND DIVERT, SEMENT. Mille Augusta, ;lions, Antonio, and Corp; de 8e1,14 to eouchulelvith the very laughable Puree of the THREE LO\ too. RIMMiIiiMM=MI MUSICAL FUND HALL. AUTEMI:S 'WARD'S FAREWELL NEGIITS La ADO ADOUI ADOOt THREE NIGHTS ONLY; MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 26'111 AND MIL J. P. SmITII. Director. gar The public are respectfully informed that tbie will most positively be AIME:SUS WAHL'S last en. gag= ent in Philadelphia prior to his departure for Zansland t where arrangements are already being perTected fur lilt early appearance at Egyptian Hall. London. ARTEMLS WARD'S MORMON ENTERTAINMENT, WITH SOME CHEERFUL NEW S TOItIES AND ENTIRELY NEW SOEN/G.II.LI:STI{ATIO:f IMIM=I I. The festivities will lie commenced by the Pian ist, a gentleman who used to Board in the same street with Mr. Gotschalk. The man who kept the boarding-bon SC remembers it distinetitl..ei The over tire oonaist or a medley' or WO, 1 1 the touching new ballads, ' , Hear sister s There Any. Plc in the House toi— 'My Gentle ba ther, ' have pus. Any Fine Cut About Ton'?''—"Mother, ls the Bat tle O'er, and m it Sate fur Me to Come Home from Canada?" and (by request of mituy families who haven't heard it) "Trump, Tramp,iramp, the news are Marehing !II While tile earitutitteil Vitr i tiring* in this sweet tousle [we pity our Pianist nine altars a week and "find him the eye Will be enchained by the Magnificent green baize covering of the Pa norama. This green baize cost forty cents a yard at Mr. Stewart's store. It was bought in deference to the present popularity of "The Wearing of the ti men.' We shall keep }in with .the limes, IS NO spend the last dollar our friends - have got. H.—Appearance of Arteratte. Ward, who will he greeted with applause. The Ushers ore particalarly requested to attend to this. When quiet has been restored, the Lecturer will present a rather frisky : prolOkll4., of about tell minuted ill lellgt4l and , of nearly the, saute width. It perhaps i*a - t necessary to speak of the depth. .111.—The Pictztres Commence Here, the first being a view of the California Steamship. Large Crowd of citizens on the wharf, who appear to be entirely willing that Annulus Ward shall go. "Bless you Slr1" they say. " DOW t hurry about coming bank: Stay away for vears, if you want to:" It was very loathing. At Panama. A glance at Mexico. The health of Maximilian. The angry Pulite. Queer scenes ou shipboard. The storm at Sea, with tins best thunder in town. . . IV,—,The Broadway of the Pacific; Montgomery street, Suit Vinnelooo. The Gold Bricks, Stree Scenes. "The Orphan Hackman, or Tint Muhl Driver's Stepfather. The Chinese Theatre. Six. teen swat! yards of a Chinese Comic Song. Uity, Netiacto.—The thrifty young Metropolis of the new Silver State. They shoot e. great deal, here( though not much more than they do this way, alter all, It Is unsafe now to give even, the quietest your man a inst 4. Tile chances are that he will shootltis grandfittl r before night. 12—The Greta Desert at IVO it.—A dreary waste of sand. The Band isn't worth saving, however. Verses on the lamented George Glover, stage tiriver. Indians occupy yonder mountains. Little /omits seal Ili the ingenue trundling Sing fitrei's.eye View of Ores! Bolt LOA'S MI. with some entirely serious descriptive talk. 17.11.--Ketin street, East .Side, —The Salt Lake Rouse ' ac. tis a Temperance Hotel. In fact, the Maine Law Is rightly enforced in Utah. Site's the Most alstresstnl coiiiitry that doer yet him They're imprtsonhf' men and women there for sell in of the gin. illor»ton Theatre.—ltomeo auk Juliet with ten Junets.—ft is confusing to Romeo, and when Juliet asks, "Wherefore art thou, Rumor" Ratty answers that he don't - knew, 6ditpthily, Micro. shouts he's gone to. Street. West h'ide.—The Connell House of the Territorial Leglslature.—Can't think of any thing Amur to say about this. Infect, Legislatures never tare tunny. Xl,-"Prigh(l9 7 l. rflitlip . B Ihrreht.—Mr. Young Is an Indulgent &Mei, And it numerous 'husband For farther particulars, cad on the Lecturer, at K , usicat Fund Rail, Monday evening. September 23, or any of the two succeeding eveni»gs. This paragraph is intended to unite business with amusement. X.ll.—lither G. Xtpthal Ilarent. —We hove only io repeat here the pleasant rworks above In regard, to Brigham. X/// mirmuirselOY. gt.V - An Intermis'sion of. rive minutes will occur here, So the Lecturer can gu across the street to "see it num" The however, wilt mean while praetlee sonic new inns e. Xl Y.—The Tahernaele.—The Great 31ormou Meet log Rouse, where the Elders and Youngera mislead the congregation, and Mrs. Smith loads the choir. Xl'.—The Tempts as it is: Nat, much of a picture, though the d Mice clan have a carte de virile of ir they Insist on it. A' W.—The Temple as ft is to A daylight mei night view. It Is hoped this picture is worth seeing. XVII.—The Great Salt Lake: It is also hoped that, this picture is worth seeing Jr}ill.—The Midair:meat illeuee.—The Mormon is. initiated luta the iityateritni of his faith WM Wi4elt is pretty much all we know anent It. X/X.—Echo Caton. —A nick-tooklitg pleture be tde of life. Bierstadt, halt perhaps it will do. It was the best they had in the store. XX. —The Desert Again —A more cheerful View. The linfro of Colorado.—The Itochy Monulaina "might hare been son" the distance, it the artist had painted 'era. But lie it prejudiced against. mountains, because his uncle onto got lost olvone. XXL—bigilham nano td Houle.—The last Pic ture. Noll' 1,79 lime, or the lights will be put out. 01 , 110018: OF (From the Sheboygan (11 ls,) Bugte of Liberty.] Anlrgint'S WAlto.—This great le dtlecr Called - on us to-day and ordered quite a lot of job printing We consider him one of the greatest lecturers 111, this country. lb rout the ROlYhrgou (Maine) ctarion,L • • - * w Although hisstyle aill'apott, from w Mills ingtou Irving's, we cannot be blind to the last thitt. Mr. Irvitig's style Is different from his. (From the Rahway Gazette.] * * * Not a dry eye in the audience. Many eonld have borrowed money of Lim on the spot. [Front the Rebeliell Exlmmtase.) No family show u us without' him. Irrupt. the Iceolatk (lows) Rattner.] driii , t - knovTihen we ilVvoliei.l l more so. AdMission 541 rents. Reserved seats 75 cents. Re Served seats for stile tit TrlllllplWB Afti sic Store, eor.. net. Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at Rtiey , e , 44.10414.144e414 , 0 1 NEWS Sind. Duvro 9Pen at 7l e 011544 mence at S o'clock. The rinno and Melodeon used is kindly tarlashed by Mr. (40eld, Clketitallt street, eor. Seventh. it' fIONCEIVE - lIALL.—T HIRD 'Li WEEK at , . BLIND TOM. . Owing to the wild enthusiasm litiMAting - alma ores with which TOM lets been greeted he will con tinue his stay in the city this week, anti will appear at Concert Hall EVERY EVENING, except Fri day evening. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to Com- MUM at 8 o'clock , AIntiSSION so oENT,g, Reserved Seats hie; to be had MT'.B. Ptvh , s Boot Store, corner SII.:TR and CHESTNUT - Streets. ate have been reserved for the G e o b ~ia ; colored people ltt the gallery. . • 2 2.5 t GRANT) MATINEE, SATURDAT AFTERNOON, Selth se2s-Gt S. 0, J. THe.YHR, Agent. ..CA- A SSEDiBLY BUILDINGS, TENTS:- AND CHESTNUT. ' A SUCCESS UNPARALLELED • IN TID.: WORLD OF AMUSIbmieNT Has been acilleVati By the disttinplialielimins, Hit. AND 311(13, liAjun Waling* And the beat Wising bitty Pianists. MISS CARLOIVA. lIUAW. 111 that coomleal Musical Entertaiuntent TNlri) 1401.1118 IN fUNIA.ANIIT TWO 11011114 IN FUNIAND Pronou»eeti t hl Press and Pithik i rpic charming AN]) V 0 - .II.IIITFUL OF IMMENTti, lit Eliciting hearty laughter and:. thusiasm by the bEinitlllt 1111191 C, Sarcasm; *l5 Is "'edits displayed by thew plvemparalde 'trigs, ' Mlneatlng LIEE•ii cOatti, PI ATDR E. , at the 'fatal Ever) evening at S. .ddr.ltettillo Midi 20 cents. se2s4t ACADEMY OF F l ' AtiTS, CHEST NUT Street, aboye Tenth—Open from 9A. M. till 9P. M. Reni9Mill We t'9 greo , picture or. CHRIBT REJECTED still on Exhibitioh. EXCURSIONS. _ X i • 6 • ', LONIO BRANUM Tra us for tong Brauelt w love 090PEVE' POINT, Camdee,daily (Sunday excepted) at 0.15 M. Pare* 42. Excuratoa Tlcicete, good for OM* days, $3. S. B. vILE, Agent. -o.mden: MI OSAGE ORANGE, ARBOR VITA, ..11...and other hedge plauts• Freit, ()rumour Trees &e, , at MEEHAN'S EIRMANTOWN NU sratikb, pezi-mo".