VVIIOILX.SA.LE DRY GOODS. ir s- .sr, w. la. cm.A.rrimm. ,WHOLESALE DEALEBS IS fiosrEßY; GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, etc. pro. 611 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA 065 . WHOLESALE. 1865. THOS. W. EVANS Sr, CO., pre daily opening their ALE IMPORTATION, AND HAVE NOW ON lE XII 181 WI ODT,a, A CHOICE LINE OF FINE DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, &o To Which tda at tention of WH@LESALE BUYERS IS INVITED. 820 URESTNUT STREET, UP STAIRS au2o-12t 1865, FA LL. 1865. AS. R. CAMPBELL & CO. ) O' CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers at wholesale to their stock of F.RE•NCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN 313 , 111 C GOODS Which, for extent, variety, and general adapta -tion to the wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, MERINOES, POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and . BRADFORD GOODS. Package Bayeib nailed with Pearce and deslra- We goods at and ander market rates. WHOLESALE ROOMS VP STAIRS. an26-tf CAB ' S AND OIL -CLOTHS. CA.RPETINGS ! CARPETINGS I I J. T. DELACROIX, 210. 37 SWIM SECOND Street; No. 37 ABOVE CHESTNUT. HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE „ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, THE CREST MATES AND NEWEST STYLES. 'WINDOW SHADES, 31.00 A OIL-CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, RAG, LIST, AND COTTAGE CARPETS, - AT THE LOWEST PRICES. tj. T. D.ELAOROIX, 37 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Between Chestnut and Market streets, Fhttada. eel-fstuwtham 1865. FALL. 1865. GLEN ECHO GERMANTOWN, PA. 111VCA.JEALATIVI .9z CO., MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF C.A:II3PETINGriS, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, &c., WHOLESALE DEPAISTHENT, 509 CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, se6-3m 519 CHESTNUT STREET. WIVE SHIRT MAMPACTORY. 41 - The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty' their business. Also, COn.stantly receiving RovELTIRS ROB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT tt CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. Sl4 CHESTNUT Street, Four doors below the Continental. BOUM-FURNISHING GOODS. 600 ARCH STREET. GLASS JARS AND TIN CANS, 600 KITCHEN WARES CUTLERY, WOODEN-WARE. se7-tf GRIFFITH lb PAGE . SIS.TH and ARCH. GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE 'VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER,IIUSTARR SEED, SPICES, &c. All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purposes. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALNEB IN FINE GROCERIES, an2S-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and TINE Streets. HOTELS. LANORAM HOTEL, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON.--This econniodiOng Hotel, "the largest in London," is now open; it is situ ated on the most open and healthy site in the West end,with all modern improvements, Suites ofApart ment, Salle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant Ladles' Room a spacious Gentlem en's SlTTlNG AND WRITING ROOM, ETC. Within a short drive vr all the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodation ,_ address-. The Manager, O. SOILUMANN. augB-am NEW BRONZES. BAILEY •& CO., 811.9 atIESTNUT STREET COTTOILWARP °LOWS, TIVICOTS. WAVE AND •OTHER PATTERNS. ALSO, ALL-WOOL DOWSKINS, AND OTHER. FANCY -PATTERNS. Fes sale by the Manufacturers, • BUJ. MAIM'S SONS, 40 and 42 South FRONT Street ausi-am REOPENING. -.HENRY MINTON, long and favorably known as a Restaurateur, at Fourth and Chestnut streets and at D7l South `Twelfth street, announces to the Philadelphia baillic that he will resume business in the same Due ' lt latter place on MONDAY, September 11, IT, formerly, he will be prepared to satisfy cookery. the hungry or fastidious by his neeptable style of heed Birds. Chicken Salad, Dressed Terrapins, and all the other delicacies of the cuisine will be , ` ' '"ed lip, as in.the gait, when in season. Party rooms for the netanuutodation of ladles mid Ststlemen. Divers served with despatch. 204 South TWELFTH Street, below Walnut. MINTON. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAMPION. E6l. SOUTH SECOND STREET, ate prepared to follow the decline In the market M e t ke Price of their Furniture. Purchasers Will please llandexamins our stock. my/1-195 COTTON AND. FLAX BAIL DIO TeAN D w AVAS r , u onfk a a nndu mb r e a r g s o nc db e ra n Du ck. t Paper Manufacturers , Drier Felts, from one Olive feet 'wide; FaulinS Boltlue Sall Twine, &c. JOHN No EVZRX&N & Alley. tO3-ti No. 103 JONEs, CANADA LUMBER YARD. LumBER DISTRICT, ALBANY, N.Y.' .Orj:PES & CO. have •ort hand ; (300 DI) three hun .„.., _thousand feet dry three - inch Pine, good 4th I;'azseleet. Are daily receiving alarge quantity Of 4814 - OM= VQ, • "RETAIL DRY GOODS. EDWIN HALL R CO., R!6 SOUTH SECOND ST., FALL AND WINTER STOCK TRIMMINGS, FANCY SILKS, VARIETY, RIOHNESSOR STYLES AND COLONS IF EQUALDED BY ANY OTHER HOUSE IN For sale W,toleaale and Retail. GREAT STOCK 'OF JOB LOTS OF CLOTHS, . .CASSIMERES, COATINGS, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCUILLAS. of }l.• latest Mid most 14 01 1:ita styles we have ever , ofit 6 aed.to the ttitde Or public generally. Officers of the :symr and navy may feel assured of speCial, attention. We also have a e t ;Y , plete dock of FRIENDS' 'WEAR. COACH CLOTH .5- BILLIARDS, anif BAGATELLES. Our motto is "Good Goods at Fair Prices, ,, at A.WD 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. seB-un NEW LACE CURTAINS OF RICH AND ELEGANT DESIGNS. One of the4argest and best assortment or fine goods in the city, just received, at greatly reduced prices. SHEPPARD, VAN H - ARLINGEN &, ARRISON, CUM AIN WAREHOUSE, se9-stuth-7t 1008 CHESTNUT Street. ATTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES. A full line of French Merinoes, A full line of Poplins, A f u ll l line of Blank t d Silks and Shawls, A s, A full line of Moulins, A full line of Table Lineta, go A full line of Cloths and cassimeres, ati JOHN H. STOKES, sel2 70a ARCH Street._ j CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH Sl. " NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. Thread Veils, new designs. Thread Lace Barbes. Cambria Lace Veils, from 51. Thread Lace Collars, from 50 cts. Empress Collars in pointe de gaze, point at' , plique, and valenetennes. WHITE GOODS. French Muslin, 2 yar3s wide for dresses. Soft finish Cambric, Nainsook, Plaid a nd Stripe iduslins very cheap • Bich Cambric Edgings and Insertions, French Embroidered Bands, Flonneings, Hemstitched DAM., extra rine, 25 cts. sel2-12t HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS. SHEPPARD, VAN 'HARLINGEN, 4% ARRI ;;;ON, No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street, Are now receiving their Fall assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS Such as Table Cloths, Napkins, Damask and Diaper; Towelings, Towels, Linen cud Cotton Shootings tif 511 kinds. Pillow L ueu ;Lad Muslin, Blankets, Quilts, and generally every article of Dry Goods required in a. wen ordered house hold. se2-stuth6t REAL WELSH FLANNELS.-JUST received an assortment of REAL WELSH FLANNELS, Well known to housekeepers for their superior washing qualities. b'HEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, dr ARRISON set-stuthet No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. $1.25 s FOR s E L I L 0." E CHOICE Lupin's line all-wool Delalues, 50c. Double-width black all-Wool Delalues, *l. Fine black Alpacas 50e. Pure black Mohair Lustres. 75e, J. C. STRA.WBRIDOE & CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH. and MARKET. 75 CENTS FOR ALL-WOOL PLAID CASHMERES. Small-figured, all-wool Delaines, 56c. Wide French Chintzes,striped and Ilgured,BE. Piano covers, Table covers, Stand covers. 150 pieces new style Fall Delaines, elms J. C. STRAW Sr. CO.c, Northwest cor. of EIGHTH. and MARKET. $9 FOR HANDSOME ALL-WOOL LONG SHAWLS. Misses , Long and Square Shawls: Berlin Zephyr Shawls. Broehe and Stella Shawls. and Black Thibet Shawls. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. $1.65 CFO 1.65 WATERPROOF G. Cadetgray Cassimeres, for Boys. Scarlet Clothe, light Sacquings for fall wear. Double-milled Cassimeres for Men, sp. Gents , heavy travelling Sllawl.s, J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. 86.75 B F L 9 K AA T P S AIR 4 OF ALL-WOOL Blankets from tico to Igo per pair. Dealers will find it to their advantage to.buy Blankets of us and save money. To families about to purchase, we can offer inducements that few possess. Most of our goods are di rect from the Mills. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J,. C. STRAWBRIDGE & Northwest ear. EIGHTH. and Kamm; ses-stinnts EDWIN HALL & CO. ' 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Have now open a full stock of Lupin's French 111exinoes. "Lunin , s ll llOnSlin de Laines, Silk-faced Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplins. All-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styleS. Rich-figured all-wool Cashmeres. Rich styles of Wool De Dairies. Polka Dot De Lemnos and Reps. Drais 000(13, In great variety, of our own im portation. sell BBLANKETS—ENTIRE NEW STOCK, LOW PRICES. Medium and fine Blankets. Some extra cheap lots, $9 and $lO. Flue crib Blankets; Horse Blankets. Honey-comb Quilts; wide, heavy Sheeting!, Shaker Flannels, finest goods, $1 and $1.19. Best quality Canton Flannels; Tickings. Linen Diapers, $2.25, gam, $3, and S3M, &c. DELAINLS. 107 pieces new Delaines, 35 and 37 cts. De pieces new prints, best makes, only 28 to 35 eta. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete . COOPER & CONARD, S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Streets. 628 F H A2P P STY S LU RT o s * — . N ar v yy 628 at Hopkins' Manufactory, No. (128 ARCH Street. Our assortment is complete, containing full lines of Ladles', Misses', and Children's Skirts, of every style, length, and size, which, for finish, durability, and cheapness, are unequalled by any other hoop skirts made, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Mdrta made to order, altered, and repaired. Also, good Eastern-Made Skirts, from illteen to fOrty springs, at very low prices. Wholesale acil. re tail. PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., WASHING, STARCHING, IRONING, SCOUR, LNG, AND CLEANSING, Without lojury to color or fabric. EACH FAMILY'S WASH KEPT SEPARATE. sr-Orders by mall to Box ZfE4. aeo-atuthi3t ROMAINE'S CRESLEAN BITTERS. WHAT THEY ARE. A purely medical preparation, COMpOSed of recog nized standard remedies in diseases for which it is recommended, their curative powers increased by combination, and extracted by a scientific phatme- Centical process, which. secures a perfect and uni form concentration of medical virtues. They are the most reliable preventive and cure of FEVIJI and AGUE known. They restore the tone of the stomach, and iMplrt Strength to the digestive organs when recovering from sickness. They protect the system from the effects or.incle ment weather and miasma, avert Chills and Fever, and remove slight attacks of Rheumatism and Neu ralgia. They relieve Diartinca, Flatulence, and Colic, and coulderuct the effect of change of water and ell. mate. They are especially adapted for Dyspeptics, In valids, and sedentary persons, who need a tonic stimul aut. Their stimulating properties being chiefly derived froom roots and plants, the exhilarate without creating a craving for alcoholic drinks. They are approved by the highest medical authori ties in United States Army Hospitals, where they have been used. They are very delicate in flavor, and agreeable to the palate. WHAT THEY ARE NOT. Trnev Atm NOT a decoction of inert aromatics, to aid a compromise with CouSelence which shrinks from open tippling. .AltE NOT WHISKY tinder another name. allay ARE NOT a worthless compound pulled into notoriety. Send to your Druggist for Circular, with Sall par ticulars. MILLER A CO., Proprietors 110 Liberty' St., N. Y. For sale by Johnston Holloway & Cowden, at manufacturers' rates, and retailed by alt respecta ble Druggists and Family Grocers. au3l-thstu-Wif McC.A.NDLESS & SMITH., ga o l' VINEGAR FACTORS, itBOAD AND PRIME BTREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article of manufacture in this country, made by the celebrated Engl i sh process, and used exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted .free from impurities and chemicals. Order's filled promptly to all parts of the country. L. E. CAMBLOS, N GNTS o. 113 Walnut street, Phila delphia. PITT at WRITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal timore. CHRISTIAN LEE & CO., Richmond, 'Vs. E. W. GOULD & CO, Newbern, N. O. jc=-Sm RASE BALL CLUBS WILL FIND A - 1 --" full stock of Bases, Balls, Score-Books, Splices, Mmes., Belts, and Rules of Game at THILir witAoN & 409 CHESTNUT Street. HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND sotrS. 1,000 doz. Sausage Meat. sec t• Roast - Beet 000 " do • Veal. too do mutton. 1,000 • do . Turkey. 1,000 " do Chicken. 3,000 " assorted Soups, in 1.„ . 1., 234 !b. cane. For sale by RHODE'S & WILLIAMS, fee-tf 107 South 'WATER Street. HE LMBOLD'S cbNCENTRATED EXTRACT RIICHU is the Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BAIMA' PARILLA is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Pharma cy Madehemst, and are the most active that catt be . 104 'South TENTH Weet. auza-hia HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR MOIRE ANTIQUES, PLAIN SILIta, eonf•ED stmcs, BLACK SILK► WHICH VOV. CANNOT BE SURPASSED. THIS CITY. W. T. SWODGrICASSI CLOT.FI 13OUSE, 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET 1520 SOUTH NINTH STREET. ~~. e FQIFAI~C~L OFFICE FOR :1' .. 214LE OF GrOV3FIELNIVENT LOANS No. 114 R. THIRD STREET. a'A.T" coome. & co., BANKERS ABB 'BROKERS, Offer for sale, at lowest market rates, - GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, LSO 'Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15,1864. Do., do. do.JJuler le 1865. DO.. do. •"" do• 'only MOMS. BONDS OF 1551. 5410 LOAN Or lerds. 5-50 LOAN OF 1..884. ,10-4 o LOAN o'r ig 6 4 . l UBUPr a 9 °119 O. R . ' TAIDEBTRDITESS. B T°CO 61 " ALL. HI". DsBOUGHT AND SOLD ON ry.OKMISSION. Information r ivenconcerning all kinds of Been- Mies. " leetP ons on all points made at Lowest rates. an24-' sett-2tlf 11,_ ArnIIII t) ti :1:11 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, (1 CO., WORMERS aD OF R. It Co 0 II .!4 Nos. 239 s►ud 241 North Third Stree.t.' Clothi, Print& Cassimeres, Delaines, Settlnetts, Alpacas, Jeans,Fancy Dress Goods, Cottonades, Brown and ineeched Sheetings, Denims, Brown and Bleeched Shirtings, Stripes, Omtsh Chambrath Cheeks, OmialrTweeds, Ginghams, Fianneis, 'Diapers, Linens, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, , an23-ain NOTIONS, &C., &e. CURTAIN GOODS. I . E. wALRAIIEN, MASONIC 710 CHESTNUT STREET, A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CITELTATNS, SMILE= NEW AND BICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED BATES. PINK, WHITE AND BLUE DifotitQUl r rlOP BARS WITR r A T I : . NT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL 51zEb: READY FOR USE WINDOW O HADES ' OF THE LATEST FA'. TERNS. PIANO COVERO' A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. tY22-tx COPARTNERSHIPS. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO: FORE existing between the undersigned, under the style and title of THOS. It. TUNIS , & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The husihess will be continued by ALBERT G. BUZBY, (at 229 and 0..5 Chestnut street,) who is duly authorized to settle the affairs of the late firm. THOS. R. TUNIS, A. G. BUZBY. PHILADELPHIA, July 28th, 1885. NOTICE OF PAHTNERSHIP.—The subscribers have formed a limited partnership, _according to law, under the firm name of A. G. BITZBY, for the transaction of the general Dry Goods Commission Ind Mercantile Business at 223 and 225 CHEST UT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. The general partner is ALBERT G. BURRY, and the special partner is THOMAS It. TUNIS, who has Contributed tO the common stock of said firm twenty thousand (20,000) &Alai% in each. The partnership IS to commence on the first day Of AIWA, 186 e, and sill terminate on the thirty-first day of Silly MSS. ALBEHr O. BUkBY, THOMAS It. TUNIS, PHILADELPHIA, July 28th, 1868. and-6td&tun DISSOLUTION. - THE PARTNER SNIP heretofore existing between the Tinder signed, under the style Of BROWN & CALVERT, is this daydissolved 13,y mutual consent. CHARLES W. F. GEORGIE IL RROM CALVERT } General Partners. GEORGE M. ROBESOR, Special Partner. ATGCSI" so, 1865. seB-6t&rn3t fIOPARTITERWELIP NOTICE.-T H Undersigned have this day entered into a co- Partneraliip under the name and title of BRUNER, WANN, CO., for the transaction .of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSLNESB, at 1908 MARKET FA. A. BRUNER, ' D. C. WAND , - A. BRIMER,',TIL. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1863. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior V. 'vantages. • iyll-8m TRADE PAPER COLLARS. CLOTH LINED, AND WITHOUT MARK CLOTH LINING. . The Cloth Lined Collars made by the LOCKWOOD ]MFG. CO., 255 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, have been in general use since 1858, and notwith standing the fact that numerous Imitations of them have been made they still rank superior to any Col lar in the market. They are the only collars lined throughout with cloth, with a layer of paper on each side, and are shaped upon formers, or moulds, so as to lit the neck and allow a space for the cravat. The peculiar process used in their manufacture, makes them re semble linen very closely; when finished the dimes of the cloth give the appearance of linen to the paper. They are very strong and do not tear at the buttou-holes, and are the only collarsmade that can be turned and worn on both sides without the but ton-holes giving way and the paper tearing. Parties purchasing collars will be careful to see that each collar is stamped upon the inside—Lock wood Mfg. C 0.., Cloth Lined, math the Trade Mark of the CO. and dote of Patents. Do not be deceived by the boxes or false representations, but see for your self. If the collar itself is not stamped upon the in side as above, it is not genuine. - The enormous demand for these goods (largely ex ceeding that of any collar made) has kept them sold ahead of production, but with a large amount of new machinery, this Co. is now able to dli an orders promptly, either in Philadelphia or at any of the Agencies. In addition totbese best standard goods, several lowergraties of - dollars are constantly in stock. The LOckwood Mfg. Co. are the sole licenses under Hunt's and Lockwood.. Patents, (the _first on Paper Collars ever issued,) And by purchasing these goods Parties avoid difficulties and lawsuits, which are now being vigorously prosecuted against all dealers in other snakes of paper collars, which infringe one or more of these Patents. THE TRADE 5 - UT - PLIED BY W. E. & D. LOCKWOOD,' SOLE AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 255, 257, and 259 South THIRD Street, Phßada. anal. thstu2w • SPEC I. A L ZIOTICE. I have made arrangements to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY, In my present store , .-`el;sii(!!,,cf)giteillu,eutnotileßtftrlgr notice. GEO. J. VIENKELS, sel-1m 809 and all CHESTNUT Street. PHOTOGRAPH AtBT:1116. MILLER & BIIRLOCK, MANUFACTURERS of PIESOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Nos. 1102 and 1104 SANSOM St., Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the most complete and extensive assortmentof Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles audmost beautiful patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. They are unsurpassed in beauty and durability by any in the market and sold at less than tlle general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis count to dealers. Catalogues malted to any address without charges. POCKET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burlock's superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles al: binding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. 11.02. and 1104 SANSONE St.,Philadelphia. ana-velmet&dlm E . D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND VOLLEcTuze AGENT, The Civil Courts of this District are now in prac tical operation. Having practiced at the idemplols bar for ten (10) years, my accinaintance with tffe col bU file s community greatly facilitates In the speedy lection of claittut. jyr-em E. D. F. hIORDAN. LATouR OLIVE OIL-IN STORE, -a-4 and for sale by the sole agents„ JAIIRETCHE it LAVERGNE, . SeB.-12t Nos. 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. WHITE VIRGIN WAX . OF ANTILLES r —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder ful compound of the age. There is, neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its compO. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the extraordinary n qualities for pre serving the skin , making it so, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Prices, 30 and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUNT CO., Perfumers, 41 South NIGLITH et, doors above Chet nut, and 133 booth SEVENTHStreet, above Wel aut. .11m -am TB. &W. H. CHAFFEE, WHOLE . sale dealers in Hosiery. dloves, Trimmings, Fancy Goods, &c. No. 511 MARKET Street, PM isdelplda. sea -12t. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, dbc. AIL — 2,000 bbls, 'Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-caught flat ash, in assorted packages. 2,000 bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Hay, and Hali fax Herring. 2.000 boxes Lubec, sealed, No. 1 Herring. ISO bbls. New Mess tbad, 250 boxes Heririmer-couutY Cheese, In store and for sale by DMRPHY if.OWJE,_ jal9-tf No. 146 NORTH WHAMVEE. FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON arIiENCE of urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swellings, 104 South TENTH Btreet. aum-tm Us Enblicion , n , e FLUID EXTRACT BRCIRII. WELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCREir gives health and vigor to - the frame, and bloom to the palsild cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity, or epileptic lite ensue. .11014 TENTH Street. itult-pri k l $ 111 q:40=j 111 4 F TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1865; AS FOLLOWS PHILADELPHIA. a&s MST szczrrzu 'LOCKWOOD'S MEMPHIS, TENN JOB. TIARNbURGET,t, No. 25 80713 " 1 M/ V2OND STSEET, 1138 'on hand his FALL STOCI RIDDONI4_,, 1 7 41 ,0 WE fl S, VELVETS, SILKS, BONNETS, &a., To which he cans the attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS. sel2-20 E P. GILL & CO. HAVE NOW OPEN A FULL LINE OF HANDSOME FALL BONNETS, HATS, AND MILLINERY GOODS. • Also, CHOICE FLOWERS, RIBBONS, aAti OR NAMENTS for the Hair. E. P. GILT:, c y j CO., sen-i2O Igo ARO/1 street. CBLICArIONS. D A YnED BOOKS.—A. LARGE LOT, comprisbd utmost exclusively of TheolOillobt, ,aeligious, and standard School Books, damaged by water from our skylight becoming overflowed a few days ago. Most of them are merely discolored on the outside. All of them will be sold at very tow prices. ASHMEAD (t. EVANS. No. 124 CHESTNUT Street. INSECTSNEMIES OF FRUIT TREES. B Trimble, M. D., EntoMologist tthe State Agricultural Society of New Jersey. -With Illustrations drawn from Nature. In one volume. ALSO, ALL'S GUIDE TO THE GREAT WEST. With litst2s.„,,, &- "" c OF THE GREAT MARCH. By a Staff nt.h, Illustrations. Officer. w • i Standard Book& All New an' w prices by For sale at 10 , ,, LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, "üblishers and Booksellers, set 25 South SIXTH Street. _ _ . . - NEW MISCELLAN,T:OUS BOOKS.- Av. Introduction THE BIBLE HAND-BCOn , to the Study &Sacred Scripture D. D. Revised edition with Bin. • Rid 05eith Aligns, stration.S. Crown, Bvo. THOUGHTS ON THE FUTUNA' CIVIL POLICY OF AMERICA. By John WHllum .nruper, M. D., , 'THE ` OIL R EIGHTHS OF PEKNOYLV ANIA. Showing where Petroleum is found; how it 15 ob tained; and at what cost. With hints fel' whom it may concerts. By William Wright...t. . ~ -.. All the new books received as soon as pitt`ed , and for sale by JAMES S. CLAYTON, ‘Suceessor to W. a. & A. Martiett,' se6 &OS CHESTNUT Street, COMMISSION HOUSES. 11ADLEY COMPANY SOFT FINISH SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. WARRANTED 300 YDS. LBWIS BROS. & CO., Bole Agents in rhii4delpuia, 238 Cheetnut street. see-1m TO MANUFACTURERS, icr,orriarrats, CITY TRADE GENERALLY, The subscribe: Is Commission Agent for mann . • faeturers of the fol.:owing GOOKS: a nt:_umbers. COTTON YARN, COTTON WARPS, all nu3kbers. COTTON, LINEN, AND "% POLLEN CARPET WARP. WADDING, all qualities. WICK, TWINE, BATTO, AND RAG CARPETS. BILLING AND SEINE TWINES. R. T. WHITE, 237 MARKET Street, 220 CHURCH Alley. sel-2na BAGS! BAGS 1 BAGS I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, BURLAP, AND OLFNNY BAGS, FLOUR AND SALT RAOS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., jy264111 No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD 41b HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OT PFrrr. A DELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 112 PHILADELPHIA,TRE ET, AND 103 HEADS STREET. NEW YORK. je24l4in 3 - 0. MATHEWSON, GENERAL COM !" • MISSION PRODUCE BROX= AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. 2E15 BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia, at the old stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall Ac Co., Stovall, McLaughlin, & Co., and G. R. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, andsnerchandise generally. Having the agency of several first-class Cotton Mills„ lam Prepared, at all times , to supply orders for Yarns, Sheeting, Skirtings, Osnahargs, Drills, Jeans, &e. With extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, can furnish secure Storage, and give prompt atten tion to Merchandise and Produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. alea-em MERCHANT TAILORS. ARMY AND NAVAL OFFICERS J. S. THE BEST MILITARY AND NAVAL TAILOR IN THE UNION, Is now connected with EDWARD P. KELLY, 6112 CHESTNIIT STREET. J. 13. TAYLOR has been for the last four years the Cutter for the Bliiitary and Naval Tailoring Es tablishment Of OWENS, 21.2 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASIFIINGTON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBTRT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. B. Corner of FOURTH. and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS_ Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domenic WINDOW AND PLATE GLANS. KAMAcrurazas OF WHITE. LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY; &C &Gwyn FOR vim CRLEBRATRD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers summed at VERY LOW PRIORS FOB CASH. Oyaaan kr.li (I)01 31 W.I. :1 Pr.la tc 0/1164fictlahlgOAL, AND OTHER We are prepared to furnish New Corporation' with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Ilinding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED it IS TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. 'MOISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. ratisitnits , PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO., BLANK BOOR MANUFACTURERS AND OTLTIONERS. ee22-tf 431 CHESTNUT Street. LOOKING GLASSES. The largest and most complete assortment, at tuoderate prices. • PAINTINGS, Recent Importations. ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT AND. PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMO-LITIIROGRAPHS, SWISS, AMERICAN AND ENG .. I.ISR SCENERY, Rogers' Statuettes, Rustle Frames, And every otber . tharacter of Frames for Engra- JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT Street Binge. se6-12t CORN EXCHANGE BAG MANGFAGTORY. 10,000 Cotton Seandess Bags. 10,000 Linen do. do. 20,000 Jute do- do. In store and for sale JOBN T. BAILEY & CO., sel2-3m* 113 North - FRONT Street NEW YORK DYING AND PRINT ING ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND. — . 40 North • EIGHTH Street.—Thls Company, SO long and favorably known in New York during the p as tf or ty- B o e yvears , have op ened . an office as above. Ladies' and Gentlemen'sUarments and wearing apparel of every kind, dyed and cleansed in the most perfect manner. Stains and spots removed from garments Without being ripped. Merchants having goods of undesirable colors can have them redyed in superior Style. aulo-tlistu39t* fLMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor free from all Injurious pro_perties, and immediate in Itt action. 104 South TENTH Street. aull-lm WNCOURAGE DOMESTIC INDUS TRY.-A-A BARRISON & BRADFORD. STEEL PEN MANU FACTURERS, give employment to over ONE HUNDRED AMERICAN MEN AND WOMEN, and produce Oyer TWENTY-FIVE MILLIONS ANNUALLY of American Steel Pens, stamped with their name in full, and bearing their label. In. quality,finish. Selection, and style of putting up, these ens are warranted to surpass any Pens ever offered to the American FOB BALE, wIIOLESA.LE AND RETAIL, by MOSS & CO., Stationers and Blank Bookblanufacturers. 432 CHESTNUT Street, and-430 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. aultAnt THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH —Therefore, the nervous and debilitated should immediately use list.stUOLD'S EXTRACT &mum 104 South TENTH Street. au:Z-1m EDIICATiONAL. HE MISSES DARRA.OII witr, RE- OpENN therr 13ONOOL.for Young Lad i r ut No. SS South ENEHTEENTH Street, on ONDAY, Sep ember llth, 1865. sel-12t* THE CLASSICAL AND E Eclatt SCMOL of the subeeriber, S. E. 'corner ot' tirt_KENTH and LOCTIST Streets, will Hempen OvD.A.r, Sept. 11. Cau2B-Ire] E. KENDALL. SIRING-GARDEN AOADEIf.Y-;- A Clarairal, Mathematical, gOitOol for BdrEt and Young Men, storner EL WrH and VlT TONWOODsyreasottu reon l3M QA. , en ON D it t Y , Ei gl items ' ber 4. , P. . IV* PATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL. RE OPEN kee School, at No. 4- soIITHWEST PENN Square, on the lith of Ninth Month, (Sep. tember,)lB6s. WILLIAM FEWSMITH'S CLASSI CAL and English School, No. 'loo€l CHEST NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY. September 4, auTd-Im' A CADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF -LA- No. 41 North ELEVENTH Street, reopens Ninth Month (Sept.) 4th. W. WHITALT,. au2O-Im. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMBER 4th. au26-2.ni.. J. W. FAIRES, D. D., Principal. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. BALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at MB :WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th hut. atild-21n* ABACHMANN, TEACHER 07 THE • Piano. Organ, Melodeon, and Violin. 9221 SPRING GARDEN Street. ADVANCED PUPILS FINISHED. 01&8909 formed in Harmony. Appli- Cations, 12 to 1 A. M.: 6 to 7 P. itu2o-Ine MARGARET ROBINSON WILL RE •M-IC open her School for Girls, 725.RACR Street, on the 11th of the Ninth month. Apply to '. GILLINGHAM, ei-120 1225 SPRING GARDEN Street. :MISS ELIZA. W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladies, No. 1210 SPRUCE Street, will be reopened on MONDAY, September 11. She course embraces a thoroug4 English Education,with Latin, French, German, Music, Drawing, Painting, &C. ' scs-nu. RIO. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Vocal Music at his residence,i No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October 1. He may be addressed meantime through the Chty P. 0.. as above. au2S-tr CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH and SPRING' CAIIDEN Streets, will reopen September OM Boys nrerred for any division of the Public Grammar §ch OIS, Rit College, or for business. Special attention Riven to Small boys ; Residence, 534 North TENTH Street. - ausi-aw H. G. McGUIRR, A. H., Principal. THE FRENCH AND ENGLI BOARDING , AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September 18th. In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches- of a good English edu cation. French Is the language of the family, and Is constantly spoken in the Institute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particulars, ad dress 1.3121 SPRUCE St., Philada., Pa. auls.2in MRS. A. TEGTMEIER, WHO RE CEIVED a thorough musical education under one of the best Professors In Germany, and after several years of successful teaching in Seminaries, and in tins cite, has resumed lien duties as teacher f Vocal and rnstrumental Music. References, Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut street Residence, 1513 vni72.3 Street. At home from 12 to 1. se9-12t5 THEEVENING SESSIONS OF CHIT TERMENS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Gal' CIiESTIMT Street, corner of Seventh. COunnence SEPTEMBER 18th. Students instructed separately in Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arith metic, Business Forms, &c. Catalogues furnished on application. se9-6tqf ROFES SOH ANGELE OF THE P High School, prepares young JltliN for College. Private lessons in modern and ancient Languages and Mathematics. 209 South FOURTH. scll-6f* WANTED -A LADY WHO thoroughly understands the Cloak Business to take the entire charge of the Cloak Department of a lietailDry44oods Store. A liberal *olary will be given. Address Box MD Post °Mee. seri-Ulf TORN 0. ZIMMERMAN, TEACHER TY' OF MUSIC, No. 316 GREENWICH Street, Philadelphia, will resume Sept. 11, 1865. see -4t 5 wortmourrr rE/4A?..g coLLEqz, „„-s-,„9.,,it,w ' Meet; Twenty-second street, superior Boarding and PaT school for Young Ladles, will begin its next Orin September 13th. A Preparatory Department Is pro- Titled for-younger pupils. For circulars, apply to or address Rev. J. W. BARNHART, A- M., President. aulS-1m • CALEB B. HALLOWELL'S .SELECT •,./ High School for young men and boys, No. 110 North TENTH Street, will reopen on the 18th Instant. se2-14t5 LYK&N'S SCHOOL 1"'OR YOUVG- LADIES, No. 226 South BROAD Street, will reopen WgD.NESDAY, SepteniberlSth. au2a4ltselsmwstout MRS, SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th. at 933 SPRUCE Street. Circulars may be obtained at the N. E. corner of Spruce and. Tenth streets. au2l-18t• TNSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, .11. OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. ANN DICII.6ON will reopen her SCHOOL for BOYS and OLIMS, at lib. 1.08. South EIGHTEENTa Street, on the 11th of September. aul7-thatu-tf SCHOOL FOR BOYS-SPRING GAR DEN INSTITUTE REOPENS 9 mo (September 9th,) Circulars 1349 MOUNT VERNOZ, Street. aul7-IRetu-18rk- A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT +A- EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JU NIPER STREETS.—The autumnal session will open on MONDAY, September 4th, at 9 O'clock A. M. AppikatiOnS (Or admission may be made during the pri Cetlingweeic between 10 and 12 (O'clock in the morning. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. 11., auls-tuthsim Head Master. MISS O. A. BURGIN'ff SOHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will he reopened SEPTEM BER lath, at 1037 WALNUT Street. Circulars may be obtained at the Schoolhouse. ae2-statifine MR. GEORGE FELIX BENKERT willresume his PIANO LESSONS September 18th. Address se2-stuth/Bt* No. 710 CHESTNUT Street. SUSAN . HAYHURST WILL OPEN her Bc,baitl in the commodious rooms, Southeast corner Of NYN NTH. and SPRING GARDEN Streets, (entrance on Ninth September 18th. Facilities will be afforded to Young Ladles for receiving a thorough education. A Department for. Children, under a competent teacher, will be conducted upon the Kindergarten, or Object System . Reference, former patrons .' For further information apply to Dr.c.v.rznwt, 501 North SEVENTH St. set-iH THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH. SCHOOL of IL D. GREGORY, A. 111.,_N0. 1:108 MARKET Street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep tember 4th. au2l-Im. Ci . REGARAY INSTITUTR -ENGLISH v and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1527 and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 20th. French is the language of the family, and is con- Statitly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and partic,alslc apply to au9-3m Madame D'IIERWLLY, Principal. THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL of A. B. SHEARER, A. M., North west corner of CHESTNUT and TWELFTH Sts., (second floor,) will reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms, references, see Circulars: to be Ob tained at Mr. HassariPs Drug Store, or from the Principal, at the School Rooms, every morning, be tween 10 a`nd 123¢ o'clock. att.2.5-Im* IRE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. v.F.EBE will reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles,- No. 170 a - WALNUT street, on WEDNESDAY, the Oath ofSept. au2-2ne • (7 1 ,.E RMAN T OWN FEMALE SEMI NARY, GREEN Street. south of Walnut lane, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 13th. Circulars containing full information as to Terms, courto of Instruction character of the Seminary, &e.,tuay be obtained of Prof. 'WALTER S. FORTESCUE, au=-tf ' Principal. CHESTNUT -HILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 120yith a limited num ber of BOYS, each pupil being taught by the Princi pal. IL IY, SCOTT, from Yale College. Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, IT. Trotter, J. S. _Kneedler. and. C. Platt. aul7-Im* MRS.. GERTRIIDE J. CARY WILL re-o_pen her SCHOOL, 1.53 A SPRUCE Street, on WEDNESDAY , September lath, with increased N for the comfort and improvement of her au3l-12e CHESTNUT-STREET FEMALE SE MINARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL--Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss DiNuye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An riliankagion will op_en WEDNESDAY, September nth, at 1615 CHESTNUT Street. Pariteulakg from Circulars, sun-tool THOMAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH -I:- Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. E. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep iCMIAP4. "25-Im* VNGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND IffA TREMATICAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 Southwest PENN SQUARE. Dattes resumed Sept. Ilth. aii2B.-2ni. JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. COURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TUTE FOR ROT'S AND TOUTH.—Address _Prof. E. D.SALINDERS, D. D., FlittadelDhla. aul9-Im* ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE my, 1009 and 31.011. CHESTNUT .Street, 110 rooms lately Muted by the Y. H. C. A.) This M,lOOl will open MONDAY, September nth. It is designed.to prepare for any college of the United States or for mercantile life. T. BRANTLY LANG TON, OSWALD SEIDENSTICKER, Principals. IaTILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL ur reopen ItIA cLA.SSICAL and E II.GI. IS 11 SCHOOL at% No.lll MARKET Street, on MoN DAY, September 4. att29-Im' ;PRIVATE SCHOOL. FOR BOYS-IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. E. corner CHESTNUT awl - EIGH TEEN - Tit Streets. Reopens SEPT. 4, 1.813.5. Entrance ou Eighteenth street. L. HARROWS, } p r i nc ip a l s . au29-Im* JOHN G. R. AVEGROY, MISS MARY.E. TH.ROPP WILL RE OPEN her English and French Boarding and Day bthoorfor Young Ladies at 1841 CHESTNUT_ Street, Philadelphia, on the 11th Of September. For Circulare, apply at the School. sailLim* WEST BRANCH BOARDING SCHOOL. MALE AND FEMALE. JERSEY SHORE, LYCOMING COUNTY, PENNA. Terms, Bu *l5O per year, Po C lls prepared for College siness or 0.41=11 duties of domestic life, with the comforts of a. good name. Catalogues, with full particulars ' of Philip Wilson, 409 Chestnut street, or address as above. aul7-Im. F. DONLEAVY LONG. A. M.,211110 pal. RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY, 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution is designed to rival the best schools of this country and of England, in its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be fitted to take a hip stand in sueir class, and to _graduate with honor. It will be tile special Mill ilifQ to prepare young men for business or professional life. FicZt session commences September Igth. Circulars, with full information. can be had at =6 Chestnut street. EDW. CLAItENCE SMITH, A. M.. Principal. ItzynnExCope, cas.—Caleb Esq., Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, Hon. Jos. Allison, Alexander Whilidin, Esn.,.Thomas potter sc.,A. H. FennelsCUS l H. i aultri. P.M.r. Birklnbine,' V. Esq. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DESty, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, September 7, at 4 P. M. Cadets may pursue either a Classical Or Scientific course of study, under experienced and thorough instructors. Id the Primary Department the usual English branches are taught. Military instruction is given in the three arms of the service. The Aca demy is furnished with horses for Cavalry and Horse-Artillery exercises. AU the appointments of the Institution are of the first order, and no expense or elfOrt is spared to advance the education and military training of the Cadets. The religious instructiorrof the Cadets is carefully attended fo. For Circulars, apply to J. H. OHNE, Esq., 6%8 CHP.STIVOT Street, Philadelphia, or to Col THEII. HYATT, President of Pena. 3111 , y Aca'y.Caum-im VOUNG MEN AND BOYS' SCHOOL.- Rev. JAS. G. SHINN, A. M. will open au English, Classical, Mathematical, and Selenllric School for Young Men and Boys, No. 1900 MOUNT YEBNOri Street, ou the 11t . MONDAY In Septem ber. The instruction Will he particular and tho rough, such as will prepare young men fON business or college. Tor terms, &c., apply as above. ant9-Im. EDUCATIONAL. L4VENING SCHOOLFOR,BOOIC .IIEEPINC+ Penmanship, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Telegraphing, &a., com mence at BRYANT, STRATTON. & BAN NISTER'S National CmilMatelalcor. of TENTH and .cnr.ms; UT Streeta,a'HlS EVENING, at 7 "itung men who desire a thorough Education for Business are Invited to call and examine the facili ties of this institution. sei2-2t PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE_fer YOUNG L W. corner of 1211IEFINIJT^^u rziGHTEENTH Streets; (for 'net; as 'lB3O arch street.) Latta) Mathematics Natural Sciences and the Higher thoroughly taught, embracing a full College Course. Ample arrangements for primary schollars. Circu lars at 1228 and 19t84 Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Bdx 2811. The next Session will commence on MONDAY, September lith. BM CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D.. Principal. . sepl2-80 DELA.CROIX'S COURSE OF FRENCH —A thorough practice of Explanatory Gram mar. Requires no other application than the hours paw! with the Teacher, No. 907 1 0 1.9131:11T St. it ,EAHN ER B OF FRENCH, wito have been disappointed in the 'effects of the Memorizing: metholdsovill find the clearly-explained practice of Mr. DELACROIX , S Course amply suf ficient in itself to impress a rational habit of more or the Language. for their own ideas, than is usu ally the result of donble the time devoted to the study of books in common use. Beginners enter at any time. it NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUNG MEN . to enter upon a course of study at BRY ANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BOTIOINGS. S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. Call or send fora Circular. sel2-2t VVENING SESSIONS AT BRYANT, -a•-• STRATTON _ & BAA NISTER'S National Com mercial College, S. W, Clymer of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets, will commence on TUESDAY EVENING, the 12th Inst. Young men who are en gaged in business during the day can take the fall course by attending evenings only. sell-2t - RP . 31TURNED AND DISABLED SOL DIERS will find the readiest means of henora bit and lucrative employment in a good Commercial Education, Ala preparation for business can be acquired at little ex pent e, and in a short period of time. at BRYANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. Corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. A liberal deduction will be made in all cases worthy of such consideration. sell- 3t scHo 0 L AND KINDERGARTEN will reopen MONDAY, September 18, 1885, at 1.914 MOUNT 'VERNON Street. Tile Primary Department is conduct as a Kin dcrgarten,upon the German (Freeberystem), and Includes boys and girls under ten years of age. Older pupils will be received. In both departments, Gymnastics (under the sys tem of Dr. Dio Lewis), and drawing from still life are taught. GERTRUDE W. FULTON. HARRIET B. DARLINGTON, sel2-et MARY E. SPEAKMAN. pRIVA_TE INSTRUCTION IN ENG- Lan wild the CLASSICS. Address " J0H147 - SON, " this office. sel.2-tuths3t* PRACTICAL tIYINATI dD ON FOR HUSlNBSS.—Tedeigrnen who she the hest adeaiddges for it tlidrUnglilyreparation YoF P r Y 1)°- sition in business life ere Invited to roll at Quake* Citv Business College, TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. In point of acconupodations, education and expe rience of the instructors. and general facilities for 'nip fining instru ction,thie ßESS tttuotatiott is unequalled. IN P, And will soon he published by Hr. FAIRBANKS. the Introduction to a new book on Scientific and Practical Book-keeping, designed exclusively for use in this institution. _ _ . . • ALSO, NOW IN PROCESS OF ENGRAVING, A Perpetual Almanac and Time Table, the most elaborate and complete thing ever Invented. 111WROVENENTS. The rooted have been considerably Improved Ill' changes to meet the wants of a constantly Increasing patronage. Over seven hundred students In attend ance for the year ending September Ist—the largest patronage ever bestowed on any Commercial insti tution in the State. All interested Invited to call. Send for an illustrated Circular and Catalogue. T. C. SEARCIi, Superintendent of Office easiness. seibat. L. FAIRBANKS, A. M., President, T A ABBERTON AND CHASE'S SCHOOL. —ln consequence of the continued illness of Mr. Lsbberton, the openin_g of the next session is post- Soned from Monday, Keptember 11th, to Monday, eptember IBtb, see-3t• p, PRING-GAUDEN INSTITUTE FOR Young Ladles. Duties resumed Sept. 4th. ittzs-sd - * 6-11,i3ERT COMBS, A. M., Principal. MISS V, P. BROWN No. 1907 PINE Street , win ton hiONDKV, Sept. 9th.) resume thelititiee of her Uhool Cl}ildren, ba.—^ • me ages.. . - au29-I.m. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. GM CHESTNUT ST., CORNER SEVENTH. Established 184-1. Incorporated MM. The Course of Instruction includes Book-keeping in its different branches. Penmanship, Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Commercial Law, Bce., &c, furnishing a necessary PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. ----- - - - - - Students instructed separately, and receirqd at any time. Diplomas awarded for graduation. Ca talogues furnished gratis. on application. Evening Sessions after September lath. se6-6t if• MARY P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES will be Reopened at 1613 FILBERT St., 9th mouth (Sept. 11th). a1134-411* WRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TUTE for Young Ladies, Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. No. 2953 FRANHFORD Philadelphia. Circulars can be had, On npiolication, at the Institute and at Messrs. JORIIT PENNINGTON & BONS, No. 147 South SEVENTH Street. RE V. ALBERT HENRY BARNES will reopen his Classical and English School, at 922 CHESTNUT Street, on Monday, September 9th. sel-1415 WOODLAND BEMINABY.— NOS. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE _West l'hi ladelp4ia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrao. tive. Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars ajuply to jy2l-2m* REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. R,EMINARY, FOR TOTING LADIES, S PARKESBURG; Chester county,Pennsylvaula, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School will be resumed OCTO BER, Ist 1865. Terms-4125 per session, For Circulars, apply to Misses JOHNSTON and KELLY, Principals. au26-1m POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE ; 1865-66: SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL2Ins September 11th. TECHNICAL STIROOLS`be n September 19th: The EXPERIMENTAL F 3.1 of 175 acres, near Gwynedel4.7ldiontgormary coUnty, PS., will be opened September 12th ton - select class or students, on the Principle& and Motion of Atir'ItICIJIIPURE, who will residsmi.vrorli on. the Farm, and'statedly at tend Lectures at the College in the city. Applications for admission should be made to the undersigned, at the College Building, WEST PENN SQUARE. ALFRED _KENNEDY, DI. D., au26-18t President of Faculty-. THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER 4th. This is the best provided bchool for boys in America. v,u2b-Im* J. "ENNIS, Principal. • "VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY-, MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate: Thorough course of study in Mathematics, English Classics, Ac. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Be ins Septem ber 4th. Refers t , e JOHN C. CAPP Ot SON, 23 South THIRD Street; THOB, CLAYTON Esq, G FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE P. KNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-3m 1E EMALE COLLEGE, BORDEN- A- .—T TOWN, N. J. WINTER SESSION 01 this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER the inth. A few vacancies only remain. For cata logues, containing term_ ,s etc. Address. Rev. JOHN BRA.KELET. A. M., ant-6w President. COAL. BU YObit WINTER SUTPLIES -ILA NOW—Lowest Price for the Beason.—Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, If not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, *950• Large Nut, $2.50. Try it. You will be sure to be pleaseU. Mice, 111.11. South FOURTH Street, below CllOmot. Depot, 1 , 119 CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. jy24-3m ELLIS BRANSON.. iff'`NOWLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, An- and RISK COAL, at reduced prices. 001c0 and Yard. NINTH and WILLOW Sts. jyl6-3m5 C 0 A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain., f'rom Schuylkill, prepared expressry for family use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Oflice. No. 112 B. SECOND Street. Capli-tfl J. WALTON Jr CO. MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL OFFICES. - - - - No. 154 North ELEVENTH, below RACE Street; also, CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Streets, West Philadelphia. Patients will be treated .14 their residences when desired; a large number or testlHionials may be seen at the Offices from patients in this city._ Consultations gratis. Office hours 9 A. M. to 5 Y. M.. in the city. DRS. T. ALLEN and .E.HAVERSTICK, .13=-8m Electropathists. ELECTROrkrffic , ESTABLISH MENT.—DR. A. H. STEVENS, one of tha FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treat ing disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLI CATIONS, and who has been so very successful at PENN SQUARE for the last three years, has re moved his Office and Residence to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Beyenteentl4, All persons desiring.references' or any partledlifil with regard to his special mode treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet. Consultation or advice gratuitous. JOHN C. BASER et CO.'S COD LIVER OIL. — THE TRUE AND GENUINE—Unent. passed In quality and effects,' being the SWEETEZT AND REST PREPARED. In Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Dont, In cipient Consumptlon,and all Scrofulous complaints, it oftentimes produces immediate and certain effects when other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit. Sold by all Korenlets in the City, and by the pro prietor. No. 'us IIikrARRET Street_ Jelfkatutilalm SUMMER RESORTS. LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The nearest house to the sort JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. aul4 -Im. nil A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 'R -- Ladles', Misses', and Children's Straw, Fat, and Silk-plush HATS. Also, Flowers, Feathers, Velvets ' and Ribbons, which will be sold at the low est cash price, or short time. T. E. HARRIS, se9-lm 69 North SECOND Street... TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASA T AND unsafe Remedies for unpleasant and danger- OUS diseases. ' Use IlmdnOLD'S EXTRACT .141Cm3 and Improved Rose Wash. 104 South TEN EE Street. auee-fm CH. GARDEN & CO., MANUFAC • TUBERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS , &e., No. 600 and 602 DiAREET street. The largest [and ;post complete stock, the best terms and cheapest priges, Dodittey merchants and the trade supplied. au2S-3m ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITI3TIONS, of both sexes, use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Blicuu. It will give brisk anti energetic fguliggg, gnu enable- you to sleep weu. 10* South TENTH Street. an2.3.1m BENJAMIN F. BLOOD, :ATTORNEY AT LAW, navieg been recently discharged from the army, has restuned the practice of the laNN,'• and having been appointed a Commissioner of Deeds for the most or the States, by the Governors thereof, Is au thorized to take depositions, acknowledgment of deeds, &e., to be use d or recorded therein. Office, No. 614 CHESTNUT Street, Phtladel, phis. au24dm TO SPORTSMEN.-PHILIP WILSON TO K CO., No:400 CHESTNUT Street, call the attention of Sportsmen to our stock of FINE GUNS of our own gind best English makers. Also, Rifles, Pistols, Skates, Cricket and Base-Ball Implements, Powder, Shot, Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, &c•i at lowest prices. Replartug done•ln the best manner, 500 BALES COTTON WICZ JUST. received. Also, full stock of Cotton Yarns. Carpet Chaim, &c., at lowest market price. ROWE, RUSTON, & CO.. sun - 151 andls9 North THIRD Street. TAMARINDS. -300 KEGS TAMA. HINDS in store, and for sale by J AI/Rh:TORE & LAVERONE. seB-12t Nos. 202 and 201-South FRONT Street. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE STORED by HELMDOI.D'k, EXTRACT BLICHI2 , 104 South TE.NTII. Street. WANTS. OIII.IO.O. WANTED -A TIP4CP CANVASSER tot' city. Apply at 1423 SOlO FOURTH. St.t third floor front, with reference. It* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK KEEPER or Entry Clerk, by a graduate or the Quaker City Business College. A situation in a Bank. preferred. BeakoT reference can be given , . Addreaa" s . n ~ 1? Box 1422 post-0111CC. WANTED—AN ERRAND BOY, from 12 to 19 years of age. Must be Able to read and i3Olte and being good reference, Analy at, go cmutuct Street. It , • _ _ . WANTED.- TWO SALESMEN, baying a large first-class trade, are desteuus of connecting_ themselves with a party Laving TwErric-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLASt in Clash, 10 reminence the MOTH TRADE on the Ist Janll - ne6. Address "ENTERPRISE," Press Oilier. semat* WANTED TO RENT-A MODERATE sized DWELLING, situated on a main street, In the central part of the eta, above Broad. Address B ox ~ sei2-3t 5 • Post °Ace. WANTED—AGENTS IN EVERY WANTED—AGENTS County in Pennsylvania. Delaware, and South Jersey to introduce a patent Churn which will make Cutter in three minute.. Liberal terms made with good parties. Inquire at 11.28 MARKET Street up stairs, from 8 toe o'clock A. M. sate-unlit-it* lAT ANTED—A SITUATION AS YY HOUSEKEEPER by a practical person, capa ble of taking charge and instructini,• young child ren. Reference to the best families. Apply at 1105 BROWN Street. sel.2-st. WA NT E D--STORAGE FOR THE FURNITURE of a family. Address Box 1075, P. 0. sgl2-2t* WANTED—A POSITION, BY A young man of SlSDltY4tionable respectability, Ina wholesale Dry Goods, Cimunissiati, or Jobbing Rouse, as Assistant Book-keeper, Salesman, or Cashier. Ras a perfect knowledge of counterfeits, awl can furnish No. 1 reference by present em ployers. Address "HONESTY," Press office. sll4.t* "WANTED-AGENTI3-$0 PER DAY 1‘ AT 110141 P..-1 want an Agent, Male or Fe male, in every town and neighborhood, to sell The Great Labor Saver." Every faintly wants lt, and agents are making from $i to 420 per day. This is the hest chance ever offered to agents, as the article is patented, and a capital of Out $3 to $1015• required to begin with. Further particulars sent on receipt of two red stamps for circulars and re turn postage. Address R. WAYVBLL, Box 4151, CH AGO. auln-tru. A GENTLINSIAN OF BUSINESS EX PERIENCE and capacity is desirous of pur chasing an INTEREST In some well established Manufactory of Domestic Goods, or would form a eminection with BOUM HMO* person understand log that business. Address "J. H. 11.01 Prang Office. sell-8t" •A N EXPERIENCED DO :LE-EN ." TRY BOOR-KEEPER, with unexceptionable reference to present employers, desires a situation; salary being a minor eOlikideration. Address "A. Y. M.,"803 MARKET otreet, 'Philo. sell St AG EN'T B WANTED FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAIL, com plete In one large royal octavo volume of over 1,000 pages. Splendidly illustrated with 127 line portaits ofi enerqls and battle Scenes. This Is just the book {lie e 0 ;u ;•'^llt. It presents a tard thanes for agents. Ten•chertl, ladies ;:::rgetle men, and l despe cially returned and disal3led °teen In want of profitable employment, will And lt pe culiarly adapted to their condition. Bend for circu lars. Address "JONES. BROS- lc CO.. art2B-11tiWIt* " Phlladelplart., Fa," A GENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT A-I , National Work, the most complete, only au thentic and relaible,LlFE OF LINCOLN published. Address J.0.15.X5, BROTHERS, & 00., Philadel phia, Pa.. • . au2s-ine AGENTS WANTED FOE TITS ME MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE. TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra induce ments effered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK. Street, northwest of Penn Square, Phitada.. Pa. au2B-nn* AGENTS WANTED FOR b. TIDE SECRET SElttiat, THE FIELD, THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres- Pondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever joub- Uslied, embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years, traieliihig through the South in the 64 cret Service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his c,;,-,iiin ment for twenty r months in pen 9 4. 1iieVAiiE Rebel prison'" - escape., lanild miraculous Jour- Vey of nearly four hundred ;Mies. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than, any work Rublished. MS. energetic young Mei; Teachers,o and espe officers and ' eislly returned and me.-- In WWI adaptednlible employment, wilt OM Pee.„ to their condition. We have utreing clearing +175 per mouth, which we will prove to any doubtinapplicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO.. N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets, anl7.lne Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING BUSINESS IN TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience, and acquainted with the coun try and people of Texas, is soon to return there on private. business. Collections and other business will be promptly and _properly attended to While there, if entrustedto las bands. Address "Loyal, at this office. au22-6w. THE ADVERTISER WHO HAS HAD a business experience o nine, } ears In a West on% of ty, desires a situation as AsmTANT WOK _KEEPER or CLERK. Balary outgo =ain't objeOt as permanent employment. Address " 8.," at this Office. se9-3t. FOR SALE AND TO LET. Ell 4 A DESIRABLE HOUSE TO LET, Mien Arch. near Fifteenth etreet. Apply at 622 ARCH Street. It* et FOR SALE—THE DWELLING, ma No. 2030 MOUNT VERNON. Street; newly pft cu inted, papered, and Cleaned; ren . dr.for immediate ocpation. AppiY to O sel2-6t* No. - 15 R, North TENVII Street. de F 0 R SALE-SPRUCE. STREET, mial.west of Seventeenth, magnificent fourl.e.tory . Brown-stone front DWELLINIv. Lad22-feet front. OnlY 1.120,000. Possession October next. No. loop WALNUT Street. Now vacant, Neat four-story Brown-stone front DWEE'LINGi LOt 20 by 180, to a street. V. 8,000. On West SPRUCE Street. and corner of another main street. Neat large DWELLING. Lot la by DO. Price *17.000. PINE Street, south side. west of Eighteenth Street. Neat large four-story DWELLING. Ohly *18.200. sPRUCE Street, north side. West of Fifteenth, Large first-class DWELLING, all in excellent order. positively. Lot 22feet front 1y240 feet deep. to a street. Price if 25,000. Immediate possession. CHESTNUT Street. (WesttPlaladelphlito neat Thirty-seventh. Splendid MANSION and Large Lot, 00 by 220 feet deep. Beautiful garden, grape vines, shrubbery, fruit trees, icie, Must be seen to be appreciated. Will be sold low, and eu easy terms. GEORGE C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker. N.W. corner SIXTH and WALNUT. et FOR SALE-POSSESSION OCTO araber iv 115114sonte residence. 10 rooms. with all modern conveniences, on lloCtli 'VWolftli street. A pniv before 8 A. M.. and after SP. M., at 1.2.117 TITOMPSON Street. sell lit" FOR SALE-THE FOUR-STORY .-'.lnlek Ind Wing and premises - , Nos . 417 and 419 Diann gtreet. above Callowhill street: possession can bpsiven. Ay ply to W. M. LE WOE, No. 331 North SIXTH Street. seit-et* REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE. 16,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE.. *5.000.000 WORTH FOR SALE. SEPTEMBER, CATALOGUE JUST OUT. SEPTEMBER CATAT.OWIE JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. BEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. ghat MILLER'S MONTHLY CATALOCrUE is the greatest production of the age to parties Interested in the purchase of city or suUnruan properties. No person wishing to purchase should fan to . get copy. Sent free of charge to any address in the United States. GEORGE TO. MILLER, Practical Meal Estate Operator for the last twenty' years, N. W. corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. seidditif deg A FAMILY DESIRE TO RENT, JCL for six Months only, a comfortable HOUSE, in a, respectable part of the city. Must contain live bed rooms. Address Box 2075 P. O. see-stuf et FOR SALE CHEAP-NEAT COT TAGE, eontaiolng 11 rooms, and about one acre of Laud. on Rasseitger Roal.la near the Wises,- ldekon. ]I. . F. GLENN, 12,3 S. lOLTRTH St. set FOR SALE-SMALL PLACE OF 14 .ME. acres, Dwelling, Sie.. war Brlstot. Pa. cheap. se9 B F. GLENN, 123 S. FOURT'II St. • Q R SALE—NEAT DWELL maLING 1110nnt Vernon street, al'oO Neat Dwelling, WM Mount Vernon. Dwelling, 2.014 Blount Vernon—vacant. "`Ml:Green.' " 72.13 antl 2215 Spring Garden. " Dwelling, 1330 Dine. PwcilifF, 1426 Marshall. Dwelling.. 2113 BrandrYthe — vacant. 21.4 Brand min e—vacant. 14 Dwelling , =South Tenth street — vacant. B. F. GLEN 1123 South "FOURTH Street, and se9 S. N. corner Seventeenth and Green. dfit 'FOR SALE—THE NEAT, MO = DERN-BUILT RESIDENCE, with side-yar4, No. 711 Green street, In good order, with two ranges, two furnaces, bath, &e. Possession before :No. 1. Apply to BACON & WARDER, se7.6t. 2283 WALNUT Street. dire FOR NILE,A BUBINESS STAND— mFour-storyDrown 11 °use, Ns. 824 Walnut street, Valuable property. Ai . ipiy to 11. A. J. PANCOAST. No. 3404 BRIDGE Street, 3itutteaville, between 3 and 6 o'clock. au29-In. ___. BP., UII d DING LOTS FOR SALE.—A. lave Lot on SEVEICTH Stree,t, 20th Ward, oOntairomi: 300 feet on 7th et., 174 feet deep to Nat shall St. Also, 800 feet. on C ermantown avenue, run- Wog back to Marshall, with large Factory on Part. of lot, renting for $BOO. Address J. CARRIG.AN. Box 2008, P. 0. sell-tu thsat* FOR SALE- BUILDING LOTS suitable for itiaillifactorles. situated on Read. in Railroad and Frankford Pix.C.'ditger Railway, Liberal terms made with parties willing to put good inap_roveinents on the property. Apply tO E. L. Bournma, 446 WALNUT St., 2d story. isel2 it OFFICE -ROOM TO RENT.-APPLY at O. 18 Seath THIRD Street, above the Me chanics' Bank, seo.thsta6t* DEMOVAL! REMOVAL! GEORGE C. MILLER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, HAS ItEMOVEO TO THE N.W. CORNER OF SINTE AND WALNUT `6TREETS. Catalogue for Beptembet Stigt out, for gratuitous dlstributton. No person wishing to purchase city or suburban property should fall to call. TO CAPITALISTS.-FOR SALE TO eiose a partnership concern, over two thousand acres of choice Isiid Li Indiana county. A Mill . ) Call be seen and further Information given at SAO aa Mt $ET Street. (sel-late] B. WILT. T O_LET-TWOROOMS, WITH STEAM POIVER, , weII lighted, by seS-6t. CHARLES EVANS, QUARRY St. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by BitmHBOLD'S EXTRACT BucHc. 104 South TENTH Street. au234° ICD EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER. semi 18 SOUTH lialhi sTraff.T, PHILADELPHIA. PA, A lame irariety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES alwayi on hand. mjitil 131 POR TA N T--TD where th e hest and most Shoes eau be made for Ladles. Misses Children, and ths,of every style. At WEST'S;in ELE V.ESTH Street, above Spruce. se7-6t. _ . _ TIMER'S SELF-SEALING FRIII7 . 1 - CANS, Every housekeeper ill the city and countrl should use this excellent Can. It is the most con venient and reliable Can in use, and gives eptirt satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed In an Instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressingii upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in the toper write by the hen t Of the fruit, and as thepress. leg continues the fruit cools, and the sealing le net feet. The cap is unMstened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can, at J. IdcIIURTRIES 9 , SOS SPRING- GARDEN Street. jyl4-Stnif. Philadelphia, A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEPT of the properties of HICLInIIOLD'S FLUID EX TRACT EI"CCU will be a comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensary. 104 South TENTII §treet. CTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, C. W. M BOTTLER, RV Auctioneer. MEDICAL PUEYon_.'l3 OFFICE Will D. (1.; dept. 11, ISM Will be told at public sale ,at Warehouse,on WARY SQUARE, Pitch and E Streets, TlKappe DA.y, September 1 ath Mee- nder the eupervieletrair Csotain H. JOHN4OI4, B. K. U. A., a largo lot of serviceable _property, % consisting of the Ml— lowing articles Of household Itrniture._, ac., via; Iron Bedsteads, Blankets, Sheets, Counterpance.' Chairs, Tables, Bedsacks , Mattresses, Pillows. Chambers, Plates, Dishes; Bowls, Pitchers. Mugs. kip m ittOons, dad-irons, Frying tune , Tea Settles. Lining Gte4ikt, Drawers, Shirts, Sun, &C.• eoMprising all suet, articles as are o service to hotel and housekeepers. Terms cash, in Government funds. Purchasers will be required to pay for and retrial , * their goods within forty - eight hours after the CUM* of sale. Printed catalogues Or articles exposed for sale will be Weedy for distrlbutlon at the office of the clerk, at the Warehouse, otithe dits of sate. U. C. SUTHERLAND, Brevet Lieut. Colonel U. B. A., and Medical Puy. veyor, Washington, D. C. sell-at ARGE BALE *OF GVERNME oAlta, ENGINES, AND RAILROAD IRO N , UNITED STATES MILITANT RAILROADS, OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QuARTEEDIAsTER, WAsIIiNGToN D. 0., A.ugust;ll, leek Wilt be sold at CITY POINT, Va., on :WEDNES DAY, October 11, at 11 o'clock A. br. : About four thousand (4,001) tone Railroad Iron. At PORTSMOUTH, Va., on FRlDAY, , October 1 / 4 at 12 M.: Five (6) first-class Locomotive Engines. About fifty (SO) Freight Cars and one (1) Passenger Car. At NORFOLK, Va. October 13, at 5 P. 111.1 One new Locomotive ' Eugtue, 5 foot gauge. At ALEXANDE „ lA, Va an TUESDAY, WOW" 17! Fifty (60) first-class Locomotive ROAMS, 4-teat Orr Inch gauge. Eighteen (18) new Platform Cats, five-foot gauge. Twenty-Sve (25) new Box Cars, five (5) foot gauge. About three hundred and fifty (350) Box Cars, 4-reet £4olltetl gauge. About two hundred and thirty (m) Platform d 0.% is feet Eli-inch gauge. • About thirty (30) Stock do., 4-feet 8%-inch gauge. Twenty (20) Passenger do., do., do., - do. One (1) Wrecking do., do., do., do. Two (2) new Trucks. Sixty do,, do., rfained• Fourteen (PO Flats. About two thousand (2,000) tons Railroad Iron. Sales continue ence dayEl at 10 A. M. 5 and to from to day until all are sold. Terms; Cash, in 42YefliMerlit funds. • H. L. ROBINSON, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. M. Military -Railroads. Mil -tacit ADIUSEMkINIVS. . _ • TV AL NUT -STREET THEATRE.--i. T I Acting and Stage Manager..W. S. Yodericki Business Manager and Treasurer. ~.T. J. Hemphill THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, Sept'. 12, 188 s, 6ceond Ni ht of no give American Artmo, - mr.s. D. P. BOWERS, Who will appear in her favorite clitiracte of PAULINE. MR. BARTON HILL as Claude Mcbiotte, Commencing with Buiwer's Beautiful Play of the. LADY ON LYONS, On, LOVE A:0. To conclude with the Musical Comedy' or the LOAN OF A LOVER. Family Circle, 2.5 cents; Chairs in Orchestra and Dress Circle, 50 cents; secured chairs in Orchestra, and Dress Circles, 75 cents; Orchestra chairs, $l.; Orchestra Boxes, 884-Private Boxes, $l3 to *B. Doors Mtn tt 74 o'clock; commence at quarter . before 8. 7•TEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA: CITEEITNIIT Strdet, above GROPER & SIN,_ "+I Lesseee and Managetl. RETURN OF THE FAVORITE. , ",b101,41.1A 4 47 ANI) TUESDAY EWEININGS, September 11th and 12114 INITIAL NIGHTS Of tile Young, Beautiful, andFarseinating Sensa tional Artiste, MISS HELEN WESTERN. • The performance will commence on the evenings mentioned with the grand Military Draina, in three. ((MB TIM MENU" SPY, Oft THE • STORMING or Atoms. Math!lde Henri St. Alme }Miss HELEN WESTEM Monet To conclude with the merry Faroe. THF, FAMILY JPllf FRIDAY EVENING. benefit of neien-WUterit. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Sept, 10th:benefit at Mr. W. H. tiardner, when the great moral drama 0 • THE DItt.INKAED will be pm:limed. sett MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW' ARCH BTREET THEATRE. LAST WEER OF MRS. JOHN int W. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT. Only Week or Lester Wollack's Mil' of ROSEDALE: Or, THE RIFLE BALL. IN ALL ITS ORIGINAL MAGNIFICENCE. Urs. JOHN DREW 448 NOS A LRIGH. 'SUPPORTED BY THE FULL COMPANY. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MEI. JOHN DREW sell.4t NEW~AMERICAN L WANUT street above MOM, Dimr,Ar. SUCCEetS erienn AM "g IT 5 . . 4 ,HER The orot Am miss Ki,rm who, with her BEATJTIna. 11011 st, WONDER, AND ON SATURDAY' A Eit!WON, iu il laral4 l . l 2; in eg THE.WILD HORSE OF TARTARY. Full Dramatic Company, with Grand ToUrnament, Ballets, & c. Doors open at 7.30 o'clock , commence g o'clock. J-1-A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT. GREAT SUCCESS HOUSE CROWDED TO EXCESS. TUESDAY, SEPT. 12. AND EVERY EVENING.. gOdMlil p L e ANl ee MRShHDRRYuWisATdE Artists In their Comical Musical Entertainment, "TWO HOURS IN FUNLANDN Assisted by the Eminent Pianist, MISS CARLOTTA SHAW, Pronounced by the Musical Critics of England THE BEST OF LIWNG LADY. PIANISTS. During the crunillg 3 MR. AND MRS. ri..WATniNs DI THIRTY CHARACTERS AND SONOSI Dying a series of Eccentric Sketches of Charac ter!: Dashes at the Dilletandi Rubs on the Ro mantic! Smiles at the Sentimental! Hits at So ciety! views or the Vulgar! etc. Afir Fall particu lars ace small hills and posters, Admission SO smd. 20 cis, Open at N--44eglil 08. sel2•Ot CONCERT HALL.-TOM,' THE v BLIND NEGRO BOY PIANIST, Will give a series of entertainments for one week only, commencing TUESDAY SO EVENINti, Bept.pl2. ADMISSION CENTS. ReserVed seats, egThe. Gallery, MC, Doors open M. 7,14 (PeWit s counnoncin_g at BK. N. B.—le eserved seats tray he secured each day at 1,14, T. B. Pitglrs Book Store, S. W. cor. Sixth and Chestnut. The grand rianolised for the occasion is kindly furnished: by Blasius Bros., 1006 Chestnut st. see-gt" S. C. J. THAYER, Agent. DA.NCING AOA.DEMY. D. L. CARPENTER, 625 ARCH Street, . _ Terms, Circulars, &a., to be had at his Rooms, where D. L. CARPENTER eau be seen at all hours, day and night. sel.l.Bt* NOTI —T H E I,'XDERSIGNED to g . kayo to notify his ninnerolla friends gel the public in general that he has sold Ms interest in the Concert nalloon and Hotel known as DULLER'S 'WINTER GARDEN, Nos. 720 and 726 to Mr. JAMB WALEit, who will take possession on WEDNESDAY, September 13th. Thanking you for the liberel pntronage bestowed on the Establish ment, under My solicit the same favor for my successor. HENRY MILLER. With reference to the above the undersigned cur tines tohie friends and the public in general that he takes pes6essien of ZIIII".LER'S WINTEBOARTEN Ott WErizir;bibAY, Septemitee hath, mid 'shall Coo, duet the same On the plan adopted by its romer pro prietor boneltlng a share at the pa blleibitrollige, I am respectfully yours, JACOB VALER. sel2-2t. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT sfreet, abbe T2uth....3pen from 9A. Mlt till 6 F. M. 13eniamiti Vireatia great, "attire Of CI-IRIn REJECT D still on Eximition. len BOARDING. - VACANT, WITH BOARD—A LARGE Unfurnieliml nOol%l_, - Mid a ROOM fkr two Gentlemen, OL7 SPRUCE b't rect. sea-Maio St. WANTED-BOARD FOR .GENTLE ,I man, wlfe t and two children; one large or two coennunicating rooms , In a private felony; lo cation wuet 9 t..3rottil, between Race and cuates. Address box 109, Post Oalee. acq2.tuthat• ,TWO' FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT to one or two gentlemen. Gas. bath, with or without breakfast, in small private lankily, 323 DUGAN Street, above Fifteenth, between Spruee and - REMOVALS. - - - pp EMOVAL.-BENEDICT MILLER. -a- U 3ll3l3ELLAandPAU&SOLMauuthaturerer, has reineVed t() 39 North SIXTH street. oes-lue tr. REMOVAL. 4 r d . P. S. DOFTIP3, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, . _ Formerly at No. 1 , 10 North Thirteenth street, in• forms his uumerous friends and customers that ha has removed to No. 61 North EIGHTH Street, where he intends to open with a flue and well se lected assortment of WATOILEf3 and JEWELRY. Everything in his line will be found of a superior quality and workmanship, and every article war. ranted as represented. Pattleular attention Oren to repairing tins Watches. Jewelry made to order, and - repaired. He solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed in his old store by former customers. and asks the favor of the public generally. anti-Inn EXCURSIONS. EXCITRSIOS LONG BRANCIH. - • Trains for Long Branch will leave COOPER'! POINT, Camden, dally (Sunday excepted) at 0.15 A. :ZSI, Fare, eX. Excursion Tickets, good for three days, * t B. COLE, Agent, sei-iin 04. • en.. WRITTEN AND VERBAL v . " - 11, DESCRIPTIONS of Character. Consti tutlon, and Talent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Education, Self-lm `proyeinent. Management and Traialug of CHILDREN. Sdalril Adaptatloll. AO' day and evening, by JOHN L. CAPPS, IMAM Phrenologist and Bookseller, o. 25 S. TENTH Street, above Chestnut. ocu-tuthslylf PIIILADELPITIA. SCALA' A WORSE.—BANKS,PiNmOnE,. & Bueeessora to A. BDavis C0..,H. ear . nor FIFTEENTH !Arent and PENNBT - L. VANIA Avenue, manufacturers of Patent Scales, suitable for Welgit Locks, Railroad Tracks, Depots, Coal, Hay, and Aye stock; also, all .thq_rkilous. descriptions of Dormant. and Portable riattOrill Scales, Counter nettles; and Patent Beams;, Patent Stock House Scale, for Blast Furnaces; Patent Parallel Crane Beam, for weighing_ boilers, cast ings, and other heavy 'machinery; Hopper Settles. for we i g hing grain, indicating bushels and pounds;. Babb e' itentu F BI and Milan Scale. EPery Seale warranted. Innipt attention given, to rep:.ll. ti go. Send for a circular. Nics C, B. H. DINVORM, LEWIS L. HOuPT. C. H. QERING. J. R. Si' INGE% atl2l-3m FAIRBANKS' STANDATM E, SCALES. „. Adapted to every ale{ of bullies* where a correct and durable Seam ia iegiiirgd. • '.uniform standard of weights, and a correct system of weighing, are subjects claiming the at. tention of every individual tit the community. A woRD OF CAUTION. . THE WELL-EARNED REPUTATION OF . TBEBII ljp.mns lies Induced the manufacturers and ven ders or imperfeet and cheap made hdliPloa to offer tlicm as FA I ItliA NES' SCALIER, anti purchasers have therefore been subjected to fraud and imposition; and Surther, other Manufacturers have ralBely as serte'd tlat they have secured the services orvalued supertntendents and foremen from.our establish me»t. The sunscrillei , g have no controversy with homer, able competitors, but regarding the perpetrators of the above frauds as pursuing a course alike unjust and distionorab/e, they flake this method to caution the public against their impositions. FAIRBANKS Sc EWING, MASONIC HALL, Philadelphia. STERIIT'S SALE . BY Ytterrn' OF a writ of TenditiOnt Expends, to the diverted, wit! be exposed to public sale or vendee, ox MON DAY [Evening, October 2, 1265, at 4 o'clock, at San som-strect All that three-story brick messatme and lot Of Pi9tund situate on the 11Or611veest corner of Arch and rieth streets, in the city of Philadelithill Contains , ing in front ou Arch street 16 fret 8 'lnches, and in depth, along lelftit street, 09 feet, (excepting the. north three-rol-a-lialf feet, which Is added to an alley). [Which premises Thos. ]hkrtholomew et by deed dated November 24th, 1792, recorded in meet Book No, 19, page 420 conveyed unto Btnisinin thvvi.§ in fee, reserving groltlict rent of Ch . ) Cc. 1%; 'O. 921. Debt, *9,69, Armstrong.} Taken In excretion and to be sold as the property . Of Benjamin Parts. IVENIIN C. 1101VELL, sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's QUM, Sept. 9, LIM. 89/2-3t