The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 12, 1865, Image 2

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Mr We can take no notice of anonymous consmn-
Wlestions. We do not return rejected minnsorlpte.
air Voluntait correspondence is solicited from all
vans of the world, and especiany from our different
11111Itisty f bud nuvaldepastnents. When used, it will
be petd fbr. ' '
There are few public men so well qualified
to speak on "The great topic of the Hour,"
as THADDEUS STEVENS ; and there is none
who, by his early protests against human
sl i veiy, And his unwearied opposition to
its intrigues and its iniquities, has earned
the right to utter his thoughts with a more
cm Lain and almost authoritative weight.
Although he has been a conspicuous ac
tor in party conflicts for nearly fifty years,
he was one of the most prominent charac
ters in those exciting struggles of the rebel
lion, which made the halls of Congress the
scene of fiery debates, and caused a continent
to tremble under the shock of contending
hosts, fighting for the control of a mighty
Hepublie—the one in the name of Civil
Liberty, the other in the interest of Slayery.
THADDEUS STEVENS is in his seventy-third
year, and though born in Vermont, has
lived in Pennsylvania since he was seven
teen. He has frequently represented the
people in the State and National Legisla
tures, and in December begins his sixth term
in the United States House of Representa
tives, which, should he live to complete it,
will make.twelve years ahnost continuous
service in that body. During all this
petiod, as well as five years of service in
the popular branch of our State Ldgisla
. ture, and a laborious term as a member of
the convention to reform the Constitution
of the State, a leading principle of his
action, if not his reigning motive,
was a strong, stern, and uncom
promising antagonism to slavery—in
fact to every form of tyranny - over the
minds of men. It is something, for such a
leader to say that he has lived to see many
of his predictions made good ; but it must
be a source of profound satisfitction that he
ims also lived to see slavery die. And if to
this thought we add the fact that Mr. STE
VENS finds himself supported and sus
tained by many who did not see
the danger to the public liberties as early
as he saw it, and are now to be ranked
among the warmest abolitionists of the
times, he may be said to enjoy a privi
lege, and indeed, a happiness-not often en
joyed by conscientious statesmen--the
happy privilege of living, as it were, in the
midst and helping to reap the haryest of the,'
good seeds he assisted to plant in the face
of incessant ridicule and misrepresentation.
The speech of this distinguished American
_(wlrich we publish entire this morning),
pronounced at Lancaster, on Wednesday
last, must have a material bearing on the
several questions and duties that press upon
intelligent and inquiring minds. While we
could have wished to see Mr, STEVENS take
a more hopeful view of the future, we feel
like thanking him for the perfect candor of
his statements.
There is much that he says which we
can - not approve, especially his argument as
to the manner of paying the interest, and
ultimately the principal of the national
debt ; and still more especially his gloomy
isroPhecies that unless his remedy is adopted,
or something like it, we may " produce"
repudiation. The impossibility of such a
system of confiscation as he advocates, so
sweeping and so indiscriminate, is to our
mind as clear as the impossibility of the
repudiation of any dollar of our national
debt, principal and interest. Some of
Our over-sensitive friends shiver when
ever the word repudiation is mentioned,
and seem to think that he who does
not take the most sanguine view of
the national debt and of the nation's
capacity to meet it, is at heart in favor of
repudiation. But this is not our notion.
We propose to make repudiation innocuous
by showing it to be impossible. Mr.
STEVENS has always been rather a lament
ing Jeremiah on the subject of the national
finances. Whenever in the last four years
he had a favorite measure to carry, he
threatened Congress and the country with
precisely the catastrophe which he now
evokes to make his present strong remedy
popular: We recollect how he made the
dry bones of the Third and Wall-street
brokers rattle last winter and the winter
before ; and yet his plans did not all
prevail. The treasury weathered the
storm, the interest was paid punctually,
and the people roiled in their taxes without
grumbling. Now, if there is in this broad
land a man who hates repudiation more
than THADDEUS STEVENS, we do not know
Lim. We recall a period in our own
State history in which he was the
giant who fought against this great
crime when it seetnea to be possible,
and he crushed it with his Titantie
blows. And even as he now holds it before us
as a not improbable contingency, he has, we
feel, no more fear of it than JAY COON
himself. May not his earnestness in this
respect be the product of his intense anti
slavery feeling ? In that part of his speech
which he devotes to the national debt is the
"Four hundred and seventy millions to be
rair-ed by taxation ! Our present heavy taxes
- will not, in ordinary years, produce but little
more than half that sum. Can all our people
bear double their present taxationl Re who
IllinCeeeeardy Causes it will be accursed from
generation to generation. It is fashionable to
- belittle our puolic debt, lest the people should
become alarmed, and political parties should
'Suffer. I have never found it wise to deceive
the people. They can always be trusted with
the truth. Capitalists will not be affected, for
they Cannot be deceived. Confide In the peo
ple, and you - will avoid repudiation. Deeeive
them, and lead them into false measures, and
you may produce it.
"We pity the poor Englishmen, whose na
tional debt and burdensome taxation we have
heard deplored from our childhood. The debt
of Great Britain is just about as much as ours,
04,009,000004 four billions. But in effect it is
but half as large—it bears but three per epnt.
interest. The current year, the Chancellor Of
the Exchequer tells us, the interest was *PH,-
to3,9se. Ours, when all shall be funded, will be
nearly double.
"The plan we have proposed would pay at
least three-fourths of our debt. The balance
could be managed with our present taxation.
_Nino yet to think that even that is to be per
petual is sickening. If it is to be doubled, as
it must be, if "restoration " instead of recon
struction" is to prevail, would to God the au
thors of it could see themselves as an execrat
ing public and posterit y will see them."
By a strange coincidence, we find the
following in the Speech of an English gen
tleman, delivered on the 9th instant, at
IY7eadville, in this State, at the banquet
given to the British capitalists who had in
vested eighteen millions of dollars in that
stupendous work, the Atlantic and Great
Western Railroad, and whose investment,
bold and daring as it was supposed to be,
proves to have been one of the most fortu
nate ever known. This gentleman, Sir MOR
TON PETO, one of the devoted friends of our
country during the rebellion, thus spoke of
OUT national debt as compared with that of
England, and also of the relative ability of
the two countries to pay their interest and
principal. We ask the reader to note how
tumor! sciously the eminent Englishman
meets and dissipates the apprehensions of
the eminent American—Tim - Dm:us STE
'YENS : /
"You have made great sacrifices for your
country. You have expended treasure and
blood in support of the great principles of
human freedom, and 1 believe that, deeply
as niay deplore the blood which has flowed,
the result of the struggle will be to cement a
bond of union which no future time will ever
sever. [Loud Cheeks.] The world says you
have accumulated a mighty debt. Well, the
figures do look large ; but it may be some con
solation to know that your debt is not so large
ne ours, the figures being as eight hundred
million pounds sterling to six hundred million
"'minds sterling. The interest itt present will
Tye at a greater rate of charge in your country
Than our own; but such is the enormous
-extent of your territory, and such its rapid de
•velopmen t, and such, I believe, the self-reliant
attitude of your people, that no difficulty will
arisu in your meeting the annual charge. Our
, own progreas as a • nation'_ was shown to heso
great in a recent speech by- Mr. Gladstone,
that, by the ;showing of the-people themselves
in their income tax returns, - We
increase in ten years has exceeded the total
value of our entire national debt. Let me
adopt familiar explanation : Suppose each
American spent on his dinner one snipping a
iaay fora y e ar, your pee-de eotagairde as
Tallith as the entire natOmal debt you have in
curred. [Laughter.) Look at the railway
whose completion we are here celebrating.
Why, it has cost one-sixtieth of your enti r e
national debt, and yet it has. been subscribed
mutinv by f ore i gn capitalists during the pe
ykal of your struggle, and the receipts 5111
it to be a highly remunerative investment.
:Again, let me refer to another fact w e
pay in London on cab hire and omnibus
lblre yearly, in that single city, as much
as the income and property tax Of our
entire kingdomand ~ Witell.; I look, to the,
enormous development anirgarrid increase
the popnlation ancilaltrlfipr Cio"!lntrYli
whoa wok,: f9r net", t. t od. diatjdets
over which ihtve y. where lieS,W
evidenc everyexampled.,*ea4tht and prqape
rity on side;•ancri,Wherel saw 'in.' one
place, where, on the Ist. of anielast, not iksin
gle shaw , 3ad been erected, at the present
trine, on this Bth of September, four hundred
houses finished and inhabited, two churches
hunt, six banks established, two telegraph
stations, and the extension of the Atlantic
and Great Western Railway, began only four
mouths since, within a month of its comple
tion-1 say, sir, when I see such facts as these,
there is no t hingin, your debt which need cre
ate anxiety or make you feel you have incur.
red responsibility which you cannot honora
bly meet. I say, sir, though we cannot too
much deplore all the blood shed and its la
mentable consequences, there is nothing for
you to deplore in your future. You have only
to base your taxation equitably, fairly, and in
such a transparently honest way that every
class may see that none are excepted and mime
are unfairly treated. Be true to yourselves,
and the world will not be slow to appreciate
your position, and do you full justice. [Loud
and prolonged cheering]."
Abetter vindication of our country could
not have been made at a more opportune
period. That portion of the speech of Mr.
STEVENS which bears upon the theory of
treating the late insurgent States as COW'
quered territories, is very able as an essay ;
but it lacks a practical value in view ofadj ust
ing facts of daily occurrence. Mr. STEVENS
concedes that we ma.yeet upon. either remedy
"if for the interest of the nation." We
may, or we may not, treat them as " alien
enemies." There is, then, nO wide differ
ence between him and President JOHN
sox. Indeed, he cites the President on his
side in at least two cases, though evi
dently deploring the general policy of
recognizing, the late insurgent States
as still inside of the Union. It is enough
for us, that the President has decided to
administer his construction of this doctrine
in so stern and resolute a manner that
even men of Mr. STEVENS' views will
finally accept his action as a very satis
factory solution of present and prospective
perils. The President has called his
plan an experiment. Mr. STEVENS offers
one on a far more comprehensive and re
volutionary scale. Why shall we not be
glad to take the former, if (as we think it is
dully doing) it abets all, or nearly all that
we fought for and hoped for, instead of try
ing the cumbrous machinery and drastic
remedies of the eminent statesman front
Lancaster county ?
Are the friends of the Union in Philadel
phia awake to the trerdendous importance
of electing the Union candidate for Mayor ?
Nobody doubts the capacity, integrity, and
enthusiastic loyalty of Mr. AicM ICnAEL,
and yet these are not more clear than the
fact that his defeat would be an unspeaka
ble calamity to all our material local in
terests, and to the cause of the country
generally. We have only to suppose a police
force composed of such men as followed
FERNANDO WOOD, r and shouted after
HORATIO SEYMOUR, in the great New York
riots of 1863, organized and led by a
" Democratic " Ma 3 in this city, to show
why we should make Mc3ItcrIAEL the suc
cessor of HENRY. There are a thousand
other reasons ploding in the same di
rection. This one will suffice to think
upon for a day or two.
How the President Honors Loyalty.
[From yesterday's Chronicle.]
Mischievous men in the Soutliern:States will
probably gather instruction from the course
of the President in response to the action of
the people of Mississippi, in their conven
tion, by which they abolished slavery and the
SiftVe•COdeS of their own State, and prepared
to take their place in the ranks of free Ame
rican commonwealths. As if to mark his dis
sent and disapproval of the bad faith of bad
men in Virginia, Missouri, and Tennessee, and
other States, he confirms the action of Pro
visional Governor Sharkey in organizing the
State militia, and gives his reasons with cha
racteristic plainness. We have already pub
lished these reasons, but they deserve repeti
tion, and are as follows ;
" If there was any danger from an 0Ng9.11123-
tioll. of the citizens for the purpose indicated,
the military are there to suppress, on the first
appearance, any move insurrectionary in its
character. One great object is to induce the
people to come - forward in the defence of the
:Rate and Federal Governments. General
Washington declared that the people,.Or the
militia, was the arm of the Constitution, or
the arm of the United States, and, as soon as
it is practicable, the original design of the
Government should be resumed wider the
principles of the great charter of freedom
handed down to the people by the founders of
the Republic. The people must be trusted,
with their Government, and if trusted,
my opinion is that they will act in good faith,
and restore their former constitutional rela
tions with all the States composing the Union.
Merman object of Major General Carl Schurz's
mission to the South was to aid, as much as
practicable, in carrying out the policy adopted
by the Government for restoring the States to
their former relations with the Federal Go.
vernment. It is hoped such aid has been
given. The proclamation authorizing the re
storation of State government reqUireS the
military to aid the Provisional Governor in the
performance of his duties as prescribed in
the proclamation, and in no manner to inter
fere or throw impediments in the way of the
consummation of the object of his appoint
ment, at least without advising,the Govern
ment of the intended interference."
In other sections of the South, where the
rebels denounce and attempt to defyand evade
the oaths imposed upon all who are chosen to
represent the people in the Legislatures and
Congress of the United States, national troops
are retained of necessity ; but here in Missis
sippi, where there is manifest good faith,
preparations are being made to remove these
forces, and to let the people organize their
own troops, and conduct their own govern.
ment. This is in secordance with the Presi
dent's theory. Those who may suppose that
he is conferring too much power even upon the
men who are proving their desire to come
back to their fealty in Mississippi, have
Only to recollect that, it the President
should be deceived in this noble generosity,
there is still a remedy left in Congress itself.
Icor need the apprehension be indulged that
the jurisdiction Of the Government over all
Classes of freedmen has been in the slig,htest
degree withdrawn in Mississippi or elsewhere.
Any attack on the part of local tribunals,•either
by unwillingness or prejudice, or by reason of
defective State machinbry, or by the existence
Of some law declaring colored persons incom
petent as witnesses, or to deprive them of the
blessings enjoyed bytheir own race elsewhere,
will be investigated, exposed, and corrected
under the authority of the Freedmen's Bureau,
of which Major General 0. 0. Howard is the
flaunted PlaceS.
The letter from our Bristol (Pa.) correspond
ent, riPinted a few days ago, does not detail
the hist "ghost , ' sensation. The. Jersey City
Stondard of Saturday furnishes another, say.
], ln this city at the present time there is
a most startling and alarming. occurrence
nightly, whieh, although known to hut feW, is
it source of great terror, and as yet remains
an 'unfathomed mystery. Unearthly yells,
piercing shrieks, and horrible groans, about
twelve o'clock every night, emanate from
within the stately walls of a church edifice in
the upper part of the city, and which have
proved a terrible cause of alarm to the people in
that neighborhood. At that solemn hour of the
when church yards yawn and graves
giVe up their dead," the stillness of that local
ity is suddenly disturbed by these piercing
cries, which ring out loud upon the air, and
then gradually die away, only to be again re
newed, at short intervals. until the approach
of day, when they finally cease. The people
within the sound of these most dismal and un
earthly yells and crieslof trouble, spring from
their beds in great terror, and rush to the win
dows as if expecting to see parties engaged
in mortal combat, or the victim of some bru
tal murder gasping the last breath. But no
thing is visible, there is n 0 movement of
any living thing about the edifice, and
they return to bed only to have their
repose again disturbed by the same causes.
This is the first public ghost within our
recollection. We had the ghost of St. Peter's
churellyard in this city more than a score of
years ago; then the house near the Court-house
in Hudson City; then the Hoboken-avenue
ghost, in the same city; then the New York
shade, -which chose for the scene of its opera
tions a house in Twenty-sixth street; then the
Bergen-tunnel apparition, which so_fright
ened a- con!Plictor of the: Morris and Essex
Railroad, that he, at the risk of his life, leaped
from the cars and fled from the place; then
the Bristol ghost 3 and, last of all, the Bridge
ton Hot& (N. J.) ghost. We have a eireum•
stantial account furnished us by a correspond
ent in that town, which we will use when op
portunity offers.
Horrid Barbarity The Inquisition
Again Enforced in Panama.
From the 'Panama Star August 31.]
One of the most atrocious pieces of barbarity
ever perpetrated since the dark ages is that
reported to have been inflicted on Sunday
night last on a sailor of the American schoone r
deneral Harney. Soon after the arrival of the
vesSel in. port the unfortunate MBA was ar
rested and placed in jail as a witness to prove
that the Harney had brought rebel troops
from Buenaventura and landed them near
Panama. The authorities being unable to get
any statement to that• effect -by fair means
from the prisoner, put him on the main or
der to force false evidence from him agkinst
the vessel and, her owner. The man says he
was suspended by the heels, and his legs pulled
apart until he thought he should be torn in
two, but he still maintained the truth—that no
troops were brought up on the vessel. In this
way be was tortured until his tormentors
feared they had Carried their brutality too far,
and he was released from his fearful position.
During the torture the man retained his senses,
and stoutly defended the innocence of the cap
tain and owner of the vessel, but on being set
at liberty he fell seroelem to the ground. The
poor fellow's legs are sadly ewolien and Man
gled, and he could barn ly move with pain. ,
—The Union men of Pennsylvania are . to
hold a grand mass meeting at Williamsport
dupes the Agricultural State Fair at that
place. Arrangements are already on foot ,to
render the demonstration One of the most im
posing ever made by the friends of the Govern.
ment in Pennsylvania.
She Sent More Troops-into the Field, and
Made the Largest Sacrifices of
any of the Free States.
HABILIBBURG, Sept. 11.—The account current
between PeringyiVallift ana the Federal autho
rities, concerning the number of troops fur•
Dished by the State for the Federal armies is
about being closed. The following letter frOm
the Provost Marshal General's office contains
the official summing up of the number of men
recruited in this State from April 17, 18G1, to
April SO, 1E65:
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 2, 1803.
76 .Flis Exeettency A. G. Cavan, Governor of
SIR : I have the honor to inform you that the
number of men furnished by the State of Penn
sylvania, from April 17,1861, to April 30, 1865,
is three hundred and sixty-one thousand nine
hundred and thirty-nine (361,939,) without re
ference to priority of service, which varied
from three months to three years, Please
acknowledge the receipt. -
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully,
your obedient servant, JAMES B. FRY,
ProvoSt Marshal General.
This account, with a fractional difference
against the tax, tallies with records on the
same subject in the Adjutant General's office
of Pennsylvania, but there are additions to
be made to the grand total of troops furnished
by Pennsylvania, which largely increase the
aggregate of the service rendered by the
people of the State during the war. This
aggregate is reached by the following reca
Number of troops recruited in Pennsyl
vania, as credited in the United States
Provost Marshal's Office, Washington,
from April 17,1361, to April 30 1 1865.. 361,030
Number of troops furnished tor State
defence, and in response to calls fur
emergencies. 00,005
Number of troopS who left the State to -
enlist in other military districts, for
the purpose of receiving large boun
ties 25,000
Number of colored troops recruited in
this State to fill up colored organize
tions in other States 2,500
As _an evidence that the number of troops
was very large which left this State to enter
organizations of other States, it will be re
membered that the Legislature passed a law
fixing a severe penalty for officers from other
States who engaged in recruiting within the
limits of this Commonwealth. It will also be
remembered that a full regiment for the State
of California was recruited in the city of Phi
ladelphia, and that another full regiment for
Western Virginia was recruited in Allegheny
In tins account no allowance is mule for the
number of sailors and marines who left the
State to enter the navy. It is sufficient to set
up the claim, however, that Pennsylvania fur
nished more men to the national armies than
any other State in the Union; that she suffered
more materially during - the war than any
other free State ; one of her most flourishing
border boroughs having been burned by an in
vading force of rebels; that the military ex
penses of the State were very many thousand
less than the same expenditures in any of the
other free States; that during the four years
of the war Pennsylvania reduced her State
debt almost two millions of dollars. Such a
record is more worthy the lofty consideration
of the impartial historian than the mere re
capitulation of the hasty telegrapher.
There seems to'be some doubt about Gen.
Slocum's acceptance of the nomination the
New York Democracy have thrust upon him,
The editor of the Syracuse journal, who Bays
he knows the general intimately, assures us
that he is confident that the general has not
compromised himself, e_ claiming :
There is some infernal jugglery here, in
which Gen. Slocum is not a p:Fticipant, but of
which he is made the unconscious victim,
The Journal has received a letter from Slo
cum, dated Vicksburg, August 27, in which lie
says :
I received a letter last week from a friend
in Syracuse, proposing I should be a candidate
for secretary of State. I replied at once that I
could not become a Candidate for civil office,
while in my present position, and that I was
under obligations to -remain here at present.
Ido not wish to enter politics at present. I can
afford to wait. If it - becomes necessary, you
can say, in my behalf, that /win not, under any
circumstance, be a eatiaidate this (alt.
This declaration the Jouenal regards as " en•
tirely conclusive."
The New York News, in this connection,
sardonically says:
"It Is currently reported that if General
Slocum should decline the nomination of See,
retary of State, General Richard Busteed is to
take his place."
The Republican State Convention of Min
nesota has nominated Gen'. W. R. Marshall for
The Massachusetts Union State Conven
tion meets at Worcester on Thursday next,
for the purpose of nominating candidates for
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
the Commonwealth, Treasurer, Auditor and
Attorney General.
A board for equalizing the valuation of
property in the State of Wisconsin as a basis
of taxation, met at Madison on Tuesday last.
-Geo. Benton is the Union candidate for
Governor in lowa. The St. Louie Deigocrat
says: "Strong efforts have been made to have
him decline the nomination, a prominent
negro-suffrage man declaring it would be done
if it cost a hundred thousand dollars." • 4
—The Central Executive Committee of the
"Conservative Democracy" of the parish of
Orleans, Louisiana, have issued a long ad
dress to the " Democracy" of the State, ask
ing them to ratify the decisions of the " State
Central Committee, even though the Central
acts with only a color of authority. The De
mocracy are requested to meet on the 21st
instant, and in solid column elect delegates to
the State Convention, to be held in New Or
leans on the first Monday in October.
The Cleveland Leader states that a part of
the Democratic programme in that State is
yet kept scrupulously secret, but nevertheless
fully resolved on by those "in the ling.' , It is
nothing less than the carrying, of the next
Legislatute and the election of Clelnent
Vallandigham as the nest 'United States Sena
tor from Ohio. The Democracy do not, of
course, expect to Carry the State coll the gene,
ral ticket, nor will they attempt it; but they
will lend every effort, hypoloni2ing votes, by
trading votes, by Spending special labor on
every district that can be possibly carried by
a Democrat, to obtain control of the next State
Legislature, and thus elect Vallandigham.
A. E. Reynolds, of Tishomingo, and John
id. SimentOn, of Itawamba, have been spoken
of for Governor of Mississippi. John B. Lewis
-announces himself a candidate for State Troy:
Surer. The name of Richard Cooper ' of Ran
kin county, is suggested fociAttorney General-
JOhn ft. Echols has been appointed by Gov.
Sharkey Secretary of State; in place of James
R. Verger, resigned.
The colored people of North Carolina are
to hold a convention in Raleigh on the 20th
instant. .
The election on the constitution of COlO
- occurred on the first Tuesday of Septem
ber. The regular annual territorial election
occurs on the second Tuesday of September
--The Cincinnati Enquirer heads it ticket
c , the white mane ticket))
The election for delegates to the Alabama
State Convention took place on the 31st ult.
The nest mail will bring - us the result. Our
mails reach to the 31st nit.
The SOillh Carolina election took place on
the 4th instant.
The North Carolina election will be held
on tbe 21st.
Gen. 81. E. Patrick, who is one of the can.
the New York Democratic ticket,
does not hold a very high place in the alter
tions of army correspondents, who
him only, as a bbor ; and there were boors
around him, too, in subaltern positions, for
"birds of a feather perch together." In the
course of the camnaign the sca'enger of the
Army of the Potomac will be shown in his
proper light, by many a ready and caustic pen,
—ln view of the coming election, an im
portant duty devolves upon every ward, town
ship, and County committee throughout our
cities and State. All should see that the 501 -
diers who were absent from home when the
last assessment was made are properly as
sessed now. The absence of the soldier from
his home, and his acquired right in the mean
time to vote in the field, rendered it unneces
sary-to embrace his name in the new assess
ments during the war. In addition to this,
many of the soldiers have changed their resi
dences, by which reassessment is also neces
sary. The 30th of September, ensuing, is the
limit of the time appointed for these assess
ments. This is a very short period for the per
formance of such an important duty, and the
committees in the various election districts
should at once collect a list of all the unassessed
soldiers as well as citizens, and have their
names placed on tlie proper duplicates. Every
returned soldier must be assessed, or he will
forfeit his vote.
--r General Tbonnts Francis Meagher was at
Denver, Colorado, at last accounts, en route
for Montano.
Miss Hannah F. Gould, the poetess, died
at her borne in Newburyport, on Tuesday.
She was bora near the close of the last centu
ry, at Lancaster, Mass., from which placc the
family removed to Newburyport in 1800. Her
that volume of poetry was published in 1532,
and from that time until shortly before her
death Shewas a fertile writer. "
—Jesse D. Bright has been heard from. On
board an Ohio river steamboat he remarked
to a Southern lady of secession proclivities,
who was complaining about the loss of her
slaves, "To you, madam, and all other ladies
who have upheld the cause of the suffering
South a reward will Come. Your cause is over
for the present." . .
Mrs. E. K. Kane authorizes us (N. Y. Ex
press) to state that the Philadelphia telegram
On Saturday :to the Associated Press, pro
nouncing as a" canard" the story recently ap
pearing in the-journals about Dr. lane's mar
tinge with herself, no "canard" at all, but a
substantial fact.
THE COLCH RBI' nit CAFE.—The Buffalo Manmer
cial gays: Judge AalLwill give his decision
in the Colchester ease on the lath Diet. ,The
maximum penalty preseribed by the law is
1,300 tine and two years' imprisonment:,
The Tiibles
The following extract :from . a priva
Written frOna peat:fort to 'a gentleman this
city is at mate auggeative and a powdrflu
deuce Of the effects of the rebollion ori:.those
who were duped into upholding it : . s•
Dr. Sains, who coined Oaklands ' (our
former residence on St. Helena), has conic
back, and lives in one of the deserted negrO
cabins. One of his former slaves livesln the
mansion house, which he bought of the United
States Tax Commissioner_ the doctor tried to
get a.roorn in the: house.; but Harry would not
suffer, him to occupy any part of it. The build
ing is a poor" One • hut the cabin where sams
now lives is not as habitable as manyNOrthern.
pig-pens. Can retribution go further than
this t The foriner owner of a hundred slaves
now lives in an abandoned hovel on the plan
tation which he owned. That plantation has
been divided into small tracts ; sold, and meth.
krby his former ehattlea. Dr. Clarence
ppe asks the patronage of the people of
St. Helena; his card (written by himself) says:
'He will be found from 10,A. M. until 5 P. Si. at
the house of John Major,' Esq. , That John
Major, 'Esq., was formerly his slave." * *
COICHISTICNCY.—The . Doylestown Demserai,
owned and edited by Colonel Davis, the Demo
cratic candidate for Auditor General, has an
editorial in defence of the infamous Captain'
Wirz, who starved and murdered our 'prison
ers at Audersonville. It asserts that the Mili
tary Commission before Which he is on trial
is a usurpation of power, and that the prison
er has not' been fairly dealt with.-21eGsktirg
Gazette, 2tfantfay.
Der, We request dealers in boots, shoos, &0.,
to examine the choice assortment of the best
city and Eastern makes, comprising samples
of 1,200 packages of seasonable , 00ds, to be pe
remptorily sold by catalogue, On tour months'
credit, this morning, commencing at 10 o'clock,
by John B. Myers Co,, auctioneers, Nos, 2,11
and TA Market street.
The following is a statement of the condi
tion of the Philadelphia banks yesterday, as
compared with the previous Iik011:
Sept. I.§.e" + 'Li.
Capital stock ) 41 . 1 LP' n $102,350
Lcrays 50,095,40 49,693,06*
Specie 1,100,142 1,070,638
U. S. legal-tender 19,038,164 17,696,755
Deposits a 4 ,417,Vg 31,082,478
Circulation 6,980,326 7,007,727
The following statement shows the average
condition of the banks in Philadelphia for the
week preceding Monday, September 11,1865:
,1 Fa7MrOgWHEzgvw, ..
a sFsWn4gVggnaelo
'' x xV,i s4a ß u.o4l4.i.
ge g4o-Mgr 4aW,2,
rra -5:. xaeq-AW.55
...... .4 999 .linl'OP24
ii eg. OSWI
e,f. rl in, i ti r 2 Fl
ii• • g:
i -- t
P .prp rr . P rrl — rr:r:ps.t
...... §: §§ 2 ' -' 4l4l§§ll§
Ng_RggoOiAangPr' 4 "
ngrPnrtfitfe- -7t
.. tinneingrlA
c. 3
A . .t
Clearing e. . Balances.
-. 955,304,430 04 $396,388 14
0,201,600 71 689,122 87
.. 8,491,714 51 642,979 92
.. 4,687,400 12 396,985 31
.. 4,482,215 84 461,404 47
.. 4,491,612 45 444,744 92
seat. il
" 6
.., 7
" 8
00,639,034 87 $9,977,923 53
The stock Market was dull yesterday; with
but little doing in Governments. Prices, how
ever, were somewhat timer, especially the ten
forty five per cents., which sold at 06—an ad
vance of 2 ; the five-twenties and the long loan
were steady at previous quotations ; the seven
thirties sold at 00 3 4, which is also a slight im
provement. State loans were dull, and the
fives fell off 1; sales of the war loan sixes at
100. City sixes were weak at a furtherflecline,
the old selling down to SW; the new were
steady at 0134'. The slime list ruled irregu
larly. Catawissa common declined %; Penn
sylvania Railroad advanced ; Reading was
moderately active at a further advance of 1;
127 was bid for Camden and ,Amboy; 29 for
Little Schuylkill; 57 for Norristown as
for Minehill ; 25 for North Pennsylvania;
14 for Catawissa common ; 26 for pre
ferred do., and 23 1 / for Philadelphia and Erie.
For city passenger railroads there is a stead;
demand, but the sales yesterday were confined
to Heston - ville at from 17 cash to 17% on time ;
Second and Third was held at 75; and Fifth
and Sixth at 40 ; 17 was bid for Thirteenth and
Fifteenth ; 22 for Spruce and Pine ; 18 for Arch
street ; and 10 for Race and Vine ; 41* was
asked for Tenth and Eleventh; 12 for Seven- .
teenth and Nineteenth; and 20 for Girard Col
lege. Bank shares are held firmly, with sales
of Corn Exchange at 61, and Farmers' and Me
chanics' at 119 ;180 was bid for North America,
424 for Commercial, 29 for Mechanics', 98 for
Kensington, 45 for Penn Township, 52 1 /, for Gi.
rard, 29 for Manufacturers' and Mechanics',
and 58 for city. Oil and Canal stocks continue
The Curtin Oil Company vO.sterday declared
a dividend of one per cent.payable on the 18th
The receipts of the internal revenue, for the
week ending September 0, 1605, amounted to
over $13,000,000.
The amount of National Bank currency is
sued during the past week was $9,194,300. The
total amount in circulation is V 79,981,590.
There are 1,559 National Banks, doing busi
ness with an aggregate capital of $291,771,701.
On Saturday a well-executed counterfeit of
the new issue.of My-cent fractional eurrency
was presented at the Treasury Department for
redemption, but the keen eyes of one of the
ladies employed at the redemption division
detected it. It is represented to he one of the
best-flnished counterfeits in circulation. •
For the week ending. September 0,1003, eer•
tificates of indeotedness amounting to *G,046,210
were _redeemed. For the same period, the
amount of redeemed currency was $0,39.5,920.
The following were the rates for gold yes
terday, at the hours named;
10 A. 31 144 1 /.
11 A. Al 14P6
12 31
1 Al
3 P. 31
The internal revenue for July and August
amounted to 8455,781,000.81, and by the Ist of Oc
tober this sum will be nearly doubled. The
returns of the commissioner of internal reve
nue for the year ending June, 1801, present
many most curious and interesting facts.
From the lists of articles taxed by value and
quantit,, we learn that cotton, manufactured
or otherwise, has yielded a revenue of only
$4,800,000, while distilled spirits and fermented
liquors have paid a tax of about $31,000,000.
Cigars and tobacco pay over $8,000,000, and pe
troleum oil $2400,040. On the whole, the fig.
flies contained in tile report are far in excess
of the general expectations, and the internal
strength and prosperity which they reveal
are truly magnificent.
In the Boston market money is, at the pro
sent time, worth about Six per cent. on call,-
and seven and three-tenths on time. There is
a steady demand fer currency for the West
and South, and there is a visible increase in
the -amount of business paper offering. The
banks are, as a general thing, in a very cOm.
fortable condition, and private lenders ; are
numerous. Some of the banks of New York
are advertising their willingness to issue cer
tificates of deposit hearing interest; and
Banks in Boston,whieh have already indulged
in tile practice, are proposing to increase this
line by public notice. Under the old State
Bank law, these certificates would have been
illegal. There is nothing in the National Bank .
get which'forbids their circulation.
The - Lynn Buticrin says that the value of the
shoes sold in Lynn during the month Of July
was but little short of seven hundred thousand
dollars, while in Tune over a million of dollars
worth were sold, and in May last eleven hun
dred thousand dollars worth. Last month's
return, when published, will probably conic
well up to the latter figure.
One dry goods firm in Chicago did a business
of 7'n, f6l;, • 60 last year.
A New Orleans paper refers to business in
that city as follows:
"The commercial year closes with a very
quiet market in nearly every department of
trade, excepting our leading staple, the de
mand for which continues good, although
rather checked for the moment by unfavorable
influences, which have been noticed in our
daily . commercial reports, Estimates of the
growing crop at this period of the season nave
always been to - a great extent conjectural;
but in the absence of any reliable data they
Inc more so now than ever. We hear t however,
many who are prompt to give their views on
the subject, based On informatiOn derlYed frOin
private correspondence and other sources,
who veriouSly fix the amount at from 1151,000
to 410,90 e bales, and some even look for 500,000.
We know of none who go beyond these figures.
The amount of the. old ..erop still left in the
Smith is also a vexed question, but the esti
mates vary from 700,000 to 000,000, and evemas
high as 1,000,000. Excluding the stocks on haml
in the receiving ports, tills would give as ex
tremes for the supply up to next September,
one million to one million and a' half, giving
an average of one million and a quarter:' We
repeat, however, that we regard these itgures
as merely conjeetural.”
Tim New York Past of last evening says:
The loan market is eidetsand well supplied
at 566, the principal transactions being done
-aefi.;Commeinialasaper is.dull at, 6 110, 8 The ,
haffitstatetnent 'snows an increase ok sanest
millfoneta loans,and a debrease erTnOre'-
tinialk half a million_ln specie. The
Leta/era., aud.thirdepits nawdeelined'abont
tt hates are irregular ,',2,800 Beading
sold at 11167 4 @i00 4 '. Before the board 'hacking
was quoted at 1.08%. • • "' • '
The following quotations were made at the
Board, as compared witleaturday:
Mon. Sat. Adv. Dee.
B, Os, coupon. 'Si we% umi
IT. 5. 5.20 coupons 107 1073(, •
U. S. 5.20 coupons, new. 105% 105 X
11: 5. 10-40 coupons 943§ 94%
S. certificates 99 .89 36
After the board Erie closed at 87; Reading at
107, Michigan Southern at 07%, Illinois Central
at 120/2,
Drexel & Co. quote;
New 'United States Bonds, 1881 107 3
U. S. Certificates of Inclebt., new 9 ,
II 4( " 01d...... SS 4 ;
New United States 7 840 Notes 99/
Quartermasters' Vouchers 06 , , ,
Orders for Certificates of .Tridebt.... 98e(
Gold , 144(
Sterling Exchange 158 4
Five-twenty Bonds, old 107
cc • new • 1053 f,,
Ten•forty Bonds St
Naleti or Sto
500 - Bruner 0 &M
500 Mingo 3-16
200 Ksrkstone b3O
400 Oberman
10 Tionesta 34'
MI Keystone 530 3-18
100 Walnut 151 and..... 81
Reported by Hewes, Mitten
' FIRST 13
200 U 5 10-40 Bds..Cp 96
100 do.. Coup 06
4700 U 7-30 s lots. Aug 9956
50 do June 09%
1000 St War
1000 City 65 013,6
2000 do .....I
400 do
5000 Union Cl Eds. b3O 22
200 Readinglß 5214
KO do ...........b3O 59%
100 00 do c d 0.... ..... c as as h 5334 h ayi
200 do ' 53%
100 do bsJsint 53%
2 Far Sr, Mech.,ll9
1000 U S 5-20 liits.9o4.lloN
100 C re -0 014
mous 7.30 e..... JUn
s• MAL e 00%
l ow, d o . .• un
5000 do June 00Nil
3000 do June 69%
1500 City 6e, old 06 %1
200 do BW4
20 Corn Ex. Batik.. Si -
no &hEux IA 25
100 do b6O 25
10 Farm tic Meell
800 Ringo 630 2
2430 do b3O 2 34i
1000 Affigny Co coup 53
10 nom 5..; Erie R... 23)4
500 'Reading R.... WO 5W. , 4
100 do 4,741'A 553
100 do 58i4
500 (10 560W11 511
500 do bswn 63'ii
100 (10 53Y.
W 0 U S 7 3-10.... June 000'
Theirlour Market continues dull, owing to the.dif
ferenee in the views of buyers and sellers; abritit 800
bbls extra family,sold at 119©9.2.5 for Northwestern,
and itleolo.BolB MA for good Ohio do. The Retail
ers and Bakers are buying at from $7©7.50 for su
perfine, M 18.60 for extra, $0.50 ell for extra fami
ly, and $12®12.509 bbl for fancy brands, according
to quality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at
$6.25 `lB bbl. Corn Meal Is dull at $4.75 for Rennsyl
GRAlN.—Wheat is dull and unsettled, and the
offerings are light; about 5,600 bus reds sold at 2060 ,
207 c for good new Southern, and 2100220 c TO bus for
old Pennsylvania and Western, including choice
lots at =2@.22.5c 13 bus; white is quoted at 2 30(4440c VI
bus,as to quality. Rye is selling at 950100 e ? bus
for Delaware and Pennsylvania. Corn is lower;
about 3,000 bus sold - at 910 for yellow afloat, And 90c
in the cars. Oats are dull, and rather lower; sales
are making at 4.sCatiee ? bus.
BARK.—Quereitron Is scarce and in good demand
at $82.50 ton for first No. 1.
COTTON.—The sales are limited, but prices are
rather better; small lots of middlings are reported
of 41046 c ? lb, cash.
GRUCERIES.—Sugar is in demand at full prices;
50 hbds of Porto Rico sold at 1470 c ? lb, currency.
SEPDS.—Clover Is rather dull at OA9 bushel,
Timothy is in demand; 300 bags sold at 13 bushel.
Flaxseed is scarce and wanted at $3.2.5§ .30? bushel.
PROVISIONS.—The market is dull at about for
mer rates, and the sales are in small lots only.
WHISKY.—The sales are in small lots only, at
at from 02.2 , 2.30 ? gallon for prime Pennsylvania
and 'Western bbls.
The following are the raeelpts of Flour and Grain
at this port to-day;
Flour 1.,300 bbis
Wheat 4.500 bus
The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle at Phillips ,
Avenue Drove Yard reach about 1,900 head this
week. The market is more active, and prices are
rather better. Extra Pennsylvania and. Western
Steers are selling at from Isol7e Tc 3 ih, the latter rate
for choice; fair to good at 1.01534 c lb, and coin
mon at from item siA it, as to quality. The market
closed firm within the above range of prices.
SHEEP are rather higher; 8,000 head sold at from
7iMic for good fat Sheep, and s4@i6 I/ head for stock
Vows have advanced: about 126 head sold at from
Sao up to at head, as to quality.
lioo9 Are in good demand at full prices! about
1„800 head sold at the different yards at from $16.5130
14.50 the 100 ibs net.
The Cattle on'tale to-day are from the following
550 headfrom Pennsylvania.
745 bead from Ohio.
600 head froin Illinois.
The following are the particulars of the sales:
175, Martin, Fuller, & !Co., Western and Pennsyl
55, P. liathoway, Chester county, 15a16.
120, P. McFillen, Chester county, 15@16.
75, Owen Smitb,Western, 140161.1.
42, E. S. MeFillen, PennsYlvania4 15011
75,James McFillen Pennsylvania, 1.6017.
OS Mooey Pro. Western , 13©10.
120,1311=n & Bachman, Western and Chester
county, ]2©l6.
84, L. Frank, Western, MGM
265, Gust,(Shamberg, Western, 15016.
15, Sturm & Western, Mani.
62, Hope & Blum, Western, 12010.
88, Dryfoos & Bro.. Western, fileals l 6.
80, J. & J. Chain, Pennsylvania, 12,Ea16.
72, R. Chain, Pennsylvania, 12E616.
200, Mooney & Smith, Ohio and Pennsylvania, 15
COWS.—The arrivals and salts of Cows atPhillips ,
Avelrue. Drove lard reach about 120 head this Week,
The demand is good, and prices have advanced,
with sales of Springers at from $30@70, and COW and
Calf at from '.is up to *lO bead, as to quality.' Old
lean Cows are selling at from 820@2.1 cal head.
arrivals and sales of Sheep at Phil
lips' Avenue Drove Yard are large this week, reach
ing about 8,090 bead. The market is active, and
S rices h a y ei ,d,,,ne e d )4e, ra lb, with sales of good fat
heep at 7 giii , k) "f lb, gross; stock Sheep at *s®6 Tel
head; and Lambs at from $4(7,05.50? head, as to con
• -
BOGS.—The arrivals and sales of Hogs at the
Union and Avenue Drove Yards reach about 1,800
head this week. The market is firm, and prices are
well maintained, with sales at from $16.50647.50 the
lee its net.
. .
1,356 bead sold at Henry Glass , Union Drove Yard,
at from $16.5(017.60 the ne ins net.
t,eo bead sold at Phillips' Avenue Drove Yard, at
from $t6.50(e11.50 the 100 Is net, the latter rate for
prime Corn-fed.
Wow York Markets, Nep tember 11.
1311EA1STI*FrEs —The Flour uteri:et is 5010 c lower;
sales 8,500 bbls at 8707.45 for superfine State; 7.8(10
7.85 for extra do; $7.9008 for choice do; $ 707.55 for
superfine Western; *7.9008.40 for common to me
dium extra Western, and M. 8009.10 for common to
gOU dlipping brawls extra round-hoop Ohlo.
lour Is 1@)100 lower; sales 300 bble at *7.1108
8.25 for common, and M. 50011 for good to choice ex
tra. Southern flour is lower; sales 480 bbls at 0.40
010.50 ,for common, and $10.55014 for fancy and
Bye Flour Is quiet. Corn Meal is quiet. Grain is
deli and 1(6,2e. tower and closing unsettled; sales
40,0U1 bus at t1.58@1:64 for Spring and Milwaukee
Club Mai,s for a Chicago Spring: 44.ati01.67 for
amberliilwankee, and V.lO for new amber State.
Rye is quiet. Barley is steady; sales 4 COO bus four
rowed State at 514.25. Barley Malt is toilet. Oats are
dull at Waif for Western.
The Corn market is le lower- for sound, and I@2e
for unsound: sales 96,000 bus at 80@87c for unsound,
and 90e for sound m ixed Western.
RROVISIONS.—The Pork market is steady anti
Quiet: sales Of 4,100 Mils at en. 12032.25 for news Mess,
s3fo3llor 'B3-1 do., 0523.75@ , m
24.25 for Prie, and 1028.25
e. 213.60 for Prime Mess: also 3,450 bbls new Mess for
September,. October, and December delivery s. O.
and b. p. at*20.50632.50. The Beef market is more
active and firth; sales of 1.300 bids at tts.sogn, for
plain Webb, and 91]8314.50 for extra Mess-. Beef
11snm see dull but firmer. Cut Meats are firmer;
sales MO altgs 15@1036 for bhoulticra, and 131003
for Hams. Bacon IS stall. Lard IS decidedly atigher
and more active: sales 1,300 bids at 212616.
Witisav is firmer; sales 300 bits estern at i 2.25,
and small lots at $2. 25:z832.26.
TALLOW is firmer; sales '..15,000 Its at 15©163tic.
COTTOti. — The market is more active. and under
the latest forelun adviees prices are fully ) 4 .; (.! 7 0 lb
higher; sales 3,400 bales at 45c for initialing.
144 , ,Z
Steamer Britannia, Gallagher....St.Thomas,
Pernambuco and RIo Janeiro, Sept. 9
SUN RISES-5 47 I SUN BETS.. 6 13 WATBR.I3 10
Steamer Norman, Baker, 46 hours from Boston,
with mdse and passengers to H Winsor & Co.
Passed off. Reedy Island, ship Mobongo, from Lon
donderry t off Bombay/look. harks Telegraph MO
Pleiades, from New York; off Morris Liston's, an
unknown bark; off Chester, barks Henry 1' - Ford
and Ocean Stead, from New York; also passed in
the bay and river brigs 'Hiram MAR, Ino, Freeman,
Battle S Biscoy, and Frank H Allen; sehrs Ella
Fish, - J M Houston, and American Eagle.
Steamer Mayflower, Itobinson,4S hours from Rich
mond, with twice to W P Clyde & CO. 1
Steamer Philadelphia, Fulls, 36 hours from Wash
ington, with mdse to Wm 1' Clyde & Co.
Steamer Farmer, McCue, from Washington, in
ballast to W P Clyde & Co.
• Steamer Liberty, Plc ree,24 hours from New York,
with noise to W 1 Clyde & Co.
Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from Nqy
York, with indse to Wiu di Baird Sc CO.
Brig 0 C Clary, Parker, from Boston, in ballast to
Warren C Gregg.
Brig Edwin, Allen, 6 days front Boston, in ballast
to E A Sunder & Co.
Brig Alamo, Steel, 3 days from New York, In bal.
.lust to Wannumacher & 3.lKxfield.
. .
Brig Three Sisters, 'Linton, 3 dna from New York,
in ballast to J E.Bazley Co. • -
Sehr Emma D Finney, Heather, 5 days from Sa.-
- minnab.*lth cotton toLathbury.WiekersbaM,& Co.
Sehr AI Reinhart, Hann, from Roston, in ballast to
behr d C Henry, Lore, from Lynn, in ballast to L
Auden - veld & co.
Sehr Mary H. Banks, Haley, front Portland, lit
ballast to captain. .
S elir Fly, Cheesman, from Lynn, In ballast to L
A tulenreitl & Co.
Sehr Win Jones, Monroe, from. New York, In bal
last to L•Andenreld & Co.
Sehr Ephraim & Anna, Harris, from Boston, In
ballast to captain..
Sehr Vapor, Johnson, from New Haven, In ballast
to Rathbun, Caldwell. .5; Co.
Sehr Leonessa, Gilman, from . Newburyport, to
ballast to Curtis SG Knight.
Sehr D S Sitter, May, from Salem, In ballast to Stu
ufeltson WCiloeer.
FriirOssuua, Haskell, from New York, In ballast
o }: A * Solider & Co.
Behr Abbie, Knight, from Boston, in ballast to
captain_ •
behr J D McCarthy, Young, from Boston, In bal
last to captain.
Fehr L Dpiinkr, Lewis, from Boston, in ballast to
W Bunter. Jr, & CO.
Bclir E S Twisdeu, Chase, from Boston, with mdse
to captain.
84. J Langley, Langley, from Boston, in ballast
to Caldwell, Siiwyer, & CO.
Sehr W it litnn, Parker. front Boston, In ballast
to captalp.
Selo' O E Raymond, Higgins, from Boston, with
linseed to Jr T Lewis & Bro.
sebr Westover. Eldridj.te, front Boston, with mdse
to captain.
i—cit POelitiliontas, Berry, 5 days from iloStOit, it/
14,11 uSt. to captain. • .
Seim C E Paige, Frlnk, from Boston, in ballast to
" t•VI I I I . n l;inow Dickinson from Roston, in bal
la,t lo SlnLteksoli & Glover.
~11rW II Tiers, Iltdrman, from Boston, in ballast
to captain.
S.l,r John N Baker, Adams. front Boston, In Ulu
last to captain.
Srbr R W Tull, Haley, from Boston, In ballast to
t..rbr C Fossett. Bennett, from New York, in bal
last to Carman, Merchant, & 81121. W.
.. • . . _
sila ECi rwin,At kins,Sdays from Provincetown,
with mdse to loco Kerfoot..
„,.. , ehr Halo, s days from NewburynOrt,
ith noise to Ova It Kerfoot. '
Selir Carnet, Kellum, I nay from Lewes, D. with,
corn and passengers to J L. tlewler fc Co.
Its,' Sept. U.
1 210 mingo V-4
500 Adams
100 St Nteliolas Coal. 316
100 Dunkord 1.130 .14
- do .40 44
'lO3 do 530 %
8 & Co., 1Y0.505. Thirdat.
1 Penult R. 6834
200 Hestoro - `c 1t.b60 173
; 600 d 0... cash 17-
100 d 0.... 17%
100 Curtin 27 . 6
100 McClintock 011.. 101
200 do 105 0
100 do 13 .1X
100 Hestonre 11..1)30 17 1 / 1
100 do b3O 17'
200 do b3O 173.1
200 do - mo wg
10(1 Stae 58 90
43,3 rot t Hole. ....b5.2 1-1 G
300 Cltv Gs New.eash 91N
100 ao .• • ~,, 9lh
1 300Soh Nav b 6020
9^ " R 53'
100 &Tenl'.4slinTair l ,
HO Locust Mt bBO
400 Mingo 2
300 do 21-16
8 Idinehill It 06
1000 St NlCludas 011... 136
200 Big Mount.... be.o
200 Catawissa B 14
300 City Os, new 011‘
10031np1e Shade..b2o
200 Big Mount ....b3O 5!.4
1000 West Chester 75.100 U.
U S 5-%s, new ....105Y4
SOO St Nicholas.. b 30. 13-16
200Catawisszt c...b20 1414 5 '
100 Sets Nay pref aL:2
Philadelphia Markets.
SEPTEUDP.II 11—Evening
rhiladelpkia Cattle Market.
&Ex-van:lra It—Evening
Selir Sallie Teatie,ConWell,ltlay from St Georges; .
1 Del with grain to J L Bewley & q 2.
I tStilp.loole-, Consuls, 2 days frotW...vsel,Dol;toltiC
1 0,
431 p J Bewley & Co.
i,:' • e Hall, Fleming, 1 dit - foos!, . Preget lea,
. ell* .igrain to J L Bewley &6.
,Seur ..- fr - Brifhers, West, 2 days from Indlam
.- river, cop' to James Barrats„ . ... . . j - :: '
Steamer Buffalo, Jonee, New York.
Steamer Bristol, Charles New York.
Steamer H L Haw, Her, Baltimore.
Bark Mira, Dix, Dfarseilles.
Brig Alamo, Steel, Boston.
Brig Mechanie, Hutchinson. Portland,
Schr R Law, York, Salem.
Sehr Vapor, Johnson, Hartford,
Sehr A H Cain, Simpson, Providence.
Sehr Henrietta, English, Richmond.
Sebr Bti Whillden. Neal-PrdVidence.
Sehr C E Raymond, Higgins, Boston.
Seim John Langley, Langley, Milton.
Schr Wm Jones, Monroe, Boston.
Schr Hope, Tracey, Indian River.
Behr P Martin', Smith, Hatteras Inlet.
Schr Louis Spangler, Lewis, Boston.
Marine Miscellany.
Schr Fanny Fern (of Newport , B. I), Sanders, from-
New York for Philadelphia, With sixty-two tons
salts ake, was run into about PIC on Saturday
last, above Chester, ,toy, the steamer Propontis,
hence for Liverpool. 'The sehboner was struck on
the port side, aft the taahirigging, and Out throligh
htdOW the water's edge, tike cebinienced fllltng
rapidly, and was run on the Jersey shore half a
mue beiow prevent her sinktr...z.....
1 59
94% A
The highest COMpliniellt that could be paid to
the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, is the
fact that over 20,000 of them have been sold, of
which 7,000 have .heen - sola in this city alone.
Their reputation is world-wide, and every fa
mily not yet supplied with one of these instru
ments should go to 704 Chestnut street, and
order one at once.
a fair comparison has been made of that "Flo
rence" Sewing Machine with any alters in
use, they have come off victorious. Wile con
sequence is, that many who have other ma
chines are seeking to dispose of them, with a
view to securing: Ifloreove tagtcadi t4s
le most desirable- sewing
all kinds of family sewing that
44u t ,et been Invented. In fact, it is the Sew
ing Machine carried to perfection. Call and
see it in operation at No. MO Chestnut street.
Poi" I—On a recent occasion when John and
Sue ViTZ9 "popping!' corn, John popped no
thing else, which induced the poet to write as
follows 'I
Said Sad, '`John Styles, it's one o'clock,
You'll die efindigestion;
I'm sick of all thit;TopPing corn—
Why don't you pop question 1"
John did pop the question; and Sue then
exacted the condition that bar= _she would
have him he should procure his we(1111-4" sit
at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of nockhiZJ
& Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street,
above Sixth. John did it.
CHEAP FEET IL/ZBEB" SbOUla be used by' the
farmer to prevent exhaustion of his
they have been proved in practice to be as
Cheap, as profitahle, and as good, for thefarmet,
gardener, and fruit-grower, as any of the con•
centrated manures now offered in market, and
are becoming very popular with all who have
used them, and have received the highest
approval of eminent chemists and scientific
agricultnrists.—Bridgeton Chronicle.
Office, 41834 Arch street.
B. F. Spoint's
Celebrated American Ice Cream Candy
win be found for sale at the netail stands in
the city in a few days. s'el2-2t*
Dental Ilygenie, is Sozodont. It has super
seded all the ordinary dentifrices, and, for
this reason—that while it Contains no solvent
principle injurious to the enamel of the teeth,
it obliterates tartar and every other dental
concretion, prevents canker of the gums, re
moves blemishes, both from the molars and
incisors, atal leaves the breath pure and sweet.
ANONG the articles taken into the Far West
last year, by one or two Indian traders, were
a few gross of Phalon's Night-Blooming
Cereus," with which Some of the red ladies
were so delighted that they would not look at
the other notions as long as it lasted. Even
in the savage state woman is tasteful. Sold
everywhere. .
3,600 bus
9,200 bus
CHARLES H. OWENS, 163 North Third street,
southeast corner of Race, manufacturer of
handmade calf boots, sewed and pegged.
Country merchants and others in want of
prime goods would find it to their advantage
to give him a call.
NSW AND SECOSID-HATiD I'Lswos T , 45A. Irkaer,
and portion of rent applied to purchase.
Also, new and elegant pianos for sale on
accommodating terms. GOULD,
jyl4-lm Seventh and Chestnut.
CRICRRRIND GRAND FlitifoS.—Ali the great:
musical artists use only tho " Chickering
Grands." The largest collection ever exhibited
here, 014 Chestnut street.
seol2l* W3r. U. DUTTON..
Eighth and Spring Garden Streets,
for all Waseca of society
Late Business Superintendentof the "Quaker
City' , Business College;
'EaOniAl3 afar rzunL , V, A. EL,
Late Principal of the Monroe and Mount Vet-
non Qrammar Schools;
Late Professor of rootofolg.ilip of the ",quaker
City " Business College, and Special
Teacher of Writing in the
Public Schools,
Proprietors and Dacha%
The College will open for day and evening
instruction, on
MONDAY, September Mb, 1861
Scholarship, if purchased before September
25th, $25
From September 25th till October 23d, $30.1
On and after October 23d, the regular price,
Illustrated eireulars, eontaininr. PAN parti.
eulars, will be ready in a few days
Oho Con
J P Partridge, New York
J E AdomsßoxboroMas
Geo D Davis, Virginia
s C Swift, Chillicothe, 0
John Johnson, Memphis
Dr Lewitt it wf, htivit
IV A Brawner,St Louis
D Browner, St Louis
F N Leightuer, N
W A Floyd, New York
F Baker, Boston
S DI Susel & w£Zrenn
RUtil New York
General ' Hoffman,Vß A
A S Sin illi,:iVashington
W A Willard, Baltimore
John May, Yorkville, S C'
.A it Bennett, New York
G A Mcilheniky, Wash
.) 31 Lindley, retina
W 11 Woodbury, Wash
Thus J Case, Baltimore
V Nelson, Baltimore
T P ilogwell, Virginia
T T Brooks & la, Va
- Miss A Brooks, Virglnia
31 W Hughes & la, Ny
Jae Bryce, Baltimore
W A Moore, 13 Carolina
W H McCorkle, B Caro'a
Ii B Short, N Carolina
Mrs Kleckhoefer
Miss Kleekhoefer
A Albizie, PortoEleo
Geo Chipman & *rife
F A Seaman & wife
W Southash & wife
\V 0 Lotland% son,Tenn
Judge Donaldson
W 1l McLean & wf, Balt
Mrs C J B Mitchell, Balt
C ()Hahn, Baltimore
S Shipley, New York
J Greenough, N York
E H Pratt, New• York
J C Casatiora, New York
S J Pettit, Memphis
W B Sipes
TIFAY:er wt, Boston
Wm Sutton, Salem, N J
Wm S Gardner, Lewell
W W Baker, Boston
Chas 13 nue, R Island
vhog A Doyle, rrov, RI '
S G Grant, Altoona
S Cameron, New York
W F Griswold, N York
liendaner, lialihnore
Miss Ebbe, '%,' Chester
E C JOllll6Oll, 13441111 nm
Mrs J A Hunter, liy
116 '
N Cladding, New York
It N l'eterson, New York
Dr J 11 Dune, New York
1) W Thompson, 01110
..tiss Tattain,Loutsvi..,
I W Goodin:La, Miss
Mrs S Carpenter, N York
T H Crawford,LoolswiLle
- 4 1 fissCrawford,Louisville
Miss Robinson; liethyr'e
C C Fellows. New York
W A Floyd, New York
A I' Wanield, Mo
W W Craig & wf, Tenn
Chas Palmer, Ton,
HopkinF t B#lt !more
0 J riMth, Chicago
P Benjamiu, New York.
LW Lathrop, Newark
It C 15211, Nevada
Irelau, Jr California
Mrs T Orr, Newark,' N J
The_States Union.
Alex Boone, Wilm, NC AN MonasmitlL Carlisle
T Nailer, Wash J E Kurtz. - Lisbon. lowa
J .11 Turner, Baltimore. Mrs jalle Whitiwail, Pa
.lolm D Lafferty, N . 1' Mrs G W Hewitt, Penult
lt White, Delaware Miss Dewitt. Blair co. Pa
Gardner, Delaware ' John MI - toter, Penna
John Laird, Pottstown Geo Gallagher, Penua
Ti b Dielcson,Lewhiburg II S Waktmln, Brooklyn
P R Quarlep„ Baltimore •E A Yarnall, Chester to
W A. - Keeue, Norfolk Randall neat, Jr, roma
~ ~.~w
~•y~ f
, • • The G.
Bit Brook & wfi Miston
,3-7 I Kuhtee, Beaton'.
W L Barnwell & sott,N Y
5 Mitch II Brook[ a
JS )ronli ,]Bead! • '
II M SMI ItenAin
0 Mule kph, PI sblirg
•DE BO 1,. a
Miss 1) rit.lit, Virginia
Miss A Brig t, Virginia
Mast J Bright, Virginia
L B M Dolby , Chester
Dr Chatham & la, Del
A Creev, New York
E 8 Coppack, S C
14 Ileilbron, Cairo .
A Maskacttz, New Tom
S'Tborne, New York
E 8 McDonald, St Joseph
M Malone, Lancaster
W H Strickler. York
c ;L Bowman, Harrisburg
G EL Small, Harrisburg
J X Lowe, Kentucky
T PM:lnnen, Wheeling
RM Bryan, Pittsburg
T Lovett, Pittsburg
W B Jinnieoll, Pittsburg
John C Scott, Jr
3 W Hollingsnead, N Y
J F Griffin, Chicago
T B Applegate, II Jersey
W M Rutehillson, U S N
G A Sherman, New York
B Clemens, Easton
Miss m Clemens, Easton
Col Di J MaguirelT S A
Capt H A Allen, 'U S A
Lt 11 A. Patterson, U 8 A
I' W
W Alexander,heeling
L 0 It Wheler,Wliceling
J P Seiler, Penna
J F Smyser, York eo, Pa
H M Smith, York co, Pa
John H Smander, Cuba
Miss M Smander, Cuba
J It Hart, Mansfield, 0
Master J Hart A Mansfield
H E Anderson,Neweastiel
J W McClure, Plumer,Pa ,
Albert Gareis, Baltimore
JD Brown & sn, NC
F Simmonds, 'Baltimore
ES Holmes Washington Maryland
EM Boyd,
E M Stripier, Norristsr,rn
It B Brown, Clark)" l'a
Gen Lem To* ~ Carlisle
T CilicDowel.,,llarrisbg
16 SiVer• Tdarristnim
T 47 rtrxell, Loek Haven
3E.R12:111, Harrisbut g
P., AM & da, Newville
Wolbrook & wf, Mass
141 Fonik &la ' ll4
r z oung, .ndlana
Miss Young, Indiana
II Fitzsimons, Penna.
Mrs Dunn, Wilkesbarre
Miss Dunn, Wilkesbarre
P Dunn, - 3 iikeSbarre
Thos K Thomas N C
Oscar L Bacot, s Y
W H Northrop,Wilni,NC
A Pollock, Washington
W Wallace
T Patterson, Pittsburg
A Corti's, J
N 0 r, Pills
N S Platt & wf, Louisville
W O Cochrane t
John H Bobb,New York
F A Balmes, New York
H M Johnston, Cineln'tl
W B Hedges. Penna.
C Jackson, Jr, Boston
IC C Jackson, Boston
W R Cole, Baltimore
lIIJ Mclthenny, Georgia
C A Kimball; New York
Mrs E Hamilton, Bait
\V A Hamilton t Halt
Edw Burr it wl,Prov, It
F Bowen & da, It I
H Miller &WI, bacrain'to
Miss 11l N Miller, Cal
F Miller, Sacramento
R H Crandall & wf, 11l
W C Baker New Jersey
W A Nell. Ni. w York
H t, New York
G Ward Nichols, U S A
B 111 Richardson, N C
Mrs al E Breed, Boston
T V Howell & wf, Ohio
cos W Davis & wf, Ohio
Peter JEtc.,?bms wt:„Ohtot
, Neiv Pork jd
RUM Poole, Baltimore
T M Tyng. New York
Mrs W I.ll.llalliill, Balt
S J Leash:in lialtintori!
C H.:Marshall wf, Cin
MISS Marshall, Oineinnai
H Warßen, New York
F Middleton, N York
Ails§ C Vatideren N J
Levi Booby, New'Jersey
A F Tattiun wf,
Miss Ti
H Godfrey, Plain
C T Beets, Wllliesbarre
c+ A Strong, renna
hompson, Reading
I T Reyes, Havana
L Hyrons, Kent co, Md
E Brady
6. Harrison New York
E L Jones, Baltimore
C.Fatterson, Virginia
H Adler, Washington
H K Eno, New lurk
A Hitchcock, New York
J M Harlow, New York
W 0 Putnam, Mass
T B Richards, POttsville
W R Soudan, Baltimore
C lli Nirkwood,Baltimore
Miss WU:try, Eastbn
H_Y Ahl, Newrllle
WlSayford, Harrlstitirg
ES Zellingem Elarrisb'g
AI, Abrams &la Penns,
V II Bentliatis,_Harrislf+t
Miss Ilerghaus, Harrish , g
D B Reed, Fort Wayne
W Janyler, Maryland
Mrs Janrier & 2 ch, Md
Miss Eubanks, Maryland
A T Johnston, Milford
Miss Mclntire
[Miss McCullough
C McCullough
HM Myers,__DowningVn
L C Ayres,llSA
S S Horner, Jr, Detroit
W H Warden,HaFrlsburg
W H Hinted, Brooklyn
Miss WTaylOr,PlUbbg
W H Thompson,Boston
C W Perveil,_New York
Miss Nellie Ferrell, N Y
Thos Foster, Galen:l,lEll
D E Stout, Needing
J F W Deininger,iteadng
N Mullen,t3r, N Orleans
Hee T iL Mooney ,N Y
T W Moseley, Boston
W G Wolf, Plumer„Pa
John J shoemaker, Pa
, Mlss Eves sisWinsport
H Darlington, ilarrisbg
R Flby,LHarrisburg
Hon 6 6WPOdSiLewistivn
Sarat Jackson, Baltimore
L C Northrop, Delaware
Wm Verner, Pottsville
D le Baker, Cinvinnati
MissH M Baker, (Amin
C S Wattson, Delawal.e
Stewa trobst rt, &
Chillicothe, 0
Miss Ely, Ohio
Miss Jenny Bird, Ohio
Geo E Harrison, Md
'Miss B Weiss, Penna
Miss C Weiss, Penna
P Russell, Penne
Miss Russell, Fenno
W Tomlinson
Mrs V F Baines, N C
Dr J Fisler, New Jersey
The Me
B Trinh, Barrisburg
[ J B McClelland, Plitsb'g
J A Robinson, Pittsburg;
Mrs W L Ohumbers, Pa
Miss Chambers Penna
J 7. Kennedy, Parma
0 Ilaßender
I Miss A J Rohrer
J B Stone
. • . •
A Booth, New York
W C Miller, Ohio
W Relaing, Chicagol
A Howelor &wf,
S Walker & wf, N York
W B Richards, N York
B Jackson ' New York
L Lesem, West Virginia
J G Butler, New York
N C Barclay, Pottsville
J Walker, Butler to, Pa
M Simon, Baltimore
John Artimr,_ Boston
Jacob Klee., Pltlabur_g
.1 A Head, Latrobe, rti"
It Alexander, Williamsbg
D 0 Alexander, N York
t; Soadsrs. Pittsburg
DT Linbly; - Fa Pa
A V Ritchie, W Virginia
11 Sawyer, Carlisle
D G Dearborn & I on, Pa
11 G Magruder, Balt
Capt SHlllminclright.Pa
Geo W Himmelright, pa
Jas B Orr. Orrstown
. .
1 Fats I ht., Vtiorttela.
E J Hofinder Sr la
Z C Monks & wf, Penne
John Miller, Carlisle
J F Steel Carlisle
Dr G H Markley, Lane
1) Devenney. Permit
I' F Collins, lltihanoy
J M Wheat, Wheeling
0 Yolte, Bethlehem
It Watson, Allegheny Cty
iMiss M Harper, Carlisle
Ig D Harlaelser, N York
Dr T Bend, Clearfield co
J M Reed, Prederlea,Del
J P Hodges, Independ'e
li: Maas, Waterloo
J fil Clark. Xenia, Ohio
J V Smith, Wyoming co
Isaac Mooney, Cairo, 11l
Simon 3Woncv Cairo, 11l
11 F Mattis, letiltOu, Mo
E Connelly, Pottsville
It fit Schaller. Lancaster
F J Byrod, Halifax.
D W Tobias, Enders, Pa
J B Thompson A wf, Pa
Ii Adler. Cumberland,Md
AugustTrum, New
W Leonard, New York
W A Monteastle, Virginia
B J Hathaway A la. Ind
GPueringtou, Jr, Boston
, P McFadden, Pa
'P Il Criswell, Ind, Pa
A :lowers, Lewisburg
0 L ,Nurray, Mercers - wig
J c B rs wer, Mereersburg
j p n a , , er 9011, lowa
mj as E g a. , •per, Carlisle
B 8 Merrium:' Keokuk
Il MI Low , I: en t . na
II ardie;lialeik;",
L A Miller, Altoona
Miss Miller, Altoona.
T B Taylor -
Mrs Dr Cilid & sn, Penns
e x "fioB4l.
The A
8 Id Burlingame, R
J Andrews, New York
W Pennington. Maryland
W D Roberts. Newark, 0
J B Ellicot & wf. N H
A R Caldwell, Muss
W Hayden, Mass
II .1 Buttes.worill Vu
J J Kirkham, Virginia
J M Whitehurst, irglula
J T Woodard, Virginia
J T Sharpe, Indianapolis
E W himback, N C.
H T inibaek, N C
tl A McCarty, Money, Pa
T Wilson & la, Penns.
DrJ C Derickson, Md
J R Spangler, Penna.
W D Lukens, Penna.
John Parker, Fenna
tleo Carpenter Carlisle
J R Spangler, Peuna
IV Brooks, Norfolk Va
r fork
Jos Ditman
N Murache, New York
Chas E Shober, N C
G R Curtis Ala, Wis
Chas M Gould, Trenton
B Levi, Baltimore
Lewis Williams, Wag).
G Thompson, Tennessee
A Bein, Baltimore
F George,Baltimore
J W Nelson, Maryland
L L Nelson, Maryland
H J Michael, Baltimore
Benj Williams, renna
A Roush, Altoona
Ira W Foster, Mobile
Mrs Weed, Mobile
J C 0 Titus, Indianapolis
R C Donnell, N C
D II Beecher. Pottstown
Geo Lewis, Pittsburg
W Thomas, Pittsburg.
Gordy, 3faryland
:Mean, Mass
Mrs S M
J Van GI1(1;1 .
A II Platt S . :
J E Meddoligh. Florida
T S Elles, Florida: • ,„
E N Howard, norm: —
Dr Leander. Georgia .
C Clark, New Jersey
S H Daddon, Pottsville
W Stoops, New York
W K Seltzer, Chester co
Porter, Maryland
0 R Flynn. Virginia
J 'Venlig. New York
11Willlatost, New York
W H Bacon, New York
Samuel Aberdarbarn,N Y
J Sin niekson N Jersey
1 - 1 J Michael;Balillimore
AV J Myrover. N C
J L Tolland, Dover, Del
John W Hall. Delaware
John West, Predrica,Del
Israel Learning, N J
Caleb Yoke, Bethlehem
Jos .11 Thomas
Thos Burnside, Penna.
E T Blum, Saleln ti
John II Zevoly, N C
A 1` Zevely, SalCln, N C
(+co A Klugh, Harrisburg
John C Cranale r Penna.
Burr Spangler, Penna.
H Sultzbacic Penny
WBakernAlOrtiPiQwli N4'
Mrs A Aiexamier, N Y '
Francis It Curtis
Miss Fisher, Puna,
Mrs Fisher, Parini
Jos W Reynolds, Md '
T W Dean, Peunsylgania
The Union.
TS Schutz & wf,ScrantonlT P Ellcuhead & wf, N J
II Crouse, Reading H Danford & la. Cin. 0
W Salaney, Reading W W McKee, Hazleton
J H Coil, Pennsylvania J F Baker
D beliertle L Cormant, Illinois
L Spencer,' New York J Berg, Missouri
J f!penrer,New York id MR, l BrunSwiek
L Mcßride Jr wf,N J W W Wattles, Pittsburg
J J Geer Springfield 0 II P Chalfant, Millersville
J Coffin, Richmond, Ind Solomon Chrenister, Pa
Alfred Coffln,Rlchind,lnd J A Smith, St Clair
C E Massey, Rutland, Vt ID P Gretts Reading
Compton, Orreenyille,o C E Pratt, Rahway, N
H Gerwig & wf, forma C B Smith,ltirk
F 1' Garrett Mrs Jones, Maine
W H Barker, Pittsburg Mrs Young, Maine
Catinkel, Johnstown T C Peak & la
W Townsend, Mifflin, Pa N Wagoner, Plicenlxville
A C Haines, Alliance, 0 D P 'Hobart, Wmsport
J C Haines, Alliance, 01W Ii Swartz, Daucannon
S M Reynolds, Delaware C Pinkerton, tans co
Miss M F Cochran, Del J Goe,tz, Greencastle, Pa
S B Cleaver, Delaware W McCrory, Greene, Pa
R It Disborough, Trenton J W McCrory,Greenc,Pa
H J Saeger, Allentown W Wallace, _Citambersbg
John WRirisports, Pa L B Kindline, Chambersb
J Reigel, Mechanicsburg S M Perry,Cluunbersbitir
it liVolterspectrer, Penns Miss Can/WM; Pu ma
Thos Marsh, bllnersville
A S Vanderslice, Penna.
W LeVl6, West Chester
Joe James. West Chester
I .lEachus, Chester en
C ur Do witing.W Chester
J W Woo&idgDel eo.Pa
T Robinson, Penns
The Cos
D W Gem%lll, Delaware
E Samoa:le, New York
CH Ha rtshorn,Chesterco
Mrs Maxwell, Chester co
L R Thomas, Chester co
ti F Thomas, Chester co
J F Kirk, Lancaster co
Josiah Gratis, Wthu,Del
A Bratton, Chester co
D Mecoukey, 'W Chester
H J Houston, Lane co
B Kennedy, Lane co
Geo Itnex, ...netteteN CO
J W Linville
. .
' E W David, Chester eo
C Pugh, Chester co
'G .1 - Culbertson. Penna.
A Thomson. Illinois
IThos bitabb, W Chester
7. Lamborn, ChOltenharn
H P Owen, Chester co
A 3 4 ." henna, I Word
H H Clover, Penns
Geo Dice, Scotland
JS Paxson, W Chester
G S Cheynev, Dcl co, Pa
F. Brown, Elkton, Did
linbluson, Lane co
blrs JChester co
C Sherer,'Prenton, N
Miss L Phillips. Perna
Nro Kinsey, Chester co
Mao Bradley, Cheetei , et)
The Bat
T P Miller, Pennsburg
C H Miller Pennsburg
A netted, Catasanua
Berger, Quakertown
Geo Steliinnats, W Maven
Aug Stoner, Meyerstown
r Spangler, Mycrstown
E Bordner. Lebanon
T Fitoinet, Calavulra
J p peters, Middletown
Iffenry Ptlnut
Master Oneurnier,Penna
Levi Snider, Bucks co
The Madison.
Stratford,tewistown J 3111811. "New. Brunswick
AlVlnstuore. Maryland 'Mrs ..11J Titus.BetbLehem
pu.,:sto.. Newtown. Pa Miss A Titus, Bethlehem
A °tont, New Jerk**
The Barley Sheaf.
Fll Perry, New York ISinith Harper, Fox Chase
F. W . Bowers, Philada ehas Roberts, Newt() Wll
Chas Reading, Hatboro IMiss L Force, Trenton
The Black Bear&
D J Harper, Olney, Pa ;Adam Gins° ,K , ln.llerks co
M Cooper, ehigh co IH 31 Erdman, Zionsville
Owen Knight, Smithfield 'Chas McNair .& la, Poona,
•.• London Hair Color ReBtorer and Dreestaa,"
Pronounce it perfect,and the only Restorer of Color
and Elegant Hair Dresser combined.
"London" Gray "Hair Color Does Restorer."
"London" "Hair Color Restorer."
"London" Hair "Hair Color not Restorer."
"Loudon" "Hair Color Restorer."
"London" Changed "Hatt Color Stain Restorer."
"‘Londoni , "Hair Color Restorer.
"London" without "Hair Color or Soil Restorer."
"London" - "Hair Color Restorer."
"London" Dyeing "Hair Color Any- Restorer."
"Loudon" "Hair Color thing. Restorer."
Price. 7 Cents. Six Bottles, 54. Sold by Dr.
SWAYNE &SON, 330 North SIXTH Street, above
Vine. it
Ladies! why will your lose your temper and pa
tieliCe In putting up your Hair when the Bandole
flint" Is a perfect - Axing ?
Ladies! why will you trouble yourselves to put
your Hair in Ringlets, and In a few minutes let it
fall out, when the Bandolenian will not only make
it curl, but keep it so ?
LaiMai why will you have your hair to fall out,
When the Buudoletilait will stop lit, increase its
growth and make it Beautiful'?
Ladies: why will you have your Hair dry, harsh
and brittle, when the liandoicnian will make it soft,
brilliant and silky?
Ladles: why will you have your ehildren , e. Hair
" stand on cud like quills on a fretful poreupine4"
when the use of the Bandoleniau will inerease its
;growth, keep it tine, soft and glossy, and keep it in
Ladles! why will you recognize a gentleman with
dishevelled Hair, his moustache and whiskers in
disorder, that look as though a comb UttlAil Were
a stranger, when, by the use of the BandoLeuian,
they can make them soft, dark, and beautiful?
Ladles! why will yon allow the gray hairs to show
themselves in the head and whiskers of your de
voted husbands, when the Baudolerdau will restore
the *loggia' roots to actloli, so as to supply tits
natural amount of Color?
Ladles] the price Is only One Dollar per Bottle,
and the quantity to be used daily being very sinall,
makes It the cheapest, the most effectual, the hand
boniest, and the most popular preparation on the
coutleeet Of Europa, Groat Britain, or America,
For sale by all Druggists aad Perfumers.
Wholesale by
Principal Depot for United states and extii4,l4s,
No. 439 MARKET Street,
ever twenty years' increasing demand has esta
blished the fact that MATHEW*. VENETIAN
HAIR DYE is the best in the world. It is the cheap
est, the most reliable, and most convenient. Com
plete In one bottle. Does not require any pre
vious preparation of the hair. No trouble. No
crock or Main. Does not rub oft' or make tile hair
appear dusty end dead, but-impart s to It new life
aud lustre. Produces a beautiful black or brorrn,
as preferred. A child can apply It. Always glees
satisfaction. Only 75 cents per bottle. Bold every..
A. L MATHEWS, Monufacturer. N. Y.'
Dy.MAS BAANEB & CO., New York,
auLO-stotleho Wlwieoale Agent&
of Janesville, Wisconsin, Welles ta r
all who suffer with the Plies, that
troubled for eight years with an agke p
Piles, and his brother was discharged
as incurable. (he being quite Derail
Plies.) Both these distressing custom
one bottle of Dr. Strlckland's
recommendation of these gentletnee
daily testimonials received by D. st il ,'
to convince those suffering that
lg e
vated chronic cases of Piles are c,
atrial/India Pile Remedy. It is sold
Do riot mould their contrail,.
Do not corrode the iron.
Do not lose their fire-proof otetUtU.,
Arc furnished with the hest lurks.
111 Ali
CHESTNUT Street, Cvi,
SlG¢Sitfes. of other makers talteo
the most liberal terms.
more widely known
or generally thNi
"They are nOt file tt tkil. I`.,r
;dl t 1
have stood the test of trial. Thla 1, I ,
do what they are recommended to do,
pain and cure disease.
Heartburns, Vert.",
For Dyspepsia,
side, Headache, Cold Feet, Languor,
and all Disesattaa eaUted by a Stoma t h
we most confidently. recommend In t
II Yotthre Weak, Low Spirited, Dis t
'oy Disease of Long m Ai ,
Sick rit Life, worn down by Dysbeaii
ducea to try i!MANTATICIN DmEnK,
The result will not disappoint yoa,
find yourself restored to
se9-Bt limmnt, Vtoon, Aten Rim
SALT IMMIX. (OirettilVitT)
WW cure the Itch in forty-eight hour:
Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains. s,nd
of the Skin. price, co cents.
warded by mall. For Dale by all
Is the best preparation extant for,
hair to its original 661aP, mei:Whig a.
promoting its growth, It is also ala
Dressing. For sale by an Drilggistt,
treated by J. ISAACS, M. D., Ocu li
619 PINE Street. Artificial eyes
charge for examination.
X` Popular
air clothing
W House,
Par CATCHALL. S. E. eor. SIXTH a
White Polka Spots, all wool an!
ttlso 7 With ituntle. dots. BESSON & So,
Store, No. 018 CHESTNUT Street,
SON have received their full slot
Taffetas, Gros Grains, Mourning SI
Sois, Armures, Gros d'Arneriiines, &c.
%ore, No. 018 CI:IESTNIUT Strut.,
Magnificent Silks and Shawls.
Winceys with Silk Chain.
Wincey Printed n Chain.
RichestDo Lainee.
Merinoes, New Colors.
Saint Bernard Square Shawls.
at Danville, byßev.W. E. ljaina_Charli ,
to Mary H. daughter of James . MlitCl
Scranton. No cards.
7 at Calvary Church, Utica, N. Y., by tl
B. Goodrieli, James E. Carmait, of
county, I's., 'to Charlotte J., daughter
Churehill, of Utica.
SNEDLEY.—On the mornli:g of the
Ja y nes Howard, son of James and Hanna(
leyq „ . .ged 14 months.
V un e_-al from parents , residence. Cs)
afternootil 12th
illSt.wini a zn Hineitle. Jr., aged 24 years,
re b t ti v , a and friends of the Nadir a
to attend the Ittn.!'ral, from his late re,,h ,
1232 Coates street. on Tuesday, 12th
°. l 4lB ek t iE P ß - 3DL.—on the stir inst., Cam;
ilibberd, aged M.
His relatives and feleil,:g. also ths,
Lodge No. 3, A: Y. M. Phl,!antliropic
15, 1. 0. 0. F p , Fraternal DiviOlon. No, ,
Temperance, are invited to attend his Gm
his late residence, No. 033 South Third
Tuesday. at 3 o'clock P. Dt.
01 , 14 CE Or THE MILL
11=- 17 COMPANY, in South WORTH
At a meeting of the Stockholders. Md.! T 1
an assessment of FIFTEEN CENTS per h
levied to increase the Working Capital
from the 20th to the 30th inst. Books will
for transfer until the 19th inst., after
trall9fOr cais be made until the assessment
J order of the Ptoekholeletts.
sen-lst JOHN 11. WYLE, Ti'
hate this day declared a dlvidea
PER CENT., payable on the 15th lawn
elver. on the lath and open on the lath insta
7th, 1865.—An Adjourned
Meeting of the RED MOUNTAIN CO
Office 208 South FOURTH Street, SAT
lath iiiat„ at 12 9'elock M. 8. 8. FILE
sel , thatust* Sei
SOCIATION.—A stated meeting of the Kin
National Union Association will be held in
DAY EVENING, September 12th, at the
MARKET and )11 , 11111cR Streets, All 111
zees of the Ward are invited. The
for officers of the Association will be held.
11. — r - •. - A FREE LECTURE TO
Univereity of Medicine ling Snriscry„S
below Locust,on WEDNEPDAI EVEN
o'clock, by W. PAINE, M. 13., Profess
Principles and Practice of Medicine and I?
Subject—" The Comparative Merits of the
Systems of Medicine." Students wishing a
»tents to the next Session of Lectures li
versity will call at the Doctor's Office. r -
Stockholders of THE MAMMOT
at the Office of the Company, No. 2125 Doe
Philadelphia, on IVE.OI 4 IESDAY, the MO
tember, at 4 o'clock, I'. M., for the eh
oftleorg and transaction of such oilltn* I, c
may legally be brought before held atreti
order. - GEO. E. LINCOLN, ec,
BOSTON, Aug. 30, 1303.
A Special Meeting of the Stoekhohlers w II
at the Htlll, N, W. corsicr ef TENTH and
GARDEN bireets, ou FRIDAY H.VEIk:I
inst., at 714 o'clock, to hear. the Report of 1
ings of the Iloarti of Directors, Secretary's
of Receipts and Disbursements, Superinte
Report of Progress Made iu Development.
transact such other Vastness as they 111:1
necessary, JOU WAITE, Mee ,
Sep teinuer 5, 1805.
HOLDERS.—In a accordance with sections 16,
184 of the act of sl4lly Ixtht 1803, notice is
given that unless the esse.sinUlkt 8811011
meeting Of the Directors, held duly 10th.
paid on or before the 30th day of September,
sufficient number of shares will be sold at
sale on that day at 10 o'clock, at the oilier
company, to pay said assessment, With nee
and incidental expenses. llr order of the Bo
s4II-191 JOUN IL WYLE. Trea,
COMPANY will be held in Hall, northwest
of MERRICK and MARKET Streets, on 1 I
EVENING, Sept. 15,at 7)a o'clock. 01
the Board. CseB-5*3 P. EDWARIFS, •
tgl raIPANCP COMPANY, s'Err.
Tile Directors have this day declared a
Share on the Stock of the Company for the
months, which will be paid to the Stoeci24
their legal representatives, after the 14111 in:
5e5-tis WM. G. CROWELL, F.,!tm
Meeting of the Stockholders of this Cowan
on MONDAY, tile lilt September, 1865, the
ing gentlemen were duly . elected Director.;
ensuing year, viz,
Daniel Smith, Jr.,
Alexander Benson,
/sumo Mu ulchurt..i,
Thomas Robins,
John Devereux,
At a meeting of the Din
elected President.
ectors on the sae
511. WaS In 1111111 1 11!
The Mortgage Bonds of the Connecting It
Co any between the statipu of the Pennsi
Railfbad Company iu West Philadelphia and .
ford, a distance of seven miles, can be obtai
this Mee, No. 238 South THIRD Street.
These bonds are in sums of one thousand d‘
with Interest coupons attached, IMY;ible •‘ 1
°ince on the lath day of March and Septenthe r. ,
year, at the rate of six per centum per suns.
the principal payable in fi ve equal annual sat
at the rate of V. 00,000 per annum—the first sel
September 15, A. D. 1900. The principal and II
are secured by a mortgage for one million of
spun all the railway slid property of the e‘e
and are gilittalltaed by the Pennsylvania 11l
Company. These bonds are made free of Stitt
by Company.
The railway is being constructed In the No
stantial manner, and will be completed dm t
ensuing year. This road perfects the eons
between the Pennsylvania Railroad and thk
York Ilneg. via Philadelphia, and becomins
wiliethe main ebstooel of edialilUtileatioll bt
New. York and the West, as well Os to and la
National Capital, will always obtain large ,
Hues and be one of the most important rallw ,
the Union.
Under a contract with the Philadelphia and '
ton Railroad Company, that company leas
road of the COnneeHilit Ra ilwa y , ComPiknr
agrees to pay an annual rent for 900 yeArB cf . e
centum upon the cost of the road, clime of '
These bonds are therefore recommended 33
class security.
For further information apply at the OW
Company. THOMAS T. Illt . T,eas
------ -. '
I----" olricE o iz
123 South SEVENTH
j -, -
-..-.- ---
Six t
tember 1 1865. ~
- To Delinquent Stockholders: In aces rda ll; .
Seetl ereby OnS 16, 17,
n, a 11.11 of th Act o Jlifly
Is h give Th a t unl e ess se stment e .i
for at it meeting Of the Directors, 1 1 0 d ' 1 "
1845, be pald on or before the 21st day of ;:' , :a"
1865, a sufficient 'limber of shares lON h'"'.'
pub Compan y, that day, at 10 o'clock, at Ow et
the to pay said assessment, with a
sary and incidental expenses. By ordel,:y
Board. SAMUEL A1,1,1..:',
sei-iSt . 'frea-T
. ar.. _ O rriv xO F Timm coil*
tilir Street, ' Piiii...a.DELritlA, Sept' 5 ' i
At a meeting of the Stockholders of On
4th, 1805, an assessment Of FIFTEEN CEN l'
share was levied, payable on the 15111 led- ''.
assessment, when paid, is convertinie hdo •
tionol stock.
B e 6 -9 t , DAVID B. HILT, Se. - ett' .
'W CIIMBEE.ICAIifici -- coiL AXI )
200.000 SHARES, AT Ilfr EACH.
Office No. WiS South FOURTH. Stroet.
Va l t= e 1: 10o1rt!
Price I. rittir!.. ,
Thomas 11.. Itlcker .
Joseph Lealeir,
Robert H. Beatty,
Albert D. Boileau,
Edward H. Faulkner,
247.kagene smith.
President, 61 - LVESTEn J. ME4,4ARI4F,E, .„
Secretary and Treasurer, ALDPRT it•
Wanted for the UNITED STATES MAiii
("ours, able-bodied MEN. Spl, 011 1 1 ,'„ 1 n i 'e4
meets held out to all entering the ma -, .. , -6.
glorious opportunity to visit fOreign COUR
good M. excellent accommodations, tigla
easy duties.
For all further information Inquire at the Ictsr,b
lug Henderson_ ,s No. 311 South FRONts
Pldladelphla between 9 A. M. and a r . kl,l
day, except, nanday. CHARLES HEYN ing v -
YT . 4 , , e ,
Iyl Cantata end BecruiL
Thomas Smith.
J. Gillingham F
t t3 4 ! ---