wffOLESILLE . DRIP GOODS. 1 . S. eir; W. H. C.IIA.VEWE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS. &c Vo. `5ll IKARICM'fi STREET, PFIILADELPIIIA. 1865. WHOLESALE. 'THOS. W. EVANS .firr Are deny opening their FALL IMPORTATIIMN, AND HAVE NOW ON EXHLBITION A CHOICE LINE OF FINE DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, &o To which the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS Is INVITED. S2O CHESTNUT STREET, UP STAIRS. au3o-12t 18 65 . FALL. 1865. JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO., 1 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers a4C wholesale to their stock of FR.Elien, mum, AND AMERICAN DRY GOOD , Which, for extent, variety, and general adapts :lon-to the wants of the tralie, is unrivalled., SILKS, MERINOES, POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS ? BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and BRADFORD G - (.4.35. Package Buyers supplied with wares and desire. goods at and under market rates. WHOLESALE ROOMS VP STAIRS. ante-tf CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTS. 1865. G- - LAEN• FACI - 10 MILLS, GERILANTOWN, PA.. AVCAIXitT3I Sr, -CO., 'MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CA_RPETI:NTG.S, OIL CLOTH, MATTING% &c., WHOLESALE DEPARTXENTs 509 CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 519 CHESTNUT STREET NEW CARPET WAREHOUSE. LEEDODUa -SHAW 'MU open 3101Y - DAii, Sept. it, 18 with an entire Sew Stock of EN (ILISH and AMERICAN CAR PETING, in all ,their 'variety, to which we respect fully invite the attention .otour friends and the public generally at se7-4t* 0. 910 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A- The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty/. their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT & CO.,_ e-ENTLEIIIEN , B FURNISHING STuRE, NO. 814 CHESTNUT Street, Four doors below theContiriental. fa (Zi o,l9inlio 600. ARCH STREET. GLASS JARS AND . TIN CANS, 600 KiTam, WARES, lir CUTLERY, WOODEN-WARE. se7-tf GRIFFITH & PAGE, SIXTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY., PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. tiItEEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, &C Pal the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purposes. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, au2s-tt Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. HOTELS. LANGHAM HOTEJ4, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel, the largest in London," is now open; it is situ ated on the most open and healthy site in the West tad,With ali modern. improvements, 2uites of Allan went, Salle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant t adiesi Room a spacious - Gentlemen's SITTING AND WRITING ROOM; ETC. Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodation address— The Manager, C. SCH angll-3m NEW BRONZES. 13AXILdErfr Sr, CO., 810 CHESTNUT STREET. COTTONYWARP CLOTHS, frttlCOThi, WAVE AND OTHER PATTERNS. ALSO, ALL-WOOL 3D4DIOSIKINS, AND OTHER FANCY PATTERNS. For Bale by tbelkumfacturers, 4 BENJ. BULLOCK'S SONS, 40 and 42 South FRONT Street. au3l4m REOPENING. HENRY MINTON, lon g and favorably known as a Restaurateur, t Fourth and Chestnut streets and at 201 Sohth Twelfth street, announces to the Philadelphia public that lie will resume business in the same line at tile latter place on MONDAY, September 11, where, as formerly, he will be prepared to satisfy the bungry or• fastidious by his acceptable style of cookery. Bead Birds, Chicken Salad, Dressed Terrapins, and all the other delicacies of the cuisine will be served up, as in the past, when in season. Party rooms for the accommodation of ladles and gentlemen. Orders served with despatch. WM. - South TWELFTH Street, below Walnut. MINTON. .SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE- . STORED by HELKBOLD'S EXTRACT BcradiT. 104 South TENTH Street,' WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES —knew Preach Cosmetic for beautifying and Preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder tui compound of the age. There is neither chalk, Powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its cOmpo• I ,i/ott, it being composed entirely of mire Virgin " - RI; hence the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the akin. snaking it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beauliffd, and the most beautiful divine. Prices, 30 and 50 cents. Prepared only by HUNT a CO., Perfumers, 41 South XiallTH' Street, two doors above Chest but, and liajaionth SEVENTH Street, above wal nu. MACKEREL, MIMING, SHAD, &a. —2,200 bbls. Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel,- late-caught Hat fish, In assorted packages. 2,000 btils. New Eastport, /redraw Bay, and Han. lax Herring. 200boxsa Ltibee. sealed, N0 , 11101714 1 1P 'bbls. New Mess Shad. • 250 boxes Herklnter-connheese, de. In store and for sale by ,I".HY KOONR, N 0.1466 NORTH wileavEs. ' FOR NON-RETENTION OR MOON ' ITTIIHNCE ermine, irritation, inthiMniatioll or ulceration of the bladder, Or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder. calculus, •trravei or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, ,and dropsical swellings, 11.04 , Sonth TENTH street. ann.: ins lrs lArkiatamo'n num EETBACT BMW. EDWIN HALL & CO.,' 26 SOUTH SECOND FALL AND WINTER STOCK TRIMMINGS, FANCY SILKS, 1865 VARIETY, RICHNESS OF STYLES AND COLORS CANNOT BE SURPASSED, IF EQUALLED BY ANT OTHER HOUSE IN • r THIS CITY. o'r sale Wholesale and Retail. 'AUTUMN AND WINTER. Black Broadcloths, line qualities, low prices. New nobby Overcastings and Cloakings. Heavy fine goods, for business sults. "Simon's" Cloths, for dress coats. "Pred'k Erken , s" Doeskins and Cloths. "Jobanny " Cloths and Beavers. 'Biolly," fine fabrics for dress suits. "Harris Cassimeres and Coatings. .American Coatings and Overeoatings, Produce fabrics which, for style, texture, weight, and permanency of color are scarcely second to then of the Old World, while in price they are numb lower. We always Mop fall lines of every good make - AMERICAN W4OOI_,LENS. EBE-E.MINENT CASSIMEBEs, FOR BOYS STANDARD FINE CADETS AND MIXES. BOYS FITTED FOR SCHOOL OR COLLEGE. Tailors , Linings, of every kind. Tailors supplied wholesale. Neat and plain styles Woollens, &hest qualities, for good custom. COOPER CONARD, se9-2t S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. GREAT STOCK OF JOB LOTS OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOBBY COATINGS, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, of the latest and most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or public generally. Officers of the army and navy may feel assured of special attention We also have a complete stock of FiIIE,IMS , WEAR, COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, and BAGATELLES. Our motto is "Good Clouds at Fair Priem , at W. T. SNODGrEtA.SS' 1865. 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. seB-im CURTAIN ESTABLISHAERNT.- I.IIEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now receiving the commencement of their Fall assortment of French and English Lace Curtains, liroeatelles, Silk Terry , Plain Wool Reps. Satin De Laine, Fancy Union Reps, Utrect Velvet, And a 'variety of other materials for Curtain and Furniture Covering. _ sell-mth6t EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 .1 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Rave now open a full stock of "Lupin's" French Merinoes. "Lupin's" Mouslin de Laines. Silk-faced Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplins. Poplins. Plaid PoplialS of ordered styles. Rich-Ilgured tin-wool CHeluactres. Rich styles of Wool De Laines. Polka Dot De Laines and Reps. Dress Goods, in great variety, of our owe im portation. sell BATH TOWELS.—ON HAND, AND now openin heavy brown Huck, Honey-Comb and Basket Dia g, per • Superior Barnslev Washed Huck, real Russia 'Crash; also, WHITE and BROWN TURKISH, and heavy-fringed HONEY COMB BATH TOWELS BLIEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARR.ISoN, seB-fmw6t .;No. 1006 ÜBESTlitrr Street: FRENCH - BHEETING.- JUST RE CEIVED, reaPFrencli - Sheeting, entirely 'un dressed, and oft ery superior quality. SB.E.PPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, 85 Aie SON. seS-linw6t EW TABLE DAMASK.---NOW N ° MI Y BARNSLEY TABLE LINEN, New Designs and extra quality. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN Ski;ARRISON, house-Purnismag Dry Goods, seB-fmw6t No. 1008 CHNOTNUT Street. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! FROM AIICTION.—TAGG & 8110., corner TENTH and PINE, have just received -1 lot brown, green, andMagentaPlald Poplins, $l. 1 lot 1:14 yard wide Twilled Stripe Mohair& $1.15. 1 lot high colors brown around - Delaines, 1 lot fall styles English Prints, 33c. 1 lot high lustre stout Black Alpacas,sl. 1 lot, 50 cartons, Remstitel. Linen Mit's.. 31c. up. 1 lot, 10 dozen Greats' medium Merino Undershirts, $1 not Ladies' Fancy Silk Neckties, 35c; not .14i:es ter price. 1 lot Gents' Linen Hemstitched Helkfs., 110., up. 1 lot Ladles' Patent Leather Belts, 100. - 1 lot Chadwick's Colored Spool Cotton, 75c. per dozen. 1 lot 6-8 Damask Linen 'Napkins, $3, up. 1 lot Buffalo Belt Buckles, 40c. lot,loo dozen Ladies" Lisle Thread OMITS, 200. I loLadies , Linen Collars, 10 11111 De. 1 lot Ladies' colored English Silk Cloves, 50c. Also. all colors Velvet Ribbons', Bonnet Trim- Ming Ribbons; sets Collars and Cuffs; Plaid Nain sook, and Cambric Muslins; Children's Hilkfs.; Let ter, and Note Papers. Also, Notions.- All at less than regular prices. see-St P OWER LOOM TABLE LINENS, 87fc, $l, and V. 1214. Heavy Unbleached Table Linen, 6236, 75, and /ItMsla OraSb, fa and 2.5 cents—cheap. American Crash—a nice assortment. Napkins at all prices. Scotch Diaper, from 52 to *5 a piece. Largest and best Honey-comb Quilts, Very fine Linen Towels and Towelling'. JOHN H. STO ES, se4 702 ARCH Street. BLANKETS -ENTIRE NEW STOCX, LOW PRICES. • Medium and tine Blankets. Some extra cbeap $9 and $lO. Nine crib Blankets; Morse Blankets. Honey-comb Quilts; wide, heavy Sheetings. Shaker - Flannels, finest goods, *1 and $l.lO. Best quality Canton Flannels; Tlekings. Linen Diapers, $2,25, $2.50, $B, and $3.50, O. DEL JUNES. 107 pieces new Delaines, 85 and 37 cts. 118 pieces new prints,best makes, only 28 to 35 etc. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete. COOP ABETAE S. E. cor. NINTH and *treets. 628H00P SKIRTS.—NEW E2B FALL STYLES NOW READY 'LY at Hopkins , - Manufactory, No. 62S ARCH Street. Our assortinent is complete, containing full Mies OF Ladies', Misses', and Children's 51tirts,404 every style, length, and size, which, for durability, and cheapness, are unequalled by any other &top skirts made, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Skirts made to order, alit red, and repaired.. Also, good Eastern - made skirts, from fifteen to forty springs, at very low prices. Wholesale and s tall.se9.lm* McCANDLESS & SMITH MALT VINEGAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on band and for sale a large stock of HALT manITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article onfaetnra In this country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all S parts of the country. AGENT. L. E. CA.MBLOS, No. 113 Walnut street, PIMA PITT & WHITE, No. 4 sachange Place, Biti. timore. CHRISTIAN LEE & CO., Richmond, Va. E. W. COULD & CO., Newbern. N. C.- je22-3m CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE CAMP lON, 281 SOUTH 51.00ril) BTnitIVP, are prepared to follow the decline in the market in the price of their Furniture. Purchasers will please call and examine our stock. mrll-Iy* lIERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND sours. 1,000 dos. Sausage Meat. 500 " Beast Beef. 500 " do Veal. 500 " do Mutton. 1,000 " do Turkey." 1,000 " do Chicken. 8.000 " assorted Soups, in 1,2.234 th ens, For sate by RHODE'S do WILLIAMS, fee-tf 107 South WATER Street. pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MILLER & BURLOOK,__ MANUFACTURERS OF PROTOURAIMALIMMR, Nos. 1105 and 110413ANSOM St.. Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the most complete anti extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns._ with a great variety, of clasp, .-• nd ornaments. They are unsurpassed in beauty and durability by any in the market, and sold at leas than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded./ A liberal dia. count to dealers. Catalogues mailed to any address without charge. POCEET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTS. WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burlock , s superior andwell-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles Of binding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. /10g, and 1104 RANSOM au3-wfmat&dlm ON HAND, FINE BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS, will be made up to order in the best style, at.the lowest each prices. Now is the time to leave your ordero. Goods are advancing. G. B. HIMMELWItIGHT, se9-21 5 No. 234- North FOURT = H Street. TB. & W. H. CHAFFEE, WHOLE • sate dealers in Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, ney 600111, C. No. 511 MARKET Street, Phi= se6-12v HAVANA OIGARB.-A GOOD VA DIRTY constantly in store and bond, at 1011 , wit cash rates. B. FITOU FR O NTONS, Intla.sins No. Sla South Street. BASE BALL CLUBS WILL FIND A full stock of Bases, Balls, Score-Books, Spikes; Shoes, Belts, and Rules of Game at PHILIP wth§oN & set-lm 409 CHESTNUT Street. fELMBOLDT. BUCHU styes health and v'Wor to the fraine, and bloom to the pallid cheek. ebillty is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity, erepileptic tits ensue 104 South TENTH. Street. ituu-tut RXTAIL DRY qOODS. HIM NOW or.EN THEM MOIRE ANTIQUES, PLAIN BILKS, CORDED SILKS, BLACK ELKS, MEMO] AIVIE.RICAN I.OOMS CLOTH HOUSE, 2a soVTB SECOND STREET THE PRESS:=-PHILADELPHIAc MON_DA.Y, SEPTEMBER ii 1865: FINANCIAL. OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOANS No. lit S. THIRD' STREET. JAY COOKS Sr, CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Offer for sale, at lowest market rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AS FOLLOWS U.S. 7.30 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 16, 1864. Do. do. do. June 15,1865. Do. - do: do. fitly 16,1865. • BONDS OF UM. 5-20 LOAN OF 1861. 6-20 LOAN OF 1864. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGIIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Information given concerning all kinds of Seen rifles. • Collections on all points made at lowest rates. siu24-tjal GOODS. HALLOWELL, GARDNER, & • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ARE NOW CANING • AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, Comprising an extensive and attractive assortment of Styles to lace/ present trade in Elegant Designs Foreign Fancy Fabrics. AIso—CHOICE MAKES in IMPORTED STAPLE GOODS, % such as NM be required for AUTUMN SALES, which they offer at LOW PRICES TO CASH BUYERS. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets. jy3l-mwram JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & ca, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Nos. 239 and 241 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA.. Cloths, Prints, Cassimeres, De 'sines, Sattinetts, . Alpacas, Jeans, Fancy Dress Goods, Cottonades, . Brown and Bleeched Sheetings, Denims, Drown and Bleeched Skirtings, Stripes, Omish Charabras, Checks, Omish Tweeds, Ginghams, Flannels, Diapers, . Linens, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, anSan NOTIONS, kg., &e. CURTAIN 'GOODS. E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, HAS JUST ESCRIVRD. A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM IClJmvirA.xN - 9 ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT IZEDTICED RATES. FINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOR IJSE. WINDOW 3XI A. 321 E S OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A. CHOICE ASSORTMENT. W . HENRY PATTEN, MAMA/ ADDED UPI-101-STEMNG. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TO HIS SHADE AND CURTAIN EtioniEss, IS PREPARED TO ;st: VII! °U r i' ENTIRE Aousims, WITil tO FURTHER TROUBLE TO HIS CUSTOMERS THAN THAT OF • LEAVINO THE ORDER. A full force of workmen always in readiness to be Gent out, at 1408 Chestnut Street. 00 'TO hl 5114 *II j1111)0 PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—NEAVIE & LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS 801 L R-M AKERS, BLACK SMTH S, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in banding and repairing_Maline and River Engines, high and low-pressure, iron Boilers, Wa ter Tanks Propellers, &c., &c., respectfully offer their services to the public as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationery; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders withuick de spatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of - the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Porgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descrip tions; Roll-Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Draws and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of diargo, and work guaran teed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boats where they can lie in perfect safe ty, and arc provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., &c., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB NEAVIE, JOHN P. REACH and PALMER streeta. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM H. =BERM JOHN B. COPE. c • OUTIEWARic: FOU DRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREWS, ruiLAPELPHIA. MERRICK it SONS, ENGINEERS AND MAOHINIkTS Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam En gines, for l Gasometersnd marine service. Boilers, , Tanks, Iron Boats, ft.; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron-frame Roofs for %as Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &C. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills Vacuum Pane, Op_en Steam Trains, Defeca.tors, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. Sole agents for N. Rilltear.. , s Patent Sugar-Boil ing Apparatus, Nefiroyth's A'atent Steam Hammer, and AnlntVall Wolsera Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Draining Machine. , aul2-t7 aRICE & LONG 'Lk FULTON WORKS, 130 BEACH STREET, Ea eery, Machinists, Boiler Makers, and Car Builders. Tanks or every description made to order. Sole Agents for Long , s Marine Salinometers.myl6-/y MORGA.N, ORR, & CO., STEAM EN. AN-a- GINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and Gene ral MadlirdatS and Boller Makers, No. 1.7119 CAL- Low - Fru.a. Street, rhiladelnbls.. fe2o-tr SPECIAL NOTICE. I have made arrangements to remain for a - SHORT TIME ONLY, In my present store, and will continue to sell first- Class FURNITURE at very low prices, until farther notice. GEO. J. HENKELS, Bel-Uri 809 and 812 CITESTNUT Street. LOOKING GLASSES. The largest and most complete assortment, at moderate prices. OIL K.A.TN. lieeent Importations. ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT 'AND PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMO-LITHROORAPHS, swiss, AMERICAN AND ENG LISH SCENERY, Rogers' Statuettes, Bustle Frames, And every other character of Frames for Engra , vinge. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, sea-12t Ste CHESTNUT Street. E . D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTINN ADNNT, MEMPHIS, Tram. The Civil Courts of this District are now in prac tical operation. Having practiced at the Diemplgr bar for ten (10) yours, .n fle4qllllhtallGe With t. busineaseorumunity greatly facilitates in the speedy collection of claims. jy7-bin - E. D. F. MOBtkAN. LATOUR OLIVE OIL-IN STORE, JI-di and for Sale by the sole agents., JAURETCHR k LAVERGNE, seB.l2t Nos. 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. LMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED Tr EXTRACT 'WORD Is the Great Diuretic. - . - 11XLMEOLD'a CONanwrnaTito EiernACT BARSA.• rAnILILA le the Great Blood Nader Both are prepared aceordlng to rolos •-.4.1 1 11wt0te... cy and Obeinistry, and are the most active_ Mat Can be made. 104 South TENTH Street.g.o2a-lm NEW PUBLICATION& DAMAGED BOOKS.—A LARGE LOT, comprisdd almost exclosigely .of Theological, Heligtouss and standard 5111001 Books, damaged. by water from our sk3;light becoming overlloVred a few dam ago, Most of teem are merely discoiored on the outside. 11 of them will ha SOW At Very 1010 prices. ASH:MELD A HVANS, /Run-3f, No. 724 CHESTNUT Street. INSECT ENEMIES OF FRUIT TREES. By frame P. Trimble, M. D., Entomologist to the State Agriculture Society of New, JerAey. With Mitiotrations drawnfro/4,44.41%re. In me volume. ALSO, HALL'S DIVIDE TO THE GREAT WEST. with Maps, &c. STORY OF THE GREAT MARCH. By a Staff Officer. With Illustrations. All New and Standard Books. For sale at low prices by LINDSAY & BLABISTON, seß Publishers and Booksellers, No. 25 South SIXTH Street. MEW MIKELLANEOUS BOOKS.— THE BIBLE HAND-BOOK. Au IntrOdttction to the Study of Sacred Scripture. By Joseph Angus, D. D. Revised edition with illustrations. Crown, Svc.. • THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE CIVIL POLICY OF AMERICA. By John William Draper, 81. D., LL.. THE D OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA , . Showing where Petroleum Is found; how it is oh. talned; and at what cost. With hints for whom It may concern. By William Wright. All the new books received as soon 'as published, and by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. 1 A. Martien,) Bes • 605 CHESTNUT Street. COMMISSION HOUSES. HADLEY COMPANY SOFT FINISH SIX-CORD SIOOL COTTON. WARRANTED 230 YDS. - LEWIS BROS. (Cc CO., Sole Agents In Philadelphia, 238 46.13.estrceit street. ea-1m WADDING WAREHOUSE. NO. 212 CHURCH ALLEY. The attention of the TRADE is called tO the Hlib• scribers , large and varied assortment of WAD,DINGS, whieli be has now in store, and Is constantly reeelT- Ing, to Wit: CHEAP HEAVY WADDINOS FOR CLOTHIERS. SUPERIOR QUALITY DO. FOR JOBBERS. HEAVY BLACK AND WHITE PIECE WADDINGS, FOR FURRIERS. ALSO, FOE COTTON LAPS AND TIE YARNS. R. E. EVANS, any-emw2m Manufacturers , Agent, TO MANUFACTURERS, CIAMILEItiap AND CITY TRADE GENERALLY, The subscriber is commission Agent for manu facturers 4if the following Goods; COTTON YARN, all numbers. COTTON WARPS, all numbers. - COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET WARP. WADDING, all qualities. WICK, TWINE, BATTS, AND RAG CARPETS. CULLING - AND SEINE TwINES. R. T. WHITE, 237 acARRET - Street, 224 CHURCH Alley. eel4m 8A.0131 BAGS 1 BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, BURLAP, AND GUNNY B A S I FLOUR AND SALT BAOs. ALL SIM, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY do CO., jr26-6m No. LIB NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD -& JEGJTCHINSON, AGENTS rim Tux /SALE Or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, US CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADE STREET,'NEW YORK. ]e2B-6m. J'O. MATHEWSON GENERAL COM • MISSION PRODUCE ' BROKER AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. 28.5 BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia, at the old stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall & Co.. Stovall, McLaughlin, & Co., and G. H. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging' an 'merchandise generally. Having the agency of several first-class Cotton Mills, I am prepared, at all times, to supply orders Sheeting, Skirtings, Osnaburgs, Drills,. Jeans, &a. - With - extensive FIRE-PROOF 1V nitEROUSES, can fernish secure stOrae, and give prompt atten tion to Merchandise enn ProJote consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. MERCHANT TAILORS. ARMY AND NAVAL OFFICERS J. S. TAYLOR, THE BEST MILITARY AND NAVAL TAILOR IN THE UNION, Is now connected with EDWARD P. KELLY, 612 CHESTNUT STREET. J. S. TAYLOR has been for the last four Tears the Cutter for the Military and Naval Tailoring Es tablishment of OWENS, - max PENNSYLVANIA. AVENUE, WAISHINGTON. WALL PAPERS. NEW PALL STYLES PHILADELPHIA WALL PAPEILSY• HOWELL & Baran, N. E. Cor. Fourth and Market Streets, MANDTACTURERS OF „HANGINGS WINDOW SHADES. anII-fnrcv2in DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER et CO:, E. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA,. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign And Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. XestrrAcroitass or WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, AC. MINIM] FOE THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS_ Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOB CASH. 079-Bnt STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. BRINING, COAL, AND OTHER O‘-rYNEW COXPAN/ES. We are preintred to furnish NeW CorporatiOnS with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of Brat quality. All styles of Binding. 'STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCE. LITHOGRAPHED TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER, STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER. Or CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS , PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO., BLANK BOOK MADTUFACTUREBS AND STATIONERS. eels-tf 41632 CHESTNUT Street. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST.-THE PRESTON 'STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY . CL.I AN CA.IELPETS On their "Boston Carpet Cleaner," in the beet manner. Carpets taken. up and put dawn when de sired, without trouble to housekeepers. Send or ders to PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRYI.... 1520 South NINTH St. P. O. Box Zra. sen-wfinin lIELNBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor free from all inprious _pro_parties, and. immediate in its action, 104 501411 TENTH Street. nma-ire ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC INDUS. TRY. HARRISON & BEADFORD,STEEL PEN MANU FACTURERS, give employment to over ONE IIDNDRED AILEitICAN MEV AND WOMEN and produce over Twrwrv-Prlig MILLIONS ANNUALLY of American Steel Pens, stamped with their hated in full, and bearing their label. In duality, 11111511, selection, and style of putting up, those Pens are warranted to surpass any Pens ever offered to the Amerleanpublic. • FOE SALE, WEIOLItaALE AND RETAIL, by MOSS & CO., Static nara and Blank Book bianufaelatrera. 43f1 CHESTNUT Street, and 430 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, aula-lni 600 BALE S COTTON WICK JUST received. Also, full stock of Cotton Yarns, Cana Chain, Ito, at lowest market price. BOWE, HUSTON, & sun 15'7 and 188 North THIRD Street. TAMARINDS.-300 KEGS. TAMA -a- RINDS In store, and For sale by JAURETOHE & LAVERGNE, seB-12t Nos. 20% and 204 South FRONT Street. TO SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON & CO., No. 409 CHESTNUT Street, call the attention of Sportsmen to our stock of PINE HU.Nt of our own and best English makers. Also, Wes, Pistols, Skates,__Crieltet and Base-Ball Implements, POWder, 0110 t, Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, &C.. at lowest prices. Repairing done in the heat manner. &nfl-lt EDUCATIONAL. 9 1 13 E IS DE CHA.RMES FRENCH -IL and English School will reopen at No. MG FILBERT street, on MONDAY, September 11, Md. aep4-7t* THE MISSES DAHRACH WILL RE OPEN their SCHOOL for Young Ladies at No. XIS South EIGHTEENTH Street, on MONDAY, September llth, 1885. eel-12t* THBCLASSICAL AND ENGLISH sellout, of the subscriber, S. E. center of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on BM:DAV, Sept. 11. rau2B-Invn R:KENDAIIL. REBIND-GARDEN ACADEMY - A A- , Classical, Mathematical, and English School for Boys and Young Men, corner EIGHTH and BUT TONWOOD Btrects,will reopen MOND A.Y S.utem ber 4. J. r. DIRCR A A. IL, au2B-1m rrinelpal. OPEN her School, at N NinthOUTHWES FENN Square, on the 11th ofMonth, (Sep tember,)lBBs, • aua-lme WILLIAM F,EWBMITH'B CLASSI CAL and English School, No. 1005 CHEST NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY, September 4. aura-inro ACADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF No. 41 North ELEVENTH street, reoperib Ninth Month (Sept.) 4th. W. WHITALL. att26-11n* THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST, Will be reppenedSEPTE - MBEB 4th. au26-2m. t. W. PAIRRB, D. D., Principal. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at 19315 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th test. au26-2m* ABACHMANN, TEACHER OF THE • Piano, Organ, Melodeon, and Violin. Ina' SPRING- GARDEN Street. ADVANCED PUPILS FINISHED. Classes formed in Harmony. Appli cations, 12 to 1 A. M.: 6 to 7 P. M. au3O-On* MARGARET ROBINSON "WILL RE- Ir e Ft T I VOI Street, on the ll c a e o n f ENZI,INGII AN, set.l2t• 1235 SPRING GARDEN Street. MISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladles -No. 1210 SPRUCE Street, will be reopened on MONDAY, September 11. The course embraces a thorough English Education,with Latin, French, Clermon t Music, Drawing, Painting, &e. ses-lm* TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRIS- A. TOWN, ra., for young men and boys. Twenty second year. The Winter Session of six months, will commence on TUESDAY, Sept. 19111. For cir culars, address JOHN W. LOCH, Principal. seS-Gt* SIG. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS In Vocal - Music at his residence,' No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October 1. He may be addressed meantime through the City P. 0.. as above. aurs-tf n ENT RAL INSTITUTE, TENTH -and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 9th. Boys intepared for any_ division of the - Public Oranitiar Sehools, for College, or for business. Special attention given tq small boys. Residence, 534 North TENTH Street. au2l-6w H. G. MeGUIRE, A. M., Principal. THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCIIOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY September lath In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation. Wench is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the institute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particulars, ad dredsl342. SPRUCE St., Plitlada., Pa. anls-2m MISS TM WILL REOPEN HER DAY SCHOOL., for &limited number of Young Ladies on MONDAY, September 18th, N. W. cor ner of WALNUT and SEVENTH. Circulars may be obtained at the Bible House. act-Inv-fat McMULLIN WILL RESUME .T - FF - 01 • duties or ber SEMINARY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN on MONDAY, September 11t11, 1865, at No. 411 South EIGHTEENTH Street, below Pine. se4.4nwfl3t* A 11 - ZT E CHURCHMAN'S SCHOOL win reopen ether new rooms, No. 847 FRAME LIN Street, on MONDAY, Oct. 2. set. feaw6t. MISS W. L. SANDFORD WILL RE OPEN her DAY SCHOOL on September lath, at N 0.1102 WALNUT street. A AppOcationa may. be made after lbeptember 4th at No. 1222, SPRUCE Street. au3o-wfmet. MRS. A. TEGTMEIER, WHO RE CEIVED a thorough musical editcation • under one of the best Professors in Germany, and after several years of successful teaching in Seminaries, and in this city, has resumed her chilies as teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. References, Lee & Felker, 722 Chestnut street. Residence, 1513 VI Street. At home from 12 to 1. se2-120 HE EVENING SESSIONS OF GRIT-T TtRONN 4 6 COMMERCIAL COLLWE I 6 37 CHESTNUT Street, corner of seventh, commence SEPTEMBER 18th. Students instructed separately in Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Alitll. metie, Business - Forms &e. Catalogues furnished application. se9-6VIS FAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, Street, west of Twenty-second street, F Philadelphia.—This superior Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies. will begin its next term September 13111. A Preparatory Department is pro vided for younger pupils. For circulars, appis to or address Rev. J. W. BARNUART, A.M., President. aulbgta CALEB S. HALLOWELL'S SELECT High School for young men and boys, No. 110 North TENTH. Street, will reopen on the 18th instant. se2-14t5 pEMOVAL.-MISS JAMES HAVING -sow rented the spacioal Hail in the Philadelphia Institute, IN. E. cor. of EIGHTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, opposite her former location, will open her SCHOOL on the 9th of SEPTEMBER. Residence, No. 881 North Tenth street. au29-12t YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, S. E. corner of MARSHALL and SPICING GARDEN - Btreets. Mities.resumed SEPTEMBER B. att29-12V' ENOCH H. SUPPLEE, A. 351.,Prindpal. MISS LYMAN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,_ No. 532,6 South BROAD Otreet, will reopen WEDNESDAY, Septeralatrl2th. ann-QUO3SIIIWStOCI S USAN HAYHURST WILL OPEN her School in the commodious TOOllls, Southeast corner of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, (entrance on Ninth) September 18th. Facilities 'grill be aftbriled to ropug Ladles for receiving a thorough education. Ai. Department for Children, under a competent teacher, will be conducted upon the Kindergarten, or Oita System. Reference, F forme patrons. or nut er information, apply to Dr. C.N.PEIRCE, 501 North SEVENTH St. Sel-12t* Trur, CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH MARKET bI E lull .N 03, of 11. GREGORY,, A. 111 1) No. HOS btreet, ll reopen on MO AY, ben tember 4th. au2l.4m. fIHEGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH anil French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 7527 and 15243 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber Mth. French is the language of the fatally, and is con stantly spoken in the Just Unto. For circulars and particuiars Apply to au9-Im Madame D'HERVILLY, Principal. - THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL of A. B. SHEARER A.M., North west corner of CHESTNUT and I' I NYELFTH Sts., (second floor,) will reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms, references, /ire., see Circulars - to be ob tained st Mr. Hassard ' s Drug Store, or' from the Principal, at the School Rooms, every morning, be ivre.eil-1,0 and 1214 ozclock, acas-the. THE . MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE will reopen their Boarding_and any School for Young_Ladies, No. 1703 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th ofSept. au2-21n. GERMANT OWN FEMALE SEMI NARY, GREEN Street. south of Walnut lane, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 13th. Circulars containing fall information as to Terms, course of Instruction, character of the Seminary, &c., &c., may be obtained of Prof. WALTER S. PORTESCUE, autl-tf Principal. C HESTNUT -HILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited num ber of BOYS, each pupil being taught by the Princi pal, H. W SCOTT, from Yale College. J Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, W. H. Trotter, J. S. Itneedler, and 0. Platt. aul7-Im* MRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY WILL re-open her SCHOOL, 1532 SPRUCE Street, on WEDNESDAY, Se.ptember 13th, with increased facilities for the comfort and Improvement of her pupils. au3l-12t* CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE MINA 4Y—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND AY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dillaye.—The Thirty-first Send-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September at /613 EIIRSTNUT Street, Particulars from Circulars. • weig-toes .: THOMAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. E. corner BROAD and ARM, will reopen Sep tember 4. au2S-lme ENGLISH CLAS , SICAL AND MA,- THEMATiGAL INSTITUTE , No. 2 Southwest PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. lith. au29-2m. JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. GEORGE R. BARKER'S ENGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, FR/CE Street,Ger mantown,will reapen•on MONDAY, Sept. 4th, 196.5. au29-32t* VOURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI s--, TIITE FOR BOYS AND TM:UM—Address rot E. D.SAPINDBRS, D. D., Philadelphia. apiP-he* ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, 100 Q. and 1.011 CHESTNUT Street, (in the rooms lately occupied by the Y. M. C. A.) This school will open MONDAY,' September 11th. It 1s designed to prepare for any college of the United States orfor 'mercantile life. T. IIItANTLY LANG TON, OSWALD SEIDENSTIMER Prlnelpals, aul4-Ini 'WILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL reopen his CLASSICAL and ENGLISH SCHOOL at N 0.111.2 MARKET Street, on MON DAY, September 4. a029-1m• IRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS-IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. E. corner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Reopens SEPT. 4, 1665. Entrance on Eighteenth street. BARROWS, au29.lln* JOHN G.E. DVELROY, }PrinCIPIIS. MISS MARY R THROPP WILL RE. OPEN her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the lith of September. For Circulars, apply at the Sehool. anl7-Im* WEST BRANCH BOARDING t 3 CROOL. MALE AND TEDIALE. JERSEY SWORE, LYCOMING COUNTY, PENNA. Terms Sl5O per Y ear ' Pupils prepared for College , Business or ordinary. duties of domestic life, with the comforts of a good Bowe, Catalogues, with full particulars, of Philip Wilson, 909 Chestnut street or address as above-- W.74re F. DONLEAVY LONG, A, K.,Prinelptil. RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. 4. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution is deSl i fted to rival the best schools or this country and Of England, in its tern of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college wilt be take a high stand in their class and to graduate with honor. It wilt be the special aim also to prepare young men for bOluess or professional lire. First 50581011 roututeutes Septe.utber 18th. CiteUt4rS t with full information, can be hp.A. at4r.tti Chestnut street. laiw. CLARENCE M.. Principal. REFltnicriCßS.—Calcti Cope, Earl" Hort. Wm. Kelley, Hon. Jos. Allison, .Alexander Esq, Thomas Potter, Esq.a... Franelsous, Esq., IL I'. M. Birkinblne, Esq. . . pEIsThISYLvANIA MILITARY ACA. DENY, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution. will be resumed on THURSDAY, September 7, OAP. Ms Cadets may pursue either a Classical or Scientific course Of study, under experienced and thorough instructors. in the Primary Department the - usual English branches are taught. Military instruction is given in the three arms of serving. The Ada. decoy is furnished with horses for Cavalry and Horse-Artillery exercises. All the appointments of the Institution. are of the first order, and no expense or effort is spared to advance the education anti military training of the Cadets. - • The religious instruction of the Cadets is carefully attended to. For Circulars, apply to J. H. GENE, Esq.. 6213 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or to Cot THEO. HYATT, President of Penna. Mil y Aca,y.Cauth-im YOUNG MEN AND BOYS' scnoot.— R., - JAB. SHINN. A. M., will open an English, .Classical, Mathematical, and Salentine School for Young Men and Boys,_ No. 1000 MOUNT VERNON Street, on the first MONDAY in Septem ber. The instruction will be particular and tho rough, such as win prepare young men ;for business Ot college. For terms, &c., (ally as above. aa/s4sa* EDUCATIONAL. pIt.A.CTIC AL EDUCATION FOR HUSINESS.--Toung men who desire the best advantage:- for a thorough preparation for any po sition in business [lre are Invited to call at . the Quaker City Business College, TENTII AND CHESTNUT STREETS. In point of accommodations, education and expe rience of the instructors. andgenera) facilities for invartinginstruetton_ Jl PßESStis insti Union is unequalled. IN , • And will soon be published by Hr. FAIRBANKS, the introduction to a new book on Scientific and Practical Book-keeping, designed exclusively for use in this institution. . • ALSO, ROW PROCESS OF ENGRAVING., A Perpetual Abnanap and Time Table, the most elaborate and complete thing ever invented. IMPROVEMENTS. The rooms have been considerably improved by changes to meet the wants of a constantly increasing patronage. Over seven hundred students in attend ance for the year Ending September Ist—the largest patronage ever bestowed on any Commercial lhati- Union in the State. All interested invited to call. Send for an illustrated Circular and Catalogue. T. C. SEARCH, Superintendent of Office Business. sell-20 L. FAIRBANKS, A. K., President. pnornssou A.NGELE, OF THE High School, prepares young MEN for College. Private lessons in modern and ancient Languages and Mathematics. 209 South FOURTH. sell-Ott ANTED--A LADY WHO W thoroughly Understands the Cloak Business to take the entire Wargo of the Cloak Department of a Retaillory-br'oods More. A liberal salary will be given. Address Box 1281 Post Mee. sell.4it if NOW IS -THE TIME FOR YOUNG MEN to enter upon a course of study at BRY ANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Cotntnercialoelle e. ASSEMBLY BITINYMes, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. Call or send for a Circular. se9-2t RETURNED AND DISABLED SOL DIERS will find the means of honora ble and lucrative employment in a good Commercial Education. A full preparation for business can be acquired at little expente, and in a short period of time, at BRYANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 8, yrrner of CSTNUT and A liberal deduc HE tion w ill be made In TENTH all Streets. cam; worthy of such consideration. 9E9-2t EVENING SESSIONS AT BRYANT, STRATTONot BANNISTER'S National Com mercial College, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets, will commence on TUESDAY EVENING, the 12th inst. Young men who are en gaged in business during the day can lake the fall course by attending evenings only. se9-2t INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH.-A. Young Lady, horn and educated in Parisovill give Lessons in' French in private families, or at her Own dwelling. The successful experience In leaching during the last few years, by a new and improved method, enables her to prbrolse to her pupils a _perfeetknowledge of the French Language in a short rime. For terms and references, applyfronv 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5. at No. S2l, North SIXTH Street. ge9.smtit24t*lf JOHN 0. ZIMMERMAN, TEACHER. OF' MUSIC,- No: 316 GREENWICH Street, Philadelphia, will resume Sept. 11,1865. ae9-6t* T ABBERTON AND CHASE'S SCHOOL —ln consequence of the tonttnucd illness of Mr Labberton, the opening of the next session Is pogt poned from Monday, September 11th, to' Monday September istb. eeB-3t. THE MISSES DURA,NG WILL resume their InStrnetion In ,SINGING and PIANO. 1,201 FILBERT Street. BeB-3t* SPRING -GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR Young Ladies. Duties resumed Sept. 4th. au2B-3w* GILBERT COMBS, A. M., -Prlncipal. MISS V. P. BROWN, No. 1907 PINE street, win (on 51.01 MAY, Sept. 4th,) resume the duties of her School for Children, between the ages of 4 and 15. au29-Im', ( I ,RITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA •-• COMMERCIAL COLLERrE, No. 637 CHESTNUT ST.. CORNER SEVENTH. Established 1844. Incorporated 1855. The lipurse of Instruction includes Book-keeping In its different hranehes Penmanship, Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Commercial Lam, &e., &c._. furnishing. a necessary PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. Students instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas'awarded tor Graduation. taiogues furnishad gratis,. on application. Evening Sessions after Septemberlifth. se&-6t fro MARY P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will be Reopened at 1813 FILBERT St., sth month (Sept, Uth). au.3o-11n. MRS. E. J. DAVIS WILL REOPEN her SELECT SCHOOL, for Children, on MON DAY, September 9th, at No. 319 South EIGH TEENTH-Street. au:3O-111,.` FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TIITE for Young Ladies, Rev. N. OYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. No. 5953 PRANEPORD Road, Philadelphia. Circulars can be had, on application, at the Institute, and at Messrs. JORNPENNINGTON & SONS, No. 1.27 South SEVENTH Street. an 2.3-110 EV. ALBERT Ft N 1 BARNES will reopen hiS Classical and English School, at 922 CHESTNUT Street; on Monday, September 4th. sel-12t, WOODLAND SEMINARY.-NOS. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, Weak Phi ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDIN4 SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrac tive. Fall Session'eommences Sept. /2. For Circulars a_ppiy to jy2l-23n. REY. HENRY REEVES; Principal. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, No. 1025 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Parents and Guardians are .resectf ally informed that the "Ladies of the Sacred Heart" intend open. , ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADLES on the Second MONDAY of September. The systemof education will be the same as that pursued' so sUeeessfully In all the Institutes of the Sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the•lustruction'of youth, spare no:pains to win the heart t 6 virtue and impart to the mind a solid and refined education: Application can - be made for Circulars let Sep.. tem p er. aul2-Im • BROAD -STREET ACADEMY, NO: 987 South BROAD Street, ED. ROTH, A. H., Win cipal. School reopens September 4. New Circulars at Mr. E. CITUNISITEY'S; 1037 CHESTNUT Street, at thei Academy, and sent Postpaid to any address. au23-16t QEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, RIIESBURG,. Chester county,Pennsylvaula, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School will be resumed OCTO BER Ist, 1865. Terins—V2s per session. Far Circulars. apply' to lillsSCS nIINSTON and . KELLY, Principals. at POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, 180-68. SCIEN Ti EIC L SCHOOL begins September 11th. TECHNICAL. SCHOOLS begin September 19th. The EXPEitiMUNVAL FARM of 175 acres, near Ilivynedtl,. Mon tormisy CouPtYi Pa' , win on opened September -12th colt - Belem - class of student*. en the Principles and rthaetke of AHRICULTURE, who will reside andwark on the Farm ' -and statedly at tend Leetuireg at the College in the city. Applications for admission-should be made to the S at the College Building,WEST PENN SWAM'. ALFRED L. _KENNEDY. M. D.. itti26.lBt President of Fecuity. THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL -I-. INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, W. Wi car. of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER 4th. This is the best provided School for boys inAmerica. ah26-ter , J. ENNIS, Principal. VIL L AGE GREEN SEMINARY MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorough course of steady in Mathematics, English ClaSsiCS, &C. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering t4oght. Boys cdail ages received. Begins Septem ber 4111. RerciA td JOHN ID, CAPP a 5(.44,, South THIRD Street; TADS J. CLAYTON, 60., FIFTH and PRUNE D Mr. GEORGE P. KNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street: Nuinber limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-arn VEMALE COLLEGE, BORDEN TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence SEFLEALBBJI the 1811. A few vacancies only remain. For cata logues, containing_ terms, etc. Address. Rev. JOHN U. BRAJLELEY, A. M., President. COAL. WY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equ g al, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, 50i Large Nut, *B.lO. Try it. You will be sure to be pleased. °Mee, i4lSouth FOURTH Street below Chestnut. Depot, 1.112 CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. ivii4-3m ELLIS BRANSON. TT NO WL E IJRHIGH 7 HICKORY, and FISH COM., at reduced jWiaaa_ omee and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW St a. 3716-3m' C 0 A L .- SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and bestLocustMonntaLti, frornSchnylkilloarepareill expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner MOUTH and WILLOW Streets. Office 0. 11A B. SECOND Street. Cape-tf3 .1. WALTON it CO. MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL OFFICES No. 154 North ELEVENTH below RAGE street; also, CRESTIsitT and FORTIETH Streets, West Philadelphia. Patients will be treated at their residences when desired; a large number of testimonials may be seen at the Oflices from patients in this city. Consultatients gratis. Office hours 9A. Id; to I P. H.. in the city. DRS. T. ALLEN and E. HAVER.!?ITICE., Jy22-3m BlectropathistS. ELECTROPATHIC ESTABLISH MENT.—DR. A. H. STEVENS, one of the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treat• iny disease by IagMFIED ELECTRICAL APPLI CATIONS,_and who has beeii So very attuned at PENN SQUARE for the last three years, has re• moved his Mee and Residence to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. AU persona desiring_referenees or any particulars with regard to his special mode treatment, will 'please call or send for a pamphlet. COnetlitatlon or advice in 'Muttons- mha-tf ziilki ik; i MAD; i *DI :io hill LIGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. .The nearest house to the surf. JONA.I3 WOOTTON, Proprietor, aul4.lrn rxt A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 'll. O Ladles', Misses', and Children's Straw, Felt, and Silk-plush HATS. Also, Flowers, Feathers, Velvets and Ribbons, which will be sold at the low est easeprlce, or short time. T. E. - HARRIS, Se9-1M SO North SECOND Street, TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND -a- Unsafe Remedies for unpleasant and danger pus diseases. Use HELMUOLD'S EXTRACT Rtionn and Improved Bose Wash. 104 South TtNTli Street. au2Pim 0, H. GARDEN & CO„ MANUFAC:. • TIMERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, BONNFITS,. STRAW (3044,150, RIBBONS, se ., Sc., No. 800. and 602 MARE= street. The largestland most complete stock, the best terms and cheapest prices, Country merchants and the trade supplied. au2S-3nt ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITUTIONS, of both sexes, use nitlimßOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHLT. It will give brisk-and energetic feelings, awl enable you to , eleep well: 104.50uvb TENTH Street. - BENJAMIN F. BLOOD, • ATTORNEY AT. LAW, Having been recently discharged from.the army, has resumed the practice of the law; and having been 9p pointed a Comatissioner of Deeds for the most of the States, Dy the ( 4 .oeereara thereof, is au. thorlacd to take depositions, acknowledgment - of deeds, &c, to be used or recorded therein. Mice, to. 63.11, CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. an24-lm A READY AND CONCLUSIVE. TES' of the properties. of HELMBOLD'S 'FLUID Edf.- TRACT BUCiIU W1111)0 II comparison with those set. forth In the "United Mates Dispensary. 104 SOUth TENTH Street. aul3-lin 'RISHER'S SELF-SEALING F CANS. Every housekeeper ht the city and country should use thin excellent Cau. It Is the twit con venient and reklarde Can in use, and Ores maim satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed In an instant, by hooking and spring, thus clsaaping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in the paper welts by the heat Of the frUit i aild as the press. fu g continues the fruit cools, and the seating is 'per fent. The cap is unfastened by unboomug the spring mid running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can at. J. facttRIRTIUT.W., • 1908 811112141 en.P.DENr eet, 7y14-21crif PhiladeiPhil• HE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH T —Therefore, the nervous mud debilitate)] should Immediately use' IfirLiallOLD'S Eyanaor 10* South TEN= Street, 5v22.110. EMI! WANTED -A POSITION, By A . 1 0.1 8 , mak of unbilleSHOUable re6pecialrintr in a wholes:de Dry Goods, Commission, e e JobMnh House, as Assistant Book-keeper, Salesman, or Cashier. Has a perfect knowledge of equat.rfeß4, and can furnish No. 1 reference by present em ployers. Address "HONESTY, Press 1.2 t. XV AB TED NATIONAL EM- T T VLOYMENT AGENCY, lib S. SEVENTH Stamet, 4 Salesmen, 3 Book-keepers' 2 entry, 4 slap ping, 2 dry goods Clerks, 3 Porters, Waiter, an 23 Han Farm HaES. It. WANTED—AGENTS—SIO PER DAY AT 11011 E.—I want. an Agent; We or Few male. In every town and neighborhood, to sell "The Great Labor Saver." Every family wants It. and agents are making from $3 to TOO per day. This is the best chance ever offered to agents, as the article Is patented, and a capital of but $3 to $lO is required to begin With. Further particulars sent on receipt of two red statitti4 Ter eireulara and re turn .postage. Address R. WAYVELL, Box 4781, CHICAGO. aul9-Im. WANTED, IN EVERY CITY AND' county . of the United States, reliable Agents (of gel:MO.lunit address) to canvass for the most re mediable Works of Art ever published. No. I—Blailalllon Portrait of WASHINUTOIf, "being a Lac simile of the Declaration of Inde pendence, through which, as through a gauze cur tain, the render perceives thefeatures of the Father of ills Country; the light and hoary shadings of the letters forming the outlines of the portrait, which is after Stuart's admit - awe painting. l4 -17sur York . Herald. _ . No. 2—A most perfect portrait of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, effected in the same manner, by a die simile of the draught of the Emancipation Procla mation, strikingly correct,-both of which are sur rounded with beautiful suggestive sketches, as originally drawn With ai steel WI., and now en graved fac simile. These engravings have elicited the highest testi monials ever awarded any Works of Art heretofore published. The original letters from the President and Cabinet; Generals Scott, Grant, Butler, Cad walader; Governors Curtin, • Fenton, Morton, BrouglA ti tandrew; Ex-Gov. Yates, Bayard Taylor, and hundred of others, may be Seen at the Mee of time Association. . . Parties applying for .the exclusive right to can vass will specify distinctly the Bounty and State wanted. This is a rare chance for old canvassers or discharged soldiers. Send three-cent stamp for further Information, with terms to agents, ac. Sample copies * each; mailed free 26661. pt of price. Send for circular. Address "Art Publish ing Association," Box 2625 Philadelphia Poet Office. sol-inwint. Office 4OG North TENTH' Street. A GENTLEMAN OF BUSINESS. EX PERIENCE and capacity is desirous of pur cbasing an INTEREST in some well establisllCil I•lanufaetory of Domestic Goods, nr would form a connection with some suitable person understand ing that business. Address "J. H. 8.," Press Office. AN EXPERIENCED. DOUBLE-EN TRY ROOK-KEEPER, with unexceptionable reference to present employers', desires a aituatlelll salary being a minor consideration. Address "A. Y. M.," 605 MARKET Street, Phila. sell.3t AA GENT S WANTED FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR, com plete in one large royal octavo volume o e over 1,000 ages. Splendidly illnetrated with 127 tine portalts p of - Generals and battle scenes. This is just the book the people want. It presents a rare chance for agents. Teachers, ladles, energetic men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pe culiarly adapted to their condition. Send for circa- LOU. Address "JIMNS, BROS. & CO.. au2B-ImWlt. —Philadelphia, Pa." AGENTSWANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work, the most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, it CU., Philadel phia, ra. au29-Im* A GENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI. BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra Induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No, 39 North MERRICK street, northwest or P , Ann Square. Fldlada., Ps. arai-11u' AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE ; THE FIELD, THE DUNGEON, AND THEESCAPE:" By A. D. Richardson, New York _Tribune Corres pondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years, travelling ,through the South in the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture 1f his cell:Mo ment for twenty months in seven. different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will aboUnd in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, Incident, and romance of the war then any other work published. Teachers, adies, energetic Ming men, and espe cially returned and disabled onicers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address _ _ _ . . JONES, BROTHERS, & CO. . N. E. earner SIXTH and MINOR StreeiEl aul7-Im* Philadelphia, P , a NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING BUSINESS IN TEXAS. —A reliable gentleman, with a large bilaineEdi experlen !Ind acquainted with the coun- , try and people of Texas, is 18611 t 0 Will% than; on priv business. Collections and other business will he promptly and properly attended to while there, if entrusted to his hands. Address "Loyal," at this office. au=-6w. THE ADVERTISER, WHO HAS 1-14 D a business experience of fine years in a West ern city, desires a situation as ASSISTANT BOOK KEEPER or CLERK. Salary not so much au object as pmauent employment. Address at this Office. 'WARTED TO RENT-A MODE- MiRATE sized Furnished liottse, in a good neigh, borhood. Rent moderate. Address Box 2.527 Post Mee, Philadelphia. seB-3t. WANTED TO RENT—A SMALL Ara miLL,with Cotton Machinery Call or address NICHOLS, wariTLE, & co., ses•st' 724 GIRARD Avenue. FOR SALE AND TO LET. Alm F 0 R SALE—SPRUCE STREET, .wavrest of Seventeenth, magnificent four-story Brown-stone front DWELL/N , Lot 22 feet front. Only maw. Possession October next. No. 1609 WALNUT Street. Now vacant. Neat four-story Brown-stone front DWELLING. Lot 20 by 180 to a street. 42;090. On West SPRUCE Street. and corner of another Inaba street. Neat large DWELLING. Lot- 22. by )?rice $17.000. PINE street, South side. Wed Of Eighteenth Street. Neat large four-story DWELLING-.