The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 11, 1865, Image 2

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    Clje thtssi
The Charleston Daily News; established
less than a month ago, and conducted with
undoubted ability, gives some sad details of
the condition of South Carolina. That
State, which was so eager to rush into re
bellion, and which, indeed, actually com
menced it by traitorously striking the first
blow at Fort Sumpter, deservedly suffers
for its misconduct. Its pride has been laid
low, and scarcely the weed of pity is ex
tended to its sufferings. Ilere is the Charles•
ton editor's candid summary of the general
effects of the war in his locality:
of t 15,000, 00 in bank stock, all is 10St. Of
$5,000,00 1 1 bills in circulation, the market value
is not snore than twenty per cent. Of three
insurance companies, neither can continue
business. Of V 20,000,000 in railroads, no divi
dends can be expected. Of five thousand
houses in Charleston, fifteen hundred have
been burned, and others almost irreparably da
maged. Of estates of decedents and minors,
-and of property in litigation, fours:fifths are re
presented by Confederate securities, alid are
therefore valueless. Of our many merchants,
lately of large capital and unblemished credit,
few bare assets to pay the small debts against
them at the beginning of the war. Of the
many large and valuable estates in Beaufort
district and the adjacent islands, all have
been abandoned, and many have been
sold for taxes. of the large eaten estates,
still further from the seaboard, many have
been desolated. Of the cotton on hand at
the beginning and raised during the war
(amounting in value to at least $20,000,000),
the larger portion has been taken or destroy
ed. Of the stock, horses, begs,,etittle, farming
Implements, utensils, and furniture and sil
verware, all...but an inconsiderable amount
have been consumed, destroyed, or taken. Of
the money in the hands of our citizens at the
.eornmencement of the war, or accruing from
-the sale of property, or the practice of pratess
sions. or the payment of debts, all has been
invested' in securities of which nine-tenths
have no possible value. Of the debts uncol
lected, few are expected to be paid. Of the
funds of churches, colleges, charitable institu
tions, and soeietleia, all also, or nearly all,have
been sunk, Of the lands of the State not held
by the Government, little has any market
value. Into this frightful gulf of ruin has also
been swept the value of four hundred thousand
slaves, estimated a few years since at $.200,-
eOOOOO. And thus, therefore, of the $4.00,000000
worth of property in this State in /860, but
little more than $50,000,000 now remains.
Further, we are informed that few are
assured of more than the provisions neces
sary to support them through the winter ;
that many, hitherto of wealth, are not as
sured of that ;> that the soil is uncultured ;
that the colored population are as badly off
.as the whites, and that the seven hundred
thousand people of Sou& Carolina are,
therefore, "perhaps the poorest in the
world." This is acknowledged to be the
legitimate sequence of their acts. We
staked our lives and fortunes on the eon
test," our Charleston brother admits, "and
the extent of our losses proves a sentiment
of perfect devotion to the cause ; and what
ever of merit may consist in that, it es
tablishes no claim to indemnity or com
miseration. These losses were intended
and with no authority to question the in
tentions of the victors, we submit to them
with the calmness and complacency which
a sense of necessity inspires."
Complaint is made of the taxation in the
districts of Charleston burnt in 1861, be
fore the passage of the tax act—much of
which property is alleged to belong to
widows, minors, aged and infirm, and
even to strangers, who had no direct Parti
tipation in the war. This property, we
are told, has yielded nothing since it was
burned, but, on the contrary, has been
charged by the local government ; it can be
Of no use or profit until rented, sold or built
upon, and yet it is eharged at the rates of
assessment before the war, and people in
the utmost destitution must pay accumu
lated taxes upon this property or see it sold.
Complaint is made, too, that property
which was abandoned during the siege is
not now restored. I3ut the law specifically
declares that " all property, real and per
sonal, shall be considered as abandoned
when the lawful owner thereof is absent
therefrom, and engaged in -arms or other
wise in aiding or encouraging the rebel
We do not see how, without violating
the law or repealing it, this positive enact
ment can be rendered imPerative or put into
abeyance. The officers of the Treasury, it
is admitted, unable to restore this property,
have leased it to the original proprietors
upon easy, and, in some instances, on
merely nominal terms. The Government,
we may confidently assume, has no dispo
sition to deal harshly with the people of
south Carolina, however badly that people
conducted themselves during the four awful
years of rebellion. But, we repeat, South
Carolina, in her present suffering, is only
reaping the harvest she then prepared for.
"If we sow the wind," says Holy Writ,
"shall we not reap the whirlwind?" With
as much speed as is consistent with safety,
and likely to consolidate and reconstruct
the Union—to overthrow which South Caro
lina conspired with other States—the Go
vernment will apply and is applying itself
to provide what remedy the circumstances
can demand and its own power can supply.
There is no thought of vengeance, and the
conduct of President .TonnsoN from the
first, has shown that his strong desire is to
temper justice. with mercy in a.very large
.degree, indeed.
A singular circumstance, which properly
should be called a most brutal and unpro
voked murder, has taken place at Bonn, on
the Rhine, the well-known. Prussian uni
versity. It is reported in 'Strasburg and
French papers, and in letters from Rhinish
Prussia. All the accotmts, though some
are more detailed than others, agree on the
main points.
The Queen of England, with her younger
Children, are at Cobrirg, the birth-place of
Prince ALBERT, her late husband. There
had been engaged, as a travelling cook for
Prince ALFRED, who is VICTORIA'S second
son, and was journeying to join her, a
young man, named OTT, a son of a Stras
burg brewer, and, therefore a subject of
France. Resting at Bonn for a day, as also
did the Prince, this OTT 'invited a few of his
own craft to a supper. There were two per
sons belonging to Bonn— SCIBLET, cook of
the principal hotel ; JOSEPH, also a servant
of Prince ALFRED, and unkrtuuate OTT
himself. They were returning home, at
ten o'clock P. IL, when they encountered
some roystering blades—all attired in
student's garb, except one, who wore
a military uniform, Orr's party en
deavored to get out of the way of these
persons, and yield them the pas. But the
gentlemen, would not allow the survitor and
Lis little party to pass on, over to the other
side. HERSCHEL, one of OTT'S friends,
said to the soldier and students, " Gentle
men, let us pass ; we are people of the
place, and we will not fight with you ;"
and they again tried to pass on. The
after said, "Get out of the way, you
boar." Then the students fell- upon the
two poor burgesses with loaded sticks, and
the soldier gave OTT two tremendous sabre
cuts on the head. Not satisfied, however,
with this, he rushed at his victim and
gouged one of his eyes out with the hilt of
his sword. The poor fellow was taken to
the hospital with his eye bang,ing down on
his cheek, and died the next day. A cor
respondent, in a later number of the Europe,'
says: "OTT had not even a cane in his
hand, and was utterly defenceless. He was
taken to the hospital, where his wounds
Were dressed, and he was then able to go
home, but died next day, as is supposed,
from tetanus. The sufferings of OTT were
terrible. His strong constitution combatted
with cleat]; but lock.jaw came on, and he
died in extreme agony."
When OTT was struck clown, he ex
claimed, "They have wounded me; . I
know not why, we neither said or did. any
thing to them." Witnesses formally .de
(dare that there was no motive for the ag
gression. OTT was assassinated when he,
had not even a stickto defend hiniself with;
the students are said to have been nearly
twenty in number, all with loaded sticks,
-When they saw blood flowing they ran
The brutal murderer, who was perform
ing his obligation of a year's military ser
vice, in a cavalry regiment quartered at
Bonn, where he was also a student, is
young Count Eurminuno, nephew of the
P russ i an Minister of the Interior. The
people ofßonn gave his victim a handsome
funeral ; and, on the day it took place, the
titled murderer went off to Berlin, where
he took refuge in his uncle's official real
deuce. Tite general. impreiffion was that
he would get off without any or only a
nominal punishment. It was reported that,
in Queen VicromA's name, a complaint
had been lodged against him before the
Prussian Government, but it was not ex
pected that this would obtain the punish
ment of the criminal, for a man holds his
life in his hand in Prussia, uuless he
belongs to the privileged, noble class,
who. look upon the common people as if
they were " mud-sills." The French jour
nals-have strongly urged the Emperor to
take the matter up, and insist upon the ex
emplary punishment of the murderer (they
would hang him in England even were he
a duke) andliberalpecuniary compensation
to the victim's family. Unless the matter
is taken up in a very firm manner, &rims-
BERG will probably escape all punishment
becausehe is a noble and his uncle one of
the Prussian Ministry. That, strange as it
may appear, has long been the practice in
Prussia. The working-classes there are
worse treated than were the serfs of Russia,
whom AnnxaNDER 11., with true Christian
feeling, has immortalized himself by eman
cipating. The fact, too, that the murdered
man was in the service, if not of England,
at least of an English prince, will not hasten
his punishment, for the highei," classes,
and nearly all the Government employes in
Prussia, have a decided dislike to the Eng
lish, and this though the Crown Prince's
wife is eldest daughter of the Queen of
The Pittsburg Gazelle, in Commenting
upon a recent report of the Government
Director of the Union Pacific Railway,
which is to run west from Omaha through
Colorado and Utah, to Nevada, says :
"The Pacific railway begins at Omaha, in
Nebraska, a city on the Missouri river, extends
westwardly through the fertile region of the
Platte valley, and thence through the rich
(and yet und.eveloped) mineral regions of the
great West to the borders of California,
where it conneetewith a 'railroad traversing
that State to the Pacific ocean.
" The Platte valley, where this road is con
structed, will soon till up with a farmingpopu
iation, who will find an expansive market for
all their produce in the mining regions west
of there i and as soon as the railroad renders
these mining regions accessible, the tide of
settlers will ilow in thither with as strong a
volume as into California in the days of the
gold discoveries. All that is wanting to ren
der Colorado and other Western Territories
populous, and as productive in Mineral wealth
as California, is the construction of this road.
"In the course of three years from this date, the
road can be finished to the base of the Rocky Moun
tains; in the course of seven years, „it can be
finished throvqhout its entire length, and we have
good authority for expressing " the Opinion
that by that time the rich auriarous deposits
of the Rocky Mountain range will be suffi
ciently developed to pour into the lap of
Northern commerce from three to five hun
dred millions annually. A prospect so grand
and so exhilerating as this, might well prompt
the nation to herculean efforts for the earliest
posible completion of the read?' -
Our coteinporary states that one of the
greatest drawbacks to the early completion
of the road is the delay of the lowa railroad
companies in extending their roads to
Omaha. Their extreme western extension
is one hundred and thirty milefeast of that
place. The Gazette suggests that if they do
not finish their connections soon Congress
should reclaim the donations of land that
have been made to them.
ONE GREAT OBSTACLE to the speedy re_
storation of intillStrial pursuits in the South
ern States arises from the fact that nearly
all the arable land they contain belongs to
a comparatively few owners. The men
who formerly owned large gangs of slaves
have not the capital and energy to work
these plantations, and the poor men who
are able and willing to till small tracts of
land on their own account are not land
owners. A. radical change must be
effected in this important feature of South
ern society before its future prosperity
can be secured. But powerful agencies
are at work to effect this reform. First,
abandoned lands are being subdivided by
the Government for the benefit of freedmen
and refugees. Second, the President by
excluding all parties who are worth more
than $20,000 from the benefits of the gene
ral amnesty, has reserved to Congress the
right of making such disposition as it deems
proper of nearly all extensive Southern es
tates. Third, large land-owners who re
ceive special pardons will, in many in
stances, be compelled to sell a portion of
their lands, because they have no other
available means of support. Fourth, the
emigrants who go to the South will,
in many instances, become purchasers
of a portion of the soil. Fifth, the aboli
tion of slavery and the facilities which will
hereafter be extended to the negroes, who
have hitherto been the real and almost the
only diligent agricultural laborerS, will
prompt many thousands of them to invest
their earnings in homesteads, to which they
will have a fee-simple title. The very
difficulties that now exist in the South will
tend to hasten the subdivisions of land that
are essential to her permanent prosperity.
The true solution of the free-labor problem
will speedily be found after the land gets
into the possession of owners who can indi
vidually, or with the aid of their families,
cultivate it. II is doubtless difficult in the
South, as we know it would be. in the
North, to develop immense tracts by
hired laborers, but is very easy to
find men to cultivate land which they, own.
The sooner the Southern people recognize
the full term of this idea, and devise practi
cal and equitable methods of remodeling
their whole system on the basis of numer
ous small farms, the sooner will they be
able to develop the immense natural re
sources with which they are surrounded.
consin, adopted a resolution, cordially en
dorsing the Adminitstration of PICSithMI
JOHNSON. A minority report, declaring
that in reorganization, the seceding States
should be compelled to adopt constitutions
which " make no discrhnination as to right
of suffrage on account of color," was re
jected. The Union Convention of Minne
sota also endorsed the administrition of
Preshlent , lormsoN, and adopted a resolu
tion declaring that " the measures of a
man's political rights should be neither his.
birth-place, his- race, his color, nor any
physical characteristic."
WE ARE GLAD to Observe, in a number of
our Southern exchanges, a• cordial endorse
ment of the tretion of the recent Constitu
tional convention in Mississippi. Its ex-,
ample in abolishing slavery and In con
demning- the doctrine of secession 'will
probably be initiated in most, if not all, of
the conventions about to be held in the
other seceding States.
Public Amusements.
appears as Julia, in Knowles , play or the
"Hunchback' , at the Walnut, this evening.
She will be supported by Mr. Barton Hill, as
Sir Thomas Clifford, and Mr. W. S. Fredericks
as Master Walter. Mrs. Bowers has long been
a great Philadelphia favorite, and her re
turn to the city is looked upon as Quite an
event by our theatre goers. May her engage
ment here prove a success in every way.
this evening, the young and. beautiful Miss He
len Western appears in the "French Spy; Or,
the Storming of Algiers." The performance
concludes with the farce of "Fatally Jars."
Saturday afternoon next, the ever-obliging
agent of this theatre, Mr. W. H. Gardner,pores
a benefit. The drama of " The Drunkard," will
be performed.
ARCH-STREET THEATES.—" Rosedale," at the
Arch, this evening, with Mrs. John Drew as
Rosa Leigh.
NEW AMNIRMiai Txs.Tßx.—Miss Rate Fisher,
together with her horse Wonder, has been per'
forming to crowded houses, at this theatre,
the past week, in the drama of Itlazepp9,. Her
engagement still continues.
ABNM•MIILS' licirumos.—Mr. and Sirs. Harry
Watkins appear this evening at the As
sembly Buildings, in the comical, musical en
tertainreent of Two Hours in Foulard. They
will' be assisted by the eminent lady. pianist,
Kin Carlotta Shaw. We understand that
during the evening, M. and Mrs. Watkins ap
pear in thirty different characters and songs.
Day Gonne, Funs, &0., TEETA DAY.—We call the
atientiorog the jobbing and best city retail
trade to the attractive sale of rich imported
dry goods, embracing 850 lots of desirable ar
ticles, and including a special offering of the
celebrated fabrics of Messrs. L. & B. Curtis &
Co., consisting of rich Paris dress.goods, silks,
shawls ; also, Paris kid gloves, ties, tar/Manes,
bonnet and velvet ribbons, trimmings, patent
thread, &c.; also, cloaks, basguels, sacgues,
fashionable furs, &c., to be peremptorily sold
by catalogue, on four months' credit, this morn
ing, eommeneing at 10 o'clock, by John B.
Myers & Co., auctioneers, Nos. 232 and 231. &tar
ket litreet;
Most of the Bad Treatment and Deaths
due to the Brutality of Winder.
WAernstoTox, September 9.—ln the Military
Commission to-day the following paper :was
put in evidence by Judge Advocate Chipman :
ANDER.SONVILLE, August 8,1881..
Colonel R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant and
Inspector General C 8. A., Richmond, Va.
CoLoara. : The following additional report
of my inspection at this point is respectfully
Colonel Henry Forties, in immediate com
mand of the guard forces, deserves especial
mention as an active,intelligent, energetic,
and zealous offieer. Captain Henry Wirz, in
immediate command of the prison, is entitled.'
to commendation for his untiring energy and
devotion to the discharge of the multifarious
duties of his position, for which he is pre
eminently quaied.qualified. respectfully concur in
Inc recommendation which has teen forWara•
ed by General Winder for his promotion, and
further recommend that not less than three
captains or subalterns t specially selected for
their fitness for the position, be furnished him
as assistants.
Captain J. W. Armstrong, A. C. S., left the
post shortly after my arrival on sick leave,
locking up nearly all his books and - papers.
I was consequently unable to make a satisfac
tory examination into his affairs. Enough in
formation, however, was elicited to show that
be is a very inefficient - officer, and entirely
incompetent for the discharge of the duties of
his position, and should at once be removed.
Captain R. B. Winder, A. Q. M., is an ener
getic and efficient officer, whose whole time
and attention are requisite for the duties
strictly appertaining to his position. The ad
ditional duties devolved upon him by the in
structions from the - Quartermaster General's
office, requiring him to establish and super
vise a large shoe factory, should be imposed
on some other officer of the department. The
other staff officers at this post seem intelligent
and efficient in the discharge of their duties,
with the exception of Gaptain Samuel S.
Bailey, A. A. tir., who is mentally mid physi
cally incapacitated for their performance, and
Surgeon L. Sheppard and Assistant Surgeons
IL L. Alexander and A. Thornbaugh, who are
represented by the chief surgeon as being in
competent and inefficient.
Illy duty requires me respeetfully to T1360m.
mend a change in the officer in command of the
post, Brig. General J. IL Winder, and the sub
stitution in his place of some one who unites
both energy and judgment, with some feelings
of humanity and consideration for the wel
fare and, comfort, "so far as is consistent with
their safe,kceping,n of the vast numbers of un
fortunates placed under his control ; some
one who at least will not advocate, deliberate
ly and in cold blood, the propriety of leaving
them in their present condition until their
number has been sufficiently reduced bydeath
to make the present arrangements suffice for
their accommodation who will not consider
a matter of self laudation boasting that he has
never been inside the stockade—a place, the
horrors of which it is difficult to describe, and
which is a disgrace to civilization; the condi
tion of which he might, by the exercise of a
little energy and judgment, even with the
limited means at his command, have conside
rably improved.
In obedience to instructions, I shall next
proceed to the headquarters of the Army of the
Tennessee, and request that any communica
tions for me be forwarded there to the care of
the elder* of staff.
I am, colonel, very reepeetfally,
Tour obedient servant
D. L. CHANDLEE, A. A. and f. G.
Colonel Chandler, being sworn, said he had
been in the Confederate service; he had no
retraction to make as to anything in his re
port ; during his inspection he had a conversa
tion with Gen. Winder, who eeeined very in=
different to the welfare of the prisoners, and
was indisposed to do anything,• - he remonstra
ted with General Winder as well as he could;
when the witness spoke to him of the great
mortality, and suggested that, as the sickly Sea
son was coming on, the swamp should be drain
ed, better food furnished, and other sanitary
measures adopted, Gen. Winder replied to him
ho thought it would be better to let one half
die, so they could take care of the remainder;
his (Chandler's) assistant, Major Hall, had pre
viously reported to him that general Winder
had made a similar expression to him the
witness remarked lie thought this was dis
creditable, when Major Wall said General
Winder had repeated that expression to him
several times. The R. B. Winder, the quarter
master, spoken of in his report,is the cousin
of General Winder; the witness said soon
alter his 'arrival at Andersonville he rode
around the stockade and found that the stream
was very offensive; he wanted General
Winder to have an examinationmade in order
that it might be drained; this would have
contributed to the health of the prisoners;
more wood nligilt haVe been furnished • if there
had been no other means of procuring it he
would have turned the prisoners out to bring
it in guarded by the soldiers ; he should have,
removed the cook house much earlier than it '
was removed, and placed it on another stream
in the Vicinity; the commissary,might have
compelled the purchase of green corn ; there
was plenty of it there; cabbage in limited
quantities might. have been purchased ; there
was a difficulty in getting lumber; from the
crowded condition of the prison much shelter
could not be put up; Winder might have
compelled medical officers to reside at
the post;there were fifteen or eighteen
of such officers at the prison ; on his
suggestion about nine hundred of the sick
were put under the trees; he urged upon
the department the removal of General W in
der,bellevins that if there was anothet head, a
good deal might be done ; Winder had not the
inclination to exert himself; the witness had
also urged the removal of the assistant emu
naissary, because of his physical inability, and
because he was satisfied of his inefficiency and
want of experience; his name was Armstrong;
when he in his report spoke in commendation
of Captain Wirz he had no suspicion of the
facts subsequently developed; he et'that time
saw nothing to indicate cruel treatment to
the prisoners ; lie had himself been a prisoner
and .knew how unwilling prisoners were to
make complaints in the presence of the
officers for fen} of being punished; he took
some of the pr ours aside and personally in
terrogated them ,• none made complahits
against Captain Wire ; they complained of the
want of food and insufficient clothing and
Question by the Judge ~idvocate : How long
was it after your report was made that Gene
ral Winder was promoted to the supreme com
mand of the prison! Answer. Not till after
two months and a half ; lie was made Commis
sary General of Prisons, which gave him the
control over the larger number, but removed
him from the immediate command of them.
The witness said that he went to Judge Camp
bell, the Assistant Secretary of War, and
wanted him to take up his report, but he be
lieved it was never acted upon ; he had no evi
dence that the report went to the President;
he believed it did not.
Gross-examined by Mr. Baker.—James A.
Seddon was Secretary of. War when the wit
ness went to inspect the prison ; Capt. Wirz
showed Lim the rules, to one of which he object
ed, namely, punishing the men who attempted
to escape ; thought that to be wrong, but he
eneidored the order to be Gen. Winder's,
though Capt. Wirz's name was attached to
them ; he thought Gen. Winder's bitter feeling
towards the prisoners was such as to render
him indifferent to the comfort of the men, and
hence their sufferings; the bake-shop which
he visited 'was clean, with good police, and the
bread as good as couldbe made with unbolted
meal; the bake-house and cook-house should
have been removed from the stream, as their
presence affected the water running past them;
while he was on his inspection, there was no
complaint made to him about the drinking
water,' the prisoners pointed - to the wells.
By the Court General Winder was consi
dered in supreme command of the post and
prison; the medical offieers were under the
orders of General Winder and the Surgeon
General ;
.the prison regulations were signed
by-Captain Wirz as the commandant, v.lthough
he believed General Winder was responsible
for them.
Question. Was there anything in the regula
tions 'which authorized Captain Wirz to shoot
prisoners without trial? Answer. That would
depend on circumstances; for instance, in self
defence; there was, however, nothing in the
regulations which went to that extreme.
'Question. Was there anything in the 'NoOIIII,
tions which established the dead line without
qualification ? Aus wer. I suppose the dead line
was established certainly with the knowledge
and consent. if not under the instructions of
General Winder I do not recollect the lan
guage establishing the dead line, but think it
was to the effect that any man crossing it
would be shot, without qualification..
In the course of the further cross-examina
tion, the witness said he supposed each little
squad had its own well, and that there was
drinking water enough for all ; he obtained
the impressipit from random conversations
with some or the men ; he visited the bake
house twice, and also the cook-house • the
meat was very rusty there, as it was anywhere
else in the South; the water in the stream was
unfit for washing purposes; the established
ration was the Same as that at Richmond, but
he did not know whether the prisoners re
ceived the full allowance; he could not, after
trying, ascertain that fact; the quality was
the same as he had been eating himself; the
bread was made of unbolted meal; it was im
possible to procure a sufficient number of
By Mr. Baker. What he had seen in Captain
Wirz left the impression that the latter was
desirous that the prisoners should have better
The court took a recess until two o'clock.
. . .
On reassernblhig, John Pastille, Of the naval
Service, testified as to a man dying in the chain
gang ; he was told by a rebel sentinel that for
every Yankee he shot he received thirty days'
furlough and three months' extra wages.
John A. Marshal, of the 42d New York Regi
ment, testified that he saw two prisoners shot
for approaching the dead line. In such eases
the sentries were released to go on furlough.
Rations were stopped if the men would not
form in line in such a way as to please Captain
Wirz ; he knew of a man who died from the
effects of dog bitesithe hounds being kept to
hunt out Men, •
Wm. M. Pablo '
of Southwestern Georgia,,
who was detailed as clerk to Colonel 'Porno, a
rebel officer in command, testified that while
riding out he saw a man in the Stocks who
he thought would drown, as a heavy rain was
falling upon his face ;the witness held hts um
brella over him for a 'While, and then went to
Captain Wirz to express his apprehension
Wirz said, " Let the d—d Yankee drown in
a few minutes thereafter, however, an officer
was sent from Captain Wirz's headquarters,
who took the man out of the stocks ; the crops
were not so good in 1864 as in the year before,
but the farmers had a si101118;
W. W. Crandell, of the 4th lowa Infantry, testi.
tied as to a man being badly bitten in the calves
by the dogs, and soon thereafter fastened at
each ankle with a chain and ball; the man hav
ing been kept in thiscondition several weeks,
the witness went to Wirt and pleaded for the
release of the 'prisoner, but Wirz Said he 001.11 d
not do it; the legs were swollen and had a
putrfited look; a rebel surgeon being appealed
to, said he could not conscientiously take off
more than one chain which he did ; the , tnan
finally died ; the witness, as one of the de
tailed sextons, helped to bury thirty or
forty of the men who had been shot ;
during the time General JfiferMan. was
marching from' Atlanta to the coast, the pri
soners were, of course, very anxious to hear
the news ; a report came. that Sherman and.
his Staff andeftfteen theusond prisoners had
been captured; Captain Wirz said he hoped
this was tree, and that if the prisoners were
sent there he could take care of more d.-1
Yankees than.four regiments in front ; on one
occasion a barrel of rotten pork was sent to
the commissary's office to be used by the
Yankees; the witness was employed in that
office; the next day' he received au order to
weigh out the same number of pounds of beef
and turn it over to Captain Wirz, who wanted
the best, saying it was for his own eating; he
knew the pork came from Captain Wirz's
headquarters ; prisoners who had money
contd procure food ; one of them bought a pie,
but soon vomited it up; another prisoner
near by grabbed up the ejected pieees and
ate them.
Cross-examined by Mr. Baker.—The dead
were buried by 'UM= prisoners, under the
superintendence of a rebel sergeant; the
bodies were not treated indecently, excepting
that they were carted like logs of wood in
order to get a full load, as there was only one
wagon; officers and soldiers frequently came
to the graveyard and upbraided them for not
burying the dead in better style, saying they
ought to work night as well as day; there
were not more than thirty men employed in
burying the dead, and in vain they had endea
vored to procure more help; some of the
visiting rebels said this graveyard would
make a good vineyard, the Yankee bones
affording good manure ; let us invite their
Yankee friends to come and eat thegrapes ;
he himself was put in the stocks for attempt
ing to escape ; he had proceeded one hundred
and sixty miles before he was apprehended by
scouts as a rebel deserter; fearing he would
be hung for a rebel he told them he was a
Yankee; this was in September, Mi.
Willis Van Buren of the ed New York Caval
ry, testified as to ' blankets and pants from
the Sanitary , Commission having been appro
priated by the rebels; Wirz said to him that
'he could take care of more G—d d—d Yankees
than Lee at the front; Wirz had threatened
to shoot witness for some trivial offence, and
ordered the guard to fire upon a man who had
stepped out to pick up a piece of wood the
man hastened back to the ranks before the
guard could shoot. The witness said, among
other things, that prisoners were reduced to
skeletons, and would oto the sinks to pick
up undigested particles of food. lie men
tioned several cases of shooting men; one of
them was said by at least twenty men. to have
been shot by Captain Wirz himself.
The court adjourned till Monday.
T/18 - argument in Champ Ferguson's case
will be hoard on Monday after which the pro
ceedings and sentence will be submitted to the
General commanding the Department for all•
proval, when the result will be published in
general orders.—NoOmille Union, 7th.
Ctrearals H. °WRNS, 163 North Third street,
southeast corner of Race, manufacturer of
handmade calf boots, sewed and pegged.
country merchants and others in want of
prime goeds would find it to their advantage
to give him a call.
No Wormen.—A Dutchman was relating his
escape from drowning when thirteen of his
comrades were lost by the upsetting of a boat,
and he alone was saved. " And bow did you
escape I" asked one of his hearers. " I tid not
go in to poet," was the placid answer. That
is the way a friend of ours always avoided
getting bad fits when his friends were afflicted
with them. He got his garments at the Drown-
Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson,
Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth.
He kept out of bad "posts."
No 'NATTER what may be said in favor of the
'Various Sewing Machines Offered to the pudic,
the only true test is comparison. This is wharthe
Florence courts, and the verdict in its favor is
universal when such comparison is made. The
Florence is, the first machine offered to the
puhlie warranted to give entire atisfaction or
money returned, which is convincing proof
that this machine has merits beyond all
others, as well as a protection to pur
chasers against loss. It is so simple in its con
struction that no charge is made to learn to
operate it, whether you purchase or not. Call
at the Mee, No. 630 Chestnut street. Price
list, with samples of sewing, sent on receipt of
red. stamp.
Sold at 50 cents per bottle.
McClain% Night:Blooming Cereus,
Sold at 75 cents per bottle.
McClain% Night-Blooming CereuS,
Sold at al per bottle, according to size.
Other choice Toilet Extracts prepared at
No. 334 North Sixth street, above Vine
and portion of rent applied to purchase.
AlsO, pew and elegant pianos for sale on
accommodating terms. Gotri.n,
jyl4-2m , Seventh and Chestnut.
musical artists use only the "Chickening
Grande." The largest collection ever exhibited
here, 914 Chestnut street.
se9-12t* Wm. H. DIITTON.
The present easy condition of the. National
Treasury renders further borrowing entirely
unnecessary. The receipts from internal reve
nue are very large, the expenses of the Govern
ment are daily on the decrease, and new
sources of revenue are opening, that during
the war were unavailable. The custom re
ceipts are so large that the Secretary is at a
lose to know what to do with the large amounts
Of gold which are daily pouring into the Trea
sury. The latest estimate of the amount of
surplus gold is *80,000,000. Of this, at least
$50,000,000 can at any moment be disposed of
without prejudice to the requirements of the
Department. At present prices this would
yield $70,000,000 in currency. There is to be re
deemed prior to January 1, J 866, of Certificates
of Indebtedness, and nO Other debt, say
Four months' army payments 40,000,000
Four months' navy payments 12,000,000
Four months; Interior Department.. 6,000,000
Four months ; &,000,000
Total in currency $115,450,000
On the other hand,his resources may be thus
Currency on hand Sept. I . $12,800,000
Internal 'revenue (122 days).. 105,806,000
Total $146,696,000
Surplus over the four department
expenses 33,246,000
His stock of gold was, Sept. 1, after
providinfor the 10-40 interest 45,435,000
Four months'.custom receipts 50,120, 000
Total gold resources $101,555,000
Deduct Nov. interest on the 5-205..... 18,107,000
Surplus of gold for sale $83,358,000
nut these resources are not all he has at
command. He has still the power to sell:
• 5-20 loan of June 30, 1861 $9,500,000
10-10 loan 27,300,100
Tptal Ponds for sale 36,800,000
Add surplus from internal revenue and
Cash on hand Sept. i ' 216,000
Probable surplus of currency on Jan. 1,
1866 70,666,000
Beside this surplus should he use the bonds
unsold, he will , have $81,555,000 of gold to sell.
In this time the Secretary will perhaps issue
certideates of indebtedness . in payment of
sundry large army and navy indebtedness in
addition to the amount already issued (viz:
about $30,000,000) $45,000,000, making a total of
$75,000,000 additional debt, which he can either
provide for by funding or pay out of the above
enormous surplus. He has also authority to
issue six per cent. compound-interest notes,
but will scarcely do this, as the currency is
already, according to some of our wise politi
cal economist speeulatorsiin too great
There was but a limited inquiry for stook se
curities on Saturday. Governthent bonds sold
in odd lots at about previous quotations.
There are a good many sellers who want mo
ney for other uses, but the orders to buy are
large enough to take up the floating lots that
daily come into the market for sale. The dif
ferent classes suit different tastes. SomeTre
ferthe gold-bearing issues, and others select
the currency bonds, which can be had at a small
discount from their par _value. These are ge
nerally chosen by investors of small sums.
City and State loans are inactive, but prices
are firm. The share list showed more 'firm
ness, though Reading closed weak at a shade
decline. Philadelphia and Erie advanced y z ,
and Catawissa was a shade better; Little
Schuylkill was steady at 30; 127 was bid for
Camden and Amboy ; 5S for Pennsylvania Rail
road ; 57 for Notristown ; 58 for Minehill
25 for North Pennsylvania, and 43 1 4 for North
ern Central. Local' bank stocks are firmly held
at 29 for Mechanics ; 133 for Philadelphia; 145
for First National ; 160 for North America; 118
for Farmers' and Mechanics' ; 4214 for Com.
merclal ;90 for Kensington; 51 for Girard 5
2934 for Manufacturers' and Mechanics', and 56
for City. There is very little movement in
canal shares; 85 was bid for Schuylkill Navi.
gation common ;,.8214 for Lehigh Navigation;
80 for Morris Canal common; 120 for preferred
do.; 934 for Susquehanna Canal; 30 .for Dela
ware Division, and W I for Wyoming Valley
There are no alterations to be reported
in regard to money matters. The supply Of
capital is abundant, the demand/or it is mode
rate, and the rates of interest are without any
Tic following were the rates for gold Sat•
„rday, at the hours named:
10 A. M.
...... .....
11 A. X
12 X
1 P. M
4 P,
A. L. Tyler, Esq., hes been appointed Super
intendent of the Philadelphia and Erie Rail
road, in place of Joseph D. Pntts, Esq., re
signed, and will assume the duties of the situ
ation on the first of October.
The Commissioner of internal Revenue has
ordered the following ruling : When the de
cision No. 140 was made, the 5-20 bonds issued
underthe act of June 50,1804, bad not been put
into the market. Said bonds should now be
included in the,list of United States securities,
to be dedected from bank capital, under the
section of the revenue laws.
An Indianapolis correspondent 1 . says that
oil-seekers in Indiana are despondent, and
begin to look upon their investments as dead
stock. Mares in the most promising
which, a short time since, could not be bought
at any price, are now for sale dogrcheap. The
Jennings-county well, which took 'lire at one
hundred and twenty feet, burned out, and was
abandoned, has reached a depth of over six
hundred feet on the new !lore.
The Coquette Well is again towing two hun
dred barrels per day, and constantly in
The *heeling Intetligencer says that a sue
cessful oil strike has been made at Benton,
which is 'situated ou the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, thirty-six miles from that eity, and
twenty-four miles from the Ohio river. The
well is a flowing One, and those interested are
very exultant over their pro.spects. The well
has been_ plugged until the necessary tanks
awl machinery eau provided to operate to
advantage. The depth is five hundred and
thirty feet.
TheXest Virginia oil region is beginning to
look up. On Tuesday of last week a fortunate
strike was made on Burning Spring Run by
.Ruff A Hurled, of Westmoreland county; Pa.,
causing an intense excitement in that Vicinity:
This is a flowing well, and, it is believed, will
prove equal to the celebrated Lewellen well.
A gentleman who was present when it com
menced to-flow, estimates the ,yield of one
hour at fifty barrels. On Saturday morning
Oil was also struck in a well on French creek.
This well is owned by the French Creek and
Newell's Run Mining, Company, and yields
twenty barrels per day. On the same day a
company engagedin boring at Standing Stone,
succeeded in obtaining a flow of the oleaginous
fluid. All through that section of country
wells are being bored by the thousand. Opera
tions have been retenlied at many of the
abandoned wells with 13110000£1, while some of
the y old wells have been sunk to a greater
deth whichn inc destroyedd obtained. The
wells were by ,guerillas are
being cleaned out and repaired—in fact, the
greatest activity prevails throughout the ol
regions of Wirt and adjoining counties.
The Chicago Tribune of September 7 says :
The receipts of grain continue heavy, and
advices from the country inform us that the
produce dealers and farmers are hurrying to
market all the surplus of last year's corn crop,
in order to find room to secure the present
growing crop, when it shall have arrived at
maturity. The capacity of our railroads, and
the Illinois and Michigan Canal, is.being fully
tested and there is a loud cry for additional
facilities for transportation.
The demand for money to move this produce
Continues very active. The country bankers
have reduced their balances here so low that
it is idle for them to make any further drafts,
and our commission merchants are incessant
in their requisitions for currency. There is
Considerable demand from our wholesale mer
chants, whO have made heavier purchases
than usual in the Eastern markets, based on
the expectation of an immense fall trade. At
present ' their anticipations are not ground
less as trade in groceries, dry goods, boots
and shoes and general merehandise is report
ed exceedingly 'brisk. The leading discount
houses still report the market Close.
The following is the usual monthly state
ment of the Ron. Wm. Ii Ramsey, Bank Comp
troller of Wisconsin, giving the condition of
banks of that State on the Ist of September:
The following stocks have been decreased
since statement August Ist, A. D., 1865
Wisconsin Gs
Tbe following stocksbave been increased du
ring tilg last month;
United States Cs _
The circulation has been decreased
during the last month.
The whole amount of circulation
outstanding is:
Banks winding up
Secured as follows
Wisconsin 'os -
United States 6s
Treasury notes
The following are the financial advices (by
mail) from New Orleans, under date of Aug.3o:
Gold exhibited more firmness, which was at
tributed to the large holders standing aloof,
and,there being, consequently, only a mode
rate supply offering. The sales and resales In
clude $lOO ftt 143%, $2,000, $5,000, and another
let at 143%, two lets of $2,500, *3,000, $3,100, tWO
lots of $5,000, $lO,OOO, and $15,000 at. 144, $2,500,
$4,000, two lots of $5,000, $14,000, and $15,000 at
144%, $2OOO, and a larger lot at 04 1 A, and a lot
of one dollar pieces at 143. ire market closed
at 1440.44 1 4, against 143%40 V 144 last evening.
There was some inquiry for silver, but we
heard of no sales. American half-dollars would
have commanded 141, but some holders asked
more. We found no material variation in
foreign exchange, which continued firm.
The New York .Post of Saturday evening says:
The mart market its abundantly supplied at 5
per cent. Commercial paper is wanted, and
the limited amount offerinr , passes at 6 1 ,4(40)6.
The stock, market opened dull and feverish,
became weak, and closed with an improving
Before the board N. Y. Central was quoted
at 92V., Erie at 88%, Iludson River at 110, Read
ing afIOGX, Michigan southern at 00%,111i.uois
Central at 124, Cleveland and Pittsburg at 7131,
Rock Island at 110, Northwestern at 28%,
Northwestern preferred at 01%, Fort Wayne
at 97.
After the board New York Central closed at
Mk, Erie at 88, Reading at 1(5% Michigan
Southern at 66, Pittsburg at7l%, Northwestern
at -27% Northwestern preferred at 61y, Rock
Island at 110 1 / 4 , Ohio and Mississippi Certifi
cates at 28, and Quicksilver at 48.
At the one o'clock call the market improved
per cent., closing firm but dull.
Dreiel & Co. (VOW
New United States Bonds, 1981 1071@107, 1 4
U. S. Certificates of Indebt., new 98 3 ( 46j 99
" " old 99 1 ,@100
New United States 7 3-10 Notes 994@ 99% 2
Quartermasters , Vouchers 963498 97
Orders for Certificates of Indebt.... 984/4g 99
Gold 144@144X
Sterling Exchange 158 a 159
Five-twenty Bonds, old 107y0107%
" new 105110534
Ten-forty Bonds 94A 94,-*
Sales of Stocks, Sept. 9.
100 Dunkard 011-1,30 .%1 500 Dunkard 011-510 .56
300 Winslow )411000 do 1)10 .56
1500 Dunkard..s3Olots .561 500 do.. bl 5 .50
100 do .561
Reported by Hewes, Miller& d' Co., 16.80 S. Third et
500 Mount Faith:
450 U S 7-30 T 99%1 6 Little Sehay R.— 30
4000 do au. 993 200 Cataw R 14% .
1000 do Ui. 995¢ 100 Cataw 26%
2500 d 0......
.. ...ju. 99% 1(3) Ma &Yale 10. !2 . 23,
000 SGs 1 81 ep.10735 100 do - Wu. 23%
10440 U S 5-20 bds af.e.p.105%.1 20 Philftda Bank. . . 133
500 City Gs illtut 91% 1 Fifth .t Sixth it.. 44
t , .1 Elmira Bonds-1001 IS Lehigh Nast.s.3. 00
I " do 2d3's;loo 1000 Cain& Am Os 'BO. 08
800.0 City Qs new..lts. 81k. 100 Phil & Er R. 830. 23,4"
ICO Fuitou Coal I I 100 do ........ , . ... 23%
100 Cataw pref..l)3o. 20 , }4 300 Bttgar vatddys.. lM
100 do 2131-I 200 do iy,
100 do 20; 100 Heston R..„030. 17%
100 Cataw It 030. 14 , 200 U S 7-30 Tr 99y } -
200 3laple Shacte.l33o. Oil 300 Reading R....1t5. 53 W '
268 00 63g; 100 do lot. 03
SOO Dalvell 011..1330,3 1.101 100 da,,,,,lAkiut. 51 , 4
.500 do 3 i 13 Tolethanics , Ilk . .20
100 do F. 5. 2%'i1000 St IVax Loan 63-100
Philadelphia Markets.
The ieeeipta and gdoek9 of Flour continuo 11gbt;
the market, in consequence, to very firm, but the
sales are limited. About 1,200 Obis sold at $9,30.25
bbl for good Northwestern extra family, and $9.50
fiAlO.5O qt bbl for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. The re
tailers and bakers are buying at from $i@...;;.51) for
superfine, s.Be,t9 for extra, so.zs g 10.50 for common to
good extra family. and $12(1412.50 1 bbl for fancy
brands, according to quality. Stye Flour is selling
iu a small way at $6.25 ;,31151. Corn !s.oulet at about
former rates.
GRAIN.-Wheat is less active and prices aro un
settled and drooping. About it,ilCo bush sold at 200 e
for good new Delaware reds, and 2180220 c , tA bush
for old Pennsylvania and Western. (10. White is
scarce, , and held at 235.01.245 e, as to quality. Rye is
dull. 00 bush Delaware sold at See; Pennsylvania
is held at 105©110e. Corn Is - also rather dud. 5,000
bush sold at 950 for white, and 06e bush for prime
yellow, afloat and in the care. Oats continue very
quiet. 8,000 bush are reported at ISEa5Cte for fair Co
prime new, afloat and In the ears.
BARK.—Quereliron continues scares and in good
demand :1102.50 6 f ton for best No. I.
COTTON.-There Is a fair business doing at about
4 f 4 o c rle ib r . rates; 200 bales of Middlings sold, iu lots, at
CiltberlitlELL-There is very little doing in tither
lgugar or Coffee, but mites are Well Maintained.
If Al.—Baled selling Prow $15020 tou for
new and old.
• .
PETROLEUK.—The market continues firm at the
late advance; about 3,0t0 is have been disposed
of in lots ' mostly ued btmd c at from s'eficksae,
for present and future detiverr, including civic at
:Aeolic, and free at from 73fffi5eV, gallon, as to color.
,FEEDS.—ClOrerseed is less active; small Sales are
making) at fronfUkaakk ths, as to quality. Ti
mothy is selling at ii4.75®5 ti bushel. mostly at the
latter rate, acid. Flaxseed at $3.25
PROVISIONS.--Thg market, as 'We have noticed
for some time past, continues veryquiet, and the
sales are in retail lots only. Was Pork Is quoted at
9 102@M bbl. In Bacon there is no change to notice.
:intuit sales of llama are making at from 24Q.30.... r < l th
for plain and fancy eartrased. Pickled Rams are
selling in a small way at 23c V lb. Lard is scarce,
and prime tierce is in fair demand at 26e lb. nut
ter is without change.
WHlSKY—Prices remain about the same as last
Quoted: 2CO bile prime Sold at =lic V, gallon, and
small lots at '24oe.
The following are the receipts of Flour and Grain
at this port during the past week
New York Markets, Septeatber O.
ASHES C,Ontimic
BRBADSTI:FFS.—The market, for State and West
ern Flour is 5c better; sales 9,200 bits ,1571100.55 for
superfine State.• /0.9008 for extra (10; $8.05©8.15 for
choice do; tri',K@7.6s tor superfine Western; vos.;o
for common, to medium extra Western; 148.8509,20
for common to good shipping brands extra VO0n11.•
hoop Ohio.
Canadian Flour is Sc better; sales 350 bbls at h
8.30 for commit, and 0.35011 for good to' choice
Southern Flour Is firm: stiles 580 bbls at $9.50@10.50
for common, and s10.00(314 for fancy and extra.
Rye PIMA' 18 quiet. Corn Meal Is dull.
NV beat Is 21083 e better for String. Sales 56,000 bus
$1.60@1.6436 for. Chicago a rlng, 81.02@1.05 for
Milwaukee Club. and 81.66 for Amber Milwaukee.
Rye Is quiet. Barley Is dui!. Barley Malt is dull
and nominal.
Oats are a shade firmer, at S 7 for Western and 4.2.
Otte for Ante. ,
The Corn market is firm for mind, and heavy fur
unsound. Sales 60,060 Sea at 8.3©890 for unsound,
and 91c for sound mixed Western. -
. . . . _
PROVISIONS.—The Pork Market is dull and heavy.
Sales of 3,650 bids at $32®32.25 for new Mess closing
at X 32, WWI for '63-4 do., 119031.90 for Pr ime, ana
01.25029.62 for Primo Meas. The Beef market is
firm. Sales 900 bbis at 6t 612 for Wain Mess, and.
6.10.5f@14.50 for extra Mess.
Beet Hams are quiet.
Cut Meats are steady; sales MO pkgs 14341(416)ic
for shoulders, and 19©Ze for hums.
Bacon. Is dull.
. .
The Lard market Is firmer; sales 500 bbls at 20tl(
203 g. Butter is in demand at 220. We for Ohio, and
320400 for State. Cheese is steady at 10.gitlji,:e.
1.:0ri . 939 is firm, end rather more active. Sales
Nn11,900 bales at 94(d144,16 for middling.
sxY is arm. Sales 250 bills at $2.24 . 3L42.25 for
is firm. Sales 20,000 Its at 11,4V15.
FILEICiIITB to Liverpool, per steamer, AKI bales cot
ton ittA , tl. A British brig, with 1000 hbl, potpolotim,
from natant/phis to Geuoa, ut 6.5 Vt.
Pittsburg Petroleum Market, Sept. 7.
Business was not very extensive. As regards
crude oil the market was very firm, with a large in
quiry for this article. The stock ou hand has been
reduced to a low ebb. Titn fact increased the grin . .
ness of holders, who were firm at 21e without pack
ages, or bulk at se, packages included. Purchasers
were anxious to close contracts for any reasonable
amount for October and November delivery, at the
!Wires we have named, and take the chances of the
market. The receipts of crude by the Allegheny
river amounted to 645 bid.s. The prospect for a
steamboat rise in that stream is favorable. Dis
patches were received.," rem various points on the
Allegheny at 011 City. The weather was rainy aud
the river swelling. At Franklin there were twenty
four inches, and at Brady's Bend, four feet. A
number of 'boats that wore on the way laid up,
started for the oil regions. As a number of boats
arc known to be on the way down, an Inert MC may
he looked for before the close of tbe week. In our
market holders were firm, buyers were plenty.
The ruling figures were 21c without, and 2.0 e with
packages. The market will no doubt become more
fettled as the receipts increase; at present the ad
vantage being on the side of holders. Refined oil
—market firm, with a further advance. In fact,
holders have matters their own way. • A. further ad
vance was established In bonded, with a liberal
amount of transactions. •
1.44 1 /
ChUDE.—There was no stock to operate on, and
dealers were not disposed to contract for future de
livery. The only operations reported were 250 bbls
at 21c; without packages; 250 table do, to arrive, '2.1.c.
Other small sales were made at the same ranee,
REF/Nan OIL was active, with a good demand for
future and present delivery. Sales I,ooobbis bonded
fur October, P. 0. B. standard, 97c. This was the
Philadelphia market; LOCO bbls brilliant, November
delivery, West Philadelphia, 55c; 100 bbls, straw
eider, bontled,44Y,e, on the spot; 500 bbls,light straw
to White, F, 0. 8., Nevada brand, 47c; 1,000 Obis
bonded, November, 47et 300 bbl 9 do, on spot, 410;
4CO bids bonded, Immediate delivery. Philadelphia,
Free Oil was dull—we did not learn of any
Louisville Tobacco Market, Sept. 6.
- Manufactured bright Virginia lb. sold at $1.150
1.9-Si medium bright. Meal; Common Virginia, 7
biric; damaged out or contrition, 40@irec. Voir height
Kentucky. and Missouri Ibs, 41@ii..10: medium,
ice: common, 50§75e; damaged, 30@40e. Navy ifi,
choice, 7c(i;i72c; good navy. 686700; common, 00®35.
Navy half fi, line, 72@b75e; medium, 68@72c. Block
sweet, half lb, 68®70c. Long 10s, 70{§172 - e; short do,
. 1.0.5,4,59
121,528 15
8,281 89
$387,660 04
SF.PTE.3II:ER 9—Evening.
1,000 bbls
..0,700 bus
8.800 bus
10,2200 bus
....Liverpool.... New York Aug. 29
Edinburgh ' Liverpool.... New York Aug. 30
C of New - York.Liverpool....New Y0rk.......Ang. 30
America Soutliamp , u. New York Aug. 30
Teutonta Southall p'IL New York Aug. 30
Hibernian Liverpool— .Quebec Aug. 21
City of Dublin.Liverpool....New York - Sept. 2
Asia ....Liverpool.— Boston Sept. 2
Erin Liverpool.— New York Sept. 5
Allernania......Soutliamp`n.New York Sept. 5
Damascus Liverpool.. ~Quebec Sept. 7
Ali6triiisSian—Liverpool....NeW York Sept. 9
- -
Atalanta NowYork....Lontion Sept. 12
Africa Boston Liverpool.... Sept. 13
Moro Castle New York....litraza Sept. 14
Europe New York....Havre Sept. 15
City of Lonclon..New Yorit....Liverpool ...Sept. 16
Ocean Queen.... New York....Aspin,vall....Sept. 16
The Oneell.,, ~,, New rprk....Ltverpool....Sept. 16
United Kingdom New York., .(4 tasgew ~., Sept- 10
Propoutis .. ...... Plinadelphla.Lfrerpool. —.Sept. 20
Steamer Propontis , Hlgginson....Liverpool,Sept.2o
Bremner Briya r n e n r l n a a ,.G b a u tt t a o gli t e n r tiß . l gt i n e o t i r nt, s,,t - . 9
1 , ,`0 U 01
SUN 121555..5 45 [SUN BETS..B 15 I TUGII WATER. 7 2L
Ship. Morning star, (Br.) Smith, O days from
Liverpool, with mdse to John RPenrose, towed up
by tug America. '
Ship Catharine, Ewell ,4 days from New York. in
ballast to Baetjer &De Vertue. Towed up by tug J
H. Hammitt.
Steamer Buffalo, Jones, 24 hours from New York,
dth mdse to W P Clyde & Co.
Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New York,
, ith mdse to W P Clyde & Co.
Steamer DGlaziey. Stone, 24 hours from New York,
ith mdse to W P Clyde & Co.
Steamer C Comstoelc, Drake 24 hours from New
""ork„ . with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co.
Steamer Sarah, Jones 43 hours from Hartford,
Ith mdse to W Baird& ca.
Brig Borden., Lansit, 21 days from Orelillla, with
nano to Baker & Folsom. •
. . .
Brig Bnrinah, Sherman, from Providence, in bal
last to captain.
sehr E C Knight, Taylor, 5 days from Boston,wlth
mdse to Crowoll 4 Collins.
Behr Martha Wrightlngion, Thatcher, 5 days from
Boston. with mdse to Crowell & Collins.
Behr Ceres, Trefethen, from New York, in ballast
to Mammoth Vein Coal Co.
ocean Bird, Conley, from Providence, in bal
last to captain.
Selir John Dorrance, amith, from Providence, in
ballast LO )Westmoreland Coal Co.
Sat Restless, Vansant, from Boston, in ballast to
Mammoth Vein Coal Co.
. _
Sehr A H Learning Ludlam, from Boston, InDai
l:lst to captain.
Sehr I/ S Mershon, Allen. from Salem, in ballast
to New Ycirk and Sebuylkilleoal Co.
lsehr Mary J Russell, Smith, from Richmond, in
ballast to captain.
ticlir NE Clark, Clark, from Boston, In ballast to
Bancroft, Lewis, & Co.
Schr S A Bnice,Bolce, from Providence, in bal
last to Blakiston, Graff, & Co.
set.. l'augussett, Wapies, from Boston, In ballast.
to BlaklstOn, &o.
Sehr Caroline Smith, Barratt, from Lynn, in bal
last to Shineckson 8( Glover.
Sclir Ida V McCabe, Pickup, from New Haven, la
ballast to captain.
Sebr M it Turner, Camp, from Plymouth, in bal
last to Tyler & Co.
Sebr Alexander Young, Young, from Roxbury, iu
ballast to captain.
Seta. Juhu Rogers, Roethel, from Newport, in bal
last to Sinpeckson & Glover.
gcl;t olitiaMeirici,2dontgomery, frotaWinthrop,
In S i gt l 4l 3 l l ii t tit i : t ninn, from Lynn, in ballast to Sin
new.6o/1. BL WOW,.
- - - - -
Sebr Elizabeth, BLOM), from Pawtucket, in bal
last to W Hunter, Jr, & Co.
Schr J H Bartlett, Rockllill, from Salem, in bal
last to New York and Schuylkill Coal Co.
Schr It H Wilson, Mull, from Providence, in bal
last to captain.
Schr Deborah Jones, Tatum, from. Beaufort, in
ballast to YandtiSen, Loclunan & Co.
Saw Ii W Benedict, Case, from llreenport, in bal
last to Casiner, Stiekney, Ss Wellington.
Behr James Ailderdlce, Powell, from Boston, in
ballast to captain.
Schr It S Miller, Baker, from Bolton, in ballast to
Schr Marietta Hand. Brooks, from. Portsmouth,
in ballast to Rathbun & Co.
Sclir SY G Bartlett, Conway, from Boston, ill bal. ,
last to captain.
Schr Black Diamond, Young from Davenport, in
ballast to Costlier, Stickney &,_
Schr •C Stetson, Robinson, from Braintree, in bal
last to Castner, Stiekney & Wellington.
Behr Edgewater, Somers, 7 days from. Boston, in
ballast to ca fain.
Behr M t Farr, Marion 5 days from 'Boston, In bal
last to Caldwell, Sawyer, 67, Co.
Schr James Neilson, Burt, 4 days from Taunton,
with untie to captain.
Behr Golden Eagle, Kelly, 5 days from New Bed
ford, with 900 bbls oil to - P. A. Allen. •
Behr It .5 Taylor, Pennell, 2 days from Chesapeake
City, Mdoeltb drain to Christian k CO.
Behr Sarah Warren, Brown, 1 day from Frederiea,
Del with graip to Jar Barratt. .
&lir Ann Wilson, Smith, 2 days from Baltimore,
with wheat to Jas Barratt.
Schr Bucephalus. Jones, 2 days from Baltimore,
with wheat to Jas Barratt.
Schr J Woolford, 4 days from Baltimore,
in ballast to J T thattlo,
Schr S L Crocker, rresbrey, 4 days front Taunton,
with mdse to captain.
Schr A Sawyer, DeOn, 9 days from Georgetown,
N C, with mdse to captain.
Sehr Thos Borden, Wrightington, 41days from
Fall River, in ballast to J It Tomlinson.
Scbr A R" Cain. Simpson, 4 days front Fall. River,
in ballast to W. Hunter' Jr , & Co
Schr J M Flanagan, Cain, 4 "Vs from Salem,
Mass, in ballast to captain.
Schr J B Austin, Davis, 5 days from Boston, in
ballast to Caldwell, Sawyer, .&
Behr Sophia Ann, Smith, 5 days from Providence,
in ballast to Costner Stickney, & Wellington.
Scbr Geo J Marsh, Irwin , 5 days from Providence,
in ballast to captain.
Schr Boston, Smith, 4 days from Providence, iii
ballast to captain.
Schr J - Bayles, Tillotson, 4 days front Provi
dence, in ballast to Lennox. & Burgess.
Steamer Saxon. M atthews, flatten.
Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards, New York.
Steamer Claymont, Robinson, Richmond.
Steamer A CI - St - inters, Knox, Washington.
Steamer It Willing, Caudill', Baltimore.
Steamer A Bralley, Boughton,Norfolk.
Brig Geo Cramp (Br), White Antwerp.
Brig Henry Thackery (Ham), Stahl, Samharg
Brig Sussex (Br), Yu - adorn, Antwerp.
Brig Wenona, I ork, Portland.
Brig C B Allen, Munroe, Boston.
Schr Gettysburg, Smith, Mobile.
Schr Ligure, Pray. Boston.
Schr Q F Bearse, Bearsu, Boston.
Behr Onward, Hadley, Boston.
Setif Goy Coney, Mune, Augusta, Me.
Stir T ft Jones, Smith, Portfaud.
Schr E A Sanderd, Townsend,- Boston,
Schr J C Runyon, Althis, Boston.
SchrJ W Halll, Cain. Boston.
Seim S V Simmons, Williams, Salem.
Seim Sam! Costner, Robinson, Boston.
Sche Sophia Ann, Smith, Fall River.
Schr Sla Allen (bete. Nantucket,
Schr .1 E Daily', Wall, Boston.
Schr S Price, "C otlfrey, Salem.
Schr C 'Williams, Golding, Danversport.
Sell), Belle Seaman, Seaman. Fort Monroe.
Heim A M Etivirastis, Haley, Fort Monroe.
Schr LytUe Ogyle.u, Lawrence, IYashington.
Sow disc N'enson, Rurt, Taunton.
Sehr C S CarStaieS, Naylor, Newharyport.
Sy I.r Geo Henry, 'Washington.
Schr Neptune, Roden, Efartford.
.4elir Lizzie Taylor. Taylor Lynn, Mass,
:SO". S Lockwcod, Sevin, few Haven.
Lielir II Hand, Brooks, New London.
B A aetin; Davis, alem.
Schr Mary Stockham,'Cordery„ Portsmouth
Schr W le'Phelps, Cranmer Chelsea.
Selm Seneca, Dotteridgo, Hingham, Mass.
Schr Alexander, Boyle, Derby.
M Brown Ohio
P Benueli & la, .N Y
'Gen Dyer, U S A
J Geiger, Bucyrus, 0
I' Todd, Boston
SR _Kemper, Milwaukee
W Livingston,Jr,Detroit
C F W Yergens,F tWayue
M L Adair, Fort Wayne
R H Combs,Bordentown
W E Schwartz & wf, Pa
B Watkins. New York
R T Hoy, New Usek
C C Spencer, Louisville
Miss K E Clark, Louisv
A N Duunavart &kt, Va
B E Worth & da, bre
Lesenot. Virginia
W Booth, Chill
Olt Theobald &la, Bry(
J F Thomas & wf, Tenn'
A M Derdg & wf Ohio
I. F Haimnius,
A CI Jackson, Knoxville
S P Lathrop, Virginia
W H Woodbury, Virginia
W Lackey, - Worcester
L Markle
!O Thorn, Wash
1) A Kline, Richmond ,Va
IJStine, Richmond, Va
hIM Cohn, Baltimore
1W Creery, New Orleans
I H B White. U S A
!John Tiosve; Kentucky
Miss Howe, Kentucky
Mrs Itipley New York
R A lit ku,Slew York
Luther Homily:, Colo , do
W Cave ~:: la, Texas
L P Brown, Wash, D C
W W McKay, Maryland
Beall McKay, Maryland
L L Squire, Newhaven
J P Crowley., Bali
H D Mears, Wash, D C
A B Ohio ,
John J Mullins & wf, Icy
R DJ Palmer & wf, Penn
D IC Stewart, Scotland
Jas W Krepps, Wash
J H Hobbs, Wheeling
W P Watson, Nashville
J Nall, Hopklnsville, Hy
D Frank, Peoria, 11l
M S Chapsky, Memphis
lI irillgpSity, Memphis
W Wilkins, St Paul
W S Duryear & la, N Y
Mrs J Dun & da, Ohio.
Mrs C Henderson, Clu, 0,
0 N'Adams, Wilcox. Pa
F Winans & Wl', Mo
A Hunter, Heading
P Vincent, Brie. pa
T L McClelland, Pitts b'g
W Bingham, Pittsburg
J W Morrill Louisville
A Cartlen, New Albany.
MclUttrick, fit Louis
S P Clark, Tenn
S Hidden, Boston
W MeDowell,Con'lSV'e
H S Hughes, eeorgla
J 13 Harrison, N 4/rleans
S F llyams, New Orleans
The Con
H R Campbell, Sunbury
J H Christy & la, Ohio
Mrs Scofield, Warren, Pa'
Miss Scofield, Warron,Pa
W Sutton, Cincinnati
C W DfcLaugylin,lndiana
L Griffis, Connersville
D Miller, Illinois
H Schwartz & wf. Clan
L Miller, Akron, 0
N Taylor,Wheeling,Va
V 11Bunee .45 wf, b N
P B Van Syckel & wf,N J
W M Tilden, Chicago
J Christy & wf, St Louis
Geo B Field. New York
John H Hughes, N York
F Murray, - New York
S Cameron. New York
S Janes & la, Pittsburg
F .T Moser, Jr, 5 0
B Walker, 1 ouisville
A W Brandk, Penna
C F Garrigues
3 Hopkins, Columbus, 0
J Morris wf, Alabama
Miss DI Alabama
Fay DI Belling, Alabama
T M O'Brien, Kansas
L P Parker, Baltimore
P. 0 Kurtz, Baltimcfre
0 Williamson N
R, 0 Mitchell, 1.11,W York
1' (Is finer,.l3A/Umore
J N Gazer]
W Jacobs, S Denver&
Thos H Miller, Pittsburg
W B Edwards, Pittsburg
Thos H Lane Pittsburg
B Watson, 'N
W w Moorhead, Penner
S Dudley, Indianapolis
C Lincoln, Fall River
llr G Simpson, N York
C Watson &I_,:t Penns
Geo B Field, New York
Ritchie. Virginia
.5 S Rhodes, Wheeling I
Cpl , &Mrs Cr C Urain,llS I
11 n - Kavanaugh &
J J Chittick, 'Kentucky
311 Bltsniann, Kansas
S Hatch, St Louis
c r Brown, Wheeling
A C Hinton, New. York
M Hopkins, Baltimore
J J Green,. New York
V Vega, HaVAlla
A M Srurnions Ky
Mrs J M Hunter, Ivy
Mrs Smith, lie»tucky
A '2 Clark, Richmond, Va
C Tilden, Washington
L M. Lipman
J 1 4 ;:ay, Plitslittro
S Talcott;Now 'York
M Ihnanuel, Vicksburg
Pastorious, St Louis
F C MacDonald, - Mexico
A Forsyth, Pittsburg
0 1) lecster, Harrisburg
115 White 8,, la, Pror, RI
H A Woodward, Pittsb , g,
P P Flint, Boston
G M ilillyer, Natehez
J II Buck, Aurora, 11l
J McClellan, Boston
A L Turbell, Boston
• The 6
(:has E Pinektre%,N York
'rhos J Strong, New York
P Scott, lbMinoru
A Lederman Winona
F Prince
M (11C1111& Chichi
L vianniel Wocel
Mr Erskine &la, %it
1' Thunman. M. Chunk
S Sellwartz,Allentown
J Groves, Washington
BF Folsom
H TVirginia
W G Maxwell, Baltimore
Chas Sanders, Baltimore
C Norris, Elizabetir
A. G rucy, New York
John Merchants, Balt
Sara P Turner, Halt
John L Morton, N York
Sand Davis, Oil City. ra
H Rickert, Pottsville
H Armstrong, - Easton
Gen A. L Russell, Hanish
W H DM, Williamsport
FI Brecht
B JAlcHugb,Hunt'don
Isaac Powell, ilgorgla
J A Galligher, Wash'ton
Frank J Magee, Penna
Miss PI Hepburn, Boston
B F Williams, N . Jersey
8 S Parker, Nqw York
J T Lowe, Decorah, Itt
H Shannon, Decorah
Mrs J F. Wiggins, .N Y
J H Heverin, Dover, Del
V.'LHanscotu Ss w, Pltila
John .0 Sperry, Trenton
Mr and Mrs blouson, N
J Ii Stahl New York
W P Jamison HOStOII
H Down S,Boston
Mrs Downs, Roston
Bowls Blaylock, Phllada
Pllag Grill
- -
Felix. Collins, U s N
Jos B Escavadel, Balt
J M . Jones, Baltimore
C s,Segelbaum, liarrisb'g
D It Bright & ill, Wash
Jas L Bright, NV ash
W R llttgluuz & la, N Y
V S Brook &Boston
Banal Itichard3'&
E la, Va. I
llwf. Kooney & ng
Miss DI Howley. Eng
Jos D Burnes, Baltimore
John L Biaden, Boston
W McGinnis Penns
T S Leltenring:Tltuaville
R A Watt &la Si Louis
John Dodd Vonango co
13 Birk White, Venango
W W Carl, Tamaqua
Wm ShePlierd, Illincds
F EHeilbuen &la. Boston
Mast 1) Hepburn,. Boston
Dr Chatham & la, Del
W Goldshorough, Md
M IC Jones, Pittsburg.
E Nash & wf. St Paul
ERPainter & wf, Penna
Jlll. Appleton, My
T IN - alloy, New York
Be R. Stabler it son tira
It Peckham, New 1. ork
I; A Strong, Pcuua
Oit Payne, New York I
I,‘ Jones, Smithpert
1 M Badger, Newyork
J Ham, ew York
A 13 Miller, Baltimore
E E Foster, Leavenworth
W Patten, Jr, Erie.
C T Palsgrore, Montreal
Thos MeQullken, Mita
C Brown,'New York ,
J Morgan, MeConneist:g
.1) IC Morgan, Penne
Mrs J Blake, Virginia
Allobaugh, Norristwit
Ii 13 Blakely, Virginia
J M Snowden, N Haven
Ellicott Fisher
L C Van Kleek, N York
J H Higgins
H Ur Fianer, reana
E Springer, New York
W H Keener, HD, Balt
Mrs Johnson, Baltimore
Mrs J .1 Turtle, NASIISS
W H Chamberlin & la, Pa
Mrs Melanney, Penna.
Mrs McNeal, Penult
H Alm, New York
O J Brown New York
O Ogden, New York
J Plorederlek, Penna
A J Livingston, N York
It G Hare, Pittsburg
Sammet,New York.
J Turtle,Jew York
A H Connelly', New York.
M Phelps Lynchburg
111 Ryau, 3Vilm, Del
A HtlrkliOhier, Harrlsb
R J Mcßride
• • -
I de los Reyes, Havana
Balyher, Zanesville
F C Millwood New Yea*
W Sherman, Buffalo
M P Yowler. Tamaqua.
d F Smith., Wrightsville
J Krug, Landaater
H C Jones, Washington
J L Hunisey wf,
Rickets ds la; Pittsburg
B F Heyieniun & la, Pa
9 It Jones, Heading
The Me
P ClOodman, Frostb'g,
GI A Packer, Vermont
Aii) Powers, Seranton,Ps
J Rftllghley,llentonMd
rs S Ratiock,Bridetirg
Mrs J Stitt, Bridesburg
Mrs 3 Van Fleet, Bridesb
PA 'differ, mendrifie
D Fleming &lei: Onto
M Haul, Burling, lowa
W G Satterfield
ChAlla& •
J J Allrtißilt, rittsburir
Th !Worland, Pffisburg
OCO lP erVzen. Ghb
E W Gray, Deerfield, 0
H Watson, Ohio
S Urossmyer, Oldo
W West & la, Trenton
W Radcliff, PfCtsburg-
W BaDM, Pittabu rg
A H ratmnger, Muni;
J B Allender Pit Hole Cy
A J Rohrer, ]tilt Hole City
A Alennier, Pit Hole City
Wm Simpson, Alabama
J E Young, Alabama
itplimein St Louis
Mayer, St ' Lelllc
B A Wilson, Keithleky
Jas Walson, Great Bend
I Miss. Walson,Great Bud
Jos A Levy, New York
S Poster, Washington
R A Kinsioe,Bellefonte
barwala, D C
INVM Nee Montague, Vn
W Perry, New York
R Montgomery, Louisv
Heart, Knoxville
J C Vredenburg, Alex, Va
John J Schell, Somerset
,Jacob Reed, Penna.
- - - .
Jere Nolion. Allegheny
W B Methiffey. Allegheny
W J Shearer, Carne
J P Wharton, Perryar
0 Hancock, Phillinsinag
G J Bolton, Harrisburg
G W Hunter, Harriet:ir&
E 'Whitehead, Indiana
Wm Whitehead, Indiana
Miss L M Whitehead, Ind
J Schilling, Salem, 0
J W Waggoson, Illinois
B Bissinger, NaßlVlßle
W E Wilson, N Carolina
J Nell, Wheeling, Va
Thos A Cain, Pittsburg
J J East, Alleg.heny, Pa
D Swiekard Fenna
Wm J Alexander &wf,Pa,
MR Taggart & wt. Ponnui
Jas Cannon, Maryland
W J Baer, Somerset
Alex Stutzman Somerset
B Henderson, N Castle
Wm Wensell & la,llllnois
MGumboon BUNN
ts, , Harrisburg
J E Cremer, Yorlt co
bawd Young, W Va
Thee J Monroe & wf, N Y
Miss Ellen It Fisher, N Y
J M Shoemiker: Penna
O N Mama, Wilcox, Pa
W Hassner,
T M Lloyd, Virginia
J H Moode,Hollidayshg
J McMaster, Pittsburg
Miss litoßlaster,Pittsburg
L C Truesdell, Penns
0 I' Heim, Newport
P Monts Allegheny
W Pitcairn, Allegheny
W NLaughey,Urallapolus
The A
S U witsou, oh City
S C Pelson), 9 C
J R Spangler, Ponna
E F Ludwig, Augusta I
D J' Ludwig & w, H Ferry
Miss seldning,Harper Fy '
F Jacobs
W L Ring, Mt Vernon, 0
W R Moor X Rinhe g, M
ad t Vernon, 0
J RSharpe Indianapolis
E Austin, New York
A H Ludlam, Cape May
WIT Firth, ltoehester,N Y
F C Trebein, Dayton, 0
C t 3 Helfenstein, Bt Lotus
J S Helfensteln, Plilla
TOShaw&i Cln, 0
3 L Topharn. Cin,
AS Collins, New York
A Steward & la, N Jersey
W W Hale, Philipsburg
G E Pitman, St LOlll5
M Stone, Cincinnati, 0
GF Baldwin ,t wf, Va
A Mickle, North Carolina
It A Whitaker, Daytou,o
Dougan, Wash C
ITBerites, New York
T 11 Parsons, Baltimore
W Broeks, Norfolk, Va
C B Worrall, Wash, D C
.1 N Brown, Virginia
Z Boon, Virginia
W t Satterfield, Philo
B B Brown, New Jersey
S K Wilson, Jr, Oil City
W t Hutchinson, Trenton
J C Whalley, Plata
J W - Roberts, Wash, DC
A Whlppey, Baltimore
W PaxtonsTennessee
H Houston, Virginia
T Muller
J Coomb 8t
JI L Dunning, Olito
F Scbmlnger, Illinois
ttli Jack, Pittsburg
A T f3iilitik,. New York
H Ii Tice, Maryland
J Crawshaw,t wf,St Louis
M Sigmund, Lehigh co
Mrs Sigmund cli, Pa
H G Dennis
JIL Morris
R A Thayer, Allentown
B Taggart
Jacob Fassell, New York
W Aniaerson, Ww,b.
J T Warren, Wash
Frank Colton, Wash
Oeo W Brown. Conn
J H Christy & la,Akron,O
Martin Dormer,St Clair
W Roller, Greenford, 0
6111 Won.
E Davidson, Halifax
W Q Wallace,Harrieburg
Robert, Mitchell
C Raub, New York
J Sower, New York
F Schelde!, New York
J I) Lafferty
C T Shields
A K Ingraham, Oil City
T Evans, New York
F ifueston, Pittsburg
The Stet
W R Haleinan,New York
D I 3 Sweringer, St Louis
W 1) lialtinun
S L Southard, Lebanon
E D.rranh, Lebanon
G. V Stevenson, Chest co
L Beiber. Morga.ust.a.
J M Hill, Chicago
Joe ITurk
B Thompson & wf, Balt
TT Parkman
W Norman, Cherokee Na
iHenry C Stump, Md
M Hartwell, Chestnut Hill
C T Billings
Jos Martin Juniata. co
IR $ Mel Wain, Lane co
tr. CO at eS & la,
St Louis
E.F Davie s Chefiter, Pa
Ilelmhoul. Chester, ra
F M Lewis, ifarrishorg
W S Wells, Brooklyn
M Meredith, ruglitown
H B Johnson,Millersville
The Com
Tkos Gatchell, York co
Tilos P Potts, Penne,
T D Billings, Jr
Chas McKenna, N York
H Van Duvne,Clarlon,Pa
Clip Rick, Jr, Reading
C M Vicclund,ll Jersey
Chas C Vanhorn
Gen Reed, Pottsville
D T Bishop, Chester co
John Read,Buntingdon
The 31
9 Lynn, Ear Will,: in
boss Lynn
A Bett, Berwick
8 J Murden, Newark, N J
S H Laird & twos, Lewisll
W F Keyser, City Point
s S Smith, Bangor, Me
S A Erwin
H H Buller
J Hosier, Mellen Hill
S Heston, Newtown,ra
J L Heston, Newtown
W Mackenzie, Md
The Barley Sheaf.
H Stewart, Abington John Dunn, Mass
A P Schurz, Wash. D C Alex McFarlane, Mass
J W Ryan Rufus Al Graham
Wm Ryan A W Duey
S Harper, Fox Chase C Worthington
11,* A Smith; Indiana C F Scheler
The Bal
Lewis Weise, Weissport 'Theo 0 KrylerLanc
Cl) Hutchinson, Trenton!F Sander, San Francisco
Win D Ritter, Lehigh co IC C Riley San Francisco
Jos A. Wendell, Phiin II Rauch
A KURIINs, AllOl/tOWII Ai Q gr@Pl/Wald, Allent'u
The Black Bear.
F F Glaring, Catasauqua , W W S Kendall, Illinois
H C Egelman, Reading James Watson, N York
S Cornell & la, Bucks co Miss Jennie Watson, N Y
Do not mould their contents.
Do not corrode the. tem.
Do not lose their fire-proof qualities.
Are furnished with the best locks.
721 CHESTNUT Street, (Masonic Hallo
kr Safes of other, makers taken in exchange on
the most liberal terms. se.pll•l2t
(safe in case of accidental ignition of the matches)
and various other kinds. For sale by TRUMAN &
MAW, klo. 1335 (Right Thirty - 4We) MARKET
Street, below Ninth.
&c., Horse Cards, Curry and Maue Combs, Hitching
Hooks and Chains, Rope Halters and Halter Chains,
Forriers 4 Knit•es and Horse Fleame,for sale by TRU
MAN dc i3HAW, No. 836 (Eight Thirty-five) MAR•
HET Street, below Ninth.
more Widely known or generally used than
They are not for ft day, but for all Cum , ' They
have stood the test of trial. This is because they
do what they are recommended to do. They relieve
pain and cure disease.
For nyeepsta, Heartuurns, Vertigo, Pain in the
Side, Headache, Cold "Feet, La.gitat, Dizziness;
and all Diseases caused by a Stomach out of repair,
WC nsost conildently recommend the FLANTATION
Tt you are Weak, Low. Spirited, Discouraged, and
Sick of Lite ' woril down by Dyspeptic agouleS,
pstrated by Disease of Long Standing, be in
The result will not disappoint you, and yon wiU
find youraolCrestored to
remedy for the worst case of acute or chronic Mar
rhma and Dysentery is Dr. STRICKLAND'S ANTI
CHOLERA MIXTURE; thousands have been cured
by it; our Government uses it in the hospitals. It
has cured many of our soldiers after all other means
failed; In fact, we have enough proof of the efficacy
of this valuable preparation of astringents, ab
sorbents, stimulants, and carminatives, to advise
every one of our readers to get a bottle and have it
Lu readiness, and to those who suffer try it directly.
Sold by Druggists eyerywhere. Ask for Dr. Stria.
land's Anti-Cholera Mixture. jy3-mwf-341
BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE Is the best in the
world. The only true and perfect Pye—harmless,
Instantaneous, and reliable; produces a splendid
Black or Natural Brown; remedies the ill effects of
Bad Dyes, and frequently restores the original
color. Sold by at Druggists. The genuine is signed
York. 30.-mwr-ty
Will cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also cures
ash' Rheum, 1311610, Chilblains, and all Eruptions
Of the Skin, Price, 00 cents. Ey Sending 60 cents to
warded free by mall. For sale by all Druggists.
the me of iT.AitZD'g "EMAIL DE PARIB, " wlilth
31 1 11 e. Vestyall, - Miss Lucille Western, Mrs. D. P.
Bowers, and Mrs. Eunna Waller unite in endorsing
for imparting a beautiful complexion, and a soft,
white, and transparent skin, removing freckles,
tan; black-worm specks, small-pox marks, and all
roughness, redness, and discolorstions of the skit/
resulting from exposure or unhealthy action of the
secretions. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Per
fumers, and flainlressers. eel-mwstf
treated by J. ISAACS, M. D., Oculist and Mutat,
Ele PINE Street. Artificial eyes Inserted. No
charge for examination. aul7-tf
wwvilaAszß & BROWN,
Sir Popular
Mir Clothing
Air House,
Luplii's all-wool Velou;Busse.
Lupin's all-wOol Poplin Pekin.
Lupin's all-wool Poplin Biarritz.
Lupin's all-wool Empress Cloths.
Lupin's all•wool MorlaOtts,
Lupin's all-wool Cashmeres.
Lupin's all-wool Mousselines.
Lupin's all-wool Tam ises,
B.ESSON & SON, Mourning Store,
sel No. SUS CHESTNUT Street.
Magnificent Silks and Shawls.
11'inceys with Silk Chain.
"%rinser's with Cot ton Chain.
Richest Printed De Lathes. .
Merinoes, New Colors.
Saint Bernard Square Shawls. se6tf.
SLACK—TIIOMPSO}L—On the 9(lt inst., by the
Rev. Alexander Reed, James M. Slack, of Rox
bury, Mass.,
to Mrs. Julia W. Thompson, of this
-ci IIEN N T o ON— 'I E s ATON.--At (Wale, Maine, on the 9th
inst., by the ite.V. G. C. McCully, AIM.A. Renton, of
Philadelphia, tO Lizzie J. Eaton, daughter of Jos.
E. Eaton, of Calais.
DLX—IiERLIN.—On the 7th lust., at the residence
of the bride's father, In Croton, Mass., by the Rev.
Crawford Nighthigaie,Tlarriet Caroline, daughter
of Enniamin F. DIX 4 ES(I., GO J, M. D.,
of Media, Pn.
SMITII—MANN.—On the 6th instant by the Rev.
Daniel Washbairne, Rector of Trinity Church,
)(lamer F. :Smith to Miss Croce A. Mann, daughter
of the late John Mann, nit of this city. *
MCMULLEN —WIIA.RTON.—On the 7th instant,
I . iy the Rev. S. E. Appleton, George 0. MelLuilen,
U, R. A Emelent Barclay, daughter of. George
W. Wharton, all of this city.. *4
HSIEDLEY.—On the morning of the 10th ustants
Junes Howard, son of Janice and Hannah F. Smed,
aged 14
Funeral from parent's' residence. tienuantown,
Third-day afternoon, 12th instant, at 4 o'clock. **
KEYE:s.—At Montgomery Square, Montgomery
County, IM., Ou Saturday, lust., at 7 I'. 111., of
cholera Infantunt, Francis , Italhveta, sou of Joseph
J. awl Sarah E. Reyes, of. Philadelphia, aged 13
mouths. •
Burial at Montgomery Suns. Monday, llth MAL,
at 1 r. M.
RINCHLE.—At Washington, 1). C., on the Bth
inst., William Ilinekle, Jr., aged 24 years.
The relatives and friends of the family are invited
to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No.
1232 Coates street, on. Tuesday, 12th inst., at 4
o , sleek P. M,
141.141IRRD.—Ou the 311. itiOt., Catitilitt George
Riblierd, aged years. .
His relatives and friends, also the members of
Lodge •No. 3, A. Y. M., Philanthropic Lodge, No.
15.1. O. 0. F., Fraternal Division, No. 49, Sons of
T e mperance, are bilked to attend Ills Niteroi, from
his bite residence, No. 923 South Tlaird street, on
Toesday. at 3 o'Cloelt P. 311,
GODIRET.—At Taunton, Mass, 7th lust., at the
residence of Rev. Thomas O. Rielnond, Mrs. Lucy
R., wife of Charles Godfrey, of I.l,llaaelptda, and
daughter of the late Jesse Stnith, Esq.,of Taunton,
Mass., aged 82 years, 8 Mouths awl 30 do s, •
Week/T ll rketle of Intel
D0W4,9 044 fornentl 11;;Pitol'Citl.ti•
from tho to ilbeftlt Of fip.liq
1.• '4l
ICAI76EB OF DRAM'. ,f,..' g
Ei swan 0.,
Abscess 1 1 lreverK, ,, ,, ,tt....
Anemia I ‘,: T y 6l,l ls:
Apoleay 1 r ftet TYDI6,,,
Cancer of Uterus.. 1
Croup Casualties •••• 4 2 1 n n
a ,... ' i ii : S a i r ;! ., •: '
Corigtktioo . lltAin.. 6 1 1151 u,, 1. 1.0.1 '
. Lungs. I " r 'VP.,
Cholera Infantam. 18 Ifoopinz 0 ,1 ,'', ,
ningitls. ... 1 1
Consumpt l n Bungs 11 8 „ It,
Convulsions. 1m .. 11.
Coma 1 ~. 1,
Diphtheria.— ~," 3 ~, i;
Diarrhoea 2 1 1.1.
Dropsy 3 3 Insanity:
" Abdominal. 1 Inanition.
" Brain. 4 Fleas ... ~..."
Disease of 13rain... 2 , MsrassUls ."'
66 Heart .. 5 ,Measles '''''
" 'Jiver... 2 r Old Age: ' :
. 1 .
Kidneys 1 I fltot tq.,..,".''
Spine ••• 2 1Pa1.41. '' - •I'
Drowned ...... • .... 2 , ry e ,'")„ ...... .• .
Dysentery 8 7 .Smail plli.
Debility 5 2 , , Stlll ilorri ""
Effusion on Brain. 1, Sull'ol.atio,--
Epilepsy.... 1 j $ 4 ,11,1,1, .. '' '•'
Enlargement Liver / 1 , Tectiling ''''''
EattyDegeneration I ITetam ' :--
of Heart'' -
1 pleeiriatles 15
Fever, Bilious 1 1
1 olisull7"'''
" Congestive / s, tool
`... Remittent.
" Scarlet 5 Total..
OF THE ABOVE THEW& Willie— '''''''
'Erodes 1 year 66 F1'1,21 40 f. , . 71
From Ito 2 221 " t 5 t,, '..'
" 2to 5 23,C " 60. 2 4 ;
" stO 10 161 " -0' I'•
10 to 15 3 '‘` EA i l, " ,/'''
" 15 lip 20 ~, 1.' ' ,, ) ,'
, . 20 21, 20 .30 6 4 1, . ,
. III),
" TotBoal t 0 40, 36
.................. ::..
WARDS. ....
First ward 7 Tenth .......... A, 4,;,
Second.... 17 Eleventh....... 13 To,
Third ....10 Twe1fth........ 3 Twi. '
Fourth.... 11 Thirteenth „.. 4-Tao,
Fifth 15 Fourteenth'Twp,
Sixth 6 Fifteenth 1" 'N..;
Seventh.:::,, .17 Sixteenth . .... 5,140 1
Eighth.... ..... 4 seventeenth., 10.Tw. )
lituth.... . ..... 6 Eighteenth ..• 9: lank,
Deduct deaths from
he ''''''•
Net deaths In the oily,tttttt no,
NATIVIVY—United States, 198: Imv:,
known, 24; from theAlmshouseo ;
18: from the Country, 19.
Males, 186; Females, 127; 80y5,7; ; 4;1,
Deaths and interments of Soldier& h,
1:11C number or deaths, compared sin
spondindweek Of 1864, and of last wek,k,
lows: _ _
Week ending September 10, 1904, Was:
Week ending September 2, 1861, was
By order of the Board of Heal di.
GEO. E. 011.0:111SENX
Ernivrist WARD 11i INjli
SOCIATION.—A stated meeting of the
National Union Association will tie hell
DAY EVENING. September 12t1, m ,
MARKET and MERRICK Streets. All
zens of the Ward are invited. The am,
for °Merry Qr the Association will he lid,
Sc] 1-2t* JOHN L. HAUL s.
from Catharine Rhoades, Treasurerw
Association :No. 9," for the use of thv
Home, ' cur. Race and Crown street,. p
Treasurer Lady Board of 3itiiikker6:9);;l
• No. 53 , 1 WALN f T ,
• Pitirdiniu.kkara. iSeplekel,
A Special Meeting of the Stork:hunkers
omee, on MONDAY, the 18th day of St
12M., for the purpose of electing a L
Treasurer of said Company, In the DI;
Derbyshire, tleeettSed; and also to tah
Were - non the propriety of selling
the coin - evince Of an interest in the Ow]
and lot of one acre on which It is locate.
sell-tuwfdtTHOS. R. SEARLE,
ljnjyealty r kledleine awl Surgery,
below Locust on WEDNEEDAIi EVA
O'clock, by *. PAINE, M. D., Pcoff
Principles and Practice of Medicine am
Subject—. The Comparative Merits of i
Systems of Medicine." Students wishln
ments to the next Session of Lecture,
versify will call at the Doctor's °Mee.
ilaT - --fT11.16 ANNUAL NlErn NC
Stockholders of THE MAMNI
at the Office of the Company No. 22SOi
Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, the
tember, at 4 o'clock, P. M., for the
officer; and tranaactlon 9t such other
may legally he brought before sail lg.
order, GE.O. E. LINCOLA,
BOSTON, Aug. 30, 1865.
of the Stockholders will be held itt tl
MONDAY FA - 4.11Na, 11th fast .
Stockholders are requested to call forth%
office of the Company, to take their pr
the new stock. HENRY 1\
Cq.b.COMPANT," No. 529
A Special Fleeting of the Steekheldert
at the Nall, N. W. corner of TENTH al
inst., at 7% o'clock, to hear the Report
ings of the Board of Directors, Secrets
of Receipts and Disbursements, Supel
Report of Progress Made in Developm
transact such other beelneso.oey
necessary. JOHN W1111:4
September 5, 1866.
HOLDERS..-In Iteeordauce Ith utai4l
18, of the act of July 19th, 1803, noth
given that unless the assessment call
meeting of the Directors, held July IC
Paid on or before the 30th day of Septum
sufficient number of shares will be sul
sale on that day at 10 o'clock, at tier
company, to pay said assessment, will
dad Incidental expenses, By order 01 11
se -lot JOHN IC NyYL,rf,'
COMPANY will be held In Hall, north
of MERRICK and MARKET Streets,
EVENING, Sept. 15, at 7y, o'eioc;t•.
the Board. 8e13401 E OW)
The Directors have this day declarel
Share on the Stock of the. Company for
months, which will he paid to tbe 6t.0c1;
their legal temegentutirm all ertliu 14ti
sob-US (1. CROWELL,
Meeting of the Stockholders of this Cm
on MONDAY, the 4th B.ptww.,.
10g gAltleinen were duly elucted DINcl
ensuing year, viz,:
Daniel Smith, J r.,
Alexander Benson,
Isaac Haslehnrst,
Thomas Robins,
John Devereux ,
At ,s incetiug of the irt
elected President.
rectors 011 the
A Soca:it lifeeting of the nterinel
14.01:8E-181:CK AND BURNINU tin
U'ANY will be held at their e,ner.
WALNUT Btreet, on FRIDAY, septeni'
3 o'clock I'. M. Punctual attendance h
as lolluese of importance will be prescul
By order of the Board of Directors.
be 8, 11, 14 .4. C. POWEI,IS,
Brevet Colonel C. S. Triplex . , Surgeon
Presiden_,t• Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 11.
Surgeon Ti. S. A.; Brevet Lieutenant (
thou,s , Heger, Surgeon U. B. A. and Be
V. G. Lee, Assistant surgeon U. S. A..
will meet in New York Cltv,.4D Big 20 th 0,
bee next for the examination of candlctsi
missioninto the Medical Staff of the Cul
Army and of Assistant Surgeons for km , :
Applicants must be between 21 aud3b ye:
and physically sound.
Appbeatlons must be addressed to it
applicantf the army, etating the resai ,
and the date and Place , of Sic I'
must be accompanied by respectable Legti
moral character.
. . . . .
If the applicant has been in the sert
send the testimonial lof the chief merb
under whom he has served, and if in stir
present time the application must be Sc
thelletheal Director or tne respective P.
No allowance Is /1144 e for the ‘itipeuses
undergoing the examination, as It IS al
sable pre-requisite to appointment.
There are now twelve vacancies In 0
J. li• li.
au2l.-inwfiSt Surgeon General IL
.filraff OFFIICS YleavesenribirAx
PniLAnnirrirA, Aug ll
The Mortgage Bonds of the Comte&
Company, between the station of the,
Railroad Company in West Philadelphia
ford, a distance of seven miles, can be 11
tills ()Mee No. 235 South THIRD Wee!
These bonds are in sums or one Mow
with interest coupons attached, man
of on the lath (layer March and Septes
year, at the rate of six per eentum per
the principal payable in five equal all RIO
at the rate of SRO 000 per annum—the fir.
September IE4 1010. The principal 1,
ate Rented by a mortgage for one mill tut
anon all the railway and property of tht
and are guaranteed by the Pennsylraul
Company. These bonds are made free ofl
by_the Company.
The railway is being constructed in lie
stantial manner, and will be completed
ensuing year. 'This road perfects the I
between the Pennsylvania Railroad ant
York linen via Philadelphia, and berm
will, the main channel of commuitlealitil
Now Ton and the West, as well as to ar
National Capital, will always obtain 1
flues, and be one of the Most 'important
the Union.
Under a contract with the Plilladelphil
tan Railroad Company, Ghat .con l PanY
road of the CO3/fleeting Railway OA
agrees Co pay an annual rent for 999 year:
rectum upon the -cost of the road, deal
These bonds are therefore recommeutler
class security.
For further Information imply at the 0
Company. =UP T•
VANlA.—Notice is hereby glvo
Notes of the Rank of Pennsylvania will I
Gall upon presentation and proof, at 0,
the Assignees, Be. 41-01 LIBRARY
cityPhiPtdelpi Parties 11010 1 g: 0 T
01t a,
Bald Bank hot yet prostrated are avOk" . .
less the same are presented and prove.
signees , °Mee on or before the lelitto
OCTOBER, 1865, they will be debarred
claim thereon. W. C. PATTERSON, ,
~ •
ilAit4-tittaa, No. 407 LIBRARY Otroel•
1.23 South SEVENTH. Street, .I'llll4Uliti
tembe r 1, 1885.
To Delinquent Stockholders: Iu ocean:
Sections 16,17. 4,111111:1 of the Act IY I S.
is herein? g111:11, That ulderni the liOses,s u l
for at a meeting of the Directors , , to.'
1865, be paid on or before the 21st day of S
15C..5, tatilleteurnuniber of shares ,
public sale on that day, at 10 o'clock: !di;
the Company, to pay said assess:nen:: ‘.
miry awl incidental expenses. 113* ou t
- -
NOT Street,- Pint,Ansmmil A. sfj!`
At a weetiog of the Sloekbokleri of !
Ha, assessment or FIFTEEN
share waslevied,. Payable on the 15th
assessment, when pant, Is convertible
tional stock.
sett.9t DAVID B. lOW.
°Mee No. SAS South YOU VIII SI
Joseph Lesley, Sylvester J , .
Robert R. Beatty, Taloa' J scr ,
Albert D. Boileau, Price L Patt ,
EdWil , r4 a, Faulkner, 2330713aS U. h
A. leli_gerie Sinitli. , .
President, SYLVESTER J. MEGA!'
Secretary and Treasurer, ALBSIrr
—Wanted for tbe 'UNITED STATit
CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Wen&
ments held out to all entering the blur
glorious opportunity to visit foreign
good pay, excellent accOMmodationa
easy s..
Per al further tuformstloWluir e tbl
tujg . ltendezvone, No. 011 hh I r ....r
r.hiladelphtly between O S A.M.,
day except Janda. CHARLES EIP.
in criptaln end Recruit
J. Gitlln•rh
Daniel Lta