The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 11, 1865, Image 1
JOHN (SI:MOATS EXCEPT: 'sy JOHN W. FORNEY. SOUTH FOURTH STREET, 10E DAILY PRESS, ,E,,Jscirbers, is ExonT DOLLARS PER advance ; or FIFTEEN CENTS PEE to the Carrier. Mailed to Sub el the city, BEVER DOLLARS PER sot DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS FOI • orb Ostt DOLLAR AND SEVENTY-FIT *:' ,.on T>REES, MONTHS, Invariably la adv . ard ordered. . I .lftl sernents inserted at the usual rates. TRI-WEERLY PRESS, to 6ebserlbers, FOUE DOLLARS FEB Ott .Vrtss. vols;D:1,1", SEPTEMBER 11, 180, THE NEWS. aasndler, letters from whom were „„i in the Wirz trial, on Friday, was ; propr la penance on Saturday, and :, ! tir °fly at length, in which he Teas y what he had already written. `;.,, f .4 to think that General Winder was for most of the destitution and ip,e prison. He had heard that officer ern43lty, avowing his intention of half the prisoners to death, so that , c f . tasc could be taken of the remainder. •however, was made from. unbolted t'•::CatiSe enough Sieves could not be pro. , separate cob from meal, and the meat lla - most of the meat at that time ; ca 401101. There were a great many lucent alcers in the prison, surgeons, and sad to their inefficiency might be at much needless suf f ering. The Colonel : 3 0 this report before the Assistant Se -1• of War, but it not acted on to his ' Other facts concerning the barial • e dead, the use of the stocks, Wirz's km '', etc were a g:iin testified to. The Court o-dav, t t i e. Hibernian, which artived off Father , ( .- -, :erday morning, we have European 0 - 4 to the lit inst. Judah P. 'Benjamin, • Secretary of State, had arrived at aa" .-soeptan frOln the West Indies, after ins* 1119 liberty and life, perhaps, ale conflagration of the vessel convey • sh. A new Atlantic cable is to be 'mann `:„,aa and no effort into be made at pre :::afrecover the lost one. The cholera is io l e receding whence it came. The Con oam cotton loan holders are taking Inca , to panact " their rights and interests Pi seneral news is of no great importance. frilly:liar issued from the 'Bureau of Freed ,: :31 Washington on September sth, estala a 6etinoo policy relative to abandoned a or ret' property in lands, &e,, to which arias.] Sates have, or may acquire, a is causing a good deal of excitement • y the southerners immediately inte. . They have appealed to the President modification in some details. The cir - slid attendant facts will be found among :.,ti;Arington specials. Emperor Maximilian has issued an aaaafte decree, regulating his diplomatic VC:WTI - CS to himself the right of ap ;;..'tita and dismissing all his represents to foreign nations. Ambassadors will cgs. a.aiary of $12,000; envoys extraordi pv awl ministers plenipotentiary, Islo,ooo, 1 1 1 1: e..sseat ministers *5,000. His diplomatic 0 . 1 1, be under the immediate direction f Vil;ister of Foreign Affairs. Treasury Department is literally over vith applicants for clerical appointments. i:enefit of aspirants seeking such posi -6,0,c will state that appointments are only made in cases where vacancies occur, scorer:try of the Treasury (10e8 not con ; rlate an increase of the present force, it a a,...aamate, to the discharge of the work a- a that department. fav ia dance with instructions front the htaartment, Major General Augur, on falsa issued a circular, ordering the die -,._r of the 2a and 4th New York, 3d Mn.ssa afetaa and Ist Connecticut heavy artillery ,affoata and the Sd New York provisional aara row on duty in the Department of sa r Naalfl tournament for the champion.. 57,:p which has been in session at a for Score time 'past, ended on Satur ,,' s!::;lit. Robert P.Witliams,of Bangor, took claaapionship and the first Prize—a gold A. N. Smith, of Augusta, has challenged a srupion to play him a game for $2OO and !amts. McHenry, the London banker, and Englishmen interested in the Atlantic i Great Western Railroad, running from 3 , ..rey City to St. Louis, accompanied by al .1. Walker, are at present on a trip on : mighty road. rirodar has been issued in NeW Orleans, ommis,ioner Conway, to the freedmen ; refugees, desiring them to secure lands trultivaiion, and informing them how to application. I• . n is stat:.,‘.l that Ales. H. Stephens several lases matte application to Jefferson Davis for rsrmb,sion to t:xtnine into the Andersonville :ma for power to remedy any abuse, ;f:t in n,ss each time refused. all the taafnch Soldiers have left the Rio tassat. and natives have taken their place. 3N:tin:ill:Lit has ordered all rebels to proceed 15 `an Luis Potosi. Me troops of the garrison of Washington rant been formed into a brigade, and General I. Y. Dent pls,ced in command, Eon. Frederick Lowe, the present Governor Caifornia, will most likely be the next ": altar from that State. Peal. yr Fessenden, on Saturday, _As 1011 g iilieeeiCAV with the President. He F. ad:a in the highest terms of the Executive. .efferal Slocum declines, under any °henna. ayes, being a candidate for civil office this Or the ilnest structures in Niew Orleans !:"..2 Tour° buildings) was destroyed by Are ;la 11 inst. • iratlicr General Sehimmelpfennig, who 611 Thursday morning last, was buried in „ , iln.c on S•tturday afternoon. Cook is at Wilmington, and will itlieve Colonel Ames as commandant si iii city. Three bunched and fifty thousand dollars in is arrived in New York on Saturday from 2l . ew cm :iturtlay night, a pork-packing estab lAnant in Baltimore was destroyed. Loss A heavily-ironed and strongly-guardod pri ::9ner lvf:s iv ged in jail, iii 'Vicksburg, on the ituu,or it was John IL Suratt. An Albany ferry boat. the Thomas P. Olcott, T = burned ill her dock last evening. te.ittral Sheridan and stag were in Houston, .7.e.mci, on the 3d. N. Cutter has been appointed Treasury PC•-• : at N . CNV Orleans, vice Flauders,removod. 6( . 1.f.:11.1 Garwood takes eommand at Mobile, •• Utnerai Smith. The restrictions upon the removal of cotton labanta have been removed. Z.leCallum, chief of military rail was in Na - shrille on the eth. The garrison at Franklin, Tennessee, has ern discontinued. Ceneral Meade n'ts in Wilmington, N. o.on 6th. The stock market en Saturday W:ls Very ill. Government loans were held firmly; sales were lista. Stateand city loans were early. The demand for railroad shares bad •ssiderably fallen od'. Flour was Shill on Saturday, but prices eon- L;nue firm, owirg to the light receipts and , 'ut•lis. Wheat was cli:11, and prices rather Corn and Oats are a3so dull, at about a•iacr rates. Cotton is in fair tleinand. Pro iions continue quiet 5 the sales are in small (Ally. Seeds are unchanged. Wilt Sky is lin;ited tlernacd; 9alee of prime barrels are at $2.29 6 :72.30 ti gallon. TILE WHIZ TRIAL.. The diselostues made by the Witnesses unmoned in the Winz trial fully confirm e most tertible reports that have ever ea circulated in regard to the horrors of the Andersouville p;ison. The evidence La only proves the inhumanity of the de 'l:ll4lPnt, but the barbarity of his superiors in authorizing and permitting the continuance el' such a fearful pest-house. The official re port of D. T. CHANDLER, a rebel officer, appointed by the Confederate Government inspect the prison in July, 104, forms tart of the testimony in the case now on trial, and gives a deplorable picture. He dc , criltes the available area of the, prison : 0 2i acres, "which gives somewhat less t:' =n six square feet to each prisoner," a p(ft that was a constantly reduced by ad lil'iktas to their number." The stream 1 ) -sing through the prison was "in a abocking condition," which could not , "fail freed a pestilence." He stated that no a-lter whatever, and no materials for con- F.tracting any, were provided by the prison, authorities ; that no police regulations for insuring con-fort and health were estab il,hed, and that none were practicable 'Un til-1' the existing circumstances; that no adequate provisions were made for the care el the sick; that many prisoners were carted out daily; who died from unknown CallSr2S, and whom the medical officer had never seen;" that "the sanitary condition of the prisoners was as wretched as it could k," and that "nothing seems to have been done to avert it ;" that the food furnished tits in many cases raw and insufficient, al liteugh "green corn and other anti-scor balks could readily have been ob !ulnen ;" that the :hospitals were attended LT inferior and inefficient physicians, and even the value of their services was di tainished by the fact that "the supply of medicines was wholly inadequate, and fre quently there was none." The officer who S this report appeared before the Mill. tarY Commission on Saturday, and testified bet only to the correotnem of its statements, z.,,-,;;;I,g..1.111,•-_1; .'9`ol-- ~, ' ,ijk --' . v .,...... . . . „ . . , / ~ ..,... . - . ~... . --- . .. . - 1 .. 4 . -- - --'-• ...ii.,--... ...... _ - ' C., \ %. (., % l i t t 1 l i f i ll, ti .. '"; ' --' • ''. . - - r . .' ---- - • frit* ... ~, 1! I I, _,......>'7,4. .' •-1-:' , "-- ./. ..„-- . ' IL '.„ t ---;:,:,...._, 7( .., .\ . ~„., • ,,, , 1.,.., - P ...„„ ,' ( , - - mt .."' -"L". ' r .'°sr.- 11 P" (I .....„, - - 7.-..: ..../.-. ..---- '-. --- ...1 ' ,----: , 7 4„. .... ___.-.,----- . 7 e .- • 7- - ;:: " .... ---1 .. --' : : . ~..;______l -:.-----:11;,- .") - . 0 i ,..4.101- 1 - 71- 1, .. -„,-;„---- . 1 , L -44.iii , --- . -- -sll'7: •- ___,.....- e - . - --^' • ;' . - ,', '..,' .. •''l - -- , ' i ii-, li ~.' - 'Am': . • .I , i . ' ~,._---•- • ..,-- , _.,.. -....----:=:----, .......-- -- `.-t 4 - --_ .. ~ --' --, ..'..!''. -, ,4 1% - "' ----r. \---- -----'------- -, - -- ' 4 " --:---- '': • ±- •' - ' -- 1 77r ---.., - '-''''.........". ' ...".. . ......._ 1 •. .. • L 1 . .. VOL. 9.-NO. 36. but also that - when he personally remon strated with General WINDER on the con dition of the prison, that officer replied "he thought it would be better to let one half die so they could take care Of the remain der !" The Writs trial, by placing these statements upon an indelible record, will enlighten the whole world and future gene rations in regard to the barbarous treatment of our prisoners by the rebel leaders. It will be idle for the sympathizers with treason to deny hereafter the murderous cruelty of jEFFERSON Davis and his confidential advisers ; and they will 1:e. handed down by history as men who dis graced a bad cause by the most terrible atrocities upon defenceless captives that were ever perpetrated by civilized beings. The conduct of our Government in its treatment of rebel soldiers and of the people whom it subdued, will shine forth in brilliant contrast - with the demoniac policy of the Confederacy. LETTER FROM" OCCASIONAL?" :lit' WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 10, 1865 In a recent letter I spoke of the expatria tion of a number of the leaders of the re bellion, and named a few, suggesting that there were many residing in foreign coun tries of whose actions little note had been taken, and little knowledge existed. Another and a larger class of insurgent chiefs had gone to "that bourn whence no traveller e'er returns "—and this long cata logue includes the brightest, ablest, and most dangerous advocates of the defeated and destroyed heresy of secession. It is startling to reflect upon the work of death among these desperate and persevering plotters. Some died in civil life, in the agonies of remorse ; others perished by their own hands ; and still more rushed to the battle fields, and fell amidst the bloody roar of conflict. Their vacant places will never be filled, but, like their example and their creed, will be shtidderingly recalled and shudderingly avoided. Names like Yaney, Barksdale, Winder, Garnett, Keitt, young Wise, and Hammond, will be referred to by the historian and the philosopher, "to point the moral and adorn the tale " for the admonition of coming generations ; to show' how what was in itself an incon ceivable sin would be so wrought into the seeming of a plausible truth as to fascinate and to pervert and utterly disease minds that were originally pure, finally convert ing them into fountains of hatred to man kind and ingratitude to country.. Nor is there a prominent Southern man now living, offensively identified with the assault upon the Government of the United States, who may not be set down as dead to all intents and purposes—dead .tor all harm to his country and dead for all good to man kind—save in filling his remaining hours with deeds of repentance. The stigma -resting upon such reputations will blacken all connected with them through endless time. You will perceive that the policy of the general administration is to with hold pardons from those who began and stimulated, and refused to stop the re bellion—in fact from all the noisy and mischievous leaders. The Executive cle mency is always exercised for the pro ducers—those who, it may be inferred, acted reluctantly or compulsorily with the rebel despots. That much complained of, yet healthful precautionary seetion, called the 13th, or $20,000 clause of President Johnson's amnesty proclamation, although it reached thou Sands of wealthy men, small manufacturers and merchants, (from whose limbs the President is gradually striking off all restrictions,) yet it restrains many, very many who, if left free, would work inconceivable mischief among the people of the South. It rpay be assumed that as the recent rebellious sections are rising to their new duties, feeling the gladder because the burdens of slavery and of sloth have been thrown from their shoulders, no relief, however awkward at first, will prove to be more gratifying than the fact thatthey must - inove along without being driven, or at any rate without the men whohave here tofore only led they might mislead them. People who — have been compelled to look to masters for their lessons, who feared to read, and who were prevented from reading and writing lest they might see at the same time the injustice of their oppres sors andiheir own remedy against it, are now inspired with a supreme sense of per sonal independence—a knowledge that if they would live they must labor—and that he who would enjoy - the gifts of God, must not expect these to be flung at his feet, or to come to him without being reached for. As we ponder upon the ex patriation, voluntarily and involuntarily, of the authors of the rebellion, of the death of many more—and of the suffering and the disfranchisement of all who remain in the country in the belief that they WIT be permitted once more to attempt its ruin, a still more startling thought is suggested by the Question, what has become of the people who followed these bold and wicked men ? Let me, for an answer, use the words of a recent Southern paper, the Sel ma (Alabama) Time; which makes the following striking confession ! “The people of these States, together with those of the .Yorthern Stales, except two, entered into the war for the perpetuation of the institution of slave ry, and after four years of bloody war we have been fairly defeated, and Slavery has ceased to exist. This was the decision of the sword, and we are content to abide it. It would be folly in the extreme for us to attempt a resurrection of the institution now, when two-thirds of our fighting population are dead or maimed, and we have no arms or means of procuring them, when we were unable to maintain with 'our whole _population, and an army well armed” So We sae that without the negro race, and without the freedmen, the remaining whites in the South would starve and die. Even those who are bewailing their fate—a fate brought upon themselves by themselves —and borrowing visionary trouble at the idea that they would be degraded by an act that gave the right of suffrage to the colored man, could not procure their daily bread without the aid of the freedmen, or with out the aid of the Government, which is now the guardian alike of white and black. One finds in' practical state ments and common sense, reflections like these, a world of compensation. We are overawed -by the realizing presence of God's punislunent upon slavery anti slaveholders, and Upon rebels and rebel lion, and we are touched in our heart of hearts by the wonderful preparations which seem also to have been providentially made for the new condition of society and the great resulting moral, political, and reli gious revolution. OCCASIONAL. Funeral of General Sanranelprannig. READING, Sept. 9.—The remains of Brigadier General Shimmelpfennig, U. S. V., who died at the Living Springs Water Cure establishment, near Wernersville, Berks county, on Thursday morning last, were brought to this city this afternoon, and interred with military honor% General S. entered the army as Colonel of the 74th Pennsylvania Regiinent, and was made a brigadier in January, 16133. Ile commanded a brigade in Sditira'S division at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and his forces were the first to enter Charleston, in February, 1865. He was relieved of the command of that city on account of ill health, caused by a con sumptive affection Contracted in the service. Cruelties at Andersonville—Attempted luterferenee by Alex. H. Stephens. NBW YORK, Sept. e.—The Evening Past says it has been informed that Alexander ii. Ste phens on two occasions made an appeal di rectly to Jeff Davis for leave to examine the Anderwnville prison, and authority to re medy gm abuses ; that he represented to Da vis the wrongs and cruelties committed there; but received for reply that the officers in com mand were capable and trustworthy menu and should not be interfered with, for which reasons Mr. Stephens' requests were denied. Another ThepOrte‘a Arrest olfSurott. NEW Yom t, SSpt.lo.—'the Vicksburg JoitPfted of August ?oth, says that a heavily-Ironed and strongly-guarded prisoner was lodged in jail there, and was by many ti/ be JOWL buratt. WASHINGTON. THE SLATEHOLDERS OF THE SOUTH AND THE FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. A. COPY OF AN ORDER WHICH THE FOR MER DESIRE TO BE MODIFIED.. Workings of Freedom in the South. VIE SENATORIAL CONTEST IN CALIFORNIA AND OHIO [Special Despatches to The Press.] WAsmNOTON, D. C., Sept. 10, ISM Trip Over the Atlantic and Great Western Enttrend. JAMES MCHENRY, the celebrated London banker, and other Englishmen interested in the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad— known as the broad-gauge, running from Jer sey City to St. Louis in nearly an unbroken_ lino—accompanied by Iron. ROBERT J. WAUKEE and others, are now enjoying a trip which combines pleasure, business, and observation. Governor WALKZE is himself largely interest ed in this mighty road, and will, no doubt, be able to give the foreigners, who are much impressed by the value of their investment, much satisfactory information in regard to it. News from the Freedmen. • One of General HOWARD'S assistants re turned last evening from South Carolina, Mis sissippi, and Georgia, and brings very satis factory accounts of the condition and deport ment of the freetinlell. While what is left of the defeated politichMS and Secessionists are scolding and complaining, and the pool!' whilks drawing and living upon the charity of the Government, the freedmen are devoting them selves to hard work, to tilling the soil, and to providing against the wants of the winter. quite a demonstration is being made hero by some of the slaveholders on account of the following circular from the Freedmen's Bu reau: WARRINGTON, September s.—The following important circular was issued Tuesday: WRE DErARTMENT, BIIREAII or 'tarot:BM, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 4 1865. Circ u lar—Circular No. la, of July 28th, 1855, from this bureau, ishereby rescinded, and the following rules and regulations are adopted for the purpose of establishing a, defi nite and uniform policy relative to abandoned lands or real property, and lards or real property to which the United States shallhave acquired a title by confiscation, or sale, or otherwise, which now or may hereafter come under the control of this bureau, by virtue of the act of Congress approved March ad, ISO, establishing it, and by order of the President, to wit GENERAL ORDERS No.llo, WAR DEPARTMENT, AMC 7th, 1805 Kra. Abandoned lands referred to to the law and ragulatiOnS governing this bureau, are deilned, according to section second of au act Of Congress , approve•, July 2d, 184, as follows : Property, real or personal, shall be regarded as abandoned when the lawful owner thereof shall be voluntarily absent therefrom,and en gaged either in arms or otherwise in aidingor encouraging the rebellion. Second. Property will not be regarded as con fiscated until after the decree of the United States Court for the district in which the pro perty may be found has been made, by whit is condemned as enemies' pro perty and becomes the property of the United States. Third. All abandoned land or real pro perty and all land and real property to which the United State's shall have acquired title by con fiSeation, or sale, or otherwise, that is or may hereafter come under the control of the:lb/roan of Refugee Freedmen and Abandoned Lands by virtue of said act and orders of the Presi dent, is and shall be set apart for the use of loyal refugees and freedmen, and so much as may be necessary assigned to them as pro vided i section fourth of the act establishing the' to every male citizen, whether refugee or freedman as aforesaid, there shall be assigned no more than forty acres of such, and the person to whom it is assigned shallte protected in the use and en joyment of the land for the term of three years. at an annual rent not exceeding six per eentuin upon the value of said lands as it was appraised by the State authorities in the year 11611 for the purpose of taxation, and in case no such appraisement can be found, then the rental sballbe based upon the estimated value Of the land in said year, to be ascertained in such manner as •he commission may, by regulation, prescribe at the end of said term, or at any time during said term. The occu pant of any parcels so assigned may purchase the land and receive such title thereto as the United States can convey, upon paying there for the value of the Lana ascertained and Bred for the .purpose of determining the annual rent aforesaid. Fourth. All lands or other real property within the several States, viz: North Carolina, South Carolina Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, lientiocky, Missouri, Maryland, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas, to which the United States has acquired or shall acquire by cation or sale, or otherwise, and all abandoned lands or other abandoned real property in these States, provided said property, whether confiscated or abandoned, remaining unsold or otherwise disposed of, shall have been properly transferred to the bureau upon re quizition of the commissioners or assistant commissioners, shall be Considered as under the control of the Commissioner of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lauds, for the Purpose hereinbefore set forth, and for the time alaborizing the act establishing the bureau; and r o part or parcel of said Confis cated or abandoned propertyfthall be surren dered or restored to the former owners or other claimants, except such surrender or restoration be . authorized by said commis sioner. filth. Assistant commissioners will, as ra pidly as possible, cause accurate descriptions of all confiscated and abandoned lands, sad other confiscated and abandoned real pro perty that is now or may 'hereafter come under their control, to be made, and besides keeping a record of such themselves, will tor ward monthly to the commissioners of the bureau copies of such descriptions, in the manner prescribed by circular N 0.19, Of July 11, 80, nom this bureau. They will, with as little delay as possible, select mid set apart such confiscated and abandoned lands and property as may be deemed necessary for the imme diate use Of refugees and freedmen, the spe cific division of which into lots, and the rental or sale thereof, according to the law establish lag the bureau, will he completed as soon as practicable, and reported to the commis *loner. In the selection and setting apart of such lands and property, care will be used to lake that about winch there is the least doubt that this bureau should have custody ai4 con trol of. Sixth. Whenever any land or real property that shall come into the possession of this bureau as "abandoned" does not fall under the definition of "abandoned," as set forth in section two of the not of Congress approved July 2d, 1264 hereinbefore mentioned, it will be formally surrendered by the assistant com missioner of the bureau for the State in which such real estate is situated, upon its appearing that the claimant did not, abandon the pro perty in the sense defined in said section and act. Seventh. Former owners Of property held by this bureau as abandoned, who claim its re storation on the ground of having received the pardon of the President, will, as far as Practicable, forward their applications to the commissioner of the bureau through the su nerintendents and assistant commissioners of the districts and States iii which this DrOperty is situated. Each application must be fteeom panied by—let. A copy of the special pardon of the resident of the United States, or of the oath under his amnesty proclamation, when they are not emblaced in any of the ex ceptions therein enumerated. id Proof of title. 3d. Evidence that the property has not been confiscated or libeled in any United States court, or, if libeled, that proceedings against it haye been discontinued. Officers of the bureau through whose hands such applica tions may Imps will endorse thereon sneli facts as may assist the Commissioner in his cleat. 51011, stating especially the use to whieh the property is put by the bureau. O. O. HOWARD, - Major General, Commissioner of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Approved, September 4,1865. ANDREW JOHNSON'', President o the United Statesa The slaveholders yesterday called upon the President for the' modification of the above circular, and a long discussion took place be tween them and the officers having this great work in charge. Probably some concessions will be made to them, but hot sufficient to de stroy the principles of the act of Congress. You will perceive, from this important mea sure, Dow powerfully the medicine is working, and with what tremendous energy the Govern ment is pushing the reorganization of South ern society. The few loyal slaveholders themselves are beginning to appreciate that their property he enhanced in value by paying good wages to the freedmen, while those rebel slaveholders, who are struggling to save their property from confiscation, are Only too glad to close with the Government on any terms, and freely admit that they will realize menso/y from the Change thus produced. ThO New• California Blowsier: Intelligence from the Golden State indicates that the present Governor of California, Hon. Fusel:men Lows ' will probably the succes sor of JAIII1:3 A. 311cDotroam,, in the united states Senate, William Pitt ressend.a. Hon. WILLIAX PITT Esssminna, Senator in Congress from Blaine, Chairman of the Com mittee on Finance in the Senate, had a long interview with the President yesterday after noon, and speaks in high terms of the candor and intelligence of the Executive. lie is sure that the thorough friends of the Government are right in reposing the fullest confidence in ANDMAW JOHNI3ON. Contest for Senator in Ohio. The competition for the Union senatorial robes in Ohio between Ron. JOHN SHERMAN, and Major General ROBERT F. SCHENCK is of the most interesting description. They are both able statesmen, and their speeches recall the. time when DOUGLAS and larroorar Made mi. nois ring with their powerful arguments. JOHN SHEISHAN is one of the ripest and most experienced American publicists, and Scut:Neg one of the boldest and most thorough alma pions of the RePublic. It is a great pity that Ohio has not two Senators to oleot, so that she might be provided for. Garrison of Washington. The tips °Z the city garrison, numbering, perhaps, over 3,000, have been ibilried into a separate brigade, under command of Brigadier ,General E. F. Datvi, and will hereafter be de• siguated as the pal= OL WelOinfitee4 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1865. (By Associated Press.) • Postal Atrairs. The ildVertiSementa inviting proposals for conveying the mails in North and South Cara lira, from January Ist, 18G6, have been printed in pamphlet form, and large numbers of them were sent out on Saturday to the care of the Governors of those States, and special agents of the Post-office DepartMent, for general distribution. The Postmaster General has made a contract for mail service from Cairo, 111., by Mound City, Caledonia, and other intermediate points, to luka, Miss., 329 miles, and back, three times a week, by steamboats, at $5,000 per annum, for four years; and also a contract for the con veyance of mails from Albany, Georgia, to Monticello, Florida, and - intermediate points, 800 miles, and hack, three Viols a week. Ad ditional post•officcs have also been reopened in Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Mis sissippi. Internal Revenue Receipts. The receipts from interntil revenue continue to be as large, if not larger, than was anticipa- ted. The enormous sum of $213,331 was col- lected by M. E. FIBLI), collector for the Sixth district of Ners York, on Saturday. The Wiez Trial—Request Granted. The War Department has granted the re quest of Captain Winz, that Fathers WaE4r, and Ilannizow Should be permitted to iisit him to give him religious consolation. President Johnson and Secretary ii[ar len on Negro Suffrage. . , The following important letter from Secre tary Harlan has just been made public DI:PAD:I'I,IEIM Or TICE INTERIOR, W sm !NOT° DT D. C., Aug. 26, 1665. Hon. George B. Edmonds, Clermont, "meal DEAR Sin: I have just received your letter of the 21st inst. stating, among other things, that the Union Atate Convention of lowa has adopted as a plank in its platform a recom mendation infavor of negro suffrage; that the f Cepperheati. Convention hasendorsed Presi dent Johnson's policy for the reorganisation of States, assuming it to be in opposition to negro suffrage: that this is, in your opinion, the issue joined between the two parties in lowa ; that heretofore the Union party has derived valuable aid from me in support of its principles; that you regret, however, to observe a newspaper report of a speech re eently made by me, which places me, as you think, in antagonism with its present princi ple and policy, which gives you pain. In reply, I have to say, that if your opinion Was well founded, it would be a cause of greater pain to me than to yourself ; but I beg leave respectfully to state, that you misappre hend the position of President Johnson and my own, as well as that pf the Union party at large. The real question at issue, in a national point of view, is not whether negroes shall be permitted to vote, but whether they shall de rive that authority from the National Govern ment, or from the State Governments re spectively. President Johnson maintains the doctrine, that the Constitution of the United Steeps does not confer on the Federal Government the right to interfere, primarily, with the question of suffrage in any State of the Union ; that the question may arise and properly be decided by Congress, •when Senators and members present themselves for admission to seats in that body, under the clause of the Constitution, which makes each House the ex clusive judge of the qualifications and Mee- Gone of members; and that other clause of the Constitution of the United States, which provides that "the United States shall gua rantee to every State in the Union a republi can form of Government." 1 infer that if any State should adopt a law on the subject of suffrage, which would clearly show the State Government to be other than republican, it would be the duty of Congress to reject appli cants for seats ; and to adopt whatever legis lative remedies would, in their judgment, be necessary to carry out the guarantees of the Constitution. That the State, Of lowa may take steps to ex tend the right of suffrage, is not, as it seems to me, in conflict with this policy, and, cOnse quently, those who support the policy of the President on this subject, are not in antago nism with the platform of the Union party of lowa. -The Union party of that State propose that the State shall modify its own constitution, so as to include as electors, persons who have not, under its present provisions, the right to vote. This, as President Johnson maintains, a State may do, but that the General Govern ment would have no right to require lowa, or any other State, to modify its own constitu tion, on this, or any other subject, when not in conflict with the Constitution of the United States. if I should he in lowa when that question is submitted to the people, if it shall be so sub mitted by the Legislature, I would vote to ex tend the right to all classes of nerliOnS possess in the requisite intelligence and patriotism tote entrusted with a participation in the management of public affairs, State or na tional, without regard to their nationality, as I do not believe that the liberty of any class Of people can be considered safe, who are to be permanently deprived. of the exercise of this right. I do not disguise these opinions; you may, therefore, make what use of this letter you may deem proper. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your Obedient servant, JAMS IfeaLAN. Presentation at the WhitdHonee SETH HINMAN I'IMENTS HIS RENOWNED BEAR. The Washington Chronicle of Saturday, after giving a description of the chair, which we have before published, says : Upon the arrival of the chair from its place of manufacture to this city it was conveyed "under guard" to one of the committee rooms at the Capitol, where only a privileged few, consisting of " Officials" and a small number of ladies, were permitted to gaze upon the wonderful work of industry and skill. After the lapse of several days it was carried to Brady's well-known gallery and there photo graphed. On yesterrla3r, through the inter vention of the lion. H. V. Whaley, member of Congress from West Virginia, tne President agreed to set apart any hour after four o'clock P. M. for its reception. Accordingly a few minutes after this hour the chair was care fully placed in a wagon, and, accompanied by Hinman, was conveyed to the White House. A little before fire the presentation party were met by the doorkeeper, and the chair or dered to be brought within the first large entrance-room of the mansion. Only a fear were admitted, and the eager crowd which had collected on the outside were only al loved. to gratify their curiosity by peering through the windows. After a short delay a messenger came run ning down the Stair way, and announced that his Excellency Was ready and waiting. At this stage the members of the press were kindly invited to ascend, and they, together with the remainder of the party, following on the heels of Kinman, soon found themselves on the threshold of the Presidential sanctum. The door of the TOMB had been thrown open, and, -without introduction or formal ceremony, tile hardy pioneer of the wild Pacific slope, the conqueror of wild beasts and wild men, grasped by the hand the honored President of an all powerful Republic. Itinman was evidently no stranger to the President, who received him in a most cordial manner. Leaning upon his rifle, and as calm F 145 though he had been conversing with a prairie com panion, he stated to the President that recent ly he had been up in Pennsylvania construct ing a chair from the skins of several " grin chest, which he had killed with his own rifle, and which he desired to present to him. That in offering it as a token of respect both to the person and office, he desired to say that in his opinion the "President of these United States was the biggest man in the world." The President was much gratified at this etuphatie compliment, and, in returning thanks, said he thought he knew how to appre. elate both it and the chair. The President hero insisted that " Seth " should sit in the chair, after which he sat in ,the chair, praising highly its beauty and com fortable qualities. Tim bear-kit ter,” in the meanwhile, had beeorno so much at ease in his intercourse with the President Shat hc de scanted and chatted upon the prominent points of his gift with perfect nonchalance This originated, however, from no want of re spect to his Excellency but rather froze a buoyancy of animal spirits and a genial good nature, - which. has won for Rittman host of friends wherever he is known. After displaying all the parts and points of his wonderful chair, calling attention to the formidable claws that clustered on its sides, the natural feet of the animals on which it rested, the old hunter paused. It was plain, however, that something remained to be told, something startling to be shown, and the Rocky mountain speaker had not pronounced his peroration. Carefullyunloosing the cords which concealed the huge head, he suddenly darted it, snappin and. gnashing its teeth, close to the President's k.nees, which was re. ceived by the crowd with uproarious laughter, and heartily enjoyed by the President himself. The grown children of his Excellency, seve ral in number, now came in, and were lond,in their demands to be shown again and again this wonderful feature of the chair. No one seemed to enjoy their delight and fun more than the President, whose care-worn face was lighted up with benignant smiles, and whose stern nature seemed to have relaxed and grown cheerful over - the pleasing incident. The crowd of their own accord now withdrew, leaving Hinman almost alone with the Presi dent. At last, however, upon suggesting to his Excellency that he should keep the head of the "grizzly" well protruded in order to frighten off the office-seekers and unrepentant rebels who besiege his mansion and receivin a warm invitation to visit the White Rouse at his pleasure, the worthy old hunter withdrew, well leased at his reception and success. General Slocum Beelines Bunning. for SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 9.—The editor of the Journal here says: " In a letter to a gentleman of this city, received to-day, and dated Vicks burg, August 27, Maier General Slocum writes : 'lf. it becomes necessary, you can say in my behalf that I will not, under any circum stances, be a candidate for Civil office this n Launch of a Sloop-of-War at Boston. BOSTON, Sept. 9.—The sloopof-war Guerriorc was successfully launched this afternoon from the navy yard, in the presence of a large crowd of spectators. Mr. Edwin Hart, naval constructor of the yard, superintended the launch. The ship was duly .christened by Miss Emma Thirt, daughter of the naval constructor, and MISS Jennie Lenthal, daughter of J. M. Lenthal, of the Bureau of Construction of the Philadel ph/a Navy Yard. Billiard Tournament In MAMA. AnonsTA, Me., Sept. e.—The billiard tourn.a. meat for the championship. of this State, Which bas been in session during the past week, terminated to-sight, as follows : The first prize of a gold ene valued at $2OO, And the championship, to Robert T. Williams, of Bangor. . The second prize, of a silver case, valued at 41100, to B. Gouldfray, of Bangor. The third prize, of a silver goblet, valued at ade, to Charles E. Smith, of Augusta. Nr. Smith, of Augusta, has Challenged the winner of the cue to play him a rnatoM game for WO ana the cliampionadri. THE SOUTH. Condition of the Freedmen in Virginia —The Congressional Canvass in Vir• ginia—Views of the Candidates—Gold Contract* Prohibited in Georgia— Movements of Ex-rebel Otneers—lm portant Correspondence Between Go• vernor Peirpont, of Virginia, and the Editor of the RiChniond Republic. THE FREEDMEN OB VIRHINIA.. A gentleman who was authorized by Go vernor Pierpont to visit certain localities and report on the condition of the freedmen, has addressed a letter to Governor Pierpont giving an account of his observations. lle visited Petersburg, Farmville, Lynchburg, and Lib erty, and reports as follows : 1. In respect to the comparative number of women and clalkon I could get no definite and reliable estimates. It was uniformly said that the proportion of able-bodied men was small. 2. Where there are men able to labor it was the general testimony that a goodly number Of them are industrious and doing well for themselves and families. Some seem to feel that they have no responsibility to care for their households, and make no attempt but to provide for their personal wants. Others are reported as indolent, or, it disposed - to work, unable to secure employment, and living, to some extent, on what does not belong to them. J. The general testimony in each place above named was, that numbers must perish from want during the coming winter unless relieved by charitable aid, Opinions - were quite varied in respect to the number who must be assisted or suffer, some placing it as high as one-half, others at a very Small frac tion. THE CROPS OP VIRGINIA The Norfolk Post says : " On the whole, there will be a short crop in Virginia this year, Wheat is a failure, and but little is expected from the tobacco crop. Corn is abundant, beyond precedent ; but owing to the failure in other crops there will be but little of that grain beyond. what Shall he needed for home use. It is this state of af fairs that lead those who have recently made a tour of the State to believe that the coming winter will be attended with more than com mon hardship. We trust, however, that the general fears are exaggerated., and that we shall have neither want nor distress among the laboring people of our once_ happy State.” THE CONFISCATION ACT. A Richmond eOrreSpOndept says: "The libels for confiscation are ready, and will, I hear, shortly bepublished. Antongthem are several. of property whose owners arc al-t ready pardoned. John B. Davis, Purcell, and others, mimosa names are down as the owners of from sr M to twenty pieces of property, have received their pardons to day through Con way.: Among the unpard oned are John P. Bal lard, down for the well-known Ballard Douse Joseph R. Anderson, for the Trodegar Works, and eleven other pieces of property, Judge W. W. Cramp, late assistant treasurer of the Con federate States, down for twenty-three pieces of property. The Richmond Bepublie, of Friday, publishes thirty columns of advertisements of property libelled for confiscation. It is pretty well ascertained that General Terry will permit the holding of a municipal election here after the congressional election, which takes place on the 12th of October. What the result will be is hard to tell. DISORDER AT CHARLOTTSVILLE On Friday General Terry received a despatch from General Voorhies, at Charlottesville, that a company of soldiers stationed there had mu tinied. A regiment was sent up on the Central train to restore order. Nothing further has been heard. • THE 'VIEWS or CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS lileser.S. John R. Woods, of illbemarle ; A. H. H. Stuart, of Augusta, and John F. Lewis, of Rockingham, candidates for Congress in the Sixth Congressional district addressed the people of Charlottsville on Monday last, and we make a few extracts from their remarks. Dr. Woods Made the opening speech. The Charlottsville Chronicle says "He had clung to the Union, but after seces sion was accomplished his sympathies were with his own people—with Lee and Jackson, and our glorious soldiers. He prayed fer vently for our success. When, after three years of bloodshed, he perceived the cause was lost, he struggled and prayed as fervently for an honorable settlement through negotiation. Dr. Woods said he could not take the congres sional oath—he had taken three oaths and wanted to take no more. Those he bad taken he meant to keep. lie said he had signed no ordinance of secession to prevent his taking his seat if elect ed. African slavery was dead, let us accept the fact. Let it die; it had obstructed the ma terial progress of Virginia. As for the negro, he is the chief sufferer, and we should treat him kindly, for ho had ' behaved well during the war, considering the circumstances. He was in favor of getting rid of thorn by sculls, them to territories, or elsewhere.” From the remarks of Hon. A. H. IL Stuart . we extract the following: "Ile gave no pledges. He would be governed bs circumstances, and do the best he could for the country and for Virginia. Slavery was dead. It could not be restored. The negro would become extinct or be removed. As a' practical man, he accepted the abolition of slavery. As to the oath, it is unwarranted by the Constitution and therefore null and void. He should despise ' himself if he took that oath; he could not take it without perry, one who had given a soldier a Ulan cet or a night's lodging , could take the oath. The Constitution, and not Congress, fixed the qualification of members of Congress; nor can one Congress prescribe rules for a succeeding Congress.,, - Mr. Lewis followed Mr. Stuart, and among other things, said : "Ile rested his claims to the suffrages of the people on this : that he could take that oath. If he was elected, he would take it. Mr. Stuart could not take that oath, and he knew it; Dr. Woods could not take it, and he kne w it. Mr. Stuart and himself stood Side by side in the convention; but Mr. S. had signed the ordi nance of secession, and he did not, Ho had nothing to retract. Re . was proud of his re cord. Re was the only member east of the Al leghanies that refused to sign the ordinance. Re would endeayoT to have this toot oath and all other restrictions removed. i heti eyed. that the Southern Confederacy, if established, could not last live years. I was for the United 'States." Robert Y. Conrad, of Winchester, is a candi date for Congress in that district. Alexander Fitzpatrick announces himself as a candidate for Congress in the Fourth dis trict. JACKSON'S SUCCESSOR General Custis Lee, of-the late 'rebel arnly, and a son. of it. E. Lee, has been appointed professor in the Virginia Military Institute, to fill the chair occupied by Stonewall Jack- son before the rebellion. GIOED C4ETHACTS IN OHW:in/A PROHIBITED. General J. H. King, commanding at Augusta, Ga., has issued an order as follows : " It having been brought to the notice of the Brevet Major General commanding that par ties making contracts and agreements have therein named gold as the consideration to be paid for the performance theroof, it is hereby ordered that hereafter, whenever contracts Or agreements in writing are entered into be tweenparties, the consideration therein named to be paid shall be in lawful money of the United States; that is, in the payer currency issued and declared a legal tender by the Go vernment. " sill contracts or agreements heretofore en tered into by any parties whatever within the limits of the distract which do not conform to provisions of this order are hereby declared null and void.ii icamEsTnTo FOR TREASON. The Montgomery Ledgdr of the 25th Mt. an nounces the arrest in that city, the previous Hon. J day, of on. W. G. ones . , on a charge of trea son and conspiracy. Judge Jones was the pre iiding Judge of the District Court of the United States for the State Of Alabama at the time of secession, and - u - as continued in that position by the succeeding regime. He entered into a bond of twenty thousand dollars for his ap, pearance at the court. ROUSE RENTs IST MEMOIT, GEORGIA. Says the Macon inielkoncer We hear complaints from almost every quar ter in regard to the exorbitant prices demand: ed for house - rent in the city. A gentlemauin formed us yesterday that he had been renting a small dwelling at the rate of fifteen dollars per month, and found, when he went to make arrangements to keep the place next year that the owner delnanded forty dollars a mon M— ahout three times as much as it rented for be: fore the war. Most properti holders have made the same advance; and laboring mon will have to dispense with almost everything else, in order to pay those prices, if there is no remedy for this grinding.' TROOPS IN lIBOIMITA. Troops are being sent to every county in Georgia. The unsettled condition of affairs is the cause. So says the Augusta Conaditution- Mist WHAT EX-REUEL GENEHAL3 AHH DOING The New Orleans Picayune says One of the distinguished Major Generals in the Confederate service from this State is, we learn, about to take charge of the construc tion and repair of the wharves for one of the contractors with the city. Two brigadiers have already secured places in the Commer cial Express Company. One brigadier is pros perously engaged. In the business of boss dray man. There arc other generals who are spoken of as civil engineers on our railroads. Almost every store has a colonel or a major. ,There are three distinguished colonels extensively engaged in the auction business. One eolonel who has heretofore directed big guns with skill and heroism in some of the fiercest bat tles of the war, is now selling bale-rope and bagging; another, one of Stonewall Jackson's favorite regimental commanders, is pressing cotton. Our lawyer generals, of whom there are several who stand very high in the regards of the people, arc not as well off as the others, owing to their exclusion from the United States courts, which have the most prosperous business in the law lime, by the test oath. Tnoor , 9 dOINGI HMO% The Nashville Dispatch says that the 4th and 7th Wisconsin, on duty there, have been mus tered cut and gone home. Four companies of the 2d Massachusetts, at Wilmington, N. C., haTO 01,00 left for home. ELIGIBILITY OF VIRGINIA DELEGATES TO 00N GRE8S-CORREEPONDENCE BETWEEN GOVERNOR PELEBONT AND THE EDITOR OF THE Ricamorat. REPI HMO Mr, J. W. Liewellen, of theCilEnend RepuO, lic,has written a letter to Governor Peirpout, asking the following questions : Ist. Do• you think there is a probability of; any delegate to Congress from Virginia being admitted to a Seat who cannot now take. the. oath prescribed by Congress for its.members 1 2d. What do you thifflt would be the. effect upon the interests (*Virginia of the election of men to Congress. who cannot take their seats in that bodyl sd. With reform:ice to the State Legislature. Do you think any man will, ho allowed tetake his seat in either branch who has held any Mike under the Confederate Government or under any rebellious State governmentl And remarking If the jirst. and thin; questions propounded shall be answered in the negative, please state what course you would reeereinend to the people of Virginia at the approaching else. Lions. These questions are propounded to you, sir, because the people of every shade of opinion in Virginia have the most entire con ndence in _your judgment, ability, and pa tViCtism. the MAW WA replied, =dig' date Sep• tember 7th, speaking of the delicacy of the subject and of his own position, and continues: It is peculiarly painful at this time, in the disturbed condition of the State, while there are so many petitions at Washington on file for pardon, and unsetiu-s bein held in a large number of counties in the State , passing reso lutions declaring the loyalty of the people to the Federal and State Governments, that there should be reason for raising thee questions. Congress, aetingunder a provision of the Coa st-Weldon of the United States, which is in these o w f o words, ,e elections, s i e a t c u li n ll l s o 4 u Ira shallqualifications thej u g o o f its own members," has passed a joint resobl tion declaring that all its members shall take the oath to which you refer. That resolution., prescribing the oath, will have to be repealed before any member who cannot conscien tiously subscribe to it can take his seat. It is not to be expected that Congress will repeal that resolution in order to give seats to mem hers who cannot take the oath. This, I be lieve, answers your first question. 2d, Effects on Virginia if she should not have representation in the next Congress. Not that a representation will do her so much good, but it will be a great evil to the State if she is not represented. All our interests will suffer if we are unrepresented. sd. With reference to the election of mem bers to the General Assembly who aro ineli gible. It is to be hoped that none such will be elected. Should theybe,theconstitution ofthe State must be repealed before they can take their seats ; and as the question will be entire ly within tie control of the Legislature; that body may defer action till the close of its ses sion, and thus deprive the counties sending such delegates of all representation. But has it not the appearance of persistent and continued rebellion for men to run for Congress who, by the law of Congress, cannot take their seats? And so in regard to the General Assembly. The first act to be done by them when they arriv demand State or Na tional capital will be to the repeal of certain laws before they can take their seats. If this class of men are sent to Congress, the members of Congress will cotkelucle that the repressntative is a type of the eople, and be likely to reject them. There is no doubt but able delegations can be elected both to the Congress of the 'United States and to the General. Assembly of Virginia who are eligible. F. R. PEIRPONT. NEW ORLEANS. Heavy Shipment of Specie—Destruction by Fire of the " Touro" Building—The Freedmen—The Cotton Restrictions— Military Movements in Texas—Affairs in Mexico. - Naar YORK, Sept.lo,—The steamers Evening Star and Fang Shuey, from Now Orleans, Sept. `.2,, arrived late last night, The former brings $300,000 in specie. The Touro building, one of the finest struc tures in New Orieans, situated on the twine, and occupied bycolored troops, waS destroyed by fire on the alight of the Ist inst. Commissioner Conway has issued a Circular to the freedmen and refugees desiring them to lease lands for cultivation, and instructing them how to make application. The restrictions upon the removal of cotton from Alabama have been removed. General Garrard takes command at:Mobile, vice General Smith. General Sheridan and staff had arrived at Houston, Texas, where they were greeted by a salute from the 4th Massachusetts battery. Sheridan was en rouse to San Antonio. Custer, with three regiments of cavalry, passed through Henry's Head, fifty miles north of Houston, on the 25th of August, en route to Western Texas. The Galveston Chamber of Commerce has reorganized. 0. N. Cutter has been appointed Treasury agent at New Orleans vide Flanders removed, It is stated that all thd French troops have been removed from the Rio Grande and native soldiers put in their place. All rebels have been ordered by Maxmillian to proceed to San Luis Potosi. A distinguished Federal offictor from Mexico states that Baron De Bruan has been- dis missed for his insulting letter to Gen. Brown. No Confederate officers have as yet been re ceived into the service of the Empire. The reported prevalence of yellow fever at Galveston is denied on good authority. The Memphis cotton market was more ac tive, at Mlle. for middlings. NORTH CAROLINA. Arrival of General Meade and General Crook, the Department Commander, nt Wilmington—Troops Mustered Oat taw Your, September 10.--The Wilmington Herald, of September oth, notices the arrival there of General Made and staff, who were serenaded by the band of the Massachusetts regiment. The balance of the 2d Massachu setts Artillery, Col. Franklin, were mustered out of service at Wilmington, on September 4th, and left for home entitle sth. Major Gene ral Crook and staff arrived at Wilmington, and will soon take command, relieving Gene ral Ames. FORTRESS MONROE. The Telegraph—Netts Despatches—A Itlystery Solved. FORT=Ss - MONROE, Sept. B.—The amount of telegraphic business being transmitted over the line between this place and Baltimore is very light, not occupying over one-quarter to one-third o'f the time inside of usual business hours, and it is, therefore, a matter of surprise that facilifica are not extended to the press, under these circumstances. The mystery in regard to the corpse shipped to Webster, Mass., on the 25th ult., is solved. It was shipped by Lieutenant Robinson,'As sistant Quartermaster tit Newport News, and was the body of his stepfather, Nathan who died a month since. A box of tools was shipped at the same time, and the addresses of the two boxes got changed there by sending the tools to the bereaved friends and the corpse to another party. MEXICO. Jaurez' Fortunes Steadily Declining— Recent News of "The Press" Con firmed. The steamer Barcelona, which arrived at Havana, via Vera Cruz, brings the following news confirmatory of the special despatch published in The Press some days ago, and which certain journals pronounced " untrue :" iiSoriOßA.—The last dates from Guayamas, via Tern, confirm the news that the army of Pescpnera Is dispersed, and he is at Hermosilla with only two hundred men. Most of the dense populations of that department had re nounced Juarez and he had despatched two divisions of five hundred men each, to recover their political faith, which had become rather important for his army's subsistence, and these soldiers "fralerntzed ,, and disbanded after having entered the town of Oposura, kill ing the prefect of the place, and releasing the French prisoners held there under Jaurez 7 authority. Getteral Negrete had• arrived at Chihuahna, with three hundred men, leaving dead upon his path throu o qh the deserts live hundred, with all the beasts of burden in his train, lost equipages, munitions, lie. As the French forces were nearing Chihuahua, and Juarez had retired to Paso del Norte, Negrete would be compelled to retreat or surrender. Ms army was about the last hope of ,Inaro4 in the north." Fire at Albany. ..A.1.13.A.1NT, Sept. lo.—The steam ferry-boat Thomas P. Olcott, owned by the Western Unit" road Company, and plying between this city and East Albany, accidentally Caught fire while lying at her dock here, about nine o'clock this evening, and her upper works, deck, etc., were destroyed, and the engine and machinery must be badly damaged, Fire in Balt'More—Movements of a Regiment. • BALTIMORE, Sept. 10.--The 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery passed through this city to day for Boston. KA fire last night at the pork-packing estab lishment of Jacob Bankard, in Second street, destroyed and damaged meats to the value of nearly slo,oeo, About Psraous. [From the Richmond Whig.) There is a good deal of property in and near Chicago owned by Virginians. A number of the owners have recently visited that city for the purpose of disposing of their real estate. Among them was Mr. lisha B. Handley, of Charlotte county, who is a large owner of•real estate in Illinois and Wisconsin. He effected some sales at Chicagc, but Mr. Perkins Bass, the United States attorney for that district instituted proceedings for the confiscation of the property sold, notwithstauding- E the fad that Mr. Handley had received the xecutive pardon. The action of Mr. Bass put a stop to further sales by Mr. Handley, who, in order to ascer tain his exact status, repaired forthwith to Washington, and laid the facts of his case be fore Attorney General speed. He was in formed at the Attorney Generalts office that Mr. Basal:tad communicated with that Depart ment in respect to the property in question, and that the following' reply had been sent, a copy of. which was furnished to Mr. Huudley ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, Sept. 1, 1865. Perkins -Rew Eq., , J. 5". diteorose, Northern Di& ;rid qf Dun Sin: YourS of 25th August is received, and in reply thereto I am directed by the At torney General to say that if Mr. Handley was pardoned before the seizure of his property, then,m2 in that event, the proceedings against the same ahead be dismissed, anti he (Hand ley) is not liable to cost ; but if he was pardoned propertycig were instituted, and his was seized then, then the proceedings should also be dismissed, but at his Cost. I am, sir very respectfully, • 'Your Obedient servant, Wm. STEWART, Chief Cloak. The Official Vote of Kentucky. The official returns of the recent election in gentuehy are at last reported. The total. vote for treasurer foots up ne follows! Garrard, Opposition . 42,187 2teal, Union 42,082 Garrardts majority 105 If the votes whieh are enumerated in the memorandum attached to the official returns by , the board of examiners, and whit& they felt tbemseivea bound to reject, had been counted, then Colonel Garrard 's majority would have been seventy-nine votes. Th e , total vote for members of Congress foots up as follows : Q For the }position SIAM For the Inlen 541008 Opposition majority 3,494 The Senate will stand 19 Union and 19 OpPo" sition, and the House of A.eßVeSentatives 59 ihilq B 4l9ll and 4Z Craton,. THREE CENTS. EUROPE. APPARENT RETREAT OF THE CIIRMA TI THE PLACE OF ITS ORIGIN. ARRIVAL OF JUDAH P. BENJAIVIMIN ENGLAND. CONFEDERATE COTTON LOAN-HOLDERS ANXIOUS ABOUT THEIR " EMITS AND INTERESTS." No Attempt to be Made This Year to Recover the Lost Oat.le—A. Mew One to' be Manufactured. GENERAL COMMERCIAL, FINANCIAL, AND rEnsilivAL NEWS. FArrreu Pomr, L. C., September 10.—The steamship Hibernian passed here at 6 A. M., for Quebec, with Liverpool advice 4 of Sep• temper Ist. The City of Boston and Kangaroo arrived out on the 28th of August ; the Damascus on the 29th ; the Germania on the 30th ; the Vir ginia on the 31st, ane the Cuba. on SeptellaOr Ist. The Atlantic Telegraph Company have or dered the manufacture of a new cable. There was a 111 - inlsWrial crisla at Lisbon. The West Inflie mail Steamer Zenia had ar rived at Southampton, having amongst her passengers ex-Confederate Secretary of State Judas P. Benjamin. The Zenia took fire when about fifty miles out of St. Thomas, and put back with all speed. After much exertion, the lire was subdued, and the ship proceeded. She had nearly $1,700,000 in specie. The London Times in an editorial on the Queen's inauguration of Prince Albert's statue at Coburg, again urges that the Queen should emerge from her Seclusion, anti perform the duties expected of her. The Morning Star censures the Times for its pompous lecture to the Queen, and describes it as a reminder that court tradesmen are craving orders, and that the Queen's first duty is to the impatient fashion of The3gravla. The entertainments to the French lien, at Portgmouth, were going on very satisfactorily. The weather was favorable for the crops. Hospitals or sanitariums are to be estab lished in London for diseased cattle. Satterthwaite , scirculat reports a fair amount of business in American securities. Up to the arrival of the Asia the market was steady, but on her report of lower prices and higher ex• change from New York, prices gave way 3 per cent. No further shipments-Of stocks heAl been an- nounced. A demand from the Continent was • setting in, and the market rallied, and closes strong at an improvement. aktie Paris Bourse was quiet, and steady at ma. The lifordieur points out the unfavorable re ception of the Gastein Convention in Germa ny, and remarks that the Convention is at va riance with the principles of the Union of the duchies proclaimed by Austria and Prussia, but that, as Qg arrangement is provisional, it is necessary to wait Woke forming a definite judgment. The following is a summary of the news by the steamers City of New York and Helvetia. The Atlantic Telegraph Company having issued, an informal notice that they will not attempt to reeover the cable this year, the underwriters consider this equivalent to a total loss, and have settled insurances on the cable. A meeting of holders of Confederate cotton bonds has been called in London, to take place on September 4th, to consider their position, and, if deemed expedient, to appoint a com mittee to protect their rights and interests. The Tintes publishes a letter from its late Richmond correspondent, controverting the charges against the Confederates of cruelty to Federal prisoners. General Sir George Brown, of Crimean fame, and Judge iinllinitton (Sam Slick) are IWO. The French fleet, consisting Of nine first class iron-clads and four others, was being feted at Portsmouth. Queen Victoria inaugurated a statue of Prince Albert at Coburg on the 2Gth of August. The cholera appears to be receding to the parts from whence it came. It is stated that a French frigate has taken possession, in the name of the French govern ment, of a vabiable guano island in the Pacific ocean, in about latitude 81.35, longitude 64.59 vest from Para. There was a vague rumor of the discovery of a conspiracy iu Berlin. RIO JANEIRO, August 9.—The Emperor had advanced to St. Gabriel, and- the whole pro vince of Rio Grande had risen in his support. All the National Guards of the Empire were called out for jictive Service. Cotree, 7)1400@ 7.1{590 ; stoek, 90,W0 bags. Exchaage, 22V45124. 1 4, Some disturbances occurred at Breeela Att. gust 29th, in consequence of the collection of the new property tax. . The Portuguese Ministers were defeated in the Cortes, whereupon Marquis Sada-Dan drera tendered his resignation, which the Ring accepted, and then COMMlsSioned the Duke de Snitona to form a new - ministry, The vintage promises to lie more abundant than for several. years. Private mercantile telegrams from Shang hae to July 29th, although somewhat later than previous mivices, make no mention of the fall of Pekin. Exchange was Quito 4 at,so @OW, Tea and silk fractionally higher, Ills count demand light; best bills 3y4M. Latest Commercial Intelligence. LIVERPOOL, September I.—Cotton lonoyant, with an adVallda of kid for American, and Aqalllo for Otherdeseriptione. Saba for the week MO bales, Of which specilators took. 15 500, and exporters 26,500. The following are tiy authorized quotations; Orleans 18M a. Mobiles 1834, The sales to-day (Friday) have been 10,000 bales, the market closing steady. The stock in port In cludes 512,000 bales, of which SNOW are American. Breadstulfs quiet and steady. Wheat flat, and all qualities declined a trifle. Provisions steady. Lannon - , Sept. I.—Consols. 89X. ®8934 for money; Illinois Central shares, 70; Erie, 53i4; United States 0-20 s, 68.11E000. The bullion in the Bank of England has increased .ctic,_,No. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET.—LrrEnroor.„ August M.—Cotton butyant,.and 3464.0 higher. but closing quieter: sales for four days font up 67,000 bales. - including 20,000 to speculators and exporters. STATE OF 'TRADE.-- - The Manchester advices are favorable, the market closing Arm, with an ad vancing tendency. LIYERP o o L BREADSTUFF'S MABEE T.— Rroadstaffs steady. Illehardson, Brace, & Co., and Wakefield, Nash, & CO. report Flour quiet Olid steady. Wheat quiet and firmer. Corn lower, at 30a6d. LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET.—Provi slons firm. Messrs. Bruce & Co. and. Bigland, Atitaya, & Co. report Beef steady; Pork advanced 2s 6d, and' still advancing; Bacon buoyant; Lard firm at illa&Siti Tallow notiveuud advancing. LIVERPOOL PILODIJOE, MAREET.A.sites ,,, Sales small; Sugar firmer; Coffee firm; Rice ilrro; Rosin dull; Spirits Turpentine nominal; Petrolsunt firmer at 2s S 0 for retitled. "• LONDON MA tHAS.—LONDoN t August 31. Breadstuff's firm and advancittg. Sugar buoyant Wad r. Coffee acarce. Tell.,llllLetiVti. Rice active. Tallow arm. Consols for money, 89.4W974; Tllinols Central shares, 79; Erie, 63.g153)¢; U. S. 5-209, esmwds. BY TELEGRAPH TO GREENCASTLE LONDON, Sept. I.—The Wheat trade is quiet at Monday^s prices. Oats and Corn firm and fully as dear. Sugar firm. Coffee quiet and unchanged. Tea firm. Rice 3d945s tha, on the spot. THE LIVERPOOL CORN DIARIEET was fairly attended. Wheat dull, mid nominally at Tues day's prices. Flour dull and a shade lower. Corn steady ! Mixed 10s Gd. Beans unchanged. Oats 2cl higher. Oat meal id lower. LONDON CORN MARKET—English and foreign Wheat in good demand at Monday's rates. Cop better, and firm for floating cargoes. ItEVENONFUL ASSAULT UPON AN ILLINOIS Gmcsamr. AT GALENA.—A letter has been re ceived in this city this morning, detailing a very interesting incident that occurred at Galena. At the breaking out of the war a young man by the name Of Furguson, whose parents now reside and were then residing in Galena, was attending a school in Kentucky. During the excitement of that stirring time the entire School joined the Confederate army, and Furguson among them who accepted a po sition on Gen. Tilgbraan's staff. At Fort Henry he was captured, and in the course of time was exchanged, lie then joined Morgan's forces, and continued lighting till again captured. Soon afterwards he effected • his escape, and in travelling through the country he found him self inside our lines; near Nashville ? and was arrested and tried as a spy. Brigadier General Dickson, formerly a crockery merchant of Ga lena, presided over the court, i and notwith standing the most powerful influence was brought to bear for the commutation of his punishment, Filrguson was sentenced to be hanged, and the sentence was executed. On Friday last, as Gen. Dickson was'stancling on one of the streets of Galena, talking with Mr. Washburn, and making arrangements for General-Grant's reception in that city, Furalleon 7 s brother, a boyish cripple, came up to him. He had boon trying in P 4131 to procure a pistol, but, failing in this, he balanced UM self on his crutch, seized hie cane in both bends, and, with the exclamation "You are the scoundrel who hung iny brother l” brought it down with such forceas to.completely crush the General's face and lay him senseless tOtlje ground. The cripple, strange to say, made his escape. At first it was supposed that Dickson was slain, but it is now supposed that his life will be saved. The cripple has surrendered himself to the authorities.—. Davenport Demo crut. THE WIRZ 511IISCRIPTIOTL—We have received another eoinuannicatien from F. Marfns Gas., nett, teacher of languages ill tills oity 1214 now in Washington, C., who , froM being a countryman of Wire's, taVes a strange interest in the trial now going on at the capital. This gentleman furnished us with the communica tion published the, in.rogard to the perSottal character a Wirr, and desired us to act as agent iu receiving subbeiiiptiona from this part of the country, toe xelploy a, counsel to defend Wills from the Crimes alleged against him while in charge ot the, Anderson vine prison. The following are the subscriP• tiotta thus far reported Mr. W. Medus,Arooklyn, Item $ Mr. W. Gilehrud „Philadelphia ............... e. Dr. W. R. MOM in, New York. .. . ............. W. E. C., per New York News . 2 Dr, T. Marrin, New York J. C., .New York 5 Mr. T. P. Pollard, Norfoik, L , tri Anonymous, New York 1 a 9 Total amount to date . . sss —Norfolk OW DOMMIO7I. Gruatut. iiitcl.Ety ur pavans4.-- h well-known Northern General MCCieDim has been solourning in Dresden for the past few days. Ile is constantly visiting all the muse ..urns and examining the numerous collection stoods and trophies in this city. himself er that he intends to devote to Grernian military st,ndies, and is now making kimsele thoroughly acquainted with the l'rug sten army, whichonore than anything else, attracted his attention.—Dreden fbr. (Aug. 16) dflgetneine Zeitung. TIM WAIL PRESS. (PUBLISHED WEEELY.) Tam Wwa PItEAS WM be seta to subsOriberil mail (per &aim pa in advance,) at Sal SO Pine copies 10 00 Tea copies 00 00 Larger clubs than Ten *III be charged at the same rate. $21.00 per copy. V money loaf gltoave accompany the enter, and in no instance can these terms be &Mated from, ii they afford wry tittle more than the cost of paper. 461 - Postmasters are requeated to sot as agoutis for Tux West PLEBS. Kr To the getter•up of the Club of ten Or twenty, u ‘n extra copy of the paper will be given. STATE ITEMS. .. TL', following 164 a complete Het of Penn- . iv iy it ata, regiments in the ITnito States aer.. vice September 7th, 1865: 47th Pexinszlvania Volunteer Infantry. 64 58th 46 44 V 4 h 4' 111 tC cc 77th If 64 u sr 78th is 188th 4I ss sr 195th sr 44 64 208th s. e IC 2/Likt.' ct 2i4th 2d Pennsyd varda Artillery, 8(1 Independent Battery B. 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry. 18th " 2 2 d f It is believed: that 211 the above Organize. tions will be mustered out of service within the next three menthe. Four regimenta—the 47th and glith Infantry, and lath and 2241 Ca. valry—will be paid off and dischidlged. at Mar. risburg. In a few months, at farthest, all our brave men who survived the rebel bullets and ills of camp life will be athome. The following named Pennsylvania. sol diers are eonlined in the Old Capitol Prison, charged with munitous conduct ; David Coch ran, Co. K ; Elias Miller, Joseph McCormick, David Giberson,EMatthias Peters, Daniel Ken dig, Horace G. Deeser; Nicholas Wolf, Harvey Gerb, Philip MCKIM, eild•lienrY Hunt, Co. 195th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Owing to the illness of Judge Grahami Hon. 11. J. Fisher, Judge of the York and Adams district, is at present presiding at the Juntga County Court. Mr. Levi W. stuff, of West Earl, Lancaster county, has in his possession a heavy silver watch, once the property of Benjamin Frank lin. It is In an excellent state of preservation, and keeps time as true as the best of suctdora chronometers. The Norristown Herala• intends publish ing, shortly, a history of the 51st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. —A great many new buildings are going up in rittslYdre, including a numbor of churches, manufactories, etc. ' The hardware trade of the oil region is assuming splendid proportions. The sales for August in Titusville alone exceed $75,000. There arc sixteen national banks in PIUS. burg. The tittsberg papers complain of thil Oeitt tinned hrgh pikes in that city. The newspaper men of Erie propose or ganizing a Press Club. --- Several droves of cattle have recently bevri imparted into Erie, from two& HOME ITEMS. The Chicago papers tell of a terrible tale of robbery and murder. A stranger took two pret. ty waiter- girls and two Men, Willi Forged theta acquaintance upon him, to ride one evening. The hackman drove to a vacant lot, and there the men robbed their victim, and placing his head under the wheels drove the carriage over hiii neck, The.y then sent the girls home and threw the body into the river, Where it W& found by the police. The girls revealed the crime, and the murderers and hackman were arrested. The murdered man had not been They are in great haSte in many parts Of the West, to dub their little towns " cltios. o A correspondent, passing. through "Morro City," Missouri, by rail, took the opportunity, While the locomotive was assuaging its thirst, to ceinit the houses at the station. After much labor lie produced the following table Brick houses (the Mayor's) Frame houses (the Aldermen's) Shanties (citizens l ).. Sheds (quadrupeds') Grand total of edifices in Monro The late Governor Drough, who hada very Powerful voice, once addressed two audiences in two different States at the same time. He spoke On the public Cincinnati, and. a crowd nearly as large as that before him gathered on the Kentucky shore to listen, The Ohio was low, a bar running „out from the southern shore of the river made the incident possible, and every word of the orator was dis tinctly heard by both audiences. A man ven turing to disturb the assembied Kenittelthila was instantly ducked. The Nashville Banner; the publication of which ceased at the fall of Fort Donelson, in February, 1842, ie about to be revived. The Banner was the oldest newspaper in the fititte, the first number having appeared some fifty. five or six years ago, and for many years was the chief organ of the Whig party in Tennes• see, For a long time it was edited by General P'; K. 'Zollieoffer, who fell at tlio.battio of Fist}. ing Creek. The New Orleans nom: of August 80th says W learn from Major W.. 0. Long, chief engineer on the stair of General Veatch, that them is not, a word of truth in the roporten burning of Shreveport. Major Long arrived last night on the steamer Capitol—the last "boat from Shreveport. Captain Taragona, of the Capitol, confirms the statement of Major Long. Ali interesting trial took place in Raven. .na, Ohio, last week, under the Ohio liquor law. A returned soldier named Greer, while in a state ofintoxicatiou, was robbed of one hen. dred and two dollars by some unknown per. sons, 1118 Vie brought suit for damages against the saloon keeper *ha sold hint the liquor, and obtained a verdict in her favor-of one hundred and forty dollars, It is but little known that the•lirst anti slavery paper started in the United. States WllB published in Last Tennessee. It Wag calloci the BmancilittiOr, and published M Green. ville, the. home of President Johnson by Benjamin F. Lundy, a Friend in. religious faith, and a native of Belmont county, Ohio. It was Conducted, we have been. -told, with considerable ability. Capt. Jas. M. Moore, who interred the dead at Andersonville, intends, with the permission of the Government, publishing as a public document the records of the Andersonvillo Prison, giving the names, regiments, and re. sidenco of every Prisoner who died thOrst as far as known. The number of names on the manuscript list is upward of /4,000. The court of Hymen has become a pops. jar institution in diverting confiscation of rebel estates. Numerous instances are re. peace), where southern planters have given all their landed properties in marriage with their daughters to faithful Union soldiers. They have in Virginia City, Montana, a. Fenian Circle. It is a city of 10,000 iirhabi, tants, FOREIGN ITEMS. pear° IL, Emperor of Brazil, who recent. lip placed himself at the head of his fore% and arrived at Buenos Ayres,- escorted by French, English, and Italian mon-of-war, ig now in his forty-third year, and remarkable. among crowned heads, for his good looks and his engrotic character. lie -is accompanied. 'by the Duke of Saxe.and by ilia secretary of war, a descendant of Cabral, the principal die coverer of Brasil, and bearing the same name. His wife is a Neapolitan princess of the exiled Bourbon dynasty. They have -no sons, and Of their two daughters one hits recently Married her cousin, a son. Of the Prince de Soinville, whose wife was a sister of. the emperor. Both the prince and his son, the Count of Cliartrea, are well remembered in this country, theist-. ter having taken, together With the Count of Paris, an active part in MeClellan's cabipaign in Virginia. It is probable that the throne' of Brazil will revert to the Count of Chartres if the present emperor should , die' without male. issue. In regard to thdDuke of Salo, who fed, lows the emperor in the war with Paraguay, it remains to be Been whether he will prove as. able a general as the celebrated Field Marshal Saxe of the eighteenth century. Mr. N. Beckwith ha* been appointed by Minister Bigelow to get as commissioner for this country during the• French Universal Ezs hibition of 1107, which promises to be the: 'greatest ever known,. Mr. Beckwith having consented to act without compensation, and to assumethe position subject to the approval of Congress, whemit convenes, it may be safe to advise persons. in, the .United States who , may desire to secure places for articles in . the . exposition, to address their applications to Beckwittt, Reck., Special. Commissioner of the United Status for the rrenoll universal Exposition for 1867, care of, the United States Legation, null." This should be done in time to reach him before the Met of October, and. should be accompanied by all details as to the nature and dimensions of artlellas .19 be exhi bited. A Masonic, dignitary of greet eminence in the order lately left Edinburgh to attend a cele. oration et the baying of, a corner -stone, forget ting his cocked bat. lie diseevercd ills amiss siert priaVntlYi and teiegraphed.from the first station, 4‘ Send my coaled hat by eXPreSS to morrow.”. Nis disgust may be imagined. Oh rec o v i:,g the next day a, narpel containing cooked ham, on account of thepperateca having ~,,.de a mistake in two of; the letters of hie massage. An Irish journal has, dise6Veued that the Atlantic telegraph expedition failed.because fit national insult was offered to 'rebind. In the selection of the superintending staff Irishmen were passed oycr, end, hence the retributive snapping of the cable. The Prince of "gales is said to be the first Prince of the blood, royal who has owned a yacht since the days of Charles It George IV, William IV, and, the Cp9oeu have had what are termed Royal Yaelink but these lire state rather than pleasure vessels. —The deathof ii. Buchez is announced in Paris. He was the creator of that famous so. eletY, La charhounerle, which was one of the most powerful leVerli brought into play against the iiestoration. The notorious Bella Boyd 19 about to try her fortune on a London stage. There areseventy lawyers In the new Eng. Itsh ParligUleAt. Another canrent hiMeett establiehg YDrit i Eng.