The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 08, 1865, Image 4
~1 ~ ~~~~. FRIDAY, BEPTEMB.SB 8, 1865. Secretary ft - canton, Mr. Sessraid, and Montgomery Blair. The following cart, from Marlow Weed appears in the New York Zimel of yes terday: :lb the Editor of the New York Times: ' The m alignant but. senseless assault of Mont -uomery Blair upon Secretary Stanton is nay -4-),,s one good effect in calling our, us it does, triumphant vindieations of the character and cervices of a really great and patriotic states man._ Col. Forney and an intelligent corre spondent (C. P. S.) in the Times have furnished contributions to a vindication still, however, iuvcmplcte j for if it were ever essential to a Government that it should have the "right Man in the right place," this Government was twice preeminently fortunate in having Mr. Stanton—first in the Cabinet of Mr. Buchanan, rind next in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet. There is, somewhere in Maryland, a supposi fitioue locality where Mr, ]hair affects to find fellow-citizens j , on whom he inflicts imagi nary speeches. These fictions enable him to get long-winded tirades into the newspapers), one of which, garnished with flaming head lines, appeared in the World, and the intro ductory expletives in the Tribune. Mr. Blair Pare "It is apparent, from the whole course of public affairs, that Mr. Seward acted in concert with Buchanan's administration during the last three months of his term. He was, no doubt, ad vised, through Mr. Stanton, who was in Mr. Iluchanan:s Cabinet, of the policy it had adopted in reference to the seizure of every thing that appertained to the nation in the South. It was to the coalition then formed between Mr. Seward and Mr. Stanton that the latter became Secretary of War to Mr. Lin coln. He apprised Mr. Seward of this treaty of the War and Navy Departments, under Bu chanan, to make no resistance to the policy of din. Solving the Union—to offer no coercion to impede its march to independence—and Mr. Seward's Course shows that he approved and adopted this policy. Is it not strange that Mr. Seward „should have kept thatparalysis on the country from the 4th Of MAMA to the 13th of April, when the conflagration of Sumpter aroused the people V' This treason—for such is the charge=-was committed, if at all, before Mr. Lincoln came into office. Why did Mr. Blair not only conceal it, but sit there with Mr. Seward in the Cabi net, claiin lag, all the while, to be Mr. Seward's friend and champion, quarreling with others, but even furiously supporting . Mr. Seward? But the charges are untrue—viciously untrue. The TRUTH is, that the first and paramount design of the Secession leaders was to obtain before or on the 4th Of March, by coup (Pettit, possession of the capital with the sanction of the Government THAT DES/ON WAS THWARTED DT Sin. STANTON. As a member of Mr. Bucha- Dan'S Cabinet, he became informed of the trea sonable objects of his colleagues, Cobb, Thome son, and Toucey, and of the imbecility, at least, of the President, Placing him self in confidential eoramunleatien. with Seward, Mr. Stanton went to his watch and his work boldly and sagaciously. Trai tors were by degrees weeded out of the Cabinet, and their vacant seats given to Gen. Dix end Judge Wilt, who eceoperated with Mr, Stanton and Mr. Seisard in preserving, the Government. The 4th of March approached, amid treasons and conspiracies in the highest classes. Washington was, without doubt, dis loyal. A conspiracy to assassinate Mr. Lin coln at Baltimore was discovered and thwart ed. On the Occasion of the inauguration, Gen. Scott had scarcely more than 5,000 troops for the defence of the capital. The danger was imminent But the chief traitors had been ejected from the Cabinet. Their plans were disconcerted. Mr. Lincoln ices inaugurated, and the Government, prevailed. For that Go sediment's salvation the people and the Union are indebted to the Roman virtues of Edwin 2d. Stanton. It was,d doubt not, owing to the "coalition then formed between Seward and Stanton," that the latter was called into Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet. Such ordeals "try men's souls." The life of the nation was in the issue. It was saved as "a brand from the burning." The struggle bound Messrs. Stanton and Seward together with "hooks of steel." During the five or six weeks that Mr. Stan ton was trying to preserve the capital, though in jeonstant communication through a trusty thirdparty, Messrs. Stanton and Seward never Met. When the danger was over, and the day of rejoicing came, Mr. Stanton supped with Mr. Seward. I was present, meeting Mr. Stan ton then for the first time. Confidence had been established between these eminent men while engaged as counsel many years ago, in an important and protracted trial, in Michi an, I believe. But it was then and there that I learned how large a debt of gratitude we owed to Edwin 11. Stanton before the rebellion broke out. And how immensely has that debt been aug mented by his three years of indomitable in dustry, inflexible integrity, high courage, and deviated patriotism, in the War Department? With a war Secretary, deficient in any of these great qualities, our trials, always serious, wouldhave become perilous indeed. But with a man at the head of the War Department whose courage and capacity rose with and triumphed over every disaster, all was safe. Yet, with a personal knowledge of the utter falsehood of his charges, Montgomery Blair, who was a "common scold" in the Cabinet, and a political nuisance everywhere, is en gagedin traducing, or endeavoring to traduce, Secretary Stanton. Of Secretary Seward, Mr. Blair says "Mr. Seward, it accrue, made no direct reply to a letter of Judge Campbell, referring to the pledges he communicated from him to the - Confederate commissioners, and stating to him that the pledge to evacuate Fort Sumpter is less forcible than the words you employed. These words were, Wore this letter reaches you, (a pro posed letter by me to President Davis,) SUMPTER WILL HAVE. BEEN EVACUATED.' Mr. Seward did, however, in an authorized statement made in the Albany Evening Journal, by Mr. Tharlow Weed, admit that he,' Governor Seward, con versed freely with Judge Campbell; .we do not deny, nor do we doubt, that in these conversations, at one period, he intimated that End Sumpter would be evacuated. He certainly believed so, founding his opinion on his knowledge of General iSeotts recommendation.: Mr. Seward has endured, as is his habit, much of misapprehension and obloquy in Te foPeneo to this queStiOn, without reply. I shall content myself now with Baying, that a few days will entirely clear away the mists which have rendered it obscure, placing the responsibility, with the reasons for his action, here it belongs. In allusion to Mr. Blair's unfounded slan der, that Governor Seward "played_ for and against the Union,:? Colonel Forney, nowing how much friendship the ex-Postmaster Gene ral professed for Governor Seward, remarks that he "does notknow when he took offence l" 1 can give the information. He "took offence" when give lawyer,". as Colonel Forney calls Mr. Blair was not appointed. Chief Jun- Lice. Mr. Blair says that Mr. Seward could have made him Chief Justice, but did not, and hence these false assertions, and hence, these tirades of personal abuse. T. W. isTATE ITEMS. The Mayor of Harrisburg has vetoed the ordinance lately passed by Councils of that city, allowing intoxicating liquors to be sold between the hours of 11 o'clock P. M. and 4 A. M. He thinks there " should be an intermis sion to drinking as well as to labor.” The railroad accidents in this State con tinue with exemplary regularity. Last week live people—four men and a woman—were killed at as many different, places. This is hardly sufficient to keep up the excitement. The Doylestown Democrat calls attention to the fact. that some of its exchanges misprint the name of our candidate for Auditor Gene ral. They have it W. D. H. Davis. The name of our candidate is William W. H. Davis. Pottsville is said to be the richest town of its size in Pennsylvania. Nearly six hundred persons pay taxes on more or less incomes in excess of six hundred dollars. .—Nearly all of the soldiers at Harrisburg have been paid and finally-mustered out, and Camp Curtin is again comparatively deserted. The period Axed by law for the shoot ing of squirrels begins on the first of Septem. ber and closes on the last day of December. A - piece of the tree under which Vicksburg was surrendered to Gen. Grant has been re ceived at Erie. General Morgan, the Copperhead candi date for Governor of Ohio, was born in Penn- aylrania. The German Shooting Club of Lancaster will hold a festival, at their grounds on the Conestoga, on the 2.d of October. The Adams County Agricultural Society fair will be held this year at Bendersville, on the lath, 20th, and Slat of the present month. The Sherry it Harrison theatrical troupe are performing at York. ELOME ITEMS. —At Newmarket (N. IL) is a tree wh<ne trunk, one foot from the ground, divides into twenty-three different branches, then extend ing upward some four feet unites with the limbs of the different branches, thereby be coming one and the same tree again. Indians have been running against horses again on the Chicago Trotting Park. They ran four miles and a quarter while the horses trotted eight miles to harnefie, filld beat by sixty rods in twenty minutes thirty-five ,seconds. E. K. Root, Esq., president of the Colt Fire arms Manufacturing Company, died at Hart ford last week, in the fifty-seventh year or his age. —ln 181.9, at a dinner to Mr. Adams, at Brown's Hotel, Washington, Mr. Calhoun pro posed the following sentiment: "Universal 'suffrage and universal education." —Miss Emma Mitchell made her "Bret and only appearance" on the stage, at Cincinnati, last week, at the benefit of her sister Mary Mitchell. —A letter from Galena says General Grant la talking of taking a tour in Europe to be ab sent two years. Permelia Darnell is the Ohio maiden's name whose speech was restored by a severe whisky spree. A nugget of gold, just tonna. in Idaho, is Worth $2,001. —Maine basproduced a two.and-a-half-ponml tomato. FOREIGN ITEMS. It is stated that the French consul hi New York has intimated to the proprietors of the Herald, World, and Express that hereafter they will not be permitted to circulate their publi cations in France unless they adopt a more be coming tone toward the Emperor in discussing his Mexican policy. The editor of a French paper, in speaking of the dedication of a new cemetery near Lyons, says that " M. Gaseoigne had the plea -aurae being the first individual whO was buried in this delightful retreat." The topographical engineers of the Spa nish army are preparing a collection of plans to illustrate Cmsays campaigns in Spain, which they propose to send to the French Emperor. The Prince and PrinceSS of Wales, the Duchess of Cambridge, and the Princess Mary are all having a very jolly time together at the Chateau near Frankfort. The French are building an arsenal at Yokohama. A Mexican reeruiting office has been opened in Paris. The French wine crop will be abundant. LEGAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE RECEIVER -+-• OF TAXES, PHILADELPHIA, July 17, 1865. Notice is hereby- given, that writs of seire facias will be issued Upon the Claims for Taxes herein after mentioned, at the expiration OP six watt from the date hereof unless the same are paid within that. time to JOHN E. LATTA, Esq., Solicitor for the Receiver of TaxeS, No. 128 South SIXTH Street. City vs. J. W. Potts, C. P., 4,, T. 1865, No. 1. ['H y and State tax, 1860, ULM .Lot northwest ~,,rner Morris and Beulah streets, 150 by 150 ; First u•ord. Seine vs. C. M. Phillips, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 2. city and State tax, mat 427.06. Lot south. side Rule ,treet, = feet west of Fourth street, 66 by 160; First ward. Same vs. F. E. Vandyke, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 3. City and State tax, 1860, $130.71. Lot west side Eighteenth street, 136 feet north of Fitzwater, SO by VA: First ward. Same vs. H. 31.ebtenny, C. P., J. T., 1886, No, 4. City and State tax, 1880; 59.57. Lot west side of Fifth street, 302 feet north of Reed street, 18 by 128; First ward. Same vs. William Wharton, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 5. City and State tax, 1860, *30.17. Lot southeast corner Front and 141111 in streets, 150 by 80; First ward. Same vs. A. MeAnany, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. G. City and State tax, 1860, $4 1 .49. Lot, and two three story brick houses, southeast corner Fifth and Bor den streets 3 2 by 15; First ward. Same vs. McFadden. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 7. City and State tax, 1860, *38.25. Lot west side Fourth street, 68 feet north of Dickerson, 61 by 170; First ward, Slone vs. Unknown, C. P., J. T.,1885, NO. R. City and State tax, 1860, $18.13. Lot east side of Mos. mensing avenue, 102 feet 3 inches south of Tasket street, 42 by 50; First ward. Same vs. Alexander Eustus, C. P. J. T.,1865, No. 9. City and State tax, 1860, *89.60. Lot west side of Fourth street, 62 feet it inches south ofMoore street, 160 by 900; First .cart]_ Samevs. J. Johnson, 0. P., J. T., 1865, No. 10. City and State tax, 1860, *40.07. Lot northwest cor ner Seventh and liloore. streets, 167 feet on Seventh street, 145 feet on Moore street, thence along Wag-% nor's Line 39 feet, thence along Richard's Line 245 .feet; First ward. Same vs. Mary Vanderslice, C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. 11. City and State tax, 1860, $18.93. Lot south side Wharton street, 16 feet west of Third street, 16 by 101; First ward. Same vs. Samuel Mount - y, C. P., 3. T., 1865, No. 12. City and. State tax, 1860, $27.57. Lot southeast corner Moyameusing avenue and Reed street, 16 by 60, - First ward. Sante vs. Alexander Irstis, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 13. Citr and State taa, 1960, e 44.92. Lot southwest corner Fifth and Moore streets, 101 by 100; First ward. . Same vs. J. W. Potts, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 1. City and State tax 1860, $133.28. Lot on Eighth street, 112 Itt 291 feet to Lewis Street; First ward. Saute vs, .Stewart, D. C. J. T., 1865, No. 2. City Mid Stale ' tax 11165, $28630. Lot sonthweast corner Sixteenth and Pine streets, zas by 8101; First ward. Same vs. S. Kennedy, D. C. J. T.,1865, No. 3. City and State tax, 1860, $102.94. Lot northwest corner Fifth and Mitliin streets, 298 by 150 feet; First ward; Same vs. Hannah Bernard, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 19. City and State tax, 1860,841.34. Lot and four story brick house west side Swanson street, 17 feet south of South street, 17 by 32; Fourth ward. Same vs. Anna Williams, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 15. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB. Lot and frame building, north side Front street, 86 feet west of Barron street, 17 by 25; Fourth ward. Same vs. John S. Lyster, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 16. City and State tax, 1860, $2:4 , 61. Lot and two-story brick building, south side Monroe street, 280 feet west from Third street, 17 feet by 926 feet: Fourth ward. Same vs. F. S. Johnson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 17. City and State tax, 1860, $60.68. "Lot and three story building thereon, south side of Almond street, 3o feet east 01 Front street, 18 by 60; Fourth ward. Same vs. John 11. Taylor, C. P., J. T., 1866, No. 18. CRT and State tax, 1880, $45.44. Lot and three story brick house, east side Front street, 40 feet south of South street, 20 by 80; Fourth ward. Same vs. F. S. Johnson,C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 19. City and State tax 1860. L 0.09. ot an three-story brick house, cast side'Front street, 85 feet south of Almond street, 34 tr 200; Fourth ward. Same VP. i. r., J. T., 1865, No. 20. CRY and State tax, 183,0, Lot and two-story frame building, east side Front street, 65 feet south of Al mond, 11 by 200: Fourth ward. Same vs. Mrs. M. Bradley, C. F,, J. T. ' 1865, No. 21. City . and State tax, 1860, $10.71. Lot and two story' brick house, 233 feet south of South street, 17 by te; Fourth ward. Same A'S. William Dickens, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 4. City and State tall, 3580. .8407.11. Lot and three story brick honse, northeast corner of Sixth and Sruce streets, 18 by 70, No. 541; Fifth ward. Spruce vs. lieury E. Wallace, 13, C., J. T., 1885, No. 5. City and State tax, 1860.x.16. Lot and four-story brick house, west side Sixth street, 61 feet south of Sansom street, 21 by 135, No. 123; Fifth ward. Same TS. J.H.:McLoughlin, C, P., J. T. 4 1.865, No, 21. City and State tax, 1860. $45.44. Lot and four story brick house north side Lombard street, 52 feet west of Seventeenth street, 17 by 60; Seventh ward. Same vs. Owen Shields, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. es. City and State tax, 1860, *27.77. Lot and three-story brick house west side Twenty-fourth street, 65 feet south of Pine street 15 by 55; Sevenths Ward. Same vs. George H. Armstrong, C. P., J. T., WA, No. 24. City and State tax, 1860, $46.18. Lot north side Lombard street, 47 feet east of Morris street, 16 by 80, No. 1415; Seventh ward. Same vs. Anna Lawrence, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 25. City and'State tax, 1860, $13.03. Lot north side Lombard street. 30 feet east of Aspen street, 16 0) - 78: Seventh ward. Same TB. Catharine Mealy, 0. P . ,. J. T., 1865, No. 26. City and State. tax, 1850, $21.88. Lot and tWO story brick house, southeast corner Budd and Dean streets, 13 by 40; Seventh ward. Same vs. Thomas Scott, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 27. City and State tax, 1860, $45.44. Lot and two-and-a half-story brick house north side South street, 144 feet west of Eleventh street, 18 by Se, No. 1117; Seventh ward. Same vs. John D. Shale, C. P., J. T., 1865, No, 28. City and State tax, 1860, $69. Lot and four brick houses west side Twenty-fourth street, 30 feet north of Kent street, 32 by 58. Same vs. Jacob Snyder, D. C., J. T., 1865, No, 6. City and State tax, 1860, $252.34. Lot and three story brick house southeast corner King and Fif teenth streets, 56by 103, No. 415: Seventh ward. Same T 5. 3). McCandless, C. T., 1865, N 0.29, City and State tax, 1860, $33.66. Lot and two three.. story brick houses southwest corner Lombard and Seventeenth streets, 16 by 35; Seventh ward. Same TS. A. M. A. Lawrence, D. C., J. T. 1865, No. 7. City and State tax, 1869, $178.00. Lot and dwelling west side Washington Square, 20 feet south of Coodwater street, 20 by 206; Eighth ward. Same vs. Robert J. Arundlt, D.C., J.T., 1805, No. 8. City and State tax, 1860, $105.07. Lot and brick dwelling east side Broadstreet, 60 feet south of Pop lar, 30 by 160,• Fourteenth ward. Same vs. Charles Wetherill, C. P„ J. T., . 1865, No. 30. City and State tax, 1860, 00.16. Lot north side of Market street, 149 feet west of Twentieth, 21 by int Ninth ward, Same vs. H. Catherwood, C.P., J. T. 1863, No. 31. City and State tax, 1860, 1,74.92. Lot north side Chestnut, 80 feet east of Twenty-second, 40 by 163 feet; Ninth ward. Same vs. John W. Wallace, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 32. City and State tax, 1860, $67.54. Lot and three story brick dWeiling east side of Nineteenth street, 213 feet north of Chestnut street, 18 by 851 Ninth ward. Same vs. Ertehternact, C. P., J. T.,1865, No. 33. City and State tax 1860, $95.29. Lot and buildings northeast corner Tenth and Morgan streets, 18 by 120; Tenth ward. Same vs. John Walters, D. C. 3. T., 1865, No. 9. City and State tax, 1860, 4133.80. Lot northeast cor ner Eleventh and Coates streets, 40 by 140; Four teenth ward. Same Ts. C. B. F. O'Neill, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. al. City and State tax., 1860, $49.21. Lot and build ings southeast corner Hancock and Pluenix streets, 60 by 80: Seventeenth ward. Same T 5. B. Sherry D. C. 3. T., 1865, No. 10. City and State tax, 1860, *140 . 53. jot and buildings north side Master street, extending from America to Cad walader streets, 30 on Master, 160 on America, and 154 on Cadwalader: Seventeenth ward. Same vs..B. Sherry, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 35. City and `State tax, 1860, $44.60. Lot and three-story brick dwelling west side of Cadwalader street, 125 feet - north of Master street, M by 100: Seventeenth ward. Same vs. Margaret Fredericks C. P., J. T., Ka, No. 36. City and State tax, 1860, $11.56. Lot west side Wood street, 54 feet east of Duke street, 18 by 100; Eighteenth ward. Samers. Georgelif. Hill, G. P ., _ J. T., 1865 NO. 37. City and State tax, 1880, 80.16. Lot south side Cher ry street, 31 feet west of Bedford street, 19 by 80; Eighteenth ward. Same vs. William Vaughn, C. P., J. T., 186.5, No. 38. City and State tax, 1660, $7.16. Lot southwest side Vienna street, 100 feet south of Lemon street, 17 by 100: Eighteenth ward. Same vs.diaries E. Spangler., D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 11. City andahtate tax, 1860, $103.68. Lot north east corner Trenton avenue and Ann street, 432 by 110 feet 9 inches to Witte street; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. S. S. Davis C. P.,J. T., 1895, No. 39. City and State tax, 1860; $9.88. Lot southeast cor ner of Ontario and Myrtle street, 250 by 63; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. E. Davis, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 40. City and State tax, 1860, $18.91. Lot southeast corner Elm and Brown !Streets, 60 by 108; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George C. Barber, C. P., 3. T., 1303, No. 41. City and State tax, 1860, 426.28. Lot northwest corner Sargent and Trenton avenue,3o by 138; Nine ' teenth ward. . . . Same es. Robert Sitter, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. , 1134. City and State tax, 7860, Vt 3.42. Lot southeast corner :Sepviva and Jackson etreets, 111 by 100; Nineteenth -ward. Same vs. Patrick Clark, C. P. J. T., 1565, No. 42. City . and State tax, 1860, $16.93, Lot northwest cor ner Monmouth and Duke streets, 63 by 105; Nine teenth ward. . . Saint vs. John C. Carver, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.93. City and State tax, 1880, $35.99. Lot southwest cor ner TrentOli avenue and Calabria street, 60 by 146; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John B. Adams C. P., J. T.,1985, N 0.44. City and State tax, 1860, $.80.72. Lot and four brick houses west of Fitter street, 284 feet south of Harri son street, 80 by PM; Nineteenth ward. Some rs. James 31. Clacker, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 45. City and State tax. 1860, $18.95. Lot northwest Corner. Salmon and Wellington streets, 158 by le6; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Thomas Daley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 46. City and State tax, 1860, $14.51. Lot east side of Brown street, 75 feet south of Reading Railroad, 57 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. It. S. Simpson, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 47. City and Slate tax, 1860, 409.73. Lot south side Cam bria street, 360 feet east of Coral street, 60 by 140; Nineteenth ward. . . Same Ts. li.eorge W. Burr, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 48. City and State tax, 1860, 60.5.99. Lot southwest corner America and Cumberland streets, 60 by 114; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 49. City and State tax, 1860, $14.50. Lot west side Front street, 117 feet southward of Susquehanna avenue, 51 by 110; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. same, C. P., J. T. 1868, No. 60. City and State tax, 1860, *48.04. Lot west side Front street, 60 feet south of Diamond, 800 by 110; Nine teenth ward. . - Same - vs. same, C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 51. City al Statei tax, 1860, 547.09. Lot west side t Fron street, 54 feet north of Diamond, 175 by 110; Nine teenth ward. Same v5.J.V.Peter50n,C.P.,J.T.,1865,1 , 10.52. City and State tax, 1860, $24.3L Lot and two bed:houses south side Pepper street, 116 feet west of Trenton avenue, 50 by 90; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Purvis, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 53. City and State tax, 1860, 930.58. Lot southwest cor ner Gaul and Clearfield streets 2% by 165* Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Charles A. Pelt, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 54. City and State tax, 1860, $30.72. Lot 'west side Banco street, 294 feet south of. Huntingdon street, 1421 v 109; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. A. J. Paul, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 55. City and State tax, 1660, $18.94. Lot and building east side Third street, 360 .feet north of Oxford, 31 by 74; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Samuel Townsend, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 56. City and State tax, 1560, 425.65. Lot and two three-story brick houses east side Duke street, 216 feet south of Reading Railroad, 39 by 81; Nineteenth Ward. Sante vs. William TiefOrd, C. P.,. 1865, No. 57. Clty and State tax,lB6o, $13.05. Lot east side Richmond street, 20 feet north of Ontario street, 72 by 141; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Tucker, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 58. City and State tax, 1860, $7.12._ Lot south side Vic toria street, 160 feet east of Lambert street, 71. by 71; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John C. Uhle C. F. 3. T., 1661. No. 50. City and State tax, 1860.1110.10. Lot east side Walker street, 119 feet south of eading Railroad, 64 by 65; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. 'Unknown, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.60, City and State tax, 1860, $ —. Lot west side Dlelvale street, 43 feet north of Ann street, 37 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Unknown, C. P., J. T.,'. 1865, No. 81. City and State tax, 1860, $5.12. Lot east side Chat ham street, 453 feet south of Clearfield, 36 by 165; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Unknown. C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.62. City and State tax, 1800, $13.99. Lot northeast corner Rettlewell and Torpin streets, 100 by 140; Nine teenth-ward Same vs. 14. B. Pennock, C. r„ J. T., 1565, N 0.61. City and State tax, 1860. $21.89. Lot east side Chat ham street, 25 feet north of Reading Railroad, 98 by 89.738; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. C. Roberts, C. P. J. T., 1865, No.' 64. City - and State tax, 1860. 319.09. Lot north sidellunt ingdon street, 36 feet east of Thompson street, 59 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James B. Rearnsey,C. P.,J. T., 1815, No. 85. City and State tax, 1800, $7.90. Let and frame dwelling north side Anthracite street, 160 feet east of Almond, 20 by 20. Same vs. Charles E. Spangler., D. C., J. T., 1885, 3.0. 12. City and State tax,lB6o, $197.59. Lot eastside Trenton avenue, 90 feet north of Clearfield, 582 by N ineteenth ward. Same vs. A. li. Raiguel. C. P. J. T„1865, No, 66. City and State tax, 1500, $24 . 31. 'Lot northwest cor ner Allegheny avenue and Salmon, 150 by /05; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John B. Adams, D. C. J. T., 1865, No. 15. City and State tax. 1900, SIIB,Z. Lot and ten brick buildinSS. ilerthWest corner iirewn and Hold streets, 197 by 95; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John M. Peyton, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. SatnadteAltlrgh 1860, enyavenne, 190 by 60; Niue , ti 3.35. Lot southeast 6 c 7 o . rs C er it li y l a il n le d r teenth ward. Same vs. John Mee, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 68. City and State tax, 1860, $23.47. Lot south side Cambria street, 102 feet east of Amber street, 100 by 146; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John Brown, _C. Lot., T., 1865 No. 69. City and State tax, 1860, ffel.Bl. and tw'enty-slx brick houses, southeast corner Dauphin and Coral streets, 288 by 156; Nineteenth ward. Citys. Oeorge W. Brown, C. P., T., 1865, No. 70. and State tax, r ..i. Lot nortnwest corner Sepviva and EMeline s nets, 36 by 603 Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Henry S. Mott, C. P„ 3. T. 1885, No. 71. City and State tax, 1860. $19.52. Lot northeast cor ner Butler and Myrtle streets, 112 by 448; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Chris. E. Spangler, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. - 2. City and State tax, 1880,524.30. Lot northeast corner-.Weal° and Clearfield streets, 144 by 75; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. dames Wharton, C. P.,J. T., 160, NO. 73. City and State tax, MO, SUM. Lot north Side Somerset street, /SS fees west of Ceder street, 60 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Watt, C. P. J. T,, 1885. No. 74. City and State tax., 1860, $5.70. Lot west ai de Dau phin street, 198 feet west of Trenton avenue, 18 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Jacob Woteell, C. P. J. T., ins. No. 76. City and State tax, 1860, $8.61. Lot west side How ard street, 162 feet south of Torii, 16 by 95; Nine teenth ward. . . Same vs. John Patrick C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 78. City and State tax, 1880,108.94. Lot east side Brown street 100 feet south o Allegheny avenue, 101 by 106; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George Payne, C. P.,J. T., 18 8 5, No. 77. City and State tax, 1860, $13.20. Lot north aide Al legheny avenue; 41 feet Korth of Almond, 40 by 180; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William S. Swanzey, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 78. City and State tax, 1860, $15.98. Lbt south aide Norris street, 34 feet west of Apple, lel by 57;, Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Trayner, C. P., J. T., 1885. No. 79. City and State tax. 1860, $18.91. Lot north side Randolph street, 142 feet west of Trenton avenue, 100 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. R. Thomas, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 80. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB. ' Led northeast cor ner Somerset and Cedar streets, 60 by 80; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Edward Trout. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 81. City and State tax, 3460, $15.98. Lot west side Brown street, 188 feet south of Clearfield street, 52 by 95; Nineteenth ward. Sanie vs. John W. TrumpC. P., 3. T., 1865, NO. 82. City and State tax, 1860; $24.81. Lot southeast corner Allegheny avenue and Almond street, 188 by 70: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. 31r. Tomlinson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 83. City and State tax, IESO, $11.77. Lot west side Bieillnencl sliest, 131 feet north of Allegheny ave nue, 51 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Albert White C. P.,J. 'P., 1865. No. 84. City and State tax, 1880, Lot southeast cor ner Chatham and - Wel ington streets, 267 by 86; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Vaughn. C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. 85. City and State tax, 1860, $14.51. Lot northeast cor ner of William and Almond streets, 60 by 1051 -Nine teenth ward. same v.. W. 'Wbynoop, C. P. J. I'., Bed. No. 66. City and State tax, 1860, $11.56. Lot Sontltwept cor ner .Salmon and Wellington streets, 53 by 105; Stan teenth ward. Same vs. Conrad Wyant, C.P., J. T., 1865, No. 87. City and State tax, 1860, $5.67. Lot east side Ilan cook street, 282 feet south of Cumberland street, 18 by 92; Nineteenth ward, Same vs. Brown, Desert & do., C. P. J. T. 1885, No. 88, City and State tax, 1860, *434.81. Lot north west corner of Cumberland and Gaul streets, 60 by 160; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Joseph N. Thomas, C. P. J. T.,1865,N0. 89. City and State tax, 1860, $39.53. Lot and build illgnorthwest corner Girard avenue and Darien street; 18 by 87, No. 611- Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Abraham S%hite, C. P., J. T., 1865, NO. 90. City and State tax.„lB6o, $21.96. Lot southeast corner of Myrtle and kettlewell streets, 191 by 215; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Stockton,C.P. J.T., 1865, No. 91. City 11.•.,d State tax, 18W, 61566. Lot , east side Tucker street. 266 feet West of Oar street, 16 by 76; Nine teenth ward. Saute vs. Samuel F. Shenk, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 92. City and State tax, 1860, $ 10.07. , Lot northwest corner Tulip and Tucker streets, 60 by 102; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James Maitland, C.P., J.T., 1885, N 0.03. City and State tax, 1860, 6136.75. Los. east side of Broad street, 125 feet north of J ackson street, 320 by 515; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Smith, C. P., J. T., 7865, No. 94. Cit and State tax, 1860, $32.07. Lot southeast corner Cumberland and Tully streets, 72 by 150; Nineteenth ward. Slime vs. Unknown. C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 95. City and State tax, 1860, $8.62. Lot south side Toronto street, 330 feet west of Bath street, ao by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. C. E. Spangler, C.IP. J. T.,1895, No. 96. City and State tax, 1860, $ 22.68. Lot south side of Plum street, 20 feet west of Bath street, 240 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Patrick Non's, C. P. J. T. 1885, No. 97. City and State tax 1880, $14.5L Lot northwest corner William and Almond streets,6o by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Daniel McDevitt, C. P. J. T., 1868. No. 98. City and State tax, 1860, $8.66. Lot, southeast corner Almond and Elm streets, 20 by 127; Nine teenth ward. - • - Same vs. Michael MCMentilny, C. P. J. T., 1865, N0_0.9. City and State tax, MO, $11.0,. Lot south west corner of William and Tulip streets, 54 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. W. MeElhone, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 100. City and State tax, 1860, 127.77. Lot south side Cambria street, 60 feet west of Trenton avenue, 113 by 146; Nineteenth ward_ 'Same CH. John Nelson,C. P., J. 'P., 1665, No. 101. City and State tax 1600 114,54. Lot southeast cor ner Almond and Birch streets, 105 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John McChiskey, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 102. City and State tax; 1840, $l3. Lot northwest Howard and Norris, 70 by 45; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. S. Oram, C. P., J. 'P., 1865, No. 103. City and stole tax, 1830, *57.28, Lot northeiwt M iter West and Division, 292 by 122; laiineteeentit ward. Same vs. A. Olivine, C. P , J. T., 1865, No. 101. City and State tax, 1860,'513.80. Lot southeast cor ner Allegheny avenue and Brown, 70 by 105;-Nine teenth ward. Same vs. 0. Wendell, C. r, J. T., 1865, No. 105. City and State tax, 1660,51.2.9 a. 'Lot east side Somer set, 52 feet south of Howard, 46 by 110; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. Wendell, C• P., J. T., 1865, No. SC City and State tax, 1880, $15.99. Lot south side Le high avenue, 60 feet east of Sepviva, 46 by 120; Nine teenth ward. • • Stun VO. Biebard Whiteali, C. P., .r. 'V., 1860, No. 10T. City and State tax, 1660, 405.00. Lot north side .s.omerset street, 165 feet west of Cedar street, 60 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same es. J. C. Weber, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 108. City and State tax, 1860, $14.51. Lot southeast cor ner Pepper and Lemon streets, 60 by 90; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Thomas McCann,C. P. 3. T 1886, No. City and State tax, HO, $21.881 . Lot and frame house southwest corner Somerset and Almond strets, 20 b 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Robert McKinley, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 109. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB. Lot east side Almond street 160 feet south of Westmoreland, 52 by 140; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William C. Me:Slakin, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 110. City' and State tax,lB6o, $10.12. Lot south west corner Paul and Welington, 267 by 82; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Wm. McFarland, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 111. City and State tax, 1860, $41.87. Lot southwest corner of Front and Diamond streets, 60 by 110 feet:, Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Carlton R. Moore, C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. 112. City and State tax, 1860, $=.33. Lot southeast corner Sergeant - and Sepviva, 34 hr 140; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Carlton R. Moore, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 113. City and State tax, 1860, $18.42. Lot southwest corner Pepper and Tulip streets, 100 by 90; Nine teenth ward. Same VS, MIMS MOOre, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 114. City and State tax, two, $35.72. Lot east side Duke street, 50 feet south of Elm street, 130 by 33: Nine teenth ward. Same vs. George Moore, C. P. T., 1885, No. 115. City and State tax, 1860, $15.46. ' Lot west side Sal mon street, 100 feet south of Clearfield street, 51 by 105; Nineteenth ward. Sane VS. George Moore, C. P., J. T.,1853, No. 116. City and State fax,1930 $20.60. Lot northeast core ner Lehigh avenue and West street, 99 by 117; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. H. Morgan,C. P.,J. T., 1885, No. 117. City and State tax, 1860512889. Lot east side Bodine street, 60 feet north of Columbia avenue, 57 by 49; Nineteenth ward. Sante VS, Mitchell, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 118. City and State tax, 1650, $8.69. Lot north side Cumber. land, 66 feet west of Cedar street, 19 by 150; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Ren,iamin E. Moore, C.P. J. T., 1865, No. 119. Gity and State tax, 1860, Lot northwest corner Wheat Sheaf lane and. Cooper street, 75 by 566 feet; Nineteenth ward. Mine VS. D. Monier, C. P., J.T, , 1865, No. 120. City and State tax, 1900, $6,40. Lot west side Doke street, 126 feet south of Monmouth street, 121 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. S. W. Stockton, C. P., J. T. 1885, No. 121. City awl State tax, 1860, $7.16. Lot and frame house south side Maple street, 20 feet east of Melvale, 20 by /00:Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. W. C4rfigalll C. P. J. T., 1865. No. 122. City and State tax, 160, $53.89. Let southeast corner Duke and Westmoreland streets, 348 by OS; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. BeniaininPittfield, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 123. City and State tax, 1860, $39.06. Lot on York street, bounded by West, Paul, Gordon, and York streets; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Eliza A. Reed, C. P. J. T.,1865, NO. 124. City and State tax, 1860, $V3.46. Lot on Adams street, bounded by Adams, Duke, Emeline, and Almond streets; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Aaron Sobers, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 125. City and State tax,lB6o, $33.66. Lot southwest cor ner Clearfield and Lemon streets, 198 by 101; Nine teenth ward. Same TS. DUbOACitte, C. P., J.T+ 4 1835, N 0.126, City and State tax, 1860, $18.95. Lot northeast corner Somerset and Amber streets, 72 byl46; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Dubosque, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 127. City and State tax, IWO, $12.49. Lot southeast cor ner Cambria ens Amber streets, 90 by 73; Nineteenth ward. - Same vs. Charles Dixey, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 128. City and State tax, 1860, $73.21. Lot southwest eor. ner Auburn and Trenton avenue, 98 by 146; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John O. Pritchette, C. P., J. T.,1865, No. 129. City and State tax, 1860, $21.81. Lot west side Richmond street, 440 feet north. of Ann street, 40 by 200; Nineteenht ward. Same vs. James Pryor, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 180. City and State tax , 1860, $9.37. Lot and frame build ing north side Somerset street, 84 feet east of West street, 18 by _106; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. H. B. Pennock, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. ISt. City and State tax, 1860, $31.17. Lot northeast cor ner Division and Duke, 196 feet 4 inches by 95 feet 7-11 Inches • Nineteenth ward. same vs. S. Patterson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 132. City and State tax, 1860, $1.8.94. Lot southeast corner Almond and Clearfield, 100 by 140; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Dickerson, C. P„ J. T., 1865, No. 133. City and State tax, 1860, $18.94. Lot and brick building east side Hancock street, 224 feet north of Norris street, 32 by HO; Ninetr- math ward. . Same vs. John Dittman, C. P., J. T, 1865, No, 134. City and State tax, nr,(l, 400.07. Lot east side Han cock, 156 feet north of Cumberland street, 38 by 92; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Daniel Doland, C. P. J. T., 1865 N 0.135. City and State tax i 1860, $11.54. Lot south side Wil liam street,42B feet east of Trenton avenue,s4 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Benjamin Renter, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 136. City and State tax, 1860, $21.88. Lot and brick house thereon, east side Brown street, 36 feet north of Emory, 17 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William R. Dickerson, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 137. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB. Lot and frame house, west side of Germantown road, SS feet north of Little Poplar, 16 feet, extending hslf way to Sixth street, in depth; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Peters, C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 138. City and State tax, 1860, $11.51. Lot Authwest cor ner Trenton avenue and Clearfield street, 84 by 103; Nineteenth ward. Same Vs. Bertles Shee, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 139. City and State tax, 1860, $311.19. Lot west side Kester street, 242 feet north of Somerset street, 225 by 69; Nineteenth ward. . Same vs. E. Burton, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 140. City and State tax, 1860, $21.88. Lot northwest cor ner of Cumberland and Scpviva, 45 by 160; Nine teenth ward. • • Same vs. George A. Richmond, C. I'., J. T., vas, No. 141. City and State tax, 1860, - $8.39. Lot south east corner of Anthracite and Almond, 40 by 80 feet; Nineteenth ward. N.... Same vs. E. Shippen, C. P., J. T.,,1885, No. 145. City and State tax, 1860, $26.27. Lot north side Sor rill street, 260 feet east of Meivale, 100 by 108; Nine teenth ward. • Same vs. Henry S. Mott, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. pa. city and State tax, 15410, $30.03. Lot northwest 'Corner Butler and Myrtle streets, 112 by 242; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James S. Lawrence, C. P. J.T, 1865,N0. 144. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB Lot southwest corner Commissioners' avenue and West street, 57 by . Bo; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. A. Longstretb C. P. J. T., Meo, No. 146. City and State tax, 1860, 816.10, Lot north tilde York street, 1211 feet west of Sepviva street, 18 by 126 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Frank. Lodge, C. P. J. T., 1865, N 0.146. City and State tax 1860, $13.73. 'Lot southeast cor ner Hancock and ork streets, 60 by 92 feet; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. A. Longstreth, C, P. J. T.,1865, N 0.147. ' City and State tux ,1800, pi. 55. 'Lot northeast eor ner Sergeant and Sepviva streets, 56 by 138; Nine teenth ward. Same TB. Henry Keyser, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.148. , City and State tax, IMO, $15.91. Lot west side Sal mon street, 125 , feet south of Wellington street,72 by 105; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. A. C. F..lookenbring, 140. City anti State tax, 1880, $lO.ll. Lot southwest corner West and Vermont, 39 by 151 feet 194 inch; Nineteenth ward. Sante vs. Henry %rider, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 150. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.Ol. Lot northeast corner Pepper and Tulip streets, 60 by 59; Nine teenth ward. r_ Same vs. Martin Kelly, C. F., J. T. 1865, No. 151. City and State tax, 1860, $15.90. Lot southeast corner West and Haiti streets, 80 by 22; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Michael Kelly, C. P., J. T. 11165, No. 162. City and State tax, 1860, *MM. Lot , north side Somerset, 72 feet east of Amber street, 72 by 146; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Jciel Jones, C. P., J. T. 1865 No. 153. and State tax, 1860,618.95. Lot east side Beach street, 88 feet south of Reading Railroad, 64 by 81; Nineteenth ward. Same vs.WllllaM B.Jolinson,C.P., J. 1,1865, No. 154. City and State tax, 1860, 800.81. Lot north side Pepper, 80 feet west of Trenton avenue, 120 by n; Nthe.teenth ward, Same vs. J. Thompson, C. P., J. T., 11345, No. 155. City and State tax, 1860, $44.90. Lot northwest corner York and Hancock streets, 183 by 107; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. J. Thompson C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 156. City and State tax, 1860, 54.28. Lot east side How ard, is feet 8 inches northof York street, 252 by 110 feet: Nlncteentiorard. Same vs. J. Thompson, C. P. ' J. T., vim, No. 167. City and State tax, 1860, $51.80. Lot northeast corner Hancock and Dauphin, 250 by 90; Nineteenth ward Same vs. Edward Aiken, C. P. 3. T., 1865, No. 15S. City and State tax,lB6o, U 1.541. Lot west si[ife Front street, 803 feet south of Huntingdon, .40 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Colonel A 3.11, C. P., J. T., 1566 No. 169. City and State tax, 1860, OM; Lot west side Rich mond street, 288 feet south of Emory, /7 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Allegheny Warf Land Company, C. P., J, T., 1865, No. 160. City and State tax, INO, $3.80. Lot sontl, side Allegheny avenue, 284 feet east of Richmond, 20 by 191.1.ineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P., J. T., 1886, No. 181. City and State tax, 1860, $4 . 93. Lot south side StLXBOII street, 100 feet east of Richmond street, 64 by 72; Nineteenth ward. . . Same v. Same, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 162. City and State tax, MO, $4.%. Lot north side Saxson street, 244 fret west from Bath street, 64 by 66; Nine teenth ward. Same TES, Same, C. P. J. T.,1865. N 0.163. City and State tax, ASO. W. 97. Lot , north aide Samoa stmt. THE PRESS.-PHIT,ADELPTITA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1865. 14€ feet west of Bath street, 80 by ei; lilaeteeittia war& Same 7e. Same, C. P., J. T. 1886, No. 184. City and State tax, 1803, $16.76. Lot South aide of ft-aeonstreet , street, 260 feet east of Richmond, 240 by 72; Nine teenth ward. • • same vs. David Allen, C. P., 3. T., 1866, No. 165. City anti State tax, 1860, $11.56. Lot north side Wil lis., street, 566 feet east of Trenton avenue, M by ,02; Nineteenth ward. Same vp. Robert Sitler, C. P., S. T., 1865, No. 166. City and State tax, 1660, SIB.N. Lot northeast cor ner Tucker and Sepviva streets, 11.1 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James Sehrack, C. p,, J. T.. 1865, No. 167. City and State tax,lB6o, $lO.lO. Lot east side Tor pin street, MT feet south of Tioga street, 60 by 140; Nineteenth ward_ Same vs. R. J. Spinlel, C. P., J. T.. 1866 No. 168. City and State tax, 1 803,11(8.94. Lot east side Duke street. 152 feet south of Reading Railroad, 64 by 81 feet 7 inches; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. S. M. Sarkonhelm, C. P. J. T., 1805, No. 189. City and State tax, 1880, 101.48. Lot and three-story brick building at the Junction of Frank ford road and Trenton avenue, 103 by 46; Nineteenth ware. Same vs. Mr. Schenck, C. P. J. P. 1885, No. 170. City and State tax, 1860,18.63. Lot north side Wood street, 154 feet west Of Cedar street, 18 by 160; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. W. Sterling, C. P. 1865, N 0.171. City and State tax, 1860, 115.28. ' Lot northwest cor ner Tulip and Huntingdon, 60 by DO; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Charles E. Spangler, C. r., J. T., 18 6 5, No. 172. City and State tax, 1660, t 27.26. Lot south east corner of Tulip and Clearfield streets, 162 by 10 0 feet; Nineteenth ward. . Same vs. Samuel Shober, C. P. L J. T., 1865, No. VI. City and State tax, 1860, *30.63. Lot northwest cor ner Amber and Adams streets, 150 by 116; Nineteenth ward. . Same vs. Catharine Taylor C. P. S. T., 1805, NO. IN. City and State tax, 1860:$12.30: Lot and three buildings thereon, west side Second street, 210 feet south of York street, 20 by 121; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. F. Taylor,C. P. J. T., 1865. No. rm. City and State tax, 1860.440.20. Lot northwest corner Susquehanna and Third, 514 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Thomas, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 170. City and State tax, 1880,110.88. 'Lotand brick build. leg west side Bodine street, 369 feet west. of Mont gomery street, 19 by 99; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Jaeob Bulger, C. P.,J. T., 1885, No. 177. City and State tax, 1880, *13.99. Lot east side Prank ford road, 70 feet north of Huntingdon, 90 by 120; Nbietecuth ward. Same vs. J. It. bulgur ' C. P., a. T., MS, No. 174. City and State tax,.11160 0.08. Lot northeast cor ner Frankford roa Huntingdon and u street, 30 by 80; Nineteenth war d. Same vs. S. Simpson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 179. City and State tax, 1860, $18.42. Lot southwest cor ner Somerset and Amber streets, 60 by 172; Nine teenth ward. . . . Same vs. R. S. Simpson, C. P. J. T.,1885, No. 180. City and State tax, 1860, *W.V. 'Lot south side Sum mer street, 191 feet east of Amber street; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. A. B. Scott, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 181. city and State tax, 5860, $44.59. Lot and live brick Wilding& northeast COrlitT Adams and Amber, 69 by 34; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Allegheny Wharf Land Company, C. P.; J. T., 1865, No. 182. City and State tax, 1860, $13.24. Lot smith side Allegheny avenue. 304 feet east of Richmond street, 120 - by 119,• Ninteenth ward. Same vs. same. C. P., J. T., 1866, No. 183. City and 9State tax, 1860, *4.91. Lot north side SaNsoll 15011 street, 946 feet east of Richmond street, 80 by 08; Nineteenth ward. Same va. same C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 184. City and State tax, 11160, $64.70. Lot on . Bath street; bounded by Bath, Alleghany avenue, and the rlver: Delaware; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Bertles Shee, C.F., J. I', 1865, NA: 185. City and State tax, 1860, $11.03. Lot south side Le high avenue,4o feet west eflatther, 40 by 100; Nine , teenth war. . . . Same vs. J. B. Sulger, _C. P. ' J. T., 1805, No. 180. City and State tax, 1860,0104.82. Lot northwest cor ner Huntingdon and .Memphis streets, 100 by CO; Nineteenth ward. Sallie, vs. J. M.- Simpson, C. P., J. T., IM,_ No. 187. City _and State tax, 1860, $22.83. Lot southeast corner Allegheny avenue and West street, no by 122; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. M. Shaw C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 188. City and State tax, 1860, $40.68. Lot west side Al mond street, 72 feet north of Wellington, 174 by 122; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William & Simpson, 0, P. J T., 1865, No. 189. City and State tax , moo, grx.4l, Lot south west corner of Auburn and Amber aLreeta, 94 by 146; Nineteenth ward. . . . Same Vs. William S. Simpson, C. P., J. T., .1865, No. 190. City and State tax, 1860, $09.89. Lot north east corner Auburn and Coral streets, 04 by 146; Nineteenth -ward. . Same vs. Mr. JohnSon,V. P., J. T. 1855, No. 191.- City and State tax t mce, Lot northeast corner Richmond lane antt Witte street, 110 by 128; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. J. W. Johnson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 199. City and State tax, 1860, $5.67. Lot north side Diamond street, 90 feet east of Thuron street, 16 by 601 Nineteenth ward. • tame Cs. James Um, C . P. J. T., 1865, No. 195. City and Slats tax,. MO, $15.59. Lot Southeast cor ner Kettlewell anti Bank streets. 112 feet 0 inches by 151 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. D. Bazell, C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 194. City and State tax,_ 1860, $13.08. Lot northwest corner Ontario and Myrtle, 161 by 155; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Hall, O. P., J. T., 1865, No. 195. City and state tax, 1860, $17.54. Lot east .1.1. Al mond street, 155 feet south of Lehigh avenue, 85 by 135; Icinteenth ward. Same vs. John Ball, C. P. J. T., 1865 No. 196, City and State tax, 1860, C 5.99. Lot west side Brown street, 134 feet south of Clearfield, 54 by 91;'.Wine teenth ward. . . Same ya, George Hartman, C. P. J. T,, 1865, No. 197. City and state tax, 1860,17.16. Lot north side T Nassau street, 80 feet east ofulip street, ..T2 by 83; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Frederick Heim, C. P., J. T. ' 1865, NO. 198. City and State tax; 1860, $14.51. Lot north side Somerset, 148 feet south of Trenton avenue, 56 by 191; Nineteenth ward. S 8 58Me Ts. J. Hoffman C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 199. City and State tax, 1860, 459:69. ' Lot southwest corner Somerset and Gaul streets, 271 by 80; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. C. H. Horn, C. P. J. T.,1865, No. 200. City and State tax, 1860, ea1..36. Lot northeast corner Somerset and Gaul, 133 by 80. Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P._, J. T., 1865, No. 201. City and State tax, 1560, $8.04. Lot east aide Chatham . , 110 feet north of Somergot, by 95: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Hartley. C. P. S. T., 1865, NO. 202. city and State tax, IMO, 600.10. Lot west side Brown street 127 feet south of. Reading Railroad, 32 by Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. M. & B. Garber, G. P., J. T., 1865,N0. 203, City and State tax, 1860, $10.70. Lot south side Anthracite street, so feet east of Amber, 51 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Johns arber C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 204. City and State tax,1860,57 . 35.. - Lot south side An thracite street, 131 feet cast of Almond, 34 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same VS, A, . H. Grant, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 205. City and State tax, Ira, $lO.ll. Lot southeast eel*. ner Adams and Tulip, 72 by 150; Nineteenth ward. ;Same vs. Charles Geop C. P.,J. 1805, N 0.206. City and State tax, 1860, p $15.36. Lot northeast cor ner Martha and Huntingdon, 100 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Geisler, C. P. J. T., 1865, Na. 207. City awl State tax, 1060, go ' 4.59. Lot southwest cor ner Susquehanna aVeiritie and Front etrnet. 117 by HO; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. W. & C. Faulkner, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 208. City and State tax, 1860, *7.16. Lot southwest corner Clearfield and Cooper, 80 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Fagan, C. P.,J. T., 1885. No. 209. City and State tax, 1860 887.16. Lot east side West street, 05 feet south of 'Elm street, 18 by 120; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Fritz and Williams, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 210. City and State tax, 1860. $23.35. Lot north east corner Huntingdon and Collins streets, 110 by 90: Nineteenth ward. Caine vs. J. Evans, C. P., L0t,1885, No. 211. City and 3 , ate tax, 1860, $58,76. outhwest corner of Gaul and Westmoreland street*, Wall 185; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John R. Evans, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 212. City and State tax, 1860, $36.59. Lot southeast corner Gaul and Westmorelana streets, 174 by 135; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George Davis. C. P. J. T., 1885, NO. 213. City and State tax, 1360, $5.68'. Lot south aide of Pepper street, 180 feet cast of Cedar Stratt, 18 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Deal, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 214. City and State tax, 1860, 3310.10. Lot north side of Sergeant, 87 feet east of Jasper street, 100 by 86; Nineteenth ward. Caine vs, John Dougherty, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 215. City and State tag-, 1660i.68. Lot west side of Duke street, 42 feet east of William street, 20 by 105; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Clement, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 216. City and State tax, 1860, *74.81. Lot 'west side of Chat ham street, 80 feet north of Allegheny avenue, 128 by 65; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Owen Clark, C. P., J T. 1865, No. 217. City and State tax. Iglio. 03.68. Lot artheast Corner Richmond and Rettlewell streets, 2:3 by 147; Nine teenth ward. . . Same vs. John Kraal, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 218. City and State tax, 1860, $7.1'7. Lot north side Somerset, 133 feet east of Gaul, 86 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. a W. Clothier, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 219. City and State tax, 1860,_ $2098. Lot northwest Corner Somerset and Tulip,Bo by 191; Nineteenth ward. . _ Same vs. Brovenis ' C. P. J. T.,1866, No. 220. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB. Lot southwest corner (Atari° and Cooper, 60 by 120; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. S. C. - 13111ineyer, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 221. City State tax, 1860,410.01. Lot south side Net tiewell, 215 feet east of Myrtle, GO by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. B. Coyt, C. P., J. T., 1665, No. 2Z2. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.lO. Lot north side Pep- Ner street, 60 feet west of Tulip street, 60 by 69; ineteenth ward. Same va. Edward Clinton, C. P. J. T., 1965, No. =3. City and State taxes, 1860, $4.91. Lot east side Howard street; 35/3 feet north of York street, 18 by 92; Nineteenth - ward. Same vs. Edward Clinton, C. P., J. T., 1835, No. 224. City and. State tax, 1860, $5.46..' Lot east side Hancock street, 340 feet south of Huntington street, is by 92; Nineteenth ward. Same vs.M. C. Crease,C. P.,j.T.,1865„N0.225. City and State tax 1860, $21.87. Lot east side Richmond street, SO feei north of Ontario street, SY by 150; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Clayton Allen, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 226. City and State tax, 1860,518.95. Lot west side Lemon street 130 feet 9 inches north of Ann street, 108 by MI Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Stewart, C. P. J. T.,1885, No. 221. City and State tax i 1,860, '10.55. Lot east side Third street 92 feet north of busquchanna avenue, 156 by 114; Nineteenth ward. S:"eine vs. James Saul, C. P., J. T., 1885 No. 228. City and State tax, 1860,6;13.04. Lot west side Front street 287 feet south of Susquehanna avenue, 40 by 110: Nineteenth ward. . &ne S ' B. J. W. Colladay,C. P., J. T.., 1855,Nr0.229. City and State tax, igso, g 413.45. Lot east side Duke street, 85 feet south Of Wellington, 76 by so; 2011C teentli ward. Same •vs. S. T. Conrad, C. P. 3. T., 1865, No. MO. City and State tax, 1860,545.43. Lot southeasteorner Lehigh avenue and Almond street, OS by 90; Nine teenth ward. same va. William D. Baker, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 221. City and State tax, 1880, WM. Lot southwest corner Allegheny avenue and - Eltreet, iee by TO; Nineteenth ward. . . . Same vs. George W. Burr, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 232. City and State tax, 1860, $59.64. Lot southeast corner Cumberland and Third streets, 400 by 114; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James and John Brown. C. P., 3. T. 1865, No. 233. City and State tax, 1860, $21.87. Lot south side Somerset street, ass feet east of Ainbor, 72 by 172; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mary A. Bower, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 234. City and State tax, 1860, $10.11: Lot south side. Norris street 90 feet 6 inches east of Trenton ave nue, 18feet 6 inches by Ma feet Nineteenth ward. Same vs. M. Bowers, C. P.,J. T. 0865, No. 2.36. City and State tax, 11180, $17.45. Lot south side Nor ris street, 291 feet inches east of Trenton avenue, 43 by 135; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. M. Bowers,C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 286. City and State tax, 1860,512.52. Lot south side Nor ris street, 384 feet 6 inches east of Trenton avenue; 73 by 86; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Henry Build, C. P. J, 1%, MC No. 237, City and State tax, 1860, $8.65. 'Lot west side Fifth street, 292 feet south of York street, 56 by 139; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. ndrew. Betzner, C. P., J. T., 11385,N0. M. City and State tax, IMO, $15.11t. Lot and frame house west side Front street, 140 feet south of Hun tingdon street, 38 by UN Nineteenth ward. Same TB. Jenks Black, C. J. T. 1885, No- 220. City and State tax, 1860, qrl.9a.•Lot east side Haseher street, 131 feet north of Dauphlu,lBby9s; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Brown, C. P. ' J. T., 1865, No. 210. City and State tax, 1860, 04.25. Lot south side Sat -leant street, 245 feet east of Emerald street, 18 by 40; Nineteenth ward. Mune vs. Samuel Bechtold, C. P.,4. 'P., 1885, No. 241. City and State tax, 1800, $7.17. Lot north side York street, 140 feet west of Cumberland street, 18 by 120; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. Brown, C.F., J.T., 1865, No. 242. City and State tax, 1860, $13.05. Lot and brick house east side Emerald street, 88 feet south of Ella street, 12 by 52; Nineteenth warn. State vs.J. B. Cristy, C. P. J. T., 1286, No. 241. City and State tax, 1860 , WM' Lot east side West street, 90 feet north of Lehigh avenue, 120 by 1171 Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Chew, C. P,, J.T., 11365, No. 244. City and State tax 1860, *14.51. Lot northwest cor ner Almond and MOnntouth, 1 1 135 by 00; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Abram Baker, __o. P. J. T., 1855, No. 245. City anti State tax., 1860, $26.35. ' Lot southwest cor ner Richmond and Westmoreland, 50 by 475; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. M. E. and J. C. Crease., C, P., J. T.,1865, No. 240. City and State tax, 1860, $18.94. Lot south west corner Wenaley and Lam*rt, 140 by 145; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. F. W. Coniston, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 247. City and State tax, 1860, SI3.M. Lot , west side Richmond street, 269 feet north of Maple, 20 by 200; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. Bauer C. P., J. T., 1565, No. 248. City and State tax , 1860 1t5.99. Lot northeast corner West and Clearfield, 3 by 74; Nineteenth ward. Stone vs. Charles E. Spangler , 0- P., J. T., 1885, No. M. City and State tax, itteo, 00.20. Let north east corner Ann and Lemon strects,l47 feet 8 inches by 140 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. A. E. Spangler, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 250. City and State tax, 1860, $61.81. Lot northwest corner Maple and Bath, 3A)by257; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. Spangler, C. P , .1. T. 1865, No, 241. City and State taX, 1860, 2130.69. Lot 404thwest cor ner Palm and Bath streets, 370 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. E. Spangler, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 252. City and - State tax, 1850, $58.88. Lot southeast corner renton avenue and Clearfield, $lO by 135 feet to Witte street; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P., J. T., 1862, No. 252. City and State tax, 1060,40.. 50 - Lot north aide Ann street, 380 feet cast of Meivale street, 240 by MI Nineteenth _ . . ward. Same vs. J. Church, C. P., J. T., 1135, No, M. City and State tax, 1660,904. M Lot east side Spring atreet,__s7 feet south of Commissioners' avenue, 40 by Bin Nineteenth ward. tjame vs. Same, C. 3. T,, lOW, No. 255. City and Matt tiws, 18e9.e17 . 47.L0t northeast corner Commissioners' avenue and Gan), 57 by 190; Nine te,•sah ward. Same vs. George Pifer, C. P. J. T.,1665, No, 258 . City and State tax, 1860, $11.56. Lot and brick building east side Front street, 92 feet north of Har rison street 18 by 33; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, C. P., 3. T., 1865,. No. 257. City and State tax, 1860, $29.31. Lot and dwelling west side of Tenth street, 139 feet south of Master, 16 by 106, No. 121341 Twentieth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. VA City and State tax, 1860, $21.23. Lot and dwelling west side of Marshall street 261 feet 1,49 inch north of Poplar, 16 by 87 feet 5 inches, No. 932 L Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mrs. reason, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 259. City and State tax. 1860, $30.70, Lot and dwelling east side of Seventh street, 65 feet north of Master street, 17 by 68, No. 1909; 'Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, C. P.,_.1. T.. 18651 No. 260. City and State tax, 1880, $23.35. Lot and dwelling east, aide of Seventh street, 231 feet rf inches north of Poplar street, 16 by 87 feet 5 inches, No. 927; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Trutt, C. P. J. T., 1865. No. 281. City and State tax, 1832, *le:W. Lot south side of Vine street, 04 feet west of Twenty-second street, 32 by 65; Tenth ward. Same vs. homed Roberts, C. P., .7. T., 1865. No. 262. City and State tax, 1860, $38.08. Lot and dwelling northeast corner of Franklin and Master streets, 39 by GO; Twentieth ward. Same re. john Lets, C. P., J. T.,.1885, No. 263. City and State tax, 1860, MAN Lot and dwelling west side of Heath street, 81 feet east of Thirteenth street, 14 by 61, No. 1245; Twentieth ward, Seine vs. Peter Muslin, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 264. City and State tax, 1860, $18.40. Lot and dwelling south side of Haines street, 17 feet west of Twelfth street, 12 by 60 feet 1.-X inch; Twentieth ward. Same vs. A. Zelby, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 265. City and State tax, 1830, $ 3.47. Lot northeast side Sum mer street, 116 feet northwest of-Hutton, 40 by 115; Twenty-fourth ward. Same vs. D. Armstrong, C. P., J. T., 196.5, No. 286. City and State tax, 1860, $,V.04. Lot and dwelling west side Sixth street, 117 feet 51i inches south or Oxford street, 16 feet 6 incline by 98 feet 2 incises; Twentieth ward. ' Same vs. John 'Chimp, C. P., J. T„ 1865, No. 267, City and State tax, 1860, $.50.62. Lot and dwelling east Side Twelfth street, 125 feet south of Mont. gomery, 30 by 173; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mrs. Chapman, C. P., J. T., 1885, NO. 268. City and State tax, 1860, $33.65. Lot and dwell ing east side Fifteenth street, 125 feet north of Gi rard avenue 17 by 95 feet 6 inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 269. City and State tax, 1860, $18.40. Lot and three s{ o briek house west side of nutolllllsoii street, 151 feet 9g inch north of Poplar, 16 by 61; Twentieth ward. Same vs. same, C. P., J. T" 1865, No. 270. City and State tax, /860, $18.82. Lot and three-story brick dwelling west side of Hutchinson street, 135 feet 76 inch north of Poplar, 16 by 64, No. 916; Twen tieth ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P., J. T. , inas, 271. City and State tax, n), $21.46. Lot and dwell ing west side Hutchinson street, 71 feet 76 inch north of Poplar, 16 by 69, No. 908; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John Bans, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 272. City and State tax, 1860, $22.62. Lot and dwelling northeast side Ridge avenue 61 feet southeast of Oxford street, 16 by 40; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Jos. H. Thomas, C. P., J. T., 1665, No. 273. City and State tax, 1860,1158.13. Lot and dwell ing north side .Girard avenue, 18 feet west of Da rien street, 17 by 87. No. 813; Twentieth ward. Same vs. M. Morton C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 279. City and. State tax, iseo, $42.49. Lot and dwelling treat side Fifteenth street., 16 feet north of Walker street, 16 by 103, R0..1220; Twentieth ward. Same vs. William Bucknell, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 275. City and State tax, 1860, $81.16. Lot southwest corner Ridge avenue and Master; Twentieth ward. Same vs. J. HutebinsOn, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 276. City and State tax, 1860, $18.77. Lot west side Sixth street, 100 feet north of Thompson street, 20 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Charles Malabo, C. P., J.T., 1885, N 0.277. City and State tax, 1860, $15.97. Lot and dwelling east side Twenty-first street, 193 feet 4.4 g inches eouth of Oxford, 17 feet 2 inches by 103 feet; Twen tieth ward. Same vs. 0. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 278. City and State tax, 1860, $21.36. Lot south side col lege avenue, 55 feet west of Nineteenth street, 50 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Hacker Conrad, C. P., J. T., 186.5, No. 279. City and State tax, 1863, $15.48. Lot northwest corner Righth and Morris, 32 by 67 feet 5 inches; First ward-. Same vs. Washington Ross, C. P. J. T„ 1865, No. 26 , 3. City and State tax, 1866, VOX; Lot and dwell ing north side Thompson street, 47 feet west of Six teenth street, 25 by 100. No. Mt.' Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, O . P., J. T.,1865,N0. 281. City and State tax, 1860401.32. Lot and dwell ing west side of Tenth street, 124 feet south of Mas ter, 15 by 100, No. 1336; Twentieth ward. Same Ts. H. S. Fox,C. P., J. T.. 1865, No. 282. City and State tax, 1860,4.20. Lot Wen side Minor, 108 feet north ofhtountricaeaut,l6 by 100; Twentieth ward. Same Ts. John E. Deck, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 283. City and State tax, 1860,:V4.82. Lot east side Broad street, 148 feet north of Thompson, 24 by 160; Twen tieth ward. Same vs. Henry W. Gault, C. P, J. T. 1865, No. 284. City and State tax, 1860, if? 7, .75. Lot east side Fifteenth street, 17 feet south of Stiles street, 16 by 91 feet 8 inches, to a 4-feet alley; Twentieth ward. Same v's. Elias England, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.285, City and State tax, 1860, $14.68. Lot north side Oxford street, 90 feet west of Twenty-first street; Twentieth ward. -_ Same vs. John R. Chadwick, C. P., J. T., 18a5. No. 266. City and State tax, 1880, $21.82. Lot and dwel ling west side Sixth street 5 feet 10 inches north of Diamond street, 20 by 261; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Isaac, Fenntmora, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 287. City and State tax,1860453.74. Lot south side College avenue, 208 fet west of Nincteeth street, 102 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same vs. T. Hartley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. M. City and State tax,lB6o, $39.06. Lot east side Onta rio street, 161 feet north of Thompson. street, 80 by 138; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mark Maldcrston, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 289. City and. State tax, 1860, 0.31.. Lot west side Twelfth street, 102 feet south of Oxford, 34 by Twentieth ward. Same vs. E. Beck, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 290. City and State tax, 1800, $74.60. Lot north side *bars wood street, extending from Twenty-third to Twen ty-fourth, by 00 feet in depth; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Henry Gault, C. I'. J. T., 1865, No. 291. City and State tax,lB6o, $21.32. - Lot south side Thompson street, 70 feet 8 inches east of Ninetoeth street, laby 120; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Jacob Fry, C. P., J. T.. 1865, No. 292. City and State tax, 1860, *23.35. liot northeast cor ner Jefferson and Fawn streets, 48 by 67; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Henry Fox, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 293. City and State tax, 1860, $27.78. Lot south side Gi rard avenue, 12 feet west of Nineteenth, T 2 by 200; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Elias England, C. P. J. T.,.1865, No. M. City and State tax, 1880, $34.81. ' Lot southwest cor ner Columbia avenue and Twenty-second street, 78 feet 6 inches by 67 feet 11,X inches. Same vs. Elias England, C. P., J. T., 1865, No.2tIS. city and State tax, 1860, $12.52. Lot northeast side Ridge avenue, 141 fnorthwest of Twenty-second street, 34 by 67 feet 1186 inches,' Twentieth ward. Same vs. Peter Doremus. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 296.. City and State tax, 1860, $9.57. Lot south side College avenue, 503 feet 4)d inches west of Nine teenth street, 16 feet 6 inches by 48 feet 836 inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. William Heaves, C. P., J. T.,.1865, No. 237. - City.and State tax, 1860, $54.27. Lot south side College avenue, 156 feet west of Nineteenth street, 102 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same vs. 0. COMO, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 298. City anti State tax, moo, $40.61. Lot north side Col lege avenue, 195 feet 2 incluse west of Nineteenth street, 72 by 97; Twentieth ward. Same vs. 0. Conrad, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 299. City and State tax, 1860, $59.38: Lot north side Gi rard avenue, 107 feet 2 incites west of Nineteenth street, 88 by 97; Twentieth ward. Same vs. 611111Uel Conrad, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 31X1. City and State tar . , Mos 445.a1a. Lot northeast corner Twenty-second and Jefferson streets, 160 by 100; Twentieth ward. Same vs. George Buzzard., C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 301. City and State tax, 1860. $15.55. Lot and im provements north side Girard avenue, 40 feet east of Seventh street, 20 by 112 feet 8 inches; Twentieth ward.' Same vs. James Flood, C. P., J. T., 4865 No. 02. City and State tax, 1860, $11.61. Lot andimprove ments east side of Warnock street, 40 feet south of Thompson, 41 by 91; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Matson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 301 City. and State tax, 1880, $8.60. Lot east side Warnock street, 120 feet south of Thompson street, 17 by 51; Twentieth ward. Same vs. George Goodman, C. P., J. T., 105, No. 301. city and State tax, 18.60, $7.14. Lot south side Cabot, 118 feet west of Sixteenth street, 16 by 50; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Beals, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 205. City and State tax, 1660, $7.14. Let south side Cabot street, 134 feet West of Sixteenth street, 16 by 30; Twentieth ward. Sabre vs. B. C. Cooper C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 206. City and State tax, 1800, $19.65. Lot and dwelling, south side Sharswood street, 16 feet east of Twenty second, 16 by 70; Twentieth ward. Same TS. JohnMiteltell, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 307. City and State tax,lB6o, 00.77. Lot southwest cor ner Si alld Eits streets, 134 by 396; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, C. P. J. 'P., 1885, No. 308. City and State tax, 1860, 491.41. Lot and improvements northeast corner Ninth and Girard avenue, GO by 126; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mr. Gault, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 309. City and State tax, 1860, 4522.64. Lot south side. Thompson Arcot, 86 feet 8 inches east of Nineteenth street, 18 by 120; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph Si. Thomas, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 310. City and State tax. 1860, 936.08. Lot east side Ninth street, 100 feet 4 inches north of Girard avenue, 60 by 58; Twentieth ward. Same vs. C. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 311. City and State taX, 1860, $27.26. Lot south side Col lege avenue, 254 feet east of Corinthian, 21 by 43494, 140. 2001; Twentieth ward. Same vs. pitman & Sherry, C. P., T. T., 1865, No. 812, City and State tax, 1860, 94.20. Lot southwest side Franklin street, 180 feet north of Baker, 20 by 115 feet 4 inches, No. 161; Twenty-third ward. Same vs. same, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 313. City and State tax, 1860, $4.20. Lot northeast side Nice street and northwest side McFerren street, 41 feet 8 Inches on Nice street, and 100 feet 8 inches in depth, No. 19; Twenty-third ward. Same vs. Daniel Crowther, C. P., J. T., 186 F, No. 314. City and State tax, 1860, 91.75. Lot on Tacony street, 20 feet on Tacony street by 200 feet to Henry street; Twenty-third ward. Same vs. James W. Bigley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 315. City and State tax 1860, 3,97. Lot on Kenne dy street, 140 feet on Kennedy street, 13844-500 oft Taylor street, 120 feet On Thomas street; Twenty third ward. . . Same vs. Freeman Scott, IL C., J. T., 1865, No. 14. City and State tax, 1860, $221.64. Lot north side Columbia avenue, 360 feet 1014 inches west of Broad street; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Edward Parker, D.C., J.T„ 1865, No. 15. dwelling south. and State tax, 1860, $119.06. Lot and welling south side Girard avenue, 69 feet 13¢ inch front by 57 feet deep on Warnock street, No. 1031; TWentieth ward. Same vs. Mr. Rolarnan, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 16. City and , State tax, 1860, $149.19. Lot and dwelling east side Broad street, 160 feet south of G.rard ave nue, 60 by 160 to Ontario istr,ott Twentieth ward. Same vs. William A. Gardner, 13. C., J. T., 18654 No. 17. City and State tax, 1860, 5 36.87. Lot and improvements north side Filbert street, 127 feet north of Eleventh street, 52 by 136; Ninth ward. au341161 IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OT Eslaft iifDANIEL LONGSTRETH, decia - ied; The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of HANNAH K. LONGSTRETH and JOHN L. SHOEMAKER, Ex ecutors of Daniel Longstreth, deceased, as filed by John L. Shoemaker, surviving 'executor, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inte rested for the purposes of hie appointment, on WEDNESDAY, September 20th, 1865, at 4 o'clock P.M., atfils office, No. 131 South FIFTH Street. In the city of Philadelphia. seB-frowst• IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. March Term, 1865; No. 26. In Divoree. PRIMROSE vs. PRIMROSE. To LEONARD PnntuoSu—Take notice of a Rule this day grATktqil to show cause why divorce a. v. in. should not be decreed, returnable 118oNDAY 4 Sept. 18, 1865, at 10 o'clock A. M. ELIJAH THOMAS, Attorney pro Libellant. AUGUST 22, 1865. att3o-whtf4t TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS J_ FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF . PHILA DELPHIA. March Term, 1865; No. 2,5. In Divorce. MILLER vs. MILLER. . - - - To 'Jamey E. MILLEII..—Take notice of a rule this daygranted, to show . Mtge why divorce a. v. m. should not be decreed, returnable MONDAY, Sep tember 1.8,186.3,' at 10 o'clock A. M. ELIJAH THOMAS, Att , y pro Libellant. August 22, iNS. anNi-wflt T . ETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO L the Estate of ELIZA MORASSO having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make payment, and those having claims against said Estate will present them to M. B. ESPY, Executor. au2.544t* 221 South SEVENTEENTH Street. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ANN RUSHTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adlust the first and final account of WIL LIAM RUSITTON,Jr., Executor of the will of ANN RUSHTON, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment,on TUESDA.l.,_September 1201.1864, at four o'clock P. at its office /37 South FIFTH Street, in the eity of Philadelphia. WILLIAM IL HUDDIHAN. sel-fmwst. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR. THE -11 CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEOPRIA. Estate of MARY BROCK (late NEFF. The auditor ItriPQMled by the court to audit i set tle, and adjust lite final llVCOlint of DANIEL W. NEFF, trustee of MARY BROCK, [late Neil,) and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Inter ested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, September 12th, A. - 11. 1865, at four o'clock F. M. at his office, No. 506 WALNUT direct, in tile city of Philudelnkia, 11 /41i1Adi ERNST, 51130-wfinst. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of W. rieeeased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, set tic: and ;Writ the account of ANNIE E. BET TINDER, dministratria of W. J- liettinger, reused, and to report distribution of the balance 4111 the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested. for the purposes of his appointment, ou WEDNESDAY, September 20, 1865, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, N 0.1594 South FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. scHuiviDt • WAL. C. 'IAN/11% Agaitcir. =IZIMMI AUCTION NOTICE. UNITED . STATES SALE. ETEAMEBB SANTIAGO DE CODA, CONNECTI. CUT, HUNTSVILLE, AND TOG GLANCE. SAMUEL C. COOK, AUCTIONEER. ........ - On Thursday Morning, Sept. 21, 1865, AT 11 O'CLOCK, AT THE PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD, Will be sold on account of the Malted States Go- vernment The wooden side-wheel steamer "SANTIAGO DE CUBA "—Length, 232 feet 9 inches; breadth, 35 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 26 feet S incites. Has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder, fainclieSi length or stroke, 11 feet. Brig rigged. The wooden side-wheel steamer " CONNECTI CUT "—Length, 251 feet 6 inches; breadth, SA feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 22 feet 73,1 inches. Has one beam engine; diameter or cylinder,.so inches; length Of stroke, 52 feet. Brig rigged. The wooden screw steamer " ITUNT6VILLE " Length 196 feet 4 inches; breadth, 29 feet 6 inches; depth of hold, 19 feet kit' incites. Has one vertical inverted cylinder engine; diameter of cylinder, 52 Inches; length of stroke, 42 inches. Schooner rigged. The wooden tug L , GLANCE , I.. Length, 89 feet fi niches; breadth, 17 feet 2 inehes; depth oil hold, 6 feet 9 inches. Has one condensing vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 20 inches; length of stroke, 20 inches. Inventories at the Auction Store, No. MI South FRONT Street, above Walnut. TERMS.—Twenty percent. on depot sale; balance within six days, when the vessels must be removed from the yard. 5e8,11,13,16,18,20 Gt AUCTION NOTICE UNITED STATES SALE Steamers, Tugs, and Sailing Vessels, SAMIJkL e. 000 E, ATICSIOIkiEER ON TUESDAY MORNING, Sept. 12,1866, AT 11 O'CLOCK, AT THE PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD, WILL BE SOLD, FOR ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED STATES GO VERN. KENT. THE IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER "FORT DONELSON"—Length, 268 feet 7 inches; breadth, 26 feet 1 inch; depth of hold, 13 feet 8% inches; has two minting engines; diereeier of cylinder, 6 2 inches; length of stroke, 66 inches; schooner rigged. _ . THE IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER UDR NURIA"—Length, 190 feet; breadth, 24 feet; depth of hold, 13 feet 11 Inches; has two oscillating en gines; diameter of cylinder, 57 inches; length of stroke, 60 Inches; schooner rigged. THE IRON hOREW STEAMER "PRINCESS ROYAL+ o —Length, 194 feet 63 inches; breadth, 27 feet 6 inches; depth of hold, 16 feet 6 inches; has two horizontal engines; diameter of cylinder, 49 inches; length of stroke, 36 inches; schooner rigged. _ __ _ _ . THE IRON DOUBLE-SCREW STEAMER “PRESTON" — Lengtb, VI) feet; breadth, 23 feet 1 inch; depth of hold, 13 feet 4 3 f Inches; has direct acting engines; diameter of cylinder, 26 inches; length of stroke, 20 inches; schooner rigged. THE IRON SCREW STEAMER Length, 170 feet; breadth, 20 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 14 feet S filches; has two vertical engines; di ameter of cylinder 33 inches; length of stroke, 24 inches; bark rigged. THE IRON SCREW STEAMER "ANTONA"— Length, 159 feet 10 inches; breadth, 23 feet inches; depth of hold, 14 feet 10 inches; has two vertical en ginesi diameter Of Cylinder, 36 inches; length of stroke, 30 inches; schooner rigged, THE IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER "CLYDE"—Length, 200 feet 6 inches; breadth, 18 feet 8 inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 11% inches; has two inclined engines; diameter of cylinder, 40 inches; length of stroke, 42 inches; schooner rigged. THE IRON SCREW STEAMER "GERTRUDE" —Length, 154 feet 5)8 inches; breadth, 21 feet; depth of hold, 12 feet 1 inch; has two oscillating engines; diameter of cylinder, 31 inches; length of stroke, 36 inches; schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "HEN DRICK HUDSON ,, -Length, 170 feet f inch ; breadth, PA feet 8 inches; depth of hold, it feet 436 inches; has one engine; diameter of cylinder, 38 inches; length of stroke, 42 Inches; schooner rigged. THE SCREW TUG - "CLOVER"—Length, 85 feet inches; breadth, 19 feet; depth of hold, 7 feet 10 Inches; has one Cendensing, vertical engine; diam eter of cylinder, 26 inches; /ength of stroke, 28 inches. THE SCREW TUG " JONQUIL , '-Length, 69 feet 4 inches; breadth, 17 feet 6 inches; depth of hold, 6 feet Tji inches; has one condensing, vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 20 Inches: length of .6 trOX97 20 inches. THE BAEZ "RESTLESS"—Length, 107 feet 3 Inches; breadth, 24 feet 2 Inches; depth of bold, 10 feet. Inventories at the Auction Store, No. 124 South FRONT Street, above Walnut, TERMS—Twenty per cent. on day of gale: balance within six days, when the vessels must be removed from the yard. J. B. HULL, COMMANDANT all3o a a 7811 ton) 134 0,1 . 9 tRy TIISSOLUTION.- TH E PARTNER SHIP heretofore existing between the under signed, under the style of BROWN Ss CALVERT, 15 thi6da.y dissolved by mutual consent. GEORGE 11. BROWN, „.4 1Croneruvr • —arttier6. CHARLES W. F. CALVERT, GEORGE M. ROBESOt , Special Partner. AUGUST 30, 1865. seB-6t,trnat IN - 0 TIC E.-TBE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between JOSEPH H. gtErommtly and ISAAC °HIM, under the title of Thornley & Chism, is this day" dissolved hy itintual consent. The store will be reopened on WEDNES DAY, the lath inst., and the business continued by JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, who is duly authorized to receive all debts due the late firm. JMAPHHIR HORNLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 5, 1868. se7-It4, COPARTNERSHIP- THE TINDER SIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership, under the firm and name of T. S. & W. H. CHAF FEE, for the transaction of a WHOLESALE SUSI- N.ESS in HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, &d, T. S. CHAFFEE, W. EL CHAFFEE. PHILADELVIIIA, Sept. 4, 1865. se6-4t. fIOPARTITEREEIP NOTICE. -T H 'Li Undersigned have this day entered Into a co xirtnership under the name and title of BRUNER, WANN, & CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER ELFSINESI3, at 1908 KARIM' Bt, A. BRUNER, 99., D. WAND, A. BRUNE% J. PHILAXMLPHIA, July 8, 1865. THE BusLNESB WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection. With all old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad. vantages. ivll-31n5 COAL. BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine Bogle Vein COAL, ey , al, if not eoperlor, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, „SO; Large Rutk $8.50. Try It. You will be sure to e pleased. Office, 1111 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. Yra-am ELLIS BRANSON. IT NOWLEW LEHIGH, HICKORY, and VISII 00/LL, at reduced prices. Mc. and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Ste. jyle4m. CO A L .-131JGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best L must Mountain, from Schuytkillprepared expressly for family use. Depot. N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Ofilee,_No. 11A S. SECOND Street. Caps-tfj J. WALTON & CO. MEDICAL. I~Q;jW J:iM.\Y~~):JJ(NN:I et N re o e . ti n t lii . N o. ort e h inc E s L p E N V u Er b andF el o oknl T C ß E Streets, Wee Philadelphia. Patients will be treated at their residences when desired; a large number of testimonials may be seen at the Offices from patients in this city. Consultations gratis. Office hours 9A. X. to SP. M. in the city. DIM T. ALLEN and E. HAVERSTICK, jy22-2m EleCtrOPathigs• ELBOTROPATHIC ESTABLISH MENT.—DR. A. H. STEVENS, one of the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new Iv stem of treat ing disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLI CATIONS,_and who has been so very successful at PENN SQUARE for the last three years has re moved his Office. and ReeidenCe to 163 k VIN Street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons destringreferences, or anypartioulars with regard to his special mode or treatment, will please call or send for a pampldet. Consultation or advice gratuitous. mh6-tf . SHIPPING. a tia FOR RICHMOND, NORFOLK, AND CITY POINT. :PHILADELPHIA AND RICHMOND mum - PACKET COMPANY. The fine steamship " CLAYMONT," will sail from the Filet Vied' above MARKET 81, ON SATURDAY, SETT. 2, 1865, AT 12 K. These steamers Insure at lowest rates and nil re gularly every Wednesday and Saturday. For freight or passage, with excellent locoman datlone, apply to WM_ P. CLYDE & 00.. se7-3t No. 14 NORTH WHARVES. isi giGt . NEW TOW-BOAT LINE DELAWARE AND CHEEiAPEANZ _ TEAM Tow -BOAT 001sipAwv..—Rargee toured to and from Philadelphia, 'Havre de Grace, Balti more Washington, and intermediate points.: WM. WHARVES. & CO., Agents, No. 14 SMITH Philadelphia. jela-tdel jesSit NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN, AND wASHINGTON, vla Chesapeake - and Dela ware Canal. Steamers leave Bret Wharf above MARKET Str M eet every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 12 For Freight apply to Anent., WM. P. CLYDE & CO., 11 North and Sonh Wharves, Philadelphia; J. B. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, D. C.. FLOW. ERS & BOWEN, Alexandria, Va. .mhl4-9m EidWit NOTIC E.—FOR- . .NEW YORK.—The PHILADELPHIA. AND NEW YORK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT 430XPA BY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamers leave WILLY, Brat wharf below was -JUT Street, at 12. o' cloak W3l. F. CLYDE & C 0,14 S. WHARVES, Phila , JAMES HA-ND: UT WALL Street, rebl6-91n • New York. - xid giE s t FOR HARTFORD, CONN., TM Delaware and Raritan Canal.— The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company's stea. mer Captain anneal will leave as above with despatell. Apply on board, _or to WK. AL BAIRD & CO., Agents, au2S-tf 1.3% DVILAW ARE Avenue. PHILADELPHIA SUR ••••,._"-L-4. °EON'S BANDAVg INSTI,TTJTE,No. 1+ North DI/NT$ Street, übra Mar ket.—E. C. EVERETT. after thirty years practi cal experience, guarantees the skilful adjustment of hie Premium Patent Graduating Pressure Truss, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Shoulder Braces, Crutches, L e , Ladles , apartments Condnited by a Lady, spl3-11 JOHN B. MYERS a CO. AUCTION REIM No. 232 and Xa* IdAnKET Stmt. LARGE POSITIVE MLR; OF CARPETING'S, OIL CLOTHS, Ac.--THIS DAY. A CARD.—We invite the special notice of dealers to our assortment of superfine and .fine ingrain, 113 ,Pitch , itch hemp, cottage, and rag carpeting. an d Hoot' oil cioth,to be peremptorily sold, by catalogue, on four mouths" credit, comirAncing this morning, at 11 o'clock. LARGE POSITIVE y og SALE OF CIARPETIN.GS, &c. B Ca Oß talue. TFIIS MNING, Sept. Sth, at 11 o'clock, on four months* credit, 260 pieces of Superfine and line Ingtain, YenUlan, list, hemp, cottage, and rag earpetfogs, whisk may rn be eXa/ned early on the morning of sale: We will add to the above sale 31 bales, 100 lbs, each, cotton. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS.; AC. ON MONDAY "'WANING, Septemberll, &OD o'eloek,will be sold by catalogue, on our mouths , credit, about 600 LOTS of French, India, German' and British dry goods embracing a fall assortment of fancy and staple articles, in•silks, worsteds, woollens. linens, an cottons. N. B.—Goods arranged for examination andeata logueS ready early on morning of sale. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOMM. We take pleasdre in informing purchasers • ot' dressgodds, shawli, silks, dec., that Messrs. L. ,A B. CURTIS SE CO. will offer through us, ON MONDAY, Sept. 11th,. a very choice assortment of their 'cele brated fabrics, including - pteces 7-4 French merinos, in beautiful assort ments. pieces Mons de latnes, In choice shades. I pieces epingline, beautiful quality, all wool, su perb assortments, and very high cost. .pieces drap imperial jaspe, haute notireaute. pieces silk broths poplins and drap Mexicalne. pieces 6-9 broche satin de Versailles. —pieces 6-4 Paris-striped Taffetas. —pieces 6-4 Taffeta It sole and 6-4 crepe Eugenie. pieces 0.4 printed Cashmere and mous 416 labial. pieces 6-9 silk chain eplnglines and poplins. pieces 32-inch Paris _plaid poplins. pieces. Lyons black Taffetas, all widths. —Paris and Vienna 'troche long shawls, chain laine and sole, from medium to *train value, black Cashmere long and square shawls. We will add to above sale,. DRESS GOONS. —pieces Saxony and Paris all-wool plaids. pieces melangeS, reps. mohair lustros, Scc. pieces plain and fancy poplins, alpacas, Coburgs. DRESS SILKS. pieces glossy black gros du Rhine and Taffetas. pieces gros grains, gros d*Afriotte, armures. pieces poult de soles. Marines, fancy silks, Ac. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, Ac. Berlin wool, plaid woollen. and merino shawls. Broche borders, Stella, and mous de laine shawls. Silk, beaver, and doeskin mantles, sacques, Ac. Also, velvet and poult de sole ribbons, kid, Ber 11n,fand lisle gloves, linen cambric handkerchiefs, linen shirt fronts, bead nets, ties, notions, Ac. J. 8.. TIULL, Commandant LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS TRAVELLING' BAGS, C. ONTUESDAY MORNING, September 12th, at I 0 o'clock, win be sold by cata logue, on four months , credit, about 1,300 packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, ite., of city xnd Eastern Manufacture, Open for examination, with catalogue, early en morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a large sale of foreign and domestic drygoods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and vartior cash i _ or THMODAY mouraxa, September 14th, at 10 o'clock, embracing about 900 packages and lots of staple and fancy articles, in woollens, worsteds, linens, silks, and cottons, to which we invite the attention of dealers. . . . . . . N. B.—Catalogues ready andoods arranged for exhibition early 911 morning of eagle. PARRITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, - 1 .-" 230 MARKET Street, corner of Bank PEREMPTORY SALE OF GERMANTOWN HO SIERY, COMPRISING 1,000 DOZEN LADIES' GENTB 4 CHILDREN, AND HOdt AND HALF HOSE, THIS MORNING. Sept. 8, at 10 o'clock. Also, 600 doz. misses , cot ton hose. 200 doz ladies' and gent's linen kerchiefs. CLOTHS, OASSIDIERES, AND SATINETTS. Also, 500 pieces all wool black cloths, black and fancy all wool casslmeres, satlnetts, pilots, beavers, cloaking. &a. itc. Also, 50 pieces flannels. UNDERWRITERS , SALE OF GLOVES, I ease ladies' gloves and gauntlets. pIIBLIC SALE AT PHILADELPHIA, -R. FOR ACCOUNT 03' THE UNITED STATES, of Guns. Shot, Shell, Muskets, Carbines, Mus ketoons, Pistols, Sabres, Infantry Accoutrements, Artillery 114-911880, Horse Equipinente; Callon, and Rifle Powder, &c., &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNENG, October 4th, 1865, at 11 o'clock, at the 11. S. AR SENAL, Bridesburg, Pa., the following condemned Ordnance and Ordnance Stores: 2 10-Inch Columblads 30,118 lbs. 28 Si-pounder Iron Guns 30420 " 10 ID-pounder Iron Guns 210 000 " 1 10-ineh ALArtar 6,710 " 3 8-inch Mortars 4,835 " 14,919 Shot and Shell for smooth-bore 1 231,470 ,k. and rifle Guns 137 Carbines, 246 Mooketoons 675 Hall's Rllle4 (Hint), 15,451 U. S. Muskets, Rifled and smooth.. 14,673 Austrian Muskets,l. bore, various 6,912 Prussian Muskets, calibres. B.l= French Muskets, 5,252 English Muskets, 1,304 Belgian Muskets, i 308 Pistols (flint.) 12 Shot Guns. 627 Cavalry Sabres. 14,000 sets of Infantry Accoutrements (Incom pls j et , e s63 .) Ball Screws, Cones, Screw-drivers, Tom pion s, and wipers. .. 218 Bullet kloulds. . . 161,553 Musket Flints. 592,376 Rifle Flints. 386,276 Pistol Flints. 1,320 Cavalry Saddles. 29 Artillery - Valise Saddles. 31 Artillery drivers' Saddles. 1,653 Surcingles. 314 Blankets. 47 Artillery Collars. 224 Curb Bridles. ri) Cruppers. . 17 Halters. 02 Leather Traces. 50 Rope 'Traces. 69 Whips. 1,000 pounds Cannon Powder. '7,500 Rounds Rifle Powder. 4,60 Bayonets (for foreign and U. S. arms.) 78,bot'compormat peril for small arms: 5.347 Rifle Stocks, rough. 0,528 Pistol Stocks, rough. 24 sets of Artillery Harness, 2-wheel horse. 48 sets of Artillery Harness, 2-lead horse. Cavalry Accoutrements, Artillery implements, &c. TJiaNs States Currency. Stores will in bid lu -where the, interest of the (to• comment may require it. S. V. BENET, Captain of Ordnance, selfr2t&fr&tu4t Commanding. SALE OF UNITED STATES STEAM ERB AT AUCTION. WM. L. WALL fir, CO., Auctioneers. Will be sold at Public Auction on FRIDAY, Sep tember 15, 1865, _at 12 o'clock M. at - the Navy-yard, WASHINGTON, D. C., the following-named ves sels, belonging to the United States Navy Depart ment: Side-wheel JOHN L. LOCHWOOD,—Ioength,II4 feet; breadth, 24 feet; depth, 7 feet, 3 Inches; dia meter of cylinder 82 inches; 7 feet 8-inch stroke. Propeller ALPHA.—Length, 68 feet 10 inches,• breadth, 16 feet; depth, 6 feet 1 inch; diameter of cylinder, 18 inches; 24-inch stroke. Propeller FUCHSIA.—Length, 100 feet; breadth, 22 feet; depth, 9 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 20 'Behest Si-inch stroke, Propeller CURRITUCK.. —Length, no feet; breadth, 23 feet; depth,7 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 22 inches; 24-Ineltistroke. Propeller MOCCASIN . —Length, 106 feet; breadth, 22 feet; depth, 9 feet 6 Inches; diameter of cylinder, 32 inches; 34-Inch stroke. Side-wheel KEYSTONE STATE,—Length, 220 feet; breadth. 35 feet; depth, 21 feet; diameter of c3rlinder, 80 inches; 8 feet stroke. - Side-wheel YANKEE.—Length, 147 feet breadth, 25 feet; depth, 10 feet 8 inches; diameter of cylinder, 38 inches; B feet stroke. Side-wheel JACOB BELL.—Length, 145 feett breadth, 20 feet ft inches; depth, 8 feet; diameter of cylinder, n inches; 4 feet Stroke. Side-wheel ELLA.--Lengib, 166 feet; breadth, 23 feet; depth, 8 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 36 inches; 8 feet stroke. Side-wheel PHILADELPHIA.—Length, 200 feet; breadth, 30 feet; depth, 10 feet; diameter of cylin der, 45 Inelie_ak 11 feet stroke. propeller VICTORIA.—Length, 113 feet,• breadth, 22 feet; depth, 10 feet 6 inches; diameter, Of eYlinderi 30 inches; $0 Inches stroke. Propeller GLADlOLUS.—Length,Bofeet;breadth e 18 feet; depth, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; 26 inches stroke. Propeller EUREKA.—(Machinery removed.)— Length, 85 feet; breadth, 12 feet 4 !polies; depth, 8 feet 6 inches, • • • • ASLSO, At the same time and - place, and on the Wile con ditions, will be offered the following additional ves sels—to wit: Iron-tug BEAUFORT.—Length. 90 feet; breadth, 17 feet; depth, 6 feet 6 Inches, with vertical double acting engine. Schooner FLUSBER.—Length, 68 feet; breadth, 21 Peet; depth, 5 feet 11 inches, Schooner SUSAN ANN HOWARD.—Length 50 feet; breadth, 17 feet 4 Riches; depth, 5 feet 4 incites. The above-named vessels lie at the Navy-yard, Washington, D. C., where they may be examined. TERMS OF SALE.—Cash, in Government funds; eight per cent. at the time of sale, and the balance six days thereafter. By order! J. B, MONTGOMERY, .se4-mwitt Commandant. QPECIAL SALE OF GOVERNMENT MULES in Philadelphia, at the CITY BAZAAR and TATTERSALLS, 1126 RACE Street. ONE HUNDRED MULES, will be sold each WEDNES DAY and SATURDAY throughout the month of September, commencing at 10 oiolock A. M. These Mules are nearly all first-class and sold only_ for want of use. Every opportunity will be given to examine them. Terms cash in Government funds. By order of Captain ALBERT S. ASHMEAD, • Assistant Quartermaster. ad/ fintUtb-/M H. B. CHAMPION, Auctioneer, UNITED STATES WILL SELL, THE at Public Auction, on FRIDAY. September Bth, 1865, at 10 o'clock A. M., at CHAMPION'S BAZAAR, No. 1126 RACE Street: 82 Horses. 10 Ambulances, (two-horse.) 1 Ambulance, (one-horse.) 6 Wagons, (two-berse.) 12 Carts. 1G Wheelbarrows. 10 double sets Ambulance Harness. 7 double sets Wagon Harness. 3 single sets Lead Harness. 12 sets Cart Harness. 8 Spreaders. 9 Feed Trough& 129 pounds Picket Rope. They can be examined at the Government Stables, Twenty-second and Market, and Twenty-third be low Walnut street. ALBERT S. ASEIMEAD, se4-5t Chief Quartermaster District of Pa. UNITBP STATES MILITARY RAIL ROADS. • OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUAIITHRMASTXU, WASHINGTON, D, . July 26, 1865. R AUCTION SALE OF OLLI u. NG- STOCK. Will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the bight:o wOne r, the folwne go eb g r o 9 19k at the Portland Co.'s Shop in Fortlapd, Maine, Bix (6) Locomotive Engines. On THURSDAY, September 21, at Hinkly & Shop in Boston, Mass., Four (4) Locomotive Engines. On MONDAY, September 26, at Kennett Square, near Philadelphia; Fa., FiftY (OW BOX Freight oars. four feet eight and a Bailin= gauge. On WEDNESDAY, September 27, at Wilmington, Del., Eight-four (84) Box Freight. Cars, five-foot gauge.. Tile above stock is all new, and of the very best ua h ql ity. The 'Engines are eve-feet gauge, ilve-foot drivers, and cylinders Mai Inches: They can be eliangee to narrow gauge at a trifling expense. Sales to commence at 10 A. 11. Terms : Cash in Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON., Iy2B - 46t Brevet Colonel and A. tit. 31. LARGE BALE OF GOVERNMENT - 1 - 4 RAILROAD ENGINES AND OARS. UNITED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, Ormuz OF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, WASHINGTON, D. C. l , , August 11, 1885. be sold at MANCHESTER, opposite Rich mond, Va. on TUESDAY, October 3: Twenty-five (25) new first-clash I.9oonlosl,ve. En gines; five foot gauge, Ave (0 *Mt ar.V 333 1 cylinders 18'24 ineles; capacity Of tank, 1,000 gal lons. Five (5) first-class Locomotives, 4 feet 6%-inch gauge. Two hundred and sixty-five (265) new Box Freight Cars, five (5) foot gauge. Fifteen (It) new Platform Cars, five (6) foot gauge.; Ten (10) Freight Cars, 4-feet 8%-inch gauge. The pale to continue from day to day until all are sold. Salete commence at m o'clock. Terms: Cash, in Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON,_ Brevet Colonel and A. Q. M. au1i.4,0,24 H. S. Military Railroads. 4-3,I7CTIeIq SAL ; 0' .OBPI AL PROPERTY. 11ILDICAL PURVIIYOU'S OFFleg, WARRINGTON, D. C., August Will he held until further notice, In this city, on EVENT TEMESDAY. MOENtlitii, commencing SEPT - ENDER 7, prox., at 10 o'clock A. M. at Ju diciary Square Warehouse, FIFTH and E btreets, an auction sale of Hospital Furniture. Beddlug, which have been used In the Government service. These sales will embrace many articles of a ser viceable character, and the attention of Hotel keepers, Proprietors of Steamboats, and others, is stalled to them. Terms.-Cash, at the time of sale. Successful bidders must remove theft , purchageS within forty-eight Mtwara from date of sale. If not taken away within that time the articles will be resold at the next subsequent subsoil the risk of the first purchaser. C. SIITHERLA.ND, auel-tt burgeon I/. a. A., Medical Purveyor, AUCTION SALES. =MIMI Fu g.NESS t BRINLEY, & CO., Nog. 615 CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNggir4 SALE 'JVIF` (Friday) MI, at 10 ' A CARD: —We have now arranged for t Lion about 00 lota French. Saxony. andzi.l'.l.l goods, t o b e ,sold this (Friday) morning, 1, ...,1 1 t1 ik s, at to owoek, on four months' credit'''. pricing new anal desirable goods, ,)usi Er AO DEALERS IN ltllfttQ tb *l.l l,T elar c o ntlon of the trade Is reriaiti%'lL The attention oR dealers in bonnet ribbo n ()nested to the asitvrtment to be sold thitt%•ii morning. Sept. Bth, of the Importation of 51 - 4 !dateline Freres, ectirkleising the beat and to alrable qualities and A, tyles offered this sen sor '' Also, a large line to plain black channsti; cord - edie velvet Midi ' OO5 . - Colored do. dal- SALE Or RR" NCH GOODS. TursvvicjelN I NG, Sept. Bth, at lo o'cloolt v arle lots of fancy an, Frenc dryy' goods. ' ;,,. ' SPECIAL SALE OF POO CORTONS RICH , NET AND TRERMS, a* RIBBONS, 41) 1 Of a celebrated llPPortatio". 11-111 Y VAIL cartons NOB. 4, 5, 6, cordea,-(10c W hi le and choice colored noon drsol ;ribbons, ' ' , it _ T . do , do. do. —la 100 troche flgored and' atm; nod ribboz i , —l2 80 embroidered ribbons. • 4 1 08 black g.tos grattrriMlollS. —1 aoblue, watte, and black. ribibon, Also ,__ttliiimitig editions, sada riblallis. Br , BLACK AIID COLORED SILK-VELVE't EONS - . Itil Nos. IR; to 20 Lyons bra — cii:iiik-velvo i t ribbo n —Colored silk ribbons. —Willie edge black ribbons, Black nod colored silk-velvet rl2Bbcanc eo u , F, brand, nomRrISSIIKIi.foll asSOPIN COLORED TAtt , FEA`A. - Ittlkit 100 cartons Nos; to 20 cerored Taffini. rilPrs 400 PIECES SAXONY-WOVEN ToRMs 0,-„;• OF A FAVORITE lIIPORTATIOti, THIS DA'!.. An invoice of new-style Saxony-waren d rw , g.ol WOOL PLAIDS. 300 pieces Union and all-woolVaids. ALPACAS, COMINGS, ANTIS AIhtTARS Black and colored alpacas and COhurr„, Figured, black, and colored moluars. Mohair cords printed naohairs. 6-4 small check mohair's. Printed alpacas. &c. WOOL SHAWLS AND BALMORAL'', 300 all-wool long shawls. 1,630 wool Isalmorale. PANCOABT & WARNOCK, 4110) TIONEERS, No. E4O MARKET fßaeet. M. THOMAS & BONS, ATA. No. MO and 111 South FoITRTH Eltretf REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, Public sale of Real Maple and stocks, ti the F.l, change, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock, during th business season. Id July and August only 0,1,,,f,1 al sales. .Rim bales of Ihrniture at the Auction store ecr,. THURSDAY, S c ale for Account of the United States, HOSPITAL STORES, FURNITURE, BAT, TRESSES, BLANKETS, BEDDING, IROli hitp, STEADS, &c. aa THIS MORNING, Bth lest, at 10 o'clock, at the southeast corner Brae and Cherry 'streak., fee leeount of the Uls States, by order of C. McDougal, Surgeou and Brevet Colonel U. S. A., Medical Purveyor, a lare t quantity of hospital stores, iron bedsteads, bath, tubs, ranges, cauldrons, printing presses and Ma. terials, empty boxes, &c. Pull particulars In catalogue three days prevlom to sale. Terms—Cash; .4 per cent. to he paid at tibie sale. Sale for Account of United States. 700 GALLONS (4 MO OO NINE WHISKY.. THIS September Stb. at 10 o'clock, at the Subelsttw. Storehouse, Tenth street, above Chestnut. Sale for Account of the United States. AT MCCLELLAN HOSPITAL. NICETOWzs. HOSPITAL STORES. ON MONDAY MORNING-, September 11th, 1865, at 10 o'clock, at the 3feCisl. lan Hospital, NiCetoWll, Will 1)e sold, at public ssie,l by order of 13. McDonald, Surgeon and 14,4 Colonel H. S. A.. Medical - Purveyor, a large re/. tlty of hospital stores, furniture, bedding, &c. all particulars in catalogues. sair Terms—Cash; twenty-five per cent. to be patdl at time of sale. FURNITURE',7 Spruce street, SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD Piliby AND MELODEON, Ditimsm.B (7,Aitt , Vrg, On TUESDAY MORNING, 12th Instant, at 10 o'clock. at No. 73.5 Spruce strent, by catalogue, the superior household furniture, ro,o. wood 7-octave piano, by Raven, Bacon,& Co., rose. wood melodeon, tine Brussels carpets, ,te. Also, the kitchen utensils. JO , - MO he examined at 8 o'clock on the month( of the sale. D AVIS ct HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, (Late with M. Thomas STORE NO- 333 CHESTNTT STREET. CART,—tersoos wiehing to dispofle of their household goods, either at their residence, Or by removal to the store, will receive personal men. tion, and our best exertion to secure satisfactory returns. aux SIIPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT ROSF.• WOOD PIANO. OVAL MIRROR, FIRE PROM FINE BRUSSELS CAKITTS L 8:0. ON TUEi3DAT MOuNIMi t 12th inst., at 10 o'clock, at the auction store, h 7 catalo!ue, the superior furniture, fine-toned rose• woods octave piano, fire proof safe by Evans ant Watson superior office desks, tine Brussels Car pets. dte. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 5210 MARKET and Sga OOMMERCE Stsests, SALE OF 1,350 CASES BOOTS AND SHOE& We wil MONDAY MORNING, Sept.ll, Commencing at 10 o'clock, bv catalogue, for cash, 1,300 eases men's, boys', youths' boots, shoes, bro gans, Congress and prairie boots with a destrahis assortment of WOnen , s, misses; and eunertare wear. TSAA C NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, -a- N. E. corner of TRIRD and SPRUCE Streets, SALE OF FORFEITED PLEDGF!S - - By order of ABRAHAM NATHAN'S, Broker, on TUESDAY MORNING, Sept, illtht 1865, At 'O'clock, consisting of gold and.silver patent lever and other watches, gold - chains, finger-flap, ear-rings, breast-pins, metialions, silver-ware, pis tols, coats, pants, vests, shawls, dresses, dros patterns. sheets, &c. NOTICE. All persons having goods on depsgt with me over the legal length of time will call Idyl redeem the same, otherwise they will he sold entail above day. ABRAHAM NATHANS, Broker, sce-10t* cor. SIXTH and CALLOWHILL Sta. - pt SCOTT T, JR,REET. AUCTIONEER, 1020 CRESTTJ ST CARD. — Ag N reetibiy. to_previous notice, the first sale of OIL PAINT - lIIM will 1,,C held At the PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERY about thetFth of September. All parties destrou of contributing to the collection will do so at once. . . . . . N. B. Personal attention given to sales of Purr& ture at private residences, or removal to our store. For terms, &c., apply at the Gallery. se2-tf SALE OF CONDEMNED ORDNANCE STORES.—WILL BE SOLD at public auction, at the Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y„on the 24th day of October next, at ten o'clock A. M., a large quantity of Ordnance Stores of old patterns or inferior quality, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: 8 Iron Columblads; two 9 inch and MR 10 hick. 170 Cavalry Sabres and Swords. 43,500 Muskets and Elites, new and old, U. S. and foreign, of various calibres. 60 North's Carbines, in serviceable order. 101 Pistols, U. S., smooth bore, new. 86 Pistols, Itevolvers,Steres patent and others. with a large lot of spare parts for repairs of U. S. and foreign small arms of * - 42i6lig terns. 165 Powder Horns, new. 69 Copper Powder Flasks, new. m 293 Bullet Moulds, formuskets and rifles. 2,456 Curb Clueing, new, old pattern. 15439 Infantry Bolt Plates. 23 Sets Artillery and Wagon 1-Lattiegs. . 10,707 Cannon Primers, percussion. 3,970 lbs Powder, damaged. 6,000 Its Powder, mining. 39 Spare Wheels, for Artillery carriages. 3 Truck Carriages. Percussion ears and fuses, old hose leather, pistol holsters (saddle and belt), and leather accoutre ments; carpenters' Mid laborers: tools, shot and iron castings, and pieces of wrought iron. Samples of the principal lots of small arms maybe seen at the Watervliet Arsenal, or at the U. S. Ord nance Agency, No. 45 Worth street, New York. Terms of Sale—Cash. J. V. MAGNER, Licut.-Col. Ordnance, Commanding. be2-etaocb.Bt.lB-6t CLOSING SALES GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE WASUINGT9N, P. 0., August 24, 11164. Will be sold. ac public auction dileing the month Of SEPTEMBER, to the highest bidder, at the time and places named below, 'vim NEW YORK. New York city, Tuesday of each week, 100 Horses each day. New York city, Thursday of each week, 200 Mules each day. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 100 Hanes each they. Philadelphia, Saturday, September 2, and Wednee. day and Saturday of each week thereafter, 100 Mules each day. Pittsburg, Thursday and Friday of each week, to September We inclusive, 150 Mules each day. Harrisburg, TueS d aY 4p each week, 150 mules each day. Chunk, Thursday, September 2, 200 MOM Indiana, Tuesday, September 12, 150 Mules. Greensburg,, Thursday, September 14, 150 Horses. Reading, Thursday, September 14, 200 Mules. Altoona, Thursday, September 28, 150 Horses. Indianapolis; September 114345, 2 5; 27, and 29, 150 Horses each day. Indianapolis, September 12, 14, and 16, 150 Mules each day. ILLINOIS. Chicago, September 5,7, 9, 19, 21, 23, 30, 150 Mules each day. ChicagO, September 4, 6,6, Is, 20, 22, 29, 150 Horses each day, DELAWARE. Wilmington, Friday of each week , lso Mules each day. Wilmington, Tuesday of each week, 100 Horses each day. _ _ NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Tuesday, September 5 tro Mules. Trenton, Tuesday. September la, 100 Mll/00, MARYLAND. Baltimore, Thursday, September 7, 150 Mules. Baltimore, Thursday September 24 150 Mules, mi§so'uni. St. Louis, Thursday„ .September 7, and Tuesday and Thursday of each week thereafter, 200 Mules each day. KANSAS, Fort Leavenworth, commencing Tuesday. SOD. tember 12, and continuing thereafter at Buell Uwe , as the Depot Quartermaster may designate, 2,000 Mules. GIESBORO, D. C. Tuesday and Thursday of each week, 100 Horses each day. No ealee of Males will take place at wAsinNoToti, D. C. The animals to be sold in September are superior to any heretofore offered to the public. The majo rity of them are sound and serviceable. It is expected that at this series of sales all the Rol , - pi*, government animals Will be disposed of. Buy era shOutd thereforg matt thatrative4 of this lad PP' portuntty to purchase. Animals will be sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms cash, in United States currency. JAMES A. FAIN, Brevet Brigadier General in eltarge Mill 20tkat DlvisioP, q. Q.O. LARGE SALE OF GOVBRNMEXT -LA CARS, ENGINES, AND RAILROAD IRON. UNITED ESTATES MILITARY RAILROADS, Oman OF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTSR, WASHINGTON, D. C. Auguet II leu. WIR be sold at CITY POINT, Ya,; on WM , ND ' DAY, October It, at It o'clock A. M. r About four thousand (4_,000) tons Railroad Iron. At PORTSMOUTH, Va., on FR/DAY, October In, 012 M.: . • Five (s)tirst-elass Locomotive Engines. About Any (50) Freight Cars and one (1) Passenger AtNORFOLIC, Va., !Dacha M SP. M.! One new Locomotive - Engine, 5 footgituge. 17: At ALEXANDRIA, Va., on. TUESDAY, October FlitY (SO) first-clam Locomotive Engines, 4-feet 8* inch gangs. Xlgliteen ON new Platforms Care, - t g auge. About tyhAve h 2 un new B an x C f o (2so v ßox f Car P . 4- z e , 834-inch gauge. About two hundred and thirty OM Platform do., 4- feet 88Inch gauge. About thirty (S 0) Stock do., 4-feet 834-Inch Smug' Twentyk2o) Passenger do., do., do., do. One (1) wreaking, 4%, do., do., do. Two (2) new Truces. Sixty do., do., tramed. Fourteen (14) Flats. About two thousand, (2,000) tone Railroad Iron. Sales to commence at ALEXANDRIA, at 10 A. irt and to continue from day to day until al are sold terms: Cash, in Government funds. IL L. ROBINSON, nr ev et Colonel and A. 0. st aulti-toclo V . S. Military Ralliosol._ tiISOLDIERS AND OTHERS WILL lima it to their interest to buy Boots Iho Trunks, Travelling Bags, east GARRETT 8,1 ISouth tiECOTID.aIb ChOPtaut. lllete.ault-im a MAIO & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFE STORE,_ 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. PA, Abulte variety of FIRE-P R OOF away, on nano. am WILLIAM H. MOODE, GE' NERAL FURNISHING I,NDERTAKES, No. 523 RACE Street, (late of Arch atreet.) Iy4- rermaAl Attention at ail Uoure, an 34412