The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 08, 1865, Image 3
COMPTISSION HOUSES. ITADLEY Co.'s SOFT FINISH SIX-C ORD SPOOL COTTON* WARRANTED sOO YDS. LEWIS BROS- & CO.. Sole Ageata is Philndplphlit, 23S Chestnut Street. ses-1m itiTO WiIITTFACTURFateki crxrrxximits, CITY MADE Ia.ENERALLY. The subscriber is Commission Agent for menu. facturers of the following Goods- COTTON YARN, all numbers. COTTON WARPS, all numbers. COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARt'E' VARP. WADDLING, all qualities. WICK, TWINE, BATTS, AND RAG CARPETS. BILLING AND SEINE TWINES. R. T. WHITE. pin !LAMM Street. no CHURCH alley. set-2m WADDING WAREHOUSE NO. 212 CHURCH ALLEY. The attention of the TRADE is called to the sub scribers' large and varied assortment of WAUDINGS, ishich be has now in store, and Is constantly receiv !ag, to Wit: CHEAP HEAVY WADDEN - GS FOR CLOTHIERS. PrEmoß QUALITY DO. FOR JOBBERS. 7.4EATY BLACK AND WHITE PIECE WADDINGS, FOR FURRIERS. ALSO, FINE COTTON" LAW AND TIE YARNS. R. B. EVANS, Manufacturers' Agent, 8.115-SMW 2 III BAGS! BAGS 1 BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND. OZAHLESS, BURLAP, AND GUNNY BG FLOU PRINTED LT ORD E RLL SIZES, To BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO.. )y26-6m N 0.113 NORTH FRONT STREET. lIAZA.I4D & IIUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, us PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADE STREET, NEW YORK. je2B-6m T 0. MATHEWSON GENERAL COM . MISSION PRODUCE ' BROKER AND FOR WARDING- MERCHANT, No. 585 BROAD Street, aitGUSTA, Georgia, at the old stand of the late 5 - rms of T. P. Stovall & Co.. Stovall, McLaughlin, lb„ and G. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give his prompt and person alktntloll to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and merchandise generally. Having the agency of several first-class Cotton 31flis. I amprepared, at all times, to supply orders Lou Yarns, Sheeting, Shirtings, Osnahargs, Drills, Jeans. With extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, can furnish secure Storage, and give prompt atten tion to Merchandise and Produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. airll-8m PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 8, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at this Until 12 o'clock M., FRIDAY, September 15, ma. for the immediate delivery, at the United hilts Storehouse, Hanover-street Wharf, Phila delphia. Pa., the following Quartermasters' Stores, Tlzi es Dust Brushes. 475 Wail Brushes, 10 and 12 knots. 5) tarnish Brushes, line flat, assorted. 30 Lam Chimneys coal oil, 2 inches. one-halllS boxes tilass; sine - 101‘14, 35;10216,15; 10214, 15; 12x16, 5; 16220, 300 sides Bridle Leather, oak tanned, to weigh 10 lbs per sideuvhen finished,• light sides. 150 coal oil Lamps, 75 for % wick; ,5 for 99 wick. 25 bbls Coal Oil, in the tightest and best barrels. PO Wile Miteilia.Rl:2lle; size, „ti inch. nOoottuds Black taint, in oil, iu 3,5, and 10 10 cans. NC pounds Japan Dryer, in 2,3, and 5 lb cans. ShAl pounds White Lead, in oil, in 25, 50, and 1001 kegs. 310 pounds Yellow Ochre, in oil, in 3,5, and 10 lb cane. 5(11110UMIS Putty, in small kegs. 941 pounds Tenitian Red, in OIL, in a, 8, and 1011 calls. 50 pounds Raw Umber, in oil, in 2, 3, and fib cans. 50 pounds Raw Umber, dry, in 5 lb papers. PO pounds Burnt Umber, dry, in 5 %papers. 2W pounds Burnt Umber, in oil in 2,3, and 5 cans. 100 pounds Vermilion, in 1 lb papers. SO pounds Clizeille Yellow, in 5 lb papers. :co pounds Chrome Yellow, in oil, in 3,5, and 101 u cans. Sepounds Terra Sienna, burnt dry, in 1 lb papers. Endozeir coal oil Lamp-wicks, pieces; 110 doz Melt: 60 d oz yi inch. 20 gross Breeilaing Rings; size, 1l inch. gru,Brass Screws; size, inch. No. 7. =pounds Finishing h inch, 251115 a 4 inch, • lOU Ms; iii inch. 100 All of the above described articles to be of the lest quality, and subject to the inspection of an in spector appointed on behalf of the United States btu - eminent. Samples or the above named Stores to he delivered It the United States Warehouse twenty-four hours previous to the opening of the bids. Bidders will state price in Writingand ligures, and :le amount or quantity of each article bid for. tacit bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whose signatures must be be appended to ale guarantee, and certified to as being good and zstficient security. for tile amount involved, by the Mated States District Judge, Attorney, or Col qtor. or other ]public officer, otherwise the bid a ill not be Considered. The right IS reserved to reject all bids deemed too and no bids from a defaulting contractor will !i- - aecepted. All proposals to be made on printed blanks, which =yr lie had on application at this office. By order of Colonel Wm. A. McKim, U. S. A., il.iel'quarterinaster.Philadelphia depot._ HENRY BOWMAN, Captain and Asst. Quartermaster. 01:ARTERMASTER'S DEPART MENT, PHILADELPHIA, September 8, 1865. ;•'EALND PROPOSALS will be received at this mull 12 o'clock hi, FRIDA.Y. September 15, ell. for the delivery at the United States Govern ment wharf, - VINE Street, Delaware avenue, of all PINE, OAR., or other HARD WOOD that may bt required at this depot for the space of six months trout the 15th instant. Deliveries to be made at such times and in such ~,a ntitieb as may be required by the United States 6ci:crnment. iv a • be oo toof good merchantable quality. Bidders will state the price per cord both In Sting and figures, and must conform to the terms f this advertisement. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible ertons, whose signatures must be appended to the Fuarantee. and certified to as being good and suf- Tient security for the amount involved, by the sites States District Judge, Attorney, or Collee .n, or other public officer. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too tiah, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will received. all proposals to be made out on the regular forms, which will be furnished on application at this otlee. Elierd! envelope "Proposals for Wood," to. be •Pvia.l4u the 15th instant. By order of Colonel Wm. W. McKim, Chief Quar ,enna:iter Philadelphia Depot; HENRY BOWMAN, ze.s-71 Capt. and Assist. Quartermaster. (WIVE .DEPOT COMMISSAR"! OF 6UBSISTENCE. WAsitiNG•row. D. C. September 6, 1865. PROPOSALS FOR 'FLOUR. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited until 16th day • I september i 12 o'clock Si..or furntshing_the Sub ,ilenee Department with oNE THOUSAND (1,0001 LAM:ELS OF FLOUR. The proposals will be for what is known at this [4.11.24 as Nos. 1,2, and 3, and bids will be en :••rtained for any quantity less than the whole. Rids must be in duplicate, anti for each grade On •Ilcrate sheets of paper. tie delivery of the Flour to commence within five 'cgs from the opening of the bids, and must be de .' (led in such quantities daily as the Government direct, either at the Government warehouse in ' ,, ,rgetown, or at the wharves or railroad depot in lasbingten, D. C. The delivery of al/ Flour awarded to be completed Titian twenty days from the acceptance of the bid. Bldg will be received for Flour to be delivered in oak barrels, head lined. Payment will be made in such funds as the Govern tent may have for disbursement. The usual Government Inspection will be made before the Flour is received, and none will be accepted which is not fresh-ground, and of a supe hot quanty• As oath of allegiance must accompany - the bid of NMI bidder who has not the oath on file in this Of rti.. and no bid will be entertained from parties the have previously failed to comply with their bids, •tjtom bidders not present to respond. Government reserves the right to reject any bid •at any cause. Bids to be addressed to the under `pied, at No. 223 " G " Street, endorsed. " Pro 'ills for Flour. II E. T. MIDGES, se7-8t Captain C. 5. V. PROPOSALS FOR REPAIRING ~ORDN ANCE, STOREHOUSE AT THE NAVY LAID, NORFOLK, VIRCILNIA. BUREAU or ORDNANCE, NAVY D - BrAwrsthsTl', WASHINGTON, August as, 1865. .SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed - Proposals_ repairing the Ordnance Storehouse at the N avy rd, Norfolk, Virginia,"will be received at this dice Until noon on the 11th September, 1865, for '''railing all the materials and workmanship and 'fisiring - the building,according to specifications ql .. itlans on file In this Bureau. . 11 411.5 and specifications for the work are also de ie the office Of the Civil Engineer of the ,:;.T,';','„%ta:7"Yard, where bidders are referred for „mushto be understood that the contractor is to .. , u3l.l L all the materials and perform all the work bed, and to complete the building in all re ?tk. I ,P i ders will state the price and name the time in they will engage to complete the work, and Bureau retains the right to reject any or all ` 4 %11 , 111th it shall not consider reasonable. TAR DEP , . ArAR DEPARTMENT- . OFFICE OF , DIRECTOR AND OEN MANAGER 4 iIILITARY RAILItOADney ERAL ED STA.TES,- WASHINGTON, th NIT JuI St, 18Z. . MR SALE— WASHINGTON , ROLLING MILL. n... . '''''or , Osals will be received at this °Mee n tu . :',the o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, OePtem HO, to purchase Chattanooga, Statet mints a 4°l lrtyad lollinn Mill at Tank, Vf track 1,.. mnachinery, tools, buildinn, IX 1 ITAIITII I I an ' 0 11 40.11T the Ratty 3,1111 with the t. 4.At E a m n n aa ail lail m r°a chinery constructe ofto re-roll 4, : 'ilt oaj l lroil d are a entirely new, and the most kj,ovce character. . 0 o ration, ea 1i ' , I' full descrirlOn and details tu let r er, T. W . 11 1,0, a llsPiritt e l dent, g r b r i gtan oog a , Tenn ' ~AlBliis shouid be endorsed “Proposal to per 'wise lltattauoog Rolling Mill." D. C. ISIOLIIT..,Lu at, Brevet Brig. Ge_p. t . - . .rector and Ofineral Manager Military Rail 24- tawfiSt roads United States. ....-...__..,____ OFFICE OF McELROY'S CITY DI u..ECTORY, 600 CHESTNUT Street, 2d floor. iftat7 4ll,- ers are now engaged In taking names and iij k, 'D ,a Corrections for the CITY DIRECTORY for tw, undersigned respectfully calls the atten ,tto,",ri,all persons in business, as well as house generally, to the importance of giving cor : l ti ,, f o rarstlort when culled on by those employed 41,0 4. c aliove purpose. Liberal subscriptions are ited, Cse7-2t.) A. WEL - ROY. CA R D PROTOGRAPHB-12 FOR $1.25, , rll 4 '', r clullY executed, and tastefully finished suit for Rheum , sust the thing for scholars to bk• ti, ab with da seen- sinates RETAIVRiS, SECOND rt ove Gr lt* V t BU ET ht MOORE & CAMPION, Mel SOIITH SECOND STREET, tO follow the decline in the market 12 ` ,, ,cri",r or their leurtature. rut - almni will Rese,: ' , xemlue our "took. myl o -Ir. 19,ATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE -14.10-RED....7y HELRBOLD'S EXTRACT St/ORR. WO 'I. "lap §treets 10 - ~r~ OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF GOVIMECINMENT LOANS No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. JAY COOMIE. .Sr , CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Offer for sale, at lowest market rates. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Treasury Notes of date Of Aug. 15, Int. Do. do. do. June 15,1895. Do. do. do. July nom. BONDS OF 1881. 5-20 LOAN OF 1861. 5-20 LOAN OF 1664. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUONT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. ~'-'::. Tnformation given concerning all kinds of Been - reties • Collections on all points made at lowest rates. itki-tjal IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Noe. 239 stud 241 North Third Streets PHILADELPHIA. Cloths, Prints, Cassimeres, Detainee, Sattinetts, Alpacas, Jeans, Fancy Dress Goods, Cottonades, Brown and Bleeched Sheetings, Denims, Brown and Bleeched Skirtings, Stripes, Omish Chambras, Checks, Omisli Tweeds, Gingham, Flannels, Diapers, Linens, FUBN/SHING GOODS, WI:UTE, GOODS, au2.1.3m "'-'''' NOTIONS, &c., Ste. CURTAIN GOODS. I E. WALR&VBN, MASONIC HALL. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, -A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CTJEMAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RIGS DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES. PINS, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS WITH PATENT UMBRELLA PRAXES, ALL SIZES, BEADY FOR USE. WINDOW SHADES, OP TEE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A 0110/Gt ASSORTMENT. 11022.-ti W HENRY PATTEN, HAVING ADDED UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TO HIS MADE AND CURTAIN BUSINESS, LS PREPARED TO FIT 01:71' ENTIRE .110IISMS, WITS NO FURTHER TROUBLE TO HIS ClJeTOrdiella THAN_ THAT OF LEAVING THE ORDER. A fell force of workmen always in readiness to be sent out, at 1405 Chestnut street. GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE "VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, Ao. All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purposes.. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, att26-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. MILITARY. 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to Visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent aCCOmitiOdatiOng, light and easy ditties. For all farther information inquire at the Recruit. tug Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, rhiladelphis„, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every dayexcept Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, cantata and Recruiting Officer. _ . - r .ANGHAM HOTEL, PORTLAND L PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel, "the largest in London," is now open; it is site. ated on the most open and healthy site in the West. eird,with all modern improvements, Suites of Apart ment, Salle a Manger 160 by 90 feet, elegant Ladles , Room a spacious Gentlemen's SITTING AND WRITING ROOM, ETC. Within a short drive of all the Railway Termlpl. For terms . to secure accommodation address— Thean Manager, -3m - C. sestrmANN. gS SPECIAL NOTICE. I have made arrangements to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY, clinsWitlfffitErra tr ig y wao n ti e n b u . e u t n o ti s i el u l Aztr ziotice. GEO. J. HEIVIIELS, 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street; LOOKING GLASSES. The largest and most complete assortment, at moderate prices. OIL PAINTINGS, Recent importations. ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT 'AND PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMO-LITHROGRAPHS, SWISS, AMERICAN AND ENG LISH SCENERY, Rogers' Statuettes, Bustle Frames, And every other character of Frames for, Engra vings. JAMES S. EARLE &ROES, see-]2t Mk CHESTNUT Street. CANADA LUMBER YARD. LUMBER DISTRICT, ALBANY, IL Y. JONES & CO. have on hand (300 M) three hun dred thousand feet dry three-inch Pine, good 4th and Select. Are daily receiving a large quantity of Box. seB.6t JONES & CO. McCA.NDLESS % SMITH, HALT VINEGAR FACToRS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WHITE WINE TINEQAM--a new article of manufacture in this country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted free frBm impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parte of the country. AIiENTS. L. E. ciattsLos. No. 118 Walnut street, Phu:- delDhis. PITT & WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place. Ba. timore. CHRISTIAN LEE & CO., Richmond, Va. E. W. GOULD & CO.. Newbern, N. C. je2l4 m PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MILLER & BUILLOGR, MANUFACTURERSor PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Nos. 'llO2 and 1104 SANSOM St., Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the lateststylee and most beautifUl patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. They are unsurpassed In hastily and durability by any in the market, and sold at less than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis count to dealers. Catalognesmalled to any address without charge. POCKET DIDVEI3 AND 'POCKET TESTAMENTS. WITH PSALM IN METNE, Miller & Burlock's superior and well-know - a Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles andinn for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. 110 S 1104 BANSOM St au3-wrinatitdim HAVANA OIGARI3,—A GOOD Yd• RIETY constantly in store and build, at low est cash rates. S. PUOVIGT & SONS, mv244m• No. 916 South FRONT Street. RASE BALL CLUBS WILL FIND A fall stock of Bases, Balls, Score-Books, Spikes, Shoes, Belts, and Rules of Game,. at PHILIP WthnON dt , 00.13, se4-1m 409 CHESTNUT Street. CARTES DE VISITS—OF IEINSUR ,-, PASSED styles and manner of execution, are done at B. F. REIMER'S, 6214 ARCH Street. Per- SODS patroolzing him win. be pleased. HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 doz. Sausage eef Meat. 500 " Beast R. 500 " do Veal. 500 6 . do Mutton. 1,000 " do Turkey. 1,000 .4 do Chicken. sale by assorted Sous, 1,1, 23i lb._eaus. For sale by RHODES it WILTJAms, WI South WATER Street. VOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON -.- TiNENCE of urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration or the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands stone in the bladder , calculus, gravel or brick - dust deposit, and all diseases of the ladder kidneys kidneys, and dropsical Swellinge,•lo4 - South TENTH Street. WilautNAD'a XgazAcT UM. AS FOLLOWS HOTELS. THE PRESS.-PRILA_DELPMA:: . FfIIJJAY StPTENitE RETAIL DRY GOODS:. GREAT nom OF JOB LOTS OF - CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOBBY COATINGS, BEAVERS, • VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, Of the latest And most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or public. generally. Officers of the army and navy may feel assured of special attention. We also have a complete stock of FRIENDS' WEAR, COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, and BAGATELLES. Our motto is " Good Goods at Fair Prices," at W. T. SNODGairoMOS' CLOTH HOUSE, SOUTH SECOND STREET 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. seB-1m B ATH TOWELS.—ON HAND, AND now opening, heavy brown Huck, Bonet' Comb and Basket Diaper • Superior Barnsley Washed Heek_, real Russia 'Crash; also, WHITE and BROWN TURKISH, and heavy-fringed HONEY COMB BATH TOWELS SHEPPARD, VAN HARL/NuEN, & ABBISON, seB-15.uw No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. WENCH SHEETING.--JUST RE CEIVED, real French Sheeting, entirely un dressed, and of very superior quality. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AMMON. seS-fmw NEW TABLE DAMASK.-NOW °ram- BARNSLEY TABLE LINEN, New Designs and extra quality. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, House-Furidahing Dry Goods, sa-fmw NO. 1008 CHEWINUT Street. WHOLESALE BUYERS WILL FIND A LARGE STOCK OP FRENCH MERINOES, RICH POPLINS, MOUSSEL DE LAINES, PLAID CASHMERES, From the late AAUCPICIN S.A.IAES IN NEW YORK, which will be sold at less than regular prices CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 100, 455, and 454 N. SECOND St., BLACK THIBET S HAW LS, SILK FRINGE, _ Black Thibet Shawls, Wool Fringe, Long Black Thibet Shawls, Leng Black Cashmere Shawls, From the late Auction sales in New York. . CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 4521, and 454 North SECOND Street, se7-3t Above Willow. BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELLINGS, A full and varied stock. CIIEWEN STODDART A DBOTITER, Nos. 450, 45% and 454 North SECOND Street, se7-3t Above Willow. CHOICE COLORS MERINOES, Prices ranging from $1.25 to $1.75. Prom the into Auction Males In New York, CO WEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, se7-3t Above Willow. At LL WOOL CASHMERE PLAIDS, ALL. FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES I NEW YORK. CURWEN STODDABT & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, se7-3t Above Willow. BROADCLOTHS, CAS SIM ERE S, COATINGS, Goods of ail kinds, for Men and Boy's Wear ,___of new designs. at the lowest prices. , CURWEN STODBART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 4521, and 454 North SECOND Street, se7-3t Above Willow.. RICH STYLES PLAID POPLINS, RICH STYLES STRIPED POPLINS, in choice coloring from the late AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 451 North SECOND Street, se7-St Above Willow. MEDIUM AND LOW•PRICED DRESS eoons, from 37ge 62,V„e. A splendid line from the late Auction ales in New York. GURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, se7-3t Above Willow. CHOICE COLORS PLAIN ALL-WOOL POPLINS from the LATE AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK-. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, . 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, 6e7-3t Above Wglow. WFWANT EVERYBODY TO KNOW that, notwithstanding the great Scarcity of .111USLINS, we have a large assortment of every width; 3-4 wide bleached, 20 cts per yard; 8-4 do,. 25• cts: full 4-4 do, 40 cts; 6-4 do, 6-4 do, 8-4 do, 9 4 do, 10.4 do, 11-4 do, and 12-4 do. Muslim by the piece at less than wholesale prices. Linen Diapers at $2 per piece of usual 12-yard pieces; Linen Diapers at. every Trim and width; Linen Diapers 2$ ilt9hes wide; Linen Diapers much under Fl y kireg ular pric es. haann. an cts pR D a & ; W al ß PENNEFLneI se6-3t 1011 MARLETStreet, below Eleventh. WE ARE SELLINGA GOOD:WHITE BLANKET for $5.25 per pair; we are selling sameßlanket for V. 60 per pair; thatre Belling the Blanket for .70 per pair we sold" last season for $l2 per pair; we are selling the dame Blanket for $6.75 per pair that others are now sell ing at $lO per pair. We are selling all kinds of Blankets at, near half last year's prices. R. D, 455 W. H. PENNELL, se6-8t 111211. MARKET Street, below Eleventh. BLANKETS .-THE CHEAPEST BLANKET HOUSE IN THE CITYI—Now is the time to buy them, for as the season advances they will, undoubtedly he higher. There has not been near the usual quantity made, and the demand for them is already very great. I am offering great Inducements now by patting the prices very low, and will guarantee to sell Blankets at less than the same qualities can be bad. I Dave them as low as $5 per pair, and from that up. At $lO per pair I have a line all-wool one that dill not self last winter less than $l5. They are a good bargain, and well worth examining. Anyone want ing such will save at least 402 per pair, as they are fully that much under the market price. Crib Blankets ail sizes and qualities. One lot heavy'Diarsellles Counterpanes at $10; the last of the same quality were sold at $l5; I. bought them from a recent importation, and they are the cheapest quilt in tile city. Also, several other equallylow; Honeycomb, Lancaster, and Bridal Quilts; heavy ready-made Comfortables, and one of the best assortments of Flannels that can be offered. Blankets can be furnished In any quantity, as my stock is very large. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. se64t POWER LOOM TABLE LINENS, 87-ic, 141, and 1 1 1.123 i. Heavy Unbleached Table Linen, 623„ 75, and 8736 c. Russia Crash, 23 and 21 cents—cheap. American Crash—a nice assortment. Napkins at all prices. Scotch Diaper, from *2 to $5 a piece. Largest and best Honey-comb Quilts. Very line Linen Towels and Towellipg, JOHN IL STOKES, sei 702 ABM Street. TWO BALES OF REAL RUSSIA CRASH, just received. Price, 2.5 and 81 cents. Damask Table Linens and Napkins. Huck Towellings and Bird-Eye Diapers. Linen and Cotton Sheotings. Fine and medium quality Flannels. New York Mills and WI liamsville Muslins. English and American Prints. Strine Chintzes for wrappers and bordering. EDWIN HALL & an3o-tf 16 SouthSECOND Street. B LANKETS -ENTIRE NEW STOOK, LOW PRICES. Medium and fine Blankets. Some extra cheap lots, $9 and $lO. Fine crib Blankets; Horse Blankets. Honey-comb Quilts; wide, heari . Sheetlnas. Shaker Flannels, finest goods, and $l.lO. Best quality Canton Flannels; (eking& DEL Linen Diapers, 1A.25,A1 $2 NE .50, 8. Is 3, and $3.50, ste. 107 pieces new De!sines, 35 and 37 eta. 118 pieces new prints,best makes, only 28 to 35 ets. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete. COOPER it COWARD, s. E. cor. NINTH and 111ARKST Streets. A STEEL & SON, Nos. 713 & 715 11• North TENTH Street, are now offering great bargains in SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at redueedheiCOM Demesnes of all kinds at reduced pries& Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced. prices. Ij ~Alt (Wire i k s & c ig h lff,l4 ‘a kita. sl. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. Just opened 1 ease of Hoyle's best quality 44 Eng lish Chintzes. double on • les. at 50e. au= tzi N I ?IR t I *DJ LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The nearest house to the surf. JONAH WOOTTON, aul4-Im. Proprietor COTTON -WARP CLOTHS', TRICOTS, WAVE AND OTHER PATTERNS. ALSO, ALL-WOOL DCPESECINS, AND OTHER FANCY PATTERNS. For sale by the Manufacturers, BENJ. BULLOCK'S SONS, 40 and 42 South FRONT Street. avE-3m MACKEREL, HERRING, BRAD, —2,500 bbls. Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late -caught flat Ash, In assorted package& 2,000 bblo. New Eastport, Fortune Say, and San fax Herring. 2,000 boxes Lubec, Sealed, No. I Herring. 150 bbls. New Mess Mad. 250 boxes Herkimer -county Cheese, tac. In store and for sale by .PHY & KOONS jalit-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARV HS. TB. 40 W. H. CHAFFSE, WHOLE • sale dealers in Rosier/. Gloves, Trimmings, Fancy Goods, &c. No. 511 MARKET Street, Phi ladelphia. n 6-12? PHOTOGRAPHS. - PERSONS DE SIDING can have PHOTOGRAPHED, in nun style churches, residences, country seats or public buildings, by applying to B. F. REIMER, 03* ARCH - Street. It. EPHRENOLOGICAL EXA.HINA.- TioNs, with full descriptions of character, given LAY and y EVENING,Jb. L. WATS, oelZ-iirimly No, Ris South TENTH Street: IMPORTANT-TO KNOW where the best and most durable Shoes can be made for Ladles, Misses, Children, and Yontbsiof ever; style. AtWEST , S,in ELEVENTH street, above 'Spruce. se7-6P. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained liy . Hiq.aIBOLD , B EXTRACT WWII Pi SIAM ZIA= WWI ouza-um, NEW PI7BLICATIONN. THE NATION. This Day Published, Sept, 7, 1865. OUTENTI3: THE WEEK. The Richmond Protest. Democratic Distresses. Cotton Culture. Judge Edmonds on "Spiritualism." The Progress of National Wealth. The Income Tax: A Contrast. CORRESPONDENCE: The "Grate Easturn.' , The South as It Is. England—The Five-Fold Murder. France and the Maid states. Legal Memoranda. The Break Up. A. Few Words about Cholera. LITERATURE Literary Notes. Two Lectures by Mr. Buskin. Persian Characteristics. Current Literature. FINANCIAL REVIEW. TERSE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in advance.% Six months, Two Dollars. When delivered by car rier in New York or Brooklyn, fifty cents addi tional. ty, JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, Publisher, T. B. PUGH - , CORNER SIXTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, AOENT lebE THIS CITY. FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS AUBBTS. It INSECT ENEMIES OF FRUIT TREES. By Isaac P. Trimble, N. D., Entomologist to the State Agricultural Society of New Jersey. With Illustrations drawn from Nature. ln one volume. . , . ALSO, HALL'S G UIDE TO THE RAT WEST, With Maps, &e. _ STORY OF THE GRE AT MARGIT. By a Staff Officer. With Illustrations. All New and Standard Books. For sale at low prices by ' LINDSAY & BLABISTON, Publishers and. Booksellers, ee 6 No. RS South SIXTH Street. NEW MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS.—.- THE BIBLE HAND-BOOR. An Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture. By Joseph Angus, D. D. Revised edition with illustrations. Crown, THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE CIVIL POLICY OF MI - ERICA, By. John William Draper, M. D., LL. D. THE OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Showing where Petroleum is found; how it is ob tained; and at what cost. With hints for whom it may concern. By William Wright. All the new hooks received as soon aapubllshed, sualor salt by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. A A. Kamm ' ) see 606 CHESTNUT Street. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. 1865 . WHOLESALE. 1865. above 'Willow THOS. W. EVANS Air , CO., Are daily opening their FALL IMPORTATION, EXMISITION FINE DRESS GOODS, To which the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS 820 CIIESTRUT STREET, UT STAIRS. au3o-12t, FRESH GOODS. HILLOWELL, GAItDNEII, & CO, IMPORTERS OW R R SAN O D PENT JO N B c f.ERS, AB AN ENTIRELY NEW bTOC/X OE 51:1-11HCS AND FANCY DRESS- GOODS, Comprising an extensive and attractive assortment or styles to meet present trade in Elegant Design s Foreign Fancy Fabrics. Also--CHOICE IMPONTBDSTAPLE GOODS, such as . wilt be re A lt r ired for smiza, which they W r fitltES TO CAPE sumo. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets, 7y31-mwf am 1865. F ALL. 1865. AB. IL CAMPBELL & Coc, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers at wholesale to their stock of it' FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN DRY AG. .:) , 43 , r) S. Which, for extent, variety, and general adapts tion Ulthe wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS. MERINOES, POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BA.LMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied with scarce and desira ble goods at and under 'market rates. WHOLESALE ROOMS VP STAIRS. au2s-tf CARPETS AND OIL.-CLOTHS. 1865. GLEN ECHO MILLS, MCALIATIVI Sr, CO., (MANUFACTUREItS , 85 IMPORTERS OF OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, &0., WIIOLESALE DEPARTMENT,- RETAIL DEPARTMENT, CARPETINGS I CA:RPETINGS. t t J. T. 10 - Ei.....A.CitorK, No. 37 South SECOND Street, No. 31 ABOVE CHESTNUT. HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE ENGLISH AND _AMERICAN CARPETINGS, OF THE BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR on—CLOTHS LIST, AN AT THE LOWEST PRICES. J. T. DELAOROIX, ST SOUTH SECOND STREET, Between Chestnut and Market streets, Fhßada. sel-fstuwth3m NEW CARPET WAREHOUSE. LEEDOM Br, SHAW NEW Wlll open MONDAY, Sept. 11, 1885 with an entire New Stock of ENGLISH and AMERICAN CAR PETING in all their variety, to which we respect fully invite the attention of our friends and the public generally at 86..1ts No. 010 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. NEW FALL STYLES WALL PAPV.R,S.I HOWELL & BOURKE, N. E. Cor. Fourth and Market Streets, PAPER HANGING-6 WINDOW SHADES. aull4mw2m ini - ELmBoLD , S CONCENTRATED . 1 . 1 - EXTRACT BIJOHII is the Great Diuretic. GpLarnorm's CONCENTRATBO ESTRAOT Sanas ri.urra.s. is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Pharma cy and Chemistry, and are the moat active that can b 4 Rade, *** boutk Wigan 60144 'l' 3V. M No. 130 NASSAU Street, New York AND HAVE NOW ON A CHOICE LINE OF KID GLOVES, &o. Is INVITED. GERMANTOWN, PA. CALIC.P , ErrINGES, 509 CHESTNUT STREET 519 CHESTNUT STREET WALk PAPERS. PIULADELPLIIA MANUFACTURERS OF EDITCA TiONA L. VLOCUTION TAUGHT AND, STAN -12J mElginer CURED. .1%1J1,11 , LAWRENIZJE, Professor of Elocution, 2 , 019 LOCUST S. ~e.4.Ct* THE MISSES DE CHARMES FRENCH and English School will reopen at No. 1816 FILBERT btreet, on MONDAY, Oeptembur 11, 1865. sep4.7t* THE MISSES DARRACH WILL RE OPEN their SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at No. 26 South EIGHTEENTH Street, on MONDAY, September 11th, 1865. seI,I2PF RPEING-GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR Young Ladles. Duties resumed Sept. 4th. au2B-Ber* (iILBERT COMBS, A. M., -Principal. - - - THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL of the subscriber, S. willner of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streetsßeopen on.MONDAY, Sept. 11. Cau2B-Inr9 B. -KENDALL. MISS M. K. ASHBURNER WILL RE THIRTEENTHA". SCHOOL FOR GIRLS at gO9 South Street, below Walnut, on MON DAY, September 9th. au28.12t• RPEING-GARDEN ACADEMY- A. Classical, Mathematical, and En fish Solid& for Bey! and Young Men, corner EIGHTH. and BUT TONWOOD Streets,will reopen MONDAY Septem ber 4. J. P. BIRCH, 1.. M., au2B-1m rrincipal. PATHARINE 3L SHIPLEY WILL RE OPEN her School, at No. 4 SOUTHWEST PENN Square, on the 11th of Ninth Month, (Sep tembero 1866. au,S9-tinw WILLIAM FEWSMITH'S CLASSI . CAL and English School, No. 1008 CHEST. NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY, Seu2S-t m*ptember SCHOO L AND KINDERGARTEN will reopen MONDAY, September 18, 1885, at 1914 MOUNT VERNON Street. The Primary Department is conducted as a Rin cleggarten„ upon MA" Garman (Frelbers) System, and includes boys and girls under ten years of age. Older pupils will be received. In both departments, Gymnastics (under the sys tem of Dr. Dio Lewis) and Drawing from still life are taught. GERTRUDE W. FULTON, • HARRIET 11. DARLINGTON, au2S-12t MARY E. SPEAKMAN. ACADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF An- No. 41 North • ELEVENTH Street, reopens Ninth Month (Sept.) Stlt. W. WHITALL. au2S-Im. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET, BELOW. LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMBER 4th. au26-2414* W. FAMES, D. P. Principal. VRIENDBi SCHOOL, OSLER AVE .& NUB, north from Noble street, below Sixth Street.—Meopen 9th mo. (Sept.) 4th. All Branches of a good EPIO L LPS/ 'EDIICATION thoroughly taught,•and particular attention given to the moral training._ of the Pupils. All denominations admit ted. THOS. SMEDLEY, Principal of Male Dept. SMEDLEY, Prin. of Female Dept. an26-12t. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (with Primary and Secondary Departments at toched, ) S. E. corner Of and GREEN Streets. The duties of this institution will be re• sunied on MONDAY, Sept. 4, 1865. au26-120 MISS' BROOKS AND MRS. J. B. BALL will resume the duties of their. BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies at 1.2118 WALNUT Street, on. WEDNESDAY, the'24th List. Itti26-2m5 A BACHMANN, TEACHER OF THE A Piano, Organ, Melodeon, and Violin, OS SPRING GARDEN Street. ADVANCED PUPILS FINISHED. Classes formed in Harmony. Appli cations, 12 to 1 A- M.lB to 7 P. M. ariao-11U* MISS V. P. BROWN, No. 1907 PINE Street, will (on MONDAY Sept. 4th,) resume the duties of her School for Children, between the ages of 4 and 15.* MRS. E. J. DAVIS WILL REOPEN . her SELECT SCHOOL, for Children, on HON DAY, September 4th, at No. 819 South EIGH TEENTH Street. au3o-llt* TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRIS TOWN, Psi., for young men and boys. Twenty second year, The Winter Session of sia months, will commence on TUESDAY, Sept. lath. For Mr collars, addressJOHN W. LOCH, Principal. ses-60 RIG._RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Vocal Music at his residence, No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October 1. He may be addressed meantime through the City P. 0.. as above. au2o-tf C ENT RAL INSTITUTE, TENTH N./ and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 4th. Boysprepared for any division of the Public Grammar Schools, for College, or for business. Special' attention kiven to Mall boys. Residence, 534 North TENT Street. au2l-6w H. O. MeGIJIRE, A. M., Principal. ATARI' P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG- LADIES will be Iteopened at 1643 FILBERT 5t,, 9th mbnth (Sept. llth). ausegue. THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September 18th. In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation- Franck is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the institute. For circu lars, containiu terms and other particulars, ad dress 1342 SPRUCE St., Pbilada., - Pa. anti-= VAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, -a- GREEN Street,west of Twenty - second street, rbihd c iplita.—This superior Boarding and Day School for YOung Ladled, will begin its next term September lath. A Preparatory Department is pro vided for younger pupils. For circulars, apply to or address Rev. J. W.BARNHART, A.M., President. aulS-im CALBI3 5. HALLOWELL'S SELECT High &Pool for yowngmen and boys, No. 110 North TENTH Street, will reopen on the 18th Inetant. ee2-14t. SUSAN HAYHURST WILL OPEN her School in the commodious rooms Southeast earner of NINTH and SPRING? OARREN -Streets, (entrance on Ninth,) September 18th. will be afforded to- Young Ladles for receiving a thorough education. A Department for. Children, under a competent teacher,- will be conducted upon the Kindergarten,. or Object System. Reference, former _patrons. -For further information, apply to pr,O.II.PEIRCE,SO - 11&ortli SEVENTH St. sel.-Mr, THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH JP. SCHOOL of H. Lk. GREGORY, A. M. No.lloB MARKET. Street...loU reopen, on. MONDAY, Sep tember 4th. ? au2l-1m• PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN. LADIES, N. W. corner or CH/OTIS Streets (for. merly at 1680 Arch street.) Circulars at 1204 and 1884 Chestnntstreet. Or address P. 0. Box 2811. The next Session will commence on MONDAY, Sep tember 18th. Bev: CRADLES A. SMITH, DP D., Principal. aulo- . 1m (I . IIIIGARAY INSTITELTR-ENGLISH N./ and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Noe. 1527 and 1529 , SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 20-th. . • . French is the language of the family, and Li Con stantly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and particulars Apply to aull-Sin Madame MTHIIViLLY, Principal. THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL -IL SCHOOL of A. B. SHEARER A.M., North west corner of. CHESTNUT and TWELFTH Sts., (second floor,) will reopen. on , MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms,references, see Circulars; to be ob tained at Mr. Hamad'," Drug Store, or from the Principal, at the School 800/ne, every morning, be tween 10 and 1234 . o'clock. an2o-I.(n* MRS. SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th at 933 SPRUCE Street. Circulars may be obtained at the N. E. corner of Spruce and TentliStreata. atai-ISt" THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. -a , BEEBE will reopen their Boardingand Day School for Youpg_Ladies No. 1703 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, 20th ofSept. au2-2m5 GERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMI NARY, GREEN Street. south of Walnut lane, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 13th. Circulars containing full information as to Terms, course of Instrtiction character of the Seminary, &c., &c., ma be obtained of Prof. WALTER. B. FORTESCUE, au22.-tf , 1 Principal, pHESTNIIT-HILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited num ber of BOYS, each pupil being taught by the Pried-- pal, H. W. SCOTT, from Yale College. Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, W. H. Trotter, J. S. Kneedler, and C. Platt. aul7-Im. MRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY WILL. re-open her SCHOOL, 1532 SPRUCE Street, on WEDNESDAY, September 13th, with increased facilities for the comfort and improvement of her pupils. au3l-12t. 1865. CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE MINARY—ENGLISEE AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dillaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September 13th, at 1615 CHESTNUT Street. Particulars from Circulars. auls-tocl THOMAS'BALDWIN'S ENGLISH Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. B. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Se tember 4. au2,s4m* - p CLASSICAL,AND MA THEDIATIOAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 Southwest PENN - SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. 11th. an2o-2m. JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. GEORGE ft: BARKER'S ENGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, PRICE Street,Ger- Mantown,wlß reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4th, US& asu29-120 • C - OURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TIITE FOR BOYS AND YOUTH.—Address Prof. Z. D.SAIINDEBS, D. D., Phlladelohia. aul9-Im. ENVLISE, AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street ((in the rooms lately occepledW the Y. M. C. A.) This school will open MONDAY, September 11th. It is designed to prepare for any college of the United States error mercantile life. T. BRANTLY LANO TON, OSWALE6 SEIDENSTICSER, Principal lm s. 1 . attl,4- WILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL reopen Ids CLASSICAL and F. NGL IS El SCHOOL at No. 11.1.A1 MARKET Street, on IdON HAY, September 4. anTlMms PRIVATE; BOLIOOI4 FOR BOYS-IN the Philadelada City Institute, N. E. corner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Reopens SEPT. 4, 1885. Entrance on Eighteenth street. L. BARROWS it an29.lm* JOHN G. R.VELROY, sPrincipals. MISS' MARY E. THROPP WILL. RE (WEN her t nglieh and Preach Deardin._g and Day &boot for. Young Ladies at 11341 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the 11th of September. 'For Circulars, apply at the School. aul7-Im* WEST BRANCH BOARDING MALE AND FEMALE. TElildElf 0/1011E, LYCOMINGCOUNTY,PENNA. Terms B n SISO per year. Pupils prepared for College, usine Or ordinary duties of domestic life, with the comforts of a good Rome. Catalogues, with fell particulars, of Philip Wilson, 409 Chestnut street, or address as above. aul7-Im* DONLEAVY LONG, A. M.,Principal. RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH. ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution is designed to viral the best schools of this • country and of England, in. its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full- Dess of its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will bo Atted to take a high stand in their class and to iiraduate with honor. It will be the special aim arso to prepare young men for business or professional life. First session commences September 18th. Circulars, with full information, can be lilad . at nap Chestnut street. ifiSW7c - riakirdiE flint t i „ . c Be. --0 41 eb Copp, %eller, Hon. Joe. Al k ea 9 L i Z e r e itr ui hilitt n n . : Part,. Thomas Potter, Esq.,A. H. Fran M. P. M. Blrklxiblne, Esq. aulH-lm PENNSYLVANIA. MILITARY ACA DEMY, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on TITURBDAX, tkP tOipber 7, at 4 P. M. Cadets may pursue either a Classical or Scientific course of study, under experienced and thorough instructors. In the Primary Department the usual English branches three arms taught IDlitary instruction it given in the three arms oethe service. The Aca demy is furnished with horses for Cavalry and. gorse-Artillery exercises. All the appointments of the Institution are of the advance, and :so expense or effort is eared tO the education and military training of the Cadets. The religious instruction of the Cadets is. carefully attended to. For Circulars, apply to J. ORNE, 801L 66 CIESTIUUT Street, Philadelphia, or to Col 11EO. ld ATT, President of Penna . Acitly.[ltulfulM OUNCE MEN AND BONS' SCHOOL.— Rev.. JAS. G. SHINN, A: M.; will open an English, Classical, Mathematical, . and Scientific School for Young Men and hoys. N 0.1900 MOUNT VERNON Street; on the first MONDAY in Septem ber. Tho instruction Will be particular and tho rough. such as will prepare young men for badness or college. For term, c,, war co Mare, oulo4lre 8, ises. EDUCATIONAL. LABBERTON AND CHASE'S SCHOOL: . —ln comenuence of the contin fled illocea of Mr.' Labberton, the opening of the next women is post poned from Monday, September 11tH, 10 Monday, September 18th. eee-3tw THE: MISSES DURANG_WILI, resume their instruction In aufevore and PIANO. nom nturivii Street. ghfASt* AR. TAYLOR, TEACHER OF SING ,, . INS and P1A190,1236 MELON Street, will resume September 11th, at from 7 to 9 A. M. and 990 7 P. M. set -4t•' LA/MERTON & CHASE'S SCHOOL, Ji • -4 No. '1604 CHANCELLOR Street (first street below Walnut, between Sixteenth and Seven teenth), will reopen on MONDAY, September 11. During tbis week the Principals may be seen at No. 338 South FIFTEENTH Street. set-4t• VRITTEND EN'S PHILADELPHIA 1, - 1 COMMERCIAL COLLEOE, No. 637 CHESTNUT ST.. CORNER SEVENTH. Established 1844. IncorporatediBs6. The Course of Instruction includes Book-keening in its different branches Penmanship , Mercantile F Calculatione, Rosiness orms, Commercial Law, &e., etc., furnishing a necessary PREPARATICN pore' RUSINESS. LIFE- Students Instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas-awarded for Graduation. Ca talogues furnished gratis, on applicatibm Evening Sessions after - September 18th.• se6-6tll* MISS ELIZA W, 33IIT1113KAVOL for Young Ladies, No. 12110 SPETTOE Street, will be reopened on MONDAY, September ii. The course embraces a thorough-English Education; with Latin, French, German, Music, Deswing,.Palintin, & c. sea-Im. FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TOTE for Young Ladies, Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. M. a. DAVENPORT., Principals. No. 2963 FRANKFORD Road Philadelphia. Circulars can be had, ou application, at the Institute and at Messrs. JORNPENNINGTON & SONS, No. 1.27 South SEVENTH Street. au23-Im. REV. ALBERT "HENRY BARNES will reopen his Classical and English School, at 922 CHESTNUT Street, on Monday, September 4th. set-124* MISS KID WILL REOPEN HER: DA r SCHOOL, fora limited number of Young Ladles, on MONDAY, September N. W. eor• ner of WALNUT and SEVENTH'. Circulars may be obtained at the Bible House. se4-mwfi M. 310111IILLIN WILL. RESUME.THE • [hales of her SEMINARY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN on itioNDAY, September 11th, 1865, at NO. 411 South EISIIITEENTH Street, below Pine. se4-mwrlat. A NNE CHURCHMAN'S SCHOOL will reopen ather new rooms,No. 844 FRANK LIN Street, on MONDAY, Oct. 2. set fmate MISS W. L. SANDFORD. WILL RE. OPEN her DAY SCHOOL on September 13th, at N 0.1122 WALNUT Street. Applications may be made after ISeptember 4th at No. 1522 SPRUCE Street. au3o-wfm9t* MARGARET ROBINSON WILL RE open her School for Girls. I AS RACE Street, on the 11th of the Ninth month . . Apply to , P. GILLINGHAM. eel-12t* 1235 SPRING GARDEN Street. WOODLAND SEMINARY.- NOB. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Phi ladelphia...A DAY AND BOARDING- SCHOOL for Young Ladies . Location healthy, airi, and AtirA o- live. Fall Session commences Sept. 11. For Circulars appla to jy2l-2m* REV. EERY REEVES, Principal. - peEmovAL.-1088 JAMES - HAVING rented the spacious Hail in the Philadelphia Institute, PI. R. coiner of EIGHTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, opposite her former location, will open her SCHOOL on the 9th of SEPTEMBER. Residence, o. 831 North Tenth street. au29-12t YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, S. E. corner of ARSHALL and SPRING- GARDEN Streets. buttes returned SEPTEMBER 114 ants-12t. 'ENOCH H. SUPPLER, A. M.,PrincipaL MISS LYMAN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 228 South BROAD Street, will reopen WEDNESDAY, Seotemberlath. au29-dteelsmwstoel A CADEMY OF THE SACRED 'HEART, No. 162 . 5 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Parents and Guardians are respectfully informed that the "Ladies of the Sacred Heart" intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES on the beyond MONDAY of September. The system of education will be the same its that pursued so successfully in all the Institutes of the Sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spare no pains to win the heart to virtue and impart to the mind a solid and refined education. Application can be made for Circulars let Sep tember. B ROAD-tiTREET ACADEMY, NO. 337 -1-• South BROAD Street, ED. ROTH, A. M., Frio eial. School reopens Setembe 4Re gFl raatrD_6tTz CIiTM Street, at thel AcadenVi 4(1 sent postpaid to any aaaress. au22- at REMINARY FOR YOUNG. LADIES, PARKESBIIRG, Chester county;Pennsylvania, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School will be resumed OCTO BER Ist 1865. Terms-10S per session. For Circulars, apply -to Misses JOHNSTON and KELLY, Principals. au26-1m POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, 1865-66. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL begins September 11th. TECHNICAL:StiIIDOLS begin September 19th. The EXPERIMBIm n, FARM of 175 acres, near Gwynede,,Elont county, bs. 41%1_04 September i2thco a - select class of students on the Principles and , Praetlee of AGRICULTURE, who will reside andmork on. the Farm, and statedly at tend Lectures at the College In the city. Applications for admission should be made to the underalg_ned, at the College Building, WEST PENN SQUARE. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, M. D.. au26-18t President of Faculty. T HE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth, reens SEPTEMBER 4th. This Is the bost_provlded School for boys 113 .America. J. ENNIS, Principal. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY- MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorough course of study in Mathematics, English Classics, &c. Supplies the benefits of s home, Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys (gall ages received. Regina Setitema ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP A SON, 22 South THIRD Street; THO 9 J. CLAYTON,_Esq., FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEOR G E F. 'KNOTT, 35 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-3m 1? EMA L J f E COLLEGE, BORDEN , TOWN, N. WINTER SESSION o this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER the 18th. A few vacancies only remain. ' For cata logues, containing terms, etc. Address. Rev. JOHN id. BRAXELEY, A. M., au2-13w ' President. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT IIiA.NLIPACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, ' which they make a specialty', their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. .J. W. SCOTT & 00. t GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, ja2-ly Four doors below the Continental. CIIIRI S!, OM P-1: CCMPtlii) 600 GLASS JARS 600 KITCHEN WARES, CUTLERY, • WOODEN-WARE. se7-tf ORTPPITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., 1420 SOUTH NINTH STREET. WASHING, STARCHING, IRONING, SCOUR. ING, AND CLEANSING, Without injury to color or fabric. EACH FAMILY'S WASH KEPT SEPARATE. .t Orders by mall to Box 2034. sea-wfrellai TEMPLE OF FASHION.-GRAND .-11- OPENING THIS DAY, of the most reliable and latest Designs of Imported Paper Patterns. Mrs. M. A. BINDER returns her sincere thanks to her customers and the ladies of. Philadelphia generally, and would respectfully inform them that She has re moved to her New Store and residence; No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, four doors above the old stand, with greater facilities than heretofore enjoyed. Extensive and superior arrangements have been completed for fashionable and. elegant Dress making in all its varieties, in advance of the pub llsiced mode. Mrs. M. A. BINDER flatters herself that her late novelties will not be surpassed by any, Ladles' Dress Trimmings, Ornaments, Buttons, Velvet Ribbons and a full assortment of Paris Goods. All kinds of materials fluted and gautfred in the French style by hand. Particular attentiongiven to Stamping, Braiding and Embroidering. Madame Demorest , s Skirts, Pads, Shieids,.French Corsets, Hooks, Eyes, Dress Elevators, Charts and Mirrors of Faelrion. Sets of Patterns "for Merchants and Dressmakers now ready. Importing and Manu facturing largely, I can and will oiler superior. inducements to every customer. se4-mwtfifsit TARE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND -I- 'Unsafe Remedios for unpleasant and danger ous dieeases. Use MILMROLD EXTRACT Buono Improved Rose. Wash. 104 South TENTH Meal" H. GARDEN & CO,. MAXIMA°. 11 TUBERS OF .AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HAM CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS._ &c., No. 800 and 80.91 MARKET street. The largest land most complete stock, the best terms and cheapest prices, Country merchants and the trade supplied. au2B-3m IAINFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITUTIONS, of both sexes, use 11XLMBOLDb8 EXTRACT SUCHU. It will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you to sleep well. I.o4,Soutli TENTH Street. au28..1m FACOURAGE DOMESTIC INDUS -B-4 TRY. HARRISON,& BRADFORD, STEEL PEN MANU , FACTURERS, give employment to over otrmneNDRED AMERICAN MEN AND WOMEN: v end produce over TWENTY-FI E MILLIONS ANNUALLY of American Steel Pens. stamped with their. name in fell, and bearing their label. In quality, finish, selection, and styre of putting up, these Pens are warranted to surpass-any Pens ever offered to the American public. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, by MOSS &C OL, Stationers andillank Book Manufacturers. 43i CHESTNUT Street, and 430 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. auWina BENJAMIN F. BLOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW._ Having been receutly discharged frota.theanny, has resumed the practice of the amL having been appointed a Commissioner of Deeds for the most 01 the States, by the Governors thereof, is au thorized to take depositions, acknowledgment of deeds, tec__,. to be need or recordedtberein,, 02oe, NO. '1844. CLIESIWITT Street,. „ ddeei A READY AND.CONCLITSIVE TEST of the properties of HELMOOLDM FLUID Ex, TRACT BDORU will be o.coutparison. with those set forth in the United States Dispensary. 104 South TENTH Street. au2B-1m 'OMER'S SELF-SEALING IP RU I T CANS. Every housekeeper in the OW Mid country should use this excellent Club Et is the most con venient and reliable Can in use, lad gives entire satisfaction wherever Introduced. MIS sealed in an instant, by 1100killg tind spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and !megabi t( it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in` the paper welts by the heat of theamit, and as thepress. lug continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fedt. The cap is unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the Cernented paper. Please call fitid examine this Can at J. DlODWitTitilia . , SOS SPialio tiA.RDBN Street .1344-2mif Philadelphia. COTTON WICK JUST 500 1. 1 MI stock of Cotton tuns, Carpet 45ath e a. , at 1 west market pE i ce. ROWS .71.18T0A, & CO., snls 157 baud 159 24 orth THtuD street. THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH —Therefore, the nervous and debilitated should immediately use BIBIAIBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICEEIT. 104 Routh TENTH Eitre et, 5029..1m TO SPORTSMEN".—PHILIP WSl4$Oll & CO., No. 409 CHESTNUT Stee2 call the attention of Sportsmen to our stock of F E GUNS of our own apd best English makers. cp, Mica, Pistols, Skates Cricket and Eaffe- Bairn Apleraaate, Powder, nett Wade, Cape, Flaelca, Eueeheal atlowest prices. - Repairing done in the best manner, aull-tt ÜBLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII gives health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility Is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to. consumption, Inanity , or eplieptiC Atia 'MAW SO South street. maipua OUT W A o 7 1 , 8 ,P0 — ,Aes Y a I A ntel.t. 18 and has cane knowlerire of bol. la rre e W"C. Address, with reference, . 4 / office. W A NT E D—A SALESMAN IN A V V wholesale Boot and Shoe HoulaN one acquaint. V G. E. city and PenneMania 1161"' .E. R.. Prom Office. , W ANTED—IN A . WHOLESALE JOBBING HOUSE, a thos competent ', bit exPee rienced Entry Clerk. None need apply - who can furnish the best testimonials as to capacity nd claracter. Address office. X ERCHANTI,' at this and li. 'IATANTED—A PARTNER WHO IVAN Y runtish froittss,GXl to $20,000,. le a good Ittuin lecturing Business, or any profitable btegne's.B. None but' a good business man' need' apply. TS" sante tonorrat will be furnished. Good rererstue'e given and rtqulred. Apply at al NorthFßlYlßrt' Street, Pltiladelpitia, Pa. seY-St* WAN TED-A YOUNG MAN WANTS V Ea buy a first-class Shoe Store, ervreuld . rent a good stand in a :own PannsylVaniai of. 6ioOnto , 12,000 loliabltants. Address P. 01 Box.2o,:Yora phur Springs, Manrcannty, pa, seB4t*" "WANTED TO PURCHASE; FOR IN- T T VESTMENT. orie or more Store or' Resident°• propertleo r on CHESTNUT Street.- Apply to ti-m• E. R. JOKES, se No. 504: WALNUT treet.• ANTED , -AGENTS--$lO PER: DAY V AT HOME.—I want an ;tent, Male or Fe. male, in every town and nel borhood, to , sell- The Great Labor Saver." very family wants - it, and agents are making from $9 to $2O per dap; This is the beat chance ever offered toents, as tlie' article Is patented, and a capital of but *A to $lO Is - required to begin with. Further particulars sent' on receipt of two red stamps for circulars and re turn_postage. Address - H. WAYvELL, Box 4781, CHICAGO. WANTED, IN EVERY . CITY AND> 001.113 ti of the United States, tellable Agents (of gentlemanly address) to canvass for the most re markable Works of Art ever published. No. I—Medallion Portrait of WASHINGTON; " being a fac simile of the Declaration of Inde pendence, through which, as through a gauze cur tain., the reader perceives the features of the Fattier of his Country; the light and bravy shadings of the lettere forming the outlines of thO portrait, which is after Stuart's admirable painting."—New York Herald. No. 2—A most perfect portrait of AEI{ &UAW LINCOLN, effected in the same manner, by a fac simile of the draught of the Emancipation.P.rocht 'nation, strikingly correct, both of which . are sur rounded with loemitlftil suggestive sketches, as originally drawn with a steel. pen; and uow en , graved fad simile. These engravings have elicited the highest testi monials ever awarded any Works of Art heretofore published. The original letters from the President and Cabinet; Generals Scott, Grant, Maier, Cad , walader; Governors Curtin; Fenton, Morton, Brough,,Andrew; Ex-Gov. Yates, Bayard TaylOr,. and hundred of others, may be seen .at qite Odlee of the Association. . . Parties applying for the exclusive right to can vass will specify distinctly the County and State wanted. This is a rare chance for old canvassers or discharged soldiers. Send three. , cent stamp for further information, with terms to agents, &c. Sample copies dd..% each; niailed:frde on receipt of price. Send for circular. Address "Art PUblish ing Association.," Box 2625 Philadelphia Post Office. se4-mwf6r* Office 406 North TENTH Street. A N EXPERIENCED DOUBLE-EN AN TRY BOOK-KEEPER, with unexceptionable reference to lit , csont employers, &sires a situation; salary being a minor coticideratiOtt. Address "A. Y. M.," 605 MARKET Street, Phi la. se7-3t A 'YOUNG LADY DESIRES , A:FEW A Pupils in Music. Terms moderate. Reference Siven as to competency. Address .untll Saturday. ept. o, kw, " S, PhiladaJ P. 0. seti-it. AGENT S WANTED' FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OF ME WAR, com plete in one large royal octavo volume of over 1,000 pages. Splendidly Illustrated witb:q27.flne portaits of - Generals and battle scenes. This is Just the book the people Wfint. It presents. a rare chance for agents. Teachers, euergetle men, and espe. Wally returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find It pe culiarly adapted to their condition. Send for circu lars. Address "JONES. BROS. & CO.. au2B-ImlVlt. "Philadelphia, Pa." AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work, the most dolete, only au. thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO.,.Philadel phia, Pa. au29-Im* A GENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL 'RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. INIHL indneeL meets offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, EU). 20 North MERRICIC Street, northwest of Penn Square, Philada.. Pa. au2S-Ins* AGENTS WANTED FOR " THE.SECRET SERITICEi THE FIELD THE DUNGEON, AND TIDE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune. Corres nt. The most interesting andexciting book ever pub lished embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled cyberienea for four nitre, traVeiiing fhrQugh, the South in the secret service of the Tribune at te e outbreak of the war, Irith our armies 'and' fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain Were Of Ole fact, incident, and romance Of the war than any other work published. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing sl7sper month, which-we will prove to any doubting grunt. Send for c mailers. Address JONES BROTHERS & CO.. N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets, anl7-Im. Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING DIMNESS IN TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience, and acquainted with the coun try and people of Texas, is soon to return there on private business. Collections and other business will be promptly and properly attended to while there, if entrusted tckhis hands. Address "Loyal," at this office. aun4w. PARTNER WANTED-WITH $lO,OOO to $15,000, to take the place of a partner re tiring, in a well-establiahed . Produce Commission House. MAddress "Cosartsmosr," at this office. se7-3t• WHOLESALE DRITGEaSTS,-- lr Wanted, a situation by an experienced Drug gist with some trade. Would be willing to travel, or make himself useful in any capacity. Unexcep tionable reference, etc. se7-2t 5 "E. N. C.," Fran office. TO $20,000 WANTED, FOR $lO, 000 the purpose of extending ati'esta bushed manufacturing business; is safe and pro fitable. Address "H. G. W., Press office. set- t 5 $5,000 AND $2,000 TO • LOAN ON MORTGAGE. Apply^ to JOSHUA H. MORRIS, Conveyancer, 233 N. TENTH Bt. seB-3t* $20,000 TO INVEST NOW, OR BY the let of November, In some es tablished mercantile or manufacturing business, or would form a connection with some one having a large trade. Address with real name "Honesty" , Pre.BB office. se! 5t ftWANTED TO RENT-A MODE RATE sized Furnished House, in a good neigh borhood. Rent moderate. Address Box 2527 Post Office, Philadelphia. seB-3t. WANTED—BY THE FIRST OF .IM&January, a STORE oii ARCH Street (south side preferred), between 'Eighth and Tenth, or a Dwell ing that could he altered into a store. Address "MAC," this office, five days, lt* de WANTED TO RENT-A SMALL MiLL,with Cotton Machinery. Call or address NICHOLS, WHITTLE, & CO., sed.ot. WitAHD Avenne. FOR SALE AND TO LET. en 'V ALUA B L E IRON WORKS known as " WARWICK FURNACE ") AT PRIVATE BALL—The subscribers offer at private sale the valuable Iron Works known as " Warwick Furnace, the property of the late DAVID POTTS, Jr., deceased, sltuatedpartly in Chester, partly in Lancaster, and partly in Berks counties, contain ing upwards of 8 - ,000 Acres or Land, with that por tion of the Iron Ore rights that may suit the pur chasers. The Furuace and 4,000 acres will be sold, if desired. Persons wishing to examine the same will call upon the subscribers at Warwick Furnace. THOMAS M. POTTS , Executors. seB-fr4t NATHAN'L POTTS, • MaFOR SALE OR TO RENT-TWO superior Pointed Stone RESIDENCES, hand somely finished with all the mode Vii ecattoeitionceg, situated on Spruce above Forty-second street. Ap ply to IL MAC GREGOR, 419 WALNUT Street, Or, after 4 o'clock, sixth house east of Forty-first on Pine. It a FOR BALE-TWO NEW .111R111101J5ES, with all the modern conVenieneee, iii Complete order, situate Nos. =l3 and =l5 Spring Garden street. Price $5,000. Apply No. 723 North EIGHTH Street. seB-fmw 6to ge FOB 5 Al,, E—IMMEDIA.TE PO5- .u 1 SESSION—Two handsome MODERN RESI DENCES, Jefferson street, above Broad ; have Mar ble Doorways and Side Yard. Open for inspection. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO., seB-2t 123 g, South FOURTH Street. da FOR SALE-THE NEAT, MO ow/J. DERN-BUILT RESDANOR, with side-yard, No. 711 Green street to good order, with two ranges, two furnaces, bath, &c. Possession before Nov. 1. Apply to BACON & WARDER, se7.6v , 4 MB% WALNUT Street. ei TO RENT-Ai V A.LUABL IJIL modern-built, atiburban RESIDENCE, with convenient Stabling and Coach-h.:Ma, and sufficient, Land. The house Is built of stone, contains thir teen rooms, and has a large lawn, tastefully laid out, and ornamented with tine trees and shrubbery. The garden is filled with choice fruit trees and vege tables. The larger part of the remaining land - is under cultivation. apply 424 WALNUT Street, Mike No. 1. se7-3t. iff4 FOR—SALE—HANDSOME RESI DENCE, Stable, and Coach-house and lot of. ground, No. 1519 Spruce street, 22 feet front by 240 feet deep to Ritner street. Four-story messuage and lot, situate at streetsh east corner of Spruce and bureuteelltil Three-story brick messuage and lot, No. 1921 Vine street; 18 feet front by 120 feet deep to Pearl street. Four-story brick messuage and lot t No. 1205 Fil bert street; 20 feet front by. 118 .feet deep to Cuth bert street. Apply to LEWIS H. REDNER„ ae4-nraf2o No. 132 South FOURTH Street, FOR SALE—WITH IMMEDlATE mapossession, the superior-built Dwelling, with modern conveniences No. 735 SPRUCE Street. By JOSHUA H. MORRIS, Conveyancer, No. tan N. TENTH. Street. ee6-4t 5 • E . FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS STONE COTTAGE, with about 8)6 acres or superior land, near Oak Lane Station, on the North retie. sylvania Railroad. Excellent 811011 e stable and car riage-house, ice-house, steam-engine for forclug water to the house, &c. The place is well situated, and the lawn hala4somely adorned .with evereen and other trees. The,bullanfig are °rule mostsub stantial character, and very - conveniently arrange& Immediate possession. B. P. GLENN, set . ISI3 South FOURTH Street. la FOR SALE,-GOOD.STORE. AND DWELLING, /128 Spring Garden. Street, S. P. GLENX, 123 out 'FOURTH Street a and se2 S. W. eor. SEVENTEENTH' and iiidERN. C... . . . FOR SA L E-DWEXALINS, 1404 MASTER Street 1. possession soo n. welling, 1533 Rilswovth street. Dwelling, 115 i South, Fifteenth. Dwellng. 1650 NotithU ntO, , Dwell i ng, Mk North Eighteett r Dwelling, near Ssventh and reel/. Dwelling, 522 Franklin. Dwelling, 405 North Front, Dwellings, 19111,1920, 1938, grglaWAtoh, Dwelling, MI. North• Twelfth. Uwelling, Imo Pine street. Vt, 15 , GLEN.N . , Itl3 Son,Witouron Street, and . set S. 'W. corner Seventeenth and (green. FOR BALE- - -; - -OESIRABL. 3 ..131DweV4111. N.O. Itlo. Coates street. Lot 20 by 114 feet, to, R Stroet„ rOssesosho in October. Prime, Desirable Dwelling No. MO Vine street, it4.41.11a yard. Lot 2,51)1.104 tee t. Passession to mat. Price, $lO,OOO. Neat Dwelling No. 2,tiN Locust street. Lot 15 feet 4 luebeS by leo act. 1 Kee , $ 3 . 00424 Persons having 11 - noses and Farms for sale_ are re rested to call and have descriptions entered on our center, as We HartAßCterwion.serdullainfNor snub properti, se6-4t Real Estate Broker, 134 S. roTIR2If St. at FOR SALE, ABUSINESS STAND-- Four-storyßrown liouse,Nb. 82,4 Walnut street. Viituable proplirtY• Apply to R. A. J. PANOOAST, No. 340 clock Dutimt sf:eet, limtultville, n 2 between 9 arid o'. s9-Dre, al FOR SALE-A. VALUABLE FARA! r.. 14.. near Abaecoin., N 5.. 150 acres; will la ex changed for good city or Atlantic City property, LENN, 40 2 % IA3 WAIL nun'. atm, FOR SALE AND TO LET. LAT PRIVATE SALE.-A VA- fa, lIABLWPLANTATION, containlngtifty.mehie seven Wes of Land, of the Bret quality, situated about one-half of a Mile east of Jenkintown, ade Joining land of Squire Satterthwaite and others, IM Abington Township, Montgomery ()minty, Pa. The buildings consist or a Stone House, Stone Barn, and all other necessary Out-buildings; two Wells of Water, a_good Spring,House, with an ex cellent Spring or Water, de. There are about nine acres of the balance'Asable, In a high state of improvement. A further description is deemed unnecessary., aspurchasers always view the pre. miens, and this will bear examination. For further particulars Inquire of ae4-et* WILLIAM FLETCHER. da FOR B.A.LE.—ABSECION, N. J. al BS The best nitre and EsothENCE on the coast, tiw hours ride from rhillsosiphis t _containios 24 items, overlooking bay and ocean. New House. enntalnsll rooms and oat-buildings. Bare chance to an y one to buy a beautiful and healthy residence. Land in high state, of cultivation. Fruit of all Mucha surrounds the house. It will be cold house and three sores, or altogether, APIIIY to att29-12t• No. 41.1mAl31{Et ht., Phitada. TO LET-TWO ROOMS, WITLI STEAM POWER, well lig_bted by seB-60 CHAELEI4 EVANS, QUARRY St. F OR SALE LOW , -- , FOttif ,SORER' good OIL TERRITORY ow PIT;IIOLE, near V. Company' a Welles ji.ddreas "OIL," Box 1252 P. 0. TO RENT SECOND AND TIIIRD 61 , 011.1. E%, rear 6[505 Chestnut street; Plltf 7 mce on cflockett's Court, in Fifth street, above host nut. R oonis 52 by 52 feet. Also, the fifth stories of 505 arid uO7 Chestnut street. Apply to WILLIAM J. BwArpr, Room 3,3 d story or 505 CHESTNUT' St. 5e41.85. Fr©' ck.PITALISTS.-FOR; SALE TO close .I.ll:Partnership concern. over two tlionaand acreßo t c p" tee-land In Indiana' county. 'A Map,ean lie seen an 4 lather information given at 825 MAO. 14ET Street. [eel-WV] IL WILT. A i x onus ISA LEM. • HERM:NESS' BAZAAR, NINTH ' A'ND SALISON STREETS. AIJETION. BALE OF HORSES,' kc., Off SATURDAY MORNING } *NE XT, At lOn'elecit con.mrisine about SEVENY-MX tromts, Suited to Runless anti the eaddie. Fail deserrPtions a t Balm ALSO, New and'•seeond.itand Carriage; • Darborne. Bro.; wlilela the sale will commence. Singleand Doable Harness., Saddles Orplies, &e. limßalc or Rienveo, , AL E . R EBR, sep7-2t Auctioneer. AIIUt3IIMENTS. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ILLARCH STREET TkIEATE, MR4. JOHN DREW!, THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Sept. 8, 1885, First and only time In ten years, KNOW YOUR OWN MIND. Mrs. JOHN DREIV us Lady Belle., Supported by Mrs. Henri, Miss E. Pries, Thayer, Messrs. McKee Rankin, Mac Kay, Tilton, Marlow, JiiHits, 11e. After widen,. THE WATERMAN. Robin; with songs • Stuart ROll9Oll. Tom Tug, " , . Mrs. 0. HiSurt. A great Bill for.SAT IMLAY NIGHT. On MONDAY, ROSEDALE. NEW CHESTNITT , STREET TRSA , TRE, CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth, THIS (Friday) EVENING, Stember Btll, FAREWELL BENEFIT AND LAST NIGHT BUT ORB OF MISS BATE REIGNOLDS, Who will Appear most POSITIVELY FOR THE LAST TIME BUT T8.1),' As OGORITA, the Wild Flower of Mink°, In the Grand Spectacular Five-act Drama, THE SEA. OF ICE Or A THIRST FOR GOLD. Which will be presented with NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, NOVEt. MECIIANICAL EFFECTS, CORRECT PROPER TIES, AL MUSIC and an SATURDAY AFTERNOON, September Oth, FIFTY-SIXTH GRAND FAMILY IBA.TINER. When Miss Kate Reignolds will apl ear, at the re quest of many parties, as OGORITA, in THE SEA OF ICE. Monday Evening, Sept. 11th„ Miss Helen Western. AS TUX FRENCH SPY. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.--. I V Acting and Stage Manager..W. B. Fredericka Business Manager and Treasurer. J. Hemphill FRlDAY s ailarJ s ßati U s /MINOS, Will be presented the Thrillinglsla of THE DEAD 11 ]ART, With appropriate scenery, annolutments, and MR. BARTON HILL AS . . _ ROBERT LANDRY, The whole strength of the Company in the east. • In consequence of the length and importance of the play of the Dead Heart, it will constitute the evening's performance. Family Circle, 25 cents; Chairs in Orchestra and Dress Circle 50 cents; secured chairs in Orchestra and Dress Circles, 75 cents ,• Orchestra Chairs, $1; Orcestra Boxes, Private Boxes, OW to iB. Doors open at 714 o'clock; commence at quartet before 8. WALNUT -STREET THEATRp. THE EMINENT ARTIST MRS. D. P. BOWERS, will commence an engggeMent OR MONDAY ETYJNINO, se, Sesta can be secured at the }lox O ffice on and after Friday the Bth instant. ,c .3t NEW AMERICAN THEATRE-. 1. 1 1 WALNUT Street, above Eighth. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION. THIS EVENING AND ON tiATUBDAI AFTERNOON MISS SATE FISHER, The great equestrian Actress in the grand spectacle of MAZEPPA; OR, THE WILD HORSE OF TABTARY c produced with new Scenery; Original MlllO, AR pointments, Wardrobe, Grand Tournament, rollsts and Tartar BGALLET whiM MONS. ANTONIO, and Corps de Ballet appear; Characters by a full Dramatic Copany and se 4-St FI m FTY AUXILLARIES. IVER. AND MRS. HARRY WATATITEI 43 -L- have the honor to announce to the public that they will reappear before them on MONDAY EVENING, Sept. llth and every evening until further notice, In their hu morons andi. gliableenter tainme n t of p . 4 liP?" from the pen of the popular aut tor, CHARLES GAYLOII, Esq., assisted by the eminent _pianist, MISS CARLOTTA SHAW, from the Nobilities Concert, London, at the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, _ Corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. For further particulars see small bills. se6-4t • SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN. THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD I MOST POSITIVELY THE LAST TWO DAYS, AT TIM PHLADELPHIA MUSEUM, 533 MARKET STREET. The Management begs to inform the nubile, that at the request of numerous families of the surround ing towns that have not had an opportunity of see+ ing those great wonders THE SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN, has, at a great outlay, secured them for two days more, which will positively be the only chance the citizens of Philadelphia will ever have of witness ing. the Twins again on exhibition, Hours of exhinitlon from 9to 1.21 morning, A to A, afternoon, 7 to 9, evening. Admission, 25 cents. Children under tenyears or age, 15 cents. JUDGE INGALLS, seB-2t. Proprietor. POITcBUT HALL—FOR FItIS V NIGHTS OBL T—Commencing TUESDAY „ Sept, sth.—Owing to hie unbounded applause and complete success, the CARTER ZOIJA.YE TROUPE and PROTE CS will exhibit as above, which wilt positively terminate their engagement in this city. $l,OOO Challenge to any Military Company, or other persons, who will surpass the Carter Zouavea hi stacking arms In their ZolliWe Admission, 35 cents, Reserved Bea 0, SO send. Doors open at 7 o'clock, To commence at B o'clock. Reserved Seats at Mr. Chas. W. A. Trumiger , a Music. Store, Seventh and Chestnut streets 3' B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets, and at Risley's Periodical Stand, Continental Hotel. Afternoon Performance every SATURDAY. at hair past 2 e 4 eleek J. HENEAGE CARTER. Pro. prietor. L. M. W. STEERS, Agent. sol.ets aftPOINT BREEZE PARK, Trial of speed THIS DAY, FRIDAY, Sep tember 3, at 334 o'clock P. M.; best 3 in t to harness. William Carson names blk, m Victoria. nett. Kennedy 4, b. g. Owner b. g. Den. Sherman. Admittance $l. Its ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. NT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. 91,, till aP. M. lien.Mmin West's great picture g cifRIBT REJECTED still on Exhibition. 1911 BOARDING. DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 624 South WASHINGTON SqSarep l3ll-Zuk• LOST AND FOUND. T 0 S T—POLICY OF INSURANCE,,, -A-4 No. 320-14, lamed by Franklin .Firell.nsurance. Company ill the name of Elizabeth Lye. Tliciarlpr will return the same to E. T. COXE, 52* NUT Street, application having been magi) for a new policy. REMOVALS. 10? EMOVAL.—BAREDICT , M ?„,LLg -LP UMBRELLA and PARASOL Manufacturer, has removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. ses-tin* If i t REMOVAL. LOPTIS, WWI WATCHMAKER AND. JEWELLER, Formerly at Ho. 140 North Thirteenth street,. forms his numerous friends and, customers thnt, ha has removed to No. 01 North BlGEWStreet,, where he intends to open with a fine and well se. keted.assortment bid 11 and JEWET.RY. Everything . in La lina will be.found of a euporlot • quality and workmanship, and every artiele war. , ranted as represented. Particular attention aly,en to repairing lila l Watches. Jewelry madeo order, and repMred. H e.solicits a continuance of the liberatpatronage bestowed in his old store by.forrner customers, ands aske.the favor of the palate generally, anla-Un • 1)? ERIOVAL.--GEO. W. WATSON lit t AA+ CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOIll.• .TORY to their old place, Eq. 1219 OHXSTNIIT) Street (under Concert Where they will keep a. stock of Carriage. of their own mike, and will pea: celye orders for every description of ilret.o l / 4 11 work. Jwww7.lo. WPM ExcultsioNs. r. 4..7....,..,'„r. (RAND ZICOURSION. L. B. cOISIIO;:),,,LozT% BBANVII. GRAND EXCURSION TO • lAIDoNia ON BAirunDAy, eept..per 9th, leak. Leaving eawlen at 2 P. If- s ,sitti arrivlAa in PbflaticlPLlVSP n ta an d one & k i r rattles wtoning to P at the Sea ? shore, should bake advantage cif thei Portunity.. Fare from Camden. to u L i p e nf r ßratieh,aina return, fa, For Information se2-71.* OLE Agent, Oalndelle EXCIIII.BIOAS , T 1.01411 ItitAlktpH, Traina for Long IRralkch , will leave ClOPricill, pcone, Camden, daily (Sunday excepted),at 9,1E4 E. Fare, $2. Exourilou, Tleiketa, gooo for.thres dara,s2. B. B, AgoAt, i seun nnAfts. WEST SERB BY . RAILROAD LIDLES,'ROIL - ' F OT OF MA HET STRENT,SCppor.Ferry.) DAILI EXOE_PT. SON,DAYS, COMMENOLNo THUnsoAE. Sep_terstber Tth. 1885. R* ror OA MAY, 8te.,,at.2.90 Th. Das, Malt and Pas- . senger. For MILLVILLE and VINELAND. AS 9.15 A. Xs ' and 2.90 P, DI. For BlitlDgETON,, 4e., at 9.15 A. 1411., Mail, ant! P: D 5. For GLASSBOE.O , , at 9.15 A.M., 2,510 and 4 P. N. For WOODBMRY, at 9.15 A. DOL., and 2.30 P. M.l 4P. M., and 9.39 P. Dt. . RETIJRNING WILL LEAVE Cape May itt 8 A. M.,li nll. 511 ride at 6.80 A. DI., 0.92 A. M. Brldgetent at 0.40 A.Mo,Mailt 4.20 P.M., Passengoe. Salem at 0.25 A. M., Mall; 4.05 P. M. Passenger, Woodburynt 2.1 E, A. M., 8.12, A. M. , , 11.36 A. and 5.54 r. m• J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendon,t,_ West Jerisey,, galena., and Cape May and . Mllktiti. Railroads. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS ColiiN l / 4 10 , will attend to all tlteltsual branches ofE xpresa Busi nese, receive 4 delivery and forward, throne; other responsible Lx real Companies, to all Amu of nie rountri an.Yartietes entrusted to them. ASPSCIAI4 Di EBb acc ppiwkitteg TlimughTriqr No. 9 mArth ET Street. o -- • HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRADT BUCtiU is pleasant in taste and gdor..froe from an Injurious proporties, and ImEncdlol3 14 Its 049491/1 AO* !anti% TAZiT#I. *Mot,