The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 31, 1865, Image 4
ttt Vrtss, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1865. TEXT PAPERS—No.IO. In calculating the price of w 661, a difference of one-third must be made. against the. un , washed. It is-calculated that ;about that pro portion is taken out of the weight in The majority of wool-growers shear their sheep dry, and sell. the wool in the dirt. Of those who do wash r not one in ten makes a clean job of it. The rest build an open pen on the side of hill, close to a steep river -bank, where the water. is deep the pen simply con sisting of two wings starting on the river-bank at two posts a rod or two apart, and running back up the hill like the letter V, widening out from the river. Into this the flock is dri ven, and then rushed by the dogs over the bank through the narrow opening into the river below. They all swim down the current, and are finally permitted to land Op soma - clean, level place below, and taken back to their feeding-ground " washed for market:, SREARING .&2D PAOKI/Pia Shearers go throughthc country in April and May, shearing at from Ave to eight' cents per head, and tying the fleeces for sacking. The fleece is spread out upon a large table, outside up, the edges folded in, and then rolled up close, and tied with twine. Sacks are made about eight feet long, and of two:and-a-half breadths of heavy muslin, left openat one end. A hoop of iron, or grape-vine is made, just large enough 'to stretch the open end over it, which being done and sewed, the sack is hung up clear from the ground by a rope fastened to each side of the hoop, and then flung over the limb of a tree. A few fleeces are thrown in, when one man climbs in, and with his feet packs in and treads down what another throws up to him;, and so the sack is filled. Then the hoop is taken oir and the end sewed up, and the wool is ready for market. The longer it is kept the heavier it grows ; so nothing is lost by laying awhile after sacking. Sales are usually made upon the ranch, and without fur ther trouble to the owner. TUB DAILY DOIFYINE of a shepherd's life is about this : Early in the, morning he goes into his pens, looks out all that are needing particular attention, has them caught by his dog or does it himself with a crook - , of by the leg (no good shepherd ever Catches by the wool, it hurts the sheep), and after doing his doctoring of sore feet and acci• dental hurts, goes to breakfast. This over, and his dog fed, he puts in his scrip bread and meat enough for two dinners, opens his pens, and follows his sheep wherever they choose to go through the day, keeping them always in sight; and suffering none to stray away. This he dWes by his dog, and a good dog is worth twliinen, in driving in and keeping the flock together. Through the heat of the day, the sheep lie in the shade, and towards night turn homeward, and about sunset are penned up securely till morning again. It is an easy, lazy life, and shepherds get but small pay. Ivoicss, DOGS, AND HODS, Are the shepherds bane; and his folds should be wolf and hog tight. A hungry one of either will attack the flock, either in the pen or on the prairies ; and if not driven off, kiln half a Modred at airline. The hogs only attack the lambs, but are terribly destructive in early spring. In some regions, the woods and river bottoms are full of hogs that are wild in everything, save carrying a mark in the eai , , and being the property of somebody, who, when the right time Comes, will shoot them /IS they run, and garnish the beams of his smoke houses with their - most fatted flitches and oily hams. The little lambs would stand but a poor chance of ever being sheared, if left to fight their own Way with these long-tusked savages. But as no shepherd is a hog-owner, hriStlol soon give way to wool, and pork goes down, while mutton comes up. The hog-owners grumble awhile, but finally move their endan gered stock to safer localities. The wolves and dogs are sneaking ranrdererS ; and it is only now and then that the bullet finds one out and lays him out as well. But when they get too troublesome for longer endurance, the ranchman kills an old buck or a young steer, skins him, opens him to his entrails without taking them out, puts his horse to his buggy, hitches the carcase by a hind leg to the hind axle, and letting it drag, takes a broad sweep around his lands, brings it back to some se cluded spot not a great way from home, and leaves it well doctored Up with strychnine. Ile then ties up his own dogs, sends word to his neighbors to do the same, and waits the motions of Providence. Growling and snarl ing is the fashionable music in that locality for a night or two, but thereafterwards, wolf and dogskins are cheap for a year. The shepherd dogs are well-trained, coura- geous little fellows, always ready to either bark or bite at any interloper, but no match for the fierce, strong jaws and sharp teeth of a wolf. My own dogs are pure blond Scotch Coly ; one of which, not weighing twenty pounds, closed in for a fight with a full-grown bear ; but a single pressure of old Bruin's pon derous Jaws awn each side of the little early neck, laid poor Wallace Out, and left him a wounded invalid for three months after. He -liked bears nO better, but gave them a wider berth after that. The sagacity of the shepherd dog is wonder ful. He is not treated as a dog, but is talked to and ordered about exactly as though he were a child. He understands it all, and obeys either the voice or the sign exactly. By day he accompanies the flock, keeps them to- gether, drives them in, catches single sheep as bidden, and keeps oft' intruders. At night he sleeps by the fold, and seems always awake and in motion. I have seen a little half-grown pup go alone and untold into the thickets, hunt up and drive carefully out, and to the pen, a little stray lamb, that nobody knew Was lost. It is an ekt saying, that C I the mere yOu whip a dog the better he likes you." Shepherd dogs disprove it entirely. One that is often whip ped is spoiled. It makes him sneaking, obsti nate, and worthless. And I would discharge the best shepherd that ever followed-a flock upon the hills of Scotland, ii he insisted upon whipping his dog for every fault, especially When training him. And now we will take a look at One who intends to raise Stock in connection with farming (corn and grain raising,) may settle anywhere north of the Colorado, and west of the belt of post-oaks, that runs up through Bastrop, Burleson, Miam i and Falls Counties, and so on farther north, so he shuns the Blackjack and Lundy poStoak lands, and looks out to get plenty of good water and rail timber, near enough for fencing. But, con nected with farming, stock-growing never assumes the dimensions, nor yields the profit that it does in the purely Stoek country ? where no farming is done. So he who intends to make the most of cattle-growing, ebould go west of the Colorado, and from there to the Rio Grande he can hardly go amiss. Of course he will avoid regions Closely settled, and seek for large, open country; and then secure good water, with rails enough for pens, and wood enough for the fire. If he can put his cabin and pens upon the south side of a piece of timber, it is all the better, since then he has a natural shield from the cold northers of winter. It is better also to have broad, open prairies on one side for summer range, and wooded hills or river bottom on the other for winter. If so situated, his stock will take to the open prairies in good weather, and to the shelter of the hills and bottoms in storms, and will Scatter much less than in entirely open Country like the great coast prairies. Where there is no shelter at hand, cattle run long dlatances before a. storm, and sometimes never find their way back till driven. Having bought, (often but few acres holding the wood and water—for cattle and horses run where they please,) built his pens and cabin, the new beginner buys as many cattle as he has money to pay for, or credit to obtain, with the proviso that they are to be delivered to him in the pen on a given day. If he takes "stock cattle," he gets cows, calves, and one and two year olds in equal numbers, and pays about seven dollars per head. Thus, for four hundred cattle, of which one hundred are cows, one hundred calves, one hundred year Olds, and one hundred two year olds, he pays twenty-seven hundred dollars. If h 0 buyS cows and calves he gets the same number, that is, two hundred cows and their two hundred calves for the same money, which is still a better purchase on the whole than the other. Ile now axes upon a brand for the hip or shoulder, and a mark for the car, and has them recorded in the County reoOrds. I - Now he gets his branding iron, (perhaps the initials of his name) made by a blacksmith, sharpens up a knife for the ear-cutting, buys a good raw hide lariat, Say forty feet long, with a noose in one end, builds up a fire in the pen where his Cattle are collected, and with a Mexican. or some other good lariat man, and an extra hand or two, proceeds to business. ... _ . . The Mexican snakes a large running noose in one end of his lariat, coils the most of it up into one hand, and flings the open noose with the other, not only on to any animal he pleases, but over its head, around its horns, or Mantling a foot, just as he likes. The animal thus eaug,bt, is hove to the ground. Counter-branded by the first owner, (that is, branded with his brand again, over or und crate old brand,) and then branded with the brand of the purchaser—the ear mark, altered with the knife—and then letup. After the whole herd has undergone the same operation—the purchase being thus legally completed—the cattle are again turned at liberty, or driven away, according as they have been purchased, where they are to run, or far from home. It Is always best to buy where the cattle are to run, az it slims the expense of driving to a new range and herding. In the spring for about two months the stock raiser knows no rest. Early and late he is riding the country, gathering up his stock and branding hie Calves. Then he seats again until fall, when he once more gathers , to sell his beeves. The whole country is open throughout the great stock region; and no fences set their stakes against the wanderings of the cattle. They are not herded, and of course, their range is a wide One. Nearly every cattle-raiser hunts,both spring and fall, for twenty miles around him, and this IS THE WAY IT 1$ DONE. Hunting parties are made up of the stock men of a neighborhood, say a dozen, more or less. Each Than straps to his saddle his brand ing trans, a lariat, a stake-rope, a pone or two ofbreed, a piece of bacon, a bag of coffee, a tin cup_, a box of matches, and Ws - blanket. 'Him self equipped with a broad brimmed hat, a flannel shirt, and pants of the same, with big boots and rancho spurs, a belt with revolver and knife, and a cow-whip, (a rawhide lash from ten to fifteen feet in length, with a stock about twelve inches only, and the wickedest xhip ever used_,) be mOttlitS his . pony and goes forth for a week's bunt. B . ST. JABIM. LXIRAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE RECEIVER OF TAXES. naILADZIRMA, July 11, 1885.' Notice is hereby given, that writs of seire facies will be issued upon the Claims for Taxes herein.. after mentioned, at the expiration of six weeks from the date hereof, unless the same are paid Within that time to JOHN E. LATTA. Eery, Solicito No o . r 1 t 2 h B e S R ou e h i veXTfH T ax rese t. City vs. J. W. Potts, C. P., J. T. 1885, No. 1. City and State tax,lB6o, $47.64. Lot northwest corner Morris and eulah streets, 190 by 150 ; First ward. _ . Same vs. C. M. Phillips, C. P. J. T., 1666 No. 2. City and State tax, 1860_, $27.05. 'Lot south side Rule street, 2B3Seet west, of Fourth street, 66 by 160; First Same vs. F. E. Vandyke, C. P., J. T. 1863, No. 3. City and State tax, 1860, 530.71. Lot West side Eighteenth street, 136 feet north of Fitzwater, 60 by 64; First Ward. Same vs. R.. bleMenny, C. P-, J. T. 1835, NO, 4. City and State tax, 1850, $9.57. Lot ' west side of Fifth street, 302 feet north of Reed street, 18 by 128; First ward. . . Same. vs. William Wharton, C. 1%; J. T., Mai, No. 5. City and State tax; 1860, $30.17. Lot southeast corner Front and Dllolin streets, 550 by 80; First wamd. Swine vs. 11. DicAnany, C. P. J. T.. 1865, No. 9. City and State tax, 1860, $42.49. Lot, and two three story brick houses, southeast corner Fifth and Bor den streets. 32 by 15; First ward. Same vs. McFadden, P., J. T., 1865, No. 7. City and State tax, 3860, 408.25. Lot west side Fourth street, 68 feet north of Dickerson, 64 iq 170.1 First ward, Same vs, Unknown. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 8. City and State tax, 1860,518.13. Lot east side of Moya inensing avenue. 152 feet 3 inelies south of Tasker street, 42 by 20 First ward. Same vs. Alexander Distils.; C. P., J. T.,1866, 6. City and Slate tax, 1860, $89.60. Lot west side of n Fourth street, 62 feet ineties south of Moore street, 136 by 460; FirSt ward _ - Same v , s. J. Johnson, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 10. City and State tax, MOO, $40.07. Lot northwest cor ner Seventh and Moore streets, 187 feet on Seventh street, 145 feet on Moore street, thence along Wag ner's Line 39 feet, thence along Richard's Line 245 feet; First ward. _ . Same vs. Mary Vanderslice, C. P., J. T., 1861, No. 11. City and State tax, 1860. *18.03. Lot south 81036 Wharton street, 16 feet west of Third street, 16 by 100; First ward. Same vs. Samuel Moonry, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 12. City and State tax, 1860, 6;27.5i. Lot southeast corner Aloyamensing avenue and Reed street, 16 by, 50 ; • Float ward. Same vs. Alexander Usti's, C. P., 3. T., 1865, No. 13, City and State tax, 1860, $44.92. Lot southwest corner Firth and Moore streets, 101 by 100; First ward. _ _ Same vs. J. W. Potts, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 1. City and Sre tax, 1860, $133.26. Lot on Eighth street, 112 1' 291 feet to Lewis street; First ward Same TS. 'I. Stewart, D.C. J. T.,1865, No. 2. City and State tax, 1860, $266.30. Lot southweast corner Sixteenth and Pine streets, 228 by 396; First ward. Same vs. B. Kennedy, D. C. J. T., 1865, No. 3, City and State tax, 1860, 41102.94. Lot northwest corner Fifth and Milliin streets, 298 by 150 gat; First ward. Same vs. Hannah Bernard, C. P.;ese T. 1865, No. 14. City and State tax, 1860,401.34. 'Lot and four story brick house west side Swanson s 3 / 4 pet, 17 feet south of South street. 17 by 82; Fourth, dc:' Same vseAtine Williams, C P., J. Fourth,_ •0 , • 15. City and. State tax, 1880, 0.08. TllMe.tstieele s ; building, north side Front street, Melees:lwo , Barron street, 17 by 25; Fourth ward. Ss es a} s Same vs. John S. Lyster..C. P. 3. T., 1865, N., City and State tax, 1860, $2.01. Lot and two-story brick building, south side Monroe street, 280 feet west from Third street, 17 feet by 236 feet; Fourth ward. Same vs. F. S. Johnson, C. F., 3. T., 1365, No. 17. City and State tax, 1860, 800.88. Lot and three story building litereon, south side of Almond street, 30feet east 01 Front street, 18 by 60; Fourth ward. Same vs. John R. Taylor,C. P., J. T. 1865, No. B. City and State tax, 1860 $4.44. Lot and three story brick house, east aide Front street, 40 feet Health Of South street, 20 by 80', * Fourth - ward. Same vs. F. &Johnson C. P J. T., 1865, No, 18. City and State tax 1860 460.09. Lot and three-story brick house, east side Front street, 85 feet south of Almond street, 84 by 200; Fourth ward. Same vs. same, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 20. City and State tax, 1860, $80.19. Lot and two-story frame building, east side Front street, 65 feet south of Al mond, 17 by 2001 Fourth ward. Same vs. Mrs. M. Bradley, C. P p 1. T., MT, No. 21. City . and State tax, 1860, $31).}1. Lot and two story brick house, 233 feet south of South street, 17 by 80; Fourth ward. Same vs. William Dickens, D. C. J. T., 1865, No. 4. City and State tax, 1860, $207 . 41.. Lot and three story brick bowie, northeast corner of Sixth and Spruce streets, is by to, No. 541; Fifth ward. Same vs. Henry E. Wallace, D, C., J. T., 1865, No. 5. City and State tax, 1860. $237.16. Lot and four-story brick house, west side Sixth street, 61. feet south of Sansom street, 21 by 135, No. 128; Fifth ward. Same vs, J, McLoughlin, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. M. City and State tax, 1000, 445.41. Lot and four story brick house north 'side Lombard street, 52 feet west of Seventeenth street, 17 by 60; Seventh ward. Same vs. Owen Shields, C. P. J. T.,1865, No. 23. City and State tax, 1860, $27.77. Lot and three-story brick house west side Twenty-fourth street, 65 feet south of Pine street_ s 15 by 55; Seventh ward. ,Sari yo, George H. Armstrong, C. P., J. T., 1865 N o . 24. City ana Siete 18811. $46.16, bet north side Lombard street, 47 feet east of Morris street, 16 by 80, No. 1415; Seventh ward. Same vs. Anna Lawrence, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 25. City and State tax, 1860, $13.03. Lot north side Lombard street, 30 feet east of Aspen street, 16 by 79; Seventh event. Same vs. Catharine Mealy; C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 26. City and State tax, 1860, $21.18. Lot and two story brick house, southeast corner Budd and Dean streets, 13 by 40; Seventh ward. Same vs. Thomas Scott, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 27. City and State tax, 1860, $15.44. Lot and two-and-a balf-stoey brick house north side South street, 144 feet evM. of Eleventh street, 18 by 80, No. 1117; Seventh ward. Same vs. John D, Shaw, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 08. City anti State tax, UN, ed.. Lot and four brick houses west side Twenty-fourth street, 30 feet north of Kent street, 32 by 58. Same vs. Jacob Snyder, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 6. City and State tax, 1860, $252.34. Lot and three story brick house southeast corner King and Fif teenth streets, 56 by 108, No. 415; Seventh ward. Same vs. D. McCandless, C. P. J. T., loss, N 0.29. City and State tax, 1860, OM. Lot and two three story brick houses southwest corner Lombard and Seventeenth streets, 16 by 35; Seventh ward. Same vs. A. M. A. Lawrence, D. C., S. T., 1865, No. 7. City and State tax, 1860, $178.00. Lot and dwelling west side Washington Square, 20 feet south of Goodwater street, 20 by 206; Eighth ward. Same vs, Robert J. Arundle,J.T. 1865, No. 8. City and State tax, 1860, e 105.07. Lot Ilnd brick dwelling east side Broad street, 60 feet south of Pop lar, 30 by 360; Fourteenth ward. Same vs. Charles Wetherill, C. le, J. T., 1865, No.- 30. city . and State tax, 1860, $60.16. Lot north side of Market street, 149 feet west of Twentieth, 21 by 180; Ninth ward. Salne vs. H. Catherwood, C.P., J. T. 1865, No. 31. City and State toy, 1880, 874,92, Lot north side Chestnut, 60 feet east of Twenty-second, 40 by 163 feet; Ninth ward. Same vs. John W. Wallace. C. P., J. T., 1565, No. 32. City and State tax, 1860e567.54. Lot and three.- story brick dwelling east side of Nineteenth street, 213 feet north of Chestnut street, 38 by 65; Ninth ward. Same vs. Bachternaet, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. sa. City and State tax, 3260, $05.29. Lot and buildingS northeast corner Tenth and Morgan streets, 18 by 120; Tenths ever& Same vs. John Walters, D. 0.„.T. T., 1865, No. 9. City and State tax, 1860, $133.80. Lot northeast cor ner Eleventh and Coates streets, 40 by 140; Four teenth ward. Same vs. C. B. F, O'Neill, C. P., J. T., lice, No. 34. City and State tex, 1800, 4-10.21. Lot and build ings southeast corner Llancock and PißeniX streets, 60 by 80; Seventeenth ward. Same NS. B. Sherry, D. C. 3. T., 1865, No. 10. City and State tax, 1860, $140.53. Lot and buildings north side Master street, extending from America to Cad walader streets, 30 on Master, 160 on America, and 164 on Cadwalader; Seventeenth ward. Seine VI, B. Sherry, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 35. City , and State tax, 1860, $44.40. Lot and three-story brick dwelling 'west side of Cadwalader street, 125 feet north of Master street, 22 by 100; Seventeenth ward. Same vs. Margaret Fredericks,C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 36. City and State tax, 186, $11.56. Lot west side Wood street, 54 feet east of Duke street, 18 by 100; Eighteenth ward. Samevs. GeorgeM. Hill, 151 - . P., 1.T., 1081. No. 37. City and State tax, 1860, $7.16. Lot south side Cher ry street. 81 feet west of Bedford street, 18 by 80; Eighteenth ward. Seine vs. William Vaughn C. P., N. T., 1865, No. 38. City and State tax 3&00, $7.16. Lot southwest side Vienna street, 100 feet south of Lemon street, 17 by 1001 Eighteenth ward. Same vs. Charles E. Spangler, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 11. City and Mate tax,lB6o, VOLES. Lot north east corner Trenton avenue and Ann street, 402 by DO feet 9 inches to Witte street; Nineteenth ward. Same wk. S. S. Davis, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. '39. City and State tax, 1860, $9.86. Lot southeast ear ner of Ontario and Myrtle street, 250 by 63; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. E. Davis, C. P. J. T., 1803, No. 90. City and Stale tax, 1860, $18.94. Lot southeast corner Elm and Brown streets, 60 by 108; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George C. Barber,C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 41. City and State tax, 186 e, $26.28. Lot northwest . corner Sergeut and Trenton avenue,Bo by 138; Nine teenth Ward. Sante vs. Robert Sitter, C. P... 1. T., 1806, No. 41%. City and State tax, 1860, $18.42. Lot southeast corner Sepviva and Jackson streets, ill by 100; Nineteenth ward. Sonic TO. Patrick Clark, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 42. City and State tax, 1860, $16.13, Lot northwest cor ner Monmouth and Duke streets, 63 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Seine vs. John C. Carver, C. P. J. T., 1865; N 0.43. City and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot southwest cor ner Trenton avenue and Cambria street, 60 by 146; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John B. Adams, C. P., J. T.,1865, N 0.44. City and State tax, 2860, $30.72. Lot and four brick Lougee WPM Of Fitter street, 284 feet south of Harri son street, 80 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James M. Caeker„ . C. P., 3. T., 1865, No. 45. City' and State tax, 1860, e 18.95. Lot northwest corner Salmon and Wellington streets, 108 by 105; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Thomas Daley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 46. City and State tax, 1860, $14.51. Lot east side of Brown street. 7.8 foot south of Reading Railroad, 57 by 102; leisietiweth ward. Same vs. R. S. Simpson, C. P.. J. T., 1565, No. 47. City and St ate tax, 1860, $14.73. Lot south side Cam bria street, 160 feet east of Coral street,.6o by 145; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George W. Burr, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 48. City and State tax, 1860, $15.90. Lot southwest corner Xineeleit and Cumberland streets, 60 by 114; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P., J. T., 1665, No. 49. City and State tax, 1800, $14.50.0t west side Front street, 117 feet southward of L Susquehanna avenue, 51 by 110 ; Nineteenth ward. SaTne vs. same, C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 50. City and State tax, 1860, $18.04. 'Lot west side Front street, 60 feet south of Diamond, 300 by 110; Nine teenths ward. Same vs. same ' C. P., J. T. 1865, No. Si. City and State tax, 1560, $47.99. Lot west side Front street, 54 feet north of Diainontl, 17.5 by 110; Nine teenth ward. Same vs.J.V.PetersOn,C.P.,J.T.,IB6S,Ne.S2. City and State tax, 1860, $24.31. Lot and two brick hOnses south side Pepper street - , Da Poet west of Trenton avenue, 10 in s eute Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Purvis, C. P., 3. T., 1963, No. 55. City and State tax, 1860, $40.58. Lot southwest cor ner Gaul and Clearfield streets, 295 by 165; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Charles A. Pall, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 54. City and State tax, 1860., $30.72. Lot west side Banco street, 294 feet south of Huntingdon street, 142 by 109; Nineteenth ward. Suisse vs. A. J. Patti_, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 65. City and State tax, 1360. $18.94. Lot and }sending east side Third street, 360 feet north of Oxford, 31 by . 74; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Samuel Townsend, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. '56. City and State tax, 1860, $2.5.65. Lot and two three-story brick houses east side Duke street, 216 feet south of Reading Railroad, 39 by 81; Nineteenth ward, . Same vs. William Tieford, C. P., J. T., 156 e, NO. 57. City and State tax, 1860, $15.65. Lot east side Richmond street, 20 feet north of Ontario street, 72 by 141; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Tucker, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 58. City and State tax, 1860, $7.12. Lot south side Vie torte street, 160 feet east of Lambert street, 71 by 71; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Join, C. Thile. C. P. J. T.. 1865. N O , 59 . City and State tax, 1880, .10.10. tut east altleaNsalker street, 119 feet south ol Reading Railroad, 64 by 65; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Unknown, C. P., J. T.,11365, No. 60, City and State tax, 1860, $--. Lot west side Ai - Ovate street, 43 feet north of Ann street, 37 by 100; Nine teenth ward, Same vs. Unknown, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 61. City and State tax, neee $5.12. Lot east side Chat ham street, 433 feet south of Clearfield, 36 by 165; Nineteenth ward. Same - vs. Unknown. C. P., 3. T., 1865, N 0.62. City and State tax, 1800, 513.99. Lot northeast corner lietilewell and Tonsils streets, 100 by 140; Nine teenth ward Same vs. E. B. Pennock, C. P.,. J. T., 186 i, N 0.63. City and State tax, 1860, $21.89. Lot east Side Chat ham street, 25 feet north of Reading Railroad, 98 by 69.7%; Nineteenth ward. Satre vs. C. C. Roberts., C. P. J. T., 1865. No. 64. City and State tax, 1860, $19.09. Lot north stile Hunt ingdon street, 06 feet east of Thompson street, 59 by 50 } Nineteenth ward. }Senn, vs. James B. Rcamsey, C. P.,,T. T., 1865, No. 65. City and State tax, 1860, $7.10. Let and frame dwelling north side Anthracite street, 160 feet east of Almond. 20 by 20. ~;ame vs. Charles E. Spangler, D. C. J. T., 1865, No. 12. City and State tax,lB 6 o, $137.59. Lot east side Trenton avenue, 50 feet north Of Clearfield, 582 by 150; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. A. H. Ilaieuel, C. P ,31 18651 No, 68 . City and State tax, 1460. $24.31. * Lot northwest cor ner Allegheny avenue and Salmon, 150 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John B. Adams,D. 'C., J. T., 1665, No. 13. City and State tax, 1150, $118,29. Lot and ten brick buildings, northwest yowler Brown and Hold streets, in TWO; Nineteenth ward, Same vs. John Peyton , J. T. 1885, No. 67. City and State tax, 1 8 6 0 emss. Lot 'southeast corner Miller and Allegheny avenue, 190 by 60; Nine teenth ward. Sante vs. John Rice, J. T., 1865, No. 68. City and State tax. 1860, $23.47. Lot south side Cambria Street, 162 feet east of Amber street, 100 by 146; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John Brown, C. P., J. T., 1008, N o . ae City and State tax, 1860, $61.81. Lot and tnmixtv-alic brick houses, southeast corner Dauphin and Ne e l streets, 288 by 156; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George W. Brown, C. P., 3. T., 188.5, No. 70. City and State tax, $8.61. Lot northwest corner Sepviva and Emellue stieete, 36 by 60; Nineteenth ward, Zarne• TS. Henry S. Mott, C. P.„ 3. T. 1880, No. 71. City and State tax, 1850. *19.52. Lot northeast cor ner Butler and Myrtle streets, 112by446; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Chris. B. Spangler, C. T., 1865, No. 72. City and State tax, 1860, $24.80. Lot northeast corner Werkle and Clearfield streets 141 by 75; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Wharton, C. P., J. T., 1883, No. 73. City stud State tax, 1860, $15.89. Lot, uxtik tilde .• , - Someniet street, 165 feet west of Cedar street, 60 by 161; Nineteenth ward. ' Same ea. William Watt, C. P.,. J. T„ Ma t No. 74. City and State tax, 1800, 6,5.70. Lot west side Gall• phin street, 198 feet west of Trenton avenue, 18 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Jacob Wetzell C. P. T., 1885, No. 75. City and State tax,lB6o, 161. 'Lot west , side How ard street. 192 fet usouth of York, 36 by 95; Nine teenth ward. Sante va. John Patrick. C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 76." City and Statetax, 1860, 1018.94. Lot east side Brown street 100 feet south of Allegheny avenue, 101 by 111; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George Payne, C. P., J. T., 1866, No. 77. City and State tax, 1860, $13.20. Lot north side Al legheny avenue, 41 feet north of Almond, 40 by 160; Nineteenth ward. Sable vs. William 5. Gwanzev, C. P., J. T.. 1866, No. 78. City and State tax, 184, $15.98. Lot south side Norris street, 84 feet west of Apple, 83 by 57; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Trayner,C. P., T., 1885, No. 79. City and State tax, 1880 $18.91. Lot north aide llandolph street, 142 feet west of Trenton avenue, 100 by 100 i Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. E. Thomas, C. r., J. T., 1886, No. BD. City and State tax 1860, $lO.OB. Lot northeast cor ner Somerset and Cedar streets, 60 by 80; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Edward Trout, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 81. City and State tax, 1860, $15.98. Lot west side Brown street, 188 feet south of Clearfield street; 52 by 95; Nineteenth ward, same vs. John W. Trump, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 82. City and State tax, 18W,_ $24.81. Lot southeast corner Allegheny avenue and Almond street, 188 by 70: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Tomlinson C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 83. City and State tax, 1860, *11.77. Lot West side Richmond street, 154 feet north of Allegheny ave nue, 5111}' 100; ward. Same vs. Albert White, a. P., J. T., 1865. No. 84. City and State tax. isso, *50.73. Lot southeast cor ner Chatham and Wellington streets, 267 by 86; Nineteenth ward. . . Same vs. John Vaughn, C. P.. J. T., 1885, No. 85. City and State tax, 1860, 414.51. Lot northeast cor ner of William and Almond streets 60 by 105; Nine tccnth,ward. Same vs. W. Whynoor C. P. J. T.,1866, No. 88. City and State tax, 1880, 41 i, 1.58. Lot southwest cor ner Salmon and Wellington streets, 53 by 105 ; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Conrad Wyaut, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 87. City and State tax, 1860, 45.87. Lot east Side Han cock street, 282 feet south of Cumberland street, 18 by 92; Nineteenth ward. Seine vs. Brown, Desert & Co., C. P. J. T, 1865, No. 88, City and State tax, 1860, $24.81. Lot north west corner of Cumberland and Gaul streets, 60 by 160: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, C. P. J. T.,1885,N0. ' 89. City and State tax, 1860, $59.53. Lot and build ing northwest corner Girard avenue and Darien street, 18 by 87, No. 811'. Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Abraham White, C. P. 3. T., 1865, No. 90. City and State tax MO, $24.96. Lot Southeast corner of Myrtle and h t ettlewell streets, 191 by 215; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Stockton, C.P., J.T., 1865, No. 91. City ne d State tax, 1860, 45.66. Lot east side Tucker street. 266 feet west of Cedar street, 16 by 76; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Samuel F. Shook, C, P., J. T.,„ 1865, No. 92. City and State tax, 1800, $10.07. Loehorthwest corner 'Tulip and Tucker streets, 60 by 102; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James Maitland, C.P:; J.T., 1865, No. 98. City and State tax, 1960, $36.75. Lot east. side of Broad street, 120 feet north of Jackson street, 1211 by Nineteenth ward. nme vs.Witham Smith, 0. P., J. T., 1866, NO, 94. ' it, andEtate tax, 1880, i 132.07. Lot southeast corner CuMberland and Tulip streets, 72 by 150; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Unknown, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 95. City and State tax, 1865, $8.62. 'Lot south side Toronto street, 330 feet west of Bath street, 30 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. C. E. Spangler, CO. J. T.,1865, No. 96. City and State tax, 1860, 4022.68. 'Lot south side of Plum street, 20 feet west of Bath street, 240 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Patrick Norr s, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 97. City and State tax, 1860, $14.51. Lot northwest corner William and Almond streets,6o by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Daniel McDevitt, C.P., 3.T., 18E5. No. 98. City and State tax, 1860, 46.68. Lot gentile-SA corner Almond and Elm streets, 20 by 127; Nine teenth ward. . Same vs. Michael McMenamy,C. p., J. T., 1865, No. 99. City and State tax, 1860511.57. Lot south west corner of William and Tulip streets, 54 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. W. Melllione, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 100. City and State tax, 1860, 427.77. Lot south stile Cambria street, 60 feet west of Trenton avenue, 113 by 146; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Nelson,C. P., I. T.,1665, No. 101. City and State tax 1860, $14.54. Lot southeast cor ner Almond and Birch streets, 105 by 60; Nineteenth ward. . Same vs. John McCluskey, C. T. - , J. T., 1888, No. 102. City and State tax; 1860513. Lot northwest corner Howard and Norris, '7O by 45; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. S. Oram, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 103. City and State tax, 1880, $67.28. Lot northeast cor ner West and Division, 292 by 1=; Iffinetecenth - ward. -Same vs. A. Olivine, C. P., J. T.,-1865, No. 104. City and State tax, 1860, $13.80. Lot southeast cor ner Allegheny avenue and Brown, 70 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. C. Wendell, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 105. City and State tax, 1800, 412.99. Lot east side Somer- SOL 79 feet South of Itoward, 40 by 310; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. Wendell, C.P., J. T., 1865, NO. 106. City and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot south side Le high avenue, 60 feet cast of Sepviva, 46 by 120; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Richard Whiteall, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 107. City and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot north side Somerset street, 161 feet west of Cedar street, 60 by 191: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. 0. weber, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. M. City and State tax, 1860,'514.51. Lot southeast cor ner Pepper and Lemon streets, 60 by 90; Nineteenth svard. Same vs. Thomas McCann, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 10834. City and State tax, 1860, $21.88 ' . Lot and frame house southwest corner Somerset and Almond siesta, 60 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Robert McKinley, C. P., I. T., 1285, No. 109. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB. Lot east side Almond street 160 feet south of Westmoreland, 52 by 140; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William C. MeMakin, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 110. City and State tax, 1860, 430.72. Lot south west eornerTaul and 'Wellington, 287 by 82; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Wm. McFarland, C. P., - 3. P.,1685, No. 111. City and State tax, 18E0, .921.87. Lot southwest corner of Front. and Diamond streets, 60 by 110 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Carlton R. Moore, C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. 112. - City and State tax, 18110, $23.33. Lot southeast corner Sargeaut and Sepviva, 54 by 140; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Carlton R. Moore, C. P., J. T., ISM, No. 113. City. and State tax, ROO, 418.42. Lot southwest corner Ptpper and Tulip streets, 100 by 90; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James Moore, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 114. City antes State tax, 1860, 930.7'2. Lot east side Duke street, 60 feet south of Elm street, 130 by 86; Nine teenth Ward, Same vs. George Dfoore, C. P„ J. T., 1865, No. 115. City and State tax, 1860, 915.46. Lot west side Sal mon street, 100 feet south of Cleartleld street, 51 by MS; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George Moore, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 116. Cite and State tax, 1860, $30.69. Lot northeast cor net Lehigh avenue and West street, 99 by 117; Nine teenth ward.. Same vs. H. Morgan, U. P., J. T., 1860, No. 117. City and State tax, 1860, 912.88. Lot east side Bodine street, 60 feet north of-Columbiaavenue, 57 by 49; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mitchell, C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. 118. City and State tax, 1860, 48.59. 'Lot north side Cumber land. 66 feet west of Cedar street, 18 by 160; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Beie,inmin E. Moore, C.P., T., MG, No. 119. Mt - and State tax,lB6o. $33.78. Lot northwest corner Wheat Sheaf lane mid Cooper street, 76 by 536 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. D. Monier, C. P., J.T,, 1865, No. 120. City and State tax, 1860. $6,40. Lot west side Duke street, 126 feet south of Monmouth street, 121. by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. S. W. Stockton, C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 121. City and State tax, 1860, V,16. Lot and frame house south side Maple street, 20 feet east of Melvnle, 20 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. W. Carrigan, C. P., J. T. 1865. No. 122. City and State tax, 1860, $59.89. Lot" southeast corner Duke and Westmoreland streets, 348 by 96; Nineteenth ward. t'onle VS, BeltjaMinPlttlield, C. P., J. T., 1816, No. 113. City - and State tax, 1380, 4138.06. Let on York street, hounded by West, Paul, Gordon, and York streets; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Eliza A. Reed, C. P., T., 1865, No. 124. City and State tax, 1860, 498.46. Lot on Adams street, bounded by Adams, Duke, Emeline, and Almond streets; Nineteenth ward. Same vs.. Aaron Sabers, C, P., J. T., 1885, No. 125. City and State tax, Imo, $83.86. Lot southwest eon's nor Clearfield and Lemon streets., 108 by 101; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Dubosque. C. P.. J.T., 1865, N 0.126. City and State tax, 1800, $18.95. Lot northeast corner. Somerset and Amber streets, 72 by 146; Nineteenth Ford. Same vs. dgfitiP. C. 4 .i J, T., 15 66 , No. 121 . City and State tax, 1803, 912.49. Lot southeast doe nor Cambria awl Amber streets, 90 by 73; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Charles Dixey, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 128. City and State tax, 1860, 4 2.21. Lot southwest cor ner Auburn and Trenton avenue, 98 by 146; Nine teenth ward. Same ye. John 0. Pritclietto, (LP., J. T., 1 863 , No. 129. City and State tax, 1800, $24.81. Lot west side Richmond street, 440 feet north of Ann street, 40 by 200; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Pryor, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 130. City. and State tax, 1860, M 0.37. Lot and frame build ing north side Somerset street, 84 feet east of West street, 18 by 106; Nineteenth ward. Same vs, Ji, 11. reprioa, Duke,C. P.,J. T., 1865, N 0.131. City and State tax 1560, 934.17. Lot northeast cor ner Division and 196 feet 4 inches by 95 feet 7-11 inches: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. IL S. Patterson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 132. City and State tax, 1860, $18.94. Lot southeast corner Almond and Clearfield, 100 by 140; Nineteenth ward. same -rs.Willisin Dickerson, C. r„ J. T., 1885, No. 133. City and State tax, 1800, $18.94. Lot and brick building east side Hancock street, 124 feet north of Norris street, 32 by 11.0; Ninetsenth ward. Same vs. John Dittman, C. P. J. T, 1865, No. 13-1,, City and State tax, 1860, 410.07. 'Lot east side Han cock, 156 feet north of Cumberland street, 36 by 92; Nineteenth ward. Same vg. Daniel Deland, C. P. J. T., 1865 N 0.135. City and State tax, 1800, 411.54. Lot south side Wile Liam strcet,42B feet east of Trenton aventte,s4 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Benjamin Reitter, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 136. City and State tax,lBBo, $21.88. Lot and brick house thereon east sid Brown street, 36 feet north of EmOry, 17 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William R. Dickerson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 137: City and State tax, 1860, 910.03. Lot and frame house, west side of Germantown road, 88 feet north of Little Poplar 10 feet, extending half way to Sixths street, in depth; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Peters,C. P., J. 'T. ' 1865, No. 138. City and State tax, 1865 $11.51. Lt southwest cor her 'Trenton avenue and Clearfield street, 64 by 103; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Bertles Slice, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 139. City and State. tax, 1860, 430.19. Lot west side Kester street, 342 feet north of Somerset street, 225 by 85; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. E. Burton,C. P. J. T., 1805, No. 140. City and State tax, 1860, ' $21.88. Lot northwest cor ner of Cumberland and Sepviva, 45 by 160; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. George A. Richmond, C. P. 1865, No. 141. City and State tax, 1860, $8.34. Lot south east corner of Anthracite and Almond, 40 by 80 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. E. :Klippen, C. P., J. T., 1845, No. 145. City mid State tax, taro, 420.27. Lot north side Sor rill street, 260 feet east of Meivale, 100 by 108; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Henry S. Mott, C. P., J. T., 1866, No. 143. Citrand State tax, 1860, $24.03. Lot northwest corner Butler and Myrtle streets, 112 by all; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. JaMes. S. Lawrence, C. P., J.T, 1865,N0. 144. City and State tax, 1860, 410.08 Lot southwest corner Commissioners' avenue and West street, 57 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same Ne. A, Longstreth, C. P. J.T., 1365, No. 143. City and State tax, 1860, o.lo ' . Lot north side York street. 128 feet west of Sepviva street, 18 by /26 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Frank. Lodge, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.146. City and State tax s 1860, 913.73. Lot southeast cor ner Hancock and I urk streets, GO by 92 feet; Nine teenth ward. Same TS. A. Longstreth, C P., Jr. T., 1855, N 0.147. City and State tity.,lBlo4 - 44.0, 4,0 t, northeast cor ner Sargettut itud Sepviva streets, 66 by MR Nina , teentli ward. Sonic vs. Ilenry Keyser, C. 'P., J. T., 1865, No. 148. City and State tax, 1900. 415.91. Lot west side Sal mon street, 125 feet south of Wellington street,72 by 105: Nineteenth ward.- - San:e vs. A. C. Klookenbring, C.P."T.T.,1865, No. 149. City . and State tax, 1860. 9i0.11. Lot southwest corner West and Vernitmt, 39 by 151 feet 1;1,‘ inch; Nineteenth: ward. Same vs. Henry Krider, C. I'. J. T.,1865, No. 150. City-and State tax. 1860, 400,01. Lot northeast corner Pepper and Tulip streets, 60 by 59; Nine teenth ward, tame vs. Martin Kelly. C. P., J. P. 1885, No. 151. City and State tax, MO, *15.119. LOt southeast corner West and Gaul streets, 80 by Z 4; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Michael Kelly, C. 1885 No. 152. City and State tax, 1860, 418.94. Lot north side Somerset, 72 feet cast of Amber street, 72 by 146; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Joel Jones, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 153. City and ;irate tax, 1800,18.95. Lot east side Beach street, 88 feet south of Reading Railroad, 04 by 81; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William 13.Jolinson.C.P., J. T. 4865, Nol . 154. City and State tux 1860, IVO.BI. Lot north side Verner. 80 feet west of Trenton avenue, 120 by 82; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. Thompson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 155. City and State tax, 1840, 04.90. Lot northwest corner York and Hancock streets, 182 by 107; Nine. teenth ward. Same vs. J. Thompson, C. P. J. T. 1865 No. 156. City aml State tax, 1860, Lot east side How ard, 15 feet 8 inches north of York street, 252 by 110 feet: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. Thompson, c. P., J. T., 1555, No. 157. City and State tax, 1086, 551.80. Lot northeast corner Hancock and Dauphin, 250 by 90: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Edward Aiken, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 158. City and State tax. 1860, *21.93. Lot west Silite Trout street, 302 feet south of Huntingdon, 90 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Sams vs. Colonel Ash, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 159. City and State tux, 1860, *8.63. Lot west side Melt mond street, 288 feet south of Emory, 17 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Allegheny Waif Land Company, C. P., J, 'l'., 1865, No. 160. City and State tax. 1860, $3.80: Lot south side Allegheny avenue, 284 feet east of Richmond, 20 14191; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Same, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 161 City and State tax. 1860, $1.93, Lot south side Saxsou street, 100 feet east or Richmond street, 64 by 72: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 162. City, and State tax, 1860, /04.94. Lot north side Saxson street, 214 feet west from Bath street, 64 by 69; Ntne-; - teenth ward. • Same vs. Same. C. P. J. T.. 1886, No. 163. City and State 51 1 41 /66 0 00 5 .37. bet Uorltio itlde Saurus, street, • Fl PRESS.—PHILARELpFnA, ` ~M UT sDA Y. AUGUST' 31. 186 141 feet west or Bath Street, 24 by 68; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, O. P., J. T. 1865, No. 164. City and State tax 1660, $16.76. Lot south side of Saxson , street, 360 feet east of Richmond, 243 by 72; teentli ward. Same vs. David Allen, C. P., J. T., 1866, No. 165. City and State tax, 1860, $11.56. Lot north side liam street, 368 feet east of Trenton avenue, 54 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Hobert Wier, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 166. . City and State tax, 1860, $18.93. Lot northeast cor ner Tucker and Sepvica streets, 11,1 by 100; Nine teenth ward. • Same vs. James Schrack, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 187; City and State tax; 186 D, $10.10,,. Lot east side Tor- . pin street, 00 feet south ot Vega street, 60 by, 140; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. E. J. Spinlel, C. P. J. T., 1865 No. 168. City and State tax, 1860, $18,54: Lot east side Duke street. 152 feet south of Reading Railroad, 64 by 91 feet 7 Inches; Nineteenth ward. 'Same vs. S. M. Sarkenheim, 0. P. J. T., 1865., No. 169; City and State tax, 1860 , $1.48. Lot and three-story brick building at the junction of Frank ford road and Trenton avenue, 105 by 48; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Schenck, C. p„ .. 3„ 18;15, No. 110 .. City and State tax, 1800, sB.aa. Lot north side - Wood street, 154 feet west of Cedar street, 18 by 160; Nineteenth ward. ' Same vs. J. W. Sterling, C. P.,J. T., 1865, No. 171. City and State tax, 1860, $15.28. Lot northwest cor ner Tulip and Huntingdon, 60 by 100; Nineteenth ward. sante vs. Charles E. Spangler, C. P,, J. T., PO, No. 172. City and State tax, 1860, $27.26. Lot south east corner of Tulip and Clearfield streets, 102 by 100 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Samuel Shober, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 173. Clty and State tax, 1860, $30.63. Lot northwest cor ner Anther and Adams streets, 15Oby 116; Nineteenth Same vs. Catharine Taylor ' C. P., .1. T., Ea, No. 174. City and State tax, 1860,512.80. Lot and three buildings thereon, west side Second street, 210 feet south of York street, 20 by 121; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. F. Taylor,C. P. J. T., 1860, No. 175. City and Slate tax, 1860560.20. Lot northwest corner Susquehanna - and Third, 314 by 102; Nineteenth ward. , Snore vs. Mr, Thomas, C. P. J. T., 1985. NO. 176. City and State tax 1860, $lO.BB. Lot and brlek build. leg west side Bodine street, 184 feet west of Mont gomery street, 19 by 99; Nineteenth ward. Savaii vs. Jacob- Bulger, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 177. City and State tax, 1860, $13.99. Lot' east silk Frank ford road, 70 feet north of Huntingdon, by 120; Nineteenth - ward. • Same Noi. J. R. Solger, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 178. City and State tax, 18t31,510.56. Lot .northeast cor ner Frankford road and Huntingdon street, 20 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. R. S. Simpson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 179. City and State tax, 1800, 418.92. Lot southwest cor ner. Somerset anti Amber streets, 60 by 172; Nine teenth ward. _ _ . . Same vs. R. S. Simpson, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 180. City and State taX, 1860, $21.37. Lot south side Sum mer street, 191 feet east of Amber street; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. A. R. Scott, C. P., J.T., 1865, No. 181. City and State tax, 1860, $44.58. Lot and five brick buildings, northeast corner Adams and Amber, 84 by 84; Nineteenth ward. Same ys, Allegheny Wharf Land Company, C. P., J.T., 380 5 , N 0.162. City and State tax, 1860, $13.2 4 . Lot south side Allegheny avenue. 304 feet east Richmond street, 120 by 119; Ninteenth ward.. Same vs. same,C. P., J. T., MS, No. 183. City and State tax, 1860, $1.91. Lot north side Season son street, 148 feet cast of Richmond street, 80 by 08; Nineteenth ward. . Swine vs_ Annie. C. P., J, Ty 1.883, No. Mc 'City and State tax, 1860, $01.75. Lot- on Rath street; bounded by Bath, Allegheny avenue, and tile river Delaware; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Bertles Shee, C. P., 3. T., 1885, No. 183. City and State tax, 1860, $13.03. Lot south side high avenue, 40 feet west of Amber, 40 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. J. R. Sulger,-O. P., J. T., 1805, No. 186. City and State tax, 1860, 101.82. Lot northwest cor ner Huntingdon and Memphis streets, 160 by 80; Nineteenth ward. - Same vs. 3. M. Simpson, C. P., I. T., ISBS, No. 187. City and State tax, 1860, x. 83. Lot southeast corner Allegheny avenue and West street, 190 by 122; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. M. Shaw C. P., J. T.,.1866, No. 188. City and State tax, 1.806, $40.6L Lot west side Al mond street, 73 feet north of Wellington, 174 by /22; Nineteenth ward. " Same vs. William S. Simpson., C. P. J. T., 1065; No. 189. City and State tax, 18:60, $20.41. Lot south west corner of Auburn and Amber streets, 94 by 148; Nineteenth ward. • Same vs. William S. S impson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 190. City and State tax, 1866, 469 . 99. Let north-. east corner Auburn and Coral streets, 94 :by 140 ; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Johnson, C. P., J. T. 1865, NO. 191. City and State tax, 1860, s—. Lot northeast earner Richmond lane and Witte street, 110 by 128; Nine teenth ward, Same vs. J. Johnson, C. P., J. T,, 1585, No. 192. City and State tax, 1860, $5.67. Lot north side Diamond street, 90 feeteast of TharOn streeto.6 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James 11111, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 193. City and State tax, 1860 $15.99. Lot southeast cor ner Rettlewell and Ban , k streets, 112 feet 6 inches by 191 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. J. D. Hazen, C. P., J. T. 1665 ; No. 194. City and State. tax, 1860, $13.08. Lot northwest corner Ontario and Myrtle, 161 by /55; Nineteenth. ward. . . • . Same vs. John Hall, C. P., J. T., - 1865, No. 195. City and State tax, 1860, $17.54. Lot east side Al mond street, 155 feet south of Lehigh avenue, 65 by /36; Ninteetitlt ward. Same vs. John Hall, C. P. J. T., 186.5, No. 108, City and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot west side Brown street, 134 feet south of Clearfield, 54 by 91; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. George Hartman, C. P. J. T, 1865, No. 197. City and State tax,.1860, Loenorth side Nassau street, 80 feet east of Tulip street, 32 by 83; Nineteenth ward. Samna vs. Frederick Heim, C, P., 3. T. , . 1863, 198. City and State tax, 1860, $ 14.51 . -Lot sioNtli side Somerset, 148 feet south of Trenton avenue, 56 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. it. Holtman, C. J. T., 1863, No. 199. City and State tax, 1860 $59.69. Lot southwest corner Somerset and Gaul streets, 271 by 80; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. C. H. Horn, C. P.„ J. T., 1865, NO. 200. City and State tax, 1860, 801.36. Lot 'northeast corner Somerset and Gaul, 133 by 80. Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P., J. T. ' 1865, No. 201. City and State tax, 1860, $8.64. Lot cast side Chatham, 170 feet north of Somerset, 32 by 95; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Hartley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 292. City and State tax, 1860,510.10. Lot west side Brown street s feet south of Reading Railroad, 32 by —; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. DI. & B. Garber, C. P., J. T., 1865,N0. 203. City and State tax, MO, $10.70. Lot south side Anthracite street, 80 feet east of Amber, 51 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Sane - -vs. John Garber, (1,, F. tT I T., 1865, No. 291. City and State tax, 1860, $7.35. Lot south side An... thrache street, 131 feet east of Almond, 34 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. E. Ii Grant, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 205. City and State tax, 1860. $lO.ll. Lot southeast cor ner Adams and Tulip, 72 by 150; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Charles Geom., C. P.. J. T.,156, N 0.296. City and. State tax, 1860, $15.36. Lot northeast cor ner Martha anti lluntingtion, 1,00 . 14 001 Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Geisler, C. P., J. Ti, 1885, No. 207. City and State tax, 1800, $.11.59. Lot southwest cor ner Susquehanna avenue and Front street, 117 by 110; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. & C. Faulkner, C. P., 3. T., 1861/No. 208. City and State tax, 1860, 801 Lot southwest corner Cleartield and Cooper by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Fagan, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 209. City and State tax, 1860. $7.16. Lot cast side West sticet, 91 - feet south of Itlm street, 18 by HO; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Fritz and Williams, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 210. City and State tax 1800. $=.35. Lot north east corner Auntingdon and Collins streets, 1101 y 90; Nineteenth ward. . Same VS. J. Evans, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 211. City and Slate tax, 1860, 0.76. Lot southwest corner of Gaul and Westmoreland streets, 253 by 165; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John R. Evans, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 212. City and State tax, 1860, $36.59. Lot southeast corner haul and Westmorelann streets, 174 by 135; Ninete, nth ward. Same vs. George Davis, C. P.. J. T., 1665, No. 219. City and State tax, 1860, $5.68. Lot south side of Pepper street, 180 feet east of. Cedar street, 16 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Deal, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 214: City and State tax, 1860., $lO.lO. Lot north side of Sergeant, 87 feet east of Jasper street, 100 by 86; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Dougherty. C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 215. City and State tax, 1860, $5.68. Lot west side of Duke street, 42 feet east of Wrilliam street, 20 by 105; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Clement. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 216. City and State tax, 1860, VIAL Lot west side of Chat ham street, 80 feet north of Allegheny. avenue, 1.28 by 65: N it et eenth ward. Same vs. Owen Clark. C. P., J T., 1865, No. 217. City and State tax, 1860, $3.68. Lot northeast corner. Richmond and Bettlewell streets, 20 by 147; Nine teenth ward. . . . Same 1".5. John Kranl, C. P.. J. T., 1885, No. 218. tiny and State tax, WO, $7.17. Lot north side Somerset, in feet east of Gaul, it by , Set Nineteenth ward. _ . Same vs. C. & W. Clothier, C. P. J. T., 1865, NO. 219. C 1.4 and State tax, 1860, *20.83. Lot northwest corner Somerset and Tulip, 80 by 191; Nineteenth ward. . . Same vs. Brovenis, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 220. City and State tax, 1860, *lO.OB. Lot southwest corner Ontario and Cooper, CO by 120; Nineteenth ward, Sane vs. S. C. Billmeyer, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 221. City and State tax, 1860 $lO.Ol. Lot south side Net t-Leven, 215 feet east of kyrtie, 60 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. B. Coyt, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 222. City and State tax, 1860. *lO.lO. Lot north side Pep per street, 60 fect west of Tulip street, 60 by 59; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Edward Clinton, C. P., J. T., 1665, No. =3. City and State taxes, 1860, *l.Bl. Lot east side Howard street, 830 feet north of York street, 18 by 92; Nineteenth ward. b l ame vs. Edward Clinton, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 224. City and State tax, 1860, *5.46. Lot east side Hancock West, 340 feet south of Huntington street, 18 by 92; Nineteenth ward. Same Y 5.311. C. Crease,C. P.,J.T.,1865.N0.725. City and State tax, 1860, *21.87. Lot east side Richmond street, 20 feet north of Ontario street, 87 by 160; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Clayton Allen, C. P.,_ J. T., 1885, N 0.226. City and State tax, 1860,518.95. Lot west side Lemon Street, aao feet s laebeg north of Ann iitreet, 108 by 101; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Stewart, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 2.V. City and State tax, 1860, $10.55. Lot east Side Third street, 92 feet north of Susquehanna avenue, 150 by 114; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Sant, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 228. City and State tax, 1660, $16.04. Lot west side Front street, 257 feet south of Susquehanna avenue, 90 by 110; Nineteenth tOard. Same TS. J. W. Colladay, C. P. J. T., 1865.N0. 229. City and State tax, 1860, $15.45. Lot east side Duke street, 85 feet south of Wellington, 76 by 95; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. S. T. Conrad, C. P. J. T., 1865, NO. 230. City and State tax, 1860,105.43. Lot southeast corner Lehigh avenue and Almond street, 155 by 90; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. William D. Baker, C. r., 1885, No. 281. City and State tax, 1860, &24.82. Lot southwest corner Allegheny avenue and ---street, 188 by 70; Nineteenth ward. • • . Same vs. George W. Burr,C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 232. City anu State tax,lB $59.64. Lot southeast corner Cumberland an. Third streets, 400 by U 4; ineteent b. ward. Same se. James and John Brown,C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 233. City and State tax, 1860, $21.87. Lot south side Somerset street, 263 feet east of Amber, 72 by 172; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mary A. Bower,C. P., J. T., 1866, No. 234. City and State tax, IMO $lO.ll. Lot south side Norris street, 90 feet 6 Inches east of Trenton aye bile, 18 feet 6 Inches by 208 feet; Nineteenth ward. Borne vs. M. Bowers, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 235. City and State tax, 1800, *17.45. Lot south side Nor ris street, 241 feet 6 inches east of Trenton avenue, 49 by 135; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. M. Bowers,C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 236. City and State tax, 1860512.52. Lot south side Nor ris street, 384 feet 6 inehes cast of Trenton avenue, 73 by 86; Nineteenth ward. Came vs. Henry Budd, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 237. City and State tax, 1860 *8.05. Lot West side Fifth street, 292 feet south of York street, 50 by 139; Nine teenth. ward. Same vs. Andrew Betzner, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 238. City and State tax, 1860; $15.84. Lot and frame house west side Front street, 140 feet south of Hun tingdon street, 26 by 1101 Nineteenth ward. Same yfi, jenits - Slack, C. P. J. T., 1866, No. City and State tax, 16fio, 404.05. Lot eftot side Muselter street, 131 feet north of Bauphin,lBby 95; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Brown, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 240. City and State tax, 1860, $4.25. Lot smith side Sar ge.ant street, 216 feet east of Emerald street, 18 by 146; Nineteenth ward. Seine vs. Samuel Bechtold, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 241. City and Mate tax, 660 4 97.17. Lot north side York street, 140 feet west of Cumberland street, 18 by 150; Nineteenth ward. -Same vs. J. Brown, C.P., J.T., 1865, No. 2. 2. City and State tax, 1800, 913.05. Lot and briek house east side Emerald street, 66 feet south of Elia street, 12 -by 52; Nineteenth ward. Stale vs. J. B. Cristy, 0, r„ J. T. 1865, No. 243. City and State tax, 1860, 9 36,73. Lot e ast ide West street, 50 feet north of Lehigh avenue, 130 hy 117; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Chew, C. P., J.T., 1E65, No. 211. City and State tax., 1860, $14.51. Lot northwest cor ner .Ah M nond and onmouth, 105 by GO; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Abram Baker, C. P., 1665, N o. 245. City end State tax, 1860, *23,36. Lot Southwest cor ner Richmond and Westmoreland, 50 by 476; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. M. E. and J. C. Crease, C, P., J. T.,1865, No. 240. City and State tax, 1860, 918.94. Lot south west corner City _ and Lambert, 140 by 145; Nine teenth ward. &Duo vg, F. W. Coniston, C. P. T. 1865, No. 297. City and Stale tale, 1860, 913.01. Ldifetit 6/115 , Richmond street, 209 feet north of Maple, ?filly ZOO; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. Bauer, C. T. ' 1863, No. 248. City. and State tax, 1860, 915.99. Lot northeast corner West and Clearfield, 121 by 74; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Charles E. Spangler C. P., J. T. 1885, No. 249. City and Blida tax, 1860 , P 1 . 20. Lot north east corner Anti and Lemon streets, 147 feet 9 Welles by 140 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. A. E. Spangler, C. P. J. T., 1861, No. 260. City and State tax, IMO, 801.81; Lot northwest corner Mople and Bath, :320 bv 257; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. Spangler C. I'., J. 'r., 1865, No. 251. City and State tax, 1800; 00.69. Lot northwest 'cor ner Palm and Bath streets, 370 by 109; Nineteenth Ward. Same vs. C. N. Spangler, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 252. City and State tax, 1800, $58.88: Lot southeast corner T n rento avenue and Clearfield, 300 by 135 feet to Witte street; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 2,52. City and State tax, 1860._9 ' 22.70. Lot north side Ann street, 180 feet oast of letvale street, 240 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. Cilreh, C. P... 7. T., 1865, No, 2A 4 . City and State ta 1860, +14.28: Lot east side Spring , street, _57 feet sout of Commissioners , avenue, 40 by 50; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P. J.T. 1865, No. 255. City and State WE% 1460, #77,97. 7.40 t mrtliept conker , Comeeissionere , avenue and Gam, 51 by elle Nine teenth ward. Same vs. George Pifer, C. P. J. T., 1865, No, 256. City and State tax, 1860, $11.56. Lot and brick building east side Front street, 92 feet north of Har rigan street 18 by 33 Nineteenth ward. J Same vs. Joseph 01. Thomae, 0. P.,-J. T. 1865', No. 217. City and State tax, 1850, 4,e411, Lot and dwelling west side of Tenth street, 139 feet south of Master, 13 by itO, No. eim; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Slane, C. P.. J. T. 1865, No. 258. City and State tax, 1860, $21.23. Lot and dwelling west side oThlarsita l l street, 261 feet 1M inch north of Poplar,lB by 5 inches, No. 932 ; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mrs. Pcason, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 259. City and State tax, 1860, e 30.70, Lot and dwelling east side of Seventh street, 65feet north of Master street, 17 by 88, No. 1403; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas. C. P., J. T.. 1865, NO. 260. City. and State tax, 1860, $23.W. Lot and dwelling east aide of Seventh Street, 231 feet 41.6 inches north of Poplar street, 16 by 87 feet 5 inches, No. 927; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Trutt, C. P., J. 'V., 1865, No. 261. City and State tax, 1862, $19.26. Lot south side of Vine street, 94 feet west of Twenty-second street, 32 by 65; Tenth ward. Same vs. Samuel Roberta, C. P. J. T., 1865, No.' ' 262. City and State tax, 1860, 44e.08. Lot and dwelling northeast corner of Franklin and Master streets, 39 by tOl Twentieth ward. Same vs. john •Letz, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 263. City and State tax. 1860, $22.40. Lot' and dwelling west side of heath Street. 81 feet east of Thirteenth street, 14 by es, No. 1295; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Peter lifusttn, C. P., J. T., 11365, No. 264. City and State tax, 1860, *MAO. LOt and dwelling south side of Haines street, 17 feet west of Twelfth street, 12 by 80 feet inch ; Twentieth ward. Same vs. A. Zelby, C. P. 3. T. 180.5, No. 265. City and State tax, 1860, $3.47. 'Lot northeast side Sum liner street, 180 feet northwest of Hutton, 40 by 115; Twenty-1011rtit ward. Some vs. D. Armstrong. C. P.. 11. T.,1865, No. 2 0 6. City and, State tax, 1860, $51.04. LOt and dweßitte west side Sixth street, 117 feet 516 inches south of Oxford' street, 16 feet 6 inehea by 98 feet 2 inches; Twentieth ward. Same TS. .101111 ffinenn. C. P.. J. T„ 1865, No. 267, City and State tax 1860, $:91.62'. Lot and dwelling. east side Twelfth tax,-1860 125 feet south of Mont gomery, 30 be 173; Twentieth ward, Same vs: Mrs. Chapman, C. F., .1. 'F., 1800. No. 208. City and State tax, 1860, - $33.65.'L0t anthlwell ing east side Fifteenth street, 125 feet nortli of Gi rard avenue. 17 by 95 feet 8 inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 269. City and State tax, 1860, $18.40. Lot and three story ',Auk house west side of Hutchinson street, 151 feet 36 inch north of Poplar, 16 by 64; Twentieth Ward. Same vs. same, C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. MO. City' and State tax, 1860,518.82. Lot and three-story brick dwelling west side of Hutchinson street, 135 feet 1.6 inch north of Poplar, le by 64, No. 916 i'Twen- Heti' ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 271. City and State tax, 1860,4;21.45. Lot and dwell ing west side Hutchinson *them, 71 feet Idb inch north of Poplar, le by 84, No. 908; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John Bans, C. P., J. T.,3501, No. Ve2. City and State tax, 1860, $22.62. Lot and dwelling northeast side Ridge avenue 64 feet southeast of Oxford street, 16 by 40; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Jos. M. Thomas, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 273. City and State tax; 1e60,458.13. Lot and dwell ing north side Girard avenue, 18 feet west of Da rien street, 17 by 87. No. MS. „ T;ventleth ward. Same vs. M. Morton, C. P., 3. T., 1865, No. 274. City and State tax, 1860, $42.99.' Lot and dwelling west side Fifteenth street 16 feet north of Walker street, 16 by 103, No. 1220; Twentieth ward. Same-vs. Bucknell, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 576, City and State tax, 1860, $Bl.lO. Lot southwest' Corner Midge aye:lMo and Alasterj Twentieth ward. Same vs. J. Hutchinson, C. It, 1665, No. 276. City and State tax, 1860, $16.77. Lot west. side Sixth street, 100 feet north. of Thompson street, 20 by 90; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Charles Hubhs, C. P., .7.T., 1865, N 0.277. City and State tax, 1860, $15.47. Lot and dwelling east side Twenty-first street, 193 feet 414 inches south of Oxford, 77 feet 2 inches by 103 feet; Twen tieth ward. Same vs. 0. cowed, C. P., J. T., 1865,170. 278. City and State tax, 1860, $21.36. Lot south side Col- lege avenue, 56 feet west of Nineteenth street, 50 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Hacker 8.. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 279. City and State tax, 1863, $15.48. Lot northwest corner Eighth and Mettle, 32 by 67 feet 5 inchee; First war Same vs. WaShingtOn Ross, C. P., 3. T., 1865, No. 280. City and State tax, 1860, $20,37. Lot and dwell ing north side Thompson street, 97 feet west of Six teenth street, 26 by 100 No. 1609.,_• Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph ht. Thomas, C. P., J. T.,1865,N0. 281. City and State tax, 1860424.32. 'Lot and dwell ing west side of Tenth street, al feet south of blas ter, 15 by 100. No. 1336; Twentieth ward. Same vs. H. S. Fox, C. P. J. T., 1805, No. 282. City and State tax, 186044.20. Lot west side Minor, 158 feet north ofiebeuutPleasant,lB by 100; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John E. Deck, C. P.,T.; 18651 No. 283. City and State tax, 1860, $24.82. Lot east side Broad street, 148 feet north of Thompson, 24 by 160; Twen tieth ward. Same vs. Henry W. Gault, C. P,, J. T. 1865, No. 284. City and State tax, 1860, $27.75. Lot east side Fifteenth street, 17 feet south of Stiles street, 15 by 91 feet 8 Welles, to a 9-feet alley; Twentieth ward. Same vs. ElittB England, C. P., J. T., 1865, No.V3-6, City and State tax, leo, $19.01. Lot north side Oxford street, 90 feet west of Twenty-first street; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John R. Chadwick, C. P., J. T.,1865, No. 288. City. and State tax, 1860, 09.82. Lot and dwel ling west side Sixth street ,5 feet 10 inches north of Diamond street, 90 by 261; Twentieth ward. same ye, Jamie 'ennimore, O. .P., J. T., Mee, No. 287. City and State tak, 1541045174, Lot south side College avenue, 208 feet west of Nineteeth Street, 702 by 80; Twentieth ward, Samevs. T. Hartley, C. P., J. T., 1885; No. 288. City and State tax, 1860, $39.06. Lot east side Onta rio street, 161 feet north of Thompson street, 80 by 138; Twentieth ward. Same vs. llia'rk Maiderston, C. P. J. T., 180,5, No. 2.51. Gity and State tax, 1860, W3l. - Lot west side Twelfth street, 10e. feet math. of Oxford, 34. by Us; Twentieth ward. Same vs. E. Beck, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 290. City and State tax, 1860, $74.89. Lot north side Share wood street, extending from Twenty-third to Twen ty-fourth, by 90 feet in depth; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Henry Gault, C. P. .T. T., 1865, No. 291. i City and State tax 1800, ed. 32. Lot south side Thompson street, 70 feet 6 inches east of Nineteeth street, 16 by 120; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Jacob Fry, C. P. J. T.. 1865, No. 292. City and State tax, 1860, $23.35. Lot northeast cor ner Jefferson and Fawn streets, 48 by 67; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Henry Fox,C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. 293. City and State tax, 1860, $27.78, Lot south side Gi rard avenue, 72 feet west of Nineteenth, 72 by 200; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Elias England, C. P.J. T., 1865, No. M. City and State tax, 1860, $29.81. 'Lot southwest cor ner Columbia avenue and Twenty-second street, 78 feet 6 inches by 67 feet 1194' inches. Same vs. Elias England, C. P., J. T., 1865, NO. 295. city and State tax t 1860, $12.52. .Lot northeast side Ridge avenue, 141 met northwest of Twenty-second street, ei by 67 feet lis inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Peter Doremus. C. P., J. T., 1865, No.- 296. City and State tax, 1860, $9.57, Lot south side College avenue, 502 feet 49e inches west of Nine teenth street, 16 feet 6 inches by 4kfeet ele indices; Twentieth ward. Banlo YS. William Deaves, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. M. City and Mate tax, MO, 954.27. Lot south side College avenueos6 feet west of Nineteenth street, 102 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same TS. O. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. M. City and State tax, 1860, $44.91. Lot north side Col lege avenue, 193 feet 2 inches west of Nineteentk street, 72 by 97; Twentieth ward. Same vs. 0. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 299. City end State tax, 18'60, $50.38. Lot north side lal ram/ avenue, 707 feet 2 inches west of Nineteenth street, 88 by 97; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Samuel Conrad, C. P., J. T.,.186,5, No. 300. City and State tax, 1860, Lot northeast corner Twenty-second and Jefferson streets, MOW 1004 Tyentieth ward. Saint vs. George Buzzard, C. P. J. T., 1585, No. 301. City mid State tax i 1860. $15.55. Lot and int provementa north Side UITIITII avenue, 90 feet east of Seventh street, 20 by 112 feet 8 inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. James Flood, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 302. City and. State tax . , 1860, $11.61. Lot and improve ments east side ot Warnock street, 40 feet south of Thompson, 91 by 9.1; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Matson. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 303. City and State tax, 186 e, 0,00, Lot east side Warnock street; 120 feet south of 'Thompson street, 17 by 51: Twentieth ward. Same vs. George Goodman, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 801. City and State tax . 18.60, $7.14. Lot south side Cabot, 118 feet west of Sixteenth street, 16 by 50; Twentieth ward. same. vs. Beals, C. P., J. T., 1665, No. SOS. City and Slate tax ' 113110, $7.1.4. Lot south side Cabot street,-164-164feet west of SLxteenth street, 16 by 50; Twentieth ward. Same vs. 13. C. Cooper, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 306. City and State tax, 1800, $19.65. Lot and dwelling south side Sharewood street, 16 feet east of Twenty emontd, 16 by 10; Twentieth ward. Samess. Sohn Mitchell, C. P., J, 1865, No. 307. City and State tax, 1860 $80.77. Lot southwest eor ner Sixth and Reeks streets, 131 by 390; Twentieth ward. • Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 308. City and State tax, 1860 A 581.41. Lot and improvements northeast corner Ninth and Girard avenue, 60 py 126; Twentieth ward. Same vb. Mr. (A:mit, O. P., J. T., 1865 4 No, VA City and State tax, 1860, $22.64. Lot south side Thompson street, 86 feet 8 inehes east of Nineteenth street, 16 by 120; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 310. City and State tax, 1860, $36.08. Lot east side Ninth street, 100 feet 4 inches north of Girard avenue, 60 by 58* Twentieth ward. SUMO vs. U. ha:ared, 0. PI. J. T., 1865. No. 311. City and State tax, 1860, $27.26. Lot south side Col lege avenue, 254 feeteast of Corinthian, 21 by 134 X, No. 20141; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Ditman & Sherry, C. P., J. T., 1865., No. 312. City and State tax, 1860, $1.20. Lot southwest side Franklin street, 180 feet north of Baker, 20 by 115 feet 4 inches, No. 101: Twenty-third ward. Same vs. same, C. r.l J. T,, 1865, No. 313. City and State tax, 1880, $4.20. Lot northeast aide Nice street and northwest side McFarren street, 41 feet 8 Inches on Nice street, and 100 feet 3 inches in depth, No. 10; Twenty-third ward. Same vs. Daniel Crowther, C. P. J. T.,1861, No. 214. City and State tax, 1860, $1.76. , Lot on Tacony street, 20 feet on Tacony street by 200 feet to Henry street; Twenty-third ward. same vs. James W. Bisdey, C. P. J. T., 1866, No. 315. City and State tax 1860, $ 3.97. Lot on Kenne dy street, 140 feet onKennedy street, 138 44-100 on Taylor street, 120 feet on Thomas street; Twenty thlrd ward. - - same vs. Freeman Scott, D. C„, T., 1.865, No. 14. City and State tax, MA . it 01,63, Lot north side Columbia avenue, 300 feet JAN moue. west of Broad street; Twentieth ward. Same vs. _Edward Parker, D.C., .It.T., 18a5 No. 10. City and State tax, M e, $119.06. • Lot and dwelling south side Girard avenue, 60 feet 136 inch front by 77 feet deep on Warnock' street, No. 1074; Twentieth ward. . • Same vs. 11Ir. Rohrman, D. C,., J. T., 1865, No. 16. City and State tax. mse, 040.19. Lot and dwelling east side Broad street, 1143 feet south of Gerard ave nue, 60 by EA to Ontario str. et; Twentieth wArd. Same vs. William A. Gardner, D. C., J. T., 186,5, No. 17. City and State tax. 1660, 5236.87. Lot and improvements north side Flibeft street, 127 feet north of Eleventh street, 12 by 136; Ninth ward. 51,33-1116 t. LEGAL. STATE OF WILLIAM McKEE, DE E CEASED.—Letters testamentary on the Estate of WILLIAM McKEE, late of the city of Philadel.. phia, deceased, having been granted to the under signed executors of his Will, all persons having claims against said Estate are requested to present them for fpaynten ,t and those indebted to said Es rate to pay to ,LOUIS C. NORRIS, JOAN A. A. 1131- WEROlctir, Executors, gl9lB' or 101 CHESTNUT Street. aur-that TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE TN CITY AND COUNTY OP-PHILADELPHIA. Estate of TllOl.lAb HEWITT; deceased. The Auditor appointed lly the Court to audit, set tle and adjust the account of MARIA DE F. TIERS, Executrix of THEOBALD F. TIERS, who was Ad r d. b. n. c. t. a. of THOMAS HE WITT, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, Aegust.22. VW at 11 O'CinCIC A. N., at his office, No. 128 S. SLY.TH Street. In the city of Philadelphia. au2S-stuth4t IL E. WALLACE, Auditor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the Fire Associa tion for the renewal of POLICY OF INSURANCE No. 20,421 forf4o, Issued June 6, i 863, to CHRIS TIAN BGIIN/ *a, W EL, Which has been LOST OR MIS LAID. Any information thereof will be received by amB-tuthant. TIIR FIRE A SSOOTATroN. MEDICAL. ALL DISEASES, ACUTE OR C • RO MO, itiCCTOBO%)" treAded, by Dr. C. A. DTJ DIAS, 1037 WALN T Street. au30,44 No. 154 North ELEVENTH, below RACE Street; also, CI:MTN - UT and FORTIETH Streets, West Philadelphia. Patients will be treated at their residences whoa desired' a largo number of testimonials may be seen at the Offices from patlebtf in this city. Consultations gratis. Office hours 9A. M. to 5 Y. M.. in the OW. DRS. T. ALLEN and E. HAVERSTICK, jy.2l4m Electropathists. ELECTROPA.THIC ESTABLISH MENT.—DR. A. H. STEVENS, one of the FIRST DISCOVERERS Of a neW system of treat ing disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLI CATIONS, and -who has been so very successful at PENN SQUARE for the last three years, has re moved his Office and Residence to 1838 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or anyparticulars with regard to his special mode or treatment, will please call or send fora pamphlet. Consultation or advice gratuitous, JOHN C. BAKER & CO.'S COD LIVER OIL.—THE TRUE AND NENUlNE—Unsur passed in quality and effects being the SW - ENTEST AND BEST PREPARED. In Congba, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout, In cipient Consumption, and all ficroruloua coniplalnta, it oftentimes produces immediate and certain effects when other remedtes have been taken with Little or no benefit. Bold by all Druggists in the city, and by the pro prietor. No. 71F MARKET Street. jeSt.stutinim WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES - new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder nil compound of the age. There is neither chalk., powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its compo sition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young the homely handsome, the handsome more 'beattiful, and the most" beautiful divine. Prices, 80 and BO cents. Prepared only by RUNT & 00., PerfumerS, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chest nutAU, and 133 South SEVENTH street, above Wal ; Wan ABIT JSTBE'S 'SALE OF vALu-e REAV ESTATE. IN 'NEW CABTL.B.COUNTY, DELAWARE. A, FAMILY MANSION AND COUNTRY WITH -VALITABLE • FARM ATTACHED, • One mile from the eitv of Wilmington, Delaware, "DEN PARR." TITIS ESTATE, CONSISTING- OF 185 ACRES Of the most productive anti desirable land in New Castle county will he offered at Public Sale, ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER" 27111, /SON, At the Hotel of B.C. PEARCE. FIFTH and MAR KET Streets, in the city of WILMINGTON, at two o'clock P. M. It will be sold in two separate par cels. _ No. I.—The MANSION HOUSE, with its Stabling, . otit-huildings. Attu collete, with TWELVM ACRES 01 THE LAND, inelnding the Grove. Lawns, Nursery; also, large and highly cul tivated 'VEGETABLE GARDEN, with GARDEN ER'S-HOUSE erected theron. ' The Mansion Is a spacious three-storied stone and brick building, rough-cast newly fitted up, with ' parlor, dining, and smoking-rooms. library, two halls ' and conservatory on the first floor; fourteen bed chambers, besides servants' rooms, andgood attics on the upper floors; the whole in excellent condition. The roof and upper stories were built in .1863, of the best material and workmanship; the rooms are well distributed and proportionate, sup plied with bath, and water-closets, good , drainas,e, and ample supply of pure water In the. house. The kitchen, wash, and ironing-rooms, with coal-house, &c., all complete. Large, dry, and commodious cellars under the whole building, with heating ap paratus, Hues, Sec. The stable appurtenant is of brick, new, and well arranged for seven horses, with, abundant carriage - roomand adjoining It ther ty!la ? a well constructed iee-honse of ample ca nEIROYE adjoining IS composed of the finest old trees, through which avenues are laid out: the grounds surrounding are well stocked with a variety of the choicest fruit trees, also flowers and shrub bery. The entire establishment is of a class rare in ' this country, and seldom offered for sale, and has been occupied only by its owners during the present Century. . No. a.—TriE EDEN PARK gARIC . containing 171 acres of land, not surpassed in fer tility and productiveness by any in the comity of New Castle. It is well fenced and watered through out, with 'complete set of buildings, artly new, all substantial. The FARM. HOUSE p is a double three-storied brick building. There arc three large Barns, with Ice-house, Granary, :POOE-house, Out houses, Shedding, Stock Yard, am., with abundant supply of excellent water from wells, with pumps in good order. - The propertralints upOn the Chris tiana itlyer,with'e r xcellent landing for steam or sail ing vessels, the Bank or Levee haying lately been renewed and faced with stone, so as to be perms ' nerit Without further, outlay. The location of this property and the character of its soil especially adapt it to the production of vegetables and-fruit, for which the adjacent markets of Wilmington and Philadelphia create a constant and growing de mand. A large and profitable vegetable garden is now in operation upon the. farm, and the induce meets for ito increase is very great. The place is perfectly healthy Mid lies in the midst of a fertile district of well improved farms, `intersected with excellent roads, anti is within fif teen minutes drive of the stations of the rhiladel . pbta and • BaItIMOYS Delaware. also Steamboats Inspection bY tholle desiring to purchase can be 'ltadhy applying to - the Tenant to the Coachman in , charge of the :Mansion , and :grounds, on or after September Ist. The talets. !unquestionable, and terms of sale will be favorable. Possession of the Atansion given immediately, and likewise olthe fal - n u ithe latter subject to a tenantey on shares, (with a first-class tenant,) expiring March 25tb.1866. For further particulars, address FLORENCIO J. VERMEIL, Trustee, 615 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, or THOMAS F. BAYARD, Wilmington, Del. N. B.—The landlord's - ahare - of the Farm Stock Is for sale, and a pair of valuable carriage horses, with household Furniture, &c., will he sold on Septem ber 28th, on the premises. , an3o-2.5t al VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, ft Jr:a Containing eighty-five acres, infilontgom--.11. cry county, two miles from Phconixvtite, and eight from Norristown., slie sores of woodland, balance in highest state of cultivation; hag a two-story Moue ' Tenant House, seven rooms and attic, Large doe ' ble thresh-floor barn Moue stable, high, will hold six horses, twenty-six cows, and forty sheep. A fine wagon shed, ornamental carriage house, with wood and coal sheds attached, and carpenter shop and granary over all. Also, blacksmith shop and chicken house attached. A fine bearing orchard just in prime; also, anoth er orchard of two hundred trees of assorted fruit three - years planted. A fine pond of spring water, • with boat on it, spring house, never failing spring. ' Mansion. House is a double, two-story and attic, built of tine brick in modern style - parlor, setting . room, dining - room.. kitchen, and back kitchen, on first floor; three chmbers and storeroom ou second ' Boor, and three attics, all papered and painted throughout. Also, has bake oven and smokehouse attached; icehouse within ten feet of the door. The grounds are laid out and planted with a large vari ety of fruit trees, and over six hundred grape vines now in behring. The owner will sell at a bargain, as he is engaged in other business. For further information inquire of CHAS. D. KNIGHT, au24-tbsluEit 243 South THIRD Street. ei t FOR RENT, sia ma ITALIAN Late the residence of DAVID D. W LOON, Coll ate 3,f of a mile from the CITY of WILMISIOrTO2I, within 200 yards of the City Railway (passing every 10 minutes.) The house (being new) is in excellent order, supplied with water from a tank in the attic, with every modern improvement, heated throughout by steam; a line porch the entire length of the building. The grounds in front of the house (con taining 4 /mu, ) are. tastefully laid out in walks and plats. dotted with trees and shrubbery, the whole surrounded by hedge and wall. This ebuntry seat Is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the State. Possession given immediate ly, by application to DR. R. R. PORTER, T. F. BAYARD, Exeeutors, an3-4w Wilmington, Del. 1:1 FOR SALE—AT A BAR- Ns GAIN—A SMALL FARM of Five Acres -.a.. at Hammonton, N .J., about half a mile from the Rail road Station. One acre contains strawberries in bear-. lug. Fruit trees and comfortable buildings are also haddressee.tround. Price,sl9oo. Fornarticulars, call or J. FAYE, at Hammonton Station, line of the Camden and Atlantic. Railroad. au29-tuthsdt* FOR SALE.—ABSECOM L N. J. Aft 4 ." The best FARM and RESIDENCE on the coast, l% hours ride from. Philadelphia, containing 24 Acres, overlooking bay and ocean. New House, contains - it rooms and out-buildings. Rare chance to any one to Lay 6. beautiful and healthy residence. Landin high state of cultivation. Fruit of all Lisa; surrounds the house. It will be sold house and three acres, or altogether. Apply to an29-12t* No.'4lu MARKET St., Philada. FOR SALE—A FIRST-CLASS MORT -A- GAGE, of 71:16V -five Hundred Dollars, at par, (no AKp2uses paltl), by J. BAYLIS, No. 760 South TENTH St. At Rome, 7toloA. M. anZl-5t,. "FOR SALE.-LARGE AND VALUA• ble building lot, S. E. cor. BROAD and OAL LOWHILL, 130x240 ft. B. F. GLENN, au2s-ot 123 South FOURTH Street. F SAL 320 ACRES VALUABLE boring LAND, on the headwaters of Little Hickory Creek, Venango, county, Pa. To be sold low. Apply to LBW'S L. HOUPT, awl-bn. - 154 South FOURTH St., Phila. SHIPPING. g, FOR RICHMOND, NORFOLK, AND CITY POINT. PHILADELPHIA AND RICHMOND STEAM PACKET COMPANY. The fine steamship 66 MAYFLOWER," Will sail from the First Wharf above MARKET St, ON SATURDAY, SEPT, 2,1865, AT 12 M. These steamers insure at lowest rates and sail re gularly every Wednesday and Saturday. For freight or passage, with excellent accommo dations, apply to WM. P. CLYDE 'Se CO., au3l-3t No. 14 NORTH WHARVES rig;, U. B. MAIL LINE FROM BAL TIMORE for FORT 2101.1E0E, NOR FOLK, CITY TWNT, and RICHMOND, I:2y first class steamers and experielidAd daDtginli. The old established Bay Line, daily. Passengers leaving Baltimore at 8 P. M. arrive in Richmond the next afternoon at 8 P. M. The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Oeorgiana will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord street, daily, at 6 &Clock P. M. for Fort Monroe and Norfolk, Va., connecting at Fort Monroe with the 'well-known, new, fast and splendid Steamers Thomas Collyer and Milton Martin, built for the Hudson River, and finished without regard to ex pense, for City Point and Richmond, Va. Returning., will leave Richmond at 6A. M. daily, Stopping at City Point, and connecting at Norton( with the Bay Line steamers that leave Norfolk at 1,1 P. M. ' and arriving in Baltimore in time for the Eastern and Western traino, And for Washing ton City, D. C. The steamers of this line navigate the James river, going and returning entirely in day time, giving passengers ample time to see the fortifications, and all other objects of interest. Fare from Pkiladslphia to Richmond $ll7B City Point 1126 44 Norfolk .' 9 75 It Fortress '''''''''' 75 Through tickets can be obtained at all the depots of the principal Northern, Battens, and Western Cities, and Washington City, D. C. Be particular to procure tickets by the old-esta blished Bay Line. state-rooms and Meals extra: The state-room accommodations are unsurpassed, and the table well supplied. Passengers taking the 1.15 train from Philadel phia will make connection with this line. Passengers taking the 8 A. M. train from New York have ample time to dine in Baltimore. Passengers taking the a P. EL train from Wash ington make connection with this line. Passengers and their baggage transported free between Railroad depots and Steamers. M. N. FALL% President. R. D. JAMAR, General Passenger Agent. jyl3-tf A dE a t NEW TOW-BOAT LINE —DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE, STEAM TOWBOAT COMPANY.—Barges towed to and from Plilladelphia, ligorre de Dram Balt!. more, .Washington ,_and Intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE .1, CO., Agents, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. jel3-tdel " Ail aat e NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN, AND WASHINGTON, vla Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal. Steamers leave Srst Wharf above MARKET Street every. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 12M. For Freight apply to Agents, WM. P. CLYDE a CO., 14 North and South Wharveg, Philadelphia; J. B. DAVIDSON Georgetown, D. C.' FLOW ERS It BOWEN, Alexandria, Va. 1mh1.4-9m a gr ia t NOTICE.--FOR NEW YORK.—The PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPA. , • NY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamers leave DAILY, first wharf below NAB NET Street, at 13 o'clock M. WM. P. CLYDE & 14 S. WHARVES, TWO,. JAMES HAND, 11l WALL SEilieL mhls-9m New Yor k. vid gM l b FOR HARTFORD, CONN - 7i via Delaware and Raritan Canal.— The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company's stea mer SELItAti, Captain Jones, will leave as above with &wash. Apply on board, _or to WM. N. BAIRD & CO., Agents, au2f3-tf ;No. 13a S. DELAWARE Avenue. diSOLDIERS AND OTHERS WILL find It to their Interest to buy Boots,_Shoes, Trunks, Travelling Bags, &t,, at GARRETT'S, ;31 South SECOND,ab. Chestnut, oast 5ide.5011.43511 a EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFE STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH. STREET, pRILADELPHIA, PA, A large variety of PITIE-PROOF SAleB5 &1w 7 on hand. PHILADELPHIA SUR GEON,S BANDAGE INSTITUTE, No. 14 North NINTH Street, above Mar ket.—E. C. EVERETT. after thirty years , practi cal experience, guarantees the skilful adjustment of his Premium Patent laradUatlng Pressure Trues, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Shoulder Braces, Crutches, le. Ladies' apartments conducted by a Lady. apl2-ly NTHOMSON'S LONDON BITCH-. EWER, On. EUROPEAN RANGE, for feud., lies, hotela, pr public lamtitutiorrs, Lir TW.814- TY DIFFERENT . SIZES. Also, Plilladel.* Dille Ranges, Bot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters Lowdown Orates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Soften Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., . wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. ap2s-tuthsSmCILANSoE:R.SOR9ANRoPreS'ETCROIDIB°SNtreet isime x W is lLL amc.4.lAm HI uNDERTAKERLL MOORE, h atis ß- PII old Stand. No. 505 ARCH Street, above Fifth. METALLIC COFFINS constantly on band. Particular attention_paid to , persons desirous of purchasing grounds in Woodland Cemetery. aiil2-stuthlat * • own WILLIAM H. MOORE, GE NERAL FURNISHING 'UNDERTAKER, No. 823 RACE Street, (late of Arch street.) /Pr Personal attention at all hours. • au3o-3n) am E. B. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKE% s. E.corger TIC,NTA gad a R 44144.1 rieHla AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & 00., 'AUCTION BEM, Noe. ERR and 234 MARKET Street. LARGEPOSITIVE SALE CANE,NCII. BRITISH, AND AmERI DRY GOODS. TILLS I)AY. A CARD. —We will offer to country and city dry goods buyers, by catalogue, on four Months credit, and part for cash, Tills MORNING, commencing at JO o'clock, a very attractive sale of foreign and domestic dry goods, embracing 554 packages and lots of desirable articles, to which wcenvite atten tion.. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITLSRFRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a large sale of foreign and domestic dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for cash, THIS MORNING, August list, at 10 o'clock, embracing abent 500 packages and iota of staple and fancy articles, in woollens, worsteds, linens, silks, and cottons, to which we invite the attention of dealers. N. 8...-Catalognes ready and g_oods arranged for exhibition early on morning of sale. LARGiE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BRITISH,GER MAN ' FRENCH, AND DOMESTIC . DRY I nl ncluded in our Sale Of THURSDAY August list. will he found in part, the following, viz: CLOTHS, C.ASSIMERES, SATINETS, &e. pieces Belgian black and blue cloths. pieces French fancy cassimeres, tricots, &e. pieces heavy blue pilots, London mixed seal skins. • • —pieces cast or beity&ra, English Mcitons, &c. • Pieces doeskin R. satinets,' Italians, coatings. DOMESTIC GOODS, bales brown and bleached muslins,blankets, bales white and colored twilled flannels. cases Indigo blue stripes, drills, apron cheeks. cases tickmes, repellants. cottonades, - - cases 'Unlucky and corset leans, giughams. DBMS GOODS. eases French merinoes and mous de laines. cases silk striped, plaid. and fancy, poplins. cases Saxony and Paris plaids, melanges, Ac. —pages London black and colored alpacas and CO burgs. eases mixed mehairs. lustros balmorals. 0001)5.LINEN -- pieces teildi linens, Barnsley shectings, &c. pieces Iluriaiyi, ducks , crash, —pieces table damask, and cloths, bucks, Acc. Also, Paris dress silks, German hosiery, gloves, linen cambric handkerchiefs travelling and under shirts, patent thread, ties, sewings, suspenders, trim mins, &e. BROWN OSNABURGs. 25 bales heavy brown Osnahurgs. WOOL BL ANKETS. A full, long line fancy and bed blankets, of favo rite makes and standard goods. LETTER PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, Bcc. 10 cases note and letter paper, blank books, Ac., to be sold at 10 o'clock. LARUE POSITIVE. SALE Or CARPETINUS, COTTON YARN. &C. ON FRIDAY MORNING, September Ist, at 11 o'clock, will he sold, by eats• logue, on four months' credit, 2® pieces superfine and fine ingrain, Venetian, hemp, cottage, and rag earpetings, which may be examined early on the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY MIA OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, &o. ON MONDAY MORNING, September4th, atlo o , clock,will be soldby catalogue, on four months' credit, about 800 LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry goods, embracing , a full assortment of fancy and staple articles, in attics, worsteds, woollens, linens, and - cottons. N. EL.-G[llode arranged for examination and cata logues ready early on morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOE% BROGANS. TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. ON TUESI!AY MORNING, September 5tH, will be sold at 10 o'clock, by cata logue, on four months , credit, about 1,300 packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, &c.. of city and Eastern manufacture. Open for examination, with catalogues, early on morning of sate. THOMAS & SONS, . 67 . 1 - Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street. . ~ _~. _ The firm of M. TllO3l AS lie SONS was diseolYed the twenty-fifth day . of- August, by the death or MOSES THOMAS. The business will be continued under the' same name by the surviving ; gartners. `• • ' THOMAS S. ELLIS, • JOHN D. THOMAS, atiBo,st • N, A. JENNINGS, REAL ESTATE ANA STOCKS Public sale of Real Estate and Dtocks, at the Eat. change, every TIJESDAY, at 12 o'clock, during tin business season. In July and August only occasion. al sales. Jedr. Seal of Smitten at ttie Auction Store every THURSDAY. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 Bondi Fourth street BUPERIOIi FURNITURE FIRE-PROOF SAFES, FINE CARPETS, &c. THIS MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at tboatop Storc,__supertor furni ture; fire-proof safe, by Evatin & wawa; walnut bookcase, piano, fine carpets, .te. Sale No. 2127 Green street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, OVAL MIRROR, ENGRAVLNGS, FINE CAR- PETS, ay. ON FRIDAY MORNING- Sept. Ist, at 10 O'clock, kt NO. 'llr green iitIVOI by catalogue, the superior furniture. rosewood 7 octave piano, oval mirror, oil paintings anti en gravies, fine Brussels and other carpets, &c. Also, the kitchen ut ensile. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. SALE OF HOSFITAL BEDDING, FURNITURE, Sc. MEDICAL PURYDYOE I S opriC.H, WAsirrNaToN, D. C., August 29, PM. Will be sold at public auction, on THURSDAY, the 7th of September, at Judiciary Square Ware house. and F, Streets, at 10 o'clock A. A LARGE QUANTITY OF sERVICEABLF. /-lus rrrAL PROPERTY, eMbraeing Blankets. Sheets. Counterpanes, Mat tresses. Mosquito Bars, Pillows. Chairs, Bath- Tubs liefrigeratcms, Tin Basins, Wooden Buckets, Bedside Tables, te. At the close of the sale will be sold 3,000 Good and 500 Damaged InoN BEDSTEAS. Terms—Cash, at time of sale. Successful bidders must remove their purchases wlthin forty-eieht (IS) hours from date of sale. if not removed within that period the articles will be resold at the next subsequent sale, at the risk of the first purchaser. C. SUTHERLAND, att3l-6t, Surgeon U. S. A. and Medical Purveror. A VITION SALES OF HUS.F.IIAL AA- PROPERTY. MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S °EPIC% WASHINGTON, D. C., August 29. sits. Will be held until further notice in this city, on EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, commencing SEPTEMBER 7, pros., at 10 , o'clock A. D 1 .4 at Ju diciary- Square. Warelkoliee, Ft - FM and B Wepts, an auction sale of Hospital Furniture, Bedding, NM., which have been used in the Government service. These sales will embrace many articles of a ser viceable character, and the attention of Hotel keepers, Proprietors of Steamboats, and others, Is called to them. Terms—Cash, at the time of sale. Successful bidders Mad remove their purchases Within forty-eight (48) hours from date of sale. If not taken away within that time the articles will be resold at the next subsequent sale, at the risk of the first purchaser. C. SUTHERLAND, anal-tf Surgeon U. S. A., Medical Purveyor. EXTBXSIA T E AUCTION SALES OF GOVERNMENT MEDICAL STORES AND HOSPITAL PROPERTY. Will be sold at public auction at the United States Army General Hospital, FREDERICK, MD., THURSDA_Y SEPTEMBER 1-4 1805. at 1 o'clock P.M. A LARGE QUANTITY OF MEDICINES HOSPI TAL STORES, INSTRUMENTS, DHESSUM BOONS, STATIONERY, BEDDING, HOSPITAL CLOTHING. PURNI. • TURE AND APPLIANCES. • Catalogues of the articles to be sold can he pro cured by applyidg at this Dept, or at the General Hospital, Frederick, Md., after September 6th. ma c h Of the property is but tittle worn, and is to be sold because no longer required by Government, The sales will continue from day to day until the property is disposed of. Terms cash in Govern ment funds at the time of purchase. The property to be removed by the purchaser Within forty-eight hours from day of sale. Ahiong the articles to be mold may be mentioned the following: MEDICINES. Acidum tartaric= oz. 238 ...Ether fortior OZ. 432 Alumen oz. 688 Cateelm oz. 256 cera alba oz. 480 Ueratum 9iddina..,ooooooo .t,?!?,-/hs• 5 0 Cinchona; calesaym pu1V....0000 144 . Chloroform= oz. 210 Copalba oz. 196 Ext. buclut fluidum oz. 2138 Ext. cinchona; Militant oz. 224 Ext. ipeeacuanitte iluidum oz. 224 Ferri et guild. eltras OZ. 26 IpeeiledatillitpU/118 oz. 240 Magnesite smite* lbs. 130 Opil pulvis OZ. 48 Potassie blearb oz. 352 Potassm chlorite oz. 400 Potassre nitres or. 288 Potassil loditium oz. 200 Q ,ninize sulphas or. 50 Soda, chlorin/4a% 14 lbs. 125 , i , INSTRUMENTS. Sherry wine bottles, 144 '` Pocket eases No. of 12 Amputating case IA 1 General operating case 1.4 1 Easeeting ease I, 1 Trephining 0:190 1 BEDDING, i. Counterpanes No, of i,'114 Mattresses, hair " 916 Mattresses, straw and shuck " 1,336 Pillows, hair " 2,658 Pillow cases " 4,135 Pillow cases, limn, white 1.6 MO Siteeta 3,615 UOSI'ITAL GLinzii4o. Drawers No. of 2,510 Gowns, dressing ~.128 Shirts, cotton -'• .• 2,758 Slippers 513 Socks woollen 2,726 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES. Bedsteads iron No. of 1,157 Bowls, dell- Y 1 405 Dishes, assorted sizes to 716 Knives and Forks " NZ • • Butchers' 20 " Bread 4.4. 10 Mugs, deli' " 554 Spoons, table " 400 • ' tea .41. 204 Spit mugs " 245 Spittoons ' . it 420 Tumblers' glass It Til? Chairs " 238 Clocks, (wooden) small 18 Tables, bedside I, 8 2 0 Besides a large quantity of other articles too nu merous to mention. Purther large :metier( sales of Medical and Hospi tal Property will take plucc at the following Mean+ ties at an early day, of which due notice wilt be given: Harper's Ferry, Va.; Claysville, Md.; Orafton W. Va.; Parkersburg, W. Va.; Charles ton, W.'ao and at the Medical Purveying Depot, Baltimore, Md.; the last named Depot containing a large and valuable stock of new goods. Z. E. BLISS, Sorg. U, S. vole-, Medical Purveyor U. S. A. A.DREO7.I A CO., au2B-16t Auctioneers. A UCTION SALE OF GOVERNMENT - 11 - WHISKY, OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY SUBSISTENCE, ko;n : vita;a, 1865. By orders from the War Gepartment whisky having ceased to be a ration, I win offer for sale at P'UBL - IC AUCTION. at (iovernment„ warehouse he city of Nashville, Tenn., on TUESDAY, the sth day of September, 1805 SEVENTY-FIVE THOU SAND (75,000) GALLONS WHISKY—more or less. This whisky is mostly copper distilled, put up in well oaopered barrels, all of which will be regauged prior to saie, and the Contents of each barrel marked thereon; it will be Clanilled as to quality, and vadi class sold separately. Samples may be seen at my office, No. 13 SOUTH CHERRY Street, in this city, on and after the 25th day of August, 1885, and at warehouse on day of sale. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. •M. Terms— Cash. in Covorninent funds. Whisky to be re moved innuedlately after the sale at the expense of the purchaser. By order of Colonel J. C. Bead, Chief Commis sary Subsistence, M. D. T. J. M. BLAIR, an24-7t Caplnn hnrdg C o SDepot. LARGE SALE OP GOVERNMENT STEAMERS, TUGS, BARGES, &C. QUARTERHASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. Drool. OF WAsIaNGTON, WASHINGTON. D. C., August 18, 1865. Will be sold atpublic auction , under the direction of Captain B. S. Allen. A. Q. M. at CI-street wharf, iu the city of Washington. D. fl., on WEDNESDAY, September 6th, at ten o'clock A. M., the following vessels, viz: Stern-wheel Steamer Wawenock, registered 150 tons. Side-wheel Ferry-steamer John Disney, regis tered 860 tons. Steam propeller Farmer, registered 185 tone. Screw Tog A. S. Pa 'a, I,6gigterOd 144 tom. Schuylkill Barge Mary E. Evans. Schuylkill Barge James Henry. Schuylkill Barge Quartz. Schuylkill Barge Tamcs L. Ellis. Schuylkill Barge Locust Mountain. Schuylkill Barge Broad Mountain. Canal-boat America. Canal-boat F. E. Blakeman. Canal-boat Lonaconing, No. 1. Ship's Cutter Constitution. Two Yawl .boats. • Two Canal Ice-breakers. • The furniture and equipage will be Sold with each boat. Terms cash in Governutent funds. 5). H. IiIIMP.R. Brevet Major Gen. and Chief Q,usirtermaster, atritriet Depot of Washington. CABINET. FURNITURE." mocatz a CAMPION, *6l BOTPTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the 11e01114e. i n the market In the price of their Furniture. ruschisere will *ll4 eztAIMI9 9Ur 9tOciri 119719416 AUUTION SALES FUNIB6 t _BRINLEY i It co, -a- NOB. 615 ObLZSTNUT and 61% JAYN I; trot, SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE SAYE ()I' 1. 0. WOVEN DRESS GOODS OF A cLi •:.' ~ 1. . a ,lII,A 1. ' MANUFA.CTURE. t:i oN FRIDAV, m S on eptemer let, nt 10 O'clea to . by ea th° ebrte Ar. r A. att A a arg ve anok de sofaSa bl xo nyy ldre. st; Foods ef L .,. N, N. B. Particulars hereafter. A 3 ems tine b LPACAS, COIMPGS, ND PLAI Nionlack alpriens. A dik t 3 eases then: colored conurge. 4 elms silk cheek and printed inoimi rl. P & WARNOC, n - TIONEERS, No. 2140 MARKET Stlep. tu . Y., DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIoN i ,,T,-. (Cato with M. Theinag 8 4;15, I . STORE NO. gRa t't#EB INT? uTICKL, CARD.—Persons wishing to ( balms.. ;;,,' household goods, either at their resi.h.l,: „ removal to the store, will receive per s , tion, and our best exertion to secure ;; returns. Sale No. 505. North Thirteenth btroo BRAT HOUSEHOLD BURN IT . PEAS,&c. IMP.Siili CARPETti, , )14 ON MONDAY MORNING, September 4th, to weloek, , o Na,,rq teenth street, below Spring harden, Aerial elegant rosewood piano lorte:V‘"..i: lige feather beds. &e. Berle carpcto, May be examined at 0 &diode r, the sale. pIIILIP FORD & CO., AUCTio 525 MARKET and 5522 CoIIMEPer RALF. OF L5OO CASES 7 3 (10.T@ ANDfir TIIIS MORSIISur, August 31, commencing at 10 o'clock,w E w i„ by catalogue, for cash, 1,500 cases Inea,• Rj and von ins' boots, shoes, balmorals, , gross' boots, &c., &a. Also, a desirable 1... ' ;„'"1. of women's, misses', and chlldren'swcar.,',.a, WeBAIR , 01' 1,310 C A SES BOUTS slllir • Wilt soll on ' MONDAY MORNING, September. 4th, commencing at ten cases men's, boys' and youths' elf, hip, an , i ' l .3 boots, balteorsis, broeans, Congress &e. Women's, misses and , bleuren's Pegged boots, shoes, bannerols, side late, grtss balmorals., &c. AUCTION SALE OF 1. - NIT STATES CATTLE*. OFFICE. U. S. Comma Any OF tir!: - .1, T , MunniggSaollo, Tenn, ' t, I will sell at public auction, nessee, on SATURDAY, heptember 2, I.a-, • eight (NI head, more or less, of cualiqd Cattle, TERMS OF SALE. Cash In Government funds. The Cattle to be removed on day of By order of Colonel J. C. Read Chief • , y l tary Division of Tennessee, ' J. It. FlTri 4 `Cantsis alo c' CD:7SINQ SAVES OF GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. QUARTERBASTEn GENERAL'S Orriez WASHINGTON, D.C., Augu,t 24 thin Will be sold, at public unction Of SEPTEMBER, to the hist,; 1,14,1„. toe and places named below, viz; tl NEB New York city, Tuesday of each week, 150 Ho r „ each day, New York city, Thursday of each week, VA muh, each day. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each wecL , it 11, 04 each day. Philadelphia, Saturday, September 2, and an•fp, day and Saturday of each week thereafter, 10)31V. each day. Pittsburg Thursday and Friday of each let,,k, to September 22, inclusive, 150 Mules each day, H arrisburg, Tuesday of each week,' /SS Sluic; tau, MdUch Chunk, Thursday. September T, 266 316 M Indiana, Tuesday, September 12, 160 Sillies, Greensburg, Thursday, September it, 150 Re . e 6 Reading, Thursday, September 14, 200 Mutt% Altoona, Thursday, September 29, VA INDINA. PePtember / 1 , 13 , 15 , 25 27, art r, 51 Horses each diy. Indianapolis, September 12, 14, and it. 151 each day. ILLINOIS. Chicago, September 5, - .7, 9,19, 21, 23, 30, 1t1116 6 each day. Chiew, September 4,6, 8, 18, 20, =, 23, IV. KS'S each day. DELAWARE. Wilmington, Friday of each week, 150 Mule , : ell 7 1Imington, Tuesday of each week, 10) lords JERSEY. treutoii, Tuagday, September 6, Vie Mehl Trenton, Ttiesday, September 19, 100 MlllOl, MARYLAZiII. - - Baltimore, Thursday, September 7, 110 :link,, Baltimore, Thursday Sentember 21, 1.50 St. Louis, Thursday, September 7. and Ttu - i4ly and Thursday of each week thereafter, .40 .211 ea It day. na"N*Aa, Fort Leavenworth, commencing Tuoday, temher 12, and continuing thereafter at such tn.n as the Depot Quartermaster may desiguaie, 2JA Mules. GIESBORO, D. C. Tuesday and Thursday of each week, 'Wilms each day. No sales of Mules win. take place at WAS/III•filTi/N. D. G. - - The animals to be sold In *eptember Are illpt;ir to any heretofore offered to the public. The uso. thy of them are sound and serviceable. It is es:peeled that at this series of see oiltho 34, plus Government animals will be iliveso,l B,y, ors should therefore auceU themsalllde thin iee 4r. purtivaity to jatoechnse. Animals will be sold singly; sales to commence at 10 A. M. - - Terms cash, In United States eurremr. ' JAMES A. EON, Brevet Brigadier General in tintrge ants-30t 'First Division, (1. M. S.q. AUCTION SALE OF HIDES. OFFICE DEPOT CO.M. li.I6IIVILLR, Tenn., A1ign , .1'2i.14,1 Will he sold, at public auction, at U. S. : 0 111,11IPI House, In NASHVILLE, Tcuu., on the 7th day of September. 1865, % 4 p ,000 0 GREEN .AND DRY HIDES, tam. m!;.:i. l rms, sh. oil delivery. Hides is reizio4 IIIIIECOiEteIi - cater &AU!. Sala to eoulluvart• 1; ti o'clock A. M. J, DI, El. PC au29-6t Captain awl C.l. UNITED STATES MILITARY RAIL , ROADS. OFFICE cr AS6ISTANT QUARTBRDIA62I4, WA6tiM,2•olf, D, C. J 25 k IA AUCTION SALE OF ROLLING STOCIL Will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the hlghti bidder, the following rolling stook On TUESDAY, September 11, at the Porael Co.'s Shop In Portland, Maine, Six. (6) LOCOMOP2 Engines. - On THURSDAY, September 21, at Hinlfly & Ti Hams , Shop in Boston, Mass,, Four (4) Loosmothi Engines. On MONDAY, September 28, at B.ennett Sgnay near Philadelphia, Pa., Fitt*: (50) Box Freight ON four feet eight and e licit inell gauge. On WEDNESDAY, September 27., at Wiliningtet Del., Eight-four (84) Box Freight Cars, Are-00 gau ge . The above Abele is all new, and of fig Vey bee quality, The Engines are five-feet gauge, fire-toot thitl7l and cylinders 16x24 inches. They can be dale to narrow gauge at a trifling expense. Sates to commence at 10 A. M. Terms : Cash in Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON, ,1344-46 i Brevet Colonel and A, Q,31, GREAT SALE OF Gann= HORSES .AND MULES. 1/8,000 ANIMALS TO BE SOLD DURINS 201 MONTH OF AUGUST, in the %Ws of New York, Pennsylvania, Gal Ludlam. petal/are, Maryland, anti self Jersey, and the District of Columbia. QtrAnTnninBTEß GENERAL'S Cornet_ WASIDNGTQN, D. C., al y 24.1 11 1, Will be sold at public auction, to tile 11105 519 N der, at the Mae and Maces named beicor, N' YORK. New York city, Tuesday and Friday of cads 200 Horses each day. New York city, Wednesday of each well. Mules each day. Elmira, Tuesday, August 8, 200 Hones. Elmira, Tuesday, August le. NO Mules. Albany, Frldny, August 2.8., SOO Ruin, Buffalo, Wednesda N y, Augilet Nl all MOM. PENSYLN'AA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 20 fiell each day. Philadelphia, Wednesday and Saturday of e week, 100 Mules each day. Pittsburg, Thursday of each week, 150 4 1 T atsyille, Tuesday, August 1, ZOOSIaIeI. Miffilutown, Friday, August 4, 200 Mules. York, Fridity, August 4, =Horses. Newytile, Wednesday, August 9, 100 Honer Norville, Thursday, August 10, 100 Mules. Heading, Friday, August 11, 200 Horses. Bhippensburg, Wednesday Accost 16, 10011 0 grid, Thursday, AUgliSt 17,'200 Horses. Shippensblirg, Thursday, August D. IMMO , wEnamsporf, Friday, August 200 HOrSelo Indiana, Monday, August 21, 200 Horses , Chambcrsburg, Wednesday, Augcst Horses. Chambersburg, Thursday, August 01, 10011111 1 ' Fridwy, August 25, 200Tiorses. Carlisle, Wesineeda, August 30. 100 H4Ties , Carlisle, Thursday, Augu 0 ,August 81,100 Nines. 0, Columbiana, Tuesday, August 1, toe Horst& Salem, Wednesday, August 2, NO Horses. Alliance. Thursday, August 3, 200 liorees. thintelli Saturday, Autust 5, 200 Horses. Cleveland, Tuesday, August 8, I,P Nide" Massillon. Tuesday, August Is, tlersei, Crestline, Thursday, August 17, 100 Clevelaud,Monday,_August 21, 250 Horses. INDIANA. poi Fort Wayne, Thursday. August Z 4, haav DELAARE. „ Wilmington, Tuesday of eau wces, 280 0' each day. Wilmington, Friday or each week, 200110 MM day. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Thursday, August 10, 200 Mules. Trenton, Thursday Aagust Ni 210 hinted. IiaRYL AND. Baltimore, Wednesday, August 9, and Wt ilile Of each week thereafter, zoo gorses each dlr. IirASHINGTONI P. U. Each week day. 200 Mules, DIESI3OI4O. D. d. Bach week day except Wednesday, 200 Host!: An opportunity to purchase a sOperfor <:}s7 saddle and draft itaimals, at far less vigil dun ve Thoughnow offered tO Ole LI bile. dip tile Majority of them arc soma slider VIC-Sulale, they are no longer requi rt to and must be sold. Many of the mules were bought in the bcB.l l o of the war when young, accompanied th e am. all their marches and camps. and are WTl broken, hardened by exercise, gentle and from being so long surrounded by the wheel's Animals will be sold singla. llales :o commence at so Terms-Cash, in United States etirre u lilt AM ES A. Brevet Brigadier J tlencral to cliarg.a Iy2o-tanBl First Division, Q. 51!_ 8 . ARGE SALB Or GOV • -.1-d CARS, ENGINES, AND RAILR I.IU 140, tiff an STATES .1111LIT11)1Y 1(A10,0to%10, OVTICE OF ASSISTAAr q, moo ‘ . 4 ,3 . WASHINGTON 1). ititauttAiNb. Will be sold at MTh POINT, Va., on DAY, October 11, at 11 o'clock A. 51.: Do , , About four thousand (4,000) tons Railroad At PORTSMOUTH, Va., en FRIOAX, Urtohat at 421).4.• Five (.s) . tlrBt-ellips Locomotive nagincs. About My (00) Freight Carg mid 0U () Car. At HOB Four, Va.,October nt One new Locomotive Engine. u toot At ALEXANDRIA, Va., OU T DROL"' 17 ! Fifty (50) first-class Locomotive Eaglets , inch gauge.foot 23A Eighteen 08) new Plattorni !is , 0 114' Twenty-five (25) new Box Cars, arealo About three hundred and fifty (150) / 1, 'lli-inch gauge. About two hundred and thirty (2.30) l'lstfor.sdP About46-inch gauge. thirty (30) Stock do., 4-feet Witch I. Twenty_(_2o) FusSeriger tlo., q O .. ae• One (I) Wrecking do., do., (Mt Two (2) new Trucks. Sixty do., do.,framed. Fourteen 04) Flats. About two tilousand (2,000) tons Railroad fi, Sales to commence at ALEXANDRIA at 1 , al and to continue from day to day until all lit • Terms: Cash, in Government, _ IL L. NOB. \,1: ) , Brevet Colonel it._o.ldilintrY aul4-toctO LARGE BALE OF 0011.E11705. RAILROAD ENGINES AND CARS. - UNITED grATN,6 MILITARY TtAir.110A175,4,04 OFFIWC C 4 A2.6IOTAST Q.I.Td/r/., 1 ,11 , i' W.AdifflttrcN, D. UI I AtilhC,,, 0 mond, Va., on TUFSDA.Y, Will be sold at MANCHE S TER , , I Twenty-five (25) new first-class L0cV10.,,,0• glues; fivs) foot gauge, fire (5) eylluaers 16rat Inches; capacity of taut. t , ' , 1.5315. October 3! . 1 ,, r . , .::,,, Five (5) first-class Locomotives, 4 fe" ' gauge. Duv p ; , Two hundred and sixty-five (S 5) neW 11 Cars, live (6 ) foot gauge. ,-) rot! , Ten (10 ) new Platform Cars. five 0 „e. ~ Ten (10) Freight Cars, 4-feet SX,-inch giv- i , $O , The sale to continue from (toy 10 11 0 "" i Terms l Ca o h &u i m (W in re e nant-n 10 0 d Muds',,,i)N. IL L. 1i0n.1% -,„ )1.. anis-toillrevet Colonel any 1 0 : Di yi . ,,; 11TAVANA. OIGABS.—A GO ...,. 0, -.--- RIETY constantly In store and ben).: io est cash tato. s. PUOVEY N,,.;;Vg, mrkKiir Mg WO 491131 PO'