The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 31, 1865, Image 3
o ggicE PENNSYLVANIA SAIL. IrguAD COMPANY• PErynanavrttLl, Alsoistls„ gierr. ,„ yrortgage Bonds of the Connecting Rativray .nr. between the station of the Pennsylvania es,,tordeorapany in West Philadelphia and - Frank- V . " - - distance of seven ralles,ean be obtained at fo rd ' ti. ponds . 2313 South THIBD Street. Olt.?:;; are in_ sum s ... p.f_plif. thousand dollars, - - , -able at Baia . , . . .1) Building, 2751-:•.;outh THIRD sdeoVOnAl-iT,TR . "B- ikr. SepteMber :it 12 o'clock M., for the elec.- !.,1, a Direct.. t'or the ensuing year, and ART in,r business. Stockholders arc requested to ring their receipts for sloth to be exchanged for ,rtaieates. E. J. HARRISN, Secretary. - - OFFICE OF THE TARR. AND -SCOTT FARM OIL COMPANY, No, 2tow4 I.ILNIUT Street, Seem No. 2, rIiILADELPLIIA, 28th AllgllSt, The first animal meeting of the Stockholders of his Company will be held at their office, on WMO- E:WA), 6th September next, at 12 o'clock M. ra-• OF.O. 0. BEACH, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, rvitismcium MOUNT JOY, AND LANs IiAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, August 22, IBM. m Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the ~,mirifir will be held on FRIDAY, September 1 il o'clock A. M. at the corner of THIRD tr. , ,4 sod WILLING'S 'Alley', at which time an (action for Directors will be hold, to serve for the 'suing Icor. GEORGE TABER, :11123,31 secretary. '- PROV E CUMBE ME N T C OMP ANY LAND 131. . STOCK $l.OOO 000 200.000 SHARES, AT $5 EACH. WM co. 228 South FOURTH Street. DIPACTQRS Sylvester J. Ategargee, Tatlow Jackson, Price I. Patton, Thomas IL Rickert. e Smith. 1: J. MEGARGEE. er, ALBERT R. SOHO. amio-tf osepll Lesley, 'euert IL Beatty, !beet I). Boileau, Ward IL Faulkner, A. Euge President, BiLVESTE Secretary and Treasu • SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GRAND DIVISION SONS OP TEMIPE• LANCE on SATURDAY EVENING, S'ept.2,lBo,3,at at the Hall of Excelsior Division, No. Ort CHESTNUT Street. Initiation of members. auE-31~ JON. IV. - MARTIN, Grand Scribe. o r. — OFFICE OF THE RECEIVER OF TAXE& rIIILADELYII/2, Aaisust 1835. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. —TaX:-.Payers are notified that a penalty of ONE percentum hi be imposed on all City Taxes after ti!e first day (Sigurd) CHAS. 0' EIL, Au -2t Receiver of Taxes. MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. -Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE coRPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ' nests held out to all entering the Marine Corps; ;orions opportunity to visit foreign countries; yea pay excellent accommodations, light and .o.s - duties. Fin all further Information inquire at the Recruit er Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, 'ldladelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every ay, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, IsiContain and Recruiting Officer. INSURANCES. RE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, NCORFORATED BY THE. STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, 3D MO., 321 D, 1865. nsures Lives, Allows Interest on Depo• sits, and Grants Annuities. CAPITAL, 8150,000. DIRECTORS. INIFEL R. SHIPLEY, !RICHARD CADBURY, RE3IIAII HACKER, HENRY HAINES, D. MORRIS, T. WISTAR BROWN, IcitARD WOOD. WM. C. I,OIittSTRETH, ,CHAS. F. COFFIN. 4 SAMUEL I. SHIPLEY, PRESIDENT _ ROWLAND PARRY, ACTUARY. TEMPORARY OFFICE, /iO. 247 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BASEMENT. jr2s-tuthsly COPARTNERSHIPS. ISS.OLUTION.-THE COPARTNER SETT existing between the undersigned, un .r the trim name of CORNELL & AITEIN, has ell dissolved by mutual consent. C. V. CORNELL, ji)s. auge,-Dts 11=JEM 1 0PARTITERS3IIP NOTICE.--T H E Undersigned have this day entered into a co .arnurship under the name and title of BRUNER., ANN. & CO., for the transaction of the 6-ENE - L I,I2IMBKRICEMINEBZ, at 1008 MARKET St. A. Biarxr.n, Sn., D. C. WANN, A. BRUNER, JB. Pluenzt.rmu., July 3, 1865. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN onnectlon with all old established Lumber Depot ICOIIIIIIMI ra., thus giming the yard superior ad. alit yes. 191144nr. SUMMER RESORTS. IGET-HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CIY, N. J. The nearest house to the 511 rf. JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. s1;11AL HOTEL, FRANKLIN -- VENANGO COUNTY, PA JAMB E. STEEL, n't,Prietor. This well-known and popular House has just been .oroughly refitted and enlarged to more than ouble its former capacity 11. is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town. th ready access by Rail and Stage to all points in ‘ , e REGION. and its accommodations for ''rests fully equal to those of drat-elass Hotels in Sr part of the country. fat, been the aim of the Proprietor to establish House combining the comforts of Home with all • e advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he succeeded. Iy4-2An COAL. ,tiY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES I SOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine aide Vein COAL, equal, if not superior, to Lehigh. /@ and Stove sizes,v.); Large Nut , $B.. Try it. to will be cure to be pleased. Office, 121 South 01:11TH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 141.9 ALLOW EILL Street, above Broad. _ 3122-3 m ELLIS BRANSON. NOWLES' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and FISK COAL at reduced prices. Office ed Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Ste. jyi9-3m• 0A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coat, Si 1.0( . 11 Mountain, fromSchuvikill.nrepamd 1 1 1EJTstr D e Art'OliceTT, W. ' , ECOND otreet. [apt-tfl WALTO,. & CO. PROPOSALS. VARTERMASTER'S DEPART- :EALED pflOpoS Pifit.AostaquA, Angust2B, 1865. ALS will be reCtived at this tali] SATURDAY, 12 o'clock Sl., September for the deilyery, within ten days front the (/f o nnlugK bi le , at the United States Store- HANovER-STREET WHARF, Philadel !''', Pa., the following quartermasters , Stores, 'n Wagon Tongues, ironed. Bolts, size, X, 34, and 2 ineies in length, . assorted. c: sides Harness Leather, lb WelL4l l 5 pounds per sole when finished. zi:ndes Leather for flame Strings ( oil tanned,) to weigh tkpounds per side when finished. Hind Bounds. '- "pounds Wagon Grease. Ambulance. flubs. ItigrOSB assorted Bookles. Fle urea% assorted itings 40 gallons Neat sfoot OS. Ail of the above-described articles to be of the quality, and subject to the inspection of an in- Pv:tor appointed on behalf of the United States t iltilples of the above-named stores to be delivered the United States Warehouse twenty-four hours to the opening of the bids. jadders will state price In writing and figures, and t. amount or quantity of each article bid for. lath bid must be guaranteed by two responsible Krsous, whose signatures must be appended to the [t:o . untee, and certified to as being good and stir seeuritv for the amount Involved, by the States District Judge, Attorney, or Collet:- 6 r. or other public officer, otherwise the bid will 6.1. he considered. FINANCIAL. OFFICZ notrallrEALE (1.7 _ GOVIMEUNDEENT LOANS No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. JAY COORE .Sr, CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Offer for sale, at lowest market rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AS FOLLOWS U.S. 7.30 Tfeasury Notes of date of Aug. 16, 1869. Do. do. do. June 15,1865. Do, do. do. July 15,1865. BONDS OF IEO3I. 5-20 LOAN OF 1562. 5-20 LOAN OF 113161. 10-40 LOAN OF 1554. • CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. I n formation given concerning all kinds of Secu rities. Collections On all points made at lowest rates. au24-tirtl CURTAIN GOODS. I E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, HAS :CST BRONIVXD a FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REMO= RATES PINE, WHITE AND BLUE DILOSQVITO BARS WITH PATENT ITHBRELLA PRAXES, ALL SIZES. READY FOR TTSE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS. A OSOICE ASSORTMENT. iva-tr MERCHANT TAILORS. ARMY AND NAVAL OFFICERS. J. S. TAYLOR, THE BEST MILITARY AND NAVAL TAILOR IN THE UNION, Is now connected wytu EDWARD P. KELLY, 612 CHESTNUT STREET. J. S. TAYLOR has been for the last four years the Cutter for the Military and Naval Tailoring Es tablishment of OWENS, 212 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON. GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, &c. All the requisites fur Preserving and Pickling purposes. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, an264f Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets COTTON -WARP CLOTHS, TRICOTS, WAVE AND OTHER PATTERNS ALL-WOOL 1):0:30 S I-K I S, AND OTHER FANCY PATTERNS For ettle by the Manufacturers, - BENJ. BULLOCK'S SONS, 40 and 42 South. FRONT Street. TRADE LOCKWOOD'S c,, _• PAPER COLLARS, . .1 _ *CLOTH 7 LINED, - 1 - AND IVITIIOIJT CLOTH LINING. 31A1111. The Cloth Lined Cellars made by the LOCKWOOD MFG. Cth ,255 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, have been in general use since 1858, and notwith standing the feet that numerous imitations of them have been made they still rank superior to any Col lar in the market, They are the only collars lined throughout with cloth, with a layer of paper on each Me ! and are shaped upon formers, or moulds, so as to at the neck and allow a space for the cravat. The peculiar process used in their manufacture, makes them re semble linen very Closely: when nnished the fibres of the cloth give the appearance of linen to the paper. They are very strong and do not tear at the hutton-holes,. and are the onlveollars made thatean be turned and worn on WO sides without the but ton-holes giving way and the paper tearing. Parties purchasing collars will be careful to see that each collar is stamped upon the inside—Lock wood 411 g. Co., Cloth Lined, total. the Trade Mark of the Co. and date of Patents. Do not be deceived by the boxes or raise representations, hilt see foryour self, If the voila it§or Is not stamped upon the in side as above, it is not genuine. The ellOrinous demand fur these goods (largely ex. ceeding that of any collar made) has kept them sold ahead of production, but with a.large am ount of new machinery, this Co. is now able to fill all orders _promptly, either in Philadelphia or at any of the orta'encies. eiNlltion to these best standard goods, several lower guiles of collars are constantly in stock. The LocksvOod Mfg. Co. are the solo licenses under Hunt's and Leek WOod's Patents, (the first on Paper (MUMS' ever fawned.) and by purchasing these Foods parties avoid dinieunies and lawsuits, - which arc now being vigorously prosecuted against all dealers in other makes of paper collars, which infringe one or more of these Patents. THE TRADE MDM,TED BY W. E. tKI E. D. LOCKWOOD,I SOLE AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 255, 257, and 259 South THIRD Street, Philada an:3l- thstu2w ItOMAINE , S CRIMEAN 11ITTERg WHAT THEY ARE A purely medical preparation, composed of recog nized standard remedies in diseases for which it is recommended, their curative powers Increased by Cvnibinatiori, and extracted by a eolentilie pharrne ceutieal process, which secures a perfect and uni form concentration of medical virtues. They are the most reliable preventive and cure of FEVER and AGUE known. They restore the tone of the stomach, and impart strength to the digestive organs when recovering from 4tekness. They protect elm wstem from the effects of Inele mma weather and nilattim, avert Chills Cud Fever, and remove slight attacks or Ithettuuttlsni and Neu ralgia, They relieve Diarrhoea, Flatulence, and Colic, and counteract the effect of change of water and cif mate_ - They Are especially adapted for Dyspeptics, In valids, and Sedentary persons, who nectl a tonic Sttlertnant. . Their stimulating properties being chiefly derived frown roots and plants, they exhilarate without creating a craving for alcoholic drinks. They arc approved by the highest medical authori ties In United States Army Hospitals, where they have been used. They are rosy delicate -in, ilaeor, and agreeable tO the palate. - WHAT THEY ARE NOT. TnET ARE NOT a decoction of inert aromatics, to aid a compromise with conscience which shrinks from open tippling, THEY nltE NOT 'sVIII.SKT mpler another name. 11nc - Ate NOT a worthless compound pulled Into notoriety. Bend to your Druggist for . Circular, with full par ticulars. 31ILLER & CO., Proprietors, 110 Liberty St., N. Y. For sale by Johnston, Holloway & Cowden, at manufacturers' rates, and retailed by all respects hie Druggists and Family Grocers. au3l-thstu-oVir 910 SPORTSMEN.—PHILIP WILSON & CO., No. 409 CHESTNUT Street, call the attention of Sportsmen to our stock of FINE GUNS of our own and best English makers. Also, Rifles, Pistols, Skates, Cricket and Base-Ball Implements, Powder, Shot, 'Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, &0., at lOWest prices. Repairing Clone in the best manner. soil-tf PNCOURA.GE DOMESTIC INDUS TRY. LIARRISON &BRADFORD, STEEL FEB 31 ANII FACTIMERS, ' M give EN AND empI WOMEN androduce over oyment to over oNE MINDILED AMERICAN , p TWENTY•FIVE IitIi..LIONS ANNUALLY of American steel rens, stamped with their name in full, and bearing their label. In quality_ finish, selection, anti styre of putting up, these ensure"' warranted to surpass any Yens ever offered to the American public. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, by moss & Stationers and Blank Book Diantifactureh, 1321 CHESTNUT Street, and 430 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. . anti-tut HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS sOIIPS. 1,000 doz. Saeast -Busage eef. Meat. 600 " R " 500800 d do o Mutton. • LON " do Turkey. 1,000 do Chicken. 8.000 " assorted Soups, In 1,2, 21i lb. cans. For sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, fe6-tf 107 South WATER Street. l a b yo i aluedind_ MURPHY sRop. HyKoors, MACKEREL., HERRING, SHAD, it , c. —2,100 bbls. Blass. NOB.l, 2, and a Mackerel, into- H c a e u r gr Herring. Sat deb, in assorted p l a y :7: 3 : g . , 2,000 ;ibis. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hall. 2 150 ,5(Ya bb b l o s x . N es e L w u l b l e e c ii3O 1240081 tio x rc e' als er f klin or seal:e-eSe C h eese, jail-tf No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL 'VIGOR are regained b ItutainoLD,6 ExyttAcY licCub. 10* Boutb. TEN y _ TH Street. au23-im THE PRESS:--PITILAIMPIII.4; MICTR,SDAY, AUGUST 31. 18657 SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS lAMB:3MM BIINTMET::IO2OV2-27. IMPORTERS AND JOBBEUS DRY GOODS, Nos. 09 and 241 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, Cloths. Prints, Gassimeres. Delalnes, battinetts, Alpacas., Jeans, Fancy Dress Goods, Cottonades, Brown and Blessbed Meetings, Denims, Brown and Bleached Sldrtinge, Stripes, Omish Chambras, Cheeks, Cornish Tweeds. Ginghams,' Flannels, Diapers, Linens, . FURNISHING GOODS, WHIM GOODS, au23-3m NOTIONS, dte., &e. FALL. 1865. FALL. EDMUND 'YARD Sr. CO., 617 Clieblllnt and 614 Jayne Sts., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORAL& DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, OERMANTOWN N'ikDTC"lr vrocom. Goonis, BALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. sue.rm RETAIL DRY GOODS. EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOIITH SECOND STREET, Hare now open, just received, a case or DOUBLE WIDTH DELAINES, Flue quality, in all the Popular Shades of WINE COLORS, PURPLE AND GREEN, BLUE AND DROWN, MODES AND LEADS, ao, Also, a fine assortment of all shades in the Single Width. Double Width _Black De Lairtes for sale at. the Lowest Prices. On hand a full stock of an qualities. THE ABOVE FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL auBo4t-rd NEW FALL DRY GOODS, FROM LATE IMPORTATIONS AUCTION S.EkLMS IN NEW YORE. AND PHILADELPHIA, To which the attention of Wholesale and Retail buyers is invited. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 464 North SZCOND Street, FROM LATE AUCTION SALES. CHOICE COLORS TRENCH MERINOS. at $1.25 and $1.60. CVMWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North BECOSSD Street, au29-3t Above Willow. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, Jost from the Mills, of all sires and grades. Hotel keepers, Merchants, and Housekeepers supplied at the lowest PPrices. UHRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, au29-3t Above Willow. SATIN PLAID cHALLIES, Just °Done& at moderate prices. CILBWEN STODDARI & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North. SECOND Street, au29-3t Above Willow. FALL GOODS FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR.—Broadcloth, Cassimeres, and Vestings—in dells• receipt of new and desirable styles. CUBWEIC STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, au29-St Above Willow. ALL -WOOL CASHMERE PLAIDS, At Reduced Prices, at . S .S irCet, Nos. CLT R o Ni , e O d DZA , R K T o a r til lt R s C T O H N E D R au29-3t Above Willow. 4il FOR A GOOD WIDE BLACK SILK. Neat plaid fancy Silks. $1,75. Double-faced, black figured, $.1.61. Handsome wide Foulards — greatbargain — Irisli Poplins—newest stele pjaids—sl:7s, .J. C. STRAWBRIDGE .e CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARKET. CTS. FOR LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL 5.„ BE LAINES. I caep Lupin's Ilter!noes, $1.25. 1 case 5-11.upin's MeritilAS, *1.50. 1 case superb quality Merhtoes, C. 75. 1 case Lupin's fine Rep Poplins, *1.25. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH anti MARKET. -RUSSIA CRASH GENUINE, I 25 28, 31 CENTS. A good table Linen, 604 and 70e. 10-4 Linen Sheetings, *1.25. 10-4 Cotton Sheeting[:, *1 and *1.15. New York Mills, M IVamsutta. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. $ 3.6 0 FOR HONEY-COMB BRIDAL QUILTS. Colored and white Marseilles Quilts. rilarsellles crib Quilts, cradle Blankets. Fruit Cloths, wine Cloths, fruit Doylies. Two bales all-wool Flannels, 45e. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest eon EIGHTH and MARKET. BLANKETS. -A FIVE-POUND BLAN. KET FOR $5. 1 case heavy, all-wool for $5.15. 5 cases extra, heavy large, $9. 3 cases fine extra size, $lO. 4 cases—splendidttuality_—from $l2 to $l5. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & Northwest cor. E/CiLITH and MARKET. an26-sto that A-W 0 BALES OF REAL RUSSIA CRASH, just received. Price.2s and 31 cent& Damask 'Pablo Linens an&Napkins. Duch Towellings and Bird-Eye Diapers. Linell and Cotton Sheeting's. Fine and Inc:alum qualltY :New York Mills and winiainsville matins. English and American Prints. Stripe Chintzes for wrapers and bordering. EDWIN HALL & 111130- if 28 South SECOND Street. BLANKETS -ENTIRE NEW STOCK, -1-• LOW PRICES. Medium and line Blankets. Some extra cheap lots, 110 and $lO. Fine crib Blankets; Horse Blankets. Honey-comb Quilts; wide. heavy Sheetings. Shaker Flannels, finest goods, $l. and $l.l - 0. Best quality Canton Flannels; Tickings. Linen Diapers,2s $2.50, $3, and $3.50, &c. DE S..9.. LALNBS. 107 pieces new Helaine., 25 and 37 cts. 118 pieces new prints, best makes, only 2.8 to Wets. Bally opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete. COOPER .k CONARD, S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKaT Streets. STEEL & SON, Nos. 715-& 715 North TENTH Street, are now Offering great bargains in SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods of ail kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at reduced prices. Linen Goods of all,kinds at reduced prices. Di yards wide English Cashmeres, Fall CORM, $ l . SILKS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICES. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. Just opened 1 case of lioyle , s best quality 4-4 Eng lish Chintzes, double purples, at 50c. aul2 rro BARDWARE MERCHANTS AND STUVE-DEALEIN.—Your attention is respect fully called to our assortment of ShovelB, 'anodes, Galvanized and Japanned Coal . Rods, Copper and Metallic bottom Boilers, Pans, &c.. &c. GEO. GRIFFTIIS, Manufacturer, No. 1 FETTER Lane, Third street, above Arch. au3l-6t* Fi gi alws OELF-BEALING F RIJIT Every housekeeper in the city and Country should use this excellent Can. It is the moat con venient and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed in an instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin Cap over and around the opening and pressing upon a ring of cemented paler. 'Yhe cement in the paper welts by the bent in efruit, and as the preee ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. The cap is unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can, at J. McDIURTRIES , , bog SPIiINI GARDEN Street, 337.13-2mif PHOTOGRAPH_ ALBUMS. MILLER & BURLOCK, MANUF A CTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, Nos, 1102 and 1104 SANSOM St., Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the most Complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. They are unsurpassed in beauty and durabl Ity by any in the market, and sold at less than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis count to dealers. Catalogues naalled to any address witlisut charge. POONET RIRLEg AND POOKIAT TEIiTAMENTB, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burlocit's superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles td binding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. lima and 1104 IiANSOM St.,Philadelphia. auZ-wimatadivo FRUIT JARS-THE EUREKA GLASS FRUIT JAILS.—The only Jar that tan be flood ed, and thereby ejecting every particle of air, and the only Jar that can be opened by the simple touch Of the linger. For sale by S 1 I Bole it e A S treet t e r n e t e , t ALFR N E O D . P Nortb O - And at the l'olioring Places: Nos. us, 247, 411 N. Second street: Nos. NA 022, Mr, S. Stumm' street; Nos. 613. 1431, 1840, 3400,3026, 2900 Market area: Nos. 1001, 1384. 1403 Ridge avenue; and throughout the city and titate. au20.41t. PARTIES OR INDIVIDUALS CAN -a- have photographed In superlormanner churches resldenees. or public edifices, by - applying to B. le. IMIMER., Photographer, at the ti allvvy,o24AßCH Street. lt* CARTES DE VISITE OF UNSUR PASSED styles and manner of execution are (lone at B. F. RiIIMEIVS, 621 t. Per sons desiring any, patronizing him, will be well pleased. it* CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, NEAT AND desirable styles Likenesses, carefully executed, suitable for Albums. or scholars to elallallge with elassinates. REIMER'S, SECOND Street, abort: Green. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND 171133 N lielllorlies for unpleasant and danger ous diseases. Use itRINBOLD'a EXTRACT BITCHLT and Improved Rose Waal. 10* doutls btreot. duZ3-Ittt WHOLESALE DRY 430015‘ 1865; THOS. W. 'EVANS Sr, CO., Are daily opening their FALL IMPORTATION, FINE DRESS GOODS, To which the attention of 820 CHESTNUT STREET, UP STAIRS au3o-12t • 1865. F AL L. • 1865. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers at wholesale to their stock of FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN DRY GrOIDIAteh, • Which, for extent, variety, and general adapta tion to the wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, MERINOES, POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS-- BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, 1 LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied with scarce and desira ble goods at and under market rates. WRIOLESALLE BOOMS VP STAIRS. attre-tf THE HERO'S OWN STORY. GENERAL SHERMAN'S ' Official Aecount of his (Mat March, with a De fence of his Proceedings, dm. Price 5 0 cents. THE STORY OF THE GREAT MARCH, by Major Nichols. Illustrated. STANDISH—A. Story of Our Day. A new Novel. Paper covers, 75 cents. TANOHNITZ EDITION of British Authors. A full supply now receiving. Price, 75 cents a volume. Contains all the newest and best novels. Catalogues furnished free. A lIMEAD & EVANS, au29-tuth2t No. ~/ O4- CHESTNUT Street. NEW MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. WRITINGS OF JAMES MADISON. 4 vols.Bvo. WATT'S DICTIONARY OP CHEMISTRY. 3 yule. Svc.. BEADS SAVAGE AFRICA. Bvo. DISCOVERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. Ly captain Spoke. VAMBERRY'S CENTRAL ASIA. MILL'S POLITICAL ECONOMY. 2v015.. All New and Standard Books. For sale by LINDSAY & BLARISTON, ast34 No. 20 South SIXTH Street. VILPATRICK AND OUR CAVALRY. A-3 , With an amount of the Cavalry - Raids and En gagements from the beginning of tile Rebellion to the surrender of Johnston. 12mo. THE STORY 0E GENERAL SHERMAN'S GREAT MARCH THROVGH THE SOUTH. By Major Nichols. 12mo. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. By the author of "John Halifax." 12mo. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS. I2mo. PHILIP IN PALESTINE. A Book of Boy Travel. By M. A. Edwards. All the new nooks received as soon as_pubitslied and for sale by JAMES a. oI.AxToN, (Buceegtor;to W. B. & A. Maritsa ) mall 606 CHESTNUT Street. Above Willow COMMISSION MOUSES. BAGS! 8.A.G5 I BAGS I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, B A L A- AP, AND GUNNY S, FLOUR AND SALT BAGS. ALL SIZES, runi TED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY do 00. , jy2l3-601 No. 113 NORTH FRONT STRET. TTAZARD & HUTCHINSON, JI- 1 - AGENTS TOE THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, HS CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPII/A, AND 103 READS STREET, NEW YORK. Je23-Brit WILLIAM BROCKIE t COMMISSION MERCHANT, 101 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Will continue the COMMISAIOn huBinesiS of the late ftrm of THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. Advances made on PRODUCE consigned to RICH ARDSON, SPENCE, & CO., LIVERPOOL, and to correspondents in LONDON, BELFAST, and GLASGOW. AUGUST' 1 , 1865 . aut-imit 1 - O. MAITIEWSON, GENERAL COM , V • MISifION PRODUCE BROKER AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia, at the old stand of the late flrms of T. P. Stovall & Co., Stovall, McLaughlin, & Co., and G. H. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give hie prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goo 4, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and merchandise generally. Having the agency of several first-class Cotton Mills. I am prepared, at all times, to supply order,s for Yarns, W.ienting, Shirtings, Osnahurgs, Drills, Jeans, : , sc With cittensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, can furnish securektc.rage. and give prompt atten tion to Merchandise and Produce Consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. au23-3m riTiwmuwT7R - Tcam• ROBERT SHOEMAKER 4% CO., N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &c. AGENTS rom, Tam cinannATAD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplled at 'Ollll4 LOW PR.TeRS 'OR CASH. rly64m GENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty' their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT & CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, Four doers, below the Continental, STATIONERY & BLANK, BOOKS. rm MINING COAL, AND OTHER N'EW COMPARIES. We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Dindiag. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOOB. LITHOGRAPHED TRANSFER BOOR. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCE, REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. • MOSS & CO. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. se2l-tf 43% CHESTNUT Street. T NGHA RE HOTEL, PORTLAND L PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel, "the largest in London," is noW open; it is situ ated on the most open and healthy site in the West end. With all modern Improvements, Suites of Apart ment, sane a Manger IV/by 40 feet, elegant Ladies' Room, a SPFICions Gentlemen's SlTTlliti AND WRITING ROOlll, ETC. Within a short drive of ali the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodation, address— The Manager, C. .SCHIIMA.NN. aug7-3m JONES HOUSE, MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, IiARRISI3UrtG, CHARLES H. MANN, PROPRIF,TON HOIUSE-FILIRIVISHING GOODS. SOMETHING NEW. PATENT CLOTHES "WASHER for $2.50. IT SAVES THE HANDS. GLASS , JARS, TIN CANS. au234f GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH E L OL D ' S•CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCHIJ is the Great Diuretic. liRtIuISOLD'S ECiNcENTiiATBro EXTRACT SAILSA PAItILLA lb the lireal, It Purifier. Roth are prepared according to rules of rintrum ey and Chemistry, at:a are the most active that can be made. 104 South TENTH Street. au23-lm PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 29, 1801 The Subscriber will contiue. the GRAVEL, ROOF IN G AT 021 NORTH_ THIRD STREET. Also. Atatcriak °rail hinds, Suitable for .Roofing, always on hand. an3o-3t JOS. ATTRIEN. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON sTrruTioNs, of both sexes, ltsC HEI.MBOLD'S ENT)dtur Bucitu. It will give brisk and ellergetl6 feelings. and enable you to sleep well. 104 Bench TY.Will Street. suti-lin COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers , Drier Felts, from one. to live feet wide; Pauline. Bolting Sall Twine. &c. JOHN W. NVNEMAN &OD ' no3-tf No. IU3 JONES. Alley. FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON ENCE of urine, irritation, latflattnuation or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brirk-dust deposit. and all diseases Of the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swellings. 101- South TENTH street. nuts-lin usr, REdoniicps,drn rt-vm EXTILLCT BuCLIET. AND 11A.VE NOW ON ExHIBITION A CHOICE LIME OF KID GLOVES, &c. WHOLESALE BUYERS IS INVITED. NEW PUBLICATIONS. XASTUFACTURKRB OF HOTELS. CORNIIIt OH EDUCATIONAL. INETI7I3TE 'TOR Young t a in s tß 3 Parr i em i f e , Pftkami. • THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH 41- sDHOor.. of the subscriber, S. E. corner of TATATSIII. NTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 11. fau2B-linn D. KENDALL. MISS M. K. ASHBURNER WILL RE OPEN her SCHOOL FOR GIRLS at 209 South THIRTEENTH Street, below Walnut, on MON DAY, September 9th . au214.12t, SPRING-GAItDEN ACADEMY - A IL , Classical, Mathematical, and English School for Bop and Young Men corner EIGHTH and BUT TONWOOD Streets, will reopen MONDAY Septem ber 4. J. P. -BIRCH IL. Bt.. principal. CATHARINE M. SHIPLEY.WILL RE OPEN her School, at No. 4 SOUT.FnvEsT , PENN Square, on the Itth of Ninth Month, (Sep terober,) 1865. au2B-Im. WILLIAM FEWSMITH'S CLASH CAL and English &hoot, No. 1008 CHEST NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY, September 4. au2B-Ine CHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN will reopen MONDAY, September 18, 1865, at 1914 MOUNT VERNON Street. The Primary Department la cOndueted as a Kin dergarten. upon the German (Frtebel's) system, and includes boys and girls under ten years of age. Older pupils will be. received. In both departments, Gymnastics (under the sys tem.of Dr. 1)10 Lewis), and Drawing from still life arc taught. GERTRUDE W. FULTON, HARRIET B. DARLINGTON, au2B-12t MARY E. SPEAKMAN. ACADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF No. 41 North ELEVENTH Street reopens Ninth Month (Sept.) 4th. W. WHITAL L. attlB-Im. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMBER 9th, ati2B-2m* J. W. FAMES, D. D., rig MR. GEO. FELIX BENKERT WILL resume his Plano Lessons September 18th. Ad dress No. 11.6 CHESTNUT Street. ati26-Bt* VRIENDS' OCITOOL, OBLER AXE NUE, north from Noble street, below Sixth street.—Reopen 9th mo. (Sept.) 4th. All Branches of a good ENGLISH 'EDUCATION thoroughly taught, and particular attention given to the moral training_ of the Pupils. All denominations admit ted. THOS. SMEDLEY, Principal of Male Dept.; H. H. SMEDLEY, Prin. of Pernale Dept. au26-12t* OUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (with Primary and Secondary' Departments at tached,) S. E. corner DILLWYN and GREEN Streets. The duties of this institution will be re sumed on MONDAY, Sept. 4, 1866. ....26-12t. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. B. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD. ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young , Ladles, at MIS WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY", the 20th inst. au2G-2m5 TISCILDOUN BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA., three miles south of Coatesville, on the Penna. Railroad. Winter term commences Tenth Month, (October,) 9th, 1885. Terms—SS° per session of twenty weeks. Music, $lO ; Drawing or Painting, each *5. Languages not extra. For Circulars, address the Principal, RICHARD DARLINGTON, aiil2-stallth Im Zreildoun, Pa. MANTUA -FEMALE SEMINARY, ALL BARING Street, below Thirty-fifth, West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding. School for Young Ladles. The next Term will open Sept. 4th. For circulars apply to Rev. JOHN 11100 RE, aul-tuthslar Principal. INSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. ANN DICIESON will reopen her SCHOOL for BOYS and GIRLS, at No. 108 South EIGHTEENTH Street, on the 11th of September. aul7-thstu-tf SCHOOL FOR BOYS—SPRING GAR DEN INSTITUTE REOPENS 9 mo (September 4tb.) Circulars 13 , 19 MOUNT VEENO Street, aui7-thstu4St. ACADEMY O] THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JU NIPER STREETS. —T he autumnal session will open on MONDAY, September 4th, at 9 o'clock A. M. Applications for admission may be made during the pr* ceding week between 10 and 12 o'clock in the morning. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., auls-tuthsim Read Master. MOUNT HOLLY INSTITUTE, AT MOUNT HOLLY, N. J. —An English and Classical BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR BOYS, con ducted by the Subscriber, ibr seine years associated with his father, the late Hey. barnuel. Aaron. Term opens September 11th. References: lion. J. C. 'Pen Nvelt, Es-Senator from New Jersey; Rey. Howard Macolni, D. D.; Rev, Wm. P. Breed, D.D„ Phila delphia. Address au22-tuths9t CHAS. E. AARON, A.M., Principal. THOMAS BALDWIN'S EN9LISH Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. E. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep tember 4r au2s-Im. MISS V. P. BROWN, No, 1007 PINE Street, will (ou MONDAY, Sept. 4th,) resume the dutiesof her School for Children, heLween the ages 01'4 and 15. aas9-linf FRENCH AND .AMERICAN TuriE for Young Ladies, Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. No. 295.3 FRAY:IO'ORD Road Philadelphia. Circulars can he had, on application, at the Institute, and at Messrs. JOHNRENNINGTON & SONS, No. 124 South SEVENTH Street. au2.l-Ims SIG. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Vocal Music at hie residence,' No. 313 South SIXTEENTH' Street, October 1. Be may be addressed meantime through the City P. 0.. as above. au2a-tf 0 ENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH N- 1 and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 4th. Boys prepared for any division of the Public Grammar Schools, for College, or for business. Special attention .o:yen to small boys. Residence, Sal North TENTH Street. D. SfeGUIRE, A. AL ; Principal. THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH -a. SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY, A. 31.,N0.1108 MARKET Street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep tember 9th. au2l-Im. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, I WILMINGTON, DEL. —The next Animal Session will begin on THURSDAY, September 7,1865. For catalogues or further information, address aull-191 5 JOHN WILSON, President. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN. STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, (for mrly at IMO Arch street.) Circulars at IMO and 1234 Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 2611, The next Session will commence on 1110NDA.Y, Sep tember 18th. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., Principal. auto-1m rIIEGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLIKE and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1521' and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 201)1. • French is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken in the institute. For circulars and partieulare to .au9-8m Madame D 7 RERVILLY, Principal. THE 'ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL -A. SCHOOL of A. B. SHEARER, A.M., North west corner of CHESTNUT and TWELFTH Sts., (second lloor,) win reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms, references, &c.,see Circulars; to be oh. tabled at. Mr. Hastutrd , s 11111 g Store, or from the Principal, at the School Rooms, every morning, he tweet' 10 and I*i o'clock.. au2s-IM, MRS. SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th at 933 SPRUCE Street. Circular.m y be obtained at the N. E, corner of spruce and TeLth streets. au2l-18t* THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. -a- BEEBE will reopen their Boarding_ and Day . School for Young _Ladies, No. 1703 Sept. Street, on 'WEDNESDAY, the 20th ofSept. an2-21rc, ERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMI GREII2I street, south of Walitut lane, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September lath. Circulars containing full information as to 'Perms, course of Instruction, character of the Seminary, &c., &e., may be obtained of Prof.WALTEIt S...FORTESOUE, A.M., ants-11* Principal. WOODLAND SEMINARY.-NOS. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TF.RRACE, West PM ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL tot Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrae• tive. Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars spiny to jy2l-2m 5 xt.F.v. HENRY. REEVES, Principal. fIHESTIMT-lIILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited num ber of BONS, each mil being taught by the Princi pal, H. W SCOTT, from Yale College. J Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, 11. Trotter, af. S. linecdler, and C. Platt. atll7-1111. MISS M DIARY E. TRROPP WILL RE OPEN her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young. Ladles at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the 11th of September. For CirculatF, apply at the School. aul7-Im. 'JEST BRANCH BOARDING I SCHOO TALE AND FEMALE. JERSEY SHORE, LYCOMING, COUNTY, PENNA. Terms, WO per. rear. Pupils prepared for College, Business or ordinary duties of domestic life, with the comforts of a good Home. Catalogues, with full particulars, of Philip Wilson, 409 Chestnut street. or address as above. aul7-IM , F. DONLEAYY LONG, A. lit.,PriuelpaL - 141708 Y CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH. Jun ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established in SEP TEMBER NEXT, is designed to rival the best. Schools of this country and of England, in its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for collage will be fitted to take a high stand in their class and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare young men for business or professional life. Circu lars, with fall information, can be had at 12:6 Chest nut street. E 7; W. CLARENCE SMITH. A. M.. Principal. Eassrammems. — ealeb Cope, Esq., lion. Wm. H. Hon. Jos. Allison, Alexander Whilidin, Esq., Thomas Potter, Eiq.,A. H. Francisrus, Esq., H. P. H. Birkinbine, Esq. aula-lm. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY, AT - WEST CHI:STEIL The dulks of this instittalca will be realinted eh THURSDAY, September 7, at 4 P. M. Cadets may pursue either a Classical or Scientific course of study, under experienced and thorough instructors. In the Primary Department the usual Englishimauches are Maght. Military instruction is grven in the three arms of the service. The Aca-. dem) , is furnished with horses for Cavalry and . Horse -Artillery exercises. All the appointments of the Institution are of the first order, and no expense or effort is spared to advance the education and military training of the Cadets. The religious instruction of the Cadets Is carefully atten ded apply to J. 11, OENE, Etq., 626 or civ t u o , .... , CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or to Col TH ItYATT, President of Penna. Mll'y Actiy.(auts-lin THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September 18th. In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation. French is the language of the faintly, and is constantly spoken in the nstitute. For circu lars. containing . terms and other particulars, ad dress-1312 SPRUCE St., ritilada., Pa. auls-2m VAIIIMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, A: GREEN street, west of Twenty-second street, superior Boarding Mid Day Selmol for Young Ladies, will begin its next terns September 78th. A Preparatory Department Is pro vided for younger pupils. For circulars, apply. to or address Rev. J. W. BARNHART, A.M., President. auls-1m YOUNG MEN AND BOYS' SCHOOL.- Bev, JAS. U. SHINN, A. Mil will open All English, Classical, Mathematical, and Scientific M School for Young en and Boys, No. 1906 MOUNT VERNON Street, on the first MONDAY in Septem ber. The instruction Will lie particular and tho rough, such as will prepare young inen for business Or college. For terms, . Sc.,apply as above. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ten months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of September. For Catalogues. containing Terms and full infor mation, apply to its Principal, jys-6W WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. M. "RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC IN STITUTE, TROY, N. Y,—The Forty-second Annual Session of this well-known School of Engl fleeting and Natural Science, will commence Sept. 131 h, 1865. The New Annual'llegtster 0f1865. ktving Hill information, :nav be obtained by addressinit Prof. CHARLES DROWNE, Director, Troy. N. 1. aul-30t. eIIIESTNUT-STREET FEMALE SE DDNARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH 1.10/iItD ING AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, ATISS 13011 . . Bey and Itilss Dinaye.—The Tlaty-first Semt-An. Dual SessiOn wilt Open WEDNESDAY, September lath, at 1615 CIIESTNUT rect. rank: Mari fronCireulars. • auls-tocl EDUCA ROWN'S'=BOHOOL -FOR 11 1- iro 6 M u AFB WO North EIGHTEENTH Si:, will re-open MONDAY, September 4. au3l-ot ELECT SCHOOL, NO. 2023 VINE tAf reel. Duties resumed Sept. 4th, Miss A. iL & E. W. SiltITD. uuSi-Bt' EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. Young Men who "wish to acquire a PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION, have sup e rior advantages for doing_so at OBITTENDEN 7 S COMMERCIA L. COLLEGE, 037 CtiEbT.NU'r street, Philadelphia, The course of instruction includes BOOKKEEP ING, as practiced 1)y the best accountants in its WC. ferent 'branches; PENMANSHIP, Mercantile Cal culations,' Business Forms, Commercial Law, De tecting Counterfeit Notes, &e., &c. Students Instructed separately and received at any time. Catalogues containing full particulars, terms, student's names, sent gratis an MIMI- Cation. ati3l.43t. /IRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY WILL re-open . her SCHOOL, 1532 SPRUCE Street, on WEDNEbDAY, September 13th, with Increased facilities for the comfort and improvement of her au3l-120 SARALON FEMALE SEMINARY ' LINDEN St., Germantown, reopens the 4th of Ninth:3llo. (Sept.) Terms for Boarding- Pupils, $9O per Session. The French Language and thawing taught without extra charge. Deduction for pupils weekly resident. Principal, 13:WELDING. aual-3t THEQUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. The only Commercial Institution in the city hav ing a Legislative Charter, and the only one in the United States authorized to confer Degrees of Merit. SUPEBIOP. ADVANTAGES. As a thorough Practical Sehool of IhDiness this institution °Wert: in. every respect advantages and ntellities of the very highest order. The course of instruction combines in the most perfect manner THEORY AND PRACTICE, Giving in the shortest possible time a complete in sight into the routine, and details of ACTUAL BUSINESS, And makingthe atiidept master of that which can he only imperfectly comprehended by a system of struction based on thco_or alone. ACCOMMODATIONS. The Institution has the most extensive accommo dations, and all the rooms are fitted up and furnished In a style, for eonunleAc r e and elegance, unequalled. SPECIAL NOTICE. geNtPll mew instructors have been engaged for the Fall Season, and renewed efforts will be niikek to meet the expectations ofidrons. INSTRIf CTION IN Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, the Higher Mathematics, Business Forms and Customs, Actual Business Practice, Commercial Law, &c. YOUNG- MEN • Who wish to avail themr.e.lves of the best means at their eoMmanti fora thorough education for buil nese are Invited to call or send for a Catalogue. au3o.4t. MRS. E. J. DAVIS. WILL REOPEN her SELECT OCT-lool.„.tor children, oe MON DAY, September 4th, at DlO. MD South EMI TEENTII Street. au:3o-11t. MISS A. GORMLEY t _TEACHER OF the PIANO, No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. Terms moderate. au3o-6ts• MARY P. - ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will be Reopened at 1613 FILBERT St., 9th month (Sept. 11th). an:3o-Im* A BACHMAN, TEACHER OF THE A Plano, Organ Melodeon., and Violin, ORM SPRING GARDEN Street.' ADVANCED PUPILS FINISHED. Classes formed in Harmony. Appli cations, 12 to 1 A. 7.!.: 6 to 7 P.M. au2o-15 ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND MA, THEMATICAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 Southwest PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. 11th. au29-2m. JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. C,.... 1 R0RGE R. BARKER'S ENGLISH NJI and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, PRICE Street,cier mantown, will reopen on 3101430,A.Y, Rqst. 4th, 1866, atz29-12t. REMOVAL. -MISS JAMES HAVING rented the spacious Hall in the Philadelphia Institute. N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and CnESTNUT Streets. apposite her former location, will 6111211 her SCHOOL on the 4th of SEPTEMBER , . Residence, No. 831 North Tenth street• auM-12t YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, S. E. corner of MARSHALL and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Duties resumed SEPTEMBER 11. an2 - 9-12t* - EN6CI - i E. SVPPLE-E,A.-M.,l;rincipal MISS LYMAN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 226 South BROAD Street, will reopen WEDNESDAY, September 18th. au29-dtselsmwstoel CIOURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TUTE FOR BOYS AND YOUTlL—Address Prof. E. D.S.4.I.INDERS, D. D., Philadelphia. aulNim* SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, corner of FILBERT Street and North PENN Square, re-opens on MONDAY, September 4th. JOSEPH Esq., President. WILLIAM RUCKNELL, Esq., Vice President. P. P. MORRIS, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. DIREQTOII3. David 3. Brown, Ell K. Trice, George Whitney. James A. 'Wright W. J. finrstman, R. F. Warner, James L. Claghorn, W. R. Wilstach, James H. Orne, auls-18t T. W. BRAIDWOOD, Principal, ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, (in tbe rooms lately occupied by the Y. M. C. A.) This school will open MONDAY, September 11th. It is designed to prepare for any college of the United States orfor mercantile life. T. BRANTLY LANG TON, OSWALD SEIDENSTICKER, Principals. WILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL T reopen his CLASSICAL and EN GLISH SCHOOL at No. mg MARKET Street, on MON DAY, September 4. an29-Im* PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS-IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. E. center CHESTNUT.ane .11.OHTEEN , 111 Streets. Reopens SEPT. 4, 1865. Entrance ou Eighteenth street. L. BARROWS, to au29-Im* JOHN G. AVELROY, r'ne'v—l• ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, No. 1825 WALNUT stroo ) Philadelphia. Parents and Guardians are respectfully Informed that the "Ladles of the Sacred 'Heart" intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES on the Second MONDAY of September. The system of education will be the same as that pursued to successfully in all the Institutes of the Sacred Dean throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spare no pains to win the heart to virtue and impart to the mind a solid and refilled education. Application can be made for Circulars let Sep tember. aul2-Int pROA.D. - -STREET ACADEMY, NO. 337 South BROAD street, RD. TtOTH. A. Di., Prin °Vicky School la l Circulars Jr3tr S .errGNAISKRY'S,.I.O37 CHESTNUT :Street, at they Academy, and sent postpaid to any address. au23-16t SZNINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, riumEstilleG, Chestee eAuntv;Pennsylvaitht, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School will be sesumed OCTO BER Ist, PM. Terms-4125 per session. For Circulars, apply to Misies JOHNSTON and BELLY, Principals. 5026-I.m POLYTECHNIC C, COLLEGE, 1865-60. SCIENTIFIQ SCHOOL begins September HUI, TECHNICAL SCHOOLS begin September 11th. The EXPERIMENTAL FARM of 175 acres, near Gwynedd, Montgomery county, Pa., will be opened September' L 2 trio a Select class or students on the Principles and Peteldoe of AHR/OULTHRE, who wilt readenuckw akk on. the Farm, and statedly at tend Lectures at the•Cidlege in the city. Applications for admission should be made to the undersigned, at the College Building, WEST PENN SQUARE. ALFRED 1.. KENNEDY. M. D., air26-18t President of raculty. THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEDIBER 4th. This Is the best provided School fair boys in America. au26-lin* J. ENNIS, Principal. j'TILLAGE GREff.,N SEMINARY MILITARYT BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very Moderate. Thorough course of study in Mathematics, English CriaggiCS, Ake.‘ Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering tanght. Boys orall ages received. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP 3c SON, 23 South THIRD Street; THOS, J. CLAYTON, Esq, FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE F. HNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. H., Village Green, Pennsylvania. aul-um -a- j COLLEGE, BORDEN TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER the lath. A few vacancies only remain. For cata logues. containing terms_, etc. Address. Rev s L BMIN xt,ILAXELET, A. M., au2-6w President: MILITARY AND COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, ALLENTOWN, PA., with char tered privileges, superior advantages, and a pa tronage of 150 pupils the first year reopens Sept. 5. For circulars, address Rev. M. V. lIOFFORD. A. M., President. aul-lin McCANDLESS & SMITH MALT VINEGAR FACTORS B ROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WRITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article of manufacture in this country made by the Celebrated. English process, awl uses exclusively for 1101.1Ing in'EttroDa. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts of the country. AUBE TS. • L. E. CAMBLOS, No. 113 Walnut street, Phila delphia, PITT & WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal timore. CHRISTIAN LEE .4 CO., Richmond, Va. E. W. GOULD Sc CO., Newbern, N. C. JelS-am B ENJAMIN F. BLOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, liming been recently discharged from the army, has resumed the practice of the LAW; and having been appointed a Commissioner of Deeds for the most of the States, by the Governors thereof, is au thorized to take depositions, acknowledgment of deeds, &e., to be used or recorded therein. Office, No. 611 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. an24-1m COMPTROLLER'S' OFFICE, NASH. VILLE, TENNESSEE, August llth, 1985. NOTICE TO TENNESSEE BONDHOLDERS. In obedience to a Resolution of the General As sembly of Tennessee, passed May 22d, 1865, you are hereby requested to forward to this otnee-a state ment of your name and residence, with the date and anther of - each Bond of the State of Tennessee owned Ly you, and the amount and diameter of such Bond. Your early compliance is requested. S. W. fIATCHETT, Comptroller. A MADY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST J-A- of the properties of IInLIOIOLD'S FLUID Fa - TitACT Bticuu will he a coisperison With those set forth in the United States Dispensary. 104 South TENTH Street. au23-lm. PHILADELPHIA ECALE WORKS.—BANKS, DINMOItE,_ & CO., (Stsuccessors to A. B. Davis .t Co.,__N' W. cor ner FINTEENT El Street and rEri.NSI7L VANIA Avenue, manufacturers of Meat 'Scales, suitable fur Weigh Locks, Railroad Tracks, Depots, Coal, Hay, and Live Stock; also, all tile various descriptions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales - Counter Scales; and Patent Beams; Patent Stock 'Bouse Scale, for Blast Furnaces; Patent Parallel Crane Beam, for weighing hollers . , cast ings, and other heavy Machliiery•, Hopper Scales, for weighing grain. Indicating bushels aud pounds; Banks' Improved Rolling-Mill and Union Scale. Every Scale warranted - . Prompt attention liven to repairing. Send for a circular. C. M. WANES.I It. H. DINMORE, LEWIS L. 11.013 PT, C. IL HERING. J. H. SPRINGER, att2Vdm .._ EFAI .1111 ANII 9 , STANDARD SCALES, Adapted to every branch of business where a correct and durable Scale is required. A uniform standard of weights, and a correct systevi 6T weighing, arc .subjects claiming the at tention of everindividual in the community, AWORD OF CAUTION. ' ors THE WELL-EAEXED REPUTATION. OF TTIRTI SCALES has induced the manufacturers and ven ders of imperfect and cheap made balances to offer them as FAInnANKS' SCALES, and purchasers have therefore been subjected to fraud and-imposition; and further, other manufacturers have rals'ely as serted that they have secured the services or valued superintendents and - forvuwv , from our establish inent. The subscribers have no controversy with honer able competitors, but regarding the perpetrators of the above frauds as pursuing a course alike unjust and dishonorable, they take this method to caution the public against their impositions. FAIRBANKS & EWING, . a1116.4111115tr) MAESOZ‘ZIC ZlAlL:Plliadelphia, Pa ' WRITTEIAND VERBAL DR. sCRIPTICNS of Character, Constitution. ' • ... and Talent, with ADVICE on Business Health, Education, NW-Improvement. Dian &gement and Training of CHILDREN, SO. cial Adaptation , Sm.., day and . evening. by JOHN L. CAP EN, Phrenologist and Bookseller, Nogg 5, TENTH Street, above Chestnut, 0011-tutludyif F,LIII3OLD'S FLUID EXTR&CT pleasant hi taste acid odor, free from it injurtous properties, and immediate in its action. let South TENTH St ree t. au.334tu ONAL. WANTED -A , LAD, ABOUT Fir- TEEN years of age, to learn the Lumber business, and makellromelf generally useful. Ad dresif in handwriting Of applicant, Box 1850 Pi O. WANT iD —1 N A WHOLESALE House on Market street, by the lit Of Septem ber, an experienced double-entry Book-keeper and ()ashler. None but a first-class man, With good re commendations from his former employer, need ePP4'. Address, in own handwriting, and stating salary expected, &e., "Experienced BOOk-keeper, Preenolllc, • 87130-3 V WANTED-A SITUATION IN A v Bookstore or Dry Goods. Has had stx years , exp erience. Can bring. first-class city reference; and, also, seartly given if 'acceded. Address "Cable," at this oilier. aO3O-2t5 WANTED-A YOUNG LADY DE,. SIRES learning the reanttte making. Wishes a 110od place. Please address nos 214, Phlladel• phla Post-office. an3o.2t• WANTED TO TRADE—ONE FOURTH interest of ONE HUNDRED AND TEN ACRES of good OIL TERRITORY near Mor gantown, WestNirginia, for "Furniture, Beds, &e. or particulars addkeltS "R. E., 7 - at this office, for three days. a 1123-36" WANTED -AGENTS-$10 PER DAY AT HOME. — I Want an Agent, Male or Fe male, in every town and neighborhoOd, to sell "The Brest Labor Bayer." Every faintly wants it, and agents are making from illto po per day. 'rids is the best chance ever offered to agents, as the article is patented, and a capital of but Xl4 to $lO is required to begin with. Further particulars sent on receipt of two red stamps for circulars and re turn 'postage. Address It. WAYVELL, Box 4781, CHICAGO. auto-tm* AN ACTIVE ANto ENERGETIC Young Man desires a SITUATION at any em ployment; is a tolerable good writer, and willing to go to any part Of the United. States; unexceptiona ble reference given. Address for two days, J. F. IL' , Press office. an3ll-2t* A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS BEEN IN thy ...vice some four years, wan to A position as Salesman in a Dry Goods Commission Warehouse. Has been. in the business in one house nine years. Well acquainted with the trade. Best of reference Address "L. M. G., ,, Press office. au29-4t* AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National - Work, the most complete, oily au• thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO., Philadel phia, Pa. ang-Im* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HIS TORY OF THE WAR, complete In one large royal octavo volume of over 1,000 -pages, splendidly illustrated with 127 portraits of Generals and battle scenes. This is just the book the people want, and it presents a rare chance for agents to make money. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., Philadelphia, Penna. au26-Ire AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORTAL RECORD OF THE HATiv/r* Titi.- BUTE:gO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North3IERRICK Street, northwest of Penn ..= 'hare Philade.. Pa. au2B-Im s , A NTS WANTED FOR • THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIEDD, THE DUNGEON, AND TIE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres pondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished embracing Mr. Itichardsonis unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the outbreaki tile at (met service of the Tribune, at the of the war, with our armies and fleets. both East and West. during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculousjour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any Other work published. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting :Applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES L BROTHERS,Je CO. ? N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR , Streets, nul7-Im* Philadelphia, ra. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, OM bIINALLY DOING BUSINESS IN TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large business o acquainted with the coun try and people of Texas, is soon to return there on private 'business. collections and other business will be promptly and properly attended to while there, if entrusted to his hands. Address "Loyal t " at this office. att22-Ow" 61_2 PER CENT. WILL BE GIVEN Ifor $3,000, in an established business. NMI or Steeli security. Address "S. M. B. "Press MCC. dil3l-4* ftt WANTED TO RENT—A CONVE JIMILIaIent House in the western part of the city, south of Vine street. Rent not to exceed iisso. Ad dress Box 1004, Post-office. au29-30 GERMANTOWN,-WANTED TO MiaIPURCHASE—A DWELLING Mita with good Lot, in Germantown. In case it is desired, a City Residenee,with possession, can be given in ex change. Address BONSALL 114105., au3o-2r* 116 North NINTH Street. FOR SALE—A SUPERIOR maftESIDENCE, with all the extra modern con veniences, with a large Lot highly improved, supe rior stable, &c.: very pleasantly situated at Illantua, West Philadelphia. Price. $22.,500. For Ilarticulars apply to auto-3t ROBERT MAO (REGOR, 419 WALNUT Urcet. FOR SALE—IRONMASTERS. AT- M= TENTION-GREAT BARGAIN—WO,OOO CAN BE CLEARED IN ONE YEAR—First-class Rolling Mill hi this city. with all the splendid nearly new machtherv, with three engines, one of SO, another of HD, and another of 30 horscrpower; has seven boilers. First-rate machinery for inamititetarine railroad iron, chains, spikes, Sc.; 5,000 tons of an descriptions of iron can be made in one year. Is now all in full operation. Has water and steam railroad communication, coal states,dM.; all Cite water used upon the premises derived front springs near by, free of charge. There is also a row of twelve stone tenant dwellings included: Price 3575, , 000; Worth $lOll.llOO. Easy terms . GEO. O. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, au3o-4t if 163 North SIXTH Street. ett REAL ESTATE—HUNDREDS OF Jimlitapplieations daily - for property. Executors. ailininistrators ; assignees, mg others wishing to dispose of Real Estate, would do Wall to call on me at once. No charge unless a sale Is ef fected. New Monthly catalogue Is now being compiled, and will be issued shortly at my new office, North west corner of Sixth slut 'Walnut streets. GEORGE E. MILLER. Real Estate Broker, auso-st if 155 North SIXTH Street. MXFOR SALE—A THREE-STORY Brick Dwelling, with a three-story back build ing, with all the modern conveniences, in first rate order. on easy terms, situated on North TWEN TIETH Streetnear Arclt. Apply to L. FEIGEL, au2o-20 22i4 CHESTNUT Street. ge NORTH BROAD-STREET PRO PERTY.—For sale, a first-class DWELLING, HOUSE, replete with modern improvements, with side yard and large yard. Apply to HORATIO G. KERN, Stß2o-30' No, R,',l North SIXTH Street. TO RENT—A VALUABLE, MO -ma DERN BUILT SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, with convenient Stabling and Coach-house, amt sufficient land. Thebouse is built of stone; contains thirteen rooms, and has a large lawn tastefully laid out and ornamented with line trees and shrubbery. The garden Is tilled with choice fruit trees and cegea tables. The larger hart of the remaining land Is under cultivation. Apply at No. 424. WALNUT Street, Office No. 1. in FOR SALE—PINE STREET, South side, west of Fiftcolltll, neat four-story brow stone front DWELLING, 11 rooms, lot 20 by 140 ton street. Will be sold low, positively, with Immediate possession. .AIILLEft, an2o.3tlf 15 North SIXTH Street. i , FOR SALE, A BUSINESS STAND— mi-a; Four-story Iltro wn House,No. 324 Walnut street. Yaluttble property. Apply to R. A. J. PANCOAST, No. 34.01 MUDGE Street, 3faututtyllle, Detween 3 and 5 o'clock: - au2s-imA eta SALE-VERY NEAT BRICK dwelling, near SEVENTH and GREEN, with aide yard. B. F. GLENN', au23-St 123 South FOURTH Street. g m FOR SALE-THE NEAT DWELL ING No. go North Eighteenth street, In per fect order. Possession soon. B. F. a - LEN - N. au2S S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. i tt FOR SALE-A LOT ON EIGHTH Zd pore 31011tgeniery avenue, two fronts. 27:!;rect uv ioo cleet!. on which them 15 iv * FACTORY and Els CONE ROUSE. Will be sold in lots to suit. Inquire on the premises. ati2B-3t. EFOR SALE,—THE DESIRABLE DIVELLING, No. 2041 MOUNT VERNON Spent, with immediate pP$B6BBll. P. Gr:ENN, ttil"B-6t S. W. corner Seventeenth and Ureen. eta FOR SALE-DESIRABLE HOUSES, 1918, 1920, 2033, and 2040 Arch street. Immediate possession. Excellent Cottage and Furniture, on High street, Uermmntown. Well. built 11011 Se, 406 Nortit Front street. 1%111 make a good business place. Very neat and well-a nlshed House, No. 1859 North Eleventh street. Early possession. Very neat and well-linished House, No. 1311 North Twelfth street. Early possession. Three-story Dwelling, 118 Lombard street, with lot 2139 by 83; very low. eitt yip weiliagg, 12,36 and lag North Twelfth street. Neat DWelling, 2028 Lombard street. 13. F. (ILE KN. 123 South FOURTH Street. and 8526 S. W. cur. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. FOR SALE-FIRST-CLA.SS STORE, G 1 North Third street; five stories, Iron front. Will be sold at a price to pay Well as an ntrestitiellt. B. F. GLENN. aulB 123 South FOURTH Street. el FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS STONE Mad-COTTAGE, with about 8, ,, 6 acres of superior rand, neer Oak Lane Station, on the North Fenn arlTabla 'Railroad. Excellent stone atfIMP and ear riage,house, steam-engine for foreleg water to the house, &c. Theplace is well situated; and the lawn handsomely adorned with evergreen and other trees. The buildings arc of the 'most sub stantial character. and very conveniently arranged. Immediate nossesslon. B. F. GLENN, • 111126 IA3 South FOURTH Street. COTTON MILL wAXTED.-&P -, PLY to R. F. GLENN, nun 123 South FOURTH Street. ft ARCH-STREET RESIDENCES FOR mita sale. Three new four-story brick houses. Nos. 11)08. 1010, and 1.012, on the south side or ARAM street, west or Nineteenth, built In the most substantial manner, with extensive back buildings, embracing alt the modern improvements and conveniences. Apply at No. 16211 ARCH Street. au2s-121. lipz FOR SALE—A THORO'-BRED Jorgey Bull, two ;Nutt Md, very handsome, meter Imre nedlgrem Price, 050. Apple at ma WALNI7 St. Mee on first floor, cir gEr„,74 4 , THE BURLINGTON STEAMBOAT CO. offer for sale TWO BARGES of about 200 tone Borden, suitable for the coal trade. Ingslre of WM It. lIISTIOP, Secretary. foot Of MAIN btreet, BURLINGTON. N .J. alt3o-3t* el 854 ACRES OIL, COAL, AND TIMBER LAND, IN FOREST COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. FOR SALE. Apply to GEQRGE W. GRIFFIN, REAL ESTAtt IMORRR, au29-st , No. 134 South FOURTH Street TO EXCHANGE— IMPROVED AND TO unimproved Property for OH Stocks. ABRAHAM BECHTEL. niis(l4lt* No, 3O WALNUT St. 4 Room to, JEW YORK DYING AND PRINT ING ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND. - 40 North EIGHTH Street.—This Company. so long and favorably known in New York Miring the pu.t. Arty -Rix year& have opened an office as above. f,miles - and Gentlemen's liannents. and vearing illwaxvi or every kind, dyed and Cigant cd in tae nwst pereeet twitilter. and romits. from garments Bit hold bring lIBPst„ Merchants haying goods or muted. ble Mors Can hale them redytul fin superior siYle• aule-thatlntn* E D. F. MORGA.N, _ATTORNEY AT TAW AND coLLECTINti At4ENT, MEMPHIS, TENN. • The CDT Courts of this District are now in pry:- teal operation. flaying practiced at the Xemphis bar for ten (10 fears, my acquaintance with the business community greatly facilitates the speedy Colleetion of claims. 01-67,3 f. D. Y. MORGAN. SHATTERED CONSTITUTTONB RE LY STORED by Itatainoto's ErrEACT BUClith 104 South TEN'Tn. Street. WANTS. FOR SALE AND TO LET. AUCTION SALES . 4t te /EERINESS' BAZAAR, NMI; AND SANSOM STREETS. AucTION SALE OF HORSES, 4te.r ON SATURDAY MONIONO NEXT, At 10 o'eloca, comprlslngrOont sEVENTY-FIW , HORSES, Salted to harness and the saddle. • Fell descriptions at dale. ALSO. New and seeond-hand Carriages, Melt Wairtna., &c., with which the sale will eolllllleLlUe. Single and Double Thinness, Saddles. Bridles, &e. AI% - - Sale of - Horses, &c. on Wednesday. sum-2tie E ALFRED M. DERNRSS, Auctioneer. AiniluistmcniTS. NEW CHESTNUT -STREET TEE, CHESTNUT Street above Twelfth. ONOTER & SINN LIAN LESS T EES and NIX% MANAGERS RIL °FE of THE FALL AND lITINTIIIt SEASON. (*BAND TlttUtthli OF THIC Charming and Accomplished Artiste, MISS KATE EERINOLDS, mR, W. H. &HOY COMPMITH And the NEW STOCKANY. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, August 24 will he pl , caentail the beautifui Clinuirt THE YOUTHFUL DAYS Or ItifiliglAtiti, Count Louis de Richelieu M 155 Kate Re1p,01,1,,,, Baron Von Vouty Mr. W. H. Sedloy Smith. To conclude with the immediate called SIMPSON A: CO. Mr. Simpson Mr. W. H. Sedicy TO-Moilitcw EVENING,. BENE AFT)F MISS RRIONOLDS. SATURDAYERNOON, SEPTEMBER Zii, FIFTT4'IIFIi• GRAND FAMILY MATINES, When tile Corsican Brothers will he performed. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.—.. FIFTH. NIGHT OF THE SEASON. • Fifth Ni qt of Mli. J. $. CDARK. • THIS (Thursday) EVENING, AUGUST 31, The performance will commence at quarter to o'clock, withm LEAP t ableAd Comedy' o YEA Mr. Dimple Mr. J. S. Clarke. To be followed _by tile side-splitting Comedietta or Timothy BrownltililitMr.J. 13, ClaniC. During the evening the Orchestra, unifier the rection of 'Marl; flimsier, will perform a timber or musical selections. . . The performance will conclude with the Comedy of TILE LOAN OF A LOVER. 7 - • - - C2mAaln Amersfort Mr. J.' Barron. DOM Opell P 4 74 o'clock; commence at quarter BM re 8, . MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH. STREET THEATRE. Stage Manager WILLIAM A. MOORE. Business Agent anti Treasttrer..JOS.D. MURPHY. FIRST NIGHT Q THE PALL . AND WINTER. SSCASotv. The public are respectfully Informed that this Popular Theatre will open for the Fall anti Win.. ter Season. on SATURDAY EVENINII, September 24,1065, on which occasion mats. JOHN DIiEW will appear., and cum in once a 8011115 or TiIIItTEEN YTtilPultMA NOES. Vic TANt3Altri , COIStEIIY, g i ßeUg ed eo l lii t ) l a ie n; n , ti gi t ifge g ,l " . ° l ittritrYdnwilg artists: McKEE RANKIN. (his first appearance in this city.) , STITART ROBSON. Mr. F, F. MACKAY,' (his lir4t appearance In thiS C S? E. L. TILTON' (his first appearatee in HA* Theatre.) Mr. OWEN MARLOWE. Mr. L.L. JAMES, (his apst appearance in this city.s Mr. W. WALLIS, r Mr. CHAS. HENRI. Mr. P. FITZGERALD, (his first appearance at, this Theatre.) Afr.CHAS. ROGERS, (his first appearance in three year s. 'arr. T. A. CHEESE, (his first appearance in thiii Theatre.) Messrs. H. HOLT, NAGLE,. GOLDSON, GALE. WORTH, REED, and Mr. F. 0. SAVAGE, Prompter. Miss E. PRICE. Mr6,OII4UITYRi. (her first appearance in 2 years.* MILS. THAYER, . Mrs. WORREa, lint appearance In Hag Theatre.) Mrs. LIZZIE CREESE, (her first appearance hat this Theatre.) Mrs. W. H. 'REEVES, Miss FANNY REEVES. (Their first appearance in this city.' Miss VLAAA "REED, firs. STYLES. SU LEV R H M W D, RD K H M AR , R llli3/, .11TM, The ORCHESTRA will:be conductma Mr.CHAIL, R. DODWORTH. . _ - - Scenic Artist, Mr. 0. IIAWTIIOItN; Master Ma. chinist Mr. DEISIITH; Property Maker, Mr. GEO., HARRIS: Keeper oftheWardrobe,Mrs. GRIFFITH.. The season win lie - Inaugurated by the perform.. once of Sheridan's eke/ ECOUVre.' THE SCHOOL FOR OCANHAL LADY TRA7.I.E Mrs. JOHN' Mrs. Candour MrS.Chas.Henri. - Lady Sneerwell Mrs. Worrell. Blarla Mru. Lizzie Creese. Sir Peter Mr. T. Mackay. Sir Benjamin Backbite Mr. 0. Marlowe. Sir Oliver Surface M. Wants. Charles &Mee , ~,, t ~, : . I.l;liee 'Rankin, Joseph Surface Me. FL L. Tilton. Mr. Crabtree Stuart HOII6OII. Moses Mr. Cling, Rogers. Trip Mr. Charles floor).. Rowley Mr. P. Fitzgerald. Snake Kr. Holt. Careless (with original song) Fir. Oreese. The opening or the Comedy will diseuver an RS— TIRELY NEW SCENE, painted cstpressly for Citt occasion liy Mr. C. I7AWTIIORNT. A SUPERB VELVET CARPET and the usual. ELEGANTLY DECORATED STAGE. After the ma.: anew seleetion of Music, arranged by C. R. DODIVORTH. To conclude with the laugh— able Farce or THE ETON BOY. Tu. which Stuart Robson., Mri. ClutrieS RORK, grim Mr. Marlowe tvklivairsio PRICES. Orchestra Stalls $1 Oaf Parquette and Dress Circle SecureU Seats- J' inch Circle •• •• •• • • Yri-fsfe Becitea it.l3 and II - Doors Open at. 1 o'clock. Performance comin6nde4 at quarter before 8. Seats mural MX dwis in s.ti- Nance. The Box °Mee for the sale of Scettrcd Scattt Wilt be open on- TIIUESDAY, August 31st, from A. 31. until 3 P. 31. INIONDAY EVENING, September 4th, Boucle:ea it's Ermine t 00me.t1 . ,- OLD HEADS AND YOU . N(3 HEARTS. LADY ALICE HAWTHOBNE By Mrs. JOHN DREW. .11QPNOTICE.—A few Stockholders Tickets foe sale. Apply at the Box office. au3l-3t NEW AMERICAN THEATRE-. WALNUT Street, above WSW TRW EVENING AND OA ma i tTIMAY AFTERNOON, by particular request will be perrortilied the Wear successful Drama, entitled the CIGAR GIRL OF CUBA. Followed by the Beautiful Ballet, entitled LA MAJA. DE SEVILLE. GALLETTI, MONS. ANTONIO, IMIJI Corps de Ballet. , To cOetelmle -rrl tu 11011111 U Drama entitled ENGLAND AND AUSTRALIA. MISS KATE FISHER, The great American Actress and Equestrienne, wilt appear on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, in thrt great Spectacle of MAZEPPA; OR A THE wit Tl. 11011 SE Or ' edit-3t , TARTARY. SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD AT TUE PHLA.DELPHIA 31.VQN1i7Mr 533 MARKET fil'lttrA, The Manager begs leave to inform the public that, it will be impossible for THE SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN to remain after this week, and those that have not n h seen these great wo ders ad better take the present opportunity forth doing, as tills will be their last visit to this city Oa exhibitl6ll. Hours of exhibition from 9 to 12, rnornlngl 1 to ai afternoon; 7to 9, evening. Admission. 25 cents. au2B-8t• JUDGE INGALLS, Proprietor. FAIRMOUNT WATER-WORKS, mint BRIDUE.) AFTERNOON - (11;C!ERTS EVERY DAY. From 3 . A ND_olelbeit, by HASSLER*S GI MILITARY BAND. Programmes of MUSIC issued daily. The Arch, Vine, and Callowbill-street cars rum directly to the place. DANCING ACADEMY, 625 ARCS Street.—D. 1.. CAUPENTER will open bls Academy for Teaching Vashintiable Dancing, on FRIDAY Ist of September. auM-St". ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT street, above Tenth—Open from OA. it. till 6P. M. Benjamin Weet , e great picture elt CHRIBT REJECTED AM on Flx.bibition. tell BOARDING-. UNITED STATES HOTEL, 413. CHESTS:I7T Street, is now open for iirstselass Permanent or Transient HOARDERS, at moderate. charges. This house has no bar, Ono large howl— Somel3 7 fliflailled chamber now vacant. an3o-7t". IIAY BOARD-WITH FIRST , OLARFt z-f DINNERS. at No. 4324 South WASHINGTON. square. IyB-2m' EXCURSIONS. MOONLIGHTtcuitsioN. 2X. CLENDINING'S EIGHTH ANNUAL EXCURBLON v ra - MOONLIGHT, VIA CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD, TO ATLANTIC CITY, SATURDAY EVENING, September 2,1865, ONE Mly AND TWO NionTs AT VIE SEA.— Au excellent chance for the "Cant-get-aways."' lio loss of time: expense but FARE FOR TITF. nouNn nur, 44,50. The Excursion will leaTe +MIR street wharf at if o'clock P. M. Returning, will leave Atlantic tit; o'clock A. M. on the Monday morning following. Respectfully, JAS. CLENDIIII nun at algiaga "PE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. FROM root Or MARKET sTRBET, MAIM FERRY, AT 8.30 A. itt.l at 61AIL AND EXPREIN3. DAS LI m. 2 30 P. M., m ra..ssERGER. Due at 1114111 Pti Fare, $3.00. 'Servants, 112.00. EXCURSION TICKETS, $5. 00. Coupon Tielligke to be used by one person only, 10 for MARL Passengers and taggago taken to and frost Vitt Island and Station without. additional charm Freight daily from Sandford's. Wharf, Waal Spruce street. Returning Trains leave CM%MAy g A. M., Express; Y. Agr, 4-exidEdstaation. J. VAN REN96BLAB/1, s‘ l l ol PHILADELPHIA, July 24, 1885. iye•tail MOINE LANTI CAM O DEN S AND ' A? RAIL. TRAINS LEAVE VINB-STREET FERRY 17 D 1 Mail Train AO fOllO 7.80 A, Freight, with Passenger ear attached,.,. 9,15 A. i t Atlantic Accommodation 4./5 Y. ' , RETURNING, LEAPS ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 5.47 A. Ni, Freight, with Passenger Car attached... .11.47 A. 21., Mail Traintold P. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Mr " Leaves Vino-street Ferry ht.,/ It f 7130 A. N... Returning, learns Atlantic at ~.,. 4.4 E F. A Fare to Atlantic, $2. Round-trip Tickets,. goo& only for the day and train on which they are Issue& $3. JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. Leave vine-street Ferry at 5.50 P. IC, Learn J Ravin at sail 1.,. lila zxxgA. DADDONkIRLD TRAINS. .. Leave Vine-street Fall at 10,15 A, 91, Rs- Leave Haddonfield at ... . . .11,45 A, H. and . 4.411 .A- N. B.—Freight Must be delivered at cowed Point before 6 - o'clock P. M. to insure itsgoing I•at,, the nest day. JOHN G. BRYANT, 5e28-tf Agent.. H. ARAB. N & CO:, MANUFA.O- 1 , -)• TiTRERS OF ANIVWI4OLER ALE DEALERS IN HATS, OAPS, FURS. BONNETS, STRAW' COOPS. RIBBONS, &e., &e.. No, 600 itud 0021. MARKET street. The largest rand most complete. stock, the best terms and eheapeat prices, °minter , tuerehants and the trade Anointed. 111129-Jai • 500 BALES COTTON WICK JUST reeeiVod. Also, fun atook or Cotton Yams. Carpet Mato, &o„ at lo market Drke. ROwest WE, EUSTCFN, c 0,4 1737 and 159 North THIRD Street. HELMBOLD'S EXTRA.CT BUCHU gives health and rigor to the frame, and bloater to the pallid cheek. Debility to accompanied, by Tn ioiy alarming symptoms. apd If no treatment fa aulAttitted to, eOttoutnntloo. InattattY, of IIIO PO 4 file ensue, 104 South Tarll btrevt, 4tt23441