SPECIAL NOTICES iN TOUT. Boor LN:'SSS, WHETHER IT B E ,00 d d Inul t you end repair it yourself by using Linseed Ott Dement. Its ueefolness has „. 0 ; weft tested in Ow New England States. si 011.2,4 fo r ooxe:. of etgbOliounds. TRUMAN & Aro.l:. for Pennsylvania, No. BM (Eight Thirty- J,e) MARKET street, below Ni n th. It riphst; CERTAIN-RINGS AND BRASS berw-ui,:ga, An assortment of all kinds and sizes. t:„.tt:rdware Store of TRUMAN .t SHAM. No. (Eigat Thirty-Ave) Ii&REET Street, nelovr c It EVE, BAN, AND CATARRH SUCCESSFULLY b. 7 ISAACS. M. D., Oculist and AMU, To FINE Street. Artificial eyes Inserted. No .:Itarge for examination:aiti7-tf Err, EAR, TIDIOATt Luria DISEASES, Catarrh, treated most successlnily with a new nlelliod by Dr. To'S mosclizlSKEß, 1.027 WAL -1:IIT Stmt. anl4-8t... Tan NETTIA L TIE has been described in a Mot fixed with the tongue which the teeth cannot untome. But the teeth themselves, if beantiftit to- the aid of Sozodont, are powerful dents in produring the fascination which leti(V. to marriage. The charm, to which this 6eliCione preparation lends to the breath, too, a decidedly hymenial tendency. White ice th and a pure breath What 'a heart ca uls.tuths3tn ro- Ocut Two BAD CASES OF PILES CURED El ng. MB REMEDY. Mr. Glass, Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for tote benent of a jl who suffer with the Piles, that he has been :resided for eight 0 - ears with an aggravated case Of rileS , and his brother was discharged from the army as luccrable, (be being quite paralyzed with the. wila.) Both these distressing eases were cured with 311 C bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The :cconduendation of these gentlemen, beside the ally testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to convince those suffering that the most aggra vated chronic cases of Piles are cured by Dr. Striekland,s Pile ltemedy. It is sold by Druggists everywhere. lyi-stuth-am HAS NATURE AN ANTIDOTE FOR AC. WIPED DISEASES! Al) who suffer believe they ought to .and can be cured. The PLANTATION LITTERS, prepared by Dr. Drake, of New York, save no doubt benefited and cured more persons of p rn ,,psia, Nervousness, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite. Sinking Weakuess, General Debillty,and Mental Despondency, than any other article in ex. t,tesce. They are composed of the purest roots and heths, carefully prepared, to be taken as a tonic nut gentle stimulant. They are adapted to any age or condition of life, and are extensively popular ‘rith mothers and persons of sedentary habits. 12-St guloin's AMBOLLNE.—Have you tried yo if so, you approve of It. Of course the re markable demand for this excellent preparation for the Hair has been solely created by Its merits; for, when once used, It Is not likely to be abandoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist, jyt-sni I at. (Wararrcees) Iron. RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RIIEUM. trill cure the Itch In forty-eight hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eritptlons of the Skin. Price, 50 cents. By sending eients to WIENS do POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for warded free by mall. For sale by all Druggists. adda-Sm tar PRICES REDUCED. Ii - WANAMAKEIt k BROWN, w Popular la- Clothing 1, I HOILSet • Sir OAK }TALL. S. E. cor. slxth and MAAOL DIED. CALDWELL.--On the morning of the 15th inst., )11,. ;iamb Caldwell, widow of the late William of Rochester, N. Y. .rovrat all Friday morning. Au_gust 18111, at 11 frviii hotnia of W. lt. Boutton, 182.1 eee :t rect. Alia:Y.—On Saturday, 12th instant, of disease Air:..lo whilst a:prisoner of war, Captain Wash- Mrey. Co. L. 15th P. V. C. (Anderson Ca s;dryi. in the twenty' -third year of his age. The relatives and friends of the deceased are in ,nea to attend his funeral. from the residence of 'MI - Aber. NO. 104 Clallowolll street. on Feder, 18th 7etoot. ilo , clockr. Interment at Sout Lau- I.ro RNING GOODS JUST RE- Ural' and Black English Chintzes, 31 cents. gray Poplins. 634 cents, shepherd Plaid Moliairs„ 50 cents. Black and tii72iie Ssriped Mobarrs, 45 cents, Slack io,d White Plaid Scotch °bighorns, 50 cents. isi ac k Allgtear. SUNOairs. IlEssoN & Mourning Store, 918 CHESTI , MT Street. tine inlet. Prices in plain figures. jr27 YARDS LUPIN'S FRENCH 9 596 i r) DIERINOES. :leases dark assortment. :I cases medium assortnienr. I ease high colors. icalie all-wool Plaids. ease Rep Cashmeres. EYRE Sc LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. FIRST GRAND EXCURSION OF THE MARION BENEFICIAL Ab-KKHA TION (late of Company A. 29th Regt. P. Y. V.) to :•11.11"001) GROVE, TO-MORROW, the 18th inst. cars leave THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets 7!f.:tha 19!6 A.M. and 23 P.M. Tickets V. It. INCOME TAX. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, U. S. krkterx,..al Re-sierrixe, hili6T DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, No. 304 CHESTNUT STREET. the RESI j DENTS of the First Congressional iyAritt of Pennsylvania, embracing the Second, row:lb—Fifth, Sixth, and Eleventh Wards: Sete:, Is hereby given that tile /13C9Ine Lists (inclu :sA. Carriages, Yachts, Billiard Tables, Gold and :jivellPlatt), for the year ending December 31, 1861, been received at this office, and payment is ..reby demanded of the same. • If not paid ou or before the sth day of September, penalty of tenper ceotuin will be imposed on delinquents. JESPErt COLLECTOR. AT A MEETING OF THE 'UNION ASSOCIATION ON THE EIGHTH: WARD, st the Schuylkill Hose llonse,on Tuesday even ,. August 15, 1865, the following named gentlemen (Acted officers for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT, ALEXANDER J. HARPER. VICE ria!SinlINTS. ritst DiViaOII — JOWS: C. MARTIN. rnxl" Col. CHARLES S. SMITH. I • l:irt3 JACOB YOCAM. Feu•lh" S. A. MERCER. Flint" FRANK FIELD. `lsar " WILLIAM SUMMERS. .v nth " GEORGE BRAZIER. TREASURE% A. P. COLpsTIERRY. SEcRET.LniES. EDWARD M. VINTON CIIARLES W. SMITH. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL •--- COMPANY. • •PHILADELPIIIA, August 15, 1865. The Mortgaae Ronda of the Commuting Railway li,fween the station of the Pennsylvania P. , :broait con:puny in West Philadelphia and.l%-ank- Ti: iidishoice of seven -miles, can be obtained at Mliee. No. 238 South THIRD Street. Vita. are 'u sums of one thousand dollars, ith interest coupons attached, payable at said ••ai, on the Pith day of March and Septemberin each at the rate of six per centum per annum, and I, orineipai payable in live equal annual amounts, rate of $21)0,000 per annum—the first series On *A, ISM Tile principal awl interest -, :coryi by a mortgage for one million of dollars 'it!e ail the railway and property of the company, art guaranteed 'by the Pennsylvania Railroad .):!:,any. These bonds are made free of State taxes Company. 1 is railway is being-constructed in the most sub manner min will be completed during the "...ley year. 'Phia-reaid parfe,(l46 the connection the Pennsylvania Railroad and the lget.t , hue, via Philadeluhia, and becoming, as•it qie main channel of communication between York anti the West, as well as to•and from the capital, will always obtain large reve and he one of the most important railways of eontract with the Philadelphia and Tren ...l, Company, that company leases the 14hd of the Connecting Railway Company. and to pay an annual rent for SW years of SiX per 1.11141 the cost of the road, clear of taxes. bonds are therefore recounnended as a first .ro • .einirity. fie fa rther information applynt the office of the TIiO.IIAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. cr A 7-, -" OFFICEOr OIL CREEK AND CHERRY RUC OIL COMPANY, 38 soutit Street- Persons having Stock to order,wlll call anti receive Certificates. The transfer ^g( it will be closed. August 19th and opened Sep- L , lkr I. BENJ. F. ELOO3IINGrDALE, T. A, - - NOTICE. -- THE STOCKHOLM. Ens OF THE MECCA OIL COMPANY of !biz illy are ft:ringed to meet at the ogles of the Hthimcv. Nu. Mt tiooth FOURTH Htreet, OR RSDAY. the 24th Inst., at 11 o'cloCk A. M., to ri - z!tiset business of great importance to the Com- Du. , . otatr of the EOarli of Directors. hu - 15-W tiECHGE W. MIFFLIN, Secretary. Wr' OFFICE GIRARD MINING COM* PANY, - No, 354 WALNUT Street, .1" umanZI,PUIA. Jlll7 Suck H of NOTICE IS hereby given that 6toek of the COMPANY, on which Instal ppt6 are doe and unpaid, is bereb D declared for an.d will be sold at Public Auction on SA ,AS, the 19th day of August, 1961, at 12 o'clock ! - ;...tn, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corpora.- ; , ....aecording to the Charter and By-Laws, unless .. , tlteredr redeeMed, di , Order of the Director*. 11. A. HoorEs, _I slant* Secretary and Treasurer. tt , FFICE MANDAN MINING CON. ANY, NO. 324 WALNUT Street. oT, PHILADELPHIA, July hi, 1865. t)„ IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Stock of -Nad-c t 31ining Company on which instalments µiiiat; unpaidis hereby declared forfeited, and lw tad at nubile auction on MONDAY the 21et ;';? AUGUST, 1818, at corporation n, at the tiw I . :q;cretary of theccording ‘,O .the carter and by r laws, unless previously re- By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary and Treasurer. Ms. CO. OF THE STATE OF PENNsYL-vANIA, - AUGUST 7th, 1865. :P;A:,:nretiore haTe Ible day declared a DlVldend r A - ENTY DOLLARSor Share, Clear of all Per:Lille to the stoLolders or their legal lq , sentatives On demand. WILLIAM - HARPER, Secretary. CUMBERLAND COAL AND,Dt' MOVEMENT COMPANY. ': ), PPIAL STOOK * 1.000,000. 200.000 SHARES, AT V, EACH. Met NO. 228 &milt FOCIVIII Street. Joseph Leslc, DIRILCTOEsi: y, Sylvester J. Megargee, Robert H. Beatty, 'fatlow Jackson, Albert I). Italica)), Price I. Patton, Edward H. Faulkner, 1 Thomas U. Rickert. A. Eugene smith. President, SYLVESTER I. MEGARGEE. Secretary and Treasurer, ALBERT it. *taw- PLELD au to-tf MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. j y ~—Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE i CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce /dente held out to all entering the Marine Corps; pirlona oppoytunity to visit foreign countries 3 ' 11,6 d Inv excellent necommorlatlollB, /18/11, anti easy due's. , t , r all further Information inquire at the Recruit- Pt Rendezvous, No. on South MONT Street, iladelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 p. M. every "Y , except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, uantain and Recruiting Officer. 2,00 - REWARD-FOlt THE ARREST s,,tfi and conviction of thelonOn or persons . re to the Stable of the west Philadelphia r Company, on Sunday evening, a lqi4itl wuN ,):!aoterolv, rrolatnt• MER:111111.111 CO kd HOUSES. BAG 131" BAGS I BAGS 1 • NEW AND SECIOND-11AND. SEAMLESS, BURLAP AND KINN? • BAGS, FLOUR AND SALT RAOS, ALL SIRRS. PRINTED TO ORDER, BY y JOHN T. BAILEY & 00.. ), ' 2s-8m No. ME NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AMOFFS FOR THE 867. E or PIILLADELPHLA-MADE GOODS, na CHESTNUT STREET, PEILASD_RLtEIIs, 103 READS STREET; NEW YORE. je22-8m WILLIAM BRodtig i , COMMISSION MRuHANT, 101 WALNUT.Street, Philadelphia, Will continue the Commission business of the late arm of THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO.. Advances Advances made on PRODUCE consigned to RICH ARDSON, SPENCE, & CO., LIVERPOOL. and to osoents in , LO.NDON, BELFAST, and UICAow. &lawn 1, i 866. aul-IMif %...,. LEGAL. ~......, - 'r-- IN THE' 0 H.ANS' COURT FOR THE ........_ iv CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate , of PETER H. BECK. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WLLLIAM B, SE L TIMMER, deceased,. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the pumoses Of his appointment, on MONDAY, August 28th, DM, at four o'clock P. M., at the (slice of A. S. Letch worth, Esq., 131 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOHN SHALLCHOSS, alll7-tilstusV Auditor. ESTATE OF WILLIAM MOUE, Dn. CEASED.—Letters testamentary on the Estate of WILLIAM McKEE, late of the cite of Philadel phia, deceased, having been granted . to the under signed executors of his Will, all. persons having claims against said Estate are requested to present them for fpayment, and those indebted to said Es rate to pay to ILOUIS U. NORRIS, JOHN A. ARM STRONG, Executors, 15213 or 1010 CHESTNUT Street. aut7- that IVSTATB OF JOHN WILSON MOORE, -a-A M.D., deceased.—Letters Testamentary on the above Estate haring been granted to the undersign ed,all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against the came will,pregent them without delay to RACHEL WILSON MOORE, E7Ceeutrix, HARVEY Street, near Green, Germantown• ; WILSON MOORE JENKINS, Northwest corner NINTH and MARKET,_Philada.,' or JACOB M. ELMS, No. 325 WALNUT St., Plillada., Executors. aulo-th3t. ESTATE OF JACOB ALTER; DE CEASED:—Letters testamentary on the Es tate of JACOB ALTER, late of the city of rbiia delpbia, deceased, having been granted to the sub scriber by the Register of Wills of the county of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims against the: same to present them without delay to MARY ALTER Executrix, jyOt.-that. No. 831 North SIXTH Street. VSTATE OF SAMUEL WILLIAMS, DECEASIM. — Letters testamentary to the Es tate of Samuel Williams, late of the city of Phila delphia, deceased, have been granted to the under signed. All persons Indebted to mail estate are requested to make payment, and those who have claims and demands to present them to SUSAN R. WILLIAMS, Executrix, 1427 WALNUT Street; TIIOS. WILLIAMS, Jr.. Executor, 1927 CHESTNUT Street; or to their Attorney. ROBT. E. RANDALL, 3)la-that* 2013 WASHINGTON Square. T . ETTER S TESTAMENTARY TO L the Estate of ELIZA MORASSO having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indented will make payment, and those having claims agains said Estate will present them to K. B. ESPY Executor, attic-oe ARI South SEVENTEVNTH Street. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE MUTED STATES. INIAND FOR THE EAST ERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. UNITED STATES, EASTERN ,DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA—Ser. Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceedinga libel, filed 'in the name of the United States.liat oh bath decreed on the sth day of August, A. D. 1865, that all persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer SCURVIN, captured on the high seas to wit: at Halifax. on the Roanoke River, on die coast of North Carolina, by the "lased." "Valley City," anti Picket-boat No. 5, vessels-of-war of the United States, be motiished and cited. Therefore ' all persons who claim to have any inte rest in the said steamer and cargo are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court ,t in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer and cargo should not be pronounced to belong, -at the time of the capture 01 the same, to the enemies of the united states, nail therefore, or otherwise_ liable to eoSaelllttatiOn as a lawfulprize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. P. C. ELLMARER, S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, August 5, 1865. auB-tuths-6t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the Fire Associa tion for the renewal of POLICY OF INSURANCE No. Mat,. for 6,2,500, issued June 6. 1853. to CHRIS TIAN BCHNITZEL, which has been LOST OR MTh- LAIL. Any Information thereof will be received by ana-to LOW THE FIRE ASSOCIATION. GROCERIES. P FAMILIES RESIDING IN - THE RURAL DISTRICTS We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., .4r.C. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Iny24-11 Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—T H B ,•-• Undersigned bare this day entered Into a Co partnership under the name and title of BRUNER. CO., for the traits:lotion of the GENE RAL LUMBER. BUSINESS, at 1908 MARKET St. D. C. WA A. iIIt.IINEE,'Jn. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1865. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN Connection with at, old established Lumber Depot et Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad vantages. jtm3m* HOTELS. SPOTTSWOOD HOTE4, RitatmONn, A. August, 1865. It having been reported that the Spottswood Hotel bad been confiscated and closed, theroprie tors deem it proper to si lire the public that such is not the case. The House is open for the amain., modation of visitors, as it has been from its opening day in September, 1860. The House has been remodeled, renovated, re furnished, and put in perfect order throughout, and the travelling public may rest assured of finding as comfortable accommodations with us as can - be found in any first-class Hotel North or South. Our friends, patrons, and the travelling public generally, visiting Richmond, are cordially invited to make their home with us, and, no pains will be spared to make them comfortable, as we are pledged to sustain the well-known reputation of the House. CORKERY & MILLWOOD, aulo-11 Proprietors. T.ANGHAM HOTEL, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious hotel, "tile largest in London , " now (ell; it Is situ ated on the most often and healthy site in the West end,with all modern improvements, suites of Apart. meat, Salle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant Ladles' Room, a spacious Gentlemen's SITTING AND WRITING ROOM, ETC. Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodation address— The Manager, C. SCHiIMA.N.!.N. augi-am JONES HOUSE, CORNER OP MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, ILAJECRISI3IURG, CHARLES If. MANN, PROPRIETOR. AM - A F RICAN HOTEL, MAUCH CHIME, PA. LA FA LE NTZ Proprietors ROBERT KLOTZ, • TERMS—Uper day, 402 per weeli. au3-28t* 44 A MERICAN HOUSE," 4--s- POTTSVILLE, SCHTTYLKILL CO., PA., C. S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This House has recently been re-opened, and in such style and character as will merit first-class pa trOnagV• jy27-im CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of my large stook of FURNITURE, At very low prlcee, until SEPTEMBER tn. The assortment is complete. GEO. J. HENKELS, ie2l-2m 809 and 811 CRESTISTFT Street E. D. F. MORIIM ATTORNEY AT L AG- AW BNT,D COLLECTING. AN MEMPHIS, TENN. The Civil Courts of this District are now in prac tical operation. Having practiced at the Hemphill bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with the baldness cifinmithity greatly facilitatesin the speedy collection of claims. iy4-6m E. D. F. moßeAri. T ,BWIS & COX. JOSEPH J. LEWIS, Cimairdx T. ImNrls, S. S. cox. COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 132 BROADWAY. J.. 0.. Box, No. 5, 6 60, NEW YORK CITY, Attend to all businegS in the Courts o 4 the United States and in the Departments at Washington. Especial attention given to Internal Revenue busi ness, and to Claims against Foreign Governments, atiVell as our own. Judge Lewis , experience as Commissioner of In ternaißevenue, and CharitonT. Lewis , experience as Depsty Commissioner, Will be a guarantee of thorough acquaint:thee with the Revenue Laws. Mr. eox's connection with the Committee of FM , eign Affairs in Congress, and his long membership of the National Legislature, insure a thorough knowledge of legislation and practice in the depart ments. au7-12t HEALTH OFFICE, A, August 15, 18f5. pitorOOAL will be racolved at this MCC mall SATURDAY, 10th Instant, to till to street icycl with pure earth or coal ashes, lots in rear or Nos. 2082, 2034, 2036, and 2038 North Fourth*street. Ad dress H. Cr. SLCKEL, aul6-3t Health °Meer. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, NAsg_ VILLE. TENNESSEE, August Ilth, 1865. NOTICr. TV TENNESSEE BON bIioLVERS. In obedience to a Resolution of the en eral As- sembly of Tennessee, pasSed Alay ieee ti you ure hereby requested to forward to this ol4ce a state ment of your name and residence, vulth the date and number of each Bond of the State of Tennessee owned by you, and the amount and character of such Bond. Your early compliance is requested. S. W. NAV:REPT, aul6-15t Comptroller. 500 e ß c ti t . , LE l SALES COTTON WICK JUST , atsft3wfigltsitgAtoeft ICotton Yarns, Carpet iShain, ‘, Sce. DOWD, BUST Jr, CO., aule 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. SOAP ROSIN.-325 BARRELS HAND. r , .. , SOME No. land NO. 2 SOAK BOSIg, in store and landing; Or sale by EDW. D. ROWLEY, anls-3t 5 . 16 South DELAWARE Avenue. lIAVANA CIGARS AND GUAVA JELLY.—New invoices now landing—offered low to dealers. Cigars suited for retailing at Sc, 10c; and /2c. Guava Jelly from Dominica factory. 8, PIAUI= & SONS, importers au9-120 t o. olg south FRONT tregt• COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands 7 Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers ) Drier Felts, from one to five feet wide: Pauline Bolting Sail Twine, &e. WIN No. xv - KRMAN O nos-tt 'T N 0.103 JONES it, ' Alley. HAVANA CIGARS.—A GOOD VA. RIETY eenstantly in store :tad bond, atlOH• est cash rates. 8. puGura'_it SONG. MYtHar 1:10. ills tiouth suuNT Wreak TEE PIIESS:- - - , PHILADMIITA: TIMItSDAY, ATTGUST ! . 17; Dee I . B. WAINAVEN, MASONIC HALL; 7 19 clizerrwur STREET, - VAS MIT RECEIVED A 'Pula. LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM . CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES. PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO 13A.11,6 WITH PATENT UMBRELLA. FRAMES, ALL SIZES. READY . FOR USE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. .13,22-tf 101 A :161: ti+'4llliii I PLO ;4:1 EDWARD P. KELLY, 612 ILITESTIMT STREET. FALL GOODS aur7 JUST RECEIVED_ ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. R. corner of NUM and RACE iltreets, PHILADELPHIA, - WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLANS. ILLITIMOVIIREAS or WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTI3, PUTTY, AC AGENTS FOR THE OELERRILTRD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CAM (Iy4-11aa BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE, TM9 MARKET STREET, PRTLADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock. of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BABES, in various sized packages, of our own pressinsa at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, &c., at a 'moral discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. rayll-3m GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The Ellibaeribera would invite attention to their IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty in their businees. Also, constantly receiving - NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAE. J. W. SCOTT Sr. CO.,_ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, Jaldy Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600 ARCH STREET. 600 WATER muOLERS VREEZERS. GAS-STOVEN. FOB SUMMER COOKING. jelG-tf GRIFFITH. 'S FALL. OIXTH and .A.llOll. STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. E MI O IL a COMP IN A G COAL, AND OTHER IkIES. We are prepared to furnish New Corporation with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. AU styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGR.APHED TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO_ , BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, AND STATIONERS. teal-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street. SUMMER RESORTS. VG -HT-HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The nearest house tothe JOsNAurf. WOOTTON, aul4-Ine Proprietor RURAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN, VENANCIO COUNTY, PA. JANES E. $ T proprietor. This well-known and popular House has Just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double Its former capacity It is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready access by Rail and stage to all points in the OIL REGION, and its accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of _first-class Hotels in Any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he has succeeded. Iy4-6m SBA BATHING-CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. , --THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall, is now receiving visitors. Price per week, $l6; Children and servants half-price. jeBo-2m AARON GARRETSON, Proprietor. COAL. HOUSEKEEPERS' COAL COMPANY. COAL AT COST To STOCKHOLDERS. ROBT. It. CORSON, A.,_&eet for sale of We Stock, Office. N o. 133 WALNUT Street. Stockholders in this Company save from thirty to forty per cent. on their Coal at the present retail prices. Those having no use for Coal can dispose of their Coupons, and realize over twenty-five per cent. on their investment. attl.6-2t BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.--illenuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, if not superior . to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, st; Large Nat, V. 'try it, You will be sure to be pleased Office, 191 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 CALLOWLULL Street, above Broad. JyV.-am ELLIS BRANSON. _ _ NOWLE 8' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. Office and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Ste. jyl4-3inw fi . 0A L .—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER N.- , MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beet T+Ocust Mountain, from Sthuylkiri,prepared expressly for family use. Depot, 11. )ir, corner ErGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Otilee, No.; 112 SECOND Street. Caps-tf] J. WALTON & CO. BUTCHER'S PATENT. • INDIA RUBBER PAINT GROUND IN PURE LINSEED OIL AND INDIA . . IN EVERY CQLOI This Paint SUPERIOR TO ALL °TRIMS. it; ••• o L more , durable and flexible, will resist water and acids. PREVENTS IRON PROM RUST, and 'WOOD FROM. DECAY. suitable for every kin of painting for Ships, Bridges, Cars, Signs, and for the finest inside work, Mid, at the panne time, COWS NO MORE THAN OTHER PAINTS. THE AMERICAN HUM PAINT COMPANY, S.E. cm-. TWENTIETH and FILBERT Rs. STOLEN -A HEAVY GOLD CHAIN, it— with a abort piece joined to it by a ring; A Sinai! cros& of a darker gold., small t4.1.:tt1f.,1i Cain_ 11.1 Id APohl Quarter-of-a-Dollar attached. Pawnbrokers and Jewellers arc requested to de tain It, if otrered to them, and send information to No. ISO North ELEVENTH Street, where they will be iiberapy rewarded,. and no questions asked. auf7-at* T O SPORTSMEN.-PHILIP WILSON 4t. Cps, N(11 109 tall;T:Zi.tiT I'3lreet, call the attention of Sportsmen to our stock of FINET:UNS of our own and hest English inakers. Also, Rules, Pistols, Skates. Cricket and liase-Ball Implements, Powder, Shot. Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, at lowest prices. Repairing &MC in the best manner. anl7-tf E NCOURAGE DOMESTIC INDUS TRY- HARRISON & BRADFORD STEEL PEN MANII FACTITIthItR, give employment to over oNtr. nt,NonED AMERICAN womEN, and produce over TWENTY-FIVE MILLIONS ANNUALLY of American 'Steel rens, stamped with their name in full, and bearing their label. In quality finish, selection, and style of putting up, these Pens are warranted to surpass any Pens ever offered to the American piddle. FOR. SALE, 'WHOLESALE AN M D Ogg Do. RETAIL, by , Stationers awl Blank Book Dla, nfaotnrers. 432 CHESTNUT Street, and 430 MARKET . Street, Philadelphia. anti-lm CABINET FURNITURE. MOORS & CAMPION, 3131. ROIJUI SECONDS TREET, RTC prepared to &flew the: &CUM In the market in the price of their Furniture. Purchasers will please call and examine our stock. mylo-10 NEW YORK DYING AND PRINT ING ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND.- 143 North EIGHTH Stteet.—This Company, so Long and favorably known In New York during the pas t forty -taw years, have opened an °Mesas above. Ladies' and Genticinetils trarment9, -MA wearing apparel of every kind, dyed mid medimod 1,. dio most, garmentr Stains and spots removed from wilhoutbeing ripped. Merchants having goods of undesirable colors .can have them redyed la superior style. aulo-thstit394* T IFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, IN OIL AL-J.v0t , 06 6, fts exocuted and fillialled at la, r. riEntEis, itevniCSllOnatAT 41:e thtent Pertrattg mode q llfe-like, ftlai Visi44sls@ty col-geed., 624 AjtCjilitrgtt, lt* NEW PUBLICATION& T H E GREAT VA , " 4 STOW Is THE TIME TO SITMORIDE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is print& On a - large double-medium sheet, making eight pages of six columns each, and containing the choicest matter of the Daily issue, Whaling a News Summary, Domestic and Foreign; Legisla tive and Congressional matters; War News; Stock, Financial, Cattle, noise, Dry poods and general 111afhet Reports; Report of the American insti, stem, Fanners' Cum, Ac., &.e. The Reports of the American Institute, Farmers , Club, and the various Agricultural Reports, in each number, are richly worth a year's subscription. Read what a subscriber hi St. Louis says : ST. Lotus, Mo., July 16, 1861. The Editor of the Tribune: smt I have had it in contemplation for some time, to write and tell you of the pleasure I get from the weekly perusal of the proceedings of .the Farmers' club; first. I will tell you how re cently 1 became aware of its existence. About the Ist of September. 1853, 1 noticed an advertisement, and a cut of the Tribune Strawberries, and immedi ately subscribed for the Weekly Tribune, in which I found the proceedings of your Club. I have read them constantly. until they hare become to me a necessity, and I look for Monday as red letter day ill My calendar: and were I to he confined to one agriculturalpaper alone, should prefer the. Tribune to anything 1 T ourset seen. JOHN HEN WOOD. Another subscriber writes: I neglected ( forgot) ,to renew my subscription to the 2ribune, until so late that I missed the first July :No. Can you help me to it? Portions of the Farmers' Club reports in that number particularly I WWI to preserve. In fast, that feature of the Pa per constitutes one of the main reasons why 1 take it. And I Dave no doubt that it receives a goodly share or itt patronage ram persons who wish it well, but would not otherwise bring themselves to the subscribing point. Tours, truly, 0. A. ALFA:ANDER. WAvrtusviLLE, July 25. TERMS. Mail subscribers, single copy, year-52 NOs—*2loo 90. Clubs or .... ; .... 9 00 Ten copics,addreuscd to names of subscribers.l7 50 Twenty copies, addressed to names of sub- scribers 34 00 Ten eopie,, to one address OO !twenty conies, to one address • 30 00 An calm copy will be sent for each club of ten. Drafts on New York. or Post-office orders, pay able to the order of "Tun TRIBUNE,'' being safer, arc preferable to any other mode of remittance. Address THE TRIBUNE, ltd&W New York. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. ANNIE: OIL. CONTENTMENT By Mrs. AIACKINZIE DANIELS. Author of Fernly Manor.," "Marrying for MO-, ney," • It is elegantly and smoothly written; all the sen timents ft embodies are the offspring of a pure mind; it is a. work full of grace and harmony.— DonaLAs &ERROL% It will undoubtedly Mahn attention by its clever sketehes of character and society.—LoWien New drarank. The style is flowing and unaffected, and the dia logue lively and nataral.—London Cr i tic. It abounds with much true feeling; in it are easy, chatty vivacity, wit, and truthful shrelvduess.— London Weekly Timed?. Price, Fib) , Cents. Malled,pbstsge paid on re ceipt ol mice. N. A. ImADY, Publtaher, OA ANN Street, NeW York, •TA.LICENITZ COLLECTION - • or BRITISH AUTHORS. Just received by steamer ONCE AND AGAIN. 2 vols. By the author of "Who Breaks Pays. ,, Also, a new sUpply Of— • CHRISTIAN'S MISTAHE. vet. By the author of "John Halifax." And all the novelties. Price, each volume, 75 cents. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price. P. LEYPOLDT'S Bookstore, 't aul2-stnthlt 1323 CHESTNUT St:, up stairs. KILPATRICK AND OUR CAYALRY. With an account of the Cavalry Rattle and-En gagetnents from the beginning of the Rebellion to the surrenderofJohuston. 12mo. . . _ GENER:AL SHERMAN'S GREAT lIARCH THROUGH - THE SOUTH. By Major Nichols. 12mo. OB TIAN'S MISTAKE. By, the author of JoluThalifaX." 1211 1 0. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS, 121110. PRIMP IN PALESTINE. A Book of Eoy MITI. By M. A. Edwards. AU the new books received as soon as published and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successorito W. S. & A. Martlen,) aul2 606 CHESTNUT Street. ATTRACTIVE BOOKS FOR THS. COUNTRY AND SEA-SIDE. COUNTRY LIVING—Ay Gail Hamilton. GALA DAYS—By Gail Hamilton. STUMBLING BLOCKS—By Gail Hamilton. HOUSEHOLD POEMS—By Longfellow. SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS—By Tennyson. NATIONA'L LYRICS—By Whittier. TENNYSON'S POEMS—Farringford edition. ENOCH ARDEN, Mustrateil—By Tennyson. HYMNS OF THE AGES—Seleetions from Wither, Crashaw, Southwell, and others. FOLLOWING THE FLAG—By Carleton. For sale by LINDSAY .% BLAKISTON, au9 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. rrrmTr 37rT7murmi.rnTn- FAIL V.31)31.1.T.N13 YAM) Sr, CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Sts,, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORAL& DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, GERMANTOWN :FA.NCIT WOOL GOOT,St BALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. uB-1m RETAIL DRY GOODS. n STEEL & SON, Nos. 713 & 715 -s-A-• North TENTH street, are now offering great Durgains in SUMMER DRESS GOQDS. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at reduced prices. Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. 1,14 yards wide English Cashmeres, Fall colors . , $l. SILKS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICEs. CHEAPEST 'SLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. Just opened I ease of 'Hoyle' s best quality 4-4 Eng lish Chiniass, double mules, itt 50e. ems p PERCA LAIN L LES or BUFF . , P eI INK, AND • BLUE Fren Chintzes. Plain buff, pink, and blue Jaconets. Pure white'actiand Shawls. White Shirred Muslins. Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks. Plain Nalusooks, Swiss Muslim, Cambrics, Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Poplins for travelling dresses. single and double width _plain De Laines. EDWIN NALL & CO., 28 South SECOND Street. N.E.—Summer Dress Goods closing out regard less of cost. je2o-tf COOPER & CONARD NINTH AND MARBET, have The best Vassimere stock In town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors , Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at 30c. Gauze, Domes, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delalnes, 55 and 65 cents. Statra line black Mohair Alpacas, Si. Lupin's 6.4 Math W9Ol Delalnes, Good stock white IValimook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Stealing, finest Cambrlcs and Jaconets, puffed Muslims Pique, /sc. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer Dusters. ]e7-tf 628H00P SKIRTS. 628 Rorii - rtiZ , "OWN DUKE" OF HOOP SIUETS are manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen trashed covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fastenings, and secured by improved ma chinery, which entirely prevents slipping and be coming unclasped, rendering them superior to all other Skirts in the market. All the new and desire hle styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On hand and made to order,. 25 wholesale andAn retail. Warranted to give satisfactton, atlms (AM on Street. jy- UNITED STATES ANNUAL TAXES NOW DUE. OFFICE DEPUTY COLLECTOR INT. REVENUE, Flvra COLLECTION DISTRICT, PA., MAIN STREET AND ClIELTurr nvsac r a, ciLuar.A.Nrow3t, Philadelphia. Notice is hereby given, That the Annual Col lectlon Lists have: been received, and the Taxes are low due and payable. The Annual List In . the tax on licenses, incomes, carriages, watches, musical instruments, plate, and yachts. It is generally known that a personal notice can not be given to every taxpayer. The law specially prescribes the mode of notice—viz. by advertise ment In one newspaper, and notifications to be post &Al up in four pfibllC places. Persons residing in the Tweitty-geeond and TWeri ty- fifth wards will make payment at this °dice. Those residing in the Twee third ward will make payment to THOMAS S. FOULKROD, Deputy Col lector. FRANK - FORD Street, Frankford. This' Annual Tax is by law payable on or before the aOth day of June in each year. ; but as the Tax Lists for this year were oua,:oidahly delayed, the day fixed for this District as the latest day upon which it may be paid without liability to penalty ii the 26th day of August = 1861. - - WILLIAM 11. MILLER, Deputy Collector, ' Fifth District, Germantown. July 29, 16615. • jy22-satatht-tat OFFICE OF ASMSOR OF INTER NAL REVENUE OE THIRD DISTRICT OE PENNSYLVANIA, No. Wet North THIRD Street. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Annual Mali for May Ist, 1865, of Licenses Incomes, and Enu merated Articles, subject . toTax under the act of June 3Uth. 1864,. as amended by act of March 34, 1865, will remain open for inspection for the space off' fif teen days _as ter the ad day of August, 1865. Appeals will be bee ed cod determined from Au gust Mu to A4goet Itith, both liltlUslVe. Alt appeals Ilituit be Made hi writing, and specify the particular cause, 'Matter, or thing respecting which a dwislon is requested, and state, more over, the ground or principle of error complained of. J. FLETCHER BUDD. anal 9 1134 17-6 t U. S. Assessor Third Dist, Pa. TO MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON, -L. FLAX, AND JUTE.—wn,LIAm H1G6 1, 1g5.85: SONS. Alanufacturer. of (~..tton.. Flax, and alliP Machinery, Manchester. Eagland. r. MP. JameaUjg gin*. (one of the tient) is at present in the United States, and would no glad to Communicate with. any firm renulrtng maeldnery of the ahave description. Address "Care of R. 01,41:SEll I JIRO., Pramltford. PlAtadelphia." ara6,l2t• HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 doz. .Renst-B *L Bee f. usage Meat. 500 500 " do Veal. 500 "" do = Mutton. 1,000 do Turkey. • 1,000 " do Chicken. 3,000 ' ' assorted Soup, In 1,2, 214 lb. cans. For 51510 mionEs & WILLTAMS, tee-Of 1O terOUIP WATER street. McCAXDLESS eSMITH, MALTG VINEAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and. WHITE WINE VIREO-AM—a new article of manufacture in this country, made by the co ruled English process, and used exclusively for Plettling triEttrOpe. Alt sales warranted Dec from imputiliaa and thernicals. Orders ailed promptly to all parts of the country. AGENTS. L. E. CANBLOS, No. BB Walnut street. deln. plT h T ia & WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place s Ul timore, CElTtlatk:g LEE & CO.. Rieilint)ml,Va. E. W. iitOULD & CC., Newneru, NI, C. 3514-34 EDUCATIONAL. M ISS MARY E. THROPP WILL !M -OPE N her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles at MI CIIDSTNITT Street, Philadelphia, on the Din of September. For McAdam apply at the. School. anl7-Im. fiIIEBTNU'I',DILL ACADEMY WILL V REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited llUM ber of BOPS, each pupil heitig taught by the Princi pal, Fr• W. SCOW, from Yale* College. Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, W. ff. Trotter, J. S. lCnecdler, and C. Platt. INS'T'RUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. - ANN MCKBON will scorn her SCHOOL ' for BOYS and GIRLS, atNo.lo SouthEIGHTEENTIf Street, en the 11th of September. aul7-thstu-tr 'BST BRANCH 80 - ARDIN% 801101YL. JERSEY SHO M N AE Y AN MI N M COU E T Y, PENNA. Terms, 05100 per year. Pupils prepared for College, Business or ordinary ,- duties Of domestic life; the comforts of a good Home. Catalogues, with full particulars, of Philip Wilson, 409 Chestnut street or address as above. avl74m. F. DONL EAVYLONG, A. KriPrineipal. SCHOOL FOR BOYS-SPRING GAR DEN INSTITUTE REOPEN 9 mo (September 4111.) Circulars 1:331 MOUNT VERNON Street. 111117-titall-13r RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established in SEP TEMBER NEXT, is designed to rival the best schools of this country and - of England, in its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be fitted to take a high stand in , their class, and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare young men fo information, pressional li Circu lars, with full can be had at 1126 Chest nut street,_ EDW. CLARENCE SMITH ,A. M.. Principal. REPERIONCES.—GaIen Cope, Esq., Don. Wm. D. Nelley, Roo. Job. Allison, Alexander WittMtn, Esq., - Thomas Potter, Esq.,A. H. Franc - Mew, Esq., H. P. M. Dirkinbine, Esq. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DENT, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, September 7, at 4 P. M. Cadets may pursue either a ClasSteal Or Scientific course of stud_y, Under experienced and thorough instructors. In the Primary Department the usual English branches are,taught. lillittary instruction Is given in the three arms of the service. - The Aca demy is furnished with horses for Cavalry and horse-Artillery exercises. All the appointments of the Institution are pf the first order, and no expense or effort Is spared to advance the education and military training of the Cadets. Tile religious instruction of the Cadets is carefully attended to. For Circulars, apply to J. H. °ENE, Esq., BRIG CHESTNUT Street, Phtladelphia, or to Col THEO. HYATT, President of Penna. Miry Aca'y.faulfp-im A CADEMY .OF THE PROTESTANT +-s- EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOOITST AND-JU NIPER STREETS.—The autumnal session will open On MONDAY, September 9th, at 9 O'clock A. M. Applications for admission may be made during the pri ceding week between 10 and 12 o'clock in, the morning. JAMES'S. ROBINS, A. H., auli-tuthslm Head blaster. MRS. SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on ;MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th at VW BritilOg Street. Circularsmad , be obtained at the N. E. corner or Spruce and Tenth streets. atria-stuthiat. ERCILDOUN BOARDING SCHOOL FOR WJtLS, CHESTER COUNTY; PENNA., three miles south of Coatesville, on , the Penna. Railroad. Winter term commences Tenth Month, (October, ' 9th, ,1865. Terms—sBo per session of twenty weeks. Music, $lO ; Drawing or Painting, each $5. Languages not Wars.. For Circulars, address the Principal, RICHARD DARLINOTON, Ercildouu, Pa. aul2-stuth lin TREEMOIJNT SEMINARY, NORRIS- A- TOWN, Pa.-,For Young Men and Iloys--Twen— ty-second year. The Winter Session, of six mouths, will 9.019311C11CC on TUESDAY, September 19th. For circulars, address JOHN W. LOCH . , auS-tutheilt. Principal. MANTITA FEMALE SEMINARY, BARING Street, below Thirty=fifth, West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladles. The heXt Term will apen Sept. 4th. For virelliars apply to Rev. JOHN MOORS, aul-tuthalati. THE FRENCH AND ENGL gH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September 18th. In this institution instruction is thorough In every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches or a good English edu cation. French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the Institute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particulars, ad dress 1342 SPRUCE St., Philada., Pa. anl3-2m VAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, GREEN Street, west of Twenty-second street, Plllladelphla.—Tbis auparior Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, will be in Its next term September 13th. A Preparatory Department is pro vided for younger pupils. For circulars, apply to or address Rev. J. W. BARNHART, A. bl., President. anti-lm WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PA. Located at West Grove Station, on the Phtladel pida anti Baltimore Central Railroad. The twenty-fourth semi-annual teem of this Insti tution will commence on Second-day, the 6th 0111th Month next. The course of instruction is extensive anti thorough, embracing, in addition to the common English course, the Latin and French Languages, Drawing, Telegraphing, &c. For circulars, &c., address the Principal, wROM. P. CONARD, Waal Grove P. 0., ciscsr county, ra. MI Month, 1865. FALL. CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE MINARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss I/Mayo.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will omns WEDNESDAY, September Mb, at 1015. CHESTNUT Street. Particulars from Circulars. aula-toct SCHOOL OF DE& corner of FILBERT Squarere-onens on MOMS JOSEPH HARRISON, E WILLIAM BITOKNELT P. P. MQRRlO,Esq.,tiet, ,r;florgitnan, R. F. Warner. James L. Claghorn, W. R. Wllstach, James H. Orne, auls-18t 'T. W. BItAIDWOOD, Principal, THE FRENCH AND AMERICAN IN wrlTuTMfor Youn g Ladies, Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, friucipals, 2953 FRANKFORD.Road, will open On the. 13th of next month. Parents end guardians will do well to send for a circular, and inquire about the course of study, which otters superior advantages for the acquisition of the ornamental branches. auls-6t4 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street. (In the rooms lately occupied by the Y. M. C. A.) This school will open moN September , 11th. - designed to prepare for any college of the United States or for mercantile life. Ciredlars containing particulars may he ohtained of Mr. ROGERS, 1009 Chestnut street. T. BRANTLY L ANGTON, OS WALD SEIDENSTICHER, Principals. EEFEIiENCES.—Prof. G. Allen. Rev. G. D. Board man, Rev. James Clark, Rev. G. D. Carrow, C. E. Lex, Esq., J. B. Townsend, Esq., W. 3. Hortsman, Esq., Pliny E. Chase, Esq. atGA-on ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, No. 11655 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Parents and Guardians are respectfully informed that the "Ladies eLthe Sacred Heart" intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR. YOUNG LAMES ou the -Second MONDAY of September. The system of education Will be, the same as that pursued so successfully to all the Institutes of the "tiered Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladles being devoted to the indruetion of youth, spare no palm to wilt tbe"heart to virtue and impart pi to t can het e so i l l !tit e md i ! o r r eft e ml u e l t a b r i s ca l t e i t ot ep. teJer. aul2-1m WESLEYAIi FEMALE COLLEGE, T T WILMINGTON, DEL. —The next Annual Session will begin on THURSDAY, September 7, 1865 . For catalogues or further informutiOn, address aull-10t, 4 JOHN WILSON, President. INSTITUTE FOR BOYS, AT FREE HOLD, N. J.—The Fall Term will commence SEPTEMBER 13th, and continue fourteen weeks. Boys fitted for business or college.Terms—Poo per year, of forty4WO Weeks—one-third at the com mencement of each term. ereat attention will he Paid to the morals and manners of pupils, as well as to scientific attainments. blotto—" We reason from what we know.''Deduction. thoroughness lu firStprlueiples. CYRUS BALDWIN, Principal. Refereuces—Rev. E. E. Adams, Sehermerhorn & Bancroft, E. Simpsen,Wm. Musser. anll-12t. PHILADELPHIA. COLLEGIATE IN -E- STITUTE, for YOUND LADIES, N. W. camel' of CHESTNUT and EIOuTur.):TH Streets, (for• merly at MO Arch Street.) Circulars at =V and 1.33 i Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 2611. The next Session will confluence on MONDAY, Sep tember 18th. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH., D. H., Principal. anlo-1m fIHWARAY INSTITUTE.—ENGLISH NJ anti French noaMing and Day 501lPol for Young Ladles, Nos. 1527 and Isem SPRUCE Street, ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 20th. French is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken in the institute. For circulars and particulars apply to app-am Madame D'II.I.IRVILLY, Principal. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL' COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT Street corner of Seventh. — E - stidTtrslial . §4 7 l. IneVriloritted 1855. The course of instruction Includes BOOK-KEEP ING in its different branches, PENAIANSBIP, Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Cons- Mental Law &c.. ParnlallinEza nacessary PRErn , IATION BITSINESS LIFE. NO VACATION. Students instructed acparately, and received at anytime. Diplomas awarded on gradvation s Catalogues furnlShed gratis on appli cation. auS-12t. LL A G.E GREEN SEMINA.Ry_. _.2OARD (NO 6.07. 1411 11 - ....,—_ Ter/DS very moderate. Tnorimich course of strut? in Matilentatiesi English. °lassies. &e, Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Fmgtnecriag taught. Boys oral' ages received. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP & SON. /23 South THIRD Street; THOS, J. CLAYTONEsq., G FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. EOR9E F. KNOTT,N 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rey. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. EL,Groen, Pennsylvania. au4-3na FE M A.l, F. COLI.E9E, BORDEN TOWN, j.—Ths WINTER SESSION Or. this INSTMITIQN will commence SEPTEMICEIS the .18th. A few•va.eaneies only. roman. For cata logues, containing terms, etc. Address. Hev. JOHN IL BRA.W.F.LEY, A. M., President. MOUNT JOY ACADEMY, MOUNT Jov, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYL YANIA.—.This old and well-known Institotidn will be reopened for the reeeptlemor boarding pupils on the SECOND TUESDX - 1 7 Or- SEPTEMBER, the 12th. For particulars, address the Prilfetpal. uu2-14V L. IL el-AUSE. MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE lrfn reopen.ihelf. BOttniiillf and Day stlool for Your E Ladies, No. 1703 - IYALNU'P Street, ou WED SDA,.the zoth orsept. ate2-2ulv ENSBEL.A.BH POLYTECHNIC IN - JLa , , sinutE, utoY., N. Y.--The Forty-second Annual Sesslon.of this_welb known School of Engi neering and Natoral Science ,vill commence Sept. Mtn, The Nor, Annual'Register Of 1665,giving full information. novo bo obtained by addressing Prof. CHARLES DROWNS, Director, Troy. N. Y. 1111-30 t. y-Lu, - INA,Ry A.ND COLLEGIATE IN STITUTF,, ALLHNTOIVH, PA., with char tered privileges, stipertor advantages, and a pa tronage of 155ininihs the brat year, reopens Sept. 5. For circulars, idilreas Rev. 51 L. HOFFOHIJ, A, rrestacio. . aut-tra A • R. R.VACK'S SCHOOL LITIZ, Lancaster conntY,retina., Intended for a am- Itedyiumber of boys bet Ween the ages of seven and eleVen yeuvs. The gupilS have the advantage living in„ the Principal's family, and being under lits constant care. For terms, /ice.; apply_to jr29.lm APRAHAM It. BECIt, Principal. - TEE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND . !tiILITARY INSTITUTE, locat,ed in the borough of WEST CHESTEU, PA., Will commence its next Scholastte Year of ten mon:dm, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of Septeunter. For Catalogues. containing Terms and full Infor• illation, apply to its Prlncipa_L 4.13-6 w Fl "WOODLAND NOB. S and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, Weal Phi ladelphia.—A DAY AND healthy , SDISOOL Young Ladies. Location ally, and attrar, five. Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to jyal-2m* REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. A LOT OP BOSTON 501100 L DESKS for Bale at litts.l2t 534 North TrENTft Street. TAEAF MADE TO. HEAIL—IASTRU ,II-, MENTS to assist the hearing at MADEIRA'S, 11.5 Bouttt Ot•I ,lor V4e§t4ut. avlosi* GN FOR WOMEN, Street and North PENN .AY. September 4th. "sq, President. Esq., Vice President. or_ t aro fold MTDH.C.33 rop DaTid S. Brown, Ell K. Price Cioor,ge Whitney. James A. Wright. WANT. WAITTED_.A PHRBIANEINT .13ITTT ir ATION aslialeamftn In 80me good house. I have bad experience in several branches of mercantile business in the West—at Chicago, lit. Louis, and Memphis. Good pay. lam not afraid of work. Ad dress Box t 207 City. Reference given. auf7-2t* WANTED -.A. , PARTNER WITH *I 10,000, in a pleasant and profitable "Strictly Cash" Winless. Can be largely ex tended by additional capital. This is a good op portunity to invest to a perfectly safe establish ment. Addre.s "Capital." at this offlee. PumcpittPiii6., August m 1886. ANTE D—A GENTLEMAN TO' take chnet.te of the Olassfcal Dr partment in X Select School. No other than a sound classiest scholar need apply. Salary menet WOO: Address `,:reacher," 8cig.2419 P. O. aul6-2t* WANTE D—AN EXPERIENCED .1, SALESMAN, In a Wholesale Mt Mime. Ad dress Box 2368, Pllllada. P. 0. rinizatuth-st. WANTED—BY A FIRST-CLASS AC COUNTANT, of twenty years' experience, it sittation. Any one willing to glve a liberal *alarm for competent hand, address i.Accountoitt." this office. Reference of the highest class; aut6,4* WANTED -A POTION AB TRA VELLING SALESIIInii or Collector, 14 & gentleman of large business experience. tio 'ob jection tO going to a foreigh , coootry. Flrst-class reference. A libe . ral salary expected.. a t.p o liVS X., ' this W ANT E D TO, PITAOHASE:—THE advertiser, an active Easiness Mau, of thirty years of age , :wishes to purchase the one-half of a nest-class Retail Grocery Store, well established, and in a good location in Philadelphia. Any party wishing such a partner will address, for.partlenlarS i references, " itetall Grocer," Preps office. aui6-3t WANTED, IN A MANUFACTORY of Cotton Goods, established and doing a good business, a PARTNER who 'has from eight to ten thousand dollars to itmest. To take the, place of a retiring partner, A ming yyears preferred. Ad dress Box 252, POst OlPee , Philadelphia. ratl4-81* WANTED -AT $1.75 PER' MONTH, Returned and Disabled Officers and Soldiers, Teachers., Ladies, and energetic young men to CANVASS for our greatt national' work, ."Phe Life, Times, and' Public Services of Abraham Lincoln." Hy Dr. L. P. Brackett. We . have agents clearing $176 per month, which we will prove to any doubting apppticant. Send for circulars. Address JON - Rd, & CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. LADVNEACHER WISHES A YEW a—l.-PUPILS to •olit' two small private classes for the study of the English branches, and rudiments of French, and Drawing. Address E. M., at this office. Wll7-3V AGENTS WANTED FOR "TAE SECRET SERVICE THE FIELD, - - THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres nt. The most interesting on and de exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. RiehardSoll'S unparalleled experience for • four years, travellingThrough the South in the st cret service of the ribulte at the outbreak of the war, - with our armies and'ileets, both-East and West , ' during the first two years of the Rebellion; .4iis thrilling capture: his confine ment for 'twenty. months in seven different' Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous Jour ney, by night, of nearly.four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident and rmance of thd war than any other work published:' Teachers, ladies, energetic young mum and espe elally returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in•want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition.' We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will preve to any doubting applicant, Send for circulars. Address JONES. BROTHERS, & N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. JAL A LAWYER OF SOME YEARS' EL pERIENCE IN PRACTICE, baving been re cently discharged from the army, after nearly tour years' service, desires a SITUATION as Assistant to another Attorney, or to rent - part of an Office with another Attorney, with the vise of his libra ry; Address "A. B. C.," office of The Frees. able-st" • AGENTS WANTED, IN EVE RY Township, to sell GRANT AND SHERMAN; THEIR CAMPAIGNS AND GENERALS. By Hon John T. Headley, author of " Washington and his Generals, I + &e_,eoinhriSing popular Biographies of prominent Generals Of the Li mon army, inclu ding graphic descriptions of Battles, Sieges, Ad ventures, &c., with numerous Steel Portraits and Rattle Scenes. Sold only by Agents. To all seek ing profitable employment a rare chance is offered to make money. For terms and territory. address at once_ with stamp, E. B. TREAT, Publisher, .130 GRAVP Street, New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR G REAT National Work.—The most complete, only au thentic add reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Send for circulars. Address "P. 0.," Box 1423, Philadelphia, Pa. Jy2l-11n&W4t AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SE CHET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND THE ESCAPE," the most interest ing and exciting book ever published. Send for cireutars. Address JONES, BROS., .gc CO., Phila delphia, Pa. jr2B-Im. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORTAL ,RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra induce ments °tiered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND., 1 0..20 NottbURRRICK Strout, northwest Of Penn Square, Philada., Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Ey Dr. J. G. Hol land. No comment is necessary; the author's repu tation as a writer's fully established. Experienced. canvassers know why it sells. Address for terms, NORRIS BARNARD, .El.k View, jyl9-24t 5 Chester county, Penna. ITUATION WANTD-BY A YOUNG MAN lately discharged from the army, as Clerk or Assistant in any respectable Wholesale Store. Speaks the English, French, and fi ennanlanguages; Writes a good plain hand, and will make himself generally useful. Address f llti. D. C., MOO of The Press, stating Lushness and wages. SITUATION WANTED-BY A FIRST CLASS SALESMAN, in an Importing or jobbing Dry Goods house. Good city and country Otrade ,w r , . p ca A 000 LI" • NEBB MAN want. to forma con nection with a minibfacturOr or commisg(on Man, in an cMainished house, where money Cali be used to advantage. Address "H. Teller," P. 0. nul7-2V $lO ,0 0 0 'T . P th—ainot 2 it o b o i o a o n est ablishedTMEami facturing bushiest. Owing to limited means,Unable to meet the demand for goods. Any one having means, and desiring to invest in a safe and profita ble Vesittess, or councet theniteives with a resPott slide party, will lind this a Chance sidoin offered: First-class reference given and required, Com munication strictly confidential. Address "C. A.," Pres& office. aul7-3t. s i M A MONTE.-I WANT AGENTS everywhere at *7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTILES, the best selling ever carqd. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GAREV, Biddeford, Malne. plylo-d&W37n $125 A MONTH.--AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to introduce the improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine In the country which is licensed. by Grovel' & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Binger C 0.,& and Bacholder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and uses are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&W3m in DESIRABLE DWELLING-HOUSE WANTED, within a short distance of Broad awl Chestnut, either now or by the first of October. Any one knowing of a house being vacated will be paid for notifying the ndrertiser, should it lead to uu engagement.- Aatlress " BBNRY, Ledger office. PPART OF A HOUSE WANTED— Boit not to exceed &SOO, within live or ten minditeV walk from Penn Square. Address "P. 3-1. Ledger office. anl6-4t fWANTED TO PURCHASE, IN Germantown or suburbs, a good Mansion and Lot, price uot exceeding 'MOW. Address "Exqui site," North A77l6ViCall lice. altlo-1t ej WANTED TO RENT-$lOO It bonus w3ll be paid for a good sized dwelling, win ten minutes walk of Seventh aud I'o tvil streets. flout not tO exceed sit,7oo. Address' NE CESSITY," LEtionr (Once. koesession wanted Olt or before Septemner • alll6-4t, FOR SALE AND TO LET. SiFOR SALE—IRON MASTERS , ATTENTION — GREAT BARCiAIN—iSO,OOO CAN BE CLEARED IN ONE YEAR--First•elass ROLLING MILL in this city, with all the splendid, nearly new roachinerT, with three engines—one of GO, another of 150, aura another of 30-herse power: has seven boilers. First-rate machinery for manu facturing railroad irou,ehairs, spikes, &e.: 5,000 tons of all descriptions of iron can be made in one year. Is vow all in full operation; has water and steam rail road conommication. coal shutes, ..te.• all the water used upon the preitiPe.s derived from springs near by, free of charge. There :Weals° a fair of stone tenant dwellings included. Price, 515.000; worth $lOO,OOO. Easy terms. GEO. C. MILLER; Real Estate Broker, :1.05-5W 155 North SIXTH Street. _ FOR RENT, A'N ITALIAN VILLA_ Late the residence of DAVID C. AIriLSO!!4, situ ate 34 of a mile from the CITY of WILUINGTON, within 200 yards of the City Railway (passing every 10 minutes.) Um house (being new) ism excellent order, supplied with water from a tank ill the attic, with every modern Improvement, heated throughout by, steam; a flue porch the entire length 0 - 1 the buildin g .. The grounds in front of the house (con taining 4 aci4B,) are tastefully laid oat in walks and plats, dotted with trees Rm shrubbery, the - emote surrounded by hedge and wall. This country seat is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the State. Possession given immediate ly, by application to DR. R. It POUTER, T. F. BAYARD, Exceutors. ana-nv w ummetou, a FOREST COUNTY LAND FOR -.II. , SALE - 85 4- ACRES SELECTED LAND, Con taining Coal and Oil, and covered with tine assorted Timber, will be sold on good terms, or will he el - Property tu or . near this city. Apply to D-EO. W. tiItIFFIN, Real Estate Broker, attßi-tit 131 South FOITETI - 1 Street. TO RENT, IN BUILDING NO. 237 south ThSnl Street. several Booms, suitable, for offices or gentlemen's lofting rooms. 'Apply to ROBERT MAC GREUOR, anl6-2t 410 WALNUT Street. • 117RA.IPIE TIMBER AND FARMING LANDS hi Michigan, \Visconti/I/4 /nalai'`7 lowa , ICsimis, Neiwnsisu, Mm bcautsv, Missouri, schools, churches. railroads, markuts. LOW ?nom LONG CIIVDIT. Sciee t 10115 made for parties not wish ing. to inspect in person. Deseriptionb guarauteed. IV.EtirtEltN LAND OFFICE, JOHN EAItLE,. %QS South TlilltD Street. auls-st. VSTATE OF SMIVEL NIEGARGER DECEASED LUMBER I'si.M.I.SE9.B ESTA, BLLSEMENT • FOR SALE 'NELL-KNOWN WHARF PROPERTY AND LONt4 EsTA BLISHED LUMBER YARD.—Will' be 60W at prtvate sale, for cash, to a sultalde purchaser who may wish to carry on the business and become the tenant of the premises, all the stock of lumber, sheds, fixtures, Implements, horses, carts, Srx. at Hie limber card and -easiness estabilshtucut of sainuel Megargee, Esq., fronting on •r.each street and Delaware Minna and the steer Dela ware north of Poplar street, in t4e city of Philadel- Oita. The said premises ittul stock °Humber', &c., .of which a fill and speeinestatement and loserip 'l.loli will be furnished to al; apPlleantS, may be ex amined at any tinge before the Zsth instant. A lease of the whole peeperty will be granted to the purchaser. rroposals lu writing-.alit be received natil August 26th, igeS. HABIEL 34 ri5L 551 YORK Avenue, ROBERT M. MILIAN, No.. 1.81 North THIRD Street, aut4-12t Executors. VOR SALE-it DESIRABLE BUSI NESS STAND, on DIA.RKET Street, between - youth and IWO streets. Terms. favorable. to, quire at 1228 bIAIt.KET Strout, aunt-6t* A RABB OPPORTUNITY FOR A bIEItCHANT TAILOIL —The well-known es tablislonent at . J(cunett Square, Chester county, Pa.,fo rmerly occupied by If ranklin Darlington, attoure recently by Lewis. Seal, deceased, is now ()tiered for sole or rent. • A large businesa has al wa)s been dour 11M, and an enterprising mou s waxing early appltriiiio , A, will tied tilt; a rare, (Mr porta n ity for engagle In a profitable trade. There is on hand a large assortment of elotiss and eassi owns, which will bo sold lower than they . can bo nought in market. Those desiring informanon, wikl call upon or address A W SWIII USAN . SEA.L, or . Al SEL, .A.dui'rs of LEWIS SEAL, deed, aii4.l2l# Kormett Square, Pe. FOR SALE-320 ACRES VALUABLE boring LAND, on the headwaters of Little Hickory Creek, Venallgo county Pa. To he sold low. Apply to LEWIS L. DOUPT, nu4-11a$ 154 Sopty 75)V11 , 111 i'4ll4' FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR. SALE--TIIE HAN D SOME RESIDItrifOR, NO. 1519 Spruce street, ith brick stable on rose, 22 feet front by 240 feet deep in Rit ner street. Immediate possession. Suitable for a physician. Also, the four-story brie/ Residence. Northeast corner of Spruce and Seventeenth streets, 22 feet front by 121 feet deep. Immediate possession. ' Apple to LEWIS H._IIEDNER, Illtir-tbtan No. ltiX Solna Faint= Street: -DELAWARE COUNTY,-JOB Ma SALE, a modern-fiulit brick DWELLEND DOUSE in the borough of Media. fronting on the Court House Equare; the main building has parlors, hall, open staircase; the bark buildings arc three stories: the wimiceontsiningetevenrooms.and roof ed with slate, Lot littfeet Dr 170 feet; yard infront,- enclosed with iron rail big; stable and earriagtohelfae . in rear of lot. Property beautifully located, and built in the best manner. Price, 04,5410. Terms easy. JAS. B. CUMMINS. 504 WALNUT Street. N.H.—Delaware and Chester'County Farms for bale. Call for catalogue, aul7-5t maFOR SALE ON EABY TERMS— ma It splendid new eleven-roomed , DOUSE, with all modern improvements. r0813(1531011 at once. Lot =M9. 011 a street 800 feet wide: Andrese THOMAS OEORGE, aul7-6t* 7SS South SECOND Street • ift FOR SALE OR TO RENT • —VERY Mal sunerinr Htonc Residences; finished in 'a very expanaivc , style, with aft the extra modern onve micneeS, Situated at BIRNEY Place, west. VPllltdel pllia YTlllnims - Ykeet Trout Forty-seeond street, below olismore avenue. Apply to ROBERT BlA.CitiftE -001i 419 WALNUT Street ! or after four trnioch on PINE, sixth house cast of Forty-lira street. aul7-thstuat de FOR. SALE-A MOST DESIRA.. AMBLE MODERN RESIDENCE, on LOCUST 'Street, Ind of Thirtentall. Address Box Z375,Phi10, delytila rost-Diftee• attla-W det FOR SALE, WEST PFITLADEL-- rJt PHIA, magnificent large Mansion and Lot ou Chestnut street, near Fortieth. Beautiful grounds, stable, and coach-house. Price $27,000. Elegant Mansion and large Lot, corner of Thirty sixth and Bridge street? $12.600. Neat mansion, southeast corner Thlrty-second and Hamilton streets- 0n1y : 55,500. Can be seen only after 4,4 o'clock P. M. Besides millions of dollars' worth of all descrip tions of city and suburban property. GEORGE C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, aul6-Irtlisat 135 North SIXTH. Street. FOR SALE-A HANDSOME RE del SlDENCE,witlygeVen acres of land, situate on the Lancaster Turnpike Radnor Township, Dela ware county, nine miles from Philadelphia, within two minutes' walk of Rosemont Station on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Apply to , TIENRY McCRUA, 430 WALNUT Street. atul4-60 de FOR SALE—NEAT HOUSE AND -lEat FiritNITUBB, 13 gOWN Street, below Six teenth. It. F. GLENN, &1112 12,3 South FOURTH Street. FOR SALE-THE TWO • VERY aa. desirable Areh-street HOUSES, No. 1918 and 1920; new and complete. Immediate pOSSOSSIOU. E. F. GLENN, nun 123 South FOURTH Street. gr i t FOR SALE--G RMANTOWN COT MatTAGE and FURNITURE, eornpiete, on High street. Immediate possession. B. F. GLENN, aul2 123 South FOURTH Street. en FOR SALE—NEAT DWELLING ma/N0.1859 North ELEVENTH Street. Nei 1 Dwelling No. ED North THIRTEENTH Street. Neat Dwelling No. 408 North FRONT Street. Neat Dwelling No. ME COATES Street. Neat Dwelling No. 1311 North TWELFTH Street. Neat Dwelling No. 2028 LOMBARD Street. Large Dwelling 1307 South BROAD Street. B. F. GLENN. 123 South FOURTH Street. and atO2 S. W cot. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. FoR BALE-THE GOOD-WILL AND PRACTICE of an eminent Phytielan of 18 years' standing in tills city with otliee to rent, and board. Apply at 309 CALL'OWHILL Street. 4017-3t* T'OR SALE, MARKET STREET, - 2 - south side, between Fourth and Fifth, a large Store, four stories all through. Lot runs through to Merchant street. Price V 1,500; easy terms. aul6-4t MPYLER, 155 North SIXTH Street. • AUCTION SALES. HERKNESS' BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSOM STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, AND HARNESS,. ON SATURDAY MORNING, , At 10 o'clnck, comprising about— SEVENTY HORSES, Suited to harness and the saddle. Full descriptions in catalogues. ALSO, A large collection of desirable new and second , . !,Mitt Carriages, Wagons, See., with which the sale will vonoooo.A. Also, Single and Double Harness, Suddic, ttri dies, A l e. /11ir Sale of Two Hundred GOVERNMENT HORSES every THURSDAY and FRIDAY. ALFRED M. HERKNESS, aul7-2tif Auctioneer. - POSTPONEMENT OP SALE OF GO -1- VEI:7SMENT WAGONS. MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OPTIC'S. WaSIONGTON, D.C., Aurist 18, 180.5. The sale of MEDICINE WAGONS. advertised for Friday, the 18th instant, is postponed until WEDNEt;DAY, August 23, instant. C. SUTHERLAND, aul7-2t Sairg. U. S. A., Med. loury. LARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENT CARS, ENGINES, AND RAILROAD IRON_ UNITED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, WASHINGTON D. C. August 1.1, 1833. Will be sold at CITY POINT, VS., ou WEDNES DAY, October 11, at 11 o'clock A. M.•• About four thousand (4,000) tons Railroad Iron. At rowrorount, viu t on FRIDAY 9etober l3, at 12 M, - Five (3)iirst-class Locomotive Engines. About fifty (50) Freight Cars and one (1) Passenger Car. At NORFOLK, Va., October 13, at 5 P. M.: One new Locomotive Engine 5 fookg.om_a.- At ALEXANDRIA, Va., TIJEnDA I, October 11: • Pltty (50) first-clan Locomotive Engines, 44110 t 8.34.• mob gauge. Eighteen (18) new Phtfors usage, in ,re turee minuted and fifty (350) Box oars, usag e , "IA -Inch gauge. About two hundred and thirty (230) Platform do., 4- feet 834-inelf gauge. About thirty (10) Stock do., 4-feet 8-inch gauge. Tiventy (20) Passenger do., do., do., do. One (i) Wrecking do., do., do., do. Two (5) new Trucks. Sixty do., do., framed. Fourteen (14) Flats. About two thousand (2,000) tons Railroad Iron. Sales to commence at ALEXANDRIA at 10 A. M., and to continue from day to day until all are sold. 7 eras: Cash, in Government funds. • 11. L. ROBINSON, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. LC U. S, Military Rititroads. LARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENT RAILROAD ENGINES AND CARS. UNITED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, OFFICE OF ASSISTAET QUARTERMASTER, WASDINGTON,D. C.. August 11, 1865. Win be sold at MANCHESTER. opposite Rich mond, Vs., (M TUESDAY, October 5: Twenty-1M: (fej) new itygtelass LocolnOtin En glnes: five (5) foot gauge, five (5) root drivers; cylinders 16x24 incites; Capacity of tank, 1,600 gal lons. Five (5) first-class Locomotives, 4 feet BM-Ineh gauge. Two hundred and sixty-live (265) new Box Freight Cars, live (5) foot gauge. Fifteen (I 5) new Platform Cars, live (5) foot gauge. Ten (10) Freight Cars, 9-fet sM-inch gauge. Tin: side to continue from day 14 day until all are sold. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. . Terms: Cash, in Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. 31. aul4-tool • U. S. Military Railroads. • A LTOTION SALE OF SERVICEABLE GOVERNMENT MULES. I will otiOr for sale pn OIVDAY, the 21st inst. ' at the. Government Corrals in X.i , livillo l l l ennessoo. fifteen hundred serviceable mules. These 1011100 have been on pasture for some time,,are large sized, In good condition, free from disease, young, and well broken. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. and continue daily until the. Eltoek Is all sold. Terms—Cash In Government funds. By order Col. A. J. DIAcKAY, Chief Q. 62., Department TennesSeOr E. B. KIRK, Captain and A. Q, M. Nashville, Tenn., August 7, BM, au9-10t PUBLIC SALE OF GOVERNMENT 1 PROPERTY, at the HADDINGTON HOS PITAL, WEST PHILADELPHIA, on THURS DAY, Au oust 24. 1865. at 2,1 i o'glock. P. H,l 1 large Frame Building and FixtureS. 1 small 4io. do. do. I Tank Douse. 1 large Tank and Bath House Fixtures. 3 Bath Houses. I Engine House. I Worthington Steam Pump. No. 3. Flooring of DO Touts awl 2 Dining-rooms. Sentry BoxeS, Picket 'Fence, 12 feet high, on three sides of en- Closure... Fixtures ht Commissary Building. Fixtures in Barn, Knapsack-room, and Carriage house. Fixtures in Carpenter Shop and Guard-house. Fixtures in Main Building, say of Otace, Linen room, Dispensary, Dining-room, Clothing-room, Hitches', and lee-lionse. Two weeks lSlfa he given for removal, and cash In Government funds must he paid at the 111110 OW articles are struck off. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD. Capt,in3n( A - - ') Office, No. 2' 21 MA IMET Street. A. 0P,15-0% SALE OF GOVERNMENT WAGONS, AMBULANCES, sPRINff WAg9N; etc. (imp QUARTHRMASTEn'S OFFIC)r, DEPOT OF WASHINGVON, _ WASHINGTON D. C., August 5, ISBN Will be sold at public auction, under the direction of Brevet Colonel C. H. Tompkins,A. Q. M., U. B. A., at a point near the Ambulance Park, on " N,lv between Se ye. tecuth and Eighteenth streets,Wasb- MAtasi; D. C., au FRW.A.y, August Is, nes, At 10 o'clock A. Itt: 407 TWO:HORSE AMBULANCES. 6 FOUR-GORSE AMBULANCES. 24 TWO-HORSE SPRING WAGONS. 2 TWO-HORSE TRANSPORT CARTS. Al / t?4 1 4:. 'Which have ueen used in Government service. , Wlll be sold at a point north of the Railroad Park, corner of FIRST Street east and •'N . — Street north, Immediately after the completion of the sale of the Ambulances, _ft. . above referred tot 160 TWO) (HORSE WAGONS. 103 FOUR-HORSE WAGONS. 10 SETS FOUR-HORSE RUNNING GEAR. The Ambulances and Wagons will be sold singly to the highest bidder, and the sale will be con tinued from day to day until the whole number Is "old, Successini Madera will be reMared to remove their purchases within five (5) days frt.°. dole of sale. Terms—Cash, In Government funds. D. IL RUCKER, Bvt. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, au7-10t Depot of Washington.. ?EMI, NILE OF GOVERMIENT IL." MULES. THE TJNITED.STATES WILL SELL AT FO LIC AUCTION,, AT CHAMPION'S VITT.' BAZAAR AND TATTER- S..4.LLS, RACE STREET, Between 7.l.verdll and Twelfth, Phlledelohla, DURING viz MONTN o>r AueusT, szpiz HUNDRED MULES. These Mulegare all serviceable, and sold only for want of use. Buyers are invited to exer4no them at any time, and every facility will be giums for a thorough inspection. Roomy aLsels are prq,vided for proteetiors..frOM min and rain. ONE HONORED MULES_ Will be solid on each WEDNESDAY exid DAY, thwehont the MAIO 01 Auguot, ooramene lag at 10 a'elooh A.lll, Terms. cash, In GOYCITIMeIIt runds. By order of Brigadier General Eld"... ALBERT S. ASHIMAD, Captain and Assistant Quartgzertaster. Office, No. 751. MARKET St., jy29..tau3o BOARDING. VIRST-CLASS BOA.RA. A T 14 0 :D l t -A - RATE charges, can be had at the UNITEI, STATES HOTEL, 413 CIELETNITT This House has tutely been refurnished. Two largo' bendsomely.furniebed Che4bers are nowjaezukt. This House /186 no bar. au16.,61.4 AN TED-Bt A GENTLEMAN RUA' Wife, 'LW... genonti.sig m ri Connue untnn; . 1; OCrint-', furnished or taxfnriiisnea, with ROA tll, 111 Priv44o Loration 4C.V.,011 Wajunt Arch Artet. west of Tenth streo. References given and xlqulren. Atli/cos& BOY 2.42.2„ rost-onlee. odtls-30 _ TAY BoATtb—'4S'ITU FIRgT-CLABB DINN MO, at, Di°. 6339. South WASHINGTON 131- .Square. 2lr e 9111..111 PHOTOGIIAPHIC VIEWS-FINAL, r. b executed y!MIM% SM ARCM Of ollureoe*, resitleuem publiEc G and Mal try seats. Orders of those desiring wal receive prompt attention: IARD PROTOGRArIIS,I2 FOR $1.25, licAt.nd vol desirable style of Llkilliasitio9 4 for.t th thing for the josNitilles. See sbebilliebs, htltiQN.l3 Street, abova Iti* ANIWIIIENTEL A • 3 TUE F 1 t 4 OF P , THE FES T IVAL OF PIC UM. -- • THY, Fit'oT yivr, PE CE. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE; GRAND FAMILY KAMM; SATURDAY AI.TZRNOON, Aukhat 19th. SATURDAY ArrmittrooN, A'sattest IMUG SATURDAY AFTIIHNDON, /Impost Nth. MAGNIFicENT TA•WLIts.Ux Olr RATTLES. MAGNIFICENT TABLEAUX OF BATTLES. MAGNIFICENT TAIXLEAUX OF DATTLMS. BEACTTIVUL MUSIC. BEAUTIFUTi .MUSW. BEAU'III.I 1., TIMILLII 4 :4I AND ItIttLIAANT IDSPLAV• TDEILL/NO AND BRILLIANT DISPLAY. TIIRILLING AND BRILDI ANT DISPLAY. EFFECT; VE SCE N EXT. EFFECTIVE SCENERY. EFFECTIVE SCENEBY. SPLENDID nuesimwr It A.' SPLENDID ORCHESTRA. SPLENDID ORCISIPTRA. Adthission to all parts of the APURE, Fiftyr Children hair price. Deform open at 2 o'clock, NEW . CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE, .4., THE Street above Twbfftli. THE THEATRE AbIAYS 000 D AND COM FE' ABLE. 'WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Bit /MINGO, LAST WEEK or THE: NEW IRISH DRAMA in S 'rots, by Dlou. Boteleatlat , and HOullep atlderi AVRAH NA. POGUE: On TIM WICKLOW WEDDING. „ THE L ASTS NIGHTS OF THIS GREA.VTIRA.. MATZO NOVELTY has at lentltarrlved, and those of OUR CITIZENS who have not seen 1L should embrace this Wit "op portunity of witnessing it. It will be presented with all its new auk to! Scenery, navel Effects, original Music, coati! Wardrobe, elegant Accessories, and GREAT CAST OF CHARACTERS, SATURDAYAFTERNOON, Atignst 19th. LAST GRAND MATINEE OF THE SUMMER SEASON, And last daylight performance of ARRAN NA POGUE. VOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY , L THEATRE—WALNUT Street, above Eighth.' EVERY EVENING wlll be perforfitml the new sensation dramkentitled THE CIGAR GIRL OF CUBA. EL NINO EDDIE, the wonder of the world, on the Tight Rope. M'LLE ANNETTI. OALLBTrii the greatest Demotic Anieeletk, in a new grand Ballet. MISS LILLIE WHITING, the beautiful and aecoutplished Comedienne, he s now Barletta. FAMILY MATINEE- EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. ault.nr PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM, 833 MAR REV Street. PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM,. 833 11A.R1013 Ot. The Wonderh of the World, The Wouders of the World, The Wondere of the World, THE STAMESE TWINS ANT) CHILDREN, THE SIAMESE TWINS AND CH IL DREN, THE SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN, EVERT. DAV, mail further notice. EVERY PAY; ulllll flintier notlee. Hoorn of ExhII , IOOh, ]lours of Exlatation, From Ti ton, "MORNING. 2 to 0 AFTERNOON; 7 to 0 EVENING. ADMISSION, liS,CENTS. CONCERT HALL—FOUR NIGHTS ONLY .—Commencing on WEDNESDAY EYE, NINO, August 16, The erginal and only BRYANT'S MINSTRELS, From No. 472 RRoADWAY; New York. DAN. and NEIL BRYANT Proprietors.. THE EXCELSIOR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. whose performances during the lastten years In the city of New York have met with a suttees Wilmette dented in the annals of public amusement. Admits.. 'Mon, 15 cents. Reserved beats; 50 cents. Reserved Seats tickets for.saie at Trumpler's Music Store,eor. ner Seventh end Chestnut Streets, awl at Continen tal News-Stand. Open at 7; eminence at 8 o'clock. auli-Bt JOHN T. SMITH, Business Manager. VAIRMOUNT WATER-WORKS, -I- (WIRE BRIDGE.) AFTERNOON CONCERTS EVERY DAY. From 4 to 7 o'clock, by HASSLER'S GRAND. MILITARY BAND. Program/310*W Music Domed daily. • The Arch.* Vine, and Cullowl3lll.straet cars rtut directly to the place. utua-LC ACADEMY 43F FINE ARTS, CHEST. , N Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. 11. tat 6 P. M. it enJandn West's great picture 01 OREM 'REJECTED atm on ExhThitlon. ten REMOVALS. At i REMOVAL. ald P. S. LOF'ZLS, • WATCIDIARER AND JEWELLER, Formerly at 14, 140 3T0.0114 Thirteenth Streets 111,' forms Ms numerous Mends and euid,Ottlere that ha has removed to No. 61 North EIGIITIT Street, where he intends to open with a fine and well se. leeted assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY. - . verythine. iu idsitue wiLl be found of a superior quality and WOrlipntilship, mid' every - exacta war.. ranted as represented. Particular attontlon given to repairing flue Watches. Jewelry' made to order, an repaired. He solicits a continuance of the libelist patronage. bestowed in his old store by Cornier customers, and tasks the favor of the public generally. attl2-1112 TEMOVAL.-BENEDICT " MILLER, lIDIBRELLA and PARASOL 11adufacturer has removedte3U orth SIXTH Otregt# )P741111,1" pEMOVAL.--GEO. W. WATSON & CO. have removed their CARRIAHE REPOSI TORY to their old place, Nos 1219 CHESTNUT Street (under Concert Hall, ) where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re+ ceive orders for every description of filet-clue Work. Jura 7.1886. LOST AND , FOILTNsr. ,OBT OR STOLEN — ONE 4 - 4 CATE, /To? !.. 51 , Ry,„,lVT,lll.eilitiiiiicalP, No. 45 . Petrolowx , d - 154 4 8t s Sippinx Petro for one buncie 8 oe elti kog Einecri Ali permins-re'tailifio. t 'tint' the same, as the transfer has heek a,,, M , XT aunisr." EXCURSIONS. CAPE M Yi WEST JERSEY RAILROAD, FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET, smogs FERRY, AT 8.30 A st dIA 12 M IL . -- AND EXPIIIIBB. /Mt 2.30 P. M., I , A . 2.sBlitucit. Due *A SA P. EXPRESS. Due at 7.46 r. 4.30 P. N., rare, 03.00. Servantib 112,01/0 EXCURSION TICKETS, $5.00, Col* OA TlOntat o be used by one person only, 10 for 0811)(li Passengers and Baggage taken to and front Me Island and Station without additional charge. Freight daily froin Sandford's, Wharf, below, Spruce street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 5.80 E. 111., MakP 8 A. M., Express; 5 P. M., Aceonunodatiolss 8.20 A. X., Freight. J. VAN ItENBWELABII, &mit. rHILLDELTILIA, July 24,1865. .1341-11 e / 011 AND ANDILTA.L • = - - EN.CIIIto OF T/110 YOUNG', MEN'S GHRISTIA,N ASSOCIATION, TO ATLANTIC CITY, FRIDAY, Anl. 25th. Tickets/M.50, To be had at the Hall, C testuut street: Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut street: Clacton ' s, 606 Chestnut street, anti Ashniced & Evaus7, 724 Chestnut street. ongls=tntlignial,3l CATAWISSA R&M. BROAD cOuPA.NY.--1* Tourists and Travellers—Excursion Season of ISON, Lake Ontario, Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, Portland, The Rapids of St. Law- White Mountains, Mee Inver, Saratoga Springs, DlOntreall itetq ac,, &O. Quebec!, re., &C., Tickets for the above Excursions, which IMO. been so long and favorably known to the Phliadsi phia public, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at the CATAWISSA ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET OF. , FILE, 425 CHESTNUT street, under Philadelphia Bank, whehe full llifonnollon Will heFivell , N. VAN 11011 N, ratMligel , Aged, jy22-1m 49115 ciIESTNIIT Street. WESOP3 33- r MIMAM= CAMDEN AND AT LANTIO RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July let,. 1865, raw 4/1111.6..da11y to Atlantic Oity, and one on Sunda. TRAINS' LEAVE viNEI , 6TIiEET VER:ax at followst Special Excursion Lae A. IL Mail Train.. 7.20 A. Ereight, with Passenger Oaf attached..., 0.15 A. X, Express (through in two hours) 2.00 P. ]F. - Atlantic Accommodation 435 P. M. RETURNINR, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atiantia Aes6iiittlodation, ~,,,,,,, ttlf”•'• 5 . 47 . I k. 31, ^ Express (through in two hours) 7,05 A. X-- Freight, with Passenger Car attached.-,.11.47 Mail Train 9.45 P. 31L.. Special Excursion 5.18 P. X, SUNDAY MAIL. TRAIN.. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.80 A. M. Returning, leaves Atlantic a ...... 9.45 P. X.. Fare to Atlantic, ea. Round-trip Tickets, goot only for the . lay anti Irmo on which they are aaaa•li• 12- EIDNCT/ON ACCOMMODATION - 0 • Leave Vine-street Perri at 1.00 P. U. Leave Jackson HARD 6.86 A. /X Leavo .1476 4 A. M. and 1.16 P. 111.. Leave Haddon u. iv -Ftl-att.etONFIELD TRAINS. N. B.—Freight must be delivered at 'Oooper , tis point before 6 o'clock. P. M. to insure its AN the nex.t day. L I - MiN BRYAN'Xi je2B-tf Agent. alcipm s EX . 0.17R131.0N3 TO LOllO BRANUM—TrAina tor Ding Branch will leave Cooper's Point,CAS9DEN,„ daily (hundays excepted,) at 9.10 A. X, Fare. O. Excursion Tickets, good ECM three days, Extx*, train on laturdaysI aturdays at 4.30 P. M. Beturihig, arriya. at Camden at 9.10 A. ffi. Monday. Je26-Ein L. B. coLE, Agent., ()made*. TINIER'S BIITtIP-SEALING,F TIT Every housekeeper in the city aani Caintry should use this excellent Can. It ie the:most con venient and reliable 'Cali in nee, and: gives entire satisfaction wleerater ingroducild. Itts sealed in as tatting, hr hookiaig and Drone, tbuceinmplog, ti. 12.1. cap over and around the opecninE A anti pitis, ll jii,a, upon ring of consented 'R , I4 ;A: • paper welts Una than beat of tbefrulltand ins continues the fruit Cools, an ig, .1 the ka o l o n k l u s ua per fect. The eis unfastened 'ay spring and running a thin aro l uud uude g r the . cemented 0t Please mat and eininille tnlr Gan • 808 SPRINt )3 , 13 _ 234. if ritGAßDrEaraterara. • gAIRB it. N STANDAIIIa SOAtEF". Ailapted to every basnqii. of bualness where a. correct...o de ruble tleakt Le recto:iced. uulforilt standard of. veuttAtts, and a correct sSliDr i“)rang. h y t ta. otell 3 aithic ctl M tniton e A r WORI) iI I C/UTlON nnuntw, Tim WELL-EMI:0V) 'III,IIVICATION' fit'Abilt4 has lu,luee.i the uumufactarers 11111) ven ders of Imperfect *ail eheatn_tottde balances to offer them as FAIlt BANKS?' SIAS ,ts,"and pltrehaserS therefore been auhtecter toirmui and itnyoteittott: awl further. other tuttanfarturers hitva fabfely Sorte4 that they i ihre secured the services Of value,L. supertuteadet4a oda COXfitipn, from car e.,t4hush went . The atibselibers har. controverey, tclth itOnor abie compeltion, bat tegartlitly . th e ..olpetratorit or the above hands as &titling it eollce nuke g. and didunioralge, they take !thisnut ettlitiort the pubVp against Uheir EW IN eitatn-111,4803:10 HALL = rii4adblphltu, cilocy , "4'.aux ESTA'• 1114 pal tillat; *AS u PACtiltritE for sale, .61 - 12 yosits' stauding: umsoulolt Soliing is 111- health. Apvly ustxust.; mom 1. od,ins.e.t. SOLDIERS A. 0," QWERS WILL. fl Ad Rae . their tubtrOat to buy iktDis, Shoes 311114s,Arayelltua. pice, &e., ht:GARRETT , S) „POND,e.h. Atha. WO, sidthwili-im wpa I. '-.- -•- • _ Altp. _ . rry..X 3,2111311, DIG. scuirrioxs of Character, Constitution. and Tale t , with ADVIPE on Business. • Health, Education, Etoltrimprovoinent,fd a n . 9 , h'ettletit and T.ratulpg of VAILDi, liftc. etat .Itdaotatten, 42c., day.n d eventna . , , L P v Itita AcktiN L. 'CAEN, Phranippjlit MIA BOokeelter , MO'S. NO. S. l i g 1 1 "ti treet, 0474. alteitalt• .901.-PAktforlf .