TOE Pi `fir r PAILY (SUNDAYS EXC,E_ No, 00W FOR R NE HY. STREET. I'VE DAILY Mass, t yAr: tiobecribere, Is EIGHT DOLLARS m advance; or Irrirrnerr Merin rAFahle to the Carrier. Mailed to Iter' o f the eitl, SRFRN - DOLLARS 0 0; TARES PoLzusza A-ND FIVI"K otterf ON Arm BrnrartY as ger, TIIBBB MONTIIB, invariably adv ;settler ordered. - rjo Advaments Inserted at the Una r nce 11111-WEEIREK PRESS ar 4 La 011bEICriberlh FOUlt . 73OT , ' , `us iraure. Vrtss TU} NEWS. .cv.s from Savannah to the lath has beei Ted. An order had been issued by Gem ‘rdinan. netting forth that in the absent ii courts, and in places where no agent! Freedmen's Bureau-had been establisl Provost rolarshals will decide all questi between the whites and the freedr a.t Matters relative to the freedmen aiscussed, 011ieos in Savannah and 43, where the oath of allegiance will is fingered tO ladies, had been opened. yege.rday was the first day's session, at . _berg, of the National Teachers' Associati ,e morning was taken np in the process , ft eizttion ; the afternoon, by essays ;nlinent educational subjects, such as liechanicality of the present system of doe,. "The value of Normal Schools,” e ev ening, by addresses. peter R. Mumford, of New Fork;who was ited to have failed last Monday, was .yeSI v arrested on the charge of having defra fireenloid, Norris, & Co. with a worttb leek oit2B,Riio on the Mechanics' Bank of ti 13-, given in payment last week for $20,000 ta.on a presentation check. He was fitted in default of bail. Thirty nogroes prism& through New York . e ,terday. They were. frem the South, and en woe for Rhode Island, where quarters have been provided for them . by the Freedmen's thircan. This is the second party of negroes the Government has sent -at its own expense 'IQ Rhode Island, lealenlay morning the steamship China jean Liverpool, While Coming up Boston lfar -I,or, ran aground near Fort Independence. The thickness of the fog caused the accident. It was expected that she would be got off by Is4lay. Ten 01011511 ml copies of The _Thum, au obscene wrspoper, hare been seized in New York. Its wisher has been ascertained to be John tetson, Court lane, Boston, so that its exist ence has virtually ceased. war is losing its features in Virginia. Hos yttals and Camps Bredisappearing, after the troops. The extensive Chesapeake Hospital I , lost being restored to its original use—that pt a female college. Further particulars of the great Ketchum at:ldeation, in New York, will be found else oere, It is thought that four millions of 410Ilais rill be the lowest statement of the to tai loss. The alleged tyrant of Andersonville is not aimed Wertz, but Wirz. The latter is the n y i ter way to spell his name—so says a cones patent who knOWS. Horatio W. Congar, Commissioner of Hint ro lan, has been appointed Acting Assistant ;,,,,retary of State, during the illness of Mr. froleriek Seward. Tbe inn Pennsylvania Cavalry and 12th Con patientßegiment were at Fortress Monroe on ps.lsth, en route for home, via Baltimore., thigiulier General rennYPacker, who was se, rtvely wounded in the assault on Fort Fisher, rapidly recovering. I p to nine o'clock P. M. yesterday nothing Lad been seen of the Great Eastern at Aspy To-day a base-ball match will be played, at Camden, between the Athletic and Camden Northerner:3 are arriving in North Carolina thonFands. The health of Newbern, and in get the whole Of the State, was never better. President Johnson has pardoned Benjamin Ihzpatriek, ex-Senator of the United States, om Alabama. On Tuesday, the yacht Clara Clarita arrived t Newport. She was to have left the same •yening for New York. Iv:Ain:day the receipts at the Internal iteve m. TOlrcau, at Washington, were .1,400,000, To-dny, the Union State Convention meets at JlarriEburg. captain Wires trial has again been post ,mfed• LETTER FROM 66 OCCASIONAL.” WASJI=GTON, August 16,1865. Provisional. Governor Marvin, of Florida, meet, the i , ,sues and duties of his position without qualifiCatioll, His late speech to The people, part of which fon published on ,Tuesday, might have been made at Inde pendence Square or Faneuil Hall, not alone 'without question, but with grateful ap- }lose. I cannot recall one of these neit :.(italtern-Governors who has entered upon mission without intending to do his List. To feel that this is true, is to feel tut a very great point has been gained. I is gratifying, also, that thus far not one ci the men of consequence in, the South has shown any disposition, since Lee surrendered, to encourage bad blood or tad filth to the National Government. Alexander IT. Stephens, in his silent rooms in Fort Warren, now admits the force of his own prophecies before the rebel lion, and stands ready to give his best counsel in aid of the new order of things. ti , 011(21 Orr has gone back pardoned to F:soulli Carolina, filled with the- best in. lindens, and resolved to put them into flAte. Colonel Boyce, his old colleague from the same State, took early and manly grifund in favor of .the triumphant Go- vr:reinent. General Pillow, George W. A. 0. P. 'Nicholson, of Ten ; George S. Houston and Joseph P. Bradley, of Alabama ; Botts,. Summers, Pryor, Fayette McMullen, Charles James Faulkner, of Virginia, and a host of equal note M. former days, in other sections, have been frank and prompt, not alone in ad ilitting that the South is subdued, but that they are ready to do everything to show that their own obedience is sincere, and that they will labor to.make their example universal. When the men who have here lather made and moulded ,Southern opinion take this stand, may we not hope That those who display a different .spirit and strive to keep alive the vile passions led to the rebellion, do not speak for . c _'outhern people, and will soon be. tverwllelmea in the better and kindlier I tltn that is rising tt revive and per , etnate a solid and sincere reconciliation? OCCASIONAL. 4%E +'. IiDtvARD AND THE. FREEDMEN. W'hingtol.l Chronicle ; August 16.) The remarkable speech of Gen. Howard, the 1:(a.1 of the Freedmen's Bureau, at Augusta, Nah,e, on the 6th inst„printed at length in morning's Chronicle, will convey a rea 'Adds; plea of• the stupendous work entrust to that patient, laborioxis,and conscientious There is no subject, excepting that tit reorganization of the recent rebellious that so nearly_affeets the interests and 1% , „5i0m.. of the people as the condition of the of the SOUth. Their emancipation has devolved an original and a fearful obliges,- nen upon the Government ; and the realize - Eon anti organizing of the 'resulting duties 'will require the highest capacities. We think these capacities have been found in General li ward. Judging from his speech, he fully imbued with' the extent of his `work, and the universal solicitude in I , lard to his operations. It would be niuicult to exaggerate his burdens. He tads himself called to create a comprehensive `i!) stem on the basis of a law necessarily crude, ivtause framed to meet a complicated and I, rwel problem. How to start four millions of laram beings, born in and used to slavery, abused by it, kept by it in darkness and in " I •—how to start these millions, after their icgai liberation, in the walks and ways of :practical and perpetual freedom, is a far :"center and more difficult undertaking than the administration of laws to a people faCenS- Minkat to intelligent Obedience. It is in effect to establish a government. General Howard's /roubles ire three-fold; first, in the slaves, ho ape made independent of mastery; second, in the masters, who are made dependent upon Their former slaves ; and, lastly, in the vaSt C.:0111 7111111ities who expect the sla,teS to be at once elevated to certain social and politieal rights, and their late (kWII - to assist in ibis wide _ and TOVOhl tionary upheaval. He dare not stop to theorise. Even as lie teaches morals, he must .;!,' apple with the hard facts of daily life, and - iced time body before he fills the mind. The mere Question of labor would tax a corcge of, iMjjanthropists. General Howard must treat it at once, without long time for reflection i for his multitudes must eat, even if they will hot or• cannot toil. Ills first work is to get his Mighty human flocks at work. It is very in teresting to follow him in his several efforts lo this end, and it is more than pleasing to re alize how well he prOgreSeeB, Gen. Howard*, ac we conceive, rightly and even righteously Dihitpones other considerations. That which Innst primarily be done is, we repeat it 'a lii emphasis, to get the freed people to 'work, to see that this work sustains their :families, and that those who profit by their Industry pay them fair wages, We are finied with hope that he has wrung out of Lis reflections and his trials a successful lilan for the solution of other questions Connectdd with the general anlVeer. We . . ..„. • .. , ~,, 7 - - ). --- .. ,- :..„. --` 'Wt r - - \ -.. . ?"^ ' -'- • ' '''' '"" %%Ai l I t i t i i•.! - 4 ' ' .... fp ... - ''--- ' iiitt . : . * , ' ... ) .. . -0 - c (~,,,,, ~. . ~..._ •„---_-......,......u.,___ ~, , i ,, - „---: - II • --,--- - , ...... 7 .„... . ,., ............"_..,.,....„_„,,.„,... 00.0 ~.. _ ~. .5.,..„....,_„,,_.,„:„..,.....,„, ,:..::• ..,:_. ,,..,...,..i,_ . . ...... - ..1.7 4.-....- I , . ~ _ ........,..p........7.____.......:...,_ ......:,,- -----"-'-( _....,, _--..- ' ( i'' ' '.--- f . ; ) , ) , 111114111 - ,4 - \- ~......i.,_______,.•. ....,...,......„... ___......... ...... 1 ...._......:,.............._..„....„„ .., - ...,-- - ...7:-.!.. ..\.............____..."; ~ . _ ~,.. ........m=s,:mar•Alib - ..f"- -- ....„... -3r.... ""•-- .- • --....,„--._,At. . . . . - VOL. 9.-NO. 15. double our thanks that he hits accepted the great Mission in good part ; that ho has not tired of it; and that he is resolved tO.keiip on as he has begun. That he is where he is, is an assurance that the experiment Will be 'fairly and thoroughly tried. It only needs that, we believe, to crown it with sue- CM. ./n :such an event, General Howard will hsive earned a renown not surpassed by his illustrous namesake, the English philanthro pist. In fact, that which he has in charge will affect thousands where the great Englishman reached only individuals. The American is Working to elevate a race, and we look for ward to tbe day when some statesman iike Edmund .Burke may say of him, as that won derful orator said of John Howard, and with eguai justice and felicity: "His plan is origi, nal; and it is as full of genius as it is of origi nality. Already the benefit of his labors is felt, more or less, in every country; I hope he will anticipate his final reward by seeing all its effects luny realized in his own. He will receive; not by retail, but in gross, the reward of those who visit the prisoner ; and he has so forestalled and monopolized charity, that there will be, I trust, little room to merit by such acts hereafter.n WASHINGTON. APPOINTMENT OF AN ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE. The President Overrun with Visitors, Oyer a Nina of Ten Aetu - ally hit* Union Army at the End of the War. WHO HAVE BEEN PAID / AND WHEN THE REST WILL BE: PARDON OF EX-SENATOR FITZPATRICK. FURTHER POSTPONEMENT OF THE WHIZ' VDU,. WAlyanuor ow, August 16,1865. Appointment. HonArlo N. CONGAS., COMMISSIODET . of Erni. gration, has been appointed Acting Assistant Secretary of State during the illness of Floc-. DEDICI: W. SEWARD. visitors to the President. An unusually large number of visitors- were at the Executive Mansion to-day. Many of them were in waiting for more' than three' hours, when, at about one o'clock, the, door was thrown open and all of them were admit. ed to the room of the President at the same time. The throng lined the apartment and. crowded upon him in an inexcusable manner. The most of the business transaeted , was of a trivial character. Several prominent Southerners had. come to procure the Executive signature to • their pavers for pardon, but they will have to wait their turn. The Resyment of the Soldiers. All the soldiers now in the field, with' the single exception of those in the military department under General SIIICILIDAN, have within a few days been 'paid up 'to and including the 30th of June last, and even for General SHERIDAN% department over ten millions of dollars were sent nearly two weeks ago to the paymasters,with 'which to settle all demands against ie Government. So, too, in the West and lar, West, including California, have the requisite funds been for warded to pay the dues of the - soldiers. On the first day of May last there were more than one million of soldiers actually in the ser vice of the United States. Since then at least five hundred thousand have been mustered out and paid off, while two hundred thousand more are either on the way to or waiting mus ter out at the various State rendezvous. Only two regiments of this enormous army have failed to receive their pay with reasonable promptness—one of - these is a New York, and the other a Pennsylvania regiment—but the only 'reason of failure to receive their pay la found in the neglect of their ofneers - to 'pro perly complete their pay-rolls. , Presidential Appointinents. The President has made the following ap pointments ; NEWTON, GOTOTELOE and eX , Offieio Superintendent of Indian Affairs of Daeotab. Territory. EDWARD B. TAYLOR, a Superintendent of In dian Affairs. Major General CURTIS, Brigadier General H, H. SIBLEY, llHxar W. RBID, and OltaiN BEV have been appointed Commissioners to ne gotiate, under the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior, a treaty or treaties with the several tribes of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians. The President has also appointed Panacea J. Horovrrz, M. D., Chief Of Medicines and Sur gery of the United States Navy, and to be Visitor of the Government Hospital for the Insane. Hon. ROBERT VAN VALIEBRBITROEI, of New York, .bas been appointed Acting . Commis sioner of Indian Affairs during the absence of. Judge COOLEY With the Indian Commission. SAMUEL A. PANCOAST . bas been appointed Direct Tax Commissioner for the District of Georgia. Pardoned. Ex• Senator of the United States, BENJAMIN Frrzrivryaca, formerly of Alabama,has, among others, just been pardoned by the President. The Trial of Captain Wire Postponed.' The trial of Captain Wraz has again been postpozatd. There are several sets of charges and specifications, upon one of which the pro secution will decide at the proper time as that upon which it will base the trial. Receipts of Revenue. The receipts at the Internal Revenue Bureau to-clay were $1,400,000. FORTRESS MONROE. On a Snag—The 11th Pennsylvania Ca• valry—Restoration of a Co llege-Move• meats of Vessels—Sale of Horses. FonrnESS Mormon, August 15.—The steamer Thomas CoDyer ran into au old wreck .in the Janiaa River, near iliChMOnd, yesterday, doing Some damage. She left for Baltimore -last evening for repairs. liar pumps were autill cleat to keep her clear of water. The sale of Government horses and mules at Camp Hamilton came oft yesterday very sa• tisfactory. The one hundred mules sold at an average of VMS. Propeller Vineland arrived from •Philadel•. phia. Propeller Charles Osgood arrived from Phi, ladelphia. Propeller Penland arrived. from Ric.hmona. , . Steamer Columbia, Captain. Hathaway, arr. rived from Richmond, with the 11th Penusyli. vania Cavalry, en rouse home, via Baltimore. This highly, honored regiment, formerly. Com. mended by Col. Spear, is now. in command!of Col, F... Stratton, who has served with the ye siment Since its organization. 'Brigadier General Pennypaelter, who MS severely wounded at Fert Fisher, was. to-day 'removed from Chesapeake Hospital. to - • Nor folk. The Chesapeake 'Hospital buibling . was, be fore the war, a female College, and. is now being cleared oat to be turned over to-the ori ginal owners. Arrived, schooner Southerner, fi•om,Boston ; propeller Vineland, from Norfolk to Balti more ; steamer Bxeha-nge, from Baltimore. Also, steamer- Guide, from Savannah, bound to New York, with the 12th Connecticut Regi ment, bound home to be mustered out of ser vice. They are forty-eight hours, from Sayan -nab, and General H. W. Bilge is with them. NORTH CAROLINA. Nnivnimig, August 12.—Northern emigration to North Carolina has already set in. People are arriving by thousands from all quarters. The health of Newbern and the rest of the State was never better. GEORGIA. An Important Order of Gen. Steedman. New Yona, August 16.--The steamer Nevada, from Savannah on the 12th inst., has arrived. General Bteedrinta has issued an order pre. yitling that, in the absence of the civil courts, and in localities where no agent of the Freed men's Bureau is established, all questions of wages and debts between freedmen and the Whites will be decided by the provost mar shals. The contrasts between such parties will be adhered to, unless procured by-fraud. Provision is also made for compensation to freedmen driven away by former owners after an engagement has been made; also,where a freedman has beep maltreated and, leaves his employment. Vagrants and idlest are to be arrested and put to bard labor. Provost mar shals shall collect all money found dun to freedmen and pay it over to, thAtin. Offices have been opened in Savannab„ Augusta, and, other places, where ladies can; have the ant, nesty oath administered to them, The China aground in. Boston' Harbor. BOSTON, August 10.--The steamship China, front Liverpool , while limning up the - harbor in a thick fog this morning, ran ashore near Fort Independenceovitero she remains. She lies easy, and wilt Probably get eV at high water to-night wttliOut damage. Lighters are discharging hex cargo, and the mails were taken off by a, stetun-tug and reaehed the city at ten o'clock. They will be forwarded south at 2.30 151., The Veleta Clara Clarhe at Newport. NEWPORT, L, Aug. 16.—The yacht' Clara Clarita arrived. 'here last evening, and Win WitYP t9r tipw York after Poling, • TILE CABLE. No h'igns of the Greot.rastOrtfi ASPIT BAY ' Angus& 16-9 P. M.-Up tro‘ hour there tiiiVe beeti no signs of the Greta Eastern, now fully due with news of the eale• Southern Neg.:vett sent to Rhode Island)- ' New Your, August IE—A Darty Of thirty ne- - groes from the Scutt' passed through the city to-flay en route for Ith6de Island, where homes have been provided fel' them by the Freed men's Bureau. The Express says this is the second party of negroes thus sent to Rhode. Island at the Goveemaent expense. Sailing of the Asia. BosTon, Aug. le.—The steamer Asia sailed this forenoon with twenty-five'passengers for lialifax,aud eighty for Liverpool. She carries out no specie. THE RECONSTRUCTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Proclamation of Gov. Holden Ordering nit 'Steelton for Delegates to a State Conveiation Over date of August Bth, 1865, Goy, Holden .has ordered an election for delegatesv on the 21st day of September • to a State Convention to assemble in Raleigh the 2d day of Oetober, 1565. The following regulations are laid dOWn by the Governor: All paroled soldiers of the army and navy of the pretended Confederate States, or, of this State, and all paroled officers of the army and navy.of the pretended Confederate States, or of this State, under and including the rank of colonel if of the army, and under and inclia. ding the rank of lientnnant, if of the navy, will be allowed to vote, provided they are not in• eluded in any of the fourteen excluded classes' of the President's amnesty proclamation ;- and, provided further, that they are citizens of the Stale in accordance with the terms pre scribed in the preceding paragraph. No person will be allowed to vote who does not exhibit to the inspectors a copy of the . am nesty oath, as contained in the President's pro elamation of May 29, 1865, signed by himself and certified by at least, two justices of the peace. The sheriff of the respective counties shall furnish, as soon practicable, certificates of election to those persons who may have received the highest number of votes as members of the Convention; and the sheriffs shall also immediately send to the 02100 of the Secretary of State. Raleigh, a statement of the vote in their respective counties for the mem bers aforesaid, and also a statement of the said vote, sealed up, directed to the President of the Convention, Raleigh, .to be laid before the Convention, The members of the Convention thus chosen will assemble in the city Of Raleigh, on Hon day, the 2d day of October,lB6s. The attention of justices appointed to ad minister the amnesty oath is especially direct ed to thefourteen excluded classes of the Pre sident's amnesty proclamation of May 29th, Rat Under the first exception are included all persons who have been civil or diplomatic offi cers or agents of the pretended Confederate Government, either within or without the ter ritorial limits of the United States. Under the seventh exception are included all officers,. agents, or private citizens who have been lament from the United States for the purpose of aiding the rebellion. Under the thirteenth exception are included all who, during the rebellion, have held any oftlee or agency under the State or pretended Confederate Government,. or have in any way voluntarily joined in the rebellion, as, for ex ample, for entering or- marching. with armed forces hostile to the United-States; by sending Or I - Welshing money, or provisiOns, or arms to persons engar,ed. in the; rebelliOni save incatS. cases - where money,, or' provisions were furnished front the proraptings of charity or humanity; by acting with • assemblages . orpersons, whe ther organized or unorganized, hostile to the United. States ; or 'in any other way giving vo luntary aid, assistance- or encouragement to. the rebellion, and whose - taxeble Property on the Nth day of May tam, exceeded in. , value the sum-of twentytliousand dollars: The other exceptions arc so. plain as not to. 'require explanation; No certificate will be'grauted by the justices to any person who. is -included in-any of the excluded classes, unless• on exhibition-by the• party of his pardon -for his offence from. the President. The justices appointed to administer the• amnesty oath anti to furnish certificates-of the' Same, which shall be evidence of loyalty, are especially instructed - to be vi g ilant and . faith ful. While it will nothetheir duty to attemptito, pry into the hearts and consciences -of - men, they will, nevertheless, admonish -those who may apply to take the oaths that it mast be taken and subscribed to in good faith; with an , honest intention on their part to keep , it, with- • out secret purpose ormental reservation - upon , any occasion or at any time to commit any stet in violation of said oath ; and they will warn them that if the oath is not thus taken and. kept, the pardon offered them by the Presi dent will - be void, and - they will remain .sub- - ject to trial under the. law for perjury and treason. • The Mstices, clerks - and sheriffe;- whose duty it - is to provide- for • administering .the oath, and to conduct the elections; are en pima to n.e every , Irracti.wsio means to en-- able every citizen to take the oatli wno may' desire and be entitled to do so. And the -in spectors are enjoined to inspect and examine fairly and truly, to decide in every case in ac cordance - with the law, and with the instruc tions they have received from this Wilco, and to make prompt and 'correct returns. of the number of votes, and %for whom cast, at their respective precincts. Done at our city of Raleigh, the Bth day of , August, 18f5,-and in the• year of the•indepen, deuce of the United States, the eighty-ninth. WILLIAM W. HOLDEN, .. Provisional Governor.; General Kilpatflek'S Aildreaa to lilts Trooperu The following farewell address of General Kilpatrick to his troopers. has just been pub.. lished : HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY DMPARTMCNT:OP NORTH CAROLINA LEXINGTON, N. C. - July 2D, 145. GENERAL ORDERS,. NO:: 29 SOLDIERS OF TEE TRIED , C.A.VALD.V- DIVISION.; The order has at last reached us which will send you to your varioushomes, and eever for ever the military organization of which .we have been most. Justly proud.; and now, al, though know full Well that. this • order gladden your hearts and. the . hearts of many anxious, loving friends athome,, yet to 1318 , thei duty of writing a few farewell words to men who are endeared to me by the strongest ties, formed amid dangers, trials • and. hardships ' . weary . marches and brilliant victories shared alike m a sacred cause, is the .saddest of my life. From the time yOU first gave me, a stranger. from the' Army of the East, a - soldier)s.webr. come, up to this parting hour, I havewitnessed only that cheerful obedience to orders, patient endurance of hardships, and, glorious enthue: siasin on the field of battle, that ever charac terizes the true soldier, . and has for. you.; wrenched from a bravo and. determined foe, on 'every field of hattlS, the laurel crown of victory. I have not the words. that can express my, full appreciation of the, entire command, or sufficiently thank oMeo-rs and men for the en couragement and personal kindness I have ever received. _ T. can only say now, as .I have often said be fore, that when worn out and hungry.—igno rant of the object, you have marched and. fought through the day, and, without a mur.. tour, struggled all night through the. swamps . of the Carolinas, or on some doubtful field like • Lovejoy Station, Waynesborough, or lklonroe's .Cross-Road, when seemed lost,-yOu.rallied to the bugle's eall,rend by reckless bravery-- such as the world neve saw—rode down your foethen, as now, I eried, " God bless_the brave soldiers;" and my parting worda-to you now • are, "May God bless you." A grateful repub lic, with its great warm heart full of gratitude and love, may and will build towering monu ments to your fain eomrades,.and praise fee , ever in song and story your glorious. deeda; but it can nevo..v know how much it owes to you and your comrades, livinn,and dead.. But the proud thoughts of duty nobly done— that you helped to uphold the nenor of,our flag, and save and purkfythe ration—is all the reward you will need; and as the record, of your fame is pure and spotless, so let your actions in the. suture be. In ;civil life remain true to those, principles fen which you have' -risked so ranah, and by 'precept and example, strive to crush out every semblance of .discord and disloyaNy throughout the land; and per petuate forever vlriversulireedom and the•unity• of Slates. of command of Major Gen. J. Kilpatrick. LEWBLLI7N G. RATES, Brevet Colonel and NEW YORK' CITY.. czw YORE, Auguat JO, 1861 ARRIVAL OF THE 'ETNA. The .teamship Etns, from Liverpool on the 2d inst., arrived at this port this meriting. Her newr*Jaas been anticipated. MOVISMENTB. OF GENERAL., GRANT General Grant arrived in to-clay. He will to GalCzg, whereremain for Snale days. EVENING STOCK BOARD . . `At the Stock Board this evening New York Central closed at 90.7, 4 ; Eriq, Seq.; Hudson River,lo%; Reading, 102 ; Michigan Central, 705 micingan Southern, my, ; Chleage and Rai,lan - a, lOW; . rittsburg, 0e34; Ohio CeT tifleates, '24 ; Quicksilver, 584,The market closed steady. Markets by Telegraph. BALTnsOE], August 16.—Flour is quiet and heavy. Wheat steady for primp.; the lower grades arc heavy. Corn quiet, at 93@95c for white, mad 5309tc for yellow. Provisions steady. Oats active at 4$ 50c. Whisky dull and nominal. CINCINNATI, August 16.—The =our market is - unchanged: - Wheat firm. Whisky is in better demand ; sales of 350 bids at $2.19. Pro visions.dull ; 2,000 bids of country Mess Pork sold &L $29. Lard sells 0230.. CHICAGO, August 16.—F1OHD steady. Wheat is active at $1.25 1 /41:27 for No. I, closing at the inside figure ; $1.14 for. No. 2. Corn steady at 67 1 /a , 6e'c for No. 1, and 6634@e7 for No. 2. Oats (lull at 47c. Freights quiet at 5c on corn to Buffalo. Prc.visions very dull. Highwines ac. tive at 02.141)2415, . . 311 twausxs,. ( iS ~),Angu.St attiyo., Wheat steady at $1.24@1,25, Oats and Baxley (hill. Freights nominal at 60 on wheat to 80. falo. Sr Lotus, August 10.--The Cotton market iE dull, Flour nosed with a downward ten dency; Wes at $8.75g10.50 for double extra. Wheat atiA Corn are unchanged. oats-. Sales of Aew at 559c0e. Old Rye has declined 991 e, with sales at 77 , /,@780. Good Tobacco is firmer , at 80@18.2.5f0r shipping leaf, and *18965.50 foo.r. manufacturing leaf. A PALPABLE HIT BY GEN. GPANT.—Duting the siege of Vicksburg a knot of officers gathered aroUlld Gen. Grant, and for want of better employment arau9ed themselves in guessing the ages of prominent officers. Among the rest they dicanssed G. Ilicelernand, who was absent at the time, but whose conse quential airs were notorious, and whose dif ferences with Gen. Grs:nt were equally well known. One guesFx4 that he was about fifty .yeat'S Of age. ". Ob i no,” sale. Gen. Grant, F' such a man was never get up in My 1ie(273 hit was too palpable net to arouse thq:ootstercalsmerriteellt Of 41gitt'0444. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1865. NATIONAL TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION THEIR CONVENTION AT HARRISBURG s(nsion of the First Day and the Busi ness Done, HMOs& OF GOVERNORS CURTIN AND BRAuyorso (spedlii TVe P " Bs 'i 11Aantsinruct, Azgust 16, 1865. The ' liationial Teachers' Association com. menoea its axonal session in this city to-day, in the CiOtirthOOSe, on Market street, Repro sentativen from all the loyal States, and from Canada, together with a large number of spec tators, naany of them ladies, were in attend ance. Among the distinguished arrivals are Professor stoddard, of New York; Jas. truik sbank, LL. D., of Albany: • Professor Richards, of Washington ; David W. Camp, stato Super intendent of Connecticut, Rev. L. Coleman, of . the Board of Public Instruction of Wilming ton, Del.; Lowell Mason, of Massachusetts ; J. B. Dixon, of Toronto, Canada; Governorßrad ford, of Maryland; and Hon. T. Stevens, of Lancaster. At haif-pact nine thq„COnvention was called to order by Professor S. S. Green, of Rhode Island, the President of the Association. Prayer was offered by the Rey. Dr. De Witt, Of Harrisburg. The Chair announced that His Excellency, Governor Curtin, was in the eity, and would be invited to attend and address the Conven tion. A committee, consisting of Hon. Mr. Coburn, State Superintendent. of Schools in Pennsyl vania; and Professor Comp, Commissioner of rublie Instruction - in the Stete of Connecti cut, were appointed to wait upon Governor Curtin and invite him to visit the meeting of the Association. :- It was also announced that the Hon. Thad deus Stevens and his Bxcenency, Gov. A. W.. Bradford, of Maryland, were also in the City; and the Hon. Mr. Van Bakkelin, of Maryland, and Prof. Wickersham, of tbe Normal School of this State, were appointed a committee to wait upon the gentlemen, and extend an invi tation tebe present and take pert in the exer cise& During the absence of these committees the choirs of the different churches of the city united in entertaining the audience by sing ing a beautffni anthem appropriate to the oc casion. A communication was read from Wein For ney, Esq. r iuviting the members Of the associa tion to visit/ the State library, and offering the use of the - library rooms for committee pur poses. The credentials of Rev. Mr. Coleman, from the Board of Education of Wilmington, Dela ware, and Mr.. D. Dickson, of Toronto, Canada, were read. A communication from the State Librarian, informing the Association that that institutiow was at its serviee,and wishing the Association to make use oft' during its stay, and accepted. Gov. Curtin WM , then Introduced amid ap plause. Ile spoke as•follows SPEECH OR GOVRRNOII BRADFORD. • Governor A. W. Bradford, of Maryland, was announced, and rams received by the Associa tion standing. Wham the applause had some what subsided, he. spoke as follows : Governor Bradford• said that delay of ft few hours at the capital had afforded him the plea. sure of being present. As prefatory he re ferred to the suffering of the - State of Mary land during the four years of war. He referred with pride to the fact the last vestige, of the greatest sin that had ever disgraced her soil, or the soil CZ'any country, had been. ef fectually eradicated and. dissipated. [Loud applause.] The assaults of the rebel had been repulsed, and now it. was only necessary to learn how to govern... The. school-house was the most correct aid to government. Let poli ties be what they will, but to train the child Wag to train the State: 'Dimmest powerful pO - lever, or Alrchimedian standpoint, was the education of the masses. By this, the world might be moved. He would not put any. limitation upon the exerciseof the rightof , suffrage—[applauSe]— for education should be universal, and. no limitation would be needed. Now that the soldiers had returned , from.the field of death to the grain field, thethienwlio had saved the country, should not , their children be edn. sated?' These were the ones to mould the destiny of the nation 'end. it was for, the in structors of youth to instil. correct principles into their minds. [Applause.) then retired, amid re" ne - Wed-applange. - BPBECII OF 6O'MRN+3I3. mnrrar. LAMES AND GWITLESSEN : When it was an nounced tome that the honor. of welcoming. this body to Harrisburg, was devolved upon ameby those who had the task in charge, I ac- - eepted the offer with Feat pleasure, as I had twee - ire to say sometlinig, on an, oeeasion of so much interest. But the event which called me .froni.% Harrisburg recently, neither gave me ,time.nor qualified me for such, duties, and I know. too well what is due to the intelligent presence in which I stand tthattempt to speak without ample preparatiom And yet I cannot let the occasion pass Without expressing to.. you some word of thanks for your presence at this hOurinthisgreatpommonwealthof Penn sylvania,. and to the capital of which I wele , : comeyou. I ban large sympathy with all the objects of this meeting, with all its workings, and feel an:interest m every subject which can be discussed during your session. Just at this time there WOURI seem to be great propriety. in your.asseudding here. It looks aunneious for the teachers that in this month of August a. peaceful assemblage of the instructors of the youth of the United States should assem ble in the capital a State which has been. .s.ubject• to - invasion, rapine, and plunder for every succeeding August for the past three • years.. I congratulate you, ladies and gentle-. that you have selected this great centre 'State of the Republic as the place to hold your. :Convention. It would not be improper to remind even this body that long ago the free principles of New. England, and-the love of lillerty in the South, and middle of this great Republic, were CAr. ried to Pennsylvania and infused into , the Declaration of Independence in /M.[AP plause.J And• when the long struggle of,the Revolution was over, and it Deanne necessary tomake a more perfect form of Government, with more power and nationality in all its•de-, partments, the freedom of all d' the land gained: by the • blood of the Revolution was carried! again to Pennsylvania, and ourrnatehless Con , stint - lion was formed in the City Of Philadel. • phia, [;Applause.] And now, when we..have 3ust closed a struggle of four years , duration,. so fierce and bloody that the world stood aghast at its magnitude, while all the lovers. of free government are lost in admiration,a.t the grand results [applause] ; and now, those who instruct the public mind come once more to Pennsylvania and here discuss those great questions which may lead to our enlighten. ment and to the spread of American .oiviliea tion. [Applause.] Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me ask the question, Where would we have been, had it not been for the general intelligence of the , great peoplet It is in vain to talk s of Presi ' dents and Cabinets, or Councils in Congress. i It is n vain to speak of vast armies.. We owe our present condition, our strong, Govern ment, our free principles, and our enlightened civilization to the general intelligence , of the people, and the almost universal education of the common mind in this country,; for it must be role mbered that those who never desired to occupy official positions—therwilOwest into the army, and fought withoutaver desiring the epaulet, but who carried the. musketbreve ,ly and well, understood the magnitude-of the • contest, and the value of its results. It now rests with you to spread this great boon, and • to roll the wave of civilization and;universal education to the Pacifica Mark; every step of the way by the SChOM-house andthe church, for when the historian comes .to.writo the his. tory of the war which has just closed, he will not go to the archives of the nation, for his ma terials, but he will find them in, the home letters of othe private soldier,. Applause.] I welcome von to Penpaylvanii! 4 not only be cause of the hi stor i c faci g ,, : to which 1 call your attention, but I weleomayou bemuse here are a people who have been , ,feithfulite the Govtirn. ment m its darkest hours. (Applause.[ I am obliged to you for coming to. this State of Pennsylvania. lam pxoud of my office that I am thus enabled to - welcome you, and I trust that your sessions WilMue prolitable and pro ductive of good. • His Excellency rogred an»d a round of ap plause. The President returned thanks, on behalf of. the Association, fur the eloquent addresses Which had been delivered. Professor JairtesSl. Clark then sang the song entitled t , The el:Li:Wren of the flattle-lield," - An arrangemen,twas then effected by Nek the members of ,the Association would =take an excursion to,tbe baitledield of GettySburg. The annua4 rcport was read by the rresi dent, Professor, Green. It commences with a review of tle,wilitary operations of th,e early part of the. year, and speaks of the glad re joicings over, the victories of the Union ar mies. The, assasaniation of Lincoln was: alluded to in .feeling terms. The intelligence, of the 'men e.oinziosing the rank and file of the,armles of the, United States was ail verted,to at some lengthcand it was remeffl. bered,willi pride that the young men cheer fully aegorded obedience to their superiors in ran'it, although, in many eases, inferior in in telligence. The contrast between the condi tion of leaac. - ing and institutions of learning s4t the North and South was also alluded to. Nat one had been, suspended at the North, , while nearly all at the South had been, closed 1 for wall( Of patronage. It was neeinEary Qat the masses of tkAo people should be educated, and it was. Wed that martial law would premcil in every Southern State until Northern, men or. any other men might discuss edueationad, politi cal, gocial, moral, or religious topicsin any 'art (AAR south, as freely as in Putman Hall. Pilen frIIIIF the South. bad been ilerinltted to come to the Nosth and ventilate tb,eir opinion keeiy, and it was right that Northern men should so spAalc at the South. As one of the results of education, and the necessity of theoretical as well as practical knowledge was instanced by the fact that the generals who have made the most lasting ropu. tationt during the war are graduates of West Point, the national military school. At the beginning of. the war, when civilian generals from the academy started on an equal footing, as far as actual knowledge of war was con cerned, the civilian generals 4reerned to sue . coed the beet, but tio Mambo : edueetleb, ci West P.oint at last prevailed, and they allowed their superiority at last. The, last 'inaugural of Mr. Lincoln was al luded to . as Abe production of a man, who could be a statesman and a Christian at the same time, withoutblendingchureh and State. Governor Curtin and Governor Bradford• were, on motion, elected honorarymembers of the Association, by acclamation. A' number of committees were then an nounced, after which a song was sung in mug nifiCent style. Major General John W. Geary was called upon, and took a seat on the platform. Ile Was also invited to accompany the Association on its excursion to Gettysburg. Governors Curtin and Bradford were likewise invited. The session closed with an anthem by the Church Choir. Adjourned till afternoon, AFTICENOON SESSION. At two o'clock the Convention again met,. several new members were elected, and then an essay on the "Mechanieality of School Teaching " was read by_ far. W. J. Burritiger. lie said - that abuses had crept into our modern schools which demanded prompt and decisive rentedies.. Among them was what was called, . very properly, the ," cramming system," but. the existence of such a system was often as much the fault of the parents as of the teach era - AdVancement--and that rapid—waS the ; desire of , too many of the former. They did not wait for, the true, slow amowth which brings .both strength and solidity; they de sired' such fearing as weakens the mind, by forcing if inttrunnatural action—by making it waikrbefore it was scarcely able to creep. The tetteher , who nettle the darling shine best was the best teacher- , one the most liked, the most trusted, the most courted. But the true teacher was the teacher of common sense—he who attached value to ideas, not words. Our schoelswanted practicality. it was too often omitted; bat never without detriment to the cause of educatiun tothe Children, the duty of whOSe teachers it is- to prepare them to be good meinbers of , sosletir Fu duality and thoroughness were ago iieeeserties on the good teachers; but; everything depended do energy and enthusiasm: When such feelings enter into the noble - Work—when it is assumed not so much as a duty as - tr pleasure—when it is reflected that minas are to be trained for eartb, for uselidness for here and for a good hereafter—then' there 'is oar and letting Suc cess. The following , letter frenitlii. Wayland, an.: thor of works orr Moral Seieffee' and I%IIMM. Economy, and late PresidentorffroWn Univer. city, was read before the ASsocitition LaTTER ?told - Dit; wkriAtim. Paternoneii, Angtat ed,. Pece - easer S. S. GreefeA MY DEAR SIR: I thank you for the invitation to attend the meeting7ofthe National Teach ers' Association, to be hold on the 16th in stant, at Harrisburg: I regret that it will not be in my power to attend 2! It would give Ape great •pleasure to be with you, and to listen to the diseuesion Of the sub jects whieh, at the pedgent InOntent, rraay claim the most earnest attention Of' every lover of his country. Tone object" is noble one—it is to improve the edunationbf . this na tion and of the world; to liken to accounts of the success or failure of theirnides of edu cation adopted among us ; •to hear - the sugges tions of the wise and energy from - the emareple of the illustrious: We have a pro fession second to none in the talent' which it requires or the importance - of 'the results which it aims to accomplish. On' our labors depend the type of eharacter which in a few years will either honor or disgrace our country. On us it depends whether edlication shall be a mere routine, a syetens Of solemn shams, or the - cultivation of earnest thought. and the love of truth, and of honestobedience, in practice of its invaluable receipts. I look upon your labor, at this time, as enecially im portant. Ideas are at present filling this country which seem to me in danger of sap ping the foundations on which rest our claims o the respect of the community. It 'is by many supposed that, to promote highereduca• tion, nothing is necessary but to render edu cation cheep; or, iv fact, to render it gratuitous. Hence, it is believed that the way to establish a college is not 0 - lender education good, but to give it away. This fact alone is a confession that this educatiotris not in itself desirable, for what men want they are wining to pay for. The tendency of these doss seem to me to render teachers careless; to get money, and not to put forth their power to• teach well. In no other country is education so unrestricted. In none are the rowel/la-of' thorough education so magnificent, and no where else are men so anxious to Obtain it. Let it, then, be our aim to do for the cording generation what has never been done before. Let our efforts tell on the men who are so soon to control the destinies of this nation. If we are to have factious rulers, and ignorant' and rebellious citizens, let us so educate the-men. that it cannot be laid to our charge. I must add a word upon the present condi tion of the United States, The rebellion has tested the value of education. It has been a. war of education and patriotism against igno-• ranee and barbarism. Now, when the nation has settled down into quiet and peace, the de inand for education will be great beyond 'pre- eedent. Tet us meet that demand as men, andt ae- Tistiltote. Let us cast abundantly Over theTslang; the seed of education. Let it not be merely a books without character, whether cruet our pupils understand the words they utter, but let us teach them to think to judge, and to originate. Let us ground them into the principle, and accustom them - to the practice Of rig ht, and that will bring on our country 'a Moaaing which no finite Mind can corectiy estimate. Excuse the length of this note. I sat down only to reply to your kind invitation, and ,he fore T was aware I am writing a discussion. Witirthe best wishes for the success of , your meeting, I am my dear sir, frOlWAYLlisr§ F. WAYLAND.' ' A letter from Rev. Thomas Hill, Prevail/eat .of Harvard College, after stating similar re ' E r u e irfn ergalicrtnatdelleeGnovaewrnafir of umt,o.C..or us.. He also eulogized the Union League of. Philadelphia for the services they had rem— , doped dUring the war for the cause of .Justice :and right principle. General Doubleday wrote of the advantages. and value of a thorough national education in. endearimelpr institutions, etc., to the people ; :in rendering them intelligent enough to ap preciate their national blessings ; and firm. enough to preserve them. _Professor R. Edwards, of Illinois w read a lengthy and interesting , on .Normal ' Schools, their value and didtallgUldhillg4larae terieties. He held that they should be fos tered and supported in every... State. The paper caused a great deal of discussion, Professor John S. Hart, formerly Principal of Ills Central High School of Philacleiphich.from. : the Committee on National Edueation.., made. a report recommending that a memorsal be ad dressed to the President and. Congress- for schools for all classes in which.they do. not - now exist. The organization of 'a. Bureau-of Education to take charge of all pertinent sub jects, was also recommended. A discussion ensued - upon those recommen dations. They were ojected t 9, mostly on the gronnd that it was impolitic. Just now to ask the National Government for- aid, , Many. ad. dresses were made, but afterwards the SUOjeet was postponed, and the Convention adjourned until evening. THE EVENING spssfeig:, was taken up with addresses. i'rofessor Hark ness, of Brown University, readA lecture on the method Of teaching classes, giving' 4 a few leaves from Ms expel' encefOr..the bealeflt Of his:professional hearers. PrOfessor Butler, of the. State ATniversity, discoursed on the importance of_keepiag corn mon--place books as means (4 storing informa tion for future reference. itis photogsaphs of every-day incidents in the , teachers - life were very humorous, and constaittly • provoked. laughter. The session was a moat plcascuit , one. Ad• journed till to-morrow. A DARING FamALE ADVENTIIREE—MERAOIar , tons Esaarn.—Says the Altoona Tribune From the engineer of theentigant,train (upon. which. he assures us the harp eof the advemi. tine returned to her lionm on aimclay after!. , noon last) we learn that a young girl named., Diary Lee, a resident nt Hinitingdon, became , infatuated with the tint.„and: tinsel of show. life, as displayed in' th e e, f‘ ground and lofty. tumbling of a circus trealpe, which exhibitedi at Huntingdon a 'few :days' since, and deter mined "for to go to see the moulrey show! , all the time; or, in other words, become:part and parcel 01 the a,foreSaid equestrian estab lishment. Aceordklgly she adorned herself in her "best bib Stalltiekerand in the‘mwee sma' hours ayant "the. twal," when 'La:smel ling shows usually,talte .their departure for other scenes, 'she'tqnk_up„)ter line of march ill comnanywit tigers,. bears and; "sich „ formeo.-the managerial portzion of the eshibitien,tOsay'nothing of the,hentomore dangerous associates. in the shape of human „bipeds, and when clitylighb dawned she was to the parental roof ;Unknown. As a matter of I course, the parents of. the girl were Justly in dignant at her wayward conduct,, and mea burea Wei& imMerluttely taken to. turn her: tinna Ir9lll m'A - Xlie....4aim: 'oaths in which they , fain would:tread: - was despatehen% to, liewistown„ where -- Liya ' show ” was to. to intercept the fool ish girl, aria brMg, her back, but she., getting Win4rt. of the movement, dia.. ;..lerrained - to, pima a greater cliatuAr 3 • between beyqpi.f.a4a , duty, and forthatpurium e became a passenger .in one of, the eastwar i. bound pasSengertuains, doubtless intending' to take refuge in imotber locality and wait nu in the circus eanninp. But the party in purr Was onher trams, and got upon the same train in which. she was a passenger,Just as it was a palling Atefore he inure his presence known, lloweser, the girl eg.p.ied him,- bled her fertile. brain, immediately conceived. bis Oh. ject,L and 'as.ahe had evidently made um her nahid Ito "puce show' , or die in theattempt, she.. made; ne.r. way without delay to the platform, of the. ear, the train moving at the time at the rate s of,abont thirty 'miles an hour and hest tating neck, leaped from the car before tor intentions were conjectured by these whp, wilsaessed her movements. The train was traought to a halt as soon as pos. Isible, and parties went back, expecting,. of, :conragt,. to find her either terribly , injureditm, a :mutilated corpse. What was their joyful,. 'prisEhhowever, to disoover that she was not I only neither one liar the other, but that; she .bad:spnarently escaped with but slight ' , if any, itkinries—tuns manifesting beyond a dioubt ant if the show business wasn't fit foreher, she was at least fitted for the show busiceea. Her Miraculous escape can only . be attribiitable to the expanson of her ennolinp an article whic,b has not unfrequemgY .played • aproalineutpart in preserving „human life, She was brought back to her honeurt sundeY; last, as above narrated, and it hopral that her brief experience in " aceohatie " feats, will be suiPelent to serve her the, balance of her lifetime. AN APPALLING ACCIDENT fit CIIICAGO , NeIinh PLR DaAra OP A ToArNGGraL.--rA frightful.accia dent occurred on Saturday afternoon. through, the careless use of kerosene oil, whigh. result ed in the death of a young girl—a death tho most agonizing that the human imagination could conceive—Kate Monahan, a, young girl Omit fifteen years of age *hose parents re side in Hubbard street, but wbOriltis been living for some time with a family in Minnie street. About four. o'clock on Saturday afternoon she was left alone in the house, and proceeded to build a. lire in the stove. In order to facilitate the operation •of setting fire to the wood, she had re course to the can, which contained a quantity of keroseac. No.sooner had she begun to poirc the oil upon the flames than oamliustil:4 material ignited, and the can exploded • i throw. ing the blazing oil over her person. Thq girl ran shrieking to the head of the stairs. Her agonizing cries soon brought a numbia of peat ple to the spot, but by this time her garments worn compieteiy burnt from tier body. In a PlkfiltUlAi thegeoplD iTUD VOA the 149114 g arrived, and after atario trouble the flames were finally extingitlshoti o and the girl Was conveyed to a bed in the roam. It was a sickening, sight to look upon. The flesh was completely titirliett from her body, from head to foot. With the erxception of her hair, which, singular to say,. Was scarcely even singcd,there was-not a spot on her whole body which was not mutilated In the most horrible manner. A physician who had been sent for arrived, and applied sornelsoothingrointments, and did everything inhis power to alleviate her Alf. ferings. In the evening she was removed to the residence of her parents, in Hubbard street where death terminated her agonies about lialf-paet pine &dock. Coroner Wagner will hold an inquest on the body this forenoon. —Chicago Times of Monday. ' about onfigthhet,_tcl4loevreemwma. n o a tntaTohsut horsest:tay:a o y t ne u ra l g i ns t t st AN EXCITING STAMPEDE uprising in the lot near Bacon's Quarter Branch, for merly used by the late Confederate Govern ment for the same purpose—numbering about eight hundred. They commenced a sudden stampede, which awoke their negro attend ants, who endeavored in vain to arrest them. The guard, too, fired in the air, with the hone that it would stop tlibm, but not so. However, as they, moved on, regardless of all efforts to stop them, fifty were precipitated headlong into the deep ravine running from Baker street to "the Branch" before the remainder could be checked. All of these were killed or hopelessly wounded by the fall and up to Saturday persons were engaged in moving their dead ,bedies ontside the city limits. The negroes who witnessed the stampede say that the horses drew up the line of battle, and moved Wet furions rate, as if in a charge. While we believe that such was not actually the case, yet an'ofllcer who heard them relate the eircumatance in their highly-oolored- Strains, stated' that, having received, in 1863, wound in battle, which temporarily-disabled him, be was placed in charge of QUO thonsand Cavalry horses,and that Suddenly one night they stampeded under circumstances similar to those already described, and that it seemed to him that they did actually form a line, as if preparing for staValrY charge. A Confede srtaatme wp-saageono-nif three' aSter` iaanais aISO gav d ttra eanac a z w ou h ri a t h h ofa e witnessed during the 'war, a number of which were killed in theirheadlong fright. He said that nothing unusual' 'occurred calculated to frighten them on the, night Watch the stam pede occurred, but that. all as if by common agreement, ran off pell-mell, as if the devil and all of his imps were After them. An old negro, more superstitio44 'tlmn his comrades who attended the horses alluded' tO, ascribes the Bacon's Quarter Branch - stampede to the sudden appearance of " speerits," Mier sight of which was too much even for horseflesh.— Biehmond itelmbiicen,l4lh. DNB IN I.TTAn.—Mr. Bowls in his; last letter from Salt Lake City to the Springfield Republi can, predicts that that place-Wel yet become a famous watering place. Ile also says : There are not many inhabitants absolutely poor ; and the general scale of living is gene rous. In the early years of the territory,.tbero was terrible suffering for the - want of food ; many were reduced to the roots it the field for Sustenance 3 but now there apPeare' TO be an abundance of the substantial necesearies•of life, and as most of the population are culti vators of the soil, all, or nearly all have I plenty of food. And certainly, have never seen more generously 'laden tables than have been spread before - at • our hotel or at private houses. A dinner to our party this evening by a leading Mormon-mer chant, at which President Young and the lead ing members of his council were present r had as rich a variety of fish, meats; vegetables, pastry, and fruit, as I ever saw on any private table in the East ; and the quality and the' cooking and the serving were unimpeachable. All the food too, was native in Utah. The' wives of Ourhost waited On us most amicably, and the entertainment was, in every way, the best illustration of the practical benefits of plurality that has yet been presented to us: Later in the evening, we were introduced4o- another, and, perhaps, the most wonderful il lustration of the reach of social and artifice' life in this far off city of the Rocky Mountains. This was the theatre in which a special per forMaiice was improvised. In honor or Speaker Colfax. The building is itself a rare triumphs of art and enterprise. No Eastern city , of one hundred thousand inhabitants—remember Salt Lake City has less than twenty thousand—pos sesses so fine a theatrical structure. It ranks alike, in capacity and elegance of structure and finish, those of the opera houses and academies , of music of Boston t liew York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Cincinnati. In costumes and scenery, .it is furnished with equal richness and variety; and the performances them= selves, though by amateurs, by merchants; and mechanics by wives and daughters -of eitigens, would have done creditto a first-class professional company. There was first a fine • and elaborate drama, and then a spectacle farce in both of which. were introduced some -exquisite dancing, and in one some good sing ' ing also. I have rarely seen a theatrical en= . tertainment more pleasing and satisfactory kt' all its details and appointments. Yet the two principal male Characters were bya day labor-. er and a carpenter j one of the leading lady. ,parts was by a married daughter Of Brigham 'Young, herself the mother of several children; and several other of his daughters took part in ' the ballet, which was most enchantingly ren • dered, and with great scenic effect. The house • was full ix-all parts, and the audience em braced all elasses of society, from the wives and daughters of President Young—a goodly array —and the families of the rich merehants,tothe , families of the mechanics and farmers of tile city and valley, and the soldiers from the camp. President Young built and owns the theatre, and runs its on his private account, or on that of the church, as he does many other • of the - valuable and profitable institutions of the territory, such a$ cotton, saw arid -lour mills, the best farms, de,; and as he is Shale expense for actors or actresses, and gorse good price for admission, he undoubtedly makes a " good' thing" out of it. During the winter season performances are given, twice a week, and the theatte proves amost useful and popu lar genial attraCtionand entertuinmentfonthe whole people. Its creation wa,s a wise aid be neficent thought. 11 MAN IN LOWELL STUNG BIZ A Sumczr-The Lowell Courier, of Saturday, -publishes an ac count of the terrible sufferings of a young, man, named James McNulty; , Who was stung by a-small striped snake WI th which he was meddling, on Friday last, !The oOuriersays : " During the evening McNiff lty went into a loon and put the snake on tl le counter, where, when it was first 'seen, it was taken tobe a fancy pipe -stem or comet tang of the.: kind. When it was discovered to be alive, some one pnopesed to pull its tongue eut,i, which was anthe while somewiet tactive and threat ening.. Nanny was aeavoring to hold its head close down ' to the Counter, perhaps to aid in cateld: ng the tongue, when the reptile darted it out, t'ind struck him near the ball of the thumb. A ; little black speck or point was left in the ski* n, which was. at once removed with the point of a knife. McNulty went to-Dr. Burnham and told him the circum stances, and the doctor a i.pplied some sort of a remedy efficient for pot :eonous stings, and he went home. Later in th' a evening he wont into convulsions, and Drs. IC:idder, Diekey, and also Dr. gimbalrwere mild; lie was in such a frer'izied state that t re quired four or five 'persons to hold him writhing and twisting about, and emitting the peculiar hiss of a anal re. On his hand, where he said:be was stung,' there was nomarx more than would be left by. a mosquito bite. Tut fel low's agony, however, seemed - Who intense, and some of the app; earances were. like those in cases of hydroph' obia, but in his-lucid and calm moments he T. "as perfectly, rational, and would converse ani' t drink water freely. Mor phine was admints tered, and toward night he fell into a quiet ieep, the morphine having overcome his nervous agitation, The case is a peculiar one. Tb: e physicians present are in doubt as to the IX qatter, not knowing whether the - man was ret Ally 'poisoned, by the sting of the snake, or wilt +ether the fact thathehadbeen stung, operating:, on his mind, lind.the effect to throw him into . convulsions, At .a quarter past eleven oleleek he was sleeping quietly under the effects of tile"Morphine,liohad taken, The snake was put into a bottle of, spirits and will be preserved. It appears to us to be the ordi nary kind of . striped:snake always regarded as harmless,,th , otigh. webelieve some take it to be an adder.. F felinity is a young man And was a member et the lath Reg ent ! . l • l • tiiTTACR. AT FORT Broa.—Thoateamor Deer Logs ge, which left Fort Union on the 29th ult., arm fed in port 'yesterday. air. Bedford, second el erk of the boat, gives us the informs. 'Um that , the troops at Fort Woe were attacked by lb .adians on the 28th of July, and had one mam , Jed all'a three wounded; the number of s killed not IrrioNft. Fort Rice is in Da , estah 'Territoryi and is securely garrisoned by sellern a companies ot,the 7th lowa Cavairyand a Waif .pan y of Dacotah cavalry, all under em ulsion of Col. John Patted. ?little paper called the _Frontier Scout is pub- Bar ed on a foolscap sheet by the oftleers of the gair riSon. The numbe) pefore us contains no ng of moment bnyclyul a sketch of Wm. Ale ,rriman,.hospital steward of the imst, :who dt 'M ed there in arch I%OM .—. Louis Bcputgioan, V SUICIDE o A POVZGAMIST TEN WOKEN WIDOWED.—DEBuquk, lowa, August 14.—The Cedar Falls Gazette giteisEtA account of the ar conviction of _a life in. surance agent, Wiseonsin on a charge of bigamy. It tires as certained-that the champ had married no less than ten different. wives, all of whom are Five Of these marriages occurred in the Eati,t and the rest n various parts of the West. His laBo , ici , ityi was a respgetable lady in Cedar Falls whom he married clandes opposition. to the wishes of her pa rents, last April: _tie has lately been courting another lady:in, that vicinity, whom he in tended to marry shortly. On Friday morning Case banged:. himself in his cell at the Jail in Cedar Fade, I , l,e.did a good thing by so doing. ---Chieugb _ How Rum, tinsornms Liya—Larraii. PROM UnxurrAl: 210-la.—The Newark Daily, Adver tiser sft3teii • A lad , in Boston sends to her hus band in this city the following : "What a dif ferenee *the treatment of the rebel prisoners at Fort Warr.ol and ours at Richmond! I en eloseyonan autograph letter of Major General Ewell to.the post Sutler at Fort Warren, by which,you canape that, instead olbeingmelan eholy with severe treatment, he absolutely was indulging his curiosity with:regard to the flood hi, our New England climate—lust as we shouldbe hunting I rats for•dinner in China, say a rat one day anda moose the next? , the letter referred to in the alroVe is as fol lows : ‘ 6 Salm 2, 1865. "Mr. Halt, Post Sutler & "Dams Sin : I want to.try. some New Eng land fish, I would be glaiito begin with, if you mall:let me have. a couple of fresh mackerel, and day after a fresh cod, or the cod first and IrLaakerel nest, as most convenient—only not tiiiihave both on one day. " Respectfully,. R. S. EIVELL.,, AN UNPLBABAIIT COMPAN/01C—The ‘Tournai dp Rouen states that the passengers in one of the carriages of a train wistieh left Lisieux for Caen two evenings since, made the iiiirdOiegant discovery, aildost immediately after their de parture, that, one of their fellow-travellers was a madman., and inclined to be violent. They managed,,however, to keep him from inputs lug eitherhimself or others until theyreached blezidon,:when the poor man was given in charge. to the gendarme/Zs and placed in a chamber, where he intssi , the night quietly, Thenext morning the Mayor of MezidOn made, the- necessary arrangements tor having him conveyed to an asylum. Before the carriage arrived, however, the lunatic broke a water decanter, which be found in his room, and thrust one of the fragments into his neck so far as to sever the carotid artery, and caused his almost instant death. T 1443 deceased was identified as a man named Id - assert, holding a subordinate employment in the navy offices at Cherbourg.—Galignani. —Four knocks at the door Is the arietrocratiC pnnguucenitnt Of ArriVA in ;41314Q41 THREE CENTS. walirlf**oll THE SOllliiia RICHMOND. The average price of Government aribriabl sold in Richmondup to this time having:been found to be considerably less than theit.ob tallied for animals of similar enality in the Northern cities, the- Quartermaster General has, ordered the discontinuance of sales in that My. Contractors from Cayuga, Now York, have been in this city for several days past, engag ing negroes to go to that plkee for the purpose of fellin timber. The agents design employ ing two hundred in this city, over one half of wb Mucha? they have already succeeded in engaging, These negroes reeehre one dollar per day and hoard. The contractors pay their way; to Cayuga, but dedubt the amount from their ~gages.—Republic, 141441- A hen,.belong;ing to Walter Snead, ( colored,) who reside:3'On'Jefferson street r laid an egg about a week ago on the large end' of which there is a perfeedy formed ouartelcinoOnt .sur• rounded by a:birdie, On one side - there xd A striking representation of a sun, with numo. roes g 6 radiating'reys.t 7 A few days -- after lay ing the egg above described, the hen died.— Republic, 141 h. Just after the' eerniralWeettlent of the strug gle between the - N - 0014nel the Soutlx,.the or ginal will of George Washington, along with other valuable records aN Viorfax Courtlielise, were removed to - this, pity for safety,. where they remained till' yester'dan when they Were sent back to FairfseCcittrtlitrase.—Drid. Yesterday flour omninanded the following prices in our market: - ramity, 0112-50 to $l3; superfine, $lO to $10.50; extra,•4ll to *—on Richmond inspectio-X' ,Brandis , of Baltimore and New York inspectbill wet held at lower ilgures.—Republic, 15/14' Yesterday at noon the 'Steamer Columbia weighed anchor at Becketts and carried off' the 11th renas-yvania Regiment,. seven hun dred strong. After ref - telling Baltimore they will - proceed by railway' to rhiladelphia, where they will be mustered or* of service. On leaving the wharf they gate'&Marty cheer, and no doubt took a health" to tlietioraeward Both of the city markets wet% Well/ supplied yeiterday with all kinds of ruMitsi'Vegotables, fish and traits that are in sensed Meats.—The' supply of good-beef yttsterday morning was not , equal to the - deanandl Best quality roast was held at 25 cants pernound; porter-htruser steaks, 30 cents ; sirloin' steaks, 25 to 30 cents ;- all other cuts, 16 to 20; saltEbeef, 16 to 20. Sheep--alutton, 16 to'26 cents per pound, aceardifig to quality; clittarders‘ and lags, from Sl lie ItZ• mutton chOpth prime; 25 cents per pound. iamb--Same priee Shoulders, breasts, and backs, 16 , to'2s 'cents; cutlets, 20 to 25 per pound. Pork—Strtmly light and quality inferior.. Pork steaks; 00 to 25 per pound ; roasting- pork, 25 to 30 ; salt - pork; 251. Lard—Scarce, an primes ranging from 22 to 'l4' according to quality. Sausage slight ; good article brings from 25 tattit , Butter.—A good article of fresh country brit , ter, 50 cents; second'quality,.4o to 45 ; Northern' butter, 30 to 35; cooking butter, 25 to 30. Eggs —The supply was very good yesterday morn• ing, and prices slightly lower; selling at 30 to 40 cents per dozen, Fish.—The market' waaabundantly supplied yesterday morainor,- the' spotts, crows*, aryl sheephead being dlaplayed on the benches hr. great profusion. We - notice that very few hog fish are brought to this-market—the few that do find their way here ara bought up by the proprietors of restatmantel.who retail they:WV) their customers at esorliatant prices. Tho following were the ruling Drifts yesterday: White perch, large Sitie;• 25 cents to 21 per bunch, according to Me' and quality; small bunches were readily purchased by boom keepers at 25 cents pm - via:natl. Rock—supply limited—sold at 12 tolsCents-per pound; sheep head, 75 cents to al ; mackerel, 20 to 25 cents for small bunches; '.tttylbrs, 25 cents per Dumb crabs, hard,3oeentkoodOzert ;soft, very few in market; salt vtackere/, three for 25 cents—kits of No. /8 SOWELL $2.150. Vegetables.—The marketi aslitmal at this sea son, was well supplied yesterday, and sales- brisk at the following prides: Roasting.ear corn abundant at 15 to 20 °Ciotti-per dozen; cab bage, from 10 to 25 cents per head, according to. - size; Onions, white, 37 cents' per peck; red, ditto; beets, to 10 cents pertnnch ; butter- beans, 00 to 25 cents per Quart 1 Melltabers and. cymlings, scarce; tonlatoesithe , market well stocked, but the quality not very good; large. lots were purchased yestsrday by housekeep ers for preserving. Pruita.—The supply of flint yeetexday was far in excess of the demand; and . sellers were E Imploring buyers to give them a call. Soft ), and hard peat es Of good quality Wore sold at 1 5 and 10 cents per quart—the , best % , tiality sold at $2 to $2.25 per bushel; apples,. Site $1.50 per bushel; pears, 10 cents per quart ;I - tamsons, 25 to 50 cents per peck ; watermelons ranged from 10 to CO cents aprece—tbe most elegant melon being obtained at the letter price,--/Irid. The wheat crop in the Tailey le said to be B ond, but in every other portion of the State it is a complete failure. Tlio grain is defec tive from the effects of rust and 'exposure to the constant rains of the past ten months; and, in addition, the quantity^obehdat, cockle, and onion is unnenallY large.- Notwithstand ing its inferior quality, it is 'bringing 'good pprices in this city .the meat inferioreommand. Ing VA to $2, ant the better,qualitiee from $2.20 to *2.35 per bushel. The money value o f this crop in the State, excepting. the Shenain doah Valley, of which section we -know nt)- thing, except upon unreliable 'reports, INT a not be more than. one-twentieth •of that of 1860,—Pid. - • , Judge Wintam Lyons, Of the, ;Virginia Cott rt. of ConeillatiOn, resigned on theaith; There is a controverey . between the States Of Virginia and West Virginia, in relation to tl ie counties of Berkeley and Jefferson, both Stat es claiming them. They were coded to West V: kr gird& by the Virginia LegiSleture of 1863, al iS received by the Legislature oo West vi."e„ is 01•1 he same year, lint the two annltiOS-inqw tion not being named in the net of - Cong-r4 fol.P.the admission of the State of Virginia in to the Union, it is contended, wothiuk with good reason, that the transfer was never-completed. The legal authorities are dividedtontite quos- Lion, and we presume it can only be settled. *by the action of the nest Congress. At Present the position of the counties is anomalous, being claimed by Virginia as part of her Se venth. Congressional district, and by West Virginia as part of her Second-. The Commis sioner of Internal Revenue has, however, after an examination of the claims of the respective States,. transferred the WO' counties to the Second Collection district of West Virginia,. Bepublican,lslh, PETERSBURG. The Drat through !train on the Petersburg Railroad since the 16th of August last, came into Petersburg on the 11th. The Express says Of course, so happy and unlooked for an event created Considerable emotion and ex citement, and the crowd at the depot Cheered most fervently and lustily. The railroad con nection between Petersburg, Raleigh, Wil mington, and many other points farther Sbuth, is now completed, and old Petersburg will soon be herself again. The event should and will be bailed with joy by every citizen of Peters burg. Upon its Completion, commerce and trade will receive a fresh impetus, and our merchants will again indulge the pleasant pursuit of disposing of cotton and tobacco for their North Carolina and South Virginia friends. We cannot dismiss so pleasant a theme, late as is the hour at which we write, without con gratulating all concerned, and that is every body in Petersburg ; but we desire particularly to extend our gratulations to the energetic Board of Directors, and to the untiring Presi dent Sanford, Superintendent Dunlop,'Freasu rel. Potts, and a host of subordinates, who have labored so incessantly and so industri ously, day in and day out, to accomplish the impOrtaa work. The consummation, so long and so devoutly wished, is full forty-eight hours ahead of time. We had a conversation with an officer of the road yesterday, and he did not anticipate a through train until to night—probably Monday night. Farewell, now, to foot-padding. No more shall we press Sh.anks , mare into service for a trip to Stony Creelc. Let others try it afoot, but we prefer being " rode on a rail.' Rows between the white troops ainfnegrees still continue in Petersburg. Large quantities of cotton are arriving at the Petersburg market. .The planters are sending their crops in es fast as transportation will allow, and Conse quently the receipts and supply exceed the de= Bland. Considerable lots are being taken in store. The market is lower than inuring the first part of the week, and sales were made on the 13th at thirty-nine cents, though a prima article would have brought forty cents. Folders of city of Petersburg scrip are be ginning to inquire whht action the Council in tend to take in regard to it, Numerous thou sands of one dollar, fitly, twenty-five, fifteen, and ten-cent bills were issued, which parties hoarded up during Confederate times as the safest paper in the market. Now, the question occurs to them, will the city redeem these notes, or will it repudiate them! Time will develop the matter to the satisfaction or 'dis satisfaction of all ifit€TPsted.—.Expresp. 132=13 We are informed that a number ofgentlemen li, this city, have formed an assoclat on for the purpose of opening a Branch National Bank. Capital is much needed at this moment in the prosecution of ordinary business, and as the wa nt, of it fetter and represses new enter iti:litelfra'lMlZ(l it in hand will not allandon The Progress is responsible for the annexed : It is said that during" Ex-GOvernor Vance's imprisonment, in Fort Lafayette, he was visit ed among others by a Federal officer, who, in conversation, Mired him, among other ques tions " - What are you here for'!" "For debt," responded the former. the Government Impossible," continued the latter, "for the Government would net imprison you on such a plea." it is nevertheless true," rejoined the Ex- Governer, "111214 en promised the last Man and the last dolla,rY Went his security, mid he did not comply with his Ninth:CD—so I am here in durance vile." The witlclsm provoked general laughter, and what is better, like a sensible man that ho is, Governor Holden enjoyed the joke heartily when related to him by some friend. A National Bank is to be established at Raleigh. A new daily paper, the Sentinel, has been started in Raleigh.. - MACON. The pay waster has been paying of several regiments- of troops in this city the past few days. These troops will, shortly after receiv ing theitpay, be nristered, oat of the mallets and depart for their homes in - various parts of the West.-2blegraph,7th. The issue of the City Council of this city of'. the denomination of ennead two dollars have been upon the market some time, and are ea garb; SOlight for by our merchants. The• change bills, representing the 'fractional parti of a dollar, were received several days since, and are issued as fast as they cart be signed: These bills are receivable for all public , elute,. and redeemable is greenbacks at the °Mocker the city . treasurer. The bill is a bandscane ( Mei and Wae , leSigned And executed by Mr. Howell, engraver 'Milledgeville , Gdp- - 7 2 . 11 . Gamblere and robbers disturb Aloe_ on. tneexttAlsutors. General Hardee, of the late rebel, army, is in Mobile. We find the following in, the . Lynchburg Re- Pt 4 o?fcctit of Monday , last : A correspondent in Ilristol, Tennessee, fur nishes us with a lettert in which it is urged upon us to notice editorially the great danger to which persons are liable in passing west ward through East TenueSSee. The letter states "that from Carter's Station, twenty miles west of this place, (Bristol,) to Chatty, rtooga, no ope professing Southern sentiments can pass without guarded' bayonets. Should they attempt such a thing, they are brutally beaten, and in. many instances murdered. little e them passing through this to*u shudder - for the poor fel low's, tor thPi well lat9ar what La 111 THE WAR PRESS. (PUBLINFIF.i) WEEKLY.! WA2 PUSS will be sent to sabecrtberO Isty matl(peralMtnn advancej atsll Ott Five conies "t Oft Too copies 140 Oft Larger Clubs Man Ten alit ht. Charged. at the Bain. rate. 42.00 per espy. The moneymeet a Way, aeemnPattY the (friller, ant in no filename can these terms be deviated froth. at they %fora very Litt te more than the Mt paper. •i- Postmasters are requettektf " " eat. for l'lnt Wen PBZBS. rTo the getter-up of the Club of ten Or Weal?, an exteo copy or the paper win be given. ' tore for them, An the prominent citizens m: l eav i ng the enuatry fro KnorilLe t o the Watauga river. Even thoSe who were h im vr'n only as Southern men, but who never took .'VW part in the war in any manner, have been fq. 'weed to leave their homes. Ifundreda o f th e . hest citizens of East Tennessee are coming .o Virginia. This lawless conduct is d by publicurged eneourat f an speoehes. ! note Gaon , edere. ea who are from West Ten- Ilesdee Geo vel• &0., should go some other route, tun 1.9, Should they attempt to gOk !thie route' for ' the next few weeks, they will Tevcr get youhore'l—at least nine out of ten will ~ n ot. I beg C call the attention of such charaeters to trie dangers of this route, and is Abe same scrtin ,eition the attention of the United States math orities. It is but murder to send them this r,O l - 46, EVen men who prefess tree come n 'lative and net &DO v.Oln" ist;can't remain in east TennesSee. „ . A' gentleman from Southwestern Georgia informs us that the mum crop in that section of therStatcr Is unprece , lentedly good plantedson, very time cottoax or sugar was but large 'trope of corn Wereput in, and the ,season being favorable, I an - withstanding the - ithdrawal of much of Ann , labor froth its eadtivation, the product be abundant— reore in some 'instances tha 'r esen eau be gathered the 'Mated force at 1. t available. indance of corn abundatioe of Marton, fold' it is gratifying to 1 mow that, when oar,railroad• comianoleatieh I f 'e•established with the SOuthwest and Florida this fall, we shan have a bountiful supply o'f Provisions.— Atdrada Clirolattle and Sentinel,' ~ruguet 8. Gent 'rid Vraialiburite and Carl S'clairz are ie. Augusta. , In 1,9 nellfrarg, everybody who eslla rake to gether it handful of specks has sec , up for a money h,roker. • SPATE ITEMS. Last week a lady, residing in Alleglielly City, resole ed to attend a picnic, but refine* to allow her four children to accompany lief; leavAng them in cluittgerrof en obliging ileigigt , 13or, The eldest child, ar linter boy, deolaree: les intention of " , fixing" her for herdesertion4. ailffoks soon as she left; proceeded to a grocers' netrelk y and procured a 'Mick of Matches,withr whin ,hoset fire to the Minding' and other in itsnuineOle articles ftWW , the , house. Ferta notely ft Wag discovered In time, and no mate rial dam ge was done. —AS. dis t lase has broken nut among the hogs in the . vie inity of Hagerstown, and has thus far proven to be of a serious-nature. The only s y m p tom , tigible of the dinaaa is a hacking cough, after which - the hog dtoops, and Aspott ily dies.• Mr. NV.. 'ngrineb, postunteter at Mexico, Juniata count, r,whomysteriouslydisappeared recently, to* with him all the money that he could borrow, a onsiderable of Which was from returned soldier, re , _Some of the t. people of Williamsport are agitating, the leect; of erecting an Orphan. Asylum in• that place. One benevolent lady offers to eentribi tte a thousand:defilers to the institution; ' . _ . g r ime at was shot last week near Penn Mills,Clarice. 1 comity, 1,7 Ur, Solomon Boring. • Antonio'Arricbi. , who was a drummer-boy to Garibaldi's - . Italia 11 army, preached in Oil. City last week, —Dan ni ce unt il hi ll show are shortly to ap• new in Harrisburg.. —The Capitol , at Hp, triabilrg is now being painted. —The Harrisburg Cit v Passenger Railroad is erecting a depot in tha t city. 7. 31 , 14 - --- The Port Byron. (Ni. Y., ) Times relates the following as a "curious"; matter: "A man dropped dead in the harvest field, near North• ville, in this county, the otht fr day. Thecoro ner ware-called, anii!, on exat fining the boar' fourtd irthiB pockets one thot asand .dollars in cash, two gold watches 'alid two silver Mee, besides a certificate of deposi t for eight hum :dred dollars more. The ma J 1 carrying All this property about his person, was at work by tile day.o These is a young plan in tens lunatic asy -- turn at Flatbush, N. Y., who was: UlfVie inane by the July riots in New Yorlk city in /863, when he was compelled by tho mob to join their ranks. Although the boy's mental powers appear to be Antirely destroyed, his physical development MI MS his confinement ill t>ie Asylum is really astonishing. From a Slight and delicate youth he has become a giant, at least in stature, and now stand near seven feet , in height. It was stated, at the temperance conven tion at Saratoga, that the names of thirteen hundred rich'menus daughters, in New York, are on the list of applicants for admission to the Asylum for Inebriates at Binghampton, in that State. The exports of petroleum, from January 1 to July 14, of the present year, were 13,338,117 gallona ; for same time last year, 5 1 444,094 gal lens. Bo much teirenfrein the whale oil trade, which the whales will not regret. -A smart chap, who formerly peddled pa pers in the Army of the Potomac, is now worth tatio,ooo, essi is one of the Directors of the So. 'cond. liatl44 9 ll 3 aok, 3ust ectabiched in Melt. mpnd. The piles of dirt in some of the streets of Now York are remarkably fruitful, we judge, from the fact that an editor has discovered, growing on the top. of one of them, a cocoanut tree a foot high. Tile Digger Indians have a splendid reme dy for the small pox. When one has it he closes the door of his hut, kills his dog, and. then shoots himself, which effectually removed the disease. A grand military Eirartifti Dfaud of the Mississippi," founded on events that occurred during the memorable siege of Vicksburg, is being played at St. Louis. The owners of the Bangor Democrat have sued for thirty thousand dollars damages for the destruction of their establishment by a mob in 1801. - - —A young - man 44 the Winter garden, la New York, is pronounced the meet graceful zionpilloerostationer that New York hag ever had. —One thousand persons were added to the population of Great Falls, New Hampshire, ill three weeks, by the Influx of factory opera. --qosli Billings writes from Cape May: There iz one church here, but it won't hold but so fu that nobody don't go out of polite• meas." -A, woman, forty-nine years ORI, married twenty-eight years, has eloped Mom Williams. burg, New York, cluing' the absence of her husband, Morrissey nearly twitched a man's head off last week for not sitting down front during the races at Saratoga. The Morrissey equiDagO I* said to be a dashing one—coachtiled and footmen in live ries, Sm. At Saratoga children and parents all gam• ble. The little folks spell it 41 gambol. o The negroes of Washington are very angry at the influx of other negroes. Amin Was fined ten dollars In Utica for loafing. To old bachelors only—Never say dye. Ten thousand visitors are at Newport. FOREIGN rrfxS. —• The cultivation of cotton has been eon. . menced in Tahiti with every:prospect of sue- cess. Otte planter has cleared and planted two hundred and fifty acres, and employs six hundred laborers, chiefly China() coolies, who are brought ()Ter in considerable numbers. Another source of wealth has else been opened up in the island. The valleys which divide the mountains are discovered to be admirably suited for the cultivation of coffee—a crop of which is ono of the most profitable that can be produced, whether it is retained for home consumption or treated Of export, The extraordinary feat 'of walking eight miles in one hour was accomplished at Bromrl. ton, England, on the hith ult., by 'a pedestrian named Spooner. Re made the distance, with out exhaustion, within one minute 'and twenty gaglgatil hour. Ile wasWilliflilg in a llftecm , —uotan i ntre wait Niles, gave out at the end of the e after which Spooner took the rein, of the dis tance at his ease, The wager was £25 a side anti the championship. The Ocurrier tie . &Me et Loire says " se pulehral news reaches us froth Auttin, Tile grave-diggers have struck I The people of Autun must not, 'therefore, die;. unless they wish their bodies, to remain unburied. We see no other way of ,opposing the pretensions of men who 11v@ by other people*deatits. Such a result as this it was'scarcely ull ihseti WOitia be produced by the law off coalitions." °nevi .the sensation dramas played at the Annual fete for the hellcat of . the lioyal Ora matie Coi.lege. was; called "Tile Piratical Pi- rate of the Precipitous Pre4jPice'l or, the Pre... meditated Prey of PrOlia.POWl3l,, and the Pro digiously Proper Plight 9f time pPeposterous Plunderer.” —The entire number of accidental deaths in Great Britain, in MS, was 15,777. The number burnt to death was 2,268, mostly by secidente 'attributable to cripe:littoi which is s aid iesleave „ wise d tile, death of, 40,000 - W6ten in fifteen !years. —rs French lady, who was introducedto Abd El Kaderls two wixes, speaks in glowing terms of their beauty. Strange te say, he neither sidokes nor allows any does ri,et abstain from wine. —The London Era tbinhs, the Bouelcaults will shortly visit the United States, and play a Toiled of bheir petudie:gclutraetere. If Arra Xs Pape reached Ito one bun. dredth slight, at the , Inindent Theatre, Lon don, July 28th. ' Th,e log of the. Alebaro,a is for sale in the London bookitoNea, A well-soaked waterlog by this time. .}-The LyndliltPi Rimed were run the other day. The sport was unusually good. A thief carried °lithe oup.,Punch. —Wachtel, the famous tenor, is engaged M. Berlin for six menthe, at a salary of ton thou sand thalers, —The new bonnets in Paris are ornameuted idtli a swallow, -r• Three Ticheetrg have been Vested to 04 FatiMtneni,