Pk:4OAI, Di 0 'lll.O joro, WIFE-lIIIIIIDEE MAT RESULT , eaccsire labor in the duties of housekeeping. ' ll be accused of it who supplies his wife pavanoc , imyrilEr3.-wiiiikaiF.R, for he thereby less %,llahof.4.lllld ,aveg US CoSt In II is own clothing. 0 COgwbcel. which - we recommend, and several er kinds, are soid at TRIMAN Sr, SHAW•S, No. t, tEight Ibirty-tire) MARKET Street, below --------•,, Dili. it ~. _ sar iToi,pt. 6 SCREW-DRIVER BITTS, w ido, :4erre, may be driven into WOOd without romp tl:eattand tbose of the usual Style, to il„.r with s ariety of Braces and Bitts, for sale Tit O- it SHAW'S, No. 835 (Eight Thirty ,3l,tl:EßT Street, below Ninth. lt EAR, THROAT, 11/1/NO DI3EA*ES, treaded most • with a new. 01,01 Dr. y9NIII-06CIIIZISKER, .11.1n7 NAL- T street. 00 NATURE AN ANTIDOTE FOR AO. DISEASES? Ali Wiff) sillier believe they Olt to and can be Cured. Tee PLANTATION i'frERS. prepared by Dr. Drake, of New York. ,e no doubt benefited and cured, more persons of rpepsia, Sour Stomach, Loss of jTetite, sin ki n g Weakness, General Debility,and to o Despondency, than any other article in ex ,rre. They are composed of the purest roots ' 21 ,,,b5., carefully prepared, to be taken as a tonic „i R cutie tdlmulant- They are adapted to any age comlitiou of life, and are extensively poia.r ss wailers and persons of sedentary habits. /2-6 t TO BAD CASES OF PILES CURED BY p.STIOCEI.AND"S PILE REMEDY Alr. Glass, po ,.vine, Wisconsin, writes for tie benefit of 1,-ha suffer with the 'Piles, that he has been o bled for eight,years with an aggravated ease Of his brother was discharged from the army %curable, the being quite paralyzed with the e ,..) Both these distressing eases were cured with a• bottle Strickland's Pile Remedy. The vuoueudatlon of these gentlemen beside the pr testiMOuials received by Dr. Strickland, ought iuncluce those suffering that the most aggra- Ted chronic cases of Piles are mired by Dr. ackland's Pile Remedy. It Is sold by Druggists ,rfwhere. in-stuth-3m SENDALL'6 Amßotarcu.--13ave you tried If so. you approve of it. Of course the re irtable demand for this excellent preparation for e Jialr has been solely created by its merits . ; for., Les once used, it le not likely to be abandoned. ou can procure it of any respectable Druggist. jitalu ITCH. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. LT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT . RHEUM. lli cure the Itch In forty-eight hours. Also cures 0. Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and, all Eruptions f the Skin. Price, 60 cents. By sending 60 cents to SEES St. POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be Pur pled free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. zebig-Sra rr PRICBB REDUCED. WANAMANEA & BROWN, sr Popular Clothing 0- Hone, 0- OAS HALL. S. E. cor. Sixth and Market MARRIED. 01:INSON—POLLARD. - 01 1 the 1 inst., by J. F. bisller„Win. S. Robinson to Elizabeth A. both of this city. New York papers please ,:I.IFER—BRINGITuEsT.—On the loth instant, in ..Tlaaatts Church, White Afars!), by Key, Chas. R. 41101, Josiah F. Slifer, of Philadelphia, to daughter of John Bringburst, Esq., of unbfbi, ra. No cards. DIED. . IOINS.- - On the 13th inst- ' at his residence, St. ]3 i 7 , , e htlylkill county, Pa,,William H. ,TOhus, hl ,ear of his age. on WedlleSday, 16th Inst., at 10 o'clock M. iiISsEY. -- Ou the 12th inst., Charles Massey, bathe i year o f his age. l e relatives and friends of the family are invited the funeral from his late residence, No. ,beet, on Third day', 15th inst., at 10 o'clock DI. Interment at Friends" Western ground. MYELY.— trn the 4th instant, in Leaven- KauFas, M. Pierce Eivelv, aged 40 yea rs . VIE relatives and friends °Mite family are respect i rMil to attend the funeral., on Tuesday at 0-anon, the 11th inst., at 4 o'clock, from the rest eat' of his father-in-law, T. K. Collins, No. 1740 To proceed to Monument Cemetery. ' l . LEVY.—On the 12th instant, Mrs. Emeline S. win of Benjamin Levy, aged 53 rears. 16, relatives and Male friends of the fatally are c -etfully invited to attend the funeral, from the .-::.lenrc of her husband,. No. 162.1 North Eighth :net. on Wednesday morning . , the 16th instant, at proceed to Mechanics' Cemetery. AlltEY.- - On Saturday, 12th instant, of disease .caracted whist a prisoner of war, Captain Wash leton Alter. Co. L, 15th P. V. C. (Anderson Ca- Ary). in the' oven ty-third year of his age. The relm iITS and friends of the deceased are in ne.l io :mewl his funeral, from the residence of father, No. 101 Callowhill street, on Frlday,lBth : cant, at _o'clock!". M. Interment at South Lau 011;HT.—On the morning of the 12th Instant, id Knight, in the 72d year of his age. its relatives and friends of the family are re tinily invited tO attend tile funeral, from his residence, 425 preen street, en Thirthilay Morn- Mit instant, at 10 A. M. To proceed to Fair iii• Friday night, the lith inst. Mrs. hry Ann Harris, relict of Thomas Harris, in the t year °flier age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited, :)rout further notice, to attend the funeral, Irma at late residence, No. 1619 Race street, on Wad. tstlay - morning. the 16th inst.. at 10 o'clock.- .fl*" OURNING GOODS JUST RE CEIVED. Gray and Black English Chintzes, 81 cents. bray Poplins, 62% cents, Shepherd Plaid Mohairs, 50 cents. black and White Striped Alohairs, 45 cents, lila& and White Plaid Scotch Ginghams, fie cents. Black . Glove Alpacas or MOhairs, $l. kESnON & SON U Oloarnittg_Stotte, 918CHESTST Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. jy27 590 YARDS LUPIN'S FRENCH MERINOES. 2 eases dark assortment. 2 cases medium assortment. ease high colo7B. I ease all-wool Fiala& I ease Rep Cashmeres. EYRE .14 LANDELL. ar,s-tf FOURTH and ARCH. HORTICULTITRAL MALL, Ss W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT Street. 1 1 1, 1THLY DISPLAY and STATED ALERTING THIS EVENINO - . It OFFICE OF PEOPLE'S OIL CO3l - TANI% 20S South FOURTH Street (rot t,tly 213 Walnut street.)—The CERTIFICATES SF r:TOCK. are now ready for delivery. WM. S. HAYWOOD, Secretary. OFFICE OF CITIZENS' OIL COI• PANY, 20S South FOURTH Street, (for fu Walnut street.)—The Certiticates of stock E now ready for delivery. li* WILLIAM S. HAYWOOD, Secretary. EIGHTH WARD.—A MEETING IP - ‘ , of the UNION PARTY of the Eighth Ward Le hell at the Schuylkill Hose House. LOCUST, Twelfth street, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING - , l!thiti.last, at 8 o'elOeli. a ALEX. S. HARPER, President. CARD.—OFFICE OF THE WEST PHILADELPHIA. PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY, Northwest corner of FORTY and HATERFORD Streets, Altgust 14th, 1865. IV, LFreby tender our sincere thanks to the West ilaa.lelphia Engine, Mantua Hook and Ladder, :ad West Philadelphia Hose Companies, and the FIN' Department generally, for their timely, t•r,am, and efficient services in suppressing the 1) at our stables, Sunday evening, 13th inst. A:•0. to the Pollee of the Twenty-fourth Ward, vigilance and kind assistance, not only the Are, but afterwards, to the eitigens of said ward, especially our LEigl , l , ol'S, we feel greatly indebted for their -gene to-operation with the above. JOHN S. MORTON, ;1* President. TWENTY.FOITRTH WARD UNION ASSOCIATION.—In compliance with the call of the City Executive Committee, the Felon eltizees of the SYKNTY-FOURTH WARD TM meet at the Commissioners' Hail, THIRTY -F.VENTH and MARKET Streets, THIS (Tuesday) E 1 ESISU. august loth, at 8 o'clock, for the par- P.,: of cloning officers of the Association for the • 5-uhig year. and for other business under rules mid Third. THEO. M. WILTEERGER, l't,sident Ward Executive Committee. _ r Eueiß,Ln. Secretary. 'rJe7l' TWENTIETH of the IS ATIOI , IAL UNION ASSOCIA- HoN of ;la , Twentieth Ward will be held THIS r ltr.4tiar) EVENING. at 8 o'clock, at the Hall. N. r. r of ELEVENTH Street and. GIRARD fleet a Judge and two Inspectors for Preciut, tQ voodoo the Delegate Election and lett Onicera or Incl....elation. JOSEPH E. HARVER, President. TENTH WARD.—AGREEABLY to the call of the City Executive Committee, Ulf friends of the Union and Administration will ,f-b-en,fe on TUESDAY EVENING, August 15, i ' 6s, at 5 ICcluCk, at the northeast corner of DROA.D '"1 %WE Mrecta, to elect officers of the Ward for the ensuing year, to make general coehattions for Delegates, and to erect one Judge cci lwo In Hectors for each Election Division to ''''" l "cl the Delegate Election, to be held on TITES -I,Ay Et - ENINu, August 22,1865, between the hours and d o'clock. A. H. FRANCISCUS, President. Wm. R. Lams, Secretary. anls-1t EOTTEE.—THE ANNUAL IWEET• , ESti or the NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIA ''IOS (Tuesday) SXTEENTH WARD will he held. Tills EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at the f1' 4, 4, or Joseph Rose, SECOND Street, above er street. By order. • ISAAC A. SHEPPARD, President. SIXTH WARD NATIONAL tgiON ASSOCIATION. — In accordance the rules of the party, all C/Lizc:ns favorable to cause will meet at Leech's Hotel, CHERRY "net, between Third and Fourth, TIM (Tuesday) EVENING, August 15th, 1855, at 9 o'clock. I 'Y weer: H. BARNES, President. JOHN G. BUTLER Secretary. it NOTICE. THE STOCKHOLD -11;?r FRS OF THE MECCA OIL COMPANY of his eity are requested to meet at the omoo of the Iliplll3V, No. 134 South FOURTH Street, on L Itt.4)AY. the 2.lth imp at 11 o'clock tieM., to Nsratet business of great ortance to Com order of the Board of Directors. auto-rit- tiEOIthE xfpFLIN, Secretary tir FRANK - FORD OIL COMPANY. A Shecial Meeting of the Stockholders or kilt FRANKFORT) (ML COMPANY win be held at right's institute, on :MONDAY EVENING, An -1665. By order of the Board of Directors. 4111 5-tsfngit* A. R. ELLIS, Secretary. TIIIRTEENTH WARD.—IN AC• u xi , Cu'MANCE with the cal COMMITTEE, AIAL CITY EXECUTIVE the .ri it , of the Union and National Administration E v} ql . ,iFte vn tb. w.ra will meet THIS (Tuesday) _N.. August SPRING 8 o'clock, at the S. E. eor j'i,r TH aim SPRING GARDEN Streets, fourth JONA. BULLOCK, President Thirteenth -ward Association. TWELFTH WARD NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. — A Meeting wiltbe EVENING, at the Mechanics' Hall, linen street, to nominate Dale me Convention and elect oilleen. AMI dante of the members of the party is solicited. Order of City Committee of Superintendence. CHAS. Ai 'WAGNER, President. Secretary. A. (~• • " FIFTEENTH. WARD.—A MEET. , INO or the NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIA ;ION Of the FIi".CF,T.ZsITD WARD will be held on (rumia., - ) EVENINO, the IGth Ina., at 8 ut theft - Hall, RIDGE Road and COATESI .! , r the purpote of electing officers of the Associa 114a for the ensuing year and officers to conduct the Delegate Elections to be held on Thursday evening, the tal inst., in accordance with the rules "41 the party, W. CLARK, Chairman. CHARLES A. MILLER, Secretary. it lataa OFFICE OIRARD MINING COKE PANT, A 10,324 WALNUT Street, YIIILADELPIIIA, y 18111, 1885. NOTICE Is hereby given that all Stock of the bIitARD MINING COMPANY, on which instal miring are due and unpaid, is hereby declared for r9ted, and will he sold at Public Auction on SA -1 I : I WAY, the 19th day of August, 1855, at 12 o'clock 4 "r"ii, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corpora ledording he the Charter and ny-Laws. unless I,rtviouely redeemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, iyistaun Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICE MANDAN MINING COM. PANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. YEIII.A I I 7 / 1 .1.111A July 18, mas. NOTICE IS HEREBY IHVEN that instalments tare he man4an mining Company on which due and unpaid 18 hereby declared forfeited, and . 1 2 he sold a_t public auction on MONDAY the Mat . 11f of AUGUST, 1265, at 12 o'clock noon, at the ? o met of the Secretary of the corporation,according the charter and by-lawa, unless previously re "*ktoeo. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Liecretary ati4 Treasurer. J I'Mani TO TUE FRIENDS OF THE UNION AND THE ADMINISTRATION. The - Union Citizens of the various Wards of - the c i ty o f rhuadelphta are hereby requested to 1153e1n- We at such places as limy he designated by the offi cers of the Union Ward Association, on TUESDAY EVENING, August 1ath,186141 at 8 o'clock, pursuant to the rules governing the Union party, for such cases made and provided, to elect one Judge and two Inspectors for each election Division. of said Ward, to conduct the primary election on Tuesday even ing, August 22, between the hours of li and 8 o'clock, also to - place in nomination candidate); for Delegates to a City Convention to nominate candi dates for city and county officers; also, to place in nomination candidates for Delegates to Senatorial Conventions in the Second and Fourth Senatorial Dist this, and Delegates to the various itepresenta ay. and Ward Conventions, to nominate candi dates for members Of the State Legi.latore, City Councils, and Ward officers; also, to place in nomi nation candidates for Delegates to the various Sur revers' Conventions. The meetings elections, and conventions herein mentioned shall be held in conformity with the rules governing the Union Party. By os der of the Unity, City Committee of Super intendenee. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Chairman, itonEmr T. GILL, }Seem:Vides WILLIAM lt. Lygus, Or'CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, DESIGNATED DE POSITARY OF UNITED STATES, 109 South FOURTH Street. PLULADELMA, August it, 11365. Tile Coupons due August 15th Instant, on the United tat 7-90 Treasury Notes, will be MA on and after that date by this Bank. Blank - schedules will be furnished to parties holding more than twen ty coupons. A - LEX. ERVIN, JR., Cashier. au 12-4 t NOTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the NATIONAL OIL GREEN OM COMPANY will be held at the Office, No. 303 WALNUT Street on WBONESDA.Y, the 16th August, et It o'clock kt.. By order of the Board of Direetors. an7-6t WM. J. MALCOLM, Secretary. Or FIFTH WA-RD NATIONAL - UNION ASSOCIATION.—A Meeting of the Association will be held at the New Market Hall, SECOND and PINE Sts., on TUESDAY EVENING, August 15, 1865. at 8 o'clock, to elect officers of the ASsOglatloll, and also officers to conduct the dele gate election to be held on August 22d, , 1865. XING, Chairman. H. H. MCCONNELL, Secretary. aul2-at. iligrair li t y te? .. . A.N itt THE STATE OE AUGUST 7th, ISM The Directors have this day declared a Dividend Of TWENTY DOLLARS per Share, clear of all taxes. payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives on demand. ails-lot WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. D COAL AND IN MPANY. CIIIIIBERLAN PROVEMENT COI CAPIT 200 TO 000 SHARD Office No. 2213 Soul DIRECr - - S, AT 95 EACH $11,000,000„ h FOTJEtTIi Street. TORS: TalveBter J. Illegargee, llow Jackson, Price I. Patton, Thomas H. Rickert. e Smith. It J. IIEGARGEE. er, ALBERT R. SOHO auIO-tf Joseph Lesley, Robert H. Beatty, Albert I). Boileau, Edward H. Faulkner, A. Elwen President, SYLVESTE Secretary and Treasur FIELD FOURTEENTH WARD,—THE members ofthe NATIONAL UNION PARTY of the above Ward will meet at SPRING GAR DEN HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, 11th inst., at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of selecting one Judge and two Inspectors, to conduct the election for elegat es on Tuesday evening, 22.1 instant. Also, to elect the Officers of the Assoeiation for the com ing year. By order. JOHN HUFF, President. Attest, JNO. A. Me - DOWELL, Secretary. aul4-2t. MILITARY. - UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STAPES MARINE coups, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphis between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every day, meld bunday. CHARLES FIEYWOOD, Captain and Recruiting Officer. LEGAL. TN . THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE - 6 - UNITED STATES, INIAND FOR THE EAST ERN DISTRICT STATE PENNSYLVANIA. UNITED STATES . EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—SCT. • Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel, Sled in the name of the United States.liath decreed on the sth day of August, A. D. 1865., that all persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer SCITILVIIi, captured on the high seas, to wit: at Halifax, 011 the Roanoke River, on the coast of North Carolina by the laccO. 7) " Valley City," and Picket-boat ll No. 5, vessels-of-war of the United States, be nionished and cited. Therefore, all persons who Cl4llll to have any inte rest In the said steamer and cargo are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court _ in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer and cargo should not be pronounced to belong, at the time Or the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to Condemnation au a lawftilprl2e. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. P. C. ELLMAKER, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, August 5, 1565. auB-tuths-6t ESTATE OF PRESTON W. RUSSELL, Di. D., deeettmd. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate of PRESTON W. RUSSELL, M. D., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those haring claims to present them without delay to Rev - . JOHN B. DALES, D. D. 'Ogg FILBERT St.; or to his attorney, SAMUEL DICKSON, 32 South THIRD St. auB-tuat. T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO -IL3 thmEstate of ELIZA MORASS° having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make payment, and those having claims agates said Estate will present them to M. B. ESPY, Executor, sun-6V 221 South SEVENTEENTH Street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the Fire Associa tion for the renewal of POLICY OF INSURANCE No. 20 422, for $2,100, issued June 6, 1853, to CHRIS TIAN SCHNITZEL, which has been LOST OR MIS LAID. Any information thereof will be received by auB-tuthsi2t* THE FIRE ASSOCIATION. HOTELS. QPOTTSWOOD HOTEI ! , RICHMOND, VA., August, 1985. It having been reported that the Spottswood Hotel had been confiscated and closed, the proprie tors deem it proper to assure the public that such is not the case. - The House is open for the accom modation of visitors, as it has been from Its opening day in September, 1800. The House has been remodeled, renovated,' re furnished, and pat in perfect order throughout, and the travelling public may rest assured of finding as comfortable accommodations with us as can be found in any first-class Hotel North or South. Our friends, patrons, and the travelling public generally, visiting Richmond, are cordially invited tO make their home with us, and no pains will be spared to make them foulfOrlable, as we are pledged to sustain the Well-known reputatioa of the .140118 e. (ORRERY & MILLWOOD, Proprietors. LANGHAM HOTEL, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel, "the largest in London," is now open; it is situ ated on the moat open and healthy site In the West end,with all modern improvements, Suites of Apart. went, Salle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant Ladies' Room a spacious Gentlemen's SITTING AND WRITING ROOM, ETC. • Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodation address— The Manager, C. scuismANN. aug7-am JONES HOUSE, CORNER OV MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, HAr„ - Avisis - u - n434-, CHARLES H. MANN, PROPRIETOR. AMERICAN OEE MAU II CH CHUN K, PA. LA FA LENTZ. ? Proprietorg, HOBERT KLOTZ TERMS—gaper day. *l/per week. A MERICAN HOUSE", J- 2 - POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA., H. S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This House has recently been re-opened, and in Uch etyle. and character as Win merit first-class pa tronage. jr27-1m GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE ItIJRAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &C., &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, mist-tf Cor, ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. MACHINERY AND IRON. ry ;, PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORMS.—NEAFIE & LEVY, PRACTICAL thcErmsnA NBDTHERMAKAERN,G IBNEAEK SDTHS, and IrottNIIERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and Peen eaciustvety engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low-pressure, Iron Boilers, Wa ter Tanks Propellers, &c., respectfully offer their cervices to the public as being Puny prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine,River, and Stationery; having sets of patterns of ifferent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick de spatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the chortest notice. High and Low pressure Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Rollers, of the' best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. - Forging% of all Sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descrip tions; Roll-Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaran teed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safe ty, and are provided wishears, blocks, fails, . tic., &c., for raising heavy oilight weights. JACOB C NEAPIE, JOHN P. * LEVY,. BEACH and PALMER Streets. 3. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM K. MERBICK. JOHN A. COPE - - SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHI A VGTON STREET*, PHILADBLPHIA. MERRICK ed SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam En gines, for land, river, and marine service. Rollers, Gasometers Tanks, Iron Boats, &e.; Castings of all kinds either Iron or Brass. Iron-frame Roofs 'for Gas WOrks, WorkslmPu, Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, snob as Sugar Saw, and Grist Mills Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. Sole agents for N. Rillienvs Patent Sugar-Boil ing Apparatus, Nesmytioa Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspinwall & Wolsey's Patent centrtrugat Sugar-Draining Machine. ard2-tf MORGAN ORR, & CO., STEAM EN GINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and Gene ral Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1.219 CAL LOWRILL Street. Philadelphia . fe2O-tf O,RICE & LONG, FULTON WORKS, 1310 BEAOR STREET, Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, and Oar Builders. Tasks of every description made to order. Sole Agents forLonirs Marine Salinometers.myl6-1, THOMAS M'DONOUGH_, ENERAL BLAOKBMITHINO, ELK sm`REET, ABOVE DOE STREET, FRANIG/illi, PERNA Aar Boring tools on hand or made to order on short notice. myll4in SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening,_eeptember BM, at 4 O'ebinik, Sansom-street All that brick stone building (being a beer vault} and lot of ground situate on the east side of Broad street, 80 feet southwardly from Cumberland street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Broad street 80 feet, and extending In length east wardly 150 feet. • CS. C.; Jan., 1865, No, 1. Debt, 1153,219.50. Mullen.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Burkhardt. HENRY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 12, 1865. atil6-.5t JOHN C. BAKER & C 0.13 COD LIVER OIL.—THE TRUE AND GENlllNE—Unsur passed in duality and effects, being the SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. In Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout In cipient Consumption, and all Scrofulous complaints, It oftentimes produces immediate and certain effects when other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit. Sold by all Druggists in the city, and by the-pro prietor, Ao. us MA-RBET Street. jelo.ctual6m CURTAIN GOODS I . E. WALRAVRIsT, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, ftes JUST RSOSITJED A FULL LINE .OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES PINX, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO 13A.U,S, WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOE USE. WINDOW SHADES, OF Thz T•ATEST PiTTERNB. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. MERCHANT T4ULORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY. TAILORS, 61.2 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW /N STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF mas-tt SPRING GOODS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER Br CO., N. R. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUarGISTS. Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. mustfrAormzus or WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &C. AGENTS TOE TES CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC FAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY. LOW PRICES FOE CASE. Cjy44m BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE, 7219 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock. of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, In various Bland packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW PORMRIL RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, &C., at a liberal discount:to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. inyll-3m GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. -a- The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT & CO., UNNTLEMEN'S FURNISHING - STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. grin ARCH STREET. 600 REFRIGERATORS, WATER GOOLERS 'FREEZERS. GAS-STOVES, FOR SUMMER COOKING. jel6-tf GRIFFITH -& PAGE, SIXTH and ARCH. STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. (41Lrr, CO C ANI ES OAL, AND OTHER Ew MP. We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED it (4 , TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. • STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS , PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES, DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. ee2l-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street. SUMMER RESORTS. • IGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE ATLANTIC CITY, N. The nearest house to the surf. JONAH WOOTTON, aul4-nn. Proprietor RURAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN, 41 -w. ITENANOO COITNTY, PA JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its former capacity It is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready access by Rail and Stage to all points in the OIL REGION, and Rs accommodations fox Quests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels in any part of the country. It bite been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he nee anceceded. p4-6m SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY,_ CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the NationaTHall, is now receiving visitors. Price per week, $ l6; children and servants half-p rice. je26-2ilt AARON OARIPITSON, Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, Is now open for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early.—June 10, 1865. jelo-2m. BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. COAL. BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.— , Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, if not superior, to Lehigh, Egg and Stove sizes, $l3; Large lint, V. Try it. You will be sure to be pleased. Office, 121 South POTTRTH street below Chestnut. Delletn - -3A - 19 CALLOW HULL Street, above Broad. jyM-3m ELLIS BRANSON. T(' NOWLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, J-3A- and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. Office and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Ste. jyl4-310 C 0 A L .—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER bIEATIoW, and Spring-Mountain Lehigh Coal, andbestLoeustMountain, from Schnylkill,prepared expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. 011ice,_1(o. S. SECOND Street. Caps-tfl J. WALTON & CO. COPARTNERSHIPS. TEE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO FORE eAlSting between the undersigned, under titlethe style and of THOS. R. TIMM & CO., is, this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by ALBERT G. BUZBY, (at 223 and 225 Chestnut street,) who Is duly authorize 4 to settle the affairs of -the late MU. A . R. TUNIS. A. 0. Bllzarz. PitiLAnELPiriA, July 28th, 1865. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP.—The subscribers have formed a limited partnership . , _according to law, under the firm name of A. G. UEBY, for the transaction of the general Dry Goods Commission and Mercantile Business at 223 and 225 CHEST NUT Meet, in the city of Philadelphia. The general partner is ALBERT G. 11.177111 Y, and the special partner is THOMAS R. TIMIS, who has contributed to the common stock of said firm twenty thousand (20,000) dollars in cash. The partnership is to commence on the first day of August, 18e4, and will terminate on the thirty-first day of July, 1866. ALBERT G. 13IIZBY, THOMAS R. TUNIS, Firthanzt,mna., July Rath, 1868. aul-6tcLituSt NOTICE. -THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of AN DREW C. CRAIG & CO. Is dissolved by the death of JOSEPH B. CRAIG, the Junior Partner. All the business of the bite firm will he liquidated by the surviving; partner. No change in the title of our Arm. ANDREW O. CRAIG, aul4-3t. 138 South FRONT Street. (NPARTNERSEIIP NOTIOE.-T H Undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, WARN, & CO.,_ for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1908 MARKET St. A. BRUNER, SR., • D. C. WANN A. Bitinisa,'Jn. MILADBLPHIA, July 3,1986. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Ea., thus giving the yard superior ad vantages. jyll-3M. CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of my large stock of FURNITURE, At Very low prices, until SEPTEMBER lat. The assortment is Complete. GEO. J. HENEELS, le2l-2m 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. 600 BALES COTTON WICK JUST received. Also, full stock of Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chain, &c., at lowest market prlce. ROWE BUSTO - N_, & CO., autO Id* and INO North THIRID Street. SOAP ROSIN.-325 BARRELS HAND SOME No. I and No. 2 SOAP ROSIN, in store and landing; for sale by EDW. IL ROWLEY, anls-3t* 16 South DEL AWARE Avenue. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES . i 1 —A new Trench Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder ful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in its compa• sition, it being composed entirely of pure Vlrgirl Wax; hence lh e m e tt k r i a n or i i to n :r y r t , qualities,s smooth fair . p,arned serving theskin, tranepatunt. It Inakel+ the Old appear young the homely handsome, the handsome more bear4clft% and the most beautiful divine. Prices 4and cents. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., r. 23(returners, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors al/eme Chest nut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street % r.kbova Wal nut. . 3y21-3m THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, AUGUST 1,188 b: 00X5 FOR--TITE---TWPLE7-- ILLUSTRATED I,IVE, • SERVICES. mAirrifY DOM AND: FUNERAL OP PRESIDENT DM LIFE, SPEECHES, AND SERVICES OF PRESI DENT ANDREW JOHNSON. ILLUSTRATED LIFE, CAMPAIGNS, AND SERVICES OF LIEUT. GICNERA.L .GRANT. Trice of - each-of the above is 75 cents In - paper, or $1 in cloth: Agentd Supplied with the paper -cover edition at $6 a dozen, othfq copies tor 0; or $37.64 a hundred; or, with the cloth edition a $O3 a dozen; fifty copies for $3O, or $6O a hundred. 'Send for Can vassers, Circular. 2_ TRIAL OF THE ASSASSINS AND CONSPIRA TORS AT wAsHINGTON, D. C.. May and dune, 1866. for the MURDER -OF PRESIDENT LIN COLN_ Price. fifty cents in paper; $4 a dozen, or 1026 a hundred: or a liner edition, to cloth, price 1.60 a copy, WE a dozen, or over twenty-five Copies cents each. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED. • Address all orders for thein.with cash enclosed, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 308 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Copies sent free of postage on receipt or retail price. ALL NEW BoOn2A ARE AT PETER SON'S. PETERSON'S DETECTOR, AUGUST -s- 15mii, OUT THIS MORNING.--Full descrip tion of Z 4 new Counterfeits, and a complete list of all the National Banks now in operation. Terms of Subscription' to Peterson's Counterfeit, Detector; $1 50 Monthly, per annum Semi-Monthly, per annum s 00 Single Numbers 15 To Agents, $lO a hundred, net cash. Subscriptions may commence, with any number. Terms always cash in advance. All letters mast be addressed to T. B. PETERSON & 81105.. Publishers and Book. ellers, N 0.306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • 40" All the New Books are at FETERSONS , . it "KILPATRICK AND OUR CAVALRY. With an account of the Cavalry Raids and En gagements from the beginning of the Rebellion to the surrendr ofohnston. lzmo. THE STORY. OF GENERA.E. SHERMAN'S GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By. Major Nichols. 12m°. CHBISTIA'N'S MISTAKE. By the author of 16 John Halifax." /Zinn. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS. HMO, PHILIP IN PALESTINE. A. 800k .. ..0f Boy Travel.. By M. A. Edwards. .All the new books received as soon - ste_published and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Sacestnnito W. S. & aul2 • " - 606 CHESTNUT Street. ATTRACTIVE BOOKS FOE THE COUNTRY AND SEA-SIDE. • COUNTRY LIYINO—B_y Hamilton. GALA DAYS—y BLOCKSamilton STUMBLING By Gail HatelltoSt. HOUSEHOLD POEMS—By Longfellow.: SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS—By:T.4;mpg%. NATIONAL LYRICS—By Wiiittier.! TENNYSON'S POEMS—Eatringford edition. • ENOCH ARDEN; Illustrated—By Tennyson. HYBINSOF,THE AGES—Selections from W l ther, Crashaw, Southwoll, and others. FOLLOWINWTHE FLAG—By Carleton. 4 . For sale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, au9 No. WI South SIXTH St et. 1:1 I 01 :if: WI ill flll'WOltthq li;) 4: zl FALL. 1865. F4l O EDMUND 'YARD Sr, CO., 617 Chestnut and 814 Jayne Sts., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORAL& DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOL GOODS, AND BALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. sus-1m FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 3E37 the Piece or Package, AT AND UNDER MARTZET RATES. JAS. 1L CAMPBELL & CO., 727 (31:TESTNITT ST. (WHOLESALE ROOMS, UP STAIRS.) jy 15-1 m BAGS 1 BAGS t BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAKLERS,BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAGS FLOUR AND SALT BAG, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY ec CO., yy26-em N 0.112 NORTH FRONT STREET. ITAZARD & HUTCHINSON, • . 5 " 1 - AGENTS FOE THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODE, ns CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 READS WZRZET, NEW YORK. 3e22-6m WILLIAM BROCICIE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 101 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Will continue the Commission business of the late firm of THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO.. Advaneee made on PRODUCE consigned to RICH ARDSPI4, SPENCE, & CO., LIVERPOOL,_andIo Correspondent. in LONDON, BELFAST, awl OLASISIOW. • AUGUST 1, 1865. anl;bnif R~BTEEL & SON, Nos. 713 & 715 North TENTH Street % Are now offering great bargains in SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at reduced prices. Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. yards wide English Cashmeres, Fall colors, $l. 'SILKS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICES, 011EAPEBT PLACK SILKS IN -TUE CITY. Just opened 1 case oi s HoyieS heat quality 4 , 4 Eng lish Chintzes, double purples, at 50c. aulZ T CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH, ST. ex • Extra line Hemmed Handkerchiefs at 25 cents. Marseilles for Basques and Dresses. btrjpgd Nainsooks for Waists, 45e. per yard. bort finish Cambric., 1)/ garb Wia2. Cambric Edgings and usertions. Crochet Edgings. Pointe Lace Goods under regular prices. Thread Lace Collars front 50 cents. au4-]2t 110 LAIN BUFF PINK, AND BLUE FERCALLES or French Chintzes. Plain buff, pink, and blue attconets. Pure white Ohetland Shcwiti. White Shirred Muslim. Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks. Plain Nainsooks, Swiss Muslin , Cambries, SW. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling,dresses. Single and double width plain De Laines, EDWIN, HALL & CO., ZS South SECOND Street. N.M.—Summer Dress goods closing out regard less of cost. jcZ-tt fIOOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks,Coatings. Tailors , Linings, of everkind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at too. Gauze, Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, 55 and 65 cents. Extra fine black Mohair Alpacas, 81. Lupin's 6-9 black Wool Deraines, Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen,. striped Muslims, finest eambrics and Jaconets, paged 31'41811ns, Pique, &c. White Barege and thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Bummer Dusters. Xi-if 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 6280ri s , "OWN MAKE , p HOOP SKIRTS are manufactured olthe best woven tapea, auest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen ilnishad covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fasteutpipr, prevents by imPrOVed ma chinery, - which 'entirely slipping and be coming unclasped, rendering them superior to all other Skirts in the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On hand and made to order, wholesale and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at 628 ARCH Street. .1928-Im. cc SMITH & JONES' " BRAND. The old friends of the above Celebrated and favor ite brand of VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO are invited to examine alas (very sdperioro.bast received per steamer " - May VioNver,7l from RiCh mond. J. RINALDO SANK & CO., 31 North. WATER Street, and au9-Zt 30 North DELAWARE Avenue. UNITED STATES ANNUAL TAXES ARE NOW MR. OFFICE DEPUTY COLLECTOR INT. REVENUE, FIFTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, PA, MAIN STREET AND. CIIELTON AVENUE, GERMANTOWN, Philadelphia. Notice is hereby given , That the Annual Col lection Lists have been received, and the Taxes aye itow due and payable. The Annual List in cludes the tax on licenses, Incomes, carriages, watches, musical instruments, plate, and yachts. It is generally known that a personal notice can not be given to every taxpayer. The law specially prescribes the mode of notice—viz. by advertise ment in one newspaper, and notifications to be post ed up in four public places. - Persons residing in the Twenty-second and Twen tir fifth Wards will make payment at this office. Those residing in the Twenty-third ward will make payment to TROIKAS S. FOCLNROD, Deputy Col lector, FRANKFORD Street, Fraukford. This Annual Tax Is by law payable on or before the 80th day of June in each year ; but as the Tax Lists for this year were unavoidably delayed, the day fixed for this District as the latest day upon which it may be paid without liability to penalty is the 20th day of August, 18th. WILLIAM ii. MILLER, Deputy Collector, Fifth District, Germantown. July 29, 1865. jy29-satutht-13t HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 doz. Sausage Heat. 600. •• Reastißeef. • 600 do Veal. 500 " do Mutton. 1,000 '• do Turkey. 1,000 " do Chicken. V 3,oce assorted Soups, In 1,2,234 cans. For sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, fe6-if 107 South WATER Street. McCANDLESS & SMITH MALT VINEQAE FACTORS, BILQAD Aril) PRIME STREETS, Constantly on hand and for sate a large stock Of MALT and WRITE WORE VINRCLAR•ea new article of manufacture in this country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted free froM impunities and chemicals. Orders filled R ail parts to all parts of the country. A IC L. E. CANBLOS, No. /13 Walnut street, Phila. delphia. PITT & WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal, tlmore. CHRISTIAN LEE & CO., Richmond, Va. E. W, oouLD & CO., Newbern, N. C. jel9.3m OILY $1,50 FOR PINE PICTURES natural and.pleasing. See and obtain 'WEI MEE'S ever _popular styles Colored Photographs executed SEC NP Street, above Graea, NEW COMMISSION HOUSES. RETAIL DRY GOODS. EIitTCATIONAi: Ni;: DEhrr, AT' WtST . The clutit,4 of thisjurstituttonCHESTEß in be resualcd on THURSDAY. Sentelnhel7 l . tit Cadets may pursue either 6 016651061 or Eieleatitte course of study, under experienced and thorough instructors. Di the Primary Department the usual English branches are taught. Military instruction is Wen in the three arms of the service: The Aca demy is furnished with horses for 'Cavalry and Horse-Artillery exercises. All the appointments of the Institation , are of the first order, and no expense or effort is spared to advance the education and military training of the (idets. The religious interests of the Academy are care fully attended to. ffOr Circulars, appiT to S. H. ,ORNE, Eaq, 036 CHTESTKUT Street, Philadelphia. or to Col THEO. lIYATT, - President of , l'euna. MU'y Aca'y-Eauld-Int _ - TIM FRENCH AND E N I - El -11. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September iSth. In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu ation. French is the language of the family, and is Constantly spoken In the institute. For circu lars, contuiplug other particulars, ad dress 1242 SPRUCE St., Philada., Pa. atils-2m A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT .1-1 L EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND`JU NIPER STREETS.—The autumnal session will open on MONDAY, September 9th, at 9 o'clock A. M. Applications for Omission may be made during the pri ceding week- between CO and 12 o'clock In the morning- JAMES W. BURINS, A. DI., auls-tuthelm 'Mad Master. VAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, GREEN Street, west of Tweuty-second street, Philadelphia.—This superior Boarding and Day school for Young Ladies, will begin its next term. September 13tb. A Preparatory Department is pro- Tided for younger pupils. Por cireularS, appl} to or address B J. W. BARNHART, A. M., President. aul6,4m CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE MINARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dillaye.-.The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September 15111, at 1615 CHESTNUT Street. Particulars Mill Circulars. auls-tool P n CROOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, LY Corner of FILBERT Street and North PENN Square,' re-dpens on MONDAY, September 4th. 'JOSEPH HARRISON, Esq,, President: WILLIAM BIICKNELL, 'Esq., Vice President. P. P. MORRIS, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. _ . DIRECTORS. W. J. HOrStlnan, David S. Brown, R. P. Wacner. Eli E. Price, James L. Cloghorn, . George Whiteey. W. R. Wiistach, James A. Wright. James R. Orne, ani.s-311t T. W. BRAIDWOOD, Principal THE' FRENCH- AND AMERICAN IN .5TITITTErorroung Ladies,Rer. N: CYR and ra.- M. G. 'DAVENPORT, Principals, n 1983 FRANKFORD Road, will Oen Ore the 13th of next. month. Parents and guardians will do well to and for a circular, and inquire about the course of study, - which offers superior advantages for the acquisition of theornamental branches. . auls-Bt*, . . VNGLIfa-ANDI:CLASSICAL ACADE- A-• MY, 1009 •aild 1011 CHESTNUT Street, (in the rooms lately of/tied Ay the Y. M. C. A.) This school vrtlippeß(M rIDAri Iteptenthet-uth— It is designed tOAPrepl 'for any college of the United States or for mercantile life. Cirenlars containing particulars may be.obtalned of •Mr. ROGERS, 1.0011 Chestnut street. T. BRANTLY. LANGTON, OS WALT) SEIDENSTICKER, Principals. • REF.EnEhqu.s.,--Prof.,G. Allen, Rev. D. D. Board man, Re*. James Clark, Rec. G. D. Carrow, 0. E. Lex, Esq., J. B. Townsend, Esq., W. J. Hertel:eau, Esq., Pliny E. Chase, Esq. aem-lm ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, No. 1625 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Parents and Guardians are respectfully informed that the "Ladies of the Sacred Heart" intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES on the second MONDAY of September. The systeni of education will be the same as that pursued -so successfully in all the Institutes of the Sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spare no pains to win the heart to virtue and impart to the mind a solid and refined education. Application can be made for Circulars Ist Sep tember. sul2-Ira WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, T WILMINGTON, DEL. —The next Annual Session will begin on THURSDAY, September7,lB6s. For catalogues or further information, address aull-191 5 JOHN WILSON, President. CALVARY ACADEMY, AT CALVA BY GHIIRCII„ MANHEIM Street, GERMAN TOWN.--B. SHOEMAKER, A. M. Principal; as sisted in the different departments by experienced teachers. The next Session will commence SEP TEMBER 11th, 1865. Four Boys, between the ages of eight and fourteen 3mars,will be received into the family of the Principal. For Circulars, address B. SHOEMAmPR, corner of GERMANTOWN Ave nue and SHOEMAKER'S Lane, Germantown, REYBRENGas: Rey. R. Newton DI DI; T. C. Henry, B. G. Godfrey, T. A. Newhall, - F. Carroll Brewster, Escie., and Rev. G. A. Strong. jya-stur7t* INSTITUTE FOR BOYS, AT FREE HOLD, N. J.—The Fall Term will commence SEPTEMBER 11th, and continue fourteen weeks. Boys fitted for business or college. Terms—s3oO per year, of forty-two weeks—one-third at the com mencement or each term. Groat attention will he paid to the morals and manners of pupils, as well as to nicotine attainments. Motto—"lYe reason from what we know." Deduction. thoroughness lu firstprineiples. CYRUS BALDWIN, Principal. References—Rev. E. E. Adams, Schermerhorn & Bancroft, E. Slmpson,Wm. Musser. null-120 ipoRTTIADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITITTE, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. °OHM of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Street , _a (fon. merl' at 1530 Arch street.) Circulars at , 12215 and 1384 Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 2611. The next Session will commence on MONDAY Sep tember 18th. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., Principal. aulo-lm PHEGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1624 and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber loth. French is the language of the family, and is eon stantlyspoken in the Institute. For Circulars and particulars apply' to ant-gm Madame D , HERVILLY, Principal. TAUCHNITZ COLLECTION or BRITISH AUTHORS. Just received by steamer ONCE AND ACAIN. 2 vols. By the author of "Who Breaks Pays." Also, a ndw supply of-. CHRISTIAN'S NOSTAXE. I vol. By the author of "John Halifax." And an the novelties. Price, each 'volume, 75 cents. Sent, Dest-Itltl, On receipt of price. jr. LEYPOLDT'S Bookstore, aul2-stutlat 1323 CHESTNUT St., up stairs. SOHA,F E'ER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on MONDA Y, SEPTEMBER 4th, et 933 SPRUCE Street. Circulars may be obtained at the N. E. corner of Spence and Tenth streets. nul2-Stlltillat* pßcitniaux BOARDING SCHOOL -4-4 FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA., three miles south of Coatesville, on the Penna. Railroad. Winter term commences Tenth Month, [October,) Oth, 1865. Terms — SSO per session of twenty weeks. Music, 00 Drawing or Painting, each $5. Languages not extra, For Cireulare, address the Principal, RICHARD DARLINGTON, aul2-south Im Ercildoun, Pa. TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRIS -a- TOWN, Pa.—For Young Men and Boys—Twen ty-seeond year. The Winter Session, of sixmOntlia, Will commence on TUESDAY, September 19/11. For circulars, address ' JO NW. LOOll, auB-tutbs9t* Principal. MAN TIT A FEMALE SEMINARY, -MI- BARING Street, below Thirty-fifth,. West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladies. The next Term will open Sept. 9th. Per Circulars apply to Rev. JOHN MOORE, aul-tuthsl2t* Principal. g pRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 031 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. Established 1844. Incorporated 1885. The course of instruction Includes BOOK-IiEEP- Ma in its different branches, PENMANSHIP , Mercantile Calculations, 7Siasiness FbigllB, COM. mercial Law, &c., etc., furnishing _a necessary PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. . - - - - NO VACATION. Students instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas awarded on graduation. Catalogues furnished gratis on appli cation. an9-12t. VIL L.A,GE GREEN SEMINARY- MILITARY BOARDING SCHool..—Terras very moderate. Thorough course of study in Mathematics, English Classics, &c. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering tanght. Boys ellen ages received. Begins Septem ber 9th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP 42 SON, 23 South THIRD Street; THOS, J. CLAYTON,_Esq., FIFTH and PIiIINN Mr. GEORGE F. KNOTT, as HUDSON Street, Number limited- Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A, At, Village Green Pennsylvania. au4an FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDEN TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER the igth. A few vacancies only remain. For cata logues, containing terms, etc. Address. Rev. 11 OEM 11. PRAKELEY, A. - M., an2-6w President, MOUNT JOY ACADEMY, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYL VANIA.—This old and well-known Institution will be reopened for the reception of boarding pupils on the BIiCOND TUESDAY OP SEPTEMBER, the 12th. For particulars, address the Principal au2-14e -iA.USE. THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE wilt reopen their Boarding! and Day School for YoungLadieti, No. 1703 - WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th of Sept. au2-2m* Iq•RNggELAER POLYTECHNIC IN STITTJTE, TROY, N. Y.—The korty-ssccnd Annual Session of this well-known School of Engi neering and Natural Science, will commence Sept. 13th, /S. The New Annual will of 1555, giving full information, may be obtained by addressing Prof. CHARLES DROWNE, Director, Troy, N.l: aul-30t. MILITARY AND COLLEGIATE .111 . . bTITUTE, A.LLENTOWN, PA., With char tered privileges, superior advantages, and e. pa tronage or 150 pupils the flrstyear, reopens Zept. 5. For circulars, address Rev. K. L. HOPIPORD, A. 101., President. : R. BECK'S SCHOOL AT LITIZ, A Lancaster county, Penna., intended fora lim ited number of *ls between the Ages of seven and eleven years, The pupils bave the advantage of living ,in the Principal's family, and being. under his constant care.. For terms, &c. apply to jy29-Ire ABRAHAM it. BECK, Principal. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST COXSTER, PA., will cuitiMenCe its next Scholastic Year or ten months, on the gra WEDNESDAY, the Bth of September. For Catalogues. containing Terms and full infor mation, apply to its Principal, jr/8-6w WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. M. IVOODLAND SEMINARY.-NOS. 9 T V and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Phi ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladles. Location healthy, airy, and attrac. live. Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to jy2l-2m* REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. AA LOT OF BOSTON SCHOOL DESKS for sale at sub•l2t , 534 4 North TENTH Street. LEWIS & COX. - JOSEPH J. LEWIS, qo CHARLTON T. LEWIS, S. S. . COUNSELLOR x. AT LAW,. No. 132 BROADWAY. P. 0. Box, No 5,660, NEW BORIC GITY, Attend to ail htleilipSS Ill,tlie. COWLS of the 'United States and in the Departmeath at Washtuiri, Especial attentiowgivemte Internal Revenue wit ness, and to Claims against Foreign Governments, as well as our own. Judge Lewis , experience as Commissioner of In. terns.' Revenue,. and Charlton T. Lewis , experience as Deputy Coltmlisstehet, will be a gnarantoe thorough acqualn nee with the Revenue Laws, e Mr. n A (2 4 i c l o l n e n o c ri c gr tiu, s, ith a th h e i. C l o o i n n g mi m tt e e m e te ol i ir ob o i ri of the National Legislature insure a thorough knowledge of legislation and Practice in Um a ep4rt inents. au7-12t AfACKEREL, HERRING, BMA &v. ANA- - 4 2,500 bbls. Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 2:Mackerel, late -caught Hat Ash, in assorted paekaras. 2,000 We: Now Eastpgt, Fortune bs.y. and RlM fax Rearing. 2,802 boxes Lubec, sealed, No. 1 lieveloll. 150 bbls. New Mess Shad. 250 boadiMerklmer-courkty Cheese,to. Ix store and for sale ly MURPII:& KOONS, ,al9-tf No. 1 y 46 NORTE. WMARVES. IPIFAVANA. CIGARS AND GUAVA Jr.LLY.-I.leiv WlTleen now IWallinf — offercl. jaw to dealers . Cigars suited. for retall ug at Be, 1 and ne. Guava Jelly friam Doruhateu. factory, S. FGOIJET & SONS, Importers, au9-121 . No. 'MO South PROT,T Street. PORTRAITS.—CHOOSE TF_EE STYLE of Portrait kilo - wit as the 1.41‘. , -si,e PhotegrthliS 111 011 Colors. Tl;eir are IllieqUittleii ill irtttlithine,34 of exipression all( vocirkm, 13 4 ao. ca 4 ,strect, it* WA Arts. IiTA.NTLD-BY A YOUNG 314 N, A, Situation se BAR-TENDER, Good reference glyen, Addresg, for three days, F. GOWEICS, Pra 9 B gdzee. W A N T E D EXPERIENOED v SALESMAN, in a Wholesale Hat House- Ad dress Box 2366, rhnada. P. 0. aunstuth4t. 'WANTED-A SITUATION DY A v young man just past sixteen years; has aerVed two years in the High School. willing to make himself generally useful for a small compensation. Apply tiVrith T North MONT St. attithtlistnat* WANTED -By A DRY GOODS JOB , y BIN) HOUSE, a young ntau'who has a tho rough knowledge of goods; one brought up in a re tail stOrepreferred. Address, with reference, Box UV Post Office. • lt. WANTED-A SITUATION AB ENTRY I CLERK by a young man Just discharged from the U.S. service. Undoubted references. - Address Pre,9B Office. aul4-3t. WANTED IN A. MANUFACTORY of Cotton Goods, established and doing.a good briSlhes, a PARTNER who has from eight to ten thousand dollars to Invest. To take the Place of a retirin partner. A man of years preferred. Ad dress P oxl 252, Post Ofliee, Philadelphia. aOl4-Bt` WANTEIi- , A MAN THOROUGHLY acquainted with the Notion business, to travel with samples through Kentucky and Missouri. One ' 4 ( .l.' , Vt i gre l l giAe z Aa t tP . Xeferred. Address Box aul.4-2t - - - WANTED-AGENTS AND CANVAS v. SIMS, in city and country, for a first-class Life Insurance Company. A. liberal compensation will he given. Address - Box No. 1980, Post Office. aul4-3t WANTED-A BOY TO LEARN THE trade in a or a Low-priced Hand. Address •`ldlll-Burr, ,, Honeybrook, Chester county, aul2-4t, WANTED -AT $175 PER MONTH,. Returned and Disabled Officers and Soldiers, Teachers, Ladies, and energetic young men to CANVASS for our great national work, " - The Life, Times, and Public - Services of Abraham Lincoln." By Dr. L. P. Brockett. We have agents clearing *175 per month; which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, & CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. kid-Im* A LAWYER OF SOME YEARS' EX PERIENCE IN PRACTICE, having been re cently discharged from the army, after nearly lour years' service, desires a SITUATION as Assistant to another Attorney. or to rent part of an Office with another Attorney, with the use of his libra ry. - - Address "A. B. C.," office of The Press. illlls-31 AG E.N T S WANTED-408 SOUTH. FOURTH Street, Basement. aul4-3t. AGENTS WANT* IN EVERY Township, to sell T AND SMERMA.N; Tinalt CAMPAIGNS GENERALS. By Hon John T. Ileadley, author of "Washington and his Generals," &c.,comprising popular Biographies of prominent Generals of the.tinion army,- Inclu ding graphic descriptions of Battles„ Sieges, Ad ventures, &e., with numerous Steel Portraits and Battle Scenes. Sold only by Agents. To all seek ing profitable employment a rare chance is offered to make meaey: For terms and territory, address at once i_ with stamp, E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 130 GRAND Street, New York.' suit-oc AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Bend for circulars. Address "P. 0.," Box 1423, Philadelphia, Ea. jy2l-ImdcW4t AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SE CHET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON., AND THE ESCAPE," the most interest ing and exciting book ever published. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., Phila delphia, Pa. jy2S-Im. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OP THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra Induce ments offered. Address HENRY A, LOVELAND, No. 2O NorthMERRICK Street, northwest of Penn Square, Philada., Pa. jr27 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Hol land. No comment is necessary; the author's repu tation as a writeris fully established. Experienced canvassers know why it sells. Address. for terms, NORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-240 Chester county, Penna. 870 A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS to sett rgvrrivirlitllfilen.rAth expenses p e al ; orered. Full free. e Atiress 0113 T P. (ABBEY, Biddeford, Maine. myio-d&Waits. $l2 Fi A MONTH .- AGENTS WANT t, ED everywhere to introduce the improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the countr{ v which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Howe singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprleonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. nlylo-d&Wani 81 000• -A FEW MORE PERSONS, withA4ooo cash can secure original interests in the PIONEER PITCH AND LUMBER COMPANY, if application is made immediately. A perfectly safe and legitimate -enterprise. and Will pay, at present prices, over 600 par cent,profit t and at tile loWest prices ever known at least 200 per cent. profit the first year. A circular giving full particulars and reliable references can be had on application. HALL & JOHNSON, auo-71 522 WALNUT Street. el WANTED TO RENT—A FUR. NISHED HOUSE for oix months. Address "L. M.," at this office. • aul2-3t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. in FOR SALE—DWELLINGS NOS. Mil. Me and 1422 North Twelfth etreet. inquire at 1444 North TWELFTH Street. auis-2t* at FOR :ALE-A HANDSOME RE- I. seven acres of land, situate on the Lancaster . Turnpike, Radnor Township, Delft ware county, nine miles from Philadelphia, within two minutes' walk of Rosemont Station, on the rennsTlyania Central Railroad, Apply to HENRY AlcCit,A, 430 WALNUT Bum. 5.111.4-Bt* et FOR SALE-NEAT HOUSE AND .11il FURNITURE, BROWN Street, below Six teenth. B. F. GLENN, nun 123 South FOURTH Street. et FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE gla MAL FOE CITY PROPERTY—FARM of 10 acres, in Montgomery county, two miles from sta tion on the N. F. R.R. 20 acres of woodland, 30 of valuable meadow; large Mansion, new Barn, and plenty of fruit. Also, one of 65 acres.. B. J. DOBBINS, aull-fstuat. 108 South yOUP.TH Street. et FOR SALE—NEAT DWELLING man,. no North ELEVENTH Street. Neat DweilluE NO. 8..95 North THIRTEENTH Street. _Neat Dwelling No. MR North FRONT Street. Neat Dwelling No. 1905 COATES Street. Neat Dwelling No. 1311 North TWELFTH Street. Neat Dwelling No. 2028LOMEARD Street.. Large Dwelling 1307 South BROAD Street. GLENN 123 South FOURTH Street, and 01112 W SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. al To RENT—THE HOUSE, dOlt- INNER Obelton avenue and Wayne street, Ger mantown, with all the modern improvements. Pos session September Ist 1865. Apply to aul2-3t* W..H. STOKES, Ins. Mee, Germantown. it FOR SALE-THE TWO VERY desirable Arch-street HOUSES. N. MN and 1920; new and complete. namedi.tepossession. B. Y. GLENN, null 123 South FOURTH Street. aFOR SALE—GERMANTOWN COT TAGE and FURNITURE, complete,_ on High street. Immediate possession. B. F. GLENN, nun . 123 so l th FOURTH Street. ro, FOR SALE—IRON MASTERS, ill ATTENTION—GREAT BARGAIN-150,000 CAN BE CLEARED IN ONE YEAR—First.class ROLLING MILL in this city, with all the splendid, nearly new machinery, with three engines—one of 00, another of 150, Wee another of 30-horse power; has seven boilers. First-raid machinery for IMMO factoring railroad iron, chairs, spikes &e. • 5,000 tons of all descriptions of iron can be made irione year. Is Dowell in full operation; has water and steam rail road communication. coal shutes, &c.;„ all the water used upon the premises derived from springs near by, free of charge. There are also a row of twelve stone tenant dwellings included. Price, *15,000; Worth *lOO,OOO, Easy terms. 6EO. C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, uuls.stif 155 North SIXTH btreet. FOR RENT AM AN. ITALIAN VILLA., Late the residence of DAVID C. WILSON, situ ate )4' of a mile from the CITY of WILMINGTON, - within 200 yards of the City Railway (passing every 10 minutes.) The house (being new) is in excellent order, Supplied with water from a tank In the attic, with every modern improvement, heated throughout by steam; a fine porch the entire length of the building , . The grounds in front of the house (con taining 4 acres,) are tastefully laid out in walks and plats, dotted with trees and shrubbery, the whole surrounded by hedge and wall. This country seat is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the'tote. Possession given immediate by applicatiOn to DR. B, R:. PORTER, T. F. BAYARD, Eiteentore, au3-4w Wilmington, Del. P RAIRIE TIMBER AND FARMING LANDS in Michigan Wisconsin, Indiana, lowa, Kansas ; Nelyrnslo„ ginnesota, Missouri, near schools, churches, milt...AS, markets, LOW PIII9E -- LONG CREDIT. Selections made for Partiesnot-w.h ing_to inspect in person. Descriptions guaranteed. WESTERN LAND OFFICE, JOHN O. EARLE, 228 South THIRD Street. auls-st* STATE OF SAMUEL MEGARGE E fDECEASED -LUMBER BUSINESS ESTA 131AM-rmY.NT POR SALE WELL-KNOWN 'WHARF PROPERTY AND LONG ESTA. BLISHED LUMBER YARD.—WiII be SOW at private sale, for cash, to a suitable purchaser who may wish to carry on the business and become the tenant of the premises, all the stock of lumber, sheds, fixtures, implements, horses, carts, Ac.,at the lumber yard and business establishment of late Samuel hiegargee, Esq., fronting on Beach street and Delaware avenue, and the river Dela- Ware north or Poplar street, Sp the city of Philadel phia. The said - premises and stook eflumbar, Sce,, of which a full and specific statement and descrip tion will be furnished to all applicants, may be ex amined at any time before the 25th instant. A lease of the whole property will - be granted to the purchaser. Proposals in writing will be received until August 26th, 1865. DANlE l Ti o mii ic roA 55 nne, ROBERT M. LOGAN, No. 454 North THIRD Street, aull-12t Executors. F OR SALE r -A DESIRABLE BUSI NESS STAND, on MARKET Street, between Fourth and FISSU streets. Terms favorable. In quire at 1222 MARKET Street. nutl-et" A R ARE OPPORTUNITY Fall A MERCHANT TAILOR.—The well-known es tablishment at Kennett Square, Chester county, Pa.,formerly : occupied by Franklin Darlington, and recently by Lewis Seal, deceased, is now offered for sale or rent. A large business has al -Ways been done here, and an enterprising man, Making early. application. will find this a rare op portmiltylor engaging in a profitable-trade. There is on hand, a large assortment of cloths and eased meres, *Web will be sold lower than they can be bought bkroarket. Those destringinformatiou,,wili call uponor address SUSAN W. SEAL, or WM. T. SEAL, Adm'rs of LEWIS SEAL, deed, itU4tl2t•- Kennett Square, Pa. - . - FOR SALE-820 ACRES VALUABLE - 6 * boring LAND, on the lkeadwatera Of Little Dickbxy. Creek, Yenango comity, Pa. To be gold low. Apply to LEWIS L. HOUPT, e:u4-ha* 154 South FOURTH St., Phila. IRON FOUNDRY AND MAOMNFI HOPS SITUATE IN MOUND CITY, IL LLNOIS. The lot has a front ea the Ohio River of .285 feet, and extends 200 feet in depth to a one-hundred4eet wide street, with streets on each side; The bawl teas are of brick, autheontain a sixty-horse-power. engine, two cupolaa,rtilt and trip-hammers, lathes, and every variety ot machinery &ad toots used: In. lirst.elass maehirm.rakops. There are also patterns' for marine railwaginachinery, steamboat, saw, anft, sugar‘mill enginr4o, Bud for wood and coal-stoves, with all the latc;4ltaprovententa. Iron and coal 4o be obtained to the neigliberhoal in abundance. For sale by I. C. PRICE,. aul-12t* No. 814 CHESTNUT Street. • • - - • NEW YORK DYING. AND PRINT uTABLIS FIXE , STATEN ISLAND.— 40 lingth EIGHTH. latfeet. - 7Thia CaltrAnT. so long and favorably known in Neu' 'stork afitig.tlin Pastforty-six years, bave opened au (Mice as above. Ladies , and Ocntlemen'sliarments, and wearing apparel of every kind, dyed nod cleansed in the most perfect manner. Stains and spots removedi from garments Without being ripped. Merchants having goods of undesirable colors eam, 11A111 them!? redycd In superior style. auto-thstu3ol4 P HOTOGRAPHS - WiLL DE TARRN -to order of those who dectre them, of Crime, Residences, and Public Buildings, by B. htEE. Photographic Gallery, 524 ARCR St. It* TIED MADE TO HEAR.—IEtTRU .II," ingwrs to assist the hearing at meayEtßA. , d. Tor, irrwr Lt., below Gliestaut, cutl4-1/1* AUCTION SALES. AUCTION 'NOTICE. LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE .GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. SAMUEL C. COOL AUCTIONEER, giVEDNESDAY MORNING. August IS, IM6, AT HALF-PAZT TEN O'CLOCK rito. I Olean' Front St., above Wohntil WILL BE SOLD, for account of the Medical Bureau, 17, S. A,,ithe following Neva's:id:se, mostly in bales and originai packages, enttraly new and in good order: 50,000 pair Blankets. 03,008 yardaDimen Sheeting. 81,539 "' Bed Sacking. 22,6083( " Linen Pillow Casing, 84,051 X " Colored Cotton Cheek. 155,758 X " Mosquito Netting. 21,000-" Muck Towelling.. 15,9112 " nursing banana. 7,000 Window Shade 111tuaiLit,. 5,003 " Muslin. 8,106 X " Muslin Sheeting, 1,852 " Cheek Pillow Ticktalp 20,000 pair Drawers. 20,000 " Socks. 10,000 Shirts. 2,000 Blanket Wrappers. 1,000 Counterpanes:am Hair Mattresses. 6,000 Pillow Cases, Cotton check. 10,000 Pillow Ticks. 50,000 Sheets. ALSO, 100 bales, containing 0000 pair Blinbna, nearly new, in good order. Can be examined with catalogues threirdalli pre pious to sale. 14, 18, 17, 20, 24, 27, Si; an I. 2,2, 4,5, 7, 8 , a lit iZ 16, le. LARGE SALE- OP GOVERNMENT - 5 -i CARS, ENGINES, AND RAILROAD IRON. UNITED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, OFFICE Or ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, WASHINGTON, C. August u., 1865. Will be sold at CITY 'POINT, Va., on WEDNU DAY, October 11, at o'clock A. M. About four thousand (9,000) tons Railroad Iron. V At PORTSMOUTH, a., on FRIDAY, October 13, at 12 M.: Five (5) first-class Locomotive Engines. About fifty (50) Freight Cars and' one (1) Passenger Car. _ At NORFOLK, Va., October 13, at 5 P. M.: One new Locomotive Engine, 5 foot gauge. At ALEXANDRIA, Va., on TUESDAY, October 17: Fifty (50) first-class Locomotive Engines, 9-feet W inch gauge. Eighteen (18) new Platform Cars live-foot gauge. five Twenty-five (25) new Box Cars, (5) foot gauge. About three hundred and fifty (350) Box Cars, 4-feet fa-Inch gauge. About two hundred and thirty (230) Platform do., 9- feet BX-Inch gauge. About thirty (30) Stock do., 4-feet Bs-inch gauge. Twenty (20) Passenger do., do., do., do. One (1) Wrecking do., do., do., do. Two (2) new Trucks. Sixty do., do., framed. Fourteen (19) Flats. About two thousand (2,000) tons Railroad Iron. Sales to confluence at ALEXANDRIA at 10 A. DI., and to continue from day to day until all are Old. Terms: Cash, In Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. Al. aul4-toelo U. S. Military Railroads. LARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENT RAILROAD ENGINES AND OARS. UNITED STATES DIIELTART RAILROADS, OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTERNIASTER, WASHINGTON D. C. August 11, 1865. Will be sold at MANCHESTER, opposite Rich mond, Va., on TUESDAY, October 8: Twenty-five (25) new first-class Locomotive En gines; live (5) foot gauge, Eve (5) foot drivers; cylinders 16x24 inches; Opacity of tank, 1,800 ~gal lons. Five (5) first-class Locomotives, 4 feet SK-inch gauge. Two hundred and sixty-five (285) new Box Freight Cars, five (s)foot gauge. Fifteen (15) new Platform Cars, five (5) foot gauge. Ten (10) Freight Cars, 4-feet 8%-inch gauge. The sale to continue from day to day until all are sold. Sale to sonnitellee 10 o'clock. Terms: Cash, 11l GOYelltment funds. H. L. ROBINSON, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. M. aul4-toel U. S. Military Railroads. LARGE SALE OF CONDEMNED QuARTERMASTER STORES, CARTS, MOW ING MACHINE, itc• CHIEF QITARTERAIASTER'IPPICE, DEPOT OF WAS INGTON, WASHINGTON, D. C., August 4, 185. Will be sold at public auction, under the direction of Brevet Colonel C. H. Tompkins, A. Q. M., U. B. A., at the Government Warehouse, situated on the square between E and F, and Twentieth and Twenty-first streets , Washington, D. C., on WED NEBDAT, August 16, 1865, at 10 o'clock. A. H., a large lot of Condemned Quartermaster OtOres, con sisting of Anvlls, Bellows, Braces, Chisels, Forges, Files, Hammers, Knives, Punches Pincers, Squares, Stocks and Dies, Vices, Augurs,Compasses, Gauges, Hatchets, Planes, Saws, Tool Chests, Lanterns, Mowing Machine, Paulins, Ploughs, Grindstones, Wheelbarrows, a large lot of Leather Emps, Cast and Wrought-iron Scraps, Wagon Tire, &e. ALSO Will be sold at the foot of Nineteenth street, near Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, immediately after the completion of the sale above referred to, a number of Carts, Wagon Bodies, Wagon Wheels, Ambu lance Wheels and Bodies, Running Gear, die. The sale will be continued from day to day until the whole is gold. Successful bidders will be required to remove the stores within five (s) days from date of sale. Terms—Cash, in Government funds. D. H. BUCKER, Brev. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, an7-Bt. Depot of Washington. SALE AT ALEYANDRIA, VIRGINIA, OF CONDEMNED DRAIN AND GRAIN SACKS. CHIEF Q_HARTERHASTER , B OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGToH, - WASHINGTON, D. 0., August 7, 1865. Will be sold at public auction, under the direction of Captain J. N. Buck, A. Q. H., at Alexandria, Va., on WEDNESDAY, August le 1885, at 11 o'clock A. M., a lot of Grain and Grain racks, condemned as being unfit for Wale use, viz; 9,460 BUSHELS OF OATS. 2,910 GRAIN SACKS ORN. 8,548 GRAIN Successful bidders will, be required to remove the Stores within live (5) days from date of sale. Terms—Cash, in Government funds. D. H. RUCKER, Bvt. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, aUS-et Depot of Washington. AUCTION SALE OF SERVICEABLE GOVERNMENT MULES. I will offer for sale on MONDAY., the 21st inst., at the Government Corrals in Nashville, Tennessee, fifteen hundred serviceable mules. These mules have been on pasture for some time, are large sized, in good condition, free - from disease, young, and well broken. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. and continue cleilY Until the Atonic is an sold. Terms—Cash in Government funds. By order Col. A. J. MACKAY, Chief Q. M., Department Tennessee. E. B. KIRK, Captain and A. Q, M. Irgsliville, Tenn., August 7, 1865. auk-let P UBLIC BALE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY at the HADDINOTON HOS PITAL, WEST 'PHILADELPHIA, on THURS DAY, August 240885 at 2% o'clock P. M.: 1 large Frame Building and Fixtures. 1 small do. do. do. 1 Tank House. 1 large Tank and Bath House Fixtures. 3 Bath Bons., 1 Engine Heuse. 1 Worthington Steam Pum_p, No. 3. Flooring of 99 Tents and 2 Dining-rooms. 8 Sentry Boxes. Picket Fence, 12 feet high, on three sides of en closure. mamma In Commissary Building. Fixtures in Baru, Knapsack-room; and Carriage house. Fixtures in Carpenter Shop and Guard-house. Fixtures in Main Building, say of Office, Litter:- room, Dispensary, Dining-room, Clothing-room, Kitchen, and Ice-house. Two weeks will be given for removal, and cash in Groyernment fu ds n insist be paid at the time the Raining are off. ALBERT 8: ASHME&D Captain anti A,'4,. m. Office, No. T2l MARKET Street. aulS-et SALE OF GOVERNMENT WAGONS, AMBULANCES, SPRING WAGONS, &o. CuimP QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON,_ WaenttNOTBll D. 0., AlignSt a t Iso, Will be sold at public: auction, under the direction of Brevet Colonel C. H. Tompkins, A. Q. M., U. S. A. at a point near the Ambulance Park, on " N between Seventeen t and Eighteenth streets,Wash• Ington, D. C., on FRIDAY, August 28, 180, at 10 o'clock A. Mt 407 TWO-HORSE AMBULANCES. FOUR-NORSE AMBULANCES. RA TWO-HORSE MIMI WAGONS. g TWO-HORSE TRANSFORT. CARTS. 3 HACKS. 1 SULKY. Which have been used in Government serviee. ALSO, Will be sold at a point north of the Railroad Park, corner of FIRST Street east and "N" Street north, immediately after the completh% of the sale of the Ambulances &e. above referred: :to: 160 TWO-HORSE WAGONS. 103 FOUR-HORSE WAGONS. 10 SETS FOUR-HORSE RUNNING. GEAR. The Ambulances and Wagons will be sold singly to the highest bidder, and the sale will be con tinued from day to day until the whole number is La s d ue d, eessiut 'bidders will he remind to remove their purchased within live tat days ria".. , 1.14 a! sale. Terms—Cash, in Groyernmont funds. D. 1/). MICKEY., Bvt. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, ,au7-10t Depot of Washington. SPECIAL SALE OF GOVERNMENT LES. TH M E U urizTtp sTATES WILL SELL AT PUB LIC AUCTION, AT CHAAIPION , S CITY .BAAAAR AND• TATTER- BetweenHALLS RACE' STREET, Eleventh a:gd Twelfth, Philadelphia, DURING THE MONTN OF A.UOUST, UM, NINE HUNDRED MULES. These Mules are all serviceable, and sold only for want of use. Buyers. are iDYlfgd to examine Thum at any time, and every facility will be given for a thorough inspection.. Roomy sheds are prOvided for protection from sun and rain. ONE lEUNDRED MULES Will be sold on each WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY, throughout the, month of August, commenc ing at 10 o'clock Ar s iii; Terms cash, in Ciaverninelli funds. By order of Brigadier dendta Ekin. ALBERT S. Ab 113111411), Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. Office, No. 721 MARKET St., Phila. jy29-tau3o BOARDING. vv- A 14.T.ED-BY A GEN'T'LEMAN and, Wife, two Bccond-story Communivaitng ROOMS, Tucelshed or unfurnished, with BOARD, lit a Private P. anilly. Location, betweeit Walnut and Arch street.west et:Tenth street. References given and requiped. e. Address Box 2822, Post-ogee. auls-3t. Q Q.lll S F 0 R PERMANENT OR -1• N "Eraustent Bourcierg, at 1313 CHESNUT Street. DAY BOARD-VITH - FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 624 South WASHINGTON Square. ty6-2n• LOST AND FOUND. F OI7ND—TIIE DIS CH ABAre . OF THOS. 11..31A - ERS, Company B, 15th Fexp.aY ll ,,,, ,- Ala Cavalry. Apply to T. Y. & S. S. SMITH, 1.4 ° . North FOINCTSI Street, ' $200 1AA121)--FOR TH E ;on or petsons E Ex s wild colcrittlon of vie vii t odiaitaphia yd. sot Are to :Ile Stable of the L rotav ey „„1„e, PuFseuger I:4lllwity Compunn g: , ,,doturoN, Vitlt tut. PrUbldent, autl-40 CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE ALCANPIONs gel SECOND BLCurevuie d .t . e , fol l o w the decliake 14 the uLarket ase ilO 'UM DriCit of their FunOta. Parchaaern WaVe Call and examine our go lorl COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of ali numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to BA hgt wide; PanAnga,_l_lotting_Sitil Twine,&c. JOAN W, EVEHMAN & Co., ibili-U -___ - , - No. iO! .10NESII Alley. lIAVANA. CIGARS.--A GOOD VA. , RIETY eortetantty In store and bond, at low. est cash rates, S. 'MOUNT & SONS, 10.4-6rie No. 3/6 South FRONT Street. AMUSEMENT'S. QRtND HOP, CC OI, I[JAKIBIA. ROUSE. CAPE MAY, THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, AUG, Ll, 1861 the public are informed that the coming four Weeks promise to be exceedingly gay and pleasant at Ma favorite resod. Those who have heretofore been detooved front coming by the "great crowd," will do Yeeit to bear this fart in rebid. it ACADEMY aF MUSIC. THE FESTIVAL OF PEACE. GREAT SUCCESS. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUktig ,16t11, and SATURDAY AFTERNOON. August iatii, the 2Sith and 29th Regiments Pennsylvania 'Veteran teers. (White Star Division fully equipped, WM appear in Tableaux.' Powerful Orchestral and Choral Strength-.1hrIll• In g Tableaus' of Battles—Peace and Union. Sale of Seats to commence on THURSDAY, Au gust 10th, at the Academy of Music; Trumpler% southeast, corner of Chestnut and Seventh, and ac Malays Book-stand, Continental. Price of Adni lesion (no extra charge for remarked seats), 50 cents; Family Circle. 28 cents. auls-2t .NEW'' CHESTNUT—ST. THEATHte CHESTNUT Street above Twelfth. THE THEATRE ALWAYS E COOL AND COM 'PORTABL, MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINP,S,Aug.I4; 15. LAST WEEK Or ME NEW MINI DitAA.A. In acts, by Dion , Botteteault and E. H. Man, styled ARRAS NA POGUE; on TIM WICKLOW WEDDING, THE' LAST NIGHTS OP THIS GREAT 1)14- MATIO NOVELTY• has at tenth arrived, arid those of WIZ (UMW_ who have not seen It. should exabrace thiS OM Os portunity of witnessing.% It presented with'all. Its new and beauti fui Scenery, novel Effects, original Muste, eadtly` Wardrobe, elegant Accessories; and GREAT OAST OF.CHARAOTERS. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, August 19th, LAST GRAND MATINEE OF THE SUMMEn SEASON. And last daylight nerforunwee of ARRAN NA POGUE. VOX'S AAVIERIC AR . VARIETY THEATRE—WALNUT Street, above Eight*, EVERY EVENING. will be performed the new sensation drama, entitled THE CIGAR GIRL OF CUBA. EL NINO EDDIE, the wonder or thQ world, on the Tight Rope. M'LLE ANNETTI OALLETTI, the greatest Danseuse in America, in a new graltd Ballet. MISS LILLIE WHITING, the beautiful and accomplished Couredienne, In it new Burletta. FAMILY MATINEE EVE N.RY SATURDAY AFT a44f C ONCERT HALL-FOUR 'NIGHTS ONLY.—Commencing On WEDNESDAY EVE NING, August 16. The o_rginal and only BRYANT'S MINSTREL'S; From No. 472 BROADWAY, Net/ York. DAN. and NEIL BRYANT Proprietors. THE EXCELSIOR TROUPE 05' THE WORLD. whose pm-romances during the 154 tett years in the city of - Nevi , York have met with a success Urlpedoe. dented In the annals of public amusement. A.dttil6- ston, 85 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Reserve*. Seats tickets for sale at Trumpler's Music Store,cor• ner Seventh and Chestnut Streets, and at Conttnett- , tal News-Stand. Open at 7; commence at 8 o'clock. aull-St JOHN - P. SMITH, Business Manager. F AIRNQIINT WATER-WORKS ; MUIR BRIDGEI AFTERNOON CONCERTS EVERY DAY, From 4 to 7 o'clock. by HASSLER*S GRAND MILITARY BAND. Programmes of Musk issued daily. The Arch, Vine, and Callowhill-street card run directly to the place. aula-tf ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. M. till BP. M. Benjamin West's great picture 01 CHRIST REJECTED still on Exhibition. REMOVALS. • REMOVAL. r$ St LOPTIS, WATCHDIAS.EII AND JEWELLPA, Formerly at No. 140 North Thirteenth street, forms his numerous friends and customers that he has removed to • No, 61 North BlGHTkllitreet, where be intends to open with a tine and *MI !es lected assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY. Everything in his line will be found of a superior quality and workmanship, and every article war ranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing dna Watches. Jewelry made to.order, and repaired. He solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed In his old store by former customers, cad asks the favor of the PllDlle generally. atxl2-lm PEMOVAL.-DENEDICT MILLER, -LAP UMBRELLA and PARASOL litanufaCtorer hag removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. jy27-lintr REMOVAL.---GEO. W. WATSON dt CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSI TORY .1.9 their old place, No. 1219 CHESTNUT Street ( under Casten HMO where Ma Alll keePIL Stock or Carriagea of their own mace and will se.. eeive orders for every description Ls Ant-clan work. JUNE 7. ISM JeMni EXCURSIONS. alg.i CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD., FROM FOOT OF MARRYRKET STREET, UPPER. PA, AT 8.30 A. M., at KAL L AND EXPRESS. Dna t. 2.30 P. m .9 PASSENGER. Due at 8.11 0,00 EXPRESS. Due •t 7.46 P. lito 4.30 F. M., fare, 83.00. eiervants, $2.09. EXCURSION TICKETS, $5.00, Coupon Tickets, to be used by one person only, 10 for $2 , 5.00, - - Passengers and Bagg.age taken to and from MS Island and Station WittiOßE additional obarge. Freight daily from Sandford s s Wharf, WOW Spruce street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY At 5.10 Ma 11• S A. M., Expreaa; 5 P. M., Aceemmodattogi, 8.25 A. M., Freight. VAN RENMPAER, ours. ranionnalru, July 24,19854 Jrti4ll ANNUAL ' „, BRAND, EXCURSION •- - OF TIM YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, TO ATLANTIC CITY, FRIDAY, Aug. 25t11. Tickets fiLso, TO be nail at the DAIL 1210 Chestnut streett Pugh's, Stith raid Chestnut street LClaxtonts, 606 Chestnut .street, and Astunead etr Evans', 724 Chestnut street. augls-tuth&sat-3t gaszigGE CANAWISSA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY.—Ter Tourists awl Travellers—Excursion Season of 1816. Lake Ontario, liagilenaY MVO, The Thousand Islands, Portland, The Rapids of St. Law- White Mountains, rence 7ilver, Saratoga Springs, Montreal, Ac., Quebec, dtc., fte., 'Tickets for the above Excursions, which havt, been so lo n g owl favorabli , known to the Philadel,.. phis public, by wi t s.).ou. rof, to Maws Fang, (QF sale at the CATAWISSA. ELMI RAFICE RAILROAD TICKET Or -4.25 CHESTNUT Street, under Philadelphia Bask where full informotion will be given. N. VAN HORN, Passenger Agent, 425 CHESTNUT street. _ . aggiME CAMDEN AND A.T. LANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July let, 1855, FIVA• trains daily to Atlanti VINE-STREETy, an Sunday, TRAINS LEAVE FERRY as follows: gtpeZial ExcitrsiOn6.3o A. AL. . mail Train 7,80 A. Xr. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.... 9.18 A. iti) I Express (through in two hours) 2.00 P. 16.., Atlantic Accommodation 4.15 I', /5, RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 5.47 A. W., Express (through in two hours) 7.08 A. M. Frelgut, with Passenger Car attached....ll.47 A. 11., Mail Train”. -- ;- .; ........... •••• •• •• • 4 4S P .M. Special ExciirsiO .. . 5.18 P. 11.. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7,00 A. K.. Returning, leaves Atlantic at 4.45 r. M •• Fare to Atlantic, $ 2... Round-trip Tickets, gaol , : only for the day and train on which they are issued. • lia. gyNgricaz ACCOMMODATION. Leave Irine-streei Petty at. 5.30 P. Ye, Leave Jackson at, 8.2(1 A.. Ma EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS, Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.15 A. Si. and 1.1.5 P. llt, Leave Haddonfield at 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. Mr,. N. B.—Freight must be delivered" at Cooper's . Point before &o'clock P.M. to insure its going down. the neat day. JOHN G. BRYANT, • je.23.df .. Agent. ._ ~ &amigo F. xou.nsioNg.Ta LONG BRANCH.—Tralustir. Long Brancliwill leaye Cooper's POin.t,CAMEMT Excursiondays excepted, ) at Fare, le Tickets, good for three days, $3.. Extra.. train on Saturdays ai 4.30 P. M. Returning 4.17125 e at Camden at 9.10 A. M. Monday. .1e36-2m L. B. COLE, Agent, Camden,. FISHER'S BELF.SEALINO F REITI CANS. Every housekeeper in the city and'. country. should use this excellent Can. It Is the tapac eon-. venlent and reliable Can in use, and gime entim. satisfaction wherever introduced. It le naiad in an Instant, 14, hooking and spring, thus clamping_ a tin, cap over and around the opening,. and Mewling it. upon we lts ng he eethontod paper. Tile Ceent, in - the paper by the heat of tlie fruit. hod ,e ihdikPaSS.... ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing ig pay, feet. The cap is unfastened .by unliouMng the.. spring sad running a thin knife around under the. cemented , paper. Please midi and examine this Can at J. Mcliftllt_TglES', 80S SPRING GARDSO.Street Philadelphia. jy 9-Shilif A•RARE eiIIiMasLISHED SHOE MAIsl HVHFACi . tt it E ror sale, of 32 years* standing': reason i'Or sell lug Is health.. Apply 50 N. FOURTH story. ata,s-15t. tPARIS WERLEy CORSETS. A,T ioIRS. STEEL'S NOY Wre, CisikATINTVIP. Stree. t Also, Corbet. and gitirtgL 411/4"3r:. "A SOLDIERS AND OTRBRS. WILL, nod It to their interest ti;., buy hoot Shoes., Trunks, Travelling Bap. de., at GARRETT'S.. 1 ouch BECOSTOotb. tThestitat, east 81.4.au11-lut• WRITTEN. AND VERBAL DX, . ocxxvrioNs of caXenter. Censatetless,, and Talent, with ADVICE on ausineek • Health, EdueatlOn, Self-leipovement, Jean. agenseat and Traltdif of IDIHILDBEN, Sass o w Adaptation, *C., day. a 'evenlee,'ny J Rex L. HAPEN, Phrenologist and. Bookseller, No. 25 S. TENTH Street, above Obeetnnt. oen-tatnetyif -lA NCOURA.GE POMESTW TRY. • HARRISON & BRADFORD. STEEL prat MANU— FACTURERS, give employment to over ONE ittravennh AmanicAbt „Intx AND womx,v, and produce over TwENTY.FIVE MILLIONs ANNUALLY of American Steel Pens, stamped with their name in NIL and MOPE their label. In quality finish. selection, and style of Witting ark Inn§ iena are warranted to surpass. any Vens ever offered' to the. Anterican_eublie. FOR SALT, WHOLESALE AND . SS RETA , IL, by MO & CO. Stationers and Waal, Book Manufacturers, 4 , 01 CHESTNIIT street, and 430 MARKET' Street, "vidiadelnhitt. aul4-im E D. F. tionaKs, ATTOENIT AT ALAWGENT AND OOLLECTINg , MEMPHIS, TEN/i. Tbq,47lyll Courts of this District areaow i le prat. ticat Having prnticed at the cambia bar for tee DO) years. MY with WI bustneascometunitt greatriltoult*Seth th e ° P ee "? collection of claims. D. F. BlattattEs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers