The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 15, 1865, Image 2

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    flit ;Irtss.
The best news lately received from Eu
rope was that which we published yester
day, to the effect that King Louis of Por
tugal, when closing, the Cortes, promised a
strict law for the final abolition of negro
slavery within his dominions. This actu
-ally means in his colonial possessions—in
the Cape de Verd Islands, Madeira and St.
Thomas ; in the Azores ; in Senegal, An
gola, Guinea, and Mozambique ; in the East
Indies ; in the Indian Archipelago, and at
Macao, in Chinm The whole of this colo
nial population exceeds three millions and
a half. We have no doubt that tha recent
abolition of slavery in this country has acted
as a strong inducement to the performance,
however tardily, of this act Ajustice and
bun-amity. -
It is fitting, indeed that the couutry by
which Negro Slavery was commenced
should finally abandon and surrender it.
From the time of MOHAMMED black slaves
have been held in parts of Africa and Asia.
Early in the fifteenth century one of the
princes of Portugal personally gave an im
petus to maritime discovery, which event
uated in the researches of COLIIMBHS, on
the then almost " unpathecl waters" of
the Atlantic. The exchange by . four
Moorish prisoners for twelve black slaves
from Africa, in the year 1442, led to the
commencement of the slave trade, by a
company of adventurers, under royal pa
tronage, a little later. But, though the
trade, flourished at first, it, gradually de
clined. The discovery of America, in
1402, at which time there were only about
300 slaves annually brought into Portugal,
made the trade popular and profitable. Co-
Lum - aus himself had been engaged in it be
fore he went upon his adventurous voy
ages, and recommended the Spanish sove
reigns, FERDINAND and ISABELLA, to traf
fic in Indians, as the inhabitants of the
newly-discovered continent were called
and, curiously enough, it was found
that domestic slavery was one of the
original "institutions" of Peru, while, in
Mexico, the law was, the children of slaves
were free born. Negroes were largely lm
ported into the Spanish colonies, because
they could perform hard work - , to which the
less sturdy Indians were unequal. One
negro was equal, in market value, to four
Indians. It is not necessary to mention
how Negro Slavery spread from South to
North America. English traders went
largely into the trade ~,but the first slaves
actually imported and purchased in this
country was a small lot of twenty, brought
to Jamestown, Virginia, in a Dutch vesseL
The trade, however, was largely English,
and Queen ELIZABETH shored profits with
the first party who engaged in it ; while the
last two of the male STUART monarchy,
(CuanLEs IL and JAMES IL,) were mem
bers of one of the four English companies
established for carrying on the African
slave trade. Some of the colonies remon
strated against it, but it was supported - by
England. The first abolition movement
was made about the time when the Decla
ration of Independence was drawn up and
Our Continental Congress resolved, in
1776, that the importation of slaves should
cease ; but, in 1788, this was taken back,
and the year 1808 fixed as the period when
it must terminate. We need not here re
peat the particulars of the battle which has
been carried on among ourselves, during
the last fifty years, to abolish slavery—
which was finally done during the Presiden
cy of Mr. Lnicora. It may not be with
out interest, however, to give the dates of
its abolition elsewhere.
In England, the trade was long consi
dered as legitimate as it was profitable, and
Liverpool was literally raised by it from a
small fishing village to a great seaport. It is
recorded that, on one occasion, the erratic
taken a benefit in the theatre at Liverpool,
was tardy in complying with a call from
"the gods in the gallery," to acknowledge
their patronage by a speech. The ruling
error of this great actor's life was his pro
clivity for wine, and he was under its ex
citing effects when he was informed by the
alarmed manager that, if he did not appear
before the curtain, dissatisfaction would
speedily ripen into riot, in which ease the
theatre would probably be pulled about
his ears, and his own life endangered.
Coori presented himself to the au
dience, and showed that he desired to
speak. Attentive silence was the instant
result. Glancing keenly around the house,
he began ; but, instead of the address of
personal thanks which his patrons expect
ed, he said, in his clearest tone and most
impressive manner, "Men of Liverpool:!
I am ashamed to play here, for hire.
Ashamed, because there is not a brick in
your town that has not been cemented with
the blood of an African I" The words were
heard in silence, and COOKE was allowed
to depart, unmolested. There was so much
truthin his brief but sharp reprOtteh, that no
man could answer it. About that very time,
Mr. GLADSTONE'a father had several
ships in the slave trade, in which he
was largely and profitably concerned.
The first step in the British Parliament for
the abolition of the Slave trade was taken
in 1788, when a petition, signed by Quakers,
was presented. Perm and Fox, the great
political rivals, soon joined the abolition
movement Effort after effort, succeeding
in one House and failing in the other, was
almost annually made. At last, when
Fox was last in office, in 1806, the Govern
ment brought on abolition as their own
measure, and
_it was passed, in 1807, after
the death of Fox. Still, this only abolished
the slave trade. Steps were then taken,
the movement being still headed by WIL
BERFORCE and CLARKSON, to mitigate and
abolish Slavery itself; and, in 1833, this was
done, by act of Parliament, V 00,000,000
being paid, as compensation to like slave
owners._nut-- thc public_ treasury. ._.-Tina
Emancipation virtually took place on
August 1, 1884, France, which was inte
rested in the slave-trade, abolished it in
1791, but Nitromorz restored it, and again
abolished it in 1815 ; it was re-enacted by
Louts XTIII. in that same year, but wholly
ceased in 1820. The property in slaves in
the French colonies was abolished early in
1848, after Louis PHILIPPE was deposed?
In the Netherlands it Was abolished in
1818 ; in Sweden, in 1846-7 ; in Denmark,
in 1848 ;in Holland, in 1860_ Spain pro
mised, in 1814, that she would abolish
slavery in 1820. She kept her word as
badly as Brazil, which passed a law against
it in 1826, but still continues it Portugal,
which had not given any pledge upon the
subject, not volunteers, using her King as
the medium for announcin g it, that the ac
cursed system shall cease, finever, under
her flag.
Spain and Brazil, therefore, are the only
countries, claiming to be civilized, which
continue legal protection to "property"
in human flesh and blood, by their eitizens
held in bondage. It is impossible that this
.can continue much longer. The rulers of
these countries are professedly Christians,
and holding kidnapped human beings in
perpetual and oftentimes most cruel slavery
is not to be reconciled—whatever Bishop
HOPKINS may, pretend—with the mild
tenets of the Gospel of the Saviour. In
deed, it is now stated that Spain and Brazil
have resolved to abolish Slavery.
The example of the United States in abo
lishing slavery will doubtless strengthen
the emancipation feeling in Brazil. It is
estimated that about three millions of slaves
are held in that country. They are not
•confined to one section, but distributed
through every part of the empire, and form
:about one-third of the entire population..
libpolitioal homier between white and black
freemen exists, and there is, comparatively,
little social antagonism between the races.
EmanciPation, therefore, involves none of
the'peculiar difficulties that have attended
it here. When the shackles are etrieken off
the bondsmen, they become at once the
peers of their fellow-men, and ne. - subsequent
struggle about slave codes or negro suffrage
is necessary to ensure their peifect freedom.
The Brazilian, champions of emancipation
advocate gradual, instead of immediate
action, and they expect to secure the
co-operation and support of many of
the slaveholders instead of their hostility.
A few months ago a leading Brazil states
man, Viscount lEQUITIZTRONITA, introduced
into the Senate a bill, substantially provid
ing that all slaves shall acquire their free
dom upon the death of their present miners
that in ten years all slaves over twenty-five
years of age shall be declared free ; and that
in fifteen years all slavery shall be abolished,
except in cases that are to remain under
the special Control of the government. It
is not expected that this important proposi
tion will be adopted, at once. But its agi
tation has fairly commenced, and "free
dom's struggle, once begun, though baffled
oft, is ever won) , The downfall of slavery
in our country will necessarily hasten its
extinction in the only two remaining Chris
tian countries that sanction it ; and by the
.close of the century it is probable that it will
be tolerated only by heathens and Moham
THERE is only one historic incident bear
ing any similarity to the recent enfranchise
ment of the slaves by, the American Go
vernment, and that has but a superficial re
semblance. In Russia the serfs were libe
rated by the act of the superior race—that
is, liberty was bestowed upon them, not
won by their own endeavors. But here all
resemblance ceases ; for, as is uniformly the
ease in monarchical governments, there
exists an antagonism between the sovereign
and the nobility. The sovereign fears their
power and is jealous of their influence, and
seeks to diminish it by granting privileges
to the lower classes, thereby strengthening
himself in his opposition to his nobles. 111
England and France, the strong and vigor
ous middle classes frequently found the
king their friend in their conflicts with the
aristocracy, and for this special cause,
Naturally, a king, above All competition,
and fearing no infringenient of his rights
or honors, can freely espouse the cause of
the lower ranks of his people, and strive to
ameliorate their condition and elevate their
position, either from selfish or benevolent
considerations, while the nobility dread
every innovation in established order as the
precursor of injury to themselves.
Tun KENTIToKY BLEMoN has probably
resulted in the choice of five Union and
four Democratic or Conservative members
of Congress. The State Senate, it is sup-.
posed, will contain a majority of Demo
cratic, and the House of Union members.
The real issue is upon the slavery question,
parties having divided without much re
ference to ancient affiliations on the issue
of emancipation. Although the anti-slavery
men have not gained. a sweeping victory,•
they have approximated so nearly to it, and
made such an impressive demonstration of
strength against old pro-slavery laws and
sentiments, that their final and conclusive
triumph can at the worst only be post
poned, not prevented.
THE ANNUAL manufacture of strong li
quors in this country is estimated at from
80,000,000 to 100,000,000 gallons; and if
the excise duty of $2 per gallon was, ill all
instances, honestly paid, a revenue of from
$160,000,000 to $200,000,000 would be de
rived from this source alone. But the law
has been systematically evaded and vio
lated on a large scale, the amount of tax
received by the Government during the
last year being only a few millions of dol
lars. We see by the Chicago Republican,
that a sweeping raid has been made upon
the distillers of the Northwest, and many
heavy penalties exacted. As the people
and Government are both swindled by false
returns, for the benefit of manufacturers
and dealers, it is to be hoped that the law
will be rigidly enforced hereafter, and that
the burdens of the nation Will thus be ma
terially reduced. The Republican gives a
long description of the frauds that have
been perpetrated. They are accomplished
by false oaths, by illicit distillation, by, col
lusion with officers, and by smuggling from
Canada. The Irish system of manufactur
ing " potteen " has been extensively imi
tated,- but the large establishments have
perpetrated 'swindling operations on a gi
gantic scale. Against one distiller a Go
vernment forfeiture of the immense sum of
$643,320 is claimed, and in several other
cases more than $lOO,OOO are alleged to be
AMID the discouragements that attend
the progress of reorganization in the South,
one cheering fact is constantly perceptible.
Talented and eloquent men, and well-con
ducted journals in every quarter are con-
Stantly advocating free labor, and demon
strating that it will be found more profita
ble, as well as infinitely more just and
agreeable than the old system. This fact,
insignificant as it may appear, is a great
gain on the old order of things. The people
are not oily forced by necessity to dispense
with slavery but their reason is constantly
being addressed by men in whom they have
more or less confidence, with arguments
and appeals in favor of the advantages Of
the new system. Surely, on such a theme,
earnest discussion and experience should
eventually secure a mental and moral, as
well as a physical triumph for the right,
and satisfy even the most prejudiced and
stubborn of the old slaveholders, that
emancipation, rightly regarded and im
proved, may become a boon to the master
and the poor white man, as well as to the
Wram FRANCE has been endeavoring to
establish and maintain liAximimAx upon
the throne of Mexico, Spain has been 'aim
ing at the permanent conquest of St. Do
mingo ; but the determined valor of the
citizens of the Dominican Government
finally compelled the withdrawal from their
island of the Spanish invaders. The victors
claim that they have successfully vindicated
the Monroe doctrine, and look to America
_for gympathy ward. - air melt
heroism. Betrayed at the outset by leaders
who sold their forts and strongholds to the
enemy, they soon recovered from the first
blow of treachery, and, after a bitter and
protracted conflict, obtained a treaty that
substantially embraces the following terms,
viz :
First. That the troops of Spain should evacu
ate the Domin lean forts and territory, and that
all acts Of hostility should mutually cease_
Second. That in consequence of this evacua
tion peace should be established between the
two countries on :terms compatible with the
honor of both parties.
Third. That all questions arising out of the
late events should be afterwards settled by
speLdal commissioners, to meet either at
- Madrid or St. Domingo for that purpose.
Feurth. If so mutually agreed, the original
treaty of amity, commerce, &c., made in 18M,
between Spain and the Dominican Republic,
to be declared in full force.
Fifth. Dominicans, who had been taken into
the military service of Spain, to be amnestied
for leaving the same, and vice versa.
sixth. A mutual oxelianso of military an d
political prisoners of war.
,Seventh. The amount of arms and munitions
of war received by Spain on taking possession
of the Dominican forts to be left in them, and
also the national edifices and archives to be
turned over in their existing condition.
Eighth. That the anal delivery of the forti
fied city of St. Domingo to the native authori
ties should be effected with due international
f, , both
_parties taking steps to pre
erve perfect, order and tranquility.
Cor.nrmow.---In "OecasiOnal , s” letter yester
day, a typographical error occurred in the
following sentence: " I can easilyunderstand
why a newspaper, which grew old and crabbed
anti suepicious, in misting the Democracy in
its best clays—the days of Jackson more espe
cially," etc. For assisting read resisting.
We learn that Captain Thomas C. Williams
of the 19th United States infantry, and late aid
on General BOSSeau , s staff, has been appointed.
Provost Marshal General of the department
under General Stoneman. Captain Williams
will make his headquarters at Knoxville, for
which place he will leave in a few days, with
his lovely And.accomplished young bride. We
commend them cordially to the 590 d offices
and tender care of our Knoxville friends.
Since the above wee written we are pleased
to learn that Captain Williams has been pro
moted to a eolonelcy in the regular army, for
meritorious conduct. We congratulate the
Colonel upon his promotion, so well deserved.
The people generally, with whom the Colonel ,
has had wide and varied communication, will
be glad to learn of his promotion.---Nashvine
paPer, '
(Lieutenant Colonel Williams referred to, 18
the eldest son of Captain B. B. Williams, Super
intendent of Adams Express Company of this
city.—En. Passe.]
Paul Morphy, the champion chess player,
is in New York.
Afriomi Peonage.
2b the Editor of the PrOss:
, Sat: It is. not enough that,-the Southern
States should agree; to no siayery in it s o ld
forms. They fillrelrdeet 'oftheir-Slave-owners
have long been anxious to givelhat up for an
other (and worse) more profitable to the
They have long since seen that he who was
compelled to feed, clothe, nurse, and doctor
all those who are too young, too feeble, too
sick, and too old to work, as well as the la
borers themselves, was paying a round price
for his labor done, and have been anxious to
exchange it for another system, free from
these heavy drawbacks.
It is a fact that no country but one Of limit
lees fertility, Wheee
products are of world
wide demand, and limited growth, Can support
the slave system, unless it be in breeding re
gions. r The extreme Southern States . have
been able to get rich under such a system ;
but itryfite Only because of their great fertility
and' peculiar produots ; and they have not
been slow to see that there might be another
far more adVantageoue to their interests
adopted by them.
But they hesitated in its adoption because
the reprobation of the world would have fallen
upon them with crushing effect. But now this
old plot is Wilk revived, and the Southern
leaders look upon this as a propitious time to
lay the found,ations of its eventual adoption.
They think the work half done already to
their hands; and so it is, unless guarded against.
The plot now is, if compelled to do so, to
acknowledge involuntary servitude ended—
slavery dead, but to keep the old slave Ma
terial still in ignorance and degradation, as
timber fOr the new system,
The. States are to pass laws providing—first,
that thi blacks (or poor whites, if they will)
may contract debts upon personal security—
that is, secured by a mortgage of the labor of
the debtor. This makes a slave till the origi
nal debt is paid, and until all subsequent in
debtedness is paid also. And, second, that the
personal services of a debtor may be levied
upon, set up at; auction, and sold upon the
block, by the creditor, in payment of his
claim. As this would devolve upon the buyer
risks of sicsness, nursing, and death of the
debtor, as well as the feeding and clothing
him, the bids would be so small that a small
debt awould, of necessity, consign the poor
debtor to a long slavery; and then, add to
this the debtor's liability to be continued on
after its expiration, for the payment upon the
same terms, of any debts contracted after the
first judgment, and the chances would be ten
to one that a debtor, whose services are once
sold, is himself forever sold, as the real, though
not nominal, slave of his creditor.
The Southern planter reasons thus: There
is not one ignorant negro in a thousand, espe
cially having. a family, that would not, if he
could, run into debt, nor that, when once in
debt, would not keep so. Give us the right to
sell his services to pay his debts, and he is a
slave thenceforth forever. But should he get
disabled, become permanently an invalid, or
grow old and useless upon our hands, why
then we can show our generosity by remitting
the balance of the debt and turning him loose
again. It relieves us of the eare of the young,
and sick, and old, and of all the expenses of
clothing and feeding them also. Beside, the
world Can lind no fault with us; ior, though
slavery in fact, it is not in name 5 nor is it in.
voluntary; for since every man knows when
he contracts a debt that he may be sold for it,
it is a part of the contract, and so wholly
voluntary and according to agreement. Be
sides, you know it is not selling the man, it is
only gelling his services; and if we have to
take the body to get the services, that is only
incidental, and can't be helped. By this ar.
rangement every child is -born free, and if he
can't remain so, whose fault is it? And if this
systeniturns off the old and the sick to suffer
or starve, what of that? Are we to blame for
men's running into debt when they are young
and starving when they are old!
Now this is exactly the system certainly to
be inaugurated throughout the cotton States,
provided Congress is fooled into the error of
receiving their representatives, and starting
up the machinery of State G-overument before
the future condition of the negro is forever
fixed. And it is a system compared with which
slavery, as it has heretofore existed with all
its horrors and enormities, is clear as fresh
linen, and pure as light. A system against
- which let the American people be thoroughly
warned and forever arrayed.
It is a system so full of wickedness, that the
South has so far hesitated hi its adoption—not
because it was too wicked for them, but be
cause it was too awful for the world's contem
plation; bemuse they did not (10,re deliberately
to turn out their old and sick slaves to die
being already bound to care for them.
But now their theory is that the abolition of
slavery has relieved them of allresponsibilities
of that kind, and that the old and sick being
thus off their hands, they are at liberty to dis
regard them, and'deal only with the well and
hearty, and their own interests through them.
Let me assure the American people that this
is no false alarm. This very system of peonage
has long been under Southern discussion. It
would be vastly more profitable to the planter,
and a thousand times more dreadful to the
negro than slavery ever has been.
Now, in good but quiet earnest, the Southern
leaders are laying their plans for its adoption;
and fire years hence Ns-11111nd it in full opera
tion, unless prevented by the stern and whole•.
some action of the Government.
But what is the antidote? Simply this. Let
no. State return until its slave code is abo
lished, the Constitutional amendment agreed
to, and its own Constitution altered, forever
discarding all species of peonage, and securing
an education to all Classes, both white and
black ; and containing a provision against any
change in these respects for twenty years to
come. By that time, the negro being both free
and educated, can take care of his own irate•
rests. Gao van.
A Shameful Affair.
[From the Harrisburg 'Telegraph of Saturday.)
We have already announced the fact, that
an unfortunate - wretch, named David Gre
gory, had been convicted and would be
hanged in Philadelphia yesterday. Since then,
for good and valid reasons, the Governor
had extended the time for this execution
until :the .e2d of September. In calling atten
tion to this case, we are reminded of certain
facts connected with an effort to procure a
pardon for the unfortunate man, an expo
sure of which cannot fail to nil every honest
man with disgust and fear at the corrupt
tendencies of the times. Gregory has a wife
and a large family of small children. His
mother is also still living, represented as a
most respectable, hard-working lady, who, by
her own industry and thrift, gathered a suffi
cient's-111310f money to render her independent
of the world. Of course, the dreadful situation
Of her son overwhelmed her with grief, and
she was ready to make every effort and sacri
fice in her power for his rescue from the gal
lows. Observing her sorrow, and knowing the
amount of her pecuniary possessions, a party
of unmitigated scoundrels in the city of hila
delphia combined systematically to rob this
afflicted mother. These men are utterly
without character, never had either per
sonal, .political, official influence or inter
course with the Governor, and could not
possibly sway His Excellency in regard to the
ease. And yet they represented to the mother
of Gregory that they could get a pardon, While
the unfortunate wretch under sentence of
death was induced to believe that if a certain
sum of money was raised, he could be rescued
from the-gallows. Under these circumstances,
the widowed, afflicted, and aged mother con
verted the accumulations of a life of trial into
money,. willingly and' lovingly placed it in the
hands of the villains who had combined to
rob her, and by this time she knows that she
has been duped. By this time, :besides her
sore affliction, the heart-broken old woman
knows that she is as poor as a beggar, having,
been made such by the connivance of a band
of Philadelphia rascals. , We doubt if the an
nals of crime contain anything equal to this
ca.seilin black-hearted villainy !
In this manner the Executive and Legis
lative authorities of every State are dis
graced. Combinations of rascals are formed
who lead the people to belieVe that certain
legislation can only be had by corrupting
Legislative bodies with money. On these re
presentations money is freely given, when
the fact is that the very business asked for
could have transaeted without the-ex
penditure of a dollar by the parties directly
interested. We had a ease of this description
in the Legislature last 'winter, when parties
were induced to believe that Mr legislation,
which was just and could have been readily
had,it would be necessary to " pay I , liberally;
but the fraud was detected before the robbery
was effected. But this last case exceeds any,
thing in the history of the State, and we trust
the parties engaged maybe severely punished.
mereicet of the 12th has the following:
Some time since a eonple of the night po
lice made the capture of every suspiciouS cha
racter under very suspicious circumstances.
As nothing could be proven against him he
was set at liberty—very unfortunately, as the
Sequel shows. At about three o'clock of yester
day morning, the same fellow, who is nothing
more nor less than a professional burglar and
highwayman of the most desperate eharaeter,
came across it citizen named John P. Gortland,
who, laboring under the somnifie effects of
heavy midnight potations, had fallen asleep
on the doorstep of his residence, on the south
side of Fifth street between S. me and Race
streets. The night-prowling " erossmane
searched the sleeper, and took from him a
watch valued at silty dollars, and proceeded-
westward, probably to carry out a plan of a
burglary already matured. At any rate, it
happened that at about four o'clock, of yester
day morning, the same individual, after mak
ing his way over sheds and out-houses, effect
ed an entrance into one of the rear-rooms of
Mrs. McGee's boarding-house, on Seventh
street between Central avenue and John.
The gas, burning dimly in the room,
diSelOSed to hiM the form of Robert Alc-
Gee, a son of the landlady, who had made
bed for himself on the floor, and was sleep
ing there. Awakened by the noise of the
burglar, the young man discovered a man just
applying his fingers to the burner. 'Thinking
it was some person belonging to the house, he
was about to go to sleep again, when the light
was suddenly turned out. Immediately. sus
pecting the nature of the affair, he epeang up
and grappled with the rascal there, in the
darkness, calling loudly for help. A young
man named George A. Mclntosh, awakened
by the noise of the struggle, rushed into the
room, and, together, the two young men en
deavored to capture the burglar. But the tuf
o/lan straggled stoutly with them both, and
finally, drawing a sharp knife, stabbed and cut
them both in several places, compelling them
to give up the, struggle. The intruder then
sprang through the window, and was making
his escape, when he was tired at by a citizen.
He escaped the shot, only to become a prisoner
to Officer Antram, who had managed to come
up with him, and, with cocked revolver, me
naced him in such a manner as to compel him
to drop his knife and surrender. He was then
taken to the Hammond-street station, where
Lieutenant Hefferman found on his .person the
silver watch identified by Gortland. In the
Police Court, yesterday, the desperado, who
gives his name as Charles Nagle, was held for
trial before the Court of Common Pleas, on the
charges of highway robbery and cutting with
intent to Kill.
-- Robert E. Lee, late General in the late
rebel army, was on Friday last tendered the
Presidency of Washington College,Lexington,
Vs., by the trustees of that institution.
Gossip about the 141,W York Newt.
Agate (Mr, Reid,) of the Oincinnati Gazette,
writes the following gossip to that journal
about the New York newspapers :
Articles are going the round of the news
aspen press to the effect that Horace Greeley
has ceased to have any control of the Tribune,
and some accounts go so far as to state that
he has no Connection with that journal. There
is not a word Of truth in these reports. Mr.
Greeley is not only the editor-in-chief still,
but he does not write less than two columns
for every issue of the paper, unless he happens
to be out of town. At the last meeting of the
stockholders of the Tribune, his salary, to
whose advance he has always been opposed,
was raised frOM,11•11, to 81.500 per annum, in
spite Of his protestations against it. '
Speaking of journalistic salaries, they are
far lower here than any one would suppose,
when the expenses of living are taken into
consideration. They are higher than they are
in the West, but the facilities and necessities
of pecuniary Outlay here are much larger, and
the natural though fallacious idea is that men
connected with the Metropolitan press have
particular capacity_ which ought to command
elevated - figures. Newspaper writers are paid
in New York according to their ability rather
than their position. For instance, Mr. Frede
rick Hildson, of the Herald, has long received
SlO,OOO per annum, which he richly earns; and
yet the same paper employs reporters who do
not get more than ten dollars per week. in
deed, some Of the reporters for the evening
papers are employed as low as seven and eight
dollars per week, although they generally do
work for the morning papers, which enables
them to live.
The general salaries for good reporters are
from twenty to twenty-live dollars per week;
for city and.suireditors, and musical and dra
ruatical critics, thirty to forty dollars , and
beyond that there is no regular gradation or
special limit. At these figures the city jour
nalists are rarely enabled to make both ends
meet, and are compelled to edit one of the
weeklies or correspond for the provincial
press, or write for the magazines or theatres,
or perform some literary labor outside of their
regular duties.
The following characteristic letter, written
to Mr. Reid, has also been published:
Nnw Yong, August 4.
TWEED REID: Thank you for yours of 3d.
Your inquiries are laughable. The facts are
We elect an editor of the Tribune annually by
a stock vote (one hundred shares one vote
each). Once, man v yeargago, two votes were
cast against me for .editor—none before nor
I have never beard that any stockholder de
sired my withdrawal from the Tribune.
Imean to reduce my.wofic-on it at the ear
liest moment; and have so stated to all who
have a right to know.. I am overwhelmed
with labor. I Brew old. and want rest and
comfort. My iaea is to get somebody else to
take the laboring oar receive tile kicks and
cuffs, and let me farm a little, travel a
little, fish some, and write when in
spirit. Such is my dream. I hope to realize
at least a part of it during the year 1866; but I
may not till some time `later. You know how
circumstances control everything.
At present I am writing about an average of
two columns per day - for the Tribune—too
much; I mean to write less whenever I can.
That's all I know about the matter. Per
haps they know more at the Herald office.
Vol. 11., I grieve to say, does not get on so
fast as it should. I have too much other work,
a very sick wife, and am not very well my
. and the weather is good for corn and
turnips, but bad for history. I Mope for im
provement in many if not in most respects.
A Mumma STUMP SPEECH.— The English
newspapers are in the habit of making merry
over the speeches of our stump orators. We
do not believe they can mention one Wlie
made so bad a figure as did Lord Ellington in
a speech to the electors of Berkshire, in the
late canvass, as reported in their own news
Gentlemen, I am in favor of the Government
• that have governed the country for the last
six years, and I am of opinion—lam Of Opinion
—should be upheld. [Here he Stopped,
and looked steadily into his hat, and
it being observed he was endeavoring
to read something, a voice cried out :
" You have got more in your hat than you
have in your head, gnv'nor.") The conserve
tiVes have been opposed for six years to every
thing which has been for tileublic good.
The foreign policy—[A voice, "Fetch it out
of Sour hat," followed by roars of laugh
ter.] Here it is. [The noble candidate, taking
a piece of paper out of his bat, held it up; which
was followed by roars of laughter.] It's all
very fine ;if you think it's an easy thing,you
just COME up and try. Ewan of laugh ter.] At
all events,
they maintamed peace ~but if they
had had it their own way this inestimable
blessing would have been sacrificed, and—and
—[A voice, " Oh, do help the poor young man,
pray ;" roars of laughter)—at all events,
they maintained peace. As to America,
they evidently wanted to fight with the
Southern States. [A voice, " Who's your
fetherl"] Who's yours I [Loud laughter] On
these grounds, gentlemen, I shall support the
present Parliament. [Roars of laughter.] I
hope you will do Abe same. [Renewed
laughter.) Lord Ullington had, during these
remarks, been prompted by the Hon. E.
Bouverie and air. Barrett; and his own party
put their hands up to their faces and seemed
very uncomfortable. After some minutes bad
passed, he said :don't care [laughter ;) I don't
want to speak. [ Shouts of laughter, and a voice,
"Give us a song then, Governor;' "Send him
back to school, Barrett;" " Let ushave a fellow
that has got some little brains."] If you had
had three Conservative members where would
have been the treaty with France?—[loud
laughter]-one of the best things out—over SO
long, for the last, I should say, hundred years,
(this sentence was brought out in such a hesi
tating manner—a word at a time—that it pro
duced roars of laughter,) which not only pre
served peace with the two nationi4, but de
veloped—developed (the noble Candidate here
turned round to those behind him and in
quired, "What is iti" which inquiry produced
roars of laughter,) Well, gentlemen, lam not
a speaker, hut I intend to vote straight. [Cheers
and loud laughter.]
WIPE.—A letter from Newport says : In the
vicinity of one of these beaches is the famous
place known as Purg.atory. This is a fissure
in the r,3eky cliff, Which here rises almokt as a
perpenilliellial: wall from the wean. The open.
mg rune back from the - waters long distance,
and it requires a steady nerve to approach the
sides and look down into the deep abyss, and
there are but a few who are able to do so. One
curious feature in this singular formation is,
that the rock is a conglomerate, and round
stones of all sizes are seen embedded in the
sides, that were divided at the time of the up
heaval, so that the parts are now found on
either surface. For instance,_ stones may be
seen that were not larger than an egg, that
look as ii cut in two in the middle by some
sharp instrument, and the parts, though now
twenty feet and more distant from each other,
retained in their original places. This is the
character of the whole formation, and if the
two sides of the gulf could be brought to
gether these divided stones would lit as ex
actly as the halves of an apple that had been
cut with a knife. The chasm is a curiosity to
all, but these facts make it especially , so to
men of science, some of whom have given it
much study.
Of this locality there are many curious tra
ditions. Here is pointed out the place whore
according to a story Iwo hundred years old,
the Old Boy killed his wife, dragged her to the
precipice, and threw her in; and, strange, to .
say, the marks of violence are plainly to be
seen. His Majesty's footprints are left in the.
rocks ; the strokes of his hatchet, as he took
the life of his spouse, are pointed ont, and
even the Stains of blood are not effaced. The
moan of the waters, as they roll in at the
bottom of the abyss, are still listened to as the
sighs of the murdered. Taken altogether, the
place is well befitting the story, however the
latter may bare prigmated.
Tern lIPIt.OP'S Awn mna Lira RAINS. —The late
rains have undoubtedly inflicted more serious
injury upon the crops than those which pre
vailed two weeks ago, and which occasioned
such serious alarm throughout the country.
According , to the despatches froM Illinois,
there ean - be no doubt in the minds of any who
will esalnine them carefully that the wheat
crop has been damaged very considerably—
probably fully, one-fourth being ruined. In
almost every place it is injured more or less,
only one or two despatches reporting the crop.
large and good. The crop of oats is large, but
it would appear to be injured by rains and
storms about one-fourth. The barley crop is
also injured very materially. The crop of rye
is reported "fair , in many TAMS, but badly
damaged in ethers.. The corn crop, from all
accounts, looks, finely, and the rains have im
proved it, rather than otherwise, except in low
grounds. Thus far, the prospect is that Illinois
will have the largest crop of corn ever known.
—Chicago Tribune.
JETT niEsrucr.—For several nights of late,
while hourly expecting news of the cable, we
have been in reception of poetical despatches,
along with the more prosy ones, from the tele-
Tgraph office, intendecl onlyfor our private eye.
he following, however, received last night, is
t , ,,-witty and bright that' we cannot resist the
impulse to let it go into our columns:.
Not all the power which wealth can yield
FIBS Satisfied theliepes of Field
And Company, who, howe'er able
In other things, can't lay the Cable.
Some screw is loose, )nachines won't work,
Or whales have given the line ajerk; -
Or rocks, with sharpen'd edge, have cut
Clean through the wire and pereha gut.
'Therefore, do not expect this eve
From England tidings to receive
Through ocean's depths. Dispel the elrea'in:
'Tis en impractl-CAnLE scheme!
C Washington Chronicle of yesterday.
To the Lieutenant General*
[For The l'res.7
Uniting patriot's zeal with such a martial fire,
Lucullus, or a congiring Caesar might admire;
Youth's rich, warm thanks, and love that
blooms in Age's heart,
Shall weave thy corona ; while Poesy's sweet
Shall, with, grave History, tell to all the won-
Writ] g earth,
Ever thy glorious deeds—thy soul's majestic
Singling thee from the heroes of this trial hour,
Supremo in council, and 'unmatched In working
Gaining fair Freedom's cause, as by the Lord's
own word—
Riving the oppressors' chain sby thy delhoring
And Treason crushing 'usual the foot of Liberty.
Not only now, but through all time our land
Mail be
Thankful to God for thee! Thankful 0 God for
thee! W. 5.
PRILADELPH/A, August 14,1865.
NAY.—This evening a grand hop and prome
nade concert is to be given at the Columbia
House, Cape May. Mr. Bolton, the ever plea
sant and accommodating proprietor of the Co
lumbia, announces that the coming four weeks
are to be exceedingly gay and pleasant at Cape
Island. The Columbia is indeed one of the
finest hotels at this favorite summer resort, as
any of the great multitudes who have this sea.
son thronged it can testify. The weather has
never been pleasanter at Cape May than it is
at the present time ; in fact, in the opinion of
many, the best time to visit the seashore is
towards the latter part of August.
We desire to attract the notice of buyers to
the large sale of boots, shoes, travelling bags,
ae., comprising samplei of twelve hundred
packages of first-class seasonable goods, of city
and. Eastern manufacture, to be peremptorily
sold by catalogue, on four months' credit, COM',
meneing this morning, at ten o'clock, by John
B. Myers & Co., auctioneers, Nos. 23c' and 231
Market street,
The **construction, Flortark—Pro
- clitination of
• Golv;:riairidit, -
Following in the footsteps of the Provisicntal
Cinvertiomfiovertior Marvin, of Florida, has
issued a proclamation to •the citizens of that
state, pointing out to them the way :to ;
their allegiance. Ile informs them that he
contemplates calling a State convention, but
all who are to be members thereof, or who in
tend to vote for delegates thereto, must take
the amnesty oath prescribed by the President.
The proclamation concludes as follows :
I have been Informed by the military au.
tborities that a considerable number of posts
have already been established in the State,
and others soon will be, 'with officers attached,
authorized to administer the oath required,
and to give certified copies thereof, so as there
by to give every facility-for taking the oath
with little or no inconvenience or expense to
the applicant.
In the meantime, and until the re-establish
ment of a State_government, it is left to the
military authorities to preserve peace and
ord'er and protect the rights of persons and
An understanding has been bad with the
Commander of thedeartment whereby per
sons occupying the offices of of probate
may continue to take proof of wills, and issue
letters testamentary and of administration,
and Clerks of circuit courts may take the proof
or acknowledgment of deeds and mortgages
and record the same as heretofore, and all per
sons occupying ministerial offices may con
tinue to perform such duties and offices as are
essential and convenient to the transaction of
bllgneSS. If any doubt should hereafter arise
concerning the validity of their acts, such
doubt can be removed by a legislative act of
By the operations and results of the war
slavery has ceased to exist in this State. It
cannot be revived. Every voter for delegates
to the Convention, in taking the amnesty
oath, takes a solemn oath to support the free
dom of the former slave. The freedom in
tended is the full, ample,and complete free.
dom of a citizen of the United States. This
does not necessarily include the privilege of
voting; but it does include the idea of full
constitutional guarantees of future possession
and quiet enjoyment. The question of his
voting is an open question—a proper subject
for discussion — and to be decided as a ques
tion of sound policy by the Convention to be
_ .
Upon the establishment of a republican form
of State government, under a constitution
which guarantees and secures liberty to all
the inhabitants alike, without distinction of
color, there will no' longer exist any impedi
ment in the way of restoring the State to its
proper constitutional relations to the Govern
ment of the United States, whereby its people
will be entitled to protection by the United
States against invasion, insurrection, and
domestic violence.
Dated at -..iaehaonville, Florida, this 3d day
day of August, 1885, WM. MARVIN,
Provisional Governor.
To the 'Union Men of the Fourth Eon
gressiontai District.
A long and successful es,reer in crime em.
hoidens the guilty. A recent illustration of
this law of human nature impels me to violate
my life-long rule of conduct, and for once to
notice a. political slanderer. I do not, how ?
ever, address you for the purpose of repelling
his innuendoes or falsehoods. My life has been
passed among you, and if its record, familiar
to you all, does not repel them, I have lived in
vain. My purpose is simply to pierce the mail
of ill-gotten gold in which the slanderer has
clothed himself, and give you a glimpse at the
loathsome object it protects.
The papers of Friday announce that Simon
Cameron,. of Dauphin county, was serenaded
by Ills friends on the precedin g evening at the
Girard House in this city, andavalled himself
of the occasion to.villify m v colleagues and my
self, "the Congressmen of Philadelphia," in a
speech to the assemblage.
I was but a youth when I first heard the name
of Simon Cameron . , and it was as the perpe
trator of a' rest crime. He bad been made the
agent of the Government to carry a large
amount of money, due them, to the NVitmeba,go
Indians, and had taken advantage of their ig
norance and helplessness to enrich himself.
'Those of you who had then attained to man
hood, though you may not, after the lapse of
so many years, revive the burning indignation
with which you regarded the infamous swin
filer of the poor Indians, widadoubtless remem
ber that instead of pitying them the specie
which the Government conlidedto him for that
purpose,la e retained it,and gave them the notes
of the Middletown Bank, of which he was an
owner...At their encampment in the remote
wilderness these notes were utterly worthless.
The Indians could not use them for any pur
pose there, nor carry them to Middletown for
redemption. But what was that to altooo'Ca
meron 1 Was not their loss his gain, and wag
he not so much the richer by every note that
failed to come home for redemption, though
they did suffer and starve? And those of youwho
are not old enough to remember all this, now
know why ,
this bold, bad man is sometimes
spoken of by your seniors as the " great Win
nebago,” and sometimes as "Ohl Kiokapoo."
For more than thirtyyears I have watched
the tortuous career of this man, and have
never seen a reason to abandon my first im-
Pression of his character. Whether acting
with the Democratic, the Know Nothing, or
the Republican party—forhe has in turn dis
grated them a —he has never been. false to
his criminal instincts, lie hag endeavored to
turn them all to profitable account. ills am
bition is sordid and panders to his avarice,
and he, measures honors by the perquisites
they expose to his grasp. Ile has no confi
dence in the people, and is aware that they
distrust him. His speech of Thursday even
ing was not ehanieteristiC Of him, for he is
prone to the use of instruments. His habit is
to point the stiletto, but to employ another
hand to drive it home. Though an active par
ticipant in the polities of his county and
State for more than half a century, during
which long period he has pursued the profits
of °Mee, of Jobs, of contracts, with eager and
ceaseless assiduity, lie has never dared to per
mit his name to be presented to the people Of
his county or State as a candidate for an elec
tive office. He crawls to the feet of the ap
pointing power. lie cares not who may be
King, so that he may "still be Vicar of Bray"
and to that end be chaffers with and corrupts
weak and needy members of Conventions and
the Legislature of both parties.
I need not recite the disgraceful facts attend
ing his several canvasses for the United States
Senate. Their - nauseous odor lingers in your
nostrils to this hour. In the first he bought the
votes of three Democratic members, and in
the last bid twenty thousand dollars for the
one vote which would have elected him. This
last transaction was so flagrant that the Le
a-Islet-ere was compelled to take cognizance of
it, mtd, if justice he not lame as well as blind,
the law and honor of Our State will yet be via.
The evil report of his deeds pervades' the
country as a reproach to our State. Yes, un
happily for Pennsylvania and her great in
terests, the buzzard-winged fame of Simon
Cameron is national. By months of abject
solicitation and corrupt bargaining he pro
cured a mass or letters, certificates and re.
cantatin»s, that imposed him upon President
Lincoln• as the representative man of the
Keystone State. That was an evil hour for
Pennsylvania. You all remember how he
organized the Navy Agency in this city, and
feel the ireffable reproach he thus brought on
our Navy Yard and commercial and other
business men. In the course of his impudent
and ill-judged harangue be said; "In the
olden time a member of Congress from Phila.-
delphia would have had sufficient influence to
have carried his
_point (the establishment of a
Naval Station at League Island) without a dis
senting voice." Is that the assertion of a sober
man? and did he who made it forget that our
Congressmen in the olden time in proposing
to locate a Government workshop at Phriader
phia, had not the terrible reputation of Simon
Cameron, the Fagan of the Harrisburg lobby
and ex-Secretary of War to contend with, and,
therefore, had some chance for success? My
colleagues and I were less happy than they in
this respect.
As I have said, he begged and bargained for
the influence Which induced Mr. Lincoln to
vite him to a seat in his Cabinet. It was now
fondly hoped, by those who had not sounded
the depths of his depravity, that, being old and
rich, he would take advantage of so distin
guished an opportunity to prove that he could
e honest, and could administer a trust with-
Out turning it to his own profit, orhanding the
fund over to his creatures, to be used on mint
account. How sadly these hopes were disaTh
pointed is attested by the brevity of his term
of office, and the circumstances under which it
In less than one year from the day on which
Simon Cameron was installed as Secretary of
War, Congress—though at that early day it
had before it but partial evidence of his crimes
—indignantly drove him from that high office.
Two-thirds of the members of the Lower House
were friends at the Administration, and would
gladly have sustained each member of it as
they did its distinguished head.
Ton can imagine how painful, it must have
been to them to find themselves Constrained
by duty to proclaim the fact that the nrst man
the head of their party had been induced to
appoint as the successor of John B. Floyd had
exhibited Teater aptitude than he for his
worst tricks. But it became inevitable, for
this old man, notwithstanding his boasted and
reputed minions be) levee that one of his
name is nOYOr rieh enough until he has a little
more, and, to save their party and the Coun
try, the friends of the Administration in the
House kad to- proclaim his infamy- and de
nounce his crimes. Nor was the vote by which
they did it a meagre one. His friends and
those who would most gladly have averted
this disgrace from our state, could rally but
about one-third of the House against the reso
lution of conagomation: The vote was about
two to one against him, though I, as a Penn.
lvanian, not willing to bear witness against
the representative of our State, but too well
satisfied of his guilt to vote against the resolu
tion, failed to record my vote.
11l this fact, gentlemen, you have the secret
or "this distinguished statesman's" hostility
to me and my friends. Mr. Walborn, the Post
master of Philadelphia, and- other of his crea
tures, have offered me his friendship and sup-
port if I would endeavor to have that resolu
tion expunged. My reply has invariably been
that to stir foul matter would be to produce a
stench. I have never in this or alight else en
deavored to propitiate him or his creatures.
No stone may mark the spot where my poor
remains may finally , rest; but I mean that my
children shall be able to vindicate my name
by pointing to the fact that Simon Cameron
and his confidential friends were ever hostile
to me.
With grateful regards, yours, very truly,
ACADEMY OF Music.—The Festival of Peace,
given at the Academy of Music, last evening,
,for the first time in this city, passed oil' very
creditably. A fair and appreciative audience
Was in attendance.
CITY -rr]w.,,Dxs.
improved Pattern Shirt," made by John C.
Arrison, at the old stand, Nos. 1 and 3 North
Sixth street. Work done bytiand in the best
manner, and warranted to give satisfaction.
His Stock of erentiouleyos Furnishing Goods
cannot be surpassed.' Prices moderate.
Ir2SITORB TO THE BEA-MOUE should provide
themselves with Bathing Drosses from
Nos. 1 and 8 North Sixth street.
Tug Niiw Yoga BANK llontialtV.—The rob.
bery of the Thcenix Bank, New York, is an evi
dence of the kind of life carried on in Gotham'
Fast bank officers, fast women, fast horses, and
fast blackguards,that live off all the best. We
do not often make such losses in Philadelphia,
our business men being correct in their
morals, and exhibiting their good taste and
thier economy by procuring their wearing ap
parel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of
llockhill & Wilson, Nos. 6113 and 606 Chestnut
street, above Sixth.
THE NUPTIAL TIN has been described as a
knot fixed with the tongue which the teeth
cannot unloose. But the teeth themselves, if
beautiful by the aid of Sozodont, are powerful
agents in produring the fascination which
leads to marriage. The charm, to which this
delicious preparation lends to the breath, too,
has a decidedly hymonial tendency. White,
teeth and a pure breath t What heart can re
sist them 1 aul6tuths3t
any affection of the bowel% to have its own
way, or the most serious consequences may
result. By neglecting such complaints„ the
system is often so rapidly reduced as:to reach
a Stage . beyond the .help of medicinee‘before
the patient can -realize the necessity of leak
ing about him fOr a remedy. Bear in. mind,
therefore, that Lin.. .Tayite's Ciarmenathic Balsam
will be found in Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and
all stomachic complaints, a prompt, safe, and
certain curative, and the reputation it has
maintained throughout the country for over a
Quarter of a century is such an endorsement
of its character as should lead every one to
provide themselveS with so simple a remedy.
Prepared only at ea Chestnut street. ann.-at
FASHION'S PLATT/ORM—One perfume, pure,
refreshing, and imperishable, and that per.
fume Phalon's "Night Blooming
This is the platform of Fashion on this side of
the Atlantic, and allthe people say amen Sold
TEE F. AND A. INSTITUTE, advertised in our
columns, has a complete corps of experienced
FTIP.NITITRIE darrraOLsluanan, varnished, and
repaired. Carpets or matting altered, made
up, and laid, at W. Henry Patten's, No. 1408
Chestnut street. aul4-2t
For sale at a discount,
In sums to suit, by
34 South Third street.
and portion of rent applied to purchase.
Also, new and elegant pianos for sale on
accommodating terms. GMILD,
jyl4.2m Seventh and Chestnut.
EYE, EAR, AND CATARRH successfully treated
by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, 519 Pine
street. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge
for examination.
The following is a statement of the condi
tion of the Philadelphia banks yesterday, as
compared with the previous week :
August 7. August 19.
Capital stock $14,442,350 $19,492,350
Loans 09,36706 54,529,718
Specie 1, 154, ols 1,15 3, 931
U. S. legal-tender 21,210,400 20,845,048
Deposits 47,762,1e4 41,561,743
Circulation 6,986,002 0,959,217
The following statement shows the average
condition Of the banks in Philadelphia for the
week preceding Monday, A.uguat 14th, 1865:
gaTIMRMIVP 7m T z r I O
:irga,gsTanglElEl;g artsollat:
P27.g.v.wmo,ntlAge l.
go lia t r agE gg" F l**
EraaitlnehgOkX E nr 4
1244 iWg*Irgro a r g
El gr gE5a; §
pd Ve. r tfl,l
EL' ri tt ,
m r. g :x
. .
P; RP.;
g" ° ``' °,. r''S"..ot•U , r.. . •
Pc , •
ggg;6501.0W1A44§1g23306 .
o.octo , two-1 , 05PP..wmw4400.m,
sPOP 2 g 2 . : ll . - . 4 §
F+ r '"P rr rrrrry , 4
§§§§tHatkiiokv=lo§ §§§ga§
- PPAg .
Clearings. Balances.
$6,799,184 23 $579,372 33
6,280,102 31 926,693 39
3,371.623 17 • 963,553 24
4,978,298 92 332,712 10
5,161,978 28 320,661 84
5,913,718 55 562,350 94
et 3 2 , 5 0 1,835 48 162,683,343 31
August ii;
The Stock market was inaetiVe yesterday,
and rather dull. After Second Board, some
thing of a panicky feeling was developed,
growing out of reports of forgeries on the
sub-treasury of New York. It was reported
that gold checks on the Government as well
as on the city banks had been extensively
forged, and the money obtained, WO were
unable to discover the particulars, and incline
o the belief that the stories were manufac
tured for stook jobbing effect. If they should
turn out to be true, it would not at all sur
prise us, as we appear to have fallen upon
times of extraordinary bank rObberies, stock
company swindling, forgeries, defalcations,
and the like. Under the influence of these
reports, Reading declined to 53, having sold at
53% at Second Board. There were very few
sales of Government loans, and they were
confined to 7-305, which were better, selling at
WA. State bs were weak, and sold at 9014.
The War Loan 6s were held at par. Pennsyl
vania Railroad was steady at 57%; Camden
and Amboy sold at 124--an advance of 34;
Minehill at 5334, and Hazleton at 59; 53 was bid
for Norristown ; 23 for North Pennsylvania ; 63
for Lehigh Valley ; 6(1 for Wilmington and
Baltimore; 12.3 z," for Catawissa common. Bank
stocks continue dull; 45 was bid for Penn
Township, and 47 asked ; 87 for Western; and
,for Manufacturers , . The following bids
were made for passenger railroad stocks: 6
for Seventeenth and Nineteenth; 213 for
Spruce and Pine; 02 for. West Philadelphia
15 for Arch ; 11 for nave and Vine; li for Ridge
Arenue; and 17 1 4 for Hestonyillo. Of coal
stocks there were further shares of New Creek
Creek at I, Big Mountain at 5, and Fulton at
6%. There was more activity in oil sales, the
sale? , at the Public Board amounting to 15,000
shares. Prices, however, show no material
The following were the quotations for gold
on Saturday at the hours named:
10 A. DI
11 A. M..
12 M
1 P. M
3 P. M ...
The favorable accounts from this country in
regard to trade and commerce, as affected by
the renewal of business relations with the
South, has opened the eyes of English mer
chants and capitalists to the fact that America
is rapidly recovering from the effects of her
four years' war, and they are now beginning
to congratulate themselves upon the advan
tageous position which England holds as a
producer with which our domestic manufactu
rers cannot compete. The London shipping
and Mercantile Gazette, in treating of the above
matter, while acknowledging that the present
high duties must prevent a full development
of trade, is confident that there is ample room
for profitable markets for the manufactured
articles. It adds
For some time to come we shall hold a supe
rior position ht America, because we shall be
able, so long as high imposts are levied upon
raw produce, to undersell the States' manu
facturers by sonic twenty or even twenty-five
per cent. Naturally, the people will resort to
the cheapest places of production ' and con
tinue to foster trade even at the expense of
native producers.
The "arbitrary enactments" to exclude fo
reign goods from the American markets have
proved abortive, in its view, and while antici
pating a severe reaction against the present
system of internal taxation, thinks that no
thing shoit of a Considerable reduction in
home duties will place American manufac
tures on a level with the English.
A heavy internal taxation must compel the
the people to economise their means, and ren
der it necessary to import additional quanti
ties of foreign goods for actual use and con
sumption. For some time our merchants may
have to struggle against adverse innuences ;
but we may observe that at no time since Mc
have our prospects of trade: in America been
more favorable than at present. Various fo
reign commodities may be heavily taxed, and
every effort made to exclude England from
any participation in the trade of the States;
but we all know that consumption in America
is enormous, that the wants of the Consumers
are likely to increase considerably, and that a
difference of live per cent, in favor of foreign
productions will gradually destroy the home
In conclusion, the Gazette predicts a course
of trade which, although not at all gratifying
to us in a financial point of view, is yet one
which has in advance been long apprehended
by many of our capitalists;
During the next five months we shall, no
doubt, see a steady—perhaps a large—increase
in our outward trade to America. In that case
the exchanges will continue in our favor, and
we shall draw moderate supplies of gold on
merchants , account. The unusually high
priCes at Which wheat and flour are held in
America, notwithstanding their great abun
dance, will prevent the settlement of trade
balances by means ofroduce. This will be a
serious drawback to American trade general.
ly, because a continuous drain of the precious
metals must eventually react upon the money
market, although it is expected that the ar.
rival of gold dim; from California will show
a considerable improvement compared with
the three previous years.
The following table shows the amount of
dour and grain in store in Chicago on the sth
inst., compared with the amount at the same
time last year ;
Aug. 5, 1884. Ann : 5. 1565.
••• 23,035 14,000
... 769,417 833,221
• • .. 980,306 465,625
... 341,382 210,776
.... 23,711 20,799
.... 6,648 50,308
I wc ' o l u o r u ie [ tt ,
, b b a u r s
h r e Is is .
The coal dealers of Boston held ameeting on
Saturday, and decided to advance the price
to eleven dollars per ton.
The banking capital of. Chicago amounts to
the following aggregate
Twelve national banks •
Two corporate institutions
Fire private banks
The fjoyerricr of Wisconsin MSBlot in LIAO
General Land Office at.lTuhillgton a map of a
change of 1111:e. of thhiOnte of the Chicago and
Northlfestern Railroad,
,aßthOrized by a reso
lution of Congress, approved April 25, 1882.
As originally located, it was in a northwestern
direction from the town of Appleton, on the
Fox River, to the State line between Fiseon•
sin and Michigan. As changed, the road
lows along the river to its mouth at Green
Bay, then up the shore of the lake, and striking
the State line near the mouth of the Menomo
nee River.
Drexel a Co. quote:
U. S. Bonds 1881 new 108 1 107
U. S. Certif. of Indebtedness , new.. 97 1 k 913
U. 5. 7 SJOinetes 99 994
Quartermasters' Vouchers 99 07
Orders for Certif. of Indebtedness.. 98 9814
Gold 142 1 40143
Sterling Exchange 155 /157
5-20 Bonds, old 105 i, 108
0-20 Bonds, new 1010 1044
1040 Bonds 95% 97
Sides or Sloe :
1900 IT 13 7-308 ......* .. • 993 i
100 Mingo UM 2.94
100 d 0.... sao 21(
200 d 0.... WO 279
200 d 0.... 3
100 d 0.... 3
100 d0....3
100 d 0.... “ .... 3
100 do 2715
100 Curtin 91 3
100 do b 3 33A
100 Dunkard M
100 do .... . ..... b3O 42
100 do ...... —1220 M
100 Mingo: 2%
100 Big Tank NO 1%
100 Egbert 1.31
100 El Dorado .56
100 Mcßea & C Run.. .44
1700 d 0...... .44
700 Mingo —.1130 2%
100 Royal 830 .81
200 do b3O
200 do .81
000 Mingo
200 d0.. .. b30 2.66
sco 7-3.. .
. 99%
100 St N 1618916.2 1.49
200 do 1.94
1500 Mingo.... 1,30 2.69
100 - d 0.... .. — 2%
300 St Nicholas.... b3O
Resorted by Ileum, Maier
200 Mingo
800 1787-30 TrNtsJne 994
4000 City 6s new..lots 91
1000 Morris Canal Bds 92
1000 Elmira 75 99
1700 Lehigh 6s 4 94 95
100 Reading - R 53053
• 200 Cat2wlssa prf.b3o 2546
10 30 • - .1 25%
100 00
d d o
130 254
200 Fulton Coal 03,1
25 Big Mountain.... 554
1000 City Gs New 91
1000 do sswn 91
2000 do
10 Can] it Am R..... 124
1000 S 1.90 g Jane.— 90
20 Venus R 5731
300 3111 mo 910
11 Hazleton R 59 •
100 New Creek 1
1000 Cam & Am 6s '75. 90
400 d
Citv 6s Nor,,••••
• 400 o R 911
100 Reading R 53.44
..100. do 130 53.%
100 d
do o 53)4
05 53%
- 10 Penna R 575 x •
16 - do - 5734
10000 State s's SW
1000 do 90s'
100 City 6's new 91
1200 do mun'l. 913
2000 Wilmington 6"5..130
100 SOO Nay WS 314
100 do b3O 31%
100 St Nicholas 144!
100 d 0.... . . ..... s3O 1.44
189 d 0...... ..... ,b3O
The New York Post of yesterday says
Gold is more active. The opening price was
14114 the highest at 143Y 3 ; at the closeliN
was' hid.
The loan market is easy at 7 per cent. Com
mercial paper is unchanged, and passes at 9
The bank statement shows a decrease in
legal fenders of 8561545 ;in dopes - He. $2,500,1•69 4
in loans, 03,60 ,451. The specie and circulation
havesomewhat increased. On the whole, the
report is regarded as favorable.
l4,The stock market is dull and inactive. The
board for the - first time in several years ad
journed as early as 11.40 A. M.
Before the first session Slew York Central
was quoted at 0:4, Erie 657-4,_ Reading at 106,
Michigan Southern at 65%, flock Island at la%
Northwestern at 28; Northwestern preferred
at 02IA'.
The following quotations were made at the
board, as compared with Saturday:
Mon. Sat. Adv. Dec.
U. S. Os, coupon. 1 81 110634 105% 34
U. S. 5.20 coupons 16516 100 ,
U. S. 5.20 coupons, new.lo4X 10494 m
U. S. 10.40 c0up0n5....... 97 97
U. S. certificates gi9s 973. E
After the board the market vas lower, but
closed with an impreved feeling. Erie sold
down to 85%, and recovered to 86.
At the one-o'clock call the market improved
ximi pot cent., Erie closing at, 86 , ;(i. Later,
Erie sold at 86%.
Philadelphia Markets.
Austral. 11—Evening
There is no export demand for Flour, and
the market Is dull, but UM p e t previous prices,
with a few small sales only to note, chiefly to
supply the trade, at $6.50E67.50 for superfine,
$7.75@8.50 for extras, 18.70@9.75 for extra family,
and 114042)11 Pbbl for fancy brands, as to quality
and freshness. The receipts and stocks con
tinue light, and holders manifest no dispo
sition to accept lower prices. Rye Flour and
Corn Meal are inactive, with small Sales of the
former at $0@6.25 bbl—the latter for fresh
GUAM —There is not much Wheat offering,
and holders generally are asking an advance
on previous quotations, without much demand
for milling at the improvement. Sales reach
7,500 bushels, mostly reds, at $2142.15 for com
mon to good and prime new Southern, and
$2.100.18 for old Pennsylvania and Western—.
the latter for prime. Choice lots are held
higher. White ranges at $2.251§2.35, with light
otlerings and sales. 6,000 busbadly damaged
sold at auction at 41e. Rye is scarce, and sells
at e 1.1201.15. Corn—There is very little offer
ing, but the demand is limited, and the sales
small; at 98e for Western mixed- and yellow
In store and afloat. Oats are firm, and sales of
3,000 bus of new are reported at 52@54c, afloat
and, in the cars. Barley and Malt remain
Bsan is wanted ats32.sofor No. 1 Quercitron,
and generally held higher.
COTTON Of fniddling quality is very dull at
440 Vb.
GROCERIES.—The sales of all kinds are very
small, and the market without any alteration.
.Pn.ovnuoNs.—The market is firm but quiet,
and the sales are in a. small way at about pre
vious prices.
Wnisny.—There is rather more demand, and
the sales are limited at 52.24 for Pennsylvania
and Western, including 50 labia Ohio at that
The following are the receipts of Floar and
Grain at this port to-day:
Flour 1,200 bbis.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
AUGUST 14—Evening
About 1,450 Beef Cattle - were received and
sold at the Avenue Yard this week; an in
crease of 100 head over last Monday. The
market was brisk, and prices fully sustained
and firm, ranging at 12013 c for common and
fair, 14@15e for good, and 10(00%o Ifi It, for
prime, including a feW extra quality taken at
the hitter rate. The offerings were all die
posed of. The following are the principal
14 , 2y 2
27 Pennsylvania, B. C. Baldwin, at ,$l2 4 , 15
134 Western, Shomberg & Frank 12 WA
60 do., Dryfoos JC Dryfoos 12 alls
28 Pennsylvania, H. Chain 14 WO
75 do., - Martin Puller &Co. 15 @l6 l /
40 Lancaster county, P. Hathaway.. 15 (4)1614
85 Ohio and Chester Co., P. 15 1 / 6 @1.0 1 / 6
MO Western, Ullman a Bachman 11 @ I C
19 do„ J. Eittenbaugh, grOgs... WO 814
200 James MeQuinn, Jr 15 @l6
40 Pennsylvania, E. M'Fillen 15 @ls
165 Unman & Co 15116 1 4
129 Penna. and Ohio, Mooney Si Smith. 144 MX
9S Western, L. Frank 12 14
Cows.--About 100 head were offered and sold
at $25 to $55 each for springers, and *35 to $75
for cow and calf, as to quality.
lloas.--About, 1,800 head arrived, mostly at
Glass , tin ion Yard, and all sold at $15@16.50 the
100 Its net, as to condition, prices showing no
SHEEP were rather better, and the offerings
conparatively light, reaching 6,000 head, all of
which Were taken at WU 'iB . 6; gross. Lambs
:5 01,1 at $4 41 head, as to (reality.
New York MarketS, August 14.
BREADSTUPPS.—The market for State and
Western Flour is dull for common, and firmer
for goodgrades ; sales 7,000 bbls at $5.90@6.1.3
for supertine State ; for extra. State ; for choke ; $3.00ge.15 for superfine
Western ; SG.5O@7 for common to in6dium extra
Western, and EkS@S.M for common to good ship
ping brands extra round-hoop Ohio. Southern
flour is dull; sales 100 bbls at $7.85(39.15 for
common, and $9.20@12.50 for good to, choice
Canadian Flour is quiet; sales 320 bbls
lti.coobe,Bo for common, and 50.90(00.2.5 for good
to choice extra. It - ye Float is quiet. Corn.
meal is dull. Wheat opened dull, and spring
Ic lower, and firmer for winter; closing
steady for spring, and laßm better on WeSt
ern ; sales 05,000 bus at *1.42@1.45 for Chicago
spring, $1430)1.45 for Milwaukee club, $1.4 5Q 1.47 for amber Milwaukee, and 911.5811.05 for
Winter red Western.
Bye is quiet. Barley is dap, Barley Malt is
quiet. Oats are very firm at es6Sde for West-
The Corn market is la2c lower, with large
receipts ; sales 70,000 'bushels at 85@88c for un
sound, and 89@01e for sound and mixed West
Puovisiows.- - -The Pork market is dull and
lower sales 4,100 libls at $32633 for now PleFq )
429.50@.10 for 1 03-4 do; VA fOr prime, and Wu
• 7.'25 for prime mess.
The Beef market is quiet and steady ; sales
bbls at about previous prices. Beef hams
fire quiet. Cut Meats - are steady ; sales 300
pkgs 15Q 17c for Shoulders; and 10}4tr.1334 for
The Lard market is dull, sales 600 bbls at
1r 3 4524 1 / 2 .
amar is steady] sal6a lea hbla at *2.19.
TALLOW 1,9 firm ; sales 150,000 Its at 11@13e.
Murat wl Huai g (ik) wt.) oi
1517 N ItlSsB 5 19 1 SUN SETS 6 41
Mall WA THIL . 25
Steamship Gen Dutee (Spanish,) Arriago, is
days crop St Ja 6 ,c? de Cuba, in ballast to John
Mason & Co. The 'G D was bound to New York,
but in consequence of machinery being de
ranged, put into this port for repairs.
Steamship Nottnan, Baker, 45 hears from
Boston, with mdso and passengers to Henry
Wiusor & Co. Saw one deep bark, outside the
Capes, coming m, and two barks and eight
brigs in the bay and river, coming up.
Brig Julia Kelly (Br), Walker, Is days _from
S,with plaster to C C Van Horn.
Sehr Alert r), Clark. 20 days from Darba
does, with sugar and molasses to Thos Watteon
& Sons.
Schr James Satterthwaite, Long 5 days from
Boston, in ballast to Day & addon.
Sehr Paugussett, Waples, from Boston, in
ballast to Van Dusan, Lachman, & CO.
Sehr C E Page, !Prink, 4 days from New Lon
don, in ballast to captain.
Schr Rescue,Kallec s dayS from Boiton, with
ilsh to Curtis & Knight.
Sebr Sarah, Benson, 4 days from New Bed
ford, in ballast to illaxlston, Graff, & Co.
Sehr E G Irwin, Atkins, 4 days from Provi
dence, in ballast to captain.
Schr Edgewater, Somers, 2 days from Now
York, in ballast to captain.
Bohr U W Hymen, Shaw, 2 days from Now
in ballast to captain.
33,55 MO
N. Ang-nsi 14-
400 Junction 1)30 2
100 do . ..... ....b3O
200 Roy_al .81
100 St Nicholas. ....c
200 Miller .....• • 34
500 Walnut 151....b30 1%
200111 Dorado
300 1110 Tank. b3O 436
too do •• . ..illl 1,1
100 do
o 0
one 4300
100 St Nicholas. —l3lO l
INS Walnut 151.....b20 130
ILO Ming0.........b30 . 24
100 Walnut Ist 11-13
100 Mingo b3O 2%
100 do b3O 2%
100 Walnut Isl 1%
100 Mingo 044
100 d 0...... 2.44
200 Keystone. ....b3O 1.56
.100 d 0.,.. blin 1%
200 d 0.... 1,
100 d 0.......... WO 1%
1 d 0.... .44
10 00 0 do b3O l
300 Excelsior slO g,
& Co., 60 A'. Third street
b 5 3
400 Caldwell 214'
600 Dunkard 011 .lots 08
100 Dairen Oil 4 3-16
100 Hyde Farm 1
200 2.laple Shade ...s3O T
300 dO 930
100 do 1)30 8
9 40 do s3O 7, 1 g
100 do s3O 7%
la Mellhenny 1%
13000 Cam & Ara Cs '75. 90
11000 do 90
10 MOITIB Canal prf.l2o
181.32 State 5s • 9054
1.35.23 do.. ......... o 0 3 4"
200 'Mallard
100 Ilestonville R WO 18
400 do 140 1834
100 Reading R cash 53 3-16
400 Sugar Dale
300 01 Nicholas - ..b3O I„t‘
500 do b3O
400 Big Tank
100 do
100 Maple Shade
10000 Mingo 69 2.
200 do b 5 2%
100 Maple Shade 8
100 d 0.,, b 3 O
24 Leh rio,l , Stook... 581,4
10 d 0.... . ..... :.. 5044
150 Reading ........ 53j
100 St Nieholo.s ....b3O 1.50
- .
3 Minehill ...... - 543 100 Heading-R s3O
500 Walnut Island ..1 1-16
Witte Mei
S B Witter, Ohio
J Wood, Ohio
J H Oliver, Allentown
J Peckham, Newark
I : uel6Caoli g na
Wallace,JC h Pittsburg
W B Stafford, New York
G Hester, Baltimore
E Dieklneon,Somerv,Ten
T B Itugl and, Some rv, Te
S H Itllmelm, Arkansas
B C Spurgfeld, Somer, - , T
E Law.ile, Atlanta, Ga
B B hieCrem. Lexing, Va
k j i
1 • on C 31dinwIninl
Wisconsin a t i l s o i e i j r g
Thos H Leary, Easton
Tilos 11 Leary, Jr,E. .t. '
-• • bus. John Lavitner, Jr
5,800 bus. Fisher
3..3,500 pue.
_ _ .•
Bohr E G Willard, Parsons, 8 days from
land, with mdse to Crowell & Collin, 21 h
ton with
E ic A toc d p n a in.mith, 5 days fropl
11, 1.
Sebr 141 C Butnite, MoNitt, 1 clay from P't
rica, Del, with grain to Jas Burratt,
Schr Sarah and Mary, Morris, 1 day fro
ver, Del, with grain to Jas Barratt. m „
Steamer Vicksburg, Williams, from.
York, in ballast to Virorkman &
Ship Zuni, Bradghaw, Quebec,
Ship Connecticut, Lucas, Motile.
Bark Roanoke (Br), Cooksey, Lagesyri
Bark Civilian, Cunningham, BoStOu.
Brig Acme, Hamilton, Antwerp.
Schr R Law, York, Boston.
Schr Sarah Elizabeth, Kelly, New Beth'
Behr RSeaman, seaman, Boston, ° N.
sem Jones, Middlatawn,
Schr Paugussett, Boston.
Solar James Satterthwalte, Long,
Schr Thomas Jefferson , Phillips, ho,it o p
Syr Vicksburg, Williams, Mobile. •
St'r T S Sbriv6i, Dennis, Baltimore.
St'r Commerce, Seaton, Sassafras lity-t.
Steamship Emily B. Sender, ThiekMan, frt,
Callao via St. Thomas for hew York, u,,t 4
canvas, was spoken 7th inst . , tat 8240, :; ? sf:r
Steamship Huntsville (U. 5.,) hence at
York yesterday. New
Ship Lord Lyndhurst (8r.,) Graham, 121 t t ,
from 134)mbay, via Pernambuco, 2d ult
linseed, &e., New York yesterday, ' . 1 11
Ship B. S. Pearbournt frorn Be t ,
More for Callao, was seen 12th mat, or c a ' .
Bark Mary, Lo hence for CoW Bay
spoken llth inst. off Barnegat. , we.
Bark Nonp instant-no hence for Boston
spoken 12th lat, &c. ,
Reed, hence at Boston yeeiet,
das;Br'.igrig Feder,
William H. Bickmore,_Lippincott,hil,
at Port Ropal 50th ult., and cleared 4th , •
for Charleston.
Brig Joseph Hume (8r.,) Mints, henee,
June for Falmouth, at, Plymouth 29t11 ult.
Brig A. T. Patterson, Pike, 14 days from Pe r ,
Cabello, at New York yesterday, with coffee
The Con
Jos Turnbull, 'Worcester
W B E Bickford, N li
W Thompson Pottsville
S S Shippen, Fottßrine
J B Small & In, York, Pa
Jos Murphy, N ew York
P McElery, New York
T Laqucer, New York
A J Daniels, Clhicago
Jos Kelly, Chicago
If K Daldy, London
C Fowler & wf,NeW Turk
J Eckert, Penne
E S Lane & wf
Miss Lane, Chlcag,j ,l
E Lane. Chicago
.1 A mnuotiono 1,
Geo E French,
Peterson, NPurW'
David Bell, New y o
.1 L 2,11,
Mrs 'Rooker, Nei,:
' 4
A L Cooledge, Itottor
R Dyinond, Itincisicti;
G \\ B s'yrk
1 K Pain & wf,
Miss A Dain,
Miss MT
0 B wrevay, kittslid;rl
F Aloittpattirk, 111s . f"
Miss f
W C Woodman. lulus'
Jas II Walker, Sewyo "
K Iv•isn,) C r ' k
Jos E Craw, oi;i,sys o -
D &
31 It Nora, cowth eft .;
Miss S Norton, ct "4 *
Jno —ill toast!
so. toast!
W M f„ , ripps A wf, Ertri.
W L Cambell, ad . .L.
C A Wood it wf,
N ich o las llo
No limiter
1) Melot. Fteetwoel
L L CroWnse t New LI
C Vichlepe & la, hutliti,j
If Orne, New York
Miss Baxter, New y, i .k
S B Kyle, Nevada
J II Gentry, liitinnon
J 31111 14 1 3', New York
Mrs J A Gormly, Oltio
Miss M L Warmly, MO
Dl3uslineld A wf,
Miss littsittleld. Vfl
B Koomnattn, N C
Koopmann, N (;
Cain J Sterling, N Yittl
Sanborn, BoitOu
F Zimmerman, Pearl
A Wethrnar do la,stWor
Miss A Sewett, St Louts
L A Robesen, N York
Ritmser 11 ti A
A tilt).
Eppley - . Virginia
J N Todd, Virginia
Etlet, MarYifind
B Lane, Spit/Wield
J T Wright wt, Cm
J A Pickett, Conn
G W Bowers, New York
J Weed, New York
W Gilson, New York
S T Lamb, Boston
A F Mitchell, Memphis
W T Foster, Boston
C DurgesS, New York
A Koenig, New Orleans
H Clayton, St Louis
IV H Pierce, Baltimore
Thos Vanneson, Boston
Chas Crane, Baltimore
F M Egan
PL Bierce, St Louis
F FeAsenden, U S
ZV C Carollua
J P Jonesjialtimore
Mrs (4 L Hughes & sn,Mo
Miss Hughes, St Louis
Mr Seaver, New York
A H Smith
E G Thompson & la, N Y
C A Seward, New York '
Mist Perry, New York
Mrs Baldwin, New York
Miss Baldwin, New York
W Goddard, Mass
W H Jourdan & la, Mass
.N Billsielu. Chicago
Chas Wise, Lafayette
J H Ingle, Washington
W Dodge, New York
J B McCrea
G M Oyster, WaSilington!
D Clagett, Washington I
H C Shuster, Washington
Miss L B Nichol, Nashv
H 0 Reed, Baltimore
F W Bennett & la, Bait
Reeside & wf, Wash
0 Bennett, Bichmond,Va
4. Bodekeratichinond,Vit
G odOirn, 'New Jersey
C C Gormly. Bucyrus, 0
R L Davis, Washington
S M Middlebrook 4 w,NJ
Miss A J Burr, Brldgep , t
W E Sheldon, Boston
J A Stearns, Chicago
A A Munger Chicago
E Sheldon: Oswego,NY
Miss S Cooper? A / ork
Miss cony, vswegv, N V
C J Townsend & w,_Jam
A J Rogers & la, N Jersey
Alfred Coles, Georgia
E L Tyler, New York
Pitt Cooke & wf, Ohio
Mrs ClPurnell Jc son,Oldo
013 Sappington, In , llia
H A Hine, New York
C Bridge, Maryland
J Frank & wf, ChiNtg.,
W F Whitlock & ef , lu
Dr Geo R Ni
W D Berry. l'lttainug
J Earle. Jr. N Jer,ey
Mrs J B McCrritrz,
:13 B Wench, Jr, IV MAI
Fitsworth, Citica t
G M Huntington, City
W G Dickson, Georgia
Miss M Helmer, N Yor
C F llottner, New York
B Bone, Ellicott's MIII
W Davies, Baltimore
MS Greene, reny, li i
M iturltam. liullaut
Theo Mateheti. Botts
1C 1 Untehett, heqht
T Lanahan Sr la, Matt
P H Itallantlne,
S Mcßride, Decatur, I,:
The ti
D O'Brien, Baltimore
F. II Petunield, Baltimore
Jas Lewis & la, Brooklyn
Ii J Selttrite, New York
J nl Livingston, N York
T N Cooksey wt,' Bait
Niz , s Cooksev, Balt
Chas swan, Wii§hington
J Matthews Datihnoes
W A Cuninkam, Del
F Moore, Vashingion
Lima It Anderson, U S A
D L lieylman wf,WaSh
H T Heylinan,Washing'n
S R Jones, Baltimore
S S Hopwell & wf
iMiss D Hopweil, Ite.t.l::,
'Samuel Turner, Bouot
T Aschaln, Pittsburg
H H King, pitt.bura
H H Doug, Harrh,iutrif
A K Kline, Rentlink'
M Hard. Marano)
J H Mililklli, Ibilthuort
Geo Tullent. New Yak
IA It ltiller r iniems
Mrs Judson Poul,Chi-t
IJ R Dither & in, 1,nr,,4
WM Karnes, ReadiN
H B Sinks Sz fa, Ulwiiin
HII Ifent•lde ,„
Alison Ayres ,t la, inig
D S Tredwell
!Cr H Rumple, C'olum'n;
!Dr G HKeyser,Plii-b1;.
'Mrs Keyser &
W Sinn & wf, Phila
Miss F Grand!, Virrbdi
,Miss N G value, Virgin!!
,Cl O Showier
kreeloart, Trenton
C a i.ho oft Sz Engt.oll
T Small, Pottsville
II R. Breetnen, Beading
Jos Trettwell, Boston
F B Hunter & wf, Penns,
S It Robinson & son, Bait'
J L Miller, Boston
S Talon, Boston
JBeitzelnum &wf Penns,
D Heitnimaniyittub - g,
H S liOnseman, Hartish'g'
John Mull,Chambersburg
R Cohen, Washington
B Clemens & 2 oh, Easton'
C W Pitman, Pottsville
F Causey,J.,r Delaware
E S Holmes, Washington
J G Reading, New Jersey,
Mrs E Rodgers, Chicago
W R Loos, Philadelphia
pr L A Cooper,Maryland ,
lion II 0 Johnston:Penna.!
B S Toadwin,
W W Coleman, 13 8 A
J B Fen ington, Dovr,Dcl j
R Penington,Dovr,Del
W M White Baltimore
J EStrawn,Jateksonvl, lii
IL Vatrimnks, n:111111)0
!T E Plideit, Jersey tey
H Noss. New Yor,
'J Vans ant. Baltimore
A Orris. New Kingston
Col V' G Oise, (loiumUl
ROM. Crain, Columbia
,A Ludlum. Harristur4
*et) J riper, Milton, PA
!W W Morrisou.T, Bova
Bon S Line, Bellefonte
P Toglwhi, inctryinro
I HO aetsune.l .
jNV Buehler, Harrlel,tug
,1 Staler & Wf. Ba
Mon G W Woollward, V
Martin Luther, llefonn
Ira A Pl,ii.sou.
J Hardman. Pittshat:
G N Smith. !Wilmer,
Rosel, Pittsburg,
Capt J Hamilton, - rou
Mrs C.J Sloan & son. N:
C F Miller, Nudism', 1:1
A A Thurber, Miaow:
J Scott. Pittsburg
sAPhillipns, New 19s 1 t
M Philliyls, New cai - 4
11 V Boyles, New Cu
M Livingston. N
Mrs Kirkpatrick. Pew:.
Miss Kirkpatrick&
Mr Kirkpatrick. rem
W Morg an. livadin;
R Nixon, Indiana
G Sevinottr, NOV
BenLiferr, Columbia
0 B Rodman, Penna
Thos Foulds. Sr. PHA ,
'JMeCarty,lt Wavne.l - !
St John 4 eorge. Vent
H Bewley, Smyruatil
°Nightingale, Emu]
E S Weed, New York
Win Panl, 13
WE Emery. New Jr ' :
Fred Loner, /Nadine
Thos J Forbes,
Miss M L Hall,Nrw 10 `
Thos Diehl 501111
R W Hawkins, Anis : ;
Chits E Troutman, Pi:l
G Bilderback,
IA W Pollock, Plttiiti. , il
H Wasting.:✓,.:
J M Reynolds, Middlet M
I) II Starbuck, Saleni,N C
George :White
W SY WlTVster
- Howard FAmond, Penns
M Wollenberg, Memphis
F Jones, Peach Bottom
C New Jersey
Jas Ilenly, Douglasvllle
B Thomson. New York
S Shively & wf, Harrlsb'g
W 'Mock, St Louis I
C W L Knox
JIV White, WaF.ll:l,e ,
W Hager, WaAtingm ,
G A INlarshatl, Del3!:ir
It Dayton, Staten
'lt Edwards
It EdwordB
Mrs Crawford
LKantner 4 ilre ,,, to.
\F. Brawlietd. Pont
D Bartelet
A E Brady & Wl'
A E Taylor. Salem. N 4
C T Starr, 111 :.
11 )irolivvrieht•
WoisonM D, Svw
E ScheoarssiOl.O.
V, Bowers. & BA!'
F T raellmta,Nor
111 G Heall. Var't
7., Tree. WaFtlinu.ln
D Whim!,
C II Shover, Trentoa ,
Lo L
Fngmn, Y
Nov o:-,
lohe a r, •
J W (*Leman., NOV
T C Morris, Cirvlol • •
D W Cltse,,Mt
ID A. Rolston, ['Vll ll3
Ii ,rife
Miss Frick
The AI
W J Rea dg Milford, Dcl
Miss A O'Leary, Baltim'e
J O'Leary, Baltimore
JJ Aillier, Washington
6 TOWIMPut, N York
D Campbell, :New Souk
A S Fowler, New York
M Oliver
Miss (Myer
T T.mith, West Chester
138 Kercheval, Wash
Mr Murphy Princeton
W lloagtion, Md
R Lamb, PeIHIA
K Rlelv
L Trills, Petersburg
31 lilebenaek. Helllirsblg
M L Merrill NV ushington
T Roberts, 3Vashington
J M Williamson, Del
H Gilman, Maine
J C Bddhl. Georgetown
Barnes, Baltimore
11 C Dailey
A Weiss, Easton, ['a
H Graffin, Tyrone
II Lewis, Boston
11 L Griffith, Delftware
le A Makibben, Md
.1 A Glesler,Jr, & wl,l - ffilo
1) It llopkins, ' New York;
A Jervis • I
The Union. •
'At Danford, Trenton J TIMMS, New
A M Henderson, . N York Mrs A. C Lingo 01:,
Loebb C F Shullgor,
W Morgan, Baltimore W lineehrey, St cl , r
B Whitaker II Crouse
B bllngSon & lady..l P Count , . Penal .
M D Dc p,
N W Galentine, Indiana W Wigan.
J C Bell, - Navarre, I. Kennedy,
.1 II er , tt , Y.
rW .
in A 12(.11111,n» NN
a 13artivit—Ir• 131 Z i L Z,
\V WArrirk
En; Grto• •:,11.
J Brown:, W
J 1 ibv, Bristol, 0
J C illeLaughlin, PCllll£l.
CA liteLaugittln & wt,
W Clewell, Beading
rs none New York
Miss Fox
li,7N York
Nies SIC Bartlett, 3W
A 113011ov & la, N' York
A Youngst, Wilkesbarre
11 110Intrt.
Jettgl , Lock.
J O lilluna.l .:.
J Nonagheal,l l
i lg i t '' l(ll,
11l IS
ltdks, 0[111,101,1,,
„ w
.Ino l'aN- 0 •
.1 II
The Con
W C Dlrkev,Oxford
Sand E lllekcy, Oxford
John - 1V Chandler
E it riaolichton, Ponna
John E Corcoran, Puma
A.Rulnn, Penna
N andershee, Menlxv
'W Seats, Velma
N W Noland, Pt Deposit
W Patterson Penna
E canter, Illinois
'Ns Whitaker, Plicenixv
A Flaglur.
J N Ramsey, Oxford
Oen Tal!cot, New York
Josithortlldge, Penne,
ex I7nion.
'P Shepherd. " ..3
IS L Gavrett.
11 Parlimail.
Den iiinvt.r. I
11 J
11, I : 0111 11
It ,
ll lla rt h m. ul om,
Th! Stat
L D Davis, Phila.
W D Emery & la,
Z B Itivhmouti, Ohio
"Woodford, Conn
le Marshall, BO UM
r B Mowry
W Jimmeson, New York
Mast Smith, New Jersey.
E Keuasy
ey Shear. it
Miss Pritikle•
W Ely, New dole,
WE Etrkor 11 Lippincobt tt. ,
T , At ,
RON COMIv. Illt !1.!v
J Breit/ImM ,
I Traulmo , ,
Jos Howl:, Now
0 - Botlwers, Dyad
The Barl
C C Robinson, California
Slion, eatilornta
C B Rodgers, .0 S N
II 13 ItreyintrO, Dlttrylond
Wimtel n r & a eh, olio
J Titobinson.Allitittietly
1) Conant, Doylestown
W Canard, Doylestown
It F Troxel, Penne
31 Prtnkle, New Hope
Unfits 'y'erk., , ,
DlPad ' 4 01'10111. I
Samuel I(utt lit.
, Cltti Hittintell r 1:...,
J F Raul),
N , Nterstwk.
au, „s
E Wr6Ur,
The MO
J ii Knansg, PeKllg.
J A Wendel. St Louis
Chas Dolts, Peunsburg
.Mahlon Schoch & la I
C 11 Kuerr, Lehigh Va
Peter Hari holotnew,
Daniel Riegel, Ponta
A H shyer, Penna
.1 1 . 1 'Weeelw, Lebanon
0 F Huber, Allentown
IC (4 Varney, Fenn!„:
IN it f'arlt,le &Li. ' O ,
Miss A Ito Me, P i . i „ ,
Wils lon e, ), I
ITiros 'Plata 11, 1..,,
The II
J Davis, Princeton, N .1
A Twiuding, 43eorgla
J Brlfflagbarn, Maryland
.mbeet Porker, Delaware
J ti 'Heston, Newtown k ra
MA LDomes, J0111)0V M'
A J Fears, New Jersey
k Bear.
.1 Klotz. Lehlt.11,(:::;
C ClKeKatz. r*.,..
A KrHar peick, Woolt,.
I) It r,
The Bin
N Brossmau & ve, Read 'g
Mrs N Delany, Reading
Plfsnitler, Readlug
le A flamerßeading
H It 'Fisher 'Reading