itIMIVALS AT THE HOTELS* The Continental. Tpo i Boston 811 Runic, ritt...hoete .41'1; lit-1.--.15.T *: t r t i i t ocv. i F k lo u 3 i - I , i s e i t , i ( t . e p i , - I.4 X L. ewYork X York Sill-11-311‘...kiliat:ri.s-`..:.j..b11e John II Peet, New York :. 1 Ten) Ben) M Hodges dr, Balt. 311 ,, J Me.‘,;,, - ..:. T e nn Mrs_ Bodges S . ; 3‘chil Balt 311 ''' V N ''''..: - ;',; -. olk 31r..: 11 B Stewart ' . :las A. -I '.'n . --,;:,.,, 1 ..)-k I, Sllnrrlgo. 11 Sz Sarcalh - Nor York A C Labriskie. - New York Julio II ,)-,",":: o der. X Y.Mrs Labriskle & ..unt, S Y alr , 4, 1 ".;:` '',,, N York It A George. Pit t-dittr , 111 . - 3 1 • t ''''''' . X Y Miss A George, Pittsburg *•V• 111 fvf,. •1 / I•' I) ,' ,'k .011. isYork disc A Coltart. Pittsburg 1-qt.,Ve':‘,io'bi.. Itieltntoptl Johan McCune, .1 . . la. VV. F .%. l oid.osn. 7,), I. ork Wm Thoni pson.Pit 1 sbarg ~ • berm brooklvn 9 Norrnent. W. 1,41 :....'l-011,ailiertt [' rune' Mrs Norment&. eb.Wash ,refillCaoaden_ 'N York Mist) Norturlit. Wash do - s 'Wainwright, N Y 1311S:4 Fowler ; 3 . ‘ :a4i ~ I: Its untley. 111 tsburg . m s:anford. Erie, P . a. I. W Rogers,Dayton,o!N N e wburgh. (1111 , 1, 0 .1 11 Temple A.l 1.11. La I.lohn 31 h., . • - • IV -Mauer. Pittsburg 11)11 l'eadtr, Wohio 'Atoll Ed 31111t.r. l:ineinnatl. OJI 31 tilePhish• l laßiotura 31iis L E3l iller, Cllll.llll ; lerailk Coiby, New Yuck 31r, E J iiiiller. Cinein ~t .1 Fre null .3: la. N 0 311, , Brae.: 31 Niue,. CM F II Koilm-1 . ) - . Pittsburg Ceo D Leaf. iteallng !Miss King, Pittsburg W L Campbell, tt,ueling. Miss Brown, Pittsintrg L Wyeth, V OnliillLT W W Wright. Wash JOllll W, Cell. iN,C.I illg ,'S. C . Tyri4ol.l, US A W A Crisrfnril Lt. CM .1 I. Semple, Louisville A Green 8„ p i _ 3tilwaukee, Col C 31 Linn E Brooke. P.•,,,,,y1 ,,, 0 10 ... 1 . 1 3latern & In, Zaneay C t:teitninte,, & ii,. X Y 1 Edw iiietilyn, New York II C 31,Cianzs. Ilailiinorel AM Guthrie, Pittsburg 1.1 Howland. Sew York II W (Innate, Pittsburg E B Allem I...avenwortliMr Earle & la A F 7:11111110 man. Penne, ',Miss Knight, New York ,I A (.o.4i.tize 111. Mass IJ T D Skillman A wf. Mo c S it autiblati. (`))1 umbia IDr .1 II Ilayes,Wash, I) C I. A Moltke. t'ilv Point IC AV Lord. Daltitnore IT 11 Frerlkpiambaltim'el Dr Dimling til Is, M.I T I: Pressfilßan. Ilan im'e 11 B Barney, New York 11 11 Porter. Baltimore A C Shull %, NOV York ,1 X Neuhaus, tit Lonis Jlt 'Holmes, St Louts 1 Ell iggins..l r. Baltimore!C E Chenerv, California 4 . 11 e `ell. I_l t lea 'l O Cowin, New York T li trXeit, titlesE For New York :\.l . Pillow. Mont real I J Gorlti. New Y ork 11 Tindall & will J bloodline & wife 11r , Knight. Nen' York iC W Crary, US Nll. Win Kin, 011 cit.; 1 FI(.IAV Detcraead, Georgia II It Dsohorly.New York . T Denweao, n:iithoore C A Walker ,i: la. Illinois. I' R Voorhees, LT 8 N ~ 1 leidelberg, Cupe3lay .1 W Vorbitrglt,Baltiinore 31 Morganstern. Pittsb g U%V Pulliam, N Carolina 81. Yl:l,lmtan, Pittsburg G C Rickert, Washington. W C'Crunipburn.St LonislG .1 Doll, Maryland .1 L 31,•Leau„ New Jersey N II Derr, Maryland Win F Witte. l'enn a Miss L Wrigh ,N York John 1 1 Bowe. Bo:- ton C W Bottler, Jr, Wash tient 1Y Yollge,, CS A J B McCrary A la, Plata ( cut & la• ll S N E McCrary, Philadelphia Henry Baldwin. Boston. Miss A.:Meer:lrv, Pllll9 I; et, FROlller, Poston Mrs J S Dliworks, Penns W w Warn.. tto,ton W R Deiries, Baltimore 1. Il A. mu, lto,tott Mrs W R Deiries, Bait Mrs 1.0- 1 dams. Poston Miss Deirles, Baltimore S 11 Hal terslmer. U S N brawl. Mrs Anderson, Penna - Mrs Wilrinnison, Penna 3Uss E Auedrson, Prima Miss A Anderson, Prima IC Anderson, Penn. 3Easter Anderson. renna ;tt H W Creigh, Prone A 31C Wood, New York IC+ Mears, 1 [ nut ngdou co M F Medlar % son. Penna T Young, New York NF Clark; New York W Colder, Ilarrlsburg Brlggs_._llarriql oirg D 1) Boas, - Ilarrlshn rg 3 C Kunkle, Itarristalrg Itirq I3ubldg, Lancaster :IR:K:6 Wrier, Penne 3lrsT "Marklarol Pittsburg F FoliptCMttsborg iMrs ,EolNer,a son, - Pa ;Jacob D C . Thou liFeardper • The 411; s Frow IL Baltimore 1: Law thar. W .. to}i•]]. Illinois Mi.— Nogg•}.tl:u•rislmrg J nue*, liarrislig 11131eKee. t• W lloY 2% .driek,Capc•lsl'd Mr,: IV .. v:11. Mooint burg Air, Boyd. Sunbur,y rrislrg, F Dolen. Nell. York 31r., I, Itolvti ch, N Y Dun S. In (in. 0 • E.l Skater S: AvE Balt. A 11 stlitillz, Ncr: York 11" ;••I•4arp. 110 0011 Nr* E 3l:crter 0 7. 4 1.1.1,1.: .1 D lirugumv. Wash}) C Mr, E .I.:nyr:ot & ch,D.O 111 1%111,11,1 , 4,k & wE. Pa Wash I rlttb'g Captain ikty A II 4.OllllVr. Delaware en; t ' SPear 111., .1.1 eii am :Man, S S Beinictletjialtimore ,I‘ll Yrazior, Baltimore Y - J Warren. Neu' York Jas Dull, Wu sliinuton. A W Nichols ,t, wr, Wank A Bishop .k. NV f. Wa;11. ,J Doyel, California Wolin Lighten. N Jersey ~ r F IlEarsli, Washington I) E Bishop, Baltimore ' E W Brown . , Washington James Mullion Geo P Capen John AlcLatta - Min Briggs, New York A Carney, t-t Joseph Vosburgh. Noss York L Curran. Nen - York F P Dunn. New York P Lout:in:ad, L F V It Neil. un,yivania II 11 Patton. Diltiintße F B Fisher. Baltimore C B Getz, Baltimore . H 811.1111111011, titorgetown .7 obn lI Dawron, Virginia Hogh Carroll In Marshall, Boston c Aeker. Washing,ton Jos A Schloss lt' luorgen Dr W I 1 l:0min, Wash Aug Prosper], Wash :•. 4 A Shnmerton. USN lion J A IC iohoh. , on. Del John 11 ieholson, Del 111loulnlrat, D noels 11" IN THEA. TBE—CHESTNUT Street, above. Twelfth. GROVE]: & SINN I essees and Managers. The Theatre always Cool and Comfortable. MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS. July 31st and August Ist, be presente GLORIOUSLYSUCCESSFUL IRISH DRAMA, In three acts, by Dion Belleleault and E. H. Rouse. Styled ARRAN NA POGUE; on THE WICKLOW WEDDING, TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND PERSONS have witnessed this great Dramatic masterpiece during the past two weeks. It will be presented, with its new and beautiful Scenery, wonderful Me. ehantsm, superb Wardrobe, original Music, correct Appointments. and VAST OF RIUWANCY AND STRENGTH, sATuRDAY AFTERNOON, AJlgust S. 92111 RD ANI) MATINEE OF THE SUMMER SEASON, When ARRAN NA POGUE will ho performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AILGH-ST. THEATRE. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF HOOLEY'S MINSTRELS. FIRST NIGHTS OF THE NEW IRISH AFRICAN BUR LESOITE ARRAM NO B - RO4IITE. OVERTIMES, BALLADS, CHORUSES, 'DANDER. SONGS and DUETS, LAUGH E ABL SOPSRB anct FAECES, Interspersed with FLASHES of WIT and HUMOR. brat It ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. M. Ttret, above Tenth—Open from 9A. X. tin P. Benjamin West's great picture 01 CHI $T REJECT - El) 66M op Exhibition. lelll EXCURSIONS. amcf e gKi CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET, UPPER F.ERRY, AT 8.30 A. N.MILM AND EXPRESS. DV* at A 12 . 2,80 P. N., rtSSENGER. Due at 8.15 r. 4.30 F. M., =MSS. flue at 7.41 Ris Fare, $3.00. Servants, $2.00. - Exeunt:row TICKETS, $5.00. Coupon Mettles to be used by one person ou'iy, 10 for $.415,00. Passengers and Baggage taken to and from the Island and Station without additional charge. Protght tinny from atillahaa'W r h " 1 1 bt4411 Spruce street• Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 5.30 A..1[.. mail; s A. M., Express; 5 P. M., Aecounodattost, 8.20 M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELA.ER, Sup% PHILADNIPRIA, Jllly 24, 1865. JyC-tlel ATAWISS RAth. ROAD CODIPANY.—To Tourists and Travellers—Excursion Season or vs& Lake Ontario. 'Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, (Portland, The Rat_ilds of St. Law-'White Mountains, rence Saratoga springs, Montreal, ac,, deep, ace. Quebec, itc., 'rickets for the above Eitettrglons, which half been so long and favorably littoWn to the Philadel. ph% public, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at the CATAWISSA ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET OF. FIOE, 425 CHESTNUT Street, under Philadelphia Bank, where full in rortootion will be given. N. VAN HORN. Passenger Agent, 425' CHESTN UT street. CAMDEN AND AZ 43 1P tt-- LANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after :SAN tIRDAV, :Ray 117 t, 1.885, trains daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sundm. TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET PERIM Mn= . . Special Excursion 6.80 A. M. Mail Train 7.30 A. Freight, with Passenger Oar attached.... 8.1.3 Express (through in two holiro o .(a P. Ma Atlantic Acetantnada Lion 4.15 P. IL RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC, Atlantic. Accounnodut)on +5.47 A. M. Express (through in two hours) 7.08 A. X. Freight, with Passenger Car attached...M.47 A. AG Mall Train 4.45 P. 16. Special Excursion 0.16 P. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. IC, - Leaves Ville-street Ferry at 7.a0 A. Y. Returning) leaves Atlantic at. 4,45 lig Fare to Atlantic, (1(2. Rolind•trip Ticisets, gam only for the day Ana train on which they are ssued, JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. . . Leave vine-street Ferry at 6,36 P. Leave Jackson ut 6,% ilre EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS, Leave Viue-street Ferry at. 10,1; A. At, and 1.16P , Y. Leave tta ti .ldoneld at 11:45 A. M. and 2 L 45 P. I 6 N. B.—Frelgitt ithtfit be delivertal a; ,v9pper.ii Point before 6 o'clock P. M. to insure its ping aowlit the next (lay. JOHN G. RRI ANT, Je2B-tf Agent. gmaz im i EXCURSIONS TO LONG BRANCIL—TraIms tor Long Branch will leave Cooper's PMut. CAMDEN, dally GiumnA excepted,) .t 9.15 A. M. Fare, ea. ExeurrAmi rickets, good for three days, ;63. Burn train on Sateidava a t 4,30 r, nuturulug, arrive at Camden at 9./6 A. M. Monday. jc2B-2in L. B. COLE, Agent, Camden. i ffor s e , =,67, ; .071g1 CEAP AND PLEA SANT H SUMMER TRAVEL. - CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND. DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD. iiiiiANUE OF TIME. CAMDEN TO NEW YORK AND LONG BRANCH. On and after MONDAY - , dune le,. li‘t EPress Train will leave Cooper's Point, oanuieti.jdallg„ (Sundays excepted,) at, 9.10 A. IC for Tuekerton, Burnegat, Tom's River, Mancliester, Bergen, Squankum,_ Farmingdale, Shark River, Long Branch, Brancliport, Oeeanport, Eatontown, Shrewsbury, Bed Bank, Middletown, Highlands. and Port Monmoteh; thence to New York b ti e Vo t al i ft Irr i lli;re?Cerll agi ti ol h, e l ket lw , good for tliFee da7.7 On Saturdays an eY, DI train ror Long Branch wilt leave Camden at 4.30 Monday,urning, leave Long Branch at 6.35 A, M., arriving at Camden. 9.10 A. M. Jell WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES f —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder ful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in its compo sition, it bang Tomposed entirely of more, virgin %Ynx; hence tip extraordinary muddled Joy pre. serving the skin, Malting it, soft, smooth, fair, tilict transnerent• It Makes the old appear young, um homely handsome, the handsome more neatttlfut. and the most beautiful divine. Prices, de and dg emits. Prepared only by HUNT t CO" Perfumers. 41 South NIGHTIE y 2 Street, two doors above Chest. jut, and 133 South SEVENTH 'Street, abo j ve l- W ain ed. n, DEAF MAWTO HEAR. , —.INSTR butrag to assist the liettelog, fit DIADAIII,A.`O, in S. TENTH Street. below Clwatoot. 55•31-13 t. HAVANA OIGARS.—A GOOD • :VA RIETY constantly in store and bond low— est ease rates. S. FUGUET &80 , .2.1-13th* No. 21f1 South FRONT Street. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORS k CAMPIONt 261 1301717 SECOND STREET, are prepil red to follow the is the market ttt the price of their Furniture. rurehileeee ml please can and examine our stack. M7lO-111 WRITTEN AND VERBAL :DE yi „Int grg i Velt Health, Edivation, Self-linproyomentOdar agement and Tralninf of UITILDREN, SO. Adttptation, &c., day ant evening, by d0i1!.3 L. (JAPER, Ploanalagiat And Ilookaeller• • 'No. 915 S. TENTH Btreet i above muumuu ocll-tutli.iyir itSOLDIERS, AND OTHERS, DAN huy ROOTS:, StrOF.S. TRUNKS, TRAVIMING RA(% &c ., lit right prices at GARRETT'S. 111 South SECONI.I Street, kbao Cllestnizt , . emit side. jy24) 3t* tka TURNIP SEEDS.—NEW CROP OF oar own growtlti ;lea br Reed ttitd'Yorellouse b Jy2o Nos. 022 owl 92 4. 31 AtcKLI. at.. . 11 f 12, 15-11.011 SE POWER ENGINES, Boring_ Toide, s initnere, Latbee, Punching and -wen Tubing. Per aat l e g t; • aebt" ' 111AWAT, LIMON. Or. §TsitttN. ,a 2/1. Jr.= Street. vuulolologsf.