THE PIZE,'SS, 3:SMASHED DAILY (SUNDAYS -EXCEPTED) BY JOHN W. FORNEY'. ' No. 111 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. THE DAILY PRESS, TO City Subscribers, Is FIFTEEN' DOLLARS DER WEK, in advance; Or FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEEK, payable to the Carrier. Mailed to Sub- Calibers o of tiro city, SartE DOLLARS PER ANNUM; TutHEE& DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS FOR mosTaa: ONE DOLLAR AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR TORE N MONTIIS, invariably in advance SOT the time ordered. ~Ogif. Advertisements inserted at the usual rate!. T UE TRI-WEEKLY PRESS. letitilert to Subscribers, FOUR DOLLARS FEE Ax incr, in advance. assamalzali Vrtz. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1965 tHjEI NEWS. The findings- of the Military Commission for the trial of the c onspirators haying been ap proved by President JohnSOn, Were promul gated yesterday. The sentence of the court is that ray'', At zerott, Harold, and Mrs. Suratt be hung; O'Laughlin, Arnold, and Dr. Mudd Ue iinprisoned for life, at hard labor, and that F.pangler be imprisoned for six years. The sentence of the first four will be carried out in Arsenal grounds at Washington to-day be tween the hours of ten and two O'clock. The list of the conspirators are to he confined in {he Albany Penitentiary. On the delivery of the death-warrants to the condemned, Payne did not seem surprised, but the others were More or less affected. Mrs. Suratt was especi ally so, and plead for four day's additional o ne to prepare herself for death. Every preparation for the execution has been made. Py general orders of the War Department, tbcre is to be a further reduction of the army. The Philadelphia troops, to be mustered out immediately, are the 25th, 29th, 43th, 73d, 79th, ansi 147th• The 33d New Jersey Infantry, and the 1.4 and 3d New Jersey Cavalry regi ments are also to be honorably discharged. (In the 17th ult. the Spanish Government re- Yoked its grant of beligerent rights to the in surgents in this country. This was before the fl ews of the rescinding of the blockade could, litre been received in Spain. A despatch.from New Orleans says that the robot portion of the Cherokee Nation is on the Verge of starvation. General Ord yesterday assumed command of the Northern 'Military Department, hadquar ters at Cincinnati. His predecessor, General Booker, is to succeed General Dix. The President this week has pardoned about one hundr4d and twenty-five rebels, mostly I.;ortli Caroliniang. Admiral. Funs:gut and General Anderson 31ad a reception at Faneuil Hall, Boston, yes terday. The President so far recovered that his rbysicians think. he will be able to resume ids duties in a few (lays. Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland, in his Fourth of JulyoratiOn, took strong grounds in la) or of negro suffrage and the Monroe doc trine. Ale candor Hogg, of the firm Of Mackay Hogg, of this city, was drowned at Savannah, Georgia, on Tuesday hist, A light between •citizens and soldiers took wince at Smithfield, near Fortress Monroe on Tuesday. One soldier and one citizen were wounded. some unknown person put a keg of powder in the tireplaeo.of the steamer Chorcida, at Cent re Harbor, New Hampshire, on Wedues- L by, which exploding, did some damage, but fortunately no one was injured. Espeditions are leaving Fort Laramie i7mieSt the Indians in that 'vicinity. The Grand Jury of the United States District Court yesterday made a presentment to judge cedwalader in relation to the 'embezzlements in the Navy Yard. They say that the selection by the Government of those who were to be tried for these frauds was judicious; and true jells haye been found against four of them, and they will shortly be tried for their of fences. ht the Select branch of Councils yesterday, the Committee on Water reported that all of the water plugs in the city, except one, Were in good order. The cash in hand in the city treasury on June Ist, was reported at 5t,01;?,332.23. During the month there was re ceived, $1,035,008,32.. A resolution was passed directing, the Committee on Gas to confer uith the Trustees of the Gas Works in order io thiTc the price - of gas reduced. Also a reso lution appropriating $B,OOO for the improve inent of Fairmount Park. In Common Council a bill was passed appro i.risting $710,000 for the erection of water vork: , 3 in the Twentieth, TWenty-first, Twenty- Hewn], and. Twenty-fourth wards. The bill I , rovitling for• the - realm]. of a new school house in the Seventh Ward, was passed over the Mayor's veto. Other business of minor Importance was :transacted, after which the (handier adjourned. There is rather more doing in flour, but prices are unsettled. Wheat is dull and lower. Corn is also lower. In cotton there is eery little doing, but prices are without change. Provisions are firmly held at former rates Whisky Is dull. The stock market was more active yester day. Government bonds are in betterdemand at an advance, With sales of fti v e-twenties at 194, and sires of issi at 106y 2 , an advance of :shrew] shares were in better demand, With • idei of Reading at 49%@49 3 4, the latter rate advance of y a . Gold closed in New York, last evening, at THE Tho eentencc of the four chief conspira tors in the assassination of Mr. LrNcors, wind the projected murder of Mr. SEWAi?.D sad others, having been approved by Pre trident JouNso - s, will be carried into effect to-day. There is in the seqUel of the Moody Friday, the 14th of April, some thing of appalling interest. The details 0' the tragedy appear to us in hideous dis tinctness. The night at the theatre, at first py, and then crowded with horror and death—the invasion of Mr. SE WARD'S clam her, and the terrible struggle with the un loosed fiend the unutterable grief of the peo- rie—the flight of the assassin—pass before us in spechal procession. Shall ;they not die who contrived this work of unspeakable crime ± They have been tried and found plilty. Even in the midst of the clamor sgitinst the court which adjudged them, the leading savage of the gang, after BOOTIT himself, ex-posed and made clear the guilt 01 the rest by the confession of his own. 'hat the sentence is to be enforced at once is in keeping with the necessity for a stern example. And yet these wretches only muck in obedience to orders. They were but the tools of the master-workmen. Had There Leen no JEFFERSON DAVIS, there had iren no PlOOlll. From the bell-broth of Trea'on rose the vapors that poisoned heater intellects like those who perish to-flux.. And •.-while we thirst for no toau's blood, justice demands that when thi - underlings. of the Great Criminal are ignominiously- executed he should not be eampted from the fate he accepted for him- Rif, el;en as he forced it upon them. One word more. We trust there is to be he an cad of the shameless fabrication of *Lir:hoods fis to President JouNsox's pur ipi,es in the punishment of traitors and the 1 orderers -they hire. The business of , iiling, these lies has been busily kept up !are the first hour's trial of the conspira ts, Only a few days ago a despatch was iced and published as from Washington, to 1. effect that the President was displeased 'muse the respontibility of disposing of the ;ion of the Military Court had been :ced upon him, Where else could it go to him ? Of course, this was known She authors and utterers of counterfeit W. From the same source came the ;aor that he would ignore the action of Military Court and send the cases to • civil tribunals—equally false and A.-m -inded. No motive . beyond helping the satiate foes of the Republic—beyond Aructing the efforts of the constituted au elides to vindicate the Government and :mite the laws—can be traced to such 1 Jrsistent and pestilent malevolence. The resident has done his duty, as good men pxpected. He cannot stop to explain his fltentions to all who falsify his objects, and Weaken his policy by anticipating the exact ppposite of his designs. He must bide his line, and let his action be his best, as it is his only, defender. HISTORY often repeats the old story of he visionary, enthusiastic, and reformatory young prince becoming a conservative king as soon as the crown is firmly fixed upon Lis brows. This is considered to be the effect of E 6l figliness, and that the enthroned enthu tiast cools into the conservative monarch as the surest means of securing that power Whose sweetness can only he known by the possessor. But it may be rather the responsibilities of power than the love of it trhich causes the change. The world's work is accomplished slowly will as surely, and the means by which good is to be obtained are always to 5 e f ° l / 3 11 1 in the machinery of the present. he earnest man who in imagination over toned old in order to build new systems, • oal learns, when the responsibility of the (51 . -u al work rests upon his hands and eon ( itzlr; that lie cannot totally iallOre Pre" .. . ) ".* -1. ~.., _41 4, 4 . *- • - ' - •••,s.\\ ‘ ‘i I 1 1 // , ....,--., i !',- --- - tett * .1 If., s---............... : , `..` \Pr ''.;,...•'%-°!--; 't.W.:,....4.- ) >= i'-': . 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