The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 03, 1865, Image 4

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    Eke Vrtss.
MONDAY, JULY 3, 1865
„lamella Commencement Interesting
Carl al°, Pennsylvania, was crowded this week
With MOODS attending the annual commerooment
Of Dickinson College. The exercises consisted of
the Oratorical Prize Content of the ,Tunlor OIaSS,
the Baccalaureate Address; tie addresses before
the General Society and Alumni, and the coin
inencement. The anniversaries of the literary socie
ties, which usually form a feature of commence
ment week, were bald during the winter, end eon.
aequontly there were lower of oratory
during the present Week than usual.
The Oratorical Prize Vontest of the Junior Class
Came off on Monday evening. Seven young gen
tlemen appeared ae competitors for the gold and
Sliver medals which are annually awarded to the
two Juniors who, in the judgment Of the committee,
acquit themselves most creditably in _oratory. The
following Is a list of the speakers and their respect.
Iva theme:
Tragedy of History.—S. 0-. Grove, Columbia, Pa.
Success ones Own Achievement —J. Erastas MCP
}EOM Pittsburg, Pa.
Nan Subordinate to Circunuttances.—Henry F.
_Angle, Hagerstown, Md.
The Lam of Inequality.—Louis E. McComas, Ha
gerstown, Md.
Our Rebellion—An Epoch in History.—Vinoont
Blerbower, York, Pa.
Life Principles.—Wilberforce Wells, Philedel
phis, Pa.
American Eloquence in Me Future.—J. Todd,
Philadelphia, Pa.
On Tuesday evening the Baccalaureate address
Was dallied by Prolessor John ,K. Scayman, of
Daniels. •
On Wednesday morning the address before the
General ,oeiety was delivered by Hon. John W.
Forney. of Washington. ills theme was a compari
son of the characters of Lincoln and Johnson.
On Wednesday ever log the Alumni Address was
-delivered by Rev. Henry B Ridgeway. His theme
was "Richard Cobden—an International Man."
The Commencement exercises were held on
Thursday, and were as follows
Salutatory Addresses.—Solonion H. Hoover, Wash.
Oration—A Plea for Alkarehy.—Slngleton Ashen
falter, Pacerdsvfile.
Dissertation--Errors of Eduoatlon.—Edmund P.
Long, Baltimore.
Classical Oration. - 1. James WE, Williams, Salle
Oration—Undeveloped Genius of Atrierles.—Ed,
gar E. Hastings,
Oration—Our Frefxfom.—John Caroman, Carlisle.
Oration—Primary Allegianoe.—James L. Liffatel,
New Oxford.
Oration—Tnstice and Merey.—Abraltam Sharp,
Oration—Our Position In History.—John Di . , Cas
tle, Wo.elangton.
oration—The World, the Mirror of the Mind.—
/kilted IVi. Rhoads, Cares; la.
Oration—Etrsats of Climate on Charaoter.—David
Raimu.n. Cumberland Valley.
Philosoyhicei, Orotion.—* Samuel P. Strickler,
Masters' Orations.—Dardel W. McCurdy, William
Triucetou Willey.
Oration, with Valedictory Addresses—Charles W.
Reid, Brandywine Manor.
* The two equal In grade
Letter from /Rebel Generst Estell—Why
life Deserted the VW Flag.
The rebel General Ewell lately addressed a letter
to an old army companion in Minnesota, from
Which we quote. It is dated "Fort Warren, June
13,1863." Speaking of how he came into the rebel
cause, he says :
I estate from AMOS, sick, in the spring of WA.
Staid in the eountry, ID Virginia, my State, trying
to get well, and found the war, to my bitter regret,
Was being started. All. the highest United StateS
array officers were resigning, except General Scott,
and he published a letter that the United States
Would divide into four parts, thus showing that he
thought all was over. A United States Senator
said be would march a Northern regiment to help
the South for every one sent against her. Notaing
was done with either of these men, or with others
Whose deeds -were treasonable. A member of Con
gress, from California, made a public speech calling
upon the South to resist the Meilen of Air. Lincoln.
Now I found myself forced to fight against my
brothers and all my nearest and dearest relatives--
against my own State, when many abler men than
myself contended she was right. By caking up the
tide of the South I forfeited a handsome position,
fine pay, and the earnings of twenty years' hard
Service. All the pay I drew in four years in the
South was not as much as four years' pay In the
old army. The greatest political favoritism against
line I ever had Was from Dlr. Davis after the Mext•
Can war.
It Is hard to account for my Course, except from a
Vainful sense et duty—l say painful, because I be
lieve few were more devoted to the old country than
myself ; and the greatest objection I had to it was
became of my predilection for a strong one. Now
I see perrats who did what they could to bring
about the war, in high favor in the North, holding
high office. It was. Ike death to me.
En route here from New Mexico, In 1861, I volun
teered my services to fight the Texans. threatening
a United States post, and was careful to do nothing
against the United States before resigning.
have asked to he allowed to sage the oath of
allegiance and return to my duties as a citizen. I
see, though, that many persons, attire in the first
steps in bringing this war about, are at liberty,
while I am here with no very good prospect of get
ting out ; while my wife is under arrest in St.
Louis, and has been since April, but up to this time
has utterly failed even to find out why she is ar
rested. Neither the er myself have the slightest
idea of the cause of her arrest. R. S. Etirst.t.
the PrOpinied Murder of Vreeldent John.
son when he WOO 111111tary Governor.
- Several days ago we copied from the 'Nashville
Celan a statement that amongst the private papers
of Gov. Ilarris, of TenneSsee, there was a letter
from an individual who proposed the assassination
of the then Governor Johnson. The following is
the leiter :
LLPATATTE DBPOT, April 24, 1882
GOVARNMEL : The excuse I offer at present for ad
dressing you is, that I believe geed can be accomplish
ed to the public throswilme. beside, or did, la Frank
lin, Williamson county : Tenn,. am known to
the eaters and publishers Of the Unirm end 'Merl
can—eeptelally to Mr. James O. Griffith, who knows
my past political affillatirms and present status. I
belong to the let Tennessee Regiment (illaney , s);
was the lint in my county to volunteer. Now, what
wish Is this : for_ you to Intervene for me to go to
Middle Tennessee, and to capture or kill that vile
traitor, Andrew Johnson. I can do it, because I
know Nashville, and am not generally known there.
And, moreover, If when I get there, I rind I can't
accomplish my object, I want authority to raise a
company or Companies of guerillas In Middle Ten
nessee, to harass the small garrisons left in the
towns of that division of the State.
I am well acquainted In all the counties.
I fear Cie enemy win treat our rata behind too
kingly; item)* oeuvertleg them to Yankee& Rill
log a few pickets, cto., would soon terminate their
damnable civility. Be so kind at to address me thus
at Corinth—" S. J. Cooke, Co. Money's Regi
ment, Tennessee Volunteers"—and oblige
Most respectfully yours,
S. S. Comm.
P. S.—l refer you besides to Senator Hill and Re
presentative House, from Williamson.
'Specimens of the Chivalry.
A. letter dated Macon, Georgia, June 14, and ad
dressed to a Cincinnati journal says :
" I wrote you bow a white woman had Shot her
repro servant, at Forsyth, upon alight provocation,
the other day.
" She came down to report herself to Wilson,
fearful of consequences, and demanding protection.
Wilson promptly expressed his diegurt at her ' vul
garity In stroting a fellowmeature, and told her
to protect herself.
began the woman, snivelling her ex
cuse, 'she was insolent, and (snivelling) I do not
allow no niggeztobe insolent to me. I called to my
little daughter to bring me the pistol. and (snivel:
ling all the While.) 1 bele Lot with toy le/thane, and
with my right shot her in the bead.'
" Here a starveling two-legged brute of the mas
culine' Chivalry,' of Macon, who had accompanied
this female speeitnen of Forsyth to the General, and
who had once or twice put in,' to the great Irrita
tion of the young arbitrator, had the infatuation to
bring up the rear of such an outrageous confusion
With the passionate endorsement beyond all pa.
tience : 'Pity ye hadn't killed her I pity ye hadn't
'killed her P In an instant oar 'young America
with two stare (may her have the third some day)
collared the miscreant, and with two well-delivered
leicke, Bent him flying on the verandah into the
clutches of a guard, who took him to durance vile
on bread and water, with the General's parting as
surance that if he i ever attempted to Illustrate,
practically, his sympathy for inch ontrageonS eon.
duct. he should be hang without ceremony. Bully
for Young America I' Wish we had a law more
WORM— Tim London correspondent or the NOW
York .Times makes the following statement:
The close of the war in America has been a great
disaster to Bombay, in the East Indies. It reminds
one of the philosophical experiment of striking an
lyOly ball. and seeing another fly off from the impa
las aide. Bombay, on the oppoSite Side Of the Wulf,
feels the concussion of the sudden cessation or hos
tilities more than London. Of. course, London's
turn is coming, for the failure of half the commer
cial houses in Bombay cannot but affect their Eng
lish correspondence. The rile In cotton. and the
Immense influx of money to pay for It, had caused
such a fever of speculation as the East had never
known. All kinds of joint stook companies were
formed, and snares which east £5OO went up to
£15,000. Tho news of Gen. Lee's surrender eons
down the pries of cotton one hail, and exploded all
these wonderful speculations. The Passes WO in
rthurning—their sun 18 darkened. Gen. Grant little
thought that, when his artillery alatpellad the
evacuation of Richmond, there was a city on the
other side of the planet en which his batteries rained
Of the death of Dr. Joenua It. Whitridgo, at Green
ville, South Carolina, on the 12th of April, h 9.5 re•
dently been received. He was known to many of
ibis community, and respected and esteemed by
them for his proiessional shill and worth of charms.
ter. He resided before the war In Charleston, or at
his plantation on Wadmalow Island. New Eng
landers gang South for the benefit of their health,
Or for pleasure, were the recipients of hie advice
and his courteous hospitality. tie was, in a degree,
the protector of Hon. Samuel Roar, when the chi
valry and the mob of Charleston so grofaly Waited
the State of Diassachnaette by threatening that,
venerable citizen, acting as her oonimnisioner, with
Lynch law, unless he returned North at once. For
Ms friendly COMBO and firmness on that occasion,
Dr. Whitilago Won the esteem and loco of a large
circle. The doctor, of outage, remained true to the
'Union, and it may be la death wail hastened by the
losses, anxieties, and persecutions brought upon
Lim by the treasonable rebellion. At the tlinedi his
decease he was nearly, if not quite, four soon Years
of age.—BoatonJourua l.
Inrarrons.—Nr. Armstrong, pOstmtuder at Spring
&eld, Illinois, was arrested In that city a few days
eines, and placed under bonds In the sum of 110,000,
for opening letters and taking money therefrom.
The accused was a leading member of Dr. litirs
Presbyterian Church, and has always mstalned
Most excellent reputation. A special despatch to the
(Wing° Reyabli can says : Our beat Citizens appear
Sure that, If he opened letterS, It was a motive of
Improper curiosity, rather than from a felonious in
tent. The letters opened were directed to females,
and that which led to Mr. Armstrong's detection
had $l5 in it. It is said that the clerk's In the office
were tor some time suspected, and ono who had been
watched finally told the officer to direst a letter to a
eertatit 380 y in t 13113 city, and that the peettauSter
would open it, which, It appears, turned out to be
she ease.
Liat night between eleven and twelve o'clock, a
Soldier committed suicide In front of the Louisville
theatre. NO one could tell the cause that led to the
sash act. He had been seen in the theatre daring
the performance, perfectly Sober. Jut as the
esses was about closing, he was seta to strike
JIMMY in the left breast.
'Lieutenant Inavanam, who was standing near,
Soled him why he had !tabbed Mussy. He re .
Maned 4 that he would not live to be a sla - vi so at,y
Deere." The deceased evidently belPnva, 0
pany D, 67th Illinois infantry, as he tai an or :et on
the ensinlsEary FlR.ned in Li rson was found ?8 eutenant O.
6o n,
of that compeny. On his pe
Louisville Pr en of June U..
toopirezue Court of PenosYlvaultb
lore air. itlifltiCo Ilioinpson
The Commonwealth ea rel. Wm. N. B. Cottons
vs. H. A. Frink, provalt marshal. A further hear
nag was held In this 0846 on Saturday, at whion the
questions of contempt en the part of Col. Frink, in
pi, ref USIA to regard the writ of habeas corpus
Issued by the court, and also lilt BueBeeemt , roreibi.
reSirtanCe to the execution of a writ or attachment
Ireued hy the same authority, was diftuss , d•
Tte provost marshal was represented by John C.
Knox, ; the relator (Mr. kimono) by Messrs.
F. C. Brewster and Daniel Doughterty, and the
Sheriff by Chas. Gilpin, Eeq.
Having taken his seat upon the benoh Sedge
Thompson Inquired If the Sheriff (Mr. Howell) was
in court.
Mr. Dougherty. The Sheriff le not in eaurt, but
the defend set is.
Judge Thompson. The Sheriff anal be herein
pereon. L6t, him be sent for.
The Sheriff having come in, Judge Thompson
asked if be had his commission; that he should like
to See it.
Mr. Howell said that he had not that it was at
his house.
Dlr. Gilpin, for the Sheriff, said the commission
had been read In open court, and had been entered
upon the minutes; also, that It had been recorded
in another office.
.Tudge 'Thom:loon Bald that would do, and the
remrd waa sent for,
. .
The Juliet, then Belied Mr. Brewster whether
there hod been any other or further I atm to the at•
tichment In the heeds of the Sheriff.
1311 pin said there had not been as yet.
Judge Knox, I appear as counsel for the respon
dents, and—
Juoge Thompson. I will hear no argument In
his behalf vow. These respondents are clearly In
contempt, and an argument will be out of place
until they first submit themselves to the Court and
purge themselves of the contempt.
Judge Knox said he did not desire to make an
argument. but merely a statement. The respondents
mbmit themselves folly to the court, and trust they
not knowingly been in contempt. netnen said :
"On Thursday last a Mr. CossenS Waft arrested and
placed in the custody of the provost marshal of this
city. Your Honor on the frame evening Issued a writ
of habeas corpus, which was served late that eve.
ping. The provost marshal thought it his duty io
cot eillt with his superior officer before he made a re
turn. He made at once an effort to tree Gen. Cad
walader, but was unable to do so. On the same
evening a writ of attachment was issued against
the provost marshal for contempt of court, in hay.
fug failed to make a return to the habeas corpus.
The attachment was served Timm the respondent,
but be did not permit himself to be arrested. On
Friday. it seems your Honor met here at ten o'clock,
but of that the provost marshal had no notice. lie
laid the matter before General Oadwalador, at
twelve o'clock yeaterday..l immediately made an
effort to find Brewster, and having done so,
stated to him that a return would be made to the
writ this morning. lam now prepared, not only to
make a return to the writ and produce the body of
the relator, but to submit the whole matter to your
Honor's judgment. Then I will undertake to show
that the relator should be remanded."
Judge Thompson. I want a return to the attach.
went. These gentlemen diaregarded the writ of at
techteent. and we will dispose of that first.
Judgi l Ten. If we at this time submit a return
to the :Kull, under the statement I nava made
to sour Honor;there can be no Cationity about the
Judge Thompson. Certainly there is. While 1 hold
a seat on this bench I will not allow these things to
be done with impunity. These respondents nad
treated the court with contempt. They had resist•
ed, by an armed force, the execution of the process
of this court. This was no offence against him indi
vidually. bat it was a grave offence against the rus
jesty of the law. Tie desired now to have a return
by the Sheriff to the writ of attachment issued
against the respondents.
Dlr. 01loin, for the Sheriff, said that the return
made at the previous hearing of Friday, was under
stood to be a sufficient return up to that time. Af
ter the adjournment he followed what appeared to
be the understanding of all sides in which the wart
coincided that the case should rest, in order Owe
if the parties would not change their determination.
The parties were now in court, and withpermission
ho would now present, en behalf 01 the Shoot; an.
other and further return, that'll) had the respondent,
Colonel Frink, now in court, as commended by the
Judge Thompson said there wee more than ono re-
Spon dent, and he desired a return as to the others
Judge Knox explained that the other respondents
were but subordinates of Colonel Frink, acting
under his orders, and that In dealing with Colonel
Prink the court wotild In fact be disposing of their
05550 abte.,
Judge Thompson Said they must also appear, but
be would allow time for that purpose. re one mean
while he would proceed with Colonel Frinit'e case,
Air. Gilpin then read the Theriff's further return
to the RVIT, of attachment, as follows :
16 And now t July 1,186 b, for further return, the
Sheriff says that he Lae, and now produces, the body
of B. A. Prink, ore of the defendants, as within
Judge Knox. May it please your Honor, this is
about the olose of my four years' labor as counsel
for the Government, during all of which time I
have labored, and with EfaeOen, to prevent any con
tact between the military and civil authorities. If
your Honor thinks there has been a contempt or
court, we are willing to make any explanation.
.Tudge Thompson. I certainly think there has
Judge - Knox then proposed to examine Col. Frlnk,
and desired to know whether his statement should
be received orally, or whether it should be in writ
Judge Thompson said his statement Could be made
Cog. Frisk wag then sworn, and interrogated by
U COULBO/, Jai/Re Kauai with the followlag , result:
Judge Knorr. S tate the 01Mlimstanaea an der whidh
the writ was served npon yon
Answer. It was served between 4 and 6 o'clock on
Thursday afternoon, by the Sheriff. I told him
could not make a return until I had aeon or heard
from General Cadwalader.
Question. Did you snake an effort to See General
Cauwalader I
A. I did.
Q. Is General Cadwalader your commanding
A. I am under his command ; he ill my Military
Q. Was It upon his order you made this arrest l
A. The order came through him from the Score.
tar! of War.
Q. At what hour were you notified of the attach
ment I
A. My impression is about half past eight o'clock
in the evening.
Q. What occurred then ?
A. Two or three gentlemen came to my office and
showed me the attachment ; I refused to be ar
rested ; they said they would take me, and I ordered
out the guard.
Q. Did they say what they wanted to dO With
you 1
A. They stated that they wished to lodge me In
Idoyamenslng ; alter the guard was turned out, I
agreed to go with one Of the gentlemen next morn
ing to the office of General eadwalader for Instruc
tions ; in the meantime I received instructions from
General Cadiwalader for me to make a return to the
writ; I mlede the return as soon as I could find
Jt.dge Knox.
Judge Thompson. Did you return that habeas
corpus to the Sheriff?
A. No, air.
Judge Thompson. Did you return the body of the
pourer' In custody ?
a.. I did this morning ; I received an order from
the Secretary of War, last night, to produce the
Judge Thompson. I shall take time to consider
Colonel Frlnk's case, and ask the Sheriff to bring
him here on Monday morning. Re is still In tne
custody of the Sheriff, and he must take such con
trol of him as is necessary. The Sheriff can do with
him asks thinks proper. •
Judge Knox then read the following In return to
the writ of habeas corpus:
To Ike Hon. lames Thompson, Judge of the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania
The undersigned, one of the respondenW in the
within writ, repeottnily mates return thereto, that
the relator, 'Wm. B. N. Cozzens, war on the 29th
Co ; or June, IDOL f arrested ; by order of this respon
dent, and is now detained by him as a ginner,
under the anthotity of thn President of the 17ifutod
States ; and that the other respondents mentioned
in said writ are officers and clerks finder the com
mand of tuts respondent, and farther Batth not.
Colonel and Provost Marshal of Philadelphia,.
Sworn and aubscribed, atc.. Ms 30th day of June,
lfeb. DAVID EZITLDR, Ald,rman.
Judge Knox then proceeded to discus the que.S•
tion of tho sufficiency or the return. lie said chat
the privilege of the writ Of habeas Corpus had
been suspended by the President, and that there
bad never been a revocation of that suspension.
We all hope that the rebellion Is over ; we all Int
have that the most wicked and causeless war the
world has ever known is at an end ; but who has
said so authoritatively I The President has not,
and no one else can do so. Mr. Knox urged that
the President's proclamation suspending the privi
lege of the writ Is in fall forte at the present time,
and that the return to the writ, that the prisoner
was arrested by and held under the authority of the
President, was sufficient. Mr. COZZOLIS had been a
contractor for the manufacture of tents, and had
been charged with fraud.
Under an act of Congress, which declares that
contractors under the Government shall be taken
to be a part of the army and naval force of the
United States, he was tried before a court-martial
that court has made up its verdict and transmitted
it to Washington ; pending the action of the Presi
dent, Mr. Corms is arrested. Re contended that
it wee strictly within the power of the anthorlUeS
at Washington, conferred by act of Congress, to
pus sue this course ; and said that it was a very cam•
won thing Mr courts here and elsewhere to order
ttat persons against whom criminal charges are
pending, and who may be at large on bail, snail be
taken into custody.
He submitted the Matter to the court with °ana
emic. that, in accordance with law and precedents
In similar cases, the Writ Would be dismissed awl
the relator rerna Dded.
F. C. Brewster, Esq., Counsel for the relator, said
they desired to Me exceptions to the sufficiency of
the return of the respondent, and they wished time
for consultation. For this purpose, until Wednes
day next was allowed, and, In the meantime, Mr,
tkezens remains in military custody.
COMIIIUM Plea S-311010 LUdIOW.
Bomberger et al. vs. the Thirteenth and
teenth.streets Passenger Railway Company. This.
was an application for an injunction to restrain the
defendants from consummating a project which is
in contemplation for the Merging and consolidation
of the Thirteenth and Fifteentaystreete Passenger
Railway Company with the Broad-street Railway
Company, complainants averring that they aro
stockholders in the Thirteenthand Fitheautlastreets
Company; and if the projeCt le earned out, will
work to their Irreparable injury, au.
The court declined to hear argument, but made
an caper& order restraining the defendants from
doing more than holding a meeting on the sth day
of July inst., as proposed, and enjoining them front
taking any further or other steps towards Bald
merges or consolidation until the further order of
the court, on the first Monday of August. Offlyrne
and Oelsobleger for complainants; W. R. Whiter
and Bullitt for defendants.
Declaions were rendered in a number of matters
as follows
Ey Lunx.ow. J.— Hancock vs. The Insurance
Company. Judgment for plaintiff on the point re.
Estate of E. W. Cam Rule to set Wide a Sale.
Ruled ischarged.
McGrath vs. Donnelly. Judgment reversed.
Courelly vs. Arundel!. Judgment reversed.
McElroy vs. Edwards. Motion to quash. Rule
Reed vs. Featherston. Judgment affirmed.
Percival vs. ()toper. Exceptions to master's re.
port. Report referred back to master.
The City. vs. Slater (two oases). In one rule, ab.
solute ; in the other rule, discharged.
nary Vs. Grover. Rule for a new trial. Rule
Roberts vs. Roberta. Rule for alimony. Orion
535 counsel fee, and $7 per week alimony,until Sep.
te r r p
a; term.
of Elizabeth Kenzie. etition• for
leave to invest funds re in railroad securities. Pall.
Um refused.
By ALLISON, J. - 4 0 ring VS. Fuller. Demurrer
wort laittoriter 9iolllX—MLOte. Soseph
Allison, ASSOOIB I 4e Juattae.
One. Thomas Xennedy, wile WAS alined by Dr.
Jeffries! with Mho pretences, had a hearing on
habeas mums. According to the evidence, Dr.
Jeffries was induced to Invest he the Davis Oil corn.
cony by the representations of the relator, who was
..nderstood by the Doctor to say that the Lewitt or
tl.o company were paid for In fell. Jeffries in•
vested to the amount ofsoo, and the investment
premises to be a permanent one. After a short
lapse of time the Doctor ascertained that the land
wibennot clear, but that on the contrary 59.000 WSe
at to be pa i d upon it. He therenp:m inumeted
crtmh proceeding Inc false pretences. After
hearing the eef!enoe of Jeffries and the Ely. J. H.
:,tolth, Sedge Allison said that no case of faise pre
tence, as contemplated by law,had been shown, and
discharged the relator.
Clement C. Wilson, the man *he printed the
twgoa city warrants Mash Nava bean fioattn.,
trod for HOMO WOOke pass, also had a hearing on
baantbe eorpue. He IV 9.11 remanded for trial.
A habeas corpus case. wherein John AL Leieh and
Maria Clark, the mother ano grandfather of a child,,
, ought to recover its possession from theriather,
Raymond Clark, was also heard. The evidence
showed that the mother was a woman of very !atom.
Ferule habits, who before marriage had been placed
by her lather In the House or Retuao, and who, on
Hceount of such habits, had since been in the LOW
house, and that she was entirely unfitted to have
el.arae of a child of tender years, being unable to
Fier hu9eand had been Omil
take care or herself
row to )eave her because of her condUCt. The
alit: was remanded to the custody of the rather.
The Court then adjourned.
[Before Mr. /Warman Bottler.)
Detective Writer Sommers introduced one Wm.
Tbempson to the attention of the alderman, and
charged him With having 091UrdiT.ted burglary in
Chester, Delaware county. A number of things
taken from the place robbed were pawned in this
city, and the tickets round upon Thompson. Prior
to the heating, Mr. Smith, the turnkey at the sta
tion-Lento, heard an unusual noise, and called the
attention of High Constable Clark to the fact. The
cell was watched, and it was discovered that Thomp
son had a small screwdriver secreted upon his per
son, with which he had broken &largo-Axed padlock
nearly to pieces. He is evidently an expert Work
man, as he could not at any time see the look, and
could nee but one hand in working at it. He Was
committed, in default of $6.000 bail, to Walt the
action of the autheritieS of Delaware county.
[Before Mr Recorder Enen. ]
. . .
On Saturday afternoon a fellow sailing hltneelfJas.
Williams entered the building in whichthe Recorder
pee his office, and, proceeding up stairs, climbed
over a door at the foot of the upper flight of stain,
and, reaching a door leading into groom occupied by
Mr. Edward lionaghey, the Janitor of the building,
proceeded to selects quantity of his clothing, valued
at C7O. A boy discovered the fellow and gave the
alarm, whereupon the Recorder, with his officers,
Trlnte Bee Darteapteeer acted as ptokete, but
llama flanked them, and, reaching 011estnUt Erect,
proceeded as far as Sixth, where Reserve 011icer
Bess captured him The bold thief woe committed.
Mary and Elizabeth Cochran were before the Re•
corder lesterday morning, charged with keeping a
disorderly house in Ellsworth street, below Ninth
A descent was made upon the house late Saturday
night, and all the parties captured. They were COM.
Patted for a further heeling;
WARM,' nOnfilifit2S.
Our city seems to be infested with a number of
burglars, house robbers, Sneak thieves, &e. A. few
nights einee • a man waif discovered on the veranda
of the residence of Mr. 'Thomas °arson, Thirteenth
street, abOve Green. This was about ten o'clock,
and an examination of the prereises.waS made, but
no one discovered. The next morning, however,
the gas was burning in various parts of the build
ing, the doors open, and It was ascertained that a
quantity of clothing, two tine coats being , among
the lot, had been stolen. At an early hour, Solar.
day morning, the residence of Mr. William F.
Johnston, Fifteenth street, below Master, was en.
tared. Mr. S. is in the country with his family, bat
some of the neighbors discovered the thieves and
gave the alarm, whereupon they lied, not being Able
to take amthing with them.
ClithaLkernal WPM—The Mena of Major Genera
Howard started a movement In Portland, Maine,
to raise a sum of money to be invested In United
States securities for his benefit. - We append the
General's letter on that subject
WaenrriOTON, June 26, 1865.
To the Editor of the Portland (Me.) Press:
Enclosed please find a slip from the Maine Farmer.
I feel truly grateful to my friends for their kind
intentions toward me, and am under renewed' obit
math= for this testimonial of their appreciation of
What they deem my nubile services. I trust i3Od
Will reward them. But I am Inclined to see the
matter as the Farmer does, and to beg that the cam
of money so invested may be put in trust toward an
asylum or home for wounded soldiers.
,Permit me, then, with a gratitude and airsotion
toward my friends commensurate with that of actual
receipt, to decline before the oiler their contem
plated gut
Very respectfully your obedient servant,
O. 0. Howego, Major General.
NOT A Fill)llltAL.—Caktaill Boggs, while in 00111-
mend of the steamer Gonne:ftlent, was shown an
order, while in the port of Bermuda, regulating the
anchorage ground for Federal and Confederate ves
sels. Disregarding this order, he was sent for by
the Governor, whom he politely informed that it
did not appl y him. " What," says the colonel,
"are you not en officer of the Federal Navy I" "No,
sir," said the Captain, "I belong to neither the
rederal nor Confederate Navy. I have the honor
to command the United States gunboat Clonneott
mut, and am an officer in the United States Navy.
I, therefore, sir, consider that I have a right to an
chor in the harbor where I please. I know of no
such force as the Federal Navy."
United States Government Vessels
Anctionetire, 109 WALL
the following. named Vessels, belonging to the United
state Navy Department:
Screw Steamer 56 Flag."
Length. 187 feet 6 inches; breadth, 31 feet S inches;
depth of hold, 10 feet 8 inches; between decks. 7 feet 2
inches; 1 cylinder, 48 inches diameter, 46-inch stroke.
Screw steamer 66 Kensington."
Length, 190 feet; breadth. 31 feet; depth of hold, 10
feet 7 istebes between, 7 feet 1 Inch; between second
and third decks. 7 feet; 1 cylinder, 56% inches diame
ter, 44. inch stroke.
Screw Steamer
Length. 171 feet; breadth. 33 feet; depth of h01 d. .. 9
feet 6 Inches; between decks. 7 feet 6 Inches; 1 eyun.
der, 36 inches diameter. 36-inch 'stroke.
Screw Steamer a Proteges,"
Length, 203 feet; breadth. 36 feet; depth of hold. 12
feet 4 inches; between decks, 7 feet 10 inches; 2 cylin
dote, 44 lushes diameter, 36-Inch stroke.
Vatted States Steamer *. Serene" (Screw.)
Length. 203 feet 9 inches; breadth, 36 feet; depth of
held. 12 feet 6 inches: between &eke, 7 feet 7 Meshes; 2
cylinders, 44 inches diameter, 36-inch stroke.
Side. o heel %. Commodore Perry.”
Lamed:L. 147 feet 6 inches; breadth, 34 lest 6 inches;
depth of boa, 12 feet 5 Inches; 1 cylinder, 38 inches in
diameter, 0-feet stroke.
ogilewbeel itariehbaek. l2
Length, 77s feet 5 joshes; breadth. 29 feet S
depth of bold, 11 feet 7 inches; 1 cylinder. 40 lechee
meter, 8-feet 'stroke.
Side-wheel "SOMelliet."
Length, 151 feet; breadth, 32-feet 4 inches; depth. of
bold, 11 feet 3 inches; 1 cylinder, 36 inches diameter,
9. feet stroke. •
gni - The above named Vestels lie at the Erie Betiti.
where they may be eirairdeed.
Screw Steamer ss Neptune."
Length, 202 feet; breadth. 36 feet 8 Inches; depth of
hold. 12 feet 5 inchee; between decks 7 feet 7 inches; 1
cylinder. 44 inches diameter, 35.1nch stroke.
Screw Steamer ollayllicht."
Length, 176 feet; bindle', 71e feet 6 Ix:03ml; depth of
hold, 11 feet; between desks. 6 feat 10 inches: 1 cylin.
der, 44 inches diameter, 24-itch stroke.
Side-wheel Steamer ~ C ommodore
Length, Lei feet; breadth. 28 feet 10 inches; depth of
hold, 11 feet; 1 cylinder, Se inches diameter, 9-lest
Side-wheel 4 . ShOkOkOn."
Length. 181 feet 7 inches; breadth 92 feet 1 Inch;
depth of hold, 13 feet 6 inches; 1 cylinder, 44 inches
In diameter. B.feet steeke.
flidewbeel Magnolia? ,
Length. 242 feat 5 inches; breadth: 33 feet 11 inchelli
depth of hold. 11 feet 3 inches; between decks, 7 feet 1)
inches; 1 cylinder, 60 Jeches diameter, 12-feet stroke.
Side-wheel "Commodore Morris? ,
Length, 164 feet.; breadth, 92 feet 6 Inches; depth of
bole 1.2 feet; . 1 cylinder . 38 inches diameter, 10-feet
SidetewheCl eelbeiomomia."
Length, 215 feet; breadth, i 9 feet 6 inches ; depth of
hole, 9 feet 7 inches; I cylinder, 38 inches diameter.
11 feetstroke.
Propeller et Wyandotte."
Length. 152 feet 7 teedeee; breeeele. 21 feet; depth of
hold, 11 met 2 inches; between decks, 6 feet 7 inched;
cylinder, 86 lathes:diameter, 44-inch stroke.
• Propeller “Blghoula.”
Length. 130 feat 10 Melee; breadth, 21. feet 2 inches;
depth of hold, 12 feet; cylaider, 36 inches diameter,
Wu, ch. stroke.
Propeller t , Gow. Buckingham."
Length, 171 feet; breadth, 33 feet; depth of hold.B feet
2 Mae s ; between decks, 7 feet; 1 cylinder, 38 . inches
diameter, 28 inch stroke •
Propeller "Glareens.”
Length, 203 feet 1 itch; breadth. 35 feet 8 imams;
depth of he'd. 12 feat 6 inches; between desks, 7 feet 5
inches; 1 cylinder, 41 Mar es diemeter, 40-inan stroke.
Propeller Young America: ,
Length. 07 feet 1 inch ; breadth, 2i reJt 2 lathes. depth
of held. 5 10 inches; 1 celinder, 32 lashes diameter,
28 inch stroke.
Propeller 4 i Mae."
Length, 91 feet 7 inches, breadth, 19 feet 1 Inch; depth
of hold, S feet; cytinder. 26 leches diameter, 24. inch
Propeller "Blandierta." •
Length, 169 feet; hreatith. 35 feet; depth of hold, 10
fees Si...heat between decks, 6 feet 9 incase; I cylin
der• Si inches dine slew. 6-feet stroke.
Propeller ~ lEpallota "
Length, 62feet; breadth. 15 feet; depth of hold, I feet
4inchee; cylinder. 17 incites diameter, 17 inch stroke,
Propeller "Clinton."
Length. 61 feet; breadth, 15 feet 8 inches; depth of
b01d.6 feet; nylinder,le !name diemeter,l6.inche.roke .
Propeller “Salfron. ,,
Length, 66 feet; breadth, 17 feet 1 inch; depth of hold.
6 feet 7 IncLese; cylinder , 20 inalme diameter, 10-inch
Propeller 'LECH(' "
Length, 61 feet 2 inches; breadth, 15 feet 2 Inches;
depth of hold C feet 6 inchsee cylinder, IS inches di
ameter, is-inc h stroke.
Propeller “Unit."
Length, e 2 feet 2 inchee; breadth, 15 feet 2 inches;
depth of hord. 6 feet 8 inches; oyeinder, 18 inches in
diameter, etroke.
Propeller 4, Zortay . e,”
Length, 95 feet; breadth, 20 Met 10 Inches; depth of
bold, 7 feet 7 inches; ereleder, 16 incliee In diameter.
20-Inch evoke.
Propeller "Berbeirryeet
- „ L p e th ne o th o gli d. f s et e
3 ln hi c c h l e e s , ! ; b e r i e i d ed th e , 4 2o 3o f i le c t ue S s i d n i c a l a e s s . ;
ter : 26 inch biretta.
Propeller itroortl Vernon" )
reenetb, 171 feet; breadth, 28 feet 10 inches; depth of
hold, 9 feel 11 inches; between decks, 3 feet; 0/ w i der,
45 matte diameter, 2 inch stroke. -
Bark. Pursuit" ,
Leneth, 143 feet; breadth, 59 feet 4 inches; depth of
hold, 10 feet 1 loch.; between desks, 6 feat.
Bark I. 4iels/ShOli."
Length, 141 feet; repeith, iio feet 3 Mabee; depth of
hold, le test a t -betereett de eke. d feet 6 inches.
Ake The above Vbeeels Ile at the Nary Lel% where
they may be examined .
Trelddie OF SALL—Tweedy per cent. of the purchase
Ines el to be vela on the day of na'e; the balance
eta dope, r ben the vessels maid be removed from the
Foy( Ay order, CRAMLES 13131,L.
j,, 3w fet Commandant.
of a writ of sale. by the [lon. .10115 GAD WALA ,
DER, Judge of the iristriot Court of the United States,
Di and for ,he Bentorn district of Pennrolvt.nia, 14 Ad
miraleq, to IDS directed . Will be Boni at - Puerto Bale. to
the l Wiest and best bidder. for caeh. at mtcrtss SRI
hTOIII, No. 142 North FRO' Street. on MONDAY.
Joy 10, 1815. at 11 o'clock A. M., the cargo of prize
,t, enter 13eatiice, coesisti ow of Alcobol in barrels: Ale,
it,. bottles; Claret, in bottles: soiseellantorte Liquors, in
I cares; one came of Madeira; fans , * Flannels, Tweeds,
Petinette. Itisnkets. Calicoes, (Jhbatzes. Ladies' Under-
Malf•hose, pais. made Clothing.
dig% and other articles, an enectlied in eat alogoes
United fitaies Mucha! S D.
of Pentutylviinta
FEUILADM,PI3I4I,. Jone 24, MU. NA 1.24
/Co bbie. Ship Pitch.
ge 1 . Tar.
leo " Soepmettre' Resin.
Just received cud for e►ib bi rmr.
iii3OS. * • /0 Sou% DE itAlCaltE Menu,.
writ of Venditioni Exponits, to me directed, will km
exposed to public sale or vaccine, on MONDAY EYenint.
Jnty s. 1866, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall.
Ail the bmitilugs. IMproVoluanto P Cud lot of ;tonal!.
situate OD the north side of Fitz Water Meet, 18 feet west
f sixteenth street, in the oily of Phil delptda; eon
wont front on Fitzwater street 64 feel, Sad in depth
67 feet. more or leas f Which premises Bdltur Ford.
by deed dated Attend 99, IE6B, conveyed nub:. Jame;
Henn in tee, reserving ground rent. 41117 3
[C. P. ; J ,16. 69 Debt. Sae it. • A. Burton.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Jams; Henry hENRY O. HOWSLL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Once, June 10.1866. jal.2-3t
a Writ of Tenditioni Ravokas, to me directed. wilt
be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Eire.
atilt, July HiM. at 4.0'1E004 at Sancorn-street Ben.
All that three - story orlon zaaesaage and lot or gronad
situate on the east side of ldarelosil. street, 1.33 feat 174
inches north of Muter street, in the city of Palladel•
phis; oentamtng In front on Ifarshal street 17 feet, and
In depth 71 feet 2 inches. [Which premises Zopbar C.
Howell et b. 7 deed dated spril 1.185.9, recorded in
Deed Book T. B , Bo 83. pile 400, arc , wavered unto.
Edward M. Hales in fee, reservlug ground rent din 1
[0 P. J , 'Ed 46. Debt. $80.28. Letchw .rth
Taken in execution and to be cold es the prosody of
Edgard M. ate HEM C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheila's Onice, June 10,1866,
a Writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me directed. will
be exponed to public sale or Vendne, on RIOS DAY Beg
ging ACV' 3, 1665. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-etteet
All that lot of ground, situate on the nonthegat corner
of York and Cedar strode. in the city of - phliamiptda;
containing in front on York street 16 feet, and In deOth.
along Cedar street 126 feet (IX inches to Gordon street.
Ground rein Sl6.
[C. P.; L. '66. 43 . Debt, 16165 94 Pile. 3
Taken in execution and to be sold an she property of
Btepben door. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. June 10. 1863,
a writ of Vendffloni Expense, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve
ning, July 3, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at hansom. street Hall,
All that lot of ground situate on the somh side of
York street, 38 feet east of Ce tar street, in the city of
Philadelphia; containing in front on York street, 18
feet. and in depth Iff3 feet 6X inches to Gordon street.
Ground. rent 218.00. -
[C. P ; J., 'B6. 42. Debt. 693 60. P'le
Taken in OM ention and to be sold as the property of
Stephen Acer. HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Oface, June 10.1865. • Jel2.3t-
a writ of Venditioid Expouas, to me directed. Will be
exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening,
July 8, 1935, at 4 o'clock, at Beasomatreet Hall.
All that lct of around situate on the east side of Wash•
ington street. 140 feet north of Mester street, in the city.
of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ws...Mutton
street 20 feet, and In depth 111 feet 8 inches to Piling
E. H.—On the above lot is erected on Washington
street a two story frame building, In the rear a three
story frame building, and. on Philip street a three• story
brick building.
CO. P.: J.,'65 45. Debt, EMT 70. Pansoast.]
Taken in execution Anal to be .old. as the property of
Bdward Sherry. HENRY H. HOWELL, Shertg
Philadelphia, Plowiff , a Office, June 19,1565.
a writ of VenditioniExponee,te me directed,will be
exposed to public Bala or vendue,ort MONDAY Evening',
Jul? 3.1566, at 4 o'clock, at transom-street Hall,
. all that lot of ground situ eta on the east side of Fourth
street, 64 feet south of Greenwich street in the city of
Philadelphia; containing in front on 'Fourth street 16
feet, and in depth 72 feet to a three-feet-wide alley ex
tending into Worth str, et. with privilege of said alley-
LW bleb premises Thomas Wistar at uz.. by deed dated
April 11, HQ, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H., No 88,
psgo 4DB, Ac ' eonvev Unto George W. refeenn in
fen, zeta, sin around rent of fa.
EH. P. ; J., 'GI 41. Debt. $65 90. Horria.l
Taken Mention and to be sold as the property of
George W. Fergismi.
Philadelphia, Merit:Pe Mee. June 10.1866.
a writ of Tem/Mont Exponas,to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or yendne, on MONDAY
Jab 9, 1865, at 4 o'clock at Baneom-etreet Ha ll ,
All that tot of ground situate on the north side of Pop.
tar street 168 feet 734 inches west of Front street, in the
city of Philadelphia: ...containing in front on Poplar
street 18 fest, and inAllipth on east line. log feet 63(
and on west lino 107 feet 3 inches to. QOM
feet. wide alley, containing in front on said alley 18 feet
234 Mae& communicatit with a ten feet alley running
into Poplar greet, wish privilege of said alley. ( Which
lot 'William Phillips et no., by deed .dated Jane 16,
1814, recorded in Deed Book I ' 0.. No, 30, page 360, De..
conveyed unto Spencer Moffat in fee, reserving ground
rent of BA
B.—On above lot is erected on Poplar street a
tbroo. WRY brick building, and on the rear thereof and
of tl2O lot at joining to the went a two-and-a• half stool
brick factory balidivg
CO P. ;J., 1.5.' , 47 Debt. $l2 N. Bowers
Taken in execution and:lo be sold as the property of
Spencer Moffat Eißeffilt C. HOWELL, Sheriff,
Philadelphia, Sheriff's office. June 10, 1866.
a writ of Venditionl Exponas,to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY ETolling,
July .3, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,
All mat brick meeensge and lot of ground, sltaate on
the south hide of eatharino street. between Second and
Third streets, in the city of ?Mac elphle onglatatax"lta
front on Catharine street 19 feet 9 inches. more or less,
and 1n depth 100 feet, more or less t bounded east by
ground now or late of Rachel Lewis, south by ground
of Robert Galbraith. west by bast ends of Hobert
Wbarton's lot and troand of at Ifilth Evans. north by
Catharine street [Which premises Elijah A. Oarroll
et nxby deed dated April ] 6th. MO. recorded In Deed
Book 'G. W. C., No. 45. page 204. dto., conveyed unto
Philip L Dulosa in lee.] Subject to ground rent of
CO. P. CJ.. '66 40 Debt. $lB9 96. Barger.]
Taken in execution and to be cold as the property of
Philip L. Dubeed HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff:
Phliadelphia,Sherire Office, June 10,1565. jel2-3t
aN9rl t, of Venditioni 'SIMMS to me directed, will be
exposed to publicsale or "(endue, on MONDAY Evening,
Jolt 8, 1866. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom•street Hall,
all that two- story brick meeenage and lot of_groAnd
situate on the north side of Stamm (formerly Wesley)
street 48 feet west of Third street. In the city of Phila
delphia; containing in front on Emmet street 16 test.
and In depth 08
(C. P. J. 'BO 60. Debt, 840 80. C. Sergeant 1
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Hdward Matthew.
If SWIM C. HOWELL Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's °Moe. Ju*e 10, 186.5. 1812-8 f
a writ of Vendittoot Expouss, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evenng,
July 8, 1880. at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street Hall,
All that lot cf ground situate on the north side of
Poplar siPtet, 186 feet 7f Inches west of Front street. in
the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Poplar
street 18 feet. and in depth on the east One 107 feet 2
inches, and on west line 107 feet 8f inches to a twelve
feet-wtee allay. Containing in front on said alley 18
feet 2.4 inches, said alley cenininnitattnglwith two tou
ted aLeys leading into Poplar street. with. privtlege of
said alleys. [Which lot Wtflta Milting. et .
deed dated June 4 , 1828, recorded in Deed Book T.ll. ,
Ho. BS, page 200. de.. conveyed unto Adam Lindner, in
fee . , retorting ground rent of s4o.]
IL B. —On above lot is erected on Poplar street a two.
story frame building, and on the rear thereof, and of
the lot on the east, a two. and-one-half story beck fae•
tory building.
[O. P. ; J.. 'BO. 48. Debt, $22 91. Bowers.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Adam Lindner HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, /nue 10, 1866. 1412.3 t,
a writ of Levan Poems, to me directed , Will be
exposed tAptiblic salvor vendee , unIifOIODAY liVeninffs
July I. I at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
All those * four itoree.story unfinished buildings and
lot of ground, situate on the east side of Leithgow
street, one hundred and thirty. three feet seven is chilli
south of Diamond street. to the city of Philadelphia:
containing in front oh Leithgow street sixty- four feet,
more or less - and in depth ninety feet. to Fourth street.
[l3. ex ecution 05. Debt, $B9. 72. Boman
Taken in on judgment on city claim Of.,
65, 910 for paving, and to be sold as the property of
Gottleib Meaner and John B. Wilson. owner.
RIMY C. BOWBLL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21, ISO. je22-9t
a writ of Lenart Yentas, M me directed, will be eX•
Vega to pat_blic sale Or Venue , on MONDAY Evening,
July 3. 18m at t o'clock, at canc.:a-street Hall,
that eeratin tract or piece of land situate In the
townehip of Passynnk and county of Philadelphia,
bounded and described according to a survey thereof.
recently made by Thomas Daly, as follows: Benin.
Ring at a point in the middle of Long lane, formerly
sailed " Houses Lane." at a corner of land formerly of
Young, now of Azarialt. H Simmons. et al., and
extending along said land north 44% degrees east
80 94.109 perches to a post standing in the line of land
formerly of Linley and. Pansoast; thence along the
same month 722( degrees west 20 25 100 perches toe post
in the line of land formerly 01 Goo. Leese; thence along
the same north 35% degrees west 02 "Perches toe corner
in the line of land granted by John Wagner to John
Layre; thence along the aame, parallel with said Long
lane, north 40 degrees east 99 feet 6 inches; thence
north 9634 degrees west 241 feet 6 inches to the middle
of Long lane: thence north 40 dearoac. end along the
middle of said Long lane 1S 1-10 porches to the place of
agintigitt containing .9 acres end 2 roods. [Which
premises John Wagner et ux_ by deed dated May 19,
4864, couvet ed onto Ellwood Matlack to fee. 1
ED. O. ; .1. 820. Debt, $4 216.75. Paxson.]
Tak ea in execution and to be sold as the property of
Bllwood MaGack, with nottee to Sarah W. Dickson.
terre tenant. ILBRILY C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Moe, June2l. 1865. je22-35
writ or Levert Pada% to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or Tendrils, on MONDAY
July 3. 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Seasom-street Han,
Ail that certain two-story frame messuage or tene-
ment. With brick back buildinga and lot of Monad.
situate cm the east side of 'fifth street, between Rage
street and Vice street. in the said city of Philadelphia,
containing in front eighteen fees nine inches. (inclus ing
thirteen inches in breadth, part of a three.reet.wide
alley left open for the common use of thin and the
adjoining tenement to, the northward.) and in depth
eighty-coven feet six..tnelses. bounded northward partly
by other part of said alley and partly oy other ground,
now or late of John Moore, eastward by ground now
or late of /inward Pennington- deceased. southward
by ground late of. Margatet Morrie, and westward
by I , llth stress aforesaid. Being the same premises
which Charles Williams, et ns_, by indenture dated
April 27, A. D. 11116, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M .
o. 7, Vale 612,&c.,sonveyed unto Daniel Thompson
in fee.]
[D. (3.
and 349. DAIL $1.202. Lex
Taken In incecntion and to Wi sold as the property of
Daniel Tbompton. HENRY C. HOWei.L. Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Bherts'e Office. June 21, MAI js22-3t
a writ of Venditioni Enemas, to me directed,
will be exposed to public isale or vendne, on MONDAY
&centric, Jul', 3. /866. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street
Alt that three. stora , brick messnage and lot of ground.
'situate the Pilaf al de Of Seventh street 93 feet n , rth of
Mary street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing' in
front on 'seventh street 16 feet 6 inches and in depth Kt
feat. CYVlach prsioisee Owen Sense, by deed dated De.
cernber 26th, 13.9. recorded in Deed Beek M. Thu lg.
page 876. dm., conveyed unto Ja1114114 Williams is fee.
reserving ground sent of 41. 33. )
CD. C ; J., 66. 341 Debt. $123 06 &awls 3
Taken lla execution and to be sold as the property Of
James Williams. MENET C HOWELL. Sherlf.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21, 1665. 3622-2't
a writ of Pierl FnOine, to me directed, will be BS
posed to public sale or MONDAY &suing.
Jab 3, 1860, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street Hall,
All tnat Mite- store brick messnage and lot of groand
situate- en the West side of Marshall street, 186 feat 2
inehee north ot Thomp,ort street. In the city of Phila
delphia: containing 112 front on Marshall street HI feet,
wad In depth B 4 feet. more or ices. I Which premises
William &tackle et ax, by deed dated /3OLomber Mkt,
1862, recorded in Deed. Book. L, R. 8., No 51, page 371,
&cesayeyed onto Joseph B. Hart in fee, mend=
Ironed ran , of BM 3
[D. C; J , 'O5. Sva Debt, $lBB Mellen 3
Taken in en/ cation and to be cold as the property of
Joetpt. B Bert. HENRI 80WE(.4, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Jane 21, 1865. jell 88
anrrit tf Vouditioni Erponas, to me directed, wilibe
exposed to peblie sale or yeadoe,on MONDAY Threning.
Jr Ail
3. 1865. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hail,
Ad the lading and lot of monad situate on the south
east corner of Lombard and nokaylkill Water atreets,
in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front oa
Water street 78 feet. and in depth 50 feet. [Which
Promises Timothy Abbott et al . by seed dated Jane 8,
1812 recorded to Deed Book T. 0.. n'o. 29. page 39, 40.!
conveyer unto thieb Foalka 3u ho, reserving ground.
rent 01 Which was eltercenr.l.s, an oar agreement,
toper:lotted to VS on this lot.]
ED.G, ; J., '65. 391. Debt,4olA7 M J B.Towntead.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property us
Caleb Fool§ sr HENRY 11. HOWELL, Merit
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jane It, 1885. ie2l-3t
ka a writ of Vouditioni EXPOIIag. to me directud j tylll ba
exposed tr.rmblic male or 70 ad no, on ktOND Evening,
July 8,1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
/11 that taro story brink. OIOORIC/ie sad lot of trend
bittianOo .hs scot aide of Beirtmeenth street 112 feet
north of Chrietlin street, in the city 00 runaeeivnte.;
containing In treat on eOPOnle(0,ill street 18 feet, awd in
depth 76 feet to a fear-feet alley, with privilege thereof.
[Which premiere Thomas W. Mauna. by dead dated
Ap)il 19, 11360, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. , No, 111,
pep 101, hrc., conveyed unto James Panne . in lee.]
rit J., 'MS 556 Debt, 050 Biackbard.
Taken in execntion and to be sold as the propirt7 of
James Penny. 141i.0RY O. HOWELL, Eheritr.
Philadelphia, Bherill's Diem Jane 21, 1861 je22.3t
writ or Lever! Facials, to me directed,,will be ex
need to public eels or vendee, on MONDAY. Evening;
1805, ut 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street
Ail nig lot of ground sltoate on the south aide of Ta
wny s treet, or River road, in the city of Philadelphia,
beginning at the southwest corner of Orthodox sweat,
and aa t au diog west along :saki Tatony street 029 hue
drs d and twenty seven feet Mx inches; thence south by
lot of Timothy Quirk ono hundred feat; thence west by
the came twenty feet ; thence north by the saute one
hunds ed feet to the said Teeny road; thence by said
road west two hundred and and forty feet; thence south
two hundred feet to Melrose street; thence east along
same three hundred end eighty-seven feet six Inchon to
Orthodox street awl thence north by same two hon•
tired feet to the niece of beginning.
CD. O. t.l , '66. Mt Debt, i62.TTi 40. S. C Parkins.
Taken In execution and to be assid as tho_propertY Of
Es Tr a• w Waimea. RENRY Pi HOWELL, duerilf.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Moe. .Ttuto 71. 1866.:. idi sth,
a writ of Venditioni Bayonet% to me direoted,will be
exposed to public sale or vendno, on MONDAY Evening,
July 9. 4850, at 4 o'clock. at Penaono-street Hall,
All that two story brick bonding and simian or bow*
and lot of around emote OD the nett, eide of
street. 144 feet Ik Ir chee saes of Fifth eireet, to the city n'
Philadelphia; containing in front on Moore street SI
feet 10 Ivaco. and in depth 115 feet 6 lashes to Pierce
street. CW)lch premises John Christopher Smith et al.,
by deed dated April 14th, 1897, reasrded in D.,,ee Book
B. D W.. No 140, rage 81. .20., conveyed unto David
Bouvier In fee. reserving around rent or *V.
ID. D. J. 65 M. Debt gl. 252 75 BA wle.l
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
David Bouvier. . .. . . . .
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Jone2l. jeti aE
writ of Venditionilaponan, to tue directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vanillas, on MONDAY $7514.11g,
July 8, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansont-street Hall,
Aikido, that ~ot of ground, with the two end-a-half-story
'factory thereon erected, situate in the city of Philadol
bible: beginning at a pout at the north west corner of
tie Germantown plank-road, or Seventeenth atre , t.
d Woodpecker lane; thence southwest 151 feet 6X
inches to the east side of the Philadelphia and Oer
inantown railroad; thence northwest along tte east
line of the said railroad 269 feet 14 inches to the south
erly, line of tnearrield street; thence eastward& along
the south lice of said Clearfield Street 215 fret IoN inches
to the said Seventeenth street; thence eolith ward&
Wong the west side or the satd tioventeenth street
the feet Slg' inches, to the place of beginning [Being the
tame Innuises which John Longstreth and wife, by in
denture dated the 1601 day of Oetob.r, 1869, recorded in
Deed Book A D. B B. go. 126, page V. &o .granied and.
conveyed to Mime Wadleigh in ree, reserving a ground
rent of three hundred and thirty dollars
ID. O. ; J., '65. 246 Debt, $2.348 90. Lex.)
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Aihra Wadirigh. HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 21. 1865. .1921-81
ea a writ of Levarl Facia., to me directed. will be ex
posed to public sale or vendne. pn MONDAY Evening,
July 8, 1866, at 4 o'clock. at Bannon). etreet Ball.
Ail taut three• wary brisk rummage and lot re ground,
situate on the south Sid. of Brower street, 181 feet 2%
inches emit of Eleventh 'meet, in tbe cite of Philat el
phis; containing in fret , on Brown street 17 fest, and in
depth 126 feet 2% inches to Olive street. (Which premi
ses David 0. stoma et ex . by deed dated starch Slat.
1864 recorded in Deed Book T. H Dlo. 142, page 5. attt
conveyed unto George Bull in fee, eubject to ground
rent of 865 26. which by deed endorsed. dated April 7th,
1814, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 141. page 1. ant .
was extinguished.]
CD. 0. J. '65 285. Debt 81.695. Potts ]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
George Ben, HENRY 0. HO MALL. Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, June 21, 1269
or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, July 3, 1861, at 4
o'clock, at eaneour street Ball
No. 1. AD the flight, title. and interest of defendants
in and to all that three.etory brisk messa Larch
ground situated on the northwest side of stre e t,,
160 feet northeast of Ann street, in the city of Phtladel
• phis ; containing in front on Larch street 20 feet , and in
depth 100 feet.
No. 2 All those two three•stoty brick buildings and
lot of • round situate on the northwest side of. Lovell
street, 160 feat northeast of Ann street: containing in
front on 1 arch street 40 feet, and. In depth 100 fees
CD C t J 'O5 202 Debt, 3831 17 Stover.]
Taken in execution and to be sold es the property of
John Gaanng and William B. Wightmau
BBNEY 0. HOWELL. Sheriff.
Philadelpnia, Sheriff's O6oce, June 11, 1865. je22-31..
a writ of Veri Facials, to me directed. will be ex
pored to public sale or vendne, on 210h1) al Evening,
July 3,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
Ail that brown•stcne church building and lot of
ground situate on the north side of York etre*, extend
ing from Sesooth to Eighth streets, in the city of Phila
delphia: containing in front on loyk. street 814 feet 3
an inch, and in depthigP feet to Chinch street: bonndad
north by Ohareh stied, esti by Seventh /drool, wad by
Alithth strsei. and south by York street.
ED. ; J'6s. 800. Debt, "861. we n I
Taken in egaantion and to be Role as the property of
the rectors, chusch-wardens, and vestrymen of the
Oh arch of St. Bartholomew
,ti tiRY O. HOWELL. Sheriff.
rkfladehbia. Sheriffs Office, June 21.1665. jO22,St
a writ of Venditloni Expense, to me directed., will
be exposed to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Even
ing. Jut. 3.1866. at 4 o'clock. at Baneometrest Hall.
All that three-story brick meatless and lot of ground
situate on the northeast elde of renrokyisAnia avenue.
184 feet 11% 'acnes northwest from Fairmount AVOllllll'
In the Mt, or Ftrils deiphia containing in front Oti Penn
syiyanta avenue 19 test ()Inches, and in depth 65 feet.
[Which premises Monne' Bouvier et ux. by deed dated
March 26.180, recorded In Deed Book. A. W.M., 80. 89.
page 448. $O. conveyed unto John Herman, in fee, re.
serving ground rent of $49 RD.]
[D.C. ; J , '66. 304. Debt. $ 133.66 . It &Campbell.]
'Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of
John Berman, HENRY C HO WELL, Einetift•
Philadelphia. Main Onice, TRW) 21.1866. ic24-3t
a writ of Pittries Levert Tadao, to me directed, will
be exposed to public male of vendne, on MONDAY Sven
lag. July 3, 1865. at 4 o'clock, at Samosa-street Hall,
All that, lot or gronnd, with the dwelling-house. foun
dry, workshop. ehon, stable, and other the map,
snaps and tenements thereon erected, situate on the
month side of Girard avenue as now laid out and opened,
BO feet in width, and on the west side of Minor-street,
in the east districtkf Penn, containing in front en Girard
avenue 812 feet. and in depth along toe west side of said
Minor street 207 feet. (Being the whole of three lots or
ptecree of ground which. John Birch and Wife, by three
eeparate indentnren, the drat dated the nth December.
A. D. 1648. recorded in deed book G W. (1.. No 66,
page 460. as. The second dated the Bth May. A. D.
1870, and recorded in deed book O. W. C.. No. 85. page
462. &a. The thin dated tbe 6th September. A. D. 1858,
and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted, and
conveyed auto the said Samuel Ogden, hie heirs and
assigns braver, as by reference to the said indentures
will more fully and at large appear
A. B.—There are erected on the above. described lot a
two-story brick railroad depot, and one story brick
stables in the rear, IMO by the Richmond and Schnyl
kill Railroad OemnanY.
P S. —By an order of count, the purchaser will be re
quired to pay the Sheriff $260 in cash at the time the
property is fitrUOit Off
[D. O. ; J., '66. Rd Debt, $4,000. McFadden 3
• Taken in execution and to be sold as the oropertv of
Samuel °mien and the Richmond and Schuylkill Pas.
• stinger Railroad Company tetra tenant.
• BisltßY O. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Of6se. inns 21. 1866. je22-St
a writ of Vendidoni Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendors, on MONDAY Ever
ming . . July 3, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
Alt that three-stor, brink ineasuege and lot of ground
situate:on the northeast side Of Pennsylvania avenue,
fatl-two feet three and ftve•eighthe luehee northwest of
Fairmount street, in the city of Philadelphia,: thence
northeast forty four feet; thence north slateen feet four
and orte.fourth incites; thence northeast four feat four
twines to a ve-reet- wid e alley; thence northwest along
same ten feet nine lushes; thence southwest sixty , three
feet to Pennsylvania avenue; thence southeast along
same eightetn feet to beginning. [Which premises
Michael Bouvier, et nz , by deed dated March .29, 1147.
recorded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 39. page 423, &s.
conveyed unto John Hermon in fee. reserving ground
Tent of 111 El 3
CD. C. ; 3:'
'66. 305. Debt. 1133.65, B Campbell. .
Taken inexeention and to be sold `as the property of
John Herman. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofike, June2l. DM. je22.3t
a writ of Venditiord Mxponas,to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale er vendue, on MONDAY }Sven.
inc, July 3, 1860, at 4 o'clock, at. hansom - street Hall.
all that lot of m mad situate on the northwest corner
of Front and Canal streets in the city of Philadelphia;
containing intrust on Canal street 114 feet 10 inches to
Bops street. thence north along same 8 feet, thence east
110 feet to Front street, tisanes south along same 41 feet
to beginning.
tD Q. J.. 'fft. 332. Debt, .180 3.8. Townsend.)
Taken .La execution and to be sold as the proPertt Of
Jamas A. Porten.. HENRY J u neOWS nogg,
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ogee 21, Ng. jell-as
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he
exposed. to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Sven
ing, July 5, 1866„ at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
All that certain lot of mound, with the icw• house and
other Improvements thereon erected, being part of a
tract of land known as Salment, situate in the Twenty
fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, and described
according to a recent survey thereof made by Murton
H. Fox, ae follows; beginning at a stake on the east
aide of the Falls of tbihrtylkill river road, on the line
dividing the said Belmont setate from the estate known
as Landadown, now or late the property of the Bing
ham or Ashburton faculty, thence extending along the
said line Minding the salo bandedowu from said nal-
Mat estate, south seventy-two degrees twat:LW-1M
minutes and thirty-one seconds, sari any nine fees two
inches to a stake in the west aide of the tow-path of
the canal of the Schuylkill HavigatiOn Company as now
used, end thence northward along the west side of said
tow-path one hundred and thirty feet to a point, thence
westwardly fifty-one feet six and One half inches to a
point in the eastwardly side of said Falls or river
Schuylkilliread,landltheneesouthwardly along the east
aide of the same one hundred and twenty-one feet eight
and one half inches to the place of beginning [Being
the same ermine whieh Joseph S.. Levering, Trustee,
by indenture dated August net 1859, recorded in Deed
Book A. D. B Ho 79. H. 174 dm, conveyed to tee
said keter Wagner in fee. reserving a ground rent of
ninety even dollars and fitly cents; and which said
yearly around zeal by indenture made between the
raid Joseph 8. Wrenn and Peter Wagner, dated the
24th day of august, a D. 118.1. recorded in Deed
Book A D. B. Ho. 182, page 78, eto., it was declared It
should hereafter be at the rate of seventy. eight dollars
per annum, payable as aforesaid.)
Ho. 2 —AII that certain lot or piece of ground. with
the banana and improvemen.s thereon erected, situ
ate en the west siae or Lewis street, two hundred and
eight feet north of Thomumon street, containing in front
On Lewis street six teen feet, and in depth seventy-two
feet six inches to the middle of an alley five feet wide
loading from Thompson street. Together with the pri
vitae° of said alley.
[D. U. , J. 67. ; 237. Debt, ancro. sharpie...]
Taken in execution and to be sold an the property of
Peter Wegner. HENRY C HOWDI,I4 Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Me, Jane 21. litee. ion st
a writ of Ves ditioni Espouse, to me directed,_will be
exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Even
ing, July P. 1665, at 4 o'clock. at Ransom-street Nall,
80. 1. 411 that ettehenede and lot of ground situate on
tie west side of Seventh street 169 feet 6 Inches south of
Diamond street, in the city of Philadelphia; contain.
ins In front on Seventh street 17 feet. including on the
forth side the halt part of a two feet fonr.inshes alley,
and in depth 80 feet. [Which premise. John C. Haw
kins. et Ulf bY deed dated August 21. 108.7. recorded in
Deed Book A. 0. 8., No. 112. page 162. 1,
—a , conveyed
onto David B. Bower, in fee, subject to ground rent
Ho w . 2 All that lot of ground situate on the east Side
of Franklin street 171 feet 431 Inches south of Diamond
1111,0, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front
on Franklin street 17 feet, and M. depth on th- , north
line 72 feet 11,;(4 inches, and on the south /ins 72 feet BM
inches. [Which premises William Weigatman, et rix_.
lor deed dated August 21. 1863, recorded in Deed. Book
A 0. 8., Tic 111, page 119, dtc., conveyed auto David
B, Sower, it fee, reserving ground rent of $33.3
[D. 0., '65. 319. Debt. SM. Baddiman.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
David B. Sowers HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sneniff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 05tce, June 21, 1665. 342-St
a writ. of Alias Levarlla, to rue diceeted. Will
be exposed to Deblie Hale or vandue, on MONDAY Eve
ning, Jruy 8, 1006, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Ball.
All thet sour-story brick Dustman° And lot of ground
situate on the north olds of Arch street, 71 fact cut of
Twenty-second street, in the city of con.
taining in front on Arch street 18 fees, and in depth 103
feel. to a four-feat alley, with privilege thereof
[Which premises Richard H .Townsend, by deed dated
seemlier lath, 1861. recorded in Deed Book A. 0. H.
35, page 80i, conveyed unto Benjamin 8.
Melte in fee. ]
[D. C. ; 934. Debt. 4i5 936 33 Peachall.3
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Beni:fully 8 Shreve HURT C HOWATA, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Bheriff'e Oahe, .7tme 21. 1865. jell-8t
a writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me direchtd, wiii
be exposed to pnblio sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve.
Bing. July 8,1865, at 4 o'clock, at sansom•strest
all that three story brisk meesnage and. lot of ground
situate on the west side of Merinos street, 81 feet smith.
f Maker street: in the city or Philadelphia ; contain
ing in front on Nervine street 18 feet. and depth 70
feet to an alley, six feet wide, iesdleg from the said
Master street into Thompson street. [Which premises
Isaac .B. Client, by indenture dated February 12th,
1864. conveyed unto Frank &mister in fee, with the
privilege of raidfeet-wide alley and of a culvert or
drain therein leading into the culvert on TnomPsort
C J.'65. 865. Debt, $528.25 Thorn. Is
Talton in execution and to be sold as the ProPrrti of
Frank Bressler. 'HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff,.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mice,
Jane 21, 188& 1e22.31
.J a writ of Venation" Buten as. tome directed, will be
(tooted to public sole o r vended . on MONDAY ava
iling. July 3.1366. at 4 o clock, at &twin- atreet Call,
All that lot of &rend With the three- story brisk demi.
ntg i once th ereon erected, situate on the north side of
Pew itreet, between Front and &woad Eremite. from the
riser Delaware. and between Vine and Rate streets, in
the cay of Phllade!phla • cm) tabling in iron on the
raid New street 17 feet 8 inches, or thereabouts, and in
depth 7S feet 6 inches, or thereabouts, bounded east
we, d with a lot now or late of XL:tholes Dicks, south
ward with the said Dew street, westward with a lot
now or late of James Channel, and northward with
I t now or late of John Peters. (Being the same pre.
m ires which Isaac Ballengee and Elizabeth. his wife.
by indenture dated October 1, IMO. and recorded in
Deed Bcotk Cl. W. 0.. Sio. 74. psde .s, &e..
unto Marshall Homey in fee. merrier the yearly
rent or sum of one hundred dollars.) M SeuemY hoe
tatted with his Interest in shove.
[D. V., J. W. 818. Debt. $10234., Law.
Taken in executton and to be sold as the property of
Morahan Henezey HENRY 0 HOWELL, Sheriff
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oftloa. Jane li. 11146. jell et
a writ of Leyari Factas. to me directed will be ex
posed to made sale or wafts, on MONDAY IVerallit.
.0.3 r a. MS. at 4o'olook, at hansom street Hall.
ill that brie [notecase and lot of eroand squats on
he northeast side of Germantown road. 883 feet ISOM
est of ktoldanne street, in the city of Plitiadelphin.
ntalning In front on Germantown road 10 feet, and In
• • pth on the northwest lane 90 feet 113,1 inches. and on
,ne southeast litre 89 feet IA inches, thence east on
orth line 90 test 11X, inches, and on south line 89 feet
?.l inches to Srep'er street. Which premises Adam
ormolus Bentz. et nx , by deed dated August 20, 1913
corded In Deed Book T. H.. No 106, page 101 em..
.aveyed unto Ober. es Hem in fee. 1
N. B. —On the above prowess it a three story brink
case and store on Germantown road; also, ft" three
'ory brick dwelling on Bressler street
CO. C t 1 . '69. 1160 Debt, $1.678 Grout
Taken in c.o.:coon and to be sold as the property of
"3'lol4okm HENRY 0. Hi.? WSW., 61.srilt.
Philadelphia, Mantra 0111. co. Jame 81.188& 1.2211
I writ of Venditioni itxponas, to 2110 db"ted, will
be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDA.Y.lve
ning, July 3, 1666 at 4 o's'ock, at Sansom-street
all .hat lot of ironed situate on the ea-t aide of Far
tietb erect, 241 feet tiji 'lnchon north of Pratt serest. In
the eitp of Philadelphia; eontaining in front on Po'
Meth street Ot feet 6 inches. and la depth 600 trot H'
inches to Sloan street .
ED. C..; J. • '66. 327. Debt, $4OB. Deohert.]
Taken in execution and to he cold as the prnuertn of
Willi tin McMahon. HUM' C. aowsw... Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Jane 21, 1636. je22.3t
Ka a writ of Levert Yachts, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public tale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening,
Jury 3, 1880, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. •
Ail that thrre-atory brick nmeatiese and at or ground
ettriete ea the aorthea.t aide of Narrie street lel feet
southeast of Amber street in the city or rbiladciphia . ,-
contalt lag in free t PII Perri. street 18 foot, and in depth
100 feet - to a twenty•feel wide eteeet.
F J. 'OO. 09 Debt 1416 68 Herman
Taken IV execution on judgment on City elem. D.
'BO, 93 for work dons. and to be sold se the property of
iibam RPM HENRY 11 HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff e Office, June 21, 111156. je2ll Pt
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will
ha expered to Poblic rale or vendee, on MONDAY Ble
aker, Sixty 3, 1565, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall.
All that lot of grongd hithlo447 on the tomb. este.rner
Of Cleartiald street and Phltadelohla and fronton rah
road, in the city of Pbtladelohlai containing tit front
on Prdiadolphis and Trenton railroad 64 feet. and in
dspth along 0 , efirliold street 1031mA to Wy ming etreet.
I Whim, preudeos John W Fester et nx . by dated
October 22d. 1861, recorded in Deed Book O W 0., No.
116, page 424 dre., conveyed unto David L. Boyd in tee,
resolving mound rent of p 72
[D. C. ;J , 828 Debt, $373 44. Clay.]
Taken in execution and to he sold ea the property of
David L Boyd. FA NKr 0 HOWELL, Sheriff.
Phlledelpnia. dberiff'd aloe, Jana 21, 1865. j 022
a wit or 'rendition' Exponae„ to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or Vellatle. on MOB.DAY liVO
ning, July 2. 1985. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-st.
All that message and lot o iron, ii situate on the
east tide of r rosperoue street or alley, north of Essex.
a:ley. No 19, 149 feet 4.35 inches south of Locust street,
In the city of Philade'plata; containing in front on Pros-
Peron etreet 14 fee , 9% inches, and is depth 98 feet to a
two-feet alley. (Being same premises described In
mortgage • dated. August 311. 1869, recorded in Mirtgage
Book A D 8., No 37, page 311, tic., given by Sarah
A. Sensor to William S Sinkler
CD.O. ; J '66 310. Debt. $740. T. J Clayton-1
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Sarah Ann Souger. HENRY 0. HOWELL , Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 081ce, June 21, 1865. jell-9t ,
writ of Veinlitioni PallOnite. to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve
ning, July 3, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansorn-street Hall.
all that lot or ground situate on she northwest side of
Bisbmond street, Go feet southwest of Clearfield onset,
in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Rich
mond street 18 feet 8 Indies, and in death 2 - 0 feet to
mon street,• subject to a ground rent of $BO
[D. 0. ; J., 'M. Debt, $119.49. Freeman.)
Taken in execution and to be sold as the-roperty of
John 0. Ganung. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21. WM je22-St
a wrtt of Veriditioni Fauna 86,06 me directed. will be
exposed to public sale or venting, on KOMDAY Syuning,
July 8, 1866, at 4 a 'clock, at Sarasota street Hall,
Ifo. 1 All those 4 two.story brick dwellings on King
street, 16 feet front, and one two story brick dwelling,
about 18 feet by 80 feet, upon a lane, and lot of ground
situate on the west side of Tenth street,l62 feet south of
Dickerson street, in the city of Philadelphia, contain
ing In front on Tenth street 96feet, and in depth 261 feet.
Do. 2. ell that three story brisk dwel dug and frame
blacksmith shop and lot of ground in the rear of the
aboy e•deecribed property, containing in front on Sing
street anti also on Taylor street 62 feet, and in depth 96
For further description and recital gee welt..
ED. a. 06. g 6. 888 t 65. W. IL Wister 3
Taken in execution Me t 45 he roll me the property of
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21, 1886. je22.3t
a writ of Lethal Facias, to me directed, will be.ex
posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
July 3.1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
All than three story frame mesenage and lot of ground
situate on the west side of Hitcher street 70 feat 3
incites south of Pate am street. in' the city of Philadel
phia; contalving In front on Malabar street 17 feet, and
in depth 70 feet to n a twenty-fest wlde street
CR. a :.8 , '65 56. Debt, 334 93. Dedrick.l
Taken in eseentionenjudZakiht city claim (7. '64,
120 for paving . and to be sod as the property of Joseph
/ktliler. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheri ff .
Philadelphia, Sharlff's 0111oe, Pane 21, 1866. je92-lit
1 1,1 a writ of Levari Facia% to me directed will be ex
poced to public sale or yendne, on MONDAY Evening.
July 3 1935, at 4 o'clock,at Sexism-greet Hall.
dLL that three- etory brick mahatmas and lot of ground
011ie OR the east aide or iiineteratic, street. 101 feet
north of Christian street. in the city of Philadelphia;
containing in front on Nineteenth street 111 fees, and in
depth 67 feet to a three• feet alley. With the privilege
CR. ; J., '86. Ell. Debt. 161. 609.70. Ryer.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
John B Rogers HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21, MA
a writ of Levari Facials,, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or verine, on'MONDAY Evening,
July 3. 1666, et 4 o'clock. at Ransom-street Hall.
ail that lot of ground shoats comae sonta olds of kW-
Bin aunt. tO feet 6 moue went of Otsego street. in the
city of Philadelphia ; containing infront on 691111 in attest
.1.9 feet, and in depth 96 feet.
CO. P. ; J., '66. 60. Debt. $40.32. Common.]
Taken in execution on judgment on city claim. hi
'65, 30 for work done. and to be sold as the property of
-butler. HEgEY. 0. HOWELX., Morin".
Philadelphia, Eberiff's Office. June Si, 1865, jag 31
a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed will be ex
posed to public gale or vend ae, on MONDAY Evening.
July 8, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at thasont-street
All that three.etory brick mensuage and lot of ground
MVOs on the north dee of Davie street, 174 feet 8 inches
eset, of Thirteenth !dreg, in ilia city of Philadelphia
containing in front on Dacia street 16 feet 4 inches. and
in depth 98 feet. •
[0 P. ; J.,'65. 61 Debt; 815 20 Cornman.3
Taken in execution on iudgment on city claim, J.,
'65, 78. for work done, and to be sold as the property of .
George E h resider. HENRI C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Merlin Mee, June 21,1865..je22-8t
a writ of Leyari Facials, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Drafting,
July 3,1866, at 4 O'clock, at Sanseexostreet Hall.
All tent tot of 'roam& satiate on the met eide of Cros
by street, 1011 feet 4 Malice north of Moore meet In the
city of Philadelphia; containing iii front on street,
street 18 feet, and. in depth 100 fast.
EC. P.: J. , '66. 69. Debt, $19.79. Comma
Taken in execution on indgmeit on city claim (T..
'66, 77), for work done, slid to be sold hs the property of
George C. 'Snyder. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff 'a Office, June 81,1866. Jel2 86
a writ of Alias Levari Ferias to me directed. will be
Illreirellit"si:a v rlmotra i ett.ll E . veni
Allam two certain tote of ground, one of them slina
ate on the west aide of nehnylkill Eighth street, 11l feet
ISM inches north of Brown street; containing In front on
Schuylkill Eighth street 31 feet 3 Indies and in depth
on the north line thereof 99 fest 10.% inches,. and on the
south line thereof 97 feet 7 Inches; and Vas other of
them, situate on the west side of Schrtylglll Eighth
street, 262 feet 83 lushes north of Brown street; con
taining In front on Schuylkill Eighth street 31 feet og
inches, and in deP,p. 99 feet 1031 inches [Being the
same two lots of ground which William Richardson et
ux., by two separate indentures, dated reapectivelv the
14th day of July. A. D. 1818. cave) ed to Zebedee Dob
binsTh Ice, reserving oat of the first of the above. de
scribed lots the yearly rent charge Or ninety-three
lare and seventy-five cute, and out of the lot 14061111
above. dencribed the yearly rent charge of tangs. fonr
dollars, as therein mentioned.
A. B.—To be sold together as entrpropertY.
CD. C.; '66. 303. Deb t, _s2.l.6l.M tilmpson.
Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of
Zebedee Dobbins. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 91.188 je22 St.
a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me direeted,will be
exposed to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Evening,
July 3,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall,
All the bra:dilute, improvements, and lot of ground
situate on the north aide of Fitzwater strest 18 feet west
of Siateenth street. in the city of Philadelphia: con
taining in front on Fitzwater street 64 feet. and in depth
DT feet, more or lees. [ Which premises Edwin !lord. bY
deed dated Atlettet 29. 1883. 008veyed unto James deny
in fee, reserving ground renter
TakenC ; 66. 330 Dent, 61286 99 Errieksen
in execution and to be sold as the property of
James Beery. WINDT C. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia,Sheriff's Office, June 21.1666. • re22-3t
a writ of Yenditioni Dirponsubto me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve
ning-, July 3, 1865, at 4
o'clock, at Saneom-street Hap,
Ail those 2 three-story brick dwellings and 3 two- story
frame dwellings and lot of ground situated on the east
side of Wasbinaton (now American) end, 140 feet
north of Master street. in the city of Philadelphia;
containing in front on Anterlean street 20 feet privile ge
depth 191 ieet 9 inches to Phillips street. with
of an alley leading into and from Amerman street.
[Wbica promisee William Fisher et fit._ by deed dated
Sap.ember 17th, 1946. convoyed unto Edward dawn in
fee. reserving ground rent of 1250
CD. 0. J. '55 311 Debt. *143 07. T J gluten.)
Taken in execution and to be sold a. the property of
Pdward ninny. HENRY O. HoWELL. Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, June 21, 1861. je2l-3t
a writ of Levert Pastas, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening.
July u, jmu, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom - street Hall.
All that lot of ground sitnnte on the south aide of mu
ffin street, extending from Front to Dutton streets. in
the city of Philadelphia; enttatatne to front on Mifflin
street eighty- Mg ill feet eta inches, and In depth on Dut
ton and Front streets fort]- five feet
CC. P. ;J . '65 69. Debt, $397.04 Cornwall ]
Taken In execution on judgment on City claim, (J..
'B5. 81.) for work done. and to be sold as the property
of William R Scott HENRY C. HOWELL, SMALL
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21, 1865. je22.Bt
writ of Vendittont Ix - pones, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on monney - Evening,
July S. 1886. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
all that five• story brick store and lot or around 'Be
ate on the north side of Market street. between Front
and Second streets, in the oily of Philadelphia, con
taining in front twenty feat, and in depth ono hundred
and two feet or thereabonts Bounded northwardiby a
lot formerly of Oriffith Jones, deceased: eastward pert
ly by ground formerly of Samuel Richardson, since of
Jacob C. Wiokoff. and pertly by the triangular strip or
piece of ground hereinafter described,• southward by
Market street, and westward by ground late of George
Buller], since of Rills Yarnell.
and, also, a triangular strip of ground , which is or
was encroached open by the said meesuage or tenement,
bounded and described according to a certain survey or
plan thereof, as follows. to wit Beginning sinity-eeven
feet seven inches northward from the north side of Mar
ket area in the line of the end (now or late) of the
north wan of the kitchen belonging to the said mem
mega or tenement above aesettoee; thence eastward
along the outside of the mid wall twelve inches. more
or ielle. to the centre or middle line of the ems will of
She eame kitchen as now (or late) erected • thence comb.
ward along the centre or middle .the of the said sari
wall of the said kitchen, and of the east wall of the
above described messuage. sixty. seven feat seven
inches, more or less, until the centre or middle line of
the said east wall, as now (or late) erected. strikes Into
the true or right Binh between the mid Jacob C.
Wickoff's lot and the t hove- described lot, and thence
northward along the east line of the said above-de
, cribed lot eixty•leven feet and some lashes, be it more
or less, to the place of beginning, Ming the came
premises which Titus Bennett and Rachel, ate wire, by
indenture, bearing date the 13th day of September,
Anne Domini 1814, recorded in Deed Hook k M.. Mo.
63, page 379, &c , conveyed unto Joseph McDowell in
fee, subject to a yearly rent charge of .4312 e. entrant
silver money of Pennsylvania.) Together with the
privilege of an alley of three feet In width.
ED G e J.. 'ea 346. Debt, $17.29.70 Lox.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as tne property of
Joeenh McDowell. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Deice, June 21.1866..fe11-et
ki a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale orvondne, on MONDAY Evening.
Jury 1. 1860, at 4 o'clock, at Eansom-street
All that lot of ground situate on the northwest corner
of Front and Okfordstreets,.in the city of Fhliadelobtar
containing in front on Front etreot 68 feet, and la depth
along Oxford street 110 Reg to a tweet-feet-wide alley.
[Which premises Bethnal A. Salter et cur. by deed
dated April 20tb. 1669, resettled in Deed Hook b. B. 8..
No: 21, pogo 296, Beeonve7 ed unto Sohn B. Fierce in
fee, Ibubject to ground rent of $75 )
N. B.—On the wove lot is crested two two etory
frame dwellings fronting on Oxford rarest. one two
story frame dwelling on Front street, and a two story
stable on said twenty feet alley.
[D. 0. t; J.. '66. 294 Debt. S2.MO 11. AL Salter )
taken in ex...ontion and to be told as toe Pr9Pert , of
Philadelphia,ie RENE) • Ju ne 21.181 5
Pheriff's Office. June 21. 186.5 iell.St
This instioation, which-wilt. be established in SEP
ITAIBRit. NEXT, is dE started to rival the that schools of
am country , an d o f 'abeam( to ite syhtflm of tustrne.
Con and discipline. and in the fullness of its classical
and niethematical course.
Those preparing for college will ba flitted to take s
blab stand in their clans, and to graduate with bonor.
it will be the special atm, also to prepare YOUng men
Top b ui g.oeis or professional life. Circulars, with
informatior, eau be bed at PIM f thestnat attest.
EDW. CLARENCE bMITH: A. M., Principal.
Itargewrions. —Caleb Cope, Esa.,.lion Wax. D Katie?.
Hon. Jo.. Allison. Alexander whiildin, BEIGE . Thomism
Potter._Esn.. A. H. Ftancleens, Bs ,H. P. dd..
bine, Req. mrld-mwfain*
T ABBERTON tit CHASE'S 50E101)1.
-R-I Tba next getsion svlß begin OIL MOPDAT. PePt.
11th. Am/tuitions lor adinttnion mot? be cumin to either
of the unmet/n& BOBBBP H. LAB 410130 D,
118(11DALD R Ca AWL
je23 haw& CELL'STN Cr RILL
ezvvEAL BLikeirekr7Himo,
/dr. Swirls tools on hand or made to order on short
13111141 a
7tAILIIOgII. W1LX111137014. APO MALTZ.
Coromenoing 610.61 T 1) U B y,rruhy se, Ise, Trains will
leave Depot. corne; 1111.05 D gtreet and WASIIII4OTOtt
Avenue, as follows
Ea rear Train. at car. A. m. iMondoye exeo7<ee.). fee
Baltimore end Washington...topping Wllminiten.
Parti_ville, ;Isere do-Orate. /Mardian. Pirrvtaan'e,
sad agnolia.
Delaware Itillrelta Tram at 1.46 A M. (igandsirs ex.
gepted) for Salisbury. Milford. and intermediate Sta..
Way. Matt Train. at 8.15 A.M.(Atuadays Or1100114).qd
Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations
7.xprese Train at I 15 P. 111. (elanda)s exeeptedi ft
51.1tim ore and Washington, stopping s.t Chester. 67r;
01 1j:won, Ebrien, Perryville, and liarr re-de. Gress,
Express Train at 5.56 P. M (Snadaye excepted) to
Baltimore and Washington,Aopning at Wthah m k.x, Elkton, North Saat, rerriville. Fevre -At.
Oran, Perryman's, Mageolia, awl Stemmer and
Nlibt Pitpreas at U. 15 P. E. for Bellmore and Waal/
tartan, 'connive at Obastai, Wllmtniten, Newark,
Pl' , nn,
B erth East Perryville, and Rowe-de-Ore..,
Passenger/ for 'FfiliTitliftg OWitott. NORFOLK,
rotrlT, and BICHMatID, will take She 1.15 P.
Storming stall Rations between Philadelphia and Wfl
Leave Philadelelna at 7.95 and 10 15 A. M.. 2, 8.80, 1,
2 and le P. N. The 5 . 30 P. M. train ainnests wits. nis•
taper. A. E. for Milford and Intermediate station.
Tim 0 P. 51 'critic rues to Perryville
Leave Wilvdniton at 7.45.8. and B. SO A. 11, Csm
and 11.50 P. M.
Train 106 Vet Perryville at 6 90A Sc.. connecting at
Wilmington with the 8 a. M. Train for Philadelphia.
Trains for Mew Canto leave nuianeinnia at 7.44 1 eau
/0.16 a. M.. 3.30 and 5 P M.
mascv9E TEAIRS
3,9.77 89s r. Y.
Leave Cheater at 746 . 8.43, 10.1.4 2.19,
4.40, 6.14. 7 7.v. and A. 06 P. X.
Leave Baltirnore 3.76 A. M
ItTprees: 4.96 P. M., WS7 Train e• 36 P. Ix meat
Y. 93 P. M.. Paareas _
Ticiugs 71)21 BALLTLMOMI
Leave Ohoatar at S f 4 A. IL,. 1.60 And 11.10 P. R.
Leave Wilmingtom at 6.18. %NI A. M., IA att.
and 12.26 P. M.
Upton Train atSUN DA
4.06 A. .TRAI M
for Ba EL ltititors and Wash.
lotion, Mopping at Wilmington. Perryville Havre-de
erase Abordeon. Perryman's. and Magnolia.
Nit? Kamm at 11.16 P. M. for Baltimore sag
Waahington, ngton, *topping at Cheater (tot Baltimore and
Washington pastengers), Wilminiton, Newark, Elk
ton, North-East, Perryville, and Havre. de.Grase
Accommodation Trait at 10P. IL for Wilmington sad
May stations.
Leave BaJtitnore ar 9.25 P. IC *topping at finvr.*All•
brace, Perryville, wad Wilmlnitea. Also !dein at FAX ,
ton and Newark (to take Passengers for Philadelphia
and leave passengers from Washingtonorllathrme).
and Obester to Wave passengers from Baltimore Sr
Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.80 P. M.
gra H. N. B3ANIiT. Bap%
-13.0.1DL1N38-4rom foot of Walnut
.cany except Sunders.
Commended SATU RDAY. itlIF ht. DK
For CAPE MAY, &0.. (at 8 30 A. M., Bzprosa), 8.90
For MILLVILLS , I PlESl f iigtr, P raT . A. M., 2 30. and
4.30 P. M.
For BRIDOATOM, SALEM, U., at 9.16 A 11.. 4 123
P M.
For GLASSBORO. &t, 8.30 and 9.15 A. M., 2.30, 4.03,
and 4.30 P M.. Express.
For WoODBIIMY, dm" 8 30 and 9.16 A, hf„ 8.30, 4.00
and 6.30 P. M.
. . .
Cape May at 630 A. X , 80 0 A. k., Expreed,
201. ffi., Freight, 9.00 F. 11., ?manger
Bitilville at 7.32 A M. 932 A W., Szprem, Mali,
(12.08 P. Di., Freleht). 6.68 P N., Passenger. ..
Bridgeton at 6 401. X., Alan. (9.46 A. it., Freight).
4.10 F. m , Passenger.
Salem at 6 26 A. Mall, (9.00 A. N.. 770 1 14b0r 4.04
P. N., Peenenger,
Woodbury at 706, 8.13 9.08 and 10.41 A. M., (1.40
P. 111 , Freight). 6.64 and 8 23 P ff. Passenger.J. VASRBSSEISGAiIt, Superintendent
West Jersey, Salem, and Cape May and Millville Ball.
THE WEST 321011 F EXPRESS 101142.1121.
. . . . . . . .
pill attend to all toe usual branches of express bad-
IMSE, receive, deliver an forward thronalL other fe•
sponsible Bantess Companies, to all parts of the 001131.
tn . , any article animated to them.
A Spacial Messenger accompanies each thrones. train.
Psct• ADELPETA. Jane f. W6&l,too.
JANES aNDBBWS, assignee, he U. NLWOOD
KELLY. Vend Bx. Dee Term, 1862. No. 205.
The auditor appointed by the court to report distribu
tion of the balance of the fund raised by the kiheriff's
sale of the defendant's real estate, under the above
stated writ. being a certain lot of ground and brisk
teocen.nt, eitnate on the spot tide of Holly street, in the
late &Met Of friOyainensing, now in the city. of Phila•
dolphin, at the dietance of 202 feet S lathes south of
Fitzwater street containing in front on said 11,111 street
46 feet Ili inches and extending In depth on the north
line ninety-nine feet, and on the touch line 76 feet 6
:aches. will attend to the duties of his appointment on
WEIrSEBDAY. the 12th day of 3n17.186.5. at 3 o'crock
P. H., at hie once . No. 110 South SIXIN Street, in the
city of Philadeffibia, when and where all parties inte
rested are required to present their claims, or ba de
barred from coming in on 'aid food
June 28. 1666.
EDWARD AIoCABE, Auditor. l , Jen ot
JENNIE E. TOWNER. by her next Blend.. mat
Md. 80. 16 In Moores
To JAMES L. TOWNER, Respondent
Stu Ton will please take notice. that a rife has title
day been granted on . 5011, to show cense why a divorce
a vinonlo Natrimonii Rhanld not be decreed in the
above case, returnable UV:OIDV( . July Sib IR% at
toelook A. M. • JOHN O'BRIEN.
Attorney pro Libellant.
ParranguPßlA, June 21, 1856. jeffi-mthlt
CEASED —Lettere Tedtr
sentery npon the W 111 of
John Skirving lota of PhiLidelshia. damned. hOvittif
loon granted to "The VetosTivatis COMRI.IIY for
surenee on Lives and Grantin ' nit Persons
indebted to said Estate are r-,..qaested to make pavement.
and those haslet maims sg-iust the same to pretent,
them at the office of the said Company. 304 WALNUT
Street. without deny.
je22. &met President.
Estate of PRANCES L. HARQUIN, Dimmed
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle;
and adjust the account of 2.4.221381, SPd.b oi, Adminle•
trator of the Estate of PRANCES L. BARQUlN.deeeesed.
and to make distribution of the balance to the hands of
the accountant. Will meet the parties interested for the
purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY: Jay 10,
.1666. at 2 o'clock P. M , at his °Moe. Mo. 115 South
21.1"kei232 otreet, In the city of Philadelphia.
jeBo thaerflst* 4280120 E w. =DRILL Auditor.
deceased.--Letters Testamentary to the Betate or
BIDDLE HANCOCK, deceased. boxing been granted to
the' subscribers. alt tenons Indebted to estd estate are
requested to make payment, and those haying slaimi to
Present them without delay.
D 00NROW HAAOOB%. 850 N. 111180 ND at.
PHILADELPHIA, July 9, 1986.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be resolved at this office
until 19 o'clock M., THiIDSDAE, July 6 /RC for the
delivery of WOOD ADD COAL. at the various Hospi
tals, Barracks, Storehouses. and Offices. &a . &0.. in
and around the city and county of Philadelphia, laclu
disg Chester, and any other places at which it may be
squired, from the Ist of July to the 10th of September,
1806, 1110111EiVe.
COAL to be of beet quality Anthracite, to weigh 2.210
pounds to the ton, free from all impurities, and to be of
the sizes—Egg. Furnace, or Stove, as may be required.
W 00D, Oak and P;ne, of good quality.
Bidders will state the price per ton or cord. both in
toorde and Jfguree, and conform to the terms of tuts ad-
Vel Hstonent, a copy of 'olden should accompany each
proposal, and all propOntis mill be ferausbed ttt &tint
oats • •
Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per
sons, whose signatures mast be appeuded to time grtarero
tee, and certified to as being good and saffictent smirk.
ty for the amount involved, by the Hai ed States
District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public
office ee r
T right is reserved to reject any bid deemeduarea.
aonsine, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will
be rncalved.
All proposals to be made out oa the regular forms,
which will be tarnish- don application at this office.
Endorse envelope " Proposals fur Coal anti Wood."
To be opened on the 6th instant.
by order of Col. Wm. W. McKim. 11 S. A .
Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot.
jp3 4t Captain end Assistant Quartermaster.
WRITEDALL and BRIDGE Streets, t(ew York Oily.
Proposals are invited for the delivery of Corn,Oats.
and May to this Department, in the city of Ptladel.
phis. Pa.
Bide should be addressed to this Office, and mast
state the quantity, description or kind, price, and time
of delivery. .
Payments to be made upon the completion of the deli.
very. or as soon thereafter se the Oates may toe inland.
and in such rondo se May be received for disborsement.
P. D. BUsttiRARD.
Captain and Assistant Qaartermaster,
Forage Department.
Tune 24. 18&5.
. .
SEALED PFOPOSALB to furnish materials for the
Ravi fur the fiscal year ending ..30th. Sane. 1844, will be
received at the Buratto of .2ordomerri and Recruiting
until 10 o'clock A. M. of the MIL day of July nest, at
which time the opening will be commenced.
'The materials at d articles embraced in the classes
maned are particularly described in the printed. sched
ules, any of which will be fureithed to inch persona
as desire to offal.. on application to the commandants
of the respecttre Navy T aids. and those dell the yards
upon application to the Bureau •
Bidders are referred to the commandants of the re
spective yards for samples, instructions. or particular
deserintlon of the articles; also, for blank forms of
offers and gram/ ee
The e awes of this Bureau al e numbered and desig
nated se follows:
No. 1. Comae, and No. 13. Sheet Iron.
'wine 18 Boav and Tallow.
g octton, Canvas, and 20, Brushes .
Twine. 22. Ekittionent.
9. Iron, tot. 23. Hardware.
4.. Tin. Zinc, ac. N. Ship Ohattullerp.
6. !perm 26 Copper Wire.
7. Cooking Utensils. 29. Firewood.
10. Leather, ire. 81. Whale. Asatsfoot,
11 Hose. and Tar OIL
12 Lignumvitse 84. Chain Iron.
13. Lanterns and Lampe 86. Coal.
14 Ox Hides for tope. 40. Sheet Copper.
The following are the classes nr their numbers, TO.
faired at the respeadve navy Yards a
Not 1, 2 3,6, /0 18. 22.24.
onADDE4ToWN. •
Nos. 1,2, 8,4, 7, io. 11,19. 16 18 26, 23, SI, 23 1011 EL,
naonEL 11t7.
Bros 1,2, 8,4, 6. 7. 10, 11, 12, 18, 18, 20, 22, 29, 24, 29,
Noe. 1,2, 8, 4, 6. 7, 10. IL 12, 20, 22, 24, 29, 31, 40.
FOB. 1,2, 8, 4. 6, 11, 12, 18 22, 24, 26. 38.
3 06 .1;2, ts, 7, 10, 11. 14, 18, 18, 20, 22. 24. W. 29.31.
BM. FORT 61ONROB 1 VA, dans leatti, 1806.
BULBS PROPOIsni,S, to duplicate. will be received
by the undersigned, until SATURIaY, duly Mk. 1851,
at 10 o'clock A. M., for surniMing this depot with One
Thousand Barrels of beet quality kiln dried Corn Meal.
every tee days during the two months ensiling from
date of contract or until further notice The awn meal
lobe delivered at Fort Monroe, Va or Norfolk, Ye ,
in clean, wellceopered Hour barrels, containing 198
pounds each, net, the deliveries to commence at once.
Binders will be governed by the conditions usually
required by the advertisemehte of the Subsistence De
partment. and will famish with their proosals. ea.
tiefactory guarantees that should their bide be acmes
ed, they will at once outer into bonds for the WM.
meek of the coutraet.
Bidders ale requested to be present at the OPSUI‘g of
the bide. Payments to be =ado niontldr,in such I nude
as may be on hand.
The underelgned mrerves the right to reject any or
all bide. Proporals to be endorsed, "Proposals for
(;en, Meal," and addressed to the undersigned.
Colonel and c. t
p --
AA CO. kayo removed their thallltlfiGa ftEPNIT OEI
k their old place. go 1219 %treat (midst
Concert Hall), where they will keop a stork of C triage*
of their own make. suia will receive orders fur even
aeeeriptioo of firet.clase work.
Jurtz 1865. ittitra
ALB% AYDS:Ie. 0110KGBTOWN, 1:.X WIIMBINOTOW, Vi.Charatealre and Delaware Uskaal.
din mere hum trod Whet" /bore IrtAtiK4 . l
*very VVEDIEEIDAY And SiriljEDdlr. ai 12 lc
Por /relight apply to Assatt.. Wll. (ILTD
14 North and Borah iirlarram,llMg. DAVID/VC.
eeorgetown,D.O. PLOWD-W ai AlomadirtA.
VI. ialrll-1/1„
AND DANVAL of all numbers end brands. „,
Tent Awnint.Trrmk.,and Wagon-cover Dusk. Mo t
paper Bissufsetarera' Drier Felts , from one to Ire feet
Wide; realism Mims Ball Twine. Ace.
JOHN W. .119,11ROLIN & 00.;
OE4I le. 103 J91104' AWN'
JOHN B. MYERS & CO., it.llCip
SEEP, Joe . 232. And 234 MARK AT /2..140
15n mimes ei N Lit FetNB, variant tOt t
zaturkl and I 'equated bacd.les.
525 MAILKEP and 5251 COMMBliell
Vo. 011EnTSIIT and 012 747911 Bu rt
.lom 139 and 141 South POLJELT9 sty„
p u ma Wok of Rod ligtato and utoelre. ut
aspire every, Tu , sday, at 120 cloak, durto g t4l,
u seRIMIX In July anl oulyoeea u l o ,, ,
6 / 1 1Cer best public sale July 11.
Printed oeteloguee, coleerAelem,Revevel ,
lend flaws. Ineludlng avail* datteVlPtion 441
Country propert., from the smelled 4. welln g ,
Um, 'u
elegant mansions; elegant country seat., prouertiee. &a ark l,
SirSes of furniture at the Auction Eite lt , e
Thursda al y. to r
Dale ter aecoant of [rutted Stahl.
O 1 lw E»DZsDalf INOUNItio,
At Ii o'clock. at the Cnyler Ewan!. Nato At,
Germantown, a large quantity cAndennled.
stores, ennpiAint: Int iron hedelelth, b.d. a 'T v 4
abteth, oillow.sareg 4 counterpanes, brooms , br'gmb4
s. Full phrtionlars in cativognes,
Sale for Account United States.
July if, at 10 o'clock, at .9 - B. eo:neror BROAD ut
OH MIRY Streets, for account of the (hilted
orderof tbeldedicalPurvryor aqu ADM, of
iay t
Mores, iron bedsteads, blankets, bedding. c°d
crockery, ddc , Full pattionlare in oatsloshe l. .
rioglffES, Do. 240 MARKET Street.
Norioto, TUC OP OorPoll ha., by oi,
July 6th, 1866, commencing at 10 o'clock, cmortrit,
abtut 400 /ols of seasonable goods
tlitAalitionoil, D C June 20,
By order of the Onset). matter General, there tr,
sold, at pnblicacciion, during the month or July, t 62,
at the times and Asses named below, viz:
0131913GR0. D. C., M each weeONDAY aii4 SATURDAY, g
k ,
NSW YORK CITY. 'FWD , July 7. and on TUES.
DAY and FRIDAY of earth week thereafter. at qt
Government Stables. corner Tenth avenue and Thin
fifth Areal.
SALTO:I...tiIt MD . WEDNESDAY. July 12.
JoelniTOWl2. PA., Wt4DI2IIBDAY. July 0.
ELMIRA. N. Y. FWD LY. Stay 14
day.., 2
An epporopity to purchase a superior class of brie
Horses, at far lees than that thee value, le now gun
to the public. The animate, though soiled and ;A t
viceable, are no longer reqd red in the army, and most
be sold. The attention of manasert of cite rattroq,
and manufactories is espscially salted to these sales,
Horses sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. 111,
Terms cash. United States currency.
Brey. Brig. Gan in OMNI
Ist Thy Q. id. G
is 2) tiy3o
atTERTEREASTER 1 22nIxer,'8 am%
FIRST Dlyl4los.
Will be sold et public anetlon dining the ly•antof
July, 1905. to the highest bidder, at the times
places named below, viz:
HIESBORO. D 0., FRIDAY . July 7; and on TOM.
DAY, THURSDAY, end FRIDAY, of each ea t
YORK. PA., FRIDAY, July 7.
READIED, PA., TB MAT, July 14.
N$ BALTIuIf.E. MD, wRbhI3ODAY. July 19. •
wpoRT. PA.. FRIDAY, JO yr 21
Two hundred CAVALRY HORSES each day.
F,r road and farming pnetmeen, MDT good bareldig
may be had. Horses sold singly.
Sales to commence at 10 A M.
Terms cash, in United States slummy.
Ikev. Bile. Gen. in chute
hi Milton a, .22, 0 0
3629 til 80
MEADOW, and Spring Mountsln Lehltb Cosi. 11
best Doinst Mountain, Irons Sohn ALE , prcpsrsa i tu
Primly kr family use. Depot, 11 W. seiner
cud WLI,LOW Streets. 01See • No. 11.8 South £.300,1
Street. Cap6.t.t3 7. W ALTrty eg
No. 154 North ELEVEHT ,11 below BACElstreeil
also. CRESTWIIT and FOSTIETH Street, West Pah
1 ladelphia
DR. 'PROWLS ALLIS' havinv been very Inlltt* '
fad In the sure or Disease' by this new matins'..
would inform his friends end the Public that he Is
still benefiting and awing men/ whom sturtelse
did not street, and considered ineurable.
We will mention a few of the Dieeases in the ante
of which this treatment seldom if ever fells:
shomnatism. Felons. Kidney Dimaiss. '
Senralgia. Gangrene, Liver " •
Ptirelyels. Meara. Genital
croos. Bono, Splits) ••
DYs•Pertall. Almon ' mrost "
Fever &LEW Eruption'. Proll'oeteb,
/Asthma, Inflammations' ' '. Noe Emission%
Congestion, Hemorrhage. Diabetes. gc
Patients will be treated at their residenees who
I desired.% large number of testimonials may be cos
at the Olives from patients in this ettL (tomtits.
Dons gratis. Once hours '9 A. hi. to 61° hi it its
DR, TWO& Amax.
"plasm sie•trima,
MEET. —DE. L H wrfivisio, ono of kid , JOS
DISCOVERERS of a naw system of treatineme
has been so very sneseserni M PEEN NU 14r til
lad three_years, has removed his Oita ang liesditut
to ioas VISE Street, one door below Seventeenth.
All person* desiring referents*, or any partimita
With regard to blispselal modeof treatment, will Meat
sail or send for a pamphlet
Consultation or white gestalten'. ' sahltn
FOLK. CITY POINT, and RICHMOND. by first slam
steamers and experienced captains. daily.
The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Daniel Web•
star will leave the Union Doak, foot of Concord street,
daily. at a o'clock P. M. for Fort Monroe and Norfolk.
Va., connecting at Fort Monroe with the steamers Geer ,
glans and IL Martin for City Point and Richmond. Va.
Returning, will leave Richmond at 6 A. B. daily,
etopping at (Sty Point. and connecting at Fort Monroe
with the Bay Line steamers that leave Norfolk at 23,1
M. and aria in in Baltimore in time for the Eastern
and Western trains. and for Washington Oltr, A, C.
The Flamers Of this lino navigate the James rir@r ,
going and returning, entirety in AO time giving tee
mangers ample time to see the fortifications', and all
other objects of interest.
Tickets for the above places can be had onboard of the
Fare loom Baltimore to Norfolk .•-••••-••••••• •
66 ••
Fort Sionroe• "
Through tickets from Baltimore to Richmond ...... 8 012
446 64 *4 66 City Point 7 60
State-rooms ar el Meals extra
The state•romn accommodations are unanrpassed,and
the table well supplied.
Pamengers taking the 1 Id train from Philadelphia
alit make connection with this line..
Plopengers taking the 8 A. IR train from New York
have ample time to dine in Baltimore.
Passengers taking the 8 P M. train from WashhiNoll
make connection With this line„.
A coach will he in welting on the arrival 81 the 116
train from Philadelphia to convey passengers iY th.
boats of this line, free of charge.
Baggage carried free of charge.
N. N. FALLS, Preald"nt
R. D. JAMAR, •General Passenger Agent. Plitiecti•
from *l4
on LIMITED/CIS, from first wharf shots ri
Street. rhiladelphla, and Long Wharf. Seaton.
The steamship NORMAL Capt. Baker. will sail
fres Philadelphia for Boston, ea Saturdar. July-Sib. 0
I 0
10 A. M.. and steamship SAXON, Out stattnewkfrom
Poston for rillindolonia• on the same din! *A d P. AL
Thole taw and anbatantlai odaanibbina font I "L IM '
lino. coffin from mak port poortoally Oft 6afAVOO/L
Lamaranaes !folded at onraidt Mr loved.* mune
an the Tombs.
lirretats tots* at ',Wrote&
Mhlpporo are roontoded to loud BSI* rottditt Sitt Wit
•A Lading With their goods.
7ur Italght or rittWis (havtu jbaa tutoommoddidia.
spiels to RUM Wa6Olt Co..
zah.V.lf i3A booth DELAMOSI Avoinit
One of the new and magriteent Steamers,
Will leave CLEVELAND Ohio. every MONDAY, at
BP. M. and DETEoIT, Michigan every TUESDAY.
at 2 P. di, Port Sarnia. at 10 P. If.
For real - COM fort and pleasure the Lake Superior kit
is unequalled on this continent. The best "sperklet
trout" fishing in the world; and nowhere can the bn
valid realize such substantial benefit m In the cool.
dry, and invigorating climate of Lake Superior. It ii
also the cheapest trip olfered• born g only about throe
and oue.half °este per mile, which. Mandell Witt
rooms and meals.
For Information, or teettrirg of rooms. apply to
OsnRETSOII & 00.,
Cleveland. OW,
3.1% WHLTING & CO ,
Detroit. Blieh.
NARITAN OADlAL.—*the Berge 0031103 Gitati r, F.
Sipperty. Master. Is now loading at Ares wharf bes/
spruce street, for the above points. and will lastest
For freight. which will be taken on reasonable term;.
apply to Ft L. FLANAGAN, Agent.
328-8 t 304 South DELAWABB Avows.
jil dw i t NEW TOW-BOLT Mt
ATHA of TOW. BOAT COMPANY. —Urges Toyed to at%
from Philadelphia, Havre de prate, Baltimore. W - tth'
'aeon, and intermediate ipOitltA W. P. °LYDA B
CO.; Am% Ao. 14DOUTH WHAIIVAS, Philadeiphis.
Oapt. JOHN LAUGHLIN. titiperintentlent. jelA dal
iddr i k NOTICE .--FOR NOW
litrir YOBS EXPRISS WlllatalttaiT 00all'aers.
Delaware sad Raritan Omura.
Steamers leave WILT, irsi whet! LeloW IWO
Street at 2 o'elosk P. M.
WWII.I. GLIDE et 00.04 S. wlitsvirtna
sahli-en Now Tors
sagas A ao. , S
Oorne TRIBE suA GIAIELTLI• MAtmil.oiv LambanL
P 1a1412
of Tone and rower, deetined especially for (Murtha
ind Sehoobi, but found to be easterly well &darted if'
ibc Tailor and Drawing Roca. - for aide mai by
N. 11. NEIIOI.
No. 1* North OMNI% glror,L , „
aim a eolepletio assertniant of the room% mow , '"
00.a.tantar ma had. MIA"
BBB'S, On StIEOPBAS RINGB. for flistmAt
/wham, orl
wribllo inattturionin TWS3II pl.,
PRUETT BIERS. Also, Philadelphia gals'"
lint air Furnaces, Portatdo Bantam Lowdown GUAM'
Ffreheard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Umbels Plates,Prair
ern. Cooking Mores, ets" at wholuale sad Mali. S'S
the inannlastnrers• .•
np26 , tntbnarn No. 800 North MOND Woo).
1 001011118 , BANDAGE INE'NEETE, 4
X. mina limo, ahem atexast. — A.,_
11111.107 P. attar thirty ears ~ pratNieg ennerl*?o,
gemattees the skilled adjustmeut of hie Premien'
teat Waltman' Pressure Tznee. bannartem- nue
Bleehinge, Moulder Brame Clretetim, a.. IA
eolo l
atartatents emanated tor a Lade'.
STOWS 644/.1"146,16 6011
16 60EITH FOtriTif
A Agra TaMAY of rix,s,rszos sena alloy' " II
L IL owner MTH and GRIP dttedts._lo-31.-
l - ORGAN, ORR, & CO., rZ/S.M
GINE BUILDBRB. o n Ittuuto4, sita 00\1,/,
Ifaeldnista a ll o. Boller Make e . MO, tea 04,/ , ,,, L 4 t t
aILL Mat, riglidelphls. 14*"