The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 28, 1865, Image 4

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    gbit 'Puss.
V4EDNESD.A.Y, JUNE 28, 1865.
Taw mail line of Steamers between Baltimore,
Norfolk, City Point s and• Richmond, now running
mowly, plants some rare faellities to persons
buidlieta et plea Sure along that most inter•
sating route. The steamers are firstmlass, admire..
- bly.coustructed, In a fine, fresh condition, well ap•
'pointed and furnished, and proverbially safe anti
-Strong. Having travelled on this ifue ourselves,
• 11141 freely make this statement for the benefit
.12f the PUbllO. No jaunt Is at ones more
agreeable or Instructive, than this from
Saltimore to Richmond snit the return. The plea-
Wit condition of the boats, and the healthful sea•
]freezes, the beantlfai country adciog the James, the
Soleinatea tort (made more 80 by the events of the
late war), the Oltlee of Norfolk and Richmond, ae.,
are attractions that have revived the universal
popularity of this lime in former days. nir.
Yells is a citizen of national renown and public
pplrlt Be is giving freely of his capital and energy
to this valuable enterprise. See advertisement in
Another column.
PBRSONAL..—Nr. Fraknk Leslie, Son of the well-
Jake= editor, arrived on Xonday lost in thie City.
en route for Washington. He wee 'about to visit the
Cal Zia of the 'United States on buelnese.
President Sonnson's health 18 somewhat im
proved today, though not sufficiently to enable him
to receive-visitors. Re will probietiy attend the
tonal Cabinet meeting today.
Judge Advocate Blueness had a large and apps•
yently much Interested auditory this afternoon, dn.
ling the delivery of his argument In reply to the
Bon. ENVEHDY JOHNSON, on the subjeot of the ju
risdiction of the Military Oommission now engaged
in the trial of the Pn.a.d......0...t0T5.
PARDO/11EO Ruh arm.
The business of granting pardons is unavoidably
slow, as the papers in each ease have carefully to
be examined before the result is reported to_ the
PreSident for his approval.
The Hon. EDWARD HUBBARD of Virginia, Is here
making an applloation for pardon under the pro
elamation of the President, his property exceeding
the twenty-thousand•dollar limit of the amnesty.
The following are the only pardons granted to day
by the Prealdent tinder the late amnesty proolamm
Zion : J. E. Rankin, Kentucky; A. W. Huber, W.
AIL. Thorn, 0. E. Thorn, R. G. H Kean, A. Sands,
J. S. Early, W. W. Willingham, and W. S. D.
Bell, of Virginia; T. S. Metcalf and Charles Estes,
of Georgia; T. 0. Greely, of Florida ; David Black,
of Arkansas, and O. F. Johnson, of Kentucky.
EAMBJentIBO, June 27.—The Governor has yield.
tO the wishes of the field and line officers of the
Gray :Reserves, as well as the application of lead
tug citizens of Philadelphia, and has signed the bill
to raise a Reserve Brigade in that city. As it was
'special legislation, and, to some extent, Interfered
pith the militia laws of the State, ha has held the
bill, in cOnSequentie of hie objections to it, not only
because it conferred special privileges, but might
7interfere with military organizations under the es
!sting laws, which are now regarded as very much
Improved by the legislation of toe laSt Beale&
It being important that some military organza.
Zion should be had in that city before all the forces
We mustered out or disbanded from the State, this
Step is deemed proper, and no doubt the legislation
Will be Corrected at the ensuing session after its
practical operation has been tested.
=talon in norrom—n snot—Adjourn
ment of the Legislature—Suicide of a
Foarnass Mormon, June 26.—The election for
otty officers, which took place at Norfolk yesterday,
resulted in the election of Thomas C. Tabb, Mayor•
Some disturbance took place in the restaurant of
Chenoweth, on Main street, Norfolk, last even
lug, and Robert Jakeman was shot through the
breast. His recovery is very doubtful. A court of
Inquiry Wee held this morning, but failed to anat.
film Wiio committed the assault.
The steamer Polls, from Point Lookout, with re
leased rebel prisoners, arrived last evening, en the
%say for Richmond.
The Richmond Whig, June 24th, says the Virginia
Legislature adjourned on Friday, after a BeSsion of
live ?aye.
Charles A. Dookerty, colored, was arrested last
Tuesday, charged with stealing $2,000 from a clerk
of Wm• Moody. Last evening he confessed the
prime, and was on his way to Camp Hammen to
red the money. When on Mull creek bridge he
jumped overboard and was drowned.
The sloop•of-war Constellation is now lying at
Forteznouth Navy-yard, and 18 being prepared for
a school ship.
The steamer Perritt has arrived from Morehead
Usty, B. 0., with the malls and thirty passengers.
The English frigate Styg arrived tade morning,
lifter three dais' cruising about near Cape Seery
Sind Cape Charles.
Surgeon Eli McClellan has discharged 2,255 eon•
Valmont soldiers from Hampton hoSpitals mince the
71st of Jane.
The steamer George Washington, Oapt. Ingra•
ham, has been discharged from the Government
service, and sailed for Wilmington, Del., this morn•
melon" disturbance took place at Portsmouth,
Va., last night, between the black and white peo
ple. Elstela were used freely, and a Mr. Tyler was
'hot and badly wounded, also one or more Colored
Cotton incoming from the Last Crop
Loes of a Steamer—Arrival of Paroled
Now Your, June 27.—The steamer Port an Prince
brings Savannah dates to the 23d.
The Savannah Herald has a despatch, dated Au
gusta, June 21, announcing the loss of the steamer
Leesburg, by running on a snag Mean miles below
that city. Two lives were lost, and most of the
cargo saved-
Many rebel paroled prisoners are arriving at Sa
The Savannah and Ogeohee Canal is soon to be
l'epabld and put in order.
The order prohibiting the wearing of the rebel
Uniform Is being strictly enforced. -
A writer in the Savannah Herald gives the near
est approximate to the stook of cotton of the last
crop yet to come to market as one million and a
quarter bales.
Cusp, SIMS 25,—The steamer Ida Handy, from
New Orleans, has arrived, vita MI bales of cotton
for St. Louis and Oalto.
General Oaaby was a passenger by this boat.
Four hundred and eighty bales of cotton passed
here last night for Cincinnati, Evansville, and St.
Dismorr, Bitch., June 2Y.—lt hes been deemed
tecessary to correct an erroneous impression by a
formal statement, for the information of all con
cerned, that the mil for delegates to the Commer
cial Convention, to be held in Detroit on the 11th of
July, embraces only members of boards . of trade
lend chambers of commerce. No provision has been
made for the representatives of other organizations.
The American , Medical AnsoeiatiOn.
BOBTON, June 27,—At the late session of the
American Medical Association, It was charged that
Burgeon General Barnes had been guilty of Qum
Seeslonal conduct by consulting with an irregular
practitioner, in the cams of the Messrs• Seward•
It is officially announced that the charge was die
missed In consequence of its emphatic and nue
quivecal denial by Dr. Barnes.
Vermont Democratic •Convention.
ROBLlziovon, Jane 27.—The Democratic State
130I:Mention met here today, and nominated the fol
lowing State ticket: For Governor—O. N, Daven
port, of Wilmington ; Lieutenant Governor—D. 0.
Linsley, of Burlington ; Treasirer—L. H. Noyes, of
Hyde Palk.
Besolutionn were passed reaffirming Democratic
prinolples, and declaring confidence in the wise and
constitutional measures of reconstruction adopted
by President Johnson. •
Destructive Fire.
Biteeno, June 27.—Fratt & Iran Works, at
'Black Rock, were totally aestroyed by fire this after.
MOOD, from the sparka emitted by a passing tug.
The loss is estimated at .150,000, about half of which
was Insured.
The New York Central Railroad bridge adjoining,
eek the mom Falls Branch, was also destroyed.
Wreck on Lake Vale
Hurrsaw, June 27.--The propeller Ciomet is re
iperted to have been sunk at Washington Harbor,
erten Haat - with a cargo of merehandlee. There
Was a heavy blow on the lake last night. The wrath-
Or Is cold.
The steamer Amnion has inbred with Savannah
adviees to June 24th.
Tie steamer Leesburg, laden with 8,000 bales of
sunk be lo w cotton , and miscellaneous freight, was
Jugged and w Augusta, on the Rlst.
8111 P MOWS.
Arrived, ship Sardis, Mobile. Below, bark Andes,
, aria Hattie, Whs.leg.
8 / 1 0019D BtrAliM
'On V Si Gs 'O7• • .119 800 ••••••
" 3 1/ 61 643 • •1108% 1 300 An ssco—...iat
1000 0 B 159 10.40.
97 100 d Y Genital H. • . 9.3%
19,(0 I' leas Natio, 9120 do 9311
8-10.98 taries.,.. 99% 490 Brio Ballway— 76%
10000 11 9 061 TON L. 98% 100 d0..--...«..a10
1000 0 11166 24% OW Handing 11 80
.100(0.ani G01d........630169 SOO Hna Itiv.• •. • --1118%
.291.116.9 NSA Co 18% 100 do.
too do 13% 100 Nish nen .... —194
14 • MI M. El a: 6114
Ice Cantata)........38%
WIN NYNNIIcO :15T0619 sown..
lo P. ra.-- 130 , 1_ 4 0%; atter can. 141. Old 5.201,
108%. New York p entral, 93%; Erie, 76% Read.
99%; WOWS= BOUthern, 64%; Illinois Oen
alai nag; Boa Island, ; Northwestern pro.
(erred, bbg. Disripoo , 13.34.
soia, lower ; rec eipts, 8,800 heed ; Beeves quoted
at 11618 en"' Sheep have declined I@i% cents ;,o6o ; the geOtiPme range from e 3508%
ease. Mae ium reCelpiel UAW ; sales at 9.ige
French Endorsement or Atmlish Advice
to no—General ono commercial News.
Nam YORE, sae Tr.—The otoilmoklp oubs has
arrived from Liverpool with dates to the 17th, and
by telegraph from London to the 18th.
The steamer Louisiana arrived out on the 15th.
The American advicea received by the (Mina had
but little c Oat.
American comities were aotive and advancing
All the Paris journals quote Lord Brougham's
speech urging the pulley of clemency upon the
American anYerunlent, and generally probe it.
Several toren hopes that thane humane Rugger
Bons may be attended to on the other aide of the At
The Palle Patric Says that the apology made for
the Insult to the American consul's flag at Honolulu
by an English captain last April, not being Batts
factory to the Washington Government, a demand
was made for further Satisfaction, which the Eng
lish Government has just given in a despatch to
President Johnson, expressing regret for the occur
In the Home of 00111M0138, Mr. CaldweUesid that
the ronferenoea with the Canadian deputation rela-
the to defeneee, ht., closed on the 16th. The pa
pen wilt be lald before Parliament on the lath.
Mr. Hatfield made an inquiry as to the re ttatab-
lbhment of the English Consuls at the Southern
ports of the 'United States. Mr. Layard said that
Consul) were now placed at short Intervals at the
principal ports.
The British Government met with a temporary
defeat by two majority on the question of going into
committee on the supply and management of the
dook 'Ws, but the reverse was speedily overcome.
Mr. Berkeley made his annual motion In favor of
the ballot, but Lord Palmerston opposed, and It
ASS lost by 44 majority.
The Frown; fleet will not visit the English porn
till August, owing to the requisite repairs.
The Ascot cup was won by " Ely," atter a dead
beat with " General Peel."
The Paris Moniteur, In denying the rumors of
large reinforcements; f'or Mexico, explains that the
army in Mulct, Will. MOM before the 31st of De
cember, the number of men necessary to replace
those whose terms expire by that date. The objeot
of the movement is to maintain, not Inorease the
strength of the army.
Fhe foreign ambassadors had congratulated Na
poleon on his safe return.
The Bank of Prance ;sash returns show •a de
crease of 13,000,000 Wanes on the week.
The Bourse was heavy.
The Prussian Upper Chamber has rejected the
budget of the Lower Rouse, and left the Govern
ment to fix its own budget.
SHAROBAB, May 20.—Freights are unchanged.
Exchange, 68. 1; 1 1,d.
Lot man', June 18 —The finned States frigates
Niagara and Sacramento sailed from Southampton
on the 17th, destination unknown.
The Prussian Chambers were prorogued on the
17th. Biscmark, in a speech from the throne, bit
tern reproacher. the Chambers for their opposition
to we Government. They separated With feelings
of mutual estrangerrialt.
Commercial Intelligence.
TayExmoor, June 17—Evening.—The sales of cot-
ton today were 20,000 bales, the market buoyant at
an advance of lid. The sales to speculators and
exporters were 8000 bales.
Breadstuffs were quiet and steady. Messrs.
Wakefield, Nash, & Co., and Richardson & Co.
quote Flour inactive; Wheat dull bat unchanged ;
winter red Western 85 8d689 I.od, white Western 85
6d6 9s 8d ; Corn Arm, with an upward tendency;
mixed Von 23s ed.
Paowiarows —The market IS quiet. Xesors. Big
laud, Attaya, & Co. quote Beef quiet and steady.
Pork ban declined 2s (WWI% Batton quiet, par.
tinily declined lift3s. Lard has an upward ten.
dency ; sales at 5E4878. Tallow quiet and steady.
Pitonnom—Ashes easier, at 28s 5d@283 for Pote.
Sugar easier. Coffee quiet. Rios inactive. Sperm
Oil quiet. Common Rosin dull and declining .
Spirits Turpentine flat at 558. Petroleum firm,
LONDOV, Tone 17.—Consels for MOney, 98,347&90?i;
Illinois Central shares, sterling, 52®53; United
States 0.205, . 69%®6930.
Livanzool., June 17.—A sale was made on the
Liverpool Stock Exchange, to-day, of an old .£l,OOO
stare Of the Atlantto Telegraph Company. The
price paid was 1418. The last previous sale was
made at £246.
Proms, June 17.—The Bourse la firm; Rendes 661.
During an Investigation before Jeatioe Dodge, of
New York, on Monday, into th e a ff airs of an oil
company, known as the "United Service Petro.
bunt and Mining Company," some strange de
velopments were made. Mr. George D. Kellogg,
of No. 267 West Drenty.third street and several
gentlemen of good Standing In ;society are the prin.
elpal oomplainante, and they allege that William
D. Mann and Daniel Stratton, Jr., who ware
managing officers of the above-naesed company,
had defrauded them of over $46,000.
From the affidavits made, it appears that the
accused, some months since, organized a company
to be known as the " United Service Petroleum and
Mining Company." Major General Winfield S.
Hancock, either with or without his consent, was
elected president, and Mann, one of the accused,
vice Tow font and general superintendent. A pro•
spades was published giving_ the names Of the
founders of the company, its officers ant stockhold
ers, prominent among whom were the names of
some of the most celebrated officers Connected with
the Army of the Potomac and the Wat Depart
ment, the number of acres of land owned by the
company and Its location, together with the proba
bilities of striking oil In the localities mentioned—
all presented In the moat gorgeous colors, and,
when backed up by the names presented, liable to
deceive the most, wary. Large quantities of the
stack ware sold, amounting In the aggregate to
over $65,000, of which Stratton and Mann elate:nod
to have epees fee ‘1) , 41 in payment of the land, and
expense of working, ko. A short time since, Megan.
S..T. Albright, elt•Governor of Arizona, William
S. liillyer, and George D. Kellogg, believing that
all was not right, went out to where the land
mentioned lathe prospectus was alleged to be 10.
anted, and there found that a swindle of the most
barefaced description had been perpetrated. Ia no
instance were the representations made correct. In
stead of a number of wells almost ready to yield a
return for the outlay expended on them, as they had
expected to see, they found but One solitary Gannett
lion, sod the hotel and out-buildings described In
the prospectus, proved to be nothing bat wretched
Shanties. On these representations the magistrate
issued A warrant for the arrest of the accused. Da
ring the afternoon officer Andre arrested Mann at
the Astor House, and he was committed to await
an examination. Stratton is absent in the West,
bat will probably be arrested In a day or two, as an
tfficer has been despatched for him. Minn, at the
commencement of the war, entered the service as
Colonel of the lth Michigan Cavalry, and while on
duty was located in and around Washington, thus
enabling him to form the acquaintance of many,
whom he afterwards induced to enter into his bubble
petroleum scheme.
Ixtraordinar: Case of Suspended & n I.
The Newcastle (England) Chronicle says: "A
most remarkable Case of suspended animation has
occurred In Newcastle. One night a boy named
Batey, about twelve years of age, went to bed after
partaking rather heartily of some rhubarb tart.
Next morning about six o'clock he awoke in great
pain, and his father used some simple remedies to
remove the path, but his efforts were of no avail,
and shortly afterwards the boy apparently died.
Preparations were made for the funeral, and the
father went to the register office to . obtain a Carted.
eate for the burial, bat this the registrar refused to
give, as no Menial gentleman bad seen the lad
while he was 111, and there was nothing to show
what had been the cause of death. Tate father was
recommended to go to the coroner, and see if an in
should be held, and thither he proceeded.
Mr. Hoyle, after hearing the particulars of the
death, ordered a mat mortem examination to be
made. and Mr. W. S. Rayne, surgeon, was
Sent for on Thursday morning. M.T. Rayne was,
however, out of town; and as the case was repre
sented to be urgent—'the body would not keep this
hot weather'—Mr. Bush (Mr. Rayne's assistant)
got Dr. Carr to undertake the duty of ascertaining
the cause of death. Dr. Carr and Mr. Bush with
their implements of dissection, and accompanied by
the father of the ' deceased,' proceeded—two days
after the lad had died'—to the house of mourning,
where bad been left the body of the deceased lad,
with ail the symptoms of grief around it. But eon-
Wye the astonishment of the father When he be
held his son, who had been dead, as he thought
two days, standing in the doorway, as if nothing
had happened. There was nothing ghastly about
him. He did not appear like one who had visit
ed the other world, nor like one risen from the dead ;
but he stood with the utmost unconcern, and with
every sign of health and life about hits. The as.
tonished parent could scarcely believe hie eyes,
and the doctors almost began to think that they
were hoaxed. The lad, however, told his own tale.
Ho knew nothing about his narrow escape from
being buried althe. AU he knew wee that he had
been asleep, and on wakening, as he found 110 One
in the house—his father was looking for the doctors
and his mother was out, probably making arrange •
merits for the funeral—he got up, and feeling very
hungry, looked about for something to eat. Find.
fag some eggs he cooked them, after which he went
out, in happy Ignorance of his narrow escape from
the grave and the surgeon's knife. Mr. Bush told
the lad it was a good thing that he had come to
life' when lie did ; if he had neon but half an hour
later he would probably have been killed In the at
tempt to ascertain why he had °eased to exist.”
NOVEL Lovg.MAEUW. At Desborough, a small
town in Northamptonshire, there Is a ,gentleman
engaged in some saanotsettiring bulifieSS, Rained
Benjamin Riley. Mr. Riley, some time since, deter
mined to marry one of the young women employed
in his factory, named Mary Ann Paine. But having
before his eyes the fear of Mrs. Grundy, the worthy ,
manufacturer has taken the novel course of pub
lishing a justification of hie conduct in the columns
of a local newspaper. In his advertisement Mr.
Riley tells his work-people and the townfolk in
general that he Is anxious to do everything
openly and above-board, and he feels*they have
Some sort of right to ask his reasons for so flagrant
a breash of the eellYelitlonalitles. Accordingly,
they are informed that the marriage is not to
take place till May next, and that in the Mean.
time Mr. Riley will have his "intended," as he
calls her, educated to a level with himself; for, "of
course, to unite -himself to this young woman now
would be very foolish indeed, I having been favored
with a good education and cultivation, she an nn.
cultured factory girl." Mr. Riley has, therefore, ad
vertised in the British Standard and Patriot, and in
a few days ids advertisement will be In two other
papers,for "is lady, a member Of a Christian
church, to instruct in various branches of useful
knowledge, a young lady whose education hag
been neglected." Liberal terms being offered, nine
Christian ladies have already responded to this ap
peal, and no doubt others will apply, so that there
will be a good field of choice, and Miss Paine will
slim, says Mr. Riley, If nothing prevents, " have a
very voluminous correspondence from Myself."
The result expected is that, by the wedding:day,
the young lady will be pretty well informed in
crdinary matters, have learned to play fairly on
the harmonium, to reed the French hinguage with
,5 , 000 , to write It fairly, and to Speak It With tolerable
isnotioY. Mr. Riley having thus made a clean breast
of ids matrimonial designs, has ( so he says) ordered
the publisher or the South Midland Free Press to
send a copy of the paper in which the expose appears
to all the factory-workers In his employ.
NIW Yoss. Juke 27
B.S.Wrissoirm, Jane 27.—Flour is dull and droop.
ing ; Win= IMPertine m quoted at 57.2507.50.
Wheat le dull and heavy ; Southern red..111,6661..r0.
Corn dull at 85086 e for white. Provision!, Steady;
hulk shoulders, 140. Whisky dull and nominal.
Grooinruerr, June N.—Flour and Grain dull.
Whisky sold at 0,9702. Ness Pork firm.. 424
Mad. Sinn lots of lard sold at 173fi073 0 .
Oureado, June 27.—Flour dull, and declined 100
Ito. Wheat quiet and declined 3 6 0 10 ; same t o,
41.10)@1.1136 for No. 1, and 930960 for N 0.2. Corn
quiet and declined 2e; sales at 54.35055 c, for No. 1.,
s 2 e5BO for No. 2. Oats quiet, and decline d
20230 ; salmi at. SOX - Wee fa NO. 1. 1110171nee
waist 41.9601.98. PfOV/8101111 dull. FrOlgtooeveaay.
Beee irte. 13hipmeata
Flour 5,600 5 , 000
Wheat 69,000 30,000
Corn 209,000 60,000
Oats 76,000 30.000
Markets by Tele&rapl.
Ship News.
BOOTOn, June Z7.--Arrired, bark lilas Tarlton,
from bailsman.
$lOO,OOO Worth of Property Destroyed.
Yesterday afternoon about halt past two o'clook,
One Of the meet destructive fires which hag 00011170 d
in our city for some time petit, broke out in the CS.
tabilshment of Mr. Joseph B. Bossier, imprter of
fruits, Sco., Nos. 108 and 110 South Delaware avenue.
The buildings were four stories in height, built of
brick, and were completely burned, together with
their contents. The stook consisted of a large as
sortment of fireworks, which had been laid in,
in lintiOlpation or the coming national holiday, and
also an immense stook of foreign fruits, lemons,
raisins, figs, nuts, to. Also, candles, lozenges,
and at least 525,000 worth of canned goods—
comprising all kinds of fruits and vegetables,
meats, shellfish, about 4,000 dozen of canned
peaches, one thousand dozen tomatoes, poultry,
lobsters, oysters ; also, catsups, preserves, &o , act.
Mr. Bossier had received many orders for fire
works, and had on hand a much larger stock of
these articles than at any time before. One order
Of WO worth of fireworks was already packed for
shipment to Pottsville, and was entirely destroyed.
The fireworks are estimated to be worth from
five to ten thousand dollars. The fireworks were
stored usually in the fourth story of , building No.
110, but owing to the great demand for these ant•
tiles, they had all been brought down to the first
floor, and were there displayed on shelves, banging
to the wails, and suspenued from the ceiling. All
rho other stook was stored on the different floors of
tics. 10S and 110.
The fire originated on the first floor of No.llo, In
a pile of Roman candles, whioh had been done up
in packages of a dozen each, and were lying on the
floor under a shell against the Counting room. Mr.
Ressler was writing at his desk in the counting
/own. within three feet of the Roman candles.
The first intimation he had Of any fire was by hear
ing a hissing noise, and on looking for the cause
thereof observed the pile of Roman candles in a
blase. Re immediately got a small hose, which he
had on the premises, and attached it to a tire ping
immediately in front of the establishment. The
plug, unfortunately. was out of order and of little
use. The fire soon commuulcated to all the pyro
technic& on the tint floor, and everybody in the
establishment was Compelled to vacate. Mr.
8., with the assistance of MS elerke and
others, succeeded in saving most of the valuable
books and papers. The fireworks scattered in all
directions across Delaware avenue,striking horses
and vehioles passing by, and arting into toe
river. The flames spread rapidly, and soon the
whole of the two buildings was enveloped in
flames. As may be imagined, the sight, owing to
the explosion of all varieties of fireworks and the
rapid spread of the DAMN, was a grand and awful
one. Some of the Iran Cans were saved ; some had
the labels washed Off, so that ft wilt be impossible
without opening themto teigwhat they contain, and
must necessarily be sold at a great sacrifice.
The origin of the tire is not known with any cer
tainty at present, although the supposition Is that
It originated loom a cigar in the hands of a customer
who had been In the store a short time before the
fire occurred. it is thought that the hot ashes from
the cigar were scattered carelessly around. Mr.
Bossier has always been most careful in preventing
smoking in hie establishment, and had placards
posted Up cautioning customers against smoking.
As hue been stated, the flames spread rapidly, and
icon communicated to the adjoining properties. On
the north is a tioree-and4-halfetory brick building,
occupied by Robert R. Neff, a dealer in cheese,
canned fruits, &O. lie had on hand a stock valued
at about lieb,ooo, which escaped with slight damage,
and which is fully insured in the Pennsylvania Fire
Insurance Company. The building is owned by
the Pritchard estate, and is slightly damaged, and
fully insure'.
The building on the south, No. 113, Is a four-and
a-half-story brick, occupied Dv Neff & Nurn. They
had on hand a stook of barley, hops, brooms, no.
They suffered Mostly from water. Tools damage is
mot very heavy, and is folly covered by Insurance.
On Water street, the lire communiCated to a
threesstailly brick building, occupied by Anerbaon &
Co., dealers in foreign groceries, cigars, etc. They
suffered slightly by water.
Adjoining the lea mentioned property on the
south is a three-story brick store, occupied on the
first floor by William E. Porter & Son, commission
merchants. Their stock was saved by removal.
The upper stories were used far storage by Auer.
bach & Co., who lied stored here a heavy stook of
cigars, canned fruits, peas, beans, and foreign gro
ceries, all 01 which suffered considerably , by water.
Their MN Is covered by Insurance in the Royal and
Delaware Mutual companies. The cellar or this
building was occupied by Charles Donahue for the
Storage of sugar and molasses. Ile had on hand a
vary heavy stock, and suffered by water. IDS place
was flooded. Re is not insured. The Melees of
a steam fire.engine were secured as soon as the fire
was extinguished to pump the water out of the cel
lar, and much of the goods were saved by this
Means. .
This building is owned by William P. Wilate&
and Is fully insured in the American insurance
Company. The rear portion of the roof was burned.
The store has iron shutters, and this, no doubt,
saved it from destruction.
Adjoining the last-mentiened property on the
mufti is a tbreeestory brick building occupied by
Rhoades & Williams, dealers In groceries and for
eign fruits. The building was slightly damaged by
tire, and the stook by water. The loss is folly co
vered by Insurance. Other surrouncting properties
were damaged, but not to any great extent.
Mr. Bossier thinks his total loss will reach $75,000,
upon which he has an insurance of $50,000 in the
Royal Ineurande Company, of Liverpool, Ameri
can, of Philadelphia, and Hartford, of Connectiout.
So rapidly did the Ramos spread, that nearly all the
clerks and Other employees lost some of their cloth
ing, their Watches, and small Sums of money. fine
building No. 108 South Delaware avenue, is owned
b • William P. Wilstaah. The interior was cote-
p etely gutted, but the walls are in good condition.
It is immured in the Fire Association to the amount of
$6,000. This will lully cover the loss. The other
building, No, 110, is owned by °harks P. Massey,
whose loos Mateo covered by insurance la the Ame
rican. The total loss will reach about $lOO,OOO.
The firemen worked nobly. Their determined
efforts alone saved much adjoining property from
destruction.. Many of the
of water from the river, ao that Meta wag AO Saataitf
of that lediapenoshle article. etre _at
front part Scanted fifteen streams playing into ,the front part
of the buildings alone. There Ware, besides
' theae,
we many on the rear, and still more on the roofs and
adjoining properties.
Mr. Bossier says that the fire-ping in front of his
place Mei been reported out of order on several
0008810119 within the last few weeks, and had it been
repaired, he might have been able to subdue the
flames at their outbreak by means thereof, in eon
nection with the hoes which he kept on his pre-
Officer liamilton, of the Third district, in his
offorte to rave some Of the property, Oases very near
being suffocated. lie was picked up in an exhausted
condition, and taken to his home.
An instance Of daring bravery is told. Diehard
Keloh, a member of the Good Intent Holm floind
piny, rushed into the countingdionse and ono
ceeded in reaming from the fire a fire-proof safe,
the door of which had been left open, containing a
lot of valuable papers forgotten by Mr. Sassier.
Messrs. Peter King and B, Savage, members Of
the Franklin Engine, were burned while getting
the books and money from Mr. Buosieris store.
r serge W. Kugler, of the Franklin Engine, saved
the policy of insurance. Samuel Davies, of the
Same company, also did good service In saving pro
The fire was inaugurated by an explosion that
startled the merchants, and the clerks, and every
body else in that vicinity from their propriety. The
report was heard at Fourth and Ohestnut streets,
other noiseshe rumbling of the passenger ears and
incident to other street beams. It
Sounded like a sort or Confined explosion as if It
were under ground. Presently there belched up a
dense column of rolling black smoke that formed a
graceful curve over the bosom of the Delaware, the
wind at the time blowing a pretty attff breeze From
the seoluy thweit s i t n .
g T hara o c n te eo e a v th y w b h dy f th a t
v i n ol eint
ty being aware of the contents of the building on
fire. An attempt was made to throw out some of
the fire-works, but presently a Shower Of pyrie flees
belched forth, and slush a hissing and cracking, and
minor explosions as occurred, caused the near spec-
tators to give the place a l wide berth. Banda
lights, pinwheels, grasshoppers, triangles, flower
pots, mines, snakes, Union candles, Ohinete eras's
era, double-headers, and rockets fizzed and whiz•
zed, popped and cracked, and played high
fantastic Maks. The Smaller kind of *raft at
the wharves near the fire began to haul off to more
remote places ,• the large whips aw n ing Liverpool
line were speedily covered with sails and
water played upon them, so that any incendiary
spark that might chance to pass that way might
meet with a cool receptiOn. Quite a number of
steanstugs, ever on the alert for business, ap
preached the vicinity and laid off lathe stream to
render any assistance that might become necessary.
All this time the fire was raging with great fury
in the building where it originated, and some
time elapsed before the flames forced their way
through the roof. The smoke belched forth in
volumes, green, black, yellow, white and blue
occasionally fiery tongues shot through the rolling
column, and occasionally rockets or serpents fizzled
out their brilliancy In the superior light
of the cloudless sun, while pigeons hovered wildly
around, many falling dead in the smoke. Had the
time been after nightfall, the scene Would have
been grand and imposing, worthy of the forthcom:
Mg glorious Fourth, Some Idea may be formed of
the quantity Of smoke emitted from the volcano Of
eyrie fires, When WO State that it spread in a Con.
Winona line to a distance far above Petty's island
on the Delaware. The scene was enlivened by the
firemen and their steamers. The engines were
ranged along. the wharves; the motion appa
ratus was placed in the water of the docks, and
such a Runtish:l as spouted against, into, and over,
the burning building gave especial practical evi
dence of the power and advantage of the steam
machines. "Good gracious!" said a eountryman
from Long-adorning, "them ar things might squirt
the hull Atlantic= ocean away in half a day."
There was .indeed a powerful body of water used
without drawing Minn from the resources at Fain
Monet. The contlagration was stubborn for an
hour, when at last victory perehed upon the banners
of the fire department.
itITOTHB33 MBE. Last evening, about
halflast nine o'clock, an alarm of fire was mica
stoned by the burning of an ice idled at Dickinson
street wharf.
reateembled yesterday morning, all the members
present. The ease of Wm. Neal was resumed.
Colonel George IL Clrosman testified that the
printed specifloationa furnishing to co/Art.o4ra the
size and quality of tents required by the Govern•
merit were printed from specifications furnished by
Neal, then chief Inspector at the Arsenal.
Witness had never given the accused instructions
to accept tents that were looking in size, as had
been alleged. Witness was surprised to loam from
a surgeon that the hospital tents were only fourteen
feet square, instead of fourteen feet alx inches,
which was regulation size. Mr. Neal said that
he had Sanctioned the reduction In size on account
Of the saving It would be to the Government, and
that the usefulness of the tent was not impaired.
court martial which is in session at the Navy Yard
has concluded Its labors in the case of B. A. David
son, acting first, assistant engineer, and the sentence
of the court, that he be dismissed - from the service,
'haa been approved b y _ the . Secretary of the Navy.
The case of Henry Hoover, naval contractor, has
been concluded , and the hlnegt! of the court for.
warded to the department, at Washington. •
THE SOLDIERS OP 1812.—The veterans of
1812 will assemble In the Supreme Court-room this
morning, at ten otolock, to make arrangements tO
participate In the oelebration on the Fourth of :MIT
next, at Gettysburg, Pa., in laying the oornerstone
of the monument to be ereoted in the Soldiers
Cemetery in honor of the Union soldiers who have
fallen in the resent rebellion• veterans of the ad
joining counties and stew, desirous of uniting, will
BABB BALL.—The Resolute Club, of
Brewton; will arrive here to-night at ten otelook,
Archor to their quarters, at the Union, Hotel,
street, above Third. On Thursday, they will
play the Keystones, at Twenty•lifth and Jefferson
streets; Friday, the °etude= ,• Saturday, the
Athletloe. They ore superior players, and moss ex
mhlslMlT young men.
following SUMS have been received by James-L.
°foghorn, Treasurer of the Lincoln Monuote
Association, at the Whoa, 921 Oheetnat street:
Ladies' Soldiers , Relief Sootety of the Seoond -
Reformed Du Church, h per Mrs. D. W. 0.
Moore, Treasurer $26 00
S. Starr 100
Taylor coneluded the inquest yesterday In the case
of Alexander lardy, who was shot on a canal. boat
on the loth Instant. No additional evidence was
adduced, except the following deposition taken by
Alderman Heider:
City of Philadelphia, as.:
Alexander Kira,' being duly sworn, according to
law, deposes and says : He Is twenty years Of age
was born in this elty I that he is a boatman by pre
torsion, and was employed Oa' the canal-boat- G. P.
Nevin, now lying over above hlarket.street bridge,
on the Schuylkill ; that on the evening of June 10th,
1865, was in company with two young follows, named
unknown, employed on boats out there ; that about
eleven Wolcott on the night of Jane 10th, HO, he
was snot at Racastreet wharf, on board a. canal• boat
belorglng to Johnny Patterson, by some person on
board of said boat, whose name is unknown to
deponent ; I would know him it I saw him; the two
young men above mentioned were along at the
time; we were coming from a man ' s house awned
Sarffiel Gonidin, and were ;Mug to the boat to torn
1n; Goldin lives above Race street, in, I think,
Davis street ; I was in the cabin of the boat at the
time I was shot; we got on the boat, and another
fellow who was with roe went down In the cabin,.
and I went down alter hint ; the man that shot mo
said nothing to me that I know of ; I had no bad,
neas In the cabin; I was tightand was acquainted
with the boar, and just went down there; I had been
drinking a good deal during the evening; I was OIL
board that boat In the afternoon; an the men wore
working around there ; we went over in a small
boat and sat on this data boat talking to the
men ; we were not ordered off the boat in tee
afternoon ; one of the young fellows who was with me
when I was shot was with me in the afternoon ; the
other young tallow was over at the boat; do not re
collect being told not to come down in the cabin at
night before the man shot me • the man that shot
me was the only one hr the c abin ; don't know the
pawns to the boats the two young men who were
with me belonged to ; don't knew the IMMO of either
of the young fellows; we had a .battean tied to the
boat on Which I was shot, and intended to go over
to oar own boats in this battean ; the Mittman was
Coo there about 7 o'clock In the evening ,• we went
Directly to Golden's house and remained there until
we started to go to Callowhill street; was only at
Golcen's a few minima • we went to the house in
Callowhill street, a coupe of doors above Twenty
thud street, kept by W Joilett, and remained
there the whole cooing ; went back to Golden's and
right out again, and started for the boats; the young
men who were with me were pretty , sober; they did
not drink as much as I did; I don't rootlet%
Whether it was me or.the otheryoung fellow that
Went into the cabin first; the cabin door was open;
there was no light in there' I am fully aware , or the
cendftion that I am in ; that I may recover and
may not recover ,• I had no conversation with either
of these young fellows about going into theoanin of
the boat ; there is nothing else I can think of about
this case; that le about all ; the man who shot me
was about elx lot or six feet tw inches ; don't ree
collect anything else about his appearance.
The jury rendered a verdict : That the said Alex
ander Kirdy came to his death at the hands of Tha
DM Carroll, and that John Patterson watnooessory
before the fact.
Carroll watt committed, and Patterson was held
by the coroner in $2,500 ball to shower as an UMW
THE Bcuoor, BOABD.—An adjourned
meeting of the Board of Controllers of the Public
Schools was held yesterday afternoon, President
Sbippen in the chair.
A COMMUnleation was received from the Second
section, rsqueating the Board to apprOWlate WOO
for repairs to the Watson SOIIOOI.IIO/109, Mary
street. Also, from the same section,Raking that
the city lot, on the north side of Car penter street,
above Sixth. be used for the erection of a school
house. There are ROA two large schools within two
squares of this lot, totally inadequate for school
purposes, coating the city *OOO per annum for rent.
A communication from the Eighth section, from
the trustees of the Western Church, asking for an
it crease errant for the rooms of the ohnroh used for
school purposes. .
AU or the above commentootiorol ware apprOpri
ately referred.
The Committee on Grammar, Secondary, and PM
mery, reported resolutions in favor of opening a
Fourth division In the boy's primary school, No. 12 ;
In the primary school on Lancaster avenue, near
Fortieth street ; and in the Tyndale mansion pri•
Mary sohorl. All the new divisions to be created on
the lot of September. The resolutions IMO agreed
Mr. Vaughan moved to reconsider the resolution
passed at the last meeting making the 809810118 of
the school of five hours' duration. Agreed to.
Mr. Vaughan moved to amend the resolution by
ineklng the session three hours and a halt long,
from half-past eight to twelve o'clock.
Mr. HAWS Moved to amend by making the hours
from eight to ten o'clock. Lost.
Another amendment, making the heuvi from eight
to twelve was lost, and the original resolution
The thanks of the Board were then tendered to
Edward Sbippen, president ; H. W. Hniloweli,
secretary; James Dick, assistant secretary; and
Peter Lang, messenger, for the faithful manner in
whit* they had performed their dation.
Adjourned sine die.
Closing exercises ,of . the half.yearly. eciolon of the
excellent Academy under the Charge or the Sietere
Of Notre Dame, Wok place yesterday afternoon, at
the school, corner of Filbert and Juniper Street&
Premiums were distributed to the young ladies
who had distinguished themselves for scholarship
and good conduct during the term which has just
ended, the most prominent pupils being crowned
with flowers. Bishop Wood, the Very Reverend fir.
O'Hara, the Rev. Messrs. Dann. &challis, Di Ka
rla, Martin, O'Reilly, Carter, Kelley, ands other
members of the Catholic clergy of the city were
present, the ceremony of distributing the premiums
being performed by the Bishop. The proceedings
Were enlivened by vocal and luatrumental nottro by
the scholars, and by monstrous. At the close, the
Bishop made a few remarks. The entertainment
was extremely pleating, and the good Sisters of
Notre Dame may well feel proud of the conduct and
progress of the young ladles under their charge.
The following properties were disposed of at AL
Ttomas & Sons sale yesterday afternoon :
15 shares National Bank of the Northern Libor.
tire, 1190 oath.
87 shares National Bank or the Northern Liber
ties, 488 esob.
5 shares Pennsylvania railroad, $553( eaeh.
6 shares Hazleton Coal Co., 458% each.
4,000 shares Philadelphia and Cherryßun 011 Co.,
90 casts each.
4.000 shares Hibbard 011 Co., 12% cents each.
25 shares Stink Mountain Coal Co., 451 asoh.
1 share Point Breeze Park AssoMation. 4177 50.
1 share Philadelphia LthraryAssoolation, $BO.
Scrip, i6 l:tem ei n i t . ....o-1 +.O ge.e.l._ cum:nanny
1 stare Mercantile Library Co., gill*.
Dwelling, Benton street, north of Undoes, 4900.
Lot, corner York and Tnup streetsisi.soo. -
Dwelling, York street above Tap, OLEO,
Residence, 2025 Walnut street. 424.1100 k
Gauntry residence, Old York Road. 4
Dwelling, 1534 Cherry street. 98,600.8,700.
Brick and frame buildings, 217 Race street, 45,900.
Dwelling, Norris street, east of Queen, 4500.
Dwelling, 121 Jones alley, 91,660.
Two frame dwellings, N. B. corner Francis and
Shirley streets, $2,000.
Ground rent of 4450, of lot, Shirley Street, south
of Anne, $425.
Ground rent of $450, of lot, 794 Shirley street,
Ciround rent of 16425, of lot, 728 Shirley street. 4380.
Ground rent of 4672.83, of lot, 714 Shirley Street,
1690.` -
Ground rent of 4666.66, of lot, corner Wylie and
Orr streets, $550.
Ground rent of 4868.88, of lot, 708 Orr street, $295.
Ground rent of 4354.16, of lot, 710 Orr street, 4290.
HOltord of the First Congregational Church, Rev. D.
L. Gear. had a delightful excursion yesterday. The
Sylvan Retreat, on the line of the North Panntifl.
yenta Railroad, was selected as the grounds for the
pie-nio. It is quite a picturesque place, and has
elegant springs upon the grounds. About eight hun
dred ilersOns, including children and adults at
tended the plank% and abandoned themselves ' to
day's happy recreation. Everything passed off
pleasantly'. and the weather was all that could be
desired, a fine balmy breeze blowing daring the en
tire day. " Mr. A. H. Fracker, the courteous master
or transportation on the North Pennsylvania Rail
road, had every accommodation requisite for the
proper enjoyment or th,o restivitfec, and it wail a .10.
Hghtful trip throughout.
day afternoon a trot took place at Suffolk Park,
for a puree of 8500 ; mile heats, beet three In fire In
Iranian. The following is the result :
Edward Haatlnge, g. in. Lady Mao .. 1,1, 1.
Henry Jeffries, blk. g. Sailor Hoy 2 2, 2.
S. O. Rodgers, b. e. Garibaldi 8 3 3.
Time, 2.48%, 2.43%, 2.49.
UMW', 1330 Buttonwood street, has been appointed'
assidarit treasurer or the one hundred thousand•
dollar memorial fund. SubseriPtlODS, limited , to
one dollar, will be received by him, by mail or other-
W 180.
terday afternoon Robert Carlin, ten yenta of age,
was ten over by a Ridge•avenne oar at the Falls of
Sohnylkiii and had his right arm Mitred. He was
taken to h is home in Manamink.
Mort of Quarter PossilOiae-1100. Joseph
Allison, Associate Jostles.
The oases disposed of la flag Court yesterday Were
barren of Interest.
John Boyce, an oysterman who does bulimia OR
Spruce.street wharf, pleaded ollty to having own-
Mated an assault and batterYlfilßli Bashes. Tne
latter had been a dustnmer of the defendant, and
according to defendant , e-stateniegti had not WY
failed to pay his bills in fall, but had edso traduced
the character and quality of defendant's oysters,
thus adding insult to injury. Upon the oceasion Of
the assault and battery. roused by Hughes' taunts
and innendoes, Boyce allowed temper to master Ms
judgment, and he gave thaprotecitor severe blow
upon the month. The Judge fined Boyce $lO and
the costs.
Michael Bowles was convicted of assault and hat
tery on Mary BObncrt, a sub-tenant, living in .hie
boure. The excuse was that after 12 o'olook at
night she persisted In sitting on the step of the"
front door, and refused to come In at defendeat'S
request, in order that he might close the liodee-
Sentence deferred.
Henry Stude WAR hied for the larceny of twenty
dollars, the property of floury Ramliekholillh RAO
testified that Stade took the money Witlmai
consent, and afterwards zeroed to return It. Tor
the defence however, it was shown that the prose
cutor, who s defendant's brother-In-law, loaned hint
the money, and that the next daypart of it was'
laid. The balance net being fo coming, he insch.
-tated a civil suit before on ald rth erman -for its re-
covery, and subsequently preferred the - charge of
larceny. The Oommonwealth, upon this [state of
facts, abandoned the case, and the jury rendered a
Verdict of not guilty.
Mickey Darden wad tried upon a charge of lareeny
preferred by Mary Boyle. Is ap peared that her Sal
Neely Boyle, accompanied by the defendant, Duo
lan, went to Norristown and enlisted. Ble bounty,
amounting to $4OO, he entrusted with Doolan tO
bring to his mother, Afre. Boyle, in Philadelphia.
Be never paid the money, and she had him arrested
for larceny. At the alderman's abbe defendant ea
preived ills readiness to pay $4OO of the amount,-
claiming that the con, Neely. Boyle, had allow ed
him 00 to cover trouble and ,expenses incurred by
him. The prosecution declined to receive leas than
the full amount of $4OO. The jury rendered a ver
dict of not guilty.
()has. Martin pleaded guilty to assault and bat
tery ou A. W. Olover, and was fined $lO and costs,
and held in $5OO to keep the peace.
Corers or Common Pleas—Perdere Ludlow.
The adeoellaneoue argument llet, wide): has been
before the court for the past two days—Monday and
Tuestlay--was dually concluded.
Friday next will be the last Orphans' Court until
On the thirteenth of June a thief stole a necktie
from the store of Par. Eshelman, on Chestnut street.
The fellow was taken into custody, and when ex
reigned before 31r. Alderfnan Bottler he gape the
Dante of ridnesa Etrebride, and said that he lived
to New Sewn. In this, he appropidated to his own
nee the Man Of isoung Jerse y ,member of a molt
estimable family New and for which he
deserves ** additional penalty. The real Mimes
Xirkbrida bi a young gentleman of exoellent teen•
ration, which cannot be sullied by the eforemenctOn•
ed misappropriation of his name, however Mel he
may feel annoyed.
(Before Mr. Alderman Mettler.]
A WOMAN IN witourMis.
Tomas Paten alias Frank Pete, who woo bound
over. on Monday, to answer bite OUliss• of having
robbed a eaflorO d 11200, had, it la.adieged, an aeiom•
Mice named.. Sarah Gordon. _ She wee arrested Tor-
terday; and - at a - bearing - before Aiderinan Settler,
the evidence showed that when Pete was arrested he
asked permission to change his Melling. The
officer grahted the requeot, an d when Foto throw Ott
his enothhig, Sarah WU canto take something from
one of his poekets.' The amount was $lO5. She
Was ooreleitted to answer.
TEM 0.&811F OF Zw.rsorm
OlniiBltott came up for a farther bearing yes
tord ay. An eapress messenger produced a book in
which was the signature of Thomas Elliott, for
package said to contain 'OK Bent to him for safe
keeping by a soldier- A bond, appended to which the signet= Of Elliott, was produced at the
bearing, and It Compared exactly with the ens at
tached to the book. He was held in 81,500 for a
further hearing.
Wm. Keyser is a billposter, and whilst posting a
blll upon a telegraph pole in Market street, pester.
day, a wagon which was being driven by 'Arm* a
pushcart which was standing near, and sie wed it
around in snob a manner as to break the leg of Mr.
Eeyser. The driver was arrested and held in coon
ball to antiwar. This will be a fine, knotty question
for Philadelphia lawyers to unravel.
Samuel Stewart, the proprietor of a hotel on lid-
card avenue, charged with having a forged bounty
warrant, was finally held to answer at court yester
day. No further evidence was adduced at the hear
/Before Mr. Recorder Enen.
There is no crime in the criminal annals more
Contemptible than that of perjury, and it Is seldom
we have to reeord enoh Mies. Yesterday, however,
the Recorder had two oases before Ulm. The court
reports in this paper noticed a short time since the
trial of Michael Lewis, a tavern-keeper, charged
with robbing Michael Harding of sixty.ilve dollars.
The jury acquitted Lewis, and he now brings a salt
before Recorder Enen, charging that Harding at
tempted to bribe a man to swear against him, and
be produced witnesses to swear that Harding had
his money when be left his hotel, and,consequently,
was lett robbed at all. Harding was committed in
default of ono thousand dollars bail to answer the
cheree of perjury.
Magnus Hahn was also charged with perjury, in
swearing that he paid George Kirtel *2,000 for the
Imo will of a tavern. Upon this oath Hlrtel was
convicted of secreting his goods from creditors; bat
it becoming apparent to the court that perjury had
been committed. the verdlot was set aside-and a
new trial granted. Mete] proves that he received
only 11500 from Hahn, and not $l,OOO, as he swears,
and hence the perjury. Hahn was held to answer.
There Was & fair amount doing atthe Stook Blatt
yesterday, and prices, with few exceptions, Were
nsm. Government loans were offered snore freely,
and sates effected at AS for the 5 Ics, and 109% for
CM MM. There was nothlog said in the 10.408.
State Is were steady at 88. City 63 were imitative,
the new only 'lading purchasers; the highest
rate attained was 50. We notice a renewed in
entry on, the share list; and the railroads,
notwithstanding the free predictions or lower
priceß, show a general firmness. The argte
merits that the end of the war, putting off
the great source of the prosperity of the laat four
yearm..the Government transportation of troops and
supplleil— would seriously interfere with the mar
ketable value of railroad stooks, does not hold
out. The roads are still doing a good business, and
many of them makiDg a great deal of money. The
pamden and Amboy, yesterday advanced 2%, sell
ing at 128% . . North Pennsylvania and Pennsylva
nia Yamada were also higher. Reading opened at
48X, but afterwards declined to 47% % ; Catawissa
preferred sold at 25; Philadelphia and Erie at 24,
an advance of 2 ; Mtnehlli at 57, and Northern Cen
tral at 46. The oil stocks continue very dull. Pile.
senger railroad etooks are held firmly ; 79 was bid
for Second and Third; 48 for Tenth and Eleventh ;
20 for Sprees and Pine; 64 for West Philadelphia;
'nog for Race and Vine; 18 for Riagmavenas 5 IA
for LOmbard and South, and 21 for Union. Bank
shares are without change. Manufacturers' and
Mechanics , sold at SO ; 190 was bid for North ibmerl
ea ; 130 for Philadelphia; 119 for Farmers' and Me
ehanles' ; 49 for Commeroial ; 40% for Penn Town
ship ; M X for Girard ; Bir for City, and 87% for Cop
solids on.. There was more doing in canal shares,
and p ices better. Schuylkill Navigation common
sold a 22, an advance of 1; preferred do. at 28 1 40
29M, the latter rate an advance of %, and Lehigh
Navigation at 54%, no change.
The following were the alletatlena for gold
yesterday at the hours named :
10 A. X 1413(
11 A. X 1413(
12 Pa .141 X
1 P. X 1413
8 P. 111 1413(
4 P. X 141
The subscriptions to the f. 30 loan, received by Tay
Cooke: yesterday, amount to $2,301,700, including
one of $125,300 from Second National Bank, Chi
cago ; one Of $lOO,OOO from Third National, Ont.
oago ; one of $lOO,OOO from First National, Mut&
nail ; One of $300,000 from First National, Elmira ;
one of $50,000 from First National, Ronndont ; one
of $lOO,OOO Prim First National, Alexandria, Va. ;
one of $lOO,OOO from Second National, Boston; one
of $lOO,OOO from Merohantst National Bank, Bos
ton ; one of $104,900 from Ninth National, New
York; ! one of $60,000 from First National, San
dusky ; one of $lOOOOO from First Natlonal, New
York ; one of $50,000 from National Bank of Ra ,
public, Washington. There were 1,610 individual
subscription of 380 and $lOO each.
The following statement shows the earnings of the
Philadelphia , and Erie Railroad Company in May,.
1804, and in Nay, 1885 ,
Freight. Passengers. Total.
May, 1865.-378 370 26 379 404 80 $157.774 66
Nay, 1864.... 88,878 28 43,159 26 82,037 54
Increase, Flay, 1865 375,737 02
With regard, to the rate of interest in 'Virginia,
the lliOhinond BepubLican remarks
16 One of the iteportant questions no w engaging the
attention of the Legisiature, is that of the legal rate
of interest. The legal rate is now Ux per cent., and
any oontraot for more than that is invalid. This is
,universally agreed to be absurd. The law was
passed professedly to protect the ignorant against
the usurers, and failed worldly of Its object, as all
business men know. There was more shaving done
irav and not existed. 'AA much as ten
per cent. a mm th hoe
Another bad effect was that capital in Wrififtaint
tw.abhun g . persons was drawn out of the State to
Mees where intermit was higher. The proper plan
to ilI theriegat rate of Interest- only where there
le no cousraet, but to Jogai* all 00ntstote for no
Matter what rate. If the people of this State can
pay high interest, money will flow hither until the
market is stocked. What we want now is _capital,
and there Is no more reason why we should attempt
to regulate the price of money than of other P.r.
The reports from India continue unfavorable, and
the failure of a native banking house, and of several
financial institutions at Bombay, are reported. Al•
though the dullness of trade and the influx of specie
has (mused the Bank of England to reduce Its rate
of interest to three per cent., this great monetary
ease will he liable to counteraction should the semi
panto in India assume a more formidable aspect by
reason of Its beooming more general. The advance
Which is likely to take place in the price of cotton
may, however, cheek the spread of bankruptcy by
diminishing the loins of speculative firms.
Statement of the Delaware Whim Canal Com•
POUT of Pennsylvania;
Tolle received for week ending 24th Inst... $9,438 01
Do. ooriespondlng week last year.. 6,816 61
Increase for the week 2,021 34
Total amount tolls to June 26,1864 01,477 67
Total amount tolls to Juno 24,1866 68,472 46
Decrease In 1885 315,005 11
The following 19 the amount of coal trangp °Mid
over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week end
ing June 24,1866 :
winos. Tar.yourtry. YOT/Is
When shined from. Tons Cwt Tone Cwt Tons Owl
Hazleton 982 09 83 739 01 84,721 10
Bast Sugar 3,000 19 46,6 2 5 00 49.853 /9
Mount Bleaaant 87 11 11,131 16 11,192 09
Jeddo 1,02318 48.475 16 49,609 08
Rayleigh 845 18 94,089 05 25,535 04
Bberyale Coal Co. --. 11818 13 124 03 12,242 16
81011 t (1001C0..........-.., 829 06 18,901 (9 19.230 14
Connell Ridge.. moo 18 46.882 08 98 798 Of
Back elouutain,,... 697 08 28,917 16 79.218 04
New York and benign. • see 16 21,52216 21.729 11
Roney Brook .... . . 1 404 OS 46.717 06 48,191 09
Gorman Fenno . Coal Co.. 810 16 18 997 08 19 083 04
Spring ...•••• • • 94 778 11 ' 34.73 11
Colezaine..• . 127 12 18,841 14 18,970 13
Beaver Mea d ow ....
68 01 007 06 069 07
. Lehigh , ems 04 6.033 04
John Gunner, - , 36 18 1.710 08 1.747 DO
118 12 79,628 16 man 07
Baltimore 584 06 12,663 16 18 218 01
Franklin 1,199 13 10 498 01. 11,686 14
Consolidated 19 808 18 19 808 hs
.• 10Jr6 14 10. 0 03 19
Lehlah and Susquehanna 899 11 11,561 03 12.400 14
Landmereer' ........ 19 02 -6,612 08 5,631 10
Wllkeeb'e Coal & Iron Co 898 12 4,546 05 4,943 17
Lehigh Coal and Nay. Co. .. 184 07 164 07
other Shinners •••-• •-•-• •• 203 00 203 00
Warren Bun. 11 21 11
Total .....»...«......14.232 02 616,644 16 OW 816 18
Corresponding week last
year. .».....••«..- 08 711.1f016 742.162 03
«....»..16,829 06 91.465 19 111.286 05
Tee following is the amount of coal transported
on the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Rail
road for the week ending Saturday, June 24, 1865
Touo.Owt. Tono.Owt.
Shipped North 7,836 10 108,170 04
Shipped South 21,883 00 too,soo es
Total 20,16$ 16 617,960 09
For corresponding time last year
; Shipped North 9,626 01 141,660 05
'Shipped South 24,277 08 459,494 19.
Total .81,003 04 607,146 04
Vessel & Co. quota:
New United States Bonds, 1881 110 0110 3 j
" " " OastH. of Indsbtoss. 98 98 3if'
Old 11. S. Cortillostos of Indebtedness. 9935 99%
New U. S. 7 8.10 Nokia 9934 100
Qttartenagatere Vonahsts 96 97
Orders for ClertUkostos of 7,ndebteenees. 98% 99
Geld % ......140;, /41,4
Sterling Exchange 164 168
140 Bonds, old Bey. 103 k
540 Bonds, new 1033 a loam
1040 Bondi 963,e) 97
Salem et St
100 Bruner
100 Moollatock—tiah. 1 81
60 Dunkard .81
200 do .81
1f..01 y 8 0 111
9433 .F 4
leo Boyd 34 •
200 r unkard..»».b3o .04
100 Royal «« .310 .Ti
000 .Inuotton..-..--b3O
21.0 Big Tank— • 1.
100 St Nickolas
Drinkard. • 81
700 Atla2. —.—, .44
KO ---b9O 2%
repulse.. .... 210 31
160 Bgbert..--......• • • I
SALIM AT TEX 31.11011 LA
22oPorted bii Here*. Miner.
100 Heald sash 48%1
2CO do —dub 48%
140 do4B 31
'HMV 88-20 flag I1Let:1083i
60001t7 6s oae L CAP 8136
mop do• Ilk ..opR sog
71:80 do•new lots db 90
1900 Allegheny Qo 0 511 74%
ICM Camitam int Ms 89 93%
67 Gam & Am Y 10t5.196%
95 do ...... 10ta.128
.100 Penne . 66
2 North Penne, N... 24
CatAwiess Peet-- 25
TO Northern Gent lots re
500 04141.71 gat Pr its 281
7 gohnyl Navigation 22
18 Lehigh Ism Reek 5434
1(6 Bch Nsv pref.— b6O 23361
2CO lhading A-- sawn 48 Si
.. 4
do ..bBO 48 48%
199 ..... 4834
. 48
;10 48
0 0 lays 48
2oro 49
1a de Idyl ad
00 dd....4. ...tag 45
-6100 ND
1 Mlnehtll R. • baton 57
97 Cam # Arab 6e 'ea 1.104
'6 do- • •
Ito .1h341.10 . h. 011...46 sh,
10r0 Caldwell 011,
Mk Caw & Ala Si, '76 80
100 J analc ......
619 do 8341
0003 Cam d< Afa v 'Bo SO ,
501 Jur.stion 334
WO pa1ae11........810 a3d
300 48
4IS, 8t
100 Loading 8.--• 0a.417){
Imo d0..._..__.._ 47.3(
MO do
100 do 47M
Union 01 som I.
HO Reacting 11. b 6 W
The New York Port of yesterday says
Money keeps very easy, at 442R6 per sent. to the
backers. Exchange on London for the Scotia to.
Morrow, le 109%@109% for gold. We beat of no lin
portant export demand for' gold for this week's
steamers. The signs of a general upward specula
tion in the railways and miscellaneous (melee were
gone marked at the board this tuOrning.
There was Considerable demand for stooks on the
street before the morning call; prices- were gen"
rally better, and, tionalderlng the gratin ease and
cheapness of money, speculators are looking for
ward to better prices. Kew York Central at. 91%
bid ; Erie at 71%; Pittsburg at.e9%. Gold opened
at 142 and sold down to 141%. The bears mum-
Mg from % to % t 0 cent. for cash gold, to Make
their doliverles. Governments at the regular - board
opened steady at about yesterday morning's orlon.
The following quotations were made at the Beard,
Oa compared with yesterday :
. & Toes Non Ally. Des,
u a., coapaa tioy,
U. S eoopons. ...... 1003 ltgl% ,46
O. S. 6.0(1 coupons. Sew.-- 103% . • ..
Tr B. 10 40 c0up0n5........,...08% 96%
U. S.' cersficatee......--...... 99%
'fettle/Ise& It
• tiN :1,13(,
Atlantic Mall .111' , 3'4 iiii 34
lii.w York Cent/A1.....
77 943 i 91.54 1X
NO, .. .. ....... .....,............. wig %
I've pre . fetro;d• • .. 81 88..
H ndwon•• .............. 198% 109 34
Reading. .... ........-....• • • ••. —96 X
Latta' itrle mold at 76,44. ..„
Segni. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia
The Produce markets continue very dull, and
prices are unsettled. Bark Is scarce and in demand.
Cotton is more active and prices are lookiog up.
There is very little demand for Flour, and the mar
ket is dull. Wheat is unchanged. Corn and Oats
have advanced. Petroleum Is rather firmer. The
Provision market is leo active, but priced are with
out change. Whisky is rather firmer, linger Is in
demand at former rates. Wool continued dull, and
prices are drooping.
The Flour market Continues very dull, and prices
are unsettled and weak. The only sales we hear of
are in small lots to the retailers and bakers, at from
86G6.50 lor Common to good superfine ; SO 62@7.25
for extra; 87818.50 for common to good extra family;
and 89@16 barrel for fancy brands, according to
quality. Bye Flour is dull ; small sales are making
at 85 gl barrel. Corn liteal is unchanged ;we quote
Pennsylvania at $4.76 bbl.
Gamg.--There Is very little demand for Wheat,
and prices are without Change;
about 8.000 bus sold
in iota at 175@1802 for fair to prime Western and
Pennsylvania reds, and white at from 2004222011
bus. as to quality. Rye 18 selling In a small way at
850 IR bus. Olin Is In demand, and pliaag arerather
better; 8,000 bus prime yellow Bold at /00011 bad.
Oars axe also better 9,000 bus PennEllivanla sold at
730 B bus, in store.
PROVIRIOI4B.—Tbere Is less doing in the way of
- sales. Small sales of Kees Pork are reported at
026027 bbl, which
19 bl
Is a deollus. Kees Beef sells In
lots at 1114@2.0 b.for country and oity packed.
Beef Hams are held at $3O 0 601. Bacon-400 pack
ages sold at 19ra260 B lb for plain and tautly can
vaned. Hams and Shoulders at 10@170111 lb.
In Green Meats there Is no change; 800 uaoit
ages sold at from HMOs for Pickled Hams,
and 14 @ 14.%c IR lb for Shoulders In salt.
Lard 18 ratner wares and in datnand, with sales of
bull and toe at 124311 Re B lb. Batter 18 without
(Mange ; sales of Valid packed are making at 18$040
84lb, and Goshen at 20020 sp i. Eggs Sell at 28
300 111 cozen.
Mayans —ln Iron there is no change to notice.
About 400 tons of Anthracite sold at $27880 for
forge, and $33(533 B ton for foundry. Scotch Pig
is held at glbOtt B ton. Manufactured Iron is
more active, at about former rates.
LBAD continues very Scarce, and we hear of no
COPPER le very dull at 450 for Sheet% and. 860 fift
lb for Yellow Metal.
BARK.—Qtlterate= continues scarce and in good
demand. Small sales of let No. 1 are reported at
*32 60 fi ton. Tanners' Bark it unchanged, and
worth slB§2o V cord.
Cioax.—There is very, little demand either for
shipment or home use, and the market la very dull
sales are reported at Port Richmond at from s6§
6.60' ton.
Common.—The market is rather more active, and
prices are looking up 1 about 300 bales of middling
solo in lots at from 420150 V lb, cash.
Coavati continues very scarce, and the sales are
in a small way only at from 18§22M0 ift lb, in gold,
for Rio.
OarintaS Continue very quiet, and the Weil are
In small lots only, at about tonnes rates.
Flea.—Blackerel are rather dell. Sales from
store are making at $24025 V bbl for Shore No. la,
$l6 for Bay do ; $l7 for Shore 28, *l4 for Bay do., and
sll@lB bbl for new No. 38—the latter rate for
large. Codfish continue dull. Small sales are
making at Bc,
FRlTlT.—Foreign Fruit Is scarce, and prices are
rather'better. Dried Fruit is dull, and we hear of
no sales. Green Fruit Is coming in more freely,
and sells at full prices.
Hors are selling in a small way at from 25@460
the latter rate for fancy lots.
Ltinnan Continues dull ; eman sales of white-pine
Boards are making at $28§20 ; yellow sap dO at $25
egg, and Lehigh hemloisk at slB§2o h 111
alormseas,—There is very little doing in the way
of sales, and the market Is dull and neglected;
small sales are making at $40§500 for Cuba, and 65
Ig6Bc V gal for Porto Rico.
NAVAL STORES are dull and unsettled; small
Sales of Rosin are making at $7@121 bbl, and
Spirits of. Turpentine at $1.70§1.80 qt gallon.
Otha —Lard 011 Is ratter firmer; small sales of
winter are making at $1 55§1 60 V gallon, the latter
rate for No. 1. _Linseed Oil is in steady demand, at
$1.18§1.20 V gallon. Flan 0118 are very dull. Pe.
trolmon 10 rather firmer ; small sales are making at
113Q340 for orude ; 6155680 for refined in bond, and 70
@72 gallon for free, as, to quality.
PLASTER Is dull; small sales are reported at
$3 50 per ton. '
SESDB.—Flaxseed is selling in a smailway at $2 80
Q 2 36 bn. Olovereeed continues very quiet, and
we hear of no sales to fix quotations.
I ,,Aft i lar- 7 7. foreign there is very little doing.
lino Rum sells at $2.80@2 85 V gallon.
lets Only at $2.07Q2.10 WI gallon fiVr " PennsYlvalida
I: 6Zr kY A 6 B Bct .l enl i ttin hO ub r eAlß e' d ie ni m l4oB r n e d oom the g. with sales of 1200
lands to notice at 814§8A40 % lb In gold for Oahe,.
Tem.criar.—Staall Ulan of Oily rendered are
making at 107 @lofo lb.
V oci.L.—The market continues very quiet, and
prices are drooping; small sales are reported at
660760 for fleece, and 68§750 V lb for tub, as to
The fallowing are the receipts of Flour and Grain
at this port during the' past week :
Flour 1,600 bbls.
Wheat 7,600 bus.
Corn 2,200 bus.
Oats ...• 4,800 bus.
EnVADB.TUFHS.—The market for State and Walt
am Flour is dull, and 5o lower ; sales 5,800 MIS at
$5.3065.60 for superfine State; $5.9043005 for extra
State ; 166 1040.15 far choice do ; 254455.35 for su
perfine Western b
05.9043 6 25 for common to medium
extra Western $6 6003.75 for common to good
shipping brands extra round-hoop Ohio.
Oansolan Flour is dull and .56 lower ; sales 300
bbls at 1116Q6.20 for common, and $6,26@8•f0r good to
Choice oxtza.
Southern Flour 10 lower • sales 400 tibia at sumo
2.60 for common, and $1.70®11.90 for fanoy and
Bye Flour Is dull.
Oorn Meal is quiet.
iy Wheat Is dull and drooping ; sales of 7,000 bulk
amber Milwaukee at $l.BB, an outside price. Bye is
quiet. Barley is dull.
Barley Malt is arm.
Oats are dull, and drooping.
Tile Dorn market to dull, and 14925 lower ; sales
41,000 Dustiels at !BOUM form:AM, and 806860 for
sound mixed Western.
PROVIBIONI3.—The Pork market Is firmer ; 55159
9,000 bbls at $24@25 for new mess, $73@23 mg for
'53-4 do, cash and regular way, closing at $28.26;
9181318.25•f0r prime, and $18.63 for prime mess. The .
Beef market is dull ; Balsa 300 bbls at about previous
prices. Beef hams are quiet. Out meats are steady ;
sales 466 pkgs at 1142140 for shoulders, and 15@193
for hams. The Lard market, 18 steady ; sales 2,300
Ws at 16%@18K0. •
Wnisnv is dim ; sales 300 bide 'Western at 92 03.
TALLow is steady ; sales 165,000 92 at No
Floor,—The receipts tale Saturday have been
4,800 hbls. The market for Flour remains the same,
the trade purchasing only in lots as wanted. We
aquote Western superilneat $5.750e; COMM= extras
t $5.2006.75 ; medium do at 1708 and good and
°helots, including favorltstSt. Louis brands, at $8 25
fpl2qu iet. bbl. Southern Flour remains the same, but
Grain.—The receipts Wince Saturday have been
1,210 bush of shorts. In Corn very little has been
done, but market Arm. We quote Southern yellow
at $1 0501 08,1 bus, and Western mixed at 85031050,
as to quality. Oats are steady at 600760 IR Wien,
for Northern and Canada; 800 for Western, and tit
0700 Matt for Prince Edward Island. Rye at 05'
@Mc Rft bush. Shorts $24025 % ton. Fine Feed
1120027 ; and middlings at $2BOBO qp ton.
Provisions.—Pork is Selling at $21023 for prime ;
mess at 127.50029 ; and clear at $280301R bbl, cash.
Beet ranges from $l4 50016 50 'IR bbl for Etaternand
Western. Lard 1981e360 Vt lb In bbls and tierces.
Smoked llama 190200 VI n. Butter ranges from 25
0 520 Vith as to quality, and Cheese from 60170 IR
ih for common and prime. - . •
Xs, Juu 97.
100 Tio
r ,
100 win P 01111.••••••••••••••
1 Winfield .4
100 5075t............b30
10000 5.2 es
WO do
100 Junction .....b2128
Iro Jereei Well 1 44
100 3114011011.•«—.620 81.10
100 Dunkard........13 0 .94
100 2M
0.00 do
aoco Dankardl • VI 1,41 , • 11115 .9 . 1
app aol6 :et
600 do • ............bl6 .94
600 .94
600 d M
o .91
190 Nitional 0 & ... .81
dk Co., No. 60 8. runt m
100 Readmit 18-2dys 98 44
140 to 48 81
zw Union Caul Prof. 23i
100 Reading 31
ICO do ...... 483 i
203 030 4189%
100 do 31
200 do
100 do 4W
100 4836
100 do 48
Otatin b3O 4 )
100 bontard
leo Mingo
800 Royal Yount—lots
• 00 St. 011..
lee Penns R. 174
WOO II 13 es 1881. • .ossh ISM
60030112 es .new d t
11 co do.. municipal go%
600 do . WM
19 Camdendsdra Ens Ile
10 Mau & Kw Bank
400 &take 6068
200 Onukard . .
19 IMMO %ay..— am.
rloe Junction .....
le North P4llllll, 94
0 •,s p". 21
I.OODSISOU.rt mt....
1 two o
s U 6Bonds-...103,5i
, 10 do 41
—, • • .08
1 C 0
O W a 1 m & 011
it la wn mg
2 W 1
45p ,Beading ....b5 4731
105 do 47%
NlOO o d
doO —..
bit 47% 47%*
do - b 5 47X
200 do ..b3O 47%
10 nth' dr 8r1t . .15.•. 24
ZCO BAls4tug. 0.-220 47
• 100 , 47%
100 do 47911
New York Market& lime 47.
Bosse= 21100 Lets, June 96.
Louisville Tobacco Mirka, Jane 24.
The break today was rather of an inferior quality,
and though the figures are not as large as during
several previous days, the range of pilau for. the
finer grades is tally as high. Theiloligiool from NON
York seem to have no Influence on our tobacco mar
ket, as the sales continued to be maderat fall prices.
The liner grades are mostly in demand and when
ever a hlid of good manufacturlng.or cutting leaf 1g
put np It brings a big price. Theaales at the ware•
houses today were 284 hhd a, as follows : At the PlOk
ett 80 Mos, at, CS 20 to $2Bl at the Ninth street, 66
MIAs, at 154 05 tO $22.25 ; at the Boone 51.hade. at 812
to $26 tat ea LOttisville Ithds, at tab 26 tO $56.60.
L .111 , mau; .", : , 1=41u&i .4
gmi Er8i5.4,41 LStri!Earre'.7A , MaxEWA.vm..B,lB
Brig Argo (Br), Alkenfa,fram Mayaguez sth inst., 1
th sagarand molasses to JObn Marion & 00. Left
rig Peerlesa, for Philadelphtsin a few days..
Brig; Olive, Gandy, 6 days Rom'Boskrit, ballast
o captain. - • _
Sobr Pathway, Compton, 8 days from Norfolk, in,
albtat to S Stetson & 00. , ,
Solar Piy; Okeeseman, 5 dap; him Lynnan bal
last to captain.
Bohr White Squall, Adams, 4 days frOztiiirtratal
Monroe, In ballast to captain.
Bohr 'Rhoden' Blew, Robinson, 6 days. ISOM 04
Point, in ballast to captain.
Solir Carroll Sprague, I days from fort Pulaski,
in ballast to J E Batley & 00.
Sobr 0 A Stetson, Stevens, days from , PrOvinee•
town, with. mdse to 040 B Kerfoot.
Sob? Mary Jane Kennedy Hoover,, 4 daps from
Newberg in ballast to captain.
Sohr B Austin, Davis, 5 days from Boston, with
ice to D B Kershaw & 00.
Soh? Gov Burton, Peacock, dr. &ism from Alex
andria, In ballast to captain.
Steamer Mllivuta Ramat. ilk bourn from New
York, with Judea to Whltall, Tatum, 4IE 00.
Steamer Nan, Grumlay,24.hpuys (gm NOW York,,
with mdse to W PI Baird & 00.
Steamer Beverly Pierce, athourStrom Nett York
with mdse to W P blyde 1 1 / 4 00.
Steamer Bristol, Ottarles,Rthountrom New York,
with mdse to W P Olydelkoo,
Steamship Gambia tßrl, erobaxg, Livorporai,
Brig IL B Emery, Bradford, Boston;
Brig Budsotr, Griffin, PrOvidenee, .
Brig Victoria (Br), uarmiobsol, Windsol% N S.
Sob? Jac Hoffman; Selser, New haven.
Sob? Nary and Frantues, MoDonall, Washington.
Bohr S & E Corson, Conn, Boston..
Bohr Lucy Church, Adams,-Nantuokiit.
Bohr Karla Foss, Foss, Bos ton
Solir Panora, Oorson,New Mina&
Soiir Wray, Oopta; Saco. - - - '
' SOlir E Yliaail9lo4* MAU
Selz Streourdet, Stokes Mailman.
J S Sinner, Dennis, Baltimore,
MI =Mini Belpin •
• „
tOorresponiesiaa of the Philadelphia 'Exchange
• LwWits, DEL, June 26-43 A. M.
N.The daps Philadelphia, from Philadelphia for
Liverpool. and Lady Emily Peel, Trout ao tor,St
MID ; N 13, are at anchor outside the harbor, wait
ing wLed. Several arhoonere, auPooted to be boned
South, are at the Breakwater J. . ind :3F. raining.
You's, &d. H ILLYD BURTON.
Steamship . BOrnesio (Ham) Schwensen, from
Hamburg, Alva 11, and Southampton 14th, at New
1!o? I no , th xy, v>itb 620 passengers. 25%, 2 P NE,
passed stosmsbio Germania, Off avarice shoat.
Steamship utarev, Farber from Ilea' Origami,
17th Mu GodfreyW York on Monday.
Bark J ~ Fuller, from Matanzas, wall bro
low New Orions Ilk'h IPstant-
Brig Escape, A4A Ms, 47 days from Rio Janeiro,
with coffee, at New Tark on Monday.
Sara Salmon illram'Aburn, Thrasher, henna and
Woodbridge, N J, at Digh.
Hosolus Nelson, from
ton 24tleinstant.
Solara Hunter, Endle'art, and Elwood Doran, Jar.
vie. hones at ProvidenoVA Instal:lt
B&lfr a t ewe at Providence 212
Sohr Josephine,
Bel ls J as Bli s s, fi s te r b, gat, ce at Beverly 224 inst.
sails toomss i Male for Saeo, at
Boloace Hole 24th instant
Brig Speedaway, Capt 80V241 Heasier, Jr, sailed
from Portland Dec 29' for Mathon *se, with a oargo or
lumber, and was spoken when gig •ht days out, Since
which time she bas not beery heart 6 , 1 " 5 „,"".. s
a good vessel of 199 tons, built at. /mean
owned by Captain David , Header", Ca • Portland, and
Wag 00e2roandod by big son. •
A No. 615 01111411111 T and 612 741111, 4 Street
I ;# i rl
4. The emanation would Invite stientloa Ia Wear
DMA& Ihiby make a weigt7 id their btuasese, Also.
seastsatlr teistriat
NO imams FOR esarruntara
cuinanros, 8 14suneToar
o tr s ee ,
Peer avers below the OontineaUtl.
JUNE 21—Evening
079108, 1139 GIRARD Street,
PnruAnin.rarA.. Jane 28, 11366.
SEAM PROPOSALS will be reeelved at thte °Hoe
wail 19 o'cloak at., wanwas OA Y Jane se fur
furnishing this Department with FORUM for a period
of three months. commenting July 1„ 1861. and eliding
gentember3o, 1966._ineinelye:
CoRR, OATS , HAY. and STRAW, for the use of
animals in the public Howie t at this poet or district,
including Cheater, Port Main. Chestnut RM. Buie.
town, Beverly, N. J., White Bal. near Bristol, Pa
I.pring Mill, and any other locality within this corn.
wand that may be directed
All grain to be of the beet quality-62 pounds to the
bucket of Oats, and 66 pounds to the bushel of CSrn.
Hay of beet quality Timothy Straw of good quality.
RIPS or Wheat as may be ordered. All to ba inspected
and approved as delivered.
Proposals will slate price per 100 pounds for Bay and
Straw. and per bushel for grain. delivered at places of
consumption in each quantities and at such times as
may be ordered. (.2`lte price to be stated both in words
and figures
Bach bid gusrantent by *WU Pesponetbet , pow
woe. at n,t, e must be appended to the rumen.
tee, Ana conned to as being good and sailleient NOMA
tv for (10.000) ten thousand dollars, by the lint' ed
States Diarist Judge, attorney, or Collector, or other
Tie sight is reserved to reject ao3 , Ma deemed uaree
sortable. and no bid from a defaultialt centred°, will
be zseelved.
All proposals to be made out on the regular forms in
duplicate. (which will be furnish. don application at
tble office,) and conform to the terms of this advertise.
went, a copy of which should accompany each pro
Invelopee to be endorsed "Proposals for Forage
Bids will be opened on WSDNBIDAY. June
- 18691, and bidders are requested to be present
By order of a (Jul. Win. W. S A:.
Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot.
• ' 090. R. ORRIS,
Captain and Assistant Quartermaster.
WASHIneTON, 3d Jane, 1863.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at ti de office
until YhIDAY, the seventh day_of July, 1865, at two
o'uloulfs.P R. • for supplying Wood and Coal to the
United States Marines, at Philadelobia. Pa daring the
Basel year ending 80th of Jane, 1866, the wood to be
good merchantable oak, and to ba delivered piled,
measured, and inspected as such points within the
walla of tee Marine llama's as may be designated by
the commanding marine officer. free of exnse to the
tutted. Matte. The coal to be best white as h-- anthracite
egg coal, free from Anne, and to weigh 2.210 pounds to
the toe to be weighed, inspected, sad delivered at
eetb points within the will. or the Marino Barrack' as
may be designated by the commanding marina officer,
Erse of expense , to the United States; and bath woo d.
and coal to be furnished upon the quarterly requisition
of tbe!commanding officer, showing the quantities re
wired, agreeably to regulation'.
Payments will be made upon the Monist of seconds
duly authenticated by said commanding officer.
A guarantee to be sinned by two esnonsible persons,
whose responsibility must be certified to by the United
States District Jud e. g United Slates District Attorney.
or United States Collector, must aesompany each pro.
posed, otherwise it will not be considered.
To be endorsed "Proposals for Fuel," and addressed
to theundereigned. WILLIAM B SLACK,
MAW Ind Quartermaster.
No. 154 North BLEVEITH, below RACE Street I
sisn, CHESTNUT and POILTIETH Street. Westing
DB. THOMAS ALLEN having been very sumo.
fat in the sure of Diseases by this new method.
would inform his friends and the Public Oat he is
gill beneatting and miring many whom medisine
did not affort, and considered incurable.
1 We will mention a few of the Disease in the mire
of which this treatment, seldom if ever fails:
" 01, 13 1 theila Felon, /Kidney Disease&
nottralgia. Chingren& Meer
Ambitsps, , Ulcer., Genital ::
rram Boils,
DYsteasis, Abscess,
i t
Poser diAgno, Eruptions, Probgiens,
Asthma, lagammatione.` Nos Emissions,
Congestion, Remoras's, Diabetes, Be.
Patients will be touted at their residences when
1 desired.a largo number of testimonials may be seen
at the Oakes from patients in this .it Consults ,
Cons gratis. Ones hours g A. M. to SY. At k in the
I ".
19-ths DE. THOS. ALL es EN,
mum —Da A. H. 8T YIE. one of tie Min
DIESOOVITWIRS of a now anions of hastioLdisease
boa been so very sOolkistal at PENN MMus for Ski
tad thins has removed his oats and Basidanis
so ifin VMS Street. one door below 13matssatk.
an mosso" desWgronses, or any pastionim
with rsgardtoigs aloof treatment., willaloss
141 - Tatatais or ad so tratoltons. inidl.ll
'TN VIRGIN was or
LIM —A new hough Clomastiefor beautifying east
'regorging the sotaplesion. It Is the most Wonderful
ettrapotuut of. the pea . There IS ;toner Gnat, porde:,
CI ivies's, blemith,nof tale Int% ootapealtion. kkhdbli
imposed entirety of yam Tlrsin Wax ; hens me en'
;moraliser, Q ualifier for preserving the skin, making
it 'oh, smooth . fair, and trasionteeent. It makes the old
wear young, the homey handsome, the handsome
more beautiful, and the most beantitel divine. Priem
SO and ISO sent.. Pretaxed only by HUNT & 00., Per.
tamers, 41 South lIGIITHarse ,t two doors above
Cheetaut, and 11131 South SEVIIIITII asst.bove
Walnut. Unt
FOLK. CITY POINT, and RICHMOND. by that Wass
steamers and experienced captains, daily.
The Bay Line steamers 'moieties and Daniel Web.
ger will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord street,
daily. at 0 o'clock P. M , for Port Monroe and Norfolk,
Va., connestin_g atPort Monroe with the steamers Geor.
Slane and M. Martin for City Pant and Richmond. Va.
Returning• will leave Rishmood at 6 A. M. daily,
stopping at City Point, and connecting at Fort Monroe
with the Bey Line steamers that leave Norfolk at 23S P.
M.. and arriving in Baltimore in time for the Eastern
and Western trains. and for Washington City, D. C.
The steamers of this line navigate the James river,
NOME and returning, entirely in day time giving iNts
sensors ample time to see the fortilloations, and all
other objtctsof intend.
Tickets for the above places can be had onboard of the
Pare from Baltimore to Norfolk 00
•• Fed MOnree••-•- • • 6 OD
Through tickets from Baltimore to Richmond...» 03
OS •Ik City Point,-....7 60
State rooms asd Neale extra
The etate-room accommodlitioll6 era lIIIIIIIMISSOL And
the table
pamenge76 toting the 1. 18 train from PhiladelPkoll
Will make connection with this line.
Paskengers taking the 8 A. N train from New York
have ample time to dine in Baltimore.
Passengers taking the 8 P Ii train from Waahlington
make connection with this has.
A coach will be in waiting on the arrival of the,l 16
train from Philadelphian to convey passengers to the
beau of this line, free of charge.
Baggage carried free of charge.
• M. A. FALLS, President.
B. D. TANP-B. General Passenger Agent. Pallacel
Ogling at igueenstown—The Inm%u Line.
selling ester - Wt ; IRLY. carrying the D. B. Mails.
CITY OF 808 YON. . —SATURDAY July Bth.
-At Toon, front Pier 44, North River.
Find Cabin..........•. 590 00
"to London. in 00 4 " to London... Se 00
" to Paris—Jed 00 " to Paris 49 CO
Passengers also forwarded to Havre. Hamburg. Bre
men.Aks. am, at moderate rates.
Puma by the melt steamers, sailing every Bator
day„Parable isiscdd. Passage by the mid .Week steam
.ersOar% la U. O. currency.
6 passage from Liverpool or Queenstown. $9O
sold, .or to equivalent. Tickets can be bought hers by.
persotorsending for their friends.
For. further inforMation apply' at the Company's
Offices: - D. DALE, Agent, _
. Jen tlyi. 111 WALNUT Street. PhDs..
PHIA STEAMSHIP LIU. stillog from Gook
sort on SATIIMMAIS, from trot wharf above PIMP
Knot, Yhdodtaptdo, oat Lono Wharf. Bodo&
The staamsltip NAXOS, Cast. Mattionro t _ Win m
an fruit rbtladolptdo for Boston,_oagattirdis. Astylat.
id A.M.. and etemenhis goitium. OVA Dsser r _rrova
Mahn for Ildladolldtfa, on the lams day at 4 P. AL .
Thom now sad enbelmathd eteerashMe form s regain
line, milling from meth port retnetaidly on detardsim
laitaranosa •tSIN4 at olio-half ►he Iniedui theetet
oaths venal&
neigh% taloa at fair tato!.
Lltyntliqa_at.osa leatipla aid Salk
of 7.aam~ "'"" ""'"
Art atatalit or Parissa taariarins sesomiodattalat ,
atoba BLOM Watson at 00.,
mai South naLLWAIII
11 ,041=‘, FOR ALBANY. AND .TROY,
Danvers, Muter, la now. loaning at 'AM 'f1.11,11 below
gnrace street for the above points, and .t.t Hem oz
For height, whit& will be taken on resionabla.ternin,
only to D. L. FLANAO4O. Agora,
Je46.14 304 South DEL/MARI Avenue.
ad igga ... NEW TOW , BOLT LINE.
SMEAR TOW- COMPART4 —Harm ToffoS talma
from PhladelpLia. Havre de Ofmta,__Battimors.
Ington, and modiste polsta. we. P. OMR 4
Asonta, fa*,,l4llOllTH WHARVES. PhHadalptila,
Capt. JOHN TAPSHLIII. Superinteadost. i.O Mal
WASH= . Via Oh•q• _ • sad 4111110
Mom Is int 'WIWI a vsj .
livery AT sAA SATO a?. . iiiatti
Pig t mai to Arm* W .i. Itia - D1
_filk•_„. ,
14 NoralidilonSk Wlitarm_o44 l .: - Aal DAVII*
Geortilagra.D.O. i PhoWiss 6 , et•lwsi. Alumina
Vs: • ' ab 14433
NOTI .-4011 NN .
v W
lekarillad an
rt. iumul
an lam DAIL . wiarf Wow
at !wept& P. IL •
. p. 01.4D11 &QO. ICA WHANNWIrkiII.
R iw Tom
2,000 d.ou. Souistro /goat.
SOO " o
MO • 7 4 mou,
" Mutton.
1,000 " do Turks,.
1.000 " do Woks*.
1 1 00 e " lasortok Son 1. LWIII. eau.
Tor by wmpIAKEI.
fasAt WI South WAIT= Strut. •
.111WELRY PLAVI. alarms% 804. at
Joiss & oo a
Corm TRIED oat OASICILL Btu.. below Lamm',
ix an%
as via
a kap isrifaT at
' Vilna* ..ta..
MIMI elver' re
BERM Nos. 23f. •ad 234 MARKE4r titte:tOt
AND MARS PM DRY (loops ' 4 4,4
We w w, hold a 'ergo sale of %Utah, fi r ,..
ran and Domestic Ply floods, by catmog e4. .
month"' credit and pars for wale. O)3 Lt
June bitlh. embracin U g about MO pasksges es/
staple and fancy armies In vr oolleuer ilse,;"g
tons elak and wonted,, tOlf kWh Ore incit e testlon or dealer..
—bannios of the earn. Win be armle s s
alninatlon, with eatelognes. earJr oe
sale. when deairre will dad it to Weir intersatietile
Brett A 01) 1)01in - flu DRY G toirs"`
Included p a rtU sale of TWEIRSDaY, Jane
be found in the lot leo i n ,. T u .
beam brown and bleached rourlirs and drub,
—bales scarlet twilied, and shirting
asses anreetjeene, mariners' strty e,
—owe blue cheeks tiske stripes, dainty, 4 , 1 q,
—cases aingimms cam nrirs. rarttonads,
cares 84 end 64 Hi ea
de Park rtles eig iae TYL
apes fS4 &eland Co Rob Soya 't
?MOH mall. gavel tnerPs
f' Tait° RS' GOO
French sloths, doeskins, massimeres. dispe l ,*
tons, Italian clothe, tale de Alines Wince, r i , ' l / 1 4
1.1 0001)4
Shirting Noy. Spanish, and biouselinens.
Ducks. drills, curers crab diaper Mossier Moo
Double damask table clothe, ank
r ins, totre.ii
DRIPM rfOODS ' ° K 4 ,
Fads de brines, mozsmblianee, lieoe, All de c'a
gressalises, alpacas, mot atm molasses, ais etrq
area grains crop de ri& testa& gnu&
de merles, fully AM, fro ms sofa, tt ,,
Alen. spagem silk tomktlika. ttemelling shi r t, h ow
gloves, eon turtlav , llB. iswiits i , ti e 41 1,
goods, swipes dere, notiOnit amt is, s ine
eh MPS
Also, aline of berate and, other carpetin g ,.
-m- TIONXIES. Ea 240 DARKS? Street.
writigy GoOtim. 1101634.
GOODS, Act., by 041t00111%
Jana 28Ib, Oommonclng at 10 s'elook, aqm prhu
about 7(0 lots desirable toed, , Wbtih I/4°1410,404
buyers Is in riled.
Included (Wade on Wednesday en tarot's rf sotto,
new styles embroidered Simonet edgings, tuner dag.,. 4 '
Bouncing, for first. Mare clto duos (
BONlBigg €BB.
Also the entire Velem* of a stock of honest ribbin
an d millinery. goods. comprising the most chola% tza
desirable glades. Boa. C-11
db., black silk *sleet ribbons; tenet/Bus, arigichl
flows... +stain.. eilttnecn, tartklotts,,ta,
r•• Tv .111/1.1. - Z
an invoice or reitin , s acd boys' Cantu am
ck 81. mg two; boinstg L enst. r tuv at.)
into 'stilts', sectO, mid childtenrs•coitott heals
nod gloves, hoop skirt., corsets, head nets. not oc k
voil, k spool co,ton, shawls, dross goodsi. stook ma,
dc . ara
525 MARKSI and 525 00151111505 %resit
CLOSING BALE OF TDB 1311.180 N OP 11400 019 on
We will eell. eataletne t _fortath. on
THUnnO a 1 /110551NG,
Jane 292 t, sominenela t i v",w
a.yo. am" yos • . ILMe Ml mnts.;
gaiters. grippers. we.. age l
with a d
s.t.tairaable: lawrimaii
af •
oislla • w-
. Nom. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street,
Potato sale of Beal Botato std Stooks, WOW k
dingo every In.aday, at 12.0 alolc, aura:moths bad
nen spig9g, sa Jul" and Ausfed only 0401111101311111111,
Pale at Wes 189 and 141 Seat& Fourth street,
SOON TEItIIIsDAY 41.01111110 G,
At a o'clock, at the auction store. supplier forsitore
tine Preach plate mirrors, !son cheat, this eaepsts &
• 4:1..
dm Also. a /Me Aar.
QUARTgagSgran Ongymas.'s OFFIEII,_
WASHINOTON, 1): 0., June 9,
By direction of the Queste,master General. there will
be sold, at public auction. tO the Waist bidder. Ai the
times and places named below. vi::
WILMINGTON, TBURb DA2. June ft 1916.
PITTeBORO, PA.. TillPtiler, June 27, 1 8 95
BABBIBBLIBG. , ST, June 20. 1966.
Two hundred 818171011,173L8 MULES at each pleat
Many of them were bought in the beginning of iii
war as young mules, accompanied the assets in
the it marches and camps „ and are thoroughly broke,
hardened by exercise, gentle and familiar &maiming is
long surround , d by the sadism.
Though sound and serviceable. they are no longer re.
nutted in the $llll7, and can be purchased at these nib
at ter less then their true value. The attention or both
miners and hareem' to especially tallied,
Mules sold singly. Bales to *commence at 10SL.Y.
Terms—bash, In 'United States eurreney
Brevet Brigadier Genera,
in *barge First Division Q. XL
WASHINGTON, D. 0., Julie 1.1860.
ty direction of the Quartermaster General. there will
b. sold at public &notion, to the highest bidder, at tie
time and plate named below, 'via;
ourgßoß t p, D , O _ tdoNDA.Y.. Japan IS6
GIESBOR.O D 0., rATURD tY June 17. BE,
GIHSBORO, D C., MODi itY, June 19, 1806,
Government stables Washington. street wharf,
GinsBORO. D 0., MONDAY, June 26. IRE,
YITT4BURG, PA., SATURDAY. July 1, lid%
algeßOßo, D. 0., SATURDAY. July 1, D 361,
Two Hundred Serriesable Draft Morass at each
An opportunity to purchase a inverter elms of Draft
Hones, at far less than their true value, is now AMNIA
to the public, The animas. though coned' and WV*.
ere no longerrequired in the army, and magi W
sold. The attention of managers of city r4 l lr6adi
of manufactories le especially called to these sales.
Horses sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. X
Terme—Cash in United States currency
Steamboat for Washer° will leave Seventh• erred
wharf, Washington, every hour from Si M. to 6P. al
Brevet Brigadier General in charge,
First Division. Q. H. G. G.
Queforeamemont Gsnansz.'s OFFICE.
Will be Bold at public mullion, td Memel blettfi
at Oiesboro, D.C. on
ESIDAT,June 2, 1
TUE4DaY, June 5, 1 % 5,
of each week thereafter during the month-of Jane, 1200,
Tor road and fuming purposes many good bargains
mar be had.
Horace sold sluary. Sale to comment. at 10 Ak.
Terms sash. in United States currency.
Steamboat for Glosboro will leave Seventhqdreet
WbArf. WashintiON. 'my pear from 9 A - . 15 1, to a P.
mug A MIN,
Erevet Brigadier General in sharps Ist Dlrlelos,
later General's 0111.86. jeValit
FIRST D1P18108,...
WMll[lB4l'Boll OITY. May 99, ono.
Will be cold at public auction, to the highest Mat,
at the times andglues named below, viz.:
June 7. nab.
June 160985, _
PITTSBURG. PilirititA i lkld, THURSDAY.
BALTIMORE. A l int e A l litO , WEDNESDAY.
Inns m. 1E66,
at each place.
For road and tanning nturnmies many goo& bengal
ra tt y o=4llDY. Bales to commence at 10 A. E.
Terme—cach, in United Hates currency.
chareeitflOgariirt. 0.
DHPOT OF. Vp.tentliClTOSt
WASHINGTON, D. C.. Joue.l7. 1851
Will be sold at pn bite auction. under the direction of
Brevet Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, A G. M., n.d.
at the Government Mill. situated on Entreat. Warns
Twenty first and Twenty-second streets, in the INT tt
.Wachienton 1). 0., about,
which have been used in public navies.
The hornets wilt be sold In cluS4 seta.
About 1.500 WAGONS. which will be old singly it
the Wished bidder
The sate or vrecous will commence on,Wlil)Xl c iD sT,
Sane 88. 18(114 11) 'o'clock A. At.. With let of about
four hundred; at a point. teeth °Mho litkilyoad part.
sear the terminus of Mew York. sienna rittrat. IT 4
after their sale la completed the ramble er will be 10P.
on 0 street east. between Fourteenth and Fitting.
attest& near the Lincoln. Hospital. The aide of Ni'.
sees will commence on THURSDAY. June 39, 1861, ti
10 o'clock A. M
The *ale of Waimea and Harnesa wilt continue, Ot
alternate dans. Ontil the whole nuanberis sold.
Terme cash, in. Government funds.
The. attention oC bnyetele called to thelarge side 0,
mum.. isomineneed• on Illend&Y. NSF 22. lata. I°4
which /4 ellll being aontinued, from dateadar.
D 'fl. RiNtsget,
Brig. Gen. and Chief gruurtartaacter.
Depot of
WASHINGTON. D. 0 ..may tt
Of et public saleat•Weeddhaion.
The sales will ecostbsoo new tit &number of 01 1110
'is sedheed nronortlan to the nommen or the atones.
now going 611TitoldIN,
' There es In. the armies of IthePefewas, of 011,1;
'Walt = d rub i ltdi ° T ty
Many or *hem ware bought., to the Iseemdirt
WIT, &II YoIUIS mutes, SeloOiwaNfed the arm ell in
e t
their =mattes end esIDPII, end ate thotOliglay brotel.
hardened by ezerelse, genelts mad fendUar, from baid
so long marmot:led by the stailiere wa
The:whole South is etrieeed or tng gjogig, and
North also haeesifered from the dials efitubstals, tsot
to supply the armies.
These anneals are soldnatimlidiewestlont THEY VI
VALDE one inch ogoortardtles for farmers to
ifottiniantaaala to nook their foams. and fly 4 ,0 1
awl, iv e. 14 desk to mat good doocalptigMig .
puma is Gann and dlanc elan of Shwa bt.
MUlatovemeeens arida. M. O. MinGIF ,
crooßrevid ff Ttormute aeoemi,
.a .)ex""t,
IMIIR SALA --Several lirst•elass EMS& It;
side of Arch street, west of Nineteenth biased, 1, 40
in' au th• modern imprOventente. ADlr st 1 4 ,
IRON. fared. ie161.01,
( 1 $
ipalikllKLlA Street. above Polo:. Inquires ,
k ,ROUSON, No. 1.457 North RIFTS Bt.
of 1. 11 TiP with two well. shaded frame aid
stone NAURU 'thereon, Monte DillaWare 000,.!
within fifteen in motels walk of Swiss Rid gat ,/
on the Media Railroad. Thte. Mallen is withil tj"
/LOW' ride of Market. streelbridse.
A lam plastered tr am e rtOthat sad Mtge 110% 0 :A t t u ;
ate opposite the Sell Tavern. on the Darby Tot .1.0
earner of the eland road, in„ the Twsnly.tour ""
Twenty Ames of handsomely 'Ablated 1454 tia t ei
Pennsylvania Ragroad, within Utast mlaeltido
Marbes street brie's. Aims to the shy MI v.;
amen a day, by the ens domdmt_on the
to 80. a Pi. gaLln
JedB4t Convey unite 715 WAISVf stre
vim B. S. KARLBY,
iingarlainna wmatitAgrill
r. I. some TENTH Mil GUIDEWitt& Lvi
A. MARV Sinet ß , above Nago6o o ,
. atter thirty Taus vra*Ml l 1&.1,
M rs &V I I
e s st a kI f I P: e l A u g itsl of lug'
ihoplder pa orgasms, at
ilpapiesals bougastgri vs a. Lady
0 01
ds and rower. d od y for -ipi
sad NN* bat found to =Mien ot:
the Parlor awl Drawlas Zoom rove 1 1 1 6 0 1 4
Re. 12Derthriall"P
amtreaufa h lolOlWAS OC I M Mast " 114