The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 21, 1865, Image 3
SPECIAL NOTICES, Vann. BY THE BARD OF TOWER RAM. Trifles, we're told, t, thosejmalons Made impolsoeed like Othello's, Aie COB ,ation ettOng, finite strops enough to Mate them do 'What And afterwerds Ogg dearly - me. what le areal Wrong, klood Omerala afore has truly amid That life is most of trifles made, And CO. from little Maze, Ae nil to casual sluice appear,. We and. while we re sojourning here. Our rrief or pleasure springs. Fut what are trifles? Vast mistakes egg :ace upon this ittbiect makes home show rest scan 1 r dreve— Drug. which to beauty, gives new chatial. And eft th' OfreDl3iVeliettl disarms Of downright naness; 'Dress, reveals tke wearer' .and onwhich whieb often has been bated tante. The stepping Moue of power; Them whose Advantage you will know :an fral, if for your clothes you'll. gu t Henceforth, to Bennett's Tower ! ad airindeoresdes.andAises of elothing,men'a.youthe to owe, e/ / prat& front sedtum to auperfine. Al. hough our males are Lugs and rapid, we have s fall ad toinplete assortment, new and fashionable, which b e ing replenished daily. Our prime, .being baeed I na the lowest market rates of the season, we Lower lan the lowest elnetohere. do examination invited. TOWNE HALL, Ao. 515 MARKET Street. BENNIITT & 00. TER EXQUISITE "EMAIL DE PARIS." I. the general exodus from town to the eolintry and les shore. ladies should add to their toilette case Until de Paris,"which will effectually prevent fresh - - he, tan, and the discolorations caused by the salt air, k e eping the Skill clear, soft and white. Mears and soldiers whose faces have been bronzed by long-con. tinned exposer° will Ind " Email de Parisi will re store the skin to more than its original purity and whiteness. "lasi' de Paris" is. especially indorsed by Miss Lucille Western, Mile Vegetal, Mrs. D • P. Sowers. and other celebrated actresees, whose position render* their Judgment unerring and valuable. Sold by ell proget.t.. Perfumers, and Hairdresser°. Or.. dere by men should be addressed to Joni) & DELL miladelphia, who, upon application, will send siren. ism to any address. jegi-awe-tf GRAY HAIR, OR WHRRR THE HAIR IS NO DISCOVERY CAN COMPARE WITR TEE "London Hair Color Ristorer and Droning." "London" Gray "Hair Color." "London" "Hair Color." "London" Hair " Hair Color." '•London". Hair Color." "Leaden " Changed 1 ‘ Hair (30.07. ' • "London "Hair Color." "London" without "Hair Color." "London" ' 'Hair Color." "London " Dyeing "Hair Color. " "London" "Hair Color." Reuss THE HAIR S'OPT, GLOSSY, AND LUXURIANT. SEEPS THE &ALP CLEAN, COOL, AND HBALTRY. lie -washing or preparation 'before Or after its use; ap• 1 . - yied by the hand or soft brush; does not stain the shin particle. or soil anything; just what has long been Deeded Produces a delightful sensation, that makes it r real pleasure to tee it. For rertoring Gray Hair to 10 original lifelike aPpstrrance. and prodnoinF a new growth on bald •pots. WE CHALLENGE THE WOOL Torrence it equal. Price, 75 cants a bottle; six bot tlc4. ri. Eeld at Dr. SWAYZE'S, 330. North Dal% Dutet, above Vine • it Aer 1027 WALNUT STREW., office of Dr. TOF moKEZISKIR, for the treatment of Shelly°, &or, Th it tu:t,laum Mseates and Catarrh, with hie al:Tanta& THE GALLANT HEROES OP THE UNION , THE GALLANT HEROES OP THE UNION, THE GALLANT HEROES OF THE UNION, THE GALLANT HEROES OF THE UNION, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING A. 7.“/ ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OP OBTAINING IND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING. CLOTHING OP TEE BIGHT RIND, CLOTHING OF THE RIGHT KIND, CLOTHING OF THE EIGHT RIND, CLOTHING OF. THE EIGHT KIND, AT RIGHT PRISES, AT RIGHT parcEa, AT RIGHT. PRICES, AT RIGHT PRICES, ARE INVITED TO CALL ON MESSES, PERRY & Co., ARE INVITED TO CALL ON MESSES. Pater & CO. ARE INVITED TO CALL ON MESSRS PERRY & CO., - ARE INVITED TO CALL ON ME.SES. PERRY & CO.. No. 303 CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE THIRD. rJo. SCS CHESTNUT STREET. (Graaville Stokes' Old Stud), and S. B. CORNER SEVENTH AND MARKET BM. CJobeel. 0.--The beet assortment of limos, end Create Coat. to be found in the city. Also, every variety of Inen MIRY & PERRY & CO.. PERRY & CO.. PERRY & Co., So. 303 etrawrErr STREW.. •sOVE TRIED. Jo 600 CEEsTrurr ST.. (Granville Stokes' old stand.) S. B. COT. EISYSSTS and M.A3XST STREETS. (Jones'•) iel9 5t BOYS' CLOTHING, BOYS' CLOTHING, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, 80, s' Clahing. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing , Boys' Clothing, Boy.' Clothing, Bop.' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. In every variety. In every variety, In every variety, In every varietr. In every variety. In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety. In every variety. In every variety, At H. L. Hello Well & Son's. At H. L. Hallowell & Bon's, At H. L. Hallowell*. Son's. At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's. At H. L. Hallowell dz Son's. 634 Market street, 534 Market street, 63. Market street, 534 Market street, 634 Market street, Age Market street. 631 Market etrest, 634 Market street, 634 Market street, 684 Market street, 634 Market street, 564 Market street. bPECian 'Norms —We have the Latest and beet as. ported stork of. Ready•made Bore' Clothing in the city, out in the Welt styles. and madeln the heel man ner. H. L. HALLO WELL & SON, jel4• wait 534 MAJIKST Street. LIFE, GDowss, AND BEAUTY TO VIZ FLAIR —MRS. 8 A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORBR AND DRESSING. Try IL Soli by all Druggist.% my27-awBt ARMY ITCH, TETTER, SCALD HEAD, SALT RHEUM-ALL ERUPTIONS. "Dr. &amine's. ALLAYS ALL Ointment." "Dr. Swayne's Prerixe Ointment." "Dr. Stsayse'S. AT OSSE. Ointment." • Po case so obstinate or long standing atoll not ante. Price 60 center sent by mall for 80 omits. Dr. Swersit fi haw 330 North SIXTH Street. ' It JONEIV.—SOLDIERS RFALTIMINI3 HON; You want a good. sobstantial, cheap, and Dm Mynah's snit of Citizens' Clothing. Go to Tones' OLD ESTATILISHID ODE PIMP, - CLOTHING HOURS. 601 MARKET Prazn. iel6.lm ADOVP. SIXTH. box STILT Privrtrims, which may be raked or lowered so as to make long or abort steps. and Iron Quoits and Dumb-Bella for sale by TRUMAN & BHA~V, No 83rr (Bight Thtrtyfivel HAMM &mat. below Ninth. ILLIMINATING CAKDLESTICICS, for the Fourth of July. may be obtalnea, in a variety of styles. of TRUMAN & SHAW. /to. 835 (light nifty. flue) N.SERIT Meet. below Ninth. It PErens's MOTII AND FEROXLE LOTION.— Chteams, or Nothratch (also called Li rerapot), and Lentil.), or Treckles, are often very annoying, particu larly to Maim of light complexion, for the discolored spots chow more plainly on the face of a blonde than of a brunette; but they greatly mar the beauty of either, and any preparation that Will effectually remove them, :oitleotet injuring the texture or color of the skin, ill certainly a desideratum. Dr. B. C. Pamir, who has made diseases of the skin a speciality, has discovered a remedy for these discoloration which% at ones prompt, Infallible, and harmless, Wholesale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON, ROLLO vrAy, & COWDSN, 23 North SIXTH Street, and by prOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street Prepared oniv by B. Cl. PERRY, Delnatolollll4 Ito. 49 Bold street, New Tort, and for male by all Draggling. Price, $2 ger bottle. Call for PERRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. For further Information address Dr. B O. PERRY, 4-9 BOND-Street, JEW YORK. i,7 wimace HAM DYE ! HATE DYE I BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE is the best in the world. The only true and perfect Dye—harmless. instantane ous, and reliable: produces a splendid Black or Natural Brown; remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. and fn. queerly- restores the original color. Bold by all Drat- The tannins is signed W. A. BATOBELoW, as EAULAY Street, Hew York. ja2-mwlls A WORD BEFORE, TOO LATE.—ARE YOU troubled with Headache, Heartburn, Constipation. Dia- UPSs aft e r gamcg, Poor Memory, Low Spirits. Pain in the Back, Great Weakness, Bad Breath, or any other symptom of that horrid nightmare disease, HMOs% if so. lose no time, but procure a bottle of PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify. strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet,' They overcome effects of dissipatim and late hours. l'heT strengthen the system and enliven the mind. ' They Prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. They vitrify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They curs 'Dyspepsia and C motivation. They care Dlaubtsa and Cholera Mortals. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. No change of diet is necessary While using PLANTA, 2:01.1 BITTERS. Bat the best your money will buy and all your stomach craves of it. FLA:crams BITTERS strengthen the stomach anti re store Its healthy action. You wilt find them jell 8t PALATEAELE. Itaa. and RELIABLE. ITCH. (WRICATOR76) ITCH. SALT immix (orKTMENT) BALT nwisnX. Win rate the liett ha 48 hones. Also, ewes WA Sham Plums, Chilblains, and all gravitons of the BEE Prise 60 state. By sandhog so sent* to WEEKS & POT TER, BOSTON, Mum., will be forwarded ties br tnall or salts by all Druggists. mhlB•ea BTBINWAV & Soule S. FfFill PIANO For sale Only at BLOM& BROTHBI/0% 1006 ORES NOT Street. ETIGGEsTrox No. 1. Which is the best place for me to buy my clothing ? To decide this question. so often asked, we Would res. hissifoUy suggest a careful comparison of prices, styles qnslitiss of the best oleos Chestnut and Market t ' oot, ' l ' 4 / 4 g establishments, confidently believing hat the Noels will find that we offer greater Indaca- Snente In extent of assortment, style of garments. and moderation in pike, than can be found anywhere else. k WS in not the me, we will not ask your patronage. WANIMAKER & BROWN, Popular Clothing Hones and Merchant Tailoring Establishment, i 624). tt 1 3. E. annex EIIXTH and NAliKla Fltreate. Carmen, (COG Wallin.) CLOTHES WRINGS/. at minced prices. G. W. LOOMIS, 27 South SIXTH St.. rbilsdelphbr, /a. jel6 fmw lm 27. GAS COOKING STOVES. 27. Cheaper than Itoal or Wood Eagle Gal Cooltl ar Stoves And Ranges. G. W. LOOMIS, 27 Booth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. I eltl•rmet lm CARRIED. HEEIP—BIGELOW.—In St. Luke's Murat., Germantown, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. B. Wis. ter Mono, Gwyene Harris Heap, of l'illiadelphja, to Josephine P. Bigelow, of Cincinnati. DIED. PBITNEE.—On 19th inst., after a long and pain ful Illness, Catharine. wife of William Pritner. The relatives and friends of the faintly, also Wreath of Friendship Nee l, Ancient Order of Fe male Druids, also Broad street Independent Bene ficial 11mi:dation, ere respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her husbard'al residence, No. 1535 Uallowhill street, on Thursday afternoon, 22d Met., at 4 o'clock P. M. A kind and faithful wife, an affectionate and loy. ing_tuother. ** MIL& ER.—On the 20th lust., Mrs. Mary, wife of Wm. B. Milner, in the 60th year of tier age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her hue, band,` No 1319 Pine street, on Thursday afternoon, at 334 o'clock. REMIOII.—On the 20th inst., William Remick, late Alderman, son of Mary Ann and the late James Bemiek, In his 38th year. Hie relatives and male friends, also Lodge No. 211 A. Y. Ift. are respectfully invited to attend his on Friday, the 2841 inst., at 9 o'clock P. 71., from his late residence, 529 Diliwyn street. *** YOUNG.—On the 18th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Young, wife of Wm. John Young, aged 27 years. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 00 Federal street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ** CRESSON.—On the 18th inst., after a lingering iliness, near Burlington, N. J., Jacob Cresson, in the 88th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family'are respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residemie of his brother-in-law, J. W. McAllister, NO. 741 South Ninth street, on Wednesday, the 21st Met, at 2 o'clock P. M. . ** COOKE.—Suddenly, on the morning of the 18th instant, Thomas J. Cooke, in the 29th year of his age. His relatives and male friends are invited to at tend the inners!, from his late residence, 521 Powell street, on Wednesday afternoon, the 2151 instant, at 2 o'clock . Services at St. Joseph's Church. ** COMLY.—On the 18th lust., Ethan Uomly, aged 81 years. His relaticeil and friends and those of the family are invited to attend his funeral, on Fourth-day morning, 21st inst., still o'clock, from his late resi dence, No. 221 North Seventeenth street, without further notice. *** fot.LAcK ENGLISH GRENADINEB...... I- , Just received, a CHM of Black Englfah Grenadines, at 40 tents a yard. BESSON & SON. Mourning Store, 91S CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prieto Invisitt figures. otylll BLACK OHALY DE LAINE.—JUBT (amnia, one ease of main black Chilly de Mines. at 3731 vents a yard. BESSON & SOL lionratne Store, 918 OHESTRUT Strad. One price Prices in plain figares 'myld pro ADDBESS HON. WM. D. KELLEY, CONOERT HALL, TEMRSDAY EVENING, June $9 ( 1856, 8 o'clock. Subject, " Safetroarde of Personal Freedom." Tickete, Fifty Ceuta, to ha had at door. jel.9 46* IM - r° PRESIDENT PETROLEUM( CO][ PANT. BROADWAY, Jaw York. June 17, 1885. A special =eating of the Stockholder* of this company will he held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, On THURSDAY, tke..29th Of this month, at one o'clock P. 111., whonbusinese of importance will b• prtsented. By order of the Board of Directors J. EDWIN CONANT. .1.32191 Secretary. lara. MEETING OF THE ALUMNI OF .. The Divinity School of the Protestant APls coml. Church, in Philadelphia," will beleld on WED• fiESDAT EITEDILSG, June 21, 1865, in the parlor of the Institution, Thirty-ninth and Walnut streets. West rhiladeiphis. Those who cannot be present are re• apoottony invited to sonitnnnicate by letter• w WSELECT ISMADINIGS AND Er, • CITATIONS BY JOHN 111.•_SMITH. AT CENTRAL PR'ESBYTERRIAN CHURCH, LOMBARD mow, BELOW NINTH. • WEDNEBDAY EVENING, Rine Met, AT TACHED TO THE BENEFIT OF THE SUNDAY 80H001.AT TACHED TO THE CHURCH. • TICKETS, E 5 MTS.—To be had of the teachers or scholars. and at the door on the alumina of the Recita tions. Doers open at 7% o'elook. Reading; commence at 8 o'clock. It* DAVPRIN AND COLORADO GOLD amer MINIUM COMPANY. —This Company is now vigorously at work With a force of experienced miners extracting ore. Their water power is ample. and 00 soon as their Stamping Mill is completed the separation of the metal will be commenced. To effect this, a par- Hsu of the shares of the Working Capital are offered for sale at the original low price of THREE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS each, payable in instalments. The great Railroad from et. Louie to Kansas is to be completed in July, and connects with the railroad up the Kansas river towards Pike'eFeak and Denver City. This toad from St- Louis up the Kansas river will ever be favorite route to Colorado and New Mexico—espe cially during the inclement season of the year. In Silly (or August at farthest) the completed road, in a direct line from St. Route to the COLORADO OOLD MINIS, will measure three hundred and fifty Miles In length, Ana will greatly facilitate the business of the gold re gion, Vast deposits of the Dr/W.Olll Mehl lie Waiting to be lifted from their bed, and those who now embark in this business , will soon be rewarded with abundant re. turns for their investments. Call and get a prospectus at the office of the General Subscription Agent. WM WAY6E. Wo 16 BANS Street, .b 321 west Stock and Note Broker, 'UNIVERSITY OF PENNSLVANIN, (WI/LIND/ST OF ANTS). The Examination of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Masses, at the dole of the Third Term, will be Bela to the follow Mg order: NY SWOP SDAP 21ct. —From 20 to 12. Juniors/. by Prof. Frazer. (Elect and the Stearn Enlaine,) oral. From 12 to 2, sephonforee, by Prof. Kendall, (analytical Hearne try. ) written. TarraslLAY. 22d. —Piero 10 to 12, Juniore. by Prof. (Theeeritus.) oral. From 12 to 2 Sophomores, by rya onozorstry or the Mutate,) and Fresh men, by Prof. liesdall, (Geometry,) written. P.SIDAY, 234. —Prom 10 to 12, Juniors, by the Pro vost, (Moral Philosophy,) of al. Prom 12 to 2, Sopho mores, by Prof Ooppee. (Universal Literature,) written. MONDAY, 26th. —Prom 10 toll, Sophomores, by Prof. Allan. (The Clouds of AristoPhanes• ) oral. From 12 to 2, Juniors. by nor. Nendedl, (Differential Writt”2 TUESDAY, 27th. —From 10 to 12. Freshmen. by Prof. Plutarch's Life of Demosthenes,/ ore. From 12 to 2. Juniore, by Prof. Jackson. (Juvenal, ) oral. WEDNESDAY. 28th. —Prom 10 to 12, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Horace's Odes,) oral. From 12 to 2, Freshmen, by Prof. CoppGe. (411 story ) oral. THUESDAY, 28th.—Prom 10to 12, F.eshmsn, by Prof. Jackson, (Horace' e Satires,/ oral. GEORGE ALLEN. 3e21.81 Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. Frar-CITY Or PHILADELPHIA, TUNE 19th. 1865 —Notice is hereby given to the Stock holders of the NAVY YARD. BROAD SPREST. and. PAMMOUNT RAILWAY COMPANY. that a meeting of the ntockliolders of said Company will be held at the office of said Corer Y.llO 110 Sou th POURTllStreetia the said city, on S D P MAY, the fifth day of inly,A. D 1866. at one o'clock P. al of that day, for the purpose of taking into consideration an agreement this day entered into by the Directors of said Company with the Directors and Managers of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth- streets Passenger Railway Company, for the °monde- Mon and merger.. f Company, With their corporate rights, property, powers,priyilegee,and franchises, into and with the acid Thirteenth and Fifteenth streets Pas eellger BlillwaY Company, according to the terms and eonditlone prescribed by said agreement. and a vote by ballot will then be taken for the adoption or rejection of said agreement. By order of the Board of Directors. 1.21.0t2t* mos J. PATrON, Proddent. ligr. CENT OF PHILAMELPIIIII I JUNE 19 h, Mt.—Notice is hereby given to the Stock holders of the THIRTEENTH ant FITTEENTIIe STREETS PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY, that a meeting of the Stockholders of said Company will be held at %beetles of the Company; No. 417 WALNUT Street, in said city, on WEDNESDAY, the flith day of July. A. D. 1866, at 12 o'eleck al of that day, for the purpose of taking into consideration an agreement this day entered into by the Directors of said COMDFUIP with the Directors and Managers of the Navy Tani , broad street, and Fairmount Railway Company for the sone soildatton and merger of said last named Company,with all their corporate rights, property, POllOlll, priViteims, and franchises. into and with the Thirteenth and Fif teenth streets Passenger lisilpray Company, according to the terms and condi ions prescribed by said agree. meat, and a vote by ballot will then be taken for the adoption or retortion of said agreement. By order of the Board of Directors. je2l-ye2t* PRICE J. PATTON, President. gar THIBMPIRSV ANNITAL 'cgs PHILADELPHIA. LYCEUR takes place on SATURDAY next. 24. h Ind. Bee future ad vertisements. iel7.smw3s. garLINCOLN lIICORAIMENT ASSa- CIATIOR. —infirm of the TWStirrY.F.IRST WARD are Invited to meet at the ROXBORODG LI CERN on WED/MD/a lIVRNIDD, Jane 21st, at 8 o'clock. The claims of the Association will be urged and several addresses delivered. D. RODNBT RIND, .3e20.2t. Chairman of Twenty•arst ward Committee. WTHE "FIRST ANNUAL MEETING el the Stockholders of the Crawford Sugar Creek 011 Company will be held at the aloe of the Company, No 206 South FIFTH Street. in the pity of Philadelphia. on NO.NDAY, July Sd. Mb, at 10 o'clock A. M. jel9•mwf•6t• GROEHE W. SHEPHERD, Sesretary UNION STATE CONVENTION.—A State 00/1101atiou will be head at Harrisburg on WEDNESDAY, the 19th Je1y.1865. at IS O'clock SI., for the p u rpott of putting 111 nomination a State ticket, to be supported by the friends of the tinlen at the cent= October election. The earnest and reeking labors of a loyal people se cured the great Victory in 1864, and made the war, which our enemies ditneanced as a Maze, a glorious success in 1866. . Our flax has been maintened, our enemies destroyed. our Government preeerved, and pease re. established. Let every friend who aided in this result take measures to be represented in that Convention. We must see to it that the fruits of our success are not lost to tee nation. Business of vast importance will be presented for its consideration, and every district in the Ehate should be represented. SIMON CAMERON. Chairman. A. W. BENEDICT. Wit!: FORNRY, Je s 1.1919 IIIgrOFFICE OF THE UNION PETRO. LEM COMPANY. 208 SonthrODETH Street. PHILADELI St o ckh o lde r s' 1865 An Adjourned Meeting of the of this Cota_pany will be hold at the office. on WSDNBSDAY, the Mit Instant, atl2 o'clock, noon. iel7.4t ISAAC LLOYD. President. I . T $ UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —B3OO GOVERNMENT BOUNTY to all Who enter the UNITED STATBIS MARINE CORPS. All-per sons desirous et obtaining the Ngq Government Bounty, had better enlist at once, for the bounty by a recent order, ceases from end after Jaiy lit, 1805. splendid onnortnnill to Visit foreign countries—a squadron or vessels to sell in a short flute for the Meat terra/elm—good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duty. For all further information. apply at the Recrniting Rendezvous, No. 311 South SUM Street. between 9A. M. and S o'clock P 11., every day but Sunday. JAMBS POMMY, 9t Captain and Recruiting Officer. WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL LIM new PrenehOommetis for beautifying and preserving the somplexlon. It is the most wonderful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, =gnu's, bismuth,nor tale in its somposition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax ; hence the ex traordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making h soft, /MOM, fair. and transparent . It makes the old ',pear young, the homely handsome., the handeorat gme beautiful, and the most beautifu l divine Prises 93 and 60 sent.. Prepared only by HUNT as (10., Per. !blears, 41 South SIOETEI Street. two doors above Chestnut and 133 South SEVENTH Street, &boys Walnut. AD M ARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN 0 ADWALA , DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern Distriat of Pennsylvania, in Ad xairaDY, to me directed. will be sold at public sale to the highest and best bidder for sash, at MIC STORE, No 142 North FRONT Street. on FAME, June 00th, 1965, atl2o'elook if. the resides of Cargo of the Steamer 131112M11 DA. consisting of 21 eases of Gavel rY Sabres; 10 cages. 400 reams, of Bank Note Paper; 1 case, 95 reams , of Foolscap. and LKO gross Gilt But tone- Also, tae residua of Cargo of Schooner MISR, consisting of 8 kegs of Canister rOWder. and 5 cases of ilinakets. Also s the residue of Cargo of Stegner DONE- GAL, consisting of 016 Sage of Cannon Powder, Sam- Phi at Store, 142 North PEON? Street. WiLLIAII MILLWARD. U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PHILADBLPBIA, J 111.814, /1355. lel4-Ett "HAVANA CIGARI3.—A GOOD VA EIBTT constantly In store and bond ,at lowest sash rates. S. ructuar 80118. tontlaus Sto. KO South 17.0 Er Ott•St• nOWLINGI3 FINE LIBRARY EDI- TmON. LIVE OE' JTIL.IIIIS C2ESAR. of this pork, printed from elegantlyold type, heavy paper, and bound in 11 A: I n P *e a s el p ° e r d e 'lli xlit o r n a , neatly loop Oth OW ready. - Priess3. no. bowel In caper WE% 11/10 ready. trice Si. For sale by all Booksellers in this place. bent free, by mall, on receipt of price. A. DOWLING, m724•Prfmlm 65 NASSAU Street. SEW lroltS. NEW BOOKS OF THE SEASON. OMPHEtra O. ERRE PAPERS—A THIRD bßlivres *Me rondo 'writings of the Immortal Military Critic, Or pheus C. Kerr. A now volume even /more funny than its predecessors. Price, Shao, LOOKING ABOAND.—A new and excellent novel by A. S. Rae, anther of " Long book Ahead,'' " True to the Last," etc. Prise, $1.60, WTLEEE'S BAND —A Erst. class now English lionel by bberldan Le Farm author of " finals halm.' etc. Price, EL M. Palry.Pingers—Mrs. Mowatt's new et. Phillips—New novel by author " Rutledge " 175 Hugh Worthington—Mrs Holmes' new novel... 160 Mary Brandagee—A new " Woman's novel "... 176 Superior Fiehing—Roosevelt'snewsportingbook. 2 Lovers and Thinkers—A new 1 60 Al! handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mall free. on receipt of price. by ie7•wstt CARLETON. Publisher. New Pork. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO, B'Y fessont Miller and Limn—new edition. ALCOHOL, its Place and Power, by James Miller, M. D., late Profeeeor of Surgery in the OnlVereity of Edinburg. TOBACCO, its Hee and Abuse, by John Liam, M. D. A new edition of the above. bound in one volume, !net leaned. Price Si. IN PRIPARA.TION. NARCOTICS AND WHOM abiTd, by Wm. Ainslie, M. D., in one volume LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Bookeellers, No. BO South SIXT El Street. ien Above Chestnut LOOKING AROUND.-TELIB EXCEL- A-A LENT, Dew domestic novel, which is selling 80 raniasy. is by A. 808, the popular author of "A Long Look Ahead." " True to the Last , " " The Star ' ' and Cloud, " I've been Thinking. ' &v. jel4 w(nlOt CAIILE TON, Publisher, New York. fIRPREUS C. KERR'S NEW BOOK is a third series of his humorous and exquisitely satirical comments and laughable hits at the prominent military and political events of the day. Everybody is langbing over it. CARLETON, Publisher, iel4-vrtrelet New York. FAIRY FINGERS—MRS. MOWATT'S Bri Nan, Novel is haTtni tremendow , nide. It 18 an admirably wrougm taiNazia enchains the stten• Lion of the reader from beginning to end. 01 /LUTON, PubliMier. New York. my3l wfuitOt NBW BOOKBI FOR SUMMER =AWNS t .Tnet teCand 1,7 ASEMIAD & • (Hazard's old stand), No. 724 onwarrrr Street. . . MIRAMICHI. Another new novel ON GUAND. A Novel. By Annie Thomas. THI GAY WORT/l i p. By the author of " Faith Cartmoy's Girlhood. WILDER'S HAND. By the author of "Uncle Silas." LOONiD(I ABOUND. Roe. 'A SON OF THE SOIL A Novel. o.ltPii BUS 0. HEIM PAPERS. Third Series. CANADA: Its Defences, Condition, and Resources Using a second and concludin volume of " M y Diary, North and South . By W. Ho g ward Rime% L. L. D. HOUSEHOLD POEMS. By Henry W. Longfellow, with illustrations by . Gilbert, Tooter, end Absolon. LORD DSRBI 'II ILIAD OF HOMER,. The amen con edition just ready. As handsomely printed as the English. 2 vole . crown Svo. FINYDDIVE3 HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 vols. 12mo. LIFE C L EVERso, By Forsyth. TDB WOMAN OF THE FAMILY. By Miss Tonga. author of 'Heir Dedeffe,.. &e. BEATER:IN. Ey Julia K a ivanah. STRICKLAND'S LIVIIs OF THE QUERNS OF &NO LAND. Complete in 6 vole. PUY'S DIARY, in 4 vols. and other new volumes of Bohn's Library, at low prices Philadelphia, Pa., JUST PUBLISHED t, DV.. BOARDMAN'S THANKSGIVING AND P AST DAY SERMONS. THE PEACEMAKERS. IL THE PEACE WE NEED AND HOW TO SECURE IT. Pabllshed and fox sale by JUNES 8. CLAXTON, Success" S° W iioSo jell APPLETON'S NS W AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.—CompIete in 16 volumes. Variotts Styles of Binding. lEBBLLION BBOORD, by Frank Moore , In 8 vols. hiBRIVALI'Id HISTORY OW TECO BONABB—now somplete. The Agency for these valuable workr Ist at lioutb SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. **LW' JAS. IL SUWON. RUGBY CLASKCAL AND ENGLISH .j " AOADEML 1226 OBBSTNIrf STEEDS, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established in SW TIMBER NEXT, is destined to rival the best schools of this country, and of England in Os system of instrae. lion and discipline, and in the fullness of its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be flitted to take high stand in their class. and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim. also, to prepare young men for business or professional life. Circulars, with fail information, *an be had at 1226 Ohestnut street. DDW. CLARENCE SMITH. A. M.. Principal. REFERSNOMS. —Caleb Cope. Egg., Hon. Wm. D. Hello,. Hon. Jos. Allison. Alexander Whilldin. Egg.. Thema" rotter,D l g.. A. H. Francisca., Bag., H. P. M. Birkin bine, Etaq. myl6Anwf4m* NO VAOATIONS. -PREPARATION for Balinese Life. Instruction in Boolr.keepini s is all its branches, Penmanship. Commercial Calculi. lions, Business Forma' ac_, at CRITTENDEN'S COmMERCIAL COLLEGE, _ 631' ,CHESTNUT prim!, eq. of Sev,e4n. Teleriaphini, by both fionnd and Paper Inetrnmenta. Students received at any time, and inatrncted sopa. retain at anah honra as may best snit their conve nience. - . "ie9.l2t• i-ft FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The suberribers would invite attention to MIT IMPROVED Out OF SHIRTS, Shish they =he a speeialty in their businem ENO, tonatently resolving NOVELTIES FOE GENTLEMEN'S WWI. J. W. SCOTT Bo CO.. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No, 814 CHESTNUT Street, faSdyFour doore below the Oontinental. p R EMOVAL: GEO. W. WATSON & co. 'have removed their CARRIAGE EXPOSITORY to their old place, 1!o. 1119 CHESTNUT street (under Concert Eall).where they will keep a stock of Curium of their own make, and will resolve orders for every description of Stet class work. Jurtr. 7. 1666. ie7-31a REMOVAL. WILLIAM ILIENALU Hue Samoyed from Mo. 10X0 to No. Isms ORM NUT. Street, e. Z. comm. of THIETIJINTH striet. Where he invitee the attention , Of howsereepers, anf those eorenletieigg honeekitepleg, to his extensive It sortment of useful ROUSE FIIRNIEIRIREI GOODS, Napalor Refrigerator■, Table Cutlery. Fittatly Hard ware. Oisilerea's Carriages. Ike, Am. ap34•Sia VSTATE OF JOSEPH CORSON, DE -LA C/IMlED.—Letters teetameatary on the estate of TOREPR CORSON, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. haying been granted to the undersigned, ell pergone indebted to said estate will please make pa's meatmeet, and those haying Iroise present them , and A, S CORSON and WM WINDGIL Er eentora. giy24-utt* Onthrienville. Chester Co. . Pa. CCO A L .—BIJOAR LOAF„ BEAVER MEADOW and Spring Mountain Labia Coal, sad beet Lomat' Mountain, from fiehuylkill, prepared ix. prewar ler fancily nes. Depot. i< W. corner BIONTII and WILLOW Strada 01111e.No. 11A South 81300111 D Streat. J. WALTON bi 00, CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of tan lam stock of The assortment Is complete. 080. J. HENEEI.S. le2l-2m SOO and. 81.1 CHESTNUT St CIORRELIIIS WENDELL. .I.sUl Public Printer WENDELL & WATSON PROSECUTE CLAIMS BEFORE EVERY MAW MOT OF TSB OovERNMEMT. Offtee Booms, No. 348 PBTIBBILVANIA. Avenue, Directly' opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, lettam P. O. Box 289, Washington, B.C. " N.SGars.LOSIO it" HAMS AEI THE REST THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENEE a CO,, enturz, movisioi DEALERS. LED CURERS OP TEN OILIIIIRATED " 10.X.CIMSIOIEL" SUGARCUBED HAMS, TONGUES, AND BEEF, No 142 and 144 N. FRONT ST., Between Arch and Ease streets, Philada. The justly selebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cured by J. H. N. & Co. (in a style pesnllar to them selves). erpreuiy for TAMMY 11811; are of delicious Inver; free from the unpleasant taste or malt, and ere prononnoed by epicures superior to any now offered for mb26-fmw3m JULY FOURTH.—ILLUMINATION LA TS Union Star and Globe. Lily, ROM and other hesosy. natterns of Lanterns. Silk and lilnilln FLAGS. all sizes. Toy Cannons, Torpedo Pistol', Cracker Pistols. For all. at lowed ratan W. TILLER. 32 South FOUSTIL Street. F ANCY HAMS.-BRIGGS, SWIFT, & (30., Cobb & Armel. &P. Bogen% arid Net. calfe Svelte' brands celebrated Strodl3.ol:lKED MINIX/CM CANVASSED HANS, is store lald for sale by WASHINGTON BUTCHER & SON, my26-las 146 sod 148 North PEONT St. HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS sours. Lew das. R sa oast w s eta . t. 000 64:0 " do Veil. 600 " do Mutton. Lone do Turkey. 11.000 dO ObtoEolt. wab moo 1111119014 Senc,ulS &li lAME. fa Is 1,_21(05. AUL lox onto by 111 k 107 South WATER Stmt. GREAT (NOTT#AII OMMUKG . ELOUSEs THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1565: VI 'lig 411 '1 .W.V.42d1 BY 818 KAJIISTY NAPOLEON 111. JUST PUBLISHED EDUCATIONAL. REMOVALS. LEGAL. COAL. FURNITURE. At very low pri►►e, untU SEPTEMBER 1216 WILT:TAN IL WATSON. Late Chief Clerk Sub, Dep. FINANCIAL. UNITED STATES 7.80 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $N),000,000. By authority of the Soudan' of the 170111117, MG undersigned. the General Subscription Meat for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the puked the Gird sales of Venn= Notes, bearing won and three•tenths per gent. interest per annum. known as the SEVEN.THIRTY LOAN. Those Notes ors ironed under dais of July lb. 1866. and are Payable three years from that date in cur- Moor. or are sOnvertible at the orlon of the holder into U. S. 5.20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium. and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from state, County. and Municipa taxation, which adds from one to three per cent. snore to their vague, wording to the rats levied noon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by 00111)01111 'Washed to mush note, which May be eat °S and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 930 per sent. amounts to One cent per day on a $3O nett. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten sent, per day on a $603 note. Twenty cent. per day on a $l,OOO note One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Totes of all the denominations named will be Promptly foinishej Upon reselpt of snbeertettoim. The notes of thilThird Series are preoleely similar in form and priyileges to the Seen. Thirties already sold, inept that the Government reserves to Itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent. instead of 7 3-10ths in earreney. Subsoribera will dednet the in terest In eurreneY fin to July lath, at the time when they stibseribe. - The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the let of Jane, and will be made promptly and continually after that date. The alight change made in the condition of this TRIED SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of Which only ill the option to pay interest in gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prime as that par *haus made with sir per tent in gold would be fully equal to those made With seven and three-tenths per sent. in currency. This to THE ONLY LOAN U MARKET new offered by the Government, and its anterior ad wahine make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE: Len than 1+230,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. This amount, at the rate at which it Is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for 'within sixty days, when the notes will 1111d011btal, command a premium. as has uni formly been the UM on dosing the subteriPtlollll is other Loans. In order that sitisens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan. the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Blinkers throughout the country have generally agreed to re; edits subscriptions at gar. anbscribere will eelecttheir own agents, in whom they have confidence, and WhO only are to be responsible 4or the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, 131:113130111171011 AGENT. No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA Etri !STEIN, BOSIGNMULAD St Co., • BANKERS, S 331LOAJD STREET, Jry NEW YORK. We draw at sight, and at mixt/ dais. on LONDON, PARIS, FRANKFORT, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current Wants mai deposit and draw at their Convenience, the rams as with the CITY BANKS, and will be allowed interest on all balances over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. at the rate of FOUR per sent. per annum. Or4orn for the purchase or sale of various lames of Government and other Stocks, Bon 1 Bond and9rBlnif Gold executed on Commi..lon. XOY24- CHECKS FOR CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS ow WASHINGTON, WANTED. Je2o.6t DREXEL do CO. D REXEL & COMPANY, NANKEEN No. 34, eloutii "JCICCRX , street, DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' VOUOBERS, UNOLJESENT MONEY. STOCKS AND BONDS BMW ADD BOLD AT BOARD OF BROKER% OW OOMMTBSIOD. 1881. --COUPONS, DUE JULY 1, GOLD AND SILVER WAXTED. AT HIGRNIT MAR= ram DREXEL & 00., a* South TRIED Street. F. STAMFORD. JOB. L. HOUSTON STAMFORD & HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, bro. IRIS SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In Government Sesurillegapeele. Uneurront Money. City Warrants. Stock* bought and sold on commission at the Regular Board of Brokers. mv23•lm DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE. Thu MARKET STRUT, PRILA.DBLEHIA. Winild tall Die attention of Drugslake. Muir! Yuri einti, and others, to his stook of ROOTS. BIRDS, AND BANNS. In various Nixed packvfee. of our owunressiug, at BElosu BELOW Foam)/ nAT.BB. A full Rue of BOTANICAL PiIIIPABATIONB,_W. 8. NISENELL & CO. '8 OONCENTBABIIDNINBDIss.&e.. at a liberal discount to the trade. Cataloraes furnished on application. tnyll-BmIP McCANDLESS & SMITH, MALT VINEGAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WRITE. WIRE VINZGAR—a 310111 article of manu facture in this country. made by the celebrated. English process, and used exalusively for Pickling In Europe. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemi cals. Orden filled promptly to all parts of the country. AGIINTs. L. E. OAMBLOS. Is. 113 Watwit street. Philadel phia. PITT &WIIITE. No. 4 Exchange Plans Baltimore. CHRISTIAN LISA & CO. , Richmond, VC E. W. GOULD & Co , Newborn, N. O. GOLD'SPATENTIMPROVEDSTICAM AID WATER-HEATING APPARATUS dOR WA/XING slid TIONTILLTING MUG WILD MB tad rIIVATB RESIDEMOIA NA.inrimenariv BY TIII UNION STIAI AND WITER-INATING UOINPANI PENINSYLVANLS. JADZIEDIES P. WOOD a* co., *1 south POUSTE Stmt. 3 sl26mllp B. M. FELTWELL, Su" A VER Y SUPERIOR GUM DROP, LA- prepared by SWIM, F. walnut". No. IMO KAMM Streit. OSIIII IL T. OWEN:, ATTORNET, cousamos A st LAW. MID SOLICITOR 01 CLAMS. osipa,llsl7 Stmt. near Tounmah mayo.- wok:Mildew, D. 41. i•S‘eu f WANLY/A=4 kBBOWN, CIIIITATEI GOODII. L E. waiatAvinzoi, • MASONIC HALL. 1 /19 CHESTNUT STREET S IS NOW OPENING ANOTHER LARGE LOT Or LACE CURTAINS, ELEGANT STYLES, 41. T PERMS, PRIM 5 DOLLARS TO 150 DOLLARS PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADE" OHOICE FATTERNSI AT REDECED PRIVEISI4ss FIREWORKS. FOlatTll OF JULY VIRENVORSIS, • astiiikt,TOmi, ROCKETS, DANDLES, UNION AND ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, ""' SNLULES, BLUE LIGHTS, PLOWER POTS, . PIN WHEELS, GRASSHOPPERS, OOLORED FIRES, ALSO. A lane imminent. of iy.heth7iiir isle by A. 11. FRAIsiCISCUS do CO. 1a9•55 513 MARKET 3TEIST. FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS. FIRE WORKS, OP EVERY VARIETY, In large or small Quantities, may be had M JOSEPH. CAMPBELL & BRO.'S, - iel7-12t* 108 BARBET Street.!mr77 -.. 71 tinune, 1865. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERWTOWAtt WCA.IALUDI 4% Co., WAlR7rekt7rllitESS SIND IMPORTNEW or CAM)3DTINGISt OIL CLOTH. MATTING% &a. WHOLISMILILM DEPABTAILENTs 409.01111STILFr RETAIL DEPARTMENT, )t lir 144.4.$ MILITARY GOODS. FLAGS I FLAGS I I EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET. BANNER'S, Silk, Bunting, Muslin, and De Latin FLAGS; OF ALL SUM.. SWORDS, SASHES, • BELTS, I'ABSANTS, &c. MILITARY GOODS, OF BART DISSOEITTION. .1.1.4173 ‘; I :opf-lAffiy-11 rt):0 EDWARD P. KELLY, XOECN KELLY. TAILORS, 51.0 CHESTNUT STREET. 11.1111 row 131 lITORB A 0011PIOSTA ASSORTXXXT 07 SPRING GOODS. lOW STATIONERIL&IIWIK BOOKS OIL Ithw M c INI A L . OOAI4, AND OTHER We Are prepared to foznleh Noir Comoro%tons with all the Books the Muir*, at short eons* and low Pilees. of II it waits. ♦n steles of BladiaL STEEL PLATS OINTIFIOATES OF STOOL LITROGRAPRTAD " !I TRANSFIX BOON. ORDERS OF TRANSIT& STOOK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER &LAMM NNO/STER OP CAPITAL STOOL BROKER'S PETTY Lsmoni. AOOOOET OF SALES. DIVIDEND DOOR. MOSS AD CO" 'LAIR NOOK MUIDIAOTITRIRS AID STATIC/RIM 4315 OIINSTNIIT Stmt. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOOD& 600 ARCH STREET. 600 REFRIGERATOR% WATER 000LRRS. FREEZERS. GAS STOVES. FOR SUMMER COOKING. 3e16 tf GRIFFITH k PAGE, NISCTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. HENRY CHAPMAN, - IMPORTER OF TEAS, OS2 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TEAS, TEAS, SEAS, TEAS, TEAS, * TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. No common Teas guild or siren away. Ho false state ments to effect cams. HENRY CHAPMAN'S CHOIOE NEW MIX. TURE, For Conttoissenra in Tea. - PE/03, $1.25 PER LB., Formed from a selection of the most approved vs. defies, oomblued in the proportions best calculated to develop the varied excellencies of each. YOUNG HYSON, YELIKING CHOP, THE FINEST IN THE COUNTRY. NANKIN MOYITNE. IMPERIAL AND GUNPOWDER. COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, PURE JAVA, MANILLA, AND RIO, ROASTED WITHOUT WATER, OH LARD. HENRY CHAPMA.N, 932 ARCS STREET, Je2l-4t PHILADELPHIA. To FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE . ritIBLL DISTRICTS. We are premed. as heretofore. to ivpply fsmlliM, at their country resideams, with MILT DESOEIPTIO Q Y PINE GIOCISICIES. TiaB. , ao. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. m 724.4 Corner BLZVENTH sad Vail Streets. BLINDS AND SHADES. S. J. WILLIAMS. No. 10 North Sixth Street, llANUri.evirass OF PENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADBS, The lawn And Ind worianAt la the 'hi M tki 101111111041 1 1 4 1514. WWII MILD= MIDI AID LITTIIID. mop lot lolled BIWA mad BtuN.A. CABINET FURNITURE. NOME * CAMPION, 1181 SOUTH SICOND STMT. ere premed to follow the decline in the Junket in the prisf examine Furniture. Purchasers HUI Pleas* osal and onr mrlo-11. S. N. 00/i. MATH 2ID MARKET STREETS. RETAIL DRY GOODS A 1, W ARTICLE TO WEAR LT THE WATERING 1.140E8 IN TEN COOL OF TES IVEN/AOB. PROMENADE SHAWLS. WHITE SHBTLAND SHAWLS. with Mims. WE BABIGE SHAWLS. WHITE LAMA. SHAWLS. STRIPS BABIGI SHAWL& WHIT'S AND BLACK SHAWL BARNS. by the EDIWIN HALL& Co. Jel£6mw2k • COOPER & CONARD, IYII~7T~I AND Dx..4.II-Erezr. EINE CASSIMERES. LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. SUMMER COATINGS THIN DRESS GOODS. DEW WHITE GOODS. DOMESTIOS REMOVED. ELEGANT SILK SAOQUES. BLACK HERNANI SHAWLS. !e4•tf B ROWN TABLE LINEN, AT THE low price or am ; go. let much heavier at 85. good pattern,. Handsome table linen, extra heavy, at am, which is lower than It can be bought; much liner and better One lot extra width and beautiful patterns, both soot and damask. • • • • Bleached tablea linen 'equally as cheap, in all the widths and various qualities. gla please Barnsley double satin damask, all differ ent patterns, and lower than they would coat at pre sent rate of sold. ToWels with or without triaged ends. bine and red borders. Brown towels at in 72 per dozen. rfdakabsek. bleached and half bleached. Blue plaid linen for glass towels. striped and plaid German linen for towels, that are the best goods to wear to the market. Butcher's Been, both yard and 114 yards wide. Li nen eheetings 10.4,11.4 an dl2 4 wide. Pillow linen 42, 45, 00 and &finches wide. 00. 10-4 Lancaster quilts. 5o 11.4 Lancaster quilt*. One lot Marseilles quilts of the old heavy kind at lege than they can be imported for. One lot white Marseilles. very pretty patterns. One of the best as sortments of calicoes in the city, bath light and dark. Sheeting and shirting muslin* in great quantities, at my usual low prices. GRA,WVILLM B. 'RAINS% je2o 4t No 1013 MARKET, above Tenth. AA SPANISH LINENS FOR TRAY '-e-LELLII46i BEENE& 4.4 Bloy Linens. Dark and light Linens for Sung Brown Bolinde Fired Linens for Drowse. Whi gu te Pogue or Nareellles. Mosquito hiettinge. Pink, blue, cherry and whirs Tarletong EDWIN HALL & 00., jel9 AB South SBOOND Rush 1865. CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. U • INTIRB EITOCK RBDIJOBD. Threadrend. Lamm on& Thread Lags Baring. Hemstitched liandkercheife bargain& Guar le Edgings and Insertions. Shirred and Fancy Frieda Maeline. for MaistA SHETLAND SHAWLS and SILK MANTLES off below coat. 3814.00 COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND ILLEKET, have The Meet Cue stmere stock in town. Geed Linen Drills,Ducks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, r every kind. Muslin stook complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at 50a. Gauze. domet and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Detainee, 65 and 86 cents. Extra flue black Mohair Alpaca. $l, Lapin's 8-4 black Wool Detainee, 81. Good stock white Ifainsook, BWies. Bird-ops Linen, striped Nubians dud (lambdas and Jaconele, puffed Kaoline. Pique. ho. White barege and other thin Shawls. Bilk Secant& and Stunner Dusters je7-tt SPLENDID STOCK OF LINEN GOODS, jruit opened at 7021 •ECH Street. con. priolnft Turkish, Bath, Husk, and plain Linen Towels. rojdrins i of beantifal patterns, and all grades. Table Linens. bleached, tilf-bleaciaeO. and bIOWIt. Richardson tic Dunbar's. Dickinson's. and other Linens. Ladies' and Dents' L. 0 Ninth, from 12„;(03 to Sl.— hem'd stitched and cold borders—very nice. mysl-tf JOHN H. sTOIIIIB. srEpu L NOTICR. SELLING OFF ENTIRE STOOK TO GLOBE BUSINESStt 000 D-WILL AND FIXTURES POE BALM TBORNLIY AND CHISEL We Write espial attention to the above annonneement. We hay* a Larne Stook. We are Bellint Chen.. Every yard is tabs closed out on or before theist day of Rentsaer, Cloth s aid Dress Goods. . Cassimeres, and Linen Goods. RUCs. Chats, Skirts. HON Ds. au. Malin' and Mime mush HORN under LE m Y arket pl ea. T EtylE m Cor. of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, Groand of the bell $l.OO qualities and styles. In Blast and gray s. See to Trarelllng.Dress Goods, in 'very Variety. New Dress Goods, in great varier". Handsome Ohene Silks, $2.60. VERY ()HEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles. THAN. cioTTOA GOODS AT LENWHOLESALE . . /wow Nerrintae, Forster,. and Bolds Prints, She. /0 9 Waltham and Fspasili bleached alteettagm. H. STEIL & SON. lay&sr Nos. 713 and 716 North TENTH &red. NEW 0311,1161 T FOR 1805. THE GBEATEBT DrITUTIOE ON THE AGE IN 1-100 X" SKIRT'S. J. W. DUELIST'S New Pant DE M% ELLIPTIC (or doable) SPRING SHIRT. WESTR' READMIT h OAT (late J r, As J. 0. West), SOMPROPRIETORS and MANUFACITUREBB, 97 CHAMBERS and 79 and Si READS Etreets, Heir York. THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) Es iirtle Steel SPRINGS, Ingeniously BRAIDED TIGHTLY and FIRMLY together, EDGE to WOE, rashly' the TOUGHEST, Meat I.I.IISAIMII. ELASTIC, and DURABLE SPRING ever used. They seldom BEND or Boxes. like the angle Springs, and consequently preserve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE IS LONE AB AB, Other SKIRT THE WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COMFORT and PLEASURE to any Lila wearing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT Will be experienced parthmlnrlyjn all crowded ABSEMBLIES, OPERAS, CARRIAGES. ALILSOAD CARS. OEuBOB FMB. ARMOBAIRs, for Paomns ADS and HOUSE DRESS, as the SKIRT can be FOLDEDWhatiII ESA to 00011- pr a SMSOIPLAOR as easily as a SIZE or WELTS DRESS. A Wow having enjoyed the pleasure. comfort, and grest.oonvenience of WEARING the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL. SPRING SKIRT for II SINGLE DAY Will never after- ward willingly dispense with therms. For CHILDREN., Huss% and YOUNG LADIES they am SUPERIOR to all others. THEY are the best QUALITY in every part, and rus• cseatlOnably the LIGHTEST, mold DINISAILII,OONFORT. 11BOBBOoxtoAL FIRST. CLASS _ 808 SALE In en FIRST. CLASS STORES in this city, and throughout the UNITED STATES, RATANS DR CUBA, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA. and the WEST INDIES. ea—necitrizz, FOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT. my/5.2m P 628; )1 OP 11 4: 1?g 0 f N 3 F I .Ii MAKE" rS. or 628: HOOP EIRIRTS, the best assortmebt and best quality and styles in the city. Gore Trails, all lengths and sizes, from 18 to 65 springs. from $1.75 to $4. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 50 springs, from $1.40 to $3 Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes, from 30 to 36 springs. from $1.90 to $x s pr in gs , s and Children's, of every grade, front 03 to .35 from four to eight gents per spring- they have no equal. Agents for tt e new Flexible Skirt the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fatly equal to the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, and at mush lower prices. Also constantly on hand full lines of low- priced Sew York Skirts, kid padded and metallic &stoned —l5 springs, 86c.; 20 springs, 111; 23 springs, $1.16; 30 springs, $1 26, and 4o springs, $l.lO. - Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired, t OHS ARCH Street. lel4-Im* [KO Iluitki,l T.1:114.A THE COPARTNERSHIP HERET 0- ~FORE (awing under the style end Arm amen. Boa & SMITH is this day dissolved by mutual con. sent. The accounts of thejlrla will be settled. cod the business continued at the mum sland,No. 319 MA/LBST Street. by Incas S. Smyth. THOMAS 8 IRSTE3gON. ISAAC S. Wan. Tuns PO, 1866 . 1e21.31• THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO fore esiletbsg between HIRAM A. KIMBALL and ANDREW J. LAMRBNOE as Active Partners, and IIiATTHIM NEWKIRK as &lent Partner. under the style and firm or w..tiewar.i. A LAwitszipx. in the buttneee of making ARTIFICIAL LIMOS, u, by run teal consent dissolved, through the retirement of said LAM/URGE from the lirm, by seb ing his entire interest in the business to the said fiLTTHJIM lIIWKIEK, who becomes an active partner The business will be contimmed_ under the style and firm of KIMBALL dt COId.PANI. HIRAM A. KIMBALL. AND al W LAMBSSIGE, MATTHSW MEW/KIRK. 638 Anon Street, Philsda., May, 1866. 346. 61 THE ASHLAND HOUSE, -a- FOURTH AVENUE AND T WENTY.FOURTH STREET. NNW YORK OITY. Recently enlarged and improved. is noopen for transient as well as permanent boarders T he house is eitnaled On One the peasantest avenues, and Stillellel ble to all places of amusement and business by cars and stages. 01/06(11 will find all the COllVeateaces and cont. forte of a enperior esiablishinent, with an excellent ta. ble. Transient board. $3 per dap 4 WM. H 8.111;KIRK. Proprietor. N. B.—Families who desire rooms for the summer will make early application. To desirable parties ad vantageous terms will be offered. Jell SR pHOTOGRA PUS OF CHURCHES AND OMB PUBLIO BIIILDID GB. Country Beats and Private Besldesses. taken by B. 8. BEIM& Those sake LEdomCH e Bt. co lie pies. of memotable places should call. 624 A GLANCE WILL SUFFICE TO AS MEE ALL of the ben*. accuracy and artistic exeention B, F Braun.% Life Size Photographs is oil colors. 624 ABM St. AIL ARE DESIROUS OF HAVING 4-a- GOOD LIENNEBI32B Just the thing to plasma them are REIMER'S Colored Photographs, Wondronsly accurate and finely finished. SECOND St. aim GUNN. eUNION MOWING M&CHINES, at greatly reduced prices. forIIABR. for We by ROBERT BOUT. Roe. 922 and 921 MARKET street. It above Ninth. BUCKEYE G MACHINES, 4t greatly reduced price*. for OASH, for eels by ROBERT BIFIErr. JR , St Nos , 9501 and 924- MARKET Street. aboTe mutt, PRATT'S STEEL-SPRING TOOTH ...a...HORSE HAKES. at greatly reduced prices. for CASH, fel sale by ROBERT MST, la. , Roe. 922 and 924 MARKET Street, It above Micah. ROGER'S NEW GROUP, ..TllB IHISHWHACKBE; Oa. THE WIFE'S APPEAL POE PSALM" now ready. Also. the latest snitiects: *The Home Guard." " One More Shot "The Wounded Scott." "The Netraned Volunteer," • 'Village " "Union Hefutsee, " Mail Day." • Picket Guard.. • • Rkorpehootere, " • "The Town Pump." " Camp Life.' "Making Friends with the Cook," &e., &a., Aiwa, s in stock. JAMBS 816 CHEST N UT 'S. Street Thew Groups can be packed to forward to all p trts the country with •ntire safety. Je16.61 CIHOICE CONFECTIONS. The Auer qualities of VOIAYBOTIONIRT, SUMAC to the setenier season, manufactured fresh, daily, by STAPREN F. WRITS:UAL • leVint Pio. Viilo MARKIIT Street. rAsTEFUL AND SUBSTAPIT/AIaOLOTIIIITO SILK GRENADINE SHAWLS. SPUN BILK SHAWLS. AMUSEMENTS. NI ENV CHEtiTNU C-riTitEET a" TlO—failleTwin sTE zitT. ANOVP Twnitn, LAMP WEER OF THIS DRAMATIC SEASON. AND LW Dittfir stir THREE OP Tall CHARMING YOUNG COMEDIENNE. who will Known, on MISS LOTT*. WEDEESDAY (THIS) EVENING. Jtuten, in the grand insetaeult burlesque of THE SEVEN DUGHTeRS OF SATAN. which will be nweented WITH BEAUTIFUL S oRNIIII7, SUPERB COSTUMES. GUS tT Clair. ETC., Introducing itISS LOTTA IN EMIR DIE VE .114 A RACTERE. with her Banjo Solo. timione Hornpipe IrlPh eta. TISIDAT. SENS - FiT nr misS LoTTe.. Bearlietjir ArrERNOON inns 24th. FIFTIETH AND LAST GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. OF TBE BEASON, when THE SEVEN DAUGHTERS will he prf minted. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH. 'ORBIT THRATRE. LAST WEEK OF THE WEBS stsmEns. TO. NIGHT (WEDNESDAY). June 21et.1885. "THE W ANDERING BOYS." "THE NOUN MUMS," and THE WEB S SIM Y TOUNG S AGNES." M in 8 Please. 10 Cbaractera, eonae, and Dane.a. Friday, Basalt of ADA WEBB. THE GREAT CONBINATION CIR ODB ACADEMY OF MORO LOT. BROAD AND LOCUST STREETS. EVERY AITZENOON AND EVENING DURING THE WEEK. Genunencing MONDAY AFTERNOON and ending SATURDAY EVENING, 24th, i n clus i ve. Messrs. STONE & ROSSTON, have the happy plea ante of announcing the opening of their great Circus Alliance, and will at every exhibition introduce CULLEN'S OBLEBATED TROUPE OP .IROQUOIS INDIANS, who will display many wonderful and astonishing gimes. The Mom troupe is composed of star performers, pronounced - by all critics the best In the world, the whole forming a resplendent 'plasm sparkling in all the brilliancy Dogs will art and superb adoroments. The Trained Dogs will also appear at every exhibition. DOOM open at 2 o'clock, and 7 o'clock P. K. /Amis. sion, 10 cents; children under 10 years, 26 cents. Atten tive ushers will be present so conduct visitors to the interior of the mammoth pavilion. See small bills. • jell St THE GRAND JUVENILE ENTER AL TAINMENT, glren June 10. will be repealed, fur the Benefit of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, in TOR AINTHCAN ACADEMY OF MUSA ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. next, June 34, et Si o'clock. In addition to the nrolousprogramme. MISS E. P. CULLISS z . r t ill sing the e " wi th a atoms The whole to conclude with a Grand Tableau of TIM GODDESS OF LIBERTY In which Thirty-six Girls will represent the United. States. The whole under the direction of Mr Thos. BM lingo, Jr. T3skots 26 ewers. Reserved seats. parquet and par• auet circle, Weenie. For sale at Claaton!a Bookstore, 000 Obeetant street. je.2o 25 FAIRMOUNT WATERWORKS (WIRE BRIDGE). /MARROW! CONCERTS ;VERY DAT. from 4 to 7 o'clock. by HASSLER'S GRAND kftLlT ARV RANO. Programmes of Mash issued daily. The Arch. Vine and. Uallowhill Street Cars run direct to the place. jels.6t A OADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESS -CA- MDT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9 A M. till Y. N BBDjSMill West 'spent. piston of &MUST Mk .TECTED still on exhibition. Jen' INSTITIITION FOR THE BLIND. Exhibition every WSDNESDAY. tit WI P. K. L./- minion, TIM Mira. Moro No. U South EIC4RTS Strut. WANTh. WANTED, BY AUGUST FIRST-A sseoril floor, front, suitable fora Wholesale Book and Stationery Store. Use of hatchway dealred. Lceatinn between Third and Ninth, Walnut and flue. Address, stating terms, Ste., "Books," at this of fice. i e91.8t" WANTED, CLOTHING.--PERSONS baying clothior tr digoose of, will please will or addrese a. mILLIB," No. AO3 (murmur Street. ja.wflio WANTED -BY AN IMPORTING T and Sobbing Bonse a first - class thoroughly posted in the White ?pods and Embroidery Business. Address ' Salesman, Prses office jel9-ett WANTED -A STORE ON MARKET Street. 'between Fourth and llghtit, by August. A liberal beans will be given. Address 'Howe," 'Press Office. ielfhtm wat* WANTED-A. FIRST-CLAIM BALES Mat, in a Cloth Sobbing Renee on Market street. to sell goods by sample and in the store . Address " Salesman," at the office of The Press, With real name. je9 finwe4* WANTED -A YOUNG MAN TO w • learn the Wholesale !lotion business. Must write a good hand, be quick at agues. and live with his pa• rents.. Address box 640. Post office. .1016-6i* A YOUNG MAN, HAVING FIVE years' businees experience, desires a eitnation as SALISIdAN in a 'wholesale Dry•Goode. Notion or Pro vision House; can influence a good country trade. /A drenal "Hamilton," Port Carbon, Schuylkill, count,. Pa. e17.6t. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NEESE AND SPE. the moat interesting and ex. citing book everpublished, embracing_ N the adventures of a woman in the Union Army as urse. Seoul, and BPI. giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Tessler', ladies, energetic young men, and especially returned and disabled officers and moldier/. in want of profitable employment. will And it peculiarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing 01110 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JOXES, SRO& & 00.. V. E corner SIXTH and MINOR. Ste., Bhiladelphla, Pa. iny3o-Ims A GENTS WA NT ED FOR " THE EBORET SERVICE. THE YIELD, THE HEW afickw, AND THE ESCAPE " EY ALBERT D. EICHAEDSOIf, New York Tribune Correspondent. The moil interesting and exciting book over orb • ilebed, embracing Mr. Hichardeon's anparaleled perfume for four yearn; travelling throb gh the &whin the !met service of the Tribune, at the oatbreak of the war, with our souks and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the rebellion; hie thrilling capture; hie confincuent for twenty months to seven different rebel prisons; his escape, and almost mince. aboundurney by night of nearly mor e It will in stirring events, and conta or the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work yet published. Teachers. ladies, energetic young men, and especially returned and disabled. officer, and sot. diem, in swat of profitable employment, will Dud It peculiarly adapted to their condition, We Lave agents clearing SWJ per mouth, which We will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circular,. Address JOSE& BEUS., & CO. , N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. ielbslas ROY WANTED-A COLORED BOY between the ages of IS and 18 wanted. Apply tub medtetely at 618 LOCUST Street. jet. tf GREATEST THING OP THN TIMES —ROWER'S PRIZE ENVELOPES.-Agents wanted everywhere • :Tommie Watches given to Agents. OA rerefrt BM we will mall, _poet-Peld, /00 111W/0,111 Rad a splendid Solid Silver ituntiater-oese Watch it 4 Wend= to tha agent. A elitgle Envelope Neat. with circular and full partissdars, oa receipt of 26 genii. Ad drew A. B. BOWER & 00, P. 0.. Box 4270, 36 BEEK MAN Street. N. I. mh27-Sta To CAPITALISTS.-WANTED, A a. PARTNER (silent one preferred), in an established good.paying, manufacturing business. with from $lO,- 000 to SEY,OtO Firet-clare reference Welt and required, Admen 1 ' W. R. L.," Pew office, ieto Et° $126 A MONTH.-- AGENTS WANT ED everywbere_to Introduce the improved SHAW & MARX TWENTI-DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low-prise machine in the country which is Banned by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson. Howe, Singer Is Co., and Bacheider. All other =flotillas now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and neer are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated slrculars sent free. Address SHAW A CLARK, Biddeford, Maine nerylo.ll&WSm 174 - 1 MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS ••• eyerywhere et $7O the wito, expe paid, to cell FIFTSBIt ABTIOLSO. beat eentoff ever offered. lull particulars free. /Wanda OTIS r UABBY, Bidde ford. !Mane. IWO dk Mid FOR SALE AND TO LET. a REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE, MAREAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. REAL EVFATE REAL MATS, 85,000,000 WOITR FOR SALE. ES. 000,1)00 WORTH 1' At SALE (imp WORTH FOR SAT.g, IVEW DIONTJ J.Y CATALOGUE JUST OUT. FEW No2y-r3hy, CATALOGUE JUST OUT. NiTV .6NTHIY bATALbabi; Jithr OUT Ft Oita..rorrous DIBTRIBUTION, FOR OtATUITOTTB DI4TRIBUTIgn. FOIi ekitrerinviui bisrtitf3tr,frinr . . . . . MILLI E S ne plus ultra Catalogue of Real Estate for gale. is the eteateet production of the age to parties In terested in the purchase of property. No parson should fall .to get a copy (gratis) at the Office, 155 North SIXTH' Street. je2l.4t if 0. 4 $l,BOO FOR AN EIGHT-ROOM DWBLLINtIf, convenience. at 1901 Brown 9troot. Ground rout. 873. ISlow oniptY. cr. ripiogolr. 130 Sordh SIXTH. Street, a TO FAMILIES GOING ABROAD. —The advertiser wil take charge of a medium. med. well-furnished 8080 during owner's absence, and pay a reasonable rent therefor. No family. Best of references given. Address "lades," Press Office. Je2A-2t* da TO RENT, IN WEST PHILA.- MILDELPETA—A DWELLING. north side of Market street, Ilrst house west of Fortieth. Two varlets and dit ing-room on first Moor, smitten chambers, inoindint fear attics. Large gardens with abnndance °I fruit and Bowers. Apply OR the premises from four to seven o'oloak P. M. iroao maFOR SALE-NEAT DWELLING, 637 North Twenty-second street; early Possession More and Dwellng, N. W. corner Nineteenth and Cal lowhill streets; good business place. Neat Dwelling. 1614 Mount Vernon street, and 1808 Wood. Street. with tratnedtatepocseesim. B F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street. and jel7-tt S. W. cos. SEVENTEENTH and GERM MaTO LET-DWELLING, No. 859 North ELEVENTH street. B. F. GLENN. jar 123 South FOURTH Street. gm TO LET—COUNTRY BEAT, ON wacarfliCH Lana, DOM tbo Darby Tosal lama atone bonne, oorrisgo - hone% and four terse of land. B, F PLES , Nr jel7 123 Bunth ;Amt. FOR SALE AT A GREAT SACEL mgaFIDE, OR WILL BE LET—The PHILADELPHIA ROUSE. at CAPE IS hAB D, with a portion of the Furni ture. The house will accommodate nearly one hun dred persons. and would mate a desirable place for several families to occupy for the eea•on. B. F GLENN, jell 123 South FOURTH Street. ARCH-BTREET RESIDINCES— FOAL SALE —Several ffrat•elass HOUSES. south Ride of Arch street, west of laineteentlx street, em eras. lax all the modern improvements. Apply. et HOW ARCH Street. Jele fif FOR BALE, WITH IMMEDIATE I Doweeesion ' the convenient Dwelling. No. 20442044W0nt Vernon street. B. F GLENN. MO 8. W. ear. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN FOR SALE-HOUSE, RO. 908 IM &NEM, Street. above Poplar. Inquire of J. P. FERGUSON, No. JAM North FIFTH SL jetozo 25,000 —FOR GA... o.f th.. A am ij o ß ruit, l on pt i ti O uc il tl: 6 properly worth fifty thenend AR; rß i tt i 1' 83 1 ) k ern" si • made apply to jele-rawanw 242 South THIRD Street. TO LET-THE FIFTH AND SIXTH STORIES of 287 and 139 DOOR Meet, extending amok so Carter street; also Offices on the grist floor of the same building, fronting on Carter street. Can be usedifof manufacturing purposes, with steam power. The tbird SIOTY of the Commonwealth Building, Ott and 613 Chestnut street, the best lighted room In the City. Apply to THOM kEi H CONNBLL. Counting-House Dr. Tyne .h 602.. ie2o-61 . 242 ORBSTNDT Street, HOADDIiBtk. CO - UIiTRY BOAUDING, AT A P LE A- Ban Farm Nonni. to Chester eonnte. SS Mlles from the !My, access by Mt For partionisre, eatl on the proprietor, at No. Mil North SLICTIJINTE Street, on the 21et and 43r1, from tea till flee. JOlBll. D AY BOAPD, WITH FIRST•OLASE Dinners, at rte. U 4 South WADHILITOI 801411, MYI9-10. PEUSONAL. D'UNGER , J-1 BuX 460 Y. 0 AT REASONABIsS P#ICES. SUMMER RESORTS. UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE 1 - 13LaILINIP, N. Jer Will Om for the reception of visitors. On the lath of June. All communications for apartments, or ntron Otto" business matteetel With the Eons% should be addromg to UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cape Island, low J er sey, vrroePT , at MILLER, iatinweir PROPRIETORS. T EE COLUMBIA HOUSE, ()APE MAY, NEW JERSEY, Will be opened Ude meson on She YITTERIFFH DAV OF JUNI. for the meeption of guests This leading hones will. for the coming ninfieht ha* sustain its well.estahlished reputation. Greatly encouraged by the business of last Teen Me proprietor feels satisfied that a Hotel conducted °knelt fired-elate must conduit* a sumo at this old end Don. ler resort The railroad facilities axe promised to be excellent. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has. been $ mired for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms, die., apply to J. R. DINIBIBOG, Met chant's Hotel, Philadelphia, or to GEORGE .1. BGLTOB, Proprietor m 919• 2m Olt% I ISLADD. I. A EABTWICK PARK, GRAY'S FERRY. BOATING AND manta will be open to nbe ow a Tdr "r4 subscriptions r eiv d VAY. Jane 21d, rOS ' WALNUT STREET. 'IRVIN BODKIN, Superintendent CONGRESS HALL, ATLAZITIO CITY N. J. . WILL R. RUA 24, 1165. The enbaerlber wonld reepeetfally Inform hie friends sod the pulite in general, that ha has elate taken Cuomo all, this Wang the fourth eeeson Mac! tak• Prevemeets hi we been mimic also, mg' DAM•Honeee Dave been erected, bad the bathing Meet Ae eurpitidad at any sea•shere, And it Is the detetralnation of the aronrletor to nee ever? effort to mike Coegfeell Hall it home of comfort to hie !meth A Bend to engaged. nrtne moderate tied9.llo.l . G. W. amine. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CP, lg._ J., Will open for the reception ofguests on WZDeENDAT, June 28. Dodworth's celebrated Band hsys been engaged for the Season. Persona wisbing to engage rooms, or desiring further information, Will address sizoWn 1k WO.ELPPRIf, PrODrietereu Jel4-Im* ATLANTIC CrTx, SBA BATHING, sus} , nonsa. ATLANTIC CITY, NSW .11.11811 Y. Tide°ld, established. and favorite house wilt open for the season on or about the 20th of June It le nearest to the beach. securing cool breezes at all times. Its un rivalled Bathing facilities, its complete Waiting and appointment, and Ito unexceptionable table, render this house a favorite place fur a summer sojourn at the rea.side. Paseenrers from the city are set down at the door. and communication with the inlets is had at ail times by rail. A fine band of music has been engaged for the season, Parties wishing to secure Board will address the proprietor at Riff *lOOOO, Atlantic CRY, 1.33.95 t 8EN2012. Proprietttr._ CARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS.—This - fashionable and dellgbtfol awn. mar Mort id now open for 'visitors. Foe terms apply to N. W. WOODS, Prow Istr. CARMEL'S SPRINGS, Pa__ WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALI BEATE SPRINGS, AT DOUBLING GAP, PA. 5. nommeox, PROPRIETOR. BELSON OPUS J 17,01 iath. Tide delightful place le located in Cumberland wan. ty, thirty miles west of Harrisburg. It le accessible from all the principal titles hr railroad to Harrisburg. thence by the Cumberland Talley Railroad to New ; from He wville eight miles good dating to nu Syringe, The stage is elwaye in waiting noon the sr rival of the woe at Mewville. Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore. or mama `Wa evening e morning can arriv hot e lhe Spring, the at 6 o'clock, This le comma. diens and comfortable (having hoer, 'meet tly thorough. ly renovated) with hot and cold bath attached, and ax• tenelre grounds for walks and amusement*, Terme .2 60 per day, or $ll per week. Over Mr weeks $lO per week. The long experience of the present proprietor enables him to say that it will be oonduct*d in a manses to rdliatte ell visitors, H. B. A line livery in attached to the establishment. 20t* SUMMER RESORT, BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN ROUX HUNTINGDON CIOUNTY, PA. it. old and popular Mountain MMOrt Will be owl . for the reception of guests on the let of Stoic WWS house has recently been thoroughly renovated and Im. iroved - in a manner that will be aatisfactory to its pee rons. EXIIIIIITIOII tickets will be honed by the Pau. sylvania Railroad Company, which will be good aura the let of October next. A hack will be in readlness os the arrival of the ears at Dudley to convey guests to Ina hotel, a dietance of two mile,. Terms moderate, For particulars, address WM. T. PEARSON, Pro_prietor. Broad Top CRT. myo-Im* Huntingdon county, Penna. NATIONAL HOUSE, YORK, PENNA. —This fine Hotel, recently erected on the northeast corner of Market and Beaver streel,e is now open for the receptiob of meta The house, bedding, and fan& lure me gamely new and of the best OnalitY. Theft are 75 rooms, with wtfitt Old gold bathe and Water closets on each floor. AU its appointments and arrange., sects are those of firBt•cialte Hotel, and it is the de termination of the Proprietress to have it kept as gush. my29-mwilm MRS. 0. A. WBBT UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BEANO% New Jersey, %e now open for the re- Geri ion of visitors—Jane 10, 1865 lelo.2m* SW. A. BROZNABEE, Proprietor. YITTATINNY HOUSE, DELAWARE WATER GAP. al This favorite Mountain resort U now open to it: T ra m Lave philadelp)dp, from Efenotmetort Nfld. RI / SO A. M. and 390 I', No, and arrbta At the Gap it 1 P. M. and 8.46 P. M. References—Morton McMichael. Franklin Peale. Louie A. Godey, H. B. Banners, B. R. Martin, %arise Backer. 0 Sherman. Terms. 114 Per week. jet 1m L. W. BRODHEAD. Proprietor. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CRIMSON SPRINGS. This delightful and romantic watering plasm, Wanted on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains, at Ofeltlen. Sit3loll, on the Pennsylvania leallroad, Wild 6.e Opelud er the Reemetong 00,80, On MODITI,LY, June 12th. 1 Several new cottatell have been erected. the 'monad have been beautified and improved. and Cresson ienow one of the moat beautiful hill homes in the Milted States. Excursion tickets. good until October Ist, ass issued by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. For fu, they information, address pso. W. WWII, Proprietor CRIMSON bPKINdS_, Cambria county, re. HOWLANDT. HOTEL, LODI la 161411013, Win be Open for the reception of itiesie Jane thellgh. je3.lm HOW LAND, HERSH/It 3; 00. PIM AT A. MT. SPRINGS.-THIS •A- 4 delightful and romantic watering piece, beaten• fully situated in the healthiest election of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the " garden spot" of Pennsylvania. will open for the accommodation of guests on the 16th of June. Railroad sommunication twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Pennsylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Baltimore and I(ew York. For particular. address the.proprietor. lei-am ' J. W. I'REDBRIOK. rORETTO SPRINGS, CA - Kr:lmA COUNTY, PA.—This WPM% summer /leant Will be open for the retention of visitors on the let of Jnly., Coaches wilt be in readiness at Cresson Station to eon— 'Ey visitors to the Sprinp. Loretto borings is miser. passed for its beautiful scenery and salubrious alt Wain. band of music is engaged for the season. For pirtiews Lars address. P. A. GIBBOIIE. Proprietor, tav3Lluk Loretto, Cambria county. Pa. lIELVIDERE DELAWARE R&IL. ROAD. TWO TIIROITGAI NORTHERN CON. NECTIONS DAILY. LUPE P. AND T. B. B HRISSINGTOX DEPOT Af 7,30 A. M. AID 330 P. M. couunecting directly throcuth to EATON, 0011A.ZITort, ATER GAP, MAT BIRD. WILRBSDARRE, BUFFALO, AND TN GREAT LAKIS. Through Tickets sold and Baggage Checked throng]; to all principal point. North and Wait je9.lm W. H. GATZMER, Agent, i s i dgt TO PLEASURE SEEKERS. FOR LtaRR SISPSHION. One of the new and magnificent Steamers, METEOR AND PEWABIO, WEI 1011V0 CLSVISLAWD, Ohio, every MONDAY. at 8 and DETROIT. Michigan every TETESDeIa at SP. hi and Fort Simla. at /0 F, For real comfort and pleasure the Lake Superior trip is unequalled on ibis oontiftent. The best " epsokied trout" fishing in the world; end nowhere can the in valid realize such substantial Unocal as in the cool, dry, and invigorating climate of Lake Superior. It is also the cheapest trio offered. being only about three and one-half cents per mile. watch includoelitto rooms and minis. For Information, or ;inuring of rooms. apply to chutoursoo k coo Cleveland. Ohio, J T. WHITING & CO , Detroit, Mich. aligiv-7,5=A - 4. CAMDEN AND AT. • . LANT/C NAILILOAD. — TIMOR Trai.a daily to Atlantic City, and one on Nandi*. Treble leave Vine-street Ferry as 011.3nri: Mail Train 7. SO A. M. Freight. with Paceenger Care /L Atlantic Accommodation....¢,l6 P. IL Junction Accommodation NSTLINNING, LUAUS ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation.. ..... 47 A. gg Prtight, with Passenger Oars attached....... 11.47 P. M Mail Train P. Junction Accommodation •... . . ag A. jg, Faro to Atlantic $2. Imsnrsion Tickets,good WI for the day and train on which they are issued. Mi. SONDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.30 Ajlf. Beturnina leaves Atlantic at 4.96 P. m. ATKA MADDOX rIALD TRAMS Leave Vthe•street Ferry at )0, la A. M. and I. M Leave Haddonfield at 11.46 A M. and 2.44 P. M. A. B.—Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point before 6 P. M. to Insure its m129-Smil JOHNnt down the next day. G BRYANT. Agent. rant WEININE OB BAP AND PLEA SANT SOMMER TRAVEL. CAMDEN ARID ATLaNTIC AND EARITAN AIM • DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD. ORANGE OF TIME. CAMDEN, TO NEW TORE AND LONG BRANCH. On and after MONDAY, Jane 19, the Biomes Traits wtll leave Cooper's Point, Camden, daily (Sundaes ex cepted) at 9.10 A. N. for Tackerton, Barnegat, Tom's Maneheeter. Bergen, ewtankum, Farmingdale.. Shark River, Long Branch, Eranehuorr, p a mper% Entontome shrewebary, Bed Bank, MiddletoerjhDh(k• lauds, Led Port Nenmenth; thence to New York or the epleedid Amm ` '' er Eels Through toeer York In Ova holm , Fare $2, Incursion Pickets, ma for three dips, 43. On tiatardara at extra train for Long Branch will leave Camden at 450 P. IL Returning, /We Dr Smolt at 6 25 A. M. Monday, arriving at Cam ele 210. A. WIBBA. RAILROAD I.—To Toarads tad Tram** miffeg CATA COWAN! tare— Htenralon Beason of M.—. Lake Ontario. Fatmanal Myer. The Thowiand Islands. Portland. The Itardda of St. LaMrel 00 White MoontMna, Elver, ilaratOas Sprbute, be.. am: Montreal, die., Re. Quoits% or , • be.. Tlaketa fOt the Above Ixeureitont, Ishiele have heal to long and favorably knell* to the PhUhdra palate, by varlowi rental to s palls roc at the CAT/MISS), RAILROAD TIOUT 07111011, 4Nit Chestnut street, under Philedelphla. Bank. where full information wilt be even. X. VAN HORN, Pawtenter Aden*, ief3.2m 411 N ORIWTNOT street. A VERY 0107.0 E ROASTED AL- Kozo% manutalat4l N I No IRIO LRICIT Nina Dzeasnizar FOR ausTont womb,