NMI IT= ON SEOMPTION Or ENING REGIMENTS. warrareumnia, Jane 9, 1865. at or the Committee held thie day. Mligigrar Fez were appointed to take charge of tha Jed and Filbert streets: Nam' Madarts de stand at Broad and Market streets, and &ears. Colehower and Vim Cleve, the trod and Market streets, Routh side; and with pollee, ordered to clear the streets, druids are sitnated.at 12g o'clock precise's. 11 be admitted to the stands at 12 o'clock, ',mitts* will take darn of the stands at 12 sely. . ordefai that Matte for sick and wounded ssoadmitted only on etand West Mof outh of Naritat street Tienete mar O ked stand" will be admitted only on stand Broad street. from Market to Filbert strest. tried Refreshment Saloons. only on stand droad 61r/et. month of Market street. No or child will be admitted to any of the nt a Whet. ' the Committee, Chairman of Committee. Tswimr. Clerk. ALL IIONOBABLY lISCHARGED OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS CITY 07 PUIL►DELPSIA You are cordially invited to assemble at CAMP CADWADADFiR, 01 SATURDAY MORNING, the - 10111 twit AT 10 O'CLOOK, or the purpose Of Onfilasstlon sad partlolpatton in at grand REIVIOW AIM 08111BAL MELDS WILL GOMMAND IB YBESON By order of the Committee of Arrangements ABRAHAM STSWART, Clerk. O,S7,RECEPTION OF REFORMING HBOIMEN re. COMMITTEE OF AHRABOEMBrirs. SATURDAY, it. 10th instant, hes been deed WOOD, WIZ. Move from Cater Cadwalader at 2Y. M. to Co lumbia avenue, thence along Columbia avenue to Btoad street, down Broad street (and be reviewed at T enn s q uare) to we:tangiest avenue, and down Wath• Ington avenue to the Refreshment Saloons, and there whim of a Banquet prepared for them. The citizens along the route are requested to display their bunting, emblems, etc , and make all necessary preparations to give the brave defenders of the Eepablic a grand and a fling reception. By order of the Committee of ArAnnements ABRAHAM ETIWART, Clerk. Dsirimental and Detachment Commanders, and the Ciissf of the no Department, are earnestly' recmested. to nett(' their commands. at once, directing their as• nimbi) at inch time and place as will conform to the above. F. A. WOLBBIit Ma at Chairman o: Committee. eg--cMGIV`f. afTIIINNED AND DID Tawas SOLDIERS: On the invitation of the civil authorities Philadelphia. I have come to the citY to join with on in the lecipticn which it is proposed to extend to the brave deter o ere of oar country now returning home. • the name. and on behalf of your fello w citizens, I extend to you cmdist invitation to partMieate in the ceimmonise preposee to be bad to-morrow. These cars porde. will consist of a passee atd march from Carer , Cadwalader to the Refreshment Saloons, at Which place s ',snot:Let will be given. The order of proceeelon will be as follows: let. Detachments of the- several lire companies Who lave offered their Serileall as an escort and advance guard. 2d. First City Troop, volunteer escort to Major Gene. yap Meade Bd. Major General Meade and Staff together with such Yeturned and retired Officers of the Slate and :city, yisonnted, as are diepoeed accompany him 9th. Detachment est, Pecneylvanis Cavalry, Any Other Detachments of Cavalry or Arguer, that have served in the field, and report mounted. 6th The returned laralarY Organizations, lathe order tof their numbers—the lowest number, being the senior regiment, on the right. Each regiment (Olio Wed by its disabled officer. az d soldiers in carriages. In Such rear ed officers and discharged men on foot Mflio may be disputed to join. Ambulances of the Fire Department. The column of companies. at fall distance, will be formed. on Columba avenue. the sight on Eighteenth street, at:V. . and tooveprompily st 2g. M., on the route heretofore prescribed. On teaching the vict ity of the Union Refreshment Saloons , the column will lie aimed, the arms stacked, and &matron:tents taken ;Off. prior to entritng the Saloons. Commanding officers of organizations. individual of - sere and men. mounted ails dismounted, will report :before 12 M. at Camp Cadwalader. to Lieate sant Colonel J. C. Middle, A. 1) 0.. who will designate the positron to be occupied, and cosign such officers to command the 'several detachments as may be necessary. SOLDIERS: In asking you to join in this parade—origi. Watiug in the dt etre of the aivl stuhorittee to de you. „bneee—i also wish to gratify our fellow-citizens by giving them an opportunity to see lbose who have been engaged fighting their country's battles. I therefore depend on a cordial response to this call. OEO. G. MEADS. Major General U. S. A. Iltrwmumata, June 9. 1955, /t OrGEERE 9I S OFFICE, COMMON 00132iOnsPHILAMILPHIA, Jane 9, mg& COMED.TTaR Or Engem.. The Committee urgently request all the citizens of the ally of Philadelphia to dote teeir places of bueinesi on SATURDAY. the 10th Met., at 12 o'clock, and unite in EtViug oar brave volunteer. a flung reception. By order of the Committee. P. A. Wolbert. Tames LYud, A. M. Fox. S. G. King. B. B. Colenower. lE. M. Evans, W. B. Stokloy. IH. W. Gray, Thomas A. Barlow. C. T. 301164, P. McElroy. G. W. litaatague. It THE WERTH ANNVAI. CONVENTION ,Tong Men's Christian Associations lIINITED STATES and BRITISH PROVINCES lola liesslon at the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, (Rev. 3:V. Boardman). COBJUIR OP BROAD AID ARCH STREETS ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON A Gnat nnwlay-gehool Gathering will take place at the r►eedemy It is expected that Philip Phillips and Chaplain pfeCahe, 'with their soul stirring sande, will add tate Test to the above exercises Eminent speakers front abroad will also add taker's% to the °cession. Six hundred children will discourse the SWeetest mule. Tickets for Reserved Inc. Ilsireeervs d Sesta for all o the above services are now for sale at CLAXTON'S SOB CHESTNUT Street, late Martian's, It XAMtIIOTII SUNDAT-SCHOOL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, At 2)4 o'clock Addresses by Delegatee and eminent Speakers from abroad. . . Mash; by a Choir of 600 CHILDREN of the Phiia• dela% Sabbath Schools, under the direction of THOS. RAWLINGS, Jr., who will adjourn to the gaging erected in front of the Academy, to greet our Brays Do tenders with sweet and appropriate music. Tickets obtained at Ciaxeton's (late Martien's) Book More, &8 Chestnut street, It EirNAVY YARD, PHILA., MIND 9th, •IS NOTICB. —1 ani reenacted. by the Com- Wiles of -Gounclis for the reception of returning volun teers, to request the officers of the Navy anti Marina Como to meet at. the VontineMal Hotel. at 12 o'oloat • if., to morrow, where .errteeel will be providea convey them to the reviewing,stand. 1 lt. J. B. NULL, Commanded. ErOFFICE OF THE BOARD OF RILLTR, & W. corner SIXTH and SAE OM Streets. PEILADELNITA., Rine 1. 1636, lam directed by the Bosrd of Healtb to publish the - following copy of an Act of Assembly. approved March 22. 1856, and to proclaim that all establishments therein described. located within the limits therein designated, mud be el osed within thirty days from t hie date, other vise the provisioGEO RO e SsHSMwT w , i lHbe l e hO re c d er . - .0 ACT EDFPLENIENTAILY TO THE HEALTH Letici3 OF TRH E=.Ml . . . . SECTION - 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of 7.Repreeentativee of the Commonwealth of Penneyboa ,sia, in General 41, , Rembly met, anti it ie hereby enact. led by the authority of the same, That no bone booing establishment, or compost manufactory. or dcoOtitOrY of dead mama)s, shall be erected within the bonne+ of the First and of the TWOUIY-einth Wards of the City of Philadelphia, and ail Anch eatabliehinente and deposi lorles within the it aforesaid are hereby declared a Dahlia nuisance, and the Board of Health of the Oily of :Philadelphia ate hereby empowered to enter the pre. Inieea wherein such nuisance exists and destroy the sheds and enclosures mead for such pa:notes. and to seize and sell the implements and utensils used in the ibone.bolltng eetabliahment or SOMPOId manufactory so entered. the net proceeds whereat to be paid over to the Paid Board fir the me of the City of ffhiladeltiels. Pro. erided, That this ad shall not take effect until the @rat of June next. isd.tatitat commissioNEßs , HALL, W2ll IRD SPRING-GARDEN . W. 00rDer TaISTSEX sad Etriets Assmssos's OprrcE. • UiuTE' STATES INTERNAL HEVENVE FOIIRTII•DIeTRICT PEENSTLYAPIA, PHILADELPHIA. JUDO 8, 1E65. 1""ICZ Ss hereby given to the residents in this Die • Atiet—ltb, 15th. 20th, 21st, and 24th Wards that THIITODa neat, the 16th lnel., is the last day on 'Which the Aesistant Asseeseri ean receive retnroe or INCOMS, without the addition of the PENALTY vrenfibad b law _for neglect. All persona intarestea will give this matter their growl t attention. D. SOUTIIWORTH, 31328 t r ASOOMOT. BASE 1112 F" A NEW JUNIOR BASE BALL CLUB has been organised, under the name of TEE FIRST NATIONAL, the nays for pros fee Wing Tuesday and Naturday. All couttrenteetione to be (lb Wocted to J . MOILRIB WELqI, liaeretam heir room. 8. W. or. Ur aura. and JEFFIT.R. SON Streets. ieB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENI that application has been made to the the "William YibVila On Company" for renewal of Car- Edisto lie. 244 for four 'hundred and twenty tharos In wad company, in the name of Etram Comm, the ortal mal coartillcata having been lost or ratelatd. b. 1. CORS'IN, Atkin:KW. BOS WALNUT fizoot nrNOTICS.—THE ARPillret.L BlLeEV ille of the Stockholders, and election far pre sident and Directors u. the Connecting Satilira! f.10:n• Zany, will be held at the Office of the Company, on tr upsDT, June 13.1866. at 12 o'clock noon PHILAMILPEITA. 3117 81. EDMUND 12111(TR, SecaetsaY. ad& m 301141818 OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE IN -110 4r 308 $OBANO RWALNUT COMPANYStreet OF FPAII,ADBLPMIA, . . FRITADBLPATA. Aln§ 5. 18(1.5. The Board of Directors of the IIALISNCE MANOR COMPANY of Philadelphia have this day ldeclared *Dividend of (4) FOllB. PER CENT„ for the ast Mr ...months, payable to the litockholders or their "gal raDrecentatives, on demand, free of taxed. /eO-10t TEM O. HILL, liocrotary. CRXTRAL COMARROATIOSAir catatos.--Th• 40mm-stone of the new Cha pel. now bets/ emoted by this Chureh.'at WORTS BITR and ORM Streets , will be laid. With eletropriate reit. Mons services. on ROOD* Y next, funs lltn, at nine o'clock A. N. Bev. Minns Brooke. Rev. Albert Barnes, Rev. Dr. March, R. Messrs. Cunningham, Simmons, Cookman, and others, have berm incised to assist the Pastor in the services lt* : seas WON OUR , riRW Street, below Rourke. between Race axle Win , —Servicee b 1 the Pastor. Ray. 3, M. ,moTO.R.R. TO-MORROW (Sunder) MORNING, lON o , oo a ck. mane conies eonuneneee PllRettlally at o'clo Wrminim IS. E. mums, 310 NE 11TH—Bev. JAMBS SELL will Preach at 103( A. K. and Rey F. B. MILLIE %$o 6'P. M. lt* fr GREEN-STREET It. E. CIIIIIIC a.— Preaob biz at 1.03 i ♦ IL by Bev. • BIT TIM FABOMB. and at 8 P. M., by Rey. THOMAS KIRK. Tic It* tar' BEV. WM. O'NEIL, CHAPLAIN Of the 118th (Corn Badinage) Regiment. will deliver hte farewell sermon to the regiment. TO. MORROW MINING, at o'alaak, in gawll,4h .. B . Okraroh, THIRTESINTH Street, ,hetee , Vine. The efEsers and men of the let Dreieten of the Bth Army Come, and the members of file Corn Bachange ore tatio Invited to be present- It Igir THE BEV. DB. CLAUILE,UD AL BANY, N. Y., will beach DI the BUTTON WOOD.STEEET PRESBYTERIAN 011IIRMI (416 T. glioPlterec). TO MORROW MOMS% at 10% o'clock. It* Or CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL GNOME. CONCERT HALL.—The Pastor Bev. EDWARD EAWItB will Dreaoh TO MORROW: 5t10,4 A.. M. and 8 P. &more always wel- come. P. A. WOLBRE.T. 1061/1N Berf/A.BIR PsztiBICTE. RUN GatTR,CII, vwENTIIITH and VMS Streets. Preaching by the Rev G. W. linos's, of Adm., TO-MORROW MOMlltiii, lOg o'clock. it* arPHILADELPHIA TBACT AND MISSION &MISTY —The Ninety-ninth Meet. jug in behalf of this Society 'will be held in the Meth*. diet Episcopal Church. FIFTH, below Green street, oa BABB ALTH 11th tact., at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. A Araith..kev. J. E. Crowell. of tale eft. Rev. Dr. J. K. Stevenson: Secretary of American Tract Society, Dew York:and Rev. Yates Dicky. of New York, dole. sates to the Convention of Y. K. Amociation. will take part in the energises. Public invited It* say.... PIBIT LIESIII. —MR. FISH will eve Olosteg LOPOII3B. at &UMW STREET RAWL, on SUNDAY at log A. M. sad 8 P hi. Tilers will be a PISMO. on 'FRIDAY next. at SIR WOOD Alexander Henry, James Pollock. • Caleb Cope. L. B. Browne. . . Simon Cameron, D. B 011111/111 1 / 1 .. Daniel IR mith, Thou. A. Newhall, Henry D. Moore. Daniel Dougherty, IL D. tetunders, J. Near ThornTabu, A. Martin, Dr. IL Wallace. 0. Mattilater. TionesL. Ciashorn. Win. Struthers, A 11. Boris. nun-twat lar OPERATIVE OF PIINNSYLVAI WALEUT Street. /rat floor Monroe Snyder. B. H. Bettriet. 8. Rosinberger, Henry Garay. Thie Assoeiation differs from all others, it being strictly an operating or working capital interest Asso ciation. All the capital is used for the production of oil. TbeAteleciatiou has a number of Leases on Ant vises Oil Territory, and arrangements hare been made for a number more, and it is designed at once to commence the development of oil. One of these Leases is on Cherry Ran, in Venango county, about half-way be tween its mouth and the town of Plume? close to the celebrated Reed Well. which now produces NO tourer pet contractor ich this Association is sinking B wells; the lars each, including engines, derricks, tubing, Ain It it proposed to sell Interests in one or all of the welly at this rate. no subscription being taken for lees than one hundred dollar.. which may be divided in iota different wells. Thus: Cost of each different well 25.000. or 820th interest, at 225 each. 2 1 00, will rive the subscriber I.Both interest in suchwells as ha may shoose, or 4 520th interest in four different wells; thus dividing the ricks, or he may take a 310th interest in as many Walla as be may desire at the same rate. A quarter working eapiial. or 4, ...,...t0reat coating $l.OOO, may, with favorable indications or oti. b. Bold for tile.too to 103,030 before the well le completed. while if held and the well Is completed. the owner derives from his interest an Income of from $8 000 to 451.0,030 per an num, if the well will only yield bat twenty barrels Der day. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered in the oil speculation. The capital required for eight wells Is only sixty-four thousand dollars. The Ohm was opened on Monday, the 6th of Jane, and $36,003 was taken the fast day. We call the attention of perso i li who may Intend in vesting in Mt stock to take late tin these aight walls OD Oberry Ron, and the low c tat required. 11,sui sompanles with tracts of far less vane neva one or two millions of capital. and if no oil is struck all their 'spi ts' is sunk: should this Association fail to strike oil, whioh is lumossible in that section of country, there w ould only the third dollar be lost—being toe engines, derricks, and 12 tubs, would be worth $2 out of $3. This Is the greatest eperalatton ever offered in oil speculatloa„ without chest or trickery, with a small capital, sad with each a trilling rise. For particular infornation, dill at the Office. 619 WALIt VT street, Rooms 10 and 1% fret Saar. my7-ot* 11 -- ' OF I'n9l63lllrarll ß A. B' DEPARI. PHILADELPHIA Pe.: PIESER oaDsas,'No ;38. " 865. . . L The sale or liquor is prohihded on an lines in this Department trave:ed by troops returning to be mus tered out of serviee t and at the rendezvous for then dia• charge, unti) all such troops are dispersed. Persons violating this order will be arrested, and the liatlOlNlUlei in their oetabllshinexits will be emptied out upon the By comma of blaj Or general Cadwabsder. JNO S. SCHULTZ& JeS-10t Assistant Adiatant General. tar UNION SIMTE CONVENTIOR.—& State Convention will be held at Harrisburg on WEDNESDAY, the 19th Jn1y,1865, at 12 o'clock M.. for the purpose of potting in nomination a State ticket, to be supported by the friends of the Union at the coming October election. The parzwet and zealous labors of a loyal people se cured the great victory in 1600. and made the war, Which our enemies denounced as a failure, a glOrious 1311M8111 in 1800. Oar flag has been maintained, our enemtes de , troved. our Oovernment preserved. and peace re- eatablished. Let.every friend who aided in this result take measures to be represented in that Convention. We mast see to Atha% the ftnits of our mimesis are not lost to toe nation. fluidness of vast importance will be presented for its cc usideratioa, and every district in the State should be represented. SIMOIQ ClaigWalt Chairman. W BE " InCT ' 1 Wax Vottwer.Secretaries, MIADQUAnTEnidi IMPAR.TMIENT OF firdyI6I3ILVAINIA, RUILLDELPTILL, PB., Jane a, MI (31E,C1Theit No 6. . . The ationtion of COMUlaeing Officers of returning Volunteer vr gaidEstions is directed to the following en trant (rem General Order 1110. 94, current merlon, War Dievarbsent: ****** * "Eli route to. and after arrival in the State, the fol lowing will be obssrvi d: •• immediately on arrival at the State Rendezvous the Regiment will be reported to and tsken control Of by the Chief Mustering officer for the State or las as. sistent at the point. " * a * **-4. Pursuant thereto Commanding Officer, of all .Volun teer organizations returning to Philadelphia for final discharge wfii,immediatelyon their arrival in the city, report thereon:mends to Brevet Major W. B. LANG, U. S. A Met Mustering Officer, Eastern Division of Pennsylvania. By command of Major General Cedwalader. JOHN S. SCHULTZ, jet-lit Aceletant Adjutant General. NOTICE TO ALL DRLINKKIENT CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED WIDISH ANT LAW OP TES STATE OF PEPANSYLVANIA. notice is hereby given to all companies Inaol"POtatod by or under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, and organized at any time prior to the first Ron. day of November, 1861, that have failed to make report to the Andi ;or General under the let approved April 91, 1868. and the Aot ayproYed April 80, 1864, that they are required to report totthe Auditor General forthwith , to follows, viz.: In case a dividend bu been declared, the Treasurer will report, under oath, the amount of capital _paid in, the dale, amount. and rate per sent._ of eac h dividend during the year ending the first Monday of November, 1864, and any previous rector years In whleb. the Com= pany may Have had an no existence; and in casedivi dend has been declared during the year orre ars end- Lug fifOresaid, then an appraieement of cash value of the capital stook, as it existed between the first and fifteenth days of November, must be made by the President or Treasurer, and a majority of the Directors" under oath. When an apprairement to made, the re Port ahonld also state at what time tha Company was - organized. it addition to the Above report, under the act of April Si, IESB, con:seale:not paying a tax on tonnage are its- TDiked to make a separate report, tinder oath, of the reasurer. of the amount of net earninga or 111111)11/8 re. ceived during the period from April SO to November 1, 1864, in accordance with the second section of the sat, approved April 80, 1864 COMPANLES INCORPORATED BY OTHER STATES and "doing business in this Commonwealth," are notified that they are made subject to the tax on net Minim 'or income under the Id **talon of the aet of April ao. the amount e required to report - to the Auditor General thof notch net earnings or income re ceived between the 50th of April and the Ist of Novem ber. 1961. All delinquent Compinier ineorporated by or under any law of the State of Panneylvania, will be a ff orded a reasonable time in which to make the seveul reports required by law and above enumerated; but continued neglect or refusal will subject them to forfeiture of charter, no der the 2.1 proviso of the 2d section of the act of April 80, 18e4, which is in ,he following words: `• Provided farther; That any corporation which has failed to make retiar.s to the Commonwealth, as re quired by the act of April 21. A. D. 1868, entitled 'An ast for th e better oeourlnglo' the Commonwealth the pay ment of taxes doeby incorporated oompanlea, 'may make snob return within sixty days after the Passage of this act. any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and all delinquent companies failing or refining to make full returns and payment to the State, all required by the several lawn of this Commonwealth in relation thereto, thrill have all their right* and privileges declared for feited by proclamation froM the GeVer" r • ISAAC &arms% Auditor General. W. H. REBELS, State Treasurer. malS /re liasalearzto. Hey 10,1866. 11 render important service f this notice. which will be Mations to the Pair. 1865. John Welsh, Dr. A. Manager. Jay Cooke. 11. W. Clark, Joseph Hewitson. Jr., Morton McMichael. Henry G. Gary, Wm. D. Lewis. James 61.111 ken. Dame H. Boner, Diaries O'Neill, James 0. Read. Edward A. Bonder, Lindley Smith. J. B. Lippencott. I. A. Oodey. Daniel Had dock, Jr.: Robert P. MU. E. 8. Hall. ' OIL ASSOCIATION NIA —OFFIGE, So.. 619 Rooms Dios. 10 andl2. J.. 8. If elfrish. Nicklone Petry, Jacob B. Stout OFFIC3IIIB. PRESIDENT, MONEOS INKYDBIL, TREALOPILSR. E H. HELFRICH. ineasiAßY. JACOB B. KBOUT THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1865: mmAwr. SOLDIERS i 111 E CITIZENS OF PlMsdelptda have made arrangements to rife yon warns. dncere..and cordial welcome on SATURDAY neat. It is earnestly hoped. that every man who has just retuned viatorlous from the war for the Onion will be pressatou the ovation, to receive the congratnia• ileum and thanks of his fellow-citizens. We want *Vert one of rot to share is the reioisinge of that day. The following will be the programme: form at Camp eadwatador, mews down 10 Colombia mane. do'int Columbia &TWINY to Broad street. down Brood asset (and be rationed at Penn Equare) . to Washington ave. nue, down Washington avenue to the Refreshment hi- Icons, and there partake of the banquet prepared for you. AB. OTRWART. jeB-3t Clerk of Committee. HEADQUARTEBS 119 Ta REGI MIXT I". V. CAMP illuriebLADlSß, JllllB 10, 1885. fOnDnitS. ) The °lacers and men of the Iteth P. - V, are hereby or dered to report to DAMP CAD WALADRR, at .11 o'olook. TOM MORNING. to sartielpate 111 the parade. By order. WM 0. alidV. Major Coramanding. D. S. RaSSINQ BR. Acting Adjutant. I. The wounded officers and men Hof the 119th P V. are requested to ranee With the Regiment. THIS D AT. Ambulances will be In readiness at Camp Cadwaleder. at 11 o'olook this A. M., to convey them. 11. All honorably discharged soldiers of the 119th P. V. are invited to JoID Itt the sande of this de's.. W. C. OR&T. Major Commanding. D. 8 HABBINGSS. Awing Adjutant._ iIMADVARTERS - 118 m REGI MOT P. V , Jinn; ti. Ma ORDERS; The Regiment Will be ReleMbied et CAMP CAD wALADBB. promptly at 10 A M., 10th instant, (SATURDAY,) to receive arras and accoutrements, and to prepare for the review of retarned Veteran,. By order of Brevet Brigadier General GWYN: H. T. PECK, Lieut. and A. Adit je9-20' IHEADQUARTERS 114TH RE(H MUTT PeUXISTIIeDIe , Volunteers, No. m 126 W. DELANCEY PLACE, Jima 7. 1865. CIRCULAR. —1 rcutiest the officers and enlisted men of the 114th Regiment to assemble. in full uniform, at Camp Cadwalader. en the morning of BATUBDAY. the 10th inst., at 10 o'clock. for the purpose of receiving their arms and accoutrements, and participating in the /woollen tendered them by the citizens of Philllgelphia' ()Mere and enlisted men, who have been honorably discharged odor to June 1. 1865, will report to Captain d S. POD NIA. at the same time and place. The Band ...ad Drum Corps Will report to the ltwitaental Adju tant, The so)unan is to be headed by Ifeagral Massie, and reviewed by Governor Carlin and Mayor Henry. This may be our last opportunity to meet in a bedY under arms. Let every man be present to receive the welcome tendered him by the pre eminently bow city of 1 bliadeiphia. 1313ALLIIS IL T. COLLIS, jes-3t Late Colonel Zonaves. REAI QUARTERS 198TH REG 111 II urt I'. V. • RBILADELPICA. Jlll2O 17, 1861. I refined the officers and enlisted men of the 19Eth Regiment "Ptionsylvaole Volunteers te assemble. in tull uniform,et CAMP CADWALADS.B. On the morn ing of SaTllllll.l7` , the 10th bat „ at 11 o'clock pretties ly, for the purpose of receiving their arms and worn treroents, and participation in the reception tendered them by the citizens of Philadelphia. °Mom and en noted men who have been honorably discherced for reason of wounds and other senses, prior to June 2 , 1. 1866, will report to James Orne, Adjutant 108th Regi ment PenninlVania Volunteers, at Gawp Oedwaltder. at the same time. This may be our lest opportunity to appear ass body under arms: let errery man be oesent to receive the welcome tendered him by the loyal citi zens of Philadelphia. 110.114710 J. BICKBL, CoL and Brevet Brigadier General. jeB-at 198th Regiment P. V. IHEADQUARTERS 121sTREOI linT Y. V., PHILADELPHIA , June 7th, 1886 CIRCULAR. —I request the officers and enlisted men of the 121st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, to assemble, in full uniform, at CAMP ceDwALIL- Difit, on the morning at SA.TURPAY, the 10th instant, at 11 o'clock precisely, for the purpose of receiving their arms and acoonimments, and participating in the rew line tendered them by the citizens of Philadelphia. Officers and enlisted men who have been honorably discharged for reason of wounds or other canoes, prior in Tune 2d, 1860, will report to R. F. Bates. Adjutant 121st Pennsylvania Volunteers, at Camp Cadwalader, at the time time. This may be our last opportunity to meet in a body under arms. Le every man bt present to receive the welcome tendered him by the loyal citi• tens of Philadelphia. WEnT FCFK. 303- It Late Major and Brevet Colonel 121st Pa. Vole, .., /FRIZZ MONEY AND GOVBRII • mvivr BoTINTI TO ALL WHO MUTSU TSB MUTSU STATUS MARTINS COUPS. Orders have been received from the head of the daring Gorge. at Washington, not to restrict reunite to 4 particular elms (cc bee been the ems heretofore), bet to native ALL who have served in the volunteer ser rise. or in the regulars, or in the maxillas, and have been honorably discharged. 6241 persons enlisting 12 he United State, Marines will resolve the Govern ment bounty, and wUI also be entitled to their share of prise money in any captor* of the enemy's vesseb. Tor further information amply at the reerniting ren dezvous, Ito. 311 Sarah 1101111 T Street betwoon 9 A. if. m410'11184 F. every day bed gunge" 3AMBEFFOBiIIY. itpl-tf Captain and Resruitinst otteer. CONFECTIONERY. SUMMER CONFECTIONS. PereOLIO about texviun the city should sall and ex amine our splendid asseninieut Of DELIVIOUS CONFECTIONS, SYRUPS, &0., Particularly adapted for the Warm Season. E. G. WHITM 3N & Co,. MANUFACTURERS, 318 CHESTNUT STREET. /W Also, an aseortmaut of BRILLIANT FIRE.WORKS. is 10-siuthlin summEß RESORTS. ylLLow, CHESTER SPRINGS HOTEL. oGNlrtga GourrY. IGINESELVANIi NOW OPEN FOB VISITORS. This Watering Place is situated.. -Pickering Creek, Chester county, Pa.. thirty- two miles mast er delphia, and has mem by the Philadelphia and Heading Bs lined (twig, a day, from Thirteeith and CsUowhill streets; at 8 o'clock A. hi and- 8.80 P. M ), connecting at Ph ceninvilie with a coach-line, through six miles of romantic country. by which messengers are conveyed through to the Springs for SIM. Excursion Tickets wilt be issued, good. from Saturday nuts k caday, by which passengers can leave either at o'clock n. M. or 3 30 P and return to the oily in time for buglers on Monday morning. The Water at the borings is a pare soft Water, of sand stone and gravel bottom, very Metier for drinkbegand bathing. Extensive Cold and Warm Baths have been crested in a beautiful grove fronting the house. They consist of the Douche, Sits Plunge, and Shower Bathe. It. long and familiar acgcaintanoe with the wants of gneiss justifies the undersigned in asserting that the public mill find the Yellow &pings every way satisfac tory. He will nee hie best endeavors to render hie house one of the most desirable resorts. In the United States. To families remaining the Whole season a reasonable decoction will be alswed. For further particulars call on Meows, Sirmtentodi McGrath, Merchant Tailors. 740 CHESTNUT Street; Charles C. Galin, S. W. seiner TRIED and VINE streets or by addressing the Subtcrlber. at the YELLOW SITED GS HOTEL. Chester county, Pa.. Who will cheerfully give all information required. jelo-thowle* A. U. 'SNYDER._ UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BR A IN% New Strsey, to now open for the re ception of visitorr—June 10, 1865 lelo , 2roc EBNJ. A. IHOIMASES, Proprietor. EDUCATIONAL. BRYANT, STRATTON, & BAN-M -TER'S NATIONAL COMISSECIAL COLLEGE, AMIABLY BUILDING. S. W. corner of CHNSTAIIT and TNNTH Streets. Instruction in Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Commer cial Arithmetic. Commercial Law, B 13111061 CMOS pendenee, forms an Young men who desire a thorough education for busi ness should avail themselves of the advantages of this institution. Call or send for a Circular. NEW GOODS, DIRECT FROM PARIS, Per Steamer Persia. MARBLE AND BRONZE ()LOOKS, BRONZE G.ROUPES AND FIGURES, MINA VASES OF EXQUISITE DESIGNS, NEW FANS, COMBS, &e., &0., Together with a MIMI) stook of DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY, WATCHES SILVER WARES, PLATED GOODS, U., &a., U. AT PRICES GREATLY REDUCED J. E. CALDWELL. & CO., Selo•St 13,?.% CHESTNUT Stmt. mo%M, P A it. BOEL A. PECTA.CILMS, The tine Arab°la ie all that it professes to be. an aid to impaired eyesighl, as well as a aradasi strength/1W of weak viola. No one, indeed, who knows anything of °pike but will approve of the principle. FOR NIUE ONLY BY E. BOEHM & SON, Optiolane, No. 409 CHESTNUT Street. NOTICE TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.— We, the undersigned. Lace agreed., In pursuance °tour usual custom, to close our ' , swap:lye places of hueineea at 3 o'clock on Ratarday alternoone during the months of June. July. and Angel% - .IrOklgt N. SIMMONS. OEO. TUBBS & SOL lts W I PB ON HOOD. . SPECIAL NOTICE. UNITED STATER INTERNAL REVENUE, YILIST COLL/II:MON DISTRICT OP P.SANSTINANIA EXTRSIN OP LAW. SZOTION 83. And be it farther enacted. That upon the amount', qualities, and values of produce, aOO , lO. wares, merchandise, and articles produced or manu factured. and /told ordelivered, herelnafterenurnerated, the manufacturer or producer thereof, whether nisn faetured or Produced for himself or for others shati pay mate Collector of Internal Revenue within his district, monthly, within ten (10) days frem the twentieth day of ..ach month, the duties of such products or manatee. (urea and for neglect to pay such duties within said ten (10)days. the amount of such runes, with the ltddi ,tone hereli..before prescribed. (10 per rent. penally. and the costs of warrant, lire ,).may be levied upon •be real and personal property of any inch produser or manufastener. ie9.Bt .1118PHE HARDING, Collector. GEN. PRITCHARD.—FINE CARTEB, &e, from life, of Gen. Pritchard. the Captor of refFDavit. min be had at F. GOTERUNST'S Gallery, 70* ARCH Street, J OHN C. BARER & CO.'S COD LIVER OIL —TEM. TRUE AND ORlNlNE—Unsurpassed in find eincia—ohe swz.tvrEsT beic ABE UST PREPARED. In Combs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma Goat. Goat. Nel -1 tent Conenreption. and all Scrofulous Uomplainte, it ..Itentlmee produces immediate and certain °Fade when they rezawile* have been taker/ with little or no benefit. Sold by all inn:ISOM; in the city, and by the prowls , r, Flo. 7lB MARKET Street. Jell- anthem H AVANA. CRIARS.—A GOOO VA- • RIM conatantly in store and bond at lowest oh rates., 5.1F0 . 91111T dt 80118 . _ . M 124 216 — South t?OLDLNG SPRING BE DS. Bedding of away demeriptb 0. Spring-bottom bad F cola. ravoloior moos and nos, trays by the bale. faILBECOOK d< 004, 9 South BEVENTR Street (}BEAT CENTRAL CILOTHING HOUSE, '%.lrArAricu.L. puTED STATICS 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $23%0004000. IT MhoiltP of the Beers tary of ths Min a , t l i• tutderslased, the General Pubeeriptiort Maul for the sale of United Rates ilestulties, offers to the Wine the third stoles of Treasury Notes, bearing 111111 , 62 sad ihreatenths per seat. interest per mum, Mira as the SEVEN.T.IIIRTY LOAN. Them tot.. Ara lamed under We of July 111. 1864 and an payable three years from that date lir *ar terial, or are sonTeMlble at the option of the holder Into . 11. S. fro le 512 E Pra CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Them Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Sonde, from State, County, and Municipal taxation. tehich adds from one to three per cent. more to their value, amordlng to the rate lolled upon other property. The Jeered le payable iond.snnually by conrona attetshed to sash note. whisk maybe ant °S and sold to say bank or banker. The intereit at 7 BO per gent. amounts to One gent per day on a 00 not.. Two cents per day on a $lOO lOW. Ten cants per day on a VW not*. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $6,000 not*. Rotes of all the denominations named Will be Promptly famished noon receipt of imbseriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold. 'saw* that the Government metres to Melt the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per oent. !Weed of 8-10ths th currency. Subscribers will deduct the in terest in currency ay to July 16th. at the time when they enbetrihs The delivery of the notes of this Third genes of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the let of June, and will be made promptly and sontiuttonely after Outdate. The 41101 change made in the condition of this THIRD BERM affects only the matter of Interest. The payment in gold, if made. will be ailtdrilliht 10 the earreney interest of the higher rate. The retarn to Steele payments, In the omit Of Whist only will the option to pay interest in gold be *Yelled of, would so :sillies and equalize Prises as that nut shells, made with six per sent. In told would be fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per rent. In currency. This is TEE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government. and if II misierior ad- Tankages make It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $230,000.000 of the Loan authorized 'by Congress are now in the market. Thii amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subssribed for within slaty days, when the note* will undoubtedly command .a premium, as has tug rormly,been the case on gloving the sabeeriptions other Loans. In order that 'Mena of every town and section of the sountry may be -afforded faellitiew for taking the loran. the National Baths. State Banks. and Private Bankers throughout the' country have generally agreed to re. eatva StlbieriPtWall at pos. Subsaribeas will aelostiheir owl, agents, in wbom, they hasssenibienra. lad Wito only are to be moonlit& for the delivers of the notes for whisk that' remise orders. JAY COOKS. SUBSCRIPTION AMT. No. 114 . SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADBLPHLL EIN firEIN, 110.151EGNEWL.113 & Co., BANKERS, o. 13110 AI) STREET, NEW YORK. We draw at eight, and at sixty days, on LONDON, PARIS, FRANKFORT, and all other principal cities of Buxom Tartlet; opening current accounts may deposit and draw at theliCotivenlaiiiiiillie de asWitßilin cirri BAKIS, and will be allowed interest on ail balances over ORR THOUSAND DOLLARS, at the rate of POUR Per cent, per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various Issues of Government and other Mocha. Bonds, and Gold executed on Commission. inyStweamir WILLIAM H. MACOM. Camas A. WARM. BACON it WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, EISK. WALNUT STREET. Stocks boned and sold on Commission. Trust Mande invested in City, State, or Government Loans. linbiariptione regal -Tod for the Vatted States 7.30 Loath without charge for commission to the purchaser. jet, Umatilla - SEVEN•THIRTIEB, OF JUNE IN AMOIRITS TO SUIT, AT 11E, AID INTEREST ALLOWED TO TONE 15 For We by 330NMXIELI at CO.. mv2741 NO. 34 SOUTH TRIED STREET. P. STAXPOILO. • JOS. L. HOUSTON. STAMFORD & HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. pa SOUTH THIRD STREET, • PHILADDLPRIA. Dealers in Government SesuritleaVSpeele, Unconent Money. City Warrants. ao. Stocks bought and sold on commission at the Regular Board of Brokers. myd3•lm THE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, HO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH MEW, BELOW EST, Pays Ilya per ant. Int CH erest NUT on Delpoidta, AMU. for the Salo of United Mates 7 &11l Lomax at VIM Gwrorn meat, Mats and2ltT Lana and Bkosks Isonald sad sold for datandtoti Mbars on Ckmanisslol. ed 13.31 LINCOLN MONUMENT 16-€III3OC/AMION. OFFICE NO, 921 CHESTNUT STREET, submiption, will be received daily for the erection of the XcurwrlmmNir TO PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. AL and 9 P. N. Contributions should be addressed to JAMBS L. CLAtillalik. Treasurer. ALEXANDER HENRY, President, JAMBS L. °LAMM!. Treasurer. CHAS. J. STILLS. Bei - rotary. je7•et pHOTOGBAPHS OF PUBLIC BUILD 11,0S, Churches. ResMenem sad Country Beats. —Those who wish to P 7811111 1 ,0 a type ot the old Home. etesd should apply to B. F. RBUld/R. Photographer. 6R4 ARCH Street. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, TWELVE for $1.2.6. neat and pretty style Likenesses. snits• bit, for Albums, just the style for scholars to exchange with classmates. 10100. ND Street, above Gr , eh, lt* MI UNION MOWING MACHINES PEICSB REDUCED. • ‘II9BIRT BUMP, Tn., jeld Yon 992 and 924 Megan St , above Ninth. Oft BUCKEYE MOWERS AND KRarßaS—Plucsa Esptrolcp. RODENT BUM, Ja., j eIO ros 922 and 924 MARKET Ea., &bow. Ninth. Ai PRATT'S STEEL-TOOTH HORSE HAY RAKES—TRICE@ GREATLY REDUCED. ROBERT BUM, Jn,. j+lo Boa 922 and 924 MARKEY St., above Ninth. All FAMILY FRUIT AND WINE PESSEdeb. or all slue. ROBSTIT BUIS% .T.H... jolt) Net t 922 and 924 MARKS? be., above Math. dui CULTIVATORS AND CULTIVA• TOli TJETH. BOBBRT MST. "JR., jelo Noe. 922 and 024 Mauna Bt.. above Ninth. 3. E. 00R. span AND MARKET STREETS. RNTAIL-Day , aeons; COOPER ft COURD, VINTIEI .ht.rfl) MALUILET. MINE OASSIMERES. LINEN DRILLS AND DUO& RUMMER COATINGS. THIN DRESS GOODS. LIEW WUITZ GOODS. DOMESTIOS REDUCED. ELEGANT SILK SAOQUES. BLAOK HBRNANI SHAWLS. Jet ft EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, SUMMER SILKS AND SHAWLS. TOWELS FOR HOTELS. PURE WHITE SHAWLS. DIAMOND MARSEILLES. GOODS FOR TOURISTS. WIDE GOAT SILKS. LLAMA SHAWLS. adalzr. FLANNEL. 1,000 Low QUILTS. TABLE LINEN. ap26.tliam2w TAGG BRO , CORNER TENTH AND PINS Streets. open from large Jo:Lotion Sale, 8 lots Ladies' White Cotton Hobe, 88 to 600. bargains. filets Gents' Brown Cotton 34 Hose, 25, 35, 40. and 800. i 1 101 Ladiseirine•throad Cianalet Travelling Glores.6o4. lots Ladies' One Lisle Thread Gloves. only 204 1 lot LaMar' heavy-work Black Mohair Mitts, 760. 1 lot Boys' bleached 3G Doge, 5, SM, and 6 in, only 204. I lot Gents' Lead-colored Cotton Mores. Sc. 2 lots Ladies' One India Gann Merino Vests, 28 and 30 in, , SI an dit21.25 2 lois One India Gauze Merino Drawers, only $1.60. 1 lot, 20 doz., Beata' Gauge Merttio Underentrts SI. 5 lots, 70 dozes, Vents' Fahey Colors and Mick Silk leek Ties, 250. I lot, 1,000 gapers lowther.heitil Carpet Tacks. ae. . 1 103 Feather Bnst Beissbes. only 130. I lot 411.1.1n0n Buck Bath Towels- 50,78 per 0102011. 1101 Swiss Polka spot Dress Moline, 500. 3101 e SwlsaStripe Manlius from Dienes an d eartbaldiell. 40 and 62e. 2 lots Imitation Task Swiss Blasting, 50 and 85e. 7 lots plata Ralnsuok lititlins, 201;0 01 93. 2 lots, 2 CAW, small Palm Leal Fans, Ho 1 lot blast and mixed stripe Balmoral Skirts, 52. 1104 443 eosin, very Site corded border Linea 1 lot, 2 lava* wide, Latvia , * b est thiblitY Black Berne.. not Dams* tad Snow. drop 3: Table Napkin*, $3 re dozen. 1 lot very heavy donbire.bpllell whit Black Bonnet Rib bon, M. , . With other le:ts; also, Notions and Trimmings. at the Cheap Auction store, corner .of TANTEI and PISS Streets. Jelo-2t PEARL TAMARTINEB, 50 CENTS. AL Pearl Wool De Latins. 66 and 66 cents. Pearl Mohair's and Alpacas, 60 cents up. New sbadee Melange Lanes, double fold, 75 cents: Flee quality narrow striped doable fold Lane de elrahle. French Orland! antJaconet Lawns. Plain. Flak. and Buff Lawn& Auction lot Mask and White Lamm, 373 f cents. French Figured Grenadine Badges, 46 cents. ' Extra quality flask Alpacas.. 60 cents to $l.OO. Lupin's 6-4 Slack Wool De Leiner. $l.OO. Tire above. mite other goods, are prinolpally job iota, selling rapidly under Tarns. COOPXR (101514.8. n. it IL N. corner WITH and MAREJIT Streets. 10,000 a n d YAAD A IF O I B NE OASSINERES Very pat fancy Cassimeres Substantial styles for plain peel.. Nebby patterns. French, Scotch. and American. Barris' finest fsbrics,, for beet custom. Fine Coatings. of every material. Heavy French Linen Sonar. Tailors' Linings, by the Mena or yard. 1,014111rIC: GOODS. Shootings and Shirting's. by the yard or piers, webs of roibleeebed Mnctine, ninon roamed. Linen, Flannel. and Ticking 'tools complete. White Goods stock largely. replenished, and. selling at very lowest prices. COOPER & 41011kilD, It S.S. corner NINTH and MARKET ;Streets. cI.AtZE BIIIVIRER BLKNICETS.- Just received an Invoice of Summer Blankets. the finest and Belden we heve ever had. BEBYPABD, VAR HARLINGEN, ds AMMON. House readable' Dry Bond& jeS•etutb et 1008 CHBeTBUT Sheet. COOPER CONAJW, NM= AND MARKET, have The beet ILiamimere stock In town. Good Linen Drills, Docks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, ceiling, gold, at 300. Gauze, domet and other Fla,nnels. Peari Wool Delainee, 65 and 65 cents. Tatra fine black blot, atr Alpaca, Lupin's 6-4 black Wool DeMises, tt 1. Good stock white Maimed4k. Swim. Bird-eYe Linen, strlpod. fined Cerabrioe and Jeconstr, intro* biuglina• EMIL &C White nerfge and other thin Shawls. Slik Eaccraf... and Summer Dilaters je7-tf :I CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. v • INTIM; STOCK RIDUCBD. Bleck Thread Laces. Thread Veils. Thread Lace Barbee. • Bernstitched Handkerehiefe, busing. Cambric Edgings and Insertions. Blirr4d and Fancy French ?darling, for waists. SEISTLeBD BRAWLS AMA SILL kikliTi.E3 off below cost. 3e6 6t' SPLENDID STOOK OF LINEN GOODS. just opened at VA ARCH Street. nom prising— Turkish, Bath, Reek. an plain Linen Towels. Napkins, of beautifal patterns. and all grades. Table Lnens, bleached, Leif-bleached, and brown. Richardson & Dunbar's, Dickineon's., and other Linens. Ladles' and Gents' L. C SRA, from 123icto sl. bern'd stitched and col'd borders—very nice. in S 1 tf JOHN H. STOKES. -111,4 6 01 E gnu.. NADI OR ORINADI6IB. 8.4 black Benign'. ordicary mash. 8.4 black Taraartines and Crape Maretr. 8.4 whitefflamattlnes and Bareges. Sinale•width c• 8 wide black HEITIIMIt t . Heavy seek 6-8 wide black Hernani. % Black Tamartineg, Grape Manta, and Challl6s. Double• width black De Latches and Tamil. Clot hr. Black Grenadines and Bombssinea. binale•wldch black;DeLahl46. EDWIN HALL do CO., m7BO tt 26 ion% SECOND Streak. SPECIAL NOTICE. SELLING OFF BNTIN.I STOCK TO CLOSE BUSINESS!! GOODMRORAN D Y I A X NDRHFOO.R SALE We invite special attention to the above annonneenient. We have a Larne Stook. We are Selling Cheap. Every yard is to be dosed ont on or before the tat day of September. Mika and Drees Goods. Olathe. Gassimeres. and Linen Goods. Shawls, Cloaks. Skirts. Batas dte.,&e. Muslims and Calicoes mush under market twice. CHISEL ?ROMS RY & mylaain Um of EIGHTH and SPRING GLADE,. FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities sad styles, to Black and Gray Droned'. Ns to $l.OO Travellins-Drwse Goods, in every variety. BriW Dress Goods, is treat yeasts. Handsome Oboes Oka, VA, VEUY CHEAP 8LA.911 SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and Sacqnes. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLISA,Li PRIOSS Merrimac, Sprague. and Pacific Prints, 10 4 Walthiust and Pcperill bleached hheatinas. H. STEEL & 13024, ru7B-rt Nec 713 and 115 North TENTH Street. NMW OSELIWE FOR 1E035. THE MAT= nersomort of TEM A 0 LK HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SHIRT. WENS' BRADLEY & CARY Gate .1 T. & J. 0. West), pouiwitoPanarous and MANUFACTURERS, 97 CRABBERS and 79 and 131 READS ttreats, Sew York. THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) EL , WPM Steel SPRINGS. IngeDlollBl7 BRAIDED VORTEX and FIRMLY together, Enos to zees. making the TOUOHEST, most FLEXIBLE. ELASTIC, and DURABLE SPEWS ever need. They seldom BEND or BREAK, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE as LONE ES any other Smut. 'Mk WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COMFORT and PLEASURE tO a experien c edaring the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SHIRT will be particularly all CTOWded ASSEMBLIES, OPERAS. CARE.racss, RAILROAD CARS, CHURCH rilwe ARMCHAIRS, for PRONE. ADS sad gOISIE Dan% as the SHIRT CRE be FOLDED Whoa in nee t 0 00(10. PI a small PLACE as easily as a FILE or MUSLIN DRESS. A LADY baying enjoyed the pleasure. comfort, and peat convenience of WEARING the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ETEEL. SPRING SKIRT for a SINGLE DAY will Raver after grain Willingly dispense with Matrixes For CRILD/ont, Mime, and AMINO LADIES they are SUPERIOR to aft others. THEY are the best quALlti it every part, and un questionably the LIGHTEST, meet DINEHAELyLoonFoRT , ABLE and ECONOMICAL SKIRT ever made. kOR SALE in all FIRST' CLASS STORES In this city. and throughout the UNITED STATES. HAVANA BE OUNA, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA. and the Weer INDIES_ Awlstauiss POE THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT. . e , c , i 0 ti 40 * HOP111 ( 1 ) 1 4 3 : 0 t' l l 1 11 1 16. 8 i "OP 628. HOOP SKIRTS. the-beet assortment and beet st the y TI uaalinty ad ee. y r l om 1 8 to 6 ct prin Gore rom i s sa to e s n 4. q Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 80 springs, from $1.41) 'to $2. Skirts of extra heavy Wee .and extra tapes.-from 90 to 95 wings, from $1.90 to $2.18, asidsee. Cod. Children's. Of every trod* Ole 6 to at widget. Siord 4 to 8 (lents per twine; they* .no tole. agents for the New Flexible Skirt i Vogt Or pliable Boor Stitt made, and kill equal to die Sande Skirt. and at mush lower prises Aleo, - stonily on hard, fall lines of low-prleed Sew A Skirt,, kid-padded and matallie.fastened-16 vs at, 86e. ;20 springs, $1; 25 twinge, s lat; 30eptinse.1 : and 40 sp rings . $l.BO. skirts made to order, atta r , and repaired. at 65$ ARCH Street, molt lm* GROCERIES. COFFEE 1 COFFEE ! COFFEE ! HENRY CHAPMAN, 932 AIIC.EI STREET, Java,Nanilia, Laguayra, & Rio. ROASTED WITHOUT WATER OR LARD! LARD!! I t ARD!!! COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE! Jan p FAMILIES BREWING IN MR EVRAI, DISTRICTS We are premed, as heretofore, to sapply families, at their Conntry residences, with RV/MIT DEBORIPTIONOP-VIAN 0/00.Eltiag. T 3&. &a &o ALBERT O. ROBERTS, m124-tf Horner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. - ROSE LEAVER WA.NTED.-10,00 0 pounds Rose Leaves wanted, for willab JO Cents per pound will De paid, W st M. P. sags sr SONS , Naw Drug and Paint Store. me-What* ELEVENTH Mad MiIIKET Streets. THE ATTENTION 'OF RETURNED yolunteets, and others, abont parcbseing SEEL Is invited to the large and elegant : assortment of Hold and Silver Watches, of American and Foreign makers, Diamond Pint. Hinge. Studs. and bete, Mains, Seale, ; andlPlated Ware, which will be soi l at lita lowest prices, by Lb WDI ba °CHU& Diamond Dealer and. Jeweler. je9.6t. (o. sea CHESTNUT Street. TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL OLOTHLINU' T' GAYWORVITOI El STORY OF THREADS AND THRUMS, Is the name of a new Novel by the author of ”Faith Guiney's Girlhood," which le for sale at MIT Book Store today. The Stereotyper*, Printery, and Binders are wild with enthusiasm for it, and prophecy that it will sell thousands and thousands of copies. Her beautiful Preface gives you the key to it: "Of threads and thlnma; because a simple story of thin mined, divine; and human weaving, we call Lifer wherein are threads—Mors lying evenly along the loom, and made secure and perfect with a filling; wher4in are also many thrums—ends broken or dropped midway, or reaching our unnotsh.d tengtha beyond the web; wherein i li a rates seems, se often, f aulty; where much Bums lost, lift out Or wronor joined; where corns. Prudence is delayed, and lull matched beauty mined; where colors are confused; Where the pattern, being vast, may never quite enrol to earthly vision; where Patience keeps her foot upon the treadle , and Fan met stand, with fervent eyes, beside the winging shuttle, shuttle, knowing of breadths that shall be woven by and by. " The first and second editions have pulsed Into the Booksellers' hands already; the third edition is print. lag. One handsome 12mo. volume. Frio 1 75. Beat by Mail, postage tree, on receipt of the prise. LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., JOHN BRIGHT ON THE AMERICAN quESTION. JOHN BRIGHT, M. P., With a Biographical Introduction, Uwe Speeches were wpesially prepared and revised bYp. Britht. Pit pealleation in America s at the re galia of Mr. Moore. The volume WM present a 'MI. feolleetion in Ng Bright's splendid efforts in de of the mute of liberty sad free government in Ate. A.24I.IDIUMW JOH NOON, preenient of the United states. Crown, Sao. With fine Portrait, by H. W. Smith. This edition is published with the sanction and con• sent of the President. and contains fall reports of all of the important Speeches made by him since his en. trance into public life, together with extracts from oc casional Addresses. je9•St PUBLISHED THIS D'ALY. T. 0. H. P. BURNHAM, Publisher, 143 - WIDIINGTOB Street. Boston. seut by mail. post• paid, on TEhleillt of the price. a NEW BOOKS lt OF THE SEASON. ORPHEUS O. KERR PAPERS—A TRIED Saarse of the comic writings of the immortal Military Otitis, Or. phens 0. Kerr. A new volume even more fanny than Its predsoessor... Pate. *1.50. LOORINEt A8013151).—A new and excellent novel by Hoe. author of " Long Look Aheall," Time to the Last," eta. Psice, $L O. WYLDER'S Hiffn —A flrot class new Buglieh Nove by bberldan Lo Faun, author of " Uncle Mao," etc. Prise. $1.76. FairyFingera—Mrs. Mowatt's new novel Bt. New novel by author " Rutledge " 176 Hush Worthington—Mrs Holmes' new novel... l 60 Mary Brandagee—A new " Woman's novel "... 1 75 Superior Pishink—BooseyelEsneweportingbook. 2 'Lovers and Thinkers—A new .... 160 Al T h an bound. in cloth, and sent by mail frpe. on receipt of price. by je7•watt CASLITOIC Publisher. New York. ST. PHILLIPS.-A. SPLENDID NEW novel by the author of Butledge, Butner lanes, " "Frank 'Warrington," and "Louie " Just published, and selling immenaely. OA.ELBTON, Pob Heber, Dew York . inthelo SUPERIOR FIBIIING.—A NEW BOOK on Sporting. by B. B. Roosevelt. One of the most witty. entertaining, and delightful books ever pub. lisbed. Just as attractive to the amateur as to the pro fessional reader. 0.6.8L8T08. Publisher, New York. Jel• thstulOt • TT UGH WORTHINGTON—A NEW aovsl by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, aothor of " Tem. pest and Bandana, become' This new novel thiserfectly charming. and will great fairorlie season. CARLETON, Publisher, New York. jel thstaide CHEAP CLASSICAL MUSIC. 'AVERAGE PRICE THREE CUTE PER PAGE. Correct editions of the works of Beethooven, Bach, Mozart, Sayan, Schubert, and other great masters, for Bale 1:14Y by C. T. ADAMS, jeVw 911 OBBSTITIT Street. ( ET THE BEST.--THE ECONOMI- N- 11 GAL COOK aPD ROM BOOK Is the one wanted by' every good housekeeper. It sae over COO receipts. all of which have been welt triad. A Maine editor writes: " 01 course we have no means of knowing the accuracy of all the Nye hundred receipts, but it pro , !asses to give economical ones. and that is just what is wanted the trouble with all other sash books con. elate In giving elaborate directions, which are impracti gable to the majority of families. Our better-half (and a better housevefe d.on't live) pronounces the book a really valuable One. and that's praise enough. " The filth edition just ready. Price One Dollar Mailed on receipt of the pries. ASIINNAD dt AVANS. Publishers. Je&nittreSt No. 721 CHUTE, f greet. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. -I. TEN MINNBATA BBBOIIILCE3 OF TEM Mine STATES AID TSBEITORMS. By the NOEL Wm. Id. Remain, U. S Senator from Nevada. TDB aBBallllG OF SILVAN, COPPER, GOLD. AND lINRCIIItY. With illiotrattone. NAVAL Duras AID DISCIPLINE. By F. A. Roe, Lieutenant Commander U. 8. Mary. PARDEHMIC /81.1ECTIONS IN THE VIE 6.T -MINT OF GOUT, BRUM/MM. DISIINALGiA, Am A. Bummer, M. D., &e. SCIFMTIfIC BOOKS of all kind. on band or procured promptly to order by .I,lllBBAlt & BL&KISTOA, Publishers end Booksellers, Mo. 25 South SIXTH Street. JUST PUBLISHE D- A NEW AND INTERESTING BOYS' BOOK OF TB.AFErat HDITITLED PHILIP IN PALESTINE. Being the authentic Lettere of a Philadelphia Ban Written in the holy Land, to a friend in this city. The aketehae d Places, People. Manners, he., being given in a plain and Dimple manner, making VOilllllo Of in teresting and instructive re J ding. AN 8 8. (114XTON, Successor to W. 8. & Alfred &tertian. ito 606 CHESTNUT Street A FPLETON'S NS W AMERICAN 010LOPSDIA.—Complete hi.l6 volume*. Various Wine of Binding. ISBELLION EXCIORD, by Frank Moore, in 8 vale. stsalivALß's HISTORT 07 TES MOMMIS—SOW eomplete. The Agency for these valuable work. im at 33 South SIXTH Street. above Shared spB4l JAS. K. stxtoim. NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS 11 Just reeeived 1),1L ABHMEAD • ic IVANS. (Bawd 's old stand), • No. TM* 01018TRUT Street. CANADA.: Its Defences, Condition, and Swum' Being a second and cancluting volume of " My Diaty, North and South " By W. Howard Russell, L. L. D. HOUsIaDoLD POEMS. By Henry W. LougfelloW. with illustrations by Hilbert, Patoec. and Ahaolon. LORD DEBBY'S ILIAD UT RORER The Alheli call ealtiOe mast ready. As handsomely printed as :so SE4111 , 11 : 2 vole crows. Sys. FROUOIPS HISTORY OF ENGLAND: 2Yols. l2mo. Tinted paper LIFE or CICERO. By William Forestal, author of "Napoleon at nt, Helena. Sic , dtc. vole. 12mo. Peeled on flue tinted paper, with illustrations THE CLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY. By Miss Yonge, author of Heir offledelyffe," Sto. HandsOme ly illustrated; paper ormualls covers. BUHR WORTHINGTON. A Novel. By Ma Mary J. Holmes. FATLY FINDERS A Novel, By Anne Cora Ritchie, formerly 3100 Mowati ' SUPERIOR EIhHING; or The Striped Bass, Trout. and Black Base of the Northern States, By Hobert B. Roosevelt. BEATA tOB By Julia Kavanagh, HaVE KENNEDY A Bove) Paper covers. RELIGIOUS DUTY. By Francis Power gobbe • saatITARY CONDITION OF NEW YORK CITY. &port of Oftnnotl of Undone Mums' Assoclatlett, with maps. litustrattotte. 40. my 4 tt PHILADELPHIA. fjISTORY CROWNS THE BRANR. The Pub Debars respectfuliy announoe that THE HISTORY OF THE FENADTLYMeId RESARVE tIORPS Is now ready fox deliver. to subscribers. It gentians a complete record of this gallant organiza tion; and of the different companies, regiments, and brigades, giving graphic description., of their Expedi tions, disrobes, Skirmishes and Battles, together with biographical sketches of Officers and Peresnal Records al each private during his term of service—compiled 'rout OFFIDIAL REPORTS and other Documents, by I. R. BIIPEIBB. Eeq It Is In one valuate. octavo of 722 pages, and Is ale fettle illustrated by STEM. EDGE aVINGS of Go. torten CURTIN. Generals MADE ktutieLl., and the !monied RINSOLDB, and by a Map of the ',Malty t Richmond. showing_ the route of march Mid the battles to which the REAMS PIS wore engaged in the seven days fight; and is neatly printed on good P4Pbt tad handsomely bound in black cloth and library either. it is sold only by subscription. Fries from ' , his date, $9 Min cloth; in library leather style, $5. Sent by melt free of postage. on receipt of price. Active and responsible parties desiring to canvass for his popular and attractive History. will make MVO. ,ation with written reeommendathins to. ELIAS BARR &CO.. publishers • Leditodsrini, Starch 22, /SW 301INELME , NvENTELL. IWILLTAMH WAT.SON, Late rublie printer. Late Older Clerk Bab. .06p. WO DELL & WATSON PROSECIITI CLAIMS BBFORB EvNICT DEFABT MUT OF THE; GOVICRNMEJIT. Once Rooms, No. 345 PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, Directly oPPoalte the Metropolitan Hotel, jolf•Im P. 0. Box 26% WaehLgton, D O. CARTES DE VISITE.-ONE AND a b ahoolo avail themselves of the experience mut kW of B. F. REIMER in having their Cartes de Vita riladA it GSM ARCH Ptreet Ito NEW- PVIILWATIOPIN. LOItING, Publisher, 319 vrAeßrareToN Street. Boston. 110 WASHINGTOZ EITSBET. BOSTON, NATO In Press, and will publish Immo:HM.ly. THE osiNamci-rmis ON THE ANERIOAN QUEST/ON, BY FRANK MOORED Crows Aro. With Aso rortroit by Ritchie. ALSO. THE LIFE AND SPEECHES 3DIVID BY FILM MOOSE. CANADA ; ITS . DEFENCES, CONDITION, AND RESOURCES. I. SEQUEL TO u yZg DIARY, NORTH AND SOUTH: , BY W. 110 WARD RIISSBLL, LL.D. One volume...-.42mo—Cloth.--Prlce $1 W. .TIIST PUBLISIIRD 50 to 75 per cent lower then other editions AT REASONABLE PRICES. WANTS. WANTED—A FINE LARGE BALES- Boom, in the eiolutty of Chestnut. and Sairenth Wrote, -lot or asooLd 010.1f. 4r00s "D. P Box 669,puw0 WANTED—A. YOUNG MAN, OF 19 to 21 years. as Sit Wilma for a eonltry store to Illinois. one iterainted with dry goods maypidror. with referents.lialnois." Pram office, jelo.2t WAITED --A SITIJATIONAB BOOK KEEPER by a voting Mau baying 10:0 Yeare.,,a2E parlance. Addreme "R.." Prom office JO7-Wattim" WANTE D-1.14 A WHOLESALE II Dotion House, a Young Man wbo is actillaitd94 with and can command a city and near trade, and to sell goods by sample if necessary. Address! Box 7939, Pbila P.O. 399,60 WANTED-IN THE FISH AND WANTED-IN Provision Buolnonk setsvAtest SAINT/Cl* who snit Influence ssgsi.dembis tra de. All estatennica tions confidential. Ad , ss "Fish," at thle °Poo for one 'rook. JOY it* WANTED 1 CANVASSING AGENTS. —We want an intelligent parson, with good business talent, to take the ezelusive right to sell a book called PHOTOGRAPH 'ARMY MORD, which will be by for the most popular work ever published in America. Thousands , will be sold in every county. Every family will buy one. large prong on each copy sold. Not a book will be sold from a store, but only by travelling agents. Old Osnvassers can do better with this book than with any other ever sold. There le no doubt about The attention of booksellers at (*lint?' towns Is called to this notice; they can employ agents esti for them. Applicants must give references. *tate their occupation nearness to county town. and 'what county to wonted. Only one county will be given to an anent Samples will be ready In July. Bend for descriptive circulars and terms, enclosing stamp. Address BARTLISON at 00 , jeg-thetuats 611 CHINTNII? Street, Phila. WANTED —AN ACTIVE PARTNER, with a capital of 10,000 to 20,000 dollars In a ant class manufacturing business—Perfumery—tit encases• fill operation for the last twenty years, the senior part ner Wlehing to retire from satire life. This le an oppor• t.i.ity rimy to ba flat with tar et:toxin, at one. Into a safe And profitable baidneiti. Addreath With real name. EITa Co.. " Oise of this paper. mytt-atdikti WANTED—DISABLED SOLDIERS, and others out of employment. to Canvas for our GREAT NATIONAL WORK, JUST PUBLISHED. THE LIFE AND PUBLIC EERVIOES OF ..4-brabaut Lincoln. By Prank Crosby, of the Philadelphia bar. comprising one large octavo volume of nearly dye hundred pages This is the only work of the kind published, being en tirely new and containing hie early history, political career. speeches, messages, proclamations. and other official documents! illustrative of his eventful Ad ministration, together with the scenes and events con nected with Ms tragic end. It will be sold only by our authorized travelling agents, to whom excluaive teed. tory la given and liberal commleelone Dail. Send for h circular and Ono, to Waistline Ai elm/. " Box 217, 140. ortmongur fittest, Jet ea. NV ANTE D-TEN PINE SHIRT • Soaker , ' with Wheeler & Wilson's machine ; Stea • dy work . 305 ABM Stmt. third story. SeA3l• WANTED-TWO ENERGETIC I SALESMEN in MOTIOIN ADD WHITE GOODS HOUSE,_ haying a largo stock. To those having a good Western trade a liberal salary W il l he 10.11111. Pone others need apply. " Ao/lorm, ' Box 433 P. 0.. Phila my 6 OP WANTE D.- $lO PER DAY, AT I , RONK —Any Demon, male or female. can clear $6O Per week, at home, In a l light. honorable badmen. 2to $6 capital required. Returned soldiersand ()there sting a few hours d illy to spare, can learn the parti culars 'MI enclosing two stamps for decalsr and return post. Address R. WAYVILL, my1.7.1m. Chicago, box 4781. WANTED TO YUROHLBE—A USE 11Th PATENT RIGHT. Address "Patent. 'V Bras Office, 395.45t* A YOUNG MAN (WHO HAS BI EN SR officer ht the arm) wishes a }librarian k a first• class GROCERY Store. Has been to the banttlest, and eon bring good reference. Please address "C.." Poet Office, Hex 741. city. jell.** AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE AID SPE, the most interesting and ex• citing book ever published, embracin the adventures of a woman In the Union Army as Nurse, Scout , and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Re• turned and disabled officias and soldlers in want of profitable employment will And it peculiarly adapted to their condition We have agents stealing $l5O per month, Ishtar we will prove to any doubting applicant, Send for circulars. Address JONES 811.01, &CO , No. 000 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. my3o.lm* BOY WANTED—g. OOLOBBD BOY between tb. ages of id and 18 wanted. APOY im mediately at GIS LOCUST sumo. GREATEST THING OF THE TIMEE -ROWIM '8 PRISE SPVIII,OPES. —Agents wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to Asenter Oa receipt of $l6 we will mail, ,post , yaitl. 100 Javelin**. and* splendid Solid Silver satiating- Oase Watch as a 'premium to the agent. A single 'Envelope sent, with sirealar and rulipartisulare, on regain! of 46 cents. Ad dress A. H. BOWEN & CO., P. 0., ECM 4270.38 EBEL MAN Street, N. I. mial-Sto $25,000. --A PARTNER WANTED with this amOnnt, to engage in o of the beet branches of manufacturing basins'sinthis Mtn, having * large cash trade. Address , , P.. PrBBB .ie3-etatiat* 8 1 4 25 . A . MONTH. -AGENTS WANT ED everyerbare_to Intofte FAM I L Y mroved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY •DOLLAR SEW ISM MACHINE, the only Jow•prien machine in the country which is lieeneed by Grover & Baiter, Wheeler & Howe, Binger A Co.. and Baehelder. All other mitehlims now sold for loss than forty dower. each are infringements,and the. teller and near are liable to fine owtimvsonment: Salary and memo, or large commiewion, Allowed. Illustrated dinners sent free. Address litiavr• kn. CLARK, Biddeford, *nine Inelo.d&Wket A MONTH.-1. WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O * mouth, expenses paid, to sell FITTEST .iSTICLIS the best eelling ever offered. Tull particulars free. Ad dress OT/B T. OARSII Bidde ford, Maine. mylo d A W3m $lOO,OOO ,TE o 2 gage r .. 'Vs!? UPON $lO,OOO. Applyto A. MUIR. Conveyancer. jelo•Bt* No. 51. North SIXTH Street. WANTED—A GOOIT COMMO- Dims STORE. on the eolith olde or Nukes street. betwom Fifth and Ninth Meets. Address for one week " G. 8.," Box fit Ptillaom. P. O. Jee4P. FOR f4ALE AND TO LET. FOR BALE, WITH IMMEDIATE possession, one of those srat•claes, new, modern Dwellings., east side of Sixth, above Brown street. tote 20 by 130. to hack street Parlor 32 feet deep• dining room 22 feet; sitting room 21 feet; 7 chambers, 2 MOS, ens, conservatory. water Iliolll3i. hot and cold water, heater, noises, bath—in fact,every convenient's. These houses are bnilt in the best manner. of well seasoned material Ties , will be tole on easy terms. This is the last chance. Out of twelve we have only four left. Please call and examine them—open all day—or ap ply to BOYD k %3B IX e 3.0. 60 120 Beath FOURTH Street. gIA, PUBLIC BALE ON THE. PRE- SigiVRES—WIIDDISIIDAY AFTERNOON'. Juno 14th. at 6 o'clock preeleely—Large and valuable .3351D1401 of the late Madame Brazier, MARRED Street. wee: of Fortieth street; lot MO by 280 feet; Weimar Oardon. Sae Fruit. Jtc. Avoly to M. THOMAS it SONS, zarle 4t* 139 and 111 South FOURTH street. FOR BALE-A VALUABLE LOT OF Ground. S. E corner of Broad and Callowhill eta. ; 130 by 240 feet. Do. do, S. E. corner of Bridge and Thirty.se. cot d streets; 142 by 218 feet. Do. do., S W. corner of Bridge and Thirty•ea cowl streets. 100 by 203 feet. Do. do.. B. W. cornerot Thirty.aecond and Ha verford streets; 216 by 15341 feet. Do. do.. B. W corner of Ninth and Berke etreets; 600 by 180 feet. Do. do., d. B. earner of Twenty second and Spring Garden streets; 90 by 103 feet. Do. do., Darby toad. between Chestnut and. Walnut streets; f 0 by 120 feet, Do. do., 111.1nworth street, from Twenty-eighth street to the Schuylkill ; 1,000 by 101 feet. Do. do., on Manheim street. fiermautrWas stout 3 scree. Do. do.. on Teem , street, at Holmeiburg, With many others of various size. B. P. (MIEN, 10 1243 South 801111TH Street. da FOR SALE—AN EXCELLENT .60013 b re and Business Place, 214 Doan Forest, Superior Dwelling, 36 feet rront, N 0.1919 Green street, Store and Dwelling. good. Encloses Stand. 236 Borth Sixteenth street. corner Of Winter. convenient Dwelling, No. 203 South Tenth greet; wasted.= soon. Neat Dwelitng, No 732 Obiricy street. Desirable Dwel leg, Broad street, above Brown; lot 20 by 160 feet. B. F, GLEVN, 123 South FOURTH Street: or jelD P W. car. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. aFOR SAL E , WITH IMMEDIATE oeesaion, the convenient Dwelling. No. 2014 reent Vernon esrget. B.F (dam jelo B. W. cor. BEVBETEBNTB and GRUEN ja GERMANTOWN. -FOR SALE, =AL NOTTINGHAM KNITTING I fl [e CLINTON Street. with Steam Engine, Shafting, Potties, and Belt ing, Fulling Stocks, Drying Booms, with heating pipes and gas throughout; all in complete order for Immo diets operation, together with the Dwelling attached. The Idechinery in said Mlll is area for sale Apply to 010/MI STOOKIIAM, Kensington jeetnths St 41, FOR BALE.—A VALUABLE PRO mot nwrir. on Market Square, Garment's'', n. The improvements are a substantial Brick end Forte dwelt - ins. and frame stable. The lot to 40 by 666 feet, orna mented with fine shade and fruit trees. Apply at In. mance Ofilefl, /MAIM and ARMAT Streets, Twenty. second Ward. jet VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR PALA north tide Pine await, above Twen tieth- In perfect order, and with every requisite can 0411iPID en Price $9,000. address Box 477 Phitalieloble, Pont Office. Ja9.9t* S t FOB SALE-AT THE VILLAGE of Haddonfield. law Jersey—A handsome modem DW RLLIAO HOWIE and about Throe Acres of Lind. suitable for the summer or permanent residence of one doing business in the city. Location, six miles from Philadelphia about one genera from station on the Osniden and Atlantis Railroad. by which access roar be had to and from Philadelphia by six trains daily each way. House large and well fluishad, with modern conytniensea. Retract shrubbery, trees, gc. Mine and Coach. house attached. Immediate possession. Apply RI FIABLE9 RROATN. JOB At* No' as 9 . BSVIIIITH Strait, fllita FOR SALE-A. DESIRABLE RE- SiDENCI3, centrally located, in an elogaw netgh borhoadt horse 28 feat front. contains ail modern im• provemer te wide hall, largo parlor, library. de:. and is to complete order. Choke fruit sad shrubbery lu the yard. Lowest price $19.0e0. a considerable padlock at which can remit, if denirsd. or would he exellasged for a smaller property, Apply No 40 North FOUR PH Street. el TO LET— CHESTNUT-STREET sTeltE, No 1031, with Dwelling, end with mo. t';.rn improvement's. Jos BO' MgFOR SAL E—HOUSE, NO. 908 FR iNKLIN street. above Poplar. Inquire of J. P. g21.101180N. go. 1427 North FIFTO Et jel.im• atft ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—FOR hand ma coTraus (oppcmite Lae U. S. lintel), with or Without furniture, entraining 13 romm and a good cistern. eras to H J. WOOTOtIf, atlantic city, oz to J. H. BATHS, Seventh Sitstioosi Soak, Philadelphia. mySS•I2I .11 PRIVATE SALE OF A SMALL* oloa PAPAL —The following Real Estate, contain.. log between fifteen and sixteen acres of land, in good Goastion, situated on the old Lancaster road. Rix miles from the permanent bridge. 10 the township of Lower Motion, and county of Montgomery, one ralla from the athenaville station. on the Pennsylvania Railroad and half a mile from the Libertyville station, on said reti nal. The improvements are a comfortable Rouse. Rant and other onthooses, a welt of excellent water at P e door, a Spring-bailee Oyer ■ lieVer•failleg epring. A in.., of water penile through the plass amble of wattrine the year round. The land ie all under culture Title indisputable. Immediate posses. Rion will be given if reciltlied Por further parttonlate. inquire of WILLIAM Mo. KEEVER, No. 320, North THIRD Street, or to Ins enimether, residing thereon. JO 2t A. B. MAUVE& TO EXCHANGE—IMPROVED FARMS a of 40 and 121 Ames, Oil Stocks will be taken in part payment; also, Home and Lots to exenaoga. ABM'. swam SV 210. 308 WAGS 112 tit.. Boom 16. FOR SALE-A GOOD ST YLIS EL .141 4 yatr of Tamil bay Bo.assi, good size, and PAif••dilY snatch teen. Also. a Atte Bonita 00ditd four•tprini t ib.et o, sod a falfing.top single Canine. two a oow double set 01 scarnece. Are. gilt Ecenntlng*, end sato( Araia ffarnasa, i.ilvermountlagoi by a gentleman going to tl J. It P., jcB Bt.* 2917 HAMM Rind gar* FOR SELLIC--A. FEW TOP klud no-cop Wagone of OM oWn woks. GSO. w wgiT.ON k CO fa et No. 1210 CHESTNUT Street. DEPARTMENT FOR OWTON WORE. P at. 1,4 NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THU: Rll-01118111M' TRIRT.4I3OVP_TWIRTIL TRIO _SATURDAY ATUANOOR. _TORTT-BIYANR GRAMM RAINILT Wait tor the FIRST Alp OW At a Eattitet, thi listrarramoioETAll.ch with O he presented its SPLISRDID ISM OM GRAND NAMES. Sidi , splitting nee , great cast, eta. ate. Admission to the Marines Children 2 30 OTS TO ALL KARTS or PUS ROUBJ 5 Gents. This Satanism, Evening, Idurt Right of Walla Dessl Bill: PoOknowrkii, AND TAN With all their COMMAS BuoTRIES, DRAUTRUL SORRIIR. yang A.VICAL NINE OASIS, S t o t i a i k ,Th nuira i Nupl ylait, Th.are IVES MG espeg it al inrMisa 1110EDAV,, June 13. Bel,eSt of J. 0. Feeler, TUESDAY VENIEU, Jas. , IS. bun LOTT& SA thlo SIVE' DAUGHTERS OF SATAN. WEL JOHN DREW'S NEW ARO& STRUT MAIM. MEM OF ME. G. E. GRIFFITH. TO.BIGHT (SATURDAY), June 10th, 1085, RING HINItY TEIII WIDOW'S VICTIM. WITH CRAIG'S IMITATAOSS, And the Drama of 'SRN BO LT. ALL TDB OLIMPARY IN TSB CAiTS. mosDAY-71111 WSBB SISTER& pHILADBLPIIIA NATATONIIM PHYSICAL INSTITUTB BROAD, below Walnut, Philadelphia• SWIMMING S ciao oLd FOR CHILDREN, LADIES, and GENTLEMEN. The Swimming Department of the above kith*doe Is now in foil operation. Dr. JANOS '8 System or struction it easy, pleasant, and very enteesefal. Ladies or gentlemen contemplating to visit the selaborli net Moine learned to swim yet, are Invited toa visit. :rocs six to ten lessons will enable them to become good swimmers by continued practice. The temperature of the water Is always that of midsummer. For parttsa• tars, see circular. tar64l CONCERT HALL, eoscesstbl MORD AT xvisinz4e, June 646, For a short ninon only, ReALLISTBR, The world•renowne6 WIZARD OF THE WEST. 26 cents. For part niers see programmes. je6.4 ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST NUT Strati Om Mouth, will continue open untliNune 10. Adenine) on 10 conic leQ• Gt BOA DIIII N. BOARDING.—A HANDMX Second•otory Front ROOM at No. 814 Soatit WASktIDOTON Immo. joB-9t* WARDING -VACANT, SEVERAL HANDSOME ROOMS, at Allyn lit' 906 51'11.1703 STRUT. na.y /30AliD, WITH FIRST•OLASEI Square. Dinner', at rio. 6114 southwp.saarar • a rayl9-1"e REMOVALS. pt -- EMOVAL.GEO. W. WATSON -LA , CO. have removed their CARRI ins /MOUTON! to their old place, No IA tO 0 MUM r Street (under Concert Ball), where they will keep a stook of Cirriage* of their own make. and will receive orders for ever! deecription of first-ciao work. Jana 7, 1885. .le7 Sot REMOVAL. WILLIAM YARMALL m Removed from No. 1020 to Jo. 1232 011110 T. Art +arm, 0, 31.. co of RTNIIINTO Street Where invites tit at tent ion of houeelleanora. awl Mon anamaaelne• housekeepg. 14 ais *atingle. ele eortmeat of rie"fal ROtlith FURNISHING GOODS, H _ Ottoortor Refrigerator", Tablet:tottery. 711131117 ai& ware. Children's Cerrisses. &s., Ace. soo4 13, HANDICL AND HAYDN BOOLITY'S ANNULI, EIXOURBION TO ATLANTIC CITY, TEMBEIDA.T. My 6, 1866. Jel•thNtd 805. ARCH STRBIYMUNO ROOM. 805. OODIFICTIONIRT AND ICEMAN SALOON. No, 805 ARCH MUST, PHILADELPHIA, (North side, inform ighth I We would rsepectfully the public that w. have opened a DINING AND ICE CRUX SALOON at the above-named location, where we wilt be happy to wait on all who may favor us with a call, at alt hours of the day nom etc A. in. to 10 P. al A k m% Dinner of any hind, with potatoes, heea and Wier, ,t() cents The same, Wlia any WC , veaetables and coffee, 00 cents W e wiil alwa7 s keno On band i CHOICE ram rt. DI SEASON t nIikAND PLAIN OONYNOTIONENY PLAIN AND FANCY OASES .4 ICE OBNAM AND 'TALLIES. ALSO, DOW'S ORLSEHATID /08-CBBAN SODA WATER. With the choicest syrups. On the first floor is furnished the most delightful sum mer drink, Icy cold. pure and sparkling. Gen Demos , whose fl = ea are out of the city dart the hot weather, will title Jut the place to Pro • cure a quiet homelike mea Gentlemen and ladies havlr week , at can be famished board for six days of the week, at lees rates than. WSW bill of rare The location being central renders it a desirable plena for ladles and gentionum of oar city. at VW Ite the ear• roundihg country. WI at 505. AROR STREET. SON. RILVIDBRE DELAWARE RAIL ROAD. TWO THROUGH NORTHERN CON* NECT lONS DAILY. LEAVE P. AND T. R 8. TEISINOTOE DEPOT AT 7.30 A. M. AID 3 30 P. M. Connneetint directly through to BesTON. Or ATER wirmsBABEE, AND TUN GREAT LAKES. Through Tickets sold and Baggage Checked throng* to all prinelpid points idoth and West. W. H. IrATZHER, Anent. ailmig . WEST JERSEY RAIL- ROAD LlNO—From foot of Walnut Batty except Sundays, Commencing SATURDAY, Jane 10th, 1865. For CAPE MAY, 4te,, at 8 AO A. M, , Express 163 P. .. assengr. Per MILLYILLE, Y/NELAND, 8.80 A. 21., and. 2tO I", el, For BRIDGETON, SALES, 40,, at 9,16 A RI 406 P. at. For GLASSBORO, an, 8.30 and 9.15 A. M., 280 and 4.00 P M. For WOODBURY, 60., 8,30 and 9.16 A. 31„ UM, 4,00 and 6.30 P. M. RETURNING. WILL LEM Cape May at 6.90 A. M Mail, 8,20 A, M.. Freight, 6, CO P. M., Passenger Mittvule A. at 7.32 , Mail, 1208 P. M., Freight. 6,66 P. M., Passenser. Bridgeton at 640 A, M., Mall, 9.46 A. AL. Freight, 4.20 P. M.. Passenger. Salem at 6 26 A K., Mall, 9,03 A. u,, Freight, 6,06 P. M. Passenger. iroodhary at 9.06 and 8.18 A. M Mall, 9.06 A K. Freight, 6.16 and 023 P. , Passenger. On the Tat - day or 'nig in Additional °sprs train will he added to and from Cape May. and whi ee r& wilt leave Cape Me, at 8.00 A, M , and Philadelphia at 4.32 P. M,. through.n V t AN e RE u MIS f B r U C E a , m B den e rintendent , West Jersey, Salem, and Cape May ma aitilville Rail* rued TOE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS IOMPANY will attend to all its lOUS' brunches of express Mot nese, receive, deliver and forward through. other ro eporaible Express Companies, to all parts of the mut h Y, article entrusted to them. A Fpzeial Ofisesenger atoompaniss each through train, PHIL ADIIIPHA, JUDO 6,1666, s t - CATAWD3BI RAILROAD ntipk A Sr —To Tourlets and Travel. gxcarston Season et BO LO Ontario Faguenay The Thoneend Islands, Portland, The Rapids of St Lowest ee Whits Moontalns, Eivsr. Saratoga Springs, dm, die . Montreal, am. +to. Quebec, so., ete, Tiskete for the above Rzonrslons, whi.b. Lave boot go long and fairombly thOWo to the Phila4.4lDhtei public, try various routes to Niagara Palle, for tale at, these— , CATARINA RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE, 426 Cbeetort street. under "Philadelphia Rank, when fait Information will be given, R. VAN HORN, P*FIR sneer Agent, 425 GRIOTNOT SteeeL aIiggiMECHEAT AND PLEA.. SANT BIYMEHREt Tainll4 CANDBN AND ATIANTIO, AND ft&WAN teak DRLAWARR Bel RaiIiROADS-OAUDIN TO FEW YORK OR LOBO BRANDS, From Oconee* Ferry, (Maiden, daily 8 87 A, kr Tutkerma, Narpegat• Tome Miser, Manchester, Bergen, Squatimm, Farmingdale Mark River, Lent Branch, BrAncliport Oceimport, Farmingdale, Hers we. bury, Red Bank, Middletown, Highlands, and rot* Monmouth, thence to New York by The splendid steamer "Jesse 800." Through to New York In eye howl. Fare $2. Kreutelou ticket , good for three days, $9 , 1 4 . —7-7 z CAMDEN AND AT • LAN= RAMBPAl6.—Thress Trains deity to Atlantic City, and one On gdaddP. Train% key. Vine-street Ferry no inneeret Mail Train 7.10 A, IL Frc.igbt, with Passenger Oars attached.. ....... 110 A. I. Atlantic Accommodation ..... 4,16 P. IR.' Junction Accommodation... ..... 6.53 P. K. RETURNING, LEAVE. ATLANTIO. Atlantic Accommodation .... . . 20 A. K. Freight, with Fateencer Oars attached...42.o6 P. N. Mail Train P. M. Junction Acconataotiarfort—• • OA R. Fare to Atlantic fit, Bxenrston Ticksts, rood only for the day and train on which they ari issued, $6, 130NDAY Mill, K . Leayse Vins-street Ferry at 7,60 a, , }interning, leaves Atlantic at 8 46 P. X, BADDONFIRLD TRAINS Leave 17leo-street Ferry at 10.16 A. K. and IP. M. Leave Haddonfield at Med A. M. and 2.46 P. M. Is. B.—Freight mud be delivered at °Goner's Polni Wore 6 P. M. to insure its going down the next day. Yuba-Omit JoHNQ sayexr, Agent. aiM~ I;AILgOAD.t 4IIOI-8- MITI wiLmirwron, AID BALI 7. ROOTS OPEN TO aranmorw. Orr! POINT* AND NOKYOLS. Trains loove Depot, torn.ir of BROAD Street ud WASHINGTON krona.. et 1.16 P. Hi., 000nooting with. STXA MIMS ot Baltimore. Tare to Itleinnoad .... . ..•••-• • ••••• (A, Foxe to City ..... Fare to Norfolk ...... «•••••••jr . F . f i ts owl DADAWN, Ge n . Ticket Asent. m 716 La .i,ti ----- wiiiirrzx AND VERBAL DB. gat e sore r m o 111 dvAlvivhritit .147 u moo, SW- Im oroyemomkmxamiooWlog of CHILDRN, soml Adarslio T m: G B s4,; sad*TWEE,by I%IOIOI J I O O HN nd Bo A olmuar 0141 0 0/Ylf No. %I S. TSHBt.,abovoObireN; I SOMERSET, 521 CHESTNUT s u ad e s S ei tz t ee z t uk . t in ele arrir ir ri aag D o e si ala sn r d ia mar Arm ks Army S CI T O6ii deeoriptiOn. Soldiers returning YOMG will And It 1141, vast/aeons to possess as a memorial One of mg An/Loa „ di v e gsdgos. Geaulae la tarot gold Cone Sim algal son brad. All goods wow/ate& Myld lm FANCI HAMS.—BRIG B, SWIFT, t Co, Cobb & O. &P. Boden'a and eb. Batt , • ivans' brands celebrated 131:TOAN-038r.D oncorrOalTt OADIVASOBD HaElls 1n store and for sale WABH/XOTOir strronas k SOS, rargl-bar , 148 and 148 North 1110 A r OIL A VERY SUPERIOR GUM DROP, cybrott by 13Typitr i s ITAXIMeet. WANABIA/LESOc /MOW & SORAIITON, MAT BUD. BUFFMLO•