TUESDAY, MAY S 3, 1885. Soldiers 9 Home. To the Editor of ThePreaa: Sib: Many, like the undersigned, persuaded our 'Citizens to enlist In the army, and take part In put* ting down the great rebelllou. Otters enforced these appeals by liberal bounties. Oar volunteers hastened to tbe field with alacrity. The result ls» by the blessing of G-od, peace, to be followed by un exampled prosperity But many of these patriotic soldiers return to us maimed and Injured for life. Is it not our duty—especially If by word or bounty we persuaded them to serve'-us—to provide a pleasant retreat, a very home for the disabled, da ring their entire lives ? Tho efforts now In progress ror this object call for OUT immediate and earnest Attention. B. V. Saukdbba. soldiers* Families. To the Editor of The Press: Sib * By the use of yonr columns $5OO In cash has bees received for the needy families of soldiers, and $2(O worth of coal and the same amount of clothing have been put into my hands for gratuitous distri bution during tbe winter. The time has come when more aid is needed than before. Though the war be over and out brave men return to tnelr homes, what prospect have .they for the support of their families T The Government work which supported scantily thousands of families will soon be a us. pended $ Indeed, Is already being reduced, and the husband and lather, veteran soldier, home and un employed, that lamlly’s condition Is worse than ft aver was before. I have plead all winter for soldiers’ families, and I now plainly declare, what I have so often insinuated, that It Is a burntog saame for Philadelphia to suffer such a slate of destitution among the families of those who have so he otcaily aele&ded us with their lives. Even at this eleventh hour might sot the two great Commissions of our city, When there is no more field work to be done, turn their attention opportunely enough to the home work of relievlngneedj and deserving soldiers 1 •families 1 Laßt Friday night I received the follow ing. w»*r nODI a mother &i blz Children, whom faaj i&no bad died of starvation 111 a Southern prison: Mr. itfcE,.* Dbab Sib : lamln a great strait this evening for money to get bread with. When t took my last week’s work to the Arsenal they had no more work out to give me, so lam without work, and la conse quence without bread for myself and children over Sabbath. X have this day tried several places to boirow two or three dollars, but have not succeeded. To-morrow being Saturday, I know not what to do for bread for my children till Monday. Anything yon can spare me will be thankfully received. Yours, &c., This family I have known for several weeks, and know that the above touching facts are true. On my list are scores of such oases, and I will cheer, lully appear before any public audience and state what 1 have seen. I know, too, that the simple re cltal of these facts will move the stoutest heart to tears. Unless prompt and efficient; measures are adopted lor tbe relief of soldier*’ families, l feel as sured we will witness more sutieriog during the present summer and lall than we have seen since tbe war commenced. “Coming events oast their shadows before them,” and the man must be blind who does not see that the soldier’s family is la a woise condition with the husband and wife both out of employment than when they were both earning something, however little that something was. Hemes for disabled soldiers and their families are very good in their place, but they cannot, from the very nature of tbe cases, meet nine-tenths of the wants. Here is a returned soldier unemployed, and bis wife unemployed, by the suspension of the Go vernment work. Of what use will a “Home for Dltabled Soldiers, &c.,» be to theml “A man’s a man for a* that.” The man who has braved the long march and the deadly charge will not, unless maimed lor life, feel disposed to enter the Soldier's Home* These are are the men—those are the fami lies that will suffer most, and tor the supply of whose wants some wise provision should be deli cately and Immediately made. Whatever is dene for such families should be re garded as part of a debt which we owe them, the whole of whlcb we never can pay. With a central committee of Influential laymen, and the pastors of the olty, formed into sub-committees, according to location, as superintendents of distribution, the whole work could be systematically and most effi ciently carried on. Each pastor could associate With himself as many aids os he felt necessary, which would bring into activity the lateral energy and benevolent enterprise of many of oar church members, actually "spoiling” for want of some* thing to do. But I have trespassed too long os your patience and space. Bet your readers not forget that aid is as much, nay more, needed now than it was all winter. Since I commenced this article, five poor women have called on me for aid. Shall I have to send them away empty 1 The following additional contributions have been received: From Sabbath School class, per Miss F....... .$1 00 Anonymous 2 oo From Mrs. General F., twelve new garments for girls. From Mrs John Hoke, Gettysburg, one trunk of clothing. From Chestnut*street Female Seminary, several articles of olothing. From Hon. H D. Moore, $25, special. OITV Pastou, 1341 Lombard street, Philadelphia. Bestoration of North Carolina* It is known that Hon. W. W. Holden, of the Ra leigh Standard, has been invited by President John son to associate with himself some of the most pro minent Union men of the State of North Carolina, and repair to Washington. Accordingly the follow ing gentlemen are now in tbe city, and have had an Interview with tbe President: Hon. David L. Swain, formerly Governor of tbe State, and for twenty years president of tbe University, at tbe home of his friend, Gol. John H. Wheeler; Hoq. B, F. Moore, and Hon. Wm. Eaton, at the Ebbitt House, and Hon. W. W. Holden, of the Standard ; Hon. Robert P. Dlek, Hon. J. R K. Russ, and W. J. Maeon, W. R. Ricbardson, and John G. Wil liams, Efqs , at Willard’s. Mr. Dick is known as a life-long and most able frie&d Of the lato. the consideration of the subject. The request was Convention proceeded to the election of a Chief Marshal for Ihe Parade. The following offi cers of the election were appointed by the Presi dent: Judge—Thomas Dixon: tellers—John Hoo ves and Samuel MoGaiiy, , £ Sevirsl delegates objected to tie above-named persons acting ae judges and tellers, and a motion ■was made to rescind the resolution by Which they a that irany one doubted the hones tjWDf the election ©ffieert they could send a friend of each candidate to watch the tally. A motion was made that an extra teller bo ap pointed from each company who has a candidate. This was agreed to, and the following were appoint ed : Messrs. Berry ti the Vigilant, Parsons of the Washington Bucko, an ot the Franklin, and OurUs of the united Stales. Mr. Beckman declined to serve, saying he was first entitled to the position by reason of having made the motion to appoint teller;. The election was proceeded with, the following being the result VIBBT BALLOT. Hesry B 80ttb........811 Jos. R.Uo&d, 1V1.D....20 John H. Iflcllwftin©....63 |J. Alexr Simpson to Tbei© beiojr 164 votes polled, and Mr. Uobb hav ing leoeKec! 81 be was declared elected, end on mo tion ©J 3. m. Malloy, the nomination was made * Onrnottob, Colonel Pace was appointed a com mittee to wait upon Mr. Bobb and announce to him Meeleetlonas cnief marshal. t. a few moments Mr. Bobb was Introduced to the Convention, and, after returning tls thanks for the honor oonferred upon him, pledged himself to dleobarge the duties to the best of his abilities. Three cheers were given the chler marshal, after whlhh the Convention adjourned to Wednesday two wnhs to meet at the National Guard's Hall. The Committee on Bonte moot at the Hlbdrnle £ns and afterwards as infantry. For their precision in the minuttm of the drill, and the general esprit du corps , the officers received the highest commendations from the lookers-on. This organization iiaa become quite an institution.. It has been actively engaged daring the past winter in firing palntcai ana as a guard of honor. For supttloruv in drtn the following Officers were ap pointed? From the Junior Ol&ss—l&i, sergeant, Ed ward S. Miles; 2d sergeant, Then. F. Nevlo; Sd FeTgeant, Gerald F. Bale; 4th sergeant. George H. Bail. From the Sophomore Olass—lst (color) cor poral, George I). MoOreary • 21 corporal, William M. Wharton; 3d corporal, Charles B. Nan Credo. DOURLRDAY COURT MARTIAL. The court reassembled yesterday morning, all the mem berg present. Brvce Gray testified that he had been engaged in the linen bus Ir ess for nine years; during the last threß years he had sold Mr. Cozens large quantities of linen duck ; Mr. Cozens alwajs seleotea the best quality of duck, and refused to take any that had a mixture of jute in it; the witness had sold the in ferior quality of duck to other tent-makers. > Otis M. Wing testified that he had been a sall roaVcr for the last ten yearß« and had worked for Mr. Fcgh, who filled the Cozens contract; the wit ness b. d been with Mr. Pagh since the spring of of 1863 a part of which time he acted as tent in spector and general superintendent; ho always saw that the tents were or the proper size and quality. James Edgar Godbee testified to the excellent quality ot the material in the Cozens tents, and of the uniformity ot size. • STORM AND FRESHET. During Sunday and Sundaynlght rain fell In con siderable quantities, and at night was accompanied by vivid lightning and heavy thunder. At twelve ndfinlght of Sunday the rain fell in unceadug tor rents, and continued to do so for several hours. AU the streams in the vioiolty of the city were much swollen. The banks alODg the Schuylkill were over flowed, and a heavier volume of water passed Over the dam atFairmouct than has been known fora long time. Barrels, lumber, and trees were carried swiftly down the river in large quantities. Below Market-street Bridge all the wharves were sub merged, end much of the moveable property of the Pennsylvania Railroad lying on their wharf above M&Tket street was carried away. AH the mills pro pelled by water power at M&nayunk were obliged to*cease operations, and the water is over the turn pike at that place. The water In the Delaware is unusually high, but no damage has been done along the river front. GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL REPORT. The weekly report of the Government hospitals was made yesterday at the Medloai Director’s office : There were admitted, 1,763; returned to duty, 68; transferred, 177$ deserted, 5; deceased, 14. There were remaining in the Turner’S-laue Hospital, 14; Sat ter lee, 2,188; South-street, 67; Summltt House, 340; Isilngton-lane, 26; York, 842; Officers 1 , 15: Germantown, 6; Citizens* Velanteer, 17; Fil bert-street. 22 ; McClellan, 770; Chester, 878; Chest nut Hill, 2.602; Beverly, 6 ; Broad street, 21; Had dlt srton, 19; White Hall, 655; Pittsburg, 207. Total, 8,675. TELEGRAPHIC OFFICE IN A THUNDER STORM. There was a very fine electrical display at the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraphic <'She, at Fifth and Chestnut streets, during the tremendous storm early yesterday morning. The subtle fioid played upon the wires, presenting an appearance not un like that made by a Fourth of July pyrotechnic chafer. Some idea may be formed of the extent of this display, when we announce that thirty holes were burnt through the lightning arresting paper, each hole being made by a single flash. The inser tion of paper arrests the electric fluid and turns It to the ground wire. Thus the magnets were saved from being burnt. The lightning, in playing over the wires, cracked at times as loud as a pistol re* port or cannon percussion cap. FOUND DROWNED, The body of an unknown man was found in the Sohtn Jkill, at the Point Breeze Gas Works, yester day. He was about forty-five years of age, five feet eight Inches high, black hair, no whUkers. wore light under pants, and black ones over them, and had on a red shirt. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, An item appeared in an afternoon paper on Satur day, stating that a legacy of $50,000 had been re ceived by the American Sunday school Union, We made icqulry, and found it to be untrue. The false item was copied Into several papers yesterday, and they are requested to state that the report Is entirely destitute of truth. It was probably imposed upon a reporter by some one from sinister motives. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. During the storm between one and two o’clock yesterday morning, the lightning strack the calm, cey of the residence of Mr. Jeap, on seventh street, below Tasker, in the First ward. Only a few bricks were displaced. • CELLARS OVERFLOWED. Quite a number of oellars of dwelling houses in tbe vicinity of Front and Reed streets, First ward, were overflowed during the tremendous rain storms that prevailed ,on Sunday night. The grading of the streets In this section demands attention. SCHUYLKILL RIVER EXCURSIONS. The steamer Gen. Hooker now makes trips every eight? minutes to Belmont, Laurel Hill Cemetery, ana Falls. The scenery along the river i* unsur passed, and a pleasant trip may be enjoyed any tine afternoon. Arrangements are being made to have an addltlnal steamboat ran. LINCOLN MONUMENT FUND, Mayor Henry, yesterday, received a contribution of $5 from Mama Warts and family for the Lincoln Monument Fund, and one of $lO from the Pntladel* phia National Lodge, No. 223, 1. O. O. F-, for the same purpose, FATAL RESULT. Ferdinand Eversbaoh, who had a quarrel with his wife, at their residence, Knight’s coutt, Ninth and Cherry streets, some time ago, has died at the hos pital from the effect of injuries received at that time. Mrs. Eversbaoh died at the same Institution about two weeks ago. LECTURES, The lecture by the Rev. Bishop Simpson—subject, “ Abraham Lincoln”—will take place this evening, in the Old Brick Oburoh, Marlborough and Rich* moEd Btreetß. The Rev. John Moore will deliver an entertaining lecture at Sansom-street Hall this evening. Sub- The Fall of the Rebellion, and its Lessons.” Patriotic music will he performed during the eve* nips. _______ CAUCUS RUMINATIONS. The Union members of City Councils assembled in caucus yesterday afternoon and made the follow ing nominations: For directors of Girard College— Thomas M. Coleman, John M. Butler, and Joseph More* Trustee of City Ice-boat—James Graham. CASUALTY. A young man named William Tracy had his leg broken, yesterday afternoon, by its slipping between the spokes of a wheel ol a wagon passing down, as he was standing upon the front platform of a car passing up, Third street, above Market. He was conveyed to a neighboring store and kindly cared for until medical assistance could be called, when he was removed to his residence, Eighth and Reed streets. THE COURTS. United Staten District Conrt—JTmlge Csdwalader* EKTICING SOLDIBBS TO DBSBBT, The United States vs. Samuel F, Clark, George W. Ramsey, and Frank Mullen. The defendants are Indicted for enticing a soldier to desert, and for harboring and concealing auoa deserter. The Go vernment, finding it necessary to adopt some mea sures to put a stop to the system of desertion and bounty-jumping, so common for the lost two years, determined to employ deteotlves, to be enlisted as soldiers, who were to operate at Camp Carttn. The principal witnesses examined foM&e United States yesterday were Graham, White, and Derr, all detec tives, and the two latter regularly enlisted as sol diers, lor the purpose of being better enabled to at tain the object for which they werk employed, vie.: the detection and ocnvlction of the confederates and alders and abetters or bounty-jumpers. Oambyses C- White, one of the detectives so en luted as a soldier, testified that In October, 1861, these defendant)!, knowing him to be a soldier, pro cured and enticed him to desert from the service at Camp Curtin, and subsequenily at Towanda pro carta him to re ctillet and again desert. They after wards desired that he should a third time enlist, bathe declined. The evidence for rh© United States was not closed when the court ©dj.-urned. Valentine and Gilpin for the Unffrd MatMi; O’Neill, Franklin Bound, and Robert F. Clark, E«qs, for the defendants. District Court No. 1-Judge Stroud. Mary McG'ee, by bar nest friend, Patriot Mo- Gee, vs. Thomas Donahue. Tula was an action to recover damages lor slanderous words alleged to have been spoken by the defendant in reference to the plaintiff. She alleges that defendant said she (ihe plaintiff) had stolen seven dollars from him. “Nonsuit. John P. Montgomery for plaintiff*, G-reenbank for defendant* District Court—fndge Hare. J. Fletcher Budd vs. William Speller Jones and Henry Johnson. This action is to recover from the detcEdanis, who are employed in the Water Depart ments for the alleged stoppiogotf by them of the water pipes leading to piatntitrs promises. He claimed that flefontiante stopped the water as a piece of epitework. The defendants Bay that the pipes were leaky, and that In order to repair them it was r.ecemry shat the water should first be stopped off. Verdict for defendants. Earle and White for plain tiff; Sellers for defendants. _ Oliver Brooke &. Co. vs. George N. Townsend. To recover on a promissory note. No defence. Ver dict lor plaintiff $3,420 95. Henry H. Landis vs. Wlnser & Go. This action wae to reoover damages for the alleged segllgeaoe of the defendants’ servants or employees, the de fendants being tb© agents and part owners of the Boston and Philadelphia Steamship Company. Plaintiff was the owner of three barrels Of molasßes which were shipped on the steamer Saxonia from Boston to tiffs port, but the contents thereof were lest before arrival by reason of the staving- la of the heads of tbe barrels, caused, as plaintiffs assert, by the those In charge of the vessel. The cfcience claim that the heads of the barrels were stove in unavoidably during the prevalence of a >-«ft,vY «ale. and that there was no lack of care on u. 6 pin Of the Officers of toe vessel. Jury out. Earle and White ler plaintiff, M. P, Henry, for defendants. to wwTh that theyare victim; of a conspiracy/The bill avers that on _ Ma * a°ws Thornton gave them a "mS* at' L l i 4 ™£ shares Walnut Bend petroleum StOOK at $i per share, averrina: that Robert M. Evans held MS cer tificates, and would givetiemat anytime* Go®- plainants not being members of the Stock twwjj, stave their owe mitten order to Messrs- G.« w_ l * Hebertou,-who are membersof the Biardof B.u-- hers, to sell the lour thousand shares of stoat, as In structed by Mr. Thornton. The Messrs. Hsberton, accordingly sold three thousand shares of the stoat; lageediaith to Adams, Knight, & Go., also meni- bets of the board, at one dollar a Share, deliverable at buyers’ option In Jive or ten days The sale wa« reported to Mr. Thornton, who replied ‘‘all right,’* and premised that the stock should be forthcoming when nqutred. Before tbe expiration Of the time appointed Thornton called upon Evans for delivery Of £!* stock, Evans admitted his liability .to him for ibe stock, bnt rernsed to deliver u for sixty days Adams, Knight, & Go. demanded tbe stock of -trie Messrs. Heberten, who at once dlsolosed the names of tboir principals, and referred Adams, Knight, & Go. to them- Adams, Knight. A uo. insisted, how ever, Upon delivery of tue stock by the Messrs. He berton, and the Board of Brokers were appealed to to enforce compliance with toe Bale, or to expel the Messrs. Heberton from the Board The bill further sets forth that In point of fact. Adams, Knight. & Co. were buying the stock from Robert M. Evans, and a Mr. E W. Davis. Who controlled, all, or nearly all of thts stork in the market—tbat it was Impossible for the sellers to furnish the stock, except by buying ltupon the market at ruinously high prices, the oetendanfcs having rur up the prioe of tb« stock from $1 to $5, and even $lO a share The case was partially heard on Saturday. Defendants deny the allegations of fraud, and Insist that thelis was a fair business transaction. The Court finally granted acautiona ry order against all (he defendants, except Thorn ton, and a special lr-jonotlon against the Board of Brokers, restraining them from resorting to extreme measures in the premises pending the further hear ing In the case, which was adjourned to Saturday next. This morning security in SIQ,OCO w*e entered In court, and tbe Injunction issued. S. G Parkins and T. E. McEiroy. E>:qs , for Harper, DurneyA Go ; Macgregor J. MUcoeßon, E?q , for G & W. Y. Heberton ; R. P. Kane. E?q.. for Evans ; FV Carroll Brewster and W. J MoElroy, Esq, for Thornton; H. S. Hagert, Esq., for Davis and for Adams, Knight, & Co. Court of Quarter Sessions—Son. James B. Ludlow, Associate Justice. [John Goforth, Sea., Prosecuting Attorney.l THB ARSON CASH. The oafe of Joanna Allen, colored, charged with being accessory to arson, was resumed. The defence called witnesses to fehow the general good character of accused, and that Matilda Gole was not to be believed on her oath. That Mrs. Alien had frequently gave Mrs. Gay victuals and clothing, notwithstanding she denied: having re ceived such tblogs. ' Locus Hirst called the hnsband of the prisoner as awitneBB. , t Mr. Goforth said that certainly was the coolest thlr g he bed ever seen in a court room. Judge Ludlow directed the witness to leave the Stand, Mr. Hirst said he desired to state to the court what he expected to prove. Judge Ludlow directed Mr. Hirst to atop, and In formed him that he well knew the evidence of the hnsband wsb not admissabie. A juror desired to ask the husband if the property was Insured. Judge Ludlow. That cannot be done. The law says that the husband’s month is sealed, and he cannot say a word here. Lieut. Tolbert testified, in rebuttal, that the cha racter of the accused was very bad, and she had fre quently been arrested and brought to the station house of the Twenty-fourth ward. The witness was directed to produce the books of record. several colored folks testified that the prisoner had never been arrested but onoe, when she was taken as a witness In a homicide c*se. A. T. Honan, secretary of the Kensington Insu rance Company, testified that they had an insurance on a one story dwelling house, in the name of Levan Allen, for $l6O. , Fire Marshal Blackburn testified that the house attempted to be fited was a one-story building. The books from the Twenty fourth ward station* home were produced, showing that the prisoner was arrested in 1863 on the charge of keeping a disorder ly bawdy house; In 1868, on the charge ot shooting H«nry Lockwood; In 1660, for breach of the peace, and in 1865 for suspicion of larceny. Jury out. OHARGB AGAINST AN OFFICIAL. District Attorney Mann called the attention of the court to the case of the Commonwealth vs. John 'Winan, charged before Alderman Robert T. Garter with an assault and battery, and an assault with intent to kill W, L. Graver. Mr. Mann read the commitment, showing that 'Winan had been committed, In default of $BOO ball, to answer the obarge Parties had called upon him to have the case settled, but he refused to sanction it, and the next thing he heard waß that the prisoner was at large. It looked to him very much, like an escape, and be desired the court to hear the evi dence. _ William L. Graver sworn.—l prosecuted winan, and withdrew the charge on Thursday; I was drummed at by otberß to let Winan up, bat refused: Pat Maull, of Fourth and Shlppen streets, asked me It he could make anything by getting Winan out of prison; I said I did not know whether be bad any money; several others called to see me to settle the case, and I was sent for by the alderman; I re ceived fifty dollars, and tbe alderman received fifteen dollars; after which Winan was discharged.. To the Court.—No ball was entered for Winan, but he was simply discharged. Mr. Mann atked that a process issue for Ald&f man Carter to appear next Saturday, which, was acceded to. THE POLICE. ROBBERY. A soldier, giving the name of Joseph Connelly, hailing from M&uch Chunk, was robbed of nearly two hundred dollars, a few days since, by a couple of women. His statement is that he came from the Summit House Hospital to the city, and got into the company of the women. They desired to cake a carriage ride In the suburbs of the city, and he kindly consented to pay the tare. He alleges that he took a drink of liquor that the women handed Llm, and he soon became oblivious. When ho was restored to consciousness he found himself on Wash ington lane, near Ridge avenue. He was min os his money. rßefoxe Hr. Alderman Bel tier,} ROBBING A JUDGE. Lewis Meyers, a boy, was arraigned yesterday on tbe charge of stealing a gold watch, valued at $BO, tbe property of Judge Charles Marshal, of Frede rick City, Maryland. The judge, having arrived in Philadelphia, employed the boy to convey fits trunk and valise to his room In the Continental. The boy stole the watch from the room. The judge missed it, and Informed Officer Voorhees of the fact, and he arrested the boy". The youngster acknowledged the theft. Sometime after this the watch was returned to the judge by the party to whom the prisoner had sold it. - [Before Hr. Alderman Toland ] A PORTABLE ARMORY. A man giving the name of John Knox was ar raigned yesterday morning, on the charge of assault with intent to kill the bar-tender of a beer saloon, on Margaretta street, Tbe prisoner was Charged with drawing a four-shooter and making use of mur derous threats. A police officer was speedily In at tendance and arrested Knox. A large knife was found upon tbe person of tbe prisoner. The aooused was held to answer. Arrival and Sailing of Ocean Steamen. TO ARRIVE. Britannia._~™ Glnt-gow-....-New York.... May 10 Edlnbnrsh Liverpool. _.New York.... May 10 Moravian...,. Liverpool -.- Quebec .... .May II China ... Liverpool. ....805t0n,...™ Mar IS Eanr- roo_-«™-■ Liverpool. ...NearYork..,.'May. 18 Helvetia™™ Liverpool Herr York™ May 16 -Teutonia™-......Southampton-New York.... May 17 Belgian Liverpool Quebec ...May 18 Perils Liverpool.... .Hew York.... May 20 Fennerlvania ....-Liverpool New York™ May 28 Hew York™..™. Southampton. New York.... May 21 TO DEPART. Asia.*™.™«._.Boeti:n.......-Liverpool..... May 24 Europe™._™..New York....Havre Mar 24 Washington™. ....New York™. Havre......... May 24 Colombia™...™- New York... Havana ....... May 24 Saxonia ..-New York™.Hamburg May 27 i-veting Stnr._~.New York.... New Orleans .Hay 27 City of Boston New York.... Liverpool _.ttHy 27 Virginia New York ....Liverpool ™.May 27 City of Dublin.*..~New Yorfc....Liverpool ....May 27 Ocean Queen—■—New York..--AeolnwaU June 3 LETTER BAGS, AT THB MgnOHAKTe’ BXOHANSK, PHILADBLFHIA, Barkßoanoke, Gooksey,Laguayra & P Gabello, soon Brig Ella Root), Tnzo Havana, soon Brig Agnes, Anderson Martinique, soon Brig Emma, Foulke Port Spain, soon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Andrew Whbblbbi » Edward Y. Towssbto, > OOM. 0J THE MONTH, Hobaok J. Smith, J MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, MAY 33. SunßisßS.446 I SDB 58T8.7.14 I HiQHWatbb.l2.69 ARRIVED. Bark Zulma, Hewitt, 15 days from“Olenfuego3, with-sugar to Geo O Uarson & Co. Bark John Tracks, Taylor, 7 days from Hey West, In ballast to H Simons. Brig H S Emery, Fitts, 11 days from Matanzas, with molasses to Harris & Stotesbnry, Schr Sarah Fish (Br), Fountain, 20 days from St John, N B, with laths, &c, to Gaskill & G ilvln. Schr Zsmpa, Johnson, 10 days from Sagna, with sugar ana molasses to John Mason & 00. Schr Alert (Br), Clark, 20 days from Barbados, with sugar, &o, to T Wattson & Sons. Sohr Flora A Sawyer, Reed, 10 days from Calais, with laths and plekets to A Renton & Bro. Schr Monterey, Whitmarsh, 4 days from Dighton, In ballast to captain. Schr J P Cake, Endloott, 6 days from Boston, In ballast to captain. Schr A H Cain, Simpson, 4 days Horn Providence, in ballsst to captain. Sohr Cornelia, Noyes, 6 days from Washington, In ballast to oaptain. Scbr T J Hat, Baker, 5 days from Wilmington, N C. in ballast to Crowell A Collins. Sohr L M Reed, Reed, 4 days from Washington. NC, in ballast to captain. B * Sohr a Garwood,Godfrey,B days from Port Royal, In ballast to captain. • Schr Angella, Finder, 6 days from Richmond, In ballast to Unrtls & Knight. Schr Fly, Chessman, s day from Fall River, in ballast to captain. _ ' ..... Sohr J O Henry, Lore, ftom Newborn, In ballast Mnnro, from Boston, In bal last to captain. , Sohr W P Orr, Wingate, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with wood to captain. _ ... ... . Sohr Marlnah N Mnnro, 6 days from Beaufort, with shingles to S Bolton & Co. Sohr Diamond State, Stilt, 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to James Barratt. Schr Virginia Tomlinson, Burton, 1 day from Df aw bridge, Del, with grain to James LBewley Schr Lucy, Morrow, I day from Brandywine, Del, with corn meal to R N 1 Lea. Schr Valiant, Biggs, 1 day from Odossa, Del, with grain to Gbriitian & Go. Steamer M Massey* Smith, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Go, Steamer SF Phelps, Brown, 24 hours from New York, with mdse toWrnM Baird & Go. • CLK&.RED* Ship Corsair, Card, Quebec. Steamship Louise, Wilson, City Point. Steamship Cumbria, Leeman, City Point. Steamship J W EvermaD, Beaston, City Point. Brig Maria White, Bryant, Cardenas. Schr A F Howe, Bills, Portsmouth. Schr James Katierthwaite, Long, Savannah. Schr Amos Edwards, Somers, Port Royal. SOhr M Y&u Duseu, Garrison, Boston. Sohr Access, Riggins, Washington. Scbi Hocltlrgba.ro, HLunro, Bouton. Schr Eliza and Rvbecaa, Price, Boston. Schr W Batman, Smart. Roohltnd. Scbr A Pharo, Shoords, Provtuenoe. Schr Eliza, Brown, New Haven. Schr Vanquish, Chnrch, Washington. Schr W P Orr, Wingate, Lewes Schr Kentwrigbt, Smith, Washington. Sohr F Tyler, Tyrrell, Nonoik. st’r R Willing, Cundlff, Baliimore. memoranda. Ship Wm Cummings, from Galveston, at Penja oola 7th Inst, to load timber for this port. Ship Hobt L Lane, Amldon, entered out at Liver pool 6th Inst for New York (entered April 12 for this P °Bark M E Corning, Hlbbert, for this port, enter ed out at Liverpool 6th Inst. _ Baik Cyrene (B;), Roy, hence at Marseilles sth Nonpareil, Fllnn, hence at Port Royal 13th lß ßarlt G W Horton, Paobard, hence at Port Royal 15nh lost. Bark Annie, Clifford, hence at Port Royal 14th intt- Brigs C H Frost, Small; C W Ring, McLean ; Henry Leeds, Whlttemore, and Urana, Bruce, henoe at Port Royu 14th Inst.; the Urana sailed 16th for FernawHna. Bri#Omaha, Robinson, henoe at Fort Royal 16th Inst.' Brigs Julia Ford, Burgess, and O*th«rlo.,m»k ..UtPnllbrook, cleared at Port Royal lath Inst ter thiM»rt. and both sailed 14th. I Scbrs J M Lewis, Shuts ■ Jas S Sblndlsr, Som ers ; B WDIIlon. Lutllam. and Geo J Marsh, Indb),: henoe at Port Royal 10th Inst. -vT l sohrs Evelln.,- Sweet, mid D B Deane, Kaowlttai , honoeat Port SoH isth But. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1865.' I VELA WARE MUTUAL SAFETY OFFICE 8 E COBfl SR THIRD AND IT AT. HTTP STREETS. PHILaDS! PHU. MARINE IfIBDEAKOE OP VESSELS. ) <'tIS? 6T > To all part, of th. wori4. ’ IBIABD IBSTJKASCKB On Good*, by BlT«r. Canal. Lake, and Land Carrtan. On Merchandise tencrallr, On Store*, DwelSnf Houses* to. ASSETS OF THF COMPART, November 1, 1864. 1100,0C0 United States Five Per Cent. Loan. *7l .*lOO,OOO 00 IH.OCO Sir •* ‘ ‘ ‘Bl. 118.21600 76 000 Sir *'6 20§. 75-fi6i fifl 110,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent! ‘ XaOan , M 05 IM M 64,C00 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Gent ' Lean * - *♦ .»««.« iiiim.mhi>hk^ u as &in nrt mow City of Philadelphia Six PerCt.Loan. iSSS 37 20.000 P«nnsylvanla AaUroad First Hurt- gage Six Per Cent Bnnds.-.. .... 09 oYJ no 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mori- * gag* Six Per Cent. 80nd*..—...._ moai nn 16,000 SCO Shares Sleek Germantown Gas w Company, principal aid Interest guaranteed bj the city of Philadel phia a iß.flna no 6,600 JbObbares Stock Pennsylvania Ball* road Company* **..,.,.*.,.*-»**„,.» 3.100 00 6,000 300 Share! Stock Worth pennayi^anu Batiroad Company—, o nm no 60,000 United btatee Treasury Certificate# Of W Indebtedness—4B,42s 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Fiver Per Ct Lean li.Qi-Q 00 28.700 Loss son Bond and Mortgage, amply seemed **— 128 700 00 $868,260 Par. Cost $842,100,60. Market va1ue.5867,627 87 KcalSjUte......... M.Ooo 00 Bills reeivable for insnranees made.. 118,830 42 Balances due at Agencies.—Promt* tubs on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts dne the Company—2B,7oB 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $4,263. Esti mated value* 1—2.220 00 Cash on deposit with United > States Governibent.subjfiot to todays’call—. —.100,000 00 Cashln Basks**—. 68,164 99 Cash in Drawer* —— . 637 66 BISECTORS: Thomas C Hand, Samuel B Stokcc, John 0. Davis, J F. Pebiston, Edmund A Sonde?, Henry Sloan. Theophiiu! Paulding, William G. Boulton, John £ Penrose, Baward Darlington, Jaires Traquair, H Jones srooke, Henry O. Lallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James C Hand, James 6. McFarland, William C Ludwig, Joshua P Eyre, Joseph fl. Seal, Spin ear Mclivame, Gaorie G. Lelper, John B. Sample, Pittsburg, Hugh Craig. A. B. Berger, Pltisbnig. Eobert Barton, __ THOMAS C HAVD. President. JOHB C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBPRB, Secretary, ds!6-ly THB reliance insurance com j- PANY Incorporated in 1641. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE So. 308 WALNUT BTESBT. Capital, $300,000, Id Bures ajainst Loss or Damage by FIRE Houses, Stores, and other Building#, limited or pepetnal; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in town or country LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUBTKD AND PAID. ASSETS, $400,068 71 Invested in the following Securities, viz.: First Mortgage* onCity Property, well secured 6108. COO CO Uiited States Government Loans —. Hl.txo 00 Philadelphia City 6 per eent. Loans-—♦» 60,W0 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,C0T 6 per cent. Loan—* 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se eond Hortcases. **«».«..« „«—. 86,000 00 Camdsn and Amboy Eaiiroad Company’s 6 percent Loan*——>*— 6,00000 Philadelphia and Beading Baliroad Com pany ’s6per tent. Loan.—*—•—,**— 6.000 00 Bumingdon and Broad Top 7r#r cent, snort- gage bonds..... . —*— 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock— 1,090 OS Mechanics’ Bank Stock* *..*»*«—■**•••—* 4, COO 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock- . 10,000 00 Union Mutual inenraoee Company’s Stock*» SBO 00 Selia&ce Insarance Company of PhUadwl phia’s block* *..«»«.♦<,»,.,,♦♦»,«»*-—«-—»*** 1.000 00 Accrned Jmereit*— »**.-♦.... 42 Cash In bank and on hand——— IS 023 29 Worth at present market v&lae*~4«'~~..*s4U f &B 71 DIEfcCTOBS. William Stevenson, Benj. W Tlnfley, Marshall Hail, Charles Leland, J. John* on Brown, Thom&»H. Moore. SM TIBGLBff President. ■1" 1884. Clew Tisiley. Wm. E Thompson. William Knew, Samuel Biepham* B L. Caison, Robert Stten* OLE Thowas n. Hill. Setretar Philadelphia. December AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE A COMPABY. Incorporated 1810. OHARTBB PSR PETUAL Ho. 310 WaL*tJT street, above Third* Philadelphia. Having & large paid* np Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In port and their Canoes, and other Personal Property. promptly adjusted. Thomas B Marls* James B. Campbell* John Wslse* Edmund G 1 DutUh, Bamuel G, Morton* Charles W. Foultney* Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, THOM JIiBPBT C. L. CfiAWFOBD, T7IBB INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. X —TBB FEJTfISTLVANIA FIBB INSURICTOB COM FAST Incorporated 1835. C&ARTBS PERPETUAL. 80. 510 WALNUT Street. opposite Independence Sonare. This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to Insure against Lo*» or Damage by Fire, on Pnbilc or Private ttaUdlngs, either permanently or for a Halted time- Also, on Far* nitare, blocks. Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terns. Their captt'l* together with a larf* Surplus Fund, Is investca in the moat careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the case cl loss. Jonathan Patterson, Alexander Benion, Itaac Hazlehurst, Thomoa £obin*« : J. GUUngl JONATfIAfI WlltUU G. Ouowell, Set ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PAH Y.—Authorized Capital ¥400,000-CHABTaB PBBPBTUAL * Office flo. 311WALDUT Street, between Third had Fourth ftreets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Low or Damage by Fire, on Buildings* Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Aiso. Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. IfilftSd Insurance to all parts of the union. William Esher, D. Lutter, . „ LewU AaddD'iea, John B B>acki*ton, Joseph Maxfield, WILLL WH. F. W. M. Smith, Secretary. T7AME INSTJRANC JJ Uo. 406 CUBS PBILADI FIRB AMD INLAJ DIBBC! Francis IT Buck, Chariei Eicbardeofl, Benry Lewi*, Bcjpael Wright* P. S Justice, G, ° ree N. BtIC CHAfI. RICHARD! W. I Blanchard, Secret MACHINERY AND IRON. %SSL PENN STEAM ENGINE AND WORKS. NR4FIB & LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL BffGItfBBR3, MA CHINISTS, BOILBB-MaKESS, BLACKSMITHS, *nd FOUNDFBB, having for many years been in successful opei a; ion. and been exclusively engaged in trail din* and repulriig Marina and Elver Engines, high and low* pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &0., &c., respectfully offer their services to the publie as being foil? prepared to contract for engines of all sixes Marine. River, and Stationary; baying sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with Quick despatch. Every description of pattern making made at the shortest notice, nigh and Low pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania char coal iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings of all descriptions; BoU- Turni»*. Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above Daßinete, , „ Drawings and specifications for all wort dOBB At the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &«., Ac., for railing heavy or light wefcnts. JACOB a NBAFIB, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. YAtraHAH MBKSICE. WILLIAM M. MBBBIOK. JOHK E COPE QOUTHWABK FOUNDRY, D FIFTH ABB WASaiHGTOST BTBBBTB, PHILADELPHIA. MEBKICK & SONS, . EHGINBBKB AMD MACBIRIBTB. Manufacture Hi*h"aiid — Lo'w Presnire Steam Enflnei, or laid, river, and marine larvlce. Boiler*. Sonometer!, Tank*, Iron Boat*, &*.; Cant ina* of all kind*, either Iron or brass. Iron-frame Boole for Oat Works, Workshop*, Bail* road Stations, So. . . Betorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. „ ■ Bvery description of Plantation Machines, sack as Sniar, Saw, and Grltt tfilis, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains. Defecator*. Tiller*, Tapping Haiin*a.*e. Sole stents for » Blllienx’e Patent Bufar-Botliuf Apparatus, BesmytVo Patent Steam Hammer, and Aeplnvall it Woleev’e Patent Gentiifngal Sofar- Drainini Machine. ■ anl3 tf MORGAN, ORB* & 00., STEAM EN i*-L GINB BUIIDBBB, Iron Founders. and fanera! Ifublslitß md Boiler Makers. So. 1319 OAutOV* BILL street, Philadelphia. f*2o-tf HHIHT FOB 188 5 THE OBBATBBT IJfVBITTIOH 01 TBS Ada IK HOOF SKIRTS. J. w. BYAPLET’B Hew Fatent DUPLEX BILIFTIO (or doable) SPRING SKIRT. WKBTS* BRADLEY * CAST (late J T. ft J O. West), SOLS FKOPBTSTOR6 end HANUFAOTI7RBRB, 97 CBAMBRKS end 79 and 81 BEADS fctnwta, Hew THIS INVENTION eoseiita of Duplex (or jtwo) El liptic Steel Springs. Ingeniously bbaidbd tightly and firmly together, bugs to kcgr, making the toughest, XDOet FLEX IB LB, ELASTIC, end DURABLE SPRING ever need. The? seldom bend or break, line tie Single springe, end consequently preeerje their PEftTBQT aad BEAUTIFUL 6nAPB twjce »ae any other Hsibt 5. Bis wom>taL»vL flexibility and great comb »t **& pleasure to any Lady wearing the duplex elliptic j*kirt will be experienced particularly la all erowaed Assemblies, Operas. Carriages. Railroad Oars. Church Pews armchairs* for Prome* adb am Housb Dress, as the Skirt c£a be folded when In a«to occu py e unail place as easily as a fcn,K or Muslii Dress.. A Ladt having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex elliptic Stebl- Spring Skirt for a singled at will aefar after ward wUJin»ly dispense with their osa For Ciildbbn. Hisses, and Young Ladies they are superbb to all others. . „ TBBY are the best quality in every part,: questionably the lightest, most desirable,] able and economical Skirt ever made. J *OR SALE in all first class Stores in this! throughout the United States. Havana U Mexico, South America- and the West Indl FOR THK DUPLEX J fKxRT. IR To HOOP bKIRTS. :j I>ZO. HOPKIHfI* *'oWf MASS” OK HOOP SRIKTB, the best assortment and tail tad stylet in 'he city Gore Trails all lei aizts, from 18 to 66 springs, from $i 76 to i S*irU, all the new shapes and sties, front spring*. from $1 40 to ♦A Skirts of extra hi and extra tape* from 20 to 85 rprlngs. frorf $2 76 Kieses’ ana Chllaren’s, of eve*y gra* to 36 sprldis, from 4to 8 cent* per sering: ihf € qna'. ageits for the Dew Flexible nkirul pj table Boon Shirt made, and fully equal to *< Skirt, and at much lower prices. 1 ftanOy band, fall lines of low-priced JJ gktrts kid-padded and metallio fastened—l 86c.; 20 springs, |»;-S5 springs. $5.15; 30sprlfe and 40 spring*, *1 60. 'klrts made toordd and repaired, at 638 A SOB Street. if white virgin wax op Jntil- Tv LBB —AnewPrc&shUoameticfoTbeeujryiUf hß* l preserving the complexion. It is the moetpoad*™*; o>ltl i> it belni vompoeed entirely of pare Tiffin V?ax 5 h« w the ex irewdlnwy qualities for preserving the eft • i&akins it toft, smooth, fair, end transparent It mi e*4he ole tppear rouDi. the homely handsome, muawm* more beautlfnl, end the moat heauttftu dif » Prl°* r SO and 60 cents. Prepared only by KuflfT A 00., Per , fnzters, 41 South BIOBTH Street, tw of* >ors *h°v» Chestnut, and 193 South 88VEMTH abort Walnut. apB-8a toh *t jn ltl 1.1 h< W l rt i. m AM *»"* 1 ibkhAV 41* %, t i 0 r roi >f ll K THOM A-BM’DONOtfGH, If i GEBBRAL RIi&CEHUIvIVJ}. ELK SlßKfir, ABOVE nofsTBEET* FBABKffif. MHJU. Ms- Borina tool* on hand or made ttriier ou efcon notice. ; mjll-Sra CJBLMBOLD'B FLUID B 7 El bUOBD la alaaaaitla taataud < ( tU Uiarioaa prewrtica. art hamadlatt % » ntevuAiicc. «in.m 49 $1*301,664 02 07 PHILADELPHIA. $400.068 ?1 [AS S. MABIB/ President. , Baoietiay fe22 U DIBKCTOBB. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Derereax, Thoma* Smith, Hearj Lawif. bam Foil.* FATrESeOH, President, icrotary. aiEKcroRS Davis Pearson, Peter Seiger, J. B BtaQi WiUUm P. Dean, John Keteham, M BSHKB, President. DJSAN, Vise President apS-tf CE COMPANY, BTKUT SMBB*. ELPHIA vKO IHBURAHOH. 1TOB8: „ John yr Brel nuuii Bobert_B Potter, John Kessler, Jr,, B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. BUi9, !K, President. SON, Vise President, tary. jeM-tf ,! XTRA.C) RdILBOAD LINES. IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA- X VBLLBRS. —For foil inform.tioa In ral«MlM to 81a- SOM. Ul COMMUoM, MtUtttMl byoa. dniDi. - -PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL- X ROAD. CHANGE OF TIME AND DEPOT. Tb* trains of tho Poaa.yiTonlo Central Kallroad IMT« tbe Bvw Depot, el THIRTIBTH end MARKET 8t.., lartaadof li.Y.ntfc ud Market Stmete. an here tOfolOa The an of the Markek-efcr§»t Passenger Railway run to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot, at Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one nonr previ ous to the lima of departure of each train, and allow about SO minutes for a trip. Their cart ar« in waitincon the arrival of eaeh Train to convey passengers into the city, and connections are made with all roads crossing Market street. . On SITNDAYS~Car* leave Eleventh and Market St*, at 7 40 P. M. .to connect with. Pittsburg and Brie Mail* and at 10.35 P. M. with Philadelphia Repress. Mann’s Bafff&fe Express will hereafter he loeated at Ho. 91 SonthSleventhstreet. Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, ean have It done at reasonable rates upon application to him. *»*,**».. ___ a TRAiNE LEAVE AMD ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS* MAIL TBAIN~~~~< at 900 A.M. PAOII ACCOMMODATION, Mo. * 10 00 " FAST LINE*~.~ •• 13.00 M. PaREBSBURG .„**.**.-«*— " HOP. H. BABBISBUBO ACCOMKODiBOV... “ 190 11 LAnpASTBE w ACCOMMODATIOTf-«. •• t« JJ PAOLT TRAIN, No. 2 •• fi.Bo M PITTSBURG AMD BRIE MAIL " 890 ** PfiILADKLPHIAEXPRBHS -—~~ •• U.IQ " ARRIVE. PITTSBURG AMD ERIE MAlL*—** M 890 A. M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS* *• 7.06 ** PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, Mo. I***4 aa 8.30 •• PA£KESBURG«~~.. •• 9.90 ■■ LANCASTER TRAIN™~™~.I3 SO P. M. FAST LIMB- " H» *• PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, Mo. 3~~. '* 140 " MAIL TRAIN*.*.. •*-*.»*.**•*•* •« fi.4o " HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION:... " 9.40 , Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Pittsburg u 4 Erie Mall leaves dally (exempt Saturday). All othir Trains daily (except Snndav. 1 The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, exeept for wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Oollare in value. All Baiyaye exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, unlesa taken by spe elal contract. , For farther information, as to time and connections, see bills and framed sards, or apply to JOHN F. VAN LEER. Ju., Ticket Agent, at the Depot- ■ An Emigrant Train runs dally (except Sunday.) For-, gll information as to fare and accgnmodations^pply f*2o«tf 13T DOCK StroU. innc ARRANGEMENTS OP lone lobO. NEW TORK LINES. loOOa THE CAMDEN AMD AMBOY AMD PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINK. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NSW YORK AMD WAY FLACK, wiffi^WTFHEWPtas, FAU. At BA. M-, via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ae eonunodaUon*~4»>«~*»*4*~4.>.w.~+« )f At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express**,. 100 At 13 M., via OamdeS/.and Amboy, 0. and A. Ae- —....... I If At 3 P. M> • via Camden and Amboy. C. and A. Ex* frSwLx.l -miil in 1 1 tit ft- himiiiiMinnii:ii ||f it. x., tfaOamdon and Amboj, AMomraoda- Uon (Frolfht and rwtwir)— 1 n At 6Y. X.. ,1. C.mdon ul Amboy, Artommodl tlos (ErMsht and Fauencor)—lit Clan TUk.t--- , M So. do. 3d ClM.Ttok.t-.. 1.0 11X F. M., via Oamdsn and Amboy, Accommo dation (Frsiaht and PaMonaer)—lit Claw Tiek.t. 22i 80. do. Sd Cla.iTlokat.l M Tor BelTia.n, Barton, jLambutrUla. Tlunlncton. At., at S.9OP. X- Por Mount Holly, Bwanayfll*, T.mb.rtoa, and ytn wntown, at 6A. H., 2 and BF. n. Tor Freehold at 6 L X. and 3 F. M. Tor Palmyra, Rlrerton, Belaneo, Bey.rlr. Bdcaira ter, Bnrllntun, Florence, Bordentovn. «*., at 6 and 11. SO A. X., 13.30, 3.30. S, 6, and 11XP. M.. The AH and 6P. M. line, run direct Utrondt to Trenton. _ For Palmyra, Blyerton, Balanooi BeTerly, and Bor- Uncton, at 7 P. X* Steamboat Trenton, for Brlatol, Borllngton, and In termediate plaeei, at 3X P. X. SIXES FBOX KXXBIB|toB SWOT WIU, LBAYI Aff ifvjialv i$D2 At 11.18 A. M»« Via Rcnsisgnm end Jersey City, Express* M4ery ... w»n »~»« « M-H< IHMHIH 90Q At 4.90 P. M,, via Kensington And Jersey City,**- M frOPSc iimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllltrirm" - - t«~r |QQ 8.46 P M., vie Kensington and Jsrsey City, Washington and Bew York Express- .*.„c «***. 100 AtlS P. M. (Might), via Kensington and Jersey City. ,Washinc|pn and Mew York Mall- ff The 8.46 r. M, Line will run daily. All others Sun days excepted. „ . _ _ For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Ro chester, Biughampton, Great Bend, Montrose, wllkes bane. Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap. Man A Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertvttle, Flemington, Ac., at 7.16 A. H. This line connects with the train leaving Easton for Hanch Chunk at 9.30 P. M. For Lambertvllle and intermediate stations at 5 P. M. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.16 and ILM A. M.. I and 6 P. M. and 13 midnight For Holmeshurg, Tacony, Wlssonondng, Bridesburg, and at 9 A. M. 6,8, and BPTM. IS* For Mew York and Way Lines leaving Kensing to&Depot, take the cars Oh Filth street, above Wainul. half an hour before departure. The ears run into Ui Depot, and on the Arrival of eaeh train run from the B SSfty bound, of Banix. only allowad Mthnauauar. Passes yera are prohibited fibm taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Af» pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wui not be liable for any amount beyond fIOO, exeept by tpeei&l contract. Orsham’s Baggage Expresswlll tall for and driver baggage at the Depots. Ordersjtobe left at, Mo. 9 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. OAT2M2B* Agent. May 80, 1886. LINES FROM MEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LBAVB FBOX THX FOOT OP OOtTSTZiAVB BTBBBT, AtlS M. and 4P« M.» via Jersey City and Camden.' At 7,10, and 11X A, hi. eP. M. and 13 (Night), Via Jer sey City and Kensington. . • «, From the foot of Barclay street at 8 A. M. and 3 P, K,, via Amboy and Camden. , _ _ . . _ _ From Pier Mo. 1, North river, at 13 K.. 4, and! P.M, (freight and passenger), Amboy and Camden. ap9»tf Bgxtt—BD FHILADRLFHIA, SRSHBSaswiuaxaTox. xxo babti- XOBS KA.ILBOAD. TIME TABLE. Commencing MONDAY, APRIL Sd, 1860, Tralni Will leave Depot,coiner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: „ - . , v , Express Train, at 4.00 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’s, and Magnolia, Delaware Railroad Train at 7.40 A M. (Bnndays ex cepted) fox Salisbury, Milford, and intermediate Sta tions. Way-Hall Train, mi&UA.H. (Sunday! ,f»l Baltimore, itosplnc at all reaular stations. Sxpraia Train at 11BF, X. (Sunday. mtoantadjM lot Baltimore and Washington, .topping at Charter. Wil mington, Elkton, Ferryrllle. and HavTe-de-Oraee. Expret. Train at 3(6 P. H. (Sandaya excepted) for Baltimore and Waihlngton, itoppln, at Wilmington, Xeirark, Elkton, Kortn- East, PerrrTllle, Harre-de- Oracej Porryman'e, Kaanolla, and Stemmor’e Bnn. Hlabt Express at HUP. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, .topping at Cheater (only to take Baltimore and Washinitonpaseengen). Wilmington, Kewark, Elk ton, North-East, Perryyille. and Savra-de-Craee. Fusongen for FOBTJSIS& MOSEOS wIU take the 3154. VC train. WILMINGTON ACCOHHODATIOS TKAINB Stopplui Mali Station* between Philadelphia and Wll mlnrfcon. Leave Philadelphia at 7 45 and U A. M.» 2, 9.80, 5,7, audit P. M. The 8.80 P. If. train conneeti with De laware B. B. for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington at 9.46. 8, and 8.80 A.it, 2,4,6.90 and 6.80 P. M. Trains for new Castle leave Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11A. M.. S.Boand6P M. _ ’ THBOUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 12 M., 4.27. 8 33. and 9. HP. M. CHESTER POE PHILADELPHIA. , Leave Chester at 7 45. 8.45, 10. U A. M-. 1190, 1.40, 140. 6.14.7 20, and 8. 06 F. M. FROM BALTIMORE 70 PHILADELPHIA. „ Leave Baltimore 8.26 A. H , War Mails 1.10 P. M., Express: 4.55 P. M., Way Train; 6.36P.M., Express i j,2oP. M.. Express TRAINS POE BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at a 64 A. M., 1.60 and U. 60 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.18, 9.36 A. H., 126. 6.01 and 12,26 P. M. Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will leave Wilmington, for Ferry THU and intermediate stations at 7.40 P. M SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at AO6 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash* ington, stopping at Wilmington, FerryviUe. Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, and Magnolia. Night Express at U. 16 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and Washington passengers), Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, North-East, Ferrvvme, and Havre- de-Grace Accommodation Train at 10 P. M. for Wilmington and Wav stations. BALTIMORE FOE PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.26 P. M., stopping at Havre-de- Grace, PerryviUe, and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), ana Chester to leave passengers (tom Baltimore or .Leave wSmington for Philadelphia at 6. SOP. M« aps fl- 9. KENNEY. Say’t, 1865. Bimmiam 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL- ROAD.—-Thie great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the eity of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PBNHSYLNANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and Is operated by Its entire length was opened for passengenad freight business October 17th, 1864. tivb or pAaanvoßnlrnAiVß a* ntuApanma. ■ Leave Westward. Mail Train 8.80 P. M- Loek Haven Accommodation Traln.*~~*.-..8.0QA, M. Passenger can ran through on Mall Train without change both wave between Philadelphia and Brie, and Baltimore and Erie. ' , , _ _ . .. Elegant Sleeping Gan on Elmira Inwi Trains both ways between PMladelphiaTand Lock Haven, and on Bimira Express Train both ways between Williamsport MASKET Street*. Philadelphia. *■ £'DBni?iSeit B *.a«. 4«JS-U general Maaawif. WUllamaport. H3P6WP*WC~' ISOO.iTslph h^in KAiLBOAD LIMB to *ll point* WEST. The direct route fox the _ JKT- OIL regions of Pennsylvania, -*b WILLIAMSPORT, BUFFALO, SUSPENSION BRIDGR ELMIBAV NIAGARA FALLS, and aU places in the western and Northwestern States wdthaO*ud^ jro raBO jjonMTBAWB Leave Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Depot, Thir teenth and CallowhUl streets, idally, (Sundays ex cepted). for the North and West, as follows: Morning Express at 8 A. M Afternoon Express at B.SOP. M. . Making a direct connection with all lntersectinjtroads. FOR THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and farther particalars concerning tho difteren t routec, apply at the TICKET OFFICBT49S CHESTNUT Street, under JOHB 8. HILLBS. General Arant! ]*, Thirteenth andCaUowhlllatroett. ns M i ht north fsnnbyl- T AIT IA BAILBOAD Par BETHLEHEM. 'DOYLBSTOWM. MADOH CHUBS, lABTOR VTLL ' Q&3Bffl £M - **• Pa**eni«r Train* loayo th* n.w Dapot. THIBD Straet. abora Thompaon almt. dally (Sunday* axaaptad). *A fallow*: .... At 7.50 A. M. (Szctm*) for Bothlabate. Allantown. Ban A Chunk. Haalaton, -WUllamaport, Wllkea* barre, Re. At 3.30 F. H. (bimil for Bathlaham, A**ton, A*. At 3.1 C F, M. for Bathlah.m. Allentown. Una Chunk. ForDoylestewn at 9.60 A. N,and4.l6P.M. For Fort Washingtonat Llf P. M» WhMooaraof tho’Joaondand WJWtJJJrt* Ito,dtp Lear* BethlthmltA. M.. 10.01 A. M. i and Alf P *lglav« Doylectoinie.so A, M. and 9.11 P. IL Leave Laasd&le at 6.10 A.*. HraraJortWrabUtgoi-y^W^M. miad.iphl* (Or Doylutown at I.U A. X. and AM 'ifoyleatown for Philadelphia atTA.M. and IP. K, Bold ma CLAkK. At.lt. iaud ns- OMFOBT- Iiy. and E CtfßAi LtiIPTIC EjaSta 4 anility itfii and tApialn jfl9*to 60 [kyy steel [T$l 90 to Je t from 6 t have no Jtha most ie Duplex klao, eon* b«r lork UTS*, l alt&red, vU lm* SaEMH WEST JERSEY M9HK9H Baileoaß LIMES, ted ■- um BBW ABBABGBMBHT. <« and after MONDAY, Hay Kt. 1833, Train* will 1»T. fioni ■walhuT-BTBBKT rIHB a* follow*: „ for CAPE MAT, and all ,la«i"’of MlJlTtiie. at A. M., passenger and freight. Re, ;ftt 2.80P* M,«' Express Paesencer. For MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM, and ill In termediate places south of Glascboro, at 9.16 A. M. and GLASSBOBO at 9.16 A. M., 2 80 P. R. and 4 For WOfoBUBY, GLOUCESTER, Rc. . at9>l6 A. M.« 2.SOP. M., 4P. M., and 6 SOP. M. RETURNING. Leave Cape May at 6.80 A. M.» passenger, and 12 H., passsrger and freight . a M Leave MUlvtUc at 7.86 A. M, ud 8.60 P. M., pMsenger, , , . Leaveßddteton at 6.40 A. M.» passenger, and 4.1 P. M., passenger. . a« •* Leave Salem at 6.26 A. M., passenger, and4P. K.« at7,4BA. H.. 8.46 A. M.. and 6.1 'ban Woodbury at 7 A. H..S.MA. H.,3.10 A. M., TUB WAET JgKS*y BXI-KASB COBPMII . will nttond to all th* nana] brauiu. of ■**»•* Baal. IM*. noolTa. dellYor, and forward throttfh Ouiir n* sponalblo Ezpreu to all part* Of th* aowabry. RAILROAD USES. SaDHBB w BBT CHESTER INI) PHILABBLPfIU BAIL ROAD, VIA MEDIA SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. . Ob end After MONDAY, April 17,1880, the trftiftiWlU letve as follow*: WEST CHESTER TRAINS Leave PhUadelphlA for West Chester at 7.90 tad 10.90 A M.. sni 8 10. A4O. and 646 P. M. Leave West Cheater for Philadelphia at 6.30, 7.40, and 10 86A M . and I.46and 4.4CP. M Trains leaving West Chester at 7.46 A. M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4 44 P M. will stop only at Media B. O. Junction* Gl*n Mills Cb«t»«y’e. and street Road, B C JUNCTION TRAINS. , Leave Phlladilphla for B. C. Junction at 4.10 and lu P. n, * Leaw« B. C. Junction fOX Philadelphia at 8.96 A. M. and 7.90 P. M. These trains stop at liatlonc. Leave PhUadeTphUatB SO A- M. and 8. P. M. Leave Weet Chester at 8 A. M, and 0 P. M. leaving Philadelphia at 7 86 A. M- and 4 40 P. M.» and leaving West Chester at 7.46 A U. and 440 P. M .connect ac B. O. Jnnetion with trains on P. A B. C. R, R. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to tags wearing apparel only as bag aase. and the Compaav will not in any case be responsible for au amount exceeding one hundred dol lars, unlisi a spesial contract is made for the same. BEMRY WOOD, Gen ldnp. Philapbi phia, March 10,18*5. myfl Ell— RARITAN AND » will be received at this Bureau until 3 o’clock P. M., on the sixth day of Tune pest lor Ue supply cf 60.f00 pounds of Fresh Beef and 60,(00 pound* wf Fresh Vegetables, at the Philadelphia Navy laid and Station, ss required. The Beef and Vegetables roust be of good quality, and the best the market affords, and each article must be offered for bv the pound Me Beef to be lu equal proportions, fore ard hind quarters. Bond s. with approved srcurlly, will be required in one > alf tbs estimated amount of the contraot, and twenty percent in addition will be wUhbeld from the amount of each payment to be made* as collateral secu rity for the due performance of tbe contraot, which wiJl, ou no account, be paid until it Is fully complied With. m . Every offer made must be accompanied by a written guaranty* signed by oue or mere responsible persons, that tbe bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter ir to an obligation within five days, with good atd sufficient sureties, to furnish the articles pro posed. No proposal will be considered unlesa accompanied by such guarantee, and by satisfactory evidence that the bidder ie a regular dealer in the articles proposed »d has tbe lieense required bylaw. The Depsrtment reserves ihv right to reject any PXO> poc al not considered advantageous to the Government, m»2MW . LEGAL. PSTATE OF JOHN WATSON, M. D.. J-J DECEASED. Letters of administration on the estate of John Wat. son, M D , deceased, having bee a granted to the au dersigred. all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims will please present them to . E. 8. EARLY. Administrator, 6. S, corner of TEN TH and GREEN estreats. Or to hie Attorney, FREDK. A. VAN QLEVB. mvl6-tu9t No- 30* Bouth FIFTH Streets, PSTATE OF WM. T. GARRETT.— A-i Letters of Administration to this Estate having been granted to HANNAH P. GARRETT, all persons indebted to, and those having claims upon, the same will pay or preseat the same to ~ HANNAH P. GARRETT. Admr , 17X6 FILBERT Street, Or her Attorney, WM. -W. JUVENAL, my2*tn6t* LIBRARY Street. COAL. COAL .—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER HEAPOW, and Bjiiin, Mountain Lahlali Coal, and bert liosnrt Monataln, from BtlittTikUl. prepared sx prestlj for fftmily in. Pevot. X W. oornar SIOfITH and WIL3.OW Street.. OfiM.No. US Honth SSOONS Stroot. [apfi-tn J. WALTON 3 CO. ypt. H. JAMES, IVomwlT ot Philadelphia,) ATTOBEET AT LAW. rBAUKLi*. ysßAvao oonarr. tbbjta. Ipeclal attention given to the examination of Titles, PXILAPKtPBIA BsynaaNOßSChas. S Lex, Esc., Bon. J. Ross Snowden. James H. Little. Esq.. T. T. Tasker, Sr., Hood, Bonoricht, R Co., J. Z. DeHaven. President 7th National Bank. mhjl-Sm* RAMUBL L. TAILOR, O No. 493 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ATTORHSY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOB ALL THE STATES. Except Connecticut, New York, Nevada. Oregon;, and Texas. fe24-frtnlv* CAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AMD OOHTBYAHGEB, TSAItKLIir. TMAiraO OOUHTY,m*A (lata.of FhllAdalphlA. 1 UFBBB TO ' OhATIM B. Lax. Eao.. I AtW.O. Blddl. A C«, I. G. Kulaht A Co. ■ I Dr. B, 8. Hukand*. Jarnu H. Uttla, lad.. I W. H. lea ton A do. mbß-Sm TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, V COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS. Office, RBI F Street, near Fourteenth street, Washington, D. O. 4594»6a •FOLDING SPRING BEDS. A Bedding of every descripth n. Spring-bottom beds and cots. Excelsior moic and sea grass by the bale. PHILBBOOK R CO., mylß-lm 9 South SEVENTH Street, DUTTERFIELD’S L> OYBBLAHD DESPATCH. OfflM, Mo. 1 VK ; BT Btraot, Maw York. OHoe. MoT»0 Booth FIFTH Streol, FhUada. GHADMC.Y VIBBBaBD, Proaldont. W. K. KITCHBH, Troasorar. Ws Company, sow folly ouantied, with ample oapitai, ovai its Transportation oa the Plains, ana i* sreperM tO fOOtTMt Prslihtt© «U point* in Colorado, Util, Idaho* Montana, Hew IfdZiM. IHd ArUona Ter ritories; also to Reese river, Hevada. Throuah Contracts and Bills of fcsdinc atren from ffevYon, Boston, PMladelpbta.'Httsbart* Wheelin*. GUelnnaM, CMtaio, *b*Bl. - WIL “i^&ewTo*. «V II MrtftT!l *O. General Snperinte ndent. J)ALTON’B FAMILY AMD MANUFACTURING KNITTING MACHINES, Patented 186 L Ferfeoted 1564. A TABS OP PLAIN OB BIBBED WORK KBIT IH TEN MINUTES I KNITS UPWARDS OF TWENTY DIFFERENT ABTI CI«ES OF AFPABBL! They an .Imple, relleMe, perfect, and wonderful la the amount and variety or work they perform USUAL SPEED SIX THOUBAHD STITCHES PEE MIAUTB. It eas be made, In the hands of a woman, te earn with eue and comfort $lO to #4O per week EVER I FAMILY SHOULD HATE ONE. A fete active, enterprising Aaente wanted, to Whom liberal Inducements will he given. To publishers of newspapers who will psy one-half Sd^Hi«iu£'arffi,?iSfar.;^j r » m,l,idBr to pM ta Bend for circular an« camples, enclosing stamp. General Annoy for Pennsylvania, Ohio* Western g«w Yoik. jvirfluia, West Virginia, and Maryland, NO 37 fiFTH btreetp Pittsburg, Pa. .mytlm B P. CABPIBTBR. . T)B IL A DELPHI A TERRA COTTA A WOBKB. OFFICE AND WABIBOOHB. No, 1010 CHESTNUT STdSKT VITBIFIBD WATBB. DRAIN, end HBATING PIPES, with bends, branches, traps, Uo , to correspond, OBBAMEBTsI'chIMNEY TOPS, and FLUB PIPES, classical designs# plain aid bronsed. Mignonette Pom, Slower Pets, - Ivy Vases. Hanring Vases, Fern Vases, Ac , Ac, . Importer of Minton’s Encaustic Tile, for Ohurchcs Balls, Vestibules, Ac. uinoTonw mht tnthstf 8. A. HARRISON, i?N7EEBLED AND DELICATE GOH« JCi STITUTIOMS* of both aarcs, UM.fIBLMBO&D*I IXTBAOT BUOHUs It will gift- blllk U& fttergefl* l—lingi and enable yon to elean wail ttERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS XX abd SOUPS. 1,000 dos. Sausage Meat. 6(>o “ Boast Beef. 600 ** do Veal. 600 '* do Mutton. 1,000 ** do Turkey. 1.000 “ do Chicken. 8,000 41 assorted Soaps, In 1. 2, s&ns. For sale by RHODES A witLTAMS, fe6-tf_ 107 Bouih WaTBB Street. IJOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON TINBKGB of urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of ths prostate glandi, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick* dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, kidoevs, end dropsical vireUinn. use H&LHBOLD’q FLUID BXTSAOT BUGHU. V/TACKEREL, HERRING, BHAD, &a A'A —2.600 bbls Hess. Nos. 1. 2. and 3 Mackerel, late-eanght fist fish, in assorted packaras. 2,000 bbls. New Eastport. Fortune Bay. sad Halifax jffiootoxes Lubee, Sorted. Ho. 1 Herrin*. 160 bbls New Mess Shad. 260 boxes Herklmer-eonnty CheeseJke. In store end for sale by * KOONS, lalO-tf No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST of the properties of HBLMBOLD’B FLUID NX TRACT BUOHIJwiU be a sompsrisoa with those net (orthln the United State. Dlcnensatarr. The science op medicine should stand simple, pure, majestic; having fact for its basis, Induction for its pillsT. truth alone for Its capita). So stand HBLMBOLB’B GBNUIMB PBBPA RATIONS, established over 16 years. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT A ud unsafe remedies for nnnleasant snd dasr* rons diseases. Use HBLMBOLD'BIXTBAOT EDOM, and IMPROVED mourn wsbw rTPWABDS OP THIRTY THOUBAND sog«v AUCTION SAJU3B. ■pURNEBS, BRIKLBY, A 00., A 818 aBMTJtrr ud MJ» Min SALK THtB MOBKTKa, TGISDaT AT 10 O'Ohoqi A CABO. —Th» mttflutfoa of parohllMn J» req■>»»'«“ w onr fsl« tm. moron,. Tu-.na». au, DJ. at 10 o’.toclc. on four month* credit. comprising & large assortment oI fancy. staple. British, and French goods. O' Ibe itt pri’totlon of nMtn, Dcrkatd & Hatton, and suited to tbs jobbing and null toads. Also. whit 4 goods, veils, lac* points. Also, for cash, I.COO balmorals. LARGE SALE O? FRENCH GOODS. OP THE IMPORTATIOH f>* MESSRS BEIiKahD a HUTTON. * THIB MOKWIsro. May ?3d, at 10 o'clock, on four months* credit. l l e.nl*ATtida*: 600 pl*e*s Lnptu’a. superfine qualities, S-4 blank aui colored moussel ne delaines. 200 pieces bavin's, all inalittei, 6-4 black and colored monesolinode'alnes a . ... . £OO plow. Lopin’. 3 4 14. 54 black, »Wt»,ao« otr loted crepe marelz. the balance of I mportation. 150 pieces Lapin's 3-4. 7 4. and 8 4 b’ack. whit*. sad colored tamsnine, the balance of import \t on 60 pieces Lupin’s 7 4 and 8 4bia«k, w hite, and colored bareges, tbe balance of Importation, 25 plecfs Lupin’s 3 4 and 8 4 black florentlnss, the balance of importation .« _ 100 pieces Lupin'* black bombasines, all Qualities. 76 pieces Lapin’s biaak and colored challys. 100 pistes super qualities sttiped and p>aid silk broche grenadines, yerr choice styles and superb quall ties. ICO 10-4 black mohairs, flue to superfine Quality. 60 pieces, Lyons qualities, plain, colored poult de sole, of n«.w and desirable shades. 60 pieces Lyons drnMe face black armures. 60 pieces black tafivtue including bonnets and Fon son’e se’sbrsUd make. 25 pUcve Lyons black lustrines. , . SHAWLS. I*GooLunin’* superfine qualities tblbefc square shawls, silk and wool /r’njes. hlghcolors, moie», blacks, and brown Abo. 300 Lupin’s mottfeelice delaine shawls, wool fringes. SCO Lupin’s nch.printed titibet shawls 4CO Lupin *. black centre, broche bordered Stella •bawls. 200 Lupin’s white and black barege shawls* 150 Lupin's gauze maretz Bhawls. 1(0 Lupin’* barege hernan! shawls KOeatia fine plain centres, rich broche borders, square Pari* broche shawls. FaBIoTWJ«T*D m k BROCHE HERNANI, FOR BEST CITY TRADE. ON TUESDAY, 60 pieces Paris extra- rich twisted silk broche Bernanl. Q # C. MACKEY, AUCTIONEER. STOCK OF HABDWaBB, CUTLERY, TOOLS, Ac., at 90& market street. oj> v bdbesdcy morning, 24th Inst , »t PK o’clock, tbe remaining stock of Pem berton tmith, who is quitting business It may be exsmlned on Monday and Tuesday, 22d and 23d instant, when printed catalogues will bs ready. It comprise* anvlle. locks, lß’Ches, dolls. hinge*, files, edge tools, augurs, shovsla, tabl* cutlery. sols strs. housekeeping articles, and many other desirable goo tie. The goods will he sold in lots adapted to elty and country retail trade. Also, the good-will, shelving, counters, and other store fixtures. myld fit PHILIP FORD AGO., AUCTIONEERS, A SB* MASK XT and MB OOMKIBdI SttMfe. LABGB 3A LB O? 1 300 CISES BOOTS AND SHOBS. W « will oell by catalotna. for o»»h, OB THOBSDAT MOEBIIO. May 25th, commencing at 10 o’clock,l.Boo cases men's, boys, and youths* boots, shoes, brogans, bal morals, gaiters. Oxford tLs, Ac., with a large assortment for Women's, misses 1 , and chi drag’s Wf af. PANCOABT & WABNOCK, AUG A TIOJfBEBg. MM MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE FALX OF 809 LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, MILLINERY GOO D 3, RIBBONS. HOSIERY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, Ac., Ac., by catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 24,. commencing at 10 o'clock, comprislurafull and general assortment of fresh and desirable goods, suited to preset t sales, - EECOTT, Jb„ auctioneer, • IOXO CHESTNUT Street. MB. JOS. RICHARDSON’S PEREMPTORY SALE OF VALUABLE lOBEIGN AND AMERICAN OIL P AINTING 8, Mostly purchased by him from the artists direct, com prietn g 236 specimens of a great variety of pleating sub jects of high art, among which are the worksef Henri* ttm Ronncr. Broademsu, George Cole, Von Letbeu. Correns. De Brackleaer, Merle, Oarrebein, C Boon, Sidney Percy. Breueemnn, Plumet, htrobeliWllUams, De Vogel* A JHbovenball. WiUens, Kock-Kock, Hsu* rent de Beul. Andrews. Guido Schmitt, Hulk, A Vil lens, Paul Weber, J Hamilton, B Moran, Bodingtuu, Van Bam me, Woutermartess, Boutelle, De Beal, Jr, ' Bounins ton, J Feel. This collection of fine Paintings will have to be care fully examined to be appreciated, as they have baen collected with great care. They will ail be sold voaUlve ly without reserve 9he sale will take Diace at BOOTT’S ART GALLhBY, . C , May 18 1865. Will be sold at public sale, to the higbett bidder, at 12o’clock H., on SATURDAY, the third day of June next, at tbe Navy Yard in WASHINGTON, D. O , the Urited Spates Steamers YANKEE, JAQOB BELL* and DRAGON. ohe Yankee is a wooden side-wheel steamerof the following dimensions: Length, 147 feet; breadth of beam. 25 feet; depth of hold, 10 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder* ?*8 inches; stroke of piston, 8 feat. Tbe Jacob Bell is -a wooden side, wheel steamer 145 feet long; breadth of beam. 20 feet 9 inches, and depth of hold 8 feet; dUmetero! cylinder, 32 iuehei; stroke of pietos, 8 feet. * The Dragon is a wooden propeller, 92 feet long; breadth of beam 17 feet* and depth of hold 9 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder 25 Inches, and sticks of pDtop 26)j inches. - The vessels may be seen and further particulars made known on application to Commodore J. B. MONTGO MERY, tlommaudant Washington Navy Yard Terms of Bale: Cash* in Government f nods; $l,OOO on csob verstl at the tim« of tale, and the balsnoe within six days thereafter* myBQ-stntb6t T SOMERSET, 531 CHESTNUT v • street. Engraver and Dealer iu Army Corps Badges. Emblems, Fire Badges, and marks of every description. Soldlerß returning horns will find it ad vantageous to possess as a memorial one of my fine gold or silver Badges. Genuine 10 karat gold Corps Rings alwai sen hand. All goods warranted. mylo lm TTELMEOLD T S EXTRACT OF SAR 1A SaPaEILLA cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors that make disease. - pOTTON AND FLA.X SAIL I>UOK a»D CANVAS* of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk, and Wagon-cover Duck. Also. Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from one to live feet wide; Paulina, Boltin* Sail Twine* Ac' . JOHN W. BVBRMAN & CO , BOS-If No. 103 JONES’ Alley. ■fTELMBOIiO’S EXTRACT BUOBl) AX *).,» health and vlfor to the tram. tnd bloom t. the pallid aheek. Debility ii M«mpul«i by many alarmlna aymytoma, tad If so treatment it enamltW* to. wmßti»tlwi. lattalhr w lyHwtlt Ito w»wi n H. GARDEN & CO., NOS. 600 AND 609 M&RKBT Street, Mtnufsetnrers or and Wholesale Dealer*in HATS, CA.PB. FUSS* BONNETS, STB AW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLO WEBS. BOCHBB* Ac., Ac. The largest and most oomplete stock, and the best terns. Country Merchants and the Trade sup* piled. mhl-3m DEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND L> DHPEIKOIPIBD DEALERS ende&vorinK to dis pone of ibelr own tnd other prenaratlaoe, on the vepn iatlon attained by HSLMROLD'S GEHUIHE FBEPA BATONB. PHILADELPHIA SUB BAND AGS INSTITUTE* Ho. 14 jf. NINTH Street, abeve Market —B. C. SVERSTT, after thirty years l practical experience, guarantees the skilful adjustment ofttus Premium Pa tent Graduating Pressure Truss, Supporters, Elastic Stocking*. Shoulder Braces, Crutches, Ac. Ladles' apartments conducted by a Lady. aplS-ly MONET TO ANY AMOUNT fWt LOAHED UPOJT DIAMONDS, WATCHES, A A JEWELRY. PLATE CLOTHING), Jn.,tl W V JONES ACO ’S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. . Comer THIRD tad QABKILL Bti.. balow Lombard. tp3B.sn ■ EVANS ft WATSON’S tAfl BTOBK, U SOUTH JOUETH STRICT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. A Ittto Ttrl.tr of FIXB-FBOOY BATH alwaye n band- jr-yifTL MALCOLM MAONEILL S bpbctaole store, ino. bio sot» FIFTH Stnot. Jiar oitem, retttod to mlt til UH, tnd all manner#; rtptlrlnf earetaUy tad promptly atUad.d to. mbd-nr- NSM ESTEY’B COTTAGE ORGAKS Not oaly ÜBBXOBLLBD, bat OBBOTALLBD in purity, of Ton* tnd Power, donned a.peelally for ChnrchaS tnd Behoola. bnt found to be eomaHy wall tdapt.d to : the Parlor tad Drawing Room. Tor tale only by ,• S. o. BKvltAi No. IS North BBYINTH Street. Alto, a aomplate uaortmtal of the Farfart Melodeon •oattaatly on Load. fem-om SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHIL ADEL -37V WWi PHIA STEAMSHIP LINA aaffln* from esw* port on SATURDAYS, from Srit wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, and Lose Wharf, Beaton. Tha ateamahlp NORMAN, Cant. Bator, will tail from Philadelphia for Boeton. on Saturday, Kay 13, at U A H.. and tteamtblp SAXON, Gapt.Mattbswe, from Bo.ton for Philadelphia, on the same day at, P. M. Thou naw and •übitantial ateam.hlseform aianlai line, latllm from ea.h port pnn«maliyoy>yiNid"ra. Intnrancea .Seated at ono**alf thTpirMiH)KtftM*<. on the vaeaela. ~ SVv... • NwlSMitalmn alflar Attt'i^jSk^^i^jw, Shipper. are reaneated to md . Of Lading Withtb»lr goods. ' ?.fy- • For Fmlahtor FulUl (havlntjin.i».ommodarlo»el apply to HfiNRT WINSOR A GO., mM-tf 834 South DELAWARE Arson*. STEAM WEEKLY TO LJ YERPOOL. tonchlna at QUBBNSTOW* (Lork Harbor). Tbo well known Steamer, of the Llyw boot. New York and Philadelphia Steamship Comet, ny (Inman Line), carrying the United States MaliiTat: Intended to sal) as follows; SiXIJP* BOSTONwww...«••*«**. SATURDAY* May 27th. EDINBURGH** «,SATURDAY, June 3d? And every mesedlng Saturday at Noon, from Pier U North Slyer. HATES OF PASSAGE: . Payable In Gold, or its equivalent In Currency. Fi«rt Cabin||o 00 Keera*e^,ww..fSO 0( to London*a-M, 80 00. *• v> London*. si s "to ram--. 96 00 «« to Pariah* So a ** toHambur*... 90 00' •• to Hamburg 87 N Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, let Ac.. at equally low rates. Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, |7t tfip, $lO6. steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown, iSC t£k.*!a here audera" A d for tt,lr W “ d * ““ For-farther Information apply at tha Company-i Offlea.- .. JOHN O. DALE, Aaent, mjSS-tjelO 111 WALNUT Btreeti Phlla raiT"r new express line, tc « Bor Freight apply to Asents, WM. F. CLYDE & 00,, 14 North and South Wharves. FhUa.jJjß. DAVIDSOIf. Georgetown, D.C.; FLOWBKS A BOWEN, Alexandria. ▼v mhl4-9w —^C—a. NOTICE.—FOR NEW •MBMaKYORE.-Tht PHILADELPHIA AND NEW TORE EXPRESS STBAMBUAT COUPANT. via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamer, lean DAILY, Int wharf btlow HARKXi Street, at,o’clockP. M. wk. r. CLYDE* CO., 1* 8. WHARVES, Pbllk JAMES HAND, U 7 WALL Straat. lh)B.flm ' New York XTOTICE TO LADIES—WE HAVE ■L ’ juft Teceivtd a large assortment of COfiAL OKNAftISNTw FOh fflß HAIR, made by the natives of Bombay. These ornaments are beautl-al, and are worth eight timet the cost, bat are ■old by us* at our pises of business, for FIFTY GSUTB. Any person wishing to purchase oan do so by cendiig 60 cents to JOHN J. HYDE, Ho. 178 West PRATT Street. mi22-2i* Baltimore, Md. pARB. AMMONIA—CASKS FRESH, par “BMne.” bond or duty paid. BBSOIL QIKGER-KO baa. prime. BaNGAL TURUSnIC 43 bag. now due par “York ®^^,lS,LS"Tr^d0 r A , IS7ffIT; mySP-Ct -aO^MAHEKTH?^. "PRESENT GOLD PRICES —TOE 0 W«l: GoW * t *- “J k^S mym-St 1038 CHESTNUT gteaet. asi^l '^P^'zSpt hr taamloatloi., wm, 1 101 £*ssk=S Bi AC, to tbs biof&j Joied p*l»- /or' a *"* ,a «**t*k l ‘ m * ! *[s• b»ff. «,< » *Qi Paap.*,^ jaekld toil. hi'ttnA* fD S ttlnws aod ch- arrtV-! 6 * * a^r«. father hftlmor4l*» a d Wh™? a *' **4 *reu’6 fine Jjid ►«.»*«!.?■» “*• fancy, sevid bainu «" e-PJi'rßil'mfj'w'b.MtV* ,<>at *®4 3°f kid *Uppera, m«talhenv«,v ft •lals, carpet rilpptr*, «rar«mVt bS’ j SAIB OF BBITIBH .HD D&I OOODS B*os, 8 * 05, r*s »ale uf Porelu and Domeai. a on . cro4l,off„ nr ‘ , S£»?;j Good?, pan fo Hay2f ama lot e*>ui WO (Mb-, "HilMlu W >0l8a», vnd cottons, to which we lnritt i-'\ will be erreored f or , T ilen wiim lTuTlhelr‘fnten- r “»’i . op BOMK3TIO DEI l » 0 ' 1 ' THOESDAT, May 25. w in hA rtthefoilnwinf—vluj 1 * M , '’’bottßSTlCS. blaachad m ulin* aad drill*. Wool, CttDto&i Don-et, ►ud g, D -..i, J Isnoy prittte, Muahisnar slst-haiL,,^ bine dentine tlcke, sir,pen, and ch-cij Mleilaa. pi er ma.livs, ate CAsesektlnos. melton*, tweeds, es-mlmares Su _„ „ -KMOB AST TAILORS OUOdS ’ ’ rnnilDea cloths, coatings, meltons doesklne *« FuU Hues Large atsorjment B*rns)e? linen sheetings, dam&kVa Bblrtiagaftd frtntbigltaene,diaper, towelttne £r Ut Also« double damask table ctoths* towels du™** napkins, doilies Hues cambric handketehUfr ffl » Also, linen docks, drills, tipanlsn linens, bnr;&t>l *» DKBtfrfGOU&S Pkt ’* de laiset, mozambiqnee. poll ds alpacas* popUns, bareges, u^ao. Large lines Parli chevrts, m« hairs, balmor&ls, Ao. , DRESS SILKS. pieces groi do BblDeMafftrt*»< poult da soles, ffiOß de Waple* C drhleg, fancy silks, da* LARGE BPBOIAL SALE OF FaSHIOIABIiB cm, MADS CLofulEG Wl ' on FhIDAT MOHPinO, May 20, 'will be sold, without reserve, by caUlorjfl os four months’ credit, at 10 o'clock, an extensive »toclt of ready-made summer clothing* embracing every variety of , 017 Men’s »nd boys’ blaok and fancy alpaca saok and fro eg coats, u M*n’s and boys' frcck cc at«. i' black aid fanoy Italian tack ui Men’s and boys’ frock coats. drap d'ety and easaimera tack &n 4 Fnnch clofcli and satinet sackaal Men’s and boys' frock coats frock-coat* w^ite tawlhnuiw, Mjn’s aid boji’ white and fancy Mareelll.s, lit,,. S“b™& “»£"*■ “ d ** i«“Waaad p Mtn’s and hoys- French doeskin and fancy saminir M*n’s and boys’ black and fancy easel mere, safari, and tweed pants n Men’s and boys’ white and fancy Unen pants, &*. POSITIVE SALE OF CARPS riHGB, DBUGGETB. MATtIPOK Ac. OB SaTUEbAT. . May 87fh, sill o’clock, wi,j be sold, byeatalorac, os four months’ credit, about 325 pieces rich royal ts> pestry, Brussels, printed frit, superfine and fiesta grain, royal unmask, Venetian, list, hemp, cotmg, and «r carpetings. Canton and cocoa mettle**, g. embracing a choice assortment of superior goods, whUS may be examined early on the morning of sale, PEREMPTORY SALS OF FKEWCH, lEDU, Qfig. MAR, AMD BRITISH DRY GOODS, *0 „ - OR MOHDAT MOaJUBO, ' May asth, at 10 o’clock, will be sold by catalogue, m four months 1 «>«dJt> about , , „ 800 PACK *G Eg AND LOTS of French, India, censat, and British dry goods, Ac., embracing a large and desirable a«korim«nt of faser sal staple articles la silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cot. ton fabrics MR—Samples of the same will be arranged fores, a ruination, with catalogues, early on the moraine of the sale, when dealers will find It to their interest t attend. M THOMAS & SONS. • Res. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street CARD.—Catalogues of the valuable library of Mr. Charts A, Fouleon, comprising ov«r 4,000 late, to be sold June 6th- 7ih, Bth and 6th, are now ready aai may ho had at the auction store. Bbal estate AND stocks. OR TUESDAY* 23d May. The above sale will include handsome m* Mocncos—Washington Square. Walnut, Oh-stant. and Vine meets; valuable bu*loess stands—H*rk*t street* Second Btrett, GaliowhiH street; sJegant cuuctty«*it* and farms, genteel smaller dwellings, Ac ; altogether upwards of P 8 properties, part peremptory sales bf order of Orphans' Court, executors, heirs, admlntstni' tore, and oihirs. Pampblstcatslogues with full particulars now reaifi Including also a list of sales SGih May and 6th jane. Public Sales of Beal Estate and Stocks, at the Ex. change, overy Tuesday, at 12o’clock. _ Executors’Sale, Ro 1500 Poplar street. HOU6BHOLD PDRSITDRE, PIANO, CARPETS, &0„ THIS MORNIEG, Way 2?, at 10 o'cloik. at Do ISO 9 Poplar street, by order of executor?, the household furniture, rose rood piano, carpets, Ac. ■■■.■■>>■«£ MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND ENGRAVINGS. - THIS AFTERNOON, May 23* at Ah*; Auction Store, miscellaneous book! from a Horary* --V’:; ' Also, a large number of engravings. PEREMPTORY .BALE OIL PAINTINGS. ON VrEDNWAT UORsfIHG, 24th inst, at 11 the auction store, win ta sold by catalcane, without reserve a private cnlleedm of ancient and modem oil paintings, by eminent mis* ter*); e&talogues will be ready and the picture! arranged for inspection on Monday BARE AND VALUABLE BOOK? OB WEDNBEDaY AFTERNOON, May 24tfa, at the auction store, rare and vtlatbU bcokr, frrm the library of tho late John SergeanltEtl.i many of them relating to American history. Bale for account United States KNIVES AND FORKS, SPOONS, TIN CUPS, PLITE3, &o. ON THURSDAY, May 25th, at 1 o’clock P M , at the auction store, -ot account Halted Mates, 1,930 tin cups. 1,908 tin o ites, knives, 9aS butcher knives, 9 do. damaged, 1,832 br£«» ),f9t rpocnr, J9&* May be examined the day previous to ** l «> Sale No. .1S& and 141 South Fourth street. _ „ r SUPERIOR FURNITUBB* TVVkBB ROSEWOOD W* iffOfi, THREE FBBNOH PLATE MIRRORS,HAND* £OME CaBPJsTH, &o ON THURSDAY MORNING, . .. At 9 o’clock, at ilie auction store, anpei’lor hottie&nll furniture, three roeewood piano forces, by Davis, & Co , and others, three flue French plate mw tie and pier mirrors, handsome Brussels and other car pets. beds* bedding, &o. VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY. lON TBUBSDAY AND FRIDAY AFTERNOON?, v May S6th and 26th, the valuable law library of the late John Sergeant* Eeq., which includes a large turn* b«r of English and American reports. Sale No 1314 Spruce street __ BIEGANT FURNITURE, to4NT6L MIRBOB, OtE BOOK CASE, HANJifiOMBVSLVSr CARPSrd, , ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 19 o’clock, at No 3314 Spruce street, by catalogs tbe elegant rosewood parlor faraiture, walnutchauu) i fnrniiur#, ouk dluinc-rcom furniture, larg« flue Fwm plat® menial mirror, nupeiior oak book-ease, handionl veUetafid Bruiselicarpeie, &c, x Also, kitchen utanuls. . May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning or bala- AdminintratrixSale, No. 847 North Sev*ttth stwei if , SrPEBUiE FURNITURE HOBEWOOD PIANO, Fl>S BRUS9BLS AND IMPERIAL CARPBTS.ic. on Saturday morning, At 10 o’clock, at No. B*7 North Seventh street, by tf der of Ahmlaislratrix, the superior walnut parlor M chamber luroltuurfbandsoine rosewood plAuo.br 8:^ a : r&eiz china, fine Brussels aud ImperUi caTtu*tji - • . 49* 4l*j be examined at 8 o’clock on the morula*® sale. SaleBT9andBll Dhestnut street. EXTENSIVE STOCK OF SUPERIOR AND ELBGAS* CABINET FDRMTURB. ON MONDAY MORNING, . May 29th, at JO o’clock, at Nos. 809 and street, by catalogue, will be sold* without rsser public sale, cte entire stock of elegant farnitare, tn »«■ factnrsd by George J. Henketa, of the best mutsrif t* and in the best manner, expressly fox warerjom and equal tonn-F m tbo eouutiy. , PartLniar attention la invited to this the most e*' tea rive sale of furniture ever made In this city. ~ j|QF* Catalogues will be r*-ad? and the farclturo elv be examined on Friday and Saturday previous to sals, which will be absolute Sale No. 821 South Sixteenth street 6UPBKIOR FDRfll * URK. ELfiGAET PIANO, FIW , CARPETS. ON MONDAY MORNING, _ - 29thinst, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at S2l SM? glxtfenth etreet. the entire parlor, diningroom • chamber furniture* elegant rowwo'd piano, by w»v & Anna, flue tapeatry ea»pe b. Ac . ,r 49* May be examined at 8 o ’clock on the mornioi Cl the sue. BaJe fti No 25S North Eighth street. HOURhfiOLP FORJfITURB CARPETS. Ac. * l 0M TUESDAY MORNING, • t 30lh inst, at 10 o’slvck, m 258 North Eighth the fconsehold atd kitehen fuinlture, ding, &c. • Sale No* 101 S Walnut street. SUPERIOR FUBNITURB, FINE OARPErS, if ON WEDNESDAY MOHNIIG, , _ 31a‘ inst, at 10 o’slock, at No 1018 Walnut strrtV”' ts«aiogae ths entire superior dining room and ‘ fU'*-l'nrt, fine carpets, mattresses* fte. . . a May be examined on the morning of o’clock. V ,t- MEPICAXi. ; u j ELEOTRIOAL OFFICB& , „ i Ho. IS*»<,nhELEVB«TH, helow KAOS S}«J! CHBSTHnT and FOHTI2TH Slt.al. tf“* Dfif THOMIB ADDS* kartn* k«a» vary MJW.' f ful in the care or Diseases by this new .Wfr a u } would inform hla friends and the Public U } still benefiting and curing many whom Diedto ; did not affect, and considered incurable. ... 3 We wlll mention a few of thj Dlseasei in lof whisb this treatment seldom if ever ftf !*• ... (Rheumatism, Felons, Kidney D^ &(l 3 Neuralgia, Gangrene, Liver , ~ {Paralysis, Ulcers, Genital ~ ! Cramps, Belle, Sploal Uyspepsla, t Abie ass, Throat Fever* Ague, Ernptions, Prulap?]^, (Asthma, lnflammattoni, NooEmi*»^ aB ' {Congestion, Hemorrhage, • Diabetes* .w 0 ) { Patients wiU be treated at their reaideu«a» ( j C desired, a large number of testimonials ina r 'L ) 0 1638 VIBE Street, on. door below BaTi»w”£ a i«i AU wveone daalrlnn nteranaoa, or a« if.ii »Sia»* With renrd to hl.sp.dal mod. of ttaalrnaßt. ’ «U « «md for a pamohlot -ni-o Oonanltatlon orndTlaa tratnltona. A THOMSON’S LONDoimrcS; BIS BE, OB eueopkah babos. **' K W ol*‘ CEI hotels, or public Institutions.in iWJjJ FEBBHT SIZES. Also, Phlladelpb^ Pot air Furnaces, Portable Heaters. bOvnioYo Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, btowbets ‘ J R, ,Xgti, : ere, Cooking Stoves, etc., at wholesale * nd c the mannfaetnrers _ a-mictawsoE* OHAB3 BH*BPB. np2* tnlheSm Ho. aop Borth 8E..'0S p rvr_^ JL_ UNION OIL STOVE. PS So* Advertisement SBjL tO-MOBKOW. And send for _ CIEtn HR A KI K tnthfr lm LO3 Bontfa gg tSeSIN ABLE FRONT ROOMS TO K,| „tth bOMd. COOPEB Street. oam 4 A. B *fe 408 WAWtUT Street. “