The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 08, 1865, Image 4
THE CITY. X.0T1887 TICKBT AND roLICT DEALEBS' LICENSES. As the articles "Met a PP_? arcll to >««“» of tta M and 4th instant, In reference to the tottery- Miibat and lottery-policy dealers’ licenses hare ST “ Btlr" among the “backers,” their SSots. and Mends engaged In the business, w* have taken the trouble to inquire Into the subjsot, We have ascertained that the chief opposition to the government deriving a revenue from the busi ness comes from the parties engaged In It, who argue “that the Government have no right to eract laws encroaching on State rights j that-the collector of Internal revenue tare not Issue a license, whlch'wonld be legalising the business; that bv so doing they would be violating the laws or the State,” See. It Is surprising how men who have been violating the law for years suddeirty become Its expounders and defenders. In Now York, and, In fact, In all the States where the business Is, or has been carried on for years, in violation or local laws, there is no obstacle placed in the way by the State authorities to the Government deriving a revenue from the business. r . „ yye give below extracts from tbe internal neve determined to' derive a revenue from all those who are, whether leeaUv or Illegally* engaged in the Jotters business, S wall ftfl from all other branches of business, and, “sJ 4“ the Government does not legalise the business by granting a license to those engaged In it. nor does the law of the National Government conflict with that of the State. Section 79, article 6, page 85, Of the Internal re venue law of 1855 reads as follows: “Lottery-ticket dealers shall pay one hundred dollars lor each license. Every person, association, firm, or corporation, who shall make, sell, or offer to sell, lottery tickets or fractional parts thereof, or any token, certificate, or device representing or In* tended to represent a lottery ticket or anyfractlona part thereof, or any polloy ot nambers in. any lot tery, or ahall manage any lottery or prepare schemes of lotteries, or superintend the drawing of any lot* tery, shall be deemed a lottery-ticket dealer under this act: Provided) That no license shall hereafter issue managers of a lottery now existing shall give bond, In the sum of one thousand dollars, that the person receiving such license shall not sell any ticket or supplementary ticket' of such lottery which, has not been duly stamped according to la nr/ 1 SflCtlOll 78, page 3*, Is as foJlows: SBCTIOW7B. u And be it further enacted) Thatno li cense hereto before provided for Shall* If granted, be held or constrned to exemptany person carrying on the trade, business, or profession specified In said license, from any penalty or punishment pro vided by the laws o! any State for oarryiug on such trade, business, or profession within suoh State, or in any manner to authorize the commence ment or continuance of such trade, business, or pro fession, contrary to the laws of such State, or in places prohibited by municipal law, nor shall any such license be held or construed to prevent or pro hibit any State from placing duty or tax for state or other purposes, on any trade, business, or profes sion,for which a license la required by this ace; nor shall any person carrying on any trade, business, or profession Jot which a license is required by this act, be exempted from procuring such license, or from any penalty or punishment herein provided, by or In consequence of any State law either au thorizing or prohibiting such trade, business or pro fession.” - The regulations of the Treasury Department, as also the notice of the inspector and special agent In reference to the business, are as follows: Treasury Department, OFFICE OFINTEENAL KEY-£NUK, April 5,1835. REGULATION UNDER WHICH PARTIES MAT OBTAIN" LICENSES AS LOTTBBT DHALKKS, Section X. of the amendatory act of March. 3, 1566, provide!, “That no Hcensa snail hereiftar issue until the managers of a lottery now existing shall give bond, In tho sum of ono thousand dollars, that the person receiving such licence shall not soil any ticket or supplementary ticket of such lottery which has not been duly stamped according to laws** and section 13 of the same provides, " That all per sons and every person who shall engage or be con cerned in the business of a lottery dealer without having first obtained a license so to do, under such roles and regulations as the Secretary of the Trea sury shall proscribe shall forfeit, and pay a penalty of one thousand dollars, 10 .be assessed by the asses sors of the proper district, and collected as assessed taxes arc collected ; suejeot, nevertheless, to the provisions of law relating to erroneous assessments, and shall, on conviction t>y an* court of competent jurisdiction, suffer imprisonment for a period net exceeding a year, at xhe discretion of the court. And it snail be the duty of all managers and pro prietors, and their agents, to keep, or cause to be kept, just and true books of account, wherein all their transactions shall be plainly and legibly set forth, which books of account shall at ali reasona ble times and hours bt subject to the inspection of the assessor, assistant assessor, revenue agent, and Inspector of the proper district; and any manager, proprietor, agent or vender under this act, who shall refuse or prohibit such inspection of his or their boohs, as aforesaid, shall pay a penalty of one thou sand dollars or Buffer imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year for epery such offence. Tho following regulations are, therefore, pre scribed : > When any lottery or policy dealer desires to ob tain license he shall; 1. Make application in the usual form to the as sessor of the district in which he Is located, which application shall state,in audition to other lut'orma,- tioD how required, the name or names of the man agers or proprietors for whom he acts, with their places of business. 2. Before obtaining a license from the collector , he Shall procure and present to that officer the .bond of the managers, duly executed,- la the sum of one thousand dcllaTß, conditioned that the person re delving such license shall not sell any ticket of such tottery which has not teen duly stamped, according to law, with the name or tlic voodoo of the ticket, or supplementary ticket, and with the date 01 Its sale. 3. It shall be the duty of-all managers and pro prietors of lotteries, and their agents, to keep, or cause to be kept, just and trne books of account, In which shall be entered dally tne gross oasb receipts of the sales of all lottery tickets or policies made by them or their agents or employees. 4. Collectors of Internal Baveaue are require! to enforce a strict observance of these regulations In their respective districts. Approved, H. McCulloch, Secretary of Treasury. April 5, 1865. Attest: Joseph J. Lewis, Commissioner Internal Revenue, Lottery ticket and policy ticket dealers are re quired to make the necessary application for license on or before the first day of May next. If sack, ap plication is not made to the assistant assessor of their respective districts) they vrm be liable to all the penalizes imposed by law, and will be promptly enforced, Iff. U. Stanly, Inspector and Special Agent of the Treasury Department. WEATHER RECORD. A. comparison of some of the meteorological phenomena of April, 1865, with those of April, 1864, and of the same month for fourteen years, at Philadelphia, Penna. Barometer 60 feet above mean tide in the Delaware river, Latitude 39 de grees, 57K minutes N.; longitude 76 degrees, 10# minutes W. from Greenwich, By Jakes A. Kisk- PATRICK, A. JM.: Thermometer. Highest degree Do. date Warmest day—mean..., Do. date Lowest degree Do. date...". Coldest day—mean Do. date Mean daily oscillation... Do. range Mean at 7 A. M Do. 2P.M Do. 9P.M Do', for the month.... Barometer. Highest, inches Do. date.** Greatest daily pressure— mean, date*. Do. do. Lowest, inches Do. date.. Least daily presfcare— ' mean Do. do. date- Mean daily range . Kean at 7 A. M . Do. 2P.M Do. 9 P. M Do. for the month..... Ht 0J72 29.397 29.841 29.553 29.877 Force of Vapor. Greatest, inches .... Do. dftte...... Least, inches * Do. date Mean at 7 A. M Do. 2 P. M Do. 9 P.M..... .1-JO 24th. .264 .m .28J .281 Do. for the month. Relative Humidity. Greatest, per cent.... Do. date Least, per cent.. Do. date Mean at 7 A. 31. Do. 2 P. M Do. 9 P. hi Do. for the month. 93 $ ct 12th. 24.0 24th. f 7.0 52.6 64.4 61.4 Clouds . Number of clear days*. -. Do. cloudy days.. Mean of skyco v’d a 17 A. M 1 Do. do. 2P. H Do. do. 9 P, M Do. for the month 9 days. 2t -61.3 64.0 61.0 e&a Rain. Amount, inches.*.* No.of days on which rain fell....****,. Winds. Mean direction... Times In 3,ooo**«> s 53 8 W : 1.97 *Bky one4hird or less covered at the hoars of observation. PONTOON WANTED. In order to enter the Coarc of Quarter Sessions St is necessAry to pass through a gateway separating thd TOW Offices from the Square. It requires but a email quantity of rain to tall to completely nil tins passage-way with water, and persons n*ve to jump over, or wade In, as best thsy can. We suggest, now that the war Is over, that the proper authori ties procure a'pontoon boat, and place It la the gateway, so that persons may effect an entrance to the court-room with dry feet. EARLY CLOSING MOVEMENT. The proprietors of thehardware commission houses on Commerce and Fifth streets have agreed to'oiose their respective houses at 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon from the present time until September Ist. Theie la some task oi closing the stores at fire o’clock on all other afternoons during the ninths of July and August. This arrangement will give the employees a little chance for recreation. SUDDEN DEATHS. Susan Jackson was found dead la her bed at No, 165 Williams’ court early on Saturday morning. Her death was attributed to natural oau3es» A man, 76) ears of age, died suddenly lathe house No. 213 Water street. From papers found on his person his name is believed to be Henry Baggs, He fifui but one log* The Coroner held an inquest. Christian Begulene fell dead in a lager beer sa loon, OB Shlppon street, near Third, about half-past 1 o’clock, yesterday afternoon. His body w*b taken So the Third ward StatlQD*bouae. THE DOUBLRDAY COURT-MARTIAL. The trial of W. B. N. Uos&ns, charged with fraud In furnishing tents to the Government, win be resumed thlß mornlog before the court martial of Which General Doubiedav 1b president. LAUNCH. A well-built full-rigged brig, called the Henry and Ann, was launched on Saturday from the ship yard foot of Reed street. She is about 600 tons, and IMS built for an Importing house in New Fork. THE GERMAN FLAG. The German flag which was frund la the garret of the capital building at Richmond, Virginia, as mentioned In The Tress of Saturday, bus been found to be one presented by the German ladles of Fiuia dolphla to the 24th New York Regiment, and was lost in the retreat across the Rappahannock, when General Hooker was Is command of the army. EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. The annual convention of the Protestant Episco pal Church of this diocese will oe held during the week at St. Andrew’s Church, south Eighth street, commencing to-morrow morning. On Saturday afternoon a Are broke out In the loft of the dwelling, No. 1218 Hibberd street, owned by His. Josephine Hess. By the efforts of the firemen the flames were prevented from spreading, and not much damage waS done to the furniture. EXTENSION OP THE WATER WORKS, Mayor Henry has signed the b*-i creating a loan Of 11,000,000 for the extension of the Water Works. FOR RICHMOND. Tho substantial, well-built sea*Bteamer, Ellie Knight, belonging to the )*ne of Moser*. Taylor & Co., wmßtaitfOrßiohmord. Va., In a day or two. The business of the company will be fully and thus the chain Of communication between Philadel phia and Richmond, broken for few years because or the rebellion, will be reunited, and bind the two points together stronger than ever. On last Saturday, Edward H. Masson, on motion of John M. Thomas, Esq., was admitted to praotloe as an attorney In the District Court and Court of Common Fleas for the city and ODnnty of Philadel phia. On Satnrday last, on motion of Beniamin Harris Brewster, Esq., Joseph K. Grundy, Esq., was ad mitted to praotloe as an attorney In the District Court and court of Common Pleas for the oltv and county of Philadelphia. ’ FIREMEN’S ITEMS. The different steam fire-engine companies are making efforts to secure the graßS eat in the differ ent squares. Miss Lucille Western has tendered her services In aid of the Fleetwood monument. She will give a benefit next Saturday afternoon for that objeot at the Academy of Music. “East Lynne” will be performed. The body of Richard Breakup, aged fifteen years, was found In the Delaware, near Race-street wharf, on Friday night. The lad was attached to the United States ship Sabine, and fell overboard on the night of the 27th of last month. The coroner held an lnqnest. Yerdlot, accidentally drowned. Mary Parr, who was rnn down by a locomotive, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad on the 21st of April, at Armenia and Oxford streets, died at St. Joseph's Hospital, on Friday. The coroner will hold an Inquest on the bMy to-day. TO TRENTON BY STEAMBOAT. On Saturday the steamboat Edwin Forrest made her first trip of the season to Trenton. During Saturday the following oasos were ad mitted Into the Pennsylvania Hospital: Stephen Yeung, aged thirty-eight years, a sailor en board of the bark Netta, having had one of his legs broken on the 22d or last month, on board of that vessel, at sea. He belongs to New York City. Ezekiel Young, aged thirty-three years, employed at the Pascal Iron Works of Morris & Tasker, re ceived a very severe Injury In his left leg, above tho knee-joint. He was moving a truck, and get his leg jammed. His family reside In Morris street. Jane Brown, aged 69 years, while moving the hea-board of a bedstead, Saturday morning, at her residence, No. 266 North Eleventh Street, -toll down a flight oi stairs with it, and was severely injured about the head, One of her colar bones was frac tured. Arthur Clouch, aged 30 years, left arm fractured above the elbow. In attempting to stop his horse, harneESed to a cart-load of hoards, he was dragged, and the wheel passed over his arm. One of his feet was crashed, and he also received a lacerated wound on tjie side of his head, near the left temple. Nelson Freeman, 50 years of age, right leg frac tured above the knee. He was walking on Dela ware avenue, peddling goods, and a woman who keeps a cake stan d asked him to hny something. He refused; words ensued; he said something the woman did not fancy; she knocked him down, by whloh his leg was broken. Mary Ooons, aged 73 years, while folding a ear pet yesterday, In a honse on Catharine street, above Second, fell upon the floor, by which she received a fracture of an arm, below the elbow. Jesse Rex, aged 63 yearn, who drives for w. Cox A Co., stove dealers, was thrown from his cart near Second and Poplar street, and four of his ribs wero brehon. His head was also considerably lacerated. Dennis Shields, aged thirty years, was brought to this city with his leg mangled and broken. The accident happened to him early on Satnrday morn ing, in a eoal-mine near the West House, Schuylkill county. Bartholomew Nunn, aged 45 years, while trying to stop a pair of runaway horses belonging to Mr, Blspham, on Kelton avenne, near Broad street, was thrown down and dragged until the wheel-of the carriage passed over him. Hl3 shoulder-blade was broken, and he was otherwise severely lacera ted in different parts of his body. Edward Rooney, sixty five years of ago, fell, while crossing Seventh street, below Shipper), yesterday afternoon, and fractured his thigh. District Court—Juagc Slrond. David Steffimetz vs. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company. An action on a policy of Insurance. Before reported. The jury rendered a yerdlot ror the defendants. In the Common Fleas, Judge Allison, the uanal motion lists were called and disposed of. Gonrt or Quarter Sessions—Mon. Janies B, Indlow, Associate Jnstiee. SATUBDAY’S SESSION. The ease of Thomas S. Fernon was continued until this day two wieks. The case of Alderman Mecke was oalled and his council stated that he was oonfined to his bod. Judge Ludlow said ho must nave proof of that. Dr. Henry Wadsworth sworn.—l am a regular graduate; I saw Alderman Mecke this morning ; he is laboring under Inflammation of the lungs, and is very nervous ; his condition Is critical, tho pulse being over ICO. Dr. Ax sworn.—l saw Alderman Meeke this morn ing ; his pulse Is 120 ; he spits blood, and Is unable to eome to conrt to-day. Tlplstave Crawford sworn.—l visited Alderman Mecke this morning; I know nothing about his lungs, but I thought lie was laboring under delirium tremens or mania potn; he certainly is unfit to be bronghtto conrt. Judge Ludlow directed officer Crawford to take a warrant for Alderman Meobe and bring him Into COUrt Whenever lie should be well enough to attend. CCNSTAnLB LUKBN6’ CABB. The case of Nathan Luton?, the constable, oou rioted of enlisting a man instead of taking him to prison, wat called up. Mrs. Lee testified that she went with JAkens and the man to the recrnltlng office, and got from the man 1450, which she gave to hts wire, who had expressed her willingness for him to enlist. He said he had made It all right with the woman who had him arrested. Eliza Graham testified that she was the wife of the man who was arrested by Lnkens; he told -her that he had made It right with the woman who had eansed his arrest lor being the father of her child; the witness received $450 from her hnsband ; 1 don’t ’know that my husband enlisted as a substitute. Mr. Mann said it was time that officials bad been taught their duty. This constable had been an officer for twenty years, and yet when a commit ment Is handed to him to take a man to prison, he walks him off to a recruiting sUtion. This thing of alderman and constables settling cases was carried to such an extent that not one-filth of the cases were returned to conrt that should be. There was an alderman within two hundred yards of the court room, and he desired to say It was not Alderman Beltler, who had Issued twenty commitments for felony, and not one of the cases had been returned to court. The case went over until Monday, 6EMTBNOH OV THH P2ITALB LEGBBB, In the case of Rebecca Reed, convicted of beating the colored girl Georgians Joses in an unmerciful manner, three witnesses, Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. Jones, and faille Myers, were examined and stated that the ohlld was filthy in her habits, and had been well treated by Mrs. Reed. Judge Ludlow asked Sallle Myers if she was not the woman who testified that a man beat the girl, to which she replied affirmatively. Salife testified that the child was treated well enough, and as to the fork being stuck In her she accounted for that by saying “when the man whipped the child she had some forks in her hand and fell upon them.” Mr. Brooke asked the court to be merciful to the prisoner. Judge Ludlow said It was very evident that the jury had not believed one word said by Sallle Myers on the trial. April, for 14 yrs 20.00 7th, ’57. 27.70 23. ’67. 16.43 6.22 Mr, Mann said the prisoner was the only person to whom the child could look for protection, and Instead of extending It to her she had most bru tally and unmercifully beaten her. The effects of beatings administered to her three months ago were still visible, and horrified the jury. Judge Ludlow sentenced the prisoner to pay a fineoi five dollars and costs, and undergo an im prisonment of four months in the oounty prison. In passing sentence his Honor said that he would vindicate the law, atd at the same time be merci ful, and endeavor to treat the case so as to let all tbe inhabitants of this county know that whatever their feelings might be towards the negro race, they were under the protection of the law. 29.377 2d. 0.122 29.730 29.699 29.755 29.72 S 28.959 215t,’52. 0.169 29.820 29.778 29.810 29.803 Chas. Springer asked to be discharged on a writ of habeas corpus. Sergeant Morson, of the U. S. Marines, testified that the man w&b prowling about the Navy Yary In a very mysterious manner on Monday night last. Judge Ludlow placed Springer' in the custody of an officer of the Court, with instructions to take him to the Navy Yard and see if he belonged to theJJ. S. steamer Bienville, aa he alleged. 0.689 29th, ’65. .066 13il), ’5l .232 .247 .250 .243 0.495 25th. .098 7th. .219 .m .236 .219 1001* ct. often. 13.0 ISth, ’52, 71.2 51.4 67.4 63.3 John Given and Philip Hamilton asked to be dis charged from a charge of conspiracy. Thomas W. Price sworn.—l looked at the assess ment book of the Fifteenth ward In January last for the purpose of preparing a schedule on which to base my means to go security for the Receiver of Taxes; in February I again looked at the book, and louid That it had been changed ; In January my assessment was: house $3,500, furniture $l,OOO, and gold watch $100; la February the $3,500 had been erased and placed above the line In red Ink; the following additions had been made; $1,500 for & two. story back building, and money at Interest $15,0001 I asked the board who did it *, Mr. Dixon denied any knowledge or it; I asked Mr. Hamilton if he did it* and Mr. Given spoke up and said: I did it, ana what In the is the use of making a fuss about Itat the hearing before Recorder Eneu Hamilton said the entry was made by Given with his full knowledge and consent, and he considered himself as a party to the transaction; he also said that the change was made on the 29th of January, jus tone week after the injunction l applied for had been decided by the court.- Mr. William S. Price, counsel for Thomas W. Price, said since he had been in the case his assess ment had been changed, and he desired to ask the witness concerning it. Witness resumed..—l examined the assessment of w. s. Price, and found It had b&en erased and the figures altered. Grots-examined.—l called to pay Bishop Simp son’s taxes, he residing next door tome and being out Of the elty; alter paying them I found his as sessment had been interlined and additions made; tbe assessment of my neighbor, Mr. Haffiinger, had also bten changed, and $2,000 added for Improve ments to back buildings, while no additions had been made since the erection of the building; I know that the board of revision have not met for a year; something was said to me about my swear ing as to. what money 1 had at interest, and I told them I would sooner pay the taxes, fraudulent as I believed them to bo, than to ask any favor of them. Judge Ludlow said if the commissioners had the right to alter the assessment then it was legal. If, however, having that right, they did It with a cri minal intent, it was illegal. It was a case, how ever, that he could not decide as it appeared, and yet It may be oapable or perfect explanation before a jury* The oaee was sent to a jury. 10th. IS.O 7th. 71.0 62.2 67.8 63.7 4 days. 26 6-7.7 Hot. 73.3 69.3 68.3 8 5 days 21.6 QJ.T^ct. 65.4 53.4 80 S 13.0 days 313.23 W 133. N 63.3 W 148. Coart of Oyer ou<l Ter miner—Mon. James R, Ludlow ami lion. Joseph AUlson, Associate Justices. Joseph S. Brewster, Esq., argued the motion for a sew trial in the case of David Gregory, oonvioted or murder in the first degree in killing Stephen Valeria. • • fEefore Ur. Alderman Bottler. 3 ALLEGED PROFESSIONAL BURGLARS. John Miller, Jos. Jones, alias Piggy Graham, of Baltimore, Nathan Galton, alias Frank Wilson, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., David Fitch, of Canada, Bri tish Possessions, and James O’Neill, the alleged keeper of a resort for professional thieves, were ar raigned at the Central Station, on Saturday after noon, on the oharge of being professional burglars, and being implicated in some or all of the recent heavy robberies of silk stores in thlß City. The detectives who made the arrest desired the parties to be held for a further hearing. The priso ners were committed In default of $6 oco to await a hearing to take place on next Saturday. Sometime since a couple ol men were committed by Alderman Beltler on the oharge of enlisting a minor, and appropriating moßt of the bounty money to their own use. In order to Buoeeed in their vil lainous soheme, they procured the eervioes of an abandoned woman, who went to Norristown, where the lad was enlisted, and personating the mother of *hA boy. irave ter consent to his enlistment. The entire affair was one of the most outrageous swin dles. in the bogus substltue busiDßSf, that the local authorities were ever called upon to Investigate, Since the hearing. It is said, the prUpnerr hare en listed and gone to the army. The victimized boy, however, remains in camp, and the authorities wUI not give him up until the bounty money paid for him fs restored* The boy, therefore, Is ul a tight place. SUSPICIOUS PBOWLERS. On Friday evening two men were arrested at the Schuylkill Arsenal under very suspicions circum stances. Oce of them made considerable Inquiry as to the interior arrangements of the Arsenal, the way of ingress and egress, how many room? were In the building, v/here the knapsacks were deposited, Low many guards were on duty at night, whether ADMITTED TO THE BAR. Body found. FATAL RESULT. HOSPITAL ITEMS. THE COURTS. THB CASH 0-S- ALDERMAN MECKE. MTBIELIOUS PEB6ONAGB. CHARGE OP CONSPIRACY# THE POLICE. KXTHEMF-LY HARD CASE. they carried loaded guns or not. These Were a few of the Inquiries. One of the men, rather well dressed, desired to go into the Arsenal, and, to effect this objeot. volunteered to carry a bundle of made up army clothing for a woman who was returning the work to that plaoe. He Insisted on doing so, and she compiled. He waß arrested. On being closely questioned, he said he belongod to Herkimer coun ty, New York. He also said bo belonged to Colo rado, and was a miner. His equivocation excited more than ordinary susplolen that he was determin ed on doing evil things, and, therefore, for safe keep ing he was sent to the provost barracks. At a 1 ater hour his confederate was also arrested and disposed of in the same manner. It Is evident that antmnsualnumberof suspicions looking men have have been loitering about street - corners, alleys, and shady plaoes. In different sec tions of onr city, early In the evenings, and at more unseasonable hours of the night. Some of them have been noticed peeping through front windows, so as to familiarize themsßives with the interior of the houses. These movements are - considered by the police as preliminary to house robberies. The residents should put their houses In a state of effec tual defence. A doable-barrel fowling piece, with an ounce and a half of buck shot In eaoh barrel, with three drachms of good powder behind the lead, and a eounle of the best water proor caps properly fixed, would be a silent, trustworthy, and most ex cellent companion for defenee against the Invasion of midnight honse robbers. To our oertaln know ledge a number of residents In the same neighbor hood, In the southern part of the oltv, have made the most excellent arrangements for self-protection, in esse of an unwelcome visit tn the night time. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Bans. Marshall, 1 Jab. R. Cash-bull, 1 Comhittbe ox the Month. Jambs C. Hand, j HABINi: UTELULEXCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, MAT 6. Sun Rises,6 00 f Sun 5et5.7.031 HighWateb.l2.6o ARRIVED. Bark Walter, Libby, 12 days from Inagua, with salt and legwood to E A. Bonder Sc Co- Bark Orlando, Baker, 16 days from OrchtUa, with guano to Baker & Folsom. Berk Nettle Merryman, Merryman, 9 days from Key West, In ballast to Carman, Merchant, Sc Shaw, 30th ult, lat 33 30, long 74 30, saw ship Llsbcn,henoe lor Port Royal. Brig Ida H Comery, MoLellan, is days from Oien fnegee, with sugar to S & W Wolsh. Brig A J ROSS, Small, 15 days from Matanzas, with molasses to E C Knight & Co. Brig Abby Ellen, Gilmore, 4 days from Port Royal, In ballast to Twells Sc Co. Brig Ella Reed, Tuzo, 16 days from St Jago, with sugar to G W Bernadon & Bro. Brig Moaes Day, Loud, IS days from Olsnfnogos, with sugar and molasses to S & w Welsh. Sehr Mary E Smith, Smith, 22 days rrom Clenfae gos, with sugar and molasses to S Sc W Welsh. Sehr Georgle Deering, Willard, 4 days from Port land, with mdse to Crowell & Ooltlns. Sehr Maria Fleming, Williams, 3 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Sehr Maty G Farr, Maloy, 3 days from New York, In ballast to captain. „ „ , , Sehr Tempest, Hand, 3 days from New York, In ballast to captain. _ . . . , Sehr Peioy, Kapp, 2 days from Now York} la bal last to Oarmant, Merchant, & Shaw. Sehr B F Reeves, Stanford, 4 days rrom Fortress Monroe, In ballast to oaptaln. Sehr Paragon, Hatch, 3 days from New York, In ballast to Caldwell, Sawyer, Sc Co. Sehr Hendriok Hudson, Avery, from New Lon don, In ballast to Blaklston, Graff, & Co. Sehr O A Hooksoher, Gallagher, from Washing ton, in ballast to L AuJfcnretd A Co. „■ Sobr W H Rowe, Harris, lrom Malden, In ballast to oaptaln. Sehr R J Mercer, Somers, from City Point, In ballast to oaptaln. ■ , . . Sohr F Tyler, Tyrrell, from St Inegoes, in ballast to captain, Sehr Hannah, Wall,/from New York, In ballast to D S stetson & 00. Sehr Jos Hay, Hathaway, 8 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. Sohr Thos Potter, Haekett, from Greenport, In ballast to Qulntard & Ward. Sohr Col Lester, Perry, from Providence, In bal last to captain* Sohr Hunter, Endloott, from East Greenwich, In ballast to Blaklston, Graff A Co. sehr s o wmotts. Young, from Newborn, in bal last to captain. „ , . „ , _ T _ Sehr Mary Fletoher, Tracy, 3 days from New York, with mdse to Twells & Co. Sohr J W Maitland, Garwood, 3 days from New York, in ballast to Carman, Merchant, & Shaw. Sehr Jos Suttertbwaito, Long, 2 days from Key port, in ballast to captain. Sehr Electric Light, Wallace, 7 days from Port land, with mdse to E A Souder & 00. : Sehr Waterloo, Pickering, 8 days from Calais, with lumber to M Trump, Son, & 00. Sehr Lamartine, Hill, 7 deys from Saco, with heading to John Mason & Co. ' Sohr Lancet, Bayard, 1 day from Christiana, Del, with grain to Christian Sc 00. Sehr Hope, Jones, 2 days from Indian River, Del, with grain to Jas L Bawley & Co. Sehr Lacy, Morrow, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, With flour to R M Lea. _ . Sehr lowa, HUyard, 1 day from Newport, Del, with flour to R M Lea. Steamer H. Torrance, Philbrlck, 24 hoars from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Sarah, Jones, 24 hoars Born New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steaming America, Yirden, 4 hours from Bombay Hook; towed thereto, Friday evening, Bhlp C O Duncan, for Fort Barrancas. CLEARED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston. Bark G w Horton. Packard, Port Royal. Brig Adrlo (Br), Mackenzie, Clenfuegos, . Brig Uranus, Bruce, Port Royal. _ Brig Northern Light (Br), Anderson, Cow Bay. sohr H P Russell, Nickerson, S W Pass. Sehr O A Greiner, Cruise, Boston. Sehr Hendrick Hudson, Avery, New London. Sehr Fly, Cheese, Fall Elver. Sehr Paragon, Hatoh, Boston. Sehr Hannab, Wall, Key West. SchrHavillan, Meeklns, Washington. Sehr Thos Potter, Raokott, Fall River. Sehr Col Lester, Perry, Somerset. Sehr Hunter, Endloott, Providence. Sohr O A Hecksoher, Gallagher, Alexandria. St'r Allda, Lennny, New York. St’r Frank, Shropshire, Now York. St’r H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore. St’r Philadelphia, Fultz, Alexandria. MEMORANDA, Steamship Emily B Souder, Bnoknam, from Cal lao ioth March for New York, at Callao 29th, and remained Ist ult. _. _ , steamship city of Port an Prince, Curtis, from Port auFHnce27th ult. at New York on Friday. Schr L W Dyer, Sumner, from Bangor for this port, at Portland 3d Inst. Sour Oriental, Haves, sailed from Proyldenoa 4th. lest, from this port, via Seaconnet. Schr H N iarnham (of Boston), Edwards, hence for Beaufort, N o,was fallen In with 30 nit. lat 3610, lon 73 30, in a siskin* condition, by the brig Expert, from clenfuegos, and the captain and crew taken off and arrived at Now V ork on Saturday, NOTICE TO MARINERS. Gulp op St. Lawrbnob— Prince Edward ISLAND— Fixbi» Light oh Sea OoW HEAD —The government of Prince Edward Island baa given, no tice that a light has recently establfehed on Sea Cow Head, or Salutation Point* on the south' east elde of entrance to Bedeqne Bay, on the south west coast of Prince Edward Island, Northumber land Strait. % The light Is a fixed white light, at an elevation of 80 fret above the level of high water, and in clear weather should be seen from a distance of about 14 miles. Tb© tower is in lat 40 39 N, lon S 3 48 30 west of Greenwich, England—South Coast.—Nab Light-Ybsssl, —t fficial information has been received at this office that the Nab Lighfr vessel has been removed \% miles to the eastward of her former position, and sue is now moored in 5>4 fathoms at low water springs, with the following marks : Portsmouth church tower In line with Southsea castle light, N by "W M W. Klckerglll tower in Use with the east end of Monkton fort, NN W W. North tower of Osborne just open of the eastern most trees near Ryde, N w % w. Deal Tail Buoy, NNE (distant 11-10 miles). Howe Elbow Buoy, N N W y z W (distant 8# miles). ■Warner Light-vessel, N W KN (distant 3 2-lo miles). Bembridge Buoy, W 4 S (distant 2 410 miles). S E Piincessa Buoy, S W by W % W (distant 2 9-10 miles). (The llgLt-vessel has the word Nab painted on her sides*) A Bed Buoy, also marked Nab, has been placed about one cable westward of the former position of the light vessel. Ireland Northwest Coast Flashing Eight oh Aban Island.— The corporation of the port of Dublin has given notice that, on ana after the Ist day of February, 1865, a light would be ex hibited from a light-house recently erected on Aran Island, commonly called Aranmore, county Done gal, northwest coast of Ireland. The light will be a flashing light, showing a flash every twenty seconds —white seawtird, and red when bearing between SWby W W and W% S, The former bearing or outer limit of the red light leads close to the northwest side of the Stag rooks. The light 1b placed at an elevation of 233 feet above the level of high water springs, &&d In clear weather should be seen from a distance of 19 miles. The illuminating apparatus is dioptric, or by lenses of the second order. The tower is circular, white, 75 feet high from base to vane, and stands on Rlnrawros point, in lat 55 deg 5 2 sec N, long 8 deg 33 min 48 sec west from Greenwich. [All hearings are magnetic . Variation 27 deg west in 1805..] North Atlantic Cawary Islands. —Rs volving Eight oh Jandia Point, Fukrtkvbn tuba Island.— The Minister of Marine at Madrid bas given notice that, on and after the Ist day of December, 1864, a light would be exhibited from a lighthouse recently erected on Jandia point, the scnthwe&t extreme of Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands. The fight will be a revolving white light, attain ing its greatest brilliance every minute, visible through an arc of 274 deg, or Wh«n bearing from s round by south and east to N W by w 'W. it is placed at an elevation of 103 feet above the mean level of the sea, and In clear weather should be seen at a distance of 15 miles. The Illuminating apparatus Is dioptric, or by lenses of the third order. ... The tower is slightly conical, 62 feet high, and colored gray. It is attached to the Bouth side of the keeper’s dwelling, and stands about 110 yardsTrom the sea at low tide, in lat 2£ deg 3 min N, long 14 deg 31 n.iii 26 sec west of Greenwich. The Griego bank extends about S- W a mile from the llghth >use. The currents in the vicinity form into strong eddies, and a wide berth should be given to the point. [AM bearings are magnetic. Variation 20 deg 15 min west in 1865 ] Muditebrannan, Gibraltar— Lights oh thr Ntw Mole.— lnformation has been received at this f ffice, that on and after the 31st day of December, 1864, tbe inner red light on the New Mole of Gibral tar would be discontinued. A temporary fixed light is exhibited near the ex tremity of the mole, as heretofore, which shows red to the southward, white to the westward, and green to the northward. The New Mole extension pier should not be ap proached whilst the red position of the light la visi ble, and vessels Should sot attempt to enter the mole until the green light is in sight. A wide berth should be given to the extremity of the pier. The light Is only adapted for local purposes, and not easily distinguished by strangers. The mariner is warned that it Is dangerous for vesselß to ap proach the extension pier in bad weather or dark nights. LIGHTHOUSE ON EUBOEA POINT, GIBRALTAR,— Official information has been received at this office that the light on Eoropa Point, Gibraltar, has re cently been much improved and strengthened, and that, with a view to mark the position of the Pearl Rock, a strip of red light will, on and after the date hereof, be shown therefrom in the direction of that xoefc. Tbe red light will be visible over an arc of 23 de grees. viz: within the bearings o(SWtrW)(f, a»d W a S from the light-house, and will extend half a mile to the southward of the Pegfl Rook. Atlantic Coast, Beaueort Harbor, North Carolina.— To enable vessels to enter Beaufort harbor during the night, two beaoons have been erected on Shackleford Banks for crossing the outer bar, tbe lower or outer beacon showing a white, and tbe Inner higher beacon showing a red light, Two light-beats, exhibiting a single green light each, are placed at ln the channel, and serve as guides for erosslng the Inner bar. Sailino Directions nor Entbbino Bsaubort Harbor.— When off /the bar In 8 fathoms of water, Cape Lookout light-house bearing Eby S S., bring the beacon lights on Shackleford Banks in range, hearing N % E, and run In on this range, passing close to tho outer and toe bar buoy, until nearly up with the light boat abreast of black buoy No. 3. Leaving her .about 100 yards on the starboard hand, charge oourse to W N W, and run on this course % of a mile for the second light-boat, pass ing mid way between buoys Nos. 4 and 6, over the Inner bar. When up with and about 59 y»Tds to the eastward of tbl6 light-boat, steer In N by W \% miles, which will clear you of Shackleford Spit ou the starboard, THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 8, ISSS. and the point of shoal at blaok buoy No. fon the port hand, and anohor off tho fort in 6 or 6 fathoms water, good holding ground. Vessels drawing over is foot should not attempt to run In at night without a pilot. The courses and bearings are magnetic; the dis tances an In nautical miles. By order of the Lighthouse Board, and under the direction of the Superintendent of the trnlted States Coast Surrey. Edwabd Oobubix, Asst. TJ. s Coast Survey, Aot’g L. H. Inspector. Coast sqbvbt Ovjiob, April, isos. JYfRB. M. G. BRO'WN’S GREAT METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY FOIL DEAFKBSS, NOISES IN THE HEAD. DISCHARGES FROM THE SAB, CATARRH, NBUKSLGIA, RHEUMATISM, Diseased Eyas, Loss of Hair, Dyspepsia, Inlanement of the Liver, Diseases of the Kidneys. Constipa tion. Gravel, Files, Insanity, Fit 2 Fara lyils, Bush of Blvod to the Head* CONSUMPTION, With all and every disease which infests the human body, CUBED EFFECTUALLY BY MBS, M, G. BHOWN'B METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY. oppiobs: No. 410 AHCH Street. Philadelphia; No, 16 BOND street. New York; No. 18 PEMBERTON Square, Boston: and No. 43 West MONUMENT Street, Baltimore. BEAD THE FOLLOWING REMARKABLE CERTIFI CATE. WITH AFFIDAVIT:! % _ . Oj&okd, January 80,1866. Mae. U. G. Bnowv—Madam £ have been to the city leveral times, bat hro not time to call. I have cot entirely well, and under God I owe it to you. My rich! ear 1 have not heard any with for a number of years. I can now hear tome with'it. My left ear, the Ihearing left it just after harvest; in this way: I took a dizzi ness in my head, so I could not work, accompanied with a ringing noise in my ears. I was so bad that X could not hear without they would halloo at the top of their voices. I first get a prescription from a ph> sician, which consisted of almond oil and something else (I can’t tell what). I also tried almond oil alone, but It did me no good; (hen I go* some Homoeopathic medicine, but with the same effect. I then tried old women s cure* by the score; stt;l no benefit; I went to Phtladel- Ehia, put mi self under the care of a celebrated Aunst; h bored at my ears with Instruments, and run others up my nostrils, for five weeks, and ended by cheating me out of seventy-five dollars ($75), as that was all the benefit I received from him. I then eaw one of your advertisements; I got the Metaphysical Disco rery, used not more than half of it, and have recovered my hear* ing. which I had lost for years. _ _ _ _ I remain yours, truly, THOMAS B DICKEY, Oxford* Chester county, Pa. Affirmed and subscribed to before me, this 31st day Of March, A. D., 1865, WM. T. FULTON, Justice of the Peace. THOS. B. DICKEY. 43* The above certificate is but one out of many which can be seen bv sending for a circular. The celebrated POOB RICHARD'd BYE WATER $1 50 per bottle; small size do. do. 50 cents. Celebrated fcCALP RENOVATOR $1 60. . ... The above medicines are packed for despatch to any destination on receipt of the price. Drocgists supplied by DRHAS* BABNBS, *CO., New York. . apAwfmtf Proposals for removing WRECKS, 4c., IN THE CAPE FEAR RIVER. Bureau op Coxstrucxiox axd Expato, Navy Department. April 13,1895. The Bureau will* until the 11th day of May, 1895, re ceive proposals for raising and removing the vessels— supposed to be about 36 in number—sunk and beached In and about the mouth of Cape Fear river. North Carolina. The hulls of the vessels are mostly of iron, and the machinery in lnan7 of them Is represented as being la good order. , Sfparau? and special offers covering a single vessel only will be received for raising and delivering in New York the “North Heath,” the “Agnes Fry,” and the “Ghlckaznauaa," with ail the property that may be on board of them, on a salvage upon the net proceeds of the sale at public auction, the Government to be at no expense whatever. . . . For the remaining wrecks, the proposals may be for a part or the whole of them.'and must state the rate of s&lvsge on the net proceeds of the sale atpublic auction of the property recovered and delivered’at the United States Navy Yard, at Gosport, Virginia, without charge of any kind to the Government. The materials recovered must be delivered at the navy yard, with a separate invoice for each vessel. Each-offer must state the time Within Which it is pro pored to complete the work, which must be executed under the control of the commanding naval offiear, who will designate tho vessels on which operations are to be first commented, and who will have the right, If the work is not promptly commenced and diligently prose cuted, to annul the agreement, when all olaim of the salvors to cho property recovered Will be forfeited to the Government. ..... 3he entire property will be placed In the hands of the Government, and sales will be made as may be deemed most advantageous to the Government and the parties concerned. Any other condition necessary for the pro tection ef the public interests will be Inserted In the agreement rTo proposition will be entertained from parties who do cot furnish satisfactory evidence that they are pre pared, -with all the proper and necessary appliances, for the execution of work of tut* kind. Parties who may visit Wilmington for the purpose of making a personal examination * previous to making an offeu, w iil be permitted to do so by the naval officer in command , The proposals must be endorsed oa the envelope en closing them, “Proposals for raising wrecks In Cape Fear River. “ ayl7-mw.Bt rsr THE COURT of common pleas FOB THB Cirx ADD COOHIF OF PHILADEL PHIA. Estate of SABAH IRWIN, non compos mentis. The Auditor appointed bv the Gonrt to audit, settle and adjust the account of JSABBLLA SBLDBNBB,- JO SEPH B_ BARKY, and WILLIAM S. PSIRCB, Gepx mlltfe of the person ana estate of BARAH IRWlN,tyttt compos mentis (first account), will meet thepartieg in terested for the purposes of his appointment. ffitFßl- DAY. the 19th day of May, 1895, at 4 o’clock r. K., at his Office, 839 ARCH Street, in the elty of Philadel phia. EDWARD HOPPER* my 5 fmw6t Auditor. Fi THB ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COHnrY OF PHILADELPHIA. Eitate of STEPHEN B FOTTSEALL, decetnd. The auditors appointed by the Court to audit .ettl., and siijnst the account of srBPHEN Q TOTTER ALL, BDWIIS T. BISBPBKBY, W if. J. DTJANB, BYARS ItOGSES, and DAVID WIBEBRBa 888, executors .ad trustees under the will of Stephen a Totteralli de ceased, audio report distribution of the balance Sn the hands or the accountant, trill meet the parties inte rested, for the purposes of their appointment, en MONDAY, May 15th, 1865, at four o’clock P M., at the office of j6bh C. mItgHSLL No. SOB South TIT TH Street, In the city of Philadelphia. mys-fioiw6t rff THE ORPHANS 1 COURT FOR TEE CITY AMD COUNTT pP^PHILAD-SLPHIA. ““’iStaJeoF JOHN BUBTONTdecsaaed.' Tb 6 Auditor appointed by the Court to Sttdlt, settle, and adjust the account of NOBESr BOSTON. admlnl atrator of JOHN BUBTON, deceased, and to report dig. tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant* Will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MOBDA.Y, May 15,1865. at four o'clock P. M., at hie Office. No 153 South FOUBTH Street, iu the city of Philadelphia. mytaWfi.* OLBMBNT B. PBNEOSB. Auditor. rs THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUHTT^OF^HILA/DELPHIL. Estateof SABAH B WHITaKBrT W’d, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of B. WHITAKBB, Administra tor of BABAR B. WHITAKER, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance ln-the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested for the our-' poses of his appointment on HOBDAY, Hay 15th 1355. at 4 o’clock P. M., at his Office, 80. 152 South FOURTH Street, In the city of Philadelphia. myS fnrwfit WM. C. H ABUTS, Auditor, TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITT AHD COUNTY OP PHILABBLPHIi. Estate or JO3BPH WHBTHAM, deceased- The Auditor appointed bv the coirk to audit. fOtlle* and adjust the account of JOSBPH A. CLA.Y, adminis trator O. T. A. of JOSEPH WHETHAM, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interest**, for the purposes of hie appointment, on WEDNESDAY, Hay 17th, 1565, at 4 o'clock P. H , at his office, 8. B. corner of SIXTHand WALNUT Streets, in the city of Phlla* delpbla. D. W. O'BKIBEf, myfi-fmwgt Auditor. NJO TICE.— APPLICATION HAS L* been made atfche Office of tha “HARRISON OIL COMPART" for a renewal of TWO CERTIFICATES OF STOCK. One for One Hundred Shares, STo. 81, dated December 80th, 1864, in the name of B. B. THORNTON, and the other for Fifty Shares, No 131, dated January oth, 1896, In the name of SARAH SAILER, the same having bfen lost or mislaid. ; All per sons are hereby required, within Four Weeks from th's date, to come forward and show cause, If any they have, why new Certificates should not be issued in lieu of those lost. & B. THORNTON. May f, 1866 m>3 wfmllt* ELECTRICAL OFFICES. j No. 134: North ELEVENTH, below BAGS Street; i el bo, CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Street, West Phl ) DBT THOMAS ALLEN having been Ter, sneeess ■ Sful in the cure of Diseases by this new method, ) would inform his friends and the Public that he is ) still beneftttlng and caring many whom medicine > did no! affect, and considered Incurable. - \ We will mention a few of the Disease* In the cure j of whleh this treatment seldom if ever fails: (Rheumatism, Felons, Kidney Diseases. Gangrene, Liver “ (ParalyjH, Ulcers, Genital " (CrampaT. Boils, Spinal '* JDy»pepsU* Abteess, Throat '* f Fever & Ague, Eruptions, Pruiapsus, (Asthma. Inflammations* Noe Emissions, 3 Congestion* Hemorrhage, Diabetes, &c. Patients will be treated at their resldenoes when , desired, a large nturbor of testimonials may be seen | at the Offices from patients in this city, ! tlons gratis. Office home 9 a. M. to 6P. H .in the city. DB. THOS. ALLfiN* aplB*3m Electrician. fILECJROPATHIC ESTABLISH KENT. -DR A. H. BTEVKNB, one of the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treating disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS, and Wh« ha* been so very successful at PENN SQUARE for tfci last three years, has removed his Office and Residence to 1638 VINE street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or any particular) With regard to hisspcelal mode of treatment, will pleaac call or send for a pamphlet. „ u Consultation or advlee gratuitous. mhe-tf Goal .—sugar loaf, beaver MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from 6ehnylkiil. pr< pared ex pressly for family use. Depot, N W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 113 South SECOND Street. Tap 6 tfl J. WALTON MOO. YJTM. H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia,) ATTORNEY AT Ai.Tr. FRANKLIN. VENANGO COUNTY. PINNA, fteeeial attention ilt« to tha examination of Titles. Philadblpbia Bbbkebhobs Ohat. R Lex, Back. Hon. 1. Not. Snowden, Jam I. Little, Bwk. *. T. Tasker, Sr., Hood, Bunbrlght, \ Oo„ J. Z. DeHaye*, President 7th National Bank, mhll-Sm* (SAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER,-, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PINNA data .of Philadelphia.) BITEES TO Charles B. Lax. Ssq.. i AtW.O. Blddl. * Co., I. C. KnlaM* Co., Dr. R. 8. Ma.kSMls, Jama. H. Uttla, BsQ.. | W. H. lesion A Co. nahS-Sm TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, 0 COONSBLLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR 01 CLAIMS. OMce, Ml FStnot, soar Fourteenth stnot, Washington. D. C. d»44-6t» MACKEREL, herring, shad, &c. ATX —, {OO bbla Mail. Nos. I, 2, and 9 Maekerel, lata-caught flat fish, In assorted packages. . _ ... 9,000 bbla. New Eastport, Fortune Bar. and Halifax 2,600 toxeiLnbac, Seated, No. 1 Herrins. 160 bbla New Mesi Shad. 250 boxes Herklmcr-eounty Cheese, Aa. In etore and for cole by MURPHY A KOONB, Jalß-tf No. 14<S NORTH WHARVES. C FECIAL NOTICE TO BUSINESB O HEN. The nndertlgned Insert advertisements at the lowest retee In the newspapers of Harrisburg. Pittsburg, Reading. Lancaster, Ohamhonhnrg, Pottevlile, Norris town, West Chester, Doyleetown. Trenton, Salem Bridgeton, Wilmington, and of every other elty and town In the United States, (including SaTannah, Charles on. Wllmtnctou, and Richmond.) Adreitlslng at -.andod to for thoomco. No. Oil CHESTNUT Street, (seeondjloor). ayli-lm Fhladslphla. PBICB $B. PROPOSALS. LEfiiX. MEDICAL. COAL. RAILROAD LISES. IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA- X VBLLBBB.—FoTfnlllnfonMtlOßUrthrttMtaitt- Hon., DhtuiM.. tid OobbmUou, UlutnM hi «n ouiDß. aoia-Ca -PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL- Jt BOAD. CHANGE OF TIME AND DEPOT. Tli, tr&ls. of tho Penn.ylYant, Oontral Blllro&d IUT« tt« POTT Depot, at TBIETXKTH and MAKKKT Bt»., Unteil of H.-renti and Market Streeta, aa ken tofore. •» The cars of the Market-street Passenger Railway run to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot, at Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing' one hour previ ous to the time of departure of each wain, and allow about SO minutes for a trip. Their cars arc In waiting on the arrival or each Train to convey passengers into the city, and connections are made with all roads crossing Market street On SUNDAYS—Cars leave Eleventh and Market Bts. at 7.46 P. M.. to connect with Pittsburg and Brie Hail* and at 10,16 F, M. with Philadelphia Express. Mann's Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. SI Sonth Eleventh street. Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rates upon application to him. TRAINS LBAYB AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: MAIL TBAHT™ at 800 AH. PAOII ACCOMMODATION, No. 1.... “ 10.00 " FAST LINN «• 13.00 H. PABKBSBDRG •• 110 P.M. BABBIBBDRG ACCOMMODATION... •« 130 “ LANCASTEB ACCOMMODATION™. *' 100 paolitrain, no. j.T.""..•« C.BO «• PITTSBDBO AND 8818 HAIL—.. ** 8. SO PBILADBLPHIABXPRKBB " ILXO “ PITTSBOBO AND 8818 MAIL.—.. ” 8.80 AH. PHILADELPHIA BXPBB6S ~™. «• J.OS •• PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. 1.... «• 890 rAKKESBDEG.«• 9.30 *' LANCABTEK TBAIN “ 12 SO P. M. FAST LINJS 13.00 PAOLI ACCOMMODATION. NO. 2.~,. •• 4.40 «• ■MAIL TRAIN «• 6.46 " HABBIBBOBO ACCOMMODATION.... •* 9.40 " . Philadelphia Express leaves dally. Pittsburg and Erie Mall leaves daily (except Saturday). All other Trains daily (except Sunday. > The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars is viflue. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner* unless taken by ape •ial contract. For further information, as to time and connections, see bills and framed cards, or apply to JOHN F. VAN LEER, Jb., Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily (except Sunday.) For full information as to fare and fegfctf 13T DOCK Street 10il* d ARRANGEMENTS OF *|r)/»C ISd5. NEW YORK LINES. loD&c THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON SAILBOAD COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAGES, FfcOK WALNUT BTBBBT WHABJ, WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-Vl*t PAUL At 9A. M., via Camden and Aaboy, O. and A. Ac commodation* fit AtB A. U., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express.. ■«.►«w.w,«++*».»«.»♦ ....**«->4-» 100 At ISM., via Caxnden,.and Amboy, C. and A. Ac eommadation— 111 At %P. M., via Camden and Amboy. G. and A. Sc- A?IP. H., via Camden and Amboyi Aseommoda- * * tion (Freight and Passenger)..l n % T ? 11 Cfl mden and Amboy. Accommoda tion (Freight and Passenger)— lst Glace Ticket... ssi Do. do, ,2d Glass Ticket. • • 110 ll>g P, M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation (Freight and Passenger)—let (Hass Ticket. lIS _ _ . Do. do. 3d Class Ticket. 1 M For Belvider*. Easton, Lambertville, Flemington. *s.. at 8.90 F. 5L For Mount Holly, Swansvillo, Pemberton, and Via centown, at 6A. M., 2 and 6F. M. For Freehold «t 6 A. M. ud 3 F. M. Por Palmyra, Riverton, Del&neo, Beverly, Bdxcwa ter, Burlinaton. Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at o and 11.30 A. J&* 12.30, 3.50, 6,9, and 11*P. M.. The 5.90 and 6 F. U. lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Blyerton, Delanco, Beverly, and Bur lington, at 7 P.M. v fiteamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and In termediate places, at 2K P. M. LINES FROM SBMSINGTON WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 11.16 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Express-»+*•>«**.»• «^.*«-*+**,l QQ At 4,30 F. M., vis Kazuington and Jersey City, Ex press. I 00 At 6.45 p. M., via Keusinrton and Jersey City, M Washington and New York Express..*.** .«***. 600 Atl2P. M. (Night), via Kensington and Jersey Washington and New York Mail-^*— The «.45P. M. Line will run drily. All others Sun day* excepted. . „ , _ For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca* Om Bo chester, Binghampton, Great Bend. Montrose, Wilke*- barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap. Maush Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington,, As., at 7.15 A. M. This line connects with tho train leaving Easton for Maush Chunk at 3.SOP. M. For Lambertville at 6 P. M. on Saturdays only. For Bristol, Trenton, &e,, at 7.15 ana U. 16 A. I and SP. M. and 13 mtdnighi ~. , For Holmeeburg, Taeony* Wlssonoming, Brldeeburg, and Frankford, at 9 A. M. ,5, 6, and BP.M, 49* For New York and Way Lines le&vinf Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into tn# Depot, and on tho arrival of each train run from tho ?My pound* Of Banragooniy aUowcd eachMSsengar. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over .fifty pounds to be paid for extra. Tho Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wul not be liable for any amount beyond sloo* except by special contract. . .... Graham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 8 Wal« nut street. WILLIAM H. GAT2MSB* Agent. Aprils; 1665. lines FROM NEW YORK FOX PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAVE THOM TUB BOOT OB OOUBTLAND STREET, At 12 M. and 4P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7,10* and 11K A, M., 6P. U. and 12 (Night), via Jer sey City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M, and 2 P. H, • Via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North Mm. tt UK,,4, .id 8 PM. (freight sudpacpcßger). Amboy and Cunden. apo-ti fittlHHßMil PHILADELPHIA, IbUßHChewidhinoton. and baiSi- MOBB KAILEOAD. . TIMBTABIH .. Commencing MONDAY, APRIL 3d, 1365, Trains will leave Depot,corner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, a* follows: „„ . Express Train, at 4.05 A. H. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wiuningtoa, Ferryville, Havre de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, aud Magnolia. Delaware Railroad Train at 7.46 A H. (Bundays ex cepted) for Salisbury. Milford, and intermediate Sta tions. Way* Matt Train, at 8.15 A.M. (Sundays excepted),fog Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Express Train at 116 P. M. (Sundays excepted) fog Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. Wil mington, Elk ton, PerryvlUe. and Havre-de-Graes. Express Train at 3.56 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton* North-East, Perrrvtlle, Havre-de- Grace, Ferryman's, Magnolia, and Stemmer'sHun. Night Express at u .IB P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester (only to take Baltimore and washlngtonpassengera). Wilmington, Newark, But ton* North-Eiujt.Perrirville, and navre-de-Grace. Passengers for FORTRESS MONROE will take the 8.15 A. M. train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Station* botween Philadelphia and WU mlngton. Le&Ve Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11 A. M.» 3. 3.30, 5,7, and It) P* M. The 3.80 P. If. train connects with. De laware B. B. for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington at 6.46,8, and 0.30 A.M.,2* 4,6.30 and 6.30 P.H. Trains for Bew Castle leave Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11A. M.,8.30and6P M. THROUGH TBAIIfS PROM BALTIMOHB. Leave Chester at 7.45, 8.43, to.i,i a. M. . us, 2.48. 4.40, 6.14, 7 »\ ando.o6P. M. PBOM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8.26 A. M-, Way Moll: 1.10 P. M., Express: 4.26 P. M., WagjTrain; 6.35P.U., Expresst 9. P. M., SNfjraNjg , 0E BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at 8.64 A. H., 1.60 and 11.60 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.13, 9.36 X M., 725. 8.02, and 13.36 F. M. Freight Train, with Funnier o‘ r nttaehel, will leave Wilmington (or FenrriUe and intermediate atetionaatT.tOP. U. __ BDHDAY TBAHfS. Express Train at 4.05 JL If. for Baltimore and Wash ington. stopping at Wilmington. PenrTille. Harrs* de- Grace, Aberdeen. Perryman's. and Magnolia. Might Express at U.IG P. M. lor Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and Washington passengers), Wilmington. Wewark. Elk ton. Worth-East, PerryViile, and Harrade*Grace. Accommodation Train at 10P. H. for Wilmington and wax stations. _ BALTIMOBE FOB PHILADELPHIA^ Leave Baltimore at 9.% P. M, t stopping at Havre-de- Grace, Ferryville, and Wilmington. Also stops at But ton and Newark (to take passengers for FhuadelpMl and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), aniMEbeßter to leave passengers from Baltimore or for Philadelphia at 0.80 F. M. apB H. f. KKHJCKT, 8a> 7 t 1865. PHILADELPHIA. AND BHIB RAIL- ROAD.—This pul Hu trsverses th# Northern ui Northwest counties «f Fennsylvsnl* to the eity of Erie, on Lake Brie. It has boon leased by the PBNNBYLNANIA KAIL. HOAD COMPANY, and Is operated hr them.! Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17th. 1864. TIMA or FABBB*aABjTBAI»B AT SHIP AO sum A. Leave Westward. Mall Train—— B.BOF. X. Lock Haven Accommodation Train.B.oo A. M. Passenger cars ran through on Mall Train vrithont change both wavs between Philadelphia and Brie, and Baltimore and Erie. - . .. llogaut Sleeping Care on Elmira Express Train* both Saysbetween PUladelphlaTand Lock Haven, and on mint Express Train both ways between Williamsport S!S«Wd‘^™. b »;i32r fMFc|¥oW^VoSSr C sSa^i®“il MARKET streets, Philadelphia. Oeneraiyrei^A^Phl^elpM^ General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. _ JOSEPH D. POTTS, dett-U general Manager, Williamsport. gm—■ iB6s.r£.r B .!A& ELMIRA RAILROAD LINK to all points WEST, Tbs direct routs for in# WISjSffiPOBT? BOTPALO*BCwiBHSIOin6^RII. ELMfSA, atAOASA PALLS, • and all places In the western and Northwestern State) and the miJa !*ave Philadelphia and Beading Ballroad Depot, Thir teenth and CaUowbm. streets, tdaUy. (Sunday* ex cepted). for the North and West, as follow*: . Morning Express at 8 A. M. Afternoon Express at B.SOP. M- . Making a direct eonnectton with *U lnteneetlntmd*. POK THROUGH TIOKBTS to any point, and farther particulars concerning tho different rente*, apply at the TICKET OTFICB, *»* CHESTNUT Street, under the Philadelphia Bank, and opposite the Custom Hoot*. 3. VAN gORN, Ticket Agent, 4Sa'Chestnnt street JOHN 8. HILLES, General Agent, ja3 Thirteenth and CallawhUl street*. fiS—OßagßEga NORTH FBNNSVL IWWWMI VANIA RAILROAD - »OT BETHLEHEM. DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK. EASTON WILLIAMSPORT. WI&XBSBAREN, As. WINTER Passenger Trains le&vo the new Depot. THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays exss*ted), as follows: At 7.80 A. X. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentowxp Chunk, Basleton, Williamsport, Wilkes- AtiLSOP.M. IBxpressVfor Bethlehem, Easton, As. At 6.16 P. M. lot Bethlehem. Allentown, Manck Chunk. ForDoylestown at 9.60 A. K. and 116F.H. For Fort Washington at Ll 6 P. M. White care of the Second and Thhrd-rtreetii LUaOlty ra. HW « Leave Bethlehem at S. so A. M.. 10.0 J A. M., andRU Doylectown nt 8.80 A. K. and 1.11 P. M. Leave Lonsdale at 6JO A. H. Lreva Port at^OP^M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 8.90 A. M. and ill P Doylestown for Philadelphia at TA. M. and 3P. M. noH BLUB CLARK, Agent. WEST JBRBEY mnWKlnm 1 . bailboad linns. tern Hns new arrangement. On and after MONDAY, May Ist, 1868, Train* will loav* from WALNUT-BTBBBTPIER aa follow!: Pot CAPE HAY, and all places strath of Millville, at oISA. M, passenger and freight, As. tat 9.90 P. K.. Express Passenger. Por MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM, and all in. termediate places ,onth of Glassboro. at 9.16 A. H. and 4 P. M. Pen GLABSBOEO at 9.16 A. M., 190 P. M., and 4 Vot WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER, A*..at9.18 A. M., 9.SOP. M., 4P. H., and 8 SOP. M. , „ „ RETURNING. , Leave Cape May at 5.30 A, M., passenger, and 12 M., passenger and freight- . .. Leave Millville at 7.36 A. M., passenger, and 3.60 P. M., pssienger, Leave Bridgeton at 8.40 A. M.. passengor. and 4.16 P. H-, passengor. , „ Leave Salem at 6.26 A. H., passenger, and 4 P. M., pMUMUIMP Leave Glaisboro, at7.43A. M.,8.45 A. X.» and 6.1 P L?ave Woodbury at 7 A* M..8.14A. M., 9.10 A. M*, A Bpeclai M«as«nger accompanies easb Through Train, J. VAJT EBH6SBL4EB. THE WEST JERSEY RXFBEg* COMP4WY_ ( will attend to all the usual branches of Bxprew Busi ness, receive, deliver, and forward through other re sponsible Express Companiestto all parts of the eountvy, any article entrusted to them. • noLAPuyau* May 1, 1866. ftpx-tf RAILROAD LINES. WEST CHESTER BllTiiffwl AND PHILADELPHIA' BAIL* ROAD, VIA MEDIA. . BUMMER ARRANG KWE NT. , On and after MONDAY, April 17. WQ, the trains will leave aa follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS , „ leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 1. 85 and 10.30 A. M.. and*ls. £45. and 6 45 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6.20, 7.45, and 10.36 AM , and 1.45 and 4.46 P. M. Trains leavlni West Cheater at 7.45 A. H. and leavinf Philadelphia at 4 45 P. V. will stop only at Media B, 0. Junction, Glen Mills. Cheney’s, and street Road, B C JUNCTION TRAINS. / Leave Philadelphia for B, C. Junction at 4,15 and ID p. M Leave B. C, Junction for Philadelphia at B.SBA* M. andf.sop. M, These trains stop at all interroeiiate stations. ON SUNDAYS. leave Philadelphia at 0 30 A. M. and 9. P. M, Leave West Cheater at 8 A. M. and 0 P. M. Txaina leaving Philadelphia at 7.35 A. M. and 4 45 P. M. ( and leaving West Cheater at 7.45 A. M. and 445 F. M , connect at B. a. Junction with trains on P. A B. C. B, B. for Oxford and Intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage* and the Company will not in any oaie be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol lars* unltat a special contract la made for tha same. BENRY WOOD. Gen'l Sap. Philadelphia, March 15, IBM. myo fggrfttftcgaaßsg babitan and IHKraOH£SB»DELAWaBE BAY RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. FARE, $3. BXOURBION TIOKRTS, GOOD FOB * ** TfiBER DAYS. *3. CHANGE OF TIME. Passengers for Express Trainfor Tuck erton, Barn* gat, Tom* Elver. Lon* Branch, and Brooklyn leave VISE* STREET FERRY at 8.16 JL M., Bally (Sundays «x- W S?te»JnA leave WA&-STREET FERRY, Brook lyn, at 11A M. _ „ t , Way Train for Ateion, Sh&mour. Manchester, Ao,, leaves Cooper’s Point, Camden, at 9 39 A. M. js3 tf L. B. QtfLß, Agent, Camden. EXPRESS COMPARE*. *i— Jfi CHE&TXOT Street, forwards Parcels, Package*, Mer chandizf, Bank Notes, and Speeie. either by Us own Hues or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United Mates. JR. 8. 84NDFOBD, f*27 • General Superintendent. JNSURANCH AGAINST EVERY DESCRIPTION! TRAYEMIBB’ ESSURANCE COMPACT, HAKTFOHD. OOJW. Capital $500,000. MX. W, AIMS, Agent, Ifti Walnut Street, ' PHILADELPHIA. genbkal accident polio ibb For Five Hundred Dollars, with 83 per week compen sation. can be had for 83 per annum, or any other sum between 8500 and *lO,OOO at proportionate rates. TEN DOLLARS PREMIUM Secure* a policy for Ss,OCO, or 810 per week compensa tion for all and every description of accident— travelling or otherwise—under a General Accident Policy, at the Ordinary Hate. THIRTY DOLLABB PREMIUM Secures a full Policy for $6,000, or 836 per week com pensation, aa above, at the Special Hate, FOREIGN RISES. Policies Issued for Foreign, West India, and Califor nia Travel. Sates can be learned by application to the Office. SHORT TIME TICKETS, Arrangement* are In course of completion by which the traveller will be able to purchase, at any Railway Ticket Office, Insurance Tickets for one or thirty days* travel. Ten cents will bay a ticket for one day's travel. Insuring 83,000, or $l6 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be ha<l for 3i 6, and 12 months, in the same m Hazar‘dons Bisks taken at Hazardous Bate*. Policies issued for 6 years for 4 years premium. UVDUCBMENTS. The rates of premium are les* than those of any other Company covering the same risk. No medical examination is required, and thousands Of those Who have been rejected by Life Companies, in consequence of hereditary or other diseases, tan effect Insurance in the TRAVELLERS’ at the lowest rates. Life Insurance Companies pay no part of the principal sum until the death of the assured. The TR AVEL LSB3’ pay the loss or damage sustained by personal injury whenever it occurs. tx The feeling of security which sueh as Insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor for support is worth more than money. No better or more satisfac tory use can be made of so small a sum. j. Q. BATTEKSON, President RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. G. F. DAVIS* Vice President. HENRY A. DYRB, General Agent Applications received and Policies issued by WILLIAM W. ALLEN, mhl3-mwfr3m No; 40A WALNUT Street T\ ELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY U INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE B E CORN SR THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. marine insurance CArSS 8 * 18, Jto all parts of the world. FREIGHT, J NtAjrD HfBHRANCES On Goods, by River. Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Union. FIBS INSURANCES, On Merchandlae generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houbqs, Ac.* ASSETS OF THF COMPANY, November 1.1861. $100,0(0 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, ’7l-$lOO,OOO 00 1)1, CCO “ Six '* 4 * *Bl. 118,21600 76.000 M • Six •• “5 20a. 76,662 60 1(0,COO State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. . L0an.93,665 00 64,CC0 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Gent Loan.■>..»«<«.»..'■«i!...w 66,840 00 123.050 City of Philadelphia Six PerCt.Loan. 123,620 S 7 20.000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mart- _ gageßlxPerGentßonds—. 22,00000 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage Six Per Cent. 80nd5....-..-.- 63,250 00 16,000300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the city of PhUadel* . « phla,-—15,300 00 6.6C0180 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Ball- road Company-——..««..♦.** 9,100 00 5,000100 Bhues Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company— 3.050 00 CO,OCO United btates Treasury Certlftcates of Indebtedness-—48,425 00 SO,OOO State of Tennessee Fiver Per Ct Loan 12.0C0 00 26.700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply • • secured* « 128.700 00 *BCB.SSO Par. Cost $842,100.50, Market Vft1ue.5837,637 87 Reel - 38,000 00 Bills reeivable for insuratee* made- 118.530 42 Balances due, at Agencies.—Preml* ums on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due the Company. —.— •.. 28,793 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $4,263. Esti mated value. 2,220 00 Caeh on deposit with United States Government, subject to tendays’caU—.loo,ooo 00 Cash in Banks.———-. 63,154 93 Cash in Drawer. 637 « -8158.693 49 DIRECTORS * Thomas O. Hand, Samuel B Stokes, John O. Davts. J. F. Peniston, Edmund A Bonder, Henry Sloan. Theophtius Paulding, WjHisia 6. Boulton, John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington, Janeß Traquair, H. Joaaa Brooke, Henry O. Lallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, Jsxnsß 0. Hand, James B. h cFarland, WiilismO- Ludwig, Joshua F Brre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Mcllvaine, George G. Leiper, John B. Bsmple, Pittsburg, Hugh Gratg, A. B. Berger, Flttsburg, Robert Barton, _ THOMAS C. HARD. President. JOBS C. DAVIS, Vice Freskcent. HENRY LYLBPBH, Secretory. delS-ly THB reliance insurance com- A PART OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 184 L Charter PerpetuaL OFFICE Eo. 308 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE Houses, Stores, and other Buildings* limited or pepelual; and on Fnrnitnie, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, intowa or eonntry. LUtSSBS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED ADD PAID. ASSETS, $400,068 71. Invested in the following Securities, viz.: First Mortgages onCity Property, well secured |lOB, TOO 00 United Slates Government Loans • 141.0U0 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans* >«»►*.«.« OO Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan*..* 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages. •» »k< »■**♦«s« «*«+.<«♦, 36,000 00 Camden ana Amboy Railroad Company's 6 percent. Loan**.*.- 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Bidlroad Com pany’a 6 per tent, Loan 6,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage bonds. 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.*., 1,030 OS Mechanics’ Bank4*€oo 0d Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock . 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.* SBD 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia’s KtOCk*e».*>» 1,000 00 Accrued Interest,....**♦*,..«..*„******.»«►* 6,4f15 42 Caeh 1302329 1865. s«o.o6B'Vl ■Worth at present market Yalne .$114,308 71 DIRECTORS. Clem Tinsley, WiJli&m Stevenson* Win B Thompson, Banj. W. Tiofley, William Muß*er, Marshall Hail, Samuel Bi&pham, Charles Leland. H L. Carson, J. Johnson Brows, Robert Steen, ThoaaiH. Moore. 'IM TIUGLBSr, President. OLE Tbovas 0. Hill. Setietar PfiILADBLFBIA. DtMttltfr AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPART. Incorporated 1810 CHARTER PBR PETUAL. 80. 310 WALBOT Street, nboTe Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested In sound and available Securities, continual to insure on Dwellings* Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All lossesjitersHgand promptly adjusted. ' James B. Campbell, Bdmuad Gt. DutlLh, Charles W. Poultney, Israel Morris. Thom*® B Uorii, Jot* 21 Wel&e. EamutlG. Hoztoa, Patritk Prady» JohuT. Lewie, THOM Albert G. L. Crawford, T?AME INSTJRANt JC So. 406 OBES PBILADJ FIBS AMD IShAi DIEEC’. Francis IST Buck, Okarle* Blchardson. Henry Lewis, Samuel Wright, P, 8 Justice, Georee hEsk N. BUC CBAB. KICHABDf W. I. Blanchard, Secret THEE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. X-TBF PENNSYLVANIA FIRB INSURANTS COM FAST. Incorporated 1826. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WaLNOT Street, opposite Independence tfquare. This Company, favorably known to the community for nesrly forty years, continues to Insure against Low or Damage by Fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time • Also* on Far* nUme| Goods, or Merchandise generally* on * Their capital* together-with a large Surplus Fund* is Invested in the most careful manner, vrhtcfc enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the cane cfloss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr.. Alexander Benson, John Devereux, Isaac Hazlehurst, TUoma* Smith, Thomas Bobln*. ' • Henry Lewis, J, Gillingham Fell. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. Wnau* G. Cbowell. Secretary. A NTHBA.CITE INSTJBA.HCB COM- A pabY-—Authorized Capital $*»,000-CHAKT£B PSHPSTHiII Office 80. 3XI wALBOT t Street, between Third and Fourth etreets, Philadelphia. Tbl* Company will laearo aiatnst Lobs or Damage by Fire. on Building*, Furniture, and Merchandise gene r*AiM>. Marias Insurances on Vessels, Cartoon, and Frelfbtß. Inland laßuranco to all parts or ths Union. i)Ln£CTOR3 Davis Pearson, Peter Heigar, J. S Bin no, William F. Dsan, John Ketoham, ,M SSHKB, President. DEAN, Vice President. ap3 tf William Esher, D. T-utler, is And6itTl(dt John R B aftfeUton, Joseph Waxfield, wILLI WM. P W. M. Bmtth, Secretary. The science of medicine should stand simple, pure, majestic ; harini fact for its basis, induction for Ub pillar, troth aloae for its capital. So stand HhLMBOT.P’S (3ESUIfIE“PBEPA. BaTIONS. established oyer 16 years. TTELMBODD’S EXTRACT OF BAR XI SAPABILL4 cleanse* and renovates the blood, instil* the vt*or of heslth into the system, and purge* out the honors that make disease. EfSLRAKCE. ACCIDENTS BY THB 41,201,661 02 AS B. MAKIS, President. , Secretary. fe23 tf JE COMPANY, STtftfT BTBBBT, fitPHIA. ilfD IfI&tTBASTOB. 3TOB8: , „ I John W. Brennan, Bcbert B Potter, John Ktssler, Jr,<t B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. 2111 b, JK, President. 805, Vice President tlary. jalMf APCIIOS SALES; Tj'URNESS, BRINLBT. & pa, JC 80. 618 OHJBTJTOT and #ISI JATHB SALE 0? IMPOSTS D AMD DOMEBTKDBT GO DBS. OK" TUESDAY MOBBING, Mar 9, at 10 o'clock, by eatalo«aa. Ott fourßoatbs credit. 600 package. and lots of British, Preach, aua American Dry Goode. Sample. and catalogue* early .on morning o i sale. _ DOMESTIC GOODS FOB GASH. . A Urge assortment of Domestic Goods for Gash. BXTBA QUALITY LIS EN DAMASK. HgtBTING LINEN. TAB LB CLOTHS, AND NAPKINS, FOB CITY BETAIL TKAOB. OB TUESDAY MOBBING 60pUeea8-l and 9 4 bleached d°nble Unen eaUn da- 4 4 floe to extrafine shirting linens. SOO cozen % linen damask napkin* and table cloths. 7*4aid 8-4 lin«a dicodiipers; birds’- eye linen dla* Slack and colobhd alpacas and mohairs. B cases fine choice colored alpacas and mohairs, ff do. do. black do. do. SI do. colored figured do. do. 3 do. do. baratheas. BRITISH DBBSS GOODS. cases 6>4 fine mohair mixtures. cases 6 4 Alexandria cloths. cases black and white mohair checks. cases 6 4 fine mohair jasper doth, cases fine silk and worsted Isnos. PARIS GRENADINE SHAWLS. FOR CITY TEAUB. LOGOI4 4 floe to extra quality colored and black Paris grenadine sj.&wls. NEW STILE SPRING BHAWLS. FOR CITY TRADH. 6C€ 14 4 extra fine small figured Spring shawls. BALMORALS. ' COO London super balmorals. TOO black and white plaid and striped balmorals. BOR KB r RIBBONS. . . 300 cartons No. 4@loo black and colored pontt 4e sole ribbons. PARIS WBITB ADD COLORED TARLETANS. SCO pieces Paris super whits and colored Tarletsns. BEOOTT, Jb m auctioneer, • 1090 CHESTNUT Street. „ „ GREAT SALB OF OIL PAINTINGS. + Mr. B. SCOTT, Jr. i has hired the store. No. 1090 CHESTNUT Street, expressly to sell a collection of o ver three hundred painting*. from the American Art G&lle ry New York, (established for the encouragement of native art.) This, ike third annual sale, wiil take place on the evenings of 9th, 10th, and 11th, at_7J4 o’clock. In the collection are splendid specimens of landscape, figure, marine, fruit, and historical • pieces, piste lie paintings, and crystal medallions, all or whioh are ele gantly mounted in fine gold-leaf frames. J _ As they *ll will be sold r.t auction, without reserve, wo would advise lovers of pictures to not fau to attend. Among the principal we may mention: “The Catekill Clove,” by C. A. Summers? “Clearingup of Snow- Storm,” “Eagle Nest, ’ ’ Ac., by same artiste: “Spring and Summer,” signed J. D.; “Head of Titian, ’ by Jacques, of Paris: “Mary, Queen of Soots,” by Matthews; “The Shadow,” and “Spring Flowers {Paetell), Ac. The “Crystal Medallions” are something new, and make a very handsome parlor ornament. home Of the meet able aiUits have contributed to tbe Institution. my 3 St PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTCONEBHS, A MS MARKET mi 838 COMMBKOB Unite. SAII OF 1.180 CA'-BB BOdTS ABD SHOES. OB MONDAY MOEBIBG, MayS, commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell by cata logue, for cash, 1.153 cases men's, boys', and youths; hoots, shoes, balmbrals, gaiters, slippers, Oxford ties. Ac., Ac , with a desirable assortment of women's, miseei'i and children's boots, shoes, balmorals, gai ters, Congress boots, Ac., Ac. LARGE SALE OF 1.900 CAEESBOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, May 11, commencing at 10 o’clock, we will sell by caiaiogne.for cash»l,2oo cases men's, boys’,and youths’ boots, shoes* Balmorals, and Ford’s ties, brogans, slip pers, Ac , Ac.; together with a desirable aszutmout of women's, misses’, and children’s boots, shoes, Bal morals..getters, slippers. Congress boats, Ac., Ac. FOB SAliB AND TO UET. gS VINE STREET.—F OBBA. L E— JBiiw Tour-story brown stone RESIDENCE, wlfch throe story double back buildings, situate No. lC»3“-i VINE Street. Lot 20 feet 1% inches by 140 feet, to a 20 feat wide street. House finished in modern style—ha% wo fur naces, g»s throughout, range, hot and cold water, bath, veTasdab, Ac. Will be sold at a moderate price. Immediate possession atvea. • S. W. THACKARA A SON, myfi-flt* 844 South THIRD Street. m FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE JBdwellisg.with every convenience, fine yard Pos session given immediately. No 3348 Twenty'Firitfit. below Delaney Place. Apply at £o. 917 MARKS f St. my 6 61* MFOR SALE—a SUPERIOR new built HOUBB, on FILBERT Street, next to the noithsait corner of Eighteenth street, conveniently ar ranged and commodious. Part of the furniture also for sale. Of the r>uicn&6e money $5,500 can remain upon mort gage at 6>a per cent, for a term of years. J. D BBINBOTH, myfi-31* 436 WALNUT Street m FOR SALE —A COTTAGE, IN -IES MANTUA, well built, with all modern improve< merits, Immediate possession. Pr ce, $1,603. Also. four Cottages, Flly tbird and Wyaiuslng sts., West Philadelphia, well built, with large gardens, Immediate posieEsicn. Price from 83,40Ui0 $3 200. K. J. DOBBINS. Builder, rny6 31* 108 3outb FOURTH Street. Mfor sale-dwelling and imall STORE, N. E. corner Thirteenth and Wal lace streets. _ . 'Dwelling, 853 North Thirteenth st. Possession soon. Dwelling. 1110 Wallace street, Cottage, 1620 Walla oe street. X welling-1522 Mount Veraon-street, Immediate pos session, With man? others. B. F. GLENN, 193 South FOURTH Street, and' my 6 8. W. cor. SJBVRNTBANTH and GHEES Sts. m CHESTER COUNTY FARM® MBFOR BALE—II 6 acre, on Valley Creek-road, witMn X mile of Baldwin Station, onths Bsadio* Ball load, St mile, from Philadelphia; -Wilt be .old lev. B P. GLBBB, my 6 183 Sonth POUBTH Street, ®FOR SALE—A SUPERIOR MANSION and large LOT, on Frankford Road, near Allegheny avenue, built In the most substantial manner, withevery modern convenience, wlthoarriace house* Ac. This la a most desirable residence either fur winter or summer. Tne new passenger railroad will pats by the door. , „ Also, eeve*ai r-oiv desirable Cottages in Gsnnntown and other desirable localities. JB. F, GLSNN. 193 Sonth FOURTH Street, ap29 and H. W. corner Seventeenth and Green. «FOR SALE.—A VI RY PLEA SABT COTTAGE on tho Old York Boad, five mtlos from this city. A very pleasant COTTAGE on Johnson and Green streets, Germantown. • » , A very pleasant COTTAGE on East Walnut Lane, Germantown. And many others variously situat'd.' Also a large number of Farms, Houses, and Building Lots. B. F. GLENN, 193 Sonth FOURTH Street, ap29 and S. W, corner Seventeenth and Green. Mfor sale—at chestnut HILL, a very desirable Property, on the summit of tlie Hill, wi;h& three minutes’ walk of the depot. For particular! call or address, ~ . ■ JAMBS P. WOOD & 00., gyS-fll* dll Sooth FOURTH Street. m FOR SALE—TWO DESIRABLE n Iliret-Blorr Brick Dwellings, Bos, 1020 (immediate possession) and 1019 FILBERT etreet. Apply to mys Si* JAMBS H. LITTLE, 13* WALNUT St, £ NEWPORT, B, I.—FOR SALE— TO OLOSB Afl ESTATB-Tiie flue mansion of CALEB CHsCE, Bsq., of Boston, deceased, on SAT Street; 62.C6G feet of land; house thoroughly built in every particular, two years ago; never occupied. Possession immediate. On aof tbe finest and most corn piste establishments at ® e, j|2z abi?2 VpTHOKP, mv2lSt Beal Estate Brokers. Newport B I, M FACTOR* AND MILL PROPERTY FOB BALE, known as the CABAL HILLS, Canal street, above Front, first street below Girard avenue. 'Will be sold ot a great sacrifice. Forty.flve* horse Steam Engine. nearly new* With, shafting, &e,- throushoufc the building.. Apply at the Mill, or at mys-2t* 830 North ELEVENTH Street. T?OR SALK— J. valuable oil lands IN WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO, AND PENNSYLVANIA, Inquire of LBWIB L. HOOPT. apl4-lm* 3»8 WALNUT Street, Pbilada, [ACHINJBRY AtfJD IRON, PBNN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.-NEAFIB St LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THBOBBTIOAL ENGINEERS. MA CHINISTS. BOILER*MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful opera!ion, and been exclusivity engaged in building mad repairing Marine and Blver Engines, bighand low* pressure, Iron Boilers, water Tanks, Propellers, Ac. • Ac., respectfully offer their services to the public as being folly prepared to contract for engint s of all sizes. Marine, Blver, and stationary; having sets of patterns of different tlzes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern .making made at the shortest notice. ulgh and Low pressure. Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Fenu* * jlvania charcoal Iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Boil- Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment freeof charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac., lor raising heavy or lightweights. JAooB JOHN P. LEVY, * j*2l if BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUGHAN HERSICK. WILLIAM M. MERKI6H. JOHN B COPE COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, & FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTBBSTS, PHILADELPHIA. MfRBICK A soars* ENGINEERS AND MACHINIST!}. _ Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine ssrvice. _ , . _ Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast ings of all kinds, ttiher iron or brass. „ _ , lros fiama Boofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball* ro Ketoj?sand <?aa Machinery of the latfißt and most im proved construction. . , Every description of Plantation Machinery, such ae Sugar, daw, and Griit Mills, Vacuum Pans. Open SteamTralss.Defecaton, Titter*, Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole agents for N. BUUeux’s Patent Sugar * Bolling Apparatus, Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Hawner, *aud Aspinwall ,A Wolwy’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar. Draining Machine. & an 13 tf MORGAN, ORB, & CO., BTEAM EN -1)1 GIBE BOX* DEBS. Icon Founders. and General Machinist, and Boiler Makar., 80. 1»19 OiJ.r.Oflr- BILL Street. Puiladolphla. rail-tl Butterfield-s DgBpATcH Ofioe, Ho. 1 YE a ßf Street. Hew York. Offloe. Ho. 49 South FIFTH Street, J-hllada. cWuNCBY VIBBBaRD, Pr.sid.ttt, Wi K. KITCHEN, Treasurer. This Company, aow fully organized, with amyls sapltal, owns its Transportation on the Plains, and Is trepared to contract Freight to all point. In Colorado, Utah. Idaho, Montana, How Mexico, and Arizona Ter ritories; also to Bo.»3 river. Nevada. - . Through Contrasts and Sills of Lading men from Hew York, Boston, Philadelphia,‘Pittsburg, Whaeiing, Dlnsinnatl, Chicago. andSt Louis. _ WHi a&ttTlg, Agent, Hew York. WH. H. MOORE. , Ho. 40 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. D. A. BUTTERFIELD, •plO. tf General Superintendent. fi H. GARDEN & 00., NOS. 600 AND 609 MARKET-Street. Manufacturers of cud Wholesale Dealers in HATS. CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, fcTEAtf GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS RUCHES, Ac., Ae. The largest and most complete stock, and the best terms. Country Merchants and the Trade sup plied. ’ mhl-Sm NON RETENTION OR INOON -ff- TINENCE of urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of the prostate gland*, stone in the bladder, calculus gravel or brick*dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, hl4u«vs. and drepstcal swelUsis, ueeBBIiHBOLD’g FLUID EXTRACT BPOHP. POTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK V-( AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent- Awning.Trnnk, and Wagon-oover Dnek. Ales, Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from one to 11 ye feet Wide; Pauline, Bolting Ball Twine. *e JOHN W. EVERK4N & GO , noS-tf ' Ho. 103 JOHBS- Alley. A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST of the properties of HBLHBOLD’B FLUID EX TRACT BOOWwll he a somparison with tkoM Ml forth in tt. United .Statai Dlspeuzetorr. -PETROLEUM —6OO BARBELS OFSU- X pSRIOR LUBRICATING OIL, from the w.U of the slippery Rock Petroleum oil Company, for sale. Sam ple at the office, Ho. StSti WALNUT Street, Boom 6, th ap2B-l»' GEOBaE R. PEDDLE. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL II LEE. —A newFrenehOoemetlefor beautifying and .reserving the complexion. It ia the moot wonderful compound of the age. There le neither chalk, powder, mag ns,la, bltmnth,nor tele in lte composition, It heing composed en tirelr of pure Virgin Wax ; hence the ax traoidinary analftiee for pieeerying the akin, making it toft, emooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear yonng. the homely handsome, the handsome more bcantiinl, and tne moatbeautllnl divine Prices » and SO cents. Prepared only by HUHT 4 00., Per fomere, 41 South BIOBTH Street, two doora above Choitnut, and 133 South SEVEHTH street, above Walnut. asB-3m TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUOHTJ ■W- »iTf» to the fram* mudblvoml* fit* pulld ahcck* Debilfhr ll ftßMupuHd by suii Alwmlaf cymptomc, and if no treatment U lubmltiM to, fOJUUiuptioßi DuAuitr or epilaiUc flu muxt. AircTioar sales. TOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTIS' V BBSS. Boa 838 and 83* MABKBT Str«t POSITIVE BALE 6, FBEBCH, GEBVAB, ITALf*. . ABD BBITIM Be A C*BD.-Wa lnytto th« .peelal attention of dealnr. tothsattraotlToactoitmertof French, Bwl«s Ofcrmßn 1 and British dry toed., oomprirtnrabont 80u lots or S* airabl. arllolea. tob« peremptorily sold by cauio-n, on four month.- credit, and part for cash, oonunenctn. THIS MOEBIBG, at 10 o'clock precisely. Ul * LAEGE FBBBHPTOBY SALE OF FBBBOH, IBDli GBBMAK, ABD BRITISH DBY GOUDS, A*. **• THIS MORNING, MayStb, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, m fonrmonth.’ of French, India, merman, and British dry goods, A« embracing ft large aud choice a*korim«nt or fauo staple articles In silk* worsted* woolen, linen, and cot. of the same will be arrang'd fore*. •llhi'rt S? Sj SALE OF *«***. NOTlCE.—lncluded In our sale of Freneb, Italia*, German, and Brlttftd^dj. May Bth. will be found in part the following deslr&bi* articles, viz: . DBESB GOODS —Pieces plain and printed mow ds iaices, roubalx and fancy cheeks, percales, pail d 8 chevres, pJalu and fancy mozamb’ques. poplins, solid colors and fanoy ginghams, chambrays,alpacas, broche grenadines and de bese. printed ohallleß, jaconets and lawns. b»1 moral BkirtSf Ac. DBBSS SlLKS.—Piecsa Lyons biask taffetas'and g* M deßhlsea, royal double armures, aroa de Afric, trZ de Lr ons, solid colors and fancy poult de soles and deNaHee. cadrii)»s, marcelilnes, dee. Bfo# 6HAWLB.—Broohe borders, Stella, t lk pigy nadlnes, Isma, cashmere, thibefc, and plain tan •y mosambique shawls. ** ‘RIBBONS. “Boxes solid colors and fancy e roa d* fiiik B M^tte"toX*^ GLOVES. &c —An invoice oHadies’ and gents’ Pari* white and colored kid, silk, Union, Lisle gioves white goods, veils, Mlk hand keichiefs and ties, black and.whlto crepes, hsad nets, hoop skirts, sun and gingham umbrellas, trlamtan, notions, Ac. . * . . We will add to the above sale, dozen’s % plain linen cambric handkerchiefs. do ?(hemmed do do do. do H plain do do do. do H nemeiitohed do do do, do etiil ren's do do do. dp ladles’ white, black, and colored Pirl» “Jouvin” kid gloves for best city trade. do gents’ and ladies' eiik Lisle, Brllu, and Union gloves do ladles' kid and beav*r gaur-tlets. do gents’splendid quality .London silk ties. do - black and colored fancf beaded silk head Also, an Invoice of superior Paris artificial flowers. LAB OB PEREMPTORY SALB OF BOOTS. RDOBg, BROOAISB. army GOODS, TRAVELLING JUG£ STRAW GOODS- stc.~ °* on TDBSDAY MORNING, May 9th. at 10 o'clock, will be soldi by catalogue, qq foar months’ credit about 1,100 packages »hoea, brogans, cavalry bools, Ac., embracing a prime and fresh assortment of seasonable gooco of oity and East ern ZD&nuf&ctß'e. Will be open for examination with catalogues oa morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, BROR*. BROGANS, TRAVELLING BAGS, SOLE LEiTHB&! Ac NOTlCE.—lncluded in our large sale of boots and shoes, Ac., May 9, will be found in part the following fresh tad desirable assortment—viz: Men’s, boys’, and youths' calf, double-solo, half welt, aid pomp-sole draca-boots; men’s, boys', And youths’ kip and buff leather boots; men’s fine grain, long*leg cavalry boots; men's and bore’ call buff leathn Congress boots and balmorals; men’s, boys', sad youths* super kip, buff, and polished grain, half welt, and pump solebjogans; ladles’fine kid, goat, morocf.t, and enamelled patent sewed balmorals and Gonnvie laiters; women s, misses’, and children’s o*if and e&ther balmorals and lao* boots; ehlldreu's flue sewed city-made lace bontsifaucyaswed bslmorelßSQa ankle ties; ladies’ fine black and colored lasting, Gpq gress, and sldo-lace gaiters { women’s, misses l . children’s goat and morocco copper* nailed Uce doo;i; ladies' fine kid slippers; carpet and enamelled tautur travelling bags, Ac, Also. 2CO aides oak-tanned sole leather, at 10 o’clock. LAEaB_POBITiyB.S4M.OJP.BRITrBH i _PRBSCa, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC Ditt GOODS. We will hold a large sale of Foreign and Domestic Diy Goods, by catalogue, on a credit of four months aai part for cash, ON THURSDAY HORNING, Maylltb, at 10 o’clock, embracing about BDO packages ana lots of etaple and fancy articles in woolens, worst eds, llnesß, Bilks, and cottons, to which we inyita the attention or dealers. " N. B.—Samples of the fame will be arranged forex* aminatton, with catalogue#, early on the morning of pale, when dealers will hod it to their Interest to at* tend. ' POEITIVB BiLB Or CAKPETIWQS, DBDGQEH, MATTINGS, fro. ON FRIDAY MORNING, May 12,0* llo’clock.-wltlbeiold, by catalogue, osfcnr months eiedH. about 200 pieces >ieh 10**1. Brussels printed Ml. snperfiue and flue It grata, royal d&macic, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, ai<t rag carpetings, Canton and cocoa matting*, fre., em brcelng a choice assortment o! superior good*, which may be examined early on the morning of sale, M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. 139 and I*l South FOUETH Street. Public Sales of Beal Estate and Stocks, at th«Bz< change, every TUEBDAY, at IS o’clock. SAFE INVESTMENTS—GROUND BENTS, BEAL ES TATE. BTOCSKP, fro. ON TOES DAT NEXT, Maymh. at is o’clock, at the Exchange. 36 IKBBDEfiMIBLE GROUND SiNTS, FIRST. GLASS FARM. fro. OABD —Oor sale on Tuesday 9th fast, will afford an opportunity for stfe Investments, comprising 36 old well secured ground rent*, to bs sold peremptorily, by order of Circuit Court; first class farm and country* seat, near Darby; handsome site for a country-sent. Eoxboiongh; bank and other srocks, loans, fre. Foil descriptions in pamphlet catalogues now ready. FOURTEENTH SPRING SALE, May lfith. The largest sale and comprising the most valuable property offered this season. Handbills ready* Sale No. 603 Pine street ELEGANT FUKNITCKS, fre., ON TUESDAY MORNING, Oth ln*t, at lOo'eloek. by catalogue, at No. 603 Pius street, the elegant furniture,handsome ov»i mirror,ho* eiurraTißgs, velvet oarpets, fre. Also, the kitchen farhUttfe. May bt examined o’clock on the morning of the sale. SALE OP THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS On TOBSDAT AFTERNOON, May 9th, At the Auction Store, valuable theological, miiMt* lanecus becks, from the library of a clergyman. Executors’Sale, Broad street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. FJNB NANKIN CHINA, GUT GLASS WARE, PLATED WARE, FIRE PEOOF, &c. ON WEDNESDAT MOBBING, , t 4 May 10, at 10 o’clock, at No. 839 South Broad street, Ibe entire household furniture, by order of executors; also. 2 columns Giant’s Gaueway. 4ST May bs examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o’slock, with catalogues. Bale No. 251 North sixth street. EUFBBIOB FU&NITURB, F3NB CABPETS, Ac. ON FKIDAY MORSISG. £ 12th insi , at 10 o’clock, at No. 253 North Sixth stmt, the entire household and kitchen furniture, pier mir« rar, bookcase, handiome vaßee, flue tapestry, .car* pets, Ac. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the gale. SALS OF FINS WINEB AND B&iffDY. ON WEDNESDAY, Hay 17lh, at 1 o'clock P, M , at tbe auction store, Bcuth Fourth street, will be cold, by catalogue, a ehoiio selection of fine Madeira, Sherry, and Port Wines &ad old Brandy, imported by Mr. F, J. Figuera. 4SP* Samples may be examined one hour prevlott* to sale. Public Sale. 190 BETH SIX- MOLB HARNESS. ON SATURDAY. May 20th, at 12 o'clock noon, at the auction store,will in sold at public tale, by ordor of the Quarter Maslu's department, U- S. A., lift sets of sfx> mule wagon harness; irregular. Samples may be seen three days previous to i&ld, »» ha auction store. - Terms cash. By order of CoL W. W. UcKlzn, U, 8. i. Chief Quarter Master. Philadelphia depot. PANCOABT & WARNOOK, AUO* X TIOHZBBS. H4O MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 800 LOTS AMSIiHUF AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, LINEN GOODS, HO SIERY, MILLINERY GOODS, Ac,, by catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY, . # „ May 10th, commercing at 10 o’clock, comprising a w‘ and general assortment of seasonable end desiribia goode»wbich will be found well worthy the attention of buvers SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHILADBL SSrHaK PHI A STEAMSHIP LIKE, .ailing from poit on SATURDAYS, from firet wh.rf ahov* FIHI Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Bortoo. The steamship Hormabt. feut. Baker, Will s,U from FhliMeluhia for Boston, on Satnrday, M*t is *< 10 A M., and steamship SAXOn, Matthews, frolli Boston for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 P, M. These new and substantial steamships form a regnlu line, sailing from cash port panstnelly on Saturdays, Issnranees effected at one-half the premium ehargsl on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Blip Xseelptl and BUU of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage *n«>» wrßMnodatl«R*l* apply to - HBHEY WINSDR&OO., mhl-tf '333 South DELAWARE AytnM._ STEAM WEEKLY TO Ll* JwPfWiii YBRPOOL. tonehlnr at QUBBHSTOW*. (Cork Harbor). Tbe well known ntoaxner* of the LlvM' pool. New York and Philadelphia Bteamchlp ny (Inman Line), carrying (he United fitatei Mailt, tri intAuded to sail as follow*: CITY OF WASHINGTON***, SATURDAY, May 6tb. CITY OP LONDON *4**.BATURDAY, Mar mb. CITY OF MAN CHESTER*-*,, SATURDAY, HirWK And every inceeding Saturday hr Noon, from rler H« florin River. RATia OF PASSAGE: _ Payable In Gold, or it* equivalent itt Ounsntf' M First Cabin**...**-*-,sBo 00 Steerage,****-*v ,w^S& “ to London. .85 00 " to London-. MW ■* to Paris 95 00 ” to Parle.... ■4} ¥ to Hamburg... 90 00' ■* to Hamharc 87 p« Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, EH’ terdam, Antwerp, Ac,, at equally lowrates* ~ Afl Fares from Liverpool or Queenttotrn: IstO&wn, fw» $B5, $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown, {W; Tboie who wish to sand for their friends can par tickets here at these rates. . _ ~ For further information apply at the Company * Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. mj2*t2o 111 WALNUTBtreaCPhlia^. NEW EXPRESS LINE,TO tUBUE ALEXANDRIA. GEORGETOWN. AND WASHINGTON, Via Chesapeake and Delaware Oaatl. Eteamers leave drat Wharf above MARKET Street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 13 M. . For Freight apply to Agents, WM. P. CLYDE & 00., 14 North and Sonth Wharves,Phtiu. ■■ j.b. davidso*, Georgetown,D.O.; FLOWERS A BOWEN, Alexandria, Ya. aliii-li*. FOR ALBANY AND TROY. .■■■atateiL, NEW YORE. VIA DELAWARE AFP RARITAN CANAL.-The Barge S FLAH4GACL, f- Spicer, xusster, is now loading at firßt wharf Sgrnce street, for the above points, and Will leaf* os WEDNESDAY EVgBING. , Ml , Foi Height, whlih will be taken on reasonable trrm*; apply to • D. L. FLANAGAN. Are'll, mi 8-41 304 Sonth DELAWARE A«nij_ NOTICE,—FOR JBBWIOiiE -The PHILADELPHIA hr | NSW YORK REPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. ’>< B &?fi?a»A a i»t wharf below MAEK« Ml WHARVIRPtf* JAMES HAND. 11l WALL sfrert, mhls-9m New Tj'NFEEBLED AND DELICATE COS- Jj btiTUTIONS. of both sexes, cm HXLMROIP * IXTRACT BUCHd. It will give brisk and ensrs*"' tea liny and enable yen to sleep walL ■Bn BVAWS ft WATSON’S HP g „ SAtAKAKDia *A« IB BOOTH Bl BI'BHIT. A Uv *lW»T < B kftad PHILADELPHIA SSSSSr taut Graduating Freuu* Trace, Bttppwtete. »w Stocking!, Bbonlder Bruces, Cratches, Sc. apartment! conducted by a Lady. *? - yOv MONEY TO ANY AMOU»J /Vl LOAHED DPOIT MiMOHBB. V*X5 . » A A JEWELRY, PLATE OLOIBIEU. Sc ," W W JOKES SOO -8 „„„ Tn _ OLD ESTABLISHED LOAJT 0m0& L Comer THIBD and (JA6KILL Sta„ below TTBRMETIOAIiLY SSAXEDMEA' 1 ' 3 J-A ABC SOUPS. „ , 1,000 dec. Sancaga Meet, , 600 “ BoactßooJ. 600 " do Veal. 600 “ do Mutton. 1,000 ;• do TarVey. s'.OCO ** anotted V F e y. t ? lBbT C h 4 l b ?A b ks’«