'kbe Madison. chae Andres, USA iJ H B D»l»wm« c r .Tohnaon, Milford o n Danford.Trenton.NJ jl F Hsplrain. Ii«wo«,D0l:M A Sttlitti, N«*r Yock « c Murray, How York H Darlington, OMo a T liovett ' The Black Ben*. W K Grim, Boyarwwn - ,V R(«y & la, Ta,m»qw a K Halloway, Boycrtown |W £S Bright, Tamaqna H Klacaa, Baltimore SPECIAL NOTICES. Philadelphia Natatobtom and PHYSI CAL INSTITUTE, BBOAD STREET, BELOW WALNUT. - SWIMMING SCHOOL FOB BOTH SEXES. ffjje RbOYe Institution is now in full operation* Ths hoiira for Ladies, on account of the Increased tjcmbei, have been extended from 9Ja o'clock A* M. to j}.j o'clock P. M. The prestnt inducements to subscribers for the season Will b 8 continued until May 15th. The temperatnie of the water and of the halls* in cool well as warm weather* will ulways he ashiih as -omfoxt-deinands. ~ , The institution will he open, and lessons Will he given Jo gentlemen as sarly as C o’clock A H. For farther particulars retarding instruction for gen piemen and boys, see circular. myB-6fc Pocket Lanterns, -which haye a'place for matches and an extra supply of tapers, and when folded op occupy so tmslla space as to he conveniently carried ia the pocket, are for sale tyTRUMAN St SHAW, No. 635 (Eight Thirty, flvd) MARKET Street, below ninth. It Tinned-wire Flour and Sugar Sieves, Ash Sieves, and Patent Sifting Mich nes, Strainers* ssd Drainers, for sale-hy TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 835 (Eight Thirty*five) MARKET Street. below Ninth. It Katw Dye ! Haib Dye I BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE is the best in the World. The only true *s< perfect Dye—harmless, Instantan#' coa* and reliable; produces a splendid Sleek or Nature] 3rown; remedies the ill effeet* of Bad Dye*, and fee* cuently restores the original color. Sold hy all Drug lists The genuine is signed W. A. BATCHELOR, tl BARCLAY Street, New York. Ja2-mwfrly "Why Injure the Complexion by POWDERS AND WASHES which choke or dll up the Bores of the skin, and in a short time leave U harsh and ary r it 1- in the blood, and if yon want a smooth and loft skin use HSLMBOLD'B EXTRACT OF SARSA. PARILLA. it gives a brilliancy to the complexion. A Clear, Smooth Skin and Beauti ful COMPLEXION follows the use of HKLMBOLD’B CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT. SARSAPARIL LA, It removes black spots, pimples and all eruptions of the skin. _ To Purify, Enbich the Blood, and BEAUTIFY the complexion, use HJSLSIBOLD’S HIGH LY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA RILLA. One bottle equals in Btrength one gellonofthe Syrup or Decoction. Not a Few of the Wohst Disobdbbs, that afflict mankind arise from corruptions of the blood. RSLHBOLD'S EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA is a remedy of theutmost value. .. Helmbold’b Cohcbhtbated Extract BUCHU is the trreat Diuretic. HBLMBOCiD’S CON CENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA faffte Cheat Stood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rnlei of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most active that can he made. A. Thing of Beauty is a Joy Fob- EVER*—Those who desire brilliancy of complexion, must purify and enrich the blood, which HELMBOLD’fi CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA inva riably does. Recollect it Is no patent medicine. Ask for Helabold’s. Take no other.. mhl-wfinJm . Excelsior.—Omt Photographs op PRESIDENT-LINCOLN, in Crayon, are acknowledged ■he beet Picture to be obtained in tbi6 or any other city. HEKSZBY& CO., Photographers, 813 ARCH. Street. Cottage, Heady Furnished, to Let. Cape island. H. J. InauLre 80G 21ARKET Street. Philadelphia, - jny6-3t* Jones'. THE LOWEST CKLLIira FEIOI 1« marked In Agora on each article. urn FEYBB VAKISD. JONES’ Oresceat One-prlM clothing hourbj MARKET STREET, above Sixth, Mo. 604. JWr Fricw reduced to salt the time* A fiat assortment of READY-MADE OLOTHDTffi, suitable for *u mwhs. sonstantly oa hand. Giuton-work made to order at ehorlactite. C»h9 l» All ovbb the World—people op sense and judgment hare learned to use PLANTATION BITTSEB. Dyspepsia, with, its symptoms. Headache, Heart burn, Feverish Lips, Bad Breath, Sallow Complexion, Ac , can he cured by using Plantation Bitters. This is the most successful 7cnic of the age. Young, middle-aged, and old are delighted with its effects. 1 he first trial always has a marked good effect. No change of diet is necessary while using Planta tion Bitters. Sat all you wish of the best and most nntritious food. It is the greatest cure ever known for au overloaded and distressed, stomach, which it relieves in a few moments. It is manufactured from carefully selected roots and herbs, and preserved in perfectly purs St, Croix Rum. Try one bottle of PLANTATION Bitter?, ye sufferers, and onr woid for it you will find yourselves feeling jnySßfc AS GOOD AS NEW. Itch, (Whbaton 7 s) Itch, BALT RHBtTK- (OISTTUBfiT) SALT EHBUH, Will con the Itch Is 48 hours. AIM cures gait Bhenn Dlwn. Chilblains, ui all Eruptloai of the Skin. Pii« 60 cent*. By .ending (0 ceulsto WEIKS it POT TBB, BOSTON, Mass., wlllb. foiward.a Eras by maiL Por Ml* by all Drnggi»u. mblB-Sa gfgsggg Chickbbxng’s Pianos— n#TT f 89. 000 SOLD.-New Warerooms.{« a if Entrance in Art Gallery. 914 CHESTSOT Street. jßj4-26t* WM. H. DUTTON. fiWJI .am sjjjg * CO.', AJD JIABOJr ft HAKLIK’S CABINET ORGANS. PIANO Over 600 esch of theta floe CABINET TOB7SB. Instruments have bean sold by OEGFANS. PI ABO Hr.e, acdthedemandiieon- CABINET TOKTBS. stantly increasing. 9?£AsyL PIANO Tor sale only by CABINET TORTBS. X B. GOULD, ORGANS. PIAIIO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Etl. GABItfKT JOETK. now U OEGANB. Clothing bp thb Mile. The immense itoft of BXiDT’tfiDl CLOTHING now displayed at WANAMAKER k BROWN’S OAK HALL POPULAE CLOTHING HOUSE. A E. cor. SIXTH and BASKET Sts., If placed in one continuous line, would reach a loss distance toward Bichmond. Thlslong stream of Cloth- ing Is running off at MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES. apU-tf •ovt of interments* Health Office, Hay 6,1885. 8 in the City of Philadelphia , vril to the ttk of May, 1865. Weekly Death* and InUrme from the 28th of OAUBBS OF DEATH. CAUBSS 07 BEATS. Fever, Scarlet “ Typhus ** Typhoid.-*-* Frostbite Gangrene...». Hemorrhage .»* Abeees. Albuminuria.,,. **«* Apoplexy** • Cancer, Liver....... Caeoaltiea. Croup...-. < .......... Congeetion» Brain--- * ? Rowels, f* ** Longs.. Cholera Infantum... Cerebrospinal Me ningitis... Chore* Consumption, Longs Convulsions,. ** Puerperal.,,. Cyanosis Biptheria. Di&rrhcga Dropsy.,.. •* Brain**. “ Stomach. Hooping Cough..... Inflammation, Brain “ Broach!.**-** ** Bladder.—.. " Heart-.- ** Lungs.—— “ Peritoneum. “ Pharynx.... ** S. & Bowels, Inflammat’nUterua. “ 'P. Gland. Inanition ttania-a-Potu. Marasmus Old Age Palsy Poisoning «—♦*-..... Pyemia..—.......... " Be*rt> .«.»• Disease of Brain •*. . 44 Heart ....... 41 Stoifcach ***. _ “ Kidneys Irowaed. H) i entery-^......... Debility «•* Effusion on Brain... “ Chest... BpUepty.«.~. Fever* Puaiperal..- " Spotted OF TEE Under 1 year from lto 2.,.. ..... ;; atoNs.... Scrofula* ••*»* Small-Pox*.. . Gtill-b0m..... Olceratlon, Bowels. *• Kectum- Unkn0wn........... Uraemia. • —.... Wounds—Gunshot.. T0ta1..... ITB THERE WE88..44 ..44 From4oto fit. ****** ..22 *' fiOto C 0....... ..38 ** COtO 70 ..16 «' 70 to 80 ..8 " 80to 90... 5 to 10 " IQ to 16 *• 16 to 2D. 17 " 90t010(J..™. .80 " 20 to SO «• 80 to 40 I WARDS. | WARDS. Tsoth-* 6|Nsneteent,h.. | Eleventh 9;Twentieth. Twelfth 4 Twenty-fiit Thirteenth..... 7 Twenty-sec Fomteeath* ....12 Twenty-thi Fifteenth .......11 Twenty-fot Sixteenth 8 Twenty-flft Seventeenth....l6 Twenty sh [Eighteenth ..... 8 unknown* WAJU>S. First 10 Second Third ....14 Fourth ♦••■ U Fifth 12 Sixth 7 Seventh. 16 Eighth. IS fcinth...... «... 6 Total Deduct deaths from the country. Met deaths in the city...** .•••»»» ..*....►♦.,..263 H ativitt, —United States. 2C4; Foreign, 63: Unknown, Ms Almshouse. 16 ; PsoplQ of Color, Hi from the conn try, J&. The number of deaths, compared With the corres ponding week of 1564, and of last week, was aa fol lows: Week ending Way 7.1864, was 330. Week ending April 29, 1860, was 321.. Males. 369: females. 113; hoys.B2; girls, 68, Deaths and Interments of soldiers, 21. Dy order of the Board of Health. _ , , GEOROE B. CHAMBERS. Registrar. A£^Etf%rßX>- „ HAGY—SEVERING.—On the morning of May H by Rev. Reuben Jeffrey, Wiliam Augustus Bagy, of Philadelphia, to Sallie S, daughter of Joseph Levering, of Lower Merrlon. ♦ HGNNEWELL-PASSITr.—M*y 6th, at St. Peter’a Church, by the Right Reverend William “• CdenheimeTf Mr. Frusta Welles Honnewell* of Boston, to Miss Margaret, daughter of- Alfred F*B6ltt, of this city. * „ JDIJEJXX *,9SP?. E, "7 On Saturday morning, 6th Inst., How* »ra M. Goode, aged 28 years. fr * ends the family are re _ invited to attend the funeral, from his parents’ residence, sis Buttonwood stroot on tum. day afternoon at l|o>ctoek. * 0n . “ FOWBER.—On tie sth tnatant, Mrs. Rebecca fowler, In the 59th year of her age. 53 The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on TneEday, the 9th Instant, at lo o'clock A. M , from the residence of her eon, John A. Fow ler, No. «2 Jefferson street. To proceed to Wood lands Cemetery. , * ifPEKCFR—on Sunday morning, May 7th, .traiDeth. wife of Joseph Spencer, in the 68th year of her age. * Her relatives end friends are Invited to attend her •nneral from the residence of her son, J. A. Spencer, no. 662 N. Twelfth street, on Wednesday morning, ® b Josh, at lo o’slodc. ... -EK.OWN.-On Saturday 6th Inst., Frederick E., Thomas Brown, In the 31th year of his age. his friends and those of the family are Invited to attend his funeral, bom his rather'a rssldsnoe, No. TOB Sooth Tenth street, on Tuesday afternoon next, at 4 o’clock. Members of Eastern Star. Lodge, No. 186, A. T. M., and his Masonic brethren are parties lariy invited. , *» Hoi FDiAN.—on Thursday morning, May «u, Samuel W. Hoffman, aged 46 years, 10 months, and 24 days. ... The relatives of the family and his friends are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 005 North Twelfth street, thfs (Mon day) afternoon, at 2 o’clook, withoutfnrther notlee. • SOHEMP.—On the 4th tnst, at Hampton Has. pltal, Fortress Monroe, v»., Corporal John M. Sohemp, Company A, 169th Eeglment P. Y., In the 26th year of his ago. He received his fatal wounds fu storming Fort Gregg, in front of Petersburg, Ya., on the 2d of April, 1865.- Ha’agone. he’agone. his gW immortsl spirit’s fled. Ai d my loved husband now slumbers with the dead. S’}®.?#!?® wUI *>® given of the funeral. * RAMBO.—On the evening or the 6th Inst., at the residence of yr. b. Minster, 3718 Baring street, Cecelia May, daughter Of the late Oapt. E. y. and Mary E. Eambo, In the 3d year of her ago. Funeral from the residence of her grandfather, Wm. "Wilson, Coatesville, Pa., Tuesday, 6th lust., at l o’clock, P. M. , ~ ** CEAIGE—On the 6th inst., ThoS. H. Oralje, Efq., in the 69th year of Ms age. ..... Too family and male friends are respectfully In vited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1210 North Seventh street, on Tuesday latter noon, at 2 o’clock. *** JONES.— Suddenly, on the 3d Instant, Mary E,, daughter of Dr. Z. King and Almirla Jones, in the 6th yoar of her ago. The relatives and Wends of the family are Invited to attend her funeral, from her parents’ residence, No. 927 Vine street, this (Monday) morning, at lo o’clock, without further notice. ** HDBBF.KT.—On the evening of the 4th Inst., Mary, wire or Benjamin Hubbert, in the 69th year or her age. The relatives and ftlends of theJomlly are re spectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her husband’s residence, No. 170 Laurel street, on Tubs day morning, 9th met.,at ll o’clock, without further notice. To proooed to Odd Follows’ Cemetery. ** DAVID.-On the 4th olMay, Mrs. Louisa PowoU David, aged 85 years. Tho relatives and friends or the family are re speotfnHy Invited to attend her funeral, from 605 Marshall street, on Monday, May Bth, at 2 o’clock CHESTER.—On the 4th Inst., Frances Mary, wlfeof the Key. William Chester, D. D., and daugh ter of the late Samuel White, M. D., of Hudson, New York. Funeral from 914 Clinton street, on Monday, the Bthlnst, atlO o’clock A. M. ** PLAIN BLACK CHINTZES.—ENG- A- LISH usd American Plain Black Ghta'se*. for sale byBESfeON & SON, Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. myfi tf RLACK BAREGE HERNANI.—LTJ ” FIB’S Black Barege Hensani, 3*4 and B*4 wide. BESSON & SOD, 918 CHESTNUT Street. myOtf PYRE & LANDELLv Aj . ESTABLISHED imiB4o. We always adhere to food. Goode, and depend on fair dealing for patronaa*. GOOD STOCK OP BILK GOODS. GOOD STOCK OP DRESS GOODS. ap2o SHAWLS AND STAPLE GOODS ggjf” ABRAHAK LINCOLN SUGGESTIVE TOPICS OP THE DAY. GREAT LECTURE GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN, ACADEMY OF MUSIC, IB1D&Y ZTESraQ, MAY 12tb, 1863. Proceeds for the Benefit of the UNION TEMPORARY HOME FOB CHILDREN. Tickets to be had at Mr, Charles W. A. Trumpler’s Jfuiic Store, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Or ders from the country, enclosing the amount for the number of sealsldesired, will be promptly attended to. 8156 6trp KIP IHE ANNUAL MAY FESTIVAL, FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE ORPHANS IT ST. .TOM’S ASYLUM, We,t Philadelphia, will be held on the GKOUHDS OF THE lEBTITDTIOI7, On THURSDAY, May 25th. Tickets, 25 cents. Children 10 cents; can be obtained at the Cemetery Office, SUMMER St., below Eighteenth. mjg-2t* I®* THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION-—The annual meeting of the American Sunday School Union will bu held at the Sooieiy’s Building, No. 1123 CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDAY, Nay Bth, 1555, at4F. M. myB»2t CONTRIBUTIONS BBCeiVED 9W FOB THE BENEFIT Of THE UEION VO LBNTBBR RFERESHMBNT SALOON; Alexander Young- coffee, s2B'} 00; William R. Robin son, New York, 2? volumes books; Frederick Frailer, $5; contribution? through Bev Thomas Bratuard, $23; loyal women of Germantown, $l3; Samnel Powel. $10; donaUou-box Independence Hail. $25,70; John 8. Be vane, $7; 13th ward Bounty FamUComraittee, $10; con tributions through. Mrs Femmlngton & Lee, for jeturli ed prUoners at Annapolis, $80; »Dd many contributions in kind; William D. Junes, $10; William J. Morris, $5; John Fry, $5. • Is ra* EASTERN STAR LODGE,No. 186.- HCSS* The officers and members of EaeternStarLodge, No. 166, A. Y. M , and the members of the Order sene rally, are fraternally' reanesved to mee; at their Hall, CHESTNUT Sfceet. on TUESDAY, Pth Inst., at 4 o’clock p. M,. to attend tbe funeral of their deceased Brother, FREDERICK S. BROWN. By order o/.the W. M. m>B.2t* OEOBGR P. LITTLE, Secretary. TH EISACGUKATION OJP THB U. ■SK?, 6 PtasSYLVARIA HOMB POfi OUE INVA LID SOLDIERS AND&AILOES and the children of de pendent Soldlersand Sailors, will take place on TOS4- DAT EVBRItfG, 16th of this month, in tbe ACADEMY OF MUSIC, at 8 o’clock. The folk wing-namei centle men aie expected, to take partin the exercises: - Eer. Pm NKWTOJT & BEAIffARD, DASfIBD DOUGfIBETi, Bad-, A. O. OATPBLL. Esq, Bev. J. WHBATOB SMITH, B&v, aLES. EEED and others. An original Poem, entitled ** A Home for oar Sol dier*,” wttlbexead by A B. VASHOBCF, Sea Vocal are Instrumental Music hy a flrst-da»s Amateur Society, under the direction of Prof/ BISSEJ3. Tickets, free of ebarje, mav b* bad at J. 8. GlaxtOU a (Iste filartieii’s), 006 CSESTfIUTSI., and Ashmead St Evans, OaSSTMUr Street. _ „, , „ • JAMES POLLOCK, President. J. Fbaxcis BouAJS, M- D.» THE FAltt OF THE lADIEV UNION ABEOCrATIOH, whiehVaa with gteat lo* s postponed on account of the murder of our late P.e • ftidenr. will be opened at CONCERT HALL, on MON BAT, Hay 10th, and continue two weeks. Thought he end of the war Is so near there are hundreds Ofbrave wounded soldiers who will need all wo can do for them. It !b honed that in view of this and our. great expense, the pullic will sirens a liberal support. ... Season tickets twenty* five cents; single admission ten «entB. A handsome dressing case will he voted to Fred. Boa* glass or Bohert Small. myB 6t* THE TWFJPTH ANJJITERBABT W 3& OF THE NORTHERN BOMB FOB FRIEND LESS CHILDREN wiU he held at the Union Church, FOURTH Street, btlow Arch, on TUESDAY, May 9. at at a Quarter to 8 O’clock p. M. The annual report will be read, and addresses maybe expected by the Bar, Bhillips Brooks, Rev. Irvin H. Torrance, Major L C Hatl&ck. James Neall. Esq. , and MacGregor J. Mitche son, Erg. A number of the Home children will also be present and take part in the exercises. The public are cordially invited, myB-8t |3S» ESI FUSE COPPER COMPANY OF •w MICHIGAN. Notice is hereby given that an instalment of one dol lar per share on each and every share of the capital stock of the BMPIBB COPPER COMPANY OF MICK GANhaB this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due, and payable at the Office of the Company, 80. 423 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on or before the 20th day of May, 1805. Interest will be charged on all instalments after the same shall have be* come due. By order of the Board of Directors. J. 8. MoMULLIN, Secretary. Philadelphia, April 28,18C5. myl-mwf tmySO OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY l» FUND COMMISSION, COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. pHir.ADELpsiA, April 27, 1805. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that this Commission has removed its office from the Commonwealth Build ing. No. CIS Chestnut street, to the GIEABO ESTATE BUILDINGS, No. 19 South FIFTH Street, and that on and alter the Ht of May next its meetings will be held on MONDAYS and THURSDAY?, at 10 A. M. By order of Commission. _ my 1-mwffit RICHARD C. WINSHIP, Secretary. * Ira* COMMEBCUL (NATIONAL) BANK W OF PENNSYLVANIA. M Philadelphia. May 3, 1866, A careful examination of the Assets of the Bank shows that tie defalcation of the late Teller cannot in any wiie impair the solvency of the Institution, or check the regular course of its business, and as the Directors have obtained possession of securities from which they confidently expect to realize a very large part of the de ficiency. they believe the loss eventually will be com paratively little. By order, my 6 St 8. O. PALMER, Cashier. KS* ANNUAL MEETING OF HOME TOR DESTITUTE COLORED CHILDREN will be heM on SECOND-DAY EVENING. 6-h month, Bth inut.. st 8 o'clock, at Office 8. W. corner SEVENTH and ARCH Streets. Election for Trutteee and Managers and Other buttress. ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, *my6-y Secretary of Trustees. AW EXAMINATION OF OANDI- B-3B* DATES for certlflcatei of Qualifications for Male and Female Principals of Grammar and Unclassified Schools, and Asakwnt Teachers of Grammar, Second ary, and Primary Schools of »he Public schools of Phi ladelphia. wiU be held on THURSDAY, May lith, commencing at 2 o'clock P. M., at the ZANE Street School House, ZaNB Street, above Seventh. Applicants under 17 years of age Will not be exa mined. By order of the Committee on Qualification of Teach ers. BERRY W. HALLIWBLL, jD36>imw3t Secretary. ra* OFFICE' OF THE KB SOLUTE MINING COMPANY, No 32* WALNUT St. Philadelphia, April 11, 1865. NOTICE is hereby jriven that all Stock of the RESO LUTE MIRING COMPANY on which Instalments are due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and will bo sold at public auction on SATURDAY, the 13th day of Kay. 1865. at 12 o’clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary ©f the Corporation, according to the Charter and By- Laws, unless redeemedvn or before that day. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPBS, • apl2 tmyis Secretary and Treasurer. rat. icont lird >urtl ftb. xth AT THK ANNUAL MEETING OF fbe Btoefchcld«r* of the ‘LEHIGH ZINC COM* PAHY, held Wednesday, May 3d, 1805, at 12 o’clock fu * *£? uentiemsn were elected to serve as Directors lor the enduing year* BENJAMIN G. WEBSTER, JOSEPH A. DEAN 1 GEORGK k. zisgLbr. CHARLES W. TROTTER GOfeDON MONGEB, ADOLPH B. BORIS. CHARLES L. BO SIR. Ard at a meetic* of the Directora, held aubaeqaenily, th 6 BSK°jijflN 6 C e 'wlM. 0 OOEDOS-MOBOBS. Secretary and Treaearer. By order of the Board. fflyS'3t GOBDOH MONGKS, Secretary. OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND NJ35* NAVIGATION COMPANY. Philadelphia. May 4, 1865. At an election held May 2d, U 65, the following named persona were chosen officers of the Lehigh Coal ana Navigation Company for the ensuing year; JAMJSS 8. OCX. x MASAOBBa: _ 1 Fr&acls B. Cope, Frederic* Graff, Fisher Hei*rA«. Charles L- Bone, Charles Wheeler. John Famum. Richard Richardson, Andrew Bandeisoa, Jacob P. Jones, Frauds C. Yaruall, Samuel S. Stokes, royS-St rrg. XHK ANTOAI MEBXISG OF IM #3B? STOCKHOLDERS OF THK BBiGOH OIL (10MPABT will be held on TUESDAY, May 9th, at 3K o’clock P. iL, ia leeond-atory GIRARD BARK BUILDISG. S. P. HaSCOOK, ,p2S 10i* Secretary. a-rspo OFFICE OF THE MIAERAI OIL *=» 00MPABI,-5a4: WALBUT Street. April 2S. IKS-The Anneal «cellsr of tbe Stockholder, of the MIHBB4T, OIL COMPAhY will be held at their Offlce, on F83D47, May 121 b, at 1, o clock M . for toe par po«e of electing a Board of Directors to carve for (he Winning? ear. THOS. R-SBARLE, apSLLxmyJC ' Secretory. •SB* OFFICE WASHINGTON OIL CO,* vxf 10 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, „ ■ * M Philadelphia. April 28th, 18S5. The Annuel Meeting of Stockholder* will be held at 12, M. on SATURDAY, May 13th. ■ „ ep29 tml3 WM C. STILES, Jb„ Secretary. AHDTHB Secretary. A* Mabtix, Superintendent. PRESIDENT: MITCHELL, Secretary. IJSITKI» STATES CHBIBIIM I® OOMMISBIOH.—How. Gash »«kaowlo4r “ B ABFOLLOWS Ladies’ Christian Commission of, the M. B. Churches of Philadelphia, as follows: sB 09 Thirty-eighth Btieet GhWCh***, ,**«*♦ poq Trinity 18DO 8, Paul's Church******-**—.**—...-... 18 00 Bbonezer Church*, t...******.*.-*.,,#,, 19 00 Twelfth Street Church. H.MH4.4H.MI 10 25 Grisen Street Church.» *,**.**♦**. 17519 Nazareth Church***. ***,♦***......*♦*. 16*00 Wharton Street Church.....**. ***.**** SI 00 si. John’* Church.-**.-**** $9lB Part proceeds of Fair held at No* 12183. Fourth street, hy H. 8., M. H.. and A. 30 00- 36*18 Salem Church*.-..-.............. $lO2 28 a Lady.**..*****.**...*..*..**..* I*oo-103*28 Mount Zton Church, Manaynnk.***-- 12 00 Bestonville Church. •» ..**«. 60 00— $5OO 00 Collection in First Presbyterian Church, per J%- Vo. c. Croueii....*** * vs: 858-37 Cadies Chriitlan Commission of the Church or the Atonement, Philadelphia, pet Mrs. J. „ Warner Erwin—•-—*-*"—.•*••••'•«••*♦♦■•* 260 50 Mrs. M, s*oj ladies* Aid Society of St. Paul’s Church, per ‘ Mis* Longhry, Treasurer*—Bl 09 A Little Boy.. ..♦*-»•**.»**-•■• **<•■*»♦•«*♦•♦«***►* 60 Clarke Salmon—2 00 T. A 0 00 Proceeds of a Fair held by Miss Katie G, Bow ley, Mies Minnie C Shull, Master Edwin M _ Shull, and Matter Warden Bioh&rdson.—* 61 v 0 A.S. West, Philadelphia.*..*. 200 Fair held by Little Girls of St. MiohMl'S Church, Germantown—Annie M. Ideii.Oar rle Fnlllager, Ellen M. Gould, and Ellen „.. Banr.~— . cirt...:::::..::;::::::::*...- » « Pale of Iron, perßev. I. C. Thomas.wm John 8. Gerhard.*—.***..*~*. 26 00 Ladles’ Chris.ian Commission, First New Ja- ■ ruialem Society, Philadelphia.... 85 Ladies’ cbriAtian Commission* First Baptist Church. Fhii»dßlpliia« I« « Total amount of Philadelphia contribution?. $1,G04 03 OTHBB CONTKIBUTIOWH. Christian Coromißsion, Hew Tori, per Dr. Haitian Bishop, Chairman. -•••«• 12.021,0 s Ladlss’ Christian Commission, Provldenrj. - Mode Island ... BO " Ladle.’ Christian Commission, West trly.e.-.*M.....*Hw«.‘.*"’*.. < «‘v 397 w Sundry Individuals, etc., per W. J. £lll7, Chairman***..._£®)W 5653 17 ChrUtian Commission, Oregon, per W. S. Ladd. Treasurer, Portland, Oregon.-**.*.-... 1919 CO Chmtl :n Commission, Albany, New York, • per William Mcßlroy, Treasurer.l9oo'oo Amount from other parts of country, aeknowl- „ „„„„ „ edied in reJJgious newspapers...... —** •*** $3OOO 09 $26 683,24 Amount previously acknowledged *♦*♦»»♦—*1,369»713.46 Total receipts-****** $1,896,245 70 JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer Christian Commission. , Western Bank, Philadelphia. STORES Total number of packages of stores recUved by the Butted Stales Christian Commission at Central Office. Philadelphia, for wee* ending May 3,1866—206, of Which were from PHILADELPHIA. 36 pads, lbox, Mrs. Stoddart; 1 package, Mies Eliza BrfdeebUTg and Whitehall—l barrel, Soldiers’Belief Association, per B. T. Somerndfke, 208 other packages from other parts of the country ao k ncwledgtd at length t» religious papers, my 8-lt GEORGE H. Chairman. WG3&*> STATEMENT OF THE JOHN IBG HANCOCK MUTUAL LT?B INSURANCE 00. Boston, Feb. 28, 1865. Net assets Not. 1.1864 .......**.-..*.**.5193,673 08 Receipts from Wot. »IsB4. to Feb. 28. 3855: For pTomiums. *********•**..*.»**.*»s43,OCO 02 Formterest.******....******-—**...** 6,029 00 —'— 48.029 08 $341,702 16 Disbursements from Nov. 1, 1664, to Feb 28.1806; % - ' For CPXDinttßions ana medical 6X* $4,045 87 For tflgflH. .***.«.*.**.».<».»♦<>,<***. 982 20 For surrendered policies 1,258 58 For expenses, viz: Printing, sta • llonery, advertising, eaiaries, rent, etsmps, A 0.... 8,444 20 For annuities...... 6.4)00 For dividend paid on guarantee • _ 6,112 08 ——- 16,422 93 w sms79li ASSETS. United States securities. .....$73,600 00 Malxcftpercent bonds.,..*....**** 3,000 00 &W Hampshire d0*.........*»***. 5,009 (0 Vermont d0.»*•♦.,••**....» 6,000 09 Bhodelelaud d0.*****.......... 10,000 GO Coznectlcut do******—•**•«* 6,000 00 Portland City do-*** I,COO 00 Baik stocks in Boston-*.—..—.— 24.0(0 09 Loans secured by mortgages**-.—* 32,600 00 Bo* do, U. 8. bonds....** 2,800 00 Cash in bank*—•—«— —*** 6,330 77 Frtminm notes secured by collateral on policies, including $55,6b9 06 on acsount of one-payment pro miumfi— —.♦ *..-..—*-**...... 75,094 28 Due from agent* and in transit— s 054 is . r ~ $325,278 23 Accrued Internet on investments 2,98* 37 Advance in value of stocksabove eoit 6,626 10 $233,788 70 (Signed) GBO. P. SINGER, President. Geo. B. Aoer, Secretary. The Company, have eiiablUhed a Branch Office in Philadelphia, end are prepared to issue any description of policies common to other Life Companies. Special attention is invited to their plan for son- FOEPairUBB or policies. BBNRT E. LINCOLN. Agent, . m? S mwfCt 438 WALNUT street. COAX. AT COJBTX HOUSEKEEPERS’ COAX COMPANY, OFFICE, 105 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT. A Company has been formed under the Mining Law* Of Pennsylvania, of the above same, for the pur pose of supplying Coal to its members at prime cost, and you are hereby solicited to become a participant In R« benefits. The stock Of the Company has been divided into 25,« 000 shares, at $lO per share, making a capital of $250,- 000, ol which $60,000 Is set apart for working capital. It is the Intention of this Company to furnish each of its stockholders with one gross ton (2,240 pounds) of coal annually, lor each share of stock held by them during the existence of this Company (which has been char tered for sixteen years) at cost, if the stockholder de* sires to receive It. , • , „„„„ _ , , Last winter a ton of coal of only 2009 pounds cost at your door $l2-60, while the mining and transporting of a ton of 2 240 pounds, cost only $7.60: thus making the enormous profit of fire dollars on a single ton of coal, besides the difference in weight. Why pay the differ ence, when by becoming a member of the Housekeep ers’ Coal Company you will become directly connected With the mining and delivery of your own Goal t there by securing it good , clean* cheap , and of full weight ? All these benefits are secured to you at once if you join this Company. The cbarac-er of the gentlemen having tbisenterprieo in charge is sufficient guarantee that the etgeets of the Association Will be fully verified. *?he Company have prooured the lease of the well known colliery of “Brauchdale,* 1 situated about seven miles from Potisville, on a branch of the Miuehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad. The coal Is of the beet Quality of the region, it being tbe celebrated Spohnvein. The mine will now yield 40,000 ions of cou per year, and can readily he made to double its present produc ts an at a very small cost; The supply may be said to be inexhaustible, for, so far as the existence of this Com psny is soncetued, it certainly Is so. - ~, The mine is in complete working order, with all the machinery andpenosal property necessary and usual to woik a first-class colliery. . The stock of this Company is not an Inflated one, it be in* based upon a Mr eQuivalent in property. The investment will be a good one, as the Company expect 10 realize Eufficienfcpioflt from the sale of the sur plus of all coal mined over 25,000 tons, to* pay a good semi-annual dividend* _ Information concerning the affairs of the Company caa be obtained at the office. PRESIDENT, „ , , , E. F. LEAKE. M. D., Franiford. SECRET AEr. JOHN BACON, Office of the Company. TBEASUBER, Cor. Fifti and Oboitnat its. THOS. WBIGQINS. 8. E. GENEBAL AGENT, ROBT. K. CORSON. DIRECTORS. _ R F. LEAKE, \ LEWIS THOMPSON, B. H. JSBKsI I THOMAS WBKHHNS JACOB W. BOOKIUS. ap!7 mwf24t DIVIDENDS. §SH» PENSBTIVAKIA BAILBOILD la& COMPANY—TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May 3,1885. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS rhe Board of Di rectors have thiß day declared a eemi-anntl&l dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the Capital ©tosk of the Com pany. clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after May SO, 1865. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can he had at the Office of the Company, No. 938 South THIRD Street. THOMAS T. FIRTH. my4-23t Treasurer. fSS- EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK f£& OF PITTSBURG. „ „ . , Mr P;ttsburg, Pa.. May 2, 1865 The Directors of this Bank have declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT-, vayableto Philadelphia Stock-, holders on or after the 9th instant, at the Western Na tions! Bank. The United States tax; will be paid by the Bank. my4-6t . H. M. MURRAY, Cashier. PENN NATIONAL BANS, aC9S? . Philadelphia, May 2, 1865. The Directors have this dar declared a dividend of SIX PBRCBNT., for the last six _montbs. Payable on demand. clear ox taxes, JAMES BUSSELL, Bmy3«iawf3t Cashier ra» COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL VSE? BANK, Philadelphia, May 2, 1835. The Directors have THIS DAT declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT, for the last six months clear of taxes, payable on demand, H. 0. YOUNG, myS-wfnifit Cashier. |KS*» THE CONSOLIDATION NATION* AL BANK. Philadelphia May 8 1865. The Director* have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT,» dear OI taxes, payable on demand, my4-fit JOS. N, PAIRSOL, Oathler. EsB* KENSINGTON NATIONAL BANK. JOS' Philadelphia. May 2, 1855. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TEN PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of tax. my4-6fc TV. McCONNELL, Cashier. ygy» MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK) §3*p Philadelphia. Mays. 1865; • The Directors of this Bunk have declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT., free of U. S. taxes. payable on de mand. J. WTEIOa.Ni>, Ja., my3«6t . Cashier, SECOBB NATIONAL BANK OF W&& PHILADELPHIA, - Fbankfobd. May 2.1866. Th« Directors have declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT , clear of tax, payable on deyaaad. W. H. SHAWN, Cashier. frtS* THE WESTEBBf NATIONAL I® BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. Mat 2. 1865. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TEN PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of taxes. myg 6t C. N. WKIQQAND, Cashier. (KSf® CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia. May 2, 1865. The Beard of Direct ort-b ave thiß day declared a Divi dend or SEVEN FEB CENT., payable on demand, dear of United States dividend tax. Stockholders will please present their certificates or stook and receive instead new certificates. my3-6t J. W, TORKST, Cashier, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF «SP- PHILADELPHIA, No Street (desig nated Depository of the United Slates), Philadelphia. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divl* d«d of BIGHT PER CENT, oat of the profits for the lest elx months, pai able on demand, clear of all Taxes. my3-lot SAMUEL J MaC MULLAN, Cashier KS** FABMKKS’ AMD MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK, Phil idelphia, Hay 2,1665. The Board of Bisectors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand. Also, an e-xtra Dividend In Stock of this Bank, in the proportion Of one share to every t©n staret— bothfjeeol taxes. Stockholders to whom will be due of the stock dt ridesd lees than one-half a share will be paid in c»sh Sicckhoidera ate requested to ex chanye their old for newjUertittcstes. ■ my 3 6t W. BUSBTuN, Jn , Cashier CITY NATIONAL BANK, §237 Philadelphia, May 2, 1865. The Boars of Directors have-thi* day declared a diet* dead of 81X PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of taxes. G. ALBERT LEWIS, mj3 ft _ Cashier. |5»~ THE PHILADELPHIA NATION AL BaNK, Philadelphia, May Ist, 1865. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of BIX PER CENT, for the past six months, payable on **£?•?« B B. CQHKGYS, Castor, METAI.LINE lAMB COSPAST 1®» OF LAKE SUPERIOR —At a meeting of the Tmstees of the METALLINE LAND COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR, held THIS DAY, a dividend of* FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE, was declared, payable at the Office of the Compasy, No. 394 WALED f Street, ,on and after the Ist of May, proximo, to the Stock* holders of record at the close of THIS DAI, or their legal representatives. A. H. DENCKLA, Treater. Philadelphia, May 1, 1885. myl-lOt - OFFICE OF THE HAPIE SHADE fcX? OIL COMPANY, No*. 594 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, April 26, 1855. The Annual Meeting of tile Stockholders of the Maple Bb»de Oil Company will be held at the<r office on THURSDAY, May 18 3665, at 12 o’clock H., for the par pose of electing a Board of Directors to serve f>r the ensuing year. THOJIaS R, sEarLE. - < anZ7 ttoylS Secretary. WANAMALEJB fc BEOWN, THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, MQNDAY, MAY 8, 1866. AHEBIOiN HAU in RAIL MACHINE MARPFACTUBING - COMPANY or PENNSYLVANIA AND MARYLAND. CAPITAL ©300,000. 6*ooo SHARES—PAR TALUIt $5O. PRSBIDSOT, HENRY THOMAS. TSBAfiV&Sft. JOBE W. HALT,. DUBOTOM. HENBY THOMAS* Harrisburg. JOHN W. Hall. Harrisburg. B. a. EIBMAN, Baltimore HENBY GILBERT. Harrisburg. BANKERS, ADAMS & LEVIS, Phlladelph!*. The Subscription Book for the Capital Stoek of tMs Company it now open at the Banking House of ADAMS A LEVIS,-No. 3050HBST1UT Street* Philadelphia. Persons wishing to make a profitable investment are respectfully invited to call on Messrs. ADAMS A LEVIS, who will give them further information* and will show them tbe Machines, now running and making nails. The advantages we elalu for our Haehines over any othersin use* are: That they prodnoe a more perfect nail, With a better heed, and fewer imperfect &aUs. ... That they effect a saying of not Ims than fifty ptf cent. In the expense of grinding knives and dies. And the Machines being self-feeding* they effect A saving of from fifty to seventy-five per cent, in the labor of cutting nails. Parties feeling an interest, and desiring to subscribe, will please call and examine for themselves. aplo lm |SH» OFFICE OF THE PESKSYLVAKIA • IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, No; »!i4 Boath FOURTH Street, Phiimdelphea, May 2,1805. A special meeting of the Stockholders of the Pennsyl vania Imperial Oil Cocp*ny will be held on MONDAY* the 15thday of Hay, at 12o’clock fit, at the office of the Company* 224 South Fourth street, to consider the propriety of dUposlng of certain real estate of the com* p&ny for building lots in Laytonla, and to transact each business as the interests of the company may require. By order of the Board. JAMBS M. SELLERS* myB 4 816 ; Secretary. OFFICE HAM DAN MINING COM* §35? PANT. Philadelphia, April 27,1849. Notice is hereby given that an instalment of FIFTY CENTS tfOc) per share on each and every share of the capital stock of the Mardan mining COMPANY, has this day been called in, payable 09 or before the 30ih day of MAY, 1865. at the OFFICE OF THE COM PANY, Ro. 334 W>£nut Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. ap?Btmlo B. H, hQOPßß,Treasurer. MERCHANTS’ AMD MANUFAC- W 3& TUBERS’ NATIONAL BASK. „„ Pittsburg, April 11, 1860. Stockholders are hereby notified that Books will be opened for subscription to the new stock of this Bank at the COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, in Philadel phia, on MONDAY, May lit, 1895, and will continue open during banking hours, daily, from 10 o’clock A. M. to 8 o’clock P. M. • until Thursday, June Ist, 1806, By order of the Board of DirectoTß. ■ JOHN SCOTT. Jr., Gaehler. H. & BOLLMAN. President, Pittsburg, Penna. BOBT. B. STERLING. Vice President, Philadelphia. aplfl-tfcl kST» OFFICE OF THE UNION PABMN *» ORB RAILWAY CO., No. 308 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, May 2, 1865. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at th« Office on MONDAY, May 22d, at 10 o’clock A. H.»to consider and accept the supplement to the Charter, passed at the late session of the LegiSiAt!U@. By order of the Board of Directors. „ my3l7t WM. F. KEMBLE, Secretary. - S PRIZE MONEY AND' GOVERN MENT BOUNTY TO ALL WHO ENTER THR UNITBD STATES MARINE CORPS. ' , Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington, not to restrict recruits to a particular class (as has been the case heretofore), bnt to receive ALL who have served In the volunteer ser* vice, or In the regulars, or in the marines, ana have been honorably discharged. Such persons enlisting in the United States Marines will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of prise money in any capture of the enemy’s vessels. For further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. No 331 South FRONT Street, between 9 A. M. «id3o’.lo«kP. H-, eTeiy *pl-tf Captain and BeornlUn, Officer. u. s. SHYHN-THIBTT LOAN. By authority of Uw BMMtary of Uw Truunry, ti. nnd.rslan.d ha. uraui tin fl*n.n] Snbu.ri.Bo* Aatniy for tb« «*1« ct CniUd Statu Tiaamry Botw (Marina mm and Um»t«ntha Mr M»k lntuut Mi ana. known a. th» BEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Vkuo Botw »i» Iwraed nnd.r data of Jan. 15,18(5. Mid on mrablo tlmo youa from that ilmo. In otur niiiTi or an wnyniSfclo fit th, option of tho boldw into GOLD-BBAEING BONDS. Then Band. ar. now worth a promtnm of nlno nr font., in.lndlna cold fntoroit from Boyomhor* whl«h mahoa tho attaal profit on th. T-S0 Zioan. at turn! ratu. Isaludlna Intorut. ahont ton pu out. par *n nnm, b aside. It. exemption from State and municipal taxation, tehieh add/fir am one to three per cent, more, auordlnc to tho rato lerlad on other property. Tho Intereit U payable nai- aaaaaUy by «on»on« atta.hu iooaahnoto. wUOhmayhontolniaoUtoaaybonk or banker. Tbs Interest amounts ta Quo sent per day on a CIO Eot9« Two eepts per day on a $lOO note. Ten eents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty eents per day on a $l,OOO sot*. One Dollar per day ona $6,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will bo prompt ly furnished upon ressipt of subscriptions, and the notes forwarded at once. ThednHrest to 16th June next will be paid in advance. This-Is THE ONLY liQAM IK MARKET now ofinl by tli« Government, ui It la eonidenUy UyMtod that ite superior ndTaatag., WUI make It tha QBEAT POPULAK liOAH OP THE PEOPLE. &mi thu *300,000,080 of tie Lola authorljed by the lut Congreu ere low on the market. Thi. amount, at tha-raU at which St ia bain* absorbed, will all ba subscribed for within font months. when the note, will undeubtedly aomnaad a ynmlnsn. » baa uni formly been tba aaaa at ot tba tabaarlblioai to other Loans. In octal that clHren. of arary tpws aid aeeUoa of Iba country may be added faaUltlM for taking the Lois, the National Banka, Btata Banka, and Private Baakan throughout tha aonntry have generally arraad to ra selve-anbMrlpUoni atyiur. Bubatribaw WUI aalaat tbalr own aaenta, la whom thay kayo aonldanaa. aad Who only ara toba responalble for the delivery af the notes for whlak tbay raaalyi ordora Ho. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, OXULia IMOET. ILEX. IB2BOS, Jn. QHARLES EMORY & GO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ho. 15 South Third street, PHILADELPHIA. All kinds of tatuN&t fund* tndGold and BUt« bought and told, and Collertion* mad*. attention given to the piurthue end tele of GoTenttefttyßUte. end oth« StOfki Ud Lou* q& w»« joleiioo, noff.fim 7.30. 6-20. 10-40. ADAMS A LBYIS, RO. 80S CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. QOVbKBUSKT SECDBITIgg AND STOCKS BOUGHT. SOLO. AND NEGOTIATED. GOLD ABB SILVER BOUOHT AND SOLD. Special attaatlaa given to oil STOCKS. mMI-Jm sdwabd sobum, Boaaoa a. ruaaox. JjDW. ROBINS Ac CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, SO. 17 SOUTH IHHD STBEF.T, PHILADELPHIA. all arms or BARK ROTH. GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BORDB, AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLS. Collaatlona made on all part* of tba aonntry. Dapoelta raaalyad, aobiaat to aliht draft, and lnteraat allowad. mh7-3m RECORD NATIONAIj BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, CLATB IKOR CUT TRUST COMPART.* CAPITAL,. ©BOO,OOO. BARKERS’ AHD MERCHANTS’ COLLECTIONS promptly attandad to on tha moat farorabla tar mi. 6.1. WARNER, President. CHARLES H. HIGGS, CftaMer, mb3-Sm gLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, ■a»otaottobs oi VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW BHA.DKB. Tba largest and inert aaaortmant la tba city at tha lowaat oath price.. STOBR SHAD as MADS AND LRTTRBID. Chaap lot rollad BUndt and Shades. apd-bt Hotel candles.—ioo boxes TWELVlßrAd&manUna Candlaßin store. WASHINGTON BUTCHER & SOR, mYS-WfmSt* 148 and I*B H. FRONT fet. GBEAT CEHTBAL CLOTHING SOUSE, MII.ITAKY. FINANCIAL, XJ, S. MO SE£ FEB GEHT. JAY COOKE. BUBBCEIPTIOR AGKRT. PHILADELPHIA. All kind, of RETAIL BBT BOOBS. JJDWIN HALL & CO., SO SOUTH BEOOHD BTBBBT, WIM OFffl[ THIS HOSHISfG. BLACK LACE FOINTES OK SHA.WI.Si BLACK LAOE ROTUNDAS, PUSHER LAOE FOINTES OR SHAWLS, LAMA LAOE FOINTES OR SHAWLS, CHANTILLY LAOE FOINTES OR SHAWLS, WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS WITH FRINGES, WHITE AND COLORED SHETLAND SHAWLS, RICH SPUN SILK SHAWLS, LAMA WOOL SHAWLS, SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY, FOB SALB. WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. nnS-iawf SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN EYEBY variety. *, « h. mvbrh. m?8-]m pan cgEdTUUT Street. Q.LOSSY BLACK MOHAIRS. PEAEL SHADES ALPACAS. TOURISTS’ DEESS aOODS, ■BLACK WOOL DELAINES. t BLACK MANTILLA SILKS. WHITE AND BUFF PIQUE, COOPER & CONARD, myAtf A 'B. «or. N«TH and MABRgT Straeta. MANTILLAS, ALL STYLES FOR JJX moarninar. A & H. HYSRS, mra-lm 986 CHasTSOT gtraofc TfIGURED SILK GRENADINES, A of the best qualltios and style., In Black and Gray Grounds. 66e to $l. fiO TravcUina.Breß. Goods, in every variety. - - . New Brea. Good., in .rent variety. Bandsome Chene dike. sr.fio. .. YSKY CHE.P BLAOK SILKS, suitable for Bruits. Mantles. and Sacaues. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLBBALH PRICES. Merrimac, Sprigue. and Pcciflo Prints, 25c. 10 4 Wfiltham and Peperill bleached Bhcctingc. $l. H. S-rEBL & son, myfi-tf Noa. 713-and 715 fforth TfilfTH Htreut. /2J.RA.Y MATERIALS POR TRAVEL VJ LIIIG DBSSSRSe A. & H. Ml BBS, anBlm 936- CHB9THUP Street. 'DLAGK ALPACAS AND PURE MO=. A 1 HUB 6« from 60 cant* to $125, being the best looda for the price offered for about IWO ycaie.. Colored Alpacas, 6i, 76, 83, and 91. Pearl Ctlorefi Alpacas, fine qua] 1 ties. Moon on the bake 1 ’ Mohair#. Lustres and Mohair Plaids. Travel’ iag Dress Stuffs Bargains in Black Wool De Latnes. Pink, Buff, and Blue Percales. White and Buff Corded Pique. Neat Figured White Pique, fine qualities. 1 Yard-wide White Grout d Printed Cambric; Prints and De La lues, at lowest prices, Spring and Summer Balmorals. . . * MDSLINB. Under wholesale rates by the pieee. Wide Sheetings and Pillow Otsings. TABLE DAMASKS. Cheap Auetion purchases, 75 seats to $1 CO. Good Nspklna.at $2.75, $3, and $3 60p*r dozen. Fine Damask Towels, Diapers Good Linens, Ac. LaDIBS’ CLOAKINGS. The right rhades mad styles, at reduced prices* Fine Coatings, for man’s wear. Harris and other good Cassimeres. Woolen Stock, nnsnrpasacd by a ay. MANTILLA BOOM. Replete with elegant-fitting Sacques and Mantles, spring Cloth Cloaks. Summer shawls, &c., Ac. . Mantiea made to order. COOPBR& conabd. my6«2t .S. B. Cornet NINTH A MARKBT, MOURNING MILLINERY. DA A. & H. MYERS, m>B-lm 9/86 OHKBTJPT Street. TAGG & BRO., COR. TENTH AND A PINE Streets, open from Auction—BARGAINS l Hot Ladies’ Thread and Silk Gloves, 40c. 1 lot do. Silk Caff Gloves, 79f1. 4 lots do. fine Summer Hose, 26 to 60e. __ 2 lots do. splendid open- work Thread Hose, 6tfc«» Hot do. black mixed Bilk Gloves. slic. 1 lot do. Invisible bilk Nets, 40s. 1 lot Nainsook Maellns, for wrappers, 30c. 2 lots Jaconet Muslins, good goods, 25 and 35c. 2 lots splendid quality Nos. 40 and 60 Black Bonnet Bib; boss, 76and870. llot splendid quality No. 40 Male Color Bonnet Rib bons, 80c. * llot Gents* Ganae Merino Undershirts, $1.50. , Slots Gestc* K Hose, 25, 31, 40, andfiOC, 1 lot Blue Grenadine Veils, best quality, ooc. 1 lot fine Huckaback Towemn*. 60e. • 2 lots % Damask Napkins. $3 and $3.26 per dozen, 1 lot Gents’ French Silk Fancy Neck Ties, COe. 1 lot Bummer Balmoral Skirts, fancy stripe, $4. 3 lota Ladies* Hemßtitch Hdkls, 2 inch hems, 69, 66, and 900. . • j) , Also, a full line of Gloves, Trimmings, and Bonnet Bibbons; Velvets, Hosiery, and Notions. my6-2t TS.LACK AND FIGURED SILKS. XJ --i A. &H. MYhKS, myS-lm 928 CHBSfBPf htraet. JOHN F. YOUNG, V Mo. 70 STorth FOURTH Straet. Hu sow In .tax. a most sxtsnslva auoxtmut of DBESS GOODS at thaYEBY LOWEST FSICBB. aifrlmU /XRENADINE BAREGES, ALL , • A. A H. MYHHSt "ftx.B lm 986 CHESTNUT. Strut, *■ COPARTNERSHIPS* COJPARTHjER- A' SHIP heretofore exißtiug between the undersigned undsrthefiznx of BURNLEY & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. * . JOHN BURNLEY, CHARLES BURNLEY. ?. GEORGE B. BURNLEY, Upper Darby, Delaware Co., April 1,1866. ThebuslnesßwiUbe continued by the undersigned at the sasm> place. myB St» GEORGE B. BURNLEY. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO -A- FOBS existing batwean Z. TOBRINBR and J. 3f. BISSLBB. doles burtneas under tba firm ol TO BUI aSR A BlssliKK. ie this day (Ist of May) dlskolted by mutual oonient. Slthtv Of the numbers of tba lata firm la authorised to algn In Uanldation. Z. TOBRINBR, J. M. EISSLSR. PhiTjALELPRIA, May 1, 1865. myfl St* EDUCATIONAL. DOOK-KEEPING, . PENMANSHIP, u Marcanllla Calcnlatlons, Bnainaaa Forma. fto., tambt thoroughly and praotloally at cbittbndsh's comhbkoi al college. Ho. 03T CHESTNUT Street, corner ol Seventh. TELEGRAPHING by sound and on paper tapibt, with the as yantasea of office practice, by one of the beat of practical operators. Separata department for Ladies. Btudents Instructed separately, and at Bach hoars a, may beet soft Ibetr convent.nee. OELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. L» A BOARDING SCHOOL FOB GIELa; TEE BUMMEB TEEM OV THIS INSTITUTION, healthfnlly and beautifully located on the northern limit, of Attleboro, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, will commence Fifth-month, 23d, 1865, and eonUnue In act alon twelve weeks. . . .. The soon, of instruction la thorough In the several departments ol English, French, Latin, Mathematics, For fuU details see eircnlar, to obtain Which addratl the Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Bnoks county, Pennsylvania. ■ JA2U?P, GBAHAMib apß 2m ■ Principals. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough coarse In Mathamatiss, ClaMics, Natural Sciences, and English: practical les sons in Civil Engineering Papila received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy tha benoSts of a home. Bs fera io John C. Gaps & Son, S 3 South Third street iThoe, J. Clayton, Esc , Fifth and Prana etreete: ex-SharlK Korn, and others. Address Ray. J. HBBFET BAR TOR, A. M . VILLAGE GREEN, Paana. nos-6m MILLINERY. n{) ft CHESTNUT STREET. I m>\3 I hare how open a jeacuidceiit Assortment of SPRING MILLINRBY AND STRAW GOODS* Which I effor, wholesMe and zetail, at- the lowest market prices . _ . . ~ , .. Poult de Boies and Gres do Naples In all colors the ''more definable and icwee, color*, each as huff, pearl, rose pinky Ac., in an aseortmeni of laiflfli. Bert White, Black, and Colored Craw*. Bihbons of every shade, narrow and wide, to match the finest goods, prettiest styles, at reasonable prices. HATg BOI[J[BTB We offer every new shape in every variety of materlaL Wide White Licas, Bathes. Mallnes of every quality. The best French and New Tork Bonnet Frames, and every Mher aftlcl© reauired in making or trimming a . • also, a handsome line of the beat qnaliiy Grenadine Veils, all colors J ~ , _ . . _ Orders from the country promptly and tfftnrately at tended to. N. wBTJj, No. T«6 CHIBTND«SttMt, ap29-lm Sncoesewr to M. Bstnhelm. r YARN. SCO BALES WOOLEN YARN, PROM ao TO 31) CUT, IK STORE AND FOB BALE BY B. M. JONES & 00-. myB-3t 013 MARKET Street. WM, F. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER. 430 Chestnut Street. HEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, PHILkDRLPHLU PREPARE FOR WARM WEATHER.. X B S. &B. A, HARRIS, No 30 NORTH NINTH STREET. A FEW POORE BSLOtST ARCH, Nave now on hand a large assortment of SEFBIGRRATOBS AND ICE CHESTS, * of their own manufacture, which they are selling at very low prices. These Refrigerators are modelled on. the most approved plan, and will economise in Ice to a greater extent than any other made. Also, coontantly on hand, a foil *tock ol . SILVERS FATE ST GAB-BURNEt. FARLOK AND COOKING t WARM-AIR FURNACES, RANGES, *O., Put up at th e shortest notice B. S. A R A. HARRIS, - my 6 fit NINTH Street, below Arch. S. E. COB. SIXTH AHD MARKET STREETS. HEW PUBLICATIONS* NEW NOVEL BY MARION HARLAND. THE HOST FOFULAB HOYEUBT IN AMBBIOA, Author of "Alone,” “Hidden Pith," "Hoi. Sid.,” "Hemutoi" —.Miriam.” and “Hnaha.’’ TOBAK9S m HOMES, One W* Mmo., ■•Price $1.15. JUST PUBLISHED, - 4,000 COPIES CALLED FOB WITHIN TEN DAYS. The hundreds of theurenda of readers of ’* Alone.” “Hidden Path,” and **Moff# Side” will gladly wel come a new book from the pea of this gifted author. The Boston Evening Qasetfe mid of “Alone:” “High as has been the reputation acquired by the many authoresses of our oonstry, we shBU be mistaken if the writer of 4 Alone’ and of the 'HtdcUn Path' does aotukf ere long place and precedence. There ie an ongin&iHy in her thinking which «*ri*ea one with pe culiar lorw, and he finds himself ttnoonacloasly re curring to what has had such a powerful effect oahim, She ie emphatleallv an authoress not Co be forgotten.' ’ The Troy Times says of “Husband* and Homes”; ‘‘This writer of dramatic romanoes and tales has published ao work half so interesting a* this. Her appeal to tbe dfltcate and refined attributes of They instruct, while they interest and carry with them only the purest examples and influences No P e f*° a «»n rise from the reading of each a book without feeling tenefltted and impioved. ” New Editions alio ready of Marion Hatland’a Works. ALONE. 1 vcl. 12mo. Price $1.75. BIDDEN PATH. 1 vol, llmo. Price $1.76. MOSS BIDS. I vol. 12mo. Price $1.76. NEMEBIB. 1 vol. 12mo> Price $1 73. MIBIAH. lvol- 12mo. Price $L 75. BUSKS, lvol. 12mo. Pricesl.76. AS**'Any Of the above eentbymau on receipt of the price. SHELDON & COMPANY, 498 BROADWAY, Nearly opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, New York, myB»mw2t SPLENDID NEW HOVEL. A WOMAN’S NOVEL. MARY BRANDEGEE. This new work, just published, is commencing to make a big sensation everywhere. A large edition was printed to start with, but it did’nt begin to last over night, and the binders are hard at work on mom. Its style is perfect, and most entertaining. The ra pidity of incident and intensity of pi' t rivet the reader's attention from tbe first page to the last. Although published under an assnmed name. Its au thorship is half suspected, and the great interest In it Is creating a demand tbat bids fair to rival that f>r Ht. Philip’s, the new novel by the author of 4 * Butledge, * ’ Which ifl now the leading fiction of the season. mj6»fmw3T CfißLßTON,.Publisher, New York. D APPLETON & GO., • No#. 448 and 415 Broadway, PUBLISH TBIS DAY, AT ANCHOR, A BTOBY OF ODR CIVIL WAB, BY AN AMERICAN lvol., 12mo. Clothslso. This charming Tate abounds in striking delineations of both Northern and Southern character. Its clear per ception of the lstute Involved In the late struggle, aad the patriotic elevation of Its noble actors amll dreadful trials, will stimulate every loyal heart Gracefulness, intelligence, and shrewdness are the features of the Uvely-pen with which it is written, A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF OUR FINANCIAL POLICY IJURINCTTHB SOUTHERN REBELLION, By fjmon Newcomb. lvol., 12mo Cloth, $l5O. D. A. A Go. Have Just Published THE INTERNAL REVENUE LAW’S, Act .approved June SO, ;IBC4, as amended, and the Act amendatory thereof, approved March 3. 1865, with mar ginal references ; a complete analytical Index, and Ta bles ofiTaxatien. One vol., 8vo.« Paper 69 Cents; Cloth $l. SOCIiL STATICS; fr, The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified, and the First of them Developed By Herbert Spencer. One vol., 12mo. $2. TOO STRANGE NOT.TO B£ TRUE: A Tale. By Lsdv Virginia fuller ton. One vol., dvo., Paper $160; Cloth 92. LYRICAL BECBEATIONS. By Samuel Ward. One vcl.. 32ito. Cloth $2. TRIAL OF JOHN X. BEALL, AS A SPY AND GUE RILLA. Price 60 cents. TBE HAND-BOOK OF DINING; Or, Corpulency and Leanness Scientifically Considered. Compria* inf tho Art of Dining on Correct Principles; Consistent with Rasy Digestion, the avoidance of Corpulency, and the Cure Of Leanness. By Drtilat Saymlxi. 1v01.,X2m0. $126. COIPTBIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OP 4IRXWO-Including a Geological and Topographical Mao, with profiles fof lone of the principal Mining Districts. 1 voL, Bvo. Cloth. $4 COUSIN ALICE: A memoir of Alice B. Haven, lvol., 12mo-t with portrait. Price $1 CO ‘I HE CORRELATION AND CONSERVATION OF FORCES. A series of Expositions by Prof. Grove, Prof-Helmholtz,Dr. Mayer, Dr. Faraday,Prof Liebig, and Dr. Carpenter, with an Introduction and brief no tices of the chief promoters of the views. By Edward L. Youmass. 1 vol.. 12mo. $2 APOLOGIA PRO VITA SBA. Being a reply to a KimphJot entitled* “What Then Does Dr. Newman ean?” By John Henry Newmsn. D. D. Hmo. $3. ESSAYS MORAL. POLITICAL AND AESTHETIC. By Htrhert tfeeneer. 1v01.,12in0. C oth, $2 LYRA AMERICANA; Or, Ve&ses of PRAtSE AND Faith. From AxnerOcau Poets. SeUsted and arragedby the Rev. George T. Rider.' 1v01.,12m0. $2. Morocco, extr», $5. LYRa ANGLICANA; Or- A Hymnal op Sacred Poe try. Se'ected from the beat Ensiiau writers, and ar ranged after the order of Aha Apostles’Creed By the Rev. Geo. T. Rider. 1 vol ,12mo. $3. Morocco,extra, *BISTOR7 OF THE ROMANS UNDER THE ESrPISR. By Charles Merivale, D. D., Jate Fellow of fit. John’s College, Cambridge. Complete in 7 vols. Price, in cloth, $2 60 per vol. Any of the above sent FEES BY MAIL on receipt of mice. Address D. APPLETON & CO , Publishers. myS-2t Nos, 443 and 445 BROADWAY. BOOKS I NSW BOOKS 11 a bvans. (Hasard’s old stand), No. 794 CHESTNUT Street. JULIUS CHSSAB. History of Julius Ctaaar by Na poleon 111. -With portrait, a facsimile of the elegant English Edition. Price only $2 60. SIMON NEWCOMB'S FINANCIAL FOLIOY during the Southern Rebellion. AT ANCHOR. A story Of our civil war. By an Ame rican. SKIRMISHES AND SKETCHES. By G&ti Hamilton, HUNTED TO DEATH, A story of Love and Adven ture. A new novel- PETROLEUM, DEBRICK AND DRILL. An insight into the Dticovery. Development, Condition, and Pros pects of Petroleum. By the author of ** Ten Acres Enough. ” - MARION BADLAND’S NEW NOVEL—HUSBANDS AND HOMES. CHARLES LEVER’S NEW BOOK, "LUTTBBLLOT ARRAN.” In paper and muslin. . . . BT. WINIFRED’S; or. The World of School. A book that we recommend with full confidence. ALL THE NEW BOOKS received as soon as issued from tho press, and sold at lowest prises. my6-tf ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCO -O- VERY FOR 1865 JOWEKADT, AlaPO, LOUIS NAPOLEON’S LIFE OF CiEBAR. JOSEPHUS—An elegant library edition, in 4 vole., large pica type, printed on tinted paper, and bound in. various styles. WEBSTER'S NEW UNABRIDGED DICTIONABT, A thoroughly revised and enlarged edition LINDSAY & BLAKI3TON, Publishers and Booksellers, mj 0* If No. 95 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut. <JH33 MUSICAL TRIEKD. A CHOICE VOLUME OF MUSIC,, Selected with great care from the compositions of Men* deleshon. Donizetti. Meyerbeer, SUgelft, Kucksn, flehu mann, Bellini, RapdeL Abt, Verdi. Wallace. Schu bert. BurgmoUer, Beyer, Cramer, Blumenthal, Goa* nod,Mozart, and other dietlnguished composers, cozsitt ing of Bonge, Variations, Waltzes, PolkaSb Four-haul Piece*, Ac . he , In all comprising about one hundred of the best compositions of. the above eminent authors. Prite full guilt, 4k; doth (neatly bound). $3; plain* s2'so. Mailed to any address on receipt of the price, PUBLISHED BY HENRY TOLMAN & 00.,’ ms6-St 391 WASHINGTON Street, Beaten. "VTEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS 11 -LV Hew edition, of THB EARLY DAWN, THI SOHOBBSRG-COTTA FAMILY, and DIARY OF KIT. TY TKbVILYAN. 16mo , tinted payer. Fut.uytna nest box. HUSBANDS AND HOMES. A new work by Marion Haritud. author of “Alone,” &c. ~ DERRICK AND DRILL, or an Insight Into the Dis covery. Development, and Present Condition and Fa tore Prospects of Petroleum. By author of “Ten Aar*s Enough. 1 ’ CHILDREN IN PARADISE. By Rev- Frederick H. Wines. ISmo.t vellum cloth, gUt asd tinted paper. For sale by JAMBS S. claxTon. Successor to _ W. a & ALFRED MARTIEN, apggvtf 606 CHESTNUT Street. A PPLETON’B NEW AMBRIO^N il CYCLOPEDIA.— Complete In 16 volumes. Various Styles of Binding. REBELLION RECORD, by Frank Moore. In s,vols. MERLVALE’B HISTORY OF THE ROMANB~now complete. The Agency for these valuable works is at 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. gpg.fl JAS. R. SIMON. TTENRY WARD BEECHES; ON THE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN—Tha NBW YORK LBDORR for tbl. aroak contaluj a Yary able and chaiacteil.tle article from tha yen of tho Bar. HENRY WARD BEECHER, on th. death ol Mr. LIN COIN. It arm, wo think, ha ualtenaUy conceded to ba the beat utterance on tho groat topic of tho da, which haa yet ceen Hie light of publicity. In addition toite power and eloquence, and splendid philosophical anal,eie, lt contains loma etartllug fact, which will ho now to moat people. Tho LEDGER aleo oontalne ft Terr Interesting uttole on tho POISONING OF ANDREW JOHNSON ON THE FOURTH OF MARCH, in which it la denuoutrftted that, lnitead of being under the influence of liquor on the Fourth of March, an attempt had been made on the life of the Vloo Preeidont hT some one who had stealthi ly adminlrtered a deadlj poison to him. Tho LEDGER, in addition, haa it. usual Interesting variety of STORIES, ESSAYS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, POETRY. EDITORIALS, ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS, Go., &c. Beady TO DAY (Mon day), at 12 o’clock It PROPOSALS FOR REPAIRS TO FAIRMOUNT DAM.-SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at the Office of the WATER DEPARTMENT until TUESDAY, May letb. 1565. for th. Materials or tor tho Construction and Sinking n OKIB in front of Fib mount Dam. Bide will be received for the TIMBER, the STONE, or tho WORK separately, or for the WHOLE MATERIAL AND WORK complete. ■ , The Committee on Water, will make contraete for the Material, or the Work, or for the whole complete, as may appear to be for the bert interest of the eity. No bide will bd received uale» accompanied by a certificate that a bond loi five hundred dollar* has been deposited with the City Solicitor, as per flttnanoe. Flans and epeeifioationa may b* seen at thaOfloo of th. Chief Engineer, FIIMj brtow «^ sm myB St Chief Engineer Water Department. H. BLEEPER & 00., SU BUHOR BTBEET, HAHtTFAOTDBEKS, AGENTS, AHD WHOI* SAIiE DEALERS XM FLIRT MD GREEN GLASSWARE, Save now in rtora a full assortment of the above food,, trhl.h w. offer at th. lowaat market rate.. Being .01. agent, for tha SALEM GRBBN GLASS WORKS, we nr* prepared to mftko and work private ntonld. to order. . PORTER, MINIMAL, and WINE BOTTLES, of a mperlor color and nulah. Also. LAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES’ SHOP YUBNITUBB, SHOW BOTTLES, SYEINGBS, HOM<H. OFATHIO YIALS.and DrnggUt.’ Glasiw.ro generally. T. A. EVANS A CO.’S PITTSBURG GLASS VIAU WMtantly on hand at factory Prim. MS-3pi TASTEFUI. AMI) SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING WANTS. WANTED—A PEW MEN OP GAPI TV TAX to lB lb. Mtual derelopmMtof a Inn tract of <*olce Oil land In Voeunio county, Pa,, wbloU Sc Mvwlwcntat In market, font produdn* well, near the property and eighteen othera In procewof to rink. Call upon or address oATTOH BKJLBB. m T B-St« »t aiKABP HOPBR Billu. WANTED—A SITUATION IN A J* Whokaaie or Bstail Boot and Shoe Store, by a Tonus: Man wlo has la tuorouib knOjriodge of both branches of the bnelness, address "Shots,"/tow office. myS-tt* WANTED—IN A DRY GOODS JOB ff BING HOUBS on Market Street, a LAB to loam the business, and a young max accustomed to sailing goods to the city and sear trader Address 1 * Jobber, * * Press office myfi-mwit* OTA NTED— A SITUATION AB BOOK ’ * KESSPER, by a competent person, who has had years of experience. Address ■* W. J.,” Poet OAce, Box: 1404 mys fmwfit* WANTED—A FIRBT-CLASB MAN t* with a thorough, practical knowledge of the Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods business 1 . To the rtf's* man a veiy advantageous situation Is open. Address, with real name and reference, “Q- 0.. 1 »' Press office, iqt 6 2t* WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED » » TRAVEU.IITQ SALESMAN, in u wholesale Drue House In this city. Satisfactory reference must be given. Address Box 1968 Post Office, my 6 3i* WANTED, AT $l5O PER MONTH, V V A RELIABLE CANVASSER in every town and county, for the NURBB asd iPT, the moat Interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the ad ventures or a woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scent and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents dealing 1160 per months which we Will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address ** JOSES. BROS. & CO., So. 600 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ** aplS-im* AN EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT, familiar with the business incident to Stock Com panies, desires a situation as Beerttary of an oil or other company. Address _ my&fit* H- S. ROBERTS, Box ISS7, P, 0. AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE IMmlne lmprOY.4 IfewEaglaid Family BBWIKO MACHISKS, the belt Machine in the World. Address A. X LBSUBB ft 00., »I>afilm» Bor 62, Orange, Magi, CANAL-BOAT BUILDERS AND CAULKERS WANTED, at CHESTER. Constant employment civen. Address _ , WILLIAM PRICK A CO., aplO lm Chester, Penn*. GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES VA —BOWEN’S PRIZE ENVELOPES.-Agents wanted everywhere* Premium Watches given to Agents, On receipt of $l5 wo will mall, post-paid, 100 Envelopes, and a splendid Solid Silver Hantmg-Case Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with circular and fuilparticulars, on receipt of 35cents. dress A. H. BOWEN A CO., P. 0.,80x4370,30 BEES* MAN Street, N. Y. mhS7 3m <l9O 000 —A YOUNG MAN, WITH this amoanl, wishes to engage in some active, established and profitable business. Address, slating nature of business, “B. H. I," Press Office, my3*fit» 4&inn onn in sums of $5,000 to tfiUUVjUUU $lO,OOO to invest upon mortgage. Apply to A. FITLER. Conveyancer, myS* fib*— No. 51 N. SIXTH Street. FOR SALE AND TO JL.ET. MI s OR SALE—TWO DESIRABLE three story Brick Dwellings, Nos: 1620 (immedi ate possession) andl*i9'VtLhEiif Street. add!? to myfi-31* JAMS jH. LITTLE, WALNUT St. fiFOR BALE—West philadel- PBlA—Anew three-story double Dwelling, with back-buildings, of gray atone, pointed, with aU the modern conveniences, at tie southwest corner of Forty fintuud W^u.. t ,«y oH^l k JR k soj(> myB mwf6h* 807-Bace street. «TO LET,—A COUNTRY RESI DENCE, during the rammer months. Apply 9301 CALLOWHILL Street myS-wfmSt* «• FOB SALE-A DESIRABLES COUNTRT RESIDENCE, containing 13acns-a*C thr* e-story BTOfIE HOUeE, Stone Birn, aud Ice Hons*, full of ice, within one minute’s wain of Gray’s Lane Station, Media Railroad Also, 25 acres, suitable for Building Lots. * __ Apply on the premises to ipyB2t&wfn,sfc* DAVID SNTDBtt. F)R RENT—ROOMS, WELL LIGHT ed, water and water, oloset, with or without Steam power, by OB A B EVANS, QUARRY fctrees. mvB-6t* rvo OIL COMPANIES —A YOUNG •A MAN. whole thoroughly competent, aud who hae been over-three years an officer in the Qaariermister’s and Commissary Departments, U. 8, A., wishes a po sition as SUPERINTENDENT or the works of an Dll Company. Bnt reference given as to character and cipaoilitv. Address »*J. Airlson,” Philadelphia P. 0, myg-2t* POTTAGE LOTS FOR SALE—ONE cere each, Darby road, Twenty-fourth ward. Ap ply to GEORGE CONNELL, myfi-7t» No. 908 Bonth FOURTH Btrast. TO LET—THE UPPER FLOORS OF *• No. 29 Strawberry street, running through to Se cond street. Large, well lighted, and convenient: with wvterclosets, Ac. Inquire of A. MALCOM, Til MAR KET Street, my2-fit* XTOT ICE.—THE PENNSYLVANIA A 1 OIL CREEK PETROLEUM COMP ANT, usually known at ‘ * Oil Creek, ’ ’ will lease the balance of their landßat abonusof not less than four thousand diUars per lot ($4,0G0), according to location, and the royalty of one half the oil. This Ccmpanv owns in fee simple the whole of the celebrated ‘Watson F'ats,” sitnate on Oil Creek, within the limits of the borough of TituivlUe. The property is divided into eighty-nine (69) mining loir, of ftfcout one acre each. No well bas ever besu sunk on the M Watson Fiats' ’ that hw failed to produce oU, and a number of them, viz: Continental, U. 8. Grant, Elliott, Goodrich, Beach, Ernst, Leidy, and Katz, are equal in productiveness to any pumping well in Venango county. This Company receives a royalty of one* half the oil from all the wells on the Property- Proposals will be received anil) the first day of June. Applications to be mace at the office of the Company, Wf. 411 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, where plans and farther information rosy be t<4 w „ niyS-wfuiCt* - AUG. 0. LEIDT, Secretary. CALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTS R *3 MAATEK BTOBBS. QBAIK, ABB (ifllLßf SACKS. Chief Qua&teb ar asms ’ s Office* Depot of Washington 1 . Washington. D. 0.. Mat 4, 1891 Will h«j*®ld at public auction, at SIXTH-STKKRT Wharf, Wa»hiniton* D, C-« ton BATtIiiDAY, Hay 19, 1665, atlOo’clofk A. M., a lot of Qaaitermasler Stores, condemned as aunt lot public ««rvics. ▼!*; Wheelbarrows, Globa LftttiCrni. S&OVelB, Paulina Canvass. Broom*, Buckets, Bakes, Chairs, Files, Lamps; Horse Bruahoi, Harness. «sc. ALSO. At the earns time and place. 70 bushels of Cotu, 7CO buthsls Cats, and about 269,000 Grata Sacks. Terms cash, in Government funds. D H. BUCKKE, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, mj6*6t Depot of Washington. CALK OP CONDEMNED QUARTER. KJ MASTEB STORKS, HORSE FOWSSS, HILLS, GBAIB CLBAHKBB, &o. • CHiEF QtTARTERMASi Efl’S OFFICE, fIRPOT OF WASHINGTON. Washington, D, G., tfay 4.1805 Will be sold at public auction, under the direction of Captain C. H. Tompkins, A, Q. H. IJ 8. A , at the Go* veinmeni Warehouse, situated or the pgnaire between K and F and Twentieth and Twenty- first streets. Wash* icgton, D 0., on THURSDAY, Hay 18, 1865, at 10 o’clock A. M., a lot of Quartermaster Stores, condemned as unfit for public use, v'z : Axes, .Ticks, Augurs, Brushes, Boilers, Bridles, Buckets, Blankets, Bits. Brooms. Saddle-Bags, Wagon Covers, Curry-combs. Chisels, Forges. Chairs, Forks, Hammers, Hatchets, Knives,Barness. Lanterns. Plates, Collar Pads, Hope, Bulers, Baws, Bhoyels, Saddles, Saddle-Trees, Whips, and a large lot of Wrought Iron Scraps, Cast Iron, Horse Shoes, Wagon Tire, Ac. ALSO. Horse Powers, complete, 19 Burr-stone Hills, 2 Ble« vatora, with shafting, i Grain Cleaners, and a lot of Belllv g and J ron Gearing Successful bidders will be required to remove the atores within five days from date of sale. Terms cash, in Government funds* D. H. BUOKBB. ms 6* lot Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster. QALE OF CONDEMNED CLOTHING. k? CAMP ADD GABBISOff EQUIPAGB, MOT GUT TIWGb, Sc. „ „ Chief Quartermaster s Office, depot of Washington. Washington, D. 0., May 4/1865. Will ha sold at public auction, under the direction of Captain D G. Thomas. M. S. K. U. S A., at Govern ment Warehouse Wo. 6. onSeventeenlh. heiw^enHand I streets north, Washington, D 0., on MONDAY, Hay 22,1865, at 10 o’clock a. M,, a large lot of condemned Cloih.itg, Ac., constating of- Infantry and Cavalry Coats, Jackets. Trowsars.Draw ere. fchirte. Felt Hats, Ceps, Bagiev, Trumpet*, Drum Beads, Fifes, Leggings, Flags, Stockings, Blankets, Bet-les. Pam, Shovels, Spades. Pickaxe*. Axes, Ha versacks, Canteens, Hope, Tent Cuttinge, Hospital Tents, Sibley Tents* Wall Tents, &c. \ 6ncce*sful bidders must remove the atores within five (5) days from the date of s*le. Terms cash. In Government funds. D. H.-BUOKBB, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, my 6 ISt Depot of Washington. g R O O K E As P U.G H, Sos. 1131 and im MiRKBT Street, SOU RECEIVERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL. Known ASS. ESTABLISHED BRANDS 01 F n o U B: "JOHN MUSB3LMAB," "JBgSi MILLB," - “PEIDB OP THE WEST,” VKOSCIUBKO," “CITY HILLS," «• EaGLE MILLS. ” end other M3IBIIYAMA AID WESMEK BRAIDS. TL. TraJ. mpglud at market rate*. apll-lm D ALTON'S FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING KNITTING MACHINES. Patented 1861 Perfected 1364. A YABD OF PLAIN OR RIBBBD WORK KNIT IN TEN MINUTES I KHITS UPWARDS OP TWENTY DIFFERENT ARTI CLES OP APPAREL! They an tlmple, reliable, perfect, and wonderful 1b tie amount an, variety of work they Perform USUAL SPEED SIX STITCHES PEE It can be made. In the hands of a woman, to earn with eaee and comfort ,10 to $4O per week-. EVEKI FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONB. A few active, entecprtaing Agent* wanted, to whom libera! Inducements will be given. , To publishers of newspapers who wIU par one-hair money, we will allow tht remainder to be paid in advertlelng at the regular rates. Send for circular ano tamplek, enoloalng stamp. General Agency (or Pennsrlrania, Ohio, Western New York, Virginia, W.st Virginia, and Maryland, No 557 FIFTH Street, Pittsbnrg, Pa. _______ my3lm E- P. OABPEHTBB. pEIROLEUM IS RING! THE UNION OIL STOyES, A new and complete appar&tue for Gooklug and Heating by Petroleum and Coal Oil. Ail the wotk of a family of any size, including the washing and ironing, can be done at an immense saving of expense in fuel, and with far more ease and comfort, than With either wood or coal. The tame furniture used on ordinary stove* can he used on these stoves. 170 DIRT, ASHES,. SMOKE, OB ODOB. UNION STOVES BAKE, BOIL, ROAST, BROIL, TOAST, TRY. Tho ,«MlHof one of thoso Stows would b« saved in an ordinary family In a shat time in PURL ALONE. SIMPLE! DURABLE!! CHEAP!!! 'lKSgSS^taifTffiSf^H'o’KSS'ft Agents wanted in every county in the State. Apply to PERRINE Ss DEVDEN. 14>B South SECOND Street, euM-.mwiSt Bol.AgnnlsforPhtladMphllL_ *.T REASON ABLE PRICES, AVCnOR SALKS. 4PL-, CITY BAZAAK AND TATTER. JSSSbAIX'P, BAQI gtre.lsb.tw.ou Kl.Ttnthu« Tiralflh, srßßi'ft OHyitProir. »u.et#n«.r«. WIU«.U, OB TPSSEAY; Miyrkut 10 o’clock, about Comrrlifnz trottlnr, fiuuUr, drauubt. uni farm honM,' among iNuch may be found some or the be Jt stock in the country, worthy the attention of parties wishing to P wagons, phaeton*. Jenny Linds, rode* aways, •uikLes. dearborn wagons, «tf. , maae py DerMy Rogers, Lane. Watson, Caffreys, and otber best makeni. Together with single and doable harness* saddles Whips, blankets, b&Ttexi, Ac., made by best elty JfiA- K ¥nU particulars In catalogues, which will be rtllP in time for sale. . . ‘ No postponement on account of weather. Horses, vehicles, and harness always on hand at pit* vate sal o Splendid stable accommodation for horses entered for mrisF* PriT 'sTEBB ft OHAMPIOK, ABcHanwra. AMUSEMENTS. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SBCOKB BXHIBITIOir of PBO|. BOTH'S BROAD 6TRBST CAEETR, for tho BBHSFIT of ST. JOHW’a mfigfS ”■» BSf S'®* m, -». Second jDivlßkn. , _ . .. „ » 2. Baifdingol fanseron’eßxewUMk&rHwFapileor tke Jsrst DirUon. *.-**,.■ MUSIC, THB BLOCUTIeON CLASS-FIRST PART. R, Keenan—The Charje of the Light Brlgi dte —Temur lOS. L. M, Senna—Reliitoun Liberty—O’Ooafcelh W. Teto“Waf*hln*ton—B. Cook. • C. Pevenny—The Oetholic-Ghnrah—MacftnUy. H. Wood—The Frenchmau and the Bats—Uoiinatt. MDBIO. THB GYMNASIUM CLASS, Cant. HfLLB&KAJfIF, I. Li*ht Gymn&fctlcß, witfaon? apparatus.' 2. Heavy Gymastioß, -with apparatus. MUSIC. THB BLOOBTIOIf OLASB-SECOBD PAST. &teph, PhilbiiA—Sheridan’* Bide—T. B Ke&d J. Cummins—Bmmet’a Speech—B, Brnmet J. Buneker—Barbara Fitetchle— J, Whittier C» B» JjJTttJJers—StormSa* of Stony Point— R R U “ C ‘ Mtrfi '0 WS DHILL CLASS. C»pt. HILLEBB AWD. Fqaed Drill, Manual of Arms, toadtn* and I'irln*. Company Drill, Baronet Drill, bkirmlshlni. Poorscpcnat 7* curtain rices at 7>£. Thee&teHafn roent win be over before 31 o'oJoec. Admission 2) cents Reserved seats 60 cents. Tickets can be bad an Mr. Cnmmitkey’s Book Store, 1037 Chestnut street* el moat of th« principal Book Biorer, and at the Aoademv on the evening of the Exhibition. Birgfeld’a Braes Band will be in attendance. myBJIt ■\TEW OHEBTKUT-STREBT THBA TRB-CHKSTRUT STREET, ABOVE TWBLM* MOBPAX ABB FOE oTtll .W.TiMa* .TOtS?"* POLLEEN BaWNi. 7 08, TBB BRIBES OB UARKYOWBN. Which wlil be presented w:ih all tte NEW AND beautiful >OENERY,- NOVEL SfACBINBRY, Ei.BUiBT WSfllc, SCFEaB APP< IaTMAMTg. ' AND A FCWERFOL OASi' OP CHAKAGfrEBg. Etch evening's performance will conclude with tho amusing Farce. Alt PLEASANT NEIGHBOR, CHANGE OP TIMB. Boors open at IK o’clock; Performance to commend* atB& o’clock. PBJDAY. BENEFIT OP P. M JKBADNT. BATPEBAY AFTERNOON. Aliy 18. . POBTY-THIKf) GRAND FAMILY AfAMNE*. when the COLLEEN BA WN trill bo presented" AtONBAY EVENING, May 13. FIRST APPEARaNOB OP THE DAVBNPOBT ABB WALLACE ALLIANCE, THBA TRB.‘— THIS (Monday) LVBNIWG. May BUu MISS LUCILLE WESTER* In six character*, in Kme Onleata'a SATAJuM^'^' 4 **** Tha mi* Clotilda. Captain Hon tel... (Hatiiaa Dell?i]le, To conclnde WUH 9 BEFDRfi DBBiKFASr. TVTRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH ■OX STKEBT THBA'BE, TO. BIGHT, MOHDAT, May 8,1865. BBBBFIT BUS&FIT, OF MrfiS 0. JEFFBBBO*. ' THB HOOD FOK HOTBIHG, A BDKLSSQUK EBOOS A RDKB, and TBB BTBUtTa OF HEW TO Ell, WTH ALI. ITS OBAUD EFFSOIfe. TUESDAY. BgHBFIT OF ME. WALLIS. “ TYUNCAN GRAY OAM’ HERE TO Coueert, on WED HBSDAY KVKHIHO, May 10, at MUSICAL FUEJD HALL ■ myB 31* PONCERT HALL, MAY 9, 1805. v , ' MASTER ALFRED TAYLOR, Son of Mod. N, O. Taylor, of East Tenneaeoo, THK YOOBG ÜBIOH BOOUT, wlpae (leeda of yalor oan«.4 a prion of SI.SM to ba set upon LU Land at the an of 13, by a rabel Oovernmsot. lies been inviled to deliver an addra.ii, at COBOEBT BALL, on TUBSUAf KVBfiltfG, Mar Bib, &On the Experience* of the Loyalists durirg the of Terror* and amidst Terrible Desolations conseattcat upon the Savages of War. - < Tickets to he bad at T. B. Pash's* S. W. corner oC SIXTH and CHBdTMOT Streets. myfcat* PHILADELPHIA NATATORIUM; AND PHTSIGAL INSTITUTE, DBOaD STREET. BELOW WALNUT. SWIMMING SCHOOL FOE BOTH SEXES. The above institution U now in fall operation. The hours for Ladits, on acconni of the increased number, have been extended from »)4 o’clock A. Jf. to 2 H o’clock P. W. The present lnd ncethents to subscriber* for the season will be continued until (Hay 15th, The temperature or the water and of the halls, in cool as well at warm weather* will always be as nigh as comfort demands. The lustlto lion will be open and lessons will be glTdtt tos6*iun)£n atearl) ftlAo’olocitA K ■ . . For mrtmr particulars reraidJaif instruction for tan. Hemen and boys* see circular. myB 8t 17ULOGY ON LAUGHING, AT THE Li Scotch Concert, on WEDNESDAY EVENING. 6 .It* pOYER ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OTTO DBESBL'R TUIED PIANO FORTE CONCERT. MONDAY EVENING, May Bth, at 8 o'clock. Tickets .$1,60 For sale at L. METER’S MUSIC STORK, and at tha door. • myB*lt* “AULD LANG SYNE,” AT THB «a*~ Scotch Concert for charitable purpose, r on WEDRSfiIMLX EVfiMXAG, May 10, at MGMOaL FtTfS-fl HALL. msB 3t* fSJBRMANIA ORCHESTRA.— THB >* LAST TUBES PUBLIC BEHBABBALB OF THH BE A SON WIU take, place May 18th, 20th* an# 27th. mya-lßt .THB ARTISTS’ FUND SOCIETY IN -a- YITES the public to visit ther Boom*, 1334 CHBPTNUT Street, where a collection, of the works of Mr. 0. BCHOEfcSSLK will bo exhibited until THOBS DAY, May llih. Admittance free. myd-dt* “fIALIBR HERRIN,” AT THB tootohConcsrt,WEDNESDAY. May 10, myß 3t* OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. NOW OPEN, THE FOBTY-SECOBD ANNUAL EXHIBITION FAINTING AND BOULPTURB. ~ Opes Bom 9 A. M. till 7P. M., and from BHU 10Ja the Evoninr. ftprr-fci.l ■QNITED STATES HOTEL, OPPOSITE TUB N. Y. & HEW HAVEN * WESTERN B. B. DEPOT. BEACH STREET, BOSTON. By F. M. PRATT, „ . FOMERI.V 6P TUB AKBRIOAIf. BO iron, my 9.6 m . ■ rj-HE COLUMBIA HOUSE, AT CAPE MAY, N. J„ Will be opened for th, reception of gneste, on THURSDAY, Juno 16, 1868. It Is th. Intention of the proprietor that the COLUH* BIA HOUSE .bait folly swtaln tho nopnlar repntattoa which tthosflireedyaoqntrßd, and he roapectrally «?- licit, the public attention for the coming eoaeon Am* rangemente are in progress for the aeeommodattoa «t an extra nnmbor of gneste, end we are asssnred us Eallroad facilities will be excellent for all who ieelrs to visit tbl, favorite snmmer resort. 43” Bech’ssotebrated Philaoolphia Band haebeea seemed for the season For Booms. Ac.. apply to 1. H, DENNISON, at M«. chants' Hotel, ~Propriotor, myl lot* OAPB ISLAND, H. J REMOVALS. Removal. WILLIAM YARN ALL Has Hemovtd from fro. 1030 1333 GfZXST* NUT Street, S, B. comer of THI&TBBWTH BtmeT Where be Invites the attention of housekeepers, an# those commsnelttg housekeeping, to his exteaitfftftf* sortment of ust ful BOUSB FUBNIBHtVG GOODS, Superior Refrigerators, Table Cutlery, Family Bare* ware. Children's Carriages. &c. apM-to POETRATTB OF PRESIDENT LlN •#* GOLB.—AiI the variety of picture* published la Mew York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, supplied to the trade. FISHES & BBOTHIE, myfl 4ird 14 North SIXTH Stroefc XHOSE WBO WANT PHOTOGRAPH '■- ALBUMS should purchase the intent hinge-back Albums, sold at b f. RKISIBR»S, 634 *BOH BtreeC They pOtfeftts the virtue 6f Stipqfior durabllUy, It* __ A BEAUTIFUL STYLE OARD-PHO -A TOOK aPH twelve for $1 26, suitable for album, or tcholaie to exchange with Classmates, dona at RSI* MEU’S, in eupeiioi manner. Galleries. SEUOHD street, above Green. , It* PARTES DE VISITS.—HAVE THEM V made at B F. RB;MBK’S, Ba-t AKOH Street, Non* surpass them In etyie, hut.h. andentcuUcn. See >pe* clment., and secure pictures most eailafaottwy,. D* 'pCE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, NO, 130 SOUTH FOURTH ST2BET, BELOW _ . , OHRBTNUT, Faye Sve per sent. Intereet on Deposit!. Agents »r the sale of United State. 7 8-10 Loana at Far. Oovern menti State and Olty Leans and Stoah. bought and aold for depositors and others on Oommiaalon. mhlß* 8m £~Sinif~L MALCOLM MAONEILL’* L3S BFBOTAOLB STUBS, INo. 310 Sostk FIFTH Street, Watjya Ktr Olaeaea refitted to.nNall e*e«, *BdaUaauarof repairing aarefniiy and prompU? attended to. mh4-taa fsr wnf mruiiun Camden and at- ANTIC BAILSOAD.-Train* lebve Vine-street “ follow* t _ _ r „ Mali Ttftin ....oo«‘*M»*v*»‘ k *»**»w-»»M-ir*Mr»T-7-26A. M>. Freight, with Peeaeniar Oar* atlA*h*d— oo A. K Atiaatie Acjoiniiiodnlion* >***♦*♦*•* Bn Junction Accommodation.»r» A* junction BwORH i HOi LKAVB ATLANTIC Atlentlo Accommodation B* Freight, with Passenger Oar* attached^,>>U.o6F, Mali Train,. --••••• •; Sf* H* Sm * ESTEY’B ,m oOTTAGE ORGANS I^S^WSSIB&Egi and but found gbe »oS»Uy.well adapted!• the Parlor and Drawing Room. For tnle ojHy hr No. 13 North fiVSNTHjtrtJt. Al*o, a eonuelete aisortment of the FerfeetMuolUM eonilaatlT onhand. fen-W* TAKE no more unpleasant »»* TWPttOVID nngl WARD- - DEPARTMENT FOB OPSTOM WOBKg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers