NSW TORS cm. New Yobk, May 8, ARRIVAL ffBOM BAVAWA. • The Steamer Moro Castle arrived at tjW port to day tronfflttavana, with, advices to the W ons day later than those furnished by tie steamer Guiding Star. Tie news la uninteresting. t>BI»AB.TUBH OF THU PJB&SIAe The steamer Persia, sailed for Liverpool to-day with SIOB,COO la specie and 230 pasaengofS* 188 STOCK BXOBAIISa, SSCPIfB BOARD. Mnoo tt s 655 jos-*lB® BrießaUtrav...** 79^ srayi iio«*»»Besr IsßelOftM BUO 4O‘*A(»4itm*Blo79)l ITOOM d0.....-’ 81 "*- 1 !?? M Hud Rlv 8....«30.103* ■ 30000 IT®dsJflHßo-.'d 96J4 60 do.~~~~..ll£ 600 d0~..~~~. ii)l 700 d0....~.~... 70 100 Brie laUwaT..»lo 7814 ISH)7OX 300 .do ~..*1079 fPOIUOM*P16t3- burg and Cleveland, T6K i Kook Islajia, Toijr; Northwestern, 31. V! North western pieffMe-flig Fort Wayne, oojis Ohio and Mississippi denial oates, so.!, ; Canton 00., 42%; Gunjberland, 4854: Qalcksilvor, 03; Mariposa, 13%. MABINB. Arrived, bark Union, Irom OlenfuogoS j bark Hors burg, Bremen. . Thb Tokkaob os PiTTSßoaa.—The following an aootirato statement of the total registered ton nage ol Pittsburg, as shown by tho custom Houso returns for the year 1884: ■ No. Ton’ge. Packet# from .Tannery to Jn1y........ 20 0,477 .July to December 31. 81 7,229 Totalpaokots SI 13,678 few: boats from January to July-.-.... 11 1,254 uly to December......... 27 2,007 Total -Barges, flats, Ac 17 1,897 Oapalboate S 2 . 1,931 Plats 48 1905 Keel boats 8 .346 •Total ...U0 6,0f8 Total tonnage for 1884,21,915 tons. EAIUiOADS IH THB SOTOHBBN STATBal—The grand total of railway linos In t|iß United. States, slnee Jantthry l. 1881 V was estimated at 49,832 23 mites, of which 83,880,88,'costing, Including enuip snest, $1,625,032,215, were completed, This waif an Increase of 1,889 43, milos, costing $41,730,544 over Gse prevletts year. OI the aggregates there were 8,933.45mi1es in the rebel States, costing $240,836,478, The rebel roads were apportioned among the several rebel States as follows Virginia Worth Carolina South Carolina . Georgia ,l,i Florida • Alabama Milo* completed, Co,t.' 1,878 70 *50.809,334 945 30 18,241(395 983 23 21,990,890 ,42152 29,033(392 401,50 8,623 009 801.16 21,351,102 Mississippi..... 887-12 24,231,138 Tennessee 1,804.77 33,546,811 Arkansas. 38 80 2,800,020 Lonlslana 334 78 13,630 319 TOXSF.,.. 481 60 18.800,772 -Total— 8,938.45 $210,836,473 The grand total of the whole country was S 3 860 33 Completed miles, costing $1,685,952,213. The North, therefore, had In excess of the South 24,926 93 com pleted miles, or three times the amount, costing $1,886,116,742 more, or seven times as much. Diboovhuy on QuickBii.vbe is Nsvada The Beese Blver (Austin)l(et««le Bays : Mr. Varney, superintendent ofthe Pioneer Min, of this city, ana a scientific amalgamator, has lately been on a visit to lose, the capital of .our neighboring county of JNje, and timing his stay made a most astonishing discovery. The new mill of that elty had bean able to extract but abont $26 per ton from what had the reputation of being rloh ores, and Mr, Varney went down to tee what was the matter. Upon an analysis of the ore he found It to consist of sulphur, anti stony; srsenlo, silver, and what he believed to be qnloksflver. Of course, suoh an ore could not be worked without roasting. 'A rade furnace was filmed, where a few hundred pounds could he roasted at a time, and thorough experiments on several ledges were made. The result was that the rock was .made to pay, without -selection, suo per ten ;*but the most singular ofkil was the great abundance of quicksilver that the roasting do* velopad. Having ascertained that qulbksifver was present, seeing it gather on the Iron poker used in stirring the roosting mass, and smelling' it la the fames, on attempt was made .to ascertain the quan tity. Three and a half pounds of the quartz—not cinnabar—was placed in a retort and heated, add nine ounces of pure quicksilver obtained, being over eighteen per cent. Upon a thorough examination of the lode, large quantities of rich cinnabar, the ere O f quicksilver, were found. The rook experi mented on contained this useful metal in a native condition. The extent-of these olnnabar-bearing lodes was found to be great, Indicating that we shall be able to furnish our own supply of quick silver, and probably have It to export. Thu Isstrßßßtmojf m Wustesn Onras.,—The Invalids Russe publishes the following - intelHgenoe from Kopal relative to the progress oi the insurrec tion 1U the west of China: “ The principal force of the insurgents was at OiuoumtcM, and was com manded by Sakhan-Djone, Khodjou Tldon, and Mona, all three of whom have formerly been in the service of the Chinese Government. The two first named have the rank of Ambanc (governor) and the latter that of Goldal, (colonel ohler of tho staff.) The eommunloatlons not only with Fokin but also with Kaßohughar and Tohougoutehak are com pletely Intercepted by the (Doungams) Mahome tans, so that the Mandjonrs inhabiting Ueuldia are In complete ignorance of the progress of events, .fend up to the present do not know that the insur rection has also broken oat at Tohongoutohak. The town of Kontdja is demolished, Its Inhabitants dis persed, and trade eomplotely suspended. The Mandjonrs and all the other persons recognising the authority of the Fokin Government have taken refUge in the fortress, which Is defended by cannon and falconets, while all the Insurgent adherents have sot out for Old-Kouldja. Au insurgent corps of twelve thousand Dounganes, whloh was on the march fronrKascbgar via Mousarte, has not yet arrived at Kouldja, but from the moment It appears beforethat town, says the Invalids Russe, the fate of Western China, as the Manjours themselves con fess, will be deolded.” Publication Bbobivbd.— The Ufo and Martyr domof Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of 4he United States. One volume, i2mo., pp. 20a. 7. B. Peterson A Brothers bare completed their popular biography of Mr. Lincoln, by extending It from the period of his re-election last November, to Ms death on April the isth. It gives particulars of Ms assassination ; of the ssoape, pursuit, capture, and death of his murderer; and of ids Juaeral obse gales is Washington, Philadelphia, ana other titles, down to Us last restlng-plaoe In Illinois. CITY ITEMS. liAWBSBIWa TBn Oohfbdbbatb Octbbbnov.— barber In Savannah has used up over. $lOO,OOO of Confederate notes for lather paper. The people were first shaved by means of this eurreney, arid now the paper la getting lathered. We repeat e»r offer to buy a few tons of it at blank-paper jprloes, for the purpose or writing upon its baoks first-olaas notices of the elegant garments for gen tiemen and youths,made at the Brown Stone Cloth tog Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 60S and 60S Chestnut street, above Sixth. Brains Bonnets and Misses’ and Ohildube's Hats.—Tho latest styles, and largest assortment In the cltjt at Wood k Cary’s, 72$ Chestnut street. Teh BUST Forma Shibt or thb abb is "Ths improved Pattern Shirt,” mode by John O. Ara gon, at the old stand, Nos. 1 and 8 North Sixth street. Work done by hand, In the best maimer, and warranted to give satisfaction. Hia stoek oi Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods cannot bo surpassed. Prices moderate. ; Old Oaßbbtb properly out and altered by com petent workmen; new Carpets made up and laid, and Upholstorlug of anyklbd done just when the customer wants It. No delay In anyoase; conse quently no disappointment, at , . W. Hbnbt Patton’s, i4OS Chestnut street. Eve, Bab, and Oatabbh, snceeesiuuy boated by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Aurlst, 619 Pine sb , Arttflelaley w inserted. No oharge for examination. AKBimS AT THE HOTELS. Me Com V O Heath, Boston BO Wlngart),Ta Mrs E c Wilson, Brie AM A Wilson, Brie, Pa : IA Wilson, Erie, Pa H ffl Wilson,'Erie, Pa 5> B Klbler A wf, Ohio F Wagner, Jr, N Y , j m Morton A wf. Wls W. A Doan, Harrisburg "StitS A Hayes, Pittsburg JVWetealf KPBeeoher, Chicago WfOutter, Mass 3?B Tryon, Hartford W Bussell, Quebec B T-Tompkins, Tenn MF-Jordan, Tennessso .Mrs Lntklns k oh, N Y C M Sanderson, Boston. H T Kingston & wf, N Y Miss A Rogers, H I. Mrs F S Hunter, Pa D B Sell, Beading 3 A Nlohols, New Jersey D B Harms, lowa MISS EM Smith, BI Mias £ O Ghamplln, B I Chaa G Barrey _ T Budderforth & wf, D O DL Winchester, NY H L Pleison, Jr, N Y J s Miller _ j Hamllton.New York B Matlack & wf, Ohio ■XL P Campbell; Now York B A Packer, M Chunk W Brookle, Liverpool Mrs Hanseom, W»sk I. A Waterbary, N York . J B Lothe & la.N York EON Sutton. New York J W Austin, Jr, N York TP Allen, Charleston H Baldwin, Washington J E Wilson, Wheeling E O Cushman A wf, mo C H Force, Baltimore Mrs Appleton A 2 oh,'Mo J Butfinton, Fall Elver Mts Looser, Pottsvllle Miss S Loeser, Pottsvllle J F Berry, OUClty H Bn ant, Boston F w Newton, New York A M Stewart & wf T H Delano, New York B SBurg, England B WeßCOtt, M D, N J W Cheney, Hartford, Ot P Benjamin, New York W A Halbert, New York W 2 Soott, Jr, N York ihe V •? JBf'khtblii. Penna .L Wainwrlttht, Penna S Dana, Wfikesbarre Mies E A Dana, Penna Miss H Dana, Penna MIBSF Dana, Penna John B Price, Ashland J L Schick, Gettysburg H A Shlssler, Shamoldn A S Burwell, Mercer, Pa T S Leamac, Boston J Van Blascome A wf,Me E Barton, Maine WP Packer, Matt* Simon Estm, Maine B ,T Smith, NewtownJPa B F Kelgbard, Espy, Pa B Brown St wf,Cincinnati Mrs Dudley A oh, Maine H J Efnsely, Trenton, O A M Crawford, Penna J D Thomas, Windsor, O J H Prenlz, Zanesville,O The HI D 0 Swart* & la, Penna J MOrtewell,Harrisburg ' VV W Wlttman. Balt Was Bitter, Penna W P Bobeson, tJ S Ac Alex A Yard, V S A E H Mcßride,Wash, D O 0 H Richards, N York 0 Slmrooßß & wf, Del H McOanley, Georgia J J Fitzpatrick, Penna J Hanoook & wf, Penna J Laughlln, Newvllle J Pheßen Stjrti N York BP Swan IBeUefoate I* MoMaunua.N Jersey James Seott, Baltimore J Pnsk, Newport J R Mitchell; sr, Del I f Mitchell, Jr, Del Miss Mitchell, Dei B B Allen & wf, Del Mrs M J Polk, Del MUs,Kennedy, Del HA S»#e, Easton W MlUer, JBaston A L Mumper, Bethlehem AsHahflam, Del W Sharp, Now York J Fraley,-Easton A Beineman, Pittsburg L Beineman. Pittsburg W Haelsge, Pittsburg | J S Butan & la, Plttsh’g JW Sayford, Harrisburg 1 J W Wler. Harrisburg Miss M S Wler, Harrisbg A D Dltmarg, Lancaster Jas F Joyce, Baltimore C L Carter, Baltimore Mlss.Fatton, Lewlsto wn Miss Miller, Penna. itlnental. H Bohmer, Virginia B S Thompson & la. 111 Mias Ourrey, Delaware Miss Mftohell, Delaware Miss Richards, Delaware Mrs Polke, Delaware GS Gideon, Washington F Knowlan, New York W H Kelts, Tennessee D Sanderson, N J L Newhall & la, Mass Mrs A H Boeder, Easton H J Beefier, Easton Mrs E C Day, Bridgeport J L Briggs, Louisville Mrs J Haldeman. Pa John Haldeman, Fa Master M B Brown, N Y H P Baldwin, New York BM S halter _ JB Lindsay, Pa F Hood & la, New Jersey W G Lely O D Lambard, N Y Mrs T D Judah, Mass J L Wicks A la, Balt Mr A Mrs Fierce, Boston Miss M Q Pierce, Boston M:ss O p Tnokerman, Pa G O Whittag A wf. Wash JPG Foster, New York Dr Billot, New York S A Dodge, New York M Dlgard, U S N A S stone, Brooklyn D L McGinnis A wf, Pa Edw King, Newport H Taylor & wf, Brooklyn J S. Finch, Pittsburg J W Painter, Pittsburg J B Gennewlll, N York Jas Gray, Ireland J T Gray, Ireland H O Southwlok, N York L Mattson, Penna Ohas Baker, Penna J O Talbott A wr, Mass John Mead k wf, N York JB W Burstlne, New York S A Dodge, New York Miss Dresser, New York] A E Warner A la, Md J L Hana, New York A B Stelnbergor, N York J M Kingsbury,Santa Fo A J Mayo, Boston W E Bosenbnm, Penna O K Blais dell & la, Mass J Fisher, New YoTk Ira Wheeler, Jr, N York O Gillespie, New York B D Barlow, Now York Jnlon. H Endler, Ohio G L Crosby, Mass S W Boardmau, N J Mrs Dr E Shelp, Dsl Miss O Shelp, Wilm, Del W HBeeoher, Jr, While N Gane, Port Carbon S A Haverstlck, Carlisle sJlna JvE Nice, Penna D Brown, Baltimore Col B Eatoleff, Tamaaua 1 JSS? Tamagua MB Cost, Maryland WUpdsgrafi, Maryland J V Brewer, Maryland S Emmeet, Hagerstown D O Aughenbaugh, Md J W Tucker, Penna E Grout, Ashland N C Morrison, Penna J L Stedman, M Chunk D Kalbfus, M Chunk G Barker & la, M Chunk iirerdl J F Price, Delaware t & E rt S?i M »tvland F Tramp, Jersey Shore W/arsons. Look Haven O S Price, Look Haven Israel punter, Penna gt Barrows, N York g gfldge, Olearffald Clearfield W Worthington,- Penna S W Early, MUford, Djl OT Fleming, Del Miss m E Curry, Del Mias S 0 Richards, Del Miss 0 Polk, Del W Lowther, Newport J B Lowther, Newport B H Pennington, Maine M D Satterley, L Haven W P Ryoo, PottsvlUe E W Ayers, Baltimore W B Smith, Baltimore J Tlernan, Colorado .. G w Johnston, Penna F H Porter, New York JE Watts, DSN - Com T Orabbo, TJ S N W W Potter, Bellefonte T S Lyon, Fenna R Waters, New York H A soyf'fi'li Beading • T R Eiooofc ’ - It Mossop & wf, Clevel'd Mrs B Cameron & son, Pa 'L 0 Knlffen, Mass . W Warrick, New Jersey WKern, Lebanon B K MeNulty, Lebanon , W Eaehus, Penna B Sohraok, Penna Ohas E Brooks, Penna Miss O L Milts, Penna J P Cochran is let, Dei Miss Ooohran, Driawirs Lleut B H Lewis, Ft Del L Ree;a, Harrisburg E A Haldeman, N York S B Slmau, Washington J S Pearson, Reading I) Luther & la, Beading Jos H Spay a, Beading J W Kltuenton A w, Pa MB® O Kunkei; Hsrrlßbg D W tiros, Harrisburg J Meiley & sop, Lebanon A B Wlngerd,-Penna The Mei O L Orlswold, Cohn John E Neps B F Gould, Hickory Bun' W Stoddard, W Hayen A M Jeffords, Penna A J Wltman, Ironton, O Jos Jones, Smlthfleld, O S Hitchcock, Conn W J MoPhall, Lane eo O B Earley, Penna D S- Kreaver, Lewlsbnrg W Lilly, M Chunk A B Shellenberger, Pa J 0 Reed, Trenton, N J J M Holderbanm, Penna John Elliott, Tlptcn J Johnston, Indiana co J Enwer, Allegheny Mrs Stnniokson, N J Miss A Hall, Conn D O Sayler, Allentown L B Spicer, Penna Joa Boyer, Danville, 111 K KneU, Danville, 111 H M S peeler, Fenna K Ashman, Penna JKEtter, ShippenShurg Geo F Field, Kentucky H Gnllermen, Pt Carbon M B Helene, Scranton M M Fowler, Ohio | [chants’, A Loggate, Allegheny B D Moore, Allegheny Lewis Stringer, York, Pa 0 A McWilliams, Fenna George O Fisher M Kane, California W Elliott, Penna T Haws, Knoxv, Tann S E Goodyear, Elmira J A Fulton, Delaware Mrs H B Lamson, N -T S Johnson, Addison, Pa J L Divan, Perry 00, Pa W B Linn, Perry 00, Pa Levi Develln, Indiana Lewis Llppman & la Wm Overfield Mrs Hall, Salem, N J John Dibert & la, Penna A H Adams, Boston A W Patterson, Ohio .T M Graham W O Chamberlin, Ohio Judge Belford, Ht Chunk Wltomlck,Ohlo J J Reb man, Harrisburg H Mullln, Peana Geo Winters, Harrisburg B TPrine, Ripley Jas AUlson, Pittsburg IA H Blair, Carlisle The M O Hardy, Boston H J Goodnow, Boston F O Denison aerlcan, J A Olwr, Delaware J A Groves, Delaware Jos A Rise, Bethlehem F A Flokardt, BBthlehem Jaeob Wlest, Penna G H Wlest, Penna S Kauffman" LtColHFOhew.N J Capt 0 A Bowen, N J M W Bose, Blohmond L Bose, Blohmond J M Hlbberd, Baltimore JaS U Brown, Beading! "W A Medlar, Beading W C Lawson, Milton, Pa J W Brown, Milton Geo A Ford & wf, Md Jas W Beady, Delaware A Et&er. Harrisburg John J Harrlsoif, N'York MlfsJ Dawes D H Garay . ' Jaeob s Laurence' G H Houk, Baltimore ' 1 Gen Walghtman, Wash Miss Wefghtmani Wash H H ModonqelE Mrs H McConnell J W Houston, Delaware Geo Grattan, Wash O OMaltzberger,Reading C T Haas, Beading Mrs J Jameson, Reading MrsWA Medlar.Roadlug E Crosby," Hartford. Conn Miss Ellen Gragg, Pa G F Coaradt, Baltimore vr Deerlng, Portland,Me B 8 Freeman H M Sliver, Delaware Goo C Obensked, N J J Beea, Penna , P W Hall, Mulford H L Hooper, Chester co J P Toadylne, N Jersey W Gardner, New York W H Carter, Fenna H A Hoff, Reading W E Hall, Smyrna, Del The Coi J Seibert, Pittsburg tmerclal. S FcllowsrN J C L Kimball, N J John A Noble, N J Mrs Nichols, Md W A White, CUntonville w H Eckels, Meyerstowa W B Williams, Pa A J Patterson, Pa O Taggart, Del oo O H Sharer, Trenton, N J Robt.Hodgson, Oxford , W T Sharper, Chester Sg J" K Brugler A fa. Pa Ohas Williams, N York A Simpson, New York W Lawrence, Nevr York T Oobn, Huntingdon co E K Kuhn, Bucks oo .Miss Jackson, W Grove Miss C Jackson,W Grove J W Hammond, Pa A L Morris, Washington D Meconkey, W Cheater J P Osmond, Chester oo S Pennook, Chester oo . MB Thompson,Lowlst’n W Pyle & la, Chester eo B Fuller, N J tes Unloii. The Stab E 0 Keys,Washington oo J E Oreemer, Penna Thos H Phipps, Penna J <3 Brubaker, Penna S Fassott, Felton J C Partos, Penna J L Suydam, Ooatesvllle B A Young, Coatesvllle M Bermer, Clyde, O J Funk, Newport, Pa B S Maxwell, Lancaster J Sadler, Mechantcsbnrg D McLaughlin, Penna H M Klnter, Indiana co D Logan, Milesburg, Pa J Hahn, Milesburg, Pa D O Mead, Pittsburg B Phyfe, Bucks co FBFJsher, New York W Huston, Ohio A HUI, Clearfield, Pa T M McCandless, Penna M K Rizer, New Jersey H A Torrence,Blalrsvilie N C MoOormlck, Penna B Hamilton, Perryvllle J H Divers, Indiana, Pa D AT Black, White Hall Id Eagle, Mrs A Transue, Fenna Miss A J Obsrly, Penna Mrs W A Oberiy, Fenna A Transue, Penna Jos Bentz, East Salem S M Shelly, Penna Thos Allen, Illinois -D L Dally, Penna |D B Newoomer, Carlisle The Bali Miss Yanblled, Penna Miss Schiller, Pctma Miss Hobensheld, Penna J B Walter, Bucks eo : W F Tyson, Penna F-E Kauffman, Penna -E T Swartz, Penna Frank Smith, Allentown A LWeltzel, Beading J L Buth, Easton ' S ibcm Miss Patton, Lewlstown Mbs J Price, Penna W H Ohafisey.New York J M Bevins, New York w Slay k son, Delaware N Tbomison, Laurel,Del Chas E Freldlin, Milford Lieut J B Brown, USA F Freioh A la R A Dempsey Miss Clara Kepner, Pa sd Ison. J M Vanardalln, Pa TTSON- A A Slack, Bucks co, Pa Jas Hill, Stroudsburg W Hill, Stroudsburg J Leonard & la, N Jersey '■A George, Maryland M M Burnet, Stroudsb’g John Kelsey, Yardloyv’e Geo W Patton, Bellefont G Bortree, Stroudsburg elk Bear. Mrs .T B, Kepplemau, Pa Mrs Mack, Reading Mrs String, Reading I Thompson & son, Penna E Myers, Adams 00, Fa Danl Knlttle, Penna - E S Eshbaeh, Penna • Trie BIi»< DanlUladln, Lehigh, Pa Chas Wfeano, Penna Danl AJspaeb, Penna K T Eng art, Hartsvllle M K Iwelchler, Penna David H Bechtel, Penna Chas Dull, Quakertown ley Sheaf. R H Ramsey, Hartsvllle H M Stuart, Byberry IT Beardsley. NY A Gorson, Bristol W K Carver, Newtown M Hart, Bucks oo The Bar* E Smith, Cheltenham A Knight, Caiversvllle W Terry, Philadelphia Capt B Thompson, Pa H Engle, New Jersey L Bennett, Penna SPECIiI NOTICES. Uhpbbcmdbnted success. UNION BUTTON-HOLE sITINS MAOHINE B MOW READY. BBWIJfO 100 BUTTON-HOLZS AM BOMB. The Stitching Warranted to be Superior to hand^eork, in any Material, and Much More Durable! Salbuoons, SOO WASHINGTON Street, Boston. T*7 BROADWAY, New York. Florence Sewing Machine Booms, 630 CHZBTNUT Street. Philadelphia. AMOS L. WOOD, , ... Treasurer. mhl4-tnths2m Bibth Place of Ltbebtt CLOTHING HOUSE, - No. 700 MABKET Streak. Philadelphia, Alargeatoeiof HEN’S AND BOYS’ PINY FASHIONABLE CLOTHING At greatly reduced prices. WM. BROWN & 00. Colgatb’b Honby Boat. ' Thl» celebrated TOILET SOAP, la Mh universal de mand, 1> mad* from Hi* CHOICEST material*, la MIL® and EMOLLIENT la iti nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ID, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In its aetionupon the Skin. *Ol *Ale Hr HI Druggiet* and Taney Good* dealer*. > feJS-tutMl* A Bio Thing.—A millioh is a gbbat ujftay, |mt two million is more. As incredible t» it may appear, Messrs. P. H. Drake 3t Co., of New York, sell, 'over two million Lotties of PLANTATION BITTERS a year, Thia la nearly one hundred aad seventy -five thousand dozea, which, at nine dollars, would bo over a million and a half'dollars! Sorely, some merit mast attach to aa article of each a sale. Go where we will, from oae ead of the coaatry to the other, we are always Inflight of the evidences of the cabalistic S.T. —1860—X., sad these gentlemen's energy. We would suggest to them a little more elegance iu their rock painting. The: Legislature of New Hampshire has passed a law against their further disfiguring the White Mountains. apJB-6t Premium Butcher and Table Steels,' being cut by peoaliar machinery, have the grooves deeper end with keener edges than the usual kinds, and therefore are superior for sharpening purposes. For sale by TUBMAN * SHAW, No. 83S (Eight Thirty five! SUBSET Btreot, below Ninth. it Jones’. THE LOWEST BELLING PEIOE is marked in figures on each article, AND IS7EBTABIXD. ai JONES’ / Crescent One-pries OLOTHING HOBSIJ MARKET STREET, above Sixth, No: 604. «T Prises reduced to suit the times. A fine assortment' of READY "MADE CLOTHING, suitable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work made to order at short notice. [mhS-tm Itch. (Wheaton’s) Itch. SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch in IS hours. Also ourss Salt Rheum deers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A POT* rssß, BOSTON, Mass., will be forwarded free by mail I For sale by allDtngglaU. mhlSfiai rfg’ggp Chickbring’s Pianos— rt B Vf #39,OOOSOLD.—New Warerooms.ri e T j Sl4CH “ B^on. tffff? GBOBeBSTECK ft CO.’S ffffff ___ PIANO Over 600 each of these fine OABnOW FORTES, instruments h»TO been sold by ORG ANS PIAEO Mr.G , and the demand it eon- OABIEKT rOBTBS. stantly insreastng. , 2?g^Sl obganr KARO SEVENTHand < offl^‘NGT8 t A gABINM FORTES. ipNtf ORGANS, Boot Books, Pro Floats and Gutters, Punch Plyeri.Band Punches, Shoe Knlvtei Shoe ffaila, Evict Sets, Shoe. Rubbers, ha , for ule by TRUMaH A SHAW, So, 831 CEliht Thlrty-iavrt'MABKST Sfi, below Sinth. ■, - „. it CLOTHma BY THE Mtt.hi: The Immense etoek of READY-MADE OLOTHIKd new displayed at WANAMAKEE & BKOWN’S OAK HALL POPULAR OLOTHIHO HOUSE, S. 2. coti SIXTH andKAKEET Sts., K placed la one continuous line, would reach a lon* dlitanee toward Richmond. This lon* stream of Cloth- ing is running: off at MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRIUES apH-tf MAKRIED. HOMEB-FENTON.—On the evening of April 27th, at the realdenoe of the bride, by Bev. Lewis C. Baker, John Homer, of Philadelphia, to Elite, youngest daughter of J. Fentonrof Camden, N. .T. * HAGY—LEVERING.—Oh the 2d Inst,, by Rev. Reuben JeffAry, Wm, A- Hagy to SaUle Levcriag, of Lower Morion, Philadelphia. * • XDXEX3. GASKILL.—On the 3d Inst., John Gasklll,ltt the 67 th year of his age. - The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1510 Brown street, on Sixth-day afternoon, sth Inst., at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Fair Hill. * Dn HAVEN.—May Ist, Lieut. Edwin J. D» Ha- Vfn, United States navy. . The effioers of the navy and Ms male friends gene rally, are lnylted to attend his funeral, ea Thursday morning, at 11 o’clock, from his late residence, No, 336 North Front street, . ** WIGFALL.—At Ablngton, Montgomery oounty, on Tuesday, May 2, Sarah, relict or Samuel Wlg fall, deceased. The funeral will take place from her late resi dence, on Saturday, the 6th link, at 2 o’clock F. m. *• JONES —Suddenly, on the 3d instant, Mary E., daughter of Dr, Z. Bing and Almlria Jones, in the 6th year of her age. Dntf notice will be given of the funeral, ** CARTER,—On the morning of the Ist instant, Restore Garter, In the Sint year of his age. The relatives, and Us male friends, are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 2310 North Sixth street, on Friday after noon, May 6th, at 2 o’olook. *** MoBRIDE.—On the 30th ultimo, Andrew Me*' Bride, In the 67th year of bis ago. The relatives and friends of the family, also the Hibernian society and Directors of tho Eighth Na tional Bank, ore respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No, 1233 North Se oond street, on Thursday afternoon next, May *tb, at 2 o’clock P. M. Interment at Monument Ceme tery. *** A LBXAHDRE’S AMD JOUVIN & XX CO’S. Black Kid Oloves reduced to #2 a pair. BESSON & SON, Mourning •■tore, •apa-jf 018 CHESTNUT Street. DLACK QUEEN’S CLOTH AND AA GioMy Mobrira, yatd and a half wide, just re ceived by BESSON & SOW. Mcnrnlnt Store, ap2l-tf go. 918 CHESrHUT Street. TfYBE & LANDBLL. D . ESTABLISHED IgtlSdO. We always adhere to coed Goods, and depend on fair GOOD BTOOK OF DBB3B GOODS. ap% SHAWLS AND STAPOK GOODS mss OIC&IKSM, ACADEMY OF MUSIC. XHUBSDAY BYBmKO, MAY 4,1805. «WMAIS»S IfOBE AITO WAQIiS.” The Iftat and Great Lectiore of the Seasoo. Ticket# for sale at T. B. Fogh’s Bookstore? SIXTH and CHBETKUT Streets. Admittance, 25cts.; BcssrveAßaata, BO cts, mry3-2fe A LEE AED THE OHJKISTIAE —The altea tica of the frieocl# ofciie Ghristisa Goxßmission« who may have been surprised at eomo state meats ma4o imb lie by a newspaper correspondent relative to a delega* tioa of the Commission yisltint GeneratLea at hts resi dence at Bichmondp Is called to the fact that no ofjlczr t or apent, or delegation of the Commission', #r any authorized party, has ever called upon General Lse, It asy Yoinnteer delegate of the Gommlsaioa. tempo-' rariJy in Richmond, has, under the pressure of an idle cariosity, bo far forgotten hie propriety as to suppose that duty, or the privileges accorded by the Commia» eion, would take him to General Lea*B house, he has .acted entirely on hi# own account, and trader an utter misapprehension of the work for which ha was smt to the army, and his conduct is of severely reprehended by the Commission as by any loyal heart in the conn* try. GEO. H. STUaBT. 16 Chairman TJ. 8. Christian Commission. BBT. IDWA3D FATSOS BTA3T HOND.- This popular Evangelise will Preach to ADULTS on THDBBDAT and FJttDAT KIGHIB of this week, at S o’clock, in the Tabernacle Baptist Church on CBS3T3UT Street, near Eighteenth. All are cordiallyinvited. my 4 &* FIFTEESTH WAKD -A ILJKET* VS& IHG of the COKTEIBOTOHSTO THE BOGSfTT FENDS in charge of the Committees organized in January and August, 1864; will be held THIS BVB -ISI2SG, at School-house corner TWENTIETH and Streets, in reference to »He * 1 Baser w® Funds. * * JOHN Bi SEHtOB, B* Secretary-ExecntlTe Committee^ ra® BLAIB OIL COMPAST OF WEST TJBGJUIJu The Stockholders of this company are requested to mectatthe Banking House of dJ)AMS & LEVIS. Phila delphia. on the 26th day of May* 1885, for the purpose of organizing, under the charter, and elect officers and di* f rtciors for laid company for the ensuing year. L, FETTOJST, Becret»y pro tea. A limited number of shares of the stock of theabove company may he had at subscription price by applica tion to the Secretary, 931CHESTETJT Street, Phila. It* . , L. PBTTOfT. EEEDEB.IUH «OAL COMPANY, 938 OFFICE No. 833 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PiUi.ArEi.PHVA, May 3, U6s' . At the annual meeting of the Stoekholders, held the fid Inst , the following named gentlemen were elected Directors to serve the ensuingyear: Chae. D. Knight, Howard Spencer, Tnos. Graham, Lewis Snvder, George Plltt. . , ~ At a meeting of the Directors, held this day, Charles D. Knight was electedlPresident, and T. B. English Hee retary and Treasurer, T. B. ENGLISH, It . Secretary. KS” TKEASCIHBR’S DIFABI9ISI tta& kobtbebm.oentbaibaii.wax.oo., oalt VsgT STATION, ■ fc. ■■ Baltimohb. April 21, 1885. DIVIDSHD 80. S. Tie Freeideni and Directors of this ComparyhsTe this day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CfiftT.,. clear of National and State taxes,for the quarter online March SI, 5865, pay able to the Stockholder* on the lOfch of May next at ihisoSUe. TheTriMfer BoofilrlU b«clos«d from Mill tot. to 10th of May incln»iT». Byordar apS5- tilths 8t J. S.XBIB. Treaturor, Tome hobs pbbpabeo fob KSS BUSINESS lII* AT CRITTENDEN'S COM. MEBCIAL COLLEGE. Ho. 637 CHESTNUT fittest. CO Bo e oK-KEEPIKa la all It«. MaatiM, PBHKAH BBIP, Including Mercantile and Ornamental Write, COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, BUSINESS POEMS, TELEGRAPHING It sound and on paper Unghtl with tie advantage of offlee practical bp oaa of ibe Bee lm traction la Writing,, Book keeping, aad Telegraphing. Students inctrncted separately at such hours a* may best salt their eoayealeßce. my3-3t» OFFICE OF THE EKIOS PASSSIf- SBP QBE RAILWAY 00.. No. 208 South EOURTH Street. Philadelphia, May 2,1856. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will he held at the Office onMONDAY, Mar 2Jd, at 10 o’clock A. M-, to coastder aad accept the Snpplemantto, tha Charter, passed at the late seesioa of the Legtslatnio. By order of the Board ofßlrectora. myS 17t WM. P. KEMBLE,. Secretary. BtBEBSIAH SOMEH.-THE HeP members aw leuneated to aatond the taaeral of their late fellow- member, ANDBBW McBSIDE. Bra., from his late residence,- No.. 1233 hor.li SECOND Street, oa THURSDAY, -ith Instant, at 2 o’clock P. H. my&ffi JAMBS L. TAYLOR, Secretary. KSo A SPECUI. HEETIBfi OF THE stockholdere of theCOW CREEK ANDBTIL WELL BUN OIL COMPANY" will be h»td on the ISth day of Maaf at d o'clock P; M., at their Office, No. 221 South PIITH Street. „ ‘ „ ' ap29-awihol* HBIBT f- POE, Secy. PIOPLK’S STOCK. EIGBAEEE, IBS’ Jfo. 505 CHESTNUT Street, Is bow open for haslaess. Three calls of Stocks are held daily, com rnoacla* at 10 A. M., 2P. M,, and Bla the evening. A portion of the room appropriated for the use who are admitted free. - ______ _ . . ’ Sr. A. G. EG BERT, President. A'. G. HINSS. Tice President. apSQ-dt B 0. FOLWELL, Secretary. ■saa OFFICE OFTHE PEJSSSYI.VANIA VOS IMPERIAL OIL COMPAKY. 80. »»4Soath POTJBTH Street, , - Phi lsde m> mA. May 2.1865. A special meeting of the Stockholders of tie Penmyl- T&ala Imperial Oil Comp ,oy will be held on M-JN-DAT, the 16th day of May, at 12 o'clock M., at the office of the Company, 221 South Pout til street, to consider the propriety or disposing of certain real estate of the com pany for bniidtai lots In Laytonia. and to transact such Sualnee* as the Internets of the company may require. By order of the Board. JAMES M. BEL LESS. my3lBlB ■ Secretary. W-ss™ METAM.INE IASB 'COMDPAST ■as? OP LAEB SUPBRIOB.-At a meeting o( the Trasteea -of the METALLINE LISD GOSPASf OP LAEB BUPHIIOB, held THIS HAT,, a dividend of PIPTT CENTS PEE SHARE, wa* Sectored, payable at the Offlee of the Company. Ho. 324 WALNUT Buteet, StfiS SFXoSS fftW-erafs legal R raNCKI.—i»hii.a»ei,phia. Hay 3 1S!B -The Manesers of the CBESTNOT HILL AND SPRING HOUSE '®RN PIKE OOMPANT have declared ft Dividend of THREE PER . nay able on an d a TBE (IOSSOLIUAriOy RATIOS* F3S AL BANK. Pdil-adblphia May 3 1885. The Directors have tills day declared a Dividend or FIVE PER CENT., clear oftaxos, parable on demand, myd-at JOB. N. PgIRSOL, Caahler. SEYENTH MATIOSAE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, , , Mat 3. 1865. The Directors-hare this davdecltured a Dividend of POUR (4) PER CENT., free of United States tax, on the Capital Stook of.tbi* Bank (inclndlnt the increase of capital authorised February 6th, 1865), payable on de. mand. . B. S. HALL,. , jet 4-St Cashier, J®= OIBABD KATIONAE BANK. pt=E? . PjnLAssi,pnrA, May 3, 3855, The Directors have declared a Dividend this day of SIX PER CENT, out of the profits for the last si* months, payable on demand*. free of all taxes. midst- ■ W. L, SCHAFFER, Cashier. ISgf REHBIS6TOS RATIONAL BANK. 15» PHtuADiiLPiiu- May 2, 1835, The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TEN PER CBNT., payable on demand, clear of tax. myi-6t W, HoCONNELL. Cashier. ISir FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Pmr, tssnymA, Hay 2.1855. The Board of Directors of this Bask have this day de clared a teml-annual Dividend of BIX PER,CENT. ■ (6>, tree of all taxes, and parable on demand my4 St At. McfiIOHAEL. Jr.,Oaahier. r.EST TRADESMEN’S national L*? BANK. PHttADBtPHiA, Mar 2,1835. The Board of Directors have. THIS DAY declared a Dividend of FIYE PEE GENT, forthe past eix months, payable on demand. JOHN CASTNSR, myS-Si.* . - . ' : Cashier.. HECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK, low Phtlakslphia, May 2.1865. The Directors of this Bank - Dave declared a dividend of SIX PEE CENT., fios of U, S taxes.payable on de mand. - J. WEXOaNu. Ja., myS-Ot Cashier. SECOND RATIORAL bank of Ss» PHILADELPHIA, „ . FKINKFcmn, May 2.1835. Tho Directors hay# diolarcd a dividend of SIX PER CENT , elearoftax, payable on demand.' my3-6t W. H. BHAWN, Cashier. ISf” UNION NATION AY, BANK. Phtoai>si*hia. May 2.1865. The Board of Direottrshave this day declared a Divi dend of FIYE PBR ClNT,..f<>r the -last eix months, clear of taxes, and pay able.on mand my3-8t N. 4 MUBCBLMAN. Cashier. -'Acta” NATI9SALBANK OF COMMERCE. ■*» FBU.APxr.pmA, May 2, 1865. Tbe Board of Directors have this dar.de eta red aDtvl dend of FIYE PER CENT,, and an Extra Dividend of FIYE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of taxes. myS-3i -.- JOHN A. LEWIS, Oaahikr. ftTBE WKSXEKH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA . ■ r- Mat 2, 1865. Theßireetore have this day declared a Dividend of TEN PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of taxes. mi 3 6t 0, N. WEIgOANP, Cashier. CORN EXCHANOR NAXIONAI, ' Philadelphia, May 2,1865. The Beard of Director* have this day declared a Divi dend of SEVEN PER CENT., payable on demand, dear of United Stales dividend tax. . ; Stockholders will please present their certificates of Btccc and receive instead new certificates, , mrS-et J. W. torsbY, Cashier. JSSBr- FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF WB PHILADELPHIA, No 723 ARCH Street (desig nated Depmltory of the United Slates), Philadelphia. The Board of Directors have thie day declared a Divi dend of EIGHT PER CENT, ont of the profite.for the last six months, par able on demand, clear of all taxes. my3-lot SAMUEL J MAC MULLAN, Cashier . FARMERS’ AND ÜBGKANICS’ national bank, „ ■ Phu, ID2LPHIA, May 2, 1865, The Board of Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable os demand. Also, an extra Dividend in stock of this Bank, in the proportion of one share .to every ten sharct—both free of taxes. Stockholders to whom will badneef the stock dividend lees than one-half a share will he paid in cash Stockholders are requested to ex ehense their old for new£ertificates. myß6t W, BUsHTuN, Jr , Cashier. SKIS?” SIXTH NATIONAJL BANK. . Philadelphia, May 2,18G5, Tbe Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PERCENT., clear of tax, payable on demand. mi3-3t.* H. B. SALTER, Oaehier, TR K MASUFACTUBEBS’ na- K» r TIONALBABK. „ „„ Philadelphia, May 2, 1865. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the capital stock, parable on de mand, free from United States tax. t Stockholders will please surrender their old certifi cates end; receive new ones. M. W, WOODWARD, my3-8t ■ - Cashier, CITY NATIONAL HANK, . wise? PBii.AUKLpniA, May 2, 1833. The Boare of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of Sl-X PER CENT., payable on demand, dear of teres w ALBERT LEWIS, - - my 3 6t Cashier. wear- SOETHWABH NATIONAL BANK. PSF ITiILADKLPHFA, M»y 2,183 S The Directors have this day declared a dividend of TWELVE PERCENT, payable on demand. myS 3t F. P. STEEL, Oaehier. KST" »»■»!«*—WE DIBECIOBS OF Raw - ike THIRD NATIONAL Bank have this day declared a dividend of SEVEN AND A HALF PER CENT on the Capital Stock for the, psat six months, payable totheetockhol^o^mand^earo^w. Philadelphia, May 2. my3-5t KB” the philadelpbu nation- Rx? al bank, PHtLAnenpaiA, May let, 1865. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX- PER CENT, for the past six months, payable on demands , r my 2 6t B B. COMSGYS, Cashier. jmramuiAiw wait, lap .; > Mill MACHINE MANUFACTURING PBNNSYLVANIA AND MARYLAND. CAPITAL ©BOO,OOO. SHAKES—FAB TALUS, $3O. The SnbMription Book fo? the Capital Jtoek of this Company le bow open at the Ban* lag House of ADAMS & LEVIS, 80. 305 GHBfiTSBr Street, Philadelphia, Perseus wiaMag to make a profitable Investment are respectful!} invited to call on Messrs ADAMS & LEVIS, who will jnve them further information, and will show them the Machines, now running and makls* Bail*. The advantages we claim for onr Machines over any others in nee, are: That they produce a more perfect nail, with a better head, And fewer imperfect nails. That they effect a savins of not less than fifty per cent in the expense of grinding Knives and die#. And the Machines being self-feeding, they effect a saving of from fifty to seventy-five per cent, in the labor of cutting nails. Parties feeJin g an interest, and desiring to subscribe. Will please call and examine for themselves, splo la |ggp» TB£ OIBABD TUi Company Is now wall established and reoelvln* subscription b for their Btock, at) d deli vert a* Coal prompt ly of tbe T«nr bait quality in any quantity, largo or Tba advantages to tbe Stockholders In this Company afe very apparent, and oamiot fall to be appreciated by any one wbo WllTtake tbe slightest pains to investigate the basis of its organization, and the plan of its opera tions. Even in the present disturbed condition of the, Coal maiket, tie Stockholder will derive thefoll benefit, proposed in the prospectus of the Company—saving the entire amonnt of the Operator's and the Eetsti Dealer’s, profits, besides realizing a handsome dividend on bis Stock. For all information necessary to a fall understanding of the subject, apply at the office. ISO. '339 WAXjWTTr STREET, GEO. O. MITCHELL, HENRY SINONS, SECMTABT ASP ' TREASPESK. sup’t. dblivbrt Dlfor |gjjgr» riTBOIECK, EITROLBUM COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDE* THE joning aid manufacturing haws of tfj STATE OF- NEW 10EK, OFFICES: Mo. *4 EMPIRE BUILDING, Ho, T 1 BROADWAY, NSW TORS. Foot Omoi Adpsbbs, Sox So. fSffi, Nnw You. ; ft emoiatt Hon. DANIEL A DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Yi.e President. , ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BCRTIB. Mining Superintendent, Titusville, Fa. ATLANTIC BASK, Ho. 142 Broadway, B.Y. .Treasury. The wells of the Company are now producing oil. Payment for stock may be made in drafts, registered notes, or Oovernment bonds snd securities, which bond* and securities will be taken at their market value. Remittance. may be addressed to the Company, F. O, Box »o. 6868, New York City, or to “ Atlantis Bank, Treasury of thejgew York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, Ho. 1C Broadway. Hew York City,” or to any of its agents, Uhfi-SmC JHTIDIiIIDS. COMPANY- :H'. ttxsnnane, % HHTBZ THOMAS. TREASURES. JOHJBf W. HALL. EISEOTORB. HENRY THOMAS, Harrisburg. JOES W. HALL, Harrisburg. 0. A WALBOBN, Philadelphia. E. G. RIEMAH, Baltimore HEMET GILBERT, Harrisburg. B AM KJBR3* ABAMB& LEVIS, PMlidelpM*. m MUTUAL COAL COMPANY. OE AT THE DBM VEST DBPOT, EIGHTH AND MASTER; 'V THE NEW YOKEf AND UtYEBFOOIi CAPITAL,, ONE HUdalOK DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHAKES, •10 PEE SHAKE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, ,S FEB SHABE. HOT MABLE TO FDBTHEB ASSESSMENT. THE BIKE .mr ? PETROLEUM COMPANY OF NEW YORK. OFFICE, 815 CHESTNUT STREET. -v OIK DIHE PBS SHARE t ONR DIME FIR SHARE!! For fall paid Stock. No farther lUbUltr. CAPITAL, ONLY $50,000, IN 500,000 SHARES, AT 10 CENTS BACH. Bnhicription price only ONE DIMS PER SHARE!! NO eaheoriplions taken for lees than One Hundred Shares. ■ 100,000 SHARES. §R $lO,OOO RESERVED FOR „ . WORKING CAPITAL* Tob« expended as the Shaieholders shall defcermlno. when the Sttbicriptious are completed* the Share holders shall meet and ; appoint the propar officers. ' This Gcmpanr presents the heel opportnultj eysr of fered for persons (Jf moderate means fee invest in this wealth-prcd’scinibuaißQgß; and there ie no mystery cheni its affaire. The'property is fairly represented. Is alro otfe all in fee jimph and the pries of shares, the subscription price t and the par value is the same*- QnJy ten cents—so that every one, even children* can niders'and what they are to receive for their money. The property or theOomp&ny consists of the follow* ing, air of whioh ia situated In well known oil-pro ducinf localitiPi : JBTo.I THE hiBAD AJSTD DAVIS WELL, WITH LOT. on the hanks of the Allegheny river, at Tideonte, leased for ieventy*hTO years—one-half the oil. Ho. 2. FIFTY ACBEB- on the Conklin and Connolly Buns, Warren county, Fenna,* in fee simple* situated two miles from the Allegheny river, and about four miles above Tideoute, wits a natural oil spring upon it, and a large amount of good borlhgterrliory. 80. 3 FIFTY AOBBS Off GOHBWABGO CRBEK, war warren, the eounty-town of Warren county, Penna, Infee simple. About one-half cleared land, with small home, &c . and two fine runs and a public road running through it.- This is believed to he doe oil territory, with room for a great many wells. ■All these properties are looated on the east side of the Allegheny river, and can be superintended-by one per son. The land abounds in limber for iomber and fuel* s!td the Allegheny river affords a fine means of trans portingitß products, both of oil and lumber, to market* without Incurring the enormous expense of some local!* ties.----' - ns make a very moderate estimate of the profits of only one well. Suppose it prbduQ&s but ten BABEBiiS per day, and the on to be worth but $s par barrel* tbe product for 800 days would ba *24,000» or nearly one*half of the Capital Stock of this Company* .and equal to a dividend otfour per cent per month on the entire capital* The undersigned will act as Trotted to rseeiveSub* teiiptions, Ac. , until the regular organization of the -Company. h. B. HlIjT, • No 515 CHESTNUT Sttest, Philadelphia. Books ocenon FRIDAY MORNING, and will close in one week frohi same date -t - • " my€»Bt bVMtV# i JjS: * i UP &»'V PETROLEUM COMPANY. INTEREST IN FIFTY WELLS PITHOLI AND CHERRY RUN. CAX’TXAXi, «135,000 e ' "if • . SHARES. ®L $25,000 WOBKIS6 CiPIfAIi. JBOOKS OY SUBSCRIPTION Will be orea on MONDAY, AT THE OFFIOB.' BOWEN J fox; MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, Where Heps out be seen and Prospectus had. myl-fit ALLIANCE FEIBOhBVH CUAL COMPAH ‘ST-. The Snbserlptlon Books are open for the side of the balance ottfce Stock of the Working Capital. Snbicrlp tien price TWENTY-JIVE CBHTB FEB SHAKE, FAE YAKUB, OHB DOLLAR. SUBSCRIPTIONS Recalved of J. J. ALLEN, President, 43 South DELAWARE Avonno. O. W. MOUSE!, Treasurer, 108 WALNUT Street. And at the Office of the Company, 130 South THIRD Street. ep2B*ufc KP tmOl OP Time BISOLUTE V 3& MINING COMPANY, No 3a* WALNUT St. .. PmnaimnyßU, April U, MSS. NOTICE I* hereby given that all Stock of the KBBO - MINING COMPANY on which instalments are due and unpaid la hereby declared forfeited, and wIU be sold at public auction on. SATURDAY, the 13th day of May. 1866, at 12 o’clock, noon, at tho offlce of Jhe Secretary of the Corporation. according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless redeemed on or before that day. By order of the Directors. ,■ • B. A. HOOPBB, apl2-tmylS Beeretary and Treasurer. Mim'AßY. m prize mosey and govern ■ MEET BOUNTY TO ALL WHO BKTEB THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. . . dtt Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington, not to restrict revolts to a particular class (as has been the cue heretofore), bat to receive ALL who have sdrved In the volunteer eer* vice, or in tho regulars, or la the marines, mid have been honorably diuhargfd. Booh persons enlisting In tbe Untied States Marines will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their Share of prize money in any captors or the enemy’s vessels. For further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. No 313. South FRONT Street, between 9 A. M. «d 3 o’clock F. H. . ever, hut teradjj^ apl-tf Captain and Bwruiting Officer, gmxiNEßi. Wfi CHEBTKUT STREET. • &X 9 i have bow open a aagnifioeiifc assoptmsat of SPBIRG MI1LIN&BY AND STRAW GOODS, 1 Which,l offer, wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices. Foolt de Sole* and Gros ds Naples in ail colors; the more'deslrahle and scarce colors, such as hoff/pearl, rose pink, &c. .in an assortment of shades. Best White, Black, and Colored Crape#., , , .Bihhons of t every shade, narrow and wide, to match materials, f French Flowers, the finest goods, prettiest styles, id reasonable prices. ■ .-j- . . ■ ’ IN HATS AND BONNETS Wo offer every new shape in every v»-' . , JSJ Jthor a e «frfo*re- .wYrSf Bifenet Frames, and ffifortef 1 * 1 faking or trimmtnga line of the but duality Grenadine , - orders from the country promptly and accurately at tended to.- SF. WBTlr, Ho. CHISTNUT Street, ftp29-lm Successor to M. Bernhslm. DALTON’S FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING KNITTING MACHINES . Patented 1861 Perfected 1861 A YAED OF PLAIN OB BIBBED WOKE KNIT IN TEN MI.RUTES 1 KNITS UPWARDS OF TWENTY DIFFERENT ARTI CLES OF APFABEL! They are simple, reliable, perfect, and wonderful-in the amount and variety of work they perform . USUAL SPEED SIX THOUSAND STITCHES FEB HIeUTB It can bp made, in the bands of a woman, to earn wttb ease and comfort sio to *4l) per week. . ■ „„„ . .EYEBI FAMILY SHOULD HAYI ONE. . A few active, enterfrielng Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements will be given. ... , „ To pubilakers of isewspapers who will pay ono-nalf money, we will allow the remainder to he paid In advertising at the regular rates. Bend for circular and camples, enclosing Bfcamp. p'OR EVERY LOYAL BREAST—LIN- A OOLM MOUBHING PINS, in silver plate. New designs in black and white satin; perfect pictures. . By mall 26 eente, or 30 for *4, 160 for *l7, 1,000 for *l6O. Mourning tolut for 60 days. Send your orders at once. Salisbury, bbo , *co.. Providence. B. I. N. B. Any paper copying this for four times we will send them TEN PINS. apH- lmo PORTBAITS OF PRESIDENT LIN- A CpLN.-All the portraits published Hr New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, eupplled fotte trade. ray 3 »ir * MH. SIXTH Strut. RETAIL DRY GOODS. GOOI S, From the late Auction Sale in New York, AT REDUCED PRICES. 6-4 BLACK MOUBSBLISE DE LAINE.~- .91.10 6-4 BLAOK MOUSSELINE DE LAINE..Y3S 6-4 BLACK MOUBSELINR DE LAINEL4O 6-4 BLAOK BOMBAZINES...... 1.00 S-4 BLACK BOMBAZINEB—I,79 5-4 BLACK BOMBAZINES J.SS 5-4 BLACK BOMBAZINES 2.0 Q With a fall line of BLACK FOLYNBASS. BLACK TAMISB CLOTHS. CANTON CLOT^ 0178815 ™* D 1 Lmß8 ’ BLACK MOHAIRS. BLACK ORLEANS CLOTH. CTJRWEN STODDAHT & BKO., 460, 4SE, and ASA North SECOND Street, my2-3t Above Willow^ JJEAVY LINEN ' SHEETINGS, AT SA3S AND »I.SO PER YARD, Jtrer bsckivbp. SHEPPARD, YAH HARLINO-EN-. &ARSISON, *P» 6t if 1008 CHESTNUT Street. (CHOICE STOOK OF DRESS GOODS. Silk HBENApiNBS, enperb etyies. Plain Si*fe.‘tlrleB - and Brown YAlfikffClAS. American and French LA WffS. Bprlug styles of GHALLI Da LilffßS. Spring SB AWLS, in variety. At JOHH H. STOKES’, ffo. 702 ABCS Street. ff. 8.—50 dosea ‘Ladies* Bleached HOSE, at 9 ente per pair. myl JOHN P. YOUNG, V No. 70 North FOURTH Street, Han now In store a’moat < extensive assortment of DRESS GOODS ' at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. SKIRT FOR ISOS. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AOB IN HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BE ADLEY’S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC {or double) SPRING SKIRT. - ■ - . WESTS’ BRADLEY * CARY (late J T. * J. o. West), SOMEPROPBIBTOBS aad MANUFACTORIES, 97. CHAMBERS and 79 and 81 READE ttieeta, Sew Ycrk- YHIS IffVßffTlOff consiits of Duplex (or two) El* mptio Eteel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to ecge, mekitrg the tofghsst, most plbxible, elastic, and dubable Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Single Sprisgi* and consequently preiervo their perfect and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE &S LONg RS RSy Other t'KIRT THB WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY &&d great COMFORT and Plkascrr to asy Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Bkj rt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies. Operas* Carriages, Bailroad Cars, Church Fews Armchairs, for Pao&nst ads and House Lapsa, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occu py a email place as easily at a Silk oi Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure* comfort, and great convenience of wsakxxg the Duplex Elliptic fiTßßLrSpring Skirt for a single day will never after ward willingly diepense with their nee. For Children , Misses, and Young Ladies they axe superior to &U others. THSY are the beet quality in every pert, and un questionably the LIGHTEST, most DESIRABLE}COMFORT* ablr and rcokohiual Skirt ever made. FOB SALE in all first-class Stores in this city, and throughout the TJnitbb States* Havana, de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies, AST* Iff Q UI £ £ FOB THIS DUPL2X ELLIPTIC SKIBTe mj2-lm FINANCIAL. u. s. SEYEN-THIBTY LOAN. By authority ®f th« Besntery of Sh* freasory, th» ondHslcntd has Manned the General Buhi«ri*tios fientey for the eaie of United States Treasury Notes henrinc seven and throe-tenths wr tost, interest *or annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes an issned under date of JnaolS. 1865. aid are payable three yean from that time, in ear* reney, or an eoavortlhlo at tho oytion of tho holder late TJ, S. MO SIX PEB OEMT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Then Bonds ars now worth a yremSam of nins Ht sent., istludina sold interest from Hoysmher, width makes the aetuai profit on the T-80 Doan, at eumut rates, ineludin* interest, about ton yer sent, nr an num, besides Its exemption from State aiut muutetiswJ taxation, which adds from one to three tier cent, more, atcordlnf to the rate levied on other property. The Interest is payable semi-annually by eoupons attaehed to oaeh note, whieh maybe onto* and sold to any bash or hanker. Tho interoat amounts to One sent per day on a $5O net*. Two tents par day on a *lOO not*. Ytn tents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents Itr day on a *l,OOO not*. One Dollar per day on a *6,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will he prompt ly furnished upon receipt of aubssriptions, and tho notes forwarded at ones. The interest to 15th June next will be paid in advance. Thiels THE ONLY LOAN BN MABKET sew ofiered by tho Government, and It Is confidently oxpested that It* Bwerler advantage* will make B the GEEAT POPULAR LOAH OF THE PEOPLE. L*u than *500,000.000 of the Loan authorlred by the last Goncress are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it fo being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within four months, when the note* will undoubtedly command a wtemluta. as has uni formly been tbe ease at the close of the submlptloni to other Loans. In ordor that eUßcnsof every town andenaonol the country may be afforded fasilitlsa for taking the Loan,' the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Banker* throughout tho country have generally agreed to re salve subscriptions at par. Bnbseribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confident#, and who only are to he responsible for the delivery ef. the notes for whlth they reeelve orders. JAY OOOEEi BUBSCBIPTIONAGENT. NO. 114 BOOTH THIRD STREET, yffTT.iPir.yHTi. gS 1881. COUPONS, 5-80, DUE MAY 1,1865, AND JULYI, 1865. BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MABKET BATES, WM. PAINTER & CO., Bankerg, sp6-lm 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, OXABLBS nnony. APEX. PHXSOX, tm. OHABLBB EMORY & CO., STOCK MD EtCKASGE BROKEKS, • / • - ' ■ No. 15 South Third afreet, wmT.anm.FHTA All kinds of nneuneht funds and Geld and Silvsr bought and sold, and OoUeetions made. Partiaalar attention given to the pur.hase and sal* of Goversmont.Btate, and other Stocks and Loan, on com mission. n027-8m 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. ADAMS Ac LBYIS, HO. 305 CHESTNUT STREET, BANKBK& AND BBJOKERB. All kinds Of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND STOCKS BOUGHT. BOLD. AND NEGOTIATED. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. Special attention given to OIL BTOOBB. mhll-gm BPWAns noßm - sonAon n. nanaon. DDW. ROBINS Ad CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGS BROKERS, HO. 47 SOUTH IHIBD STBEET, PHILADELPHIA. ALL gums 0* BANK NOTES, GOLD, SILVER. STOCKS, SOKDS, AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. BOUGHT AND BOLD, Collections made on all partr of the sointry. Deposits received, subject to eight draft, and interact allowed. mh7-3a gECOND IVA'A'AOINA T j bane, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE EBON. OITY TRUST COMPANY.! CAPITAL. ©BOO,OOO. BANKERS’ AND MERCHANTS* COLLECTIONS promptly attended to on the most favorable term*. G. I# WARNER, President. JOHN B. FATTKBSOK. Cashier. . . mh3-Sm WM. F. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER, 430 Chestnut Street. NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, ' PHILADELPHIA) MEW PUBUCATIOm. JJOT-LIFE OF THE PRESIDENT. A SPLENDID BOOS FOR BOYS. “ANDY,” THE.TAILOR BO Y. The etory of the boy life of this man to of wonderful interest, and ehowe him worthy oi the exalted petition honour occupies. 3. BLEGAETLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE $L J. EL TILTON & 00., mii Bust PUBLISHERS. PBEEIRA’S PHYSICIANS’ PRE ECBIPTXON BOOK.—A new American from the fourteenth London edition; a neat packet volnms. bound in cloth; a'no in leather tacks with pocket?. BEADY THIS BAY. _ HEOESTLY PUBLISHED, PAGET’S 9UBQIOAL PATHOLOGY. Third Edition. BBANSTOJS’fi DRUGGISTS’ ABD PHARMACEU TISTS* PRACTICAL RECEIPT BOOK. GABBQD’S ESSENTIALS OF MATERIA MEDIC A. MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, oi all kinds, for sale at low prices. _ LINDSAY A BLA&IffFON, Publisher* and Booksellers, my4-tf Mo. 25 South SIXTH Street. WANTED.-AN AGTIYB YOUNG * V man as salesman in a retail di y-goodU store Ad* dress “WAMSUTTA,” Press Ogee. my 3 31*' WANTED—A SITUATION IN A if Wholesale Boot and Shoe House, bya Young Man who thorouehly understands the business A 4« dress /* Shoes, * * Press office. * my 3 2t WANTED—AN ENTRY CLERK IN T T an active Wholesale and Retell Honee—a young man who to a good penman and aecoontamt. Address, in hand-writing, with references. ‘*o. S. & Uro-- X . 0-. Box 3673, > ■ my2-3t WAN T E D—A SITUATION IN A T? Lumber Yard, by a yousg Man, as assistant Book-keeper* ard wishes to obtain a general know* ledge of the business. Refers to cit* lumber dealers. my2-3i* Address * < W.,** No. 631 North ELEVENTH Street. ass-imif WANTED—AT NO. 1321 CHESTNUT TV Street, a few ftrst-elass BUSINESS MEN, with $5OO to $5,000 each, _ (no others need call)* to operate in the Middle and East ern State*, as join Fa.rtß.siB in an immense enterprise, which will speedily Insure a life competence to the parties, and no humbug. myl-gt* WANTED, AT $l5O PER MONTH, V? a RELIABLE CAN YASSER is every town and county, for the NURSE and SPY, the most Interesting and exeliing hook ever published, embracing the ad ventures of a woman is the Union army as Noxee, Scout and Spy, giving a most vivid inner pictnre of the war. 'Vie have Agents clearing $l5O per month* which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circular*. Address “JONES. BROS. & CO., No. 600 CHESTNUT Strefct, Philadelphia, Pa.** ,aplB-lm* A GENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE eabolne improved Hew England Family SEWIJfO HACHIK ES, the beet Machine intho umrld. Addreee A, L L|sUEB & 00.. - cp26. lm* „ Box 82. Orange, Magi. n ANAL-BOAT BUILDERS AND V CAOLKBEB WAHTBD, At CHESTER. aplfl-lm . Charter, Fenna, EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR HOUBE* KEEPERS, Seamstresses, Chambermaids,Walters, Norses, Cooks, Laundresses, and general housework, white and colored. 802 LOCUST St- ap4-lm EMPLOYMENT HOUSE fob CLERKS, -Li Book-keepers, Salesmen, Backers, Fortere,Watch men, Coachmen, Drivers, Ctadnctors, Bar-tender*. Waiters, Farm-hand*. Gardners, Ac. Emplojer. suited at short notice. SOB and 803: LOCUST St. apl-im (GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES LY —BO WRIT'S PRIZEE»VELOPKS. —Agentswanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to• Agents. On reoeiptof #l6 wewillmaU, port-paid. 100 jSnvelopes, and a splendid Solid Silver Halting-Case Watch as a premium to the agent, A single Envelope sent, Witt circular and fmllpanlcnlare, . v - J S. WILSON, It _____ 614 CHESTNUT Street. OIL! OIL 11 OIL 111—A GROUND- V/ PLOOB IBTEBEST, la a drat-clsse Company, for sale. Address “Venango, ’ ’ Box 1775, Philadelphia Poet Office. my2-3t* TO LET—THE UPPER FLOORS OF •■ Ho. 29 Strawberry etreeL lpmlng throngn to Se cond street. Lerie.well lighted. and ooaveatoot: with wrter closets, Ac. Inquire of A. MALCOM, 711 MAH BET Street.. _mj2-6t* T) OIL COMPANIES.—FOR SALE— A Crat-olaiß 12-horse BKGIfTB and BOILER; tratlt to order; ready for immediate shipment. Addreas Bex 2723. Boat Office. ' mj2-3t* TO RENT-A PRIVATE ENCLOSED A COOTTISG BOOM, onCHBBTHDT Street, below Eighth. Fleet, of light and air, fronting on a back elreet. Addreaa ‘'O. P., , > Prt»s offloa. myl-St .TO LET—THE OFFICE, NO. 238 OAR ,I teh Street. The Filth and. Sixth Stories of the Granite Building, BOCK Street, below Third, with steam power. . o*Lo. tin. t kiavv *■>* Commonwealth. Building, fill anTeis CHiif ti &T «r«t,' Also an o®co, so wad story of earns building. THOMAS H. CORNELL, ComUng-HouteofDr.D, Jaynes San, aias st* • ■ g®» OHBaTHIJT Street g R OOKE & PUGH, los. H3l and 1133 MAKKEf Street, SOLS BEOEiYBES OF THI FOLLOWINQ WELL. KHOWH AND ESTABLISHES B BAUDS OF ” JOB* HDBBELHAH,” “ESTHA KELLS.” ’•PBIDB OF THE WEST." •• BaSLB MILLS. ” and other fIiraSSLTAHIA AID WISTEKK BKAHDS Tbe Trad* supplied at market ratee. apM-lm PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS NONE A tan feu to »rcaive tbe tbe b luce-back ALBUMS B!e, ant e«rle|Po|»gMn* 6 ™ greatest possible flexibility. B. F. Risia lt * ARCH Street. X TPK-KTZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL JLraLois-TheoS'.We Port.alts -thatfaUhfully -*- J COLOBs inevtt * j . oiorini* natural th Mo o M'e«el B. B BBIMSB’S specimens at 6J* ABCH Street ; —- HaRTES DE VISITS—NONE SUR- L;" in beaotT, execution, and arrangement those S popular Phot sgraph Gallery. See iSJcimontrfe'rloand execnUon, and ecoore fineple torea. “ 1 WANTS. F L O U B: "KQSCmSKQ.” "OITr KILLS,” AUCTION saubs. BEBKNESS* BA.ZAAB, NINTH Hi BAHSOM Streets. . .. aTTOTXOH' SALE Ol* HOBBES. At, OH gATUBDAY MOBSUB OBXT. At Ifl o’clock. Suite! to harness and the*saddle, tncladini: A otsnpertor horses! wonjdsaft aistsMy C*w6. A Btylißh bay horse, raised In York. A iiay Jamil y horfce. K y.mrs old. A handßome brown Bashaw saddle Horse. i E!*L? f '“«**» Horses. A sorrel mare; has trotted in 3 47. A Iso, other horses. Full description a safe. oa^lSl!. C *if. rt fedta^“' i! mW “* ewO"^*** 4 A roskawaT, whh Pole and shafts, br Boats. Single and double harness, saddles, bridles? At. Also, two snl s very ctttlj born cloths. «• Bale ot Hones, So.. onWBDHKSD at. ALFRED M. HafiKHRSS. Ancileneefc’ royj-lit if JR— CITY BAZAAR AND TAT'VBB- Jo? SALLB. BACK ELB vkhth abb twwjibwmsts. BTEEE & CHAMPIOX, Auctionoers, WM lei j-gj D kY ,’ Msyjth, at in o’elooi, .bout THIRTY HOBBES. Also, ccrrisgee, wagarn, Earners. bbraiets, wHtaS haU.rr, saddles So., jnttSe by beitaskei.. The ab-.Td sale la worthy the attssiion of bnyers. HopestpoiMinontonMooantor waath«r. Borees. vehicles, and harness aiwajs-oahsad at prl»' Yftts £&l0 * Splfudlil stable accommodations forbamMrfmftftr public or private Bale. BTEJBK & CHAMKOH. mi 4 2t AttCttoneena. AMU SS3MEISTS. TP¥ CHESTNUT-STREET THKA VRK-GBSSTSuT STREET, ABOVS TWILFTX, eEOTEB S SiSN ..lessees & Htfcaajgara. THURSDAY EVEWIBO. Hay 41h. LAST BIGHT BUT Olfig BRILLIANTLY SDcaB33?OL BNGAGBHMnf ACCOMPLISHED AMBIOAJf ACTRESS AMO PHILAJDKLPBIA favorite. MBS D. P. BOWBB*, who will appear THIS evening ja.. great rslfe#f JULIA. to the beautiful and popular Piar, to Eve acts, TBK HOBCHBACK, supported by the FULL STEERGTH oE tbe BKcfetf Slock Company. Tbe performance will conclude with: the laughafite Farce, styled THK lottehY TICKRT. TO'HOBBO-W (FRIDAY) EVBSING* BBBEFiT AND LAS? AFPBaBANCE MBS. D, P^BGWSRS, When, at the earnest grUcitstion of OF PERSONS* she will repeat, _ __ POSITIVELY FOE THE LAST TIME, her grand pexton&vion o' LADY AtTDLRT. lathe great play of the same name; also aipeirlir hg the beautiful petit Cor, eo y„ A x/AT AFTBE THE WEDDmO. SATURDAY AfcD BVRNIHG, May complimentary bknbftt TO MANAGER WM £ SI NS, when & hill cf great attraction wkl be offered, Box Beck oienMx cays la advance. WALHUT-STREET THIATRB.— It THIS (Thursday) IVEHiHG. Mwr 4th, • MAQBIFI DEIST SUCCESS OF THE LAST ESGAGEMEET to this country of , LUCILLE WESTBRSL Who will appear to that character in, which Bbe Is uni versally rscoialKd as CffEQ CALLED IK THE WORLD. BAST LTHHBt THE ELOPEMENT. TO-MOREOW, BENEFIT OF LPCILLB WBSTfiRJT. M es - JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCS- AtJL STREET THEATRE. T^W‘ y)BTKVIKe '«^ OF HISS LIZZIE PRICE THE HOUSEHOLD FAIRY, And Baucicault’a Great Drama nf THB STRSBTS OF ISBW YORK; FRIDAY—BhNEFiT OF MB, MARLOW. SATURDAY— 1 188 STREETS OF MEW YORK. T7OYBB ACADEMY OF MUSIC.—OT TO DBESBVS FIRST PIAHO-FORTB COSOIRT. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. May 4th, at 4 o'ctol k (Second arid Third Concerts, SATURDAY and MONDAY EVfNINGS, May 6th and Bth. at 8 o’clock % Subscription for Three Concerts . .♦** CO 6ißgleTicketfl.v..«.i....v 159 For sale at Loul* Meyer’s Kus:c Store, 1323 Chestuok street, and at >he door. ray3»tt* nPHE HANDEL AND HAYDN 80- A CIRTY’S THIRD AND LAST CONCERT OF THN SEASON OF 1864-65 will take place on FRIDAY RYK&ING, May 6th, at MUSICAL FUAD HALL, when Reuhomiaa Grand Oratorio, of “DATID” WIU he produced. Tbe Manat*-s deeireio state that the work will bs performed with all the striking effects intended by ft* composer, and the descriptive pieces will ha rentals* by tha lull force of the Society and Orchestra. The 1010 carts wilt he sustained by BTMpIoS* Tenor, } of mwTork * Hr. A. B. TAYLOR, Bass. Mr. w, FISC H BE, Tenor. Hr. JAMES MAKES, Baritone. And the Chores of the Society, accompanied by the Germania Orchestra, all under the direction of Hz* CARL SENTZ. To commence at 8 o’clock. Tickets Oz?s Dollar. t To he had at C. W. A. TrußD" ler’s Haste Store, where subscribers can also receive their tickets; Lee A Welker’s and Marsh’s MaMa Stores, and at the door on the evening of the Concert. ap29-fctttthi4t OP FINE ARTS, CraESIBT'T STREET, RBOVE TESTCO. NOW OPEN, TBE FOETT-SBGOED AJIStUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE. open food 9 A. K till 7 F. JL, and (com 8 HU 10 b, tbe • sp27-t jeS COLUMBIA HOUSE!, AT CAFE MAY, 3ST. Will he opened for the reception of guests, os THIJESDAY, June 15, 1885. It Is the Intention of the proprietor that the COLUIC* BXA HOUSE shall folly sostain the popular rep a: atlas which it has already acquired, and he respectfally so licits the public attention for the coming seas io An* rangements are in progress for the accommod itios of an extra number of guests, and we are asssured ths Railroad facilities will be excellent for all who deetlt to vißlt this fayudte summer resort. A®" Beck’eeelebrated PMlaaelpbla Bind has boM secured fisr tbe season. For Booms. Se., apply to J- H. DBHHISOH, at lfa> cbanls 1 Hotel, PblladelpUa; or to GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprlatoi;, myl 101* CAPE ISLAND, H. X. BOAfiDISG. •DOARDING.—WILL BE VACANT* JJ Kay-6, two Urge rooms. 906 fcPBBCE Street. myd-St* REMOVALS. TJBMOVAL —B. LIBBER HAS RE j-i KOyfiD Ms offloft to 315 HABlfOmr PJaee, bet wean Chestnut and Walnut and fUtd and Fourth, stramk JJEMOYAL. WILLIAM TABWALL Hu Htuend itom Ho. 1030 to Ho. 1333 OSBSSb HUT Street, S. B. comer of THLRTEBHTR Street, Where he Invites the attention of housekeepers, tat those commenslng honsakeeplag, to hits extensive aa~ sortment of netful HOUSE rURHTBHIXG GOODS, Saptrior Refrigerators, Table Cutlery, family Hard ware, Children's Carriage*, &«., Ac. apM-Xm TOST AND FOUND. "ftfOTICB IB HEKBBY GIVEN. THA.T -•*" application lias been made to the Trustees of th* Fire .association of Fhiladelohia for the renewal of policy of Insurance No. 25.699 for sl*ooo. issued July 7.1857. in the name of James Daary, which has beat lost or mislaid. Any information thereof will be so celved fey JOHBT MuCOSKSB, *p2S tuthilm* TWBUTT- FO CTJRTH and r&LBL. gLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, HAHUHAOTOBER OP VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest auartment In the city at the loweet cash price*. STORE SHADES MADE AND, LBTTBBBD. Cheep lot roiled Blind* and Shades. H. SLEEPER & CO., ms nemos s' SLaNOFA-CTOHEBS, AGENTS, AND WHOI* RAIYE mgAfeERS TU FLINT MB GREEN GLASSWARE, Hare nojr la store a toll auartment of the above goode. Which we offer at the loweet market rate*. Heins (Ola asenta for the SALBH GRUBB GLUB WORKS, wo are prepared to make and work private steal de to order. TOBTZR, HUIBEAL, end WIHB BOTTLES, of ■ Rtoerlor odor and Unlsh. Also, LAKP CHIMRBTB, APOTHBCABIES' SHOP FDRHITOBS, SHOW BOTTLES, BYKINGBB, HOMO*. OPATHIO VIALS,and Druggists’ Glassware generally. T. A KVASS A CO.’S PITTSBURG GLASS VIAUi eonetaatly ea hand at History prices. &]S-S» H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia.) ATTORJTEY AT LAW. fRAHKUH. VBNAHGO OOUHTT, FIHKA hetial attention given to the sxamtoaHou of TlUee. Philadelphia KmßßSoi»HniB«,'B. £ah. Shz,. Hon. J.Roes Snowden, James H. Little, Esq ,TIT' gather. Sr., Bonbrtsht, & 00., 3: A DeHaven. President 7th National Bank. mMI-Sm* SAMUEL HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY hfgaim i|^ Charles B. Lex, Eaq., i R.&W.O. Biddle *OO.l B. 0. Knight a 00.. I Dr. B, 8. Matktiulf. James H. Little, *t«., | W. H. Testou A Co. mhB-Sm TO SHU A T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, v 00DHSKLL0B AT LAW, AHD SOLICITOR 0# CLAIMS. o®u7bSl F Street, near Fourteenth street, Washington, D. G. aeM-ftn fiEHUXESKI CAMDEN AND AT* aWBfIiBW»I»LAyrTO RAILROAD. —Tram leave Vlne-straet Ferry as follows: FreUhtfwith Passenger attaehed—. 00 A. *L Junction | 3gTlJK]SI | fGi lsays ATLAOTKJ . Anwwtfc Accommodation-..~—•« *r~ o' 5* freight* With JpMsenter thus attwhed— ••*J , SS «9* MiMl Train——— —Sr S* Junction *■ BXTBA HADDOBFIadD TUAlflo _ „ Leare Ylnetfawf U. 15 A. 2L. sJ*| a. B.—Freight must feodoUretod »t ISf”- 60 Ifr-Mbm JSSTEY’S ORQ-ANB Hot only UN EXCELLED, hnt trHEQIJALLBD tonality 5 Ton* and Power, designed especially tor Ghorshos and sShools, bnt fonnd to bo equally well started to the Parlor and Drawing Room. Formate HO. 1* Forth ESVBHTH Street. Alto, a eomnlete aatortmeni of tha Perfect Holodecm constantly on band. tea-as S WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Constitution, and Ts lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Kw tlon, Sell- improvement. Management and Trats tog of CHILD BSH. soda* ** r evening, by JOBH L. CAPBN. ssasnsus,.! phrenologist and Bookseller, oeU-tnthelyif Ho. at TESTTHBt„aboveCh^Mt, UNPEEBLED AND DELICATE OOE £1 tammotß. of both sexes, use HSLMBOLD’E EXTRAOT BBCOT. It wUI glv. brisk and eesrgafl* feeUncs and enable roa to alaen walL