the city. OUR GRIEF; ABB AH AM LIHCOMT ENSHKISED m THE HEAETS 07 HIS PEOPLE. The exhibitions OfgrtorwMob. have been apparent In the oonntcnances as well as on the houses of our citizens continued yesterday. Badges of mourning on the left srm are almost universal. Mottoes, wreaths, and other devices suggestive of sorrow are Visible on every hand. We notice amongst tho mottoes: “A Nation mourns a Father slain.” , , « Abraham Lincoln, to-day, First in the Hearts oi Bis Countrymen.” • . „ '• We Mourn—Our Chler has Fallen <■ Bead, on the Borders of the Pfomuea x.ana. Abraham LlMOln—His Blood Ce ment tk* Union, »na the great, rege nerated, o’ermasterlng KepubUo. OhlefHattor Oar Holy C «TheNatlon Mourns a PatriofFallen.” women, of Fhliadel-- phia, drawn together by sisterly sympathy with the stricken minions of the land, dB*ixe to give some ex* pression to this great sorrow; it is, therefore. . . Resolvtd, That in thitf mysterious hour we bow down before the Highest, and seek onr only consolation in faith, fahh in the paternal love of Bim without whose will not a epairow falls to the ground, and whose pur poses of unimagined and unimaginable good are lobe fulfilled by every event, houevex inscrutable to us. Resolved, That in the assassination of the President we recognize the spirit cf slavery, from which has sprung tin* most bloody rebellion with its unparalleled Resolved, That they must he blind and hard beyond hope who can need any further evidence of our duty to abjure every lingering prejuaicetha- favors the great IniQuity, and to sweep every vestige of it from the land. The blood w hioh it has shed can never ha effaced from our memories. , . Resolved, That in token of our great loss, and as an expression of our profound respect for the departed, and of our sense of the immortal service which he has ren dered to oar country iu the hour of her extreme peril, and to the cause of universal freedom and humanity, we wilUwear for days following tne day of hisobse* gales a ppscial badge of mourning. t . • , , Resolved; That our sisters, throughouMhe whole land, are hereby invited to. join us in-.paying this test!* moa ai to the sacred memory or President Lincoln. Resolved, That id commemoration of thbi sad. event a bow of black ribbon or crape, tied, with the national tri-color, be worn on the left shoulder by the women of -Philadelphia for ninety days. ~, , Resolved, That as a slight exprestion of the deep sor row of the women of this city for the sudden death of their much loved President, ills recommended .that a blank drees and bonnet, trimmed with black ribbon, be worn for thirty days by those whose taste and con venience H may suit. , - Resolved, That this meeting of the women of Phila delphia tender to the widow and chiiaiea of the illus trious deceased their heartfelt condolence in their great, sorrow; if woman’s sympathy can avail to alleviate their antnish the afflicted family of Abraham Lincoln are assured that a wnole nation is weeping with them, andimplorirgiorthem the cherished consolations of Heaven. Addresses were then made by Rev. Phillips Brooks. Rev. Dr, Redder, Bishop SimpSon,"Rev. j, Wheaton Smith, and James Gibbons, after which the meeting adjourned. COBN BXpHANGB ASSOCIATION. A meeting of the Aeeool&tJon was held at their rooms yesterday morning, at which A, G. Oattell, Bsq.. delivered an impressive address on the na tional calamity, and concluded by offering the fol lowing resolution, which was adopted unanimously: Resolved, That in view of the sad calamity which has befallen the nation in the, death of our loved and honored President, Abraham Lincoln,the Philadelphia Corn Bxcbiuaz. now adjourn until Thursday, th, 20th instant, aud that ye will comply with th» rannoat raado , by the Assistant Betret&rj at State, the Mayor, and ‘ other eosatltutid authorities, la nutting In a proper ob neryanee of the solemn perlod.- AOTIOH OV TUB TBB3B CLUB. Yesterday afternoon an Informal meeting of the Press Club of Philadelphia was held, to take action ■with reference to the death of Abraham Lincoln, The regular stated meeting occurred to-day, but It was deemed proper to postpone It and organize yes terday. There was a very large attendance, repre senting all shades of political opinions. Mr. Thos, M. Coleman was oalled to the chair, and Mr. Wm. H. Fisher, Jr., appointed secretary. On motion of Gasper Souder, Jr., a committee of three was appointed to draft resolutions. Messrs. Casper, Souder, Jr., John D. Watson, «nd Thompson Westcott, composed the committee, -which reported the following: The members of the Press Club, of Philadelphia, feeling deeply impressed with the awful solemnity of the crisis through which their beloved country Is Dasstlng, cannot permit the occasion of the fearful tragedy at the national capital to go unnoticed at their hands, at a time when ay hearts are oppressed and the voices of all loyal men lu the Republlc are lifted up in testimony of poignant sorrow sthey come forward, therefore, fu tlonof spirit to mingle their grief with that of a suffering nation ;,to add their humble tribute to the unanimous acclaim which now halls the name of Abraham Lincoln as that of the most illustrious man of the age. Therefore, . _ > ~, m ßesolved, '-That it is the duty of the Fressaad cf the people to discountenance and discourage wijh alLthe means in their power that rancorous spirit of which made the assassin Boothiw whiter instrument, that tolerance of such a malignant and rancaroua ele ment is becoming a nalionai crime, and that t&e com munity must purge itself of the foul tuing. . Resolved, That it is the bounden duty of altparite and of ail Institutions, persons and daflasnees ia the Republic, to swell the chorus of famy of the assassins; to hunt them down wHhunMnnf „ injury \to k ave no spot of earth where sheltw may bs afforded for them, and to show no quarter to those who xejoice at the death of Abraham Lincoln. , ~ . Resolved, That over the grave of onr fallen Chief tain we renew our vows oi undying faith to the union he has restored* to the Constitution he has so nobly vindicated* and the great causa of freedom and human rights which he has consecrated with his bicod. , Resolved, That at a token of sorrow at the untoward event that has plunged the nation in tears, we will eanse the emb rooms to be draped with the habiliments Of mourning, and that the membvrvwili weir a badge of mourning- The resolutions and preamble were adopted by a unanimous vote. At the same meeting the following resolution* in troduced by E. C. Wallace, Esq, was adopted: Resolved, That the members of the Press Club of PhUade’phia now. m always, stood by tbetteedom of ’ ihepje»s and of opinion, feeling that while treason is to be execrated and punished by swift loyal means, ‘ w«c*f6iiate and illegal measures *re to be deprecated when aSned againsipubliciournahsts and orators, even Wien their views do not accord with temporary pohti "alttWTHE NAT I ONAI. BEEBAVEMENT. The colored citizens held a public meeting on ; aiISCKUtA»'I!»DS- V THE DEATH OF OUB LAMENTED PKE3L' Tie War Department hae given orders for proper respect to be shown throughout the army, and agreeably to these, the lß2d 00-, 2d Batt. V. R. C-, and Guard of Cujler V. S. A, General Hospital, Germantown. Philadelphia, Pa., were paraded on the green In front of the hospital, ob the 13th lost., by £leut. Ziegler In command, and formed In three sides of a square with the staff In front. The order of the War Department was read by Lieut. Ziegler, after which they were addressed by Chaplain Hynd shau on the sad calamity which so duly affects the national heart, and a prayer was offered that the solemn event might be sanotlfied to the nation, and made conducive to the more permanent establish ment of our Government and institutions, and their extension among mankind. The proceedings closed with a happy impression. TRAITOROUS LANGUAGE. A man, named James TJrlan, was arrested by the provostguard in the Twenty-fourth ward, on Mon day, for using treasonable language. It is said that he met some men in a tavern, and, In reference to the assasslnailon of the President, said the ” news was bully, and that he would like to be one of a hundred to go and kill the whole Cabinet.” It Is alleged that be said he would 11 like to see the streets of Philadelphia run with Mood.” It Is probable, like Kehoe, he will be required to taka theoathlof allegiance and then be restored to liberty. THE FUNERAL OF ABHAHAM LINCOLN. The Congregational churches of: this city will hold commemorative servloes at noon to-day. In the First Congregational Ohuroh, Frankfora road and Montgomery avenue, Rev. D. L. Gear, Bov. Edward Hawes, Rev. Burnett Hart, and other cler gymen will participate In the services. The church building Is seatly draped in honor of our lamented Into President. ; PASSENGER BAILP.OAB CABS. The-Board of Presidents of the passenger railway companies held a meeting, last evening, and,passed a resolution withdrawing all. the ears lrom the roads between the hours or twelve and one o’elook to-day. To accomplish this the withdrawal of the ears will cemmenoe about ten o’clock this morning. The services In the ohurehes wlll.thus be entirely uninterrupted between twelve and one o’elook. THE ,PBESIDENT!s ‘BODY. A despatch from Mr. Van Olevo, chairman or the oemmltiee of City Councils now in Washington, received yesterday aßemoon r 'states'that the oody of the President will reach this city on Thursday afternoon, at4>£ o’clock. The committee will make the necessary arrangements, for appropriate cere monies upon the oceasion. < HADDINGTON UNITED STATES .HOSPITAL. The Inmates of this hospital held a mettlngon Monday evening and adopted a preamble and ra solutlonslof thanks to the many ladieE of Hadding ton and Hestonvllle for their kindness, and also to ■ the officers In charge of hospital. niagabA hose company. , • In consequence of the great national calamity, the ball of the Niagara Hose Company, to have taken place this evening, has been postponed. ROBBERY. The tailor store of O. J. Stockton, North Second street, was broken Into early yesterday morning and robbed of a number of pairs of pants. RUN OYER. Thomas Kaohel was run over by a car at Third and Pine streets yesterday afternoon, and badly in jured. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. SALE OF BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS,*&C. Messrs. Thomas & Sons sold at the Exchange, yesterday noon, the following stocks and real estate, via : 19 shires Southwark Bank. $l3O CO 1 share Philadelphia Library Company. • 32 00 2 shares The Insurance Go., County of Phiia. : 51 00 1 share Mercantile Library Company....—.. 5 50 Three brick dwellings, n. W. corner Fifth and Parrishstreet*. - 2,890 oo Thrse-story brick (dwelling, Fauish street, wettef Fifth street —......... 725 03 Thieo-story brick dwelling, Parrish street, westet Fifth street.™.-.-,.. .......... : 70004 Three-story brick dwelling, Farrieh street, west of Fifth street 7CO 03 Ground rent, #23 50a year 295 00 Gronndrent. #23-5Qa year «15 00 Two three-story brick dwellings, B. E. comer : Fine and Welch 5treet5................ 1,575 OO Three-story brick dwelling, No. 615 South . _Fomrtb street 5,000 00 Hotel, dwellings, and 7 stores, K. E corner : ' Franiford road and Columbia avenue. 18,000 05 Three-story buck dwelling* SMppen, between ' Twelfth end Thirteenth streets.,*,-,,,,1,400 00 Three-story brick dwelling 1,375 00 Three-story brick dwelling adjoining*.***,***, 1,350 00 Three-story brick dwelling adjoining, 1,350 CO Three-etery brick store and dwelling, S. E. : corner Seventh and South streets. '8,050 00 Three story brick store and dwelling) If. 2. comer Fourth and South streets ’ 9,000 00 Three-ttory brick store and dwelling, Ifo. 526 . South street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $26 6,650 00 10 lots of ground, Broad street, between Alls tbeny avenue and Westmoreland street,from $3(O to $6OO each. Foundry and large lot. If. W. comer Broad aim Buttonwood streets, subject to ground rent of 4200..«. 27,003 CO Heat modern dwelling, Ho 1014 Horth Fifth street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $70.32, - ~..*.. 5,275 00 Two two-story frame dwellings, 8, W. eoriser of Shippeu and Grabb streets, subject to a yearly ground rent of $13.83-,. 1,975 00 Two-story brick dwelling. Ho. 608 Fiizwater street..... 910 OQ Two-etoiy brick dwelling, No. 731 SoutliTMr tieatii sti eefc.* - j? 1 ’ 1t303 03 Two- story "brick dwelling, No. 753 South Thh> ' teei-tb street-- 1,425 CO Four story hiick foundry, No. 680 North Broad street,*ubjmtoayeaiiygroutdmitors9o.. 2,903 00 Two*story stone dwelling, Main street,’aoath : of Flsi&er ; a lane******..*.**„„«, 7,230 00 .ERRATUM* In oor notice of the Bar meeting yesterdays We did not correctly understand the remarks of District Attorney Gilpin relative to Attorney General Me redith. The Attorney General was prevented from attending the meeting because of illness; and, had Such not been the case, he would have foregone all other engagements to have met with hi 3 brethren Of the Bar. Soldiers’ Families To the Editor of The Press: Sra: i should not appeal again to owe citizens os behalf of the soldier’s widow and six children, re ferred to In 27se Press of the ISth, whose husband and father died of starvation In a Southern prison, were it not that the case is an extremely needy one, and that the da; on which It was brought before the pub llo was so pregnant with sad, sad news, that thr Amtinu nr our benevolent citizens was naf luriiou id uiatrsdrrowiui uireetiSq to Cue -oxtmisrofr' of ovort thing else. Any one residing In the neigh borhood of Broad and Ooates streets could take this ease very conveniently under his or her care. And yet, as a general thing, It trill befoundbest to apply your contributions through one who Is familiar with the circumstances, /When several go to see and aid the same family it scarcely works well, and benevo lence Is often In this way wasted which might do much more good in other quarters. 1 will, however, fnrnlshiher address to any who desire, with their own hands, to aid her. The following are the only contributions received for this case: Prom K: N. S,, Philadelphia.- From D. W., do Prom Tabltha 1). L. Prom J. K. T,, Trenton, N, J Please, also, give mo place for toe following: Last evening I went to see a soldier’s wife, a widow with two children. These children were lying in a. little cot-bed, one with scarlet fever, the other with measles; At the bed-side sat the lonely mother, with her tears falling-fast on the.blouses at which she stitched, for a dying living. A sadder case than this 1b not on record. Never did I feel so convinced that God sent me to a home of distress, as X felt last night, when I mingled my tears with hers, be fore onr Father’s throne. Sir, I paint no unreal scenes: the most comprehensive command of lan guage could only paint the back-ground of such a picture, come and see for yourselves. City Pastok, " 1311 Lombard street, Philadelphia. THIS COURTS Court of Qtmter Sessions—Hon. James K. Indlow, Associate Justice. At the opening or Hie court yesterday morning Judge Ludlow said: Gbntmsmbm on the Jttry : At our adjourn ment on Thursday last you were directed to be In attendance on the oonrt atio A. M. to-day* lam therefore obliged by law to open this court and to meet yon here. No business, however, can or ought to be transacted while the nation mourns over the yet unburled remains of the late President of the United States. „ ' I have determined to adjourn this court to Mon day next at 10 A. M., and as your term or service ends with the current weefc, yon will be discharged, with the thanhs of the court for your prompt and faithful performance or duty, from further attend ance. Subsequently the Grand Jury came in, and were addressed as follows: Gbbtlbmbh op thb Grand Juby: Having just discharged the petit jnry from attendance, I think It to be mydutj in view of onr national calamity to request the Grand Jury to'adjonrn their sessions certainly until Thursday morning, and for. a longer time If the business will permit them so to adjourn, and the bills of indictment acted upon by the jury may be presented to the eourt on Monday next at 10 A. M. SHE POLICE. [Before Hr. Alderman Welding. 1 ALLEGED PICKPOCKET. John Koberts was arraigned yesterday morning, on the oath of Henry Meyers, charging him with having picked Ms pooket of the sum of one hundred and twenty-nine dollars, in a crowded passenger car, on Monday night. Mr. Meyers had just arrived from New York, and entered the horße car. It-is supposed the alleged pickpocket had accomplices. He was committed to answer. C Before Mf Alderman Rsmsdell. 3 POLICE OFFICER BADLY BEATEN. - - John Monahan and Charles Connor were com mitted yesterday to answer the charge or beating Police Officer Hagey, at Manayunk, on Monday. The officer, in tho attempt to preserve the peace, was -beset by a gang of disorderly persons and so much injured that he has been confined to his bed ever since, , [BaroieMr. Alderman Allen.] INCITING TO BIOT. Andrew Colwell was arraigned yesterday morn ing to answer the charge of melting to riot, at the railroad depot Haverford and Forty-second street. It Is alleged that he said It Was a good thing that President Lincoln was killed. He was immediately arrested by Officer Goddes, which saved him from condign punishment [Before Mr. Alderman Hay. 3 ASSAULT AND BATTERY. John Brown was arraigned yesterday on the charge of committing an assault and battery on a gentleman who was passing along Juliana street, near CallowhilL It is alleged that he tore a Lin coln badge from the coat of a gentleman who was passing. Brown was held In thejum of $l,OOO ball. Makbiaoss of Cousins.—Some very Interesting facts in connection with tho subject of marriages of consanguinity have just been put on record by a French statistician. He carried on his Investiga tions In the town of Batz, to tho Frenoh department of tho Loire Inferleure. Having selected forty six cases of consanguineous marriages, he ex amined the husbands, wlveß, and children, both to regard to their physical and Intellectual de velopment, and made Inquiries concerning the families examined, and their ancestors, through the mayor, pastor, and oldest inhabitants. Com bining the statistics thus collected, he has found that Intermarriages do not bring about disease, ldiotcj, or malformation. However, It is important to mark that these results are attributed by the writer to the favorable climate of the locality, and ! to the general habits, hygiene, and morality of the i inhabitants, as well as to the absence of all heredi i tary disease. The town of Batz is situated upon a peninsula bounded on one side by the rooks of the sea-shore, and on the other by salt marshes. The air is pure, and the most frequent winds are from the north, northeast, and northwest. The number of inhabitants la about 5,300. They have little communication with other parts of the coun try, and their occupation is almost confined to the preparation of salt. They are very Intelligent, al- I most all the adults being able to read. The mo rality is of high stamp, prostitution being unknown. Theft and murder have not occurred within the recollection of the oldest Inhabitant. Mothers nurse their children till they are fifteen months old and the general food of the population is of the vegetable class. There are at present In Bat* fOTtv-six consanguineous pairs of first con -52? five unions between second cousins, thir tv-ono marriages of third .cousins, and ten of cousins lntheiottrth degree. From the five unlOM of second oohstos there have beemtwenty-three chU dren, none of whom have pr®*®® 4 ®*? deformity. Thirty-one marriages _of third constos have produced one hundred and twenty children, all healthy; and the marrlagee of fourth cousins have given rise to twenty-nine children, all of whom, with tho exception, of those whq.dled of ague,-wKo strong' afcd fcBsltb3rat th© period of ©saoifnatlon. The writer contends that snob toots as the foragolag prove that consanguineous marriages by no means fea%to the degeneration of a race. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Since Friday evening las* the basinets of the country has been’utterly paralysed by the awful event which has draped the whole laud in mourning. People of all shades of opinion have united with one accord in deles* tation of -the atrocious crime which still sickens the public heart, and never has a nation shown such depth of sorrow as has been witnessed within the past few days all about ua. For awhile the utual routine of daily business has beeu stopped, tho ordinary buying and selling of merchandise and of money getting have been held in abeyance, that the popular grief may have free vent and expression. This last national bereave merit, however, is in nowise the forerunner of a dis turbance in our system of government; the military situation of the country is not the less prosperous; nor will the Union, to perfect which Mr. Lincoln spent the best energies of hie clear head and noble soul, b a thrown into peril; the finances or the country will be in no way disturbed, nor will the final triumph be postponed. We mourn the loss of the steady hand which has guided the ship of State through the breakers of civil war, and bless his memory for all time to oms, while we at the same time see cans* -to rejoice that our form of government has given again the most unmistakable evidence of its still inherent vita lity and Po.w® r * That We could have paaiedjhrough this last crisis with so lit) Is shock to our political ays-, tem, and notwithstanding the unfortunately too suc cessful conspiracy against the heads of the Government, that that Government should not only exist .but that more than ever it is now dear to the hearts of the peo ple; that it could have shown thie power even while iu the midst of a most stupendous. warfare at home, is a marvel that the historians cannot fail to dwell upon. Notwithstanding the nation’s sad bereavement, it is still as strong as ever. The rebellion can receive no new impetus new from any source; it is an extinct thing, and the road to national prosperity is still clear and untrammelled. The extract from a private letter, which we herewith append, from the Secretory of the Treasury, reflects at this time the opinion of the loyal masses everywhere. It is in no boastful spirit that this Is said, for this is no time for vain boasting. The events of the past few days show the strength of oar political institutions to a degree marvellous in the ex treme; so that while we feet with poignant grief the great loss we have sustained, and join in tears with these of'every friend of humanity throughout the world, we feel that come of the edges of sorrow have been blunted in the reflection that the great cause with which that lots is Identified is still prosperous and pro greseis g. The letter above referred to is as follows: „ _ Washington* April 16, 1865. MvßfiAESrtt: You-will perceive that the new Ad ministration is inaugurated, and the wheels of the Go vernment are not stopped for a moment My hope I*. and my belief is that this great national calamity will teach to the world a lesson which will be of the most beneficial character to cm republican form of govern ment; that ii will show that the assassination of our Chief Magistrate does not affect in the slighted degree the rem anence of our institutions or the Tegular adminis tration of the laws; that an event which would have shaken any other country to the centre dons not even Siaecerjor a m oment a government like ours. „ Very truly, yours, H. McCULLOCH. John A. Stewart, Eta*, New York. At the stock board yesterday the transactions were confined within a very narrow limit. There was a marked improvement in Government loans. The 1881 s sold at a farther advance of 1; the 19 40s dosed at about and the 6 20s at XO&g, the latter an advance of There Was nothing said in State loans. City 6s were also belter, the new selling at 91—an advance of I—and the old at £B, a rise of 2. In.the railway share list the chief feature was the decline in Beading, which sold at the close at 617£, which is a fall of %% ai compared with the opening figure of the previous day. Pennsylvania Bailroad improved.#, selling at 59#; Minehill sold at 67; Norristown, at 66#, and Gatawiss* common at B#, the latter a decline of & There was little or nothing doing in the oil, mining, or other stocks. The 'subscriptions to the seven- thirty loan received by Jay Coolie, yesterday, amount to $2,761,300, in cluding one of SIQO,OGO from New York, one of $216,600 from Boston, one of $200,000 from Baltimore, and one o' $160,600 from Cleveland, Ohio. There were 1,890 in dividual subscription* of $6O and $lOO each. The New York Times of yesterday had the following remarks about the market, and they will apply equally well to this city; 4 ‘ There is a complete restoration of confidence from the shr ck of Saturday on the Stock Exchange and in the Gold Boom to day, and the large buy*r< of gold on Saturday and Saturday afternoon have bean sadly (for themselves) ‘taken in and done for, 1 as tome of them richly deserve to be for the very indecent haste which they manifested early in the day by gambling for a rise pending the popular demonstration■•'of- national sympathy In Wall street: Others postponed, more reputably for themselves and for their principles, where they were operating as brokers, until the meet ing had adjourned until 2 or 3 o’clock P. M .when some considerable purchases were made at 169@154 per cent., as againßt 162@!60 earlier in the day. This morning the market opened at 163, and ran down to 148 per cent. The average loss to the parties who bought on Satur day, either fromaiarm or with the view to profit bu. creating alarm as to the effect'of the shccaing aea’h of Mr. .Lincoln.on the public credit, ia; about ten per cent.* 1 „ ; The foilowing*is a comparative.statement of earnings, of the North Pennsylvania Bailroad: Earningsln Match, 1865...* »..**. «-•*»•+ ...$82,652 00 Earnings in March, 1864..--. 64,753 02 Increase**-***-* *******.•* $17,798 98 The following is the amount of coal transported ove r the Lehigh Valley Bailroad for the week ending April 15, 1865; WEEK. PBE7IOPBLT. ¥Ol4l. Where shipped from. Tons Cwt Tons Cwt Tons Cwt Haz1et0n...4.127 08 68,536 07 72,653 15 EaetSugarLoaf.2,79Bl3 ;20 r 7SMQO 32,653 12 Mount Fieatant,*.-.. *~*.. 256 14 10,360 12 10,617 06 Jeddo.*.***** 1,91011 88.293 02 40.203 13 Harieigh............. «-**>* 782 31 18,964 17 19,747 08 Ehervale Goal Co .... ,726 16 8,263 00 8,089 16 stout CoaiCo ........ 793 13 15,523 03 16 3!8 16 Council Ridge-.—. 2.263 10 26 214 06 28,477 16 Buck M0untain,.......... 1,028 13 18.100 17 39.129 30 New York and Lehigh*. 1#25 01 17,385 08 38.610 09 Honey Brook 3,987 03 39.636 16 43 524 03.4 German Peon*. Coal Co.. SS6 02 17,293 07 17 SjMS«r Spring Mountain.....*♦.*- 2,339 11 24,178 16 MeWS-OO Coleraine.*'*.*-.**-**.-.*.**. 864 00 15,872 15JPu*,ol8 07 Beaver Meadow 3). W.»... 63.07 3au£*r 16,756 15 Lehigh ZinffCo. 556*08 *2 , 44119 John C0nnery........... . 4,472 19 6,029 07 Mabanoy.*. .*«•*•*-*........ 2 Sfigy IS 1,100 07 1*179 08 Baltimore Coal.. 01 69,917 19 62,624 CO Franklin 85618 9,287 05 10,118 08 cSsoUdated......jii*... , 1? 7.231 09 7,733 01 Andenreid. —». *•*#£**♦♦*•« 1,269.04-. 16,711 03 17,980 04 Lehigh ...*** 297 01- 7.308 18 7,605 19 650 04 7,120 14 7,770 18 wfiSpSTser’a,!:. ~ 431 18 4,671 03 5,003 01 Coal & Iron Co ■*—* »« 450 08 460 09 JKhlgh Coal and Nav, Go. ****.. 164 07 164 07 pother Shippers..., ... 615 88 10 95 05 Total. 29,918 11 466.576 19 496,499 10 y^rrr.-..l T 452,216 03 1ncrea5e...1,434 18 45»7Ciroo —«,873 07 The following is a statement of coal transported on the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Bailroad, fox the week ending Saturday, April 16,1865; Week. Tew. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Gwi. Shipped Worth. ..—.* 4,849 11 43.057 T» ** South.—*—.l9,2o7 17 189,830 10 v Totals —.. .24,057 08 232,917 10 Tor correspond!?!* time last year: SMpped Norfeh—.6,242 11 73.305 05 South— 19,623 16 282,722 19 s3 CO 2 00 ..... 1 00 1 00 Total.——— 24,816 06 Decrease *I2SiUO 14 Drexel & Co. quote:. United States bonds, 1881» ———............ lQfK@lO9 New United States cert of indebtedness-.*.. 98j&@ 89 QnartexmasterB 1 "Vouchers..*—••»» —.95 @ 96 G01d.—146 @l4B Sterling Exchange*-- . —m-159 @l6l Vive-twenty frond* * old*.*——lQ6M®lo7>£ Five-twenty bonds, new• —. *—*»*..l(Ks>£@l<.7^ Ten-forty bonds——** 93 @94 Sales of Stocks, April 18. THEOPEBT BOAEO. $2OO U 810 40s 83 490 eh Bowes Eddy.. IK MO th Atlas c IX 100 sh do ....—c -iK 100 sh Dunkard.—l 31-100 100 eh Big Tank-blO. 3 0 16 SOD sh do , b 10.9-3 16 100 ah do M 0.33 16 100 sh do , -—-■ 8K 100 sh do ... bS SIS 200 sh do M 0 3)5 ICO sh do 31-16 KOsh do blO SB 100 sh do v —• SK 100 sh Keystone 1;. 200 shFhll soil Ck- 1 SALES AT THE RBBULA Reported by Seam, Miller, BEFORE I SCOBlaTank-...10t5, SH] ICO Beading K—... 63>i FIEST ICOD U. S. 6a, 'Blcoup.loB 4000 , do • .lots.coup. luSt; 6100 do.-lots.coup.loB)4! 400 u. m 6-a)0-.coTip.io6J4: 10C0 do.nsw.conp.lo6S 10000 do ..lots.sonp.lC6S 16000 do.b6&in.oon.lo6S 2000 do..C4jP..rog.OT 64C0U. 8,16-405..15.e.M 30CC City 6a over, '7O It 88 000 City 7s, now-lots. 9l 20C0 E6adlng;6s,’7p. r . .92 300 Beading 8....10t0. 52K 100 do .cash. 62)4 100 do.—..£6wn. 62H 600 do ........lots. 62E 800 d6.i...«2dyi. 68*4 100 do —.cask. 62)4 100 do ......-cash. 62 KO do ......s6wn. 62 ICO - do —6IK ICO d0....~.2dy5t 61J4 3Ponnaß....C6ip. SSX 60 Korristown E ... C6X 200 Catawissa B SM ICO SchJfay prof.b3o. 32X ICO Sneq Canal.lo BBTWBBH BOABDS. 600BigTan* MO. SX 400 Allcgky & Tldsont 1 100 d0....~.-.b6..31-l« 12 Mine hill 67 eoo do-lots 81 16 103 Headings 61% 6CoTJBlo.4oBds.rog.. 92X 2’o do ...s3i)..lots. 51 500 Bnll Creak...MO.. 8 400 do— lots. 51 200 HcCrsa & O 8.b30. 2X 300 Caldwell 0i1..b30. 4% lOODunkard Oil.—~ IX 301 do ’ i% SCO lertey Well-lots-- 3 300 Walnut Island-M. IX 100 Csmeron...—«... 8 200 Petroleum Centre. 2)5 600 City 65.... old S 3 Semi*Weekly Keview of tbe Philadel* pbia Markets. Aj»rii. 18—Evening. Business continues very dull, and there will be little or nothing: doing in the way of sales until after the fa * nexal of our bt loved President. Baik is without • change. The Flout market is very dull, and prices un settled. Wheat has declined'. Cora and Oats are with* out change. Cotton continues Quiet, and we hear of no sales.' Pish and Fruit axe without change. Oils are very dull. Provisions are firmly held, hut the sales are limited. Whisky is very dull. Wool is inactive at about former rates. The Flour market continues very dull, and prices are piretfcled, there being more sellers thßn buyers: about 200 bbls choice Western family sold at $10.25 # bbi. The retailers and bakeis are buying in a small war . only, to supply immediate wants, at prices ranging from $7 2£@7 76 for superfine; SS@S.6O for extra; $3 75 @9.80 for extra family* and $l0@;0.60 3 hbl for fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Flour and Corn Heal eon* tinue dn*Lad about former rates, - FBOVIBTOaB.—The market is firm, but the trans actions are limited: smell sales of Mew Fork, aTS making at s2£<33o9bbL EbefHams sell at $27@&9 bbl, and Msis Beef at $29*y~ canvassed, Sides at 19®20c. and Shoulders at 17® 15c 9 it Green Heats a*e rather lower; sales of pickled Bsms are making at 16@19c. and Shoulders in salt at 2f@l6c 9ib. .There is very little doingdu Lard; small sales of bids and tierces are making at l£X@l934e» and hegsat23c9 lb, cash. Batter continues dull, and prices are irregular; sales of soli* l -packed at 15@30c, roll at 15 @2Se. and choice at 40@46* 9 lb, as to quality. Cheese is rather rcarce; small sales of Hew York are making at s£®24c 3 lb. Ergs are telling at 20@27c.9 dozen. METALS. —Pig Iron continues dull, and there i» very little doing; small sales are reported at $45@48 9 ton for 25 o 1 Anthracite, and Forge at $4C@44 9 ton. Manufac tnred Iron dull, at about former rati a. BARK.— l Qaercitron continues dull at $29 3 ton. Tanner’s Bark is without change COAL.—The market is very quiet, and prices are un settled ; we quote white and red ash at from $8.26@9 3 ton. COFFEE.—There Is very little doing in the way of sales t small lots of Bio are reported at 2034 in gold. . COTTON continues verv quiet; small sales of Mid dlings axe reported at Sse 3 ft>. cash. . FkATBSBB —Small sales of Western are making at Horn 6l@6fc%ib . . . ' , FISH —There is no change to notice; small sales of »hore 3o 1 Mackerel are making at s2fl@2fi;*l6fer bay do; $l7-60 for store 80. 2s; and $15315 60% hbl for small and large 80. Se. Picked Herring are selling at s£@l29bbl. and Codfish at $9 the 100 tbs. FBulT.—ln Foreign there U verv, little doing; Green Apples are sell ng at s£@B.6o 3 hbl, and dried do. at 9M@l3c 3 Jb'. Reaches are spiling at 28j for quarters. S£@S3« for 4o@4sc for pared . GRAlN.—There Is more Wheat offering, and prices are unsettled and rather lower; small sales are making at from 2CC@2ICc 3 bn for good to prims reds, white ranges at from 2ST@23Oe9 bn. as to quality. Bye is sell in g in a small war at 126 c 3 bu. Cora is unchanged; about B,CCO bus sold at 125 c for prime yellow afl-at, and white at 115 s 3 bu Oats are quiet at about for mer rates, with sales at 81@82c 9 bu MOLASSES.—Thera is no change to notice: small sales of-Cuba are making at 45@58c, and Porto Rico at 6C@£sc 3 gallon. >- i* aval STORES are firmly held. Rosin is quoted, at $26@28 3 bbl Small sale* of Bpirits of Turpentine are making at $2.2032.259 gallon. 0118 —lard Oiiis selling, tn a small way, at $1 75 for winter, and $1 60 for summer. Fi*h Oils are quiet, aid prices are umettied. Linseed Oil i* dull. Petro leum cominues scuce and. there is very little dning. We quote crudest 33@35c; refined in bond at65@563, and free at from 7C@77c9 ial, as to quality. - -BlCE.—Small shies of Bangoo« are makingatlD34@ ICKc. and tiavannah at 12@12J4c 9 lb SEEDS. —Cloverseed ls scarce, and prices areldwer; THE PEESS.-PHILAPELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL IS ■mall salessen making at sl7® 17. fit)%) 64 Bis. Timothy is doll at |4@4.60. 'flaxseed 1« selling la a small way »t*J es®J.6oVbn. - - ■ j SPIRITS.—In foreign there Is vet, little doing, and P)lees are nnehanaed. Hew England Earn Is selling in a small way at *2 !«@2. 40 IS-gallon Whisky is dull, and thtreis very little doing: small sales of Penna. and Westernhblearemakingaf#3.l6®j.jof gallon. , . SUGAR —Prices are unchanged, »nd tnero is very little doing; we quote Cuba *t 11&@l2Kc, aui Porto hicoaUJ@l4csfo, incnrrency. - TALLOW. -Sales ‘ and clty-reidered are making at IK@l2d ft ib. TOBACCO.—-There is very little doing in either leaf or manufactured* and puces are without chance* WOOL.—Prices continue weak and unsettled, and there Is Terr littledoinc; smattaalesof fleece are ins at 70®80c, and tub at from So@9oc « ib, as to quality. The following are the receipts of Flonr and Grata at this port to-day: . 1,0031)1)11. me»UM«eM. *^*M^.w^.^*w;l3.ooobu«. UolBeMM4cieM4e.rseee.Me.eeM 3,2-<0 bUSc Oats——. —. 2,7®bin. The Few York Post of yesterday says: The chief feature of the Stock Bxohauge is the In creased demand for Government seeurlttes. The bears, who are reported to have very large contracts outstand ing at lower prices, 'have hammered the market for railroad with some effect. Gold is steady at l«K@l4fX. Foreign Btchangels duUatlQB%@lo9Mr The loan market Iseasyato portent. .Commercialpao9r is dull at B®ll. The supply of capital seeking incest ment is considerably In excess of the demand. The list of sales at the stock exchange is not published to day, and no board will be held to morrow or Thurs day. All contracts falling doe on Wednesday and Thursday are to be dosed to-day or on Friday. The following quotations were made at the Board* ecmpared with those of Monday afternoon: Tn. . Hon. Adv. Des« XT. S. 6s, ’fil, lo9# io8« ■% TT. S. 6-20.»oupons.e..,^10ft} 4 ' 108 w U. B, fi*2o coupons, new.*~~.lo«?| 106& . U. 8. 10 40 conponß*»^.ee.93J| 9B>£ ; H JL 8. esse.«... B9jf 99 , % Tennessee Os* e «.e 66 Bik K *, MiMcnri 6#.♦^..e.e.eee. yt •• Pacific Mail ~e..5K!5 300 - .. 5 Nfc ir Yoik Central:... "pfi?. 97*7 Erie.—73 73 .. Hndeon 8irer........... M 6 10S5d .. 2k Beading.—..— .——.....10ir' lc® Alter the board tie market was steady. Sew York Central closed at 96, Erie at 72%. Hudson at 109, Michi gan Central at 102Ji, Michigan Soatherm at 60}{, Htfs lmrg»t7o, northwestern at 2814. Northwestern nre terred at «K> Book Island at 94, Fort Wayne at 03k. ' Flour, &c —The market for Western and State Flotuf • Is les* active, and prices are 10c@35a-$* bbllower. The decline la mest xnaiked on the medium brands. Eye Flour is heavy. Sales otlOohbis at $3 6C@B: Corn Heal U quiet and steady. Sales of 200 Obis at $8 50 for .Brandywine, : , Grain.—The wheat market ia quiet; prices are with-. out important, change As to-morrow'all business 1* to be suspended, miller* are disposed to hold off. ’ Thp sales are 14.100 baa at $1.65 for Ko. IJChicago1 J Chicago spring, and s],foforamber Western. - . * Oats are.steady but quiet. she a&leitaro 16,003 bus Jersey and Pennsylvania at 90fl't Canadian at 85®lfio; Western 8t 80c. , 1 . • " R> e is inactive and nominal at $1@1.05. Corn is firmer and in moderate demand/ The supply is limited, about equal to the demand., TTie sales are 22,600 bus Jtrsey at it {6 on pier. and $1 87@1.88 for Delaware end Pence?lranis afloat,, unsound at SBIS. Western mixed, nominal. . . ,* . , . « . Provisions —The Pork market opened ©tsier, but c. OBfd quite firm at our outside figures , The sales cash and regular are 2,920 bbls at $25 for . old Hess, and $27 25@27 60 for new do. Prime Hess ia fully offered at sj6. • Beef is dull and heavy. Sales of 230 bbia at $l3 60® 16.60 for plain Mess, $17319.40 for extta_ do. Tierce Beef is neglected- Coffee.—Holders are firm in fctair views,bat we hear . of no soles w - Cotton.—There is a fair demand, and prices are firmer at 34@S5c for middlings. . - . Molasses 1b in fair demand'and firmer; salesof 80 hhda B&rbadoes at 60c. . - , Petroleum is in fair demand and firmer j saies of 1.00(2 bbH ciude at 80c; 400 bbls refined, in bond, at 63c, and 100 bbls do free at 73c. fc ugar —Hew Sugars are only in moderate demand, but prices are nnehanged; sales of SCO Jahds Cuba at U3£ ®l4c; 178 hlidsloW- trade Demerara at 10&c. for refining,., and 24 hhds Porto Klco at lCc, gold. Betined are quiet andsteady. . Whisht.— The market is better; sales of 250 bbls at $2 16 for Western. Flour.—The receipts since yesterday hare been 9,230 bbl*. The market is thm with a fair demand; sales of Western superfine afc $7. 26@7.60; common extra. $S 2'@ 8 60; medium do s9@9-75; good and choice doslo@!Ss bW- Grain.—The receipts slsce yesterday have been7so bush Corn, 14,661 bush Oats. 2.0C0 bmh Shone Cora is very dull; sales of new Southern yellow® 1.46 f bushel. 1 Oats are in moderate demand; sates of orthern and Canada at 7F@3oe ?*. ba«h. ■ By© is sel-lae at $1.25 bush. . Sbor:« s.»v dull at sso©B2;.Fine Feed $52@65; Middlings ton. - Provisiqss.—Pork is firm with a good demand: sales of prime afcsf4@26; messsK®3o; clear $38®38 bb’> cssh. Beef is in steady demand; sales of Eastern and Western mess and extra mess at sl6®22lM>bl, cavh. Bard is in moderate demand; sales in obis at IS® 19c 9 lb, cash. Bam* are selling at 12(gK9?£c Ibj Cnsh. - . XjKI 1 3TJ3JR JBi&CHSs -■i ' * ; AT THE MERCHANTS 5 EXCHANGE. PHILADELPHIA. • Bark Binds. Hewitt.S&gua la 3rand*» soon. Brig Anna (Br), Morrow St. Thomas.-soon. Sfhr Fannie, Vanee.v*. • - .Havana, soon. Son HSses-...-S 311 Son 5et5....6 S 9 I Hicli Water...B 50 ABBXVBD. Steamship Saxon. Matt>ews, 48 honrs from Boston, with mdse. Ac, to Henry*.Winsor & Co. x Brit John.-Welsh. Jr. Fifield, 14 days from' Gienfj gos, with setar and molasses to S& W Welsh. Biig Northern Light (Br), Anderson, from " Nissan. 7 days* wittf &hg&r and xaoJ Welsh- Brit Lucy Ann, Webber* 5, iii ballasito c&ptajj^.***** flaa& fton Fortress Hoaroe, in GnkiraC&\)t&iSt :• ii* - Fly. Hew London; la ballast to Qxaff^&Cb*^-, v . ■ _ Stbx J M flott>toa, 4 days from Savan nah, in baU’a*t to BA wStLaM& Co ‘ . ScarJH Wfcinwrlfbt; Kor*ie» from Beaufort, la bal last to captain- * - gcbr Alisa H Brown, Fierce, from Boston, in ballast i *°6cSr & Mary Elizabeth, Bcckhill, from Bewbern, la ballast to US Quartermaster. . • , , . Schr M A ttaaee, Ayres, from Boaaoke island, in baUast to captain _ w * , Zi Schr J B Bleecker, Hast, from Hew York, la ballast to , _ t 1 , Schr W Wallace, Stall, from. Alexandria in ballast to cantaln gcbr D S Merskon, Allen, from Alexandria, In ballast **801? Charm, Starr, from Wilmington, in baliait to B S Quartermaster. _ . _ M - ; .. Schr Elizabeth, Magee, from Beaufort, in ballast to Henry*,- Solliday, from AlKpandrla, la Schr Evergreen, Befioite, irom isostoa,Ttt'halutw "to “schr'x.ady Ellen, Doughty, from Wilmington, N 0, in hallastto captain -f, , Schr J Bnrley, Shaw, from Norfolk, IS bauaet to Ca fc£rW I Garrison, Corson, from Norfolk, In ballait *°Sclir Lizzie TayloT, from New bPrn, N C, In ballast to * B |ch?Allianee, Shannon, from St laegoes, imbeliast Horizon, Blum, from Lynn, in ballast to captain. Echr Georgs Annie, -Pennyman, 1 day from Lewla iotrn, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co . Schr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian & Co. ... Steamer W 0 Pierrepont, Shropshire. 24 hours from New Pork, with mdse toWJgD: alrd it Co. Bark Annie Kimball, Humphrey. Port Boral. Brig Wm Creasy, Little, New Orleans. Brig NB Locke, McCalmon, Bsmedlos. Echr’Charm. Starr, Alexandria . Schr Mary Elizabeth, Bookhiil, Newborn. Schr John. Foltz,’ Southwest Pass. Schr Geo Henry, S»lilday, Hewbcrn. Schr S S Parker, -‘Fitzgerald, Camden, Me. Sclir lSarlSFi!**, mss, Boston Schr Farragnt, Barllttt. Pernbroie. Schr Gnn Bock, Boyce, Pall Elver. Schr Ply, • CKtaSmanviNantncket, ~ Schr Snsoneh&nna, Wemeley,. Baltimore. Schr M M Freeman..Howe*. 8 OB'on. . * Scbr Edwlnßcediifloodspeed, Providence, Schr J B Bloecher. Pash. Providence. 1 i • tehr Metdo»;HiiSin»i*HewJEork. > ScbruG WiLiamszGoldiag, Portress Monroa. Schr F P Bandolph, Eislsy, Portress Mentos. Schr las Wtftneri' SduleHuyna. . , hchr Clara. Cor.on, bo w Inlet- Schr E A Cnmmins,/Whirlow, Norfolk. Steamer H L Caw, Iler, Baltimore- - ' Steamer E Chamberlain, Devlnay, New Perk. 856,028 04 100 ah Mingo.334 ICO sh do 3M 400 sh People’s Equit. H 1100 sh. Sherman, .***— % 100 sh HcCrea and Cherry 2)4 jlflOsh, do .-hlO 2X ‘ 100 ah do J... 2% ICO'sh do 2 600 sh do ..... 3 100 sh Jersey Well bio 3 ICO sh do blO S 100 sh do -blO 3 300 sh Tlonesta. •. .b3O 2 200 sh St Nicholas b2O 3% 100 sh Wm Penn.-.brn 334 JB BOARD OF BROKERS. , & C0.,N0. 50 S. Third 'St. BOARDS. | 200 Mineral 0i1........ 1* 500 Big Tank**.** 3 300Den&more ..-.lots. 4 94 100 d 0..- b 5. 4 94 300 Egbert Oil.—*..*, 2 94 ICO El Dcrado..* 1 2CO Caldwell »b 6. 4% 100 Jersey W«Ublown 3 200 do —8 600Howe* 8ddy..~~.l 66 6CoBull Creek.,;,—. 2 100 Maple Shade-*b3o> 1834 300 Corn Planter .. b 6. 3% SCO Mingo-.-—.lots. 3>£ WO MoOrea 8c Cherry. 2 SCO do— b 5. IJi 4GQO Union Cl Bds.lots- 2034 100 Ross Oil. 234 100 McClintock •. • -b5. %% ICO Seneca . ..t6). 434 100 fit Nicholas .334 <038ruuer........10t5. • 3£ 200 Sugar Da1e........ 3 44 100 334 SOlDalzell..lots. b!5. 6 100 do *~~bs 6 200 do<>»«~*~*b3Q. 6 Rew fork Markets, April IS. Boston Markets, April 17. FHILA DSLFHtA BOARD OF TBADB. Kdward C. Bicdlb > Samuel B. Stores, f Committee of she Hosing, George N. Tatham, > MARINE IKTELLICESCE. FOBI OF FBIL&DEIFHU, IPKILIB. . MESfOBANDA. Steamship tibsrty, Wilson, cleared at Raw York on Monc ay for Havana end Sew Orleans. Steamship Western Metropolis, BDtoiu for New Or* leans, cleared at New York on Monday - Btesmaaip City of Baltimore (Br), Mlrehouse, from Liverpool fith last* at New York on Monday, nas7« chr cYorgie D eerieK, Will&rd, hence at Portland l£fch Tamer, from Calais for this port, at’Port land I6th instant, . ' , . _i. j?chr Mary HMI ffita, ChaipplSn, hence at BTewH&ren Lion. Cooper* from Liverpool, at Madras 2d ult, and sailedsth for Calcutta Ship Suliote, Soule, at Bombay jHhulfc, from Liver**. Bark Queen of Scots, Lockhart, hence at St John, N B 3Bark l floremse Peters, Hooper,cleared at New York on M Brfg Marshall Sutch, Coombs, hence at Boston 10th Sea Earner. Sears: f 9 a»T, K«neT! M WKiilxtijliton, Baxter ,\D M French. JoijftlJ B AusUn,. Davis, hence, and £ S Conan t, Look, from Wood bridge, w J. at Bostonlfithinstant* . Soirs E Hotchkiss, Robins. BaHImOM. Dix, and Pearl, Brown, hence at Boston 16th-Ai:tsnt. LE6AI. PI THE GOTTBT OF COMMON PLEAS EOS THE CITE AMD COUMTY OF FHILADBL PBIA. * Katharine Brown Hopkins, by her next mend. Frede rick Blown, Junior, vs Henry St George Hopkins, Hatch Term, A D. 1864. Ho. 62. ip Divorce : To HENRY ST, GEORGE HOPKIHS, respondent above named: Pleate take notice that the report of tho examiner having been filed, the Court has granted a role on you : to show cause why a divorce fromtthe bonds ol matri mony should rot be decreed in this case. Returnable SATURDAY, April 224, A. ». IBBS. at 10 o’clock A. M. Personal service having failed on account ol your ab sence, Keeps etfuUy yours. ■ DANIEL DOUGHERTY, apll-tuw 4t Attorney for Libellant. TN THE COTJKT OF COMMON PLEAS X FOE THE CITY AMD COUNTY OF PHILADEV HABRY S. HAWKXHS YS. EMMA E HAWEIHS. 5.,’64. 49, AlsosubpomaDei Ti, 18S4,- Ho. 40,-. Map am: Yon win take notice that the Court has granted a rule on yon to show cause why a divorce a via. mat should not be decreed lu the above case, re turnable SATURDAY, April 22.,1855, personal service having failed on account ofyour a b Kea cjj Youtb respectfully, HBHBY B. EDMUNDS, Attorney for Libellant. To Emma F. Hawkins. . j • April 8,1866. aplf-wf4t TESTATE OF EDWARD G. JOKES, XU deceased.—Letters of Administration upon the Es tate of Bev. EDWABD C JONSS, late of the city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons indebted to the said estate will make payment, and those paving claims against the aame will present them mthont djlay to / . ALEX. H JONES, Administrator, PRICE Street, Germantown. Or to his Attorney, THOMAS LATIITBE, mh22 w6l» Ho. 4130 LIBRARY Street. PS THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOE THE CITY AND GOUNTY OF PHILADEL Trust Estate of Mrs. SABAH CLEMENT aud-Dauschlors. The Auditor appointed by tho court to audit, sotao, and adjust the final second of JAMES CAESTaIBS, surviving trusts, undar tho will of WILLIAM HOOD, deceased for. Mrs SARAH CLBMBHT and her.dauih tors, Caroline and Josephine, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties-interested, for the.purpoees of his appoint, mint, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of April. 1886, at 3 o’clock P. M:. at his office. Mo, 131 South FIETH street, In the city of Philadelphia. - ' . 1 apl4-fmw6t WM. ROTCH WISTEH, Auditor. CUMMONS IN PARTITION. ■MjU- K>ZBBNE COUNTY. 88. ' - THJB OOMMONWEAT.TH OF PBNNSYL’ s«at \ TANIATO THE SHERIFF OF SAIL COUNTY. < SEAL ?—G BESTING J C 3 if Jacob Adams end Annie B. -Adams his wife, in right of said wife, John Alfred Barton, Henry G. Barton and Mary Fran cfcs Barton, his wife, in right of said wife William Arthur Baiton; Mary Alice Bar ton, Joseph P. Salmon and Susan Catharine Salmon bis wife, in rifbt of said wife. Eli Graveling guardian of Charles Frank Barton, and Joseph P. Salmon guardian of Florence , Ann Barton, make you secure or prose eating their claim, then we command yon again that by good and lawful summoners you summon George W. Kobinscn, late of your county, yeoman, aojbat he be and appear before our Judges, at WILKES BABBB, .at our County Court of Common Pleas, there to be held on the 12th day of May next, to Bhow whers fore they, the said plaintiffs and he the said George W. Bobinson, together and undivided, do hold two certain lota and pieces of land situa ein the borough of Scran ton, with a brick building and store thereon, b«!ng lots number.six and seven (6 and 7) in square or block number thirty (SO) on the town plot of the borough of Scranton, In the said county of Luzerne, whioh he, the said George W Robinson. partition thereof.between them to be made (according to the laws and the customs of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided) doth gainsay and the same to be done doth not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and customs, (as It is said,) Ac., and have you then and there this writ, and the saves of those aummonors, Ac ' . Witness the Hon .John N. Conxngham, president of * our said court, at WilVeftbarre. this dthdaTOf Marsh, A. D. 1865, M. J. PHILBIN, Prothonotary, Per Hotchkiss A true and attest*d copy. • ' f 8. TT. Pctereauoh, Sheriff. mh22 w6t M. G. BKO-W N'B GREAT METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY NOISES IH THB HEAD, • - DISCHARGES FROM THB BAB. t CATABBH, ASTHMA, SOI BBoSckIiI. AFFECTION, THEOAT DIFFICULTIES, Diseased Eye*. Loss of Hair, Dyspepsia, Bnlarrement - of the Liver, Diseass, of the Kidney,, Constipa tion, <3 ravel, Plies, Insanity, Mis, Para lytis, Stult of Blood to the Head, consumption; With *ll and every disease which infeite the human body, . OFFIOK3: ■ Be. 410 ABCS strut, Philadelphia: 80. 1G BOND street. Haw Yorks Ho. 18 PEMBERTON Square, Boston; and Ho. WestJMOHUMBHT Street, Baltimore. BEAD THE FOLLOWING REMARKABLE CERTIFI CATE, WITH AEFIBAVIT:! Oxford, January 20,1885. Mbs. M G. BROWX—Madam 1 have been to the city several timesr hatliad sot time to call, I have cot entirely well, and tinder God I owe it to yon. My riff ht earl have not heard any with for a number of years. I can. sow hear some with it. My left ear, thelhe&ring left it just&ftar harvest; in this way: 1 took a dizzi ness in my bead, so I could not work, accompanied with a ringlnx noise in my ears. I was so bad that I could not hear without they would halloo at the top of their voices. I first got a prezcripiioa from a physician, which consisted of almond oil Mid somethin* else (I can’t tell what). I also tried almond oil alone, but it did me no good ; then I got some Homoeopathic medicine, but with the same- effect. I then tried old women's cures by the score; stiJ no benefit; I went to Philadel phia, putmyeelf under the care of a celebrated Aurisfc; be bored at my ears with instruments, and run others np'my nostrils, for five weeks, and ended by cheating me out of seventy-five dollars ($75), as that was all the benefit I received from him- I then saw one of your advertisements ; I got the Metaphysical Discovery, used not more than half of it, and have recovered my hear ing. which I had lost for years . Iremaitfyours, truly, THOMAS B DICKEY. - - .. . - Oxford, Chester county, Pa- Affirmed and subscribed to before me; this 31st day Of Kerch, A. D. 1 1880. WM, T. FULTON, Justice of the Peace- THOS. B. DICKEY. ASr- The above is-hut on* out of many whtoh can be seen by lending for a eireular. J. ■ . Tie celebrated, FOOB-fUCHABD’S BYB WATER $l-60 per bottle; smallsize do. de. 60 cents. Celebrated fcCALP BBKOYATOB *1 60. _, „ ' . t . The above medicines are packed for despatch to any BABHES. A CO., Bow York. apS-wfmtf MGBIJVERI AHTD IRON. s^J^yyvv^/bAA/V^WWWWVWW\AA/VX'V\A.WV*^MW PENN STEAM ENGINE AND ftSFWHn BOILER WORKS.-HBAFIE & LEVY, PRACTICAL AMD THEORETICAL BBGItfBSRS, MA CHINISTS, BOILER*MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having ftmmany years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Karine and River Engines, nigh and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanhs. Propellers, fee., Ac., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully urepmsed to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma rine, RlvewHndStationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with Quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice,* High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers, of The best Penn sylvania charcoal iron. Forgings of all sizes' and kinds, Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 801 - Turning, Screw-Cuiing, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed, The-tubsoribers have amide wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., «.for JAooBO JFOHK P. LBVY, legl-tf . BBAOH and PALMER Street,. SOUTHWABK FOUNDRY, to FIFTH AMD WASHINGTON STRSSWa Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. _ Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Gw ints of ail kinds, either iron or brass. w _ _ _ * -iron-frame * Roof• for Gas Works, Workshops, Bail road Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most int* proved construction. ‘. , ± Every description of Plantation Machinery, ta*hJ£r Sugar, Saw* , and: Grist Mills, Vacuum Steam Trains. Defecators,Filters, PompingJßni^ e ySe7 Sole agents for N. EiLleux's Patent B2i£gss3!£TL paratus, Neamyfch’s Patent and A*pl&« SSilne tSSttrilSriSiiwir- FABER & CO., A BOAEDING SCHOOL FOS GIRLS _ THE SUMMER , TEEM: OS' THIS LngTCTPTIOjr, healthfully and beautHnlly located on the northern limits of Attleboro, • Backs connty, Pennsylvania. will commence Fifth-month, 22d» 1565, and continue In ses sion twelve weeks. . ~ The course of Instruction 1b thoromh in the several departments ol ijnsiish, French, Latin, Mathematics, and Brawler. For fall details see circular, to obtain which address the Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Backs connty, Pennsylvania. ISEA|L ;Jq O^tAMB. Principal*: FOB DBAFNX3BS. CUBED EFFECTUALLY BY MBS. H. G. BBOWN’B METAPHYSICAL DISqOVEKY. PBICE $O. 3. VATJBHAJST UKEEIOX. WILLIA* K. MSABIOK. SOWS B. OOFS. PHIJAJDBLPHIA. MEBBIDH * SOYS, ENGINEERS AMD MACHINISTS, EBUCATIONAI.. aps ZwT T7ILLAG£ green seminary.— T MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles from MEDIA, Fa. Thorough coarse la Mathematics, Classics, Sfattiral Sciences, and English; practical les eons in Civil Engineering Pupils received at any time, and of til ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Re fers to John o. Capp & son, 23 South Third street; Thos, J. Clayton, Esq . Fifth and Prone streets; ex- Sheriff Kern, and others. Address Rev. J. HERvSY BAE TOJT. A. M » VILLAGE GREEN, Fonna. nog-6m COAL. E sohbein®e,bew coal depot, - BOBLE Street, above Ninth street. • . Constantly on hand superior qualities of Lehigh and Sohuylldll coal, selected exprestiy for family purposes, • at the lowest market prices, -wharf. Twenty-third street, below Arch street. Office, 319 South FOURTH Street, oc3Q-6m p.O A L . —SUGAR I.OAI'j BRAVER VJ MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Loeust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot, H w. corner BIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office,No. 113 South SECOND Street. Card-til J. WALTON & CO, PURE LEHIGH COAL.—H OUS E ■*- KEEFERS can rely on getting aymre artiele at the S. X corner of F&ONT and POPLAR Streets, JOHN W. HAMPTON. mh2o*lm* WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIIi- T T LEB. —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonderful compound of the age- There is neither,ehalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth,nor tale in its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax;; hence the ex traordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making it loft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear jottug, the homely handsome: the handsome more bsautifol, and the most beautiful divine. Prices 30 andso cents. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., Per fumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chettnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above •Walnut. apB-5m nPAEB NO MORE UNPLEASANT A and trnsafa ramsaies tot Mpigaajmt and fiamw. vons diaeaMS. U» EETBAOT BUOH, and IMPROVED BOOT WASH. ; TffM. H- JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia.) ATTQBHEY AT LAW, FBAMKLIH. VEMAHGO OOUHTY. PEHHA. Spatial attention xlven to the examination of Title.. Philadelphia Bspkbbnobs :—Cba». B. L«x, gw., Hon. J. Bora Snowden. James H. Little, Esa.. T. T. Tasktr. Sr., Hood, Bonbright, & Go., J. Z. DeHavsn, President 7th Matlonal Bank, ■ mbll-Sm* CAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AMD COMVEYANCBB. FBAMKLIH, VEKABGO COUNTYVPIHMA. (late ot FkUadelpMa.) REFERS TO' Charles E. Lex, Esq., i B. At W. C. Biddle At Co., B. O. Knl.Lt A Co.-, I Dr. B S. Ma«k.nsl., James H.XltU*. Esq., I W. H. Yeaton A Co. mhg-gm ~ . . . TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, V COUNSBLLOK AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS. Office, 351 F Street, near Fourteenth street, Washington, D O- . de24-ffm MACKEREL, herring, SHAD, &a. LTX —2.500 bbls Hass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel,' laU'Caught dat fish, in assorted packages. 2,0C0 bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herrins. 2.600 boxes Lubec, Scaled, No. 1 Herring. ICO bbls New*Mesa Shad. _ 260 boxes Berkimer.eounty Cheese, . CM ALL PROFITS AND QUICK BLARE BOOBS. Paper •ad Envelope*.' * Copying ard Cancelling Freseee. Gold Pen* and Pencils. ’ , _ Pocket-Books, Bankers* Cases. Backgammon Board*,J*ortfolios. and Writing Desks. PBOTOGBAPH ALBUMS. i Tie largest and finest assortment in the city, holding from 18 to 300 photographs, hound in relTet and Turkey morocco, with chased edges and beautiful clasps. CHEAPEST ALBUMS IB THE CITT . Arnold s Ink Faber’s Lead Pencils. • Copy lrg Books. Pi l ies reduced to wnes^ond 'wl&the decline in gold. ‘Wholesale and Retail BLANK BOOK AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM MANU* FACTURRBS. STATIONERS AND PRINTERS I aplS lm No. 39 South FOURTH Street. WHITE LEAD, AJT REDUCED ” ** to ** l ® S SMITH. Proprietor* of the Penn A Paint and Color Works \ atB-Ut» Store and Offlee 137 aorta THIBD St. -WINDOW GLASS—ALL SIZES AND * * qnalittss, at extremely low piioee. D ZiKOLBR & BMTTH, Wholesale Drag, Palm, and Glees DenlaM apB-llt Store and Office 137 North THIRD St. DEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND D uirpEIIJCIPLBD DEALERS endeavoring to die pose of their own and other preparations, on the mu tation attained hy BEMtBOLD’B OEMDIKE PKErA ttATIOJTft. PURE CORN VINEGAR, FREE *- from drags, and warranted to.preserve fruits and olokles equal to rider vinegar, mannlhctnred and gold by . PORDY & 00., mhaa-lm 35 South FROHT Street, i, 1865. PHOPOSAiS. A SSISTANT QUARTEEMABTK A- OFFICE, Ho. 1139 GIRABB §£••*■ u BBAIED rEOPOSALB wUi te Vthe until 12 O *{°?£ . ?r ,7 tt» A m-TRtn tn* Storehouse* jtnaiadißte delivery. *t the United b»ww Q i hajSOVBE* Street Wharf, properlr pW«f“;/®*KJ for transportation* of the foliowin I articles U J?“ He Fallt i'aper, to weigh not less than 38 »». to roam- Can Paper, 14 lbs. to ream, d? nd r lo d ’ wK: . Kot, Paper, do. t °” am ‘ Envelope Paper. 35 ®s. to ream. i«i?4 White Blotting Board, 100 »M® ream, rena- Official Bnveftpee, whits and hnff, srsxoa. *”• \ stt« Envelopes, white and buff, Government pat tea{iro>win«aook.,ftsii4e®^f»- CspCoprlng Bools, 10x14, 600 P»M«-. Blank Books, Bto 12 dnires, deml-nalt-DOtma paisns hfuik 9XI3K. half roan,2o sheets Memorandum Boohs, Jttefc 56 leaves. Black ink, Arnold’s, qt.,pt,, andhaltPt. i b ? ttiLee. Black Ink, Maynard a Hoyss, or Dunbar, at., pt., and half pintbottles. .. . t and half-ut Black Copying Ink* Arnold a, s*•» P*** aua nau ‘"carmine Ink, 2-o Z .bottle»,glas.stopp B r. Iteei'pe 1 !?, 1 OiUoft’s 8 303, 401, 289, and ••Oommeroial.” Sold Pencils? AbieiA, and J-. ... Office Tape, pleces.Ho. 21.Shy* r d« ( spUic». Office Taps * roll*i Wo. 23* 144 yard* to roll* Scaling Wax, per lb ~ . ,» Wafers. 4 os. boxes,'‘•American Contrrese ... White-fringed Knbbcr, 12 pieties to ».. hist aaailty. Virgin Bobber, per lb. Knlere, rounds rubber, 18 inches. Bnlers, flat, rnbbfr. 18 inches. All ofYlfe' Age waim. BSJffSStf-gS of - The etationery 5o be Inspected by an Inspector ap pointed on the part of the Government* The successful bidder or bidders must be prepared to furnii-h immediately such ouantUias of ibe abrre'de seribed stationery as may bex€Q.nlred by this.Depart “?he price of &ch article to be written both in words and figures, and conform to the terms of tnisadvertisa zuent* a copy of which thould accompany each proposal, Bach, bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per- • sons, whoee .signatures must be appended Jo tua guarantee, and certified to as being good aad safficlent security for the amount involved by the united states XHetrict Judee, Attorney or Collector, or othwr public officer. The light is reserved to reject any bid deemed un reasonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor* will be received. . . , - . All proposals to be made out on the regular forms, in duplicate, which can be had on application at this office. Bids will be opened on SATURDAY, April 29,18?5» at 12 o'clock M-, when bidder* are requested to be present. : . By. order of Colonel WM, W. JIcKIM, Chief Quarter master Philadelphia Depot od order. . ... , Separate and special offers covering a single vessel only will be received for raising and delivering la ffew Fork the “ffortb Heath,” the "Agnes Fry,** and the *'Ohickamaufca,” with all the property that mav be on board of them, on a,salvage upon the net proceeds of the sale at public auction, the Government to be at no expense whatever, '•**.... _ . , „ Pot the remaining wrecks the proposals may be for a part or the whole of them, and must state the rate or salvage on the net proceeds of the said at public auction of the property recovered and delivered at the united States Saw lard, at Gosport, Virginia, withoatcharge of any hind to the Government. . The material* recovered must be delivered at the navy yard, with a separate invoice for each vessel. Bach offer must -state the time within which it is pro* posed to complete the work, which must be executed under the. control of the commanding naval officer, who will designate tbe vessels on. which operations are to be first commenced* and who will have the right, if the work is not promptly commenced and diligently prose cuted, to annul tbe agreement, when all claim of the salvors to ifce property recovered will be forfeited to the Government. The entire property, will be placed in tbe hands of the Government, and sales will be made as may be deemed most advantageous to the Government snd the parties concerned. Any other condition necessary for the pro tection of the public interests will be inserted la the agreement flo proposition will be entertained from parties who do hot furnish, satisfactory evidence that they are pre* ! pared, with all the proper and neoessary appliances, forth ©execution of work_of this kind. Parties who may visls Wilmington for the purpose of making a personal examination, previous to m&kicg an offer,-will be permitted to do so by the naval officer In command ~ , „ • .. . , The proposals must be end&sed on the envelope eu* closinirthem, “Proposals &r wUsialt wrecks dn Caph Fear River. * r . , - apl7-mwBt SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S. ARMY, kJ H 0.20 South Stbebt. Baptihobk Md, April 11. 1885. SEALED PBOFOSALB, in triplicate, will be received , at this office until 12. M- on TUESDAY, April 1865, for furnishing the United States Subsistence Depart ment with— FOUB THOUSAWD (4.000) HEAD OF GOOD FAT BEEF CATTLE, on the hoof (Steer* four years old and over), delivered at the State Cattle Seales at,Balt)more».Hary land, in lots of (1,000) one thousand each every (10) ten days* to be welshed within one aid a-half days after arrival, at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (JU 300) thirteen hundred pounds, gross weight, all fallins short of < l.tso> one thousand and fifty pounds, gross > weight, Bulls, Stags, Oxen, Cows, Heifers, and Hornless Cattle will berejeeted. A deduction of fifteen 05) pounds will be made from the Weight of each Steer accepted under this contract, provided the animal does not stand in the pens two and one-half hours before betas weighed, oris not weighed immedlately;afier removal from the care. Blank forms for proposals can be had on application at this office, either in person, by mail, or telegraph Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals, will not be considered. The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearane# indicates less • weight than the minimum mentioned above; the ex pense of weighing will be paid by the party erring in judgment. Bidders must be present to respond to their bids, and prepared to give .bonds and sign the contr Act before leaving the office. . „ '. The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any os all bids considered unreasonable. . • , Payments to be made after each delivery in suchfnnds as may be on-hand; if hone on hand, to be made as soon &l endorsed distinctly, ** PROPOSALS FOB BEJsF CATTLE,” and addressed to ”Captain J. HOWARD WELLS, C. S , Baltimore, Maryland; ” If a bid la in th« name of a firm, their naims and their post office address must appear, or they will not be considered. Each person or every member of a firm offering a pro .posel must aeacmpany it with an oath of allegiance to the United States Government, if h 6 has-not already filed one in this office. • , All bids not complying strictly with theterms of this advertisement will oe rejected. ; . „_ „ J. HOWARD WELLS, Captain and C. S., Yols. A BTILLEBY AND CAYALRY 1 / ! %. SOBBBS* Assistant Cu artebmA3tbb ’ s office, 1139 Girard -Street, - • pHrtAsfeunizA, Fean*.. April la, 1865. HOESES, suitable fox the Artillery and Cavalry ser vice. nil! be purchased by tbe undersigned, In ©pan market. Each animal to be subjected to the usual Go vernment inspection before being accepted. , . Horses for the Artillery service must Ira dark in color; sound in all particulars; 'strong, Quick, said active; well broken and square trotters in harness; in good flesh and condition; from 6 to 10 years old; not less than 15K bands high; each'horse to weigh not less'than 1,060 lbs. ' - One hundred and eighty ($180) dollars will be paid for each. ' • „ Cavalry Horses must be sound in all particulars; well broken; In full flesh and good condition-Jrom 15. to 16 hands high; from 5 to 9 years well adapted In every way to Cavalry purposes, for which one hundred and seventy Jive ($175) dollars eaohtoill bejpaid. - - - - - . Horses will be delivered to the XT. 8. Inspector, at the BULL’S- HEAD HOTEL, MASKS? STBBET, WE3T PHILADELPHIA, PENSA. By order of Col. Wm. W. McKim. *"*" GEO. B. OE&IE, Captain and A. Q. tf. rjAYALRY HORSES! - "" " ' V AETILLEEX HOBSP! : - apl2*tmySl MtriiKS!* V Quartermaster Gbnbrai’s Office, PraaT Dmsiox, Washington City, D. C., March 18,186 E HOBSKSeSuifcablc for tire c&vairy aad artillery ■«* vice, will-bexeceived at Geisboro Depot* la open mar* ket* till Hay 1,1665, by Captain GBO. T. BfiOWNim A ML . . MULES, In IoU of twcnty-fiva. or more, will be r«— wived in SM» rily.lH open market, tiirjffayi, 1866, by Captain C. H. TuMFE-ilfS, Acdstant Quartermaster, ©oxß*r Twenty second and Q street*. ■ All animals to be subjected to tbe usual Government in»pee’lon before being accented. ‘ _ Specifications as follows: GavaLry.Hom* must be sound in *U particulars, well broken,’ in fall flest and food condition, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) bands high, frc m five (5) to nine (9) years old, and welladapted in Avery way to cavalry purposes. Horses between nine (9) and ten (10) years of age, if stlU visorous, sprightly, and healthy, mayboaccepted. Artillery horses must be of dark-color, sonndinall particulars, stroma, quick, and andsguare trotters in Harness, in goodflesfaßndcondl tlon.from six (6> to tenJIO) j»n‘old, not 1®“ fifteen and one-half (15X) h“ds Mah, each horse to weithnoi less than ten hundred andfliky (1,050) pounds. Mules must be over two (2) years of age, stzwnc,' stout, compact, well-developed animals, not lees than fourteen G 4) hands high. In fullheaifch.freefrom every blemish, or defect which would unfit them for severe work, and must have shed the four front colt s teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced In every particular. Hours of inspection from 9A.Kto4 r. M. . . Price—Cavalry horses, one hundred and eighty- five dollars ($195); Artillery Horses, one hundred and nine ty dollars ($190); Mules, one hundred and ninety-five dollars ($196) Payment will be made at this Office ___ JAaEfiß A* SWflt Brevet Brigadier General in charge mh2o-tap3o First Division Q. M. G. O. 17GR JSOH-RETSimCXN OR IKOOK* 1- TiaSHCE of urine, irritation, iitilammatlon or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gra vel ozbrick-duat deposit, and all diseases of thebl&d der, kidneys and dropsical sweltings, use B3LH BOND'S yLOIP EXTRACT BPOHU. nHILBEEN’B CARRIAGES, EN KJ TIEBLY kbw styles YOB THE SFBINQ TSADE.—A* Superior Lot mat rscaWed, and for uli by BOWB,_BTISTOJf. & 00., 1 Tnbifi-tf IST end 159 North THIRD Btrest. 2NOW WHITE ZINC, AT REDUCED 3 price*, by tbe manufheturem. & Proprietors of the Fenna-JPaint and Golor Works apSOlt* Store and office 137 Worth THIRD gt. OPECIAL NOTICE TO BUSINESS MEN. The nndsrsimed iaieri advertisement, at tbe lowest rates In tbe newspapers of Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Bfldinc* Lancaster, Oaamberabnrg, Pottsville, Norris town, West Chester, Doylestown, Trenton, Salem. Bridgeton, Wilmington, and of every other eity and townb the United States, (Including Savannah, Charles ton, Wilmington, and Richmond.) Advertising at tended to for oil companies. Papers on file at the office. „ WILMBK ATKINSON it CO , No. 611 CHESTNUT Street, (stcond floor), apl2-lm Philadelphia. rnPWARDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND eertifiafates and recommendatory letters hare been received, attesting tbe merits of HBLMBOLD’S 0E NOXHB PEBPAHATIOES, many of which are from the highest sources, including eminent itateimen, cler gymen. governor*. BUl* fudges. A*. nOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK . CAJTTAB. of allnnrnber* and brand*. T«nt,Awnin*.Trtu»t, and Waion-tOYsr Dank. Alto, raner Mannfaclnrera Drier Feltr, lroin one to fire fees wide; Fanlbu. BoUlni BaU Twine. d». - »JOH» W BWKMAK ii OO:, , aoS-lf JTo.IO3JOSBS’ Alley. AUCTION SALES. N B, We Till hold no'auction sale until Friday. Hat inst. SALE OF IMPORTED AKD DOMESTIC DBT OOODB. . , OK FBTDXY MOBBING, , April 21st, at tea o'clock, on ronr months’ credit, ow lou of fancy ' ' Also. a large assortment of domestic goods. SIG CABTONS BONNET 3UBBOHS. g* ON FRIDaT. ■_ ~, ajY} carton* Bfos. 7aBo'black l white, perle, aba choice colored ponlt de Botebo*netribboM. 4*4oextraQoahty white edgedo. 1 4 a6O choice colored grog grata do. • BLACK AHD AND MOSAICS. -Fiaeteextra taebWa^lo»d^a«ta - dS: do! black ICanton clotiu, mohair de nijwfsKß^SlKflas'Hß*® B . LIRBSTOAM BBIC HJBDSomEFSTKAFKIHS. ARD TABLE CLOTS 8. f.S.Wfif 9-4 brown and bleached aU linen da. xoatke. «... iiassisas£rw«»iß CELEBBATBD "G. F.” BBARD. OK FBIDAT, A large assortment of _ • - . _k--- - hiEck ailk-velvet ribbons, white and colored edges, - colored silk ribbons, with white edges. —plain solid color and scarlet do. wn *ive PAKIS WHITE AH© COLORED TART,^AHS. An invoice if Paris white and colored tarletam, da® to extra toe. JOI7VIN KIB gIoVES. SCO dozen Jouvin kid gloves. . T>ANCOABT & WABNOCK, AUC * TIORBEBS, »40 MABKBT Street. LABGB POSITIVE SALE OF SOO LOTS AMBBICJJT AND IMPORTED DBT GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, MILLINER'S GOODS, HOSIEBT GOaDS, Ae., *O. B» catalogue, on FBIDAT, April 2rSt, 1855» co®‘ raeoclng at 10 o’clock, comprising a fall and general auerlment of new and desirable good* for present sales. LABGB POSITIVE SALB OF *OO CASES OF STBAW GOODS, BT CATALOuDB. ON FBIDAT MOBNIRG, Anil Met, commencing at 10 o’clock. "PHILIP FOKD & CO., AUOTIOKBBRB, A RSIS MARKET and 53» COMMBBOB Street*. LABGB SALE OF 1,500 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. We will sell brcatalogne, for crab. - ON THUBSDAY MOBNING, April 20th, commencing at ten o’clock,l.’dtocases men s, boys’and youths’ boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals, Oxford ties, Ac>. with a de*!rable assortment ,of wo men's, misses’, and children’* boots, shoes.balmorals, gaiters, slippers. Congress gaiterr, etc. : FOR SALE AND TO LET. m CHESTER ' COUNTY' FARM—JB| fisijCO ACHES —two miles from Dowumutown,-*- wlili STOPE MASSIOK, nine oSiamliers, double-Sect Stone 3arr>. Mace peases tfc edo or eve rye ay, connect - is£ with Pennsylvania Kaiiroftd Fifteen acres l&ffa dow: an Orchard of ICO Trees. For Sale and earl* »?“• •: a - p - uga m SUPERIOR MANSION AND Sal LAPGE LOT, on the FEANHFOKD Bold, at AL LKQHJSKT Avenue, built in the most substantial man ner, with every possible eony* nlenctfi with sUblaßtia cart)ate lone©. ibisis & delightful retfdenM forntmt* mt-r or winter. . A fc aplS-tf ? 133 B. FOtJErH BW Mfoe sale—a dbsirablejcot- TASK, with \% acres, oa the Old YOBK Bead. Large variety of fxuit and shrubbery* carnage boose, Ac., and everything necessfry to make it a dejirahle eua-mer residence. „ B F OLEJSS. apis- tf 133 8 FQgBfH St. MFOE SALE-DWELLING 1025 FIL BEBT Street, with early po«BBB6lon. . , BweLine 1413 South B BIN Snnirc. This Is a delight* ful residence In Bummer- - Large dweliiog Bonttcast corner SIGHTH-aud Spruce. Seat dwelling IS4 North TWENTIETH. Hoy vacant. Alee, many otters, both Urge and , - B. F, GLENN. JOSS'S'PODBTS St, am- tt and 8, and Green. -SfjOß E ALE—THE PHILADELPHIA gB SOCIETY NOB THB ESTABLISHMENT AND SDP POE T OF OHABITY SCHOOLS offer their property for eale. It le situate On the north side of Walnat street. Between Sixth and Ssyenth streets. The lot is forty eight feet six lnchee front by one hundred and thirty felt deep, to a six-feet wide alley in the -rear, of which it has tte pw and-prlvilegs. . The present building on it contains thirty-three offices. * • . ' • Pjatpossls forttspUTchase will be received by the C om mittee on Property, at the office of ISAAC NOBHIS. go. GIT. WALNUT Street? oa the premises. ap7-fmw6t m - FOR SALE—A BEAUTIFUL A ■S FAKK and COUBTEY SEATS, of forty acres, on Chnreb lane, Darby township, four miles from Mar ket- street Bridge. Posesssion can be had Immediately. Apply to JOHIT WBITELY, ap4-lm* ' 415 Boath PEON t Street. m ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-FOR jBeSbaUB— A handsome COTTAGE (opposite theß 5. Hotel), with or without is rooms and a good Cistern. Apply to H WOOTTON,Atlantic City, or to J. H. BAYBe, Serentt. National Bank, Philadelphia. a pa-12:.* Mfor sale—a very SUPERIOB HOUSE in WEST" PHILADELPHIA, excellent stable, fine well of water; raral. yet . 8- POI#EB, aplg-swet ~ Washington. D. C. TO OIL MEN; -v... A FOB SAlaB. . • - F3FTY-OEB ACBBS OF LABS on Two-Mse Bun, Sugar Creek Town ship.' Venango County,* Pennsyl vania, one hundred yards from Kunkle’s. celebrated. 'Wells. This tract is not excelled by auy in the State for the production of the best Lubricating Oils.; * 'w< For particulars apply at Bo- il§ WALJWT3? Street. ■ apl3-thBta3i* •DUSINESS establishment; for JJ BALE IB THE CITY OP WASHINGTON.-In consequence of the 111-health of the proprietor, a well established and profitable Wtne»'Liquor, and Family . Grocery, wholerale and retail, business offered for sale, together with the lease of the premises, about five year* to run. < The stock consists of a very choice and well* selected assortment of the above articles, and will Msold in whole or in part. Apply for further information, by letter, to JAMES WILSOB, Box 80. 3SI wShtngton Post Office, D. G, api7-6t r\IL LANDS yOBrSALE.—A VAEUA bIe Tiact of 136 acres Borin* Territory, on Ha* honinr Kiver. in Lawrence connty. Pa. Also, a tract of 76 acres on Cherry Hon. B. F. GIiEJTH, 133 Sooth FOURTH S!re«t, T?OE SALE— , VALUABLE OIL LANDS IB "WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO, AND PENNSYLVANIA. Inquire of LEWIS L. HOUPT, »pl4-lm* 308 WALSUT Stroei, PMl»d». SALE, DEL AW ABE COUNTY PASSENGEK RAILKOAD COMPANY. The undersigned, mortgagees or trustee* named In a certain mortgie dated July 2d, IS6O, recorded ixiPMU delphia county, la Mortgage Boole A. D. B.» JKo. 54, pace 391, by which lheaooTe-named Company, to se cure bonds issued "by it, has mortgaged its road or rail ?ica.-r. ikcludlng the iron rails, sleepers, cross ties, sills, string pieces, and all of ttoaej pet structure of said railway, together withpllthewr porate rights, powers, BberHes. 3, lies of said Company* and its tolls, rente, issues? income, and profits; and together also with &*.*%s*£ estate, real and personal, o! 'said Compary, toclo&ing 'lts cars, 'h-orseH, harness, proton a * d 3Pi pm ®* V** **f aU other its property, effects, and. estate, _ r ®*l s **d personal, Whatever and wheresoever the same maj be. Trill, uhder powers contained in »^ d expose the score property to sale, by public auction. oi THD 3D DAY OF FIFTH MONTH (May) NEXT, AtSo’clocJcP- M., AT TBS BOWJLED EOBSB, t La Upper Darby township* Delaware eoonty, jp*.»the ofs&id Said road runs with a sin gle track aad turnout* from T-ngna street, in West Philadelphia, where it with the West Philadelphia Paesengsr Baalwey, weat waid alon* the Philadelphia and west Cheater Peru* piheroad about miles, to the said Howard How*. . The perßoaal property ot the Company consisia of two ears (which may he seen at said Howard Hops*}, three horses, and a lot of haxaesi. • The undersigned will require fire hundred dollars to p»l4 at the time ftecontrael of apll-20t* JOSEPH POWELL, {Trustees. H. GARDEN & CO., NOS. 600; AND 6050_ B£AEKET_ Street, Hanufaetaretn' of aad WhotojOe Dealere la HITS, CAPS, PCKS?VOMHSm STRAW GOODS, ABMPIdtAJ, filowels. HDGHeE jjf V ft?*, .^fj**?**moatcompleteatock. and the beat terma, Couatiy Merckaata fcke Trade n. Piled- ■_ ’ • . ys r -'-'' mhl-Sm - vumi,bossy i a t reduced *** prices by the manufacturers. __ ~ •!,. & tun, p rop™‘°H of the P«ma. Point and. Color Work a apt lit* Store and Office 137 Worth THIBI^St A READY AND CONCLUSIYI TEST £?:„of S“J&«PHtt«* of HELMBOIiD’S FUJIDTE£. wi * k ■Bn EVANS & WATSON’S hAd. 1 ™ T * rl * tj of BOB alwayc ff> aEOHB’j; batoagb. ihstijotb. So. m RWRFT'P ® treet V ? “^ BV ?. M * rkBt “ B - O. ?J wr^. t ,y r , t *-,7* aia practical experience, guarantees toe sbilfal adjustment of bis Premium JPa- TCxnss, Supporters, SutU Stockings, Braces, Crutch**, &c. Ladies* apartments conducted by a Lady. ap!2-iy gBiL_.NO PAIN IN EXTRACTING -OSltrooa Oxide Ga* *dmial*tar»4- MMuilnl end oateral ityle ot . TXITH HfSBCTKD. D&. a n. mjkm. T3IBPRDCK ghld. TXEKMETICALLY SEALED HEATS AND SOUPS, ' I*ooo doz Sausage Heat ; 500 *' Soastßeet ' 500 *• do Ve»L * 600 ** do Hutton; 1,000 41 do Turley. | 1.000 «• dO CbUkeß, 1 - THE u BCIEHOE -OF"/.**Dltonm to i*S!^^Ja3^SstßSS u^dshL, lfi aDCJTIOIf SAXES. TOHN B. MTKRS & CO., * KBBS. Koe. *3» Mid *»« MABKBT b t^i US - *S- The sale of boots and shoes for this di» poiied. • «■ LAEGB POSITIVE SAbBOFBEITIBE, GERMAJt, ADD DOMESTIC bet GOODS*’ O *. We will hold a larie tale of Iterates and domas.. roods by catatonic, on a credit of four nionib*, *-■> for cash. , 0K THURSDAY MOBHIHB, H ' 1 April 20. at 10 o'slock, embracing about 7X n... end lota of staple and fan*y articles in woole., i*ts teda* Unonst silks, and cottons, to which wo attention of dealers aTU *its W, B. —Samples of ths um will be imsw , a initiation with catalogues, jnlim the sale, when dealers will find It to their inters* jj 4 * LAHGS SALE OF FOEBIOM AKD DOUESTIc jj ß , IncludedlnoursaleTHOliaDAY, Apti;f; .... found It part the **" “* —hale* brown and bleached sheetings and sM™, bates brown and bleached drills . bates white, colored, and sttipsd fiaantls. —cases striped shirtings, denims Ac. —esses Indigo blue checks and ticking!. cases Kentucky jeans* eottonades, eases Manchester ginghams and —eases miners’ flannels aAa pantaloon staff, caeet black and coloredjcamDries and eiW», eases linings, yesi paddings, &c. **■ —cases fancy eftsiimeres* joeltpiis, aad satis*. MBBGHAHT TAILOBB’ GOOD* 1 Alto French cloth*, doeskins, ©aasiiasre*, M £nrgellnei black and colored Italian cloths a-* „ de chines. mnBT 0OO» U Foil lines shirting, Wer, an J Spanish linens Tnll lines crown docks, adlla, oavas, cryfi l HOOSEKSEPmO LISES OOOOi ’ fe 1,000 dotes X tape- bordered L. C. baanhershv.,, w X tape-bordered L. C. italSsich;.;^ lU *OT e dows X bem-siitehei L. C. haadhsrcdWs.ail - SMdoten * hemmed I..G.handler=W !> f,. an;,, 800 dozes. % printed- bordered I*- u aaatik‘rs&uf 83 Fnfl*ft6Sorim«ni brown and bleachai a&nuy t . , spot aatin-ft®l*b table-cloths. —pieces bleached and brown.linen table dasaasi, pieces 12 4 bleached linen sheeting*. % pleached; damask, and snow drop fringe “b.rxe aMortment of ® inch woven shirt-front. Hncfatd Ttukev towels and towsl ngs; Wrds-eje.hnck, and red-end diapers; au-U»a &e - * V DEE3S GOODS. Paris moos, delaines, mesainbignes, poplins, chevre*, fancy cheeks, mohair' “JSiSSfIJF^ 5 * 3 -* rajs.blaek and colored -sUt broffce r S:a balmcral skirts, printed jaconets* lawns, c;^ s , dies.*©. • SILKB. - a Tory extensive lines black .Lyons teffeiat- ir« <*. rhinest armnxes, gros d’AfriCr gros do ■"*£“- loi ■ and f&ucT poult de soles, and gros de Kap c 5. An Invoice Ly si» gros grains and c ** y trade. Broche^wedjsteUa^ JgS*&£b %&$& -si «iith O S;4‘ **■ wadding. “glovIs 11 ” 1 Aljo.a large invoice Germancotton hosiery, ssi;,. 'HjVoSSntawDd chUdren’ewhite, brown, slat., open-work, and llriethread hoee andhalf how. brown and white half hose, aU «Ti 4«- " The above goods are of a wvtbhnown arij.v .f-.. „ tt&S&Saßttti&SxELg? Also, an invoice Pails kid, Berlin, Usle, aai slock of goods damaged bj raitrosl. FAEIB JOTTVirt KID GLOVE; Included in sale of TaOEBDA.T. Aprll 20 aciary, of ladles ’ emb. Hack, wnite. a»4 colored P, r,j £ . gloves, just landed, per steamer-S'.na. Alsi, tti,- < ' taunilets. POSITIVE SALE OF YIARFETIHOS. »BB303:« t V - *ATTJUiaa. fto. OM FXIDaT mokhthg, April Hst, rtno’cto*. waib* »*M, bp esi-ia, ob foar months’ credit. about 250 pieces rich tr.< } ;, superfine, and fine ln*ratn, royal aam&sk;, Ys-.- i; list, hemp,' coUaare, and ray earpetinrss Cea:->:i-.; .cocoa mattiuirs. AB., embracing a choice atsons, superior goods, which may be examined esr’r o; s , moisinl of Mid. ißClttded In the above sale will be found an ai-.-v-,. Invoice of rich patterns tapestry Brussels carpi:::,, worthy the ipeclfll attention of the trsde. Also, 50 pieces elegant designs felt carpeting. Also, at commsneement of sale, 200 desen ext: : brooms. LABGZ FEEEMTTOBY SALE OP rBKHCH, r,; 4 eiSMAJT.-Aim BRITISH DET G 03.0 ;, i : ■. 6h HOB DAT MOBBIBO. April ST. at 10 o’clock, will he sold by cc:.: . ; . foax months’ credit, about 730 PACKAGES ABD LOTS or Tnillli, Haimsi , nnO Miitln'r dn re .:, embracing a latgerShd choice assortment o: • ; ln silk, worsted, woo,en, IS r: . ton fabrics. _ H, B. —Samples of the same will be arranr urination, with catalogues, early on tits e. . sale, when dealers wiH find 3to their iaier.i.; t. tend. ' ‘ LAI OB FBKEMTO>HT SALE OF 800- 5 BBOGASS, ARtfY OOODs, TS4VBLir-j ’ OH TGBSDAT MOESIKO, April 2Jth at 10 o’clock, will be sold, hr c . tonr months’ credit, ahont 1 SCO paoisgos j., brorans, cavalry bools, Ac., srabraciag r .- fresK assortment of seasonabls prooa* or tjy era manufacture, which will be open far ei t irith catalogues, on moraine of sale, M THOMAS & BOKS, • Eos. 139 lid 141 South TOTTRT* 5 Public Sales of Beil Estate and Sleek?- ? ;.U iiirftiifflj every TOEBDAT, sX 12 o’clock. HIETH SFRIHG SALE, »tb Aptli For list of propeWss in the above catalogue Tuesday next. __ Sale Eos. 139 and 141 South Fourth ’ - SUPERIOR FOKKITDItB, PJLttlO PORTi* • PLATS MTKROBS, FIRE FRO OF SaFF.' . F,HECAEP & ho igi)AT Hrps;s^ AtSo’cTock, at the Auction Store, tte *nr ir bold furniture, piano fortes, fine Freuca » . and pier mirrors fire-proof safe ny Lrac: i ’ American fiaesi fine carpets, &c V Sale STo. 1031 Vise street.-* SUPERIOR FORSITURS, ELEGANT 5 • PIaEO, FBESOH PLATE MIRRORS, 1 €ABPLTS, &0. # OS FRIDAY MORNING. i 21st Inst, at 10 o’clock, by Catalano.-• I TlDesireeMbesupertorfuriiitur9.T?oriut r rosewood piano forte by Reichenb&cb., Fcc::- Hkirror, carpets. &c Also, the Mtchtn niassUs. May be examined at 8 o’clock on tie < sale. Sale Ho. 2C29 Fine street. ELXOAHT FURNITURE, MtEROK*, CZI PIES CARPETS, X*. OJH IUESDAT MORN; SO, April 25. at 10 o’clock, at Eo. 2125 Pise **ti talom**-tbe,entire olegaat drawing- roorti, ink room afcd chamber furniture, line ■ >rr rora. pianos, curtains, &c. 4Sr* Tbe cabinet furniture was mads Vo liner, I* nearly new* and in excellent or'.*. May be examined on the morning of sale Bale at So 1827 Spruce street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRROR, OCR 7. PIANO, CHINA. PLATED .WARE *■: ON FRIDAY MORrfIKG, April lO o'clock, at So. ISiT • catalogue, the entire furniture, fine care- •-.- enandeliers, handsome mantel clod:, - China and class ware, superior diking roo-ii hsrfuraitiufep'Mteheu utensils, &«- ■ Hay he examined on the morning of sale... A UCTIOSj SALE OE CO»r *A HORSES;! Quabteejiaslkb^leshbir, ’r<3frTrr, ’ > 1 'WASHijraTOxCiTr, Apt.. , Will be sold at Public Auction, to tie hl;r'.« atBALTIMO *K. H«L,on THURSDAY. Abril 13, 18M, TWO HBMtSBD ÜBS WITH ?aiT,. many of them well bred and In sood oondiiw.. On THPBSPAY. April 33.1861. TWO HUBDRED CAvAIET HOSi-; On ~ THURSDAY, April 27. ISM, OHS BUFDSED H ABBS WITH FOAL. i 5. HBSDKSD CAYABBX HOBSSS, The horse* have been condemned as n&fii ft? 1 ▼airy service of the srmy. • For road and far rate* purposes many good may the had. . • Animalc aoldslsgly. Sale to commence af.-'n mad will'Be -held aTPHILLIPS’ GOVJBRtfhJ , BLEB.jmnag 4fJBBVONT and B4M&EX & * •TERMS—United mate* d/gS*!* £l' i ; Brevet Brigadier General, in obi* ~ ist £>' t.-- : Q p- y ' ~*i . , MEDIC Air; - f BKBWSfER’S faiSLyme'dic:>;v' OYmrintorarmcnl thtt yon used ■ pp "; .. . PECTORAL®,your wnsh, and ,11 affe- - throat It is tha best knows eongbtT tap . , Use also Brewster’s Kmp.ocalson, -or *>r- ;-;t also-Brewster's Cholera Mixture, feT t ‘ - plaints. Use also Brewster's Sye wa Brewster's Essence Jamaica '■ Jj' . ter’s Tetter Ointment JOHNSTpff&H'-;-;-- - Aaente, 21 *er:h s.Xl.i ; .. W. F. BBEVFSTEK, lgl» . E. W. TBOXELL, Whole's-; '<• mhM-Baw I3t* " S7LEOTSOPATHIO ESTA'J* El MEET —BE. A. H.'ETEYSITS, one e! - JBISCOTBKEKB of s now system o/ MODIFIED BLBCTRICAL AFFLICAT! , bat been so very snceessfnl at FBrf a -..y laatthrse years, ha* removed his Osce r.., •., to 1638 Flits Street, one door below Sa ' . jji persons desiring references, or an? i with regard to hiasp-ci&l mode of treata* 2l - call or send for a pamphlet . Consultation or advice gratuitous. 1 .. SHIPPtXJ. BOSTON AND PHII.i \ fWmm PHtA STEAMSHIP Ills taUlEf- 1 ppm on SATURDAYS, from first wbsr: s=f ! Street, Philadelphia, and Done Wharf, Bos; ) The steamehlp SAXON, Capt. Matthews, w*-.*'. Philadelphia to Boston, on Saturday, April-:.. M.. and steamship KOBMAa, Capt. Bak% ~ - tonto Philadelphia, on the same day at A - Thetonew and substantial stesmshlpuform i. : l' line, ■ailing from each port pnnsmaliyAt £<*■■■ - Insurances effected at one-half tha ; i on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shipperaare requested to send Slip Beeeipti s-- ofinmig with their goods. t Por Preltkt oiFmwaxe (haying flue ««ojnni '' nppiyta, eb bby vnesv-.i , mM-tf 332 Sonih PBLAWASE j-ji STEAM WEEKLY .YERFDOL. tench! or at Qilfiß'‘ (Cork Harhor). TBe well known Steamera of -r ; poo). Hew York end Philadelphia Steamth' , ny (Imran Line), earning the United States s iotended to eail as foil owe; EDIBBTOOH SATURDAY. » - CITY OP BALTIMORE. SATURDAY, -1 o CITY OP ‘WASHIKGTON— SATURDAY. And every auccedin* Saturday at Hoott. fcT- ‘ Horth Elver. BATES OP PASSAGE: _ Payable In Gold, or Its equivalent tn O ' *■ First Cabin........... SS9 CO Steerage “T to London. ~~ 85 CO, ** i M 'v*o*«a« 9600 «• to£« r*vj ‘“ ? toßeantrazg... 90 00 •• toHpVO . Passesftrs *3so forwarded to Havro. tr '"‘ ter<3am, Antwerp, &c.. at equally Low ra\*'' i Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: «• v , 3£6**sK& Steerage from Liverpool cr Thosrwho wist th send for their fi* cl ticketehere at these rates. ... r-' f : Jor farther Information *K>Lt »*?? «; - : : :.i Offiees. JOBS a DA]>. jWltHmyS . HI ;1 - ! ■ NEW I/.- j I AIEXAHBRIA. O*OBO-.. .. ij /WABKIKGTOS,-Via Chesapeake I’" f Steamers lea-reflret Wharf aVore Hi;: , i BTarj WBPKgSDAY and BATDKDA|. y. For Freight app]T to Aients, WSI. F t \, j 14 S orth and South Wharrea, Phils. GwTRtorrn.B.O.iFiOWBBS & BOWE-'. •Y* i ■ - NOTTOE^ 3 /, J—l-YORK —The PHlliPui;.. | HBW*YGBK BXPRBSB BTSAMBoAT Cv -* . Dalawaraand HaritanCanal. wpirS*' Steuaett leave DAILY. Hr*fc wharf 1)8 'Street, at3o’clock P. U. f . Wk.-P. CLYDE & 00..H8 WSf V.’c:;! JAMES ll7 mhl6<9si r Jg£SS& EBXEY’B COTTAGE OBGA^, ; jrot, i of Tom ui Power, dwrtraed sK I^ 1 "*#; t-\ •id School*, Vat foaad teoe tbe Parlor ui Drawiaf Boom. r^V. * Mo. ISawftjgSSMtij: 11*o, K a»ortnuit of “• jdmttiißy fma&atL fgryyr-* MALCOLM MAC^ spbctacls gross* ENFEEBLED AND DEW^/, Mh BHTBTIOKB, <*!»»•««'■ of J .