BSIiItUOCS IPi'TKtlilGlXOl, A Day os' National Thanksgiving.—Thevlc torleß whloh dating the past week have crowned »-hxrtfa~aß:tlni~Nntlonal Conforonoo of Unitarian Churches, to the end of energising ana stimulating the denomination with which they are • connected'to the largest exertions lit the cause of Christian faith and work, The resolutions caused an animated dlsonsslonon ‘Thursday last, to[wbiohsome of toe extremists gave vent to some extraordinary views. We exepert from are port of the i etslon of Thursday: Bev. Mr. Watson, of Connecticut, did not like the first article, but he meant to give it no factious ■opposition. For one he could not call Jesus Christ ” Lord.” He could not accept the word Lord in that connection. A voice ( THE COURTS. V. S. Circuit Court—Judge (Drier. B. H. ABB’S CASK. The United States vs. Robert M. Lee. In this case, the f aets'of which have been reported from day to day as toe trial progressed slnee Monday last, Judge Grier yesterday charged the jury, who then reliied to deliberate upon their verdict. Lee also retired from toe eourt room. The jury having been out aDont flvd minutes came to, and through their foreman stated that they had agreed upon a verdict. The defendant did not appear, and, being sent for, eonld not be' found. After the lapse of more than an hour, the. defendant still not appearing, toe judge directed the verdict of toa jury to be taken. This was accordingly done, and they rendered a verdlct of guilty. Defendant’s ball was ordered to be forfeited, and it is understood that the United States marshal'has offered a reward of five hundred dollars for his arrest. V. 8. Circuit Court-JncJges Grier and laSwalader. IMPORTANT CASE ARISING UNDER THR INCOME Edmund Fennell -ta; William Baker, ooUeotor of Internal revenue for the Seventh dlstrlot of Penn sylvania. This was an action to recover hack a certain tax paid under It seems that to the year 1836 the plaintiff purchased a tract of land of about eighty acreß to the vicinity of Chester, Delaware county, for the sum of $8 600, In 1893 he sold the tame land for $40,000. The difference between toe amount paid and toe amount received, after de ducting the cost of permanent Improvements, was assessed against him as 1 -gains, profits, orlnoome for the year 1868. The annual and special income tax for that year upon these galas, profits, or Income amounted t 051,900. This sum was paid by. plain tiff to toe collector under protest, with notice that he would immediately bring an action to recover the same baok. The oasewas tried yesterday, and under the tastiuctlona of the court, as to the law upon toe feots as above stated, the jury rendered a verdict ror toe plaintiff for *1,922.72,' it being toe amount claimed with Interest. John C. Knox, Esq., for plaintiff; District Attorney Gilpin for toe de fendant. The result of this case seems to settle the question that wLere real or personal property was told during too year 1863 toe proceeds of the sale are not taxable as Income unless toe property was also purchased within the same year. The oourt, without trying another case, adjourned till this morning. District Coaxt—Judge Stroud, E. C. & P. H. Warren vs. O. O. Davis 8c 00., defendants, and Charles Noble, garnishee.—An attaobmentexecution to attaokoertaln moneys which it was alleged were In the hands of the garnishee, belonging to the defendants. Verdict tor the de fetdancs. Court of Common Pleas— J ndges Thomp son antt Ludlow. Or phanß’ Court business alone occupied toe session of yesterday. ' . None of the other courts were to session, ■ THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Becorder Baen.l ALLEGED ASSAULT AND BATTEBF. Anton Fans, who beeps a piano store at Fifth %ttd Vine streets, was arraigned yesterday on the sharge of committing an assault and battery. Officer Trelts arrested Mr. Faas, and a hearing was en tered into, A little girl, named Elisa Grouse, testified that she heard nice music In the store, and looked In through a broken pane of glass In tbe window, when Faas threw something at her, and struck her in the face. Another little g*ri, who waß with Eliza, testified positively to seeing! the ac cused throw a tuning key at her, and strlkether In the face. jg - Faas said a boy broke his windo w j®?- Kirw, „ ofe—JUiue time whs m me act or tuning a piano, whleh canted Mm to be vepy nervous, as he was toning to two octaves. He heard a noise behind him, and in suddenly turning struck a board on one end, which struck the child. • He denied throwing any thing at the child. The Recorder held him In *l,OOO to answer the charge at oourt. Mrs Grouse ap peared at the hearing, and was In much distress at the oonditlon of the child. Her husband Is a soldier In tbe-army, rad the little one Is very useful to her mother In carrying her work home. It is proper to say that the defendant Is a kind-hearted man, and not at all likely to resort to suoh violence as charged against him, [Before Mr. Alderman Bottler. ] seabf practice at the expense of a RESPECTABLE CITIZEN. Leonard I'lsier, tbe proprietor or a hotel on Mar. ket street, a well-known respectable citizen, was arraigned at the Central Station, yesterday after noon, os tie charge of enlisting a colored man at Wilmington, Delaware, as a substitute for a friend residing there. The charge was preferred by a colored woman living In Prise’s court, Lombard Btreet, above Third. It seems from the evidense adduced that, some time since, a man representing himself as Xieonard Fisher called upon the husband of complainant and lndnoed him to enlist for a gen tleman residing at Wilmington. The applicant set forth that he kept a hotel on Market street, and that the person who desired a substitute boarded with him while in Philadelphia. The Bum of money to be paid was seoo besides the bounty. An agree ment was made that the substitute Bhould oall at the hotel on the following morning, and Mr. Stsher would accompany him to Wilmington to see that he was fairly dealt with. At the time appointed the substitute called at tho hotel. Mr. Fisher was there. Arrangements were at onoe made, and the,two men started in the next train for the place of destination. The subatllute.was mustered in as soon astbjffrtend was found. The $6OO and the bounty mdfiey were paid to the substitute, and he transferred the $6OO to Mr. Fisher, to be given to tbe wife of the substitute. Mr. F., of course, kindly consented to this and re ceived the money. The substitute was sent to camp; Fisher took passage in tbe next train and returned to Philadelphia. The wifewaited in vain for-the money. She endeavored to find Mr. Fisher, but did sot succeed. Not being able to write she went to the camp at Wilmington, where she had an inter view with her husband, He related all that had transpired, and tojui R-art/) sue for the money. 'Accordingly, on Thursday aftoffloon'ner plaint was made at the Central Station against' Leonard Fisher, the proprietor ,of a hotel on Mar ket street. A warrant was issued and served yes terday npon him, In response to which he appeared for a hearing. To the surprise of the complainant he was not the light man. The truth now flashed forth that gome sharp thief had personated Mr. Fisher and the nameof the hotel, and, to give ap parent authenticity to the affair, even went so far as to Invite the substitute to that place, as above mentioned. Mr. Leonard Flsber was as much sur prised at the developments as the complainant was melanoholy. The investigation having terminated, the parties left the office. We may state that In all the substitute swindling business, this- Is the first case of this peculiar character that has been made known through pollae examination. AN UNFORTUNATE MAN. Captain William Oliver, a resident of down Jer sey, was once the oaptaln of a boat that run to Fortress Monroe'. He was dratted to serve in the army; but to avoid becoming subject to storms of Iron and leaden hall sold out his Interest In tbe boat, and with the proceeds thereof, pulled up stakes and started for Cincinnati, to engage In other pursuits. He arrived In the Queen City; found other pursuits nowhere; he came back, his “ idle” having been reduced to the sum of seventy five dollars. He arrived at the depot, in West Phi ladelphia, yesterday afternoon; entered a horse car ; pulled out his pocket-book; took therefrom a one. dollar note, to pay his passage-money; returned - the book to bis pocket. Just at this moment three young men rußhed Into the car faster than there seemed to be any necessity for. He remonstrated against their rudeness; they apologized, and the next moment got out, saying they would get lu an other oar. Shortly after this the oonduotorhanded ninety-three cents change to Captain Oliver, i The latter felt for his pooket-book, and, to his utter dis comfiture, ascertained that It had been stolen. The job was accomplished by the “swell-mob,” who rushed Into the oar as stated. ~ . ' . UTtEE BAGS, AT TBE MERCHANTS 1 BXOHANOB, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Recovery. Stoddart .....Liverpool, soon. BrigKurea, Collins. ..........Havana, Soon. Sehr Papule, Vance Havana, soon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Edward C. Biddle J Samuel B. Stoees, > Committee of the Month. George N. Tathaw, ) ’MARINE ISTELLIUEiVCE. ■ PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 7. Eunßises—.d 851 Sun Sets.-. 6 251 Al*h Water.,l2 2$ ARRIVED. Biif Adrio (Br), MaekeDZte,l4 days from Sombwio, wi»h guano to MoroPhlilips. Brig Vince nnes, B odgdon, 8 daj s from Newburyport, in batiast to Baugh & Sons. £cbr Ellen Perkins, Perkins* 18 days from Trinidad, with sugar and molasses to 6 & W Welsh. ' Scbr James R Moo?a, Ingerioll, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells & Co. ffehr Pathway, Compton* 15 days from Sagma, with sogarto S & WWelih. t chr Mary Louisa, Hammond, 8 days from Portland, w ith Efdaet ? Warren & Gregg. Scbr-Mary Jana Kennedy, Hoover,, 3 days from St Inegees, in ballast to captain. fclrSE Parker, Fitzgerald, 3days from Now York, in ballast to captain. Schr Almira-, Browning, 8 days from Califs, with lumber toM Trump, Son, & Co. Schr J gat., Small, S dai« from New York; withbarlay to esptain - ; • £ehr Westover. Eldridge, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to TweUs & Go. Bcbr Snowflake. Dickerson, d.days from Alexandria, in ball aft to captain Bcbr Fauguseett, Waples, 5 days from Norfolk, with timber to Navy Yard * Bcbr S J Pickup, Bowen, 5 days from Fortress Mon roe, in ballast tou 8 Quartermaster. Bcbr P Armstrong, Driscoll* 5 days from Newborn, in ballast to Qaintarda Ward. -v Bcbr Aid, Trel&n, from Fortress Monroe, in ballast to D 8 Stetson & Co. Scb? SB Wheeler, McLaughlin, 6 days from Boston, in bailaitto captain. , Scbr Clara Merrick, Montgomery, from Newborn; in ballast to captain- FclrFF Randolph, Eialey, from New York, in bal last to U S Quartermaster. Scbr Beading B B No 48, Nickelson, from Hampton Boads, in ballast to captain Scbr B B lyler, Magee, from Beaufort, in ballast to captain , bcbr Maria Roxanna, Palmer, from Boston, in ballast to captain. Sebr LA Dsneshower, Burnett, from Greenwich, in bal a&t to U S Quartermaster. _ Scbr G Williams, Golding, from Newbern, In ballast io captain. Scbr Chief, Townsend, Sdayafrcm Indian Hirer,Del, w ith train to Jas L Bewley & Co. ScbJ Diamond, Townsend, 2 days from Indian Blver, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewiey $ Co. Scbr Benj Sbep&rd a, Coulhora* S days from Laurel, Del. irtth lumber to JW Bacon. Scbr Eldorado, Insley, 3 toys from Laurel, Dal, with inmberto JW Bacon. scbr Emma James. Grey, 1 day frost Indian Blver, Dei* with grain to J W Bacon. Bchr Florence* Bradley, 5 days from Beaford, Del, with lumber to v W Bacoa, Scbr J H Allen, Stetser, from Fortress Monroe. EchrWm Wilson, Butler, Warsham. Scbr M Kennedy. Kelly, from Baltimore. Bt*r M Massey. Smith, 24 hours from Mew York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Go. CLEARED Ship Island Light, McFee, Navassa. Ship Sebastopol. Barin, Fort Barrancas. Sreamehip Wm Kennedy, Hal let*. Fortress Monroe. Brtg G T Ward, WlUeby, Port Royal. Brig tea Lion. Marshall, Beaufort. Bcbr Golden West. Beaboyer. H*ltfax. FchrMary D Ha*kell.Haskell, Boston. Sebr American Bede* Shaw. Norwich. Scbr Minerva, Jefferson, Providence. Scbr Sardinian, Holbrook* Washington, tebr Pandora, Robertson, Washington. Scbr J J Barrell, Anderson. Washington. Scbr California, Blizzard, Washington. Scbr Armstrong, Dritcoll, Wasbiagton. Scbr John McCoy, Johnson, Georgetown. fobrD Morris, Applln, 8t Inegoss. Scbr Amos Falk enbtrg, Sipple, Hampton Roads. Echr M L Van Kirk, Jefferson. Newborn, Scbr Hone|t Abe, Conarv, City Point. -♦ Scbr B Gwhile!en, Smith, Fortress Monroe,' Scbr B Seaman, ►eamaa, Morehead City. Sclr White Squall, Adams, Beaufort. Scbr Susan. Bartlett, Charleston Scbr B J F eraty, Meredith, City Point. > Scbr Indiana, Simmons, Washington. * Scbr Aid, Irelan. Beaufort. Scbr M Kennedy, Kelley, Alexandria. Sebr Wm Wilson, Butler- New Haven. ►ehr J B Allen, Btetzer, Wilmington, N C. 6t’r J S bhriver, Dennis, Baltimore. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. 3 . - I ewes Del., April 6. The bark Queen, of Scotts, for nt John, a B, and a fleet of coal laden-vessels. all for Eastern ports, went to esterdsy afternoon, with a stiff breeze from the southward. Two square rigged veisefts are in the offing, beating up. J. HtLLY'D BURTON. t™ VolunteerLieut. J W Bmlt>, commftßdißg, will sail from the Navy Ya-rd,. Pfajledeipbia, on Saturday. Ap?U 15, 1865, for the Eaß6 and West Gulf -Squadron. Persons having letters, patkaces. or boxes for officers or seamen of said squads ron, can have them delivered finje qi charge if put on THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL S, 1865: u. s. SEVEN-THIRTY loan. By authority of th* B**r*t*ry of th* Treasury, th* undmlgned has unmM the Gsnsral Bubrnriptlo* Amur for tb* ■Ml* of United state* Tntmucr Note* bearing »t« and thr**-tenth* pet **nt. lnt«**t per annum, known asth* n>» Note* A*# tamed tinder dst* of Aunt 15,1384, and are payable thru roar* from that time, la tor natr. oral* *onv*rtlbl* at th* option of U>* bolder lato GOLD-BEARING BONDS. The** Bond* am aow worth * premium of; nine S*r *«at., Including gold Interest from November, whlth make* th* actual profit *n the 7-80 Loan, at current rate*. Including Interact, about ten p*r cent. per an num, hoaidet lta exemption from stale and munieipal taxation , wMcft adds from one to three per cent, more, according to th* rat* leyi*d on other property. Th* latanat I* payable *«ml-annually by eoupon* attuhed to each not*, which mayb* eat of and laid to any bank or banker. Th* Interact amount! to One «ent per day on a *5O not*. Two cent* per day on a *lOO not*. Ten Mntcper day on a <5OO not*. Twenty cent* per day on a I ... BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET BATES, BY ’• WM. PAINTER & CO., Bankers, ip6 lm UO BOTJTH THIBP BTBBBT. OHABOBB BKOBT. ALEX- BBKOOX, JB. QHABLES EMORY & CO„ STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 South Third street, PHILADELPHIA. ■ ' \ All kind* of nneurrent bands and Hold and Silver bought and sold,, and Collections made. Partlenlar attention given to the purchase and sale of Government, State, and other Stock* and Loans on com mission. - boss 8m 5-20 COUPONS, ’ DUE MAY Ist. BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, BY DREXEL & €©., mh2o-tmyl 80. 34 SOUTH THIED BTEHIT. 7-30. -5-20^ ■ dHAS. HALLdWELL, stock be6keb, NO. 30 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (Boom Ro.‘i|) - GOVERNMENT, STATE, AND OTHER MASS AND (STOCKS BOUGHT AND BOLD OS COMMISSION. U. 8. T-30 irons iubkibhed at pab. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OIL STQGKB. mhlO-lm*/p •JHE NEW r-30 xj. s. noxis, FOB SALE. I* SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. ' . BY ' ~; DATOS BROTHERS, BANKERS AND BROKERS, WIS DOGS BTEBBT, DBALEHB IS GOVERNMENT BBOUBITIiI OISE HAT.T.T, SUOS-lM 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. AID AMS St LEVIS, - No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. GOVERNMENT SECUBITTBB AND STOCKS BOUGHT, SOLD. AND NEGOTIATED. GOLD AND BILVBB BOUGHT AND SOLD. Special attention ftren to OIL STOCKS. mMO-3m BDWABB BOBOra HOBAOB B. WASSON. J]DW. ROBINS A CO., * ' STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. 47 SOUTH IHUtD BTKEET, THI LA DEL PH lA. / ail Biros or BANS NOTES, GOLD, SILVEB. STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOVERNMENT BECUEITIES. ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. , Colleetlons made on all parts of the country. Deposits rewired, subject to eight draft, and Interest allowed. , M < mhG-Sm gECOND NATIQNA^;BANK, OF PITTSRURG,. PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE IRON CITY TRUST COMPANY.) CAPITAL. ©300.000. BANKERS* AND MERCHANTS' COLLECTIONS promptly attended to on the moat favorable term*. G. S. WABJfEB, President. JOHN E. PATTERSON, Cashier, mh2 3m 8. LEECH & COMPANY, RANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, Wo. 14 FAECIUHAr BUILDINGS, •WALNUT BT.. BELOW THIRD). pTTTTi a Gold, Government Bonda, oil and MleeaUaneone Stocks, bought and'sold on Oommtulon at Uia Board of Broken. Dealera la Foreign Bxshange. Lettars of are dttfaaaad on London. Parla, Antwerp, As. JaSS 8m iJHB FRANKLIN SAYING FUND, K 0 .136 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW CfIKSTIfUT, Faya five per cent. Interest on Deposits* Agent* for the sale of united States 7 8-10 Loans at Far. Govern ment, State and City Loans and Stoeks bought and sold tot depositors ana others on CommUßirtn, mnl7*Bm WILLIAM H. WAYNE, * r Late Discount Clerk Bank of forth America, STOCK and BILL BROKER, No. 18 BANK Street. Loans, Brocks, Ac., purchased and eold at the PUU delphia Stock Board. Money procured on collateral*. Promlaeory notea negotiated. As.. Ac.. mhll-lm CAMUEL ALLEN, STOCK BROKER, - , „, So. 136 South’THIRD Street, mhl7-lm* PhilADßlphla. O H. GARDEN & CO., NOS. 600 AND 6p» MARKET Street. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealera to HATS, CAPS, PURS, BOIINBTf, STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. BUOfDHJ, Ac.. &«. The largest and most complete stock, and tlis test, terms. Country Merchants and the Trade rap. plied. mhi-am OELMBOLD’B FLUID EXTRACT AA BUCHU le pi. aunt In taataand odor, free from all Injurious properties. and Immediate la It. aeHop. \LORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM BA CURE BUILDERS. Iron Foimders. and Oenertt Machinist. andNoller Aakera. No. iai» CALLOW. StwW fWladeifWa, !♦»•« FINANCIAL. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. V. S. H 0 BIX FEB OE3XT. JAY OOOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AOBET, PHILADELPHIA. Ail kinds of NEW PI'BUCATIOISS. NEW VOLUMES OP v£jN POETRY. BALLADS. BT THE AUTBOB OP BARBARA'S history. An exquisite little volume of Ballads by atl*s A«B -LIA BEDWAKDS. Printed from theauthor’s ad duced sheets, with a .charming frontisplace, by Bi 8- KKT FOSTER.- and engraved hsadand teUipleces by HARRY BOGBBB A gem of a book, printed on tinted neper, full gilt. Price 11.50. . POEMS BY CAROLINE HAT. • * These poems are imbued with thedeeii spirituality which characterizes everything Mis* M* Wl>™“* teaching gentle lessons to some waywatdhearts,bring ing leave* of healing tosomeemittettonecanddwpirlng others with pattent courage. It uavmumeaUherown and full of tbe elements of true poetry AnewlSmo. volume. Price *1.50. T THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL, BY B. H. NEWELL (Orpheus O. Kerr.) It waspatent to all fairly appreciating the ‘Kerr Papers, Utat their author was caMble of squally fellei tous cchleremeats in other fields. In this volume Orpheus appears in a new character, and If we don t mistake win take rank among the hast lyrists of the Hue. His poems Indicate exquteite skill in yersiflea tion, elegantfancy, and the most dellcat* tenches of BALL. yjrk. Withcomic illustration* on wood. lfimo.. stiff these books will be sentby mail, free* on receipt of price* by OARLETON, FmWsbg*. mbM swtt HEW YOBH. NTOW BEADY, INTBBNAL LAWS? Aet approved JuHH 50,1854, us umsudsd, gpd tbe . - Act amendatory March 3,1865, COPIOUS MARGINAL REFERENCES, . Complete analytical index, ; TABLES OF TAXATION. COSPILSD ET HOB ACE DRESSER. . „ 1 vol., Bvo. Paper 60 cents; cloth #l. , D. APPLETON fit CO., Publishers, Ho*. 443 and 445 BROADWAY. gent free by mall on receipt of price. *p7-6t ADVERTISERB. •‘THE TALLEY SPIRIT." Published at CHAMBEREBURG, Pa., Bs* the largest elroulatton of any Weekly Hewepaper gsgaaf &sfitk iWt a^raasousi^MteA^Term. DRANBTON’B PHARMACEUTISTS’ D A HD DRUGGISTS’ PRACTICAL RECEIPT BOOK, with a glossary of Medical Terms and a copious Index, In one volume 12mo. jIIiSOi Beasley’s Druggists’ Receipt Bock. Beasley’s Book oi B.OCO Prescriptions, Pei tee’s Who's art of Perfumery. , Moi fit's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manipulation*. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publisher*, apl-tf Ho. »S South SIXTH Street. IP W BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKBII Jnzt reeeiTsd br HMBAD & (Hazard’s old stand), Ho. 134 CHESTNUT Street. THE BILLYABS AND THE BURTONS A Story of Two Families. By Henry Kingsley, author of Gecf fry Bamlyn,” J’Bavsnsnoe,” drc. . ■ SOCIAL STATICSt or, The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified and tbe First of Them Bft velcped. By Herbert Spencer. Steel portrait. _ CHSIfcTJAH’S MISTAKE. By the author of .“John Halifax. Gentleman.'' Ac. „ . _ „ UK OLE SILAS. A Tale of Bartram-Haugh. ByJ.B. LeFsnn, author of “ Hons* brtheOhurch Yard,’ itc M CAPE COD. By Penry D. Th otcmi- JcAewisw “ of t .finV 'rvocaS. " ■,) aiaeo. Ac , Ac. m A BOOK OF GOLDEN DEEDS of all Times and all Lauds. Gathered and narrated by the author of tho “Beirof Bcdelyff*.’’ Tinted paper, green yellam. THE JEST BOOK. The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings Selected and arranged by Hark Lemon Two beautiful little volumea of the “ Golden Treasury Series ” ' % THAOKBBAY’S YAtfl-TY FAIR. nioaSrated edition. Sto)b Tinted paper. Cambridge Pre*a, THE HEW PATH. A Hontfiv ABF JOTBHAL. April number just ready. Subscription* received, or single Lumbers for sale at 20 cents each. ALL TBB fIBW BOOKS received a* eoom m Jeewd from tbe press, end gold al lowest prices, mnal- tf NEW BOOKS FOB SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES! The Bed Lion, or Home In Humble Life. The Conqueror, by the author of Eilen Murray, dee. Tbe Fisherman’s Children, or the Sunbeam or Hard rick Gove. The Faithful Shepherd, or Sketches of the Life of Bey. Thomas Scott. Tie Ferryman’s Child, or Light out of Darkness. Little Fermon Talks, by Caroline 8 Kelley. Bessie Lovell, or the Power of & Lovirg Child. Vivian and his Friends, or Two Hundred Years Ago, by the author of The Story of a Poeket Bible. Tried and Trn** or Into the Light, by A. Jf- G. ' Tbe Village School Mistress; or More About Kate £!• “rol's^^y^^J^SsS^aTxrOH. W. S. S & ALFRED MABTIBH, mb2B-tf 606 CHESTNUT Street. EDUCATIONAL,. CIGNOR VALLO, No.Agg2 N. TENTH, Street, Teacher of Violin, Piute. Guitar, Ac •' ap7»St* v QAKDALE SEMINARY, AH ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND NORMAL SCHOOL yon YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. . AT PDGHTOWN, C HBBTBB CO., PENN A The next term of this Institution will begin on MON DAY, April S, 1888. For Circulars, containing particu lars, address - ISAAC W. GOLDIN, A M., roh9-Im . PrlncipaL RELLBYUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. A? A 80ABDING 6GBOOL FOS GIRDS TEE SUMMER TERM OF THIS iASTITUTIOir, healthfully and beautifully located ou tbe northern limits of Attleboro* Bucks county, Pennsylvania, will commence Fifth- month, 22d, 2665, and continue in sea* sion twelve weeks. The course at instruction Is thorough in the several departments ol English, French, Latin, Mathematics, and Drawing. For full details see circular, to obtain which address the Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Bucks county, apg 2m " Principals. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— » MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mllee from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough conns in Mathematics, Classics, Natural Soiencse, and English: practical les sons in Civil Engineering Tnplls received at anytime, and of all ages. and enjoy the benefit, of a home- Be fore to John C Capp& Son, 23 South Third atreetsThoa. J,, Clayton, Em , fifth and Prune atreetat eg-Sheriff Kern, and others. Address Rev..J. HBRVBY BAR TON. A. M . VILLAGE GRBBN. Fenna. nod-6m WOODLAND SEMINARYeFOB YOUNG LADIES, Nob. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Fhilada. Bey. HENRY BEEVES, A. M., Principal. * fe24-6w* COPABTNERSinPS. SJOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP AY heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the Aim of HILL & LBVY, la this day by mutual consent dissolved. • Tbs'business of .aid firm will be settled by BHAD RAOH BILL, whohas assumed the liabilities, and con tinues the b outness, at 37 BANK Street. Philadelphia. SHADBACH HELL, . . JUDAH LEVY. Apbil S, 1865. ■ ■ ap6-3t* • LEGAL, r* THE'ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY O Estate of RICHARD WAGNEB,-dsceased. Notice Is hereby given that CATHARINE WASHES, Widow of said deceased, has filed imatd Court her pe tition and appraisement of the personal property which' she elects to retain under the act of April 14th, 1861. end its supplements and that the same will be approved by the said Court, on FRIDAY. April 21st, 1865, nnless exceptions be tiled thereto. JOHN SH4LLOBOSS, , Attorney for Petitioner.- April 6, 1866. >P 7 ft* riOURT OF COMMON PLEAS IN DI VOBCE, September Term, 1861, No. 69, al. anbp. Deeember Term, 1864. No. 69X ,, JO j™ a corl§?S£. n * bT llel next fri9ll4 * &0 * Deaa Sib: Yon will take notice that theBl* Executors. T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION . . ha VSs.^S. 6 A. trr ?s‘£ a i9.. t ' l S. undersigned upon the estate of SYDNEY ANN KEITH, deceased, ail persons being indebted to the said estate are rectuested to make payment, and thosehavug claims against the same to present them to WASHINGTON KEITH, adm’r, mh4-«6t No. 431 M WALNUT Street. 'COAFo rjOAL-COAL—COAL! 'A HE BEST COAL IN THE MARKET, _ At the following prices: Eg* and Stove *9 75 per ton. Large Nut Coal. .}....8 76 •*_« „ At tte MANTUA COAL YARD. . CorTBIRTI-FIFTH St. and PENN A. H. K, Mantua. ap6-12i* • W. D. HBBTON. Thomab J. Okaia Robert J. Hempbui, riBAH Af HEMPHILL, w pbapbus nr LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, _ Of all sizes and of best Qualifies, Carefully picked and screened, and invariably at the 7 _ lowest cash prices. Office and Yard, WILLOW, beIowFIFTEEBTHStreet. - Xg- Orders can be left at 146 Nora SIXTH Street, 653 North TENTH Street; 1433 BARCLAY Street, or thipuzh tie Post-Office, which will be promptly and satisfactorily ailed. ja!7 8m E SCHREINER,» EW COAL DEPOT, • NOBLE Street, above Ninth street. Constantly on hand superior qualltlea of Lehigh aud Schuylkill Coal, selected expresuy for family purposes, at the lowest market prleea. Wharf, Twenty- third street, below Arob street. Office, 119 South FOURTH Street. ooSMm COAL .—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehiih Coal, aud best .Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, pr< pared ex- Preßriy for family uso. Depot, N W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Offlce,No. 113 South SECOND Street. taps tfD J. WALTON A CO. PURE LEHIGH GOAL.—H OUB E *■ KEBPEBSeanrelycttgetttuxapureartideattheß. B. corner of FRONT and POPLAR Streets. JOHN W. HAMPTON. mhiW-Im* PURE LEHIGH GOAL. A J. B MULFOED, mkSO lSl* 1846 MARKET Street. f\TL LARDS SURVEYED AHD LAID \J out In Leases a»d TopograpMeal Plans Drawn bj 0, M HOPKIKB, Civil Eusioeer and Barvevor* 304 Soatk FIFTH ottoeti near Walnut St.* apl-iat* PMladelphia, pHILAI ELPHIA TERR A COTTA A- WORKS. fc IFFICB AND WAERBOOJH3, NO. 1010 CHESTNUT VITRIFIED WATER, DRAIN, and HEATING PIPES, vltb bends, branches, traps, Ac., to correspond, from to 12 Inch boro. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS, and FLUB PIPES, varranted to stand the action of fire, gas, or weather. ORNAMENTAL parlor and garden vases. 0 laaslcaldOßirus. plaln and bronzed. _ Mignonette Pots, Flowerpots, Ivy Vases, < ! Vases, . .*• Fern Vases. Ac., Ac. Importer of Minton’s Encaustic Tlis, for Churches, Sails, Vestibules, **. _ mU-tuthatf B. A. HARRISON. RAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR M MAHDFACTORY.-The largest and beet assort ment or Wigs, Toupes, Long Harr Braids aud Curls, Fiisettes, Illusive Seams, forOadles, at prices lower than els. where, at 909 CHESTNUT Street. mh39-lm* ftOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK Y AUD OABTAB* of all iminberß and brands. . Tent. Avrikl&Cs Trunk, and Wafon-cover Duck, Also* Pacer Mannfaetnrers’ Drier Fella, from one to five feat •rile; Pauline. Bolting co , noS-tf No. 103 JONES’ Alley. J TAKE NO MORE UNPLEABA: A . and unsafe remedies for unpleasant and da roua diseases.' Use HKLMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUi •mawsovw) Bcgi w*p. PBoresiLg. A 88I8TANT QUARTERMASTER’S A- OFFIOXU3DGIBABD«te. k , SEALED PROPOSALS wUi be neetredatlM* OfflM. until 13 o'clock H., SATCBDAY, April 1A 186 ft, Immediate delivery at the Dsitedßtmes Wo*»hoi®« HANOVER Street Wharf, of aoo AMBCLASOB9. Wheeling Pattern, as per sample and *peelncattons«» be seen at the Storehouse. „. , . . ~ . The name of contractor and date of contract tube di®’j tiuclly marked on each ambulance; The Ambulances to be inspected, by an inspector appointed on the patx ox tt ßlddersshonld ctits the number of can furnish, tho shortest possible tint* they canaewwr them in, and tbe price, which should be written lwth Is woida and figures, and conform to the torms_of tnia advertisement, a copy of whi«h should accompany e *f must be guaranteed by two bobs, whose rignatu«es must be appended*to thegua rantee, and eertfAed to ae being good and *»“ eurity for. the amount lnvolveds by the United States District Judges Attorney, or Oolieetor, or other publio The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed.unrea sonabtoy and no bid from a defaulting contractor will *^U C proposal» to be made out on the regular forms, in duplicate, which will be furnished, on application **Bids wUIV opened on Saturday* April 15th, 1865, at 12 o’clock M.* and bidders are requested lobe present. By order of Col Wra. W. McKtm, Chief Guartermaster Pniladelphte Depot. GEO. B. OEMS, „ *p7.Bt Captain and A Q M. riEPOT QUARTERMASTER’S OF- J J NICE, Cixcibhati, 0., April l, .1865. PROPOSALS are Invited by tbe undersigned until WEDNESDAY, April 17, at 12 o’clock M„ for farnlab ingthisDepanm^wlth^ To be made from Flannel equal ail respect* to the sample piece now on exhibition at the ofllc* oitae un dersigned. and to be of the following «lzas, to Wit: Bo LB4 Inches In length and 25 inches in width. No. 235 “ “ g “ To'hifellea down hy hand, wlih patent Unen thread. Bids that de not conform to the foregoing requlre ment* will noth* considered,. ... . __j Proposals are also invited* at the Bint time aud place, for GKty gH i ETINa ptANNBL, „ . Equal In quality tothe Flannel above mentioned. CANTON FLANNEL DRAWERS. (Samples requested.) CANTON FLANNEL.'UNBLEACHED. (Sample reQuefeted.) aioS^'chSfd 6 , 4^® snpply the articles awarded to him under hie propwal. Bids wOl be opened on Wednesday, Aptil 12th, at 12 o’clock M,, and biddtrs are invited to be prMent 'Awards'Will be made oa Th c^' 4 O iy w I MODLTONf • ,gS 4t Depot Quarteriuaster. A SBIBTAHT QUARTERMASTER’ S OFFICE, Ho. 1139 GIB/ P* IL.ADKLF SBAIBL PBOPOB4LB will until 12 o’clock M-, on JttOlsU mediate delivery* at the Bj Banover-erreet wharf, piopei -tranfpoitation. of the foliowii tare 1 ritore*,to he inspected by a tbe parttof the Government viz. S t COO Horse Brushes, leather Philadelphia Cavalry 6,f00 Halter Chains of 000 obr 25,UX} lbs Harness Leather. * side when finished. 2,000 sides Bridle Leather, side when finished -5,C00 Jb* oil tanned Leather. I.COO Tar Pots. SCO Biding Saddles* **comp2' runs. siiircp straps,' tabbed. 800 Sheep Skins. * ‘ Smith at 7,0(0 WUp» Blacksnake, all „ weisht. 10CCO Army Wagon Spokes, tec 10,(00 tT ** l* 1, COa Ambulance ** ft 1,0.0 '* ■■ hi I,COO M ** fro 1,000 M " hi* 1,000 ** ** froi 1,000 ** “ hint 5,r00 *\ \\ it- Iti, felloes, froi *1(0 Bets Ambulance 11 I% ' 100 “ “ " Itfv 1,000 Biding Bridles, double , __ moderate Curbs, best article. 500 Biding Saddles, complete, with stirrups am straps, girthandcruppers. 2,000 Cotton Duck Wagon Covers, of ten onus* cotton Luck, as per sample or cover at united States storehouse: one yard sample of duck repaired. ?,CCO Hole Cellars, 15 to 17 inch * 4 Hogskin. * ’ 1,600 Horn Collars, 17t02? Inch '‘Hogs* in.” • 3,000 Pairs Hole Haines, i - inch from hole to hole. Allot the above articles to be of the be*t quality. , Bidders should state the quantity bid for, and wheel they will commence and finish their deliveries, thJ price of the articles {to include boxes and delivery')* Which should be written both in words and figures* and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a cop*! of which should accompany each proposal, and ] r schedule prices will he received. >■ Samples or the articles bid for must be delivered >* the iUKGVEB-STBBET SfOKtHOUSS twenty.foi y hours before the opening of the bide. . ■ j Bide will be opened on MOLL AT, April 10, 186 $ at 12 o'clock M. , and bidden are requested to be presen «i Each bid muet be guaranteed by two responsible pe e*. Kins, whose signature* mu»t be appended to the goara tee and certified to as being good and sufficient seouri * for the amount involved by the United States Distri r Judge, Aitorney or Collector, or other public officer, h The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed aura 0 son able, and no bids from a defaulting contractor w r be received. I All proposals to be made out on the regular fora u (in, duplicate, ) which will be furnished on appllc&tg r at this office. I*l By order of Colonel Wm, W. HcKlm, Chief Quart master, Philadelphia Depot . If? 620. B. OEMB-lr . Captain and A. Q. M.f pHIEF QUARTERMASTER’# V OFfICE, STo. 1139 GIBABD Street. J Philadelphia Depot. March 31, 1865,1 SEALED PROPOSALS wiU be received at this ofltfi untiIMONDAY, April 10. 1860, At 13 ©’dockJE., ford* llvering at the Schuylkill Arsenal. in merchant**® packages ceases to be made to conform to speoificatic a at iWb office); 1 S 4 Canton Plannel for Drawers, army standard. [\ Stockings, army standard. , . Pet ged Boots for Cavalry, army standard. Pegged Bootees for Infantry, army standard. t Bospitai Tents and Flies, army standard. . Forage Cape, army standard. ' Samples oi the standard articles required may be se at th’a office. . Parties offering*oods should make separate propose for each article offered and must distinctly state in the bids when th%y will commence their deliveries, t onartlty they propose to furnish each week, the pii< (which shouedbe written both in words and figures and conform to the terms ot-thls advertisement, a coj Of which should accompany each proposal. Bids will be opened on Monday. April 10, 1885, at o’clock M., and bidders are requested to be present. Bach bid most be guaranteed by two responsible pel sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient s.l entity for the amount involved, by earns public fond! tionary of the United States., ' ' ' _ •• v shonia fe* made out on the regular ferny Which will be furnished on applieat —« . The right is reserved to reject an: sonahle, mid nobid from a’defanli be received. , Endorse envelope. “Proposals i name of the article and f Colonel WILLIAM i Chief ■i Tf PROPOSALS FOR W. A Foetatior. Omicu Wathb Tkahspoe ko. ar* soc n PBOPOSALB Will today, for til* transportation V Philadelphia, Penns., to tie fol Fortress Monroe, Va., 400 tonil Alexandria,Virginia, 600 “I Betvbern, 21. 0., 160 £ Port Boysl, a CL, 300 "J Fort Barrancas, Fla., 160 new Orleans. La., 300 ** City Point, Virginia, 300 ‘f Washington, D. C., SOO Beaufort, a. C., SOO'f Charleston, B. C., 600 ‘J Horehead Olty.K C„ 300 ‘I Transportation to be fornith| vessels, or both (to Alexandri v. C., hr barges or other Test nay require it; and bidders price, In writing aid Agar By order of Col. W V ter, Philadelphia Depot, mhSS.IQt {Captain QAYALRY ' Quaribbhabtse Qbr. ■ Washixcitoi HOES®, suitable 1. •vice, will oe received ket, tm Msy 1,1866, Js» *V" JW*_ MULES, In lota of tw» ceived in this city, is o Captain 0. H. TOMPf corner Twenty second AUanimalsto he g bupeciion before be' Syecincatton* as Bound in allpartici food condition, froi l*h, best fiveiS) to* is every way to ca\ sine (9) and ten (IB) sprightly, and bealtby, Artillery hones msit partieolan, strong, as and square trotters Is hi ties, Jrom six (6) to ter dlteen and one-half (1 weirhnoi lees than ter Males most be OV' stoat, compact, well fourteen (14) hands: blemish, or defeot w work, and must have and developed the corn two is t aeb jaw. These specifications rtfidly esiorced in m> Honrs of inspection Price—Cavalry bor dollars (HISS); Artil; ty dollars (*1S0); JH, dollars ($195). Payment will be: ,„ , „ Brevet mhSO-tapSO A BTILLEB ft HOUSES. , A3SISTA!fT ' 1130aiBAKD HOBBEB saltable foi vice will bo purchased not t each animal to men! inspection befc Hones for tbo Art iRFEITS AND e»de»Torlii ;G, SHAD, &c. 2, and 3 Mackerel, ckages. le Bar, and HtWto Hotrinc. i. 4c. *>ht & Broom, tBTH WH4BYBB. T OR INCON- I. Inflammation or »7». diseases of the iaer, ealsala*, era. dlaoaaea of the Had* aUtnea, naa SSI*M. aw. TY THOUSAND indm* . -*!? 114 §*? QifrE VINES FORBALR —OATAW- Isabella, Concord, Clinton, Diana wtrS' . ProUg Oporto, and otheryarlettX. in lS«. ot a a#&ti owpll,!e *- . T ‘ & ADAMST^ 2^^ hL&* Cmce 338 WaLKUT street, X_ ... —:... Boom Ho. 3. J>R THE ILLUMINATION. Sr?») 8t h 4 “ ot B “E»iS" HI>LSa ' pr »»leby g* g. 806 WALSTTT Straat. M,I IDEE N’S CARRIAGES, EN ■ .OTTO** POE THI SPRIHO hajijs.—a Superior Lot ju»t received, and fox mX« SOWS, BUSTOS, & 00.» flablS-tf IST and 159 North TSLBD Bwatt/ IfHB SCIEHCTK aw ft. * H E SCIENCE OF MEDICINE •honld »t»nd simple, pan. mMsstto: libtlii* fui iti tails, Induction for its pUt&r, truth alono for lu rttaXSo ttand H8LMB0I ; o'S GESTJUTg PBJ&A ■SIOBS. »W 1$ I«K«. /OR BALK—A BEAUTIFUL JR ASH and OODBTBI SKATS, of forty asm. 31 -«h lane. Darby township, four mtle* from Hat- v Bridge. Possession eau be bad immediately. Apply to JOHJg WHITKLY, on the promisee, or to JOBL 8. PKBKIBS, apt-Jm* 45 South FBOSf Street. 1m ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—FOR ■**BALE—A handtome CO IT AGE (opposite the U. 8. Botel). with or without furniture, containing 13 rooms and a good Cistern. Apply to H WOOTTOh, Atlantic City, or to J. A BixEr, SeTenth national Bank, Philadelphia, apt 12t« MFOR SALE—DESIRABLE COTJiL TKT KSSIDSJSCK, on. Venango street, near Sflce •town Jane and the uewToffnsWp Line Boad Turnpike. rfißo double house, twelve room*, completely finished, rwith hot and sold water, and all modem improve* taenia. Beautifully stated and improved- Lot 100 by f?SO feet. Adjoining ground open and very handsomely laid out. Apply to johjt a johhbon, 708 WALNUT Street. M DELAWARE COUNTY.—FORJH BAI.B, a handjome sixty-one. acre Farm, jast~E> received for tale, at Mew tows Station, Media Railroad, an miles from dtp* modern-bollt scons man,lon, In aood condition and twelve rooms, plenty of frnlt and shade, bam, ice-honse. and all necessary buildings, This farm la located within five bnndred yards of the station Will be sold altogether, or In two pieces. Possession can be had forthwith Apply Immediately. JAS B: GCMSftMS, apB-3t 50 &W ALB P C Street, PMlada. Meor 8 ale—a THREE-STORY brick BOMBS, eight rooms Price low. 2009 CHSBBT Street, apply at 358 South THIRD Street, second story bach room. apB-6t m FOR SALE-DWELLING-HOUSE -■Eton TIBTBBMTH Street, north of Arch street. Apply to . BW. BBBSLIT, mhtS-lm* 80. 30 Horth aBTBMPg Street. «FOR SALE—STORE AND DWEL XMG northeast corner of fawn and Master streets. Immediate poasetelon. BBIDESBuXIG —Heat Dwelling and Xot on Kirk fcnde street, east of Point road; willb3 sold cheep A large number of Go tages at Germantown and other desirable localities, and a great rariety of first-class and other Farms. _For list of Dwellings see North American and United States Gazette* B. F. ai.Btf.of, apl-tf 133 Bonth FOiTBTg Street M iSUPBRIOR MANSION AND LABOR LOT, on. the IBARKFOBD Road, at Altejbeny avenue; lmllt in the moat substantial man* ner. with every possible convenience, with stable and carriage-house. This is a delightful residence for sum mer or winter. B F^^LSNCJ, MFOR SALE—A VERY SUPERIOR BOUSE" In WEST. PHILADELPHIA, excellent stable, fine well of water; rural, ret finite near; all convenience*; replete In all respects. Address "Her plant, ” Box 2100, Poet Office. mbK-lm ® PRIVATE SALE—MIL IT ARf BOARDING SOHO IL, near PniJadelpMa, In me cessful operation, with, furniture or ail kinds. Appa ratus Books. Goss. &c. , ata verylow figure. Apply to SOHBRHEBHORBf & BARGROF T, 51* ARCH - apd-lm* ■ ■ • m FOR BALE—A SMALL FARM#* ■Sop Pirn -SIX ACHES, in Camden county, IE about twenty minutes’ drlre from Camden, on the Msrlton Pike, one of the most favorable locations in the county; the land is rich and Tery productive. With cood management. Three to Five Thonsand Dollars P« annnmoan ba made off or it. flood largo BOUSE; also, plenty of Bams on it, and well adapted for city persons wishing a country residence. Also, frontage enough for several Cottages. Por further Information apply to bichabd rang m %jggfc. *O5 COOPBK Street, Camden, .H. J. Office at West-Jersey Perry. mhSl-Im* A) FOR BALE—LARGE FOUNDRY ■KnAUD MACHINE SHOP, In frll operation, with the working stock snd tools,patterns, he. . of every descrip tion, necessary for doing a large and snsceuful hosl nees, situated on a railroad, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. B, P. CLEWS, 183 S. FOURTH St., mhlB-tf or BW. cor. SEVENTEENTH and OBBBN BU. «FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR STOCKS—Farm of 83 acres, near SellersviUe, mhlB-tf or S. W. cor. BBVBNTBBNTH and GHBSNSts. it Qasrtenaai&r^ «FOR SALE—NEAR SELLERS- J* vills-fIOOD FARM of 143 ACHES; chespfor-E cub, or will take In part good oil stocks in exchange. B. F GLENN. mHB tf 183 South FOURTH Street. ib. First Division, • March. 18,1888. ry and artillery ni> Depot, In open mar -10. T. BJBOWHXHa. >r more, trill 1m »• 1. till May 1,1889, by atant Quartermaster, iota. the usual Government MFOR SALE—SEVERAL FIRST QLASB HOUSES, omths south side of Arch, west or Nineteenth street, with all the modern improve ments. Now ready for occupancy. Alto, several first class HOUSES in West BMladol phis. Forty- second street, between Lovnat and Spruce Wreof} D. JONES TWEaTT-Fmll Chestnut, opposite the Finning fifUL mbff-lm* airy Horses must b« >ken, la foil fleet and to sixteen (16) hands Id, and wall adapted i. Horses between >, if still Tixoretu, spied. color, sound Is all stlre, well broken, sod fleet and condl- M VALUABLE REAL ESTATE A MfIPIK 9P™F T * for PALK-iE - _tiOLLT GALL. ’’—This property lies southor and adjoining the town of Blttos. on the treat Eastern Shore road; was the residence of the late General James SewaUs coal ala %208 acres of laud, divided into seven fi«2de and. three lots, alt under good fencing and in a high state of cultivation, producing fine crops. The Mansion House is of brick, seventy feet front by fftv feet deep, of a palatial stjle and fiaish throughout, from the basement to the attic, with metal roof and ob aervafcorys two Urge new frame Barns, well arranged, ones Stable, Carriage Rouses, lee House, Granary, Corn Houses, Cow Stables, Poultry House, and every cecessarr oat-building in good order that is useful on such a farm; large Flower and Kitchen Gardens,Lawns on three sides of the mansion, beautifully laid out with Fruit, Forest, and Ornamental Trees, some of them of large growth, waterin the pumps, spring, also, near the mansion, all of the purest quality. rid# not loss than ’h, horse to iifty (1,050) pounds, aars of age. strong, inimals, not less than ealth, free from ever* unfit them for eererc four front colt’s teeth four permanent teeth., tctly adhered to and to 4 F, H.. .fed and flilhty 4t« te hundred and nina red aud ulnety-dyc MBS A. BKIH, General in chare* iflsiea Q. M. a. O. B CAVALRY SB’S OfPIOB, .adelphia, Pa., March 10. l&M. / and Gayaliy S«> lerelcned In open mar* to the usual Goto* ited. The town and surrounding country is proverbial for Us healthfulne&s This property must be very desirable to any one seek* rsg an Investment, particularly to a gentleman reiiring from business. Lime and manures can be landed on the premises. Several train a of cars pass the town daily to the great cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, and not over two hours ride to < ithex of these cities. A farther description Is deemed useless, as the pro perty * ill be ehown by the undersigned. Trine ONE HDIDSHI AND FIFTY DOLLARS PBS ACRE tn conenc) —less in gold Daniel bratton, Beal Estate Agent, BUcton, Maryland. apl-sw4t* nut be-dark In solor, snick, and active, Is iUUSSM, is COM n years old, not~ju> weigh not lass than i (*180) will be said aiypuHealan—Wall jditton. from 15 toll years old, and well T n^m£aaK Thirteenth and M VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT Jfc AT PUBLIC SALE. SB The subscriber will sell st Public Sale. on “"““I^APTEB^O^UIS, ontt C P o r «Y t SE^° able Located within hslf a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on tie Newport pike, containing eight acres of gSoi land, la the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine TuietY of shade trees, maples, lindens evergreens, etc., In all oner a hand red full-grown trees. The Im provements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the Westby two towers, one of which Is four l n S ei ? k * There are fonr large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven hy forty-two feet. The house has the modern Improvements. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring Into the upper story of the tower There is also an iron pomp and hydrant under a cover ed arte at thakllchen door. The outbuildings conslrtof a carriers boose and stable sufficient /orfoar horses and hen, ice, and smoke-hous? withgood ic“ “ t,drw * tlfl Jt - The Ice-honse is fllted grS»\^SiS‘hsfr?^ l T?“ leHw «f dwarfpear and chStnStlree™ Beveralya foSSioiw?iv'“to 11011 wm ** WTT r r s w 8 J» street WILLIAM H, NAFF, Auctioneer.apsu* sffsrsas& •tain and A. horthwest corner FIFTH and CHB6TNUT. Apply at KOOM Ho. 3. apS-8t FIR BALE-GOOD OIL TERRITORY IN WBST YlKOUflA.—Parties wishing lands, -good amd-shesp, wonld do well by calling on X B. ALBOP,- Bine Creek Oil Company, ap4 6t« 407 WALNUT Btreet. ■pOR BALE—A LOT OF GROUND ON ... BEYBBBT Street, west of Nineteenth, 40 by 88 feats Wfll he closed very low for cash. BP. GLEN*. * mhlfi tl , li>3 SpnthFOC&Tg strek. T?OR SALE—A NUMBER OF’DESISA BLE BUILDING LOTS. For particulars applyto SAMUEL a. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law mhll-Im aaa WALHPT sSeet. TITTLE KANAWHA. AND BLK A-l BIYKE OIL AMD MIRING COMPANY —Pv.ifiT' attention Ss aaked to the really valuable OIL and LAKES recured by this Comparer in lee sfaSfl? d COAi A few shares inlhe erlgliS lnterMt eaifnnLlA SubsoUptions obtained. plan* &vtJiA±7?%r f 3’ the land and other laformatioa dven hw o! GKO. F. WOKK&CO,7iro 48S TITPAfIC V A j. bahtholobikw, a 0 ;o511 fad fellilP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, feas HABKXT udM* COMIISBOKStrwta. if OF I .SOe™BO fW HO H B||E0 G Aa s,a,, ml loth, cozumei cin* at 10 o'clock, JJJjffB Mibf catalogue, l,£oo taxes mens, hpy» JS/SJJj Is, shoes, brogans. balmorals, Congress gsiters, I women’s, and, ©hAdron's booto shoes, |en, balmorala, slippers, &«., embracingsfreshas- Imenfc of goods, from m&niiiactnrers. >rj sell &J g*f sc# has BPM NO BALE OP 1,500 OASES BOOTS ASD I SHOBB , hr« win sell by catalogue. for cash, __ T OHTHffESDAY MOKMiaO. „ llpril lsih, commencing at ten o'clock* 1.600 CMOS jin’e, boys’, and youths’ boots, shoes* Balmorals, jogans* Oxford ties* buckles, Congress, *c,, &c., with •Jdeiir&ble assortment ofwoznen’s. misses', and chll jen's boots, shoes, Balmorals, &o. ITJCTIOH BAiE OF CONDEMNED [A HOBBES. | QtrAETBBitAarsBO eebb al ’ a Op? ros, Ist Drmnioir, W *H/n.vorotf City, April 1, 1865. ‘ YUI Be «oM at Public Auction, to the Mshwt bidder, ! BALTIMORE, Md., on , I THURSDAY. April 13.1965. I . TWO HOB DEED HAKES WITH FOAL, ny of them well bred and In rood condition. ’ tt THURSDAY, April 20. 1865. TWO HUHDEBD OAVALBT HOSBBS. ! “ THURSDAY, April 27,18«, - B HDHDBBR MABBB WITH FOAt, AtTO OHE W BUBDBBD OAVALBY HOUSES. She horses bare bees condemned as unfit for the ea> «ry service of the army. „ , ||or read and farming purposes many good bargains In’ be )übi . ■nimaUeoid singly. Sale to commence at 9k. M,, Si will be held at PHILLIPS’ GOVgKtfMBST STA ®EB, corner of F&SVOJST and BaMSfiT 1 Streets. !fEHMS—Cash, in Onited States currency. X4MES A BAKQT, trisadlfr General, In charge Ist Division Q. H. OB SALE AIVI> TO LET. /OVATE SALE—BEAUTIFUL ttk /MMEB BBSIDBMCB, «Btate-pf Dr L. M. Fme houfe »nd oatballidmgs, stable*, &c, ■it *crt» of gnrand. one and a half milei from '.le, on the Media Railroad Sold cheap. JBot. J. HBSRY BaßTOir, Village Preen. Fa. 'OB SALE—THE RESIDENCE 823 South FIFTH Street; all modem con «: terse lot; stable on the beck street, Ac. ■smwSt* F. B. BKEVES, 45 W, WATSKSt.I JESIBA.BLE RESIDENCE FOR ,33—Beautifully situated on Green Bank,, Bor -11. J.»fronting the river, and adjoining the of Capt. Hie bard Shlppen. House has parlor, tog-room. and eight Cambers For informa* terms,&«.,apply to FitAffKbiV WOOLHAST. ate Agent. 80. VO MaIIT Street, Burlington, >R BALE OR TO RENT—THE party 80. 261 Sonth THIRD Street, between and Bprnoe Streets, suitable for offlsea; all ’“ho. 31a MdKKBT Street. apt tattieSt* 123 South F< AM3B. J'g&BßSsaiaS^ B&XJ& OF CABFETTITGS ABO 0018 KATtr.^ , THIS mokbiho. Tn ®as, - „ A CAHD.-JThe ptrticoUi aStestioa of p„.. 9wuM«d to a*a«B«na aswntmm S « &?>3ss* OT^eg{antTg isVoa|,, ,i ft OOj, 019 JAYJJI fttwti. ariwic dst aooi)3. isaiNO, >n faux monta* •***"• ind-staple dlWlepia. oD mtrsliKSf sale. FOE CASH. iiJim, 8«ln8M» rt« 0 ™« B r I “' lad8,i «» ««!«*• aa, M . **•«*„* * Hen ’». boys’. and yontbft* calf St welt. *1.4 pmop-eole dre«-boots; m«“s yo**»' Wp and bnff leatber boots; J a >*. fong-le* cavalry bootß-.msn’B and bojs'S,*,*”? i ConsreS*. boot* and balmomls; meaVs' lff li jonus' super Up, laff, and polished giaw'Hv, and pump aolebrogans;ladles’anekid and enamelled -patent sewed b&laorale US Ooi eaiteret women's. misses’, and children's ai. 0 *! leather balmomle and less bmts; sUidrav'rtt sewed elty-madetaee boots: fancy sewed bti> ankle ties: ladles’ Sue black and colored iH?'***& grees, and side-lacs gaiter*; women’s. ’ children’» ioat and morocco coonsr-nitiSii**’. ladies’ fine kid slippers; carpet and essief-i**’ WS travelline bate. die. _____ aBj, « I^s knock, auc * Stlttet. ISO LOTS AMERICAS loons, MitimKßT •IHBS GOODS, *>., IT, lock, «ompri«lmr foods for pmaat FBBBMFTOSY 8 ALB Of FKBHCH r,„ MAS, JJSB BBITISH DBT Oo ),,? D iA. Si, , _ -ON MOHDIY KOBJSIB0 3, **• April 10. at 10 o'clock, will he hW. , foni montha’ credit, about ® c *tal» ln , . . TOO PA.OKAOBS ASD LOTS * of Franck, India, Gannu, and Briu.tJ _ S^tiKe*aa:s3Bfia& LABOB SAiB OF FBKWCH. SWfSS, Qg Eiri . * BBITISH DBF OOODaT 6 ** 4 *, ij, OH HOBDAY, “* ’* April Ioth.J by catalogue, oafonr month, p,,.,,. DKBBB GOODS.— Larte line* of PaflfjS* l #; plaia moos del&tne*, Ronbaix cheeks, puf_ nQt *i t mocambfaues, poll de cbevrts, percales, tS,*** ft sets and lawns, fancy ginghams, i dtc. « ifcc. ? DBSEB SILKS.*—FuII assortment of bl&tb rhinos taffetas de Lront, fancy and plaia rw 4* eadrillea, gros de ffaples, gros de Zar,ch. ml* dorances. &c. ; ’ BSAWL&—Broehe long said square, *uh« . borders, lama, grenadine, and thibet BhfiiiAn* ! *d» elotb circulars, basque?, and mantles ** m EIBBONB.—Boxes solid colon and f a * c . n sspies and poult de sole bonnet and trimmis, k black and chafEettesdee velvet ribbons. * c a^ni> W EMBROIDERIES.—FoUassortment of lawa* « w jaconets, mulls checked nmslfns, frUilni, omh. •£*. coiton, lace veils. Ac. * *® bftf dit r AUo, black and white crepes gloves, hsb!-&*‘t . SPECIAL SALE OF EICH PARIS BOeSp * VELVET RIBBOffB. * ”1 On HOSBATk AprU IQ. ribbTO UUE6SH "’ < »® » I » laooried -«^ttPi>«n, boiled 11 llnBa J> We will hold a lar*e isle of foreign and fMgebr sstaloine, oh s credit of four moattT «i * 0t ' OK THURSDAY MORHIN9, April 13, st lOo'elock, embracing about 900 m,,. sad lots of staple sod faney articles in wooieai 5 teds, linen;, silks, sad cottons, to which we h.i., attention of dealers 1 K. B.'—Sample* of the m will be arreuea ualsatloß, with catalogues, early on the mw .;. when dealers will Had It to their laterea • M THOMAS & SONS, ~~ • Hos. 13# and Ml Sonth FOUBTE Strja Jt-oblle Sales of Bealßstste and Stoeke, at 2!i, chants, every TUESDAY, at iS o’clock. u,fc SEVENTH SPRING SALE, Ilth Abril. Estate of the late Robert Ralston, Ben . and «»*. EIGHTH SPRIER SALE. lShAbrU Estate or Hie late Lewie Wai? B*7.Tho« i„„ William F Wolff, John Diamond, s^b™’ - _ SPRING SALKJSth Abril. For list of proper ties In the above three aik. _ catalogue Tuesday next. * „ ST°CKSajtj)uttUfin,litbAwn. CARD.—Oni sale on TUESDAY, lltk April will ©Jude the elegant conatrw Mat of tfee late Eoburt g tton, Esq.; a desirable cottage, Atlantic City- t*“ acres, Pasaytmk road, and a large amount *{ n [ a ; citypioperty* dwelling*, stores, lots,groaadrssu 4&F’ &«• pamphlet catalogue* for particulars. _ Sale Vo. IBSS South Second gtre«t HOUSEHOLD FUKBITDBE, IMPERIAL CABPSB, OK MOKDAI MOEHISQ, 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, at Ko 1835 South Itwi otleet. the hotuehold furniture, imperial carpi s i ; Maybe examined at 8 o’clock on the momint a! ■ sale. _ Executor* 1 Sale Vo. 3918 Market BtreeL HOUSES OLD FURS ITU RE. BO >K CiSB, bJWr MACHINE, BRUSSELS CARPBTS, FBBIT&CBBi ~ i &C. ■ ACi OV TUESDAY STORM JO. •= , At 10 o’clock, at Vo. 3918 Market street. West Pia oclptia, the honaehoM and kltcheaToroitare. brmMsi of Executors. *; PEREMPTORY BAT.n Schooner, >aow* as (ho "'GaSoUjK GOOCE ife . . OH TUESDAY AFTEEKOOS, ITi April XI, at 3©’cloek, at Ci>oper-«tre«t wharf. Ciak How Jersey, (first deck above West Jersey Fe.-ry i :4M aproljot** May he examined opt d»T preTton* ta terdara, Antwerp, &0., equaUvlowiatea. w , Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cattle j* ; .«d, $lO6- Steerage from Liverpool cr Queemtowa- p, Those who wish to send for their friends oa tel tickets here at these rates. J Por farther information apply at ths ComFUi'l Offices. . JOSH G. DALS, Akjv I ap4-taps2 ill WALNUT Street, Kh_ 1 -.wffi—n. NEW EXPRESS LINE,TC ■■HHb AISXAHDBrA, GiOKGETOffS, th WASHINGTON. Via Chesapeako and Delsvsrs Cun Steamers leave first Wharf above MABKSr Sot* every WEDNESDAY and SATUBDaY, at IS H. aISJSSt&i^S^ESLMM Georgetown, I>. C. rTLOWSHS * BOWEK, Va. bW» t-wdt—a. NOTICE.—FOR NSW ■■■BeHsYOBB -The PBILADEtPaii. NEW TOEK BXPBEBS STEAMBOAT COEfAJI 0 Delaware and Baritan Canal. , „ icn . Steamers leave DAILY, first wharf below dl!“ Street, at i o’clock P. jr WH.P. CLYDE, (Jo., 11S WHASYIffJ 1 , „ JAMES HAND. 117 WALi. S' «t BtUS-fim BevTat RLECTBOPATHIC ESTABIP MBHT.-DB. A. H. STEYEN3. one of the Jjjg DISCOVBRBBS of a new system of treaßy «>f' MODIFIED APPUOaTIOBL has been so very succossfnl at PENN SQfitSSJ' last three years, has removed Ms Office end »*• to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Soven:»ttA tjl All persons desiring references, or snf !»• with regard to Ms sptelal mode of treatment, vti-f ceil or send for a pampMet ~v t : Consultation or ad vice gratnltona. [ .ELECTRICAL OFFICES. I COBSEB BLBYBNTH AND KACE STSSS-. j „ ' ALSO, CBBSTgUT AND FdKTIS! B. , L Dr. THGS ALLEJf, varyEnncassfol tp? o ®.*/!,*) r meni of aUdteeasba would inform Ms } the public thus he te sttH t many on whom medicine hu tad no F eoUßidered incor&ble. ► _ BHEUMATIBM ADD HIUBALUa £ I VOJtPBBFUL DISCOYBBf -WtJ \ r ask your attention to these dlsesssa^ >i ,| | have found teat w* possess a remedy -cured many, and wfll reatere to th«r health, hundreds foots-who are at 1 faring the most excrncisiing sgony- <>»*•*%] a few days only are needed to effect s «®i a.l wonld urge no one to try li; if yon donotnf S, ; >le your own. Those whs follow onr i I monte, and not cured, havenothing to P»T-, ‘. i bents treated at their residences whsn ; TestimoDials at the offices; honrs 9 A Jt foee. Offices. 18* ELEVENTH Burnet, also, CHESTNUT TIETH Street, West Philadelphia. ... , jalB 3m ■ DB THOS. tfjg-. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATBCtfy AA STITtmoHg, of both sexes, use HSiMRu . , aXTKACT BBCHD. It will give Wik “ 4 * Miucn tad aamblA ven to wlaap well- gjg-BWjl ■ JB3«T3EY’» y COTTAGE ORGANS SflSMMSIS^nSfei!; 4 Jfo. 15 XJortli y . / Alio, » «onpl«t« luoitsieatof - •onrtmtly os band. - ' ■ ,p grun r~ malcolm macs^ SPECTACLE STOKE.'*- Jll waassfenn*. (slls#! * J&r Glasset refitted to stt!t all agetu * a A s t , o? repairing tarefnlly and promptly MB NO PAIN IN EXT« —Nitron* Oxide Ote * llQ '' beautiful and natural itrle of .. TKSTH IHBBBTBD jfrt * BTOBK \ M BOOTH TOOBTH STBS* 1 ’ a urn T*ri«4rf I m»raoo'i si l * 5 kud. XTBLMBOLD’B EJEPRA^^CI SiPAItrLT.A clMttaaa uid »» 0 *„ i»Ul&the Tixor ofbealth Into tli* »7* te °’ onttlSkiinon Mvdn iHwim XTERMETICALLY SEAL® S *3- HID SOOTS. M 8 “ IS Mottos, . j a : %% *j% :* feg-tr jot a®*** 4 ” 4 TTRLMBOIJVB EXTRACT «It«* health ud Ykror to tie f''m lie pallid elude. DeMUty to aMfOjT ti ’ ylarrata* irmptoßu, end If mo to. oommmmaom. imunltr or Tf”-*-******' Ogta^J «»finaevnu» PESKSYIVAMA £ 'j y KMniaoiniaiUkinds of ftoeo to ono.koKdTed ; >■>-' , *glfod for erietlmis, Saw Mill*. *•-“ , QlTejaiKcoltt attention to *i*©s an 4 MaeMnorJ for oil s zC - -. ’ Bosis. Have al-wara on *Sj4vf-°d& e ;i '* i tiUpment, BHQINES and BOI UtJba ' aim. • -,»•■■*' Order, from all parts of tb® *- ni ' prompUr filled. T) COAL-OIL RBFIN ; „ Hr?d vith lead, boroed to * ll , warranted to vf iio and iJS ‘» 0 -- a v ‘ AUCTION BAI.KH MEDICAL.