Ah iHcroBNT of the Fibst. BT fXB BABP Of TOWBU BALL, field Scregg#* "Tie very worst Trick played upon the first (Of April, or All Fools' Day, Was played off upon me, As yea’ll all clearly see, -When I’ve related the way. A chap lately did get Somewhat deep in xny debt, And did not the fact dispute, Bat on All Pools’ day, Debt and interest to pay, 6ent me of clothes a new suit. He averred that they came Prom the Tower whose fame for first-rate work is so wide; So gladly X wore them. But very soon tore hem ‘Too badly for art to hide. As each rent fast enlarged. My late debtor I charged With fraud, and he owned at once From Sllghiwork’s those were bought; And so thus you are caught, And dabbed as an April dunce!* * Dtrr rtock of se&wmabl* clothing is'fall and complete, notwithstanding rapid sales, large additions being made dsily. Oar purshaaea beisg made for cash, and mostly «ince the heavy decline In prices, and the ba lance of our stock having been reduced to present Tallies, our customers may rely upon receiving the fall benefit of the decline and purchasing at lowtr prices than the lowest offered elsewhere. Oar stock; includes the finest class of goods, made in the best manner pos sible. All persons can be filled at once in garments equal In every respect— fit, make , and material— to any made to measure, at faliy 25 per cent lower prices. An examination invited. TOWS* HALL. Ho. 518 BASKET Street BEHSETT A CO. The Best News Yet. Hews tli. moBt glorious— Grant Is victorious ! bee and his army are running away; All in a hurry. And duster, and flurry, They made up their minds that they’d better not stay. Cavalry Sheridan Sapid! y hurried on, Catching poor bee with a terrible grip, Vanquished his torses* (Hie men and his horses,) Just as Lee thought he would give him the slip. Jefferson Davis Cries oat, “0, save u*l ‘The Vankeea are coming, X really believe; We’re almost surrounded* And truly confounded, And, as for myseljfvl think I will leave.' 1 With all their disasters. Their rebel shlnplacters Ardfaither and farther from being like oath. Rebellion's most 0,1 the ut h day of *Jfon are’earneaHyreaneated to attend aaid moating. Andrew Johnson, Joseph Henry, Salmon P. Ohaaa, lay Goska. Edwin M Stanton, Horace Gr»alay, . Gideon Wellpt, Henry X Baymond, Montgomery Blair. Henry W. Bellow*, a Oliver P Morton, Moeea F Odell, , David O. Parragnt, Jdhn A. Andrew, HjjathanieJ B Banka, Henry Ward Beecher, If Henry Bhanning, John W Forney, It John A. Din, Alexander T Stewart. I B Members of Congress are respectfully invited B to attend the meeting. *pS- tf JfOiXIOETHCS MEMBERS OW KBBSIHOTOH OOUMCIIi, No 9, 0 U. A. M., Msd the Order in fennel, are respectfully Inviici to Kect at the Hall, FOURTH and OBOBOS, on BURBAT SETEKBOON, at UK o’clock, lo attend the funeral of Hnrlate BroIherPETKBN. BKOWJ. „ fpit* WR, H, c. RW, SOUTHERN LIBEKTIBB AW© PESJT TOWNSHIP BAP.RO4T) COMPANY, l< Philadelphia April 8*1855 I The Annual Beetin* of the Stockholders of Ahte Coat tn»»y ant an Election for Offloere to aerra for .d di,“*erem«d effort* in fartbwlef the intji-e*teof (il e State Penitentiary for the Extern Metrte* of Penn* at the recent eeaston of t&e Leytilattire of tae Co D«”lS' Rl Th»t tt» officer, or ihls A. r,in -roll to -Jta Hon. George Connell a oartlfled copr Of th**e motalione. Certified from the minnteß: rmhardVaux, Pr'erldent ot the Board. Attest: Thomas H. Powekb, Secretary. M IE I,iDUB OP THE PBS® iF ABBOCIATIOff, maetlni at tt* E. g -9 and SPKINO OaKDBS StrMte. tats ippealln* to their friends. and the pabllo means to carry on the worfc for which sw snehan urgent damaod. Oar Trassary ghausted, we are unable to respond to tore received from on? Lady DUmoutora faring labored for the oast three years, k of continuing to the close of the ffir ( i3v hoped for. Contributions of stores my received at onr Rooms. on Pourth- P. M , and in money by the’Tiwurer, AWffA 8 WBSATOJS. Vo. me WALLACB Street. ißirvA.usin.-9ia. s. jr. fix. AY, thelOsh iastant, “W/iiWku* ff-ac. ;a, ApiH7 t 1£65. ap3 6t OD SPKISe BAIIiKOAD ‘ al ' PHn.ADBI.PHIi. April 8, IMS leolfn* of too xtoctholder* of this CSom iectlon for FtooWont Ard.ixAlAoaMrß eELßnioff y©ST. and ttjQtil Otaefa fiatU ba .la'dSTtfio Offlce of tb« Batiroad Company. 80. a «* ». on MOSDaT, th* Ur day of May ’olook A. Hj w jbb, 8«tt»«r. jgp-» VHION f] XJ3NTIOIC Every Christian heart Ls>po: _ vernor to make Bahbath da; CHURCH OF 'JHK Corner ofFirteenti will b« thrown opon (or i Meeting TO-MOKBOW (Bijbi ter lo 8 o'clock. i Rev. Br. NKWTON willpVn The meeting will be addreefe Rie’d Agent of the Christie] WBEATOH SMITH, D. D.. f TBESOH, 8., from the rei The collection will be (or tl aoldiers. (5®- THANHSGI\ ■s®’ —Bar D. L. QBAR, MOBBOW BVBHIKG. at 7k «r«K>tlonal Church, FKAH; Bp»EAT Avenue. Choice Choir. Moininaeerviceatll Aeph P Inina with hia Brethm FIRST Bk W CHT7ECH. SB VENT ti Etiffrtw, Sot. S. H. BBIDAM, o’o'.ocV A. « o'clock late yiffCory, M both ■morniap* B*T. 6. D. -wHI STeacfc TO-MOi o’clock A. M 7. HBd qmrtar tt Cbmeb. FOCTBTH street, bo) ts®r BK*. T. preach In tie Oimrcl J»Jow SIXTH, at lOX In the in the etenlaa. ray bibj e chb, BTorttt THIRD Btnsst, K Service TO MORROW (PALM UK o'clock. Subject; “KIHGbHIP Tue public are Invited. •s®““ ST. IKBKBW’S OHVk B*v. TOOHAS-H VAIL* ©. D. Bi Dittoes* cf Kansas, will prea«k in ST. j CHBitCH TO-MOSCOW ALIBEK 00a, u m encipg at 4 o’clock. «THE COMIATO AND B OHBIBT, * BlcUr IT. 8. CkUl X»*acb on iMe anbjact To-WOBBOW, at 1( the Ball H. JS corner iSTATH and OaLLUV and ftti-he gatre place, at quarter before 8, M Tbe True Ground of Jmeairtality. ** * CEKTBAI COS»BEGa CHtJRCH-GOSCKBL* HAtil* -Pab) TO HOEHOW a. nd every tiabbath at V% A. ?, M. Seats free, WISTBBN H, E. CHURCH, TIBTH Street. l>elow Walnut, TO- MOMRO W (Sond&v > at It>jy 7XP- M , by the Rev. THBO. BTEYSRS KORTH PKESBITJjt VSSf OHURCH, SIXTH Street, above . i>.. pastor, may be S m p?*sckTO MORROW MO&SIJSO atiQK as_| at 7>g o'clock. . jJ DISCIPLES OF CH »2»' ALFRED N. GILBERT, of New| preach at the GburclLjrWßLFrfi Street, a lace, ©a SUNDAY, at PM- | ST. CLEKEST’BCHERCff,V TIBTH and CHEERY Streets. —But' there will bo service la this Church. everyl EVEN3MG instead of the Afternoon. Servicl row Evening at 734 o' dock. KST* CENTBALPBESBYTEi •&& CHURCH, corner of EIGHTS and I Streets, will be open for Divine Service To-M] EVRBIb Gat 8 o’clf-ck. Sermon by the Pas I ALEXANDER REED. 1 KS** SECOND ADVENT MEET 13 WSS& Jlder 81U AST will preach (D V;> at" and BPKING GARDEN at 10% A. M.; Elder BU at 734 P. • M. . KS- ST. MATTHEWS LETHEI CHURCH, HEW Street, below Fourth, hi Race end Vine.—Service by the Pastor, Rev.l HUTTEB, TO-MORROW MuRSISG, at IQJ£ o! Evening service commences at half past 7 j ra» ST. PETER’S ENGLISH IE3 fcs? BAN OHORCH. CHRISTIAN Btreat. Sixth, Rev F. KLINEFELTER. —Divine service; PaY MOKNING* at 1034 o’clock, ana WSDJif EVENING, at 1% o’clock. Sunday-school at 9 o j THANESGiVING SERVICES spring garden street h b gh TO. BORROW.—Sermon by Rev. JAMS* NEILL A M , aatt by Rev. J >HH ROTH at 7% P. M ysar MINT STEPHEN’S GHURCI I®* TEB SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT .CHRISTIANITY in Pennsylvania, will hoi*’ »*p service in St Stephen’s Church,on SUNDAY EVEN the 9th izut ,at IK o'clock, la behalf of its PARSON FOND. Addresses wilt be delivered by the Rev Dr. ROD and Prof. HENRY COPPEB, and a collection mad assist in-buildingparsonages i- tbe Missionary Biel of the Dicoese. GEORGE W. HUNTER It Secrotat *s&r* SECOND CONGREGATION CHUitOti, corner of ELEVENTH and W Streets.—Preaching TO-MORROW at 1034 A M b B«v. Dr. DWIGHT, and In the Evening at 734 by JOHN CHAMBERS ra** TBANHSGIVISG SEBVTCES- H2EF rerponse to the Governor’s proclamation American Mtohanies* Building, corner of FOU RTH GEORGE Streets, below Girard avenue, TO MORE (Sabbath) AFTERNOON at *K o'clock. In then hall the Meeting will be conducted by Rev. E. SMITH, one of the secretaries of the United Hi. Christian Commission, and Rev. A- G McAULEY other delegates of the United St lea Christian Conr eion. Tbanksilvlng Hymns, by the celebrated Cn Rev. B. Jeffrey’s church In the lower hall the M Ing will be conducted by Rev, C E MURRAY, w Will preach tfee sermon. Addresses by Rev. 0 j DecufsonandT, M. Coleman, Esq., anddelegate*fif the Christian Commission. AH are invited. The r, lection taken up will be for the benefit of the Uni States Christian Commission 1 rs3* DNION CHILDREN’SMELTISC WEBS' —Tte Thirteenth Union Meeting, for Childr under the direction-of Rtv EDWARD PAT SON Hi MOND, wit! be held on SUNDAY, Anri) 9th, 3%0 al P. M , at the TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH, CHESTNUT near Eighteenth Street. Mr. Hammond wii< preach to the children. All e&rrestly invited to attend. These meetings wiil continued at (he same place on MONDAY and fC DAY Afternoons at 4 o’clock 1 PHILdRELPRIA TRACT A » *» MISSION SOCIETY.-The Eighty-ninth meejtg In hehalfof this Society will be held In the North Pkfc bylerlau Oburch. SIXTH, above Greed, on EVENING, 9th inefr, at 734 Rev. R. W. Henry. D.II Rev. P. Church, and J. BL Schreiner, Agent of the !/• cteiy, will address the meeting- Ip-- KB* THIS TWIKTY SECasn A3T#l fcKf VEBseBY of the SPBINO GARDEN rEMa\,5 BIBLE SOCIETY will bo held at the Cbmeh ol the NS tivity. corner of BLBVENTHand MT VRBN jNSireet? on MONDAY EVENING, 10th Inst., at a quarter befos 8 « ci. ek i Aii drtices will he made hyteveral olergyman. Thj public are invited to attend. It* j •3g» NISVB WABK-AS AMOVBSEW W 3& Keating of the DRAFTED and ENROLLED Cl-fc Zens of Nm'fi Yiard trill be held THIS (SaioraaT)V BVENIRG. April Btb, at IK o’clock, at (lie Hill, MAE-1 KTT and MEBB'OK Streets l LET THEBE BE A FUEL ATTENDANCE, AS THIS I WILL IN ALL PROBABILITY BBTHSLaST MEET-j IBS REQUIRED. . , ■ „ s Brtr,y your subscriptions with post, as a small sum, now will clear the ward-.from the eJTects of the Draft. I DANIEL SKEINHIETZ, president. Jobs L Hill. Feeretair. It* I KjS» SOTICE IS HEBEBY CITES ATT-v that theAnnnsl Meeting of the dtoek holders of the CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY OF PEHHrYLVABIA -will be held at the office, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streete, West PhUalalpaia, on MONDAY, the 2tth day of April next, at 10 o’doeß A. M., for tie purpose of electing Sine Director*, a Tie&surer. and tet cietary* to ssrTe for one year. J F. COTTBINGEEt, Secretary. Fhjlajsei.phia, April 8,1585. apS-i2t Amsnos! - THE MEMBERS K 2& of the UalON CLUB of tto SINBJ&ESTH. WARD trill meet at the Halt, FR4NKFOKO Road and YORK Blreet. on SDSDAY AFFERSooN. the 9th Inat., at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of onr late es teemed member, JAMES TAGER I- , Jr. Bjr order of freeldent. lit*] ALEX. MaOUBN, See’?. ■Si* SECOND OTIBTKKIY KEI'OKT ■SE? OF THE MASDFACTUBBBS 1 MATIOHAL BASK OF PHILADELPHIA. •April 3d* 1865. EESOUECBB. _ Loans and Discounts-..-.*...51,206,283 73 United States .Bonds deposited _ ' „„ to secure circulation.— ——. .400,000 00 Untttd States Bonds and other United States Securities on hand.— 104,650 00 * $1,710,933 73 Lefftl Tender Notes.s4oJM)j» 00 Bills of this Bank on hand—* 11,106 00 Bills of other Bank* 30.000 00 Due from National Banks*- >• 43*007 71 DceircmSt&teSanhs.*.*jJO 473 61 OEhtr cash items B 7 „ 29.1A3 U , 11*702 80 Beal Estate. ..... ~~ Expense account LIABILITIES „ Capital Stock.„.«*»**-*■*... $39*25 £2 Surplus und.-.*-.«-»»»»«»»»»w 115,853 80 Circulating N0te5.325,000 DO Circulation of Manufacturers* _ and Mechanics’ Bank~*. 99*852 00 51,110,855 SO DuetoßaTks**. ~~ ****** $18.817 73 Individual Deposits***.. »****♦ 1,285,803 26 . Dividends Unpaid*.*. 6.922 50 Profit and Lea, Plata of Pennsylvania, City of Philadelphia: I, M W. WOODWABD. Cartier of, the MANTT BACTTJBBBB' HATIOHAb BARK of Philadelphia do solemnly affirm thit the above statement Ist mo to the te.t of my Anowledge and belief M. W. WOODWARD, Cartier. A fanned to and subscribed before me this sth day of Abril, IS®. JOfla H. FR'CK, ap6-31 Botiry Pabllc, ■ST- NATIOKAI * DUCATION—A I,HO KS» TUBS by Dr. CHAB. HBBEMAR, MOHDAY >VEBI IS G .loth. instant, elabtP. H , at the Assembly TENTS and CHESTNUT. Ticket* to be bad at the Janitor’s. ao7-sl* PKOPIIi’B STOCK BXCHANOE, V 3& 80. 505 OHEBTJTDT Street. t The Secretary will be in attendance at the Boom from nine A. M to three P. M. for the purpose offsetting cards of admissionandxeaaivini Babseripttons President DB. A G. BGBBRT. Tice President, A. G HtSfiS. Secretary, S C. POLW SLU. »Q9> OPESISfi OF THE GBEil OBHAS S2SB* IX THK CHURCH OT THE COVENANT, FILBEBT Street. Between Seventeenth and Eightsouth, BASIEB MONDAY EVENING, APBIL 17, 1865 Tills new organ, Built by Mr.Johu Roberts. of Vrank fold, Philadelphia, is one of the largest and most pow erful In this city. The following ladleß and .gentleman have contented to assist at the opening fastivai: VOCAL —Mies Soltidar, Miss 0. Jarvis, Miss McDo nald. Messrs Taylor, Keeiy.and a gentleman Amiwur. ORGANISTS Messrs M. H. Cross, H. G. Thunder, B J. Keely, and the Organ Vuilder. Tickets, One UoUsr each, mav eehad at the Episcopal Bookstore, 1524 t he»tunt; O. T Adams (late Burns). 911 Chestnut; Blhle House- N. W oor. Seventh and Yi alnut: W. J. CafFeo, N. E. cor Broad and Chestnut: P. G. OUver, W. W cor. Eighteenth and Sprnco, and J. W. Simea, Jr. , 957 Market street. Early application is advised, aa only a limited nnmher will he sold. mh2s astaapl7 •3»» THE ASBIVEESABT MEgTIIQ to he held in CONCERT HALL, on MONDAY EVENINO. AprUJO, owing to the demand for help to onr wounded soldiers and the diseased refugees. will he devoted hy the HOMCEOPATHIC ABSOOIAI lON to aid those nohle objects. .... The Hon James Pollock will preside. Addresses hr General Cary, of Ohio: Hon William D. Kelley. John Goforth. E<« , Bev. Dr. Alday, unit others Tickets may be had without charge, at the Infirmary, Eleventh and Coatea streets: Bcericke’s Pharmacy, 635 Arch .treat, and Tsfel’e Pharmacy,4B a. ninth street aj>7:!,* KM- OFFICE OF COBS PLASTBBOU loB? COMPANY, Ho. SCI WaLSBT sheet, March 27 1866 The ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholdwsof this Company will be held at their offlos on TOSS BAY, APBIL 18th. IHS6. at 12 o'clock ML, at which time an Election tor Directors to sorvs th e eo“h'hg vear wIU he held. THOMAS B. SEaBLE, jub2B tnstaplS Secretary, a®» IMPORT AST HIITISG-90TH AHNIVBBsARY . PENN SI LVAN IA ABOLITION 80CIBTY. For ‘‘the relief of free netroes unlaw folly new in bondage, auditor improving the condition of tho Africw Bsc"" boBCBBT HULL, FRIDAY. April 11, Hi P M. Eminent sprat ers will he pretent. Particulars her i after. Admittance free ; 807-2:* *cjsa“ mp THASH,S«IVISei-SAB. #533 BATH AFTERNOON, at'he Ghnrch of tho Hew Testament, ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets, at m o'oiock. Mr. STOCKTON'S Ninth Sermon will ha adapted to this occasion of Christian lutriotlsm-via tory lib* rty. polity, unity, and peace Hymns for ail. Goi d rnnsio. Collection for OhrUUan Cummin Sion." ’ »P7-7t* SCHBTIBII L A»D SBSdllft HANNA BAILBOAB COMPANY, OFFICE #37 Sontn FOURTH Street. 4 Fbu,ai»bi,phia, Aprllvth, 1855 The annual meeting of the Stockholder* of thif company, and an election for President and _ she Managers. will take plies at il'Le OFt’IOS of the COM PANY, on MONDAY, It# Pet day of May next, at 12 o’oiock U a?7 Hnl WM. H. WBBB, BwMIWT- TBB«nUBUftVIVU COAL COMPANY. STOCKHOLDERS' GOAL AT COST. PBM® FOB mill, 87 nw lOS. The high price to WfildfCoal advanced last y** r ; iai which It etui maintains: has indued 1 a number of gen tlemen to organize a rmtttfU aesriolatton for supplying themselves, and such ofihiktz'feUow- citizens as may do sire to join Hem, with good' Coal at THE LOWEST*POSSIBLE PBRJK. -»T. •of sh* sSsrs is-com l I** In parnianee of this obiSct' they bare- organized a company with a capital of ONE MILLION DOLLARS, With a charter under the UwJ ofttis Commonwealth, passed with a view todevelop'tlitr'mlneral resources of tbe State They bays secured altsate of tbfee of tbe BEST TRACTS OF CdAL'LAND M. »-at [i wan tz, oa |1« belonging to-tbe gebaed- estate in Schuylkill county,- on'wbieibmtae* are now open, and"#- * SUPERIOR COLLIERY ERECTED, known as-the Sbeaandosh Colliery. which is in eont plete workiueerder, producing large (rcrehUUes of Coal, equad'to tbe' VERY BEST BEST TO THIS bfSKKET, It oan now he-fnrnfcshed to stockholders at *7 PBB TON, while the regular price is at least $lO per Sdh.‘ If tbe cost of production is diminished, tha'prlce wUS be reduced In tbe same proportion. Tbe Company own all tbo rights to the mining prlYt ■ leges on oyer EOtt acita of land. on which there'are three developed Trine of superior Coal, Including the‘ well known Mammoth Yets. A new colliery screen and bleaker erected only leet year, with saw mills, miners' homes, and everything necessary to a euceesslul'prose entton ofthe enteiprise. The capital Is divided into one hundred thousand’ shares at' JEN. Laat r da* rOM [it* us tSBY I>W Ist. ft* $lO PER EH ABE, the holderof eacbsbarebeing entitled tc one ton or Coal per annum at the ■Tar ftNK |t* ACTUAL SET COST OF PRODUCTION. making notfiu&&lrc > o'— A' SAVING OF $3 PBB TON. And from all indications tbe earing will continue at leset that much-through the year; and comparing the condition of the Coal market now with vrhat it was at thiettjno lastyear, the saving will probably be still more during a larger portion of the present year. Coal is nowselUng in the-Eastern stttes at *IS par ton, and there Is scarcely anyon hand there, even at that high price. Andihe Government contrast for tho sup ply ®f the War Department was nesntly awarded at a higher rate than last year, so that it is obvious ibat it will be wise for oonsumors toast promptly if they de elre to secure their fuel at a low price. Tbe mines of this Company are so favorably eitnated that no Coal eanbesentto market from the Schuylkill region more cheaply, and they arein such oapitafwork ing order that the Companv is ears to pay to its Stock holders large dividends, which will be made quarterly. Subscriptions for the Stookand orders for Coal, to be supplied at once, will now be received at the fal .ff, k bts OFFICE' OF* THE' COMPANY, X ID Ihe i r - NO. .329-WAtNITT STREET, COMPANY’S YARD, Eighth and Master Streets, where all information desired on the subject may be obtained. The Company Is fully organized and in successful operation, haying been receiving Coal regularly for a month past. DIRBOTORS HENRY SIMONS, THOMAS A BOOTY. ALEXANDER CUMMINGS, DANIEL BSIDELBAN, LEANDEB M. JONES. AMU. CCMHISGS, Pres, fIEXBI SIMONS, Treas’r, Secretary and Superintendent of Delivery Depot, ap7-St if GEORGE 0 MITGBBLL, FIFT'XMJITH WABDI itioos froa, Iffced for ona fecctepted foj i certificates OIL COMPASIE*. pay THE CAMERON PETROLEUM €O. or PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL..— 81,000,000. BTTARWB ..................900,000. FAR VALUE. .—M.Oft. subscription price...............~■>».«■ FKISIDWT^ VANOE BTEWABT, Of KSBOn OOTOW, li. TREASURER, E. G. JAMES, of fmzAPxxrau. BKCRBTART, J. L. DARLINGTON, VANCE STEWART, Mercer county, Pm JOHN B. LEONARD, West Chester, P& 9. 0- FORNEY, Washington, D. 0. HENRY D, COOKB.Washlngtou, 9. tt SIMON CAMERON, Harrisburg, Fa. JOHN H. DIBHL, Philadelphia. - JOHN F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMES HUFFY, Marietta, Lftn.aster so.. Ysr The Present and prospective value of the stock of Company may he inferred from the faet that it owrea' fee simple Interest in ITB (four hundred and seventy threel acres ofthe richest-tested oil territory in Venango county, believed tar .the most experienced oil men hr that region to be capable of producing a net annual irr eome to the Company of one and a half million dollar*, or three times the entire cost of the stock, which would' be equivalent to twenty-4ve per cent, a month on Us* subscription price, or one hundred and Aftv per eenf. Btr amnion on ft» par valtu. The following it a description of the Company’s pro perty: Qne-fparth fee simple interest in the celebrated "Hoover” Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about tw» and one-haH mile* below Franklin, con taining 29T (two hundred and ninety-two) acre*, with SBS rods former one mUeYfnmt on the Allegheny river, on which tbsse are now twelve leasee, each ten rod* square, an d/men which the owners of Gw fee simple gat one half the otb, Dee of all expense. Besides this, than are two well* owned by the owner* of the fee. from which they getcall the oil. On this Farm- there am-now ben wells In operation, producing an average of ten barzsla per day, and several others are about being tubed. There are alao on it 187 (eighty- sevenVmom lot* surveyed, and more than tfty applications are now standing to loan the latrsr for one half the oU to theowaers. Out of the-twelve walls on this Farm eleven am new paying handsomely; a fact which sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. la Hi* entlre/ee afmjjieintorost In 181 (on* hondrad sad olthtr-ons) wire*, altoat* on th« dUeihonr'riTer, noar lj opposite til* "HooTet” Farm. and * little snarer Franklin, atth* month of MUI Bun, harim a front of 95 rod* on the Alleabeny rVroT, and on* mil* on both sideaof Mill Son, with anajdo borin* anrfaae for one orLota of ton rod*. a gum*. This tm*t o£*iTl ,to known*»the “Stewin'Farm,” and I: leases or lnenmbranees of any kind, ji Thereto now In operation a Mty. barrel well (beside ; several smaller ones) on the Ooshran Farm, which ad : join thtaott the sooth. Is feat, the "Stewart ” Farm ! is surrounded 1 with aood-pajin* Welle, and within a i short time a stneie leeae of SO rode front, on the imme diate oppo»lt* ride of the river, sold for •IW.OOO (one ; hundred and sixty, tore thousand dollar a.) On thii ■' lease a rood'wall bae been struck within a few dare. ; Ittadditton to the territory of the “Stewart” Farm, : which to believed to be equally as rood a* the.** Hoov er, ” there are on It a three-etory Strtot MiU, with flue ‘water-power, a good farm-house, and other bdildlngs, ' hat-will beofnae to the company. i The tfotrabUity of this immediate oil notion to Qlns ,i trated by. the fact that come of the wells on the ‘ • Hoot er” Fann have been pumping tor over fonr yean, wlth : ont any material diminution In their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience tor transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel mere than the oil at OUOreek. The officers of the Company feel Justified is preM&t fco# the following estimate of what, with vigorous ma&asement, the above lauds can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholder* Is a comparatively short time; THE "STEWART FARM.” ■There ii room on this for one hundred lota of ten rode mure, nil of which can be leased Immediately for one half the otl,i&ee of all expense to the Company, ~ leUmaUnflgne well to each lot (one hundred Welle, slthonah thSWla room for three hundred) at the very moderate average often oarrefs each, would make a Pallyprodoetof. ....... 1,000 hhla. Dot of this the Company'* share would he. (DO hhla. Value of dally yield to the Company, at • ten dollars per hhl (It la now selling at Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Compa ny's annual net receipt*, from the Stew art Farm alone 1,600,000 00 Allowing theaameestlm&teefer the "Hoot- «r ” Fans* Id which the Company owmi one-fourth in foe of the land interest, the annual set receipt! from the latter would Mftklnjc the wianal receipt* from both .•+**■••**.*****«**, 1,876,000 00 Deductinjr from this ftmoont ike *um of $876,000 for coptintfenciet, would leswc the Net Armnal Income of the Company $1,600,000 00 ALL THBBS LOTS CAN BE -cr w i» roT&rcy of cne-hair-**,*. OSI, with covenant bindiiurlee*ew to slnlK wells, with «U possible dUigene#, to the depth of 600 or more feet, ■ A FBW PLAIN WOSDS TO SUBSCBIBEBB. fon ere not naked to subscribe to this Stock with the expecsatioa oi immediately receiving large dividends, but the beets on which the Company rests, it is be lieved, will make your Investment not only safe, but, prospectively, of enormous value. Notwithstanding, at the present prises of oil, the Com pany's annual receipts (without any farther develop ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per sent, on the cost of the stock. The President, Mi. Stewart, la on of the moat prscti eal and experienced oil operators la the State, and hi* reaidence near the Company ’* property and general oversight of Its management la the best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the Investment pro fitable. Applications foi a large proportion of the stock hare already been made, bat none still be received until the books of the Company am regnlatly opened for that porpoM. Only a limited amount of the stock still be cold at subscription price. The stock Will be issued full paid, without further assessments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for a few days, on sad alter January IS, 1266, at the OSes of E. G. JAMES, Treasurer, Xo. 101 'WALITOT Street, Pbltaa*. Also, temporarily, by A DOUSUS, fcS-tf At & A cor. SEVEHTH »ud CHBSTHOT St«. gggp wraaa of the KOCH OIL COMPANY, *O9 WALNUT STKSET, Mtb * Annual Meeting of the “BOCE OIL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA, j 5 held this day* the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Et.CUETAKY ASD THEASHREE, JOHN F. GRAFF. BOARD OP DIRECTORS* J. T. McIRRES I SAM’L D. WALTON, GEO. O EVANS, I WM. S. HASSELL, . . D. B. JOBES. The tanual Report was read by the Secretary* in which it was stated that “the .Direct ore have, within the spae# of ten months and a naif, paid to the Stock holders dividend* to the amount of ninety cents on each share of their stock being equal to twenty-ruine per cent, per annum on the subscription price. She valuab e fee simple property of the Bock Oil Company —a tract 01 seventy-nine acres of oil territory located on Big Scrabgraßs Creek, some twelve miles from Franklin—was considered, and authority was given to tt e new Board of Directors to proceed at once vitb its vigorous development on the best terms that can be made. Three new wells on the Hyde & Egbert Farm, in which the “Rock '* is Interested, are now in progress, out oi which has reached a depth of 495 feet, with a show of oil folly eqnal to the best wells ever struck on this celebrated farm, not excepting the “ Maple Shads* * and the “Coquette. ** . ap4-6t JOB# F. QB4F?, Secretary and Treasurer. KS s** 5 ** OFFICE OF THE EGBERT Oil, COtfPAR Y, Ho. M 7 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, Aprils, 1865. An adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of the EGBERT OIL COMPART will be held on DaY, April 13th, 1865, at 1 o’clock, for the purpose of electing officers. WM. M. CARTER. apg-St* Secretary. PHfIEWX . Oil* COMPAST —AW VSS* Adioumed Meeting of the Stockholders of the Phcesix Oil Company will be held at tbs office, Ho. 131 South WHARVES (up stairs), on MOB DAT- April 176n t st 8 o’clock P. M.. for the purpose oi Uking into con sideration the ASSESSMENT OF 95 CEBITS PEE SHARE on the stock, for an Election of Five Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and otner important business. aps lit* JAMBS B BRADY, Secretary. OFFIQROF THE MTNA HISfITG 1» COMPART. ProtADELPHIA, Match 27, 1865. KOT7CA IS HEBERT GXV£« that an instalment of ORE DOLLAR per Share on each and everv Share of the Capital Stock of-the .ffiTNA MINING COMPART has this day been, called in, payable on or before the 10th day or April 1886, at the office of the Company, No. 324 WaLRUT Street, Philadelphia By order of the Directors. B. A. H00P53, mh2Btaplo Treasurer. ra* OKEIfiB OF THE PERRY. Oil* i» COMPANY, Southeast comer of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. „„„ Philadelphia, March 90-1865. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the PERRY OIL COMPANY will be held at the offices? the Com pany, on MONDAY, the 10th of April next, at U o'clock A.M ,wh«n an election will be held for nio&r Directors, a Secretary, and Treasurer, to strv* for thega suln * year. mhSS-xawfstaplO Secretary. f3Sr» AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK VS& HOLDERS of the CHEBRT BDN PETROLEUM COMPART, held April 4, the following resolution was passed: Resolved, That the supplement to the charier of the Company, Increasing the capital stock to two hundred thousand shares of a par value oi-tea dollars each, he accepts t tbe Stockholdeis of this Com f«STJx“J-ci l o'ck^ % * DBBSDAIr - thB26ttof Avm ‘ apS-thamwtßt CHARLES A. PUT, President. ehuk 13D KS&T* ®V«SCE OF IBS Cm BOTSIT D„ COMMISSION, OOMMONWiSALTfI BOUeDI&ft, 013 OHKSrSUT Street, Philadelphia. A,r>l 7,1865 Ib hereby riven that the TVVBKTY-THIRD illed It* QnoL under the tall of December 19 1864. Proveet Marahala, Beernitla, Officer,. Ac,, fjii . tie , will cleaee take notice that after this irta no Bounty will be paid to any men credited to the above of .-Commlsglon. ap7-3t 1 GrttßAT OENTBAL OtiOTmm HOUSE. vsst amatmt, ra. DIRECTORS. STS,OOO 00 Aran. S, 1866. PRESIDENT, J. t. Mcinnßs. OH, COMI»AIVIE8. |ggf FETEOLEDH. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANIZED DRIER THE MINING ADD MANUFACTURING DAWS OF THE STATE OF.HBWXOKK. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARIS, AT no PER SNARE. SUBSCRIPTION PEIOE, SS PER SHARE, HOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. OFFICES: Ho. »* EMPIRE building. Ho. TI BROADWAY, HEW YORK. Post Or,log XdvxM, Box' Ho. 4348, Haw Yost OgftSBBS. Hob. DANIEL B. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS. Vice PreGdent. ROBERT BiSBETT, SeerStery. H. J. BURTIB. Mining Bana'rintmdent.TltnivUle.Pa. ATI,AH TIC BAHK.Ko.lOßioadvray.H. Y. .Treaaury. The well* of the Company *44 now prednainf oil. ! P»j meat tot stock b» Be stale In drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds end eecuriuee, wfelch bonds !. and eoenrlUea will be taken at tbilr marks! valne. Remittances mar be addressedsb the Company, P. O. , Box 80. 6348, Bow York City, or - to “Atlantis Bank, Treasury of the Hew York and Liverpool Petiolsom ’Company, Ho. MS Broadway, He# York City,” or to anyofita agents. mh6-3m ?S*3SP° NEW DOMINION ©MICOSKPASY. —a. meeting of the Stockholders will babeld at Mlbe-o£ffce.'£o 16 South FROST Street, on TCI&DAY, i ApiU 18th, at lS o’ck-ck H , for the jrorpdseof adopting : DytLaws* elbofcingofficeM* and transacting such other businesses may be Drought before thexrfgettiiff .. spfrlOlQ 1718 JOHS B. LOYSo SOcretary. - A SKBBTIHCI OF TJEEET BT(Hf». t=*? HOLD?EB OF THE LITTLE KA3A W 3 A hWD RFRIjS'Q CfiKBS OIL COMPANY will b$ held at the ' FoSbtVest corner of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, on MOJWDAY. April 10th, at 2 o’clock P. M., to rahke by l*wraUd'eleot Btritrd of Directors to serve eae year, JOSEPH N. KUCH, FfeeMdent. SAMUEL ECOLB3, JR.,- ~ • Trw»ur*r. Thfe of this company comprise 20 acr&ron leave at#--royalty on Burring Springs EnAv Wirt oonnty, Weafc Virginia, and 600 acres on J Spring Greek* neanhh' above, in lee simple. The company have two engines on the ground working, A of the working capital is still not subscribed Jorr'wMcbcaa be hadlat subscription pridtf, El per share? at'the of3.ee, No. 228 CHURCH Alley, mhffl-taplft' ■ 1 rar Tim&otev coax. co. '''iaß?'* On afteP" April Ist, 1806, the business of this 1 Company will be transacted at their new office. in the BuSm&g. Bftrance %05% WALNUT St, EEMUSVM DUMWEi. " J. IMBKiE MILLER, »p6-6t* Secretary and Treasurer^ XSSF** OFF^ % OF THE FBihELMr FIBS INSURANCE COMPANY, _ , Mje . Fbe&apbdpsia, April 3,1856. At a, mealing of tbe.Board of Irtrectonubeld thto* day.ASemi SIX USB CE*T, an* an Extra Dividend ef-TEN PER CENT, were declared < n the Capital Stocky payable to the Siookhoiders, or their legal represent&nVds, oa after the 13th last. , luff of taxes. J.- W. MeALLISTER* _ Sectary ptotom^ wbbp-* SOTICS, ■Sr „■ PHriADßEPHfx;'April 1,1884. The Otßcs of the COM RON WE AliTH’ QI&. COMPANY, s^y®i r oiS , y , tb? ,rtUto lo “ fe4 TUr4 COMMERCIAL BCILDIHGtHd. sm CHBSTHCT By. DAVID B. BiLT, S.orttarr, S THE DAT 18 OtTil&!' r .'. ' 215th PEKNSTLVASfI# YOMSTEERB, 1, 9th UNION LEAGDE RE63MENT. TBE MILITARY COMMITTEE OP THE CHIOS LB ACRE has received antborlty to. raise ANOTHER REGIMES! OF INFAHTBY for TWELVE MONTHS' SERVICE; t UNDER'THE CALL OF DEOBMSBR 19, ISG4. Orders have been tlven to the Provoet Marahate and other Mustering Officers to muster in Recruits for tbe Regiment. Tbe Officers are all Veteran Soldiers, and will take care of their men, and he with them in the held. HEADQUARTERS, ' NATIONAL GUARDS’ HALL, RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH. CITY AND UNITED STATES BOUNTIES: . YEAp™^ —b.— ~ theee ybabs coo. Boeldes the HIGHEST WARD BOUNTIES and PAY, RATIONS, and CLOTHING. Rjcniltlne Stations have been eatabllohed in varions pari sot tie . • . By order or as 1 MILITARY COMMITTEE OF THE UNION LEAGUE. ■ ap~,B-apll tnths6t *4,000 00 Ji PRIZE MOKE*. GOVERNMENT ■ ARg LOOAL BOUNTIES TO ALL WHO ENTER iff TAB UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. “ Order. have been received from the head of U»e Marine Corps, at Washington not to restrict recruits to a. particularcl&ss (as baa been the case heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served in the volunteer ser vice, or in th« regulars, or in the marines, and have been honorably discharged. Such persons enlisting in ;he V. S. Marines will receive the Government and local bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of prise money in any capture of the enemy s vessels. For farther information apply at the recruiting sen' dezvoni. ffo 3ZX South FjkOJs'T Street, between 9 A, M. and S o'clock F, M., every day bnt Sunday. JAMBS FQBIfBY, Captain and Beernhlng Officer. SU. 8. MILITARY SCHOOL FOR OFFICERS. Jfo. SIS CHESTNUT Street, Fblladal plila, OPPOSITE UTOPSSDBHCB HAtL. - , , „ , J'Bs H. TAGGART, Preceptor, Late Colonel 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Ressivss. A 3 arte number of Secmd Lieutenants lor Colored Troops wanted immediately. Terms—One month, s3os two months, $9O Soldiers admitted for two weens at $lO Payable in advance Books supplied. Pamphlets sent by mailonapolics tlon. : * mhgQ-12fc - FINANCIAL. ’TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OPFICB A OF THE COMPTBOLLBB Of THE OOBEEHGY, . Wabhuiotou, Janntry ML 1865 Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to tbs h** fc«en made to appearthat THE HATIOSAi EXCHANGE BANK OF PfOI,At>EI,PHIA, In tie city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia. ana State of Pennsylvania; has Been duly otter Hired under and according to the reqnlrements of the Act of Conrrees entitled “An act to provide a national Currency,, secured by a pledge of Halted States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, ’ approved June 3,1866, and has complied with all the provisions of said aet required to be compiled with before sommencius the business of banking under Mid Act— . How, 'therefore, I, HITQH ifoCUBLOOH, Comp troller of the Onrrency, do hereby certify that THE JTATIOHAL BXCHA*GB B AJt K OF PHILADELPHIA, in tba city of Philadelphia, in tha county of Philadel phia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to com mence the business of banking nndar.tbeact aforesaid Compfcrolter 01 th»Omnrcßwr, OI L 8T O C K.S. THOSE INTERESTED IN OIL ; STOGKg SHOULD HEAD THE ~ '• COMMERCIAL. LIST PRICE CURRENT, PUBLISHED BT STEPHEN N, WINSLOW, * »41;DOOS BIBEET, THE PABABDIiA. I ' " BPECTA OLE-8 ABE RAPIDLY BECOMING. GENERAL IN USE. Nothin, l etterkae over beoftTiwentad, not only as an assistant to IBs eyesight, but as as improver of tlie , same. FOR SALE ONLY BY E. BORHEK Jt SON, Opticians,, It* : - Jo. \m CHESTNUT Street. pLOURI EO.OWE I We would respectfully Inform dealers la Tlonrthat wo are tola Agents for the well-known brands of In diana Eloar, “ KOSCIUSKO ANb CITY MILLS,” which we will sell in lots to suit purchasers. at market rates. BROOKE & PUGH, FLOUR DEPOT; Nos. mi and 1788 MARKET STREET. apB-6t GOODS BEDFORD TO , GOLD PRICES. I bare redneed mj entire stock of goods, consisting of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SILYER PLATED WARE t and solid SILVERWARE, to present told prlees. AHENBY habpeb,^, AROH STREET, *** 8P81» S. E. OOS. SIXTH AND m&RKET STREETS. snurAßt. SEW PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. THE MATCHMAKER. BY BEATRICE BETIOIDS, Author of “Charles Anehester*" M Counterparts, "etc. " We recall no writer who uniformly holds such high ground; who treats with such searching power so many and so varied subjects; who penetrates with such In sight, enunciates with such startling clearness* and ap plies with such courage and fidelity the truth the finds* She opens a rich vein of inward life* while her pictures with which the story is blended, have the freshness and vitality of truih. It is a charaitg work* and will well repay a perusal by all." Price #l-SO in Paper, or &g In Clolhl Published and for sale at tbe Cheapest Book House in the world to buy or send fora stock of books* whloh is at T. B. PETERFON & BROTHERS*. 306 OBEbTHUT Street, Fhllada., Pa. Copies sent everywhere free of postage on receipt of price* FOB SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. It JjmiY TO DAY t mXJKRO’S TEN-CENT HOVEL, HO. 86. zeee, THB LONG-ARMED TRAPPER. A “broth of a boy 7 ' Is “Eagled Eyed Z^ks,” For climbing a mountain and swimming a creek, Oj chasing Bed*Blrins-and hie “dorg,” “lebatod,” Will split you with laughter—Ms ways are so odd. This thrilling Btorylshy the author of “ Song-Leg ged Joe,” “BatUesdske Dkk,” &c, r Ac .Ac , and is equal in Interne* and'-excitement to the bast of this greatest of American* authors It will be universally read, as should a'StttUtßOlS Ten-Cent ffoyeis, which axe the following; 1. The Hunters. 21. Rattlesnake Dick. 2 Ihe Trapper’s Betrhat' 22. Rickety Tom, the Hover 3. The Patriot Highway* 23. The Imps of the Prairie; man or. The Slather of the 4. The Hunted Unionist. Care. 6. The Track of Fire. 24. The* Bobber's Terror. 6 The Man-Eaters. *fi. Joe; the Sarpiai. 7. Charlotte Temple. 26 Light foot, iheScout 8. The -I), nth Face. 27. The want Spy of Ban 9. The Indian Slayer. ker Hill >O. The Turtle-Catcher, 28' Scar .Cheek, the Wild 11. The Bnnt'-r'B Triumph. Half D*eed. 12 The Ocean Boyers. 39 Squint* Eyed Bair. IS. The Tory Outwitted. SO. Shaky Snodgrass; 14. Z*ke Btejnnm, the Mon- 81. Boiling Thunder* or, Hearted Scout. the Biyal War Chiefs. Id The Bconrgeof the Seas. SJ 4 Heayy Hatchet, the J 6-. The Captive Maiden. Bbld Scout. 1?. Long-Legged Joe. 3?.- Sly Sam, the Quaker 1& The Wild Scout of the ~ Bt>r Mountains. 34* TbeThrselT&rinf.Trap' 19- The Foies* Lodge. peps. 2(L Rollicking Bangers. S 6. The Fatal Serksm&n. For sale by &U Sews* Agents, and sent post-paid, on receipt of price—TEH GENTS. ©EORGB Mupmo & o<& a Ho. m iroUA»tar«tt Now York. ; A PPLETON’B HBl 1 -AMERICAN M*. 65<3LOFBDIA. —“Complete in, 18*volame», Various Styles of Bmdicg-. < RFB3BEION BRGOBJ>,by FranteMoore, in S’vole. % HERIVaLS’S BISTOKI OF TBB ROMaHS—how '‘complete. -., ■ ihe Agency for these valuable worts is&t ' $$ South SIXTH Street, above OhtsiauA, 'f. spB tf JaS. K. BIMCff. RETAIL DRY C»»DS; rUfftTMUAB. NOTICE, & TKEKBNDOOS REDUCTION 1 ' 1 ~V Ilf PR JOBS OF DR TV GOODS. RrpacUlly iaDojneetic Cottons. Good Prlits-st 10 and 12« oents. Bloached *nd Brown BoftHns, KJi'osnto. _ One i f the beet makes, 4 i bleached, 25 eentgv VOe-inTite- epeoial attenttan to our etooh-of _ _ . IMPORTED DKKSB BOOBS! Onb-lot, n piocee. OHfas» PLAID INDIA SILKS, *l, - Tory Cheap. JOHN F, TOOTSTG, WMtit Ho. TO Horth FOUBTH Street.. fM®AT REDUCTION IN PRICES.— M, ? A( i a * BfiO-, eornorTJB«TH and PIM, open from,the GraatP&me Sales: £ llofcKi*>e»’ Scotch Ginsham Umbrellas, only $l, i lino open work white cotton Hose. 37K«. I regular-made fine white cotton Hose.die. 1 wi Ifce cotton Hose, only 25c.- Ho^Vffeizei? estra ' (lUBlity regular-madebrowu; 2 lots Ge»tfc t ‘unbleached Half Hose, 25 and?3lc . J |°* Gout* lknbltaehed Half Rose- extra <3u&\itT.soc.- I , oS St*??® silk and linen mixed Gloves, 40c.' 1 lot Esdles’ lisle th* ead Gloves. 21c. 1 lot Ladieß wHifeß lisle thieao Gloves, elite tops,-256.1 1 lot Msses* fanoy lisle Berlin Gloves, 38c.- 1 lot Kisses 5 (plain color*) lisle thread Gloves. 2QO.N 1 I°£ c >lored Scares, Pioneer 130 c. ' 21ot» Blscfc Alp*cae, high lustres, 873£c aud-st, 4 check* Plaid Muslin*. 40fc> 75c,- 1 lot Bridal Quilt*, heat quality, $1 60. | % yfi? cojor«d'-horder Linen Handkerchiefs, 33c.- £ Muslins, for Curtains and Dresses 28c up * I l°t Gists' v*ry fiae Linen Handkerchiefs,Boc. llot Bfue Veii'jßerege (the shade), fOc. Alsor many lots Notions, Trimmings Velvets, Rib bons, dre . See. - ■ • &pB--2t TOH» F. YOUNG. S' ' , Jlo. VO North FOURTH Etreat, Has now In. stole a most extensive assortment of' I)BESS GOODS gjj&lheYßßY LOWEST PKIQES. apS-lraif. SBUCATIOBTAJL. fPHSi GREAT PRACTICAL COMMER; ■MUN3 I MB« mrnTION FOK THE . education of BBYAHT. STRATTON. & BANHTSPBR’S NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGJS, ASSBMBLI BUILDING. S. W. corner o' ThNTH and OHBSTHUI Streets, BOOK-EEBPIKO, >SI pi!H I kANSHIp! et 'COM:Mri3t!IAL xuASrai ETO.' This Institution offers to youn, men the facilities of a tboronghand pn-ecrioan edutatlon f«r bosiness-wMchi Will eoable-them to enter at ones upon the Aids of use fulness and honor. In Addition to an exienilye course in the theory of Book'keeping and the collateral branches. each student receive* all the advantages of a perfect sistsm of AGTOAIa PRACTICE, • representing the sctoai operations of the principAl branches of trade and commerce ’ „ . 708 PBAO riOAIi OOtTBSB 5s wholly in-advance ofanyhlnyor the klndCieretofore, knows. Among the various “ hon*es ” thoroughly' pointed and engaged in practice are: Banks—Pabticand Private. . JfrrettfttU* Houses— wholesale and Betall* laelndino 3iy Goods, Groceries, Produce, &c.». 'OoZDioission Hontea. 5 raneportation Offices, Ineoraace offices, Telegraph Offices, Post Offices, &e,, &c , &e. Sack of these has its particular v orkia-the grandee sisß*ard&ll are arranged with ayiew to harmony &a 4 tffi.iti.oy in carrying out the true and practical idea of BUBIffSSS. T BHyAIST, STB ATTOB, & BABHtSTBB’S n>l«cnvU« li.tiiDt., jsatheast earner of SE VE STrEband CSS6T " U'r fctreets. the moat extensive and complete Telegr&pn School in the United States. The College and Institute are connected by . AEEGTTLABTELBaEAPHLmS. coßßtincted for the benefit of the students. The practice ard operations of this Jlne differ in no respect from that of areal line concectinff different cities.- We are thus eat bled to prepare young men to enter at once upon the duties of an oince. „ - Tit\s Institution offeTs unequalled facilities, both is th* Commercial and Telegraphic aewriments. Scholarships Issued at this College are good foraa un limited period in tbs thirty-one Colleges comprising the International Chain Cali or send for a circular. Address BUT ANT, STRATTON, &vBANNISTSS, it - ■ - Pszi.aaߣpsia TH COBPOBATIOH OF ‘ ■ THE quakes oittv BUSINESS COLLEGE. . • : . Establishment of a new and higheueoursoof icsbraoticn. DEGREES TO BE COHKbBBEG upon graduates by authority of the charter. The proprietor of this institution has the- satisfaction to announce to the public that it ’snow a regal&Uy INCORPORATED COLLEGE; baying been chartered by the Legislators of Pennsyl vania, with all the powers end privitegasof the best literary colleges in the country. It has full authority to grant diplomas under its cor porate seal, and to confer degrees,of mwit-. A new circular will be istued in a few days* contain ing the Charter, a catalogue of theoSceraand students, and full information concerning its present and pro posed future management.- In thus presenting new claims tp.puiblio favor, it will be out highest ambition to maintain for the College the character it baa hitherto sustained*, of a thorough PRACTICAL SCHOOL OR BUSINESS, affordieg facilities of the highest order for training young men for the counting-house, or any other sphere of usefulness in the satire pursuitaof business life. _ office, ». E. comer TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets L. FAIRBANKS, A. St., President. Chester N. Fjjsb* Jr-» Secretary. It* JO MERCHANTS, PUBLIC OFFICES, INSURANCE COMPANIES, Ac., &o. GOODHAEI'S-LETTER FILES, A snperlor srtUls for CooDtin, honre and prirate nee,, one of the latest’ai d best Uopioremonts of the ago, fox.! sale “Wholesale and Retail by MOSS & CO„ STATIOHBK& AKp BBAMK BOOK MANtTFACTUBB3Si, apB tkatuSt. Ho. 43a' CHBSTHTJT Street* ©LASSES, A T- R : E,l>.¥ OSD FRIO B:S. ■TAMTSI S. & SONS bare mads a 6BBAT EhDtrCTIOH In their rakes. and have now in Slock a eery large and eioaaaii aaaaeri- W>at,ot ' LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL EAUSTIN OS, ENGRAIiNGB, PORTRAIT iHD PIOTITBS, FBIESS. « i£SJR,?,S‘,£k A ? s ?. s 5, ®Ad« to ord«?.fti the nuns EK- Dpcßß P-EICSS. toSU enery oha»s*ter of spaas, for HaHTSLS. KBBS, WAJiLS, 8A&.200H3, HOTShS, SHIPS, &o» EARLE’S GALLERIES. «MM» street. gNOMSH BRO WN STOUT, SCOTCH AT.I3, IH STOBB AJ(B GLASS. ALBERT ©. ROBERTS. DKAL2E lE. FINE OBOGEBIES. Comer of BLBVXKTH and VISE Ha. WHITE LEAH, AT RBDTJOBD r» prices, by the mannfaotnrers „ , x . , „ . ZIBQLEB & BHFTH, Proprietors of the Fenna Paint and Color eforJcn arB- Hl* Store and Offlce 13? Horth THIRD St. BOSTON BROWN BBpABv FRESH H daily. w G V, RILKY, spS-Bt* 11X5 BACK Street. WINDOW ©LASS—ALL. SIZES AND * ■ opalitlts, ai extremely Jew rales*. ZOsaShß & SMITH, Wholesale Prut, Paint, and (Has. Dealers. gpS-11'.* Store and OffleelgT forth THIRD Si. T HE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE * in the city to cet HEAD, DKES6SS, plan or fanny CAPS, is at Ho. 904 ABOH Street. apS PUTTY t PUTTY! AT REDUCED prjoee by the manufacturers. ' ZIEGLER & SMITH, Proprietors of tie Perna Paint and Color Worts. »pBlH* Store and Office 13T yorih THIRD St, TASTEFUL &m> SUBSTANTIAXiOLCJITHINa WANTED tg.OOO-A ”” BDSIHiBB payin* *3C(J »t month at Present! o-wnet vr ibhih* to go away from the eit, apB 3t« Pf«air O'fflce. WANTED—A FIItST-CLASB S&.LES TI MAN tin a Notion Hottse). we.l acanalnUd with Oheßtor and Delaware county Train _ IHr.ct Box 1632 P. D. M" - * l . WANTED—A FIKST-CliA.es SALES MAH (In a Noto* House), yr.il acquainted with Trade in Delawarean t Maryland. Directßux 1631 P... Q- apR nt« WANTED—IK A WOOLEN JOBBING »» HOUSE, it SALESMAN,, tb.roiUhly acßaatntac with, the city and near country trad*, to salt oj sample. Aridress ««worker,” attflis Office, ap6-3t* WANTS D—A YOUNG MAN, AS BALESHAV, in a first class Retail Dry Hoods hcnse: an nrperienctd hand required. Address. “3. *» this office apd-St* WANTED—CANYASSERS FOB •> LIFE INSURANCE The best teems offere*. Ap plr at -ARa CHBgTNPT- 6t. .-s-con-l story - INFORMATION WANTED*- RBLA .*• TIVBB of CLARA RETHOLDS, supposed to be; formerly of Lancaster county, who married Hiram Witched!, of Winchester, Virginia, about the tffeanr 13J5, aid iubsequ**ntiy lived at Chesterfield, Virginia, will confer a special favor by sendiDg their address to me at Lock Box Ho. 15, HARRISBURG. Pennsylvania. ap7Bt LAURA WITCgRLLv T7MPLOY MENT HOUSE FOE HOUSE AJ KEBFERB, Seam.tressas, Chambermaids, Walters, Nurses, Cooks, Laundresses, and eemeral hotweworfk, white and colored. 808 LOCUST St. apt-Inf EMPLOYMENT HOUSE for CLERKS^ AA Book-kefpers, Salesmen, Packers, Porters. Watch men, Coachmen, Brivers. Conductors. Bar-tenders, Waltsrs,Pam-hands, Cardeners.dte. Emplojera salted at stort notice. 808 and. 80* LOCUST St. apt-Im GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES tJ —ROWBN'SPBIZE ENVELOPES.—Atentswanted everywhere. Frrmtum Watches given to Agent*. On receipt of $!6 we will mail, post-paid, 100 Envelope*, and a splendid Solid Sliver Hunting* Owse Watch, as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with circular and fuilpanlculars, on receipt of 25cants. Ad dreis A. B. SOWER *C0e,P.0.*80x4370,36 BBB&- MaK Street,_K. 1 mht7-3m m WANTED TO RENT—A FUR- Jfl&aßD HOUSE Is the country, within ten miles of the city, near a railroad station. Address R. A/* office of ThePfess, ap6»3t* « WANTED—A IJOUSB WITH modem conveniences, in a good neighborhood, for a family of four persons, by a responsibletenant. Call on or address “H- & 8 /* ap6-Bt* 4:3d: MARKET Street. tm nnn $5,000, and $2,000 to tB>IV/,UUUj BOAS on mortgage. VT. E LITTLETON, apB-2t* No SSA WALNUT Street on nnn (twenty thousand sP~y,wvl>j)OLLAßS)f-WANTED, a Gentleman with®*!* amount, cash, to invest with a Mmufactarer for oneyear. Address “A, E. C./ 1 office of The Press t Pbilat elphia ap4 6t* l Oft BALD MU TO jLUT. MBEAL ESTATE. BEAL ESTATE. BEAL XBTAT %. BBaL ESTATE. BBAL ESTATE. RSAI, B6TME. #5,001) 000 WOBTH r BOB SALE. #5,<1011 000 WORTH’FOB SALE. •5.000.000 WORTH'TO K SaE.® HEW MOBTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. HEW MOBTBLY OATALOOOB JUST OUT. SEW MOHTB LY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIttUfIOBT, FOB GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION; FOR OR. No jwtaon wlsfe' party niapM fail uariyalled fofon or tb.o ate to part 1 Open until 10 M CHESTNUT-BILL COTTAGE AND FUK>’ITUBE FOB SILK-With stable. ica-bouse aower garden, fruit and, elude trees tot 341 feet front OB Bethiebetn turnpike, about three minutes’ walk noitb of the Depot, with line view of the Taller. Apply to ~ J. E. MITCSTgDL, 310 fOUK Aranue. or . „wo. k trr-LBToif, *PB-3t« 51* ffatamr Street. A TO LET.—A DWELLING-HOUSE In the vicinity of LOGAH Sahara (rent yalua *800) to let, with furniture, to a email family without cbli «>en, cm months from-the lSth-of April instant Bent taken in hoard. Address- -JB E P.,” Box-542 Poet Qtaee ■ ap7-2t> A A KGB STREET, ELEGANT DWELLIKO. Bo 1310: fbnrßtaries; now-fitting np thronghont. Immediate poeeeeelon. For sale by A P. AJ: H. WORKUP, 915' AttCH Street. .. apfl-3t*' CFOR SALE—HANDSOME HOUSE rad lot. Forty-firsthand Locust streets. WhstFM- Jßdelphia. JOSEPH B. BHOSBS; 11* : saa ABOH- Street. A FOB SALE ©RTO KENT—BBPE “h Bipß new- residences, pleasantly aHnatad at West Philadelphia. Apply to-. BIBEBT St aO GREGOB, » ; WaLSPr Street. m FOB SALE—LARGE FIRST. GLASS' T . o . E ' l ’'M** JJL® te»tre of the city,- fonr stories, lot 100 feet front and 170 feet deep on two other streets Three fronis. Steam Engine, Boiler, Shafting. Moral Prio?V« 100 ® MIT mW ' y ° EBe,alon ’ 1“ thirty days. *pB-*7t if* ;igt Horth SIXTH took gPf FOB SALE LOW, IF CLOSED* ** soon— Three-etory DWELLING, Ho. IS4 north. Twentieth street. Immediate possession. Apply to *. OLSBnr,. out aw Street,, wid* apS-if &W. comer SBVEaTBBJTTH: and GE&g-fK MHEAL BBTAITB. —THOM&B' & SONS’ PALE. valuable bttsisess loration. Iron and Brfcfc BO»IsJ>INGC MAE EAT Street,.NISS TEINIH Streeth_asAkJpNSS Street, 43 feet on Market _st»—* f *e*6ex on Nineteenth street, iso feet ia depth thr©ugh to Jcnes street, thiee front*. ■p n TOESBAT, April ll ; 1*55, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX C BANGS, all that valuable property belonging to ThekenusylTauia Salt Manufacturing Company,•» compottd of three lois. one of them situate on the north, sice of Market street, 22 fees east of nineteenth street, containing in front-on Market street 43 feet, tending in depth-northward ]2*reet;:ooe other-of them* the east aide of Nineteenth, street-, Hi feet north of Market -street; containing is front on Nine teenth street 20 feet, and extending ia depth- eastward* 64 with the privilege of a 4-feet wide alley leading Into Nineteenth street and-the other of them adjoin ing the la&t described lot on the north, on the south* fide of Joses street, costal* ing in front on Nineteenth street 86 feat, and- in depth’ eastward along* the said Jones street Street. The entire depth from- Market street to Jones street ISO- feet The said; lots are completelj covered* with substantial iron and brick buildings, ccp&ble of holding 6«tO0 barrels, would be a mo* t valuable property for storing pnrooses-or for commission and foi warding boaser, railroad -or expr»s» companies, being in close proximity to several oft the pn minent ral road depots. The lots are subjeebto a-re ceemable jfeftriy and too-lot third dereribed to s-retteemahls yearly ground rent of $234; leitbograpbic plans may be seen at the Auction Buom. fe THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. apft-fhsttSf 139lAd* South FOUHTH Street. m GO0D« EABM PKOPEM?Y A wiUbe sold at a 3. AUorney.at Law* . apfl-gt* »g6>goath THIRD Street, t>hlla. m ¥Mtm WAJSTSD. PRO Mr- sOgfc *Hto 200 ACRES,—-The land mast b* situated,so can be irritated,.at least; the half or two-thirds of it. Location on or near Delaware river preferred; Addles*, with particulars and price, S> FETfflf ai 8-2t* Ko. 333 WAbggr Street M O&PR 88l BOOMS, &&\ FOB A MRRST.—BoubleOfficss in WALBUT, bel -*w 2E Ponith street, on, both the First and Segos&Sxoors, well adapted for Brokers, Oil Cohpasibs, or the Coal Business.- ajso, Lane and Small BOOMS, with, northern light, for-maßmfactaxing.paTppBes. and a bkhjUSle GOUKTRT SEAT. A fine fiUKSIOfI, fronting on the river. Schuylkill, commanding.* splaadid piospfct. and located within a very abort distant of the Hidie-avenue Railroad, as well as oaailv acessaible from the Columbia Railroad, bj steamboat*. A3c Apply to „ „ __ JACOBS M> SlililSi Bo 154: South FOURTH Street, apS*2t*' Cornor of Walant, second story. 'JBH&UBSS SALE. BEL A.WARE COUPfOT BASSEISBER RAILROAD- COMPANY. The.nnderslaned, raort*agees or, trustees named in & ceiiain mortgage dated July 2d, I£€% recorded in Phila delphia cotnaSy. in Mortgage Booh A. B. 8., jRo. M, page 391; to which the above-named Company, to se cnze-bondsdsentd by it, has mortgaged its read or rail*, way, ind Miss the iron rails, sleepers, crews ties, sills, string pieces, and all other parta-or portions of theta*' pm struct are of said railway, together with all the cor porate rhfcfals. powers, liberties, privileges, and Iran \ chives of said Company, and its toils, rents, issues, and profits; and together also tnth the entire. estate, read and personal, ofisaid Comp&sy, Including., tones, harness, provision and equipments,and -al) otifio its property, efEwts,. and estate, reel »nd, perftoy&u whatever and wheresoever the same may.be, iwilh tuaier powers contained*to said mortgage deed, \ expose,**© above property tosate, by public auction,. OH TBiB 3n DAF OF FI&TR MOBTH (May) SJBXF,, At So’aLookP. M-, AT -.THS HOWARD HOUSE, I*. Dppsr Darby toWMld». Delaware eoantn ?#•>,<&« Bald toad runs'wtttb&Btagle track and turnout* froro Xogau street, lu Wesfe FbHadelpMa, where it csog»cft* Wiih the Wset Philadelphia Passenger Bailw*y» «w»t ward along the Philadelphia and West Cbesiar-Taro pike road about fcurmilee, to the said HawagdUEEbase. The peißonal propeety ot the Company coaame. ol two ears (which may oe-seen at said Howard House), three horses, and a lot of heroes*. The undersigned;will require fire hundred dollars to he paid at the tint*of sale, upon signing the contract of sale. JOHN HBLLBB& It* JOSEPH POWbSe,! 3 * 1 ** 668 - Fob sale, very cheap—a splendid large Mantel Mirror* Piana, Parlor Chairs, and toe Blinds, at 86?, Sfctfh &ISVEBPrH Sirtet, below Poplar. - it* STOCK AND FIXTURES-Q* AN BX- CELLEKT Provision Store for sale if applied for scon. Add ret 8 "Speed,” this ofica lv* CPLENBID INVESTMENT 1 KJ TO PASTIES FOBMIKO OIL COMPANIES. FOE SALB-A valuable Tractaf 25ftAlBB8 OF OIL TEEEITOKY in tbs celebratesSSngtee Elver Otl Basin, y„t Ylnjnsa, Sinking Creek roasting through it Superior whits Oak Ship Timber. Goal In iinmenro quantities of extra qnality. Oyer >alt boring tent toiy, Title perfect. Land,!# the vlninitr is selling for 6T«» $2OO per acre This trill, baseold. a bargsln to parties deslrone of investing or forming an oil com pany. Fart stock will betaken, oy ps>t city property. OEO. S; TOWBSBND A 0«., apB-6l* 123 X Soatb FOURTH Street. «Sa» FOB S.ALE—A WATSON ■esSA GFEMAHTOWK WAGON. in firak-rata order, pall of at>fifth HOK.BBS, two double Harness, made by PMilipe, &m, Ac. Sold for want of ns* only. Apply at Box 2172 P. O. ap7-3t* P)R SALE-ONE ORIGINAL SHARE in a first-class OIL COMPANY now forming For Offloa ‘‘ E, ‘ :els, ® r *” «“* Be*. IM9 Phi- OUR PEACE COMMISSIONERS !!- y 7 A splendid Life Photograph of Lincoln, Orant. Shtiman, Sheridan. Thomas. Porter, and' far ratal— ALL OK ©NX CAKD-eent iy maitoithe receipt of '2O cents- PITGHKK'S, It 808 CPBSTHgr Street CNOW WHITE ZINC, AT REDUCED prices, by swiTG, Proprietors of (be Penna. EolstaCd Color Worth. apB"llt* Btoroand OffloaSST NorthTHlßti®. fWE CENT REWARD. -Absconded from the sabseribers,Bn IWDBSfnTBBD APPRENTICE. named HSNRY. HOKS PSfAN. All per. sonaareforblcharborinjcortrnsiinghtmoaoßraoooaal, a* they will be dealt iw. It* *l* PEOSB Sir »t. PIEE CLAN AND FIRST BRICKS.-^ A A FIEE CL AT has » oentiy been discovered tn the interior of the Sate oi PenMyl*«ai», and ready for delivery* whiob turp**sea for Fi*?*Brick*, Ac., any discovered in the United States, find nnpaunr to thstereisn Clays In Alumina. . . Samples el this Olav can be ssen by caliUg at Offlcs Ko. J 36. South SIXTH Street, and boxes delivered for teat. »PS 31* JBIT seasonable pbioes. 4k- - * * Wants. Wertem Tszniiius'of gild Eoad. auction gjxjßg. PEREMPTORY BALE OF llouKs, tea AiSUPT 1 ALOT * S - *** On MOHDiT aua rfmoAt MOKHUraS. BEBraifVo U f UMiingout tel. Of the balance of Brack, constating ta pejt of Standard .Works.of American rad foreign authors, ouches: Arthur Brr.ut. liitt croft, Downing, u si49 ' flarn-, Holmee,.*D,nu. Marsn. T #?„ l f ,, - a fif ron - Burae, Kcou. Shak.peare. a * Bi "^ w r HamiUoa, Sewell. Guizot, Herbert, Spencer, ana othere. p ?“i!r T “ a Pocket Bibles. Prayer 8.4 Pymb Booke In Morrccn nd Uelyet blndlngi. Pboiograpb Albums. Pcran Books, Pocket Books. Port foilos. Writing snd Paint Boxes. Busravlugß, Blank Paper, drh» Ac-aakca. AMUSE SI E\T s*. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. JOHN f, fCro«^A»»wwwN«w *«e*««-•‘-..Mwiasat. ITALIAN OPEBA. ONE RIGHT ONLY. BATUBB-rf IVMJOfS. ApgU 8, liH, Wfea -Will ba sreahnttM Veril’s calsbratea Opera, la four sets, of EKWANI. aid. snsun. 816, JTDLIrfSS : . Ziraaci. ■Serert»i 8»at»»..«-.*~- —• ——...*100 ! fob* obtained**, the,A«a«Bl*ttd at TBtTMPE,ga'S 1 Mjrtio Store (late So nld’s), BBVBHtH and CEBSrflraT S ldoiseion, *i.RJ; FamlWOlre'e, ft centti inipM- Hfeiytf, 30 cents. SBITBT B. HgLLIEa, ai>7-2t Bgetaew Manager. -pXBIBITJON B'&TLL OF THE MJLmilf ACADEMY Col6'ttbi> TBEOBUhLs BYATT, President, sni THB . M ONjere^K2SDAT Is J s e% kst; 3 * p’rii la. Th«> P&fqbei will be ffiwrud owinr toe nccalon, and the will eaneSct of the following Dilb: IN INFANTS*. The SfoSuool of the' Company; the School of tbe’llettslioa Ma«* meats cf 'efcirjzushdr*. IN CAVJ&KY The Ssb*& .-xercisar IS FoothatSfc ty diiiii wtthbatterjor howitzers. The Exhibition Ik dißfgned » sEclnd»tfc?, drills in the three arm*orth6ser i V f s*e**ofairs , xia ptartlcablo wichoai norreit. ab csratfes? Braes Bjora will bd'stoyjoyod at the Exhibition , - Price of adnsi3Bt9H'3scenti; forraeiTO* ieat* Wets. Ticket* can notrhe ofctmned. or reserved -aits m*y h» tectired at T. B” Pvrereon A Brctfc ere'* £95 Cheataat street, where plans of'tbe Academ? can be seen. The PensB}braid's MiUwsry Academy is provided with hone* for the GiTClryand light artillery drJ&# In this Institution all drilie'arelaauht ia strict aceratanc) wit«* the authorized tactic* of ha United States serrjca.epS St MEW CHESTWST-STREET THEA 1* I'RB-CHaKTKTCfSTMiBT. ABOVE TWELFTH. THIS («ATnEB2y) A'7TEBBI)OSr, April 8, T SIKTS -BIHTBmAa-J ?AMIIT MATIRBg, 'Wben the grfat dra»£’ iiiitefcrafcivo of Sousli'>ni lift Sl,i CABIW; LOT AMO* a*frßg LOWLY, I g^™fTo>4m Bomb opes at 1M o T circle Oortala to ilao at &£ °’ elor ° “®RS»iaf?«5H LA3i 9t<*BT CHEAT SOTJTfriSI PICTURE. Ja 6 ccte aad 9 uWeßoas^M^Jed l^ .. WftLNTJT-StltEBT T&BATRE T » TESTIHOffIAI* BSNBfTT Toth* r ii k r ?lh*£ M * 1k,1% ' 9 BDWIH ADAHS. and theC«™*!„of a. * VISITO B °W«KB. CHiSTKOT-STBEST THSATB*. ABOH BTHgBT THBArtiB * „ WALKDT-BTKBKT TB BATES. With thejOßaantof their reaper tire smiaxeK Partieelare ip Sender Paper*. Dreie Clrele aid Parquet.... Family Circle TicheleMO be now had at the Walsnt- atrmt vh aatra Ibarth eueef- Ee “ iB^ • !»**«£ Iff AKNUT-STBEET THEATRE. ■rlf OF VJSSTVALI ! VKSTVAIiU OS- r ' i,,™ THE SPIBir OF *76. Oa KOEDAY. eotlre new play of HBABTB ABB rBtIMPS. H|RB. mw -—K BREW’S HEW ARCH STBKET THBATEg. ******** s.zra nhjht of Eswnr adams TOUISBT, SATURDAY, April 8. MW. , r „ . _ •“ MBH Olf IBS ’DA*. >•• ’ THB J)ETOK4BO ” Edward Middleton.a.. Bill Dnwtctn.—— ■ - On MOir&l-T, ** BffOCH ARDgy ” A MERIOAN ACADEMY OS' MUSIC. D I*. CSRPESTBR’S GRAND ABKTTHT. wm FLCBAL PBSTIVAI. AND BALL, Will take place on,- WWHJBaiJAP -RVEtrilie April .15, IBM. ■ Tiriesrs THREE I OT.LAES, : Admitting a Qentleman and* Lad’es. iad 9» aaii ®- A CTarpentir, cSi Arch _ Jfe B —D. t. GAEfENTEK aid 0. L GABPEJT JBB Jr® Brace- their celebrates MATELOTE with two Jonng Miiaea, . daring tie examination of tie Pnpi.s ■ apß-M* fij MOBGAN* SMITH RESPEGTFUL RJ* lr announces to bis friends and tie public that at the reqneit-or-ioanT friends be will give a Second ia. tel t»ininent< of SStECT BBADTNGB AND KBOI T A- S?H ji.YaSh^ ramrmJ>li * *“ TUSJOAI EVEAiaO. Kfadingoommencing at 3-o'oloeb. Boors open at 7. Tickets jtteeate; Eeaerved Boat Tickets 69 cents Tjckete for.KeierTed Seats can be bad at Aebmead * Btbss’, Cbestont.treete below Eighth; Mr Trampler’a Music Here, E-eienth and Chettcnt-ntraet. anB 2t* QEKMeANIA GfiCSESTEA.- PUBhiC „ „ BBHBABEALS were SATOBBAY at SH o’elewt P. M., a* ffUSICAL POND, HALE. Single Tickets, 3F cents, SltCvTlcketc, ijli to be bad at Trompiar’s, ta* die's. andMeger's Mafic Stores, and at the Rail. ecr-M fTHE ACADEMY QW PINE AHTfc, A CfflE3TireT .street, abOT® Tenth, Is OPBJT DAILf for Tisltoia; from S A. M. to «■?, M. jjjjs bmbdin«. TTASfnSOMB, BEGOISD STORY UN KUENi SHAIy ROOMS, with boardlur, within Hve miintes’ walk of Eighth aed Cnestaai. Also cue forMshed. Reference required. Aidless "Bo*Mil P- O ’* - ap7-st* KEIttO^ALS. T> EM©VAX/ —THE FFBB AWD MA KI*B IBSUBAUCB AGENCY of WIEtUM AR BOTT. nefeisar to Getty A Arnett, is removed to JSojlheset Cornersef aift-emthat*- WALNUT gad FIFTH STREETS. P BMOYAi.—THK OFFICE OF TBS aa» hoover ahb marshals on, compart h« beeavremoved from So. 2C3-Boath FOURTH ttreei to gorthweet. Goner FIFTH and GHSS THUT Streets, ReeaaNe. 3. mh3S-iH mo ST. —A PESFETFAL POLICY, .“-given .bribe FranblMFise Insurance Company of Bbiladeipjda, Do, 2G04, das*d January 9fch. lt-38 to JOBS F. WOfIIBR, and by him iranefened to Wt B-EAST, April is, 18$3* having beea lost a snitaWa Seward Trill be given for Its return to JOH2T W2SJS, 2% s<*S Dortb FIFTH Street rHjXATWvPHiA, April 6) 186$ QTjOI*EN—WMEANT NO 4,475* . datei December 24; 35 ? 4. by the Highway Depart ment of* Philadelphia, to Wg. GILL, for §6l 21 cvnxz* and by him endorsed, payable to the order of Dr. W3C. ' Pei meat of this Warrant has been stopped. X?ot:« :is,hereby glvrn ih&tapplieatton will he made for a da* plicate thereof. gg—nßEßßaa west onasTfiE EKaTtS'm tiW> PHXX.ADHPEM EA&. ’ SDM&SB ABEAHOBMBNT. , ®» and after MOKBAI, Arnl 17,1866, will laaveaa follows; WBST CHESTER TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for Watt Chester at 3»2© and 10.58/ A. N.. and 2 J& 4.45, and 6 45 P M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at $3O, 7 46, an* 2d 36 A. M , and 1 4$ and 445 P. M Txalns leaving West Chester at 7.45 AJ&rand lo« Sag Philadelphia at 4 45P.M. will rtrp Junction, Glen Mills. Cheyney’s, aadgMPP«h»i>r- •- B. C. JUNCTION Leave Philadelphia forß. C., JnncSgp at £25 and P. M. - Leave B. C. Junction. for Philadelphia A. *. aad7.SOP. SL - ‘*ti- Th^etraiass^a^tenaea^a^ LeavePbiladalphla at&SO A Mir le&ve.WastChesierstSA. H c&fo«BS3Ksi*'-' . v Ti*i**iett*y#Pftlla2elpbia at 4 45 R M., aod ieayioe West Chester at ? v lLn ahd 4 45 R. M. connect at IT C Junefcion with?trains op *P. & B, v d B.R for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to rpparol NFEBLO T&JJHS Leave Tine street lTt5 A. il. . HaddocieM 12.-30 P. &. Freight mmat he dilwtred at Cooper’s Point bf&yi B.SO P- M. to insoioiih seine down the next day. mUMmif JOHN G. BR7ANT* AcenL AND VKBBAL IXB. SCEIFHOBS ef CSlumctor.BoaMltattGjij «$#?«• :&s& to«ror cfiSIEBS, »a>s>t*aoii &i.. 4i* _ ***,&**, ■ lta j2sK£Ssau ocU-tntharrlf 80. «»TBSTB Bt.. shoreßbsstnaL W HIBIj A.M-™ ™ Buraia. 3-fc sad 6- Svßars, at Dri = BB, by jsthFab, at ja gS^^aßjAffA^t_g cS-tOTiraad *33 Sana SByBHTH ‘Sfciwat weltal. tl># si , OHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—PATENibo ‘W> watBr t j 3). Hinge back are rzf&e. , »ereSc«abl«, combining neatness, strength* ana yg - -iliU?. ill sizes. Btepant mndixuiS. Jfor sate at B-jb SeIMBB-8. 68* ASCH Etroof ; r iEE-bizis photographs in o*3^&s2&. * J colors natural Sirica oroodjouslT sccarate aad 6&^ rLW btreet. *«« ‘ PARTES Re YISITE. —A GRKA.T 1! ' * SiETY of strips artisVicaliT wa ' fi*lsE«d fit HiIMEE’S GaUery, SEt. itreet, aboye Gtten All Hiylea dona 1a Bnpsrto* ter. »■«—- DEFAJBTMEfTT FOE OtTSfQja ITP? >»>Edwte idxiu. WM. GGBB&IUH. 0.