THE GREAT THANKSGIVING JUBILEE MASS MEETING AT THE ACADEMY, ATn yoB 188 CHBISTIAIf COMMISSIOU pp«cbtB nr A - e - CoUell, Esq., Bovs. Bobert J. Farvln #b4 H. M. Broader, I>.». -t evening the Academy of Muslo was filled to trveruo. wing. From parquette to amphitheatre every av allable spot was occupied. The object of the meeL -Al« e Oattell, ■ Mr OatteU then came for*, T »rd and announced that prayer would be offered . by Kev. Thomas H. Stoehton D D. • _ . __ An impressive prayer was the. ® offered by Mr. Stookton. In whloh he thanked the t, Almighty for His "blessings. and prayed for a oontl ’nuanceof Hie HkttßUQigigVOQOeMs ' Mr. OatteU then made a fewr#s/****»• Tfcere were times when the heart was too full i 4 °r utterance, Befeltto-nlght-UkethelltU# fellowlo tk 'otelegfaph office, at Washington, who was the ttrst', to hear the glad tidings, and when called Upon by - Secretary Stanton to mate a speech, said, "JE can c speak, Mr. Stanton, I feel too much.” He bad it m * little piece of information wblch the public dtd t know, ■and which some of the gentlemen oh the pi warm, were anxious should bo withheld—that lnfoth. '*tlon wee that Biohmondds onre. This announcement was received with km*. long continued cheering, apple Use, and waving ' of handkeroblefß. < Our good President, Abraham Lincoln, was i "® anxious for peace that he sent down to Btohmoaa ' a peace commlfslonerln whom he had the greatest,' confidence—General Grant. That peace oomoite sloner was bo anxious to negotiate that ha fought seven days through the Witoerneiß for toe-purpuse -of getting to see the rebels. Mr. Lincoln, in order that there might be no- mistake about bis peace commissioners reaching the' rebels, soot another commissioner from the opposi e directum — General Sherman. These men irnd gesaSSsa to Rlohmond, and when tbev arrived there the; found that- Jell Saids and his oooorts had gone out,. Thoy have got e In search of thrm, and when they come up with them negotiations far peaoe wit) than bo begun. There was la this hour or oar re. jr, icing muokoause lor tears. There, on the bloody field of battle, lie the mangled bodies of our. sons and brothers. We ash ynu in thlshour, la the name of God and of humanity, and of our oommon country, whloh we love, wo ash you to rememoer , these Buffering heroes, who appeal to you f -uight. With the blessing of God Il ls-possible toattnls is . the last appeal of the hind that may be made. - The hour approaches when we-ahall again be a happy - and united country, and we shall' do Blessed with ■ happiness,and prosperity, of whloh the- world has never teen ait equal-, and when toattlmeshalloome what an hour of jubilee from one extceme.of our- , , land to the other shall there be 1 Rev. Robert J. Partin was thou Introduced,. We have during the past four years or war booh eduoa tod with a system of grind and liberal benevole'ooo ; how grand it is to see how readily people have given for the cause of their oountry.. their U vea and their .fortunes! Shame must rest upon that man Who, femalnlng here at home, Is not ready to give everything, ana to do everything that will adminis ter to the wants of those Who Bare thelr breasts In the field In defence of our lives snd properties at home. The thousands of lives saved, at the tteldof Get tysburg, as attested by men in authority, compe tent to judge, have done much to keeping up the army to its required standard. As olfljer tola aim that the Christian Commission was the Best re cruiting officer for the army. The . soldiers feel that, in their soia needs, there are those wno will take oare of them. This meeting to-night was to allow the citizens of Philadelphia to give veut to their feelings ,of- joy at the great vlotorhs which had crowned our armies, and to put their testings of joy in tangible shape in replenishing the farms of the Christian Commission. Rev. Dr. H. M. Soudder, D. I), was next intro dnoed. He said that the day for whloh we had so earnestly prayed, and whloh was so ardently de sired, had oome. We have come here to night to render thanks. He Bever before felt so unequal to the task as he did on this occasion. Nobody can look back upon this war without reeling that it was God’s war. This war has been like the breaking out of a volcanlo orator at the mountain-top to over-. whelm the chariots and horsemen o( our enemies, and to burn up the Sodom and Gomorrah or slavery and to sweep away every landmark of oppression, so that every citizen of this land oan stand up -and «ay •. I am a citizen ot a great Republic Where slave ry and oppression are not known. We had come hero to render thanks to God and" to man. It had been great satisfaction to him to hear that the last blow had been given to the rebellion. He thanked God that the Army ol the Fotomao had had the pri vilege ofstriking the last blow. [The speaker was here interrupted by lend and long-continued cheer ing and waving of handkerchiefs 1 . ~ . Mr. Souader continued, paying a glowing tribute to that little man who fought the battle of the WU deiness. The Speaker was at the Capa of Good . Hope when the news of that battle reached him, ana the big-bellied ESgllshtnen oiled out butocery. Of eourse, those Englishmen oould not understand us or toll one of our victories from a oatohery. [Laughter.] Wo also owed a debt or gratitude to that konesbhearted, true-hearted, persevering man, Abraham Lincoln. [Here the entire audience arose and gave nine oheers for Abraham Llaootn.] Ho thanked' God that Instead 01 the roll of slaves being called at Bunker Hill the undulating Sag of freedom bad been unfurled, proclaiming mat there should not be a slave in the land. He thought we ought to celebrate three funerals. The first la: Secession Is dead, and Richmond Is the tombstone on whloh our boys have written •‘Secession shall .'never be resuscitated.” An other funeral was that of Oopperheadlam, North ern Seceusionlsm. [Great applause.UGt’S. dying ot excess of malice and starvation. TVs had its baok-bone jerked out, and although It was a lively little thing, U could not stand that. The death of Slavery was slso'to|be celebrated.- There is no loaner a stain on our escutcheon. A gentleman Tiad jußt suggest edto him that It was easier fora biackman to get into Richmond than to get into a Philadelphia ofty passenger car. Ho thought that •God would not only give us peace, but a great Unions revlval-throughout our land, and he referred to the benefits of the Christian Commission, otoslog by asking for liberal contributions, and saying that love to our country was next to loveof Jesus Christ. Mr. Oattell now announced to the audlenoe that Sherman was In town. [lmmense applause.] He was'sorry it was not Old Teoumseh, but it was his ibi other, and heexpeoted he would be here to-night -to address tbe audience. . „ - B. Gates Joses, Esq., totrodnoea the Rev. Poln-, dexter Henson, formerly a citizen of Virginia, but now of the united States or America. Mr. Hensen said when he heard that Jeff Davis and crew were turning somersaults, he felt like re turning thanks to God and Unconditional Sairender Grant. Any one who did not sympathize with the late victories, had bettor, like a oopperhead. creep into his hole and take his hole in with him. He did not claim any credit for being a patriot, for he al ways advocated liberty and union, no wand forever, one and Inseparable. He oould not; as a Christian roan, help being loyal, and hoped his old mends in Virginia would yet forgive him. He congratulated the audlenoe-on the late vlStortes and that the good ship was tight and free and the flag still flying in tkabreeze.He had sympathized with the south— not with the miserable traitors who had concocted this' foul treason, but with the masses who had been led astray! dsoelved and misguided. The reeaker said he left his native Virginia in Deoem ber, 1860, and he reoolleoted the deep detestation Witt which the State of South OaroUna was regard ed. He again visited Virginia in 1881 when the act ef secession waS before the Convention eleoced_by Union meetings, and was pained to see men from the Gulr States moving,., not Heaven, but the earth and hell to get it passed, He had visited the snored soil ol Virginia, as one of the committee of the Ohrlatlan Oommlsslim, and could bear testimony to the goodJßSi£3i*?Sfs£ Hon. John Sherman was now Introduced, and-re cebed with great obeering and waving of handker chiefs. He said that the enthusiasm was nob in tended for him he was aware, bnt for one.better than he to .bear the name- He said he had been bere five years ago, when it was questioned as to who Should he Bio President Tne people said ! AbiahamLtoooln. but the South would not submit. The people ruled, however, the leaders of the south iwrn rebellion, to the oontrary notwithstanding. .There might be bettor eduoated men than Abraham ILlnooln, but none eould have guided the ship of [State bettor than the simple and sagacious Abra liam Lincoln. [Great applause.] Ho paid a.hlgh (tribute to the Christian Commission, and 1U worthy President, G. H. Stuart, Esq., and said, as the audb Eenee seemed to pay marked attention to the name of his honored brother, he left him in Goldsboro, N. 0., last Saturday, and- said that all Ms plana bad so far been carried out to the very letter. He safd that if the people of the South oould see [the misery brought on themselves by our brave troops, they would wish the rebellion had never commenced. Mr. Sherman now alluded to the eendltloß of our brave men In that army that has marched too miles through the Oaroltoas. He said some of them had shawls wrapped around their feet in place ol shoes, and many of them had oloth ing they had picked up from gentlemen to South Carolina. [Laughter and applause.] Tot, not withstanding the -shortness of olototog, these men had the ltoi of heMto, strength eneray, and pa triotism. He did not oome here to-night to mttoe a 9nM -v having an engagement at another meeting, Sfd honed theaudlen<»would exouse Mm for the 'nr hasty remarks he had made. He wished toe udienoe a hearty good night.and God speed to to* ork oi toe Christian Commission. Geo. H. Smart, Esq,, said h«went toNewYoto Is morning and received on Mgh ’Change $-17,000 ■ the Christian Commission. He had suffered ratiy to mind because of toe coffers ol the Com isslon being empty just at the tlmewhen It wm >Bt desirable to have means. He exhlbtted to toe .aiencealoaf of bread fresh from Richmond, which vt a shocking looking speolmen. He then re •st.a to go around among toe audience, G. Miller, a soldier, who occupied. a rolling .ir eot vet having reoovered from Ms wounds, . de a speech as he sat to Ms chair, relating the ?* whsh be was wounded. He said that Ms comrades bore him from the held* and •nnre than refwod to extract the ball, ““““'.“ .aaarvivelt. He was finally dls saying he oould bot \yuitney and Mr. Colo, of thc'ohristfan Commission, who H f s tn h« Sim and to them he owed his life, tto ."urcd iurthersffatoers, and relatives thatboe un P d his reisUs created much feeling of money was realfzed.aftor rvhich the btnedlotlon wm pronounoed, and toe im mexsae audience separated. Estmtsiv* Poaimvs Sam o* 760 Paokaobs AND LOTS OF BBITISB, FbRNOH, OaBMAK, AND Ambbioan DryOoodb, *o.,Thib day.— y particular attentlonof dealers la valuable and desirable assortment man, Swlss.Frenoh, and American dry * tearing about76o paokages and lota> of staple and ►fancy articles, In linen goods, oottons. woowns, worsted*, and silks, Including 3.000 dosan llnen oam brio handkerchiefs, large Unos house-keeping linen goods, large special offering of ItallanfllotM.satln fie chines, Sto.,tobe peremptorily sold, by on four months’ credit and part lot oash, com mencing this.(Thursday) morning,at 10 be continued aU day, without Intermission, by John 3, Myers .& Oo,,'auctioneers, Nos. 283 and as* Market street. _ < ___ iFFOBreJOEHT 09 A TM.IBOSAPH MAWA«t*K. Tha business community will appreciate thaw* Tmlntment of Mr. Jamas Partrloa, formerly ta telegraph office at the Philadelphia ISKSS£S» a maeagarof the United State. '**• *'• Pertrlok Is trea surer oftheNational Telegraphlo Unl° n ,and ranks | Among the ablest operators In tte aonntry. PSBSOIf&Xf* Hu Esodfeney SggSJ&ip" t2?*?3SEK 'lth Mrs. Curtin, arrived In Fnu»a®‘P“‘“- ta »' rM lay afternoon, andstopi^i* 1411 ® J,®“ oo(t uoo, senior will *tort and otter ’fi proeeed to Elohmond.JPejera seg p ottn . 'iaoent places, with the vleworhavlog “anla soldiers BenttoP*noayl™“‘f‘„, ggjigi *n a number of distinguished, gentionwa (Hyernorattw OeoUaWu*" j Oampaiowxuq oh Richmond WMo of Friday hada very satlrlial anlolo on the cam paign projects onpaper by oar leaders, onlrldl eulea tnenopes bullion elaborate schemes of stra tegy, saying that their combinations are goelabo rate and delioato that it is really a pity t,« mtr »- dno f element The Whig then pro cceded itself to elaborate a scheme, we may say a ra^?;o!Lf^l OWB ' Sherman, it says, will Li fight Johnston if he can help it: T,l‘,^v. do -,? ot Relieve now that ha will try to take 25Lu8 l iiJs? wiu tty to pass Johnston by his (iher !”*? S v'„ r s lt !, a ® < * Weldon and finally Pacers- J™?¥s i!i® v* Tarborongh and Weldon Kail road, making bases of supply at Tarbotongh, Wash- Plymouth. Bat when, Anally, Yankee armies Me concentrated in iront of Richmond, they wul not equal In nambers the lores with whloh Grant crossed the Kaoidan last year, to say nothing of Butler’s Army of the James; while Gan. Xee,-with the addition of Johnston’s army, will bo Any percent, stronger that it was at the Wilder ness. If Bee could then whip Grant In the open field, ha will be much better able to dolt with all the advantages of the defensive works of Richmond end Petersburg.” As this was said on Friday and Weltzel’g blaok troops marched by the Whig office on Monday, it Is evident that somebody’s campaign on paper has failed most egreglously.—Boston Advertiser. What is thb tjse orr Fkbttiwbl—We notice one or two of our exchanges that were well adapted to the Btate of the country before the war bßgan—a state that, this generation can by no possibility see again—that make themselves very unhappy over public matters. One-day they are afraid the war will never come to an end; the next, that we are about to have trouble with Ragland or Franca hr both; and the third, the National currency is going to the dogs, and destruction financial is Impending. Now what is the use,'my Christian friends; why not take things easy! You have recorded your opinions, and no more can you do ; never worry over what you cannot control. So long as a question is de batable it is well enough to talk about It; but the war has ceased to of,that kind—the policy la fixed and stable, it has been adopted by the Government and approved by the people. If matters go well, why not enjoy them 1 and Iftheygo.iH, make the best of thorn 1 But well or ill, the track is laid down and the train will be ran over it. If it lands safely it is all that can be asked; if it oomes to a smash and yen have a leg and head and arm brokon, be thank ful that the catalogue does not include your back and bowels. Llve wblle you can; look on the sunny side as long as there is snah a side, and determine never to die more than once, and then only when yeu oaa'thelpit. ' ■ ' The above from the Newburyport (Mass.-) Herald containßadeal of hard, old-fashioned common sense. NEW YORK CITY. Naw York, Aprils. thb bvbhing stock board. 10 P. M —Gold and stocks active. Gold 153%, after call 153% ; New York Central, 94 i Brie, 63% ; V Brie preferred, 75-; Hudson River, 98%-; Reading, n 99%; Michigan Central, 100 : Michigan Southern,. . ! Illinois Central, 100% ; Pittsburg and Otcva n nd, OS ii ; Rook Island, 91%:; Northwestern, 23%; 'jja -rthweetern preferred, 65; Canton Company, 3 ji ■; Cumberland, 39; Quicksilver, 67% ; Marl-. pS. i«• Fuhjlr Entertainments. Bfm.' Damns***, the favorite composer and vo oai'lßt i ? iU give his second and last concert this evening, at the Musical Fund Hall. The pro grafennwi. obtains an exoelient seleotion of his own composition la > together with -several fine old Scotch ballads. It ,is refreshing to the lover or simple melo dy, to HstonV® the beautiful strains of “John An derron, my Jd, ” “ Highland Mary,” or Tennyson’s “ Bugle SOBg?.” The concert will oonelnde with Mr. Dempster’s' cantata, “ The May Queen,” Mu; Johb B. G 'trooH, whose lecture on Tuesday evening met wlth\»uoh great success, will to-night speak again at the, Academy of Muslo, His sabjeot is ‘- Fact and “nd affords a fine field for his oratorical powers. ■ Ftai,iaw Orkra.— The last visit of the Italian opera company was sorrier thatsoaroe a tithe of the musically Inclined in on '* oU-T were able to enjoy the pleasure of listening to 'vthe welcome notes or Verdi and his-compatriots, sun,. 1 ? to their native tongue. We are therefore glad to a. nnounoe that another op portunity will- be offered, on Saturday evening next, when Mr. Ford’s excellent troupe of artists will re-sppear at our Academy, theseason In Balti mhiebeingabrliiged for that p.urpose. CITY ITEiMS, Thb Peidadblphia National PureotroK COMP AST has fceonxbofore the public bat a short time, and has already acquired a popularity equal to that whloh-markod the groat success of the .Phila delphia Mutual- Company, the stock of which ad vancedvapidly from 85 to 60 oonts per share. Those companies are similar in all respects, and were or ganized upon a rellable and promising basis. Th* land owned by both Is sltuatedin parts of Venango oountyfOie Immense wealth of which is shown by developments smade upon properties surrounding it. Within a-Ahort distance of the'traet owned-by the Philadelphia National Company are the great Ruckle and Sugar Creek wells, now yielding im mense quantities-of heavy lubricating oil, which ormmands the highest price. Besides the very valuable land owned by. the Philadelphia National Company, it has a number of leases upon most da. sirable oil territory, and everything Indicates the certain success of and-, navy uniforms, and boys* clothing of a superior description. Opening,—Charles Oakford & Sons, Continental Hotel, will open this day an elegant assortment of Ladles*, Misseß’, and Children’s Hats and. Caps, Offices of Cameboh Pbtbolbum Gompaitt gf Fbhitstlvafia, No. 101 Walnut street, E. G. James, and southeast corner Seventh and Chestnut, A, Douglas, where-full particulars can be obtained and subscriptions received. Books open but few days longer. Subscription price, *2*so per Bhaie. _____ »p 3-66 Old STEWS Mat-pkebbhs taken apart, mendafl, and made up anew, at W, HsttEYPATTaa-a, 1408 Ohei&rat street. . . . " FBOMPTEBse, pure mat9rt.als.-JmA low charges are always striotly atllicrod to at W. Henry l*at thh’s Cartain, Window Shade, Bedding, and Up holstery Store, 1408 Chestmit street. (Workman always tn readlness-t Eyb, Bab, awd Oatabbh, snooegstnlly treated by J. Isaacs, M- D-, Oonllßt and Anrlst, ell Fine st, MUltolal eyes Jnserted.-Nottrarge for examination. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The deni 7ho ft J Moore, Hollldarabe J c Fawcett Fliteburg W P Mnrriy. FUUburK ■BT Turner, LonHvlUe John Sherman, Ohio (J S Loaf, OU City _ Hon Joan CoTodo, Penna L W Ball. Blain _ . Jobs Gotihill, 081. » J Perk * wf, Kanaaa Tho» Q Fay. Bocheeter Gao B Topliff, Boitpn Horace Gray, Jr, Bolton . Obae 1) Hannan, hew Fork J 0 Varoey, Peas a Mri Brash. Hew Fork w B Bill, Hew York , Thoi Hiljard: St Jobs. HB G E McLanihlla, It Jobs O Gamble, Canada John B Bow, Hew York Geo H Wood ward, Taunton K B Combi, flow Jereey Mtb C B Gregory. Conn Mile CC Gregory. H York Mr Balds Is flew York 8 T Horn, Wllm, Bel Jobs Fan Cater, Penna C tt Barham, Elmira Mrs J M ailmy, Hew York JfraFß Greek, Hew York B G Bailey, Penna SBMmter raptßenien, 081 J B Sanborn, Concord W A Lo*as. W Vlrg'irla Blaonold, few York U Krinaer, Hew York innsiaeh, Hew York S M Green » BTTnipple. . ___ , J B Bngtold & la, Buffalo Mrs Haley, Huiistarg Hr* c B Boyei A son lil H W Wsllaw.Oiwego B Berp.t. Haw Tort , BBC Beinst. Hey To* Geo W D.wes, Haw Tort A S Haselion, Hew Tort Cl u * Eager, I.a»«i«er if Spinney. .Ashland ~ . 3 D Dougherty. He. ristart Jel Oareoß. Sew Tort T S Stillman, Bow Tort D X Schinch. Hew Jersey W D BaTln, Smyrna JTQoeiy _ , l g FOBter, New York 8 Y hnhy, Oalllele A Dußdlb Philadelphia D b I>oneap, Harrisburg W H Callaher JPI aylor. Wert Cheater CL DorSnd, Htßelly , T 6 Frtler- Fenna ' M Olay. Divloik W Merton Then Mnllen j w Earp, Washington jßLawe, K ansae Geo rrawloid, Kanaaa M jr'Conway, !«i» WCM Green. Weat'n Ya Jao Jennings, Greeneoorg O Maiine, Delaware jno C Coebraa & la. Pel His. Cochran. Delaware W Paels, Brie fi p Poster *ia H U Tnjn&a ED Breynt, FoiteyUle) J A Martin, D 61 H 1 Nelly, Middleton, Fa : T A McNeil, Lancaster eo Mbs C A McNeil. Lane'r CO J B Eendig, Co'nmbla Tloht Crane, Colmmma B C Hunt J Swller, Fenna John Proman, Fenna W T Johneon- New Yolk AL Pepper, New York C k SlmpHn New York Llent Sot <'ox, Maryland 15»«dc A H Mc*eal. New Jersey BEBalfield, Chester CO F 1 Mnll.nd, MUlville J T Worthington, Fenna C J Hale, Delaware - J H Chambllee, Lonisyille N Kilmali.r, Lancaster co J J Dull, H&trt.bnrg JF Perry, oil City C A Bsnnrart, Harrlsbnr* JBliiniher, Newport w Lontber, Newport . F R riff*nderff. r,Lancaster J Y Cret,well, Bairtabont h b Mca Ulster Ala, Oil GUy SD Straw bridge WemviUe Hr D AW, Cnnberjend eo G M «axtfeeeer, Poona 8 bolin.on, Harriebnr* H Newell, Franklin, Pa 8 § 8«ohe»i ludlawodt She Her Mrs C Fogle, Brookville Miss Buil-r, Broohvllle J A Clt men!, Wheeling A B Copeland J Ptatcs, Livermore, Pa Tkns Douohce, Oreesaburg AWGonbom, Ohio fheaDtedler, Ohio J latCaudless Awf, Pittebg WLBerdweU, Tennessee J W Carnahan, Pittsburg James Bobb. ffitiehn-g S ?w to, t A n leBllen T , RAM. Conaeetteat CF Jones, NewYorfc H Bcfcmick, Gats field. O' BtrurencUißerwiek B W CAjwell, New Ypxk 5 O Saylor, Allentown G Oonie, Boston L Line, Allentown Sp«dl©Y f Indianapolis J 8 Shaffer. Pittsbnr* GeoH Ludwi* Easton F O Kline, U Chunk - J B H JtffeieoD. Baltimore B Lamberton. G S A s C L Lamberton, Penn* A Shut, B* tblehem ; Hire M J Kinsley. Ashland John Barnes, Maryland B F Atein, Easton AGSHverman, Pittsbnrc Louis Bchaefer, Canton, 0 J MecLeian. Salem, O Jainea Carle, C B A. The An WB Tomlinson. Delaware NA Jooneon, Sew York AB Hurra;, Titusville W J i onner, Titusville M 8 Fletcher. Maryland & Q (latteJl, tf D. K Jersey W W Ware, Mew Jersey Preston Woodiutt j H Clay, Mew York 0 D S Lynd, Mew York Chits Brown, Maine C L £ehn £ Merrick, Mesiaefcuaetts E D Bees*. Maine win Moorhead, Indiana W B Hoffman, Baltimore J M Blaheali y, Mew York F d Lowery» New York J B Willard • 8 A Short, Delaware John Weak Baltimore J M Guthrie* Indiana co Capt B Marques, Mew York A F Patti son, fiiairavUle J- WBnlcMeon, Oxford,Fa P W Van Bouton, H Y A B Allen* Washington^ I, Baer, Washington 3 M Tremain. Brooklyn D F liner, Mew Jersey W W Qordy, Maryland The stai JVanoe, Maryland Mrs X fceott. Delaware Ml* s B Scott, Delaware 3 W Bradshaw ■ Hies HJi ! e B.en'nfidy, Pa * Jasßolraee, JNew York i - Ja» a'hnmae, 3S*-wr York ■ TbOB Wilson, Hew Fork : Jobs Torr, Few York Bobt-B BcGlary, Ud 1 Geo J Baoley. Maryland A Seed. FeW York : ffm Koger», Pittsburg - Wm Tbojrpson _ w m W»rd, Sew York t a Clement Sew York 3 Lemons, Maryland A E Willis. Jfeiylaad Tboa Dillon. Maryland Jas Thompson Maryland Job® Green,- Maryland Join Bcosnr, Penn a E Lloyd &l&i -€entre co TtifeCwm J Y Yocwn, PouaiasYiUe & Leopold, JJon*laBvilier L m Halm, fibeater James Ferjmson- J JClark, KD . w h i*a»momte'»'CentTB of JGJaqnett, W*Sb,pC Pevld Ba*bor*4tfwf. Harris L Mltcb ner&.x* f, Cbteat er'co J X Gillespie, efiester’ eo R 0 Spr< uL Cbe»fcpr op T) M Reynolds, Penna 1 Jos Eeald, fenna Penna Pram Keeae, Peon*, ... .John F Jakes, Cam&szirDel Mrs E Felix . John. G Flicfcthger, <3 W Van Dumb. Pot E Boberts A wf. Ker B Bajch, Beading H a. fc«mo*on» Waestu Wiu ScH«k. Ohio LUnt C Houle. US J m Lau-heit &da,H©\ 0 W Kohljason & sis JBOoolt. FiyetterU O Gray, Jerw-y City Jobs Boltwoca. Jfe:» .1B Martin. Ohio ft M gdirardß & Wf* L PFioai. Bybbb D T Lawmen, Wall*' 8 w Boards! au. J Leideile, Latc?B ' Bag -akd Batl' TTeeijLeb BSpnioanf«y FeWiinr, Sewing. Scribing. and lee Awl« -for sale at TBUMAN & SHAW’S.' No. BSRHBIShfc TMrty-flve* MttBKBT Street, below ninth. It . Brass Dbattbb Chest and- ErPTiNG- Handler. Ewe Finah Etnfe and.Btnt Handl\», for Bile at the Hardware Store of TaUHAH h'SHAW,.Sfb.- BSS (hlght Thirty- five) MASK ET Street, below Win th'j It Gbakd Combihation ! pooD-Nswa aoa THE PEOPLE! ‘ Grand Combination I .Good News-for the People! Grand Combination I Good Hews for the Peopled Grand Combination t flood Wewe fer the Beoplel Immense Bedbotiox ik PtttosS! Ibhessb Ekdootiok urPauoaa 1 Immense Rbddotion if Puiobsl you OheWbe* Gelt; Poa One "Week O.olt. Po* o** Week OEir, ittmental. A 8 Hsith. Bouton Hist 8 T Qitr, Fox Chase John D Ghaee, Brooklyn Reo K Carroll. Now York G a Eighter. new York H Tftowrey. St Louts Geo W Grant, U i A. Got A G Curtin, Penn* Hies Curtin, Harrlabni* F D hnther, Fottaville Mr*T W Hashes, PottsvUle D B Jenkins, Penna H 8 Slmor A la. Baltimore Mrs G W Pickering, Boston Biles Stearns Bt ate, Boston Jos B Preston. Hew York GfoSizmest, St John.N 8 J Cook, Jr, Philadelphia B N Haldeman. Penna H M (lowing, New York Jos A Morton, Mass Hiss M Norton, Quinsy, M* Mrs A Faxon, QnlaOT, Mats Mr* A L Kendrick, NY Goo W Swing. Jr, Indiana Mrs CP Swing. Indiana MlseO Sweetsor. Miss M Sweeter T D Christopher & lady, BY John Kranth, SjbniSTlUo W J Parsons, Boston . L Appleton. Hbw York M Blntelay, Wilkssbarre AThompson, Hew Jersey DrCCrield, Baston - W P Baker, Boston C T Weller, Jr. Pentta X W Jacobs, Mass Warren 1* Tower, Boston W H Ca«n,Hew York H Hodges, B«W York Jerome Intallt, Lynn WA Brown, Lynn oao W Laws . J Borman, Haw York P P Field, Baltimore H O Sontbwiok, Hew York John L Wordon, 0 8 B Geo W HoGook, Ohio AM Dana. Bew York J L Bndd, How York D Cnrttss, Oimnectleat B Blackford Sla.S Market HD a WWtlns, How Mirks. J A Heyaln Sals, B Mstkei F W Yan Honton, H York ilrarrt. ' ' Ja« Aoliok, Bslttmors p Hynes * In, Washlnslon H O Koberts, 'Hrmamown £1 SKobaits, Germantown JosSßilTa. DSH Gsd Sender, H BN JasTlsd&l, New York W F Sender, Baltimore J J Zaborowski. Hew York J a. Gordon St wf, H Y Wa * Willtams, Baltimore Jan W Maxwell, Maryland I< Besee, HarrlaDorg WHSheUer.UBA. B S Heath, Hairlttmrg T a Stewart, Penna Thoa Waiker.Penna J Williams. Co orado dAllemanAla. Bellnsgroye Mrs Emory, Boston 1 ShewaU & wf. Hew York 5 B Smith Middleton W S Jostle, Jr. Ses T ork Mrs W 8 Owen 4 3 c. Wash K Springer, New York C eo b Paine, Hew Pork i J Bond, Pennsylvania J C Green 4 wf. N Jersey W Hathaway. Delaware LJnste, Hew York t) H Sfnlvaoy, Hometown W Mo* telins, Snnbnry 0 stseonkey, West Chester MB Hiekman, West One’r DayldDibert, Johnstown las Welle, Penna Eobt Pons* Penna 6 lrrio, Baltimore G w Moore, Baltimore . S M 6ore. Boston F W Winfield, Boston d K Jenkins S Is, Boston Jas M Brows 4*l. Has Jacob T Foust, Trenton Kobt P Morion, iloaoy TH Hudson.* wf, Dayton . Mrs E Swing. Kurland w Bobart Sr la, England J P Booker, Soglattd H E Pearson, Harrisburg Dr Williams, Delaware J A Althons. Beading . J D cnambecs, Penna J J Bifatt Dr G # Dearbor* & 1. Wash Jo&aHKcagn Laocaster JL Semite* ©orer, Del W A Ukias'tt. Dotht. Del A H Pieteher. Hew Pork EE Johnnlah- k ittoid. Dei Jas T Scott, Wheeling Jf Taong. Hallfak Ca&cer Bhuok, Penna lira D Vickers Sr ea. Md Beni P Cook. He w York Jas Bloiim, Clearjlain I JO SsJWTi THE PRESS.-PHTLARELPHIA.'. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1866: rduuKs’i 8 EBrom. New York Gal Zi Jonei ft wf. V g a HL Mancha. M*rv)*&(t E W sweatzei. Penna Geo Wight Onto B L Craven, W Alex. Fa AB McCleea, Tayjorevil«• J G Frazier. Wert Alex. Pa J M Erb, Altoona h Leyeque, Terre Haute GJ Bolton, Harrisburg Ingham Coryell. St Louis Miss;Stewart, Marietta, 0 J S Jaej son. Llverpod- O X K Disborough, Tr«ntm Jos Smith, Bow Jertey T E Bench, Perry co M B-eckman. Boston B IHotiie Hillsboro J Bill-. Hillabtfro K Caldwell, Indiana T Wright, Cambridge City H-HBwsH, West Virginia Jobn G Bheem. Carlisle NG Goodman, Scran tea ! B R Johnson,New York , 8 W Spratter, Mew 1 ork tgHtfurphee, Now York H LWyman, feaas [ Mrs uornbeek, Sehkil co W HLa van, Sobkll Haven Mrs Mason, Klttauaiag W Baris * la- Penna B Oampbelu Penna A. Weller, Obi© _ , Jas H Carotbers, H&Trißbg Francis BamoutcE Jbisey Mrs G M Donovan, Peana leriean* H J Winslow. Itlnnvllla G L Warren. Mew York W Luke & wf» New York OB Alston, Newark, tf / W W Bale A Par Uh. Massachusetts W Bleb Cits h ia, Balt Win T GUI, New York H W Bogsra, Jr. Chicago J Vanduzen, New York A White. New fork Alex Weiss, Easton W t Tiffany, New;Jersey W Matthews, Maryland Isaiah Walls, Miners rills Wm McClellan, Beilefoate Wm tf ehakeapeir, Del 8 K WMppel, Chicago J W Andreas, New fork , C Brown, M D. Wash W B Smith, New York H Boardman Lancaster HO Wilbur &wf AX Lewi#. Dover, Del . W Smith & la, Hanover, Pa H M Irwin _ 8 D Irwin, Kansas _ ALUburn. New York D Bunn, New York IM Dans, New Haven .* • v* . ' es Union; MissE D Johnson. Fanna Mrs Agnes Doyle. Penna S Dealers. Pittsburg Thus Cojie K Plitßbnrr o A Htitergit. Pen a a C 8 Mesteriat. Jr. Penna J Gai-flrd. Penna. . Sami W aani*T» Ponna. John Walter. Penna Geo Gallagher. Penna B A Yarnail. Penna Geo John*ton. Newark. Del J Balter. Laueatter . Jas U Ph ilips. B 8 A J S We-* Umoa co.Pa J rmtth. Delaware SGfiUen. XJnlon co. Fa W H Bbodes. Beading - T WlHett. Penna IWm on- P#nna Geo W Mifflin. Backs co ' 8 J Blanchard. Mass imerdafti H J Bashore. U 8 N J S Ball. Cincinnati. O E E Stewart; Boston B Barton. Jr. Boston SB Hatty. Brooklyn ft FuUer. New Jersey Tsaao.o Braner. Penna 1 D'fctahhs. Pennas > W D Kltnk. DoariasviUe. fa Filter Maryland W H Harheld. Penna I«ae< A Kira. Fremont. Pa E M&Ttm. CneUer oo J E Hale. DjoglasriUe PMoCany. ulty Point . R A Darle, W*sl Chester W XlMbaon. W Chester Vnioih SPECIAL BfOI ICES Pebei & Co.. So 303 ChestnutSTEERT Fekhy a Co., *o. 609 Cbestho r Sieebt. Perry A Co.. S. El corker Sbyssth am> MAaKsrSrs. I o meet the popniar demand for lower prloea, Hoeare. Ferry & Co., Clothiers, have determined to throw open, to the pottle, iota limited period, their lmmenee etoek of fine Clothing, contained In thelrtbree stores, Tis. Ho. a S Cheathot street, above Third. Ho. 6:9 Chestnut street, CflraiYlUe Stokes’oldatand.) Hortheaat cernar Beventh and Meiket etreet,.(donee .) and to offer their entire stock of Clothier at prices faUy SO pee cekt. Lower thak any othek Heps*. 20 PEE CENT. LoWiR TEAK ANY OTHER HoOStt. 20 pES CEST. LOWEE THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. . Our Stock consists of Sprlntt Goods, manttfaerared for the pretent season, and the balance of Winter. Clothing remaining on band, all of which is got up in the eery best manner expressly for retail sales, and will be said at prices that will make it to the Interestof the pottle to buy. Tbe lowest price for'eacb. article wiil benaracd at onc6j and ©SLY OKS PBICS ASKBD jJIKD TAKBir. o*ly one Price asked and takbit. Only one Price asked and t akbn. Oke Week Only. Ose WSbk Osit. Ok* week Osior. Oxb Week Oku. Os* W bek Osi-y. Osk Were Oxlt. SO PEE C»ST. lOWEK THAS AST OTHER HOPS*. SO PER OIST. LoWKB THAR AST 'OTHER HOOS*. SOTER CEST. tOWEE THAX AST OTHER BOOSE Penny* Co., No. 303 Chestnut street, above Third. Ho COfl Chestnut street (Grenville Btokes’ Old Stand. Southeast corner Seventh and Market street* (Jones’. ap4 fit . , ■ —Krai's China Hall; . ; GREAT REDUCTION IB PBIC3B. ICO Bozen CUT GLABB.BOBLEM, S 3 SO per dozen. Usual Price $6. ICO Dozen COT WINE GLASSES, $156 per doian, warranted Bast Flint Glass, usual price SO. 6CO Dozen GKBEH HOCK; GLASS ES, S 3 par dozen, Ureal Price *3 50. 5i»9 CHBSTBUT Street oppoelte tie SUte House, KERB'S CHINA HALL. 'WHITE STOKE OHM A CHAMBER SETS, 10 pieces, Si. CO, These sets are large size and beet aua-llty, • Usual Price $9 60. Call aad tee them aliex looting eltewheTO. 6539 CHJgbTNUT Street, opposite the State Honse. , apG-thrtt Unprecedented Success. UHIOH BUTTON- HOLE' S EWISB m A. 0 HINES NOW READY. BEWIHG 109 BUTTON-HOLES AH HOUR. The Stitching Warranted to be Superior to handwork, in any Material, and Mach More Durable l Salesrooms, 300 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. 747 BROADWAY, New York. AMOS I*. WOOD, ..... -.Treasurer. mhl4-tuihs 2m. • - Colgate’s Honey Soap. Thin celebrated TOILET SOAP, in eneh nnlreraald. sutnd, lr made from the CHOICEST materials, Is MIL® and EMOLLIENT In its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENTS ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in Its action upo” the Skin. For tale hr all Dnunista and Pancy Good! dealer*. _ fe2&,tathsly Itch. (Wheaton's) Itch. SALTEHBtfIL (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch In 43 hour*. Also enne Salt Rheum Ulecrr, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Friee SO centa. By sending 60cents to WEEKS SPOT TER, BOSTON, Maes . will be forwarded free by mail. For tale by all DrnggletA aKW-fim Opening op elegant new. styles- op CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, for Spring and Summer, on TBUBSDAT, April fi. at H. SHOEMAKER A CO. ’B, HA 4 North EIGHTH Street. apS-lt* Db. Banning’s Incomparable Brace Trneeea, Shoulder Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stock lugs. An, in great variety,'at 0 H, NEEDLES', sorner TWELFTH, and RACE StreeiA Ladies' Booms, on Twelfth street, first door, below Race; -lady attendants. Syringes of all descriptions. mhlP-lm Key to Love, ob Db. 8* Mi. Landis very Popular Private Lector* ob “ PBYGOLO3I3AI FASCINATIONS ” juitont. Leant to cbarm those yon tovt. Secrete worth knowing. Send pries. 36 cents, to Dr. LANDIS’ Medical Office, 80. 13114 CHESTNUT Street, and receive it by retnrm mall. mU9-3St* A magnificent sevbn-octavb Robb wood PIANO- POBTE, tie property of a family de die loir housekeeping, made font month, ago for pro lent owner by on* of the beet, makers in. title country, coat. *6OO. will bo sold at near half cost, as it must be told atone*. All round corners, free from scratch or blemish (good as new). Can be seen at the residence. 24i North TENTH Street ap3-6V* * Co 'Vf3P MASOJJ * AS BAMLIN*S CABINET OBOANS. PIANO • Over 600 each of theae Mae CABINS! PORTEB. Insirnments bare been **>d by OBGaNS. PIANO Mr. G . andthedemandteeon- CABINET POBTEB. itantlv Increasing. ORGANS. PIANO Portals only hy CABINET FOB’ E 8 J. *T GOULD. ' ORGANS. PIANO SEVENTH and CHBBTJIUTBt«. CABINET FORTES. - v - noSO -tf ORGANS. Jokes’. THE LOWEST BELLING PKICB l« marked In Ognre* bn each article, AND NEVER VARIED. AT JONES* Oreacent One-pries QLOTHIN G HOUSE. MABKBT STREET, above Sixth. ~ f No 604. «E- Prices reduced to anil the times. A Ane assortment of BEADY -MADS CLOTHING, fnttebls for all season*, eonstantly ch hand. Onatom-wotk ttfcUVo Otdw »* *!»»« iwttto, [mis Sat Elocution Taught and Stammering CUBEO. PHILIP LAWBEBCJS. Professor of Bloca tlou. HOI9 LOCUST Strnet. »p 6 3s* GBIFFTN—CLABK —On t»« 4th of April. IMS, by M* Honor Mayor Henry* Or. B. Griffin to HUs Mary J. Clark, tout* of this city r JffoDOMß.—At Wtlmlnttoß, Del,. onMond&y eve-' nisi, Sd last , William A. meflomb, aged 32 yeare.. Hls male friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from hie late ietiaence; Wo. 611 Shipley street, this (Thursday) morning, 6th Inst ,at 11 o'clock. * CABFBKTEk.-On the mofnlof Of the 3d iuat., Wat 0. Carpenter, m the 29ih y*ar of his Mel t «, Bis relatives and malefrlende are r espectfnllr InvitM to attend the funeral, fr-m the residence of nis fathers 80. 19'9 gp’oce street, on Frida*, the 7th instant, at a O’clock to proofed to Laurel Hill - IT* DUKEABB. -Soddmly, on the 4th lust., Mary Dur rard, wife of Francis Durrard, in the 64th year of her* ;*ge. •the relatives and friends of the famllt are respect folly invited to attend the fnnerai, from her husband's residence, Bowman street Germantown, on Friday af ternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. Dearest mother, thou hart left us, , Can vre hear thy words no more ? Thou fcast'left this world of »o*row Fot that bright and shining shore. She is cone to liv« with Jesus. • Where sufferings are no more. ~ 7** ■ HOOD-On Wednesday, the 6th Inst, in the 30th year ot Misuse. Bamuel Smles Hood. 'Bis relatives and the male friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend his fnnerai from hts late residence. Fo 316 W*rth Blnth street, on SatU'day moraine next at3o o’clock, . *** 1 'LACK BIZAHTLNES —BLACK BY ZANTIBBB, Flornntinee, Bareie Beruaola. Ortpe Maretz and Buege*. M end 9 4wWe" BBSSIOfI «HO af, Hntmlnc • tore. MB CBBiiTHPTStreet. ap6 tf TITOUBNING FOULARDS.—BLACE AJJL 'While. Black and Purple, aud Plain B jack. 'Foulard Mil a. just by BKSBO6T dt h O9, Moorntoghtore.>o. 018 CBBSTfItTJ* Street.. ap6 tf fU\ 18 EIRE & L AND ELL’S GOID B4SB F*R*rGNGOOl>B ... - GO »b TIMS TO BUTi &« their assortment la excellent - gp IimBSIfH WAKOI EXEMPTION FSOH "THE DBAFT OUABAIfTBBO A number of responsible eUixensof th3> Fifteenthward have joined trgelherwith the determinatton to relieve the ward from (be Draft, end will now guarantee ex emption from all liability to ihe piesent draft, to every enrolled cltixen contributing $6O They therefore ap peal tot very person liable. and urge immediate oom* p lance with, the proposition by all willing to escape the conscription. The draft can and will be prevented if this effort Is heartily responded to. Ike Executive Committee eordlaUy*eadorse this pro position, and eetfirj-totffce ability of the gentlemen un dertaking the matter tweomply fully with the same.' Subscription* can be shade at the o«ce cf Alderman WASSBT,corner of G&blK and THIftTBBwTH streets, through the day* at- BCSOOLBOUBB* TWENTIETH and COATBS, hVB&Y SVJSfiIBG, or to any autho • rteed Collector, Gob Altotcht, Penna Tosoh, Clinton oo oentTottt, Keadicf tiller. jjansarterco & Blake, Penoa Baw York Patterson. Juniata eo kndersoa, H&rerstoiro Debts, Jr, Sharon, Pa tz. »Mo Jrodhead, Del W flap / fiDtWQßtls, JJ York . {artisan Men Bridgeton, J if diller.PMiaa antler. Perrysvilln Miller. Pextna- . >; A. ALLISON, Chairman. JOHN B. SENIOR, Secretary. ap6-6t GOUGH’S LaSTUBB TO BIGHT* •23*7 —* few tickets f« r - the Stage and Family Circle ; al *o etasding ticketefor the Parapet Circle and Bslcony.inay be had to-dsy'at Ciaxtou a Bookstore* 6> *SV. MU. HA-MMONIVS frtTH Is®' MEETING FOE tjiU la IhM TalS EVBHTIJG cloak, at' t 6» Caorch, conwr of BIORTBEgra »?d i-PKIMa GaEPBH Street!. It* TBIMOIkT OOA®««. WtSßf 0 m alter April Ist, IS®,’" the Turning of l»i» Coiopi ht will b» traniaeted at rialr i>ew,nfice, la the Anthracite Bnlldlni. Batraaea-B#@S' ffALHCFr' St. J’ IMo&tB fiacrytary and Treaiarwr; arsß**- Pern’s stoss* kxgjbcahok» Wo 50® OHKBTHDT Street. ' . Tie Secretary wSI be In attendance at the Boom from nine A. M to three P. M..forthe pursose'Oßtßeolng carde* of adjnleeion and receiving subscriptions- President DBA 0. B3BBRT. • Tice Piesifent. A. 0 BIBBS. Secretary, B 6 TOLWnLL vsr tiUAi) JVTCHIIsB «OHCEBT— On FRIDAY BVENISG. AoriWtu. at SPRING GARDEN IHsTITIJTB. earner of DBeADaud- SPRING G.EBBN. Ur. EEKUSKSB, awktfd'br 150' pupils, WIH give » Huaical Entertainment . Tiektts 20 cents: Children half price. Tbownmence ats gustier to eight o’clrck. apfl 2t* rar mftjbwuwh - mmmv a»<> ■tap JOB EKED MKgriNG-OtlhoCttizeaa Wilt be held. TBIB EVENING, at the OHSXKGH, owner of NIBETBBBTH and GBEENStreets-: Important bail- I. M relating to the work of provenftag.-a draft ha the Ward will be presented. Full attendance Is urgbatly n attested- The collector* ate deaired-to be. present pnnctnaU, at 8 o’clock. D AAlMaolf> chairman. JOHN B. EBNIOB, Secretary. _ It rsr' AT A MBKTISe OF ffm-WOORi Ids? HOLDBKB of the CHEERY BDN'F*TK THE GBBaT CEETKaL FAIR.—OFFICE OF TBK COMMITTEE ON LABOR, INOOWE. AND BSVJB - —ln addition to tho numerous sabscriptloaa here tofore announced, the undersigned with, pleasure ac «TS££“» Chss P Tntt,W. D- --.—a-—lO 00 Bt Michsel’s Church. Germantown* por Mr. Pancoaat..—— ... 20 00, Miss Ocrrio K. -Wti*ht. Allentown, balance.. 40 85-. MiisßachelL,-Fries. WcstChsstor, .» Si :: || Salt* of carpet* cofite, ana 60 flO Collection, fromGioucsster. If. J* ..Jg-jg Her k, Borda, Trea*nter of CoalvCoiaialtiee.*. t 5,206 00 B. P. Gillingham, .♦-***. ._.. V elotQaa coal. D&1 id Jr H*»*€».W.«*•»********•*•*•£ 'jj’ ■ CbarlesßYana***********-*-********* ® 4®» tamael . 8 do. Vf. W Alters *vE do. N. Hallowfelici.* 2 do. IS. ScbrtiDor 2 do. nenrT&Ftoher.-.. *-~e*«*.**♦«•»*. * do. George 2 do. Miller Si Bro. ——- 1 do. Mnrrott it Jenkins v - 1 do. Taylor St Dennison-. 1 do. Jacob Dowler.™- —-■ I do. C. F. Linde... 1 do. 8. C. Sheerer....— } “O. B C. Howard.——— 1 do. For which was received - 35183 tAlso, from Filbert & Nagle 1 ton. which w.w donated a» requested 1 _ I Per Thos J. Stryker, Bed., Trenton. *. J. . I from officers and oMratives of the Trenton lion Company's Werta.——. —— sn The undertitrued requeits any member of this Com mittee who mav have a balance on hand to at onoe fora ward it tohira, aa be is anxious tojclose hia accounts, WMa ’ jOHN W. GLAGHbES, Treasurer, y Offlco. 118 South SEVBSTH Street, Phils. -nr/j-t STATE BASH AT 81ABXDK1N, N. J-a - jpttti 4th, ilBBs. TbeJMraetora have >M*_ d dF,declated a Dividend of FIVKFKBCENT and an-Extm Dividend of FIVE PER GENT , both payable to the Stockholders on demand Cl ac6-a»? n!t * A Bta ' tel> iaCl>m j- TOWNSEND. Cashier. GeHTLEKBN’H OPENING. * BW B™ ot F°BTE, BUSlB^W^^^and «Mlcetio&a • usual twit WAHAMAKBB* BBOWH, Fin® Tailoring. _ CPSTOJC DEPARTMENT, UTo. X South SIXTH Stmt 3DIE3D. UPON THE PAYMENT OF FIFTY DOLtAKS. tmU>3o. M3raESTN^&reeLPhnadelpUa TolnatMit for Two T«u> will recelYO t Wkww lot 3>OLLABS. w . Volnntoen trill recegoa Warrant 10, B^ j^saa^sS3Mß3»ga for warrant, DQIjIiAKB mhy-d&Wtf ■ u 'rgve OFFICE OF THE BOVEBCIan .BW MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, 13* WALNUT Street. PHibADnnPNXA, March 20.1885 Th&uran&i m*otinff o! no stookholdors of thia Coin* S^.»^Sre«rbrh d ol« { t|» A*D. lS&.atW o’clock p DARLINGTON, mh2l-Hoap ; Secrotary._ XTBH CAMP CKEKK OJJL COS OTFIGI »S 8 SOOTH THIRD MB. ■ AnunLiiu MarjiTai, 1655. JTOWOB.—ThB Company hare eontawted. fot boring, tour veils, and expect to bnve at least two trills in ° P ThS?o Bh»i».wwi»l»* tob, iHjH 8 LTHiiARD, Tieuatn. JOS. ISNBia. »inECTOE|, a HKa> CHAS F. mb®, atoftet* J. B. CHAMP! m «VjSI th e wm M held at SABjON-SrBBBT HAM, “.JSES « jX AFTEBHOO*, at 3K o’clock, Ladles are lnritcd. o-tt omi'E Off THK KUHKUS *3® KBB INSDBANCB COMPANY, Phiiadeuphia, April S. 1856-, „At a wetting ofrte Board of S,d day. & Semi smmal lUTldead of SIX P*« WS 5 1. *“® an BlUia Dlyldeid of TEH PBS CKNT. weredeoUred 11 tbe.Cepltal Stock, payable to t tic Stockholders, or thelrlegal representatives, onas*attartn Uthloot., fit a of taxes- •>. W. MolLLlSTnu, at4-10t ■ fcecretary. pro tern. Ktaa OFFICE Off THE LEHIOII COAX I=® AHD NAVIGATION company. . PHn.ADnnPHiArMaTehlO, 1965 TBs Btockholders ofthle Company are hereby notlted that, to provide meaneforoompletingthelittpniTemeat; of the Company between wilkesbarre and Hanch Chunk, and to be prepared to pro crew wlthother im port ant railroad eooneettons,, the Board of Maaagei* hato determined to allow to all persons who shall ap near as Stockholders on the hooka of tho Company on Ehe leth inrt., after o}oaln» of teanefma at B P. M. of that day. the privilege of subscribing for now stock of mar, to tha extent of one share of new stock for ewry lye shares then standtne in thetr names.. Etch share holder entitled to a fractional part of a sham shall have theprivllesaof subscrlblog lor a fall share ■ The subscription hooka will open on tha 30th Inst.. and close on the hath of May at 3 P. M . Thtnew «tt»k JRll not parriotpata In the Shy dlrldend. .payments will be reqoljec as follows: Ten per cenC at the time "“subscribing, and ttaebalence on the SsMay ot Hay aforesaid, after which time only will tbs new.cortidcatea not paying gaalmya sajn loM.thelr right to tho new stock. Those who dostra to anticipate; pay ment will be allow'd disconnt on the whole amount of Sbelr subscription at the rate of sir per e ; nt. ner annum. Shie-ijß ■ fQltOjiof ; yaa*- secosd uij ikcekit bepoot ■*** J* SP MittoPiCTnaßas’ hatiohal. B4BK OF PHILADELPHIA. April Sd, 1886. KBSOUBCEB. Loros and Dirdonnta *1,206,283 73 ITnUfd BtM.a Bonds deposited to tj<*«uie circulation. 400 000 00 Unit* d States Bonds and ofcber United Suttee Seoarltfos on hand..ra....^ M , **, 104,660 00 51,710*933 75 Leral Tender Notes..,. *,.***•» $406*00000 Bills of .this Bank onhand.,-.. 11,106 00 Bills of etker Banka 10.000 00 Due from National Banks.*,-.. 43,907 73 Doe from State Banka,*'.,**** 40 47301 Othtroaah items. .wZ.i 214,69167 5725,079 01 29,163 U 11.702 80 Beil Bitele mm Sxpeaee account. „ . . LIABILITIES. Ocpital Stock 670.100 00 Snrplnc Tttnd~™. ....... 110,803 80 Circulating N0t0a,........... 33.1,0 JO .00 Ciieulstlon of MaanfaatnroH' aad Mechanics’ Bank 59.852 00 _ , _ . *1,110,855 80 Pttetoßarka . »18 617 73 Individual Deposit*. 1,285,808 28 Dividend* Unpaid-...*. 6,012 50 lfrofitand L0ea...... 84,669 S 6 —* *1,316.012 88 W.ts of Pemu,lrani., City of Philadelphia:' 'I. « W. WOODWAED. Cwhler of the MASn- FACTTFBBRB’ NATIOHaI BANK o'Thlladelphl'*, do GolemstJy affirm that the above statement is tiae to'the best of my knowledge and belief - , M. W. WOODWAED, Cashier. Affirmed to and BUbseribed before mo this sth day of AprtVlSfflf." JOHNS. FS OK. . ap6-tf ~ .Notary Public. STOJiTH (tVARTJBBLT REPORT" l“L of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP PaiLA DSLPBIA, April S, 1BS5; ■ * , ■ * 3 EEBOXTBCPB. Loan* and Di scouts ...... $2,657,619 71 0. 8 Shads deposited to secure CtrcnUti0a.e................. 750.(00 00 0, H. Securities deposited to secure Deposits-...- SCO.OOO 00 0.8. Bonds and other 0.8. Se- • curitiesoiv hand*.2,317.464 85 55,425,084 66' Specie and Legal-tender N0te5.53,016,660 (7 ‘MJIs of ttria tfank on hand— 490 00 Bills of other Banks 31«6w 00 Duefroni'Nsrtionftlßanka 343,171 86 Doe from State Banks and ■ Bankers.47o 499 87 Cafchltems»'.i>w..»:.2BB.3e7 . , t - $<,091,879 06 Real Estate, unencumbered 53.£13 63 BnpentesancFT&xes.- 4Q 959 10 ! S LIABILIIISS. „„„ Capital Stock.*-. $1,000,000 00 Circulating NflWs'u*..... 976,000 00 Dneto Banka afid'Bankers,**. $3.480,868 40 Due to TrcaattrCnbf 0 States. • 1,965-866 87 Due to IndividnaTPoposttora. 8.752,400 Surplus Fund* ..*•«»•.******* 60 0* <0 Dividends Unpaid... M ®??S2 Profit and'Loss*-. 213,493 02 State of Pennsylvania, • City of Philadelphia. Bsi I. AfORTON MoMICHsRL, Ju , Cashier of the Pint National Banket Philadelphia, do solemnly affirm that the abave statement is true, to thehestof my knowledge and belief. KQJ&TON HoffiiClUßL Jr , apfiit ■<•■■•■ ' ; Cashier. FOURTH 4VABT£BI>T KKPOKT ol theßOOßig HATIOSAL BASK, FBUadeß phta; BBSOUECBS. fotes aud Blllß'DlMOßlltWawHaMaMaMa*. |U4«3U 15 tamiuire auti Fixtures—****•«•••••**#««•• 4 315 77 i3ni7entßxpeMeß»»»»»«***»*******«*+*« 7,050 84 'Texas 1,181 8t 8,601 10 Doebyjfeiioiißißttks—••**♦•* s*6,oj9 14 . ofcher'Baji)uu*»tW«»-»***» 13 355 74 • 78*384 89 U ’8; Bonds. deposited with ?. S. Tree Barer to assure circulating notes **-**-■ «w>~,w„«.,Tt.«)MM 5150,0 w Toaecnre BepoillSr.,.♦-*.**•**■•■«■♦*♦ 50 0 •* ** .<7 3-10 HoWs— 25*000 0 B Bonds, on band Other U, fi. Security b— 180,700 Circulating tfotea**.♦s* 122 Pktioital Bank ffotes—s,2oo State Batik Fete*— 7 *6. Legal-tender^)tea —*— 327,501 *ft 545 m w *127 50 Cash itonfl***********************' '• LIABIUTtIB. ajirA _ nn OnpitalBlocli.«Av.:**m'.**4...slso,ooo 00 5184,000 W Individual Deposits— —.* « 768 665 99 Ui ited State? fepOTiU—, f 6 455 >8 t>tm to I gtlopal Tfawaks t»....«, »»■»» B3 Doe to Stale Banks 10 627 M *»*—. 11 £99 S 3 . iztbttloM*< <*• .♦►•*»** •«• • .»•••« ■ 8,801 M .: «««•««imh»■ ■»■»»♦ - l|B3l 08 . . SmlmtwMixrr JB.S3I9* I. Samael J. HfaeMallan, Oasbier of Fourth National Bank or eolenustyswear that the above •taUmentlatnie. to thebestof mi kuowledas sad. oe uSt SiMUEL J Ma«MDLC,AIT, Cashier. ’ Kate of Pennsylvania. county of Philadelphia, 8 A Bvront to and subscribed bfdoro day of April, 18C5. ' BI>W. H. b P S 3t • Hotary Popup. coivnN£mi Horn •235? COMPA®?.'*— Aepeclel mgetiutoT theSioch fcoldera offhe * * GOST TINEA TAL EOTBL COMPaNY « 1 'or the purpoM of adoption the mpplement to sneenar *r of tbe eorapemy, pa«*ed b* the Lwßiamre of F«na* #yjTO»la, Bndapproved Mareh 21, IStXF, and c * r late fcffeet the pnrvleUm* thereof, TOl be held on MOS 9Alr April if 1566, *t’l2o’cloclc M ~at the BOTJSZr. By order of the Board'of Bronacers. lot - J. BBBGBAST PKICB, Secretary^ «ar> OFIiCE OF HEBBIHAO KIVIBB low comfahy of lake sufsbiob, *a» wax.- BUT Street. ; f ! .> Phiildslphla, MarohSX, 1906. Tho Stockholcers of this Cbmpany for th* W.BCTrOHWBK*tJTOHS. an* rash other bnetoess a» may com* before tt, will bs heid at tie ego of th® Secretary, 133 W aMTO r straet, !n the city or Philad elphla, on the HfipOSD MONDAY, th* IDto dtrofivtlL A, D. 1866. atlO o elook A M. mUliet BAMPBL P. PAKITHGTOH, S«e>y. OIL UOMPANHEB. jggp torrtuE op the ■ w . -l-X. .... •" BOC3g OIIi COatPANY, Atthe Annnal Meeting of the ** BOOK OIL.COBPAI3T OP PSHMSYLVABIA, ’ ’ hold this -day, tho following oil cere wore elected to serve for tbs ensntogiyear: boabp or niHEonoas, J. T. McIBNBS I SAM’t Ds WAUfOS. 6EO. O. BVA.S, 4- Wtb 8. BASBSiiU D. EiJONBS. Tho *nnnal Report was read by the Secretary, to ■which It was stated that “ tho Directors have, within the space of tea months and a half; paid 1 to the Stock holders dividend* to the amount of ninety cents on each thare of their stock being eqncl to twenty-nine per cent, per annnmon the subscription. Brice. fie yatnab e fee timpte property of the Sook Oil Company—a tract o! aeventy-nlnwaerea of oil territory located on Big Scrnbgrass Crook, some twelve miles from Franklin—was considered,, and authority was aivsn to the new Board of Directors to prooeed at once with its vigorous development on the host terms that wells on the Byde A Egbert Parm, In which the • 1 Bock ’ ’ is intereeted.are now in Progress, on, 0) 'which, has "reached a *«pth-?Mfl6-ftBt. with a showof oU folly eooal to tho host wells ever fnetea thiuoeleh rated Jaric.DOtencopticg the Maple Shade 'joßß Ssaretsry and Tteaanrer. STAN OIK «; STOKE Oil, AND (aEr HIKING COMPaHYHONBaFBBT STOCK I* THB joym maR ’ SDBBCBITTION PflOß. 80 CBSTS. HO FUBTHEB.ASSBSdMBBTS. ... WlUtin a tow day» » »»w n«U iM l«ea «trwk w & distance of one hundred yard* from our property, oa SheTande of thto Company are located within the treat Oil belt of West Virginia, and embrace* S4B acrea. iu fee simple, and two leases, one of ,10 and the other of fi acres "' 7 r«KK“k to a sltort time, as the Boom Ho, S, third story. ISAAC COOPBB, President,. JAMES K. FBBSnSON- Treasurer. mh«.TM. CHAB. S. BIPKBOTHaM. Secretary. H#’ MOTl(a> p lm ~s.,Am. April 1. 18BL The Offljeof the COMMONWEALTH OH. COMPANY, On andaftex AhJa daioi will be located ini he Third Story Fount Boom to th. ■ COMMEBCIAI. BUILDING, No, SIS GHBBTHUT ST. mhSl-ja : DAYID B. HILT, Becrstary. wse OFFICE OBOAHIO Oil, COHOA* f§sT JTT. IO MKBCHAHTB SXCHABGB. PniiAD»hPHiA March 22..1885. The annual-meeting of block holders will be Bald on tle Sthday o( April at 13 o clock ■ mbStapa W C STILES, Jr.. Secretary. OSFICB OF THE NOB TIE AND ■§6? DBLAMaTBB PBTBOLSDM OOMPibSY, »80 CHISTHOT Street p HlLinilTHlAMat c ll 9o,ie6s. The anneal rasoltog of the stockholders will be held onMOHDAT thalOtf of AP^gb "mhSitatluSt *rrsr*> OFFICE OF THB IJNICK. PETBO MUM COMFAHY Ho I*T Soath POCaTH Stmt, PHILADEbP SIA, Aptil 6, ISM ThaAnnnal Meeting of the Stockholdais of torn Com p.ny wsll ba held on WBDHBSD AY. the I6th of April,, ” CHABLBS A. DUN, President. ara> OFFICE OF THB BeBEBTOHt l No. 147 BoathFoU£CHB«eej. 1 ’ t rmL.AJ>BhPSf^, t April 6, lStts. I An adtoorsed meeting of the Stockholder*! oQthe, I BOBIStrOIL COM PAH* held on WBDQBd* I DaY* April 18th 1866 at Xo tor toe R E|'P»“ «*■ ..Wn, oacers Wlg.M. J Kac PHtESIX Oils COHPAWXt—AN i dionrneO Meeting of he Stockholders cr toe s) '“"SiMf bn obhyb mb ™A|B on tie stock, for an Electionss Five ® ire , c {F r “ tj J erv * f^n6lffi ttlßg^^‘D^A^Y.feTtary MONDAY. April 10th, eta o'clock P Mi, to. laws and aloft Board ® T jututrji. president. SAWIIiLEOCI^S^m^ The properties of.Stic company MMKlae lease at k royalty, on BmrnlnxSprf county, west Virginia, and SOfl acres on ewrag Crock, near the -above, in fee simple. The company haye two enjtnea.on the ground working. , . ■ A limited'portion of the worklng.oapltallsstUFnot subscribed f°L wM** c* ll S? hadlat AUsy l ' 11 per sham, at the office. Ho. SSBBOHIrBOH Auey. mtJltaplO _ [OH. Bserotary. OBgICJS HB1)E FABH OH- *»»■• PaHY. - Marcb 3ti low- The Board of Directors' hsTe^jSdaydaclareia w «sii«*sa 411VTALBCT Street. ■■■■ ■ Pail A.. Mareh Sc. The Board of Directors h»yy this day declared a «m -dend of FIVSEEB CENT., subject to Btate tax. paya ble at tha office of the Company, on and after THUKS DThe Trenlfer'Books wlB close on FBtl>aY, Karch.Sl, at 3 o’clock ff, M., and apaa ff*. mhSflSt ■ ~ ' Secretary. g®*> OfffflOK Off THE fftSA BBHIIWe WOS COM PAiF ,Fj*. lAb blfbia. Match 27. 1885 LOTTOS IB.BBBBBY GIVSa that" an, Instalmoatof 088 DOLLAR per Share on each and oyery Share of the Capltsl Stock of the jETNA SUKINB COMP AN I has thisday been called in, payable, on os before tho lflth day o> April. 186*, at the 1 ‘ffice of the Company, Ho. 3»* wIiHUT PhUatohla n By order of the Dlrectori. B. A. HOOPBB, mhiBtaplo Treasurer. *553“ MVHtEND HBTICK —OFFICE OF la® TBB HIA6ABA oil, COMPABY. No. All CBBBTHOT Street, Flßi.sPmyaiA March 30,lSsfl. The Board of Diroctora have this day declared a divi dend of ONSper cent. on the capital stock, payable on and afterl HuRSDAY. April 6th. free of state tax. The transfer books will close on BEID aY, March 30th. at 3 o'clock p. M.^»pdopenoaAsriiyrt h cißTsa , mhSHi* Bscrctft land T« WWW. $3,470,883 05 $8,478 808 60 $10,817,740 35 U0q617 748 « $1,270>4iS 00 $1,278 440 00 409 WALNUT STEBSTi ArßiL.Si 1890. PB ESIDBHT, J. Ts McIABBSL SICBETABT AND TBBABHBEB,. JOHN F. GBAFP. WIHTAttYd « PRIZE MONE* f . GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL BOUNTIES TO 'ALL WHO Bfffgg TBB UNITED STATES NARINE .(mPS. Order* have been received from the head of the Marine Corps at Washington not to restrict reeraitsto a particular cia*s (as has tees the ewe heretofore), bat to receive ALL who'hav* served In the volunteer ser vice, cr in th* v< gnlars, or in !h» marines, and have been honorably discharged. fcneh persons enlisting in the U. S: Narines will, rfefflßlte' the Oovernmeiit and local bounty, and wUl.also be 'entitled to their share of prize jnnter in any captdfe.of the enemy'svessels. For farther Information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. No: 311 South FROST Street, between 9 A. a andSo’rfock.p. Captain and.Npv?ut*i»»* Officer. STL S. MILITARY SCHOOL FOR OFFICERS. Ho. 315 OHESTHUT Street, Ffclladel- INBhPBSDBNcif HALL. , J TAQGAETiiPiiwfep&r, • Late Colonel 12th Besiment Pennsylvania Bes«rvtjC A three number of fie'emd Lieutenants lor Colored Troops wanted imraaOlatslyv ' Terms—One month, $2O; two months, $BO Soldiers admitted lor two weelrs at $lO Payable in-odvadb*. Boohs supplied. Pamphlets sent by mail on applica tion. ; mhSO-iae COUPOINB 5_20 •; 6-81. OF THE 1881 LOAN, DUE JULY Ist, 1865, Aim OF TUB FIVE-TWENTY LOAW^ DUE HAT Ist, BOUGHT AT BEST BATES, BY WM. PAINTER & GO., Bankers, ape in 110 BOOTH TBtBP BTBBBT. oßasnss man. . alsx sbhboh, jr. (ORARLEB SHORT & CO., <. ; STOCM AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, m is South Tbitd street, FHHIADBLPHIA. All kind* of mtmrat fund* and Gold and SOra bontht and eold', and Collections made. Particular attention (Iren to the purchase and sal* of Government. State, and other Stocks and Loans on com mission. ' noM.toa 5-20 ;' ,o : c>' rT,Jp p’r>r-» : , ■ " DUE ' '.'■'mA.-SF._lS*.;'- i- BOCCHT AT EI6HEBT MARKET PRICI, bt r DREXEL & C 0„ mM»-tmTl Ho.-3* BOOTH THIKD BTRBBT. TREASURY department, ofpiob JL Of THE GOMTTHOLLBR OF THE OO KRESOT. WiSHißßToir, January 36,1866 Whereat, By nthfutorr ertdonoe pre»ented to a* lathe city of Philadelphia! in the, county of Philadel phia. ana State of Pennsylvania, h&a.been duly orta nized under and aceorttiiiL* to the regulremenki of the Act of Concrete entitled yAn arf hr provide a National OoinatTi wtued by a jpledfa of tfnitod State* bond*, uid to proTlde tax the circulation and redemption thereof, ” approved June S, 104* and ha» complied with aiithe proTisioM of wtfd aet required to be complied .with before com3ouft«hf ta#hoi»ia«» of nnknc under •kid Aet— •• • • • How, fterafoia, Iy HJTGH McODtLOCH, Cfflmfc (roller of (ha Cnrrenejr, doehMeW j»rtlf».tfcat, THE HATIOHAL BXCHABOfc BASK OF PHILADELPHIA, Inth. 3tTofHdl»d«lpAJ»^lothoaountyof Phlladal phis, andStato of Fwuwylyania, 1» authorized to*om menea the basinofli of bahtrln, under the aet aforesaid CesnptroUer o* the Currency, IJHB FRAN KLIN VINO FWSD, KO. 130 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW CfIBSTITOT, , , Para Beeper tent. Intercut op Deposits; Agents for tile tale of United States 7 *lO Loans at Far. GFeyern ment. State end City Loans and Stocks bonsht wm| sold for depositor* and others cn CohuoUblobc marTSm WILLIAM H. WA3FNE, - 7 7 Late Discount Clerk Bank of Forth Amertw, STOCK and BILL BROKER, 80. 16 BAHK Street. Loans. Stocks, Ac., purchased and sold at the Phils, delphia Stock Board. Money, procured on coilatesaU, Promiiaory notea negotteteds &A. *a mhll^Sja CAMUEL, ALLEN, . O STOCK BROKER, ■ _ . Ho. WBs’Bonth THIRD Street, mhl7-lm* , . FHmapßnpgQb OIL BTOCKB, U 8. LOANS, &c., v Bonaax ajto bold OJT COMMIBSIOSI. Bt OEOROB J. bote, ' Broker, is7-I«l( • KO. 18 Booth THIRD Street SEW PUBLICATIONS. THHE APRIL NUMBER• ; " '“trHETEI) STaTBS°RB?tVKIjf MAOAZIHB ' -. contains a ftraohlc sketch of SBJRJUH’B AILAHTA GaMPAISH. ■With a new Map or the Lines of March. It is the roostcomplete history of the. frost eampalmi - tfeetlae leen written, end is-of the blcbesfc interest. Thi* xtu ml>er Is filled witiiotliM datemting and vat**- We |ew_To*. T. B. PUSH, B*.W. cor. BEXTS and CKB3TST UT, It ", • •, - Agent for PMladelphlar*. T?IVE CHABMIHG®ffiW CiBTEa EB J- VIBITB— ‘ Specialties” from orlstnal drawings by. Phßadelyhla Artists, jnst ontdlahedbyPhl-adslphls -hotograpbic Ccmpany. No. 130 OHBSTNUr Street. “Ihe Bride,” "Jockey H*t and Feathsn” ' Bally Bonnd the Flag.” "Little Bed Biding Hood”'and “Old Bachelor. r ’ , ; « - COFARTWERSHICS. : .'ff'OTIOB. THB PARTNERSHIP A-' heretofore esisHui frotgeen ths aaderßiuosd, under the firm of piLL S L&W, 1» this day by mutual cmjrent Qispolved. _ , ~, ~ Th*. business of said firm gin he settled by STTAD ■ BAOH Bibb, ghohas assumed tbs liabilities, and eou tiaues the bosluees.atB7 Jjhilidsdpiila. JUDAH iSVT. „' sufi-fit* LEGAL. , "'tOURT OF COMMON PLEAS IN- Dl v VOBCB, SejptranfcB».Term, XMJ, Ho.' 0, «L> e»bp. D JOHA’tf/A™bKKO^&i i 'bT ter aext frlead,-. 4c., DollM that theConrtli»« gTwaled Aiolo on cwiib wiyifiwwosi a ?1b mat.. elioold not be decreed 'o. lllB abevaoaee. BetnrEßble Satocfiay,. April IGth. IBM. pereun&li«er-_ ticebavitl failed oo account of yogr ’V OU7B« - ■ . v> A> XU A*- ’«dA r ~**.. . 1 . i ...For LUieUut. XlOKCo: j: April 1, ises_. TXEIRB -TO,) BSGLIBH LEGACIES JJL viu do Troll C®LABK BOOK MAHOTAOTURBRS, Ho. 43» GKISTSror Street. apS thstoSt. J^OOEIIKfcSLABSES,. A T B;E: B UCE B CEB. S. EJVBLK & SONS b»Tftnuaa&BßEAT BimrOTMStfß. ttoirptloM, and haia sow. in, stock a very lasi3, aad oleiftat aasioil . merit.®! - IiOOKING-GIuASSES, 08, PAINTINGS,*. ENGRAVINGS, :miwbiw urn, wwag WUMM. - , . - '..••• ... " ? . »ddi na&Bfr .Mira&s? %gsssms ssa& jiaisft, sc. ■ . _ EAELE’S-GALLEMES, MM7-1* gift QgßSTßtrr BTESgg. TgNGLIBS BBQWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, IK BTQKB. AKD GLASS. ALBERT G. ROBERTS, DBAiJB IK PINK OfiOOEBIES, CorMrof EEKVBNTH and YIHB St». AEMY SOOmS.—HERMETICALLY 3l SKALXD,PBOVISiOBTP, FKUITd, Ac. The eubtariber* offer for sals at loweefc rates 25,0 0 cases, two dt*w* each, comprising Roast Beef, Bo&ft Vesdt'TSoilfd Mutton, tß*»f«leak* Veal Oaa?ts t ala mod&Beef, Mutton Chops, Beef Soap, Veal Soap, Mutton Stoup, succotash. Green Goan. Lima Beene. String Beans, Tomatoea Green .Peas. cjAdenaed Milk, Steweov&el. Beef ana Vegetables. Mutton and vege table*, Soup and BouUli, Chicken Soup., llrl.**,** 60 Ohlekaiu giusegeMeat, .Boasi.Taih£y» Koasi Ohlckea, Boast Buck, Butted Pigeon, VeieUble Soup. Oyster*. Veal and Vegetables, Salmon, berry Sauce, assoitStJelMee, Boast Goose, Ox tail Strawberries, ilaekherrlee, Pine Applet *?ELCOODoje* Cane first quality Delaware Peaches; the> ***"»?* ” te ssißK A po; It*. 108 mad Ij4»,BOOTH WHABVSS. |?ABINA, TAPIOCJA.&c. *«'» S- SCO boxes Vatina. MO boxes Corn Starch, - 300 bspe Tapioca, £o>bsgs Bermuda Arrow Boot, 100 boxes Italian Maccaronl, 2TO b\xes Baker’s It* 108 and 110 Bonth WBARYBS, TO COAL. on. EEFINERB—JANKB V 112*4 -witb l|Bfid, i}nraed in the host jaanaer »ad TOmntea to iHe w - ™ SAn , 11a Eonth SBylotH Btmt.. FOB SA-LB—CATAW- U 1,,, laatsila, Coneord, Clinton. Blh>. Hartford. Prolific w>rTo?itia t'faiietie S . in lar*» or * r ™ikmo a %\ M|. MITCHE3ON, 528 WALNUT • Street. desires to see HOTCBIRB, B*q « if in tbiscltj. upon important professional bastoess, or to be favored ’with bis address by any o*»wta can •ferefab it. &p6-$t PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.-TRY THE X best styles wbandtfftred, patented bio ge-back Al bums: sold at B. ¥ BKIBIBR'S Photograph SaiUry. 6534: ARCH Street. styles, various size? At* riABD PHOTOGRAPHS. —l2 FOR V *1 S 6. n*at and pretty style*. aattanU for album*. Mso for scholars lo exchanr* with sonoobaates res ■pteißMw *t BBJiiSS*’B» s#?w smj# 6 WASTED—A FIRST-CLASS SALES' IT (in a Hotlon Hones), well acquainted with Cluster sod Delaware county Trade. » Direct Boy 1682 Fo. ■ . WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BALBB - MAW (in a Notion Bones), well acquainted WANTED—IN A WOOLEN JOBBING "* BOtfSB, a SUtESITAJr, thoroughly acquainted with the 4ivr and near eountry trade* to seu by sample. _ Artdnn • taker, ' 1 at i fhie OSes, WANTED-BY i YOUNG MAN A’ » » SITOATfSH as Assistant Booh- Keeper, fleneritl. or Entry Clerk. of is any cApfccity where a iced Pea man and Accouirtspt is ret?iiU v ed 3 good references.- Addreta “M. C., T » grans office . 'll* W AST E ll—A YOUNG MAN,"AS 6ALBSMAJJ, ls*’a first- elase Retail Dry Gooa's an hand required. Address ’** B. this office ap6-3t* WANTED—A mVATim AS 3U- T * 7BBIBTBNDBBT c?SJ.ERK of an Of!! Company by a nan who is not afraid* of work, zfindV csr oil. Sa tisfactory reference. „ Address “E, c.,** Prcay'offloe. aps-2fc* WANTED—BO AKO' IN A KE9FEC- J ‘ TABLE. private family, for » Gentleman. Wife, aid two Children Plot* address BonfßSlFost oace. _ am at* WPTED XMMSDIATEI if-*m A *T plain, moderate* family, fora LADY. two airy pleasant RuOMS with a email Booth attached, wtfhor without furniture, and with or without Board Bosn d&rle*. Sprrfce to vine, Twelfth toTtyeaty-SeeaiicL oa except! or able references given and required. Address, aasoSrfaspossible, BDMUBD J IAROASOJ,- »p# Si* 309 SPRUCE Street. WANTED—A SITUATION* AS SU * I pericterdect or Clerk of, H'tel itf the city or conntiy, ten years’ experien<£. and ,tbe be-t ol ■ reierenCß. Address G. 8. Powiw. J’/odr office. Qi>3 4t* WANTED—CAN TAB SERBr FOR ” LIPE IHStTB AHOE The beet terms ofierol. Ap ply Id *3‘*OBB3T»UT Bt., second atory mtgftlm* WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH— "> A reliable Canvasser in every town aad county, for the tfURBS ABB SPY* the loti interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adcen. tores of a, woman in the Union army as Burse, Scouf, and Spy, giving a moat vivid inner piocure of the war/ We have Agent* clearing $l6O per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant Send for circulars, Address *»XOBB& BROS,, * GO., 600 CBBSTWUT Street. Philadelphia.” mh7lm» A PBIL 4th, 1866—A LADY OF EX •ajl PBRIRHCB wishes a situation as ELoutekeepsr or Governess in a private family B*sfc reference given "B. W.,” pres* office. , apSlK* nOAL YARD.— TO LEASE FOR A term of years, a vacant lot onnorth side of WASH ING rOB Avenue, above Twelfth*-® feet byss,nutia-. ble for a coal yard, or for oth*r purposes j will he fitted tip for a coal yard, if- desired. Inquire at 80. 909 CO24MERGB Street. mfr3s-stnthgfc» MENT HOUSE FOR HOUSE A-dKESMSftS, Seamstresses, Chamber maid., Walters, Ranee, Cookfl. L&nnd ressee, and general-house word, whitened colored. 803 LOCUST St. abt-lm PMPLOY ME NT HOUSE for CLERKS, -*-A Book- k e*-pprs, Kales men, Packers. Porters Watch men. Cosehmen, Drivers, Conductora. Bar-tenders, WalterstParm-hands. 6aro»vere,Bc Employers suited, at ehort notice. Bo3and 804 LOi.JUBT Stapl-Im fiEBATEST THING OF THE TIMES VA_RoWEIS -8 PRIZE BSVBLOPBS —Agents wanted everywhere. JPmn*uin Watches given Trehaenit. On' receipt of $>G we will mail. post paid, 100 tnvelopas, and a splendid Solid Silver .Banting. Game Watch aa a premium to the agent A single Envelope sent, with circular and fnilpar’lcnJare, «* receipt of 46c*nta. Ad» dre*e A S. BO WEB *OO., P. 0 , BoxWTO,36BEBS MAB Street, H. Y-’' mfrff Sm m- -RANTED TO RENT—A FUR JH. HlhaBJD BOOSE In the country, within ton miles o’ the city, near * railroad station. Add rest A . office of The Press. aos-ai*- gft WANTED-A HOUSE WITH ■!* modern conveniences, in a good neighborhood, for a family of four persons, by a ioapmsibietenant. Gail on or address „!*%•* fU* . apt St* 4b3sr BARgBT Street. m HOUSE WANTED.—WANTED KTO BEST—A medinm-aized House, with all the modern con.entenceß. and within twenty minateso. The Press office. Best of references given. Address ** K. F office of The Press. mhat-if WANTBD—ON 7 REAL /U BBTATB worth Si,COQ. for three tis per ceit. 'Any merehantlntfteclty wishing to open a Cosmil*> ion House in the country will hear of a good opportunity by addressing -‘''Loyal Gliisen, Prw# office. ; »P6At ©on nnn (twenty thousand qpA'VjVV/ly BOLLsR-i} —WAHTSD. a Gentlemen with this amount cash, to invest with a Keayfactarer for one year. Address *‘A. 8. G.. ’ ’ office of The Press, Philft- elphia ' •_ apl 8t« FUK BALU A«l> ®TO RENT, WITH FURNITURE— From Ist Jane to 16 V*l*C*Bl/EIBIJSrNESB LOCATION. Iron and B.lcS BBiI.D!O,'6S. MaKKbTStreet. HINB TEUHtH Street, and JOHES Street, it feat on Market street, £6 feet on nineteenth street, ISO feet in aepvh through to Jeheostreet; three front!. ■ Cn 4 OBSPAX., April 11, IBM, ati| oVdook. soon, wHI be cold at public,’ sale. at tbs PHILADELPHIA EX CHAKOg, all that valuable property belonging to ‘ ■ The lennsylvamia Salt Manefactnrlng Company, ’’ compoted of three lots, one of them aim,to on the-Borut side of Market street, 28 feeteaet of Umeteenth street, containing In front' on Market street 42 feet, ajiei depth northward 12* feet j one other of- them sitnMaon the east side-of nineteenth street, IStkfeet north of Market-street;, containing in front on Iftne teenth street 2B feet,.and emending in depth eastward 64 lest, with the privilege oi a 4-feet wide allay touting into Hinateenth- street and the other of them ing the last described: lot on the north, on tho-souta ilde of Jones street, eoDtaliihg In fronton nineteenth street 86 feet, and in depth, eastward along the said Jones street W.eet. lie entire depth from.-MCThet street to Jones street 180- feet. The said lots are completely covered, with substantial iron and brick bnildlngß, capable of noldlng 6,CdO barrels,.and. wonld be a molt vsldable property lor storing purposes or for commission and fotwardraa houses, railroad or*x»iosi companies, being in. dose proximity to several, of the Pr The l ?otelMd°!abov«deecrlbed are snbiechto a re deemable yearlygronhd’ientof *7OB, and the Jot third described to teredeemable yearty ground rent of - JSJ- Lithographic plans may be seen at the. Auction Boom/' "It THOMAS & BONS.Anotioneera. ape thsgtlf 138 hand I*l Smih PoPETE Street. MBS FOR RAT.TB—TWO COTTAGES IN ■X Atlantic City, near the Wch; tlx .chambers In each. Applyat oSlce oi ~ C 4 A- SP'' i apf>-8t . r Ho 4,34, WAJ.«X«Street . FOB. SALS—BBICK DWELLING, Mo. Si 6 Mortlt BBV£Sf PS Street, below Gre BOR, S-&-LE —A THREE-STORY £1 BRICK SOUSS, eight Toning .?t*“ , 5 , &,®5 9 CHBBB® Street. Apply at 258 South THIBD Street. Btcoi a atriy. tacit room- apo-« m FOR SALE-DWELI&NG-HOUSE %?/4 FTMiH ™ litrest - Bort^«*raS&T. mh»lm* Ho. 30 HorUt SBTBHTfI Street. Aliti TERRITORY.—FOR SALE, A V 7 vain ah] a Oil, TBACT situation a branch of the Termaemderate andtitle good. ■ Title,, plot, certificates, £«., opecifor examination. Apply to A, a MoOAtnBS, wB>st He. S&BaathTRIBP Street. /-wfjcb to let—suitable for Oil Company— BOOM Ho. %.northwest corAer- FIfTH and CBdSTKPT. Apply,at.'BOOM 80. 3. ap6-3t-. UOR SALE-ONE ORIGINAL SHARE. Jf ip a first-Bias. OIL COjpATfl now forming Per part! nyiD BVABB. 1?0B SALE—A L«T OP HROXFND OK r Sgy BBBT Street, wwt of nineteenth. Wbv fasts will be olosed nen/ low for eaafc „ B F OLSBd, mblS tl 183 Snath POITSTg Street. f» MISS AS-KAII, HO. 15 SOHTF.- A#s> NINTH Stieet. will 4e» PAEIS MILOBKKTf TnPKEOAY. aprUeih. ap4-8t« W MBS. %A. E3NO WILL OPEN. A *#» handsome uatortmenhof Spring tod Summer'Mil lln*ry, on 'WSSBEBPaY,. April 6tb, and alaih a. case of Pienci,Bonnets. . Wi lt* r» MBS. % .WKIOHTpfMQ. PINE ‘‘SP'Street. will oi»nDaSHIOBABLS MLMJSKKT o:t THCBMPAI. April 61b. 1865. > ■' ap3-it* tej, KISTEF'S, No. 145, -% EIGHTS '2TCrfm^p7sp^iQ O ABB H s®aMT 4 4* the verrT.feht .Veto. City mUllOe/Smotbdmllted.. >e have now Opto our Bibbsni, Si'awere. Straw Tran mieg. and ftataeAaf.tho beat abase*. VOM l> A Photo«r*plifromXlff/ oS : * »BS tom afd baby. r . t Street. .Copley >ent fry mail on y««eipFof 80 gents. : apS-« PoiTthe illumination. I. «*qeabt casdlss.” ■Warjantednot to ■"• gun. ” Sonabio by ’ BQBBBT "DOHSBLL A so*,. and 806 WALBPT Street. C^LDBEN;? OABBIAO|B fe BN. toperlor g ro |& and aal. , 15T and 150 North THIRD Btraet 3u7labds _ sijbveted,and laid entlo Level and Topographical Plana Drawnbj o “m SOMISS, osvii Engineer and Burner or, FIST* street. toW Walnut 81,_ WANTS. AJEY’. THOB. H. COBSHLL, Conutingßouse of , Dr. D. J tSJMIJfc SOB, 848 OHBtWitrf Screet. ' '^EDMUiVEMT. AUCTION SAIJSS# pi RIS MPT OUT BALE, OF ROOKo, urooK ATIOBEST - PHOTOGRAPH AIIBHHS, AHD MKOBLLASBOBd ARTICLES, _ On M<>BDaß and TUESDAY MOBHIYag. April loth and 11th. at tO o ctoot,-al „ ®h®deesok a oo '4 sa« 4Roa street, Cl«tin* out »a!« Of the balance of Stock. consisting I* part of standard Works of American and foreign anthors. mehaa: Arthur, Bryant, 8a; croft,' Downing, J j r'^?,lBjl,’iPawtll",rn«.1 8 j l, ’iP awtll " ,r n«. Holmes,tDtaa. Marsh, ■ i a T,H d r ‘uPj ro i?‘ Butos, Scott. ShakspeAW, Rntldn, P»£ Wilsoß, Qie-lsr. Hanitton, SeWelL 1 Gnizot, Herbert, Spencer, ana others. Also, bandtoißh Family and Pocket Bibles. Prayer it end Hymn Bosks, In Hofeeco and- Velvet bindings. , Photograph AHrense, Scrap Books, picket Books, Port ', ,’0)108, Writing end Paint Boles, Engravings, Blank S gooks, Paper. Bnvelnpetr, Ac. ._»■ . Ac. ■ sne-Bt inpßE PBENIX m&NV S’ACT U RiNe ; X COMPAHT will offer for sale at PUBLIO A’UOTrON. .DH THTOSDAY, THE STB'OP APRIL HEX*. At 11 o’doclc A. X.* JitSi THE OOTToW B&CfetrWfeSY, Sow 1* good raining orSM, At thal PATEBStHT, 'JfttW JERSEY^ AdnihgaYcr Ob* making «f Cotton Hock, Tin St Cotton CSttdA. arinchee. withthe Picker*, Eaiiww Beads, Drav«og anil Speeders Pramee,-all comutotg, with ttans, B.’bbfnA, ,»c. S 3 Spinning frames, B 2 spindles each; 16 Trainee, 2% inch Traverse Gore frames; 7 Trxmta; 2-lnen Tre 'llpalr'jßlnlea. S*9o'spln*dfss. jfTwtat ns, 7»M>Wdles • 82 Power Boomer for cotton or Bsaranelt, all complete- with Shuttles, handing Frames, Bobbin*. Reeds, and .Harness' 2TgrnFm>ss f) Dibundlecuaeli. 1 Tsrn Free’. 10-liK'bundle*. 2 BsUing Mmchinw 12 Cotloa Bee i«-&e- : . . Cans, dm Lots of Hand llacklyjor d™. _ _ mbSS 9t BBTfAMIH B, TILT, Prgrtdent. HURTH dH? AHD SAtt, SOJf ikteete. AUCTIOir SALS OP HOBS®, 4« , OH sathsaiay ,i?OKHxaa ifßxr. a ™ o’clock, comp^siuy^^ .Rafted to harness amd tie aaSdlp, inclstiing-- /Pnatr of handsome m atcb ! mgray horses-. ; a*Rogers barouche a«\l Lmd wagon, i rock sway si a noiop wagon. ; .A-Watvni sttlkey, tbri* sU?&m& single end doubte 'harnqee. bankets, robes,’ sc A donkey, donkey c*rt and hazkfFK. »? «ar Sale Tsezemptorjr, bi ordtrof Executors of estate or RUi&tcn Perot, W,. u A'spsra ef elegant dapple iA a * kc*#?. wlthloag Sow* installs. To be sold to eotaem.' A-large collection of deeirafe'e second c&TTtsges',. light wagons, aisgile acP doable bridles. wblps» halters &• > No poutooremßßt on account e: feather. SOP Pale of Horses; Ac , on W S2BDAY. CarrKies and harness at uxivatej . apygtlf ALFRED M B.KRKS ZZ& kv.Xion**. BTBRR & CHAMPrOSI AUC ycyh. TKJHSPBS. . iPCTIOJf SALE PEHI4Y. WOlbosold at pobl’c saIoonFBIDA.Y StOgUllirs. m large coJlectlon of Borees, comprising a Jirge nnmbor of good’Familjr Bones. Also, a nomber &raagbk and Farm Horses Also, some goo j eaddiC'Hir^es ilro Carriages. Jenny Lines Rockaway#. Top Watoa*. 80-top Wagons. Phaetons, Sonias* Pm*» horns. &e.. &o Also, a etimber of rets of Harness, dime *md doable, new and eecond head Bridles. «e B. B. —JPortlcnlars in time for rale.. Fo postponement on account of weaiher. Stabling fsrborses for pnbife or private ssla. Private saiie every day. ap6-2t fcTEBK h CBAMPIpy. Ancticjperg. JUBOPSJGMBBPrft. raiw chebtktjt-strert tuba *Bg~CBRttTBIJT BTSEST, ABOVE TWRLFrBm WEBFBBBAY AKD THHR-IBaY BVESrfoi PBO’BTfOTIO*. AFTER COMPLETE PREPARATION. F«R POSITIVELY F.OHR RIOHTS Of Mrs. Harriet Beecher 6tuwe*e groat work, In S act*, styled UNCLB T 0M T 8 CABIR; OK > LIFE AMO» G THE LO WLY. The Manager deem* itnec»OTarv to stale that thi* gimk PCCTOfeJS OF fcODTBEKJf LIFE AKO SOB S& Has been in preparation for severed weeks std wa* In tended for a much earlier presentation.- but t&e great success attending the new drama. The Workman of Philadelphia, presented its-advent upon the date in* tended It can only now be given four nights tn'oosumk Qoezce of the approaeaing engagement of MRS JO. P. hOWBHa ItwW^g^nWwii^ KICHABD B ® rH * HEW MAeMSKRT, ALL THE ORIMHAL MDHTC. And zemsrkabl v j PttWESFOL CAST OF CHARACTERS,' Bring'ig Into Tequisttlcii'every '- ~... MEHBEB OF THE 7 ALESTBD-srnr.K OOMPAHT, FRIDAY SVBUMBKf. • BEHET T OF MR. WAETBB LEYHOX.' t-ATDRDAY AFTKKHuOH;A|,riI,B.. ; TSIETY-BIHTH ORAHD FAMILY. MaTIEKR. When Unde Tim 's Cabin -will ba presented TjgEW CHESTOTJT-BT: theatbe. BE PESP&BED* BOfi’-THB*- BE*B FIT THB POPULAB*COireiK*ir. MB WaLTSK LBNaOX. OaBBIDAY EVBSISS M*XT, April T, ffpott whl six ooearion» MZLZr'BICH W[ PH -WfF, WS} 49P PATHOS ' Will be presented.’. Upon- this occasion only -grand tragedy of M&GBStE ~ Will be presented in a netMbrm. Macbeth~..—- ■•« Mr. Siwlß'PorrestLeaJUXE. With tie touching and pathetic legendary song, .rntybed* ALOffZO THB BEaVE AOB HIS PAISIMOGBSE; Dady Macbeth* for Uds occaifrmxmly, * _ Mies-Ohartotte Coehaisn Baker. - Darin* the bortesqca - GBA27D HIGHLAND PiilSa, - , n „ t „w-„ MR: AHD MfeS. KAOB?STH. Tbo piece will abound with genuine* repartee, maek Bumor»aud Overpowering Wli. • After the bur;etqne MitiS TSRMA’WOOD, Premier Dsnseats of Grover’s Grand German-Opera. (who has in the hflndest manner volunteered‘he? valuable set* vices), irLU appear^n (By the bind n»rmi(«slon of Mr JUecsard Grover) To conclude great drama, sis acts, styled ' "tfschk w Tomi gabihi Secureyonr Beats at once and tbaa ra&b» THEATRE, THURSDAY EVBNING, April 6, YSSfYALI, ■ YB3TYALI. .ifi great irma-Awna*. SAMBA,. FORTUNS-TELT/BR, FBIBaST, BENEFIT OF YBSTYALIi _____ -MONDAY, HEARTS ABB TBPMPB MW..JOHN DREW»S- NSW ARCS- A*A STB BBT THEATRE. - I OUST H NIGHT OF .EDWIN- ADIHS - T3iS ITHDBSDAIIBYESANGKi April 6. 1855, THB LADYOF LYuNS- Clande-Mel nolle .Kiwis Adam, B. B.; 08, TBB-BBHBBIA BOY Beniamin Bobbin Stuart Bobtoa. FRIDAY, BENEFIT -OF BDWINADaMS. . First Elahtof ■'MKBOxM'HB.DaY-' 1 TV/ra DEMPSTER’S SECOND AND XYAiBAST BALLAD ESTMTxINMBST, attieMtr- SICAL lUND HALL, on THURSDAY BYB*IMG, AprlMiii, wiilineinde tbs following sonne, nil :\ Bnalaßong, ” “Tte Spleidor-Fairs on Castle Walls, *‘A Doubting Heart,” ‘■‘Jaitai. Anderson. My Jo.” “Tty Yoira la Hoard thronghßolllsgDrama.’ "Homo tbeymSousbt bar Warxior-Bead-” “ The Will of Limit. Boyne,’’ Tbo Mother’* Slate Grief.’’ "Ask xno So Mora,” “I’m Alone. Alii Abma,’” “ The Little Bir die, "1 "My Fannie. O,” “Tee Blind Boy," ‘‘Tab yerenld Bleak aboot Ye,! v Mary.” and “SfceMay Queen,” in ihre* pans, ri , ' _ TSJsetß 60 «ents each Beaerved Seats, with number* attached. §6O- cents extra, to be had at Mr. J. B. GOULD’S, Seventh and ■ Chestnut Streets, where a p7aa>.ef the. Hall may b&»a*62fc To com men es at s o’otoek. &ps«* fiSRMANIA FUBLIO every. SACTJB&AY at SH o’*lo*k P.M., at MUSICAL Pim&jgALL. Single Ticket*, M easktSm- Six. Tickets, $1; A*» dia's. and-Meyer** Music Store*, aa4 at the Halt.' Btff-ft- 'fHB ACADEMY' OB’ BINS ARTS A* CHESTNUT Strew. aboVe Testlx, la OPBN DALLY Mr visitors. from 9 A M. to 6T. M. JeS* WAN TED—BSARIh IN A PRIVATE ”"Family, within half Amjlobf Fbtirtb asdChwt nnt street*, by a yoxxng man. Please address Hiasr 3RAY, Bon SCSS, eta ting i earns. An »i Ha ndB011, BOOMS, WITg BOABD, at lhe Northwest comer of NINTH and SBBtTC*St,eet. a.t*-Sf BEMOVALS. TMaiOVAA—TBB OFFICE OF THE A*» HuOVBB A®» MASS HALL OH, COMPANY ban beam lemoned from. No. BQB Sontb SotmrH otreet t» Northwest Center FIFTH and CHSStNCT .Streets, Boom No. 3. mMB-l» GTOl#-WA.RM]t§'NO. 4*475, *J dated December M. 18f4. by tbe Highway Depart ment ot Philadelphia, to WM. SILL, for *6l« craw, and by litn aadorsed, payable totia order of Dr. WM. ° Payment of this Warrant has. been stopped. Nolle* is hereby sinea that spplicatioa.will be mad* for a dn tijgtfS&r* "WM. CPRRAN, M, D. farraMwg WE S T CHESTER «W.lf fflreißi AND. PHILADELPHIA KAIL. train. wD> laevo u fallOWa r WEST GHBB-HSB TRAINS Leave Philadelphia *r W«tChesterat7.3sandl&E&-. Chertar fasßhaadelpMa aSS.2O, 7 45, aaS- v IO.SBA.M , and 145 804 448 P.M _ - , , Trains leaning Weet Bbseter at 7.46 A. SL and Uayin Pbtiadolphia at 4 45 P. M- will stop only at Media, B.<£' Junction, Glen Mil) » 4 C^raeT’s t andSireet Bond B. O. NQSCSIOH TRAINS _ Leone IC. Junction at 4.15 audit, P M Leave B. <3. Janettea. *sr Philadelphia at 8.28 A. M* and tSOP. M- Tboee trains s^rtilnWgn^ia.tatlons. |U|| M.'bonnsct at.Bj G JnncHon with trains on P. & 8.. G 8.8. foroxfo/d and intermediate potnts. Paxaengere ara allowed to take wearing apparel only asibsggage, nd tbs Company will not, 1“ bbY re» posslols formn. amonnt eneoeding one hnndfrtl Mi* i “^if^° r (le‘' . PHiLAPiS7111, so. as r t*Wh st. ..b»™ oh..»»* DOBOQHTrtlfbfi’elO? CHMSTSUT BKaat. S? OARER’S ORK-&MBKTAB !«f