From the American uienurr «steH««ad rnUUsUer’N Circnlaiv Shakspbarian Dooumbmts.—At a putUo Bale, in London, on the 6th ultimo, of the' Napoleon and other autographs oolleotad by Mr.'Satnsbtiry,-the counterpart of the deed, in the City of London Ll* brary, at GuUdbaH, was disposed of, and also a con veyance sbpplylng new facta in the poet’s family history. It has l»en ascertained, that Shakspearo’s widoV, ate Ann Hathaway, married a shoemaker, as her second husband. . “ Tout BcTMjk”-The Atkenaum, in a review of this novel, Which'iß -now republished in' three volumes after haying been very attractive for many months as„a serial in Blacktmadts Magazine, oon stbw H as an imitation of Charles Lever, by an ablehandr not muoh used to fiction. Considering, however, that the Irish locality described Is For trush, in IJlster, where Lever spent some years as dispensary doctor, and that he was bora in that vicinity, it may be doubted whether u Tony Butler” was not written by Lever. The Italian characters mad locality are such as Lever, who has been British oonsul at Spezzia for several years, need not have invented, for they wore at hand while he wrote. A Wb leam, from the London Literary Gazette, that a case of some interest to authors was tried recently in the Sheriffs Oonrt, London. Mias Barlee sued the publisher of “Good Words” for £6O, the alleged value of a manusarlpt whloh she had forwarded for publication in that work, hut which had been lost, tvtihh Barlee. it appeared, bad submitted a portion of tile manuscript to a friend, MIBB Isa Craig, who undertook- to forward it .to Mr. Strahan, That gentleman, who admitted having received it, after wards forwarded it to Dr. MoLeod, the editor, who had not returned it. Miss Craig, who was palled aa a wiiness, Stated that she always kept a copy of any. paper she forwarded, as she believed that editors were not responsible forgnor were expected to re turn, reieotea articles. The judge thereupon held the defendant not liable, and ordered Miss Barlee to be non-suited, with cdßts. Mr. Stratum waived his' claim to costs. It is now said that the French Emperor’S Life of Cmear will not be published until after the debate on the address in the French Chamber. It will be published In six oapltals, in six different languages, on the same day. The translators receive between *1,600 and *2,000 a volume. The first volume will be exclusively davott d to an essay on the oharacter and destiny of Osesar. The historical portion of the work will commence with the second volume. Thb Abbe Bresseur de Bourbourg writes from Yuoatan that he has discovered In a private library at Merida an old manuscript dictionary of the Maya languaeer and that he is copying it. The French Government has sent fifteen explorers into different, parts of Mexico. M. Dk Oabnb, some time director of political, affairs during Louis Philippe’s reign, has in press a work entitled “Europe and the Second Empire,” in which he hopes to prove that Louis' Philippe’S foreign policy was abler and more prolifla than Louis-Napoieonts is, * It }b denied that Mme. Heine has sold any of her husband’s manuscripts to the Austrian Govern ment. ' M. PboUdhon bequeathed to six friends the duty of publishing a complete edltiou of his works. It is said these mends'wilt publish in the first In stance,.in-two volumes, his principal works, -He was .engaged in correcting the proof-sheets of a pamphlet on contemporary politics when he died; this workwill bo published in a few days. TEs name or the pulpit orator, Father Hya cinthe, who passes for the best living preacher In France, Is Theodore Loyson. He published a volnme of poems in his youth. I eeoekt to record the.death of Mme. de Toeqae vllle, widow of the eminent political writer and statesman/whom she has thnß survived only five vests, for he died In iB6O That blow broke her heart, .She was an Eoallshwoman by birth, Miss Marv Motley, as was Mme. de Lamartine, and as are Mme. de Montalanibert and the wives of many other eminent Frenchmen. Since her husband's death she has lived in complete retirement at the Chateau de Tocqueville. She is buried by heribus band’s side, in the little village cemetery of Tooqaa. ville. She has bequeathed all her husband’s manu scripts to M. Gustave de Beaumont, and ‘his noble marble butt to the French Academy, The Bishop (Dupanloup) of Orleans has published a pamphlet on the Boman question, which is able and commands great attention. A reply, “ What Bishop DupanloupSays and Thinks.” is announced; the title shows the impression made here by the pamphlet. The poor profits, of literature on the continent, oblige most writers to fill some post under ' Govern ment, unless they may, like M. Sainte Beuve (and he was forbears a librarian in the Blbliotheque Mazarine, where Messrs. Phllardte, Chasles, de Saoy, and Daremberg—all of whom, by the way, are writers on the Journal dee Debate— are librarians) and M, Theopbile Gantier, be employed by spfhe news paper. M.X.Marinler,tbe traveller, Is a librarian, at the BlbliothSque Ste. Genevieve ; M. Ampere was a librarian at the BibUotbdque Mazarine ; M. Henry Conscience, the Flemish novelist (I am sur prised his tales have sp-ltttle vogue with yon), Is a commissioner at Courtray ; M. Emile Leoleroq Is comptroller of the “hell” at Spa ; M. Siret, the author of the “ Historical Dictionary of Painters,” is commissary of the St Nicolas ; and I might fIU this letter with a similar litany. lak In a vein .of good fortune, for I stumbled a few days since on these autobiographical lines by M. Alexandre Dumas: “ I am a provincial, almost a peasant. When, In 1823, I—then being twenty— came to Paris, I knew how to read and write, ana a poor Abbe, who was paid sixty cents a month, had pushed me forward to the sixth * form;’ this was all I knew. What I have learned since—that Is,’a little Greek, a great deal of Latin; Italian, English, and. Spanish, a little chemistry, a little natural philoso- Jhy, a little astronomy, and even a little medicine have learned alone, according as my need of these different sciences made itself felt. Therefore I have no ideas forced on me. No pedant - ever said to me,‘You must admire this because every body admires it, or loathe that because everybody loathes It.’ I have acoepted no ready-made judg ments. I have formed my judgments myself.” .1 may add that he ended a recent contribution to a newspaper with these words: “I* beg .the person to whom, this autograph may fall to pardon the writing on the page before tbe last. It was written at near ly 4 o’clock A. M., and I .was overcome with sleep.” His contributions are sold as autographs, and the proceeds devoted to works of aharity. THE CITY. miihaky. ARMY HOSPITAL BBFOBTS. The following weekly reports of the Government hospiUls ol this district were received at the Medi cal Director’s office yesterday morning: ' kospm.ui. Islington-lure*** • B&tterlee«*~». Tarter 11 s- 1nn*.............. Hantdlntton* ........... **— Snjnnin House *♦«. ........ Cittiens’ Volunteer*..... ©floors’..*.... Broad-street.**.*... ■ Beverly,S. J. 7 ork u \ ■■ «... .Wm ......... "White ffl&Hiii--:::::::: Chester....*... South-street . Filbert-street....... ©ermantown.*.**<....... T0ta1™.™.™..... RKOBUITIHG, Yntecday the Mayor issued wa meat of the'olty bounty to eighty among tho several wardaas f0110i.,. "Wards. ' Hen. Wards". Hen. First 6 Tenth..,; 1' Second 1 Fifteenth..,...:....... a Third 1 5ixteenth.......;...... 4 Fourth .....; 1 Eighteenth 4 Fifth S Nineteenth..... 6 Seventh 1 Twentieth .lB Ninth ...11 Twenty-fifth ..20 MTSCKT.T.AWKItPk. ' THANKSGIVING FftB’OOK VIOTOBIES, The members of the Union League are requested to assemble at the League Houbb this day (Tues day), at 12 o'clock) punctually, to proceed In a body to the ftontof Independence Hall, for the purpose or uniting with others of their fellow-citizens In giving thanks to Almighty God for the victories which have crowned the anas of the Republic, The League invite their fellow-cittoens to participate in the exercises. DBOWNED. A little child of Hr. Taylor, residing on Jarvis street, near Front, was drowned yesterday after noon, In the Delaware, near Reed-street wharf. The body was speedily recovered, but life was ex tinct. The mother was on a visit to her Bon. at damp Cadwalader, at the time of the sad aooident. SLIGHT FIBES. Last evening, while the Weceaooe Engine Oom' pany were paradingon Ohestnutstreet, each member carrying a torch, ay keeping step to the music of a fine band, their stable was discovered to be on Are. The flames were speedily extinguished. About nine o’clock the roof of the dwelling-house 'Arch street took Arc from rockets. Damage THE COURTS. In many of the courts yesterday jury trials fbr the spring term began; as is usual, however, outhe first day of aterm, but little was done beyond oaU “am*f of. jurors summoned and the trial liata. Soon after the opening of the courts, too. the glorious news of the victory of the army and the capture orßfohmond arrived,rendering the trans action of husiness Impossible. All the courts, there- B- 8- Circuit Court—Judge Grier, The United StatM vs. Bobert M. Let.. Th. do tendant Is indloted for forging, with Intent to dm °5 rt ? la enlistment. pa. per purporttng to be signed by Lieut. James Walker, recruiting officer, this, under the act of Congress of Marc a 3, 1825, for the purpose of ob taining *lOO bounty from the United States. He 1b also charged under the aet of March 2d, 1883, with forging the name or Lieut. Jaa. If. Walker to a s er^ 1 ?v T ''?, o^fL < S. statement, with intent to de fraud the Unlted States. And he Is In still another count of indictment charged with a combination and conspiracy, with others, to defraud the United States. A jnry were empannelled to try the ease, where upon the court adjourned till this morning. united States District Attorney Gilpin and J. K. "Valentine for the United States. Ohaa. W. Brooke and Dennis O’Brien, Esq., for the defendant. Jilsirlct Court, Ho a- Judge Sharswood. Siter et al. vs. Frentzel, This was aa action' on book .aooount to recover for goods Bold and deli vered, The defence was payment. Jnry out. The -court then adjourned. District Court, Ho. I—Judge Stroud. No ease was tried, and at an early hour the court' adjourned. Court or Common Pleas—Judge Allison. This court also adjourned without trying a oase. Court or Quarter Sessions—Judge Thompson, The April term-of the Quarter Sessions com menced yesterday, and a new grand and pßtitjury were in attendance. Peter Bovoudt, Esq., was ap pointed foreman of the Grand Jury. Jadge Lud low was umn-ftie benoh during the morning,it being expected that Geo. Miller a colored soldier, would be tried for homicide, in hilling Thos. White, waspSt^ned 111 ® oaso ’ however, not being ready! The esse of .Levi Goldsmith et al., charged with 00Bs l >1 ™?yj hatffisK been assigned tor trial yesterday, was called up by F. O, Brewster, gq., for defendanta, who aaid they were ready for appealing for the Oommou- Attorney Mann Submitted the bill bon^to^e^J^ 7 TBraiot or nofc B«nty, then MljournetL defendants. The court THE POLICE. IBetore Hr. Alderman Beltler.j yTAEIHO UP THE "WRONG CUSTOMER cud Rodgers, were.arralssml yeeterday at the Central Station on house, having just been relieved from duty tor-the night, he was hailed by a crowd of disorderly men. near Third and Lombard streets. He was lnuS: drees uniform. One of the gang stepped up to him and said: . . ; .. “ How about that 1” “ About what 1” replied Mr. Leavitt. =■ *■ What about that?” responded the assailant, at Ahesame moment knocking Mr. L, down. While I 4 1 184 11 11 10 4 SI 12 8 4 6 4 8 14 i; :. in - 32 1,365 198 298 lfil 31 21 287 . 556 80i 184 18 4J 102 J 1 28 3 9 a 4 22 83 1 19 .. 34 21 14 7,10? manta tot the pay •two men, oredlted (to a prostrate position Mr. Leavitt drew his revol jver and fired one shot- at the htghwayman. The latter fled., A second shot was fired, whereupon the fugitive exclaimed: “Oh, I’m shot,” He fell. His confederates ran away and left him.. The villainw&e taken to the sfcatlon’house, where 1 ;he gave the name of Bodgers. A ball, it appears, struck him on the leg, but inflicted a alight wound -only. Other police officers with Officer Leavitt • went In search of the others, and found two of them In a low drinking-house, near -Fourth and Shtppesr etreete. They were taken fnto tody. The prison ers were committed in default of $2,600 to answer at oohrt. * ~ FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Tjpre was but one topic discussed yesterday, and to it eveiyfchlrg else was completely subordinated. The re joicings of the people, oyer the fall of Elchmond drove away every other thought, and monopolized the time and attention, that are finally devoted to the transac tion. of dally business. - The haunts of trade were either deserted or transformed into meeting places for mutual congratulation- and expressions of joy- Business was completely suspended, not so. much oh account of the unsettling of values occasioned by the new condition of things brought about by the fall of the ‘rebel capital as from the indisposition to talk of any-, thing lets glorious than the stirring news from the gal lant aimtes of the Union* The downfall of the -bogus Confederacy is now an accomplished fact; even its mos t devoted friends in the gold room can see ho hope for its regeneration or revival. The most predent of the bu siness men of thecountry. have already anticipated this event, and have for the past two or three months con ducted their trade as if the thing had already become a fact* Those who steadfastly and earnestly believed in, the final triumph of our cause will be great gainers even in the vulgar financial sense, while their neighbors, whohsvebeen prsdictlngfurther years of prolonged and’ bloody wer with the ultimate triumph of the Bonth, will suffer the fall in the prlceof their full stocked Warehouses. Firm in their belief that the Confed eraoy would triumph they have bought largely at high gold rates, with the hope that gold wbuld still go higher,.and all; prices' again advance* In tl&lr pretent downfall, of course no sympathy can be ex* tended to them; for the ruin which now* Blares themln, the face is the result not so much of want of foresight as of want of patriotism. They cannot ask for the sym pathy of loyal men, unless they expect at the same 1 time that we would have tears to Bhed because our' country is at last vindicated before the world. It has been this Class of men who have so long kept up prices beyond their natural level* that have from time to time combined, and in too many cases they have sue* ceaftfully combined in depreciating the credit of the Government in the estimation of the people at home and he nations of ihe earth generally.' It is to be hoped that the fall of‘the rebel capital will diapersethese enemies of the .public welfare, and restore trade to its natural channel. We are not among those who believe that gold will be at par (as the phrase goes), within the next week or month. While the necessity • continues of Issuing currency by the Government there will be a premium on gold. The most effectual decline in the premium will come When the process of contractu g the currency commences in earnest. ' But nbt until we can lee our way perfectly clear, not until our armies be come gradually and the expenses of the Government materially decrease, will it be in toe power of Mr. McCuilourb to effectually contract We will return fcoa specie basis sorely but gradually, 80 that toe wheels-.of trade will meantime move in their aecnatomed channel, with no disturbance to national or individual finances. Froin to-day we can begin to count ohthe'eteady falhih gold; with no basis for the belief that the current thus set'ln will be stopped or turned aside. The era of commercial prosperity for both Horth and South'ls now dawning, and we can safely trust bur destiny to the able hands how controll ing it in the field and in the Cabinet. ! Immediately .on the announcement of the evacuation of Petersburg the Board of Brokers adjourned, and. the sales thereafter Were of an-exceedingly meagre cha racter, hot sufficient to fix any reliable quotations. The following is a comparative statement of toe con dition of the Philadelphia Banka on Monday and on Ihe previous Monday: : March 97. Aprii3.‘ Capital gtock**.U.-~4**~*,.514,0pS 1 0S0 $14,632,039 Lo&&8 50,263,501. . 60,268,729 lA§*s?iSj 17!087'6i1 Deposits - —. 89,117, 288 38.518 817 Circulation 6.786.660 • 6,893.626 WEEKLY BANK STaTEHEHTT. ■ The following table shows the average condition of the Banks in Philadelphia for the week preceding Mon day, April S, 1666: nmm eiiiw&M ;| ? i}! Ii: l|i &?•; ||i 1i i g=: & : :11 :i t i : g::::: g:: r-;; e 9?«CS?»SOO99OCf'Q , 'OOOeooQOI *-* giiS§SSislSBgSB§ggBgBS§BB§l r- pj-tr 1 'r s® .‘'r-.-p.-””-?.-* mmwmmmmmwmm? §§i§l§§§§iBgli§illl§§lisi§ M : Vii .§:;':.i'i;:§:8;-l§g; gilgliiiSl e°SsSg|glSg®lilSiSigligiil 'iiiiigi§ig'iB§iiig§i§i§i£ii §¥§ii§i§ii¥i¥§ii¥igii'§igi§ iii§¥g§§§g|i§iig¥i§iii’gig§ CO is & M » M M M, MM MMMMMOthOta sissKip«|gsisisiss¥ssili| 'ii¥iiiiiiiigiii§s§'!§§i§lii i iii!igiii3§i§§gi§si¥§g§ggi Clearing Balances. M*rcb 27—40 $470*773 97 • ‘,V ee.e 7,845,922 00 762,486'9i ** «,U»9.256 89 62*718 5£ • M 6,958,346 08- 359,342 ® *• Sl-o. CrOQM» Iff '■ 498,72216 April 5*938,735 SI 634,655 02 $39,787,669-44 <3.149.7S 08 The follow!** were the quotsitoiui ef gol&at the hoars named: 16% A. 11 4* M»^~«^~*^~*******-^.»uvl473< t-ji 147?| A» JJ>-«-»« « m»«»M*>»»>■<■•><■ 1W4. .’1 ljgjrf to 14? 12 M« »M»»»»m»MIM<«IH»lHMim»..«I to UEjt ' Ms*.in.y. •■r&'Tt . 14$$ to Msla. 3 P. M..«. 144 9 P.' H., at Girard House.—'-,-——.-.14? ; The last quotation is a decline cf 7 per cent. onthe closing figure of, Saturday, night. The snbsotfntlons to the level-thirty loan, received by Jay CookWeaterday, amount to *2,'loB,SoO,inclndlhg one of *160,000 from Philadelphia, sad oae of $lOO,OOO from Lancaster, Pa. There were 1.476 individual sub scriptions ol $6O and $lOO each The Soak Oil Company of Pennsylvania held its annual meeting yesterday at tha office of the Company Hr. J. P. Kelnnea was'elccted president, and'Mr. John P. Graff reflected secretary and treasurer, frith also an efflcient hoard of directors. The annual- report which was read was quite satisfactory, and In the fact that- during tenmonths dividends to the amount of ninety cents on each sh are of stock hare been declared, being equal to SB per cent per annum, we bars the: assurance that the Bock is really a substantial and pro fitableeompany, worthy placed by the side of the Columbia or the Maple Shade., . . . , The issue of 7 3.10 Treasury notes bearing date Aug -16, 1664, and now haring less than two and a half years to run, will bo exhausted during the first week in April. The nextiscne (tecond series) will bars.three years to inn from the 15thof June next The present Issue falls due on the 15th of August, 1867, and the second, series will fall due on the 16th of June, 1688—ten mbhths difference. Both issues are payable in money when they mature, or are convertible into 6-30 hands! at the option of the holder. Immediately after the first issue Is exhausted the,second series will be pot out, and It 1b announced that the interest at Hie rate of seren and three, tenths per cent, will he allowed off from the day of subscribing to the above time. The following table shows the amount to he paid for each liescription of bonds on each day of the present weak: Aprils..— *98.64 $192 70 $985.40 **4,927 Apri1,4—.48.28: ‘ 98.86 492 80: 985.80: - 4 928 Aprne—— 4? »• 98 68 - 492.90 958.807' 4,929 lSSSr.rJ±:fg £8 & W April 49.82 ’98.64 , 493.20* 988.40 4,832 - The following, wer# the quofciUhiw forAmerioan'stocks, In London on the 17th ofM*rch : '. MarylandSpercent...oo ® United Stater, 5*20 years, 1882,6 per eent..». SlKftS Virginia State 6 per cent.v.i . »»w4S ;<&* Dd; Q pgr cent* 28 @ Atlantis and Great Western, JTotr York sec tion, Ist mortgage,lB3o, 7 per cent SS ffl Do. 2d mortgage, 1881, 7 per cant 63 ff Pennsylvania, Ist mortgage, 1877 70 f Do. 2d mortgage, 1883 «... 81 Brie shares, $lOO (a11pa1d)...... S 3. Do. 7j>ercent.nrsL. do.' ... ,0 Jmo',BCentral6per cent.. 1875.............. 77 % 78 .Do. . „ SlOoshares(allpsld)....;.t. 54<§S4>f Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bonds..... 66 B 68 Panama Eailroad, lstmort., 7 per cent.,’6S. 99 BIOS Do. Mmort., 7 percent., 1872. 99 @m PennsylYSnla Railroad bonds, 2d raortfaie, \ „ ~«»r cent. conrertible 7» @ 81 Do., MOshares 28 ©B2 She/ebel loan declined on the lSthnlt. to 86. At the commencement of the pretent year It sras'aetlYe at 63. Satterthweite's London circular, in reference to American securitise, Bays: o . At the Utter end of lest rreOCUterewSsJ^oodmarliet &S® &Sfc£s» FoMnJM ml l aiS‘S,£l tl ??fLl >0 }?L l £?}&!‘, i ,' the, former dosing at ftM***” ftt f**!® 81 *’: .Atlantlo and Great rimitili?im > frn‘-°T s ' 8 " lp '‘ llow ' , ‘*- eji@?^plamlllmfor ’feSs.®*# lll * ofßiehinond wUTtell a sad tale for a* pcnfederate loads In Enrope, while It will advance our fei-’WIF 19 ’* ‘her hare neyer jet reached on 'M o,u»me;: .. Vv~*’’ iDmtta Co), qu*fS: KewtJ. ; S. Bonder') 881 ,I 155 @155 5-20 Bonds, 01a....—..,^..105 ®IOBH . hew ..105 JtlOijt 10 tOßonde.— 81' @91)4 ■ales or stocks, April 3, 1965., ; SALES AT THE EEGULARBOaKD OF BBOKEBB. seportm ini Berne, Miller, A da,, 80. 60 8. Third U. ; • . -EIKST BOABD. ... • • SCO Bln Tank ...Mlota 3 100 Sneer Creek 9 100 Caldwell b 5 4)4 aso Mctlhenny 86 lOOMcßlrath... 2 100 Walnnt Island..- 1) 100 McOllntock OU.bS 8)4 100 do .....1.8 •“* 1 eta 1% 100 St Bicholae 0i1.... 3 fiOOMeO&C£nn..b3o ])£ 100 do 3 200 Crescent City ....1.1-15 ; The hoard adjourned until the meeting of the Second Board on' the reception of the newa of the capture of Kiehmond. -- ! BBT WEES BOABDS. 100 Cherry Kan 25 | lOOßeadlhgß. ..sStrh ii% ICO ... n«w 89)41 100 Keßlrath 2 200 Organic Oil.. .56 100 di Nicholas Oil-... 3 400 Howe's Eddy 1% 8000OSgs. 1881 ........ 105 - BCO Walnut I>lan*.h3o lijl 600-' d 0.... ..........U! MOAtlaa. —l.l-16 200l>ensmore ~.,2i»s 3K HIES o£!| jy 5oo Ba do c ?*! c :'.'.::bil SI Tlie Second Board adjourned on the announcement of W.C. Carpenter* amemberof The New*Yo?k Post ofyeeterdays&ya: ■ - ; j by,the newa of oar occupation' 2*iH the rebel army* has, toa l nt ’ interrupted business and gfcrenadowa to Child ie active in eon- * ffffiiffuPft 8 ? s °j? d news, though prices have, f&Ueu “ cent. .-CapttaHst* shew less indlspcsltSoit td'l«4~ than prevailed #arly days of iasi ■ The current rates for ccmmerctal paper are 8® w, with very imie effericg. The bank statement ie extremely favor able, and shows an increase in legal* tenders of seven tend a half inUllons, in depoeita an increase of flye and a half mUUbhe, and in loans a decrease of three mil lions. The*tock market is .feverish ana InoguUr, but wilhoutshy symptoms of panic. Governments are firm, railroad‘bonds (steady, and bank shares dull. Bail* 'road ebares are drooping, Hudson being the weakest oa toeilifc- - , ' ; The following quotations were made at the Board* compared with those of Saturday aflernoen: t J - ■ ‘ Mon. Bat. Adv. Dee. 'United. States coupon- IC6 K . ~ United Stateso-20coupons<.^- 106 M % •* United States 10 40eoapena‘~«« 91fi 91K *« H iUnited States Tennessee 60 60 . *. ■ ‘Missouri 6Bs«M..*^*M« M 4ns,.. B 6 6S ». Pacific Mail... M 0 275 .. 6 Bbw 10rkCentra1..**.........- 86M 83 •• Hi dBon , Eiv*r. , .^^.\T.!rLr!L , T 99%' I! 6H o beard the market was steady, A tie closing at 65 fi regular and 62 cash, at the one o'clock call £rie closed at 63. nuiadelpUa Bsrheta Aprii. s-Evenln*. There is little or nothing doing to Flour, and the market Is very dull and lower; about 100 bbis good extra family sold at $9 ¥ bbl. The retailers and bakers kre buying In a small way at from $7.80018.25f0r supbr •fine, $8 6C@9 for extra, s9@lo for extra family.'and sl€. 6C®ll bbl for fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Flour and Com Meal continue very dull, and we hear of up sales. GBA IN. —ln Wheat there is very little 36 A. Kennedy* Chester county* 15®t0e. : 19 Baldwin. -Cheater couaty. 16@2te* • 100 Josfph McFillen, Illinois. 18^2)c. - - ! 108 P. Hathaway, Lancaster county, 38@23c. . : 115 P. McFillen, Lancaster oounty, 18@i2c; ; 60 J4ooiw*y & Smith* Illinois, 18@31c; 2D H. Chain. Pennsylvania* 16®18e 66 J. du. Oham, Pennsylvania, 28@21e. 60 Chandler A Co , Pennsylvania, 58®Sc. 13 Keely 6t Co*. Lancaster county, 18@22c • £K) C. Brsman, Lancaster aud Western* I^|L : 16 Kelly, Lancaster county, 18@22c' ' ■ SI Ham&kerCo„. Lancaster county, lg@2lc. • 6fi O. fczclth, Illinois, 18@19^c^ • 16 A. Beidenboch, i aucaster; doutfty, 18@2Cc. _ £6 J -8. Kirk, Lancaster county, 18®iSoT 35 B. Mefitien. Lancaater countj,rlS@2le.: - • • • i 60 L. Frank, Western* 16#30. '7 - 1 76 Drjfooß & Co., Pennsylvania, .18#31c. 80 H Miller, Lancaster county, 16@20e* SO S Knox. jUncMter county. I8®so«. . 70 B. Hood; Ches-terconutT. 17@2i0. ' 42 3. McOleie, Western, 17@Z0c. ; COWS AND GALYEB, ; - , - The Arrivels and sklee of Cows at' PhllUpe*'Avenue Drove ¥>r vious prices. . Bsei Bamsare dull. ■ ’• , Cnt Heats are ’owe*; sales IS) pkts at 14H@lSo tor shoulders, and l(@i6c for hams. The Lard market Is lower; sales 1,160 bbls at IfikffllS. Whiskt is quiet; sales AO bbls Western at *1.12. : TAiKjW 1» heavy; sale. 114.C00 lbs U%@ll)ie, LKTIEB BAGS', . . . ' - S ATTEE-MEECHAKia’ EXOHAKOE, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Recovery, stoddart, Liverpool, soon. Briz Korea, Collins ....Havana, soon. Brlr Pannie, Vance- Havana, soon. - PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TEADE. EdWAEB C; BIDDhE } Sahubi. B. Stokh, >Cokmitteb op thb Hosts. Geoboe N. Tatham, ) - - -MARINE INTEULIGE STCE. - - ; PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 3, Sun Else*...„6 40 i Snn 8et»....6 20 | High Water... 9 Sl- ; arbiyiui. i SfeamshipSaxon. Matthews,' 48 hours from Bottoo. with mdse, Sc, toHenry Winsor ACo ' J_Schr WUUrd Salßbury, Nickerson,B days from Boston, withmdsa to Twolls & Co. - F Schr A Hammond, HJgilns, 8 days from Boston, with -mdse to Crowell & Collins. . . ■ . , ■' Schr A Corson, Marshall, from Baltimore, in ballast to Sinnlckson * Gloyer. . , I Sehf B H Atwood, Bids, 6 days from Fortress Monroe', in hallast toCaptain.., ... -. 2^- ; Schr Govßurton, Pescock, 3 days from NBmTorSiin ballcsttocaptain. ■ —'■ • . ' Schr P Heuner, Grace, B dayefrom Fortress Honroe. fa yifttiftfcfc captain,■-- ~~f-' ~ ■* B J)eL with corn to James Barratt. Steamer Senear, 1 day from New Toik* with mdxe to Whitali* Tatum & Go. Off the iHdae Light* passed brig Wra- Qraftyea.-boiuid up. . . BELOW. Barqne Tbomae Mlett from brlie Thoa-Walter, from Indies ; ; M. % T. Bliaworth, from, Matanzaa; Br schr. Golden West: also, two barques, a brig fa tow of and a three- masted schr,-. names unknown—reported by Gso H Conwell* pilot, t Brig Anba, from Ms?aiTijez* FS* brigs. CLBABBD. BrigKin*Bird, (Br.)Toye* BePreaux, MB. Brl* Cnba,(Br) Mackie* Cienfnegos. Brlsr Bain Dow, (Br) C&stridy, Trinidad. Brie Hmmft, (Bremen) Wars roe later, Trinidad. Scir BuDtreis.He'Prmaii, Boston.- . SebrMnrttm wrifhtiiigton, Baxter, Boston. B®br Sea Bangor, Sears. Boston, ScbrJPßofoe, Smith, City Polati SchT Cotasßet, Bourne, Boston. Sehr Sarah, Ben»on, Hew Haven. SohrS.TW Simmons, Williams, Vow Inlet. Selir teabeUa Tiiompaon, JBaker,. Gape Bear. Scbr Johnfibay, Tilton. Charleston, Baker,Henderson, Beaufort. Bebr C S Elmer, HnUy.Fort Monroe.' g Keyport from the Breakwater schr G W wamer, she haring previously been in collision and lo*t mainboom. The A sailed again for this port. .. The crew of'the sehr Electric Liens, Wallace, of and from Portland for ihis port, abandoned between Hirh land highland Barnet, at 31 AH 3Ut alt* were sayed by the schr Horning Star.of Gloncester* and landed at FrovincetOwn. - _ , , w . Brig .0 0 Colson, of Belfrst, was below-Row York yesterday. Had been in collision with a steamer bound s. was cut down bn the starbosid side to the water’s edge* and otherwise damaged. Was, towed by the steamer under the Highlands and came to anchor. CABINETF 'Qilbr — --y- , . SPECIAL NOTICE. Tie Store I now occupy la sold for a Banklal lrutl tatlon. . Hot beta, able toproenre a tmllMng aufflcteatly large to bold my (took. I am compelled to SEXJi OTET ■ As Jaetae possible. I now offer my Immenaeaßsortmentof AT VBKT LOW PBIGKB. GEORGE J. HEMELS, riinm 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BTBBBT. J^OOKING-GLASBES, ATE ED TJ 0 ED PR ICE S. JAMES 18. EABLE Jfc SONS bay* made a GBEAT BSDUCTIONJn their prlc jo.aud baVe now In stock a very Targe 4 and efcgantr assiort mmt of : ; 4 , LOOKISTG-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, POBTBAIT ASD PICfHK FIUMEH. 1 LOOKING-GLASSES made to order at tbe game Bl- DBCBO PRICE*, to Ml everycbaraeterof apace, for MaNTELS, PIEBB. WALLS, SAB-BOOMS, HOTELS, EARLE’S GALLERIES. mb27-12t St 6 OHBtTNPr STBBST. gNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALUE, . HT BTOSTE AND pLASS. ‘ ALBERT G. ROBERTS; DKALBB-IN FINE QBOCBRIBsi ’■ «&*-«•■ Ower ot XLSYBHTBMrt st* THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1866. |gg"- IHE CAMEBON PETROLEUM CO. CAPITAL 81,000,000. 8HAEE8....-.<«» 200,000. feich or pgn,iMTJiwA r i * BIGRKTABT, I - J. L. DARUNGioN# WBBT OHISTH*, PA, - \ , ? DIRECTORS, J VAHCfi STEWART. Hereer sonnty. Fa. JOHH E. LEOHABB, WertCWeter, Fa. V. 0- FOBHBY, Whshlngton, D. o. HBHRYD. COOKE, Washington, D. 0. BIMOH OAHEBOH. Harrlsbnrr, A. JOHH H. DISH 1,, Phlladelphls. I JOHH F. OB AFP, Phllndelphl*. ; GEOBGE O. BVAHB, Philadelphia. JAKES DOTH, Marietta. iansastereo.. Pa. The present and pnqiMlln rain, of ths stock of this Company may be Inferred fronT the'fast that it own* a fee simple Interest In 478 (fonr hundred aid ssventy thrse) acre, of the richeet-tested oil territory In Venango eonnty, believed by the moot experiented oil men In that region to be capable of producing a net annpal In come to the Company of one and a. half miillbndollam,. or three time, the entire cost of the .took, which would be equivalent to twenty, five pe# cent, a'month On Ity subscription prise, or one hundred and Afly per os**, per annum enitt par value.: '■■'•a Thefellowin* le a deecripSon of the Company'. pro perty: ■ ' * i ' Dne-fonrth fee simple Interest Inf thfe celebrated "II cover ” Farm, situate on ■ the dlleaheny.. nyey, about , two'and one-half miles below Franklin, *en tilslgtSl (two hundred and .ninety-two! acres* with 388 rode (or'OTor one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on whisk there, ara now twelve leases. MChr tea rods squars,and from which the owners or the fee stmpleeret one half the on, free of all exposes, .yeeldes this, there are two wells Owned by the owners' bf the fee, from which they eetall the oil. ! . On this farm there are now . tea wells in operation, prodnsln* an average of ten barrel* per day, and eeyeral others are abontbelngtnbed. T>erear» also dn lttB7 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are hew standing to leesothAlaWsr for obe half the oil to theownera. Ont of thetwslve wells on this -Farm eleven tee new psyinghandsomelr; a fact which suffielentlydsmon rirates the great rlehneca and rellahUlty of the terri tory, | - 9:0.1 U. V Ic the mart fee simple interest In J» (one him bed and elghty-one) aeree, situate onthg Allegheny riTir, near ly opposite the “ Booyer *’• Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the month of Kill Bun, haying a! front of 96 rods on the Allegheny rlTer, and one mile lon both aides of Hill Bon, with ample boring surface;for otte hundred wells', or Dote of ten rods’ arum: This tract is known as the '•Stewart .Farm,**' and ls*el*fur of all leases or Incumbranoes ofany kind, There Is now In operation a fifty-barrel weH (beside several entailer ones) on thejQoehnut Fawn, which ad joint thiß on the sontb. In£sct, the “Stewart ” Farm \js surrounded with good-paying wells.andwlthln'.a short time a single lease of SO rods front, on the Imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for $166,060 (one hundred and sixty-flye thonaand dollars.) Oji thls lease a good well has been struck within a few days. : In addition to’the territory of-the “Stswart ” (Farms whleh is believed to be equally ss good as thy' "Hoov er," there are on it a three-story Grist Kill, wfffc, Inc water-power, a good farm-honse, and other buildings, hat will be of use, to the company. , ‘ The duraHUiy of this immediate oil section is fflns trated by tbo fact that aome of the wells on the 1 • Hoov er” Farm havebeen pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while Ith* oil here produced, from Its grester* conveniens* /or transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at OU Greek. Tbo officers of the Company feel justified In present ing the of what, with vigorous management, the above lands sen be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a ebmparattvaiy Short time! ; Them Is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, ail of which can be leased immediately for one half the oil, free of all expense to ihe Company. Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells, although there Is loom for. three hundred) at the very moderate average of tan barrels each, would makes DaUy product of™—..——.—l,ooo hblg. Ont or this the Company’s share would be. too bbls. Value of dally yield to the; Company, at ten dollars per hbl (it is now selling at *13.60.) ™ —~—-—™. **,ooo 00 Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the. Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone, .—*•*■■**»>»»*•.—•,l,6oo,ooo 00 Allowlng the same estimates for the "Hoov- er ’ ’ Farm, In which the Company owns x ._ - one-fdurth in fee of the land interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would' , b0....■■......, Sff.oop.oo, Mating the snnnal receipts from both farms-»«—1,876,000 00 Deducting from thla amountfth* sum of - *876,000 for contingencies, would* leave-' „ ''til* . ■ ... / ' J Mat Annual Income of the CompanV---"-. *1,600,000 60, ALli THESE LOTS CAK B* IMMBDUTBI.Y HBABED, II It Is deemed «rpedient, et a royalty of oge-half the. Oth-with covenants binding lessees to^einkwells, with sll possible diUgenee, to the depthof.6oo or more task A YSW PL AIK WOBDB *0 SDBSOBXBBHA Ton are not asked to subsertb* to this Stock wlihthel expectation!,! immediately rose!vinr large diMendt. hnt the'basis on whlchth, Company Ueved, wUlmake yonr tnvestoiephncL'oniygttf'e. bnt,; prospectively, . , _ • : notwithstanding,at the present prlcee of sU,the Com-. eany 1 s anneal receipt*: twithont any farther develop ment) wosld~i«£rsrt7 thousand, dollars, or tight per M&tDttfuaeoai of flit itbA. 1 The President, Mr. Stewart, la (me of the most prastl gal and experienced oil operators’is' the Hate, and his ' residence.near the Company■» property and general oversight of It* management 1* the best gnarantse that noeflbrt* Will ho spared to mako the Investment pro fitable. ; AppUssUom tor.a Urn proporHonof the rtoek have, already been made, batnonewillbereceiveduntil the booko of tbo Company or* regularly opened forthat purpose. ■ V i Only a limited amount of the stock wIH be sold et subscription prUfc, _ The stock willTw Issued fnUpald, without further assessments.; . .• : BOOKS OP SUBSCEIFTIOH will be open for a few day*. on and alter January/IK MW. at the office of £, CU JAMES) Treasurer, *O.lOl WALHBTStreet. Philada, Also.temporarily,by - . _ A>' 00U01.A8,.. feS-tt At 6. E. cor.SBVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. »SS» rSTBOIiEVK. ■aw. ■ ■ ■ THE REW YOEK AND Petroleum Company. okgahizhd untie the ' hiking amd HAHUFAOTUBiHa laws op thi stats op nv YOBK. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS) ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, *B FIB SHAKE, HOT LIABLE TO PJJRTHEE ABBBBSHBHT. " .. £ turnout Ho. EMPIRE BUILDING, *O. *1 BBOADWAY, HBW YOBK. Post Orrai Asnssss, Box Ho,. 086, Nnw Yobi. Hob. DANIEL 8. DICKtHSOH, Preeldent. WM. T. PHIPPS, VleeVre»ident V BOBEBT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BHBTIS, Mlniny Superintendent, TllnevUle, PA ATL AH TIG BAHK. Ho. 141 Broadway, H. Y., Treasury. The wella of tho Company ere ncfw producing ml. ' Paymo&t for stock may bo made in drefta, registered note*, or Government bonda »nd securities, which bond, and securities will be taken at thetr market yalue. ■ ' BemUtancee may be addressed, to the Company, F. O. Box Ho. 0808, How York City, or to “Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the Hew York aad Liverpool Petroleum Company, Ho. 142 Broadway, Hew York City,” or to any of ita agents, - mh4-3m yga~ MAIMIS SYOBB OIL AIB ■aw MINING' COMPANY—CHEAPEST STOCK IN THE MARK ST. ~ CAPITAL 300.000 SHARES. WOBKINC CAPITAL,J4O,OOO. FAB VALUE. tS. - SUBSCRIPTION FBICE,,«O CBHTS. HO FURTHER ASBKSBMBHTB. Within a few dm a new well has been afrnck at a distance of one hundred yards from'our property, ;on. the Kanawha. . .J 111 the lands of this Company are locatedwlthin the treat oil belt of West VlntDJa, aad embraces 548 acres - 111160 simple, aad two leasee, one « 10 andtheotherof fiacres. _ i MapßandTrospecttwattbeo«c£ - Subscription book win «io*e in a sbort tlme, as the Street, Stoom JTo. 3, third fttorr. • - • i ’ ISAAC COOPBB.fPreeldeut. , . JAMBS H. PBBgOSOH. 'Treasurer. mbSS-lM CHAS. H. SIDBBOTHAM, Secretary. waap- A USBTIMfii OF THE STOCK . waUr- holdbbs op the little kahawha abb SPRIHO OBEEK OIL COMPANY will be held at the' Northwest corner tfPOUBTH and WALNUT Streets, on MOHRAY, April 10th, atSo’clockP. SL, to make by laws and elect Board of **“• BAHDb£bCCLES§^ , 7 Treasurer. The properties ofihie company comprise 20 acres on lease at k royalty on BnrnlngTßprings Bun, Wirt county. West virftlnla. wnd 800 acres on Spring Creek, near the above. In lee simple. Tho company have two engines on the ground working. . . ... A limited portion of the working capital Is still not subscribed for, which can be hadlat enhscrlptlon price, •1 per shar#j at ths office. Ho. BJjq OHUBOH Alley. |S*“ DIVIDEND NOTICE. -McCLISf- PETBOLEUJTCOMPAHY, Office .421 WAL&UT Street. Fhila. * March 38. TJae Board of Directors hare thirdly dsclmrada divi dend of FIYB F£S CENT., subjfd to State tax, para-, ble At the office ot the Company, on and afterTflCjsS DAY, April «th. The Transfer Books will close onFBtDAY, March 31, at 3 o’clockP. M., and openTaUpDAY. 6th. tah29 St * * * Secretary. ■2S9°- OFFICE OF THE JiTHA MIYIWS COMPAII YjTPHiLAnELrHiA, Maich 27, IBM. EOTTGb IB BBBaBT GIVBfll ih&tVui instalment of OS£ DpiißAß per Share on each: &nd everjr Bhare-or the' CapitO Stock of .the üBTfiTA fiOKIIfO GOMPANT has this day been cjiUed in, payable-o&^or before the l(Mh day at we office of the Gomp&ny, JRo. 3»4 WaLHBT Street, Philadelphia i By ( order of the V B. A. HOOPJS, , - nbNtapio - * - y - . , •stym&si a on, conpism OF KENK S YIiVAKIA. FBBSIDBIfT, VAKOE STJEWABT. ' or >«nosß ooDitn, wi. TBBASCBXBi . B. Q. JAMES, THE " STEWABT FAEH.” •10 PEE SHARE. OIL COMPANIES. OFHCK OfXHE BOCK OIL COMPANY, 109 WABBOT STKBIT, At the Anneal Meetlfl« of the “ KOOK Oil COMPAWY Of PBHHSTXiVAHIA,'' held this day, the followip* officers' were elected to serve for the eaßuin* year: peesidbk*, J. T- MoINNES. SECRET AKT AKD TEKiaDEEK, JOHN F. GRAFF. .BOARD OF DIRBCTQKSi J. T. MolWiraß. I SAM’S ®}WAI,TOIf, 080. O. BVAJS >d r Ijh. a hasskui, ; The 4 imual Report wes read by the Secretary., In which It wee stated that "the Directors th’e Space of ten months and ».half,patd to the Stook holdersdlvldeiid, to the amount of ninety cents on each thare of their stock, being equal to mentg-nine per cent; per annum on the sunseriptima price. _c . The valmib e fee simple prppertT of the Bock Cm Company—a tract oi seventy .nine acre# ok oUtjrrttow located bn Big Scrubgrass Creßk. some twelve miles from Franklin—was considered, And authority was rtyesto the new Board of Directors to proceed at ones with Its vigorous development on the beat terms that on the.Byde A Egbert Farm, In whickthe “Bock ” le interested, mo now oue-o! which has reached a depth of *99 foot, with a showofoll fhjll equal to the bostwellteverj truckon 'Kis celebrated (arm, not excepting the Haple Shade and flu 1 * Coquette. ” upe-W mksf* SOIICK. |Ov ..Philadelphia, April 1, 1865. : Tho Offioeof the COMMON WEALTH OIL COMPANY, > On end after this dale, will be located Inlhs Third t-Story Frontßoom ln-the' • COMMKBCIAh BCILDIHH, Ho. SIB CHBSTHHT St, ; mhM-12t . ■ DAYID B, HdiTj Secretary. rifesar* i>iYii»Kmj» ioncE;-oFFioE of ■ TBB-HI ABABA OIL OOKPAHY. Ho. 411 eHESTHDT Street, FHft.iMt.PHXA, Harsh SO, 1886. Theßoatd of Directors nave thte day declared a divi dend of OHKpsr sent. oh the capital'ytock, payable on .and sfter.THußSDaF , AprUSth. free of State tax. The transfer books will slcse on FBID AY, March 30th, at 8 o’clock H. , and open on Aprimh m mhSl-ffi* SeoratsryAnd Treaaarers , OFFICE HTO£ FABK 011 Past, PhiziaJdblfhia, Maroh3lt 1895^ The Board of BJraoton have thla day declared a Dividend of BIFTBSW CENTS PKfi SHARK, payable on and after Aj*il Bth. Th* Transfer Books ,vrill to* ‘ dloeed THIS DATat 3P. M., and openad April 10th apl-gt • yw. M. CASTER, Bec'y and Treaa, OFFICE OF THE EGBERT OU* CO., Ho. Sonth POUfiTH Street* PmT.ATHti.vmA, Marcb SB, 1865. „ The Board of Direetow have this day declared a Divi dend of you K PBB CENT, on tlie Capital Stock of thii Company* payable on and after SATURDAY, April 8, free of State tax; : The toookß of the COmpiny will Be closed Friday, Uarcii'3l, at S P.H., and opened on Batarday» April 8, ; .m>3» st - v W», M CARTER, Sec’y and tnas, COPARTNERSHIPS. jhOPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER- V signed, on tbe 16th dsy of UMch, formed aeopart nerphip. under the style and title of CxPEWSLI, fc vrHEBBI, for the manufacture and sale of Hlassware generally. : JOHH B HaFEWBLL, ALEXAHDUE S. WHERRY, ' . Phiiadelphis, April 1, 1865. r- . ; H. B.—OLASSWABB of every desoilptlon te order, at the shortest nodes, en the most reasonable terms. , Farticular attention paid to private moulds. BOOKS. : apB-Bt* , Ha Z 23 DOCK Street. The partnership heretofore -a exifitinshetweenthehnderairneatinder the style of BBOWH ftCALYEBTU this day dissolved by mu tual consent. CBOBOB H. BROWS, , W F CALYERT, CBOBaS M. BOBBBOH. Philadelphia, February 3,19«, ; THE UNpEESjCOBTED have formed and entered late a Uraited partnership under the laws of Pennsylvania. And do hereby in accordance therewith certify that the name sr firm under which the same la to be con ducted is 880 W 5 & CULVERT. The general >natnre of the hnsineM to be tr&nsscted Is a Ge*eralJHOTnfactu)£iig Business. ' n ‘ * The nam« of_the general partners are GEOEuE.H, BROWBandCHARLKS W. F. CALVE ST, of the city m Phiiadeiphlayandthopoly special partner Is GEORGS fiL K'OBESOtfjsowofrhe^cltyof Camden, if. J The saW epecial partner .has contributed to the common •lock or capital of said firm Twenty* five Thousand Dol lars in'dash.’ and the. said partne ibMjs commences os the FOURTH (4ih) DA? of February. IwS, and Will terml aate on the 31st day of January. 1857. GBOROBB. BBOWB, T CHABLBB W. F.CALVJSBT, General Partners, . GEORGE If. 808880 £*.-Special Partner. : ; PhiladmiPbia. February 4,1865. , fe7-tn9t TbISBOLUTION OF COPARTNER. fcHlF.—The Copsrtnershlp hithertosxtstlngundor the name of BAILEY & CO., compossd of K W. BAILBY. JBBBMIAH ROBBISB, JOSKPHT. BAILBf, JAMB* BALLAHHCB. JAKES E. BALDIHH is this day dissolved by limitation. £ W. BAILS! Is duly authorized to settle the affairs Of the above firm. PHii.sPKl.rHiA, April 1, 1866. POPARTNERSHIPT— THE UNDER have thU day associated*- gether under the firm of BAILS?. & CO., for the transaction of the Jewelry and Silverware business a*Bl9 CHESTNUT Street. B, W. BAILST. . J. BOBBIES* Jv T. BAtLET, we , J±S ‘ B * BALDIKG. '• Philapeli hia, . April 1,1865. C. PBOSBBE lethla day admitted to as Interest la the business of BAIhET S 00. , PHinAOBT.PBIA, April 1,156 C. J)ISS6UJTION. ’The flrm ofTHOB. BIOBABDSON A CO., In Phtla- Bl£lLAßDfibl?* n il * Balyed ,>y th* ofTHOHAS fHoper»on in BTilhorized to nas the name of or trasuet ab; bn(in«sß of the Hi m except mrself ; ■' KAMOSL fiIMMOSS, SiiryivinyPartner. Pmxaiiklpbia, March 30th ISM. apl »t« - H ,A. WAINWBIQHT?B INTEREST In our firm ceases -from this date, by mutual consent. , -i ;CHASLBB CAMBIiOS ACO. jl, 186 S; . . apl-st* LE&AL. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITX ABDCOUHPT OEPHttADBLPHXA. i Bsiate of 8, GBABHB TUkSbULL, deceased. .The Auditor appointed hy the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the aecdnnf of A HISBSI TUBHBULL, At mini, trafor of tho Bstate of 8- GrSeme TnrnbnlL dec’d, ■hid to report distribution of the balance In'the hands of the eceohntahtrwill iaset tb* parties interested, for the pnrpoßee of.his appointment. on THURSDAY, April S, M„ at hU offlee, No. 115 South ■ mh2B tnthsfi!* 6 ' üßoial 7 w~.Till^!l%!^Ladltor. Pt THE ORPHANS’ GOFRT FOR THE CITY .A*D_CoinrrY O* PHlladelphia. Bfltate of WILLIAM TOD WILOOX, dec’d. 4 The >udi!or appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and aßiaat the account of BAJCUDL WILCOX/Sbceeu tor of the last vrill and testament of WILLIAM TOD WILCOX, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the bands tf the accountant, will meet the. parties Interested, for the purposes of Ms appointment, on MONDAY. April 10th, 1866, ard o'clock P. M , as hie Office, 506 wA&NUT Streetj-in tbe cltv of Phlia. delpMa. WILLIAM BKN&T, f mhvS* tulhsCt I ~-r Auditor. EDCCATIOSAL. QA3EDALB BEMIHA.RT, AH IHSLIBH, CLASSICAL, AHU HOBMAL SCHOOL YOUHQ MEI? AND BOYS, ' ' * AT PUOHTOWH, OBBSTEB CO..PBHHA _T|e next term of this Ihstltutlon will begin on MOH* BAY, April 8, ISM; For Circulars, containing particn lam, address ISAAC W. CULDIH, A It., Ute9-lm - ■ . , , PrincipaL WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, -* I for GIRLS, at WEST GBOVBBTATIOIf. F. ud B. 6entral Railroad, Chester Conctty Pa The SUMMER TBKM or this institution will com mence on SKCOBDDAY, the Lit of FIFTH- MOHTB Best, to continue 29 weeks. The course of Instruction Is extensive and thorongh, and 1s adapted to all ages. For circulars, du., address the Principal. THOS. B COHABD, West Grove, Pa. fe27-mtu2m T/TLLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— * MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mil** from MEDIA, Fa. Thorough 'course InMathetnatlcß, Classics, Natural Sciences, and English; practical les sons la Civil Engineering Pupils received at.any time, and of all »«?»■ and enjoy (he benefits or a home. Re-' ferato John a Capo i Son, 23 South Third street; Thos. J. Olay ton, !»., Firthand Prune streets iffis- Sheriff Hem, and others. Address Rey.-.'J. -HERVEY BAR TON, A. M % VILLAGE GREEN, Fenna. nofi.fim WOODLAND SEMINARY FOR Tf YOBBO LADIES, Eon 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Phllada. Bev. HENRY REEVES, A. M., Principal. ■ . . fe24-6w* .. COAle Robert X Hexphii-i,. {VRAM. isThemphill, A/ BBAißßsnr LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL OOAL, Of all sizes and el best qualities. Carefully picked and screened, and Invariably at-the lowest cash, prices. , . Office and Yard. WILLOW, below FIFTHEfTHStreet JUS* Orders can be left atl46 North SIXTH Street, 658 Jforth TBBTH Street, 1433 BARCLAY Street-ox tbiouih the Post Office, which will he prompt!; and satisfactorily filled. . • - • jal7* Sia E'l SCHREINER,NEW COAL DEPOT, VMOBLB Street, above Ninth street. - Constantly on sand-superior qualities of Lehigh and ecbttylkiUCoal, selected expressly foriamily.purposos. at the lowest market prices. - Wharf, Twenty- third street, below Arch street. Office,-119 South. FOURTH Street. • • ■■ • - - ■ - ■ • ocao-fim GrO A L .—SUGAR LOAF, BE AYER Meadow, and Spring Mountain Leh£h Goal, and best Locust Mountain, from Bchuylklll, pr. pared ex pressly for family nse. Depot, N W. corner BIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Offloa, No. 11* South SECOND Street. „ fapfi tfl J. WALTON fit CO. PURE LEHIGH COAL.—H OUS E -- naarsnS can rely cn setting a pure,article at the 8. E. comer of EBOHV and POPLAR Streets. JOHN W. HAMPTON. . mhSO-Im*-. PIPE LEHIGH COAL. A J. B MOLFORD, mb39 l*t* . - ...... 1810.. MARKET Street. MEDICAL. RLECTROPATHIO ESTABLISH *N' MBNT -DR. A. H.; STEVENS, one of the FIRST DI6GOVEREBB of a new system of treating dltaase by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS. and who has been 10 very succetslnl at PBNE SQUARE for the last three mars, has removed bis Office and Residence to ieas VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. ; All versons desiring references, dr any' partisnlara with retard to hie special mode of treatment, will please sail or send for a pamphlet : • • ' Consultation or advice gratuitous. mhfi-tf ELECTRICAL' OFFICES. CORNER ELEVENTH AND RACE STREETS, ALSO, CHESTNUT AND FORTIETH" , Sr. THOg ALLEN, very successful In the treat, ment of ell diseases would Inform, his mends and the publio. that he is Btlll henefittlng end curing many on whom medicine has had no effect ana BBBVMATIBM Amt'jmitAZQlA. WO) DBKrUIi DISCOVER¥ —W«would ask . jour -attention to theso as, we bare found toat we possess a remedy which ha« cured many»aßd wfli restore to their wonted healths hundreds more who.are at pMsent suf fering the most ezemdatink acony. Generally, a few days only are needed to effect a cure. We would urge no one to try ii; if you do not the loss 1« your own. Those who follow our.require* meats, and not cored, hare nothing to’ piy. Pa* ties is treated, at their residences when -desired. Tettimosisls at the offices; hours 9A: M. to OP. K: Conaaltationa free. Offices, 154 North BLZVENTH Street, also, CHESTNUT and POB* TIETH Btzeet, Wen Philadelphia. jalSSm DK THO 3. ALLEN AfACKERBL, HERRING*. SHAD, &c, ’"A —2 600 bbls Mass., Ops. 1,2, and S Mackerel, late-cauiht fiat flelu.ln assorted packages, i 2,000 bbls. New Eastport, Fortnne Bay, and Halifax Herring. ■ 1 3.600 boxes Lnbec, Scaled, No. 1 Herring. - 150 bbls New Mess Shad. 250 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese. &c. In Store and for sale by MURPHY fit ROOMS, jalS tf Ho. 11C NORTH WHARVES. pOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK V AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent. Awning, Trunk, and Wagon-covsr Duck. Also. Paper Manufacturers! Drier Felts, from one to fire feet wide; Paulina, Boltins' Ball Twine: fits. JOHN W EVBBMAN fit CO., noS-tf No. 103 JONES’ Alley. prELMBOLD’B EXTRACT OF BAR II SAFARILLA cleanses and renovates this blood, instils the rlgor ofhoalth lnto the- system, and purges 'outthehajßortthatmsiw disease. > - .7* PROPOSALS. . . PHIEF QUABTEBMABTIIB'S v OFFICE. So. 1139 dIRABD Street, Philadelphia Depot, Karens!, 18». SEALED PROPOSALS will be reoelved et this offiw nntli MODDAY, April 10,1869, »t 12 o'clock for de livering at tur SohnylklU Arsenal. In merchantsble packages (esses to be made to jsyiforialo speelfications 3 4 Canton Flannel for Drawers, army standard, ■ i MMfrtt^arreyjUnawd.^ Pegged Bootees for Infantry, araystandard. fioepltel Tents and FUbs army itsndnu? Forage Gape. army standard. . % . t. Sample* of the standard articles required stay be seen at tli’a office. . .. , Parties offering goods should make separate profosals for each article offered and must distinctly state in aalr bids when they will commence their deliveries, the ; quantity they propose to furnieh'-each week, the puce {whichshoulabewritten both in loords and figures n and conform to the tonne of this advertisement, « oops/ otecomvany each proposal. . ■ Bide will be opened on Monday* April 10,18 GS. at IS o * end bidders'are requested to bepreseut. Rich bid.most be guaranteed by two responsible per* sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, .and cetxffted to as being good and sufficient ee ..rarity for the amount involved, by some public func tionary of the United States. AlPprOpos&ls should be made out ou the regularfenns, which will be furnished on application at this office. .. The right hs .reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable* and ho bid horn's defaul ting contractor* wul be received., 1 r » Bndoree envelope. “ Pioposal. fer (hen Insert the nemeoftheartlcleo^d^eßdMdre^^ .. . v ~ Chief Quartermaster, , . . Philadelphia Depot, April S, 1865. rtHIEFr Q U A R T2BM A STfiß’B V OFFICE, Wo 1139 GERARD Street, _ • J>BPdT, March ST. m . SEALED: PR Standards, do. Rational Colors,; Infantry* do. Regimental Color*, infantry. • do. Artillery 1 rsxnpet Cords UndTaseeli, do. :K-tofek Dafkrßftfo Worsted Lace, “do. js-ineh- .do Worsted Lace, do. IK-inch do Worsted Labe, dp. - K-lnoh Yellow Worsted Baca, do. K-ineh u do Worsted Lace, do. IK-inch, do . Worsted Lace, do. K ihch Scsrlet Worsted Laos, do. 1M inch, do Worsted Lace, do. K-ineh. Sky-Blue Worsted Lace, do. . -K inch'Scarlet fchk Lace* - do. AxeHsndles, do. Hatchet Handler, do. Betimtafal General Order Books; do. Regimental Letter Books, > . do. Bt gimental Descriptive Books, do. Target Practice Books, ? do. Great Coat Lining, sample required. i Sack-Coat ’Lining, do. Parties'offeriag goods should makeseparate proposals for each article offered, and must distinctly state in - their bids when they will 'commence their deliveries, Siuastity they propose to famish each week, the (toftfe* should be written both in wore# and e*),and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy -of which should accompany sachprovosal. Standard samples of the artlelee zequizedmajr be seen at ttis office •* Samples, whan submitted, muit be marked and num bered to.correepond with the proposals; and the parties thereto must guarantee that thegoods shall be; in every respect, equal to army standard, other wise the propo sals will not be 'considered. Bids will be opened dh Tuesday, April 4th, 1685, at 12 o > clock'M , &nd bidders are requested-to be present. nach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose slgnatirres mhst' be appended to the gua rantee, asd^certided to as beiug geod aud suffictent se curity ibr the amount involved, by some public func tionary of the.Uaiied States. ' . . All proposals should be made out’on^the regular forms, which will be furnished on. application at this office. ' The right is rsssrvedto reject any bid deemed nnrsa . sonable, and no bid from a defaulting - contractor will be received. Endorse feivelope "Proposals for ege specifications will he strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced In every particular. : " Hours of inspection from 9 A. M to 4P. M. , Price—Cavalry horses, one ‘ hnndred and eighty five dollars ($185) s Artillery Horses, one hnndred and nine* tydollars ($190); Holes, one hnndred and ninety-five dollars ($195) Payment will be made at this Office. - ■ jabbs a. bkih, . Brevet Brigadier General in charge mh2o-tap3o . First Division 0. M, GO. A RTILLE R Y AND CAYALRY Xjl-, HOUSES, OUAJRTSIiKABTBR’g OPPIOB, 1139 Giuaed Stkxbt, PhihapbliPHlA, PA., HOBBES suifahls for the Artillery gag. vice will be purchased by the;undersigned iu open mar-- iat; each animal to be subjected tothenanal Govern ment Inspection before being accepML * . B orsea for the Ar tillery Service must he dark in oolor, eouud lu all particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken and square trotters In harness. In good flesh and condition, from six to ten years old, not less than U)i hands high; each Horse to weigh not less than 1060 pounds. One Hundred and Eighty Dollars (slBo} vriUbe paid for each. , . . ■ , Cavalry Horses must ho sound In all partlsulsrt—well broken, m full flesh and good condition, from 15 tolfi hands high, from five to .nine yean old, and, well adapted in every way to Cavalry purposes.’ for which One Hundred and Sevenfy.five'DoUan (*176) each will hcvald. Horses will he delivered to the Dnited States Inspes. tor, at the GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, MABKHF Street, Philadelphia,. Ps., between Thirteenth and Broad streets. By order of Co). William McKim, Chief Quartermaster FMladel|jkjA Depot. mhlO-gfit ' CaptatoaadApQ^S^'G. WHITE virgin wax of antil- Y * , LEB. —Anew French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion,- It 1* the most wonderful compound of the age. -There Is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale In its composition,it being composed entirely of pur* Virgin Wax; hence the ex traordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and. transparent. It makes the old appear young.the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. FrioesSOand Mceats Prepared only by HUNT & CO.. Ferfumers, ■MHouthElGHTHStreel.twodoors above Chestnut, tmi 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. lafi-3m H, JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia,) - ATTORNEY ATLiW. • FRANKLIN, VBNiNGO OODNTY, FBNNA.' Special attentlou given to the examination of ITUes. Phipapki-phia RepHUbsoeb t— Ohaa. E Lex, Esq., Bon J. Roes Snowden, James H. Little, Esq.. 11. Tasker, Sr., Hood, Bout)right, fit Co., J. Z. DeH&ven, President 7th National Bank. . mhlO-Sm* SAMUEL Wl HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY - : FRiN&IH VBIANGoifcoBSraY^ENNA. ■rr.i : i. (late of Philadelphia.) - ’ RBFBBS TO ' fChariesE. Lex. Esq., - i R. fit W. C. Biddle*Co.. . O. Slight & Co., I Dr. E.S,Ma*kenrie, *me_« H. LltUe, Esq., | W. H. Yeaton & Co. mh7-3m • TjOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, G CODNSELLOR AT LAW, AND 'SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS. 0f11ce,.951 F Street, near Fourteenth street, Washington, D. 0. d023-fim jfl H. GARDEN * CO., NOS. 600 AND , 60* MARKET Street, Mannfactnrem of and Wholesale Dealers In HATB. CAFS. FDBS, BONNETS; BTRAYY GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RHCHSH Sc,, fits. Thelargest and most completestock, and the hast terms. Country Merchants and the Trade sup. piled. nthl-gm XTERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS O. and sodfs. 600 ** do VeaL . 600 “ do Mutton. ; llw ;; do Chicken, _ dgg mnomdSong^^j ; .... 107 South WATER toeit TAKE NO MORE UNHLEASANT and IMPROVED. ROSBWASB. BMOH* REWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND rrnmt efitlMTOriacto difl- 1?ISH AND CANNED MEATS. r !LMoi2!. M ** 8 S 4 > IMaekerS ««med Meate, Lobsters. He. ; F® r §*?•»* . y. o; BURSOUGN. ja4-Bii* : loith fBOWy Btr— PURE CORN VINEGAR, FREE i. A ollx r UfB* usd warranted to prowry© anr? pickles equal to older vinegar, mannthotured arS sold mhTS-lm ? 35 South FRtLig,?:!.. ENFEEBLED AND h-LSTlTimosrs, Of both sexes, use nr BXTRACT BUCBIf. It WllllflTe biHk feeltnaa and enable yen toilero walJh * •»«*ette ROR NON RETENTION OR racnw A TIHEMCB of urine, Irritatlnn *NLON ulcaratlon ofthe blSder OTMteeya^H l iSi ma,i< ® « pro»tat 6 £landB, atena Ln tb« diswuM of th« ▼el or bnek'dusi: dupdalt. au«i fxa- BOIfiU’SFOTIU “• mthM " BSSL-glSjsas alamilßc tymptozna *» aoronipanied by many _?Wtt4. THIRTY THOUBAND b ||“ the ii.SSt»£ ,,aß L o, i w SJ? i «* from HIBBHAL>B SAXES. bale THisjroßKiira, toetoaivat ioi> «i«*-J ; a GABD.-rJPbo attention of puichniara ‘filffatnaS : to onf sale THIS MOEKIBO, TCTBSPA-Y. April«h. »» IM o’clock, by cataloiue, on four month!’ moal‘j.c«it : prieli t a deetiable assortmont of ao&isonablo • goooa. ' Alio for caob, an aeaortment ... _ 300 CARTONS BONNET RIBBONS. Noe. 12 to-6Q splendid quality black, white, and choice colored corded ed*e poult de sole ribbona S and inches super colored belt ribbons. Bos. 1 to 16 colored taffeta ribbons. v SHIRTS* &c. An invoice of c?tton.‘ flannel, and hickory shirts, de nims, overalls. Ac. ' . 6T&CK OP DBT GOODS. A stork of dry foods of a city retail store, comprising silks, organdies, lawns, xnoxambiques, merinoes. pop lins, reps, broche, stalls, and blanket shawls, Ac. L4BGS SPECUt, B4LE OP FBIHOHGOODS, BP QBDE2 OK StESSKfc BESKASD ft HUTTOS, OH FBID4Y, cwiu ' . Comprising the following celebrated and desirable fabrics: „ 450 pieces Lupin's superfine qualities plain mouneliue de lames, black mode* high colored* white magenta, and online bine. 50 pieces Lapin’* 6-4 ex. superfine qualities black do* 96 pieces Lupin *BlO-4 do. do. ICO pieces Lupin’s black bombazines, fine to extra su perfine qualities. 60 pieces Lupin’s 6 4 black tamlse, all qualities. ~ 50 pieces Lupin’s 6-4, splendid quality, assorted colors polonaise. 50piece* Lupin’s Wade and colored chalUes, fine to superfine qwaities* / 50 pieces 6 4 black Canton cloth, fine to extra fine qualities. ■ . 96 Pieces $ 4 black crepes, fine to extra fins qualities. 50 pieces 6> 4popl!n melange, for travelling dresses 76 pieces ~6 4 plaid dannlers, a new and beautiful article 100 pieces rich Parle-printed moosseline de latnes. 100 pieces 8-4 rlaid mozamblques. 100 pieces 6-4 black mohairs, fine to superfine quality, 1(6 pieces shepherd plaid mocambiques 200 pieces piaid imperiai lenos, mozambiquea, barege, heritanl, Ac. SILKS. 75 pieces plain colored Lyons taffetas* of new choice ■hades. _ . _ - 60 piecesdonble fees Lyons araraTes, w^rtodeolors. 60 piece* doable- face and Scared black Lyoni.taffat&s. 6Q.pieeBs Bonnet’s and Ponson’s black taffetas. Cell widths. 60 pieces black gr.os d’tcosee, drap de France, poult da sole, and Yeaitiea&es, all fresh goods; best qiaallttea imported. _ . SHAWLS. 1,000 Lupin's fine to extra superfine qualities black, xncde, brown, and high colored silk binge thibei shawls. 1, COO Lupin'B do. do. wool frlnrea .l,ooo Lopin'a very «p» meusseUme shawls, wool fringes. 800 new styld tsraarttne end lanm shawls 000 extra superfine black and White b&rare shawls. 400 extra superfine black and white sura marete , shawls.. ' •* | 500 extra snperflne hsmanl shawls. PANCOABT * WABNOCK, AFC- A TIOKEEES. *4O MARKET Street - LAHOK POSnTVE BiLKOF ISO LOTS AMERICAS A»i> i W a ° I | i £*?„j;j £ T a®??!, hosiery goods, ? IdIEH ABB WHITE GOODS be catalogue. r \ OB WEDNESDAY, April fith. comprising a general assortment of season able and desirable goods, to which the attention of buyers is invited. iaBGEJPOBmYE ABB ATTRACTIVE SALS OFBlf. BROiDBRIBe, HANDKERCHIEFS. ABB WHITE GOODS, TO CLObB A CONSIGNMENT, by Cata logue, ON WEDNESDAY, AprilCth. comprising a very fall and desirable assort meat of new goods jast landed. Sale positive, to close an account. a , BO SI T^ D TRIMMING RIBBONS. Alro, on WBBBESBAY, 100 cartons latest and newest choice shades, solid colors and fancy, Bos. 12*60. poult de sole ribbons, rich wide black and white plaid do.. Bos. 4*6, cord-edged trimming ribbons. SPECIAL POSITIVE SALE OF STRAW GOODS. BY CATALOGUE. * . 4>H FRIDAY SCORNING, , April 7, commencing at 10 o’clock, comprising about 510 eases new and desirable goods, of best shapes, in straw and braids, for ladles’, misses’.and children’s wear. , , PHILIP FORD & CO.. AUCTIONEERS, CRB MARKET ftsdSRR COMMERCE Streets. . LARGE SPBIN3 SALE OF 1.500 WISES BOOTS ABB SHOES. We wd tell by catalogue for cash on THUBBDAY MORNING, April 6th, commencing at ten o’clock precisely, 1.600 caaei- men’s, boys’,and youth’i boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals, ratters. Oxford dies, Congress boots, slip pers. Ac • together with a desirable assortment of wo men’s, misses, and children’s boots, shoes, balmorals, gaiters, slippers. &c . Ac. % ' FOR BAIE AND TO liET. m FOR SALE—WEST WALNUT *» Stwet—o»e large and on« medium-sized browa etone DWELLIHO. Apply to _ iroßKtB a BROWtr, Mo. *3» WALBtrr Street Mfob sale—cottages, west Philadelphia. Frice%aW to 53.500. WiU cost more to build without the ground- . „ B. J BOBBINS. BoUder. »pl-gtnth3l* 108 South FOUBTa Street WALNUT^STREET RESIDENCE. ~108 SALK a handsome, well-b gilt three«Btonr brick DwoJJlflt, W»U ■■tßSwSZgßm? MWk. biijj.«iu*a aalT lot of ground, on the south side of WAI&TJT Street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. 32 feet front byi23 to a hack street; comphtxe with all modern improvements. . .1 *- apply to • ■ ■ • JL U. CARVER &CO . : mjaSO 6t« S. V. cor. NISTg and FILBERT gig. M HOTEL PROPERTY FOR A E ALB.-The U! NATIONAL HODS*, AT LONG BBAJJCH. H. J.. Will to sold at a great bargain. Termaeasr, The Hotel Is between three and four hundred feet front, witogas works and extensive outbuildings. and be tween OX and seven aeres of land, and the very best end-most central location on Lon* Branch, being with in one hundred. yards of the sea, and not over three hundred yards from the depot of thsMarttan and Dela ware BayßaUroad, running from Philadelphia to Hew York, and within one hundred yards of the depot of the handy Hook and Long Branoh Sallroad, from Hew York 1 which will he In operation by the first of June. 18G&. Address, until Hay Ist. WOOLMiHBTOKRB, Oongreiß Hall. mh3l-6t* Long Branch. H- J-' m FOR SALE-A VERY SUPERIOR BOUSE In WBBT PHILADELPHIA, excellent stable, fine;well of water: rural, jet aulte-near; all conveniences; replete in all respects. Address “Mer chant. ’ ’ Box 3400, Post Ogee. rab27-lm £g FOR SALE-DWELLING-HOUSE *d 0 n FIFTBBHTH Street, north of Arch street. Apply to B W. BEBSL»Y. mhl3- lm* _Ho. 30 Horth SBVBNTg Street. Mfor sale—a small FABMMA conntyTfE Sf' u J?f„?S2e tT “toutea’ drive from. Camden, on the R k9 t. on ? ?f the moet favorable locations in the copntys the iand isvlch and very productive. : With good management, Three to .Five Thousand Dollars £«annnmcanbe made offof Sf Bam * <« and well adapted for city persons wishing a country residencoJjLlLaa. finnttm for several Cottages. AWO * IW>a,a ** Eor lnformation apply to RICHARD SHIVERS, opposite ihePremfseSi ,*o* B. H. BROWJKUrSr v . f®® COOPER Street, Camden, N. J, Office at Wsst-Jersey Ferry. m FOR SALE—LARGE FOUNDRY SHOP, In foil operation. with the working atoek and tools, patterns, &e.. of every descrip tion, ueee scary for doing & large and snCeessfnl bnsl on 3 about twenty miles from PhHadelphiS; .B. F. GLE BTH. 183S.FO0BrH8fc, or BW. cor. SKVBJTBgHTg and GBBBH Bts. M *OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR JJBa MOCKS—Farm of 83 acres,. near Sellersvtils, Bucks county. In mod order, and has good Buildings, -.arc « B - GLEaN.;ta3 SonthFoHBTH Street mhM-tf or 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTHand GREAT Sts. A FOR SALE—NEAR SELLERS- Ak vllle—GOOD FARM of 143 ACHES; cheap foriJE cash, or will take to pari good oil stocks to exmiahie. - B P OLMr * rnUStf 183 South FOURTH street. Ag FOR "BALE—SEVERAL FIRST ■w-CLASS HOUSES, on the south slds of Arch, west of Nineteenth street, with all the modern improve ments. Hoy? ready for occupancy. gAUo- «everel first class -HOUSES to West Fhiladrt ia. Forty' second street; between Locust and Spruse dulreof ip. JOHBS. TWERTY.FIBBJ StfeaLabove oflottnat, opposite the Planing MUL ' mba-im* g| VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT JA •“ ; AT PUBLIC SALE. -.aS The subscriber will sell at Pablle Sale, oh ' TUESDAY 13.1883. , Docfcted within hslf a mile of Wilmington, BsUvwa on the Newport pike, containing eight acres of *aad land, in the centre of which is a large lawn with &*fina WZill I ro ? B “4“*info the ,n?p*r itowof edir»aht&'SfcfbS,*S? p “SI S*™ntundericover- f“a"smok°XS The ice-house is filled rleuss of apple, cherry, and eTOral T “- M l' JGEBMANTOWN.-.FOR SALTPrvR “TO LBT-A verr desirahle r»-~.V a KAllJa acres of ground, within thra With seven Hato-stwetDepot, of toe greene Water- works on the *ad«ver honfs, tarden, atable and l house, with an abnndaScs V°Si 1SJ 11 **9™ ot Cm in the house TkSVwLW BB * spring water. paxtly plaated. ea * slx&xdy Apputo g„“zrHS&. : BULL bigg.' lYom 9 AM. t„« T S 1) Iwiow WAIiljVT^ ®L^r^ INBUS DWlLUJßro^femßn" 'tStiSZP BRICK I Vba“h; a gS,°^.‘‘ r h ,a ll J.- y«a ■ "sg:w? M shove to . JOHH COLLIHR. T.TTT IE KANAWHA ANDNeS OIL AND MINING COMPANY -Whu attention Is KSksd to the really vaTuabtoorT-iee IiAHDS secured by this Company tobm COAL Enhsciiptions - obtained,.and r>iwy»» t the land, and other < *® 0118 O ASi^?f'*?PS; BRIOE ® FOB SALE. TfUßflsisTß' lreEi» ail,l,Ba fv c *-' BO7 *ho SOSiSanth TgHTY^ Fnffir l NUMBBROF DESERA? BLE : BmLDING fe LQm 2L For to _ SAMUEL L. TAYLCR - ~~~—~ «. COMMISBI€KNHR*IOR»ALL /PBr-bwanipo* AakaaatetaaahSßßfay; .Airdaipyar; » IBM. ITwi a( to »Udo«oeoii fonTS?’* 1 -. credit; commencing THIS KOKHIBG, at precisely. - ■ ■ ■ m • San ! XIAKOS POSITIVE B4US OF BOOTS. BBOSa ejU(B , abmy S* * April 4th, at 30 o’cloofc* vrw be K»ld, fc y « u , on four months' credit, about 1,205 wefcaSin?* s *. shoes, brosans, c*Tmiry ,boofa, ac and fresh •ssorinwnt' ®f reasonable gooda o ,t H.E r: ?i '< Hmfaini majmfactnre - . c si i Will be «P«B for examination, vith catau..., Bunnisfotiala ' . BOTICB-—lncluded In onr large sale 0 f w., shoes, *O., THIB.MOBNIHO. tf 1 April*, Will be foamT in par tthe following iw.,, ’ desirable assortment—'ria: *3j Men’*, boys’, and youths* call, douMe«ov . .welt, aid pump-sole foess-boots; - men’s, kJ'lijU youths* kip and buff leather boats; men’s finVLN Jong* leg cavalry boots; mam’saadboys’ cab Conawse boots, and b?U morals; man's, youths’ super kip, buff; and poltalied grain, hJr'Jzi and pump solebrbgaus; ladies’ fins kid. g., 6 t m and enamelled patent sewod-balmorah and pi* o **?. f aitSrs; women's, misses*. and children’s calf 4 ./T** eather b&lmoral* and lace boots; children’* . sewed city-made lace bojts; fancy sewed btimJ 1 , 48 id ankle tie*; ladies' fine black wad colored la** «?■*•« grass, -ana side-lace gaiters; women’s, mhAr Cj >* children's goat and morocco copper-nai :*i ii.v *aj ladies’ fine kid slippers; carpet and enan^;, travelling be**, dus. * BtBGB POBITXVB SABE OF BBITISB. n,,„ GERMAN, ABB DOMESTIC BBT G-Irfii? We will hold s large laleof foreign ana d 0 "a goods by catalogue, on a otedlt of four month, fA' i.y OHfEBBBDATMOKBISo, ' April 6, at 10o’clock, embracing about m . and lots of itapi eahdTSHSy Articles intros,., teds, Un*ii*, &Bdcottona, to which if* *«*• attention of dealers JST. B, —Samples of tbs same will be , amixtaUon with catalogues,early os them J?**- when dealers will And tt to their if Oorealeor JfßX® THOBBDAY, A.vmm J' s > mence at 10 o’clock precisely with thefoilow;» Uc ’3- of very eboDeand desirable articles, viz- uf l»0GO dozen s tape-bordered linen cambric chtsfa all trades . ,f Uai te . l.COOdczen X tare bordered linen crambriti;,,. chiefs, all grades. \ U3 iif. 100 dozen fi hemstitched lines cambric hands,,,', all grades.. .. . , 300 dozen X fiemstllched linen cambric hands,.,' all made*. “^“zettsah, chW- 8 “ o “u?kSs ttUd b ° rfeted CaQl,ti ‘ lbs lines bleached damask and spot satin cloths. llßta W ' B - damask and spot eattn i tSSasss? x rrfnßd^fieT” Ha « ! »4a a mask.nd sawt, awiW,” 1 Turkey towels and ti»,u», toe“X&?A. e,fl> iBCk “* ™* •*■«*£ W. te a 4 ,^ltW icpnoTis B . lll liß ®n goods of the present season 111 * IMFOBTABT AMD ATTRACTIVE SALE OF n-Al'i, GLOTHh APB SATIS Dg OHiSBA WAI “ lS „ . . On THU.&SDA.Y, April 8 • cases 3 4 black Italian cloths. rnalS fr 4 bl< “* ItaU, “ clothß - to scwrfe —* ca»ea S-4 black satiu da rls"M*me.. Wack “ Siade ChtoBe - «*•*» te m m . cases 3 4 drab sarin de Chine*. superiorqnailfisa’ d< CUaM ' erira qnamte“ 6 ' <0 “ BrT “““ d »ioeasabi4c« fancy checks, poll de chevres, percales, alpacas, hairs, Goburgs, skirts, tut. SIDK|L Large assortment'of black, colored, and fancy drw and bonnet silu, inarceUtasB t flounces, &c. POSITIVE DSOPFOETB. jtMAii«wih ao.. . OM FEIDaS MOBS IMG, April 7 th, at 11 oduck, will be sold, by auiani on four months* credit, aboht 300 pieced rich three-sir. superfine and fine insmin, royal damatk. Yenettrs. list, hemp, cottage, and rag carpeting*; Cect:n tu cocoa mat ings, 4c.. embraoJm a choice anortaem i: superior goedi, which may be examined barlyoatti morning of sale.. ■ ■ ■ PK2EMPTOBY 8 ALB OF FBSMCH, IMDIA, OSS MAM. AUD BRITISH DBT GOODS, Ac. OM MOHDAY MOBMISG. April 10. at 10 o'clock, will be sold by cjttalogca, sj four months’ credit, about TOO PACKAGES AMD BOYS of French, India, German, and British dry goods, Ac, embracing a large ncd desirableassortment of faaer la; staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and tut. ton fabrics.' M. B.—Samples Of the tame will be arranged for cm ruination, with catalogues, early on the morning a!U< salts when dealers will find It to their iotehmUe M THOMAS & SONS, • Bos. 139 and I*l South FOURTH Street Public Gales of Beal Estate and 'Stocks, at-tbs Si change, every TDEaDAY. at ilo’ctook. _, ~ .SIXTH SPBIBB SABS, dth AprlL Estate of the late Dr - John Bedmen py. s«t J, Btxkpatrick* nod' H&s4* . „ • SEVENTH SPRING SAItB, Uth ApStt. Estate of the late Robert Balaton* Ke^., and others, t _ A EIGHTH SPRIB.G SJJUB, 18iU April. Estate of the late jiewi* Wsta, Esa., mud often. • For Hat of tat tiui abSYe lhree sales sm P&see catalogua Tuesday. ChKD.—Our sale THIS DAT, the 4th ie.fc. efllwu prise noma of the roost desirable' property ofe:a& tidi uasos, lueludlßg handsome ntffaeßces,»Wal»at sSMt, Mue Bud Broad streets, FllberJ.Btxth, Fourth streets. e -.i.T»lii»l>le Stores. SUttet greet. South street, Satond Btrert. »ud Fourth strait, “4 Gtottden. properties Ground Bens, btoeK*. Sc.; a large portion peremptory sale*. $« pamphlet catalogues. PEREMPTORY 8 ALB OF TH* CABAT, BOAT KHOWS A 8 TBB CAPT. JAMBS KHieHT. , OM WEDNESDAY Mußiflflo, of Sf ii?* 11 ’ *‘B™«h-«Weet wharf to OAHAp known.,as the Captain James S. Knight, 96 teet long, 16 feet wide, 9 feet hold, and£ ton* tonnage. Sale absolute. SALK FOB ACCOHBT OF THB TJJfITED STATES. . OB THURSDAY, At 12 O’clock, at the anstion store. 75 iron bedsteads. Sale Boa. 199 and 341 Boutb Fonribstrest. SOTHtIOKFUKHITnKB.-PIAHOPOBTES, FIP.E -PBggljnHßST, FRBHCH PLATE MIRROR, MS UAKPBXS, da - . ■ .OB THURSDAY MOBKISG, -. At 9 o'clock, at the anetton store, superior honie'rrd fnrnitnre, two mahogany pianofortes, Are-proof ssfs (by Eras* A Watson and Farrel A Herring), fine Preach pine mlrrotß, handsomecarpets,shtna and glaera era Bale 80. HB4 drees street. SDFEBIOB FDBjnTOBB. BOSBWOOD FIAFO, TAFBSTBY CARPBTB, Sa . OSFRID AYMOBB t»B,. «h April, at 10 o'clock, at 80. 1814 Green street W catalogue, theeuperiorfnrnitnre, fine-toned rosewood S 1 otto-forte, book-ease,.feather beds, flns tapestry car- P®J*» WjB» eafef T * x6lDilied at 8 o’clock on Ike morula* of £• R SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEBR, Nos. "• TOO and 703 CHEBTBUT Street. BDBVRHTH Street _ SUPERIOR FUBBITUBK, MIRRORS. BRUSSELS ASF „TAPBBT«r-CABPBT“’kc SI rt .at 10 o’clock, on the premises, 80. SI worth. Eleventh street, the aupcrior farnUnre, mirrors* Bros tel sand tapestry carpet*. diniatr-room and Mi*®* farniture of . e nsttraua declining kouse ießpLcf he CTtfflttwfliriy ottißarßiatm ule. _AlgOn one octave, elegantly carved rose wood pi«o- SHippuie. Mr a STEAMSHIP 8188, sailing from 9«h .sPSfsgsjftsagsei^'tfgs Otuff v^^! ffertßd irt one- half the premium citarrrf PwlghU taken at fair rates.- EWBIpU ** im ami* AthX 0r Pa,,a,!B ftajln?ftM*eeomnio © SS? M£S!S * iXiiSain .|g7 G at -> • a ®d-tapd2, 111 WaLSPT Street. Wl»> ftjafflSh i HSW EXPRESS LINE ,W 2 ■““■■■is ALBXANDBiA, GBOBGBTOWH, w WABHIH GTOS. Yia Cbesapeake and Bela warn Wjt 1 Steamers lease Arat Wharf above MABKBT 8s«“ 1 «’>2 r y WBDHBSDAYand SaTOBDaY, at 1J t . ... Georgetown, D. C.; FbOWBBS ABO VEH. , -»AC-h Jf O TICE —POR NfW ■"^■■fcYOßK.—The. PHILABEbPHIA I*' 1 *' HBW YOKK EXPBBSB STBAMBI-AT COMPACT rt Delaware and Barttan Canai. Bteanten-leaye BAH.Y, first wliarf below BAB" Street, at 2 o’clock P. M. ... WM. P. CLYDE A CO., lid WHABYES.PU* .ISTEY^ COTTAGE ORGANS BotonIyUHEXCBEEBD, botUBBaPAItID ’aw • I» Worth UmßSji, the Perf«t^^ MALCOLM MACNEII£| STOBB. IHo. 310 &*»* JIETH Strest, below Eptnse. -- •: • ■ t PH Ii t ADBIiPHIA, wanTiar^- Ba-dlassesrcfittedto suit all agss, and all o"J» repairing «areftHr and promptly attended to. 3^-' |BBt_NO PAIN IN EXTRACTIN' 9 —Bltrona Oxide Gas admiii»‘' ,i! beantlfnl and natural style of TEETH IBBBBTBD. among L jmgffg. mia-aiß ■ 731 spshcejhSp- B&a EVANS & WATSON’S eEP BALAMABDU " STOKE. IB BOOTH FOURTH STREET. . : PHILADELPHIA, pa. ,_ c ,„. f , st A large yariaty of FIBB-FKOOF SAFES ” TYRW STORES, CITY ANB^Cl'N'