THE ILLUMINATION OF THE PUBLIC BOTLDIITO*. Instead of reoommendlng the public buildings to b» illuminated tonight In honor of the fall of Bleh mond, b'b originally published, the Secretary of State now names Tuesday evening, the 4th Inst., for that purpose. THE HEBEI. FRISONERB. Orders were received here to-day by the proper -authorities for the reception of a largo number of captured officers, who will be forwarded to tbls city Immediately from Olty Point. The enlisted men will be sent to Point Lookout. THE FOBEIGN MINISTERS. The following is so far a list of the Foreign Minis ters who to-day oalled at the Department of State to express their congratulations on the fall ot Rich mond. Others will doubtless follow: The first who called was the Austrian Minister, Donut Wydkhbruok ; then the Consul General of inland j next the Swedish Minister, Baron ;n»TKDT j Baron Gbbom, the Prussian irj Mr. Buhklky, the British Charge res, and Mr. Asya Bcboaga, the Chilian iBAMD MASS MEETING TO BB HELD, ier the aosplooa of the Lincoln and Johnson a grand mass meeting will he held in front of ’atent Office, tc-msrrow night, to celebrate the ties. excitement in the city. 'PECT OF THE GIAD TIDINGS. of Onr Gitijsens Over the Capture of Richmond. Bill OP THE 019 STATE HOOSS PXAHNH THMHUCMPH OP MBKBIY. and Incident* Throughout the Say. TMPKOMPTTT ILLUMINATION AT SIGHT, msirallve Patriotism and Joyful Excitement. Yesterday was carnival time In Philadelphia ir In the history of the stanneh old tluaker was there excitement so Intense. The streets alive with a multitude of people apparently it frenzied with joy. And well might glad relgn supreme, for never had there been such i for patriotic rejoicing. The long snspenss of iof war had culminated In a triumph which itricken unholy rebellion with Its deathblow, to heart of every true citizen expanded with . of pleasure, and throbbed wildly under the tense of ecstatic emotion. The glad tidings '.he front, where battle had frowned so long, 4 with lightning speed throughout every ter of the city, and an outpouring took place )h showed that, staid and sober as we may be >r any ordinary exciting cause, we dsutzens of ” grtorSe countrie towne” ol Penn are high. * as racers when the appointed time has iCSHIBB XX rROHT OX XXDBFBXDXNCS HALT., >p«, patriotic hope, brightened as the sun ap -hed the zenith, and the people generally ed to prepare for universal rejoicing. It was int that all desired to have the official an lement that "Rlehmond ts tattoo” before en ‘into any special or extensive celebration, ent Idncolr.’s despatch No 2 relieved the . of aU donbt as to the solid fact that the ;»1 of the rebels had been captured by the gal- Union army. The oxoltemenc at eleven o’clock: neneed—the vicinity of the newspaper offices the grand centre of attraction. The populace, .mighty ilowlog tide, poured In from all qaar- At three ainutes before high noon the state e bell wasrurig. The looal telegraph seat the tialngs to all' the stations In the otty, and al at the same moment the station bells were .. Tbe miauling of the patriotic tones awakenod 'Philadelphia to a reallzaiion of the Import and agreeable faot that Richmond, the ’of seven fortified hills, had fallen before the rhty power of the Invincible sons of the North. , since tbe firing on the old flag on Fort Sump pearly four years ago, have we seen and felt 1 at) ejfottrmert in this city. The announcement le eapture of Vicksburg, received fn Phtladet on July 7fU. 3853. abused general rejoicing, and iamb of Grant rose high In the estimation of all lists. It was on that day when the great event announced by the ringing of the state House in rapM succession, and then every patriotic >m thrilled with bone and fresh courage. Bat excitement, thrilling and joyous as it was, idles into comparative Insignificance with that jeterdsy. is an understood arrangement that when the > Bonee bell is rung In rapid succession, their i no fire at tjw time, u is the duty of the differ*. Ire oompsnies to proceed at once to lodepsnd- Hall, within three minutes after the bell first orth its joyful tones, yesterday, the America was tbe first to arrive, and the mingling music sells increased the excitement. Then came lolutnbia Hoses then the Fairmoant. The teamer was tbe Philadelphia; thns combining semes appropriate to the occasion. The peo iw hastened to thfi State House, and on they resistless as an avalanche, shouting for the i, Grant, and Yiotory, Other fire apparatus id in rapid succession. The hoso carriages lock and ladder trucks were backed up along ninty row, while the steamers lined along the stone and setup Bteamln double quick time, i a blowing of steam whistles and ringing of , waving ol flags, and general joy, out-gdehing, , heartfelt joy. were never heard, seen, or felt ils or any other city oi the Union. They were •is cl at could only be toby appreciated by actual rlenee. The excitement, it may be said, was rely universal, and the turning point, so to ik, was in front of old Independence Hall, irom steps of which a document was once given to people that hurled deflation to a tyrant’B throne; refore, no mote suitable place could have been >sen to celebrate spontaneously a tyrant’s fall. THE JOT INOSEASES. came tbs fire companies, whose merry tones of os music added to the delight of the people. ] in or up the street name steamers, with fire ao i steern blowing. The "State nduse bell had I •if, hut the people wanted more, and thirty ite’s herd rapping on “Old Toney” was par 'd in quite apatrtotlb styie, Theoroyd bythta res dense, and still increasing. Chestnut assed the house cheered lustily for the'Union and ts noble defenders. The greatest crowd had gathered on Chestnut street, between Eighth and Ninth. The Conti nental and Girard were brilliantly Illuminated, and on the portico of the former a band of musla dis coursed patriotic airs during the early part of the evening. A fine brass band serenaded General Hooker last night, about eleven o’clock, at the Continental Hotel, bnt after repeated calls the General failed to appear. The crowd, whloh was Immense and pre vented tile passage of the cars, then made repeated rails lor “Dan” Dougherty, and others, but up to midnight thete was no speech made, and the crowd began to disperse quietly and In order. The Philadelphia Ciub House, at Thirteenth add Walnut streets, was also brilliantly Illuminated. Each window had a burning taper displayed; the Amerloan flag was exhibited, from the upper part of the building, and the effect was much admired. It would be impossible to describe the illumina tions of all the private residences, stores, and public buildings. Amongst those worthy of note on Chestnut street, was Kerr’s -China Hall, whloh, from the roof to the first floor, was crowded with borning candles and small flags. Bailey’s jewelry store was brilliantly Illuminated. Along the front balcony was a row of gaß jets. The white marble of tbe building and tbe statue “ Tima ” presented an elegant appearance under the light of the g ut. The jewelry store of Caldwell ft Co., on the opposite side, was elegantly festooned withbuntlng and flags and brilliantly Illuminated. THE CABNIVAL LAST NIGHT. It really seemed that the entire eight hundred thousand inhabitants of Philadelphia formed a sort of a mixed up carnival. Thousands of discharges of small-arms, like the shooting out of the old year and the new one in, gave considerable eclat to the general joy. Squads of men, with swivels on car riage tracks, paraded in different sections of the city, and fired off many a salute. Processions of gro teequely-dressed young men, such as are seen about Christmas times, paraded with tin horns, and kept up a coatlnual blow. Many a fire oompany passed by the recently-purchased residence of Glent. Goa. Grant, and made the welkin ring with shouts of pa triotism, Bands of musicians added melody to the general jollification, while squads of men shouted at the top of their lungs “ Everything is lovely,” and “We’ll all drink stone blind.” Added to ail this the fire-gongs of the steamers in “discordant harmony,” the ringing of hose tolls, hand bells, and blowing of trumpets; the reports of swivels, pistols, and guDB; the explosion of Roman o indies and rockots ; tbo glare of red, white, and blue pyrie fires s the mutual congratulations of everybody— formed one of those very thrilling scenes that can only be enjoyed onoe In a lifetime. Tbe oarntval, if Eueh It can be termed, was a mingling of Fourth of July, Christmas, and New Year’s celebrations, embellished with the display of tbe firemen, the so* tire soenes illuminated with the brilliant rays of patriotism. JETO DAVIS ADDAS BEAT. One of the processions of the “day we celebrate” purHdtu tile rueeib lose eveulnyrwttti a banner con taining the homely, though expressive phrase, “Jeff Davis a dead beat.” The display caused not a little remark of s pteasa**, character. Jeff eras ropta-. semed as hanging tbvt gallows'; , A hose carriage appeared on the streets In the afternoon, having on It a staffed bear, with the same motto, that Jeff Is a dead heat. Many persons made light ol so grave a joke. IHBEPBJIDBHOB SOSB COMPAKY. The beautiful carriage justfinished for this pa triotic and active company was housed yesterday, at an eventful hour. Its bells were rung for the first time for the great Union victory. The carriage is painted light blue and gold. Its appearance is neat, the workmanship substantial. It was taken, to the front of Independence Hall, and merrily were the hells rung. MBKTHTG OF ITBRCHAKTS. While the excitement was Increasing and con gratulatory exultation being manifested every where, still there was other work of importance pro gressing, to which there should be a hearty response at once? It must be apparent that many of our brave Union men, who have stood as a harrier be tween our loved homes and the war’s desolation, have fallen in the hotly contested fields. Many are wounded, and the saved people should at onoe do all they, can to render neoessary relief as speedily as possible. At two o’clock a spontaneous meeting was held at the Merchants’ Exchange, for the pur. pose of raising prompt subscriptions for the benefit of the wounded soldiers. . . On motion of Mr. Edmund A. Souder, the chair was taken by Mr. A. E. Borie. The president pro? nosed, as a preliminary, that three cheers be given for General Grant. This was responded to with a hearty good will. „.. _ „ „ The Eev. Dr. Patterson, of the U. S. Christian Commission, was Introduced. This gentleman re cently returned from the Tront. He spoke in sub stance as follows: BEXAXtKS OP DB.PATTBBSON, Dr. Patterson began by relating some of his expe rience in front of Biohmond. He Had.seen the works in front of the rebel ally, and the wonder to him was how human endurance could go through them. Yet our troops went through all into the city. He had seen men stand np in line of battle as straight as soldiers on dress parade, and deliver their fire so rapidly that the rebels were forced to fall back be hind their own lines. [Applause.] Dr. Patterson said he had stated the character of the works in front of Biohmond to show that they were not taken without many a brave man being left to mark the ground. What we are here to-day for is to consider the means of providing help for these brave men. How long do yon think will It take a wounded man to bleed to death 1 Not very long if he Is not helped. A bandage or a little stimulant will do a great deal towards saving life, If given in thne. The Doctor continued to describe the operations of the Christian Commission iu the early port of the contest. He bad been an eye-witness to many of these scenes. The delegates of the Commission, as the wounded Bqldters said, were everywhere ad ministering cordials, stimulants, bandages, sued food. RBUABK6 OP MB. A* ©. CATTBLD. He said he was not disposed to make any speech. Our hearts are full of gratitude, first to God, who has brought us through this dark night to the glo rious dawn; andnext to that, let us remember that we are the greatest debtors to those who have per formed those deeds of valor, which will live as long as our language is read or written. We come to tell ypu that you owe a debt, and that, as merchants of Philadelphia, your first duty is to pay your debts. The messengers are here who will oarry- the first Instalment of that debt to our brave soldiers, In the persons of the gentlemen of the Christian Commission. Dot ns, then, pay this debt at once. There Is not a private soldier who has left his wife aid little ones, and shouldered his musket in defence of the oountry, who has not given more than the wealthiest millionaire. [Applause.] Here, gentlemen, is the Army of the Potomac, which swung around when our own olty was endangered; that Army of the Potomao, under its gallant leader, General Grant [applause], God bless him [ap- Slausel, which has at last pioroed through the fortt catlons of the rebel capital. What do we owe this army! Do we feel that we owe anything! [Cries of “ Yes, yes!”] Well, if we do, let us pay it. In the nemo of God. let us do It at once. _ Mr. Cattail was followed by George H. Stuart, Efq-, chairman of Christian Commission, in his usual earnest style. ADDRESS BY HR* GBOBOB S. STUAUT. Tho speaker began by relating the Incident of the Seoesh woman, who, parsing through one of our hospitals, overheard a wounded soldier moaning, when she exclaimed, “Is the country worth all this!” The soldier, starting up, said, “Yes, madam, and far more!” [Applause.] He was not there, he said, to make a speech. The days of making speeches had gone by. We come here to work. He had been to New York most of last week, and when the first chapter of this present contest was Bent by one Abraham Uiueoln (God blsss-himl rapplanse], he went to Wall street and told the merchants of New York that he wanted *5B 000. They said he could have It, To-day they telegraphed for him to draw upon them at sight for *20.000. A subscription had been opened on tha Boston Exchange, and was progressing finely- Mr. Stuart proceeded at length, In rapid and elo quent strains, to dilate upon the noble (feeds or our armies, and wound up by a powerful appeal on be half of the wounded. THE BTJBBOaiPTIOH* Mr. Stuart announced the following Subscrip tions : Jay Coolto A & J. Drexel McKean- Borlo, St Co. George E. Stuart J. B. Myers.. A. Whilden St 50n.... John P. Crosier.....:-. Stephen Caldwell..... E. W. Clarke & Co Thomas H. Powers E. A. Souder & Co A. G. Oattell Be Haven & W. H. Mewbold & Aeruon j. H. Stephenson Daniel Soul! Humphreys St Hoffman... Bobert Boyd ■Work, McOouch, &-C0... John Glb'on Robert B Eatler. Oeffia & _*2 H. OKJonea > G. J. Ofalida - 26 rew6Mwisu»Bt«6ubwtibo can (M»aw»imwwy to Jogepk Fatterscn, treasurer, at the Western Bark. : ' JVir. Georg© H, Stuart read a despatch, just re ceived from Boston, Mass., wh?ck stated tbu-t the sum already snbsortbed In that city amounted to *!< mo, and that a larger sum was expacted bo subscribed to-day. A TRIUMPHANT UNION VICTORY, Hartford, April 3—P. M.—The State has gone In favor of the Union ticket by a large maj orlty. Middletown, April 3—B P. M.— ln Middletown the Union ticket Is elected by 125 majority. Hartford, April 3—8.30 P. M.—The fallowing is the vote In this city: Fob Governor— Buckingham (Union)) 2,120; Seymour (Dem.), 2,1T0. Fob Congress— Denning (Union), 2,400; Mit chell, (Dem.), 2,158. The Union candidates for representatives were elected by 200 majority. Nrw Haven, April 3—B.4s.—New Havon gives Buckingham (Union) for Governor 304 majority, aid Samuel Warner (Union) for Congress In the Second district 288 majority. For representatives in the State Legislature E. J. Sanford (Union) has 100 majority in Fourth dis trict, and Linde Harrison (Union) has 660 majority in the Sixth district. . Warner for Congress in the Second district has about 1,600 majority. The Union candidate for State Senator In tho First district has 630 majority, In the Seoond district 702 majority. In the Eighteeenth district the candidate for the House has 260 ma j orlty, a Union gain. Danbury, Conn., April 3.—The Ilth Senatorial dlstrlot gives the following majority for Bucking ham : Danbury, 208} Bldgefleld, 118; Bethel, 108; Bedding, 66. For Seymour: Brookfield, 39; New Fairfield, 22; Newtown, 109; Sherman, 81. Tho majorities for the Congress are about the same as those for Governor. Franols A. Sand ford Is elected Senator by 21T majority. State Representatives elected: From Danbury, David P. Nlol.ols and William H. Tweedy, Union; from Bedding, Thomas B. Fantonand William B. Hill, Union; from Bldgefleld, Hiram O. Nash and Ebe nezer W. Hollar, Union; from New Falrfisld, D. Distrow, Democrat; from Brookfield, Curtis Mor tis, Demoorat ; from Sherman, William B. Pepper Democrat. Hartford, April 3—llP. M.— Hartford oounty, complete, gives Buckingham, 8,108; Seymour, 6,214, being a Union gain of 1,164, All the Union candidates for Congress are elected and also nearly all the Union State Senators and Representatives. 11.30 P. M.—Henry C. Demtnghns 2,223 majority, with Sumers and Union to hear from, which towns will give him about 1 fifty more. 12 P, M.~Gov. Buckingham Is ro-aUeted by from 10,000 to 12,000 majority. Four Union Congress men are elected by a majority of from 1,600 te 4,000 each. 1 . The Senate is all Union and the House about three-fourths Union. ORGANIZATION OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT—TEE MEMBERS OF THE CABINET. New York, April 3 —Advises received to-day from San Domingo deny the rumors of a oounter revolution there. The Bepubllo is free from any tumult, aid the new Government Is quietly orga nizing. Gen, F. De Rossas has been eloeted President, and nine eminent Dominicans, seven of them gene, rals In the army, have been appointed as his Cabi net or advisers. Among them are Antonio Foloooo, brother of the President. A sovereign constitutional Congress, consisting of nine representatives from each commune, has been, called, and was to have been convened at Santiago de los Oalleros. TER RBOBNT CONFLAGRATION IN HAYTI—MODIFI CATION OF THR CONSTITUTION, HTO. New York, April 3.— lntelligence from Port-au- Piinceof tlie 25th or March has been received in this city. The disastrous conflagration In that city was still tho absorbing topio In Hayti. President Geffrard had issued a sympathetic ad dress to the sufferers. . In the various towns and villages throughout the Republic subscriptions were being made for the re lief ef the sufferers. Cape Hay tlen alone ha 3 con tributed over 116,000. President Geffrard has proposed several important modifications of the Haytien Constitution. One of these declares that any African, or Indian, or any of their descendants, are eligible to the privilege of becoming Haytien citizens, and the privilege may also be conferred on such foreigners, not Indian or African, as may render servloes to the Bepubllo, Those only aie eligible to the office of President of Haytl who are born on the Island, are of Indian blood, tblity-flve years old, and holders of real estate. President Geffrard has ordered the establishment of a volunteer file department. Three hundred thousand dollars has been appro priated by the Government to the relief of the suf ferers by the Fort-au-Prlnce fire. Great Ice Freshet on Sbe St. Lawrence. Montreal, April 3. —The river ro?e several feet on Saturday and was piled with Ice to a great height. One of the masses came near striking a tube of the Victoria Bridge. Yesterday morning, the river rose much higher, flooding Williams, Wellington, and other streets. Between five and sis o’clock In the evening the ice shoved again, and the water rushed over the ravete ment wall, flooding Commission street. At about 11 o’clock It again rose as high as St. Paul and St. Giles streets. The Grand Trank Railroad, between Bonaven tnre and the Tanneries, is inundated. This morning the Inundated points of the olty are covered with rafts formed with scows and boats. At present byf&r the greater part of the western lortlon of the city is inaccessible except by boats, h. fp nf "° R Vinton. New York A Jewett, Hew York B Miller, Hew York NS Haul, Hew York W Foster, Jr, Hew York - 3 B Sanborn, Concord, M H Geo r 4 Trask, Hew York G A Girod j H Poet, Hew York R A Reiser, Jr, New York W 8 Smith. New York D TMacfarland, New York Hew York WLyali. New York H Rohr. Georgetown, o C a Skfe’Tin, Jr, New York WKaatrin, Hew York Alex Smith New York J H Burleigh, Maryland W Turnbull, Sew-Turk .... Bobt S CoreU, Boston. K L Case, New Y ark M Pollock, Hew York „ J« ha S Shepard, New York W Bowner, New York J Bu*ev, New York K?L 9 Everett, Hew York n o Simpson, Hew York BG Biy. New York W Jamuft, Newark, N J H Morris St wr» New York Ja» k Fcrs&ld J Sircmaster, Stroudsburg D C Woodrow, USB Al*x Davr, New York O WGraffliD it la. Balt Col C L Gr*fflin, Colorado Edw Thompson, Beaton C hJM dark. New Yoik J B Porter, Jr* Wlim, Bel Jas Connolly, Baltimore TbosO Dnryer, Baltimore M Even, USA Boston E Belaud, Boston Alfred Chapmay, Havana J Fliswis, Wheeling C P Brown, Wheeling JW I ares, New York Mias A Barker, New Jersey B A Lawrence, New York M LUhtner, Feori W Btdgway.Faterton. N J JL Bndd, Lebanon O W S 3 Favell, New York Geo W Parvin, Pottsville R M BuraUfc, lowa J IS. English. New York J H Bafts. New York J W Simonton. New York David Bern, Chicago Jas D ferkißß, Boston W J Stephens. Detroit ARCalhron, Kentucky John B Church, New York F W Kellogg. Wash, D 0 tfreElwell, Baltimore W 8 Gocdall. New Haven ChesG Cornell. New York W M Tweed, New York F C Fay hew, Ch'cago W EBay hew A la, Balt T B Wilson, Cheater* Pa B J Baldeman, Harrisburg B W Shenk, Lancaster w Prbeml, New York ' WT. Slots, Brooklyn H Tucker, New York T D Hays, Great Bend. J Werusmoth a la, N Y PJEiny- Pittsburg Jos-W Harper,'.Few York G E Farquhar &wf« Pottv’e' tirard* J M Dennis* Maine H HWaiaTight, Baltimore Geo Z Wot* H Craven ' The G Chas A Good. Cincinnati Ob as P Mott, Bradford co J 8 Radebtch, Clearfield, co Cha« F Simpson “ W Barrett, Clearfield co Mies 8 Barrett Clearfield co r Ninmona, New York F Leach. New York L W Clark, New York NLPine, New York M 1 Fauerty, Montreal Jo* H*H, Washington H P Turner. BeUimors # F Tamer, Baltimore £ F Stone, BaUimore Job Hamilton, OSS W Sanders, USA Geo Landis, Washington. John Ctayton, Washington V Griffith & fam. Ohio Chss Danlap, Warren, O H afcKenoey, Baltimore Jos Harrison, Baltimore >aml Goodwin. Waehingto Dr C Schneider, Cm, o J SchcMcer, Cincinnati, 0 W |i olover, Clarion GR Barrett, Clearfield Cap! A £ Drake C v Huston,, Beliefonte Jobnß Jane** New York Thos M Vand*ver, N York WBGould., New York F A Bates. Putibarg Rob* Deunlston, Sew York FSS'aipjoa C L R*hn 8 J McGinnis, Rahway E fi Ammidown.NewYork Ct o England, New York A P flterxett Mai* e , B M Williams. New York W H Barber, Mas* JFSatterlee. Titusville John Wavrbouse, OH City Chas L Green A wf,Fitot, below Hath. It TJnpkecedbntbd Success. UHIOH BUTTON-HOLE ,« SEWING- MA. OH IKES HOW BEADY. SEWIHB 100 BUTTON-HOLES AN, HODB. The Stitching Warranted to he Superior to hand-work, in any Material, and Much Mors Durable t SALSSKOOXS* 300 WASHINGTON Btreet, Boston. BBOADWAY, Hew York. AMOS It. WOOD, , , . , Treasurer. mhM-tnths 2m . A MAGNIFICENT SEVEN-OCTAVE STo » I ’ Bosewood PIANO.ioRTS, the property of a family declining housekeeping, made fonr months ago for pre**nt owner by one of ths h*et makers in thia con* try, cost <6OO, will be Bold at sear half edit, as it jniiat be told at ones. All round comers, free from Beratcb or bi’emish (good as sew). Can be seen at the residence, 341 Forth TEFVH Street. apS-st* oßSsmsa Gbobgb Steck & Co.’s fTTW> piasos, n «Ti» Airi> MASOIf fit HAHLIIT’fI CaBIBBT 0&OAK8. PIAHO Over 600 each of these fine CABIHET FOBTBB. instruments havebeen -old by OBStlfß. PIAHO Mr.G . and thedemand is son- OaBIHXT FOBTBB. stantly increasing. OKGAHS. PIAHO For isle only by CABINET FOB*ES J, B. GOULD, OBGAJS. PIAHO SEVENTH and CHE3THUTBti. CABIHET fOETBS, «W» K OBGAHS, J H Dunbar, Fenna A G Oatteil* Phtla Vi C Cattail, Boston Jas M Day, Sew Albany aw 80-sail, Wash, 0 0 Jas Graham, Bikton James Fetter, Lewistown t Piiiaer, Psnuey'vanta W O Hiekok, Haertsbarg G B Mas er, Suubury w M ttocsaMier, - unbar j J S**rholtz, Snnbory. W Varner = Poitsvilla Ja« K Brualer O Watsaa & wf Wmsporfc P: Jordan, New. York TFCoTyen, 08 A A Bader. Newcastle W M Bell, Samoa, Del T H Lane. New York W D Savin. Hmvrna. Del . l£ C Hnmes, BsUelbnte, Fa rehantfiV N P Saff Delaware A Liles. Delaware EPHagIIDC, OU City D S Bechtel* Phita Ciu* L Beohtei. Trenton W H Bechtel, Phila A K WrUht, Clearfield W nttate f. Ayer, New fork J WaWling. MuncerfivUle . Isaac Dunniog, Bangor, Mef M&mnel Hoad J N Phillip*, Newcastle A D Daabar, XJ 8 N R W key adds. Delaware N Carroll, oil City Robt Gae, Pottsviila ,£ Jordan A wf, Conn. [H W Orem* r. New York b M H&mili A eon, N J J % cfeison Ala, a York it W Smith, California, Pi Miss Kelley, California, Pa Taos h Fry mire. Milton Woo Helnon, Milton Jas Water*. JLewisbnrg J A Seily. Lswiebarg IV B Wentz, Hanover, Fa JD J Albright, Hanover, Pa iCB Win, danovar, Fa J O Beck. Suubury, Pa ;F J Barry, Mafcanoy City J H Harb&agtu Ghamb'g F -Smith, Franklin ce J W Rich, Marietta D Hancmr, Colambia J tohtte, *r, New York C Rowe, Sir as burg BI H Tagi art A wf, Fenna L’-H Whitman A la. .Mass W D Hayden A la, H*al J K Sherman, Masa*. lerican, H M Wiliiamf, New York Miss H F Hear, Wilin. Dal Ktooard Deosmore, Wash jk Harrington, Dover, Del F i-agonfteU, Ohio J B “wojex, Harrisbarf Jas H Beil, Wash, D C a £ Pitman. Bethlehem S W Brock A.wlte f-cranton W B Shinn. New Jersey Jus WiDon A lady, Boston W £ Belch, New 3& G Westeott,' Maryland . J A Persons, Maryland. B J Mo-jra, Deiawa e John P Dulaney. Delaware J F flane ha, Maryland A Ridgw&y, Maryland £ A Garrett iulon. J Stillman. PotUrilla Dr 5 Y Bachtel & la, Pa Lewie Kirk, Beading Wm Barce; Middlet*!*, O W 6 Weils, U B S Jc tjii ftraeff. Lebanon W 0 Metz, Clearfield eo & Hopple, Middletown.— Oiras /ay ft Joi Price, Waynesboro "-. mrr Mrs Harrison & la, Peon a . W F Bofcbert dc la, Feaha 8 G Pinkerton, Laac co J W Lamhiin J H Boozer. Hew Jersey Hiss C >■> Layler dc sis, Pa >aB D K«rn, Fenna S Tan Basklrk, Wmsport Jas Clark, Williamiport F J Kelnoh Ala, Peuna * One r Own Week OfiitT. OkeWsbe Okly. Johns'. THB LOWBBT SBtLllfa PKIOI is marked In figure* on each article, AND NEVER VARIED, AT JONES' Crescent One-prlee SLOTHING. HOUBi; market street. above Sixth. No. 60*. «r Yrf«e» wdueed to unifthe timet. A fine assortment of BBADY-HADB CLOTHING, suitable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work made to order at short notice, CmhSSm Colgatb’b Honey Soap. * This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In such universal de mand, Is made ftom the CHOICEST materials, is MILS and EMOLLIENT In Its nature, FRAGRANTLY SGBBTY BD, and XZTBB2EBLY BSNBFICIAL in Its action upon theSkln. Yoi sale by all DroggisU and Fancy Good* dealers. . feSS-tuthsly GeNTLEHBH’S iOPBNINO. KEV BTTLBB POBTHI SEASON. l«rf« variety of FabriMfor BVENINO and WALKINO COATS, BUSINESS EDITS. and DRESS*WEAR.. selection* nrged. be fore tbeoanaj rash begins. .WABAMASBR & BBOWR, Film Tailoring. i, CUSTOM DKPABTMBKT, No. 1 South SIXTH Street. j MENDENHALL.-On the 8d insfc.. Miss Lida A Men dcnh&ll. is the,32d year of her ace. • Ber relatives and friends .aw Invited !•> attend the fanenO, wtfchoatfuTther notice.from her late residence, No. 332 North Nineteenth street, on Weaneßday, 6th last at.l o'clock. To p ooted to Franklle Cem-itery, cn-Fraakford road. Services at the Free C&urch of Sc. Join, on the ground • ** fTJMMISS.t' On the Ist Inst., Col. Wm Cammiis, of Kisnacoqulllai, Fa * formmly a member of the Penn sylvania Les Ifilatnre from Miffim county. * BROWN.—At Dover. Delaware, on Sunday, the 2d Inst. ♦of pneumonia, |£ilzat)eth S., wif* of the Hon. Charles Brown, and daughter of the late Gov. Shank Funeral from, the residence of Dr. Jeanes, 510 Vine •treei, on Wednesday, April 6, at 10 o'clock, A. M. To pmceed to Laurel Bill, * LBN —On FDst-day evening, the 2d Inst., Enos Lee, in lhaSSth yesr of his ace Bis relatives and friends are particularly invited to a‘tend tee funeral from the residence of Phebd Kinsey* Frankford. on Fcunb-day afte noon, the sth m&t, at 3 o’clock, without further novice. _ ** CARKIGAN.—On Monday 3fittBfe., Charles W., son of Charles W. and £ 8. C*xrig»n, aged eight months . < . ** CARPENTER.—On the morning of the 3d lust., Wm. C.-Carpenter, in the 2&th year of bis age. Dus notice will be given of* the funeral. * ■ STBLWaGOB. -~Ob Saturday morning. April Ist, Ca tharine Ashme&d, infant daughter of Henry G. and Anna B. Stelwagyn, ased l.year. * LAW££PC.& the morning of the 3d inch, B ( lerjr C., 9on of the late Captain Charles Lawrence, aged. 22 years. . Fuberal from his late residence, 1327 Jefferson street, Tuesday. 9A. M. , “ . * ALLBN.r-un the'3d insi., Elizabeth Allen, in the 76th yeaT or her age. * Her relatives and friend* are Invited to attand the funeral* on Third day, 4th inst., at one o’clock, from the residence of her son, Joniak J Al'ea, 1320 Sprl ag Garden street. • To proceed to Laurel HiU f * . MORGAN. —On the mordiegof April Ist- of Scarlatina, Edith Diaper, infant daughter of Nathan E. and Rosalie M Moreau, aged 2 years and 6 months. The relaiir es and friendst&re in vited to attend the fa ner«l, on Taecda> afternoon, at S o’clock, from the rs* sidehce of her parents. No. 1529 North Thirteenth street f ** BROGNaRD.—On thd morning of the Slst ult., Sarah, _• rflicicf the late John S. Bfognaid, in the 77th year of her age. | Her relatives and frauds are refpectfully invited to attend her funeral, without further noties. this (Taos day) morniagat 10 o’clockifrom har residence, bpmee and Foity-iiftb stmts, We*t Philadelphia tx.PßiA April 4, 1865.—The membars of the Philadelphia aro wqueated to attend the of their late fellow-men ber, Mxior Charles Izard from the residence or his father, 1110 Wainutf freet, on Wednesday, at !0 o’clock The members of the League are requested to wear their badges on the occssi«-n _ GEORGE H. BOKBR. Sscwfcary. JUJPjtN’B PLAIN BLACK GOODS.- topin’* Tamlseß. '• Bombazines, All-wool Kept. Bxnprese Cloth*. _ Merinoo* and Cashmeres. Mobsselina Da Lainas. '* 8-4-wide Baieia HeinanL . 8-4-wide Bareies and Crap* Hants. Thibet Shawls, Ac raos l.ffio& s ai KA is El BE & LAND ELL’S ' O\J GOLD BaSB FOREIGN*GOODS 800 D time to buy, u their fwsortihent la excellent JOHS B OOU6H, Win deliver two LECTURES ic the AME&ICA2F ACADEMY Of MUSIC , • "As vtaaows: TUESDAY A|EILA BtT M2TROpOUS ,„ ; For the first time la this *lty. THURSDAY EYEEINC, APRIL 6, „ »* fact awd ftctioe,” Delivered here only once.npon which occasion large crowds "were unable to obtain admission- , ~, These will positively He the last opportunities the present season of hearins this disdntulshe t le^nrer. Thesaleof t»clr«t« will commence at CLAX‘Ofir 8 Booh More, Eo 606 CHSBTJSCT Street, on FRIDAY MOBS IfcG, March 31. Tickets2s cents, Reserved seats 60-cents. • Ample arrangements will be made to prevent unneces sary atlftT to parties imTchasiEff tickets. . Doors open at 7 o'clock; Lector® at 8 o clock ap4*lt FOR OtJB SICK ASD WOODED. --f. MISS D. L. DIX, Known to us all by her labors in behalf .of our Sick and 'Wounded, writes to a friend in this cltj as follow*: ‘ 4 l feel that if I had the opportunity I should levy on all tables of comfortable 11*6*8 at horns, for our pa tients are many, and our wants not limited. simple Cahes, all sorts of fruits and Vetetafelee, tomatoes and peaches, fife irreatl> needed. J”%BLL Jfflyir’OHK WHO HAS ANYTHINGTO (3IVE tTO OIVB NOW, " ; Any supplies sect to JOBS PASWTTTM & CO.. 80. 233 will be packtd and sent aX once. -*>*■*». E3SF*> FBIMBELPHU SOCIBffT FO* PBOMOTING AGBICULTTJSB—Ap'II m»etiaf at Booms 702 WAtNOT Stroet* on WBDNBSD *Y, 6th inst., at 11 o’clock A M: 1 , ap4-2t BiEV. itfß. HAJOIOWS THIRD 11==? Meeting for Adults will toe held THIS SVJgff- IBG at ly, o’c OCA, at the Church corner of BKO AI) and GBBBH streets. ■ If HORTrCUI TUBAL HUIi, : S. W. corner BROAD*and WA I, KU I' streets. Ifflpay, THIS BVBKIHG. “Pear Coltnre, Grafting,” &o. It rZsf° AM HTfRESTISO JIR^TIiHtFOR EOS? the TdncK will be held THIs (Tneidav) JSVBN IHG, at the Tenth Baptist Church (fe K»tm4’«), EIGHTH, above. GRBBH. All are Inviteil. Printed Hymns will he circulated so that all mar slag. It* A) A DIES, TAKE S o r IflE.—TO fc3r? HIGHT (8'o'oloct) DB. LANDIS delivers his first Private Lecture to t-adtes alone at Concert-Hall Lecture Boom, CHBBTBUT, above Twelfth street. If Ladle's want a clear insight into important knowledge they must attend the first of the terles. . Admission, 26 cents Crowds attend, i; Go early for a food seat. Doors .open at 7. KEMOB BOW, BP. M, to Men. Dr. L. ’s “KEY TO LOVE,” and all hie celebrated Publications, for sale at Lectures and athis Medical Office. , It* go. 1318 CHESTNUT Street. OFFICE OP VJHJE * FMSEUS **? EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,, „ „ Philadelphia. AprilS,lB!s. At a mealing of tie Board of Directors .hold this day. a Semi annual Dividend of SIX PBS CEsT. aud ah Extra Dividend of TBS PBB CBST. were declared on the Capital Stock, payable to tbs Stockholders, or their legal; representatives, on and after the 18th Inst., fife of u.xea J. w. MCALLISTER, ap4-10t Secretary pro tam. tsar' PA YUG BAUBIBS -THE WAR ■SW' BARTS for the salaries of Teachers will be Is sued by the Secietary of the Board of Controllers, in accordance with the resolution-adopted by the Board,as Beetlonßl7ih to 56th inclusive, Monday—Sections 18th to 9th inclusive. Tuesday—Section* Bth to let, including 28th Section. • inhSCSt - _____ . FtBOUSOS OH. CBMPAHY.-A fcS? Meeting of the Stockholders of this OomnaDy will be held at the Office of the Company, *l7 WAL gUTEtreet. on WEOAB6DAY, thei l2th of April,. at 4 o’clock P. M. for the purpose of electing a Board of Di 6af?l *¥ S*SIDBBOTHAM, Secretary. OFFICE OF CORN PL4NTER Oil pw GpJttPANT. No. 534; WaLSUT Street, March TheABNUAL MKBTIHG of the Stockholders of tM« Company will he' held at their officenn TUESDAY, APBIL 18th. IfB6, at 12 o’elook M , at'which time an Election for Directors to serve the ensuing year wilt be held. THOMAS B. SBABLB. mh2B-tuai»plS Secretary. LIBS CAMP CREEK Oil COM* 5 OFJfICHaaS SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHinanaiiPHiA Marsh 21, 1886. gOTICE,—The Company have contracted for boring four wells, and expect to have at least two Welle In deration within *ix weeks , . ■There are Fdur Thousand Shares remaining to be gold at the subscription price of %2- , . , , Maps* Prospectus end aU information can be obtained it Ute office of the Companv. p rfls j 4Bßt , E LTHfiABD. Treasurer. JOS. LEHB»L DmEO ALFSED M.STOH3B, CHAS a.- Ah reb26- stuttfit- B, CHAMPIOH, Secretary. PUP iOPPICB OF THE SOBIE AMD la? dbeamatee petbolsom oompasy, aso OHESTBUTStreet. „ „. . _ . r PHn.ADei.PHiA. March 20. 1865. . The animal msettrg of the stockholder* will w Mo on HOBDAY, the 10th of Aprtlpext. at ttrelve o'clock, noon. * '. ' GEORGE W. HUNTES, mh2l-ththiBt- Secretary. VffiP* OFFICE OF MF.URIMAO HISIITO *» COMPAHY OP LAKE SHPBBIOB, 138 WAL HUT Stloet. . r ” ’ "Philadelphia. March 21,186®. The AHKUAL MBBTIHe of the Stockholders of tbl* Company for the BI.ECTIOK OP DIRBOTOES. and such other business as may come before % will be held at the Office of the Secretary, 138 WaLNUP Street, in the city'df IPfißidelpUa, bn the SBCORD MONDAY, the 10th day or April, A it. 1866. atlO o’dookAM. mhSl.lSt ‘ SAMUEL P. DARLINGTON. Bec’y. DSS S " OFFICE OF’,FEUS! HISISO COM< *=s? FAKY OP LAKE SCJPBBIOR, Ho. 319 WAL NUT Street, . Phh.adbi.phia; March *4,1055. The ananel meeting of the Siockholders of this Com' pany, for the'electlon of Directors and sutholher busi ness a* may come bstore it, will he held at the office of the Company, go. SIS WALHUT Street; city delphia. on the erst TDBSDAI, the 4th -day of-April, A. D 1886, at 8 o’clock P M roh26-iap6 DA YIP S. BEYL. Secretary. •SB” PHXIA UEI.I’H lA. MARCH 30, *=*? 1686.—The PEOPLE’ STOCK BXOHaBOB. for Daily and Byenlng Sessions, will baopsn'or business In afew dare at tbeir'Hoom. Ho 505 CHESTgUT where all Information wUi he given on and after TUES DAY, April 4,.proximo. ... Fnll-paxticulars until that time can he obtained at Ho. 81 Bank street . _ _ - President. Dr ALBERT Q. SOBBST. Yice President, A G. FINES. Beo’y and Tr«as , S. C- PotWßti. mbSl-4t KCTT- “THE COSOBEMTAL HOTEL l=» COMPARY, ” —A epeclai -meeting of the Stock; holders of the COHriKBHTAL HOTELOOMPaHY, tot the purpose of adopdng the tupplemeni to the char ter oFthe company, patsedhT the Lesteiainreof Penn sylvania. end approved March 21. 1865, and carrrlog into effect the provisions thereof, will be held on MON DAY, April 10. ,1886, At 120 clcok M , at th- HOTBL. By order or the Board of Managers miff Plot J. SBBGBAHT PBICB. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE. Ff®' LARD COAL COMPAHY, Ho. »30 Sonth THIRD Street, corner of Willing's Alloy. Philadelphia. March IS, 1885. The Annual Masting of the Stockholders of the West moreland Coal Company will hsgßeld at the Office of the Company, on WnDBB6DAY, April sth, 1865 at 13 o’clock*;]!:, when an Election will be, held for eleven Directors to serve during the ensuing year. mh!7-tap6 P B. JAUKSOH Secretary- •33R- OFFICE ORRANIC OIL CO HP A BY, 10 MBBCHANTg’ BXCEAHGE Philauelfhxa, March 22.1886. The annual meeting of htockholdeis will be held os the 6th day ot April, at 12 o'clock M ; »h»-tap6 W. 0. SiaSS, Jr., Swretary, OFFICE OF XHK CITT BOUBTT. I® njjfD coHKiasioar, coMjio»wßtiT3 ■DILBIRQ, 813 CHBSTHOT Btre»t, PWtaa«!i*i» FhzladbziFHla, March G» 1865, IfotlM la hereby riToa that the Commlaeion for the payment of the Cut Bounty are now preparea to receive and adjrnt the claims of -all new recruit* under the pro* visions of existing Ordinances. : Volunteeie for One Year will resolve a Warrant for r6W HWDKEDDOLt'Afig. yolmtMrf MTmfws Wknuit for _ FIVB HUNDRED DOLLARS. Volnmteerifor Three Years will reeelee aWirrutfor SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. They are also prepared to recelve*»ppUoatlon« from, ABd to award to, ail citizeua who shall be drafted for one Tear * aervioe, and shall thereupon be duly aooeßted toi milß&ry dmy, or shell furnlah nubstltutes, certificates for warraate for tfaa imnnf _ _ FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. mb7-d&Wtt •OT 9 OinCK OF THE X.EHZ6H COAIi *» AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. Philadelphia, March 10, 1885. The Stockholders of this Company are hereby notified that, to provide means for completing the improvement* of the Company between Wilkesb&rre and Mauch Chunk, and to he prepared to progress with other Im portant railroad connections, the Board of Manages* have determined to allow to mi persons who shall ap pear as Stockholders on the books, of the Company on the 18th Inst., after closing of transfers at 3 P. Iff. of that day. the privilege of subscribing for new stock at par t to the extent of one ehare of new stock for every nveisharesthen standing in their names. Each share holder entitled to a fractional part of a share shall hays the privilege of subscribing for a full share. The subscription books will open on the 80th Lost , and close op the Beth of May at 3P. M. The new stock will not participate in the May dividend. Payments will he required as follows: Ten per cent, at the time 'of subscribing, 'and the balance on the 21th day of-May afore wid. after which time only will the new certificates beiesned. . Stockholders not wing as above will lose their right to, the new stook. Those who desire to anticipate pay ment will oe allowed discount on the whole amount of their subscription-** the rate of si* wr c»nt. per annum. mhlS-lm SOLOMON SHSPB3SD, Treasurer. m*sr» SOMCE.-THE mvkh MEET' fag of the Stockholders of the COMMERCIAL OIL COMPACT! will beheld on TUESDAY, ApHUUh, at 4 o’clock P. M». st the Office of the Decatur Oil Com pany, 144: South FOURTH Btr**-t. third *tory. GEORGE F. WILLIS, apl Si* Secretary, OFFICE OF THE BOHEHKiCT MINISG COMPANY OP MICHIGAN, 133 WALNUT Street, PHTLADBLyHiA, March 20,1565. The annual meeting of tie Stockholders of this Com pany for the election of Directors. a«d such other busi ness as may eome before it. will he held at the office of the Secretary. 13ffi WALNUT Street, in the city of Phila delphia, on the SECOND MONDAY, the 10th day of April, A.J5. 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M SAMUEL P, DARLINGTON, mliTI-fclOap Secretary. MBLITARI. ktjf PHILADELPHIA UNION AR vW TILOEB7.—The Company will meet at the Fqjß* ARMORY, at 10K A. M , April 4. to fire a sa msm lute. D W. HOWARD, It* Acting Orderly Ssrgeint, M PRIZE MONE*, GOVERNMENT ft and LOCAL BOUNTIES TO ALL WHO ENTER Tl! THE UNITED STATES MARINS CORPS. **■ Orders have been received from the head of they Marine Corps, at Washington sot to restrict recruits to a particular class {as has pees the case heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served in the voluateer ser-• vice, or in th* regulars, or in the marines, and have been honorably discharged, Euch persons enUstinr in ihe U. 6. Marines will receive the Government and local bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of prize mousy in any capture of the enemy s vessel*. For further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous No 311 South FRONT Street, between 9 A. M. and 8 o’clock P. M.* eveiy day but Sunday. JAMSa FORNEY,. gpl-tf Oaptain and Recruiting Officer. SU. S. MILITARY SCHOOL FOR OFFICERS- No. 515 CHESTNUT Street. Philadel phia, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALt,. H. TAGGART, Preceptor, Late Colonel 18th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves. A larie number of Seejnd Lieutenants lor Colored Troops wanted immediately. _ ... Terms—One month, $2O? two month*. $3O Soldiers admitted Jor two weeks at $lO Payable in advance Books supplied. ■ Pamphlets cent by mail on applica tion. mb3o-i2t RETAIL DRV ROODS, gILK MANTLES, SPRING CLOAKS, SHORT BAOQUES, CIRCULARS, WATER-PHOOFS, &6. COOPEB & CONABD, g. E. Cor. Ninth and Market Sts. ap4-tf_ . TDANCY CASSIMEREB. A Light for Spring Wear. Double width Fins Coatings. Beit American Cassimeres. Fine Imported Gocde. Bov s’Wear for good Custom. . , A complete Stook Woolens, adapted to the best trade, rolling freely at the very lowest market pries*. Tailors invited to examin*. COOPER & OOBARD, ap4 tf 8. E. corner NINTH and Mi RKET Sts. NEW PUBLICATIONS. READY. THE EIGHTH SERIES OF SPURGEON’S SERMONS* ITOI. 12ino. Price, $1.50. The Immense demand for Spurgeon’s Sermons in this counter (over 800,000 volumes having been sold) will secure for thic new volume au enthusiastic reception. This teries will contain Spurgeon’s noted discourse on **Baptismal Regeneration,” lately preached, and of which 100,000 copies have been sold In England; also, the scarcely less noted discourses oaths “Prayer- Book ” and “Infant Baptism. ” The Presbyterian says of Spurgeon’s Sermons: '* Cf all eermens that we know, those of Spurgeon are the mow readable. They are sound in doctrine, vigor ous in style, fresh in thought, warm m religious sente meat; they go to the very heart .of religious experience, and edify and comfort the tree believer; while they are pungent and awakening in appi&ls to the impenitent. ’ ’ SHELDON & COMPANY. PUBLISHERS. HEW YORK. apl«gtu2t THE hatiohal quarterly RE- A VIEW-VoVX*, No. XX MABOH, 1866, ' .... r .... ....... -coATjunrs.- 1. Italian Poetry—Arioato* ll* Lunar Phenomena , 111. Grah&xae of Glayerbouse au4 tbe OoTenanter*. IT. Our Gas Monopolies. T. Edward JKverett. , , „ T L MscbiaveUl*B&Ms Maxims of dCTerameat. TIL History. Uses, and Abas?* of Petroleum, -TJiT. Swedenborg and bU Kew-Beliiiou. and GrUiciems. in advance; Mngle number* Tbe Editor wslr»»«.*Ltbe work free or postage to any part tfike United States, dureoaint of subscription* General igent for PM’adelpbla, J A MKo^r-SIMON. 33 Sontb SIXiH Street. All communications to~bo ad> aretßed to BDW. I-BBA-KB. LL. B. • ap3»3t 4rg BIBLE HOUSE, NEW YORK* RR* HSTON’S PHARMACEUTISTS’ aHB BBOGQISTS’ PBACTICAL KSCEIPI BOOK, wiUa a glossary of Medical Terms and a copious Index, In one volume 12mo. % 4180, ‘. Beasley’s Druggists’ Becelpt Book. Beasley's Book of S.QCO Prescriptions. Feir&’s Who'e Art of Perfumery. MoifU’sCheraical and Pharmaceutical Manipulations. DIfIDSAY & BLAKISTOff, Publishers, Ko. 35 South SIXTH Street. BOOKS! NEW BOOKS l! Just reeeivsd by ' jISHHBAD is H V APS, (Hazard's oldstand), . Mo. 7»* OHEBTHUT Street. _ , SOCIAL STATICS; or. The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified and the First ofThem De veloped. By Herbert Spencer. Steel portrait. CHKIhTIAITS MISTAKE. By the author of “John Halifax, Gentleman.” Ac. _ , UP OLE SILAS. A Tale of Bartram-Haugh. By J. S. Le Fanu. anther of “ House by the Church Yard, Ac GOETHE’S WILHBLH MEISTBB. A new, revised' edition. By Thomas Carlyle. 2 vole CAFE CoB. By Benry B. Thoreau, author of “Maine Woods,” “Walden,”*c.. So. . . POEMi BY b! W. BMBRSON. lyoi, hlne and rold. A BOOH OF OOI.UBH DEEDS of all Times and aU Lands. Gathered and narrated by the author of the • • Heir of Bsdclyffe. ’ > Tinted paper, freest yeUnm. THE JEST BOOK. The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings Selected and arranged by Mark Lemon Two heantunl little volumes of the Golden Treasury 8 THAOKBBAT’B VAMITY FAIB. Illustrated edition. 3vots Tintedpaper. CamhiidgePrets. TBB HEW PATH. A Monthly ABT JOUBKAL. April number jnst ready. Subscriptions received, or single numbers for sals at 20 cents SBCh. ALL THE BBW BOOKS received as won as issued from the press, and Bold at lowest prioss. mMI- tf MEW BOOKS FOR SABBATH bCHOOL LIBBABIBB! „ . The Fed Lion, or Borne i& Bumble Life. The Conqueror* "b 7 the author of Ellen Murray, Ac, The Fisherman's Children* or the Sunbeam of Hard* rick Cove. The Faithful Shepherd, or Sketches of the .Life of Bey, Thomas Scott. , A The Ferryman’s Child* or Bight out of Darkness. Little Sermon Talks* hy Caroline 1 Kelley. Bessie LovelL or the Power of a LoYirgChild. Viy»an and his Friends, or Two Hundred Tears Ago, by the author of The Story of a Pocket Bible. Tried andTru**, or Into the Light, by A. J O. The Tillage School Mistress, or More About Kate EU more, by the author of Kate Bllmore. For sale by JAMBS 8. OLAXTOSi Succeesorto W. 8. & ALFRED MARTIBBT, 606 CHESTSTTT Stre&t. MEW SUPPLY OP CHRONICLES OP .THE BCHOSBEBG.COTT4 FAMILY ALSO. BT THB SAME AOTHOK: THE BA KEY DAWN; or, Sketche. of Christira Life in Eeeland in the Olden Time. ______ . BIABX OB MBS. KITTY TBBVYLYAN. A Btjry of the Times of WhitSeld and Hie Wesleys. „ , THB CRIPPLE OP ANTIOCH, and Other Beenes THE LIBEHA TTAI,EB IkdYAtches OP CHBIBTIAN LIPB, to Different Lands and Aren THE VOIOE OF CHRISTUM LIFE IN SONG; or, Hjmas and Hymn Wrttera or many Lands and_A«e«, THE TWO VOCATIONS; oivthaSistersoi Mercy a* Home. JAMES S. CLANTON, (Successor to Wm 8. St Alfred Martian),. mIH-K 006 CHESTNUT Street. CONSULATE 0F SPAIN IN PHILA VJ 1 DELPHI A.—Having authorized iiaptaln Lucia-node Lauda to borrow Twelve Thousand Hollars ($12,000) la United States Currency, on bottomry Bond, on tte Mcanish b»rque Marlay Julia, oC 27’2 tons; cleared from Mppzaullla, Cuba, to Havre, France; pnt into this port in distress, and or which vessel said Luciano do Lands is captain, 1 hereby notify ail.persons desirous of making bids for said loan, that 1 will receive in this Consulate theirPeiled Proposals therefor, Said Pro* posaia to specify the rate of interest demanded. The reimbursement of said loan and interest to be effected within twenty dßys after the arrival of said veptel in the port of Havre, Fiance. The Propoials will be received in this Consulate from this date until THTT&jsDaY April 6. at So’eiock, P. M . and the same Vlll be publicly opened by ©e on FittDAY next. April ?, at 12 o’ciock noon, when ihe loan will be adjudged to the bidder offeree the most favorable terms;'Provided, always, that said .iotas be sAUsfaetory'to the Captain, and in accordance with the customary usages in this market. Should there be two or more Proposals of equal tenor, I will open a verbal bidding during the half hour im mediately fiuccef ding the opening of the Proposals. The Consul of Spain. _ CaBLOB ns BAMB4U. Philadelphia, ITarehSl,lSffMj ap3 St TREASURY department, office a 07 THB COMPTROLLER 07 THE CURRENCY, WjjßHiaaTOJr. January 36.1568 T Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the anderstcned, It has been, made to appear that THB NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OP PHILADBLPHIA, In the city of Philadelphia. In the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nized under and according to the requirements of She Act of Congress entitled * 4 An act to proride a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, tT approved June 8,11364, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before comiaenelnithe business of banking under Now, therefore, I, HUGH SoOUIiLOOH, Ooni* In the city of Philadelphia, ttttht eounty of Philadel phia, BA& State at P« f le anthemed tocom mfinßß the btiilDess of banking under the not aforesaid i•ls,' i Ib testimony whereof. wltni»» my end ceal of offieo thli twenty '“(fifth day of January, 1865 Currensy. j HUGH MoCULLOCB, , - Comptroller ol the Curreney. rv'EAF MADE TO HEAR —INSTRU t “ s : K TS to assist the P* a-inir nt f. MADEIRA'S, 115 Bo»thTßBTß[Btr»et, below Cheetnut. a>4-st* pHEAP REFINED StTOABS AND tTHUPS. by the Packege. for eels by CHARLES SOXQ&HVJh Q@t,.loJ CHMTfIUI SttWt. *pl- ft* WANTS. WANTED.-BY A YOUNG MAN *f from the country, ft situation as Salesman in. a Wholesale House, Dnr Goods preferred. Hsia good business experience* and can famish good city refe rence. * Address •• A. P. W.,” Press offlce. It* WANTED—BOARD IN A RESPEC YT TABLE private family, tor » Oontteman. », and two Children Pleaae address Box MSI Post Office. ap4 3t* WANTED IMMEDIATELY—IN A * ■ p’aln. moderate family* for a LADY, two airy pleasant BtiOMS with a small Boom attached, with or without furniture* and with or without Board Boun daries, Spruce to Vine, Twelfth to Broad. Unexcsption able references given and reunited. Address, as soon as possible, BilMUitD S YABB & 80(f« apt 8t» aog BPBPOE Street WANTED-A SITUATION AS BU ** perintendent or Clerk of ft Hotel In the city or country* >y a man wi*h ten years’ experience, and the beet of reference. Address “Q. b. Fowler,” Press 'Office. ap3 4t* WANTED— A COMPETENT AC COUKTAHT and Carreepondent, to serve a« Secretary to two or mere Oil Companies • To a first-rate man a liberal ealcry will be psia. Address, with real name, riving reference, * * Petroleum,' ’ Box 1494 Phila delphia P. o ap3 2c WANTED—CANVASSERS FOR " LIB 8 IKSURABOg The best terms offered. Ap ply at 438 CBESTBUT St., second story. mhfll-lm* WAMTED-AT $l5O PER MONTH— * * A reliable Canvasser in every town and eounty. for the 11UBSB AMI) SPY, the most interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adven* tores of a woman In the Union army as Mams, Scout, and 6py, living a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents clearing 9160 per month, which we will Srove to any doubting applicant Send for circulars, .ddress “JQMBb, BROS., * CO.* 600 CHSBTMUT Street, mh7 lm* ■EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR HOUSE. KEBPEBB, Seamstresses* Chambermaids, Walters, Efurses, Cooks, Laundresses, and general housework* white and colored. 808 LOCUST St. ap4-tm 'E'MFLOYMENT HOUSE fob CLEREB, Book-hespers, Falesmen, Packers. Porters. Watch men, Coechmen, Drivers, Conductors, Bar-tenders, Waiters,Farm-hands, Oard.r.ers.&c Emploierstnited at short notice. 808 and 80dt LOCO&T St, apt-'lm n_EEATEST THING OF THE TIMES V* —BOWES ’8 PBIZB BS VELOPBS. Afents wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to. Agents. On receipt of $l6 we will mall, post-paid, 100 Envelopes, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with circular and fuilparJiculars, on receipt of 25 cants. Ad dress A. H. BOWKM &Co.* P. 0.,80x4270,36 BBK£- MAM Street, N. Y. mhW 3m OFFICE WANTED,—A LIBERAL V-' rent will be paid for a well-lighted, commodious office, on first or second floor, near FOftKTS and CHBfeTKUT Streets preferred. Address *' Office, * ’ 1491 Philadelphia P. O. ao3-2t m WANTED TO RENT, FOR THE gninmer, in or mar Germantown, a fttmlatud HOtJKE, with stablinf and gronnda attached: or would boj aenogplaceof a few actsa well-improved lntha above location. ' . Addrcsa “L. I'. V,” Press Office « HOUSE WANKED. —WANTED 70 RBJiT —A. medium-sized Honae, with all the modern condolences. sad within twenty minutes of The Press office. Best of references ffiven. Address F ,» office of The Preset •-- mhZW wn nnn (twenty thousand *IP jVJ VJ w j>oI»I*AR3>.—WANTED. & Gentleman with this amount, cash* to inyestwlth a Ksnnfaetdrer for one year. Addicts ‘A. B. C/»” office of The Press* Pbßa elphia ap4 6t* JM nnn $6,000* AKD $9,000 TO LOAH », on mortgage. E. CARPE&TER & SOB, *4:» South THIitD Street, mh29 &.* yo»; jbEy* e PRIVATE BALE—MILITARY BOAKDIBG BCHO >L, near Philadelphia, in euo ceeefui operation, with fnrnitare of ail kinds. Appa rains ’Boohs Guns. &c., at a Tesy low figure Apply to BCHEBKERHORH & BASUROFf, 51A ARCH St. ap4 Im* M PRIVATE SALE—BEAUTIFUL m SUMMER RESIDENCE, 'state of Dr X*. M. Barton. Fine honee md outbdiiidings, stables. &c., with eight seres of ground. one and a half miles from Glen Kiddle, on the Media Railroad Bold cheap. Address Rot. J. HEffßf BihTOST, ap4»lm* Village Green. Pa* Mfor sale or to rent—the Property So. »I Strati THIRD Street, between Walirat and Spruce Streets, euttablo for offloes; all Jarae room;. Apply at Ho. 318 MARKET MEOR SALE—THE HOUSE AND lot, Vo. 1617 BACK Street. Lot ISfeat Iront by 140 feetdeep. ipp}y to S. J. BAYLI3, as 4 Si* No. 50 Forth FIFIS Street, up stairs. ®FOR SALE—A BEAUTIFUL FARM and COOETBt SEATS of forty acres, on Chnreh jane, Darby township, four miles from Mer it t- Bridge. Possession can be had Immediately. Apply to JOHN WEITBLY, on the premises, or to > JOEL S. PsaKIIfS, apt-lm* 45 Sooth FBOSf Street. m FOR SALE—STORE AND DW3L JH LOU? northeast corner of Pawn and Master streets. Immediate ppsse»&ion. , BiiIPBSBDBO —Neat Dwelling and Lot on Kirk “bride street, east o? Point road; will bi sold cheap A large l umber of Co tages at Germantown and other desirable localities, and a groat variety of first-class and other Parma. For list of Dwellings seo North American and United Stairs Gazette. -vSw&nSME?*.. apl-tf 1213 South FOURTH Street. MiSUPEKIOR mansion and LAKGB LOT, on the FBANKFOBD Bead, at Ahesheny ayonue; built in the most ner. with eyery possible convenience, with ‘tibia and carriage-house. This is a delightful residence far ram mer or winter. g f otsiiar, apl-tf 133 South FOURTH Street. m TO LET-A COTTAGE, FUR JBS DISHED, St CAPB ISLAND. Inquire at 80S BASKET Street, Phbada. npl-St* m TO LET. —A COTTAGE OF TEN lEIbqoMS, beautifully situated on the banks of toe Delaware* one mite aboTO Bristol. Bent S2EO. Apply to D. LA.HDRBTH & SOU« So »18. SIXTH street, **• AN OFFICE TO KENT-ON WAL -YA t> HT street. telwfen Second and Third. Apply at go 133 WaT,K 01' Street. ap«-3t APE VINES FOR SALE.—OAT AW ■ vA ba, Isabella, Concord, Clinton, Diana, Hartford, Prolific. Oporto, and other Yftrieaee. in largo or quamitiavafc low prices. T. 8 /.LSTOaBB. ' &p4»tatts6t* ~~ N.~ J. pOAL TARO.- TO LEASE FOR A •.V/- term of year*, a vacant lot ou north, side of WASH JSTOTOU Avenue, above Twelfth, 60 feet by 05, suita ble for a coalyard, or for other paxpo«ws will ha fitted up for a coal yard, if desired, Inquire at Ho. 509 COMMENCE Street, mhBS- stathft* F3R BALE—GOOD OIL'TERRITORY 13* WEST VIBGINIA. —Parties within* lands, *ocd and tlxesp, would do well by calling oa h. B ALSGP, Blue mi 0» mpaar, apd 6t* 407 WaDHoT Street. TO LET— A THS OFFICES Hoi. 336 ml BSE CAETEE’B Alley. In the Old .Fast Office Building. Alee tiift ttfth and sixth stories of same building, lie third storyot the ______ COMM.OHWBAX.TH BUILDING, Has 611 and 813 CdBSMHJT Street, Suitable for an Exchange lighted by 28 windows. * Apply to THOS. H. 005HKLL. Counting House of Dr. D. JeYNE It SO*. »4» CHESTKCf Street. QTABLE TO LET—ONE 4ft 1 THE *2 beit Stables, three stories high, 38 feat front and 53 feet deep, with 17. good wide Stalls 3Jhis Stable is located in SEVENTH Street* above Wood street; has ample room for carriages, hay, straw* grain, fte.* and in a very old stand, and in tfce beet neighborhood for Ginb, or Livery, or Stable in the city, and will be rented low, the rent being only * $32 PEK MONTH. Apply at the Stable, or at J.G South POtJBTH Street, Or at 461MABSHALL Street, In the evening, from s*to 8 P. M. ap4-St F)R sale—a lot of ground on SEY'BSB? Street, west of Sineteeoth;- 40 by 8S feet; will be cloeed very low for eartx B F GLsflTcf, mMB it 1583 Baulk FOURTH Street. 4M non —FOR SALE, A MOST GAGE tjp^rof this amount, secured upon proper ty aeer Frankford. B. CARPENTER A SON. . mMS ct* »4SS Sooth TJBISD Street. HILLISEKT. IT® MISS ASK AM, NO. 15 SOUTH NINTH Stieat. will open PARIS MILLINERY THURSDAY, April 3183 and 331 SOUTH Street, Will open BPEINQ MILLINERY. On THURSDAY. 80th March. mh3o-atlf» ff® KISTER’S, No. 145 N. EIGHTH W 5 * Street. wiH open on THURSDAY, April fl, a large aseortment of SPRING AND SUMMER MILLIN'BRYof the Tery l»teet itylee. City millinersnot admitted. We hare now open our Ribbon v Flowered Straw Trim minge, Bonnets, Hate, and Frames of the beet shapes. mh3o-Sl* ■ IJHB “CYCLOPS” CAST-STEEL WAJX.S POSSESS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES OVER THEY WILL WOT LAMINATE, SPLIT, HOB EBEAK. THEY WILL DO TEW TIMES THE SEE VICE OF IKON BAILS. „ THEY COST LESS THAN DOUBLE THE PRICE OF IBOW. THE SAVING .DURING- A PERIOD OF TEN YEAKS IS SHOWN TO BE EQUAL TO £3.t«>o FEB BULB FOB EACH YEAB OF TBEIB USE. Many thousands of Tons of Cast-Steel Balls are now laid in England and on the Continent, with the moot 'complete'success. Orders promptly exepnted by the sole repretentative of THE ** Cl CLOPS WORMS. PHILIP S. JUSTICE, Ho. l 4 Xorth FIFTH Street, FtaUada . 80. 4a OLFFF Street, York. mhSo.l6t g. H. SLEEPER & CO., 615 MUfOB S' MANUFAOTUKEB3, AGENTS, AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLIRT ARD GREER GLASSWARE, Hare mow la itors a full assortment of ti# tioTtfoodt, .whUfc we ofer at the lowest market rates. Being sole agents for tie SALBM OBJSM OHAND OPENING OP THE SEASON M. L. BAKES, Ho. 009 CBESTSOT Slmt, Will open on» .«h,.a»rto^Was sortment of liiDIKS’ OBtJiHSHWLIj HAIB eomurislns all tlw.BonUM Of Faria. f" r Boaaoti, , Wa-» Thb pheniX manufacture** •** COMP ah* will ofler for sale at OH THURSDAY, THE BT2 Of APBU. NEXT. PHENIX MILLS, PATEBSOST, PtEW JEBfiESt 26 Cotton Cards, SO inches, WHh the Pickers, Railway Heads, Drafting and SpeederrFiaihes, all owapte**, with Cans, Bobbins, &e. _ 33 Spinning Frames, 132 spindwrn each; 16 Ffhaute. 2>£- inch Traverse Gore Prunes ; 1 Pramss, % inch Tr»- rerae. 3 pair Male*. 2y«o spindles. i4Twistfrs, 7&apiA J, MaDlSOfi BSCS', Treasurer aH-y freet ap4- tufchtS^* /ZJJERMANIA OROHEBTRA. PUBLIC! VA REHEARSALS every SATURDAY at 3% e’flbxk P. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Ticket*, m • cents. Six Tickets, $1: to be had at Trumtder’a, As* die’s, and Msyer’a Music Stores, and at the H*lL n^Mft THE academy of fine arts, 4- CHESTNUT Strew, aboye Tenth, Is OPEN DA3HE for Vtbltor., from 9 A. M to BP. M. ie» ■piBST-CLASB BOABD EOB A GEH- A TLEHAH or Qentleman and Wife; a dodrabloBe cond-.tory Berm, ‘ Apply at 111 V SPKUOB Street. ll* THE UHITED STATES HOTEL, 413 A CHESTNUT Street, has no bar. Fires else. Board, and excellent accommodation, for families can ba had. at moderate obargea. Occ handeome chamber, largo and conyenient, vacant to-day. ap3-3,* -REMOYAL—THE OFFICE OF THE Aai HtiOVKE AND MaBSHAbb Olt, COMPANY baa been removed from 80. 208 South FOUR PH ttre.t to Northwest Comer FIFTH and CHESTNUT Strscta, Boom Ho. 3. mh2B-na XJBMOYAL. GEO. C. MITCHELL XV nrould reipectfally inform his friends rad the public that be has removed from s3s *orth Niu>h street, to the northwest corner of EIGHTH and M*bTBR Streets, and will continue to deal in the best qualities of Coal. m>i23-7i* RfMl DOLLARS REWARD OV/ÜbboPPED this morning, about 9 o'clock, at the eo»uer of Sixth and streaH. a YEDLOW ENVELOPE containing TBNJPBSKdYDVAStI BaXL~ BOAD GO. *8 SBCOSD MORTGAGE 803D5.50k 4US to 4661, tcclubive, for Si,QCG each, with Coupons av laehed, payable Ist April and Ist October. P&ya&fnt of the Coupons ana Bonds have bees stopped. AlLpar eops are cautioned aghast negotiati cut or receiving tiisU. The above reward will be paid for thaddinrr of the Bond* and Coupons to ' B. B. WHITSEY, Jfo £l7 GHESPETJT ft. PttTXADSLPgiA March 31,1865. apl 3t* J|v_ STOP HORSE AND CARRIAGE. insane man drove off a sn>&U Gray MtBB. with a square two-seated CARRIAGE blade leather cushions, carriage curtains asd top lined with blue worried stuff. A liberal reward wi*l be paid fox their return to DBS’S Stable, CALLOWHX£«I« fetraet, above JRinth. 1»* T\IS SOLUTION, —THE FIRM OF 1/ SMITH * VIDAI Is this day dissolved b- mutual consent. U. B. VIDAL is authorized to fettle she af fairs ot-the above firm, aztd the business wiu be con tinued byU.B. YLDAIi STIPHES SMIIS, C. B. VIDAL FimißjaPßiA, April!, ISB6. ap4-3t« ' . _ _ 3EBIPCAM jpCQRPOBATIOK OF Establishment of a new and higher courseof iasiractlo*. DAVID BVJJT& DIGRESS TO BE COB PEERED upon graduates by authority of the Charter. Thep?opJtetor of thiß institution has the BatisfaetiOß to atmouccs to ihepnblic tna* ftis now a regularly IB COEPORATBD COLLEGE, haying boon chartered by the Legislature of Pennsyl vatia, with all the powers and privileges of the beat literary colleges in tne country. ' It has fnU authority to grint diplomas under its cor porate seal, and to confer degrees of merit „ A new circular wiU be iseut-d In a few days, contain ing the Charter, a catalogue of the officers and students* and fall information concerning ita present and pro pped future management. - . „ In thn* presenting new claims to public favor, it will be our hit best ambition to.msintain for the College the character It has hitherto sustained, o' a thorough PRACTICAL SCHOOL OP BFSiaBSS, afford IngfaeiilUes of the highest order for training youngmen for the counting-house, or any other sphara of usefulness in the active pursuit* of business life. ' OFFICE, N.E. COB. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. Its FAIRBANKS, A. M., President. Chester N. Farr, Jr., Secretary apS-Stif*- fSSMKCMIiBffIm WEST CHEBTBB ■W-ClllW W 1 ASP PHILADELPHIA hattl. eoad, via msdia SUMHKB ABBANGEMENT. . _ Ob and after MOfIDAY, April 17.1866, the train* Witt leave as follows: ' WEST CHESTER TBAWS _ .. Leave Fhflftdflpbia for We*t <%esterat;7.BS«ailft.lS A. M., and £&, and «46P M. . * , Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 5.30* *.45, an* 10.55 A. K , and ljsaud4 45P.1t t Trains leavisr West Chester at 7.45 JL If. a&d iMritt 1 Philadelphia at 4 45P.M. will stop only at .Media, BTcT Junction, OlenJtttUs. apd StreoEßoad. wies Cheynsy’a* am> B. 0. JUNCTiOIf TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia for B. C. Junction at.Llfi Krftt T> If Leave B. G. Junction for Philadelphia at 8.38 A. X, and 7.20 P.M. These trains stop at all intermediate itattona. OB SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 880 A ML and 3 P.M. I save West Chester at 8 A. if and 5.T. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.36 A M. and4.4S F» M., and leaviog.West Chester at 746 A. fl£ and 446 P, M. connect at S C Junction with trains on F. & lkCfc K.K. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not, in any cm**, he responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred doU lars, unless a special contract is m«ds for the «ame- HSBBY WOOD, Qen’l Sup’*. Philadelphia March 16* 1866. mh22-6ttf CAMDEN AND AT gff .WWarriigtiLAßmc bailsoar— tx*ik& leave Vtne**trg«t Ferry: xi , „ , IM Freight, with Passenger Oar attached******** .7.96 A 13E ; Atlantic Accommodation....**•*.***.►*.«---***4.lsP.£K Junction Accommodatioa**..♦***••**.**.*«*..**fi 30P. 2t EETUBBINO, ULLYIS3 A3LANTIO. , _ Atlantic Accommodation A. fi. Freight* with Passenger Cur attached**** .*.<1.20 P. X. Junction Aecoromoda tlon.-—*** ***.*•.... - ... **o. 36 A. » EXTRA HAJDDONFIKLD TRAINS „ Leave Fine street 11.15 A. M., HaddonfleM 12.30 P. at Freight mast be delivered at Cooem's Point W?o*t, 3.30 P. M. to insure its golna down the next day. jct9-lmif JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent* § WRITTEN AND VERBAL De scriptions of Character, Conailtatioii, and Tar lent, with JdJVlCSonßnyineae, Health, Ednea tlo», Self- Imp’OTMMJit, Manocemept and Train- In,if oaiLlißEff, TOdal i».. day Piaw3 oell-tathslrlf Jo- g 5 B. TSSTH St. .shoe* Cheetani- OIL LANDS SURVEYED AND LMD V un t la J>»pes and Plan? »■ 16 Booth PgtA ffAEK ATa»n«. b ap3-St* T» A R AFFINE MACHINERY OII>—A JL *rtlcle. ligbt color and. sweet—stands coid- For iale tor MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STKAM BM- IfJ. OIHB BOrLDBEB, Iron Bonaflars. an* Heasgjt M«hto>S aad'BoiuTAak 9 «, Ho. Hl9 CABLOW HILL Street. Philadelphia- - teau-tr PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.-fBOTJR* 1 the bf st When you desire ear. P“ rch ”f® * fc w *i BEIUSB'S the psteatadM»**b«* «•»««»£ bun.B. AJI sizes, eluant bllidlnr». at 684: ABC a ot.u niSLY SI.SO—REIMBR’S COLORED V PHOTOGRAPHS; the best pictures for the price Gwt. T IFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OH. Xj co i m ». nieaefvr* sad life-like p.ctnree. Stteaf, AUCTION SAMS. PUBLIC AUCTION. At 11 o'clock A. Mat AIX. THE COTTON MACHINERY., How la good running order, at the Adapted for the matin* of Oottoa Busk, vsr: Ajnt/SJEiiUGHA'a. TUESDAY EVENING, April 4. BOABBOre. REMOVALS. LOST AND FOUR] COPARTAEBSHIPS. THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COIrDEGE. " ET)W. H. ROWLEY, 16 Soath DELAWARE ATeaae-