APMtMAHBBT BnrLDISQ FOKTBBYOUHO MbH',B Ohkibtiam Association of this City,— This pro- ject has been set on footby a number of our met- ;• chants, whoso enterprise and good judgment usu allyseenre suooess to their undertakings. The house on Oheetnut street, above Twelfth, opposite: the theatre, has been fixed upon, and suoh alterations andimprovementa will be made as will meet the wants of the association, in order that young men who are strangers in PhlladelpMa, and those whoße evenings cannot be so pleasantly spent In their . boarding-houses,‘can have a comfortable and attrac- tive resort Instead,of the concert saloons and olub looms. 1 It Is designed to make the "Young Men’s Hall" a popular place of dally resort.. A fine j library and large stock or newspapers and mago. Bines will be provided ; also, a room fitted np for a gymnasium, with chess and other employments for leisure hours. Our citizens generally ought to feel an Interest In a matter like this, and lend their coun tenance sand: practical aid to furnish such a plaoe for the great city of Philadelphia. Contributions sent to Wi, O. Crowell, SlO Walnut street; John Wlest, 240 Chestnut street, or John Wanamaker, southeast corner of Sixth and Market streets, will bo duly acknowledged. :TileOhotaNagpobe Mission—The celebrated Pastor Gossner, of Berlin, who dled ln ISor at we age of 85; only entered upon the . at the ago of 64. After training and -«““« laTge number ofyouDg men to Australia., India, and Other countries, who wore employe , societies, he sent to Calcutta, in the year ISM, a Sinister and three schoolmasters, , .th instiucttans ?o follow the leading of tho Bord as to theh partimi. larfield oflabor. In walking,the streets of Cal cutta they observed some vary poor block people• who were employed only In the meanest labors, and were told that they were the Coles,' from the hilly country lying one hundred mites north of that city, colled Ohota Nagpore, and that their moral oondl tlonwas even worse than their outward degrada fcion. * v u xbelr only religion was the worship of ionume- Table evil spirits (called Bongos). They had some notion of a good spirit, but said, ‘ There is no occa sion to worship him, lor he does us no harm, but the evil spirits , mnstbe made favorable by sacrifices.’ (Failure of the crops, diseases, and all other misfor tunes, are attributed to the devils, aud it is the busi ness of their priests to-declare in every base to whav particular devil the evil is to bo ascribad, aud to dictate the amount of sacrifice.to be made; Nothing can be more horrible than the festivities that take place on different occasions. There is no connubial tie between them; A Dole purchases his wife, and when she ceases to please hlin he turns her off. If he has a deal of work to do he takes two or - three, or more, wives, if he can pay for them. The oiitldren grow up Uhe boasts of the field, and with habits of tho most depraved kind." > GOBEner’s missionaries planted themselves among theEe people, built a house, learned tho language, and tried to make something of some orphan chil dren, but with such slow progress that It was not till 1850 that four men were observed to. attend their preaching regularly. Others wore soon converted and recelvedlnto the church, having brdken oaste. .The fire new spread, crowds came .to, them, a sub stantial house of worship was built, and by 1857 the ■ number of church members had risen to 900, when ; the terrible mutiny broke out, and everything was thrown into desolation." The .missionaries were driven destitute to Calcutta, and their senior went home to Berlin to find Father Gossner on his death bed.' But his friends formed a committee to carry on the Ohota Nagpore Mission, with Dr. Procknow, aretnrned mlssionary.ior secretary. After order was restored in India, the work was resumed, the converts, having remained firm, although oruelly perse'ohtedby the mutineers. And so prosperous has been the result, that the , number of converts Is now reckoned at 5,000, while about 20,000 others Have brokeh caste, and are ready to receive the Gos pel. But the laborers are few. Tho Christian Work pays': .• . «six 'additional missionaries are about to pro ceed from Berlin to Ohota Nagpore, and it is hoped that others may follow In the spri ”«i b "' pbt'appear as if any addition to tfe of M rorcan missionaries could be made adequate to meet to the ’necessities (of tho Ci-se ; and there .Is an ur gent need for tho establishment of a seminary for training native catechUtß, whoße duty it should be to instnust-their brethren under the inspection of the missionaries."—The Independent. A hovbmkst Is on* foot. 10, establish a theo logioil Eohool in W ashtngton City for .the education Cl colored Baptist-ministers. 1 About fifty oftheso preaohere bave been found In and around Washing ton, whose names have already been enrolled as pupilsr It is believed that an attendance of from twenty fiVe'to forty can be scoured rromthecutsot. Prot b; Turney, D. D , is to be their teacher.—Cin cinnati Christian-Advocate. : ' The Kev. "William Fulton, of Manaynnk, Penn sylvania, has been commissioned by the Board of .Domestic Missions of the Reformed Dutch; Church as a missionary to the white and colored population in the vloinlty of Bilton Head, North Carolina. He has resigned his charge, and expects 1 to sail from Now York, to enter upon this interesting work, In a few days. ' "'l ; _ THE Key. Eliliu Doty, missionary at Amoy, China, died on the voyage from Amoy to Now “York, when the vessel was within four days of Now York. ,'v. '■ -. ■' ' The First Presbyterian Church in Darby, near Philadelphia, of which the Rev. S. W, Crittenden is pastor, received to its membership, on the first Sabbath of last month, eighteen persons--fourteen on profession of their faith, and four by letter. This church has also paid off a debt of $3,300, and.also (£8,700 on a parsonage, purchased and refitted, which Is now the home of the pastor. IMPBOYBMBHTS Ilf ANDOVER THEOLOGfOAI,. Se- MlhAby.—Three new buildings, (one for Philips Academy included,) are to bo erected during the coming summer, at an expense of about sioo.ooo. The trustees have voted.to establish apastorate for these institutions as soon a.s funds can be secured for this purpose; and, within a few days past, nave inaugurated measures [to establish fa the seminary » professorship of' Biblical Soienbb, also eevaral lectureships, such as ono on elocution, one on music, one on hygiene ; also a gymnasium. They propose likewise to increase the charitable funds.of the Seminary, that they may give to indigent students’ more generous assistance that , their present funds warrant. St. Stbeheb’s,—Bey. Matthlas Cobbin,ior seve- Tal {years pastor of the Catholic; Church at New castle, Delaware, has been appointed pastor of St. Stephen’s Church, Nloetown,: in place of Rev, Pother Gibson, removed. Fatter Cobbin is an Anglo-German. . Methodism: ih Denhabk.—Tbe Missionary So ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church have an edifice in course of completion In Copenhagen, con cerning which the following notice is taken by Ber lino’s Political Times, under date of February 26th: There is now being built a church for the Metho dist Sooiety in Copenhagen. The building is on the corner of Rigens street. The work has progressed so far that the roof has lately been finished, and Within a' year the ohuroh will be ready for wor- Sh It Is not only Its large dimensions which attraot attention, but In spite of the scaffoldingj which,, hides it somewhat, the beauty of Its conception eap -tivates passers-by. • fv. i. I. 1 . , , - . The style is mostly Byiantla, and Is distinguished for' a majesty and .elegance connected .with monu mental divinity which cannot be foundin any other building in Copenhagen. . Mb. Sbubgeon.—The present membershipof the Tabernacle, London, of wnicb Mr. Spurgeon is pas toriis 2 960, ’ The number of admissions during Mr. Spurgeon’S, pastorate, including removals for all causes, is 3 600. Of these; 47 have became Christian ministers, 7 city missionaries, and 3 Blble-women. Thenumber of students in hie theological college Is ibis year larger than ever before. The running ex penses- for 1865 are put.at *25,000, part of which i 3 supplied from Dr. Spurgeon’s own salary, but the most of It from Lord’s Day free-will offerings made in contribution boxes placed within the church. St. Patbiob’s Cathbdbal, Dueliit.—This re markable pile and monument, oi the ancient Irish: Ohurchbaa justbeen completely renovated, at the enormous oost of one hundred and filtjr thousand pounds sterling, and a slx gle individual, Benj. Lee feulnness, has paid all this money out of his own pocket. - Mi. Guinness has made his great fortune In brewing porter. He Is the maker of the cele brated •'■•’Dublin XX Porter." The Rev. Mr. Grat tan Guinness, who preached with so much success in this city a few years ago, is a son of his, and he has a daughter married to the Rev. William Co pingbam Plunkett, son, or grandson, to_tbe late Lord Plunkett, a prince among modern Irish ora tors and jurists. ; THE CITY. MIULTAKY* >rrnr. DOUBLEDAY COUKT-MABTfAL. Tlie court met yesterday morning at half past ten o’clock, all the members present. Colonel Foster, judge advocate, read the proceedings of the previous day.',’ Mr. Andrew J. Sloan sworn.—This witness was examined as an expert in the measuring of carpets and other goods. He testified that he r was engaged ■ln the manufacture of carpets ;'ln company"with Messrs. Day,& Moore, merchants, he had. Tinted tent manufactory of Koseman; had witnessed.,, -the operations* of tho maohtoevinvontod-.for .the the measuring of tent cloth ; the cloth he measured by hand. afterithad been previously measured by; "the cylinder, he found to contain 269 inches, as de*._ 31veiedfromt.be one machine, and 261 inches from -the other ; the army standard is 258 inches; he marked the cloth he measured, 1 acd three weehs afterwards remeasured it and found :it had; shrunk •five inches. The cloth was exhibited to the court, and measured in their presence. Ono. piece was found to contain 286 inches ; when measured on the -selvedge 258>£ .inches. The other pieoe measured inches ;toni the selvedge lßches.,, Q. By Col* StlHson. “How do you account for •the diflerence of ton inches in the measurement of. •the olothl” , Ai “ I cannot account for it except through atmo spheric influence,”/ -r.-s* ■_ ; t , - Q-. Norris sworn.—Had been employed by 'Mr Roseman in the manufacture of shelter-tents since June, 1863. The witness corroborated tho statements made by several witnesses, already pub -31 Thucourt adjourned. at the request of the oounsel for the defence, until Monday morolog next. General Doublcday has received and Moepted an official invitation tobe-present at or the national colors upon Fort Sumpter, oas?® A,?* this month. Gen. Doubleday, them Oapt. Boabie day, was associated with Major Eobort Anderson in the herolo defence of that fort. •KECHUITINO. ' Yesterday warrants for the payment or tie city iounty were Issued to 43 men, of whom one was ea enlisted for four years, one for threey ears, and forty *no for one year. Tie credits were as foUows: IKS; 3 Twenty-f0urti....... sT » ent y fiftll 9 ; ■ ■ ■ : ~ . - * ’ THK 0111 COMFAHT. •' '■ ' ;«Mt-?N«BUoed *ftw /■ B-.Vdj in searoi of . \ • 1 < in front of the ' * Fifth. X Committee op the Month. George N. Tatham,; ; 3 MAHIAE INTELLIGE Y€£. POBX OF PHILADELPHIA, HABGH 31, Sun 44 i Sun 5et5....6 16 \ High-Water....7l* Bri* Shibboleth, Johnson, from'Pro'vidence, in bal la* tto captain: ~ • ... w , ~ L 1 Brig Sam Small* Terry, ftom Wareham, in ballast to C^fchr a Sea Breeze, Fainter, 1 day from Lewes, Bel, with grain to Jasl*Bewley &Oo ■ .. • frchr Morris, l.dayfrom Leipsie, Bel, with groin to Jas L Bewley & 00. - _ / Sehr S P Cbase,-Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Bel, York. Inhal lalthrSea*Bai*«r. Sears. 4 days from Jfew Tork, with B °fjoltfisA3 WkUden! Seal, 5 days from Boston, m tal !aSohr LA May, Baker, 4 days from Providenco.ln bal la|c£“Mkenber«, Sipple, 4 days from Proyldenee, %ehr B Tsuxfpowe’lkd days from Qeorgetown, D 0, >Sehr'K«tle“f Taizaat'. from Boston, la ballast to Tlhis T Allen Alien, from Portsmouth, in hallatt toJ OSBB Kepplier.. _ Men. ... 1 ... 1 .... A ... 6 ... 2 .... 7 15 12 to 15 25 60 .. 25 to 30 .. 18 to 20 TO ARRIVE. TO DEPART. ARRIVED. ro.ff. from Fort Moarae, Bark Men CBrt. Lord. CJettfMios. Brl* Feptuie. Bnseell. Fey West. , Brie W&acamav, Nieho.b, K-yyYtst. B-le Jesee Rhj na». Sherman, Port Royal, BrieKodlac, Yates. Port Barave&s. Schr J R Smmona.-’Simpson, Fortrew Monroe. i gear Wm Pfueson, Brewer, do. Sohr H bUamone. Band. do. - - Bebr Sarah Selsey- Carroll, Washluaton. Scbr Winter Shrub, Prlct. Alexandria. Schr emerlca, Barrett, ,ao. Sehr Edwin T Allen. Allen, Fortress Monroe. Sohr O Kingsley,' Woodruff, Fortress Monroe. r Scbr John Beatty, Henderion, Newborn. Beta J C Willetts Young, Hawbern. Scar J B Austin.,Davis, Boston.. Sohr D P ThoinpßOD.Portamoatti. Scbr MH Bead, Nickerson, Ron bury. Scbr D M Preach, Jones* Boston. - Bclir J D McCarthy £?oung»'Beanf<>rt. . ■ - . EcbrßLß W&ies, Hoftro&n.,HamptonEoada. fichrßenryMay. Parker, Providence. - £chr M Nickels. Small,'Saco., Schr B Belden; Street, Baltimore. Scbr Sarah Fisher, MarabaU, Salem. Schr A S Simpson, Churn, Norfolk. Pa.Tid Beeves. Cam. Washington & >r B uhamberlaittr DevlnnT. Washington. St*r JBShriver, Dennis, Baltimore. 1 MEMORANDA. Schrs J Wamn. Wiley; Ocean Wave, Baker: WW Merry, Barrett; MaryvElla, Talpey* and Thos Potter, Raekett. -hence at Boston 29th Init. •... • ■ Scbr Wm F Garrison, Corson,cleared at rorlland 38th Inst for lit* port. „ , , „ „ Scbr W P Core Houck, sailed from New Bedford 39th Inst for tMs port. ■ . £chr« Mindora, Hlggisß. and Almira Ann, Blekmora, from CalaD: Lees burg. Blake; from Portland: Maria , Roxana, Palmer, and -Maria Foss, Foss, from Boston, all fothis port, at Newport night of 28th inat.. Scbrs Malabar, Welsh, from Bsifastfort&lsport and R Ptrkin*, Mayo, from Portland lor do, at Mew York on Thursday. . 'w. ‘ . Scbr Bion (of Truro. Mass )» . Joseph Kint, master, sailed from Philadelphia SiaTch 17, 1855, wlth Bostd&vWas supposed to. have-been lost March2o..ou Barnegat, where -she was Jast *een, the great gale of tbal month—»iih all on bosrcL Sh* was 96'tons rofiater, 11 j ears old, and ownt dby Capfc K and others atibeCane..- —__ INSURANCE. MUTUAL SAFETY U • ‘ - INSTOAHCK OOMPAMT. IKCOKPOKATED BYTHE LBeiSt.ATUBa 0? ™- B WAL2H3T * kKj * STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, MABIMB INSURAIfCB I B?K^r LB> |To all parte of the world. JiiEIQHT, isgTTRANOES On Goods, by Elver, GanaL Lakoj-aad L«kd Garrlftfft* to all parts of the Union.' FIBE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally, . On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &t. ■ ASSETS OF THE^C^HPANX, sloo,oooUnltedStatesFlvePer^eat. Loan, T 7-$100,000 00 T UI.OCO Six 76 000 **r —Six . 6-SOs 76,66268 loolcoo State of Pennsylvania PhrePer Cent. ~ Loan.-*-, ■ 98,500 wi 61,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Par Cant „ 133,050 City of Philadelphia Bln Bjir Ct. Loan 1*8,630 St *:********** ***** w Cask oadeposlt with* United State* Govemmeat.subject, - - • to tendaT*'cau.,..~.....loo,ooa 00 Cash in Bank*. ■ ....... 68.164 jg . Cast In Drawer * DIRB0T0B8: „ . Thomas 0. Hand, ■ Samuel B. Btekes, JohhC Daxis, J F.-Peniston, Edmond A. Bonder. , Henry Sloan. Theoplillttß Paulding, William a. Baiuton. John H. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Tiraiißatr, , H. Jonas Brooke, Henry C. Dailett, Jr.. Jacob P JonM, James C. Hand, , James R McFarland, William C. Ludwig. Joakua P. Byra, Joseph H. ; Seal, a '' George G. helper. John B. Sempin.PMUbur HnghCraig, A. E. Berger, Pittsburg Robert Barton, thoMAS .0. HAMD, President. JOHSC. DAVIS, Vice President HENRY T.YLBURB. Secretary. del6-ly rfHB KILIANCB INSURANCE COM - x ; piinr’ OP FHILABBLPHIJL ' „ . , fiMAnAT&tEtd Iv> 1 fill- ohort*3T FBtyfltlllaL incorporated uysai. Mg WMIHTO STREEP CAPITAL, *300,000. „„„ _ Insure* against lees lor . damage by FIRS Houses, BoMings. Umfted or MOBtuali »Dd on Furniture, Goods. Wares, and Merchandise, in Town ° r C £oSsls PROMPTLY ADTOSTE OASD PAID. ASSETS, *400.008 Tl. Inxested In the tollowiy Securities, xii:.- First Mortgageson City Property, well secured *lOB, MOW Bnitedßtates Ooxernment, Loans.—.—— Ml.Ojl jjj Philadelphia City 6percent. Loans.—on,MO do PennsylTenia*3,oo9,ooo6 per cent.Jman..., lfi.ooo 00 PenneyiTania Railroad Bonds, first andse- ■ ■ eond Mortgages™.™™-*.*-——.-*—35,000 00 Camden and Amboy ; Bnilroad Company s 5 per .cent. Lojh* »»>s w Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Com-' , ■ ; i>any , fl6per sent. Loan ..*.**..**.►.*♦♦. o»wu w Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per *ont». moit* f . gage Bonds*«*.-.*+*..***..»♦*• w \*-~ir ******** County Fir© Insurant Company’* Stocks.* J««g OP Mechanic*’ Bank Stock. in rnrSi' Commercial Bank of ,Pennsylvania Stock**— 10,000 00 HnionMutuallnimrance Company bStock..* beo uu Reliance Insurance Company oftPfciladel phia’it Stock. •.• .HkT.e-.** «-**-**»»»«■»+■*♦********■* l»0w Ou Accrued In,levest .*.*.*«*» *♦♦.•«*****«*♦**** S Cash In hank and on hand. »-> * *■* t ay aa Worti»S 4U.393 n tiffed William Musser, Charles Inland. Samuel Blepham* Boberc Toiaad, H. I*. Garw>n k ; J... Johnsozi Brown* Bobert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. WilliamSterenßon, Gif.! TnoatAfl 0. HUjL, Seeretar Bhiladbi/pbia, December AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE lA COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PBTUAL. Ho. 810 WALNUT Street. abora'Thlrd, P Hl^ht l g llrEepsld-up Capltal Sto.k and Surplus In rested in sound and axailableAecuritles, contones to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. ■ Yessals in port arid tbeir Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All promptly adjusted. Thomas B s Maris, James S. _Campball, John Welsh, : Edmund G. Dn«lh, Samuel O. Morton, Charles W. Ponltagy. Patrick-Brady, Israel Morris; John T. Lewis, E HARIS, President. ai.bkktO. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. ie«-tt EURE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. r -THE PSNNSYLYAHIA FIRE INBURANOECOM. ?AMY. Incorporated 1825. CHASTER PERPETUAL, - (To. 810 WALNUT Street, opposite Independene* 3cn«-y«- ••'''* This Company, fsxorably known to the sommtmity for nearly forty years, contones , to Insure arainst Loss or Damage by rlrc, on Public or Private Builaiui*, either permanently or for allmited time. Also, on Fur niture, Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generally, on together witha large Surplus. Fund,' Is Invested in the most ©areful manner, wbi©h anal)!©* (hem to offer to the insured an undoubted *e«ulty ll the«„eoflo«. BISKCTOEB . Jonathan Patterson. Daniel Smith, Jr. ■ • • Alexander Benson* John Uevereux, Isaac Haslehurst, Thomas Smith, Thomaa Bohins., --■■■. ■ Henry | Lewis, J. GEUlncham Fell, : r JOJffATHAB PATTBBSOir, President. WiEiilAif G. OnewßU* Seerefcary. • k NTHRACITB INSURANCE OOM a PANT-—Authorized Capital *4OO, 000-CHASTB* P WAlilftlT Street, between PHird and fourth street*, Philadelphia. , . T v Tbli Company will insure against Less or Damage by fire, on Bindings, furniture,; and Merehandlse geno ”aSW Marine Insuraneee on YeVeeU, .Carioee, and freights. Inland Insurance to aU parte or the Union. . 3)IBHOTOB8.; ■ : • - William B&her. Dayis Pearson, D. Luther. . PeterSelger, • Lewis Audenried, J. ,B ® an na> n - „ John K. Blaekiston, WiUIMn.P. Dean, Josouh . John Ketcham. ■ . . wosepn giaxaeiu, WILIIAM BSHBBI president. TO f. DBAS, Vie* President. W. JH. Bmrg» Sacrotarr, r-.-a *P 3 "** TT'AME INSURANCE COMPART, \ JC *o. *OO CHESTHDT STREET. PHILADELPHIA „ FIBB AMD IMLAMD INSUEABOB. pntßoiona.. -. ■ • franeisM. Buek, JOhnW. Brenaan.: Charles Eiehardson. Eobert B. Potter, Henry Lewis. John Kessler, Jr., Samuel Wright, E. D. WoodruS, ; P. S-' Justice,;- ■ . Charles Stokes, George A. West. Joseph D. Bills. TBAHOIS W. BUCK, President.. CHAS. BICHABDSOJT, TiMjtesident W. I. Blasohaup. Secretary. . iaM-tt INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE A state OF PENNSYLVANIA:-OFFICE Nos 4 and 5 EXCBASGE BUILDINGS, north side of WALOTT Street, between DOCK andTHIRDStreeU, Philadol phla. Z lECOEPrfEATBD IN 1791-nHAKTEB PERPETUAL, - ■ . CAPITAL $200,000. , PROPERTIES OF- THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY; 1, *. r x rr • sG33*a92 47 ‘ 1UBISE; FIRE, AND’INIaED TRANSPORTATION ■ INSCBANOR 'DIRECTORS.! Henry D. Sberrerd,- Tobias Wagner, Charles Macaleßter, Thomas B. WatBOB, William 8. Smith, , Henry G. Freeman, William R.Whlte, Charles S. Lewis, George H.. Stuart, George C.tOarsoa, Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin.- -- HBNRY D. SHERRBBD, President. William HABPSR.-Sacretary. • aolB-tf SIABSHiL’S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY . VIRTUE .'EH- of a WrR of,B*le by the Hon-JOHN CAHWALA DEB, Judge of the District Couyt of the United States, in and for the Eastern District ofPennsy3vaiiia.jiii.-Ad-- miralty. 'to mfc directed, wlU.be sold at Public Sale, to the highest andrbest’ bidder, for cash, at Micheaer’s Store, No- 142 North FRONT Street. o* ; MON DAY, April 17,18€0, at 12o’c]ock M.\ the cargopf tie Sloop EL : . VIKA, consisting of 39 bales of Upland Cotton and 11 baas of B§a Island Cotton- Also 24 boxes of Tobacco, pais or oe» - ... > WILLIAM MtLLWARD. \ XT. S .Varshalßaetern District of Pennsylvania.. :. Philadelphia. March 31,-1865- ...... .apl-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—BT VIRTUE JJ-L c t a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN C ADWAh A DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United .Matas, In and for.the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad mirclty, to me directed, will ba .oid at Public "ale, to the highest and be»t hlddar. far c»sh, at SAMUBIi 0. LOOKS Auction Store,-N0..12* South FRONT Street, on Saturday, April IS, 1865, at la o’clock H.tweaty €ochr t an' U ' !Rlld ClKat * , to WlluifM MILLVYARD. -United States Marshal Bastern District of Peaiia Pbu.adei.fhia, March 31,18*5. apl.Bt MEDICAL. f? LE C TRO P ATE IO ESTABLISH MBST.—DR X- H. STEVENS, one of the FtBJR, DISCOVERERS of a new system of disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS, and who hasheen io Tory successful at PENN SQtTABB for the last three years, has removed his Office and Residence to 1638 VINE .Street, ; one door below Seventeenth. ■ -- All .persona desiring xeferonces, or any parttsoJars with regard to hlB special mode of treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet t .* „ Consultation or advice gratnltone. mho-tf ELECTRICAL OFFICES firtipwßP - -ttr.Ttv&NTrf AND RACE STREETS,: C ALSO GBEI,TSOT AND fortieth Dr. THOS ALLEN, very successful in the treat. men! of aUdtceaMc would inform hm friends and m D^o“m h &&‘elc C .tan! considered incurahW HSURALBIA. ' VVOJDEB * ISOOVEB Y —We would ask' jour attention to these dtseases, as we have found teat we possess a remedy Which has cured many. : and, will■ health, hundreds more who are at present nut faring .the most excruciating GeneralW. & few days only are needed to onset a cure. w e TlftonoffiVat the offices; BLEVENra iSeet, $», CHESTNUT and FOR TIETH Street, West Piuiiidrtphm. ALLEN. ialßSm - ua - Toor MARKET STREET, W P. THE PRESS.—TOIL AREI.PIH A, SATURDAY. APRIL 1, 1865. IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA IL VELLEEB.—For fall tnformatiouln reference, to Sta tions, Distances, and Connections, tUnstaated by out bandied Railway Mbps, MiMiwd B»n -wan of the country, eee APPLSTOM T S EJJLWAT . BDIDE. - • : • nols-ta PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL-! B QHANQE or TIME AND DEPOT. Th* bain or th* Peun»ylyanin Centralßailroad leave Jha Hew Depot, at THIRTIBTH and SfAEKKT: Sts., Initeadof Eleventh .and Market Streets, as her*- The ears of the Market-street Passenger Railway run to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot, at Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour previ ous to the time of departure of each train, and allow about SO minutes for a trip, *’ _ , Their oars an In waiting on the arrival or each Train to convey passengers into the city, and connections are made with all roads crossing Market street ; On SUHDaTS—'Cars leave Blerenth and Market .Sts. at 7 46 P. M..to connect with Pittsburg and Brie Mail, and at 10.26 P. M. with Philadelphia Express. . Mann’s Baggage Express will hereafter be loeateaat No. 31 street. Parties desiringbagf age taken'to the trains, canhayettdone atreasonablerates u^™Ma J a I Lsi 0 vi O i , M arrivb at depot thus: MAIL TRAIN.. ........ At 800 A. M. PaOII.AOCOMMODATION, No. l-~ " 10 00 ” FAST L1NK........ ‘ 12.00 M FABKEBBURG “ 110 P.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION... “ I.SO LANCASTEB ACCOMMODATION. 4.00 •• PAOLI TRAIN, No. a...-..v“~ v "- «•»' PITTSBURG *ND ERIE HAIR...™. 8 30 ; “ PHILADBLFHIABXPRBBB “ ILIO “ ARIUYS. PITTSBUBH AND EBIE MAIL.—... “ 6SOA. H. PHILADELPHIA 8XPKE53........... ‘ 7.06 " PAULI ACCOMMODATION.No. X..... ■ " 8.90 « FABKESBUBQ.— “ fI.SO ■■ LAKCAbTEE T8A1N..~«..~ “ UWP. lt JA6T —~~ “ 12.50 “ paoli accommodation. Ho. 4,40 ■■ MAIL T8A1N..........“ ’6.46 “ HABEISBDEO ACCOMMODATION.... ‘‘ . 9.40 Philadelphia Express leares daily. Pittshurg and Brio Mail IeaTBS daily Cexcept Haturday). All other Trains daily (except Sunday.) . The.Pennsylxania Eailioad Company-will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In' Yalne. All Eafgage exceeding that amount in 'value •will be at tbe rick of the owner, unless taksn by Bpa- Por farther information, aa to time andconnacMonii, se« bills and framed carda, or apply to J OHN F. VAN LEEB. JB.. Ticket Agent, atthe Depot. > . _ An Emigrant Train runs dally (except ) : For : full information ae to fare and accommoaationejgiply tO feSo.tf' ' ;:V :■ , 13TPOOK Street. > a ; AKEANgEMBNTBOF lQ£f/l 18 b 4. new yokk likes. Iqo4, THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY'AND Pm.ADKLPHIA AND TBENTON BAILBOAD OOMPANYrS LINES, FBOM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOEK AND WAY PLACES, PBOM: WAliSnor BTBWC WHAJtFi / WILL LEAVE AS lOLLOWB-VIE: '-1AB8*"' At 6 A. M . Tia Camdoa and Amboy,C. and A. A«- _■ •onunodatioiiAA*. >♦...►*. ... •• •;. •13 25 AtB A. M.« via Camden end JeraeyCity, Morula* SQG ; At 13 M., Tia Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. At- - *om2aodation’*...ee«a*e.».«e 221 ' At 2 P. M.via Camden and Amboy, G, *ndA. EX preSS-.wee..~.. W,...e*.i4ei..«e ,*« 2 3f At I P. M. i xia Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion(freight,and I T 8 , At 6P. M., via Camden And Amboy. Accommoda tion (PreifbtandPassenaer)—let Claae Tlelcet... 235 . Do. do. 2d Class Ticket... 150 A* IK P. M., via Gamden and Amboy, Acoonunor 4 itloa (Freight and Passengerh-lst Class Ticket. 1 9S ■ Do. ■ dot 2d Clast Ticket. -1 60 fjr Bel-ridere, Baston, LambertvUle. Jlemlagton, Ac., at 8.80 P. M. ' Por Mount Holly, Bwanaville, and Yln eentown, at BA. JaL, 2jftnd 6P. M. „ , ; PorFreebold at 6 A. Mpand 2 P. M. For Palmyra; Eiyerton, Delanco, Bererly, Edgawa ter, Burlinston, Florence,Bordentowu, Ac., at 8 and jasOA. M., 13.50, 8.80,;B, 8, andXWiP. M.. The 8.80 and 6 P. M. lines run direct thronghto Trenton. . _ : por Palmyra, Btyerton;Delaneo, Beyorly, and Bnr ; x^’fboil'&|in|tot will lkat* iAt 11.16 A. H., Tla Kensington and Jersey City, it E AS3 P-'M-Viriaßeaßiniton and Jersey City.Bx fr®B®« MeUe N4iitiM h ■ >•. M • >Hi.« •»•••. 3 UU 6.46 P M., yla Kensington,and Jersey City. Washinpou&nd Hew York jppresf,... —. -*• At 12 P. M.: (Night), yia Kensington and Jersey City, Washington-and Kew.York 96 The«.4s;P. K. Line will run daily. All others Sun day*excepted. •• _ •• • For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithae&» Owego. Bo ? cheater, Binghampton, Great Bend. Montrose, Wllkes barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, .water Gap. Maueh Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton* . Lamberiville, • Flemington,. Sat. , at 7.15 A. M. This line connects with, the train leaving Boston for.Mauch Chunk at 8.80 P.. H.. ••••.,,'(■ ■ .•■■■ > ■■ PorLambertville at SP.JdC, on Saturdays only. ■■.... ■ Por Bristol, Trenton. 3cc.« at 7.15 and 11.15 A. M., 3 ! s-nd g-P.-M. and 12 midnight-. ' . i For Holmesburg, Tacony, Wlssonoming. Bridesborg, j 9 A. M.vS, 6. and 8 ’“■■■• ; for Ifew York and Vay Lines leavln* Kenrini ; fconDepoi, take the cars on f ifilrwreflt, above walnoti half an hour Sefore-.departare; The car* run Into tne t Depot, and on the arrival’ of each, train run from the pounds ofßargage only allowed each passenger. 5 Passengers arc prohibited from taking anything gage but their, wearing apparel.^All baggage over_flfty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their ■ responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wiu not be liable for any amount beyond 3100, except Graham ’ s°BiSsage Express IAIl i eaU , fcH ’ a 9 wal r December 21, 1864. .. •i,mes4« (WM iM TTjBTOLSY, President BUIiBOAD IN£B. LINES FBOM , NEW YORK FOB PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAVE FROM TUB FOOT OP OOXJETLASD STRUCT, Atl2M: and 4P. M-, via City and Camden. At 7,10, and \W*. A. M. »6P. M. and 13 (Bight), via Jer sey City and Kensington. \ a . - «w w Prom the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. ana 2 r.-M. • via Amboy and Camden. . _ __ . .- v w Prom Pier No. I,.North river,at pH., 4, and 8 P.M. . (freight a^dpassanger),'Amboy and Oamaea.~ . ael-w liiiipij,.:: ' Coiaroracing trill leave DoDfjt, corner BKOAD Street and WASHIHG TOH Avenue, an folio we: . ■ ■ ■ ■ _ Express Tram, at 4. CSA.M. {Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping .at Wilmington, Ferry yille, Hsivro de-tsraco, Aberdeen, Perryman *, “wJyKu Train, at 8.15 A. M. (Sundays excepted),for 1 Baltimore, stopping at. aU >l° •with Delaware* Railroad’at -Wilmington for-Milford, Salisbury, and intermediate stations. i.. Express Tram at 115 P. M. (Sundays excepwaj lor Baltimore and stopping at ;minirton* Bltcton, Perryville; andß&vre-de-Grace. Express Train-at 3. 66 P.M. (Sandays-exoeptedKfor Newark, Elkton, North- East, ;Perryville» -flavre-de- Grace, Perryman's, and Magnolia T v i Night Espress at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester (only to take Baltimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington,' Newark, Elk ton. North-East, Perryville, and Havre-de-Grace. . : Passengers for FORTRESS MONROE will take the 8.16 At “r^‘»?^j aa ioiuLraoH TRAINS Stopping it all Stations between Philadelphia and Wil mie??e'PUladelnhin *t li A. M., 2. 3.30,6.80. and 10 P. B. The 830 P. H. train eonnotts with Delaware R, >B.:forMilfora and.intmmediate stations. ■ and 9,30 A.M.,2.30 and 8-80 ‘’through TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE. _ lieaTa Wamlngton' at 12 4.24, 8 83. and 9.64 P. M. ; aU, 4 . M ,.7.20.and 9 . M P tf M Grace. Aberdeen, Perryman's, and Night Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at-Chester (for Baltimore and Washington pasiengers), Wilmington, Newark, Blk ton, North-East, .Perryville, and_Havre_de*Grace ■ ?* Accommodation.TxSln at 10 P. M.-for Wilmington and way »ta^^ lMoEg gOE PHILADELPHIA. ; Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M. . stopping at Hs.YTe-d.e- Grace, Perryville, RBdWilminitGn., Also stops atttk ton and 1 Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Wa*hin gion or Baltimore), and Chester to: leave passengers from Baltimore or Leave Baltimore 8.26 A. M,. Way Mail; 1.10 F. M., Express! A 25 P. M., Way Train: 6.36 P. M., Express: f ■ f . ;.' . .. 1 *•<*. .with Passenger Car attashed, wUI leave .Wilmington lor PerryviUe and intermediate station! at 7.56 f. M. E. F. KENNEY. Snn’t. 1865.' '1865. : PHILADELPHIA. AND ERIE RAIL BQAD.—TMb great line traverses the Northern and Northwest couiiHei of yennsylv&nia.to thesity of Brie* leased by the PBNHSYMTAKIA BAIL LOAD COMP ANT, .and is operated by them. i ■lts entire length was opened for piusengerand freight business October 17th, isbl. ’ TIMS OP PABBKKOBBiTKAUfS At PHELADHLPHIA. ! : Leave Westward. * ' * Brail TifAlHl h ■ T ...»»W»»e444<4»»»4 8.30 Pi Lock Haven Accommodation Train.B.oo A. if. cars run tiirongh on. Mail Train without ehanis both nn between Philadelphia and Erie, and qi» ■ ™ TratoaJjoth ■waVs-between Philadelphia s and Xtock Haven, and on, Elmira Express Train both way* betweenJff[Uliam*pori corner mSTIfiTH and MAKKBTSte.. Philadelphia. MABKEY Streets, Philadelphia. - 3.-.. W: BBYHOLDS, Btie • - f. H. BBlli. Agent 5- h 0.8. |y Beneral Pre^tA &^P|hadelpMt , a eneralTfo|et,AgentJ~olphfo. General Manager, WH3lamsport.__ ISriHISISSgiia WEST, „C HE STBS PHILADELPHIA EAUr TI OF HOUES. • '■■ On and after MONDAY, Oct, 10, 1864, U» tnba leave Philadelphia, from Depot comer of THIET3- EIEST and Streets (West Philadelphia), at 8.16 and 11 A, M., and at 2, 4. IS, and 6.30 F. IL Leave West Chester at 6.36, 8.16, and,W.S5^ V M., uadi.SO ana Philadelphia at S.M A.M. and All Tf. M.Vand Ws»t Chester at 8 15 A. M. and 4.30 P. M.,con neet withteaths on. the Baltimore Central Railroad tor cSford and intermediate point*! t „ n , - -On Sunday* leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A, Bf.» and 3 F. M. Leave/West ChesterAt M.,an£ 4F. M. ;On Sundays the cars’of the West Philadelpiia Pas aenger Ballroad Company will leave Eleventh Bud Karr ketetreets at thirtymmntea before the starting time of trains from • the Weit Philadelphia Depot, and.wtLi he at the Depot to eonvey passengers into the «Byon the Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and in no case will the Company be re- B.on.itlofor am »°%&gjnTO»£rtota a a«»t. 1865.i> ELPHIA^AND BLMIBA BAILBOAD LINE to all points WEBT, pennsyltAnia, WILLLAMSPOP.T, BUFFALO, SUSPENSION BRIDGE, ELMfBA. BIAGABA FALLS, and-aH places to the. Western and 'Northwestern Statec “ dtteC “ ad ¥w o TBEOUBH TEAINS Leave Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Deyot, Thir teenth and Cailowhill streets, [daily, (Sundays «*• eepted), for the North and West, as follows: ' •;*, Scorning Express at BA. M Afternoon Express at M.- l-.... - Making.a direct connection with a» intersecting roadJ. ; FOB THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and further particulars concerning'' tho; different jeontes, apply s« fhe TfcKlT OFFICE iaS CHESTNUT Street, nnder the Philadelphia Bank, and ; opposite! the ;-Cnstoi» Boosi N. TAN. HOEN, Kcket Agent, 425 Chestnnt street JOHN S. HITILB6. General Agent, ji3 Thirteenth and Callowhill streetc. NEW AKKAS CEMENT. , On and after MONBAT, Janaary 2, 1865, Train* will leave f. om wAL'StJT-STBEET PlEtt a« follows: For CAPE mat, and all plate i south of Millville, at 9 \oi MILE TILLS, BRIDGETON, SALEM, and all In-' termadiate places lOiUil of Oiastboro, at 9A. M. and S OLASSBOBO it TA.dJi, U MP. M., and 3 F. H. For WOODBUEY. GLODCESTEB, &«., at B A M-1 IISOP. M '■»aiid«P,|l;«. , > 1?" ■ •-eetbbnino. Leave Cape May at 6.30 A.-M-. and 11. W A, M. leave Millville at 9 A. MandSP. M,.. . Leave B rid geton at v. 10 A. M. andS.lOP. M. Leave Salem at 7A. Iff. ana 3P. M. . . . ~ ... Leave'Wooubury. at 7, 8.43, and 10,44 A. M., and 4.4 S P,M THE WEST JBKSETEXPEBSB COMP AWT, , Will attend to all the usual branches of Express Busl* nees, receive .deliver, and forward ttrongh .otter re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the country, anv article entrusted to them. , • __ . ' £ Snsclal Messenger accompanies each Through Trauu Office; fio. S WALETU'P Btreet. umce, « j YaS BBKSSBL ABB, > Superintendent. ha. January 2. 1865. . JaB-tf, PHItADEiPH) ESTfIaUSSSSS BARIT AN AND BAT BAIIiBOAD, ' PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. ,ABB, I fec,BST M GOOD FOB BTBEBT at U 15 A. M.% daily (Sunday* ex* Brook* Ateion. Shsminr, Hanehester. *«.,. cCBgSSSg3 - NORTH PENNSYL w» w V A N IA BAILED AD For BETHLEHEM. DOYLBSTOWN, MAOCH GHDXK. •jUston williamspobt, wilhcbebakbe, **. ■ WINTEB ABBANDEMBNT.• • t Paeienger Traiui leayethe new Depot, THIBD Btrert, >boye TuembiOß: ctreet, d»ily (Bund»yi excepted), »» A. M. (Expresc) for Bettaehem. Allentowx, Keuch Chunk. Haileton, WillUmeport, Wilkee berre, No. _ . / At 8.80 P.M. (Expreu) for Bethlehem, Barton, dw. I At 6.16 P. M. for Bethlehem, Alieutown. Mauek Chunk. '. For Doyles town at 9.50 A. M. and Al 6 P. M. . For Fort Washington at Ll 6 F. X. . \ . For Lansdaie at Al 6 F.M. \ While ears of the Seoond and Third-streats Lin* D»y ■ Passenger LOST. Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M. , 10.02-A. M. . and 6.U •' • ) Leare Doylestown at 6.50 A, M. and 8.46 P. U. {.eaye Lansdale at 6.10 A. J4.__ _ „ Fort atß M P._M. ;• /Philadelphia for Doylestown at 9.30 A M. and 4.X1 for A. EXPRESS ■ COMPANIES. ADAMS EX CHIBiSHSK FBEBS COMPANY, OM.e SB* CHESTNUT Street; fojwards Parcels, Packages, Me?- fhi-pfljMa, Bainlc-Wotes, and Specie, cither hy Its own inst or in connection with other Express Companies, to all tha principal Towns and Cities in the unites Itatei B. 8. SAHDPOBD, tfMf . General Superintendent. LE&il. N THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE • CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN SIMMONS, deceased. P Holies is. hereby *iyen that JABB X.. BIMMOHB. widow of the said JOHN SIMMONS, deceased, ha* filed 111 said Conri her petition elaiminf the sum or *3OO la hash oat of the said Estate, -which she elects to retain fender, the act of April H. 1851, and the snpplements Stereto, and .that tbe same will be approved by th» laid Coart oh BMP AY. the 7th day of April, 1865, na ,ee exceptions be filed K YAIIBSr riNB, Attorney for Petitioner. mb24-fe4t* [jK THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE pi- CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. , : Estate of 8. GBAEME TURffBULL, deceased. I Tie Auditor sppointed by the Court settle, imd adjust the account of A. JSIBBBT TU&BBULL. Ad feißbtrator oftheEßtateof B;,Dra®meTurabuli, dec d, ind to report distribution of the balance in the hands of ihe '*ccoußtant,’:wlU meet the Parties interested*.for the Ejnrpoßes of his appointment, on TBUBB DAY. April 6, lfs66» at 4 o’clock P, Mr, at No. 115 South HeVENTB Street* in the city of Philadelphia. | mh2B tutbss.* GEORGE W. DfiDhIGS, Auditor. ■« I&TN THE ORPHANS’ COtJRT FOR THR P- CITT ABI> enUKTY OP PHItIOET.FHri t Eetato of WILLIAM-TOD WILCOX, dec d. f The >ttdi:orr appointed by tlie_ Court to.acdlt, settle, fend adjißt the aceoumt of PAMtrSL WXLGOX, Bx««a* |orof tl»e last will WILLIaM TOD iwILCOX, deceased,* aa'd to report distribution of the Saiasce in the hands cf tbe accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, Jtf'ISOKDAY, "April 10th, 1860, at 4 ;o'clock P. M , at 500 WALHt,T Btie6Vfi.ai£uiß°®ls tri'h2B.tuthssfc . : - - Auditor. IfN THE ORPHAN S’ COURT FOR THE irator of me - Estate of aad lo report distribTUioa of ttie balance in tne hand* 61 tas \ccuQiitAnt, will meet the parties iutaresUd tor tne Pllr> “k 8» of hiB appointment on TDESDAY. Apnl 41 b.A »■ ■BK.'at four o'clock P M., at Ms otflos. No. 1*916 #. bfOUBTH Strew, in the citj rr?MNi- ‘ mMS-thetaSt ■ ■ JOHN HANNAr Andltor. TN THE ORPH ANS’ COURT FOR THE J- CITY AND finUKTt OF PHILADELPHIA, Estate of JOHN ;A.; WIM,«A.MS. deceassa. i Notice la hereby given that MABGARK f WlLbr AH9, iwidow ot the said decedent* has filed in said „ court her petition and appraisement ;of personaV property which the elects to retain under act,of -AwU.-14 fr ]S61> J*™. B *?- plementa, and that the same-will be confirmed by said wort, on ebibaY. April Tib, IBBS. kt 10 o’clock A. M,.imlBiißexcBPtfm I sbB«|dtb«TOto. I jDli22-we4t* Attorney for Petitioner. IT? STATE . OF . ELLISTON PEROT, .ICi DECEASED. Vf ELLISTON FKROT. Ute of'PAiladeiplua, dttmaJ,. ii avir.« been I&BQed-to tho underBlgßed,\all pereoas in.* Set)ted to said ett&te ate Nqaeettd ttfiiialte. payment, SCHREINER, NEW COAL DEPOT, JCa* HOBLB Street, above Ninth street, .. . : V Constantly onhand superior qualities or Lehigh and SchnyJklfl Coal, selected expressly for famtly iinrpcises,' at the lowest market street, below Arch street. Offlcs, 119 South Street,; = ~-y-t- ■ : . . ' oc2o-6m. „ nOALv— LOAF, REAVER V-* MEADOW, and Spring Mountain LshUh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, pr.pared exj presrly for family use. Depot, N .W.-corner BIGHTH and WILLOW Streets: Office,Bo. lisiSffi& B s < ?B, flD Street. - rap? ti] J. WALTON & CO. FURE LEHIGH COAL.—IT OUBE KEEPERS can rely on setting a mire artiele »t the S. E. corner of PBOBT and rOPLAR Streets,; JOHN W. HAMPTON. - mhgo-lm* "PURE LEHIGH-COAL, a* .T J. B MDLFORD, . mb SO 12V* 18*6 MARKET Street. ~ MACHINERY ASH IRON. J. VAUGHAN MNBBIok. JOHN. B. OOPS. * COHTHWARK -FOUNDRY, E> • pipiH AND. WASHINGTON STREETS, . PHUrADBLPHIA, __ ' MTBBItiK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Enginea. for land, river, and marine service. _ . Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &*., CMt* ln« of all kinds, either iron or brass. ..■■■■ , . -Iron*frame Roof* for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail r °Eetort6*sDd Gas Machinery of the latest and most Isa- Pr ßverr°deßcS.pUon of Plantation Machinery, sneh « Sugar, ■ Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains. Dofecatorß.Filters, Pumping Bnglnos.dts. Sola agents for N. Rtlileux’s Patent Sugar-Boiling Ap paratus? Nesmyth'B Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspln wall * Woisoy’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar-DraLiln* Machine. • -:rh: -■ - :>aul2-« : PENN STB AM ENGINE AND ■ar le fflSßOll.Bß WOEKS.-HBAKB g iSVI.: PB'ACTICAL OHIHIKTS, BOILBK- fe AKEEB; BLACKSMITES, Had i FOTJUDBEB, having for man? years been'in successful bperation;and been exclusively encased in building and repairing Marine and Slyer Bn clues, nigh and low pres sure, Iron Boilers;- Water ;.T&nk*» Brppellers, «e., ««., respectfully offer their services to tbs public, as beins fully prepared to contract forenaines of &U sizes, Ma rine, River, and ; Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes', are prepared to, execute, orders wits Quick 7 despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest nJtice.'-Sish and tow-prewure, Tine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boners, ofihe best 'Feua sylvanla charcoal iron, Forgings of all sizes and kinds. Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 801 - Turning, Screw-On ting, and aU.otherwork connected with the above business. o -.•-••• •-t „ drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of anffwork g^ranwsed. The subscribers have, ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of. boats, where theycan lie in are provided with shears, blocks, falls, «c.» lOT he«r or llskt A(JOB JOHB P. LBVTT, . BBICH and PALMBBStraetn. T*7 M. M. FABER & CO., , W STBAM-ENGIHI BUttBSKS. • IBOM FOBITOERB.''' ! ' GENERAL MACHINISTS, AHD BOILER MAKERS, PBITBSTLVAifIA BAl£w)'iS FASKBafaBK STATIOT. PITTSBURG, PENNA., Hannfaotnre all kinds of STEAM KKGIHER ranirtn, from three to one htmdred and suited for Grist Mill*, Saw Mills. Blast Furnaces, OU Well*, &e., &c. ■ , . -m ,1- ■ Give particular attention to the construction of m 'vines and Machinery for oil horinf and pnmpinf lions.-: Haro always on hand, finished ana_ieady .shipment,- SJIGIK£S and r BOIfcEB& pf . every de*«ri^ from all parts of the country promptly filled. . . 3a30-3m__ MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAMER. "A GINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and QfM® Machinists and Boiler Makers, Mo.; .!»*». oA fcK:j7 HILL Street. Philadelphia.. ‘ _ re*^P_ MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD,.;&C. J.TA _2.e00 bbLT MaiiK Hob. 51,‘> 2, and .3 ; Mackerel, late-caught flat fish, in assorted packages, ■■ 2,000 bbls. JSew, Bastport, fortune .Bay, and. Hauiax Scaled, No. XHerring. , _.lsobbiB Eew Mess Shad. 250 boxes Berklmar* oonnty Obeeßa. Sc. - . ikstore and for ealo COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCE Vy AHB CAaVAS. «f all ntwabaw , "DEW ABE OF COUNTERFEITS AND Jj ÜBPKIHCIPLSD DEALBEB BATIOffB. • : •'••■". •• •' " • ■DISH AND CANNED MEATS. C 600 bbla H»l< ■> iMacker^. ! p Ot OBfjKEOOGH. jS-Sr bT . . lift Worth yßoirr Rt~.t ARCH STREET. KITOHKKHA.EDWARB, . WOOJ>E» WARE, and .BBuSHISV. , . A .omplete aMoriment or Hoose farnirtitm^aomU, RTXTH and AROS Street*. 600. mhie-lF PURE -CORN VINEGAR, FREE ■ lL from drugs, aed warranted to preserve fruits and pUuWG cider vinegar, manufactured.and bl m b28.1m 35 South BBOHT Street. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON- Ei BTITDTIOWS, of both feie., ,u«r HELMBOLD 8 EXTRACT BtKJHU, It will give s>rl«k end enorgeti. 'Mila*. ind .ntWyoc ta .Imp wall. ~ ij’OH NON-RETENTION OR INOON- C WHENCE £ urine, Init.Uoa, inaammetlon o, hladderor kidneys, diseases of the w K&°3fw^.iton*in the bladder, calculus, era lJU^t^duit'deposit, and all.diseases of.the mad- BXTBACT BPCHU- - TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU - EL"Are. bealtb and tS*m to the frame andbloora to tr\,.Wct,Yok Debility la accompanied by man, . “4 if ao treatment-1. enbrnUS^ ( : to,' coaßiiCipliotti in*dnity o* *j?Ue,Uc Hie og^BS, rtHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S vy OFFICE, Vo. 1139 OIBABD Street, Philadelphia Depot, March 31,1865. SEALED FBOFOtiALb wdl be received tills oS«, untiI MOHDAT, April 10. )SK>, at 12 o'clock SL. for de livers g at theßchujlkiU Arsenal, lx merchantable packages (esses to be made to conform to specifications at this office): • ■ -5.4 Canton Flannel for Drawers, aimy standard. % Etookings,army standard. Pegged Booti for Cavalry, army ettadard. Fogged Bootees for Infantry, armystandard. Hospital Tents and Flies, army standard. Forage Gape, army standard. Sample# of tie standard articles required may be seen. Parties offering goods should make separate proposals for each article offered and must distinctly state in their bids when they will commence their deliveries, the quantity they propose to furnish each week, the P‘ice (which tkoulabe torittenboth in. toords and figures)* and conform to theterms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each ■ Bids wi:l be opened on ; Monday, April 10, J 865, at 13 o’clock M., and bidders are requested to.be present. Each bid most be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, and certified to ae being good and sufficient se? corityfor the amount involved, by arms paolic func tionary of the United States. - ; T All proposals should be made out ou the regular terms. Which will be furnished on application at this office. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting - contractor will “Proposals for (here insert the «"•«* the J - Chief Quartermaster*, Phil&dalpM» J>ep»t. _ r£«in#h' do Worsted Lace, do. Sineh Scarlet Wojg’.ed Lace, do. Inch do Worsted Lace, do. -inch Sky-Blue WorstedLaoe, . 'do. inch Scarlet fci-k Lace, do. Axe Handles, do. Hatchet Handle!, . • . , -do. Regimental General Order Books, do. Regimental Letter Books, do. Rfgimenial Descriptive Books, do. ; Target Practice Bouks, .->*r do. GreatCoat Lining, sample required. Sack Com Lining, , . ffo, • • - . •parties offering goods should makeseparate proposals for each article offered, and must ;dlssinctly sfcate_ in their bids when the j will commence their deliveries, tie quantity :they propose to furnish each week, the price (which should be written bow. in wore 8 and J^oures), and conform to the terms of tnUadvertisemeat, a y cf which should accompany eachprovomk Standard samples of the articles reqoiredmayb'Meen attvis office w v • ■ Sfcroples, when submitted, mutt be marked and uum* bered to correspond with the proposals; and the parties thereto mutt guarantee ihat the goods shall be. in every respect equal to army standard, otherwise the propo sals wlllnot be considered. • • Bids wili be Tuesday, April 4th, 1855, at 12 o’eloci M , and bidders are requested to be present. Each blimust be guaranteed by two responsible per-, sons, whose signatuTes must be? Appended ;to the gua rantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se curityJor the amount involved, by some publiefuae tionary*of the United States. . . . .. _ " All proposals should be made out on the regular ' forms, which will ba furnished on application at this office. ■ II : - The rliit is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea ; no bid from a defaulting contractor will Envelope “Proposals.for (here insert the name of thrartiole offered) V?ahd addms-- .. Colonel WILLIAM W. McKIM, Chief Quartermaster, Philadelphia Depot. Fropq POETJ Ol'HI PBOPOSA© to day* for tl Philadelphia! Fortress Mol Alexandria, 4 Uewbera, J Fort Koyai, Fort Barranca New Orleans! Foint,-Vl ‘WaeMniton, . Beaufort, 'S. Charleston, 2 S, Vcrehead City, Transportation to 'vessels, or both (to . . D. C., by bartes or oU may require it; ana bis 'price, in writlsgaid fij 1 By OTder of Col. W ter. Philadelphia Depo- , jDb29lot lOaptain aua A SSISTANT QUA'S JTi. OFFICE, 1130 GIEAKD SI Philadelphia, ; SEALED PBOPObAI S will too until 12 o’clock BL, SaTUEBAF, immediate delivery at the Haiti HAS OYEE- Street wharf, prepsrl; transportation,, of, the follow m masters’' Stores, to he Inspected pointed on the part of the Governmi 6 dozen Gas Fittings, each 1,4,' 7 . do do 2. i 10 do do S. 8 do . do 7 „ a do do IS. id 4 do do 24, 9k, 4 do do . 44.4HL 4 do do 69. ®Sk 4 do do - 73. l&S 4 do do 79* 8® -4 do- do 85,8® ddozeix-Drop Elbows, 146. 147. JK e dozen Seducing Elbows, 138, IS® IQ OOG Jeet 2 inch Gas Pipe. ■ 2.000 do IX-inch do. ] 1,000 do E-Inch do. 1 600 do Ji-inch do. . . . 1 1 dozen tfnt Sellers &. Co, *slnjel 20Giobe Valves. , ~, . -1 SO do do, each X-inch, 3£-fi 60 do do 211 do do IX-inch. 26 do do JX inch. 16 do do 2-uich. 6 do do 3-iDCh. 20 Stop Cocks, eaoh X- inch. X- inch, 60 do do . IX inch. 60 do do - JS mch. SO do do 1-tnch. 15 do do IX-ineh. 20 do do IX mch. 25 do do 2 inch. 6 do do 3 Inch. . - ~ - ~ 20 Brass Unions, each X- inch, IX-inc SO do do do X-inch, l inch. *, 60 do do . do X.-inch, , X-incl 10 do do do IX-lnch. 2 doz brats Bibb cocks, each X-inch, Ido do do do , Jf-inch.l i • x do do do do iX-inch. J The Globe Valveß, Stop Cocks,, and Bnioj . a thread cut in them to connect gas pipe. 1 All of the above articles to be of the belt] Bidders shonld state the anantity Wo fo| they will CQmmfneeand finUh their del price of .the articles (to inc lude boxes an] which, should he written both in words] and conform to the terms of this advertised of which shouldaccompany each propos schedule pri«»s will he received. . . Samplesot the articles bid for most he i the Banover-street Storehouse twenty*foe fore the opening of the bids.-' _ . „ Bids will be opened on SaturdaT» April o'clock M: . and bidders are requested to be Each bid must be guaranteed by two resp„ sons, whose signatures must beappendeato t| tee. and certified to a m being: good and suffleie for the amount involved, by the, Baited St* Judge, Attorney or Collector,.or other pub The right i« reserved to reject any bid d* reasonable, and no bids from adefeulting coat - All to be made out the regi-, which will be furnished on application at this’ Bv order of Col. Wm. W. AloSlm. Chief ter Philadelphia Depot. GEOBGK B. O mh2B«4t Captain and A PHILAI ELFHIA TERR A 01 OFFICE AHD WJIKEEOOMS, ho. 1010 CHS -Street - ./ - VITRIFIED WATER, DRAIN, Mid HEATING witbbends, branches, traps, -&c., tocorrespoii \?KHAMBfITAii CHIMJTET TOPS, and FLUE" warranted to stand the action or firp,‘jEas, or we OBBAMSaTAL PARLOR ABD GABDfiff, fcaassical designs, plain and bronzed. Mignonette Pots, Flowerpots, IvyYases, Hantfn*.Y4j Farn Yases, &c , 4c. • • Importer of Mlnton’B Encaustic Tile, for 0 Bails, Yesttbnles; 4*. mM-tritbitf Wli/liXAX X. XS&&IQX. WHITE VIRGIN OE Alft » » ; 1.85. A new Fiench Cosmetic for I>e*jtlfyS preserving the complexion- It isthe most Jfofi compound of the aae. There is neither chape, PS ■macuesls, bismuth, nor talc in its composition, U 8 composed entirely. of-pure:Virfii! v & x; 3™ ca« inordinary for preserving the skin* man soft; smooth, fair, and lt make* tS appear y crane, the homely hand some, the haniaom® beautiful, and the moat beautiful divine. Prices! fiO cents. Prepared only by HOKT & CO.. Perfol 4-I, Booth EIGHTH Street,twodoora above Cheating 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. JaB; H, JAMES, (Formerly ofPMladelphU,) FKANKLIB, YENaNGO COUNTY, FSNNA. 8 Special attention given to tbe examination of Titles!* ParLABEI.PHIi Bbpbkekoes —Chaa B. Lot, gfi Hon. J. Boss Snowdon; James-H. Little. Ssa.. T.| Tasker, Sr.;Hood, Bonbrlght, & Co., J. Z. DeHav« President 7th National Bank.' mhlo-3ml Q AMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTO|tNE] O AT LAW AND CONVEYANCES. „. 1 F KAN KLIN, VBKANSOiCODNTY, PENNA. 1 (late of Philadelphia.! , | Charles B. Lex, Esq., |B.* W. G-Biddle S Co. RG- Knight & C 0.,. . r Hr. B.:8. Mackenzie, JamesH. Little, iso. . I W.-BL YeatonSCo. jnb7-9m - .. . . - C AMUEL L.i TAY LOR, ’ O : No. HJB3-WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, ! attoebby at law AND _ COMMISSIONER FOB ALL THE STATES, Except-Connecticut, New York, Illinois, Nev&ddi Oregon, and Texas ' . : foM-frtnly* JOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, V CbOTSBLLOB AT LAW, AND SOLICITOB OP CLAIMS. Office, BSIP Street, near Fourteenth street, Washington, D C. . • de23-6m n H. GARDEN & CO., NOB. 600 AND V/. 6054 HABKKT Street, Manufacturers_of and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, _FUES, BONNETS, BTBAW, GOODS, ABTIPIOIAL FLOWERS. EUCHES, 40.. Ac. The largest and most complete stock, and thc beat terms. -• Country Herchnnta and the Trade sup pled, • •• 'V 7 ''■ ■ -■' ■ ■ aa.hi.3m TTELMBOLB’S FLUID , EXTRACT IX • BTICHU ill pleasfcat In taste and odor* free from I all ■Bunrlont BrosorStoo, Mi laua«4lat« la is* uttoa. PROPOSAL! SALS FOR WATER TRANS -105,'. . */'' ■■ t Water Transportatiow, U. S. A,, Ko. 874-. South Third street. . - Phiz.absi.phxa, March. 28, 1885. 1 Will be received at this ofitea. from day Li transpextation by water of Coal, from Eenna., to the following points: . Sos Ya., 400 tone, mote or less, per day* **s!* S « ‘ - C. f 300 “ “ FJa.,160 ■** k La., SCO 1 ** " " Isia, 200 " “ " c. f soo “ ! ' ; ,300 " . . “ * . ~ 600 " " " » , 200 “ ** “ furnished by either sail or steam ” :ahdri*t Ya . and Washington, vessels), as this Department ers Bhoiiid state distinctly the •, t«i tach. class. • • • • QhUf Qttsrtarmas ** HfiHET Bii &BB A2T, Qaanerma*t9T. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ITERMETICALLY SEALED MEAT! ii A» SOUPS. „ I*o6o doz Sausage Heat. *OO “ Boast Beef. 600 ■?.' do Veal.- ... COO •** do Mutton. 1.000 “ do Turkey. > 1,000 “ do Chicken,. ~ „ _ M ‘orUdS os6*OMs- "fed-tf 7 107 BoathWATßßStreak riHILDREN’S CARRIAGES; EN-; VJ TIBELY NEW STYLES FOB THE SPRING TRADE.—A Snperior Lot just received, and for:.ale by BOWS. BUSTOS. Jt CO., mhXS-tf 137 and 159 North THIBD Street, TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BAR AA SAPABILLA cleanses and renoratM. the blood. Instils tbe vigor of health into the system* and purges out the humors,that make disease. , - . A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST ‘ 0 f the properties of HBLMBOLD 5 S FLUID EX TRACT BUCHu wilL be a comparison with those set forth in the United States Bispensatory. OARER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR ■A maHUFACTOBT.—The. largest and best assort*: roent of 'Wigs, Tonpes, -Long Bair. Braids. and. Curia, - Frizettes, liluiiye Seams, for ladies, at prices lower than eHftwhere. at 909 CHESTNUT Street. . ntb29-liu*. MALCOLM MACNEILL’S TOr.:_ >=Ss SPECTACLE BTOEB, INo. 310 South FIFTH Street, below Snruee; PHILADELPHIA. , / - - >; . Glasses refitted to suit all aces, and all mannerol repairing carefully and promptly attended to. mhS-Sm. NO FAIN IN EXTRACTING Nlkrouß Oxide Gas administered? beautiful and natural style of' ■*.-■. T&BTH INSERTED. „ DS. C. L. HUTTOS, 731 SPBUOB Street. 'Egffl EVANS & WATSON’S Igffl SALAMAJfDBB BUB 10 SOUTH FOURTH STKBBT. PHILADELPHIA. PA. A Uin YKl«ty of 1188-KB00?. SABIB aIW*T» 0» hand.. ■ _ "... - . . .■ - nPAKB NO - MORE UNPLEASANT A and nature remedist foT nnpleasant and' danee* root dlaeatet. HtaBELMBOLD’S BXTRAOT BTJOHB and IMPROVED ROSBWtsH. ■ _ ■■ auction saxes. T7UBNBBB, BBINIiJSY, & CO, J?, Mo. «1B ckKSTOTJT »nd 01* JAIITB Street*. BAIB OF IMPOKTBD AHD DOMESTIC DKT GOOD! ca "" OM TOBSP*.y-MOBaIHO. iuril 4tW lB6fit at 10 o’clock, on fojir months ciredlt, fOO packages and lots of fancy ami Staple imported dry goods. DOMESTIC 80088 for cash: _ . £rom> and bleached moeiini, cambrfee, flanael*> prints. emtlmexa, jeans, Ac. : _ "PANCOABT & WABNOCK, AUC AT TIOKEEES, *4O MAEKEE Street. LABGB POSITIVE SALE OF WO MM AMEBIGAS AKD IMPORTED BBT GOODS, HOSIESV GOODS, Ll* ED AND wmr^GOoDl^oatalo™. ARB ATTRACTIVE BALE OF BM GOODS* TO. CLOfcB A CORSIGRMSBT, by - Cata logue, OEf WEDHESDiY. ~ , ' ■ , April Cth, comprising a very fill 1 anil dasirablaarsort so&Qtof newscoda jnat landed. Sale positive* tocloa® an account. ,■ •• ••'•■ • .. E FECIAL POSITIVE SAL* OF STRAW GOOD 3. BY catalogue* OJf PfilBAY MORNIHGK' , . . . April 7, commencing at 10 o’clock, «ompriwng£ttrat -400 eases new and desirable goods, of best *bftpa3, In Saw and braids, for ladles*, misses*.and childrens •• 8 '' T>HUiIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, •A 6M5 SIAKKET and S)*l* COMMERCE Straits. liABOE SPRIEG SALE_OF. 1.300 CASES BOOTS.ASD :• OttUJSB. . - buckle, Cougres., Ac , together with a prime Msortment of vomt-n’s, inis.ee’. children e boots, .boss, bai morals, gaiters, Congress boots. &0.. Ac. LARGE 6PRIHG SALE OF Y. 500 tCiSBS BOOTS . ASIJ) SBLO2S.. , . April 6lh, commencing afcten o’clock precisely, 1.000 ca*e* men’s, hoya’.aod youib * boots, shoes, brogsns, balmorals, falters, Oxford ties. Oongress persi Ac . together with a dssirabJe assortment of wo men's* misses* and children’s boots,, shoes, balmorals, gaiters, slippers, Ac.« Ac. : > _ E SCOTT, JB., AUCTIONEER, Nob. • 700 aid 70S CHESTJTUT Street. Rain Ho 857 North KLBVENTH Bireet. KUPESIOJtt FDBHITEEE, MI BEOKS, BRUSBELS AED TAPESTRY CARPETS. Ac. 1 OF WSDRB‘I)4I HORSING, next. April atb, at 10 o’clock, on the premises. So. 567 Morth Eleventh ttrse;, the tnperior farm:are. mirrors, Bruetels and tapestr? carpet., dining-room snd kitchen furniture of a . gentleman declining hoaseikceping. Btay io examined early on morning of ~ - FOR SAXE' iiro^l^L m vOB SAL E-WEST WALNUT JO Street—Ore layge and one raeditna-sized brown stone BWELLIHQ. Apply to „ OREIB & BROWJST, m.%3% WALSUf Street, mh3l-6t* ® COUNTRY RESIDENCE.—TO LET. a, lane and convenient COUSTET HOTTSB. corner o? Sixth, street and Eliwood lane, Twenty-fifth •ward, with' Stable and fire seres ol Land, inotadlne Garden In coxnpletß ordei; variety of superior Fruit Tuee. and excellent Water. -,•••• ' , Inquire on the premises- or No. J»*3TO South Btreet. • ■ . = ■■■ • ■ mh3i-3t* ' m WALNUT;STREET RESIDENCE. S I —7 OR SALE, a handsome, we 11-b ui LVI bree - story brick Dwelling, with three-story back bnitdimjs and lot ofgrotihd; on’the south tide of WALNTJT .ftmW between Tenth and Eleventh etrsefcs, 22 f«et front by *23 fret deep to a hack street? complete with all modern ; a: b. carter*™,. IDh3O 6i« B. W. cor. NluTg and FILBERT Sts. ■m HOTEL PROPERTY FOR gft M W()!f J- Will bs fiol/'at Tarms oabr. Tbs Hotel is between, three and fouri.hundred feet iroat, vith gas works and extensive out-buildings, ana.be' tween six ana seven acres of the very best ®rd meet central location onLong Braucb.»baing with {none hundred yards or the sea, and-not over three hundred yards from the depot of the ana Dela ware Bay Railroad,' running from Philadelphia to New Fork, and within* one -hundred yards, o'the d«P<>t *£ the band* Book and Long Branch Railroad, from Hew York, which will be In operation, by the first of J one, 1866. Add,,*, uiilU May pT3Kgs . ; ' Congress Hall, mbSl-St* -. . .Bong Branch »■ J. M FOR SALE—THE HOUSE AND LOT, 1430 SPRUCE Street, south side? 20 feet front, four stories, with Office in front basement. Ap ply on the premises, _ •• . : • between 10 and 2 o'clock. mb2B 6t* £for sale—country seat j» or Farm of 40 acres, on Church Lane; Darby ■■ Township, Delaware county, within a few minutes’ walk of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, snd one mile of the Darby Paseemer Railway. The land is in a high state of cultivation, handsomely lo cated, with extensive view of »arrounding country; there ate several springs of wai»r and an excellent quarry of gray Btone on the premises >The improve ments consist of two well* built eubsUntial stone Bouses, with shade* shrubbery, choice fruit, and 6mv mental tree*. Also, two barns, stable, earriage-hoase. spring-house, corn crib, sheds. &c. _ls?-hg>tts9, well i filled with ice. Applv to JOHN WHFTELSY. on the premise*, or JOEL S PERKINS,Nos. 45 and « South. FRONT Street. : - •: mh27-$»« BRMASTES’B it. . " . f' March 28,15?5. k«ived at this Ofi.se |ll Ist, 1885. fortJte states* Storehouse* ttachedaßdrea^r Qaartar in Inspector &p> i* viz: A Si B,lO. . 20, 21. 41, 43, 62. 63, 70, 71, 76. 77, 82 83, ■ SSL ~ . M for* sale-a vert superior BOOMB in WSST PHILADELPHIA, arc a lit nt stable, fias well of-water: rural, sat quite near; all conveniences; replete in all respects. Address * hfer chaEt♦,, Box 2jQD, Post Office. mh27-lm ®*- FOR BALE—THE RESIDENCE No. 823 South FIFTH Street; all modern con veniences; large lot; stable on the btek street, &c. mb2s-siuw9t* - F. B. REEVES, 45 J. WATEREh M FOR SALE- DWELLING-HOUSE on PIFTAENrH Street, north of Arch street. Apply to B W. BEBSLbY, mhlBlm* go. 30 Horth SBVBSITg Street. and l-lßcb. / ' A TO RENT—A DOUBLE COUN- Sse TET RES 1 DEL CE, -with coaeh house aad stable, yery near Wieslnomisx Station, on the Trentoa igtll road, seven miles from, the city. Apply at mo. : TIT WALEUT Street. mh2s 13t* m ATLANTIC CITY .—A HAND *»: SOME COTTAGE (opposite U. S. Hotel) for sale, wiihor without furniture, containing 13. Rojos and a good Cistern. Apply to. H. WOOTTON, ATLANTIC. CITY, or to J. WOOTTOR, Jr., 413 B«.nth THIR TEENTH Street, Fhtlada,, or J. H. EASES, SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK. »h2l-12t* m FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER »S offers for sale hi® country seat, witi in half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, con taining eight acres 6/ good land, in'the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, Undent, evergreens, ete., in &U over a ha&dred fuU-grown trees. The Improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which is four stories in height > There are four large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. -The house has the modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There is al*o an iron Sump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen oor. The cut buildings consist 9? a carriage- house and .stable sufficient for tour horse* and several carriages;, also* hen, ice, andi smoke houses. Tim stable , has a hydrant in it, : Good garden, , with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in full betring-- . There are also several varieties of apple, chorry, and chestnut trees. - Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. Apply to -vv , •*:- LRVI G. CLARK, . ' no2dtf 831 MARKET Street, Wilmington, Del. bst have Id when lies, the I livery), \ |ficures, y I a- copy fond no Le psr fcaraa- kurity fctrist nteer. HI un gwill m A: RARE CHANCE.—FOR SALE— jSSstore and Dwelling; 8 rooms and Store Room. Price, SS,SOD. Willrent for $6OO. RIDGE Avenue and SPRING GARDEN. Inquire at 56 North FOURTH St., second «tory. An established Shoe 'Manufactory for sale. Inquire as above. .. . ,--y. mb26-6i* m FORSALE-A VERY CHEAP •MShHOUSE, No. 18£0 Master street; lot 100 feet deep to a back street; also, front yard Apply soon, N. W. ccrner.RlDGE Avenue and V 'ATJBB Bfcieefc mh29 4t* WALLAUE & LEIGHTON. m FOR SALE—A SMAIili RARMLJH •SsiLOF ACRES, iiPSamden county, .about twenty murates* drive from- Camden, on the flUrlton Pike, one of the most favorable locations in the county; the land is rich and very productive. 'With good management,: Three to Five'Thousand Dollars p«r annum can be made off of it. Good large HOUSE; also, plenty of Bams on it, and : well adapted for city persons wishing a country residence. Also, frontage enough for several Cottages. -- For further information apply to : * : RICHARD BHIYERS, opposite the Premises, j - ' Or B. H. BROWNINJ, ms COOPER Street, Camden. N- J. Office at West-Jersey Ferry, S. A. HASBj M FOR SALE—LARGE FOinSDRT AND MACHINE SHOP, in fall operation, with the working stock snd tools,patterns,&c.«ofevery descrip tion, necessary for doing a large and successful busi ness, ‘ situated on a railroad, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. B. F. GLENN, 1338,FOURTH St., mhlS-tf or SW. cor.SEVENTEENTH and GREEN Sts. m FOR SALE OR EXGHAKGE FOR STOCKS— of 83 acres t hear' SellersviUe, Bucks county, in. good order, and has good Buildings. B. F. GLENN- 133 South FOURTH Street, r snhlB*tf or S. W. cor.SEVENTEENTH GBEBN Sts. ®FOR SALE—NEARSELLERS-J& ville —GKJOD FAKM of 143 ACEKS; cheap'for-A cash, or 'will take Ip par* good oil stocks ip exchange, ; - B. F ; SLESNi [ inUS tf 133 South FOOETH Street, . 8-3 t GLASS HOUSES, op the south side of Arch, west bf nineteenth street,-with all the modem improve - bents. How ready for occupancy. - . [Also.saverAlflrsfc- class HOUSES la West Philadel phia, Forty second street. between Locust and Spraee liQnireof J B. JOKES. TWENTY* FIBS! Street,above Ihobtimt, opposite the Planing Mill. .r . : mh9»lm* : , 10AL YARD.-TO LEASE. FOR A 1 term of years, a vacant lot on north side of WASH GTOJJ Avenue, above Twelfth,-« feet by 98. snita | for a ccal yard, or for other pnrposer; will he fitted I for a coal yard, if deelrel. Inqalre at Ho. 809 fcsMEßCSStreet. i . inlilfifiliuhet- - I TT E E KAMWHA MD ELK ' ■RIYBB OIL ANO MLNINO COMPANY.—PubIic iji ig asked to tbe really valuable .OIL and COAL recured by tbia Company in tee simple. Bharesin the original interest etill unsold. Iptiona obtained, and plane and description! of rnd other Information siren by_ - . . WOBK & Co., Ho 48 8 THTBD Street, and tHOhOJIBW. Ho. 908 S. PODKTH Street. THOMAS A. BABLOW, President. 0. BOH SalL, secretary. , mttSol3t* se at» 11 m' etc ; .J)KUG FOR SALE—SEVERAL FIRST ABBS.—THE STERLING OIL AHY hacs a large tract of land on GHBKSY • near the propel ty of the Big Tank OilCoa fcionoJ which they 'will leas© to responsible : immediatedevelopment 4 'Aoply at the officeV •’uy, 334 South FOURTH Sireet. t ,| - - JAMES M. SEINERS,* | • . Secretary. I innVHARJ TO LET-f m tl e west side of the SchuTlMli; aboX ’ and twenty (720) feet from the Eailroa-g iftj-seyentb. . ground, suitable for tbe purpose, sid good tense, with sufficient ground 3? Jjjg. r ■ ■ --r . ’ ' iHMcILVAIK’S Lumbar Yard, THi □d &I.&REBT Streets,: at 3 o’clock V. ‘3 IIBSOM, on the ptemitea. ma3o-3ti| jION BKIOKS FOB BiCiii if.' GILLESPIE, 807 ana 8083Snf Street, or at Briek Tard, IWBSIj \BTOH Streets. ' mtISS-Bl d Ht i NUMBER OF DJESIR LOTS. Tor particulars apply JAatJEL' G. THOMPSON, Attorney at-Law. aa6^WAL5UTStree 5, QITY ANB COU .. wanted at all prices.; OKfe-OH, *B7 •WU.SPPT Btrae iMOTAXS*; ~; - 1 ' -THE OFFICE OF Tj MARSHALL OIL COMPANY! i No. 2CS South. FOURTH btrej FIFTH ana CHSSrmJT StiS GEO. G. MITCHm. tfally inform-his friends tmored from 635 florthHinth si&i corner of EIGHTH andHjSjfß, tlnue to deal in the best quiffs •■■■' ••• ' mb2.fr S' ORGANS I but TnfrsQT?ATtT«yr> In#: lined espsclally.for GbSfft to be equally .well adafip* loom. For isle only bw ••-B. m.4bbuc3| . IS North SEVENTH SH utot the Perfect Mdjpk " : 1 ; A LOT OF GROUND at, ■west of nineteenth, 40 hr S 3 ft low fol'casi. B F GLKKiC, 123 SouttiTOTlßTastreei mhll-lm Vot osl\ of 1 Tone w And'School the Parlor Also, a . •onsUntty auction sates, TOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION; J Sag Ros. R3R and 83* MARKET Street ' Tiftua. vAttrwr M’osirora. . A CARD —The particular; attention of purchasers Is SssS^^i^ of^ra,oaU1 *' POSITIVE SALEOF CAKPETIN'GS.DKBGaBTS, rofa MATTiaGS. WIBBOW- SHABSS. AO. THIS MOKSING-ri , i _ Abril Ist, - at 11 o ’ clock. ‘ will' he sold, hy aitalogu*. bn tear ioiths’ credit, about sncerflne and fine initraln,- royal damask. Venetian. listT hemp, cottage, and rac carpatlnfM Canton aod “iSlndefhfour sale of SATIJRDAT, April Ist, WIU he found an extensive and varied assortment of w^dow £TM"tK £&» KSUMi ■ trade. ■ ' ' * LARGE .-PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA. GEBHA*AAND Btt’.TlBH BETJ3OODS. Sc. OB MONDAY HOBBOrat April S, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by eatalotne, on tonr months' LOTg of French, India,; German, and British dry goods. 4c., embracinf a large and choice assortment of fancy and Steple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cot lOHfSB Samples of the same wifi be arrant«d for ex*, ruination, .with cataloanes; early on the momtni<>! the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to at toad. r T.AEftB SALB OF FRENCH. SWISS, GHEHAIT. ASfD BB TISH DRY GOODS, ON MONDAY, Aprils, by catalogue, on four mouths’ credit; DBE3S GOODS:—Large lines of Paris printed sad plain mous delaines, Bonbaix checks, plain and fancy mozembiqoes, poll de chevres, percales, printed jaco nets and lawn*, fancy ginghams, chamorays, alpacas, *!)Bkl'b [SILKS.—FuII assortment of- black *ros de rbines, tsffetas de Lyohafancy snd plain poult da soles, cadrilles,grosde Naples, fros de Zurich, marcsllinee, SBAWLS.—Brocbe' long and square, stelia, brocha borders, lama, grenadine, and thlbet shawls. silk and cloth circulars, baequcs.And mantles • M RIBBONS.—Boxs* solid colors and fancy ****** >apl*s and poult de sole bonnet and trimming ribbons, black ai»d cbainette ga velvet ribbon*', «o._ EMBROiB KBIBS. -FnU assortmsntoflawnß,Bwla»Mq jtconeis, mulls, checked irrusling, frilling, embroliiery cotton, lace veils, &s. : . • ' Vllw i. nß u *. Also, black ana white.crepes, gloves, head-nets. «e. LARGE POSITIVB SALK O V BOOTS. SHOES, M). GASS, ARMY OO'jr S. TBA'-ELLISG nAUB, an. ’ OS TUESDAY MOSSING. . . April 4th. at 10 o’clock, will be sold, hr catalogue, on fotu- momh.’ credit, about psckaies boots, kmrai cavalry hoots, Ac., emOraclac a prime eSf fVlS'Sbrtmenrif seasonable goods o! city and - Wm l to™ f n C ior <> e2ainlnation. with catalognes. on mo-Bing of sale. ■ -- " ■ ■ : LAKGE PBBBMPTOKT SALB 0F BOOT 3, SHOES. V?. AVBLLIfiiO BAGS, *c. , NOTlCE.— lncluded in our large sale of boot® and shoes, &e., oy MORNING, , . . , April 4, will be found in pan- the following fresh and d MenV calf, half welti r 81 d pomp-sole dress-boots; mensh oj •■, youths i; ktp and buff leather long-l«g cavalry boots; men’sandboys call buff leather Congress boots . and _bale received at Qeisbor* Depot, in op*n mar ket, till May 1, 1865, by Captain GEO. T. BROWNING. A C.-M. • MULES* in lots of twenty-five or more, will be re ceived in city, in open market. till May 1. 1£65, by Captain C. H. TOMPKINS, - Aesi&t&nt Quartermaster, coracrTwenty second and G streets. - All animals to be enbjected to the nsn&l Government intpecion before being accepted. i Specifications a* follows: Cavalry Hbrs6* must be sound in. all particulars,"'.well broken, in full fleet and food condition, from fifteen (15) to sixteen 06) hands igh. frcm five (S) to nine (9) years old, and well adapted in every way to purposes. Horses between nine (9) and ten (10) years of age, if still vigorous, sprightlyand healthy, may be accepted, i Artillery horses must be of dark color, sound in all particulars, atrong. quick, and active, w* 11 broken, and square trotters in harness in good Seat and. condi tion, from six (6) to - ten (10) years old. not less than fifteen and. one-half (I5J£) hands high, each horse to weighnoi lees than tauhondx«d and fifty (1*050) pounds. Mules must "be over two (2) years of age,, strong, stout, compact, well-developed' animals, not less than fourteen (14) hands high. In fall health,‘free from, every blemish or defect which would'unfit them for seY«r# work, and must have shed the, four froat cole's teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, two in«ach jaw. ’ . . - ~ , These specifications will be strictly adhered to and lif idly emoretd in every particular. - . Hours of inspection from-9 A. M to 4P. M. Price—Cavalry horses, one hundred and eighty five dollars ($185); Artillery Horses, one hundred and nine ty dollars ($190); Mules, one hundred and ninety-fire dollars ($196) - Payment will be made at this Office. <■. - -JAMES A. SKIN, Brevet Brigadier Genera Lin charge mh2o-tap3o , v First Division Q-M. Q.Q» _ A KTILLERI AND CAYALRT 4*» HOUSES, . - ABSIBTA2ST QITABTESHASTEK S OFFICE, • 1339 SISBET, J?Sn*ADEGPHIA,JTjI.t ' . _ M»rch IQ* 1665. HOE6SS'suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry Ser vice trillbepurchaaed by the undersigned in open mar* bet; each animal to be subjected to the usual Govern* maul liupection before betas accepted. .• - • _ . B orses for she Artillery Service must be oars in color, sound in sUparticolars, strong, quick, and active, well brohen'and square trotters in. harness, in food flesh and condition, from six to ten years old, not less than 16% hands Irish; each Horse to welsh not less than 1060 pounds. - One Hundred and Elffhty Dollars ($180) will be paid for each.. - - - Cavalry Horses must be sound in all particular*—well broken, in full flesh and food condition, from 16 toLS hands blah, fromfive to niae years old, ani well adapted ia every way to Cavalry purposes, for which One Hundred and Seven«y-five Hollars ($176) each will be paid. •: - -'■ / i Horses will he delivered to the United States Inspec tor, at the GBEAT WESTBRST-HOTBL, MASKS* Street, Philadelphia, Fa., between Thirteenth and Broad streets. By order of Co). "William McKim, Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot. V GEORGE B. OSME, Captain and A. Q M. G- mb!o 26t SHSITLTO. BOSTON AND PHILADEIi- PHI A STEAMSHIP MSB, sailing from ewh port on BATUBBAXS, from first wharf above PINS Street* Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston* . The steamshipNOßMAJi, Cspi. fairer, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday, April 1, at 10 A. M. acd steamship SAXON, Capt, Matthews, from. Bo ston for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 P. H. These rew and substantial steamships form & regular lins, sailing from each port punctually on. Saturdays. Insurances effeetod at one- half the premium ch&riad on the Teasels.. Freights tahenat fair rates. f Uppers are requested to send Slip Receipts and BUI* of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fins' Ceommodatioa*), s;Pl» to HBRRt WISSORiCO., raha-tf 33% South DELAWARE Avenue. 4gfjgg|, STEAM WEEKLY TO LI- Sswg*“ TBRPOOL -douehing at’; QCgBRSTOWR, R“ r b i }j).Tbe wedi known Steamers of the Liver yooj. ft ear \ o?k and Philadelphia Steamship Compa ;nv (Inman Line), carrying tie TTnited States Mails, .are ■ intended to sail as follows: CITY OF LOS DOR ...SATURDAY, April Ist. f;}TY OF MASCHESTER.....PATtTRDAY, April Sth CITY OF BOSTON- . ..SATURDAY, AprlUifith ! Andsvsrr.mcoeding Saturday at Roon. from Pier 14, Sorth River. ' RATES OF PASSAGE: - Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Currency. First Cabin......— CO Steerage ™.OO to London.™. 85 CO. »• “ to London-. St 00 ; " to Paris ... 96 00 “ to Paris-... 40 00 ■ . to Hamburg... 90 CO to Hamburg 87 00 Passonsers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, B>t» teroam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Pares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, ®SS, $lO5- Steerage from -Liverpool or Queenstown; $3O. Those who s ;wish to send for their friends cad buy tickets here at these rates. • „ . / Por forther information apply at the Company’s Offices, JOHN G. BALE, Agent, - mbgl-tapS IIIffALSTOT Street, Phil* FOR ALBANY AND TROT, NEW YOKE, VIA DEUAWABB ASP &AKITAH CASAL.—Tha Barge KOKTBdgY.E. Dan vers, master, is bow ioadlr* at drst wharf below Sprnee street, for tho above points, and will leave oa bObbtT' EVENING, at 6o'clock, For freight, which will b« taken on reasonable terms,apply to I>. la. IXANAOAtt. Acont, 30* South. DEhAWABE Avenne. gjlt MEW EXPRESS LINE, TO ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN. 1» WARRINGTON. Via Chesapaaha and Bala ware GanaL EfcsajMra lea're ft^t.Wharf aboTa MARKET StraaS, every WRDNESD AYaad SATDEDaY. at 12 ML , A» eDt '- ws i- P- clyde &c6y 14 ff orthand South Wharver.Phila. ; XB. BATIDSO*. Georgetown, B/C.: BLOWERS &BO WEH, Alexandria. V». - ■ mhl*-9m w-gflg-ia NOTICE—FOB NEW OKK: —The PHILADELPHIA A&3 NBW TTOEB: EXPKE3S S'fgAMBuAT COMPANY. ti« Delaware and Raritan Canal. ■ Steamer* leave DAILY, flrit wharf halow MABKH Streekrat 8 o’clock P; M: , _• WM. P. CLYDE i CO., 14 S WHIETBS.PIItU, JAMES HAND, IX7 WALT. Street, KewYorh. mhlS-flm '-ggv. OLD BYES MADE *A V p»inpl>l«t l dtrstflnr low ggy to - gpeedltr ;re»tore Slsnt and - - «Ije w BsectKlM, without ald of. Boctor or Ssatki Mall tree omietslpt ofTSH OXKTB. i4W* E. 3. FOOTE, M. T>. daSl-stnthAm 1130 BROAD WAT. Sew ToA* f TPWABDB OP THIRTY THOUSAND eertiflaatea lad recoinmendatorr letters hare' 1»« recoiled, attestias tie v merlt» of -HKLMBOII)’S Olr rnjIBE PHEPAEATIOaS, mm 7. orwM«h are from lie hiileat aonresirtneladlns; enuneat atatwiaeiu «■*' crmea, *qtwbois, State iad*sa> it.