The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 01, 1865, Image 3
JfT*B CHRISTIAN : ra? COMMISSION---Gasli acknowledgmeata /or thfl, iTTIv flcdinEilftica29e-)88&:- ’■ -■• - * eP * GOJSTRIBtmOIS; Wietioa fn Ohntcli of Govenafit, par Ilex! . trick* •«•• • **••*•« ♦ *•»*•» • • noileciloo In CM vary Presbyterian Church: v m w. BMdw’.n.- si,olo oo John t- Brown 260 00: , fa F»rr. Tl ,80 00 ■Basket<soUection>">*."»-.180 89 ; 1,490 99 .60 00 60 00 tntpnb H. Se*ver (additional). ilgKjvEderFaUerfeon (additional)- K&fcbath School* First Baptist Church per W. ® a Lev. ring, Treasurer flollsctioii in tfortfa. Broad-street Presbyterian Church, perJß. Patterson, Treasurer........ 440 00 jB. per® J. Pfc rvin (additional) .......... ICO 00 Cliilst Bvaxuelicat Kelormed Church, per John Wieek# «*»•■ }5 w Cas id ay. J. Biddle {additional). ..!* IT!'" Cbas# Blße, Bod & Co. .... K6V. T. W. J. Wylie, D. D.................... ~ t ■ ■ • m,m es Jjoonnt from oth«j parti of the country, ac knowledgad Inreligion*papers , , , - $.'3,613 18 Amount prmoualy acknowledged.l,ls3,BZO 73 Total* - .$1,184033 83 JOS. PATTERSON, Treasurer, bT.OKBS. Total number of package* of stores received by the United State* Christian Cor& mission at Central OS.ce, for two weeks ending March 29th, 1865* wa» 131, of which were from PHILADELPHIA.. Ingleslde Circle, IngJostde. Seminary—3o pairs hose, per Miss A. Helen Sabine. Secretary. Mre. John Snyder—ll hollies of vie* los. Lorcas Society or First Baptist Church—l package. Mrs. Stodflarfc—32 pads,- Ltdies’ (Ibriaiiau Commission of Walsui-street Pres byterian Churni—l package Calvary Church Sunday school—l box, A Lady of First Presbyterian Church—4 jars of pickisa Mr* M. E. Jackson—l 2 pairs of hose. Mrs. Dr. Mitchell—lpscknge ™ QEOBOE H STUART, Chairman United States Cbrlutiau Comrai; aion. It . So. 1.1 B&ifK btreet. FIKSI COSOS ESSIOW.A.L »IS- V 3& TRIOT,- comprising the SECOHD. THIRD, - ■FOURTH, FIFTH, fcIXTH, and ELbVSSfI TS W«)s. At a moating held at the Provust Maiahal’s Office on theSlst day 1 f March hr the EnHstm.nt Oommitsaesof the various WaTfla. comprising the Flr.t Oouersssiosal Di.bict, the following iresolntlon was unanimously adopted: - ... Resolved, That a "War a Bounty of , „ MSVSNrF DOLLARS, . and a Premium of Fi Vii IK:I.LaHS, ha Cty.ii: to each Recruit who credits himself to the FIRSr DISTRICT. J 0 H.X W, HICK.S, Chairman. „ COMMITTEE. J. M. Oil: »oo. 2d ~K-~aril. JamesU. Gary, Sth Ward. Samuel Moorp, 2d Ward. Albert W.Smlth,sth Ward. M A, MilJuMe, Si Ward, Jolio F Wutst, fth Ward, j-K. Dougheity.Sd Ward. Jrh n Tiareo, 6tt> Ward, , ■Jbomas Doran. <t:h Ware. John Ch- stce, llth Ward. John Longhretn. 4 h Ward F. Fahy. iuh Ward. . It* WIDUAM D. MOORE, Secretary. 9311““,, PRIVATE j rctcikes is C»S -fS&mS.T-nALI, LECTURE BOOM -DS. 8. M. LANDIS by the earnest solicitations o numerous la a B ,and Gent! emen, will commence n#*xt- TUkSDaY, April 4th, a short course «>r his oooular . at.. the above Halt, la CEESTLUT'aoove Twelfth street. asifolL ws: Next Tuesday. BP. M , to Ladies exclusively, who always attend %n Crowds ; Wednesday, 8 P M., to flfea; Timr* dsy, 3P- M., Mausi's to Ladies, and Thursday* 8 P. 3d,.toMen. JSo Children admitted. Each Lec’UTe is complete in itself. aid illustrated with chaste models and paintings,- Admies*on, 26ceht*. If these Lectures are as crowded in above Halloas they were in the northern portion of tha oity, a complete conn* of two months wilt he given. ; * ‘ KBS TO LOV E ” and all h\& PaWcatlotn. for sat« at Lecture* and at lii»Medical Office* 131*4 CHBSTfIUT BiT#et Gut this out for reference, Doors open one hour previous KF* 1 SI»THWAJBII-ABrAPJOUB??E» ijSSS' MEETISGof the Drafted aud Enrolled Citrus of the Hinth ward will,be held on SATURDAY BYE A’IKO, ipriUst, ?>£ o'clock, at the Halt MAKKET and JIBEKICK Streetß. ThoeeD>afied Men,who have notaubscribedarein ■yUed to attend this meetinii ' The quota is bow about fiftymen; this we intend to reduce to about, twmty-fhre bj ntxt wee%, and there stop, to as to live those who have not aided or sub scribed am opportunity-to go to ths psoj?t. JOHtf I». HILli, Secretary. mMl'Sfc* FIFTRESTH WARD.—A MEET. in* of '* THB CITiZBTS’S PROTECTIVE ASSO. OATK'IS '* will be held THIS EVSfItSO, aithe Hall, sortbeast comer of COATES and WEST Sfcieets, be* rw« on Eifceterath and’Twentieth, at So’clock. Aplaa baa been proposed to free the Association from the effects of the draft; butthe coasetit of a wary member is nec»reaiy to make it successful. It trill only beaaßs those who attend; ihereatwM be leftqat lathe<kmU. let eve*? weinbeT b* present . It* HfaAIIBII’HH. MARCH 30, »3B f IPefl,—The PEOPLE' STOOK EXOHj KGE for Tjailvand Evening teseiozis. will he open -or business ic a dYrs at their Boom, R« 305 08ESW0T <t , ■irhnre sli information will be given On and after TtJES- PiT, ipril 4, proximo Fnll partlcniare until that time. can be obtained at Jfo. SI Bank '‘president, By ALBERT 0. ESBSaT. Tice A G. FIS(E3* Sec’y and Treas « S. G/Folwell. gPXOTTVAXISH.—A.' PCBMC IfcS? Meet'ne ot the Association -vrlll bo bold at SASSOM-BTBKET HALL, oa BUiVDATat ]o;i A. «. I,wtw«a by S. J. FIKKBY at 3 and 6 P. M. . It* JSS" CffiCVIAB VO. « fS> Was Dkpabtmest, ) Fkoyobt Mabshab Obsebal's Ofpios. > WAshh.utox, D.O , Marchll.lB6s. J In conformity with the Proolamrtion of the President, herewith published, alt .officers arid employees of this Pare an are instructed to give prompt attention to the receiving and forwarding or ench deeertora as present themselves tn accordance with Its provisions ‘'BY T3B PRESIDENT OB THK. UNITED STATES OF AME RICA, - .• „ «• Whereas the twenty-flr«t section of the act of Con gress, approv'd on the third, instant, entitled * Am act \ to amend the several acts hereto/pre pas»ed to provide /or the enrolling and calling out the national forcaa, anil for other purposes,’ requires ‘that in addition to the otheriawful penalties ot the crimeof desertion from iha mi Hary or naval service, all persons who save de serted the military or naval service of the United oUtes, whoshsJlnot return to tnid service, or reoorr them selves to a Proyosl Marshal wi’bin, sixty days after ths proclamation hereinafter mentioned, shall be deem*a sod taken to have voluntarily relinquished and for feited their rUht* ol citizenship audAhelr rights to become citizens, and such deserter* shall be .forever in capable of holding any office of trust or prpat under the United States, or of exerchiag any rights of citizaas thereof; and all peisons who shall hext after depart the military or naval service., and alUpereons who, being duly enrolled, shall depart tha jurisdiction of the district in which he i*» enrolled, or go beyond the •imiis of the United States with intent to avoid any draft into the military or naval service,. duly ordered, shall be liable to the penalties of this section. And the President is hereby authorized and rtquiied fortn with, on the passage of ibis act, to issue his proclamation setting forth the’provisions of this section, in which the v President is requested to notify all deserters returning within, sixty day®, as aforesaid, lhat they shall be pardoned on condition of returulßg U> their regiments and companies, or to such other or jsnlzationa as they may he assigned to- untU thay shall have served for a period of time equal to their original tern of enlistments* , lS „ i( t lw ‘•Mow. therefore, be it known that I* A BRA 9A 51 LINCOLN, Preeident of the United States, do Issue this my Proclamation, a* required by said act, ordering *nd rtanirinv all deserters to ‘return to their proper pofls cSlTdo them that ail cMertera who shall, withl* sixty <3 ay »f rt, mtba A ato of thl 8 P™- elamation, via: on or before the 10th day of Mav,4865, return to service, or report themselves to a Provost Marshal, shall he pardoned on conditiou that they return to their regiments aud companies, or to such other organisations as they in»y be aMlraed to, and serve the remainder of their original terms of enlist spent, and, in eddiuon thereto, a* period equal to ihe li “ B la’te»t T tmony t whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused tie teal of the United States to be affixed. * 4 Done at tha city of Washington thin eleventh day of March. In tin y ear of pw Lord one thousand elf ht h nndrecl and Bixty flea, and of the Ind ependenee of the fe lt . a l N 9( ( ™ s Ei ti * eighty-ninth. ABBAHAM BIKCOLM. •' By the President: ‘'WILLIAM H. SSWAKD, •• Seoretai y of State. M ‘SftaVuwm'bß Srtid fSSifo ' b r£,S&J?sl& JiMST*. IW ! ° T C hO SearatarY of Wat dlreeta that no reward be paid rroroet Marshal*. Provost Marshal General. Ofiolal* D M. LaNB, Capt. Provost Marshal,. "■ Ponilh fllatrlct, Penß»rlvaata._ OFFICE OF TH E XKKXeH COAI. j tiro IKS? AIM) BAVIGATION COM PAS T. ■ . PHir.ADEiPirii, March 10. IS 85. The Stockholders of this Company ate hereby notified asa s£t a allow to all j*ar a* Stockholders on the books or the Compaq on the iMh last . after closini of tT&nefeis at o **■• *ji that day, the of ii'ny B pan to fch* extent of one share of new for every sve shares then stand iny in. then D&ffisa. -Bi v &TA holder entitled to ft fractlonsl slmll “ * She privilege of subscribing Jor a full share. . t TfieVahsßriptionhook. win (ho »th.“«t. 4 and close on the 2sth of May irt BF. ,M. The B p aforesaid. fewhich timlSly wmlhlnOWOorMS not paying fts fthoye will lose their right io“h£ new stock? Those who desire to abtlcipatepw- Sent wIU tailallowed discount on the whole amount of jpeni wiu smj ~ . il. Tatnnf b!t tjsT 6*it. per RiuanOU pU BQM?SIQIS SHKPHgKD, Treasurer. • OPEKISG oriBEGKEaX ORGAS **’’ mnRrH OF'the COVENANT, _ • Afßtt 17. 1865.' t-vi, oycsiHi built by Mi. John Bobarts, B TI J C V»a bSJ™. fIM c be.t.uts- c. T Warn. [ ?¥ nitar I W B«' Eighteenth and Sprees. ;.ud f % Kmef Jr ,I*7 aurifet street. SaTly awUcaaon U a M«ed.»oWa limited Bomber will be eold. mh3s «4tAH.ni7 ' "- v —._. -s ninCE OF 'I'llIS Cl H'Y BWPM'f ?- nOMMISSIOif. 00MMOSWS tMH maniKO 013 OSBSTHDT Street, PkHaAalshta SOIMHJW. 0J.3 y rßni.AßKtPinji, March 6. la™. v„n„. i. ciTan that ths CommUston lor th« YoltmiwtiUff/lnHlSllt DmS^ 8 * t , * They *re also oae W to award to ‘ a C hSi 6 SSttpon be duly accepted foi « warrants /orthewmor aED DOILJLBS . * miM&'W’tt |SOT Stieet. -* £$& t m * piu - Ksf» of I'l clToi ST MIKIH G COMPART 0? MICHIGJ.S.. X 3» i walnut street, ' *' S. U6i, mt 10 BAKLI HqTO», JMI.UQ.P ___jocrgtorT. $??!* of Ik® iappiemea fc to tho char 'k. » Purpose of adop I *"*.*- *w a T>e*lsia\tite of P*na* oi, *866, aad ean^iosf a ’ Bnd apPtoyed J?** f be teld on HOB*, L W ff ! et M . at tke HOT£I». 16, A1 > AprU 10, 1866, ofManaaers. iee< . order £ f |BKaiShT rsfoa. Seoreta w } «SD stmt, w 5 - k . •' ■_, i'Se! this IWhen an BleoUon -wilt v ' ; m*t. |-^Ha«' 9 " a4u,iDll i H en JAGKSOS. Secretary. e’ ©I.» . | SOAD OOIIPAST. Wo »10« March2o,lBss-,. UB f r . , PHILADELPHIA',OId T 1 KeetlnrOf tlie StocStioWets ’„Vs rTe the ™wm!’W.'COLKßT, Sfl«retsrr. lEgT* %ioo WARD boijktt KBCHUITS and YBTBRAJTS enliatinff to the credit or it® . •; yiFTIENTfi WARD -Will Vo paid tha Ward Bounty of ONS HBUDBKB DOLLARS IH CASH, by OE°. I. STOKES.Treaswer,' ■ At PvOTOBt Ma-raial’ e Offica, corner THIRTEENTH and BBAgBYWIMBStreeU.;. v , m MI-8t ? HOUGH, ESft., WIU : deliver two the AMERICAS ACAPBMY.OF MUSIC TtIESDiY EVBffllSGr . “ THE GREAT MRT&OPOT.IS, ” THURSDAY EVEKIKG. APRIL 6,"* * !mel “ tU “ *ftT . •* FACT AlU> ETCTIOJf,* 1 Pelhrered Jsere. only once, upon ■which occasion, large crowds wftM unahlo to obtain admlssloa. - These will positively: be the last opporttmUies iho present eeason of hearinr this distinguish* l-lecturer. _The sale of tich~t* will corameoce at GLAXfOJTg mokrtSo 1 S°- VII’ C l, E § T , J, iF.?’Street, on FRIDAY rMORRIAG, March 31, Tickets2s cents, Reserved Bears 50 cents. .. • Ample arranaetnents ’will be maae to preyent unneces sary delay to parties pnrchaaini ttofcets. ; Poors open at 7 o'clock; Lecture at 8 o’clock , mb3o 4t ry THE HEbB-WOEK OP Ttfg CHRJ_STTANJJO HAS BWHJH! 40 19 10 00 6 00 50 00 100 00 20 00 „2 00 10,878 63 xhe cod flict immediately in front of Richmond has ha bud.. Everything betokens a desperate etraggre.aad, possibly, a terrible expenditure of life. Every mo ther 8, father's, sister’s heart is filled with anxiety, .waiting for news. 'Sou cannot goand biudupthe sad wounds already made* but yon can send to the meu now on the ground full supplies for carrying on their work of comforting and caring for the sufferers. : j; A STRONG CORPS OE BEI/BGATBS, under long* experienced agents, is. already at work. At theurgent request of army oGcsrs, tero moveable coffee-wagons are sent forward this week. These are similar to the one already in.the field* which has relieved thousands of onr wounded men and so many returning TTninn prisoners. . ■ . 'JBE MAGBINERT OT THE COSEanSSTON '• In the army Is large, and thoroughly adapted to the emergency upon us. But means are wameo, in order to enable the machmerr to be properly used, we n&ve , large orders on hand for stores, which we cannot tui, our treasury being empty. We appeal to Philadelphia for immediate assistance. Rsch hour makes the demand more thousand dollars to day will be of more value a buxic r* d thousand a month hence* tod to josEPB aEoßGE H ' S«^ii^gSk PATISGSAIARIES -THB WAB. foe? EASTS for the salaries of Teachers will be Jb* sued by the gecretary of tbe Board of CoatroUMS, in accordance "wUhtha resolution adopted by the Boaid,as Saturday—Sections 17ib to ?6th inclusive. Mondfir—Sections 16th to.Sth inclusiye. ■ ; 4J Tuesday—Section* Bth to Ist, incindlns2Scb Section, mhsrst ■ ■■■■•’■ •: - Oil COajUPAiSfISS. 2TOB CAHEfiOH FITEOIiIUM CO. OF PENNfSYI.TA.SIA. * *•**•*•* 81,000,000. SHAEEB »**•»*•«••*••*••* .200,000. PAB YALDB.~.«~~; SCBSOStraiOH rBBSIDWTCV VANCE BTBWARTi 07 HBJtOEH OOOSZZi 2k* BEBESTABT. J. L. DARLINGTON, VAHOB STEWAET, Mercer county, Pa. JOHJS B. LEOJSABB, Wart Charter. Pa. ; J>, O. FOBBET, Wachintfon. B. 0. HEMBT B. iCOOKE. Washington, B. O. SIMOH CAMEROB, Harrisbarg, Pa. JOHK H, DIEHL, Philadelphia. . JOHB F. GBAFF, Philadelphia. GEOBGE O. EVABS, Philadelphia. JAMES DUFFT, Marietta, Lancactereo., Pa. preseat and prospective value of ike etoelc of this Company may be inferred from the fact that It own.* a fee simple interest in 473 (four hundred and seventy' three) acres of the richest-teciedoil territory iaVonauso county, believed by the'most experienced oil mea in that reiioQ to be capable of producing: a net annual in come to the Company of one and a half million dollari, or three times the entire cost of the Btoch* ■which would be equivalent to twenty-five per cent, a month on it* subscription price, or one hundred and fifty per cent, per annum on its par value. The following is a description of the Company** pro perty; One-fourth fee simple interest la the celebrated -Hooyar ’• Barm, situate on the Allegheny rlrer, about two and one-ball miles feolow JianMin, con tslnin* 292 (iwohnndred and ninety-two) acres, with 332 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leasee, each tea rods square, and from which the owner* of the foe eimple set one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners, of the fee, from which they set allthe oil. On this farm there are now ten wells in operation, producing an ayerage of ten barrels per day, and several others are about being tubed. There are alao on Itjßl (eighty- seven) more lots surveyed, and mote than ttfty applications are how standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. _ Out ol tbe t-welVe wellson this Taimuhreett Me now paying handsomely s a l* ol Which sufficiently demcm •trates the great richness and reliability of the terrt tory. - Wo. * . T, Hi# entire fit simple Interest in 181 Cone him cited and eirhtv-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near lyCoX the “Hoover ” Farm, and a little ns*»r Franklin, *t the month of Mill- Ban, having a front of 96 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both sides of Mill Eun, with amnia boring anrfaea forjma hundred wells, or Lota of tan rods soroare. This traot la known aetha "Stewart Farm,” and is elaarofall leases or lneombranoes of any kind. _ There is now In operation a fiftv-harrel wall (basMa several smaller ones) on.the Cochran Farm, wWeh ad joins this on the sonth. In fact, the Stewart Farm is surrounded with good-paving walls, and within a short time aslngla lease of 80 rods front, on thelmms dlata opposite side of the river, sold for 9166,000 lone handled and 'sixty-Uve thousand dollars.) On this lease a good well has keen struck within a fow fays, In addition to the territory of the ‘‘ Btewart Farm, which is believed to he eanally as good a» tha H°ov er. ” there are an it a three-story Grist Mill, with One water-power, a good farm-honse, and. other buildings, hat will be of nte to the company. _ ; ... The durability of this immediate oil section Is Ulnß tratod by the fact that some of the walls on the Hoov er’ ’ Farm have been pumping for over fonrjeare, wltt out any material dlmtotiou tor thylr yield, wliite oil liere produced, from its greater couvenieace So transportation and enperlor gravity, always commands from one to two dollar* per barrel more than the oil at OU Creek. Tht oOcmi of tie Cofe?«iT fee! JtuJfUoa In rreisnt- Inf the followin* estimate of wb»t. frith Ttsorone tie above land* eel le made to yield for Se benSt of Ho atoeklolder. in a comparatively .lort THE "STBWABT FA KM.” Thete Js room on this for one hundred lots of ton rod* *u of welch-can be iea*t-d immediately for oua hidfthe oil, free of all expense toMie Company. Bstimatins one well to emit lot (one hundred wells, althoughthere U loom for three hundred) *! the very Moderate average often Serrate each, would make* Gompauy’e share would he. 400 hhlk Data® o i daily yield to the Company, at ten dollar* per bbl <tt 1» now*slUn**t Sl3> 50. )■* ** ***" :*■'"*■* '■ *"** ** **** *■*■*■• +■*++• Allowing three hundred working the year* this would make the Compa ny’# annual net receipts* from the Stew- . .. art Farm alone. I,oju,uw uu Allowing the earae estimates fbr the ‘ ‘Hoot er ’* 3?<vnn» in wMoli the Coxapfcny owe* oae-loiirth.inf«fi offclic land interest* th« annual net receipts from the latter would roceteU from ho» Deducttn* from the »tmo _ OFFICE OF PENS MINING COM* - $378,000 for contingencies, would leaye dg? PAfIY OF LAKE BUPBBIOK, No. 319 WAL -7 't»# - ■ ■ ■■ « Wi 800 000 OOOT Street!? PHiiiABEX.i’HrA, March M» 1865. Set Annual Xneome of LEABBD' n ‘ annual meeting of the Stockholder* of this Com- ALL THESE LOTS CAB BE IHMBDIATBLI LBABBD, for the election of Directors and »nch other has!- .. l. r-nTnn,! A*T)ft(Usnt at a royalty of one-balf tR6Og S & 8 may come ‘before H, will fee held at ilie oSce of If itu deemed «pedient.wt arora* , wßhe Company, 80. 319 WALNUT Street, city of Fhila- OU, with coyenant* binding Meee to «n* . #e«. p ft a rat TOESBAT, the 4th day of April, all possible dlllsence, to the depth of 600 or.moreaafcf ij IK5t at 3 o’clock h.M 0 . - f mh2s-\&]& DA.YIB S. HEYL, Secretary. ••;■* vitw FLAI2T "WOBDS TO SUBSOBIBBBS* | -■-■■■ ■— —. , AIS . 1 . At AUEGBKNT BIVKB COAL OIL Ton *re not asked tosubscrlhe to Uds Stock-with y compaKT.—The first aNNOaL MEBTI9(J of recelTln* large atmaena the . Stock holders Will take place at _No. . 135 South expectation 01WS Company rests, it i* > FIFTH Street, on MO M D AYA.FTBKNOON, the third but the bsels on whicn cue ,-a, d n ay D f April. 1605. at two o’clock precisely, when an Uevad, will make your Investment not only <ef . ~c!ioc of a Board of seven Managers will he held, prospectively, of enormous value. I A SPECIAL MEETING will also he held at the same .SSSS* dollars, or eigrf mh29 « . Clerk. v ieiit. oa tfeeeo*t of tbestock. jl fee President, Mr. Stewart, Is one of themostj- Id and experienced oU operator, in the State, an lidence ne*r the Company’s prop«tyi«ndJd drersiiht of its management i* the hast *“““!? neports will he spared to make the lnye*tai« AWlealiona ( 0 r a Urge proncrtionof ‘he*tjw* ,iXy teen-made, hut none wUlbereceived|^ ( «f the Company we regularly ..openey a limited amount of the stock wttlJld at TM^oelT wHI i>« Isaned full paid, witho^fther hS's of BTfBSCSIFTIOIf will he open * f«t* ,iAn and after January Id, 1566, at the offlf |e. 6. JA3WES, Treasui, I *O.lOl WALHCT Street,|*d*, *eidPOrarily, by . A. BOU#i - nS .att S. E. COT, SEVEKTH sad CHB3jT St», ' X IMS ')gorfl Philadelphia* A)1»1Wo-- Tke Iceof ti« ’ | TTT l aHONWEiLTH OIL OOJ&NY, Oaf after this date, will fcelocateditie Third Story at Hoorn in toe niTEfTTr Sr COM 3 WIAE BtfliDlKO, So. C/TOTT Sr. nM tt DAVID B. HtL ?gl tor^ m srS^ff. ag SUBSCaiK|T” 4 aadft few more aabstatoUon* f m "'ll ■ ' 51 5CHB8T Cd Floor., (KSa-I'FFICB OF ML s |lHmn B^|[PAMT, The Di|r« of the t» day fared * dividend of ONB P®BHt_on tae - vatalthe capital stock ($5 per sh)>d?aT sth 16th ! The Transfer oa^e jhShSl j Treasurer. * i m~ - Iyidesd Biracß!>FncE OP if HiiOAKi on, ;oo»^nrr|r«.i*ii — J ? er il Jo'so oa PBlDiMarch SD:i, ai 3 Swret«3ui4 Treasurer. * IN CASH. 3FRBASUBEB. E. G. JAMES, OT PHILAHBIPHIA. WBSr OHS3TSK. PA. -DIBBCTOBB, OIL COMPANIES, PEIBOLEVUi THE HEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL •PETROLEUM COMPANY. ORGANIZED UMPKK THE MINING AND MANUFACTURING LAWS OF THI STATE 0? EBW TOES. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HONORED THOUSAND SHAKES, 910 PER SHAKE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. *5 FEE SHARE, NOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. ■ OFFICES: No. 34 EMPIRE BUILDING, Mo. 71 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Post Office address. Box No. 0358, new York. OFFIORBS. Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, PreHdont. WM. T. PHIPPS. Vice Pre.ideal. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BUBTIS. Mining Superintendent, Titusville, Pa. ATLANTIC BANE,Ho. 142 Broad way.H. Y., Treasury. The Welle of the Company are now produ.iar oil. Payment tor stock may be made lit drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds sndsseurities, wMon bonds aad securities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may be addressed to the Company, P. O. Box So. 5368, New York City; or to “Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, No. 143 Broadway, New 5 ork City.” or to any oflts agents. . .. _ v mu4-3at vrsfe THE MAMMOTH SUPPEBT ROOK OIL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, 900 ACRES OF L»ND SITUATED OR SLIPPERY ROCK CREEK. BUrLBR COUNTY, PA 130 ACRES IN FEE AND 746 ACRES ONATWEETT- Y EAR LEASE. nAT>T*TAt,. snO-OOP BHABBS VALUE PER VM« . 1 SHARK fl ‘ '"■■ WOKKTNO CAPITALr*3S.<H>I>. f j SCBSOBIJ-TION PRICK TO oRIOINaLiSUSSOBI- t BEES. 35 OBHTB FEE SB4KE „ t 7 OFFICE, Ho, 3Xt£ WALBBT ST„ PHILADELPHIA. PKBSIBEHT, *• I . WILLIAM C. lUcKIBBIH, / Proprietor of Merchants’ Hotel. £. . ! , TREASURER, E A MAKoBaLL, Jr.» No. 213 Walnut street. secretary* . W. B. HA'S Woo3>, Ifo.'2lS Walnut street. UIRBCTOfeS.: JASPER E. BR&DF, Jr,, ■ . Cashier Oitlieos* National Banks Pittsburg. GDFfIDY, _ ¥ Merchant. Bethlehem* Pa. / LEWIS 0 GREEN. ; / Of The Catholic Eera-ld'and Universe, ■■ Colonel C. H. CfclßlfcT&lAlt, f. Importer, 114 Walnut street. $ Bon. 0. M DOiSAVAN, $ State Senator. ■■• s: WILLIAM C. McSlßßnr. f M rciauts’ Bo'eL - J :s WILLIAM H/BiBNBS. ' f . Merchant, Philadelphia. : / The pTOPfetiiea contain tuffielont territory \>x TWO THODSaB*O . These lends ate all situated la one of h* localities on Slippery Rock Oretk, ami ae r on S ®* large-prodoaiegwellß recently struck to*'®- •»* » & a lievec the Stack will be par by July, whfr a portion of the lands will be developed. 'i • ",j . Not less than On « Hundred Shares w £ $' e sola to any one . and one ftalf the Subscription Rv C€ - Vtrshare will be required of each Subscriber on entering thbtr names on the books. : * 1 » , • This Company is .the only Company*^ lll * an amonnto! territory on Slippery * off Greek, which promises i© rival Oil Creek in its prodtttioh or oil. rFr* in the Pitt&fcurg Commercial 1 £ . „. . , • “Tne recent strikes on Slippery#*^-Creek have censed'aa intense excitement in that;!* 541 and lands *Te coneeauentlj.rapidly increasing i^ ata «' of Lawrence county, arrived to fcherdty from toe aejr Oil Dorado 5 eaterday, and repoTts ?aft * a sw well was flowing - fifty barrels per °H being of the most excellent lubricating Qiialiif _ ■. CFrom th© i'eirolenm and MiDinrJ® ttTaa *» BitfcsiraTy, J , * ‘ A new weliha* been struck Book Creek, near the Butler-county proves beyond a doubt Jbo existence of Oil !n^ aat sec^on * Lands are greatly increased- in taitiacres are said to have told for ten thousand ,, ~ , •' The lands of this a* B situated near the lauds of the 'Jersey Wait and were selected by one of tb« most oil men In Western Penn sylvania. The .■TrrLy been examined, and are PRurlfT—f'PßT a/ ■ nifcncum r ranees ■ fiiai'T SHARES WERE TAKE2TTH3 liTffHE COMW WiS ~BO4HIZBD Tbd Company w? be ehurtßred immediately. /- ; . , Thi B op™ *>i a abort time oblt at tt« Office of the Comf"?-., Mosey may be remitted to tee Ti'ea'surer. rtcelpts for Btook trill befor- W Add f r“ E *B 011C9 '-f. 4--MiBSHAX,!,. Treasurer; -4 it . Igo 813 W&LKPT Street, Phlla. . « STOWE ©l* AND MINING JOMPaNY—CHEAPEST STOCK ISf' TEEMA3S 200.000 SHAEE3. - WOEiNC Capital, 640,000. " £ Par value, *jl - PiilOE, <5O GBOTS. - Srg&RTHBR ASSESSMENTS... = Within’ a f«d»ys a new well has bsea struck at a dist&sce of ogpuidred yards from: our property, on the Company are located within the rreat Oil beif? 5^ 68 * Virginia, *nd embraces 343 acres in fee simple?d two leasee, one of 10 and the other, of 6 seres. « ’ . ... _■•.•■ Mens and Ifpectus at the office. Snl)6criptiß> n ok will tloie in a short time,. ;as the stock is beirntßldlv.-sCld, Office, 4EWALSUT Street, Boom Ho. 3, third story, f ISAAC CCOPBE, President. _ fjAMSSM. rEESDSON. Treasurer. v mh2s-12tf CHAS. H r BIPBBOTHaH, Secretary, MEETING OF THE STOCK, fas? hoisbsof ths little,kanawha and SPRING cfe OIL COMPANY will be held at the losthwestlaer of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, on MONBAY/’riilOth, at 2. o’ clock P, M., to make by law® and «t Board of Directors to serve oae year. * JOSEPH IS. ETTCH, I - •> ' •:■ i - •:. . SAM.DEL ECCLES. JS , / - TroMurer. ■ The prlrtieß of this company comprise 20 acres on leese at! royalty on Burping’ Springs Run, Wirt county; feet Virginia, and 500 acres on Spring Creek, mthe above, in lee simple. The company have twitfae* on the ground working.. t . t ■ . A limi portion of the working capital is still not snbscrinor, which can be hadlat subscription price, llpereb. aftheoffice, No. CHURCH ALley. ■ mLai-tO CBEEK OIL EOH« HOB 838 SOUTH THIBD STBBBT. f; ' PHILADBhFaiA Mareh 21,1^5. ROTI - The Company bare contracted for boring four we and expect to hare at-least two wells in oreratiwithin six weeks. • _ Pour Thousand Shares remaining to be sold at’ subscription price of s2.' . . , ' • . • spestuß and al' information can be obtained at tubSe of the Company. ■ r ' . . . Y JOB I.EHMG, President, I: E LIKHABD, Treasurer. s . tJU'.ECTOP.S. - ' JOSBfEIG, ALFRED M. STOKES, OHA£ ABBOTT. t WHBBKOEH, |S F. L. WILDBB. , - ’ mftnttet* J. B. CHAMPION, Secretary. OFITCB OF TBS PBRKT Oil Southeast comer of WALNUT and. F0 1 stleit ‘' piiii.ABELPSli, March 20. 1865. _ Tlpnual ineo.t’nz of the Stockholders of the PSEBT OIMPAHY will he held at the oßce of the Cont uiSn HOBDAY, the 10th of Apnlnqxt,at 11 o’clock A*i'tn an election will be held fornine Directors, a Setarj, and Treasurer, to !* r ' ,, jJg| h s e |^ 8 |^ year ’ ' m-mwfstaplO Secretary. J- OFBCE OF THB CHSBBY BBS Sd ABD WEST HICKOBY MUTUAL PETROL BOM C03.8Y, Bo 817 »• WAT3B Street, above Bace. Ate Company desires to proceed to an immediate deii'ment of Its various interests, subscribers to st&a requested to come forward at once and pay ,the anils dreupon their subscriptions. • ■ ■ ■■-■■■■- Atuths3t EZRA LUKBSB, Secretary. OFFICE OF' THE SfOBJLE ASB Sri DRLAMATEB PETBOLBUM QOMPASY, 850 CHBDT Street. .... t ' , . Philadelphia, March 20. 1665.. _ Annual meeting of the stockholders will bo ;heid oriSDAY, the lOthof April rext, at twelve o’clock, S ' QEOB3E VT; BDHTES, : ; , 'Secretary, Si" crrxcs of cobs pi.iSTBROU COMPANY, Ho. 524 WALNUT Sheet, March SANNTIAE MEETING of the 1 Stockholders Of thl« tw wiU t» b»W at their officeom TUESDAY, it ISth. 1£65, at 12 o'clock M,, at which time an •lion lor Directors to serve the ensuing veer wilt Be if. THOMAS B. SEAKLK, . jiia-toßtsplS; , . Secretary, W, 000 00 OFFICE OF THE EGBERT OSE, CO., No. I*7 South FOURTH Sweet, , * Pbii,apejl,phia, March 29, 1855. s "ho Board of Director* have this day declared a Dm .d of FOU S PER CENT, oo the Capital Stock of this opany, payable cn and after SATURDAY, April 8, i?he books of the Gompiny will he closed Friday, irch SI, at 3P. H.. and opened on Saturday, April 8. mbSO-et WM, M. CaBTEE, Sec*y and Troae. *-353“=- WTTOESD ®OTICJE.-McOIXS f=K? TOOK VILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY, Office 411 W'ALSUT Street; ' „ Pin eA.. March 83. The Boat'd of Directors have this day declared a dm dend of FIYBP&B CENT., subject to State tax. paya ble at the office of .the Company, on and after TfiURS- T ranifor* B ook s will close on PRU> AY, March SI, at3o’clockP. M., andopenTflUßM).lY^prlieth. ■: mh{>9 St ... - - : Secretary. OFFICE OF THE EISA MININO I=S? COMPAQ'S. Fh.i.AbeWhta, Match. 27.1855 NOTTG» IS HEKEBT GIVES that an instalment of hNB DOLDAB per Scare on each and v every where of the Capfol Stoik of the iETN A MINING OOHFANT hi, thieday been called in, payable on or before the tflth flay 01 April. 186*, at the office of the Company, No 3S& WAINOT Street, Philadelphia 'By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPBS, mhSStaplO , Treasurer. , rrgf™ THEANNEAI/MBETINGOFMiE 138? STOCKHOLDERS of the ROCK OIL COMP ANT v ui i, fl held in accordance with the by-laws, at the thecompanjfNo 409 WALK OT Street, on MONDAY . the third of April next, at 11 o clock A. M.« wLn atliecii® n will be held for Eire Dlwctora to aerre for the ensntna-year. JOHN F. OBAIF, . mWa-t>p.t .. ■ gec’y and Treasurer. mrsaP* »mi)EN» NOTICE-OFFICE OF wasbinoton AND walkc-t bund oil CO.y N0.,314 The Directors of this Company have thts day declared a Dividend of TWO PERCENT., clear of tax, payable on and after April 3d next. ’’ . ", , . ~ Transfer books clo*e on the 27th inat. ini ppen April 4th . THOMAS B. SOPI,EE.. ■ mh2ol3t . ■■■■-■■ . Treasurer. BOSH FARM OIE COMP AN r.— ■ PnipAPEIJBiA. March 30,1886. mh3o-ths2t OFFICE OBOANIC OH, COM PA t*#9 HT, 10 MERCHANTS exchange - x I-iut.APEI.PHtA. March22,lSSs. The animal meeiln, of btockholdeis will : be held on it>rU ‘ “w.CiSTILES. Jr.. Becietoiy.H FARM on, eoaraai, 8S? riwiCE 236 WALBCT Street, PWludelpM*. *** - hECOZV stout promt JSOO* .y-Ksasr- ""'sat." flhw~Kri _ PER _ TON FOR GOOD WHITE jajd, EIGETBandJIiS rilif. —___: r'm-ff A P REFINED R7GABB AND -PyJ,. fOTa*le by CHAELpS W&N&MAJ& BBOWWi 3SIE PRESS.—PHILABEIiPHIift SAMTBDAY, AFML 1, lS65i , MIUTABT. | FIFTEENTH WABD. | f. ■M On, COMPAHT LAST ’ CHANCE. A i timber of responsible ottizens of the Ward hare joined together to assist ail those that are liable to draft and are willing 10 assist themaejTUjAd bane authorised the undersigned to maha the followip* aU*perr ons pay in gto either ef the undersigned, on - or before SAT EIiDAYNKXT, the Ist of April. \ * OBS DDK DEED DOLLARS. J. they Will GTTAEASTEB CABAS FROM DRAFT, prost ded ihe sjnouni so raised. be suffloieut to proT« to the Committee that the men of the Ward liable to draft are determined to do something: ibr themselTes, otherwise tieiSOBET WILL BE EB/UHObD - J Toclesr the Ward ol draft, whteh is the earnest de sire cf this Committee, and should be of ewy«t'|«| of the Ward- the subsoriotions to the fund of LKdjS THAH OHB HUfIDKEO be' aslerelcfore; unless thiß is done ©iideaYors of t y Committee to clear the ward of draft wiUb® L*til' the Committee ■will feel themeelve* exonerated from further reFpoVieibiiny. . . , . „ Ihe wheel mu Btthea turn, Btaudfroxa everr fellow for himself. . • _ WILLIAM MA.■ 80. 1711 Green street, or Ho. Ho.;6OXU. Sixteenthahett, ' Ho. 1707 Green street, nr Ho. 231 TN. Third street! P. B.—The Committee to receive subscriptions will ho in attendance at the School House, Twentieth ai.d Gob he street*, every evening during the weeK. . mhSOSt* •- ' -• S PRIZE MONEIf, GOVERNMENT AHD LOCAL BOUNTIES Til AI.bWHO EHTEi TAB BELTED STATBS MAEISE COKPd f. Orders have been received from the head of wo. Marine Corps, at Washington not tote&tdct TscraUg o a particular claiß (as has been the case heretofore), p*6 to receive ALL who have served la the volunteer s&> vice, orintb*rfgn]are. or in the marines, ana h& e been honorably discharged.; t>uch persons enlistina^n she V . S, Maribeswili receive the^Govemmeataia local bounty, and will also be satHlpd to their share f prize money in any capture of the enemy a ve.sel*. For further.information apply_at ths.yeeruttlng; ret dfzvoos. Bo 311 South FJB.OBT between 9p, M. andBo’clockF. «e.y dAjhutMnaay^f apl- tf . Captain and Recruiting Office^ u V. S. MILITARY SCHOOL EQB m OFFICERS- Fo. 519 CHESTffIOT Street, Philadgl; lunhia. OPPOSITE-IN BhPS&DBIfCE HALT,. . Y Jli I *"** ur f. •• -j iEK H. TaOGART, Frereptor.jr Bate Colonel 12th RegimentF.unsyivania BsserysSl A larse number ot Secrna Lieutenants lorColorel Troops wanted tramealateiy, ; _■ _ t. Terms—One month, s2oi two months, ®® Soldhgj admitted for two wtetn at $lO Payable In advance Boohs supplied. Pamphlets sent by -mallonanpLiee linn. ■ :- ■- ‘ mh:to-12t. WATCHES AN® JEWELRY, * J|| V:J E ¥fLfi;Y: - Jj!| AT REDTJOEO PRIDES. LEWIS LABAMTJS, ' ' DIAMOND dealer and jeweler, f NO. Soi6 CHESTNUT ETBEST, FHILiAPELPHIA|; limtes the attention of the public to his lane ant well selected stock of | f. ■DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. AND WATCHES, Wblcliara offered at REDUCSD RATES, folly cqnal|t< tae decline of sold. Diamonds) Pearls, Gold* and 8U ver bonsht. ; apl-2fc; COPARTNERSHIPS. TIISeOLtJTION OF COPARTNE R JLS feHlP.—Tha Copartnership hitherto existing the name of BAILEY & CO., composed of E W. BAILEY, JEREMIAH ROBBINS, JOSEPH T BAILST, JAMES GALLAGHiR, JAMES R. BALDING is this day disiolved by limitation. { E W. BaILS? is dniy authorized to settle the affairs ofibe above Atm. •. ' .1 PgILAPBUHiA, April 1, 1865. I (COPARTNERSHIP. — TTIE UNDER SIGNED have tMf. day associated themselves to* fether under the firm of BAILkY & CO., for ike transaction of the Jewelry and Silverware' baaineis atSIG CHESYJSDT Street . E. W, BAIL BY. - t J. ROBBIES. $ j. t. bailey, i . . JAS. R. BALDING.^. ; Philadelphia, April-1,3366. - ; | £. C. PROSSER is this day admitted' to an interest In the budneßß of BAILEY & CO, fi Philadelphia, April 3, 1856. : apl>6fc» J)ISSOLUTION. /} The firm of THOg. BIGHAEDSOK & CO., in Phila-/ delpnia, fc&B been ditsoived by the death of THOMAS' KIGBABD6ON. Hop&r*on is authorized to use the name of or transact , any huMiiess ofthe firm except oiyself : i . SAMUEL ISIMMOSS. Surviving Partner, f Phil a deeps ia. March 30th 1885. ‘ . apl-6t* J p A. ’WAIN'WRIGHT’S INTEREST' in-onr firm ceases from this date, by mutual ■consent. - CHARLES CAMBLOS & GO. FninAUEnpgrAe March 3h -1885 - anl-3t* LEGAL. TTKITBD STATES, RASTERS DI3« %J TEIGT OF PBSHSYLVANIA-sot. WBABBAS, The DLtrict Court of the United States for said District, proceeding - on a libel filed in the name -of the United State*; hath decreed that all persons who claim to have any interest in the sloop ELVIRA and cargo, captured on the coast of South Carolina by the United States steamer Chenango, under command of Lieutenant Commander Geor&e 0. Morris,.be monished and cited} ; . , Therefore, All persons who claim to have any inte rest in the said sloop and cargo are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Coart, at the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show causa why the said sloop end cargo should noi be prononaced to belong, at the time of the oaptore of ib* same, to the enemies.of the United States, and therefore or oihei wise liable to eon* dfmnation&B lawful prizs, • ■ • •••. ; ’ ~ • The shove is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said wrT WILLIAM MILLWARD, - - U. 8. MarsiaLE D. of Penna. Philadelphia, March 30. 1865. mh3l-3t » .©ENTSV'I’WBMISmNtU GOODS. -ctne shirt manufactory. X The subscribers would invite attention to their ' IMPROVED CUT OP SHIRTS. ' which ihey make a specialty in their business, Also, J. W_ SOOTT & CO.. SENTLSMEN S FOKNISHIHG STOKE, Wo; .81* CQSSTWUT BTEEST, jal-ly ‘ Four doorabelow the Continental, PARABOLA SFECTA CLES. These Spectacles' are unsurpassed by any other glasses now in use. The philosophy of It Is that it responds to the wants FAILING EYESIGHT, And in snch a manner as to diminish the infirmity, FOR BALE ORLY BY E. BORHEK & SON, Optlolans, 4£« Ro. Aoa CHESTtsrtjr Btraet. 'JJ'HB “CyOL O F 8 ” CAST-STEEL BAILS POSSESS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES OVER THEY WILE NOT LAMINATE, SPLIT, NOB BREAK. THEY WILL DO TEN TIMES THE SER VICE OF IROIY BAILS. QARPKTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, PRICES REDUCED. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, - 807 CHESTNUT Street. . Eo. 4:4 CLIFF Street, S»w York. J RALSTON, & CO., THEY COST LESS THAN DOUBLE THE ■ PRICE OF IRON. ... THE SAYING DURING'A PERIOU OF TEN YEARS IS SHOWN TO BE EQUAL TO g3,CU« PER MILE FOR EACH YEAR OF ■ THEIR USE., Hjijjt thousands of Ton* of Cast-Stool Rail* are now laid in England and on the-Continent, with the most complete aneMSS. . Orders promptly execnted by the sole repreientatiye of THE U CYCLOPS WORKS. PBIUP S. JUSTICE, Ho. 14 Horth FIFTH Street, PMlada , jnh3o-l« ; (J AT REDUCED PRIOE S . .JAMES S. EAEDE & SOWS have made a GREW REDUCTION In their prices, and have now In Block s Tory, large and elegant asssorl ment of . : ; LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT- AND PICTURE FRAMES. LOOKING-GLASSES made to order at the same EE DUr.EO PRICE*, to AH every cnaraoter of space, for m.ntels. pi EEs, wales, bar-rooms, hotels, SHIPS. So, EARLE’S GALLERIES. : m h27-12t STO CHESTNUT STREET. jg H. BLEEPER & CO., BXS KONOIi STXIK33I', MANUFACTURERS, AGENTS, ANBJVHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLINT AND GREEN GLASSWARE, Have now in etore a mil assortment of the above foods, whish-we offer at the lowestlharket rates. Being sole arent» for the SALEH GREBE GLASS WORKS, we are prepared to make and work private monlde to order. PORTER, MINERAL, and WINE BOTTLES, of a anperior color and finish. Also, LAMP OHIMMETB, APOTHECARIES’ SHOP PUEHITCRB, SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES, HOAKB. OVATHIO TIALB, and Druggists’ Glassware generally. T. A. EVANS it CO.'S PITTSBURG GLASS VIALS sonatantty on hand at faotory prices. fel6-3m jgNGLIBH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, IN STORE AND GLASS. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IK FINE GROCERIES, Odrnar of ELEVENTH and VIKE Sts. A BUIST’ S WARR ANTED GARD E N ™ SESDS.-Parmßrs and Gardeners, andall fro wers of Vegetables, • wishing pure, and rehable-SBSDS, shouiu purchase their BnTgT , Si Feed and Agricnltntal VTft^oTißa, It Ifos qga and 9&4: St, a above ginth. »’ FARMING AND GARDENING TMPi BSSEKT3 —PlOQthe, B arrows, (laltlvatorg, Bay, Strav, and Fodder-cnttera, Farm Bells, Wheel barrows, and all other Farming Implements constantly on hand and for .ale by ROBERT. BTfl JT.' 'Jt >• Seed end Agricultural Warehouse. It Kos. 038 aat S»*’MAHKET Bt., ahoveKinth.: GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, RETAIL dry goods. QPENING. WE HAVE NOW OPEN, FAItIS MMIILLAS, IN SILK AND CLOTH. AMO, OF OUR OWH MANtJFACTORS, OS THE Most Approved Styles. - J. w. PROGTOK «fc CO., mh3o-8t 0»0 CHESTNUT STREET. K W MOUBN IM STORE,” 030 CHESTNUT STREET. JOST KECBIYED, ®EW SPUING GOODS, ' WHICH XVE ARK OPFBRIHO AT PRICES ACCORDING TO THE DECLINE IN GOOD, _ And rerpeetfnlly invite Ladies, who are salectfnc this etyie ot Goods, to call and examine our Block before purchasm* elsewhere. ■ A. MITEITS Ac CO. iph2s' amwlm OTIC E ; —LOWEST MARKET PBK3E.— Good Calicoes, fast colors, 20c. Extra Quality-C&licoes. foest stjles, 25c. Kice vUtoVvailß, 2fic.. . Vera - iood Muslim, 31&C. GualHes, newest styl**-, 25«. ■BARGAINS, bargains, at ,T. H STOKES’, ?0» ARCH Street. MBW GOODS, xv - AND WEW FRIGES. Bleached Sheeting Huelins,-20 cents. Superior Sheeting Btasiina, 25 cents. COEWBM &TODDAKT* BROTHER, ■■ 450, 453, and 454: Rorth. SECOND Street, above Willow. mb3o*Bt ]JJEW SHlBT;FOR : :1865. THE KBSATSST ISTVSITTIOH OF THE AGE IX HOOP SKIRTS. J- W. B*ADLBY’B*evr Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC (or double) SPBIKG BKIBT. WESTS’ BRADLEY 4 CABY (lat» J. I. 4 J. O. West), SOLE PKOPBIBTOBS anil MANUPAOTOBERS, or CHAMBERS and TO and Ml BEALE Streets, New York. THISi piySKTIOIf eonsl*i» of Duplex (or two) Il x.rpno Steel Springs, ingeniouily braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edgs. making the topghbst, moat flexible, elastic, and diirablb Spring ever need. They seldom send or break, like the Single Springe, and consequently preserve their perfect and B bautiful. Shape twjob « long os any other Skirt. THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex , Elliptic Skirt,will be experienced paiticolarly in all crowded assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Oars, Church Pews, Armchairs, for Promenade and House Dress, m the Skirt can he folded when in nse to occu py a small place as easily as a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great, convenience of wearing the Duplex . Elliptic .steel Spring Skirt for a single day wilt never after* v aid willingly dltpanee with their use. For Children. Misses, and young Ladies they are superior to ail others . , . ■ THEY are the best quality in every part, land unques tionably the lightest,, most, desirable, comfortable add economical Skirt ever . IW , ■ ■ FOB SALE in all first class Stores in this city, and thronghont the United States,, Havana db Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the west Indies. £• • • JB©-t*QUIRB FOB THE DUPLSX ELLIPTIC SKiRT- mh6-lm MILLINERY. fw- - MISS- E. CAM) WBX L,/ No. 824 *#* > AHCH Street, will exhibit Sprtnff and Summer MILLIBBBT on TUESDAY, April 4th. apl-tit* fii JOHNS T OPENING -EXTRA .“#* OEDIDAE7.—In consequence of tko fain on onr BEGTJLaB OPENING DAT, wehav« rmolvea, fonhe accommodation of all, to keep one goods on Exhibition the remainder of the freei. _ „ „„„ „—„ E. r. aiia. & co., . 730 ABOH Street. ml3l 2tff* to. MRS. R. BILLON, 353 and 331 SOUTH Street, Will open SPBIKG MIr.LIJ!BET, , On THURSDAY. 30th March.mhSo-6tlt* f» SPRING MILLINBSRY OPENim 'sß*—Mias 8. T. MOBGAK; 4-08 ABCfl Street, re tpecifally invites Merchants and Milliners, also the Befall Trade, to examine her JsHca Stock of Bonnets and Milliner-*Goods openiae THIS -04 T. • •■■_ , 8. T. MOBGAST, 40S AfiCH Street. mfrSQ-gt* Pel- 'KlBtbb’S,;-: mi, 145 n. eighth Street, *wiU open on THURBB4Y, April 6, ft large assortment of SPRING AND.St7HSISB MjILLINBRY of tie yery l*te»t ityles. City milliners not admitted. We ba-ve now open our Eibboue, Flowers, Straw ,Tnm mlsgs, sonnets, Hats, and Frames of the best shapes. . mbSfl-6i*; • ; V. •• . .■•:•■-.'•■•■ ■:••■■ carpets an® ;©h,«ci,©ths. ; SPRING. 1865. glen echo mills, GERMANTOWN, PA. MTALLCM & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CAJBPETING 8, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, &c. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 509 CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 519 CHESTNUT STREET. mliSo-3in gpniKG i 865. CARPETINGS. ARCH-STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE, NEW STOCK, AT REDUCED "PRICES. ' JOS. BLACKWOOD, mliß-ttstnSm MAHUFACTtrRIHG AUD COMMISSION MHECHANTS, CARPETINGS, ; OIL CLOTHS, MATTING-S, KTJOS, fcC., *O. 619 CHESTNUT STEBBT, PHT&AUBIiPHIA. QARD. SPECIAL, NOTICE. The Store I now occupy is sold for a Bankini iiul tntlon. Mot belnt able to procure a bnlldlnf infficiently larie to bold sir stock, I am compelled to SELL OUT ; Asfastas possible. I now offer my Immense aeeortment of FURNITURE AT VERT LOW PRICES. GEORGE J. HENKELS, tnbls-lm 809 AMD 81% CHESTNUT STBBBT. _ ;,...,-wa«x^-pape»B» SPUING 6TPLES PHI L A D EL P H I A; WALL PAPERS! HOWELL & BDIJME, N. E. OOK. FOURTH AND MARKET STS. MANUFACTURERS OP PAPER HANGINGS WINDOW SHADES.' mh23- tbsta am ,- : _ OIL LANDS SGRYBf ED AND LAID KJ in out leases and Topographical Flans Drawn tty G. M~ BOPKIES, (’-iril Engineer and SaTyeror, 304 t Sonth FIFTH atroefc, neAr WftlnatSty. • Philadelphia. g. E. COK. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. 1865. SPRING No. 838 ARCH Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. jq- E.W 800 JEt-S., from (bo Press or J, B. Upplttcott & CO, «■— e SPEECHES OF MAJ. CEIV. CARL SCUIIRZ, P, g, A. Collected and Beviaed by the Author. 12mo. $2. 00HTBHTS. I. The Irrepressible Conflict. 11. Political M«rfti3.. 111, Free Americanism. TV. The Popular Sovereignty Doctrine,'% V. Ratification of MV. Lincoln’s First nomi nation for the Presidency. VI. The Doom of Slavery, VII. The'Bm onndictmanfc. VIII; Free Speech. IX. Reconciliation bv Emancipation. X. Peace, Liberty, and Empire/ XI. The Treason of Slavery. XU. Ap peal to Gommoa Sense. “**. A tfew Work, by the Author of “Heldin Bondage; or Granville de Ylgae. ’ ’ STRATHMORE! 08, WBOUGHT BI HIB OWIT SABO, BY “OUIDA,” Author of 11 Held in Bondage; or, Granville da Time, ” One vol, 12mo. 620 pp. Price $2. ST. PAUL IN ROME. LECTURES DELIVERED in the Legation of the United States of America In Some. By Rev 0. M. Butler. D. D,, Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Divinity School, Philadelphia. One vol., 12mo. $1.73. BITTER’S COMPiBATIIE GEOGRIPKY. I.ECTUKEB OK CrIMPAKATIVE GEOGRAPHY. By Carl Ritter- late Frofes* or of Geography in the Uni versity of Berlin. Translated by Rev. -William L. Gage. One volumo,JUmo- &I.CO, A Kew Work by Hon* Jere, Clemens. TOBIAS WILSON. A TALE OP ■ THE GBEAT BEBELLXON. BY HOE. JEKE. OLEHESfS, of Alabama. Plret Series. Paper. $l. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PUBHSHBKB, jqo\V READY. THE EIGHTH BEKIES OP Bl’t:ii «EO IN' ’ S SEBMONS. 1 Vol. 12mo, Price, 51.50. -> The immense demand for Spurgeon’s Sermons in this country (over SQ?»000 volumes having been sold) will secure for this new volume an enthusiastic reception. This series will contain Spurgeon’s noted discourse on •‘Baptismal Regeneration,” lately preached, and of which 1®),COO copies have been sold'in England; also, the scarcely less noted discourses on the “ Prayer- Book ” and ** Infant Baptism.” , The Presbyterian says of Spurgeon’s Sermons; “Of all sermonsthat we know, those of Spurgeon are the most readable- They are sonsd in doctrine, vigor ous in style, fresh in thought, warm in religious senti ment ; they go to the very heart of religions experience, ? asd edify.and comfort the true iiever; while they are pungent and awakening in appeals to the impenitent;” : SHELDON &. COMPANY. apl-ttna / PBBLI3BERS. BEW-YOBK. NEW VOLUMES OF POETRY. BALLADS, BY THE AUTHOR OF BARBARA'S HISTORY. An exquisite Tittle volume of Ballads by Miss AME LIA B. EDWARDS. Printed from the author's ad vanced sheets, with a charming frontispiece by BIR KET FOSTER, and engraved head and . tall pieces by HARRY ROGERS . A gem of a book, printed on tinted paper, full gilt. Price $l. SO. POEMS, BY CABOLIKB HAY. *' These poems are imbued with the deep spirituality which characterizes everything Miss May has written, teaching gentle lessons to gome wayward hearts, bring' in# leaves of healing to some smitten ones and i» spiring others with patient courage. - It is a volume ail her own andfulloftbe elements of true poetry ” AneitJHSmo, volume- • Price *1.60. THE EALAOE 3BATJTIEUL, BY B, H. HEWBBL (Orphans 0. Kerr.) “ Itwas patent to all fairly appreciating the 4 Kerr PspeiSr* that their author was capable of equally felici tous achievements in other fields. In this . volume Orpheua appears in anew character, and if we don’t mistake wifi take rank among the best lyritts of the time.: His poems indicate exquisite skill in versifica tion. elegant fancy, and the most delicate touches of humor and pathos. ” TUB! &NOBLACIE BALL. ILLUSTRATED. A Satirical Poem, showing up the follies and extrava gances of the so-called 4 * Fashionable Society’’ of New York. With comic illustrations on wood. 12xn0,» stiff covers. Price 50 eents. . ■ %* Copies of any of these books wUI be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, by., ' OAELEa?6N # Publisher* mh2s swtf * NEW YORK. T)ltt£reToK’3 PHA.EMACEUTIBTS’ X) a»D DECTGGISTB’ pbactigal bbceipt book, ■wiH a. glossary of Medical Terms and a copious Index, In one volume 12mo, ALSO, Beasley’* Druggists' Xaeeipt Book. „ . Beasley:: s Book ol 8,000 Freseiiptioas. Peitee’e Who.e Art of Perfumery. • , . .. MoxfitU Chemical and PiarmaceaUcil Manipulations, LIfiDSAY & BLAKISTOF, Pa Wishers, No. 33 South SIXTH Street. BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS'! I Just received by _ ■ ABHMEAD & EVANg, (Haaard’s old stand), .. , Ko. »»4 CHESTtror Street. SOCHI. STATICS; or. The Condition* Essential to Homan Happiness Specified and ISe First of Tnem De veloped. By Herbert Spencer. Steel portrait, ... CHSIbTIAN’B MISTAKE, By the author of “John Halifax, Gentleman.’’Ac. , _ , „ , _ BBCLB SILAS. A Tale cf Bartram-Hanah. BjrJ.B. Le I'a tin. anthor of “Honae by the Church Yard, So. ■ aOMTBH's WILHELM MBISTEK. A new, revised edition. By Thomai Carlyle. 3 vols . .. : i CAPE OOP. By Henry D, Thoreau, anthor of “Maine Woods,Walden,” &c., fnm . , POEM* BY B W. EMERSON. 1 tm. blneandaold. A BOOK OF GOLD EH DEEDS of aU Timas and all Lards.' Gathered and narrated by the anthor of the “Heir of Brdclyffe." . Tinted paper, green vellum. .■ THE JEST BOOK. The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings Selected and arranged by Mark Lemon. Two beant&nl little volnmes of the “ Golden Treasury Se THAOKEBAY’S VAHITY FAIS. Illustrated edition. Svolß Tinted paper. Cambridge Press, THB HEW PATH: A Monthly ART JOURNAL. April nnmber jnst ready. Subscriptions received. or single nnmbers for sale at 20-cects each. , - ■ ALL THB HEW BOOKS received as Mon ae isaned flrom the press, and sold at lowest prices. ynhfinf fTHE RUGGLBB GEMS OF ART—A A collection of exquisite Oil Paintings of American and Enropean Scexery, by EUGGLES, of H«w York, on' exhibition and for.saleby aSBMEaD &BYAHS, - , mh3o 3t* : , ya£ OHESTHUr Street. , ATEW BO OKS FO R BABB ATH i-'l SCHOOL LIBRARIES! - The Bed Lltm. or Borne in Humble Life. - . - ■ . The Conqueror, by the author of Flleu Mnrray, dtc. Tbe Fiehsrraaa’s Children, or tie Sanbeam of Hard' FaTthfu] Shepherd, or Sketches of tie life of Key. C ier«rryE!an’6 Cbiid,. : or Hjhtoutof Derkiess, . Little Sermon Talks, by Carolines Kelley Bessie Lovell, or the Power of a Lotos Cnild. "Vivian and Ms Friends, or Two Hundred Tears Ago, by the author of The Story ofa Pocket Bible. Tried end True, or Into the Lijtht. by A. J- O. The Village School Mistress, or More About Kate Bib ttiore. by tbe author of Kate Blimpra,—. ;, For sale by JAMBS S. CI.A XION, * Successor to W. S. & ALFRED MARTIES. 606 CHBSTHTJT Street. ATEW SUPPLY OP CHRONICLES OP i.% THE SCHOSHKBQ.COTTA FAMILY. , ALSO. BY THE SAME AUTHOR: ■ . . : THE BARIY DAWN; or, Sketches of Christian Life' in Bstland in the Olden Time. MART OF MBS. KITTY TREVYLYAN. AStjryof the Times of-Whitfield and the Wesleys. . - THE CRIPPLE OF ANTIOCH, and Other Scenes fJ THE^MABTYBS DF AND THE LIBERA TTaIeI' OF CHKISTIAM LIFE, In Different Lands and A*es_- ■_; Tt ,„ enwn THE VOICE OF CHBJSTIABf LIFE IST SOBfG; or, Hymns and'Hymn Writers ofmanr Lands and Ates. THE TWO VOCATIONS; or, the Sisters of Mercy at Homo. • JAMES 8. CLAXTOJS, (Successor to Wm. s. & Alfred Martien), mb2l-tf 606 CHKbTffPT Street. MIS CELL ANEO US AND LAW BOOKS—The beet and rarest collection in Phila delphia.—Hello weU’i Shakspeare, fifteen hundred dol lars, and other Books, eanauy scarce, for sale at M 3 CHESTNUT, Street. n,.™, ' - j»2 3m JOHN CAMPBELL. EDIJCAI'IOVAI. THE GREAT PRACTICAL COMMER A CIAL INSTITUTION FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG MEN. BRYaNT. STRATTON, St:BANNISTER’S -NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BOILDING. S. W. coiner of TENTH and CHESTNUT.Streets,' (Entrance on Tenth street.) BOOK- KEEPING, PESMaISHIP. COMMBSgIAL arithmetic, commercial law. business CORKEeFONDESCE TiSLEGKAPaiKG, BUSINESS FO-bJdS, :Eto. ■ - > this Institution offers to your g men tie facilities of a thorough end practical education for Business wnica w m enable them to enter at once upon the fields ox use* fulness and honor. - ; - _ . ' - In addition to an extensive course in the theory ot Book Seeping and the collateral branches, each s.iulent receives all ihe « B ‘ e “ of . representing the actual operations of the principal branches of trade and commeree. is wholly in advance ofsuvtliLnloftte known- among the various homes tnorougiuy ap pointed and engaged in practice are: Dry Goods. Groceries. Produce, «e., Commission Houses, v : transportation.Ofilces, • . Insurance Offices, ' Telegraph Omc*»S» - -' ••• - •. PostOfflSPS.,&c.. «c,» etc. Eaehof these ha* its particular work in the grand lien, and all are arranged with a view to haruxout and eiS’iency in carrying and practical idea of BUSIBBBB- - BBT AST, 6TBATTON, dt BAaNTSTEB’S Telegr&pMe Institute, somleast corner of SEVENTH and 0 B SST SDT btraeta; lie moat extrusive and complete Telegrapti School in the United states. The College and Institute are connected by : . i. _ ®aSbGULABTEXsE9RA.PHXINB, u cosstTueted for tfce benefit of the students. The piacuce and operailens of this line differ in no respect front tk*t of a real line connecting different cities. We are thus ena fcled to pr» pareyoucg men to enter at once upon the dl Th*B *1 nsUtntion offers nnmoalkd facilities, botliln tie Commercial ana Talegiaplie aetwrtmente - Scholarships ismed at this Colle&e are good for an un lijLted ptiiod in ihe thirty- one GoUeges comprising the Gall or It PfiILAPELPHIA "PHOTOGRAPH AI/BUMS.—THE JL best styles mace are the patent ;hrnge-b&ck A-lbumi; —the most anr&bje c^mbliiiag' aatT BSeiimt stales sold at B. 3?.. SSI MSB* 634: A RGB street. « *• 1 * ” W T IFE-PIZE PHOTOGRAPHS t Y r Li COLOBS-Ceit&talj "tto molt tiathfy? mode. B. F. JSKIMJ6Ii’S;itTIeH. fco'ion. asd eolorlni, are Tjasurpasaedi^ BM-tr A 808 Street. j#" TASTEFUL AN2> S T ' WASTED.—THERE IS NOW ROOM " T for (evers.l well- educed and reliable ,ouiii wen )a tts Tele»aohio of th« GOIKE® CITY COLLBUB. TENTH a oil GHBSrHDT Btiestn. VwJk wo»writ® weUaßdreadUT areesKaolaUj■ saslr*. hle and sach will And great Inducements. Apollo*, tioii'e are (leilroi ftOBUBCh » *t» S® I'* 1 '* and fateUf gtntPßly. '■ .. : ' “ WANTID-A PARTNER IN STOCK u AND MONEY BBOK2B1GE; oneWjiOiS •*£ quaisted with U a business, with aom? capital, can join a yoxmg man who will keen the hooka and has a for nifibed office in the Kst locality. Communications confidential, Address Broker* this office. * l _ WANTED immediately-in a business already «Btabl!rted, n in■ tW« city, one or more parties, who can furnish $30,000 to $lO,OOO, to take .part in the manufacture and saie - A hTiPliB A&TIOLB, , , *. wMch commands a ready market at satisfactory Pipits. The parties can have the entire control of the .sales of the menuTactnied article, if desired. Address C.V ? at the office of this paper. mh3l St* WANTED-COPIES op THE PRESS and BULLET IST for MAY and JTTBB. 1864. Ad dins*, airing date of copies, B H. HOWSEL, 13a> 8. bBGONP Street, Philadelphia. jnh3i-vt* WANTED, by a toung man, 'T *. Boarding in a private family, pleasantlv located between Market sod Tine, and Second and Eighth. Beferences exchanged Address immediately, stating terms and location, M M F. H. J. t ” Press office. •» rohBl-2t* • : •• •'• WANTED— A COLORED MAN POR ** Waiter./ Must bring food, reference. Apply at the Office of the Keystone Knitting fifUis, corner of OXFOBD and BABCOCK Streets, Kensington, between 9 and 10 A. M, or 4 and 6P. M. mhSG 3t* WAN T B D—C A N Y A S S E R S FOR "T I»IFE INSURANCE The best terms offered. Ap ply at 43» OB BSTNUT St., second story- mh2l-lm* WANTBD--AT $l5O PER MONTH— "* A reliable Canvasser in every town and eounty, for the NfJKSE AND SPY, the most interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adven< turn of a women in the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents clearing $l6O par month, which we will prove id any doubting applicant Sena for circulars. Address ’* JONES, BBOS., A CO., 600 CHSSTNUT Street. Philadelphia. ” mh7- Im* 'A I .'.YOUNG. MAN, 22 YEARS OF AGE, who has had five years experience in tha Ha>d ware business, desires a situation as salesman or book * keeper in a wholesale Hardware house. Good refer ences given. ■ Address ««B, W. G. , Press office. It* A YOUNG MAN FROM' THE COXTN TBY, who understandsdouble-entry Bookkeeping, desires a situation as Assistant-Bookkeeper or Salesman in & Wholesale House. 'Best city reference glveo. ; Ad dress Press office, . mh.3i.-3t* GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES —BOWEN’S PBIZE ENVELOPES.*—Agents wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to Agents. Qa receiptof $l5 we will mail, post-paid, 100/Knvelopee, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with circular and fuUparijculais; on receipt of Ad dress Ju H. BOWEN & CO., P. 0.,80x4270,36 BBSS MAN Street, N. Y. • . mhtt-pm 'niL-WELL-BOBERS- WANTED—TO v/ FUEUISH ‘ETBUYTHIHG, AND SISK TKEEB /WBLfeb ON SttfAfcrS BUN» in Venango Coonty. G. H. Mot]Aßß, 633 TtfALNUP Street;: V. 0, BoxlToS, Philadelphia. M WANTED TO RENT, FOR THE : Sommer, in or near Germantown. a famished BOUSE, with stablinf and grounds attached; or woald ho; a snug place of a -few acres well-improved in the above location. Address P. W>” Press Office. • apl 3t* PHILADELPHIA. M WANTED TO RENT, A GOOD BWELUIKG BOUSE, within sbcwpiarai of Fourth snd Arch streets. Apply to L TOWSSBNU, znhSO 3t* . 18 Jforth TflißD btreet. m A FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. , iWS A House plainly and comfortably funmlud ie wanted by a careful and prompt-paying tenant. Ad dress Box 2014 Poet Office. State rent per month. mhgl-li,* m HOUSE WANTED. —WANTED -K&TO EBBT—A medium-sized Home, with all the modern conveniences, and within twenty minutes of The Press office. Best of references given. Address •*B. F,” office of The Press, •.%&£- , mh24-tf m W ANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL SSlgt, a modern DWELLING, situated aboTe Arch »i«et ard west of Broad, Rent about $4OO. Address Bex 1937, Post Office mh2-Im* <&A nnn S6 t OOO f AND S9,COOTOLQAN ta>-±,UUVf* on mortgage E. CARPENTER & SON, 3*58 South THIRD Street, > mh29 6i* m VALUABLE REAL ESTATE A Salk IN CECIL. COHN 7T, Bin . FOR PALE “HOLLT HALL. "—This property lies south, of and adjoining the town of llktor, on the great Eastern Shore road; was the residence of the late General James Sewall: contains 2CS acres of land; divided into *even ip.ldaand three lots, all under good f»nclng and In A high elate of cultivation, producing fine crops. . The Mansion Bouse is of brick, seventy feet front by flftv feet deep, of a palatial style and ftcish throughout, from the basement to the attic, with metal roof and ob servatory ; two large new frame Baras, well arranged, brick Stable, Carriage Houses, Lse House, Granary, Coin Houses, Gcw Etables. Poultry Eouee, and every recessary oat-building in' good order that is useful on inch a farm; large Flower and Kitchen Gardens,Lawns on three aides of t-h* mansion, beautifully laid out with Fiuit, Forett, and Ornamental Trees, some of them of large growth, water in tbe • pomps, spring, also, near the mansion,, all of the purest quality. - : The town and surrounding country is proverbial for itsbealtbfulnfss. . This pro perty roust be very desirable to any one seek ing an investment/particular 1? to a gentleman retiring from'business. ■ Lime and manures can be lauded on the premises, Several trails of care pass the town daily to the great cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, and not over two • hours ride to«itbtr of these cities. . A' further description is deemed useless, as the pro perty > ill be shown by the undersigned. Price ONE HtTfIDBED A5tD FIFTY DOLLi.ES PEE ACBB in'cariejacj—lets in _ Daniel bbatton, Beal EsEata Agent, Bikton. Maryland.. apl»Bw4t* m- FOB SALE— SIO,OOO—H&NDSOME SSu. DWELLING, LOCUST Street. West Philadelphia. It* JOSEPH B. RHOADS, gag ARCH Street, m DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR Jo. SALE—Beautifully situated on Green Binb. Bnr lingion,. ft. J.» irontijuf the river, and adjoining the property of Oaph -Bichard^lliippea—--House has parlorv ball. dining-roomtandeight chambers For informa tion as to terms,&c., apply toFisAßlELl!* WOOLiXASf, Reel Estate Agent. No. 70 MAIN Street, Darlington. - Spl »W 4t # '• ••• > - • ■• . Mfob sale or to rent* IN BUR. LIKGTOIf, IT J.a large and convenient BEIGE DWELLING HOUSE, thirty fe*t front cn Broad street, containing thirteen rooms, -with, .hath, gas, &e. The side-garden, of half an acre, ir well .supplied with «holee fruit trees, in hearing. The location is desirable, and within a short distance of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Station Apply as above to api-Bi* . M A BABE CHANCE TO BUT A SU FERIOR BBSIDBHCE in Burlington, N. X.ontlie i_q a' n . trees, So. 126. Home 25 feet front ana SB deep, including back buildings;: atl modem ooaveuieucci: .lotSQby 2CO; fine garden full of fruit and ornamental trees. Possession siren immediately. .Price ,5,200. Apply to J. E PHILLIPS, Ho. SI BBOaD Street, BURLIHGTOg, H. J. -'lt* . J| FOR SALE. PIKE WATER-POWER MILL PROPERTY ■ FOR SALE, -: Situated witidu one half mile from the boreal a of COH MHOHOCKEK, on Golf Creek, between tie properties of John McFarland and Join Townsend constating of a STOJSK MILL, large enougi to bold tires full easts of 'machinery, with Dye*houie, Entitle house, and other SS bmilSgl-abdut FIFTiBN ACSSS OP LABB. ■bTOBB BARB, lie.. Sc. The springs on this property are neyermUing. Incite« BIJL100K; & 80H3> :- : it* Ho. AO and 43 S. PEOHT Street. FOB BALE—STORE AND D¥EL- Llaß ncrtheast comer of Pawn and Master streets.. Immediate'poeeeisiou,-* : v ' , , , • BJUDbSBUBO —Heat Dwelling and Lot on Kirk bride street, east of Point road j will ba sold cheap A large number of Cctages at Germantown and other desirable localities, and a great variety of first- class a> For lief of Dwellings see North AraerteadimAJtniteA States Gazette. B. F. GLEHH, ajl-tr : 183 South FOURTH Street. FOUR THOUSAND ACRES—TO :2EcAPITaUSTS-A rare CHAHCB iFOB SFSCU- LaTIOH. gg SOLD CHEAP ! A LARGE AHD VALUABLE TRACT OF OVER FOUR TBOUSAHD ACRES of- yanable mineral and timber lend, situate in Montour county, Pennsylvania, conveniestto tbe Catawissa, Williamsport, and Erie Railroad, also to the wesl branch of the Sasouehauna liver, and not far distant Brora the* town 'olNoithata berland, and only miles from ihe town of Danville; Furroucded. hr several extensive, and well known *Etablifchxrents. viz: The Montour Iron Works, tne Prank] in Blast Furnace, the Chulasky Furnaces. &c. TMs particular tract of land has recently heen tfao roughly examined by the most reliable Geologist th it w« fcavein this State, and hia report can .be examined, and draft of tbs laud bs aUos offica of^ 3» Hortb FIS EH btrest. H. "B. —The above-daecribod Isnds ; are wail ttm bared with Cheitnut, Oak, and Pine of good. growth, &c. ■- - ■' H ; m FOB BALE—COTTAGES, WEST Jn Philadelphia. Price *2.500 to *3,500. Will cost Eiote to bulla Without tbexcoand. B. J. BOBBINS. Builder. 108 Sontl rOCSTtt Street apl- stothgl* m iS UPERIOR MANSION AND Jsl. LAKGfi LOT, on the PEASKPOBD Eoad, at AlLerbeny avenue; built in the most substantial man- ; liar, with every possible convenience, with ttghle ana carrietge-honee. Thu ia a delightful residence for sum vncp n* Id] ntfif . JJ-' OLsIiNf ap°tf 133 South FOURTH Street. » TO LET—A COTTAGE, 3? UR ma. DISHED, »t CAPE ISLAND. Inquire at 80S MARKET Street, Phiiada- . apl-8t» m OFFICES FOR RENT—SINGLE ®2and Double: on the First and' Second Floor;—in "Walnut street, below Fourth, and ia Walnut, above S * CC ' ll ' l ' ALSO, A FINE MANSION, ■ with plenty of shade, and a delightful prospect, eitiate on very high ground, fronting the river Schayiklu. ApnJytO '/j. -' JACOB M. aLJUIS. NoAsi South FOOBTH Street, apl-2t* Coxier of Walantf(2d story.) OIL LAND:—FOR- SALE, 70 ACRES V/ of very desirable Oil Land on Allegheny mer near President; 180 rods front. g OSLEE Jr. It* 148 South THIRD Street, ’dd Floor. CLIPPERY ROCK CREEK, PA, REAL GBOOHD-FLOOR IHTEBEST3. Is about being purchased. TWO ORIGINAL CORPORATE SHARES YET TO SE&Ii. : It* Address Box 226, Phiiada.. Post OfSte* TO LET— .X THE OFFICES No*. 236 and SSS CASTER’S Alley. - ' In the Old Post Office BnUdlfiff/' -Also the fifth, and sixth s-toriee of same building.*' ‘ *The third story of the ri OOMMONWSALTH BtJIIiDIHG,,,, Hob 8U and 613 CHBSTJI ITT Street;' Suitable for an Exchange - - ' ■ ’ " Laited by 28 window*.” ■ • . THOR' H. COHHBIIXI . .. : fc °T"jiaff -i . »4S* OHBK" nnn —eor sale, of this amount,j typearFrankford,- B. C.*~ mhp*t*r »- rt WAK^S. FOR SMJS AND TO LET. A moat valuable property for OIL PURPOSES, OBT SLIPPERY KOOK CREEK, ippllto THE PHENIX MANUPAOTURINO A COMP ANT will offer for sale at HtJBLIo AtTCTtOtf, OH THTTHBDAY, THB Gth OFAFBEL HHC*, 1 _ALIi THE OOTTOIf MAeHIOT3RY, FHEXZX MILLS, PATERSON, E?£W JERSEY* Adapted for the making of Cotton Back, vt*; 26 Cotton Card#, ?0 inches, with tho Pickers, Railway Heads, Drawing sad .Speeders’ Frames, all coxaPieta. with Cans, Bobbins* £«. S 3 Spinning Frames, 132-spindles each; 16 Framed 2H- incli Traverse Gore Frames; 7 Frames, 2 inch Tra .Terse.- . .. 2 pair Male*. 2,600 spindles. : >4 Twisters, 780 spindles 62Fowejr Looms. for weavta* cotton or flaxdnck, &2f oomplets, with Shuttles, Winding Frames, Bobbins* Heeds, and Harness. 2 T&rn Presses 6 ft. bundles eacki 1 Tarn Press, 30-ft. bundles. 2 Balling Machines 12 Cotton Keels, &e. • Cane, Bobbins. Belts, Warp Mills, *«. Lot* of Hand Hackles for flax. __ mb2B 9t BENJAMIN B. TILT* President. CTEBR & CHAMPION, AtfCTIOU- O 23££g, Office 1130 and 1138 EAC£ Street; ■Will sell on 'jtOKDAT, . April S 3, at 10 o'clock A. M. , at 805 Arelt ateeSS. Bur rtei:k of IiEST-ctASS iniiriroKS stobb,^ comprising i33i pari of etegeres. tete-a-tetes, bureawt wash stands, bccjnet tables, 'boot eases and secrefcatied, •whatnots, "wardrobes, pi an o s too la, libra' y tables, beaa fets, hanging batracks, hafctland#, B. W. pmor chain* ease-seat a&d diningroom chair#, towel racks, cottss* sniteß, CEmp ttoois,. OCkers. &6., &c - The above sale is worthy thd attention of housekeey* era and dealers, as the owner is declining: the busiaas** and every article will be sold without reserve, and *tf* all made from the best and finely-seasoned materials* lor a first class city trade. Also, the office fixtures of the above eiore. Alto, tools, workbench, hair cloth, varnish, brashes* cans, &c. Catalogues ready early morning of sale, Goods now on view. TSIEW CHESTHTJT-STREET THEA* -A' TEE-CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. TBIS <*ATI7KI>AY).AFTERNOON, April 1, T RIBTY - EIGHTH GKAND FAMILY M&MM*. when the GKE AT MOE*L DRAMA, THE WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA? "will be performed. . Admission to the Matinee, . ' SO CEBITS TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE. Children 25 cents. Boors open- at \% o’clock; per formance to commence at o’clock. THIS ISATUKDA?) NIGHT, . AGBAND MONSTER BrLL, - The evening's performance will commence with Mle* L&ur&Eeeae's New Local Drama in4act». styled THE WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA, OR THE CURSE OF imNK. To conclude with the admirable Mu*ical Comedy. THE LOAN OF A LOVER. Gertrude, with songs. Mrs. Sophie Oimber Kahn* Chakobop Time,— Boors open at ?o'clock; tocom mence at 8 o’clock. THEATRE. THIS (BATU SDAT) EYENING, April 1, The performance will commence with VIO'TojRIJHS; : Or, A Working Girl’s Bream, with, an excellent cast of characters. To conclude with * THE HIDDEN HAND. Wool., MajorlraWarfield......<* EL B U*y Capit0ia.~.~....~.......... ......... Mrs. Q. Beard WALNUT-STBEET THEATRE, . TT MONDAY EVENING, April 3, VESTVALI, VESTVALI. VE3TYALL MAGNIFICENT. MAGNIFICENT. MAGirrFrcENT. 5b her traaurpassed aad aa Approachable doable share** ter of GAMEA, TTTg FOP.IUHE-T81.1.88. FOBTOKE-TELT.SB. FOR TOSS TBiiLEB; Songs. Choruses, Daiceß, and a beautiful Tableau. IV* M KS - JOHK BREW’S hew arch* i-~J- fcTESET TSEATRE. LAST* NtGHT POSITIVELY OF MB 4BiS. BARI*BIT WiLLIAiiV 10-SIGHT (SATURDAY).* April VIM&- “BBAISDY MAGUIEB.’ f ’‘LATEST FROM NSWTOEE.” * ASH “ ALL HALLOW BYE.’ * Mr. and Mrs. "WILLI in &U the pieces. MOBDAY—BDWIET ADAMS. TV/TR. DEMPSTER, ;COMFOSER O? jJX. * 1 The May Queen, 1 ’ “Lament of the IrishStal* grant,” Ac * haying recently returned from Europe*, ■will give a BALLAD ESTBKTAIBMENT OF HIS MOST FOCTJ-, L*B SOUQS AHD BALLADS. - AT THE MUSICAL FUaD; BALL, OB MOU.DaY BVBNIKG, April 3d, which will include the “THE MAI QTJBSS.” . Tickets, 50 cent? each. Eeaeryed seats, §0 cant* extra* .with comber* attached, may be teemed at Mr. J. S. GOULD’S Music Store, cornes of SEVENTH kse£ CHESTNUT Streets, where & plan of the Hall may be seen. To commence at 8 o’clock. mh2s- gtatham&fc* : VTISS EMMA HARDINGE -WILE DE» LIVES * course of three Lectures at MUMOAL FUKD HALL. First Lecture, TUESDAY EVENI&G- April 4. Sabject; “AMERICA ABUSES PRESIDENTS. 7 ’ Second lecture, MOBDAT, April 10th. Third Lecture, THURSDAY, April 13th. _ Tickets for the Course, with, secured seat*.. •«*•s! 0» Reserved - 60 Admieeion 25 For sale at, Pugh‘g Beokstose, and at Gould’* and Leefe & Walker’s Music Stores.-. ••■•-••. ", :■'' - " ' "It* ' OERMANIA ORCHESTRA.- PUBIiIG U BEHKAKPAM every SATUEDAT at 3% o'eloefc F, M., at MUSICAL FOTB HALL. Single Ticket*. 2 caste. Six Tickets, $1; to be bed at Trumoler’a, As* die’s, and Mayer'a Moalc Stores, and at the Sail. 807-B THE ACADEMY OF FINE ABTSe -A OHESTHUT Street, above Tenth, la OPBH DAISY forvisitora, from 9 A. at. to 6F. ft.: jaS* g O. ST2DMAN & C 0„ 5? BXCBASeE PLACE, SEW TOBK, BANKERS AND BROKER 3. JOHH COLLIBS. DEPOSITS ASTD. COMMISSIONS BKCBrVED OJT FHK HOST FAVOBABLB TBBMS. BOUGHT and SOLD strictly on commission at tha Regular Board. This business is a spacialty with-us. Our facilities for its transaction, and our information a» : to the condition and srospects.of tha various Oil Stocks, w» believe to be unsurpassed. . -&»'■ Correspondents please observe that we have re* moved from SO Broad street to our neff JBAUKIHfIt- OFFICB, 80. 57 EXCHAHGB PLACE. ah2l-tnths6t* TREASURY DEPARTMENT,OFFICE A OP “THE COMPTKOLLES O? THE eUBBENOT, , Washutotgn > January 25,1865 Whereas , By satisfactory evidence presented to Ahe undersigned, it has beenmadato appear that TBS NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK O? PHILADELPHIA, in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia. ana State of Peacsylvsma. haß been duly orga nized under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled ** An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, ” approved June 8,1864, and has complied 'With all the provision* of said act required to he complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act-*-. .... ./■■■..■ Now, therefore* I, HU GET McOULLOCH, Corajc troller of the Currency, do hereby eerUfy Ahat THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANKOF In the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia, and State of Pennsylvania, it authorised to com mence the business of banking under the act aforesaid. Currency. Comptroller oi the Currency. f£HE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, MO. 136 SOUTH POUETH STBBEr, BBEOW CfiESTJfDT* - Pars five per cent. Interest on Deposits. Agents for the sate of united Stales 7 3-10 Loans at Par Govern ment, State sad City Loans and Stoe&s bought »nd sold for depositors and others on Commit sioa. - mbit 3nt WILLIAM H. WAYNE, T T Bate Discount Clerk Bank of Morth America, STOCK and BILE BEOKE3, <Ko. 16 BANK LOHJ2S, ScocVf, Ac., purchased and sold at the PMl*. delpMa Stott Board-- Money procured on collateral*. Proralsfiory notes negotiated. &s.. Ac. mMO-Un COUNTRY BOARD IS WANTED BY the Advertiser for himself and ‘wife for the summer seaeon. in a healthy. dry location, of easT access dally from the city. Address Box BS3 Post Office. - • rnhSO-thsit* v , • - . : ■ . ~ WANTED—BY A FAMILY OF FOUR »" adults and three small children. BQAJBDiNGI, for about five months, in a aniet, comfortable conrtry or fann honse, near and convenient to the city. Address P. O. Box 1577, with particulars. mhSl-2t* esmmm.s ut^ s S BOAD, VIA MKUIA. 7* . On and after MOHDATffiApfl)'l7/IB6S, the tralnaylU Leare PiOadel“l»;yoriW;«t Cbeeto- <!&«•• PhHadelphifatd’tfßlt^ Jnnction^leirMUiaj^h - LeiWPfcHadjjjteSP^ B.Cjgy^ *nd7.soP^Ks ThesetrfrA*^ SjP^ APCTIOtf SALES. At 11 o’clock a. M,, How In goo 4 rUSsla* oiaar, aUhe* AJSOBSJSfIiUffIKTB. GAMBA, FHfASCIAL. PETROLEUM STOCKS EHBLUND C. STEBSEAtTi OHARI.ES- E. CLARKE, THOMAS M. NEWBOULB. BOAJSBWe. GAKEA. co., e tos row 4 ' tan. ALBUM 5 v oO.^