The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 24, 1865, Image 1
I.uwltUm. ■ ' PRF.SS, * ABB Pan ASUS*, In owns. . , HARMP" JL & 00., , ' ttse N> STREET, »p" 0M! ! despaip „*hmro4 (4he beat -good* lm- 0 f tub valas 9t.1i.,.-W«» the’ noblest or' de FfdQOtt, Dr&9 do . «. M ij,. I', 40.,Ac. , - ai tha Ohate ' -ti any land or a.'" perha^ I admirable than ' ud eordfld colored a®d the e* »nafl«. float Fouiardi 4 j accommodate? ' rains of magaifls«*t Ahdwe ar^ mentor tW inno l-OODS. - dob fgg*.?**' tinglo and doable '‘Jf.?*’ ““ whfc* shades. 8-t fter- ~ T.mariin.e, stool- . »h Mohair Valencias, . *" e . ’® 4 JSi *' w, Percales, ko. '“ 4 , ■ -fo, strictly, battwo sor "*■■■■■» -damraation, or pjbHlt? 5 , IVIES - - .oedmCrtbe' “.1o a o ,: M;Heruanys Mo- .erornn's. all we baraf blaok goods itjiueat- BaB and restore proper he -We OOKOt'WIBb to C«BT' woaoii.all diseases Inall con? tion atier iheltto^ 3DS. wdareptepa' Swiss Halls, Panoy -.(JT STSBBT, diedaof r foods at low prices. ~ prone )ds. 102 b. *' ft Bhlrtlng- Sheeting, r»TT>r jb- *io ®e<». Napkins, No., -a. vr «jj. dealers in : *jchx . um aid le’'' OTTON GOODS. C3BBTAWB, lands at and below PIANO, TABLE, A’* -.IMO- : .. .. •. OO V IDRIDGbOVBS. ./or ninety WTNDO r iO DRESSES. -uly-eommand a figures, from which -a* ease on closing th* /cvvfir- 1 „i OTery town and sesHon of the I DP STAIRS, corded faculties for Wring Ufa Doan. .4anke, State Banks, and Prtrate’Ban’- ig -oat the country hire gsneraUy agree? .t» snbseripttons at par. Snhserlbers w<" own agents, in whom they bayo con' SPEBB only are to be responsible for tbs ' for whisk they resell* ords>- 1 stoek of 3 A ’ OODB, v ETINGB.*o., i IB6K A OO.’S, TH and MARKET Sts. elate An rtton Sales. BOPKIOBS, 18K. t a small adranoe on VS. ART At-BRO., k BEIOND Street, j A.DOT’D Wlll .iff, j 3NT DRESS, GGDD3 ( SD PRICES. US l ART fc BRO., th BICOSD ftJNES, 88 OTs! M (ART & BRO, * aB l°og.°e WLIoV. T 8 PER TARD. ’a goods at the ahore 'CBS. „„„ >ART A BRO., th BBCOKO wtoet^ CLOTHS, toss. „ „„„ JiRT & BRO., th SECOND tweet, ADOT# WmOWe ULIB, AND DRESSES, ,th BS IbQTO WilllW. BLACK BILKS, D Ot H%L. nnw B «L.. REDUCED I! I has com j li S£r»*Ui,wn. nallty. ■ os. y pretty, is. Ilnghams,*..,*.. Hald Mas. r*SlT%oHlW*|. nd if AINO PARPEN. DEDUCTIONS IN notions in the ptlws of iocb of Fancy and Sfcap^ «( fail la *old, and piwo alow tbe aarlcct raducad prlcac Aheß, reduced. tNoiihTltHTH Street._ CHED MUSLINS, 5& JOHN H. STOKES. eoa-ABOH Street. It STREET. SD L B S, nt Street, M »ÜBAT TABINTX 01 © .TIES » ITS, SLEEVES, Bto. S ssr«ba»| SDIES. » >3 Whito (food** XiMOSy* ti riefs. Veils, Barbes, g OKD PRICES. “ ock, Edgings and In and new atyle VM. PT BTBBBT. CLOAKS, new Cloaks, lloaks. h Cloak t. fey-mad. garments, >t newest ontandonwe fcOONARDr 11 tNTH and MARKET Sts JOODS, OF NEW ILV. • r -8 froth BBOOIfP Street. C FOB 1805, mOH Of THE AGE IH SKIRTS. DUPLEX MLIP tIRT. I ART D“ 8 ftgd IST BEAD* Streets. New to of Dmc <«‘Vo) tnsly »»aidWFSJSaMsr Dhls 0 ' 11*0 the Dcplbx BLLffTIO i they are sopsaioa to all and tfnh, wmi™' ° ’ &bt,n0.628 is. retail trade, and fsM>\m* tment now ready, LUIU . EXTRACT i taste and'odor, fr*efrp“ l]sia«4iutia «• VOL. B.—NO, 202. FINANCIAL. U. S. EVEN-THIHTT loan. Br authority of the Beentanr of 11m Treasury. the uudotslcaed bar Breamed the denara! Bubaariptton leaner for the aala of United Btataa Treasury Kotor bearing reran and three-tenths sox toot, Interest tor iinnu. known aatbo SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN.. Thera Kotor an ltrnad under data or Input U, Oft, and are payable throe years from that time. In aw rrary, or an oonTorttblt at the option of the holder Into V. S. MO six f£b cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Thaw Bondi ,ur«, now ▼orth. a vromlam of nine >*r •eat,. Incindlnf cold bitarwt from SoTembeii wfclek makes the actual profit en tbe 7-80 Loan. at current rates, lucludin* lntere*t,alwut ten ver eeat. »*r an num* beside* it* wemvtUmfrom Stats and municipal taxation', 1 which adds ftomone to three per cent, mops, aeeoi tiding to the rat* levied. on other property. The Loterect 1* payable semi* annually by coupon* attached to each note* which may be cat offend cold to ear hank or banker. v V The interest amount* to OneeentverdayonatCOnote.- Two nuts payday os a #lOO sot*. ■ Tan eenti per day ou a *6OO not*. ' Twenty cent* tor day on a #l,OOO note. On* Dollar per day ona #6,000 noto. ■Totes of all the denomination* gamed will be prompt ly furnished npon receipt of eubaeziptlona. TMi la ■* «HEE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now o%er*A'6y-the GoTarnment, and it la eontdently expected thtflW superior advantage* will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, tee*than $100,000,000 remaintuuold, which will pro bably b* dlapoeed of within th* next cixtyor ninety daya, when th* note* will nndodbtedly-wmmand a premium. a* ha* uniformly boon th* car* on eloaln* th* aubaerlptlon* of other Loan*. In order that *M»ms of erary town and **<tlott of th* country mq oe afforded faoilitie* for takin* the Irtan. the National Banka, State Beak*. end Prlyat*'Banker* throurhoni the country hay* ccnerally acratd to re ceive cnbccriptlona at par. Bnhacribcra will celeet their own acent*,ln whom they hay* eonSdeac*. end who only are to be reeponclbl* forthe ddlycryof the note* for which they remit* ordcra. JAY 000 K E. SUBSCBIPTION AGENT. No. 114 BOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 7-30. 5-20. 10-40. CHAB. II ALLOW ELL, ' BTOOK BROKIB, NO. 3* SOUTH ' THIRD STKEEr. (Boom No. «.) GOVBBNMBNT, STATS, AND OTHBB LOANS AND ISTOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. V. 8.7-80 NOTIB FURNISHED AT FAR. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OIL STOCKS., mhUMm*fp NEW 7-30 XJ. S. NOTES FOB SALE. IN SUMS TO SUIT DAMES BROTHERS, BANKERS AND BROKERS, DEALERS IN GOVEBNMSBT BECUBITIBB SINE BALLY. mhU-lm - ■.■ ■■■ ' • 5-20. 7.30. ADAMS & LEVIS, No. SOS CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All kinds of government securities and stocks bought, SOLD, AND NEGOTIATED. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. Spatial attention given to OIL STOCKS. nib7-3ftt row aid nosurs. hobao* b. pbakboa. JJDW. ROBINS Sc CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE" , BROKERS, HO. 47 SOUTH IHIRD SHHSBT, PHILADELPHIA, itt Kiiroa on BASK HOWS, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS. BONDS. AND QOVSBNHBHT SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD. CollecHtna made on OH part s of tit oonntiy. . Deposit. reeeiTOd, enbject to aicht draft, Mdjntorett allowed. mh, - Bin gECOND NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (T.aTB lEOH CITY TRUST COMPANY.) CAPITAL.. #300,000. BANKERS’ AND MERCHANTS’ COLLECTIONS promptly attended to on the most favorable terma. 6. E. WASHES, President. JOHN B. PATTERSON, Cashier. -fa27-8m I OHABUB IHOBI. ALKX. BBBSOK, JB. T QBABLES EMORY & 00., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Wo. 15 South Third street, PHILADELPHIA AH kind* of tmoturniit fcmd* and Gold and BUter bevght and sold* and Collections made. * Particular attention given to the purchase and sal* of, Government, State* and other Stock* and Loans on com mission. ' / nog-dm g & LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, ' MO. 14 PABQ.UHAE BUILDINGS, tWAUTUT ST., BELOW THIRD), PmnAnnwa. Gold. Bond*, Oil and WmoUamoiu dtoaka, boniht and aold on' Commiaelon at the Board of Broken. Dealer. Is Yorelm Bxahanze. LetUre of era (it leaned on London. Parle. Antwerp. Aa. latum V gPECIAL ATTENTION PARD TO the purtbaso aa4 silo of OIL STOCKS. SMITH, B&NDOLPB & CO,, 10 Bonth THIBD Btr««t. mliVla 5-20 COUPONS, DUE MI.Y Ist, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, BY DREXEIi & CO., ..hU-imvl No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STBEIT. r'IEOBGE A. WARDER, _ IT STOCK BROKER, Ho. aisx walnut street. fiteeki and Loan* negotiated. Snbsoription* reeeivod for Loan In enme of WOand ntwarde. " gAUBBI AUJra Wm^ jo 130 BouQtTIDDSI) GtiMtf FHII/A3BLPHIA. nU«-lm» {XO, STOCKS, U. S. LOAMS, *O., vJ WdAtambbom 0 ■a. in Botttlt THIM» BtW**.. W l ffi^JSsHsfr W |psi*. Proj3J«»T *«*» **■ «W*t» t •.«». . QARD. I VTIXili OFFISH NT ENTIRE STOCK OF LACE CURTAINS, A.T 30 PEE «IEI. LEES THAI 1026 OH3S6TMUT STREET. JQ26. C. M. STOUT * :CO., ‘HUBS W ' ' '■ BBOCATKLLK. lAC* AID JfOTIEVBHAM CUBTAUTB, PIANO, TABLE, AND FURNITURE COVERINGS, WINDOW SHADES, &C. £)EPOT WINDOW SHADES. at the shortest notioe. all the aeaal widths aad styles of »M DOGK STBESR 10-40. CURTAIN GOODS. WINDOW SHADES, PIANO COVERS, OLD IMPOSITION PRICES. U B. %'A.L.IEA VBNfc : i • - MASONIC HALL, WO. 719 CHEST SUIT ST SHOT- mhlS-fptf lm CHESTS OT 81SKET, >lO-fmw4os the anhaerlhers are new prepared te pat ap IK TOWN OS COUNTRY; PLAIN OILED. GILT BORDERS. FANCY WINDOW SHADES, awA to famish and pat ap to ardor In the bast manner BRWDE6IGHB OB EXTRA BIKES DWELLINGS. STORES, CHURCHES, OK OTHER PUBLIC BUILDINGS. They alto kw on hand a lam aaoortment of SHADXSaS, BHA.DE TSIHUINQ9. EIXTDKB3, &c. which they will seU to the trade at the lowest markel prltte SHEPPARD, YANHARXiINQRN, & ARRISON, Window Curtain and Shade Stjre, HO, 1008 CHESTNUTStreet. tcblT-terin fp MILUSIRT. rn NEW SPRING IMPORTATIONS. ROW OPIN. A POLL LIKE OF SPRING BONNETS, HATS, AID MILIiISKEI GOODS feneraUy. Merchants, Strangers, and Reeldente par cbaetac BOH NETS will dad every variety to select from* at the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS, 780 ARCH STREET. mhlß-Mtfp* B- P. OILL A 00. BILK A»RT GOODS JOBBERS, gPRING. 1865. - BPRINa * JAS. R, CAMPBELL & C 0„ " '-V*' wroßTXxa ahd jobbers o? dkt< hoods, 797 CHESTNUT STREET, . ' * . . OTTER TO CASH BEYERS AT WHOLESALE an extensive assortment of cholee fabrics la rOBIIGH AID AXSBIOAIT DRY GOODS, At and.under market rates. As their etoak la dally replenished with the moat de rivable offerings of this and other markets. It will always prora worthy of inspection. mM-Sm WHOLESALE ROOMS HP STAIRS, gPRING—1866. EDMUND YARD & 00., Ojf CHESTNUT AND 614 JAYNE STREET, HATE lOW IN STOBB A BULL STOCK j SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, AMERICAN DELAINES, BALMORALS, SHAWLS AND GLOYES, WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, Wlitefc we offer to the trade at tke lowest market xahU'Sbaffe _ gFEING.IB6S. iUSLIOR, BAINS, & MELLOR, Jfo*. M Ui 43 NORTH THIRD BT-SEIT, IMPORTERS OV HOSIERY> SMALL WAKES, A3TO W HITE GOODS. UAXVJ AOTCBBBS 07 ■H.lii SHIRT FRONTS. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., JHPOBTEBS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, m rad 241 Nortn Ddrd Street, pmr.SDBT.THIA- iHotht, Print*, Omwiment, Delaine*, dattlnete, Alpaeaa, ream, ■.. Fancy, Dre*a Goods, ■ dottonadee, Brown and Bleaohed Sheeting*, Senlma, Brown and Bleaohed Shirting*, strives, Smlsn Ohambraa, jheeks, Ornish Tweed*, Mhgkamt, Flannel!, Diaper*,. ' Idnene, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITB GOODS. MOTIONS. Ac.. Ac. . -ft!B 3m iJTHE AMERICAN CAR COMPANY* THIKTI-IIBBT ASK lOOUBT BTRMTS, WEST PHILADELPHIA, CAR BUIIDERS, IRON FOUNDERS, AND MACHINISTS. NOTICB IS EXBXBT GIVBN that this Company to now prepared to receive order, for bull din! ALL KINDS OF OARS. Tie shops of tie Company being aupplted with the latest and most improved labor- saving machinery- will enable It to execute all orders with great despatch, and In the very best manner. The Company has also purchased the right to use “ DOTTBBER'S ’> and MIBIMOSDES’ •’ Patent Asti Friction Self- Lubricating CAR JOURNAL BOXES, and UR. TBOBaS H. JENKINS’ Patented Process for HARDENING OAST IRON. All these Patents the Com pany Intend using for and on all the Gan built In their Works—thereby neatly adding to the mlUlty and. dura bility of the work performed. In addition to the aboTe, the Company to prepared to STATIONARYAND PORTABLB ENGINES. MININGAND PBHPInGBMGINES, BLOWING BBOINBS FOR FORBAOBS and FORGB3, Including all kind* of work connected with a GENERAL MACHINERY BUSINESS. A 1 so. all kind* of Don and Brass Castings and Smiths’ work executed In the very best manner, both as regards desitn, material and workmanship.- „ . . Drawings and estimates made at the Works free of rh * r ‘* D. H. DOTTERER, StrPBBIHTRHDBRT. THE AMERICAN OAR 00. CAPITA!,, $500,000, IN SHAHBB OF $lOO BACH. A limited number of Shares in this Bxfenglyo Hantt rsotnrlng Company—which promises to ho largely re mnneratlve—for sale at the office .of the Company. . JAMES -W. BAHKXTT, Seentaiy, mhl-wfrmlm , pOTTON AND FLAX- BAIL DUCK v AJUI OAITAB. of all munbars and brands. - Test; Awnlni. Trank. and Waion-cover Dusk. Also, ’aper Drl®rFelt«, from one to fire feet »tde: Panlini, Bolttar Jail Twin*. <fc«; ■ 10 * JOHSf W BVBRMAtf A CO.. aro. ioa joarm l Aiur, tflBH AND CANNED MEATS. T 600 bble Hew «oi*N» 1 Mackerel. *,OOO uw euaed Heab, Sf-fi?*** TIB Forth Ikost P »SU. rTPWABDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND VJ eerilfleatee aad reeoaimeadatory letters here bus received, ittMtlßl the merits of HBLMBOIiD.'B 01- SDIBB PBKPdJSATIOBft. maBT of 'WIIA ere from •ha hisheet eonreee. lielnSiia ejnjoent etateemea, cl«r {ym«E,«ovewfe, #»■ PHILADE LPHIAj FRIDAY, MARCH 24, •frfEPiqAL ELEOTRIOIT^f WONDERPUIi' SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY! DR. S. W. BECKWITH’S (VOBHBBLT P*OC. 0. H. BOI.GKrf') ELECTBIOAL INSTITUTE, 1220 WALNUT BTREET, FOB THE TREATMENT OP AOUTE AND' OHKONIO DISEASES. Electrical investigation has proved that the human bode rc’b on the principle of the k<aii.c batiaty. Tha brain. omen* and soruus membranes. the *bin» Uwwi,' »ud fluids, ojMißtlmte the negative and positive forces; and every actio a, whether mental or physical* U the rdtubt of tbesi antagonistic forces Digestion. respira tion, circulation, secretion, atfi excretion attf doe soielyto BUctricaMofloeoca Than is a polar aalou esUbllebtd throughout the nervous system.which cna nects with every part of the body, establishing and preserving a proper balanceof the etoCfciicai.e-woevt* i Which eouatUmes health. and a . ; wb4ehi,| censes dtsenee. There are. strictly. but two conditions,l of disease—one of ltflamraatlon, or pjsitlve; the o*ber | weak, debiilt»W, rogaiive: ana as Electricity contalnai tbesetwo conditions in the ao‘iou of the positive and ,i negative curen'». alt we bare to do is to neutralise the i d|s» ase and restore proper healthy action. i . -We aonot>ißb to oenvey impression that we cure i all diseases litaU conditions: We cannotcure consump tion abet the langS Rre all destroyed: yet we do assert. ; and arc prepared to practically d«bK>aß'r*tu ; dredsof cases of almost evd form of ehrdulc disease* • i pronounced incurable by the be?t medlcil pracltioners of the country. been radically oiraßn. some o«. them in* an licredibly short time, by our. S T eotxlctfl. treatment. Its great anteriority over other practices in the cave of disease is also attested In the fact that, within the past five years* o*cr -/ourfoen thousand patients have been treated at tfcieotftae, suffering from almost every form 'and condition-o&disetse oomm't to hu manity. andin nearly a’l cates fc*J>4n Al or p*r eotcurc haß been effected. Therefore, with these FM3TM to prove our theory and treatment of disease, we ing to undertake any of the following diseases. with every hope and prosoeot of suoeees, With very others not here enumerated: L Diseases of the Brain and Ner&m? S}/9;em —Bel lepsy* Chorea or St. Vitus*. Dace*. (Hemiple gia and Paraplegia)* Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpitation of the Heart, Look-jaw. ete.» etc. *» d lessees of the Bye and Bar. 2. Organs and Tissues connected witfetfie Digestive System —Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Iharthi»i Dys*m tery, Obstinate Constipation, Hsomorrhoidaor Plies. BUlons. Flatulent, and Pointer’a Colic* and'ail affee tioneof iha Liver end Spleen. _ ■_ a Respirniory Organs Cough, lofla*nii, Atthma (when not cased by organic dtmas of (be bear!), Bronchitis. nearisy. Pleurodynia or Shenmi (tcm of the Chest, Consumption In-theearlT-states. 4. Fibrous and Muscular slr«f«m. —Rh nraetlnn. Goat, Lumbago, btilf Neck, Spinal Curvature, Hip DlbeßPß, Cancers, Tumor*. ! 6. Urinary and Genital Organs.— Gravel. Diabetes, and Kidney Complaint*,lmpotence and Seminal Wealc sch. The laf tec complaints never fall to yield rapidly to tble treatment. a Diseases peculiar to Females. —Uterine Com-' plaint*. involving a mal-poaltlon, as Prolapsm, Ante- Tenlon, Betroverrion Inflammation. Ulceration, and various othefaffection* of t ie Womb and 0 rarie yPaln fol. Suppressed, Scanty, or Profnse Menetrnatlon, leo corrlffia. ; TO LiDISR can we recommend this treatment ne one of'UNVARIED-SUCCESS. Almost Innumerable oust bayecoroe under treatment at onr office .woo oan testify to tbla foot.. Vrs. S. A. FULTON, a lady of crest expe rience and ability, hue entire charge of tbe Lae lee’ De pirtment, and all delicacy will be need t’wari thoee who entrust Hwia.elvee to her care. In female disrates a* mentioned In tbe above list, witbo.bere not tnm tioned, she has had a large experience, and can oonft dently promise tbs moet gratifying results. TO THE AFFLICTED. The treatment is mild and gentle, prolnelng no Shock or unpleasant eemailon whatever Onr professional intercourse with the afflicted will ever Os charact»rttad by perfect candor and honesty, and those whose com plaints are incurable, or do not admit of amelioration. Will bo frankly told so, and not accepted for treatment. It matters hot what may be your eomplaint, or -bow ' lone yon have cuff-red. o» how ranch or what coarse of treatment yon may have been subjected to, or what disappointments yon beve experienced; If tbe system Is not worn ont—if infflelent vitality remelne lor reaction— there is a fair prospect of recovery. REFERENCES. Tbe diseased and all interested are referred to the following-named gentlemen, who have been treated and witnessed onr treatment on others, at No. IKO Walnut itrtfttt A. J. Pleasanton, brigadier general, Philadelphia i A. Pleasanton, major general, St. Louis; W. B, Smith, No 1022 Hanoverstreet, Philadelphia: George Douglass, No. 28 South Fifth'street; William H. Shrtver, Haines street, Germantown; K O' -Btocktony street, Philadelphia; Charlee H. GriKVi Nos- 219 and 211 Church alloy; Imannel Bay, No 707 Sansom stra«t, at torney at law; H. Craig. No 1715 Arch street. No, 13Si Broad street; Robert D. Work, No. 61 North Third street; A G. OloU, N, B. corner Tenth and dfarhet streets; OeOTge Grnut, No. 810 Ohosinnt street; H, T. Desilver, Ne. 1756 Chestnut street; Ed. Moßallon, No. 1227 Front street, wlthmany others. Consultation free. Dtsoriptive circulars of cores effected, with nnmerons reference!, can ha had by ap plication at the office. All letters addressed to DB. S. W. BECKWITH, JlO THE PEOJPLE, JOW SSA.BT, _ A ■WOBIT BY r>R. VO SI MOSCHOTKBB* A Of SO 1058 Y WAUUIT Street, A BOOK FOB TUB PBOPIiI, Oa the following in All BAR DISEASES, THROAT DIBBASEB I2f ÜBNERW CLSRGTMEN'S AN u FCTBI.IO SPEAKERS SORB DISEAPBd OF TBE Aik PASSAGES, Bronchitis,) . ASIHSfA ASj» OATABB9T.,. „ The book U tni be iai of W, 606 CHESTfiUT Street, »bd at all flookiellara’. Price, °Tbeaothor, Dr. VON MOSCHZISKBR. can be «n -suited oa alt these a f l BB&V008 ArFBO I TIOHB whlfh b« treais with the surest augcaaa Q<a-°. VoaT WALNUT street -.agjnTi 3sl WATCHES AND JEWELRI. 'JHB SUBSCRIBES, HAVING BDOOIBDBD S’. P. DUBOSQ & SON, AT IOSS Ckeitnnt Street, - hncetfolly Informs hie friend* and enstomen that he ui f«y salt a large and vailed etoek ol WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER, AND PLATED WARE. Also, eeututly en hand, a Urge and well-assorted desk of N. RiaON, MM of Uu Ha of LEWIS LADOMUS & 00. TATCHK Ui nWKUH OAREFULLT EKFAIRBD. HOLD, Bilim, and DIAMONDS BOUGHT, faf-Sm CARPETS AJS.D OIL-CLOTHS. RALSTON, & CO., s HAHOT AOTUBIHB AWD COMMISSION MBBCHANTS, CARPETINGS, on, CLOTHS, MATTING'S, BUGS, fcO., SO. 019 OHHSTinJT STBSST, PFILADILPSTA, Q.OLD’BPATENTIMPRO VBD STEAM WATER-HEATING APPARATUS FOE WARMING AND VENTILATING PUBLIO BUILDINGS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. KAJtUPAOTUBItP Bf THJ s' VNIOB KTIAK AND WATEB-HBATINQ COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. JAMES P. WOOD & CO., 41 South FOURTH STREET. B. M. FELT WELL, Sup't. JaB-<»»‘fP g H. SLEEPER & CO., CIS MINOR IS* ’tfANTJFAOTUREHS, AGENTS, AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLINT AS® GREEK GLASSWARE, iiT« bow 1* Kioto o foil asaortmant of tho above (coda. Thl,h w« offer at tli» lowest market ratea. -Beinf ro1«. aaenta lot tbe SALEM GREEN GLASS WOBES, wo «ro prepared to make and work private noulde to ordor. PORTER, MINERAL, and WINS BOTTLES, of * apariot eolorand BaUh. Urn, LAMP CHIMBBTB, APOTHECARIES' SHOP j'tFBBITDBB, SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES, HOMGB ■PATHIC VIALS, and Droi(ri*tB’ Glasaware nnarally. T. A EVANS * CO.'S PITTSBURG GLASS VIALS lonatantlT on hand at factory price*. feU-Sm txrILLIAMB VANS, JR., TV ass SOOTH FROST STREET, ▼“•tfHtfffiS. W ln BD AMBMOAH AND f6rBIGS WINDOW GLASS, OF Ain DBSORIPTIOHB, AT LOWEST MARKET BATES. A««ntft>r PATWET GLASS LBfTBRS mhS-Smlp CT OK NON-RETENTION OR INCOK A. - TIBBNCB of urine,' irritation, inflammation oi Deration of tbe bladder or kidney* dteasaas of th, oroctate *>&nd», atono in the blaoder, eaiculuc. m ,sl or brick-duet deposit, and all dlaaaaaa of tke blad der, • kldneya and dtopaical aweninaa, tuo HELM- Soi,D’B fjiOlD gXTBACT BUOHV. ...... A Glimpse nt the dirl-Mmi Commission on the Jtimes and t'otuiuao. . To the Editor of The Press , Sis: A late survey and. examination or the U. 9. 0.0. In the Annies operating against Richmond oonvlnceg the writer, more-thanevar, of the value of this great enterprise, yshlolv is the noblest expo* contof a nation’s sympathy and the Ohuteh’s pity that has ever appeared in any land or ago. Bit no featnre of tbo Commission, perhaps, Is more eu oouraglng and admirable than the multiplicity of Its employments, and the ease and readiness with which It accommodates i*-«eir to change of clroam* stances. And we are persuaded that tliC-1 tuprovo ment of the inner man, upon which it Is now ex pending lts-ehlef power, with the most astonishing success, is Its legitimate tash, and thelxaot work which the time’demands. The reasoi for this Is olear. • v The army, In all Its departments, Is wßely differ- nrach superior to what it wae lo the begin ning. Four years ago the military education and experience .off the country was In Its Infancy, and the utmost etfortV tile Government ww Inadequate to meqt.the demands npen Its care t&d attention. In no4gpsrtment was this so sensibly-felt as la the medical) aff-tfid great suffering and mortality among our troops horg.-ample testimony. But since then a tulghty ohanaa has occurred, Hair a century of .improvement that brio! period- Syatqfifsmd erdtr have succeeded confusion, atdabuSdarree has snocetded want- more and bet ter surgeons, hospitals, medloloe, and general acoommcdatfons have beeri -addecl, so thaw, unless lmesdreme oases, there la nothing of a sanitary nature reqbtrephy the slog or wounded that the do- supply. Government la ndw-both abla and willing to Hi' Its full duty In tbis-matter, and. thero’ors any supplement to the Government In mere temporalities.lB,ln all ordt nanj cases, uncalled for. ir not'preposterous. It Is only In eKiraordinaty oasas—oases of emergency— such ss a great battle, a sudden transfer of sick and wounded from hospital to hospital, or the lauding of cargoes of famished prisoners. When thousands of helpleSs and needy men are thrown suddenly upon the bands of the ‘.Government, -that suoh supple mentary aid Is at all neoessaryfand even then It (s only for the moment. If not-noon the spot to ran der instant service, their occupation is gone; for as soon as the Immediate pres&irels removed, the provision of Government-la enffebient. ' Now- these emergencies the Christian Commission fully and effectually meets, sturdy teams, la den with ready supplies with a foroe of zealous and; Christian men. are 1 met wtth_on- every -field, arft generally the first Ami wheffthe body is oared for, or la beyond tbo reach of temporal aid, those .same men that dressed their wounds.: or poured them oat s- cup of aofiee. become the; ministers of mercy lu another and nobler sense-in ministering to the soul, and pointing the sufferer to Him who suffered on Calvary. It Is to this double actum of the Christian Cam mission to which attention is here Invited, and to which much of Its peoullar excellency Is due. In' emergency. It becoim a a .double foroe; apd in Inter vals of repose supplies a want not provided for by other societies. In ft the temporal and spiritual when needed, go hand In hand, each-.unimpeded by ,fhe other; and when the temporal Is unneeded, with draws It and throwß its full weight Into the-other By this flexibility, the Commission adapts Itself to the requtrementsof thottme; whereby It becomes either the nurse of the wounded soldier,- or hts re ligious instructor, or together. It ministers, In turn, to his body,-his mind, and hts soul; and aB Is true, to some extent, always to all three at once. It pitches Its tent on the bloody fieia, and aids m bearing away, stimulating, and nourish ing the wounded. j It Is ready with Its steaming coffee machine, the invention of Mr. Dunlin of this city, apd its neoes sary supplies to transfer a hospital without sacrifice Of life, or to feod our exchanged prisoners as they are delivered at Aiken’s Banding, boatloads of living skeletons. . It Supplies: too-innumerable little conveniences not obtainable in the army, inch as thread, needles, buttons, combs, pen Ink paper, stamps, &o , all of which are, of course, gratuitous. It relieves the ennnlof oamp and hospital, and 'lmproves the mind 'by' its large snpplles of books, traetB,abd papers, and by Its schools, which are now attached to nearly al fils stations. It meets the-religions .requirements or all, by Its dally sorvloe at Its large and commodious chapels, and by the personal and constant visitation of those unable to attend. Jt obtrudes religion upon none, while It effeots whatehaplainoy cannot. It gives to every man aiforlAsdox preacher ofils own denomt natlonal choice and AIM nightly, to overflowing, with earnest and lnqnlrimr teen, Bpadous chapels, wblah, under other- alrenmstances, would be almost deserted. m tuns commenuisg she Christian Commission, we mean no disparagement of otters, for all have effected much good, but to point out more olearly, the great excellency of ifeis one, and to direct the benevolence of the notion where its charitable pur poses may be best fulfilled, with the least expanse— that on the same principle whereby we choose the least of two or more Inevitable evils, we may choose the greatest of two or more attainable goods. Where.large contributions are made by a sympa thizing people ror the relief of Its suffering friends, It Is a beneficence only second to the giving to ex pend them to the greatest advantage. This, we eon elder, is due, both to the straggling heroes and to those who contribute for the amelioration of their condition, and therefore this statement needs no other exouse. A slight examination of the operation of the Com mission will fully justify this" high tribute to Its merits. Its present condition and usefulness speak highly of the wisdom of its directors, * But to («»individuals more than others, perhaps, Its success In the Armies of the James and Fotomao Is dne, namely: John A. Cole, Its unpretending but efficient general field agent, and General Patrick, the provost marshal general at City Point, who may be justly called the door of the Christian Church, the Mend of religion, and the patron of the Commission la those two armies. Under their management anrdirectlon It haß grown to colossal proportions, and ovary member of it displays 'strength and symmetry. Almost a tumultuous and confused rabble at the beginning, It has fallen Into line a highly effective and disciplined force. Of questionable utility at the is now an acknowledged power in the land by the highest Government officials, and a blessing on the lips of the soldier, Irom the private to the Lieutenant Its numerous stations, generally consisting o f chapel, reading and school rooms, cooking and dining apartments, storeroom, stable, and dele gates’ quarters-all strongly and neatly built of wood and oovered with canvas—ocaupy nearly every Important point In the army. Its delegates-aU, with rare exceptions, men or education, piety, and respectability—serve volun tarily, fbr a term of not less than six weeks, under the direction of the permanent field agents. Occupying high social positions, as most of them do, they-lay aside their broadcloth and ledgers, their ministerial dignity and class distinctions, and labor' willingly In the heat or cold, -to the mud or In the dust, under the ram of heaven or under the Iron ball of robe! guns. Tolling all day in the store-room, the hospital, or the camp, in any or every capacity, from a surgeon’s nurse to a scrivener, from a oommon porter to a preacher of the Gospel? In the evening they begin anew another: service, that of worship, and then, when their term expires, doffing their woolen shirts and haversacks, they return to their homes, glowing with patriotism and piety, the willing heralds of th® good cause. * Our limits will not allow tooldente or description. The report for the year,nowln press, will afford these? with much other valuable Information, no doubt. But sure I am, did the benevolent pnbUo see the working ofthe Commission with their own eyes—the amount accomplished In proportion to the expense incurred, the deep religious feeling along the whole lines, the class of men engaged In it, and the economy and concentration of force employed— they would speedily deoide upon Its unconditional support. ’ . The operation of the Christian Commission Is not only a work of pure benevolence, claiming tbe sym pathy of every philanthropist and patriot, but It is' also the work of Christ, the work of the Church, and of every Christian. It Is the Christian Commis sion. Yea! independent of'lts merely humane beneficence, It is -the most important missionary of the day. It has opened up, cleared, and is now working a field of the most surpassing fertility and fruitfulness. It Is doubtful, indeed, whether all the missions in the whole world are doing as muehlbr the salvation of sonls at the present time as Is the Obiistlf* Commission la the armies of the United States. x As a work of benevolence and missionary enter prise It should Interest the world, but as one of na tional and religious duty It belongs, par excellence, to the American Christian. One other thought. Our country’s straggle Is nearing its end. The rebellion Is preparing for one grand effort more, the convulsive straggle of despair and death. So say the Initiated- The Government is preparing for it, and so Is the Christian Commis sion. It may come In a week, or a month; but I» any case soon, and will Involve a great expenditure of blood and treasure. The Commission is prepared In all Its arrange mental in delegates, tents, and teams. It has every thing but money and tbe material for distribution. Give jt this, once more, and the work will be com plete. In all probability this will be the last appeal made to the patriotism and humanity of the nation. One more grand effort of the army and - the people, and the country Is saved. I am sir, yours truly, Y. li*3o WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1865.; % A, Card. CuksTuct Hiti. Fa., March 43, IBM. To the Editor of The Prat; Sib : Allow me to corr. ct a misprint occurring 1b you tone of to day and yesterday. . „ . Th« communication with reference to the emotion of two colored .soldiers from the street cars is credited to the Bov B. J. Bar Yin, “Sector of St. Fanis, Chat -11 Mr Farcin la the rector at Cheltenham, net Chestnut Bill The rector of St. Paul's Chestnut Sill* was Bet a -W)tn«»8of the occtirre’BO*; bfri, had h« bean, ho w>uld wry *U4ly have broaaht to the notice of the public the outrage which Hr Patyiu expow*. „ very reipeotfully, yours, Ac * _ . J. AhDSSWS HABBISc,. Hector of fit. Paul'** Chestnut HiU. P&rfffMorphy, the chess champion, is praotl otogf urn l» Ww-'QEtyntr r Bb*s. A WAIL FROM RlCHffm, THE “ PRESWE.KT" AND ‘'CONSWES9'' NOT IN HARMONY Report or ttie Senate Committee on Message. DESPAIRING AITKAI TO SOUTHERN MANHOOD,’ The Richmond Sentinel of the 29th inBt. publishes tbe Important documents from which we make the annexed extracts. The Sentinel nays the following is tl e report or the Senate committee on the resent message" of President Davis. it was read and adopted in secret session, and thw seal of secrecy removed cn the 16th iDBt.: - ' > BBPOBT* The gel«ot committee to whom ww referred so much ol tbe President's metuce of.tie tSth instant, as re latee p vtbe action of Congress during the present see • ei«'D, OftTlng dolj considered the sumo, respscifaiiy snLxnlt the lollowlog: report: a*miw& thk slaybs. The President, In his ofIUUI oommnnleatton to Con gT6r>& has recofcm*na*d the patsage of. a lawpattias i laves Into the army as soldihra, and the message under cossicmat on is the first official Inform»tloa that sash. « hw would meet his approval. In this co&a&ciicm the .foliowivalansaegeitiued: *• If this policy should recommend Itself to the judg ment or Congress. 11 >s soggestsd that, la adoition to the duties heretofore performed by the slave he nitsht he. advantfigeoualy employed as pioneer and engineer la borers: and. In that event, that the number should oe iortv thousand, . Bsyohdlthlfl llHdt-aad.- tl ese employments jt .does not'seemto me aesirabie, under to go V It is mtahesv that tbe President, In November last, did i ot oi>n«ider that the eoutihgency. had then arrived •wMrh would justify a resort to ihe extraordlnan po- Hey «f unsung *ur fciaves » Indeed, no other-iaferaace can <helangasseu«edby dm. Atwhet perl dqf the ttiswn the President or Suer* fary uf War considered the improbable contingency ■ kaa arisen, which required or resort to'slaves a* an rlemeut of r*sistance t dues not appear by any official oot-uumt within iheknowledgs of your committee, Contiew well have delayed action on this sab* j*ct until tbs present moment, sus the' President, whose odn*U'tit)o*af<lnty It give to tbe Coogrsss infer state of the Confederacy, I 1 has never etktOi'imfcby&a hentiG manner, for the passage of a of slaves as soldiers. The Seriate however, did not wait the tardy move nnnte of the President. On the mb of December. it 64 tbe folk-wing resvlation was adopted by the denate tii (M-crS' -* " „ • SesuVond. That tbe President be requested to inform tbebenau*. In secret session, astultae state of finances in eunnecilom with the paymentof thetroopi; the means of Mtrpyin* the nmritions of war, transportation and rabeiaTence: the cone ition of the-armv, aad,the pi*ji tliity of reuniting the same; the condition ot oar fo reign relations, and whether any ala or enoonragoment from abroad is orpectedUor has besn sought, or is pro pce«d» bo that the Senate may nave a clear and exact vlfw of the state of the country, an t of Us fatare pros as. and wbat measures oa-gteUtlon are required: Inreeptrrute to~thUt 'rmsolvtion. the Presiritmt might treU have communicated to the Senate his views a* to the necessity'and policy of arming the slavoe of the i Vonftd*roeti, **■ a meuns nftmb fc defence. Nf-an twerwfyiUvtr has been made to theresoluHon. In ad' OitloDto this,a joint c>mtmic:ee was raised by Congress, under a concurrent retoiatlon adopted ill secret session on thti 9uth December. 1864 * ■ • . ' A written report was made by the committee on Janu ary 26, 1866, end* had a conference with the President, no aliurten t« made in the report to any sug gestion t>y him that the necessities of the coaetry re quired the fcmploymt'ns of slaves as trader ibete ciroozhttafoee, Congress, influenced no doubt by tfa opinion of Qua. Lee, determined for itself the pro . prirtv, policy, and necessity of adopting the measure in guesHbn. _ -ii.e rfecymmendsttons-of the President to employ 40.(00 slaves as cooks, teamsters, and as engineer aid p-one*r l»,borer>, was assented' to, suedalawnaa been maeu-d at tbe prsfeeht session for the purpose, without *’ AU the measures recommended by the Resident to promote the effioUnoydf the army navobeen adopted except, the cm-tet<&**lbt cuss exemption; end some measures m t eucgesitd bj him —such a* the creation of ,eneral*in-chief—were originated and passed brOoa tiete. witb. aview to the restoration of public conftdeaoe aiid the energetic administration of military affairs, THB SUBJECT 09 BXBMPTIOWS, . On the subject of exemptinns, the P/ealdeot, In his mesrate of bov 7. uses the following language: * “So pursuit nor position should relieve any one, who le able to do active duty, - from enrollment in the , army, nntess his functions orservices are more useful to the defence of bis country is another sobers'.' adtlt: 1s manifest that this cannot be the case with entire ciasies. All telegraph operators, workmen la: mtaeu, professors, teachers, engineers, editors and employees of newrpapeis lourneymen. printers, shoemakers, tan ners, blacksmiths, millers, physician* and numerous other ciafte» mentioned in the laws, cannot in the na ture of things be either equally necessary in their seve ral professions, nor distributed throughout the ccmatry in such proportions tbit only the exact number re quired are found in each locality. ’ 1 The casual reader would infer that the laws, as they stood at the date of the message, exempted the classes enume.ated by the President, as well as many other dams not mentioned by him. Such is not the fact. The truth is, that the bill originally introduced iaio toe Senate, exempting skilled artisai» and mechanics, was actually prepared in one of the bureaus of the Wfer De partment. Gostrets. Uere'ore, had reason to suppose that it would meet the sanction of the fixecutiye.. After stating the classes entitled to exemption the re port speaks a* follows of. . In remarkable contrast to the number of persons re lieved from military service by the exempiioos above znentiosed.’tne report of the Conscript Bureaaeamoits the faev that east of the Mississippi river H 036 men >ave been detailed by Ex-csUve authority. la coaee quence of this abuse of the power oi detail at its present eessios, passed an act revoking all details, and limiting the exercise of that power in the fatare. GBHBBAJtr MILITIA. LAW. It i* true th»t Comren has fatlo4 to reapoud to the re,<jtDni«i!)»tton of the VieeUent toonut a .rami mIHUa law- Tho iubject was oon.idar.d, aad the faUnt. to act vm the rcolt of doaberatton. >Sto>.«n tertotton laws enacted By Congreen h&Te placed in the military eervlce of the country aii. it. abie-nodied.Ui zcn. between the agee of .eyentesn and fifty. The whole military material of the count cy, ao f*r as Iso lation i. eoneerned, i. absorbed by the conscription acts There la none left os which a militia law can operate, except the exempted claeeec and the boys nnder eeyeateen, and the men oyer fifty years of age. li was deemed expedient t-> allow this material to re main snbiect to thi control of the Stats .anshoritle. for the purposes Of local police, to aid la tbe arrett orde ssnere, and -1b enforce the ad minis Elation of State IM,B ' BABfiAS OOEPUS. It 1* also true that the Pretident hae recommended tbe paseege of a law enspendin, the privilege or the writ of habeas corpus, xbie jecommcndatioa was the subject of a ipecial menage, in secret session It oeen pltd ti e attention of (tosgreisffor'fonr or fire weehs. After mature deliberation the measure wae laid aside at unimportant and inexpedient. Spies can be arrssted and tried snmmariiy, without suspending the writ of habeas corpus Conspiracies, tending in any manner lo tte injury of onr canes, were provided for by a ineeial act, pasted at the present session, —to define and pnnieh conspiracy against the Confederate States.- * As the hehsfits lo be denyedftom the suspension of the writ were conjectural, tte deliberate judgment of Con tries wae 'expressed by its silence on the subject It te to be legietteo that the Ixtcn iye does not concnr tn these yiewe, and again eatleon rerise Its action, and to ttUp,nd the writ of habeas eotfius, as a measuie -- almost indispensable to the snccetstnl con dnet of the war ” If the fact stated In the confidential message, Alluded to by the President, he the basis of the opinion that the auspension of the writ *‘ ts indie peneable to the euceessral conduct of the war, ” the Contrese does not concur in that opinion. The writ has not beensnspinded eisoe Angnst last. rmuroiAi, teoublbs. The currency bill wee recommended to Congress, and bated on tbe condition of the linaneesi presented Jby the President in his metsage, and by the Secretary of the 1 reaenry in hie report, it was abandoned without regret and because at a subsequent period of the ses sion it wae ascertained that the arrears of public debt, constituting cash demands on tbe Treasury, exceeded— by nearly four hundred millions—the amount origi nally reported to Congress by tbe Secretory of the Trea sury. The currency bill contemplated tbe reduction of the currency to orm hundred and fifty millions, by a conversion of treisuiynota* Into tithe certificates, pay able after tbe war, and by tbe annual application of a portion of tbe taxes in tbe nature sf a sinking fund. Tbe treasury notes received for tithe csrilttcates were to be cancelled. The military reverse*, whtchimpaired the credit of the Government to sneb an extent a* to de stroy tbe saleability oflary of its bonds, left little hope that treasury notee would he exchanged for tithe oertl flwtes As soon as the enormous increase Is the arrears of debt was discovered, as above mentioned, all Idea Of reducing the currency was abandoned as Impracti cable. The tax bill le regarded by the President as liberal, though inadequate. .Po nation on earth ever conducted a protracted war by resources derived from taxation alone The message intimates a regret that the racout mendation by the -ecietary of the Treasury of a tax on agricultural Incomes, equal to the augmented tax en outer incomes, payable in treasury notoe, was rejested by Coniisss. This is evidently a mistake, as it assumes that there has been an Increase of taxes on ether than agTisaltsial incomes. It appears from the correspondenee KubmtiictftoCan frrss that the Secretary of War, as early ssthe 18th of ebrnarv, notified the President of the embarrassed con dition of his department—and it is ti te regretted that the Executive deliberated on, and postponed for eo long a period as twenty days, the communication Of that in formation to Congress. • , „ If loss of time be a vice inherent in deliberative a«- sembliei. promptitude Is a great virtu, in Executive action. There le cvery disposltton on the part of Con gress to comply with the requisitions of the President, and some mease of raising the coin desired will, no doubt, he devised. It is unfortunate that the necessity for coin in the commissary ospartment wa. not mads known until the message under consideration was re cplvfid Nothing is more desirable than coneord and cordial eo- operation between all departments of Government Bence your committee regret that the Executive deemed it necessary to transmit to Congress a message so well calculated to exclte'ducord and dissension. But for the fact that the succsse of the great struggle in which the country is now engaied demndstoemnch on the confi dence of tbs people in the Legislative as in the Execu tive Departmentsof the Government, the massage would have been received without comment. Tear committee would have preferred Alienee. It has been induced to sn opposite course, because they believe Congress would be derelict in its duty to permit its legitlmata rad con stitutional influence to be destroyed by Executive ad-, monitions, inch ae thoie eon tainedfin the message under consideration, without some public exposition of its conduct. Bespectfully submitted, THOKAB J. SB HMSS, . W. A. GBAHaU. A T. OAPBETuE. JOHE W. a WaTSOH. APDxnes oy th» sxbbi. oortennss to Tin rno- Tbc ollowing extracts are from the desperate appeal mad# by the rebel Congress to the people of the seceded States. Aftereulogiidnf the army and calling on South ern manhood to sustain the cans#, It says In regard to. re-onlon: The Confederate Slates would be held as conquered provinces by the despotic Government at Washington. They would be kiptln subjugation by the stent hand of military power, as Venetia aid Lombardy hare been held by auitrla—a* Poland Is held by the Kussian Ctar. Sotoniy would we be deprived of every political fran chise dear to freedom, but socially we would be dot graded to the level ot slaves, If, indeed, the refinement of malice in our enemies did not Induce them to elevate the negro slave above his lormer master. y W "*f'* » A ♦ ♦ W But if we look to the amount and character of onr population, we see especial reaeons why we should M encoura. ed to hops for, nay. to be assured of our ulu mate success. Ho people of our number can be eub jnssted unless false rad themselves, their courage, faith, rad fortitude fall them We.have upon <nr roij s a very large army of veteran soldiers. It Is true—rad it is a sad tomb to confess—that the number present for duty is terribly. disproportions* to toe on tire aggregate. This is too notorious for concealment, and we have no desire to conceal anything. We wish to apeak fiaskly and tiuthfuily to yon of the actual condition of things. The number of absentee! from your armies has been afruitful cause of disaster. On many a hard- fought field the tide of success would have turned overwhelm lusty in onr favor had all been pre sent whom duty required ip participate in the strife, we willnetstop to inquire Info ihe «nses of an evil which wo have so mneh reason to deplore. * •* * The appolntm entby the President of Loo as ** General, n-chief' has dona mneh to restore oonfidonoe to the country and to relnsplio the anny. feel that w» may safely repose this weighty trust And nssponsiWUty in that great soldier and devoted patriot. All feel that, we may lean upon him as our-tower of strength. All reel that his ealm com ago and Bteadfast purpose, lus miiitaryskill endwise judgmeni. will enable him to wield our armies with the maximum efficiency rad strength. May God strengthen him for the great task to which a confidjng people have called him j f f * To provide means for tarrying on the war, Congress has boon compelled to Impose npontho 0.-nntry a heavy burden of taxation. But. heavy as U is, It to not too heavy for the country to bear, rad not hoarier than our «vrat» Imperatively demand- It is imp rssible to main tain the mighty contest in which we are engaged with out vast expenditures of mousy. Money can only be raised by loans or taxation. Onr condition does not .noble us to effect tbe former. We must of necessity, resort to the latter. » . , . , , . Xet ue emulate the example of tbe Russian people when invaded by the grand army of Havoieon. Let ns sc willing to make any and every sacrifice, and con* rider it but a meet offering on !hc alter of onr country. By thvlightot the blaring ruin of what bed once been . proud pslaca. Hapoiaohread this Inscription, which Uootopl slim bad affixed to his gate: 1 ‘ Frenchman t I have spent eight years in embellishing this residence. Hero UtoTO Uvod happUy U tho W*«a qf B y {aaUy DXTAILSP MBIT. THB TAX DBLATB* FOUR CENTS* •"-ttei&lh&ilßflfo of tbt* estate, Bumberiax weiiteeu hundred and ivreutr persons, haying quitted II at: your aipmtefc, and i uh, with my owa h*adf r fired jsy beloved feene to prevent Its pollution by yoar p;«wii«. * r The concluding rally la in tks foilowla* poettctf laa |MWf . • - Leins bo flftltt find retolitte, Letn*ebowthat<mr faith is 1b trar cßuw and In Bt* »uldanoe wh©sb»p*. thedejtlßieaof lvations, ‘*ia fixed,and onnotmorff. ’ : In i hat faitb, and with hanble reliaase on ihai gald* ■ a nee, lei os hope sJi all thiniwraad 1 vriuiLtre strike the brv&Aera of onr country. Ist rail i * f on, patiiottem, love* honor, nobis pride--*orery oen t ttnient saorei and dear to the heart or man aerve adr 1 arms and give vigor to* the blow. Then shall we eon -1 qucr the peace for wtt<eh tre all so ardently yearn! shall we make thenteinoriesiof onr sUnxhtereo |f non* and brother* glorious and immortal! Thus abaU 1 We compel the nattons of he earth to raesiTn.a&d wel come ns amoSg them Thus aball we make'the ploagh aid the reaping hook replace ifce canaofc and the ewoid, aid onr Ta»agedfinds smile one*?more with teeming harvests! Tons shall we return onr devoted sclifert to their loDg-abandoned home*, and enable ©nr peooie o>*efmbre to ell each ander hie own rioe and Sk tree. with none to- znacetbem afraid! ■ Tubs ebailwbznaceenr ehlldneß. and l onr children's chu dren, to the, lemotest tenerestonevrUe up and call tts blessed. Thttr* and thus oi#7»>&h»Upe*e6 andinde- and ihseparaete, spread thetf hruaJ wingesbcsA ns, and p;ent?, prosperity, and happinem reign tfcrotfffcotrt our native lands AX>dFOtCTBWaia»W.OV TUB BIOWStOVFB OOUQ3BBBB. On Saturday last both Housee- adjourned,. In the Senate the closing proceedings were* Ur "Wateon, of Mhurietippl, then ieu<f the fol! Swing report! • Mr. pßßan>3wr: The joint committee charged with that dnty h&vo welted Opon the President of the (Son federate State*; iui4'l»forja%d him ttuieea he had some further communication to make to-©oagreei, tlit bedv was now ready, to adjonrn.. In rstrfy the Presi dent. In substance’; et&tod: That he nowhwd no farther communication tomsketo Cong'ess; that in hie recant mteeage he had fully explained his views ae to the Utlei&iion reqnbtd by ibo state of the country; that so the fall extehtof hiepowew Snd the resources pieced af h'P disposal, all might feet ensured of his pnepise faith fully to protect »nd defenetttae country. He hoped that the members of the two* Heaaes might aH safey r«ic& tl eii homes# and that they and thsirTamilise Wad their common country mishtcontinue to experieneothe pro* teetloß had favor of Hea vea. The lour of % P.. Jtt.. having arrived, Mb Ssuter, tee., «£r.a. i* becomes the duly, of the chatr to annoonoe tte Senate adjourned cine die. M . ' . * Y'T )& the Hobbs, a'ter mhimUaz report from, thu com mittee t> wait OB Hr; jsa>ifis invrhich it was- stated that ‘Ube PKaident the memhore- or Ooe arses that a great dealdepadfd On iheir individual ex ertions in urgieg tbetr eocsti3u<ihts and fellow-cißaea* gcamUy to a patriotic devotion to their Ciuse. and a strenuous reristaate of the enetty, concluded br *xpr*gairg.hU sincere good' wishes, iadirldnatiy and e °The Chair announced the Bones of Bepreeintettves adjourned Bine die. * 4 FINANCIAL AND CUMMERCIAL. The pvnlc in (he stock market appears t» have ignite ruleided. there la yet. however, a feeling of uacasl neie, as if the wo ret kad sot yet keen reaohed. (JuM HUtttsaes to deoiise, and yesterday it reached its lowest figure Itefoiied quite fttm nkllf, but about soon tt wasevidentdista farther deolire was Insatiable, and banco there were lar*e aalea * ‘short," aud little diapo sttlun eatscad to enter Into ewenaira epaonUilont of any bird. ' Eellera nnmbarad luoro Utah the bayeaa. ao thhi holder* of atocka, under the deaira toreaii», ha d to fcobiutt to a somewhat lower mage of qabtatioas. Ceasnmera of merchandise and prodnee am aetiug span the theoiy that prices will he much lower at an early day.andcoueeqßeßtlr hayintheamaUeatway. Oorern meat loans alone show any thlnslike steadiness, which contrasts Very atrbngly-wUh the coarse which other stonrlticaiue' taking. The 1881 s aoldat a farther 1 ad vance of X. the s aoa at lO6Jf. aa4tbe-10 40» at 92K3 iS. Elate Ga inpro-red somewhat,, sailing up to 85. There was'nothing said in the-war loan. 6s. City hew, ualm'dsslinsd, cole* haring basa mad*'at 80; the old were , not Inquired' for. Company bonds were in moderate demand: second mortgage Pennsyl vania Railroad bondt improved 1; the Jrst mort gage do. sold at ;»l Phllsda phU aad Brie (< said at 95, and Lehish Jlc of 1870 at 9S. Tbs share list was irregular. The chief feature was the de clipe ol lTi in Beadtng, whisk sold at tie cloaa at 4514. Pennsylvania Railroad was steady at 03 Fhiladsl pbia and Brie sold at 17—an advance of % Oatawisaa preferred dselinedC. sates bsiog made at*); the com mon stock sold at 9; northern Central at 4i; and Lehigh Valley at DBJ,. The coal stocks soil to a limited ex tent; ClintcnatK. and Bis Mi aotaln at Canalse cnritUs were heavy; Eusqaehanna Canal sold at >K, Wyoming at 49. and Schuylkill Navigation proferrsd a: 87K. The only sale of passenger railroad stock was of Thirteenth snd Fifteenth, at 19/ 52 was bid for Second and Third; 40 for Fifth and Sixth; 17 forThirtesnthaud Fifteenth; ID for Arch street ;39 for dreen and Coates: snd 2) for Girard College. Bank Bharei continue very quiet, and we heard of no sales 28 was bid for Manu factarers’ and-Mechanios’. and» for Corn Exchange; 191 was asked for North America; 137 for Philadelphia;. . 137 for Farmers and Mechanic?-. 62 for. Commercial; 99 for Northern Liberties; 44 for Penn Township; and lifl for Western. In the.oll stocks there was rather mom doing, but genenily at a deelina in prices. Maple Shads sold at 21, Jersey Well et 4, aud Sugar' Creek st 14—the latter being a decline of J£. The following were the quotations of gold at the hours named: - kti M,,.—— ™.„,.157J4 11 1, M.~— ..«-16«)4 8 — Wmemtlfi?, P, Mia i4«B?iiiiMe*4ntM>c w4esiiM»ei4i*t'Ml.lStl 4 Pe K~ * * .^*^**■ leetoMMMCs li!l . .The subicripilpns to the 7-30 loan received by Jay . Cooke yesterday amount to 53,084,760; includingbrieof $190,000 rromPhllsiielphls.andone of *314,000 from Ciu cinnati There were 2,ltd individual subscriptions of *st@lCoeach. ; The following were the closing quotations for the principal navigation, mining, and oil stocks: Did. Ask. t ' Mtd. Ask. gohlNnv —.. 25 !Germania™..... H H Soul Gav prof.... 29 S7K! globe 0i1™..... 2 94 Su&q Canid..» b£i Bove‘s Bddy O. *. 1% Feeaer Dam Cl.. .. % Hibberf 0i1..™» IX IX ST A Mid Cl Fid .. ' 9 Urde/arm™™ .. 3* New Greek Coal. .. % Keystone Oil™.. l« 2 Swatara Falla Cl -■ _B>4 Miple dhade Oil. 20 21 Atlas..™.« ™«-, 1« 13-je McCHntoek 011.. .. Alien A Tldeoute .. IX Mingo 8 69 .. Big Tank....—.-. 3 MeßthenyOß.™ .. 4 % Branden Jelsnd.- .. IK McCrea A Cher B. Vi IX Deacon Oil.. 94 11-16 Noble A Bel 6 Bail Creek 2„ .. Organic 0i1...... SS Briggs 4)11 2X 3K Pope Form Oil IX Bufn’g Spr Pet.. .. 2« Pet Centre,™— 2'A m Continental Oil.. - Phils & Oil Ck 1 Crescent City™. ISI 1* Revenue.--- 2 Curtin .. 1214 Roberts.Oil-™.. .. 2 Corn Planter tU 9 Rock (Ml.— 3 .. Caldwell™—— 4X 9 Rathbone Pet™. .. 2 Cow Creek—•• IX IJ4 Bherman™...... .. IX Cherry Bun.™— 39 Seneca 0i1.—.. ... 4X Dunkardon IX - 3tory Farm Oil- IX IX BunkardGreek.. 94 .. SchlkOCk— 1 ■■ Denamore 011.... SX 4 8t Nicholas SX 3X Dalzeiiou.™... 7 7X Story Centre™.. .• 7. Excelsior Oil 1 1 Suntoy ™.™.. - X Egbert 3 3X Tan Homestead. •• 4X Eldorado.™ IX DnloaPetrol..... .. IX FanslOU.™—•• - 1 Walnutlsl»nd...iX IX Franklin Oil— .. 2X Watson—™.™ .. 3 Great Western... .. SX The Board of Bireotors of the Maple Shade Oil Com pany yesterday declared a regular dividend of four per cent., and an extra dividend of eight per cent., making in all twelve per cent., payable on and after the 30th lost. Advices received in this city from the superintendent of the Wyoming Valley Canal state that the reported damage to the canal by the lata fieshet was greatly ex aggerated. The repairs will not coat more than $20,000, and it is expected that the whole canal from Wilkes harre to Northumberland will be In perfect order about the Ist of May next. The follow In* Is the amount of contracts made under the rales regulating trade with the insurgent States, hr eighteen contractors, the produce to be delivered on and after March 1 and bp to Jannarr 1, 1886: Gotten, 769,000 bales; Tobacco, 10,000 hide; Tobacco, 29,000 boxes; Turpentine, 32,340bb15; Hosln, 24 700bblB; Pitch, 0,000 bbls; Tar, 18,000,bMes Lumber, 2.000,000 feet. Beside the contracts not yet expired, there are a larae number which'expired on the first of this month, aggregating about IK,OOO bales of cotton, 13,800barrale of turpen tine, 2,C00 barreli of rosin, and 790.000 pounds of to baeso. The outstanding contracts sorer produce which, at much below entrant prices of the articles,, would amount to over $190,000,000. The* Pittsburg. Port Wayne, and Chicago JSallroad- Compahy hare declared a quarterly dividend of twoand one-half per cent., free of tax, payable April 17th.. The London Board of Trade returns far ths first month of the present year have been Issued, and they show that the extraction of trade which had taken place during the latter end of the past year has partial ly ceased. They shew a small Increase in the total value of the exports of British and Irish prodnee and manufactures, the value being set down at £10,489.389, against £10,413.t88 In the corresponding month of last year. The export of cotton manufactures from £2,993,- 314 in January last year have increased to £3,14!,072; linen manufactures from £951,899 have Increased to £(67,866, but in cotton and linen yarns there Is still a de crease. ESUcmanufactures also exhibit a falling off, and woollens and worsted goods, which laet year were £l,- 899,792, are now only £1,899,192. In the other items the variations are not important. "" The following Is a statement of coal shipped by the Swatara Goal Company for r Week ending March 16 «..1,772K tons. P»TiOttB.y lePOnedcev.wot e»»»w4,ll4X * Total for season.-** **»•**•*-*********««*-**"s* &87X '*S Drexel &Co. WLOUI - mam , „wa,iSMft.i> xr«w Dsitod Bt*tea Bonds, 1881* «♦«»*-• * * w *« *• ttexttf of Isdebtodaew*.* 87 © 97* QuaitdnaMtera’ Toocliorß. gj| Firs -twenty Bonds. —. *~~*»—«lO5lD6K Tea*forty Boada****»»«■**»«*..»•,. 91%® 9i% Tie BewYork Post of yertorday says: Gold is lower to-day. and ha* receded to 182J£. The loan market ta active .and borrower.. If not la rood credit, with difflcnliy obtain with .ample margin on miscellaneous securities all the funds-they requlra at 7 per east. Commercial paper Is dull at 8@tl«. The etoei market opened steady. Governments showed more animation, and pric, h improved. Of the railroad eh area Mew York Central and Brie were firm, hnt on Hudson being struck there was a sudden rush to sell, which broke down prises, and all the llet ermpa thiiedwtth the fall. Sixes of 1881 eold down to M 5. At ihe close there wee some Improvement The following quotations were made at the hoard, compared With those ofWodneiday afternoon.- . Thurs. Wed. Air. Dpe. United States «s, 18S1, oonpon.lOOK IC6 IK .. United States fi-aOooopons.—108« MS la United States 8-30 coupons, newlOSg 104 K IK .. United Sieves IftfiOsoumme™. 98 JJX 1%. - . United States Certificates- 96K 97 •• X Beading™.—- - —92 9* .. S Ths market closed dull. Balsa of StaCKs, March 23,1868. THB OPBH BOABD. *5OOO B.S fi.JOe.OM..-106-81 SMBoyalJ . 400 Atlas—,—sfiWJt. IX 2® t do--—MS.. SX an - do'o*«s*s«etteeee JM ll'O PMU&IJI «»•»♦•••» 1/4 WBnS£~»?- i* ig i3o-. 7% UOtun.Home-*-.**** 4% ICO Soroka. »•*• —3K Jif BSI IfiOOjXCOIBiOr 1% % IfO Jersey Well.,——• 811 100 [Montgomery. . d 400l«en— • ** SOOBsbert.—. 8g 200 McCliatoek. i% 1000 Hibbard—- ig 4 M .100 Wm Penn-.. -bSO. 4)5 800 Bose Oil.,—— IK SKCOr - 90S Clinton Coal—- «!, ecu do —• }f£! MWWI- 1% 100, do—*S.. 'IK ICO Srbert— S IMDalzell.——.b3o. 7 81 100 Mingo . ——. 8 <9 700 Kzceldor ..... —.. ljf 800 do •—.* IK 200Hldorodo. —. IK ICO Hibbard e.MO. IK lOOOUCrdtChstry B WS SALIB AT TBX BEBULAI Sevorted tv Sons, Miller, 811088 2fo Story Farm adwn. 1 «J| 200 Beading R loterl!_ «7 %\ MS Dalzell OU—b!o 7X' FIBBTB 1200 do— .—lots s 6 87 1000 do—•— ®* {OOO : do.—.—MO. |« 1000 do—. |!j, 200 State*!—— B* ■ 9SS LebiebeeMTO.—• BCO Bead* Ban* Mg- « IDO do —•“ S ICO ; do——«sK Wf» THE WAK VBE»9. 1 Tub Wax Fbi»p be sen! to sabserlbett Sr . mall (per annum lnEdvanoel Five eopleg, ...TO 09 Tencoptee™..— „—™a* O# larger ciube than Ten wi.l be charged at the sum rate, *2.00 per copy. The mm*# must almaua accompany tht or*tr, mf fa !3 Mr 9* fi*kh #» they agortt veni UU.t mere fifem (fu ctkof popsr. "* t * vuaa Wats fgg N»-ToHi*g*tt*r-uportheranb*r*ittbrtwintv aw extra copy of the paper will be given: . 800 Siorr Pjt® — t q, 800 I>aJa<4l Oit«4< >oi« JMW do...*»«btf‘i>ts tjS 600 Rxctlertor fc3l»}*-t i, fOO Bbwe'ijtnnoti 200 w«i£v—, r 100 Mapta fe2uute.~.~. f <OO ao-—• 1000 Caldw«u Oil i<we. | 1400 KcCliatock Oil Us’ 4# 100 do ~~~~b£K 1? . 230 Cora Pl&ata* ■*+— 45fr 200 Adamaatlite».lefe; flic l(k. T+rr Homestead.. 4K 600 Waltnt tgf&ni Its jSte 1000 St mohoUa...b3». i? [ BOARDS. ICO Tenns. 64 r lOO EeadW 4T 100 do 63# 400 d0..........i0U too B 66-20 Boa* 8. ~ .106 1100 do ....lots *dye 4&t 10C0’ do*~....,eftsli.Ms& 200 Bt* Motsawfa ... 1# lffO ? . do* IC6* lono CilyOi... a®w« see jlcflKModi —bso 4& 7if Wyottln* OJUV.bS 4* tOiVJsrwy Well..lots 4 1100 do«—...«.!<>*» iS •HW- WBto*W»M BO da V M« ICO OllCrettt CEoo 4}f< 180 ©ntt.ll> 0U....~. .» ICO do. ....WO -k% KWBxeultltT Ml I H 1((0 fttrolon® Ceatro SJi 4W . Oil —oistj 1.94 topcnttcntra+j-.... JJ? 60O.g«i»wliiMB...b*J 10 SCO EOWWr K K»-c*ll ICO Bu T*nk._ U 3J£ «0 d0....-reg..lota «% 100 OBskiri j« ao" ..Sdity»* Int 46)£ SOI Mf SRCOSD BOARD- ICO do.—a— cB. 47K NO do. ™. lots bS : 47N AO do-—sAAint. 47X IS g:.7!foirclS.:Sx IsO Penna 8—... lorn 94 H 0 do-lote slOwn. 84 100 d0...—5»0. A 4 , 100 do— slOwn flat 94 10 LeMrbValley—— WX ICO Uatawisea R fref 20 BO do bW- »1 *Pbi)aABHeB... 10? Bchuyl Mav Pref.. bbtwnbm l«BTTß6y»t.Cbwplo6X Cl Pennaß *jv woo Fse a9*Bd«. o. s,. ir«# no i*ii a ictti »t s i, 4100Bute ft- —. 85 InoSchnv a Prof,.eSO tne )ott Cltj 6s ITejr i 6 £0 Eure**..... _.... 10C0 Ferns *24. IT.--X» 200 Atlae \& .J/O --W*f.K MO do1«*« I*t| IflO do .bfitriftr 48 200 Deceit 011-..._b5 73C ZCO d0—.85.V..10t» 46 14 0 McCllotosk O.Jote eg ICO do W4SJC 100 HcCiiMookO ,fc» 400 do— 06?... lots «» 6 0 BoyalPiit lo a LSI SCO d 0... -lon 41* 6<o OoraPlanter., lots »J£ AFTBIt BOaBDS. HTOBotbI 0...155r,b50 2_j 500 Ca1dwe11...... 630 S fOO Mliibo.loU..altiwn 3?jf 100 Oie&ceotUity...... UEd M 0 City 0»K... 85 ilO &apie dhsdfr —*t ■*—!. ol aUnftVoßdi:.^^ ItCMcCUntoCk 0..b30 p 4% BALKS' 'ASJBB.B GLOSS. • 600 U 8 B-20s — W&H* iOßHJaldwell OBU**w 4t£ 1030 do I«SX ,10U do S ICO Etttln* B r £OO do low 4$ 1(0 f 4008u»q Canal ....bSO 2CO* do .— y *0 Adas Oil, 13-10 10U Jfev»*y Well. 4 2C081«Taf1A.......... 8 m&r *liir<»ck ..—B5 4£ Jto do S t OTCO lBSt.~ 'iGQAtl&o 0i1.......... tjfJ *2 B£o d 0... lots I>£ 203 PatroCentre *3 lr-OSnyar Creek...... 14** 42 P&*ua H ...s39&tt gag 100 do**..**. 14J4 100 Story Fata*. * ix KB d0....— ....UK >OO if 109 d 0.—.... 14 m BcftdU* E 4* Ufl d 0....—...... 14 100, do.—. KoJSx<el»lor Oil.l ifp W>J»at laanf.,.. 1.3 600 no: —lots 1 390 <fe>. Hf £O3Roys!OU — l% 100Catawissat 310 d0....,—....10ts IH m do.. The following are some of the priaelpsl &rttelea ck ■ ported from this port to foreign-ports for the weak End ing March 28. U»: Ale. gallon 2,fCO fcfiO-uardv 85a....... 9,259*?. Mg Coal. lons. 87 l.UoUhook* 5*3 iron, zDaatif'd. S2.f&6jTaU‘W. to-*. t,D2 -5® lion. xt&ilß. fca- 5,000 4;l7|Wjnoa»—. .•*, 12. MK wjbm ufDiaej ‘ Beef, bbls—.. 75 £2,617. L*rd» fin...—. 6.7568'UM Breed, bbls.... 739 I.WDOii cake, toA . 5 £*S Hotter. 1,253 4**iP*troieam.,ref, * ft5...10,400 2 320 gaUai* ... w , I,M> r-gw 8,743 Fork. » 3^ lbs-*- S.OSI 768 Rtwoke 13 Ind. corn. bos. 450 t*4!T<>fe,«aolF..hfci 1 tm ind. &6&l v bbh 748 ftC7O Float, bbl«-... 2.65 J 2ft.eoi The following are tease of the prinoipal ardisles im ported into this port for the week ending if arch 21,18 Kc poa coKSDKmoa BUar.€dAtao fig $lB5 Molaasee.hkds. - 838 Bl powdets- eks is 61?: Chains. T 89^- Cnn-aoda, drums 74 1,686 Itnhir, crates. SIS *• caehs-. 16 “ half bbls. 146—3,533 fitsoen, cask 1 d&l Lineiis eases.. 4 1,15 i Bass, bales-*- 41 1.297 WAkBH Bl powders, tos 60 liis Can. soda, casks 18 “ dinats 69-2 fOO Cofee v ban—— 522 4.W4 Linens, bales... s 1,270 Hntento, bags.. fO Soda ash, caaks. 146 4.G12 ' The reosipts and stocks of Floor continue —rrr Mahf_ and the market U doll knd droopiog. Bales comprise about 1,100 bbls extra and extrafamily- on private and 400 bbls do at $10.76® 1125 bbi. The retailers ant bakers are buying In s small way at from $S for superfine, $8;£0®10 for extra, rad bbi fer extra fazrUy and fancy brands! as to qaallty. Bit Flour 1b Belling in a small way atsB&B.2sft bbl. Chk Mf al continues dull, and we hear of no sales. GBAia. —There is very little demsnd for Wheal aal the market is very doll; about 3,00) bus sold at RM . 22! c 9 bu for fair to prime rede, and white at from 2tOA 250 c % ou, the latter rate ter nrlme Kentucky &rm ur lower 5 £OO bUßaold at i(SBe Ira. Corn ~has advakee&s •boutl^CWObn*sold at l£G@lSBe for prime yellow, Ut store, asdl4£cy»bu. afloat. Oats are very dulls «»jaM itici are making at BS(hBScsba B aJBK. —Qaexcitronu very dull; Ist 80. I is offered aft $B6 9 ton. _ CoTTOB. —The market continues very dull and prices have deeilsed Manufacturer# are only baying to sup ply their immediate wants. Middlings are quoted afc 60c cash. ' GKOOEKIKS.—The market dull, aad we hesrof no sales of either Sugar or Coffee worthy of notice ■■ . BETEOLEUM —The market '»>ntizmes unsettled the absence of sales we quote crude at 33@35c; refined in bond at CC@6Sc, and free at from 7i@7se per gallonaa to quality. SEEDS —Flaxseed has again deelined; small salsa -are making at $2 80@3 Timothy is doJft 6O r 'Clover*eedU in good demand rad prices have advanced; about l 000 buanel* sold inlutsBtfromsie@l7per 6s lbs, the latter rate for choice. ... .. ... L-BoVIBIOHS.- There is little or nothin, dotal, la tha war of salee, and the market li Terr dull, owioct, the difference in the views of Oarers and nailers. ,W BIoKT continues verr dull; small seles of Fern— srlvanla end Western barrels are reported at SJe W gallon. The following are the receipts of Floor and drain it this port to-dar: Floor....,.....w«.iw.■iiumuhiih.w, 1,300 C0rn..............., .vi.i................. . 6.3 Q hash. Oatl,uluses mv>H««n«Hnnnnm«*44«s4i e 2,700 budu Floub. —Tb* receipts since yesterday have bean $.198 bbte. Tbe market is dnli; saus or Wsstern supsrtsa at $S Zf@S.7s; common exjra $LO.25@tG su; medium do $lO 6C<SU-60; good and choica do $U 6C®v4 $1 bbi, Gkal>". —Toe receipts since yesterday nave b ten 3,1f1l but Corn, £BO do Oats, 800 do Shorts. Corn is dull, bul there is rather more flrmues# in the market. J Wequeta new Southern, yellow at SL6:@L 86 9 bu Oal< aso steady; sale* of Soraham and Canada at 97c® $l9 bu. Eye ie selling at $1 76 3 bu. Shorts are in moderate:**' mar dat $52@64 Flne;Feed $54@68. Middlings $6U®» ton ■ > Pkotibiobb —Pork Is very dull; soles of prims at tX> @33; mess *34 ft @3B; dear «38@43 •» bbl. cash. Bosf is sietdT: miss of Bssters and vf estsrn msts end extra mess at *S@24 'b* <>Tjl, <ssh hard 1b doll and lowsr; ssieß In bbls at iS@2l&c lb, cash. Bams are ssliinc at 21@22c ® a, cash. [For the week, from Whalemen’* Ship Lltt. ] Themarhet still eonUmius qu'ut, owing to the unset tled state of affairs generally; the only transactions are sales of 58 bbls Sperm here on private terms and ]2i bblain Boiton, perFredonia, at $2.35 per gallon. Imsoxtsor epermand WhaleOiland Wcaleeoneint, the United States for the week endln, March 30; a _ Sp.,bbls. Wh., Dbla. Bone, »o. Total for the week 716 9SO SJ.itii FreTlonsly reported.. 3.C85 13,256 179,900 From Jan. 1 to date-.. 4.401 14,196 264.906 Same time 1a5tjear....7,425 6.99 S 194,090 I 800BO7llMatM«ti»«e** S 200 Rhenaan V4 W 6 0 Tioneata*. 2 lOODalsell——W.. 7K 300Tarr Homestead-. SCO Mingo— -blO. S& 300 DonkardOreek;— 1 100 Big Tank—..M..BVlS ; BBssr*®?ac: f* SB BO ABB OF BBOKBBS. ~ i Of., Me, t»B. Third St. t BOARDS. ii 100 Junction 0i1.;—3 l-is : io> do - ®* board. Bnsssrt&sg 100 do ■ .■» « •*»* 2831 100 10 SS raassS: ii A-SttTrssiftf. I'd .Orescent City—. IK 100 Dnekard. —IK m QcMt us ! •> te %sm *-1:# •• « gsl alnaitu.«k> 1« • W SaeAi. iiagß ... fi| 1, ft* BxB I,»W » T.« *• in* .ta. bxa 18J M* Wool, 0a1ua.... H Mi. JOTTSHD- '■ MoUtsns, hU> 125 •• Herons «* ""I •• til* M-2».5» 3ngu, BBS! BM ' • Bozos ur • “ U6IOM 58-iS,M FUlgdelpbis Markets. KaagaE Z3—Srecdog, Boston IMitrJkets, M»roti 22. Iwr BsUord Oil Market. Hew Torik Haiketti Htuich 33. Fiona asd SsAnr.—Flour 5c bolters Wheat l@2c bet ter; ByequLetand Barley dnll; Coranuist. Whisst tsdnll and nominal at Sj 18 far Western. Tailotvls steady; sales 1 to, OOOJbn at 12®i2K. Baltlmere Harkete, March 23. Floor anlet and Inn; Howard-street snperilne gift, Wheat dull and nominal. Corn dnll, and l@2e lower. Groceries heavy. Whisky dnll and nominal. xasrrm bacw at ran xraounTe’ nzonaxon, nnUsnuntiA. Ship. Becovery, 6 ted dart.— Liverpool, boom . PHILADSBFHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Fpw. O. Biddl*. 1 Sajkuii B. Stokbs. > GonOBB oy ran Homs. Gsorge B. Tatvak. } MARJHE JJiTEIXIGENCE. PORT OP PHHABBLPHIA, MARCH gfc go* Biara-..6 IS I Sent Sits....* SlHiea Watib..ll (f AXBIFKD. Brig Meoosta. Dunbar, 2 days from How Fork, in bab ies to 8 A Bonder & 00. Schr Fantauzzi. Wooster, SO day s from Bsstpori, with ldte to BA Bonder A Co. Sctai Flyaway. Matthews, S days from Boston, with mdse to Tyrol!* A Co. fcetr d H Dixon, Creighton, 2 days turn Dorehestttk in ballastto 3 T Jnstna- _ ' Scbr J Barley, Show, from Sow fork, m ballast to CimEkMua. , - Bohr J & Parse,*,. Shaw, from Charleston, lx ballast to Coin H A Adam*. . Schi Owen Beane, Parker, S days from Hew York, 1b ballast to captain. _ _ . ■■ . Sehr Quickstep, Wills*, from Port Jefferson, la hat, Jaet to Caldwell, Sawyer. * Co. gct r Billow, Elmos, from Wow York, in ballast to Blakieton, Graff JtCo. .. . . . - Scbr Charm, Stair, from Washington, Is ballast t* capitis, Scbr 1f J Bussell, Smith, from Beaufort* la b alias! tw Bdir Win Wallace* Senll, 3 days from Hew Yerk. Sfe ballast to D 8 Stetson k Go. SchTlffart, Barrett, lrom Hampton Roads, inb&llait toCemfi A Adams . . _ ■ • Scbr Horizon, Plum, from Hewbem, in ballast t» C %£hx Winter Shrub, Price, 3 day* from. Hratfeefe** River, Md, witblumber' to J W Bacon. Steamer 8 G Walker,Sherin.24lumrBfrom Hew TeiL. Witb mdse to WSi Baird 4 Co - SehrWD- Cargill, Kelly, d days from Boston, wlth mdse to Crowell« Collins. __. „ _ Scbr Hartha G Bonita, McKnight 1 day ftomPredf •ri*a, D*l, mitt lumber to J W Bacon. Scbr Cora, Spenee, 1 day from Biaady wine, Hal,with .flour to RH Lea*. .. „ . * •EehrClayton k Lowbar, Jackson, Iday from Smyrnn, Del, With grain to J L Bewley & Go. Brii J W Harris (8r), Davidson, from Messina, arm«d2lst, was consigned. to Cbaa.u van Horn, not as previoxulj reported, BILOW. Bark Annie, Chase, from Fort Monroe, in ballast. CLBABBD. Bark Minnesota, Watson, Mew Orleans. Berk Cyrone (Br), Boy, Marseilles. BrigTbistle (Br), Crichton, Mayagnea, Brtgßlla Beed. Turn, Bt Jato da-onba. , Behr Thomas Jeffersoa, Know (ton, Fiatbueh, Jam, ■ Behr Jos Warren, Wiley, Boston. lebrJßnrtey.Bhaw. Hampton Boada. Sclr Bffort, Barrelt.lUmptcm Koada Bohr J A Parsons, Shaw, Hampton Sofia. Schrß Peterson, English, Fortrew Monroe. Bohr Tn Wallsse, Bettll, Alexandria. tihrClsrm, Burr, Alexandria. gcirC L Vsndervoort, Bakef, Alexandria. Rsiir Ocsan-TraTsßer, AdanA*-Beaolozt Bekr Harr Elizabeth, Kockhlll. lowborn, loir J G Babeotk, Babcock, Bosnf.'rt . Sc hr Amos Edwards, Somers, Pprt KoyaL Bdhr J M Flanagan, Oaln, Alexandria. Bohr Porto Bleo, Tyler, fo. ssK'assMgttffiSßim ■ [Correspondence of the The following vessels went to sea yesterday afe*, ,wi7 n - Bsrka Tcjnea, for Bemedlos, Cuba ; Boannks,ftfe itnniyraiWstoa, for PortKoyal; Palo Alto,for Boston ; and scbr Alert, for West Indies. ”xhr brig Golden Light and several schooners camot* harbor last ntg^.Bdremaln VIEOS&KDA. Brin Cyclone. Griffin. Bsnoe tfcCardenasltthiaM- . Bcbr Fanny Keatln*, Kleb» hence* at Boston felni Annie A Bien* Maey. and Mary A, "**e Hardy cleared at Boston- 2Ut lost, for Bew OrJe*®s,_ Schis F&rah hence for HaJey, Haler, and J B Anatin, from Boston {** T Ghsrtre* Smith-tom do, atHolmee* Hole 20th. init. The A ***** W Sibi« e iW%ll, Cain. I>«A«> tor Sajanu I-i“” * Hansom! HUI, and Gloria T-nseaMe/'Wooster.froin J»fi£ Howard.' McDuffie; Bestleas, Y??W*Si Qo%fon for do, for Holmes* Hol*2lstiert» - S?w aoldan &Sa. KaU.jr.ik.fmoajM' «,w Bs4fW«*. at Jj(»V IM* on W«ui»l*ii.