The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 23, 1865, Image 4
SHERIFF’S BAMSS, - CHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A O W rit of Venditioni Exponas, to rno directed. wUI be exposed In public saleor vendue,on MONDAY Evening. April S, 1885, at 4 o’clock, at S&naom-street Hall,: Ho 1 Ai.*hatthr«e,Mo,jbr:Ckme>ena*e,three-«tory >bft«k buildings* *®d lotrof ground, aifrna e on the west Bide of Seventh streety 81 foot north of Ghrlntan street. In the city of t'bJlaaeiphJa; cootalnint la front on gpresth street 16 feet, and in depth on the north lia« 76 feet Wk inches, and on eonta line 79 feet 6% Inches, with ue prlTilese of the four- fe«t alley bona-Un* there on. Which premises Jotepb M. Patterson et as., by deed deled December 21. 1868, [recorded in Deed Book A- D. 8., No, 60, pane 454...6C., conveyed no o Wm. Donegby in fee j Subject to a cron no reotof $lO. which ;by deed dated November 23d. 1864, recorded In Deed JSookL. KB, Bo 64, price H 7 See . was extinguished. Bo 1 All that three<Btory brick soap factory and lot of ground, situate on the uortn west corner of wall and Grubb street", m the city of Philadelphia; containing is front on Wall street 16 feet- and in depth 84 feet to a four-feet alley,' wl>h the privilege thereof [Which premises John D. Brnnn*r«tnx .by deed dated April §d, 1867, recorded in Deed Bonk R D. W., Bo 125, page • 404. &e , conveyed ucto William Dinagh? in fee [d! CVh . ’65 342 Debt, $4OO. S * Miller ] Takes In exeeuttom and to be sold as the property of ‘‘'William Ponaßby. 1 ENRY G HOWELL, Sheris. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. March 22.1865. mh2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ; k 5 a writ Of Levari Facias, to me directed, eiW posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eveaisr, Aprils. I*s, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ho. 1. all that two- storr brisk mee-uare and lot of around ritual* on the ea-t side of Eve street: 122 fast •sooth of Bred street. In the i»l >i Philadelphia; oon talnlng is frost on Bye street 18 feat, nnd Is depth 40 fc Ho 2 JJI that two-rtoiv brick messnare and lot of ground the fast ride of Rt* street. ISS feet ronth ol Keed street, in ihe, city of PaiUdepfcla;c>n tslninc in front on Rye street 18 feet, nnd In depth 40 fe |fo, 3 All that two ‘story brick r mp«naie nod lot of •ground ntnate on the northwest corner of Hampton (now Twenty-Sfveiun) and' Federal streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in from on Federal street 16 f«et. and in depth alor t Tweotv seventh street 46 feet 80. 4. All that two-ttory brick-m-ssoa&e and lot of ground situate en ihe west side of Twenth-aevemh street 46 feet north o* Feueral str et in the city of Phi ladelphia ; containing in front on Twenty seventhjeitieet: 15 feet, and in depth 45 feet. _ _ - _ Bo 6. All that two-story brick messuage and lot of .ground situate on tbe southw*?»t corner of Twenty* seventh and streets, in the city of Philadel phia icontainiug in front on ? weaty-seventh street 15 •feet* and in depth along f eehoog street 401 feet , , * fl). C.; M , ’B5. 243. Debt, $2 Hands. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of fianmfll fi MeFadden, deceased, s&amuei n. »«»«« HBtfRT C. ROWELT., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Match 32,1865. mh2i-3t CHERIFF’S SALE:—BY VIRTUE OF C? a writ of Venditioni Bxpuaa*, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, ipjil 3*1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ho. 1. All that three- story brick and l<fcoL ground situate on the ea'trideuf Twtaiy-tenttu wtreet, $8 feet noitb or Pratt street, U the city ot PhirndetphU; containing in front ou Twentl founh s re-1 17 feat •’in cluding the i oath half of a two*fett»wide alley), and in depth9ofeet. . 80. 2. All that three-story b?i«k mes-uage and lot of ground si uate on the east-sice of rwei*ty* fourth street, 115 feet north of Pratt street inuecity of Philadelphia; containing in front i n Twenty-fourth street 17 feet (lnoludinc the north half of said two-feet alley), and In depth 90 feet. , , r , ~ . ijo S. All that three story brick mestuwre and lot of grovnd-situate on the ease side of Tweat*-fourth street 132 feet north of Frattsireet- in the city ofPailalelpJila: containing in front on Tweoty-f urth street 17 feet (including the south half ol a two-feet alley), and in ?Whieh%fcree premises Jerome Tantemet'ux . by deed dated September 26, 1660, r ; ©.>rdad in Deed Book a (1 H 7 No. ?8, p. 24, conveyed unto LoetU S. Ascher, ■in fee 3 Subject* as to each to a yearly ground rent otW- ju j, M f . e 5 33-j Debt. $6-800 P. P ] , Taken In execution and to be sold as tba prwertr of S Archer. HBNRY C HOWSbl*. Sheriff. miadfiphift« Sheriff’s Office, Mai eh 22, 1865, mh23-St CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF C' a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale ox vendue, os MONDAY Evening, April!, 1866, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that two story brick men-uage dud lot of grouad situate on the vat side of Movataensiuc avenue, 193 feet south of Morris street, in ih» city of Phlladaipuia; containing in front on Movamensing avenue 16 feet,and in depth on north line 114 fe«t, ami on south-line 112 feet, more or less U Cuba street. [ Which premises the Washiatton Workmtn's Building Aneociatloo. bydeFO. •dated December I Oita, 1853 rtcordfd la Deed Book T. 8.,80. 170, page 210, he., conveyed unw Christian '66 261. D.M. $18? 46. Horu.3 Taken 1» execution and tob* sold as the property of Christian Vehmeisr. > - HBBKYC HOW ELI*, Sheriff Phil ftdelpbifc. Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1865. mh33-8t CHEKIFF ? S SALE.—BY YIRTIIE OF O g wit of Ver ditioni me directed, will be -exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing. April 3,1866, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom- street Hall, All the several brick messuages aud lot of ground si* tuate on the northwest corner of Market and Fifteenth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; contaiutngia front on Market ttieet 26 feet, ai d in dt-pth i?O6 feet to Filb>rt street. - [Which premises George Pepper etux. by deed •dated May 22,1811, recorded in Deed Book T C.» Wo. 13, page 702, sc. , conveyed onto Alexander Adams and Winiam Adams, in fee, reserving ground rant of 4800.3 [D.G.jSr., ’65 203. Debt, $lBl 80 T. D. Smith 3 . Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of .Alexander wii lara Adams • HENRY C. HO WEDT,. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March 22, 1865. mh2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex -posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening/ .April S. 1665, at 4o’clock, at Sansouf-street Hall, All those three two story brie* messuages, two* story frame messuages, and lotof ground suuatenn the north aide of bhippen street >nd west side of a twelve feet alley running fiom Stipp+n to a small street between Filth and rixib streets, in the city of Philadelphia ; •containing in front on bhippsn street 20 teet and in dtpthlS6 feet to a email s&eet, with the privilege of said alley, LD. C. j M., *65. 233. Debt, $1,527 43 Gibbons 3 Taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of Michael Roy. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22.1£65 mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF V a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed, will he -exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1865, at 4 o’clock,at Sansom-streht’ Hall, All that two-story brick messuige and lot of ground situate on ,•, he north side of Pine street, between Perry and' Thirteenth streets, in tie oity of Pniladelphia; cortainiiginfirnt on Pine street eighteen fees and in •deptheighty feet, to&twtnty feet wide alley. Bounded west by ground now or lete of laaicF. Frietd, north, by said a>ley, east by ground now or late of H amlltou B&lentine, and couth by uieet. [Which premises James Glaccow, by ceed oaUd September 26£U. 1831, recorded iu Deed Book A. M. Bo 27. page 296, con veyed unto San uel Beatty in fee 3 , [D. O.; M.,’85 183. Dfbt, $1,114. Brightly. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of .Robert W. Beatty and «*trruel Bt-anv HBNRY G HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 21* 1866. mh23 31 CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF awrltofVenditiohi Exponas, to me directe<4frili be to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, .April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that; one* story brick carpenur chop aud lot of ground situate ou the s- uth si- * of Federal street, seventy -one feet east of Fifth street in the city of Phila delphia; containing!!! iront on Federal street sixteen feet, and In depth slxte six feet, with the privilege of a three-feet alley on the wea of sale lot. [ Which pre- SUesWLUiam Harper, Jr., hy deed dated February th« 1855, recorded in Deed Book R D. W., 80. 11, page 215, Ac., conveyed unto John Gamphor, Jr., in fee, reiexving ayearlv ground rent of $59 3 CD; C,; In. , 65 197. : Debt $156 79. Flood 3 Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of John Gamphor, Jr HENRI fiOWSLL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March ai.lSe-J^mh^S-St QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF J writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 5,1865* at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All those two three story biick messuages and lot of f round situate on the south Bide ol Redwood street, one undred and sixty seven feet east of Fifth street, iu the city of Philadelphia ; containing in fronton Redwood street 16 feet, and in dtspth 112 feet to Marshall street, including, on the west of said lot, 15 inches part of a two feet six Inch alley leading into Mar«hail street, With the privilege thereof [Which premises Mary Boberteen by deed dated May >9, 1849, conveyed unto Samuel Powell in fee, subject to a ground rent of thirty two doilaie* which, by indenture bearing same date was extinguished. 3 _ - ' > CD. 0* i M;, 65. 248', Debt, si:6oo Lex. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of efamuel Pov ell. HENRY 0 HOWaLL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1885* mh23-St SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A ‘writ of Venditioni Exponas* to me directed* will be •exposed to public sale or vendue* on MONDAY livening. .April 3, 1866. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. AH that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground ‘Situate on tbe east side of Howard, street, one hundred and foity-twofeet four and a quarter inches south, of franklin avenue* in the city of Philadelphia; contsln in gin fronton Howard street sixteen feet* and In depth sixty feet including on the lontb side the one-half of a twoJSH alley, twenty-eight feet deep [Which premi ses George W. Gorton et al. * by deed dated September 6. 1866* recorded is Deed Book & D W., No I*4, page 28Q, conveyed unto Aaron Vankirk in fee* reserving -ground rent of eighty-four dollars 3 [D;C.?M.,’6S 909. Debt, $276 96. Spenser. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jlaron Vankirk. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff Philadelphia,- Sheriff’s Ogee* March 21* 1866. mhl3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *3 a writ of Levari Faci&si to ! me directed; will be ex posed to public .sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening* Aprils, 1866, at4o’clock, atSansom-street flail, All that tcree-story brick mehsnageand lot of around, situate on the northwest side of; Holman (late Parker) -Street, 2C2 feet northeast of York street, m the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on floleman street 12 feet, and in depth 7U feet, more or . Taken in execution on judgment- fC. C. P. ; S , 64 -30 Dedrick], on city claim for paving, and to be eoid as the piopexty of William Gibbs - HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Mateb 27*1865- mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a.writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will beex jposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1866. at 4 o’clock, atSansom-street HaiL all that lot of ground on the east side of Ninth street rlfr feet north of Dickerson street in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Ninth street 184 feet* and in -depth 200 feet. Taken in execution on judgment [C.G.F. ;D., *64 121. .Lattal on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as tne Unknown; __ HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia* Sheriff’s Office* March 32, 1865, mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A ‘fc-J writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex uppsed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening*. .April 8* 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,, x All that two- story brick messuage and lot of ground 'Situate on the southeast corner of r arrbhaod Twentieth streets, in the eliy of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twentieth street 16 feiet.and.iii depth along Parrish •street 62 feet 10 inches. [Whica promts Amanda En gel! by deed dated April 18th, 1 859, recorded in Deed Book A. i>. 8., No. 20, page 160,. he., conveyed unto -JohnL Martin in feel ■ _ CD C.; JH.,’ 85. 239 Debt. sl*oB2 GasfcJ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JohnL. Martin, deceased. / HENRY C HOWELL* Sheriff! ■ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Hafrim,lB6s. mhgjft ■ SHERIFF’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofLeyari Facias, to mo directed, will be ex -1" r n i a t- on MOITDAtT Evening <■ Apnl& 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hail, . i; - that four-story brick factory, one-story brick en«. '. jdne*hoUße,. two*story frame bunding, aud’one-ssory ; ■ frame building and lot of ground, situate os the south. , mn* 51 ? fc v r , °*Coral and Sttterly streets, in the city of ' • Philadelphia; containing is on Coral street M 0 feat 's fee? ** depth alaB * Sstterly ttraei and Adams Taken la execution on jndgmaat ED C.; D , ’63. 60. cl8 i I “ t0T t>a-i»«, aud to He sold, as the .property at Taylor, Scioto*. A Co. .. .. HBNRy C HOWBLL,.Sheriff. ■ FMladelphla. Sheriff’a Ofice, Maroh 21.-18W.mh23-» CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF - fyrft of Levari Faria*, to me directed, will be ex ?P°aod to pubUe sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evenln*. • April & 1865.jit 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All those two thrte-story brick lneesaareFand lots of Around situate on the west siu* of Thirteenth street, 138 feet 2 inches north of Federal street, 1n the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on street 34' feet 2 inches (17 feet 1 inch each lot), aud iu depth 103 feet to Clarion street. CFornc tal *e« writ. 3 [D. O. ; 28S. Debt, |2 100. Hopper. ] Taken in execution and to be.sold as the property of "Fraud* Tier nan, deceased. „ , v_, HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia,Sheriff’s Office, March 21,1865. mh23-31 -CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex ;PoBod to public saie or vendne,on MONDAY Eveninff,. April 8,1866. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All thatlot of (round rituate on tie nortbeut corner .of Huntingdon and, Jaeper etreete, in me city of Pella-' -delphla; containing in front on Huntingdon street 114 feet, and in depth 120 feet to Slizabetn ,treet. Taken in execution on judgmen t[C o P.; D„ -68 '347. Dedrick lon *Uy claim i6jpaving and to besold -ae the property of*WUlb»mH. Boyer. _ ' HBNBY.'C. HOWELL, title riff., Philadelphia, Sheriff ’e Ottee. March 23.- 1866. mb23-3t QHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF onMONDAXk^nlnx! -April 3,186 c, at 4 O’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,- Al' that lot of Krouna situated m the westerly oorner Hnntincdon and Jasper etreete. in the city of Paila. iu front on Huntingdon sbebt-90 Jnd Street deptk 80nthWMt l‘-« ieet bH fachea to Haz ' Taken iu execution on jodgmentro. o. P -M . *64. •*l. D«driek] oa-city claim icr paMgT and lobe arid JU the property of A. ” ” ■ . , ~ HENBY O. HOWELL, Sheriff tPMladelphia. Sheriff’* Office, March 21,1865. mh23- St .QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF JK-J a writ of Leyari Facias, to me directed, will be ex 'uoaed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY April 3,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sanßom-street HaU, , AH-ghat lot of ground situate oa th«» side of Mar garet street 106 tost 6 inches south of Market street, In ■The Twenty-fourth ware of the city of Philadelphia; eohtainbigin ti onton Margaret streetsighteenfeet, and f * fndeptblOO feet. [Whichpremj.cs WmiamHWaryet uXnffby deed dated January 13, iB6O, conveyeu inter alUt TintA David Anderson in fee j . : vi 'I o. M., *B6. 252. Dfbt. *393 « Blackburae ] Taken in execution and to the property of David Azderron HEBBY 0. Sheriff. ShsilS’B Oa«iMafohja,lW, BUS St SHERIFF’S SaYh—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Venditioni Expona-, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendud»Ou MONDAY Evening, April S, 1860, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-street Hall, ? No. 1. A 1 that three*story brick messuage and lot of ground sUnste on tbb east bide of Ontario street, 130 f«iet south of Jefferson street in the city of Phliadeiohla; containing ju front on Ontario street 12 feet, and iu depth ,69feet "[Which premises;Joseph' P. Smith et &i.» by deed dated June 29th,.1859.,, conveyed .unto Isaac B. ’ Thorn in fee: ’reserving a ground rent of $67 55. ] 80. 3. All that three*story hriok and lot of ground situate on the east side of Ontario s-rset. 112 feet south of Jefferson street, in- the >oUy. of'Philadelphia; containing in front on Ontario street 13 feet.and in d-pth 69 feet, including at the end a three*feet aUev [ Whisk premUeP Joieph P. bmtih et, al. , by deed dated Jane 29th. 1819. conveyed unto Isaac B. Thorn in fee: re serving a ground rent of $c7.69 3 _No 8 .All that lot of ground situate on the north side of Gtertnut (or JameO street 365 f«et west of Moore ®lreet. in the Twenty-fourth ward or the c tyof Phila delphia; conteiningln front on Chestnut street 46 and in depth 65 feet [Which premises Thomas E. WiL -11 arcs, hy deed dated March 10th, 1856. ivcrded in Deed Book.A* DB , No. SI, page 2t>2,conveyed unto Amos Burton In fee. 3 • [D.C.; M., ’65. 201. Debt,52,014.97. 2 B.Campbell.3 • Taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of Amos Burton and Isaac B Tbpra. > HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff Sheriff’s Office, March20,1865.mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed; will be exposed to public saleor vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 8,1865. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, No.-1. Ail that lot of ground situste on the ea<t side of Sixteenth eireet, about two hundred and twenty feet south'of Walnut street, in tbe oity of Philadelphia; c<?utaining ln f rout on Sixteenth street twenty feet,and in depth ninety feet. * , 80. 2. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of 'ground'situate on the north side of George street, se venty-nine feet six ioches we*t of Fifteenth str«et,--iu the eitv of Philadelphia; cou'alning in front on Gsorie ►treet fourteen feet, and iudeoth thivtysix feet. ; CD 0., M.: '66. 171. Debt. $1 804 86. Wm B H»»na.3. Taken in eneenrion and to be sold aethe property ef SdwMdlryin. HoJYSLL, Sheriff • Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Marcn 21,1836.- mh*l-3t CHERIFF’S " SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levaii Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Evening, April 8,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, : All that three-story brick messuage aod Lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Coral s roet, 6i, fest northeast of Moore street, iu tbe eby Of PhUadelphte; cofluiulnglnfront on Coral street 12feet, and iu aep*h on‘Uoxtbeask line 64 feet, thence *outhw«at 7feets& Inches, theueenorthwest 1« feet scinches. th*ncßsomk west 4 feet6# inches, thence northwest 52 feet 7% inches to Coral street. «« «. ./ ... Taken in execution on judgment (C. O. P ; M Bi. 285. Dedrieb). on city claim for paviAg, and to be sold as tbe property of Brown wßovd. HENRY C HO WILL, Shetiff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 23, 1885, mb2i-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF U « writ of Levari facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April % 1865, at4 ; o’Clock, at Sansom-street Ai< that lot of stoned situate on tbe southwott tide of Huntiradon stteet, 177 teet south east of Jssper stroetr in the oltv of Philadelphia; containing in jropton Han* tingaon street 5S feet 6 inches, and in depth 146 feet B>tf inches to Ha*a*rd street. . tn „ - . w Taken in execution oa judgment (0. O. P.; M., ’« Slo' Derick) on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of E. « H 0 WSLL. ShariC __ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Mraeb 27.1865. niMl 8t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, ex posed to pnblio sale or vendne, on MOHDAT Bvonin*. Aprils, 1865, at 4o’clock, at Sansom-street tail, All that lot of ground situate ou tins Boathwe-d corner of Bleiuh and Heed streets, in the oity of PhiladelphUi containing in front on Eighth atrest 18 > feet, and in Taken in execution on' judgment (0. C P.; D.-’ *64. 123, Lattateiffi city claim for taxes, and to he sold as the propet^tofWilliam _______ ▼ ■ HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff’ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1865. aah23-3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE: OF V a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, wiU be. ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April K 1866$ at'4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, . Ail that storehouse and lot of ground fltuate on the e«at side of Third street, 62 feat 2 inches somh of. New street, in ihe city of -Philadelphia; containing in front on Third street 25 feet, and In depth 19S feet. The northern 2D fcefc being same lot which JosoohOat et nx , by died dated July 1. iB‘o. recorded in Book G W. G., 80. 62, page 79, Ac., and the other part, which Ann Simmons** by deed dated August h IESO. re corded in Deed Book G. W. 0., No. 54, page 447. conveyed -.unto Rulings Gowperthwaitrfin fee)' H* Cowpeithwait has puled with his interest in the above premises. • n ■ -ED.-Cel Me, N0.' 227. Debt, SiO,CCO* Paul. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the propertyof: BuilrgsCowperthwalt: % HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff’s Office, March 2t. 1863. m2j*3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Kj a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exr posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 9,1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Halt, AU that lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Seventh and Mooie streets*-in tbe city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Seventh 231 feet, and in deptfc 558 fret to Moore street. ‘ : Taken in execution on C. P.*; D., ’6t 329, Latte) on City, c aim for taxes, and to he sold as the property of J. Johnson HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff,: , Philada., Sheriff’s Office, March 23,1865. SHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed will be ex posed to'public sale for vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 8,1866,: at 4 o’clock,at Sansom-street Hell, Ail that lot of ground tituate on the t orth side of Lewis street, sixty* four fett west of Sixth street, in tbe city of Philadelphia; contain at in f«\ht on Lewis street sixty* four fast, aud in depth on* hundred teet Taken in execution on judgment (C. G. PJ; D., ’64. 126.’ - L&tta), on cltvclaim for luxes, and to be sold as the property of B, S. Harris, - HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1865. xab23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of'Levarf: Facias,; to mu-directed, will be exposed to public saleor vendue,oh,MONDAY Evening, April 1865,* at 4o’ clock,’ at Sansom-street Hall, All that brick house and lot of ground situate on the lonhwest corner of* Front and Moore streets, in the city of Philttdflpbla; containing in front on Front street 83 feet, and in depth 60 feet. Taken in execution on judgment [O. 0., P.; D.. *64. 115, Lattal oh city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of Heiry Lmhoff. • * HBBKY C. HOWELL, Sheriff ■> -Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1865. mh23 8t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF & writ of Levari Farias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1565, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. AU that lot of ground situate t n the southwest corner of Bace and Nineteenth streets; in tbe city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Bace street 183 feet, sad in dtpth along Nineteenth street 288 feet to Cherry street. Takenln execution on judgment [D.O.; J., '6*. 428. L&tta 3 on the city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the Thomas Steward son. w HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,March 22,1865. mh23'Bt {SHERIFFS SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Aprils, 1865, at 4o’clock, at Sansom-BtreetHall, All that ihreo-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northwest side of Coral street 69 feet northeast of Dauphin street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Coral street 17 feet, and in depth Taken in execution on judgment CC. C. P.; M. *64. 292 t Dedrkk], on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of Bdward Leigh, HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1865, mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will ba exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON Da Y Eve ning, Aprils, 1865, at 4 o’clock, atSaasom-streetHall,' Ail that iot of ground situate on the northwest aide o* Tu;ip street, 120 feet south of Axamihgo street, in tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tulip street 84feet, and in depth IflOfeet., j . CD. C.; M., ’65. 286. ;i 'Debt Bohsall.] Taken in execution and to Ira sold as the property of: William Burroughs. HENBY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Marcb.22,1866. mh^-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ft writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, oh MONDAY Evening. April 3,1865, at 4 o’clock; at Sansom-street HaU, AH that mes»uate and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Nineteenth street. 134 feet south of Vine street* in the city of Philadelphia; containing in firont on Nineteenth street 22 feet, and in depth 140 feet.' .Taken in execution on. judgment CO- O, P.; J. ’64. 142 Latte}, on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as : the property of E. V. Machette. ; . " , % , HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. PhUadalphia.S'aeriff'g Office.March22,lB66. mh?3-Bt, CHERIFF’S VIRTUE OF . h-s a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed; will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1865, at .4o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, ■ Ail that three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate oh the west side of Mervine street, 81 feet south of Master street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Mervine street 16 feet, and in depth 70 feet to a six- -with the privilege thereof. -O&7C. sM. ’65. . 2i9.\oebf, $533.25. Thorn. 3. I Taken ln execution and to he sold as the property of Frank Bresaler* 'HENRY C.-HO WELL. Sheriff. - rhUadelphla, 4 Sheriff's Office, March 22, mh233t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed* will he ex posed to public sale or vendue* on MONDAY Evening, April 3, 1865* at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east ride of Broad street, 90 lest south of Poplar street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Broad street 30 feet, and in depth 160 feet. Taken in execution on judgment Cu- O. P.; B , ’64. 155: Latt»3 on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of E. J. Arundle . > ' HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff Philadelphia* Sheriff’s Ofice, March 22, 1865. mbE3-3t CHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue* on MONDAY Evening, April 8,1866, at 4 o’clock; at Sansom-slreet Hall. All that lot of ground situate on the southwest earner of York street, 64 feet southeast.of Sepviva street, in the city of Philadelphia;; containina in front on York street 86 feet, and in depth 129 feet 6)4 Inches to Gordon street.' .. . 1 * Taken in execution on judgment (C. C. P,: BE* ’64. 208. Dedrick) on rity claim for pavia g. and to be eold as the property of A. 'honfstreth, _ •• HENRY C • HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offlce. March 22 1865. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE;—BY VIRTUE OF A ■M writ of Levari Facias, to ’me directed, will be ex psed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April S* 1865, at 4 o s dock, .at Sansom-street Hall, * All teat three story briok messuage and.loc or ground situate on the nt.rth.slde of HottB»t *eet (late Pena). 46 feet iuehei east of Thirteenth street, la the city of Philadelphia; containing in frost on Potto street 15 feet* and In depth on east line 40 feet 8K inches, and on the west line 40 feet 3% inches; boa&ded on the west bye three feet wide alley, with tue, privilege,, thereof. b (Which pr>>miees Benjamin Harper e.t bj., br deed dated May let, 1854. conveyed unto Cnarles H. Wakely infee.] - r;a,- CDC.jM.’es. US Debt, $93& 37. Hopper. 3 ’ Taken in execution .and to be sold as tbeiprbperty of Charier H.. Waicly. HENRY O. Sheriff. v Philadelphia* Sheriff’s Office, March 20,1865. mh23 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE, OF a writ of- Levari Facias, tome directed; will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3.‘ 1865, at 4 o’clock, it Sansom-street Hall. Alfthat brlcc' m**»uage and lot of ground situate on the east side Of Broad sir«»et, 60 feet south of Poplar street, in the rity of Philadelphia:;Containing in: frost on Broad street SO feet, and in depth I6ofe*t, < Taken ia.executions* judgment P.; 8., ’64. I£6 Latla), on city claim for taxes* and to be sold as the property of B. J. Arundte. ' V HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff - Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offlce,March 22, 1865. mh23-3fc SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF * a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public saleor vendue* on MONDAY Evening, April S* 1866, at 4 o’clock, at. Sansom-street Hall, - aU that ibres-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate oh the-southeast side of Goiai street. 48 fast northeast of Mooie street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Goral street. 12 feet, and in depth 62 feet 7% inches to .four-fe.t alley. Taken in execution on judgment <C. C; P ;M., 290 Dedrick), on city claim for paving; and to be sold M ft. P »op.rty*fßzog| i?E |» ? d Howßiii , , Fhlladeipliia, Sheriff’s Office. March 22,1865. mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Lotkil Facia*, to mo dlrectad, wUI beex poeoffto public sale or vendue, on MONDAY .Evening, S*rtl 8,1866, at‘4'o’clock, ! at SanßOm-atreet HaU.; All that rramo mesanago No.JU* and- (ot.of.ground altaate on the .ooth side of Cbarry. streot. baiwa.n Seventh and Klghth stree’-B, in the city of Philadelphia; .containing In front on Cherry ctrcet nlnetozn. foot four and a bafi inches, and in depth sixty- seven feet to a four-feet-alley. «, Taken In execution on judgment CO. O. r.; , 64. 124. Datts) on city claim for tsxes, and to be sold as the property Of Mrs Perkins.-' . _ ■ P , r HENRY O. .HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofice, March 22,1865., mn23 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY’ VIRTUE OF a writ of Derarl Facias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April S, BBS, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-street HaU. -All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the noitheatt: corner of Oorali and Moore streets, In the city of Fhtodelphla: containiugtn fr.ont on Coral street 12 feet, and In depth 62 feet lnohealo a four-feet aUey. Taken-in execution on judgment <O. C. P. M,, 01. 289, Dedrick.) on City elalmforpavlng,.SindtO he BOld' ae the property of Brdwn^Boyd.^^^ Philada., Sheriff’e Offloe. March 22, 1866. mh23-8t SHERIFF’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF P a writ of Levari Facias, to me dirwtedjWiU be ex posed to public sale or.vendue* on MONDAY Evening, April 3,1866, at 4 o’clock, .at Bansora-street HaU* t Alltaat two-story frame meMuace and lot of situate on the southwest side' of -Yienna streefc, 74 feet 7 tiiebes northwest of .Queen street, iu the city of Phila delphia; eohtain ng in front on Yienna street 68 ieet 16 inches more'or less, aid in depth 30 feet more or less. ,iTakea in execution on judgment £C. O. P, ;D ’63., 182. Dedrick. 3on .rity claim for paving» and to be sold, as the property of Qonrad Fauces 4 HENRY C. HO WILL, Sheriff. rwisd-, SUetiff’6 Ofice, tutclt 22, W®, fiU3-3T' sjuubs. - - • /W\/WV^AAA/VVVVWVS/vVVV\rf»{WVVVVV , «AA/VV>*VV'A'VWV'rf' CHERIFrSf BALE.—BY VIRTUE;OF U & wr it of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposTd topnblic sale or vendue, on KO*l> «Y AriUa* ApriiS. 18®, atdo’oloek, at Sausom-street Hall, * Ke' 1 All that dobblu three atorj brio* messuage and lot of a rouid situate .os the southwest wnai of Six* teeeth atd carpenter street, in the city of Philade'phsa; eosteinlnriß front on Sixteenth street and In dtpth 61 feet 4 inches.-;, ■ ' y.f i No % All that three-story brick messuage and lot or tround situate on the weet etde or Sixteen *h street, 15 fe t south of Carpenter street, la the city of Phlutdal* pbla; coDtaiDinKin-fronfron Sixteenth street 15 feet,and is dtpth6l fretiinches. , „ ,1 , , JKo S All that three • story briek measuat e and lot of grouxd situate os the weft a deof sixteenth "traet, 3J feet south of Carpenter street, in the city bf Fhuaaei pbla; containing in frost oh Sixteenth street 16 feat t aad is deph 62fret6inches. , . .. N». 4 AJ J that lot of ground situate on tbe w«sfc *ide of,Sixteenth street, 46Jbetaouthof Carpenter ■trest, in thb-city codtainteg-'ln frost on .Six teeeth street 14 feet, and in depth 62 feet 8 inches. No 6. All that brick slaughter house and lot ©f ground sliua.e cuthe south; slde.of Carpenter street. 61 feat 4 inches west of Sfx’eenth street, thence south so Jfeet* thence westl foot 2 inches, these* south SO theses west 47 iee* 6 inches, th*uee north CO feet to street, thence aloe* the fame 48 feet A inot-es to begla nisg. Nos l, 2j 3,4, and 5 are ail subject to one ground nnicf *JO(S Vpr Debt, U3M.f5. Qr k J fora ? M.. *65. '8?8. iiebt,. Joweo j Taken feat lon and asthe properly .of MfcfcaeJ Donnelly. HENRY aHP WELL,'Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22«1865. mh23-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF O a vr.tof VendftToui Expot as,to ice dlreotei.will be exposed to public paleor vendue. Evening, Ap?fi 3, 1860, at4o'clock, atfiansom street Hall, 1 All tie bnUcUnfS and lot of ground situate on' the s-nthea&t. corner of Lombard and Schuylkill water strtets* inthe citvof'Philadelphia; containingtufront on Water sire* t7B feet, and in depth 60 feet C Which premises Timothy i bbott et al» br deed dated Jon a 8 h. Ifl2, recorded in deed Book J. C , So 89. pate 39, conveyed ui to Caleb Foulke in fee; subject to ground rent app rtiorn d to $7B . C». C ; M., ’6s' 260 Debt. *257.65. J B Townsend ] - Taken In execution and to be sold as„ fc^®JP r gP °* Caleb Fonlke. HKB RY C. HO W 80.. Sheriff , . Philadelphia, Sherif a Office, M»Toh 22. 1865. mhai-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE.- BY VIRTUE OB' P a writ of PlnrieeLevari Facias, to me dlrootod, wttl be-exposed to pubtlo sale or vendue - on MONDAY Eve ning, April S 18C6, at 4 o’clock, at S&usom-itreefc Hall Ail fcb&fc-twd-Story brick-messuage aed lot of gr*aad s’tu&te On tbe east .sideof Fourth Btreet. 137 feet 6 Jttebestonth > df.6krisiian's*reet, in the. city of Phila delphia; ctniftioing in front on Fourth street U feet, attain depth 84 feet C Which, premises CbarUs 0. Bav in ond, by lead dated February 19th., 1663, conveyed uatoeftTakH TOwellinfee 3 J _ tD. 0.; M.,'t6. 239 Debt W2S fs. ffautt 3 Takesla'executionaui'toh* .oldaatli; Piopoi-tTOt Sa ak M. Tow.U. MBBRT a HuWßtl, a.eriff. PkHedelphla, Sheriff’s OBce. Marob 21. 1886. mo2l-3t CHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP *3- a * rift of Levari Facias to me directed «valaSi!»' posed to public sale or vendue on MOND AY Evening, April 8.1865 at 4,o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, >3l the buildings and lot of ground situate oo the south tide of Wilcox sweet, 100 tot l) i D ( ebe ®t“<° f fiwt-ntieth street, la the city of Philadelphia; coaiala. in* 1» front on Wilcox street 48 feet, ana in depth 70 feet *°T&kenJn execution on judgment (Q. O- i,®*‘iifi’ 245. Goto, th.) on City Gialm for cnrbint MkdPaVlag, a&d to be sold as the pretrartv of J S. Klonakar ■ _ ana to tie w«« i “° HENBY 0 HWWBLI*• Sheriff. : runede-pbte Sberff’e Office. M»rfh33, IW6. 'nWgfc SHERIFF’S ; SALE.—BY VIRTUE iOF k? a Writ of Levari Faci.e _to »? dieted, will b« exposed to public ißale or.vendue,on. MONDAY Evening. Aprils, 166 ft, at4o’clook, atSansoiaßtreetHalL - . AlUtoat two-story brick messuage and lot or « r oonl situate on tbe south side of Henrietta street, Uofeetlttf inches, w' st of twenty-tret street, in 'be oity ofFWlt de phia; containing in front on Henrietta Btreet 14 rest, and in depth Safest. * L. a,*- „ w , CD C ; M ,'B5 268. Debt $l3O 11 Hartr&nft J Taken in execution and to bs *<ld as the pr P«W of IWilliam B. Scott. . HENBY 0. HOWELL Sheriff. CBERIFF’S SALE —BY VIRTUE :OF O a writ of Lavari Faotaa, to ma directed, will h Bt> powd toot blio B&leor vendue, on MOJSBAIT■ Bveninf, iprli s, 18« i. at 4 o’clock, atbaueom etraet Halt, aUtiiai lorof gronadsituaieon tbosoutb sidooi Mii- , fl u; .treat; CO fort Siacb.B jeeptef Oteego etroet, in tbev, Cty or Piiiadclpblc; ooDtaliiot in ireat on Mifflin !4feet, and in ceptb 49 leet Taken .In (seemlon on jndgment CO 0 P ; M., B*.. 2fl, Co*man,) on city olaim ferwork done, and to be sold aft the irop»-rty of —— Batler. _ ■ BENKY 0 HOWELL. Sheriff. ; Philadelphia, Sherlff’sOffiae. ,March 22. ItBs. mh2j St CHERIFF S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF P a writ of Levari Facias, tome, directed.jri Lba*x. .posed to public sa?e or vendue, on MoNDAJ Evening, AprilB, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, ; ... j Alilhat two- story brick messuage and lot of ground si-uate on tbe south side of Henrietta street; .114 feet 11)4 inches west* of Twenty-Aret street, in the, city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Henrietta street 14feet and in depihSOfeet ,* • - • _ '*,*•■ CD. C.sM., ’65 270. Debt, $186.1L Hartr&nft.] Taken is execution and to be s-dd. asjhe propsrty of William B. bsott ' HBaR7 C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's office, March n. IBSS. mh23 3t CHE RIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF K? % writ of LovaiTFaoiac,' to mo directed. Fiji be «x -postd to public sale or Tendue, on MONDAY. JavenLng, Apiil 8. 2866, at 4 o’clock, street Hail,; . All that three story brick messuage aud lot of ground, , situate on 1 the southwest side of ; . York street. SO northwest of Gaul street, in the cHyr.of Philadelphia; containing in front on York feet, and in depth 56 lest . » _. ... - Taken in exseutiou an judgment {O, C F : D , <53. 1?3. Bediiov), on thncUy cla m for paving. »ni to ba cold sc the property of Mark Balceretine ioovoi>j v HKBBI C. HO WELL, Sheriff. Fhiladelphia.Sboriff'a Offlca,March 2i, 1861 mh2)-3fc CBEKIFI’S SALE—BV VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari PatiMv to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on fIfuNDAY Evening; April 3.1*65, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north sMe of Davis street, 141 fast east of Thirteenth! street, in the city of Philadelphia, ; contain* it g in front on Davis street 15 feet 4 Inches, and in depth. Taken in execution oajudgment CO. G. T ; D , ’64 ! SIS Gorman.} on City Claim for work done, and to he Bold as the property of Geotge B, Kre;sler. •• • HBKHIu HOWSGL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs office, March 28 1865 mn23-3fc CHEEIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed,.win be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Saosom-ssreet Hall, i - All that brick messuage and lot of ground sUuato on tbe north side of Fark street 107 feet \H laches west of: Twenty-sevesth street, in the city ofiPniladelpbfa; con t&inlng in front on Park street 16 feet, and in depih 100 Net to Federal street. Taken in execution on judgment (O CP; M., ’65. 58. German) on city claim for work done, and to be geld as ihe property of Sarah Foot. HEN BY O HOWELL. Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22.1*65 mh23 8t CBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Faciaev-to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Bveuing, April 8, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-sireetHall, All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the eouthside of Henrietta, street 528 -ee* \l){ inches west of Twenty-first street, in the city of Phila delphia: sontainingin front on Henrietta street 14 feet, Mid tn depth 60 feet _ CD CT;M., *66 277 Debt, $lBO.ll. Hariranft,] . in execution and to be sold a* the property of- William B. Scott HENRI G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March 23,1865. mnB3-3t QHEBIFF’S SALE.—By VIRTUE OF . a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, 'April 3, 1865, at 4o’clock, at Bausom-street Hall; ;11 that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground sitcate on the south side of Henrietta street, 82 feet ll>£ .inches west of Twenty-first street, in the city of Phila delphia; contsining in front on Henrietta street 14 feet, and in depth 60 feet. , CD. O ;M., ’£s, 267. Debt, $130.1L Hartranft 3 . .Tiken in execution and to be sold a« tbe property of William B Scott. HENBY O. HO WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office;March 23,1855. mh23 3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Farias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY-Evening, April S, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street H&LL, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on tfc* north ride oi Davis street, 129 feet 4inehas wett of Twelfth street, in the cilv of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Davis street 15 feet 4 inches, and in depth 48 feet. ' - .. Taken in exeentidh bn judgment tC. C. P. ?'D.k ’64. 214. tiorumat lon city claim for work done, and to be Bold aa the property HENRY C HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1865. mft23-3t !-OF a writ of Leyari directed, will he ex posed to public sale or venaue, on MONDAY Eveiilng, APtti-3,1865, at 4 o’clock,'at Sansom-stTeftt Halt j v Allthat three- story/ brick messuagetahd lot of ground eiinate on the south side of York street, 15 feet 10 inches northwest of Gaul street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on - York street 14 feet 2 inches, and in depth 60 feet. ( Take* In .xeoulion on j'udgment CO. C., V. ; p., ’63. 137. Dedrick) on city claim for paving, and to be sold - as the property of Mark'Balderatiiift- - ■ _ _ ' ‘ : HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March mMi-3t (SHERIFF’S S VIRTUE j OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY(Eve ning, April 3* 1665* at 4 o’clock; at. Sansom-street' Btoll, nil that three-story brick messuage and two-story, back buildings and lot of ground situate on the south east corner of Twelfth and Camilla streets,in the rity of Philadelphia* contaisicg'inffcnt on Twelfth street 16 feet* and in depib 70 feet. ED.sC.; M., ’65. 283. Debt. ,*lO2 50 Hartranft.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William B. Scott HENRY C. HOWBIL, Sheriff. Philadelphia* Sheriff’s Offlce, March 22,1865 mh23-3t QHIRIFFS SALE; —BY r VIRTUEIOF awritofLevariFacias, to me directed, wtilbeex posed to public sale or venduo, on MONDAY Evening, April 3, 1865, at 4 tf’clockl at hansom street Hall; ; All that three*»tory brick messuaga and lot of ground rituate on: the southwest corner of York; and Gaul etTeets, in the city’of Philadelphia; oentiining'in front on Yeik itreet 15 feet 10 inches, and In depth 56 feet. execution on judgment <O. C, P.; D. 03. ••184: Dedrick) on rity claim for, paving, and to be sold as the property ofMark Baldeistme. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, ‘Sheriff’s Office, March \% 1865 mh23-3fe SHERIFF’S SALEi—BY VIRTUE OF fO & wr it of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex public sale or venaue, on MONDAY Evening, Aprils, 1865* &t 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of NJceteenth.and Prime streets* in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front 3 mP Prime street 187. feet* and UTdectin2o feet. Taken in execution on judgment (O. C . P ; D. ’64. 122. Lata) on cityelaim for taxis, and to be sold as the property of J, W, Potts. _ HBNRY C HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office, March 22, 1865. mh23-3fe SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Farias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue* on MONDAY Evening* April 3,1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU* AH that lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Eignth and Franklin streete. In the city of Philadel phia; ccnfainlDf in front on Eighth street 400 feet, and in depth 190 feet. Taken in execution on judgment CG.C. P.; D. 64 128. Latia}, on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of J. W. Potts. P HENRY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1865. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF . writ of Levari Faclaß, te me directed, will be ex posed te pnlille ®ile or vendue/on MONDAY .Evening, 'April 8. 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, > AU.tbat lot ot around situate on the northeast corner of Federal and Sixteenth streets. In the city of Phila* delpfc i.; containing in front on Federal street 76 feet, ana in depfh 126 feet. TAken in execution on judgment P.; D. ,64. 119 Latti), os rity claim for taxes, and to he sold as the property of Unknown. " 1 HENRY O. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22* 1865. mh23-3fe SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ .fit Levari Facias, to me directed, will be expoied to public tale or vendue,oh MONDAY Kvening, Aprs! 3, 1885, ai 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU. AU.?hat two story brick messuage and lot of ground sittiato on tbe south side of Henrietta street.lBB feet IU4 isehes'west of Twenty-first street in the city of Phila delphia; ■ eont&lning in front on HehrUtta.atreet 14 f«et, and in depth 60 feet, _ CD. C ; M ,*65- Tebfc, flBo.ll. Hattranfi3 Taken iu execution and to he sold as the propeitv of WiUiam.R: Ecott. HENRY 0, HOWELL. Sheriff. .. Philadelphia, Sheriff s Offlce, March 22.1865. mh23-3t- CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Faclas. to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eienlng* A pill 3, 1866* at 4 o’clock, at Sansom- street Hall, All that two*story brick mssstuge and lot of ground situate on tbe south side of Henrietta street. 208 net 11)4 inches wext of Twenty- first street. In* the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Henriettagtmt If feet* and in depth 60 feet. - • CD:C;M.,»6S 275. "Debt, $l3O 11. ‘Hariranft. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William R. Scott -HENRY O, HO WELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1865. mh23 3t CHE-RIFF'S' SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, tome diwetod, will be ex posed to public talaori vendue, on *MOS D AY Evening, Aprils, 1866, at4o’c’ock, at Sansom-street HaU,. - ’ AU'that two* story brick messuage and -lot of ground situate ob tbe corth side or Montrose street. 98 feet west 'of Twenty* first itreet, in the city of Philadelphia: con tsining Ja Moßtroie street 14 feet, and in depth Ye*t to a S feet 8%-inshes alley*with* the privilege thereof. ■' " ID C ; M.r ’B5. - 2ffk Debt, $596.60. G. Sergeant 3 . Taken in execution k»dJf, sold sa the propertv of Alfrrd B. Cr aecale. HBNRYC. HOWBLL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 22*1866. mhgi 3}. OHERIFF’S Si LE.—BY VIRTUE - OF a writ of 1 evarl Faoiae, to me directed, will be ex* posed tovoblic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 3. 1666. at 4 o’clook» at Sansom-street Ball, three-story trick messuage two-ftory.bick building, and lot of ground tituata im the east side of Twejftb rtmt.l6 feet .south of Camilla .street, in the rity of Philadtlpbias containing In f/oht'on Twelfh stre»t 18 fiet.'-ana in depih;7o toete v . . / - f - c t>. o; i M.; *66; 284; .Debt .*102,50 \Hartraufi Vj" Taken in exeoutioh hud to' bo sold as the property of* WUliau B. •‘ecti. BBSRY 0 HOWELL Sheriff. PtliadolpMa. 0««», fiMSkga.lSW, fib« 9 3» fa; *865- SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ft writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will b« ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April#, 1886, at 4o'clock, atSansom-street Hall. jfo, 1. Ail that Jot of troaad and tbr.e a tor 7 brick neuuage situate on-the south side of Sbippeustr^e*. : between i hi* teenth and Broad streets, being No. X3&B, in thec'tyof Philadelphia ; containing in front oa the ■old Shlppes street 17 feet, and extending southward in depth 63 feet, with the privilege of a two-Test-wide a *iTo’S.;All that lot’ of'ground: audtbree-story brick messuage situate rn the nonh side of Bo*e street: Oc twe< n TbJr*#enth sad Broad *trees* being No. 139? In the cite of Philadelphia; eonUtininc in front on the said hoeestreet l 7 feet.inotndingon the east stdethsreof an alley 3 feet'in width, andtndeptn 4? fret S inches?- m* re or tess, to the line of ground firet above described, with tie privilege of sa d allev. ; > *;.• I No. 3 All that lot of ground and two-storv brick dwelling-house >ltcate rathe south side of Bedford street. betwecnTbirt entb and Broad s‘reetfi. being No. ISaO, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on the* said Bedford street 16 feet, Inc tiding on the wetL •id* thereof tbe easternmost h&lf part of an* alley 3 feetg 4 Inches in width, and in depth 59 feet 4 inches, more or less, with the privilege of said alley. -l No 4 All that lof of ground and two*Btorv brick dwelling-houre, situate on the south tide of Bedford siiKit, between Thirteenth aud Bread streets, being ■No. 1842, in the city- of Philadelphia; containing in fjent'on said Bedford street 18 feet, including on- the east aide thereof the westernmoa* haifpMtof an alley 2 feet 4 inches in width, and in depth 69 feet 4 inches, more or lens. - [Nos. land a Being thesame premises wbiih G«*>rge Retorts et at. by indenture da ed July26i;h 18J8| re corded in Deed Book A. M » No. 492, conveyed unto William 6prml In fee; restrriug a yearly ground rent or turn, of S2t.Sc; and thes»id George BoUerta «t a 1.% by indenture dated May* 27th, 1833, recorded In same o»ed Booh,.page 491. assigned, the said yearly ground retftuntothe said Wdliem Bp>oul Infe*. where y the same was extinguished, And No*.' 8 and 4; be ing the prewii ee wtolrir John Hr Britton, bv in denture dated April lire, 1837, recorded m Deed Book A M , No. 35, pace 497, Ac , conveyed unto the said William Fpioul ip to®; reserving thereout a yearly Srontc rmt or su mof #2o. And Charleg Stokes et ux • y.indenture rated vMay 23d, 1833, recorded in same Deed Book, uage 499, &c ~*xtln«ui»hed the same unto the eaid WiJlia m Fproal in fee 3 . - , _ CD. C.j M.,’65 278. Debt, $1,500. Wharton.] Taken In ear* cation aud to be told as the pri»pertv of William Spronl HENRY G HUWSLL, Sheriff Philadelphia,-Sheriff’s Office, March 22. 1846. mhM-St SHERIFF’S SALE".—BY VIRTUE OF ' a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to .public sale or-vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, Aprll 3.1565, at 4o?clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall,, Ail that 'three-story brick messuege and frame stable and let of ground situate on the northeast comer or sen h street ai d Girard, avenue, in the city of Paiin ueiph’a: thence east atone Mvard aveouo34teftt; thance by gtoundof Robert W. Lewis ei al. 0i feec7?£ inebes; thence west-25 fe*t \% inches to Tenth street. thence along same 65 feet 6 inches, to beginning. vnFhichj»re aiwe Hobert M. towls et el. by d«£ d«ted»mber 29. ’849. recorded in feed Book G W C.,-HoidJ.P«o 623, *o. .cunreyed unto Mlonael *” ft 8 ' *joa»dreiitol 484, wftichground rent w« aUOTwaras conveyed to Michael Lourd, and became merged .and . exti.gni.limM . M _ ,55 aw . Debt. *2 MO. Im.l, Taken In execution “dto boeoldae &e Michael Lourd, HENRY 0 HOWELL, Sherur. Philadelphia. Sheriff** Office, March 22.1866-., mh23 St CHERIFF’S SAL*.—BY VIRTUE OF v 5 a Wilt of Levari Facias, to me «reoted._wm be.ex poeed to rubno ml, or -endue, on MO«PAT Browne, s!pril 8. MBS. at 4 o'clock, at Smmhu street Sail, r All ibe* two-etofi stone messuage and lot of ground beginning on the soulhwest corner of Germantown are-, sue aid Park street in the Twensv*second ward .city of Philadelphia: thenc? southeast along said avenue B*l feft; thence southwest 250 fett; thence noithwertfltffeet toP&rk street s thence not theest along .earns 260 rest io, beginning., . CWhicb pro^ii-esJanms. Mlilejr et.ux , hr deeddaud ApH) l, 1851, reoot *ec ih Deed Book G; W. C„ No 'g§, page 517, conveyed unto Sorer Owen:and Jo«ku& Ow*-nin fee: and Hoeer oweh, et ux ,by de?a f ated May 17.1856 recorded fu'Deed B'ok B. D. W., ; No. 27, pAge 154,4 kc »conveyed unto said Joshua Ow^n to C&% 3 VM:.’«.-:^o.m l ßebt:*l7i!s9. Boaeali ] '/ekeninex.outlouand to besoid-ae tbe propertv or Joiinai* Owen. BSSWC BOWgll., Beeriff _ Philadelphia, sheriff's Office, March. 22,1805. mb.3j.3t ‘ C HEEIFF’S BALE.^B Y VIRTUE OF a writ of t.evar! me direcio4. will been tfposed t«‘public sale” orvendue, off MON DAY Kveaing* April 8/9865, at 4 o'clock, at Saesom stre*t 9aU, All that one story bricKTend frams, bniidlo grAnd two story brick stable and lOtof grouod situate onthesmth . east corner of Sassafras street aud a twenty f«*etaller, be SerenGi streets, in delchift; containing in fronton Sassafras street 20 foet, aM in depth 68 feet along said alley C W 'lich premiss Elizabeth Fritz et si , by dead datrd March 29, 1836. conveyed Unto Jacob Basra in fee. $2OO to bepjid at time of sale orderof Goartil L [<D; C.; M,. *65 263. Debt, $666.83. Peirce ] Taken in execution and toba sold as she propsrtt or LJarob Haare.. /. ■ HEISBY t C.; HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 1 a Office, March 22t i 865 ,mh33-3t CHBEIF'F’S, BJILEif—BY jVIETtJB jOF M a writ of Levari Facias, to ,me. directed. vHU be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April ?• 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street H&U. all that iwo stoiy urick messuage ahd'lofoftgranud situsto on the eoutn aide of Henrlatia *treet»‘2oB feet \}H inches w of Twenty' first street, in the oUr of Pails delpbia; ceni&intn* in front on Benrleits street 14 feet, and in depth 60 feet. c - *-• .-4 [D. 0,5 M , *65. 176. Debt, $l3O It Hartrauft ] TUken Ju .to hesold i wjthe Property of WlUiam B. Sooit. HENRY 6. HOWELL, Sheriff. - 'Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22j tS6S. ina23-3t QBEBIFF’S BALB.-BY VIRTUeToF h-J a writ of Levari,Pacias, to directed'Swill be ex posed to,pubUc sale or v4rudus.*<»n MONDAY Ereaing, April 8,1855, at 4 o'clock, at S&hsom'Street Bail, All tb&t two-#tor.v brick'me*suage aud lot-of around situate on the south , side of Henrietta stfeet, ISO feet HX ihche* west of Twenty street, in the city of Philadelphia; contain! ng m front on Henrietta street 14 feet, and in depthdil feet. ‘ _ [D. G.; M., 65 274. Debt, $l3O 11., Hatlyanft ] Taken in execution and to be-voldas the *prhpertv of Williamk, Scott. >., HENRY C. .ffO WELL sheriff. Pbiladclphla, Sheriff’i Office, March 22,1865. mh^~3t O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex pored to Dublic sele or vendne. oa MO NO AY Bveni ug, April 3. 1865, at 4 o’clock, at SftnsEJia-etreet Hall; 1 . All that tfro*story brick mes&uate andloi <>f ground situhte on tbe south side of Henrietta street, 68 f iat ll# inches wett of 'i wenty* first street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Henrietta street 14 feet, and in depth 50 feet. [D O.; M , *65 266. Debt, $l3lll, Hartrauft ] ■ Taken in execution and to be sold af the propart* of William R Scott ' HENRY C BO WELL. Sheriff: Steriff’sOffice, March22,lB6s,jah23*3t SHERIFF’S SALE.-BT TORTUE OF * writ of Levari Facias.- to mo will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, April H, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansoxn-street Hall,' All that two* story brick, messuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Henrietta street, 162 feet VH iuebeeweet of Tweoty-flrst street. In theeity of Phila delphia; containing in front on street 14 fedf, ama in depth 60 feet. [D. O.; U. ,.?6A 272.- Debt, ; sl3o.lL* Hartrauft] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Wm. B. Scott, ' HENRY O HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Maroh 22,1865. mh23-3t CBEBIFF’B FALEt-BY’ virtue of KJ ft writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex port <1 to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 3, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Saueom street HaU, Ail that lot of ground situate on the noi thdaat side of York street, 44 feet southeast of Trenton avenue, in the ihy oi-Philadelphia; contalcißg in front on York street 36'feetV and ln c depfch 125 fb€t 8 inches to'Emlen street. Taken in execniion on judgment CO.Cb-P ; D. *63. 328 Dedrlck,] on city claim for paving, aud to be sold as the property of J. Longsireth. ‘ _ HiVeYO HOWELL, Sheriff. ’ Sh.erlff’,' Marcl?22, 1865.- mh233t CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIKTEE OF O a writ of Levari Facies, to me di ected, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, "April 3, 1865;?at 4 at Sanaom-g treet Hall, All thattwo-sfcorr brick messuage.and lot of (round situate-on the south sidebf' Henrietta street. 96 feet UK inches west of Twenty first street, in the city of Phiia ’ delphla; containing in front eaHenrieita street 14 feet, and indepthfiGftet. >• [li. 268. Debt, $130.11 Hartranft 3 Taken in execution and to be soldas the property of William B. Scott. HBKBY C HOWELL, sheriff, j Philadelphia. Sheriff s Office, March 23.1865. mii23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed; will tie ex* poßed.lo public Bale or vendue, on: jIONBAif Evening* Aprils, 1866, atdo’sloek, at Saneom• atreat Hall, All that brick inessnaie aid lot ofjground situate on the north side of F4Tkitreet,l23 f«et 7H inches west of Tw'eniy- seventh' street, in' the city or Philadelphia; containing in front on ParkitreetlO feet, and In depth ICO left to Federal street. . • , _ _ __ l Taken in execution .on .judgm9nt,(u C. F.jM., ’55. 29. Cora man 3on city claim for work doneraad to. bs sold as the property of Sarab’ Footl - „ 1 „ ’ BBMfiT C. HO WELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff* s Off ce/Katch 22, 1686, mh*3-31 SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF rj a Writ cflevari Jaciao, to m» directed. will baex* poced topuMic taleor ■‘vendne, on MO9DAY Evening, Anil 3.1865. at 4 o'clock, AtB#neMn-etreBtH»U, ■ . unthat three story' brick meeeuage, two-storyback hulldinge, and lot of ground Btinate imthe eaat etde of Twelfth *treet, S 2 feet mmth of Camilla street, In the city of iPiilisdtlphis; Cimtainiok in.froat on Twelfth «tmtT6fe»i7 tachee, aMiS,dd,th73feet : [D. 0. f K.i ’65: : 265. /Debt; *103.60. Hartranft.] Taken 1. execution and to be sold as the property of WUilam.E Scott. HESBY O'HO WEBB, Sheriff. , rhUaaeTphl» Sh«riff'« Office, March 22,1865. mh26-3t CBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of levari IFaciae, to. me; directed, will be , expoied to public Bale or vendne. on MONDAY Kee ning. April 3 lies. »t 4 o'clock, at saneom-atreet Hall. AU that lot of ground eitnate at the lntereaotlon of Cadwaiiader and fourth afreets, in toe city of Phila delphia; thence northwest alone Cad wall ader street 77 feet 2M inches; thence northeast'll feet 8 inches; thence east 14 feet 8 inch es to Fourth street; thence south along same 77 feet *M inchexto beginning. . Taken In execution on judgment <O-C;P ; D,, ’64. 320 Corn man,) on City claim for work done iu front of said lot, and to he sold as the prop, rty of Edward Parrith HEKBYC HOWELL Sheriff. Philada , Sheriff's Offloa,March 22,-1866. mh23 3t. OHERIPF’S SALE.-rPY VIRTUE OF , O a writ of levari Facias, to me hired ed. will he ex posec to public sale or veudue. ou HOBDAY Evening,, Aprils, 1886, at * o’clock, atSaueom street Hall, All that two-story brick dwellingand back, bnudm?s, andlot of jnround, situate on the north side of Montrose street. 81 fretwest of Twenty first street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing la fint on Montrose street 14 feet, and In depth 60 feet to' a ibree-feet S', inches-wide alley; with the' privilege thereof , . - . CD. C. ;M , ’65 262. , Debt, $686 fO. Geo. Sergeant.] Taken in execution and to heeoldestheproptrtyof Alfred B. Croasoale. HBBbY?C HO WEBB, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff’s Office. March 22.1865 . mhS 3t CBERIFJhS .SALEJ4.BY VIRTUE OF k-' a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 5, 4 Sftßsom-straot Hail, .All tiat-twostory brlex*Kssanage andulot of ground situate on the south side of &earletta street, 165 feet ll>£ isch?b west of Twenty- first street, in the city of Fhila* delpbla: conieingin front oh Henrietta stmt 14 feet, and in depth JBQ feet. : v* i.-w'r - [O. O'; M.v 66. 278. jSnot, $lBO 11- Hartranfc. Taken In f xecution and to-be gold as the property of William B Scott. BABBIT C HOWELL. Sheriff. *■• • Fhtjadeiphia. Office, March 28, 1885, mh23-3t MARSHALLS SALE!—BY VIRTUE ATA of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOBS GAD WABA BEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States,, in and for ihe Essterm district of Pennsylvania. In Ad miralty, tomedlreefjd, will be sold at Pabile Sale. to the 1 Briiest and bee. bidder.if or cash, at MICHBHEE’S STOBE, 80. 14a north BROHT Street, on IDE- DAY, Apiild,lB6s, at 12 o'clock Bf;, the cargo of the steamer Celt, consisting of 1%-bales of Sea Island and Upland cotton. Can be examined at the store anyday before the sale. -WILLIAM MILLWABP. United Bta’ea Marihal B 2). of Ftnnsylvanift- Philadelphia. March 20,'186g. mhal fit ’ 17LEOTROFATHIO ESTABLISH- Iff MBBT -DR A. H. STBYEBS, one of the FIRST DJSCOVBBERB of a new system of treating disease by MODIFIED BLECTRIGAB’ APPLICATIOSS, and Who has been so very snecessfnl, at PEBB SQOAEB for the last three years, has removed his Office and Residence to 1638 VIBE Street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or any particular* with regard to his special mode of treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet • ■ t Consultation or advice gratuitous, mho-li >pBILAI ELPHIA TERRA COTTA TT" WQKKS. ' ' ' ' J *■ ! OFFI(a 9 AND WAEBXOOMS, NO. 1010 CHBSTNOT • fitieat VITRIFIKPWATEK.DBAIN, and HSITIHG PIFSB, aritk befedr.brancke*, traps, &c :> to correspond, front 'to W-inck fibre. •• • ' J • 1 OBNAKEPTAL CHIMNEY TOES and FLUE PIPES, irarrsnted to stand the action of fire, gee, or leather. OKNAMBITAI. PAKLOR AND GARDEN VASES; fi lassical derigu, plain and bronzed. _ , Mlinonette rots, Flower Pot*, - IrjTtMi, _ . .. : BanglnrVases, =-■- - •' * •'»• Fern Vases; &e.;, :&e. ’s - . • In porter of Minton's Sneanstle Tile, for Oknrckes, flails,’ Vestibules, &a ' inM'tntbstf appSHbtoOMJ’B U- BDOHD 1> pleaeaaUr. taste and odor, free bon «H Ifljttrioue bropwcttee, «4 Ultßiedlatvl# m ftfttOß. SHERIFF’S SALES. 2U)DICAIm : ELECTRICAL OFFICES. : OOEBBE. ELBYBNTH ABD BACE |T RSETS. ABSO, CBEBTBDT ABD FORTIETH , , 2>r. THOS ALLBff, very successful in the treat*. sent of all diseases would inform his frtends and the public that, he is still henefitting and curing . many ou whom medmihe ! has had'uo effect and : considered Incurable, i • BHEUMATIBMAITDBBUEALGIA. -< WOhUBBPUL UlSGOTßßff—Wewould 1 , 5 ask r our attention these diseases, as we have found teat we possess a remedy which has < cured, many, and wuL.restore to their wonted 1 , health,‘hundreds* more -who arel at present suf fering the most exeructaiing agony. Generally, a fevrttays only are needed to eJfeetTA* cure. We would urge no one to try li; If you do not the loss. •Is your own- * Those who follow our require* - meats, and not cured, have nothing to piy* “V ilents treated at their residences when desired. Tettimoniais at the offices; hours 9 A M. to oF. 'IT. Godsuliatioztsl iree: 1 Offlcesr 1541 North. ELEVENTH Street, also, OHESTNUTandFOB* TIETH Street, West Fhiisdelphia-’ jalS 3m Bfi TBOS. ALT.BN OFFICE COMMISSARY OF BUB- U bItTISBCB. Ho. 8»» Wkt-HDT Straei. • * Philapui pbia, March 2% i*w, SE4IED PBOFOBAUS, iJ OTrLIfiATK, eoi.cdottUß Offloa until It o clook M oa MuH Oi*. March *7. 1836, for fnr.JshlDg tor lh. u,, of .ha 'ialt.i rtatea oizcy »ie following uibißsLencs atom, oai.vorao ia aoality cor. a . fei y* S 5 jssms . t . ffilWght (201 oSb.j. freeTromrost ordain, - * ■ * thoroughiy'dardd'and salted,'aud to have bfen repacked within tbiriydavsof deUverT.- To be deliverer within fifteen days fro®*. 11*41 onO Pounds first quality oorn fed new BAO'ON, YVr fiDES ••hr * SHOraiDEiai* (good »verftg» weight; shoulder* to be square cut). Ltho fMtl?hfst^ d o» 4 rnTSr« ,oo BBKF.In new fall hooped white.oak barrels, with iron m«ter meatrio be full weight (200 p unds). ftnd thoroughly salted. To le delivered within fi teen day* from • ; 8.000 as*; ikotoBXTEA FAMIIT V trim i» w well coopered ) eadlioed Harre s. with rouad hoops; name ofbrand and place of tore to be staled in the hld. To be delivered within twenty davs fnm award. 100 000 ponn BKW WHITB BBiHS. in , weil.,dopeved‘ headlined*i>arrels. Tohade livered within flft»er> ft*™ tfWl 000 nousds light >ellow GO FEES MJttA.Be or JOO.OUO SDOAK. in .iron, herrete (the href in nss for tha-nnrpnas), thoron*hlr . ooopored,-, Lq bo deltvarod within nfiaan 80,000 ponrde firist-draIHyADAMeSTINBfiA^; DLBB, fnli-wdaht ISs To be deityered within ten dftYS fw»m award . . ** ooo * tendaj efrom sward. , 1,000 ponnds pure grouad BLACK PEPPER. In four. onnce'pspers Bidders will etise the kind of Pepper offered, -and will submit a , sample In grain as well as groaud. To bo J ' delivered within ten days from award. - POTATOES'—=6uch quantirie* as may be required dur ing the month of April, (fc.lnd. t 3 be etated. l In good ordinary woli coopered barrels. Bid to elate the pric* per pound plottages included. ONIONS—Such qnantitie* ae rosy be required during the mot th of April, (kind to be stated.) In good ordinary well cocpsred barrels. Bid to siate.tbe mice per pound, packages included. If not needed within the above specified time, cm tractors will be rtquired to bold their goods; without expense to the United States, tmtil.w&afcftd. ; , ■> ' • fcamples of a5l the above a: tides, except meats, must be delivered with the nroposai and referred to tuersin, but the prepoeal must nut be enclosed with the sample. fiamples rnuat be in boxes or botties, and not in paper parcels: ail samples to bs distinctly marked . meats will be examined and passed by John G. Taylor, Inspector on the part of the Hnltod S, SB*IiBITB FHOEOSAIii,. IH, DT PI.tGATB. muai b» maee for' each article enumerated, and. bidders may proposetor the whole or any part of eaok , , a printed copy of iblsadvertleemont must be attashad to .plyldr with alliteterms „- v •• • . _ Each bid must have the written guarantse of two rs* epoßsibie names for- tbe fulfilment of the agreement, Who will siVe bonds if required •• .. BLANK FORMS Ft R PROPOSALS* containing.the fo-m of guarantee, maybe had,on application at thia office. • * % > The seller’s- name, date- of purchase, name ofoou tems.igross tare and set weight*, must be marked on every packfgf, and ail .old marks must ha obliterated. Bethrx s of weights bv professional public weighers ■'jnuitbbgivenwtfeMverTeqair*dl' ’• / \ « Nobles from-parties who have failed to fulfil a former agreement wOi beconslaeied. . , .-. v,-. • L . ..Biffs-will inolpd*packages. anddeliveVy at any print in this city, to eedesigoatsd by this office: and say is fenor packages or cooperage wlil be cettsidered suffi* dent tact-e. Tor rejection of .contMta- .v Fajment will, be made iacurient funds. ■ . * Proposals to he endorsed “Proposid*. for fiubßigent# Stores, V and directed to ISAAC- E.’WIGttlN, mh23 4t ~M - •• -v Oaptain and 0. 8 Yols. WE PO T QUARtERk4BfER’B dP ■i-' PICB, . CisoiKNATt. 0.. Maroh l), 188 i ’ PBOroßitS arc invlud by tfca nndscaignad, nutll FRIBiT,' Maieh 81. at 12 o’oiocx M, for faralahimt this Bopartluant with -, : ■ ■ ! BIiOBhB FLiHHKL, AEMY STABTBARD. ; ofpure wool* free from wool-dyed# a dark blue color.iD iedigo dye. Width to be not less then twenty seven (2?) inches. There must be forty-, eight (48) filling toreaus to the inch, and in tbe chain fifty-tii (£0). The weight per linear yard most be flve and one half (5J£) ounces , , To be free bples, thoroughly cleansed,and mtnu * fectuwlin a workmanlike manner. ' ~ - r J I Deliveries to commence within thirty days after date of award, and be completed within ninety days there after. Proposals for longer deliveries will not be con 8‘ for article* inferior to standard wlil not be considered. Bids wui be opened on FRID AY, March 81d, at 12 o’,luck M , at thia vfflee. aod bidders ara teqaa.tud to be piosent r * 1 Awards wUi he made ox SITBBBAT, April l.t ISW , , - Col O W. MOtJbTOSf; - , »mh23 Bt, i„. >: IjepptjQaajttermaater. A SBISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S A OFFICE, No. 1X39 GIRARD Street, Philadelphia, March 21.1865 SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at this office until 12 o’clock M on SATURDAY, March 25, 1865; for the immediate deliverrat tbe United States Storehouse, BAS OVER-street wharf, properly packed and ready for transportation, of the following described Quartermas ter Stoics, to he inspected by au Inspector appointed on the part of the Government, viz: 4.C00 pounds pure White Lead, In Oil “Lewis.' 1 “Lewis, grinding, ’’ l 003:ib» barrels! 1 bai’tlpurftYorpentine. lfO gallons Llrseed Oil, 10 gallons Wright's Japan Dryer. l,(€b pounds oxide of Iron, “in oil.” 600-ffi. barrels. gOO pounds Yellow Ochre, “in oil “ (French ) 50 pounds mt dium Chrome Green (in oil). 1 barrel Whiting. 24 Paint,Pots, Block tin. 7% inches in diameter, 7 , inches in depth* outride, aud 6 inches inside. 24 Clmton’s No. 9 Sash Tools 24 Clintm s 8 Oextra Pound Brushes. 24 Clinton’* H Flat Fitches,- 6 pounds Pumice Stone, in lumps. 12 quires Sandp&n*;—4 No. i& 4 No, 2. 4 No. 2& The successful bidder must agree to furnish such ad ditional quantity of each article at the contract pries as may be r- aulred during the quarter commencing .April 1. lgeff. and endlnk June 30, 1865 - ' Proposals for any of tbe above articles to be endorsed on envelope “ Proposals for Army Supplies, No. 1,” to be opened on the 25th last, 1, COO Curry Combs. 2, COO Wagon Bows. . , 250 Wagon Covers (cotton duck, 10 oi, as per sam ple of cover at United States Storehouse; 1 yard sample of duek reqpr«d). 2< 0 Hinged Hasps and Staples. 50 Hub Boxes, 12 inches long, Inches. 40 do 12 do do. SO do 12 do 2 x\% do. 30 do- 10 do 2 XxIX do. 80 do 1H do I%x\% do. SO do 7 do lkx\H do. 25 do 6 do . IMsIM do. 600 Wagon Spokes, front and hind. 60 Ambulance Springs. . ProjosaiE for any of the above articles to bfe endorsed on the envelope “ Proposals/or Army Supplies, No. 2, *.f dpdhed on the 25th. inst. All of the above articles to be of the best quality. Bidders should state the quantity bid for, and when they will commence and finish their deliveries; the price of the articles (to include boxes and delivery)* which should be written, both in words and figures* and conform to the.tums of this advertisement, a cony Of which should accompany each proposal* and no schedule prices will he received. „ . Samples of the articles bid for must be delivered^at . the fianover-street Storehouse twenty- four hours be ! fore th*opening of.the bids. Bids will be opened on Saturay, March 25,1855, at 12 o’clock M , and bidders are requested to be present, Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons,whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved by the United States District Judge, Attorney or Collector, or other'public officer. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed un reasonable,and no bids from a defaulting contractor will be received. ... All preposals to be made out on the regular forms, which will be furnished on application at this office. -Bv order of Cbl Wm, W. tfcKim, Chief Qiartermas ter Philadelphia Depot. QKOEG3 K. OBUB, mta-Bt Capt. mi A. a M. FOITCATIONAJL. QAKDALE SEMIEARY, AN BHGLISH, CLASSICAL. AND NOBMAL SCHOOL • The next fern of tU» Institution will begin on MOB. DAY, April 3, IBM. Pot CirraUn.'contnlninc particu lar*. Bddreeß ISAAC W. GUL-DIBt A M., k xnb9-lm* - . frlncipab AILENTOWN MILITARY INSTI -ti- TOTE—Chartered by tl e State, with commodlonv bmlldlmre and superior educational Military advan tages, 2 )£ hour* by railroad bom Philadelphia. For circulars, address V. L HOFFORD.A M .Pres't, fe»-mtM3t - Allentown, Pa, TREEMOUHT SEMINARY, HORRIS- A TOWN* PA * FOB YOUNG MEN iAND BOYS.- The Summer Session of Four Months will commence on TUBSD aY, APBXL Uth. Vacancies can, sow be secured by applying to JOHN W. LOCH, •jnhlB-6&* ’ Principal. VILLAGE green -seminary.— J MIUTABJ BOARDING SCHOOL. four miles from MEDIA* Pa. Thorough ’course in Mathematics, Classics. Natural Sciences, and Englishi practical les sons in Civil Engineering Pupils received at any time* and of all ages, and enjoy th* benefits of a home. Be fera to JohnG Cspp A Son* 23 South Third street; Thus. J. Clayton*, Bag , Fifth and Prone streets; ex- Sheriff Kern, "and others. Address Rev. J. HEBVBY BAB TOM, A, M * VILLAGE GBBBflf* Penna; nofl-Cm . W OOD LA ND BEM IN ARY FOR FT TOiJMG LADIBS, Boa 9 And' 10 WOODLAND TIRBACB,' West Fhilada. Bey. HSNBY BEEVES, A. K.. PflncmAL■ feM-Sw* /COPARTNERSHIP.—THE UNDER V/, SIGN ED have this day assodated-under the firm of SDwABD ROBINS & CO. for the transaction of a GBKBBAL BANKING, STOCK, A.HD EXCHANGE BUSINESS, , HO BACK B. PEAK SOB. 80. 4T BouthTHIED Street Tkbbpabt 38. fa2B lm pERELEHIGH OOATWH OUBB /■ KEEFEBB can rely cn setting a pure article at the % E. corner of FRONT asdfOPLAR Streets, JOSS V. HAMPTON. J mh2o-lm* Tbohab J. Oram. Kobbst J. Hrichm. QRAM&HEMPHILL, ■ nxALSRsnr _ LBHIGHANDSCHUYLKILL COAL. M . .Of all sizes and of best qualities. Carefully pickedaud screened* and invariably at the oaice and Wd,w“ LLO wt'hefosrKFTEEirTH Street. _*fcOrderscanhelettat I*oNorth SIXTH Streat, 653,North TENTH Street, 1*33 BAKOLAY, Street, or throngh the Post Oficc, which will he promptly and eatjefactorlly ailed, ; jalfsm E SCHREINER, NEW COAL DEPOT, • NOBLE Street, shOTC Ninth street, _ Constantly on hand superior qualities of Lobish and Schuylkill Coal, selected oxpressly for family purposes, at the lowest market prices, wharf Twenty-third street, below Arch ctreet. Office 119 Souu FOUJBTH Street, ; ; edO-fim, rjOAL.—BUttAB LOAF, BEAVER v MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and .bait Locust Mountain, bom Schuylkill, prepared ax> presslyfor family on. Depot N. W. eoruer EIGHTH and WILLOW Street*. Office No. lllfi South SECOND Street faplt-tn J„ WtWng A IW ~ VST ATE OF ANN COWPLAND, DE AA CEASED. —Letter* of Adinluiotratlon on the Estate of ANN COWPLAND, deceased, haying-been granted to tbe undersigned; all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make pay ment, and those haying claim* te present them without dclagm. cowpLMn)> mhl7-«t» 53 Sonth FOURTH Street. rsr THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THE CITY AND COUHIY OF PHILADEL PHI A. JOSEPH SQUIBBBL,~to ns© of A T. PABBONS. vs. ALFBID S. CASEY, garnbhee of PHILIP PBIOS, defendant. Pin. Vsn., Ex., Deo. Term, 1864 No S. The Auditor appointed to make distribution of the , , 'fan'd 'ih 'CdUlrtt produced by Sheriff’s sale under the above writ* of authat eertain lot or>lece of ground situate at tbs southeast corner of Broad street and Ensguehanna avenue* in the TwenW-flrat ward of the icity. of.PMlad/Jphia i containing in' front or breadth on the east »id© of Broad street sixty- six feet* and extend* ingeastwardly of that width along the south side of . taidEnsguefcarnaavenue one hundred and. twenty feet ~toaten-‘feet-wlde alley/ laid out and opened for ..the use and benefit of iMs'.and .other ground, bounding thereon; bounced northward by said Sußguehanua avenue, eastward by said ten*fe«t-wide alley* souther ward by gfeusd of He try T - Grout, Bag., and west*, ward by B*id'Bidad I ‘Bt' , Sßt—wUl attend to the duties of bte appointment on TUESDAY, the 4th day of April; 1565, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office* No. 131 South F/FTHStra£tT : Philadelifiiia?.wheh and"'where aU par*, ties interested are required to pfesent thfir claims* or be debarred from coming in upon said fund* ~ mbmihhjvkt Wig BuTOHriWISrEB, Auditor. F[ THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR, THKCIYY AND GOON-rY-OF PHILADELPHIA Xitate of HEBBYBOHIVELY* deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the-* weond account of WILLIAM H. SCHiVELY* Executors of BENBY SCHIVELY, deceased* and to repor; distribu tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will .meet'the parties, interested for the purposes of his an* potetment on MONDAY* the 37th day of March. A. D. 188 P, at«4/o’clock; P. M.* at hta Office. No- I3H South FIFTH fcirset: inibe'city of PhUadelphla. mhiC thstuOt THE '.SCIENCE OF MEDICINE A should stand simple* pure, majestic; having test for Its basis* isduction for its pillar* truth alone ten its capital ’go stand HELHBOL i* } 8 GENUINE PBEPA? RATIONB. established over. 16 years. . 'B. A, HARBISON. GLORY ’OF MAN IS STRENGTH. A- —Therefore, the heryoos snd dsbiiilatad should lmmedl»t*ll w* PftLMBGWI’S SXT*4W PROPOSALS. YOUNG MBA° AND BOYS. PUGHTOWN, CaS&BB CO..PENNA COPARTNERSHIPS. COAX. ' ’ L.EOAJL. PROPOSALS. CUBBiBTENCE UNITED bTATBS AJ9MT, No. 80 BOOTE Strtot. L BjkLTtKOM. rMd , search w, iw* . SEALED PB< FO’tAt.S will be recdT*® j at tM. offlewinW 12 B oa TUBS 0 At. Bareli M. IsSi. - for fnißiikina tlw Uoiwd Statoj Sab.t.toaoo o.?»rt xuent. de iveied in-Baliimore Md.. wftb iraaa* riR B 000 BBM4. FIRST QUALITY NEW «KHS, W PRIME NESS PORK (which 10 be stated), to befell Baited ifiOO lbs. meat,tn full- hoopeioak barrels,'withHwo iron meat to wjrw, from nut or stain, and to be lepscied wituln thiny days of deJWery. To bd deUvera4 tu fifteen days, from data of, coatractr • Three harreie of Pork must be presented nlebf thePdtk td be delivered, Whlch wUI „ beretaired until the deliver* is mvie 500 BBLS. KiLN-DRIBO WHITE OR YELLOW CQBN MEAL (w'oich to be atajea), packed ' in good, strong, dean barteU fully need lined. To be delivered as eslied for- • 5.000 BttLi. OF F&kSH OaOCND .The - proposals will be'fflriHour of the qualtto of ' grVdeß how estatolisaed at this Ueoot as Nos.'-; L 2, and 8 B*mpUs of eaeh grade may be mi at thi. offl.e- Barrels to b» la «J»4 ahipping "drder. fully head iiued. Flat honped and mac Mae-made barrels wUi be rejected. Flour to be ready for telivery ; wlihinrten days from the date >of award. - FrbposiQs'for dash grade must be on separate sheets of paper 150.000 LBS. PHlkfi WHITE BEANS (61 pounds to ;.f L lithe bushelL well seasoned anddry; packed in good, strong barrels, tike samples to be seen In thia once. To be delivered within ten (10) days from the date of award. TB.tfOO pßljtE RUiB. packed iu barrels, like, ’ timphßiotflWtt in this office, fully head lined. To be delivered wlthla ten fiOJ days bod J EBB. d FfBST"OTAX.t|T .WHITB NttHT COBB HOMIIT, »iJ. 80. \ PMkei in weli ooopsred, foil head-iin-d Suar b.crelv To be' delirered in ton (Lo> days from dAi.of s 000 gallons of the bbst QUALirr of POBB raBSAB, mad9..onll fro®.oid« ot ! ' ' wMsk,!'re* l *.',. All forriitA iwfc.or injn rious t-umtances; 'and of auntforßl streug h; ; the Whisky Vinegar takiog twenty eight ; ■' grai&B bi-carboßate of potash to neutralize ; one ounce troy—the Cice? Vinegar at near i the earn© strength as may be; to be put up iu ; half*barrels - *©? 31 galtons capaelty-to b* made of white oak, like sample to be seeu at - this office. Each deliver! to b« ed with -a* certificate: of a competent Cuemiat that the Vinegar is of the required strength, : ■ Tobe delivered in fifteen daya from the date of award. 30,000 LBs GOOD HAS# BROWN SOAP. to hi ‘madd byboliing. and only from good mate rials, free from stay; soluble gla»e, or other nculteration, to have no unpleasant odor, to contaln not more than tweaty*fiv« per cent, of water, and to be well dried before beiag packed. To be dellveredin fifteen days from date of award. 50 BBL*. RBeT OLD.RYE WHISKY. .50 BBL«. BfiaT OLD BOURBO3. WHISKYr- Bsrrels to ba oi good seasoned white oak staves and heads; with, tyeive wooben aud fo'urstrong lrt>n nobps. or all iron hoops; the v ironhoopa to be paiflted. Return? required from a Gauger and Inspector, tobenamedbv the YUjderelfned. To be delivered within „„ twelve (12) cays from date of award 60, 000 LUB. .(56 pounds to tbe bushel) kYS. Tobs in good strong sacks. ’ To be delivered in ten m days from date of award. .'jreparatepibpoealß, f* dup must be madsfor each ertitleefnmVratod. acd biffcers may propose for the whole or sny.psrt of-each Proposals must be made oa b ank forms, furnithed at this office The certificate , attached to the proposal must be signed by two respond * sible parties Exp?e»s charges on satnpleß prepaid, or tbe pr©po»a)s will not be considered.. Each sic must save a printed copy of this advertisement pasted at its head, end must be ►pecifio in complying with ail its terms Proposal* mutt not be enclosed with the samples, but be d«liwrad reparate, and endorsed * * Proposals for Subsistence Stores. “ In all caeea not specially excepted the delivery must be made at the lime specified. In esse of failure, 1 the /united State* reserves the right of purchase elsewhere to make up the deficiency, charging she advance paid over contract price to the ptny failing to deliver. All stores will be carefully inspected and compared with the retained samples Returns of weights, signed by a regu/ar public weigher, must ba furnished when* ever required. Certificates of Inspection by professional packers or Inspectors, other tta» tbe party forcies-icg the provi aloss, wiU be rtQuirtd for meats, certifying on tbs pert of er their present qaailtv and condition aaCtho immediately preceding inspection • ..The meat will also be examined and passeduuou by parties trom this office on the part of the United States : Contractors are expected to hold their foods witkmft expenie to the United States until required for ship . Bent. . Payments to be made after the delivery of the stores in such funds as may be on hand; if none on hand, to be made as soon as received.* Each person or every member of a Arm offering a pro posal mutt accompany it by an oath of alls*lace* to the ©nHed States Government, if he has not a!raid? fited one in this office. In addition tnereto a certificate wilt ltertqoired setting forth that the articles offered; the Government, under the above.adrerifsemeat.e.Uer be long to the party bidding or are to be parchaaed or re ceived by themof loyal citisena for delivery to the United States Government. . legible, and the numbers must be written, as w*lias expressed by figures. Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular informal, propoeals'wltl not be received. all bids not complying strictly with, this adver tisement will be rejected. , J. BOTCtSD WELLS. ahSS'dt CaptCßPand G. 8. Tols. pHOFOSALS FOR FLAGS. -X- Chief QuiBTBBMABTBB’s Opfiox, No 1139 Giraß.o Strbbv, . PsniOßtFaiA Depot. March 18, 1835. . SEALED PROPuSaLS will he received at this offise till TBUESDAY, March 23, 1865. at 12 o'clock X., for immediate delivery at the Sehhylkiil Arsenal, DESIGNATING FLAGS for the various <?orps. Division, and Brigade Head quarters, Army of the Potomac. *-• fpeciflcfetlons and drawings of which can be seen at this office. Parties offering roods should make reparst* proposals for each article offered, the quantity they propose to furnish, the price ’which should be written both in words and figurts) and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal. Bids will be opened on Thursday, March 23* 1835 at 12 o’clock M , and bidders areTequestsd to ba present. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended .to the gua rantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, bysome public func tionary of the United Slates, „ ■ .• All proposals should be made out on the regular forms, which will be furnished on application at this office. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. Endorse Envelope “Proposal for (here Insert the name of the articledffsrea) v ’~»ni address - ■ - Colonel WILMAM W, HcKIM, CUet Quartermaster, Philadelphia Depot. • n'HIBF QHAB TERMASTEE ’S V OfIKU, So. 1139 GIRARD Street, Fhiladblphia Depot, March 16, 1866. SEALED PROPOSALS wzli be received At this oftee till TUESDAY, March 'it, 1865, at 12 o'clock M., for de livering at the Schujlkiii Arsenal: M or 6*4 Bine Wool FianueL indigo wool-dye, to weigh 6% ounces to theyard, of X width, for sack coats, army standard, X gray twilled Flannel, for shirts, army standard. Red, white, and blue bunting, * do. X- inch yellow Silk Lace, do. X-inch sky blue Silk Lace, ■ do. H- inch scarlet Lace, do. t w. Brown Tread, Ho. 35. Bidders to famish sample. Red Spool Cotton, Ho 40. Bidders}o furnish sample. 4-4 Black Silesia. Bidders to furnish sample. - Straw wrapping Paper, 86x40, to weigh about 95 lbs. per ream. Par;! es offering!oods should make separate proposals for each Article offered and must distinctly state in their bids when they will commence their deliveries, the quantity they propose to famish each week the price (.which should be written both in words and figures)* and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal. . Standard Samples of the articles required may be seen at this office. Samples, when submitted, must be marked and numbered to correspond with the proposals; and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be la every respect equal to army standard, other wise the proposals'.will hot be considered. Bids will be opened on Tuesday March 28, UK, .at 12 o’clock M., and bidders are requested to be present. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee, and certified to as .being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by some pudllc fane* tionary of the United States. All proposals should be made out on the regular forms, which will be furnished on application at this office; • The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable,-and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. - . Endorse envelope. *'Proposals for (here insert the name of the article offeiedv’ and address. Colonel WILLIAM WMoKIX, Chief Quartermaster, mhlS-llt Philadelphia Depot. OFFICE of the dipot quarteb- MABTBB, Fokt ISAvrarwoETH, Kmues. Marsh 4,1885 "PROPOSALS FOB AMBY TBANSPOBTITION , SEALED PBOFOBAIS will bs received at this oflee Mtul, o’clock M. on SATUSDiY, the YSth day of March, for the Transportation of Military -'BnppUee dn- zing ti e year 1566, on the following routes * . BOUTS No. I—From Forts Leavenworth, Laramie* and Buey* and other .depots that may be established during the above year on the west bank of the Missouri river* north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 43 degr«es north* to any posts or stations that are or may he established in the Territories of Nebraska* Da kota, Idaho* and Utah;: south of latitude 4* degress north, and east of longitude li4 degrees west, and in the Territorv of Colorado north of 40 degrees north. - Bidders to state the rate perlOn pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from May to September* inclusive of the year 1866. - POUTB No. I—From Forts Leavenworth and Blley. - in the State of Kansas, and the town of Kansu, in the State of Mieiouri to any posts or stations that are or may he established In the State of Kansas* or in thA Territory of Colorado south of latitude 46 degress north, drawing supplies from Fort Leavenworth, and to Fort Union, N. fl.. or other depot that may be de signated in that Territory* to Fort Garland* apd to any other point or points on the route.' Bidders to state the rate per 100 pound s per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from -Mav to September in elusive of the ytar 1866. No additional percentage will he paid for the transpor tation oi bacon, hard bread, pine lumber* shingles, or any other stores: Bidders should give their names in full* as well as their place of residence, and each proposal should be accompanied by a bond in the sum of ten thousand dol lars, signed by two or more reponsible persons* gua ranteeing that In case a contract is awarded tor the route mentioned in the proposal to the parties propo sing, the contract will unaccepted and entered into* and good and sufficient security furnished by said par- - ties in accordance with the-terms of this advertise ment. The amount of bonds required will be as follows: OB BOntS NO. le.*****-e..*+«»*ftU)o,o9O On BonteNo. 2.*-.* . Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person offered as security will be xe tnired. must be. endorsed “Proposals for Army ;Transportation,on Boute No V*or **2»” as the ease maybe, and none will be entertained unless they fully ; comply with all the reguirements of this advertisement. Partus to whom awards ark made must be prepared ;to execute-contracte-at once, and to give theregnfred . bonds tor the faithful performance of the same. « ' Contracts will be madeaubjeci to the approval of the Quartermaster General, but the right is reserved to re ject any or ail bids that may he offered. Contractors must ,he in readiness tor service by the first day of May. 1866, and they will beregu’red to have a place of agencies at or in the vieiaity of Forts Lsaven worth ana Union, and other depote that may be esta blished, at which, they may be-.communicated with promptly and readily. By order of the Quartern aster General. ' J. A. POTPKft, mhlfrSfc Col, and Q. M. U. S/Army, . PROPOSALS FOR LEATHER. CHIEF’QCAKTEEHWTER’eOfFICa, ) _ No. 1139 Girard Slreat. > * will be received at this office till^THUßSpAY*'March 28, 1566, at l 2 o’clock M,, far delivering aUhe.SchuvlkUlATßenal : “* ’ lor ; WaZ UPPIs LBtTfiBB, best quality» bak* tanned well finished and stuffed, ,to k.U^i?n t arffoS n ‘kiee-quartere «X) oum RnM,hs^s^!P? E ’J l>B^ t oak tanned from *° ' ,e ‘ Sh “ ot leBStllaa best quality, oak-tanned, slauxh i about aixteen(l6) pouncla (origi- = f r&t'tt a ‘ ’T*™””*’ W9UEbt * 11.51 4 'te "® toKobmlt eamslea of the leather ‘<n£fe&*£3£.H: Whielr muet be' of. enltaMo S??,?Y spA-Aabßtance for m&kiitg army boots and- Propoeal most etate stw the deli.eriee will; commeDCß, the quantity to he delivered ssthWMk th* 64 written both in xJarde anS. of which' should ewaompanu each pro-. ■'o'SmS?© 011 "®n»m*ar,.March B, W-if ! n 4 hldder. arereqnestedto-be preSent U bSw-is a«-*a£jE Each bid mnn he snaranteedby two reaDonaihi. whoreßliimtores mnßt he appendedt^tl..Jff tkSLVof ‘heDX“ t^S lT ' 4 - b Y * OE1 » Public fdS - All- proposals should W mi a* *i..’ . '•SES WS Lel“h«” B Sd Sdre^ r0P0,&1 ,ot ole ™ the bled) Coloael WILhTAM W. MoKIM, VIRGIN wax OF ANTlL preserving tiJ?for beautifying and wnaianJFtait,J > S m^^9 It is the meet wonderful miwmu vi s#®* is neither chalk, powder, 1 rant Cearit Ifn'l'di Vl n "pTfoe. 30and at only by HUNT & 00.. PerfomeSc TOO street, two doors above CheeUmL aS 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. ,jafi-3m AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR ere leialaed by AELMBOLD'B gXTRAOT 80- 1 F^bm 1 iS&i•“ BALE OF FANCT AND S£jt3&££fs \ V . OB March 24th at 10 o’clock, oa fo«r ™ whagos and lota of faney »■<« staple dry goo°± —, —- pggaisssg ll “®« «“ OF I^CASM^BOOTB biinfinlß. emtrr bootee waiter*, *llpww enmorfslaf a prime acd< desirable assortment of epria* the attention of buyers is invited. : IABSS SFEISOt SALSOFI 200 OABB3 BOOTS AND -' ' OH MONDAY MORNING, March27th, commends aod 'vntttbc’ lo «3*’ Sp I ** bo&t women's. Sm’ Snd children’ll boots- shoo*, bslmoralo.gat "r “b)lp”?«vSc“V’W-SSIS I * prtm4 “ d daair *- ble BMortwatof flret-claW goods* _—_ -V - CITY BAZAAR AND TATTER BALLS, RACE Street. batween-Eleventh and Twelfth STEER A CHAMPION, AueUpneara. FRIDAY MORNING, lO o clock, ~ Auction rate at Horses,, Harness. *«•. prißis eta number of Horses of all descriptions, aaltaoia for families, draught, ac. r ; large number of Wagons, SuUrie#, Harness, ftc, Ac. Parfcir ulare to-morrow.- - Bo postponement'ob account of weather* . - mh&3t STEER A CHAMPION, Auctioneers FOR BAIE AMP TO LET. m FOR SALE—A BEAUTIFUL JB GOTHIC COT CAGE, 10 Booms. Stable, and im proved (rounds, 4% milisalrpm thsedt. • urntsbed.; Apply at Ho. iri*CHß3Wrirr teost, mhl4 tuibsSt* - ■ cecond Story- M to rent—a large stone MASSTOS, situated In BEW CESTRSYU.I.B. Chester Co.. Fawitbln one hour’s rido of City and on Cb.sfslk Valley Batlro.d, within three mUoUa’ walk of Depot or call on KCIvtKN K KtSDALL, mhkl tothsdt* dls MaRgST at.. Phiiaia. m FOR BALE—THE HOTEL PRORER- K ty at thsr a- mheast corner Second and SWop.n atreets. with the adjoining property on Shipprn street, occupied as a bakery lor tra last half centnrr The locat'oo Is one of the bait in the city sodsn.cupii ble ot gieat Improvement. Fries. *U,MO, clear- App.y to W. A RuLltf, : Oaroet -tore, mh2l tntbSt* 739 MIBgBT Street. MFOR SALE—THE HOTEL -PRO PBBTY, Bo SCO CBBRRV St, Why US feet deep to .Cresaon Streeh Apply atgd-2 WHaRTOHSA mht2-2t* ® FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE PRO PEBTV. southeast corner of Spruce and Seventh streets Lot 20 by 100, to Bar street; with coach hones and stable on the adjoining lot. , Apply to W. B ASTf AH, mha St* S 3 Sonlh FOURTH Sirest. Mfob sale- dwelling-house oh FIFTEENTH Street, north of 4rch «tr»aL , Apply to B W. BSEjiLjiY. mb IS Im* go3o. North SEVEaTH Street. «COU29TBY BESIDENOE.—FOR PALE, a umall Place In ROX BOROUGH, Twcctr first Ward, six miles a&e a half fromihe city; easy of zccem every hour by railroad- and within a few afoutoe’ walk of the station at Bfauayuak. Tbe housede well shaded with large trees; hat three pot time, and the modern conveniences of heater, gas, bath, Ac., end U paved around withfiag-rtonee and brick. There Is also a summer kitchen separate from the houre. and the grounds are elegantly laid out and filled With the choicest kinds of frait. Apjmt to * B. A. MITrmELL, mhlfi 13t* N. R corner FIFTH and WALNDTgia. M ATLANTIC CITY.—A HAND SOME COTTAGE (opposite U. 8. Hotol) for sals, with,or without fnrnitnra. containing 13 Ho,n. and a gaod Cistern. Apply io H. WOOTOif, ATLAS rid [TV, or to X WOoTTOH. Xr.. «13 8. nth THIR TEENTH Street. Phil ad a., or X. H. HATES, SEVENTH national bank. , mbai-ist* m FOR SALE—SIX THREE-STORY JB BRICK and three Two-storv ?R*MS HODggsj on a lot 100 fret fQuare, corner T&USTy>FOORFd and ELM PfiTrrtr. Mantua Inquire of fi. FANCCA6T. Ho. 918 SPBINQ GARDEN street. . mtu7-lfc* J| VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. By order of theCourt_of "Probate for the District of Norwich, directing me to soli at Public or Private Sale be property belonging to the assigned estate of the ; CHELSEA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ' , I will sell at Public Auction,oo the premises in tne village *of Green vUie, NoiwiriuonWEDNESDAY, March-29th« 1865, at 11 o’clock A - H., (unless previously sold at pri vate sale), ail the valuable property belonging to said estate, cboslstißg in part of— _ . .. i ..■ A Paper Mill and Machinery, Tools, cate Gearing, Segments, Palleys, &c., witbll,so0Spin- dle Water Power. The capacitv of said MUiis about it* fOO pounds paper per day. Counting-room, Storehouse. Repair Shop, one Store, seven Dwelling Houses, several lots of land, one Spring for supplying the Mill with' froth water. „ Copies of Inventory-will be furalihed on application to the underrigntfLerißbLe sale will be made witnoutre serve. Possession oTpfce property will be given, on. the Ist day of Mar, it being leased up to that time. Terms of payment made known at the time of sale, or on application to the undersigned. .-.- JAMVS‘B. CABRW, : Trustee Chelsea Manufacturing Ctompur* Norwich, Cope., March4th. 1665. mbSiSfc* m FOR SALE—A. SMALL FARMJH JBOF FIFTI-SIX ACRES, in Camden county, about twenty minutes’ drive from Camden, on the M*rlton Pike; one of the most favorable ,i ocafions Lot he county; the land is rich and very productive, with good management, Tiuee to Five Thousand Dollars p«r annrm can be made off of it. Good large HOUSE? also, plenty of Bams on it, and well adapted for city persons wishing a. country residence. Also, frontage enoughfor severalJdoitages. „ ■ 1 ■ For further information apply to _ RICHARD SBTVERb, opposite the Premises, Or B. H BROWNIN i, . BOS COOPER Street, Camden, N J. Office at Wert-Jersey Fffrry. mhSl-lat* firOß SALE GERMANTOWN COTTAGE; Barge And superior Cottage on Walnut lane.wHhevery convenience; iae situation, and good lot • B. V. GLENN, ■ , mhlStf, .. 123 South FOURTH Street. m FOR SALE—LARGE AND VALU **ABLI >fiO?SBTT, dIS ani SIT NorthFRONT Street; embracing several Dwelling Houses. Tannery, Morocco Factory, and everything complete forcarrying on tbe morocco business, with large lot, &c. i wiu be sold low, or exchanged for a good farm B. F.GLBNN, mhlS-tf - 133 South FOORTH Street. a FOR SALE—LARGE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, in full operation, with the working stock sitd tools,patterns, &0., of every descrip. Eton, necessary for doing a large and successful busl~ ness, situated on a railroad, about twenty ntHes from Philadelphia. B. P. GLE«N tr l5A3 S. FOURTH St,, a»hl8-tf or SW. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GBSBN Sts. m FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR BTOOKB—Farm of 83 acres. near Sellersvll!., Bucks county, in apod order, and haa good Buildings. , B. F. GLBflff. 133 South PouKTH Btre«T mhIB-tf or 8. W. cor. SEYKSTIBHTH and OBBBIf Sts. « FOR SALE—NEAB SELLERS- A yille—GOOD FAKU of 143 ACBBSi cheap foiTC cash, on will take In part sood oil stocks In exchange. ■ B. F OMSK. mhlB tf 133 South FOURTH Street. fiFOB SALE—A FARM OF 34 A acres in Atlantic county, S. J3B miles fr-m* ~ 1 ~ Philadelphia, iX miles from railroad Large new Cot tage House and all: requisite ont-boUdings. A great Tarletyof choice Irnits, 15 acres of land under coltlya tlon. Hood productive soil Price. tSiSCO. 080 N TOWHSSSD ACO . mhW tf 133 X Sonth FOURTH Stoat. JR FOR SALE-A PROPERTY AT -A— CHESTNUT HILL, embracing aboni'44 acres, which, for heanty of location and capacity for omi ts ental improTement, Is nnsnrpasssd by any property near Philadelphia -- » ' An A rtificial Fish Pond la abundantly supplied with water frtm springs. On the-property is a flne grore of Forest Trees A cor sic er&hle portion of the land could ha sold at high prices if lafdout In Building Lota, whilst the re mainder wonld afford the prettiest locations for Villas to he found In the yidnity of Philadelphia. Terms of sale accommodating. Apply to mMO thslngl* 1338 WaLnlt m 7,000 ACRES —SPLENDID vainable Prairie. Timber.’andPannlig IABD. wlthln twenty flvemlles of Chicago, on the W® °i^ T r railroads, near schools, churches, static ns, Ac The land was pnrshased by the present owner for investment, who is now going to Bnrope. - Haps and paiticnlare sent on application. mhlS « £<&?. M FOR BALE—“ GREENWOOD “* adesli able Coant ry Seat, sitnatedon Old lorkl-sC Msherlelane. The bntldlngs eonslet of * “ejfjse Stone Mansion, furnished with all the modem SKIv® I ®,?®?’ PS 4 Barn and Stabling, Ice House, Has Works,. Porters Lodge, Ate - The grounds are well laid ** * & btindance of fruit, and water.»lit ; 631 MARKET Street.; , JR FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER «P»«l?S.££ country seat, within half a mile -Delaware, on the newport 1 pike, eon. 1“ the centre of which if, * with* fine variety of shade trees; mu. ijkfr Hndena, evergreens, ete., in all over a hundred |£MgrS|sf jwssa anJfeg into the upper story of the tower. There is also mb house and stable snßclenMor four horses andseveni an&^i^.»^a?e f varieties of apple.cberry and chestnut trees. Terms acwmmodatis*. Possession 1 fiyea at uy Araiy to o«\r. i. dbvi <f clabk,* 31 * uoM*tf 831 Market street, Dei. MFOB SALE—GOUHTRI? BEAT tffc or Farm of 40 aares, on Church Ut. fl D*rK« .TE Township, Delaware county, withina few minute? Walk of tne-West-Chester acdPhiladelphia Kallrosuf- Darby Passenger idlwaj. The I***®-?* cultiyation, handsomely lo- eurroundinc eoßutry* •P 1 Id I* .of water and. an ezcelldni dtt-us premlaea The improve substantial P &tone infltfST*^aif^choice fruit, and Also, turo barns, stable, carries e> ho use. g*house, corn- crib, sbeds. &c •• IcA-honift. M iaAsM^* l^Bll^? 1^1 * MBBT «e>p!UBB HOuSSS, on the south dd« of ireh Wkiit LqnlreofJ D. JOHM TWTEST^yfiSl^it^SPrece ChMtnpt, opposite the PlanWwm gIBSI “X'S™ 130 Te t^?® r a 2f Ol i* OT NoDOWBUiB Is offanid'iA /DDISFUEABIiB, of jmooo. or a 4s°“oaT.S® 18«, he ftbnlons qnantltlsi and ex” S.IS; -?ssi^g&&s^st£. 2LS?« » r ?*pe«of OU.4eTdopment.jOfrwMmfeS w»£»to»^e»,4s anantfflSrto b J e oi Hi "SSS?‘ -- lhal been made sum Hie, OTOOTiSSin^6f to^ft papers from that sec Hon ■hm« I JbS^ I SfSd ,,,>BCrit6d toxa ' ma *»*> . Subscription Book at the office of ; 1 for the present. , 130 fjf)o ARCH STREET. fifWi DUU * bUu. A complete assortment of House furaiehiur'Goods ~. _ _ GBIFFITH & PaGE ' mhlg-Iy , SIXTH and ARCH S^ts. A CONCLUSIVE TEST TRACT ot HBhMBOhD’B FLUID KX- WM. F. CLARK, 1626 MAR dneed Prices, 1636 MABKBT Street, 3^’ 11 ’ a Jl stT 6 ®t,oB ® i<>or BIBTH Street, ’BTOKB, |Bo. 310 Bontt FHIItADSDFHIA. -S mannero, , s^sg“ASSs®as».: IVCTMN 8A ALw * ÜBS, Xm. H3B »ad S3* MABSy? &." lj LiBOE POSITIVE Bits of aso tors „ FkßSfiH GEBMAB, AHD AHkaiCAS Dff " £ A Card —W* jßTffe lha par« m , of dealers to the Tenable end,, a,. ~? 1 ' 1 ' Brltlah, French Gera**. and Americm dl!»n ejnbrntin* 9iOpa.keae.sand lots „ f article*, fnelndfeg !d0 packer.* doaeat;, A* 4 ( oia«lß|l99cwi fancy print* for ci,n. ; cloths, cassimeres, ae , towpe eaapt.-> r ii*' catalogue, on four mouths .credit a Q ri «_ / ■ •omßieccUa THIS HOBBIBG, at IBa'clS* to he continued throoghont the day ailteion. ' ai i, i.iltHl POSmVB BiM OF BBITISB > b ■ j GBBUAJf. AMD IK.MESTICDR? We will hold a larao tale of f-relg. aoi d "“l ' 1 (oodchy catalocoe, onacredit of four forcaah,' THIS HOBNINO. Kurch23d, at 10 o’clock enbraciiM about Si,. ; and Jot* of etap « and »aa*y articles ,'Xj ted*, linen*, alike, and cotton*, to which * 8 OS attention of dealer* .. If. B. of the *ame wtU be am» SH w amtnaHon with cstaloane*. «*rly on rt» "V? J sale, when dealer* will And it to their Ui-A .'ifl 'trao, ■‘‘'dfl BABQX SALK OF FOBEIG» g AHD Q | March 23, will he fbuod in part the foil.}**, fl bales bleauhtd and brown. *h®ettog<i '■ I ’ bates bleached and brown thirctnga. y —•cases bleaeaed »pd brown, mo dins aai “ , . bales white and colored flanneiK lf -4 t% cases bleached and colored corset 1 eases indigo bias checks and lickings 1 cases Manchester giachaws and cases Kentucky j«aueand coitouad*B ’ cases sinen* flannel*; end pantaloon atn-. y cases black‘and colored cambric* a&4 *■ L: ga TAILORING GOuDS, *" v ‘i Y\ Bamellne* French cloths, Cftselmereg. d - e .v | J tons, eoatinge. . , '’l| A full ebsortraent of black end colored Itait. 11 ■knia de chlnea. U»«»|gi*« aool>a> Also—Linen dameeke. shirting linen*, W r , fl Birrelfer drills, crown, docks, canvas. ifl ina* k table moths, linen ticks, and htusoka*-* ■* 9 in variety. DRESS GOODS. B Paris plain and printed moss de lain*,- fl Senadinee, percales, moz&mbiqaes* pepu- g • f, ‘9 WKB* &C " B iS 'S Also—fall assortment of French Smash „ 9 mohairs, alpacas, b&lmdral skirts, Ac. ‘ Vl '4M WHITE OOOvS |1 Also—Jaconets, cambrics. Swiss and ch«e>*. m linen cambric handkerchiefs. Ac. BaAWLi fl Breche, mozambiqae. lama, strife. n* 9 shawls. * M SILKS. f A Terr superior line black t&3>u», &-« g. . f Poult de sous, lostriiies, lancj dre»g a i,* 1 lr, and ficunces. Also— Shirts and drawers, hosiery, fl 4 • shirts, sewiirgse suspenceis, ties, ap«i skirts, notions, Ac. C >MI HAPI>BE PBTBTB. 1 In onr sale of TBUFdPAT, March tt3 1 to the trade, for esFh— i W 3wUl * ISS ca*es pare madder prints, of tU 7CI „ a jwoicest spring pafiserna. ‘^E 99ITIYS SALS OF D\n mattings, &e. ON FEIDaS MOUNtNG. March 24th, at II o’clock, will besoid, hr c j on foar months’ credit, ah mt 300 pieces rich ply. soperSneand fin? incrain, royal damiek,? hemp, callage, aqd rag canpetißas, Cantos u maiiiufiSy Ac , emhracisa a chuiee awortmea. rior goods, which may he examined early on t: ing of sale. FSBBMPTOBT 6ALBOF F&BNCH, INDIA, Gg:, AND Btt TlS*f DBF GOODS Ac. 1 ON MONDAY MOKNISG, March 27, at JOoVock. will be sold, bycauw four mt-utba’cf n3lt-,about 700 PACKAGES AND LOT 3 of French, India, German, and British dry * embr&cizta a lance and choice asaortmeato' staple snides in silk, worsted, woolea, llaea. tonffibcids. • .... N. B.—Samples of the same will be An minatlon. witb eataloaaes, early on the • ' sale, when dealers will find it to their mceresTi, te&tC LARGE POBrnFT SaLB OF BOOTS, SHogg, \ GAfiS, ARMY GOuDS. TK4VBLuff,JjiS * * ON TUESDAY MOBS'B‘3, 4 _ March2Btb,M 10o'elcoa;willbesoldercstaiogw .fourmonths’ credit, about 1 300 package* boon brogans,caTBdr7 boots Ac.,#mbraeia*a^riuje s a* sort meat of seasonable seeds of city aai gj msnntactar*- . , xI Will be open for examination, with citato* room ingof sale. M THOMAS & SONS, • Voe. 130 and lfiY South FOURTH Stna PUBLIC SALES OF REAL S&TAT2 AND STOCi the every Tnssday. FIFTH SPRING SALS, 28th March. ’ Valuable SchnylklU county coal lauds, th* “pj. Head Tract,’* <B7 acres: country seat 8• lane; eleyaut ‘esidence Bridce street; firsi-c s Nos. 2Sbazid23? North Third store asd d* S2S North Third street; valuable Arch •stride ifl'i other city property SIXTH SPRING Si LB. dth April Bst&te of Hie late Dr- John Kedmon xe, W. ver. S. Weaver. J, Kirkpatrick, and others. JKF* For list of properties to be sold at tfe* ab •«: salea see pages 18,19, and 28 of caUlogce of iu v. Bale at street. SUPERIOR FORK [TUBS. Ru«BW«jad m j HOP AO ? PIANO FORTES. ?tt] PLATE MIRRORS, CfiANDELIEfiij, mi PATS. Ac \ 1 CAkD. —Onr sale on THURSDAY MUBN[s}.t auction store, will comprise over 8)0 )o:$ *:> household furniture, rowwood piano fort», br h Go., mahofany plane forte, rosswood French plate mirrors, chandeliers aid m i~- musical boxF*,- feather beds and beddi ?. 0: s ., glassware, fine Brnswls, imperial, ana o.inrn'; A to, the entire farnDnre of a private kcs»}, r*£. to store for convenience of sale. 4EF* Catalotues now ready, and the articles a: for examination. » - SALE-0F THE VALUABLE THEOLOGIHiI t MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY OF THS usTS; WM KAMSBr. ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APTESIC' March S2d and33d, will be sold tbe H'-tatj Rev. Wm. Ramsey, which Includss m*ar an valuable works os various subjects, in tahuli guagea Sale at No«. 139 aud l4t South F>mr‘h SUPERIOR FUREIiURS.FRSNCH PLvrRMISs CHINA AND GL**s WA&K* FINE oAdr£lM > THIS HORSING* At 9 o*eloek,.at the Auction Shire *up r'.rr dlhtug- room, and Chamber furniture. Frenct -m* rets, China and glassware, fine Brussels ea: carpets* &c. .. * . . SALE w\ ACUOUJTf VNIT3BD BVm Also, at 9 o lf Zitfrei. SALE OF RARE AND VALUABLE COTSE. watch, gold snuff box, &c. „ , ON FRIDAY MORNING, ' March 24fbi at 10 o’clock, a collection of w valuable coins, American and foreign, in aid copper. . .. Aiap, i fine gold emuff box, gold watch, ad articles of interest and value* < Sale No. 13tf Mount Yemen street. HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBS, VSLVkT OAfiPSTi ON FBIDAY KOBNINO, 24th fust.. at 10 o’clock, at No. 13 6 SCouo? X stxeec, tLe household furniture, festher fc#fc, h yefccarpets, &«. Hay be examined at 8 o’clock on the moraisf sale. .-, • • See Ho- 2004 Kount Vernon so»rt BTOPEEHM! FUK»ITOKB- FIHE WiI.TON MJ BOSSWOOV MBLOi'EO*. CHASDBLisK, t „, . o* 'wkdbesoat MOKSise *t 10 o’clock, by cat&loruß, atXi S-M Vernon iheet. tie superior foraitaie, flue Wiw: Pete S-oetaTemelodeen. eheudelitrs, book c« r May be examined at 8 o’clock on thcinjwte ; ■ale. PANCOABT & WARNOCK, A TIOREKBS, MARKET Street. VERY LARGE AHBATTRACTIVE SPECIAL M OP 600 CASES, STRAW GOODS. Br CiuM „ . , ; ! OIT PSIDiY, |***eb 24th* commencing: at ID o’clock. _ I Included la Dda rb1«» tke fiist for »priaj«fb ] be found a very ddsizable assortment of wwh bonnets and bats, for tbe approach! ag eeasoa. ug and fancy braids, for ladies*, misses’, acd wear. .7.*' - - rjAYALRY HORSES! v ' AETUiUSSY HOB»K3! Qfaeteeiustbr Gbnbba&’s Oppicb, Fi&st D/.:. _____ City, B. C., MarcnlS..^ HOBBEB, suitable for the cavalry aad f*®* l *** ** Oelsl>6ro Depot, la ?>? aVm 1^ O»Dt*U GJBO- T. BSW • or su>r«* wG\. ceivedintM* cliy,inet>ea nuurk.t. tillMiyl e C&ptftta C. H. TOMPKIKSi Assistant corarr Twsnty second and ostreets. All animals to be subjected to tbs u&n&i before belnc'aeeepted. SiecifleatioiLs as follows: Cavalry Hwmi ?• sound is all particulars, well broken* is fol' £' food from fifteen (IS) to AxtAmi*. blah* fri m five (ff) to sine <£) years old* aad » eyery wakrtoT cavalry purposes, floret - <9) and ten ; go) years of age, If still« sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. Artillery horses moat be of dark color, tori particnlaro, strong, otolck, and active. : and square trotters in harness. In sood ler r.- : Hon, Rom elk (6) to ton (10) years old, not fltteen and one-half <15)0 hands high, .sett Welthnoi lees than tenhandred andflfty (1,00 Males must be over two (a) years of at’ s'ont, compact, well-developed animals, oft® tonrtten Q4)hsnds high. In foil health, fr« Uemlsh or .defect, which would nnflt Item ] work, and mnßthave shed the four front c.l< ‘«ad developed thecorresponding'foar penntoer. two in t ach jaw- ~ - Thesa speriflcaHore-.will be strictly ad'set® 1 rislaly entorerd In every partionlu. .. Honrs, of Inspection from 9 A. M to 4F. M ~.. ' ■Price—Cavalry hbrses. oae hundred anl st-.. doljarB ($185); Artillery Horses, one hnndred ’ Moles,.ono honlred dollars ($185) y Payment will be m&deat this Office. yn 1.00.10-. -si ■® l9T «* U ' ghao-tapso , , . Hvat Division 9- 51 TILLERY AND CAT HOSSBBI e-iUKK*** o?n’-j .• 1339 OIBiLRD STRBBTt Pim.inm.pgA suitable for tie Artillery and ? ar S;- Jlce will b« prircbaead by the nadersS*n«d »;«,V, Jfii,®,*® 11 »fin«dfo be subjected to . BUiiif inspection before being accepted. , B orses for.ihe Artillery Service must l>* ki aJi parfcicalara, stroa*, Quick broken and eohare trotters in let tfrom six to ten jbni lfi3s hands high ; each Horn to w*S a *° IpoOpounds, k -«ta i 0»o Hundred and rßtfhty Dollars for each. fc , )|V Oao Hundred and BevenAy-five DoUw& (^i^) will be diellveredtotbellri^|Jj*' e |ri) tor, at W* OEEAT WBSTBKB HOiau. ; greet, PhUadelpMa. Pa, b»W«a Tjlir '* Broad etreeU. _ By order of Col. William McKim, , cue; Qoartermaster 0& Captain and i- 3 mUBSR ffELHBOLD’B EXTRiCT/^J ontUieliiunore that mate dlwatre.——jf JOSHUA T. OWEN, ATJOB-s " COtJKSKLLOB AT LAW, AND CLAIMS. Office, »51 F Street, nett FoEt' Washington, I). G. - .—r. "NITRATE OF SODA—2OO I ’ recelred, and for stfatolots toL*®^'cl, HARRISON BROTHER * KaßufacfririßC i £ 105 Souti FKo>‘ IMMm* rjHILDREN’S OARBIAOf;,! TIBSLY KBW STYLES FOB -“JV: mhlB-tf , - IST and 159 garth *S£fii jA THOMSON’S LONDON f g3 l KNER, OB KDROPBAH BAH o ®*®?; MHjL hotels. orimbliciiigtltTltions, in > S 3 YBBBBT SIZES. Alio, n»* s £?L}% Hrt-airßiinuuaar Portable Heater*. MWt? Elreboard Stem, Batb BoUere, StewWflgi n* •», Csokinc Kora, ate., at Wholesale «uw«.ASSS oelmthSin _ no. HO9 «. SB 3s'>l PAJN nr Bfrig —HI trona Oxide 8« * beautiful ad natural *trle of _, TSOTH IKBSBTEB' t tfO* -jpggwT , OItDJJSYES MADS waSSi EL B. FOOTE. P 1130 BKOADWi T ' 5S ' tMswake of .'cpuwrEߣg ; , ® TTKPBIHGIPtIBD DB*iSRS e»de»’ 0 , JtATJOSS. ENFEEBLED AND