OIL COMPANIES. aocßHTßiiiooßiixsTao^imi POE FULL-PAU) STOCK. [TOARD FARMOIL COMPACT OF PENNSYLVANIA. tiPITAL.... 500,000 SHAKES, *AB VALUE... EACH. InDacrlptlon Price...2o Cents per Bbare. STOCK FULL-PAID. LOO,OOO SHAKES RESERVED BT THE COMPANY POE WOBKING CAPITAL. LThU Comp»ny is organized on the broad principle of gnslUy, inwinoch sc every perron who subscribes an- Be on tic ground floor, or, In other wordc, helps to l»hase tie pri'perti at the original or Aral coat, there. w enabling persons of limited means to secure ah Inte bat in an enterprise that moit surely return ahaudsome boflt la a abort time. It being the Intention of the Com any to commence operations at onoe. SO CINTB PEB BHABB. BO CENTS PEB SHAKE. FUEL-PAID. BO CENTS PEB SHABA | She property of this Company oonsleta of seyen him- Ired and ninoty-olsht aerea of 'some of the choicest otl bade In the United States, the same haring been Re fected from among thousands of acres, with a view to (he beat Interests of the stockholders, thereby enabling them to realise a profit on their Investment Immediately. I Ist A treat of SOO acres, In fee simple, situate In the beat Kanawha oil region, in West Virginia,: on the Raters of the Ganley river, near steamboat navigation. EXhe celebrated. 180-BARBEL WELL, Of the Bine-creek (Ml Company, is but a short distance from this property, and In the same range or belt | The Tradesman’s Oil Company, of Sew York, is also gear this property. This Company !b largely engaged In the development of their lands, having tweniy en tires on the ground, and we fully anticipate as large a yield of oil on the property of this Company as the Tradesmen's er Blue-creek Companies, I 2d. A lease of 280 acres for twenty years, being the Wsll-kiiowa Perry L, Tygard Perm, on Boharts’ Bun, a branch ol Bunkard Creek, Greene county, Fa. This [and Is surrounded by producing wells on Dankard □reek. The .peculiarity of the territory of thisrsgibnla mat very few wcllb have been cunk without success, this lease Includes all the minerals of every kind at one-eighth royalty. [Sd. A lease of the Jacob Kim’s Farm, In Payette bounty, Pa., containing forty eight acrac. for twenty ■ears, situate on George's Creek, a short distance above Hie celebrated Crow Well, said to be producing lIITT BABKBIS PER DAT. Ltd from All the Indications this tract la as good oil ter ritory as the Crow Well property. This Company) propose .to develop their property at Mice—as soon as the engines can he procured and for warded. The large working capital reserved will en title them to prose their work on vigorously. This lease Includes all the minerals as well as oil at one-eighth royalty, A largo portion of the stock Is already appropriated. Some yet remains for sale, and oan be had at the origi nal low price of 20 cents per share, at the ifflee of the Bine-creek Oil Company, .40? WALNUT STREET. E. B, AESOP, LAWTON COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL 500.000 DOLLARS, 50,000 fib ares of SIO each, Far Yalne. PBBSIDBHT, GEORGE COOKMAN, Vice President of Corn Ksehasge. Philadelphia. TREASURER. 0. F. RUFF, 'Matty Buildings, Hew Talk. SBCBKTABY, J. H. TROUTMAN, Philadelphia. SHOEOTOBB, *>*<* C °®3ilu. AL?BEDLAWT '• B * a. d. *' * E *“V«adelphla. W.I **»*•*■ DW. P. BgSgSSfaat. “ H - Q plSaielphla. SUPBBIHTBKDEH* OP MIHHS, JOHN a. HBWES, Pottsville. (The Colliery of this Company is located about ahal Lie from Mahanor' City, Sohuylklll county, Pena*. * i a lease bavins eighteen years to tub, upon about 400 res, thereby securing the north and south dips of the ** Skidmore, ” Seven Toot, Bight Toot, ' Boot, and all intermediate veins, 'with a run each dip of about one and a Quarter miles in above and below water (Level, taking basln. ie quantity of Goal in these various reins has been /efully estimated by competent judges, who reporta ftal of over three million tons above water level. When it Is considered that many, in fact, most of the lUierlee producing anthracite coal, are working at a msiderable depth below water level, necessitating speasive machine ry for pumping water and elevating lal, which will require a larger outlay of time and 9pej each year to keep In repair, it will be easily in that this Company possesses a great advantage in le situation of their veins, the difference in expenses i mining and preparing coal being about twenty per Ist. In favor of working above water level. VW* have numerous testimonials aa to the superior iallty of the Goal, particularly as to its'value as a steam coal,” it having been subjected to the most w Aetests, under boilers and elsewhere,without, tna tgie instauce,haviugmLed to give entire satisfaction. fh«re Is a large supply of good Timber, auSLcleat for 1 mining purposes during the lease,which adds great toprovemejiti belonring to the Company constat •a first classnew Bonble Breaker, having a oapaetty ’ goo toßßP6*«ay, with ample Pocket Mom. and all s boat and latest jmprovsinents. TbraeSO-horse In* lea, a complete Saw mill. Ban, Dwelling House*, aci smith and Carpenter shop. ... . „ rha Collleiy lain complete woriingorder.bsinr folly wkea with Tools. Horass, Holes, Wagons, Drift and ■t Cars giving a present aapaclty for mining 480 tons / day, which will he increased weekly. Ho expanee as keen spared in the erection of the Improvement* to icnre the utmost efficiency, and the Company now to possess the most ooxnplete Colliery In SohartP IdSotorshave not put thUetoeknpon the market ritha largely Inflated capital, but the Colliery is he- Dess tban'one 'third P who?e*nriinb »r of shares iIIpMSPMtn 1 . 0 , containing a fuller descrlptloh.and ItonMepof the Land, may o « Pttrr lUr ompany, sou fcweai corner of BOCBTH eud LIBSABY IreST Where subscriptions to tho A IHKETXKO OF THE STOCK* HOLDEUtf Of THE HUSHES SIVSH OIL aa-'vjfih# mr^Ap&sit HBNBY B, IDHUHfDB, BflflWt%Ty of HnybesßiTer Company mhlMutMt* wnviCE OF nIVIDKIHB Bio. 4. - *to RbSS» om ? OHIOPBTBOI,MM001 | . I March. Tba Directors have raaolyad to make Stair Mdgds.ptart.clT to'tlf Mvg COBGlt , B6 cot4tT OFFICE OF - GOHFAST, Swoodstorr, Bo. SIS SoatIiTHIBB &«*££** ttULS &♦ if A MBETINS OF IHi 1*; WKLXiTS P»TBOtBnM COMPABTT, held ji, (jaw, Much 21,1833, the folio (ring named gentle ien w«e eleeted to serve as Director* for the ensuing General HERMANN BIGGS. GEORGE BULLOCK, JACOB BiSGBL. E. g. LBWBLLYN. J, PBAILBT SMITH. . OFFICE OF 188 SEW EBPIBE ml 111 POTBOMDM COKFAtnr, MO. i «OWAL H UTBTOI»T,< &Sa , A . March 51,1885. The Annual Htotlng ol the SMpkholderswllt be held mhsg.gt* Secretary, tt fss?ssifff»“ws?a™ss fO., Ho 31* MuAI&IKB. *as«B«waraw.sss»teiss.. pjtfafeea,i*aiB w lahKUt ®t»wni«*. SO CENTS. Secretary and Treasurer. Oil. COMPANIES. |sjBp» LO HTHEB’fI BEN PETROLEUM AMD MIMISG COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA AND WEST VIRGINIA. INCORPORATED HE DEB THE LAWS OP PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL, ©500,000. 100,000 tmtecwh«wtvvm nnmoNit SHABSB. FAB VALUE, $9. SUBBOBIFTION PBIO& Sid. WOBKING CAPITAL. »..»»t20,000i OFFICE OP THE COMPANY, Wo. 13 gouth Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. PBBSIDBNT, JOHN STILZ. . BECKETABY, CHRISTIAN KNEABS. TBEASUBBE, ROBERT O. DAVIS. . ntancroas, JOHNBTILZ, JOHN BABBT, OHAB. W. F. CALVEBT, ISAAC KHINESTBOH, THOMAS FISHES, ENOCH GRAY. BOBEBT C. DAVIS. 1- The property ornelsta of one hundred (IDS) acras in te simple, on Lowther’s Bun. Bllchle county. West Yirglnla, about two miles from the forks of Hughes Ivor, end within a short distance of the great Asphal um Coal Banks of Eltchle comity. This estate la located within the immediate centre of he Great Oil Belt of West Virginia, which section, for he enperiotlty of Its oil, and for the unentlty and oar. niniy of its yield, surpasses the well-known Venango region of Pennsylvania. This tract Meson either aide of the Ran, Intersected by numerous streams, with a great abundance of tim ber on the premises for all the purposes of carrying on the successful development of the land. The dip of the rooks In the ravines along the Ban and streams, and the Indications of the presence of oil on the land, are sufficient to warrant the belief that there will be an abundant supply of oil.' The property has been examined by a competent per son,end declared to he nnnueatlenable “oil territory.' ’ The recent strike of the one hnndred,barrel flowing well near the forks of the Hughes river is only a short dislsnce from this "property, thus enhancing the valnc of thistraet as first class oil territory, and donbly as suring ne that there will bean ample return to all in veatmente. ' ■ > ■ ; 2. One hundred and ninety-alx acres of Mineral Land 8, situated on Licking Creek, Pulton connty.Penn aylvanla, ahonndlni In Iron Ore and other valuable minerals, and heavily timbered. The Utlea to the&bove property are perfect. A limited number of ahares will he sold at $2 per share. Subscriptions received by BOBEBT C. DAVIS, Treasurer, at the office of the Company, No. 13 South THIBD Street, Philadelphia, mh2l-6i pga” twenty cento peb shake. -MONONA Oils COMPANY. CAPITAL —— ©350,000. PAS VALUE OKS DOLLAR. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONLY 20 CENTS PER SHARE. Fall Paid Up, So Farther Assessments. WORKING CAPITAL, ©15,000. Thle Compafl* Is organised on the most equitable principle, without reconne to the present prevailing spirit of speculation, and with a view to the Immediate development of the land, and to enable every one, whether rich or poor, to Invest according to their meant, end to participate In the legitimate profits of the production of Petroleum, to which end a large portion of the proceeds of the sale of the etosk Is devoted to Working capital. The Company owa In fee simple one hundred acres of fine boring territory, in the centre of the celehratid Mecca Lubricating Oil district, in Trumbull county, Ohio, const*tin* of a good, well-improved Farm, sur rounded by producinx wells of the Mecca Oil Company, of this city, the Boston lubricating Oil Company, and ethers, producing severally from two to eight barrels per day. The Mecca Oil is a natural lnhricator, the'host in the market, and is in great demand at fifty dollara per bar rel at the wells. There are two wells down, almost ready for tubing, with agood show of oil in both, wi'h an eight-horse engine on the ground, so that no delay will occur in the operations of the Company. The depth of the oil wells in Mecca ranges from fifty to seventy five feet, sc that a large number of wells can be snnk at no greater coit than one well in Ye nango county, and other oil districts; though within a few week s oil has been found in the Medea districts at -600 feet, indicatin g that there will yet be large Sow ing welieln thie section of Ohio. When the stock is all taken, a meeting will be called, officers elected, and measures taken for the full deve lopment of the property. ' Subscription books are now open, from 10 o’clock A. M. to4o’clock P. M,, at 602 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHBf DERBYSHIRE, BESET B. WALLACE, B. S. PBBHTISS, W. 0. LESLIE, GKOBOB W. GRIFFIH* EOBT. JOHHBTOH, Committee. P. B.—The books will be open SATURDAY BVB HIHG, from 6 to 8 o’clock, in Order to accomodate per sons unable to subscribe during the day. mh22-« iggp PIIBShEVH. THE HEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. ORGANIZED CHUBB THB KHIHG ADD MAHUFACTTJRIHG DAWS OP THB STATS OP MBVT YOBS. CAPITAL ONE BULLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, 110 PER SHARE, NOT LIABLE TO ASSESS* MENT. GOYKBHMBMT BOBDS AHD SBODBITIBB TAKBH IB PATMBHT FOB STOCK. OFFICES: He. »* EMPIRE BUILDIHG, Ho. 71 BROADWAY, HBW YORK. Posy Ornca Avphssb, Box Ho. 6368, Hew York. OFFIOBM. , Hon. DANIEL 8. DIOKIHSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice Prerldent. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BDBTIS. Mlnlcg Superintendent,Titusville, Pa. ATLAHTIO 8ANK,80.143 Broadway.H.Y. .Treasury. Thewella of the Company are now producing oil. Payment for stock may be made in drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds end securities,which bonds and b« entities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may be addreesed to the Company, P. O. Box *o. 6368. Hew York City, jr to "Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the Hew York and Liverpool Petroleum Company ,}Ho. 143 Broadway. Hew lorkClty.” Protpeeina sent to any address on application, con taining a full and dear account of the operations of this MOST SUCCESSFUL PBTBOLBUM COMPANY, mhd 3m - K9* THE OHIO OJl* ASD MHISfI WSt? COMPiHY. CAPITAL. (300(000. 100,000 BHASEB, PAS VALBB AKD BOBSCBIPIIOJr PBTCE »3, *so, oooeeservedjoe'wobkibe capitai.. Tie property of the Company comprises elf It farms, amounting to 1,460 antes, more or leas, situated la Allens. Meins, and Vinton counties, Olio. For pros pectuses, information, and map of the properties sail at the officeof the Company, 80. 20 BXOHABOS, where Books for Bnbtctiptlon to the Btoek are now open. B. B. WHiTKEr, President pro tem. BOBEBT BHITH, Treasurer pro tem. MAKOS H, 18M. mhlS-etnthat* OFFICE SII.VEB .FASH I'EtKO* T.EUM OIL OOHPASI. LhUM V PHILADELPHIA, March 21, 1888. Tie Ant Animal Meetln* ot the sohaerlber* to the ea sltaletock of the Surer Farm Petrolenm Oil Oompaar wee held accnrdlnff to IAWt at the office Of the Com- Sayf'Bo 303 street, this 21»t day of Mwoi, 1806, when the following-named gentlemen were unanimously elected officers to ear i e lor the ensn to|rMWei>t-BOBBBT K aittpGKAM. Vice jPierident—o. A. PINLIYi K« P» Be P. Gillingham* wi liim B. gum, ilSfcaa. B. C, Booe* E P. JoluuottiM.h.»WiUß. iitotJraini to Adjenrameatofthe meettwt^f «Mlt iiftifjarn tle Directors convened and elected HBHAru- COCHBAB Treaeaier, aad WILMaM J. HALCQI.M Secretary. OFFICE OF THE ROBLE AMD i-S^bklamater fbubolbcm oompasy. asd OHESTKCT Street. pjnr.ADiu.'l’BTA. March 20. 1885. The anneal m«etl*K of tho stockholder* will he hold oMfll!BSfUof * o^ctodr. mMHuthrSt FgF» THE A«RCAI.MEE»IAd«yME STOCKHOLDERS oftheEOOK on-OOMPaNI will be held in accordaece with the the oOceof the company, Ko 409 WALwyT_Strwt^on HP! f .TBURSDA-Y, MAROB 23. JS6S. OIL COMPAIWEB. j^^TOBmWEWMTr PER SHARE. WTIOFF AND RAWS! EM Oils COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, 300,000 BIADKS. PAR VALUE, 92 PER SHARE. Subscription Price, 25 Cents per Share. STOCK ISSUED PULL PAID. $25,000 CASH APPROPRIATED AS WOBKING CAPITAL. TWELVE HUNDRED AOBES OF LAND, IN PEE SIMPLE, IN THE OIL REGIONS OF PENN SYLVANIA AND WEST VIRGINIA, Thlc Company is formed upon the MUTUAL INTEREST PRINCIPLE, whereby each Stockholder hsoomea an owner of the land, and at the ORIGINAL PRICE. An elaborate report of the property, made by Prof. WILLIAM F. ROBERTS, Geologist, la on file at the office of the Company, and can be seen on application. Books for Suhicriptlon open On MONDAY, the 20th instant, at 10 o’clock A, M., at the office of the TREASURER, J. GOLDSMITH, 338 HABHONI STREET, Below Fourth, above Walnut. where prospectuses and all information may be had. WM, D. HARRISON, BEOBBTABY PRO TBM. mh2J-4t yip- the CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. OP PENNSYLVANIA. O A JPITAIei* •••••••••#•*•*• @l*ooo,ooo* SHARES-.. —..200,000* PAB VALUfi— OQ. SUBSCRIPTION ?BIGS~~~~»~—~.$S.50 PBBSIDBNT, VANCE STEWART, op latsoim oommr, pa. TBBASDiBB, E. G. JAMES. Or PHXUDSIiPHM. BEOBBTABY. J.<®>. DARLINGTO&r. , WBST OHHBTHX, PA. DIREGTOBB, VAMOB STBWABT, Meroer county, To. JOHN B. LEONARD, West Chester, Pa. D. 0. POBNEY, Washington, D. 0. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, D. O. SIMON OAMEBON. Harrisburg, Fa. JOHN H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. t GEORGE 0. BYARS, Philadelphia. JAMES DUFFY, Marietta, Lan.asterso.. Fa. The present and prospective value of the stoek of thlc Company may be inferred from the fact that It owns a the simple Interest In 473 (four hnndred and seventy three) acres of the rioheat-teetedoil territory In Venango county, believed by the most experienced oil men in that region to he capable of producing a net annual In come to the Company of one end a half million dollars, or throe times the entire cost of the stock, which would he equivalent to twenty , five per cent, a month on Us subscription price, or one hundred and fifty per cent, per annum anils par value. The following Is a description of the Company's pro perty: One-fourth fee simple Interest in the celebrated “Hoover.” Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and one-half miles below .Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 332 rods (or over one mile)front on Hie Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leasee, each ten rods square.and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get all the oil. : On this Farm then are' now tat wells In operation, producing an average of ten barrels per day. and several others are about being tubed. There are also on it {B7 (eighty, seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease thelatterforone half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this rum eleven ire now piylng handsomely; a fast which sufficiently demon strates the treat richness and reliability of th« terri tory. . la the entire fee Mmpie interest In 181 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the “Hoover” Farm, and ja little nearer Franklin, at the month of Mill Bnn, having a front of 96 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both Bides of Mill Bnn, with ample boring snrfaee for one hundred welle, or Bote or ten rods square. This traet s known si the “Stewart rum,” and la elear of all eases or incnmbranees of any kind. There Is now In operation a fifty-barrel well (boride several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins this on the south. In fact, the “Stewart ” Farm to surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a short time a single lease of 80 rods front, ob the Imme diate opposite cide of the river, sold for *165,000 (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars.) On this lease a good well has been struck within a faw days. In addition to the territory of the “ Stewart ” Farm, which to believed to he equally u good as the “Hoov er,” there are on it a three-story Grist Mill, with She water-power, a good farm house, and other build Inge, hat Will he of n,.e to the company. The durabilitu of this Immediate oil section to Illus trated by the fact that some of the wells on the “ Hoov er” Farm have been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from Its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one'to two dollars per barrel mere than the oil at Oil Greek. - The officers of the Company feel justUed ln present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands san be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a comparatively short rime: THB “STEW AST FASH.” There to room on this for one hundred iris of ten rods square, all of which can he leased Immediately for one half the 011,/re« of all eaepehseto the Company, Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells, although there is loom for three hundred) st the very moderate average of ten Darrele each, would makes Dally prodnct of. ■..... 1,000 bbls. Out or this the Company’s share would bo. 100 bbls. Tains of dally yield to the .Company, at ten dollars per bbl Gt to now telling at , *13.60.) ——~ *5.000 00 Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Compa ny’s nnnnal net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone-.... —— 1,600,000 00 AUowlngthesameestlmateaforthe “Hoov er ” Farm. In which the Company own* one-fourth in fee of the land Interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would __ _ . its*«tss*ste«44s - WV|WI W Making the annual -receipts host both Farms—.———— .———1,876,000 00 Deducting from this amount the. sum of *376,000 for contingencies, would leave the Met Annual Income of the Company—. *1,500,000 00 st.t. THBSB LOTS CAM BB IMMBDIATBLT LBABBD, II it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding lesieea to sink welle, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 600 or more foot. A FEW FLAIK WOBDS TO StTBSCBIBHBS. Ton are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receiving large dividends, bat the basis on which the Company rests, it to be lieved, will make your investment not only safe, but, prospectively, of enormous value, . Motwithstandlng.at the present prices of oil, the Com pany’s annuel receipts (without any further develop ment) wonld he forty thousand dollars, or eight per sent, on the cost of the stock. The President, Mr. Stewart, to one of the most praoH sal and experienced oil operators .in the State, and hi* residence near th* Company’s property and general oyerslghtof Its management to the beat guarantee that no effort# will be spared to make the Investment pro- Stable. Applications for a large proportion of the stock bave already been made, bnt none will be reeelved nndl the hooks of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. Only a limited amount of the stock will be sold at subscription prise. . The stock will be Issued full paid, without further assessments. BOOBS OF BCBEOBIFTIOH will be open for a few days, on and after January 18,1866, at the ofDte of E. «. JAMES, Treasurer, Mo. 101WALMUT Street. Fhllada. Also, temporarily, by A. DOPOLAS, fe3-tf AtS. E..cor. SEVENTH and CHBSrMPT Bts, |ggp> TUB WEST VIRGINIA SATIOSAL PBTBOLKPJf ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of the Stockho!d< re, held March 7, after hearing the Beport of tbs Provisional Board, showing tie treat Hs* in the value of the land*. It vu Eegoived, That til stock which shall not be paid la fnl! before ibe first of April shall be forfeitsd for the use of the Association* ana that after that date no stock shall be solo at less than SL6O per .share. The lands of the Association consist of 1,188 acres* si tuated onXtatdy Creek* on the Little Kanahwa and on Hughes river* In the beet oil district of West Virginia. An engine has been purchased, and work will helm* mediately commenced. Subscriptions to stock will be received until April Ist, at one doUerper share by JAMBS LTND, Triutea Mo* South SIXTH Street, second floor* or bj any of the fol owing-named gentlemen: Matthew J Brady. So. nSTSbackamaxon street, Joseph T. Bowand, BTo. 317 Stevens street* Camden. Abraham Stewart* 80. ISO Sonth sixth street, or JBfo. i«ia goxttb Fifth street wSf, B. AcWey, 80. SO2 North Second street,' Wahlon Gillingham, No 2141 Arch street James Zimmerman, N 0.12015. Second street. ■ Jomes Webster, ko. fiO North Fifth street, second fit or or Tioga a reet, near Tweuttetb. tah2l-Stlf rrs>» »OBBIS FABM OU, OOKPAVT, L ?|SM»oi WladBXpW *- M2~ Circulars can bo preened : upon application si he office of the Company,, mu-ua OIL COMPMPBB. THE ■; SALMON CREEK OIL COMP AM, VENANGO COUNTY, PENN’A. OAPITAXi***-**..*... ..©200,00^. 100,000 SHARES. FAR AND SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, •% $85,000 KESSBYED FOK WOEKIIJG FU JTDe PBBSIDBNT, J. R. CASSELBERRY. SECRETARY. O. C, WOOD.. TREASURER, EDWIN S. RICHARDS. DXBSCTOKS, JOHN liOTTTT. JOSEPH ADAMSON, ELIAS BIBOHALL, BBS J AMIN W. COLS, SCOTT. J. CABBHLBBBBY. BBWIB a RICH fcBDS, JOBB JKBOBEB. i)BAS. £T. CADWAL A.DEB, JAMBS J>. ; The propertyof this consist* of two tracts Of land la Yenango county—to wit: Ho, 2, designated as Salmon Creek Tract, consists of SOO aerea, In fee simple, situate on both sides of Salmon and Little Salmon Creeks, tributaries of the Tlenesta, and- about ose»eighth of* mileLfrom film latter stream.. This region is now exciting a great deal of attention. Developments, both above and below us. on the Salmon and Tlonesta Creeks, justify ths expectation that this district, in certainty of production, will vie with the faxßohß Oil Creek', while the quality of the Oil thus far obtained is very superior to that of Oil Creek, averaging about 9fi per cent, clear, and bringing about $3O per barrel at the wells. We have a large amount of first rate boring territory, and Intend sinking at least three wells on this tract this spring. No. 2 consists of a one-tenth undivided interest in the fee simple of the Hill Dam farm? containing forty* five acres, oh both sides of Cherry Hum, at Plummer, Corn - planter, township, Venango county. Any comments sow as to the value of this territory would be super fluous, as development! have proved It to be unfailing in Oil . Some of the best wells in the country.are,on this Bun—among others the Meed, Baker, Auburn, and Granger , producing from one hundred hun dred barrels each per day. Thirteen wells are now being bored cn tbl* tract, for which the Company fur nish no capital, but receive a royalty of all the Oil pro duced.- It is believed that this interest alone wUlp*T a good dividend on the eapitaL The only stock now for sale by the Company is’ a small number of shares of the working fond, which may be secured by an early application. ■; .5 6,000 shares of the Beserysd Stock have already been taken, wl ieh It aves less than 7,ooo’shares topen at sub scription price. Fox further particulars, see prospectus at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, Ko. 28 Merchants’ Exchange. mhll-atuthSt PIN* GBOYE PETROLEUM COMPANY/ ©BOO,OOO OA.PITAL. 300,000 SHAKES. PAS VALUE, 91. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 25 CENTS. PRESIDENT, P. J ANNEX'. SBGBETASY AND TREASURER, COL. JOHN K. ZBILIN. (Commonwealth Bank.) 60,000 Shares as Developing Capital. The properties of this Company consist of eighty-five acres In fee. located In Fine Grove township. Venango county. This property is sltnated near the celebrated Hemlock Creek, and only a half mile from the large well on Horseneck Creek. There being a large portion of low, fiat boring land on this farm, we will be en abled to sink many wells, none of which cut prove less productive than the well on Horseneck Creek, which alone Is now paying a dividend of eight per cent, to the Company. There are also two parcels of land on Oil Greek, loca ted about two miles and a half‘above Oil City, contain ing each abont a half acre, on each of which there are now wells down. One to the depth of, say, one hun dred feet, and the other is now down one hundred and ten feat. At this depth we have the most undoubted proof of securing two of the most lucrative oil wells yet discovered on Oil Creek. On the Graff & Hassem Tract, which adiolns ns on the south, they are now developing, and have two wells, one of 108 and one of 00 barrels per day. To the north we have the Corn Planter Company. Their 150- barrel well is dose io us. At the low price of the stock, being offered at 25 cents per share, every one Will have the opportunity of securing an interest In most valuable land located B Venango county, which, withproper energy in developing, can he made to prove as remune rative at the lands of the most favored Companies now in operation in Venango eonnty. The BOOKS of the PIUS GEO VS FBTEOLBDM GOUFAHY will he open at the Office of the Company, Ho. 400 CHjfeTHDT Street, Boom Ho. 1, after TUES DAY, March 21.1856, for the sale of a limited number of abates. Fhahkiut, February 34,1855. To the Officers of the Pine Grove Petroleum Company: GnsraEMEir: At your request I have visited your land, located in Fine Grove township, in this -county. It is well located, near Hemlock Creek, and not fax from a well now pumping largely, There are also many wella now going down on the properties immediately adjoin ing. From theinrfase indications you may rest assured ofhavlsg secured one of the most trainable Farms yet sold for Oil developments. mh2o-6t J.MAB3IY MARTIH. Kja- THK COIVHBCB PJBTROIBMI COMPANY. 350,000 SHAEBS PAE YAtOB *l. 6IJBBOBIPTION PBIOff 85.CBBTS. 85 CENTS. NO FURTHER ASSESSMENTS. _• President, J. J. McCain. Treas. and Bee., B.P. Woods. _Thla Company Is organized on the equitable plan.of puudnsall.ettbterlbers on the around floor. ’ ’ The lands embrace oyer 860 acres In fee simple, In two tracts, both situated in the finest portions of the-Great Oil Belt of West Virginian The advantages, both pre sent and prospeetiye, are greater than any offered hr and Mape maybe seen, and fill Information gtven. . „ Books of Subscription now open at the Office of J. F. DILLON & 00., No. 508 WALNUT Street. mils 81* MILITARY. ji BOUNTY FOB MAKINEB. JK WANTED—Veterans, only, laving honorable dis til charges from the U. S.Hartne Corps; will he entitled mto the Government and all the local bounties* paid upon enlistment. Term of service four years. Better compensation than the army. Marines receive prise money. For all further information apply at the re cruiting rendezvous, Ho 311 South FKORT Street, he low Sprnce etieet, between the hour*of 9 and 3 o’clock. JAMBS FORNBY, mh!B-tf Captain and Becraliing Officer. QARPBTINGB, - OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, ' PRICES REDUCED. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 807 CHESTNUT Street. mh2f«tathsml6t QARD. ■ SPBCiaL NOTICE.- ' na Store I now occupy le Bold for » Baskin* lrutt tution. Mot beta, able to procure a baililng aufficiently large to bold mistook, I am competed to t . ■ BELL OUT AsCaetae possible. I now offer my Immense assortment of FUBNITURE ' AT TZST LOW PBXCSB. GEORGE J. HENKELS, mhie-lm 809 AMD 811 OHBSTBPr STBIgT, CAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY BBFBBSTO Oharlesß. Lex. Esq.. i B. &-W. a BwaieMOo., B. C. Knllht&Oo., Br. B. |. Muik.nate.: JmbwK. Uttte, l*a., 1 W. H. leWoaACo, ■ ' «* GOODS. 1865. CLOTH STORE. 1%5. King cotton king gold Belnr nearly dead, we haye adopts! mearam to re- Vlyethe CLOTH TRIBE upon the good old principle of , t MODERATE PRICES, rsacli of people living nfeon fixed Incomes, 81 n£,. a *fc??. 8 i lerf * J odgBSi He tired SUrohanta, 4w. p &c. iß *°*“plete» purchased under a severe Golden pressure, and we are prepared to offer OT-OTHB, C4FSIMBBBB, COATIBCK BILLTABDS, BAGATELLES, No. CLOiKINOS, 3* BUiK yasTiuas. Booth BAVY CLOTHS. BBCIOHD ABUT CLOTHS., Btrost. FLAN* ELS, ft a.. CHEAP, AT No. 81 SOUTH SECOND STREET. " ' W. T. SIN'OJO'GKA.SS. , ot brown and olive CLOTHS for Friends’ wear. mhMtf J^OTICE. HE AV Y RED U 0 TION IXFRIOIfIOF DRYGOODS. EI>WIJV HCAi.II. Sc CO., ; »6 South Second Street, * i ABB HOW OFTBfilirG THBIB BILKS, ' ; : I DREBS GOODS, . SHAWLS, • CLOAKS, 'ltd all otter Goode at greatly reduced price*, and will continue to do so aa our eurreney approximate* to a gold standard. ■ \ mbaj-tbsmSt •table linens, „ A ' From the late Anetlon Salsa, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS. < Lota of BLBACBBD DAMASK. BASK LOOM. brown. CREAM. , i; , ■ . Weare running offthealoTO at a small adyauee on AUCTION COST. CURWENSTODDART & BRO.. - 450, 453, and 40* North SECOND Street, ■ , ■ , . . Abo re Willow. dfmm STYLES O . SAXONY .DRESS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, From the late Auction Bale - ■ CHOICE STYLES Belling from S7H to so cents OBRWEN STODDART fc BEO„ . .450, 453, and 454 North SECOND. Street, ■ ‘ Above Willow. IVTOUSBELINE DE lAINES, 28 QTS. ATX All styles of DRESS GOODS at REDUCED PRICES. OTJRWEN STODDART & BRO., ' 450, 453. and 454 North SECOND Street. " Aboye Willow. PRINTED BAREGES A FROM 35 TO 3T& CENTS PER YARD. Closing ont, a lot of last year’s goods at the abors lowpileei. DRESS GOODS of allVlnde at „ ; REDUCED PRICES. CTJRWEN STODDART A BRO,, ' 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, . ' '■■■ " ' • Aboye Willow. iSlack alpacas, D black NOHAIRS, ' • BLABK CANTON CLOTHS, from the late Anetlon Sale, at •: REDUCED PRICES. CUSWEN STODDART & BRO., „ 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND gbreet, Above Willow. PICH PLAID SILKS, XV for SACQDES, MANTILLAS, AND DRESSES, from the late Anciion Bales, at VERY reduced prick. OURWEN STODDART A BRO., 450, 453, and4s4 North SECOND Sheet, mMS sr Aboye Willow. A LARGE LOT OF BLACK SILKS, of ihe bei't make, to lie sold cheap. WHOi.E6A.LB AND RETAIL. HENRY ALBERTSON. 714 ARCH Street. mil® 61* ft!ILL GREATER BEDUOTIOHS m K_7 PRICES. Wehaye ln the pHees of XOMjB&TKJB* and our entire Stock of fancy and Staple Pry Goods* so as'to meet the last fall in fold, and-pl&ee th* pmfc%of allour atock far below the lowest market SILKS, every variety, at rede ced prices. PRESS GOODS at reduced ptleee. MOSLINfi, ail the hast makes, reduced. CALICOES at greatly reduced prices. Oureatiie SpriugStock at reduced pri«e*. . • H. STEEL & SON, mh2S*fcf; - Nos. 713 and 715 North TESTS Street. FINANCIAL. " ' BY EXCHAH6E NICE, NEW TOSH, BANKERS AND BROKERS. DEPOSITS AMD COMMISSIONS RECEIVED OB THE MOST FAVOBABLI TERMS. , PETROLEUM STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLD BtriuUy on commission at tie Eegnlar Board. This basinets is a specialty with ns. Onr faculties for Its tram action, and oar Informationas to tl» condition and prospects of the yarioni Oil Stocks, w« believe tobermsnrpaated, ' ■ US' Correspondents please observe that we haTo re. moved from 50 Broad street to onr now BANKING OFFICE, Mo. ,57 EXCHANGB PLACE. EDMUND O. STEDMAN, ' CHARLES E. OLABKE, THOMAS M. NEWBOULD, mh2l-tnth»6t» - - TREABURY*DEJPABTMENT I OI , FIOB A Of THB COMPTROLLER Of THE GUSKBtfGY, WASHi»axoir* January 26.1666 Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the tuidersljrced, It has been made to appear that TUB XUTIO&4& BXOHAKGB BAKE Of PHTI.APgr.PHU, in the city of Philadelphia, lit the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, harbeen- duly oria plied under and aecordin* to the requirements or the Act of Goncreu entitled ‘‘An act to3tibieBtiißt< Street. JAMES &;.BARLE & SONS? FOURTH GREAT SALE OF VALUABLE ORIGINAL AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ort*. I»AJt3N-.TIISr<3S, Mostly purchased hr Mr. James S. Earle, directly from the artists themselves, dr painted from sketches made exclusively for him. Among the painters repre sented are: Carl Hairnet. Richard Jourdan, B. De Loose, H. Bondermann, Letschaner, Carl M. Webb, Hildebrandt, Ton SebenT'B. W. Wangh, Lonls Lang, Geselsehap, A. BeSgert. Paul Weber, C. Hoanet. Engel bardt, J. N. T. Tan gtarkenborgh, W. T. Van Btarken borih, J. W. Castlear, VanDenberg, Laurent de Beni, E. Verboeekhoven, Edmund D. Lewis, Thomas Moran, W. L. Sonntag. This collection Is certainly the finest ever offered at pnbllo sale In PhllaC elphia, and tally eq.ual.to any ever sold Intblsconnuy. The painting* are all by modem, artiste, all new, and in perfect order. They will be sold poaUivelu without reserve. The sale will take place at the_ PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINS ARTS, on tbe Evenings of THURSDAY, 234, 'and FRIDAY, 21tb of March, at half past 7 o’clock precisely. The pictures are now on exhibition,/?m Open day end evening nnltl the nights of sale* ** Inline—Cash, bankable funds. , ' * „ • . ■ _. Catalogues can he obtained at the Gallery ofJAalSo 8. BARBS Ac SONS, Academy o( Fine Arts, and of the Auctioneer. mhlo-gt QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE OF GOODS. FBENOH PLATE GLASS, FBENOH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN WINDOW - GERMAN LOOKING-GLASS FLATES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ton SALE BY ROBT. SHOEMAKER & 00.. mhjl-fit - 205 and 20TN. FOURTH Street. TN)R NON -RETENTION OR INOON- A- TIBENCi of urine, irritation, in4ammatlonor nlceratlon of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of tbs prostate glands, stone In tbe bladder, calculus, gra vid er brlck-dnst deposit, and all diseases of the blad der, kidneys and dropsical swellings, use HELM boLd’s fluid extract buchu. - DEAUTIFUL WINDOW SHADES D Jnet received* an invoice of Window Shades of entirely new designs and elegant colors, different from anything hezet of ore offered, at the Oarpat Stjre of^. »hSL-tnthi* fl. S.asr.KaHTB'andß*aMT. . WALL^PAPEjag. jpw SPRING STYLES PHILADELPHIA wall papers: HOWELL & BOIfME, N. e: oob. foukth and MAEKET STS., MANUFACTURERS OP PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES. XnbSS-tSsttt Sm WANTS. •RANTED— OIL STOCKS, FOE LAND. HOUSES, ABD GSOUND .GEO. N. TOWNSEND & 00,, WANTBD-BY A YOUNG MAN ■ from the Country, a good penman, anick at iffilr s .’g.SSil ,101 -» M> ?S» kßowl l3** of Book-Keeping a SfrUa TIOB in a Book Store or Newspaper Office. .Address It* “William," 40 ALMOND Street. WANTED—FRONT ROOM* SECOND or tMrd floor, for hasinose office. Address “Mason,” Press office mh23-2t» WANTED— 1 500 SHARES MINGO OIL f f CO.. in exchange for a valuable Honse and store, centrally located. Address HENRY MANPORO, i o. : mb’za at* . WANTED—OAR VASBIRS FOR •* , LIFJBIHSTTB4BTCB The best terms offered. Ad ply M-438 CBESTMPT Bt.» second story. mb-2jUlm* WANTED—AT. $l5O PER MONTH— / reliable Canvaarer in every- town and county-, for the KUBBB AH I) bPY» the most intemtinc fed exciting book ever published, embracing the adven* tares ofa woman in the Union army as florae, Scout, and 6py* giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Afente olearing *l6O per month, which we will prove to.any doubting applicant. Send.for circulars. Address ‘‘JOBES. BBOS., A CO., 600 GHgSTSTUT Street. Philadelphia. ll ' • . . mh7-lm* A'LADY OF INTELLIGENCE AND education would like to procure a situation as Bdiv tor of a Newspaper cr Magazine, either in the city or country,having had considerable experience in literary matters. Or would accept the management of auy basi- Kess soffleientiv lucrative to enable her to lire com* fortably Teetimontala of character and ability can be £^ en V^ or fDfther particular*, address Mrs. FOBSTJBB, °!^Sr re A aTT ni of Working Women’s Association! 736 ABCH Street. - mh2o* at AN EDITOR WANTED—ON A well-established INOBPEK DBSTT DAILY PAPBB One who has had experience as a Journalist on a popu lar newspaper can engage permanently at a good salary by addressing the undersigned, publisher of the EriePaily Dispatch. mhl?-6fc * • • B. P. EL LTffET.' TADY CANVASSERS WANTED- Tr ? or * WOfiK OF ABT, to canvass Phila delphia and other cities Pleasant perseverance will easily earn aroin $5 to $2O per day. Address, stating Sievious occupation; “A B. o.,** 80x4420 Post Office, ew York. - mh3o-6t M WANTED—A NEAT DWELLING, **with modern conveniences, located between But* tonwood and Poplar streets and Fifth and Eighth streets. Address ’* W. A,, 1 ’at this office, staring locS tlon and price. • -' ■ 1 mhSS-3t* m- WANTED—ABOUT APRIL Ist, BY SHU responsible tenant, g modern HOUSE (central), with 10 or 1* rooms. A literal rent wilt be paid, and a bonne of SICO. Address “H ■” No. 303 MARKET Street, mbgl-gt* « W ANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL Ist, a modern DWELLING, situated above Arch •treet and west of Broad, Bent abont $4OO, Address . 80x1937, Post Office. mh2-lm* SEW PUBLICATIONS. THE FLOUNCED ROBE, AND WHAT ■* IT COST, by Miss Harriet B. McKee ver; a neat ISmo TOlnmc, wftb frontispiece _ A NEW EDITION. This Admirable little volume, by Mies JtfcKeeyer, bee pasted thrown a nnmberof editions. It is an excellent book to place in the hands of youn* people* or for Sun day Ekhool Libraries. ALSO HEW EDITIONS OT EDITH’S MIHISTRY, 12mo, clot!. SUHSBIHK; Ob, KATE VIKTOH. •WOODOLI?FB. 3 ' BY THE SAME AUTHOR. LIHDBAY & BDAKISTOH. Poblishsrs. mtai-tf 80. as Bonth SIXTH Street. on CENTS, GODEY’S ; 15 CENTS, Peterson’s; 18ets., Young Polkb; 30 ©U., Hsroenf 30c1a., Atlantic. mh32 Sfc» MoORE'S, gQSABOHBt BOOKS I NEW BOOKS 11 Jtut received by„„, _ ASHMHAD ft EYAHS, (Haiard’s old stand). Bo OHBBTHUT Street. TOO BTRARGE EOT TO BE TRUE. A Tale. By Lady Gporgianahullerton, author of “Ellen Middle ton, ’ 1 &o. Three vole, in one. Handsomely Illus trated. TOHY BUTLER. A Hovel, In paper or muslin co vers. A combination of Lever's Irish Hovel and the Romance of Balwer. THACKERAY’S VAHITY PAIR, A new and decent edition, with Illustrations by the author. Printed on tinted paper. Svols, 12mo. Bonnd in green cloth. TRIAL OF JOHB Y. BEALL, aa a Spy and One rilla. by Military Commieeion- _ HEATH'S IBFALLIBLB COUHTBRFBIT DETECTOR AT SIGHT. The only infallible method. Oiustrated by the American Bank note Company. Byery store keeper should have a copy. , Price $l. 60. GEORGE GBITH OP #BH COURT. A Hovel. ByP. G. Trafford, author of “Too Mnch Alone,” fte. EXILES IN BABYLOH: Or, Children of Light. MIRACLES OP HEATEDLY LOVE IK DAILY LIFB. Two new books by A L. O. B. English editions BMITH’S MAP OP THE OIL BEGIOHB OF PEHH SYLVAHIA. BHBWaHDOAH VALLEY. Campaign of 1851. By Robert Fattereon, late Major General of Volunteers. ALL THE HEW BOOKS received aa coon ae issued from the press. . mhlO tf VTEW SUPPLY OP CHRONICLES OP A V THE BCHOKBERG-COTTA FAMILY. ALSO, BY THE SAMS AUTHOR: I - THE EARLY DAWN; or, Sketches of Christian Life in England in the Olden Time. MAfiT OF MRS. KITTY TRHVYLYAN. A Story of the Times of Whitfield and the Wesleys. THE CRIPPLE OF ANTIOCH, and Other Scenes from Christian Life in Early Times. THE MARTYRS OF SPAIN. AND THE LIBERA TORS OF HOLLAND. TALES AND SKETCHES OF CHRISTIAN LIFE, in Different Lands and A«es THE VOICE OF CHRISTIAN LIFE IN SONG; Or, Hymns and Hymn Writers of many. Lands and Ages. THE TWO VOCATIONS; or,.the Sisters of Mercy- at Home. JAMES 8. GLaXTON. {Successor to Wm 8. & Alfred Martian), mhfi-tf , 606 OHShTNPT Street, MISCELLANEOUS AND LAW ATX BOOKS—The beet m 3 rarest collection in PhUA delphia.—Hellowell’eShanspeare, fifteen hundred dol lars, and other Books, equally scarce, for sale at 409 OHEITNUT Street, ' ««« ji2 3m . • JOHN CAMPBELL. 1 _ ; . INSURANCE. FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE M A. NHATT AK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANI, Nos. 156 AND 158 BROADWAY, - NEW YORK, •January 1, ISG-3. Net Assets, January 1,1664. 81,478,968 69 RECEIPTS DURING THE YEAR. ( For Premiums, Extra Premium,, Ac a*..-,--,,,—-**-——-——.* 8831,294 67 For Interest andßente ..... 116.496 11 For Interest and Bests accrued.. 86,744 24 . 978,634 02 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid Claims by death on Policies and Bonus, and payment of - Annuities... 8194,802 66. Paid Expenses, Salaries, Texes, Revenue Stamps. Medical Ex aminers'Fees,, Commissions, Ac «..!«. ...„ 120,063 04 Paid Dividends. Reinsurance, Purchased Policies at 4 Bonus, ' . IntereitsonDlALlends, &c~« 146,921 78 . ■ 461,2177 38 ASSETS. Cathin Bank and on band- 839.033 01 Bondsand Mortgages, 31447600 Real Estate .• ■.T"..123,928 74 Premlnm Notes on Pounes in ; _ - f0ree.i™—763,436 17 . IThe actuarial estimate of the value of the Policies whtebme enre these notesla about *964.000.] Quarterly and Semi-AnnualPre miunlß deferred. - - -62,665 43 United States and New York - Btate Blocks, c05t.,,,—^329,045 60 Premiums and Interest In course of collection and trac epilation. 183,997 04 famnllTMV T.lbftTtft <>» btOCkl Uld 144,000 00 [Market value of the.Secnri tles, 8177,-767 60 3 , t , „ Interest accrued to date, and all other property 23 From tbe great success of this Company they are ena bled to offer superior advantages to policy holders. Life policies are leaned payable in annual, or is one, five, or ten annuel instalments; also, nan-forfeiture en dowment policies, payable In ten annual payments, which are paid at death,or on arriving at any particular age. Life insurance aa an investment has no supe rior, as it has saved millions of .dollars to the insured, and thousands of families from ruin. Dividends Are paid to policy holders, thus enabling them to continue their policies, if otherwise unable to do so. This favorable feature has been the means of saving many policies that would have been forfeited for want of means to continue them, and In several instances, famines once wealthy have thus been saved from utter ruin.. .• The offlce of the Com pany has been removed to the new building Nos. ISO and. IDS BROADWAY, where their prospectus may ; be had on application. - HENRY STOKES. President. 0. Y. WBMPLB, Secretary. J. L. HALSEY, Assistant Secretary;. S. .N. STBBBIHB, Actuary. ABRAM DU BOIS, M. D., Medical Examiner. PHILADELPHIA 15RASCH OFPICK, No, 418 WALNUT STREET. - JAMEB B. OABB, mh2ltnlhcBt AGENT AND ATTORNEY. nOAL.-|9.SOATON FOR THE VERY V to, t Heater and -Egg COAL, equal to Lehigh, Stove, *10: Nut! 89.' • Offlce. 305 Sooth FIFTH Street. Yard, BROAD andCATHAWNE Streets. ■ mh33-6t« JAMES O'BRIEN. H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ’ FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PENNA. Special, attention given to the examination of Titles. pHinaiabFnu Rbfbbbnobs Chac. E. Lex, Esq., Hon J.Roas Snowden, James H. Little. Beg.. T. T. Tasker, Sr., Hood, Bonortght, SCo., J,Z. DeHaVen, President m ■ ' ' ■ »MO-W , M JOB SALE—HOtJSE HO. 1830 MAS «S» § lr f?‘= al > the modern improvements; lot 100 wd ' A'Pplr to WALLAC»* Sn»e.ll2&J r "“ w ® ,t «™» RIDGE Avenne HISBED HANDSOME RESIDENCE, 624 South WASHINGTON SQUARE, is now open for Boarders. A commodious suite of rooms vacant. Gentleman accommodated with dinner. mhl7-BS* r OST OB MISLAID—A PERPETUAL POLICY OF INSURANCE issued by the .TRUS TEES OF THE FIBB ASSOCIATION to B. T. 3Air LOWFLL for $5OO. dated June 2,1856, and transferred to the Fourth Jefferson B. and L Association. Any in formation concerning aame will be received by fe2s-Btutb!2t* J. H. CHUBB, 331 SEED Street* TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A, cm ABB OOURTY OF PHILADELPHIA* ESTATE OF MARY LESSEE. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WM. WaLMSLEY, Adminls* tratorof tbe Estate of MARY LESTER, deceased, and to report distribution of tbe balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for tbe pur* poseeof his appointment on TUESDAY, April 4th, A D. 18k at four o'clock P. M , at his office, HWl5&9# S. FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mh2S.thstust JOHST HANNA, Auditor. A LADY WILL TAKE A FEW MOKE Pup!). in Drswlnf, Oil Painting, Water Color*. Photograph Coloring, .t«., at 766 South ■IaTH Street. - . mM3-3t» TTYBE & BURPEE, XX 1505 WILLOW Street, Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers of the _ ' . .. ABOMA-SAYING COFFEE SOASTEBS AND DIAMOND BUBRCOF if BE HILLS. B. J. HYDE’S PATENTS. ' * We save many times its cost yearly by roasting our coffee with tort Portable Coffee Boaster. ” , J. B. KINGSLEY ft CO., • =• Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, “where rood eoffee is desired, we consider your Boaster absolutely necesaarr.” - KANAGA. FOWLER, ft 00 , Girard House. . **l east furnish better coffee, at lees'expense, tha* wh« win, the Hou«. ' “Your Coffee Boaster and mil are indispensable to me.” KB. CLABKE, Germantown. “I consider your Portable Coffee Boaster thebest la the market.” JOHN B, LOWE, Philadelphia Coffee and Spice Mills. . B. 8. A. Gxhb&al Hospital, Summit House. “Your Patent Coffee Boaster is in nee in this Hospi* tel, and does its work In a very satisfactory manner, the coffee being much more evenly roasted, without any portion oil* being overdone. there is saving is quantity and Improvement in bein* Surgeon U. 8. Y.» in charge. H. 8. A. General Hospital, Chester, Penna. *'lt gives-me pleasure to recommend your OofiM Boaster to all desiring good roasted eoffee ” HBWBON BACHB, Surgeon D. 8. 7., in charge. Many testimonials might be given endorsing oar small Family Coffee Boaster, all of which unite In pro* nonnring it the only machine worth having. Prices (3*60, $3 60, and $6. _ Prices for Portable Stove and Boaster, for Grocers, Hotels, Hospitals, Coffee Manufacturers: No. 1, $4O: No. 3, $6O: No. 3. $126: No. A $360. Send for circular. All Machines Warranted. Responsible families, de siring to try any of the family sizes, before purchasing, can be accommodated by sending their orders to the ofr flee, 150* WILLOW Street, Philadelphia. delo-stuth3mlf HYDE & BURPEE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN-THAT ** an application will be made by the undersigned to the Department of Highways, on SA.TCFKDAY, 35th of March. 1865, for a contract to pare the following street*. ■ a majority of property-owner* on the streets to be paved having signed anagreement with the undersigned to do •the same. * i ill persons, owners of property, having objections to the contract being awai died to the undersigned will mah* the same to the Department on or before 12 o’clock on the day designated: _ Thompson street, between Norris and Otis streets. 82,452,602 61 street. IQlf&et. It Btlyd, Broadwd wtllow, 108 feet. William H. Kemble* Fourth, below Walnut street, 610 feet. Jos Wald man, Thompson and 0:1s, 100 feet. * AbJgal street, between Amber and Got*l streets. John beekey, Amber and Otis streets, 82 feet. C D Bangher, Cumberland street. Si feet. George Bynedley, Amber and Abigal, 13 feet. ¥, Eedfcrn, Coral street, lifeet. Tim Gerefcz, Amber street* 100 feet. James Hill. Dreer street, 35 feet. So bertifason, Otis street, 17 feet. John Wilson, Amber Street, 17 feet John Felltzer. Abigal street, 17 feet. WznWull, 618 Walßßt eSJMt mh2l ft* 8. A. MILLnAt Contractor. 81,991,225 23 Tj'XECUTOR’ 8 SALE.—HOUSEHOLD , Bd KITCHEN TUBHITUqE. on THURSDAY. Mum SW.ISB6, at 10 o’clock A.M., 4»0 South. SEVENTH Street, below PiEB Street - mha3-jnwthSt* By order of the Brecntors. . TO HOLDERS OP OIL STOCKS.—I A will exchange $50,0C0 worth of Furniture. at carh price*, for good Oil Btocka, an 4 will add ten tar coat, to the price of stock now telling on the market . ■ ■- . SKO. J HEBKELB mlto9-fit 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street, A DMISSION TO THE SALE OP a MESSES. JAMES S. EARLE &.SOB’B OIL PAINTINGS, (From their Galleries. 816 Chestnut atreet), AT THE ACADEMY 0? EIRE ARTS, _ „ CHESTNUT Stieet, above Tenth, on THURSDAYand FRIDAY Evening. Much 3Sd and nth, at 7>£ o’clock, ONLY BY TICKET. To be obtained of Messra, XAHLK & SONS, or of the Auctions* r, B SCOTT Js . mh22 2t . 70 a CHESTNUT* Street. m LARGE RED WETHERSFIELD 3E ONION SEED.—Thisyuiety will prodncea fell grown Onion the tame seaaon. If aownearly. A relia ble article.' For sale by BOBERT BTJIST. Ja., Die article, Mt MARKET Street, XhhlB-8t Aboye Ninth. . '' r FOR SALE AJfP TO LET, gX) LET— * THE LARGE FROST OFFICE, (FIBBT FLOOB), 394 walnut Street, _ SUITABLE TOR A BANKING HOUSE. IttMMt* TO RENT—HOUSE 1518 NORTH J>«B£pAD Street, above Jefferson, 25 fort front; lot, 200 feet deep? four-story frost sad three-story Doable Sack Buildings. Modem improvements to . rtT ». THOS Jr. • _ mhSB-6t Fo, %QSX WALNUT Street. FOR .SALS, OBXGmAX, SHAKES FIRST-CLASS ItfYXBTMBSTT. OEO. :h TOWNSEND At 00., 133 E sontk FOURTH street, mbS-tf Philadelphia. BOABDOre, LOST. CECAL. gNGLIBH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH JUUJEI, nr STOHE AHD GLASS. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALKK IS FINS OEOCEEIBS, Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Sts. JR ORION SETS ! ONION'SETS 1— —I— Tor sale In guantiUMtosmtby ROBERT BoIST. la, Nos. 923 and 9M4 MARKET Street, mhlS-tt above Ninth ® PLOUGHS, HARROWS, OULTL VATORB, Hay and Straw Gutters, with all othei implements required by the farmer or gardener* at BOBSBf BGIST, Ja s, No*. 933 and 93* MARMOT Street, -i mhlS-ct Above ninth. JR IMPORTED BLIJE IMPERIAL PEAS.—ICO bushela jost recelvei from London. Those who wish a very pure article should? arenas* Irina this Invoice. For sale by - ■■ ROBERT BUIST, Ja.. ■ . ■ Nos. 9S4i* and 9»4 MARKET Street, mhlg-gj Above Ninth. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS-rSECTERE J- “the beet* when desired, at B. F BBIMBB S* ARCH Street; a floe assortment patented Albums for sal»; all sires ThEIMBR’S STYLES COLORED PHO XVj TOBBAPHS are wonderfully aconrate and greac- SSSSSSUS^ Greezt. - —- CPLBNDID SPECIMEN PORTRAITS, in most ilfe-llko sndtnithfal manner, staa* ARCH-Btroet See of B ' *• Sze Photograph* tnoll —i ** rTABJ* NOMOBE UNPLEASANT L •»ii%S?’ SIESi! * !S ”“ K iidIMfBOYEP 808* WASH- .... ATOWOk SOfIOB. fijra HERKNESB’ BAZAAR, NINTH prt?i/* St DAT KOW,l9a »t 1# o’cloek, ceia- cjnlto* 4 b " ° r «“*n**t saddle Jiomw. to? 3.a l> * y i0 ”*' old, trottSU iisf toll la A*Wct wMrajfcy BrMMtw, W SsWesk A Btjllsb blick Ba«h»w mare, fSaS® Asiilftirt-top barer add badness aWaid * A pair ofbrown poftlea, Sand 7 reanro?^ A bay “Patebea ”I &ne, 7 years old * Also, other itorses. JthSO t A large collection, of desirable ana carriages. vnobi* harirefet, saddle*, &c.,Jw» which t> e sale will commence ** wu “ Included in th# wagons WHi b$ found; A no-top wagon, new style; hr Wdhon. One no'top square box wagon. Watson'* zcske. far order of executors. One two-horee coach, m exeJHent order. > p elegant f libit baronche, by Lane. £3=- No postponement on acconnt of weather. 43* Pale of hones. Ac . on-waftteadag. J 9- Sfth Trade Ht*e of Z5O caTriargs, April oth, mbSS-Si AtPHED iL Ansi.loneer. AMmEMMBI’BB. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. JOHN T. FORD, Hanas&T TWO BIGHTS - , OF QEAHD ITALIAN OPX&L FRIDAY EVENING, March JMSf . »Mo. a v An , a fofSATURDAYBVAHiHG. Mirehlsii. vAnbet’s new Tersion of bis brilli.ot Opera, ” ISA DIAV O LO. The followlor Artiste will appear in LA FOBj&'A DSL D KSTINC ; _ Sloorina CAEOZZI ZdCCHI, FAUaistoka, ’ -Slfttorf IUB3IttIUABI # appearance la Philadelphia; BKLLIaJi LOBllfl, . susm bttbkkul. THB nrCpEITTAIs BALLMT will be executed by „ , Mile/ BEXTBSTIIfB and Mile. AUBIOIi. Conductor-—♦ ——Mr. CAKL BgßtWAiyfr Ml&a KELLOGG*** 1 brilliant east, Inclndhig - UUe. MO’&EZTSX, Binioiid. T OTTI BSLLIah * I LOEINI. DDBBEOI., THE INCIDENTAL B ALLBT* * fln ‘ loa - By Mile. ESflßaTlflE and Kile. AG&IOL, Secured seats for either of the above sauted verTon* asees mb now be obtained at the ▲GADEtfT OF MHaifl asd at GOtJi D'S Masio Store, Secured piaetiM.. Admission...... ... Family Circ1e......... Amphitheatre^.. Doors open, at 7. Opera commences at &, On Ifond ay, 27th Inst, first night of the Italian Oner* In. Washington. ■ mhltu "WEW CHESTNUT- STREET THBA TBJS, CHSSTKCT gtrest, AboYo Twelftk. 6SOTBB&|ISff<— ——LWHBgadVsautn » THOB'DAY sod FRIDAY THB'BBW KORaD DRAMA ___ „ ,„TE|FaSHAim.T bucibsspul. •THB I<4BQSBT AtFDIEVCSd of the Season Ilays *IT- Bembled*o/witnessthenew Local Prize Drama Tin fear nets, by Mies Laora Keene. styled ™ *®* r THE WOKKMKB OF PHILADELPHIA* ■■ THE WORKMEN OP PHILADELPHIA* OB THE , . ,- * OUBSB OP DBIBK, which will bo presented on the shore named eseninr* with ai) the Hew end Beantlfcl Scenery Aotontehlnn Mechanical, Effects, Snperb Properties and Appoint mente,Original Mafic, and the * ( TRULY GBEnT CAST op CHAKA'iriKS. - All the (trend Scones writ bspresented TEE BAH BOOM, A MODERN institution SUPPER BOOM- DAVIS’ REtTAUBANT, ABOH St - THE HOUtEIOPS OF PHI LAD BLPHIAAHD " MEW CATHEDRAL “•■ease INTERIOR VIEW O? MERRICK &.30NS' HACHIHJS SHOP AND FOUNDRY, WASHINGTON AVEJUg. * „ , PHILADELPHIA BY MOONLIGHT, Showing the sparhlfng watt rs of the Delaware. wish the Shipping, f Birr Boats. Ac. ■ ’ CHEBTSDT STREET AND ACADEMY OP FINN ARTS. the home of-thk workmen, SIGNING THE PLEDGE, GRAND DENUDE BERT. SATTntDAY,AFjrEEjyODN,_Marcli,2'th. TOIST fUB n FAHItfMATfaIBI. ■*. Wlfflß THE V OBKMBtr OF PHIL AJDELPUIA wM t» pretested. »h«.« WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.— * ■ Last night bat two of MR. 1. 8 CLARKE. _ THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, March 23 L The performance will commence-with _ • OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. AsaTrenehari.- ........ ..Mr.'J.'S.ClaAe. To conduce with tbs beautiful corned 7 of „ , „ _ PAUL psr. Paul PryiV;—- -Mr. J. B.' Clarke. FRIDAY. NICHOLAS HICKtBUT. SATURPAYfFAREWEH,BBiUBFITOg J 8. OLABgg. MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH i*I STREET TBEATRE bouses packed to the boo? mb. and mbs. barney williams. TO-NIOHT (THURSO AZLMawh 23, 1888, JN THREE GLORKhTS PUCES: ’ *** IRELAND AS IT WAS,” IN AND OUT OF PLACE, and THE HAPPY MAN. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF BARNET WILLIAMS. A SSEMBLY BUII/DINGrS—THEATRE aX FBANCAIS Dfi NEW YORK. PAUL XPIONETr THURSDAY* March 23.1g05. ******** LAST HEIGHT AND SOIREE D’AJHRUX. un Mari bauds. Comedy inorte act. by Sngene Nu&- _ XBB TEMMES QUI PIEURBNT, ’Comedy in one act, by w. biraudin* VBIOLET, Comedy Vaudeville in one act, by Dtnnanold. boon op*a at 7 Curtain rites at Mto 8 O'clock. Ticket office from 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. THE GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS, -L "WALNUT Street, above EIGHTH. Meeraa. QAEDOTBK and HEMMIIfGS Proprietor*. , LIAS WESK BBT OHK iP e lr«lFo^i^irr wiM *’ eoHa#d " . SQUIRE SANCHO PANZA, Every evening during the week. AU the star riders wfßt appear,/and JAMESMaDIGAN will throw a doubt* sommersanlt in the air. To see this alone is worth th price of admission SAM STICKHBY, the popular Clown, will also ap pear every evening d uring the week Performances on Wednesday and Saturday after* Hons, commercing at 2}£ o’clock, Evening performance commences at 7.40. Admission GO ct*., first tier; 25 eta., second tier. • ' nMP QOHCB.B T HAL L. ' „ „ ENOCHAEDEN and other Reading, by THURSDAY at 8 o’clock. Ode of Welcome to the Spring of 1555. A Selection from the Flay of Richard IH. fke La*t Ball/.-........ .ew u.m.^Trowlrridn RBOGH iBBsOT, eitii6>***».M« M ..M...w;e.Teiui7ioi Drifth£....M..u«4Mmi.4.v.««..MMomMmtT. B. Bead. “H# o* A Poem written expressly for this occasion by a well* known gentlemen of.PHCGADBLpHIa. TICKETS, 50 CBffTS, For stfe at Gould’s. Seventh and Chestnut streets; Ash* mead & Evaas’, Chestnut, below Eighth street; Pugh’s* Bixih and Chestnut streets, and at the door. mh22 *2t* CARPENTER’S HISTORICAL PAINT- IHG, ** T 1 e Bmansipation Proclamation before the Cabißet,' 5 at 1305 CHRsTfIUT Street, between Thir teenth and Fourteenth streets. Open from 9 A M. un til IOP. M Admission 30 cents. Four tickets for $L 3xth2l»6t* ORCHESTRA.- PUBLIC V» REHEARSALS every SATURDAY at SX o’clock F. M. , at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets, » cents. Six Tickets, $1; to he hsd at Oonld’s, Audio**, end Meyer’s Mnsic Stores, and at the Hall noT-tf THE ACADEMY OP PINE ARTS, CHBSTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for visitor., from 9 A. K. to 5 F. M- Ja* RttgiWFWfM WEST CHESTER PHILADEItPHXA RAlL road, via media. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Os and after MONDAY, April 17,1885, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for Went Chaster at 7. M end 10.30 A. M., and 2 IS. 4.46, and S 45 F M. ‘ Leave West Cheeterfor Philadelphia at 0.20, 7.45, and lO.Sfi A. K., and 1 45and 445 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.45 A.M. and leaving i Philadelphia at 4 45 P.M. will stop only at Media, 8.0. Junction, and^rsetKoad. Philadelphia- forß C. Junction at 4.15 and 30 'leave Br G. Junction for Philadelphia at 8 38 A. M. and 7,20P.M. These traina stop at all intermediate stations. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at SSO A M. and 9P.M. leave West Chester at S A. BE audUP; M. Trainsleaving Philadelphia at 7.35 A. M, and 445 P. ML, and leaviag West Chester at 7.45 A. M and! 45 P, M. connect atß'C Junction with trains on P. & B. O. R.R. for Oxford and intermediate points.' Paesengera are allowed to take wearing apparel only asbaggage, and the Company will not. in any esse, be responslhls for an amount exceeding one hundred dol lars, unlees a special contract is made for the same. ; HKBBY WOOD t Gen’l Bap’t. Philadelphia March. 15,1865. mh22-23tif Bg—nmnmnffln CAMDEN AND AT SW WaaeilliaffiilLANTlC RAILROAD. Tiaiwt leave Vihe-airaet Ferry: Freight, with Paaiesger Gar sttach«d—..T.3o A. a Atlantic AcoEnniodatibn .4.15 P. K tjtmctioa Acconimodation - —....6 SO P. M. RBTURNINS, LEAVES ATLANTIC. . _ Atlantic Accommodation —*- Freight, with Fauester Cu attachedF. M, Junction Accommodation • ASA Ja. EXTRA HADDONFIBKD TRAINS Leave Vine atreet 11.15 A H., HaddonfieldlYSOP. M. Freight mnet be delivered at Coopar’a Faint before 3.SOP. M. to Insureltagoinedownthemextday. mtO-lmlf JOHNS. BRYANT, Agent. Jfrk OPPIC.E WATER TRANS ■Hm-PORTATION u. 8. a, No. 874 South THIRD Street. ~ FBinABXLraiA, Feb. 14,158 K Vessels wanted to transport Goal to Sonthern Fort* for the Army. Despatch given. felS-tf JOHN R JEStNIBSS, Capt « Asst Q. M. FORAIdB ANT AND TROT mUMIhULh, York.—The barge S. FLANAGAN. T„ Spicer, master, is now loading at first wharf below Buruce street, for the above points, and will leave on Friday, at 12 o’clock. For freight, which will be taken on rcaaonahle terms, apply to \ D. L FL 45 AG AN, Agent, 3d* South DRLAWARK Avenue. NOTICE.—FOR NEW OBK. —The PHILADELPHIA AND NSW YORK EXPRESS STEAHBuAT COMPANY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. _ Steam era leave DAILY, Ant wharf below MARKET °OLYd/**oo., I*B WHARVSS.FhUA. ris-9m j HABJ> - UT W^NewY a oVk. -.mg—‘a; NEW BXPREBS LINE,TO ABhOBK ALEXANDRIA, GAORSETOWN, ARM WASHINGTON. Via Chesapeake and Delaware OanmL Steamers leave first W barf aboveMAßKg T Street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 12^ For Frei At amply to Aients, YFM. P. OLYDSJk 1* North £dSoulh sJ.B. DAVIDSON. |forau?i?l Rq‘flowers & boWen, ai^iu. ete WRITTEN AJND VERBAL DE- BqKIPTIONS of Chararter.ConeUtutlon MdTa- VLJ Saol. with ADVICE on Healthy Bdn«- /V tSi, SeU-Improvement, MatwmmtandTrrtsr- WAMnxif CHILDREN. ■ “»• and esaalng. by _ Phrenoloriet and Bookariler, oell-tntb.lvif NO. »» 8. TENTH Bt.. above Ohertu» E PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKB, pm^THStr^«.dPKNNSYLVi^UAv^,, SVANB & WATSON’S safe 10 SOUTH TODKft STREET, PHILADELPHIA PA. A luxa yulaty of FIRB-KKOOF SAFBA always oa hand. - • - - CSffl FIRE AND THI RE PROOF. IBtgSAFB MiNOFACTORY. agd maU SafU Kpt constantly on .hand by J. HASSINSORT, «•- VINE Street, fa«-lmir ESTEYS cottage organs Not only UNEXCELLED, hat UNIGUALLRP Jemugg of Tone and Power, eepeclaUy for,#"”-; and Schools, bat foond to ha eqnally well «• the Parlor end Drawing Bow^. Mo. IS North SBVRHTH.Btiroet. _ 40«6» fc eompleta aaaortmeht 9t ■— —"Tiro Dollars 1«