The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 20, 1865, Image 3
OIL COMPASIES. ggr- &TUSIIII GREAT WESTERN PETROLEUM COMPANY. 000 COHPOEATB INTERESTS AT i.OOO CORPORATE INTERESTS AT i,OOO CORPORATE INTERESTS AT #lO DOLLARS EACH. #lO DOLLARS EACH, #lO DOLLARS EACH. IOH CORPORATE INTRXBBT tea corporate ihterest kCH CORPORATE ISTERBST ‘ EHTITMtS THE HOLDER TO MO SHARES, XRTITI.ES THE HOLDER TO 100 SHARIS, XHTITLJSS THE BORDER TO 100 SHARES, A® A COST OFOULY 10 CENTS FEB SHABBa | AT A COST OF OHX.T lO OEBTS FEB BHABB, (AT a COST OF ONLY 10 CENTS PEB SfIABE, ’TING EVERY SUBSCRIBES OR THH ;tikg every subscriber or TRI ITISG EVERY SUBSCRIBER OR THE “GROUND YLOOK." *• GROUND SDOOR," “GSOUHD FBOOR." 1000 or THE 5.000 CORPORATE INTERESTS [OOO Of THE 5,000 CORPORATE IBTBRESTB 1000 OF THE 5,000 CORPORATE INTESESTa RESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL, RESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL, RESERVED FOE WORRIES CAPITAL, .KING **0,009 GABS ’WORKING G APITAL. KING *»0,000 GASH WORKING CAPITAL. :ibg gash working capital. is Lands of this Company constat of 127 acres, la iple, sltaatectia Athens county, Onto, about Its lea north of the town of Athens, on Oil Baa, which ,branch o! Sugar Creek, running hetireenlt aadths Jklag river. There are on the property two natnral . Springe, where oil con be Been on the surface of the kter at all times; and,lndeed,the whole tract ab sands (the very beet oil Indications. Heavy timber, anlta for building derritks and tanks, as well as for fuel bees. Is In abundance. ie land of this Company l« In the immediate yl«ft. of the following named companies: Liusoott, tens, Rational* Fuller* Hooking: Philadelphia, Hock- Heir York, and Cincimiftti Oil Company. tract from Oil Trade Kevitw and Petroleum Recorder. 11 The Hooking Valley lie* on the western border ot , (teat Apalaohian Mineral Basin, which extends un Northern PenntTlTania seven hmdred and twen- r ntiles to Central Alabama. It is from this basin, rhajis the richest in the world, that Pennsylvania, rginia, Ohio and Kentucky, draw their Unmenso ppliesof Coal, Iron, Salt, and Petroleum. Wnile toagbont tne Tart extent these four staple minerals > found in variable quantities, and not unfreqaently juped together, it is .rare that any one locality pro tees them all In large quantities. Yet In the Hooking Hey, yea, within a radine of twenty miles from the ■tty seat of Athens county, are to be found iuex utible stores of Coal, Salt, Iron, and Oil; of these xoleum is the last discovered, or, I might perhaps r, the last appreciated, and hence tne least dava d. It has for many years been known to exist In localities of the Talley, parttsnlarly In tne vioi of Athens, Athens connty. These bastqnelided to Iga, speak most promisingly of tho oil la Athens -d r.” [I is the Intention of this Company to immediately ds top tbalr territory by linking a number of Welle, ‘yft would here state that a twenty Darrel well of to rleattnr Oil, such as Is found In this section of Ohio, '■worth *i6 per barrel on the (round, equal to *5OO per ty, or oyer $lBO,OOO per annum, being nearly four oea the cost of the whole number of corporate lute lets to the Company. B .'he par value and anbaeriplion piles of tbs atoek will determined at a meetim of the corporator*, held for \t purpoes. PRESIDENT, ALEXANDER OMENSETTER. TREASURER, SAMUEL O. FOLWELL. SECRETARY, STACY H. BASSETT. ISORIFTIGKS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTSNDED TO. jok* Will ha open to receive rohicriptiotts to the Srporate lntereeti of the Company AT TBB COCHTINQ HOUSE Of MESSRS. FOLWELL & BRO., * >. 31 Bank Street, between Second and third and Chestnut and Market Sts., >N MONDAY MOKNINO, MABOH SOto. •utiee will please bear lit mind that there are only 1 corporate Interests at $lO each, and that each Cor ots lntereet entitles the holder to 100 Shares of the Itdl stock, at a cost of only 10 cents per share. the undersigned, Tislted the lands of the Atlan ad Great Western Petroleum Company on the 26th rehrauy, 1869, and found everything aa herein re sitted. PBOSPECTIIS WO-LICX OIL COMPANY. nil BTQCK..., ,*150,000. 150,000. VALUE, ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE. fBSORIPTION PRIOR, 25 CERTS! ISORIPTION PRICE, 25 CENTS! ID HO miHEB ASSESSMENT, >.OOO SHAKES BEBBBVBS 808 WOBEIKO MtUttk tt' JEWS*®* the Company'haya mt fail to viot6 ob® of the most reliable oil prodac* i!«MA««in tbe State of Pennsylvania The rtent hfot ou *t B DEPTH OF SSS FBM, OB th. Mttlo n&s&suaeH&K to posh forward and develop the land i ail poisible jndicioTiH <te«patoh,, and tharatav raeolt ie Stockholders a very profitable investment. FRBBIDBKT, PBO TB*., A. BHGUBH, 407 Arch street. Ties FIJBSn>BNT, PBO MBm a H. WOODBUFF, Si W. Delaware arenas. TOsAermsß, pbo tbji., ALFBED HALLO WELL, 534 Market street. SBOBETABY, PBO TBSf., 0. F. FOLWELL, 97 *ortk Fiftk street (OTIOK —SnlMcElptlon Booio Win to op««ed ®» BOAT HOBHIHO, Mwoh *>, IMS, mt No. 3i* North TH Street, and remain OPBK 808 SIX DATS, t»- I tie whole of the stock thill be sold in lew time. IMB-S* TOMB MUTUAL fbteolbuhcompaft IT.inm.yiHA. MEW YOKE, AMD BALTIMORE, be attention of the public 1* inTlted to the advertlss taoftUAeompAnjr. Ite propartiea hare beeayeir tally selected The moatssarolilnyln vratUation la ted aa to tle merits of Its properties (MO acrea), i location* »nd probable Taloe for oil miDlcg par. « Ths nroMrUM 1»F ?^? a PeS*yf«nl», Mid HonongallA county, West Ylr th,‘™"ao p rtb«Ba feSSl iffsa',Msa |l»ok Is open at the •®g|§^ jt j, g' gABCOW^ «• CHBBTHDT Street. PWladelphU. .. f«ote P Bh«e rt °* fOT ftU ' P * W * tv>kl *toX**&* A. OMBNSBTTBB, [SEAI..3 S, 0. FOIi rFELL, OF TH^ CAPITAL. OIL COMPANIES, jgr IWESIt HT* CENTS PER SHARES. WIKOFP ASD BAKST m OILOOMPAWT OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, 300,000 SHARKS. FAB VALUE, m FEB SHAKE- Subscription Price, 25 Cents per Sbare, STOCK ISSUED FULL PAID. W5.0C0 CASH APPROPRI AYRD AS WORKING CAPITAL. • J. GOLDSMITH, TREASURES, pro tem.l B3S HABMOSY STREET, Below Fourth, above Walnut. TMb Company Is formei upon the MUTUAL INTEREST PRINCIPLE, whereby each Stockholder becomes so owner of the Uqd. and at the ORIGINAL PRICK Iu properties consist of TWELVE HUNDRED ACRES IN PEE SIMPLE, in Ptmwlvaaia and West Virginia, and are as fol- I. ONE THOUSAND AND FIFTY ACRES IN FEE ’ SIMPLE, in Elk county, Penns? lyania, about three and a half miles from the Philadelphia and Erie Sail* road. It Is on tbs lead, water, of the Wykoff'e Bon and Bansy’s Bus, both of which atnams are tributaries of tbo Einnemaboning rirer, and empty into It a short distance from the junction of the Driftwood and Ben nett’s branch. The Bansy Ban crosses the track length wise on tlie northern tide, and the Wykoff Ban on the southern side It is, therefore, well watered and sup plied with sufficient power to. drill and pump eeveral wells, thus saving 'great expense to the Company in development Its vicinity to the Philadelphia and Erie Bailroad also tiros great facilities for shipment of the various products that will be obtained by the Com pany, and will materially increase their value by less , enlnc cost of transportation. Its ebaraoter as oil laud is nnexcelled ; and while no actual yield has yet resulted from the numerous walls being bored in the vicinity, still the presence of oil in that region is plated beyond a doubt, by the escape of gae while boring, the very strong salt water, andthe oil floating on the water in the conductors; In fact, all the Indications that have accompanied the sinking of wells in tbo most (productive localities on Oil Ore k. This tract of land waaseleoted from manv others, by experienced oil men, after a most careful investigation bad been made by Professor WILLIAM F- BOBEETS, Geologist, and a report rendered of the same. The re ports on file at the office of the Company. From Uwe make the following extracts : "This tract of land Is numbered on the county map Of tEli 0,383. It ia on the northern dip of the Bennett's Branch Coal Basin, which contains coal (earns highly bituminous in quality, of workable sizss, and of easy accessfor chespmining. With the coal, which is gene rally of the fat caking variety, is interatratlfied laoir oas of good quality, argillaceous and calcareous fire brick day, building stone aid hearth stone for blast furnace*, snd also limestone. ** In addition to the mineral wealth in the hill lands within the limits of this tract of land, its subterranean, crevice-filled deposits of petroleum may become, when developed, of mnch greater value than Us coal and iron strata combined. The surface indications are good evi dences for oil beneath. The geological structure of the formation contained within the limits of this tract of land shows crevices and fissnree as existing beneath, and there are the receptacles or receivers of the drain ing of petroleum from its native beds, the marine ani mal and f egetable strata, the fossillferons rocks and .ahales of the Devonian series which immediately un derlie the oarbonlferont or coal measures. ThetHu minuting rile and salines are found in the De vonians the lubricating oil is met with in the lower portion of the carboniferous. As both sb- BIIS ABB COST AIRED IS THIS TRACT OF DASD, BOTH MBBICATIHO ASP IMUHUATIH# OILS HAT BB3TOI »BOH BOBISB wkllb, and within its boundary lines are many good sites for this purpose. A well was bored at 'Winslow, some live or six miles northwest of this tract of laud, which is now yielding a atrongbrine. If this well had been bored deeper, oil, no doubt, would have betn struck. In many part's of Elk county lands have been purchased and leased for boring oil wells In a Short time all available properties will bi secured for oil privileges. The surface show, and geological posi tion and character of the strata, are the aam« as exist in many localities where oil is now produced in large growing upon this eleven hundred acres consists of hard and softwoods. It contains white oak, which must beebme ot value for the manufacture of staves lor oil tanks and oil barrels. Elk county is famed for Its luxuriant growth of timber. This tract of land is valnable for lumbering pnrposss. The land, When cleared, makes good farms. It is susceptible of easy cultivation, and bears good crops. ’ ’ This land’ has doubled in rains since its purchase by tbe originators of this Company. The adjeiningtraet has just been sold to a company for Immediate develop ment at VIS per acre—tohich m akes Ifce 1,080 acres alone amount to *73,lBo—mere than the whole paid- In capital cf the Company ; and a fow miles from ns a tract haa been sold for one hundred and seventy, five dollars per acre. A Hew York Company owns 09 acres of the tract pur chased by this Company (originally consisting of 1,100 acres), and have their engines ob the ground to com-, mesee operations at once. 11. ONE HUNDBEG ACSSB IK FEB SIMPLE on Co bnrn’screek, a tributary of the Monongaliariver.Monon galia county, West Virginia,.but VS miles from Morgan town (to which point the Monongalia is navigable), and but three miles from where boring is being rapidly pushed forward by the Decker Ckbbk Oil Compart of West Virginia. Monongalia county adjoins Greene county, Fa , on the south, which county haa recently become famous for its oil-producing qualities. It is directly on the line of the oil belt that paeses from Canada through Elk, Forest, Warren, and Crawford counties to Greene county. Fa., and still south through Monongalia county, West Virginia, to the Great Kan awha region of that State. The greater part of this one hundred aeres is boring territory. The hills bordering the land are broken up by a number of deep ravines (which are always selected as superior spots for drill ing), and in whfeh a number of wells can be sunk. Thera is a comfortable bouse on the property, and over 40 acres of well onltivatedland. 111. FIFTY AOBEB Hi FES SIMPLE on Coburn's Creek, but a short distance from the above One Hun dred Acres. Thisis all good boring territory, and, in addition to this, there Is a six-foot vein of Coal out cropping on thh surface. The remarks which apply to the above one hundred acres being in the centre of the Oil Region, also apply to fids tract. T.and in this neighborhood has recently boon sold for *9O FEB ACRE. The originators of this Company confidently assert that no lands yet put before the public possess greater intrinsic value than those described in the above pros pectus or promlee a more remunerative return. And it Will be the business of the Directors to e«e that imme diate steps are taken for the snceessful and speedy de, velopment of the property. TWENTY-FIVE THOU SAFfJ) DOLLARS IK CASH has been sot aside for that purpose; and the weH known experience In the Oil Bualnsss of those originating this Company ia a snffl -1 dent guarantee to the Stockholders that the money will ha faithfully applied to the purpose for which ltls con tributed, while, at the tamo time, no unnecessary ex pense or labor will bo Incurred in their operations. Subscription Books will be opened and eabseriptiona to the Capital Stock of the Company received at the Office of the '. TREASURES, ' 3. GOLDSMITH. No. 338 HARMONY STREET Below Fourth; ahovfiWalnnt, ’ On MONDAY, the Mth task, at 10 o’cloek A. M. .; mbis.a , v • v. - ' v U ’ • L COMPANIES. gggp GOLDEN IVLE OIL AMD MIN£i%G- COMPANY. 10 CESTO P£B SHARE FEU PAID* 600.000 SHARES. * OAPITAId, SSOO,OOO-PAJR YAIdEfJg, 5008WT3, WOIKIRO CAPITAL $15,000, OS 150,000 SHARES. *15,000 PHASES ALBEADT EfIfOAOED* This Company 9Wng.,ln fee simple doe hundred and sweaty* five acres cf land. II Is si tasted on both sides' of BOKSB SHOE BEST, about two miles from the town of WEST ÜBIOIT, PBB9TOB OOUH.TY, WEST VIE GIRIA, and about four m’lea from Cheat river, whioh Is navigable. It was chosen for its strong surface Indi cations ef oil, and from its close proximity to the "Glade,” which has beeif known as “OU Glade” long before rock oil came into general use. On the adjoining farm the owners, seven years since, endeavoring to strike a vein of coal, of which a heavy vein is known .to underlie this tract at the depth of thirty (90). feet, struck oil, but not knowing the eharac* ter or valne, made no further developments. On the run which pa«e*e throuihthia property the la* dieations of oil are strongly matked, not only from the peculiar upheaval and dip or lay of the sandstone rook, and intervening beds thole incident to all sure oil* bearing lands, but also from the ocular demonstration of it upon the surface of the water. It hai been, and is, the custom of the fishermen in the neighborhood to light their faggots at night by setting fire to the oil floating upon the water. Salt Works have been ab an ti ont din consequence of the oil interfering with the manufacturing of the same; The large proportion of bottomland in this tract, via; eighty (8j) acres, gives. it greatadrantag e over moat tracts of this else, as there is ample room for boring one hundred and sixty wells. A number of leases may be made, paying a good royalty without any expense to the Company. It is well to re member that in this locality oil has been struck In pay ing quantities, at a depth of from thirty to one hundred and fifty feet. A competent superintendent has been engaged. Two engines, with all the necessary ma chinery, will be forwarded at once, and the work vigorously pushed forward. One 10-barrel -well wii pay over 100 per cent, on the investment, and it Is con fidently expected that oilwUl be struck in large quan tities, and that the stock will rise to par soon after it is all taken. It Is a noted fact that the famous lilewellyn and Eter nal Centre wells of West Virginia flowed, the former 1,400* and the latter SCO barrels par day, and there is no reason why we cannot expect to he as successful in our operations. Five Companies (two Baltimore, twe Philadelphia, and one Hew York,) have already com* meneed operations in the vicinity of-the "Golden Buie Company. * * one of which has already struck oil The object In making this a 10-oont Company is to tnable every o&s to ecj jy the profile, and nos,* as most Oil Companies do, permit the originators to make large fortunes. The motto sufficiently explains our intention- "THE GOLDEN BULB." Bo unto others as you would haye others do unto you. Subscription Books -will be opened at Offiee of the Company, 619 WALNUT STREET. (BOOM 33.) OH MOBBAY, MARCH BOIM, Out., from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., and from 1 to 9 P.-SL FRISIDENT. WILLIAM 11. WOLFF. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, W. 11. CRAWLEY. mh!7St* ywr PBTBOX.EHH. THE HEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. ORGANIZED USHER THE MINING AND MANUFACTURING LAWS OF THE STATE OF HEW YORK. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, *lO PER SHARE, NOT LIABLE TO ASSESS- MENT. GOVSBNMENT BONDS AND SECURITIES TAKEN IN PAYMENT FOR STOCK. OFFICES: No. %* EMPIRE BUILDING, *0 71 BKOADWAY, NEW YORK. Post Ofbob Abbkkss, Box No. 8388, N«w Yoke. offioebs. Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice Preddont. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J.BUBTIS. Mining Superintend#nt,TituivUle.Pa. ATLANTIC BANK, Ho.U3Bioadway,M.T.,Treasury. The wells of the Company are now produeing oil. Payment for stock may be made in drafts, registered note*, ox Government bonds a nd securities, wbioh bond* end securities will be token at their market value. Eemlttanoes may he addressed to the Company, P. O. Bos 90. 6368, New York City, or to ‘ Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the New York asd Liverpool Petroleum Company,SNo. 1« Broadway, New fork City.” Piospcctna eent to any address on sppllcatlon. con taining a full and clear account of the operations of this MOST BUGOBS&FUL PETROLEUM COMPANY. mh4-3m 13M» »IHI mammoth; SUPPIBY I® BOOK OIL COMPANY." OF PHILADELPHIA, SUBSCBIPTION BOOKS will open BATDBDAY, March 18th, end will remain open for a few days only. TWBNTY-FIVB CENTS PER SHARE FOR FULL PAID STOCK. AND NO FUTURE ASSESSMENTS. CAPITAL 500.000 SHARES AT *1 PAR. WOBKINGCAPITAL. *35 000. THE LANDS ARB-ALL SITUATED IN BUTLER 00., PA., AND ARB ON “SLIPPERY ROCK CREEK, ’* and Awag „ p BB SlMpla 746 ACRES ON A TWENTY-YEAR LEASE. No. 1 consists of a Farm of 130 aores, in fee, known as the John HeKnight ftrm. No. 2. The J. Keister Lease of £8 acres. Ho. 3. The A. Thompson Lease of 178 acres. No. 4, The K. Irwin Lease of 128 acres. No. 6 The J. Nelson Lease of 100 acres. 90. 6. The McOsllen Lease cf 100 seres. No. 7. The F. Llnsey Lease ot SO acres. No. A The S. McMurray Lease of 81 acres. ... . The above properites are near enongh to each other to be manaaed by one Superintendent, and contain snm elent territory THOTgAJ;D WELLS ” These lands are all situated In one of the choicest locaJities on Slippery Bock Greek* and are near one of the large*producing wells recently struck there. It is believed the stock will he par hr July, when a portion of the property will be developed-, ~, _ JSfot less than One Hundred Shares will be sold to . anyone, and one half of the subscription money will fee required of each subscriber on entering their names in the bools. ■; ..... SThU Company offers euperlor inducements* as It is the only Compter that owns c > large an amount of territory on slippery Bock Creek, which promises to rival Oil OPEN AT THE OFFICE OF THE AGENT MARSHALL, Jm. rnhlB M 813 WALNUT Street. OFFICE OF VBtB PERKY OIL COMPANY, Soathaaut corner of WALKOT and FOURTH Streets. , Philadelphia, Kerch 30. MW. The annual meet ini of the Stockholdersol fcfcePdßßY OIL COMPANY will he held at the office of theOom pany, on HOJUSAY, the 10thof Aprilnext, at 11 o clock A M > when an election will be held for nine Directors, a Secretary, and Treasurer, to stir* for the ecsuinc year, JAMBS PJRBY, Secretary. mh2o-mwfetaplo §53“ BITIBBSII KOnCB -OPFICE OF the WASH INGTON AND WAEHUT BIHB 016 00.. Ho 31* MARKET Street, Fhiladkubia, Much 18.18®. The Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend ofTWO PEB CENT., clear of tax, payable on and after April 3d next. Transfer books dote on the 27 ih Inst, and open April 4th. THOMAS B. BUPLSa. jrhw ISt Treasurer. MORRIS FARM OH, COM PA MY, OFPICE, as 6 WALBOT street, Philadelphia, SECOND STOUT FBOBT BOOM AS- Circulars can be precared upon application at he office of the Company. nab* Ist •53*“ HOTIJHS.-A MIEIWU OF THE fcss snhscrlMQsto the PEOPLES’ EQUITABLE OIL COMP AST 'Will beheld, on MONDAY. Match 20,1885, at 6 o’clock P 11, at the Office of the Treasurer, Ho. 39 Sonth SECOND Street , Prompt attendance jjreHMOND, It* ' Secretary pro tem. PSP OFFICE OF “Miseo OH, COM, E3S> PANT" (Boom Ho 20), No. SB* WALNUT St _ - PBn.ABBi.PHiA. March 8,1865. Tho Board of Directors of this COMPANY haye this day declared their third dividend ofTWO FBR CENT., befog TWENTY CENTS PEE SHAKE out of the net earnings of the Company, free of State taxes, payable on andafter theSOthlnet.. at their new office, No. 11l WA LNOT Street. >- Eooks for transfer will close on the 14th, at their pra wn t office, and open on tho 22st Instant at their new Office GEO. CABBY, Secretary. sotice.— omes of the pbih, fcffi' STLVAHIi OIL CREEK PBT&OLBtJM QOM pijY. Ho, 41A WALHBT Street. _ _ PHtLADStpBiAj, March 14,1685. - aiiiAt/auriflAt jUa... TIFTH DIVIBBSD HoTICg. Tie Board of Directors have tots Oar declared a Dividend of THBBB FSB OKKT.. beln« thirty cents oer share, onto!the net earnlnm of the Company, tree of taaee. payable on and after April let . Transfer Boohs wUI oloee on the «th inet. and re open April 4tb ( . Autj. 0. talDi, mhlSfit* Secretary and Treasurer. WANAM*KEB * BROWN, THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 20. 1885. HAPEI/’£9BEfi ml CO3IPAIY. CAPITA!** ...*..8500,000. SHAIiEB.—- 4.00,000. GEORGS PRRXTjrPINB, of FerklnpittS & Higglni, Ho. 66 florth FOURTH Street. JOH*B BAfcfeETT, Jr. * Ho 433 MARKET Street EDWARD H. HANOS, of Hance, Griffith, & G0..H0. 609 East NORTH Street. H D FMHG. , THOMAS T. MABOH. JOHH G. WILLIAMS, Superintendent Tract Ho. X. Cob elate 0? a lease of fire acres .for tie terra of twenty years, with a royalty of only one eighth, situated on the celebrated “Mapel Harm, 1 * Daukard Crtek, Green# county, Penna,, and in close proximity to the famed Wylie weUs, Continental, and Kramer wells, which are flowing and pumping from 10 to 60 barrels per day. Tract Ho. 2. A lease of thirty-fire acres for the term cf nineteen years, with a royalty of three-eighths, sitn* r ated on the Myers Farm Big Whitely Credit, Greene county, Penna. This tract is well timbered, and is underlaid by a five-feet vein of bitumliums cosh (with quite a number of banks already opened,) both of which the Company have the fallprivilege of using, free of charg& to carry on thbir operations. The most remarkable feature of (he “Mapel Farm”' i*» that no well has ever been bored from 250 to 609 feet without producing oil In paying quantities, and all that has been obtained bo far hae been the celebrated Amber Oil, which, in its crude state, is so pars that it is used by persons in the vicinity for illuminating purposes— selling readily at $22 per barrel. It haß also beenteBted by machinist* In Philadelphia, and found equal to the best Sperm Oil for lubricating. Mr, JOHN a. WII.L.IA.MS, our superintendent, whois now on the property, has en gaged men, and is vigorously prosecuting the work. Two wells will be put .down at once upon the Mapel Farm, and one upon the Myers farm. - 20,6(0 shares only offered for sate, the larger portion of which has already been subscribed. Jggp AURORA OIL COMPAHir^ PAB-YALUB, ,5. W>,OOO- SHARES RESERVED AS WORKING Capital. •’ $i PER SHAKE FOR FULL-PAID STOCK* PRESIDENT, H. I>. FLING. 23 Booth THIEB Street. TBEASUBEB, THOMAS T. MASON, (Of Meson A C 0..) No* 423 MARKET Street. SECRETARY, DANIBL. X*. LEEDS, ICS South FOURTH Street. DIRECTORS. OFFICE, as BOOTH THIRD STREET, mhlfi-wfnntit PETROLEUM COMPANY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Twenty-five Cunts pew Share for fall-paid Sleek. Capital, 900,000 Shares, at Hue Dollar, par value Working Capital, 100,000 Shares, or 925,000. This Company is organized on the plan catted the * ‘Ground Floor. ’ ’ for each subscriber to the stock be comes a purchaser of the property at cost, shares all the Diofits and is therefore enabled to procure the stock, fulls staid, at BSTY FIVK CERTS PER SHARE. The assets of this Company consist of fifty-three acres of laud held In feesimpte In tbe heart of the best Oil Avenue in Pennsylvania, where heavy lubricating Oil has been found. Tmee leases on the celebrated Ash land. Company's Ldnd iu feug&r Cro-k township, Venango count* j end one lease on the Philadelphia Mutual Company's Land, on Cherry Tree Jinn, with ohe-half the uix of all or *aid teheed premises. All the property or this Company !* located directly among the beat enveloping territory of heavy Oll.and ea*ycf access to market. There is Mm on the lands owned lit fee simple, and that under lease held by the Company, lor two nundred wells at lease, that, in working for tao Oii, will not in teiie'e with each other. Our aerote, when you examine them, will satisfy you of tbe fact, that many companies ore amted and work ing, whose subscription price ranged from fl.SJto $2.60, are not as good es tute on. the *' ground floor," atSSets. per share TRACT Ho. I—ls situate in Sugar Creek township, Vfenango county, about half a mile from the sugar Greek WelV&ia contains twenty acres of land in Jus simple This property lies on a branch of Sugar Greek, Which Is considered the very heart of the best Lubri eating Oil in the District 01 Pennsylvania, it is not over one mitefr*m french Creek* and two miles from the Allegheny liver. The properties of the Sugar Creek, Junction, Sugar I‘ale, and McSir&th 0.1 Compa nies are within a mile of this tract, and the success of these companies is a guarantee of the success of deve loping this property, which the Company intend to do aionce. TRACT He. 2—ls situate on West Oil Creek, in Oil Creek township, Crawford county, and contains eight acies-ofland la fee simple .' This tract is above the Watson Fla’s, whexe there are a number of wells pro ducing largely, and Is about two and a half mUe 1 above Titusville, is all 'bottom land, and surrounded by oil developments. ‘ TRACT ho. B—ls situate on Trout Fun, a branch of Sugar Creek, near the Clay and Trout Ran Oil and Milling Company, and is considered an A Ho. 1 location, and conteinstwenty* five acres ol land in fee simple. AD of the above tracts bare been selected with care, the titles free. araL-cleggof. all Innn m- _ brances whatsoever.-, ~ , TRACT #O, 4—isalease on the left branch of Patchell Run, between the Allegheny river and French Creek, directly in the centre of the two Oil avenues that now run through Venango county* and about one mile from the Sugar Creek Well, now yftelding about seventy b*r- TRACT 80. 6—ls a lease near the above, and equally as good and eligible. .. . s * TRACT Ho. 6—ls a lease, near the above, aud about half a mile from the new we l just struck of about thir ty-five barrels per day; and the Company intend 10 push the development of the above , wituout delay, be ing where heavy lubricating oil is found of the best quality* and located on the land of the Ashland Petro - TRACt”bo a lease on Cherry Tree Run, in Ve nango county, about three quarters of a mile from the town of Cherry Tree- There has bee’.i a one hundred barrel w*ll struck on this Run, about half a mile from this property. The Big Tank Company *» laud is close to this-property, upon which ths r e is *> ow a w all aa\d to yield one hundred andthlrty barrels per day, six wells going ctowr.and several more will be commenced with in sixty days Weils are going down above and bsio w this property, with fine show of oil. This tract is not over one and a half mile* from the Egbert farm, upon which are tbe celebrated Maple Shade, Jersey, and Coquette W*ils, all of which nave produced over five hundred barrels per day* and are now yielding from two hundred and fifty to five hundred barrels. Tue Di rectors intend to do their beat in pushing the fail de velopmeut of the lands and. affairs of the Company so as to make this an A Ho. 1 Stock Company for all In- ter yourself, and act accord tally. _ _ Roche or Subscription will be opened on MONDAY next, March 20th, for tbe sale of a limited number of shares, at’the OFFICE OF TBE COMPANY, Ho. 138. S. SIXTH ST. OFFICERS: PRESIDENT. . SAMUEL W. WRAY, treasurer: PETER W. RUMBLE. SECRETARY. WILLIAM L. KITE, N, B. —J. At.iixandjir Simpson, the President of tits Aebland Petroleum company, has coneentedto serve as oui Solicitor 1 , aid Israbl H I) bacon tbs secretary, as otto of the Board-of Directors, mnlB at KST” THE A NSC A JL. MEETING OF THE K 5» STOCKHOLDERS of the ROOK Oil. COMPANY ■will he held )n accordance -with the by-laws, at the officeof the company. Ko 409 WALNirr street, on HOBDAY. the third of April next, at 11 o'clock A. M., when an election will be held for Kts Directors to serve for the ensuinz year, JOHN F GKAFF, mhl3-tsp3 Sec’y and Treaenrer. notice of nmoEini so. 4. The Diteetors of the OHIO PETROLEUM COM- FaBY have declared a Dividend of TWO PRR CENT , payable at the office of the Company, 80. 4 BROAD Street, Hew Yoik, on and after the 80th of March. The transfer hooks will be dosed from the 10th to the 80th of March. The Directors have resolved to make their dividends quarterly for tl e future mhis-ior ~ ALLEN D. CORCB. Secretary, CITIZENS’ DIE COMPASS-TUB B8e? Subscribers are requested, to call and pay for their Subscriptions. E. A- MABhdALh, Jr., jahlß-at - 813 WALMPT Street. OFFICE OF THE AECOBS ©IE ISS? COMPAHT, Second story, 80. 85 SonthTEUBD Street, Phiia , March 6,1865. -Special Meetin* of the Stockholders of the Aleorn Oil Company will be held at this Office on FRIDAY, the Mth in- tant, at 3 o’ dock, p M JOHH 0. MoOLIHTOCK, Secretary, mh!6 Bt* : military. § BOUNTY FOR MARINES.— WA I?TKD—Veteran*, only, having lioaorablo iUj chargesfrom the 0. S. Marine Corps; will he entitled to the Government and all the local nSter upon enlistment. Termed seivtce- fonr yw3r.-”5" compensation than the army. Marines receive prize i«awm , For all farther information apply at im T 8» crnltinK rendezvous, ho 313. South FROBT Street, he . lew Sprace sheet, between the bo£*yjg| loßHST®'*’ mhlB tf Captain and Recruiting Officer, S MAJOR GENERAL HANQOCJL’B let .Ajasrsr corn’s VETERANS. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. By an order from the War Pepsrtment.reoelved this day. March 13th, Snst,every Veteran who desires to eafist la the Ist Army Corm, to be commanded by Major General Winfield 8 Hancock, must make hie affidavit, when he la enrolled, as to his residence, naming the Congressional district and the sub-district. This will prevent any advantage being taken of Mm by any runner or other recruiting agent in any ward or township In the conn try. where the inducements of larger local bounties are held out than in other wards ° desires it to be distinctly understood that he did not in any of hts advertisements, handbills, or poßteis agree to cash any warrant issued by the city, nor has he been furnished any means to do so, .... Most of the ward* in PhUadelphia have adyertUed to cash the city warrants, and It ft thought that in a few days a perfect system will be adopted to this effect jgrery veteran relieves a drsiteff man: therefore. ■W clK,<, “ to “ leet Chief of tb« Detective Depertment of Phil*.. mhl4 $t And Executive of the Beoraittng Committee. QAKPBNTER’B GREAT HISTORICAL PAINTING, “THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION BEFORE THE CABINET, ” Will* BS .EXHIBITED 808 A SHORT TIKE ONLY, AT 1308 CHESTNUT STREET, commencing an MONDAY, M«rch 20th. Own from 8 A. 11. until 10 P. M. Hamlsslon SO cento; four tickets for SI. T7XE(TUTOR’S SALS.—HOUSEHOLD -Ei and KITCHEN FUBHITBUB, on THURSDAY. Much 81,1866, >t 10 o’clock A.M., 430 South. SB YE it TH Street, below PURE Street _ mh2Q.mwth3v* By order of the Executors. PORE LEHIGH COAL.—H OUSE- A KBKVBBS can rely on getiicg&pure arttele at the 8. B. corner of FBOHT aid POPLaB Streets. JOHN W. HAMPTON. rnh2o lm» PEIMER’S STYLES COLORED PHO AV TOGKAPHB are wonderfully accurate, and creatly admired hy the public See specimen;, aadengage one. On>y #1.60. at the Gallery, BBOOND Street, abore Green. H* QPLENDID SPECIMENS OP POR O traits, done in the most life-Uke and truthful styles, at 09A ARCH Street. See specimens of B. F. BBWBR'b lite-slse Photographs, inoll colors. It* GREAT central glothlkg house, RETAIJL BBT BBODB. jgr he & land ell, fottk-th: and arch, SEEP a STOCK .OF OOOriS ADAPTED TO HEST -OLABS COWt, TKAD’i. BLACK. ON WHITE PLA!O SILKS - OPEN TO-DA? GKQANDIBS, BLACK OK WHITE, HEW STYLES, OPES TO-D*Y PERCALES. MAffitriMCENr DBSIHNB, • . OPEN TO DAY. JACOBBTS. HBWBST STYLES OUT, OPEN 70 DaY. i BLACK.ON WHITE PLAID SHAWLS, OPEN TO DAY. MARSEILLES. rOK BHA SHOES DBESSSS, _ open to day, BLACK BILKS, BEST IN AH SHIGA, OPEN TO DAY SELECT COLORS. PLAIN POULT DE BOTE, HOW OPEN. PAISLEY BOBDEB LONG and SQUARE SHAWLS NOW OPEN. rock-spun silk shawls, one-inch plaids, NOW OPEN. BOCK-SPUN SHAWLS. At L SIZED PLAIDS, _£ ■ NOW OPEN LOBDOH-6TYLE OPSN-CANTEE LONG SHAWLS, NOWNApES. BHEAKFAST SHAWLS ALL NEW STYLES, NOW OPEN. SUMMBE SILKS INDIA PEBNCH PLAID 3. no opPiN PULL NEW STOCK OP MOORNINC OOODi -.—” a OPEN TO DSY WHITE HOODS, NEW ASSORTMENT POE SPEINH, OPBN T *- DaY RADIES’ GLOVEd, FIRST GCADITY ONLY. you HAfiit WHOLESALE ROOMS IB SECOND STORY. It QLOTHS, OASSIMBBBB. OO A. TINGS, AND BOYS’ WEAR aENEBALLY, from tho lute Anoiiou Sales, ' AT REDUCED PRICES. OUR WEN STODBART & BRO., 450, 45a, ani 454 Noifcli SEGOHD StreSf, Above Willow. QLOAKING cloths. : #l, AIN AND MIXED CLOTHS Of th 6 LettisAl os, WATER-PROOF CLOAKINOS, ALL AT REDXIOBD PRICES, i -- CURWEN STODDART & BRO., : ABO. ASS 4, ana ASA North SECOND Streat, ‘ • Above Willow. gPRING CLOAKS. Oa baod a flue lino la the moat dealraile stjles, with afullotoehof CLOAKINGS to select from, which are mado dp In the he'rt style and manner. PRICES GBBATLY REDUCED, OURWEN STODDART A BRO., 450, Asa. and ASA North SECOND Street, rahMkSt' Above Willow. SPRING DRESS GOODS, OF NEW O STTLBS, OPENING DAILY. ' ' • Spring style* Vnleneias. Spring styles Foil de ChoyieS. Spring ttylee of Poplin*. Sommer Popliae, . Splendid Organdie*. Percales. in treat variety. New etrle* of Pique*. Spring Colour* de Liineß. Spring Colours Mohalre.- . , New styles of Drew great variety, BD WIN BALL ft 00 . 36 Sooth SSHOND Street. . HEW PUBLIOATIOHS. MENDELSSOHN. ±~A NOW RRiDY. m LIFE OF FELIX MBfIDELSSOSN BARTHOLDI, From toe Garmati of W, A. L4tt**AoiUd, With supplementary Sketches by Henry F, Chorley. Ludwig Bellstab, •Bayard Tailor, R 8 WiUis* a»d J i Dwight, . ... Edited and translated by • —WILLIAM LEONARD GAGE. 1 wl, ISfltto., cloth- too gilt. Pf ; ce. si. 75. F. LBYPOLDT, Publisher, 1333 CHB-TnUT Street. Phiiad*., and jnh2o-mw2s 616 BKOaDWAY, New York., COPARTNERSHIPS. OP COPARTNER- A' 6HIP. —The Copartnership heretofore existing ha* tween the unders'gted, under the name of NICHOLS. PICKAKING, St CO., tg this day dissolved by mutual consent. Cbas. W. Fick«ring is alone authorized to E . BIOEOIIS . ■■ u <- DBAS W. PfOKSEISTG, NaTHAN 6TBSTOH. PjezlADexphia, March 17,1865. mhaOSt* pOFARTNEBSHIPT—THE UNDER SIGNED have this day formed a OoparfcueTsaip, under the arm of NICHOLS, PIUKSRING, St 01.. for tbe manufacture of Locomotive, Passenger, and freight Car bprings. Factory If. W. corner EtGHTBisNTH and FBNNSYLYANIA Avenue. vri „ „ wr „„ WILLIAM R NtOHOLS, CBAS w PinKgßififa. EDWARD BaCjN, pHTLAbBIrPmAi March 18.1865 mh2o Bt* FINANCIAL. 5-20 COUPONS, •'? • • _ DUE .. • _ t: ~ 'ri >. : MA.S. As*.' . BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MiBKKT PBIOf. BY DItEXEL & (0„ mMS-tmyl Ho. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. TREASURY department, office A 01 THE COMFTKOLLEB OT THB COKRMgT, Washihhtok, January 25,1865 Whereat, By eatlrfaotory evidence preeented to the nndernljrned, It has been made to appear that THE 1 RATIOS ALPXCHAHGB BARK 01 PHILADELPHIA, In the city of Philadelphia, In the county of Philadel phia. and State of Penneylvania, hae been dnly orfa nizednnder and aeeordina to the reanirements of the Aet ofCohnrees entitled An act to provide a Rational Currency, eecnred hya pledce of United.Btatw boiidi, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,’’ approved Jna# S, ISM, and has complied with all the provleioneof said act required to be compiled with before commenolny the bnefcee* of hankie* cinder uid Act— Row, therefore, HUGH MoCDLLOOH, Oomn- HATIOKAL BXCHAS^feBABKO?P < In the cltyof Philadelphia, In the eounty of Philadel phia, and State of Penneylvania, le authorized to oom menee the hnilnosa of Lankina under the act aforoaaid. fcl-601 " Currency, Comptroller od th» A. WARPER, VA STOCK BBOK SB. „ Ho, 818% WAXiHDT BTSBST. Stocbs and Bonn* negotiated. Subscriptions reoeiyed for iba new United States ? 30 Loan id same o' Sdl aad upwards. mbl-wfmldt* CAMUEL ALLEN, ' . O STOCK BROKER, Ho. 136 South. THIRD Shoot, PHIXjADKr.PHIA mhll-lm* niL STOCKS, U. B. LOADS, &£., toman axb sold ok commssiojt, BT OSOSOB X BOYD, Brok«, *o. 18 South THTSD Btr«et WILLIAM H. WAYNE, T v Lat« Discount Cleric Bauk'of JS'orth. America, STOCK and BILL BEOKBK, Ko. 16 BARK Stieefc. Loans, Stock*, Ae., purchased and sold at the Phua delphia Stock Board. Money procured on collateral*, Promissory notes negotiated, 4c,, Ac. mns-lm g SCOTT, Jb., AUCTIONEER, No. 902 Chestnut Street. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS’ FOURTH GREAT SALE OF YALUABLB ORIGINAL AMERICAN AND FORBION OIX. rAJNTTINCiS, Mostlypurchased by Ur. James S. Bade, directly from the -artists themselves, or painted from sketches made exclusively for him. Among the painters repre sented are: Carl Habner, Richard Jonrdan, B. Be Loose. H. Sondermann, Letsehaner, Carl M. Webb, Hildebrandt, Yon Seben, S. W. Waugh, Louis Lang, jSeseischap, A. Seigert, Paul Weber, C. Hoeuet. Engel hardt, J. S- T. Yan Starkenborgh. W. T. YanSiarken 'borgh. J. W. Casilear, Yan Danberg, Laurent de Beml, B. Verboeckhdven, Edmund D. Lewis, Thomas Moran, W. LiiSeajrfa*::' This collection is sertalaly the finest ever offered at public sale in Philadelphia, and (ally equal to any ever sold inthlecounuy. The paintingjjore all by modern artists, all new, and in perfect order. They will be sold without reserve. S MBN^LviVIi I 'UcJsMI OF FINS ARPS, on the BveitagTof THURSDAY, 23 d, and FRIDAY, 24th of Hatch, at half past 7 o’clock precisely. The pictures are now on exhibition, free. Open day and evening until the nights of sale. ifeyma-—n&klt. bank & Die funds. c"Sogae“nk“bS obtained at the Gallery of JAMBS S. RARER & SOBS, Academy of fine Arts, and of the Auctioneer. . sahlffdt qard. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Blbre I now oeenpy Is sold for a Banking insti tution. Wot being able to procure a building sufficiently large to hold ny stock, I am compelled to BELL OUT AtEftudaa possible, I now o%ray Immense assortment of •" FUBNITUJEtE - AT YBRY LOW PRICKS. GEORGE J. HEKKELS, rnhlMm ■ SQ9 ABB 811 CHBSTHUP BTBBBT. i ____________ mhlS St* ORNAMENTAL HAIR M A. IS Uflc T O B Y The largest and best assortment of WIQS, TOUPBKS, LONG HUB BRAIDS ARB CURLS, FBIZKTTES, ILLUSIYR SEAMS FOR LADIES. At prices lower than elsewhere, at mbMfitif* ‘909 CHESTNUT Street. S, E, 008. SSYH AND SIPBET^ WATERFALLS, YIOTORIKBS, WANTS.' ANTED— Olti STOCKS, hoe land, houses, mortoaoes. ahd OEOUHO S2KTB, GEO. H. TO WNSEOTFfc 00., WAITED—A SITUATION. WT A yoang Man ft<*m the country, iua Drug Store, with a view fco attending the Lectures is the College of Pharmacy. Reference exchanged. Address, for lures day*, C. G. T.,” Press office. mhiffs*,* WANTED—BY a youno man - who baa had five years’ experience la a Whole *BBl6 and Retail Dry Goode Store, a SITUATION as Salesman lira Wholesale House. Can give beat c‘ty reference, Addrets **C. D- C., 11 thisofflae, mh!B 2t* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN WHO j"” understands Double-entry Book*keeoicir One from the country preferred. Address ’* A W,” Press vffice. mhlß St* WANTED— A, EIRST-CLASS JOB to toko charge of a General Printing jsat&cllabment.. Situation pleasant aod cermanent. and oalary proportionate with ability, iddreae , „ B. F. H. LYHfi, Dailti THspiich, mb!7-dt brief Pent a, w ANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH— _ CsDTasi'er in every tow a and county, for (he NUKfiE AND dPY, the most Intereatlac *nd exciting book ever published, embracing the ad van tows of a, woman la the Union army ae Korea, geont. and Spy. giving a most vivid inner plosnre of the war. We Jb&ve Atent* clearing *360 per month, which we will prove to■Mi2S M *s^ Uwft L 8«*« for circnlars. Address “ JONHS, BBO&, « CO., 000 CHBBTNCTT Street, Philadelphia. ” mh7 Im* A LADY OF INTELLIGENCE AND education would like to procure a situation &a Edi tor of a .Newspaper or Bfaiaztns, cither in the city or CLUntry.havmg had considerable experience ia literary matters. Or would accept themsnatement of any busi ness sufficiently lucrative to enable her to live com fortably Testimonials of character and ability cau ba given. For foTtfaerp»riica?ars, address flfra. FORSTES, of Wotting Womens Associativa* Yd 6 AECH Street. mhaQ fit A N EXPERIENCED MACHINIST, „ with *^ am pampfcto., wMw, a SITUATION to superintend an Oil operation. A pri vate company, where an interest would be given, pre ferred. Address “B. B Press office xnhtf-ft* A PARTNER WANTED, WITH A Capital of SIO, COP, in a MANOFACTtJRINO BOSI NESS in this cHy. nowia sureessful operation, affording afcET PKOFiT on all sales of over 100 percent. De mand for Goode made very extensive. For particulars address, Btatiag name and residence, “Manufactuisr, V Press Office. - mhl7-Bt* An edit ok wanted-on a Well-established INDEPENDENT DAILY PAPER. One who has had experience as a Journalist on a popu lar . newspaper, can. engage permanently at a good eatery by addressing the undersigned, publisher of the Erie Daily Dispatch. mhl7-lia . B P. H. LYNN. Employment house, for Boaaekeepers, Seamttresaaa, Chambermaids,Watt «*. Bnrses, Cooks, Laaadrssses, aad ssaeral hou*a work. white aad colored. 802 LOCUST St. fe»-lnt Ij’MPLO'TMBNT HOUSE FOR • Sr Blsrh*. Book-keesera, Salesmen, Paekers, Porters, Watchmen, Co&ehniea, Drt.ers, Conductor., Bar-tend er., Walters, Farm hands. Qardenern, to Kinpleyer, sailed at short notist. 802 and 804: LOCUST Street. feSO-lm TADY CAN YASSERS WANTED— For a flrst-class WORK - OF AET, to canvass Phila delphia and other cities Pleasant perseverance will easily earn <rom $5 to $2O per day. Address, stating pi evHus occupation, ‘'A. B. G„ 11 Box 4429 Post Office, Bow York. mh2Q-8t f)IL ON THE BRAIN.—SITUATION Clerk, Aecountant. or Saperthtendent, wanted— anywhere if there is Oil there—by a business man. Satisfactory reference; security if required. Address ** Business,** Car vets vllle, Pa. mh!s- wfrmSt* m IV ANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL NaList, a modern DWELLING, situated above Arch itreet and west of Broad. Bent about $4OO. Address Box 1937, Post Office raM-lto* (\C\f\ $5,000, $3 t 500, $3,000 tJpA/jV/UUj Wanted on mortgage; security ample and clear of all other Incumbrances Apply to dCSEPH 6 bXDDALL, Conveyancer, mhlft St* 42 £ LIBRARY Street INSURANCE. J7IRE INSURANCE. HOWARD IKSURAMCOMPAM OF KBW YORK CITY. CHARTERED 1885. ASSETS, DECEMBER 31. 18M. PHILADELPHIA OFFIOB, Ho. 230 WALNUT SSraet, Real Estate (Officeof Company, No. 68 Wall st). $65,000 00 Cash, via; On hand.s49l C 2 InPhcex-lx Bank, hew ........12,647-71 In Manhattan Bank, New York.SBS 63 In hands of agent*....,..........™. 1 026 48-28,033 84 Bonds and mortgages, first liens on real estate.... 03,340 01 U. S Bondi, $180,200, worth $138,850 New York City. County, and State Bonds, $llO,OOO, w0rth......105.250-248,100 00 SOOehaxes Bank .of Commerce, Mew York, worth. $24,000 160 (hares Metropolitan Bank, New York, worth 10,200 260 shares Phoenix Bank, New York, worth. w. 6,600 -48,700 00 Loans on collateral security worth $12,300. loaned... 9,0P0 00 Interest due Company on investments. **•*«. 7,956 34 Premiums unpaid 1,265 22 I racpmigeßd the a~b ora t ablj gfr e c| f race. . >■ ••• HOLLINBHEA.D & GRAVES, AGiSSTS, So. 830 WAMtUr Street, PHILADELPHIA. JNSURANCB AGAINST ACCIDENTS EVERY DESCRIPTION. BY THE TRAYEIIERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, HAETfOED, COKE. Capital $500,000. WH. W. Alien, Agent, 404 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA* GBEBHAL ACCIDBBT POLICIES For Five Hundred Dollars, with $3 per week compen sation, can he had for $3 per annum, or any other earn between $5OO and SID,OOO at proportionate rates. TEH DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a Policy for $3,060, or $lO per week compenta ttoi for ail and every description of accident—travelling or otherwise—under a General Accident Policy, at the Ordinary Kate. THIRTY DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a full Policy for $5,000, or jas per week com pensation, as above, at the Special Rate. yOEEIGK KISKS. Policies tamed lor loieikn. Wwt India, and Califor- Eta lj»Tel Bates can)» learned bj application to tie Office. SHOET TIME TICKETS. Arrangement* are in course of completion by which tie traveller will be able to purchase, at any Railway Ticket Office. Insurance Tickets for one or thirty days’ travel. Ten crnts will buy a ticket for one day’s travel, insuring 53,C00, or SIS Weekly compensation., Ticket Policies may le lad for 3,6, and 12 months, in tie same 10 Hazardous Bisks taken at Hazardous Bates. Policies issued for 6 years for 4 years preminm. IWI>XJCJBM33jVTS. The rates of premium are lest than those of any other. Company covering the same risk. '• , Jjo medical examination is required* and thousands of those who have been rejected fry Life Companies* is eojjteooeßee of hereditary or other diseases, tan effect iasurauce in the TBAVELLBB8 ’ at the lowert rates. Life Inenranee Companies pay no part of thepriacipal ton until the death of the assured. The TBA-VELLSBd’ pay the Joes tfr damage sustained fcy personal Injury whenever it occurs, •- : ■ , . The feeling of seeurity which such &u insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor for support is worth mordmhn money, fio "better or more eati«fac t»ry nee can ho mad. of so amjs| EODNRY DENNIS. georotary, e. P. DAVIS, DYRjAGeueral Agant. Applications received mhlS-mwfr3m Ho. 40# WALSU f Sir set. gCHTJYLKILL COAL. NOTICE. —The nndereigned hereby rsipeetfally noti fy their friends and the public that tho lease* from tie Hew York and Schuylkill Coal Company (formerly the Forest Improvement Company), under which they ha veheretofore operated various Collieries in Schuyl kill county, Pa., having severally expired by limita tion of tbe came, and tie Company having determined to er gage in mining and Belling Coal, the basineea will hereafter he conducted by said Company. In making this announcement tbe undersigned desire to let tun their warmest acknowledgments to their nu merous customers and friends for the liberal patronage extended to them daring the last twenty ■ five years, and to solicit a continuance of tho same in favor of the NEW YORK ABB SCHUYLKILL COAL COMPANY, in which their senior is, and will continue to be, largely interested. CHAS. A. HEOKSOHEB & CO., 45 SOUTH Street, BBW YORK. February. ISM. fHB NEW SOBK & BCHCILKIEIr COAL CO. OFFICES 45 SOUTH STREET, NEW YOBK, and 887 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, DIRECTORS. MOSES TAYI.OB, SAJft. SLOAN, CHAS. A. HEOESCHEE, O. WILSON DAYISr JOHN P. PHELPS, WH. B. WABBBN, BICHARD HECK3CHBR. OFFICERS. O. WILSON DAVIS, PRESIDENT. WM. E. WARREN, TREASURER AND SECRETARY. W. W- DUFFIELD, RESIDENT MANAGER AT WOODSIDB, - " SCHUYLKILL COUNTY^ JarNOTlCß.—Beferring to tbe annexed card the NEW YOBK AND SCHUYLKILL COMPANY announce that, having assumed the working of the several Col lieries Which" - have for many years heed operated by Messrs. DBAS. A. HBOKSCHBB A CO., they ace now prepared to contrast for tbe delivery, daring the ensuing year, from their WHABP ad) at RICHMOND, OK THE IiBLAWABEBtVBB, HEAR PHILADELPHIA, ofthelr superior White and Bed Ash Schuylkill Coal. Orders MspeotfiolyaoHeited.' ‘ O. W. DAVIS, President, Marchju.’iBM. 123« 8. FOURTH BT, £ TO LET— THE FIFTH AKIfSIXTH STOHIES or THK GR'ANITE BUILDING; (Formerly Past Office,} Noe. 937 and 939 BOCK BTBEBT, wrrn BTK*a rSWMtt. ' Th# third-story o< “Commonwealth BnMliur, ’' Hot. s» and oi3 CHABTHOF guest. Can to arranied tor office*: Um beat Mebled room In tbeelty. Also, FOE SALE, several v.tinable properties. THOS. 11. OONWELti, COUNTING-HOUSE OF BE. B. JAYS* ft SOH, 343 CHESTNUT STREET. mhl«-St *501,795 30 mhSO-mwmt FOB BM.E AND TO LET. jg TO BANKERS, INSURANOB OB OIL OOMPANIES. FOB SALE. THE H£&®WME OFFICE BUILDING FOBETH SiSSST, Ba,t,OWOHKBTOOT(ir#. 108). Estate of TBOS, S. JItTOHBLI,, dweued. Apply to , W. ®. LITTLETON, 51* WALHUT Street mhls-Jt* rjD MANUFACTURERS.—TO BENT, A. WELL-UIGHTED BOOM, 100 BY 40 FEET. 12-HORSE ENGINE In good running order. BOILERS, SHAFTING, HEATING PIPES on the premiers. FOB BALSifdeaired Apply to «KO. W. BIMOSH, BttO.. & ICO., Manufacturing Jeweller*. Simom-at H»ll. mhlSrwfmSl* • BANSOM Street, a neve Hir-h. A TO LET— A. THREE.STORY KUBRICK HOUSI?, with double back balding*. 6 52 Wurth Elevenih street Bent $B5O Apply to J. OQtfEN CC'r«4jSR?. J* , 4»5 MARKS? etreet «FOB SALE-SIX THREE-STORY BKICK and three Two-stary FJUHB HOOSKi, o» a lot 100 feet rqnare, corn.r THIRTY-FOURTH aed ELM Ftr*et». ManCns lcqalra or ti. PANOOAST. Mo. 918 SPBIMO GARDEN fct.eot. mtn7-W MFOR SALE GERMANTOWN COTTACS; LarßO and aupertor Cottage oa Walnut lane, wiiii every convenience; Bee eitaatioo. and good lot. . b. f. otßansr. mb 18 1 1 183 South F.)PBTg Street. m FOR SALS—L ARGUE AND VALU JEIaBLS PROPRRTT, 915 and 917 forth. FROST Street, embracing several Uwelling Senses, Tanaery, Morocco Factory, and everything complete for. carrying on tbe morocco business, with large lot, &c. ; will ho sold low, or exchanged for a good farm ia3 M FOR SA.IiE-JiA.EGE FOUNDRY AND UACmsa SHOP, la fall operation. with the working Bloat end tool*, patter ns, &0., of ereo daserip tlon. necessary for doing alargeaadsaeeeisfttlbasl negg, alinated on a railroad, about twentymlles frost Philadelphia. B. P. OLBaK. la:* S.FOUBrH St., mljlS-tf orS W.cor.BEVß3lTgß«fa and gBEBST St>. MPOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SPOOKS—Farm of 81 aores. near SetlererlUe, Books county, in good order, and has good Bnildlage. B. F. Ol>E«fi. 133 Boatn F-JUKTH Street, mills-tf or 8. W. oor. SEVBSTIffiNTH nod GBESS Sts. m TO HOTEL KEEPERS.—TO RENT. JB the old-established MaTIOKaL HOTEL, Mo* 301. FO6, 358* and 310 BAGS Street* between Taird and Fourth Sweets. This Will he a desirable opportunity for gay person desirous of commencing keeping a hotel It formerly did a large business, and la well ealcal&tet for inch business, being in the business part of the city. , It has a Urge number of bod- rooms and parlors, and ether rooms, and will he rented reasonable to a suita hie tenant. The house will be open from ten to twelve o'clock every flue day. Thoee desirous of renting the same, apply to TBOATAB MARTI#. Real iSssate Agent, H. W. cor. FOURTH and PIN& Streets, Palladelphla. mhie-st* ®NO. 1914 PINE STREET. —A Beak. tenteel dwelling:, wilh barkbntldiusi- bath, gas, and large yard, la complete order, and now re cant, for ealo by JUBBPHiI.BtDOa.IiIi, Conreyancer, mlilS.3t« . *3* LIBBABt Street Mfor sale—near sellers- a yille-SOOD FAKM of I*3 ACKSS; cheep foriE cash, or will take la part good oil Btoeks la excitant®. B. F ai.ESN mhlStf 133 South FOOSfH Street. « DESIRABLE SMALL FARM OFJR 11 acres, on the Lancaster Pike, near Meeting House. Radnor, .one mile from Villa If ova. tiro from White Hall Station, Penns* Waaia Railroad: three storied modern stone dwelling, with parlor, halt, di ning-room. and kitchen on first floor; nine chambers; hath; fnrn&ce; fine shrubbery; stabling; and early possession given. For sale. A. P. AS . H. MORRIS, mhlB-2t* . 916 ISO a Street. £1 FOR SALE—A FARM OF 34 JR jBL acres 3n Atlantic county, JfT J , 33 miles from *3C Philadelphia, "iH miles from railroad Large new Cot tage House and all requisite out-bxUoings. A great variety of choice fruits, IS acres of land under cultiva tion. Hood productive soil. Price, 19.600. GBO N TOWasSdD 4 CO., mhiy-tf _lS3# South FOUR fH Street. ion Accommodation RBTUBSING, hXLYBS ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation.l4 A. M. Freight, with Pattern er€*r attached.**. ....1.20 P. K. Junction Accommodation-****-.................6.86 A. ft. BXTEA HADDONFIBLD TKAISB Leave Vine street 11.15 A. M.. P.^M> 'l|i~l aw'F~r* I" mia ijnU JOBJSf 0. B&TAfiHT, Agent- M COUNTRY SEAT TO LET, COR-CR Her OHBEH BABE and TORE BO AD, B ranoii-jC town, Twenty-second ward. Ten minutes’ walk from Green-lane Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad; forty minutes’ ride from Filth and Chestnut .treats. Good lawn', of - aearlT four" acre*. DS. m BESfIEVILLB, 1716 PitfESt., MB. MEOd.BT’ti SrOBS, Brancbfcown. PMla&alpUa. ami targe. Apply to or at mhl6-6t* JR 7,000 ACRES —SPLENDID •C CHANCE 70 FORM A LAUD COMPANY —POE BaLB at a baceificb-extba inybstmbnt! 7,1 (F acre, of valuable Frairte. Timhsr, and Farming LAND, within twenty Are mile, of Ghicaro, on the line of Bye railroads, near ..bools, churches, stations. Ac The land was purchased by the present owner tor Inyestmont, who la now «olng to Barone. Haps and particulars sent on application. _ GBO. N. TOWNBBND A. 00., mhiset 133K80 FOTTSTH Bt- Philadelphia. PETROLEUM! OIL!! FOB SALE. OBIOINiTi SHAKES In a choice and select OIE OOMFAHI HOW FOBMINGK GBBAT INDUOBMBWT. FIEST-CLABS INVESTMENT. OEO. ,N TOWNSEND & 00., 133 X South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. OTOCK AND FIXTURES OF A COAL YABD, fietween now and the first of Mar. Ad dtese ‘•Coal lard,” Press office. mh3l St* |?OR BALE—A LOT OF GROUND ON A SRYBERT Street, westof Nineteenth, 40 by S 3 feet; will be closed vers low for cash -- B F GLSabt, mhlßtf 1543 Sonlh FOO&T fl Street. F)R SALE—A KTJMBER OF DESIRA BLE BOILDXJfG LOTS. For particulars apply to BAHtTEL Q. THOMPSON, Attoraey at Law, 336 WalH UT Slreot, mhll-lm T\RUG STORES, CITY AND COUN ■*-' TEY, for sale and -wanted at <ai priooe. mM Im* W. M. Dl iKHOH. *37 WALNPT Streat, f|77 77 AMD $2,066 66. I I « f ».. Ground Balia of theaoamonnta, amply seemed Ru4c«rtrattylo<s»t«a For sale by a CAE PENTBE Ac SON* ihß 18;* a*a South THIRD Street BOASDNe. •PIBST-CLASS BOARDING; —T W 0 -A- desirable rooms will be vacant in a few days at 313 fcPBBCB bfreet. I£__ TROARDING.—THE NEWLY - FUR- A> EMBED HANDSOME EB9IDENCE. 63* South WASHINGTON SQtJAKI, i« now open for Bonden. A commodious suite of rooms meant. Gentlemen accommodated with dinner. mh!7-St* YTACANT— V A IARGB FBONT BOOM, mhl«--wfmBt» . 917 SPKDGS Street. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, 413 A CHEBTNOT Street', has no Bar. First- class Board and excellent aceommodaiidns for Families can be had at moderate charges. One handsome chamber, large and convenient, vacant to day. _ Beference required. mhi7*3t* riOUNTRY BOARDING WANTED OR VJ a HODS* to Kent, Give description or House and Grounds, and distance from oily and railroad sta\ion. Addresi or apply to CfSaShSSS 4 ?®’* mhl7-St* No. 17 S. EIGHTEENTH street. fIAVALRY HORSES! V ABTILLEBY HOBSES! tMULES! QuarterHastsr Gesbeal’s Otfiob, First Dmsio*, . WashihgtosCite. D. C., March 15.1865. BOSSES, suitable lor the cavalry and artillery ser vice, will be received, at Geisboro Depot, iucuen mar ket, ttlTMAyl. 1865, by Captain GEO. T. BBOWNING, **ollB, in lots of twenty-five oijm. Will be re ceivedin this city, in open market, till May I- 1865, by Captain C. a. TOMPKINS, Assistant Quartermaster, corner Twenty second and G etreete. ■ jin animals to be subjected to the usual Goveraiaent Impeetion before being accepted. _ . • Specifications as follows: Cavalry Horses must be sounddn «U parttcnlaM, well broken, tn fell fief* and food condition, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) hands ig h, five (5) to nine (9) years old, and well adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. Horses between nine (9) and ten (10) years of age, if still vigorous, sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. ’ ~ Artillery hones must be of dark color, sound In all particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken, and square trotters in harness in good flesfcand condi tion, from six (6) to ten (10) years old, not lew than fifteen and one-half (15K) handß high, each horse to welt hnoi less than ten hundred and fifty (1,050) pounds. Mules must be over two (3) years of age, strong, stout, compact, well-developed animals, not less than fourteen (14) hands high. In full health, free from every blemish or defect which would unfit them, for severe work, and must have shed the four Croat , cole's teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, twelnf&eh jaw. ...... .. * These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rlxldly enforced in every psrlicnUr. Hours of inspection from 9 A. U to 4P. M. Price—OsTalry horses, one hundred and eighty five dollars ($185); artillery Horses, one hundred and nine ty dollars ($160); Mules, one hundred and ninety-fire dollar# ($196) Payment will be made at this Office. _____ JAMES A, fiivifi, Brevet Brigadier General Ipt Charge mhSO-tapßO .First Division Q. M. G O. rjHE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, 2fO. 136 SOUTJBLFOUETH STBEETf BBLOW T AESTIf Fays ftveper cent. Interest c%;fl*p.o%itB. Agents for the sale of United States 7 MO Loims at Par Govern ment, State and City Loans and Bto«ksJ>oa*bt and sold tor depositors and others cn Commitsion. mhlß-Sm 6oa ARCH STREET. KITCHBN HABDWAfc*,_ WOODJSB WAKB,and BStSfeRV A somplets assortment of House farnlsMnr Goods. GBIFFirH & PaGB mUS-lT SIXTH and ABOH Streets. TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, ** COIJHBBLLOR AT LAW, AND SOLIOITOB OS CLAIMS. OfflM.aaiFStreet,»<»rFourteenth .treat, Washington, D. 0. dogt-em /CHEAPEST PLAGE FOR THE TIMES V/ to int rood TAILORING is at 0. S. HrMMSL WBIGHT’B,»I* North FODBTH Street. mhlB-3t« CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, BN yj TIRBLY NEW STYLES SOB THE SPRING TEASE —A Superior Lot just resolved, and for tale oupenoi gUSTON. J 00.,, rah!B-'tf IST and 159 NorthTHLBD Street. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE 1 in the city to let ESAD-DRESSES, jlata orSraoj CATS, is at 904 ARCH Street. r _ : mhlB-St*_ •PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—SECURE A the bed. when desired, at B. F, BBIMER'a. 634 ABGHSt. A See assortment patented hinge-baokSJ.- hums for fla ie, all si ret S.'qd prices. . it ax psAaoNAßiiß moasi AMUSEMENTS* ERIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Italian aanu. A CARD, tMplaunr« of BtfanttMla* 55 SSSSS^S^r&ffi^ftKaaSt; haa«lert|* ot ygggj.g WEWBBT WoBH. LA FOBS* DSL DSBTISO. ‘ And for SATUBDaY Aaßer’* inimitable ma«terrds*. which has been tteTavortie of (Mjibim is BatttaT^ The Boa Office for the nalefnf *Amra4 places wtßhe open on Monday at g o’clock,-when Mats can be se cured for the TWO HVENINGB- ®* seat* can be seen red at the Academy ekd Goold eMoiicdtore. for Hither evening _ . _ „ Secured places dollars. On Hen day. »th ln»t„ first nlfkftrf the Italian Oman In Waefclhkton. mhlf-dt New chestnut carsTSOT Street, above Twelfth. GBOV2> jfcSJSN-- Manager* MONDAY.jtt5**l>AY, and WfeDNK3D-1T NVSnIHGSL THE KEWMOEA'L BEAM A _ _ __ _ TRIUMPHANTLY SUCCESSFUL, THE LARGEST AUDIENCES of the SecWm have u •ombled dnrlsi the naefweeh to wltnessthe new Local Prize Drema. tn-foirr note, by tftes bears gAene. etyleA THS WOSEMEj’or PHILADELPHIA, THE WORKMEN OP PHILADELPHIA. CIJRSSOTBBftrK, which will be presented on the above-named'evenlnH with all the Hew and Bsateslfnl Scenery. aaStntehlnc Mechanical Bflects,lraperb-Properties and Appoint monte, Original Waste. eadtlse TRULY a BEAT CAST OF CHARACTER® All the Grand'Soenen Will Represented. THE BAB. KO( M. A» IfnDEHII IHSTITUTIOW; BUPPEB BOOH. DAYTe* RWaUSANT, Arch Btreeti THEHOUSE^fp^LADELPHU; Interior Yiew of MERRICK 4 SONS’ MAGHTBTBv%HO?3 AJTD VOWS’ D&t. WABSiStufOtf Anon*. PBILaDELPHU, Bt HCOff LIGHT. Sfcowint tie Spa-klin* Water* o' the P«la«r&ra, iHtCt the J-binpiug. Farry v ßo»S% fcc. CHESTBCTSCKEET &£d JLn&DBIBT OF FINS ART*, THE HOME OF THE .WUBSMEN, SIGNING T 52 PLEIXJE. GBAJJD DBftOtJSMRYT, WEDHESDAY ANP SATURDAY A7TBBEOO7S. _ March 92d &d 4 25th; - GRAND FAMILY MaTImEE When THE WOBEMBN OF PHH2AOSLP SIA ‘ • wlH be performed.* WALNUT STREET THEATRE. " I MOIS Day, March 20,. BENEFIT OP MR. J 8 CLARKE. When he will ap pear on. the same for the And time In PhiUtfelpbla* In hiepotmlar oofsiechtracteraoC - ' TIMOTHY TOODLB-, TIHOTaY COODIiSI. in the laughable drama of TOODuBS, and ■Major DE BjOIS, In EVERY BOOT’S FBtBKD. Tuesday. NICHOLAS JS'CKLRBY. MBS’ JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH ■WA STREET THEATRE. PIBST SIGHT of Mr and Hr*. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS. (Monday) EVENING. March Sh MM, THE PAIJtY VIROL*. THE CUoIOM OP THE COUNTRY. and THE SPfcCrag Bar DBG BOOM. Mr. and Mr*. BaBHSY WILLIAM* In three character. —Hours ami Dance*. PBIDAy ,* BENEFIT OF MB. BARN BY WILLIAMS. THE ©BEAT AMERICAN CIRCUS. WALNUT Sweet, above EIGHTH. Messre. GABDINBB and HEMHINGS-...-Proprietor*. LAST WEEK BUT ONI' The lennhablepantomlmteextravatania. entitled DON QUIXIiTTB abb HIS SQUIBS SANGHO FANE A. Every eveulnganring the week. All the etar rider* WIN appear, and JAMES MaDIGaN will throw a donMa annamereanU In the air. Teseethla alone ie worth tk price of aamfsslon Performances on Wednesday- and Saturday after nonsi commei cine At 2% o’clock. Evening performs*#* commences at 7.40. Admission 50 cu.! Are; tier;. 25 ns*, second tier. mh2t A BSEMBLY BUILDING—THEATRE » PBANCAIS DB HEW YORK. PAUL JUIGhBT. MuSfD&TrVan&'it' 1«»’« LB GENPfcB DE MOtf mIEUS POIRIEB. Comedy in :our acta, by B Antler. Poors open at 7; rises at quarter to 8 o’rfedC- fJEKMANIA ORCHESTRA..— PUBLIC BBHBAHSALS every SATOBDAX »t 3X o’oloek F. St. at MUhICAL FORD He LB. Single Ticlrate. » eente. Six Tickets, $1 ; to be bad at Gould’s. Aadra’a, end Meyer’* Music Store*. and at the HalL aoT 1 1 THE academy of fine arts. A CHBSTBOT 6tree', above Teath, ie OPBST DAIB* for visitor#, from 9 A. If. to 6 P. K. j«tt. PENNSYLVANIA O»lSeSSfiAlI,3OlI> COHBAHT. Ho CICB On and after MOBPAT, Maw* 20,. 1865, all fteafc freight for shipment by the Pennsylvania Railroad, and Philadelphia and Brie Railroad, will be forwarded from the new depot, FiFTEEfITH and MdEKSTSth. Freight for Pittebaig* and all points west of PftWmutg,. will be forwarded from the depot THIKTKKHTH ud M eRKRT Streets. Proance and other freight arriving from .the Wert ana local stations on these roads, will be delivered Eros tnadapat XMxtaanlb and ,xeigll S£££k Phit,adbu>hia,. Harch 14,1899. CAMDEN AND A^*» SAILROAP. Tmm leave "Vine*street Ferry: Freight, with Passenger Car attached™****** .T. 30 A. IL. Atlantis Accommodation*.**~»»****.*~*****-. *4,15 P. M. Junction Accommodation >5 30 r. MU NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. REOPENIKS OF CANAL NA-VlOATiai*. tbk ranuaxPHu asb sew Tone EXPRESS STEAMBOAT. CO. inform their patron*, ami th» merchants udmtnlk»> tnrers of Philadelphia generally, Oat they han RESUMED THBIB BEGI7LAK DAILY TBIPB between Philadelphia and Mew York. THROUGH IN IWSNfI-fOVS HOURS. AtMUraq. WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO., No. 14 South WHARVES, Phlladn. JAMES HAND, No YIT WALL Street, New York. N. B. —Goods forwarded to all points free of eemurie- KioS. mhli St OFFICE WATER TRAMS- Smm POBTATIOg U. g. A, . _ Jfo. BT4r South THIfiD Street* Philadelphia, Feb. 14, IML_ Vessels wealed to transport Coal to Southern Furls a. m. -dClt NOTICE.—FOR NEW ■HNEaWHaTOBE —The PHILADELPHIA ANN NEW yol.K EXPRESS STBAMBuAT CON PAN Y. vi* Delaware and Raritan Canal. - Steamers leave DAILY, fint wharf below MARKET Street, at 2 o'clock P. M, • WitV. CLYDE & CO., I*B WHARVES,FMU. jambs hand, jit wall street, mhld-Sm Hew York. Wit— ». NEW EXPRESS LINE, TO ACikiSOiC ALEX AN DBtA, GAOEOKTO WN, AND WASHINGTON. Via Chesapeake and Delaware Oaaal- Steamers leave Erst Wharf above MARKET Street, every WEDNESDAY and SATOBDAY, at 12 M. For Freight apply to Aaent«,WM. P CI.YD 8 4 CO— 14North and South Wharvee,Phlla. :J.B. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, D.C. s FLOWERS A BOWEN, Alexandria. Va mnle-Pm c®®Br PBASTON CARRIAGE—BD WABD LANE, MAKES. Also, three sets C&i riasre Harness. Al> need only a short time Apply at Store, TfilBTT• PIFIH, above BBIDOB BtmgZ Mantua. mhaOSt* pt PHILADELPHIA SCALE WOREH, wass™ stiMt ‘ mdPßgi?srL^in T o^ ISH, FIR E AND T HIE F-PROOF ■SBISAFE MANUFACTORY. Larre aua maU Baft* Serf constantly on hand by J, HASaSSTFOET, 4XO YJJTE Street, Philadelphia. fe23»lmtf* T7OR NON-RETENTION OR INCON- A TIN SNOB of urine. Irritation, Inflammation or nlceratlon of the bladder or kidoeys, diseases of thu SLEEPER’S U. MANUFAC "i TORT, MARKET Street, one door ahoyeTenth. J Philadelphia. ■mhlllgt* ® LARGE RED WETHERSFIELD.. ONION SEED.—This variety will produce* Ml-, grown Onion the same season. If sown early, A reus-, ble article. For sale by ROBERT BUIHT. Jet., Nos. 933 and 93* MARKET Street mhlS-St Above Ninth. JR ONION SETS I ONION SETS ! 2nF.rM.ln,uan«U.»te ß^igT j Nos. 933 and 934 MARKET Street mhlg-St abave Ninth. ® PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CULTI YATOBS, Hay and Straw Gutters, with all other. Implements required «* Nos. 933 and 934 MARKET Street, mh!B-6t Above Ninth. rife IMPORTED BLUE IMPERIAL Al. PEAS.—IM- bushels just receive! from London. Those who wish, a very pore article should parshaso. fromthi. invoice. tlllsT BCIST, Jg.. Nos. 933 and 934 MARKBT Street, mhlß-Ct Above HLath. JjJNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH AXiE, IB STORE ARB GLASS. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Cemex of BLBVHKTH and VINE Sts. r EBXEY’B COTTAGE ORGANS Hot only TJRBXCBLLBD, bnt tJBBQUAMBD la parity of Ton* mod Power, desltned especially for Churches ■ad School,, bat found to be equally well adapted to . tbe Parlor mad Drawing Boom. For rale onlyby B. Ml BKuCE, 1041 Rosih SEVENTH Street. Also, a complete assortment of tbe Perfect Xelodeoa. constantly onhan d. fea-Sm TTNITED . STATES, EASTERN 118- V. TBIOTOF PBSBBTI.TAirri.-BcT ' WHEKBAS, Tbe District Coart of fox said Dietrict, proceeding on a libel. Sled atbfc name of tie Baited states, hath decreed oa tbe loth any of March, A. D. MSB. that all peraoys who claim to hae*t anj interest Ja tbe steamer CELT end cargo, captured aear Bnlllvan’s Irtand. oaast of South. Csjrallaa. by that oau*e why tbe e*l4 steamer and, eajf£ pronounced fiobelomr, at tbe time of tfae capfaJf pf,*** rame, to tie enemies of tbe United fore, or o&indNt liable, to waawaMttet m UHrailt P Tb4 above. Is sa abstracts/ the monition Issued b* tbe Court la tie said «“■ VILLI AH mLLWATtD. Marshal fc* Bastera Distrlctof Psnnm. Philadelphia, March If. IBM WM» H. JAMERi (Formerly of Philadelphia,) ATTOHRET AT LAW, FBARKLIR, TKNAMOO COBSTT, FKNRA. Special attention givea to tbe examination of Titles. _Pmi.adbimka. KBraanxons r-tihas. & Bex. Jbwa Hon. J. Boss Snowden, James_Hj Littie. Tanker. Sx.. Hood, Bonhrlght, A Co., i. *• JhPSSP* President 7th Rational Saab. mhlfl.foa* • CAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY C at law ahd oonvbtarcbk, FRARKLIR, VBBAHGO COBRTT, PBRHA. (into of Philadelphia.) ; K Lex, Esq,, i Be &W- ®* ,# s. alnikhtA^r James H. Little, Ben-. I W. A I eaten A Oe. mhf-Sm. ■ . ' ' - pprAxnjcßßp fob 99(®9*> F«W* -.DIKEGTBUK.