'»“« »ggg*£Sfc* the [From toe Jf«W Tork Tribune. ] j " PHii'AiiSt.'pHiX, Feb; IS, 188BJ Tt is noon at Jay Cooke & Uo.’s.' parent front room of all tbese-iittle back and side rofcmiß, tbe narrow and {he wall Is crowded with people:waiting to bb waited oh. They are of all olaBjfB*_aiidall decrees, and of all oolore. Thera are blaok menlnJay Oooke & Oo.fs, and they hold Money In their hands; and there la a soldier theres and there 1b an officer* lame, yet with an unmistakable air of eommand and of guardi anship :• an& tbefe are Quaker#, who look annui ty* and oouppns, and peace, and gbodness all over them | and'lfiere Is a clergyman* and a woman that «ews, and sew# by gaslight, I will wager, and three WO|nen who #ew not, neither do they spin, but who make investments; and there are meohanles, one witfi his dinner-pail; and there are two impatient brokers, who takb little walks in small circles, and Sul? out watches to see what’s o’clock. There time i money. A slow stream of people, putting some- 3 thing away in inside: pockets, comes out frjm the second room and’flows into the afreet. A new tele «rphb?y,with that p«o^larstrideofHfeord e aa haste that nothing i must obstruct* buta.SSLiS? ■ ‘i crowd, and opens his bock and handles Ms despatch. “Gome here! boy [-here, here, i how they come in. * ’ rings out a logons, magnetic TOlce, 3 In which command clearly mingles wl