FOREIGN VOTES. Otir waders may reoollect that great Interest was excited about a year ago by the marriage In Ireland, under Tory mysterious clromnstanoes,.of Miss Quinton, a young Protestant heiress, most ro* Bpeotably eonneoted, to a man named Potorson, tlio Son of ah innkeeper at Enniskillen, and a Roman Catholic. They were married In Peterson’s house j>y an unknown Gathollo clergyman, and the young lady was Immediately afterwards baptised by the parish priest, against whom a prosoootioh was W* Stunted for haying celebrated the marrlago. tmt the evidence was not strong enough to oohvlnoe Hie jury of his guilt, miss Quinton was under age, and her guardian took immediate steps to have her made a yrard of Chancery, and applied for an Injunction to separate her from her bridegroom. They were ac cordingly separated. She was placed In charge of some relatives In Dnblln, and he went to Liver pool, where ho Is at present employed In a so licitor’s office. The flight of time, In bringing round her twenty first birthday, has released Miss Quinton from her legal thraldom, and in the Holls Court last week, she applied by counsel to he discharged from the wardship, and permitted to marry Mr. Peterson, who had, by letter, expressed a desire that her property should be settled upon her- Self. It wag originally £BOO In the funds, bnt the. various legal expenses have reduced It nearly one jmlf. Her uncle yielded a reluctant consent, and the Master of the Rolls observed that, as a mar riage dc facto, though not iejurs, had taken place, the lady's moral character could not be Impeached, directed a settlement to be drawn up, giving her the legal control of her fortune, with remainder to her Children, but with power to bequeath It to her hus band should she die without Issue. The question whether a priest can lawfully marry by the law of France, which Is said to have been raised only twloe In sixty years, has just been decided In the negative by the Court of First In stance of Paris, presided over by M. Benoit Cham py. The plaintiff, a priest, sought a decree of nul lltv of his own marriage, ou the ground that ho was In holy orders at the time of the oontraot. The wife, though Cited, aid not appear, so that the other side of the question was not argued on this occasion, Counsel for the plaintiff made a very long speech, - and his arguments were adopted by M. Aubepln, the judge advocate. In the eourse of the argument the counsel, M, Georges Ooulon, said: “It Is pre tended that several of the Apostles were married; I admit that, but what I deny Is that auy of them married after they became Apostles”- He con tended that the celibacy or priests was an ordinance of Christ himself, who on several occasions had pro mised the Kingdom of Heaven as a reward for cell bacy. The court, without going into any of the the ological questions, laid It down that, by the organic law of the Concordat of Germinal year X., persons Jn holy orders wore subjected to the canons then pre vailing in France, and were consequently under an Incapacity to marry, and that this organic law had never ceased to bo considered a law of the Statq, and that neither the Code Napoleon nor the constitution Of the present empire contained anything inconsistent with It. On this ground a decree of nullity was pro nounced. Another case, la which M. Jules Favre Is counsel, is now pending, but In this the question Js raised In a different form,’ An Interdicted priest desires to be married, and the mayor refusing to perform the ceremony, an action is brought to com pel him. There are In Europe 43 reigning Sovereigns, not Including those who possess titles only. Of those 43, nine belong to the Roman Catholic relig ion, but one of that number Is excommunicated ; SI, are Protestants, one la of the orthodox Greek Church, one a Mahometan, and the 43d Is the Pope. The Oathoilos are two Emperors—-Austria and France i four Kings or Queens—Bavaria, Spain, Portugal; and Saxony; two Princes—of Lichten stein and Monaco. The excommunicated Sove reign is King Victor Emmanuel. The 31 who pro test the Roman Catholic religion are nine Kings or Queens—of ; Great Britain, Prussia, Sweden and Norway, Denmark, Holland, of the Belgians, Hanover, Greece, end Wurtemburg; six Grand Hakes—Baden, Hesse Oassel,Mlohlenberg-Schwere- In, Mechlenberg-Stelltz, Oldenburgh, and -Saxe ,TVcimar; Seven Dukes—Anhalt, Brunswick, Nas sau, Saxe-Melnegen, Saxe Altenbur,' Saxc-Ooburg, and Schleswig-Holstein; nine Princes—Llppo-Det mold, Lippe-Shaumbcrg,Reua-Greiz, Renos Solilelz,: gohwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Schwarcbnrg-Sonderhan pen, and Waldeok; one Elector—Hesse-Darmsdadt; one Landgrave—Hesse Hombnrg. The orthodox Greek Sovereign Is the Emperor of Russia, and the Mussulman Sovereign, the Sultan. There are be sides In Europe seven Republics, two exclusively Catholic—San. Marino and Andorra; andfive where the majority of the inhabitants are Protestants— Switzerland, Hamburg, Bremen, Frankfort and Lubeok. The conscience of strict Catholics has been greatly shocked ky the news that the French PrJnoe Imperial’s banquet to one hundred and twenty Schoolboys was given on a Friday—a day on which, according to the roles of the Church, no flesh should be eaten. It has been endeavored to extenuate the Serious character of this event, by the remark that children under seven years of age are not required to abstain. But it is to be feared that many ef the young prince’s guests were much older. The Opinion Rationale thus treats of the matter: “ Abomination of desolation! At the Prlnoe Imperial’s lunch to the lyceuma sandwiches were served. Think of that I Sandwiches—that is to say, slices of ham between slices of bread on a Friday, before mid night ! 1 Horrible, moßt horrible,’ as Macbeth, say s. It is in vain that extenuating circumstances are pleaded, and the question discussed whether all the boys were not undor the fasting age. We are too scrupulous to go Into these nice distinctions, and we tremble to think of .the disasters which may be the consequence of this impiety. Unhappy prince! _lJnha £ lo evoke the shade of a Nebuchadnezzar and Senna cherib !” The Paris correspondent of the London Globe IS responsible for the following: Whatever be the mental condition ofpo»rutntoliiidiron,iejr-ffK77rr?iir ae~ laris are a wide-awake set, and are by some thought too knowing by half. They actually ap pear to have piokea np notions about the oneycll cal, for one was overheard in Faubourg St Antoine telling another, whom ho considered a downright bore, and sought to shut up by seme emphatic snub bing, “Finis done! tu m'anmiis, mime tu n’eney diques l ” These urchins are a most irreverent race, »nd have not any fear, apparently, of being de voured here by the bears of the Jardln del Planets, tts of the forty young scamps, their pro totypes, In Palestine, (Kings, Book 11., c. It., v. 23.) —The Zoologioal Garden in the Bois do Boulogne, besides being an agreeable promenade for the Pari sians, has proved to be a remunerative speculation. The sale of animals and birds bred there produced 115,0001'. esc. last year, and the eggs 10,000 f. Among' the birds sold were 704 common pheasants, 389 gold ditto, 288 silver, and 214 of other breeds, 226 wild aucks, 648 tame ditto, 301 white swans, 87 black ditto, 76 white storks, 368 black Creveoours cooks and hens, 366 ditto of the Hondon breed, 250 parro qnets, 1 deer from Japan, 1 from Borneo, 11 from Russia, 15 French, 23 from Cochin. China, 12 from Paraguay, and 26 irom other countries. PERSONAL ASD POIITICAS. Dr. Charles Delb, author of “Nine Months In the Quartermaster Department of West Virginia,” died recently In Arizona. He wasaFennsylvani&n, ttcm Schuylkill county. In iB6O he published the JRaiUsplUter, a campaign paper, in Chicago. In 1861 he was In charge of the Quartermaster’s Depart ment at Clarksburg, West Virginia, as Captain and A Q.Jffl. The next -winterthe Senate rejected his appointment, as he afterward said, « on the ground that he had a million of dollars unaccounted for.” April 1,1862, he waß relieved from duty by Captain John M, Huntington, A. Q. M. Captain Delb then went to Marietta and wrote his boob, “ How to Moke a Million.” He went to New Mdxioo, and there published the New Mexican,, Dast July he was a candidate for delegate to Congress from Art. Sona, but was defeated by O. D. Poston. He was a man of generous Impulses, of a restless disposition, and we learn that he died poor. The Quincy Herald publishes an extract from a private letter, written by Dieut. Gen. Grant to his old friend and schoolfellow, the Hon. Isaac N. Mor tis. The letter Is dated » Headauartars, Armies of the United States, City Point, Virginia, Feb. 16, 1886,” and was written, not dictated, by Gen. Grant himßelf. The following la the extract, which win fee read with Interest: “ Everything looks to me to be very favorable for a, speedy termination of the war. The people of the South are ready lot It If they oan.get clear of their leaders. It Is hard to predict what will become of them—the leaders; whether they will flee the coun try, or whether the people forcibly depose them and take the matter In their own hands. One Or the other wIH likely occur If our spring campaign Is as successful as I have every hope it will be.” In regard to American literature, the Loudon Athenecum is getting hyperorltloal. It not only speaks of *‘Mr. Gail Hamilton” In disparaging terms, but finds nothing to admire In Saxe's holiday volume of «Clever Stories” except the Illustra tions. It says of him: Mr. Saxe may have the will to be the Ingoldsfiy of America, but he has not a Bingle requisite for the part. He means to be easy, and he is slipshod; he means to be sprightly, and he Is only childish. Vet he is not afraid of the most difficult themes, though the same have been already treated by the best story tellers in prose and rhyme. —A Washington despatch states that a short tone ago Mr. Lincoln, in recognition or the Im portant services rendered the cause of the Union by Jtev. Dr. MoClintook, while he was pastor of the American chapel at Paris, tendered him the post of minister to France, made vaoant by the death or Hon. Wm. L; Dayton. The Doctor, who Is now the pastor oi St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal Church in Fourth avenue, New York, promptly declined the Boner, assigning failing health, which had alreadT prompted hiareslgnation of the pastorate of hir present charge, as a reason. A correspondent, on his way to Wilmington, Writes: "An Incident, illustrating the peculiarity cf our struggle, occurred on our march yesterday. Passing a house .by the roadside, a oorporal of one Of the regiments asked permission to enter It, Alleging'as the reason for his request that it was the residence of his parents and the home of his youth. His request was granted. He mitered the house, and was soon clasped in the arms or his overjoyed mother. ‘John,’said she,"•your brotherwas here yesterday; be stopped as the Confederates marched past here.’ That mother has a-son in each army.” A returned prisoner says that the rebel pri soners salt back by exchange are sent south to join Hardee and Beauregard. The other day, before leaving. General Dee made a speech to about 1,600, feel ling them it would only be necessary for them go postpone their furloughs for a few days, When Sherman would he driven from their soli, and his army scattered and destroyed. They re sponded with more enthusiasm than do those troops who have been la such a state of destitution.all Winter. —The. Boston Transcript of Wednesday says: Mr. Wendell Phillips spoke two hours, at the State House, yesterday, In favor of the execution of the laws. He would havejlquor sellers treated as mur derers. Who has done more. In this Common wealth, than Mr. Phillips to prevent the execution pf the law against murderers ? —lt Is stated that Mrs.Kltohle (Mrs. Mowatt) and her'husband are in Florence, Italy, and that the fair, lady bas become so. corpulent that her foiiitr friends ecaroely recognize her. THE CITY. MISCEIiMMEOIJS. - PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COLLEGE On Wednesday evening, the second annual com mencement of the Philadelphia Dental College was held at Concert Hall, which was crowded. The proceedings commenced with music from the Gar mania Band, Next, the Rev. Dr. Riohard Newton, President of the College, delivered an appropriate and earnest prayer. Then, more muele, after which the President, with the usual lormaUties, conferred the Degree of Doctor ef Dental Surgery upon the following graduates for 18«46 Charles Barnes, New York ;-J. H. Borneman, Pennsylvania: George Bowers, Vermont; W. S. Elliott, New York; Albert T. Emery, Massashu -snit&q Benjamin U. Gauntt, New Jersey ; J. S. Hurlbut, Massachusetts; James McManus, Con necticut ;T. B. Perpignan, New York; F. D. Perry, Massachusetts; E. J. Roberts, Maine; G. O. Ro gers, New Hampshire; O. Stoddard Smith. Illinois; Edward P. Starbuok, Massachusetts; William H. Watte, England. V .The valedictory, by Professor J. A. McQuillen, Dean of Faculty, was then delivered, and elicited a great deal of applause, as well from its merit as a composition as from the eminent good feeling and practical good sense of its advisory portions, parti cularly addressed to the gentlemen who haajust received the' diplomas of merit and success, When the valedictory was concluded. Dr. William H. Waite, one of the graduates of the college, who had come from England expressly to benefit by Its In- Strootlon, mounted the platform, and in the name of his associates!! acknowledged, In an eloquent speech, his and their appreciation of the ability, skill, and instinctive teaching of the faculty, and their ear nest hope for the future snccess of the Institution, their Alma Mater. Alter a few remarks, in refe rence to what Dr. Waite had saidfand in corrobora tion of the compliment paid to the faculty, the Rev. Dr. Newton dismissed the assembly with a solemn benediction. The Immediate participants In the performances of the evening, with their friends and the faculty, then proceeded to a hospitable recep tion given by Dr. MoQulllen, at his residence, 1112 Aroh street, and spent the next two hours in social communion, some excellent speeches, not too long, being delivered on the ocoaslon.. "WELSH SOCIETY. On Wednesday, being St. David’s Day, the Welsh Society had their anniversary dinner—and a very good one—at Augustin’s, Walnut street. The an nual election of officers preceded this festival, Horatio Gates Jones, Esq., being re-eleoted presi dent; P. Lloyd Smith, Esq., vice president; and W. F. Parry, Esq., secretary. At the dinner, ac cording to custom, the presidents of the St. An drew’s, St. Patrick's, St. George’s, and Albion So oletles were among the Invited guests, Mr. H. G. Jones and Mr. P. L. Smith occupying the chair and vice chair.. The following regular toasts were given: 1. Truth against the World. 2. The Me. mory Of Washington. 8. The President of the United States, drank with six cheers. 4. The Go vernor of Pennsylvania—responded by; the Hon. . .T. T. Thomas, of the State Legislature. 6, The Prince of Wales, 6. Tho Union, the Constitution, and the Enforcement of the Laws—spoken to by. Judge Oswald Thompson. 7. The Army and Navy .of the United States—to which General Patterson responded, on a general eau. 8. The Judiciary—' acknowledged by Judge Hare. 9. The Press—re sponded to by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie. 10. The Sister Societies—which Frederick Falrthorne, Esq., president of the Albion, eloquently acknowledged. - 11. The Memory of our Departed Brethren, which elicited from Thomas Morgan, Esq., a speeoh full of personal recollections and a happy allusion to two members present, Mr.'Thomas Evans and Judge Jenkins, who had been members of the Welsh Society—the first for fifty and tho second for forty five years. 12 The Philadelphia Bar—spoken to by W. S. Pierce, Esq. 13. Woman—responded to by the Vice President. After these had been duly honored, the health of H. G. Jones, Esq., and that of General Patterson were drank with enthusiasm as volunteer toasts. The party broke up before “the spaa’ hours” had arrived. NATIONAL COLORED THREE-SHEET POSTER, The handsomest three-sheet poster, In colors, ever printed in Philadelphia, has just been issued from the powerful presses of Messrs. Rlogwalt & Brown, of this city. The upper sheet contains an elaborate engraving of the old flag, spiked to the pole. It locks like a well-developed emblem of power and glory. As a work of art, It Is admitted to be admi rable. Tho poster itself is gay in red, white, and bine, and will attract, as It deserves, much atten tion. It was done to the order of Mr. Franklin, the Chief of the Detective Department of Philadelphia. He has around him a staff of assistants who will forward the poster to many parts*#! the country In the loyal States. At present he eonfines his opera tions to West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Now Jersey, Pennsylvania, and • the border counties Of Ohio and New York. It may bo that this bsautfful • poster will make the green mountains of Vermont, the white hills of New Hampshire, the teeming val leys and hills of the great West, look gay on some fine spring morning in the trl-oolor of the nation. Thobillisdedicated to the veterans who desire to join the Ist Army Corps or the gaUant Hancock, to which will be attached the Bir ney Brigade, of three regiments. The recruit ,ing is considered brisk, and greatly on the in crease. Those veterans who contemplate being In at the death of the infamous and oausotssj rebellion should make application af once, as the ranks will scon be full. The poster will be pabiloly displayed to-day and henceforth. FIRE COMPANIES FOR WASHINGTON? The Good Will Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 20, lett for Washington, yesterday morning, to par ticipate in the ceremonies attending the iuaUgurar tion of President Lincoln, on Saturday next. The members assembled at the engine house at 7 o’clock, and, after mating a short street parade, took the 8 o’clock train for Harrisburg, where they will remain a day as the guests of the Hon. Simon Cameron. There were eighty-nine equipped men, under the marshalship of Win. J. Pascoe, and they were accompanied by the Liberty Cornet Band. Previous .to departing the company was presented with a handsome Silk flag, the gift of the friends of the Good Will in the western part of the oity. Tho steamer, hose carriaffe, and ambulance were sent to Washington yeßterday. The Franklin Hose Company, No. 28, will leave this city this morning at 10 o’clock. They will taka with them about eighty-five- men, their steam fire engine, ambulance, and carriage, and also the prize silver fire-horn won at the Citizens’ Volunteer Hos pital Fair at Conoert Hall on Saturday last. - The company will meet at tho hose house this morning, at 7 o’clock, and proceed over the following route: Fitzwater to Fiiteenth, Fifteenth to South, South to Twelfth, Twelfth to Chestnut, Chestnut to Third, Third to Walnut, Walnut to Tenth, Tenth to South, South to Twelfth, Twelfth to Christian, Christian to Thtrtesnth, Thirteenth to Fitzwater, Fitzwater to Broad. Broad to the Baltimore depot. The Perseverance Hose Company, No. 5, will also take its along.—Beggi«»■ uj,g(nias~nseir~eßgagaalor»ne occasion. Chief Engineer David M. Lyle and As sistant Engineer Joseph S. Robinson will accom pany this company. PRESENTATION. The SHver hornOMtauadJoLauiilioonsJn-Atismta, <3hri;axnrvoiedtotho Fraßklln Hose Company,at the late fair for the benefit of the Citizens’ Volun teer Hospital, was presented to that company on Wednesday evening. Tho presentation speech was made by Bev. Mr. Brtoghnrst, on behait of the ladies connected with the hospital, and nas responded to by Washington I*. Bladen, Esq., on behalf of the company. At tho conclusion of the address the company sat down to a collation. SERIOUS STABBING AFFAIR. On Wednesday night, about eleven o’clock, two men mot at Third and Pico streets, and, after a brief but violent conversation, one of them drew a knife and stabbed the other In the groin. The wounded man Is named John- Howard. Ha was ta ken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. His Id juries are of a serious oharacter. Bis assailant escaped. navy agency office. The office of the navy agent has been removed to tho Philadelphia Bank building, opposite the Cos tom House. The quarters formerly ooeupied In the Bulletin building have long been entirely lnade qnate for the business of the navy agent, and the large number of persons, principally females, who are compelled to visit the office every month have been subjected to the greatest Inconvenience from being crowded Into the Email, untidy room, where the whole business of the navy agency has been hitherto transacted. Yesterday morning about nine o’clock Shoe maker’s chemical factory on St. John street, above Green, was slightly damaged by fire. CITY COUNCILS. Both branches of Councils held a stated meeting yes terday afternoon. SEIJECT BBASCH. The Fresident-belng absent, Thomas A Barlow, Esq , was called to the chair. The Mayor’* clerk presented a massage from the May or, as fallows: OrriCE or IBE MavokopthbUity of Philadblphia, „ , ._ . . „ „ February 26. 1E65, To me Members of Select and Common. Councils; Tbe enforcement of a military draft in this city, by they sderal Government, has made It inexpedient to hold ont special inducements to volunteer* for longer terms of service then one year—at least for present en listments—and I therefore return, without my signa ture, the hill entitled "a Portlier supplement to an or dinance entitled supplement to an ordinance to make an appropriation for the payment of bounty to volun t«era, approvfd Januaryl3,i*S, ’ ’ ■ passed January as, 1666. Betpeetfally, ALEXANDER HENRY, , . . ■ . „ Mayor of Philadelphia. Th 6 above veto refers to thebih increasing the bounty of volunteers to lift), s£oo, and $6OO. Sir. Joses (U. ), chairman of tbs Committee on Law, made a report dividing the Third division ef the Twen tieth ward.sad creating an additiocaldiylsion. Passed. A communication was receivedfromthe Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company,stating that the company propose to rebuild the Gray’s Ferry bridge, and asking the city to relinquish their rights to said bridge for a proper consideration. Referred to the Coxußuttee on Bailw&i a. iR 1 . Bodudok (U.>. chairman or the committed to verify the accounts of tfaa City Treasurer, made a report showing; t he statet of the finances in that department up to March Ist. City fond—to cash balances, $517,778 92/ Trust funds, §43,142 57. The report was accepted. .Mr. Van Cleyjs (U.) read in place a bill providiiir for theincreaie of salaries of policemen, as follows: fiiffh constables,s96 a month; lieutenants,s9o; sergeant*,sBs; patrolmen, $7O: telegraph operators on the fire and po ilce telegraph, $76, and Mayor’* messenger. $76. The Mayor's veto was taken up, and Mr. Freeman (Union) moved to postpone the consideration for the present Hot agreed to—yeas 6, naja 13. On the question, ShalKthe bill pass, notwithstanding the veto of the Mayor? the vote *as—yeas 14, nays 6. So the bill was passed The bill from Common Council giving S3CQ to persons who put in substitutes on and after December Ist, 1884, umapiiatton to the Superintendent of Trusts; also, the pill to grade Kovris, Thompson and Moyer streets; also, the bill instructing the Trustees of the Gas Works to make certain reports. The bill to protect citizens from explosions and fires was referred to the Committee on Law. The bill entering sati> faction on the bonds of Dr. McClintcck was concurred in; also, the bill relating to cleaning market houses; also, the bill requiring coal ashes to be maced in Passyunk road, with as amend* ment, providing tbe expense shall not exceed SSCO; also, the resolution asking the Legislature to pass certain laws relative to taxation. The bill relative to the leasing of certain lands of the Girard Estate, situated in Echuylkillcounty, was taken up, but no quorum voting, U was laid aside. Ad journed. COMMON BSOJCH. President Stoklbt (U.) in the chair. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Mr.-ifARCER'(D.),.frcm the Committee on Finance, reported an ordinance providing for the employment of two additional clerks and four- inspectors in the de partment for supplyiag the city with water. Adopted. The same committee reported resolutions providing for the appointment of a Joint special committee to pre sent to the Legislature* and urge the passage of, “An act to promote the more certain and equal assessment _2 ax * 8 in Philadelphia,” which was prepared by the a PJH»*nted by ordicauce to revise the »»Siia TAs* tiw laa The resolutions were adopted An ordinance creating a loan not exceeding $*2,600,006, to pay deficiencies for 1864 and previous years, was passed. EXTENSION OF GAB "WOEES* The ordinance to create a loan not exceeding *1 003.. 000, for the extension of .the Water Wwks,wto taken up, and. after considerable discussion, was lo«t— -87, nays 10. less Hum two-thirds of the iSbers-bf the Chamber. , / Mr. Evans (U.) moved to reconsidenthevote Mr. Cressweii, (IF,) moved to lay that motion on the table. Lost. „ The motion of Mr. Evans was agreed to, but the far ther consideration of the bill was postponed for two weeks. HIGHWAYS. Mr. Bradt (U.), from the Committee on Highways, reported a resolution anfctormnc the depositing of ashes on Fassyunk toad, from Broad street to Bops Ferry road. Agreed to. The tame committee reported a resolution providing for the opening of Berks street, from Secoad street to Sixth, anaColambia avenue,from Fifth street to Sixth. P AlBo?‘a resolution authorizing the paying and ma. cademizlng of Bioad street, from Columbia avenue to Germantown avenue. Pasted. : __ . Also, an ordinance providing for the opening of Ls blab ..venue and other streets surrounding tbe Munici pal Hospital. Agreed to. tJKDBRaBOTJKD msahtaob. Mr, Evbrka.v (U.), from the Committee on Surveys, reported an ordinance providing for tbe promotion of public cleanliness tnd health It requires that, after the first day of May next, any person who shall be tbe owseyor Ictses of premises, dsßinng to make , a oou oection with sewo's, may do so by paying $7.60 for that privilege, where the front of the building irom which connection is afriddoegiidt exceed lixteen feet. ft&d If miles* the party hare • P . B ** r cob* tract lon of the sewer, in which case he shall pay the sum of $3 The suiveyor is repaired to repave the,streets. Section fifth requires that no new hnildinf kwhlch shall oh erected on any street- having sewers upon it Bh&il be allowed to cons tract a gutter on and over the footway, bnt the drainage shall be eon ducted to eald sewer underground, In conformity, with the provisions of the ordinance. No' sewer license shall be granted to eonuect with any cesspool, and no f ntetance shall be conducted into a e&wer which Is not soluble or decomposable in water. ‘ A penalty of $5O shall be incurred by auy one who shall make a connection with any sewer in violation of toe previsions of the ordinance. \ Toe consideration of the ordinance was postponed for three weeks. Hr. Sulcier (tf.). offered an ordinance appropriating *l6O to pay for two frames in which are enclosed the complimentary resolutions of Councils to Major Gene rale Meade and Biiney. Passed. ■The ordinance increasing the city bounty to volun teers* which was, vetoed by the Mayor and passed over his veto by Select Council, was taken up and passed over the Mayor’s veto - >The amendments to the bounty bill passed by Select Council were concurred in. Hr. Evans (tL), offered a resolution requesting the Mayor to Invite The citizens on Saturday next to make a public demonstration onthe occasion ofjthe Inaugura tion of Pre»ldent Lincoln, and in honor of the vi stories of our emiee On taking tho vote no quorum voted, and the Chamber adjourned. THE POLICE* [Bofore Mr. Alderman Welding. 3 WAKING DP THE WRONG CUSTOMER. Joseph G. Allison, the driver of a mUk wagon, was arraigned yesterday afternoon on the charge of viola ting a city ordinance naised for the prevention of im- ■ moderate driving. He awakened the wrong customer. It seems that Detective Levy, having a prisoner in ehai ge, was crossing Third ana Market streets A pas* eenger car passed, and the officer, in taking his prisoner across the street, came very near being run down br tbe horse driven by toe defendant Mr Levy, to save Mmself.cangbt boffi °f the horee’s head with one hand, while he held Ms prisoner with the other, v The /river ratted Ms whip and threatened to strike If be Sid not let go hit horse’s head. He then called a police officer and ordered the arrest of Mr. Levyv The detective, in turn, ordered hie arrest, which was promptly obeyed. The case came up promptly for a hearing,-when it was made known for the first time * hat the complainant in the case was, a police officer of the City Detective Department. The defendant ssemed to he spasmodically seized with something like strabis mus, or. In lees classical phrase, * looked nine ways for funoay. ” He affected an apology, saying that he was not aware of tbe complainant being an officer The magistrate suggeeledlthat,’officer or citizen, the driver had no business to act in the manner complained of. He gave the man to understand that citizens have lights that muit be protected. The defendant was fined; he paid the amount and departed, satisfied probably that a citizen is quite as good as a police officer. . CBefore Mr. Alderman AUen.] DESTROYING PUBLIC PROPERTY* Two men were arraigned yesterday on the charge of breaking street lamps in West Philadelphia. They had evidently been drinking very bad Lquor. The parties werB fined and required to pay expenses for the damage they bad done. AN ALDERMAN DECEASED. Tn Wednesday Alderman Christopher Eraser, the oldest maglstratein Philadelphia, died at bis residence in Rsce street, above Fifth* at 3 o'clock F. M. He was a committing magistrate m the city for twenty-five years,' surviving- all his early contemporaries. In the commencement of his public life he was elected aider man in Upper Delaware ward; and after the city and county were consolidated hawse elected in the Sixth ward at- repeated elections until, his death. He was a good man. THE COURTS. Supreme Coaurt— Present. Woodward, O. J., ana Tkomiison and Strong, Jus. Hess. The following sues were argsed yesterday: CochranYs. Rldrldge Arjn.dbj Mole tyre for plaln tiu, snd Weolaeton for defendant. Fitzpatrick’s Anneal. Argued by S 5. A Olay. Eeq., for appellant, aadH. M. Phbtitps, Btq., for appellees. Anpealof The Ninth Presbyterian Qhnroh. Argaed by Samtel Hood, E-q. Moss’Appeal was ordered to be argaed before a fall bench.' Tbe bearing In tbe matter of tbe writ of habeas corpus issued to teet tbe right by which Dr Goddard is held la confinement was postponed until March 9, 1855. None of tbe other courts were in session "PRELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA. 1835; OFFICE 8. B, GORBBR THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, > FREmftr rTbsll parts of the world. * V: INSURANCES On Goods, by River; Canal, Lake, and Land. Carriage, to AH parts of the Union* . ' v „ FIRE INSURANCES, . On Merchandise generally, (fit Stores, Dwemor Houses, he. ASSETS OF THE COMPACT. Kovelnber 1,1864 *lOO,OOO United States EtrePer Cent, loan,’7l.»lOo,(W> 00 111,000 “ Stx “ •* ’Bl. 118 215 00 76,000 “ Six “ “ 5-20. 75,563 60* 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Fire Per Cent. I*>an ......... 93,665 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. 123,050 City of Philadelphia Six Per Ct Loan ittK 20,000 Pennsylvania. Kailroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent- Bonds .... 22,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania K&tlroM Second Hort- , gage Star Per Cent. Bonds 15,250 00 15,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Ga« Company, principal and. interest ffnat&nteed by the city of PMladel- ■ • _pWa«. 15,300 00 8,600 ISO Shares Stook Pennsylvania Bail road Company* • 9,100 00 6,000100 Shares Stock Borth Pennsylvania Ealltoad Company «**■* ~ S,ost 50,000 United States Treasury Certificate* of Indebtedness.4B,42s 00 80,000 State oyQfexmessea Five Per Oi Loan. 12,000 00 28,700 Loans on Bond and Mortiaie, amply secured.l2B,7oo 00 «S6s,26QPftr. Cost *342. XOG SQ. M&rfcet va1ue.*857,627 87 Heal Estate...... 56,000 00 Bills lecsivatDla forinsorancsßinade. 118,330 42 Balances fine at Agencies. —Premi- tuns on Marine Policies, Accrued - . Interest, and other debts due the ■ • * Company.... ........ «... 28,193 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and oilier Companies, $4,263. Bsti- > ■ mated yalue .«*..+*+« *,♦+ * 2*220 09 Cash on deposit'with United States Government,subject to ten days’ ca 11.... 109,000 00 Gash in 8ank5..,..68,154 93 Gaik in Drawer— ~ 637 »■ jn ' g- 9158.695 49 Banrael E. Stokes* J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Wiliam G. Boulton* Edward Darlington* H. Jones Brooke* Jacob P- Jones* James B McFarland* Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer flfcli v tine, John B- Semple, Pittsbuy A. B. Berger, Pittsburg IS 0. HAED. President. /. DAVIS* Vice President. etary. del6-ly JohnC Davis, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilns Paulding, Johnß. Penrose, James Traqualr, Henry C. Dalleit, Jr.. J&mea C.-Hand , William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, George G. Helper, Hugh Craig, Robert Burton, , t THOMAi HENRY LYLBURN^ecre nr®B RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A- PAST OF PHILADELPHIA. '-uteorporated in ISfl. Obarter Ferpetafl. ■ OFFICE Ho. 308 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insures against lose or damage by FIRE Houses. Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and on Furniture. Goods. Wares, and Merchandise, In Town ox Country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAH). ASSETS, ,*00.068. 71. Invested In tbe following Securities, vis: First Mortgages on City Pro petty, well seemed ,108,600T8 united States Government Loan.——— 141,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans,... . £O,OOO 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 0 per cent. Loan.—, 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages™— — ——.... 36,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 8 . per cent. Loan. ......... 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Com pany’s Oper cent. Loan .w..™. 6,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage b0nd5.—.^4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock— 1.060 OS Mechanics’ Bank 5t0ck,..........,-.4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Fennsylyania Stock.— 10,000 00 UnionMutuallnsuranceGompany’sStock... 380 00 Reliaece_ Insurance Company of Fhlladel- ■ . . plda'iStock....,— H«„M.1,000 00 Accrned 1ntere5t.......... —........... 6,466 42 Cash to hank and on band—l3,l23 20 Worth atpresentmarketTaiue—~—..—« 414,393 71 DIRECTORS. Worn Tinsley, Benj. W. Tiugley, Wm. B. Thompson, Marshall Hill,. William Musier, Charles Leland. Samuel Bispham, BobertToland, H.'L. Carson, - J. Johnson Brown, Robert Steen, Thomas H. Moor*. William Steysnson, . CLEM TIHGLEY, President. Thomab C. Him,, Secretary. , Philadelphia. December 1,1861 j'alO-tf TNSURANOE COMPANY OF THE JL STATE OF PEN KRYLVANIA. —OFFICE Nos. *and 5 EXCBABGE BHIUHNGS, north aide of WALtTDT Street, between DOGE and THIRD Streets, Philadel phia. INCOEPOBATED IN 1794—DHARTEB PEBPETDAL. i'’ Capital *200,000.. PROPERTIES OF Taß COMPANY, FEBRUARY I, • 11884, 5J25.817 62. MARINE, FERE, AL'D INLAND^ TRANSPORTATION DIBEOTORS.I Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, ' Charles Sfacalester, Thomas B. Watson, William 8. Smith,* Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles-S. Lewis, George H. Stnart, George C. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward O. Knight, John B, Austin* HENRY D. SHERRERD, President William Habpsk. Secretary. ' nolS-tf A MERIC AN FIRE INSURANCE lV COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHASTER FEB* PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, abora Third. Philadelphia. , , Haying a large paid-up Capital Stoek and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. Hllo«»sHbm^jMd promptly adjusted. Thomas B, Marls, James B. Campbell, John Welsh, . Edmund G. DntUh, Samuel O. Morton, Charles W. Foultnej, Patrick Brady, Israel Mortis. John T. Lewis, . THOMAS E. MARIS, President. AlbebtC. L. Cxawvobd, Secretary. fe22-tf WIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. A -the pbkebylvahia pise ihbpbaboe com- PAJTX. Incorporated 1826. CHASTER PBRPBTJTAL. fo. 610 WAIiHDT Street, opposite IniependenM Square. This Company, ftrorably knows to the community lor nearly forty years, eontfnnea to Insure aaalnst Boas or Damate by Eire, on Public or Priyate Buildtafs, •Sber Permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Pur- Übersi Ol Merchandise generally, 01 Their capital, tofether with a lame Surplus Pond, if Inrested In the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted sesurityU the ease of lost. BISECTORS. Jonathan FaUeraon, Alexander Benton* Irene Hailehurtt, Fiiomat Bogina* J. CHIUbj JONATHAN 2 WILLXJM 0. OXQWXLL. £ A NTHKACITB INSURANCE COM £f~ VAJTJ r.-Authorised Capital WM.OOO-CHABTBI PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Less or Damage by fire, en Buildings, Pnmiinre, and Merchandise gene rail 7. Also, Marine Insurances on Yessels, Cargoes, and freights.. Inland Insuranceto all parts of the onion. 1 SISSOaOaSs William Esher, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Selger, Lewis Audeurled, I, E Baum, John B. Blasklston. William F. Dean, Joseph Maxlltld, „ John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHEB, President. „ „ „ WM. f. DMAS. Vise President. W. M. Eras, Besretary. ap3-H VAME INSUKANC *- Mo. mooches; philad: (IS! AMD IS LAJ mute Praneic N. Bnsk, Chariot Richardson. Henry Lewis. Samuel Wright, - P. 8. Justice, asorgeA.wV£ cigF . _ . CHAR BICH W. I. BhASojuns. Sesrel "MILITARY AND NAYAL CLAIM AQEKCY-PBAHK RBGISTEH, Attorney. 140 S. SIXTH.St.. Philada. Officers'Ordn&ooe.Quartermae ter, and all ether Accounts Settled, andßeeefpis of Non- Indebtedness procured through Agenoy In .Wash ington; fe»-6t* . SAMUEL L. TAYLOR, COMMISSIONER FOR ALLThJ STATES, _ Except Cornu ctlcnt. Hew Pork, Illinois. Nevada, Oregon, futd Tenia. leSi-frtßly* THIT PRESS-PHILADEIiffiIA, FEIEAY, MAT.FH 3, 1565 ~ 5.050 00 ♦400,068 71 | Daniel Smith, Jr.. . j John Deyereoz, I nomas Smith, I Henry. Lewis, fifim jpdL 'ATTJBBSOJf, Presideat. ■ecreUry. CE COMPANY, sr® NDINSUBANCI OToas. JokaW, Eobert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., B. ». Wooarag, * Charles Stokes, Joseph P. SH!a» »UCK, iS'esident. BPSOST, Vlee Preside**, ry. ' i*l4-U nffAJVGXAt. U. S. SEVEN-iMBTY LOAN. *y kothorlty of tto Seomtur of fho Trounrr. th, nndorßtfned hM twinned Ike General Bnfiserlptlon A*enoy for the tale of United ButeeTreatnry Notee bearing seyen and three-tenth* per mat. lateratt per aaaam, fcnewa ae the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Rote* are leaned under date of Anroat IS. ISM. and are payable three years from that time, in ear reney, or are eoayertlble at the option of the holder into V. S. 8-ao SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a premium of nine *er sent., lnelndini cold,lnterest from November, which makes the aetnsl profit en the 7-SO Loan, at current rates, inelndisc interest, abont ten per sent, per an nnm, besides its exemption from State and municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more, eceordlnf to the rate levied on other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which maybe cat off and sold to any a."*- or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a MO note. Two cents per day on a tIOO note. Ten rents per day on a 7*500 note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Botes of all the denominations named will be prompt ly fnrnlahed upon receipt of enbserlptlons. This la THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and It ie confidently expected that Its superior advantages will make It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OP THE PEOPLE. less than $200,000,000 remain unsold, which will pro. bably be disposed of within the next sixty or ninety days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a. premium, as has uniformly heen the case on closing the subscriptions at other loans. In order that citiiens of every town and section of the country may he afforded facilities for taking the Loan, theNaiionalßanks. State Banks, and Private Makars throughout the country have generally agreed to re ceive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery Of the notes for which they reseivs orders. JAY 0-0 OKE, BDBSOEIPriOB AGSBT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ' PHILADELPHIA. QAFITAL STOCK 1750,000. ■dSTBAI NATIONAL BAM OP PHILADELPHIA. No. 109 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, One door south of Chestnut. G. M. TROUTMAN, PRESIDENT. ALEX. EBYtN,; JR., fell-tf CASHIER 10-40 10-40 10-40 COUPONS, HUE SEARCH Ist, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET RATE BT DREXEL & CO., fsfi-lm S* South TniitD Street. 7 3-10. SEYEN-TEORTY NOTES, IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT, PCX SUE BY DREXEL Ai CO., 'J'HE NEW V-SO XJ. S. NOTES FOB sale; IS SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, DAVIES BROTHERS, / BAHEEEB AND BROKERS, 835 POOS STREET, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SEOUEITIBS GIBB- RALLY. 10-40 BONDS > 5-90 BONDS,, MARCH, JULT^O^PoIa, 8, c ashbli m eoi,». bt HESTBT A. HEISEIB 80NM, DEALERS IS GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Ho. 44 PISE Street, HEW YORK. In view of the project of PEACE and a FALL IE GOLD* holders of Gold Bonds will do well to detach the Coupons and realize the interest at present rates for Geld. Parties residing out of the city wishing' to cash their Coupons can forward them by express* and we will re turn the Gold or Its value in greenbacks* as desired. fe!2 SOt JJ S. LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, MO. 14 FAKQ.TJHA.E BUILDINGS, (WALNUT BT., BELOW THIRD), Philadelphia. Gold, Goyernment Bondi, Oil and MtseeUaneona Stoeke, boniht and >old on Commission at the Bond of Broker* Dealers In Forelfa Bxchaufe. Letters of cre dit lsened on London; Faria, Antvrerp. d». jal9-3m gPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO the purchase and sale of OIL A T O O K S. ,■ SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO.. 16 Sjttth THIRD Street., feM-lm iiajxbb *Moai. LAinxr tmoi> n QHARLES EMORY A C 0„ STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Wo, 15 South Third Street, PHIL A DILPHIA. All kinds of nnsanont kinds and Gold and SUver »ou*ht and sold, and Collestionr made. Particular attention gtvaa to the purchase aid tale •I Government, Stats. and other Stocks and Loans on sommlcsloiu no2o-«a - TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE A OP THR COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, _ ‘ .Wabhihotoh, January M, 1665 Whereas, Br satisfactory evidence preaented to the nndoniicned. It has been made to appear that THR RATiOBAL EXCHANQB BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, In the city of Philadelphia, In the county of Philadel phia* and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orca nizedunder and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled '* An act to provide alfatlonal Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, ft&d to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. n approved June S* 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of hanking under saidActr- . How, therefore, I, HTTQH HoOULLOOH, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby eerMfy that THIS HATIOHAL EXCHANGE BASK OF PHILADELPHIA, In the. eity of Philadelphia, in the eoiuity of'Philadel phia, and State of Fennsylranla, l* aashorired to com mence the business of bankint under the act aforesaid. rfXEmzftsffisffizig! Comptroller of tb* Currency. EDIICATIOML. EDUCATIONAL.—WANTED, BY A Graduate, of ample experience in teaching* to par* chase the goad* win and fixtures of an established BOABDING OB JJAT SGHOOIi,. Persons having such propeittes for sate or rent* or those wishing such an institution established in their own locality, would do.well to address “Graduate,” Press office, mhl-wfmSt* WO OD LAND B E MI NARY FOB TOTH& iiDIBB, Nos. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TJSKHAOB, West PhUada. Bey. HENRY BBBVM, A. M., Principal. fe24-6w* AILEHTOWN MILITARY INSTI -**-• TTJTB—Chartered by ti e State, with commodious buildings and superior educational Military advau* tageß, 2% hours by railroad from Philadelphia, foi circulars, address M. L HOFiOB&TOnPres’V fe27-mthlit . Allentown, Fa, VILLAGE GREEN BEMINABY,- T MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, tour miles Worn MEDIA, Fa. Thorough course In Mathematics, Classic* .Natural Sciences,and English! praotieai les •ona In CItU BnglneerbMt. Fusil. r«oelv»d at Men time, and of nil ages, and enjoy the beneflts of aTbiome. Be fa,. to John C. Capp A 50n.23 South Third street; Thos' 3. Clayton, Esa., Fifth and Prune streets; ex-Sharif Kern, end man. Address Bey, J, HSEVRY B IB TON, A.M.. TILLAGE GREEN; PewPm aoSdia 3* South THIRD Street NEW PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS! NEW BOOKSII "O, MOTHER BEAR, JERUSALEM.” The old hymn, ite origin and genealogy By_Nm.C. Prime. '••MAH. MORAL AND PHYSICAL: or. THE INFLU ENCE OF BEALTH-AND DISEASE OH RBIKHOUS EXPERIENCE. ’ ’ By Rev. Joseph H. Jones, B. D. '■THE STARS AMD THB ANGUS." A work of JDH FORTUNES. ” Related by bim.ell A story or American life. & :■ • THE CULTURE OF THE OBSERVING FACULTIES IN THE FAMILY ANB THE SCHOOL: or, THINGH ABOUT HOME, ANB HOW TO MARE THEM IN STRUCTIVE TO THE VOTING. ” By Warren Barton. “THE TWO VOCATIONS: or. THE SISTERS OF MERCY AT HOME -A tale by‘the author of “The S ifeo!" tlfe other work/of this author constantly kept 0 For sale by JAMES S. 01AXTON, ; (Successor to W- «, * A'frrf Martlen), fe24-tf 606 CHBbTNUT Street. BOOKS! NEW BOOKS ! I iust & (Hazard’s old Btand), No. 7S* CHESTNUT Street. NOTHING BUT MONEY. T. 8. Arthur. THE SNOBIACE BAIL. Dluotrated, A Satirical Poem, dewing the folllee of *’Fashionable Life. BALLADS. By Mies Bdw&rda. Printed on tinted paper, gilt edges. A baantifnl little book. fIIIROAD AND INSURANCE ALMANAC. _ AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF-LYMAN BEECHER. Yol. 2 OUK 1 MUTUAL FRIEND. By Charlee Dlekeua. . MY BROTHER’S WIFE. By Amelia B, Edwards, author of * * Barbara’s History. 11 - MATTIE; A STRAY. A new novel; paper cover. SHBNaNDOAH VALLEY. Campaign of 1851. By Robert Patterson. late Major General of Volunteers. .KITTY TBEVYLYAJM3 DIARY. By the author of the * * Schouberg Gotta .family. * * English and Ameri can Editions Waif WOOD. A Hovel. By the author of “Easy Wo t »* MEDITATIONS ON CHRISTIANITY. By M, Guizot. THE THREE SCOUTS. By the author of “Cndjo’a Cave.” ‘ felY-tf CTAIDA RD MISCELLANEOUS M BOOKS—lncluding all the recent works of HIS TORY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, and GENERAL LITERATURE. Also, works on MILITARY ANB NAVAL SCIENCE, THE STEAM-ENGINE, ARCHITECTURE, &0., lee , with a large amortment of works on MEDICINE SUR GERY and the COLLATERAL SCIENCE, all for Bale at the lowest prices, by & Publishers and Booksellers, felS-tf Xo. as South SIXTH Street. (SHENANDOAH VALLEY, CAM- M PAIGN OF, IN 1861—GENERAL PATTERSON’S NABRATIVB-—The moit bigoted against the General will have his prejudice removed by reading the above. For sale, price one dollar, at 419 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN CAMPBELL, felO-lm MISCEIiKAKKQXrS AND'LAW BOOKS—The belt and rarest collection. In Phila delphia. —Haliowell's Sh&kspe&re, fifteen hundred dol >•»««. fox sale at 4X9 UShftm .... ** JOHN CAMPBELL ■ _coPAßfmasmPii. _ XTOTICE OP' • DISSOLUTION.—THE -tv firm of F. J. AHSPACH AGO. is this day dissolved by lnutual consent. JNO. ANSPAOH, Jn„ F J. ANSPAOH, v , JAMES ANSPAOH. March 1,1865. A COPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned have this day formed a cipartnership under th* stylo and firms of ANSPAOH & SONS. Philadelphia, and F. J. ANS PACH&CO., Ashland, Pa., as Miners and Shippers of Coal- JNO. AHSPACH, Ja., CHAS..B. ASSPACH, F. J ANSPAOH. JAMES ANSPAOH. Office at So. 334 WALNUT St.. after March 10,1885. mb2 12i*- TtISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. XJ The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, trading as PEACOCK, ZBLL & HINGH. MaN. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Mr. THOS. M. ZEbh, who retires from business. The business will be continued as heretofore at the old stand. Nob 80S and 810 Market street*! by SOW* ABD HINCHMAN. who is duly authorized to settle all claims of the late firm. THOS. M. ZELL, t , Howard hinohman. PhliaBelpMa, March 1, 1865. mha-St* NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. •I’ The Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm or GEORGE W. FISS & CO.»is this day dissolved by mutual consent- GEORGE W. FIS3, __ CHARLES fi. BABBS. ~ FbxlaiobiJ’hia, February 26th, 186 S. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. —’The under- Signed have this day entered into alimited partnership, in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsyl vania. The name or firm under which the said partnership is to {be conducted is D XVIS, PISS; & B AN£S. The nature of the business to be transacted is a GENERAL WOOL BROKERAGE AND OOMMCSSION BBSIHESS. The names of the General Partners are Henry C. Davis, residing at Ohelton HUls, Montgomery county, FfL ; George W. Pi«s, residing at Germantown, Phila delphia; Charles H. Bane* and Charles M. Poulke, both ot the city of Philadelphia. The names of the Special Partners are Thomas Mott and Peter O. Erben, both residing in the ciiy of Phila delphia. The aggregate amount of capital contributed by the Special Partners is One Hundred Thoaeand Dollars—of which Thomas Mob contributes Fifty Thousand Dollars in cash, and Peter G. Brben Fifty Thousand Dollars in cash. - The said partnership is to commence on the Ist day of MARCH. 1860, and ft to teimineto oa the 31st day of MAY, IS7O. HENRY C- DAVIS, •GEORGE W. FISS. CHARLES H. BANE 3, ’ . CHARLES M FOIJLKB, . J 3 Partners. THOMAS MOTT. PETER 0. ERBEN, 36 South FRONT Street. Special Partners. PUilada., March 1,1865. mbS-fit TAIgSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— -*-< The firm of C. McKIBBIN Sc SON is this day dis solved by mutual consent The business of the firm wiU be settled by WM, C. MoKI BBlff CHAMBERS McKIBBIN, WM. 0. McKIBBIN. PsriAPSiPHiA, Febrasry 1,1865. COPARTNERSHIP.—THE UNDER 'SIGNED haying purchased the interest of Chambers Mc- Kibbin in the-Mer chants 1 Hotel,have this day associated themeelyes under the firm of J. A W. C. MoKIBBIN, for conducting the hotel business. - JEER McKtBBINv „ WM. C MoKIBBiN. —-- »—Fa-aary 1. 1865. - mkl.6l* /COPARTNERSHIP. Thet~tji.toieip“ rigned have formed a Copartnership for the purpose of carrylngou the business of mauufacturinr a SOFT FELT. CLOTH, AND SILK HATS, ana foods generally pertaining to such baslaess. Said Partnership to date from the first day of Novem oer,.i^’vSS?el,tJie. JlBme ot p - HBBSr & CO., No. 36 Sooth FIFTH Street. PHILIP SEEST, t, „ , , „„„ LEWIS BLAYLOCK. Pint imn.p m, March 1, 1865 mhl-St» COPARTNERSHIP.—THE UNDER here this day associated under the Arm of BfIWAKD 808 IKS ft CO. for the transaction of a GENERAL BAKKING, STOCK, AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. . EDWABD BOBirN, HORACE B. PEARSON, _ ■ No. 1. South THIRD Street Tsßßtrasr 23. f«2B lm COAX*. Tkokab J. Obak. Robert 1. HsKpEma. QRAM & HEMPHILL, LEHIGH COAL. _ Of all sizes and ol hast qualities. Carefully picked and sereened, and iayariably at the _ • lowest cash prices. Office andTard, WILLOW, below FIFTEENTH Street. AS- Order* can be left at lAONorth SIXTH Street, 653 North TENTH Street, 1433 BARCLAY Street, or through the Post Office, which' will h* promptly and satisfactorily filed. j»l7 3m ESCERRINBR, 3SI2SW COAL DEPOT, • .NOBLE Street* above Ninth street. M Constantly on baud superior qualities of Lehish tad Schuylkill Coal, selected expreeslyfor family purposes, at the lowest market prices, wharf Twenty-third street, below Arch street. Office IIS South FOTJETB Street o©2P-6m Genuine eagle vein goal, BOCAL, DP NOT SUPERIOR. TO LEHIGH. A S trial will secure your anatom. Egg and Store sires, 10 per ton; La™ Nut, *9. Office 181 South FOURTH treet, below Chestnut. Depot 141# CALLOWHILL Street, aboye Broad. seM-fim ELLIS BRANSON. no AL.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring HountainLeMghCoal, and beat Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared ex prMjly for feraHy use: Depot N. W.-eomar EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office No. 1I» South SECOND Street. Cap6-tn J. WALTON ft 00. TTELMBOLD’S fluid extract -A-A BUCHU Is pleasant In taste and'odor, free from all Injurious properties, and immediate in its aetton. piTHRIDGE’S PATENT XX FLINT GLASS _ XT TEA HEAVY LAMP CHIMNEYS. Tli® world-wide reputation whisk these Chimney* have acquired la due to their acknowledged superiority oyer all others. This superiority la derived from three sources; ! let. Being fifty per cent, heavier than the common Chimney* they may he handled with ranch leas care. ..fid. The oral shape is an adaptation to the flat dame, the Chimney being at all points the same distance from the heat, so that the danger of cracking hy nneoual ex pansion is avoided- i . 3d. The materiel of which there Chimneys are mann _ actnrea is unequalled by any other class as a rapid conductor of heat: and, practically, It Is found that She combination renders them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by the heat of the Same. Senes the obstacle in the vr»y of the universal use of Carbon oil, found In the unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed by the introduction of DITHEIDWS FiHB-?BOOF OHIMSeIS. _ PJPJdsrity of there Chimney* hu Induced some nnprfnclpledMr«oaB to make use of our saute and trade £?tvS’s? 4 «!i e,T reputation h»* been partially impaired Chimneys sold as oars. «nS?SffLSrI?«^ aT * 1,8811 *“h®T*d with the cracking of Xx AiS °Uu“«« would So W»n to tall and try the _We 5s v i ap ?? I ?SSS „»es*Ts- pkksihb & dbtdkit, Ho 103 Sonth SEOOBTI) Street, Solo agents for our Chimneys in Philadelphia, bom whom they aanbe ob tained to any anantity, at manufacturer's prices, with the addition of freight, E. D. BITHBIDOB, FOB® PITT GLASS WOBKS, Jalfl-Sm WASEIHGTOB St . Pittsburg. pSSe. Tra&H’S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, JTo. *IS. CHESTNUT Pa. Beankeoiwthe nM assortmentT^ Dean keep* ilia croateit yariety. Dean keepsthe farrest nnanr aloft. You ean.aet any kind of Tobacco, Ton earn cot any kind of Clear*. Ton tan eet any kind of Pipe*. Ton ttneet any kind of Banin, AT DEAN’S GEEATTOBACCO BTOBB, 'Do. 113 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, fa wkonyoncoto Dean’* yon tan cat anytUnc yet (rant In the way of Flnr, Fine Cnt and Smoklaz TOb**- *Q*», Domestic and Havana Clear*. Pipe*, dw; „ Dean keep* the larceitrenem atoek of Tohaooe, Cljtaia. Pipes, 4k0.; In the United State*. a * le ? *S> to ectenelye that he tan atord to ad) at about one-half what other* sell for. Dean *elia to the Army of the Potoma*. Dean lells to the Army of the Jamas. -Dean *eU* to the Army of the Tonne****. Dean sell* to the Army of the Cumberland. Gunboat* all order their Tobacco. Clear*. Pine*. £«., bom, , DEAN’S, Do:«3OTBBTMTSI£*«t. . Pennnrlyania merchant* aU bny at Dean I *. Dew Jersey merchant* aUbuy at Dean’*. Stl&'irtoi lawtluati ill bay it Dm’i, A* they can alway* cot just what they want, and at a much, lower price than they can elsewhere, and they do not hare to pick ay their coed* at a donn litUs stores; , All coods ordered are rusnnteed to jrlye satisfaction, Order once and yon will always order from Dean's, a* hi* pine and fine eat chewing and *moklnc tobaeeoa* and dears, an fsrcimerior to all other*, andhekell* for mnftfft.. •REWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND D ÜBPBIBCIPLBD DEALERS endeayorlnr to dis pose of their own and other preparations, on the repu tation attained by BBLMBOLD’B GENUINE PSEPA NATIONS. ' E PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS. FIFTEENTH Street and PENNSYLVANIA Arena*, felg-lm DAVIS A CO TTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BAR aA SAFABILLA cteanseß and renovates the blond, Instilethe yigor of health Into the system, and-pureoa ont the humors that make disease. (PJOG-WHEEL CLOTHES WRINGER. -Tie-very best articlemade; also, all the other ap proved Wrlneet*. at lowest market prices. • .... EOWg. EDBTON. ft 00., , fallPtf (AT and 158 North THIBD Street. gERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS L 000 dor Saussee Meat. MO “ Eoaet Beef. > 600 “ do Veal. • W 0 •* do Mutton. 1,000 do Turk*y, 1,000 “ do Chicken. 3,000 ■* assorted Beam. In 1, 1 SKlb. can*. For tale by BHODEB & WILLIAMS, fee-tf • • IOT South WATER Strait m, PHRENOLOGICAL KTAMTNA. VJT SW Si eharaeter. ClT«» DAYandIVSMINQ,_by._ _J. . tcU-Wfmiy Do. M BOOTH TENTH BtrMt.' PROPOSALS. A BSIOTANT QUARTERMASTER’S A OFFICE, IX39GIEaBD Street, Phitedeiphia.Pa., * Makcii 8, 1865. BKALBD PROPOSAt43 wil 1 be rewired at ihis office until 22 o’do tic M., WEDNESDAY, March IGth, 1865, for delivering 1,000 SIX-MULE ARMY WAGONS COMPLETE at the United States Storehouse, HANOTBR- Street wharf, to be inspected by an Inspector appointed on the part of the Government. Bids will be received for 25 wagons or more; to be made in conformity with specifications, to be seen at this office. The name q f the contractor ana date of contract to be ddetinctlj/ marked on each ctsagun Bidders should state when they will t commence their deliveries, the number of wacons they propose to far si*h each week, the price {which should be written both in words and Jiguresh and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should ciccom* pany each proposal. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and rafficieut secu rity for the amount involved, by the United States Dis trict Judie, Attorney,, or Collector, or other public officer. Bids will he opened on Wednesday, March 16th, 1865, and bidders are teuuested to be present. The right ie reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received- . ' '' ' All bids received for the above wagons will be sent to the Quartermaster General for his decision. All proposals to be made out on the regular forms, Which will be furnished on Application at this office. * Endorse envelope * * Proposals for Army Wagons. ’ 1 By order of Colonel Wm. W. Me Kim. Chief Quarter master. GEORGE S ORHB. mfcS Ut Captain and A, Q. M. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, V-v Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 27,1865. .PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned, until Friday. March 10,1605, at 12o’clock H:. for famish ing this Department with Sky-Blue Ketsey, army standard; , LB. Uniform Cloth, do- To be delivered free of charge ai the United St&tcc In-, spection Warehouses, in this city, in good, new pack ages. Parties offering goods should make separate proposals. for each article offered, and must distinctly state in their bids the quantity they propose to famish, the price {which should be written both in words and figures), and. conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which.should accompany each proposal. . &t&sd&rd.&ftmples of the articles requiredmay be seen at the Office of Clothing ana Equipage in this city. Samples, when submitted, muct be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposalr and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be. in every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise thepropo sals will not be considered. A guarantee signed by two responsible persons must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under hft proposal. Bids will be opened on Friday. MarchlO, 1865. at 12 o’clock M , at '.his office, and bidders are requested to be present Awards will be made on Saturday, March Ut 1865. Bonds will be required that the contract wIU be f*ilh ruUy fuifiUtd. grams relating to propossls will not be noticed, fhi?^ff^ ala^ColatrAct, * Bonds may -Tfch*iS4ht to reject any bid dsemed unreasonable is reretved. Endorse envelope *• Proposal for Chore insertthe name of the article offered* s 2, and address _ A 0. W. MOULTON, mbS-gt • • Depot Quartermaster. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S, ARMY. ... , * No 30 80UTH STREET, „„. _„_Bawimo»e. Mp, , February 22, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS, in dvsplieatet will be received atthis office until 12 M. on MONDAY, March 6fh, 1865, for famishing the United States Subsistence Department with £IP£ SAin ? HEAD OF GOOD FAT BEEF CAS TLE. on the hoof, (Steers four years old and over,) delivered at the StateGattle Scales, at Baltimore, Maryland, in lots of (1 ‘000) one thousand each every (10) tsn days; to be weighed within one and a half dajs af ter arrival, at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (1,800) thirteen hundred pounds gross weight, all falling short of (1.050) one thousand and fifty pounds, gross weight. Bulls, Btags, OScen, Cowa* Heifers and Hornless Cattle, will be rejected. -A deduction of (15Vfifteen pounds will be made from tiie weight of each Steer accepted under this contract, provided the animal does not stand in the peas two and one half hours before being weighed, or is not weighed immediately after removal from the cars. Blank forms for proposals can be had on application at this office, either in person, by mail, or telegraph. Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, informal pxopoials will not be considered ( The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearance indicates less weight than the minimum mentioned above; the ex pense of weighing to be paid by the party erring in judgment. Each hid to secure consideration must contain a writ* tengnarantseW two resposibia persons, as follows: We———, of *he county of —, State of do hereby guarantee that is (or are) able to fulfil a contract in accordance with the terms of his (or their) proposition, and should his (or their) proposition be-ae cepted, he (or they) will at once entsr into a contract in accordance therewith, and we are prepared tobaooma his securities, giving good and sufficient bonds for its fulfilment. * „ The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by ihe official certificate of tbe Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney, to be enclosed with the bid. Bidders must be present to respond to their bids, and prepared to tive bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. The Government reserves to Itielf the right to reject any or all bids considered unreasonable. Payments to be made after each delivery in such, funds as may be on hand; if none on hand, to be made as soon ss received. Proposals musthe endorsed distinctly “PROPOSALS FOB BEEF GATTLS,” and addresed to Capt, J. HOWARD WELLS, C. S., Baltimore, Maryland. l * If a bid 1s in the name of a firm, their names and their post* office Address must appear, or they will not be con* sidered. . Each person or every member of a firm offering & pro posal must accompany it with an oath of • allegiance to the United States Government, if he Ims not already filed one in this office - All bidsnot complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement will be njecteck J, HOWARD WELLS, fe24-8t Captain and C. 8. PROPOSALS FORJJOJSURB. Quartermaster Geserae’s Office, • First DrvmiOK, _ _ Washington City, February 10,1855. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15* 1865, at 22 o'clock M., for tie purchase of all the MANURE that may be pro cured fremthe stables and corrals of the Giesboro De pot, near Washington, D. C., within the twelve month* next succeeding April 1, 1665. . The succetsfnl bidder will be required to have barges or boats moored at the wharf at Giesboro inconstant readine&ss to receive the manure which may accumu late. The United States will deliver the manure in tike tala barges or boats, and will designate an agent to mea sure it as rapidly as loaded Bidders must slate the price per cubic yard. An oath of allegiance will be rt quire i from each bidder. Payment will be required to be made In Government funds at the end of each mouth for the manure delivered In the barges during the month. - Bonds, with approved securities, will be required from the party awarded, in the sum of ten thousand (10,000) doDara. * .Proposals must be addressed to the “undersigned, Washington, D. C., and marked on the envelope ' ‘Pro posals for Manure. fi JAKES A. EKIN, , Colonel In charge Ist Division, feiS-lm g M. G. O. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY.— ~ .Proposals for furnishlne the Medical Purveying; Deparlmeat, In this city, with STATIONERY are reS RpectfuUy invited, MfiHufaetnreTs and dealers are reqeesfed to send earn pies, with Price Xilsty tothis office as early as practi cable. . C. SUTSBKIriND, , _ , Sowf'n IT. 8. A , Med. Purveyor. Medical Ponrejor’s Office, Washington, D. C., Feb’y 1 28,1865 -raii2 lit LE6AL. rS TBE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADA. in the matter of the Trust Bitate of SAMUEL BET CON. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, andadmet theflr.t account of GEORGE JUNKIN, Jr ; LEWIS H. EEDNBE, and SAMUEL B. HSWBY- trus tees named In a deed executed by SAMUEL BUTTON, dated August 10,1863. and recorded in Deed Book A C. H., -No. 119, page 1, Ac., will meet tbepartieslnte rested, for, the pnrpoMe of bl. appointment, on MON DAY* March 13th, 1866, at 4 o’clock P, M , at Ms office. No. 133 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia ’ mh3-Imw6t HOBATIO. G. JONES. Auditor. r'T THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND CoyNTTJ)F PHILADELPHIA. Estate of BOBEItT HTJKTER. deceased. The Auditor appointed hy the court to audit settle, and adjust tie account of AUOS A. QEEOG, adminis trator of BOBEBTHUSTB*, late of Bastleten, Tirenty third ward, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the aeconntant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of Ms appointment, on.MOKDAY, Match 13ib,l£6S. at 4 o’clock P. fir., at hie office. No. 15a South EOBfiTH street, la the city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM C. HAiffiTlS, mhg-fmwdt ' -Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITT AND OODJSTT OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JE&EMIAH H. TSA&EB, decease*. , Notice is hereby given that MARTTTi M. YEAG-SB bats filed in said court her pstition and appraisement of the personal property widen she electa to relain under the act of April 14.1851, and its supplement, and that the same wilt toe approved by said court on Friday, March. 17, ISBS, unless exceptions be filed thereto, vo , 4 . BENJ. F. WIUtiLBI, Afct’j for Petitioner. mkSfs4t TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A •aatJSSTZ -iBD OpONTTJ)?_PHIL4.DBLraiA. “BsUtS of EDWARD BVASB, Deceived. . NOTICE IS BEBBBY SITES that ELIZABETH EYABS,widow ol the decedent, has hied in said Court her pet moil, »nd an appraisement of the personal pro certywhioh she - elects to retain under the act of April, 14,1861, and the supplements thereto, and that unless exceptions he filed before March Hth, 1865, the said ap praisement will be approved bribe Court. f 02- fait* jrao&B. for Petitioner. •KTOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEK THAT the SBGISfgR OF WILLS for the City and County of PhiladeJphia hisgranted to the undersigned Letters of Admioietratibn doTjonJfi non, with thawiU annexed, upon the Estate of MABCELLUB CGXB, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased All persons haying claims or demands ajatnst the Estate of the said decedent are hereby requested to make'known the same without de lay. ana all persons indebted to make payment to MABYJ.COXg. Administratrix, „AJ>- n , with the will annexed, .__ . ... WOGDLAKD Street, below Fortieth, fe!o-fr6t* • west Philadelphia, TSTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT , , the Kegister of Wills for the city sthdconnty of PM ladelphia has eras tod to the undersigned Letters Testa mentary upon the last will of WILLIAM W. SMITH, coachman, late ot the city of Philadelphia. deceased. All persons having claims or demands against the Bs late of the said decedent, are hsreby requested to make known the same Without delay, ana all persons Indebt ed to make payment to SCIPiO SEWELL, , 635 MIDDLE ALLEV, foXQ.frgt* Philadelphia. T7STATE OF JOHN RUTHERFORD, "188., DECEASED.—Whereas LETTEBS OP AS Ml! HISTEATJ OhFnpon the Estate of John Bntfcerford, Sr., late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. aU persons indebted to said Ha 08 * 8 and all persons having claims against tte same will present them with* out delay to JOHN BUTHBkFOBD, j THOMaS S. KtJTHERFORD, prto their attorney, CLIFFORD P.^i^T” 5 feS-fag t« 80. 703. SAN BOM Street. r«T THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITT AND COIIBTT OF'PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MaBHABBT LHC ST, deceased «. Alexander Lucet Martin, John S. Warti-n GAnrwo S. Martin, and Anna Maria Anguera a Swr e i w? tlC A® made by ADBXABjA. Aj L. LAMBERT to fbe said Court for the private sale of a three-story brick messuage and lot, at 4^A 01 *P lw<, i B .f rnei * of Delaware Front and Belief streets, in said city, and that the same will be acted An by ttie Court onfalDAY, l&cbSk^.atlov&k B?’tJoCoort. ' a B. M: BATrUBS, jaC’fr2m Deputy Clerk Orphans* Court-. T7STATE OF ELLEN BENTON, DE ofET?KM B H?wS?N B ff,' r * B J a R eltt S :y 9 ,on the Estate or ELLEN BENTON, late of the city of Philadelphia 01 .“.mbs Executor, Or to lie Attfrafy? 3l ®** U MAUBICKBLaWk*’ felo-f6t* -la South THlKDSteoltfphlteda. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ra!£ B ME cvrY "» coun ? phlSSel: that JOSEPH,STEELE ha, filed his petition in the said Court prayina for the relief KEJgfe InsolYentfiwsof tMs Com: the same will he heard before the bet^MnPifth 1 * *£ &*£*s* HonsePoHESTNDT Street! Aa D. XB6S, at 10 o*elock A. M. • fe2A£rmw6fc* C & CO., NOS. 800 AND OO3 MARKET Street. Manofaetnrsrs of Wbpl€Bfclfe Dealers in BATtf, CAPS, FURS fßxwwye |TKAW GOODS, ABTIPIoiAirPL , OWEB’s?SHoiIi' Ac* The largest and most complete stock and thi hssttems. Csnntry Merchant. aSd »■ ■■■ ■ * .. fe2S-3m fjABOTBT FUftNITHRE. V _ MOOBB & CAMPIOM. , 181 South BBCOSTD Street. follow the deoilne in the market luih fJELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU the oanhf'nfeit* 1 01 5® fteme and bioom to DobUtty is accompanied by many to**rm™riSBs, tol i llB ’ Bhdifno treatment is snbmltted to, COntumplion, Insanity or epilepßo fits enane. J°§lS£v T > OWEN, ATTORNEY; SI.wOOTSELLOB at law, and solioito* of AUCTION BAU%> FKSKkKSa&fcffli «« SUE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DBY GOODS. OS TUESDAY, t , , March. 7, at 10 o'clock, byc&talogue, on four months Cr |wpackar6G and lots of fancy and staple imported and domestic dry goods. Sample. « Brown and bleached muslins, 5-4 and 9-1 Bleached sheetings, ginghams. Cambrics, prints, Kentucky jeans, Flannels, Balmorals, &c. _ T>ANCOAST & WARNOOK, AUG X TIOHEEBS, »40 MARKET street. T.Aum? POSITIVE BALE 750 LOTS OP AMEBIC AH AND IMPORTED DKT GO; DS. LINEN HOODS. EMBROIDERIES HOSBIEY GOODS. *c., *c., br ° atalogne ' OH WEDNESDAY, March Bth, 1865, commenelnsr at 10 o'clook, comorUtng & large and general assortment of desirable ana sea sonable good®. FOB SALE AIW> TO XETj Mcape island-.—for sale, a doable COTTAGE, 40 feet front by 34 feet deep, with two-,lory kitchen back. In a central location, callable for private or pnblic business, with a large lawn attached, one sctnare from the Ocean. Apply to J. W. BLAKE, Cape Island, or mh3 6t« . *B North EIGHTH Street. OR DESIRABLE FRANKFORD PRO BB. FERTX FOR SALK—A number of small and con venient Brick DWELLINGS, situated on CHURCH st„ between Paul and Orchard streets „ Also, the valuable building LOT, northeast comer of CHTTEOH and PAUL Streets, 35 by 160 feet. Will be sold on accommodating terms. , Apply to A. K. 4t F. K. WOMRATH, mhl-Bt *l5 ARCH Street m YALUARLE STORE PROPER JBI TIES JOB SALE—viz: five-story iron front store. Third, near Arch street; store property. Arch, near Tenth; property, 8. S. corner of lx lath and Gharry* and STo 21 North Eleventh st. A. P. &X H MORRIS, . feggcgt* ; - t> 916 ABC a Street. SA FOR SALE—STORE AND ■KS DWELLING, excellent bnsiness stand, 1741 Lom- BABD Street: will be sold low, and early possession given B. F. GLENN, 183 South FOURTH St.. ItgS tf orS. W.eor. SEVENTEENTH and GRBBN- Mqood investment—for sale, BRIGS DWELLING on South side of Wallace st. "below 11th, .with 3 small dwellings in the rear. Will rent to pay over ten per cent. Also a large number of first claw dwellings In various localities. % J. GLENN, I*3South FOURTH et.,- fe!B tf or Southwest dor. Seventeenth and Green ate. «FOR SALE—LARGE FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP In fall operation, with the working stock and tools, patterns, sec.* of every de scription, necessary for doing a large and unccsssfol business, situated on a railroad about twenty mile* from Philadelphia. B 3?. GLENN. felS-tf 133 South FOURTH Street. g| LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO msar thee«tre of jmsiness, containing ßffjSrt on Cherry otrejt, depth 105 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large eart-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of , . SIZB AHD POSITION are rarely met with. Amply on the premises. • wll-dm* m FOR sale—a store and DWELLING combined, occupying one of the most public ana beet business locations in the enterprising town of FhcenlxviUe, Chester county, Pa. A rare .op portunity for good investment and can be had with or without stock of goods on hano. Terms easy; IramedL ate possession given Also, at-tore, Dwelling, and Wharf combined, all on the Schuylkill canal* in the village of Mount Glare* Montgomery county; good location for country and ca nal business. Terms reasonable For further parti culars apply to e. p. penni packer, . Beal Estate Agent* 6t PhoenlxvUle. m FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER •MSjjL offers for sale his country seat* within half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, con taining eight acres of good land, in the eentre of which Is a large lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, eversreens,et«,, In all over a hundred fall- grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one’of which is four stories In height. There are four large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The house hiat the gaodern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There Is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a e&rriage house and stable sufficient for four horses and several »tabie l h&a ah^drani?^it* 6 * smoke houses. The Good garden, with several varieties of; dwarf-puur and grape vines in full bearing. There are also several varieties of apple* cherry and chestnut trees. Terms aceounnodaiiag. Possession given at any time. Apply to LEVI G. CLARK, noik-if 831 Market street, Wilmington. Dei. m INDIAN QU EE N LANE— m -®H-Yery desirable RESIDENCE and worthy attention of capitalists, containing FIFTEEN AC&ES LAND,. With ELEGANT SITES FOB BUILDING; coach house, large barn* ice house* &e* Surrounded by large, forest trees, and within ten minutes* walk of Falls Station. __ fe2s-13t M FOR SALE CHEAP—A VERY A desirable small FARM of 29 acres, with mode '3JC rate improvements, on a Railroad 7 miles from the city; about 10 trains pass daily. B. F. GLENN* felBtf / I*3 South FOURTH Street. TO THE PU8L1C;—36,750 ACRES OF LAND IN WESTERN VIRGINIA, in the Counties of WYOMING AND McDOWELL, TITLE INDISPUTABLE, Is offered to the public for the price of S2O3,(XX), or a little over $5 per acre, in shares of SI,COO each. From the report of Professor. Whitaker, in 185$, he says GOAL abounds in fabulous quantities and of ex cellent jouaUty; IRON, GINSING, Tlfifßßß—sach as Black Walnut, Chestnut, Oak, White Wood, and. nu merous other hinds, with a largely-increasing market for them—making it & desirable investment independent of the prospector Oil development, of which we feel sanguine there is large quantities to be found on the place, from reports that have been made some time back, andfrom exiracts from papers from that section of couhiry in 186 L - • • ' - : ■ There is already subscribed some 133 shares, leaving but 6Tshares unsold. Subsciiptlos Boo& at the office of * v y 9 pATTBSSON & BOUI»T01S', Ho. 130 WALHUT Street* te2s-lm lor the present. 1 779 ‘ ACRES OF HEAVY' PINE If I. I timber DkNDS, in tb.o Tictnity of tie Oil Eeeioas.for rale low by DiiUBY & CO., 133 South. PiSCTH BtrettV fe24-l2t* T O L E T—FOR SALESROOMS OR light manufacturing pturposea, the upper stories of 'bnßd&sz' northwest corner of EIGHTH and MAHKBP. Apply in the *tore. ja2l*fcf HEDICIL. [ BLECTBIOAIi INSTITUTE, 154 NorthELEVENTH, fcelo w Baes street—Dr. THO i HAS ALLEN, very successful in the cure of almost , every hind of disease* inyitesall to call at his Of fice,and see that his treatment Is free from shocks.' MBf CONVULSIONS. —A discovery has keen made 1 which seldom fails in the core of Epilepsy or file of any other kind. Any one desiring & knowledge of ! ■ this practice can enter at any time for full instmo* < tions. Cards and Ttetimonlalsat the Office. Honrs 9A. H. toBF- M. Consultations free. 1 .„„ . „Dr, THOS ALLEN, Electrician,, jal7-Sm 15* N. ELEVENTH St. heiow Bace. • BL&CMXNKBY AND EBON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND iyr* BOII.ES WOEKB.-HBAFIH & LEFT, I’EACTICaX AND THEOEBTICAL BtTGIIIKKES, JCT CHIKISTg, BOILEE-aAKBSS, and i OuapßKS, having for many years been in sncoessfn) ®P®ra«o», and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Marine ana Elver Engines, high and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellere, &e.. &«,. respectfully offer their services to the public, as tfeina folly prepared to contract for eniines of all sires. Ma* rrae, Elver, and Stati on ary; luma g sets of pattern* of alfierent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with qnwk despatch. Every deaerlptlon of pattern-making Aiade at the shortest notice- High and Low-prepare, too, Tnbnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, ofihehest Penn eylvanta chareoal iron, Forgings of all sizes and kinds, Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 801 - Jnrntag, Eerew-Cn-ting. and all otterwork conneotod Witt the above bnsinass. Drawings and specifications for ail work done at th* estaDilßnment free of charge* and work guaranteed. •ane subscribers have ample wharf* dock room for re* pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and *«•**«•* *» BEACH and PALMES Streets. J* VAUGHAN KSSKiOK. WUZ.UIC X. XSSZtIOX, jroEzr i. sops. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, to FIFTH AMD WASHIIfGTOH STREETS. FHTT.ADKI.PHrA. HFKBIuK «fe SONS, BMSIMBESS AMD MACHIMIBTB, Manufacture High and Loir Pressure Steam Engine, forland, river, and marine service. I „s? l i? rs fi G aa «met*rß. Tanka. Iron Boats. 4e.i Oast* ingvofall kinds, either iron or brass. J&FfeSf® 11 ®'3?° f * for 6a » Works, Workshop*. RtoL load stations, &«. Betorts an d Das Machinery of ths latest and most Im proved construction. . Every description of Plantation Machinery, such at gnear.Saw, and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators,Filters, Damping Engines,**. Sole areata for M.Eiliioaxs Patent Snzar-Boiling An. paratus, Mesmyih’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspin g»U. * Wolsey’s Patent Gantrifagal Sugar-Draining Machine. anlfi-tf WM. M. FABER & CO., ■ ll ' EMGIM3 BUILDERS. lEOH FOUMDEKS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, AMD BOILER MAKERS, PEHHSYLVANXA RAILROAD PASKSRGER STATION, PITTSBURG. PBMMA-. Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranging from three to one hundred and fifty ratted for Grist Mills, Saw Mills. Blast Furnaces, OH Wells, Ac., Ac. Give particnlar attention to the construction of Bn* nines and Machinery for oil boring rad pumping opera tions. Hare always-on hand, finished and ready for slupment, EMAtpES and BOILERS of every descrip. Orders from all parts of the sonntrr solicited and promptly filled. jagO-Sm MORGAN, ORR, & 00., STEAM EH* iTv, ®PU ,! ?, BES .v D™n Founders, and General Kf-chintsts rad Boiler Makers, Mo. BUS CALLOW HILL Street, Philadelphia. feSO-tf SHIPPING. iflfc BTEAM WEEKLY TO Ll* gBMMK VBSFOOL, touching St QUEENSTOWN, Hiailmi xim wju-knowm Steamers of the Llver pool. Mew Fork, and Philadelphia Steamship Company etrr^la * theU. 8. Malls,areintended to HfJf'fobTOM —SATURDAY, March i, EDINBURGH SatUKDaT, March 2. CITY OF BALTIMORE SATURDAY, MaVchß. succeeding Saturday at Moon, asm Pier 44, HATES OF PASSAGE; ' . raWl „ do to L0nd0n....8600 do to m do }oParis..™, 96 00 do to Paris™!! Jn S . to Hamburg.* 90 00 do toHuatßn«« 87 90 jrasoanra also forwlrdod to Havza. **2? terdmrlntirerp, *«.. ’ For farther Information urt,_*t ths Company’s fejS-tmidS 111 WALRTOS&eg K^adffnhis. B9SI ON and philadbl* Btreet. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. Capt. Baker, will sail from M for Boston on Saturday, March 4, at 10 A. ton SwSn 1 ? 8^.18^0 ®, Capt. JHattnewy, from Bos ton for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4P. M. . * ai snfcstsntiai steamship* form a regala, llns, sailing from eaeh port psnctnally on Beinrdays. ontheve««2*.** ~t ** 11 one-half Ike praminmfshfiiKM Freights taken at falrratsq. cf^s^^lk r ffiS Ma,, * eMipu ** l * m mh3S-tt *3% Sonth DELAWARE Arraus. YyTmTEYIRGmWAXOFANTILIsES. ■ * —Anew French CosiasUc for beautlfrfnir *nd pro* Mrrt&s tkeoomplwrtott. It la the most wondSrftd ©om »oimd of them. There i* neither «halk. powder, mac- BStla, tomuth, sor tale in its comporition. it being composed entirely of pare Ylriia Wax: haaae the SSP2ER£ < 9i making it cofty mooto, fair, and tr&nspkrent. It makes the old appear ypane .tk« homely kan.dKo2ae.ihe handsome mot* beeutiful, ana the most Deautifal diViae. Prioes 3Q ad EfgSkh ¥£* J>t ex in? * 00., rmrttauSS, di epaai SiqBTH Street two doors above Chestnut. i*A3m Bon ‘ il SRVEHTB Btrest, abovs Walnut^ nOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUOS tod CAUVAfi, of til xmmberm and fsß®®^3igS*ssssadss. M L JOHM w. evbrmab A CO.. »*■« *o. loa JOBSS’ AluV. AUCTION BAI.EB. TOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION- U. ££BB. ff«. 333 and 334 MARKET Stmt SALE OP CARPETINGS, MATTIffGS, CARPET YARN* Ac., THIS DAS, A CARD. —The earl? attention, of purchasers la re* Quested to the general assortment of 300 pieces superfine and fine ingrain, Venetian, list, cottage, hemp, and rag carpetings, bales carpet yarn, 2-4 to 6-4. coir mattings. &c. , to be peremptorily sola by catalogue, on four months* credit, commencing' this {Friday* morning, at 11 o’clock. __ - POSITIVE SALE OI? A CABPBTmGS, MATTtHQS. oir morning, March 3d, atllVoloek.wiU he «M. by eiUlorns. on four months 1 credit, about 200 pieces rich Bij£ sels, three-ply superfine, andfine ingrain, Venitiaa. list, hemp, cottage, and rag carpetings, Canton and cocoa mattings, &c , embracing a ehoice assortment; of superior goods, which may be be eacamlaed early on morning of sale. ~,, _ _ Also, at 10 o’clock precisely, will he sold 1,116 lbs three ply Jute carpet yam. 1,124 lbs two-ply Linen do do* LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, 8H0S& BBOGANB, ARMY GOODS, &0. esMogaa. Y J. O. McGUIRE & CO., AUCTIOH* EBBS, WASHINGTON. D. G. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 535 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND WITHIH FOUR MILES OF THS GaPITOL. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the Dls« triet of Columbia, passed In the cause Of SHERIFF k LOWRIE vs. DEAR and WIFE ana others Ho. ai), Fquity, I will expose at Public Sale, on THURSDAY, March 16, 1865, ai 12 o’clock M., if fair, if not the next fair day thereafter, at the residence of Mr. JOHN T, W. DEAN, upon tae promises, the Real Estate of which LEVI SHERIFF, late of Washlxtgton eaunty. D. G., died seized and poraraeed, containing about 535 acr«s. This property is most eliMbly situated, being within about four miles of the Capitol and one of Banning’s Bridge. It is well wooded and watered, has an abun dance bf fine meadow land, and Is admirably adapted for market purpose*. The soil is of a fine character* kind and productive, and easy of cultivation. The improvement consists of two framed Dwell ings, (one of which is cozamo&ious,) and all neces sary ontbulidiugß, and there are some beautiful bond ing sites on the premises, commanding a fall view of the city. The land will be subdivided into several small tracts,* plat of which may be seen at the Auction Booms of JAME&McGUIRB & CO., Washington, D. C.. . Terms of sale as prescribed by the Decree; one-hslf te cash on the day ol sale, and the reildue in equal In st ailments at twelve at d eighteen months from the day of sale, with interest, and approved security. Title indisputable. , ; Conveyancing and Revenue Stamps at the cost of tee purchaser. H. C. STEPHENS, Trustee. fe24 ISt JAB. McGUIRE & GO., Auctioneers. A UCTION SALE OF HIDES AND XV TALLOW.—WiII be sold at Public Auction, at fiIXTH-Street Wharf, WAS9IHGTOBT, D. C, oa THURSDAY, the 9Ch day of March, IS&S. at II o’clock A. M.» the following articles, more or less: 6,745 Salted Beef Hides. 31 Dry Beef Hides. 1,224 Sheep Skins. ~ of Beef Tallow, 457 pounds of Mutton Tallow, 676 gallons of Neats-foot Oil- Terms Cash. • . - G, BELL; min 5t Um. Col. a-adO. & TyfEDICAL PURVEYOR’S OFFICE, , . "Washington, J). C., ¥eb. 25.1565. Will be sold at Public Auction, lathis city, oa MOJf- BA Y. the 13th d&y of Ma. rcb n&xt, at the Medical Store keeper’s Depot, comer of P and BIGHTBEHT3 Streets, at 20 o’clock,a qnaafcityof eonstemned Hogpital ftoppriy, COTsisting of Bedding, Cobs, Iron Bedsteads, Tin Cnpe, KniTer, Forks, Packing Boxes, Bottles, &c. 1 &c. Successful bidders will be redtdred to remove the stores within (5) five days from sale. Terms cash in Government funds. U SUTHERLAND, fe27-13t Surgeon and U. 8. A Medical Purveyor ffORSBS 1 HORSES li HORSES 111 Quabtebmasteb General’s Opfich, First Division. " Wissnrejwr City, February 13,1855. HOBSES, suitable for the cavalry service, will fet Ptirebased at Glesboro Depot,, la open market, till April !,1565. "Bones will be delivered to CaptainL Lowry Moore, A. ft. M.. and be subjected to the usual Government in* speetion before being accepted. Specifications, aa follow*: “ Cavalry Horses must be sound in all particular*, well broken, in full flesh and good condition, from fifteen (16) to sixteen (16) hands high, from five, <5) to nine (9) years old, and well .adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. Horses be tween nine (9) and ten (10) years of age, if still vigorous, spngfitly, and healthy, may be accepted. Price, one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175) each. Hours of inspection* from 9A. M. to 4 jP. SL Payment will be made at this office. JAMBS A. EHIST, fe!7-tapl Colonel in charge ef Is* Division 4. SL G. O, OAYALRT HOBBES, „ Quartermaster’s Department, Comer TWRLFTH and GIB aKD Streets, _ „ PtoADEaPHiAc Pa,, February 16, m% Horses suitable for t&e cavalry service will be pur* chafed by the undersigned, in open maiket. at fifii each. Bach animal to be subjected to the usual Government inspection before being accepted. .Horses will be deli veredto the XJ, S. inepector at th« Wei tern Hotel, Market street, between Thirteenth and Broad streets^ Said hOKes to be sound in all particulars; not less thanffive, nor more than nine years old: from 15 to 18 htordshicht fuUlnflesh; compactly built; bridle-win, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. By order of Col. H, Biggs, Chief felB-tmhl3 Captain and A. Q. M. •RUTTERFIELD’S OVERLAND FJ DESPATCH, Office Ko. 4H) South FIFTH Street. -A THROUGH FREIGHT LOT ht* been ectabiiahed, prepared to receive ell Mucec of Freight in the principal cities east of the aUcstte-ppl river, end to transport ths same from point of thipmeiD TO ALL POINTS BT COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, ADD MONTANA TERRITOBIBS, rvmr vnnoiraK oostbao* katb3 abb nmnaov lunso. Through Rates tnclade. ALL CHARGES—RaiIway. Transfer, Storage,end Forwarding Commissions on the SliMonri river, rad transportation upon theFlsirs gms raablrngtoe Shipper to obtain a THROUGH CO«- TRACT for hls UreighS fer a distance of OYBK THKES TEOUSARD MILBB.and relieving bim from all respon sibilities and anxieties Incident to the past disorganised ana irresponsible system of Plain, transportation. Onr Agents in Hew York, Boston. Philadelphia. Pitts burg, Chicago, St. Louis, and Burlington. lowa, ate prepared at-all seasons to receive and shiy at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF RATES. mtrT __ TMs Company assumes ALL THE KBSPOSSTBIhHT ef Losses, Damages,,or Overcharges oa Frctgnt whua firom point of chlpment to plass ef desttoation- The Hew To* office la In possession of * fell set rf TRACE BOORS, showing the date of shipaent, the time it losses the Mississippi river, Is received rad •Uppedfrom the Company’s Warehouse* 3t A ‘, ‘SJ? (Kansas), the character of the trains m o, 3£«%nra? Plains, the date it prases Fort Kearray. arrives ver. Is received at destination, rad theepparen* aessßSgsst^«« hooks are open for the a b i f a^£Se ■asßfiff-iSesF- s/ssysssa “^MteffilratotheTcglto^oUerlg Lsiten of Incuirv sddroSAsd to our oSwsi a „ VBSBYStTMb A*tor Tories or Southwest corner of SIXTH Th e science of medicine should stand simple, mire, majesties hsvms f»« for its basis, induction for Its PiUar. troth alone totm capital So stand HBLMBOLo’S GEHUIHE raar* RATIONS, established over 16 years. _ J 3& OFFICE WATER TRANS ■SmFOBTATioar u. s. a , No. ST*Soutb THIRD Street, Phxladblfhia, Feb. 14* ISgu. Yetoels wanted to transport Goal to Southern rof 6 * for the Amy. Despatch.!lven. , . „ fels-tf JOHN B, JRNNIIIGS, Capt. & Awi. Q- m aks & watsosts jSS SALAMANDER SAFI STOSB. 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. A targe variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES glwars * band. . g* MARKET GARDENERS WHO ■ne wish pure and reliable Garden Sfteds* al reasoa** ble pxlce&i should purchase their supplies at EOBSBT BUI ST. Jr s, Seed Warehouse, 923 and 924 MARKET Street* fe26*6t ■ Above Ninth. A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST of the properties of HELKBOLD’S FLUID Eh- TRACT BTJCBu will be a comparison with thoos forth in the United States Dispensatory. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, ««* , —2,«» bbli. Maes. Hoe. l. a, and 8 Mackerel, tate-canchtfiatfish. in assorted packages. Hew Eastport, Fortune Bey, and HMtftS Lnbec. Sealed, Ho. 1 Herring. loObbls. nswMessShad. - 260 bones Herkimer-eonnty Cheese, 4*. In store and for Bale by MURPBY A KQOBS. ial9-tf Bfo. 14W HOBTH WHABVfiR TONES HOUSE, * Cor. MARKET BTKSET and MARKET SQUAU Proprietor leraccttnUy retniiMhli *ln,er« ttraW to hla friends for the very liberal patronage be** o *# to the Hones since under hit management, end we»*» SHOVELS AND SPADES. *F WK)do. atreducedprica.. atGBO. HALFMiH| SHOVEL FACTORY, northwest corner CUABKTraa BREAD Street*, between Arch end Eace ecd S«oa4 and Third streeie. iaJ3-iawfS&'’