The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 09, 1865, Image 4
TO INTERNLAEVERE. TILE.:--NEW . BMW .!..COMPLETE. :: , NUMEROUS IMPARTANTAfaIiDNINIM! insamuNitaiii 'l l It O'D The following is a bill to amend an aot entitled "An act to provide internal revenue to support the Government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes," approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and slxtyfour, as road Wore the House of Representatives : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of . Repre- Aitestaltres of the thttltd States of America 7 7/. Von• press aeeerabled, That tho eat entitled "An act to pro. vide internal :avenue to support tha Government. to pay interact on the public debt, and for otherpar. poser, '• approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be, and the came is hereby. amended as bereft:alter set forth, namely: That Pf thou four be amended by striking out the word " five," end inserting. in lien thereof. the word ten. That section eight be amended by striking oat after the 'words "eball appoint." the words ''with the ap • proval of the said commit:Acme, one atualatan t assessor. who shall be a resident of the diet riot of said ft seesior and in case of a vacancy occurring In the office of assee r or, by reason of death or any other cause, the assiatant assessor," and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words, cn the recommendation of the said commissioner. one or more assistant assessors, who shaft be residents of the district of said assessor; and in case of a vacancy occurring in the office of assessor by reason of death, or any other mango. the senior assistant assessor. That section twenty-Ave be amended by inserting after the words "four hundred thousand dollars," the "words, and not exceeding one million of dollars, and one•eighth of one per centum on all sums Above one million of dollars; by inserting after the words " rea sonable charges for, , ' the word advertising: and by striking out all of the first proviso, and by striking out the word "further,'in the [mind proviso. NOTIOR TO TAXI' ATIT.RB-FRNALTY 808 NON-PAY• MENTLAVT AND SALE. That section twenty-eight be amended by striking out all after the enacting clause, and inserting. In lien therrof, the words: That each of said collectors shall, within twenty days after receiving his annual collectioi list from the auessore, give notice, by advertisendent latblislied in each county in his collection district, in one newspaper pointed In such county, if any enchlhera be. and by notifications to by rooted UP in at least four public places in each county in his collection district. that the said duties have become due and payable, and Mete the time and place within said county at which he or his deputy will attend to receive the came, which time shall not be less than ten days aftor each notifica tion. .And if any person shall neglect to pay as afore said for more than ten days. it shall . be the duty of the collector or his deputy to Issue to such person a not.oe, to be left at his dwelling or usual place of business, or be tent by mail, demanding the payment of said duties or taxes, stating the amount thereof, with a fee of twenty cents for the issuing and service of each notice, and with four cents for each mile actually and necessa rily travelled in serVAig the same And if such per sona shall not pay the entles or taxes, and tee fee of twenty cents and mileage as aforesaid, within ten days after the service or the sending by mall of such notice. It shall be the duty of the collector or hie deputy - to col lect the said (Inties or taxes. and fee of twenty cents and mileage, with a papally of ten per cent= addl. - clonal npon the amount of duties. And with roust to all such duties or taxes as are not included in the an anal lists aforesaid, and all taxes and duties tbe col lection of which is not otherwise provided for in this act, it shall he the duty of each collector. in person - or by deputy, to demand payment thereof. in the mermar last mentioned, within ten days fromand after rear lying the list thereof from the assessor, or within twenty days from and after the expiration of the time within which such duty or tax should have been paid: and if the annual, or otherrinties shall - not be paid within ten days from - and after, such 'demand therefor, it shall be lawful.for such collector, or his deputies, to proceed to collect the said duties cr taxes, with ten per cent= additional thereto, as aforesaid , distraint and sate of the good., chattels, or effects of the persons della octant as aforesaid._ And in cue of distraint. It shall • be the duty of the officer charged with the collection to make, or cause to be wide, an account of the goods or chattels Migraine& a copy of which, signed by the officer making slaeh distraint, shall he left with the owner or poseemsor of such 'pods, chattels, or effect.. or at hie or her dwelling, or ninal place of business, with some person of suitable age and discretion,. with a note . of the sum demanded and tie time and place of sale: and the said officer shall forthwith cause a notification to be published in some newspaper within the 'musty wherein said distraint is made, if there is a newspaper Published in said county, or to be publicly posted up at the poet o ff ice, if there be one within five miles, nearest to the residence of the person -rehears property shall be dlstrained, and in not lees than two other pablic places. which ,notice shall specify the .articles , distrained. and - the time - end place for the sale thereof, which time shall not be less than tenor more than twenty days from the date of mach notification, and the -place proposes-for sale acefloore than eve miles die tent from• the place of making such distraint. And in any case in which any person, bank, 'association, company, or corporation required by law to make re turn to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shell re fute or neglect to moire- suh return within the time aPecifie d, the amount of circulation, deposit, and rapt tal or either, shall be estimated by the proper assessor , or, aseistant . assessor, and shall be certified by him to the Commissioner. And in all cases in which the per son. bank, aseogiation, company, or corporation re gulled by law to make payment of taxes to the corn- • ndesioner shall neglect or, refuse to make each payment within the time required, the commissioner shall car-' tify the amount of tax due by such person. bank, &saes clotting; or corporation, with all the psnalties, addi tlonr, and expenses accruing, to the collector of the Proper district, , who ll collect the same by distraint' and. sale, as in other cases. And the same proceed- • lags may be had to enforce the collection of taxes which have already stemmed and which still remain unpaid. And if any person, bank; association, commas', or cor- Poration, liable to pay any duty. shall neglect or refuse to, pay the same after demand, the amount shall be a lien in favor of the United Stales from the time it was' eine until paid, with the Interests, penalties, and coats - , that may accrue in addition thereto, upon all property and rights to propel ty; and the call ector.after demand,% may levy or by warrant may ail thorise a deputy collet:- • tor to - ley yodpen all property and rights to property be longing to such person. bank, association, company; or corporation, or on which the said lien exists, forth. payment of the sum one as aforesaid, - with Interest and penalty for non-payment, and alio of such further sum as shall be sufficient for the fees costs, - and expenses of such levy. And in all cares of sale the certificate of such eats by the collector -shall have the same effect as is prescribed by the one hundred and nineteenth sec tion of the act to which this to an amendment. And all persons and officers of companies or corporations are required, on demand of a collector or deputy collector shout to distrain, or haviog distrained on any property and rights of property, to exhibit all books containing orsupposed to contain evidence or statements relating to the subject or subjects of distraint. or the property or rights of. property liable to distraint for the tax so doe as aforesaid : Provided, That in any case of dis traint for the payment of the duties or taxes aforesaid, the goods, chattels. or effects so =trained shall and may to restored to the owner or possessor. if prior to the sale payment of the amount duo or tender thereof shall be made to the proper officer charged with the collection of the full amount demanded, together. with such fee for levying, and sun tuna for the necessary and reasonable expense of removing, advertising, and keeping the goods, chattels, or . effects so die trained, as may be prescribed by the Commits Monerof Internal Revenue; but in case of non-payment or tender, as aforesaid, the said officers shall proceed to aell the said goods, chattels, or effects at public auction. and shall gad may retain from the proceeds of such sale the amount demandable for toe use of the United Staten., with - the necessary and reasonable expenses of distraint and sale, and a commission of Hie per cant= thereon for his own use, rendering the ovorpans, it any there be. • to the person whose goods, chattele,or effects shall have • been 'Detrained: Provided', farther, That there shall be exempt from distraint the tools or implements of a trade or profession, one cow, arms, and provisions,and house hold furniture kept for use, and ar parel necessary for a That section thirtT. , ‘lght be amended , by striking therefrom the words , thirty- live " and inserting in lien thereof the words thirty-51x. ' : ' TAX ON LIQUORS. That section lifty•two be amended by inserting before the words "Thais,llas.essors." tho words and be it further enacted: by inserting after the word •devtt• tree, "'the words revenue agents; and. by strikirg out after the word "charted " the word. " and," and in earth! in lien thereof the word. or. The zectlon fifty three be amended by striking out after the word "any." and preceding the words • still or stills," the word " acclitional;" by striking out af. ter ;be word " need," awl preceding the words ' • shall bo erected," the words "as aroresaid," and inserting in lien thereof the words for diedlitritg; and by inserting after the words "shall be erected." the words or used. That section fifty-four be amended by striking out the* words " the same, " and inserting in lien thereof the words and owning the same, and owning the building used as a dietilleny. snd the land on which the same is located, and if the building or land is leased, the terms and conditions of the lease; and by etriking out the word one," and inserting in lien thereof themord three. That section fifty-dye be amended by inserting after the words • ' said duties shall be a lien," the words on the spirit distilled and; and by - adding at the end of the first proviso the words except when made and used In the manufacture of vinegarpr active acid, in which case the duties shall be collected on the bases of the actual ores f. That section fifty-six be amended by adding at the end of-the section the following words —to wit: and in all sales of spirits hereafter made. where not otherwise specially agreed, a gallon shalt be taken to be a gallon of first proof,. according to the s'andard set forth and de clared for the inspection and gauging of spirits through out the United elates. .. • • Thatsectiirnifty-eeven be amended-by striking oat the worth: '. twenty five, " in the last proviso, and in serting fifty In its Mace; and by' ad ding to the said Pro vie° the foilowir g wore*, and distilled from apples or ponchos. shall pay one dollar and-fifty cents per gallon. That section ally-nine be amended by striking oat the words "so inspected and," and also " forthwith," in the last clause of the first sentence, by adding to the said sentence after tbe 'word • • warehouse, • the words bafore 'the day prescribedby lam for making return of the same; and by striking oat the wards one hun dred. " and inserting in lien thereof the words three ban dred. . That section sixty-four be amended by striking out "one &Dar," 'wherever it occurs, and Smarting in lien thereof the words one dollar and fifty cents. That section sixty-eight be amended byl nserting after the word "suits, " the words and shall be desmed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subject to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year; and that the proviso to MC section be amended by adding after the words • forfeiture shall have" the word been; and by striking out the word "the" where it occurs the second time be fore the word "nature." YEDIMRS' LICENBEB, That section seventy-four be amended by striking out the 'word "or" after' he word " with, ' ' and inserting in lien thereof the word one; and by striking out the' words and bold the same until tie license is tiro duced,""and inserting In lien thereof the words and the aaseeeor of the district in which the seizure has oc 'curred may, on ten days' notice, published in any newspaper in the district, or served parson ely on the peddler, or at his dwelling house, require each peddler to show cause, if any he has, why the horses, wagon. and contents pack, bundle, or basket so seized shall not be forfeited, and, in case no sufficient cause is shown, the assessor may direct a forfeiture, and issue an order to the collector or to any deputy coll,ctor of the district for the sale of the property so forfeited, and ore-half of the same, afterayment of the expanses of the proceedings, shall be pa id to the officer making the seizure, and, the other half thereof to the collector for the nee of the United States. - . • - • CLAIM API) pATHNTA.G.II2fTS. thT h t t esection gsreavpehtyLtene b me d nde x c laim saegrennsg, I'n the words patent agents; by striking out in the same paragraph the words "carrying on suck,'S and insert -lug in lien thereof the words may carry on; by striking out in , the' same paragraph the words "may transact such business by inserting in Paragraph nine, after the words • 'other securities," the words for them tielves or others; by striking from. said paragraph the words "and shall make oath t heffirmation according to the form to be prescribed by Commissioner of In ternal Revenue, that all their transactions are made for a com=18810II;" by striking out the proviso at the end of paragraph " twenty-eight'' by striking out all of pars rraph "forty-nine," and inserting in lieu thereof the following—to wit: AITNEItB Forty nine. Minere shall pay for each and every li cense the Kim of ten dollars. Every person, firm or company who shall employ others in the basineas of mining for coal, or gold, silver, copper. lead, iron, zinc. :palter. or other minerale. not having taken out a license as a manufacturer. shall be regarded as a miner under this act. Fifty. A license of ten dollars shall be required of `every. person, firm, or company, engaged in the carry ing or delivery of money, valuable papers, or any articles for pay, or doing an express, business whose a raf a s n re p ce e i r pte therefrom exceed the sum of six hundred SUBSTITUTE BROKERS:, Fifty-one. Substitute brokers shall pay one hundred dollar+, for each and every license. Every person who shall furnish crofter to furnish, for pay, foe, or reward. volunteers, representative recruits, or substitates for men drafted, or liable to be drafted. for the military or naval service of the United Stetes, shall be deemed a substitute broker under this act. Fifty-two. Insurance brokers shall nay twenty-five dollars for each license. , Any person who shall nego tiate or procure insurance in behalf of another person or Party. for which he shell receive any pay, commission, or compensation, ';shall. be regarded as an insurance broker under this act. That section silt ty-one be amended by striking there from the words •• eeTenty- three, '' an d inserting inlaten thereof th e words • seventy-four; and by striking out the words ' ' to winters, " and inserting in lieu • 'thereof the words • • nor to vintners.." - . • ~._That- e retion - eighty-three be amended ineerting. latter the;words:" within 'hie district Monthly," the. orde, 'l.l(l9lllkteis .day fromatfte Awymtietb day of . • each month; lik•lareptintefter4hemorde :"_such. • ~.craties within". the : word Ifyistriting - car after 'the words 'ten 'days; :following, -the words, ••• -”afterdemand in wrlting - deliveredftrrthlmy. psnon,. ".or left &vide hount , or Ideas of brislnessor manntstotory, or esnt by mai ) ; • ' • That rwrdoa siii*y-fOlll . amendedy striking only the word'. and ia lien Listener. the words " e • ' 4y ;"• an by striking ont.thir words " alalrty _or f ourth and Inserting- in lieu tliereor the words " ORM', . That section eighty -x.1,0 amen ded by siriking'ottf ens words ht. d f epr•sit tk e ?!. sale, after,the words 13 , 41 , place of. and • Inserting in lien: tberecs the r =cd Rowing pares p h s t i r r iti t n u g ' . ''; and in the nourfol en the word "that.'.! where it first and inse rtnir in lion thereof the word " the." TOBACOt.., Slitritrr, Arm CTGArtg. The! ie.:lion °lip+ ty. seven be amended by strittlne out alter the words • ccu rats 1 y setting" the mord. "tor,' end tiaerttrg Ist Hen thereof the word forth; arti c le, ter the words "description of tho mautitsctured " ettiktu■ ont the words "the MottOotnt tuatketfot the 111111111M1 . • .V eameoorlielber &reign or domestic." aid hrinilertut l tf after the re ord ".sassier" and preceding the wore "assistant" the Worsresk:-il • ' Tbat section ninety be amended i l4striking out s ell after_ the enacting 'plenum And-Anse g in lieu thereof the following: ahatany.perionedltmasesemenY or eor - Aeration, now,or hereafteeengaged in the manufacture of tobacco. snuff or claire. of any.-detcription wham°• ever, ball in and beret, is required to make oat and deliver le the asaistant. assessor of the assessment die. Wet sttrue statement - orAnyentory of.the quantity of each ofithelifferentlindge., flobacooosang. flour , snuff. cigars, tin foil, licorice, and stems held or oWnedlcir him or them on the daythis set takes effect, or at the timeletwonimencingebusineer underehis act. setting forth what portion of said goods was mannfamured or produced by him or them, and what was purchased from; others, whether. chewing, smoking. lee. ant, dnte, pressed; ping: snuff flour or prepared snuff. or dims, which statement or inventory shalt be verified by the oath or affirmation of such person or parsons, and be In manner and form as prescribed by the Com mis, toner of Internal Revenue; and the raid person, firm, company or corporation. engaged as aforisid,' on the first day of tannery In every year hereafter ehall n. eke out and deliver to the said assistant assessor a true statement or inventory, in manner and form as aforesaid, and verified ss aforesaid. of all snob articles aforesaid then held or owced by him or them, setting forth on slid singular w e s t is required to be set forth its the statement or inventory first aforesaid: and every such person. company or Corporation. shall keep Ina book, in such manner and form as said commissioner may prescribe. an accurate account of all the artiolee aforesaid thereafter perehaeed by him or them, the quantity of tobacco. snuff, snuff floor 'or cigars ' of whatever description sold. con umsd or removed for consumption• or sale, or removed from the place of manatee:um and he or 'they shall, on or before the tenth day of each month, furnish to the assistant asses sor of the district a true and accurate copy of the en- Wee in said book duller the preceding month, which copy shall be verified by oath or affirmation, on the re ceipt whereof an assessment of the duties due by said Person, company or corporation. shall be immediately made and transmitted to the collector of the district, to whom said duties shall be paid within five days tit:me aner; and in case the duties shall not be paid:within five days, the said collector may. on one day's notice, distrait for the came, with tan per centum additional on the amount thereof, subject to all the provisions of law relating to licenses, returns,. assessments, payment of taxes , liens , finer. penalt ies; and forfeitures, not inconeleteut herewith in the case of other manufacturers; and such duty shall be paid by the manufacturer or the person for whom the goods! are manufactured, as the Reamer may &ern best for the collection of , the revenue: Provided, That it shall .be the duty of any manufacturer or vender of tin foil used in covering manufactured tobaoco, on demand of any officer of internal revenge. to render inch officer a cor rect statement. verified by oath or affirmation, of the quantity and. amount of tin foil sold or delivered to any Person or persons named in such demand; and in case of refusal or neglect to render such atatement. or of cause to believe such statement to be incorrect or frandnr • lent, the assessor of the distrlißmay cause an-examlna lion of - persons. bootie. and papers, to be made in the arms manner as provided in the fourteenth section -of this act; Preen:led, That manufactured tobacco, snuff, or ours whether of domestic manufacture or import ed. may ' be transferred, without payment of the duty. to a bonded warehouse, established in conformity with law and treasury regolations, under such rules and re gulations and. upon the execution of such transportation bonds or other security as the. Secretary of the Treaan ry may prescribe, said bonds or other security to be taken by the collector of the district from which sack removal Is made; and may be transported from. mash warehouse to a bonded warehouse used for the storage of mercbandie.e at any part of entry, and may ba with drawn from bonded warehouse for consumption on pay ment of the duty, or removed for export to a foreign country 'without payment of duty, in conformity with. the provisions of /AM relating .to the removal of die twee. spirits, all the roles, regulations. and conditions of which, ao far as applicable, shall'apply to tobacco, snuff, or cigars. in bonded warehouse. And ine draw back shall In any case be alit wed upon any manufac tured tobacco. snuff, or cigar!, . upon which any excise duty has been •raid. either before or after it has been placed in bonded. warehouse. That section ninety. oue be amended by etriking out all after the enacting clause, mid insertilig, in lien thereof, the following: That all manufactured tobacco, snuff, or cigars, whether of domestic manufacture or imported. shall, before tie same is need or removed for coneumption, be inspected and weighed by aniunpector appointed under the nlty eighth section of the act to which this is an amendment, who shall mark or affix a stamp upon the box or other package containing each tobacco, snuff, or cigars, in a manner to be prescribed by - the Commissioner of internal Revenue, cteaoting the kind er form of tobacco and the weight of such package. with the date of inspection and the name-of the inspector. The • fees of such inspector • shall in all cases be paid 'by the owner of the mai:lectured tobacco, snuff, or cigars .so inspected and weighed: And the penalties for the fraudulent marking of . any box or other package of tobacco,' snuff, or cigars, and for any fraudnient attempt to evade the duties on tobacco, . snuff, or cigars so inspected, by. changing in any manner the package or the marks thereon, shall - be the 86Me as are provided in relation •to diatilled spirits by existing laws And all cigars manufactured after she passage of this act shall be packed in boxes. And any manufactured - tobacco, muff. and. cigars, whether of domestic rnanufacture.or imported, which shall be acid or pass out of the hands of the manufacturer or importer, except into a bonded warehouse, without the inspection marks or stamps affixed by the Inspector, shall be forfeited, and may be seized wherever found. and , shall be sold, anti half of .the prcceeda of inch sale to be paid to the informer. and. the °that moiety to the United States The Commis sioner of Internal Revenue shall keep an account of all stamps delivered to the several inspectors, and said in /inseams shall also keep as account of all estampe by them used or placed upon boxes containing olgare, and °Yell tobacco, snuff, - and , cigars Inspected,. and tae name of the person, firm, or company for whom the same were so inspected. aid return to the assessor of the district a separate and distinct account of the same: and also retie n to the raid commissioner okdemand all stamps not otherwise accounted for, and shall give a bond for a faithful performance of all the` Which he may be eseaigned, and return or account for . stamps whih n i nety - two laced inhis hands. Thal section be areendei by striking out the words " by this ate " and Inserting in lieu thereof the words by law. . . . COAL, 0/05, brAFTHA, OIMPOWDED. VBSSIILESi AND I=l That section ninety-four be amended by inserting after the worts "pea coal." the words or coal that willpass through's, five- eighth•itich and over a three eighth-inch meth; in the paragraph relating to' • • gas. ' by adding after the words •. understood to be,'t in the llrat proviso, the words in addition to the gas consumed by , said company or.other°pony; by etriking from the proviso relating to Depths, after the WOro, "ax - get ding, " the word "eighty," and inserting in lien thereof the word seventy; by nt , rtking 'from the pare gira ph relating to • • gunpowder ' the words "at twen ty-ei, hi cents per poans or lees, a duty of one cent per pound; when valued above twenty eigt t and not ex- - . seeding thirty-eight cents per pound, a duty of one and a half cent per pound," and inserting in lieu thereof at thirty-eight cents per pound or less, five per centum ad valorem, and by striking out, in the last line of said paragraph', the word "eight," and Inserting In lieu thereof the word ten; by inserting in the Paragraph relating to " heads, printed," after the word " circulars," the words law blanks, conveygnctrs' blanks, and other printed forms; by adding at the end of the paragraph relating to printed books." the words which shall be paid by the publishers thereof: Provided, That arithmetic,. spelling-books, geographies, grammars, and primary books of the kinds usually taught in common and pri mary school,, and all books prirded by reliions socie ties exclusively for the use of Sunday-schools, shall be exempt from any duty or tax, anything to the contrary notwithstanding; and In any case of doubt or dispute as to what shall be exempt from duty under this act, the decision of the tiommisaioner of Internal Revenue, approved by the Secretary of the -Treasury. shall. be Anal and conclusive; by striking from the paragraph relating to •' photographs, the word, being copies of engravinge or works of art, or;'• by striking from the paragraph relating to • ' hulls , as launcbed,' ' the word aunched." and inserting in lieu thereof the words finished, including cabins, inner and upper works; by inserting at the end of the paragraph relating to stoves and hollow. ware the following: IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. On 'wrought Iron, railroad chairs, and railroad and boat spikes, five dollars per ton; by striking'ont, halite second proviso of the paragraph relating to " rivets" the words "upon'which no duty has been assessed or mid," and inserting in lieu thereof the words the duty to which it was liable; ana after the word "loops," in the line following, inserting . not having been paid; by inserting after the words steam engines,' the words exclusive of the boiler. in case a duty has been paid thereon; by adding at the end of the paragraph relating to quicksilver the followin Provided. That quicksilver may be transferred , withoutpayment of the duty, to a bonded 'warehouse established In confor mity with law and treasury regulations, miller such rules and regulat'ons, and epos, the execution of such transportation bonds or , ther security as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; said bonds or other 'se curity to be taken by the colleotor of the district from which such removal is' made; and may be transported from such warehouse to a bonded warehouse used for the storage of merchandise at'any port of entry. and quicksilver so bonded May be withdrawn from the hooded warehouse for consumption on payment of the duty, or removsd for export to a foreign country witn on t payment of duty, in conformity with the provieions of law relating to the removal of distilled dplrits, all the rules, reardations..aad conditions of which, so far as applicable, shall apply to quicksilver in bonded warehouse. And no drawback shall in any case be allowed upon any quicneiLver uporr which any.excise duty has been paid either before or after it has been placed in bonded warehouse; by adding at the end of the paragraph relating to " copper and 'lead ingoter" the following proviso: Provided, however. That brass made of copper and svelter, on which 'a- duty of three per contum ad valorem shall have been assessed anti paid, shall be assessed and pay a duty of three per centum on the Increased vain only thereof ; by insert ing in the paragraph relating to " rolled brass," after the word " sheets. ' the words copper, zinc, and brass nails; by adding to the paragraph relating to "patent. enamelled, and japanned leather" the words, Pro vided, That when a duty has been paid on the leather ,in the raugh the duty shall be assessed and paid only on the Increased value; by striking out all of the first sentence of the proviso In the paragraph relating to ` wines or liquors. " and inserting in lieu thereof the words, Provided. That the return, asseesment, collec• tion, and time of collection of the duties on each wines, and wine made of grapes, shall be subject to the regain tiona of the Commissioner of Internal /revenue; by in serting in the paragraph relating to "cloth," after the word " felted ," the words or articles; after the word warps" in the prov iso of said paragraph, by striking out the word "for,' and inserting 'in ' lieu thereof the words so!d before; by inserting in the ae.ragraph re • lating to 'ready made clothing."' after the word • ' &rose." the words not otherwise assessed and taxed; by inserting in the paragraph relating to " mannfao tures of cotton," after the word- " cloths," in the first proviso, the words or articles, and after the word "fa brics." in the second proviso, the words or articles; by striking out the words "as aforesaid," where they oc. cur the second time in said proviso, and by inserting at the end of said proviso the words , . and when made wholly by the same manufacturer shall be subject to a duty only of five per centum .ad valorem by striking out of, said . section the several paragrap 'h s from the 'words "on eavendleh, plug. twist," flown to the words "exclusive of the tax," inclusive, and insert ing in lien thereof the following ; TOBACCO MAIII77A.CTURICB On stuff, manufactured of tobacco or any substitute for tobacco, ground dry or damp, pickled, scented, or otherwise, of all deacriptiona, forty centsper . pound. On cavordieb, plug, twist, and all other kinds of manufactured tobacco, not herein otiggrwise provided for, forty cents cur pound. On tobacco twisted by hand, or reduced from leaf Into a condition to be consumed. -without the use of any ma chine or instrument, and without being preseed,sweet ened, or otherwise prepared, thirty cents per pound. On fine. cut chewing tobacco, whether manufactured with the stems in or not. or however sold, whether loose, in, bulk, or in packages, papers, wrappers, or boxer, forty cents per pound. On smoking tobacco, except as hereinafter otherwise provided for, thirty-five cents par pound On smoking tobacco made exclusively of stems, and not mixed with leaf or leaf and stems, and on fine-cut, and shorts, and scraps of tobacco, the•tetnee of cigars manufactured, and also on all scraps or refuse of ping manufactured, when sold for smoking tobacco, or for consumption, or otherwise, twenty cents par pound. On cigarettes made of tobacco enclosed in a paper wrapper and put up in packages containing not more than twenty-flye cigarettes, five mink" perpackage. On all cigars, cheroots,-and cigarettes made wholly of tobacco or of any substitutes therefor, whether imported or of domestic manufacture, sixty cents per pond: and no tare for the box oryackage in which any cigars or cigarettes are packed onall be allowed in ascertaining the weight And the duty as aforesaid on all cigars, cheroole, or cigarettes imported shall be levied collect• ed, at d paid under such regulations as the Eecret ary of the -Treasury shall pr ascribe; by Inserting in the last paragraph relating to cigars, after the words "Impri• E 0 0332 en t not exceeding thirty days," the 'words :•Aud any Demon furnished with such permit may apply to the assistant assessor or inspector of the district to have any cigars of their own manufacture welshed: and on receiving a certificate of the weight. for which such fee as may b sha l lcrid by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue be paid by the owner thereof, may sell aid deliver such cigars to any purchaser, thews . fiance of said assistant assessor or InsPector, in bulk Or unpacked, without payment of the duty. A copy of the certificate shall be retained by the assistant assessor, and an inspector shell return the same to the assistant assessor of the district. The purchaser shall pack suoh cigars in boxes, and have the same inepected and marked of stamped according to the provisions of this act, and shall make a return of the tame as inenetted to the assistant asseseor of the district, and, unless re moved-to a bonded warehouse, shall pay the duties on such ?cigars within five days removed hasing them, and before the same have been from the store or building of such purchaser or from his possession; and any such purchaser who shall neglect for more than five-d ays to pack and have such deal% duly inspected, and pay the, duties thereon according to this act, or who thrill purchase any cigars from any person not holding such permit, the duties thereon not having been paid, shall be deemed guilty of • misdemeanor, and be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the court, and the cigars shall be forfeited and sold. ore- fourth for the 'benefit of the informer, one-fourth for the e fiber who seized or had them. condemned, and one. hall shall barmier to the Government. SUNDRIES That !Bretton ninety six be amended by inserting.afier the, welds " concentrated milk." the wards, cider, sugar, and molauses made from other articles than the sugar. cane, by striking out, after the wards 'guns ex clusively," the words • • materials . prepared for the manufacture-of , hoppakiirtp exclusively and InAtIL for other nue. each as, e and inserting in lien thereof the w‘rd and. and- by atriking.out the words "for joining hcope together:' arid inserting in lien thereof the words „used in the manufkotart of 11eop,skirte, .GOLDzAND'IIIfLV3Ift,OOXTBALOTES. . . , 'That section ninety , nine be amen& by striking out the words "gold and silver bullion and coin." and by striking out the' Words. _all oentracts for such . sales,' and and inserting in lieu thereof the words upon isny sates or contracts for the sale of gold and silver hid. ;lion ,and coin lone-tenth: of, one, per oentum on the ktuount piench 'tales or contracts. That section' one hundred and three be amended by •Inserting after the words " foreign Port," the words . and the amount actually_paid for, canal tolls by any 'carne ono map m g p m y n w o n any , orp n o a s l s beossanogr o o r t h h a e v r in v g es t s h e e l • shall belleducted:from.theV; gross .receipts. and by,in-. sorting, - after 'the word fare": wherever jt occurs In. •the proviso to Said setitiOD, the words ortriaght. That section one hundred „amt...l,vit ameededAY' striking out, abbe - .end 'ther"eof, .the words. -• r for the quarter then next preceding.. -; - . That section one hundred and nine he amended by striking out. after the words " one hundred and, ' ". the word •• two.' ' and Went tug in lien thereef. the Wert brae. • rig 00eill TA.z. • • -That section cue hundred and sixteen be amended by striking out ell after the enacting' clause, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: That there shall be le vied. collected; and' paid annually upon the annual gains, profits, and income of every person residing tit the United States, or of any citizen of the United States Twirling abroad, whether derived from any kind of ore, perty, rents. interests. dividends, or salaries, or front any Proferteten, trade; employment, or vocation. car; reed on in the United States or elsewhere, or from any. other source whatever, a duty of five per erratum on the *Mee over six hundred dollars and not exceeding three thousand dollars. and a duty of ten per centaur on the excess over three theneand dollars' And the date heroin provided for shall be assessed, collected, and Paid Upon the gains, profits, and income, for the year ending the thirty-first day of December next preceding the time for leering: collecting, and paying said duty: Provided, That income derived from interest upon note.. bonds, and other securities of the United istatee shall be included in estimating incomes under thin eisc, lion, end' shall also'lliclude all primiume on gold or coupons Provided further, That only ono deduction of six hundred dollars shall be made from the ag gregate Incomes of all the members 'of any fa mily. composed of parents and minor • 'children, or tuebond and wife, except in oases whore each separate income shall be derived from the separate and individual estate, gains, or labor of the wire or child: And providrd. further. That net profits realized by rales of reel estate purchased since January let, eigh teen hundred and sixty-four, shall be cha rgeable as income, and losses on sales of Test estate purchased since January let, eighteen hundred and etrty-foar„ end sold within the year far which income le ellimated, then be &ducted front the income of &nth year. • ESTIMATION . OP iNbciatisita.owilircss. That section one hundred and seventeen be amended by striking out all after the enacting clause, and in serting In lien thereof the following: That in estimating the annual gains, profits. cud income of any person, all national. State, and municipal taxes paid within the Year shell be deducted from the gains, profits, or in come of the person who has actually paid the same. whether owner, tenant, or mortgagor; also the salary or pay received for services in the civil, military, no vat,. or other car-vice of .the Called Stater., including Senators, Representatives, end delegates in Congress, above the rato of six hundred dollars per annum: and there shall alto be deducted the income derived from `dividends on shares in the capital stock of any bank. trust company, savings illEaltlatiOD, insurance, rail road, 'canal. turnpike, canal navigation, or slack Water company,. and the interest . on any bonde or other cot dences of indebtedness of any each corporation or com pany, which stall have been rimmed and the tax paid. AA hereinafter provided; also the amount paid by any person for the rent of the homestead used or occupied by himself or his family and the rental value of any home teed used or eccupte d by any person or by his f tmily, in his own right 0) in the right of his wife, shall not be included and masted as psrt of the Income of such per son. In estimating the annual gains,. profits, or in come of any person, the interest received or accrued ups n all notes. hoods, and mortgages. or other forms of indebtedness tearing interest, whether paid or not. if good and collectable, lass the rates of interest paid by or due front snob person. shall be included and as messed as part of the income of such person for each year; and also all income or gains derived from the purchase and sale of. stocks or other property, reel or personal, aud of live stock. and the amount of live stock, sugar, wool, butter, cheese, pork, beef, mutton. or other meats, hay and grain, or other vegetable or other productions, being the growth or produce of the estate of such person cold, not including any part there- ' of -untold or on band during the year next preceding the thirty,- fi rst of December, shall be included and as sessed as part. of the income of such parson for each scar, and the gains . and prods of all etompaniert,'; whether iroorporated or partnership, other than the companies specified in this section, • shall. be included- in estimating the annual gams. . profits, or income of 'any person entitled to the same, whether divided or otherwise. In estimating deductions from income, as aforesaid, when any person. rents buildings. lands. or. other property, or blies labor to awry on land, or to conduct any other -business from which such Income is actually derived, or pays interest upon any actual lucumbrance thereon, the amount ash:laity paid for such r. nt, labor, or interest, shall be deducted, end .also; the amount paid oat for must or ordinary repairs, not exceeding the average paid out for such Purposes for the preceding five years, shall be deducted, but no deduction shall be made for any amount paid out for new buildings; permanent im provements, or bettermeits made to increase the value of any property or estate: Provided, That in cases where the salary or other compensation paid to any person in: theemploy meat or service of the United States shall not exceed the rate of six hundred dollars per an num, or shall be by fees, or uncertain or Irregular in the amount or in the time during which the same shall have adorned or been earned. such salary or other nom .pensation shall be included in estimating the annual gains, profile. or-income of the person to whom the same shall have been paid. in such mariner as the Com missioner of Internal Revenue, under the direction of 'the Secretary of the Treasury, maypreecrlbe. • m=mmmir7mm—llm'7l'lol=lnri That smell& one hundred and eighteenth. ainendadby strikina , out all after the.enacting clanse,-at d inserting in lien thereof the words, That it shall be the dirty of all pk mos of lawful age to make and render a list or re turn. in ench form an d:manner as may be prescribed by the Commies'° aer of ratans.' Revenue, to the assistant assessor of the district in which - they reside, of the 'amount 'of their income, gains, and profits, as afore said sand all guardians and treetees, whether as exam tore, administrators, •• or in any other fiduciary °anat.'. ty. than make and render a lief or return, as aforesaid. to the assistant assessor of the district in which such anardian'or Unites resides of • the. amount of income, gains, and profits, of any minor or person- for whom they act as guardian' or trustee and the aestatant as sessor shall require any !let or retnrn to be verified by the oath or' affirmation of the party rendering tt, and may increase the amount of auy list or return if he has reason to believe that the same is understated and in Care any perronsiguardfan or truetee.ehall neglect or refuse to makaand render such list or return, or shall render a false or fraudulent list or return, it shall be the duty of the assessor or the assistant assessor to make such list • accordang to the beet information he can ob tain by the exaMination of such person, and his books and accounts, or any other eyldence.and to add twenty live per rectum as a penalty to the amount of the duty duo on such list in all cases of wilful neglect' or re fusel to make and render a Het or return; and in all canes of a false or fraudulent list or return having been rendered, to add one hundred per centum, as'a penalty, to the am additio n s uty ascertaid pe na l t ye due, the duty and the thereto as to be assessed and collected in the' manner provided for in other canes of wilful neglect or refusal to render a list or retnen, or of rendering a false and fraudulent return: Provided, that any party. in his or her own behalf, or asguardian or-trustee, shall be permitted to declare, under oath or hffirmation. Om : form and 'manner of which shall be prescribed bYthe Commissioner of In ternal Revenue, that he or she was not possessed of an income of six hundred Minns, liable to be assessed ac cording to the provisions of this fiat, or may declare that he or ale has been assessed -paid an income duty elsewhere in the same year under authority of the United States, and if the assistant assessor shall be satisfied of the truth of the declaration, shall thereupon be exempt from income duty in said district; or if the list or return of any party shall have been increased by the assistant assessor, such party may .exhibit his books' and actonnts and be permitted to prove and de. dare, under oath -or affirmation, the amount of annual income liable to be assessed; bat such oaths and evi dence shall not be considered as conclusive of the facts, and no deductions claimed in each cases shall be made or allowed until approved_ by the assistant assessor. Any person feeling aggrieved by the decision of the assistant assessor in such cases may appeal to the RS3B3. sor of the district., and his decision thereon. unless re versed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, shall be final, and the form,-time, and manner of proceed ings shall be subject to rules and regulations to he pre scribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. • That section one hundred and nineteen be amended by striking out the words "for thirty days." - and, -after the word's ''for ten days after, inserting the words notice and. . . That section one hundred and twenty be amended by striking out. at the end thereof, the word • • act," and livening in lien thereof the word Betlioll. That section one hundred and tw enty . live be amended by striking therefrom the word • ' and," following the word " coustodY, " and inserting in lieu thereof the word any. . That reotion one hundred and thirty three be amend ed by adding, at the end thereof, the following words: Provided, Twit no duty shall be levied in reepect orally succeeston vesting before or subsequent - to the passage of this aet where the successor shall be the husband or wife of theptedecessor. • That section one hundred and thirty- five be amended by etriking therefrom the word "extension," and in. serting in lien thereof the 'word extinction. That section one hundred and forty , -nine be amended by striking out the word • asement, , and inserting in lieu thereof the word assessment: . . That:section ore hundred and eight be amended by striking out all after tho enacting amuse, and Inserting in lien thereof the following. to wit: That any person or persons who shall make, sign, or issue, or who shall cause to be made.- signed; or issued, any Instrument, document, or paper of any kind or description what never, or shall accept, negotiate, or pay, or canes to be accepted, negotiated, or paid, or canes to be accepted,ne gotiated. or paid, any bill of exchange, draft, or order or promissory note, for the payment of money, without the same being duly stamped, or having thereupon an adhesive stamp for denoting the duty chargeable there. on, with intent to evade the provisions of this dot, shall. for every such offence,. forfeit the sum of two hundred dams, and snoh inetrbment, document, 'or paper, bill. draft, order, or note shall be deemed invalid and of no effect: Provided, That the title of a purchaser of land, by deed duly stamped , shall not be defeated or affected 'by the want of &proper stamp on any deed con veying said land by any persons from, through , or un der whom his grantor claims or holds title: Provided, further, That no deed. instrument, document, writing, or paper, required by law to be stamped, which was made, stared, or issued prier to the first day of August, eighteen hundred and etxty•four, without being dot stamped, or with a deficient stamp, nor any copy thereof, shall be recorded or admitted or used as evidence in any court until a legsl stamp or stamps; denoting the amount of duty, shall have been affixed tt erste. and the date when the same is so used or affixed, with his initials, shall have been placed thereon by the person using the same; and the person desiring to use' r record any such deed, instrument, 'document, writing, or paper. as evidence, his agent or attorney, is authorized, In the presence of the conrt, register, or recorder, respectively, to affix the stamp or stamps thereon required And provided farther, That no instrument, dorm • ment, or paper, made..sign ed. or issued prior to said first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty four, without being dulyetamped, or having thereon an ad hesive stamp or stamps to denote the duty imposed thereon, shall. for, that cause, if the . taw s or stamps required shall be:subsequently affixed, be deemed in valid and of no effect, and the holder thereof, or any person desiring to use the same, his agent or attorney. is authorised to Milk thereon the stamp or stamps re quired. That section one hundred and sixty be amended by striking out - after the words " nor on certificates, ' ' the cord- "or:" and-inserting in lien thereof the worA of and by striking out the words "other articles, end inserting In lien thereof the word "hay ," That section tine hundred and sixty-five be amended by.striking out in the proviso the words "act con tained." and inserting in lieu thereof the word "sec tion." • • _ . . • Tbat section one hnodred and sixty. seven be amended by drilling, out the word " or, ' where tt ocean the excond time. and Inserting, after:the word 'sell," the words "expose for sale." • That section one hundred and sixty. eight be amended by striking out the words "inciter or friction matches and cigar lights or wax taper's." That !action ono hundred and sixty•nine be amended bylneerting after the words "who shall offer" the words "or exycse and . by inserting after the words "so offered " words "er exposed.. " nyLis,' VOTES, ScC That "Schedule B." preceding section one hundred and seventy- one, in the paragraphs relating to "Bill of F.:change (inland)," be amended Ify striking out all of said paragraphs, and inserting in lien thereof the fol lowing; • Bill of exchange (inland), draft, or order for the pay ment of any sum of money, otherwise than at sight or on demand, for every hundred dollars, or fractional Part thereof, five (6) cente. Loan of money —Any,loin of money,or any advance of money on securitv.whether represented by note, car tificate, check, receipt, or other evidence, not otherwiee provided for, and not including mortgages, if on de mand, for every hundred dollars, or fractional part thereof. two (2) cents. • If to be paid at a time deeignated, for every hundred dollars, or healers' part thereof, five (6) cents: Provi ded, that any note or other evidence of debt, pay able on demand, shall he ',bid after thirty days froth the date unless it has been protested within that time, or shall have been stamped with duty, within that time, at the rate of five cents forevery hundred dollars or fractional part thereof; and any pawnbroker's certificate for an amount of loan less then five dollars shall not require to be stamped; and in t he paragr.aph marked "receipts," by inserting ; after the word ' . property, " the words • • except receipts lesned by any persons, firm, or com panies doing business as an exprese or express company on the delivery of any property ( or transportation; and that "Schedule C. " preceding section one hundred and seventy one, be amended in all the paragraphs con owning "playing cards." . by striking out, wherever it occurs. the Word-;" That section one hundred and seventy nine be amend ed by therefrom the words "if a, collector or deputy collector," and by adding at the end of the words " use of the United States " the words ' *and where any penalty is paid without snit, or before judg ment, and a moiety of the'same le claimed by any per son as informer, the Secretary of the Treasury, on ap plication to him. under en ch regulations as he shall pre ecribe.eb all determine whether any claimant is entitled to such moiety.' and to whom the same shall be paid. " MATCHES, EcO. Sno, 2 And be it further enacted, That from :and altar the patellae of this act the proviso to section one hr ud red and sixty. nine of the act to which this actin an amendment shalt not be held to aptly to inciter matches. friction matches, or other articles made in part of wood and need for jibe purposel i nor to cigar lights and wax tapers. ' COTTON. Sec. S. And be it further enacted. That from and after the Arct day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty five.there shall be levied, collected, and paid, in lien of the duty now provided by law, on all cotton upon which no duty has been levied, collected, or paid, and which is not exempted by law, a duty of six' cents per pound until the ffrat day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and on and after tha t, date a duty of five cents perpound. payable in coin. which isk all be and. remain a lien thereon until mild duty shall have been .pa'd, in the poseesPion of any person or perm s .whom ',lever; and ile allowance-or drawback which shall hereafter be allowed upon articles on which any Inter nal d Miele or tax shall - bays been paid, manufactured exclusively of cotton. shall be at the same'rato per pound on such articles so manufactured. - .when ex ported. as stall be proven, to the satisfaction of tbe Secretary-of the Treasury, under ouch regulations as he may preecribe, to have been actually paid per pound on the cotton from which said artiolaa are mann faotnrcd. • ADDIrOVEL DUTIIIB Stec. 4. be it further enacted, Thalia addition to the duties imposed in section ninety. fonr of tho act to which this is an amendment, as bereinhefore amended, there shell be levisd.. eollected. and paid upon the goods, WRNS, and merchandiee therein mentioned, ex cept es hereinafter otherwiee provided, an-increase of one fifth or twenty per cantina of tie duties or rates of duty now provided in said eection, whether ad valorem or specific : Provided. That the additional duties or re tea of duty, herein mentioned shall not apply to coal, illuminating oil, refined. anknaptha benzine and bon . role. inner of all descriptiolls, printed books, maga pamphlets. reviews, and similar publications, *cotton. manufactured topiterweariff.ulgars. cigarettes.' PILTROLNITE. • PEC. 6 And be a further enacted, That Oxen shall be levied. collected, and paid on all crude peiroleum or oil that may be produced arid Fold, or removed for conetunpthint tir sale, P. dot y of aiz cents on sack mid PEBRVARir *very ; and alt petrolen a or rock oil that may be in rumness:on of the producers at the place of produc liOn; as oforseatd, shall be held. and treated as it pro. e.ticed on that ; and the said duty shall be paid by the owner, t gent, or saps rittendent of the welt from whirls the petroleum or reek oil has been produced • within •tire days after the time• of rendering the . account required to be. rendered by law' of petro. hum or rock oil en chargeable 'with duty; and' ths said duty, shall be a lien upon the same and on , the well prcdocing the same, with the buildings', An tares, waited', machitery and tools, and on • the • lot or tract of land where the eame may be, until the . said duty shall be paid; and the person paying such duty, if other than the actual owner of said petroleum, shall have a lien on such petroleum for the reoaynient of the duties so advanced by Lim: Provided. That any parson • who shall produce petroleum or rock oil, and nee or re line the came without baying paid the duty aa aforesaid, shall. in addition to all other penalties and forfeitures, bo liable to pay doable the amount of duties as Vora enc. a. And be itfurther enacted, That every portion who shall be the earner of any well producing veina l'.une or rock oil, or who shall have 'such welt under his euyerlntendence, either as agent for the owner or on Me own account, and every person who shall use any wallas aforesaid, either as owner,agent, or other ise. shall, from day to day , make true and exact en. I try, or cause to be entered in a book to bo kepi for that PlisPose the number of gallons of crude petroleum or rook oil produced , and also the number "of gallons re• moved' for storage, or for eats, dr• for consumption; which book shall be epee at all times when ragdired for the inspection of the assessor, a asistant - sesa me. collector, deputy collector or inspector, who may take any memorandums or transcript thereof; and on the first, eleventh, and twenty; firet days of each and ever, 'month, or within nye days thereafter, the owner.agont • or aorerintendent, shall reader to the :meteor of the district an account In duplicate of the number of gal lons of petroleum or Yook oil produced, and also of the number of gallons sold,. andel the number of gallons removed for consumption, or sale, or etorage,'not be• fore accounted for. • : Sac. 7. And be it further enacted, That all petroleum or rock oil, the game is used or removed for any Purpose. shall be !nepenthe and ganged by some inspee. tor silvan tad for the performance of. each duties, who shall mark upon the °ask, tank,•or other vessel. Con taining euchpeirolenm or rock oil, in a, manner to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the quantity of the contents of such cask, tank or yes. eel, with the date of Inapection and the name of the in mentor, and shall make a return of all petroleum or rock oil eo inepected, with the name ot. the producer to the collector, and a duplicate thereof to the assessor 'of the diets iot,.:and any person who shall attempt frau In bendy to evachithe payment of the duty upon any pee. trolenmor.rock-oill, by changing in any manner the mark upon any such east, tank or veinal, 'hall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars for each caak, tank, or vessel so altered or changed, to be recovered in the manner provided for Oa recovery of penalties Imposed by the act towhich this act is an amendment ;and any in spector or other person who shall knowingly put upon •any such cask, tank, or vessel any false or fraudatent mark shall be liable to the• same penalty herelabefore provided for each cask, tank, or vessel so frandalantlY marked; and any person who *hall purchase or sell any empty cask, tent, or Teasel with the inspection marks thereon, or who shall use the same without removing it e inspection marks therefrom, for the purpose of mall Mg say other petroleum or rock oil than that so inspect eel, shall be subject to alike penalty foreach cask, tank; or vessel so parobased, sold, or need. • - • • . IeATOI3IM, RTC., 11e,1301M. : Sic. 8. And be it further enacted, That Inclfor or ['lotion matches, and cigar lights and Wax tapers, may be transferred, witht ut payment of duty, directly from the place of. manufacture to a bonded warehouse established inconformity with laWaud treasury. regu lations, and upon the execution of such transportation bonds, or other eecurlty as the Elms tary of the Treaen. ry may ptescribe, said- bonds to be taken by the col lector in tie district from which such removal ie made, and may be withdrawn there from for consumption after affixing the stamps thereto, as provided by the act to wbich.this act is an amendment, or may be removed therefrom for export to a foreign country without pay ment of duty or affixing stamps thereto, la conformity With the provisions of the act aforesaid, relating to the remo vat of distilled spirits, all the rules and regalatione aid conditions of which, as far es - applicable, shall apply tolncifer ortriction matches, cigarlights, and wax tapers inbondedwarehotise; and no drawback shall in any case be allowed -upon any-Inciter or friction matches, cigar lights, or wax tapers upon which any 01[01813 duty- has been paid, or stamps affixed, either.beforo or after they have t een placed In bonded warehouse. SECURITY 131141IIIREDTROU TOBACCO MAVUFAC. TIMERS.. Erto:9. Avid be 2i:further ejected,' That' ny parson required bylaw to be licensed as a mannfaetnree of to bacco. enurf,_ or cigars, before said license is leaned. shall give a bond to the United .litates in such sum as shall be required by the Collector, and with one or more sureties to be approved by the collector, conditioned that he will comply with all the requirements of law in regard to any.perrons, firms, ocmpanies, or corpora tions engaged in the manufacture of tobacco, snuff. or cigars; that ho will not manufacture nor employ others to manufacture tobacco, snuff or cia ars without drat obtaining the requisite permit for such manufacture that be will not engage 'in any attempt by himself or by cohesion with others to defraud the Government of any duty or tax on soy manufacture of tobacco. snuff, °roisters; that-he will render truly-and correctly all the returns etatemente, and invontories prescribed for manufacturers of tobacco, endir. and cigars, and will pay to the collector of the d ietrict all the duty or taxes which may or should be amassed and one on an any to bacco, stuff. or cigars, so manalactured, and that he will not knowingly sell. purchase, or receive for sale any such tobacco, - anuff, or cigars which has not been imported. branded. or stamped as required by law, Or upon which the tax has not been paid. LOTTERY DEALERS. • Enc. 10. And be it fuither enacted,' That all persons and every person who shall engage or be concerned in the business of a lottery dealer without having ant ob tained a license so to do, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one thousand dollars; to be assessed by the assessor of the proper district, and * collected as assessed tales are collected. subject, nevertheless. to the provisions of this act relating to erroneous assessments,' and shall, on conviction by any court of jurisdiction, suffer int prironxcent for a period not exceeding a year, at the discretion of the court:* :And. it shall be the duty of alt managers and proprietors. and their agents, to keep, or cause to ho kept, just and true books of account wherein all their transactions 'shall be plainly and legibly set fcrth, which books of 'account shall at all reasonable times and hour s be subject to the inspection of the asses sor, assistant Weiner.' revenue agent, and inspector of the proper district; and any manager, proprietor, agent. or vender under this ,act, who shall refuse or prohibit such Inspection of his or their books, as aforesaid, shall pay a penalty of one thousand dollars, or suffer impri. sonment for a terra not extorting one year for every such offence. ' . BSPORTAT;ON.\ Sro, 11. And be it further enacted, That in any port of the United btates in which there is more than one _collector of interval revenue. the Secretary of the Tres- Bury _lsbell designate one of said. collectors to have charge of all matters relating to the exportation of articles subject to duty under the laws to provide in to! teal revenue,. and at such poet as the Secretary of the Treasury may doem necessary, there shall be an officer appointed-by him to euperintend all matters of exporta tion and drawback, under the direction of the col Mo tor, whose compensation therefor shall bepresorlbed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding, however, In any case, an annual *rate of two thousand dollars; which, together with the office expenses of such super intendence, shall not be included in the maximum of the aggregate expenees of the office of the said' col looter% -And all books, papers, and documents in the bureau of drawback In the elfrerent ports relating to the thaw back of duties paid under the internal revenue laws, shall be delivered to said collector of internal revenue. °sinner.. raovnioNs. - Eso. 12. And be it further enacted. .That all provi sions of any former act inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed: Provided, however; That no duty impored by any previons?act,'which hgs br come due or of which return has been - or ought to be made, shall be remitted or released by this act; but the same shall be collected and paid, and all fines and penal ties heretofore incurred shall be enforced and collected , and all offences heretofore committed shall be punished air this act had not bees passed and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, ,under the direction of the Secre tary of Treasury, is authorised to make all necessary regulations, and to prescribe ill necessary forms and proceedings for the collection of such taxes and the en forcement of such fines and Denalthar for the execution , of tho provisions of this act. DATE OP ENHOROEIDINT. SEC. 13. And k it further enacted, That thte sot h all be in force and effect on and after the fret day of April, in the year e ighteon hundred and sixty- Aye. SALES OF PERSONAMTROPBETT The following amendment will be offered by Mr: Morrill, when in order, to bill H. R: 744: SEe. 10. And le *ft further enacted. That from' and after the brat day of April, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eixty-live, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on all sales of produce and mer chandise and other article., including all personal pro per iy ,but not including bullion or coin of ally description, nor securities for money, evidences of debt, nor sales made at auction, one-half of one per centum whereat° amount of such sales exceeds fifty dollars in any one month, the amount of salet4o be returned by the vender monthly; In the game manner and at the eame time as is Provided by law for the returns of mannfacturas; and all the provisions of the ect to which this act is an amend ment, relating to the assessment and collection, white the enforcement of the law relating to manufactures, shall extend to and be applied, as fax as applicable, to sales of produce and merchandise as aforesaid. This section to remain in force for the pealed of one year, during which period no personor perskne who shall be required the tax or duty enforced by title sec tion oh oh be required Wray an additional license tax or duty where the rate of such license tax or duty Di graduated, under existing law, by thoamount of sales or receipts..... , MACHINERY AND lit 0111: WM. M. FA.I:9IR & • STEAM-MO Ma n ta BUILDERS. IRON FOUNDilti: GENERAL ILLORIDIIBI43 , ADTD::BOILER MAXUS. , . . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PASSENGER STAT/GM: • PITTSBURG, PENNA.. • . Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranging from three to one hundred and Iftr horsepower, and suited for Grist Mille, Saw Mills. Blast Farrtoe*, 0/1 Wellsrdro., Give particular attention to the construction of En gines and Machinery for 01l boring and pumping opera. tions. Have always on hand, finished and ready for shipment. ENGINES and BOILERS 'of every &noel,- Mon. Orders from all parts of the country solicited and promptly filled. isl6.Bm J. VAPOHAIS XERRIOX. . WILLIAM EL MERSICKE sour( H. cora. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET& PHILADELPHIA. MERRIL/FL do SONS, ENGINEERS AND mAcanners, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Rollers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Arc.; Gast ingsuf all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas, Works, Workshops, Zall• roadStsdions,dm. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Ift proved construction. Every description of Plantation Xachinery, gush as Sugar, ' and Grist Mins, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators,Pliters, Pimping Engines &a. Bole agents for N. Rib leux.'s Patent Sugar. Boiling Ap- "argue, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspin wall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal' Sugar.Drainini Machine. y - rC PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS: —SUSIE dr LEVY. PRACTICAL AND, THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CBI:MISTS. • BOILERMAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years , . been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in banding and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pres sure, Iron Boilers. Water Tanks, Propellers, &c., are., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma rine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different' sizes, are prepared to execute 'orders' with quick despatch. Every description of,pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tubular, and . Cylinder Bollere,•of the beet Penn sylvania charcoal iron Porgings of all sizes and kinds, Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll- Turning, Screw-On ring, and all other work connected With the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge. and work guaranteed, The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks. falls, Sc., go., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NRAFIS, JOHN P. LEVY.' 3.321-tt • BEACH and PALMER Streets. MORE/AN, - ORR, CO., STEAM ER. GIN& WILDER/3 Iron Pounders . and Genera/ Meek/nista and Boiler Makers. Nn. 1;419 CALLOW. HILL Street. Philadelphia. t") .. BAN'S 'GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, 'MX AND PIPE 217011 W,. No. 413, CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, rt . Dean keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keeps iho greatest varle , . • . Dean keeps the largest general stock . Ton can get any kind of Tobago. - Ton can get any kind of gars; Ton san get any kind of Pipes E Ton can get any kind of Snit, AT DEAN'S GREAT TOBACCO ISTOX.B. No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, r&, When you go to Dean's you can get anything ,yon Want in the way of Fine Gilt and Smoking Tobse sees Domestic and Havana Cigars, Pipes, Dean keeps the largest general stock of Tonacee. Cigars, Pipes, dm.. in the United States. •, Dean's sales are so extensive that he can afford,* sell at about one-half what others sell for. Dean sells to the Army of the Potomac. Dean dells to the Army of the James. , Dean sells co the Army of the Tennessee. Dean sells to the Army of the Cumberland. - Gunboats all order their Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes,. 41re. from DEAN'S, No. 413 CHEST N UT Stmt. Pennsylvania merchants all buy at Dean's. • New Jersey merchants all buy at Dean's, Delaware merehants all buy at Dean's, As they tan always get just what they want, and • at a much lower price than they can elm3where, and they do not have to yield up their' goods at a dosen• little stores. All goods ordered are guaranteed to give satisfsetiok Order once and you will always order from Dean's, as his plug and flue cut chewing and smoking tobaccos , and cigars are far superior to alt others, and tie sells for much less. DEAN'S, No. 413 0/IBSTNUT Street, 1:6234f Philadelnkia. n H ERMETICALLY BEALED. MEATS a-a AND 13017P8. . 1,000 dos Sausage Meat. • . . 600 Roast Beef. " do Veal. 1500 " do Mutton. - 1, 000 " do Turk. y. " do Chicken,' 0,000 " assorted Son e. In 1. I. tg Ib. csua. . For sale by ERODES & wILLIA.MB. he-tf . 107 South WATER Street.. F ISH AND CANNED MEATS. 600 bble Moo and No 1 NOokerol. 2000 saw canned Moats. Lobsters, Bto 'For male by . P. 0 RUEROIIGH. de.9l)-Bia - 1.18 FNONT Eltripst, RAILROAD LINES. IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA.- FELLERS. —For tall ihformition In referents to Sta- Sons, Distances, and Connections, Illastrat by one hundred Hallway Naos, representioirthe prißdpal Ball ways of the country, see APPLETON'S RAILWAY ODIDB. nolit-Oes. pENNBYL . VANIA. CENTRAL RAIL -A- ROAD. OHANGF, OF TIME AND DEPOT. - - • On and after Monday, December 26th, Mt, the trains &the Pennsylvania Railroad will leave the New Depot, at THIRTIETH and MARKET Ste.. Instead of Eleventh and Market Streets, aa heretofore: The Second and 'I bird. Fourth and Eighth, Oreen and Coater. Fifth- anit Sixth. Union Line. Tenth and Eleventh. Thirteenth and Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Nineteenth City Pastenser Railways, connect with the Mara et• street Railway. whole care run• to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot In West Phlladel phis, •••• The . cars of the Market.etreet Passenger Railway leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour previone to the time of departure of each Train, and allow about 30 minutes for a trip. Their cars are in waiting on the arrival of eaoh Train to convey Passengers into the city. • On SITS DAYS—Care leave.Einventh and Market Sts. at 7.46 P. M.. to connect with Pittsburg and Erie Mall. and at 10.36 P. M. with Philadelphia Express. Mann's Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. 81 donth Eleventh street. Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, ran have 1t done at reasonable rates upon application to him. TRAINS LEAVE AEII ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: • LaAVB MAIL TRAIN.... a! 800 PAOLI ACCOMMODATION. No. 1.... 10 00 Is 'PA5T.......... 12.00 M. PARKIBEURCF' " 110 P. H. RARRIBBDRO ACCoMMODLTION... " 2.30 " LANCASTERIACCOhimoDATION..... " 4_oo " • PAOLI TRAINNo. 2 " 5.30 " PITIBI3OIIO AND ERIE MA1L....... " 830 " PIIILADELPfIIABXPRESS ...... " 11.10 " ARRIVR. PITTSBURG AND ERIE " 7.06 30 A. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. " 8.20 " PARRESBURG « 9.3 0 401 LANCASTER " .12 30 P. H. PAST LINE " 12.50 ' PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. 4 4. 40 MAIL TRAIN " 5.45 " Accommotoviiinr.... " 9.40 " • Philadeiphla Express leaves dally. 'Pittsburg and Erie Mall leaves dally (except Saturday). All other Trains daily (except Sunday.) • For further information, as to time and connections. sea bills and framed cards. or apply to JOHN F. VANLEER, JR., Ticket Agent. • At the Depot. • An Emigrant Train rune daily (except Sunday.) For fulllnforinatlon as to fare and accommodations, apply to •' • • • FRANCII FUNK. fel. tr • 137 DOCK Street. 1864. NAVvYO GE RK MBIM Liii6• I 11864 • THE CAMDEN AND Aml3°4 PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAMEOAD COMPANY'S LINER FROM PHILADELPHIA TO • NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. • WIL F L ROM LLi w iT L E NuT AI3 " 7 " IIO WOHWASTITIZ: At 6 A. M , via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Asp eommodation 82 a At 8 A. X'. Tia Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express At 12 M., Camden and Amboy. 0. and A. As eommodation . . ... . ..'. . . . . . 2 U At 2 P. M:, via Camden and Amboy.• 0. and A. Ix- 31111118 ...... ....,...:...... 3li At IP.M. , via Camden and Amboy, Actommods. ' • tion (Freight and Passenger) .. 1 TI At 6P. Id.. yla Camden and Amboy Aroommoda- ._ tion (Freight and Passenger)—lst glass Ticket... 221 Do. do. ad leap Ticket— 160 At 113x' P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aocommo- _ _. dation (Freight and Passenger)-Ist Clan Ticket. I 26 Do. do. • 2d Chum Ticket. 160 For Belvider e Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, ac.. at 9.110 P. H. . . For Mount Holly, swannyllle,_ A. Pemberton, and Vin cerdown, at 6 M. 2 and 6P. AL For Freehold at 6 A. M. amid 2 P. M. For Palmyra, - Riverton, Delanoo. Beverly, Edgewa ter, Burling ton,• Florence. Bordentotnt, &c., at 6 and .11:30 A. N. 1. 3.30,6, 6, through P. The 3.90 and OP. N. li nesrun direct to Trenton. 'For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano. Beverly, and Bele 'beenat 7 P.. ES'FROM 13.11118INGITON DEPOT WILL I.3AITJI AS FOLLOWS: 11.16 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey Olty; - • -- 'Express At 4.99 P. K , via Kensington and Jersey City.Ex ' • press 300 At 6.46. P hf...via Kensington and Jersey 'City. Washington and New York Itsprese 8 00 . At 12 P. M (Night), via Kensington and Jersey City. Wailhinglon • and New York The 6.46 Y. H. Line will, run daily. All others Sun daars excepted.. • For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca. Owego, Bo= *heater, Binghampton, Great Bend Montrose , barre, Scranton Strondebnrg. Water Qap, Mena Chunk, Allentown , Bethlehem, Belvidere. Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, do., at 7.16 A. IC This line connects with the' train leaving Baston for Kalish Chunk at 3.30 P. It. For Lambertville at 6 P. M. on Satur For Bristol. Trenton. no.. at 7.16 and 11.1 e A. It.. 3 and 6P. K. and 12 midnight. , - For 1101mesbrirg, Tacony,'.WissonomingOltideeineg. and Frankford. at 9.k. K. 6, G. and 9R EL toftagt r . I tt. s :Ji o etr, d o7F e litT i ;j in t::o_, l r i a v h i aVslia kali an hour before departure. The care run Into Una Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from 'the _ My pounds of Baggage only allowed each passenger. -Passengers are prohibited from tekanything no bag gage but their wearing apparel. CompAgage over ally pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their .responsibllity for baggage to One Dollar per_i,orind, and Will not be liable for any amount beyond .1103, except by special contract. Graham's Baggage Express will eall for and derel Uggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 wal ant street. ' WILLIAM H. GIATZKEIL Agent. December 21, 1864. • . LIMBS FROM NUM YORK FOB PHILAXIBLPS7A. - ,111711.7. LEAVE FROM 78lic 7007 07 00011TLAND STREW, ,wand d 4-P. M., via Jersey City and via Jar At 7. 10 11,ii A M., P. 11. and 12 (Night). via Jer sey City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 8 A. M. and 2 P.M.. via Amboy and Camden. Prom Pier No. 1.; North river, tl2 M. 4, and 8 P.M. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Cam den. del-tf aMME 1865. 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL- ROAD. —This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLNANTA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and is operated by them.' • Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17th, 1864. , TIME OP PASEBNOEEITELIME AT PHILADELPHIA. Leave Westward. . Mall Train— ... ..... . ....... 8.80 P: M. Lock Haven Accommodation Train... -... —B.OO A. N. Passenger cars run through on ali Train without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and X 1441. Elegant Sleeping Oars on Elmira Express Tight both ways between Philadeirbiafand Lock Haven, and on Elmira Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business, apply corner THIRTIETH and XARKET Ste.. Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Aents. S. B. KINGSTON, Jr. corner THIRTEEN T H and MARKET Streets; Philadlphia. - - .7. W. REYNOLDS, Brie, J. H. ,DRILL , Agent N. C. N. 8 ., Baltimore: H. H. Homo, General Frei h t t Arent 'Philadelphia , H. w etwrfutzs, ' General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia - . JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager. Williams Port. amiwpma PHILADELPHIA, WILIONGTOL -AID BALTI- MORS RAILROAD. • Tani TARXII - MONDAY JANUARY 16. MEI. Trains will leave Depot, corner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: __ _ . Express. iYai . n. at iCt; A. M. (Mondays excepted), for . Baltimore and Washington, stopping at WDmington,. Perryville, Havre de•Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's.• and Magnolia. Way. Mali Train, at 8.16 A.M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations, connecting. with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Milford. Salisbury, and intermediate stations. Express Train at 1 16 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for- Baltimore and Washington, stopping. at Chester. Wil mington, Elkton, Perryville. and Havre-de-Grace. Expt'oss Train at 5.55 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North- Sash Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Perryman's. and Magublia Night Express at 11.16 P. M. for Baltimore And Wash ington, stopping at Cheater _Only to take Baltimore and ashington passengers). Wilmington, Newark, Rik-. ton, North-East, Perryville; and Havre-de-Grace. Passengers for FORTRESS MONROE will take the 8.16 A. M. train. . . • ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Sicai:onebeiween Philadelphia and WU mthgton._ Leave Philadelphia at 11 A. M., 2. - 8.30,6.30. and 10 P. M. The 333 P. al. train- conneete with Delaware B. E. for Milford and intermediate Etatiolll. Leave Wilmington at 6.0, 8, and 9.30 A. M.. 230 and 6.90 P. M. THROUGH TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington 'FOR 11.,_1.21, 8.33, and 9.64 P. M. CREAMER PRLLADBLPHIA. Leave Chester at 7 16, 8.43; 10.14 A. M , 12.36, 3.13, 4.64, 7.20, antl 9.06 P. M. MIDDAY TRAINS. "Express Train at 06 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash. ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville Havre-de. .Grace, Aberdeen. Perryman's. and Magnolia. Night Express at 11.10 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and Washington passengers), Wilmington, Newark. Elk. ton, North-East, PerryilllP. and Havre de•Orase Accommodation Train at 10 P. M. for Wilmington and way stations. BALTIMORE FOB PHILADELPHIA. . _ . . . . Leave Baltimore at 9.21 P. M., stopping at Havre-de- Grace. Perryville, and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to take tAssengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or • Baltimore), and Cheater to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M. - FROM B<JMOBB TO PHILA.]) LP/lIA. Leave Baltimore 9.25 A. M Way Ma ; 1.10 P. M., Express •;_ 4. 26 P. M.. Way Triin; 6.36 P. M., Express; 9.26 P. 13x real. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at 8.67 A. M. 1.60 and 11.60 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.13, 9.40 A. M., 2.25, 6.02. and 12.55 P. M. Freight Train, with. Passenger Car attached, will leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate sistioni at 7.66 P. 11. j fi • , H. F. KENNET. Sup't. aiffifilM 1865. - P HI L DELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE to all points WEST. The direst route for the Mt- OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA ..d B WILLIAAISPORT BUFFALO, SUSPENSION RIDGE. ELMIRA. NIAGARA FALLS, and all places in the Western and Northwestern State* and the Canada& TWO. THROUGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Depot, Thur. teen th and Callowhill streets, !daily (Sandals ex cepted ,) for the North and West. as follows: Morning Express at BA. M • Afternoon Express at 3.801 P M. Making a direct connection with all intersecting roads. "' FOR THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and further Particulars concerning tho different routes., apply at the TICKET OFFICE. 425 CHESTNUT Street, under the Philadelphia Bank. and opposite the • Onto= House. N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent, 42.5 Chestnut street. JOHN S. HILLES. General Agent, jag Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. airaißEi WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. • NEW ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY,' January 2, 1865, Trains will leave Ooni WALNIIT.STREET PIER as follows: • For CAPE MAY, and all places south of hilliv.ille. at 9 A. 6f. and 8 F.• M. For MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM, and all in termediate Places south of Glassboro, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. For GT,AESBORO at 9sA. M . 12 30 P. M., and 9 P. M. For • WOODEURY, aLorpozsnu, 9 A.. M., 1140 P. - Al., a and 6 P. M. • RETURNING. Leave Cape May at 8.80 A. M. and 11.45 A. M. • Leave Mitiville at 9 A. M. and S P. M. Leave BAdgeton at 7. 10 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. . Leave Salem at 7 A. M. and 8 P. M. LOOM Woodbury at 7, 8.45, and 10.44 A. M., and 4.48 P. M.' THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all the usual branches of Express Buds nese, receive. deliver, and forward through other re eponeible Express Companies, to . all pal - tea the country, 4117 article entrusted to them. A Special Messenger accompanies each Through Praha. Office, No. 5 WALNOT Street. . J. VAN RENSSELARR,Superintendent. .PrniADELYnte, January 2, 1865. • ia3-tf ant ~";;I'l WEST C ESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY, Oct 10, 1864, the baba will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia). at &lb and 11 AM. and at 2, 4.16, and 6 . 30 P M Leave West Chester at 6 36. 8 lb, and 10 30 A. M.. and 1.80 and CM P. 111 Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.16 A. IL and 4.16 T. N., and West Chester erg 16 A. M. and 4.80 P. M., ton nest with trains on the Baltimore Central Railroad far Oxford and intermediate points. On Sundays leave Philadelphia at 8.30A.M and P. M. Leave West Chester at BA. M and 4P. IL On Sundays the cars of the West Philadelphia Pan- Ranger Railroad Company will leave Eleventh Snd Mar ket streets at thirty minutes before the starting time of trains from the West Philadelphia Depot, and will be at the Depot to convey passengers int* the oltY on the arrival of each train. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and in no case will the Company be re sponsible for an amount exceeding SM. o.7HENRY WOOD. Snrerintendaat. angamitt RARITAN AND D ELAWARE BAY RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. - FARB. $5l. EX° °BRION TIOKETB. GOOD FOB TERRI DAYS, $3. Fomenters for Expreaa Train for Tuokerton, Barne Tome Elver, Long Branch, and Brooklyn leave STREET FERRY at 11 16 A. )L, daily (Sundays 'amoied), ay:dying at Brooklyn at P: M. Rolarning, leave WALL-STREET FIERY. Bradt. lyn, at 9A. M. - Way Train for Melon, Shaming, Manchester. at; he. le IVO' COOPill'i Polnt:at 7.46 A. M. • L. Di 9 0 141 Aant, gloom, t O. NORM PENlTSYL aftainli VAN I A SM.I I /LOAD —7' IiSTELLHEM. 'DOY.I,StITOWIt DUMB Offlng. YASTOZUWILLTAMSPORT, W1%181;23110, &a. WINTER ARRANCW NT. PaAlle sr Trains leer* the new Depot, TRIED Wrest: • above raamyeo2 street, 42117 (Sccetays szsepted). M follows: . - - . At 7.30 A. M. (ltipr000) for Itothlthom, Allostowl4 Mauch Oitzak. HuMoir. Wllliartisport, Darn, dm . At 3.30 P. M. Altioprets) for Bethlehem,. Seaton-, bit. At 5.15 P. X. for Bethlehem, AlleMown. name °hunk. For Dorleiltown at 9.50 A. X. and ClO P. Y. For Fort Washington at 2.16 P. IL 7or Lansdale at 6.16 P. M. White carrot the Beoond and Thlrd-streets Line 0117 Passenger Railway min dlrestly to the new Depot. T R • 1/18 FOR , PRILADELPHIA. P. Leave lL Bethlehem at 0.30 A. N.. 10.02 A. U.. and 0.11 Lear* Doylestown at 6.30 A. IL tad 3.46 P. X. Deasy Lansdale at SAO A. N. LOlllB Fort Waalanston S at t2B P. K. ON UNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestowa at 9M A. K. and 2.16 P.M.-, Doylestown for Philadelphia at la. K. and 2 P. N. n 01.4 , ELLIS OL.A.BK. Asoitt. EXPRESS COMPANITEN. ainamg . THE ADAMS EX. PRESS COMPANY, 08ee a' CHESTNUT Street, forwards Paresis. Packages, Her etwidlse. Bank Notes, and Specie.," either b_y Its own lines or in connection with other Express Commnies, to. all the principal Towns and Cities in the United X. 8. SaNDIPOILD, :fd7 • funeral Superintendent. PROPOSA.LB. (111 - RTERMASTER , I3 - OFFIOIt, "RV Corner TWELFTH and OLEARD Streets, PHILADILPNIA. Feb 7 ISM SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this °dice until 12 o 'clock clock M. on MONDAY. February 13. lies, for the Immediate delivery at the United States Store house, HANOVER. Street Wharf, properly packed, and ready for trat.wportateer. of 200 SETS SIX-MULE WAUON HARNESS, complete. The be of the beet quality and make, and sub ject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Oovernment. , The above-described Harness to be made In accord. ance with sample and specifications, to be seen at the Hanover-street /Henhouse,. Bidden will state, price both In writing and figures (to include boxes and delivery), the Quantity bid for a and the shortest time they can de liver them in All proposals must be made out on printed blanks, which may be had on application at this office, other wise the bid will be rejected. Each bid meet be guaranteed- by two responsible per sons, whose altsaturee meet be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good, and siiilletent security for the amount involved. by the United Btrales District Judge, Attorney, or Collector; or other public °Seer ; otherwise the bid will net be considered. The right in reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of thin advertise ment. win not be considered. By order of Vol. Herman Dins, U. B. A.. Chief Quar termaster. OBOHOR B. OHIIR fe7.61 ' • • Captain ind A. Q. if. nuARTE RNA 13. TE RI 13._ OFFICE, `cif/ corner TWELFTH and 0111aRD Streets. - . PHILADRLPHIA, Pa., Februar 4, EEL BELLED PROPOSALS will be received at 'this °flee Until 12 o'olock M. FRIDAY, February 10, lin, for the immediate delivery at the United States Store hostile, Hanover-street wharf, properly packed, and ready for traportation, of the following described Quartermaster's stores—viz: 2,000 yards Enameled Cloth, GO Inches wide, best qua ... 1,000 Horse Collars, 17 to 22 inches-1101'n akin. 2,000 Wagon Covers, 10 oz. ,cotton6[ack, as par aam pie of United States Storehoule; one yard sam ple of dock required. 2,t00 Mule Collars, 16 to 17 Inches—hog's skin 2. 2,000 yards Cotton Duck, 28 inches, wide. f(08. 10 and 1 600 pairs Mule Barnes, 17 inc Les from top to bottom • • 20;000 pounds Harness Leather , oak.tanned. 13% tbs per aide when finished, marked Harness Leather, with weight. 1, COO side s Bridle Leather, oak-tanned. 10 to 11 Ms per 'side when finished. marked Bridle Leather andnumber of sides in each roll; with weight. 5.000 pounds oil- tanned Leather, thin aides. 50 Parklins,qo be made in the beet manner, of 1.5-or. cotton duck, 2835 inches quality, army stand. ard, with tablings all round; size 20x30 feet tchen_h• 'sighed, as per sample of Pardin at Hanover. atreet Store house-1 yard sample of duck required_ 20 pieces ltattingt. 1.3.4 yarde wide, blue and green. 3,01;0 Whips, blacksnake , all leather,solid, full weight and size. 600 pounds Spanish Whiting, dry, in 10-tb papers. 3CO pounds Chrome Green, in oil, 2. 3, and 5. lb cans. .600 pounds Gum Shellac, - 25 pounds Pumice Sinus. 'pox dared.— 5,000 pounds White Lead in 60 and 1(0-lb kegs (Lewis' All of the above-described to be of the beat gaality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. Bidders will state price, "to inn/tufa boxes and de livery,." bott4in writing and figures, the quantity bid for, and the time stated; schedule prices will be received. . • ' All samples to be sent to the Government Warehouse. Hanover-street wharf. • . - • All proposals most be made out on printed 'blanks. Which may be had_on' application at this office; other wise the bid will be rejected. - Each bid must be 'guaranteed by two responsible per sons.whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee. and certified to.anbeirig goad and snffi cleat security for the amount involved by the United States District Judge, Attorney orS,edlector, or other ' public officer; otherwise the bid will not be considered. The right ls reserved to . reject all bide deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the reonirements.of this adver tisement, will not be considered. By order of fe4-8t ' I :7.11‘,.i AI DBLAWARE larrtraz - , BABETY INSI7RANCE_QMPAST. INCORPORATED BY TRE LEGISLATORS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1835. • OFFICE CORPSE . TRIRD MALPIDT •6TH& : PHILADELPHLL oNlrtssEts, - meßuis INSI7RANOS PRETOCARGO. ITo all Darts of the World. ar, INLAND INS On Goods, by Rivers C iarti ..h r L t i r le kN tr gd E :Land•Citrriatta. ENSURANOBI On Merehandise Plß On Stores, .Dwelltteliges, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. ' - November 1 1864 $lOO,OOO traitml !States Five Perent.Len,'7l.lBloo,oG) CO in, 000 Six -'Bl. 118 Mb Ce 75,000 " Six • " " 5.86 s 75,552 60 100,C00 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. • - Loan 03,88510 54,003 State an _ of Pennsylvania Six-Per Cent. -. Lo 65.840 GI 1.28,051 City of Philadelphia Six Per Ct. Loan 121.520 37 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Pint Mort gage Six Per Cent. Bonds.— ' 22.000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second ./Ifort gage Six Per Cent. Bonds 12,250 00 16,000 50 Shares Stock Germantown Cu Company; principal aid ?illit‘O. guaranteed y the city of Philadel p .16.3C0 00 6,600 130Bh hia ares Stock Penusilvartm:nall road Company... 9,100 00 11 4 ,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad 3,000 00 150.000 United States Treasury Cart:Moat& of Indebtedness 49.426 00 90,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct. Loan. 1.2,000'00 96,700 Lsecured oans on Bond - and htortsage, amply • $868,260 Par. eclat 9849.100 60. !dirket valne.M7427 87 131113 meolvable for inweranees made. 118,330 19 Balanose one at - Agencies. —Freud - • rims on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due the Company • 28,799 24 Strip and Stock of smadrrinsn.rance and other Companies, 84.233. Bail mated value ' . 2,220 00 Cash on deposit with ll riited States Government, subject to ten days' call 400,00003 Banks... ...... 68,1 M 93 Cash' 937 90 . ----$158.092 49 ' DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand, , Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davis, • J. F. Peniston, Edmond A. Bonder. Theophilus Paulding. W He imra a nry SiGoemlioniton, John R. Penrose, -- 'Edward Darlington. James Traquair, H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, Janice C. Hand, James B McFarland. William C. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre, . Joseph H. Seal. Spencer Melly gine; George O. Leiner. • John B. Semple, Pittsbnr Hugh Craig. . . A. B.' Berger, Pittsburg Hobart Barton, THOMAS C. HAND President. ____ _.'' _- JOHN C. DAVIS, V i ce President. HENRY LYLEIIHN, Bearden , . - del6-Iy. TNBI7ItANCK • COMPANY OF - THE STATE OF PEN &SYLVANIA. —OFFICE. Nos. 4 and 5 RXCHANGB BUILDINGS, north aide of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Phlladel blila. INCORPORATED IN -1724-011ARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL *200,000. PROPERTIES OF TOE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, 11664, 3525.817 TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. FIRE. AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. dls DIRECTOES.I Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Mace!ester, Thomas B. Watson, William B. Smith, Henry 0. Freeman, William E. White, Charles S. Lewis. George H. Stuart, George C. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr.. : ' Edward C. Knight, .- John.B.• Austin. . .. . _, EMMY D WxLmuf itA3PER. Seas TH i. E Ari RELLUIC; INIMMANOR 00M- T or 11111aDILPNIA. (neorporated in Ha. Obarter Perpetual, OFFICE No. 323 WALNUT MEET. . . . . . - CAPITA.L, $300,000. Inan.res against lose or damage by FIRS Beneath' Stem., and other Buildings. limited or perpetual: and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country, LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS, $400.008.71. - Invested in the following Securities, vis: First Mortgageson City Property. well secured $103,0001X1 United States Government 141;000 00 Philadelphia City 6 percent. 60.000 00 Pennsylvania it. 3,000,003 8 per cent. Loan- - 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages- Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. L0an............ 6,000 Co Pkiladelphis and Reading Railroad Com • • 6 NA CD rtnqaeliran"lailteLoan _op tier sent. mort gage nds....- 4,580 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.... 1.060 00 Mechanics' Bank Stook .... 4.000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania 5t00k.... 10.000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stook. • . . 380 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia's Stock 1,000 00 Accrued Interest ......«» 5,455 92 Cash in bank and on 13,023 72 Worth at present market value —.............. Mt.= 71 _. DIRECTORS. Clem Tin l ey , Bud. W. Tingler. Wm. R. Thompson, Marshall Hill, William Kramer. Samuel Riche= - Vt o h %I:7'0. Leland. H_ L. Carson. J. Johnson Brown.. Hobert Steen. Thomas H. Moore. William litirrenson, CL: ThOMAII C. HILL, Socratic PromaromPau. Decembei LEGAL. TN TEIXORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITT AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of INOCR LAMING, deceased. • Notice is hereby given that the widow of said dece dent has filed in said Court her petition claiming the exemption slue of 3300. in cash, out of the said Estate, which she elects to retain under the act of.-April 14th, 1861, and its supplements, and that the same -will be approved by said Court on FRIDAY, February 17th, 1865, unless exceptions be filed thereto. A. THOMPSON, Attorney for Petitioner. =33 MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE,• 154 North ELEVENTH. below Race street—Dr. THO MAS ALLEN, very successful in the cure of almost every kind of disease, invites all to call at his Of. den, and see-that his treatment la free from shocks. Sir C SeldomSA discover,' has been made whichfails lathe mire of Epilepsy or Fits of any other kind. 'Any one desiring a knowledge of this practice can enter at any time for full instrnc• Cons. Cards and Tsstimonials at the Office.. Hours 9A. N. to 61'• H. Consnitations free. ' • Dr. THOS: ALLEN; Electrician. jal7.3m 154 ■. ELEVENTH St.. below Haps. ELECTROPATHIC 'ESTABLISH MIME for the cure of diseases incurable with me by Dr. A. H. STEVENS. ono of tjao discoverers of an entire new_ stem of ELECTRICAL PECA.OTIOL at 1418 South PENN BQUARB. /W. Please tall, or send for a yyamDhlet and learn PLT ticulare- 19 ° riefor Candi{ sir n 7610113 and others desiring _instruction ulall enter for a full course any time after MONDAY - , Janu ary 2d, 18Ati Any member of the class just Antehed EAT review 'without sus eharge• iai tf OHN c BASER it CO.'S COD LIVSH J —THE TEDVAIIID GIINIIINIr-Unimrwaltaed quallty sad effeeta—being the • SWEETEST Al‘W GIST PRIPABBA, • In Conchs, Colds, Brom:lats. Elfant, Ind,. plant Consumption, and all Scrofulous Ilsor_oplaints. It Oftentimes produces immediate and certats ereite wham other remedies bays been taken with Intl!, or no benefit. Sold by all Druggtela in the city. Ma by the WOW*. tor, Ito, TV) UAAKIT bINIt, irall-tuthoft Ocd. H. BIGGS, Chief Quarterxnaater 020:.E. O.IIMII Captain and A Q ,_ $1,201.664 02 . SHEBBEBD. Presidant. noll3-tf. $4011068 71 TINGLRY, President. I • rowsAtz"Aario TO LET. ARFOR BALE-403-RAITTIFUL AND VALUABLE PROPERTY. la West Philadelphia, farce garden, large stone mangey, bath homer, hot and cold water, water closet, faraitoes, if. house, large stone stable and coach house, plentY of shade, fruit aced Bowers. Pricelrge.f.(o. For farther particu lars apply at so.. 112. South YOUBTEE Street, thi rd story, front building • feBt r di HOUSE AND. FITRNITITRE lOR *jma 8111 T-11.12 BPRUCS Skeet. Lagers pa Mr premises. . fel-St• de. FOR BALE---A VALUABLE Brm- STORE &SW wifsmana ON SPRiNG GAR DEN Street. LEM and eonverdettt Will be aelil ebeap. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & fe7-31. - r2rag south. FOURTH 'Goat . FOR SALE- OR TO RENT—STATE _maHAL C0M3110.1101111 HEW DWBLLIDIOB, In northern part of the city, with all Ohs modern 100, venioncea. Bent $23 to t. 43 per month. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON., 614 CHESTNUT Streak Or. JOHN JACKSON. M-1.21* 1859 North TWELFTH Stmt. 4 SFOB BALE OR TO LET—A NUM— tier or convenient new DIVILLIN4IS. with modern hnprovernents, on Northleyanth, Twelfth, and Thir teenth streets. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON, 614 CHESTNUT Street, or at • noll-3m - 1858 North T WIILFTH Srreet. de LARGE AND VALUABLE. PRO maLPERTY SALE.— he very large and commo dious LOT and BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY Street. near the centre of liminess, containing 60 feet on Cherry street. depth lOS feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large ,art-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of SfZE AND POSITION are rarely met witi. Apply on the premises el FOR SALE.-T; E SUBSCRIBER own" offers for eels hie country seat, within half a mile of Wilmington. Delaware, on the Newport pike, con taining eight acres of good land, in the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, ate., in all over a hundred full-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and corrimodlone Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which is four storlea,in height. There are four large rooms on 'a door,with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The house ha s the tmodera improve— ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area .at the " kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a aarriage house and stable sufficient for four horses and several centaurs:Also, a hen, ice, and smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Oood garden. with several varieties of dwarf pear and grape vines in full bearing. There are also mayoral varieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terme accommodaiing. Possession given at any time. Apply to LEVI Q. CLARK, • no2i-tf 831 Market street, Wilmington, Del. m• TO RENT-A MODERN RESI DRNCE, with Garden, Stitble. and Carriage Hones. Gas, Hot and Cold Water, Shrubbery and Shade Trees: delightfully situated In a pleasant neighborhood, on the corner of Seventeenth and Tioga streets: combining all the advantages of city and country. 13eing three minutes' walk from station of steam cars, and Ave minutes' from horse cars and fifteen minutes' from the city. The - House'is completely furnished, and rand tare for sale.' Inquire at Quartermaster's Office. corner of OIRLED and TWELF nil Streets, drat door on right hand aide. de99 thatutf . a A VALUABLE BURLINGTON At COUNTY FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. -.a.. Will be sold at public sale, on seventh day. SA TURDAY.. the 11th twit, on the premises, all that superior and valuable Farm belonging to the enbecriber, situated in a healthy and delightful neighborn,od, four miles from the city of aurlingtnn,east of the Burlington and Mount Holly Railroad. adjoining lends of Ed. 0_ Jame a and others, containitut IN) 69-100 acres of superior land, in a high state of cultivation, adapted to grass. grain, fruit, dtm- -• •• • • Brisk Mansion House. and large and convenient out buildings, all. new within dye years, butt in the best manner, and of the beet materials, with an abundant supply of excellent water. Apple and Peach Orchard ; also, Pears, Cherries. &a.. all of the cho'cest varieties. Any person wishing to view the premises will ha shown the same by calling on Wm. 'R Deacon, residing thereon. Sale poeftive, to commence st 3 o'clock P. IL a Terme easy; will be madelnown at sale by ' 080. B. DRAGON.. BURLINGTON, New Jersey. Reference—Edwil. G James. 101 Walnut street; :Parrish- 312 Chestnut street. %. fe6.6t eft DESIRABLE DWELLINGS FOR int 13ALB, AND POSSESSION SOON. 1412 West Penn Square, four-story. • 1741 Lombard street, with Store attached—good busi ness stand. 1514 Green street; Lot,llMlfeet deep. 2332 Green street; Lot, 10x140 feet: 1002 Green street; Lot, 156 feet; Marble trent Double front, SG feet, Green at:, west of Nineteenth. MBA Green street, Cottage, with lot 25a1.60. With many:othere in deeirableaocatione - B. V. GLENN, IW3 South FOURTH Street and . fe4-tf S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN- dFOR SALE-VERY DESIRA BLB opi IRON FURNACE PROPERTY, situated ea-. in McVey town, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, 'within a short distance of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal. The freehold property comprises a Furnace. with machinery of ample power to blow. using - either charcoal or anthracite coal: about thirteen hundred acres of Timber Land; also the celebrated Greenwood Fire Iron Ore Bank, containing 'shoat seventeen acres, which produces in abundance the same Ore from which John A. Wright, Esq., makes his renowned and justly celebrated locomotive tire and car axles This is the only available property in the State which produces the ore requisite for establishing a Liminess of hike cha racter. There are also about one hundred and fifty acres of land within hall simile of the Furnace. held under long leases, from which abundance of excellent hernia tite ore can be taken, on which shafts have been re eently sunk and which will produce anal:dent ore to supply the furnace. Soft Fossil Ore is also abundant In the neighborhood. Charcoal in any quantities can be bad, delivered at the Furnace This Furnace is well situated for the markets. having water and railroad communication with Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Balti more Harrisburg, and other important manufacturing , Also connected with the above. a Forge Properly now in operation. manufacturing hammered blooms, and robed slab blooms. Motive power, steam, and water. For price and further particulars. BURR apply to 11 N. OUGHS, fe2-1m 108 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. aFOR SALE - FIRST - CLASS 7A FOR and COUNTRY RgsrritsNos. at Greenwood Station, Baltimore Central Railroad Ches ter County. Inquire of NATHAN JONES, on the pre mises .* VALUABL 211111 LL PROPERTY, is NgaIIESIDENOF, AND 10 ACRES OF LAND FOl, - SALE, IN BUCKS COUNTY, PENNA. This property is situated on. Knowles' Its Junction with the Delaware River near Brownsburg, three miles from New Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton, N. J. The mills .consief- of a two-and-a- half-story Stone Grist-mill, with two run of French Burr Stones, all In complete order; Saw-mill and Plaster-mill ad joining, each capable of doing a large amount of busi ness. The dwelling lea new two story Frame Cottage Rouse. with four rooms on the first floor, five on the second, and four on the third, well arranged. and well built: a Barn, Carriage house. and other buildings: eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land, well fenced, and planted with fruit and orna mental bees. The above described property is one of the handsome spots on the Delaware River where any one might spend their time pleasantly and -profitably. 'Tie convenient to school, stole, and poet office, and churches of different denominations. and will be sold cheap. Apply to B J. SMITH & CO.. ja.-18t Real Estate treats, ISTICW'roWN. Penna.. de B. J. SMITH & CO., REAL Auk int ESTATE AGENTS. Newtown, Bucks county, .C.A.• Pa.. offer for sale In Bucks county and vicinity; over 60 .77A11.2dff of from 10 to 200 acres; most of them are highly improved and remunerative farms, with fruit. water. good buildings, and well located. The early attention of. buyers is directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. je.24. ISt I'OR SALE-A LARGE LOT, CORNER of Richmond and Plum streets, Kensington, near Cramp's Shipyard, 177 feet by 1.30 feet, with office and dwelling thereon. A lot adjoining. IN feet by 130 feet, with four small houses thereon. Large lot on the Delaware river, between Westmore land and Ontario streete,3oo feet front on the river, 2,672 feet deep, having eleven fronts. • lot on Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Oxford street, *1 feet front, 200 feet deep; a fine stone quarry with railroad sideling into the quarry. A lot corner of Somerset street and Trenton avenue, 60 feet by 190 feet A lot corner of Somerset street and Gunner's Run Canal,. IEO feet by 212 feet. A clay lot, near Nicatown. on the Plank road, ad joining Rowlett' s brick yard,3oo feet front. 2 200 feet deep. A let on Costello street. Germantown, 182 feet front, 336 feet dee Will be so ld very low. Terms easy. Apply to J. or A. LONGSTENTIf, 619 WALNUT Street. or ia29 • .1.5 N North RLSVIIIITH Street. T 0 L B T-FOR SALESROOMS OR -a- light manufacturing purposes. the upper stories of buildin in the stor ms gnrt M corner of EIGHTH and AMMY. Applye. Jell. if' ''OR RENT-SEVERAL ROOMS IN -a- the THIRD STORY of the Building' on the loath west corner of BEV.FaiTEI and CIIPJ3TNUT Streets. Ap ply at this office. - ja1.341 FOR SAL E.-MAGNICTIO IRON ORE TOM SALE The GARRISONS' MINING COM PANY ta eove-orepared. to make contracts for sale of their spperior Ore. delivered on the Hudson river. op, postte West Point. Apply a' the Office of the Company, 29 WILLIAM 52422,, - Row York. inSOMP , 411 1 » VI • 11) 1 -tIV rTI-4 "T 0.0 HLEL ," • • - (Late Herr's • Hote ,1 Corner of THIRD and HARR - HT Streets, - HARRIBRIIRG, Pa. - The attention of the travelling public Is most reetisst fully called to this old: established stand, which for the past live months has been closed to trade, and dining that time has been thoroughly remodeled, - repaired. and -newly tarnished throughout, until it noweseeses all the conveniences pertaining to a first-class hotel, which are hi any manner calculated to insure the perfect com fort of its guests. • Its situation alone wonld'recommend it as a stopping place, being only two and a half Squares from the depots: near enough to prove convenient, sufficiently distant to avoid the annoyance of railroad noise and bustle. Thefurniture is entire', new. rooms large and well ventilated, table supplied with every luxury the market can afford, while as to the management, it is trusted to theiudgment of a discriminating public to decide. The Proprietor, having determined to make the cha racter and reputation of the house the object, without regard to cost, hopes to merit the patronage and favora ble opinion of those who design stopping in the State capital. HE RI( THOMAS, Proprietor. JONES HOUSE Oor. SUREST STREET and MARKET SQUAER. • HARRIESURQ, Pa. The Proprietor respectfully returns his sincere thanks to hie friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed to the blouse slue . ° under, and wou/i reapaettall7 'Wien a continence of the same. delB.3za O. H. MANN. Proprietor. DITHRIDuI~'S ,PATENT SX FLINT GLASS BB TEA HEAVI . LAMP CRIMUSYS. The worldwide reputation which these Chimneys have acquired is due to their acitnowledged superiority over all others. This superiority is derived from three souroco: let. Being fifty per cent, heavier than the common Chimney, they may be handled with much less care. 2d Chimneyal ehape is an adaptation to the fiat flame, the being at all points the same distance from the beat. so that the danger of cracking by unequal ex pansion is avoided 3d. The material of which these Chimneys are 11111111- factared is unequalled by any other glass as a rapid conductor of heat; and, practically, it is found that the combination renders them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by the heat of the game; Hence the obstacle in the way of the universal use of Carbon Oil, found in the unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed by the introduction of 'S CHIMNRYS. The popuIari DITHRIDGR ty of these Chimneys has .indnef.d some unprincipled persona to make use of our name and trade marks,aad their reputation has been partially impaired by the woz thle sane sa of spurious Chimneys sold atiours. Parties who have beenannoya.2 with the cracking of Bnte_gnilgass. Chimneys would do well to call and try the X We have appointed Messrs. PRRRINS at DRYDEN. No. 102 South SECOND Street, Sole Agents for our Chimneys in Philadelphia, from whom they lan be ob tained in any quantity, at manufacturer's prices, with the addition of freight. B. D. DITHRIDGIL FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, lalfl-2m WASHINGTON St.. Pittsburg. Pmts. MACKEREL, HERRING, STIA.D, &c. bble • Nos. 1. 2, end 3 Mackerel. late-caught Hat fish. in assorted pg.:drawee. • Herrln &WO bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bay,. and Halifax 2.300 lc azes Lubec, Sealed; No. 1 Herrintg. 150 bbls. new Ness Shad. 250 boles Herkimer. county Cheese, ke. ' is store and for sale by MURPHY Is KOONS, • 3a1.94f N0:146 NORTH WHARF'S& MRS. JAMES BETTS' CV.T.KFIRATED - SUPPORTERS FOR LADIKB.- • he only Etnpporters 'ander eminent medical patron/in. Ladles and phyaicians are respectfully requested to eall only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence. 1039 WALNUT Street,Phila., (to *void counterfeits.) Thirty thousand lava b s have been advised by ttoAsDir/eletaZl to ngehe State. co AS T h i n o lls i O a rl e tt=, and elgnatares, "'s onalso the Supporters, with testinioniala. oel/ JOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNNY i I COTIBILLOR AT - LAW. AND • SoLlo,lTott 0) aLuma oleos SIM F Stmt. near rearmuith iAlblikolk. d.difel-Bm *Bosse MA-LCOLM MAXNRILIOB SPECTACLE STORVEO.-31(rEoldE PIPTH &mat, below Sprat*. PHILACELPHIA. 41. 1 / 4 r Gleesoi refitted to eon &Ilion. and all mamma r•P*lac earga.ll, NA4 PromPux cikattd W. 404 a • V11R.14,5.. 13, 'BRINLICY, • CO., ...‘:Ao. 615:CHENFNIIT asill•GLM Fum sParirci BALE OF BRIFUEI. FFENcI. NAN. AND AMERICAN- DRY (mops. '''- O.IIrTIIESDAY MORNING. Fabruary OW at 10 o'olcar..on four ntoontaa. 603 packages and 'lota of fancy and staple dry 'm . ,. DOMESTIC GtOoDWFOR. cAtu, Also. a fall mortals:a of cotton and woolen danisti. k . goods for gash. jlonrlL.. m a irit ra t3;-ilg"-Otgejlo4. LABOR POSITIVP, BMX OF GOO LOTS BM.'riga F.;.=:pOIL'OBRIdAS,.A.riD A.ollllri CA a Day Goo, `&d, THIS DAY. CARD.—We indite the eani palticular attentiss of dealers. to the valuable and strielmice assortment British; French, German. and America:, dry good, 'ernbracirag.lloo packages . and - lets•of staple and fine; articles, to be paten:lido/HY cold' by catalogue, on fear months' credit and parr for cash. commencing Trifs 110101170 - . at 10 o'clock precisely. Or be continual throughout the day without intapafselos. I LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP' BRITISH . , PREECE_ GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold's large sale of foreign and'domeittls dr t goods, by catalogne.ona credit of four nrostim and pad for cash, THIS moßsirre. Febr nary gib,. at 10 o'clock. embracing abont Packages and' Joie of staple and fancy - articles In wool. ens. 'worsteds, linens, silks, anc' cottons, to which w a Invite the attention or dealers N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for se. animation, with cadaloeues, early on' the moralise . x t sale, when dealers will And it to their Interest to attend. • LARGE SALE OF' FOREIGN AND' DOMESTIC DR; ' GOODS. Included in our tale of THURSDAY, February Mt, will be found the following, viz: Sales brown an d bleached drills. Bales heavy brownirleetings. - Bales heavy broWn'shirithr r i s - Cares super bleached musl . Cases blearihed awkoolored corset jeans. Castle checks and tit:kings. • Cases a meand plaids ' . Cases Kentucky jeans•and cottonsdee.' Cases satinets TA I LOR IN G mas. GOODS. - A full assortment- black and col'd cloth, eassimeres. doeskins, Italian cloth,. satin de chine. !Wage; .tc: LINEN GOODS. 4,000 dczon linen cambric handkerchiefs. comprising fall lines of gents' anddadtes' plain. hemstitched and hemmed. Also linen damatke,ehirting linent. drills and - dock. Spanish linens, gic. ' • • Also, for account of whom it . may con cern , as-In. voice of linen table cloths. WRITE GOODS. Also a full: aseortment .cflaconets, canibriee, Swiss and cheek mastitis. Also silk ties, suspenders. sawing silk. shirts ant drawers. travelling shirts, - baloioral and boon , ' Wins. cavalry and infantry pantaProas. AG. Ac. • BLACK BILK VELVET RIBBONS. Included In our sale of Thursday. Feb. 9th. will hi found- en invoice of No. Ito 20 St. ErtGCLIM black silk velvet ribbons of a celebrated brand. sell-ems LARCH SPECIAL BA HOSIERY 000 DOZEN COTTOS . ON FRIDAY MORNING. Febrnary 10, at 10 o'clock, will be sold about Io,oo] dozen cotton hoiden , ' of a well-knrvn and favorite /oz. portatlon. 'Also ge' g l o v esd ladies" Jonvin" blackawl colored Pa rte kid for the best trade. -Mao adtt. tarp gaantleta, buck gloves and mitts, &a , Sec.- LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTB,• RHOEL BROGAISFLARMY GOODS. THAVSLLIGO BAGS. dio., ON TUESDAY MORNING, Feb. 14th, at 10 o'clock, wW be sold, by catalogu4, on four months' credit. about LBO packages bode, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots. travelling bags. to., of city and eastern manufacture, embracing a fresh and prime assortment of seasonable goode, which win be open for examination, with catalogues. on the morning of sale. • 13ANCOMIT & WA.RNOCK, -A- TIORKES. 140 ALLEKEZ Street. FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN . AID IMPORTED DRY GOODS, LININ AND WRITE 000 DE, HOOP-SKIRTS, CORSETS. &c., &c., FOR SPRING OF 1865. by Catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY Feb. ]6th . commencing at 10 o'clock, COMptistyt about- 5:0 lota new and desirable. goods salted to the approaching Beason. MTHOMAS t SONS, • Nos. 139 and 141 South 701111TH area. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. At the EXCHANGE. every TOESE9kY, at 12 o'clock 002 L lir Handbills of each property issued separately, and on the Saturday previous to each sale MOO utak. to a phlet form, giving foil descriptions. ... w __FustNITITEE SALES at the daction Mors eyary TH I.BDAY. /W r- Part icu ees, &e.lar attention given to Sales at Prints aldo:L &lust Nos_ 199 and 14L South Fourth street. SUPER/OR FURNITURE MAHOGANY Patio FORTES , MIRRORS, CHANDELIERS. LABOR FIRE-PROOF SAFES, FINE IN GAMUTS, dc . THIS MORN G, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, superior (matter& mahogany piano fortes. mirrors, chandeliers. sa e Brust eta and other carpets, &c. Alto. a large and superior fireproof safe, made by Farrel & Herring. Also, an invoice of patentSron trellises, for °masses. tal a rounds. TO PIANO MAXIMS AND °THIES. Also, THIS MORleroo, - Lot of piano patterns, clamp% hand• screws, work. bench, &c. Administrator's Sale. No. 211 Wood Street .ROUSEROLD FURNITURE. ON FRIDAY MORNING. 10th inst.. at 10 o'clock. at No. 211 Wood street, tha household furniture. carpets. Ike. pIIILLP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and. 522 COMMERCE Streets POSITIVE SALE OF 1,500 OA.XIIB BOOTS, SHIM BROGANS, BALMORALS, &c.. THIS DAY. Felbruary9tn, commencing at lOo'clock. we will aril by catalogue for cash, 1,6 W cases prime boots. snow, brogans, balmorals. cavalry . boots. &c., from sit, and Beater . manufacturers, exclusively consigned goods. POSITIVE SALE OF 1.200 OASES BOOTS AND 13110132. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Feb. 13th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will eell by catalogue, for cash, 1,200 cases prime boots, shoes, brogans. balmorals, _cavalry boots, Arc.. Ac, from city and Eastern manufacturers; exclusively con signed goods. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HOBSZS. QuAßTranuannr. GENKILLL'S Opium FIBST DinaMg / WASIIINGTON CITY. January 93. /885. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder. at BALTIMORE. Md.. on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1855, ONE HUNDRED AND FITT'S. GAVA.LEY HORSES. These Horses bare seen condemned as =At for Us cavalry service Of the army. For road and farming purposes many good bargain may be had. Horses sold singly o coce at 10 A. K. asi will be held at vbilflps'Gov ern mentstables. eorner of PAC& and GERMAN Streets. • Terma-Cash, in United Elates currency. JAMBS A. ERIN. ia27-12t Col. In charge First Division Q. M. G. 0. SHIPPING. STEAM WEEKLY TO LI. VERPOOL, tanchlng at QIJERASTOWS. (Cork Harbor.) The well-known Steamers of the Lhii. 10001. New York. and Philadalphis. Steamship Comosal (Inman Line), carrylni the 11. 8. Mails, are intended sail As follows: CITY OF CORK ....SATURDAY, Feb. IL CITY OF LONDON SATURDAY, Feb. LL LTNA SATURDAY, Feb D. _, and every imseeadisin Saturditylirfoon.. - trout Pie_ ti. North Hirer. • NATIS Or PASSAGE Payable i in Gold, or its equivalent in Carrensi. ra. GA.81N............50 00 5 QS... .-,...5}7 CO I do to London. —•B5 0/ do to London— 34 CO do to Paris ...... 95 a) do to Paris . --:. 40 CO do to Hamburg.. 93 93 do to Hamburg.. 57 JO Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen. 80. terdam. Antwerp, hs., at equally low rates. Faros from Liverpool or Queorustown: lid Cabin, eli iSo, sled. Steerage from Liverpool or Qneenetown. OW- Those who wish to.send for their friends can bar tickets hers at these rates. _ . ._ _ _._ • • • • For- further information &Apt,' at the CoMPUITI Offices. JOHN O. DMA. Areat fez-jZ Ui welostrr Street, Philade:phis. j ealk BOSTON AND PHILADZIP PHU amemsmr writ zligfrom port Eatarrscirit wharf P as nt.rh i„al e nc L o J The 'steamship SAXON, Capt. Matthews, will sail non Philadelphia for Boston on &titular, Feb. 11th, at lu A. hi, and steamship NORMAN. Capt. Raker. Cron Boston for Philadelphia. on the same day at 41". M. These new and substantial steamsblot form a Mal t : line. selling from sash Dort penotaiLly on EsturdsrL Inzenneee efetted et on•Aulfthe premium eland on the yeeleia. Freights taken at tab! rtion. ghlgopers gra reoneated to send alp neealpt , agd of Lading with their goods. Yor Yrelght or YanetemTrirluicl LAue aciomiudatlaall SVPI t Y triSuE 3a1.2 7 11- o tt SS* South DI WARS Arouse galk FOR NEW YORE. ___ - OUTSIDE LIRA. Coder - ands sTwelltalite 00NPANY'd NEW FREIGHT LINE FOB NS W YORK, and coanectint for all Northern and Eastern 'MOO and New trleartz, sailing every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY. from the Comianaes wharf, that above Estee street, sal NOW York, from Pier IL North river, on same days. at . For freight, which will be repaired daffy, handled i h= most careful manner, and delivered with tat r t despatch. at fair rates. &p 1Y to WILLLAM J. TAYLCOR dr 00. 1110 North ltrahltigig. traiTERFIELD'S OVERLAND B DISPATCH. • • S. W. corner SIXTH and CASSIWUT A THROUGH FENGItir LUTE has been'established. prepared to receive all classes qf Freight in the principal cities east of the MisrdssipP l river. and to transport the same from point of shiPm? 3 : • TO ALL POINTS irr COLORADO, •IDAHO, UTAH. AND MONTANA THRBITORLES, ETON THROMM CKYETRACT RATES AND BILLS OP LADIS.7. "Through Bates include ALL - CHABGES—Rallrfolf. Transfer,. Storage,and Forwarding Commissions on r 34 Missouri river, and transportation npon the Plain': thus enabling tr.. Shipper to obtain a THROUGH Cor: TRACT for his freight for a distance of OVER THI:Sc THOUSAND NILES, and relieving him from all raw ,c l ' sibilitles and anxieties incident to the past disorgaußth' and irresponsible maim of Plains transportation. . Our Agents in New York, Rcerton. Philadelphia, FatL r ; burg. Chicago, St. Louis. and Burlington, lowa , a ', prepared at all seasons to receive and obis+ at h, LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF RATES. Tide Company assumes ALL THE RESPONSIBIL I T I of Losses, Damages, or Overcharge* on Freight whit , in transit from point of shipment to Vase of destination. Tho New York office is In POSSOUSIOn of a MU :at at TRACE BOOKS, showirut- the date of shipment, In; time it passes the Mississippi river, is received at 3 " 'Moped from the Company's Warehouses at Atchlos (Kaman), the character of the trill= El Sling EP= i M Plains, the date it pat see Fort Kearney, arrives at is received at destination, and the apparent mow lion of the Wares along the entire route. If Damages or Louse occur, Shippers IL id t, l . In time to duplicate any Important portion of the nin, ment. • Them books are open for the inspection of oar ow tomes at all times, and parties Chipping by this Lts , will be kept Informed by correspondence of the evro , condition of their eldpments. Merchants and inning Men in the Territories order's( Goods. should be partlcrular toiftrinstructions to mars eases "Via BUTTERFIELD'S ORLARD DESPATCH. Atchison. Kansas," and have them 'hipped under tic Instructions of our Mental point of shipment. • Letters of in in addressed to our °Hee at Aral" SOIL Kansas; Igo. 1 VESEY Street. Astor Howl Fork: or Southwest corner of SIXTH and CRES e, T° Streets. Philadelphia, will be promtly and rell3 lo 11,1111Wered.r _ D. A. BU=ERF MEL Proprietor. A.W SPALDDHG, General Agent, Dew York WM. ID MOORE. Agent. lisidellohis. THOMSON'S LONDON NITOII - OR EUROPEAN RANGE. for hualliati hotels. or public Insittintions. in TWENTY PIP FERIBT SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Range& Rot-air Furnaces; Portable Heaters. Lowdown Ofsie s t Elreboard Stoves. Bath Boilers. Btewhole Plates, Broil era. Cooking Stoves. etc.. at - Wholesale and retail. bi the manufacturers. __. , • - CEASE. 'Mann', .4 TRONSOIf.. No. WO ff. SSCOISI2IIr , ,-"O' ... ocl. srath6m DENTISTRY. -DR. BASS inserts ARTIFIGI&L METH o Voicarate,. from $6 to. NG Teeth fillet 60 Ceptt urvarde- Beg Sofirewses. Once. 5145 N Street. below .4omum. iro1;410 r 0... EVANS & WATSON'S SkLAKANDES SAFI STORE. - 16 soma pPHILADIoy 81:1110T. A. large variety of 11113-1110 A 4 Bass gg ° hand. At" SLEEPER'S 11. MANUFACTO R Meassr STREET. One door above Tenth. OLD BYES MADE' _ • A l'am_ phlat,-dinis7 boo! " to e•Au . .y. restore 81 t medic o l o. riVe Speotsoles,` without old ofDoctor or „. Best by Mail free o>. -roosivt of TIN OEMS. ^" 401-ishith32% 1140 DROADWAY, COW roa.- /WOW ALES. E. B. FOOTE. 1%. D'°