NOTICES._ OFFICE OF THE FR&IIIIRFORD ANDSTHWARK PRILADRLPHI I, CITY FASSENGER RAILROAD COMPaNY. No, 314 . 8miura Street, PHI LADELPKIA, Feb. 7, ISO. At a meeting of the Board of D tractors, held 6th the following preamble and resolution were adopted: whereas, The Frankford and Southwark Passenger Railroad Company have been carrying colored Palma, Sere without re sulte d the last four weeks, and the experiment has in a unions prejudice to the -canner's, arising front hoettlity to the measure on the •, art of the patrons Of the road, and a want of sympathy ,n the part of other similar companies; and whereas, s Directurh whatever their private VieWe"ThilY Rflo ot consistently jeopardize the pecuniary interests the etockholders; %to:colors, • Th-,golvezt, That the order admitting colored parsons he rescinded from end after the 10th instant, except on speoialears to be appropriated. Bee oired. That every fifth oar be appropriated for colt red ValiellMolB, It B. PRANK ABBRTT, Secretary, aar'' ALIIMBI I A • SOCIALTION • 'CMG TEAL HIGH SCHOOL The 'eend,..aemuld meeting of the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE CEN TRAL HIGII SCHOOL, will be held at the High School Building, on WEDNESDAY EVESIIOG. Feb. 15, 1865, 10.8 o'olook Baeineee of importonee will be brought before the meeting. fet3 It• HENRY R. EDMUNDS, Seeretary. SCHUYLKILL D D &UP KIN IMPROVEMENT AND RAILROAD OOMPA NY.—A meeting of the Eitookholders will be held at 010. 220 north HOOND Street, Philadelphia, on the gg. COED of Minh next. et I o'clock, P. M., to elect Nine Diriotot s, and for other bukine es. B order 11.1'03.10mM* ;GEORGE K. TbYON. secretary. UrA LITRE NI attIe3OORATION. CEN TRAL HIGH F.CHOOL.—The Annual Address before the ALUM} I ASSOCIATION of the Central fltih School will be delivered by, HENRI IL. EDMlllfpl. BK.. FISIDAI IR% February 17th, 180, MS o'clock. at CONCERT HALL. The Introductory Ad dtees will be .delivered by GIEO. ALFRED TOWN- Rag, Tickets rosy be obtained of HANSI' R. YrDNUADS , Eng Ho. R2l. booth FIFTH Street It H. D. FRALEY, - leB Obalrrnan of Board of llertagera._ NOICE ELL ENO&GED TEE D EVELO P/OM OF PSTBOLEUM OLt Ta.ANDEL Baying been applied to by numerous friends and others engaged in the prodwition of OIL desirous of availing themselves of our method LS of resuscitating OIL WEL . „ ibet have ceased to be prodintive, and having promised several that they should have the preference in our tired work, and said parties having been untitled' to be ln readiness with all necessary means or Aublus and test ing on cur arrival at their wills. and we being eatistlad that some will not be in such readiness, we hereby.give notice that said ioreference cannot be extended io them beyond the 16th inst. 011 companiee and others having wells of the above description. end desirous of having them operated on by our method, can do eo by an early applisasioa at this office, as we shall be in readiness to proceed to Vsnango cenut.Y. PenneYlvania, fully prepared to take charge of such wells On the 28th of thrtioresent Terms, dor„ made known on appliention. PErrirr. & HOWARD. • Agent& for Uompany, No. 410 WALNUT Street, Roam Xto 10 feEi-wfaSt• Philadelphia. Pr'PUILADELPIIIA PIIRLIO SCOUR 111XCHAN1311, No. 41.41,113HARY Street. —The Committee baying charge of the Anneal do best; t ot mot yid be in attendance at the rooms dad,. hecerem the hours of IQ A. M. and d Y. 31.,.n0til SATU3.I) kV. , ne llth Ind . for the purpose of receiving the 3171333.3.1r 'T1011 dfolltillt end the names of new applicants. 'The list closes posittvely at 3 P 111 on the Ilt.h, and the. Exohange will open for business on the 13th. as pm vionsly announced. fed Tiri NTION VOLUNTEERS ! - HIGH gEIT BOUNT'y rouRTEBNTH The Rears'Bing Committee are now prepared to pay In CASH the LaIGEST BOUNTISS to• all recruits ac credited to thle ward • - They will sit at the Southeast comer of TIIIBTEENTEI 'and 'OEM Streets BURT DAY from 9 to 4 o'clock. Where alliniormation will be &serially given. Avoid the brokers, come to us sad receive FULL BOUNTIES in CASH. BOUNTIES. . - - - - . iron For One 7MT 0020 00 two years 676 00 rot thIOU% - 8'25 0:t FOR TWO TE.AR. VETBRAW6 Jonatia He_MOOR'S (JORPB. .. Fear.. ••• 61. 044 • •• • 44 10325 00 'Tor two . years. ..... .... ............... 975 m 4." Yor th ree years . 4 00 Dr. I. SfAtiliaWOL. I 3. W. THACKARA, Reonitrlng 1e7.6t VILED'ii. A VAll °LEVY, Committee. Or. T W El. FT II WARD BOUNTY PU/Sfb, —Call BOUNTY; ONE TEAR, MEN. YOUR HONDERD DOLLARS; THREE 'REAM. MB 'HUNDRED DOLLARS, Gael' In hand No recruit need wall for bin ynone_y la this Ward. BM:INTIM NOW PAID: one• Year Men irm . • Two-Year men. .............. ..............•....-• - ...... 875 .Tnree-Year Mel. ..... .....-.- .... ...... ........ -.. ••. . . 826 OneHANCOCK'S CORPS. TWO-YEAR vgrzaeris. Year DRS Two Yeata•••••*111•••4 ..... a* ..-..4 970 Vbreelteam......... Committee to master In and aa7, reernft; meet every -day at F. A L. Ladner% 17arthera Militat'l HALL :WEIRD. Street. below Oreen. 'L • . JOBN H. KNEE,I JOHN S. ntott. R „L. ENGLES, OHM. B. 00.1.880 N. ONO. BUTZ, tfe7. et ••lAr" AT A STATED MEETING OF THE Officers of the 916 T RtentsAt PENNSYL VANIA VIYIBBAN VuLUNTBEHJS, - held near Peters burg, Va.. January 77: 18dli.' the following preamble And reeolattone were num:amend' adopted: Whereas, By the will of an all-wise and overruling .Providence, to whose will and decree we at every mo ment bow In humble resignation and submission; and as it has been Hie pleasure to take from oar millet our dear and much beloved brother officer and agreeable companion,' Captain JAIkIBB H. CLOBSON, who de .parted this life November 22d. 1814 from wonude re ceived on the 28th day of October, 1864, while gallantly Obiligillg the enemy's works at Hatcher's Ran. Va.; and whereat, during our association with him we have always found in him a true soldier, a warm friend,and an agreeable companion; therefore be it . -Resolved, That we deeply deplore the lose of oar mach esteemed friend and companion, and we ask leave to tender our warmest sympathy and condolence to his bereaved family and beloved mews. Resolved, Alhonsh we shall see his form no more on earth, .yet we feel assured that his spirit Is in the land of the blessed, to share In the joy a of the many patriots who have gone bsfore, where the din of battle Is un known, and where the thunder of canners and 4 crash of musketry Is never beard. Resolved, That a ropy of the above preamble and re solutions he forwarded to his family, and also publish -ad in the Phlfadefphia lag tetrer, Press, Sunday, and Sunday Dispatch. Lieut. Col ELI 0. Bei.Lßile, Commanding Bait. Lieut. ATIAM Acting Adjutant. Captain JOHN DI , NN ELL, Co. I Captain WILLIAM 111.;;BANLS, .90. P. Captain 11BOR'311 PINNTY, Co. H _ Captain JOHN C. PARTIINHEIHAS, Co B. 7..lsut. .10 'IN 1, GRAHAM. Commanding CO - .-Lient. JOHN BBOAR, Jr,. o 0. - Lieut. GEORGE U. COSTBN O Co. Lieut. WM. KNAPP,'Oo. B 'Meat. WILLIAM H. PRAIA'S'', Co H. it* lar- TO THE STO4OIIIHOLDERS OF THE RBSTONVILLE, Ida.NTEIA, AND FAIR MOUNT PASSENGER RAILROAD 0 , ./MFANT: NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to the Stoothol. lore of the ahoy. Company thst a meeting of the Stockholders ill he - held at the Office , f C. B' Dungan. Esq , No 426 WALNUT Street, Pbilattelphia,ca W ISDN El DAT, the 18th.of February, at 1 o'clock P. Of . to take into .consideration the agreemert made this day b Passenger Directors and Managers of the Fairmount - 41ailway Company . and the Directors and Managers of Sestonyllle Mantua, and Fairmount Passenger BAUroad Company, for merger and consolidation of the corporate rigitta,_upwers. urtylleges, few:tallies, and property of 1110 I.llll•Motitrt rOOO- , -over_ Railway Compa ny Into and with the Restonville. alantue, and FAr mount Passenger Railroad Company, and to-vote for ate adoption or rejection of the game. C. B. DUNCAN. President P/171.1DBLPHIA. Jan. 81, 1860, fel-4 8 n 13 tbsGi 12r, ELECTION.,—OFFICX 7.;',EIikkESEEN OPITAATI O 44 1 LWAT cOM?ANY , &TIMOR% febnisry ar 805. par t y ß wil d be M e e d n t - CA h VERT k TATIONon hTHOm - DAY, the 213 d hist.. between the hours of 12 and 2 e. 2i% for the purpose of Sleeting Twelve Directors for the sli ming rear. By order. ROST S. ROLLINS. Secretary. THE TEATIME BOOKS will us closed from and after the 11th inst. until after the Election. fe3..fmw9t Ur' OFFICE OF THOII ZIFF BOITIETF. FUND 00315IISSION, COMMONWEALTH .BUILDING, 611. CHUTE UT Street, l'nuerfumoriA. Jan 27. 1885. Notice is herebT given tuat the Commission for the Tar went of the City Bounty are now preparec to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits under the pro- Wittiollll of Ordinance of January 28. Mr& Volunteers for One Year will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR 3. 'Volunteers for Two Tears will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLL &RB. - Volunteers for Three Years will receive a Warrant for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Enrolled citizens who shall place in the Berries of the United States a Substitute for not less than Three YOU'D, ID advance or a draft, and who shall thereupon be cre dited upon the quota of the city of Philadelphia, Will deceive a warrant for THEE HUNDRED DOLLARS. a 'By order of the Commission. JO tt HN BLAIR. Secreterr. PIIILAMELPHIAIL MID ERIE RAILROAD, PrltiAnst.pwrA. Jan. 23. 1865. The Annual Meeting of the ntecicholders of the PM LLDELPH/A AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY will be bold at the Office, Leo. 9130 WALNUT Street, on ..111011DAY, the 13th day of February next, at 10 o'clock. A. X At this mebtlng an election will be held for ten mana gers of the Company to serve one year. The pods to close at 2 P 30. ONORGI P. LITTLE, 3a23-mwllol Secretary. FOTICE.—ZDIPIRE COP fEWIL COM. PANT OF MICHIGAN. —NOTICES IS HEREBY 41IVIN, That all Stack In this Company, on which the Instalment of Two Dollars per Share, called August W. 1864, and due September 10, Mt, is not paid, is for feited by said default. and that according to the Charter and By-la we of the Company it will be sold at Public -Auction od TRIIR6DAY, 9th March. 1E25. at 12 Al , at the Office of the Secretaly of the Company. No. 423 WALNUT Street. Philadelphith unless paid on or be fore that day. By larder Of the Hoard of Directors. .3 - 8 Af MOLLER, Secretary. Dated Philadelphia. Feb. 6,1E66 . fe7 tuwfrretmli9 lafr'''LA WI.MOTV RE ON COMMERCIAL , AY JOHN A. OW-ENS. Ego.. AT BRYANT. STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S NA. TIONAL COMNBSCIM. COLLIWE, ASSEMBLY BUILDING, R. W. ooraer of GBE9TNUr and TBNTH Stmts. I be fourth Lecture of the Ounree on Commercial Law Vlll be deltVered before the students and friends of this Institution on WEDNESDAY !WANING, the 9th tee% , at S o'clock. Subject—''FLlOElTS, DUTIES. AND IMMUNI TIES OF pIABRIBD WOMEN. A 8 RESPECTS TAM CON TRACTS A cordial inyitat'on toextended to the public. fe7 21 . . PAITYIBIEXtOII.IIII7.I.Ii LIBRARY Cows , PECILAMBLPSLIA. Fab. ti. t 1885. The Annual nlection far Waiters for the suantans ea ye lOU take place on TVlieDel, 21st it'd., the (- BEAKY .18u011. Polls open at.] P. M • and clone at 8 P. ht. JITO. A BIOALLISTSkt fe7.lBt Reoordteg Secretary. , TWBPTY•FOURTS WA.ED Will pay for all acceptable Recruit* credited to the Ward $4O Extra Ward Bounty. TEM NEXT DBAFT.—CITIZENS' SUBSTITUTB. itEPRIMBETATIVIS. &OD VOL. T r i7 / ; N NE A ciwicy —pre beg l those call the ettention of those who are drafted, andwho are enrolled and liable to military duty. and also teat class of per lone who are not liable to draft (ladies, and ' , materna n over forty-five years), to our Roney for procuring sub stitute's and "ohm eer representatives Persona enonld attend to this Important matter at once, as the draft hie been axed for the lath of February nert• We are doing a staidly legitimate business; we are 25:mashing men not liable to the draft as en heti totes and representatlver, as low. If not at lower prices, than any other agency . In Pniladelphia The law allows us to put enhatitntas in the Navy or Marine Corps so be credited to any Carta in the State where the principal resides. To facilitate business, If persons living in PT out of the olty, who are enrolled, will furnish DB with a certifi cate d i st rict , enrolment from the Provost wore into WO they sac have substitutes sworn into •either branch of this service, which will fully exempt tt em from draft. Reference emu be given to ladies sad gentlemen In this oily for whein we have done btleittelif te De la ware , line end also in the tot owing.countles: Chester. Montaoreery, Berke, Snake, Schuylkill, and North ampton. A. B. —Churches and Clubs tarnished at the Lowest passible prices. Liberal arrangements made with Township Uoihmittere to till.tmotoo. Caß or address MoltAlstlf,_PA.XSON. & CO., 411 CENSTNIIT Street or Box 2077 Philadelphia Post Office. ear SIXTH WARD.—THE AT r nNTiON of the enrolled citizens of oar ward ift Darden. larly called to the following preamble and reeol otiose, passed at th e visiting of the Bounty lund Committee On Saturday evening, the 4th instant: Whereas. Heretofore the burden of filling the quota If the Muth ward has fallen upon the few. maul en; died men, liable to draft. having entirely ignored sir duty in falling to aid in enbscrlptions or work horn we knew to he liable, but have depended an m Jae 'who have given•their time and money to save tem from corworiotion t therefore. .Reeolvcd. 'mid it is the sense of the 'Mirth Ward 'ounty Fund Committee— NOW, That en azeeeement of 326 be laid upon every enrolled man liable to draft to the Sixth ward. Second. That the (secretary ho instructed to prepare a list of all who will pay 326 tax, and in the event, of oar falling to flij the quota el the ward by the time the draft takes place, then that special amount ehall 110 divided among those who may be dratted, but to no event' shall it be used to procure exemption, or a sub. Istituto for those who reface to pay tl.e ',neve t The Committee will meet on THUIi,DAV sv amp 0 next, _the POI inst.. at 7 o'clock, at the School amine, to filtOWN Street, when they expect a toll attsveK ,oe o f all interested, Those who wish Au entrtcrios will please band their • Inheortptions immediately to the Treasurer, WM H. BARNES, No. 37 North T cif itD .Street, or the Precinct Committees, who areearqsetiy restierded to qoatinue their labors and report on Thum 417 evening next Ald: ORARPIS WILDING, Chairman. Jolts RAGA', B's 7sad Beoniltims Agent. E fa 4 t WARD Disbursing tionimitter PHILIP LOWRY, Jx.. J. K. T.U. J. J. Vke 11Orese, Rearultinf, uommictee NOTICES. tar NOTION. ~ ♦ MOWN =MUG OF THE STOdIDIOLDBEEI OF VIM • m i CYLlNTooxvimin PET:ROLEWItt COMPANY WM be bold at the ()mos of Tns toirestrr, Ao. 4u varatirr sr.. OA T/1111111DAY. PBB'Y 16. I 8 At 12 o'clook'21:, to CCifillEßl A SAL" Of s portiottof their Land, made by the Hoard of*. rectors January 23, MIL By order of the Beard, lath- 6 aff"LORAN OIL COMPANY OF PENN• SY LVA Li LA. —0 Moo 'Samoyed' to 309 war,- NUT Street, third. story. Steohnoldere are invited to Obll between 10 and 12 o'clock Ai. K • when informa tion of the preeperone condition of the Company will be given, and all inquiries answered feet QEO. G. CRIME& President. THE QUICKSILVER MINING COMPANY, So. 21 NASSAU Street, New lona, February 1,1863. • The lunel lifeellag of the Stockholders will be held at the COW IN 'BTU, HOTEL, la the pity of Philadel phia. on WEDNESDAY, February 22d, et one o clock P.M The aruntal Meetion of DIRICTORS will, be helots% the earns place. on the same day. between te hours of two one three P.M. The Transfer Boolce.will be dosed on RAIRTROA.Y. February 18th. and reopened on MONDAY. Tebnlats 17th. J. B. RARDOI 4 • fel-let Secretors. 112r2TWELFTH WARD.—THF. MS. BUNSING COMMITTEE - meet at F. A L. Lad ner's Northern Military Hall, THIRD Street, below Green street, ever/ eat, and pay the HIGHS!? DASH BOUNTIES. _ . For OUO YeaTs ••• ...... 40...4 ° . 44 • • .. «;5%5 For Two 676 For Three 'lean92s FOR HANCOCK'S CORPS—TWO-YEAN . VEYBRAAS• For One Year 9825 PorIWO Yetan• • • ....... • ••• • • ego-. ..... • 975 For Timis ........ 1, LeGi John R Siner, Charles R. Masson, JobnS Berl, George Butz, L B Sagebt. fe 24i.* Disbursing Committee. -FIIDDERICII DOUGLASS WILL deliver the third lecture of the course before the "Social. Civil. and Statistical APPootation of the Oelorad People of.Penneylvenie, " on THURSDAY BVSBING, February nth. Subject. "Equality Before the Law." Fr. THE NORWICH OIL AND MIN. IRO COMPANY. —A meeting of the Stock., holders will be bold at the Rooms of the Hardware Trade Akeoelatton,Ao. 415 COM MEMOS Street, Phila. de/phta. on THURSDAY, the 9th Inst., at 4 o'clock P. M., to accept the charter, organize, adopt by.larre. "ad elect °Boers for the current year. A. B. BHIPLAY, 4, AX NAL B. JUNLIRORO . WLAND, • }Corporator& PHII,ADRIXHIA,..FeIh 3,18 .86. OFFICE GIRARD MINING COW. No. NN* WALNUT Street, Pc TINIDELPHIA., February 9d,1865. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That all STOCK or the GIRARD MINING COMPANY on which instal ments are due and unpaid has been declared for feited, and will be sold at Public Auction on SATUR DAY. the fourth day of March, 1865, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Office or the Secretary of the Corporation, according to the Charter and By-Lawn, unlese re deemed on or before that day By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary and Treaeurer._ !gr. OFFICE PENBSYLVAINIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, February 1. 1866. NOTICE TO STOOKHOLDRES.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stakohlrolders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY. the 21st day of February. 1665, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the BANSOM STREET HALL The Annual Electiou for Directors will be held on MONDAY. the 6th de. of March, 1865, at the office of the Compery. No. 1438 Smith THIRD Street • fehlBt EDMUND SMITH, decretary. lar" COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES INT/110AL REVENUE, FOBETII DISTRICT,PENNSTLVANIA, 4W7 CHESTATIT Street. Farman' and Mechanics' Bank Building, PHILADBLPHIA, February 1, 1865. NOTICE is hereby given, that, having received from the Assessor the oSiclal lists of assessment or the SPE CIAL INCOME TAX for this district, the duties have b. come due and payable. and will be received at this office nritil the 18th Met After that dam TEN PER CBS TUAL with coats of collection, will be added-to all bills remaining unpkia. Official notice will be served on all perilous whose names appsar on said lists. fel-lit JOHN M. RILEY, Collector. OIL COMPANIES. lag'''. /CHB CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL SHARES 200,000 PAR SNARL SUBSCRIPTION PRICR«..... PRESIDENT, VANCE STEWART, OP mpscßs COUNTY. PA TRUSTIER% E. G. JAMES, OF PH/LADELMA. SECRBTABT. _ + J. L. DAIILINGTON,. WfIST CHESTER, P. DIRECTORS, VANCE STEWART, Mercer county, Ps. JOHN E. LEONARD, West Oheeter, Fa. D. 0. FORNEY, Washington, D. 0. HENRY D. 000$5,, D: O. SIMON OAMBRON:APeniebarig, Pa, JOHN H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAPE, Philadelphia. , GEORGE 0. EV.ii ES, Philedelplo. JAMES DUFFY, Marietta. Lancaster co., Pa. 'y • If, MI tar LI/ Vailla company may be inferred from the fact that itowne a fee simple interest in 473 (four hundred an 4 seventy three) acres of the richest-tested oil territory in Venango county, believed by the most experienced oil men in that region to be capable of producing a net annual in come to the Company of one and a half million dollars. or One times the entire coat of the stock, which would be equivalent to twenty. Ave POT cent. a month on its eubscription price, or one hundred and fifty per Cent. per annum on its par value. • The following is a description of the Company's pro perty: One-fourth fee simple interest in the celebrated "Hoover" Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 292 (Iwo hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 889 rode (or over mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leases, each ten rods, wad from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the Tee. from which they get all the oil. On this Fenn there are now ten wells in operation, Producing an average of ten barrels per day. and several others are about being tubed. There are also on it 187 (eighty-seven) snore lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners; • - Out of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are now Paying handsomely; a fact. which sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. Igo. 2 Is the entire fee aimple interest in 191 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly oppotite_lhe ;"Hoover " Farm. and a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth of Mill Bun. having a front of 96 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both , aides of Mill Ran, with ample boring surface for one hundred weds. or Lots of ten rode square. This tract is known as the • • Stewart Farm," and is dear of all leases or incombraneee of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, width ad joins this on the south. In fact., the " Stewart " Farm surrounded with good-Paling was, and within a short time a single lease of SO rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for 1165.000 (one hundred and sixty...five thousand dollars.) On this team a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the " Stewart " Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as the" Hoov er," there are on it a three-story Orlin Mill, with line ater-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, hat will be of use to the Company. The durabffity of this immediate oil section is tutted by the fact that some of the wells on the" Hoo ver" Farm have been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced. from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always eemesszas from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at 01101°0k. The ofileege of the Company feel justified in present ing the follow in[ °stiffish, of what, with vigorous management , the above lends can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a comparatively *Mort time THE " STEWART FARM." There Is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, all of which can be leased inintedlately for one half the oil, free of aft expense to the Company. • Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells. although there is loom for three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten Oarre/e each, would makes Dallyproduct 1,000 Ws. Out of this the Company's share would be. 600 bble. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it it now ceiling at VB. CO. ) Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Compa ny's annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone 1,600.000 00 Allowing the eameeetimates for the "Hoov er " Farm, in which the Company owns one-fourth in fee of the land interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would Making the annual receipts from both Farms • 1,675,000 00 Deducting from this amount the sum of $.376,060 for contingencies, would leave the. Het Annual Income of the Company...». $1,600,000 00 ALL THESE LOTS CAP BS IMMEDIATELY LEASED, if it le deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the OIL with covenants binding bailees to sink wells, with all .poteible diligence, to the depth of coo or more feet. A YEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS You are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of fmmediateig recalling large al:oft/ends., but the baste on which the Company rests, it is be- Moved. will make your investment not only ea,/e, bat, proepectliely, of enortnoue value. Motwithetandingoet the present prices of 011, the Cora palry...e annual recefpte (without any farther develcp went) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent. on the cost of the stock. The President, Mr. Stewirt, 11 0718 of the meet practi gal and experienced oil operators in the State, and hie residence near the Company's property and general oversight of tie management is the best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the Investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of the stook ha re already been made, but none will be received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that Purim's*. Only a limited =bunt of the stook will be mold at enbeeription price. The stook will be issued full paid, withont fora. sr aeseenoenta. BOOKS OF 81113810RIPTION will be open for a faw daps, on and after Jantuu7 18, 1885, at the aloe of E. G. JAMES, 'Treasurer, * Yaise street. rffludit CHAS. L. DOUGLASS. Beerstary ••91,000,000 66,000 00 370,000 OD THE PRESS:-PHILADFLPHIA; WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 - , 1.865: OIL COMPANION. risr- A NEW ENTNEPHINE. ORIGINAL ExIIIINSCJEUPPICIOT re & PRIVATE OIL COMPANY. THE LARD SELECTED Di IN THE CELESELTED • MECCA DISTRICT,' TRUMBULL 00UNTY, OHIO, Adjacent to thdproperty of the Boston Lubricating 011 CotananY ISIESBES 1,000 DOLUILBS. The object of organising the above Company is an im mediate development of the land by stoking Weak an " f l o d !Z:t s lXs P e i n ili sierg i ot e tro r f g la n e. a iffiliVir p articulars Will be given by addressing THOMAS H. SHOEMAKER, CABE OF C. HENRY LOVE. W, Corner 'Fifth and Chestnut. fe7-3* PRIVATE ETTERPRISE. KENTUCKY OIL TERRITORY, THE GREAT OIL BASIN. 150 PHASES AT $9OO EACH on the well-known 011. CREEKS of the BM SANDY HIVES. comprising , a tract of HO acres in fee simple, and 80 acres' on a lease of 40earr. 1-10 royalty , near which is the celebrated LYON WELL and several BURNING Walk GS. The projectors for the above. named sum agree to supply the Company with a firet.class ELUADB. Tubing, die., and sink one wellSoo feet deep free of charge. The bubscribers electing their own Directors, each share representing one vote. The Lands have been secured under the most favor able enrolees, which will be more tally explained ion application at J. W. mrarapaires. No. 915 CHESTNUT Street, Prom 10 to 12 A H. Land Sto e.p . - Subscriptions close on SATURDAY SVENINO. Nehru- cry 11th. 1804. Also, 10,000 acres of choice OIL LAND In HENTUCK?' for Sale or Leese. feB-9* lar CARD. GOVERNMENT OIL . AND MINING COMPANI. Istkportant to - letoolvitkolders. Developments on this Company's Estate in Wit county, West Virgin* point to ttie existence of an ilmmense Tein of ANTIifOAY (type metal). a sample of eibleh has been forwarded, and can now be seen at the Company's ogee. This Antrim:My has boon examined by competent chemists. and Pronounced to be an article of rare purity. New York and Philadelphia house* will nag; contract with tale Company for delirerloo •. sabo PNR, TON. OASN. As the above! almoners" Was wholly unexpected, end as it, wow. now wealth into the Company, the under signed 'experienceTerY great plettenrein commiudaating it to their friends. Should the yield of Antimony edtml present appear ancee, our income from this $0241•0$ atone will equal that of any Oil Company in rennallTania. The Company's Oil developments aregoingylortheily forward, sad profitable returns may be early looked for A very small amount of original stock, at $1 per share now remains =taken, and:no subscriptions will now be receiTed unless accompanied with each. Names of ettbserlbesi not prondAli paying will be erased. and the stook treasteurkt to Gish aPPlitoatil. lIENRY SIMON S. President. AVM. H. WEEKS. Treasurer. F311 1 .3 - K • Company's Office. 434 WALNI7T Street. .1136.3 t VW' PROSPECTUS KEYSER OIL AND MINING CO., OF FENNSYLTAMiI. OFFICE 53 N. TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. C . $150.000. SEIARES , 100,000. PAS VALUE, *1.50 EACH. STOCK 808 SALE AT SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.50 PER SHAHS. GA2,500 WORKING CAPITAL PRESIDENT. A. 'G. STEIN. - SEORETAILT AND TREASURER. W. G. BEDFORD. DIIIICTOBS. d 0. STEIN,I WM. O. L I,WSON, THos. J. BARONE, MS B EISSEX. JOS. D. THORNToN,_ W . 0. BSDEuED. CHARLES E. MESELEN. • The Keyser Oil and Mining Company hie been char tered by the Stare of Pennsylvania, for the production of Oil. Salt, and Coal, in the States of Penney lvania and Western Virginia The lands of the Company in Western Virginia. con sist of 107 acres of Ott Lands in fee simple. located on the east bank of Monongahela river, about two miles northward front Morgantown, in Monougat% county. and have about % of a mile of 'lvor front, and about the came length on each side of Mill Run ; thne making two contain lengt whe C oal called bottom lauds ;they also two v a l ue of —the Dituminons and Cannel Coal—one being three and a ha/1 and the other supposed to be eleven feet thick. in Pennsylv is. we have a 25-year lease on the bot tom lands of Ira H. Keyser's farm, on the west bank of the Cheat river. about one and three quarter miles from ite month, in Fayette county It is 40 !Ode on the river and SO rods deep; thus affording room 'for at least 12 w ells, tenet.). er with the right to mine all the Goal n eeded from the large Coal veins cropping out on other parte of this farm. Advantages of the Company: 1 Our lease's only about II of a miledistantfrom the Crow 'Well, which. by the Deily Evening . Q t e, of Pittsburg, of Demmter 23, 1851, bs reported ande pro- ducing from 3CO to sio barrels of Oil par day, imme diately In range and near the famous Wiley Well, whi eh is maid to be a 60-barrel well. and immediately opposite the Fayette Weil. 2. The Oil of this region is the Amber 011, 20 Per cent. Purer than the 0 . 11 of Oil Creek. 3. The salt water of this country to very strong and Bows abundantly, - and will produce n ounces of Balt from one gallon of water, and this alone would make this a:spaying investment. 4. We Laveliver navigation to the 'Pittsburg Market. 5. The immense beds of Coal thereon. ja3o• norf et WM. Cl. BEDFORD, Secretary. BrEININD SPRING - AND GOOSE CREEKOIL COPANY, OF WEST VIRGINIA. CAPITAL. $1.215 000. $1 PER.SRARE;FITLL PAID. WORKING CAPITAL, $23,000. Whl. F DEAN President. CHARLEIn BL LKISTON, Secretary. DIRECTORS. W. F. Dean Frederick Leibrandt, William I. 'McDowell, Wm. IL Schalk, Lewis Rot hermel, Charles Miaklaton O.Nce of the Company, No. 311 WALNUT Street, ba building, first floor, Philadelphia, The Barites of this Company are advantageously situated in the Very choicest 011 Territory of West Vir. glela, adjeiniag and surzoneded by many of the calm brated Welis in the Burning Sinking and Great Rano who Oil Dietrict of West Virginia. giving. arreuranes that there Mad be a very eatisfactory Yield of oil when ' the property of this Company is fully de taloned. They comprise— .4t tract of land containing 104 acres, in Wcod county. Wtst 'Virginia, on the left fork of Walker's Creek, three.fourthe of a mile from Walker's Station. 15 miles east from Parker:bare. A great Portion of Mt. Is splendid boring territory, as the indications are re arkable,snd it is burro ended by leased land. on which there 030 many walls in ogrees of - development. loring so near the West Virginia Railroad. the expense or de veloping end subsequently working this land would he very light in comparison with many other locations. This tract is owned in fee, Id. • Issue upon four acres on the Rewstead FIITM,O7I Coors Creel, to Wirtaounty.On which there %swell 200 feat deep, in which several Strata of heavy-oils have been struck. The lay of tbeland is exceedingly choice Ttesre is room for at least ten more wells on this most desikable property. The lease has seventeen years to runt the terms are, half of oil obtained, the owners paying one.antif of all expenses after th w or king have been st r uck. This well will be put inorder as coon as possible. 3.3. a leass on one half screen thelll.l2 WHA River, in the WILL•Rfe OWN BURNING SPRING DISTRICr, on the oelebroted RATHBOUE IS ran, having a Well on it of U 9 feet in depth, which contained 50 feet of o• 1 In it when the' rebel raid occurred. This well 1. within a few hundred. feet of the celebrated " LEWELLI rf WELL," which produced before the robed raid 1 4eo barrels of oil per day, end which was sold recently for $l6O,CfO curb, as elicited in the money article of the Philadelphia Pressor January 12, 1265. The Company has commenced operations on this tract; a new engine - Is upon the ground with working separator', and a satisfactory yield of oil is confidently expected, ae as the romping separates Is put in operation. This leers expires lefo. The Company to have two-third s of the oil. The location on d surroundings of this pro perly are so well known that it is not necessary to soy anything further about it. It writ be perceived from this Prospectus that the BURNING S 1 RINO AND GOeSE OMSK 014 COM PANY hold in fee simple 104 acres of well-established Oil 'I eiritory, two leases of the beat boring territory that celebrated region, offering splendid inducements for parties seeking -..vestment in oil property. The management of this Compars , is entrusted to WM. IL sCRA3 L, of Schuylkill connty,Ponna. ,a gentleman of mat energy and industry, who will reside on and give his per eons] attention and supervision to every dem t weet, with a view to the economical development of this property ' • WI; Submtription Books are now open at the Com. pap r• Oiligamfro.r. fe4-61* a limited number of Shares at One DOD pe r & BROWN, OIL COMPAPiriES , 1 OFFICE OF TITS , CHERRY TREE RUN . AND OIL ERMA OIL COMPANY, HO. 258 SOUTH THIRD STREET, By order of the Board of Directors, the SOBSORIP. TIOB PRIOR for the Inhume of the Stook rattletrap; onso'd in the above Oompany fa increased to TWO DOLLARS PER SHARK Snbecriptione for said balance (10. 000 agree) will be received and any information In reference to theliont- Vans given by WILLIAM BLOKES. feo-3t Secretary. DIVIDENDS, lar' INBIIIBANCE COMP&NY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, - • FEBRUARY 6, M. The Directors Imre this day declared a dlealead of TWENTY DOLLARS PER SHARE clear of al. taxes, and Payable on demand to Stockholders or their leant representatiees. WILLIAIf HARPER, fe7-10t Secretary; lIIEFICHANTIV AND MaIIiIIJFAID. TURERS' E ILTIONAL DANK (late KEE CHANTS' AND MA.NUFACILTRERS' BANK), PITTSBURG. JbRIIIITY noses. The REGULAR DIVIDENDS of title Bank will here• - after be made in JANUARY and JULY instead of May and November, and for this arrangement the Board of Dbeetore have this day declared a dividend of ONE PER CENT. ont of the profits to December 213th nit.. freeof United States taxes. Steekbolders on the Phila.' details Het. will be paid at the COMMERCIAL NA-' TIoNAL BANK on demand. JOHN'OCOPT. 1613.6 t Cashier. ear OFFICE OF Amu's' OIL COMPA, NY, 021 WALNUT Street, Boom 20, PRILADEVPHIA. Jill: 31. 115 , 56. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have' this day declared their third monthly dividend of ONE AND A HALF FEB CENT. (I;f i ) _ out of the net oaralnke of the Company for the mont h, of January, payable on and after the 10th lost.- Trans er Books oloso outlaw 4th that., at 3 I'. K. ; open on the 11,h last, et 3P. M. fel-tit .P. W. W tr..TBANIC. Secretary, , MILITARY. ti "ONCE MORE TO THE FRONT I". REGIMENT - INFANTRY PENNSYLVANIA; . VOLUNTEERS. 7th UNION LEADUE (NOTIONAL GUARD) MGT. , Colonel JOIEIN A. 00E0 RECEUIV WANTED FOR ONE YEAR'S SERVICE. BOUNTY FROM 'CITY. $4OO • • " oovsustustaT.vimi. HIGBEE, WARD BOUNTIES ,PAID BESIDES PAY. RATIONS. AND CLOTHING. This Regiment te authorized hp the War Deportment and the Governor of Ponnei tvanta. AU. the offieore are Veteran. Soldlere and have shown their COURAGE AND ABILITIES OE THE FIELD OF BATTLE: Do not: wall to be Dre`ted, but embrace the present opportunity to receive the LIBERAL BOUNTIES OF FERED. and to select soar own *Mesta. ALL' CITIZENS SG INTEREST • THEM - SELVES IN SILLIVO.THIS REGIMENT PROM eTLY. Colonel, JOHN A. GOROAS, late Major 19611 P. V., formerly of the 90th P. V. —Lieutenant Colonel. JACOB. N. DAVIS, late Major 90th P. V. Major. WILLIAM IL HEWLINOS, late Captain 9311 HEADQUARTERS. , . 833 CHESTNUT eTHEIIT,.. NATIONAL ' GUARDS' HALL. RAGE STRUT. BE . LOW. SIXTH: fe7-21* . I TWENTY•FOURTH WA R D.--A Company for the 215th Regiment, _P. V. , will be re cretted at ComsetePtoners' Gall, WEST PRIGADEIe MIA,. to be credited to the Twenty. fourth Ward. The city and Government Rountlee paid ,besides - 140 EXTRA, WARD BOURTY, Men mustered in and paid immediately. JAMES If: BLIJNDIN. Captain.- . . FRARK D. BINGHAM. First Lieut. PHILIP Lomax. Jr., 1. com mittee J. R. Lag, H. D.. 1 on J. J. VAR HOUTEN. Rgellatlllg. felf•St• INBIIRANCffi. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION Or TM • THAMES FIRE INSURANCE CO., Or NORWICH CONN • I ON TER 3152 DAY OF DROE2IBER, 1851: Anlint of Capital y Q 10X1,000 03 . ' actually ln in cash—, 200,030 03 tkin S. Amitint of Lorne on Real Rotate $34,353.08, Bank Sleek, market value•—•• 35.758 00 " " United States Stock 27,200 09 " Loam on Collateral 34.810 00 " Gael on Hand ...•••• 42,978 09 " Cash in hands of Agents 4.636 92 Other assets not above apeciillB6. including maned interest ..... 6,467 68 LIABILITIES Amount of losses unadjusted .. $9,110 21 outstanding dams unadjusted and due... • .» none Amount of outstanding claims unsdinsted and not due none Amount of other liabilities including rent and pi luting Arnotint or surplus. 12,672 39 (Signed) B. B. WHITTE2IOIO, Ass't' State 'J Connecticut. New London county. YOBS Jos, Conn., Feb. 3. 1885. Then and there personally appeared B. B. WHITTE. -MOB& 'signer of the above statement, and made oath that the same le true—before me. ' (Maud) LEWIS B. EITANTOIirs Justice of the Peace. JOSEPI TrELINGHA.ST. I'UNT 409 WALNUT Street; fe&wamet FIRE INSURANCE UNION - MUTUAL IN.S USANCE 00311 I ANY 4 - OF PHILADELPHIA., N. E. CORNER TUIRD&WELINET NIS; .F.XCILiNGIS BUILDING. • _ IPICOEPOkiTER ISO& ASSETS ' $400,000. The Board of Directors of this Company have deter. - Wend to insure rieice against lire. in aoeordance with their charter, and are now prepared to issue Policies coTering Piro Risks at the current rates. DUCIOTOBS B BESTOW% PRA NCB TETE, DImwBERRY A SMITH, KERRY LEWIS. U., EDW. L. CLARK, ELLIS TARE ALL SAMUEL C. COOK' S D. W. BBAIRE RNA D D, 06, B H DELBERT. JOHN MOSS. TOWNSIND. RICHARD S. SMITH, A. B. BORIS. JOBB H. IRWIN WJLLIAM C• KENT. J. P. STEINER. B ROBINSON, JAS. R. CAMPBELL. HHO N B R BI WH M C U U L M LR F.LAVARGRR. M CE. RICHARD B. SMITH, President, JOHN MOSS, Secretary. 35274 m THE NORTH . AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO urooßrovArszi TBB xmorstremtnor, OF THE WATS OP PENITSYLVAUXIA: ORGAAIZED OCTOBER 6. 1934. FOR INSURING Lou or Ins OR PEIWONLI:iIintY 'ISAVELLI* BY LAND OR WATER. Policies issued for a Single Trip, Special Journeys, Voyages, daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Also, againet the contingencies of Personal hazard. and against lots of all kinds, except real estate. Policies issued at the Po . Case, • No. 941 HISTIUT Street, Philadelphia; or by the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the Tilket Awaits at anyllail road Station. • 'OFFICERS. PRESIDENT, THRONORB ADAMS. . VICE PlmorsissT mat AoTtuurt. J, R. BRADLRY. TREASIINES , SAXES M. CONRAD. SEORBTARY. WOON PEYTON. ♦OBET. • J. E. 'PEYTON. DIRECTOIB. James Orahem. preekiln. Steele. Wm. Colder. jal7.lze . . Theodora Adana, James MLcoorod. Richard Wood. Cieorre T. 6todutan. pisußE YOUR LIFE gMERICAN, S. E. Cor. Walnut and Fourth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. It b ft HOME COMPANY, and volts divided Anntt elly, thee tidbit the mitred to pay tater* premiums Last dividend 60 per eent. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander WhiHan, J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. James Pollock, Hen. - Joseph Allison, Albert O. Roberts. . Henry K. Bennett. Samuel T. Bodine, Philip B. Mingle, George Nugent. John Allman, Wm: J. Howard. Issas Haslehuret. Samuel Work,. ALEXANDER WHILLDIE, President. BAREST , WORK, Vice President. sio22-Bwit JOHN S. WILSON,Sec'y and TrOSIITITOL INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.- EX FllBl7lOO EVERT WEDNESDAY, et SY, P. NI Adretteiou, TEN CENTS Store, No. I.lSouth EIGHTH Street. _ lt" 10,0 T I G E HAVING AA tbs. ir own Patterns of Heaters, Ranges. Stoyes,Rail ing, Sewing Maebipee, Re ,, can More superior Castings made on liberal terms by addressing LA - ROAMS STOVE WORKS, Lancaster, Pa - feS-7P PORTRAITS PRONOUNCED BY ALL .2- scummiest-urn the bet r. most aeeturate. and 2fe-like in features. eirpression.e and ealoring—see susoinisns life.she Photographs in on. B. F. B.SIMBR'Sr 62 16 ARCS Street. its CARTES DE VISITE-HAVE THEM made. when wanted,' at REINTIEVS, SECOND Street, above Green. Hie atTles will please the meat critical ; In style and execution nnenrpseesd. PT 0G R P H ALBUMS—PIM obiise. when you desire them, at H. Y. HSIIHIE'S, 024 - e kr.CH Street: He has st splendid assortment of the most beautiful and Ant 'able istyle ; Gen r e to PISMO. It* WAEAT cENl'aeli CLOTHING - 11.017133, 7-30 7-30 7-30 l'Eßsosar lA, SWIr .xIDI-TUO:MCIr,a.rire The Remain of the Tt811.111117 Wins anointed the indereszted Poi the ntanceitoent Led ale of the new and popigu. :Whtob. la a Lona for two and a half wean. at 7 3-10 per cent/interest in cartenty. and payable at ins- Putty.' or Amdahl, into the popular c3oi, LOAN, hereby: Invite in ana STATE .BANICB. all P/IIV4TEBAI.TEM9rIk,VVINGMID I4, and others. to- ondestror t()' dittos° of thesi notes to the• POO% •of theirzespective noiaborhoods.. A liberrd commis- don. satlielent to defray all advertising expenses,and lemma a fair zeollbfor sonless. wrl be allowed. Olrea jars vrttlx full instructions WUI be famished on apnli cation to A! vaderatimed. s-v - EN-geinicarr . 1.40A.1V Br authority of the Secretery of the Treaturi. the undersigned has assumed the General Subscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury lgotes bearing seven and thrae•tontha per sent. interest per annum, known Rothe These Notes are issued under date of August B. 1354, and are Payable three years fioni that cur rency. or axe convertible at the option of the holder into 0216.23 6: These Bonds are now worth npremlum of nine per cent., including gold interest from November, which makes the actual profit en the 7.50 Loan, at current rites, including interest, about ten per eent. per an num. besides its exemption from State and munici.pat taxation, which adds from One to three per cent, more, according to the rate levied on other property. The Interest Is payable gemt annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or 'banker. PHIL IDELPEITA, PA WJNANtiUL. UNNBRAL SUBSCRIPTION Ann 7-80 LOAN. aAlr coomm, SUBSORIPTION No. 114 South Third Street, SEXEN-THIRTY LOAN. U. S. 640 SIX PER OENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. The interest amon.nts to one cent per day.on Pi net% Two cents per day on a 11100 note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note.. coxie Dauer par day on a $5,000 note. •-• Notes of all the denominations named will be prompt ly furnished vird* receipt of inhearieitions. This is THE OITLY, LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it le confidently expected that its superior advantages will make it the GBEA.T POPULAR LOAN OF. THE PEOPLE. n .Less.thait $D)0,000,000 remain nnsold, whtch will rrt ,.. bably be disposed of within the .next sixty or ninety days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions' f other Loam riggIFTED3 .ea or. e. so re . •. , the National Banks; State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re. calve subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, In whom they have confidence, and who only are to be_ responsible for the delivery of the notes' for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE., SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, No. 114 SOUTH. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SHOHOH W. HLWBS. LBW= MILLER. JOS. L. HOUSTON. HEWES, MILLER, & CO, STOCK IND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 50 SOUTH TRIAD STEM. . , PHILALDHLTSILL. DEALERS IA GovenOnent. Beourithas, Spool% trnouirent Money, pity Warrants; &o. STOOKB BOUGHT ABED BOLD OA OoMlimarow AT TDB REGULAR NoAnD-OT DRoKBRB. Jalg-isa EIVLBFBII, BURNEY, & CO" istAximumas, 81'0011, MO3 ILEOriflteß BROKERS. "'Uvular *ninthly. paid to purchase and sale 01011 atocks. NI sours TIMID t3TBIST. MML.DXL.PIIIA. EIDISIOIO7/11. —Drexel Jit Co., MAW*'phis; J. B. Atui Wt. .President Southwark Sauk. noTlB.3ta n B. LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOGN, BROKERS,, NO. 14 FABQXIIIAII BT4ToDIFIGM, vivAianrr BT., BELOW TRIED). Frrthanur.rxra. - Gold, Government Bonds, Oil and Miscellaneous Moshe, bought and sold on Oonimissiou at the Board of Brokers. Dealers in Foreign Exchange. Loathers of cre dit bunted on London. Pubs. Antwerp, &IL JalToSzn TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE - 2 - OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. WASHINGTON, JIMUIIITY 25. /8+55 Whereas,'By eatisfaetory evidence presented to the . underaigned. it has been made to appear that THE NATIOWAI EXCHANGE BAIR OF PRILADBLPHIA. in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nized ender and according to the requirements of the Currency.gress entitled • pledge Un it vi A National ensured by a ofd States bonds. and to mrovide hr the circulation and redemption thereof, approved Jane 3, 1864. and has complied with all the provisions of wild set requircd to be complied With before commencing the bueiness of banking under said Act , Now, therefore. I, HUGH mocurLoun, Comn troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that TRB NATIONAL EXCHASGE BABE OF PHILADELPHIA., In the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel : Oda. and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to com mence the bneiness of banking under the act aforesaid Bealof-6-, 0 „,,-7 .- ,. in testimony whereof, witness my a 1 Currency. r ..—. HUGH IadCULLOCH, h ill ett h d a a a n y d o s r e j.n o u t a. o yy ilic i e 96s this tWente. troller of the fel. ell Comptroller 01 the Currency. BONDS FOR BALE. Orricit 1112rD CO ILXIMIONER PAOITIO B Sr. Louis, Tannery 30,11136. PROPOSALS will be received under.seal for the sate of ONB HUNDRED AtiI)II,IORTY-SIX MORTGAGB CONSTRUCTION BONDS OP , THE WRSTBIIN DIVI SION OF TBB PACIFIC RAILROAD in the Rate of Missouri, of One Thonaand Dollars each, with Interest Coupons of Seven Per Cent., payable sera. annual/Y. - Principal and interest payable at the Bank of Commerce in the City of New Volk. These Bonds area first lien • on all the 'Pacific Railroad from Dresden to Kansas Oily, and all the net earnings of the whole Road. extending , from ht. Louis to Kansas City, are pledged for the pay 'ment of principal and interest. These Bonds have four. five, and six years to ran, and are authorised by Act of the General Assembly of the State of Mi.souri. approved February 10th, 1864, under which act Fifteen Hued-red Thoneand Dollars of Mortgage Construction Bonds were issued, all of which, except the One •Bruitred and Eighty-al: I now offer for sale, have been disposedof at Par, and for the rapid extension and completion of said Hoed I now offer the balance, and will receive 'pro ponds for one or more, under seal, at my office in the City of St. Loath_ until the 10th day of February, DM: and the Dune is be sold stillest to the approval of the Governor of the State and -the President- of the Pacific Rath oad. All Essayl information will be furnished on application attbis office. THOMAS L. PRICE. Fund Corona/donor, Bt. Louis, BLimonri. • - - Information r eepeeting the Bonds above offered for sale, the law under which issued. and the character and 'Vane of the security, wil'S be Riven by the ander planed, FRANKLIN A. DICK. ial3l.lot • - 71$ LOCUST Street, Philadelphia. OIL STOCKS, 11. B. LOINS, &c., BDITOBT AID BOLD OK OOKISIBSIOII, BY GBOBOB BOY% Broker, NO.IB Beath MED Streik is&tmlf S. E. 00*. SUIT7I ALW kyautEr STENSTS. THE NEW BANKERS AND BROKERS, DBALESS IN GOVERN/[ENT BECtIBITIIIS GENE BALLY. 10-40 10-40 • 10-40 COUPONS, • DDS 1111111111431 Ist, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MABICBT RAM! 'BY . , 1,11610.1101Wra 41% feChn South THIRD Strad.. 7 3-10. BEllinr.•N-ICELERT"it NOTPAS* 111 A.310 - lIIITS TO SUIT ) FOE SALE Br DREXEL ea 00., totlia 3* South FIORD Street C T. .YERICES, as., & co., moor AND EXCIHAN'OE BROKERS. BANK NOTES WANTED. ja{16.121 CHAS. T. YERKZEN PHILLDSLYHIA. STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 20 SOIITH THIRD STREET 3a26-1m DREXEL 00., AMERIOAN AND. FOREIGN GOLD' FOREIGN EXOH&ITGE, 'MUTED STATES BONDS, Q,IIARTF,RBLASTERS , VOIJOHERS, A2D UNCIIREENT MONEY. '• STOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT MID BOLD AT BOARD OF BROKERS, iil• lm Tsos. cALTAngm. • CALDWZLL & CO., SANMS, No. 43 bon* TRIED Street. grocxs AND 1.004 PolicuiT AAP Ll44p 441 COILMINICA AS sai l REGULAR SOLED OP BROENRS. UNOUREENT BANE .NOTES. SPEOIB, &a., BOUGHT AND' OOLLEOTIONS MADE and INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT. -1&17.1m* 114,4111.110 ILIFOXY, • . LAM, !MON. nt. , . OU.AATASB BBIOBY do 0434 STOCR AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, MI kinds of 'Rearrest fonds and Sold and. BUM BLEACHED AND BROWN PILLOW-CASE MTJSLINS, OALICOES, MOUSSELINE DE DAINES, Raving a very light stock on band prior to the recent break down in price, we are enabled to Bell all the etylee Vbfgadliterrroikaittro:Pileenalir=litirrlnneeFehil. adel, CITEWEN STODDAHT & 8.20. 450, 452, and 454 North SBOOND Street, fet3-St above Willow. 2.SCENT CALICOES, Bess Madder Colors. =WEN . 9TODD/11.T & BRO., 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, above WllloW SUPER 4-4 BLEACHED SHIRT IRO, cents. lIRWER STODDART &-BRO,, 450, 450, and 454 North . SECONDe W Streillet. abovow. GEOLOGICAL MAP OF PENNSYL. VAN lA. JUST RECEIVED, A few copies of GEOLOGICAL MAPS OE PENNSYLVANIA, OOngErneted from original surveys, under the snperin , tendence of H_ENBIE D. ROGERS, State Geologist. Finely colored. • . • J. 13 . .LIPPINCOTT &CO., 715 and na MA BLUM Street. FISHER & B A ROT LETIT H IA ERS' V'S% NM We notify dealers that OW popular are now ready at the maaufaotorr FISHER & BROTHER. feB-4tir hio. 12 North SIXTH Street. Itv'EY TO HEAVEN; OR, THE OR LEBBATBO Sermon on "THE ROCK BPON WHICH ' THE CHURCH' SPLIT," by Bev. S. K. LANDIS. N. D. Instant. Price 10 cents, or 19 for IL •' warm], Sole Agent. Also, for sale at Storesand pr. Landis' Medical Oblee. 1912 CHBETBUT Street. - JaIS-Imo RUSTIC FRAMES ! RUSTIC FRAMs 1,000 RUSTIC FRAMES, FIFTY . 'PER CENT. BETTER IN EVERY WAT than any others in the market. Frames made to order, and Pictures framed promptly and at LOW PRICES. _ CORD AND TASSELS IN GREAT VARIETY. - WALNUT. GILT, AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, OVAL AND SQUARE, always on hand. - ITIVIIKEM ONE-PRICE CHITAP STORE, felt.St SOS CHESTNUT STREW. IN . THE ORPHANS' COURT - FOR •-• THE CITY AND MUNI Ir OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN GRIGG, deceased. _ . The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit . seitle. and adinet the accent' of NANCY 111 GRIGG and JOE N W. GRIGG. Administrators of thefstate of JOHN. GRIGG, deceased, and to report dietribution of the balance in, the bands of the Accountant, will meet the pnrliee Inthreeted for the purplse I of his appointment, on MONDAY, February 20th, 180. at 4 o'cicct. P. M . at his Office, te. E corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. in the MY of Philadelphia feS•wfmat" D. W. O'BRIEN. Auditor: E STATE OF CHRISTOPHER scianizizEß. Deceased.—Letters or Administra tion on the estate of CHRISTOPHER &CHM& TZSR. de ceased. homing been canted to the underdone& all Persons indebted to the said estate are recineeW to make payment. and those having claims against the earns present them, without delay,_ EOto LNARD BIINKEILT, No. 718 CHESTNUT Street. Or to bisAttorneT,_ U •_ NA:SLIM H. DOUNING. Ja , wtrdts ' • No. 114 South SIVSPITH Street. / * , 'C►) 10111 1'.30 U. S. NOTES FOR SALE; rit 81110 TO EMIT PIOLOHABIIIta. DAVIES BROTHERS. 225 DOCK STMT. BANKERS. IGKM.I), SIGVErt, No. 20 South TRIED Street. itmmovmn 313A14 K3EitS,* 84 SOUTH TRIED STREET, DIA.LEBB IX No., la South Third Street, MMA.D=%U. RETAIL DRY GOODS. SHEETING AND SHIRTINGS, DOMESTIC GOODS GENERALLY, AT ItEDIIPED PRIM Oa *AA 61 9 q "IMM:A $5, $lO, $l5. and: $2O VALUTDat LOTS TIANUFAOTIDIED IN OUR OWN BUILDING, VARIOUS STYLES 'AND SIZES, LEGAL. NEW BUCKWHEAT 'FLOUR WBIIIIOI. O VER BON - IM. NEW PARED PEACHES. CULTIVATED ORANBEERTEIL ara. ALBERT 0. ROBERT% Dollar in Tice Ore Mien, R&M/ Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Stmt. COMMITTEES APPOINTED TO PILL THE QUOTAS •OF THEIR TOWNSHIPS, TAKE NOTION.—This is the only office in Philadelphia that can muster men in the city-and have them credited to any pan of the State. Principals [supplied with SUB STITOTES. Rannere libera ll y dealt with. B.- F. LEVY, fe4et* 403 LIBRARY Street, second story, PATENTS PRO Ol:r RE IS D-UNIT Steam and Etiropean. - EDWARD BROW". 3A24-Im* _ 311 WALNUT amt. TASThallia NiDI3I7B.STEINnear OLOTEXCIG 'WANTED-A LARGE ROOM, WITH V T STUM-POWER. addresa "W.." EIS North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. , fed Se_ WANTBD—A 'YOUNG- MAN AB AN T T AmWant Entry Clerk Ina Dry Goods Commlialon Donee. Must scene well reoommended. Albinos •IL B. 31.." at We peke. feit•Br WA NT E D-A 13ALESLADY J TO take obarge of a PRY ..GOODS STORE. None but a firat-oleee band need apply. Liberal wages will be given. Addrese , PF., ' Press ollice,three dais. (fed St WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN-A SINDATION in a Wholesale Dry Goode, Notion. or Wool Bono, as ASSISTANT BOOK. IIIiNPAD, or to learn. the Bat loam Unquestionable reference as to cha racter. ability. Ac Aadreee "5.," at this office. feB-2tr WANTED -A BITUATION AB BOOK KEEPER be' Wholesale Ranee by a young it IN of experience, as whn can iLATO the beet of reference. Address G. L," at Ude office. foB 3t WAN T E D-BY A YOUNG MAN, Y &situation as Clerk or Assistant Baok•kaener. Aedress "T. 3 P.." Prow office. fe7-3t* WANTED TO RENT OR PUR 0111SE—A Store on MASEMT St., between Se cond cud Sixth Ste. Address Sox 2602. fe7.2t* WANTED TO RENT-A LARGE STOItB. between Second and Tenth streets. and ffiaiket and Walnut streets. Address A. J. W," Pres.? office. fe7-3t. WANTE D-TWO COMPETENT SALESMEN, In a Wholesale Notion HOLM. None but tbme who eon haddenoe a good trade need. address Box 927. Poet Office. fer-ats WANT E D-TWO COMMITNIO &T- T • IWO ROOMS on First Floor, snitsble fof Rod Bstata sad Conyoyaneing Oioe. Locality, Race , to Walnut, Third to Ninth Ettreete. Address ED. FL RAD CLIFF, 920 MARKET Street. fifT-St* WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH, a re; IabIe.CANVASSER in every town and county for !!The Nurse and Spy." the most interesting and ea citing book ever published, embracing the adventure! of a woman in the Union army as Nurse. Swint, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have agents clearing $l6O per month, which we wiil prove to any doubting applicant Stind for circulars. Address - JONES BROIL & AU- lm 600 CHESTNUT St , Phlladelphia, Pa, A LADY WISHES . TO FORM AN Folooment to supply o Publishing House • with TRANSLATIONS from the VREVOII or GARMAN Ad dress A- FORUM, Indla. O. A . GENTLEMAN, CONVERSANT A with finances ar d accounts, recently retired from an 1.1078 business. desires a Situation of responsibility. as TEEM URER or SECRETARY in an Insurance: Coal, or other Company. 14doribted reference as to charac ter, ability. MO sob's' psition, guarantee& Address Box Do. 1112 Pbiladelpht a P. 0. fe6•6t• B RASS -COCK MAKERS WANTED N. L corner SEVENTEENTH and 00 &TES Ste. N. • 1 : • :id . 'A ` •- • EISACED. quick. end. competent. Address. with references, Box 2172 P. 0.. 147.81.* SALESMAN WANTED--IN A DRY N- 7 Goode hComilleeion Rowse; one well aoquiinted le all the city trade. Address Box 12:e. fe7•Bt" TEACHER WANTED-FOR PRINCI PAL of the - High School. at POTTSVILLE. Saltnyl. kin vonntr. Pa. SelarY. VIE a year. Payable monthly. for ten .menthe' teaching. Applications received in Person or by letter. to 11th inst., accompanied by pro per certificates, recommeadatiotui. 80. By order of Directors. fee =Peet CHRISTOPHER LITTLB. Secretary. $lO,OOO WANTED... ON MORT GAGE upon well-secured REEL ES TATE. worth double the amount. LT:WM do KONT GOISIERY, 1035 BEACH Et., ab. Laurel. fell- wen* 6125 A MONTH!—WANTED— . AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW & CLARK SIXTEEN-DOLLAR FAMILY SE if- IRO MACHINE, the on/Trw-price Machine in the country Which to licensed by & Baker, Wheeler & Willem, Howe, Singer & ~ and Bechelder. Signs"' and expensasor large commissions allowed. .41t other Machines now sold icir leas than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars seatfree. Address sa AM k CLARK, nol7-d&W3ixt BIDDEFOBD, Maine. da WANTED—A. HOUSE, FROM SIX ia to Bight rooms, with all modern imprOvemento North Fifth Bighth. or Seventh streets preferred. Bent i no object f suited POBISESSiOIi May Lit. Address '• Frank." Box 2623; Philadelphia P. 0. • fe2-61.• ASSISTANT' QUARTEMS salarro•TEß'S OTRIOR,No. 274 Smith THIRD Bt.; Pnrurormud. Dee. 34, 1864. Vessels wonted to load with coal for Newborn, N. O. end Key West, Fla. Despatch nlcon. JOHN N. .TINNINGS,_ - deed. Captain and A. Q. H. 0 .. • HOTEL FOR SALE, A large, commodious, long established Hotel, in the lower part of the city of New York, doing a flantbdang business, is offered at Driving sale including toe pre mises, good-will, forcibly), &c. Complete in all re spects. Property in fee. APAY tO A. T. BLEEOKEN, SON, & ea-w nat el FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL AND mm. VALUABLE PROPERTY, in. West Philadelphia., large Inten, large stone mansion, balls houese, hot and cold eater, water closet, furnaces; ice house, large stone stablo.sted coach house, plenty of shade, fruit and flowerG, Price n5.0(0. For farther platten late apply at lire. 112 South FOURTH Street, third story, front building ' fe13.80 J. S. OALDWIUS op FOR BALE—ARCH ST RE ET, Aga month side, west of Tenth, large DWILLINGI let 26 feet front by 150 feet deep, with etable and. coach holm on an adjoining lot Price $12,000 clear for all, MILLER. 154 North SIXTH Street. feB-et if STO tkr- I titg T113. - n , RT, or CONNIONWEALTH HIIILDINtt 611 and 613 CHESTIVIT Street. LIGHTED BY'TWENTY-BIGHT WINDOWS. CAN BE _ARRANGED FOE OFFICES. - THOS. H. CONNELL. Cortittisrllonee of Dr. D. JAYNE B. SON. fel-et* 242 CHESTNUT Street. OIL -LANDS. THREE AND A HALF ACRES • of the beet-selected Land an PITHOLIS CREEK, Ye - mango county, within a ehort distance of the riven, and turroluided by producing wells. It is below the large well lately struck by the United. States Com pany, which is now. producing 20 barrels per day. The large &iambi r of PRODUCING WELLS now being struck in this (Pithole) Region has produced a great excitement, and the Territory in this neigh horhood Is daily enhancing in value. • This Region •remises to equal the productions of ffpft • nil . tin. Address " Petro- OIL TERRITORY. . a N.. , FOR SALE-4 Tract of Land, containing 95 acres, situated in the celeln mod Mecca district, Trnmbull Lubrica 4 • • dtstrict prodncee the famous Mecca • also, a Tract of 62,k' acre , . • •• , mango county. two and a half miles • , and opposite Kingston Oil Oompeay's Property. For particulars a p ply to COOKRAN & RUSSELL, 22 North PEON' . Street. ()IL LAND FOR. SALE LOW-114 Acres SALMON CRESS. five miles from Tionesta river and Oil operations of Baffe.lo. Brooklyn. Salmon, Big Salmon, and Cotter Farm Oil Companies Amber Oil, worth $BO at the Wells, is found here. Otisprings abound one and a half miles from. Merlon, county Best of Forest, Oil Creek and Ridgway Railroad will run near by. H. 08LER. Sr.. & CO..fey. 6t* if " TRIED and HARMONY Col $3,000, $1,t00.-WELL 6E 2, 500 , CURED Mortgagee of these amount!' BONSALL BROS, 116 North NINTH Street.. for ode by WEST VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE; IMPORTANT TO rA oiNtiail&3s AND CAPI TALISTS. BUICOBSS &-PAIST, (formarly or Philadelphia.) BITENEYOM,... CONV:STAUB Rh. AND DEALERS DS OIL LANDS. Rave opened an Office in PaRKERSBURO for the purchase and sale of 011 Lands. Surveying and Con. veyanclng. Lands surveyed. emit mapped, Titles ea armed, Deeds and Leases drawn. companies and in dividual • interests attended to Parties desiring In• formation regatding Lands. Companies, Wells, Ago., by mail or otherwise, promptly answered. Persons visiting the eat oil. regions of West Virginia 1111/1 find it to their int erest to call upon BURGESS & PAM, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Jos. H PAM. feS-Im A. B. BIIROEPS FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH PAR TIAL BOARD. Irk aprivate-family, for gentlemen (11211. - Location central. Aeferenoe yegaired Address H.,"at We Office. fe.3-St,* ' B OARDING. -A SUITE OF ROOMS . 11 - , for one or two a:action:nen. with breakfast. if de• aired. can be had at 1710 BROWN Mad. fat-erY ant CHIOKERING & SONS' MIEBRITED GUN)) AND WARR PIM& OPENING OF. THE NEW WAREROOM Entrants at /Mr MSTMeniii COTTAGE ORGANS Not only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLID in fealty of Tone and Power, designed especially for Churches and Scboob, but fond tole equal' well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing R m. For sale only by M I& BRUCE, • • No. 16 North SEVNNTII Street. Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon constantly on hand. itoM,Stn Finll NEW PIANOS. SIIPNRIOR .1:111W. YORK PIA.NOS,Usst received SW for sale at G. ANDRR & CO.'s Rode Store, ieliamNo. 17.04OESSTRUT Street gelitifigi DECKER BROTHERS' PI- Ire 5 I ANOS. —The public, and particularly the Profession, are limited to examine these beautiful in struments, which are meeting with slush an nnparal. ]sled degree of popnleritl and sale in New York, and wherever know n. The' desideratum so long lstriveh tor, i. e., the Strength ot the trait, and sonorosumess theirihoden frame so haptilly attained by them, rendert Pianos incomparable with an, others The no gitiatiglettmeliimgioaliXslchler a e n sls i Nir en o n iteo . ;ll_ , of others. amply establish their high rank. For sale only by W J. COCHRAN, 908 CHESTNUT Street. Also. a / ergs 'lmpertinent a other new and second hand Pianos. tot. sale and to rent. nolg- Sui• lc= ADOLPH. HINTZ'S FINN r TOS handsome PIANOS. Only Da JASBELLA% B, 2SI S. FIFTH St. ERNEST GABLER'S 7 14. 4 Octave Parlor Grand PIANOS. Overl.oo o in nee In Philadelphia. Only . for eels at JAB. BELLAK 6. ASII3. Firm Street. RAVEN . & BLOON'S PIANOS. If I I IF Noma. for 40 years. Only for solo ot JAS. BELLAK'S, 2818. FlFTEStreat. CALENBURO 4 VA:EMELT , (FS Q Palmeri MHOS; flirt clam. Only for sale at - JAS. BELL AK'S, 2818. FIFTH itreat. NEW BIKE 7-OCTANB MO DERN.STYLIS PIANOS, from 8275 toll.oo o . • ` JAS. BELLA& AB l B. PIYTEI Streit, FM,PRI:NOR '8 AUTOMATIC 'OR GANS =vase ariythlng known la this lins. Only for side et JAB. BKLLAEO S. 981 S. FIFTH Street PRINCE & CO '8 WORLD =owl= maLonsons. Over now in use now. JAB. BEL r, elCOnlit Atm'. Jai-ImM* an B. rtrilt street WANTS. IN THE OITY OF NEW YORK. Anetlonsers and Beal Estate Brokers. 77 CEDAR Street, New'York._ BOARDING. TAM:MAY, February 9th Art Gallayer WRBDIROTB. TAYLOR, & BROWS. 914 011391TNITT Stead WIVI. H. DUTTON, SOLI AGIN? AT REASONABLE PEIOEtI. AMUSEMENTS. HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY% SECOND , CONCERT OF THE SEASON 18644136*, The managers annonate that the WICOND,CONOInIe of the Season will take plats on Friday Evening, FebruarY IIILSICAL FEIED HALL, When ROSSINI'S Nanlfleent Ooraixwition WILL BE PILTLFORMED. The Solo Parte will be sturtairleil by the ratewl a g artiste: MRS. MOZART, Soprano, from New York: NrES. JOSEPHINE SOICEMPEP. Contralto; U. GEORGE soresoN, Tenor; from New York; MR. A. R. TAYLOR• And the LAMS CHORUS of the Society In addition to the STARKT MATER, wilt be Siren Mt OVERTURE by the GERMANIA GIGGIESTRA, and a DUET and CHORUS from Menielseobree HYMN INIr PRAISE. All under the direction of Hr. CARL SEIM Subscribers will be taken for this and the mutant Gomm rte at THOS DOLLARS, entitling them Mr THREE Tickets for each Concert, on application to ear member of the Society, or at J. E. Gonid'e kitudc Skeels Seventh and Oltearnitt streets. SINGLE TICKEIN. ORS DOLLAR, tole bad at the Nude Stoma. at Risley's (Continesda Hotel?, and at the door on the evening of, the Conciat. To commence at 8 o'clock. fed.* GROVER'S GRAND GERMAN OPERL =7EI A BRIEF FAREWELL SEASON ACADEMY OF MUSIO MONDAY, FKBREFAMIN Mb. LIKITED POSITIVELY TO TEN NIGHTS; &seers] BMW ARTIB7EB appear. and a Israel/ lii creased Chorus and Wm, Grand Orchestra. POSITIVSLY LAST APPEARASIOI of several of the leading mild% as they depart shmtlir for Enzope. Bee fum announeements in Saturday's Papers. NM OYBR OF ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CROSS & JARVIS' . SECOND CLASSICAL SOIREE, SATURDA Y Wh y en m eyw P il eb e a l s istdyB o'clock: CARL GAERTNER. ROOGENBITEGER, CHARLES SCHWYZ, i. ALBS:EOM' Tickets, each. $l. to be bad at the principal kraals Stores- foe.* ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BOIBBE GYMNAStIQUE. Br the Pupils of SEILLEBRAND & LEWIS' GYMNASIUM. THURSDAY EVENING, Feb. 16. ........ Reserved 5eat5........... Secure_yont ticke t s in Rm. - at the OTllNA.fillim. earner of NINTH and Alan. Where also full programmes can be bad. feT.Sk JAMES E. MURDOCH, READINGS AT CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, above Twe lfti. At the solicitation of a Committee of Gentlemen. Mr.' 1111RDOCU has consented to give four more of his pope. la r READINGS fora charitable object , and we tale pleasure In presenting the following magniriont Froh ram - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, expressly selected by him as containing many of kis livest place% some of which are, for the Ara dm% introduced in this city: FRIDAY EVENING. Feb. 10. ISM. SELECTIONS FROM THE TRAGEDY OF OTITELLOI: The Midnight Brawl—Oassio's Disgrace, and his Er. Sections on Drunkenness (2d. act.)—Shakspenre. Extracts from T. Buchanan Read's WAGONER OF TUB ALLEGHENIES. consisting of twopictures— First, the Frozen Camp at Valley Forge; Second, the Tournament given in honor of Lord sat Sir William Howe in Fhlladelpbis„ 1776. How they brought the Good Hews from Ohent to —B. Browning Footsteps of Angebi. —Longfellow. Paul's Defence before Agrippa. — Holy Writ. The Sleeping Sentinel —F D. Haea a n vier. On Board the Gomberliuld, ce e n e d..)—lleorige Bober. Our Defenders.—T. Wounded and lfzi Th e vet.-f . --..cred Out.—Bev. Wm. IL Miller: .eraetleal and "Theoretical Re'marks and Reflections ell same by the Rider Weller said. his Son fiamneL--: Dickens. _ SECOND EVENING, 13 &TORBAY- Feb 11, EXTRACT FROM THE PLAY OF KING HENRI TEX EIGHTH. Cardinal Wolsey'e Disgrace and Lament.—ghats nisee M ar aud Muller G. Whittier. The Biel Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire, 1211.-- Jean Ini,Z 4 evr. Th e , D eaco ithi Wonderful One-horse Shay. —O. W' Holmes. - Brushwood; or, _Labor and Prayer. F. Buchan.; Read_ vane.—George H. Boker, The Ballad of New or Our Heroes. F. De HaveJae:vier. Sheridan'e Ride.—T. t herm Read- Selections from Lady of the INN; Death of Blank/ of Devon Interview and Combio between Roderick Din and Fitz James.—Scott. The Huinorotse Ballad of Monsieur 1 , NI. lon ; or, thee Troubles of the Little Frenchman Tickets for each Evening, 50 cents. A limitesil another of RESERVED SEATS, without extra charge.- can be obtained on early implication at T. B - PUGH'S' Book— Store, cornerof SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Salo to commence on Wednesday, February 5. Tickets will mik-takhztasee•-b evard"---11—. Mar Programmes for Monday and Tneeday EVPIII.I2/13 Wirt appear on Saturday. Persons holding tickets can Iwo care Reserved Seats by applying as above. fe9-3t kTE7 CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE—. STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH . ratans ORA - - - of the Gloriouel HE v Suceessful Drama of T THREE GUARDSMEN. Price of Admiesion to the Matinee, SO cents to all nada of the house; Children. 25 cents. Doors open at IX o'clock ; to commence at 2% o'clock. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Feb. Bth, THIRD NIGHT of the brilliant engagement of the YOUNG, BEAUTIFU L , aND FASCHWATING EGINSH•ei ONAL AG O RhSE. MISS HELEN WESTERN, who, hi order 10 accommodate the hundreds of person* Who werennable to obtain seate 11D011 her opening night. will repeat her artistic personation of CYNTHIA, THE GIPSY, in Back stone's beautiful Drama. in three acts, entitled. THE FLOWERS OF THE FORREST. • The evening's perowinance will conclude with the amusing Farce, called TURN BIM OUT. On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Feb. THIRTIETH GELLED FAMILY MATINEE. On FRIDAY EVENING. Feb 10, BENEFIT OF MISS HELEN WESTERN. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. EXTRAORDINARY &MOMS OF THE OELEERLTEIh COMEDIAN. MR. FRANK DREW. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Feb. 8, The performance will commence with the ordeal& Dish Drama of RORY O'MOBE. Rory O'Mara (with songs) FRANK DREW To conclude with the ecretunthr Tares or THB IRISH DRAGOON. ' Paddy Harpty O'Brallashan Mr- PRAIRIE DREW MRS. JOIELN DREWI3 NEW ARM! STREET TN6ILTHE. THIRD MORT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. 71116 8. 1866. Lady Tovnley Mn. JDSN DREW_ LordTownleyMr. Gerdes.. Alter which. " POOR PILLICODDY." PlThcoddy Stuart BANN& FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. AreASTVILLI LIJND TrIPIA.TRA CALLOWBILL, between Fourth sad Fifth. MONDAY, FEBRUARY Bth, 1955, - Fifth night MlN Bof the LIS eg S ag 'TESTI/ALI LUND.. ement of the eminent artists: Bhalkspeare's beautiful Play, KATHERINE AND PETIII7OIIIO, translated into the German language. Katherine Idles Elise Vestvall Lunt Fettucine.— ...... Mr. Adolph Vasty** EA.T NATIONAL crgeus, WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTIEt A WEEK OF GREAT ATTRACTION. COL. D, THE BLIND HORSE EXCELSIOR, TEM THOROUGHBRED OUAB ABIA AS N STEED STEPHEN' , A. DGL. ORIGINAL COMIC MULES PETE AND BARNEY. 1 Col. DAM RICE will make his first appearance en MONDAY EVENING, 6th Inst., and continue during the week. Be will introduce to the audience his wow derful ELISEeII-tralned animals. Re-engagement et Wile the Stone Family; &wines Familia Hutchinson and Murry; the Trained Dogs; Le Hurt. Admiselen still _the same—First Tlar 60 eta ; Ssooadt do. 25 cte. ; Private Boxes NW. Performance commences each evening 217 40 Far-. formanee every Afternoon, commencing at 256' o'clock. A BSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTS AND CHESTNUT; ' "DRUNK ON COLD WATER.. Third end last week or the humorous Lecturer ad& oriainal Psydbologlit; DR. B. BROWN WILLIAM& This week the Dedornpplars every night. His lbst Sir ezberiments enitattstats aiLthe pecnitarltiss of our dtS , ferret natures and dirresidOne,_with SUBJECTS FRONHE T AUDIENCE Drunk on cold water—Evading the liquor law —Ligkia. leg the gait with the fingers. without matches or flame— Mental psychology—Phreriology and electricity tonched upon—making two hirurs of fan and information. ON TUESDAY, A MAT 1 ABB -for ladies only. at S o'clock. ON WEDNESILY DAY IL ANDATINEEE. SATURDAY. FAM Admission SS cents. - SATURDAY NIGHT LAST LECTURE. for gentlemen only. Gentlemen desiring to acquire the science of "ear. etiology " can now form a class, Dr. Williams guanine teeing sumps. Terms and particulars can be obtained from Mr. J. T . Donnelly, between the hours of land 3 o'clock I'. M., Assembly Buildings. An early applies— tion necessary. Evening—Tickets 33 cents. 'Admitting a lady ant ' gentleman, AO cents. Commence at o'clock. fed-6t NATIONAL SKATING PARK, TWEET,/ -FLBST Street and COLUMBIA AT•11110. Thrace will be cleared and reads for Skating winder two hours after the snow ceases tofell le SELECT RRADINGS AND RPCITL TICINO by PHILIP LAWRINCS and Mc Damhter MARY, at ASSIORBLY BUILDINGS. on TRIDAY an& SATURDAY RVEBINGS. Pe?. WM an& IBA- "The Death of the May Queen.' - 9Arp) of the Llelt,A Brigade." Barbara Wet:We, •The Pcmtne.... ••T he Gambler% Wife. 'Bingen ?n, the Rhine 'AnabeLlee.,• 'Lord Torn Boddy.'e•dor. Tlettough cents. Commence at Bo' cloak. MS 40- HABSLBR'S ORCUPSTRL AIWA EMUliiff SLPL Office, No, 3111.416 South WWI( 8 *Woe A SSEMBLY BUILDING. MATINEE mvsicias By the PhllodelpAls. CLASSICAL QIIINTEITS CLIIIr EVERY WEDIrEl33Oelt. a I Y. IL Tiokets at the Door, 'Firm Conte will. AML-1111toWta •, A . I 'T. 01. ItglEtitkliKAlA stfati, SAVYBDAT, at 0 . 01. • P.l[., atIitUBLOAL FUAA Skies 'Aeksia. cents Eibt Tickets,.3l.o4 ba at til_a Oars' and Meyer s Muds Stens. and at t h* Aam THE ACADEMY OF FENS A• CHESTNUT nrosLabove 'I*AX Is OM l ia M. for 'donors, from a X: to 6r. E. DzipAnnersTFOA °term WO RAE. • • 4..40 oeutiC 76 "