Literature and Art. There hie been lately published, br 81;e1,10i Co., New York, an octavo volume of 576 pages, the " history of the Planttng and Tratntng-of the Christian Church of the Apostles," written by the famous Dr. Augustus Neander r translated from the German by J. E. Ryland ; the translation re. vised and corrected according to the fourth German edition by E. G. Robinson, D. D., Professor In the Rochester Theological Seminary, and well Indexed. This work of Neanderts 1s not among the best of its Class, but Constitute" a class In Itself, In which feet and pldlosophyare combined by means of learning, industry, and thought. Its value to theological students °allot be too highly astimUi. • Received from J. B. Lippincott At Co. Sixty years ago a mathematical genius, named Zerah Colburn, was born in Vermont. While yet a boy, even before the time when lads are learning the alphabet, be exhibited a surprising faculty of mental calculation, rapid and accurate, such as the ablest arithmeticians and mathematicians could not equal. He was exhibited as a prodigy, at home and abroad, but his faculty of computation left him 'When he reached the age of manhood. He closed his Career, some twenty-four years ago, as Professor of ,Langnages in Norwich University. His eon and lutmesake, now one of the most eminent civil engi neers in England, is now producing a very Import ant work, published by Sohn Wiley, NOW . Yerk, to be completed in twenty Parts, imp. 4t0., each Part Containing thrie double•sheet engraved plates, and Sixteen pages of letter-press, besides numerous wood•onts. The Bret Live Parte have reached us through Mr. J. K. Simon, 88 South Sixth street, Sole agent for its sale In this city. The work Is en titled "Locomotive Engineering and the Meehan- Ism of Railways: a Treatise on the principles and Construotioa of the Locomotive Engine, railway Carriages, and railway plant; with examples se lected from the International Exhibition of 1802:i Ita a history of the Locomotive Engine, with an ells , nidation of the principles of its construction, end examples otlta mechanism and varieties, thlt work la as unique as excellent in design and exeentiOn. Its practical information Is brought down to the ' latest point,- and Mr. Wiley, its publisher, has Ju diciously put it at a vary low price, which only a large sale can make remunerative. Mr. Van Nostrand, New York, has brought out, In two pooket volumes, "Infantry Tootlos," by Gen. W. H. Morrie, treating of Sohools of the Soldier and Company, instruotion for skirmishers, mune, affhool of, the battalion, evolutions of the brigade, and directions for manoeuvring the Division and the Corps frArmee. It seems plain, simple, and fall. Received from J. Penington & Son. Dr. F. A. Ton nosolizlsker publishee a neat 12mo. volume on 'lEye, Ear, Throat Diseases, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma." It belongs to a class which we do not like, however ably written ; its main object being to advance the Interests of the author, though ostensibly addressed to the people. The preface to this volume la DI tempered. and might have been advantageously omitted. The practical statements and advice here may prove useful to persons affected with the diseases they apply to. On sale by James $. Claxton. _ The newest works of fiction are " !Ay Brother's Wife; a Ltfe•History," by Amelia. B. Edwards, published by Harper St Brothers, and eminently Worthy of perusal; "Nellie; or, The Companions of the Chain," by Fairfax Balfour It sensation story, published by Frederic A. Brady, New York ; asid "The Brother's Secret," by William Godwin, Jr., only eon of the author of " St. Leon" and "Caleb Williams," published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Rad the younger Godwin' survived, he Would have been a distinguished writer, but he died young, leaving only this work, which exhibits much power and a well constructed plot. "The Beautiful Widow," by . the late Sirs. Shel ley, widow of the poet, has been published by Pe. tereon Et. Brothers. If has slight episodes of Ilfe In Italy and the United States, but Is eminently a story of English society. The style Is polished, the Inoral pointed,- the plot carefully developed, and the characters naturally evolved. It is not sensa tional, which sensible readers will appreciate. Mt Claxton has pftbltshed a small pamphlet anti tied "The African's Right to Citizenship." It is a plea in favor of giving political and social rights to properly qualified colored persons, and against driving them out of the country, which has actually been proposed by some publicists. This is a tem perate and rational brochure. The author's name Is not given.- THE C Irrlr. The Thermometer. FEB. 4,'1866. I FEB. 6 1366. IL—. 11 K. —8 P M. es 36 se 97 VOID WIND. WbyN—WMW......NW //W..-- NW........NW BfITOITANSY. MUTED STAVES MILITARY SCHOOL FOB °FPI- DERR,• Fergus L. Uteri°, Sergeagt 102 d New York Vo lunteers, a Student of this school, passed a success. ful examination before the Board of Examiners for offioers of colored troops, at Washington, D. Cl. t last week, and was recommended for the position of Second lieutenant. MIIdTABY commeslON A military commission, It le said, will convene tc-day as a eourt-martlat to try certain asses, among them the alleged Navy Yard frauds. It is quite likely the court will be In session several months. It has an immense amount of business to Irevestigate.' Major General Doubleday will sot as president of the court. He is the same gallant man Who fired thq first gun from Fort Stimpteret Fort Moultrie. which disabled one of the rebel guns, and killed and wounded all within the embrasure at the time. Oolonel John A. Foster, of the 147th New York Volunteer& will apt as judge advocate. The first, case. It le reported, that will occupy the Wen. tion Of the court, will be that of a heavy tent con tractor. NAVAL. TII3I strwAwEE The U. S. steamer Suwanee, gi doublesender,) , probably start from the Navy Yard to-morrow, for the Southern Blockading Squadron. 111.194:TELLANZOVS. INCOME RETURNS. The further returns of incomes from the Second and Third Congressional districts will be published as soon as the lists are complete. In the list published January 81, In division 134, Fourth Congressional district, the name Jaoob K. ,Bents was incorrectly printed 118 Jacob K Bartley. In the Seventh division of the same district the re turn of James M. Preston was published at MS. It should have been 5i4,823. • THE ARSENAL WOMEN. Vol. H. Biggs, A. Q. Isf., advertises for propolals for of cloth, flannel, &c., to be delivered at the Schuylkill Arsenal, so that there win be plenty'of work to be given out at that celebrated % place. Many of the .women have gone there for work, but were disappointed., The Arsenal is a $ 4 big thing," and the adoption of a more perfect system to avoid delay and disappointment would be entirely oominendable. It Is stated that some of the employees seem to glory in the insolence of 01:110e. We have heard of several ladies having been in tuited there by some of these individuals. No gen tleman was ever known to insult a lady, and no other kind of men should be employed there. Any lady who should feel herselfinsulted by any of the employees should at once report the case to Col. Biggs, who, we are assured, will promptly apply. the proper remedy. DROWNED BODY RECOVERED. Coroner Taylor was nailed. on Saturday evening, to hold an inquest upon the body of an unknown white men, who was found In the Schuylkill, at Chestnut-s treet wharf. The deceased appeared to be a German, about forty .years of age. He was about five feet ten inches in height, and had black hair and large bushy, black whiskers. He was gen. teelly dressed In black, and had on four shirts, one of which vitas a - black. and white plaid, one red, an other white, and yet another, a gray shirt. The body appmed to have been In the water but a few days. ACCIDENT Mrs Huston, an aged lady, said to be 77 years of SO, walked afratnat a passenger oar, at Thirteenth and Fitzwater streets, on Saturday afternoon, was knocked down, and so seriously injured that it is more than likely she cannot survive her Injury. It reported that one of her shoulder blades was broken. The oar was moving at a moderate rate, Snd. it does not seem that any censure can be at tached to the driver. .r=r=a==aM ' ZlT=M The following petition, signed by many of our prominent citizens, has been sant to tie Mayor : -70 the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia: - The undersigned citizens of Philadelphia respeata fully request that the State House bell be-ping in boner of the great event which is now rejoicing all hearts—the adoption of the amendment resolution providing for the abolition of slavery in the United Htstes. We would request, also, that your Honor will re uommend the ringing of the church bells and a gene-, =al display of bunting throughout the city. . WEATHER RECORD A comparison of some of the meteorological pho 'Doman& of January, 1866, with those of January, 1864, and of the same month for fourteen ' years, at Philadelphia, ra.•Barometer 80 feet above mean tide 8n the Delaware river. , Latitude 89 deg. 6734 min. N. longitude 76 deg. 1034 min. W. from Green wich,. By lAMBS A. KTIMP.A.TRICIK, A. rherrynometer. /Hemet degree Do. date Warm datest day—Mean Do. e I.,ovrest degree Do. date Col des t day—mean Do. date life= daily oselllatton.i.. Do. range :dean 2at 7 A.. P. M i)o. M Do. • 9P. M De. - for the month Barometer. lEligheet, Inches Do. date Create/at datty pressure— Mean date. Do, do Lowest, inoheB Do. date yeast daily Pransdre -- *em Do. do.: Meal" dilly ram *roan at 7 A. M Do. 2'P. M Do. 9P. M Do. for the won* Force of Vc(por. • Greatest, Inches Do. date e. at Least. Luches Do. de Sfean at f A. M Do. 2P. ... ... ...„ Do. 9P. Di Do: for no month Greßelative Humidity. atest, per cent • Do. date least. per dent - • . ..... Do. _dace 3 1 611 at 7 A. BS • o. it P. M. hf.i o. 9P. M .Do• for the month • onde. • 'Plum M ber of cleavage... Do. cloudy daF .Af Si .• eanofsky co o v . dat 7 Al Do. d ' Do. do. - : • 9,P. Do. for ttlf! : month ifi'ain and inetkid 02nrito. Amount, inches pro. o f day on NM -gaga or &n ow fol - 9 days. 160 22 .0 act 66.8 16.8 1619 Winds• Afean direction Times in 1, .1 N. 70 W. M. • Sty one:third or leas covered at the. hours o• Jan., for 14 ITs 63 . 00 '29th. '64. 68.93 1611 6 4 .0 '83. 231.8. '0067 9 %.93 66 8.63 71.78 36.27 31.13 3199 11L00 ltth. 43.40 10th. - 6.00 28th. 12.88 27th. 11.99 7.14 88 29.90 WI 86 46.69 90.764 2101, 'O3 so.ece 28th, '63. 28.911 Z. 4, '53. 90. 207 212. 29.267 19211. 711 947 19th. 0.296 28.886 29.817 20Th.. 919 882 29.048 234 '63 . 0.218 29.966 29.916 29.916 49.999 20 . 402 ; 10th. .0.234 29.843 29. , 795 11982, 12. has 0.606 llth,oti '3& '224, 'M. .133 : 1 i's .148- ort.. .026 2.1. .1119 .1.91 140 .187 0.347 10th. .00/ 26th. .100 .114 .119 .113 1( 0.0 18th. 31.0 26 & 28. 78 1 67.8 63.5 66.8 98.0 6th. .40.0 14th. 81.1 74.0 100.0 often. 24.0 25[14 , 60 79.6 67 6.3 .9 7 74.7 8.9 days 1.1 6 2.31 Pet• 63.0 48.4 67.9 days 60.0 w at 111.9 41.6 151.5 10 8 days [VP.. N W $l9. ITOR UNION SOLDIERS AND BAILORS. - -Wears requested to say, by Mr. Wm: rd. Cooper. that the tunas oontributed to the Cooper- 3hop Com mittee are strletly applied to the benefit of the sot . Mere who fight for the Union, or sailors doing the same thing, if they should chance to pass that way. Not a cent-or the contlibutlons is expended for the. benefit of refugees—repentant rebob,.Who daily hr. live in this city. The thstitution was not organized for such work, and the original principle is adhered tO In ever'y respect. 11, from Motives of sympathy, it may be thought proper to take that class or people by the hand who have murdered Union soldiers: let an organization be effected at once. Within' the past week or two numbers of these fugitives have been sent to the'Cooper Shop for something to eat, and even for lodgings. Choy were imposed upon by 'designing individuals, who • told them that they could have everything there they desired. It Should be understood that the doors of the Cooper Shop are always open for thole who fight for the Union, but firmly closed against all, who' have been arrayed against, and who, by force of circumstances, seek refuge among those whom they hate. 817DD.N DEATH' A man named George Fritz°, aged 37 years. was found dead yesterday morning, in a tavern, at the corner of Third and Shippen streets. He went into the place about one o'olock in the morning. took a seat in a chair d died in this position. He was not discovere d be dead until near nine o'clock. Whisky was the canoe of his demise. NARROW ESCAPE Between twelve and one o'olOok yesterday a pot. MD of the chimney of a bowie at the southwest corner of Arch and Sixth streets fell. It was pro• bably blown down by the high wind. .41. lady past ing by made a very narrow escape. A - brick grazed her back, tearing her mantilla from her person. WRISEY SMUGGLER. On Saturday afternoon a man who, it Is reported, was caught smuggling whisky on board the reoeiv lug ship at the Navy Yard, wab drummed out at the point of the bayonets of a corporal's gnarl. He was labelled whisky smuggler, on his back. THE OOUItTS. oOurt of Quarter liessious—lWOn. Joseph ASSIOef ate Justice. LAST DAY or THE TEAM. This being the last day of the term, a considerable number of persona were in court expecting to have their cases disposed of. The number of desertion and habeas corpus caeee brought before Judge. Allison during his' terns have been very large, and the greatest amount of patience baa been devoted to them. If a court was es tablished for the purpose of bearing desertion cases, it would greatly relieve the - Judges of the SEIELSiOI3/, who are overburdened with the regular businees. EUTLER IN COURT. W. L. Nichols, charged pith false pretence, was heard on habeas corpus John Crosegoner Grtifled that Mr Nichols rated it min ent and agreed to. make him antler, provided he paid 01CO. 'Witness gays $5O. and was to pay the other when ti.e regiment was muttered in. After going to camp the witness round about three hundred bootblacks there, bat all the soldiers bad been transferred to another regiment The court decided there was no false pretence, and. Mr. Nichols was discharged, THE TWBBTY•THIED WABD ELECTION FRAUD& Judge Parsons called the attention of the court to the parties who were convicted for voting on false naturali zation papers, saying that a number of natters had been discorenni unknown heretofore to the Commonwealth's officer. He hoped the court would make the rule for a new trial absolute Mr...rano said that in lftie &committee was appointed to ascertain the number of nnnatnraltzed &titans re biding in the Twenty. third Ward. False pavers were sent to these people through the postmaster, a Mr. Comly. This ward was flooded with these papers for the purpose of electing James-Buchanan, many men - having them placed in their poekets while working in the field by unknewu persons.' A trial had been re cently commenced in tkds court of persons charged with voting on the papers. and after it was seen that convic• dons could be had then the papers were produced As the Com monwe slt h's officer, he bad stayed the proceed. tuts in the other cases and consequently submitted the bill. So far as the three convictions were concerned he hoped the law would be allowed to take its course. These men bad come boldlit_into court and made tneir defence, and no Fr should take the consequence of their acts. Judge Allison said these men had voted for ten years on these papers, and then they came into court and made every resistance to the delivery of them. The deliberate frauds -practiced at the &bellows should be followed up and imppressed, as they tended to under mine the whole foundation of society. He did not re xard these frauds as tome persons did, that it was fair for each party to continue at each succeeding election to impose fraudulent ballots; but be thought they were high crimes against the State, and as such mutt be pw Milked. The con& then called np William Grady. Bar ney-Gallagher, and Edward Dary, the parties convicted of voting on the forged papers, and sentenced them each to pay a fine of one htindred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment of nine months The law &Maws the penalty In Wit else to a fins of not lees than Silty dollars and six months' imprison. ment. nor to exceed a fine of Ave hundred dollars and two years' imprisonment. SERTNNOB POR ASSAULT AND BATTERY. • The case of Harvey Markwood, convicted of commit ting an assault and battery, and acquitted of an assault with intent to kin Hobert L ittle.: was called up. Several witnesses were called, who provitt+ i lhe good character of the defendant. and that he had ain the army, one of whom was a prisoner, and the ather had to support his family Judge Allison asked why it was that the defendant used tke knife. Mr. O'Byrne, the counsel or Mark wood. said that the man was driven to the wall, and only drew the knife to frighten the parties off. The de fendant produced the knife, which is about two and a half inches long, blade and handle included. Mark wood was sentenced to pay a line of $lO. the cost, of the Prosecution. and undergo an imprisonment of three re'ratbust ol l tleJnviditnseassidtehiSil rtreillotts? the e nnig ea gy e • dollars. . CABB OP ELECTION OYPICEIIB. Arthur McDonald and John Kelley, c&nvloted of gaily refusing to receive a vote, were called up One of the watchers at the election tenbiled that he was well satiated with the actions of these Inspectors, exceptin the vote refused, and for which they had been convicted. It will be recollected that thee° men refaced to allow the father to swear his son was of age, because of his be ing an alien. In passing sentence, Judge A ll ison said that the law never Intended that both inspectors should be of the earns polities. Where this was done, the probabilities were that fraud would be committed. He had some doubt of the correctness of the verdlctote men were sometimee selected for election °dicers who did not pro perly understand the law. With this view he had cent for the w ltne eees to state how the beefiness of the omeere had been conducted generally- He was now satislled to make the rule Absolute. and show a new trial to be had. The case of the Blake' se habeas corpus was called up This is the case in which Mr. Blakeney has had the custody of a child for several years, and It Is pro ne's:id to like it and place tt In a public inetttattott. The mother of the child is an Invalid in the Bpi: copal Boar pltal. Mr. Blakeney expressed his ability to adopt the child and care for it as his own,.ble salary being sant clout for that purpose Mrs. Blakerey testified that the child was brought to her from the Almshouse by its mother, and given her to nurse, as the mother said It could not be kept at Mrs. MoAtalley's any longer. A portion of the board had beer paid,..but the clothing and doctor's expenses had always been paid by Mr. Blakensy. Witness said that she had once agreed to allow Errs. McAulley to have the child. but when she found that it was to be placed is a charitable institut'on, and she would not be al lowed to see her, :he refused her c:onsEnt The major of the child had been kept for ten weeks by' the witness, and she k ad been removed to a hospital while very sick. and there had died. The witness • would have kept the mother of the child with her until her death. Several - witnesses testified to the good style In which the child was treated by Mrs. Blakeney • , Mr. idichener strongly advocated the Northern Home . for Frfeedless Children, sal ins he could take a week in narrating the benevolent operations of the Institution. It may beproper to state that Mrs lifsituiley has never ar=ltel=t4g4 2 lfddtregirettarinitte! intention,. If ehe obtained the child, to pat it in the Northern Home for Friendless Children Mr. Ellche in his concluding remarks, showed the motives for wanting the child. by saying that the mother was a Presbyterian, and did not want the child brougbtnp by Mr Blakeney, because he was a member of the Church of England. This case has created considerable feeling, and Mr. and Mrs. Blaireney have been surrounded by a large number of highly respectable ladles and gentlemen. Mr. N. .1 litchener, who represents Mrs. McAolley, claimed the child because of the mother on her dying bed requesting that Mrs. Moeulley shon'd take it. Mr. b. H.:' Brewster made a climatal. eloquent, and very feeling speech, in which he reviewed the old Eng lish law bearing upon the legal misted,. of children, and earnestly urged that the child be left with Mrs. Blake ney, where tt was placed by its mother, and not be taken therefrom and throat into a public institution He referred to the testimony of the physician who had attended to the child in its sickness, and stated that he feared the result would be very salons if the child was removed to any public institution. Mr. Brewster said his client so as prepared to swear that - the mother of the Child was a Protettant Episoo• Wien- The case was held under consideratloir* The case of James Pollock- and Joseph C. Preno, who pleaded guilty to robbing soldiers, was called up, and. Officer Prettyman testified that he was employed at the Baltimore depot, and never had seen Any criminal act on the part of the defendants: they were haokmen, and acted roughly, as they did,sbnt not criminally, to hie knowledge. The case was continued, and the business of the term ended. THE POIIIOE. ['Before Mr. Alderman White ( ) AN OLD LAW PRINCIPLE AFFIRMED On Saturday a suit was brought against a man for a debt contracted by hie wife before marriage. Shii had run up a bill to the amount of fifteen dollars at a notion store The husband refaced to pay; balm Omen's It being a settled principle of law, under the attending aircnmstances he was bound to par. A verdict was poo%red in favor of the. plaintiff The money was paid, and the voiles separated with the beet of feeling. (Before Mr. Alderman Thaler.) SUB-CONTRACTOR UR - TROUBLE!. V Cf celia Parker was arralnged at the Central Station on Saturday afternoon on the charge of fraud. She had employed a AWL Der of girls to do certain work to All up a Government contract, itod. it to alleged, did not pay he operatives. bhe was held to ball. (Before Mr. Alderman Jones.] ALLEGED DIIMIONEST_POMESTIC. Georgia's Barr. a colored woman, was arraigned on the charge of stealing a considerable quantify of clothing from a boarding-house. 110112 Thirteenth and. arch streets, in which she was employed as ado made. The accused was committed to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman S ] SOLDIER ROBBED. John Phillips le the name risen by a colored man who Is charged with robbing a soldier, one of the 11. 5.0.1%, of the earn of $lOO. The accused bad a hearing on Satur day, and was.committed to answer..• :,):.,j)1 7i)..A WM. M. FABER & CO., STEAM MGM BDILIDRIUS, IRON FOUNDERS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, AND BOILER MAKERS, NE TECB• PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD P &BRINGER STATION. PITTS/311HG. ?RANA.. Manufacture all kinds of STEAM D.NGINEIL r from three to one hundred and fifty horse-power, stated for Grist Mills. Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces. Wells, am. As. • Give particular attention to the construction of En gines and Machinery for oil boring and pumping ousts- Gong. Have always on hand, ditlehod and ready for shipment, ENGINES and BOILERS of every &weft- Uon. Orders from all parts of the eonntry 'solicited and promptly nued. jal.64m J. VAUGHAN ICERZICE. WILLIAM 11211101. JOHN I. COPE. -•- • • SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 'FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STEMMA ParialmparA. MIIIIIIIO6L !lc NONNI, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pregame Steam Enginee, for land, river, and marine BOXTICO. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Hosts, &c.; Cant. inn o f all kinds, either Iron or braes. Iron. frame Roofs, for Gas _Works, Workshops. Mail road Stations, he. - Retorts mid Owl Machinery of the latest and most in proved constntotion. *very description of Plantation Ysobinery, sash as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacpum Pans, Om Steam Trains, Defeoatoni, Filters, Pamvins /belles, ela Sole agents for N. RiLleux's Patent Bns ar. Roiling Ap• paratus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer. and Junin. wall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sosar•Rrainine Machine. aulg-tf. s al PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. —BRAVOS & Lstrz. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENOUSEERS, MA. OBINISTS, BOILER. MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS having for many years been in succoasfnl operation, raid Deane:elusively engsgedin building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pre.- sale,. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks Propellers. So. & .s. eettully offer their services to the public. Ace., fuDy prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma rine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns V. different sites, are Prepared to execute orders will quick despatch. Every descrion of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. filc h and Low-pressure, Fine, Tubular , and Cylinder Bo era, of the best Penn sylvanta charcoal Iron, Forging of all sizes and kinds Cron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; RoL- Turning, Screw-Cu tins - , and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and, specifications for all work dale at th. establishment free of charge. and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf• dock room for re . pairs of boats, where they can lle in Perfect safety, ser are provided with shears, _blocks. fans. 80 .• I&S £ O7 raising heavy or liyht weig hts. . 7 . Acori C. sEkims, • JOHN - P. LEVY, ' jell4l BEACH and 'JULIES& Streets. _MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STRAY. RN. • -- - -- - 01-1411 BDILDBRB,Iron rounders ' :NW Ge ifaebintete and Bolter Bakers , No- Lop CALLOW BILL Street... Philadelphia - ('CITY PITCH-L.. 150 BA:RRELEI c IN. order, for IN " by BDW. 111. ROWLEY. tN 31h Lb. South. MLA WARE Avenue, SHERIFF'S **LES • • • SHER -F EV ALE.—Br OF • • kJ a wilt of Alias Levert Macias, to me dir•44440,011 be wrested topublic We or vendee, onMONDAr February Thal, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Nape No.l. AIM that certain tract .or pareel•of-land, the stone building or lintel thereon erected, situate and' lying - on the easterly side of the river Bohnylklll. tm mediately north of Gray's Ferry bridge. in the Fleet - ward of the city of Philadesphia, formerly Pa township, afterwards the Diatrioh•of. MoYaMtelle= the county of Philadelphia., described and bounded, se cor sur v eyor , turvey lately made Begin n ing Joseph nip ler as follow., to wit: eta point in the low-water mark of the riverflchnyikilha corner of a lot of land reserved to ttrirr_le Ferry in the' partition hereinafter recited, since granted to Matthew Newkirk; thence extending by the mud lead granted to Matthew Newkirk, south sevetty-three degrees east fifteen patches, to the bank of,nahisiveri thence continuing of the same oottrae - rtienty-eitr. Andnia•• - remthe Perches, t , a corner; thence still by the same ,oath seventeen de greet west four and three-tenths perches, to the side of Gray's Ferry road: themes, along thenorthwardly side of said road south Seventy-one 'degrees east one hun dred and ten and flre-tenths perches, to a point, a cor net of land now or formerly belonging to the heirs of Daniel Dupuy thence by sale Dapay's land north for ty-eight degrees west ninety-three and three , tenths perches, to a corner- thence stillby the game land north sixty degrees east nine and sixty-Ave. one-hundredths p(rohee, td the bank of said river; anithenoe the Itet 'mentioned course •edgleteen ...perishes -farther, to _low water mark of laid 'river; and (fora thence down the • said, river, bounding on and' following the several „.eonrses thereof, at and along the low-water mark of Said river; to the place of beginning; containing thirty - 7 • four acres, , three roods, and forty-two perches, incln dins eight acres, one rood, And Clay , n perches or marsh or Bate lying between the 'river bank add lbw•Veter mark aforesaid. Excepting and reserving thereout pre mises herina Der described as No. 2. bo. - -2rALI those four lout or-pieces of ground, with the three measnegee th, teen erected, situate on the wait• wardly side of a car sin fifty-feet wide street tailed Thirty-fourth street; 'staid out and conveyed by Dotter Willisnrioung, deceased, to the city of Philadelphia and their euceeseors, by deed dated December A1th.1.1157, end recordid in Deed Book A. D B , No. 26, Piga ZIPS, do; Corontencing at the distance of 811. feet 4% inches northwardly trotas.Oray 'a Ferry road; and exceeding in front or width on the said Thirty-fourth street 62 feet 4% inches, and in length or depth of that width at right angles to the said Thirty fourth street, 76 test log inches: together with the freeand common use, right, liberty, and privilege , of' the said Thirty-fourth street, at all' times hereafter, 'forever, anti of a certain. Ave feet-wide alley in the rear of said four leta.and parallel with the segid Thhtl-fourth street; and of a certain other three-feet wide alley on the Southward) y side of the said four lots, and running westwardly from the said This ty- fourth street; and to communicate with the said Ave feat wit e alley. CD. C. ; D.. '64 377. Debt, $7.68L 33. flideon Taken in execution and to be sok as the property of William Toting, M. D gE d er eeeerted. By sheriff. Philadelphia, Shenre..ollloe. N. 1886. iaZket SHERIFF'S BALE. —BY VIRTUE 'OF a writ of Alias Levert Nadas, to me direetcd_, wi ll be exposed to public sale or:vendue, on MONDAY Eve- , nine, Feb. 6, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at ransom-street Rall, 140. 1. • All that three story bruit meseuage and lot of ground situate on the.west side o; Tenth street„.22s feet south of " RtAitH Y6,M: - nmemommmonnieemmanat _ • - . • - I . tmutior_4l A,.![.,,,EA: 1 _',...•_ - __ . _,..,. e•-,--.... kHgRAFF"B SALE.-BY' YIRTIIE OF .-,. writ of VenditlordlExponse, to me directed, will be exposed tcipriblic sale or vend ne, on MOND a.Y Evening, . February 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. ,fili that zee-story br ck one esnage and lot of ground situate on outb side of Race street, between Front and Second s ts, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front o Bace street twenty feet, and In depth seven. ty- six fee six inches. Bounded east by ground now or latent /m es Fetlock. south by ground now or late of Richard H ill, doceseed, west by ground now or late of Bernon Taylor,an,d north'br'Mace Street: EMI& pre : wises George Jenkins et el., by deed dated - June 16th, 1149, recorded in Deed Book a. D. 8., No. 71, page 364, T B. &et ; s , ton ed unto Henry W. Hey. in fee.] CD. . ; D., '64 344. Debt, $l,OOO. Fenner.) Taken I execution and to be sold as the property of, Henry W. ey. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oflioe, Jan. 24, 1865. jaB6-34 1 SHERVF'S SALE.-BY VIIITUE - GE P.--'writ pf Venditioni me - airected,wlllbe ext•osed to !ambito sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1856, at 4 o' clock, at Hansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on - the southwest side of Meilen& street, between Bath and Bank streets, in the Twentyt fifth ward. city of Philadelphia; containing In front on InOtans street 200 feet, and in depth 100 feet, Bounded! horthesat by Indiana Areet, sontheall. by _ , Bank street, southweethrgrousti Wier' or - late of Hole ggenat b e d li ß eVer g i y " l ' e y or t itt s e t c r i e riau f al v, , h if. h i p ag r t recorded in Deed Book Z. B. BNo. IS, page SO. con veyed ante Howard Fire and M arine Insurance Com pany in tee. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $lOO, payable let of January and July. c - - . ~. . A , - T aken exe c ut io n I 'Debt sl6'ooo. J. Olajton;) ' . In and to be sold as the property of The Howard Fire and Marine insurance Company. HENRY C• HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jan. 24, 1866. , je.26-St SHERIFF''• • • SALE.—BY lIRTUE OF a writ Of. Letaxi Vedas to me directed will be ex posed to public sale or ventft, on MONDAY Evening. Febrnar's 6; 1866, at 4 o'clo ,at Hansom-street Hall, All that two-story brick ntessuage and lot of ground. situate qp .at side of Fifth Jtmet, between. -bard land Cedar streets, 14..t1ie city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth street 14 feet, including on the south aide an alley 3 feet wide, and in depth 90 feet to alO ?set alley. Bounded north by ground now or late of Joseph Carnet]. must by Fifth street, south by gronncl . now or late of Nathanisi Fowler, and east by said.JlMeet.alley; tllth the prlelleienf said. alleys. .[D. C.; D , '64 416. Debt WO IS Love.) Taken in execution and tolie sold es.the property of 'Deaner Leonard. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sherif. . Philadelphia. Sheriff's Oboe, Jah.. 24:1266. la36'3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF of Levari Facies, to ma directed, will'be ex posed' to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY 'Evening, February 6; 1666, at 4 o'clock, at Hansom-street All hatE of .groirad situate on tlie,bouthelisroortisr of Brook' and Aspen streets.. in the city of Philadel phia; eon inn in front on Brooklyn street 184 fast PM inches,and in depth along Leven street 1643 feet 2 inches, and on tbd south line Ti! feet troches more or less to Forty-second street. C:P..; 'Mt W. Debt. $B4. " Le n .) Taken in: execution and to be eold as the property of William elven; HBBBY 0. HOWBIZ. Philadelrada r ehettra Offioe. Jan. ID, 1866. WS RHERTFI7-13. BALE.-AY..V,IRTUE OF a writ bt Levin Faidas, to me di/oiled, will be ax poeed to pu bl ic sale or vendne; on iMONDAY:Svening. February 6, MO, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom-street 81.1 that. three-story brick mesarrue audio; of ground situate oaths east side of Marrili straatt. laq feet 1% Inches north of Master atreet, In the isity of Philadel• containlbg in fronton Marshall street 17 feet, and in depth 71 feet 2 inches. [Which Premisesaeorge /11.11 gee, Bag., Sheriff, , by deed dared March Mb. DM. entered among the records of the District Ciourt,in Book 0,2, page 240, &c., conveyed unto John P. Pariah, in fee. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $lO, payable let of April and October.] CD. H. ; D. 'B4. 384. Debt, 161,103 20. Quin.] Taken in execution and to be aold as the: Prolffertir of John P. PeFsob and terra tenant.' SELERIPF'S SALE.-BY VERTVIE OF a writ df Vendltioni Ehilionas; to me. directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, 'MONDAY Bye ning, February 6, 1366, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-st. Hall. All that lot of ground situate en the southwest tide of Marlborough street, 366 feet 1 inch southeast froth Bel grade t treer, in the city of Philadelphia; contalning In front on Marlborough street 97 feet and In depth UM feet, Bounded routb east bfr public saboollot, son< hweee partly by ground now or late of Thomas RO4O, northwest by 'ground now or late of Thomas Mcßride, and northeast by Marlborough street. All that lot of ground situate on the north side of Bane dein Street 33 feet 6 inches east of Twenty fifth street. In the city of Philadelphia; contaiaing in front on Nan dein street .8.5 feet 4 Inches; and In depth 60 feet CD. 0, ; D.. '64 420. Debt, $3.000 ()wren.) Taken in execution and: to be. sold as the property of Thomas H. Rice. HENRY 0: HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jan. 94,1866. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIVTIIEL OF. writ of Levert Poem, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Beetling, February 6, . 1886, at 4 o'clock, at Sansomeffreet Hall, All that lot f ground alma% in the Tenwty -second ward of the city of Philadelphia. beginning ate point in the middle of Park street 'Coe Wissahickon .avenue) ; thence by ground of Samuel H. Austin north 48 de. reee west 318 feet to land of Hiram J. Hartwell ; thence by same eolith 42 degrees west 100 feet ; thence by land of Samuel H. Austin south 48 degrees east 2811 feet to mid dle of Park street; thence by same north 69 .degrees minutes east IC4 feet S3f Incase to beginning; contain ing 2 roods and 30 perches of land. [ Which premises Samuel H. Austin et nx.., by deed dated July 2, MO, conveyed unto• John Myers in fee.) CCD. C.; D., 'ea 360. Debt. 1441 33. 013ryan.3 Taken in execution and to be mold as the - Property of John Myers. • BUMF O. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Jan. 24,1868. ja&S•St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditiord Exponas,to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendueon MONDAY Evening, Feb: nary 8, 1865, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All those buildings and Improvements and lot of ground' situate on the northeast side of Ridge avenue, 186 feet lit' inches northwest of tefferson street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence along Bides avenue 18 feet; thence northeastward 104 feet 9% inches; thence east 104 feet 8% inches to the west side of a thirty. feet ,trust: thence south along same 38 feet; thence west 99 feet 414 Inches; thence southwest 99 feet 131 inches to the beginning. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 172, payaele let of Janisary and July [D.- O. ; D., 'fit. 351. Debt, 11852 93. Simpson. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of „William H Brown. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sherif. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Jan. 24.1866: jalS-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendittoni Expense, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee , on MONDA Y Eve ning, Feb. 6. 1866. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that brick meesnage and lot of ground situ & to on the east side of Oedberry layering. 96 feet south of Columbia avenue. in the city of Philadelphia.; contain in front on Cadbury avenue 16 feet, and In depth 66 feet. Po. 2. All that brick- mesauage and lot of ground situ ate on the east side of Cad berry swam% ILI feet south of Coltunbla avenue, in the city of Pntladelpsia; contain /Ifit in front on Cadberry avenue 16 feet. and in denth 66 feet. (Which premise, Israel Vanhorn et ux., by deed datedJunii Ret. 1860, recorded in Deed Book. ,11. D. 8.. if o 110, pas 18, conveyed unto John H. Davies in fee. I • Nof.S. Alt that lot of ground situate in the Tmuty second ward, city of .Philadelphia ; beginning ete. the northwest Bide of Bast. Logan street, 64 feet 6 inches southwest of Wakefidld street: thence along East Lo gan street 64 feet 8 helm; to Wakefield street ,• thence el: ng same, nor th 47 4 edrees ao minutes west 1.27 feet; thence by ground of Jacob Mehl. south 42 degrees 80 minutes w est 63 feet Inchon thence 500th.47 deereee ..au_allootee eftell-311).fees-04 inches to - begthog. I Whleh premises Jacob Mehl at ex , by deed dated October 4th. 11366. -recorded In- ileaan_Rook -14. W". 1110p00. ag) 107, Ste , conveyed onto Joku'Davies, in fee. Su bject to a early ground rent of tW ) ' CD. C.; D. , '64. 373. Debt, 62,940.46. Thorn.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the propertty of John Davies. HENRY C. HOWELL,,Shetilf. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. Jan. -• 1866. • IsM M SHERIFF'S BALE .-BY VIRTtrE , OF a writ of Levari noise, to merdirected, will be ex poeed to public sale or vendee, on ,MONDAY Evening, February G. 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Salsom. street Hail, All that three. story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Walnut street, one hundred and ten feet east of Fifteenth street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Walnut street eighteen feet, and in depth ms e hundred feet, to a tt I rty•tbre.feet court called Jefferson Avenue ' together with tip, privi lege thereof and of two certai n twelve-feet alleys con nected therewith [Witch premleos George Seneff et ,by deed,endoreed, slated December 26th , 1832, re corded in Deed Boot A. X., No. 81, page 664. . con veyed unto Caleb Johnson in fee. Su tijeot to a ground rent of seventy-two doilare, payable Ant of January and July. ) (Caleb Johnson has parted with Big interest in above. ) [D. C. ; D., 64. 369. Debt. 94,864.49 Paul.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ca le b Johnson. HEART O. EEO WELL,43hertff. k Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, AM. 19, 1855. ja24-.3t ' SHERIFF'S BALB.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Faa4s, to me directed,will to exposed to - public sale or voodoo, on MONDAY Eve ntng,lr nary 6 , 1860, at 4 o' clock, at Bansom-street Hall, Ail that two story brick mesenage and two-story brisk eaughten house and lot of ground/ situate on the west side of , Fifth street. 73 fest north of Jefferson street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth. street 18• feet, and in depth 190 feet to street. [Which premises Jacob Warner et ox.. by deed „dated October 27, IEBO, conveyed unto David Sad ler'in fee .3 [ C. •D, . '64. 317. Debt, 66.626 F. C. Brewater.3 Talton in execution and to be sold 1119 tbeprorty of David Saeler. HENRY C,_ HOWELL, She pe riff. Philadelphia, Sheriire Office, ANL 24, 1863. )a28. 31 SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Levari:Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, FebruerY 8 1866 at 4 o'clock, at &sworn-street .110 a, All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Twelfth street 180 feet 4 inches north of Montgomery street, in the city of Philadelphia:. containing In front on Twelfth street, 16 feet 2 inches, fu e l in depth 78 feet to a twenty. feet.wide Ids set, with tle privilege thereof. [ Which premises Tallow Jackson., by deed dated Kay 31, ..1.869, conveyed wino John Fredericks. In. fce.), For recital see writ rD; C. ; D., '64 430 Debt $3,070.134. Litton. ] N. lg. On the above is erected a three-story brisk house, with back buildings. Taken in ezecntion and to be sold as the property.of John Fredericks, and term tenant. • - - HENRY (3 HOWELL, SherilL - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jan. 24; 1866. AM -St SHERIFF'S SALZ-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lend Fades, 10 - ,Nte direct. will be ex- POned to 4; public sale or yendue, 21 !LIO N AY }Waning, February 1301366, at 4 o'clock, at g:tneoin-street Hall, No 1. AO-those two contiguous 1011, of ground, Nos. 20 and 21, on plan of Mantua situate on the north side of Sy Amore street. 110 feet ...act of Mara' street, in the city of Philadelphia; containtiin front on Sycamore street 1(0 feet, and in depth I}7 l toot to Plumb street. Jo 2. All those two contiguous lots of ground. A. 27 and 213, on plan of Mantuavillage , situate on the north: aide of Plumb street, 110 feet east of Maple ;treat, 'in the city of Philadelphia ; containing In front on Plumb street 100 feet. and in depth on west line 167 feet: lob OA oast line 140 feat. . [D. C. ; D , '64. 424. Debt, $237.50. Cnyleel Taken in execution and to be sold OA of Daniel J. Irvine HENRY C HOWISLLi Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 061e5,..1i5. 24, 18135: is26-3t, SHERIFF'S BALE...-4M VIRTUE OF A writ of Alias Vendittoni EXPOnsa,to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vondne, on MONDAY Even ing, February 6,1966, at 4 o'clock, at Sarukom-etreet Hall, Ali that three-stoky brick =Balinese and lotof ground, situate' on the east aide of Lewis Street, two hundred. and four feet south of Jefferson - etreet, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in' front oa Lewis street' six. teen feet, and in depth tifty-ehree feet to Aldsustriet. ES' mob premises Peached' Coggiv, by dsjpd . dated 00. tabor 3, 1839., recorded in Deed Book T. 8., No RH. page 20..sonveyed unto Moses Lacy in fee. Subject to a ground rent of twenty. four dollars. CD. C.; D., '64. 419. Debt, 6284.66. Wt Hirst.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the' property of John B. Adams, Moses Limy. ana Peter Rinaldo, Jr. HENRY 0. ROWSLL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's OlEce. Jan. 25, 11365. ja2B-3t SHERIFF' B BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening; February 6,1886, at 4 o'clock. at Sanoont.etreet All 'that three story brick messnage with two- story buildings, and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Seventh street. 921 feet 9 Inches north of Poplar street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sew nth street 18 feet, and in depth 87 feet 6 inches. CD. C. Debt, 161,989 - 10. Pierce:3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Alcorn. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's ONce;--Jan.. 24,1886. ja26-3t lIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF NJ a writ of Venditioni Exponaa, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY livening, February 6, 7866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom‘street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the eut side of Twenty- secondittreet. 86 feet north of Vine street, in the city of Philadelphia; son tattling in front on Twenty- woad street. 16 feeet, and in depth Silly feet_ [Which premises Oharles Dugan, by deed dated April oth„ 1868, recorded is Deed Boot A. D. 8., No. 11, page 230, conveyed auto Samuel Hibbs Subject to ground rent of Oft CD O.; D.. '64. 498. Debt. 1111T7 1 . 76.. Diehl.] Taken in execution and to be sold 4 6 ) pvoperty of Bursoal L. H ibbs. HISNSY 0. L, Sheriff. Philadelphia: Sheri ff 's °Mee, Jag,. 84, . -jam-pt • SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a - writ of Venditieni Exporters, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale clock ue, on MOHDAY Evenlng, February 5, IBC at 4 o' at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Ninth and Berke • treat.), In the city of Phtlitoolphlg; containing In front on Ninth' street 200 feet. and indent!' along Barks street 14:0 feet 15.4 inch,/ to a 25 feet street. (Which premises Amos Ellis et ox.,by deed dated May nth, 1863. co eeeee d unto William H. lord , In fee, re eervingji 3 earl= ground rent of .4060. CD ID ; D., N. 431. • Debt, S LIM 55 Juvenal.) Taken' in execution and to be sold as the property of Wjillaro D. Lord. HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sherif. ftiladelphla, Sheriff 'a' °Doe. Jill. 26. 1866. ja26,9t P.ILERIFF' 8 BALE.—BY VIRTUE - OF P-- 7 a writ of Levert Facials, to me &rested, will be ex posed to public sale or vedne, on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1966, at 4 o'clock, at Satisoni-street Nall; No. 1. Ali that two. story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the. east side of Fourth street. 137-feet 6 inches southward from Christian stymie . . in the City of Philadelphia; containing In front on Fourth street 11 feet, and•ln depth 84 feet 'No. 2 - Two•story brisk mew*e aid lot of ground situate on the eaat side of Fourth street, about 148 feet 6 lashes aoath ward from Christian street; containing ii front on Fourth street 11 feet. and is deptls about Si feet [Which preatsee Charles 0. Raj - mond. by deed dated February 19th. 1869, conveyed., unto Sarah Towell in he 3 • CD. C.; D. 'ft 395 - Debt , E 834.75. Haines.) Taken in exec u tion . tion andto be sold as the property ot. Sarah M. Towell. HENRY 0. ROWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Nherters Once, Jan. 14.1168. ifen-st, HENRY 0. HOW3Li, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jan. 93,1865. ja2B4t u.L.ll._g.alm=l • F'S BALE: -BY • VIRTUE OF S a writ Of Venditioal Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to nubile sale or vendee, on MONDAY Brit ain a., February 6,1936, at 4 o' olock,at Bane:ow-street At: that lot of ground situate ou the northwest side of Bast Logan street and, southwest side of Wakefield street In the Twehty-se7ond. ward of the olti of Phila delphia; begin ningon the( northwest side, of est Logaa street, at the Distance of 64 lest 6 Inehes front weet,froxt corner of , r t Logan and Wakefield streets, ( thence ex tending al ex East' Logan street 'north t B degrees 18 rpfnotest e st 64 feet flinches to Wakefield street, thence spring Wakefield street north 47 degrees 30 minutes, west 137 feet, thence by ground of Jacob Mehl south 48 de grees 80 minutes. west 62 feet 1 inches. thence still DY said ground 'south 47 degrees 20 minutes 119 feet 6)i inches to beginning [Which premises Jacob kfehl, et az., by deed dated October 4, 1855. recorded in Deed Book B. D, W.. No. 60, '.page 107. km., conveyed unto John Devise in feet reserving ground rent of sixty payable first of April and October (C. C.t P.: D., '64 SL Debt, $6O SO Gumme r y Takeo in axtention sad:to be sold Bathe preps of Jobe Davies. MINSI C. HOWELL, Sher . Phlladelails, Sheriff's Office, Jan. 34, 18E6. fal6-3t SHERIFF'S TIRTMCOFA writ of-Venditeoni Expense. to me tkisote&wili lM i r rtrest‘to is r a sttl 4 e o lr e v o e c td:t a t ;n an ßt oo o:= All those two contiguous lots of ground. situate on this gobthwest aide of a certain forty-feet•wide street. laid, oatand extending from Fiftieth to PINY-Bra et - met h be. :Mean Wiiibuns avenue and Florence avenue, two stile deed and tontfeet northeast to Fifty-first street; .in Lk* laity of Philadelphia; containing together in front said forty•feet-wide street forty feet .(esteh lot being twenty feet) and in "depth northeast one hundred and twenty feet ,to s ten-feet-wide alley, being lot No. 178 and 179 on the plan of the West Philadelphia Homestead Aseeciation; recorded in Deed Book E D. W., No. 147. :page 1, Ito. (Which premises West Philadelphia Home stead Association, by deed dated April 15th, 1859. con veyed unto Ann Quinn in fee, subject to certain reside- Bons as to bob dings.) • CO. i n ' V t• D.; 64. 80. Debt, $143 ?Z. Brady.] Taken execntion and to be sold as the property of Ann Quinn ' HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office, Jan. 14.1866. ial6-3t SHER ' "B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Ki &writ offVendittont Ix - pones, j> me directed, will be =posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY %Teeing, February 0,:1965, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .• All. that certain lot, tract or Pieee of land. with the menages or tenements, mills, factories and coal,yard thereon erected;. with the stationary steam 'engines, steam-fire engines and boilers, dye vats tanks, easterner &pub, tbe shafting, hangers and belting. steam and. water pipes and gas fixtures; together with all the card ing and spinning n actunery. tome, gigs. finishing machinery.; washing and fulling mills, hydraulic memos. shearing machines, teetering machines, and all the fixtures and machinery theretn contained, situ stein the Twenty- second ward of thacity of Philadel.; We; bot&ided and deecribee as wit : Begin ning at a point In thentde of the county bridge, on the Bristol and 'Germantown township line, directly in the centre of the keyetose of the western side of the arch of the bridge, en Dannenhower's Mill road, thence along .theeame north fifty five degrees twenty two minutes weer one hundred and eighty-six feet six inches. to a .point in said road between the old mill and a dwelling on-the northerly side of said road; these by the same north forty ;one degree. thirty five minutes west, two hundred-and twenty-seven toot two and three quarter inches, tola•corner in said road • thence along the clam. eolith forty-two degree•thirte Minutes west three hun dred and fifty- four feet one and three-quarter inches, to the centre of Armstrong street; thence along the same north forty-six degrees thirty seven minutes west one hundred and fifty •six feel ten and one-half inches, to 'a corner in the side of raid road thence along the same south eighty-eight degrees thirty-one minutes west three hundred and four feet two inches to a corner be Craig's. land,; thence south for ' degrees thirty minutes tweet . one bemired and forty six feet, to a cor. nor in Charls Willing's land ; thence south eighty three degrees fifteen minutes east two hundred and eighty. six 'feet six incletio a stone ; thence by land sold to Willing or Vanhorn month' forty eight degrees east one hundred and brim feet one and one-half inches, to a atom° • thence south forty-two degrees five minutes west two hundred and three feet nine and one : quarter inches, to the Philadelphia and Germantown Railroad ; thence eastwardly along the same one hundred and sixty-three feet. to land of the Gas Company •• thence north forty-two degrees five minutes east one hundred and seventy. six feet,to a .corner ; thence by said land of .the Gas Company and land formerly of Thomas Saxton, south fifty and one-half degrees emit four hun dred and ninety- seven feet eleven and nye-eighths inches, said the middle of Wieter street thence along the same north one hundred and twenty-four feet floe inches, to the centre of Armstrong street ; thence along the same north forty six degree' , thirty minutes west one hundred and eight feet.; thence by land of Joseph Fling north forty-two degrees fifty- three urinates east one hundred and eighty-six feet six inches to a corner; thence south forty six degrees thirty minutes east twen ty- two feet; thence south fifty nine degrees these minute' east twenty . six feet six and one-half inches to the , side of the bridge; thence by the setae north two degrees forty one minutes east two hundred and elx feet three Indies; more or less, to the place of begin ning. Containing eight acres, more or lees. [Being the same premises which John Armstrong, by, indenture dated the eleventh day of May, A. D recorded ii Deed Book A. C. H., no 101, page 170, granted and son veyed unto the said James Armstrong and Paul Klotz, their heirs and assigns, in equal undivided moieties as tenaets in common.) A. B. On the above-described premises are a three. story stone factory about fifty feet by one hundredieet, With a four-stery stone building, about forty feet by sixty feet, adjoining. forming a wing, with drying house also adjoining, and a small one-story pic ker. house; a barn. partly stone and partly frame, near the factory; also a building two Mertes high, used as a storehouse and for wool storing: also a neat two story stone messnage. Tbe , coal yard is on the northerly side of the Germantown Steam Railroad near Wistar street. The machinery in the above-described factories cot:elite of tour complete sets of woolen machinery with all the necessary finishing machinery, shafting, belting, and everything arpnrtenant thereto. l • D. C. ; D , 392. Debt. 81.147.08. R. Taylor.] en in execution and to be sold as the property of Paul Riot: and James Armstrong C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofiloe,Jaa.ll,Bnin .11114-3 t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exporias,to me directed, will be Mires:lr cllP6 e , " g e l Oclrc l ic i l uc tY tarot ' ? str r e 4a n tl ug i No. 1. A that lot of gronnv situate on the south aide of York street and east stile of Cedar street,in the. /2 ino• tftnth ward of the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on York street thirty six feet , and In depth along Cedar street one hundred and twenty-nine feet six and one-eighth inches to Gordon street. No. 2 All that lot of ground situate on the south side of York etreet,'thirty-eix feet east of Cedar street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on York street eighteen feet , and in depth one hundred and twenty- nine feet six and one eighth inches to Gordon ['Which premises Michael Price et nu. by deed dated April 14th, 18.56, recorded in Deed Book E. D. W., No. 7E, page 161, Ac , conveyed unto Minpeon T. Vermont in fee. subject, as respects No. 1, to a yearly ground rent of thirty. six dollars. and, as re. mans o. 2, to a yearly ground' rent of sithteen payable-first of March and September. u. P. ; D. , '64 87 Debt, $41:0). S. C. erkinso • Taken in execution and sold as the property of Misfpson T. Vansant. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. • Philadelphia... Sheriff's OMee, Jan. 14, Mk Sall-St HERIFF'S BALE:-BY VIRTUE OF Sa writ of Vendttioni.Exponsts, to me directed, Will be ggposed to publicsale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoni-street Ali-that lot of ground situate on the east side of Third glaewt, fifty-eight and a •balf feet north from Coates street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Third street nineteen feet six inches. and at the rear sad twenty-three feet, more or lees, and in depth east. ward on south line eighty feet, then narrowing north ward about twelve feet, then eastward about thirty- Avatet. o en n the . hundred and fourteen • CO C. P. • 1).. '64 4. al ley. $l6l. 91. Erety. Taken in exe cution and to be sold as the property of Bliss Lewis Treichsl HENRY C 'HOWELL, Shenff. 'Philadelphia, Sheriff', Office, Jan. 1866. Jal7-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LevarlFacias, to me directed. Will be ea , posed to public sale or vendee; on MONDAY Evening, February 6. 19M, at 4 o'clock, at Sartaom-street No. 1. All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Fifteenth street. 791 feet 6)4 inches north of Brown street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Fifteenth street 91 feet 9 inches, and in depth on the north line 89 feet 10% inches, and on the south line 97 feet 7 inches. Po. 2. all that lot of ground situate on the west aide of Fifteenth street. 252 feet 8X inches north of Brown- strett,in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifteenth street 31 feet 4) lathed, is in depth 99 feet 10% inches. [Which two lots William Richardson et tor., by two separate deeds dated July 14, 1848. con veyed unto Zebedee Dobbins in fee. Subject as to N. to a around rent of 693.76, and as to No. 2 to a ground rent of $O4 B. B. On the said two lots are erected six three-story brick buildings, and eget two-and a-half dory build ings-. [D. 0. ;D. '64. 436. Debt, !02,762.39 Bathing.] Taken in execution and to be sold at the property of Zebedee Dobbins. LEBNlir C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sherif'. 0150 e. Jan. 26, 1835. jal6-3t, SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY vutFull OF a writ of Levert Psalm, to me -directed, will pa 'Wd to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening,, ary 6 BM, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Hall, No. 1. Ali tsat.briek meatuses and score , and lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Wharton and ATLBtill streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front oh Wharton street about 19 feet 6 inches, and in depth 45 fret, includia g part of a 2-feet-6 inches alley, -with the privilege thereof. No. 2. All that three , story brick messnage and let of ground situate on the north side of Wharton street. 14 feet 8 inches west of Austin street. in the city of Phila.- dolphin; containing in front on Wharton street about 12 fee t 1 141 inches, and In depth 46 feet. including pa-t of a 2 feet-6 inches alley, with the privilege thereof. .411 that three story bruit m issnage and lot of ground ab l at e on the north side of Wharton street, 26 feet 71-8 inches west of finOtth Otrlnt_ L the thy Of Philadelphia; containing fm front on Wharton street 12 feet 11-3 inches, 'train depth 46 feet. includingpart of a 2-feet-6-inches alley. with the privilege thereof. No. 4. All that three eta, y brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Wharton street, 38 feet eight and two-third inches West from Austin street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Wharton street about twelve feet one and one-third inches, and in depth forty. Ave feet, with the privilege of a twco, feet six inches wide alley. No. 6. All that two story brick and frame buildings and lot of ground situate on the west side of Austin street, forty •five feet north from Wharton street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Austin sheet fifteen feet_, and in depth fifty feet ten inches,. more or less.' [Which premises Jaeob 8. Lentz, trustee. by deed dated May 2d, 1263. recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 121, page 92, conveyed unto John D. Lents in fee.) • - - as CD. C. ; D. '64. 440. Debt, $2.0 0 0. litddlw). Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John D. Lentz. BESET 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. • Philadelphia, Sherlff's . Offiee, Jan. 24, 1865. • JAM St gRERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF N. l a writ of Leryari Facies, to me directed, wilishoPn posed to public sale or vendue, on-MONDAY Evening, February 6, 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.etreet Hall, All that throe. story brick mesenage and lot of ItTOllO d situate on the west side of Tenth kr e et,one hundredland ninety-eight feet north of Wharton 'street, In the city of .hiladelphiat containing in front on Tenth otreet Oilm an4i feet, and In death one hundred and five feet to nsl7 street, (Which prendeen Jacob S. nt: trus sed dated May 2, 1863, recorded in Deed Book tee. by'"!. T. IL, Do. 121, page 92, &0., conveyed unto John D. Lentz in fee.; [D. 0. i _ ll • !et 436. ,Debt, 122.0 0 0. 3 Taken i„ x , ot ,:tion and to be sold as the property_of John D. Lest:. or MINIM 0. HOWELL, Philadelphia, aerie , : Office, Jan. 24, 1865. ialid-at MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL ItifiTrirlJTE, 154 North ELEVENTH, below,Hatte street Dr. THO MAS ALLEN, very enceentfol In the cure of almost every kind of disease, Invites all to call at his Of lee-and see that his treatment is free from shocks. Mir CONVULSIONS. —A dtecovery has been made which seldom fails In the cure of Epilepsy or 'Mao( -Ngother kind. Any one desiring a knowledge of practice) can enter at any time for fall instruo tkrna.. Cards sad Testimonials at the Once. Hours 9 A. - EL to 6P. IL Consultations free. Dr. THOS ALLEN, Electrician, isl7.3ra 154 1. ELEVEETHSi. below Saco: 7RLECTROPLTHIC ESTABLISH MENT, for the sore of diseases incurable with me &due, ,by. Dr. A. H. EITEITENk__one of the diecoyeben Of an entire new system of ELECTRICAL PRACTICE. atl4lB Mouth ?EMI WARR. thane.' ox mad for a pamphlet and learn yea , Mala No charge for COMM , Altmr Phystchmi and others deetzinc Instruction tae enter for a full coarse any time after ROA DAY, Jana. -art 241. Ifni. Any member of the Glass Just lintshell MAT review without any charge. Jae- If DSAN' S GRBAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, ADD PIPS STOBII, No. *l3, illalliTAllT Street,Philadelphls, PA. Dean keeps the greatest assorffient. Dean keep, she greatest variety. Dean keeps the largest general stock. Yon can get any kind of Tobacco, Yon van get gay kind of Cigars. Yon can get any kind of Pi Yen can any kind of Ern i t; AT DEAN'S GREAT TO ACIGO STORE, 413•OHEATE p T Street , Philadelphia. Pa. When 'yen s° to Dean win can get anythlnii- YOI Want in the w }) 01E.,Ilarroki Cut and ng Tetras eon, Domestic and vana tram dus. Dean .kenps the ostffeneral stock of Tolbarsoo, Ohms, Pipes, dre., in the United Stites: Dean's sales are so extensive that he San afford to sell at about one-half what others ;ell for. Dean sells to' the Army'of the Potomac. Dean sells to the Army of the James. Dean sells 4 the Army, of the Tennessee. . Dean sell to the Army of the ClumnerLand. Gunboats all order their Tobaeco r gior from lio. 413 ORMl'2llr/ Meet Penneyleardit merchants all buy at Dean's, few Jersey merchants all buy at DMZ' 11, Delaware merchants all bay at Dean's. ' Is they ran always get inst what they want, and aft 011:1011 lower price than the elrewhere, and they lo not hays to pick up t b&rgoods at a dolma littia -store& All goods ordered are guaranteed to stye satdasetioa. Order once and yon will always order from Dean's; ta hie plug and:fine cut chewing and smoking tobaseeee end signrs are farenperior to a ll other. , and ILe sell for much 111114. DE AN 'S, No. 41.12 ORERT=T Street, noXtrf Philadelphia. Pa. BEWARE -THR NORTIIABTXRI- fROWDE'S PATBAT 3TRIPti and 'WINDOW BAND 6 totally exclude GOLD. A IND, BAIN, and MT' front doors ► and windewa. They stop the rattling of sashes, save one hall the fail., end are warranted for dye years. .1?or sale or applied 11 b_p DAVID ~. LOBl7, 38 Routh FIFTH Streak Role Agent for Pennsylvania. Local agents*anted throughout the/Rate. '1 . 081113A T. OWEN, ATTORNEY j 1 .• COUBBLLOR AT LAW. AID flog o Sl 01 MAINE Offn, l e 6 l Filtreet. near Waahtsitozu D. Sa PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, corner TWELFTH and WELSH Streets PRILADELIMIA. Pa. , February I, 1265. SEALED PROPOsaLS will be received at this oils* until 12 o'clock M.. • FRIDAY; Februa.-y 10, 1866, for ths immediate delivery at the Baited-States Store house, Banover-etre.t wharf, properly packed, and ready for ,thausportation of the following described quartermaster's stores—viz: 2,000 yards Enameled Cloth, afrinches wide, beet qua - • • 1,1:00 Horse Collars, 17 to W inobee—hos ' a skin. 2,000 Wagon Covers, 10 oz., cotton duck, as per sam ple of cover at treated States Storehouse pne yard "am ple of duck reqrlired. • ' 2,100 Mule Collars, tato 17 inches—hog's skin 2,000 yards Cotton !Nick, 21311sches wide' Hos. 10 and L 2. 000 pairs 'Mule Homes, 17 inches from top to bottom -(bole). , 24.000 poonds Harnees Leather, oak-tanned. 183 i the per side w h en flniehed, marked Harness Leather, with 1,100 weight. . Male Leather, oak-tanned. 10 to 11 the per side when Aniehed, marked Bridle Leather and member '''Of aides in each roll, with weight. - 6.000 pounds 01l tanned Leather, thin sides. • 60 Pauline, to be made in the best manner, of 16-oz. cotton duck. WM inches wide, best neality,army stand. ard, with tabling' all round; size 20x30 feet whenif • washed, as per sample of Paulin at Hanover. street Store • house-1 yard sample of duck required. • YO pieces Itattinet. 13( yards wide, blue and green. 3,000 Whips, blacksnake. ailleather,solid,fallweight: and size. 600 pounds Spanish Whiting, dry In 10- 1 h papers. In pounds Chrome Green, in 011;2, S, and 6. lb cans 600 pounds Gum Shellac _ 26 pounds Pumice - Stone powdered. 6,000 pounds White Isead,in 60 and HO 1h kegs (Lewis'). All of , the above-described to be of the beet quallltY, and "abject to the Inspection of en inspector appointed on the part of the Government. -Bidders will state price. "toinclude boxes and de livery," both In writing and figures, the quantity bid for, and the- time of delivery stated; and no eohadtara :prices will be received. AU samples to bsaint to the Government Warehouser, Hanover street wharf. All propoeals bunt be made out on printed bliuthaa, which may be had on application at this office; other.' wise the bid will be rejected. • 1 • '• • Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible Pert sone, Ir hors s t ratursomust be appended to-the team.' tee. and ant ed to as being good and etthicient security' for the anion t Involved by. the United States District Judge, Attorney or 'Collector. or other public ottleer; otherwise the bidlwill not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids desmod too high. Bide from defaulting contractors, and thos s a that do not bully comply with the requirements. of-this Adyer tithement..will not be considered. By order of . CoL H. BIGGS. Chief Quartermaster. 0130. B. ORME, :6441 Captain and A Q M. ARMY SUPPLIES. • CUMEPIG Boindt7 QUARTARMASTER GitifititAL'S OIPPLCB. WAsniXOTON. Februaryyß, men. BELLED 'PROPOSALS will be received at the officsof Array Clothing and Equipage, New York, until 12 o'idock M. WED sESDAY, the Bth inst for furnishing by contract. at the depot of Army Clothing end Bquip age, New York, • ' Six-mule wagon harness complete. To be made according to specifications, which can be asea at this office. Ble dei will state the Quantity they groyne to furnish, and the shortest time in which they tan deliver it. AU proposals should be accompanied by:s proper guarantee for the faithful performer ce of a contract. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed objectionable. Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for far alebing Harness." and addressed to Hjr_Brig, General D. H. VINTON, feSik /01. Q. N. General. New York MY. ()PRIOR COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST -161M11141 N0.'13213 WALNUT Street, • , ahermerrei' February 1, 1866. • SEALED P.ROPORALB, Jr( HURL (CATB will be ' received at this office until 12 eelook. M., on WED YES • BAY. February 8, 1886, for supplying, for the use of th e con e d 'states Army, - the following subsistence stores. delivered in Philadelphia. viz: 3,000 bbl.. EXTRA SUPERFINS or EXTRA. FA MILY FLOUR (which to be stated), in new. • well-coopered barrels, fully head- lined. To beet been stoned - within thirty days of de livery. Name of brand and-place of menu . facture to be stated in the proposal. To be •'-delivered within the month of February. 112.011551 pounds first quality PILOT BREAD, to be made from good sound extra flour. thorough ly baked and perfectly dried before being I packed. To be packed in boxes of well sea soned wood,ofench a kind as will not impart taste to the bread. Boxes to contain fifty pounds net. To be delivered within the month of February. 10,600 pounds first quality kiln dried-BORN MEAL. in well coopered barrels, folly headlined. Brand to be mentioned. To be delivered within tenders from award. " "800 pqunds extra fine YOUNG BYRON TEA, in original packages Chop marki to be men tioned In the proposal. To be delivered within five days from award 100,000 pounds light yellow COFFEE SUGAR, or choice dry - RAW SUGAR. ilsrrels to be the best in use for idle purpose. To be delivered within ten days train award 25,000 pounds coarse pulverized WHITE SUGAR, in strong barrels. To be delivered within ten days from award ' 2.000 pounds CRUSHED SUGAR. in strong bar rels. To be delivered within five days from award. 1,000 pounds JAVA•COFEBE, in original bags To be delivered within five days from - • award. 50,000 pounds clean,fine, dry SALT,tn strong head lined barrels. To be delivered within ten days from award. 2,000 pounds pare ground BLACK PEPPER, in four-ounce papers Bidders will state the va ♦ rlety of Pepper offered. and will furnish a sample in grain as weilaa ground. To be de livered within. ten dare from award' 1.000 gallons good BYE WHISKY. Barrels to be of ood seasoned white o aa staves and heads; toleave twelve wooden and four iron hoops; iron hoops and heads to be painted. To be delivered within lea days from award. Samples of all the above articles must be delivered pith toe bide, and referred to therein, but proposals mustnot be enclosed with samples. Sitlnplfq , must be In boxes or bottles, distinctly marked. and not, in paper paresis. Separate propene's, in duplicate, =net be made for each article enumerated, and bidders may propose for the whole or any part of each. A printed copy of this advertisement must be attached to each bid, and the proposals must be specific in cora plying.with all its terms. Each bid must have the written guarantee of two responsible names, for the fulfilment of the agreement, who will jive bonds if required • BLANK FORMS FOR PROPOSALS. containing the form of guarantee, may be had. on application at this office. The seller's name, place of bueiness, and date of per chem, name of contents, with gross, tare, and net weigbts, must be marked on every Package, and all old marks must be obliterated. Returns of weights, by professional public weighers, must be given if required. Nohids from parties who have failed to fulfil a former agreement will be considered. -- Bids will include packages and delivery at any point in this city to be designated by this office; and any in feria packages or cooperage willbe considered suffic ient cause for rerectibn of cont ants. Payment will be made in current funds. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Snbeistence Stores, and directed to ISAAC B. WIGGIN, Capt. and C. S. Vole. • CHIEF QUARTERMAST.ER'I3,OF. FICFi ----- rairamiszeirrs. — reuruerrillil664. - BRALE PROPOSAL,. will ea L received at this dice, lentil a o'clock M.. on WHDYIEtiDiT. the 8:h Febru ary Next, for supplying the SCHUYLKILL AR,SBAAL 'With the following articles, viz: tillybine Kersey, 3-4 or 6-9 wide, army standard. To be delivered immediately or within a short time. Dark Blue Flannel. 3 4 or 6 4 wide, army st.ndard. Canton Flannely 3-4 wide. do. Gray Flannel, Cotton and Wool, 3-4 wide, sample re• quire& cotton Drilling. 3-4 wide, sample required_ Brown Mullin. 4-4 v ide, do. Cotton Duck. 8 ounce, do. an:balance Guidon., vtth Raves, army standard. Bat Cords and Taus hi. Cavalry. do. . Tarred Rope Yarn: sample required. Hospital Tents and Flies, army standard. Begimestal Colors, Infantry, do. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per • sone, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to IN being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by some public functionary of the United Staten. Bide from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement., will not be considered Blank forme for proposals. embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid, can be had on applica tion at this office, and norm others which do not em brace this; guarantee considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein stated. Bidders will slats the quantity they propose to tarnish. how soon they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly. The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids, at May be deemed beet for the interest of the service Samples of arch articles as are required to be of army standard can be seen at this office. Proposals mnet be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies, " stating the particular article bid for. MIRMAR DIGGS. fel•7t Colonel Quartermaster's Department. EDVCATIONAI. PRIMARY„ SECONDARY -s- and GRAMMAR SCHOOLS (the latter for Girls only} will commence a new term, Second month (February Ist. In there schools a thorough education may be ob tained. Patronage of the public Is solicited. Prices from 117 to 818 per term. Notranre. Meeting house Gat Street.e, rovara Street. below Green, and 534 DILL WYII RAmmuoicas.— William M. Leylek. 331 North Sixth st; Macpherson Saunders , 648 York avenue. fee mawfr,it PROFESSOR RUFUS AD&MB, MOH= OF ELOCUTION. No. 665 North THIRTEENTH Street. je96-wfm6!• PHILADELPHIA 'COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE TOR YOUNG LADIES 1530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH. D. D.,and. B. CLA, RENON SMITH. A M. Principals. The next session will begin os MONDAY,. February 6th. A. Jan' 64* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— naTABT BOABDIHO sciacgoL, fear mile/ from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough &arse in Mathematics, Classics. Natural Sciences. and English: practical lee sone in Civil Engineering. Pupils received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Bei• leis to John C. Capp & Song South Third street; Thos. J. Clacton leo.. Fifth and Prune streets; ex-Sherif Kent and others, Address Nay. J. BIEVIT B AN. TON. M . VILLAGE GRUM. PM'S. "COQ em n r W 1 r 66 10CRIEL," THlRDorr's Hotsla /AA Canter of and MeRWRT Streets, HA.REIS DURO, Pa. The attentlob of the travilibig public is most respect. mitt called to this old established stand, Which for the past five months has been closed to trade, and Mutt ] ; that time has been thoroughly remodeled, repaired, s newly furnished throughout, until It now ponsieses 4 the conveniences pertaining to a, first class hotel, which are in any meaner calculated to Luaus the Parted Valli fort of its guests. Its situation alone would recommend it as a stomirit piambouig only two and a half squares from the depots; near enough to prove convenient, sulictently distant to avoid the annoyance of railroad noise and bindle. Thefurbiture is entirety new. rooms large and wall ventilated, table suppled with every luxury the market ean . afford, while as to the management, it le trusted to theondement of a discriminating public to decide. Th e rroprtetor, having determined to make the cha racter and reputation of the house the object, without regard to cost, bopea to merit the patronage sad favora ble opinion of those who design sto_ pping in -the State capital. THOULS,, j• a.21-1m • Protestor. JONES HOUSE, r . Oor. MAUBT STRE s ad . MAILICET BQUAEL ARRIO3OPa. The Prorreeotrnily return Ma "inter* thank, to hi e frie n d s fitor or th every liberal patronage beetoweo to the House since under his inanatement, and would respectfully solicit IL continuance of the same. del& 3in 0. S YANA: Proprietor. COAL. Tatataa J. °Raw. ROUST J. HJINPETIM. ORAM & HirattPHlLL, DNALAILIS IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, Of all sixes arid of best qualities. Carefully slicked sad screened, mad invariably/et the lowest cash prises. Ofilee sad Yard, WlLLOW„beiow FIFTEENTH Street, AR- Orders sae be left at 146 North SIXTH Street. 653 North TENTH 43treet, 1433 BARCLAY Street.. _or through the Post OfEce , Which Will be DferePty end astiefectorily ailed. ja 3m 6: • • : • .1 I •Ye • NOBLE Street. above Ninth street constantly on hand superior ("twill:lea of LOW: Soanylkill Coal, selected expresalrfor faxolly,porposea at the lowest market paces Wharf Twenty thin street, below Arch, street. Office 119 South NOON : Street o:ffit-dm PURE LEHIGH COA.L.-HOUSE FLUMES amendrely on getting a nitre uttele at S. eorner MORT POPLAR. .J. W. H.LIIPTOI. jalB-1n• COAL; COAL t _COAL. H. GUITREMAX & 00.'0 GOAL. the best in the atty. . For sale at the 'ovoid rub ream. MANTUA MAL TARD, corner THIRTY-PITT% Street axed PIENSI VADIA Railroad. Liall)-lao9 W. D. RESTON. GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, EQU, IF NOT SUPERIOR TO LEHIGH. A trial will um, your custom. aid Stove dies. $lO Der ton; Large Nnt, °see 1 %1 South FOURTH :fteht, below Chestnut. Depot. 1419 CALLOW/LILL Street, above Broad. eel4fti • ELLIS BRANSON. COAL:-SUCIAR LOAF, BRAVED MEADOW. sad Wins ifonntsin.L•hisrtteost, and best Locast Mountain, from Sonnylklll, prepared ex , pressty for fatally use. Depot W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Mee Do. IIS Sou th SS(3OI4D Street. .:(146-tf) 3: WALTON & CO. SLEEPER'S-U. MANUFACTORY, MARKET STRUT. Onsdoor SINTO Tenth. I.llt --u. IR iihILANIIIO TO • o , de FOR 13ALE,..V.E,RY..1).1381)R.A_ - _ , Olll Mal BLS (IRON ITIRNACK:PROFRIFFT.iithrdad "..s.-i to MoVeytown, Mifflin count?, Penne7lY4tilft, within a short distance GI the rennsylvania Railroad sod Canal. The freehold, property ,conspriate a Famace. with machinery of aarplo.powerto Islow,lnelnir either charcoal dr anthracite cost: about thirteen hundred acres of Timber Wulf *lse 'the celebrated prierewNer nee Iron Ore Bahl, Contended abort IMVektrehicrem, which produces In abundance the same Ore from,tglai eh John A. Wright, Req. , makes , his renowned and ihetly celebrated; locomotlite, ttAs and ear axles This is the eel, available propiertyln the state which produces the eye requisite for establishing a Laziness of ;like cha racter Tbpre are also about one hundred and fifty acres of land within bait a mile of the Furnace, held under llong c leas from which abundance of excellent hernia- - We ore be. taken, on which. shafts have been re cently sun , and which will podnee sufficient ore to mad,' the Furnace. Soft Fossil Orals also abundant in the neighborhood. Charcoal in any enmities can be bad, delivered at the Furnace This Furnace is well situated fqr the inarkets. having •water sad railroad communication with Philadelphia. Pittsburg, Balti more. Randebarg, and other important manufacturing towns. I Also connected with the above, a Forge Properly now in operation, marmiactoriag hammered blooms, and rolled slab blooms. _ ' , Motive power, steam. and water. For price and further particaltue, apply to H-X BURROIIGHS, fe2-1m ;108 South Follll.Til Street, rhiLadelphis., At . ORPHANS' COURT BALE.-BY ylrtda of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clin ton county' to me directed, as one of the Executor' of the last tvi? and testament of WK. kfcCARTY, late of ro the boug of gunbury, in the county of 'FlOrthumber l and, Pa.. deceased, 1 will ex - pose to public sale. at the Felon Ho i T i e, in • the borough of Lock Haven. Clinton; county, P on FRIDAY, the 10th day of February, A. D. 1865, 10 o'clock A. 11., the following described Property. tO mit! Tracts of unseated land in the warrantee name of Wm. - Powers.. • • One other traot 6.666, - . No 6,568 do 1.147 do Do : do No 6,067 - do 1 - .100 do Do do No 5:069 do 1,100 do Also., the undivided three•fourths Interest in the fol lotrlng tracts of unseated land in Keating township, in ,the,sald county of Clinton, to wit: One tract No. 6.976 in the warrantee name of Nicklin & Griffith, lopl acres. 1 ether No.15:891 in the do Richard Peters,93s acres. 1 other No. 6,825 do do do MO do 1 other No. 3,609 do do Leroy &Licklean,3oo 410 1 other No. 9,021 do do do 400 do 1 other do do Dradfordßiacent.4oo do 1 other do do Wm. M'Coy49o do On the following terms. to wit: One- half ci the par chase money to be paid upon the acknowledgment of the. deeds by the said Court. and the balance in one year thereafter, seamed by bond and mortgareo RACHARD IicOn.RTY, ra.ot Exocutrizof W. McCarty. doe'd. a FOR SALE OR TO RENT-SETE -m - LBAL commodtona rrAW DWNLLINOS. In northern part or the city, trim au the modern con venfen res. Bent SW to 4Phi ner month. Apply tO • TATLOW JACKSON. 814 CHNSTItIr Street; • . Or. JOHN JACKSON. • 1858 North TWELFTH Street. IIIFOR-BALE OR-TO LET=AII - of convenient new DWELLINGS, with modern Improvement*. on North Idoventh, Twelfth; and Thh , teenth streets. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON. 0012-Sm 61 1 4 58 M o T t NI TW S E tr LT et T ,. Har a r t e st. • LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO POE SALE.—The very lams and commo dlotts LOT and BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY Street, near that:entre of badmen, containing 60 feet on ()berry street. depth 106 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at Cud width owning to a large tart-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. Apply on the premises. sell-6m' FOR SALE.-THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his country seat, within half assails of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, cos tabling eight acres of good land, in the *entre of whisk is a large lawn with a line variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, et., in all over a hundred fall-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, oz. of which Is four storiesan height. There are four large rooms on a floor, with a - hall eleven by forty-two feet. The house has the {modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door: The out-buildings consist of a earriaim house and stable sufficient for four home and several carriages; also, a hen, ice, and smoke houses. The *table has a hydrant in it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in full bearing.. There are also several varieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terms a ccommodating . Poseission given at any time. Apply to LEVI O. CLLhK. n024-tf 831 Market street. Wilmington, DeL Ali TIMBER LAND.-FOR BALE, ...11—Peruwylv ants. a. tract of TIMBER LAID of about SEVEN THOUSAND ACRES. This land is heavily co vered with excellent timber, in a location affording rare facilities for safe and rapid transportation. Title ladle- Potable. A portion of the purchase-money can remain on bond and mortgage; Address Box M. Philadelphia Poet 011 ice, Pa. VA.LUABL MILLL PROPERTY, RESIDEIIED ID ACRES OP LAND FOR SALE, IN BUC KSCOUNTY. PENNA. This Property situated on Knowles' Creek, at its irluction with the Delaware River near Brownsburg, three miles from New Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton, N. J. The mills consist of a two-and-a-half-story Stone prie t- mill, with two run of French Burr Stones, all in complete order; Saw-mill and Plaster. mill ad joining, each capable of doing a large amount of bust. nese. The dwelling is a new two story . Frame Cottage HOUK . with four rooms on the first floor, AVG on the second, and four on the third, welt arranged, and well built; a Barn, Carriage house and other building.; eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land, well fenced, and planted with fruit and orna ment sl Mesa. The above described property is one of the handsome spots on the Delaware Elver where any one might spend their time pleasantly and profitably. 'Tie convenient to school, stove, and post office, and churches of different denominations. and will be sold cheap Apply to B J. SMITH At CO. ja2S.lBt 'teal Estate Agents, NE WToWN. Panna. B. J. SMITH tt CO., REAL Im.ESTATE AGENTS. Newtown, Bade county, ...AL. - Pa.. offer for sale in EttlOkliCollllt7 and vicinity; over 60 FARMS of from 10 to 200 acres; most of them are highly improved and remunerative farms, withimit. water, good building% and well located The early attention of buyers is directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. jai- ISt FOR SALE-A LARGE LOT, CORNER oT Richmond and Plum streets, Kensington, near Cramp's Shipyard, 177 feet by 13) feet, with office and dwellink thereon. A lot adjoining, 160 feet by 133 feet, with four mall houses thereon Luxe lot on the Delaware river. between Westmore land and Ontario streels,3oo feet front oh the river, 9,672 feet deep. having eleven fronts. A lot on Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Oxford street, SOO feet front, 300 feet deep; a flue stone quarry with railroad sideline into the quarry. • lot corner of Somerset street and Trenton avenue. ..60 feet by 190 feet A lot corner of Somerset street and Gunner's Run °anal. IEO feet by 212 feet. A clay lot, near Bleetown, on the Plank road, ad joining 'Rowl ett's brick yard,9oo feet front.26o feet deep. lot Costello street. Germantown, 182 feet front, .738 feet s deep Will be sold very low. Teriu Apply to J. or A. ' 619 WALNUT Street. or— Ja2B-Ine• 1521 North RDEVESTH Street. WOOLEN. mu.T. AND MACHINERY FOE SALE—At Valley Vorge, twenty mike from Philadelphia, situated on the 13ohnylkiLl Canal and. Beading P. troad, two hundred .yarde from the Depot The business adyantagea are not =nested. For nay. tfeelars apply to • - ISAIAH THROPP. ja3o =waft* Valley Forge, Pa. FOR SAL E-VALUABLE OIL IN TBIInTti in good inodneing vizrze, on highly valuable Farms on OIL Catlin_ below the Sheeler Farm. and also on the ALL/ORBS - I' RIVER. Parties dulling to pnrchaee will address Box No. 1286, Phila delphia Poet Otilee. No attention paid foamy other than responsible applicants. fet tSt T 0 L B T-FOB SALESROOMS OR - 11 - light manufacturing purposes the upper dories of building northwest corner of SIGHTE and MARKI67. Apply In the store. ia2l- tf FOR RENT-SEVERAL ROOMS IN the THIRD STORY of the Buildltlcon the south. west corner of 831V15TH end CEIASTIST Streets. Ap- DIY at this office. - jsiS-tf FOR SALE.-11AGNBTIO IRON ORE FOR SALE —The GARRISONS' MINING COM PANY Is now prepared to make contracts for sale of their superior Ore, delivered on the Hudson river. op posite weft Point. Apply the Office of the Company, 29 WILLIAM Street, flew York. . ja3o-ISt• 17 - 7171 - 04 IN TEE COVET OP COMMON PLEAS -a- FOR Tag CITY AND COUNTY OF PRILADA.. MART R. WELDON, by her pest friend, Re.. via. JAMES D. WILDON . Sept. Term, 1262, No. zs. Dl.' voroe. TO RESPONDENT—Sig : Please Late no that the Court has granted a rate onu In the above case to show cause why a divorce a v in culo matrimonti should be not decreed, returnable on SATURDAY. FebraexY H. 18136, at 10 A _M. Personal service of notice having failed on account of your absence. Yours, &c c EDWARD BRADY. fea.4t s Attorney for Libellant. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the proper authori ties for the renewal of Bounty Warrant. No. MOOS. dated December 7th, 1864, on the City Treasurer. for MO, being to order of and endorsed by JOSHUA P. HOMPSON; ;he same having bean lost or mislaid. The payment thereof has been stopped. . /MEWL P. THOMPSON. Ja2e thm4t* Pox 246) Philada Post Office. ESTATE OF JOSEPH WAYNE, DE CEAQED.—Lettera testamentary upon the estate of Joseph Way s ne, deceased, basing been /ranted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims, against the same will prevent them without delay, to JACOB HERRICK, JOSEPH WAYNE, Js, Executors, ialee mat* No. 26 Boalh FOURTH Street. IN THE OBEIELAITEP COURT FOR THIS - 2 - CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA- Emtate of THOMAS POTTER, deceased. vie Auditor ItOPointed by the C•aart to audit, Battle, and adjust the account of MARY B. PO CTRL Adminis- Muir!' of the Estate of said deceased, and to remit dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the Purposes or hle appointment ea MONDAY, Febrrutry etch, •1865, at 12 clockO M. at the °Sias of J. T. Thomas. Seq., No. 41.5 PRUNE Street, In the city of Philedelphia. 3119741nte5t 'J. (WILD KELLETT& Auditor. itothiumws SILLZ.--BY.VIRTIIE OF ANA- a writof sale by the Hen. :. • 91iN CADWA.Lk- DNB, Judge of the District Court of the United States. in andlor the Eastern District of Penniillivluda,b , Ad miralty, to me directed will be sold at pabite sale- to the bigheet. and best bi fder . ,_ for rash, at MIORMIES STOun, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on Wi1D31. , .." DAT, Febrnary 16th. 1386, at 12 o'clock :83 bales or Cotton, Alsoales .Cotton -Yarn. and 1 boxes Cotton Cloth. , 445 pounds of Cotton and 22 of To basso. Ideo, 6 bales Cotton, 7 bales Cottoa, 2 bales Cotton. and 1 bale and some loose (lotion. A 150,3 bates Cotton. The Cotton and other articles axe now open for examination at the above-named store WILLIAM MILLWARD, 17. S -Marsbal lL D. of PennsY/TAAIA rBILAITELPECIA. Feb 1. He& 162 St DITHRID GE'S XX FLINT GLASS PAT ENT LAMP CHIM NEYS.A. HEAVIr The world-wide reputation which these Chimes,"); have acquired is due to their acknowledged ,inc.eriorliy over all others: , This superiority is derived from three &Mese: bit Being fifty per cent. heavier than the common Chimney, they may be handled with ninth Man care. ad The oval shape is an adaptation to the flat flame. the Chimiterbeing at all points the same distance from the heat eo that the danger Of cranking by uneonal ex pansion is avoided 3d. The material of which there Chimneys are manu factured /13 Unequalled b) any other glen as a rapid 00nductor of heat; end, practical), it ie found that the combination renders them aln.oet entirely free from liability to destruction by the heat of the lame. Hence the obstacle in the way of the universal nee of Carbon 011 found in the rinteationable e for ChimneYs, haß b 4•11 met and removed by the introduetinn of DITHIII MLR'S F 11111.1.1100 1, OHIMIII3IB. .The popnlaritY Of theme Chimneys has induced some unprincipled persons to make use of our name and trade marks, and their reputation has btien Partially impaired by the worthless:es/mot 'purloin Chimneys sold &sours Parties who have been annoyed with the cracking of Sense Masa Chimneys woa / id do well to call and try the EZ We have appointed Messrs . PERRINB ik Diablo". No. 1051 South SECOND Street. Sole Agents for oar Chimneys in Philadelphia. from whom they sac tilted ln any quantity at manufacturer's prices witch the addition of freight' . 11.- DITHILIDGII, FONT PITT GLASS WORKS, islB-Itm 'WARD:DIMON St . Pittsburg. PenSa- TK VIRGIN WAX 01 11 AM & ELIA We l . new Trench Cloatnetie for beautifying and pro. serying the complexion. It is the most wondarral. Coat- Wind of the ace. There is neither chalk, powder. mae. 116.116, bismuth, nor title V ita conposition. 3. ‘ Win/ composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax ; hence the ex traordinary (valid's' for preserving the shin. malting it loft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It mates the .old appear Yong ,the noutel ) handeome. the handsome more basetLfal, and the most beautiful divine. Prises 90 add if emit& premixed only try,lloliT & 0 0 .,Pert:tare% ill South XIGHT.II West. two