The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 23, 1865, Image 3
IFECIAL NOTICES. Hobby Soap. TOILET SOAP, la MU* aalTOlSmi t* It m»d» from th» CHOICEST material*, la HUB **. KBlOLLlEtlTlnltis nature, ?RAQRAHT&Y SCKHT" “ , Bl SXTBKMKtY BSHEFIOIAI. in Ua Ktton n« akin, for ula br all Dru Mists aadFaneT Good* Yardsticks, Boles, Tape Measobes, Ke»mtea» and Sqnuea, of wtom Undo, for «ala Stor *° f TBOHAS ft SHAW. (, n:0 (EiJllit TMrtr flyo) MAKEBT St. .lialovr Hiatt. Richards' and Hilton’s Cbsient abb «m«nts for Leather, Wool. Bona, or Cro«k«ry. 5. at TBDMAS & SHAW'S, - sss (BUM Thirty flya) MAKES! St. .balow Ninth, 'futißßES, Brace akd Mbchahicax. Bup 0i approved construction, and light tialah, ad it«4 with judgment, at 0. H. RBBDLSS’, corner of ffBLFTIJ and BACK Streets. (badles’ Department, Midacte'l by Ladles. on Twelfth Street, Hretdoar below > An entensiye yarlety of Supporters, Bette, Les, Beetle StoeUngs, Syringes, Bursary Articles, Ladteb Hkckito Instruction in Book ...mKQ, Commercial Arithmetic, Mercantile Forms, r . E a Entities* WrUimr. in O’DtMTNEI.I,’B Rook- Wlnn !«»*»»*«• TKHTH wtq CHK3THPT. Hath Dye ! Hair Dye I HATCHEI.OK’B HAIB DYB in the hart la the world, u oslr true and perfect Dye-harmless, laataaUaa ant! reliable; produces a splendid Black or Natural remedies the 111 effects o{ Bad Dyes, andfra ,iilf reitorec the original color. Sold by all Din*. L The lenolne is signed W. A. BATOHEDOR, 81 iBCIiAI Street, Hew YoTlt. ial-iuwfrly (Jeobgb Btbck & Oo.’s sSrr^St fiamos, mnrn M A so HAM I, T. H ' g CABINET ORGANS. .kSO Orer6ooea&of tta»»9 fine CABINET thTK). nmonts havn bean - S Al<l ORGANS >IABO by Mr. 0. , anA tbs Aetnand CABINET OKTBB. IreoniUnilylnoreiusln*. OSgAm >IASO To* sale only by OABlHfflf. iIRTSS. J. E GOULD, ORGANS. .JABO SEVENTH andGHESTUUTSts. CABINET iRTSS. nolA-tf ORGANS. I® 0 UNITED STATES,CHRISTIAN COMMISSION.—Cash coatrlbaiions raoalyed 1 a Philadelphia for week ending J*n. 18,1886: G. W. Curves * »100 00 Mrs Mary R. Mitchell ..............10 Chi J. M. Dnncan. per J E, Bazbia & C 0..»». »>*«.»* 10 00 Iryloe beccindary Sohool. BrlcUsbnrj. par Phtoba B. ftorton~~....~ ~..* 700 Jffies Bobert Patterson, Holmesbnrg......... -***. 6 00 - 10) “C. 5 0) ‘•B. If. C.*’.... 303 ii <• Cask.. id OTSWOATB FEOM *l4 to *H. OVERCOATS- A “ OUU ‘ »' k “ ol *' lei * a4 lttrelt * 1088 ivbbcoats from $l4 to $55. Overcoats. 44 I* It OVERCOATS FROM *ll to *55. OVERCOATS. iomooiua from *u to «ss. ovkbooats. wawamaker iBRo-wsr, OAK HAUL, 8. S. corner SIXTH end MARKET Streets. . Tcbbk Men’s finite *nd elegant variety of tlu due Clothing St REASONABLE PRICES. 'HEELBIt & WXLSOS’B HIGHEST PBEMIOH LOCK-STITCn SOTmra MACUIHEB, THE CBEAPEST. SIMPLEST AHB BEST. nrooma. TO* CHESTNUT Strs«t, rtOTo SaTflUtlt. X>IEX>. iBR.—On the 20 th iont. after a long and painful is, Major CluUfclej Bnirer.ln fchs 721 year of Mxan. « relatives and frtende cf the family, Ooacoraia », ho. 37, A. T. H.» ColtimMaPire Eagiae Compa- Jo. is, sad the surviving Soldiers of 1812 are re- Bully invited to attend the funeral, an Monday, the ist.. at t o’Glccfc P. M. 4 from hie late residence, ,16 Lafayette street. Interment la Philanthropic fcry. * CK —On the 19th Inst *in the 87th year of her aae. is B Price* widow of the late Isaac Price* former* Delaware. hmeialfrom toe residence of her non in-law, P. una. No. 1687 Chestnut street, on Monday morn* ae2Sdi»iBt.. atllo’eioclt. ** IMS.--On Thursday monrfrg, 19th last., Harriet ms of Edward A. Adame, and youngest daughter Vfcß. Potter , . iTfUiifes and ft fond* <vf the f&miW ate incited to \ hf r funeral, frcm the residence of her husband, H hottb. Twentieth stmt. on Mbaday morning, ’irst* afcllo'cdoclc. ** ■ iR,-‘-Suddenly, of fever,on the Slot last. * , Fobes, elcect son of Edward A', and the late k. Adams. lAN.-Jan. IS, 1865. Oapt. Samuel E. Jarman, (relative* and friends, and those of the family, it members of Lodge So 3 A. Y. 1£ ( Philan* I Lodge No. 16,1. O. or O. F , and' the ehipmaa this port are cordially invited to attend ins to * from lit* late residence 625 South Eleventh street, tcUy, 23d last., at 2P. M. To proceed to Mwm jmetery. *** SAN.—On the 20th Inst., Harriet, wife of Mi* fcugan, wed 61 yean. elatives and friends of tire family Are respectfnl ted to attend the funeral, from the residence of [•in-law, Francis Catherall, So. 821 dpringQar wt, on Monday morning, at 8H o’clock, without notice. Funeral service at Church of the As ia Interment in Cathedral Cemetery. ** Weekly Report I or D2AZS. >f the Breabt Jteras .**«*»* Stomach.•«.« Pyloris-..... S<36» ion, Brila... liTmffß -Spioal Me iptioii,Lungs ‘t0n5......... ia............ (of the Brain |of the Cheat, of Brain Heart..... Bowels... Kidneys.. Liver. .... too Brain. Ifts AVOTS THERE WERE— 6& From BO to 60 ... .....23 M 60to 70 m “ 76 to 80.*.*«•*. l6 “ S 3 to SO , re «• sotoioa..rr.-... 26 ** JOOtollO 46 *•...21 Total 32 WARDS. Tenth...... •••* £ Eleventh....... 7 Twelfth.«... ;.*. 8 Thirteenth..... 8 Fourteenth. ....16 Fifteenth .......18 Sixteenth.... *■ 7 Seventeenth.... 9i Eighteenth .....16; sathsfrom the country***** l is la the city ■•■••■3o7 'y.—UnHedStatos, 2ll;?orelp,«S; Unknown, louse, 16; People of Color, 38; from the ooun- Imbor of deaths, compared Witt tto eorree- Teek of 1864, and of lasi week, was as fol- ldlng January 23d, 1884, was 3’S., adine January 14th, 1865, was J 37. . i 46; Females, 176; hors, 76; elrlß, 85, tend interments of soldiers, 19. r otttl | l^sg{-lE t ß?ffiHAirßßßg. BMristrar. IK ALPACAS —&. NEW STOCK [picas and GJobbt Mohairs, from 62)5«. to 91 BBSSOH & SOS. Mnnrntngrjioro, Ho. 918 CHBriTMUT Street. iW ELIZABETH COLL ABB.- v more dozen of wide Re Here Callers* just re Uo, new style Faney Crape Collars r°+**A2? NKW IB6S. 10 Honey-Comb Quilts. M» Colored Connterpaner. 10 Quilts for Hospitals. . sk of Blankets, Totrelß. So. . So._ BYRE 4 LASDBIt, SOI7RTH and ARCH Streets. ,a en&sn mass sikktincj or HB COLORED PEOPLE OP PHIL dX>S LPHU held at.FRANALI* HALL, SIXTH Street, «h. onTUBSDA* EVJMURO. at 7K o'oloek, to tosemenie for having PllOadeipnla fully TV tin the state Banal Rights Convention tbat se tt Barrisbnrgon WEDHBSDAT, Feb 8, 1855, Sect. D. Miller, Hot. A. L Stan Old. Ken. usty, Bobt. donee, Sea., Isaiah 0. Wears, !, 11. Rogers, and Redman Fawcet, Esq , will is meeting. - - ladelphla alee Olnb will stag a number of op tion will be taken to defray expellees, rot the Executive Board Pennsylvania State rbt* League. _ EJSN. - GEO. W. aOIHBI, CttOMMILL, JOS. 0 BDSftLL, „ IBEH. LiOT Committee. JTATJB EUVAI BIGHTS CONV EN tOK or THU COLOBBD PEOPLE OF PB»H- orFinßßS. EQUAL SAILBOAT) &(j « iRRIBBURO, oil WEDNESDAY, Eobruary 8, o’clock JL M- _ ... , „ . to the elective franchise, to equal railroad »the interest of the colored, anaihe &f eaucation.aU demand oar in^tant^arnest, he auspicious day that heralds the good time oge ia public sentiment calls yon from year homes, you* valleys. your cities, and your rally for earnest* effective* and immediate ion rally from the East and from the West, forth and from the South, while the popular of the world is boinc awakened in our faror. pots by a true and. holy seal In the cause or hts that we are worthy of all we cl«t£o. will be farufrfccd at Excursion rates at *U the Pennsylvania Railroad. on the 6th, 7th* February* *ood uuiil tnelith* inclusive rof the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania tlUUilwn. J. c . GIBBS. Yica President. ou,™* jR ‘ 1 } *•«**"*«* to i’hia. Jan. 81* 186 S. HKOQIID COJiOBKeATION BURCH* JSLEVBN m and WOO > iS of this chuiob will be rented Tfl.lB EVB - o’clock, It* 'UKOBtiE Vft CBETIB, ESQ., (01 HwpM’s Woolly,) “POLITICAL InFIDELITY.” JBhT HALL, TORSO iH EVENING Jan. 84. ft. Tickaio Sfi cania A low renoryed oetca on early application, for ft) cants »aia or cpmm«a«e oa Saturday morula*, at AMhme&d. ?24 Ghcstttttt Birefet. - 4t REV. HE 1.1, A MARTIN WIUi f J !ver the second of a eonrsa of lectures before I* Civil, aid Statistical A-soci&tb-o of tie Co- Rear PeuSolTOia, on'WadNßWArEVfi r*i January 26th. in COjSGEhT Ha.L.l*. Sut> !2,,Ftrii»oda of thetfntoa ia EnKtand.’ 1 - Mias Afield, the celebrated * 4 Black. Swan," >a the occasion, on ffi c *utß, of the Freedme*, to aid in breaking Mice, &c. 'O'.utint lecturers will be Frederick Donglasa i-baHarper, J. M Langston, E«q., apdHoa. b!!oy. j»20*36 •JECTCBB OS HERVUmU Fl' ‘"•-The Fonrtli L*cttn« of tho C>n»a« oa fl I.« w . at OKITrgtfDER'S aOMMSEOUi •<i3TCBBSTHITFStreeti comer of Ssraatli, ■ tey*4 By JOSSPB 0. TOKHEB. , on nFVEKIfIOn.nt, 21tb icat , at 7>& o cloci. SiMABTILB PAPBB.” Alt rormoratn. jpiuliiatai are oordlttt.y tnTlted. J*2o 4t* IjJUCK or THE COAL RIDGE ABB COAi COMPASI. XAT ‘StHStieet. tn.i .. PmiiADELPaIA, Jan IS. 1865. 0( SiooihoMera and Election for vtL'{4 Conypany to aer»a for tbe enjoin* F«t<t at t£ta ogtee. on THtJBSDAY, Juts «ant, at U o’clooS M. i ,■■- job. t. ro»». n««wt*rr, . of Interments. Optics, January 21, 1869. _ the Oitv of Philadelphia, to January 81st, 1393. OAUBBB or DEATH. Fracture of the Foot * e Yf r *w~* ** Coagestive... *' Malignant*.• ** Puerperal.*. ** Bpottud *••«»• “ Scarlet....... •• *• Typhoid..... Hernia.. Hemorrhage ........ ,f from Uterus* laflumxa&ttou, Brain *• Bronchi Heart........ ** Kidneys “ Langs... *' Peri tonetun •. i <* S. St Bowels-1 Inflam. of Ovaries..! 1naniti0n............ Intemperance. ****** Marasmus Measles-. ............ Mumps Murder. •. Neuralgia of Heart. Old Age ftbeuma. of Heart*. Scrofa l a-*.... Sere Thr0at......... Softening of Brain.. Small-P0x..... ...•*• Still-b0rn............ Suicide...♦ .......... Tabes Mesenterlca*. Unkn0wn........... WJJtDS. Nineteenth. Twentieth.. Twenty-Azat *.. 8 Twenty-second. 7 Twenty-third 7 T wenty-fourth. 31 Twenty-tlfth ...8 ‘Twenty-sixth..l4 sUnknown...*^*^ ........325 lB NOTICES. jgjgp* emiuoißßE, THIS EVENING, - Rev. JOHN §. C. ABBOTT, THB HISTORIAN, AT CONCERT HALIi, THIS (MONDAY) BVENING. Commencing at g o’clock. Snbject; “ OUR WAKASD GENERAL GKAKT." Tickets for ode at Olaxton’s (formerly Martien’e), No. 6C6 Cheelnut street. Price Si coats, and so extra chare* or reserved Beats, though they should he apylted for early thie morning. it WAR AND HBNBKAL OBABI, THB SUBJECT OF JNO. S, O. ABBOTT’S {OF NEW HAVEN) lecture -BEFORE THE YOUNG MEN’S CHMB TIAN ASSOCIATION, ON MONDAY EVENING, January 2Sd, CONCERT HALL. Unreserved tickets. 25 ceata; reserved, 50 cents. For sale at Clanton's (formerly Mai liens') Bookstore, 36 Chestnnt street. ja!B-6t *5 672 67 Amount previously acknowledged-...... 1,068.043 67 f 1.063 64 reaeurer. Stores received by the United States Christian Com mission from Philadelphia, for week eadtttK January 18th, 1864: A. P. D. —1 package. Mrs. Stoddart—-24 pads. Germantown Ladles’ Christian Commission—l pack age* 64 packages received from other par Is of the ccuutry. GhOiitffi H. SfUAKT, Chairman, It 11 BANK Straat. JKsSa- OFFICE OF THE SH4HOSIM COAL COMPANY, 5804 South FGUBTK Street, At the Annual Meeting of the StGcXholders of the abeve named company, hold at their office on the 18th inst.. the following gentlemen were elected Director* for the ensuing year; _ _ . . _ Gideon Bast. t John Ansuach. Jr., Fm, M. Beetem, j Geo. M. Troutman. "Wm. McLeliau, j At a meeting of the Board of Director* of thaabere named Company, held on the same day. the folio vring officers were elected for the ensuing year: - GIDEON B aSY. President, OBAS £ ACTBPACH, Vice President. jft23-6t CHAS B. LIhDSAt, Secretaiy and Treasurer, HOW. GEORGE THOHPSES Will Lecture THIS (Monday) BVSHim, at BPJBIN G GAB D SNHfSTIT OTfi. . It* BBOAD andsSPBING GARDEN Streets. PHILADELPHIA AND ER I E KS? BAH.BOAD, _ % Philadelphia, Jan. 2.?, 1885. The Animal Meeting of the Stockholders of she PHI LADELPHIA AND £EIB EaILROAD COMPAN? will he hell at the Office, No. 5830 WAt NUT Street** oa MONDAY, the 13th day of February next, at 18 o'clock A. M At this meeting an election will he held for ten mana gers of the Company to serve one year. The polls to close at 2 P M. GEORGE P. LITTLE, jaSS-nrwflQt Secretary. asm** SfOSH AN WON COAL COMPANY.- At the Annual Election for Directors, held Ja nuary 19, the following gentlemen were elected Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year • David Knight, j Jacob Knight, C. B.Spangler* j J. J, Lingle. wjn. UoJlins. 1 ~ At a mef ting of the Board of Directors, held the same day, DAVID KHIGHT was unanimously elected Pre sident, and Samuel W. Wray. Secretary add Trea surer. SAML. W. WBAY, It Secretary. SIXTH WABD BOUNTY COM* MITTBE will meet TBIS (Monday) EVENING, at 7o'clock, at the School Bouse, In CROWN Street. Every person interested In the coming Draft would do well to attend, as there is a desire to organize and act with vigor,, until we complete our quota of volunteers. Jaaj&CBAS. WELDING, Chairman. ■JOHN-HAGEN, Secretary. , It W.*H BAKNBB, Treasurer.* THE AMPAbMlbrlSift OF THE Stockholders Of “The West Virginia Steam Barrel Manufacturing Company,” will be held at their office, No. 33S South THEftD Street, at 12 o’clock M., on the 24th inst., for the purpose of meeting five uirec tore and the transaction of gonoralbnrinessrslatjbigto Its aff.Ui. . JOHN aULLIVSK. It* , Secretary. ASSUAL COSIMBNCESIENT OF #35? THE EOLEGTIO AND UNIVBSSITS MSDICaL COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA, at CONCEPT HALL, TUESDAY, Jan. 24, at 2X P. M. Valedictory by Prof. B. 8. DALTON. Music by Betk’s Band. Fa Olio are invited. ; ia23-2t* THE CITIZENS’ VOLCHTEBB K» HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION taka pleasure In ac knowledging the following iccelpts since the-last re firs gallie li. Crorier ............... ........85000 Proceeds of a fair held by Misses Mary McCurdy and Mary Thompson 160 Mrs. CarvDle.. 10 00 American Life Insurance and Trust Company— 60 00 Sunday Schools of the Church of the Mediator, per B E Demlg, treasurer.. Mies SaUie Lingo, SO mince pies; puited States Satd tary Commission, K) yards of muslin for bandages, 25 Jib sausage, 15 ffie rage, 9 jars preserves and pickles, 8 tumblert, ieliy, l bbr pickles. 1 btd sour- kroat; Penn Belief Association, 16 pairs woolen sorice, packages of bandages and old muslin, 4 bottles blackberry brandy and whisky, and 4 jars preserves l ire. B. Stewart, 2 bask ets of Dutch cake; Miss Laura Chase, 1 new shirt, and 1 pkge of bandages and rags. It ASIOfEBSABT OF THE MBE- Isis’ CHANTS' FUND.—The eleventh anniversary of Ahis association will be celebrated at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ■ Ob THURSDAY BYBNING, February 2, at 7* o’clock. The annual repoifc will be lead and addresses de livered by BlgHop giwpsON, and DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Ssq- Tbe orchestra will be under the direction of Mr.- Sl Card?or admission may be had gratuitously, by ap plytafi|HJAHlN OBNE, No. 951 Chestnut street. WM. G. LUDWIG, No. S 6 North Third street, JAMBS C HAND No 814 Market street. EDMUND A. SOOMIE, Dock-street wharf. jaSl-tfeMf ■ „ Committee. OFFICE AII.BeHSNT BUIBOAB *AHD COAL COMPANY- „ Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1868. . The ANNUAL MEETING of the 8 fOCKH iIL DEE I of the ALLEGHENY BAILROAD and COAL COMPANY win be held on MONDAY, 6ih da. of February, KGI. at KM., at No. 3 FOSBKsT Pi; ce, 133 M SouthFOOßTa Street, Philadelphia. An.electioii for President and Directors will be held at the same time and place, jail 28ft PBBD’g B. HOBBELLr Secretary. (K®= OFFICE HtumSOBON AND IfcS? EBOAD TOP MOUNTAIN BAILBOAO CO Philadelphia, January 21 1865 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the HUNT* INGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY will be held at their office. No. SSSB South TBIED Street, on TUESDAY, February 7, 1665, at 11 o’clock A. Jf., when an election will be held for a President and twelve BireeUiis for the ensuing year. fljaglmwftHlfe73 J. P. aBBTbBN. Becretary. NOTICE.—THE FIFTEENTH AS. HtsT nivereary of "THE pmoN SCHOOL AND GHILDBEN'B HOME,” located Twelfth awl Fits water stTeets, will be held on MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 28d, at 1H o’clock, la tbe Third Prrsbrterlan Church, PIBS and FODBTH Streete. The Annual Beport will be read, addresses made, and a collection taken up in behalf of the “Home.” A number of the children will be present. . JuM-2t* IBOARD OF TRADE-—A MEETING! las of the ASSOCIATION of the BO ABD OF TRADE of Philadelphia will be held at the Booms of the Board, 505 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY EVENING, 2.4 instant* at7K o'clock, to nominate officers and Mem APPEAL fob THE PEOPLE OF i ESS' SAVASNAH —The under-igned, a Committee appointed by Public Meeting of the citizens of Phils- , deiphia, convened for the purpose of taking elepa to relieve the wants of cnr fellow-citizens of Savannah, now releated ff<m the crnol yoke of rebellion, and ones zoore living tinder the dag of the United States, jnsk e this appeal to the generone and patriotic people of Poiladelpbia and Pennsylvania. ■ The citizens of Savannah have embraced the first op portunity of proving their loyalty and submission to the United States Government. The capture of the city closed the avennesofttade and supply, and Savannah, Itoiated from the surrounding country, suffers forfood. At the meeting held atthe rooms of the Board of Trade, on the 10th instant, Bishop Potter presiding, a letter, addressed by one of the aldermen of Savannah to Messrs. J. P. SteinerSCo., was read, of which the fol lowinglsanentract: , ~ . . . “The principal object in my addressingyon Is to a»k yon Wbetier yon cannot get np a subscriptionfor the poor and needy of savannah, as then are destitute of everything, and snob a movement as this would so abrinc the Phi adelphians In the hr art of every citizen of Savsnnsh. In case yon do something, do it at onoes twenty thousand paople are destitute of ail yon can imagine. What are particularly necessary are bacon, fionr, and potatoes. >r , ’ . ... . In accordance with this appeal, it is proposed that Philadelphia shall send to Savannah a cargo of provi sions: and Ibe Committee earnestly appeal to the libe ral and patriotic citizens of onr State, and invoke their , aid in this Christian effort to toed the hungry, to com fort the distressed, and to show our brethren who have been In arms against the constituted authorities of the land, hut are so no longer, that they may again enjoy the benefit: arising ost of retnrning harmony In onr persons who desire to contribute to the Pnnd are ra onesied to aend subscriptions lo JAS. L. CLAGHOtiii, 234 MABKET Strest. ' Alonzo Potter, ‘Wm. Hun tor, Jr., •|«n Merrick. 0. B_ Djirhorow, SamuefJ. ciuri.tten. J. OUllngbam Fell, A. J. Eraxel, Caiiwalader Biddle, William C. Kent. Borace ElMev, Jr., Frederick Colima, OFFICE OF IBS tmiOH CANA.X, COMPANY, FHn,4DBWHiA, JairaarTll. lie Annual Meeting of tiie STOCK and BOND HOLDERS of the Union Canal Comjsanj, and election for b fleers and Manamrs to eerre Jor the enening yew. will be held at the-offlee of the Company, Ko. 328 WALNUT Btieat. on TOE'DAY, the ?th day of Febrn easier Boohs wiH he closed on the 29th instant. jail tfr7 OSCAR THOMPSON. Sacretary. THE I.OCCST DALE COAI CO - l=» AHBtJAh MiBTIHQ.-The stockboWors of tne boentfc Bale Coal Company are hereby notified that their annual jneetlnt, for the choice of Directors and ancfi ether business as may legally be transacted, trill be held at the OOMTIHSH'KIE HOTJSh. In the cit* of SphUalelphla, on WEDNESDAY, the first day of Febru ary next, at Iwo fn SMO RY, Beweta^r. FaiiAPBMWA, January M. 1885. ja!4-lit» SOTKIE —OFFICE BUCK MOtS- IfcSp TAIN COAL CO., FBii.4rEi.PfrA, Jan. li«. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the BOCK .MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY Will be held at the Office of the Company, 80. 330 WALNUT Street, on WED NESDAY, February Ist. 1865, at 11 o’clock A. M. An election for seven Directors to servo the ensuing year wifi be held on the same day, between the hours Pt il2.mwftfel A3r ' M ' T. B. TROTTER. Secretary. KS= TII* HIKE CTO 86 0F THK FABEL OIL COMPANY hate THIS DAY de dued a dividend of OKB PER CS«T., payable at their office on and after the 25'h Inst Transfei Books cloee the 18tb, and open the 26th. resolution of the Board of Directors,'dividends Will in future be WILL! AMB, Treasurer. FnmAPXLPgiA, Jan. 14, 1866. jal6.mwfBt« THE province of poetry.— T .‘“ Vllr. BHOuH H. SUPPLES. K»S DAY EvenincJanuary 23, at HANDEL AND HA YD 5 HaL«*tb e bene the disabled. Soldiers and Sol dlers’ Widows and Orphans, under the carei of the La_ dies’ First Urion As«i«latlon. * oenta. For sale at the Association Booms, No. S3T North QIa&TK Street. JgL°L- gUKMHOLDEBS’BOTICE.-'MB |=S? Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders oftheCOK helsvillb akb Soctbebn , BaILWAY COMPANY wUlbe held on MONDAY, tbs fithds>of Jimuaxy. 1865 a at3o'clock P. H.• attMOid s#3o SouthTßlßD.Slrwe, Phil*- 4a toßeotlonforPresldentand DlreetarefirtlPbo held on tbe same day and place. fit. 0. BARCLAY, - (Wffi-tia#) Secretary pro t«R. FOURTH Mi ■*=» ARCH Street. At aannal Election I lOtb, the follow lag tentfem€ tliis- Bask for the ensuing 7* William P. H«nm, Albert 0. Roberta. James C. Kelch, William Brooke. William S. Btokley, ' AT. B. Harris, Ataxnoetiaffoi the Board, P. BA MM, Esq-, was tinai dent. ALBERT 0 ROSB&Tf ERA STUB POULSON. Esq., jalS-I2t SAMUEL J, |sg» TJUB CONSOLIDATION NATION* AL BANK;, Pirir.ADBLPHfA, January 16,1866, At an Emotion held on the 10th inet the following gentlemen were elected Directors of this Bank, to servo fcr the e»Bttsor year: J&mesV. ■Watson, • I John B. Brlnglmrat, Henry Crofkev, Joseph H. Collins* .Wfmam How, Jr,, Ludlam Matthews* W* Seneca JB. Mslone, _And at a meeting of the ft V* WATSON, B«o , was on dent, and JOSEPH N. PIB jaiy et josr~ KEXSISTGT6N 3STATIONAX BilK» PtffLADKLPHiA, January 10. 1805. At an election held on Tneeday, January 10th, 1555, tbeloilowing-aamed gentlemen were duly elected Di rectors «f this Bank to serve the ensuing year: Charles T. Yeikea, Beniamin H. Brown, Eli G&iri&on, ' Benjamin C. Naglee, John Bobbins, Joseph 8. Keen, John Martin. J. £l. Wain wrlght. George A Lsndell, Charles M. Litkensi Edward W. Gergaa, Henry W. BihU M. I>. James Hogg, And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day GBABLEST. YEKKEB, was unanimously re electeAFresident, and WM. McCOHWBLL, jai7-Bfc ' Cashier. MECHANICS* WATTOKTAI* BAXtt, K" PHrtADxtPFrA, January 16, 1865. At tta Annual Election for Directors of this Bank,tali on tta lltk Inst, tta following• named Stockholder* were chosen Directors for the ensuing year; 1. Joeenfc B. MitcheU. *|6, William A. Drown* 2. BaiJamin W, Tintley, 7, Davis Pearson, 8 <3. D Ko&engarten, 18. George H. Stuart* 4 Isaac F. Batar* 9. James T, Young, $ Botatt Steen* i At r meeting of tta Board Joseph B Mitchell was urn dentaud GKOEGK EL &THi aal7-6t J, ra** FAKJIEUS’ •=» EiTlOffAL BANK, Fhtladelpkia, Jatmarr IS, 1865. it as ejection held os the Uth of Jasa «▼» 1865. the following flame* stockholders .were elected Directors of tkle Bunk; S A. ftercer, James B. Campbell* Edwin M Lewis, Francis Tete, Join Askirors'. J. Edward Faratua, Anthosy 3- Antelo, William M. Farr, Joßepk 8. Loverlnc, Jr., Bindley Smyth, , Benjamin A Faritham, William H. Merrick, Joshua B Llpptoeott, Ado at a mettiog of the Bi; c#»r. Baq. , wee noaoimonai) WIB M LEWIS. Esq ,Vi© RUSHTON, Jr, • Cashier: jsuiot w, KSS® TUB SECOffB HAVIOHAI. BAHS of PJHLAD BLPttf A. Fbankpobd, January IT, 1555. % At the Annual Election for Directors of this Bank, held onTaeeda*, the It/th task*- , ,__ Netfcan Bilks, Edward Hayes, George W. Bbawn, Benjamin H. JDeaeon, Simon R. Snyder, Lewis Sballctosß, Benjamin Rowland, Jr.» Charles B. Bremer, -Tolm Cooper, - were elected to serve for the ensuing year. „ 1 _ rr . lkr v At a meeting of. the Board held this day WATS A. K HILOBS wa* unanimously M-eleeted President of this Bank. » CjalS 6t3 W. S. BSAWfI, Cashier. nSf*» K*€SKUITS FOR THB FOUR KSS? TBJSBTH- WARD can obtain their money aa soon as nmelered, at the Pmenet Marshal’s offlee. oerner of THIRTEENTH and BRANDS WINE Striata. Parties trishlßS to ealiet. and desiring information, can apply to either of the undersigned, Becrnittn g Commutes. lit. I. MAO HICSOL, Ho Parrish etreefc. J. W. TBAOKARA, Ho. Oatario street FRED’K A. VAtr OLBVB, Ho, 204 South Fifth, street, KSg” 1 TUB (UJICKBU,VEK MININO ■=» COHPASX. The Directors of the Quicksilver Mini a* Company Slave - THIS Dsl declared stesmi-annally dividend of per share fn UNITED STATES SOLD COIN, ' , payable FEBEDA BY 15,1866, to shareholders of record J, unarySlet,lB66, • . ■■ Transfer Hooke will he dosed from February Id to lfith. indttih'ft. WALTER E. LAWTON. Treasurer. NuwYons, January 4, 1866. jalOißt ra® OffFlCi! OF THE HAZLETON I® COAL COMPANY, Ho, 303 WALNUT Street, "* Philadelphia. January 19,1805. The Board of Directors of the Hazleton Goal company have thin day declared a semi-annual Dividend of SIX BEE CENT,, equal to Three Dollars per share, free of all taxes, payable on ard after February Ist, next. .The transfer booferwiU be closed until February 2d, s«xt. j»2O-St ALEX, a, GAW, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMPAN* 07 NORTH AMERICA, 333 WAL NUT STREET, _ r ' Philadelphia, January 8,1865. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR' AND* TWENTY CEHTB per share- Dree from taxes, payable on canaand. * jalQ 12t CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. KS* OFFICE OF THE BBIGGS OIL fcS? COMPANY, No. X m South FOURTH Street, January 11,1866. * The Board of Directors- have this day declared the seventh monthly'dividend of ONE PBS CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on the 20£h inst _ / The Transfer Books will be closed on the SUt Inst. • at 3 o’clock, and openedon the 27th. By a resolution of the Board of Director!, adopted this day. dividends will in future be paid quarterly. jalS lit CHARLES A. BUY, Treasurer. - DKvSsp s * OFFICE 07 THELOCUST MOM* TAIN COAL AND IRON OOMPANY, Pbu/Ahslephia, January 12,1855. “Ala tfaetiscof the Board- of Directors of this .Com pany, Jield this day, a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. tives on and after tho 234 m»tant. _ jalS 9fc BBWABB ELY, Treasurer. 133- BIYIDEBD—TBE BIBF.CTOBS K=» of therNOBLK AND DELAMATBB FETRO LBUM COMPANY have this day d.elaiea, as their ninth monthly dividend, SIX. -HE CENT., payable./tree of State tax, on tbe 20th Instant. Books dose on the 14th and re-open 21st. GRORQB W. HUNTER, ial2-9t Secretary. yUTTT,AIV » ,.'ftVI»TITA AHP BEABESG l&S> railroad COMPANY, Office Ho. 331 South FOURTH Street. y TrITIBBTiywTA . u OTom ber SO, 1861 DrVTDKND NOTICK.—The transfer hooka of this Company will huulosedonTßpjWpAY.ltacemberl#, and reopened on TO3SBDAT, JANUARY 10, 1866. A DWldeud of YIFTSBN m CBHT. on the commoa and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes* has been declared, payable in common stock,on the Slat December next, on all stocks standing on the books of the Company, at Ike close of business pa Hie 15th prpx, Stockholder* whose name* are registered on the New fork books will be paid at theTgmew’ Loan and 1 BBAP ffirer. THE musin' WELL 350,000 Shares, at $3 per Share, OF WHICH IS RESERVED AS A WORKING CAPITAL. James L. Ciarhorn, Joseph F. Page, Edward S. Clarlr, A T, Lane, GtbsonPeacock, George T. Lewis, James 0. Hand, Auk Heaton, S. T. Bonder, GeorgeW Griffin* Lloyd P. Smith, Samuel Durborow, __ - Bd win Kirkpamok, jiafctf THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, .JANHARY 23, 1865.' NOTICES. k TIOSAL BANK, 733 jet.httia, January 16,1866, for Directors, held January en were elected Directors of Jobs Farslra, Bobert Gluk, 1 Henrr Aski», Brutus Fonlsoo, fcunnal HUlsr. i, told tlila day. WILLIAM ittlmonslyftMileetea Presi* 'B, Xew.. viea Fj*aident»and , Solicitor,. MAO MCLLAK, Cashier. Thomas I. Potts, Robert Shoemaker; Robert F. Taylor, Joseph B. Tan Doeea# John P. Terree. James B. Watson. Mfcrdr JAMBS antmonsly re elected Fresl- KSOL Cashier. . m 8. PIER SOL, Cashier. of Bisectors* held this day* animonsly ib-elected Presi- ART. Vice President. WtSOAKB, Jr.« Cashier. ARB BfECHASICS’ irectors, .this d ay* S- A. Mar y re-elected President* £3) m President, and WILLIAM . RUSHTON, Jb.» Cashier. dividends. FIVE DOLLARS Oil, COMPANIES. OIL COMPANY. $30,000 PBBSIPENT, DB. ALBERT Q. EGBERT, Of Venango Connt,. nOB PBESIPBin* ABRAHAM MARTIN, Of Philadelphia. BEOBBTAnY AND TABASUSBa* WILLIAM M. BABLOW, 0/ Led,nrd & Barlow. Fhiladolphln. SIRSCTOBB: DR. ALBERT G. EGBERT. Venango county, Pa. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Mercer county. Pa.' WILLIAMS: BOSE, Mercer county, Fa THEODORE H. VETTERLEIN, 111 Arch »t»9t. EDWARD B JONES, 631 Arch *tn»t. three PER WI N Y. PER MOUTH 05 8500,000. In calling the attention of capitalietetOtWe enterprise the Directore have ne hesitation in expressing toeir be lief that their return from tt will be more certain and more ISbernl ihan from any now company now Before < .be community. The property of the Company cons ats of the following: No. 1. Three-elghthi of the working interest in the celebrated Jeisev Well, on the H, de and Egbert Farm, on on Creek, wtih the aere of land on whlcn the Well Is located. This well has besn Sowing since early in May, 1164, at the rate of abon; three bandied and fifty barrels d&i.y, and is sow flowing at that tat a, tnus yielding to tne Company between fifty oar rele Cany, worth, at present prices, twentv thonsacd dollar* per month, which will pay to. the i took holders Is this Company _ MOKE THAN THREE PEK CENT. PER MONTH from the start. There is room on the land for several | more well#, two of which will be immediately com.*,l mencedby the Company, and in which we shall have j the same interest ae in the Jersey. The character of | thUpropertyas oil land isweli kuown; it U oalyne- | cesnajy totay thatpo well,os it has ever jailed in wt j ting oil, %»hits it has already produced the Maple Shade* j the Coquette, and the Jeney. 1 No. 2. Twenty five acres in fee on the east side of | the Ailegten* River, opposite the mouth of Big Sandy I This ttact has about forty rode front on the river* and j contains a large amount of boring surface. Oil welt's | yielding Jartely are fuaadnear this property; among l them the Hubbs* the Hoover, &«, The Company iu j tena to proceed at once to develop ihla fine property, l and ffcefcangtune of success. • I No. 8 A lease of fifteen yea's on the William B. Wilson Barm* on Slippery Eock Enn, In Lawrence county, fensa. - Ncs 4. 5,6, 7, and 8, are also leases os Biinwry Bock Bun. containing four hundred acres in all. They were obtained in April 3864, oy Dr. Egbert, and con tinue for If teen years from their date. They secure to the lessees all the oil and other mlnsralMJontaicedia the several tracts* with the right to divide and sublet, ] with all ctler rights ana privileges connected with the i business of mining for oil, coal, and other zataer&te, and reserve a royalty of only one-eighth of said oil or minerals. . TheSUppery Boek Territory is a new and only-par- Hally deveU'ped oil region; but the success ahead*/ ob- Suntd. there and on the Mahoning Biver, a few- miles west, together with the large quantities of ol r . found north. s*uth, east, and west of it, leadua to tope that It will prove a successful Oil region. The Company have already an excellent engine, tools, and alt necesEary fixtureaon the with a Well partly dawn, and will' proceed te, aevelop the propeity as fast as possible: These lands and leases were all selected for oil pur poteaby the Bresident of this Company, wnose great' {uccfifein the OR busiuets, ederling and force of characte* are too well known to, require comment here. . Subscriptions received at tbs offit.a of LEDYARD & BABLOW, 480 CHESTNUT STREET, js2S-mwf 3t 'Wm&M&SMS, ft BEOWHa OTIEJB Hgsjg? i CAMEROK PETROLEUM OAPITFAL ... $1,000,000. SHAKES— 800,000. PAR TA80E....................^.85.00. SUBSCRIPTION PBHJE 3.50; VANCE STEWAET, SECRET ABY, J. I.U DAEEINGTON, DIBHCTOEB. TAHOE BTKWAET, Mercer county, Fa, JOHH E. LEOHABD, West Chester, Fa. D. C. FOBHBY, IVashin rton, D. C. HEHKY D. COOK. Washington, D. 0. SIHQH CaMHSOH, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHH H. DIEHL. Philadelphia. JOHH X. GEAFF, Philadelphia. GSOBGB O. EVANS. Philadelphia. JAMBS DUFFY, Malletta, Lancaster co., Pa. The present and prospective raise of the stock of this Company may be inferred from the fact that It owns a fee simple interest In 173 (four hundred and seventy-' three} acres of the richest tested oil territory in Vo nan so county, believed by the most experienced oil men In that region to be capable of prodnolng a nat annual in come to the Company.of one aad a half million dollars, or three limes the entire cost of the stock, which would be equivalent to twenty-fire per cent, a mbnth on its Enbßcnptloc pries, or one hundred and Jtfty per cent, per annum on its par value. . The following is a description of the Company's pro* l?orty: •• v • - % One-fourth fed film pie interest: In the celebrated- M Farm* situate on the Allegheny river, about two and otte-balf miles below Franklin* con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres,-<wlUi 832 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on .which there ere now twelve leases, each ten rods egaere, and from which the owners of the fee simple get "one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two w ells owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get aH the oil. On there are now ten wells in operation* producing an average of ten barrel a per day, and several others are about being tubed. There are also on it ST (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm "eleven an now paying handsomely; a fact which sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri toir. is the entire fee etmple Interest in ISI (one hundred and eighty-one) seres, situate an the Allegheny river, nearly opposite the ''Hoover 1 * Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the month of Hill Baa, having a ftont>of 86 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both tides of Mill Kan, with ample boring surface for one hunrfnd wills, or Bote of ten rods square. This tract is known as the ‘ * Stewart Faun,'' and is clear of all leasee or inoambranaes of anir kind. There is now in operation a flfty-barrel well (b aside several smaller ones) on'the Cochran Farm, which ad joins; this on the sonth. lß&ot,the ‘•Stewart" Farm \e surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a sheet.time a single lease of SO rods front, on the imme diate opposite aide of the river, sold for $165,000 (one hundred and sixty-hvo thousand dollars.) On this leaso a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the tetritory of the * ‘ Stewart” Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as the “Hoov er”) there are on it a three-story Srist Mill, with An* water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, that will be of use to the company. The durability of this immediate oil seotlon is illus trated by the fact that some of the wells un/the '‘Hoov er" Farm have been pumping for ovorfohr years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from Its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel mors than the oil at Oil Creek. the officers of the Company foaljnstified la present ing the following estimate of what, with rigorous manat ement, the above lands eaa-he made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a comparatively short time There ie room on this for one ha ad red lots oftenrods squafe, all of ichich can ba leased hiimsdlately for one. fc«»r the oil, /rf e of all expense to the. Company/, Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred trolls althoarli there is room for three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten barrels each, -would make a Daily product of*>»« 1, 030 Ifbls. Outof this the Company’s share wonld'be- 600 bhls. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it is now - Beilina at' $18.60)... «... Allowing three hundred working days-to ■ the year, this would make the -Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from the Staw aitFarm alone. IS6OO, Allowing the same ertlmate for the •• ‘ Hoo ver” Farm, in which the Company owns one fourth in lee of the land interest, the ' annual net receipte from the latter would be. 31 Making the annual receipts from both 'Deducting firim this’ iimoaS the sum-or $375,0c0 for eontlngeueles, would leave the Met Animal lucerne of the Company SI, SCO.OOO 00 ALL THESE LOTB CAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding lessee* to Blok wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 600 or more feet. A PEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Yon are not ashed to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receiving- large dividends, bnt the haeis on which the Company rests, it is be lieved, will male year investment not only sa/e.but, prospectlvelyl of enormous value. Notwitha tahdin g, at the present prices of oil, .the Com pany’s annmsl receipts (without any farther develop ment) wonldhe forty thoneand dollars, or, eight per cent, on the cost of the stock. The president, Mr. Etowart, Is one of the most prac tical and experienced oil operators In the State, aad : his residence near the Company’e property and. general oversight of its management i* the best guarantee that no efforts will bo spared, to make the investment pro fitable. , Applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, bnt none will he received until' the hooks of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. " Only a limited amount of the stock, will he sold at subscription price. The stock will he issued full paid, without farther assessments. BOOKS OP SUBSCRIPTION will he open for a few days, on-and after January 18,1865, at the office of E, JAMES,. Treasurer, §-35?” Oil* BOIHDiIOS on. COHPUIT V3E? OS WE*T VIEOINIA.—The subscriber* to ths stock of Ike Old Domlnioa Oil Ooirpaay are hereby notified that Certificates £re now ready fox delivery upon surrender of subscription receipts, and books open for transfer. . ~ There are only 9,C00 shares unsubscribed for. niRECTons: O. H.BAMBOBOEB, President, ■ JOSEPH mEGAXY, Vice President, ?;£SW, C. J. WOIiBBBT, C. J. WOLBBRT. Jn., JOBS W. LEIGH, _ . F. K. KNIGHT. County Clerk. DoS C. C. DAVIS, ex Sheriff, Doddridge . tbeasprhr: J _ bp Wm! b. COLLINS. r I BOBEI ja!7l9 2128'252? 28 80,fel 348 WIDOW HeCUSTOCH Oil. COB* !=» PANY. [Organised under the General Daws of the State of Hew York.} . CAPITA.! 5T0CK....... ••••; SHARES. 180,000—PAR VALUE OP EACH...SS 00. WORKING CAPITAL .' *35,000. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ...»3 00 PBS SHARE. R. C. BOOT. Vice President of Atlantic Bank, New York. W. C. CHUB CHILL, 17 Wall street. New York. WILLIAMS. HABSTON, of Wm. H. Mateton & Co., Bankers, So. 17 Wall street, New York. JOHN C. BpHGOLEY, 30 Pine street. New York. LTJCIEN G. CjDIGLEY.-of-Qoi«lMr-V»e*ko*« Def ers. 26 Broad!street, New York. The fact that the above named gentlemen, so well and favorably known, are at the head of the Company, is a guaranty of Its value. The books close next week. Only asmall number of shares are offered In this mar ket. the balance having been alreadr taken._ The Company owns the satire working interest m three lots on the celebrated Two Welle are ready forporapln*. Witt a promise of large production. Another well le two hundred feet d< AJ?i, two hundred acres in fee on Tioneste creek, for a limited uumher of ehareß at tlie Banking House of ggjgp* FEBGBSON OIL, COMPANY, WIHT COUNTY, "WEST VYRGIKIA. CAPITAL *500,000 100,000 BHAHBS. PAB VaLM .STJBSDBIp'iIOS PBIOB *i*. and bo fdbtbeb assess best KESEKVED WOBKINO CAPITaL, . 15,000 8H AJtEB. The property of this Company embraces OMB, HO«- DEED eSI) BEVEKTT ACBEB.JO7O) of LONO (in fee , Simple) on tho Little Kanawha Blver, in Wirt ooujitT, West Virsiiia. with a frontaa# oa said river of rally t\) three- fourths of a mile, aafis (3k) three aad a half miles above Elizabeth, ‘ th^.cQaatyseat ’’ aodaboat the game distance belowttjeeelebraied BaTniagßprings. T n H)i B tract we have about one Irano thirty (ISO) acres of boUoro land*.ox boriag territory, affording sufficient room to pat down one buodrsd (ISO) wells; or more, which is a larger amount of surface• thaii owned by any other company in this section of the oil ”tboiii the centra «f «J» property, and'naar tie bank of tbs riyer, Is a spring, continually diGehargln* <HI and Gas, tad It lube opinion of one of thc-moit enperieniel ecologists In Pennsylvania. who has. made a, careful «- amtnaHon of the tract that it is equal,, tf not superior to any in the Kanawha Valley, for the production of Oil It baa been pnrahased solely with the vlewtoltsta mediato development. ana the company intend using every inown satisfactory appliance to attain shat |o *4he engine and all the necessary tools are now per forming their part, and no wenenee necetsarr for the rapid development of the properly Cl peln nil» *aw are of the; existence of tooug com peniee, wo invite the most rigid iavestigation as to the character of our pioperty, and wo will-bo happy to far* nieh ail the Information desired. . _ si ft ft u, ChartSe 4c. ■ can. bo cQßsulted At tho offleo of tbo Company, 80. 41V W ALEUT Street, Boom 80. S, third atory. JOHS W^MOFFtT. "SSSKS DI&B010S8 JOBJI VT. MOFFLEY. iAMOB JMHCHBJEB: BaSbi” CONNED, JosEPHTVBitvStUS,- CASFAB h KEEN. 10EO. EJSRCH, SMdisg,Pa. jaU 'BfßlWt _/ ' ; PHILADELPHIA. OBEAT OEHTUAJj CIiOTHUSQ HQTJSEi OIL COMPANIES. OF PENNSYLVANIA. FBBBIDEKT, OF MBEOES COUNTY, FA. TBEASCBEB, E. J. JAMES, OF PHILADELPHIA. WEST CHKBTEE, FA. THE “STEWART FABM.” Ho. 101 WALEUT Street, Hiilada. idridge county, t county, WeßfcYa. RCBBTABTS RT H. SIXTH. TBU&TEES. "WIDOW HcOIiINrOOK FARM, FEB,REE &.C0.,- Ho. 33 South THIRD Sirgat cold MiNinrn companies. §3p T«* IECIPBOCITI MINING COMPANY, OHAVDSEBE DISTRICT, CANADA EAST. h. E. CHITTENDEN, President. Ex-Hoy. James Pollock, Director U. S. Mint, Phila delphia; Hon. W- 6; tfoorhead, Pres. Thiltt and Eric BailroadCo t C.B. Wrtnbt, Baa., of 0. B. Wright It 00., banksrsj Henry SttMdon. mi- *of Stanton. Snot don. Ado., Bow York: W. B. Hatch, Bai. of Fair banks* Co., MewYorksT. B. Bunting. 8.®., of T. B. Bunting & Co., M«w York; L.E. Chittenden, lot* Eegieter u. B, Treasury. 100,000 SHAKES. PAX VALUE, <SO'IKAOH. FBOPERTY, 14.TT0 ACRES. AfiS KMOWM TO BS 80, tWO SHARES OP STOCK OFFXBED FOX SUB- 800 cunces of pure GOLD from the Cmnpany's pro perty may be aeon on application at the offlce of Cl B WRIGHT * CO., 143 Sonth THIRD Street, whom maps, prospectuses, and all information may bo had, ■The latest report from the Geologist- of the Company announces the dlacoyery of PXVliiiew and Teryxloh omrtr lodes. The .0 FFICIAL BBPOBT of the GOLD CoitHIMIONKBa OF Canada will soon be published, showing; oyer Gns Hcndbed and Fifty Thousand Dollabs, at coin rates, of sods has been recently mined in the CHaDDIERB DISTBICT, principally upon the Company's property. A limited number of shares or the CAPITAL STOCK may he subscribed far at the office of O. B. WRIGHT & 00., 143 SOITCH THIBB BTBEET, opposite the Exchange, OFFICE OF IHE BFSOIUTE I® MIKXaG COMPAIfF, January fi» I£Bs. Notice is hereby given that ah instalment of ON3 DOLLAR PIE BHABB on e»ch and ey«ry.«h*re of the Capital Btoeir of the RESOLUTE MOTiiG COMCAST has tliis day been called In, payable on or before the 23d day of Janusry, 1805, at the office ortho Treasurer! No* 324 WALNUT. Street, Philadelphia* t w „ . Ry order oi the Director*! B. A. HOOFKS, " Treasurer. NEW ’■ PBBLICATIOIVS. ATIiANTie MONTHLY ■ , ' \ .. . I S N O VS?' READY, vm THE POIIOWIHO ATTRACTIVE LIST OF CONTENTS: Our Birst Great painter and Ms Works; Dootor Johns; Borer Brooke Tanty; The Mantle of St. John da Maths; Needle and Garden. II.; Boles of a Pianist ;G*inaat nail; The Pleiadel of Connecticut ;Ice and- Eeonimaux; III.; The Old Homs; Memories of Authors—Coleridge; The Chimney Corner; II:; Pro Pattis ; A Portnight with the Sanitary; Art—Harriet Hosmer’s Zsaoblailtsviews and Literary Notio®. A more the eontrUratereto this nnmbeinre the follow ing wiltera; Donald Q. Mitcheie, Jobs G. Wmrnsß, ■gl C. Bali,, T. B. laebkWb* Piiz Hoob Ltm.ow, G. Bbxxoeds. Bieb Sasoekt, P. Sheldon, D: A. Wassox, EAeriet Beechbr StoWj, aeiob Carey, L. SI. Qotts- OHALK. ■ ■ ! TERMS OT THE ATE ANTIC; Sensle Sdbsoeiptiosb —Pohrßollars per year. Bates —Two Copies for&ven Dollars;. Five Co* pies tor Sixteen Dollaia; Ten Copes for Thirty Dollars, and each additional copy Three Dollars. To every Club of Twenty Subscribers an extra cjpy will be famished gratis, or Twemy-one Copies for Sixty Dollars. Postaob.— The Postage ontteATL antic Is Mceats per year.'and mast In ell eases he paid at the office where it Is received. ; i CLUBBING WITH <* OUB TQtHfG POLES ’’-The *« AT:.antic ’ ’ and * ‘ Our Young Porks '' will be fnr nlahed to one address for Frys Dcllaes per year. fICKSOK & FIKHfc. rabllshens, OLDS YOTJNfr FOLKS. THE FEBRCABY NRMBE R 0? THIS FOPBLAS . JUVENILE TERMS OE “OUR TWIfS FOIiES.”' Sixci3 Bbbbcbiptiokb.—Two mllara a year, Single Members, Twenty Cents. I , ; eiTJBe. —Three Copies for Tire Mars: Bn Copies for Eight Boilers;Ten Copies for lifttenDollarss Twenty Copies for Thirty Dollars, andasextraeopy gratimo the person forming the Clnb oi Trenty. Postase .—The postage mast be pas at the office whore the magazine Is received.' . \ CiUßsmo with the Atlantic Mostly AUan- Me (St aiyear), and Onr Forms .Rift (Sia rear), will be sent together to one address forflTe Dollars. AS" AU aubaertyttons are pall ah i tn adwanee. All letters respecting the magazine fjoajd be addressed to the FnWishere, j pedlna Tree.” “ TIOKNOE & For sale ht HEW VOLUME BY AS AMERICAN BEAL ANO BY JOHN W. MON r One elegant volume 32m0, OPINIONS or .the ,1 “Mr. Montclair may becongratu stent tf —Philada North American “Heisapoet. and a'good poet Tima. ••Efaland Ideal shows a gract mastery of the translation art. ,, ~-\ ( “Deßerres the high coramenaati ocived. We observe facility and and strength, of thought, * r —PAft. Literary Gazette. , Its chaste, classical, and tboueitfnlpj marked by intellectual and scholar!! ability York Observer. , x . _ l , “Representstaste and genius. Softs of tl are sdmir&ble for ease and spirit, f ri-Sosto Advertiser. ... , , . / f M “Characterized by taste and fancy,ana m< -jv”. Y. JEr -ftilist. •of Philadelphia. Jo^c •ffW she. T) BQ6I tftij 4600.000, SlS'* 3£6s~'"Personalserviee your ToJOSEPE BLAIB. •juux.lAil U H«Wij Attorney for MfceHn^ js2S-mw4V* CHOVBLB AND SPADES. \ fj 1.200 dor, atTedncedpiicee, atGEO B4XFMA.I SHOYEIi FACTORY. northwest corner apAOKI i BREAD Sireeti, between Ar«h and Bace_»nd Seed £nd Third streets. . n ENTLEMEN CAN HAfK TOE YJ old Garments made to look into new maps. DILKES & KBNSIL’S. So. 136. Hortil HW street. ' nADTION.-HAVING SEEN A G'ARI v with the name of M D. pAVtSshbetltated as ta Company of onr firm ioetead of H. B. CARrisSTBH this Is to ceil ties oar friends and the PapHA »S»'n\ tfnstin* the said M. D. DAVIS on onr credit, lwhayffl 1 -neveraad any connection whatsoever with, onr firm. | r & CO., > No. 40 BOOTS WHARVES. Fmi.ADßi.pniA, Jan 18, 1665. Jaalst fi 01? SBT S.—A PINE MOIEE AN-fi Vv TIGUB BILK .CORSET to ha sold for benefit oftheK United States Chrißtfan Commission ■ r A lot of *ae Paris Corict-, jmat ppraln*, at Mra. p STEEL'S, TENTH Street, below Chestnnt. lag) 31" V A CHANCE TO AYQID THE DRAFT, A Principals FnrnishedwUh at_H» HOBBEMEN.TAKE NOTICE! ■nSflti-DR, JA». McCOART, Veterinary Surgeon, ceres all fase* of Te'anna (Look dtw.l. Otno*, N. B. center of TWENTY FOURTH and VINL Stroete.PnUa delphie. 1 1 l a 3 t6( * S. Ei^OOK. I BIXTE AND MARKET S7RSSTS.' 9FTICKKB. BUBSCEIPTION PESCKfUO. HIGH IN GOLD! SCBIPTION. d023-fmwlm FEBRuksY, 1865, 135 WASHINGTON BT.. Boston; Mass. IS SOW RhiDY, :bhds, itreety.Bostoa. 135 WASHINaTOI h FVQW, &CT Streets, T&UadelpMa, Corner SIXTH and CHKS’ General Agent foi J'BtANJBtLUN FIRE EVSIRAME COMPANY CAPITAL. ~.....©400,000 OO ASSETS ©3,501, 297 04 Statement of the Assets of the Company ~on January Ist, 1805# Publiehed la oonfomlty with the provialoas of the Sixth Section of the flat of Assembly of April sth, 180: MORTGAGES. On property valued at orer 84.000.600; he- ' Ist first Mortgages on Beal Estate in the City and County of Philadelphia, except 985,409.06 in the neighboring want tea.. ,91.809,1169 96 Ptmoitj3E» At Sheriff's Sales, hxdbe Moktoass Claims, nr: Eight houses end lot, 8. IV. corner Cheatant and Serenteenth streets. A'house and lot, north side of Spruce at, West of Eleventh. Two houses and lot, south aido of Sprttoe atreet, near Sixteenth street.' Eire houses and lots, Sob. 631,633,626,027, and 639 DilWyn street. ' Three houses and lot, east side Serenteenth 'street, south of Pine. JElotel and lot, S- E. corner Chestnut and Beach streets. Eire houses and lot, north side George Street, West of Ashton street. Boren houses and lot, east side Beach st., south of Chestnut street. A house and lot, Eitawater street, east of Binth street. A ground rent' of 989 on lot north side Otter, west of Leopard street. 87 ids of ground on Buckley street and Quorvelle avenue, Bristol. ■ • Two houses and lots, north side Filbert . street, west of Eighth street. A house and lot, east side Sixteenth st, south of Chestnut etraet. A house and lot, west aido Bread street, south of Bace street. A house and lot, south side Pllbcrt street, - west of sixteenth street. Two houseeaud lota, on corner of Prank - ford road and Auburn street, fronting on Frank ford road. A house End lot in rear of Arch street, be- * tween Front sad Second streets. A lot of ground, south side Lombard st, west of Twenty-third street. Two lots of ground; west aide Twenty* third’stroet, north of Meredith street. A lot of ground, north ride of Meredith street, went of Twenty.third street. Total, surveyed and reined at 6132,273.26. Cost ,—»»».«»• ~»«811i5,3*S 94 LOANS. Tempoeary Lo’Axa on Stocks as Collateral . Security (valued at *184,800).—.. 979,881 89 945,000 B. S. Bonds, 1881. 940,000 If. S. 10-43 Registered Bonds, 876,000 U. S. 5-20 Year Begistered Bonds. 926.C00U. 5.6-S0 Year Coupon Bonds. *BO,OO) Philadelphia City Loan, 1894. f 910,000 Almshouse Loan 6 per cent. *9,C00 Pennsylvania State Six-per-cent. Loan of May, 1861.' 910,060 Forth Penna. Bailroad Bonds. 9800 Horth Pennsylvania Baliroad Cou pon Scrip. 429 shares Pennsylvania Bailroad Co. 91 “ ErantdinFire Insurance Co. 200 " Bank of Kentucky. 17 •* Forth. Bank of Kentneky. M 0 " Union Bank of Tennessee. IS “ Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania^ 200 *’ Southwark Bailroad Co. 24 “ Union Canal Company. 2 “ Continental Hotel Company. 93,0(0 Continental Hotri Bonds.' *7OO Philadelphia City Loan, 1887. 91,233.06 Philadelphia City Warranty Total Market Tatae— 9362,90163 , Cost - 9308,78*66 DEPOSITED With Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Philadelphia at 6 per cent, per annum,— —*—■—.■• 70,089 OS BOTES ABB BILLS BECSIYABLB 4.89 G OO BEVEHUB STAMPS.—— ——» #» 8S CASH 911,767 22 <■ in hands of Agent 5........ 4,67218 Total Casb*«***«'>****4««*‘********»*** 46*3589 46 3. G. Whtt ' J.' T. TiiOW jscorr, Lfot with. Eleven tores EnoasV 1 ‘ Farming, for mini bar of in*d- iI.tEKKT Price* >—»• *132,273 26. Cost, as above.... .115,343 21 Advance in value. Advance in value . Total —...53,501,397 04 LOSSES BY EIRE. loisespaid dHrinsr.tbe year 1564~.<•«... .$131,950 15 By order of the Board. CHAS: N. BANOKEB, PBBSIDBST. jAMEfe w. McAllister, - * . SECRETARY PRO TJBM. Chas. K. Baacker, Tobias Wagner, S&xzmel Grant, Jacob R, Smith, Geo, W., Richards, CHAR Be EDWARD JAMES W. McALLISTEB ja!B- wfm6t >JHB KOEIH AMERICAN -.TRANSIT INSURANCE CO. D?COHPOEAfKP BY IKE IBGISIATITRS OF THE STATE OF ORGANIZED OCTOBER 6, IBM. - Ml fai *9t. re ton AGAINST 10SS OF IIFE OB FfißSOm OJ¥BI TBAVEIXERS BY I*AND OR WATER. Policies issued for a Single Trip, Special Journeys, Voyages, &c, dally, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Alio, against the contingencies of personal hazard, and against loss of all kinds, except real estate. Policies leaned at the Principal Office. So. 031 CHESTNUT Street, . Philadelphia, orby the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the Ticket Agents at anyEall roadSiatlon, CAPITAL— *330,000 OFFICEBS. FBESIDBUr, THEODORE ADAMS. TICS PEBBIDBKT ABB AOTUABT, * J. H. BRADLEY. Theodore Adams. Janies if. Conrad, Richard Wood, OoorgoT. Stodinan, JNSURK YOUR HFB AMERICAN, g.SL,<jpr. Walnat and Fourth Bt»., It is a HOME CCMFANY.and prolts dlylded anas, alls, thos aiding the assured to pay future premiums Last dividends) per emit. BOARD Of TRUSTEES. Al«c*&de;WfcUldi&» J. Ed*» Ttomsaa* Hob. James Pollock, Hob. Jog. Allison, Albert C. Roberto, Henry K. Bennett. SamuelT. Bodjke, Philip B. Uißfle, Geo. ETueent* John Aikman, Wbu J.Howards M . Isaac Haalehnrrt, Samuel Work. ' ALEXANDER , SAMUEL WOB non. nil! JNO. 6. WILBt ®ina»E¥ißl). —STOLEN FRQ3® nP lUV/ Uonnments in MONUMENT CEMETEtt'Va Marble Sculpture of a Child reclining ot, a Piliawi alee, » Marble Pigaroof a Dog, Fifty Dollars will bo Bald for the recovery of the property- and Fifty Dollars, i addition on conviction of the thief Parlies possessing insinuation will please amply at the Office of the Secretary,Mo. 11l Worth SIXTHSt. - By order of the Board. .. _ _ JOSEPH PLANKINTON, President E. Tatlok, Secretary. " ja»-8t 1-pHOTOGEAFH ALBUMS. —THOSE | A mho desire them will find at- B. F. BBIUEK’S a Mne assortment of beautiful stiles a'l sizes, prices rea ■fiona&le, suit all Mates: 634- AROH Street ; 11* DEI MB R’ B COLORED, PHOTO p-« GRAPHS tor *I.SO; pleasinr style*, accurate llko tesses, naturally tolored. These vrho.deiire the beet fetnres at moderate charge, should gptthemSECOßß, tract. abode Gwen, ■ ' It* > F. BEIBIBR’S STYLES LIFK-SIZIS Photograph* m oil colors ase .hdmlred fo» theii curacy. life-Jiko expression, and Treat, wans* and [ptesalYe coloring, Gallery ABCH. Saeet.' It* OTICE TO OIL COMPANIES.—AIR PUMPS and DRILLING); TOOLS can b&hadat 1500, NW6YLVANIA Avenue ilat# Willow street). Call [examine them , jaTl-61* OR BALE—FOURTEEN HEAVY IWrbtfght and C*»t iron D.OORS, euitahie foraXarge hhoose or depot Apply to f , PHILIP LOWHY. J*., . .1 ' at the Western Market House, p.«- SIXTEENTH and-ffABHET Streets. 'ETUI. AND SUBSTajmALaLOSHBSO i^rsincAnreE. PHILADELPHIA. REAL ESTATE a STOCKS. $3,440,253 05 REAL ESTATE. ..... 10,935 03 STOCKS. ,1 **,119 97 [TORS. Isaac Lea. , ■Edward C. Dale, Geo. Pales, Alfred PiUer, Francis W. Lewis, M. S. BANCKEB, President. 0. DALE, Vice President. 1, Secretary pro tem. ynKnevuvAHiA. rpH INSUBING- TEBABDSBB. JAMES M. CONRAD. SBORBIAST, LUCIEN PEYTON. abbot, J. B. PEYTON, OIEEOTOBB. James Graham. Franklin Steals, Wm. Colder. jalMm IN THE PHILADELPHIA. * WHILLDIH, FrealdeaV IK, Vice President, ON, See’y and Treasurer. WANTS. •ttrASTBD—IN A CONTETANOEB'S IT Office, an intelligent; honest. end lndusiriooif BOY, not less then fourteen lean of age. Address "M.,” office of The Press, la handwriting of the ap plicant. jaH-Cf WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN . * »- from the coontiv (at present a stadsnt of the Qns k«Jßltyßustoses College), a Situation aa ASSISCANC BOOK-BEEPER or ENTRY CLERK la a Commission or dobbins House. Address "Dayton. l ' Press office. ja2S-Bt* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN WANTS *.* . a situation as CLERK or SALESMAN in some Wholesale or Retail Establishment: been in the Book and Periodical basinets; has a knowledge of Bock-keeplng. Address “A. 8. 8.,” this offles, It* WANTED—A BOY, IN A DRY GOODS Commission House. Address “TSH. Y.." Offioa Press. m> ja«-at« ■ WAN'S ED—A SITUATION BY AN IT experienced BOOKKEEPER, a thorough bnslnesa man. Address '‘Union,” Press Office. Best oityee ferenoe famished. ja23-4t* WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SALES * * B£A£T* baring & Western. and near trade, fora Jobbing Hat House, Address “Hats,” Ledger office, jaSl-St* WANTED-A LARGE AND COMMO * v dious BooK4gn*fche first or second floor, suita ble for a public of&oSaSnd situated between Market and Pine, and Second aEuTFifth. Apply at HAYY AGBST CY, Ho. xid= South THfBD Street. jalfl-tf WANTED TO BENT; IN A OBN I” tral locality, on the test door, part of an Office for Peck room. Address “f," Box ail, P. O. i«8- tf WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN » * every Connty, at $lO a month, expenses paid, to Introduce fifteen new and rssefttl articles, the best sell in, ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T, GABBY. BIDDEFORD, MAINB. ■ ocat-dAWSm. T|BUG CLERK WAHTED—A. COM*. I-' PETBHT DBUGQIBT. a Graduate of Pharmacy, to go to Memphis, Yean. Salary liberal. Apply to C. SHIVERS,W. E.cot. SETBffTH and SPRUCE Sts.ja2a*3t* Employment house for Clerks, Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers, Porters, Wttcbmem Coachmen, Drivers, Conductors, Bartead* era, ’Walters, Pam hands. Gardeners* Ac. Employers imltedat short notice. 803 and 80% LOCUST Street, above Eighth, jal7 6t* TAD WANT ID—IN A STOCK XJ BROKER'S OFFICE. Address "Broker," Office of The Press, It* T OCAL AGENTS.—WANTED IMME -Ll diatelv. Local Assets for the sale of FRUIT TREES. Address DINGBB, COWARD, & CO., Nurasrjnien, WEST GROVE, Pa. JslS-Ut* TO PRINTERS.—A STEADY COMPO / 61T0K' is desirous of obtaining a SITUATION, either in a Book or Newspaper Office, in the conntry. Address A. L., Prees offloe. It* TO COAL OIL COMPANIES. —A X Practical Conveyancer desires a situation asSU PEBIHTENDBBT of a good Company. Reference factory. Address "Montgomery County, *’ Brens Office. - ja2l»2t* TpO THE LITERATL—WANTED, A X Writer to furnish, one or two articles monthly and regularly, for an established serial publication, the papers to be either ol a scientific or belles leUres .character. ■ Address with specimen MS., stating terms, &e *to A_R 8.,” Box 1783, PhiladelphiaP. 0. -ja2o-3fc* &QF\ OHO TO $50,000 CAPITAL, HPeither active or special, wanted In an eetablished mercantile bumness, capable of being In creased largely by tbe addition of eapCtaL Addressee, with real name, to “W 0,009,” at Press Office, will be strictly confl aealial, ja!7-6t* m WANTED^—A STORE ON MAR »A KET Street, between Third and Sixth streets, now or on July Ist next. A LIBERAL BONUS PAID* Address Box 2802, post Office. ia33-3t* m WANTED TO RENT—BY A GOOD Mfit tenant, about April let. a first- class DW2L LING, west of Broad and south of Market Streets. Rent no object if favoi ably located. Address Box 83# Philadel phia F. 0. ; i%IS- ID;* ASSISTANT QUARTEBMAS ■SrwiTEB’B OFFIOE.No. 374 loath THIRD St., Phuadiupkia. Bee. 24,1864. Vessels wanted to load With coal for Newborn, N. C., and Key West, Fla. Despatch riven- JOH 11 E. JENNINGS, 0.26-tf - Captain and A- Q. M. VOR SALE! AND TO LET. ®m BONUS WILL BE PAID FOR a convenient DWELLING, at $450 to $6OO rent. Central or within ten squares of Chestsut and Twelfth streets: for a family of three persona. Address *'A~ P.," Post Office, Box 1852. ja3l-St ® REAL ESTATE l REAL ESTATE! ' BEAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE 1 BEAL ESTATE! HEAT, ESTATE 1 $5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE., *5 01)0,000 WORTH FOR SALS. _ . _ $5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. CATALOGUES FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CATALOGUES FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CATALOGUES FOR GRATUITOUS'DISTRIBUTION. Keep It before tbe people that MILLER’S Catalogue of City Beal Estate for sale, stands unrivalled before tbe Pnblic as the ireatest production of the axe to -parties Interested. Office, No. 154 North SIXTH Street ja2l mffitlt m VALUABL MILLL PROPERTY, -KaLEBSIDEWOB, AND 10 ACRES OF.LAND FOR-fc BALE, IN BUCKS COUNT?, PJBNNA.* . This property Is situated on Knowles' Greek, at Its junction with the Delaware River near Browneburg, three miles from New Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton, N. 5. The mills consist of a two-aud-a- half-story Stone Griit-mi]l« with two run of French Burr Stones, all in.complete order: Saw-mill and Piaster-mill ad jomlngjeach capable of doing a large amount of busi ness. The dwelling Is a new two story Frame Cottage House, with four rooms cn the first floor, five on the second, and four on the third, well arranged, and well built; a Barn, Carriage house and other buildings; eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land, well fenced, and planted with fruit and orna ment dtrees. The above described property is one of the handsome spots on the Delaware Elver where any one might spend their lime pleasantly and-profitably. ’Tis convenient to school, store, and post office, and churches of different denominations, and will be sold cheap.- Apply to B J FOR SALE—VALUABLE BUST «*NISS PROPERTY—Nob. §l9, 819 X, and 831, ' FILBERT Street; with stable oh the rear, covering a lot 10 by 160 feet, with two fronts; for particulars in guire.of „ BENE HUILDOU, Trneteesof the Estate of Wm. Logan, No. 16 Bank St. _ TO LEY—From tbe let of April next, the property. No. 9U9 MARKET Street, belonging to the same estate. jaBS-I2t ■ Hi for sale—four desirable ■*3l MODBRN DWELLINGS, three situate on SIXTH, above PARRISH, and the other on MARSHALL Street, £tarc*ly- in tie rear. All in good repair, with modem Improvements. Prices ranging from Five to Nine Thousand Dollars. Inquire at 104: North SIXTH Bireet. ja2l3l* m ORE MORE CHAHCE—A A -BEL SPLENDID FARM.—WiII be sold at Pablic-E Sale* on the premises, on SEYESTH-DAV (Saturday), the 28th of January, 1865, at 1 o’clock P. M., all that valuable FARM situated. »ud lying on the Street road, is Warminster township, Bucks county, Pa , one* half mile from York road turnpike. 2K miles from Hatbo xough, 6 from Poytestows, and IS from Philadelphia, adjoining landß of A. Danenhower, Elizabeth Morgan, and.others, containing NINETY FOUR ACHES, more or less, of LAND, 4 acres of heavy timber, and the balance under culture and in a high state of cultivation* divided into nine enclosures by post fence. The im provements, which have all been erected within eUrbt year*, consist of a three-story modern-style STONE HOUSE, with four rooms and a hall on the first floor* six on the second, and four on the third, with a kitchen • and washhouse adjoining, and cellar underneath: a large frame BARN. stone stable, .high, with bridge house, overshoot,and larsehay house adjoining: wagon house, com cribs, wood house, ice house, spring house, hogpens, andhenery; and water wells at the houee and barn, spring near the boose, and a «n all stream of water passing through thepremues. The buildings ate handsomely located on a knoll or eminence, command ing a view of the premises and surrounding country, and are well planned and arranged* and built of the best material and workmanship. The property is sifu ated in an excellent neighborhood, convenient to churches of nearly all denominations, stores, post of fice, and other conveniences. It has on it an Apple Or chard of over P5O trees, a part of which are just begin ning to tear. Plums, Cherries, Grapes, and other fruit, and u e consider it a Farm embracing at once more ad vantages than is seldom offered to purchasers of Farms, and should claim'the attention of every one who has even the prospect of buying, for it is the opinion of many that land is at this time the be*t investment for capital, and the cheapest of anyihiogoffered to the public. The owner* who lives on the property, is about to engage in other business, and will cheerfully show the farm to those wishing to view it previous to the day of sale, and the subscribers will answer, by le;fcei or otherwise, any questions concerning it, and be at the sale at the hour named, give the terms, and sell it to tee highest bidder. B J. SMITH & CO . 40* Agents for A K DICKSON. _ . JOS. S. S UY, Auctioneer Nuwrotrir, lafcmo., 10. ja2SSt TX) PHOTOGRAPHERS.—FOR SALE at .a sacrifice, a PHOTOGRAPH GALLEBY on AEC a Street, splendid location, now doing a good business. Season given for selling. Add res 1 Box. 26§6»” Philadelphia Jr. O, ja23-3t 20,000 0F C O A. I. LANDS FOB SALE. The nndersigned, hr virtae oi deed of trust, are an thored to Mil st private rale about TWENTY THOU SANS AGEES OF COAL LANDS, known as the ■ ‘-End. mb Coal Banka, ” situated la , I‘ulaskl, Wayse, and WMtley Coifniies, IN THE STATE OP KENTUCKY, and upon THE CUBBEBLAND BIYSK. Many of these lands are below the obstructions to the navigation of the Cumberland Elver, and have been suooesfefnlly mined, and the Coal shipped to Nashville and other markets on the Lower Cumberland and Wo Rivers.- The strata worked are four feet and, six inches, of superior Bituminous Coal, which aboundJa inexhausti ble quantities.. Persons wishing to make investments in that region' of rich and inexhanstiblOrmjner&l wealth of Iron, Coal, and Oil, are requested to inspect for them selves. Propositions for sale will be entertained until 10th May, 1865. Any ■Riformatioa in, regard to- these lands maybe had by inquiries of the undersigned, at COMSRSKT, Pulaski County, £y., or by application to E. L. VAN WINKLE, {Secretary of .the State-of Ken tucky, FRANKFORT, Ey. W. WOODCOCK,),.. jam« W * M - NEWELL,)' T?©R SALE—A FEW CORPORATORS’ Interest., $5,800 each, projflcsedOil Company, owning properties which are immediately very remn seratlve. LSDVARDi & barlow, *»9 CHBdTgPf Street, Apply to 'StSi-at fklL LANDS. NBAS 900 AGEES IN. A BODY On a criabrated «eek __ ■ IN VENANGO County. PENNSYLVANIA. PRICE. $lOO OUO, KATLIS & THOMAS. Seal Brtiste. and, Stock Bro" So. 50 Ncjth FIFTH-Street, PhUa. f)Ilx LANDS. FOR SALE.- ORE tract of 180 acres on Cherry and 15C ; MtA . ftw Big Sandy, Venango sggggn. & oM °- ja3l-Bt* No, 339 WALNUT T'kitiS. fklL LANDS. FOB SALE— I2S ACRES y ~' (more or less) .on the ALLEGHENY Bi ver, direct ly opposite 7ldej>at, aid adj-ilnlag the property of the Ewnomttes, wbosefoor wells haTe been ptioduelßg 600 barrel, per week for the last four years The land Is well adapted for the boring; of walla, it jaSl-6t • G. J. HBNKBLB. Trq.tea. QIL TERRITORY FOR SALS, * ■ IK TENAHGO COUNTY, .DA*; Part, on .. > i - Two-mUe Run, ■ Moorehead Run, Pit bole Creek. Bnlllonßua, Big Scrub Gras*.' _' Apply to • _ BAYCTS k THOMAS, Vo. 50'North FIFTH. Streei, PhiiadelSk January 19. 1865 QfigO 6tj UgltealW. 1 T O L E T—FOB. SALESROOMS OR A Haht manulactarlng.jihrpaaea. the upper atitrla. oi bonding northwest corjferof EIGHTH aSd MsRKB? Apply In the .tore, j a ai tf' CBELVJNG FOR SALE.-A LOT OF kA flne Sheiviag. Kultnble for a Clothing, Cloth, or Notion goose, or China Store. Apply at a: W. corner CUESINUT add BANK Streets, entrance on Baakatrset jaao os ■ AT SEASONABLE PBIOE3.' A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUOIO- A TESTIMONIAL NINE FI. To the Veteran Actor , _ CHARLES 8. PMTPBB. t ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. SHky The following Artists will pasmvMy amwarr miss Caroline RtCHracft. „ „ KATB BENIN RYAN,- PetsrKehjnge, JunMs Brnt»«4s™» J. W. Wall act, L. P. Bsrireti, Edwin Aduns,, Frank Drevf. S L Davsbjiort. , , , Assisted by the whole of _ M THE ARCH-STREET THEATRE COS^iTTYx THE WAL'NUT-FrjKIETTHEATOE o(?l'pANr, raBATKK c'oS-ANY, (By kind permiirion of ’W,JB* ®|»®« ®m.)» CABNCROSS & DIXrS’S FULL BAND. U white fae«u THS GBBAT OKOiHBSTHA- A . will concißi Of the fuD bandsef tbar An&jteert under ihe direction of 0. K. Dsdwo vth, Bsq : tboChest snt-street Theatre, under the diree-Mon of Adolph wirtrr feid, Fsq ; Uxe Walnut-street under tha dira&s tton of Dr. CcnnlcßtonV _ Stage Manage?—£ L. .'nLTON.- Prompter—F. O.SAYaGB- atmocucerntmts. Doors op«a at 1 o’clock? perfermnnee commences at ff 5 precisely. Tickets cents, reserved seat* $& to 3b« had at this office of The Pmorvmvie.yi VS Soulh FCrDAtTH Bsrest. Messrs. DONNELLY* jfeELLtfik, fisut Committee. , jag-» XTEW ' CHEBTRUT ST. 'PHfKA -TBS, an CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWESFTH. MONDAY EVE HI NO.'Jan. t% LAST .WEEK POBITIVBaY OF . EMINENT AMERICAN ■mGSDUaf. JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH, who will appear this evening in Shakespeare’s-eßbUxsat' Tragedy, In live acta, styled - HAMLET, _ PRINCE OF DK‘I STARK: HAMEKT....... JUNIUS BRUTUS SOUTH. The cast will embrAce tbe full strensUL bf the tbi.ctcd . REGULAR COMPANY,' . In conseonence of the length of tco-Tfagbcty 1$ wlffi constitute the entire evening’, performance. : - WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFT KBNOOSS. GRAND FAMILY VATINKBS,, when BEADTY AND THE BEST will be performed. TMTBS. JOHN DBBW’S NEW AB€3- i,A BTREBT THEATRE. KBST WBBK of Mr. E P. BiERKTt. 1 „ , TO-SiaHT. and EVERT Hisai; The dramatization ofci>&s ° IQ • * UHDEE rHB EAEM.' • _ Entitled Enoch Arden 7. , BiircjS FRIBAY. BENEFIT OF L P. B.VKHBTg j WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Jan. SS,- WUI be presented Shakspeare’e heantifM Tragedy ef O’PflEltljO. THE MOOR OF VSNtCB. Othello .......Hr. J W. WallMfc. Jeg0....„. Mr. R L. Dsrfenport, Deedem0n,............ ..Miss Bose EHfio. To conclude with „ , „ SKETCHES rtf INDIA Sir Sfatihew Scragg* „W. H. Biller Tom Tate.™. ....g Damply TTESTVAM-LUND theatre, * CARLO WHILL, between Fourth and Fifth streets; MOKOAT. January 98, 1855. ThirdHi*htol eminent actor.' _ M O NTS-OH St 8T 0. Drama in Five Acts and Prolorne. Monle-Ctriato Berr TOUT BOTH. Tee great national circus. j- WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH Equestrian Director ....Hr: F. H. BOBSTON Heater of the Circle Hir. FRANK WHITTAKER. Mr. SAM RaTHBOP. the etsmp orator and er, and_ the celebrated RrVBKS FAMILY, hare' been engaged, acd will arp-.-r during this west,. AIBothet>ENZEBBEOTHEhS,V»LgNr/BB,CHAS., and RUDOLPH. THE KAOBiSbK FAMILY ltd* SOPHY, Mile. BLISB, the beautiful and graceful eqaea— tiiesnes. ... „A^sJ t , l !£„?'S s sS SPCl ' trained Doosorpßor. HOTCHIHSOH. There are now no lees than flva Bret cldee Clowns. at the. great combtsetioa of tfar .National J.Mi^2f* r ® r K cs J? n ’.v t<> Wit.: Mwere. Sant Eathron, £• X Jtone, I. H. Murray. Dee Howell,' as* J. «t Hutchinson : _ BIDET BOTTOS: or. The UNFORTUNATE TAILOR* Vim to BRADFORD, will' be, Stee afterpiece tbla a * fa»»t Piece of the BKIGAifDHOP AuKUZa ADMISSION—First tier, 50 cento; Ascend tier, Stfeentog private bon, fSamdSd. as to size and location; Per form (tree commence* 7. if). Performance* on erery WEDNESDAY andSATOH DAY AFTERNOON, commencing at 2K o'clock. jaS tt XTASSLEK’B *4 OBCBSSTRA A.TJD MILtYMSY Office, No* South BIGHTH Street. jal? Ir**' MR KXHIfrH. SMITH, A GRASJTJATTB? X "- L of the Colored High Schooled thiscity, a PUBLIC ESTEBTAIISMBKT of aSd l^? tatjdhg of choice selkcttena from American and Bauliate SAaSOM-STEEBT HALL/on” FRiDAT ETBBINOj Jaauary lBB5, beginning at 8 ocli>c!L‘ Twodlttininiehea Vocaliata will yary rfrit •nrnTrlfrngr by staging appropriate alts. . Mr. Smith feels especial pleasure in being permuted!**- offer as referenoefrtlie following mph: ,CoL John W. Forney, Hon. Wn P Kelley; Hdn. John Hickman, Thomas Webster. N. B. Browne; Gee. H. Brkar. H«nry> Samuel, Jas. t- Claghoru. Jdelinn. Bperinc, Celeb H. Needle*, George H Gross, and George Esnman, Eeqs. Tickets 15 cents.- For.ole at the Union Leegne, Chest-- not street, below Thirteenth; at T. B. Pngh’a, Sixth and Chestnut stroetov-atlSiOChestnutstreet. amt at tbe door on the evening of the enteitatnment jaSi mutSir' gKATIKG I BKATMGfI SEATIfTGNm NATIONAL SEATING PARK, TWENTY-FIEST STREET AlfD COLUMBIA AVEKUS^ PBB-EMINKWrLT THE LADIES’ PASS’ LADIEB’ BOOMS ENLARGED. Brilliant attendanceevery evening. Instruction to Ladies and*ChUdren aveiy morning,:!^ “T)RTO*K OH COLD WATER > r — •V Th* Humorous Lecturer and Original Psycho logist, Dr, B, BSOWS WILLIAMS, wiU give fiWoT hia Laughable and Amusing Lectures at ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS* commencing MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 23.1666. He performs with gentlemen, from the aocttr •nos, and, by mysterious Influence, ciuses them to*- Laugh,Sing, Danes, bold conversations with friead saA & distance, to court and kies, and become drank on. eoldU water. Disease aud Pain win he produced aud cured.. SpirituaHtm Psychologically ** of light,” astonishing and amusing the firmest_>• hnga gentleman and lady, 58 cents. Open at J£ to T. . Lecture at 7H. ia2i-3t SIGNOR BLITZ WILL SHORTEST 0 CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. .S.’?%ii®Jß. 0 ja tI 2. tio,, * SI «HS6HO«ANQY; SPI RITUAL ISM ILLUSTRATED, and the WONDERS OF *«■- TRILOQUIBM IBTRbDOOBD. w VM- Grand Entertainment EVERT EVEN ING, commendKh at 7X Vclock, and on WEDNESDAY andSAmaDA?' AFTERNOONS, at 3, 'Comprising the mysteries of tto Paat and Present Age. - Admfsaion, 25 cents. ChHdren, IS cents. Reserved seats, 80 cents jag ASSEMBLY BUILDING. ■ MATINEE MUSICALS By the Philadelphia CLASSICAL aUINTETTI CLUB; EVERY WEDNESDAY, *t 3 P. it Tickets at the Soot, Fifty Cents each. deSI-amtawtfs fJJIRMANIA ORCHB STRA.—PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3if o’sdect;. P. M„ at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single cents. t : Six Tickets, $1; to be had at Gould’s, Andre’s, . and Meyer’e Music Stores, and at the HaLL nor.if ITHK ACADEMY OF FINK AKTB. A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for vieltore, from 8 A, M. to 8 P. M. j«9* BOARDING. T) OAR DING WANTED IN A PRI _ VATE femily by a single gentleman. Addrwer “Pnnctnal,” atatingterms, thisottice. j .21-21* k LARGS FOURTH-STORY ROOM* With Board, at 1315 WALRB* Street* ja2l-4t* BET AIL DRV GOOUB. THE LOWEST PRICES OUR MOTTO. J—a great chauee for bargains, as we are deter mined to eloee out our stock, if great inductions in prices will do It Wo are now selling our entire assortment oT" Dress Goods and htspie Dry Goods, at lower sauces tluu&t any other,hous« in «be city. AMERICAN DETaAIUTB, sflo _ OAMRORBBEDUCRD toSSfit- I BADS WOOL AND OOTToN FLASSE&S afeSDe. 4 4 BtR *CHBD MUSLINS at 60®. worth ■WILUAMSVILLB MUSLIN, j B*. NEW YORK MILLS AT A VBRT LOW PRIOR. The BEST Muslins of all kinds at LO jaB3 NosVIS and 715 North TMT7£Strek. FANCY FUBflfc. RADIES’ FANCY FURS.. JOHN FAJFmBA, No. fW ASCH Strut, at Seventh Street* At? Ais old established store. IMPORTER, MART JFACTUREK, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS Tor LADIES A JSD OH3XDKEN, Having ttowin riore a very large and beautiful sseorfe*- °t£U infc kinds and auftlitlea ofFANON yUBS FOE LADISF » AND CfflißßN’S WBAK* I 0«e in want; Remember the n*j no and number, JC vHK FAREIBA, r a.wrdkvu* «.*b’ 08 ARCH Street, above Seveath. *•** 0* or eoanwfcloa with any other steed in this city. ocS-4mif ' FINANCIAL. WHIR! /AS. THE AUDITOR GENE-* «a requited by the eleventh section of tha en Hutr *'An act enabling the bau»s of this Com- Sviwf*. i. become associations tor the purpose off ider the laws of the United States, * * passed. !£® ?f i-*; y of August, A, D. 1864, has certified to me that F*e Com fljonwealth Bauk” of the city of Philadelphia, *hed satisfactory evidence to him that aU thm enta 8814 act have been complied with by said nan* /s sud that It has become an association for ths State* 8 * of under the laws of the United I*o4 herafore cause thismotice thereof to be published jrdancewith the provisions <)f the eleventh. |\j?? aof the said act, and do declare that the charter of a***’ sank by the terms of said set is deemed and takes j? °f > hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions off m ® drat section of said act. _J /xrctrriTß Chamber, January! 9, iV- c ® t STOCKS, U. 8. LOANS, &c., BOUGHT AHD SOLD OK COMMISSION, Br GBOBGB J. BOn>, Broker, go. 18 Soath THIRD Street. COPARTHEKSHirvS. ~ jfiS-Smff WE HAVE THIS DAT ADMITTED^ i»!o Copartnership with ns W. H. LOYD, for that transaction of a (rtneral Banking and Exchange Boat— B Bune and of firm continues the same G. A. tLi.UU tc CO. Philadelphia. Jan. 23, 386£C BDUCITIOBTAL. fIELACROIX’S COURSE OF FRENCff ft T grown persons only.—The first and only one of the kind Inexistence; strictly grammatical in theory and practice; requires no other application ih.m Mia hours passed with the teacher. Apply at tfco French feMx/bo. t)O7FILB£BTStreet. A few stndents cant now he received in the afternoon or erenln* hoars. It! REMOVAL. ZIEGLER & SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUOCHBTB, ' AK& MAKtrEA-CnmRKS 0? WHITE LEAD, ZISO, OOLOBS, PUTTY, *O., HAVE REMOVED TO No. IS? North Third Street,. Whew W« offer to He trade a choice ato. OKSB 1 DR; os AND CHEMICAL. »W>yrtock of Wt«lW# OJTASS. 0H... Sc AI»o WHITE DEAD. BCKO. £°Ji!FSv TO 'Y' .and WHBBD GKEiSE, f»l me owg FACTORY 811 and BISBt. John street. jUBd-lm« HTHE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE 1$ 'PE B CIT V to get Bead Dreasee* J?iain or Fancw Cape, is at Ko. 904: AJiGH Street. jail > DEPABtaiEStT FOE CUSTOM WOBS*.