The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 16, 1865, Image 3
notices* fIO N* GEOBOE XH ONPSON;'-KB. n ahkISONi -who waa to leetare THIS RVSN roNOBBTHALLisstck.and GEORGETHOKP ‘.tr Aloaneoi champion and loyal friend of the j sfatea (ifiTeramoat *lll apeak in hie place. It the BEUeiODg HKETISGS AT Olivet Church, TWE»TY-BSOOJfD and MT. an streets, continued: the internet increasing. ?iVa.atBTHFS EVEBIKg. It* , rrATJED MKKTIjre OF THE SAB mo in FIRS held THIS •7(; at 7X oolock. F. L. LEVERISTS, * Secretary. TWENTIETH: WAKD.-A5 Aft t„arn*A Moetina of the TWENTIETH WARD .tY fiIKD COMiMITTEB will be held THIS EVE* i »t7 l “o’*loob, io the Ohnroh, EtaHTH Street, ''Muter, bet all in favor of ailing the quota of ffl a draft attend. ' *» ld Wi > WM. S. HALL, President, oupgn, Secretary. It MASONIC NOTICE—THE HB«< BEKS of PHOSNIX LODGE No. m A. T. M., ..if* and members of-the GEAKD LODGE OF rcTLVAKIA. and tbe Order generallr. aT« re ,JilV r#qe«et«<* to meet at the HaU» CHESTNUT Ton TUESDAY NEXT, the 17th last ,at 1 o'eloek • j,> attend the funeral of our labs F. flf., brother, jllflilbeit. ' O r,yrofth« W , g p LEBGUBB, Secretary. - . emCB OFTHESHEBIMHOII. COMPABY OF OHBHKI BON, <l5 8. THIRD 0 i ftubfcrfbers to the stock of the Sheri Jan Oil Gom- nberry Runcan receive their certificates upon Wfttloa of their receipts to the Treasurer. * tftt - G. 0. REOMB, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE COAL KIOOE IMPROVEMENT AHD CO At. COMPANY, IJ7 fOOBTH Street. _ Pnn.Anai.PHiA, Jan 16, 1865. meetln* ot Stockholders and Election for lore of this Company, to nerve for the enanlng will be bold at this offlee. on THURSDAY, Jana >ti, instant, at 12 o’olonk M. 10t JOS. T, FORD, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE Oil. KITST PE- TROIEUM COMPANY. Jarqohar Bnildtaf, mjB WAT.SUT Street, Room Noe 18, Second Stony, .hicribere to stock in this company can receive their ijcatee on and after TUESDAY, the 17th Inst., ta , ogo for the receipts Secretary, OFFICE OF Tfl R FAKKI. 011, CoT, No. SB Noitt THTED Street, I*Hiz.ApßX.PisiA } January 14,1865, , following been duly elected as cUt* forth® yearlS6fi: o Mytlßitr. I Jobtt B, McWMiams, »' Heodry. j Thomas Stuart, W Coaley* * ins* Huff 'of the Directors held this day, L. 0. \SOXB was imanimouslyy® elected President. «« QBO. W. MCWILLIAMS, Secretary. OFFICE OF WALNUT IBI4NB OIL COMPANY—NOTICE.—AII persons "are ,h*notis*d that Certificate No 509, for One Thou i Jiaiee Walnut Island Oil Company stock, in the * ADAH WABTHMAN, was issued in mistake yn,, purchasing the same will do loafcthsirowa B 1 WILLIAM GETTY, Secretary, MUTITItK ON COHHEKCIAL LAW, by Joßlt k. OWENS. B 0., at BKTANT, r-ro-i. & BAMRISTEB’S RATIO 9 AI, COiIMER-i ( ;OIXr,OE ASSBMBI.T BltTl j olli|3s, wiilhwajt ref CiaBWSUT andTBBTH Streets —The Intro ;y lecture to a nomas of ten on Commercial law, delivered by John A. Owens Kao. before the nts aid fr'ende of tbie institution, will be de ,Vd on WEDtiEoDiY EVIHIHO, tbelBtQlMtant, .'clock, A cordial Invitation la extended to the e jalB-3t BET. <DAI.VIS ■ FAIKBASK, jd&l will LBCTUBE AT NATIONAL HALL, HABKBT ABOVE TWELFTH STBEBT, ÜB&DAY EVENING, 17Hi Inst-, at IK o’clock. Valrbauk’s wife will be present, who ministered t dories his confinement and terrible sufferings ’BIBTBEN YBABS. in a horrible Kentucky prt* >r »imply teficbim siaye* to read, and afterwards id him on his release. He will also relate parti* if Mb tuffeiingi*. marriage, treatment, prison, thousands, on thelast Lecture, were obliged to , unable to get in the Hall, only a limited if tickets will bo sold for this Lecture. Fro* inr tickets early. Ticket office wilt be open iternooa from 1 to 5 o’clock. Ho pxtra charge served Seats. Admission 25 cents. To stage seats Doors open at 6# o clook, jail-3;* HlimK FIRE IXSITRASrCE COMPANY OP PHI&ADBLPHIA. »n Election for Directors of this tiomp&uy. held i month, Rth, 186. J, the following persons wereoho io serrc the ensuing yearr „ deb Clothier* Seneca 15. Malone, •ctflafi Matter* T. Blwood Chapman, ton W. Oaskill, Flmeon Matlacs^ Ulmp P Heeds*. Joseph Chapman, *#ph W. lnkens Webster, Ison Bf» Jenkins. _ Edward M. Needles. 1 at a meeting of the Directors held at the office of i<mpany. No. 5 Sooth FIFTH Bt*eet, First month, 1565, the followUg officers were unanimously »s: LEB CLOTBIBB, President. SEGA £. MALONE, Vice President. r iJUS MATHEK, Tree surer. U.LWOOD CHAPMAN. Secretary HATIOMI BANK OP COUf. MERGE. PHix.ADEX.t>«iA, January 14,1866. aa election Held os the ISfeh Inst., the following »d Stockholders were elected Directors of this fee K, Ziegler, I Thomas H. Ktrtley, aa A. Brows, I Georw Trott, B. Boris, I Geo. w. Page, W. Cannall, 1 John Thompson. J. B, Paul, M. B<. at a rasetinj of the Directors, this day, GEORGE Stq.« wen unanimously re-elected dent, and \ . mwfSt JOHN k LEWIS. Cashier. FACTUBERS’NA- THKMAHU; TIOJUL BANK. the Annuli Election f *r , the following gentle* se ensuing Tear: m Jordan, Jr * ijamin F. Buddy* eph E. Seal, rwen Stoddart, ter Oltphant, id at a meeting of the D 1 U)AK* JB,» was tmanlna »Bt?KtA* January 13, 1865. • Directors, held on the 11th. men 'were elected to serve Michael Moyer, John Gilbert, Bmjaor Weaver, lewis Haehiilen. rectors,held this day, JOHST looslyre-eleded President, M. W. WOOD WARD, Cashier. VHE SEYEHTH NATIOSAE BASS. OF PHILADELPHIA, - Philadelphia. Jan, 13,1885. the annuel election for PIREGTQBB, tela on the lost.! thtfToliowiug gentlemen were elected Direo* of this Bank to serve for the eneuini year: Z. DeHaven, J A. Waters, , G. Morris, v 8. B. Coughlin, varies 8. Close* W. P. Oivde. ik M Preston, Geo. W. Hill. . W. Bonder* A. " the meeting of the Board, held THIS PAY, J. Z. iAYEH. Esq. was unanimously re* sleeted Preat t, sad M 8. HALL Cashier, _ W*3t % 8. HALL, Cashier. THIRD NATIQNAL BANK* Pbiuiiulfhia, Jon. IS, 1885. the Annual Election for Directors of this Baals held te 1C th instant, in® following gentlemen were elect* > serve tor the ensuing year: ' B. Paul, !Wm C. Allison, )org«<tJookm&n, IZophar C. Howell, B.McCxeary, ' SThoS. E. Peterson, J. B Feme. a meetinrof the Board, held this-day, DAVID B. TL, Esq,, was onaximouely re-eteeted President. B, GLEfiTDIEIJING, Cashier. CEKTBAL NATIOSAI BANK, PHiLAcaLPStAi January 13, 1865. the Annual •Election for -Directors, held on tha 10in ,i tie allowing gentlemen were elected Directors of Bank for the ensuing year: rge If. Troutman, Charles F, Ifbrton, maaT. Tasker, Jr., Samuel E. Shipley, rles Wheeler, J>*yid B Hr yin, rge Burnham, Joseph Baherick, ’ E. Graeff, Perolyal KoberU. Mijnes, a at a meeting of the Bi 'KODTMAH was unanii *3t ALT io&rd held this day, GISQ imonsly elected President. X IBYIff, Jr. i Cashier. FAll HUSKS’ 4I» BIECHASICB’ HATIOfIAL BANK, T „ ■ , Philadelphia, Jannarr 13, 1885. la elaetion hild on the llth of Jauniry, 1885, the win* namel atoekholSera were elected Directors of Hah; Hawser, James B. Campbell, M Lewi', Pianola Tate, .Bhharal, J, Bdtrard Patnam,. it J. Antelo, william M Pari, , 8. Lovarlng, Jr,, Li tidier Bmytb, urtn A. Parnham, William H. Merrick. .a B Llpptncott. I at a matting of the 81.- bq,, was unanimonsb M LEWIS, Esq , Vic ITOH, Jr,, Cashier. lOt W iroctors, this day, 9. A, Her* y re- elected President,. BD ■e President, and WILLIAM STOBHTOH, Jb.. Ca« Mer. JDEX.PJHI& NATION. jELPHIA, January 11, 1865. ? Directors, held yesterday, jre elected Directors of this Edward S, Clarke, Sami. W. DaCoursey, Senry Preaut, George Whitney, Benj. G. Godfrey, Augustas Heaton. TETE PHILA. ALBAHE. Philaui the annual election for following gentlemen wei t for the ensuing year: lomas Bubine, f ewlbß. Ashhorfit, )bn Welsh, drshall Htll, ' L Sr ringer, ». I>. Clagborn. Gillingham Pell, id at the meeting of MAS BOBIKS, B:q-» lent. •« he Board, held this day, ™ “I"5l&ls, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUTJt. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,1865. the animal meeting of the Stockholders of thla pany, held on Iho »th day of January, 1886, the m'ng; gentlemen were elected Director* far the ling yearly raTCHIOBD STARR,, WILLIAMMoKEE. NALBRO YRAIZIER, J. M. ATWOOD, * MORDECAI L. DAWSON," GEORGE H. STUART. JOHN H. BROWN, FAHNESTOCK, JANES L OLAGHORN. WILLIAM G. BOULTON, „ „ , . a meeting of the Board of Directo, s held this Say, VTCHPOKD STARR wee re-elected President, and H. MONTGOMERY re. elected Vice Preetdent. 11 LOCKWOOD, Secretary. GOUPANT OF THE ILYANIA, Jakuary U, 1866. hare been duly elected aa Thomas B. Watfcson, Henry 0. Freeman, Charles 8, Lewis. George C. Carson, Bdmand C. Knight* John B. Austin. ■ nrftVBANCE BfcATB- OF P£HMB' te following gentlemen iotors tor Che year 1866 9nnr D. Bherrerd, t&rles Maealeeter, ill lam 8. Smith, iUiam B. Waite, -orge H. Staart, janelGrant, Jr,, Wagner, i t a meeting of the Directors, held this day, HENRY SBIRRBKD, Esq., was unanimously re-elected V* d |f ,0f ‘ tOCOm W a iY H AHHASPE B , Secretary. SKI ECT BE4DII6S WIIIBE liven nt OONDEBT HALL flfl WBDK KSDaY JUfQ. Dec. 18th, by Hum CORBBC.IA UAPPSuL Mr. BICHABDBOir, for the benefit of the '* Work* Women's Belief Association." Tickets 00 cants, be proonred at all the principal Huaic Stores. ’•fit* ___ WKHt!Hr«\TS< FIJSD.-THE A*. NDAL Me* Unit of this Aeoooiatton will bo hold IBBDAY AFTERNOON next, 17th inataat- at 4 o’- , at the Booma of the BOARD OF TRADE, at which ta Election will be held for Officers and Managers t« ensuingyear. BIGHABD D. WOOD, •3t* Secretary, KKCRTTITS FOR THE FOUR* TEBHTH WARD can obtain their money ae soon ißtered, at the provost Marshal** office, corner of &TEENTH and BRANDS WINE Streets. Parties aing to enlist, and desiring inforffiattoa can apply Utter of the undersigned* Recruiting Committee. Dr. J, MAO HiGaOli, No Parrish street. J. W. THAOKABA, No. Ontario street. PBED'K A. VAN GJjBVJB* H*tf > No. 2IM South Fifth street. STOCKHOLDERS’ NOTICE.—THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CQNf /ILLK PBNABYLVANIA fITAY COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, the *7 of Jaaaary, 18«5. at 3 o'clock P. M., at the office Company* NO. 230 South THIED Street, PhlU >hJa, „ • 1 Election for President and Director* will to told ie same day and place. THE 10C1T8T BALE COAX, CO ANfIUAL MfcBTIMG, —Theetookholders of the •m Bale Goal Company are hereby notified that their ; ; u *\ meeting for the choice of Directors aad such l r ba&inetg as may legally he transacted, will be * at the GONTINBNTALHOTEL. In the ctt* of iadelpbU. on WEDNESDAY, the first day of Febra »«xt, at two o'clock PM. THEODORE D EMOEY, Secretary. EtADBLpBCA, Jannary 14.1865. _jal4*lst* THE ANN CAI, NUBETINO OF THE , Stockholder* of tho MBOHAHIOS’ Ott, COM 4»m bo hold at their office, B£LLBTIS BtJtLD ,.BoomNo. j. second floor, on MOHD4Y, Jannury ■«», at 3 P M. '•{F C. T. KBBBf, St FARBEb Oil, COHH4SY Aittmal Meeting of the Stockholders of tbft-FAK , COMPANY w!U be held at their Offlee. Ho. '“rtkTHIKD Stieet, onSATDKDAY, the 14th Inst., o olook M, >• „, • (ISO. W. McWILU AM& Seoietarr. 'U»A., Jan. 8,1386. je« wfmBt» is ADJOURNED MECTINCI OF , tti» Stockholders of the FBASKLIS L0BRI i? OIL OOMPitfT will be held at th» offlo» of ,*»#», Ho, 50* WALNUT Street, on WBD 'VO TOIB . da.. nraa coubction bis rwcr, ■w O? OOIJ,KOTOE. ’ SPECIAL INCOME TAX ' NOTICE is hereby given that thelists of taxes assessed in accordance with the provisions of the joint resolution of Congress, approved July 4. 1864, imposing a Special Tax of eve per centum upon the gains, profits, or In* come for the year ending December 31,1863; and also of the increase upon Licences of wholesale dealers, retail liquor dealers, hotel keepers, and peddlers, as per act of Jane 30,18 M, has been*etaraed to me by the Assessor of the-District, and that snoh taxes are now due and payable, and that payment thereof Is hereby demanded, pd will be received for the Twenty-second and Twen ty-fifth wards at the office in Langstioth’s Building, Germantown, and those for thrf Twenty-third ward at the office, Fraßkford street, Frank ford, between the hoiirsof f) 4. M and3P.M., untiISi.To.RI)AT, Janu ary 31, 1865. PENALTIES —To all those who nerleot to*' pay on or before said 21* t day of January a special demand will be issued, for which the law provides a fee of twenty cents, and four cents per mile,and ten per cant.penalty, ae will be seen by reference to the 28th section of the act of June 80,1864. Money of the United States only re ceived. _ JOHN W. COWELL, . je9-mwftia2l , Collector. KSF* OFFICE of the city bounty FUND COMMISSION. COMMONWEALTH BUILDIHG, Ho. 013 CHESTNUT Street, Pun,AT>Ri,rifiA, Jaur.ary 14, 1863. NOTICE IS BBBEBT GIVES, that the Commtsntoa for the payment of the City Bounty, under the provisions of the oidinance approved Jaeuaiy 3,1869. are no y pre pared to receive and adjust the claims of all new re cruits. . Volunteers for One Tear will receive warrant for OUE HUKDEED DOLLARS. Volunteers for Two Tear* will re ceiyev warrant for TWO HUNDRED AND TWBNTT-FI /» DOLLARS. Volunteers for Three Tears will receive a warrant for FOUR HDBDBBD DOLLARS. The citizens of Philadelphia are earnestly called upon to encourage enlistments by every m*ans in their cow er, for the purpose of procuring Volunteers to fill the quota of the city on the last call foi 800.000 men. JOHN BLAIR, Secretary. ja!4 St s THE NEXT BBHT.-CITIZENB* SUBSTITUTE, REUSES BN TA TIVE, ACfD VOL UNTEER AGENCV, —We beg leave to call the attention of those who are drafted, and those who are enrolled and liable to military duty, and also that ola;s of per sona who. are not liable to draft (ladies, and gentlemen over forty five years), to our agency forjproearing sub stitutes and volunteer representatives. Persons should attend to this .important matter at once, as the draft has been fixed for the 15th of February next. We are doing a strictly Ugitimate business; we are furnishing men sot liable to the draft as.substitutes and representatives, as low, if not at lower pricey than any other agent yin Philadelphia.' The law allows us to put substitutes in the Navy or. Marine Corps, to be credited to any district in the State where the principal resides. To facilitate business, if persons living in or out of the city, who are enrolled, will furnish us with a certifi cate of their enrolment from the Provo*! Marshal- of their district, they can b&ve substitutes sworn Into either branch of this service, which will fully exempt them from draft. Reference can be given to ladlesasd gentlemen in this city for whom we have done business in this line, and also'in the following counties- Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Berks, Bucks, Schuylkill, and North ampton. - N. B.—Clurches and Clubs furnished at the loioett possible prices. Liberal arrangements made with Township Committees to fill qaotas Call or addreßs Mo SALL f. P *XSON, A CO. r 4:11 CHESTNUT Street, or Box 2077 Philadelphia Post Office. THE DRAFT,—AY A MEETING 9W of the citizens of the ELEVENTH WARD, held January 10th, ife-was Besohedt That eaeh of the different wards of the city be requested to send' three delegates to the hall, N. S. coTser of Second and Coates streets, oa WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 16th, to meet alike number from the above Ward, to take some action in relation to the late order of Provost Marshal General Fry TOUCHING OUR QUOTAS on the coming DRAFT. _ # FRED. G LADING, Chairman. Attest: Thomas A, Faht, Secretary. ja!2«6t* OFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT IW£? PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, Philadelphia* Jan. 11, 1865. The Annual Meeting of the StockhOMers or tins Com pany will be held at Room No. 36* PHILADELPHIA Exchange, on Thursday, January 20th, isss, at 12 o’clock M., for the election of a President/and ft ve Directors, and to vote on the question of consolidation. 3*121619 26-4 t JOSHUA SPARING, See** 2f ©TICE —OFFICE BUCK MOUNT TAIN COAL CO. , PhiLmelphia, Jao. 2,1885. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the SUCH MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 330 WALNUT Street, on WED NESDAY, February Ist; 1865, at 11 o’clock A. M. An election for seven Directors to serve the ensuing year will be held on the same day, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2P. M. _ ja2-mwftfel T. H. TROTTER, Secretary, MERCANTILE LIBRARY COM* Iras’ PANY, Philadelphia, January 2,1885 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the MER CANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY, 17th. instant, at 15Z o’clock P. M., in the Library Room. At this meeting nominations of officers will be made. JOHN A. MCALLISTER, ja3-ti7 Recording Secretary. THE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRA* TION OF THE CHILDREN’S PROGRESSIVE LYCEUM will be held at CONCERT HALL on TUES DAY EVENING, January 17th. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. D*VIS» and other officers of the New York Lyceum, will participate is the exercitea. Tickets 25 cents, for sale at M. B. Dyoti’s. 114 South Second Mr. Gould’s,- Seventh and Chestnut streets; Mr. Pugh’s* firth and Chestnut streets; at the Hall, and by the offi cess and members of the Lyceum. Doors open at 7; commence at 7& o’clock. jail St* _ jat6-3t* THEPBILADELPHUOPH- IkS? THaLMIO DISPENSARY, N. B corner NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, is open daily from 11 to 1 o ’dock for the gratuitous treatment of all diseases and affections of the eye. ja!o-6t* OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOON* ia§P TAIN coal andiron company, Philadelphia, Dee. 16,1884. The A-nnttai Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company will be held at their Office, No. 330 South THlRD''Street, on MONDAY, the 16th day of January next, at 12 o’clock M. an ELECTION wUl<be held for seven Directors to serve for the ensuing *™hie Transfer Books of the Company -will be closed for fifteen days prior to the day of said election . dePMialS EDWARD BH, Seerstary. 10 ia\£Slt»KS IN PEUEOLEUM STOCKS, FOR FORTY FEET SQUARE OF G-ROTTNT>. .From the commercial column of The Press of Tl-urs day, the 13th instant. •* The iewellyn Well, ultneted on forty feet square of the one acre owntd by the Bathhone Company, was sold laat weeh* in this eity, for $150,000 Cash. The Lewellyn Well prodaeedJL.dOO bbls. dally .before it was stopped np by the rebel General Jones,' 1 * The entire estate of the PIEBBEPOHT OIL COM- F4NY, comprising an extent of territory 07|E FOCI? THOUSAND TIMES QEEATEE THAJT ■JSK LEWELLYM LOT. Is located on the same ran, and not more than twenty , minutes’ walh from It. We offer to investor* IS MOMENTS SABEIY PRESENTED. I’IERREPONT Oil. COMPAKI, Divided Into BHABBB OF OWE DOLLAK jSAOH.with OFFICE, No. 121#. THIRI» STREET, jal4-3t Seeoad Stow. FMladalpMa. FBOSPECIFS FAME OIL COMPANY OFFICE, 207 SOUTH FIMH 8T„ FREDA. Capital, - - - - $500,000 SHAKES, IaS.OOO-PAB VAJ.TIE, *4. 30,000 SHAKES WORKING OAPITAfc—SKBSCEIF JAMBS GIBBOUS, PHILIP LOWBT, Jb., JOHBNOBLB,. SAMUEL G. KING, JOHN F. CAHILL, Superintendent The property of thia Cojnpaoy consist* of He 1. One hundred and twenty scree of land in fee simple, ritaated on both sides or LUtle Sandy Creek, three- fourths of a mile from its conflnentfe with the Big Sandy, one mile from the town of Waterloo, and six miles Irom.Franklin, the county seat of Tenanto con*- ty, and within half a mils of the station of the James town and Franklin Railroad., About one-half of the land isheavily wooded* producing a variety of superior timber. Tbe land Is designated on the original map of Venango county as the Dennis Job Tract; upon It are several houses* bams, Ac , This particular location, although at present unde veloped, will* it is believed, prove very productive; as upon the adjoining property a natural oil spring has been known for more than a century. .... _ So. 2 Forty live acresjn fee simple, adjoining Tract JTo. 1. on Snyder Run- This Traet has been selected by experienced oil operatives because of its extraordinary surface indications, and will undoubtedly prove equal to the best oil territory in Venango county. _ _ . Ho 3. Two leases of one acre of land on the Graff and Haasan Tract, oa Oil Creek, Oornplaater township,one* fourth of a mile above Oil City. These leases are each for seventeen years, one-half roj alty. On this land are now two Wells, producing from ten to twelve barrels per day, with Steam Buxine, which is new. Tanks, and all necessary appurtenances, House, Barn, 4c., belong ing to tbe Company.' ' From the well-known productiveness of all the land on Oil Creek, not a single failure having yet been known where proper means have bean used to develop the re sources of the land, and as the Company purpose sink ing a number of new Wells on these leasee, it is confi dently'expected that very important results will accrue therefrom. Thirty Thousand Shares of the Capital Stock will be devoted to the immediate development of the various properties of the Company, the Directors of which Pledge themselves to tbe Stockholders that nothing.on their part shall be wanting to render this one of the moat deeirahle investments that have yet been put be fore tbe public. They also call attention to the follow ing facts in regard to this Company: .... Ist. That not one dollar's worth of Block hasbeen sold beyond what was required to pay for the lands in fee simple and the leases owned by the Company. , 2d. The Company has not created a single liabmty; all their purchases nave been paid in full, and their H lies are clear and indisputable to all the property x anted Share* of Reserved *9toek or Working Capital will be actually sold, and the pro ceeds devoted to the development of the property, stak ing wells, 4c., before tbe Board of Direction will au thorise the issue of any more Stock. _ ’ Subscription Books now open at the Office. JBOT South FIFTH Street. , JOHUT I. ROGHBBB, jaB 7t Secretary. S. D. BABQLAY, Secretary pro tem. |g£|p> TBE SUJttHEB PETROLEUM AID 308150 COMPACT, LOCATED OK THE WEST BANK OF THE ALLS ~ OEEHT BIVBB, BELOW FBAE KLIN. Secretary, divided into SHARES, PAB VALUE, *5. .—THB Ho farther aeaesmente or cell os the subucrlberi, aa 36,000 shares are reserved for working capital. Becelved at the office of the Companr, PTO. 61* OHESTNTJT STBEET, NOTICES. OIE COMPANIES. $150,000 CASH, Call or send for a Prospectus of the Whose capital is hot $150,000 DOULIRS, $30,000 WORKING CAPITAL. OF TBHANGO COUKTY. FENH6YLVANIA. TIOH PBIOB, ,1. OFFICERS: JAMBS GIBBONS, President. ' PHILIP LOWRY, Jr., Vice President, A. B. PAUL, Treasurer. JOHB I. ROGERS, Secretary. DIRECTORS: FRANCIS HoMANUS. THOMAS H. Gill, JOHN HDNBKER. CAPITA!, 81,000,000. SUBSCRIPTIONS, *1 EBB BBABB, Secokd Flook; P3ilai>blpkia. ISAAC D, GUYBB,.Becratary. , the rress-ehd.adelpitia; OIL COMPANIES. .|gp” HeTATJE FARM OIL COMPANY. CAPITAE. - - 800,000 SHARES. SUBS DRIP TION, $1 PER SHARE. WORKING CAPITA!., 035,000. PRESIDENT, THOMAS. TREASURER, E. B. HARPER. SBOBSTABT, FRED. A. RIEHLE. DIRECTORS. JAOOB THOMAS. PHtLABELPHIA. T. A SUBSET, *’ W. BARTON, ■* L. J. DKMDTH, / “ W. H KISTEK, MoOliktooktilm. Pa. This Company owns In fee simple SEVENTY-FOUR ACRES 0? LARD, liinatei on CHERRY BCR, ho tween 'the REED WBOL and the HUMBOLDT WORKS, being ahont three-tmarters of a mile above the former Reed Well. Twelve acres of the property 1 ave been leased, on Which MIBB WELLS HAVE BEEN COMMENCED, and. according to the leases, SIXTEEN MORE ABE TO BE D BILLED. From those twelve acres leased the Company receive ONE-HALF THE. OIL FREE OF ANY EXTENSA The remaining property can be -leased at a heavy BONUS whenever the Company sea proper to do so. The Company having a working capital of $25,000, can develop Hie property If they desire to do bo. In the vicinity, on the properties of tho Royal Petroleum and Springfield Companies, great activity prevails. THE COMPANY DO NOT CLAIM THAT THEY ABB RECEIVING AN IMMEDIATE YIELD OF OIL, bnt if the ebaracter of the surrounding property be taken as a test, there is no reason to doubt that bnt of tho NINE WELLS now in progress, some of them can not bnt be productive, as all Wells so far sunk on Cherry Ran have produced Oil. The Reed, 250 barrels; Anbnrn, 100 barrels; Granger, 180 barrels; 100 barrels, are bat a short distance below; and the lew well lately attack oa the Humboldt property, above. ’ Subscriptions received fer a limited number of Shares attheofllceof " ; . HARRER, BURNEY <t"CO., No. 55 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SECURITY PETfiOLEUH COM PANT OP NEW TORE. CAPITAL 5T0CK...... . ;..$300,000 ,00,000 SHARIS. ...PAR VALUE $» 15,000 SHARES RESERVED AS W OB KING CAPITAL. SUBSCRIPTION PR1CE....... $1 PER SHARB. PKsan>sK¥: JOSHUA PIERCE, of Oil City, Pennsylvania. SECRET AKY AKB TKEASFBKE GILBERT B. CURRIE, Mining and Insurance Oa- Kite, New Fork. - PIRBCTORa Wm. McFadden, Phtlada .IW. P. TnmbtOl, N. Y., Charles Laing, Sixth and Joshua Pierce., Chestrnt, Pnllada , |Gilbert S. Carrie. The property of the Company consists of a tract of va in able oil land of S 3 acres in fee simple on the east side of the Allegheny river* about one mile below the town* of Franklin, Venango county, Pennsylvania. It has a river frontage of about 52 rods, and the shipping facili ties thus given, mate the location an exceedingly ad vantageous one in this respect. In addition, however, the Franklin and Pittsburg pike runs directly through the Company’s property* and the town of Franklin is thus rendered of easy access. The property has been carefully examined by a com mittee, and pronounced to be, In their judgment, most valuable ana excellent oil land. The lands in this sec tion lave proved wonderfully productive in thick lubri catiug oil.' Immediately below the Company’sproperty is the celebrated Cochran Farm, ana the Franklin Citi tin% in t oticing the new wells recently struck, says: “One by Dale & Morrow, on October 12, the Coch rane Farm, two miles below Franklin, which ? ielded 240 barrels at the first forty-eight hours* pumping, is considered good for 100 barrels. John Lee has als j ob tained a flowing well* on the Martin Farm, just above the Hoover, ana nearly opposite the Cochrane, which flows ever SO barrels per day. Also, Mr. Hubs, who o> ms a lease on the Smith Farm, who has been pumping four barrels per day, at 408 feet deep, sunk his well 424 feet, and struck s well giving “40 barrels per day. All' thesestrikes, have been-within ten days, and the pros pect of a number more in a short time. ” - On the Company’s property there are already two wells. Well No. 1, near the lower end, about 20 yards from the river, Is sank about 520 feet* and although there is evidence of abundance of oil, the quantity of gas and p&rfafine below prevents its being worked to advantage until thedotrble tubing machinery is applied, as in the well on the Cochrane Farm, yielding 60barrels daily. The committee report that “on the withdrawal of the chambers from the well (Ho. 1). oil was thrown up 20 feet above the surface. * * Well Ho 2is about the same distance from the river, and abmtSO yards from well Ho. 1. Oil was obtained at about 500 feet, but it is deem<H advisable to prosecute the boring below the third sand-stone. The oil from both these wells is thick lubricating oil. The committee who examined the property of the Company, at the same time examined other producing tracts in its vicinity, and they deem this to be one of the choisert to that rich oU region, heeding slight ap plication fitly to make it one of the mass productive «kir profitable. The Company proposes to push its do ve! crpmentwith the utmost energy,appljlnr the newest and most approved machinery to the wells on the pro perty*fend unkingadd Itional one sat the earliest period. To those desiring investment in a well-founded Com •pany, the Directors present the SECURITY as one of the most desirable and they ask that its claims be care fully considered. A working capital of 15,000 shares has been reserved Subscriptions Will be received in Philadelphia at the office of BBOBGE W. HARKIHS, Esq , No. 703 *WaLNUT Street, where a map of.the property can be seen; and in New York, at the office of • CUBBIE & LAIKO, ' Bankers* No. 30 BROAD Street, , mausos OIL COMPANY, Viet ootjkty, west Virginia. CAPITA!, *500,000.,.100,000 SHARKS. PAR VALUE *5 SUBSCRIPTION PRIOB fa. AND NO FBSTHERABSBBSMENT. EESBRVED WORKING CAPITAL, .15,000 SHARES. Tie property of tile Company embraces ONE HU N DBED AND SEVENTY AOBBS 070) of LAND (In fee simple) on tbe Little Kan awl a River, in Wirt county. Weßt virgii ia, witl a frontage on said river of fully (* ) three, fourth B of a mile, anais(S)i) three and a half miles above Elizabeth,'*-the eonnty seat, ’1 andabont the ssmedlstanoebelowthecelebrated Burning Springs. in this tract we have about one-hund red and thirty (ISO) acres of bottom land, or boring territory, affording sufficient room to pnt down one hundred (100) wells, or more, which is a larger amount of boring surface than owned by any other company in this section of the oil rogioxu "• About centre of this property* wad near tbe bank of tbe river* is a epriug, continually discharging Oil and Gas, aud it islhe opinion of one of tbe moefc experienced geoioglßts is Penney lvania- wbo has made a careful ex amination of tbe tract tbatlt is equal* If notsupenor to any in tbe Kanawha Talley, for tbe production of Oil. It has been purchased solely with the view to its im mediate development, and the company , intend using every known satisfactory appliance to attain that otjfcct. The engine and all* the necessary tools are now per* foaming their part, and no expense necessary for the rapid development of the property will be spared* the company being determined to make it produc ive. Being fully aware of the existence of bogus com panies* we invite the most rigid investigation as to the character of our property* and we will be happy to fur nish ail the information desired. ■ Alans, Charts, &c., can be consulted at me office of the Company. No. 417 WALNUT Street* Room No. S* third story, ' PRBSIDEKT. JOHN W. MOFFLY, BECRBTART. AND TREASURES, JOSEFS P. BR08IU& DIRECiORS JOHN W. MOFFLEY. I AMOS J. MICHBNER: SAMUEL CONARD* JOSEPH P -BRuS.TJS, • CASPAR L BEEN* I GEO. LEECH* Reading* Pa. jail- wfmlSt ' ' STAEBING STOKE OIL »C£? COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA CAPITAL $9,000,000, in 40,000 Shares, at $5O each. Subscription price $l5 per Share, subject to no - further call or assessment. A working capital ol sloo»ooo*reserved. Only 90,000 Shares to besold at the subscription price. - The property of this Company consists of the well ksown Alartin or Standing Stone tract* and contains from 2, fiOO to 3,000 acres of land, in fee simple, free from leases, undivided Interests, or royalty. Standing Stone Creek (a branch of the Little Kanawha river), and its tributaries pass through fchia property.and it has upon it a larger amount of boring territory than is owned by any other company in West Virginia. It is situated in Wirt county* near the celebrated Ratbbone or Bunting Spring tract, and in extent of territory is five, times greater, and is considered by all experienced oil men familiar with the oU district of west Virginia quits equal, if not superior, to the Bathbone tract ;Tht Standing Stone Oil Company’s property extends from tbe Little Kanawha river, near Burning Spring Run, across the waters of Standing Stone Creek, Including s portion of Robinson’s Fork and Two Riffle Run, and,ls iiumrdiately in the Great Oil Break, extendingfrom Burning Spring through by Standing Stone androtro* bum to Horse Neck wells, near the Ohio river, and embraces the line of upheaval. The property of this Company has not been developed ~ for the reason that it belonged to minor heirs, who could not convey until they attained their majority, which the youngest did afew days ago. . . Wells are being bored on the adjoining lands, and oil had It la said that upon this Standing Stone tract oil was first'discoverfd In 1700. , - . , , On the Levers Farm, adjoining, a well is being bored an d oil obtained. The well of McFarland * Jones, on the A organ land, is near this property. . _ These lands are held in trust by J. N. Camden, Esq., President First National Bank of Parkersburg, West Virginia, and the Hon. JohnS Carlil©* Senator in Con pen from Virginia, and wiU be by them conveyed to the Ftandinr Stone Oil Company whenever the stock to be disposed of by (to wit, 20,000 shares) shall be subscribed and pud for, Three thousand six hundred shares of the stock have already bees sub so’ibed and p*id for. _ Snlserlprions'received at the Banking Houses of BIGGS AGO., and LITTENHOUSE. FOWLER. & CO.. WASHINGTON. L. O. ~ deg 2 lm THE UK KITBK AND BLUB IKE? CREEK OIL COMPANY. —The Corporators of lie ELK BIVBR AND BLOK CRBBK OIL COMPANY are hereby noticed that a meeting will bo Reid at No. ffiOg Honib FOURTH Street Philadelphia, on MON DAY. the.3oth of January. 1866, at 7% P. M , for the purpose Of perfecting the organization of e&b* Company, when a Board of Directora will be eleoted, and auch other business transacted as may be necessary In order to comply with the laws of Virginia, under which the Company hold their oh'urtec w " D. CALDWILL, jcl4-St Secretary pro tom. •TVS*” OFFICE OF «THE HAKBISON fcs? on. COMPANY.’ - No. 434 WALNUT Street. Ata meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of the “BTARRIJ SQM OIL OOMPANY, • ’ held January 9,1865 thefollow- IBt named gentlemen were duly elected Dlreetors thereof, to serTO for the ensuing year r George Williams, I Coffin Colket, James W. Packer, I Charles D. Colladay, William Groves. , , At a matting of the Beard of Directors, held on the ■ame davfoBORGE WILLIAMS was elected President and M. SFIEGLB Secretary and Treasurer. jal3 st* M. BPIEOLB, Secretary. jm% RVMEKTS- TO ASSIST TEE A BEARING; also Pen and Pocket Knives, Razors, Selnora, *c ,of the finest qualtty.atP. MABEIRA’B, 115 Sonth TENTH Siteat, below Chestnut. jal4-6t* WANAJMIftJCEH & BBOWN, , COXTEB FASH CAPITAL STOCK, #1,000,000. 300.005 SHARES AT *5 FEB SHARE. ' • SUBSCRIPTION PRICK. TO 00.000 SHARES ONLY, ,3. SO PER SHARK • - Ho more to bo issues above that, number until the land is developed. Stock issued full paid. 190,000 CASH APPROPRIATED AS. A WORKING CAPITAL. 8900,000. President. ISAIAH LTJKBUS. M. J> :Vies Preridert. WM. K. STEWART: Treasurer, WM. D. SMITH: Seeretarr. E. J. HARRISON. M. B. OFFICES, NOS. 83 AND 84 WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, THIRD STREET, BELOW WALNUT. But a few share* remain for sale. iaO- 7t ROEB MININC} Igpr"**!-. - BECIFBOCITT MININ6 COMPACT. v OHAUDIEHE DIBTBIOT, CANADA EAST... L. E. CHITTENDEN, President, > Ek-Gov. James Pollock, Director U.S..Mint, Phila delphia: Hon. W. G. Moorhead, Free. Phlla and Brie Railroad Co j 0. B. Wtlgrht, Em., of 0. B. Wright & Co., bankers: Henry Sheldon, Bra.,, of Stacton. Shel don, A Co., Sew York; W. B. Hatch, Esq;, of Pair banka ft Co, New York: T. B. Buntlng.Kiq., of T. B. Bunting ft Co., New York; L. E. Chittenden, late Reliefer TJ. B. Treasury. 100,000 SHARES. PAR VALUE, *OO BACH. PROPERTY, 14,770 ACRES, ALL KNOWN TO BE 30,000 SHARES OP STOCK OFFERED FOB SUB -BCRIFTION. 500 ounces of pure GOLD from the Company'spro perty' may be seen on application at the office of.U B. WRIGHT ft CO.. 143 South THIRD Street, where maps, procpeotnsee, and aU information maybe had. The latest report from the geologist of-the Company announces the discovery of FITE new and very rieh quarts lodes.. The OFFICIAL REPORT of the OoiiD CoMHiaaiosnua of Canada will soon be published, showing over Ora Hunskbd and Fiftt ThousandDouubs, atoolnrates, of sold has been recently mined in the CHAUDIEBB DISTRICT, principally Upon the Company'si property. A limited number of shares of the CAPITAL STOCK may be subscribed for at the office of 143 SOUTH THIRD STRBBT, . opposite theaEgchanite. deffl-tewlm .Kg“' DAUPHIN AND COLORADO las' GOLD -MINING COMPANY. , , . Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK, *1,000,000. 300.000 SHARES™.- PAR VALUE, *9. ’ Preald ent-7JOHN B. ANDERSON. Dotßcrona. Thomas A. Scott, James R.Hmm, . ' N. B. Kneaee, John W. Hall; Harrisbur*. Wm. S. Freeman, T O. MoDoweU, do. JohuNL'Juiey, - W. W Wyse, Lancaster. Charles DtSUver, D 40 ' A Secretary and Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 433 WALNUT Street— Boom No. 6. _ Authenticated epecimens hare been procured from some of the Company’a lodes, and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the moat gratify- Ldc results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company, and at the Treasurer*!* Office {ln ternal Revenue). No. 4=37 CHESTNUT Street t Farmera* and Mechanics* Bank Building. To original subscriber*, $3 CO per share, for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlets, or information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th Inst. • October 14.1664 ___ oc!8-3m BANKERS, OFFICE OF THE BESOEETE MINING COMPANY, . Philadelphia, January 9,3865. * Notice is hereby given that an instalment of ONE DOi-LAR PBS SHABE on e*ch and every share of the Capital Stock o* the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY has ihls day been ealled inpay able on or before the 23d day of January, 1865, at the office of the Treasurer, No. 334: WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. By order oi the Directors! B. A. HOOPES, j&loftja23 Treasurer. THE BIBEOTOBB OF THE B=2? PAHEL OIL COMPANY, have THIS DAY de clared a dividend of ONE PER GEN P., payable at their Office on and after the ?6«fc inst Transfei Books close the 19th, and open the 26th. By a resolution of the Board of Directors, dividends will in future be paid quarterly , GEO. W. MoWILLIAMS, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Jan. 14, 1865. - iatfcrayfSV* OFFICE OF THE TACK PETBO- Bw LBtJM COMPANY, No. 16 South WILLIAM Street, New York. .. At a meeting of the directors of the Tack Petroleum Company, held this day, it was _ Besolved. Th&X a dividend of TWO PER CENT., in cash, be paid on the 28th inst. to the holders of the Shares oi this Company, at thh offlee of the Treasurer. Mr. GEORGE H MILLINGTON, No. 42. EXCHANGE Piece, and that the Transfer Books be closed from the 17th to the 20th inst., inclusive HEBHfrN CROHEN, Secretary. New .York, January 31, 1865. , ~ ~ Dividends to Philadelphia Shareholders payable an the Office of RICHARDSON, HARLEY, & CO., No. 3*l WALNUT Street, on and afterittONDAY, Jan. 23,1865. jaifi fit* ; - ; THE QEICHSILTER MINING COMPANY. : The Directors of the Quick*liver Mining Company have * THJSDAY x declared a semi.annally dividend of per share in UNITED STATES GOLD COIN, payable FEBRUARY 16,1866, to shareholders of record j, nuary 31st, 1865 Transfer Books will be. closed from Yebruaty Ist to 16th. Inclusive. WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer. New York, January 4> 1865, jalOlSt 83®=“ OFFICE OF THE ISfSUK/VSiCE I® COMPANX OP ROBTfI AMERICA, 332 WAL HUT STREET, . Philadelphia, January 9,1665. . The Director* have this day declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAB AUD TWENTY CENTS per AhAre— free from tales, payable on oemand.- i*lo 126 CHABLES PLATT, Secretary. - OFFICE 'OF THE FAME -.IKSC ■» RANGE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. PhiiadELPHIA, January 7,1885. At a meeting of th oßoard o MDlrectors of the FAM B INSURANCE COMPANY, held this day. a dividend.,of TH KEE PER CENT, was declared,payable qu demand, elearofalitaxeß. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, ja9l2t y Secretary. K3S- OFFICE OF THE BBI6GS OIL IK®' COMPANY, No. 147 Sooth EOIJBTH Street, Jakoakt 11, 1865. ... ~, The Board of Directors haye this day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT: on the Capital Stock, payable on the 26th hut The Transfer Book e will be closed on the 21st Inst. at 8 o’clock, and openedon the 27th. ... By aresolntion of the Board of Directors, adopted this day, dividends will In futnre he paid quarterly, jaisut • CHARLES A. DPY, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE I.OCUST MOUK IIN=S? TAIN COAL AND IKON COMPANY, Philadelphia, January 12, 1865. ' At a Meatier of the Board of Directors of this Com pany, held this day, a.Dlvidend of PODS PER GBNT. on the Capital Stock, dear of State tax. was declared, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representa tives on and after the 2Sd instant ja!3 St EDWARD ELY, Tteasnrer. THE FOB IXA I> EL I’UIA NATIOW 4=® ae BANK, Philadelphia, Jan. 5,.1855. . The Directors have this da7 declared a Dividend of TWENTY -EIYB PERCENT , payable on the 16th Inst. Stockholders are requested to bring or rend their cere ti« cates to he exchanged for new ones of the PMladel pMt National Bank. B. B, GUMBO VS, Ja6 tjalg Cashier. Eta- smoisß wo. in <3).-oreat fae BASIN OIL COMPANY^— The Directors have this day deeiared ft Dividend of TWO <2l PER CENT. , Say able on and after the 15th instant. Books close on re 10th instant. ■By a resolution of the Board of Direc tors, adopted this day, dividends will in future be paid Quarterly. G. W WILLIAMS; Treasurer. January 6.1565- tiafi-10t*] IAFAKQPBAB BDGS. XHE MECHANICS 9 BASH, 1 #3S? St. Louis, Dee. 31.1861 The Board of Directors have deeiared a dividend of THEEEAND ONB HALF PER GBNT (3& p e.) paya ble to Philadelphia Stockholders at the Mechanics’Na tional Bank* Philadelphia, onand after Jan. 16,1895. jafctjalC* CHAB. BVBRTS, Cashier. DIT3DKKD NOTICE.—OFFICE OF V 2& THE TiOGAIBON COMPiNY* No. 5»4r WALNUT .Street, Boom No. 25. ___ , : The Board of Birectors have THTS BAY declared s DIVIDEND- of ?I7E FEB CENT, (twenty-five e*nts per share) on tie capital stock of this Company, paya ble at their office on and alter January 16fch, 1865, dear of state' taxes. The transfer hooks will he closed on the 13th and opened on the 16th. jas-tial6 oracs OF THE HINOO OIK S=» COMPANY, Ho. BSS4 WALNUT Street,’K>om SB. Philadelphia, Jan. 3,18®. . DIVIDEND NOTICE —The Board of Dlrectore hay* this day declared their second monthly dividend of TWO PER CEBT. (twenty cents per share), out of the net earnings of the Company for the month of December, payable, clear of State tax, on and after January 20th. ■Transfer Books close January 14;h. atB o’clock P.M., and open January ilst P. W. WILTBANK,' jafi tjag) _ Secretary. OFFICE OF THE |2S? .INSUBAKGS CO., 400 WALNUT ST. ririr.ADEr.prna, Jan. 2,1885. Tbo Directors bare THIS DAV declareda dividend of THREE AND ONE HARP PER CENT, on the capital stock of tbo Company for the last six months,, payable on demand, free of all taxes. B. LOCK W ooD, jaB-13t Secretary. OFFICE HENTISOBOS ASO las? BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COM PANY, ass Sonth THIRD Street, • , ■ Pun.ADM.riHA. January 3, 1885. The Board or Directors of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company have del dared a dividend of 3X PER CENT, on their Preferred Stock for thepast six months, payable at their office on and after the 17tb instant.. The Transfer Books will he closed until the 17th Instant _ jaj wfintl? J. P. AKKTBKN, Treasurer*. »<S= DITIBES D--TBE DIRECTORS Of the NOBLE AND DBLAtfATBB PETRO-. LIDM COMPANY have this day d. dared,as their ninth monthly dividend. SIX ER CENT , payable free of gme tax. on the 20th’instant. Books close on the 14th and re open 21st. ’ GEORGE W. HUNTSB. ia!2-'9t Secretary. K®e> MECHANICS’ NAMONAK BANK, »=» Philadelphia, January 10. 1865. The Board of Directors of this Bank have this day de clared an extra dividend of FIVE P*R CENT., payable to Stockholders on and after MONDAY, Jan. 38, 1865. jail fit ’ 31 W BGAND, Jr., Cashier. PHfLADEIJ’HIA Mil) REiDEie K3S? RAILROAD COMPAHT, Offloe Ho; Sonth FOURTH Street. . ' Philadelphia, November 90, 1864. ' DIVIDEND .NOTICE.—The transfer books of this Company will be'closed on TBURSDAT, December 18. and Sopened on TUESDAY .JANUARY 10,18®. A Dividend of FIFTEEN #ER CENT, on the common and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes, has been declared, payable In common stock,on the 31st December next, on all stocks, standing on the books of the Company, at the dose of business on the mh.prox Stockholders whoso names an registered on the How Tork books will be paid at the Farmers* Limn and Trust Company. 8. BRADFORD, dal-tf - Treasurer. T*7M. M. FABER & CO., IT , - STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, IRON FOUNDERS. _ geniral machinists, and boiler makers, NKAB THB 'PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PASSBNGER STATION, PITTSBURG. PBNNA.. Kanufactum all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, ranging from three to one hundred and fifty horse-power, and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces. Oil Wells. &c. * Ac. _ Gi?e particular attention to the constractioß or Ba ttses aiid Machinery for oil toorlnc aad pumping opera Hone. Have always on hand. finished and ready for shipment. ENGINES and BOILERS of every deacrip- from all parts of the country solicited and promptly filled , jsl6 ; 3m rpiETLEMBN CAN HAVE THEIR Old Gsrments made. tNlook-like up oaaa at DILKEB & KEMSIL’B. No 138 H NINTH St. ia!4-4t* TOBHLA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY V COUSELLOB AT LAW. AND’ SOLICITOR 01 CLAIMS . Office. SISI F Street, near Fourteenth St. Washington. D. C. ■ ■ deELSm GREAT OENTRALOLOTHING HOUSE, OIL COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. OFFICERS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $3O. RICH IH GOLD. O. B. WRIGHT & 00., mVIDENDS. FIVE DOLLARS D, B JONES, Treasurer, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1865: NSW M7BL,I€ATIOWB. fJ*HB CAMBRIDGE EDITION ENOCH ARDEN, Is tile ISmo edition, *tlt lop, with vlynette illustrations by HAMMATT BILLIHGB. The bookinolh-ies *‘Ayl mere Field, ’’ “Bea Dreams.” andaUof TBHHTBOH'B late Poem*, printed on laid tinted paper; a beautiful companion to the superb ''Artist’s Edition” ol ENOCH ABDIK. published by the same house. W PlioeV.... . ...$l6O Turkey antique...4.SO J. E. TILTON <6 GO., jal«-mwit iE THREE BOOUTB. BEADY IN A FEW DAYS. THIS IS THE HEW BOOK SO EiQBRLT IHQOIBBD • 808, BY THE AUTHGBOF "CUD JO’S GAVE.” The price is put cents below the selling price of similar books, on acoonnt of the certainty of GBEAT SALES! .. Booksellers, newsmen, and Agents will please hand in orders at once, so they may receive the books on PUBLICATIOHDAY. J. E. TILTON & CO., PUBLISHERS. fJTIE AMERICAN ‘CONFLICT. A HISTOHY OF THE GREAT EBBBLMOH, BY HORACE QBEEI.BY. ' This work :dtffers from all other histories of the ■ war in. the able- and so arch in a manner in which 'it presents the earlier stages, and prolonged CON FLICT OF OPINION that finally resulted in the pre **seftt straggle. Not lees than one thousand com ! mandatory notices, of the press have appeared, many ■cf which are *from the author’s most hitter op ■iponenta. „ Experienced'and efficient agents are wanted, to in troduce the work into every family in the city, to whom the mosiliberal terms will be offered. Address JNd. W. PBiNCIi, $034 EE ANDY WINE Street. McBLEOTPS PHILADELPHIA. *CITT iWL DIBEGTOBY FOB 1865. —Sttbscribera Anxious to obtain early copies will please send to the Office of Pub lication. 600 CSESTNOT Street, second floor, back room. ' » CH*3 . - A. MoJBLBOY. t? 18 HE E & BROTHERS’' VALEN- 1 X 1 TIKES, 1865. ' • We notify dealer, that our popular *5, $lO, $l5, s3} VALENTINE LOTS sre sow ready at the manat, ctory. " . FISHER St BROTHER, M6-4H*» No. 18 Worth SIXTH Street BETAIL Pltr COOPS. JJOTEL PROPRIETORS AMD . HOUSEHEE PJIII S Can always find a fall stock of’ BLANKETS. " QUILTS, .. LINEN GOODS, SHEETINGS, &0., At the lowest wholesale prices, at J. €. STBAWBBIDGB & CO.’S, jal6-mwftf N. W. cor. EIGHTH, and MARKET Sts, niMTRQ -OUT WIHTHR DRIBS GOODS. GBBAT REDUCTION IB FKICSS, Plain French Popline and Merinoes. Figured Merinoes, Plaid Poplin*. Delaines. Plain and Fiinred Mohairs, Poll deChevrea. and Drees Goods of every variety, from 40c to $3. NEW STYLES AMERICAN DELAINBS, 40c. 6.CCO Yds. YARD WiDfi CHINTZES. 50c. HEW YORK MILLS MUSLIN, 65c. . SILKS, in every variety, at LOW PRICES. SHAWLS* in every variety, at LOW PRICES. H. STSJEii * HON, iftlfl . Noa. TIE and Tl 5 North TENTH Street. w PCTAN CIAI^., ipOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 733 ARCH STREET. DESIGNATED D2POBITABT 0» THE UNITED STATS, T B-iofliS TREASURY NOTES, Convertible at Maturity Into S>SO BONDS. This Ban£ Ii now prepared to famish these Notes In small or large quantities, and of all denominations. They.present the ad-santage oner any other Loan of the Government of feeing converted at maturity Into the popular 5-20 Loan. The*’lnterest’ to payable semi annually in-Februarr and August- - . A COMMISSION ALLOWED OK SALKS of *5,000 and upwards. • SAMUEL J. MAO MULLEN, deSO-lm i ‘ CASHIER. <JHE AND MECHANICS’ nAhonal bank" : OF PHILADELPHIA, FINANCIAL AGENT AND DEPOSITARY OF THE UHITED STATES, Receives iHhecriptlons for the NEW THBEE-YEAKS 7 30-lftO TREASURY NOTES, Which convertihle a maturity Into , SIX FBB-GBHT. 8-80 BOHDB. W. RUSHTON, JR., de2Mutfcslift £)E HAVEN * BROTHER, B A N K E B S, S. * REMOVED TO do. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ja2-lm • ' ' OBOHBI W. BEWIB. EDWIN MILLER. JOB. It. HOUSTOIC. JJEWEB, MILLER, & CO., STOCK MID EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO, SO SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN Government Securities, Specie, Unonnent Money, ’ City •Warrants, Ac. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE REGULAR BOARD OF BROKERS. jalO-lm ’ ■ QLOSIHG OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. THE SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS ipV IORK ARB PHILADELPHIA PETHOLEUM CSOMPANY WUI be dosed poililvel# on WEDNESDAY, January 18th, 1865. Nearly ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES haye been taken In Philadelphia and vicinity, and the inducement* to., subscribers ere unequalled, not only In the charecter of the property, bnt In the large working capital end endrgetle management. CLABESOH & CO., ' No. 1»1 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Philadelphia, Jan; 7, 1888. - i<-tt JJARpER, DUBNBY, & CO., BANKERS, STOOK AND EXOHANOK BBOKEBS. ruUtnlu »tt,pUou p»l4 to vu«lwm and **!• of OU M SOUTH THIED STKBBT. KmADHiPHIA. int|ginrfl|iii,--i>fMgiAOo;. rh>Mohtot J* ®* Am* tin, President Soafch-wark Bank. novlB-3m OTTAtt-Mag bxokt. IAIiBX. IRVSOV,!*. QHARLE6 EMORY & 00., ' * STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ro. 15 South Third Street, raTr.dTtKT.yHU. * i All yiadi of aaiurnt lands, and Gold and Silver bought and sold, andGoUestions made. Particular attention given to the purchase and sale »f Government, guts, and other Stocks and ZAans on Mttmtedoi- nolS-qa WHEREAS. THE AUDITOR G-ENE ” » BAL. aareanirod br the aleysntb natlui of,tha aet entitled *' An , act enabling the bants of this Com** jnonwealth to become associations for the purpose of binklng under the laws of the United States, ’ passed the 22dday of August, A. D 1864, has certified to me that the * • Commonwealth Bank* * or the city of Philadelphia has fmnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the requirements of eaid act have been complied with by said bank, and that it has become an aßsoelation tor the purpose of banking under the laws of the united Bt f do therefore cause this notice thereof to be published in accordance with the provisions of theeald eleventh section of the said act, and do declare thht the charter of said bank by the terms of said act is deemed end taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions or the first section of said act, A Q CURTIN Executive Chamber, JanuarylB6s,' jal4*lBt nn»~ stocks, tr. s. loans, &0., VA. BOBGHT ABB SOLD OJ OOMMIBSIOS, _ Bl OEOBOS J. BOYD, Broker, So. 18 Booth THIRD Street iaS-Jmlf 8. B. 008. SIXTH fiTTD MABKET BTKEETS, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. CASHIBB. ’ INSURANCE. iJHR NORTH AMERICAN .TRANSIT INSURANCE CO. INCORPORATED BY TBB LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF FEKESYLVAafIA. ORGANIZED OCTOBER 6,1861. FOR INSURING! AGAINST ' LOSS Of lIFE OB PERBOKAI INJURY TRAVELLERS BY LAND OR WATER. Policies leaned for a Single Trip, Special Journeys, Voyages, Ac, dally, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Also, against the contlngencierdf personal hazard, and sgainat loss of all hinds,'except real eßtaie. Policies leaned at the Principal office, Ho. 9111 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or by the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the (Ticket Agents at anyßalT road Station. CAPITAL. - OFFICERS. PKESIDBNT*- THEODORE ADAMS. VICE PRESIDENT AND ACTUARY, J. H. BRADLEY. TRBAfIVRRR. JAMES M. CORBAD. SECRETARY* . LtJCIBR JETTON. . AGENT* J. B. PET TOR. DIRECTORS. James Graham* Franklin! Steele* Robert F. Taylor* Wm. Colder. ja!6 lm Theodore Adams, James M. Conrad, Richard Wood, George T. Stedman, QFFICE OP THE UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, Ji.NffART 9.1805. The following statement of the affairs of the Company Is published In conformity with a provision of its charter: \ Premiums written from January 1, 1864, to January 1,1866 ——.*201,006 86 Premiums undetermined Jan. 1,1864 m..— 62,608 43 Premiums earned during the year to Jan. 1, 1880............... —— *187,892 C 8 Intereeton Investments......——— 10,660 10 ■ *208,44218 Losses paid duffing the year.— $101,968 64 Return premiums.—l4,36B 60 Reinsurances 14,319 66 Expenses and eommlseions.—....... 16,377 II 8, d. Taxes————————— 3,85181 ..... ' *149,816 84 Less amount paid to customers in lieu of scrip* **.•...«*.*.....*****— $22,342 22 Amoufit reserved to pay losses not __ Adjusted •*<• • *♦« *♦,m*»m**«hi*« 33,000 QQ i 536,342 22 Balance remaining with the Company* «.»**.. $23,18412 STATEMENT OF ASSETS OF" THE COIIPANT? JANUARY 1, 1856. United States 6-20 Coupon Bonds- —.... ••.. $11.600 00 “ ** Registered... 0,000 00 1881, “ 11,000 00 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent Coupons.... 0,000 00 .*•. “ S “ Beilstered.. 15.000 00 City of Philadelphia 6a.. M.'OOOOO City of Htuhurg 65—... - 7,000 00 ' «« 05... 7,000 00 Camden and Amboy 6 per cent. Coup. Bonds ’B3 8,600 00 6 “ •* “ ’75 17.000 00 6 “ “ consol’d. 31,200.00 Pennsylvania Ball road Ist Mortgage 1,000 00 ”■ 2d “ 10 000 00 Philadelphia and Brie Railroad..... .. 10,000 OO North Pennsylvania Railroad—... 10,000 00 GhesapeaVe and Delaware Cana1—.......... 14.610 00 Bchnylklll navigation Company... 10,000 00 Wyoming Talley Canal.. ll;000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad, 166 5hare5............ 8,800 00 North Pennsylvania Railroad, 100 shares.... 6.000 00 Delaware Railroad. 48 shares-.. • - 1,300 00 Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, 160 shares— 8,000 00 Philadelphia Bank, 68 shares 6,810 00 Union Mutual Insorance'Co., 1,474 shares.... 20,489 00 Delaware Mutual Insurance Co ,88sha*es— 2,200 00 Scrip North Pennsylvania 2,425 00 Sundry Insurance Companies’ Scrip 2,100 00 Estimated present value—.—.. $270,000 00 Bills receivable 42,096 28 Cash on hand.. .......... $21,729 39 Cash deposited U S. Treasury 20,000 00 Cash on Collateral 10,000 00 ■ 561,729 39 Due the Company for nmettled premiums, , salvages, and other accounts—.. 42.970 44 • The Directors have-declared a dividend of BIGHT PER CENT, onjhe Capital Stock, and SIX PERCENT, on the Outstanding Scrip, of the Company, free of all taxes. RICHARD 8. SMITH, 8. DEBTOOBT, A. B. BORIR PBASCIS TETB, JOHNH. IRWIN. JSEWBSRRY a. smith, WM. C.KENT, HEBBr LEWIS, JR.. J. P. STEINER, EDWARD L, CLARK, GEOROE LEWIS, ELLIS YARNALL, RICHARD S. SMITH, JOHN MOSS, Secretary. jall-6tlf OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE v/ IHBDBASOK COMPANY, 400 WALBUr Street.>et,phta. January 9.1865 Statement of tlie affairs of tMi Company on the mat day of December, 1864: CAPITAL,. Authorized...s2oo,ooo OQ Paidupikfuli.. •>••>***•»•■ 200,000 00 ASSETS. Bonds and Mortgage., all fist llene on real estate 1a lie city of Phi1ade1phia............ 209,660 00 Ground rents, on property In the eHyofPMla delphla. •■•*•■•••.• 8,000 00 Girard Ba»kSfcocfc™~™--*.*.™. - 2,535 00 United Slates Securities..*— 34,870 65 Deposited in U. 6. Mint, at six per cent wr annum*—.... **,.♦*- ........... 40,000 00 Philadelphia City siiper cent. loan. ...«*♦+♦* 4,080 00 Keal estate, office building, and furniture.-* 10,406 98 Caehin‘bankandonhand. 10,177 23 Due byagenta 4241» Interest on investments accrued but __ not due. $3,420 87 Interest on investments due and un- - paid......... 882 00 ytuu • 8,802 37 RECEIPTS m 1864. Premiums on Fire ri51i......... Interest Policy and transfer fees...«.«*• On canceled perpetual policies....*. PAYMENTS IN 186*. . ’ ' Dividend, January end July, three per «mt. each on the Capital Stock for the preceding „ eix month *i2,«» 00 hoseee hy Fire,*,**,*,* , 8,085 68 Eetnrn ftremicme and Beinenrancee 4.78210 Taxes United States and 5tate.................. 2,69013 Donations, Coromlaaione, Salaries, Legal fit- Senses* Printing, Advertising, Fire Mar- glial, and other expenses* •«»•••»•♦• DIRECIOBB. • ■ T. Ratohford Btarr, Georreß. Stuart, William McKee. JohnlLßrown, Nalbro’ Frazier, J. L.Jrrlnger, John M. Atwood, Geo. W. Fahnestock. Beni. T. Tredick, James L. Clsghorn, Mordecai L. Dawson. William G. Boulton. F. RATCHFORB STARR, President. THOMAS Hi MONTGOMERY, Tice President. B. LocKwooD. Secretary. ial‘lst JNSUKB YOUR MPB IN THE A ML EBI C A N,- B # E.,Cor. Walnut and Fourth Sts. PHILADELPHIA It u a HOME COMPANY, and prodts dlrided anna aOIF, thus aldtnr tie assured to pay future premium! Last dividend go per cent. . BOABD OF TROTTEBR Alexander Whilldin, , J. Bdiar Thomao*. Hoh, James Pollock* ■ Hon Jos. Allison, Albert C. Roberta, Hern-y R. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodlne, PMUp RMlnkla, ■ Geo. Nugent* Jonn Aleman, Wm. jlHoward, IsaacHarlehnrst, m gtsrael Work. ALEX AH DEE WIHLLDIN, President SAMUEL WOEK. Vice President. no2l Smlf JNO. 8. WILSON. Sec’y and Treasurer. 17ASUS INSURANCE COMPANY, r Vo. *O#CHESTNUTSTEEET. PULL ADKLFHI A. FIEB AND INLAND INSURANCE »MEEOTOB3. > Francis N. Buck, John W. Bveraau, Charles Richardson, Robertß. Potter, Henry Lewis. John Reader, Jr., Samuel Wright, f&D. Wopdruft P. S. Justice, Charles Stokes, - George A. West, D. Ells. FRANCIS B- BUCK, President. CHAR RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. BLiioms. Secretary. W*-B inui r. aonuasXßAP. winniAif s. obam fTOIeIeINSHKAD * GRAVES, DL INBURAMCBAGENC Y, ' No. 81* WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. . NORWICH FI»» COMPANT. - ' tnorttv, falee, Wharton. * Go. Messrs. ChM. Lennlr * 00. Messrs. OoHn A Altemns. [Messrs. W.H. Lamed A 00. , _____ TOKMAN I. IOIiUHBHBybs _ _WM« CUAYlftt tt OLLINBBE AD * GRAVES’ IX INSURANCE -AGENCY, ■ . axrats totheCROTON FIRE INSURANCE ofMsw York. - •* iftt-em frioLLlNsilMi & GRAVES, * XL IHSUEANCB AOENCT, No. 31* walnut St.. . ALBAMT Iy*7-6n> . OF ALBANY. N. Y. ’TASYEJEUI, AH® SUBSTANTIAI, OLCWHIKO WANTED-A MAN EXPERIENCED ** in business, a correct BOOKKEEPER, and one that w!U 1m willing to make himself useful in the Faff* tory when not employed in fee Costing Bonm. Apply at the northwest comer of MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets. CjalB-Bt»3 JAMBS SMITH & CO. WANTED—A SITUATION IN A BU ii SIB ESS, manufacturing preferred, with a view to partnership. $lO,OOO will be loaned to employen'ad dress,. statingsecurifcy, and other particulars, B*W. . Press office, jal6.2t* WANTED,.BT A YOUNG MAN, A * ■ situation in .a‘Wholesale dry goods or notion house, to learn the business; Best reference given as to character, Ac, Address '* James." * jalg St* Press office. WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE SILK "» House, a BAI.ESMA*j,for citr trade. _ Also, s HOT, 16 years of age. Address Box 1332 Post Office. ' ja!4-Bt* WANTED, BY A COMPETENT AND I* reliable ehoe? salesman, a situation ia the Wholesale Boot and Shoe Trade. Address ‘‘ A. K., ” office of The Trees. iall-2t* WANTED—A SITUATION BY A ▼V; Toting Man who has a practical knowledge of Book-keeping, and is willing Mmake himself gene rally useful. Address Box 214 Post Office, PMla delphia. - . . jal4-8t« WANTED TO PURCHASE—A IT DWELLING HOOSB, on ABOH Street, west of Broad. Address Box 1363, Post Office. jal3-31* 5350,000 WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS BOOK * * KEEPER; must be thorough, and a man of expo* lienee* The position being an important one with an established house, the references must be unquestioned. Address, with real name and references, r< Confiden tial," Press Office. „ jaia-3t* $853,515 29 nro BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS, A CAUVASSBEB, AKD OTHERS —The NATIONAL ART ASSOCIATION OFNEW YORK desire active,ener getic Agents for Philadelphia, and other eit&s, towns, and parts, or the whole State of Pennsylvania. To fully understand the importance of the matter, read full pate advertisements in Harper's Magazine and Atlantic Monthly for January, or Godey's for February. Ad 'dress the Actuary of the Rational Art Association, S6l and 563 BROADWAY, Few York. jai2 8t $58,626 34 $406,79611 H. F. ROBINSON. SAMUEL C. COOK, JAMBS E CAMPBELL, Q. w. BBBNADOU, HENRY SAMUEL, WM. S. BAIRD, • CHARLES WHEBLEB, 8. DELBERT. NORRIS 8. CUMMINGS, SOL'. TOWNSEND, F; LAYBRGNB, JOHN MOBS. PRESIDENT. 556,379 86 31,036 78 289 60 49 SS 14,239 12 WANTS. WANTED—A SITUATION IN A Wholesale House as BALESHAS or TRAVEL LING AQiNT, by a person of experience, and who has an extensive acquaintance through Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Address ** J.,” Box 1291, Pittsburg, Penn*. jai2-4t* WANTED—A PRACTICAL BUSI * * BESS man with a capital of eight to ten thousand dollars, to join the advertiser in a fight wholesale bu siness already established. First-class reference given and required. For particulars, address “Tea Trade," jall-st* at this office. WANTED— IN A WHOLKS AMS NO TION HOUSE, a first class SALESMAN, well ac quainted with Chester and Belaware-county Trade. Address Box 1632, Philadelphia P. O. jalQ-St* WANTED TO RENT, IN A CEN i* tral locality, on the first floor, part of an Office for Desk room. Address ** P," Box 2212, P. O, jas- tf WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN if every County, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to introduce fifteen new and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. . For particulars, address OTIS T, CUBBY, BIDPBFOBD, MAINE. oo2S-gftW3ai A BLANK-BOOK FORWARDER AND FINISHER WANTED. 1 Address Box 1663, Post Office. ja7-Bt* EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG* est and most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references, Americans, Irlqp, English, French, Ger man, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, ftc. Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants. Also, Colored Servants Bos. 802 and 804: LOCUST Street, above Eighth. de!9-lm T OOAI« AGENTS.—WANTED IMME -*-J diatelv. Local AgeuUforthe saleof FRUIT TREES. Address DINGEB, CONARD, A .CO., Nurserymen, WEST GROVE, Pa, ja!3-llt* OTHCKBILVER FLASKS WANTED— vp The Quicksilver Mining Company will contract for the manufacture of any number, not exceeding 100 000 Wrought*iron Quicksilver. Flanks. Delivery to com mence within 90 days and to continue at not less than 4.000 Flasks per month. Payment will he made on de • livery in gold coin. For particulars, inquire at the Office of the Company, ’ 80. 21 NASSAU Street, New York. [jalQ-fit] - J. B. &AHDOL, Secretary. SH9S A MONTH-WANTED— AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAWTfc CLASH SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE; the only low price Machine in the country which is licensed by Grover ft Baker, Wheeler A Wilson, Howe,'■Singer, ft Co.» and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions ellowed- All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user liable. IHui trated circulars sent free. Address BUAW ft CLARET, uolß-d&W3m BIDDKFORP, Maine M large building wanted— Suitable for Manufacturing purposes. not lean than two stories higb. with basement, within a mile and a half of Independence Halit each floor not lean than 8,000 anrface feet. Large j ard-room desirable. Ad dress I>. B FULLER, Buffalo, Mew fork, ja!6-3t stating particnlars of location.* M WANTED—A DWELLING FOR two months, os a term of years. Address C- If tXWkLIt jal3-3iif Care of B. E. cor, CHIBTKUT and ELEVENTH. ASSISTANT QUARTEBMAS aaaShTEB'B OFFICE, No. arc South THIRD Bt., Philadelphia. Dec. 24,1864. Vessels wanted to load with coal for Hewbern, H. 0., and Key West, Ha. Despatch given . JOHN R. JENSTNGS, de26- tf Captain and A Q. M. FOR SAI.E AB.P TO LET. _ . SR FOR BALE—ELEGANT REST JhL DEHCE, Horth SEVENTH Stre-t. aboxe Brown, - M. D, LIVENBETTKB, It* lap South FOURTH Street. M HOTEL TO LET—THE HOTEL, Stabling and large Yard, adjoining tbe Fair-mount Market, TWBHTY-SBCORD , and SPRING GARDES Streets. Inquire of the Superintendent in the mar ket. ■ It* «JQ «nn —SEVEN 11 SILVER MO sPUjOv/Lt. HBT’ ’ ground rente of JMOO each, 'wellsecnred. for sale. JHAYS CARSO tr.4aB LIBRA- Rk Street, I o. 3 Me {cantile Library Bmlding, It* FANCY FURS. 1864. *™ 3 *' 1864, 1L & *. I. WOMRATH, QCSBBOXB TO THE DATS QKQ. I. WOMBAT*.. Wo. 415 Arch Street, un *ow tn> A FULL ASSORTMENT OF IWUJIES’ FANCY PUB?, . To whiih ihay tnvlt. flu *tu*tto»of burnt. 0.21-Jm RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIBA, No. TIE ARCH Btnsl, above Serenti Street, , At M* old established store, t* IMPORTER, MANUFAf TUBER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOB LADIES AND CHILDBKN. 1 Havin, now in .tore a very large and beautiful assort meit. ot all the different kinds and opali tins of FA NCI FOBS FOB LADIES’ AND CHILD KEN’S WEAR, ) solicit a call from those in want. Remember flu name and nnmbei, JOHN FARTITRA, TIB ABOH Btre»t. above Seventh. I bare no yartner or eonneetion with any otnsr ston in tbis sttr. oatdraif COPABTIVEHSHIPB. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYS A THIS DAY , . . formed a Copartnership, under tba name and firm of HALL * YSZIN, , for the purpose of Hosiery, sic., at no. 1734 North SECOND U EVEBBTT D. HALL, OSCAR VBZIN. TmujULTHTA. January 16,1865. jal6-3t* THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAY A associated with himself WH. H. H. HUGHES,and will continue the Dry Hoods Commission Business, at No. al6 CHESTNUT Street, under the firm of DUN CAB & CO. W. T. H. DUNCAN. PHILADKI.FHIA. January 2,1885. js2 lm WM. G. COCHRAN & CO.* 324 WAL TT BUT Street," be* lease to caH the. attention of their friends and the pnblic xeneraUy,to their fine stock of WISES, LIQUOBS, and GIHABB: particularly toeir old MADEIRA and SHEKKY WINES, and BE ANDIES, , which they have been accumulating for thirty years, Which they now offer for sale, with a view it retiring ft on the business. They also offer the STORE for BENT, Which m one of the best locations in the city. Pbilaof.i.phta, Jan. 10, 1885 . ' jal2-6t* UE6AL. T7STATE OP JOSEPH WAYNE, BE- X!i CEA*ED. —Letters testamentary upon the estate of Joseph Wayne, deceased, having been granted to tlie undersigned, all persons'indebted to said estate are reane&tedfto make payment, and those having claims against the same will pretent them without delay, to Jacob exebick, . JOSEPH WAY NS, Jb.« Executors, jal6-6t* No. »ff Sooth FOUSTE Street. GALLERIES. „ JAMEB S. EAIU.E & SONS, NO. 816 CBOESTSUZ STRBEX, i Have just received the following Royalties, per "Sax* onia:” NEW PAINTINGS, By Von Seben, Be Beuel. Meyeaheiru, Rngelhardt* BiUemSr Paul Weber, and others. NEW ENGRAVINGS. Choice subjects in Line, Mezzotint, and Stipple NEW PHOTOGRAPHS, After Melsson|er« Merle, and other distinguished Ar tiste, superbly finished in oil colors, fac similes of the originals. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE OIL KEGTONS. RBW GHKOMO-LITHOGSAPHS IST GREAT VAHIErY. EARLE’S aAJWLERmS, ja!6 6t No, 816 CHESTNUT Street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—THE place to pxurchat eisst B F. REIMER’S ; his * Uck embraces a fine assortment of improved styles, ana at prices to suit 624 ABCS Street It* XTAVE made AT B. F REIMER’S u a luperior portrait; life sice pbotograph. artls-.l cally colored in oil by artists of rare ability Go eary; days short. Galley 624: ARCH Street. ML T>EIMER’S ADMIRED AND POPU XV j aT styles likenesses colored photographs; the style suited to the times, acouraie, durable, and ciiwp. Only fl CO. SFCOwP Street, above Green- It* fML STOCKS.—FOR SALE - 100 V/ shares BOCK OIL, 600 shares Ho* BOLDT, 6* MAPLE AMBER- 100 WBITZEL. All hinds of stock, bought and sold by ,»§« c ,?,&M§Vr§ r e5 6l *i jaM-3t* 384 CHESTNUT Street. .A. SLEEPER’S UMBRELLA MA p bufaCTORY, MARKET Straei, one door above A. Tenth. ■ jall lit* THE cheapest and best place 1 IS THE CITY to get Hud Dresses. Plain or Faney Cava, is at Ho. 90* ABOH Street. joint* AT KEASONaALE PBIOBS. TCTTON SAXES, IN NEW TORE, CPECIAL SALE OF 5,289 GABES OF K?THE VERY FIBBBT CLASS CLARETS. SABTERffS. HOCK, eHAKPATOHB, MADEIRA, PORT, SHERRY; BRABDY, BOUBBOH WHISKY, CLUB-HOCSE HIM, ftc. - HENRY M. LEEDS ft MINER wit 1 -ett on WEDNES DAY, January I6th,at theif Sulesro No. 03 LIBER TY Street, a few doors west from BROaDWaY, at U o'clock, the entire stock belonging to Me&srs' W. 8* CORWIN ft CO., of this city, every article guaranteed as imported in every particular. Among the celebrated Wines, &*., are those of the fol lowin c welj -known Houses: 61S caßßaCEareta, Barton ft Guestier vintage, JLBSI to n cafes White Wine. do. do.' 1S». jSL do. Prince MeUemich Estate, Y teal. 776 do. Brandenbetg Freres Clarets. and White Wines. ' 110 do. P. A Munxu Hock Clarets. 154 do. D Liden, Kempf Bros.. G, Koch ft Co. r s Hocks. 2494 do. Paulding Madeira 1616@1827, Hor-ry CUr. J. Howard March ft Co. .Reserve ft Biandy, ChilUnicworto. ft Sons, and Osborn & Co. 5 s Ports. Berton ft Guestier Brandy, 1816@1fi64. Martel ft Co %V. P. Hennessey, ftc. t do. „ Old Bourbon, Pale Sherry, W. 8. C. Club Giu, kc. Samples as above momiagof sale: * it AMUSEMENTS. \TEW CHESTNUT- BT. THEATRE, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. MONDAY EVENING, January 16, . Engagement for Only of the EMINENT AMERICAN TRAGEDIAN, _ JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH, Who will make hie FIRST APrEAEaNGE IN THIS CITY on the evening above named* as tbe _ . DUKE OF GLOSTEE, In Shakspeare’s Tragedy, in 6 acts, called , • eicbaed the third, suppcited by the - FULL STRENGTH OF THE REGULAR COMPANY. The evening’s performance will conclude with the BoaringFarca called TO PARIS AND BAGK FOR AN. Samuel Snozzle Mr. Walter Leaner FRIDAY EVENING. BENEFIT OF J R BOOTH. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. 18, EXTRA GRAND FAMILY MATINEbI WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, f W IMMENSE SUCCESS O? THE DAVEHFORT- WaLLaOK ALLIAMCK THIS {Honda?) EVENING!. Jan I* THE WITCH WIFE, . THE WITCH WIFE. „ A Tale of Malkin Tower. Matthew Hopkins..- Mr. J. W. Wallaefc; Mercbmonc Weidham. Mr. E. L Davaupoia CecliHoward—-•••••, Mies Rose Kjtioge The performance will conclude with • _ - LITTLE 10DDLEKIH8. Box office open from 8 till 3 o’clock. Doors open M tor. M rs - JOHN DKEW’S NEW ANffly "A STBEET THE4TK& „ OS MB AND MISS B.ICHINS3. MOKJJATrTDKStIiT.WEDNKSB » Yaud THUBSDAY „ THE EBCBCAHTEEBS. ' Stella (the Eachantiess) 0. BleUnw 8gni1r..... Mr. Peter BleSS** Porpartienlers of music. Sc., eee Mila PBIDAY, BEBEFIT OP MISS BICHUtGS. Seats secured tlx dare in ad ranee. VEBTVALI LUND THEATRE, V brtweon fourth a»d Fifth. ll, 1855, Comic Opera in Four Acte. BABTOBL* aKd Ciolf ***« the direction of Mi. A. performance commences at 8 o’clock. THE GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, J- ■ WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH Equestrian Director. Mr. V. H. ROBSTGW Master of fcbe Circle .-Mr. FRANK WHITTAKER. NEW FACES! NEW SCENES!! GRAND DISPLAY OF EQUESTRIAN, ACROBATIC. AND GYMNASTIC TALRftT* By decidedly the beet and most artistic Company In the . World! * The Management begaleare to announce the appear ance of the celebrated Mr. D. B. STONE, the PeooLa** Jester; alsd, Mr. LEE POWEDL, the treat Jester Co mlque;wl*o, Messrs. MURRAYaod BUTCSENSON, the pleataat Gymnasts. Professor BUTDHIKSON and hia wonderful and well trainedDOGS. vltMf c^?SSl:^ln E D N o z !^ BSO « raBKB - 1 8 i9 - BtrzK aiii SOPHY, dariEg and faßsfott'ing Ettaastritmn«,iii single and doable acta of horsemanship* will appear during the week. The performances will close -with a laughable enter* iainment—a pantorairmeextr&vaganza—ansi tied BILLY BOTTOff: 08. THE UNFORTUNATE TAILOR’S VISIT TO BRADFORD. The character of Billy BttCiun u-;?i be personated by Mr. FRANK WHITTAKER, Master of riie Circle. ADMISSION—First tier, 50 cents; second tier, 85 cents, private boy, ssand $5, as to size and location. Performance commences every evening at 7.40: on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 2% o’clock. jalff-flt SPECIAL CABD TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. CHARLES WARNER having’ disposed of his In ieiestin the GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, the under rigsed deems it her duly to the public to say that aha has withdrawn from the position of Directress of.tae establishment. In making this announcement she avails henelf of ihe opportunity afforded of returning her most hearty thanks to a kind and generous pubiie for the very liberal support given her in discharging the arduous duties of the profession. The Circus will be continued by a firm of genrirmen of experience, who will devote their energie i to 'maintain the popularity off the establishment, already gained for it under the pro vion- managament, Respectfully. .ialfr3t . M, A. WARNER. POHOBRT Hall. , - Vy GOTTSCBALK’S . POSITIVE FAREWELL. 'SIGNOR MUZIO has the honor to informthe citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity that he has succeeded fat making arrangemex ts with the world-renowned. Pianist and great Composer. L. M GOTT3GHALK,. to give a series of Grand Concerts ia the principal cities of the United States prior to his departure for Havanfc. and Mexico MR GOTTSCHALK’S FAREWELL CONCERTS in Philadelphia will take place on THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, January 19th and 20th. Signor Muzto also takes great pleasure to announce that he has recured the pervlces of the following mu sical artists to assist Mr GottscbaUr at these Conceitsi MISS LUCY SIMONS, the Young and Talented Cantatriee, (pupil or his)* whose unprecedented success during a eerie3.of Con certs in New York baa been cheerfully acknowledged by the press and enthusiastic public-' .The Celebrated Baritone. SIGNOR ARDAVANL SIGNOR MUZIO. —.Musical Director and Conductor. ' Tickets, One Dollar. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. Ticket Office open, commencing Tuesdav. January 171 »t 3. GOULD’S MUSIC STORE. tiEVEHTH and CHEST NUT Streets, where seats can be secured for either eva niug. Doors open at 7X. Concert to commence at 8. jalS gfc “PHYSICAL CULTURE. X HOCEST; HEALTH, STBENQTH. CHEEBFCLJfBSS. Tli© Light Gymnastic st THE HATATOEIUM AND PHYSICAL UfSTCTUTfi. Classes for Little Girls and Little Bore. Glasres for Hlsies. Glasses for Young Ladle*. Claeses for Ladies and Gentlemen. Classes for Boys. Classes Byeiy Day? good Music, and T „ Kind attention to all. _The Last Bexulsr Quarter of the Season begins MOST BAY, the 23d, and the days following,acoording tooi&ss. Por particulars,»ee Circular or apply at the Office. * • ai9 Sooth BKOAJP btreet. ja!6-5t - GKATING, SKATING.—THE UNIOSf SKATING PARKS, FOURTH and DIAMOND Sts., are now in excellent condition.fur Skating, Open daring the day, and Illuminated from 7 to 10 this evening*. A fineßraas Band in attendance to enliven theecsne. A GBAND FANCY DRESS BALL and Musical Car nlf|dT given on ract THUSSDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING, Weather pdfifiittinf. AU scholars, with, many gupeenbers, have pledged themselves to be pre sent in Fancy Costume. * Fancy Skating costumes kept for hire. It* M, O. CAMPBELL, Proprietor,' RATIONAL SKATING PARK, TWBN ■k* TY'-FdltSTand COLUMBIA Avenue. —Ice in perfect condition. Brilliant attendance every vening Near est Park to the city. Only 20 minutes ride from Ninth and Arch, Douglass* Brass Band in attendance After noon and Evening. it* CIGNOE BLITZ WILL SHORTLY O CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Great demonstrations in NECROMANCY; SPIRITUAL* IBM ILLUSTRATED, and the WONDERS OF VEN TRILOQUISM INTRODUCED. Grand Entertainment EVERT EYENTNG, commencing at ,J% o’clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at S. Comprising the mysteries (ft the Past and Present Age. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. Beservefi seats, 50 cents j>a A SSEMBLY BUILDING. XX MATINEE MUSICALS By the Philadelphia CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB; EVERY WEDNESDAY, idSP.M Tickets at the Door, Fifty Cents each. de3l-smtaw <f fJEBMANIX OKCHBBTRA.—PUBLIO V* REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3X o’clock P. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. .Single Tickets. SB cents. & Six Tickets, $1; to be had at Gould’s, Andre's* and Meyer’s Mneic Stores, and at the Hall. no7-tf nPH® ACADEMY OF FINK ARTS* JL CHESTNUT Street, nboye Tenth, is OPEN DAJLT fur yielture, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. j e 36 BOARDNe. t?ib&t-c£ass board can be had x at tke Old U. S Hotel. 413 CHESTNUT Straot, This house has no bar. Charges moderate. A largo room, fronting on Chestnut street, handsomely farnten ed* will be vacant onHonday. ja!4-3t* EDUCATIOSAL. nPBB MOST SUCCESSFUL- COMBIER -i- CIAL INSTITUTION IN THE COUNTRY. THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE now tuxpaesei in the extent of its accommodation* and the number of its students any similar institution in the State. YOUNG MIN desiring to qualify themselves for positions of trust and honor by the acquirement of a. knowledge of thosa branches of study, which form aa essential part of every business man’B education, will - find at this institution superior advantages for attaining their object. THE BEST EDUCATED TEACHERS. Patrons may rely upon the faet that none bat gentle men of education, asknowltdged ability, and business experience are engaged &b instructors, and in this re spect the institut on stands as a rare exception among sehcols of this kind. ' PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION. The system of instruction is arranged and carried oat upon a plan which secures ail the aav&ntagds of actual practice in the counting house, and a thorongh know ledge of the details and routine of business in general. THSOBETICAL DEPARTMENT. An improved course of instruction, simplifying and. reducing to the most practical basis the science of ac counts and incidental branches. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, Theories applied in practice by the actual, representa tion of busines* transactions, buying, selling, and de livering goods by sample.conducting a bank, and deal isgwitb It in the reiuiar order of business; introducing in each transaction all the formulas required In ac ual business, and rendering the student perfectly familiar with that which ev*ry man. no matter what hie occu pation Is to be, mu 4 understand in order to manage his own or othe-s' affairs with skill and intelligence. Illustrated Circulars and Catalogues can be had on applicat.on at the Office, TENTH and CHESTNUT streets. ; : ja!6 2t* TJUFHS ADAMS, TEACHER OF BLO -IJk cbtion, No 665 North THIRTEENTH Straot. FROM PKOFBSSOR.nAUNBERS. COUBTiAND SvUBDERj IfISWTIITB. Mr. Rnfoa Adams having, for some time past, been a Teacher in this Sepiinary, I take pleasure ia recom mending him to the public as a Evader of verv remark able power*, and a very superior Teacher of Elocution. jalg-mwfSt* . ED. SaUNDERa TWTBS. A. B. DUNTOK COHTIHUBSi "I to receive FdJdls in PENMANSHIP, in all its: branches at herraom** 130^CHESTNUT St. jali-O^ -PRIVATE TUITION IN ENGLISH, JL FEBNOH, SPANISH, »ni HE SEE W, by a teacher Af thirty years' practice. Unexceptionable reference* givenT HENRI NATHAN, 8119 RAGE St. jail wfihSt" X>USrNESS PBJKMANBHIF—EYSK* X> TNG ECHO iiL.r A three months' course in Penman* ship will commence on MONDAY EVENING, tbe ICsh, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 8. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets (en trance on Tenth street). Those who desire a rapid andj finished Handwriting can acquire it by attending tnia. School. The of business writing ia taught in itspu»ity by a genuemAn trained by the au thor, Mr. P. R. SPENGBR - . 38lV», V7ILLAGE GRBKN 1 ' SKMINAJSy.-^.- I M'LITABY fiOABDINO SCHOOL, fotu mUms tram MEDIA, Pa. Thorwnsk conrws ia Miasmatic. Clauie., Nataral Scieaoes, aad Engliali: .js&Mioai Im* sobs iD.Civil.E»srineeriiri. Papils raoeivod at.any ttw. ana of alt aria, and enjoy the benefitsof a home. Bj. fe> *to John Ir Canp A 50n,23 Sonth Tiuxfijstraet; Thca, f. 01ayt<S. E6q.. Vuth and Prnno str«i«- eij-Sheri* Kevsi. '.wa others. AJ6r»ws Bev. J. BBBYBY HaR. TON. ATM . VILLAOK GREEN. Peaaja. noS-3a a CHANCE TO AVOID THE DRAFT. jV Principals Ftmlshed .with Sabstlrttes at the shortest notice, and at low-nricoa. JOHN-MAICSFIELH SCO. O®c«4O3LIBBABY Bt., second story, Jesft-lm* r*ARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING. V> it BNowtiy , ntnws. 111 ■ wmmu," DEPARTMENT FOB CIP3TOSI SOBSa