f,TsoMncl£ Has removed bis otfloo ffe'm 89 North ** street, tows NSW STORE, &!a ct of Sixth and Commerce streets. ooseoMeTioN. The Three Remedies. ~ s. 'jeticU'a Pulmonlo Syrup," for the onre of Colds, Bronchitis, and every form of Con* The peculiar aotlon of this medlolna t he oloors in tlie lungs, promotes the dls- Ceor the corrupt matter by expectoration, ptt , tl ,o blood, and thus oures Consumption, when !t “ r , otter remedy rails. .ihench’s Sea-Weed Tonlo,” ror the oure of Ignsla or Indigestion, and all diseases arising This'tqnlolnvigorates tbo digestive jj, supplies the place of the gastrie jnlee when and then enables the patient to ihtjt tte ® Mt nutritions food. It Is a sovereign raedy f° r * u ca “ Bot Indigestion, ustiienck’* Mandrake Pills,” ono or the most inplilo medicines ever discovered, being a voge* (> bis substitute for calomel, and having alt the use. J.-tojeitles ascribed to that mineral, without pro* * jjpK any of Its Injurious effects. tlose three medicines Dr. J, H. Sohenek, of Ptllulclptla. owes Ms unrivalled suesess In the Ltmcnt of Pulmonary Consumption. The Pul. pnic Syrup ripens the morbid matter, discharges f sod purifies the blood. The Mandrake Pills act ~o the liver, remove all obstructions therefrom, !L the organ a healthy tone, and oure Diver Oom- Lat, which is one or the most prominent oauses : f The Sea-Weed Tonlo invigorates * powers of the stomach, and by strengthening fe digestion and bringing It to a normal and healthy Liitfon improves the quality of the blood, by means tbe formation of ulcers or tuber* Ljntholungs becomes impossible. The combined ~U<m of those medicines, as thus explained, will ' 0 e ;ery case of consumption, if the remedies mused in time, and the use of them Is persevered jiefficlentiy to bring the oase to a favorable ter* jlsatlon. SB, J. H, 80HKS0K ~ Lie coESulted at his Principal Office, corner of „ t h and Commeroe, every Saturday, from 9 A.M. ' t ii ip, M. For a thorough examination with the spirometer he oharges $B, hut all adviee gratis. medicines are for sale by all druggists and (jlora. jali-at ins varying tempxratorr of the season Is ...jilly producing CoWb, doughs, and Pulmonary 'jertlons of all hinds. Persons with weak lungs mid now be especially careful; and what may tcs trifling Coughs and Colds ought to have lm itiHtte attention. The careless Indifference which mlt! for “ a cold to go as It came,” io many oases cults in laying the seeds of Consumption. For cch nenloct of one’s health there Is no exouse, as i,. u. Mne's Expectorant can be readily procured, cd its long'established reputation Is one guarantee [ its tUiroryi as a most valuable remedy for all louabs and Colds and Pulmonary Affections, Sold yirjwbers. jal2-2t Ko Lady’s Toiebt Oomtlbtb unless there he jo fragrant Sozodont; unto the breath sweet odors j imparts, the gums a ruby redness soon assume, i« teeth quick rival alabaster tint, and seem as Karls set In a coral vase. Sold by all druggists and flamers. Ja9-mwl3t Tas St. Lawrhnob Hotbl continues open, as sretofore, for the entertainment of guests, who ill still find therein the superior comforts and at etlon for whloh this House has always been dlstln ilihed. jao-ut Bobdbaia’s Abwioa Lihiment, an mralllbls >r» for burns, soaids, sprains, rheumatism, gum mt wounds, Ac. A single application allays the sis from a burn the Instant It Is applied. Ho faint ■ should be wlthont it. dols-lm Er®, Eab, and oatabkh, successfully treated j,T. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, 611 Pine st. rtltloial eyes Inserted, No charge for examination, ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Tike Cow B Yeech, Fenna oiJB Kidder, USA [ph; W L Bomnson, USA li castle, Chicago Goldsmith, New York ALampiDg® Ohio Unibfm. Wheeling Heiisteia, New York Koss. New York S Clement, Harrisburg M Smart, Central City 7i WMensjyer, lowa Jointer, OU City Bel jv Chicago A Eohs. Chicago „ r a 0 Egbert, Mercer, Fa L Miller, Cincinnati ’ Tabbott. Ft Wayne ttnentals E B Wright, Detroit H C Fish, Beverly, 0 0 A Badly. Pittsburg JCBichardson. Cincinnati D W Gale. Chicago T P Van Wyck, Chicago J W Paxton, Oil City H 0 Garwood, New York S M Jacobus, Pittsburg JB. Jones, Pitt&burg W L Campbell, Heading H J Hopper, Jersey City Edw Hopkins, Virginia OB MoLellan, U SA. A Piper, Winchester A Eimendorf Ala, NY J W Moore, New York B Cummers. Germantown C E Cogswell. New York W Barbour, Massachusetts J 0 Korajback, New York Geo W Siater, Pottsville S A Houghton, Bath J O Parker, Boston __ W McCracken,.New York A£ Madge, Baltimore W FBume, Detroit A Strong & da. Button Geo Vlning, Boston A G Coffin, New York HLFos er A la. New York J H Hall, New York W E Day & la. Wmstmrg A L Brown, New York J 8 Leeds* New York B R Biddle, New York FW Belmer, New York TFuller, Bew York © Kraunfela, New York H Werfcheimler, New York G Hiess, New York TT Thompson, New York W S Hopkins. Baltimore A P Sterling, New York H Jjßarber A la, New York G W Johns W D Patterson, N J N Seitzlnger, Tamaqua H L Cake, Tamaqua O G Terry, Hartford W Keney, Hartford OShoaff, Ft Wayne 5 Granger, Pittsburg ua N Boyer, Chicago EBaker, USA Wallace, Jr, Brownsville fßGapen. Waynesburg Corbin, New York, K Wheeler, Deposit, If Y B Underwood, New Tor* ri J J Henry, Cleveland jha Thomas, Fessa Bszensburg, New York 6 Heir .Washington B Oiffln, Jr, New York Qiifia, New York i<> Francis Train# Wash WChealine, New York C Potter, D 8 A _ Carpenter, New York 5 Archer, New. York M Boatwick, City Point A Morrison, New York 0 Lapsham & wf. S Y 1 Perdicaie, Trenton ot Barton, USA A Frben, Lancaster [rDmioan. Fenna Hvles, New York t W Fierce, Virginia TEHe, New York - FE Wells, New York ipt C L Ballard, USA M Platt, Ohio W Capes, Boston Urard* G G Eagle & la. Marietta Jfrs F A Sharswood, Penna Hiss M siopp. Allentown It H Gross, Allentown MraM South, Pittsburg D Bowers, New York H IS Brian! & la. Mains J Lord, Tltusyille C R Baer, lanoaster WC Horabeak, lowa H 3 Meily, Middletown Mrs Eendig, Middletown * Mies Kendig, Middletown ' A Noble, Penna • . A Blodgett, New York I Hash & ia, New York l J F Anderson, Delaware V Barnes, New York Mis* M Knolls, New York B-C Pope, U 8 M W Barion, Mass G Simmons St wf» Del Hon WMBacole Hon M B Lowry, Brie, Pa C P Thatcher, Desatar, 111 G Cilley, U S N Jacob Yandegrlft, Del to^fSewYork Mrs Mulllken & ch, Balt IB B Allan, Delaware H Lee. Pittsburg B D Atiiger, Jamaica, LIE Geo A Clara, New York r Mrs H BElwell, New York [ A A Sterling, New York Thos Gumming _ IBobt H MoKnne, Soranton The CH t 0 Stephens, IT 8 A < J Wood. New York G Cattell, IT Jersey : Frink, Cleveland BUI Barton, Jr, Chester FMaltby, Coim Hobbißs,N>w York H Poet, Baltimore , Millikan, Hollidaysburg F Huff, Altoona Griffith* Mercer WClingan, Oil City Jamison, Wmaport LAUlck, Lancaster fcott, Huntingdon, ' Dorris, Jr, Hantingdon t H Brindle* Penn a Wallace, Jr, Brownsv’e S Lemon, fit Joseph, Mo is SB McCay &eh» Pa > nek Johnston . . In M Moore. Maryland nld Bair, Lancaster .0 Middleton, W Va y Brooke. Pottsvllie I Poole, Baltimore .!- M McClare, Penna 'a Parsons, Lock Haven it Maguire, Huntingdon j M Gibson & la, Altoona t Im £ Gill Aland, Penna V Ross, Doylestown as Waaon, Maryland I dlb I* Phipps, W Chester m Bowler. Cleveland I Parker, New. York Hoxets, McKean co I leriean, J A McGowan, Wash W S Deakyne, Delaware O W Heydrlck* Penna S H Lee, New Jersey Capt 0 A Parsons A Nile*, Delaware Hiram Hudson, Scranton Walter Carr, Penna D K Goudy & la, N Y W A McNulty WD Hale Z Basdorff, Schuylkill co John Mahoney, New York H W Mcßride B D MeGonegal, Dover Judge Harrington, Dover A MBatnbo, Columbia W G Rambo. Columbia C H Webb, Boston B Sonvall, Boston John Pyne, New York The A” ?F Skinner,Maw York B Samoa, Bridgiport M Alcken St la Chester oo H stoodbnm, Baltimore .T Buck, Worcester 'Cleaver, Delaware E Lyons, Hew York, TMUchgack- Bethlehem Bfilulford, Jr, N S eo Bedford, Pottsviile ekn A Craig, Ohio P Stratton, Salem, N J E Williams, Delaware i Headman, Delaware H Daniel, Pennsylvania r Miller, Boston K Pickering & la. N J l it Lambert. Mnec&tlne Csrhart. Maryland I I Lincoln Birdsboro ,J Kingston, USA Ih C Kinston, Herriit’n •cbsnt&*» The Mer ■ * Colling, New York C C/esson, Norristown , J Bowman, Virginia ■J Taylor. Back* co ■lent E H Pales. New York HStrodtman, Baltimore ■tos Scbrock, Somerset, Pa 1 Beabm, D 8 A > Us Kennedy ’in B Shngers, Washlngtn C Cooibaugb, Miadlttwn iin Smith [BO Blcbardson a Cummings Us P Williams w , semyDnmott, New York w Thompson New York 'rWH DaJy, White Hall l Meaner, Ohio * A Hanna, St Lords ' K Rose, Allentown , Us Brodhead, Bethlehem o»wa. Penna H Keith, Boston V voorhfes, Easton ,B Bkli & la, Loek Haven Uary Olucas.-New York S Westcott& wf, Mahanoy Wm Patton, Columbia, Pa Geo B Sch&um A la,Lane C Clark, New Castle . JNPniliips, Newcastle J T Phillips, New Oastle D J White. Cmcinnati B F Patterson, New Jersey HA Guernsey, Oil Creek J F Blake, Waterbury, Con Jobn H Phillips, Penna WWWeninser „ B Tomlinson, New Jersey J Gemmil, Newcastle W H McDougail. N York J M Clouston Virginia W J Maderia, Penna Sami 8 Shirk, Freeport Mrs M C Elmer, Bridgeton B Wilson. Newborn, Pa Sami Goxd, Freeport J S Hacker, Lancaster - Mrs A V Lyon, Bellefonte Bond Valentine, Belle fonte Chas Weston A la, Boston Jas Verner. Pittsburg Thos Moore, Pittsburg H ShlrlB. Pittsburg John A Lockwood, N Y tmercial. L H Evans & wf» Fa o Buffington, Chester co J H Johnson. Fa M Yoßt, Meohanicsburg 8 N sJumraa,Mechauicsbrg WK Lockwood, Delaware E Fennypacker.Pa A M Chalfant, Pa A F Weisel, Doyiestown W B Leas, Huntingdon co N P Brower, Doyiestown C K McDonald, Oxford W F Doncan, l(|i nater ABB&un, Bedford county RLPjle, Peuuiylyania 9 0 Finley, Delaware The Com Crothers, Pittsburg W fimelker. Pa B F Barton, Delaware lisa E ShnrxoanD, Pa .lent B P Groff, u 8 A l Davis Easton W*U, Easton M FVanarsdale, Maryland W Vasandalen. Pa - > Dnrm, Huntingdon _ IW Kuhn, Bacas eo, Pa [LLambereßr, Pa ■ H Harris, Lane co. Pa ‘Cox, Chester co, Pa. ) Bengali, Salem. Ohio drs H Bonsall, Ohio - & Caiothers. Pi d Eagle. D N Eller, GherryviUe P Oplinger, Danielsviile FTSbaly OS Ball, Quakertown T W Roberson, Doyiestown H L Edmonds, Easton Beuban H Scfe out, Penna EMohr Jas A Keek, Allentown M H Haokman, Allentown The Bal< Jos Kemmerer. Monroe co »iethennan, Monroe co L-Ug Keck, Allentown ! Hottenstlne, Allentown ‘"bert Dubb *,Allentown istiry W Kemmerer. Pa /, f fr Lyad, Allentown \ Eifilinger, Allentown r r.'^ er » Penna V 1 b Kranre, slatington, Pa ta Stern, CherryvUle Mllson. A B McKeever, Pa • _ Geo. W Rank,Stockton,N J W Roblnton, N Castle* Del Miss Robinson, NCastle, Del Wilson D Large, Pa Alfred Biaker, Newtown M Smily, Stroudsburg Jobn F aLen, Wilm, Dd RE Lynch Saj d Taylor, Md Gregory, Troy, Pa Howman, New Hone g unllen, lJovei. Del . Kf 1 Cul'en- Dover* JDel fy!'S Dolby, Dover. Del 1 Weeden 4 la. HJ SfS Q .W> Now Hope ISfltb* Books co, F»., I’aUonlislß.lowlst'wn ley Sheaf. J Yancamp, Horaevilla Amos Grlgr, Bratleton Jas Palmer, Bucks co J B Parry, Attleboro EW MoOlean, Middletown Job Bennett .Way mart 8 8 Shock. Waymart ChM Beeves, aew Jersey Tfce Barit fee! Hows, Pennsyltrania Cheltenham A Rodman, Bancocaa Hanoocai J h tSm! 1 ’ Oheltanham tH.wmiaiaa, PhUa • Y ‘ Hoaahooto. HetrTotk- ok Bear. . |Benj Wagner, Columbia so JaiTk Tyson. Dover, Del A BWnberger, Allentown John Nicola, Allentown Jonas Raub, Allentown Hiram yerkes.jeukitttown J Kohl. Nuckauixon. Pa Aaroa Kohl, Nookantxon Xbe Bbu ‘>?Ke«er, Kenlnerßylli, to* ~ «owmas, FreelanJ, Pa ra Union. C A Mcstrorat, Greene co.Pa n a Mestrezat. Jr, Peaoa WJHousltalder, Senna W Tallay. Danphin, Feaaa JB Howard, Boston BP Gore ■ . D Hinton. Xoaia, Ohio J H Bitehte, "Ha s. Del Join Lloyd, Hew Jersey , The suit KWle«l.r t Troy, 3N Y f flnrphv, Haw Fork V Eon let, Philadelphia i 5,., ? lnni6r ft la. Peaaa r,IWm. Hewark, Del 4 1? Johnson., N J ww ft I*’ 1 *’ Wltmlnk'n, Del Sr. &»’<». •'ary land 1 ftndrna, city Point The Flatrd Spoons and Yorks, of ssveral uualltlos of Platini, andflTory-handlod Tabl* Cutlery, ftrealeby TRUMAN S BHAW, No. 835 (Bliht Thirty-live) MARKET Street 11 b»low Ninth. Soapstone Griddles are used without Grease, and, therefore, do not fill your honao, with an unpleasant smoko. A variety of sizes of those. And alao of thoio made of Iron, and Cako Paddles and Cake Pans, for sa oby TRUMAN Sc SfIAW, No 835 (Eight Thirty five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. It E. McClain’s Cactus Gbandiplorib ; OR. NIGHT-BLOOMING CEBITS -We believe it to be the only genuine extract in the market, it being made from one of the most baautifUl and fragrant Sowers of, the Cactas tribe; also, hia now extract Queen of the Meadows, Perfect Love, and other choice extracts of the toilet. Prepared by W. E. McClain, No. 33ft N. SIXTH Street. N.B.—A liberal discount given to wholesale deal er*. ' delSlm Hair Dye ! Hair Dye ! BATCHELOR’S HAIR BYE Is the best In the world. The only true and perfect Bye-harmless, Instantane ous, and reliable) produces a splendid Black or Natural Brown; remedies the 111 effects of Bad Dyea, andfre qnentlv reitore. the original color. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed W. A. BATCHELOR'. 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. ja2-mwfrly & Co.’s ffffff MASON A HXMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. PIANO Over 500 each of these fine CABINET YORTEB. Instruments have been sold ORGANS. PLANO by Mr. G., and tha demand CABINET FORTES. is couatautlr iucreasTug. ORGANS. PIANO Tor sale only by CABINET PORTES. J. B. GOULD. ORGANS. PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. CABINET PORTES. nol»-tf ORGANS. Overcoats prom $l4 to $55. Overcoats, OVERCOATS JKOH Ilf to #55. OVERCOATS. •• •« •• IRC OATS FROM $l4 to $56. OVERCOATS. WANAMAKBB St BROWN, OAK HALL# 8. X. «oraar SIXTH and MARKUP Stregte. 89*Touxuc Meu's Suits aud elegant variety of thl best claw Clothing at RBASONABLI PRIONS. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premium 10CK-BTITCM Salewoome* 704 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh, DENNY—MORGAN.—Januamt 10th, by Rev. D. L. Gear, Barcley M. Denny to fKzlnia Morgan, both of Philadelphia. * * AkBEy—WATSON,—On the 6th instant, at Newark, N. J., by Rev. James NT. Dickson, William Ayres, of Philadelphia, and Miss Kate F. Watson, daughter of the late J Nolntosh Watson, of Toronto, O. W. [To ronto papers please copy. 3 * GREGG—IUNGEEICffi. —Oa Thursday morning, the 12th instant, by the Rev. Thomas With*, J. Z, Gregg and Emma, daughter of Louis-C. luagarion. * SMITH —At Burlington, N. J., on the morning of the 15th last., Mrs. Fannie Nesbitt, wife of Charles P. Smith Her relatives and friends are .invited to attend the funeral on Monday, the 16th inst., at 2 o’clock, from her hatband’s residence, No 23 Bast Union street. *** BAUOH —Near Downlngtown, on the llth instant, Ciara, daughter of Joseph and Maria Jane Biugh. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited t j attend* the funeral on Monday# the 16th inst, at 2 o’clock P. M- \ Carriages will be at the depot to meet the train that leaves west Philadelphia a« S o’clcck a. M- ** HJSNDBBSON. —ln Nashville, Tenn-, Dec. 27, 1864, of rheumatism of the heart. Dr. J. Ml Henderson, of Hospital No. 11, late surgeon in charge of 19th Regulars, Dr. H. was a graduate of Jefferson College, of this Oily, and will be remembered as the young surgeon who went out with the 32d Pennsylvania Volunteers, in its first organization, since when he has bean almifrc constantly connected with the army. His untimely death will be regretted by many warm friends in Philadelphia. * 'BLIGHT.—On the morning of the Uth instant, at Devonshire Place, 3fr«. Marla Blight, widow of the late George Blight, in the 72d year of her age The funeral will take place on Saturdav morning at 10 o’clock, at the Ohurch of St. James the Less. *** BARRON.—On the 20th insfc ,at 3 A. M., after a short illness, of dlptieria, Annie Price Barron, daughter of James L. and Esther Barros, aged 5 years, 11 months, 10 days. Funeral to proceed to Laurel Hill. *** BASBON.—On the 10th Inst., at 10 IS A. M., after a short illness, of dintherla. George Collyer Barron, son of James L. and Esther Barron, aged 15 months and 2 days. Funeral to proceed to Laurel Hilt. *** FOULKE.—On Saturday, January 7, 1865, Richard Parker Foulke, son of William Parker Foutke and Julia Da Veanx Fonlke, aged 6 years and i months. ** STOTEBBURY-—At New Orleans on the 30th ult., William C. Stoteabury, of this city, in the 66th year of his age. * WHITE AND BLACK SKIRTS; $4.50. 1! —Just received, White and Black Striped Bal moral Skirts# ftill size, at $4.60 each. BESSON & SON, Mouniing Store, ja9-tf No. 91.8 CHESTNUT Street. H. B.—Skirting, by the yard, #1 to $1.87M. MOURNING BLANKET SHAWLS; $lO. HI- —Finest quality Black and Gray Woolen. Long Sb&Wls reduced to#lD (originalprioe#l3.so). BESSOA * SON. Mourning Stars, Jaß-tf Ho. 918 CHESTNUT Street. 18 6 5 -CARDER NSW IB6S< 100 Honey-Comb Quilts. 200 Colored Counterpanes. 1,000 Quilts for Hospitals. Fine stack of Blaakote, Toweie. Ac., Ac. EYRE & LAN DELL, ja!2 FOURTH aud ARCH Streets. THE RELIGIOUS MEETINGS AT OLIVET CHURCH. TWENTY-SECOND and MT VERSON Streets, continued. Dr. MARCH, THIS EVENING. . It* Bass** AS AMOUBNED MEETIJiU OP KISS' the Stockholders of the FRANKLIN LUBRI CATING Oil. COMPANY will he held at theofflraof the Company, Ho. SSA WALHUT Street, oa WED. HESDAY/January 18. at-lo’clock P.M BAMUB I, WAGNER, Js., jal3-8i« ' Secretary. AS ADJOIIBHBD SPICUh SES -BIOH OP THE GRAND DIVISION, SOHS'OF TEMPERANCE OP PENNSYLVANIA, will be held on SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. 14, ISM, at IXoolock, at 50%CHESTNUT Street. JOS. W. MARTIN, lt,*r 0. Scribe. SEIECX IIKAIIINGS Will. BE . iven at CONCERT HAM on WEDNESDAY EVENING. Dec. ISth, by Miss CORDELIA OAFPBUL and Mr. BICHABDBON, for the benefit of the " Work log Women's Belief association.'' Tickets SO cents. Can be procured at all the principal Mueic Stores. ja!3-fit* ; irrH=> FEEDXB DAH COAL COXPANY- Ias? OFFICE No. 333 South THIRD Street. Pm r.AOF.j.l’ii! a. Jan 12, ISIS. The STOOKHOLBBBS «F TBB COMPANY are re quested to call at this Office at once, to confer with the Officers in relation to a Proposition now under consideration. CHAS,' D. KNIGHT, Xt* . ’ Secretary. KS= SVSBAT CAB QJJESTAOS.—BIS- IiCS? CBSSION.pro and con. .TO-NIGHT,at Bo’clock, at THIRTEENTH Street and GIBABD Avenue. Dr. 8. M. LANDIS, Chairman. Ten minates each speaker. Ladles and gentlemeninvltedto speak. Admission free. Collection for the canse. A epiey entertainment. Go early for seats- H , ipsa JVOTICK SCBNCBIBEBS TO THE |S£? sto.k < f the • WESTBBN PENNSYLVANIA OIL COMPANY are hereby notified that their snbscriptions are now dne and payable on or before the 18th Inst, At the First Na- LOuYs MORGAN STERN. Treasurer P. T. iptg= YVIXI.I.IM LLOYD BABBISOM ISS? -ill deliver the first of a Course of Lactates be fore “THE SOCIAL. CIVIL, .HD BTATIS PI UAL AS SOCIATION OF THE COLOMp OF PENN SYLVANIA, "in CONCEBT HALL, Philadelphia, on MONDAY EVENING, January B. The subsequent Lectnrers will be Frederick Douglass. Rev. Salla Mar tin, Hon. W. D Kelley. J. Mercer Langston, Esq., and Mrs. P. B. Watkins Harper. Tickets. 25 cents. The Black Swan will sing on the occasion "Doors open at 6B o'clock: Lecture to commence at 8 o’clock. Tickets maybe lai of T. B PUGH, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, or any. of the undersigned Committee, or at the C. Wears, U. B. Vidal. Jacob C. While. Sr., S Morgan Smith, Jonathan C. Gibbs, Charles H Bustell, Stephen Smith, Beaman Faucet. J. 0. Bustffl, William R Price. Mortice Halt, WM STILL, jal3 3t» Chairman of Com, of Arraugements, OFFICE OF “THE HARRISON OIL COMPANY." No. 43L WALNUT Street. Ata meeting, of the STOCKHOLDERS of .the "HARRIi 80N OIL COSIIPANY, ” held January 9,1865 thafollow ini named gentlemen were duly elected Director! thereof, to serve for the ensuing year: George Williams, | Coffin Crtket, James W. Packer, I Charles D. Colladay, William Groves. _ At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the same day. GEORGE WILLIAMS was elected President and M. SFIEGLE Secretary and Treasurer. jalS St* M. SPIEQLE, Secretary. m~*EBF NAM< At the Annual Election fo the following gentlemen wei Bank for the imming year-T Augußtus Boyd, J B Hodgson, B. 8, Bathbnn, 0. H. Beach, G. H Cnmminfß, 8. G. Smith, * J. W. Bullock, . _ And at a meeting of the Bi BOYD, Esq., wasunanimov GH ja!3-2t Jnion. W p Emery,Flemlnßtn.irj J D Patterson, Easton J w goh'osser, Easton IB Gorton, raston. , fWßobl e.r.WilKwbajre SPECIAL NOTICES. VBRCOATB FROM #l4 to $66. OVERCOATS. • • 'it *« SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST. SIMPLEST, AND BEST. awtA.xis.Xßr>. DUDE), NOTICES. DXAL EXCBASf6( Jasu-art 10, 1865. or Directors, held this day* sre elected Directors for this ■yiz: . George A. Kohler. Alexander L. Cranford, John W Everman, Wm. Bumm* Charles Hillman* John Williams. card, this day, AUGUSTUS usly re- elected President. BOEGE J. HAMILTON, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE XSTERPftISE WiW IN6XTBAKGE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT St. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,1865. -At the annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company* held on the 9th day of January, 1805, the following gentlemen were elected Director* for the ensuing T««: p raTOHFOBD STARE, WILLIAM MCKEE, NALBBO FRAIZIEB, . . J. M. ATWOOD, . B T. TKEDIOK. MORDBCAI I». DAWSON, GEORGEH STUART, JOHN H. BROWS’, J. L. BKRIRGEB, GEORGE W. FAHKESTOCK, JAKES L CLAGHORN, WILLIAM G. BOULTON. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, F. RATCHFORD STARR was re-elected President, and THOS. H. MONTGOMERY re-elf cted Vice President. ja!2*6t B. LOCKWOOD, Secretary. BED PEOPLE AND RS.—At CONCEPT BALL. M- W. BALDWIN. Esq , ; o’clock, and the following shall ha time, willaddress THE COEO THB BTBJBJ OAI TO-MOBBOW BVBNIHO, will take the chair, at 7 H gentlemen, so far as there Alston, Robert Parris, J. Miller McKSm, Geo. K Earle, Abraham Barker, Bey. W. Smith, D. D., Key. Dr. Fara'ess. N. B. Browse, asd Cbarle# Gibbonp. Esq., Dr. Joseph Panish. Bey. Phillips Brooks, l jal2-2t rauBAXCE STATE OE PEEKS 1 CO HP ANY OF THE riiYANIA, „ Jashaey 11, 1865. have heen doly elected as The following gentlemen Directors ’or the year 18% Hoary D. Sherrerd, Charles Macalester, ■William S. Smith, William B. Waite, George H. Stuart, Samuel Grant, Jr., Thomas B. Watt son, Henir G. Freeman, Charles 0. Lewis, George C. Carson, _ Edmund C. Knight, Joknß, Austin. tors, held this day, HENRY raa unanimously re-elected ,I AM HARPER. Secretary. Tobias Wagner, At a meeting of ihe Dirac D. SBBKKEBD, Es*., Wi President of the Company •jal2-6t WILLI THE PIIIUDELPRIi SATIOS. Ali BASK. Philadelphia, January 11,186!, At the annual election for Directors, held yesterday, the following gentlemen were elected Directors or this Bank for the ensuing year: Thomas Eohins, howls P-. Ashhurst, John Welsh, Marshall Hill. J. L. Stringer, Ja». J- Clsgkorn. J. Gillingham Fell. And at tJje meet 105 of THOMAS BOBIfIS, B-d-, President, ja!2-6t NOTICE —OFFICE BUCK MOBS TAIN COAIi CO,, Philu elphia, Jan. % 1865, Tb« Aiioal Meettasjf toe Stockholders of thaßUOit MOUNTAIN GOAL COMP AN Y wlllba held at ttoOta of the Co id pa uy, No. Biisat, on WED NESDAY, Febtunry Ist. 1665. at lio’clooa A.M An tlecitoa for seven Directots to eerve tbe eaaaing y&r viill toe held f»o the 6as>h day, hetvreea the hoars ° jBS-IttNftM 4 * P ‘ **" T. fl. TBOXTEa, S6o»»W. Jgjgp- REV. HENRY WAXCO BEECHER'S Before (So Young Mon’a Christian Association, THURSDAY EVENING, Jan. 19, 1855. TICKETS forunreaerred 8eat5..................26 cents. Do. for reserved seats..«.-|..........-....6Doehts. To be had at 606 CHESTNUT Street, (Jtaxtan’s (for merlv Martlen’s) bookstore, on and after Monday next. jais-a THE NEXT DKAFT.-CITIZENS’ |UBSTITUTE.EEPBESBNTA T IVEy AND VOL UMTBEB AGENCY.—Wg beg leave to oali the attention oi those who are drafted, and these who are enrolled and liable to military duty, and also'that class of per sons who ore not liable to draft (ladies, and gentlemen over forty- five years), to our agency for procuring sub stitutes and volunteer representatives. Persons should attend io this important matter at once, as the draft has been fixed for the 16th of February next. We are doing a strictly legitimate business; we are furnishing men nod liable to the draft as substitutes* and representatives, as low. If not at lower prices, than any other agency In Philadelphia. The law allows ua-tc put substitutes in the Navy or Marine Oorps; to be credited to am district in the Slate where the-principal resides. To facilitate business, if persons living In or out of the city, who are enrolled, will turnish us- with a certtfi cate of their enrolment: from the Provoit Marshal of their district, they can have substitutes sworn into either branch of this service, which will folly exempt them from draft. Beference can be given, to ladies and gen.tlemen. in this city for whom we have done business Inthls line, end also in the following counties’ Chester, Delaware, Montgomery* Berks, Bocks, Schuylkill, and' Bor ch ampion. .£{. B.—Churches and Clubs furnished at (he lowest possible prices Liberal arrangements made with* Township Committees to fill quotas Call or address MoSALLf, paXSON, SCO;, 411 CHESTNUT Btraet. or Box 2077 Philadelphia Post Office. •ST* COLORED PEOPLE AND' CITY P4BBBHQEE CABS. Philadelphia# January 9, 1895. The undersigned Invite the citizens of Philadelphia who are Opposed to the exclusion oftespectable persons from the Passenger Railroad Cars# on the ground of complexion, to unite with them in a Public Meeting, to he held at CONCERT HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 13th instant# to consider the subject, and to take such action as may be deemed advisable. lam opposed to the exciu- Alonzo P'ttsr, sion of respectable per* William Bacon Stevens# sons from the cars on the Henry J. Morton# f round of complexion; Phillips Brooks, utl take nopart in either M. A. DeWolf Howe, attending or calling pub- Robert J. P&rvin, lie meetings. J. Edwards. HORACE BIRREY, T. He WiUTalmage, January 7, 1865. * Joseph T. Cooper, —— Frank L. Robbins, Horaceßinney, Jr., •- • George 0. Stuart, John Asfabnrst, JohnP Yerrse, JS. B. Browne, Saunders Lewis, Charles Gibbons, Jav Cooke- ' Robert B Gabeen, Lemuel Coffin, A. A. Konigm sober, William Welsh, William Henry Rawls, J. Forsyth Meigs,. 0 eorge Troft, - - James Mott. Step/on Colwell, Matthew W. Baldwin, George H. Boker, Evan Randolph, . Henry C. Carey, Samuel Parrish, E: W. Clark, H. F. West/ Philip P. Randolph, James G. Knowles, Jr., Benjamin Coates, Parrish. Joseph Price, William C. Baker, - Lindiey Smyth, William Dorsey, f Dillwy n Parrish, > DiUwrnParrish, Jr., Abrahimßarker, I Stephens Prios, Thom as Mat. John L. J«nka, William W. Justice, A Campbell, George I> Parrish, Joseph whitehead, William Hunt. W. G. Knowles, Edward Parrieh, J Miller McKim, Elwood T. Pnsey, Francis R. Cope* B. B Comcgys, S 8. White, B. P. Hunt. . John T Walton, Benjamin H. Brewster, Jacob Wise, Charles Gilpin, M. B. Keeley. Charles t>. Cooper, Charles Wise, Mordecai L. Dawson, iksp APPEAL FOR THE PEOPLE OF iSfc? SAVANNAH.-—The undersigned, a Committee appointed by Public Meeting of the citizens of Phila delphia, convened for the purpose of taking steps to relieve the wants of our fellow-citizens of Savannah, now released from the cruel yoke of rebellion, and once more living under the flag of the united States, mat e this appeal to the generous and patriotic people of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. , „ , The citizens of Savannah have embraced the first op portunity of proving their loyalty aud submission to the United States Government. The capture of the city closed the avenues of trade aftd supply, and Savannah, isolated from the surrounding country, suffers for food. At the meeting held at the rooms of the Board of Trade, on the lDth Instant, Bishop Potter presiding, a letter, addressed by one of the aldermen of Savannah to Messrs. 3. P. Steiner & Co., was read, of which the fol lowing is an extract: ' * * The principal object m my addressing you, is to ask 3 on whether you cannot get up a subscription for the poor and needy of Savannah, as they are destitute of everything, and such a movement as this'would en shrine the Philadelphians in the heart of every citizen of Savannah. In case you do something, do it at once; twenty thousand people are destitute of all you c&n imagine What are particularly necessary are bacon, flour, and potatoes. 1 * In accordance with this appeal, it is proposed that Philadelphia shall send to Savannah a cargo of provi sions; and the Committee earnestly appeal to the libe ral and patriotic citizens of our State, and invoke their aid in this Christian effort to feeiDthe hungry, to com fort the distressed, and to show our brethren who have been in arms against the constituted authorities of the land, but are so no longer, that they may again enjoy the benefits arising out of returning harmony in onr borders. Persons who desire to contribute to the Fund, are requested-to sand subscriptions to JAB. L. CLAGHOBN, *34: MARKET Street. Alonzo Potter, Wm. Punter, Jr., A. G. Cattell, S. Vaughn Herrick* C. B. Durborow, E W. Clark, Samuel J. Christian, 3. Gillingham Fell, A. J. Drexel, CadwaUder Biddle, 'William C. Kent, Horaceßinney, Jr., Frederick Collins, CE OF THE INSURANCE r OF NOBTH AMEBICA. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,3865. At a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held 10th last., to elect Directors to serve for one year, the following gentlemen were duly choten: _ Arthur G Coffin, Wm. Welsh, Francis B. Cope, Samuel W. Jones, Wm E. Bowen, Kdw, H. Trotter. John A. Brown, Jas. N. Dickson, Edward S.Clark, Chas. Taylor. S. Morris Wain, Wm. .Cummings, Ambrose White, John Mason, T.CharltonHenry Bich’dD. Wood, Geo. L. Harrison, At a meeting of the Directors, held t G._ COFFIN* Esq;, was nnanim^algM^ OFF I IteSs? COMPANY FIFTH COLIECUON MS FRICT, Ymsn SYLTAHIA-OFfICB .OF 00 iiLBCTOB. SPECIAL INCOME TAX NOTICE is hereby given that the lists of taxes assessed In accordance with the provistocs of the joint resolution of Congrats, approved July 4,1864 imposing a Special Tax ot five- per centom upon the gains* profits* or in come for the year ending December 31* 1863; and also of the increase upon Liceiues of wholesale dealers* retail liquor dealers, hotel keepers, and peddlers, as per act of June 30, been returned to me by the Assessor of the District, and that such taxes are now due and payable, and.that payment thereof is hereby demanded* and will be received for the Twenty-second and Twen ty-fifth, wards at the office in Langstroth’s Building, German town, and those for the Twenty* third ward at the office, Frankferd street, Frankfotd, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. H. * until SATURDAY, Janu ary 21. 3865. PENALTIES —To all those who neglect to pay on or before said 21>t day of January a special demand will be issued, for which the law provides a fee of twenty cents, and four cents per mile, and ten per cent, penalty, as will bt seen by reference'to the 28th section of the act of June 80, 1864. Money of ihe United Statesonly re ceived. JOHN W. COWELL* j&9-mwftja2l Collector. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, UNITED ifcS? STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIBBT DIS TRICT, PEBNSSLVAXIA, 80. 431 H WALNUT STREET. ' T * Philadelphia, Jan. 7,1865. Notice is hereby given that the official lists of assess* meats for the FIRST COLLECTION DISTRICT of Penn* sylvania. of the SPECIAL INCOME TAX, reunited to be made by provisions of the Joint Resolution of Con* grees of the Fourth day of July, 1864; are now ready for examination, and will remain open for the inspection of all persons who may apply for that purpose, dating the ten days next ensuing, exclusive of Sundays. Appeals writing r specifying the particular cause, ZD alter, or thing respecting which a decision iB request ed, ana stating the ground or principles of error com plained or, will be entertained by me at any time be fore the 20th inat. WASHINGTON KEITH, ja9-6t Assessor. IKS® ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, ESIfED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. FOURTH DIS TRICT, PENNSYLVANIA, FARMERS’ AND ME CHANICS* BANK BUILDING. HO. 4:27 CHESTNUT STREET. „ , Philadelphia, January 7,1865. Notice is hereby given that the official lists of as eessmeots, for the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT of Pennsylvania, of the SPECIAL INCOME TAX, re quired to be made by provisions of the Joint Resolu tion of Congress, of the Fourth day of July, 1861. are sow ready for examination, and will remain open for the inspection of all persons, who may apply for that purpose, during the ten days next ensuing, exclusive of Sundays. Appeals in writing specifying the particular cause, matter, or thing, respecting which a decision U re quested, and stating tne ground or principles of error complained of, willhe entertained by me at any time before the 20th Inßt. D. P. SOUTH WORTH, j&7 6t Assessor. STOCKHOLDERS’ NOTICE—TUB iK-n? Animal Meeting oi the Stockholders of the OOSTc MBI.SVII.IiE AMD SOUTHERN PENNSYLVANIA BAIL WAT COMPANY will ba held on MONDAY, the 9th das of January. 1865, at 3 o’doek P, M., at theofflee of the Company, Mo. 330 South THIRD Street, PMla for Preeidont and 'Directors will be held on the aame day and place. de2S-tja29 FABB£I Oil. COM PANT.—THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the FAB* BEL OIL COMPAQ'S will be held at their Office, 80. 55 North SHIBS Street, on SATIJBLAT, the 14th last. * at 12 o'clock M. GEO. W. Me WILLIAMS, Secretary. Philaba. , Jan. S, 1868. jaj wfmSt* KT THE ANNCAX MEETISt« OF THE *=» Stockholder. of the MECHANICS'OIL COM PANT win be hold at their offloo, BOLLETINBUILD INB. Boom No. 8. second floor, on MONDAY, January IS, 18M. at3P. M. „ „ , ' ■ jall-tt* - C. T. KERN, Secretary. «KTS“ THE 11BAPI.-4T A MtEETIBfO Ira? of the citizens of the ELEVENTH. 'WARD, held January 10th, It was ■■ . ... Resolved, That each of the different wards of the city be isanetted to send three delegates to tbe hall, NT. E. corner of Second and Coates sweets, on WEDNESDAY EVENING. January 13th, to meet alike nnmberfrom the above Ward, to take some action iu relation to the late order of Provost Marshal General Fry TOUCHING OCE QUOTAS on the coming DRAFT FEED. GLADING, Chairman. Attest: Thomas A Faht, Secretary. jaia-St* Edward 8. Clarke, Sami. W. DaCoursay, Sesry Preant, George Whitney, Benj. G. Godfrey, Augustus Heaton. the Board, held this day, ras unan into re ale c ted Cashier. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA,' FRIDAY, JANUARY NOTICES. GREAT LECTURE, ACADEMY OB' MUSIC, Subject: BEAUTY AMD THE BEAST. James L. Claghora, Joseph F. Paso. Edward S. Clark. A. T. Lane. 0 ibsoH Peacock, George T. Lewis. James C. Hand, Am. Heaton, S, T. Bonder. George W. Griffin, Lloyd P. Smith, Samuel Darb&row, Edwin Kirkpatrick. ja!2«3t ira* OFFICE OF THE 9ATT AGENT, No. 118 South THIRD Street. Philadelphia, Jan. 11, loss, ill persons having claims against this office, under the incumbency of the lata Navy A*ent, are requested to file the same with me before the 20tn inst. „ x a A. E. WATSON, Paymaster in charge of Agency. •sax THE AHSDH MEETING OF THE ■HE?'' Btocklioldfr* of the T Will.F FH-STR£KT MAR KET COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Com pany, corner of TWELFTH and MARKET Streets, on SATURDAY. 14th Inst., at 11 o’clock A M., at which time an Election for nine Manager*, to servo the emsaing year, will he held. JOSEPH PAX SON, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 7,1385. jalO fit |rar“ MERCANTILE LIBRARY COM* IeYS?T PAST, Philadelphia, January 2,1866 The Auuual Meeting of the Stockholders of the MER CANTILE LIBRARY COMPAHY will be held on TUESDAY, 17th Instant, at IY% o’clock P. H., In the Library Boom. At this meeting nominations or officers will be made. JOHN A. McALHSTEB, JaB-tl7 Recording Secretary. THE PHILADELPHIA OPH* TBALMIC DIBPEHSABY, H. B corner HINTH and SPRING HARDEN Streets. Is open daily from 11 to 1 o’clock for the gratuitous treatment of ail dlseaseaand affections of the eye. jalo-Bt* IKS” OFFICE OF THE PHILADEI* liras? PHIA CITY PASSEKGKB KAILWAY COM PANY, HO. 8100 OHEBTHDT Street. Philadelphia, January 2,1869. At a meeting of the Board of Directors * held this day, a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY GENTS PER SHARE, subject to the United States and State taxes, was declared, payable to the Stockholders or their le gal representatives, on and after the 12th. inst. The transfer books will be closed until the 12th Inst. 5&4-10t WM. W. OOLKET, Treasnrer. IKS® OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE WZ& INSURANCE CO., 400 WALNUT ST* Philadelphia, Jan, 3,1865 The Directors have THIS DA* declared a dividend of THREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company for the last six months, parable on demand, free of all taxes. B. LOCK WOOD, ja3*l2t ■ Secretary. PHUADEIPHU AND REAMNG RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. »»t Boat* FOURTH street. p HILAI>aI( p HIAi November SO, 1864. DIVIDEND NOTICK.—The transfer books <tf thift Company will beciwedon THURSDAY, December 15, and reopened on TSISDAT* JANUARY 10, ISSft. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT, on gm common and preferred stock, dear of National and ware taxes, has been declared, payable In common stock,on the 33M December next, on all stocks tdantEng on the books of ‘ho Company, at the close of haalnesfi on the 13th pros. Stockholders whose names ar* registered op the Nov tryrk books wUI be p«M the Fftipnis **d T.-nat Compßif, 7 8. BRADFORD, dSI'U Yfeaasu^ THE QUICKSILVER fflHiS GOHPAMY. * The directors of the Qalckatlyer Mining Company hay* declared a §«ni- annally dividend of FIVE DOLLARS far gh&ro ill UNITED BTATBS QOt D COIJTy • jayaSle F&BRtTABY US, 1865, to shareholder!, Of record Transfer ifooke will lie cloned from February -Ist to liStfct, inclusive. • WALTER B. LAWTON, TreaeerM. ; •New York, January d, 1865. jalO'lßt < ornCE OF THE I.OCUBT MOlW' TAIH COAL AHB IBOJf COMPANY, .Plr!l.Al>KLl‘lirA, Jad nary 12,1829. At a Meeting of the Board of Directors of this Com pany, held this day, a Dividend of FODB PEE OBST. ■ on the Capital Stock, clear of State tax, was declared, payable to the Stoelilioiaero or their legal repretenta tiyeson and after the 23d inrtant jalS at BPWABP EDT, Treaenrer. |3y OFFICE OF THE BBI6OS Oil B=» COMPAN7, Ho. 147 South FOURTH Street, January H'.ISSS. The Board of Direotord hare tht« day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE PER CiflT, oh the Capital Stock, payable on the 26 th lnstr. ... The Tranefer'Booke will he closed on the 2lst ins., at So’clock, and opened on the 27th 1 . . By a resolution of the Boar# of Dlrectofs.adopted this day. dividends will In' future be paid quarterly. jal3 12t CHARLES A. PUT. Treasurer. ira® »IRB€TOBS of the NOBLE AND DELAMATER PETRO LEUM COMPANY havertliis daydfeclaied.as their ninth, monthly dividend, EUfr **BR OBBT., payable', free of State tax, on the 20th instant. Books close on the 14th and re open 21et. QEQRGEW. HUNTER, ja!2-9b _ Secretary. MECHANICS 'M nONAL BASK, JK-ss? PHiLiDBLPHIAi January 10, l»I5; The Board of Directors of this Bank have this day de clared an extra dividend of RIVET? BE GENT.. payable to Staph holders on and after MONDAY, Jan. 16, 1865. jalf-St J, W'EGAND. Jr., Cashier. OFFICE OF IHE MINING COMPANY, „ Philadelphia. January 9; 1955. Notice is hereby iiven that an instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER SHAKE on each, and every share of the Capital Stock of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY has this day been called in.payable on or before the 23d day of January, 1865, at the oraee of the Treasurer, No. 334fc WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. By order of the Directors! B. A.’ HOOPE9, jaiO-tiaSS Treasurer. irtsr 3 office of the: inscrawce Ifcs? COMPANY OF HOBTH AMERICA, 3354 WAL BUT STREET, Philadelphia, January 9,1865. Tie Directors lays this day dscJareda dividend.’ of OSE DOLLAR AHD TWENTY CEHTS'per Blare free from taros, payalle on demand. jalO 12t CHARLISB PLATT, Secretary. g OFFICE OF THE FAME' INSU BANOS COMPACT, No. 406 CffKß'fNUT' gtrpfit. FHU.4DEi.pnU, January 7,1835. . At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the FA MS ISBOEABOE COMPANY, hold this day, a dividend'of THKEE PEE CENT. wae declared.payable on demand, clear of all taxes. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHABD, ia» 12t . Secretary. OFFICE ANTHRACITE INStI IRS? BANGS COMPANY, Ho. 311 WALNUT Street! Philadelphia, Jan. 2,1885. The Board of Directors have this dav declared a cash dividend of TEN PEE CENT, on the Capital Stookpaid in, payable on demand, free of tee*. _ . , ja7-St , WM. M. SMITH,. Secretary. TIIK PHIMBEIPHIA NATION-' litas’ aL BANK, Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1885. Tho Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TWENTY-FIVE PjSBCEST., payable on the 18thinst. Stockholders are reoneated to twin* or sendihelr oor tiilcatei to be exchanged for new ones of the Philadel phia National Bank. B. B. COMBOYS, ja6 tja!6 Cashier. fcSga** BITTOIKB HO. IH (3).-«REAT IBASIN OIL COMPANY.—The Directors hare this day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PEE CENT., payable on and alter the 15th Instant. Books close on the 10th instant. ißf a resolntlon of the Board of Direc tors, adopted this day, dividends will in future be paid Quarterly. Gv W. WILLIAMS, Treasurer, January 8.1865. CjaB-I0t»I 14 FAROTHABBOTS. THE MECHANICS’ RANK, Ifc*? St. Lows, Dec. SI. 1881. The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of THBEB AND ONE HALF PEBCENT c.) paya ble to Philadelphia Stockholders at the Mechanics* Na tional Bank. Philadelphia, on and alter Jan 16, 1896. JaS-tial6* CHAS. BVESTS, Cashier. OFFICE . HI'S TIN GIION A*B BEOAD TOP mSuntain BAILBOAD COM PANY, ass South THIED Street, „ ■ Phu-arbijPhia. January 3, 1555. The Board of Directors of the Hontiagdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company have de clared a dividend of 3J£ PBS CENT, on theirpreferred Stock for the past six months, payable at their office on and after the 17th instant. The Transfer Books will be closed nnlU the 17th instant __ j ja4-wfmtl7 J. P. ABRT3SM, Treasurer. IKS** DITIDEKD NOTICB.-OFFICB OP THB TIOGA IRON COMPANY, No. 534 WALNUT Street, Room No. 25. , w „. . > The Board of Directors have THIS- DAY declared a DIVIDEND of FIVE PERCENT, (twenty- five o*nts per share) on the capital stock of this Company, paya ble at their office on. and alter January 15th, 1665, clear of state.taxes. - , The transfer book* will be dosed on the 13th and opened on the 16th. _ _ _ ja/5-tjal6 D. R. JONES, Treasurer. OFFICE OP- THE MINGO OIL ti&E? COMPANY, No. 534 WALNUT Btreet, Room 20. pHZLAPBnpHJJU Jan. 3,1865. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-The Board of Directors'have this day declared their second monthly dividend of TWO PER TIE ST. {twenty cents per share), out of the net earnin gs of the Company for the month of December, payable, dear of State tax, on and after January 20th. Transfer Book* close January 14th, at 3 o’clock P. M., and open January 21st. P. w. WILTBANK, jastja2o Secretary. JWRTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 733 ARCH STREET, DBSKSHA.TED DEPOSITARY Off THE UNITED BTATBB. 7 3-10tlis TREASURY NOTES, Convertible at Hatarily Into 5-30 BONDS. This Bank is sow prepared to furnish these Holes Is small or large quantities, and of. all denomination*. They present the advantage over any other Loan of the Government of being convert edat maturity into the popular 6-20 Loan. The Interest is payable semi annually in February and August. * ' A COMMISSION ALLOWED OH SALES of *6,000 and upwards. SAMUEL J. MAO MULLEN, de29-lm _____ CABHIBB. ils day, ARTHUR -elected President 5 PLATT, 860*7. J)B HAVEN & BROTHER, . b A nr. k si b s ,' Removed to So. 4« SOUTH THIRD STREET. de3l-lm ; GROBGR W. HEWBS. EDWIN MILLER. JOS. L. HOUSTON, JJEWES, MILLER, & 00., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Government Seonritles, Spade, TJnanrrent Money, City Warrantß.&c. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD OH COMMISSION AT THB BEGULAB BOAED Of BROKERS. ja.9-lm * ~ QLOSING OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. THE SUBSCRIPTION BOOHS OP THE SEW YORK AKD PHILADELPHIA PETROLEUM COMPANY , "Will be closed porittvely on WEDNESDAY, January IBth, 1865. Kearly ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND nave been taken in Philadelphia and yicinity, and the inducements to subscribers ere unequalled; not only in the character .of the property, hut In the' large working capital and en argetlc management. . CMBKBOS & CO., - Ho. 121 SOUTH THIRD STBEBT. Pnn.ADsr.FnxA, Jan. 7,1865. 3a9-7t R. D. BARCLAY, Secretary pro tem. JJARPER, DURHBY, & CO., BANHEBS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BBOKEBS. PuHeular attention paid to purehaee and eale of OH •• SOUTH THIED BTEBBT. ' r _ fEXLAI>HL?mAe ’ ' KWBRMoas.—Drenel £ do., Philadelphia; J. B. An*. tin, President Southwark Bank. , noTi7-3ia OHABLBS EXORI. LALRX* SBJfSOI, JR QHARLES EMORY & 00., - STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ro. 15 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. All of nnenrrsni fluids sad Gold And Silver bousht and soldi and Collections made. Particular attention siren to the purchase and tale »f Government* State ■ and other Stocks mid Loans os commission. aol7-6» OH* STOCKS, U. S. LOANS, &c. f KJ BOUGHT AND SOLD OS' COMMISSION, Bx GBOKGB J. BOYD, Broker, JTo. 18 SontK THIRD Btreat. jaS-3mlf TARUARY 13th, v 1865. O CTJEWEN BTODDABT & BROTHER Have arranged a large stock of . SPRING AND SUMMER % DBY GOODS* winch are marked to Bell at each prices &b will induce persons to anticipate their wants, in view of the, ad vantage in price of imported Goods this Spring, light Colors A 1 pachas, Striped Mohairs, Plaid do., striped Necot&e, Printed Barege aoglaels, Woven Figures Grenadiers, Silk Tissues, ’ Plain Bernanis, Pirated do. * CUR WEN STODDABT & BR<\* 450, 459, dt 454 Korth bECOND St. TYISBOLUTION. TEE PARTNER JL'. SHIP heretofore existing under the firm of JOHI B. KELSON & CO. ia tbiß day diaa Dived by mutua consent. The business of the late firm will be Bsttu< by JOHN B. NELSON, 43 BANK Sireet. * JOS. C FLEMING, JOHN B. HBbBON. PonAMxPßifc Jan. 12,1M6. ,aIS-12t* THB UNDERSIGNED wiU continue the maanfatture of Wool and Cotton Ofeods. Offlce. Do. 43 BARK gtTWt. , i*i3 w ,ohk b. asiaoif. THIS DAT mrnmiiL. HO, 50 SOUTH THIBDSTREET, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS nr RETAIL, DRY ROODS. COPARTNERSHIPS. _ NEW PUBLICATIONS. UP SNAKES, AW> CRAWL. Ready Friday, Jan. IS, IBSS. SNAKE Y SNODGRASS; THE STOLEN BRIDE. ✓ This is a hovel of Intense interest, by the author of ** The Wild Scout of the Mountains.’ f ‘ * The Rollicking Huger, ” *«Ughtfoot, the Scout," do. Bnakey’e war ery. "Wake'opsnakes, and crawl,” became a terror to Ms dneky food. ' The whole hook if superior to any thing that has boss Issued for a lon* time. The following if »‘'llst of “ MONRO'S TEN-CENT KOVELS 1 ,” Which are' now as familiar as household - Roll. ®fetHunters. The Patriot Highwaymim, ,4. The Hunted Unionist. S TIC Track ef Fire. 6. SJO Man-Eaters. 7. Charlotte TeMple. •8. The Death-P»ee- 9. The Indian-Slayer. 10. #« Tigeref the Ocean. ,1L The Hunter a Trlamph. 12. The 6cea* Hovers. « JJfsJESP Outwittod. Mt fbl’MouStatof'» f 2o“tSkol - latrers. JHv BattleanaSa Diek. or the flower of the Wigwam. &;■ Rickety Tous/the Hover. 2® The ImpeoftAPrairieiOr the Slasher the Cave. 2t The ’Bo&ber’s Terror. 2ft- Joe. the S&rpint. 26, kißh-tfoot, fho Scout 21 The Httrait spy of Bmsker HUI. Hear- Cheeky the Wild Halftbraed. SSI Simas-Eyed SO. Saakey Shodgrass, qy tie stolen Bride. These hook* are for ss3tf by all new* spent* and book-- sellers, and c-snt fpost-paitl) on receipt of price, TEH CERTS EACH. Liberal termc-to' agents. GEORSE M‘li:NßO ( &' CO., jal3-2t Hor 137 WhMam Street.-Hew York. •\TEW AND FIRBT-ffIsASS SPORTING aS papbb TBEiEE W YORE-ARENA-;* Record of American AMARICARSPORTTsfo COMMtfffWF: The Sports and Pastimes ofiamerica. cart of Europe .and their admirer* of, and participators in, tm this Continent, are -ce- vastly on the increase,that .the present press of it meric a can scarcely he laid - to folly meet the wants of the spoiling ccftamuiiity;'. • This impressment Kteiaduced the preaenteutfsjrprise, .. _ TBEHKW YOBK ARENA will embrace: The Turf, The Cricket Field, The Ground, The ©non Ground, The Prize Btug, Billiards,** Pedestrianiem, Cock Fighting, Do* Matches, The Sod* The Of an, Skating/Cnrmrg, laohting, Bdwisg; ami the Games of Chess and Chequers • , , TBS SEW YORK ARERA will b(> ptrifflshed on SA ■TTODAY, January 14, 1865, price Eve. cents per copy; eent per post, to eubscribers, at *1,69 for'sm months. Twoltnes of Business (lard, uederthe head of “Busi : ness Directory, ” and The Arena sent six-months for *3 in advance. , -THE SEW YOBK ABEHA can .he obtained from all i Sews Agents in Boston*. Philadelphia-,-Baltimore, Washington. Buffalo, Au,>very B»tnrday'mo»nine- F.B. SIBSOK BBOIriEETONj PreprietdK. So. -4» ; CHATHAM Street, corner N. William, HewTork. i JOHN TKEHWITH, General A,ent mr Supplying the - Trade, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It CHOICE BOOKS,- i CBILDBEH IR PARADISE! A Gift for Btreavsd i Parents. On tinted , paper, with rnbricatdd titles, and ’bbnndih vellum cloth, gilt edges. ®l. .. 1 REELECTED LIGHT. Illustrations ofthe,Redeemer’s i Faithfulness- in the Happy Death-bed Experience of Christians. Cioth. bevelled, gilt or red edges; *tiso. • ™. ALSO, JUST READY DR. BOAHBMAS’S THANKSGIVING SERMON— ! Healing, and Salvation for our Oountty rrom God hlone. Price 26 cents, JAMES S. OLAXfON. ' Successor to Wm- S. & Alfred Miitien, • jalt-tf 606 OHESTHDT Btrdets jpw books i new books i i Just received by _ ASHHEAD A EVANS, 1 ' . (Hazard’s old etaud), , So.. T 3« CHESTNUT Street, „ CHATBAH FRIBSAC; 08, HOME SCENES; IR FRANCE. By-Olive Logan, authoress of Photo graphs of Pilris-Lifo,.’ ’ Ac.' - _ ' ELIMq 08,-HYMNS OP HOLY REFRESHMENT. Edltodbr the Bov. Pi IhHuntiugdon. D. D. : WET DAI SAT BBBEWOOD. J. K. Marvel’s last b °HOOSE ANB- HOME PAPERS. By Mrs Stowe. COUSIN ALICE. A Memoir of Alice 8. Haven. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP A HEW ENGLAND FARM HOUSE.' A Book-oy-N. H. Chamberlain. STUDIEST'OP. ! STORIES. Jeanlngelow’sneWhook.* KITTV TREVYLYaR’S DIARY. Bj the author of “ Echonberg-Cotta Familv.” ja9-tf | Ofifif LIMISjkY & BLA.KIBTON T S 10U.U ApHYSIOIAK’S VISmNG for 1865 slow ready la every variety and; style of binding, including the INTBBLEAYBB edition, with pages for special memoranda. Ac. emhibb of various styles of binding andeiies . ALSO,' HOLIDAY BOOKS of all kind. at LO W PBIG B 8 _ LINDSAY * BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. de» No. 3S South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. V/TIBOELLAiNKDUB A.ND LAW jJiJI BOOKB—The best- and rarest collection in Phila delphia.—Hallowell’a Shaksoeare, fifteen hundred dol lars. and other Books, equally scarce, for sale at 419 CHESTNUT Street. 3a2-3m , . JOHN CAMPBELIr* FAJS'CY FURS. 1864. vmm. 1864, A. % & F. S. WOMRAfH, - OOSSSOXS TO TUB LATE GEO. y. WOMKATM.I No. 415’Arch Street, XAV* ROW or*» A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LAJDIIB’ E’AJNCY FURS, To whleh they invite the attention of buyer*. ■ - 000-s» FAN®¥ FURB. JOHN FAREIKA, No. TIS ARGH Street, above Seventh Street, At his old established store. AND DEALER-IN FANCY FURS - LADIES AND OHILDREN. Haring nowin stoma ycrylarge and toautlfal MrorU ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS JOB LADIES* AND CHILDBED’S WEAR, 1 solicit a cadi from those in want. Remember the name and number, JOHN FAKBXBA, TI&ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection with any otter store in city. oeS-4mif LEGAL. F[ THE COT}BT OF COMMON FLEAS FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA* *> CHARLES J. WISTBR et al., ys. GEORGE MERCER, Marcb.rTerm.lSS3. No. S. Vend. Ex. The underslg ned Auditor appointed to distribute the fond in Court attain* from proceeds of Sheriff’s sale of all that certain lot lor piece of ground, with the mes suage oritenement thereon erected situate on the south side of Msry.street, at the distance of one hundred and fifty-eight feet east of Seventh street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front orb eaith or said Mary street sixteen feet, .and extending of that width south wardly forty feet to ground now or late of John Gaw? bounded on the. north by Mary street, on the east oy a loi granted by.O wen Jones to John Mercer, on the south by said ground of John Gaw* and on the west by a lot granted by Owen Jones to Patrick McHugh; together with the u#e and-srivilege of a privy situated partly on this lot and part y upon the adjoining IQ’s of the said John Gaw. Being the northernmost part of a larger lot of ground extending from Mary to South street, which Owen Jones, by indenture dated the first day of Sep tember. 1996, recorded in Deed Book K. L. L ♦ No. 38, page 353, Ac., granted and conveyed to George Mercer and his heirs, reserving thereout the yearly ground rent of thirty-two dollars, payable half-yearly on the first days of Mar and November, for arrears whereof the judgment in this case has been obtained. N. B. On the above described premises is erectedja three-story frame dwelling-house—will meet the pArties inter* sted,. for the purpose of bis appointment, on TUESDAY, January 21th, 1865, at 3 P. M.v at the Wetherili House, Ho COS Sift SOM Street, in the city of Philadelphia. . jalSl? 19 Si!23 WASH. L. BLaDSN, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM J. HAY. TEeAnAltor appointed by tbe Court to audit, settle, and adjust tbe account of MARIA G. HAY, Administra trix of WILLIAM J. HAY, and to report dis tribution of tbe balance In the bands of tbe accountant, Will meet tbe parties interested for.tbe purposes of bis appointment, on MONDAY,- January 23, 1865, at three o'clock P. M., at tbe Wetberill Honse, 605 SANdOM Street, in the city of Philadelphia. WASH. L. BLADEN, Auditor.- ja15,17,19,21.23-6t PROPOSALS. jlbmy supplies. JX ' CLOTHING BUREAU, QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE. \ Washington, January 12,1865, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office : of Army Clothing and Equipage, Philadelphia, until \% o’clock M., on TUESDAY, use 17th Inst., for furnish jig, by contract, st the Depot ot Army Clothing and- Equipage, Philadelphia, viz.: Sack Coats, lined, army standard. Sack Coats, unlined. .do. Blankets, IrdlA-rubber*for infantry, army standard.. Knapsacks, complete, do. Hatchets. . . ■ do. Uniform Hats, do. Hat Cords and Tassels, do. Camp Kettles, do. Mess Fans. ' do. Shelter Tents, . . ~ A . . do. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible-par sons; whose signatures mast be appended to the- gua rantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by some publio func tionary of the UnitedStateß. , ... . Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of. this- adver tisement, wilTnot be considered. , Blank forms for proposals, embracing thetermaof the raaiaaiee required in each bid, can behad on applica tion at this office, and none other* which, do not em brace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform, : 6 the requirements therein stated. ' Bidders will state the ..quantity they, propose to fur nish, howsoon'lhey can commence,, and tho quantity they can deliver weekly. .. , , , . . The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part* or the whole or the bids,, a&aia-y be deemed, best for the interest of the service. , Awards will be'subject to. the approval of the Quar termaster General of tbe artoy. Samples can ne seen at thiaoffi.ee, and propoeats must be endorsed * * Proposals for Army Supplies,’* stating on the envelope the particular article bidfor. HERMAN BIGGS, ja)l3-4t Colonel Quartermaster’s Department. pHIEF QUARTERMASTER’S OF- V-* PICE. PhilahelphiAi January 12, 1865. BUAT.T’n PBOPOBALb will be received at this office, until 12 o’clockM., on THURSDAY, the lath, instant, for suoplying the SCHUYLKILL. ARSENAL with the following articles, viz: , , , •. 6-4 dark- blue Cloth, army standard. 6-4 dark-blue Kersey, army standard. Vest Buttons, army standard. t _ _ &.iach yellow Worsted Lace, army standard. Brass Cross Sabres for hats, army standard. Brass Eagles for hats, army standard. , . Segim<ntal Colors, infantry* army standard. ecimental Descriptive Books, army standard. Begiroertal Inctex Books, army standard. ; Hospital Tent Poles, stts, army standard. -*• Heavy 64-inch Burlaps, sample required. Canvas Padding, sample required. Canteen Webbing, 1-inch, linen or. eotton* BampS&M- Ql Jtochine Thread, (Stewart’s linen, No. 70, bqbols,) ■ample required. White Basting Cotton* sample required.. Flax Sewing Twine, taiaple required. Each bid roust be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to toft guaran tee, and certified to as being good and.sufficient security for tbe amount involved, by some public fractionary of I. the United States. . . >,, ■ - 1 - ! Bids from defaulting contractors, an*i taose that do not fully comply with thc r*qniremer& of this adver tisement*, will not be considered ..... Blank forms for proposal*, embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid* can be had on applica tion at this office, and none others, which do not em brace this’goamteewiU.be coßsWered. aor will any proposal be considered which dbee not strictly conform to the requirements therein stated. Bidders will state tbe quantity 'hey propose*© furnish, how toon they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly. ...... . . The right is reserved by the United. States to reject any part or the whole t>f the bids, as may be deemed best for tbe interest citte service. • . Samples of such Articles as are required to be of army itendard can be £ee» at this office. • . Proposals mjast be endowed'*!? Proposals for Army sm; on f • * j*l3W Colon?! Ctoajt,iwsMi’» 13, 1865. INSURANCE. QFFIOE OF THE UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ‘ PHILADELPHIA, Jahuaey 9,1665. The folloWfa * statement of the affairs of the Company is pnbluheiff In conformity with a provision of Us charier: Premiums wrHMfr front January 1, MM, to _ _ „ January L .5301,006 S 6 Premiums undetomulaed Jam 1,1864........» 62,606 49 Premiums earned dudfei tHe pear to Jan.. „ 1. 1866.-..- *587,892 08 Interest on investments. 20.666 10 . $306,443 28 Losses {odd during the year#****»«.slol,96B 84 , Returnpremiums. ......w;. 14,868 60 l gelnetf ranees... 14,319 W V. 'S. 8,851 8^ Emir amonnt paid to customers in Metro! scrip $32,342 22 hu'onit reserved to pay losses not adjnSWd. ...» 13,000 00 $35,342 22. BElasw'rema'iilda* with the C0mpany........ $23,134 13 STATgfeiNT OF ASSETS OF THE COMPANY JANUARY 1, 1866. United State's Si»r Coupon Bonds $ll,BOO 00 ; ‘‘ Registered ..... 8,000 00 State of PernSylv&nia6 per cent. Coupons.... 6,000 00 „„ ‘‘ * “ Registered- 15,000 00 City of Philadelphia 6»„ 16,000 00 City of Pittahutg ®i——. 7,09000 •• fia— .. 7,000 00 Camden and Amboy 6 percent. Coup. Bonds’B3 . 3.600 00 .. »- e “ “ ’75'17,000 00 “ *’ 6 “ -** consol’d. . 21,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist Mortgage 1,000 00 *‘ 24 •• 1000000 Philadelphia and’Erie Railroad... 10,000 00 North Pennsylvania Kailroad.—... 10,000 00 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 14,610 00 Schuylkill Navigation Company 10,000 00 'Wyoming Valley Canal*..... 11,000.00 : Pennsylvania Railroad, 165 shares......' 8,300 00 Worth Pennsylvania.Bailroad, 100 shares.... 6,000 00 Delaware Railroad! 48 shsree. , 1,200 00 Farmers’ and Mechanics' Bank, 100 shares--. 8,000 00 Philadelphia Sank, 68'shares,..,. 6,810 00 Union Mntnal Insurance Co., 1,474 shares..,, 29.480 00 Delaware Mutual Insurance Co ,88 shares.... . 2,200 00 Scrip Keith Pennsylvania Rai1r0ad.......... 2.426 00 Sundry Insurance Companies’ Scrip 2,190 00 Estimated predent value,.*.*— ...$270,000 00 Bills receivable....-...-. X. $2,096 28 Cash onhand.. $21,729 39 Cash deposited U. S. treasury 20,000 00 Caehon Collateral....—. 10,000 00 551,729 39 Due the Company i or unsettled premiums, salvages, and other accounts..— 42,970 44 i The Directors have declared a dividend of BIGHT : PHB CENT, on the Capital Stock, and SIX PEE CENT. ' on the Outstanding Scrip of the Company, free of all taxes. • '' ' DIBSI EfCHABD B. SMITH. S. B3BTOUBT, A. B. 80818, FRANCIS TBTB, JOHN H. IRWIN. NEWBERRY A. SMITH, fWffir C. KENT, HEHBT LE Wife, JB., J. P. STEINER. EDWARD 1,. CL ABE, ;ge«sok lbwts, ELLIB-YARNALL. BICHARD S. SMITH, JOHN MOSS, Secretary. jaMaetif JNBUHB TOUR LIFE IN THE AiMERI C A. JN, g.Moit Walnnt and Fourth St*., PHILADELPHIA It Is. a.BOMB- COMPAKT, and prolts divided usu ally, thus aiding the assured to pay future premiums Last dividend 60 per cent. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander WMUdln, J. Edgar Thomson, Hot., James Pollock, Hon. Jos, Allison, Alhert-O. Roberts, Henry K. Bennett, Samnel T: Bodine, Philip B. Mingle, Geo, Ntagemt, John Alkman, Wm. J.’Howard, _ ', baacHazlehurst. Samuel Work. ' ALEXANDER SABURL WOI aoSXSmif* JHO. 8. WH.B< THE; 3ELMHCE INSURANCE COM- A pasty OP PHILADELPHIA Incorporated In ISO. . „ Olnrter Psn?etti*l. . OFFICE NO. 308 Y7AINDT STREET, . , CAPITAL. *300,000. Insnroc- azalnct lois or aamaes Nr FIRE Honees, Stores, and'other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country LOBSES'PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS, $400,068 Tl. 1 Fte rt MM?oW^W.«Sil?lk6o(m United States Government Loans..-141,000 00 Philadelphia City O peicent. Loans..„***♦*♦ 60,000 00 Pennsylvania SS.OOO,OCO 6 per cent. Loan—. 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se- ___ cond 35,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 _ per cent. Loan. 6,000 00 PhUadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany’s6percent L0an.5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per oent. mort- - gage bonds.— 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock.— LO5O 09 Mechanics* Bank Stock.4,ooo 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stocks-* 10,000 00 Union Mutnal-Insuranee Company’s Rtock... £BO 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia’s Stock 1,000 00 Accrued Interest.- -*^.»***.—♦,.*♦4** 6,455 42 Cash in bank &nd on hand. •». 13*C2SM Wort]! *t preeeat Market value~.~-~.~~ 414,393 71 DIBECTORB. ClemTluiley, Bmu. W. Ttojjley, Wsl E. Thompson, Marshall Hill, William ttusser, Charles Lei and, ' Samuel Bispham, Eobert Toiand, 2, L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, Bohert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. William Sorenson, „ „ «... CLEM TIHGLBY, President. Hn»v Seeretar Pwrr,AT>RT,PTrrA. December fYEEK® OF THE ENTERPRISE msDEAHCS COMPAUr, 400 WAMtor Street Phil-adkt.l’hia, January 9,1565- State inert of the affairs of this Company on the Slat day ofDecemfcer, 1884: CAPITAL. Authorised... Paid-op ia.fall*.».« ****♦«« *.•»••*............... Bonds? and Mortgage?* all first liens on real estate In the city of Philadelphia.*..* 209,650 CO' Ground rents, on property in the city of Phila> delphi&..«~.. 8,000 00 Girard BankStoek..~»- ......................... 2,625 00 United States Securities**-*■*- • *•*» 34,870 65 Deposited in-U. S, Hint, at six per cent par utinTiwi 40,000 00 Philadelphia City six per cent. loan. 4,080 00 Beal estate, office building, and furniture ~~ 10,406 95 Cash in hank and on hand* 10,177 22 Dne-by agents.....*..*.* *»»»«*-•••»«•»•.•♦►**•*•• 424 63 : Interest on investments accrued but j<uk _ not dne.....53,420 S 7 Interest on investment* due and un» t m »“ * 3,802 37 RECEIPTS Iff 1864. Premiums on Fire ri5k5.*.............. Interest Policy and transfer • fees.... ........ On canceled perpetual policies PAYMENTS IK 1864. dividend, January and July, three per cent, each on the Capital Stock for the preceding eirc months SS2,«» 82 Losses by Fire*B,6Bs:Sß Betora Premiums and Beinsnrances.4,7B2lo Taxes United States and State.* 8,680 13 Donations, Commissions, Salaries, Legal. jot penses, Printing, Advertising, Fire ' Mar shal, and other expenses.*. DIRECTORS., „ „ T. Batchford Starr,, Georgs H.Stnait, WLliam McKee. ' John H. Bf.own, Nalbro' Frazier, J.'L, Erringer, John M. Atwood, Goo. W. Fahnestock, Benj. T, Tredick, James 1,, Claghqrn, Moidecai X,. Dawson, William G. Boulton, p. EATCBFOBD STARE, President. THO MAS B, MONTGOMERY, Vice President B. Lockwood, Secretary. jal&6t A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM a. PAST .—Authorized Capital *4OO,OOO—CHARTER PKHPETUAL Office 1f0.311 WALNUT Street, between Tkird. and Fourth. streetsTPhiladelphi*. Tkia Company ‘will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on BuiHincs. Furniture', and Merchandise cane ”2s*o, Marine Insurances on Vessels, .Cargoes, and freights. Inlandlra^a^toall parti.oftheUnion. William Isher. gaYisPesyaon, 3). Luther, Peter Seicer, sffl£3£SKKßfeu iiSiSw JosephHaxlleld, WM. F. DBAS, Tic* President. W. H. Bhtk. Seeretarr. ap3-M TC'AME INS^fRANi JC Mo. 40fi CHES PHILAI TIRE AMD IHDJ DIBS . Francis M. Buck, Charles Richardson, Henry Devi,, O. W. Davis, P. Jnsticg. Gecaue A. Wen, _ * W. I. Br,A»oHA>D. Boer, Tj'oLL IN 5 SH*iiAD mo. na wElMMSadrbphia. MORWICH FlBlllNsflßAdloß COMPAHX, BETERKMCBS » Co. HeserV Coffin A Altsmus. !Messrs, W.H. Srat! A Co, jygf-gm vrsziz p. zoLinnpin vz. s. ntm, frOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES’ JJL mSDRABOS AGBBCY, FORMAS P- HOLIiIHBHSAD. _ . VfM. *■ «*«**. TTOLLINSHEAD& GRAVES, AA IJSSORANCB ACFBHCY, Ko. 31f» WAt2fDT Bt., PhUadclpffia. Mentutor the >*,.&**** WWffifET 0 * w " . $868,615 29 6149,915 3* $58,626 34 $406,796 11 H. F. ROBINSON. SAMUEL C. COOK, JAMES B CAMPBELL, G. W. BBBNADOH, HENRY BAMOBL, WM. 8. BAIED, CHARLES WHEELER, E DELBERT. NORRIS S. CUMMINGS, SOL. TOWNSEND, F. LAVBHGNB, JOHN MOSS. PRESIDBim WHILLDUT, Fr«af<l«t, IK. Vice President. On, Sec’y and Trewram, ♦400,068 71 .,...4200,00000 ~"T,OQO 00 ? 323,835 83 556,839 -86 21*036 78 289 SO 49 38 177,755 52 14,239 12 !? GO'BFA.NY, phot btehkt. BLPHIA. . &J> INSUEAKGS. tOBS. Eofcert B. Potter, JohnKeasler, Jr.,- ' 2. D. Wood raff,, Chwrlos Stokes, Joseph D. Ellis. BJTGK, President. . t LRB6ON, Vico President, itry. • WANTS. JKjTEAM ENGINE AND BOILERS WANTED, FOOTY TO SIXTY HOBSS-POWfet. Addreas BOX 3339 POST OFFICE, With full particulars, statist pries. jall-Sttf WANTED TO PURCHASE—A DWELLING HOJJBB, OB AEOH Street,, west of Broad. Address Box life, Poet Office. J»l3-3t« WANTED— * * la a Dry Goods Jobbing Souse, a Young' Kan acanaittted with the City Betail Trade, to sell by sample. Address “Plnta-ch,' ’at tits ofiled, _ It* WANTED—A EIBBT-GLASS K0O&- T T KEEPER; must be thorough!, and a man of expe rience. The position b< lug: an important one with an e stabile ted house,the references mtutbe isnquestionod. Address, with real name and *9fef6ttC*s r * 4 Confides* rial,” Press ja!3-3t* WANTED—A SITUATION;, BY A « * young man of exseriene& as Book-Keeper. Asaistsfet Or Clerk. Good references \Addreu this office. Sm 2t* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN Ut A i* Wholesale Clothing house, to act as Assistant Book-keeper and pay ttork hands. Gcoit references ie* froired. Address in. handwriting of applicant, Box ilßd Philadelphia P. <X jall-gt* WANTEI)—BY A YOUNG* MAS* ■ * twenty-three years of age, a sttsattaf Its CLKKIL or ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, or in any other capa city where honesty and Integrity would he appreotsted. Best testimonials a* to ohai aster, 4te. Address “D. P. W.,” jaß 3t» Press office. WANTED—A SITUATION IN A Wholesale Horte ns SALESMAN or TBAYEL BING ACKBNT, by a petteon of eispsrience, and wed has an extenaife acquaintance through Ohio and Western Benhaylvani* Address "Ji.’nias 1291, Pittsburg, Feifna. jal2-£t* A YOTHG MAN, 2£ years of &gB, a„ rftii&tibn as SALESM4.ST or EIF3EY CLEBK, in'afcybr&ifceßs. Hae had six yearn €xp3TWacft 1& a class ccultfry store. Can speak or" correspond in German. iB 'a r2f>itf" penman, and quick at fi surge.: % The best of refereace as to character and abUitxcah. lib® cii’jh. Pleate addreas * * J&feii 8,, ” Press oflba. . ja!2-3t* X^ANTBD—A FRACTIGAI# BUSI- Tt ■with* capital cfetg’hfc tb-tfea thousand dollars, to> join the advertiser in a-figbi wholesale bu siness already established. PirEt-clagsroftretreo given and required. ForpaiifeulkTs, address •* Tea Trade,” jall-St* WANTED' A FIRBTCU'ASS BALKS ** MAN rt a Hat, Cam and Goodes House. Address Boy 1265, FMladgphla P. Q. jalDs*» WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE NO * T TION BOE7BE, a first etude SALESMAN* veil ac quainted with Chester and DelavrarG-cOturfy Trade. Address Box 1632, Phlladelpufo P. Q, jai3-3t* WANTED TO' RENT- IN' A CTN * * tral locality, on the flrat- floor, parfof an= OSfce tor Desk room." Addreas ** P, ’* Box 2212, FT O, - jafrtf WANTED, IN * « every County, at s?s a expenses paid’,- to introduce fifteen new and useful articles, the heat sett ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY, BIDDBFOBD, MAINI/ oc^d&W^m A BLANK-ROOK FORWARDERS AND FINISHES WANTED. Address* Bos 1608/ Post Offlee. , . ja7^Bl* ■EMPLOYMENT HOUSER THE BAR©. -A-J est and most reliable, for city and country. Hu always a good selection of enable persons, with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger man, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants-, as> Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen* do. Cooks, C&ambermaids, Seamstresses, laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants- Also, Colored Servants. Nps. 80S and 804- LOGDBT Street, above Eighth. delS-lm T OCAL AGENTS,—WANTED IMM33- Ai diatelv. Local Agents for the sale df FRUIT TREES; Address DINGER* CONABD, ft CO.', - Nunjerymwn WEST GBOVB. Fa. ja!3-llt* SALESMAN WANTED, IN AN EBTA blished Wholesale Shirt house; Best salary paid to one who can Influence a large trade. Address Bexr 875 Post Office. jal2-2'.*~ PARTNER ■ WANTED—EITHER 1 AG -A- tive or Speclal—wUh twenty-five thousand dollars cash capital, in a general Dry Goods Commission House Addresses, with real name, to Box 625 P O , will be strictly confidential - jaO-mwfSt* TO 8008 SELLERS, PUBLISHERS,. A CAb VASPERS, AND OTHERS —The NATfONAL ABTASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK desire active,ener getic Agents for Philadelphia, and other clfess, towns, and parte, or the whole State of Pennsylvania. To fully understand the importance of the matter, read fall pate advertisements in Harper's Magazine and Atlantic Monthly for January, or Godey's for February. Ad diets the Actuary of the National Art Association; 561' and 563 BROADWAY,-New York. jalSfit nniCKSILVERFLASKS wanted.— 'ot The Quicksilver Mining Company will contract for the manufacture of any number, not exceeding 109 000 Wrought-iron Qnicksilier Flasks. Delivery to com mence within 90 day sand to continue at not less-than 4.000 Flasks per month. Payment will be made on de* livery in gold coin. For particulars, inquire at the Office of the Company, No. 551 NASSAU * Street, New York. Cjalo-6t] J. B. SaNDOL, Secretary, <sn non TO INVEST ON "MOKT- GAGE, or in the purchase-of a first-class Ground Bent., JOHN 8 MOBTOSP, - It* ' 217 South THIRD Streets #in nnn —wanted, a partner \P the above Capital In an ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE BUSINESS’.' - A 3 dress ’’Bolt,'’ this Office.. jalo-st*' jflOft A MONTH—WANTED AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW ft CLARE SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Machine in the country which is licensed by Grover ft Baker, Wheeler ft Wilson, Howe, Singer ft Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed- All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements* and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars sent/ree. Address SHAW ft CLARE, nolg-d&wSm BIDPBFOEP, Maine m. WANTED—A DWELLING PGR X3L two mouth!!, or a term of years. Address ja!3-3Uf Caro of S. E. cor. CHI STOTT ami* ELEVENTH.' M WANTED TO RENT~~A THREE or four-story House, with all the modem con veniences. . . It must be situated ea&t of Eighteenth, street, between' Fine and Race. Bent not to exceed *SCO. Address M T. H,, *’P. O. Box 92. ja!2-2t* Jj&h ASSISTANT QUARTERMAS ■HTES'S OFFICE, No. 374 South THIRD St., Philadelphia. Dee. 24,186 C Vessels wanted to load with coal for Newborn, N. C., and Key West, Fla. Despatchgiyea. ; JOHN B. JENNINGS, de26 tf Captain and A. Q. Ur m FOR SALE—A HAND SOM® Maemall Italian HOUSE. Call at _ It* 543 North FIFTH Street. Mthe subscriber will, sell, at private sale her DWELLING In Norristown* situated in WASHINGTON Street, near tho depot, with iron railing in front, hall* parlor, two large rooms, snd kitchen with range on the first floor; five chambers on the second floor, with all the modern improvements* and four on the third floor; a good, dry. cellar and summer kitchen with range; a carriage-house.and* stable for two horses; a large yard, with a variety of fruit trees in bearing, grapes, and other small fruit.* Any person v ishing to view the premises can- call -on Mrs. T. SAUEKaN, on the premises. No incumbr tnca. $3,000 can remain, if desired. I have also a large LOT, eont&imng.&bout four acres* in the borough, suitable for almost any purpose. ■ No incumbrance. $2,000 can remain on the premises. _ Jal3»4i* . C. SADSKAN. MFOR SALE—A FARM OF ■6l'gfc acres, in a very high b tala of cultivation, very »eT fine buildings, and a great variety of fruit. The income of this Farm, for ibis year, for hay and grain, is four teen hundred dollars. _ This Farm is very handsomely situated,, only three miles from the TRAPPE Seminaries. This, property can be bought at a bargain, as it must be told within, one week, as the owner is about leaving for-the Vest, . For further particulars, call on the subscriber between the hours of 9 and 4. *> Ir. FULLER, Office United States Journal, jal3-2t* No 310 CHESTNUT Street. M CHESTER COUNTY.—FOR. A' iSALB, A 34-ACRE FARM. Vi miles from Acker Station* on Valley Railroad; it is-knownas the Schofield Farm. Good stone mansion* 7 rooms:.good; burn, and other cut-buildings; land uude.r fine state of cultivation; plenty of fruit And woodland: pleasantly located; a comfortable home. JAS. ja CUMMINS. 504 WALNUT Street N. B.—Call fox'Catalogue of Delaware, and Chester county Farms. ja!3-3t m PUBLIC SALE.—ON FIFTH A MM. day, {Thursday) 2d of 2d Mo. -C 1865, ONTHBFBBM SES. a neat, new* well-built, two-story COTTAGE RESIDENCE, and Five Acres of highly cultivated Ground, with shade and fruit trees handsomely situated in BYBBEBY, Twenty-third, ward, Philadelphia. 13$ miles fiom Andalusia, or Corn wall’s Station, on Philadelphia ana Trenton Railroad, and-within A. few r.xUof B*berry and Audalusfagra. vel turnpike- SALE PEREMPTORY s TITLE GOOD. Cofiditlo “ liBSleby Attorney of good land, fronting on said gravel pike; a handsome' rite for building: will be sola.«~ The property of 'EM- - MORCOHLY. TITLE GOOD. -. Btbb3B#, I mo., 14, 1865. ja!4 tSi* A~ &IRST-CL A NEWSPAPER; -OA EGUTE FOB SALE.—Apply to A. O. COX; 6GO> JAY Street, situated between Eighth and Ninth and Coatee and Wallace streets. . J&l3 At* T?OB RENT—SEVERAL : ROOMS IK JD the THIED f TOST of the Boil dine on,*! e «ocih west corner of SEVENTH ~.irf CHESTNTO Streetß. Ap piyTat-thle office. JURIST MILL AND WATER ;ROWEE VJ' f>oß SALE—Situatcdion the Gamdesuasd Atiactic City* Raritan and Delaware Bay Rallxead. eight miles, from'Camden, N. J, C- B. HOffBHSi. ■ No, 133 MARXgf Stmt,. jal&Si* Philadelphia.. BOARDING. T>OA RDIKG-IN OBRJSANT WH, X> ejfMJY’S LAEJB, ja!3 2t* ' ' Sixth honse above Station. , , T?URNISHED. ROOMS AND BOARD A WASTED—three yonWSfeo Sn a private fami- S-. Addreis (for-ft7o'days)'MO; S.,' ’ Prfss ofhc.a, atlng terms, location, go. .ialS-2t OECOND-STOIiT FRONT ROOM, TJN WFURNISHED-, I*l*ol without board, suitable for an office 01 reaideao'i, at TYftWADEPT Street. ja!3-2t JJBIia.VAL. B. T. WHITE’S WHOLESALE. COMMISSION COTTON YARN HOUSE Removed from. No, 342 N. Third Street^ *0 TRE LARQS AND COMMODIOUS STORE. JSTq. Marked Street, a jn& Iso, 998 ClnArch. Alloy. For tbe tale of Ccttoa, Linen, Jute Yarns, Wad ding, Wi«k» Twines, and Carpst*-,. On hand, a fine assortment of Colton Yam, from 5 to 50. Also, agent for the sale of T Joich A, B, andC Grain Bags. • • ja!3-6t THSEBR & BP.OTHERS’ YALEN JC TINES.IB6S. Wo notify dealers Uiat. flllr popular *5. $lO. $l5, 520 VALENTINE LOTS / OTOBowreody & beOTHEE, No. 13 North SIXTH Street jall*4l*r JSTEW B’jCK'W HEAT FLOUR •WHITS CLOVER HONEY. ■ SEW FAKED FEICHES. CULTIVATED CRANBERRIES, Ac. ALBERT o. bobbbts, 1 Dealer In Fine Oroceries, Cwm SLEVENTH sal TI9S Sttwte, BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN.' BOH Street*. dncTioir *•* At 10 o'clock. Also, saw and second-baud carriages, harness, sad dles, bridle., whips, halters, Ac. Als#, a ntunher el sleighs, eielgh bells, robes, dm, B®“ Ho postponement on aeeoont of wrathar. ggy. Sale of Horses, da. on w sDSSSPAY, ■ ” I AiIFEKD It HKBKNEBB. JjMlf Anctionoag. AUCTION sale of captured ax stock. „„. The undersigned will tell at pablle sole at the “Ita tefi Honse” %we Jtodi, Yot]^Fa. Sj ott TUESDAT. January J7th v lB®; Two itiSBESJJ HEADOF OAT TLXcoHMstlngo/inidh Cows, Steers, Heiftis, nod Calves. ... , , _ Sale to commence w 9 o clock a. H. Terms' cash in United States currency. By order.of S. A- ESSsy, BopoVVising Special Agasi Treasay Department. E: C. PAEKStJfiJST, ja9tj(#y_ Assistant gw rial Agent. OFFICE DEPOT” COMM&BARY OF I SUBSISTENCE, . „ T ___ .. . , WMsmxBTOtP, D. C., JaSnar, S.ISU. AUCTIO3YBALB OF HIM?' AHD.TAM.OW, to. Will be soSfat Auction, at the SIXTH-fltrcet Wharf. Ctt TBDMDATj. ISRpatU ocIoSJs At M., 6 'lTB Dry Hides. 28 Chlf Skins. 1,182 SheeySkins, , 11,4C9 pounda of Tallow (Been,* . , 342 poundaot-Taliow (Mttttoufc / I,o62pairsofyorns. . .. . 218 lalloneNeafp-fbot Oil. \ s,oooFlour Bhrrblir,- more or losSt .• t, ... , Tcfmr, cash in CfoVemn#nt funde t -tb‘B9 p&idnt m dose of the sale. G. BELL, . JaIQ-4fc . Lieut.CdLggdC.g:^ pwciWF'ST. TW&ATBXr CHBOTHDT STEEfr ABOTE TWfemt. THIS ffridayISVESTHH, January 13, FAHBWELL BENEFIT’OP MISS JOSIE_OKTOS, and LAST IOGHT BBT Olfß OF THE WABBEH COM3 ifa CeMBIHATIOB. . . TSSlevenlig’a perforirenca commenco'with the five-act comedy called _ _ •. ■ ■ LOJSDOF ASSBIt&*CX ■ StrßartonrtConrtley...- Mr. Wm.-Waresn. Lad, Bfty Spanker -...a-...... JHas Jaele Orton. Dazrle.,;.. Hr. Chaa saT.-on. Pe,t.... ...iUssh. Heetayer. ' To eonclilde with the fart-e sSHeS, „. _ '* „ ITBB CLOCKSt.A,?SB’S HAT. . Sally Smart. Hies Josle Orf&n, „ BATOBDAY AFTBE9 COT. l4. TWESTV-VHrKI! aKAJSBTfAMILY HATISBB. when the OCTOKOOH wild brfperformed for thafaat ifiste. WALNUT-STREE’T iSIEATRE. »f THIS (Friday) E\VKHrd», Jan 13. BffltßFlT OF J. ' W. VPABLACK. TWO KKADTI FIJI, FLAYS. Wia he presented Tom Tail or-spSpetM drama or T , STIDD WATEBS EBrf'DMf. JohnHUdmay..... ■—-3IK .I. W. Whllader CaptainHawhsley... i ....AJgE. L Davenport; Mrs MHdmay.»— Efis Koto Ejtlnga- Alter which, DOB CJKSAH DE EiBAN. 'DonCajfttr, an adveiitnrer ........J. W. Walladc Box ofifee open ftom 9 tiD 3. Ct irtain»rises at 7K. attbis oSSca. Tbfßß. JOHN DREW’fc ' NSW AROHU ■■’A KPfiMf THBATRB. '• „„ BENEFIT OF MISS El CHINS* TO-NIGHT (PKMIAV) Jan nary ISrISBS, “THE BLIND MAB'S-DABGHTIf! V’ •-THMSPIRI-TOF THE EHI Ns.'' •■THE SGIJNIB FIBS ' WIFEj.” . and THE GEANI » “ AI-LEGOEY.’* JtE. AND MISS EICH. (NGj INaEI). THE PIECE 3 IiOTHD THEA • * sf , httweeo. 1 ? <rartt and Yififa. GERMiriJ OPBBA. • WEDNESDAY, January H* 18S5* „ -ORPSIffS.” Com ic Opera ia j Fotu* Acts. Orchestra aad* Cfcoit unde? the dira -tloa of'Mr.' A. BAETOKI Performaße^ccmsfte&cesAtdo’clock. {THREAT NATIONAL CIROI 78, WASNUT STiiSET. aBOV B EIGHTH. Directress.*.. .-Mrs. CBARLI S WARNER, ' (Formerly Mrs. DAN BIGE.) , Equestrian jiiieeto?..... .....F, B r . ItOSSTOM, Reappearance of Messrs. MURRAY and HUrOHZDf a.th© treat Gmjßast*. reappoai -ance of tbs r celebrated BENZER BROTHERS- -CHAELBL “ OLPH, and VALENTINE; also. Prof HUTCHIS SON and bis TRAINED DOG6*. the most WOl iderfulp»r forming animals in the world* All IKQUIBBRS in search of CANINE SA( TACrm«r ” MULES can be fully gr*tifled : atthe GREAT h J CIRCUS. Reappearance of Mile. SOPHY and Milo. 1 ILIZB, tit* beautiful and AG ILS EQUESTRIENNES. The treat SAGRINEE FAMILY. LB JEDh r E BUST* the Wild Western Elder: G e. HUTOSIH SOS fc*». - METAMORPHOSE. Signor SAGRt&EB as MC ‘NTGBL2* . will appear in conjunction with the entire XL nrivallaa troupe. A mvr Pantomime “B* ACTION; 08, MA 1) AS A ' MARCH HaRE, ’ * will be performed during tl ie week. ADMISSION—First tier, SOcenfcs; second tier,-. 25 cent*. Performance commencing at 7.49 each, evening. Performances every WEDNESDAY and SAT> OBPAIT AFTERNOONS, commencing at g& o’clock. ja9-6t J?Q YBR ACADEMY OP MUSIC^ SATURDAY. January Id, 1865, CROSS * JARVIS’ ' FIRST CLASSICAL SOIREE OF THIS SSASOH. Subscription li*t is now open at the Stores of £ea <|c Walker, Andre d Co., and S7 E. Gould. S PROGRAMME. V. Trio in Eb top ICO), IS and Instrument*. Schubert; £ FASTn, ' li FianaSoTo—Paraphrasede Concert-—** Jfidaum mer’s Right Dream”....* w _Lls*L CHARLES H. JARVIS. 2: Andante and Variations (op. 46), Two Pianos, Schumann. P&KT m. I. Quintette in B b (op. 16), Piano and Wind Instruments..*....,..., ....Beethoven. Single tickets $l. Concert to commence at 8. ja!2-3t CIOKOB BLITZ WILL SHORTLY CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Great demonstrations In NECROMANCY; SPIRITUAL* IBM ILLUSTRATED, and tie WONDERS OF VKM TBILOQUISM INTRODUCED. Grand'Entertainment EVERY EVENING, commencing at m o’clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3. Comprising the mysteries of th* Bast and Present Age. Admission, 25 cents. Children* IS cents. Reserve# seats; 50 cartta jafl> TCTATIOHAL SKATING PARK, TWRN XV TY-FIRST SL and COLUMBIA Avenne.-Splendi# SKATING. DAY and EVENING. Ice in perfect con dition. Nearest Park to the city; only twenty minutes* ride from Ninth and Arch streets. Take Ridge avenue ears, It* •pASTWKi: ■Lj- SKATING PARK, GRAY'S PERKY. The train leaving Baltimore Depot at 11 A. H. will convey passengers to the Bark, and daring the Skating Season TRJJN will leave the east endoc the Bridge at-gP. M. for the Depot, jalg 3t* SK AT IN6—SKATING.—ELEGANT SEATING on the Union Sk a ting Parks. FOURTH and DIAMOND S s, Skating hy Moonlight THIS EYBNING. Grand Musical Skating Matinee TO-MORROW (Satur day) Afternoon, weather permitting. Instruction given. every Morning. It* BILLIARD EXHIBITION* K* at SASfSOM-STREET HALL. SATURDAY, JanT 14 3865, Afternoon and Evening, commencing at twv o’clock and eight o’clock. Proceeds for the benefit of the Widow and Family of the late Joseph N. White. The following pl*yers have kindly volunteered their services:: Victor Rstephe, J. Palmer, £ H. IS elms, E. J. Plunkett. H.W. Hewes, J. W. Montgomery, ana R. T. Rysll. Radies are most cordially invited. Ad mission 60 cents. M. PHELAN, Esa.» of New York*. wilh&iso play. » jall-4t» fJSKMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLICI VA REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3% o’doek P. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets, 91 cents. & Six Tickets, $1; to be had at Gould’s, Andre’s* and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the HalL no7*tt CHRIST REJECTS IK—* This admirable picture, the greatest production of the painter West, is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY OF FINS ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, together with, the entire collection of the Institution. Admittance twenty-five cents. noi4-2m* 'THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, f J- CHESTNUT Street, above Teeth, la OPEN DAILY J for visitors, from 9 A/M. to 6 F. M. j A NK. RICHARDSON, TEACHE R OF •■Reading and Elocution. Office. 343 • North. TENTH Street.. Hours from 9 to 1J A. M., as .d 2 to 5 P. Me Pupils preferred singly, but also f aken in classes. . ja!3-2t*- “PRIVATE TUITION IN ENC*LIS3> JE FRENCH, SPANISH, and HEBREW, by a teacher of thirty years’ practice. Unexceptionable . reference* given. HENRI NATHAN, SCORaOE St. y, ill wfaSC* F REPARATION POR BIT SINESB LIFE —lnstruction of the most the rough and practical kind in Book- Keeping, Penmanr ship. Com mercial Calculations. Business Forms. Commercial Law. Ac . at CRITTENDEN’S COMMEB :CIaL COL LEGE. ©St CBEoTNUT Stieefc, comer of £ ; Individual Instruction day and evening. je,7?6** ■ npHE TENTH SESSION ()F 3K9& A' M/iRV B. THROPP’S English and Frf <sch Boarding and Day School for Young Lacies, at 184 f .1 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, begins February i, 182 - Cir calars-sent on application. deSl-< il2t&stoth 6fc* - ULLAGE GREEN SEI UNARY.— T MILITARY BOARDING SCHG JL. four miles from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course : m Mathematics* Classic*. Natural Sciences, and Engliff h: practical lee sons In GivUGSngineering. Pupils received at any time, and-of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Ra te? a to John €. Capp & Son,2S South ® hixdsfc-sefc; Thoe. J. Clayton, Xs«-, Fifth and Prune streets rex-Sheri* Kern,, and others. Address Rev. * f. HEREBY BAR TON. A. M., TILLAGE GREEN, Pa nn’a. nos-6m I>URE LEHIGH COAX AT KEEPERS can rely on getting a pure icicle at S. EL eorairFßraT and POPLAR. J. W. HAMPTON. jalS-Dn* gm. PHRENM-OGICAK EXAMJNA wt*Z TIONS, with full description a c&yharajetgr. given w Say and EVENING, by - U£. CAPH?, «tl9>wDnly No. 35 80? JTISS'SNTH Street "PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS*- PPRCHA- A *ers will find at 634 ARCH Streets, splendid as sortment. iron* which to select., of all styles, sizes, a&4 prices. B. F. BEIMER’SPho Gallery. it- . PORTRAITS. JjTFT&SIZM PHOTO- A GRAPE &in oil colors,, b 7 any made* for confirmation see specimen*:;! B. ¥: REIMhR’S G*i ieiy, 634 ABCS St. Goeatlpand ergageong: 1 It- . PARTES DE YJMTB- EXECUTED IN \J elyles artistic and natural, and never fail pleasing the nuichaser; see specimens and select styles at SE& HER S PopnlarGaUwcyr&SGvNDiSt., above lr* ITOMATO CATSUP.—NEW TOMATO A. Catena in qnavt and-pint-hottlearf choice ccalfty. Also, barrels. foraalabjr RHODES*WILLIAMS. . noil 107 Sooth WATER, Street. PEACHES.— g,OOO DOZEN HERMETX- A caily-sealed loaches of the finest onality. prepared, by S. Edwards A 90. , Bridgeton. N. i,T, S r I .'¥J?S ln ' ERODES & WILLIAMS. noli 107 South WATggjjitreat. TTSE BURT’S BAT AND. ROACH U EXTERMINATOR. It never fails. Soli, by all wholesale and retail draggiat and dealers. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY? JcOWMSN, 33 North SIXTH Street! wm m M!-# 13, North KLBYgSIH Btrwt. A CARD. COMMITTERS, FROM townships can fill their qncias. h'dWPttir and avoid a draft hr coming to this oSse, 910. MAKKBC S i r alo-5f A J, KSHLBKASr. TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, U COUSBLLOB AT LAW. AND SOLICITOB OW CLAIMS Ofice, 351 S Street, near Fourteenth St. Waahintton. D. 0. deM-fim A CHANCE TO AVOID THE DRAFT. D- principals Famished with the shortest notice, andAt low prices. JOHN MANBJPJBLH & 00. Office AO3LIBKABY St., second story.dc2B-lm* WM. G. COCHRAN & CO., 334 WAD «ShS».»S»£S SSStJ?^ e o»or“sX» fiom the tmsinaes. They also offer the fo^R£llT a WhTchie one of the beet locations in the city. - Jan. 10,1865 jalS-.fit* ttenry huddy, jl Distiller and Wholesale Scalar t« FUEI OLD BOURBON. MOXONOAHKLA. KYB, AND WHEAT WHISKIES. 1« NORTH fiIOOXD STKEOT. SwlowKaee, TOifc CoMD-Sml ®AO X NYAWB. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FLAGS Lss&mmar* ALCTIOJS SALES. AMBSJEBBEIffTB. EDVCATIOKiL. coal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers